                    Eberhard Zeidler
Functional Analysis
and its Applications
Variational Methods
and Optimization

Leonhard Euler (1707-1783)
Eberhard Zeidler Nonlinear Functional ^lalys] and its Applieatioi III: Variational Methods and Optimization Translated by Leo F. Boron With 111 Illustrations Gl
Eberhard Zeidler Sektion Mathematik Karl-Marx-Platz 7010 Leipzig German Democratic Republic Leo F. Boron (Translator) Department of Mathematics and Applied Statistics University of Idaho Moscow, ID 83843 U.S.A. AMS Classification: 58-01, 58-CXX, 58-EXX Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Zeidler, Eberhard. Nonlinear functional analysis and its applications. Bibliography: p. Includes index. Contents: —pt. 3. Variational methods and optimization. 1. Nonlinear functional analysis—Addresses, essays, lectures. I. Title. QA321.5.Z4513 1984 515.7 83-20455 © 1985 by Springer-Verlag New York Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from Springer-Verlag, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10010, U.S.A. Typeset by Science Typographers, Inc., Medford, New York. Printed and bound by R. R. Donnelley & Sons, Harrisonburg, Virginia. Printed in the United States of America. 987654321
Dedicated in gratitude to my teacher Professor Herbert Beckert
Preface As long as a branch of knowledge offers an abundance of problems, it is full of vitality. David Hilbert Over the last 15 years I have given lectures on a variety of problems in nonUnear functional analysis and its appUcations. In doing this, I have recommended to my students a number of excellent monographs devoted to specialized topics, but there was no complete survey-type exposition of nonUnear functional analysis making available a quick survey to the wide range of readers including mathematicians, natural scientists, and engineers who have only an elementary knowledge of linear functional analysis. I have tried to close this gap with my five-part lecture notes, the first three parts of which have been pubUshed in the Teubner-Texte series by Teubner-Verlag, Leipzig, 1976, 1977, and 1978. The present EngUsh edition was translated from a completely rewritten manuscript which is significantly longer than the original version in the Teubner-Texte series. The material is organized in the following way: Part I: Fixed Point Theorems. Part II: Monotone Operators. Part III: Variational Methods and Optimization. Parts IV/V: Applications to Mathematical Physics. The exposition is guided by the following considerations: (a) What are the supporting basic ideas and what intrinsic interrelations exist between them? (/6) In what relation do the basic ideas stand to the known propositions of classical analysis and Unear functional analysis? (•y) What typical applications are there? Vll
Vlll Preface Special emphasis is placed on motivation. The reader should always have the feeling that the theory is not developed for its own sake but rather for the effective solution of concrete problems. At the same time I try to outline a variegated picture of the subject matter which ranges from the fundamental questions of set theory (the Bourbaki-Kneser fixed point theorem) to concrete numerical methods, encompassing numerous applications to physics, chemistry, biology, and economics. The reader should see mathematics as a unified whole, with no separation between pure and applied mathematics. At the same time we show how deep mathematical tools can be used in the natural sciences, engineering, and economics. The development of nonlinear functional analysis has been influenced in an essential way by complicated natural scientific questions; the close contact with the natural sciences and other sciences will also be of great significance for the development of nonlinear functional analysis. In our exposition, the use of analytic tools stands in the foreground, but we also seek to show connections with algebraic and differential topology. For instance, Sections 37.27 and 37.28 contain an introduction to Morse theory as well as to singularity and catastrophe theory. To reach the largest possible readership and to fashion a self-contained exposition, important tools from linear functional analysis are provided in the appendices to Parts I and II. These are presented so that readers with a skimpy background can familiarize themselves with this material. We forego, at the outset, the greatest possible generality, but rather seek to expose the simple intrinsic nucleus without trivializing it. According to the author's experience, it is easier for the student to generalize familiar mathematical ideas to a more general situation than to elicit the basic idea from a theorem that is formulated very generally and burdened with many technical details. The teacher must help him in that task. In order to make it easier for the reader to grasp the central results, a number of propositions have been listed in a separate section called List of Theorems to be found on page 643. It is clear that this procedure is not entirely free of arbitrariness. However, we hope that the lists of Theorems for Parts I-V provide an overview of the essential substance of nonlinear functional analysis. Furthermore, since, in the experience of the author, it is frequently difficult, because of a flood of details, for the student to recognize the interrelationships between different questions and the general strategies for the solution of problems, special emphasis is placed on these interrelationships. We have given a general overview of the content of Parts I-V and the basic idea of nonlinear functional analysis in the Preface and in the introduction to Part I. The present Part III consists of the following topics: (a) Introduction to the subject. (fi) Two fundamental existence and uniqueness principles. (•y) Extremal problems without side conditions. (8) Extremal problems with smooth side conditions. (e) Extremal problems with general side conditions.
Preface IX (f) Saddle points and duality, (rj) Variational inequalities. In the introduction, and in the schematic survey in Fig. 37.1 on page 3, we give an overview of the interrelationships between various extremal problems. In the comprehensive introductory Chapter 37, we present many simple, but typical, examples that are representative of those concrete problems that have played a central role in the historical development of the subject. In order to obtain an impression of the extraordinary variety of problems involved, the reader should glance at the list of subjects for Chapter 37 that appears in the Contents. In the immediately following chapters it is our chief concern to show the reader that these problems can be handled with the aid of a unified theory of extremal problems. The essence of this unified theory consists of a small number of fundamental principles of functional analysis. The title of Part III, Variational Methods and Optimization, indicates-that we consider aspects of the classical calculus of variations as well as modern optimization theory and their interrelationships. By working out the supporting ideas and general fundamental principles, we also wish to help the reader obtain an understanding of the substance of the extraordinarily comprehensive and turbulently accumulating literature on extremal problems, to classify these works according to their ideas, and to note the emergence of new ideas. Each of the 21 chapters is self-contained. Each begins with motivations, heuristic considerations, and indications of the typical problems to be investigated and contains the most important theorems and definitions together with elucidating examples, figures, and typical applications. We also do not shun citing very simple examples in the interest of the reader. Furthermore, we always try to penetrate as quickly as possible to the heart of the matter. We try to achieve the situation where the reader knows at each phase of the book what concrete applications the general considerations allow. In general, a very careful selection of the material had to be made because one could write each chapter as a special monograph and, to some extent, such monographs already exist. Here, we describe the applications to nonlinear differential and integral equations, differential inequalities, one-dimensional and multidimensional variational problems, linear and convex optimization problems, problems in approximation theory and game theory, continuous and discrete control problems for ordinary and partial differential equations, and also consider important approximation methods. In particular, in Section 37.29, we explain the basic ideas of 10 important methods and principles for the construction of approximation methods. In the introduction to Part I we have already pointed out that in numerical methods the devil rides high on detail. However, general principles and theoretical investigations of approximation methods within the setting of numerical functional analysis are useful for recognizing the basic ideas and for arranging the abundance of concrete numerical methods into a unified point of view. We examine a number of more profound applications of nonlinear functional analysis to mathematical physics in Parts IV and V.
X Preface At the end of each chapter the reader will find problems and references to the literature. The problems vary considerably in their degree of difficulty: (a) Problems without asterisks serve as drills in the material presented and require no additional tools. (j8) Problems with asterisks are more difficult—additional ideas are required to solve them. (•y) Problems with double asterisks are very difficult—one needs substantial additional information to solve them. Each problem contains either a solution or a precise reference to the monograph or original work in which the solution can be found. Moreover, we try to clarify the meaning of the results with explanatory remarks. The problems with one or two asterisks are in part so devised that they present targeted references to the literature on important extensions of results or they serve to extend the reader's mathematical horizon. A number of topics will be treated supplementarily in the problem collections. These topics are particularly extensive in Chapter 40, where we try to sketch for the reader a line of development from the classical calculus of variations and from geometrical optics up to the modern theory of Fourier integral operators. In this we let ourselves be led by the experience that the penetration of a complicated theory is made easier for the student when she/he has an ultimate goal from the beginning and knows the connection between the goal and the simpler questions familiar to her/him. The references to the literature at the end of each chapter are styled as follows: Krasnoselskii (1956, M, B, H), etc. The year refers to the list of literature at the end of the book. Furthermore, the capital Latin letters mean: M: monograph; L: lecture notes; S: survey; P: proceedings; B: the cited work contains a comprehensive bibliography; H: the cited work contains references to the historical development of the subject. In this connection, the references to the literature are at the same time supplied with clarifying captions which explain the interrelationship between the works cited. On page 166 one finds "Recent trends". From the abundance of available literature we have made a careful but necessarily subjectively biased selection, which in the author's opinion will easily afford the reader as comprehensive a picture as possible concerning the farther-leading results. In this, the emphasis lies naturally on the surveys and monographs. However, we also cite a number of classical works which were of special significance for the development of the subject. We recommend that the reader glance at several of these works in order to obtain ah
Pref. XI active impression of the genesis of new results and of the historical development of mathematics. Unfortunately, in order to keep the list of literature within tolerable bounds, we had to forego listing many important references. In the choice of the presentation it was taken into consideration that in general no book is read completely from beginning to end. We hope that even a quick skimming of the text will suffice for one to grasp the essential contents. To this end, we recommend reading the introductions to the individual chapters, the definitions, the theorems (without proofs), and the examples (without proofs) as well as the comments in the text between these definitions, theorems, etc., which point out the meaning of the individual results. The reader who does not have time to solve the problems should, however, briefly scrutinize the captions to the problems and the adjoining remarks, which elucidate the meaning of the formulation of the problems and the interrelationships." The reader who is interested in supplementary problem material can try to prove independently all of the examples in the text without referring to the given proof. Moreover, in the references to the literature in Section 37.29, books are cited in which the reader will find comprehensive collections of exercises that as a rule are not too difficult. All hypotheses both in the theorems and in the examples are explicitly stated so that the reader avoids a time-consuming search for the assumptions in the antecedent text. We have taken pains to reduce the number of definitions to a minimum in order not to burden the reader with too many concepts. On page xii one finds a list of the most important definitions. In order to clarify interrelationships, several assertions that belong together are at times combined into a single theorem. In this form of exposition, we have also kept in mind the natural scientist and the engineer who want primarily to gain information on which mathematical tools are available for the various nonlinear problems. We recommend Chapter 37 to the reader who wishes to examine the class of problems which the general theory allows one to treat. However, it suffices to glance at this comprehensive chapter, because references will later be made at the appropriate places. The reader whose priority is to become acquainted with the theoretical framework can immediately begin with Chapter 38 and, on first reading, omit the sections in the individual chapters that are devoted to applications. Grasping the individual steps in the proofs as well as the essential ideas of the proofs is made easier by the careful organization of the proofs. It is a truism that only by a precise study of the proofs one can penetrate more deeply into a mathematical theory. Part III is to a large extent independent of the other parts. However, where necessary, we do refer to particular results of the other parts. Note that several auxiliary tools are made available in Parts I and II (basic information concerning linear functional analysis, Sobolev spaces, etc.). We formulate a number of results for locally convex spaces. The reader who is not familiar with this material can orient himself by reading the appendix to Part I or replace the concept of a locally convex space by that of a Banach
Xll Preface or Hilbert space. Dual pairs are important for duality theory. We explain this concept in the appendix to Part III. The reference Aj (20) relates to (20) in the appendix to the ith part. (37.20) is formula (20) in Chapter 37. Within a particular chapter, we forego giving the chapter number of the equation. In each chapter, theorems are distinguished by capital letters, so that, for instance, "Theorem 57.B in Section 57.5" means the second theorem in Chapter 57, located in Section 5 of that chapter. Propositions, lemmas, corollaries, definitions, remarks, conventions, counterexamples, standard examples, and examples are numbered consecutively in each chapter—for example, in Chapter 41 one finds Definition 41.1, Proposition 41.2, Corollary 41.3, etc., in that order. The end of a proof is indicated by the symbol □. We subdivide the chapters among the five separate parts of this work in the following way: Part I: Chapters 1-17. Part II: Chapters 18-36. Part III: Chapters 37-57. Part IV: Chapters 58-79. Part V: Chapters 80-100. A list of symbols used can be found on page 637. We have taken pains to employ the notation that is generally used. To avoid confusion, we point out several peculiarities at the beginning of the list of symbols on page 637. A detailed subject index can be found on page 651. As far as abbreviations are concerned, we use only B-space (respectively, H-space) for Banach space (respectively, Hilbert space), F-derivative (respectively, G-derivative) for Frechet derivative (respectively Gateaux derivative) as well as M-S sequence for Moore-Smith sequence and L-S deformation for Ljusternik-Schnirelman deformation. I have taken pains to write as interesting and diverse a book as possible. Of course, whether or not I have succeeded in this only the reader can decide. I am indebted to numerous colleagues for interesting conversations and letters as well as for sending me articles and books—I thank them all heartily. I am especially grateful to my mentor Professor Herbert Beckert for all that I learned from him as a scientist and as a human being. I should like to dedicate the present volume to him. I cordially thank Paul H. Rabinowitz and the Department of Mathematics of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, for the invitation as guest resident scholar during the fall semester 1978. The very stimulating atmosphere in Madison influenced the final form of the exposition in an essential way. In the tasks of typing the manuscript and of making copies, I was supported in an amiable way by a number of colleagues, both male and female. I should like to very heartily thank Ursula Abraham, Sonja Bruchholz, Elvira Krakowitzki, Heidi Kilhn, Hiltraud Lehmann, Karin Quasthoff, Werner Berndt, and Rainer Schumann. I would especially like to thank Rainer Schumann for a critical perusal of parts of the manuscript. The understanding and extensive support shown to
Preface xin me by the librarian of our institute, Frau Ina Letzel, was of great value to me. Furthermore, I thank the administrators of the Mathematics Section of the Karl Marx University, Leipzig, and its director, Professor Horst Schumann, for supporting this project. I would also like to thank the translator, Professor Leo F. Boron, University of Idaho, Moscow, for his excellent work. I am very indebted to him for valuable suggestions and remarks. Finally, my special thanks go to Springer-Verlag for the harmonious collaboration and the understanding approach to all my wishes. Eberhard Zeidler Leipzig Spring 1984
Contents Introduction to the Subject 1 General Basic Ideas 4 CHAPTER 37 Introductory Typical Examples 12 §37.1. Real Functions in R1 13 §37.2. Convex Functions in R1 15 §37.3. Reai Functions in R N, Lagrange Multipliers, Saddle Points, and Critical Points 16 §37.4. One-Dimensional Classical Variational Problems and Ordinary Differential Equations, Legendre Transformations, the Hamilton-Jacobi Differential Equation, and the Classical Maximum Principle 20 §37.5. Multidimensional Classical Variational Problems and Elliptic Partial Differential Equations 41 §37.6. Eigenvalue Problems for Elliptic Differential Equations and Lagrange Multipliers 43 §37.7. Differential Inequalities and Variational Inequalities 44 §37.8. Game Theory and Saddle Points, Nash Equilibrium Points and Pareto Optimization 47 §37.9. Duality between the Methods of Ritz and Trefftz, Two-Sided Error Estimates 50 §37.10. Linear Optimization in R N, Lagrange Multipliers, and Duality 51 §37.11. Convex Optimization and Kuhn-Tucker Theory 55 §37.12. Approximation Theory, the Least-Squares Method, Deterministic and Stochastic Compensation Analysis 58 §37.13. Approximation Theory and Control Problems 64
xvi Contents §37.14, Pseudoinverses, Ill-Posed Problems and Tihonov Regularization 65 §37,15. Parameter Identification 71 §37.16. Chebyshev Approximation and Rational Approximation 73 §37,17. Linear Optimization in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces, Chebyshev Approximation, and Approximate Solutions for Partial Differential Equations 76 §37.18, Splines and Finite Elements 79 §37.19. Optimal Quadrature Formulas 80 §37.20, Control Problems, Dynamic Optimization, and the Bellman Optimization Principle 84 §37.21. Control Problems, the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle, and the Bang-Bang Principle 89 §37.22, The Synthesis Problem for Optimal Control 92 §37.23, Elementary Provable Special Case of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle 93 §37.24. Control with the Aid of Partial Differential Equations 96 §37.25. Extremal Problems with Stochastic Influences 97 §37.26. The Courant Maximum-Minimum Principle, Eigenvalues, Critical Points, and the Basic Ideas of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory 102 §37,27. Critical Points and the Basic Ideas of the Morse Theory 105 §37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 115 §37.29. Basic Ideas for the Construction of Approximate Methods for Extremal Problems 132 TWO FUNDAMENTAL EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS PRINCIPLES CHAPTER 38 Compactness and Extremal Principles 145 §38,1, Weak Convergence and Weak* Convergence 147 §38.2. Sequential Lower Semicontinuous and Lower Semicontinuous Functionals 149 §38.3. Main Theorem for Extremal Problems 151 §38.4. Strict Convexity and Uniqueness 152 §38.5. Variants of the Main Theorem 153 §38.6, Application to Quadratic Variational Problems 155 §38.7. Application to Linear Optimization and the Role of Extreme Points 157 §38.8. Quasisolutions of Minimum Problems 158 §38,9. Application to a Fixed-Point Theorem 161 §38.10, The Palais-Smale Condition and a General Minimum Principle 161 §38.11. The Abstract Entropy Principle 163
Contents XV11 CHAPTER 39 Convexity and Extremal Principles 168 §39.1. The Fundamental Principle of Geometric Functional Analysis 170 §39.2. Duality and the Role of Extreme Points in Linear Approximation Theory 172 §39.3. Interpolation Property of Subspaces and Uniqueness 175 §39.4. Ascent Method and the Abstract Alternation Theorem 177 §39.5. AppUcation to Chebyshev Approximation 180 EXTREMAL PROBLEMS WITHOUT SIDE CONDITIONS CHAPTER 40 Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations 189 §40.1. nth Variations, G-Derivative, and F-Derivative 191 §40.2. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Free Local Extrema 193 §40.3. Sufficient Conditions by Means of Comparison Functionals and Abstract Field Theory 195 §40.4. AppUcation to Real Functions in RN 195 §40.5. AppUcation to Classical Multidimensional Variational Problems in Spaces of Continuously Differentiable Functions 196 §40.6. Accessory Quadratic Variational Problems and Sufficient Eigenvalue Criteria for Local Extrema 200 §40.7. AppUcation to Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Local Extrema for Classical One-Dimensional Variational Problems 203 CHAPTER 41 Potential Operators 229 §41.1. Minimal Sequences 232 §41.2. Solution of Operator Equations by Solving Extremal Problems 233 §41.3. Criteria for Potential Operators 234 §41.4. Criteria for the Weak Sequential Lower Semicontinuity of Functionals 235 §41.5. AppUcation to Abstract Hammerstein Equations with Symmetric Kernel Operators 237 §41,6. AppUcation to Hammerstein Integral Equations 239 CHAPTER 42 Free Minima for Convex Functionals, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method 244 §42.1. Convex Functionals and Convex Sets 245 §42.2. Real Convex Functions 246
Contents §42.3. Convexity of F, Monotonicity of F', and the Definiteness of the Second Variation 247 §42.4. Monotone Potential Operators 249 §42.5. Free Convex Minimum Problems and the Ritz Method 250 §42.6. Free Convex Minimum Problems and the Gradient Method 252 §42.7. Application to Variational Problems and Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations in Sobolev Spaces 255 EXTREMAL PROBLEMS WITH SMOOTH SIDE CONDITIONS CHAPTER 43 Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems 273 §43.1. The Abstract Basic Idea of Lagrange Multipliers 274 §43.2. Local Extrema with Side Conditions 276 §43.3. Existence of an Eigenvector Via a Minimum Problem 278 §43.4. Existence of a Bifurcation Point Via a Maximum Problem 279 §43.5. The Galerkin Method for Eigenvalue Problems 281 §43.6. The Generalized Implicit Function Theorem and Manifolds in B-Spaces 282 §43.7. Proof of Theorem 43.C 288 §43.8. Lagrange Multipliers 289 §43.9. Critical Points and Lagrange Multipliers 291 §43.10. Application to Real Functions in R N 293 §43.11. Application to Information Theory 294 §43.12, Application to Statistical Physics. Temperature as a Lagrange Multiplier 296 §43.13. Application to Variational Problems with Integral Side Conditions 299 §43.14. Application to Variational Problems with Differential Equations as Side Conditions 300 CHAPTER 44 Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors 313 §44.1. The Courant Maximum-Minimum Principle 314 §44.2. The Weak and the Strong Ljusternik Maximum-Minimum Principle for the Construction of Critical Points 316 §44.3. The Genus of Symmetric Sets 319 §44.4. The Palais-Smale Condition 321 §44.5. The Main Theorem for Eigenvalue Problems in Infinite- Dimensional B-spaces 324 §44.6. A Typical Example 328 §44.7. Proof of the Main Theorem 330
^UlllCllLS §44.8. The Main Theorem for Eigenvalue Problems in Finite- Dimensional B-Spaces 335 §44.9. Application to Eigenvalue Problems for Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations 336 §44.10. Application to Eigenvalue Problems for Abstract Hammerstein Equations with Symmetric Kernel Operators 337 §44.11. Application to Hammerstein Integral Equations 339 §44.12. The Mountain Pass Theorem 339 CHAPTER 45 Bifurcation for Potential Operators - 351 §45.1. Krasnoselskii's Theorem 351 §45.2. The Main Theorem • 352 §45.3. Proof of the Main Theorem 354 EXTREMAL PROBLEMS WITH GENERAL SIDE CONDITIONS CHAPTER 46 Differentiable Functionals on Convex Sets 363 §46.1. Variational Inequalities as Necessary and Sufficient Extremal Conditions 363 §46.2. Quadratic Variational Problems on Convex Sets and Variational Inequalities 364 §46.3. Application to Partial Differential Inequalities 365 §46.4. Projections on Convex Sets 366 §46.5. The Ritz Method 367, §46.6. The Projected Gradient Method 368 §46.7. The Penalty Functional Method 370 §46.8. Regularization of Linear Problems 372 §46.9. Regularization of Nonlinear Problems 375 CHAPTER 47 Convex Functionals on Convex Sets and Convex Analysis 379 §47.1. The Epigraph 380 §47.2. Continuity of Convex Functionals 383 §47.3. Subgradient and Subdifferential 385 §47.4. Subgradient and the Extremal Principle 386 §47.5. Subgradient and the G-Derivative 387 §47.6. Existence Theorem for Subgradients 387 §47.7. The Sum Rule 388
XX Contents §47.8. The Main Theorem of Convex Optimization 390 §47.9. The Main Theorem of Convex Approximation Theory 392 §47.10. Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theory 392 §47.11. Maximal Monotonicity, Cyclic Monotonicity, and Subgradients 396 §47.12. Application to the Duality Mapping 399 CHAPTER 48 General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) 407 §48.1. Cone and Dual Cone 408 §48.2. The Dubovickii-Miljutin Lemma 411 §48.3. The Main Theorem on Necessary and Sufficient Extremal Conditions for General Side Conditions 413 §48.4. Application to Minimum Problems with Side Conditions in the Form of Equalities and Inequalities 416 §48.5. Proof of Theorem 48.B 419 §48.6. Application to Control Problems (Pontrjagin's Maximum Principle) 422 §48.7. Proof of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle 426 §48.8. The Maximum Principle and Classical Calculus of Variations 433 §48.9. Modifications of the Maximum Principle 435 §48.10. Return of a Spaceship to Earth 437 SADDLE POINTS AND DUALITY CHAPTER 49 General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and Their Saddle Points 457 §49.1. Existence of Saddle Points 457 §49.2. Main Theorem of Duality Theory 460 §49.3. Application to Linear Optimization Problems in B-Spaces 463 CHAPTER 50 Duality and the Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theory 479 §50.1. Side Conditions in Operator Form 479 §50.2. Side Conditions in the Form of Inequalities 482 CHAPTER 51 Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators and Elliptic Differential Equations 487 §51.1. Conjugate Functionals 489 §51.2. Functionals Conjugate to Differentiable Convex Functionals 492
XXI §51.3. Properties of Conjugate Functional 493 §51.4. Conjugate Functionals and the Lagrange Function 496 §51.5. Monotone Potential Operators and Duality 499 §51.6. Applications to Linear Elliptic Differential Equations, Trefftz's Duality 502 §51.7. Application to Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations 506 CHAPTER 52 General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems and Conjugate Functionals 512 §52.1. The S-Functional, Stability, and Duality . 513 §52.2. Proof of Theorem 52.A 515 §52.3. Duality Propositions of Fenchel-Rockafellar Type 517 §52.4. Application to Linear Optimization Problems in Locally Convex Spaces 519 §52.5. The Bellman Differential Inequality and Duality for Nonconvex Control Problems 521 §52.6. Application to a Generalized Problem of Geometrical Optics 525 CHAPTER 53 Conjugate Functionals and Orlicz Spaces 538 §53.1. Young Functions 538 §53.2. Orlicz Spaces and Their Properties 539 §53.3. Linear Integral Operators in Orlicz Spaces 541 §53.4. The Nemyckii Operator in Orlicz Spaces 542 §53.5. Application to Hammerstein Integral Equations with Strong Nonlinearities 542 §53.6. Sobolev-Orlicz Spaces 544 VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES CHAPTER 54 Elliptic Variational Inequalities 551 §54.1. The Main Theorem 551 §54.2. Application to Coercive Quadratic Variational Inequalities 552 §54.3. Semicoercive Variational Inequalities 553 §54.4. Variational Inequalities and Control Problems 556 §54.5. Application to Bilinear Forms 558 §54.6. Application to Control Problems with Elliptic Differential Equations 559 §54.7. Semigroups and Control of Evolution Equations 560
lints §54.8. Application to the Synthesis Problem for Linear Regulators 561 §54.9. Application to Control Problems with Parabolic Differential Equations 562 CHAPTER 55 Evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order in H-Spaces 568 §55.1. The Resolvent of Maximal Monotone Operators 569 §55.2. The Nonlinear Yosida Approximation 570 §55.3. The Main Theorem for Inhomogeneous Problems 570 §55.4. Application to Quadratic Evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order 572 CHAPTER 56 Evolution Variational Inequalities of Second Order in H-Spaces 577 §56.1. The Main Theorem 577 §56.2. Application to Quadratic Evolution Variational Inequalities of Second Order 578 CHAPTER 57 Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces 581 §57.1. Generalized Inner Products on B-Spaces 582 §57.2, Accretive Operators 583 §57.3, The Main Theorem for Inhomogeneous Problems with m-Accretive Operators 584 §57.4. Proof of the Main Theorem 585 §57,5. Application to Nonexpansive Semigroups in B-Spaces 593 §57.6. Application to Partial Differential Equations 594 Appendix 599 References 606 List of Symbols 637 List of Theorems 643 List of the Most Important Definitions 647 Index 651
Introduction to the Subject I love mathematics not only because it is applicable to technology but also because it is beautiful. Rosza Peter Science is a first class piece of furniture for the bel etage—as long as common sense reigns on the ground floor. Oliver Wendell Holmes Extremal problems play an extraordinarily large role in the application of mathematics to practical problems, for example: (a) in mathematical physics (mechanics and celestial mechanics, geometrical optics, elasticity theory, hydrodynamics, rheology, relativity theory, etc.); (0) in geometry (geodesies, minimal surfaces, etc.); (•y) in mathematical economics (transport problems, optimal warehouse maintenance); (§) in regulation technology (optimal control of general regulation systems, e.g., industrial installations, spaceships, etc.); (e) in chemistry, geophysics, technology, etc. (optimal determination of unknown data from measurements); (f) in numerical mathematics (optimal structuring of approximation processes, etc.); (rj) in the theory of probability (optimal control of stochastic processes, optimal estimation of unknown parameters, optimal construction of airplanes, water-power networks, etc.).
2 Introduction to the Subject In this connection, we exploit the fact that many processes in nature proceed according to extremal principles, for example: (a) the principle of stationary action in mechanics, relativity theory, electrodynamics, etc.; (b) the principle of minimal potential energy in stable mechanical equilibrium states; (c) Fermat's principle of least time in light propagation in geometrical optics; (d) Einstein's principle of the motion of mass along four-dimensional geodesies in general relativity theory. Moreover, for economic reasons, we are interested in the optimal modelling of production procedures and other regulation processes. The history of extremal problems comprises four distinct stages: (i) The solution of extremal problems for real functions with the aid of the differential and integral calculus that was invented about 300 years ago. (ii) Classical calculus of variations that originated about 300 years ago in connection with mechanical problems. (iii) Optimization that came into being because of economic and regulation-technical questions and that has been intensively advanced during approximately the last 30 years (linear optimization, Kuhn-Tucker theory, Bellman dynamic optimization, Pontrjagin's maximum principle). (iv) The theory of variational inequalities and quasivariational inequalities with its applications to mathematical physics and the deterministic and stochastic optimization theory that has existed for about the last 15 years. Figure 37.1 gives a general view. In this connection, we generally distinguish: (a) Problems without side conditions (free problems). (b) Problems with side conditions (bound problems). Side conditions in the form of equations are typical for the classical calculus of variations. For example, the shortest path joining two points on a sphere must satisfy the equation of the sphere. On the other hand, side conditions in the form of inequalities are typical for optimization. For example, it can be a matter of bounds for the fuel supply under optimal control of a rocket or the bounds for the warehouse capacity under optimal warehouse maintenance. In the comprehensive introductory chapter (Chapter 37), we give as an explanation of Fig. 37.1 a survey of diverse concrete formulations of problems, the calculus of variations, and optimization theory. In the following chapters we show that these seemingly very disparate problems can be treated in a unified way within the framework of a functional analytical theory with the aid of only a few general fundamental principles. In the following we shall go into several of these interrelationships.
NONLINEAR FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS stochastic optimization EXTREMAL PROBLEMS VARIATIONAL PROBLEMS, Euler differential equations (e.g., boundary and boundary eigenvalue problems for quasilinear elliptic differential equations) Variatiomal inequalities (e.g., differential inequalities) ..OPTIMIZATION^ / ..game theory Hammerstein integral equations discrete (dynamic optimization and the discrete maximum principle) parameter identification continuous (Pontrjagin maximum principle and the Bellman equation) \ I approximation theory I ' CONVEX OPTIMIZATION (Kuhn-Tucker theory) linear optimization Figure 37.1, Overview of extremal problems.
4 Introduction to the Subject General Basic Ideas By extremal problems we mean: (i) minimum and maximum problems (extremal problems in the narrower sense); (ii) saddle point problems and minimax problems (game theory, duality theory and error estimates, approximation theory); (iii) determination of critical points (eigenvalue problems, Ljuster- nik-Schnirelman theory, and Morse theory); (iv) determination of noncooperative equilibrium points in the sense of Nash, Pareto optimization, Walras equilibria (economics models); (v) solution of variational inequalities. Here, (iv) [respectively, (v)] is related to (ii) [respectively, (i)]. The concept of critical point is of central significance for variational problems and their applications. The functional F has a critical point with respect to a neighborhood U of «0 in case, roughly speaking, the following holds: The differenceF(u0 + h)— F(u0) is of order greater than the first with respect to all h such that uQ + heU. For a real function F: R ->R this means that F'(uQ) = 0 provided 1/= R. The precise definition of a critical point can be found in Section 43.9. The intuitive meaning of a critical point is explained in Sections 37.1. and 37.2 for real functions of one and several variables as well as for free variational problems (respectively, variational problems with side conditions) in 37.4b (respectively, 37.4/). In Section 43.9 we go into the connection between critical points and Lagrange multipliers. If F has a critical point at u0, then we also say that Fis stationary at u0. We symbolize the problem of discovering critical points u of F with respect to U by F(u) = stationary!, «e[/. Many equations of mathematical physics are obtained from such formulations of the problem (principle of stationary action). Moreover, the symmetry properties of F lead, via the Noether theorem (cf. 37.4k), to physical conservation quantities (energy, spin, etc.) and transformation properties of the field equations (tensors, spinors, and gauge transformations). This is u Figure 37.2
General Basic Ideas 5 especially important if one wishes, for example, to obtain an overview of the possible field equations on the basis of physical symmetry and invariance ideas for interacting quantum fields of elementary particles. To fix the terminology, we now recall several well-known concepts. We designate minima and maxima as extrema. A general minimum problem has the form infF(«) = a. (l°) ae(/ Here, F: U-* [ — 00,00] is a mapping that can take on the two values ± 00 besides all real values. In the introduction to Chapter 47 we explain why taking these two improper values into consideration is very expedient. Posing the problem in the form (1°) means that the infimum a of F is sought on U. This infimum always exists on [—00,00]. By definition, it is equal to the greatest lower bouqid of the values of F on U. The point uQ in U is called a solution of (1°) or, also, a minimal point of F on U if and only if F(u0) = a. In this case, we call a the minimal value of F on U. Moreover, we say that F possesses a minimum on U. If we wish to emphasize that we are seeking a minimal point, then instead of (1°) we write minF(«) = a. (2°) ae(/ This way of formulating the problem thus entails the determination of the infimum a of F on U and discovering a u0 in U such that F(u0) = a. Figure 37.2 refers to the important situation that a solution u0 of (1°) [respectively, (2°)] need not always exist. For (1°) [respectively, (2°)] we occasionally write F( u) = inf., «e[/; respectively F( u) = min!, u e U. Maximum problems of the form sup F(u) = /3, (3°) ae(/ maxF(tt)=)8 (4°) ae(/ are to be understood analogously. By definition, we set the infimum (respectively, the supremum) over the empty set U = 0 in (1°) [respectively, (3°)] equal to a = + 00 (respectively, /3 = — 00). We shall frequently be concerned with minimum problems only, since, because of the relation supF(«) = - inf (-F(u)), (5°) ae(7 ae(7 every maximum problem can be changed into a minimum problem by switching from F to — F. We designate problems of the type mini sup L(x, y)) = y (6°)
6 Introduction to the Subject as min-sup problems. The point x is a solution of (6°) if and only if, parallel to our conventions for (1°) and (2°), we have def / ,\ y = inf I sup L(x, y)\ x^A^y&B ' and sup (L(x, .)0) = 7, x^A. (6a°) yeB If we replace the symbol "sup" by "max" in (6°), then (3c, y) is naturally called a solution of (6°) if and only if y is a solution of (6a°). max-inf problems, etc., are handled analogously. It is thus clear what is to be understood by a solution (x, y) of min sup L(x,y) = max inf L(x, y), (7°) i€A ye B yeBxe A namely, del y = inf sup L(x,y)= sup infL(x,>') je/l jet y^BxeA and supL(x,>') = v, inf L(x,y) = y, (x,y)^AxB. (7a°) One is led to (7°) when determining the saddle points (x, y) for L. If the symbols "max" and "min" appear instead of "sup" and "inf in (7°), then (x, y) is called a solution of the corresponding minimax problem if and only if (7a°) holds for y = L(x,y). Problems of the form (6°) appear, for example, in approximation theory, for one can write the problem min||fc-x|| = -y x e A as min max (y, b - x) = y, where A C X and B= {y e X*: \\y\\ =1} in case X is a B-space. (7°) and the corresponding minimax problems are basic to the game theory discussed in Section 37.8 and to the duality theory in Chapter 49. In Part III, we shall investigate the following central questions for extremal problems: (a) Existence and uniqueness of extremal solutions (minimal and maximal points, saddle points, equilibrium points, critical points). (b) Necessary and sufficient conditions for characterizing extremal solutions. (c) Construction of approximation methods for calculating the extremal values a, /3, y and the extremal solutions, obtaining error estimates. (d) Connections between various extremal problems by means of duality theory. (e) Estimates for the number of critical points (Morse theory and
General Basic Ideas 7 In this connection, let us elucidate several fundamental notions. In Parts I and II we placed the fixed point theorems of Banach, Schauder, and Bourbaki-Kneser at the pinnacle of nonlinear functional analysis. The existence propositions for extremal solutions are based on: (a) Compactness (generalized Weierstrass theorem). (/?) Convexity (separation of convex sets, Hahn-Banach theorem). We carry this out more precisely in Chapters 38 and 39. The compactness arguments in Chapter 38 generalize the classical Weierstrass theorem: A continuous real function on a closed bounded interval has a minimum and a maximum. Existence propositions that are based on convexity arguments as in Chapter 39 are frequently intimately connected with duality theory. In this connection, together with a given minimum problem, we consider a corresponding maximum problem. The prototype for this is shown in Fig. 37.3. The original problem reads as follows: min||fc-w|| = a, (8a°) u e<7 i.e., we seek the minimal Euclidean distance of the point b in R3 from the straight line U- The corresponding dual problem reads as follows: maxdist(b,H) = P, (8b°) i.e., we seek the maximal Euclidean distance of the point b from all planes H that pass through the straight line U. In the present case, a = /3. For extremal problems in infinite-dimensional spaces, it is frequently the case that for two given mutually dual problems one can obtain existence propositions for one of the problems by a compactness argument and for the other by a convexity argument. However, it is also possible that the given problem has no solution, but that the dual problem does. This makes the construction of generalized solutions for the original problem possible. One exploits this situation, for instance, in the theory of minimal surfaces (Chapter 52). Uniqueness propositions for the minimum problem infF(«) = a (9°) are based in general on one of the following two principles: (a) Condition on F (strict convexity). (/?) Condition on U (interpolation property). bT H
0 Introduction to the Subject / (a) Figure 37.4 (b) In Fig. 37.4(a), F is strictly convex and has, in contrast to Fig. 37.4(b), a uniquely determined minimal point. In order to elucidate the prototype for conditions on U, we consider (9°), with u = ((,if), \\u\\ = max(|£|, M), F = \\u\\. Let U be a straight line. The set Q = {«eR2: ||h||=1} is the boundary of the unit square. In Fig. 37.5(a), (9°) has exactly one solution, whereas in Fig. 37.5(b) there exist infinitely many solutions. The solutions are exactly all the points of dQ that lie on U. Moreover, a ==1. In Section 39.2 we explain the connection with the so-called interpolation property of U. In classical Chebyshev interpolation, the interpolation property is known as the Haar condition. The necessary conditions for solutions u of the minimum problem (9°) can, to begin with, be split, roughly speaking, into two classes: (a) the operator equation F'(u) = 0 (free minimum, u is an interior point of U); (fi) the Lagrange multiplier rule (minimum with side conditions). Furthermore, there are, in addition: (y) sub gradient condition 0 e dF(u); (S) variational inequalities; (e) characterization of solutions by means of dual problems. In Parts I and II we were greatly concerned with the solution of operator equations which one can always write in the form Bu = 0. (10°) The connection with extremal problems is roughly the following: If F has a derivative F', then for an interior point u0 of U we have: If uQ is a solution of (9°), then F'(«(,) = °- (a) Figure 37.5 (b)
ijeneral Basic Ideas 9 It follows from this that there is an important method for the solution of the operator equation (10°) which, for example, can represent a differential equation, an integral equation, or a system of real equations: We seek a functional F such that B = F' and solve the minimum problem (9°) or a corresponding maximum problem. However, it suffices that u0 be a critical point—for instance, a saddle point. Then we also have F'(«0) = 0. In any case, it must be emphasized that not all operators B can be written in the form B = F' but rather only the so-called potential operators. In a real Hilbert space, of the continuous linear operators it is precisely and solely the self-adjoint operators that are also potential operators. We give general criteria for an operator to be a potential operator in Section 41.3. Especially strong propositions can be proved for the minimum problem (9°) in case where Fis convex. F' is then a monotone operator. We studied the theory of monotone operators in Part II. Not every monotone operator is a potential operator. However, for monotone potential operators, one can prove additional propositions— for instance, propositions for eigenvalue and bifurcation problems. We discuss this in Chapters 43-45. During the last 15 years, in connection with optimization problems, a convex analysis for convex, but not necessarily differentiable, functionals has been formulated. At the center of this theory there stands a calculus for the subdifferential dF(u) which appears in place of the derivative F'(u). The basic idea, which leads to the definition of dF(u), is elucidated in Section 37.2. The necessary condition F'(«) = 0 is then replaced by 0 e dF(u). Chapters 47 and 51-53 are devoted to convex analysis. There we also work out the interrelationship between conjugate functionals and duality theory. If the minimum problem (9°) has a solution u0 which is not an interior point of U, then more complicated necessary conditions appear for u0, which in many cases can be summarized in a unified way under the concept of the Lagrange multiplier rule. In general, one is led to Lagrange multipliers if the side conditions occur in the form of equations or inequalities. Prototypes for this are: (a) Eigenvalue problems. (/?) Linear or convex optimization problems. We elucidate these prototypes in Sections 37.3, 37.6, 37.10, and 37.11. Moreover, in Section 37.10 we also obtain the connection between the Lagrange multiplier method and duality theory. We delve more deeply into this interrelationship in Chapter 50. Furthermore, in Chapter 43 (respectively, Chapter 48) we justify the Lagrange multiplier method for smooth (respectively, more general) side conditions. At this point we already note the important situation that the Lagrange multiplier rule in the narrower sense is tied up with certain nondegeneracy conditions. The purely formal application of the Lagrange multiplier rule which one frequently finds in physics textbooks can lead to false results. One finds a counterexample to this in Section 43.1.
10 Introduction to the Subject If U in (9°) is convex and F' exists, then the variational inequality (F'{u0),v-u0)>0 for all ue U (11°) holds for a solution uQ of (9°). In Section 37.1 we explain that this is a matter of the generalization of a well-known necessary condition for the existence of minima of real functions. A quasivariational inequality is present when, in addition, U in (11°) depends on u0. Instead of (11°) we shall consider more general problems, e.g., (Au0— b,v — u0) >h(v)— h(u0) for all v e U, where the operator A is not necessarily a potential operator. The theory of variational inequalities that has been developed over the last 15 years combines the theory of extremal problems and the theory of monotone operators under a unified viewpoint. In Chapter 9 we explained the important connections with the theory of multivalued mappings. We concern ourselves with variational inequalities in Chapters 46 and 54-57. The sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions of the minimum problem (9°) can be roughly classified as follows: (a) Positive definiteness of the second variation. (/?) Characterization of solutions by means of the dual problem. (•y) Comparison functionals (abstract field theory). (5) The method of dynamic optimization. (e) In case of convex problems, the necessary conditions are generally sufficient. The criteria that use the second variation are discussed in Section 40.2 (free local minima) and in Section 43.8 (Lagrange multiplier rule). In this connection, this is a matter of a generalization of the known classical criterion for real functions: F"(u0)>0 implies the existence of a local minimum for F at u0 in the case F'(uQ) = 0. We point out the advantages of dual problems for the characterization of solutions in Section 37.29f. In Section 37.20b (respectively, Section 40.3), we treat the method of dynamic optimization (respectively, the method of comparison functionals). In Section 40.7 we elucidate the connection between the abstract results and the field theory of classical calculus of variations. In order to make it easier for the reader to learn the essential ideas in the construction of approximation methods for extremal problems, we present, in Section 37.29, the basic ideas of various important approximation methods: (i) The Ritz method (projection method), (ii) The gradient method (descent method), (iii) Ascent method, (iv) Penalty method. (v) Regularization. (vi) Duality method.
General Basic Ideas 11 (vii) Dynamic optimization, (viii) Decomposition, (ix) Equivalence and combination principle. These basic ideas are delved into more deeply later. In conclusion, we summarize the advantages of duality theory: (a) Necessary and sufficient conditions for the characterization of extremal solutions. (b) Existence propositions when properties of the corresponding dual problems that are frequently easy to verify are at hand. (c) The construction of generalized solutions for unsolvable problems with the aid of solutions of the dual problem and the so-called extremal relation. (d) The construction of approximation methods with two-sided error estimates for the extremal values and error estimates for the extremal solutions. (e) The side conditions of the dual problem may have a simpler structure than that of the original problem; therefore, it is occasionally more propitious to solve the dual problem and to obtain solutions for the original problem by means of the extremal relation. We explain this in Section 37.29f. The basic ideas of duality theory can be found in Chapter 39. Furthermore, we take up duality theory in detail in Chapters 49-53. In Part I, the topological essence of fixed point theory concentrated on the concept of the fixed point index (mapping degree). In the theory of extremal problems, topological tools will be used to obtain, within the framework of the Morse theory and the Ljusternik-Sclinirelman theory, estimates for the smallest number of critical points and to guarantee the existence of at least one saddle point in indefinite problems. From this we obtain, for example, propositions concerning the number of eigensolutions for nonlinear differential and integral equations or concerning the number of geodesies (Chapter 44) as well as concerning the existence of solutions of nonlinear differential equations or the existence of periodic solutions of dynamical systems (Chapter 49). In the preceding overview it is already apparent that the solutions of convex minimum problems have especially propitious properties. A goal of current research consists in making the propitious behavior of convex problems useful also for classes of nonconvex problems by introducing generalized concepts of a solution. We discuss this in Chapters 42 and 48. Finally, we would like to point out that in general we follow the strategy of reducing propositions on extremal problems for functional to that for classical real functions. This becomes especially clear in the introduction to Chapter 40.
CHAPTER 37 Introductory Typical Examples When I was a student it was fashionable to give courses called "Elementary Mathematics from the Higher Point of View" But what I needed was a few courses called " Higher Mathematics from the Elementary Point of View." Joel Franklin In the occupation with mathematical problems, a more important role than generalization is played—I believe—by specialization. David Hubert There are two ways to teach mathematics. One is to take real pains toward creating understanding—visual aids, that sort of thing. The other is the old British system of teaching until you're blue in the face. James R. Newman, compiler of the 2,535 page The World of Mathematics, quoted in the New York Times, Sept. 30,1956 In the following we wish to present many concrete examples, foregoing extensive technical details, whose solutions have contributed essentially to the development of a general theory of extremal problems. A glance at the organization of this chapter in the Contents shows the variety of different problems one encounters. In this connection, an especially central position is assumed by Section 37.4, where we discuss a number of fundamental ideas from the classical calculus of variations. The ideas of the calculus of variations have influenced the modern theory of extremal problems in an essential way, and knowledge of these classical ideas is indispensable for a thorough understanding of the modern development. In the references to the literature at the end of each section of this chapter, we restrict ourselves to a few introductory expositions and standard 12
37.1. Real functions in R1 13 works. The later chapters are provided with detailed lists. If the reader concentrates his attention on the works introduced in the references to the literature in this chapter under the caption "classical works," then he can obtain a quick survey of the historical development of the subject. This chapter addresses itself to readers who are interested in a detailed motivation of the general theory by means of simple but typical examples. In the following chapters, we will show how these examples fit into a general functional analysis theory. In this connection, the reader is often referred to the corresponding sections of the present chapter. For this reason, a cursory perusal of this chapter on first reading will suffice. A reader who wishes to get acquainted immediately with the foundational principles of the theory of extremal problems can begin with Chapters 38 and 39. There we explain the role of compactness and convexity for existence propositions, give two important uniqueness criteria, and treat some fundamental principles of duality theory. 37.1. Real Functions in Ul One can already observe numerous phenomena that are typical for extremal problems in the study of real-valued functions of a real variable. Later we shall often reduce the investigation of general functionals x>-+ F(x) on a locally convex space X to the investigation of real-valued functions t >-> <p(t) of a real variable t, where we set <p(0 = F(x(t)). Here, t >-> x(t) is a curve inX Let F: [a, b] -» U be a real function defined on the bounded interval [a, b]. By definition, F has a local minimum at x0 if and only if there exists a neighborhood U(x0) of x0 such that F(x)>F(x0) for allx e(/(x0)n[a,fc], where x =£ x0. (12) If F possesses a local minimum at xQ and the derivative F'(x0) exists, then one must distinguish two cases: (i) If x0 is an interior point of [a, b], then *"(*„)-0. (13a) (ii) If x0 is a boundary point of [a, b], then F'(x0)(x-x0)>0 forallxe[a,fc]. (13b) The condition (13b) is equivalent to F'(x0)>0 [respectively, F'(x0)<0] for xQ = a (respectively, xQ = b) (see Fig. 37.6). Obviously, (13a) is a special case of (13b). If F: D(F) C X-> U is a functional, for instance, on the B-space X, then in place of (13a) we have an operator equation (Theorem 40.B in Section
37. Introductory Typical Examples / / / \ \ \ a x0 D Figure 37.6 40.3) and in place of (13b) we have a variational inequality (Theorem 46.A in Section 46.1). In case (i), because x0 e ]a, b[, a full neighborhood of x0 is allowed in the competition in (12), whereas in case (ii) only one-sided neighborhoods are taken into consideration in (12). For that reason, we speak, in (i) [respectively, (ii)] of a free local minimum (respectively, of a bound local minimum). If the sign " >" holds instead of " >" in (12), then by definition it is a matter of a strict local minimum. In Fig. 37.4(a) a strict minimum is depicted in contrast to Fig. 37.4(b). We say that xx is a global minimum in case F(x) > F(xt) for all x e [a, b]. In Fig. 37.6, F has local minima at x0 and x = a. On the other hand, F possesses a global minimum at xx = b. A central concept for extremal problems is that of a critical point. If F'(x0) exists, then by definition F: [a, b]-*U has a critical point at x0, x0 e [a, b], if and only if -F'(*o) = 0, i.e., the tangent line is horizontal. The following are critical points: local minima and maxima and horizontal inflection points (see Fig. 37.7). An important aid for the study of the local behavior of F in a neighborhood of x0 is the Taylor expansion of F, provided F is differentiable a sufficient number of times. Example 37.1. If F'(x0) = 0, F"(x0) > 0, then F(x) = F(x0)+F"iXo)^'Xof+---, (14) i.e., F behaves in a neighborhood of xQ as the quadratic polynomial on the Figure 37.7
37.2. Convex Functions in R1 15 right-hand side of (14). Consequently, F has a strict local minimum at xQ. The precise assumptions for this are: F'(x0) = 0, F"(x0)>0, and F" is continuous at xQ. This follows from the form of the remainder term in (14). Example 37.2. If F(">(x0) = 0 for « =1, 2, 3, 4 and F(5>(x0) + 0, then Therefore, x0 is a horizontal inflection point, for F behaves locally as the fifth-degree polynomial on the right-hand side of the last equation. The material of this section is contained in any textbook of differential and integral calculus. 37.2. Convex Functions in U1 A function F: [a, b] -» U is said to be convex if and only if each chord lies above the corresponding arc of the curve (see Fig. 37.8). In contrast to arbitrary real functions, convex functions possess a number of remarkable properties of which we list three here: (a) If F has a local minimum at x0, then F also has a global minimum at x0. (b) The necessary conditions (13a) [respectively, (13b)] for local minima are also sufficient for global minima. (c) If F' exists on [a, b], then on [a, b\. F is convex if and only if F' is monotonely increasing. In Chapter 42, property (c) yields the connection between convex functional and monotone operators. A convex function possesses only minima as critical points. Figure 37.8
16 37. Introductory Typical Examples Figure 37.9 If F: [a, b] -» U is a convex but not necessarily differentiable function, then a global minimum at xQ can be characterized by 0 e dF{x0) (15) instead of by F'(x0) = 0 or (13b). Here, the so-called subdifferential dF(x0) equals the set of all slopes m of the straight lines through (x0, F(x0)) which lie beneath the curve determined by F (see Fig. 37.9). (15) is the starting point for the convex analysis that we develop in Chapter 47. References to the Literature Convex analysis and convex sets: Rockafellar (1970, M, H, B) and Roberts, Varberg (1973, M, B, H) (standard works for RB); Holmes (1972, L), (1975, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Marti (1977, M). 37.3. Real Functions in UN, Lagrange Multipliers, Saddle Points, and Critical Points We consider the minimum problem: F(x) = min! (16) subject to the side conditions G,.(x) = 0,/=1,...,M, (17) where x = (^,... ,£N), Dj,= d/d^j. Here, F and all the G,'s are real-valued functions of the real variables £v...,£N, and M < N. We denote the corresponding Lagrange function by M L(x,A) = A0JF(x)-£A,.G,-(*)- i-i All the A,'s are real numbers and are called Lagrange multipliers.
37.3. Real Functions in R^, Lagrange Multipliers, Saddle Points, and Critical Points 17 Without the side condition (17), the classical necessary condition for a solution xQ of (16) reads as follows: DjF{x0) = 0, j = l,...,N, (18) in the case where xQ is an interior point of D(F) and the derivatives exist. Now, the Lagrange multiplier rule asserts that with the presence of the side conditions (17) one needs merely to replace F by L in the necessary conditions (18) for suitable fixed A = (A0, A1;...,AM), A + 0, i.e., DjL{x0,X) = 0, j=l,...,N, (19) or, in detail, A0Z>yF(x0)-X;A,.Z>,.G,.(x0) = 0, j = l,...,N. (19a) i=i Here we assume that all first partial derivatives of F and the G, are continuous in an open neighborhood of x0. A large role is played by the so-called nondegeneracy condition which requires that the rank of the matrix (Z)yG,(x0)) be maximal, hence equal to M. If this condition is violated, then one lets (19a) be trivially satisfied by A0 = 0, for one can then determine (A1,...,AM)#0 as the solution of the corresponding system of linear equations in (19a). It is crucial that, in the nondegenerate case, (19a) holds for A0 = 1. We then speak of the Lagrange multiplier rule in the narrower sense. We give the proof of this in Section 43.10. When M = 1, we obtain the following eigenvalue problem as a special case of (19a): A0^(*o)-Ai^Gi(*o)-0, j = l,.-.,N, (20) where A20 + X\ + 0. In the nondegenerate case, i.e., in the case when not all DjG^Xq) are simultaneously zero, we can choose A0 =1. The simplest variant for gaining a sufficient condition for (16) and (17) to hold with the aid of the Lagrange multipliers consists in the following. We consider the modified problem L(x, A) = min! (16a) with respect to x. No side conditions appear in (16a). We assume that for fixed A, where A0 = l, x0 is a solution of (16a) and xQ satisfies the side condition (17). Since L(x,X) = F(x) for all x that satisfy the side condition (17), then x0 is also a solution of (16), i.e., it is a solution of F(x) = min! with the side condition (17). The classical
18 37. Introductory Typical Examples condition that xQ be a solution of (16a) reads as follows: (a) (19) holds. (b) The quadratic form associated with the Hessian matrix (DkDjL(x0, A)) is positive definite. If all the Gj's are linear, then DkDjL(x0, A) = DkDjF(x0), i.e., A does not even appear in the Hessian matrix. One must frequently deal with linear Gj's when studying problems of the type (16) and (17) for determining thermodynamic equilibrium states (cf. Part IV). We will make use of this simple method in Section 37.4/ to investigate variational problems with side conditions. In Section 43.10 we shall prove a refined sufficiency criterion for (16) and (17). We now explain the connection with critical points. By definition, F possesses a critical point at xQ relative to the side condition (17) if and only if: (i) If we set f(t) = F(x(t)), then / has a critical point at r = 0, i.e., /'(0) = 0. (ii) Here we shall consider precisely all curves t>-+x(t) which satisfy the side condition (17) in a neighborhood of t = 0. Moreover, x'(0) must exist. Furthermore, x(0) = xQ. In Chapter 43 we shall show that under appropriate regularity requirements on F and G„ the existence of a critical point for F relative to (17) in the nondegenerate case is equivalent to (19) and A0 = 1. If no side condition (17) is at hand, then we talk about a free critical point. If F possesses continuous first partial derivatives at x0, then we can choose x(t) in (ii) to have the form x0 + th and obtain from/'(0) = 0, according to the chain rule, that 2,jDjF(x0)hj = 0 for all h e UN, and thereforeDjF(x0) = 0,/ = 1,...,N; but this is (18). We can thus characterize a free critical point x0 as follows: (a) Geometric condition: The tangent plane at x0 is horizontal. (b) Analytic condition: The linear terms in the Taylor expansion vanish at the point xQ. (c) Degeneracy property: The linear approximation F'(*o): R"-» U of F: U(x0)CUN-*U is not surjective. Observe that F'(x0)h = /)^(½)^ + ■■■ + DNF(x0)hN holds. In the theory of manifolds, the definition of a critical point is based on (c). Local minima and maxima and saddle points are critical points. The use of the concept of a saddle point is not uniform in the literature. By "saddle point" we shall mean any critical point which does not correspond to a local minimum or a local maximum (cf. Section 43.9). In the regular case, this means intuitively, in (i) and (ii) above, that there exist two clef curves r >-> xx(t) and r >-> x2(t) such that for ft{t) = F{x,{t)): /x has a local minimum at t = 0, and /2 has a local maximum at t = 0. For example, for
37.3. Real Functions in Rw, Lagrange Multipliers, Saddle Points, and Critical Points 19 the quadratic function F: U2-*U, F(x) = ai-j + b%\, the following assertions hold: (a) F possesses a minimum at x = 0 when a, b>0. (fi) F possesses a maximum at x = 0 when a, b < 0. (•y) F possesses a saddle point at x = 0 when aft < 0. For instance, if a > 0, b < 0, then £\ >-> F(£x, £2) has a minimum at £x = £2 = 0 and £2 >-> F(£1; £2) has a maximum at this point (see Fig. 49.1). Besides, in connection with duality theory and game theory, we use the narrower concept of a saddle point with respect to a product set. In this connection, compare Section 49.1. In general, one can study the local behavior in a neighborhood of a critical point parallel to the Examples 37.1 and 37.2 with the aid of the Taylor expansion. Morse theory provides normal forms for critical points (cf. Section 37.26). Saddle points are significant for game theory and duality theory. Equation (20) shows that one obtains existence propositions for eigenvalue problems by means of the study of the critical points of functions or, more generally, of functionals. Existence statements for nonlinear equations of the type (18) are obtained by constructing free critical points. In Section 44.12 we consider the so-called mountain pass theorem. This theorem asserts the existence of a nontrivial free critical point. Estimates for the number of critical points are obtained by using topological tools within the framework of the Morse theory and the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory (cf. Sections 37.26, 37.27, and Chapter 44). In Section 49.1 we treat a general existence theorem for saddle points with respect to product sets. In the Problems for Chapter 49, we delve further into existence propositions for critical points and their applications. In particular, we deal with a general topological existence principle for saddle points—the so-called Unking principle. The justification of the Lagrange multiplier method for general situations is an important concern in Part III. In this connection, compare Chapters 43, 47, 48, and 50. The saddle point condition of the Kuhn-Tucker theory for convex optimization problems (Sections 37.11, 47.10, 48.4, 50.1, and 50.2) and the Pontrjagin maximum principle for control problems (Sections 37.21 and 48.6) are important contemporary extensions of the classical Lagrange multiplier rule for problems with side conditions that are not necessarily smooth. References to the Literature Sharp Lagrange multiplier rules in R": Hestenes (1966, M); Boltjanskii (1976, M).
20 37. Introductory Typical Examples 37.4. One-Dimensional Classical Variational Problems and Ordinary Differential Equations, Legendre Transformations, the Hamilton-Jacobi Differential Equation, and the Classical Maximum Principle This section is of central significance for a deep understanding of many assertions here in Part III. We present the results of the classical calculus of variations in such a way that the reader will later see the connections with convex analysis and control theory very clearly. The Hamilton-Jacobi formalism is the focal point—this formalism is generalized in many ways in the later chapters. (a) Generalization of the canonical equations and of the classical maximum principle: Pontrjagin's maximum principle and control problems. (fl) Generalization of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation: Bellman's principle of dynamic optimization in control theory, Bellman's differential equation, and duality theory for nonconvex problems. (•y) Generalization of the Legendre transformation: conjugate functional in convex analysis and duality theory. (5) Generalization of the Hamilton-Jacobi action function S: duality by means of the stability of perturbed problems and the ^-functional. The Hamilton-Jacobi theory represents a general framework for the mathematical description of the propagation of actions in nature and the optimal modelling of control processes in economics and technology. In the Problems in Chapter 40, we point out a number of deep physical and mathematical connections: geometrical optics, characteristics, bicharacteris- tics and electromagnetic waves, hyperbolic partial differential equations, Huygens' principle, diffraction theory, asymptotic expansions and the Maslov index, Fourier integral operators, symplectic geometry, quasiclassi- cal asymptotic expansions in quantum mechanics, the Feynman integral in quantum mechanics and its connection with classical mechanics, integrable canonical systems and perturbation theory in celestial mechanics, infinite- dimensional canonical equations and nonlinear wave equations, etc. In Part V we delve into the connection between classical mechanics, statistical physics, and ergodic theory and explain the derivation of the fundamental equations of mathematical physics on the basis of variational principles as well as the meaning of symmetry principles and Lie groups in order to obtain conservation quantities, similarity assertions, and gauge field theories, which have achieved a basic significance in elementary particle physics. This presentation, which is far from complete, should nonetheless facilitate a feeling for the focal position of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory. In the following we assume that all functions are sufficiently smooth.
j i.t.' Variauouai Problems, namiltou-jacObi Equauuu, Classical maximum rnntiiple <ii 37.4a. The Variational Problem We set L(x, <u(x), u'(x)) dx and consider the problem /(«) = min!, u(x0)=uQ, u(xl)=ul, (21) i.e., for given fixed real numbers xQ, xlt uQ, and uv we seek the minimum of the integral, where all functions u: [x0, xx] -» U with the boundary conditions given in (21) are admitted in the competition. L is called the Lagrange function. In many investigations, it is important that L be convex with respect to u'. Example 37.3. The problem of the shortest curve connecting the two points (x0, u0) and (xv ut) leads to (21) with L = h+u'2 (see Fig. 37.10). The following example is of great physical significance. Henceforth we shall constantly refer to it in order to depict the general results intuitively. Example 37.4 (Fermat's Principle in Geometrical Optics). A ray of light propagates in a medium of the (x, «)-plane so that the time required for it to travel from the point (x0, u0) to the point (xv u{) is minimal, i.e., jdt = min! (22) If we represent the path of the ray of light in the form x >-> u(x), then the precise formulation of this principle coincides with (21), where L = n(x, u)c~ih+ u'2 . (23) Here, n is a given function with n(x, u) > 0 for all (x, u) e U2. The number n(x,u) is called the index of refraction at the point (x, u), and c is the velocity of light in vacuum. In particular, for n = constant, we obtain a problem that is equivalent to Example 37.3. u o u x0 x: Figure 37.10
22 37. Introductory Typical Examples In order to obtain this variational problem from (22), note that for given «(•>•)> by definition the velocity s'(t) at the time ( of a ray of light t >-> (x(t), u(t)) is given by n{x{t),u{t))' Here, s'{t)=\jx'2{t) + u'2{t); therefore, dt = nc~lds = nc"1yl + u'2(x) dx. 37.4b. The Euler Equation as a Necessary Condition If u is a solution of (21), then the so-called Euler equation is valid on ]x0, x^: -£Lu.{x, u(x), «'(*)) = Lu{x, u(x), «'(*)). (24) The simple proof makes use of methods of deduction that are typical of all of the calculus of variations. We choose a function h such that h(xQ) = _def hix^)— 0. Then u = u + eh satisfies the boundary condition in (21) for all real e (see Fig. 37.10). If we set <p(e) = J(u + eh), then the real function <p has a minimum at e = 0, and consequently <p'(0) = 0, i.e., ( \Lu(t, u, u')h + Lu,{t, u, u')h'\ dx - 0. Since h(x0) = h(x1) = 0, integration by parts immediately yields ( \Lu-L'u,)hdx = 0. This relation holds in particular for all h e Co°(x0, xt). According to the variation lemma (Proposition 18.2), this implies (24). def 8"J(u; h) = <p("'(0) is called the nth variation of J in u in the direction h. By a solution of the problem J(u) — stationary!, u(x0) = u0,u(xl) = ut (24a) we understand any u such that 8J(u, h) = <p'(0) = 0 for all h e C™(x0, x,). Then u is called a critical point. The above derivation shows that the critical points are precisely the solutions of the Euler equation. Many problems in mechanics are not of type (21) but rather of type (24a), although this is often not mentioned in theoretical physics textbooks (cf. Counterexample 40.9).
37.4. Variational Problems, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Classical Maximum Principle 23 37.4c. Legendre transformation and Canonical Equations as Necessary Conditions Our goal is to go from (t, u, u') to new variables (t, u, p) and to replace L by H by means of the formulas p = Lu,(x,u,u'), (25) H(x,u, p) = pu'(x,u, p)~L(x,u,u'(x, u, p)). (26) This transformation is called the Legendre transformation. In this connection, we assume that (25) can be solved for u';i.e., u'= u'(x, u, p). Locally, this is possible by the implicit function theorem provided Lu,u,(x, u, u') + 0. We give global solvability conditions in Section 37.4d. From (25) and (26) it follows that Hu = PK - Lu + LwK = ~Lu> Hp = u' + pu'p~Lu,u'p = u'. Thus, if x >-> u(x) satisfies the Euler equation (24), then p'{x) = -Hu{x,u(x),p(x)), u'(x)) = Hp{x,u{x),p{x)). (27) These are the so-called Hamilton canonical equations. Conversely, from (27) and (25) it follows that (24) holds. An advantage of (27) over (24) is that one can read off conservation quantities directly from (27). If H does not depend on p (respectively, u), then u(x) = constant [respectively, p(x) = constant]. If H is independent of x, then therefore, H(x, u(x), p(x)) = constant. The canonical equations have been established in the complex problems of celestial mechanics. The deeper reason lies in the fact that the integration of (27) can be made essentially easier by means of the canonical transformations (cf. Section 37.4n). At the same time, the canonical formalism yields the framework for general field theories in physics. If u and p are interpreted as operators in an H-space with the commutator relationpu — up = h/i, then from the canonical formalism one obtains quantum mechanics from classical mechanics. The process of the so-called second quantization then yields quantum field theories which describe the interaction between elementary particles.
_,. u,jroducw.j ^/picali Example 37.5 (Geometrical Optics). If we choose L = n(x, u)c V1+ u'2 as in Example 37.4, then we obtain p-Lu, = - :H+u'2 ' H= pu'~L = ~\jn2{x,u)c 2 -p2 . 37.4d. Classical Maximum Principle and Necessary Conditions We assume that Lu,u,(x, u, u') > 0 for all (x, u, u') s R3, L(x,u,u') , „ —- --»+00 as \u ->°° |«'| and define Jf(x,u,u',p) = pu'—L(x,u,u'). As functions of u', the graphs of L, 3V, and La, have the form shown in Fig. 37.11. In particular, u'-* Lu,(x, u, u') is strictly monotonely increasing and Lu,(x, u,u')-> ±00 asw'-»±oo. Therefore, for fixed x, u, and p, the maximum problem maxJfix, u,v,p)= P always has exactly one solution u'. For this solution, Jfu,{x,u,u',p)=0; therefore, p = Lu,(x,u,u'). (25a) According to Fig. 37.11, for each p there exists exactly one u' for which (25a) holds, i.e., we can solve the Legendre transformation (25a) globally for u'. ■3C Figure 37.11
j/X Variational' Problems, Hamilton-.) acbbi Equation, Classical Maximum fnriciple /J We thus obtain the classical maximum principle: If «(•) is a solution of the variational problem (21) and we set p(x) = Lu,(x,u(x),u'(x)), then for all x e [x0, xj, we have max^f (x,u(x),v,p(x)) = 3V(x, u(x),u'(x), p(x)). Besides,p(-) and «(•) satisfy the differential equations p'=-JTu, u'-JTp. These equations result from the Euler equation (24) and ,^, = — Lu,JFp = u'. Furthermore, from (25) and (26) we obtain H(x, u,p) = max^f (x,u, v,p). (28) oeR In Section 51.1 we show that this relation simply means that H is the conjugate function to L. Thus, the Legendre transformation turns out to be a duality transformation. The deep Pontrjagin maximum principle in Chapter 48 is a fundamental generalization of the above maximum principle to control problems. In Section 48.8 we show that the following necessary conditions are obtained by an application of the Pontrjagin maximum principle to the variational problem (21): (a) The Euler equation. (P) The Legendre condition. (Y) The Weierstrass condition. (§) The Weierstrass-Erdmann corner condition for solutions u with corners (jumps in the first derivatives). Therefore, the Pontrjagin maximum principle is also of central significance for the classical calculus of variations. 37.4e. Sufficient Conditions The difference between weak and strong minima is important in the variational problem (21). (i) By definition, J has a weak local minimum at u if and only if there exists e > 0 such that J(u) < J(u) for all u satisfying \u(x) — u(x)\ < e, \u'(x) — u'(x)\< e on[x0,xj. (29) Besides, all these 5's should satisfy the boundary condition u(x0) = u0, m(x,) = ut [see Fig. 37.12(a)]. (ii) If the condition on u' is absent in (29), then we speak of a strong local minimum [see Fig. 37.12(b)].
26 37. Introductory Typical Examples (a) (b) Figure 37.12 In (i) we require that not only the function values but also the derivative values of u differ only slightly from the corresponding values of u. Here, the u are the functions that are allowed in the competition. On the other hand, in (ii) one foregoes the adjacency of the derivative values. Thus, every strong local minimum is also a weak local minimum. As the derivation in Section 37.4b shows, the Euler equation is necessary for a weak local minimum. A crucial problem reads as follows: When is a solution of the Euler equation (24) also a solution of the variational problem (21)? Such sufficient conditions are proved in the classical calculus of variations with the aid of: (a) the second variation 82J (accessory variational problem, the Jacobi condition for weak local minima); (P) field theory (Hilbert's invariant integral, Weierstrass' criterion for strong local minima with the aid of the E-function). We discuss this in Section 40.7. There we also explain the connection with general necessary and sufficient criteria for extremal problems. In particular, we explain the role of the eigenvalue criteria in connection with the second variation. 37.4f. Perturbed Variational Problems and the Hamilton-Jacobi Differential Equation We study the perturbed problem associated with (21): L(x, u(x), u'(x)) dx = min!, u(x0) = u0, w(£) = a. Here, perturbation means that we replace (xvul) by (£, a). We hold (x0,u0) fixed and for variable (£, a) we set the minimum value equal to S(£,a), i.e., L(x,u(x),u'(x))dx, u(x0) = u0, «(£) = a, where the existence of a solution u of the corresponding variational problem is assumed. In Section 37.4i we show that then, under natural assumptions,
37.4. Variational Problems, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Classical Maximum Principle 27 S satisfies the so-called Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation Sx(x,u)+H(x,u,Su{x,u))=0. (30) In Chapter 52 we use the idea of perturbed variational problems to prove duality propositions. From (28), we can write (30) in the form Sx(x,u)+max Jf (x,u,v,Su(x,u)) = 0. (3l) This equation is called the Bellman differential equation. In Section 37.20 we explain the connection between a discretized form of (31) and the Bellman optimality principle of dynamic optimization. In Chapter 52 we use (31) to construct a duality theory for general nonconvex control problems, which yields estimates for the minimal values and sufficient solvability conditions. Example 37.6 (Geometrical Optics). In the special case L = n(x, «)c_1/l + u'2 of Example 37.4, S({, a) is the time required by a light ray to reach the point (£, a) from (x0, u0). Here S is called eikonal. Since H=— ]jn2c~2 — p2 , the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation (30) is transformed into S2 + S2 = ^. This equation is called the eikonal equation. The curves S(x, u) = constant are called wave fronts. We shall explain the more exact physical meaning in Problem 40.10. Example 37.7 (Quadratic Variational Problem). Let L = 2~\u'2 + au2). Then p = Lu, = u', H^pu'-L = 2~l(p2-au2). The Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation (30) reads as follows: Sx+2-\S2~au2) = 0. The substitution S = r{x)u2 leads to the Riccati differential equation r'+ 2r2 — a/2 = 0. Therein lies the deeper reason why the Riccati equation plays an important role in control problems with a quadratic objective functional (cf. Sections 37.20 and 54.8). In the following two subsections we show: (a) how one can obtain solutions of the canonical equations, and thus of the Euler equation, from solutions S of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equations; (P) how, conversely, solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equations are obtained from solutions of the canonical equations. From the standpoint of geometrical optics, this connection is very natural.
ii. mu'oductbiy iepical Exainpifes Light rays correspond to the solutions of the canonical equation, whereas the solutions S of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation yield wave fronts by S(x, u) = constant, to which (by Section 37.4j) the light rays are perpendicular. One expects that there exists a mutual correspondence between light rays and wave fronts. 37.4g. Complete Integral of the Hamilton-Jacobi Equation and the Solution of the Canonical Equations If we know a so-called complete integral, i.e., a solution S = S(x, u, a)+ C of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation (30), which depends on two constants a and C, then by means of Sa{x,u{x),a)=P, p(x)=Su{x,u(x),ct) (32) we obtain a solution of the canonical equations u'=H„ p'=~Hu, (33) provided that for fixed /6 the first equation in (32) can be solved for u and thus x -» u(x) results. Let Sau(x, u,a)¥=0 for the corresponding (x, u,devalues. Then «(•) andp(-) depend on the two constants a and /6 and, under suitable regularity assumptions, represent the general solution of (33). For the proof, we differentiate (32) with respect to x and (30) with respect to a (respectively, u). We get Sax + Sauu' = 0, p'~Sux + Suuu' Sxa + HpSua^0, Sxu + Hu + HpSuu = 0. (33) follows immediately from this. If «(■),/?(-) Is an arbitrary solution of (33), then Sa(x, u(x), a) ~ constant, i.e., Sa is a so-called conservation quantity, since -~Sa(x,u(x),a) = Sax + Sauu' = Sax + SauHp-0. Example 37.8 (Harmonic Oscillator). If u(x) is the displacement of an oscillating spring at time x, then the Newton equation of motion mu" = -ku (34) holds, where m is the mass and k is the spring constant, p = mu' is the momentum. If we choose H = p2/2m + ku2/2, then we can write (34) in the form u'-Hp, p'~-Hu, (35) with the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation 2mSx(x,u) + S2(x,u) + kmu2 = 0. (36)
^,.-,. Variational i'robleiuc, >iottiilton~jav<jdi Equauuu, Classical maximum rnnciple /.y H is interpreted as the energy. The substitution S = — ax + T(u) yields S = — ax + I v2ma — kmv2dv Jo as a solution of (36). Finally, Sa(x, u(x), a) = /6 means — x+ I m(2ma~ kmv2) dv = P Jo with the solution 12a . /IT, „x u — \ —r- sini/ — (x + p). V k V m ' If we take into account that p — Su and Sx + H(u,Su) = 0, then we obtain a= H(u, p), i.e., a equals the energy. In the above example, we can also obtain the solution directly in a simple way. The advantage of the method described above first shows up in more complicated problems. In this connection, compare Landau and Lifsic (1962, M), Volumes I, II. 37.4h. Solutions of Canonical Equations and the Initial Value Problem for the Hamilton-Jacobi Differential Equation To solve the initial value problem Sx(x,u)+ H(x,u,Su(x,«)) = 0, S(0,«) = 9(«) (37) for given <p, we consider solutions of the so-called characteristic differential equation system u'(x) = Hp(x,u(x),p(x)), w(0) = v, p'(x)--Hu(x,u(x),p(x)), />(0) = <p'(iO, (38) a'(x) = p(x)u'(x) — H(x,u(x),p(x)), a(0)=<p(u). In the following, one should take into account that the solutions of (38) depend on x and v. We symbolize partial derivatives with respect to x by a prime. If we set S(x,u(x,v)) = a(x,y), (39) then we obtain a solution S of (37) provided the following important nondegeneracy condition is fulfilled (see Fig. 37.13): (H) If I denotes an interval on the w-axis of the (x, «)-plane, then exactly one solution curve x>-*u(x,v) of (38) for a corresponding u-value goes through each point (x, u) of a suitable neighborhood of I.
30 37. Introductory Typical Examples Figure 37.13 In the language of geometrical optics, (H) means the following: The light rays belonging to the curves x >-> u(x, v) do not intersect, i.e., there are no foci. For the proof, we differentiate (39) with respect to x; therefore, Sx + Suu' = a' = pu'~H. Differentiation of (39) with respect to v yields S„u„ = o„. (40) We obtain (37) from (40) and (H) provided we show that av = puv, because then Su = p. In this connection, we set w = av — puv. According to (38), we have: w' = a„' - p'uv - pu'v = Pvu' + P< ~ Hu«o - HpPv - P'uo - PK = 0. From the initial conditions in (38) it follows that w(0, v) = 0. Therefore, w(x, v) = 0; hence av = puv. 37.4L General Form of the First Variation and the Hamilton-Jacobi Differential Equation Our target is a general formula for the change of the integral Ji(u)= jL(x,u(x),u'(x)) dx when u and the interval of integration I are changed. This formula is //(5)- J,{u) = j[Lu~L'u\{u{x)~u{x))dx + Lu,8u+ (L~Lu,u')8x\X^+o{P{u,u)), p->0. (41) The arguments of L, Lu, are (x, u(x), u'(x)). The expression appearing in the right-hand side of (41) without the remainder term o(p) is frequently
37.4. Variational Problems, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Classical Maximum Principle 31 denoted by SJ. We make use of the usual symbolism: and assume that: (i) I = [x0, xj and 7= [x0, xj are bounded intervals', (ii) u e C\l), u e C\l). These functions will be extended linearly on U to C'-functions. (iii) We set fix, = xt — x,, §«, = m(x,)— u(xt), i.e., 6x, 8u are the differences of the coordinates of the end points of the curves for u and u. Furthermore, let p(u,u) = max\u(x)~u(x)\ ivi l + max|«'(x)-i/'(x)|+ £ |6x,.|+|6\|. 'U/ ,=0 (41) is obtained in a way parallel to Section 37.4b. The simple calculation that uses only the Taylor theorem can be found in Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M), page 55. In the following, the Hamilton-Jacobi equation, the so-called transversality condition, and the Noether theorem are obtained from (41). We recommend that the reader prove (41) as an exercise. In order to derive the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation from (41), we assume that u (respectively, m) is a solution of Jj(u) = min!, u(x0) = u0, ^(x,)^^, respectively, /j(«) = min!, m(x0) = «0, ^(^)==^, where I — [x0, xj, I = [x0, xj. We assume that P(m,k) = 0(|Ak|+|Ax|) holds, where Au = ul~ uv Ax = x, — xv By the definition of S in Section 37.4f, from (41) we obtain S{xl,ul)-S{xv a,) = LU,(P) Am + [L(P)-Lu,(P)«'(x,)] Ax + o{\Au\+ |Ax|), where P = (xv uv «'(xi))- One takes into account that the integral in (41) vanishes because of the Euler equation, and x0 = x0, u0 = u0. Thus, Su(x„«,)=MP), 5,(^,, «,)=L(P)-Lu,(P)«'(x,). Sincep(xl) = LU,(P) and H = pu'~ L, it follows that sx(xi> ul) + H(xv uv Su(xv «,)) = 0.
37.4j. Problems with Free End Point and Transversality Condition We consider the variational problem I 1 jL(x, u(x), u'(x)) dx = min\, u(x0) = u0, u(xl{r)) = ul(r), x0 (42) i.e., all u( ■) are admitted to the competition which pass through a fixed left end point (x0,u0) whereas the right end point lies on the curve t>-> (x,(t),«,(t)) (see Fig. 37.14). If u is a solution, say, for t = t0, then the Euler equation -j^Lu,(x, u(x), u'{x)) = Lu(x, u(x), u'(x)) (43) holds on ]x0, x1(t0)[, and the so-called transversality condition Lu,(P)u'l(r0)+[L(P)~Lu,(P)u'(xl)]x[(r0)=0, (44) where P = (xv u{xv), u'ixy)) holds for the right end point xv = xx{rQ). In order to prove this, we first consider only comparison curves u which have the same right end point in common with u. The same argument as in Section 37.4b yields (43). In order to prove (44), we assume that t0 = 0 and choose admissible comparison curves that pass through (x^t), ^(t)), where p(u, u) = O(t). Here we assume that such comparison curves exist. Furthermore, let <p(t) = //(t)(m), I(r) = [x0, x,(t)]. We have: 8u0 = 0, §«, = ut{r)— «,(0) = «1'(0)t + o(t), 8x0 = 0, fix, = x1(t) —x,(0) =x,(0)t + o(t). Since J has a minimum at u, <p'(0) = 0. Thus (44) follows from (41) and (43). Example 37.9 (Geometrical Optics). In the special case L = n(x, u)c~lyl+ u'2 of Example 37.4, (44) reads as follows: "'(*)"i(To) + *i(To) = 0> Figure 37.14
37.4. Variational Problems, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Classical Maximum Principle 33 i.e., the light ray x >-> u(x) is perpendicular to the curve r >-> (xt(r), u^r)). This explains the designation transversality condition for (44). If one chooses the curve in Fig. 37.14 to be in the form of a wave front S(x, u) — constant, then by the construction of S we obtain that all the light rays that emanate from the fixed point (x0, u0) intersect the wave front perpendicularly. 37.4k. Noether's Theorem . We will derive the remarkable fact that the existence of a conservation quantity (45) below follows from an invariance property of the variational integral. In this connection, we use the notation of Section 37.4i and make the following assumptions: (i) The variational integral Jt is invariant with respect to transition from u to m and from I to I, i.e., J,( u) = Jj(u); therefore, / L(x, u(x), u'(x)) dx~ I L(x,ii(x), u'{x)) dx. (ii) This sufficiently smooth transformation depends on a parameter a such that x = x + ct<p(x)+ o(«), u(x) = u(x)+ ot\p(x)+ o(a). The terms o(a) also depend on x, and o(a)/a-»0 holds as o-»0 uniformly with respect to x on I = [x0, xj. (iii) u satisfies the Euler equation on I. Then it follows directly from (41) that L — Lum')cl<p\x +o(a) — 0 asa-»0. If the assumptions are fulfilled for all a in a neighborhood of zero and for all x0, xv then, after division by a, we obtain, as a -» 0, Lu.{P)Hx) + (L{P)-Lu,{P)u'(x))<p(x)- constant, (45) where P = (x, u(x), u'(x)). Example 37.10 (Energy as a Conservation Quantity). If L does not depend on x, then (i) holds for x~x + a, u(x) = u(x) (translation invariance). According to (45), L{P)~Lu,{P)u'(x) = constant; therefore, H(u(x), p(x)) = constant. In applications to mechanics, H is the energy and the theorem on the conservation of mechanical energy is obtained. We shall occupy ourselves with generalizations and the important physical applications of the Norther theorem in Part V.
34 37. Introductory Typical Examples 37.4/. Variational Problems with Side Conditions and the Lagrange Multiplier Rule We consider the variational problem L(x, u, u', v, v') dx = mini, «(*o) = «o> u{xl) = ul, v(x0) = v0, v(xl) = vl (46) for fixed xt, «,, vt, / = 0,1, subject to one of the following side conditions: (i) Integral side condition (isoperimetric problem): M(x, u, u', v, v') dx = constant. (ii) Equation as a side condition: M(x, u, v) = 0. (iii) Differential equation as a side condition: M(x, u,v, u',v') = 0. Without the side conditions, the necessary conditions for a solution u, v of (46) read as follows: ~LU,(P) = LU{P), ~LV,{P) = LV{P) on]x0,xj, (47) where P = (x, y,u(x),u'(x),v(x),v'(x)). These Euler equations are obtained in a way analogous to the method of Section 37.4b. Lagrange Multiplier Rule as a Necessary Condition. This important rule reads as follows: If u,v^C1[x0,x1] is a solution of (46) with one of the side conditions (i), (ii), or (iii), then (47) holds, in which connection , . one must replace L by X0L + AM. Here, A0 is a real number and ^ •* A is a C1 — function on [x0, xj, where A20 + A2(x) * 0. We make the assumptions precise: Ad (i) (L) holds with A0 = l provided M does not satisfy (47) with L replaced by M (nondegenerate case). Otherwise, (L) is trivially fulfilled with A0 = 0, A = l. Ad (ii) (L) holds with A0 =1 provided the rank of the matrix (MU(P),MV(P)) is maximal—therefore, equal to 1 for all P, i.e., M„(P)+M*(P) f= 0 for all x e [x0, xj (nondegenerate case). For M*(P)+ M^(P) = 0, (L) is trivially fulfilled for A0 = 0, A = 1.
37.4. Variational Problems, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Classical Maximum Principle 35 Ad (iii) (L) holds provided the rank of the matrix (map), map)) is maximal, therefore, equal to 1 for all P. The functions L and M are assumed to be sufficiently smooth. If we denote by C the arc that belongs to the solution u = u(x), v = v(x), then it suffices that L and M are C1-functions in a neighborhood V of C. In this connection, to be precise, Fis the set of all (x, u, u', v, v') e Us, x e [x0, xj, and \u~ u(x)\, \u'~ u'(x)\, \v — v(x)\, \v'— v'(x)\<,8 for fixed 8 > 0. Idea of the Proof. The classical proofs of (i), (ii), and (iii) can be found in Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I, page 216, Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M), page 42, and Funk (1962, M), page 275, respectively. The multiplier rule is also investigated in detail in Bolza (1949, M). We sketch the ideas of the proof. In (i) and (ii) we make use of the multiplier rule for real functions and make inferences analogous to those in Section 37.4b. In the more difficult case (iii) we use an artifice of Bliss that first reduces the problem to a Mayer problem and then applies the main theorem on underdetermined systems of differential equations. (i) We replace u (respectively, v) by u + elhl (respectively, v + e2h2) where hv h2 vanish at the boundary points x0, xv We denote the left-hand side in (46) [respectively, (i)] by F(e1; e2) [respectively, G(ev e2)]. Then F has a minimum at (0,0) under the side condition G(ev e2) = c. From the multiplier rule for real functions it follows that \0Fti (0,0)+ AG,((0,0) = 0, /=1,2. (L) follows from this in a way analogous to Section 37.4b (cf. Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), page 216). (ii) First we note that in this case (L) is of a purely local nature. This follows from the fact that each solution of (46), (ii) is also a solution of the problem that results from (46) by replacing [x0, xj by a smaller interval [x0, xj and modifying the boundary conditions correspondingly. If, say, MU{P*) + 0, then we can solve (ii) for u in a neighborhood of (x*, u(x*), v(x*)), and we get u = g(x, v). This expression is substituted in (46), possibly with [x0, xj instead of [XqjXJ, and we write the Euler equation for this situation. Then we obtain (L) (cf. Courant, and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I, page 219).
JO j/. introductory lypicalhxampies Exercises. Write out these proofs explicitly. (iii) If u, v is a solution of (46), (iii) and m denotes the minimal value, then u, v, w is a solution of w' = L(x, u, u', v, v'), M(x, u, u', v, v') = 0 with the boundary conditions w(x0) = 0, w(xl) = m, u(x0) = u0, u(xl) = uv v(x0) = v0, v(xl) = vv It is crucial that, because of the choice of m, the present problem has no solution provided we replace m by m — b, b > 0. This means that u, v, w is a bound arc in the sense of Problem 43.9. According to the theorem proved in Problem 43.9, there then exist C'-functions A0, A on [x0, xj such that A20 + A2 * 0 and A'0 = 0,(A0L„, + AM„,)'-(A0L„ + AMJ = 0 and a corresponding relation for v instead of u. Consequently, A0 = constant and we obtain (L). Lagrange Multipliers and Sufficient Conditions. In a manner parallel to the considerations for real functions in Section 37.3, simple sufficient conditions can be formulated for variational problems with side conditions provided one uses Lagrange multipliers. In this connection, we consider the following problem which is a modification of (46): [*\L + \M)dx = mini, (46*) u(x0) = u0, u(xl) = uv v(x0) = v0, v(x1) = vv If u, v is a solution of (46*) for fixed A and this solution satisfies the side condition (i), then u, v is obviously also a solution of (46) with the side condition (i). The situation behaves analogously for the side conditions (ii) and (iii). In Chapter 40 we prove sufficiency criteria for problems of type (46*)—thus, for problems without side conditions. If one finds a A so that these sufficiency criteria are applicable to (46*), then one immediately obtains sufficient conditions for (46), with one of the side conditions (i), (ii), or (iii). Critical Points. The multiplier rule (L) also holds in case where "min!" is replaced by "stationary!" in (46), i.e., in case where we are seeking critical points u, v. Roughly speaking, in this connection, a critical point means: If we replace u and v by u + kv v + k2, respectively, which also satisfy the side conditions, then the change in the integral expression in (46) is of higher than first order in kt, k2. Then, in the proofs of (L) sketched above, the real function (ev e2) >-> F(ev e2) has a critical point at (0,0) with respect to the
37.4. Variational Problems, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Classical Maximum Principle 37 side conditions G(ev e2) = c, etc. However, the Lagrange multiplier rule for real functions holds in general for critical points, not only for extrema (cf. Corollary 43.25). We give the precise definition of a critical point in Section 43.9. Example 37.11 (Hanging Rope). We seek the form u = u(x) of a rope of fixed length a and constant density which hangs between two fixed points (x0, u0) and (xv «,). The variational problem reads as follows: I wvl+w' dx = imn\, «(x0) = «0, u(x1) = u1 (48) with the side condition j'Xlh+u'2dx = a. (49) (48) comprises the requirement for minimal potential energy. In order to motivate this, we think of the potential energy of a mass point in the linearized gravitational field of the earth as being equal to weight times height. If we subdivide the rope into small parts, then its potential energy is approximately equal to u As (s = arc length), and (48) is obtained by summation and passing to the limit as A* -» 0. The necessary condition for a solution u reads as follows: ^(A0L + AM)„,-(A0L + AM)„ = 0, L = uh + u'2 , m = vT+m^. In the nondegenerate case, A0 = 1; therefore, (u + A)/Vl + u'2 = c, i.e., u + A = ccosh(c_1x + c,). This is the so-called catenary. The constants A, c, and c, are determined from the boundary conditions and the side condition. Degeneracy occurs if a = xx — x0. Then, according to (49), we must have u' = 0; therefore u = 0 where u0 = ut = 0. Here, we can choose A0 = 0, A = 1. Example 37.12 (Geodesies). We seek geodesies on the surface M(x, u, v) = 0, i.e., x >-> (u(x), v(x)) must connect two fixed points and realize the shortest distance between these two points. Then we obtain the problem: h+u'2 + i/2dx = mini, (50) u(x0) = u0, u{xl) = ul, v(x0) = v0, v(xl) = vl with the side condition M(x,u,o) = 0. (51) The necessary solvability conditions for u, v are as follows:
38 37. Introductory Typical Examples In the nondegenerate case, A0 =1. A simple calculation shows that we then have: The principal normals of geodesies are normals to the surface (cf. Smirnov (1956, M), Vol. IV, Section 70). 37.4m. The Trick of Introducing Lagrange Coordinates of the Second Kind Variational problems with side conditions arise very frequently in mechanics when the principle of stationary action is applied. Concerning side conditions in equation form, we distinguish between holonomic (respectively, nonholonomic) side conditions when no derivatives occur (respectively, derivatives do occur). For example, holonomic side conditions describe the motion of mass points on surfaces. Nonholonomic conditions occur in the motion of a ship or of a skater. The Lagrange multiplier rule yields additional terms in the Euler differential equations—these additional terms correspond to constraining forces in mechanics, which, e.g., maintain the mass points on the prescribed surface. In the case of holonomic conditions, there exists an important trick: One introduces new coordinates so that the side conditions are automatically fulfilled. Then, in these new coordinates (Lagrange coordinates of the second kind), one obtains a variational problem without side conditions. In mechanics, the Euler equations that result are called Lagrange equations of the second kind. Example 37.13. In Example 37.12, we introduce surface coordinates t, s on the surface M(x, u, v) = 0. Then x = x(t, s), u = u(t,s), and v = v(t, s) automatically satisfy (51). If we transform (50) to t, s, then we obtain problem (51) without side conditions. We explain the significance of geodesies on Riemannian manifolds for general relativity theory in Part IV. 37.4n. Canonical Transformations and the Hamilton-Jacobi Differential Equations In order to solve the canonical equations p'(x) = ~Hu(x,u(x),p(x)), u'(x) = Hp(x,u(x),p(x)), (52) one can try to pass to new coordinates by means of a transformation P = P(x,u,p), U=U(x,u,p) (53) so that after the transformation, the solutions of (52) satisfy the new
37.4. Variational Problems, Hamilton-Jacobi Equation, Classical Maximum Principle 39 equations P'{x) = - H*(x,U{x), P(x)), U'(x) = H*(x, U(x), P(x)). (54) Such transformations that preserve the form of the canonical equations are called canonical transformations. If, e.g., H* = 0, then the solutions of (54) are P(x) = constant, l/(x) = constant, and the solutions of (52) are easily obtained from (53). We show: If \p = \p(x, u, U) is a given function and p = \pu(x,u,U), P = \f>u(x",u,U) can be solved in the form (53), then there results a canonical transformation with H*(x,U, P) = H(x,u, p) + tx(x,u,U). ^ is called a generating function. def In order to prove this, for \j>(x) = ty{x, u(x), U(x)) we write i'{x) = ix + i>uii'+ ^VU'=H* -H + pu' + PU' (55) and consider I [pu'~ H(x, u,p)\ dx = stationary!, (56a) fl[PU'-H*{x,P,U)\ dx = stationary! (56b) Furthermore, in (56a) and (56b) one must adjoin further fixed boundary conditions on the functions u,p (respectively, P,U). As a result of (55), the two integrals in (56) differ only by a constant. They thus possess the same critical points. By Section 37.4b, these are, however, equivalent to solutions of the corresponding Euler equations (52) [respectively, (54)] (cf. (47)). The fact that variational integrals differ by only a constant in the case where one adjoins a derivative in the integrand or a divergence expression in a multiple integral is a basic trick of the calculus of variations which is exploited, for instance, in field theory (cf. Section 40.7). Example 37.14. As in Section 37.4g, let S(x, u, a) be a complete integral of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation Sx + H{x,u,Su) = 0. (57) def We choose S to be the generating function; thus, $(x, u, U) = S(x, u, U). From (57), H* = 0; therefore, P(x) = constant, U(x) = constant. We thus
40 37. Introductory Typical Examples obtain the solution of (52) by p = Su{x,u,U), P = Sa(x,u,U), where P and U are constants. This is precisely the method for the solution of canonical equations that we have already used in Section 37.4g. At the same time we thus obtain a new interpretation of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation as an equation for an especially propitious generating function of a canonical transformation. In Problem 40.8 we treat a deep-lying application of canonical transformations. In celestial mechanics, in the consideration of the perturbation action of planets in (52), perturbed Hamiltonian functions of the form H + eHl appear instead of H. The classical method consists in carrying out a canonical transformation with respect to the unperturbed function H analogous to Example 37.14. Then (54) is obtained with H*(x,U,P) = bH^x, u,p). The classical perturbation calculus for obtaining approximate solutions for small e is now based on power series expansions for the solutions of (54) with H * = eHv References to the Literature As a survey of classical works of the calculus of variations by J. Bernoulli (1667-1748), Euler (1707-1783), Lagrange (1736-1813), Legendre (1752-1833), Jacobi (1804-1851), Weierstrass (1815-1897), and Hilbert (1862-1943), we recommend Funk (1962, M), Petrov (1977, M), and Goldstine (1980, M). For the connection between the classical theory and modern control theory, we recommend McShane (1978, M). Introduction: Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Volumes I, II; Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M); Bliss (1951, M); and Funk (1962, M). Hamilton-Jacobi theory: Rund (1966, M); Klotzler (1971, M). Calculus of variations and first-order partial differential equations, Lie theory of contact transformations: Caratheodory (1935, M); Frank and von Mises (1961, M), Vol. I. Lagrange multiplier rule: Bolza (1949, M); Funk (1962, M); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M). Global generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation: Lions, Jr. (1982, L). Applications to mechanics: Sommerfeld (1962, M), Vol. I; Landau and Lifsic (1962, M), Volumes I, II; Arnold (1974, M) (modern presentation). Application of the canonical formalism in all branches of theoretical physics: Landau and Lifsic (1962, M), Volumes I-IX. (Also, cf. the references to the literature for Chapters 40 and 43.)
i /.3. lvMtidimensional Variational ProDlems 41 37.5. Multidimensional Classical Variational Problems and Elliptic Partial Differential Equations As a generalization of Section 37.4, we consider the minimum problem I L(x, y, u,ux, u)dxdy = min!, « = g on dG, (58) where g is given. Let G be a bounded region in U2. As in Section 37.4b, we obtain that a sufficiently smooth solution satisfies the Euler equation ±LUx{P)+^Lu(,P)-Lu{P) = Q (59) on G, where P = (x, y, u(x, y),ux(x, y),uy(x, y)). In contrast to one- dimensional variational problems, this is a partial differential equation. We treat general multidimensional problems in Sections 40.5 and 40.6. Example 37.15. In Section 18.3 of Part II we have already seen that for a solution u e C1((?) of JG the relation I \u\ + u2-2fu) dxdy = xmn\, u = g ondG, (60) j (uxvx + uyvy-fv)dxdy = 0 for all y e C0°°(G) (61) JG -'I always holds. Furthermore, in case u e C (G), G: -uxx-uyy^f; dG:u = g. (62) Thus, the first boundary value problem for the Poisson equation appears here as the Euler equation for (60). The relation (61) is called a variational equation or the generalized problem for (62) and is, as we saw in Chapter 22, the point of departure for the modern functional analysis treatment of boundary value problems in Sobolev spaces. In the introductory remarks before Chapter 18 we explained in detail that for general regions G and boundary functions g, one cannot expect that solutions u e C2(G) of (58) exist which also satisfy (59). In Section 42.7 we treat the existence theory for (58). In this connection, the following items are crucial: (i) The solutions of (58) are proved to exist in Sobolev spaces and have only generalized first derivatives, (ii) The solutions satisfy fc[LUx(P)vx + LU)(P)vv + Lu(P)v\ dxdy = 0 for all ye C0°° (G). (61a)
42 37. Introductory Typical Examples This equation is called the generalized equation for the classical Euler equation (59), and (61a) means that the first variation of (58) vanishes. In contrast to (59), (61a) contains only first derivatives. In applications to elasticity theory, (61a) corresponds to the principle of virtual work. We explain this in Part IV. (iii) Under appropriate regularity assumptions on L, dG, and g, it can be shown with the aid of ingenious estimates that the solutions of the generalized problem (62a) are also solutions of the Euler equation (59). This difficult regularity theory can be found in Ladyzenskaja and Uralceva (1964, M) and Morrey (1966, M). We also recommend Giaquinta (1981, L) and Necas (1983, L). (iv) A fundamental assumption of existence theory is the convexity of L with respect to the first derivatives ux, uy. Regarding weakening this assumption, we refer to the Problems in Chapter 42. In Section 18.4 we pointed out the situation that is fundamental for applications in mathematical physics that, for certain variational problems, boundary conditions appear as necessary conditions which are not formulated in the original variational problem. One then speaks of natural boundary conditions. Example 37.16. If we forego the boundary condition "u — g on dG", in (60); i.e., we consider (60) without any boundary condition, then, from Section 18.4, we obtain the equation (62) with the natural boundary condition dG: du/dn = 0 instead of dG: u = g. References to the Literature Introduction: Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I; Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M); Klotzler (1971, M). Hamilton-Jacobi theory and field theory: Rund (1966, M); Klotzler (1971, M). Standard works on existence and regularity theory: Ladyzenskaja and Uralceva (1964, M); Morrey (1966, M); Gilbarg and Trudinger (1977, M). Recent results on regularity: Giaquinta (1981, L); Frehse (1982, S); Necas (1983, L). Quadratic variational problems: Michlin (1962, M). Minimal surfaces: Nitsche (1975, M); Gilbarg, and Trudinger (1977, M). Historical survey: Ladyzenskaja and Uralceva (1964, M); Funk (1962, M); Goldstine (1980, M). Aleksandrov (1969, S); and Browder (1976, S). (Hilbert's 19th and 20th problems).
37.6. Eigenvalue Problems for Elliptic Differential Equations and Lagrange Multipliers 43 37.6. Eigenvalue Problems for Elliptic Differential Equations and Lagrange Multipliers Instead of (58) we now consider I L(x, y, u,ux,u ) dxdy = mini, « = g on dG (63a) JG with the integral side condition I M(x, y,u,ux,uy) dxdy = constant. (63b) JG The Lagrange multiplier rule asserts that the necessary condition for (63) is obtained by replacing the function L in (59) by X0L + AM, where A2, + A2 + 0, i.e., ^(a0L^+aMJ + ^(a0L%+aMJ-(a0L„ + aMJ = 0 (64) on G. The argument of L and M is (x, y, u(x, y), ux(x, y), uy(x, yj). The numbers A0 and A are real. The degenerate case occurs provided (64) holds on G, with A0 = 0 and A =1. In the nondegenerate case, one can choose A0 =1. We shall make this precise in Section 43.13. One obtains the generalized equation for (64) from (61a) by replacing L everywhere by A0L + AM, i.e., f [(a0L + \M)Uxvx +(a0L + \M)UyVy +(a0L + \M)uv] dxdy = 0 (65) for all ye C0°°(G). If one replaces "min!" by "stationary!" in (63a), then (65) is equivalent to (63) provided, roughly speaking, the just-mentioned nondegeneracy condition holds. If « eC2(G), then the Euler equation (64) follows from (65). Example 37.17. As in Section 18.5, we consider the problem I [«2 + «21 dxdy = min!, « = 0 ondG, (66) / u2dxdy=l. JG If u^C2(G) is a solution of (66), then G: -uxx-uyy -A« = 0; dG:u = 0 (67)
41 j/. uiu'oductoiy iepical EAtimpies with the corresponding generalized equation j [uxvx + uyvy - Xuv] dxdy = 0 for ally eC0°°(G). (68) The above-mentioned nondegeneracy condition is fulfilled because u + 0. By means of the minimum problem (66), one obtains only the smallest eigenvalue \ = \t. But it is known that to (67) there corresponds a sequence (\n) of eigenvalues such that 0 <\1<\2< ■ ■ ■ and \n ~* + oo as n -* oo. In order to obtain \n for n > 2, we replace "min!" by "stationary!" in (66). Then to the corresponding critical points u there correspond the solutions of (68) with \ = \„ and yield the classical eigensolutions of (67) for X„ for sufficiently smooth boundary dG. Therefore the critical points are of fundamental significance for discovering the eigensolutions for the higher eigenvalues. The Ljusternik- Schnirelman theory makes available topological tools for demonstrating the existence of critical points in connection with nonlinear eigenvalue problems (cf. Section 37.27). References to the Literature Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I; Klotzler (1971, M); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M) (functional analysis treatment of Lagrange multipliers). Eigenvalue problems in physics and engineering: Michlin (1962, M); Collate (1963, M). 37.7. Differential Inequalities and Variational Inequalities We consider the following boundary value problem: -A« + cm = / onG, u<=C2{G), (69) -^-g>0, «>0, (-^-g)" = 0 ondG. Here, f ^C(G), g^C(dG) and the constant c are given, d/dn denotes the exterior normal derivative. The boundary condition can also be written in the form %-geF{u), (69a) where ({0} for u > 0, F(u)=lu+ for« = 0, I 0 for«<0.
37.7. Differential Inequalities and Variational Inequalities 45 In contrast to the classical boundary value problem, here there appear inequalities (respectively, multivalued conditions). Such boundary conditions result from a number of physical problems with one-sided bounds. As examples we mention: (i) sliding boundaries in elastic media (the Signorini problem in elasticity theory); (ii) diffusion (respectively, heat transfer) in media with semipermeable (respectively, thermally insulated) walls. We shall consider (i) in Part IV. In order to physically motivate problem (69) in a simple way, we interpret u as the temperature of a medium in a region G, The differential equation in (69) describes a stationary temperature state with the heat source / — cu that depends on temperature. Here, f(x)— cu(x)>0 is the heat intake at the point x. The walls dG of the medium are to act in a thermally insulating way against the environment which has temperature u = 0. Let, say, g = 0. Then du/dn>.Q on dG means that there is no flow of heat to the outside (cf. Section 69.2 in Part IV). Besides, we require that for u(x) > 0 we always have du(x)/dn = 0 at a boundary point x, i.e., the heat at x can flow to the wall only tangentially. Normally, because the outside temperature is u = 0, heat would flow to the outside, but the insulated wall prevents this. If dfi is the set of all boundary points x at which u(x) = 0, then: dG-dfi: j^- g = 0; djG: « = 0. Thus, the first boundary value problem applies to dfi and the second boundary value problem applies to dG — d-fi. In fact, to begin with, dxG is unknown and cannot be easily prescribed. One therefore speaks of a free boundary value problem. It is characteristic of free boundary value problems that together with the solution one must further determine a set (the form of the boundary, part of the boundary, interior subset, etc.) which is of special physical interest. For example, in the melting of a block of ice or of metal, one is interested in the advance of the fusion zone (Stefan's problem). It is hard to investigate the problem in the form (69). It is much more convenient to consider, for «eM,an equivalent variational inequality a(u,v — u) > b(v — u) forallyeM (70) where M={«eC2(6):«>0 ondG), I N \ a(u, v) = / Yl DtuDtv + cuv dx, b{v)= ffvdx+ f gvdO JG JdG
46 37. Introductory Typical Examples and the corresponding variational problem 2~la{u,u) — b(u) = min'., «eM. (7l) Proposition 37.18. If G is a bounded region in UN, N>1, having a piecewise smooth boundary, i.e., dG eC0,1, then the following hold: (1) Equivalence. The problems (69), (70), and (71) are mutually equivalent. (2) Uniqueness. Each of these problems has at most one solution. In order to recognize the connection with variational problems, recall that, from Section 18.2, relation (70) with the equality sign and thus the second boundary value problem G:-Au + cu=f, dG:^r- = g dn follows from (71) in case M = C2(G). PROOF. (1) (70) «* (71). If F denotes the left-hand side in (71), then we set <p(t) = F(u + t(v — «)) for t > 0 and fixed u, v e M. Then u is a solution of (71) if and only if the convex function <p: [0, oo [ ■—* IR has a minimum at t = 0, i.e., <p'(0) > 0. This is (70). (70) <=> (72). If we set v = 2«, v = u + w for w e M in (70), then we obtain that (70) is equivalent to a(u, u) = b(u), a(u,w) >b(w) forallweM, (72) where weMis sought. (69) => (72). Multiplication of the differential equation in (69) by w e M and subsequent integration by parts yield / (2,Z),«Z),w + cuw) dx— I -^-wdO = I fwdx. JG J3C dn Jc The boundary conditions in (69) then yield (72). (72) => (69). By integration by parts, it follows from (72) that for all w e M we have: /c(-A« + c«-/Wx + /J^-g)v^0:>0, ((- Au + cu-f)udx+ f {-^-- g\ud0 = 0. Then, for w e Co°(G), we first obtain — A« + cu = / on G. The choice of an arbitrary w e M then yields the boundary conditions in (69). (2) If «1; «2 are solutions of (70), then we have a(«,-, v — «,) > b(v — «,) for all v e M. For u = «1; «2, we obtain a{ux,u2 - Uj) >b(u2 - uj, a(«2, «j — «2) > b(ut — u2). Addition yields a(ut — u2, ut — u2) < 0; thus, ut = u2. D
37.8. Game Theory and Saddle Points 47 Example 37.19. Let N = l and G = ]-l,l[,/=i, g = 0. ForoO, u=l/c is the unique solution of (69). For c = 0, u = — 2~1x2 + Cxx + C2 is the general solution of the differential equation in (69) and it can easily be verified that (69) possesses no other solution. Observe that du/dn passes into ± «'(±1). In Section 46.3 for c> 0 we shall construct a generalized solution of (70) and hence of (69) while replacing C2(G) by the Sobolev space W2{G). There, c>0 yields the coerciveness of a(-,-). In Chapter 54 we shall consider semicoercive problems, to which, e.g., the Signorini problem leads. Variational inequalities are the appropriate tool iqv handling a number of free boundary value problems (Signorini problem, flows of ground water, and the Stefan problem). We discuss this in Part IV. Many applications of variational inequalities to mathematical physics can be found in Duvaut and Lions (1972, M), and Friedman (1982, M). References to the Literature Classical works on variational inequalities: Fichera (1964) (solution of the Signorini problem); Stampacchia (1965) (elliptic differential equations with discontinuous coefficients); Hartman and Stampacchia (1966) and Browder (1966) (variational inequalities with nonlinear monotone operators). Introduction: Lions (1969, M), (1971, M); Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M) Applications of variational inequalities: Lions (1971, M) (control problems); Duvaut and Lions (1972, M) (mechanics); Baiocchi and Capelo (1978, M) (free boundary value problems); Bensoussan and Lions (1978, M) (stochastic optimization); Aubin (1979, M) (mathematical economics); Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M); Friedman (1982, M, B) (free boundary value problems). Numerical methods: Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M). 37.8. Game Theory and Saddle Points, Nash Equilibrium Points and Pareto Optimization We have already taken up saddle points and their game-theoretical applications in Chapter 9. In this section we consider these considerations in a more general context. We consider two players, Pl and P2, having the strategy sets P and Q, respectively, i.e., each element p in P (respectively, q in Q) symbolizes a decision of Pl (respectively, P2). Let f(p,q) [respectively, g(p,q)] denote the winnings of Pv P2, respectively. If f(p, q)<0, then the negative win-
48 37. Introductory Typical Examples ning of Pl means a loss for Pv At the beginning, each player Pt will first determine his individual game value vt. By definition, this is: v1= sup inf f(p,q), (73a) y2= sup inf g(p,q). (73b) For the player Pt, vt is an optimal lower bound on winnings. To see this, let us consider, say, vt: The infimum in (73a) corresponds to the minimal gain of Pl in case he plays p. Now he tries to make this minimal gain as large as possible by a suitable choice of p. The next thing that each player should ask himself is whether he can realize the winning vt, i.e., Pl (respectively, P2) seeks a solution p (respectively, q) of (73a) [respectively, (73b)]. These solutions are called conservative strategies. Thus, in game theory one is led in a natural way to the solution of max-inf problems, e.g., p is a solution of y, = max( inf f(p,q)\, p(EP\q(EQ I i.e., i>!= inf f{p,q). q*Q Now we consider strategy pairs (p,q) which are propitious for both players, (p, q) is called a Nash equilibrium point if and only if f(p,q) = maxf(p,q), (74) p e p g{p,q) = maxg(p,q). In this case, none of the players obviously has occasion to change his strategy, provided his opponent does not vary his strategy, for each player realizes his maximal possible payoff with the strategy chosen by his opponent. It is, however, quite possible that there is a strategy pair (p, q) for the players that is more advantageous than (p, q), i.e., f(p,q)>f(P,q), g(p,q)>g(P,q)- (75) We call an arbitrary strategy pair (p, q) a Pareto maximum if and only if (75) does not hold. Naturally, both players will seek strategy pairs (p, q) which are simultaneously equilibrium points and Pareto maxima. If this is not possible, then one restricts oneself to strategy pairs (p,q) which have the following properties: (i) (p, q) is a Pareto maximum; (ii) f(p,q)>v1,g(p,q)>v2. By definition, all these (p, q) form the core of the game.
37.8. Game Theory and Saddle Points 49 Example 37.19. We consider the game situation presented in Table 37.1. In the cell (pn dft) there appears (/(/>„ #/), g(fi, #,))• We can assume that this game models economic decisions of Pl and P2 (production, sales, purchasing, warehousing, etc.), which are related, e.g., in terms of dollars with profit or loss. One now easily verifies the following: We have vl = — 3, v2 = — 2, The numbers pv q2 represent conservative strategies. There exists no equilibrium point, and the core of the game is given by (p2,1i), (Pnli)- Thus, this strategy pair is appropriate for both players. We will now discuss the connection with the zero-sum games discussed in Chapter 9. In this case, / = — g. From (74) it follows immediately that (p, q) is a Nash equilibrium point if and only if (f, q) is a saddle point of g with respect to P X Q, i.e., g(?.q)£g(P>q)*g(P>q) fora\\{p,q)^PXQ. (76) In Corollary 9.16 we showed that (p,q) satisfies (76) if and only if p, q are conservative strategies and vl = v2. Then, in addition, vl = v2 = g(p, q). We can express this briefly by asserting that max inf g(p,q)= min sup g(p,q) = g{p,q). (77) q<=Qp<=P p<=P ?<Eg In a two-person zero-sum game, the individual game values are thus equal to the winning of P2. Since/= — g, each strategy pair (p,q) is trivially a Pareto maximum as well. Therefore, an important mathematical problem consists in verifying the existence of saddle points. In Section 9.6 we proved the fundamental existence theorem of J. von Neumann and several of its generalizations. In this connection, P and Q must be convex sets. This condition is not fulfilled, e.g., for finite sets. However, in Section 9.7 we have shown that the convexity of P and Q can be affected by having each of the players guess their decisions only with certain probabilities. We delve into the solution of max—inf and min—sup problems in the construction of conservative strategies in Problem 49.14. The concept of a Nash equilibrium point can easily be extended to n players, parallel to (74). We shall consider this definition in Chapter 77 in Part IV in connection with the important Nash existence theorem. In mathematical economics there are a number of other definitions of "equilibrium" which suit the various models, for instance, the Walras equilibrium. In Chapter 77, we shall prove the main theorem on the existence of Table 37.1 (/, g) Pl Pl 9l «2 It, (6,-3) (-3,0) (3,-3) (-3,2) (5,-2) (-4,-7)
50 37. Introductory Typical Examples Walras equilibria in connection with the fundamental Ky Fan inequality. A detailed investigation of these questions can be found in Aubin (1979, M). In Chapter 49 we shall show that saddle points are of central importance not only in game theory but also in duality theory. References to the Literature Classical works: von Neumann (1928); von Neumann and Morgenstem (1944, M). Introduction: Collate and Wetterling (1966, M) (connection with the theory of linear optimization). Burger (1959, M); Owen (1968, M); Vorobjov (1970, S); Friedman (1971, M), (1974, M) (differential games); Friedman (1975, M) (stochastic games); Aubin (1979, M). Applications to mathematical economics: von Neumann and Morgenstem (1944, M); Karlin (1959, M); Aubin (1979, M). History of game theory: Vorobjov (1975, M). 37.9. Duality between the Methods of Ritz and Trefftz, Two-Sided Error Estimates As in Section 37.5, we proceed from the minimum problem minj(u)-b(u)=*a, u = 0ondG, (78) u where N J{u)= (l-lY, (D/ufdx, JG ,-1 b(u) = I fudx. For a solution u e C2(G), the following holds: G: -A«=/; dG: « = 0. (79) According to Trefftz, we consider, parallel to (78), the maximum problem max(- J(v))=P, -Au=/onG. (78*) V To begin with, there exists a formal duality between these two problems: (i) (78) contains the boundary condition in (79) as a side condition, (ii) (78*) contains the differential equation in (79) as a side condition.
37.10. Linear Optimization in US ", Lagrange Multipliers, and Duality 51 In Section 51.6 we shall prove the following within the context of a general duality theory: -J(v)<a = p<J(u)-b(u), (80) Cf (u-u)2dx<J(u)-b(u)+J{v). JG This holds for all u, v with «,yeC2(G), u = 0ondG, -Av = fonG. (80a) u denotes the solution of (78) and (79), and it turns out that u also solves (78*). In (80), C > 0 is a constant From (80) we obtain practical error estimates for u and the minimal value a by making use of test functions u and v for which (80a) holds. These error estimates can be improved by calculating u (respectively, v) with the aid of the Ritz method for (78) [respectively, (78*)] (cf. Chapter 18). The Ritz method for (78*) is called the Trefftz method. The particularity of (80) and (80a) is that one obtains lower bounds for a with the aid of (78*). In Section 51.7 we discuss similar results for quasilinear elliptic differential equations, which result from general duality theory. References to the Literature Classical works: Trefftz (1927); Friedrichs (1929). Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I; Michlin (1962, M), (1969, M); Michlin and Smolizki (1969, M) (numerical methods); Velte (1976, M). 37.10. Linear Optimization in UN, Lagrange Multipliers, and Duality We consider the linear optimization problem N inf £ c,«,- = a, u<=Ul, (81) N bj-lLdjMKO, j = 1,..., M. (=i Parallel to this, for existence theory, it turns out to be basic to study the
52 37. Introductory Typical Examples following dual problem: M sup E bj\j = P, XeU™, (81*) X j-l M EVjr'^O. / = 1,...,2V. >-i Here, u = (uv...,uN), X = (X1,...,XM), and iieRj means that «,■> 0 for all i. All c,, ft-, and djt are given real numbers, u and \ are to be found. The manner of writing (81), (81*) is so chosen that in the next section the connection with convex optimization becomes clear. If we use u >: 0 for u e U+, then in matrix notation (81), (81*) read briefly as follows: inf(c|«) = a, «>0, b-Du<0, (81) U sup(b\\)=P, X^O, D*X~c<0. (81*) \ If, after multiplying by —1, we formulate (81*) [respectively, (81)] as a minimum problem (respectively, as a maximum problem), then, because D** = D, one immediately recognizes that (81) is the problem dual to (81*). As the admissible region U (respectively, A) of (81) [respectively, (81*)], we denote all u (respectively, X) that satisfy the side conditions in (81) [respectively, (81*)]. We will now call the reader's attention to several phenomena that will later lead to important generalizations. Meaning of the Vertices of U, The geometric meaning of the problem minuj— 2«2 +4 = a(e) (81a) u Ui+ u2<>\ — E, IIER2+ is as follows: One determines the shortest distance of the plane E; z = «x — 2«2 +4 from the (uv «2)-plane over the admissible region U, which is a triangle here (see Fig. 37.15). Figure 37.15
Line, , mizat J", Li„ „;Mult, .and I „ It is intuitively clear that this minimal value is taken on at a vertex of U. If we check all three vertices of U, then we obtain the solution M(e) = (0,l-e), a(e) = 2 + 2e for all ee [-2^,2-1]. That the minimal value is attained at vertices of the feasible region is typical of linear optimization problems and forms the point of departure for the Dantzig fundamental simplicial algorithm. Here, the idea is that one proceeds from one vertex to another so that the value of the objective functional is always decreased. In this connection, compare the standard work of Dantzig (1963, M). In Section 38.7 we generalize to linear optimization problems in locally convex spaces the observation that the minimal value is attained at vertices. To this end we shall use extreme points of convex compact sets U. Stability of Perturbed Problems^ Example (81a) is also remarkable in that the minimal value a(e) depends continuously differentiably on e in a neighborhood of e = 0. In Section 52.1 this phenomenon is the starting point for the Rockafellar theory of stable optimization problems. Here, the role of the S-function of the classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory in Section 37.4 is taken over by a( •). In order to see the connection with the general formulation in Sections 52.1 and 52.2, we set F(u) = clef With S(e) = a(e), (81a) is equivalent to min F{u) + H{\-e~u1-u2) = S{e). u eR2 Thus, upon introducing F and H, there arises a problem over the entire space. Later we shall use this device systematically. Consistency, Existence, and Duality. An optimization problem is said to be consistent if and only if the feasible region is not empty. This is a trivial requirement for the existence of a solution. The question arises whether the following is valid: Consistency => Existence. The simple example in R1, — « = min!, «>0 shows that a consistent problem need not have a solution. However, the «! — 2«2 +4 + oo forueR* iovu<£U\ 0 forueR^, + oo for v *R\.
54 37. Introductory Typical Examples following main theorem of linear optimization shows that the existence of solutions for both problems follows from the consistency of the original problem and of the dual problem. Theorem 37.A. The following three assertions are equivalent: (i) The original problem (81) has a solution. (ii) The dual problem (81*) has a solution, (iii) Both problems are consistent. If any one of these conditions holds, then, moreover, a= B. We go into a short proof that follows from a separation theorem via Farkas' lemma in Problem 50.4. The duality assertion in Theorem 37.A is the model for a general duality theory that we develop in Chapters 49-52, together with numerous applications. The assertion is not preserved in the strong form given above in infinite-dimensional spaces and in singular finite-dimensional situations. For example, duality gaps may occur, i.e. it may happen that a > fi or one of the mutually dual problems has no solution. We give examples of this in Problem 52.2. In Section 52.1 we establish the following general stability principle: Consistency of ( P ), ( P * ), Stability of ( P * ) => Existence of (P) and equality of the extreme values of (P) and (P*). Here, (P) [respectively, (P*)] denotes the original (respectively, dual) problem. Lagrange Multiplier Method. We construct the Lagrange function L(u,\) = (c\u) + (\\b-Du), i.e., we add a term to the objective functional (c\u), which takes the side condition b — Du <, 0 into account, and instead of (81) we consider the new minimum problem infL(«,\) = a, «eRj!, (82) u in which the side condition b— Du<0 no longer appears. The components \t of \ are called the Lagrange multipliers. Saddle Point Theorem. The following two assertions are equivalent: (i) u is a solution of the original problem (81), \ is a solution of the dual problem (81*), and for the extreme values we have a — fi.
37.11. Convex Optimization and Kuhn-Tucker Theory 55 (ii) L has a saddle point («, \) with respect to R% X R +, i.e., (u, X) e R* X Rf and L(«,]u)<L(«,\)<L(i;,\) forall(u,fi)eR~xRf. If either one of these conditions is fulfilled, then u is a solution of (82). We give the proof in Section 49.3 in a more general setting. This theorem shows that one can also apply the Lagrange multiplier method to minimum problems with inequalities as side conditions. Furthermore, an interesting interpretation of the dual problem results: Its solutions are precisely the Lagrange multipliers of the original problem. We shall place a saddle point theorem of the above form at the pinnacle of duality theory in Chapter 49. Linear optimization has numerous interesting applications to economics and the natural sciences. In this connection, we recommend Dantzig (1963, M), Collatz and Wetterling (1966, M), and Bronstein and Semendjaev (1979, S). References to the Literature Classical work: Dantzig (1949) (simplex algorithm). The elements of linear optimization theory are already contained in the book by Kantorovic (1939, M), which has remained unnoticed for a long time. Introduction: Collatz and Wetterling (1966, M) (emphasis on applications); Bronstein and Semendjaev (1979, S) (handbook article). Linear optimization and its applications: Dantzig (1963, M, B, H) (standard work); Vogel (1967, M), Suhovickii and Avdejeva (1969, M); Glashoff and Gustafson (1978, M); Foulds (1981, M). 37.11. Convex Optimization and Kuhn-Tucker Theory Parallel to the linear optimization problem (81), we consider the convex optimization problem infF(«) = a, «eR~, (83) U Fj{u)<lO, 7 = 1,....M. We assume that all F, F^,.,.,FM~. RN —*R are convex. Motivated by Section 37.10, we construct the Lagrange function M L(u,\) = \0F{u)+Z\jFj{u), 7-1
oducl , _ pical I. A ,es where \ = (\l,...,\M). All \t are real numbers; they are called Lagrange multipliers. In the nondegenerate case, ^o = l- Therefore, we do not write out the dependence of the function L on \Q explicitly. The point of departure for the theory is the saddle point formula L(u,n)<L(u,\)<L(v,\) forall(y,]u)e[R~x[|«f. (84) Furthermore, the so-called Slater condition is of central significance: There exists a u0 in U1 such that Fj(u0) < 0 for ally. (SC) This condition assures the nondegenerate case \0 = 1. Theorem 37.B (The Kuhn-Tucker Saddle Point Theorem (1951)). If (SC) holds, then the following two assertions are equivalent: (i) u is a solution of the original problem (83). (ii) L, with X0 = l, has a saddle point (u,X) with respect to U^XUf, i.e., (84) holds and (u, X) e R~ x Rf. Corollary 37.21. If (SC) does not hold, then, furthermore, (i) follows from (ii). But (ii) follows from (i) only in a modified form, in that we replace X0 = 1 by X0 > 0, X20 + X\ + ■■■ + \2„ + 0. This means that \0 = 0 is possible, but not all the multipliers Xt are simultaneously equal to zero. We give the proof of this which is based on a separation theorem in Section 47.10 in a more general context. With a view to later generalizations, we will now give various equivalent formulations of (84). In this connection, \0 can be chosen arbitrarily. (SC) is not assumed. Let (u, \)eUlxU+. Then (u, X) is a saddle point of L with respect to U+XU+if and only if any one of the following three conditions is fulfilled: (1) Minimum problem without inequalities as side conditions: u is a solution of inf L(y,\) = a1; (85a) where, in addition, the following holds: XjFji^^O, Fj(u)<0, y' = l,...,M. (85b) (2) Local Kuhn-Tucker condition (variational inequalities): (Lu(u,\)\v-u)>0 forallyeR?, (Lx(u,\)\p-\)<0 forallfteRf.
37.11. Convex Optimization ana' Kuhri-1 ucicer Theory j, (3) Local Kuhn-Tucker condition (inequalities): Lu(u,\)>0, Lx(u,X)<0, <Lu(«,X)|«> = <Lx(«,X)|X> = 0. In addition in (2) and (3) it is assumed that F, FV...,FM have continuous first partial derivatives; therefore, the F-derivatives F', FJ exist. Then we have: M Lu{u,\) = \0F'{u)+Z\jF/{u), y'-i Lx(u,\)=(Fl(u),...,FM(u)) and F'{u) = {D.Fiu),...^^^)), Dt = ~. The proof of (1) is completely elementary. (85a) [respectively, (85b)] follows from L(u,\)< L(v,\) [respectively, L(u, fi)< L(u, X)] in (84). The condition \jFj(u)=> 0 in (85b) means that \ = 0 when Fj(u) < 0. Then one says that \j is inactive. (2) is a special case of Theorem 46.A, (2) in Section 46.1. Here, (2) is obtained immediately and directly if one sets <p(t) = L(u + t(v-u),\), ip(t) = L(u,\ + t{ii.-\)), and takes into account the relations <p'(0) < 0, ^'(0) !> 0 due to (84). The equivalence of (2) and (3) again follows in a completely elementary way. To this end, we choose v = w + u, weK", v = 2u, v = 0, and analogously for ft. The conditions for Lx in (3) are equivalent to (85b). We recommend that the reader carry out all these proofs as an exercise. We shall give these proofs later in a more general setting. The role of \,- as a Lagrange multiplier is clear in (85a). In contrast to the original problem (83), the inequalities -fj(y)^0 do not appear as side conditions, but instead F is replaced by L. The local Kuhn-Tucker condition in the form of the variational inequality (2) has the advantage that it can also be applied to nonconvex problems. We shall prove a general proposition in this direction in Section 48.4. Roughly speaking, we get the following result: (a) The local Kuhn-Tucker condition (in the form of variational inequalities) is necessary for a solution of the original problem (83). (b) This condition, with \0 = l, is sufficient provided all functions are convex. (c) The Slater condition is needed in (a) to guarantee the nondegeneracy \0 = 1. We shall take up generalizations of the Kuhn-Tucker theory in Section 47.10 (connection with convex analysis), in Section 48.4 (general Lagrange multiplier rule), and in Chapter 50 (general duality theory).
58 37. Introductory Typical Examples References to the Literature Classical works: John (1948); Kuhn and Tucker (1951). Introduction: Collate and Wetterling (1966, M); Dixon (1980, M) (state of the art). Arrow, Hurwicz, and Uzawa (1958, M); Hadley (1963, M); Stoer and Witzgall (1970, M); Kreko (1974, M); Martos (1975, M); Blum and Oettli (1975, M,B); Elster (1977, M,B). Numerical methods: Polak (1971, M); Grossmann and Kleinmichel (1976, L); Psenicnyi and Danilin (1979, M); Fletcher (1980, M), Vols. I, II (standard work) (also, cf. the references to the literature in Section 37.29). Applications to mathematical economics: Karlin (1959, M); Aubin (1979, M). Nonlinear optimization and nonlinear approximation theory: Collate and Krabs (1973, M); Krabs (1975, M). 37.12. Approximation Theory, the Least-Squares Method, Deterministic and Stochastic Compensation Analysis A fundamental problem of approximation theory reads as follows: min\\b-u\\ = a, (86) i.e., we seek an element u in the subset M of the B-space X that has minimal distance from a given fixed element b in X (see Fig. 37.16). The following are important problems in approximation theory: (a) Characterization of the solution u. (P) Determination of a. (y) Construction of approximation methods and obtaining error estimates for a and u. In this connection, duality theory plays a special role (cf. Chapter 39). We give numerous important examples of (86) in this section and in Sections 37.13-37.19. Figure 37.16
37.12. Approximation Theory, Least-Squares Method, Compensation Analysis 59 The general significance of approximation theory in practice is that it allows the optimal modelling of approximation processes which present the foundation of all numerical methods. A central problem in applied mathematics is, say, the approximation of functions by simpler expressions, e.g., by polynomials or rational functions in order to be able to calculate them on computers. As we shall see, here it is a matter of a special case of (86). As a further example, we mention the construction of optimal quadrature formulas for the approximate calculation of integrals (cf. Section 37.19). If in (86) M is the solution set of a differential or integral equation, then we are dealing with a class of control problems, e.g., the control of a regulation system with minimal expenditure of energy (cf. Section 37.13). For a general control problem, the expression ||fc-~«|| in (86) is replaced by a general functional F(u) (cf. Chapters 48.and 54). Also, many problems of parameter identification that are of importance in engineering can be reduced to (86) (cf. Section 37.15). In this Section we consider as a special case of (86), the important least-squares method. Let ul,...,un be fixed linearly independent elements in a real H-space X with the inner product (-|-). Furthermore, let M = span{ «!,...,«„}. Then (86) is equivalent to min||fr-tt||2 = a2, (87a) u e M where n "=EC,";> clt...,c„eU. (87b) i-l This is the abstract formulation of the least-squares method. It follows from Theorem 22.A in Section 22.1 or from the results in Section 39.2 and 39.3 that (87a) has exactly one solution u. If we set \ /-i i=i I then (87a) is equivalent to F(c) = min!, ceR". If c is a solution, then all first partial derivatives of F vanish at this point, i.e., lb-ZciUi\u\=0, / = 1,...,«. (88) This is a system of linear equations for determining cv...,cn. The coefficient determinant G = det{(«,|«y)} is called the Gram determinant. Because of the linear independence of the u,, Gt'O, i.e., (88) has a unique solution c. If («,) forms an orthonormal system, i.e., (u,\uj) = 5;y, i, j = 1,...,n, then from
60 37. Introductory Typical Examples Tb i i i -i— -»~M Figure 37.17 (88) we obtain c- = (b\iij). Thus, for the solution of (87) we have n «= E (%,>,■ y-i (89) Equation (88) means that b — u is perpendicular to all «, and therefore is perpendicular to M, i.e., the solution u is the orthogonal projection of b on M (see Fig. 37.17). We now consider four typical applications of the function analytical results to (87). Example 37.22 (Deterministic Compensation Analysis). The problem is £ (b,-u{x,)) =min!, r-l (90) where u(x)= E Ci«i(x), i = i and has the following interpretation: Suppose k measurement data (xr, br) are given. We seek a function y = u(x) as a Unear combination of the functions y — ut(x), which optimally fit the measurement data in the sense of (90) (see Fig. 37.18). Here we are dealing with a special case of (87) with X-Uk, b={b1,...,bk), 1/, = (1/,(^),...,1/,(¾)). y Figure 37.18
...»_. Appi ionTL . Jy ^east-l , ; Met! . jmpen <\naly; k E r-l b,- n - E C,",(xr) i = l Equation (88) for determining cl,...,cn reads as follows: «y(xr) = 0,y=l,...,n. This method is very frequently applied in all areas of the natural sciences, engineering, medicine, economics, social sciences, etc. The abundance of empirical laws which have been discovered by the adjustment of measurement data in astronomy is fascinating. For example, one can infer from the period-brightness relation of periodically luminous 5-Cepheus stars the distance of galaxies up to 106 light years away. With the aid of the cosmological red shift that follows from general* relativity theory and the empirically determined Hubble constant, even distances of up to 1010 light years have been measured (recession of the galaxies). Furthermore, the calculation of double star trajectories is based on compensation analysis. Example 37.23 (Fourier Series). The continuous analogue of (90) reads as follows: f\b(x)-u{x))2dx = mini, (91a) ■'a where n u{x)-Zc,u,{x), (91b) i-i i.e., the function b is to be optimally approximated by a linear combination of the functions «, in the sense of (91a). This problem corresponds to (87) for X=L2{a,fi), («|u)=/ uvdx. In the classical special case a = 0, /3 = 2ir, with (uv... ,u2k+l) = ^-1/2 (2-1/2,sinx,...,sinfc>c,cosx,...,cosfc>c), we have («,|«y) = dtJ, and the solution (91b) with c, = (b\ut) corresponds to the nth partial sum of the Fourier series for b. Example 37.24 (Compensation Analysis for Random Variables). We now consider (87) with thus X=L2(2,n), (u\v)=fuvdix; f(b(u)-u{u))2dix = xmn\, (92) n «(<0)= E C,";(«). 1 = 1
62 37. Introductory Typical Examples In order to explain the probability theoretic meaning, we remind the reader of several fundamental concepts from probability. A probability space (2, 3t, ft) consists of the set 2, a a-algebra 3t of subsets of 2, and a measure ft on the sets of 3t such that 0 < n(A) < 1 for all A e 3t and ju(S2) = 1. Elements w of £2 are called elementary events and are interpreted as possible results of a random experiment. li(A) is the probabiUty that in the random experiment one of the outcomes w in A occurs. The sets A in 3t are called events. For example, if a homogeneous (fair) die is tossed, 2 = (wx,...,w6), /*(«,-) = |. Here, w„ means that the number n appears (n = 1,..., 6). The set A = { »„ w2 } with 1>,{A) = § corresponds to the event that 1 or 2 appears. Here 3t is equal to the set of all subsets of £2. If a needle is tossed onto a square Q, £2 = Q, the points of Q are the elementary events (targets of the point of the needle), ft equals the Lebesgue measure, and 3t consists of all Lebesgue-measurable subsets of Q. The measurability of functions /: 2 -> U and the integral jafdfs, are explained analogously to A2(4) and ^42(13), respectively. Parallel to L2(G), L2(2, ft) consists of exactly all measurable functions /: 2 -> U such that f f2dfx <oo. L2(2, ft) is an H-space with the inner product {f\g)-ffgdii, where functions that differ on a set of fi-measure zero on 2 are identified. The measurable functions/: 2 -* U are called probabilistic (or stochastic) random variables./(w) is interpreted as the observed measurement value of / when the elementary event w occurs. For instance, in the die experiment, the number of eyes n is a random variable, i.e., /(«n) = n. Let A= {«eS2:a</(«)<fc}. Then ft(^4) is the probabiUty that the measurement outcome/(w) lies in [a, b\ We define the expected value E[f] and the dispersion D2[f] of a random variable / to be E[f]=ffdn, D2[f] = f(f-E[f]fdv. The basic significance of these two information quantities of / results from the Chebyshev inequaUty: n(A)<l-a-2D2[f], def A = {o>^2:\f(o>)-E[f]\<a} for aU a > 0. This means: The probabiUty that the measurement value/(w) differs at most by a from the expected value E[f] is less than or equal to
37.12. Approximation Theory, Least-Squares Method, Compensation Analysis 63 1 — a~2D2[f]. The dispersion D2[f] is also designated as the variance, Var[/]. If /, g: ti-*U are two random variables, then their covariance, Cov(/, g), is defined to be the number Cov{f,g)={f-E[f]\g-E[g]). Note that Cov(/, /) s Var[/]. Problem (92) thus means that one must approximate a random variable b by a linear combination u of random variables «, so that Var[« - b] is minimal. In the special case n = 2, «x =1, «2 arbitrary, the solution of (92) leads to u = a + /•aa2~1(«2 — a2). * Here, a (respectively, a2) [as well as a2 (respectively, a22)] is the expected value (as well as the dispersion) of b (respectively, u2), and the number def r=a a2 E[(b — a)(«2—a2)] is called the correlation coefficient. This number, r, with — l<r<l, is a basic measure for applications, to the extent that b depends linearly on u2- Example 37.25 (Compensation Analysis for Stochastic Processes). We consider the basic model (87) with X= L2(ot, /?), i.e., P(b(t;u)-u(t;u)fdt = min! (93) /. u(t; «) = 22 ci(w)"/(0 forallwefi. /-1 Here, b is a given stochastic process which is to be approximated by the stochastic process u, and ui does not depend on randomness. We recall that a stochastic process b: [a, /?]X 2 -> U is understood to be a mapping which is a random variable for each fixed t. If w is kept fixed, then t >-> &(?; w) can be interpreted as the measurement curve of a random process that depends on time (e.g., daily temperature change). For that reason, one also designates stochastic processes as random functions. Dependence on chance is emphasized by the dependence on w. In conjunction with (87), the solution of (93) reads as follows: P cj(a)= t,o,j[ ui(t)b(t;a)dt. Here, all atJ- are independent of w by (88), i.e., independent of chance. Consequently, under appropriate regularity assumptions on b, the following holds for the expected values: ^]-Evf«,(<W(0]*-
3'/. „.,..oductc., ljricalEjk^.„.r..j Therefore, as an approximation to b, one chooses the average measurement curve: «(0-E£[cik(0- i-i In Section 37.25 we treat additional methods for the approximation of stochastic processes that are basic in practice. References to the Literature Approximation theory: Cheney (1966, M); Holmes (1972, M); Laurent (1972, M); Collatz and Krabs (1973, M); Dreszer (1975, M) (handbook article). Least-squares method: Linnik (1961, M); Schmetterer (1966, M) (statistics); Luenberger (1969, M); Rozanov (1975, M). Compensation analysis and applications: Grossmann (1969, M); Ludwig (1969, M). Factor analysis and its applications in statistics: Uberla (1968, M); Focke (1984, S). Applications in meteorology: Bengtsson (1981, P). (Compare, also, the references to the literature in Section 37.25.) 37.13. Approximation Theory and Control Problems In order to explain the basic idea, we consider the problem: (Tw2{t)dt = rmn\, (94a) Jo mx"(t) + ax'(t) = w(t), (94b) x(0) = x'(0) = 0, x{T)=x0, x'{T) = 0 with the following interpretation: The function t >-* x(t) describes the motion of a mass point (e.g., a car) of mass m under the influence of a control force w. Here, a denotes friction. In the sense of (94a), with minimal expenditure of force, the situation is to be achieved that a point which is at rest at time t = 0 is to arrive at a given fixed time T at x0 with the velocity zero. We seek a control force w with this property. For the sake of simplification, we set a = m = T = x0 = 1. Example 37.26. The optimal force function is , v l + e-2e'
37.14. Pseudoinverses, Ill-Posed Problems and Tihonov Regularization 65 PROOF. Let X= L2(0,1). The solution of (94b) yields x(\)=>( ywdt, y(t) = l-e'~l, Jo x'{l)~ (\wdt, z(t) = e'-1. Jo Thus, (94) reads as follows: |M|2 = min!, (y\w)=l, (z|w) = 0. In order to obtain homogeneous side conditions, we chose fcel such that (y\b) = l, (z\b) = 0. Let N = span{ y, z } and let Nx denote the orthogonal complement to N in X; then, with w = b — v, the problem that arises is ||fc-u||2 = min!, v^N1. According to Section 37.12, this problem has exactly one solution v, where w = b — v is perpendicular to N ±; therefore, it belongs to N, i.e., w = ^y + c2z. We thus obtain a problem of the type F(cv c2) = min! Setting the first partial derivatives equal to zero yields the assertion. □ It is left to the reader to carry out the calculations as an exercise. In Section 37.21 we consider a more complicated control problem, where a completely different optimal control (the bang-bang principle) arises. References to the Literature Luenberger (1969, M) (cf. also, Sections 37.21 and 37.24). 37.14. Pseudoinverses, Ill-Posed Problems and Tihonov Regularization 37.14a. Pseudoinverses We proceed from the operator equation Au=°b. (95) In this connection, let A'. D(A) C X-* Y be a closed linear operator. Let X and Y be real H-spaces. We recall that every continuous linear operator A: X-*Y is closed (cf. Ax (39)). In order to make the following general considerations concrete, we formulate two important special cases of (95). Example 37.27. A is a real m X n matrix and X=W, Y=Um.
66 37. Introductory Typical Examples Example 37.28. A: X-> Xis an integral operator of the first kind, rk{t,s)u(s)ds = b{t) for all fe [0,1], (96) with continuous kernel k: [0,1]X[0,1]~*U. Here, let X=L2(0,l). If the upper limit of integration is replaced by t, then the result is a Voterra integral equation of the first kind. Our goal is to construct solutions and generalized solutions of (95) with the aid of the least-squares method and to present the basic idea of a numerically stable method for the solution of unstable problems by means of the Tihonov regularization method. Such unstable or ill-posed problems occur frequently when one possesses too much or too little information about the object being investigated. For this purpose, instead of (95), we consider min \\Au-b\\2^a. (97) ueD(A) Furthermore, we designate by P: Y-*R(A) the orthogonal projection operator of Y on W{A), and formulate the new problem Au = Pb, u<=X. (98) Finally, we set 0(/4+) = {b<=Y:Pb<= R(A)}. Proposition 37.29. With the assumptions made above for A, X, and Y, (97) and (98) are mutually equivalent for all b e /)(/4+) and possess a nonempty convex closed solution set L. Therefore, L contains exactly one element uR with minimal norm. Definition 37.30. We set/1¾ = uR and call the operator A*: D(Af)cY~> X the pseudoinverse of A. Furthermore, uR is called the normal solution of (95). For b e R(A), uR is obviously a solution of (95). Proof. Instead of (97), we study min \\v-b\\2 = a. According to Proposition 21.28, there exists exactly one solution v and v = Pb. Furthermore, L = { u e D(A): Au = v } and L is convex and closed. By virtue of Proposition 38.15 and Theorem 39.B in Section 39.2, the problem min ||u|| = /? u e L has exactly one solution uR. □
37.14. Pseudoinverses, Ill-Posed Problems and Tihonov Regularization 67 The concept of a pseudoinverse plays a central role in modern numerical mathematics. The designation is justified by the fact that, on R(A), A* is equal to the inverse operator when the latter exists. However, A* is also defined in more general cases, e.g., for rectangular matrices or for systems of equations that do not have a solution at all. In this case the normal solution uR = A'b is a generalized solution of (95). Example 37.31. Let X = 7= U2 and -(J ;)• ■-(;)• »-(:)•_ »-(:)• where a # 0. Then the equation Au = b has no solution u. All solutions of Au = Pb are obtained by u — (a — y, y) for arbitrary y. The normal solution uR = (a/2, a/2) follows from ||«||2 = (a - y)2 + y2. Numerous applications of pseudoinverses to integral equations of the first kind, control problems, parameter identification, linear optimization, game theory, networks, statistics, and compensation analysis can be found in Nashed (1976, M, B). In Section 37.15 we will explain the connection with parameter identification. 37.14b. Well-Posed and Ill-Posed Problems We begin with a basic definition. Definition 37.32. The problem Au = b, « e D(A) is well posed if and only if the linear or nonlinear operator A: D(A)Q X-> Y is stable, i.e., there is a number c> 0 such that ||/4h-/4i>||;>c||h-i>|| for all u, v ^D(A). (99) In this connection, let X and Y be B-spaces. Otherwise we say that the problem is ill posed. Here this is a question of a central concept of numerical mathematics. From (99) it follows directly that the equation Au = b has, for each b e R(A), exactly one solution and the solution is stable, i.e., for each e > 0 there exists a 5(e) >0 such that 11^-^11 < *(e)> where bv b2 e R(A), always implies that H^ — u2\\ < e for the corresponding solutions uv u2. Furthermore, (99) shows that R(A) is closed. First we introduce two prototypes for a well-posed and an ill-posed problem and consider, for this purpose, Au = b, ael (100)
68 37. Introductory Typical Examples Proposition 37.33. Let X and Y be B-spaces and let A, B: X-*Y be continuous linear operators. Then: (1) The problem (100) is well posed when A is bijective. If we replace the operator A in (100) by A + B with \\B\\ < \\A~l\\~l, then the resulting problem is also well posed. (2) The problem (100) is ill-posed when A is compact and dim R(A) = oo. Proof. (1) According to the open mapping theorem, Al(36), A'1: Y-> X is a continuous linear operator. The rest follows from Problem 1.7. (2) It suffices to prove that R(A) is not closed. Suppose, on the contrary, that R(A) is closed. Because of the fact that the null space N(A) is closed, the factor space X/N(A) is a B-space. The elements of X/N(A) are the sets def [u] = u + N(A) having the norm « = W IN- (101) 11 oe[u]- def If we set Aj[u] = Au, then A^. X/N(A) -* R(A) is linear, continuous, and bijective. Consequently, /4fx: R(A)-+ X/N(A) is also continuous. Therefore, Ai\K) is bounded, where X> {u <=R(A): \\u\\ <1}. Thus, by (101), there exists a bounded set M in X with A(M) = K. Since A is compact, K is compact. By virtue of /41(37), dimi?(^4)<oo. However, this is a contradiction. D Example 37.34. Linear systems of equations with nonquadratic or quadratic noninvertible coefficient matrices are ill-posed problems. Example 37.35. According to Proposition 37.33, (2), the integral equation problems of the first kind in Example 37.28 are also ill posed. We explain this explicitly on the basis of the simple special case I / S\\, u{s)ds = b{t) for elite [0,1], (102a) ^o \n—l)\ where n =1,2,.... For u e C[0,1], this problem is equivalent to ft(">(0 - «(0. b(°) = b'(°) = ■ • • = ft("_1>(0) = 0. (102b) The process of differentiation in (102b) is unstable to a high degree. Small changes in b can cause large changes in fc(n) and thus in u. One recognizes this immediately for large N in the example b(t) = sin Nt, b'(t) = iVcos Nt. If, on the basis of the round-off error, b does not lie in C"[0,1], then (102a) has no solution u e C[0,1] at all. /„ As a result of the numerical instability, in practice one cannot solve an ill-posed problem directly by means of an approximation method. The
37.14. Pseudoinverses, Ill-Posed Problems and Tihonov Regularization 69 round-off errors that appear will completely falsify the result in general. For that reason, for a long time only well-posed problems were considered. However, there exist numerous important problems in the natural sciences that are ill posed. In this connection, it is a matter, for instance, of inverse problems in which one wishes to infer intrinsic properties of the systems from observation data or to infer the state of the system at an earlier point in time. To these belong the problems of prospecting for earth's resources by measurements on the surface or the determination of the temperature field in a body at time t = 0, knowing the temperature field at the time t = t0, t0 > 0. In Section 37.15 we shall discuss the large class of problems of parameter identification. 37.14c. Tihonov Regularization It is now extraordinarily remarkable that with the aid of the so-called Tihonov regularization usable approximation methods can be given for ill-posed problems. The simple basic idea, which we shall carry out more exactly in Section 46.8, is the following. Instead of the original equation Au = b, ael, (103a) we consider the problem perturbed, say, by round-off errors Aus = bs, u8el, (103b) where \\b — bs\\ < 8 and the corresponding regularized problem min 2'l\\Aus-bs\\2 + yF(us) = a, (103c) uteX where y > 0. Here, A: X -* Y is a continuous linear operator, X and Y are real H-spaces, and F: X -* U is a G-differentiable functional. For example, def one can choose F(u)=2 \\u\\ . If one replaces u in (103c) by us+tv parallel to Section 18.3, differentiates with respect to t at t = 0, and sets this expression equal to zero, then one obtains (A*Aus - A*bs\v) + yF'(us)v = 0 for all uel; therefore, A*Aus + yF'(us) = A*bs, us^X. (103d) Here, A* denotes the operator adjoint to A. In the special case F(u) = 2_1||«||2, we obtain (A*A + yl)us = A*bs, us^X (103e) for the solution us of (103c). For 7 = 0, (103e) results from (103b) upon multiplication by A*. However, it is now crucial that the term yl, with 7^0, occurs. Also, in the case when A*A possesses no inverse operator, there
70 37. Introductory Typical Examples a a x = a a X=2 exists an inverse operator for yl + A*A, 7 > 0, since 7/ + A*A is self-adjoint and strongly positive. As a rule, one disposes of the parameter 7 so that the defect \\Aug — bs\\ is as small as possible. To this end, one calculates us for different values of 7. The task of the theory consists in proving that for a suitable choice of 7 = 7(5), the sequence (us) converges as 5->+0. Moreover, one must clarify in which sense the limiting element is a solution of the original problem (103a). We deal with this in Chapter 46. Since, in numerical investigations, A, also, is known only imprecisely, one has to replace A by As, where \\A - As\\ <, d. Here, on the basis of a simple example, we will only show which typical effects appear in regularization. Example 37.36. We consider the system of equations Au = b, i.e., explicitly, x + y = a, cy = a, (104) with the solutions y for c# 0 (classical solution), (104a) for c — 0 (normal solution). Both solutions correspond to the pseudoinverse. For c -* 0 we recognize the instability of the construction of the pseudoinverse. The regularized problem (103e) now reads as follows: x + y + yx = a, x + (1 + c2) y + yy = a + ac, with the solutions c2(l + 7) + 27 + 72 1 + Y V If c = 0, then (x, y)-^ (a/2, a/2) as 7-+0, i.e., the regularized solution tends to the normal solution. The same holds in the case where c=t 0. If we assume that a and c are burdened with an error, i.e., if we replace a (respectively, c) by a + d (respectively, c + 5), then one recognizes that for the choice y = d the regularized solution in (104b) differs from (104a) for fixed a, c only by an error of the order of magnitude 8. In contrast to (104a), no singular behavior arises in the singular case c = 0 in (104b). In general we thereby obtained a unified numerically stable method for the investigation of regular, singular, and badly conditioned equations. In Example 37.36, c = 0 indicates singular behavior, and for small c, a bad condition arises. This general method also functions when A*A is singular, in contrast to Example 37.36. As an example, the system of equations x = a,
37.15. Parameter Identification 71 <y = a possesses the solutions x = a, y = a/c for c # 0 and the normal solution x = a, y = 0 for c = 0, while the solution of the regularized problem (103e) reads as follows: _ a _ ac We discuss the regularization of integral equations of the first kind in the next section. References to the Literature Classical works: Hadamard (1902), (1932, M) (well-posed problems); Picard (1910) (integral equations of the first kind); Moore (1920) and Penrose (1955), (1956) (pseudoinverse for matrices); Tihonov (1963) (regularization) [also, cf. Tihonov and Arsenin (1977, M, B)]. Pseudoinverses: Luenberger (1969, M) (introductory); Ben-Israel and Greville (1973, M); Marcuk and Kuznecov (1975, S,B) (iterative calculation of pseudoinverses of matrices); Nashed (1976, P,H,B) (comprehensive exposition with numerous applications, bibliography listing over 1700 works with explanatory commentaries). Ill-posed and inverse problems: Lavrentjev, Romanov, and Vasilev (1969, M), Lattes and Lions (1969, M), and Payne (1975, M) (partial differential equations); Tihonov and Arsenin (1977, M) (integral equations of the first kind); Anger (1979, P) (also, cf. the references to the literature in Section 37.15). Regularization: Lions (1969, M); Lattes and Lions (1969, M); Morozov (1973, S, B) (linear and nonlinear deterministic or stochastic problems); Tihonov and Arsenin (1977, M); Ivanov, Tanana, and Vasin (1978, M); Kluge (1979, M); Anger (1979, P); Vainikko (1980) (also, cf. the references to the literature in Section 37.29). 37.15. Parameter Identification In order to explain the very important method of parameter identification for numerous problems in the natural sciences and in engineering by a simple example, we consider the problem mx"(t) + ax'(t) = w(t), x(0) = 0, x'(0) = c. (105) If we interpret x(t) as the coordinate of a point mass of mass m at the time t, then (105) describes the motion of this point on the x-axis under the influence of the external force w and the friction force — ax'. Let m—\.
72 37. Introductory Typical Examples Example 37.37. We set w(t) = 0 and assume that we have at our disposal n measurement data (tlt x,); from this we wish to determine the friction constant a and the initial velocity c. The solution of (105) reads as follows: x(t) = ca-1(l-e~at). To determine a and c, we use the least-squares method, i.e., <f(a,c)= Z (x(ti)-xi)2 = min\ i = i From this one obtains the nonlinear system of equations <p„(a,c) = 0, <pc(a,c) = 0. One can solve this system with the aid, say, of the Newton method, by determining an initial approximation for (a, c) from x(^) = x,, /=1,2,3 using (105) and replacing the differential quotients by difference quotients. Example 37.38. Now, for the sake of simplicity, let a = c=0. Then the solution of (105) reads as follows: x(t)= f1k(t,s)w(s)ds, (106) where K(t's) \ 0 if0<;<u<;l. We assume that we know a measurement curve t >-> x(t) on the time interval [0,1], and from this we wish to determine the force w that acts on the point mass. Then we have to solve the integral equation (106). According to Section 37.14, this is an ill-posed problem. Since the measurement curve x(-) is burdened with measurement errors, we determine w by the least- squares method: ||x8-/Hlx + YlMlx = min!> w^X, (107) where X— L2(0,1) and ||x — xs\\x <, d. We denote the integral operator on the right-hand side of (106) by A. Parallel to (103c), we have added a regularizing term v||w||2 with y > 0. If x e A(X), then for y *= 8, by Theorem 46.E in Section 46.8, (107) has exactly one solution w,el and ws -* w0 as 5 -> +0. Here, Aw0 = x. The function ws is obtained by virtue of Section 46.8 from the integral equation of the second kind: [ kl(t,s)ws{s)ds +8ws(t)<= xs(t) Jo with the iterated kernel t,((,j)= f k(T,t)k(r,s)dT. A classical example of a parameter identification is the rediscovery of the planetoid Ceres by Gauss in 1801, who determined the path solely from
3V.16. chebyshev Approximation and Rational Approximation 73 knowledge of 9° of the path arc. This led to an eighth-degree equation, which Gauss solved in an ingenious way. At present there are still very many open problems in the area of parameter identification, e.g., in partial differential equations. References to the Literature Introduction: Kalaba, Spingarn (1982, M). Parameter identification for partial differential equations: Polis and Goodson (1974, S); Kubrusly (1977, S); Seidman (1977), (1979, S) (diffusion equation); Kluge (1979, M, B) (abstract methods); Niirnberg (1979) (viscosity properties of incompressible, fluids); conference volumes: IFIP-con- ferences (1978, P), (1979, P); Kluge (1978, P); Anger (1979, P). Numerical methods: Deuflhard and Hairer (1983, P). Parameter identification and pseudoinverses: Nashed (1976, P). Engineering applications: Tzafestas (1980, P). Identification of rate constants in chemical reactions: Bock and Schloder (1983). 37.16. Chebyshev Approximation and Rational Approximation In Section 37.12 we approximated functions / using the least-squares method: I \f(x)~ 22 £,",(*) dx—min) i = 0 In this connection, the approximation may be very bad at a single point x. For this reason, in practice one generally uses the principle max a < x<, b 1=0 min!, (108) where — co<a <b<co. We call this uniform approximation or Chebyshev approximation. If we use the space X— C[a, b], then (108) can be written in the form ||/- u\\x = min!, u e M, (108a) where M = span{u0,...,un}. If uk(x)= xk, then it is a matter of the polynomial approximation problem. For this, in Section 39.5 we obtain the following fundamental classical theorem as a special case of more general results.
74 37. Introductory Typical Examples Theorem 37.C (Alternation Theorem). For f e C[a, b], there exists exactly one solution of (108). u is a solution if and only if there are n +2 points x,-, a <,x0 <, ■ ■ ■ <xn+1 < b, such that the error f(x)-~ u(x) in absolute value takes on its maximum at all xk, and for x0, xv ... the signs of the errors alternate constantly. Example 37.39. With the aid of the alternation theorem, one can easily verify that x +8_1 is the best uniform approximation of -Jx by first-degree polynomials on [0,1]. The alternate points are x0 = 0, xx = \, x2 = 1 with the maximal error \. We point out approximation methods, in particular the Remes algorithm, in Section 37.29c. A crucial difficulty of Chebyshev approximation is that one cannot apply methods of differential calculus to (108). It is a matter of a typical convex nondifferentiable problem. For that reason, no Euler equation appears here, but rather the condition given in the alternation theorem in which it is extraordinarily remarkable that only finitely many points x,- suffice for the characterization of solutions. In Chapter 39 we shall show that such problems can be handled with the aid of geometric functional analysis and duality theory. The restriction to polynomial approximation is not always expedient from the practical standpoint. For instance, one can use rational functions. Then M in (108a) consists of all continuous rational functions on [a, b] the degree of whose denominator and numerator are bounded by certain numbers. In this case, M is not a linear subspace of C[a, b]. For this reason, we call the problem a nonlinear approximation problem. Example 37.40. For ex, the function 1.008757 + 0.854740x +0.846029x2 is the best uniform approximation with respect to all second-degree polynomials on [0,1], with an error of (8.78)10-3. The best approximation with respect to all rational functions whose denominator and numerator have degree one is 0.995705+ 0.668203x l-0.388848x with an error of (4.32)10"3, which is only half as large as that above. In connection with the rational approximation, we have the Pade approximation: /w- "^ e„w <,constant |x|k for allx e [ — a,a]. Here, Pn and Qm are polynomials of degree n and m, respectively. If / possesses continuous derivatives of order up to and including n + m +1 in a
37.16. Chebyshev Approximation and Rational Approximation 75 neighborhood of x = 0, then there exists a Pade approximation for / of the above type with k^n +1. In many cases, k = n + m + 1. In Cheney (1966, M) one finds algorithms for the calculation of the Pade approximation. Example 37.41. In the case m =1, n = 0,1,2, Pade approximations for e~x are the rational functions 1/(1 + x), (2 - x)/(2 + x),(6-4x + x2)/(6 + 2x). In Varga (1962, M), these Pade approximations are used for the construction of difference methods. In recent years, the Pade approximation has proved to be an important auxiliary tool, e.g., in problems of quantum physics and quantum chemistry. In this connection, the fact that one can approximate singularities that are important in physics by means of rational approximations plays a fundamental role, while in the polynomial approximation no singularities appear in principle. In the approximation of functions one frequently uses continued fractions all al\ \°l \°2 By this we understand the iteration prescription al ax x0 = b0, xt = b0 + -j—, x2 = b0 -\ —,..., 1 h + — 1 b i.e., in going over from xk to xk+v bk is replaced by bk +(ak+l/bk+l). The continued fraction expansion for tan z stems from Gauss: f»W~K-[3 (2^1- While the power series for tanz converges (respectively, diverges) when \z\<n/2 (respectively, \z\>n/2), fn(z)-*tanz as n-»oo and oi/zeC. For example, i/2(?)-tan(5)i^3xi(r4' i.e., the convergence is very rapid. The application of this method to computing is described in the article by Stoer and Bulirsch in Sauer and Szabo (1967, M), Vol. III. There it is pointed out that the approximation of functions by polynomials with the aid of the Taylor theorem is frequently numerically unsuitable.
/0 "i'l. Introductory Typical Examples References to the Literature Classical work: Chebyshev (1859). History of approximation theory: Cheney (1966, M), pages 224-233. Chebyshev approximation and rational approximation: Cheney (1966, M, B,H) (introduction); Meinardus (1964, M); Collate and Krabs (1973, M). Pade approximation: Cheney (1966, M, B,H); Baker and Gammel (1970, P); and Saff and Varga (1977, P) (applications to quantum physics); Baker and Morris (1981, M). Approximation of functions on computers: Luke (1975, M). (Also, cf. references to the literature for Chapter 39.) 37.17. Linear Optimization in Infinite-Dimensional Spaces, Chebyshev Approximation, and Approximate Solutions for Partial Differential Equations The fundamental problem of Chebyshev approximation (108) can obviously be written in the form c„+1 = min! ± f(x)~ £ c,«,(x) <c„+l forallx e [a,b], \ i-0 I 0<:c„+1. (108b) If one compares this problem with Section 37.10, then (108b) can be conceived of as a linear optimization problem for c— (c0,...,c„+1) with an infinite number of side conditions in the form of inequalities. We are thus led in a natural way to linear optimization problems in infinite-dimensional spaces, which we shall investigate in Section 52.4 within the context of general duality theory. A simple approximation method for (108b) consists in considering the side conditions at only a finite number of points xv... ,xN. Then there arises a linear optimization problem analogous to Section 37.10 to which the known simplex algorithm can be applied. Typically for this approximation method, the minimal value of the approximation problem is smaller than that of (108b). Adding additional points xit one approaches the minimal value from below and we thus speak of an ascent method. In Section 37.29f we shall treat the effective Remes algorithm for Chebyshev approximation which is based on the alternation theorem. We will now show by two examples how one can use the Chebyshev approximation in connection with the maximum principle for approximative solution of differential equations.
1..^,. linear v^Fu«iizatiou, v^n-oyshev npyidximauun, rypproximtue solutions / / Example 37.42 (Boundary Maximum Principle). Let E be the open unit disk. We consider the boundary value problem E:-Au = 0; dE:u = f, (109) where / is a given continuous function on dE. In polar coordinates our solution can be written as n un{r>(p) = ao+ H (akrkcosk<p + bkrksink<p). k = l un satisfies the differential equation. We determine the coefficients a , bj from max |/(<p)-tt„(l,<p)| = min! 0<ip< 2ir If un is a solution with the minimal value a, then from the maximum principle for the Laplace equation one obtains the error estimate \u(r,<p)-u„(r,<p)\<a on E for the solution u of (109). Example 37.43 (Problems of Monotone Type). We study the nonlinear boundary value problem K: -Att + /(«) = 0; dK:u-l=0. (110) Let K be the open unit ball in U3. In order to elucidate a general important approximation principle, we set Lu = — Aw + /(«), Mu = u — 1. The problem is said to be of monotone type if and only if Lu < Lw on K; Mv < Mw on OK (111) and v, w e C2(K) always implies that v<won K. Briefly, for (111) we write Lv < Lw, Mv < Mw. This property, which we have already investigated in Section 7.10, has an important practical consequence: If u is a solution of (110), then: Lv>0, Mv>0 implies v>u, Lw<0, Mw<,0 implies w<u. In order to exploit this, we proceed from the substitutions v=l + (l-r2)(a + br2), w =1 + (1- r2)(c + dr2), where r2 = x2 + y2 + z2. Then Mv, Mw = 0, i.e., the boundary condition is fulfilled automatically. We determine the unknown coefficients a, b, c, and d by | = mini, 0<Lv<£ onK, ij = min!, -ij<Lw<0 on K. (112) These are nonlinear optimization problems (one-sided Chebyshev approximation). Then w < u < v, and our method minimizes the one-sided defects.
78 37. Introductory Typical Examples We have yet to give conditions for (110) to be of monotone type. This is the case for/eC^R) and/'(«)>() on U. In order to show this, we set h = w— v. Since /(w)— f(v) = f'(v^w — v), it follows immediately from (111) that K: -Ah+f'{v)h>0; dK:h = 0. (113) If we take f'(v)>0 mto account, then from the maximum principle it follows that h > 0 on K (cf. Problem 7.2). As a numerical example, we consider (110) with /(u) = u2. Here we have only /'(«)> 0 for u > 0. However, we can apply the same method in the case where we know that u, v,w > 0 on K. For this, one takes into account (113) with h = o—u,u — ve,/'(*>)- v + u, u + w, and f'(v)>0. According to Collatz and Krabs (1973, M), page 19, we obtain v =1- (1- /-2)(0.13545 + 0.01263/-2), w=l-(l-/-2)(0.13691+ 0.01275/-2) as a solution of (112). We have v,w>0 on K. Now, if (110) with/(w) = u2 has a solution u with u > 0 on K, then w < u < v on K; therefore, in particular, 0.86309 < 1/(0,0,0) < 0.86455. EXERCISE. Show that (110) with/(«) = u2 has exactly one solution u, u > 0, on K. Solution. Replace u2 by u2 + eu, e > 0. We choose the subsolution ^ = 0 and the supersolution v2 =1. Analogous to Example 7.39, one shows that (110) always has a solution ue for all e > 0 with v1<ue< v2 on K. The a priori estimates for elliptic equations show that the set of all ue is bounded in C2,a(K), 0 < a <1; therefore it is relatively compact in C2(K) [cf. (6.11)]. Thus, as e->+0, a subsequence of (uc) tends to a solution of (110) with/(«) = u2. We have introduced the regularized term em in order to guarantee that 0 e G in Theorem 7.E in Section 7.10. The uniqueness follows from the fact that the problem is of monotone type. One can obviously apply this method in an analogous way to all formulations of problems for which one has the maximum principle at his disposal. In the problems of Chapter 7 we have formulated such maximum principles for ordinary differential equations as well as for second-order elliptic and parabolic partial differential equations. A number of examples of this method can be found in the references to the literature. References to the Literature Collatz (1964, M); Collatz and Wetterling (1966, M); Collatz and Krabs (1973, M); Krabs (1975, M); Collatz (1976, S).
37.18. Splines and Finite Elements 79 37.18. Splines and Finite Elements In the Appendix of Part II we constructed finite elements. These are piecewise polynomial functions with certain smoothness properties at the juncture points. The crucial advantage of these finite elements is that they represent flexible basis functions for the Ritz method and for the Galerkin method for the approximate solution of partial differential equations in Sobolev spaces. We discussed this in detail in the introduction to Part II and in Chapter 22. Definition 37.44. Let g e Cl[a, b], - oo < a < b < oo, and a partition a = xQ < xv < • ■ ■ < xn = b be given. By a corresponding cubic spline we understand a function Sg with the following properties: (i)Sg(x,)=g(x,) for alii. (ii)Sg'(a)=g'(a), £'(&)= g'(&). (iii) On each open interval ]x,, xi+l[, Sg is a polynomial of degree at most three and Sg eC2[a, b]. Proposition 37.45. There exists exactly one Sg with these properties. Proof. The continuity conditions for the first and second derivatives, together with (i) and (ii), yield a linear system of equations with the same number of equations as unknowns for the polynomial coefficients. To the associated homogeneous system there corresponds the case g(x,) = 0 for all i and g'(a) = g'(b) = 0 with the unique solution Sg = 0. However, from the uniqueness, the existence of exactly one solution follows. □ We now explain the connection with the variational problem A/"(*)]2* = min!> /eC2[a,fr], (114) Ja /(x,) = g(x,),* = 0,...,«; /'(a) = g'(a),/'(ft)-g'(ft). Proposition 37.46. For g e Cl[a, b], Sg is the only solution of (114). The name "spline" stems from the fact that (114) can be interpreted physically as follows: We have to determine the equilibrium position of a thin rod which passes through given points (x,, g(x,-)) and is forced (by a special device) to have given directions in the endpoints x — a,b. Designers use such an instrument to draw curves through points. /(x) denotes the displacement of the rod at x. The condition (114) means that the expression for the potential energy (within the context of a linearized theory) is to be minimized. def Proof. Let e=f—Sf, /eC [a,b]. For all piecewise linear continuous
80 37. Introductory Typical Examples functions <p, with respect to the partition of [a, b] considered in (114), fhe"<pdx = 0. (115) This is easily proved using integration by parts, taking into account that e'(a) = e\b) = 0, e(x,) = 0. If / fulfills the side conditions in (114), then Sf = Sg because of Proposition 37.45; thus, Sf = Sg" and jfv *=/;[(/" - srf+s?\ dx > / v *. One takes into account that/" = (/"-Sg")+Sg" and uses (115) with <p = Sg. Consequently, Sg is a solution, and for each additional solution /, we have/" = Sg'; therefore,/ = Sg by the construction of Sg. □ In approximating a function g by polynomials, one observes the following unfavorable effect: If g behaves badly locally, then, as a rule, the global approximation by polynomials is also bad. This disadvantage of polynomial approximation is essentially improved by the spline approximation. Numerical examples to demonstrate this can be found in de Boor (1978, M). There, on page 68, it is furthermore shown that max |g(*)-Sg(*)l<(^U4- max |g<4>(x)| a<,x<b s \ Jo4 I a<,x<b when g e C4[a, b]. Here h denotes the length of the largest subinterval. References to the Literature Classical works: Courant (1943) (finite elements); Schoenberg (1946) (splines). Splines: Varga (1971, S); Laurent (1972, M); Schultz (1973, M); de Boor (1978, M) (numerical methods with computer programs). Finite elements: Ciarlet (1977, M,B). (Also, cf. the references to the literature in the Appendix to Part II.) 37.19. Optimal Quadrature Formulas In this section we shall prove that the determination of optimal quadrature formulas for function classes in (117a) below leads to an approximation problem of the general type considered in Section 37.12. For the approximate determination of the integral F{f)= f f{x)dx, -oo<a<fc<oo, one uses formulas of the form G(f)-ic,F,(f) (116) /-1
37.19. Optimal Quadrature Formulas 81 with Fj(f) = f(xj). In this connection, in a suitable way we can dispose of the support points x„ a<xl<x2<- ■ ■ <x„<b and the real coefficients cv...,c„. Let X = C[a, b] and let M be a linear subspace of X with the norm II" II at wmch need not he equal to the max norm on X. Our goal is to choose Xj and c, so that \F(f)-G{f)\<a\\f\\M for all/eM (117) and where a is the smallest possible such value. We then speak of an optimal quadrature formula on M. We assume that H/ll^^constantll/H^ for all/ e M. Then F and G are continuous linear functional on M. If ||F||* denotes the norm of the functional F e M*, then problem (117) is equivalent to the approximation problem min \\F-G\\* = a, (117a) Gejv* . where N * is the set of all G of the form (116). Example 37.47. We seek an optimal quadrature formula on [0,1] with two support points 0 < xv < x2 £ 1 for the class of continuously differentiable functions on [0,1] with the additional property that the formula is exact for constant functions. We assert that this formula is G(/)-2-»(/(i) + /($)) with the error estimate \(lfdx-G{f) 1 max |/'(x)| (118) 0<x <1 forall/eCx[0,l]. Proof. We proceed from the starting point G(f) = cJ(Xl)+c2f(x2). For f =1, we should have F(f) = G(f); therefore, 1 = c, + c2. We choose def M={/eC>[0,l]:/(0) = 0} with ||/||M= max0s;tS1|/'(x)|. Each function in C[0,1] differs from a function in M only by a constant. Since the formula is to be exact for constant functions, we can restrict ourselves to M instead of to CX[0,1]. Since c, + c2 =1, for/ e M, it easily follows from F(f)= flf(x)dx=f\l-t)f'(t)dt, f(Xj)=fXjf'(t)dt that F(f)-G(f)-[lK(t)f'(t)dt, •'n
82 37. Introductory Typical Examples where t ifO^<x,, K(t)={~t + cl iixl<t<,x2 \-t ilx2<t<,\; therefore |F(/)-G(/)|<(/oV(Ol^ If one represents K graphically, then one recognizes without difficulty that, for each e> 0, there exists an/ e M with ||/||M <1 and f1K(t)f'(t)dt>f1\K(t)\dt-e (cf. Berezin and Zidkov (1966, M), Vol. 1,3.9). Consequently, ||F-G|U=sup{|F(/)-G(/)|:/eM,||/||M<l} = fl\K{t)\dt. In order to minimize \\F— G||*, it suffices to note that /i (\K{t)\dt > 4-l\lxl + {x2 - x,)2 + 2(l- x2f] > | '0 for 0 < xl < x2 < 1 and the value | is actually assumed by J for x, = \, x2 = \, cx = c2~\. □ Functions which, e.g., have no second derivative also belong to the class M of the preceding example. It is to be expected that better approximations exist for smoother functions. In (116) we have 2n parameters x-,c, to dispose of freely. We will choose these parameters so that the formulas are exact for all polynomials up to and including the mth degree. By (116), there arise m +1 equations with In unknowns. Thus, we expect m = 2n — 1. Gauss could show that this nonlinear system of equations can be solved when the zeros of the Legendre polynomials d"(x2 — l)"/dx" are chosen as the support points x-, with a = — 1, b = l. Linear systems of equations for the Cj then arise. Example 37.48. In order to have a comparison with Example 37.47, we consider the problem of calculating the Gauss formula directly, for two support points xx,x2 on [0,1]. After a short calculation, substituting and equating coefficients, we have (cf. Collatz and Albrecht (1972, M), page 107)
37.19. Optimal Quadrature Formulas 83 Figure 37.19 From Berezin and Zidkov (1966, M), 3.5.2, we take the error formula I (lfdx-G{f) £[(135)(32)] "'.max |/(4>(x)| for all/ eC4 [0,1]. I •'O 0 < x < 1 A comparison with (118) shows that the error factor is now essentially smaller. Multiple integrals, which appear frequently, for instance, in quantum chemistry and quantum physics, are often calculated by the Monte Carlo method. For one-dimensional integrals J= fofdx with 0 <,f(x)<l, the basic idea, which can also be directly carried over to multiple integrals, is the following: If one throws a needle perpendicularly onto a unit square N times, then J is approximately equal to K/N, where K is the number of trials, in which the needle point remains stuck in the hatched area in Fig. 37.19. Instead of the position of the needle, computer random numbers now appear. Optimal quadrature formulas for multiple integrals, i.e., so-called cuba- ture formulas for classes of functions in Sobolev spaces, can be found in Sobolev (1974, M) and Levin and Girsovic (1975, L, B). There are cases where the application of these formulas is more propitious than the Monte Carlo method. The intimate connection between quadrature formulas and splines is explained in Karlin (1971) and Levin and Girsovic (1979, L,B). References to the Literature Introduction: Levin and Girsovic (1979, L,B), Engels (1980, M) (standard work). Optimal quadrature formulas: Berezin and Zidkov (1966, M), Vol. 1; Krylov (1967, M); Karlin (1971); Kiesewetter (1973, M) (the application of algorithms of approximation theory); Sobolev (1974, M), Levin and Girsovic (1979, L,B) (multiple integrals), Engels (1980, M).
o4 37. Introductory Typical Examples Application to ordinary differential equations: Stroud (1974, M). Simulation and Monte Carlo methods: Piehler and Zschiesche (1976, M) (introduction); Sobol (1971, M); Yakowitz (1977, M). 37.20. Control Problems, Dynamic Optimization, and the Bellman Optimization Principle By the Bellman optimization principle, one understands the assertion that in an optimal process all the subprocesses considered by themselves must run their course optimally. We make this idea precise in the following for discrete and for continuous control problems. The basic procedure of dynamic optimization consists in studying the behavior of the minimal value S of the control problem when the system parameters (e.g., the initial state and initial time) are changed. The result is the so-called Bellman equation for S. A comparison with the classical variational methods in Section 37.4 shows: (i) Hamilton-Jacobi equation => Bellman equation. (ii) Canonical equations => Pontrjagin's maximum principle. Thus, one often refers to this equation as the Hamilton-Jacobi- Bellman equation. An essential disadvantage of (i) relative to (ii) is that the smoothness assumptions, which one needs in continuous control problems to derive the Bellman equation, are frequently not fulfilled. However, in Theorem 37.E in Section 37.20b, we shall give the fundamental principle of dynamic optimization a form such that it is more general than the Bellman equation and independent of the regularity assumptions. One advantage of (i) is that sufficient conditions are obtained (cf. Example 37.52) and, after discretizing continuous control problems, an effective approximation method is at one's disposal (cf. Remark 37.50). Furthermore, an essential advantage of (i) is that the optimal control is immediately obtained in the feedback control form which is important in engineering (cf. Remark 37.53). 37.20a. Discrete Control Problems As an example, we consider a production process as depicted in Fig. 37.20. At stage 1, from the initial state x, under the influence of the control magnitude «,, the state x2 = <pl(xv «j) arises with the cost expenditure kl(xv «,), etc. Let x, e U N, «, e U M. Here x, means, e.g., the mass provision of N chemical substances. If the process runs from the rth through the nth stage with the initial state xr, then the total cost is equal to j r n Kr(xr; ur,...,u„) = £ M*/> ".•). i — r
37.20. Control Problems, Dynamic Optimization, Bellman Optimization tiinciple 85 -I "2 1. I Figure 37.20 where inf Kr(xr;ur,...,u„) = Sr(xr), «,,...,"„ Xj+l = <Pj(Xj,Uj), j*=r,...,n. (119) Then the problem of the optimization of total cost reads as follows: (120a) Uj^Uj, , j=r,...,n. (120b) The sets Uj in U M are given control restrictions. Furthermore, xr is given. Through dynamic optimization, we study the minimal value Sr(xr), defined by (120a), depending on r and xr, i.e., we also study the perturbations of a fixed problem. The function (x, r)1-* Sr(x) is called the Bellman function and is analogous to the 5-function in the Hamilton-Jacobi theory in Section 37.4f. The so-called Bellman equation Sr(xr)= inf kr(xr,ur)+Sr+l{<pr(xr,ur)) (121) ur<BUr def for r = 1,...,/1 with Sn+l = 0 and Si(xi) = ki(xi,ui)+ Si+l(xi+l), i = r,...,n, is crucial. (122) Theorem 37.D. (1) The Bellman function satisfies (121). (2) (ur,..., un), (xr,...,xn) are solutions of (120) ;/ and only if (122) holds and the side conditions (119) and (I20fc) are fulfilled. Corollary 37.49 (Bellman Optimality Principle). The following two assertions are equivalent: (/) (uv...,un), (xv...,%„) is a solution o/(l20) with /-=1. (//) (um,...,un), (xm,...,xn) is a solution of (120) with r = m for all m = \,...,n. This corollary asserts that the total process is optimal if and only if all its subprocesses are optimal. Proof. (1) Obviously Kr{xr;ur,...,un) = kr{xr,ur) + ^r+1(«Pr(^.«r);«r+l»---.«„)
37. Introductory Typical Examples holds for the costs. Now, (121) follows immediately from (120) because inf • • • = inf ur, ...,«„ inf "r L"r+1. -■•>"„ (2) For all (ur, ...,«„) with the corresponding (xr,...,xn), given by (119), we have Sr(xr) < k,.(xr, ur)+ Sr+l{xr+1) <kr + {kr+l + Sr+2) <■■ <kr{xr,ur)+ ■■■ +kn{x„,u„)=Kr(xr;ur,...,un) because of (121). For Sr = Kr, the equaUty sign must appear for each of the subestimates, i.e., (122) holds. Corollary 37.49 follows immediately from (2). □ Remark 37.50 (Bellman's Method). Theorem 37.D can be exploited to calculate propitiously an optimal solution (uv...,un), (xv...,x„) of the original problem (120) for given initial state xv Step 1. Calculating (121) contrary to the direction of the process r = n, n -1,...,1. For arbitrary given initial state xr of the rth stage, we calculate the control ur(xr) and Sr(xr) as a solution of the minimum problem (121). Step 2. Calculating (119) in the direction of the process. We set _ dej _ _ def _ _ _ def _ _ def _ _ ux = «,(:*:,), x2 = <Pi(*i, «i), «2 = ^2(^2)1 x3 = ^2(^21 ui)i etc- By the construction of 5,, xit (122) holds for /=1,...,/1, i.e., according to Theorem 37.D, all u„ x, represent an optimal solution. Continuous control problems that depend on time can be handled, by time discretization, similarly to discrete problems. 37.20b. Continuous Control Problems We consider problem F(*,,z(*,)) = min!, (123) z'(0 = /('>z(0>"(0) on]*0,*,[ (control equation), (123a) z(t0) = z0 (initial condition), (123b) tl^Tl, z(tl)^Zl (end condition), (123c) w(?)el/, on]^0,^[ (control restriction). (123d) Let Z and U be B-spaces with subsets Zx cZ, I/, C U. Furthermore, z(t) from Z [respectively, u(t) from U] is the state (respectively, the control) of the system at the time t. The initial time t0, the initial state z0 e Z, and the set r, (respectively, Z,) of the possible end times and end states are given. For r, = {T}, the end time is fixed, i.e., tx = T. We denote by C(t0, zQ) the
37.20. Control Problems, Dynamic Optimization, Bellman Optimization Principle 87 set of all admissible pairs (u, z), i.e., u: [t0, tx] -> I/ is piecewise continuous and u, z satisfy all the side conditions (I23a)-(l23d). The end time tx depends on (u, z). Then our problem (123) reads briefly as follows: S(t0, z0)= inf F(*„z(*,)). (124) («,z)ec(r0,z0) Here, by definition, S(t0, z0) denotes the infimum. We now vary (t0, z0) and study the behavior of the Bellman function S. To this end, in preparation we note that: (a) t<-^> S(t,z(t)) is monotonically increasing on [t0, tt] for all admissible pairs («, z). (b) t <-* S(t, z*(0) is constant on [t0, t*] for the admissible pair («*, z*). (c) S(tv z,) = F(tv z,) for all tx s Tv z, e Z,. Here, (c) is only the fixing of the interpretation of the control problem in case we start with (tv z,) e Tv X Zv Theorem 37.E (1) Necessary condition. If («*,z*) is a solution of (123), then (a)-(c) hold for the function S defined in (124). (2) Sufficient condition. If there exists a function S that satisfies (a)-(c), then («*, z*) is a solution of (123). Proof. (1) Let t0<r1<r2< tv If («, z) is admissible on [?0, fj and [u, z] is admissible on [t2, tt] such that z(t2)= z(t2), then there arises an admissible pair on [t,, tt] which coincides with (u, z) on [t1(t2] and with (u, z) on [t2, ^]. It then follows that 5(^, z(t,)) < S(r2, z(t2)); therefore (a) holds, (b) is obtained from S(t0,z0) = F{t*,z*{t*)) = s{t?,z*(t*)) and (a). (2) For all admissible (u, z), 5(^0,z0)<F(^,z(^)), and, for («*, z*), S{t0,z0) = s{t*,z*{t*)) = F{t*,z*(t*)). a Remark 37.51 (The Bellman Equation). If the Bellman function S is sufficiently regular, then from (a) by differentiation with respect to t, it follows that S,{t,z(t)) + S2(t,z{t))f(t,z{t),u(t))>0 for all admissible (u,z) and all t^[t0,tt]. If (u,z) is optimal, then, by Theorem 37.E, (1), the equality sign holds. If, for fixed t and f, there exists
88 37. Introductory Typical Examples an admissible pair (u, z) with u(t)= v, z(t) = f for each v e Uv then inf St(t,S)+Sz(t,S)f(t,Lv) = 0. This is the so-called Bellman equation. Example 37.52. We consider the simplest case of the so-called linear regulator problem: j'\x\t)+u\t))dt- mini, (125) 'o x'(t) = ax(t)+bu(t), x(t0) = x0 (125a) where tQ, tv xQ, a, b are given real numbers. We assert that if c is a solution of the Riccati equation c'(t) -= -2ac(t)+ b2c2(t)-l, t0 < t < tu where c(tt) = 0, and we replace u in (125a) by u{t) = -c{t)bx{t), (126) then we obtain the optimal state x from (125a) and the optimal control u from (126). Remark 37.53 (Synthesis Problem). It is extraordinarily remarkable that the solution yields the so-called feedback control by (126). This is especially important for the construction of regulating systems: In (126) the control u(t) depends on the state x(t) at the same point in time and can be constantly regulated. In contrast to this if one knows only u(t) as a function of time, then it is difficult to realize this control technically. Say, in a lunar landing one constantly measures the height and velocity of the landing ferry and accordingly regulates the action of the brakes of the rocket in order to land softly on the moon with minimal fuel consumption (cf. Problem 48.5). The construction of optimal controls in the form of the feedback control is designated as the solution of the synthesis problem (cf. Section 37.22). Proof. We first write (125) in the form (123). This is a frequently used trick and is done by introducing a new variable y. In this connection, we get y(ty) = min! with ,'(0 = *2(0+«2(0. >('o) = o, x'(t) = ax(t) + bu(t), x(t0) = x0. (127) We set S(t, x, y) = c(t)x2 + y. From (127) and the differential equation for c, it follows that —i ^A^L=(u{t) + c{t)bx(t)) £0, i.e., t >-> S(t, x(t), y(t)) is monotonically increasing and constant for u(t) =
37.21. Control Problems, Pontrjagin Maximum Principle, Bang-Bang Principle 89 -c(t)bx(t). Furthermore, S(tvx(tl))y(tl))= yitj. Then Theorem 37.E, (2) yields the assertion. □ References to the Literature Classical works: Bellman (1953, M), (1954, S). Fundamental monograph: Bellman (1957, M). Elementary survey article: Bellman and Lee (1978, S, B). Further expositions: Bellman (1961, M) (application to regulation processes); Hadley (1963, M); Bellman (1967, M), Volumes I, II; White (1969, M); Bellman and Angel (1972, M); and Cheung (1978, S) (application to partial differential equations); Fleming and Rishel (1975, M) (application to stochastic optimization); Aubin (1979, M) (connection with quasivariational equations). Quadratic control problems: Casti (1980, S). Connection with the continuous Pontrjagin maximum principle: Pontrjagin (1961, M); Fleming and Rishel (1975, M). Connection with duality and the discrete Pontrjagin maximum principle: Focke and Klotzler (1978). Applications to economics: Pan-Tai-Lui (1980, P). Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman equation and optimal control: Lions, Jr. (1982, L). 37.21. Control Problems, the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle, and the Bang-Bang Principle As a simple example for illustrating the Pontrjagin maximum principle, we consider the following problem: At time tx = 0, suppose that a point mass of mass m = 1, provided with a motor, is at rest at x = — x0 (Fig. 37.21). The point is to move under the influence of the motor force w(t) in such a way that it arrives as quickly as possible at the time t2 at x0 with velocity zero, i.e., x"(0 = w(0. (128) x(tl) = - x0, x'(t1) = 0, x(t2) = x0, x'(t2) = 0. Here, it is decisive that we observe that the motor force is subject to H 1 ^x 0 x0 Figure 37.21
90 37. Introductory Typical Examples restrictions. We require, say, that |w(0l^l for all t. Example 37.54. A solution of the problem must necessarily have the following form: One accelerates maximally, i.e., w — 1 until one arrives at x = 0 and then brakes maximally, i.e., w = -1. This control principle, which can be easily realized technically, is called the bang-bang principle because of the abrupt change of the control situation. Proof. We will apply the Pontrjagin maximum principle from Section 48.6. To this end, we set def def yx = x, y2 = x' and write the problem in the form I 2dt = mini, yi(h) = -xo> .^(0 = 0, ^1(^2) = ½. y2(t2) = o, Let w(-) be piecewise continuous on [^,^2]> where w(-) has jumps only in the interior of [tv t2] and is, say, continuous from the right. Furthermore, let def Jtr(y,w,p,\0)=ply2+p2w-\0. If (y, w) is a solution, then, by Section 48.6, the following holds: There exist real numbers A0 > 0, av a2 which are not all simultaneously zero and functions/?,, p2, such that the following holds at all points of continuity t of w(-y. def Po(0=*{y{t)Mt)>p{t)>K) = maxJf(y(t),u, p(t),\0) l«l <i and ^(0-^, = 0, Pl(t2) = -aV Plih) = - «2. Poih)"0- From this it follows that pt(t) = — otv p2(t) = — ot^t — t2)~ a2, p0(t) = 0. Now if a,,a2 = 0, thus pvp2 — 0, then, because p0(t) = J{?= — A0, we
37.21. Control Problems, Pontrjagin Maximum Principle, Bang-Bang Principle 91 would immediately have \0 = 0, contradicting the fact that ava2,\0 are not simultaneously equal to zero. Consequently, p2 * 0. Now the maximum relation (15) for 3V in Section 48.6 reads as follows; /^(0^(0-^0= maxp2(t)u-X0. |a|<l Thus, w(t)=l forp2(t)>0, w(0=-l forp2(t)<0. Since p2 is a linear function, w(-) can change its sign at most once. Furthermore, it is intuitively clear that a braking process must occur at time t2. Thus, w(t)=l for0^t<tw, w(t)=>-1 * for tw£t£t2. From (128) we obtain x(t) = 2~lt2.-x0 forO <,t<tw, x(t) = -2-l(t-t2)2+x0 for tw<, t£t2. At the switching time tw, the position and velocity of both solutions must coincide; therefore, t2 = 2tw, tw = ]j2x0, x(tw) = 0. D In Pontrjagin (1961), Section 5 it is shown that the control found here in fact solves the problem, i.e., the necessary condition is also sufficient. The designation maximum principle is due to the fundamental maximum relation for the Pontrjagin function ^f. References to the Literature Classical works: Boltjanskii, Gamkrelidze, Pontrjagin (1956); Gamkrelidze (1958) (linear systems); Boltjanskii (1958) (proof of the maximum principle); Pontrjagin (1959, S). A variant of the maximum principle was already given by Hestenes (1950) in a paper that remained in obscurity. Historical survey of the calculus of variations and the maximum principle: McShane (1978, S,H). Introduction: Macki and Strauss (1982, M). Bronstein and Semendjaev (1979, S) (handbook article); Frank (1969, M); Fleming and Rishel (1975, M); Petrov (1977, M); Leitmann (1981, M). Pontrjagin (1961, M); Lee and Markus (1967, M); Boltjanskii (1971, M); Russell (1979, M); Cesari (1983, M) (also, cf. the comprehensive references to the literature for Chapter 48). Application of control theory to classical problems of the calculus of variations: McShane (1978). Discrete maximum principle: Boltjanskii (1976, M). Connection of the maximum principle with dynamic optimization: Compare the references to the literature in Section 37.20.
3/. introductory Typical Examples 37.22. The Synthesis Problem for Optimal Control In Remark 37.53 we have already pointed out the great technical significance of feedback control in optimal control theory and thereby the role of the synthesis problem. To explain this further, parallel to Section 37.21, we consider the problem x"{t) = w{t), x(^) = x0, x'itj-x'o, x(t2)-x'(t2)-0, (129) |w(Ol^l for all f, i.e., for a given initial state, we wish to attain x = 0 as rapidly as possible, where the velocity equals zero at the arrival time. Figure 37.22 shows the phase diagram in the (x, x')-plane. The curve OB (respectively OA) is a part of the parabola 2x = — x'2 (respectively, 2x — x'2). We set W(x x'\ = / ~~ * above AOB and on BO, K ' ' \+l below AOB and on AO. Example 37.55. The optimal solution (x, w) necessarily has the form w{t) = W(x{t),x'{t)), x"{t) = w(t). (130) This is a feedback control in the sense of Remark 37.53. For the form of the optimal solution in the phase plane, in Fig. 37.22, we have: One starts at (x0, Xq), follows the drawn-in trajectories 2x = ±x'2 + constant to AOB, and then moves along AOB up to the origin. By w = W(x, x') the value w = ± 1 of the optimal control depends only on the state of the system, i.e., on the point in the phase space. A regulating system therefore need only measure the position x and the velocity x' in order to determine the control w. Figure 37.22
37.23. Elementary Provable Special Case of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle 93 Exercise Prove Example 37.55 parallel to Example 37.54. The solution can be found in Pontrjagin (1961, M), Section 5. There it is also shown that (130) is not only necessary but also sufficient, i.e., there exists exactly one optimal solution and this is given by (130). References to the Literature Pontrjagin (1961, M); Lee and Markus (1967, M,B). 37.23. Elementary Provable Special Case of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle We consider the abstract control problem F(y,w) = mini, G(y,w) = 0, w^W (131) with the control w and state y. If one writes this problem as ^(^,^) = min!, (j,w)eZ, def where Z = {(y,w): G(y,w)= 0, w e W), then for propitious properties of Z (convexity, closedness) and F, one can apply the wide range of methods to treat minimum problems (cf. Section 52.4). An especially propitious case occurs when G(y,w) = 0 can be uniquely solved for y for each w^W, i.e., y = y(w). If we set J(w)= F(y(w),w), then (131) passes into /(w) = min!, w e W. (132) Let w0 be a solution of (132). Propositions of the type of the Pontrjagin maximum principle can be obtained by using the following simple method; (i) One studies the change of J in going from w0 to a suitable we (e.g., so-called needle variations we). (ii) One uses [J(we)~ J(w0)]/e > 0 for e>0 and recasts the limiting value relation as e -» +0 with the aid of the adjoint state p. To explain this, we consider as a simple example; F{y{T)) = mm\, (133a) y'{t)^Ay{t)+b{t)+g(w(t)), 0<t<T (133b) 7(0) = a, w(t)eW. Let F,g,b: R -»U be continuously differentiable. The initial state aeR,
94 37. Introductory Typical Examples the end time T eU, and the set of control restrictions W from U are given. Suppose the control function w: [0, T] -» U is piecewise continuous. To each such w there belongs exactly one solution of (133b). According to a known classical theorem, this solution has the form y(t) = a+ f'G(t,s){b{s)+g(w(s))ds. (134) Here, G is continuous and G(t, t) = 1 for all t e U (cf., e.g., Gunther (1972, M), Vol. iy, page 63 for systems). We define the Pontrjagin function by je(t,y,w,p) = p(Ay + b(t) + g(w)). Now the maximum relation ^(r,y0(r),w0(r),p(r))=maxJf(r,y0(r),w,p(r)) (135) we W is crucial. Here, p is determined uniquely from the so-called adjoint state equation p' = — 3Vy, i.e., p>{t)~~p{t)A for0<;<r, p(T)~-F'(y0{T)). (136) Proposition 37.56. If(y0,w0) is a solution o/(133), then (135) and (136) hold at all points of continuity r e [0, T[ ofw0(-). Remark 37.57. (133) is a problem with fixed initial point .y(O) and free end point y(T) (see Fig. 37.23). If one also fixes the end point by means of the additional condition y(T)=c, then not every control w(-) yields a path which ends at c. Then a more complicated case occurs, for which the proof of the maximum principle with the aid of the Lagrange multipliers is considerably more difficult (cf. Section 48.7). The following proof is completely analogous for systems of equations in (133b). Then A is a matrix. Many general nonlinear problems with a free end point can be handled with the same idea for the proof. In this connection, compare Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M), page 149. Application of similar methods to partial differential equations and integral equations are cited in Section 37.24. y _ 1 ^t T Figure 37.23
37.23. Elementary Provable Special Case of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle 95 H -t Figure 37.24 Proof. (I) Needle variations (see Fig. 37.24). Let w0(-) be continuous at t e [0, T[. For small e > 0, we set W'^ ' \w<=W iftf=[r,r + e]. According to (134), let the state>»„(•) belong to the control we(')- Then, for t>T, y,(t) = a + f'G(b + g(w0)) ds + f + 'G(t,s)[g(w)-g(w0{s))] ds -yo(t)+eG(t,r)[g(w)-g(w0(rj)] + o(e)ase-*+0. (II) The function z. We set def z(t)= lim e 1[ye('r + ^-yo('r + e)\> ■ +0 def z(0= lim e_1[ye(t)-y0{t)] for all* >t E-^> +0 and show that z(r) = g(w)-g(w0(r)), z'(t) = Az(t) for all t>r. (137a) follows from (I) and G(r, t) = 1. Since ?.(') = ye(r + «)+ [' [Ay.{s) + *(*) + «(».(*))] ds, y0(0 = >UT + e)+ V [Ay0(s)+ b{s) +g(w0(s))] ds, by subtraction we have z(t)=>z(r) + ('Az(s)ds for all t>r. This yields (137b). (Ill) First variation of F, From F(ye(T))-F(y0(T))>0 (137a) (137b)
7U 37. Introductory Typical Examples after division by e > 0 and letting e -» + 0, by the chain rule, it follows that F'(y0(T))z(T)>0. (IV) Adjoint state/>. The adjoint state equation (136) yields -p{T)z{T)>0 and (pz)'(t) = p'z + pz'=-p(t)Az(t) + p(t)Az(t) = 0 for all t > t, according to (137b). For this reason, pz is constant on [t, T]; therefore, -/>(t)z(t)>0. Since z(t) = g(w)— g(w0(r)), this is (135). Observe that in the construction of we we can choose we Wto be arbitrary. □ 37.24. Control with the Aid of Partial Differential Equations In many technological processes, the state of the system is described by quantities that depend on the position variables and also on time. For instance, think of the temperature or concentration in chemical processes, elastic vibrations, electromagnetic fields in plasma, etc. In general, one speaks of distributed parameters. In contrast to Section 37.21, in the optimal control of such processes there appear partial differential equations as the control equations (optimal modelling of metallurgical tempering processes and smelting processes, of chemical processes, etc.). Control theory for partial differential equations is a very comprehensive area which is developing rapidly; however, there are still many open questions. Existence proofs for optimal controls are mathematically difficult in complicated cases. For the engineer, however, the calculation of optimal controls and the construction of optimal regulation systems stand in the forefront (solution of the synthesis problem). Here, only stable regulation systems are of practical significance. However, since stability investigations are already very difficult for uncontrolled complicated processes, there still remains much to do in this area. Interesting technological examples can be found in Butkovskii (1965, M), (1975, M) and in Lurje (1975, M). In the derivation of the Pontrjagin maximum principle, one can use the method of needle variation that was used in that connection in Section 37.23 (cf. Butkovskii (1965, M), Chapter 1, Section 2; Lurje (1975, M), Chapter 1, Section 7; Bittner (1975); von Wolfersdorf (1975), (1976). In Lions (1971, M) the Hilbert space methods for linear partial differential equations presented in Part II are
37.25. Extremal Problems with Stochastic Influences 97 applied to control problems. Control problems will play a special role in the solution of the problem of the century—that of nuclear fusion. References to the Literature Butkovskii (1965, M), (1975, M); Lions (1971, M); Lurje (1975, M); Ahmed and Teo (1981, M,B). (Also, cf. the references to the literature for Chapter 54). 37.25. Extremal Problems with Stochastic Influences Many processes in nature, in engineering, in economics, and in medicine are subject to influences of chance or are a priori of a purely random nature. To model them optimally one must reckon essentially with stochastic aspects. To this end, we give several examples. (1) First we again consider the production process of Fig. 37.20 in Section 37.20 and now assume that the initial quantities x, are perturbed randomly. Then one attempts to control this process so that instead of the cost it is the expected value of the cost that turns out to be as small as possible. (2) In order to keep the cost minimal for a large warehouse one must take into account that the demand is subject to laws of randomness. At certain discrete points in time, e.g., every month, the warehouse has to be filled so that the demand will be covered, but on the other hand, the wares should remain in the warehouse the shortest possible time. (3) Say that a taxi enterprise has to decide each quarter which taxis should be repaired or replaced by new ones. In this connection, the cost is to be kept minimal but with maximal safety. In (1)-(3), it is a matter Of the optimization of discrete stochastic decision processes. In this connection, compare Ross (1970, M), Astrom (1970, M) and Girlich (1973, M). In the last reference, linear optimization problems with coefficients that are random variables are also investigated. In continuous control processes, stochastic differential equations frequently appear as control equations. For this, we present two examples. (4) In Astrom (1970, M), page 188, it is described in detail how the production process in a paper mill, which is subject to stochastic perturbations, is controlled by a process computer in such a way that the quality of the paper produced varies as little as possible from a prescribed correct value. (5) In the proceedings edited by De Giorgi (1979), on pages 339-360, 465-492, 583-662, the complicated optimal modelling of water power networks, e.g., in France is investigated. Here, among other things, the
98 37. Introductory Typical Examples demand for electricity and the water level in the storage reservoir are stochastic. One can control the work of turbines. The expected value of the cost of generating energy is to be minimized. We will now briefly point out several mathematical aspects. 37.25a. Filtering and Prognosis of Stationary Stochastic Processes According to N. Wiener In order to have something concrete at hand, we consider the basic technical problem of the optimal filtering and prognosis of signals. The point of departure is the formula lim -£= fT [g(t + h)-x(t)]2dt-jmn\, (138a) where /•00 x(0=/ K(r)f(t-r)dr (138b) Jo as well as the Wiener-Hopf integral equation /•00 C/g(t + h)-J K(r)Cff(t-r)dr = 0, t>0, (139) where , def 1 rT C/g(0= lim rr/ f(r)g(t + r)dr. Schematically we consider a regulation system such as in Fig. 37.25 with the initial signal / and the departing signal x. The quantities / and x are related by (138b), i.e., x(t) depends linearly on the values f(s) for all earlier times s ^t. This situation occurs, e.g., in regulation systems for which x and / are connected by a linear ordinary differential equation Lx = f with constant coefficients. We now assume that the initial signal / is composed of a signal g and the perturbation / — g. The problem (138a) reads as follows: A regulating system is sought, i.e., we seek a function K such that the time average value of [g(t + h)—x(t)]2, with fixed h, is minimal. The construction of this regulation system guarantees the engineer that the departing signal x(t) he measured optimally approximates the signal sought, g(t + h). For h = 0 (respectively, h > 0) this is a filtering problem (respectively, a prognosis problem). After several calculations, one obtains the integral equation (139) as a necessary and sufficient condition for a solution of the original problem i K X Figure 37.25
37.25. Extremal Problems with Stochastic Influences 99 (138). This integral equation was solved by N. Wiener with the aid of the Fourier transform. Details can be found in Wiener (1949, M). Technical applications are described in Wiener (1949, M) and in Solodovnikov (1965, M). The investigations of Wiener were made independently of the earlier work of Kolmogorov (1941), who considered the discrete case. In the integral equation (139) it is crucial that to determine K, the signals /, g themselves are not required but rather only the cross correlation function Cfg and the autocorrelation function C^. These are statistical characteristics of the signals. The optimal regulation systems are identical for all /, g with the same Cfg, Cjf. In the following, by a stochastic process we understand precisely the conceptual formulation that we defined measure theoretically in Section 37.12. No stochastic processes occur explicitly in the Wiener theory. There one works with functions /, g and it is only required that C^, Cgg and Cfg exist. Due to the conceptual simplicity of this notion, it is applied in many practice-oriented expositions. However, stationary ergodic stochastic processes lurk in the background. Stationarity means that all distribution functions are invariant with respect to time translations—in particular, the expected values E[f(t)], E[g(t)] are temporally constant, and the covari- ances Co\(f(t),f(s)), Co\(f(t), g(s)), and Co\(g(t), g(s)) depend only on the time difference t — s. Ergodicity means that the expected values can be replaced by the time average values. The Wiener method for stationary stochastic processes is presented within the framework of the spectral theory of such processes in Rozanov (1975, M), Chapter IV, 2.1. Also, compare Brillinger (1975, M). 37.25b. The Kalman-Bucy Filter for Nonstationary Stochastic Processes In the following we restrict ourselves to the heuristic description of a number of basic concepts in the theory of stochastic processes. The precise definitions together with physical motivations can be found, e.g., in the introductory exposition by Arnold (1973, M). The point of departure is the situation depicted in Fig. 37.26, together with the formulas: g'{t) + A{t)g(t) = o(t)w'(t), (140a) f'(t) + B(t)g(t) = 0,(^(1), (140b) g'(t) + C(t)g(t) = D(t)f'(t). (140c) We seek the best possible approximation g for g. In this connection, g arises in a system that is described by (140a). However, we do not know g, but can only measure/by (140b). It is crucial that stochastic terms aw', a-^v[ appear
100 37. Introductory Typical Examples perturbation aw' system (14 Da) g perturbation o1 wj measurement (140 b) f filter (140 c) Figure 37.26 in (140a) and (140b). Under suitable assumptions, it is possible to show that the best (in a certain sense) approximation g satisfies the differential equation (140c), where C and D can be calculated. With the aid of (140c), one can construct a dynamic regulation system that filters out g from/. This is the Kalman-Bucy filter. The precise formulation and proof can be found in Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), page 136. In this connection, duality with respect to the deterministic linear regulator problem in Example 37.52 is exploited in a remarkable way. We are dealing with so-called white noise in the stochastic perturbations w',w[. Roughly speaking, these are strongly fluctuating disturbances which are mutually independent at different times. Formally, w' and w[ are obtained as derivatives of Wiener processes w, wt, i.e., one can intuitively picture t >-> w(t) and t >-> w^t) to be the paths of particles in Brownian motion under a microscope. These particles execute very strong quivering movements. The exact interpretation of the stochastic differential equation (140a) is obtained with the aid of «(0 = S('o)- f'A(s)g(s) ds + f'a(s) dw(s). (140a') Here, the second integral on the right-hand side is to be understood as the Ito integral. It is defined by an approximation process with the aid of suitable step functions. A rapid approach to all this is contained in Rozanov (1975, M) and Arnold (1973, M). If one wishes to define white noise exactly, then one must consider generalized stochastic processes (cf. Arnold (1973, M), 3.2). These are generalized functions (distributions) which depend on chance. Such generalized stochastic processes play an important role in models of quantum field theory (cf. Simon (1974, M)). 37.25c. Optimal Regulation of Stochastic Dynamic Systems A typical example for this is j!L(s,g(s),u(s))ds = min!, g'(t)+A(t,g(t),u{t))-a(t,g{t),u{t))w'(t), g(t0) = a.
37.25. Extremal Problems with Stochastic Influences 101 The stochastic differential equation for g is again to be understood in the sense of (140a'). Here it is a question of minimizing the expected value of an integral, where the control equation is stochastic. The term with the white noise w' describes stochastic perturbations. An optimal control «(•) is sought. In this connection, it is important that «(•) can be determined in correspondence to the stochastic nature of the dynamical system in feedback control form. The details can be found in Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), Chapter VI. In the consideration of discrete time states, there arise control problems for Markov chains (cf. Astrom (1970, M); Ross (1970, M); and Girlich (1973, M)). As an introduction to the application of dynamic optimization to stochastic decision processes, we recommend Bellman (1957, M) and White (1969, M). . ^f^?A~. •N4V"7'.. ' References to the Literature Classical works on filter theory and prognosis theory: Kolmogorov (1941); Wiener (1949, M); Kalman and Bucy (1961). General survey: Control theory and topics in functional analysis (1976, M), Vol. Ill (proceedings of an international seminar in Trieste). Introduction to stochastic control theory: Astrom (1970, M,B,H); Fleming and Rishel (1975, M,B); Balakrishnan (1975, M). General expositions: Bellman (1957, M) and White (1969, M) (dynamic optimization); Bryson and Ho (1969, M); Meditch (1969, M); Girlich (1973, M) (discrete decision models); Gihman and Skorohod (1977, M) (abstract methods). Prognosis and filtering: Kroschel (1973, L), Part 2 (introduction); Wiener (1949, M); Bucy and Joseph (1968, M); Kalman, Falb, and Arbib (1969, M) (general systems theory); Astrom (1970, M,H,B); Bensoussan (1971, M); Arnold (1973, M); Fleming and Rishel (1975, M); Lipcer and Sirjajev (1977, M), Kallianpur (1980, M). Technical applications: Solodovnikov (1965, M); Schlitt (1968, M); Kroschel (1973, L). Time series: Jenkins and Watts (1968, M); Box and Jenkins (1970, M); Hannan (1970, M) (multiple time series); Konig and Wolters (1972, M); Brillinger (1975, M); Priestley (1981, M). Stochastic optimization and variational inequalities: van Moerbeke (1974, S), (1976); Friedman (1975, M), (1979, S); Bensoussan and Lions (1978, M); Bensoussan (1981, M) (recommended as an introduction). Applications: Solodovnikov (1965, M); Bucy and Joseph (1968, M); Bryson and Ho (1969, M); Astrom (1970, M); Ross (1970, M); Girlich (1973, M); van Moerbeke (1974, M); De Giorgi (1979, P).
102 37. Introductory Typical Examples General References to the Literature Probability theory and stochastic processes: Gnedenko (1962, M); Feller (1968, M); Arnold (1973, M); and Rozanov (1975, M) (introductions); Prohorov and Rozanov (1969, M) (handbook); Doob (1953, M); Meyer (1966, M); Karlin (1968, M); Karlin and Taylor (1980, M); Gihman and Skorohod (1969, M), (1971, M), Volumes I-III; Loeve (1978, M); Wentzell (1979, M). Generalized stochastic processes: Arnold (1973, M) (introduction); Gelfand and Vilenkin (1964, M); Balakrishnan (1975, M); Simon (1974, M) (applications in quantum field theory). Stochastic differential equations: Arnold (1973, M) and Rozanov (1975, M) (introduction); Gihman and Skorohod (1972, M); Friedman (1975, M); Wentzell (1979, M); Ladde and Lakshmikantham (1980, M). Handbook of queuing theory: Gnedenko and KOnig (1983). 37.26. The Courant Maximum-Minimum Principle. Eigenvalues, Critical Points, and the Basic Ideas of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory A fundamental problem of the theory of extremal problems consists in finding estimates for the number of critical points of functionals using topological tools. For this purpose, we have two different methods at our disposal: (i) The Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory, (ii) Morse theory. We treat the basic ideas in this section and the next one. Together with the theory of the fixed point index from Part I, (i) and (ii) present the topological heart of nonlinear functional analysis. As a point of departure we choose the linear eigenvalue problem Au=\u, u^UN, \eR, ||«||=1, (141) where A: UN->UN is a symmetric N X N matrix. Let ||■ || be the Euclidean norm. If we set/4 = (a,7), u = (^,...,iN), and F{u) = 2~l E «,/«,-, (142) i.e., F(u)*= 2~1(Au\u), then F' = A, and we can write (141) in the form F'(u) = Xu, ael, \eR, ||«||=1, (143) where X=UN. The goal of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory is the
37.26. Courant Max-Min Principle, Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory 103 investigation of (143) for nonlinear operators F' in B-spaces X. In order to get an idea of the results that one can expect, we first formulate a number of known propositions for (141) and (142). Proposition 37.58. The following five assertions hold for (141): (1) There exists at least N eigenvector pairs (u, — u). (2) If A is a k-fold eigenvalue, then the corresponding eigenvectors lie on a (k — lydimensional sphere. (3) The eigenvectors are exactly the critical points of F with respect to the unit sphere S. (4) A minimum (respectively, maximum) of F on S corresponds to the smallest (respectively, largest) eigenvalue. All the other eigenvalues correspond to saddle points. (5) If the eigenvalues are ordered in the form \l<\2<- ■ ■ <\N corresponding to their multiplicities, then -f = sup inf F(u), m=l,...,N. (144) 1 s„, e.sem "eS™ Here,SCm is the class of all (m — lydimensional spheres, i.e., Sm = S n Xm, where Xm is an arbitrary m-dimensional subspace of U N. The important characterization (144) of Am was due to E. Fischer and H. Weyl at the beginning of this century; because of the further development of this principle by R. Courant, it is frequently referred to as the Courant maximum-minimum principle. (144) is the starting point for the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory. In this connection, SCm is replaced by a more comprehensive class Jfm. Proof. (1) and (2) This is a classical proposition of linear algebra. (3) Apply the Lagrange multiplier rule described in Section 37.3, first formally to the problem JV F(«) = stationary!, 2-^^ = 2-1. /-1 and then obtain (143) as a necessary condition. (3) is obtained rigorously from Proposition 43.23. (4) From linear algebra it is known that there exists a rotation u = Tv such that A passes to the diagonal form and F a sum of squares ^(.) = 2-1 EM?> \<--<\N, (145) /=i whereF1(v)= F(Tv), v = (r)1,...,i)N). The numbers X, are the eigenvalues of A. We get the eigenvectors on S corresponding to A, by considering the intersection points between the T];-axis and S, i.e., y, = (0,..., 0, ± 1,0,..., 0),
1U<+ 3V. iiiuodllCtOi_y i yyiCdi Examples where ±1 occupies the ith position. Since a rotation leaves the critical points unaltered, the assertion follows easily from (145). As an illustration, we consider the special case *i(o)- 2-^1,^ + \2-n22 + \371l], \1<\2<\3. Fx has a maximum (respectively, a minimum) on S at the points ± v3 = (0,0, ±1) [respectively, 1^ = ( + 1,0,0)]. On the other hand, ±v2 = (0, ± 1,0) is a saddle point, for, when Tjj = 0 (respectively, tj3 = 0), then Fx has a minimum (respectively, a maximum) on the corresponding circles tj| + i)3 = 1 (respectively, ^ + tj| = 1) at tj2 = ± 1, tj3 = 0 (respectively, ijj = 0, 12 = ±1)- (5) This is obtained in a manner analogous to the proof of Theorem 22.E in Section 22.9. □ In order to generalize Proposition 37.58 to nonlinear problems within the context of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory, we replace (144) by cm= sup inf F(u), m=l,...,N. (146) K e Xm " G K Here, Cfm is the class of all compact symmetric sets K on the unit sphere S with gen K >m. The number gen K denotes the so-called genus of K that we shall consider in Section 44.3. In particular, gen Sm = m; therefore, Jt~m 2 i?m, i.e., the spheres in (144) are replaced by more general sets. However, one can show that cm = \m/2 in the special case (141), i.e., for F(u) = 2~\Au\u). The first main result of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory is the following proposition. Proposition 37.59 (Ljusternik (1930) and Schnirelman (1930)). If the function F: UN-+ U is even and F possesses continuous first partial derivatives, then the system of equations 3F |H«) = X{„ /-1,.. -, N, (147) where u&UN,\^U, \\u\\=l, has at least N pairs of eigenvectors (u, — u). This proposition is a special case of Theorem 44.B in Section 44.9. Equation (147) corresponds to F'(u) = Xu. The basic idea of the proof is that for each cm in (146), one finds a critical point u of F with respect to S with F(u)= cm. According to the Lagrange multiplier rule, an eigenvector of F' corresponds to this point u. If all of the cm's are mutually distinct, then one obtains N pairs (u, — u) of eigenvectors in this way. Otherwise, if cm = cm+i= ''' = Cm+P ^or P — 1) l^en ^e genus of the set of all eigenvectors of (147) on S with F(u)= cm is greater than or equal to p+1. In particular, there then exist infinitely many eigenvectors on S. This result generalizes the multiplicity assertion in Proposition 37.58, (2).
37.27. Critical Points and the Basic Ideas of the Morse Theory 105 The following generalization of Proposition 37.59 to infinite-dimensional spaces is important for nonlinear functional analysis. Proposition 37.60 (Ljusternik (1939)). The equation F'{u) = \u, ueX, XeR, ||h||=1 possesses an infinite number of pairs («, — «) of eigenvectors in case the following three assertions hold: (/) X is a real separable H-space such that dim X= oo. (//) F: X-* U is even, F e Cl(X,U) and F' is compact. (Hi) F(0)=F'(0) = 0, and u # 0 implies that F(u)*% F'(u)¥=0. This proposition, which was proved in weaker form by Ljusternik (1939), is a special case of Proposition 44.17. If A: X~> X is a compact linear operator and one sets F(u)=2~l(Au\u), then F'=A, and Proposition 37.60 is transformed into a known proposition of linear functional analysis (cf. Theorem 22.E in Section 22.5). References to the Literature Ljusternik (1930) (classical work); Krasnoselskii (1956, M); Vainberg (1956, M); Schwartz (1969, L); Rabinowitz (1974, S). 37.27. Critical Points and the Basic Ideas of the Morse Theory The Morse theory investigates the local and global behavior of critical points of functions F: M -> U. In this connection, the quadratic terms in the Taylor expansion of F and their nondegeneracy play a crucial role in the local investigation. The global propositions connect the topological properties of M and the number of nondegenerate critical points of F, In particular, one obtains estimates for the number of nondegenerate local maxima, local minima, and saddle points. Many results can also be generalized to infinite-dimensional spaces or manifolds M. For instance, these generalizations play an important role in the investigation of geodesies on surfaces or on more general manifolds. In this book we do not go into the proofs of Morse theory since a deep knowledge of algebraic topology and differential geometry is needed for a profound understanding of this theory and its applications, an understanding not expected of the reader. We content ourselves with working out the basic ideas in the most elementary way possible and giving a number of
106 37. Introductory Typical Examples references to the literature for an effective study. In this way, we hope to arouse the interest of the reader in this excellent mathematical theory, with which the image of modern analysis is essentially imprinted. The connection of Morse theory to the central modern concepts of (a) singularity, (/?) transversality, (y) generic property, (§) stable unfolding or deformation of singularities are treated in the next section under the caption "catastrophe theory." In order to describe the basic ideas under unified assumptions, we assume, for the sake of simplicity, that the functions are arbitrarily often continuously differentiable, i.e., we consider only C°°-functions. Diffeomor- phisms, which we have defined in Section 4.13, will play a central role. 37.27a. The Simplest Situation in 0¾1 Let F: U -> U be a C°°-function. u0 is a critical point of F if and only if F'( u0) = 0. Then the Taylor expansion of F is F(«) = F(u0) + a(u-u0f+ o(\u- u0\2), u-+u0, (148) where a— F"(u0)/2. The critical point u0 is said to be nondegenerate if and only if a =/= 0. The Morse index of u0 is equal to 1 for a < 0 (local maximum) and equal to 0 for a > 0 (local minimum). The functions F(u) = uk, k > 3, for example, have a critical point at u = 0, which, however, is degenerate. The following formulations are so selected that they carry over to essentially more general situations. In (i) and (ii) below, it is assumed that «0 is a nondegenerate critical point. (i) Normal form. There exists a transformation of coordinates u = <p(v), with «0 = <p(0), such that F(<p(v))~F(u0) + (S&ia)v2. (149) Here, <p is a C°°-diffeomorphism in a neighborhood of zero. (ii) Stability. Each transformation of coordinates « = <p(u), with u0 = <p(«0), which is a C°°-diffeomorphism in a neighborhood of u0, leaves the property of u0 invariant, u0 being a nondegenerate critical point. Since <p'("o) ^ 0> tQis ^act follows easily from the chain rule. Furthermore, for given e > 0, each C°°-function G". U -> U also possesses a nondegenerate critical point v0 with |«0 — v0\ < e when \F—G\, \F' — G'\, and \F" — G"\ are sufficiently small on a suitable neighborhood of uQ. Moreover, vQ has the same Morse index as uQ. Degenerate critical points u0 do not have this stability property. For example, because F0'(0) = -F0"(0) = 0, Ft(u) = w3 + tu has a degenerate criti-
37.27. Critical Points and the Basic Ideas of the Morse Theory 107 cal point at u = 0 for t = 0, whereas the perturbed function Ft has no critical point at all for t > 0 because Ft'(u)= 3u2 + t > 0 (see Fig. 37.34). (iii) Morse-Sard Theorem. The number c is called a critical value of F or a critical level if and only if there exists a critical point «x such that F(ul)=c. The following holds: The set of critical values of Fhas measure zero in U. Intuitively, this assertion means that the critical values are rare exceptions. (iv) Morse Junctions. A C°°-function G: U -> U is called a Morse function if and only if it possesses only nondegenerate critical points. These points cannot have a finite limit point. Let F: U -> U be a C°°-function. We set (?(«) = F(u)+au. Then G is a Morse function for almost all aeR. This proposition intuitively asserts that the majority of all functions are Morse functions, (v) Level sets. We set Mc = {u e U: F(u)<c}. Case 1: Let — oo < a < b < + do. If the set F~l[a, b] is compact and contains no critical points, then the set Ma is C°°-diffeomorphic to Mb. In Fig. 37.27(a), Mb arises from Ma by means of a simple deformation. Case 2: Let uQ be a nondegenerate critical point of F such that F(u0) = c. If F~ l[c — e, c + e] is compact for some e > 0 and u0 is the only critical point in this set, then Mc+e is C°°-diffeomorphic to a set which arises from Mc_c by the adjunction of an interval. In Fig. 37.27(b), Mc_e —0 while Mc+e is an interval. Roughly speaking, the level sets change their structure significantly only upon passing through a critical level. (vi) Global estimates for the number of critical points (Morse inequalities). The function F(u)=u has no critical points on R; but if it is known that the C2-function F: U -> U possesses only nondegenerate critical points, and F(u)-> +oo as \u\ ->oo, then M0>1, Mi-Mo^-l. (150) Here, A/, denotes the number of critical points having Morse index i, i.e., M0 and Mx are the number of local minima and maxima, respectively. These estimates are obtained easily from the fact that a maximum must lie : between any two minima. The estimates of the type (150) depend crucially on the topology of the set on which F is defined. For example, let F: Sl -> U be a C2-function on H (a) (b) Figure 37.27 c + e
108 37. Introductory Typical Examples the boundary of the unit disk 51 in U 2. Critical points are defined in a way analogous to that using local coordinates. If F has only nondegenerate critical points, then, in contrast to (150), M0>1, M!-M0 = 0 (151) holds. Analogous results for closed surfaces in R3 will be given below in Example 37.63. In order to describe generalizations, we first need some concepts concerning quadratic forms. 37.27b. Quadratic Forms Let Q: X X X -> U be a symmetric bounded bilinear form, where X is a real B-space. Then there exists a linear continuous operator A: X-> X* such that Q(h,k) = (Ah,k) for all h,keX. By the null index of Q, we understand dim N(A). The Morse index of Q is defined to be the maximal dimension of all subspaces of X on which Q(h,h)<0. Furthermore, Q is said to be nondegenerate (respectively, weakly nondegenerate) if and only if A is bijective (respectively, injective). Example 37.61. Let A = (a, •) be a real symmetric M XM matrix. We set N Q(h,k)= £ a^^j iotallh,keUN. -../ = 1 Then the Morse index (respectively, the null index) of Q is equal to the number of negative eigenvalues of A taking their multiplicities into account [respectively, equal to dim N(A)]. There exists a regular linear transformation of coordinates h=Th',k = Tk' such that Q(h,k) passes into a sum of squares, i.e., JV Q(Th',Tk')~ Z^k'i, ; = i where e,. = ± 1,0. The Morse index (respectively, null index) of Q is equal to the number of e, with e,- = — 1 (respectively, e, = 0). Furthermore, Q is nondegenerate if and only if det(a,- •)# 0. Example 37.62. Let Q: X X X -> U be a symmetric bounded bilinear form defined on the real H-space X with dimJif=oo. Suppose there exists a strictly positive, compact, and symmetric bilinear form b: X -> X -> U such that Q(h,h)>c\\h\\2x-d-b(h,h) for all A e* and fixed constants c, d > 0. Furthermore, we consider the eigenvalue problem Q(h,k)=ixb(h,k) for all A: eX (152)
37.27. Critical Points and the Basic Ideas of the Morse Theory 109 Then the Morse index (respectively, null index) of Q is equal to the number of negative eigenvalues ju taking their multiplicities into account (respectively, equal to the multiplicity of ft = 0). Q is nondegenerate if and only if ju = 0 is not an eigenvalue in (152). def Proof. The quadratic form e = Q + d- b is strongly positive and symmetric. Therefore, Q(h,k)= (Ah,k) and A = E - d-B, where e(h,k)~ (Eh,k), b(h,k)= (Bh,k) for all h, k e X. Here, E is strongly positive and symmetric. B is compact and symmetric. Thus, A is a Fredholm operator of index zero (see Section 22.7). Consequently, A is bijective if and only if dim N(A) = 0, i.e., ft = 0 is not an eigenvalue in (152). Furthermore, dim N{A) equals the multiplicity of ju = 0 in (152). If we write (152) in the form e(h, k)= (ju + d)b(h, k), then we can apply Proposition 22.31 and obtain the existence of eigenvectors uvu2,... and eigenvalues ftj <fi2 < • • • with jun -> + oo as n -> oo as well as b{ut, Uj)= 5,y for (152). For each h e X, 00 h= £ b(h,«,)«,; 1=1 therefore, 00 Q(h,h)= ZfiMh,u,)2. ;=i The assertion of the example follows easily from this. D 37.27c. Generalizations The results of Section 37.27a can be generalized to a large extent to functions F: M -+U, where M is an open set in R" or a finite-dimensional manifold or an infinite-dimensional manifold. For local results it suffices to know the generalizations to open sets M of UN or of B-spaces, inasmuch as manifolds behave locally as do those spaces. The global results, however, are based on a detailed knowledge of the global topology of M, We give the exact definition of the concept of a manifold in Chapter 43. The reader can think of manifolds as sufficiently smooth curves and surfaces, on which local coordinates can be introduced, which lie in UN or in B-spaces. The essential strategy of the theory of manifolds is that one calculates in terms of local coordinates, but applies only those concepts that are independent of the local coordinate system chosen. In Problem 44.12 we point out a number of generalizations of the Morse theory to infinite-dimensional manifolds. First, let F: M £UN-+U be a (^-function defined on an open set M, with 0 e M. The point u0 = 0 is a critical point of F if and only if F'(0) = 0, i.e., all the first partial derivatives of F vanish. Then the Taylor expansion for F reads as follows: F(tt) = F(0) + iF"(0)tt2 + o(||tt||2) as u -> 0, (153)
110 37, Introductory Typical Examples where F"(0)uo= E a^vj. (154) -../ = 1 The critical point u0 = 0 is called nondegenerate if and only if the quadratic form in (154) is nondegenerate. By means of a regular linear transformation of coordinates, one can then attain the situation that a,y = e,5,y- holds, where e,-= ±1. By definition, the Morse index of u0 = 0 is equal to the Morse index of the quadratic form in (154), i.e., it is equal to the number of the e, with 6; = — 1. In particular, if u0 = 0 is a nondegenerate critical point in U2, then, by means of a regular linear transformation of coordinates, one can always attain the situation that F(u) = ^(0) + 6^ + 62^ + 0(1142) astt-^0 (155) holds, where the following are special cases: ex = e2 = 1, local minimum, Morse index / = 0; ex = e2 = — 1, local maximum, Morse index / = 2; Ej =1, e2 = — 1, saddle point, Morse index /=1. Analogous to (i) in Section 37.27a, the Morse lemma asserts that by means of a suitable coordinate transformation, one can attain the situation that the term o(||«||2) in (153) and (155) vanishes. In Theorem 73.E in Section 73.12 we shall prove a more general result in 5-spaces. An interesting application of the Morse lemma pertains to asymptotic formulas for integrals of the type fa(y)eik^dy for large k (the method of stationary phases). Such formulas, which are of great significance in geometrical optics, can be found in Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M), page 16. Here, a decisive role is played by the critical points of <p. We give a generalization of the Morse-Sard theorem (iii) in Section 37.27a to finite-dimensional and infinite-dimensional spaces in Problem 44.12. The generalization of assertion (iv) reads as follows: If F: UN-+ U is a Morse function, then u >-> F(u)+ au is also a Morse function for almost all a e UN (cf. Guillemin and Pollack (1974), page 43). The generalization of (v) in Section 37.27a concerning the structure of level sets to infinite-dimensional Hilbert manifolds can be found in Schwartz (1969, L), Propositions 4.67 and 4.87. Then, in Case 2, instead of intervals, one has to adjoin balls whose dimension is connected with the index of the associated critical points. Similar assertions are valid for the homotopy equivalence of Mc+e and extensions of Mc_e by means of balls (cf. Milnor (1963, M), page 14 for finite-dimensional manifolds and Skrypnik (1973, M), Chapter 5, for infinite-dimensional Hilbert manifolds).
37.27. Critical Points and the Basic Ideas of the Morse Theory 111 General Morse inequalities are given in Milnor (1963, M), page 30 and Kahn (1980, M) (finite-dimensional manifolds) and in Schwartz (1969, L), Proposition 4.89 (infinite-dimensional Hilbert manifolds). These inequalities are of the type that the alternating sum of the M, (the number of nondegenerate critical points of Morse index i) is estimated against the alternating sum of topological invariants (Betti numbers). Example 37.63 (Morse Inequalities on the Torus). As an illustration, we consider a sufficiently smooth function F: M-^Rona closed, orientable, and sufficiently smooth surface M in three-dimensional space. Each such well-behaved surface is homeomorphic to a sphere-with p handles (p = 0,1,2,...). The number p is called the genus of M. Figure 37.28(b) shows the case p=l. This surface is homeomorphic to the torus in Fig. 37.28(a). To each neighborhood of a point P belong local coordinates (uv u2). If F has a nondegenerate critical point at P, then the Taylor expansion of F coincides with (155) in a neighborhood of P. Now the crucial result reads as follows: If F has only nondegenerate critical points on M, then M0>1, M2>1, - M0 + M1~M2 = 2p-2 (M0, Mj, and M2 equal the number of minima, saddle points, and maxima, respectively). In particular, Ml > 2p; therefore, F has at least two saddle points on the torus with p =1. If we consider, say, the function P >-> z(P) that assigns to each point P of the torus in Fig. 37.28(a) the corresponding z-value, then this function has a minimum (respectively, a maximum) at m (respectively, M) and has two saddle points at the two points S. In Milnor (1963, M), page 1, the intuitive form of the level sets of this function and its homotopy types are discussed. If F is a continuously differentiable real function on the torus, then F has at least three critical points, provided we drop the assumption that all critical points are nondegenerate. This result does not follow from Morse theory but from the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory (cf. Problem 44.13d). We shall study easily formulated special cases of Morse inequalities in ff-spaces in Problem 44.12. We treat additional important generalizations of Section 37.27a in Section 37.28. m p= 1 (a) (b) Figure 37.28
112 37. Introductory Typical Examples 37.27d. Index Theorem for Geodesies First, as a simple example we consider the unit sphere 52 in R3 in order to explain the intuitive meaning of the Morse index and of the null index for geodesies. As usual, let <p (respectively, #) be the coordinates of geographical longitude (respectively, geographical latitude), with 0 < <p < 2ir, 0<&< it. The curve # = ir/2 corresponds to the equator. We state the variational problem def ra I—^ ;— F{9)=* \ U'z+ sin2*d<p = mini, (156) *(0) = *(a)-| with the corresponding Euler equation d &' sin#cos# d(P /#'2+sin2# /#'2+sin2# (157) and the solution ^("P) — w/2- Furthermore, we state the second variation of F: 82F(&0; &lt92) = ["Ufii - 9i&2) d<p for all &u #2 e C0°°(0, a), Jo (158) as well as the eigenvalue equation 82-F(fl0; #1,^2) = /^(¾.¾) for all #2e ^/(0, a), (159) 0 . def where &leW2(0,a) and b(ftv #2) = /0¾¾^ and the corresponding classical eigenvalue equation -#('-•#! = /*#!, ^(0) = ^(0) = 1. (160) (156) describes the problem of determining the shortest curve joining two points P0 and Pl on the equator in the form # = #(<p) (see Fig. 37.29). The solution #0 corresponds to the shortest arc of the equator between PQ and Pv According to (4.16), (158) arises by setting ifr(t,s) = F(&0 + t&t + s&2) and calculating the derivative ^„(0,0). Then, (159) is the generalized prob- Figure 37.29
37.27. Critical Points and the Basic Ideas of the Morse Theory 113 Table 37.2 0<a<ir a = w v < a < 2v Null Index of the Geodesic #0 0 I 0 Are the Initial Point and End Point Conjugate? no yes (multiplicity = 1) no Morse Index of #„ 0 0 1 lem corresponding to (160). It arises by multiplying (160) by #2 e C<J°(0, a) and then integrating by parts. However, it follows from regularity considerations that (159) and (160) are equivalent. We think of 82F in (158) as a bilinear form on X X X, where X= W^iO, a). Let the Morse index (respectively, the null index) of #0 be by definition equal to the corresponding index of 82F, According to Example 37.62, the null index (respectively, the Morse index) is equal to the multiplicity of ju = 0 (respectively, the sum of the multiplicities) of the negative eigenvalues. Moreover, the assertions in Table 37.2 hold. This easily results by considering the eigenfunctions sin(nir<p/a) of (160). The points P0, Pl are called mutually conjugate if and only if the null index of the corresponding geodesic #0 is not equal to zero (degenerate critical point). By Table 37.2, this occurs for a = tr —therefore, it occurs for the two antipodal points in Fig. 37.29. That the point is degenerate finds its geometric expression in the fact that several geodesies pass through these two antipodal points. By definition, the multiplicity of conjugate points is equal to the null index of the corresponding geodesic. We have thus obtained the following in our special case: The Morse index of a geodesic is equal to the number of points in the interior of the geodesic that are conjugate to the initial point, where the points are counted according to their multiplicity. This proposition (the Morse index theorem) holds in general for Riemannian manifolds (cf. Milnor (1963, M), page 83). 37.27e. Existence of Geodesies Morse theory and Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory present the basic tools for proving the existence of geodesies on Riemannian manifolds M—therefore, in particular, on surfaces in U3. Here, the idea is the following: If P0, Pl are two points on M, then we denote by M(PQ, Pt) the space of all piecewise continuous curves C which join PQ and Pl on M (see Fig. 37.29). Let L(C) be the length of the curve C. By introducing a suitable metric, M(P0, Pt) becomes an infinite-dimensional metric space. Then the critical points of L
114 37. Introductory Typical Examples correspond to geodesies. We cite three important results: (a) (Morse) On a Riemannian C°°-manifold that is homeomorphic to the unit sphere in U", n > 3, there exists an infinite number of joining geodesies between the two points P0, Pl (cf, Seifert and Threlfall (1938, M), Section 20). (b) (Ljusternik and Schnirelman) On a closed surface in R3 that is C°°-difFeomorphic to the unit sphere in U3 there exist three closed geodesies that do not intersect (cf. Klingenberg (1978, M), page 214). One can specify ellipsoids that contain exactly three such closed geodesies. (c) (Ljusternik and Fet) There exists a closed geodesic on each compact Riemannian C°°-manifold (cf. Klingenberg (1978, M), page 207). Here, by a geodesic we understand not only a shortest joining curve, but all solutions of the Euler differential equation for the shortest curve variational problem. In Fig. 37.29, e.g., every curve which winds around the equator several times is also a geodesic, (a) is to be understood in this sense. The Morse index theorem in Section 37.27d holds in general for such geodesies. While (a) follows from Morse theory, (b) and (c) are obtained from the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory, (a) is based on the fact that the space M(P0, Pj) has an infinitely high connectivity. 31.211. Comparison of the Morse Theory and the Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory In contrast to Morse theory, the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory has the advantage that the estimates for the number of critical points are obtained without making any assumptions whatsoever on the nondegeneracy or the isolation of the critical points. To begin with, the Morse theory is connected with nondegenerate critical points; but it can also be applied to degenerate critical points with the aid of type numbers (cf. Seifert and Threlfall (1938, M) and Berger (1977, M) as an introduction). However, in contrast to the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory on infinite-dimensional manifolds in the case of degenerate critical points, the Morse estimates for the type numbers yield no especially sharp estimates for the number of critical points. In the case of geodesies, however, the estimates are sufficient to verify the existence of infinitely many geodesies (cf. Seifert and Threlfall (1938, M)). References to the Literature Classical works; Morse (1925), (1934, M). Introduction: Seifert and Threlfall (1938, M); Milnor (1963, M); Kahn (1980, M); Bott (1982, S). The topological tools needed are available in an elementary setting in the above-cited monograph by Seifert and Threlfall.
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 115 Conjugate points, the calculus of variations and sufficient conditions for extrema: Morse (1934, M), (1972, M). Critical points and global analysis: Morse and Cairns (1969, M); Smale (1977, S); Kahn (1980, M); Bott (1982, S). Morse theory on infinite-dimensional manifolds; Berger (1977, M) (introductory); Palais (1963), Palais and Smale (1964); Schwartz (1969, L); Rothe (1973); Skrypnik (1973, M); Tromba (1977), (1977a); Klingenberg (1978, M); Marsden (1981, L). Applications to minimal surfaces: Tromba (1977), (1977a), (1977b), (1980). Application to geodesies: Morse (1934, M); Seifert and Threlfall (1938, M); Milnor (1963, M); Schwartz (1969, L); Klingenberg (1978, M). Application to nonlinear elliptic differential equations: Skrypnik (1973, M); Berger (1977, M). Application to asymptotic integral formulas in geometrical optics: Guil- lemin and Sternberg (1977, M). Application to homotopy theory: Milnor (1963, M) (Freudenthal's suspension theorem, Bott's periodicity theorem as the basis for the Atiyah-Singer index theory for elliptic differential equations on manifolds). Application to differential topology: Hirsch (1976, M) (classification of closed surfaces in R3). Degenerate critical points and their type numbers: Morse (1934, M); Seifert and Threlfall (1938, M); Berger (1977, M). Generalized Morse index of Conley and dynamic systems: Conley (1978, M); Amann and Zehnder (1980) (application to differential equations); Smoller (1983, M) (shock waves). Infinite-dimensional Morse-Sard theorem: Fucik, Necas, and SouCek (1973), L); Berger (1977, M); Tromba (1977b). 37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory This section supplements and generalizes parts of the Morse theory discussed in the preceding section. The reader who wishes to become acquainted as rapidly as possible with the fundamental ideas of catastrophe theory can immediately begin with Section 37.28f after studying Section 37.28a. We pursue the same aims as those described in the introduction to Section 37.27. The purely calculational aspect of the theory which is important for applications is explained briefly in Section 37.28k. In Chapter 73 we shall study the following questions in a more general setting.
116 37. Introductory Typical Examples 37.28a. Singularities Let F: U C RN -> RM be a (^-mapping defined on the open set U'mRN. By definition, F has a singularity or a critical point at «0 if and only if the linearization F'(u0): RN-+ RMis not surjective. This is, e.g., always the case for N < M. The number c is called a critical value of F if and only if there exists a critical point u0 such that F(u0)= c. Moreover, this is obviously a matter of a generalization of the corresponding concepts of Morse theory for functions. F is called a submersion (respectively, an immersion) at u if and only if F\u): RN -> RM is surjective (respectively, injective). If this property holds for all ueD(F), then we speak simply of a submersion (respectively, immersion). The Morse-Sard theorem asserts that critical values are rare. To be precise, the following holds: The set of critical values of a C°°-function F: RN-+ RM has measure zero in RM. Example 37.64. The mapping F: R2-»R2, where F(£,tj)= (£,tj2), has a critical point at (0,0) because *'<«)-(J I), «-(€,!,) anddetF'(0)=0. Furthermore, F: R2->R2, where F(£, ?]) = (£, rf - £t]) has a critical point at (0,0). Example 37.65. The function F: R2 -+ R, where F(£, tj) is equal to one of the following expressions: £2 + tj2, £2 — tj2, — £2 — tj2, has a critical point at (0,0). Roughly speaking, Morse theory asserts that in most cases the critical points of functions F: R2 -* R have the structure of Example 37.65, i.e., one can usually attain these normal forms by means of a transformation of coordinates, which is a local diffeomorphism, and the addition of a constant. A fundamental result due to Whitney (1955) asserts that in most cases the mappings F: R 2 -> R 2 have only the two singularities given in Example 37.64, i.e., usually one can attain one of these two normal forms by means of a transformation of coordinates of the dependent and independent variables, which are local diffeomorphisms. In singularity theory one attempts to classify the possible singularities by producing normal forms. In this, one restricts oneself to such singularities which, roughly speaking, occur in most cases and are stable with respect to perturbations. As examples, we shall give the exact formulation of the Whitney classification theorem and the Thorn classification of elementary catastrophes, where the latter case entails stable deformations of singularities.
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 117 The significance of singularity theory for the natural sciences is that on the basis of many examples one is convinced that essential phenomena in nature are frequently connected with stable singularities. Thus, knowledge of normal forms affords a survey of the possible wealth of structures in nature, and one obtains hints for the mathematical modelling of natural- scientific phenomena. However, despite the employment of deep-lying tools, until now, we have succeeded in finding such normal forms only in simple cases, and we know natural situations, i.e., fc-parametric deformations, k > 6, for which an infinite number of normal forms already exists. Besides, the simple example of gravitational potential of the sun, which has a pole at the midpoint of the sun, already shows that the classification of singularities of smooth mappings cannot be sufficient. The singularities in elementary particle theory behave essentially still worse. 37.28b. Transversality To a large extent transversality theory generalizes the following elementary fact: For two smooth curves in the plane, there exists at a point u exactly three possibilities: (a) The curves contact one another (see Fig. 37.30(a)). (b) The curves intersect each other transversally (see Fig. 37.30(b)). (c) The curves do not intersect (see Fig. 37.30(c)). Two curves are said to be transversal at u if and only if (b) or (c) holds. The following observation is crucial: (b) and (c) are stable relative to small perturbations. On the other hand, in (a) the smallest perturbations suffice in order to attain (b) or (c) (see Fig. 37.30(d)). Therefore, it is intuitively evident that transversality occurs in most cases. The transversality theorem of Rene Thorn that we shall formulate in Section 37.28c makes this precise in more general form. First we define the concept of transversality which is of central significance in modern differential topology. (a) If X and Y are two C1 -manifolds in UN, then they are said to be transversal at the point u with respect to UN if and only if one of the following two cases occurs: Case 1: u<£ X nY, i.e., X and Y do not intersect at u. \J (a) (b) (c) (d) Figure 37.30
118 37. Introductory Typical Examples Case 2: ue X (~)Y, and the two tangent spaces at u span UN, i.e., TXU + TYU = UN. For example, one has transversality with respect to R2 (respectively, R3) in Fig. 37.30(b) (respectively, Fig. 37.31). If two curves in R3 intersect, then one never has transversality at the intersection point, because the tangent spaces are one dimensional and thus cannot span R3. We explain TXU in Definition 43.8. Intuitively, the tangent space TXU to a curve (respectively, to a surface) is obtained by means of a translation of the tangent (respectively, of the tangent plane) to zero. (b) If F: R N -* R M is a (^-mapping and 7 is a (^-manifold in the image space RM, then F is said to be transversal to Y at u with respect to RM if and only if one of the following two cases occurs: Casel: F(u)<£Y. Case 2: F(u) e Y, and for the linearization F'(u) we have R{F'(u)) + TYF(u) = UM. If R N is replaced by a C^-manifold X in R N, then for the linearization one has to choose the tangential mapping TF(u) instead of F'(u) (cf. Definition 43.18). We speak of transversality when it holds at each point. First we treat two typical examples which will show how already known nondegeneracies are to be conceived in a unified manner with the aid of the concept of transversality. Example 37.66 (Nondegenerate Zero). Let F: R -> R be a C00-function such that F(u0) = 0. The zero u0 is said to be nondegenerate if and only if F is a submersion at u, i.e., F'(u0) + 0. This can also be expressed as follows: F is transversal to {0} at u0 with respect to the image space R. We shall now use the concept of transversality to formulate the situation that F has only nondegenerate zero points. To this end, we introduce the /c-jet coordinates JkF(u) = (u, F(u), F'(u),...,F(k'>(u)) and the k-jet space Figure 37.31
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 119 Figure 37.32 Jk(U,i def , „ )=11^+2. Then JkF:U'~*Jk(U,U) is a mapping belonging to F: U -> U. Linearization yields (JkFy(u)h-(h,F'(u)h,...,F<k+1>(u)hk+1). (161) Therefore, the following holds: (A) F: U-+U has only nondegenerate zeros if and only if J°F is transversal to the straight line X= {(h,0) eR^lieR1} relative to U2 (see Fig. 37.32). Intuitively, J°F is the graph of F in U 2. Furthermore, Fig. 37.33 shows that a degenerate zero can be changed into a nondegenerate zero by means of a small perturbation. We have already essentially used this idea in Chapter 12 in the construction of the fixed point index. We will give a precise formulation of this perturbation proposition in Section 37.28c, (ii). Example 37.67 (Nondegenerate Critical Point). The C00-function F: U -»R possesses a critical point at u0 if and only if F'(u0) = 0. The critical point is called nondegenerate if and only if F"(u0) + 0. According to (161), this is equivalent to stating that JlF is transversal at u0 to the plane X= {(£, tj,0) ee3: (£,ij)eR2} relative to Jrl(R,II«) = IR3. (B) F possesses only nondegenerate critical points, i.e., F is a Morse function if and only if JXF is transversal to X with respect to Z^R.IR). Figure 37.33
no 37. Introductory Typical Examples Exercise Verify explicitly that (A) and (B) result from (161) and the definition of transver- sality and visualize (B) by means of a surface in R3 that corresponds to JlF. In order to explain the connection between JkF and the Taylor expansion of F, we denote by j„F the function that results from the Taylor expansion of F at the point u if one takes into account only the terms up to and including the k th order; therefore, jtF(v)-F{u) + F'(u)v+ -+¾^. Then JkF results from u and the expansion coefficients without taking the corresponding factorials into account. As the first important application of the transversality concept, we consider the equation F{u) = y. (162) Let F: UN~*UM be a C°°-mapping. We ask the question, when do the solutions u of (162) form a C°°-manifold when y ranges over a C°°-manifold Y in UM. The answer is: F'\Y) is a C°°-manifold when F is transversal to Y with respect to UM (cf. Theorem 73.F in Section 73.13). For example, if Y consists of only one pointy, then TYy = {0} holds, and F~\y) is a C°°-manifold when R(F'(u)) = UM for all u e UN, i.e., F is a submersion. In order to retain this proposition in 5-spaces, the concept of submersion must be modified (cf. Section 43.6). 37.28c. Generic Properties By such a property we shall heuristically understand that it is one that occurs in the majority of cases and is stable relative to perturbations. The precise definition reads as follows: A property of a C°°-mapping F: U N -> U M is said to be generic if and only if there exists a set A that is open and dense in CX(UN,UM) such that all mappings from A have this property. In this connection, C^IR^,UM) is provided with the so-called C00 -Whitney topology (cf. At (69) and Golubitsky and Guillemin (1973, M), Chapter 2, Section 3). As important examples, we assert that the following properties are generic for C°°-mappings F: (i) F: UN -> U possesses only nondegenerate critical points, i.e., F is a Morse function, (ii) F: UN -> UM possesses only nondegenerate zeros, (iii) F: UN -> UM is an immersion when M^2N. (iv) F: UN -> UM is transversal to a fixed closed C°°-manifold in UM.
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 121 (v) For fixed k, the fc-jet mapping JkF to F: UN -> U M is transversal to a fixed closed C°°-manifold in Jk(UN,UM)- The genericity of (iv) and (v) is a special case of the general transversality theorem of R. Thorn, (i)-(iii) follow from (iv) and (v). In (v), JkF{u) means the tuple (u, F(u), DaF(u)), where Da ranges over all the partial derivatives of Fup to and including the order k. Suppose the number of components of this tuple is K. We set Jk(UN,UM) = UK. Then JkF is a mapping of R" into the A:-j'et space Jk(UN,UM)- In connection with the Whitney theorem (iii), we give two further basic results due to Whitney: (a) The set of injective immersionsF: UN -> UM is dense in CX(UN,UM) whenM^2iV + l. (b) Every iV-dimensional manifold X, i.e., every C°°-manifold with a countable basis that is modelled over UN can be embedded in U2N+1, i.e., there exists a C°°-immersion /:X-* U2N+1 which is simultaneously a homeomorphism onto /(X) (Whitney's embedding theorem). The proofs of all these properties can be found in Golubitsky and Gufflemin (1973, M), Chapter 2. 37.28d. Equivalence By the concept of equivalent mappings, we wish to think heuristically of mappings which, by a well-behaved change of the dependent and independent variables, go from one into the other and thus, roughly speaking, possess the same structure. Two C°°-mappings F, G: U N -> U M are said to be equivalent if and only if there exist mappings <p, \p such that the following diagram commutes: UN —^-> UM v where <p and \p are C°°-diffeomorphisms. If, concerning <p and \p, this is a matter of local diffeomorphisms with v[) = <p(u0) and F(u0) = \p(G(v0)), then F and G ate said to be locally equivalent at u0 and v0, respectively.
122 37. Introductory Typical Examples Example 37.68. For C°°-functions F: U ->R, the following two assertions hold: (i) u >-» F(u) and u -» « are locally equivalent at «0 when F'(u0) + 0. (ii) «>->F(w) and w*-»w2 are locally equivalent at u0 and 0, respectively, when F has a nondegenerate critical point at u0. Exercise Prove this and give examples of concrete functions which are mutually equivalent. For example, u <-* u and u <-* sinh u are mutually equivalent on U, but u <-* u and u >-> w3 are not, because the function inverse to «■-> w3 is not a C°°-function. (i) results from considering inverse functions, whereas (ii) follows from the Morse theory. Example 37.69 (Normal Form of Submersions and Immersions). Let F: U(u0) c UN-* UM be a C°°-mapping on an open neighborhood of u0. Then the following holds: If F is a submersion (respectively, an immersion) at u0, then, at u0, F is locally equivalent to G: 1/(0) c U N -> U M at 0, where def G{^,...AN) = (^,...,^), M^iV, (respectively, G(^,. ..,£„) = (^,. ..,^,0,. ..,0), iV^M). The proof follows directly from the rank theorem in Problem 4.4. Example 37.70 (Whitney's Classification Theorem). There exists an open and dense subset A of C°°(R2,IR2) such that each F in A is locally equivalent at each point u to one of the following mappings at zero: (*,i)~(*.i). (£.12). (£.i3-^) (cf. Brocker and Lander (1975, M), Chapter 8). Generalizations can be found in Golubitsky and Guillemin (1973, M), Chapter 7, Section 4 (Morin singularities). 37.28e. Structural Stability With this concept we associate the heuristic picture of functions which preserve their essential structure under perturbations. A function F e C°°(UN,UM) is said to be structurally stable if and only if there is a neighborhood U(F) of Fin C°°(II«W,II«M) in which each G e U(F) is equivalent to F The structural stability of C°°-mappings F: X -> Y is explained in an analogous way in the case where X, Y are finite-dimensional C°°-manifolds.
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 123 Example 37.71. If Xis a compact C00-manifold in R", then the (^-function F: X-> U is structurally stable if and only if F is a Morse function that takes on distinct values at distinct critical points. F. X-*UM is structurally stable when F is a submersion or an injective immersion (cf. Golubitsky and Guillemin (1973, M), Chapter 3). 37.28f. The First Elementary Catastrophe We consider the function F(u) = u3. Then Fhas a degenerate critical point at u = 0 which is not stable, for one can consider the.family Ft{u) = u3 + tu that depends on the parameter t having the behavior shown in Fig. 37.34. For t + 0, the critical point of F at 0 vanishes. However, the following question is crucial for the so-called elementary catastrophe theory: Is the family { Ft} which describes the deformation of the singularity above stable? The answer, which we shall make precise in Section 37.28h is as follows: In principle; there is only one stable deformation of u >-> u3 in a neighborhood of zero and it is given by (u, t) >-> u3 + tu. This deformation, or unfolding, is called the first elementary catastrophe. Example 37.72 (Isotherms of a van der Waals Gas). We consider a gas in a container of volume V and with a temperature T. Suppose the pressure p acts on the gas (see Fig. 37.35). We choose the state equation to be the van der Waals equation p^RTiV-by'-^V-2, where a, b, and R are positive constants. The isotherms, i.e., the curves T= constant, have the form shown in Fig. 37.36(a). For a critical temperature rcrit, the isotherm has exactly one critical point. At this point, liquifac- tion (condensation) occurs. Figure 37.36(a) shows the deformation, or unfolding, of this singularity, and this deformation has the structure of the first elementary catastrophe. The isotherms located above the critical isotherm (T> rcrit) have no critical points. They describe the gaseous phase. The isotherms located below the critical isotherm (T<Tcdl) have a local minimum and a local maximum. They contain an unstable region with t = 0 r y F, (u) = u3 + t u Figure 37.34
37. lmrouuctory lypicalExainpies Figure 37.35 dp/dV> 0, which in principle is not realizable experimentally. In fact, one must correct the isotherms by a straight line AB as in Fig. 37.36(b). Along this straight line the (vapor) pressure remains constant. Here, the gas and liquid are in thermodynamic equilibrium. With the aid of the equilibrium condition for free enthalpy, one can show that the straight line must be such that the hatched region above and below the straight line AB in Fig. 37.36(b) have the same area. On the isotherm, only gas (respectively, only liquid) occurs to the right of B (respectively, to the left of A). A detailed physical discussion can be found in Sommerfeld (1962, M), Vol. V, Section 10. T = constant * rritic: (a) ,, liquid QfflJF j& gas gas and liquid T = constant (b) Figure 37.36
37.2o. amgularities auu Catasiropne' Theoiy 125 t C 3 >-s Figure 37.37 37.28g. The Second Elementary Catastrophe or the Cusp Catastrophe We consider the function F(u) = u4 which has a degenerate critical point at 0. Parallel to the situation in the preceding section, to this function there corresponds a stable deformation in a neighborhood of zero given by the two-parameter family Fs t(u) = u4 - su2 + tu. This deformation, which we also call the second elementary catastrophe or the cusp catastrophe, occurs frequently. One reason for this is that the function u >-> u4 corresponds to the simplest form of a degenerate minimum. We treat an application in Section 37.28J. In order to acquire an intuitive picture of Fs t, we determine the critical points of F t for constant (s, t) by Fs't(u) = 0, i.e., 4u3-2su + t*=0. (163) Multiple solutions of this equation occur for Fs"t(u) = 0, i.e., 12«2 — 2* = 0; therefore, 8*3 = 27*2. This curve C in the (s, 0-plane is shown in Fig. 37.37. C splits the (s, 0-plane into three parts in which the function u >-> Fs t{u) has 3, 2, and 1 critical points (see Fig. 37.37). If we keep s fixed and consider the changes in the family of functions u >-> F t(u) relative to the parameter t, then we obtain the situations pictured in Fig. 37.38. 37.28h. The Seven Elementary Catastrophes of R. Thorn Of importance for the following are the transformation formulas: F(«) = ±F1(<p(«))-constant-e(«,«), n= (£,tj, ...) (164) H1(u,p)^H(Hu,p),Up))+K(p), (165) \ 2^
126 37. Introductory Typical Examples Figure 37.38 and H(u,0) = F(u). The new concepts appearing in the following theorem will be explained in the next section. Theorem 37.F (Classification Theorem). (1) Normal form. If F^. 1^(0) cRw -*U is a Cx-function on the neighborhood of zero, 1^(0), which has a critical point at u = 0 with codim Ft < 4, then one can always attain one of the normal forms F given in Table 37.3 by means of a transformation of the form (164). In this connection, <p is a C^-diffeomorphism on a neighborhood of zero with <p(0) = 0, and Q is a nondegenerate quadratic form of the components of u which do not appear in F. Table 37.3 codim F1 1 2 3 3 3 4 4 Normal Form F e i4 e e+v3 sws i6 S2t) + t,4 Universal Stable Deformation H (Unfolding) of F; t, s, v, w Are Parameters e+ta i4-ii2+?i e+ve+^e+tt I3 + 7}3 + u£t? - st? - r£ |3-|T,2+t,(|2+7}2) -sr]-t£ |27} + 7}4 + wf + UT)2-irj- r£
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 127 (2) Stable deformation. To each normal form F there belongs the stable k-parameter deformation H shown in Table 37.3. The proof, together with graphical representations of the elementary catastrophes, can be found in BrOcker and Lander (1975, M), Chapters 15 and 17. The stable deformations H in Table 37.3 have a universal character: Every other stable deformation H^ of F in a neighborhood of zero cannot contain fewer parameters and, with the aid of a coordinate and parameter transformation according to (165), can be represented by if in a natural way: here, ^, f, and K have the natural properties given below in (ii), where, however, f need only be a C°°-function. Furthermore, it is important that the expressions H given in Table 37.3 be typical for the behavior of parameter families in a neighborhood of zero with no more than four parameters. Roughly speaking, this means that as a rule (in the sense of a generic property) one obtains the functions H given in Table 37.3 by means of suitable coordinate and parameter transformations. In Chapter 73 we shall study this in greater detail. 37.28L Stable Deformations and Codimension In the following, let U, Ut, V, and Vi be open neighborhoods of zero. (i) Deformation. Let F: U c R N -> R be a C°°-function. By a ^-parameter deformation, or an unfolding, of F we understand a C°°-mapping of the form (u,p) >-> H(u, p), where H(u,0) = F(u) on V. More precisely, H: VxV1c:UNXUk~>U. We think of p in Uk as a parameter. (ii) Stable deformation. In addition, H in (i) is called a stable ^-parameter deformation of F if and only if the following holds: For each sufficiently small neighborhood of zero, l/j XU2, in UN XUk, there exists a neighborhood W{H) of H in C^Xl^R) such that each H^WiH) can be obtained from H by means of a coordinate and parameter transformation according to: Hl(u,p)^H(t(u,p),t(p))+K(p) onU.X^. This transformation has the following natural properties: (a) \p(-,p). l/j -> l/j is a C°°-diffeomorphism for all/? e U2 with \p(u,0) = u and^eC^l/iXl^.R). (b) f: U2 -> U2 is a C°°-diffeomorphism with f (0) = 0 and K e C°°(l/2, R). (iii) Germs. Two C00-functions .^: l/;CRw->R, /=1,2, are said to be equivalent if and only if they coincide in a neighborhood of zero. The corresponding equivalence classes are called germs. One can define addition, multiplication, and differentiation of germs in a natural way by carrying out these operations on representatives and taking into account that the result is independent of the choice of the representatives. The germ structure plays a
128 37, Introductory Typical Examples central role in the construction of normal forms, because one can make use of the methods of commutative algebra (ideal theory) and algebraic geometry. In this connection, the theory of local rings and Malgrange's preparation theorem are especially important. The latter generalizes the Weierstrass preparation theorem (cf. Problem 8.1). In this connection, study Brocker and Lander (1975, M), Chapter 6. (iv) Codimension. Let GN be the real vector space of germs of C°°-func- tions F: U c R N -> R, and let Fx: 1^ c R N -> R be a fixed C°°-function. We set codim/^ = dimG7(/F1). Here, (j1^) is the linear subspace of GN that consists of all germs belonging to a0+ E a,(«)- i-1 K, where w = (^,...,^). Furthermore, a0 eR and alia, are C°°-functions in a neighborhood of zero. The factor space GN/(j1F1) results in the usual way by identifying elements of GN which differ by an element in (j'1^). Example 37.73. If Fx has no critical point or a nondegenerate critical point at u = 0, then codim Fx = 0. Example 37.74. If Fx: l/cR->J G(0)it0 and m > 2, then codim ! has the form Fl(u) = umG(u) with F1 = m-2. In this case, a basis for GN/(j1F1) is formed by the residue classes which belong to u, u ,...,u" Exercise. Prove Example 37.74 (cf. Golubitsky (1978, S), p. 360). One can conceive of codim F: as the measure of degeneracy of a critical point at u = 0. 37.28J. Perturbed Bifurcation and Catastrophe Theory As an illustration, we consider the buckling of a rod of length tr under the influence of the external force X (see Fig. 37.39). Let y(x) be the displacement at the point x. Here, let x denote arc length. If u denotes the maximal
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 129 (a) (b) Figure 37.40 (c) displacement, then theoretically one obtains the bifurcation diagram shown in Fig. 37.40(a), i.e., buckling occurs only for a critical force X0. Here, u > 0 (respectively, u < 0) means that the buckling is upward (respectively, downward). In practice, however, one obtains diagrams that correspond to Fig. 37.40 (b), (c) and which one can interpret to mean that the ideal situation is disturbed, e.g., by an additional small weight a as in Fig. 37.41. This situation includes the lower branch in Fig. 37.40(b). We will now show how catastrophe theory can explain the structure of this perturbation diagram. In order to expose the heart of the matter clearly, we forego concrete calculations. From the principle of stationary potential energy, we get the following variational problem for y: clef rT , . . Fx= \ L(y,y',y";\)dx = stationary!, (166) y(0) = y(n) = y"(0) = y"(n) = 0, with the corresponding Euler equation G(y,y',...,y^,\) = 0. This, together with the boundary condition in (166), is a bifurcation problem for determining y and X. We assume that with the aid of the method from Section 8.10 we obtain a unique bifurcation branch of the form y(x) = uy0(x) + O(u2), X = X0 + O(u), w-»0. We substitute y in Vx . Now suppose that we obtain VXo(u) = au4 + 0(us), «-»0, where a > 0, i.e., u = 0 is a critical point of codimension 2 (cf. Example Figure 37.41
130 37. Introductory Typical Examples 37.74). According to Section 37.28h, there is a change of variable from u to £ such that ^0 = ^- By Table 37.3, the universal stable deformation V,tl(l)-P-se + ti (167) corresponds to this. This means that if we are interested in stable perturbations of the potential, then we can reduce these to (167) by means of suitable coordinate and parameter transformations. The crucial information that catastrophe theory provides us is that we need at least two parameters to describe the stable deformation of the potential. Therefore, it does not suffice to consider only the force parameter \. The equilibrium state of the rod is now determined by the requirement that the potential energy is stationary for fixed parameters, i.e., K,;,(£) = 4£3-2j£ + * = 0. For fixed t = 0, t > 0, t < 0, we obtain the structure of the diagram in Fig. 37.40 (a), (b), (c) when we set u = £, X = X0 + s there. Concrete calculations can be found in Golubitsky (1978, S). There, y0(x) = sin x. For perturbed and many-parameter bifurcations, we recommend Hale (1976, S), Chow and Hale (1982, M), Reiss (1977), and Golubitsky and Schaeffer (1979). 37.28k. Taylor Expansion and Numerical Calculation of Normal Forms In the following, let F,G: l/(0)cR"-»IS be C°°-functions on a neighborhood of zero. We denote the polynomial which consists of the terms of the Taylor expansion of F at zero up to and including the fcth-order term by jkF. Furthermore, let u = (^,...,^N). We call F and G locally right-equivalent if and only if G(u) = F(<p(u)) + constant holds on a neighborhood of zero in UN, where <p is a local C°°-diffeomor- phism with <p(0) = 0. It is of great significance for practical problems that one answers the following questions: How must one choose k so that jkF expresses the essential behavior of F, and how can one construct such special deformations of F that yield all deformations of F in a neighborhood of zero up to coordinate and parameter transformations? A summary of results in this direction together with a computer program can be found in Poston and Stewart (1978, M), Chapter 8. In this connection, a central role is played by fc-determinacy. The function F is called k-determined if and only if it follows ftomjkF= jkG that F and G are locally right-equivalent.
37.28. Singularities and Catastrophe Theory 131 Example 37.75. Let F'(0)¥=0, i.e., not all the linear terms vanish in the Taylor expansion of F at zero. Then F and H, with H(u) = £v are locally right-equivalent. Consequently, F is one-determined. Now let F'(0) = 0, but suppose that the critical point « = 0 is not degenerate, i.e., all linear terms in the Taylor expansion of F vanish at zero; however, the quadratic terms constitute a nondegenerate quadratic form. According to Morse's lemma in Section 37.27c, F and H are locally right-equivalent where H(u) = £x2 + ■ • ■ + £2 - £2+1 - ■ - ■ - ££. Thus, F is two-determined. The situation is more complicated in the investigation of degenerate critical points u = 0 for which terms of order higher than two in the Taylor expansion are crucial. For example, there is no number k such that F(u) = i-1£l is ^-determined. Roughly speaking, this follows from the fact that where G = £x£2 + £2*+1, F and G are not locally right-equivalent, because the zeros of F lie on two straight lines, but those of G lie only on one straight line. As an illustration of the structure of criteria for fc-determinacy, we give the following proposition: F is ^-determined if one obtains each homogeneous polynomial of the (k + l)-st degree in N variables by forming Pdk'\DlF)+---+PNjk'\DNF) with arbitrary polynomials Pf of degree greater than or equal to two and discards terms of order higher than k +1. Here, Z), = d/d£t. Exercise With the aid of this criterion show that F(u) = £i + €i€f is three-determined. A further important criterion due to Mather reads as follows: F is /c-determined for some k if and only if codim F is finite. In this case, k <, codim F + 2. In the natural sciences, one frequently uses approximations that are obtained by truncating the Taylor expansion, i.e., one replaces F by jkF. However, if k is chosen clumsily, then grave errors can arise. The significance of the theory of fc-determinacy is precisely that one obtains propositions concerning an appropriate choice of k. In Chapter 73 we shall consider these questions in greater detail. 37.28/. Applications of Catastrophe Theory Numerous applications in hydrodynamics, theory of elasticity, thermodynamics, laser technology, biology, ecology, sociology, and numerical mathematics are described in Poston and Stewart (1978, M) and Gilmore
132 37. Introductory Typical Examples (1981, M). We recommend that the reader study these monographs. There one also finds a detailed bibliography. References to the Literature Classical work on catastrophe theory: Thorn (1972, M). Introduction: Lu (1976, L); Poston and Stewart (1978, M,B) and Gilmore (1981, M) (elementary expositions with numerous applications); Golubitsky (1978, S); Triebel (1981, S). Elementary transversality theory and applications: Guillemin and Pollack (1974, M). General singularity theory: Golubitsky and Guillemin (1973, M), Arnold (1981, S). Deformations and elementary catastrophes: Brocker and Lander (1975, M). Classification of singularities and applications to the bifurcation theory of dynamical systems: Arnold (1971, M), Vol. II. Classification of critical points: Arnold (1975, S), (1983, S). Phase integrals of geometrical optics and catastrophe theory: Duistermaat (1974); Arnold (1975, S), (1983a, S). Transversality and generic properties of dynamical systems: Abraham and Robbin (1967, M). Imperfect bifurcation and catastrophe theory: Golubitsky and Schaeffer (1979), Chow and Hale (1982, M). Applications to the natural sciences: Poston and Stewart (1978, M) and Gilmore (1981, M) (comprehensive expositions); Thom (1972, M) (biology); Zeeman (1974, S); Hilton (1974, P); Golubitsky (1978, S); Giittinger and Eikemeier (1979, P); Ursprung (1982, L) (applications in economics); Thompson (1982, M). 37.29. Basic Ideas for the Construction of Approximation Methods for Extremal Problems In this section we shall give a summary of the basic ideas of a number of methods for the approximate solution of extremal problems: (a) The Ritz method. (/6) Gradient method (descent method). (y) Ascent method. (5) Penalty method.
37.29. Construction of Approximation Methods for Extremal Problems 133 (e) Regularization and perturbation analysis. (f) Duality method. (rj) Dynamic optimization. (#) Decomposition. Moreover, we discuss two important principles for the construction of further approximation methods: (1) Equivalence principle. (2) Combination principle. In the following list we summarize several typical difficulties which appear in the numerical treatment of extremal problems. In* parentheses, we give the methods by means of which these difficulties can in principle be overcome. (a) Infinite-dimensional problems (the Ritz method and more general projection methods, e.g., in the case of variational inequalities). (/6) Side conditions (penalty method), (y) Multiple solutions (regularization). (§) Multivalued expressions (regularization). (e) Instable, i.e., ill-posed problems (regularization). (f) Large number of equations (decomposition). If several of the above-named difficulties occur, then one must form a combination of several of these methods. This is the combination principle. In Chapter 25 we have, for instance, combined the projection and iteration methods to form the projection-iteration method. Some abstract results for combined methods can be found in Kluge (1979, M), page 204. By the equivalence principle we understand: (i) The reduction of extremal problems to operator equations. For example, a necessary condition for a solution of F(u) — min! is the Euler equation F'(«) = 0. (ii) The reduction of operator equations to extremal problems. For example, Au = b is equivalent to \\Au- b\\2 = min! In (i), for the solution of extremal problems, we also have at our disposal the methods for the solution of operator equations, which we have already made available in Parts I and II. We give a survey regarding this in the references to the literature at the end of this section.
134 37. Introductory Typical Examples 37.29a. Ritz's Method For the functional F: M c X -> R on the real B-space X, we consider the minimum problem minF(«) = a. (P) ueM The basic idea of Ritz's method consists in solving the modified problem min F(u) = a„ (P„) ueM n x„ instead of (P), where Xn is a finite-dimensional subspace of X. U {wv...,w„) forms a basis in Xn, then each u e X„ can be represented as u — c^ + ■ ■ ■ + cnwn, ct e U. Consequently, (Pn) is a minimum problem for a real- valued function of the real variables cv...,cn. If Xl c X2 c • • • cl with U „A"„ = X, i.e., as n increases, X is approximated better and better by Xn, then under suitable assumptions on M and F, it can be shown that when n -» oo: (a) The extremal values a„ converge to a. (b) The solutions un of (/>„) converge in a certain sense to a solution of (P) (strong or weak convergence, subsequence convergence; cf. Sections 42.5 and 46.5). We have already explained the connection with the more general Galerkin method (projection method) and given numerous examples in Chapters 18-22 of Part II. 37.29b. Gradient Method or the Method of Steepest Descent If one wishes to reach the lowest point of a valley in the mountains, then one must simply walk continually downhill, and indeed as continually as possible, in the direction of steepest descent. Suppose that the functional F: X -» U is given. We will use this idea to formulate an iteration method for the minimum problem minF(«) = a. (P) We choose, say, X— U2, u — (£, rj), start with u0, and construct a sequence («„) recursively by "n+i = "„ + *». « = 0,1,.... The direction kn is to be so chosen that F(un+1) < F(un) holds. We show that def , , k„~-t„F'(u„), t„>0
37.29. Construction of Approximation Methods for Extremal Problems 135 is a propitious choice. To this end, we set <p(t) = F(u0 + th) forallfSR, i.e., we consider F on the straight line t •-> uQ + th. We have <P'(0 "F^uo + th)^ + Fv(u0 + th)h2 *F'{u0)h. <p'(0) is smallest if, to within a normalization constant, we choose h--F'(u0), i.e., h = — grad F. This is the direction of steepest descent. If the mountain landscape, i.e., the surface belonging to F, is sufficiently well behaved, then (un) converges to a solution of (P) when the step size t„ is appropriately prescribed (cf. Sections 42.6 and 46.6). 37.29c. Ascent Methods and Remes Algorithms In contrast to the so-called descent methods, in which the minimal value is approached from above, in ascent methods this occurs from below. The Ritz method and the gradient method are typical descent methods. On the other hand, the ascent method is frequently used in approximation theory. Prototypes are the Remes algorithms for uniform polynomial approximation. To this end, we consider the problem of Chebyshev approximation min [ max |/(0~«(0l) =a (p) and, parallel to this, the discretized problem min( max 1/(0-1/(01) = /8, (^) where -oo<c£t1<t2<- ■ ■ <tm<,d < oo. Let M be the set of (n - l)-st degree polynomials. Obviously, /6 <, a. In the first Remes algorithm one successively increases the number of subdivision points in (Pd) so that /6 constantly becomes larger: One begins with m—\ and determines «x as a solution of (Pd). Then the point t2 is so chosen that |/(0""i(OI assumes its maximum on [c, d] at t2. If t2 = t1, then a<,p, i.e., a = /S, and «x is also a solution of (P). Otherwise, one determines u2 as a solution of (Pd) with m = 2, and so forth. EXERCISE. Prove the convergence of this algorithm (cf. Cheney (1966, M), page 96). In using this algorithm, it is possible that m becomes very large. In the refined second Remes algorithm, one works with a fixed m = n+l and makes use of the equation /(0-k(0-(-1)' + 1Y. /=1,...,»+1. (168)
136 37. Introductory Typical Examples According to the alternation theorem in Section 37.16, u is a solution of (P) precisely when (168) holds, with IyI = ll/~~ «11- From Corollary 39.14 it easily follows that the unique solution of (168) is equal to the solution of (Pdy, thus, /8 = |y|. For this reason, for each solution of (168), the error estimate |Yl<«<l|/-"ll holds. Thus, the idea consists in solving (168) and increasing the number |y| by interchanging t, until we obtain |y| = ||/ — h||. Example 37.76. We will approximate/^) = e' uniformly in an optimal way on [ — 1,1] by means of a first-degree polynomial u = a + bt. We set g = / — u. According to the alternation theorem in Section 37.16, there exists exactly one solution u, and this solution is characterized by the fact that there exist three points -1 < tx < t2 < t3 < 1 such that *K)--g(T2) = g(T3), |g(r,)| = ||g|| for all/. We start with ty = -1, t2 = 0, and *3 = +1. From (168) we obtain « = 1.272 + 1.175*, Y = 0.272. Subdivision of [-1,1] with step size 0.1 then yields ||g||> 0.286 and g(f) = 0.286 for I = 0.2. Due to the alternating property, we interchange t2 and t. With the changed points tv i, and t3, we again solve (168). This yields « = 1.264 + 1.175*, Y = 0.278. (169) Now, ||g|| = 0.279 and g(0.16) = 0.279. The polynomial (169) satisfies (168) with the points -1, 0.16, and +1. For this reason, the u in (169) is the solution within the limits of the accuracy used, and — 1, 0.16 and 1 are the alternate points. EXERCISE. The reader is asked to depict our calculations graphically. The proof of the convergence of the second Remes algorithm, in which the interchange of *, must be disposed of appropriately, can be found in Cheney (1966, M), page 97 and, in greater generality, in Meinardus (1964, M), page 102. This method converges linearly (respectively, quadratically for smooth/), i.e., at the fcth step the error is of the order of magnitude qk (respectively, q2k) for fixed <jre]0,l[. The rapid convergence for smooth/ results from the fact that in this case the algorithm can be reduced to a Newton method.
37.29. Construction of Approximation Methods for Extremal Problems 137 s \ \ \ / / - / / /— __. „ M -% 'F» Xv —+~ Figure 37.42 37.29d. Penalty Method The basic idea consists in approximating minimum problems with side conditions by such problems having no side conditions. To explain this, for a given continuous function F: U -»R, we consider the minimum problem with side condition, minF(x) = a, 0<x^l (P) and parallel to it, the minimum problem without side condition, In addition, let minF„(x) = a„. (S) *eR Fn(x) = F(x) + an(A(x)xf+bn(B(x)(l~x))2; v ; \l ifx<0; ayX} \l ifx>l. Here, (an) and (b„) are monotonically increasing sequences of positive numbers which tend to + oo as n -» oo. Outside [0,1], for increasing n, the functions Fn are increasingly steep (see Fig. 37.42). For this reason, it is clear that for n>n0(F), the solutions of (S) are also solutions of (P). We shall investigate this method in greater detail in Section 46.7. The name "penalty" functional has its origin in the situation that one adjoins additional terms—the so-called penalty terms—to F with Fn(x) > F(x) for x € [0,1]. We say that violation of the side condition is penalized. This penalty increases with increasing n. 37.29e. Regularization and Perturbation Calculus We have already pointed out the significance of regularization methods in Sections 37.14 and 37.15 and in the introduction to Section 37.29. The general idea consists in replacing an equation Au = b (P)
138 37. Introductory Typical Examples by a regularized equation A.u = b, (P.) which one can treat more easily. Following this idea, one tries to construct solutions for (P) from the solutions of (PJ. We applied this method, e.g., in an essential way in the Yosida approximation in Chapter 31 and we will use it in Chapter 54. Numerous methods for regularization can be found in Lions (1969, M), (1973, L), (1983, M), and Lions, Jr. (1982, L). A procedure for improving the behavior of the difference method for gas dynamics problems according to an idea of J. von Neumann by introducing artificial viscosities is described in Richtmyer and Morton (1967, M). In perturbation analysis one tries to represent the solutions of (PE) as expansions in terms of the small parameter e. We shall delve into these fundamental techniques, that are basic for theoretical physics, and their peculiarities in Part V. 37.29L Duality Method The basic idea of duality theory consists in considering a given minimum problem inf F(u) = a (P) uGA together with a maximum problem sup 0(/,)=0, (P*) peB where ft <a. In the following, we shall explain the advantages that accrue from this. (i) Two-sided bounds for a. If one chooses some u^A, then F(u)>a results from (P). However, knowing (P*), one also obtains a lower bound for a, for it follows from (P*) that G(p)<P<a<F(u) ioru^A, p^B. (170) (ii) Sufficiency criterion for solvability. By (170), it follows immediately from F(u) = G(p) for fixed «e A, p&B (171) that F(u) = a, i.e., u is a solution of (P), and p is a solution of (P*). Furthermore, a = /?. (iii) Error estimate for the solution u of (P). For all «,ce A and fixed c, p > 0, we assume that the estimate c\\v-u\\"<F(v)-F(u) (172)
37.29. Construction of Approximation Methods for Extremal Problems 139 holds. We give conditions for this in Section 41.3. Now, if u is a solution of (P), then the error estimate c\\v-uY<F{v)-G{p) for ue A, p^B (173) follows immediately from (172) and (170). (iv) Approximation method. If sequences («„) and (pn) with F(w„)-»a and G(p„)-*P as n-»oo are constructed, for example, by using a Ritz method or a gradient method for (P) and (P*), then from (173) we immediately obtain: c\\u„-ur<F(u„)-G(p„), (174a) G{pn)<p<a<F{un). (174b) (v) No duality gaps. We say that there is a duality gap when p < a. In this case, because F(un)—G(pn)~2^a — ft, the estimate for a in (174b) and for ||w„ — u|| in (174a) cannot be arbitrarily precise for fundamental reasons. On the other hand, for a = /3, the right-hand side of (174a) tends to zero. Thus, one is very much interested in the condition a = /3. We shall discuss this in Chapters 49-52. When « = /S, by (170), one can also formulate a simple necessary and sufficient criterion for a solution: Up is a fixed solution to the dual problem (P*), then u is a solution to the original problem (P) if and only if F(u)=G(p). (vi) Extremal relations. In many cases one can give relations, say, of the form E(u,p) = 0 between the solutions u (respectively, p) of (P) [respectively, (P*)], which are called extremal relations. Indeed, if u = J(p), then tlie following can be exploited: First one determines a solution/? of the dual problem (P*) and then obtains a solution u of the original problem (P) by u =/(/>). This method is applied, e.g., in the case where (P*) can be solved more easily than (P). If only the dual problem (P*) has a solution, then by u = J(p) one can construct generalized solutions to the original problem (P). For example, this method is applied in the theory of minimal surfaces (cf. Problem 52.1). 37.29g. Dynamic Optimization We have already discussed the pertinent algorithm for discrete problems in Section 37.20a. For continuous control problems, one obtains approximate solutions by discretizing and then applying this algorithm. 37.29h. Decomposition Very large systems of equations occur frequently in practical problems. In order to treat these systems effectively, one tries to break the problem up into a number of subproblems. The idea is that in optimizing a complex of
140 37. Introductory Typical Examples factories, an approximate solution is obtained by optimizing the individual factories (principle of decomposition). Thus, in order to achieve a good approximation, one must assume that the interaction between the factories, i.e., the subsystems, is weak. A comprehensive survey of the different methods can be found in Bensoussan, Lions and Temam (1972, S). In this connection, not only extremal problems, but also operator equations and evolution equations (fractional step methods) are considered. References to the Literature Survey of approximation methods: Courant (1943, S) (classical work); Collate (1964, M); Cea (1971, M); Polak (1973, S,H,B); Hlavacek (1979, S); Dixon (1980, P). General expositions of approximation methods: Luenberger (1969, M) and Varga (1971, L) (introductory); Collate (1964, M); KantoroviC and Akilov (1964, M); Sauer and Szabo (1967, M) (handbook for engineers); Kxasnoselskii (1973, M) (comprehensive exposition); Gajewski, Groger, and Zacharias (1974, M); Langenbach (1976, M); Auslender (1976, M); Glowin- ski, Lions and Tremolieres (1976, M) (variational inequalities); Berger (1977, M); Kluge (1979, M); Glowinski (1980, L); Hlavacek and Necas (1981, M). Algorithms: Cea (1971, M); Polak (1971, M); Grossmann and Kleinmichel (1976, L); Auslender (1976, M); Psenicnyi and Danilin (1979, M); Dixon (1980, P); Marcuk (1980, M), (1982, M). Rite's method: Rite (1909) (classical work); Michlin (1969, M); Ciarlet (1977, M) (finite elements) (also, cf. the references to the literature for Chapter 22 and to the Appendix for Part II). Projection method and difference method: Galerkin (1915) (classical work); Kxasnoselskii (1973, M); Richtmyer and Morton (1967, M); Birkhoff (1971, L); Temam (1977, M) (also, cf. the comprehensive references to the literature for Chapters 20, 21, 34, and 35). Gradient method: Cauchy (1847) (classical work); Powell (1971) (good algorithm); Ljubic (1970, S); Cea (1971, M); Vainberg (1972, M); Gopfert (1973, M); Fletcher (1980, M) (also, cf. the references to the literature on algorithms above). Ascent methods in approximation theory: Remes (1934) (classical work); Meinardus (1964, M); Cheney (1966, M); Laurent (1972, M). Connection with the Newton method: Collate (1964, M); Meinardus (1964, M) (also, cf. the references to the literature for Chapter 39). Penalty method: Courant (1943) (classical work); Cea (1971, M); Grossmann and Kaplan (1979, L, B). Problems with side conditions: Poljak (1974, S,B); Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M) (numerous physical applications); Psenicnyi and Danilin (1979, M); Fletcher (1980, M).
Regularization: Tihonov (1963) (classical work); Cea (1971, M); Morozov (1973, S); Tihonov and Arsenin (1977, M,H,B); Ivanov, Tanana, and Vasin (1978, M). Regularization of monotone operators: Browder (1968/76, M, B); Lions (1969, M); Gajewski, Groger and Zacharias (1974, M); Pascali (1974, M); Hess (1974); Pascali and Sburlan (1978, M). Regularization of difference methods of gas dynamics: J. von Neumann and Richtmyer (1950) (classical work on artificial viscosity); Lax and Wendroff (1960), (1964); Richtmyer and Morton (1967, M). Regularization of partial differential equations: Oleinik (1957, S) (nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations); Lions (1969, M), (1973, L), (1983, M) (comprehensive expositions); Lions and Lattes (1969, M) (quasireversibility); Oleinik (1971, S) (degenerate differential equations). Regularization of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation: Lions, Jr. (1982, L). Perturbation theory: Compare the references to the literature in Chapters 8 and 79. Perturbed variational problems, asymptotics, homogenization: Bensous- san, Lions and Papanicolaou (1978, M); Lions (1980, S), (1983, M). Duality method: Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M). Minimax problems: Auslender (1972, L); Demjanov and Malozemov (1975, M). Decomposition: Cea (1971, M); Bensoussan, Lions and Temam (1972, S,B). Combination principle: Browder (1966); Kluge (1979, M). General surveys: Jacobs (1976, P) (state of the art in numerical mathematics); Dixon (1980, P) (state of the art in optimization); Marcuk (1980, M), (1982, M). Symposia on optimization problems and their applications: Bensoussan and Lions (1975, P); Marcuk (1975, P); Cea (1976, P); IFIP Conferences (1978, P), (1978a, P), (1979, P); Glowinski and Lions (1980, P); Tzafestas (1980, P). Pursue the IFIP Conferences further. Modern numerical methods: Pursue the book series, International Series in Numerical Analysis, Birkh'auser, Basel, Volumes 1-60, and further volumes. Furthermore, pursue the conference series Glowinski and Lions (1980). Complexity of numerical algorithms: Traub (1976, P); Traub and Wozniakowski (1980, M); Smale (1981, S). Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications (1976/oo). Russian mathematical encyclopedia (1977). Handbook of applicable mathematics in 6 volumes (1980). New directions in applied mathematics: Hilton and Young (1980, M). Further references to the literature on approximation methods can be found in the following: Iteration method (Chapter 1); Numerical method for determination of fixed points (Chapter 1);
142 37. Introductory Typical Examples Semidiscretization, line method, and Rothe's method (Chapter 3); Newton's method, secant method, quasilinearization, shooting methods, and invariant embedding (Chapter 5); Continuation by a parameter (Chapter 6); Problems of monotone type (Chapter 7); Approximation methods for bifurcation problems (Chapter 15); Collocation method (Chapter 21); Projection-iteration method (Chapter 25); Fractional step method (Chapter 30); Approximate solutions for control problems (Chapter 48). The references to the literature in Chapter 1 contain a summary of monographs on numerical mathematics. Exercise collections and monographs with comprehensive exercise sections. Calculus of variations: Krasnov (1975, M) (collection of exercises with solutions); Bolza (1949, M); Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M). Optimal control: Oleinikov (1969, M) (collection of exercises with solutions); Lee and Markus (1967, M); Bryson and Ho (1969, M); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Fleming and Rishel (1975, M); Leitmann (1981, M). Dynamic optimization: Bellman (1957, M), (1967, M). Optimization and approximation theory: Collatz and Albrecht (1972, M), Volumes I, II (collection of exercises with solutions); Dantzig (1963, M); Luenberger (1969, M); Holmes (1972, L), (1975, M); Foulds (1981, M). Approximation theory: Cheney (1966, M); Collatz and Kxabs (1973, M); de Boor (1978, M). Stochastic optimization: Astrom (1970, M). Game theory: Karlin (1959, M); Owen (1968, M). Convex functions: Roberts and Varberg (1973, M). Several optimization techniques and their applications: Foulds (1981, M)
TWO FUNDAMENTAL EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS PRINCIPLES It is a splendid feeling to realize the unity of a complex of phenomena that by physical perception appear to be completely separated. Albert Einstein Having become acquainted with an abundance of concrete and very diversified examples in the preceding chapter, we will work out, in the two following chapters, two general principles at our disposal for existence and uniqueness proofs. To be precise, these principles entail: (a) compactness (P) and convexity in existence proofs and the significance of: (a) strong convexity of functional (P) and the interpolation property of subspaces in uniqueness proofs. We have already explained the basic ideas in the section 'Introduction to the Subject.' In Chapter 38 we attach value to presenting the connections between different formulations of the generalized theorem of Weierstrass, which are available in the literature.
CHAPTER 38 Compactness and Extremal Principles Before you generalize, formalize, and axiomatize, there must be mathematical substance. Hermann Weyl Another characteristic of mathematical thought is that it can have no success where it cannot generalize. Charles Sanders Pierce Of the greatest importance is the sharp distinction that Weierstrass draws according to whether a function attains a value at a point or whether it comes only arbitrarily close to this value. David Hilbert 1897 In this chapter we give a far-reaching generalization of the following classical theorem of Weierstrass using compactness arguments: A continuous function F: [a, b] -* U, — oo < a < b < oo, has a maximum and a minimum (see Fig. 38.1). Here, lower semicontinuous functionals and weak sequentially lower semicontinuous functionals play a crucial role. In this connection, we exploit, e.g., the fact that the continuity of F: [a, b] -> U is not needed for the existence of a minimum of F, but only the lower semicontinuity. Due to its fundamental importance, we will explain the crucial argument in its simplest form. Let F: [a, b] -* U be a real function defined on the closed bounded interval [a, b] with the property F(u) <, lim F(u„) for«= lim u„, n —» oo n -^ oo which we shall elucidate intuitively in Example 38.11 and Fig. 38.2(a). We assert that Fhas a minimum on [a, b]. To prove this, let a be the inflmum of 145
146 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles Figure 38.1 F on [a,b], and let («„) be a sequence in [a, b] such that F(u„)-*a as n-> oo. Since [a, b] is bounded, there exists a convergent subsequence («„,) such that «„/ -*u as n' -> oo, and because [a, b] is closed, u e [a, £]. From F{u) <lim F(«„-) = a it follows that F(«) = a, i.e., F has a minimum at «. In this chapter we shall get acquainted with different variants of this argument. The crucial point is that a bounded sequence in an infinite- dimensional B-space does not necessarily contain a convergent subsequence; but in a reflexive B-space there always exists a weakly convergent subsequence. For this reason, weak convergence plays a central role in extremal problems. In nonreflexive B-spaces one can use weak* convergence in certain cases. The main theorem in Section 38.3 represents a central tool for existence propositions in extremal problems. In connection with the development of functional analysis, a long historical development process of mathematics was required before the abstract existence principles that are presented here were worked out clearly in this century. In this connection, the Dirichlet principle played a fundamental role. This principle is a method of deduction which Dirichlet (1805-1859), inspired by an idea of Gauss, used to solve the first boundary value problem in the plane: G:uxx + uyy = 0; dG:u = g. Dirichlet assumed the existence of a smooth solution u of the variational problem J [ux + uyj dxdy = mini, u = g ondG. Since the first boundary value problem corresponds to the Euler equation of this variational problem, one immediately finds that u is the solution of the first boundary value problem. In the middle of the last century, Riemann placed this principle at the pinnacle of complex variable theory and used it to construct his deep theory of Abelian integrals and Riemann surfaces. However, the Dirichlet principle was subjected to sharp criticism by Weierstrass. He pointed out that the existence of the solution of a varia-
38.1. Weak Convergence and Weak* Convergence 147 tional problem was in no way evident. In addition, he constructed a simple variational problem which does indeed possess an inflmum but where there exists no function that realizes this inflmum (cf. Problem 38.5). The justification of the Dirichlet principle thus became a famous problem of the second half of the nineteenth century. At first, C. Neumann. H. A. Schwarz, and H. Poincare bypassed the difficulties of the Dirichlet principle by developing new methods which made possible the direct solution of the first boundary value problem without going down the path of a variational problem. The Dirichlet principle was first rigorously proved by Hilbert (1904). At the same time, moreover, he created the so-called direct method of the calculus of variations which works parallel to the above proof for the existence of a minimum of a real function F, i.e., convergent minimal sequences are constructed. On the other hand, by the indirect method one understands the solution of a variational problem with the aid of the solution of the corresponding Euler differential equation. The significance of lower semi- continuity for existence questions in classical variational problems was pointed out emphatically by Tonelli (1921, M). As we shall see, for lower semicontinuity arguments, the concept of convexity plays a central background role. In this connection, we would also like to point out an important situation which we have already discussed in the introduction to Chapter 18. If the function F considered above is defined only on the rational numbers in [a, b\ then it need not possess a minimum. In the proof this is expressed by the fact that the limiting element u of the subsequence («„.) need not be a rational number. It is only the completion of the rational numbers by the irrational numbers that makes the above existence theorem for a minimum possible. An analogous difficulty arose in classical variational problems. For a general existence theory, it turned out to be necessary, parallel to the adjunction of the irrational numbers, to adjoin certain ideal elements within the context of a completion procedure. To these ideal elements there correspond functions with generalized derivatives, i.e., functions from Sobolev spaces. Formally, this comes from the fact that the spaces Ck(G) of smooth functions are not reflexive, while the corresponding Sobolev spaces Wp(G), 1 < p < oo, are reflexive, and thus bounded sequences always contain weakly convergent subsequences. 38.1. Weak Convergence and Weak* Convergence Here we repeat several frequently used definitions and propositions that are discussed in detail in the Appendix to Part I. There the connection with topology is also pointed out, and the difference, say, between weak continuity and weak sequential continuity is explained to help the reader avoid errors.
148 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles Definition 38.1. Let Xbe a B-space. We define weak convergence as n -»oo of a sequence (un) in Xby u„-*u iff lim (v,u„) = (v,u) for all ue X*. (1) « ~^> 00 We define weak* convergence as n -* oo of a sequence (¾) in X* by * vn-*v iff lim (vn,w) = (v,w) for all w e X. (2) H -^> 00 Norm convergence, also called strong convergence, in X (respectively, X*) is denoted by u„-*u (respectively, vn -> v). Proposition 38.2. The following assertions hold in a B-space X; (1) un-*u as n -* oo implies u^M when all un belong to M and M is a closed convex set in X. (2) If X is reflexive, then every bounded sequence in X has a weakly convergent subsequence. (3) If X is separable, then every bounded sequence in X* has a weak* convergent subsequence. (4) If X is reflexive, then on X*, weak* convergence and weak convergence coincide. In particular, every H-space and every finite-dimensional B-space are reflexive. (5) If dim X< oo, then strong convergence, weak convergence, and weak* convergence coincide. (6) When n -* oo, then we have the following two limiting relations: v„-*v in X*, un-*u in X implies ( v„, u„ ) -> ( v, u ), (3) and * v„-*v in X*, u„-*u in X implies (v„,u„) -> (v,u). (4a) In a reflexive B-space X, it follows by assertion (4) that: v„-*v in X*, un-*u in X implies (v„,un) -> (v,u). (4b) The proofs of these standard results can be found in Dunford and Schwartz (1958, M), Vol. I, Yosida (1965, M), and Mukherjea and Pothoven (1978, M). Example 38.3. According to Proposition 38.2, (4) weak* convergence plays a special role only in the dual spaces X* of nonreflexive B-spaces X. A prototype is the nonreflexive B-space X= L^G), where G is a bounded
38.2. Sequential Lower Semicontinuous and Lower Semicontinuous Functionals 149 region in UN. By A2(40), X* = LX(G) and weak* convergence vn -^ v in X* means that I vnudx -* I vudx JG JG as n -* oo for all u e X. The space Lt(G) is separable. Therefore, Proposition 38.2,(3) can be applied. 38.2. Sequential Lower Semicontinuous and Lower Semicontinuous Functionals The point of departure is the formula F(u)< Urn F{u„). (5) n -^ oo Definition 38.4. Let F: M C X-> [- oo, oo] be given. Let Ibea B-space. The functional F is said to be sequentially lower semicontinuous at the point u e M if and only if (5) holds for each sequence («„) in M such that u„-*u as n -*oo. Similarly, F is said to be weak sequentially lower semicontinuous (respectively, weak* sequentially lower semicontinuous) at the point u e M if and only if (5) holds for each sequence («„) in M such that «„—u (respectively, !/„•*-«) as n -+00. F is said to be weak sequentially continuous (respectively, weak* sequentially continuous) at the point u e M if and only if F(u) = limn^KF(un) holds for all sequences («„) in M such that «„ —« (respectively, «„*-«) as H-+00. In weak* sequential lower semicontinuity, we naturally have to assume that X= Y * holds, where Y is a B-space. F is said to be sequentially lower semicontinuous on M when F is sequentially lower semicontinuous for all we M. We proceed analogously to the other concepts in Definition 38.4. In connection with (5) we recall the known definition of limF(un). The number h, where — oo <, h < oo, is called a limiting value of the sequence (F(un)) if and only if there is a subsequence which converges to h. Then limF{un) is the smallest limiting value of (F(«„)) which always exists on [~oo,oo]. Together with Definition 38.4, we consider a parallel definition. It is based on the properties of the set def Mr= {ueM:F{u)<:r}.
150 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles Definition 38.5. Let F: M c X~* [ - oo, oo] be given. If X is a linear space, then the functional F is said to be quasiconvex if and only if Mr is convex for all r e R. If Jf is a topological space, then F is said to be lower semicontinuous if and only if Mr is closed relative to M for all r e R. F is said to be /owe/- semicompact if and only if Mr is compact for all reR. F is said to be upper semicontinuous (respectively, quasiconvex) if and only if — F is lower semicontinuous (respectively, quasiconvex). For a closed set M, by At(9), Mr is closed relative to M if and only if Mr is closed. In a B-space X, the closedness of Mr relative to M means that if («„) is a sequence in Mr, then from un-*u as n -» oo and u e M, it always follows that « e Mr. Example 38.6. For F: M c Jf-> [ - oo, oo]: (1) F and M are convex implies F is quasiconvex. (2) F is continuous if and only if Fis both lower and upper semicontinuous. The proof is obtained almost directly from the corresponding definitions (cf. Problem 38.1). We recall the definition of convexity in Section 42.1 as well as in Section 47.1 for functionals F: M -* [— oo, oo] with infinite values. The continuity of F: M -* [—00,00] is explained in the usual way by the situation that for each u e M and each neighborhood U(F(u)), there exists a neighborhood V(u) such that F(V(u)) cU(F(u)). Here, 1/(-00) [respectively, 1/(+00)] is a set that contains [— 00, a] (respectively, [a, + 00]) for a fixed a eR, In the following proposition we investigate the connection between the following assertions in B-spaces: (i) F is lower semicontinuous on M. (ii) F is sequentially lower semicontinuous on M. (iii) F is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous on M. Proposition 38.7. For F: M C X-> [- 00,00] on the B-space X: (1) Assertions (i) and (ii) are equivalent. (2) If M is closed and convex and F is convex, then (i), (ii), and (iii) are mutually equivalent. (3) Let « e M and F(u) + ± 00. Then F is sequentially lower semicontinuous at u if and only if, for each e > 0, there exists a 5(e) > 0 such that \\v-u\\<8(e) implies F(u)<F(v) + e (6) holds for all osM. We treat the simple proofs in Problem 38.3. In particular, assertion (2) shows that especially propitious relations occur for convex functionals. In
38.3. Main Theorem for Extremal Problems 151 (3), sequential lower semicontinuity can be replaced by lower semicontinu- ity. If F is continuous at u, where F(u) + ± oo, then ||y-«|| <5(e) implies - e< F(u)-F(v) <e. A comparison with (6) motivates the designation "lower semicontinuity." 38.3. Main Theorem for Extremal Problems We study the minimum problem minF(«) = a. (7) u e M The corresponding maximum problem can be reduced to (7) by passing to — F. We are interested in existence propositions. Theorem 38.A. For the functional F: M C X-> [- 00,00] with M + 0, (7) has a solution in case the following hold: (i) X is a real reflexive B-space. (ii) M is bounded and weak sequentially closed, i.e., by definition, for each sequence (un) in M such that un-*u as n -* 00, we always have « e M. (Hi) F is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous on M. Corollary 38.8. With the assumption (i), the condition (ii) holds when one of the following two conditions holds: (ii') M is bounded, closed, and convex. (ii") For fixed r> 0, we set M = { « e X' G(u) = r}. Here, the functional G: X-*U is weak sequentially continuous and lim G(«) = +oo. Hull-00 This corollary describes two situations which are important for applications. Corollary 38.9. The functional F: M c X-> [- 00,00], M¥=0, has a minimum and a maximum on M when (i) and (ii) hold and F is weak sequentially continuous on M. def Proof. Let a = miu(BMF(u). We choose a sequence («„) in M such that F(un) -* a. Since M is bounded and X is reflexive, by Proposition 38.2, (2), there exists a weak convergent subsequence (u„,) such that «„/—«. From (ii) it follows that u e M; therefore, F{u) <,limF(un,) ^ a
152 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles according to (iii). Since a<F(u), we have F(u) = a, i.e., u is a solution of (7). This proves Theorem 38.A. Corollary 38.8, (ii') is identical to Proposition 38.2, (1). We now prove Corollary 38.8, (ii"). Since G(u)-> + oo as ||u|| ->oo, M is bounded. Furthermore, it immediately follows from G(«„) = r for all neN and «„—u that G(u) = r. Corollary 38.9 follows by applying Theorem 38.A to - F and taking Example 38.6 into account. D In Problem 38.4 we will show that Theorem 38.A is a special case of the following more general result, which is frequently designated as the generalized Weierstrass theorem. Theorem 38.B (Main Theorem). Let X be a topological space. For the functional F: M C X-> [- oo,oo], M=£0, the minimum problem (7) has a solution in case one of the following two conditions holds: (i) F is lower semicompact. (ii) F is lower semicontinuous on the compact set M. Corollary 38.10. The functional F: M-> [-00,00], M^0, has a minimum and a maximum on M when F is continuous on the compact set M. def Proof, (i) By assumption, Mr= («eM: F(u)<r] is compact for all def rel. Let a == infu<BMF(u). For a = + 00, the assertion is trivial because F = + 00. Therefore, let a < r0 < 00 for a fixed r0. The set MrQ is compact. Since the intersection of a finite number of Mr's with a < r < rQ is always nonempty, it follows from A^llg) (finite intersection property) that there is a «0 such that «0e p| Mr. Obviously, F(uQ) = a, i.e., uQ is a solution of (7). (ii) This is a special case of (i). Corollary 38.10 follows from (ii) upon applying to - F and taking Example 38.6 into account. □ 38.4. Strict Convexity and Uniqueness The following uniqueness criterion is used very frequently. Theorem 38.C. The functional F: M c. X-*U has at most one minimum on M in case the following hold: (i) M is a convex subset of the linear space X.
38.5. v anants 01 mc Main T 15: v/ (a) (b) Figure 38.2 ((7) F is strictly convex, i.e., F((l- t)u + tv) < (1- t)F(u)+ tF(v) holds for all u,v^M,uj=v, and all t e ]0,1[. (c) (8) We give another general uniqueness principle in Theorem 39.B in Section 39.2. Proof. By (8), we arrive at a contradiction for F(u) = F(v) = min„,e MF(w) and «=/= v when t — \. D Example 38.11. For all u^[a,b], the real function F: [a, b]->U with — oo < a < ft < oo in Fig. 32.8(a) is sequentially lower semicontinuous, for it follows from un-*u that F{u)<> Urn F(u„). Since strong and weak convergence coincide on U, F is also weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. Furthermore, according to Proposition 38.7, (1), F is lower semicontinuous. The existence of a minimum of F on [a, b] in Fig. 38.2(a) is a special case of Theorems 38.A and 38.B in Section 38.3. In Fig. 38.2(b), F is strictly convex, i.e., by (8), the interior points of the chord lie properly above the curve belonging to F. In Fig. 38.2(c), F is convex, i.e., (8) holds with " <" instead of " <." Figure 38.2(c) shows that convexity does not suffice to assure the uniqueness of the minimum. 38.5. Variants of the Main Theorem As a preview of later applications, we first present a summary of a number of criteria for a minimum. After this, we explain two important tricks for the treatment of minimum problems in unbounded and nonconvex sets.
154 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles Proposition 38.12. The functional F: M c X-> [-00,00], M¥=0, has a minimum on M when one of the following six conditions is fulfilled: (a) X is a topological space and F is lower semicompact. (a*) X is a topological space, M is compact, and F is lower semicontinuous. (b) X=UN, N>1, M is closed and bounded, and F is lower semicontinuous. (c) X is a reflexive B-space, M is closed, bounded, and convex, F is lower semicontinuous and convex or, more generally, lower semicontinuous and quasiconvex. (d) X is a B-space, F is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous on M, and M is weak sequentially compact, i.e., by definition: Each sequence in M possesses a weakly convergent subsequence ,.. with limit value in M. ^ ' For example, in a reflexive B-space X, every closed, bounded, and convex set M is also weakly sequentially compact, (d*) X=Y*, Yis a B-space, F is weak* sequentially lower semicontinuous on M, and M is weak* sequentially compact, i.e., by definition, (9) holds, where "weak" is replaced by "weak*." For example, the ball M = {v^Y*: \\v\\<,R] is weak* sequentially compact in Y* when Y is separable. Corollary 38.13. The functional F: M C X-> [— 00,00] possesses a maximum and a minimum on M when in Proposition 38.12, (a*), (b), (d), (d*), we replace "lower semicontinuous" (respectively, "sequentially lower semicontinuous") with "continuous" (respectively, "sequentially continuous"). Proof, (a) and (a*) correspond to Theorem 38.B in Section 38.3, and (b) is a special case of (a*). Furthermore, (c) is a special case of (a). The set Mr, r e U, is closed, bounded, and convex (see Definition 38.5). If Xis equipped with the weak topology, then Mr is weak compact; therefore, F is weak lower semicompact. (d) and (d*) are proved analogously to Theorem 38.A in Section 38.3. Corollary 38.13 is obtained from Proposition 38.12 by passing from F to - F. D Trick for Unbounded Sets. The boundedness of M plays an important role in Proposition 38.12. We now explain a frequently used trick which reduces the minimum problem (7) on the unbounded set M of the B-space X to an equivalent minimum problem min F(u) = a, (10) ui=MnU(u0,R) _ def _ where U(u0, R)= («e X: \\u-u0\\<R}, i.e., M n U( u0, R) is bounded.
38.6. Application to Quadratic Variational Problems 155 Corollary 38.14. For the functional F: M c X-> [— oo, oo], where u0 e M, the minimum problem over M is equivalent to (10) when F(u)-*+oo ay||«||->oo, «eM (11) and R is chosen sufficiently large. Proof. Let F * + oo. By (11) there exists an R > 0 such that F(u) > F(u0) holds for all u with ||u— u0\\ > R. □ : From Proposition 38.12, we thus obtain the following frequently used existence proposition as a prototype. Proposition 38.15. A functional F: McAr->[-oo,oo] on the convex, closed, and nonempty subset M of the real reflexive B-space Xsatisfying (11) possesses a minimum when, in addition, one of the following two conditions holds: (a) F is convex and continuous or, more generally, convex and lower semicon- tinuous {respectively, quasiconvex and lower semicontinuous). (b) F is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. In case (a), the set of minimal points is closed, convex, and bounded. In particular, we can choose M = X. Proof. The solution set is equal to L = {u e M: F(u) < a), where a is the minimal value. The boundedness of L follows from (11). Furthermore, L is closed and convex because of the lower semicontinuity and convexity (or the quasiconvexity) of F. O Trick for Nonconvex Sets. The convexity of M also plays an important role in Proposition 38.12. In the proof of Theorem 43.B in Section 43.4 we shall use a simple trick for nonconvex sets. In place of the minimum problem on M, one considers the corresponding problem on the closed convex hull of M, co M, and shows that the minimum over co M is in fact taken on M. In Theorem 43.B, M is, for instance, the boundary of a ball and thus co M is the closed ball. In addition, we have already used this argument in the proof of Theorem 22. E in Section 22.5. 38.6. Application to Quadratic Variational Problems We consider the minimum problem min 2~la{u,u)— b{u) = a. (12) «e M Example 38.16. Let M be a closed convex nonempty set of the real reflexive B-space X. Let a: XX X-*U be bilinear and bounded. Furthermore, let
156 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles b e X*. We set def F(u) = 2 1a(u,u)-b(u). Then: (1) If a is positive (respectively, strictly positive), then F is convex (respectively, strictly convex) and continuous on M; therefore, it is lower semicontinuous and, by Proposition 38.7, also weak sequentially lower semicontinuous on M. (2) If a is strongly positive, then F(u)-* + oo and f(«)/||«||-> + oo as ||«||->oo. (3) If the bilinear form a is compact, then F is weak sequentially continuous. The properties of the bilinear form a{-,-) used here were defined in Section 21.5. If A: X-> X* is a continuous linear operator and if we set def a(u,v) = (Au,v), for all u,v^X then, by Section 21.5, a is positive, strictly positive, strongly positive, compact, respectively if and only if A has the corresponding property. If Xis an H-space with the inner product (• |-), then, by Section 21.4, we can set X— X* and (w, v) = (w\v) for all w,v& X. def Proof. (1) Let <p(0 = F(u + t(v- «)) for all (eR and fixed »,ueM Then <p is a quadratic polynomial such that the coefficient of t2 is 2~~la(v — u,v — u). If a is strictly positive, then a(v — u, v — u)> 0 for u + v. Figure 38.3 yields <p(0<<p(0)+f(«p(l)-<p(0)) forall*e]0,l[. (13) This is precisely the strict convexity (8) of F. If a is positive, then (13) holds with " < " in place of " <," i.e., F is convex. (2) One takes into account that a(u, u)> c\\u\\2 and \b(u)\ < \\b\\ \\u\\ for all u e Xfor fixed c> 0. (3) «„-*« implies that a(un,un)-*a(u,u) and b(u„)-*b(u)\ therefore, F(«„)->F(«). D Thus, from Propositions 38.12, (c) and 38.15 and Theorem 38.B, it immediately follows that the following existence and uniqueness proposition holds. 0 1 Figure 38.3
38.7. Application to Linear Optimization and the Role of Extreme Points 157 Proposition 38.17. With the assumptions of Example 38.16, (12) has a solution when one of the following two additional conditions is fulfilled: (i) a is positive and M is bounded, (ii) a is strongly positive. If a is strictly positive, then (12) has at most one solution. We treat applications in Chapter 46. 38.7. Application to Linear Optimization and the Role of Extreme Points Definition 38.18. Let M be a subset of the linear space X. Then u in M is called an extreme point of M if and only if u is not an interior point of a segment whose end points belong to M, i.e., u = tul + {\-t)u2, u1,u2^M, ux + u2, 0<?<1 (14) does not hold. Example 38.19. In Fig. 38.4, with X= U2, the vertices of M are precisely the extreme points. At the same time, Fig. 38.4 depicts the fundamental Krein-Milman theorem: In a real locally convex space, a compact convex set M is the closed convex hull of its extreme points. A proof of this theorem can be found, for example, in Holmes (1975, M), page 74. We apply this result to the linear optimization problem minF(«) = a. (15) «e M Theorem 38.D (Main Theorem of Linear Optimization). (15) has a solution u, where u is an extreme point of M provided one of the following two conditions is satisfied: (1) F: M C X-*U, M ¥=0, is a continuous linear functional on the compact convex set M of the real locally convex space X. (2) F: M c X-*U, M¥=0, is a continuous linear functional on the closed bounded convex set M of the real reflexive B-space X. jProof. (1) The existence assertion follows from Theorem 38.B in Section :38.3. Let A be the set of solutions of (15). A is convex because F is linear. A Figure 38.4
158 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles is closed because, from F(up) = a, for all /6 and the MS sequential convergence Up-*u, we obtain F(u)=a due to the continuity of F (cf. ^41(17e)). As a closed subset of M, A is compact. By the Krein-Milman theorem, A has an extreme point u e A. We shall show that u is an extreme point of M, too. If, on the contrary, (14) holds, then we have: a = F(u) = tF(u1)+(l-t)F(u2)>ta + (l-t)a'=a, i.e., Fluj) = F(u2) = a; therefore, uv «2 e A and (14) holds. Consequently, u is an extreme point of A; but this is a contradiction. (2) If we equip X with the weak topology, then M is weakly compact (cf. /^(42), /^(44)). Therefore, (2) is a special case of (1). □ 38.8. Quasisolutions of Minimum Problems In the immediately following sections, we consider several general existence principles which play an important role in numerous current investigations. Our point of departure is the minimum problem F(iO = min!, oel (l6) If we can not apply the generalized Weierstrass theorem from Section 38.3 or 38.5, then the natural question arises: Can we at least prove the existence of approximate solutions or of quasisolutions? To this end, parallel to (16), we consider the regularized problem F(v)+ed(u,v) = mini, oel (17) Here, d is a metric. Obviously, because d(u, u) = 0, each solution u of (16) is also a solution of (17) with the same minimal value. This motivates the following definition. Definition 38.20. We call each solution u of (17) an e-quasisolution of (16). The following theorem guarantees the existence of quasisolutions. Our assumptions are: (HI) Xis a complete metric space with the metric d (e.g., Xis a B-space or a closed set in a B-space with d(u, v) = \\u — v\\). (H2) The functional F: X-*]— 00,00] is lower semicontinuous, bounded below, and F ^ + 00. Theorem 38.E (Ekeland (1974)). If (HI) and (H2) hold, then for each e > 0, the minimum problem (16) has an e-quasisolution. Corollary 38.21. Let X be a B-space and suppose that the functional F: X-*U is lower semicontinuous, G-differentiable, and bounded below. Then for each
38.8. Quasisolutions of Minimum Problems 159 e > 0 there exists a « e X such that the following is valid: F(u)£ inf F(v) + e, (18) te X \\F'{u)\\<e. (19) We introduced the concepts of G-differentiability and F-differentiability in Chapter 4. We recall these definitions again in Section 40.1. Corollary 38.21 is especially suggestive, for, as we shall see in Theorem 40.B, F'(u) = 0 is a necessary condition for the existence of a solution u of (16). According to (18) and (19), this condition can now always be fulfilled at least approximately. The proofs of the two assertions just given follow below as special cases of the following general result. Proposition 38.22. We assume that (HI) and (H2) are satisfied. For given positive numbers e, X, we choose a u0 e X such that F(u0)^ inf F(v)+e. te X Then there exists a « e X with the following three properties; F{u)<F(u0), (20) d(u,u0)<\ (21) F(v)>F(u)-ed(U'V* forallv^X,v*u. (22) One frequently chooses X = 1 or X = {t. Theorem 38. E is obviously a special case of (22) with X = 1. In the next two sections we treat, as an application, a general existence principle for minimum problems (Theorem 38.F) and a fixed point theorem. Moreover, in Section 38.11 we consider a generalization of Theorem 38.E (abstract entropy principle). Additional important applications can be found in Ekeland (1979, S): Fixed point theorems, Kuhn-Tucker theory, and the Pontrjagin maximum principle under weak smoothness assumptions, geodesic curves, geometry of B-spaces, and nonex- pansive semigroups. In addition, we also recommend a calculus for generalized derivatives of locally Lipschitz-continuous functions, which one can find in Clarke (1981, S), (1984, M) and Rockafellar (1981, L). Proof of Proposition 38.22. It suffices to assume that X = 1 since we can pass from d to d/X. We inductively define a sequence («„) for n = 0,1, — If we know u„ e X, then we construct «„+1 in the following way: Case 1: F(v)> F(un)—ed(un,v) for all oel Then let u„+1= un. Case 2: F(v) <; F(un)- ed(un, v) for a ce X. Let S„ be the set of all these def _ points v and let a„ = infs F. We then choose a «„+1 e S„ with F{un+l)-an<2-l[F{un)-an\. (23)
10U jo. Conipautuess anci nAticinal Principles Our construction is so constituted that all the F(un) form a monotone decreasing sequence, which by (H2) is bounded below and hence convergent. We shall show that («„) also converges. By construction, ed(u„,u„+1) <; F(u„)- F{un+1) holds for all n. Addition yields ed{u„,um)<F{u„)-F{um) forallm>«. (24) Therefore («„) is a Cauchy sequence and thus a convergent sequence. Let u„-* u as n -* oo. From the lower semicontinuity of F, it follows that F{u)<, Urn F(u„). (25) We shall show that u has all the desired properties. Proof of (20). From (25) and F(u„)^F(u0) for all n, it follows that F(u)*F(u0). Proof of (21). For n = 0 and m -* oo in (24), we obtain ed(u0, u) < F(u0)— in(F<e. x Proof of (22). On the contrary, suppose that (22) is false. Then there exists a v, v + u, such that F{v)<,F{u)-ed{u,v). (26) As m -> oo, from (24) and (25) we obtain F{u)<,F{u„)-ed{u„,u). The triangle inequality yields F(v)£F(u„)-ed(u„,v). Thus v e S„ for all n. Hence, from (23) it follows that 2F(un+1)-F(un)£a„<F(v). Let F(un) -> /3 as n -> oo. Then 0 <: F(y). From (25) it follows that F(u) < p. Thus, F(u) £ F(v). This contradicts (26). D Proof of Corollary 38.21. We set d(u, v) = \\u - v\\. By (22), there exists a u e X such that F(v)^F(u)-e\\u-v\\ forallyeX We choose v = u + tw. Then t~l{F{u + tw)- F{u)) ;> - e||w||. As t -> 0, we obtain (F'(u), w)^~ e\\w\\. That is, (F'(u), z) < e||z|| for all z(=X.Thas\\F'(u)\\<e. D
38.10. The Paiais-Smale Condition and a Cjeneral Minimum Principle 101 38.9. Application to a Fixed-Point Theorem Concerning the following fixed-point theorem, it is remarkable that the operator T need not be continuous. The following generalized contraction condition is important: d{u,Tu)<,S{u)-S{Tu) for aline X (27) Proposition 38.23 (Caristi (1976)). Let T: X-*X be a mapping of the complete metric space X into itself for which (27) holds. Here, let S: X -* U be lower semicontinuous and bounded below. Then T has a fixed point. Proof. If we apply (22) with e = \ to S, then we obtain a u e X with S(u)^S(m)-2-V(m,i;) for ally eX For v = Tu, it follows that S{Tu)^.S{u)-2~ld{u,Tu). From (27) it then follows that d{u,Tu) = 0. a 38.10. The Palais-Smale Condition and a General Minimum Principle Together with the minimum problem „ ' F(«) = min!, k e X, (28) we consider the operator equation F'(«) = 0. (29) The following existence assertion is based on an important compactness property of functional s, which we shall first define. Definition 38.24. Let the functional F: X->U be G-differentiable on the B-space X Then F satisfies the Palais-Smale condition (PS) if and only if the following holds: If («„) is a sequence in X with the two properties (i) (F(u„)) is bounded, (ii)||f"(«B)l|-*0as«-»oo, then («„) has a convergent subsequence. Theorem 38.F. Let F: X-> U be an F-differentiable functional on the B-space X which is bounded below and satisfies (PS). Then the minimum problem (28) has a solution u which also satisfies the operator equation (29).
162 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles Instead of F-differentiability, it suffices to require that F is lower semicon- tinuous and G-differentiable. def Proof. Let a = infXF. According to Corollary 38.21, for e = \/n, there exists a sequence («„) with F(un)-*a and ||F'(«n)||->0 as n-*oo. The functional F is continuous (Proposition 4.8). Due to (PS), there exists a subsequence («„-) with un, -* u as n' -* oo. Consequently, F(u) = a. Thus, u is a solution of (28). By Theorem 40.B in Section 40.2, u is then a solution of (29) as well. D The prototype for an F-differentiable functional F with (PS) is a function F: U" -*U with continuous first partial derivatives and the weak coercive- ness condition F(u) -* + oo as ||u|| -> oo. From the boundedness of (F(u„)) it then follows that («„) is bounded and hence that there exists a convergent subsequence. On the other hand, the function F: U -*U with F(u) = cos u does not satisfy (PS). Consider («„) with un = ntr. In B-spaces one has the following prototype for (PS). Example 38.25. The G-differentiable functional F: X~* U with F' = A + C on the B-space X satisfies (PS) when, in addition, the following holds: (i) F(u)-> + oo as ||u|| ->oo. (ii) A: X-*X* has a continuous inverse operator A~* on X*, and C: X -> X* is compact. In an H-space X, one can, e.g., identify X with X* and choose A to be equal to the identity operator I. We have already encountered such compact perturbations of the identity, I + C, in dealing with the mapping degree in Part I and with the Fredholm alternatives in Part II. Proof. If (F(«„)) is bounded, then, by (i), («„) is also bounded. Furthermore, let Aun + Cun-*0 as n->oo. Due to the compactness of C, there exists a subsequence («„-) such that (Cu„,) converges. Consequently, (Au„,) also converges and hence («„-) converges because of (ii). □ In Chapter 44 we shall generalize the definition of (PS) and consider additional prototypes. There we shall also show that (PS) plays an important role in the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory in the proof of the existence of critical points for functionals and for eigenvalue problems. In Section 44.12 we shall treat the mountain pass theorem, which can be thought of as an important supplement to Theorem 38.F. The mountain pass theorem guarantees the existence of a critical point u of F to which there corresponds no minimum; that is, u is a solution of (29), but not of (28), and is therefore different from the solution whose existence was proved
38.11. The Abstract Entropy Principle 163 in Theorem 38.F. (PS) is also crucial for the mountain pass theorem. One can frequently, but not always, verify the condition (PS) for nonlinear partial differential equations. Then Theorem 38.F and the mountain pass theorem yield existence assertions. The investigation of nonlinear elliptic differential equations and the verification of periodic solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic differential equations and of Hamiltonian systems with such variational methods is presently the object of intensive investigations. In this connection, study Nirenberg (1981, S), Chow and Hale (1982, M), and the literature given in the references to the literature in Chapter 49. 38.11. The Abstract Entropy Principle Our goal is an assertion of the form: u<,v implies S(u) = S(v). (30) In this connection, we work in an ordered set, which we have defined in Section 11.8. Roughly speaking, the set X is ordered if, for certain u, v & X, there is defined a relation u < v with which one can calculate in the usual way. Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X is an ordered set. Each monotone increasing sequence in X has an upper bound. (H2) S: X-*[— oo,oo[ is a monotone increasing function that is bounded above. It is evident that (HI) means that, for all n e N, u„ < un+1 always implies the existence of a v e X such that u„ < v for all «eN. Furthermore, (H2) means that u < v always implies that S(u) < S(v) and that there exists a real number C such that S(u) < C for all u e X. Theorem 38.G (Brezis and Browder (1976)). If (HI) and (HI) hold, then there exists a nel such that (30) holds. This theorem permits a simple thermodynamic interpretation. We recall that, by the second law of thermodynamics, for each closed system the entropy S is a monotone increasing function of time. Therefore, S tends to a maximum as t -> + oo. The states of maximal entropy have a special physical meaning. Roughly speaking, to these states there correspond stable equilibrium states of the system. We now interpret u, v in X as possible states of a system. The relation u < v means that the system in the state u can pass into the state v at a later time. Thus, to a monotone increasing sequence ul<u2<u3<- ■ ■, there corresponds a possible time development of the system. (H2) models the fact that the entropy S is a monotone
164 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles increasing function of time. Now, Theorem 38.G yields the existence of a stable equilibrium state u. If the system is in u, then S can no longer increase. In Problem 57.6 we treat an important application of Theorem 38.G to invariant sets of nonexpansive semigroups. Additional applications can be found in Brezis and Browder (1976). There it is also shown that one can obtain assertions concerning quasisolutions of the type considered in Section 38.8 from Theorem 38.G. Proof of Theorem 38.G. Our argument is analogous to that in the proof of Proposition 38.22. The idea of the proof is obtained directly from the physical interpretation of the theorem. We choose an arbitrary but fixed element »0el and inductively construct a monotone increasing sequence («„). Let un be known. We set M,= {ael: un < u) and fi„ = sup^S. If (30) holds for «„, then we are finished. Otherwise, we have f}n > S(un) and we can choose a «„+1 such that Pn-S{un+l)<2-l[pn~S{un)\. (31) In this way we obtain a monotone increasing sequence («„) which, by (HI), has an upper bound u, i.e., u„<u for all n. (32) We shall show that u is the desired solution. Let us assume that u does not satisfy (30). Then there exists a v such that u<v and S(u)<S(v). The sequence (S(un)) is convergent, for it is monotone increasing and bounded above, by (H2). From (32) and the monotonicity of S, it follows that lim S(u„)<S(u). (33) Due to (32), oeM, for all n. Therefore, from (31) it follows that 2S(u„+1)~S(u„)>f}„>S(v) for all«. As n -* oo, we now obtain the contradiction S(v) < S(u) by (33). □ Problems 38.1. Proof of Example'iS.6. Hint: Compare Example 9.12 and Dieudonne (1975, M), Vol. II, 12.7. 38.2. Properties of lower semicontinuous functionals. Show: If F, G,Fa: M'-*[ — oo, oo] are lower semicontinuous, then F + G, sup(F, G), inf(F,(7), and sup„F„ are also lower semicontinuous. FG is lower semicontinuous when F, G > 0. For F+G and FG, we require that these expressions be defined, i.e., the cases -oo + oo and 0-oo are excluded. Hint: Compare Dieudonne (1975, M), Vol. II, 12.7.
References 165 38.3. Proof of Proposition 38.7. Solution: Ad (1) (i) =» (ii) If F is not sequentially lower semicontinuous at u, then there exists a sequence («„) in M such that u„-+u and F(u)> Mmn^00F(u„). Then there exist numbers r and n0 such that F(u) > r > F(u„) for all n > n0. Since u„-*u, this contradicts the fact that Mr is relatively closed. (ii) =» (i) From u„ <= Mr for all n e N and u„ -» w, it follows that F(«) < fim F(«„) < r; therefore, « e Mr. Ad (2) (i) <=> (iii) Follow a Une of reasoning analogous to (1). Observe that Mr is convex and closed, and thus from u„ s Mr, for all n s n0 and u„-~u, it always follows that « e Mr. Ad (3) Use the definition of lim and a suitable subsequence. 38.4. Theorem 38.A is a special case of Theorem 38.B. Solution: We equip X with the weak topology. M is weak sequentially closed; thus, by Problem 32.3, it is also weakly closed. According to /-^(44^, coM is a weakly compact, i.e., by /-^(12d), M is also weakly compact. If u belongs to the weak closure Mr of Mr, then, by Problem 32.3, there exists a sequence («„) in Mr such that u„^u; therefore, F(u) <limF(u„) < r and hence u s Mr. Consequently, Mr is weakly closed. Furthermore, F is weakly lower semicontinuous. 38.5. Weierstrass' classical counterexample. Show that the variational problem inf / (xu'(x)) dx-a, .€M'-1 del where M = {«eC [-1,1]: «(-1) = 0, «(1) = 1}, has no solution u. Solution: If one chooses ,, 1,1 arctanrt-1* , _ u,Ax) = - + - —, « = 1,2,..., z z arctanrc then u„ s M and one obtains a = 0. If « is a solution, then x«'(x) = 0 on [ — 1,1]; therefore, u = constant, in contradiction to u( -1) = 0, «(1) = 1. This example was given by Weierstrass to show that a minimum problem in the calculus of variations need not always have a solution (cf. Funk (1962, M), page 220 for historical comments). 38.6. Theorem 38.G implies Theorem 38.E. Hint: Set u<v if and only if F(u)~ d(u,v) = F(v). References to the Literature Classical works: Hilbert (1904) (establishing the Dirichlet principle and the direct method of the calculus of variations); Tonelli (1921, M) (lower semicontinuity). Introduction: Vainberg(1956, M); Luenberger(1969, M); Girsanov(1972, L); Holmes (1972, L); Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, L), Hlavacek and Necas (1981, M).
166 38. Compactness and Extremal Principles Selection of monographs on the functional analysis treatment of various aspects of the theory of extremal problems: Vainberg (1956, M), (1972, M); Krasnosdskii (1956, M) (1975, M); Lions (1971, M), (1983, M); Klotzler (1971, M); Cea (1971, M); Duvaut and Lions (1972, M); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Holmes (1975, M); Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M); Langenbach (1976, M); Berger (1977, M); Kluge (1979, M); Aubin (1979, M); Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M). Weak convergence: Dunford and Schwartz (1958, M), Vol. I; Yosida (1965, M); Mukherjea and Pothoven (1978, M). Lower semicontinuous functionals: Dieudonne (1975, M), Vol. II (also, cf. the references to the literature for Chapter 22). Lower semicontinuity and existence theory of variational problems with multiple integrals: Morrey (1966, M), Giaquinta (1981, L), Necas (1983, L). Recent trends General survey: Berkeley (1983, P). Variational problems, (PS), and nonlinear differential equations: Nirenberg (1981, S) (also see the references to the literature in Chapter 49). Nonconvex problems: Ekeland (1979, S); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Rockafellar (1981, L); Demjanov and Vasiljev (1981, M). Abstract entropy principle: Brezis and Browder (1976). Nonsmooth problems: Ekeland (1979, S); Clarke (1976a), (1981), (1984, M); Rockafellar (1981, L); Demjanov and Vasiljev (1981, M) (see Problems 47.10 and 48.8c). Nonconvex problems, their stochastic interpretation, and generalized solutions: McShane (1978, S); Gamkrelidze (1978, M) (see Problem 42.14). Duality for nonconvex problems: Kldtzler (1983, S). Stochastic control and quasivariational differential equations: Fleming and Rishel (1975, M); Bensoussan (1982, M). Regularity of the solutions of variational inequalities: Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M), Friedman (1982, M). Control problems governed by partial differential equations: Lions (1971, M), (1976, S), (1977, S), (1983, M); Ahmed and Teo (1981, M). Global generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation: Lions, Jr. (1982, L). Perturbed variational problems, asymptotics, homogenization: Bensoussan, Lions, and Papanicolaou (1978, M); Lions (1980, S), (1983, M). Global analysis and the existence of solutions in the generic case: Tromba (1977, S) (minimal surfaces); Ekeland (1979, S) (geodesies) (see Problem 52.1h). Minimal surfaces: Tromba (1977, S); Bohme (1980/81, S); Fomenko (1982, M); Hildebrandt (1983, S), Almgren (1984, M). Complexity of numerical algorithms in the generic case: Smale (1981). Optimal algorithms: Traub and Wozniakowski (1980, M).
References 167 Global analysis and mathematical economics: Smale (1983, S). Morse theory: Tromba (1977), (1977a); Bott (1982, S). Shock waves, reaction-diffusion and the generalized Morse index of Conley: Smoller (1983, M). Global analysis, infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, symplectic geometry, and mathematical physics: Chernoff and Marsden (1974, L); Marsden (1974, L), (1981, L). Geometrical optics, asymptotic expansions of the solutions of partial differential equations, symplectic geometry, geometric quantization, Maslov index, and Fourier integral operators: Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M); Leray (1978, M); Homander (1983, M); Beals, Fefferman and Grossman (1983, S). Microlocal analysis: Kashiwara, Kawai and Sato (1973, L); Sato, Miwa and Jimbo (1980, S) (holonomic quantum fields); Garding (1981, S); Fefferman (1983, S). Global analysis and control theory; Givens and Millman (1982, S). Solitons: Bullough and Caudrey (1980, P); Zaharov (1980, M), Calogero and Degasperis (1982, M), Gauge field theory and elementary particles: See the references to the literature in Chapter 40. Modern development of general relativity: Held (1980, P); Marsden (1981, L). Applications of catastrophe theory to the natural sciences and engineering: Poston and Stewart (1978, M); Gilmore (1981, M). Classification of singularities: Arnold (1981, S), (1983, S), (1983a, S). Optimization and operations research: Dixon (1980, M); Korte (1982, M). Nonlinear elasticity: Ball (1977), Necas (1983, L). Plasticity: Temam (1983, M). Variational inequalities and free boundary value problems: Friedman (1982, M). Capillarity: Finn (1984, M). Inverse problems and parameter identification: Deuflhard and Hairer (1983, P). Capillarity: Finn (1984, M).
CHAPTER 39 Convexity and Extremal Principles It seems to me that the notion of convex function is just as fundamental as positive or increasing function. If I am not mistaken in this, the notion ought to find its place in elementary expositions of the theory of real functions. J. L. W. V. Jensen, 1906 The study of convex sets is a branch of geometry, analysis, and linear algebra that has numerous connections with other areas of mathematics and serves to unify many apparently diverse mathematical phenomena. Victor Klee, 1950 In the preceding chapter we showed how existence propositions for extremal problems are obtained with the aid of compactness arguments. A second basic strategy for obtaining existence propositions consists in considering convexity instead of compactness. Figure 39.1 shows the logical connections. We place the Hahn-Banach theorem at the pinnacle; in the final analysis this theorem goes back to the central fixed point theorem of Bourbaki and Kneser, in Chapter 11, via Zorn's lemma. The separation theorems for convex sets and the Kxein extension theorem for positive functionals follow from the Hahn-Banach theorem. These three theorems are standard results of functional analysis. We summarize them in Section 39.1 without proofs. The proofs can be found, e.g., in Edwards (1965, M). In fact these three theorems, which are framed in Fig. 39.1, are mutually equivalent if they are appropriately formulated. They represent different conceptions of a general fundamental principle of geometric functional analysis, which finds its most suggestive geometrical form in the separation theorems for convex sets. These equivalences are discussed in Holmes (1975, M), page 95 (cf. Problem 39.13). In toto, there are nine important propositions that are equivalent to the Hahn-Banach theorem. In Problem 39.14 168
39.1. The Fundamental Principle of Geometric Functional Analysis 169 Bourbaki-Kneser fixed-point theorem I Zorn's lemma Chcbyshev approximation saddle points and game theory Kuhn-Tucker theory Pontrjagin maximum principle Figure 39.1. Convexity and extremal problems. we point out the interesting fact that the existence of nontrivial quantum fields can be proved with the aid of the Hahn-Banach theorem. In Section 39.2, as a prototype for the application of the Hahn-Banach theorem to extremal problems, we treat the duality principle for linear approximation theory. In this connection, we use a common proof strategy: (a) The dual problem is solved with a convexity argument without using compactness. (j6) The original problem is then solved using a compactness argument. In this chapter, as an application of general linear approximation theory, we treat Chebyshev approximation. From the standpoint of the classical calculus of variations, this approximation problem is difficult. To characterize the solutions, one cannot use the methods of the differential calculus as in the next chapter because the norm on C[a, b] is not differen- tiable, and the simple uniqueness argument in Theorem 38.C in Section 38.4, with the aid of the strict convexity of the functional, fails because C[a, b] is not a strictly convex B-space. In fact, it is a matter of a typical convex optimization problem which is uniquely solvable only in certain cases. We shall characterize the solutions in terms of extreme points of the unit ball of the dual space. This results in a natural way from the fact that the dual problem is a linear optimization problem on a convex set, and, according to Section 38.7, the extreme points of convex sets are crucial.
170 39. Convexity and Extremal Principles These extreme points also play an important role in uniqueness propositions. We discuss the propositions of Fig. 39.1 in later chapters of Part III. 39.1. The Fundamental Principle of Geometric Functional Analysis A functional p: X-> U is called sublinear if and only if p(tu) = tp(u) and p(u + v)< p(u)+ p(v) for all u, u e Xand (eR, t>0. Furthermore, p is called a seminorm provided that p is sublinear and in addition p{tu) = \t\p(u) for all ael, (eR. Proposition39.1 (General Hahn-Banach Theorem). Letf:McX-*Ubea linear functional on the linear subspace M of the real linear space X such that f(u)<p(u) forallu^M, (la) where p: X-+U is sublinear. Then f can be extended to a linear functional f: X->U such that f(u)<p{u) for all u eX (lb) The proof is, in principle, simple and can be found in Edwards (1965, M), 1.7.1. This fundamental theorem goes back to Hahn (1926) and Banach (1929). The discovery of the Hahn-Banach theorem was closely related to the famous classical momentum problem. The interesting history of this theorem is discussed in Dieudonne (1981, M). If X is a locally convex space and p is a continuous seminorm on X, then by passing from u to — u, it immediately follows from (lb) that \f(u)\<>p(u) for all «eX Since p(0) = 0 and p is continuous, / is continuous at u = 0. A translation shows that / is also continuous on X. In particular, the following Hahn-Banach theorem in B-spaces follows immediately. Corollary 39.2. Let f: MC.X-+U be a linear functional on the linear subspace M of the real B-space X such that \\f\\ < oo, i.e., \f(u)\ < \\f\\ \\u\\for all u eM. Then f can be extended to a continuous linear functional f: X-*U with preservation of the norm \\f\\. Definition 39.3. Let A, B be nonempty sets in the real locally convex space X. Then A and B can be separated if and only if there exist a continuous linear functional/: X-» U, f + 0, and a real number a so that: f(u)<a<f(v) for all u^A,veB. * (2) A and B can be strictly separated if and only if " <" can be replaced everywhere in (2) by " <." def If we designate the set H = {u e X: f(u) = a } for fixed / e X*, a e U, / =/= 0 as a closed hyperplane, then when X = U 2 we have separation in Fig.
39.1. The Fundamental Principle of Geometric Functional Analysis 171 rry fa" /rr j (a) (b) («0 Figure 39.2 39.2(a) and strict separation in Figs. 39.2(b) and 39.2(c). It is extraordinarily remarkable that the simple geometric situation that occurs in these figures holds very generally. Proposition 39.4 (Separation of Convex Sets). If A,B are nonempty convex sets in the real locally convex space X, then: (1) A and B can be separated provided BDintA = 0, intA + 0 [see Fig. 39.2(a)]. Then, in addition to (2), above, f(u) < a for all u e int A. (2) A and B can be strictly separated provided AC\ B = 0 and one of the following two conditions is fulfilled: (/) A and B are open [see Fig. 39.2(b)]. (ii) A is closed and B is compact [see Fig. 39.2(c)]. The proofs, which easily follow from the Hahn-Banach theorem, can be found in Edwards (1965, M), 2.1. Sharper formulations, which, however, we do not need here, are contained in Holmes (1975, M), HE. The separation theorem will play a crucial role in Chapter 47 in the construction of convex analysis. By a convex cone we understand a convex set having the property, u e K, t > 0 implies tu e K. Proposition 39.5 (Kxein's Extension Theorem). Suppose that the following two conditions hold: (i) X is a real locally convex space. K is a convex cone in X and L is a linear subspace of X such that LC\intK + <Z>. (ii) f: L-+U is a linear functional such that /(«) > 0 for all u^Ln K.
172 39. Convexity and Extremal Principles Then f can be extended to a continuous linear functional f: X-> U such that f(u)>0for all u&K. The proof, which again easily follows from the Hahn-Banach theorem, can be found in Edwards (1965, M), 2.5.1. Proposition 39.5 is used in Chapter 48 in an essential way to prove the Dubovickii-Miljutin lemma. We shall base general optimality criteria on that lemma. 39.2. Duality and the Role of Extreme Points in Linear Approximation Theory In order to describe a typical application of the Hahn-Banach theorem, we consider the original problem inf \\b-u\\ = a (3) we M together with the dual problem corresponding to if. sup (f,b) = P, (4) f^K(M±) where def r Mx = {f<=X*:(f,u) = 0 forallttSM}, K{Mx)={f<=Mx:\\f\\<l}. If Y is a normed space, then in general we denote by def K(Y)={ueY:\\u\\<l} (respectively, def S(Y)={ueY:\\u\\=l}) the closed unit ball in Y (respectively, the boundary of the unit ball in Y). The following relation is crucial for the characterization of the solutions: </,*-«>-||ft-«||, u^M,f&K{Mx). (5) When ||ft - «|| + 0, H/ll = 1 must automatically hold, i.e., / e S(M x). Theorem 39.A. Let M be a linear subspace of the real B-space X and let ft be a fixed given element in X. Then the following hold: (1) Dual problem. (4) has a solution f and a = /3. (2) Original problem. (3) has a solution u provided one of the following two conditions is fulfilled: (i) X is reflexive and M is closed, (ii) dimM < oo. Then the solution set is bounded, closed, and convex.
39.2. i^uaiuy and me jvole of Jtxirenie Poirus in linear /Approximation ineory 173 (3) Characterization, u is a solution of (3) above if and only if there exists an f such that (5) holds. The next corollary follows directly from a = /S. Corollary 39.6 (Error Estimate). Let u in M and fin K{M x)be arbitrary but fixed. Then: (f,b)<a<\\b-u\\ (6) and (/, b) = \\b — u\\<*uisa solution of problem (3) and f is a solution of (4). (7) Theorem 39.A is a prototype for the propositions of duality theory. It is interesting that here the dual problem is always solvable, while the original problem need not have a solution. The existence assertions for (4) (respectively, (3)) are based on the Hahn-Banach theorem (respectively, on a compactness argument). Corollary 39.6 is the prototype for error estimates and solution characterizations with the aid of duality theory. The following example contains the intuitive meaning of Theorem 39.A. Example 39.7. Let X = U2 with the Euclidean inner product (• | •) and let M be a straight line through the origin. We identify X with X*; therefore, (/.") — (/I")- Then a — ft asserts that the distance between b and M equals the maximal distance between b and all planes through M (see Fig. 39.3). Mx corresponds to the orthogonal complement to M. The orthogonal projection u of b on M is a solution of the approximation problem (3), whereas, for b£M, the unit vector/ = ||fc — w||~ 1(i> — u) is a solution of the dual problem (4). These assertions are also valid when M is a closed subspace of a real H-space X. Proof of Theorem 39.A. (1) For/ e K{Mx), (/. b) = {f,b-u)< \\b - »|| for all u e M; thus a > p. For b e M, we have a = 0, and u = b (respectively, / = 0) solve (3) [respectively, (4)] and (5) holds. Now let b + 0. Each x in span {b, M) can be represented in the form x = db + u, where (Jeffi,aeM are uniquely I i "i ~7 -4 -/-—»-M Figure 39.3
174 39. Convexity and Extremal Principles determined. We set/(x ) = da. For </#0we have 1/(^)1 = 1^1«^ 1^1 II* - (— rf"1!*)!! = ||Jc||; hence ||/|| = 1. According to the Hahn-Banach theorem (Corollary 39.2),/ can be extended to a continuous linear functional/: X-*U with ||/|| = 1. By construction, / e M x and (/, b) = a; thus a = /S. (2) This assertion follows directly from Proposition 38.15. (3) This is another formulation of Corollary 39.6 taking proposition (1) into account. D The dual problem (4) is a linear optimization problem on a convex set. In Theorem 38.D in Section 38.7 we saw that essential simplifications appear in such problems because the minimum is taken on at an extreme point. We will now formulate the corresponding result for the approximation problem (3) where dimM < oo. Corollary 39.8. Let M be an n-dimensional subspace of the real B-space X where 1 < n < oo andb *£ M. Then, for u in M, the following two assertions are equivalent: (i) u is a solution of the approximation problem (3). (ii) There exist m numbers \l,...,\m>0 such that \i+ ■■■ +\m=l and \<m<n+\ as well as m linearly independent extreme points fx,...,fm ofK(X*)such that </„*-«>-||ft-«||, i = l,...,m and m def Proof. (ii)=*(i) (5) holds for /= 2,A,/. Theorem 39.A, (3) yields the assertion. def (i) => (ii) Let N = span{ft, M}. According to Theorem 39.A, (3), with N instead of X, there exists an/ e S(N*)nMx such that (f,b-u) = \\b- «||.The functional / can be represented as a convex linear combination of m linearly independent extreme points fv...,fm of K(N*) with m<n+l, i.e., / = 2,m=1\,/ (cf. Problem 39.1). Each / can be extended to an / e X* so that / is an extreme point of K(X*) (cf. Problem 39.3). From ||/|| =1 it follows that (/, b-u)<\\b- u\\. Since (ll^ifi,b-u) = \\b-u\\, Xt>0 for all/ i and Xx+ • • • +Xm=l, we have (ffib-u) = ||fc- u\\ for all/. D
39.3. Interpolation Property of Subspaces and Uniqueness 175 39.3. Interpolation Property of Subspaces and Uniqueness The following theorem contains an important uniqueness assertion for approximation problems. Tlieorem 39.B. Let M be a convex set in the real B-space X and let b be given and fixed in X. Then the approximation problem to/lift-«|| = a (8) w e M has at most one solution u when one of the following two conditions holds: (i) X is strictly convex, i.e., for all u, v e X and r>0, we have: \\u\\ = \\v\\ = r, u¥=v -implies \\2~l(u + v)\\ < r. (ii) M is a linear n-dimensional subspace and possesses the interpolation property, i.e., for arbitrary fixed ai,...,an eU, the system of equations /;(«) = a;, i —1,..., n, «eM has exactly one solution u when fx,...,fn are linearly independent extreme points of K(X*). Proof, (i) For two solutions uu u2 of (8) with ul ¥= u2 one immediately obtains the contradiction: II* -2~1(«1 + «2)|| - ||2~1[(* - "i) + (*- «2)] || < «, 2~l(ul + u2) eM. def _ (ii) Let b ¢. M. If uv u2 are solutions of (8), then u = 2 l(ul + u2) is also a solution of (8) because of the convexity of the norm. In Corollary 39.8, m must be equal to n+l, for, if m were less than n+l, then we would complete f\,---,fm to n linearly independent extreme points f^,...,f„ of K(X*). Since dim X> n+l, this is always possible according to the Krein-Milman theorem in Section 38.7. Thus, by (ii) there exists a u0 e M such that f(u0) = l, i = \,...,n. Therefore, 'L1Li\jfj(u0)+ 0, which contradicts 2^^,/, e M x. Furthermore, by Corollary 39.8, f{b-u) = \\b-u\\ = a, / = 1,...,n+l; hence 2-^-^)+2-^-^) = a, ; = 1,...,«+1. From ||/;|| = 1 it follows that f(b - Uj) < \\b - hJ = a for j = 1,2. Consequently, f(b — Wj) = f(b — u2), i = 1,...,n +1. The interpolation property gives«! = «2- E Example 39.9. According to Section 10.1, every uniformly convex B-space X is also strictly convex. Consequently, H-spaces as well as Lebesgue spaces
1,6 39. convexity anu cxuemal Hinciples Lp(G) and Sobolev spaces Wpm(G), l<p<oo, m = l,2,..., are strictly convex. On the other hand, the B-space C[a, b], — oo < a < b < oo, is an important example of a B-space that is not strictly convex. This can be seen very easily. In Section 39.5 we shall prove uniqueness propositions for Chebyshev approximation using Theorem 39. B, (ii). Then the interpolation property means that the functions in the n-dimensional approximation space M are uniquely determined by giving their values at n distinct points. Theorem 39.B describes two basically distinct strategies for obtaining uniqueness propositions. In (i) a property of the functional to be minimized is exploited. This criterion is intimately connected with Theorem 38.C in Section 38.4. In (ii) the properties of the set M over which one minimizes play a central role. The following example contains the intuitive meaning. Example 39.10. Let X = U2 with the norm || • ||., 1 < j < oo. We consider inf (9) and set def , sy-{„. def «||y-l}, Ky={«eR2:||„||y<l}. u, u, -*-M (b)
jy.4. Ascent Method ana trie Abstract Alternation ineorem ill Let M be a straight line of support for Kj through a point of S-, i.e., M goes through a boundary point and K lies entirely on one side of M. Thus, a = 1. For/= 2, || • ||2 is the Euclidean norm, 52 is the boundary of the unit disk, and (9) has exactly one solution u (see Fig. 39.4(a)). The space X with the norm ||-||2 is strictly convex because S2 does not contain a straight line segment. For/= oo, and therefore for \\u\\K = max(|£|, |tj|), u = (£, tj), (9) need not have a unique solution (see Fig. 39.4(b)). Here, Sx is the boundary of the unit square and X with the norm || • H^ is not strictly convex. Then a solution a of (9) is unique if and only if M passes through exactly one vertex of SK (see Fig. 39.4(c)). We will show that it is precisely then that M has the interpolation property. The norm on Jf* is ||-||l5 where ||«||i = |£|+h|- The extreme points of Kl are (±1,0), (0, ± 1) (see Fig. 39.4(c)). As one can easily verify, the interpolation property means that each point of M is uniquely determined by its projection on one of the directions from the origin to (+1,0),(0,+1). In contrast to Theorem 39.B, here M is not a linear subspace of X, but rather it is only parallel to a linear subspace. However, the situation in Theorem 39.B is obtained by a translation. 39.4. Ascent Method and the Abstract Alternation Theorem In this section we give results that are of fundamental significance for obtaining approximate solutions for linear approximation problems. At the same time, we generalize the considerations in Section 37.29c. To this end, we consider the original problem min||fc~tt|| = a (10) we M together with the so-called discrete problem min||fc-«||F = j8 (11) we M with the discrete seminorm def ||fr-«||F= max \ft(b-u)\ (12) 1 ^ i <, m and make the following assumptions: (HI) M is an n-dimensional subspace of the real B-space X, 1 < n < oo, and b is a fixed element in X such that b£M. Definition 39.11. By a reference F= (f^...,/,,,), we understand a tuple of functionals fl,...,fm e X* such that ||/j-|| = l for /( + 0. Furthermore, F is
178 39. Convexity and Extremal Principles called regular when m = n +1, and for a choice of a fixed basis {uv...,un} in M, we have: ENII//ll>o. (13) i-i Here, ht denotes the so-called Haar determinant: def /i("i) /i-i("i) //+i("i) /iK) fi-l(Un) /« + l("l) ••• /» + l("») which results from (fk(uj)) by eliminating the ;'th row. Example 39.12. In the special case of Chebyshev approximation, which we shall consider more precisely in the next section, we have X= C(T), and one can choose f to be/)(w)= u(tt) for all u e X and fixed t, e T. Proposition 39.13 (Error Estimate). Assume (HI) holds. Then if u is a solution of the discrete problem (11) for a fixed reference F, \\b-u\\F<a<\\b-u\\, (14) and this u is a solution of the original problem (10) when \\b-u\\F = \\b-u\\. Proof. From ||/(||<1 it follows that ||fc-i/||F<||fc-i/|| for all aejlf; therefore, /3 < a. D We now give an effective method for solving (11). Corollary 39.14. With the assumption (HI), the following two assertions hold: (1) If F is a regular reference, then the linear system of equations (-1)7^,)11/,11/8+ iakf(uk) = f(b), (15) / = 1,...,/1+1, always has a solution (aly.. .,a„, /3). In this connection, we choose def p(ht) = sgn hi for ht + 0, and for ht = 0, let p(/!;) be a fixed real number with \p(hj)\ <1. If we set u= ~L"k=lakuk, then u is a solution of (11). (2) For each solution u = H"k=lakuk of (10) there exists a regular reference F such that (15) holds with /3 = a.
39.4. Ascent Method and the Abstract Alternation Theorem 179 The way for an approximation method to solve the original problem (10) is thus indicated: (a) One determines u by (15) or, more generally, as any solution of (11). Then the error estimate (14) holds. (b) If ||fc - «||F = ||/b - «||, then u is already a solution of (10). (c) Otherwise one tries to increase the discrete seminorm ||fc — n||F by changing the reference F. This method can be conceived of as an abstract form of the Remes algorithm which we described in Section 37.29c for the Chebyshev approximation. In this connection, the situation of Example 39.12 is present. Here, changing the reference F means changing the points tt. General algorithms for (c) are given, for instance, in Laurent (1972, M), 8.5 and in Kiesewetter (1973, M). We refer to these as ascent methods because \\b — u\\F approaches the value a from below. def Proof. (1) The determinant of coefficients of (15) is equal to - y = - 2^1^,1||/|| < 0. From (15) it follows that /,(&-n) = (-l)'p(A/)ll//ll/8; (16) therefore, \\b — u\\F = /3 because of (13). We define /(«)-Y-lBE(-l)'U(«). (17) / = i According to the construction of ht and the theorem on the expansion of determinants,/^) = 0, k = 1,..., n; thus,/(y )= 0 for ally eM. From (16) it follows that f{b)=f{b-u)-0. Thus, for all v e M, \\b-u\\F^p=f(b-v)<y~lZ\hi\\fi(b-v)\<\\b~v\\F. i (2) This follows from the equivalence of (16) to (15) and Theorem 39.C below. D In the following, p(//,) has the same meaning as in Corollary 39.14 above. Theorem 39.C (Abstract Alternation Theorem). With the assumption (HI), for u in M, the following two assertions are equivalent: (/) « is a solution of the approximation problem (10). (/7) There exists a regular reference F—(fl /„+i) such that /.(^-^) = (-1)^(//,.)11/1111^-^11, / = 1,...,^+1. (18) Proof. We make use of Theorem 39.A, (3) in Section 39.2 in an essential way.
180 39. Convexity and Extremal Principles (i) => (ii) According to Theorem 39.A, (3), there exists an / e M x such that ||/||=1 and f(b- u) = \\b- u\\. We choose a basis {ul,...,un} in M and, according to the Hahn-Banach theorem, we construct functional fi,...,f„ el* such that /,(«,) = 8,, and 11./-11=1 for /,/ = 1 n. For the reference F=-(fu...,f„,f„+l), where/„+1 = (-1)'!+1/, we have A„+1=l and Aj = ■ • ■ = A,( = 0 since/(u) = 0 for all u e M, i.e., f is regular. If we set def def p(hn+l) =1 and p(/*,) =/(*>-«)/(-l)'||fc- «|| for \<i<n, then |p(/i,)| £l and (18) holds. (ii) =» (i) We construct/according to (17). Then/ e M x, |/(u)| <: ||u|| for all eel, and /(£ — u) — \b — u|| because of (18). According to Theorem 39.A, (3), u is a solution of (10). D 39.5. Application to Chebyshev Approximation We consider the problem min||fc-M|| = a (19) u e M under the following assumptions: (HI) T is a compact set in UN, T + 0 and l<iV<oo. Let X=C(T). Here, C(T) denotes the B-space of continuous functions v. T-> U with the max norm, */ . , ||y|| = max|y(0l forallueX Suppose ul un e X are linearly independent functions. Let */ M = span {«!,...,«„), i.e., M consists of all real linear combinations qi^ + • • • + c„un. Furthermore, b is given but fixed, b£M. The classical special case is obtained in the following way: (H2) T is the interval [c, d] in R1, — oo < c < d < oo, and M is the space def of polynomials of degree n — 1; thus, uk(t) = tk l, k —l,...,n. Finally, b: [c, d] -* U is a given fixed continuous function, b <£ M. It is crucial that one knows the extreme points of the unit ball in C(T)*. According to Problem 39.5, they consist of precisely the functionals ± d,o for arbitrary fixed t0 e T, where §,(«)= u(t0) for all u e C(T). The interpolation property in Theorem 39.B, (ii) in Section 39.3 is equivalent to the following condition: (H3) For prescribed function values at n distinct points in T, there exists exactly one function u in M that takes on these values.
39.5. Application to Chebyshev Approximation 181 The condition (H3) is always fulfilled in the classical special case (H2). Here, the determination of the interpolating polynomial leads to a linear system of equations whose coefficient determinant is the nonvanishing Vandermonde determinant. According to Corollary 39.8, with/; = ± 8,, and with the proof of Theorem 39.B, (ii), we immediately obtain the following proposition. Proposition 39.15. //(HI) holds, then u in M is a solution of (19) if and only if there exist nonzero real numbers au..., am and m distinct points tl,...,tmin T such that 1 < m < n +1 and \b{tj)-u(tj)\~\\b-u\\, sgnaj = sgn{b{lj)-u{tj)) (20) forj = 1,...,m as well as m > £ aJui(tJ) = 0, i = l,...,n. ./ = 1 If, together with (HI), (H3) is also valid, then m = n+\, and (19)possesses exactly one solution u. We sharpen this proposition in the classical special case of polynomial approximation (H2) and state in addition: |fr(*y)-«(0)l=ll&-K|l. (21) b(tj)-u(tj) = {~iy+1(b{h)-u{tl)), y-i «+1. Proposition 39.16 (Alternation Theorem). If (H2) holds, then u^M is a solution of (19) if and only if there exist n+\ points tj such that a<tx<t2< • • • <tn+l<b and (21) holds. This classical alternation theorem for Chebyshev approximation asserts that the error curve t <-> b(t)~ u(t) takes on in at least n +1 points values that are largest in absolute value, and the signs of these values alternate according to (21). We treat a simple application in Problem 39.6. Proof. If u is a solution, then (20) holds with m = n +1; thus, n E «,";(',) = -a„+i",('„+i). i = l,-.-,n. Cramer's rule yields {-l)" + l~Ja„ + lhj aJ = h • (22) "n + l However, here the Haar determinants hi in Definition 39.11 with^(«;) = U;(tj) are Vandermonde determinants and hence are all positive. (21) follows from this.
182 39. Convexity and Extremal Principles clef Conversely, if (21) holds, then (20) follows with a„ + 1 = sgn(b(tn + l)- u(tn + i)) and the a-'s defined by (22) for j = 1,...,n. Thus, by Proposition 39.15, wis a solution of (19). D Problems 39.1. Convex linear combinations. Show: Every x in S(R") can be represented as a convex linear combination of at most n extreme points of K(R "), i.e., x lies in the convex hull of these points. For x e int K(R"), one needs at most n +1 such points. Hint: Use induction on the dimension. Compare Holmes (1972, L), page 82. 39.2.* Convex sets in R", systems of inequalities, positive solutions. In this connection, study Appendices A3(l)-A3(7), interpret these results geometrically, and infer ideas for the proof from these interpretations. Hint: Compare Marti (1977, M), pages 28, 208, and Vogel (1967, M), page 49, for A3(7) (also, cf. Problem 50.4). 39.3. Extension of junctionals. Show: If iV is a linear subspace of the real B-space X, then each f:N~*R that is an extreme point of K(N*) has an extension /0: X~* R which is an extreme point of K(X*). Solution: According to the Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem (cf. A3(20)),, K(X*) is weak* compact. We denote the set of all extensions /0 of / such that /0eS(J*) by A. By the Hahn-Banach theorem, A*<Z>. MS sequences immediately show that A is a weak* closed subset of K(X*), i.e., A is weak* compact and, by virtue of the Krein-Milman theorem, it has an extreme point fv Indirectly by considering restrictions one now easily shows that fl is also an extreme point of K(X*). 39.4. Continuity of functional. Let /: X-^R be a linear functional on the real locally convex space X and let a be a fixed real number. Show: (i) If f(u) > a on a neighborhood of a fixed point, then / is continuous, (ii) If f(u) > 0 on a neighborhood of zero, then /= 0. Solution: (i) By translation one obtains the boundedness of / on a neighborhood of zero. Then the homogeneity of / yields the continuity of/ at the zero point and hence on X. (ii) By passing from u to — u, it follows that / is equal to zero on a neighborhood of zero. 39.5.* Extreme points in C(T)*. Let T be a compact set in R", T*0. To each clef point t e T one can assign the 8,-functional such that S,(F) = F(t) for all F e C(T). Show: The set of all extreme points of the unit ball in C(T)* is equal to {±8,: teT}. Hint: Compare Holmes (1972, L), page 50. Use the Krein-Milman theorem and the bipolar theorem A3(21). 39.6. Chebyshev approximation in R1. Let /eC2[c,d], with —oo<c<rf<oo and f"(t) > 0 on [c, d\. With the aid of the alternation theorem (Proposi-
Problems 183 d Figure 39.5 tion 39.16), determine the Chebyshev approximation of / with respect to first-degree polynomials. Solution: u(t) = a0 + axt, where «i-/(<fjj?C). «o-i(/(c) + /(«2))-i(c+t2)fll. Here, t2 is a solution of f'(t2)— u'(t2) = 0 (see Fig. 39.5). Compare Collate and Albrecht (1972, M), page 123. There one will find numerous additional exercises. 39.7.* The Remes algorithm. We have already described the basic idea of this algorithm in Section 37.29c. In this connection, study the convergence proof in Cheney (1966, M), page 95 and Meinardus (1964, M), page 98, and especially the connection with the Newton method mentioned in Section 37.29c, which is presented in Meinardus (1964, M), page 105. 39.8.* Chebyshev approximation in UN. We consider the problem min ||« —Jb|| = « (23) of Chebyshev approximation on a compact set r in R" under the assumptions (HI) in Section 39.4. In particular, dim M= n. 39.8a. Kolmogorov's criterion, u is a solution of (23) if and only if the following holds: For each v e M there exists a t eT such that |ii(0-6(0l-H»-*ll. (u(t)-b(t))v(t)>0. Hint: Compare Meinardus (1964, M), page 15 and Schonhage (1971, M). 39.8b. Haar's uniqueness theorem. (23) has a unique solution if and only if M possesses the interpolation property, i.e., for arbitrary numbers ax a„ £1 and n distinct points t1,...,t„^T, there exists exactly one «eM such that u(tj)—ait (=1,..., n. Hint: Compare Laurent (1972, M), 3.4.6. 39.8c. Alternation theorem, u in M is a solution of (23) if and only if there exist n +1 distinct points tl7..., t„+1 e T satisfying the alternation condition 6(^)-11(^)-7(-1)^(^)116-1111, y-l,...,n + l. In this connection, t is uniformly equal to 1 or — 1 for all j. Furthermore,
39. Convexity and Extremal Principles hj is the Haar determinant which results from the (n + 1)X n matrix (aik), def where alk = uk(ti), by eliminating the yth row. Here, {ux u,,} is a def basis in M. Furthermore, p(/i/) = sgn /i/ for /i/ =£ 0. Otherwise, p(/ij) lies in [-1,1]. Hint: Compare Kiesewetter (1973, M), page 170. Discrete Chebyshev approximation, compensation analysis, and linear opti- mization.li one has n measurement values (x;>>v) and would like to produce a linear connection y = Cx by means of compensation, then to determine C one can also use the method of discrete Chebyshev approximation instead of the least-squares method of Section 37.12—i.e., one considers the minimum problem ||j-C;t|| = mini, (24) def \ where \\y — Cx\\ = max!,;, s„|j, - Cxt\. This problem can be written as a t linear optimization problem of the form [■ /(a,C) = min!, (25) j j, — Cxj < a, yt — Cxt > — a for all ;', I def l where f(a,C) = a. The simplicial algorithm can be applied to the latter } problem. J Show graphically that for x = (2,4,5,6), y = (1.2,2.1,2.6,3.1), the j solution is C = 0.54. r Hint: Compare Cheney (1966, M), page 30. There one also finds \ algorithms and solution propositions for the case where C is a matrix. [ Then \\y — Cx\\ equals the corresponding norm \\-\\x in U", and, analo- \ gous to the pseudoinverses in Section 37.14, each solution of (24) is a [ generalized solution of y = Cx. In Section 37.17 we have already described | the application of discrete Chebyshev approximation to the approximate I solution of ordinary and partial differential equations. J Iteration methods for solving linear regular and singular systems of equations. ' In this connection, study Marcuk and Kuznecov (1975, S,B). There one ♦ can find extensive material for solving Ax = y. Here, A can be a rectangu- j lar matrix, and the solution is to be understood in the sense of \\Ax — y\\2 l = mini, i.e., it is a matter of generalized solutions (pseudoinverses). j General uniqueness theorem of linear approximation theory. Show: If M is • an n-dimensional linear subspace of a normed real linear space X, then, ) for each b in X, (23) has exactly one solution provided the following % condition is not fulfilled: i /,(x) = ||*ll = II*-Jll, y-l,...,m, { m Z^ifj^S(M^). 7 = 1 Here, x€X, y e M, y # 0, \1,...,\m>Q, X1+---+Xm = l, m<n, /i,...,/„, e X*, and all the f's are extreme points of the unit ball in X*.
References 185 •£ i »-M 0 y Figure 39.6 Hint: Compare Holmes (1972, L), page 111. There one also finds a number of applications, e.g., a proof of the Haar uniqueness theorem of Problem 39.8b. Give a geometric interpretation of this result (see Fig. 39.6). 39.12.* Applications of approximation theory. Study the examples in Sections 37.12-37.19 and the literature- for these sections. Especially numerous examples—in particular, applications to partial differential equations—can be found in Collatz and Krabs (1973, M). 39.13.* The fundamental principle of geometric functional analysis. Study Holmes (1975, M), page 95. There it is shown that the following propositions are mutually equivalent: the Hahn-Banach theorem, separation theorems for convex sets, the support theorem, Krein's extension theorem, the theorem on subdifferentiability, Tuy's inconsistency theorem, the Farkas-Minkowski lemma, the Hurwicz saddle point theorem, Golstein's duality theorem, and the Dubovickil-Miljutin lemma. 39.14.** The Hahn-Banach theorem and the existence of nontrivial quantum fields. In this connection, study Hofmann (1981). There it is shown that there are nontrivial quantum fields that satisfy the quantum field theory axioms. The idea consists in constructing (with the help of extension theorems for functionals) fields whose topological properties are different from those of known fields for free particles. References to the Literature Classical works: Hahn (1926); Banach (1929); Krein (1938). History of the Hahn-Banach theorem: Dieudonne (1981, M). Geometric functional analysis and optimization: Holmes (1975, M). Survey of separation properties: Klee (1969, S). Compact convex sets and their applications in functional analysis: Asimow and Ellis (1982, M) (Krein-Milman theory, Choquet theory, etc.). Convex cones: Fuchssteiner and Lusky (1981, M). Geometry of Banach spaces: Beauzamy (1982, M) (cf. also the references to the literature in the appendix). Introduction to approximation theory and its numerical methods: Collatz (1964, M), Sections 19, 25, and 26; Meinardus (1964, M); Cheney (1966, M,H,B); Collatz and Kxabs (1973, M) (many examples of applications).
186 39. Convexity and Extremal Principles Approximation of functions by computers: Sauer and Szabo (1967, M); Vol. Ill (article by Bulirsch and Stoer); Thacher and Witzgall (1968, M); Luke (1975, M) (handbook). Functional analysis and approximation theory: Luenberger (1969, M); Varga (1971, M) and Holmes (1972, L) (introductions); Singer (1970, M,B) (standard work); Laurent (1972, M,B); Kiesewetter (1973, M); Holmes (1975, M). Convex analysis and approximation theory. Holmes (1972, M) (introduction); Laurent (1972, M,B); Krabs (1975, M). Optimal quadrature formulas: Berezin and Zidkov (1966, M), Vol. I, Chapter 3; Isaacson and Keller (1966, M); Kiesewetter (1973, M); Sobolev (1974, M) (multiple integrals); Engels (1980, M). Chebyshev approximation: Meinardus (1964, M); Cheney (1966, M,H,B); Achiezer (1967, M); Remes (1969, M); Rivlin (1969, M); Schonhage (1971, M); Laurent (1972, M); Collatz and Krabs (1973, M); Dzjadyk (1977, M, H, B) (references in the introduction to numerous other monographs). Rational approximation and Pade approximation: Meinardus (1964, M); Cheney (1966, M); Collatz and Krabs (1973, M); Baker and Gammel (1970, P); and Saff and Varga (1977, P) (applications to quantum physics); Baker (1975, M); Baker and Morris (1981, M). Nonlinear approximation theory: Collatz and Krabs (1973, M); Krabs (1975, M). Approximation theory and splines: Varga (1971, M); Laurent (1972, M,B); Schultz (1973, M); Prenter (1975, M); de Boor (1978, M) (methods on computers). Pseudoinverses in linear equations: Cheney (1966, M); Ben-Israel and GreviUe (1973, M); Marcuk and Kuznecov (1975, S,B) (numerous iteration methods for systems of linear equations); Nashed (1976, P,B). Approximation of random quantities: Karlin and Studden (1966, M); Luenberger (1969, M); Rozanov (1975, M) (also, cf. the references to the literature on stochastic optimization in Section 37.25). Separation of convex sets and solution of systems of inequalities: Rockafellar (1970, M); Holmes (1975, M); Marti (1977, M); Gwinner (1981, S); Konig (1982, S). Systems of inequalities and approximation theory: Cheney (1966, M). Hahn-Banach theorem and the existence of quantum fields: Hofmann (1981). Generalized Hahn-Banach theorem and basic concepts of geometric functional analysis: Konig (1982, S). Survey of the modern development of approximation theory, optimization theory, and numerical mathematics: International Series of Numerical Mathematics, Volumes 1-60, Birkhauser, Basel. Pursue this series.
EXTREMAL PROBLEMS WITHOUT SIDE CONDITIONS The shortest distance between people is a smile. In the following three chapters we investigate how the classical condition F'(«)«0, (N) which is necessary for a local solution of F(«) = min! (M) for real functions F, carries over to more general problems. In Chapter 40 we concern ourselves with (N). In Chapter 41 we ask the question, what operator equations Bu = 0 (E) can be written in the form (N)? In combination with (M) there result existence propositions for (E). In Chapter 42 we clarify the connection between convex functionals F and monotone operators F'. The applications deal with: (a) Classical variational problems for one-dimensional and multidimensional integrals (Chapters 40 and 42). (B) Quasilinear elliptic differential equations (Chapter 42). (y) Hammerstein integral equations (Chapter 41).
CHAPTER 40 Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functional and the Calculus of Variations Only he is driven to method for whom empiricism is burdensome. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Besides, it is an error to believe that rigor in proof is a foe of simplicity... But the shocking example for my assertion is the calculus of variations. The treatment of the first and second variations of definite integrals brought with it to some extent extremely complicated calculations, and the appropriate development of the old mathematicians avoided rigor. Weierstrass showed us the way to a new and secure foundation of the calculus of variations. David Hilbert (in his Paris lecture, 1900) In this chapter, in an elementary way, we generalize the known classical criteria, mentioned in Section 37.1, for free local extrema of differentiable real functions to functionals. Theorem 40.A in Section 40.2 forms the foundation of the classical calculus of variations. A crucial device is this: the study of real functionals F: D(F) C X -* U on a real locally convex space X is reduced to the study of real functions <ph of the real variable t by setting def <ph{t)=F(u0 + th), t<=R. (1) Example 40.1. Let F: U2-*U be given as in Fig. 40.1. To <ph there corresponds the curve which lies above the straight line t>-* u0 + th on the surface belonging to F. One obtains information about <ph in a neighborhood of t = 0 from the classical Taylor theorem 9*(0-9*(0)+ ttk^p- + Rn. (2) k = l 189
190 40. Fiee Local Extrema of Differentiable Functional and the Calculus of Variations Figure 40.1 If <ph is n-times differentiable on ]— tQ, t0[, tQ>0, then (2) holds for all t e ] — tQ, t0[, where we have R„ = o(t") ast~>0 (3) for the remainder term Rn. This means that R„/t" -*0 as t -*0. The proof can be found, e.g., in Fichtenholz (1972, M), Vol. I, pages 229, 235. To be precise, R„ has the form n\RH-f(tf){9t)-vW0)), (3a) where the number #, 0 < # < 1, depends on t and h. As an illustration of the general method, we assume that F has a local minimum at u0, i.e., F(u)> F(u0) for all u e U(u0) (see Fig. 40.1). Then, obviously, <ph also has a local minimum at t = 0, i.e., the known classical condition yields <p;(o) = o, y;(o)2:0 (4) provided these derivatives exist. (4) follows directly from (2) and (3) with n = 1,2. Now, (4) already contains the fundamental necessary conditions for the existence of free local minima that we shall formulate in Theorems 40.A and 40.B in Section 40.2, only in a somewhat different form. In Sections 40.5 and 40.7 we shall show that the functional analysis results are generalizations of results from the classical calculus of variations. Furthermore, in this chapter we explain two important general methods for obtaining sufficient criteria for the existence of free local minima: (i) Investigation of the second variation, (ii) Construction of comparison functionals. In connection with (i) we consider accessory quadratic variational problems and eigenvalue criteria. In Section 40.7 we show that classical sufficient conditions for one-dimensional variational problems [Jacobi's criterion (respectively, the criterion of field theory)] are obtained from (i) [respectively, (ii)]. Furthermore, we treat applications to multidimensional variational problems. In particular, in Section 40.6 we elucidate the relationship between eigenvalue problems and sufficient conditions for minima.
40.1. nth Variations, G-Derivative, and F-Derivative 191 In this chapter we frequently use the following assumption: (HI) F: D(F)C X-+U is a functional on the real locally convex space X, and u0 is a given fixed interior point of D(F). We delve into a number of deep important applications in Problems 40.7-40.14. We handle further important physical applications in Part IV. 40.1. nth Variations, G-Derivative, and F-Derivative The preceding considerations show that 9^(0)- d"F(u0 + th) dt" (5) r = 0 plays an important role in the study of extremal problems. Definition 40.2. If (HI) holds, then we define the nth variation of F at the point «0 in the direction h by def 8»F(u0;h)-vp{0), (6) for he. X, when the derivative appearing in the right-hand side exists. We write 5 for 51. If the right-sided derivative (<P/,)+(0) exists, then we define the one-sided directional derivative of F at u0 in the direction h by def 8+F(u0;h) = {<p'h) + (0). (7) Here, (vi)+(0). lim *■(". + *)-*■(".). t —* + 0 ' In the following, for F under the assumption (HI), we recall a number of definitions and propositions that we presented in Chapter 4 in a more general setting. The functional F is G-differentiable at u0 if and only if there exists a continuous linear functional ael*, that we denote by F'(u0), such that hmF(uo + th)-F(u0)= for all/^ ex (8) t-* o l F'(u0) is called the G-derivative (or Gateaux derivative) of F at u0. We also briefly write F'(u0)h for (F'(uQ), h). The G-derivative ^'("o) exists if and only if 8F(u0; h) exists for all h e X and h >->dF(u0; h) is a continuous linear functional on X. Then dF{u0;h) = (F'{u0),h) for all A eX.
192 40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functional and the Calculus of Variations Let the X in (HI) be a normed space. The functional F is F-differentiable at «0 if and only if there exists a continuous linear functional a e X*, that we denote by F'(u0), such that an expansion of the form F{u0 + h) = F(u0) + (F'{u0), h) + o{\\h\\) as n ->0 holds for all h in a neighborhood of zero. F'(u0) is called the F-derivative (or Frechet derivative) of F at u0. The F-differential of F at u0 in the direction h is defined by dF(u0; h)= (F'(u0), h). We again point out that we speak of the existence of the G-derivative (respectively, of the F-derivative) of F at the point u0 only when F is defined in a neigliborhood of u0. However, for the sake of simplicity, in the following we will frequently forego an explicit formulation of this fact. The assertion that F is, say, G-differentiable on M thus always tacitly includes M Q'mt D(F). Every F-derivative F'(u0) is also a G-derivative and dF(u0;h) = dF(u0;h) = (F'(u0),h) for aline X (9) Conversely, if the G-derivative F'(u) of F is defined for all u in a neighborhood of u0, U(uQ), and if F': U(u0) C X-> X* is continuous at u0, then F'(u0) is also the F-derivative. If F'(u0) exists as the F-derivative, then Fis continuous at u0. Furthermore, we recommend that the reader study Chapter 4 regarding the definition of higher derivatives and higher differentials because we shall frequently work with these concepts in the sequel. In particular, the nth variation 8"F(u0; h) coincides with the nth G-differential d"F(u0; h,...,h) of F at u0 in the direction h. For example, we recall the following proposition. If X is a B-space, then: thenth F-derivativeF(n)(u0) exists <=» d"F(u0; A1,...,AB) exists for all hl,...,h„e X. Here, d"F is the nth F-differential. If one of the conditions in (10) is fulfilled, then d"F(u0; h) also exists for all h e X and 8"F{u0;h) = d"F{u0;h) = F<"\u0)h". (11) Here, F(n)(u0)h" stands for F(n)(u0)h...h. In conclusion, we recall the Taylor formula F{u0 + th)-F{u0)+ t 8kF{"f'h)+o(\\h\\") as«->0 (12) k-i K- for all h in a suitable neighborhood of zero. It is assumed that F is n-times F-differentiable in an open ball about u0 and that F("' is continuous at uQ. In Problem 40.1 we show that (12) follows from the classical Taylor formula (2). (10)
40.2. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Free Local Extrema 193 40.2. Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Free Local Extrema Definition 40.3. Assume (HI) holds. In particular, u0 e int D(F). Then the functional F has a free local minimum at u0 if and only if there exists a neighborhood of uQ, U(uQ), such that F(u)>F(u0) forallnel/(n0). (13) If " > " holds instead of " > " for u + u0, then we speak of a strict local minimum. The adjunct "free" points out that in (13) the neighborhood U(u0) is not restricted by side conditions as is the case in Definition 43.1. The corresponding definitions for local maxima are obtained in an obvious way by replacing " > " everywhere with " <." Figure 40.2 clarifies the definition. In the following two theorems we formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of free local minima, first using variations and then derivatives. In many applications it is easier to verify the existence of variations than the existence of derivatives. The corresponding assertions for local maxima are obtained by replacing F with — F. Theorem 40.A. Let X be a real locally convex space. Let F: D(F)cX->R be given and let u0 e int D(F). Then the following assertions hold: (1) Necessary conditions. If F has a free local minimum at uQ, then: dF(u0;h) = 0 (14) d2F{u0;h)>0 (15) for all lie X when these variations exist. For (14) to hold, it suffices that SF(u0; h) exist for all h e X. (2) Sufficient condition. Let n be an even number, n>2, and let X be a B-space. Then F has a free strict local minimum at u0 provided the following i i y u0 Figure 40.2
194 40. Free Local Extrema of Diflferentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations hold: (i) For all he X and fixed c> 0, 8kF(u0;h) = 0, k = l,...,n-l, (16) 8»F(u0;h)^c\\h\\". (17) (»") u >-* 8"F(u; h) is continuous at u0 and indeed uniformly continuous with respect to h, i.e., to be precise, for each e> 0 there exists an tj(e)> 0 such that \d"F(u; h)- 8"F(u0; h)\< e\\h\\n (18) for all he X and allue X such that \\ u — u0\\ < t)(e). Here, it is assumed that all variations that appear exist. In concrete classical variational problems, where F(u) is an integral expression, the Euler equation (respectively, the Legendre condition) corresponds to (14) (respectively, (15)). In Section 40.6, within the framework of the so-called accessory variational problem, we treat a method for verifying (17) for n = 2. def Proof. (1) follows immediately from (4). To prove (2), let <ph(t) = ^(«0 + th); therefore, ^)(t) = 8kF(ua + th; h) for all h in a neighborhood of zero. The classical Taylor theorem (2), (3a) for t = 1 yields F(u0 + h)-F{u0)~n(l)-n(0) = ^^-, 0<*<1. By (17) and (18) with e= c/2, for h with ||A|| < tj(c/2) we thus have: , , 8"F(ua + $h;h) c , „ F(u0 + h)-F(u0) = V °h1 '-^ > ^Pir- D Theorem 40.B. Let X be a real B-space. Let F: D(F)c. X -*U be given and let «0eintZ)(F). Then: (1) Necessary condition. If F has a free local minimum at uQ, then F'(u0) = 0 (generalizedEuler equation) (19) when F'(u0) exists as a G-derivative or as an F-derivative. (2) Sufficient condition. Let n be an even number, n>2. Then, F has a free strict local minimum at u0 when the following two conditions are fulfilled: (i) For all h and fixed c> 0, F<*>(k0) = 0, k = l,...,n-l, (20) F^\u0)h">c\\h\\". (21) (»") F is n-times F-differentiable in a neighborhood of u0 and F(n) is continuous at u0. Proof. (1) By (14) and (9), 8F(u0; h)= (F'(u0), h) = 0 for all heX; therefore F'(u0)=0.
40.4. Application to Real Functions in R 195 (2) This is a special case of Theorem 40.A, (2) taking into consideration that dkF(u0; h)= F<k\u0)hk by (11) and \8"F(u; h)-8"F(u0; h)\*\\F™(u)-F™(u0)\\\\h\\\ a 40.3. Sufficient Conditions by Means of Comparison Functional and Abstract Field Theory Up until now we obtained sufficient conditions for local extrema by investigating, e.g., the second variation. In the following we describe another important method. Together with the original problem min\F(w) = a, (22) u<BM we study the comparison problem rmnK(u)=p. (23) «e M Tlieorem 40.C. Let F,K:M~*Ube given with F(u)>K(u) on the set M. If (23) has a solution u0 such that F(u0)= K(u0), then u0 is also a solution of (22). Proof. For all «eM,wehaveF(u)>K(u)^K(u0)= F(u0). a This simple idea is the basis for obtaining important sufficient conditions for triinima in classical variational problems within the context of so-called field theory. Here the crucial step is the construction of K by means of invariant integrals. We will discuss this in Section 40.7. 40.4. Application to Real Functions in U N Example 40.4. Suppose the function F: 1/(^(,)^11^-+11^^^1^08868868 continuous partial derivatives of order up to and including n on an open neighborhood of uQ, U(u0). According to Example 4.18, F then has continuous F-derivatives up to and including order n, and for all «el/(«0), h eRw and k = l,...,n, we have 8kF(u;h) = F<k\u)hk~ZDil...DiF(u)hil...hik. The summation is over all (\,..., ik from 1 to N. Furthermore, u = (£x,..., i-N), /2 = (V--,M and Dt =3/3^. Theorem 40.A in Section 40.2 yields necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a local minimum for F at u0. In particular, from (14) for
1V6 40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiate Functionals and the Calculus of Variations n = 1 it follows that if F has a local minimum at u0, then Z?,.F(«0) = 0, i = l,...,N. (24) From (16) and (17) for n = 2 it follows that if (24) holds and d2F(u0; h) is positive definite with respect to h, then F has a free strict local minimum at "o- By the way, the above formula for 8kF(u0; h) is also obtained directly by a k-fold differentiation of F(«0 + th) with respect to t and an evaluation at f = 0. 40.5. Application to Classical Multidimensional Variational Problems in Spaces of Continuously Differentiable Functions We consider the classical variational problem def r F(u) = I L(x,Du(x)) dx = mini, ueX, (25) Jc where def _ X= { h eC2m(G): Z>^ = 0 on dGfor all/?,|/?|<m-l}. Thus, homogeneous boundary conditions are contained in the condition u e X. Our goal is to establish the following necessary condition for (25) to hold: G: E (-iya]DaLD*{x,Du(x)) = 0; (26) |o| <, m dG:Dl>u = 0 forall/8, \P\<,m-l. This differential equation is called the Euler equation for (25). The solutions of (26) without the boundary conditions are called extremals of (25). In addition, we wish to justify the following formulas for the first and second variations for arbitrary u, h e X: 8F{u;h) = j £ LD.(x,Du(x))Dahdx, G|o| < m 82F{u;h)=( £ LD.Di,{x,Du{x))DahDlihdx. (27) G\a\,\P\<m First, we explain the notation. We introduced the symbol D" for the partial def derivative in Section 21.1. Here, |a| is the order of Da. Let D°u = u. The function L is to depend on x and all partial derivatives D"u up to and
40.5. Application to Classical Multidimensional Variational Problems 197 including order m. Let Du be the tuple {Dau)^&m. In particular, for GcR1, jeR1, we have Du = («,«',...,w(m)). In order to simplify the notation, we think of L as a function of x and D, where D = (i?a)|„|< „, and D"eR,J)e Rrf. Furthermore, LD« is the partial derivative of L with respect to D". One could also write LD«U for this. In particular, LDo = Lu. In the literature oriented toward physical applications, one frequently uses du instead of h in (27). Integrating by parts in (27), according to Section 18.2, we obtain 8F(u;h)= ( £ {-l)]a]DaLD»{x,Du{x)) G For this, with h = 8u, one also writes 8F hdx. (28) 8F(u;8u)= I -r—p—rdu(x)dx. Jg8u(x) Therefore, the differential equation in (26) reads briefly as follows: 8F/du(x) = 0. Here 8F/du(x) is called the variational derivative and is frequently applied to mathematical physics. In (25), for X we introduce either the norm IMIc""= E max\Dau{x)\ |«|<mj£5 or the norm ||tt||c=max|tt(x)|. Definition 40.5. The function u in X is called a weak (respectively, strong) minimal of (25) if and only if F: X -> U has a free local minimum at u with respect to the norm \\-\\cm (respectively, ||-||c) on X. The corresponding minimum is said to be weak (respectively, strong). We have already given the intuitive interpretation of this definition in Section 37.4 in connection with Fig. 37.12. Proposition 40.6. Let G be a bounded region in UN, N>1, whose boundary is piecewise smooth, i.e., dG e C0'1. Furthermore, let L e Cm+2(G X Ud). Then the first and second variations exist and (27) and (28) hold for all u,h^X. If u is a weak minimal of (25), then 8F{u;h) = 0, d2F{u;h)>0 forallh&X (29) and (26) holds. We treat applications of this proposition to mechanics and elasticity theory in Part IV. In Problem 40.3, we consider the case where L does not depend only on one function u, but on m functions ux,...,um.
198 40. Free Local Extrema of Differential)]e Functionals and the Calculus of Variations Proof. Observe that dkF(u;h) = <p[k)(0), where <ph{t)= F(u + th). The differentiation can be carried out under the integral sign because of the smoothness of all functions. (29) follows from Theorem 40.A in Section 40.2. In particular, (29) yields 8F(u;h)=0 for all AeC0K(G). Now we obtain (26) from (28) and the lemma on variations in Section 18.1. □ Remark 40.7 (Reduction trick). If one has inhomogeneous boundary conditions, dG: D^u= g, then one can reduce them to homogeneous ones with respect to v by replacing u with u = v + w, where w is a fixed function satisfying the boundary conditions. By the inverse transformation from v to u, one obtains the differential equation (26) with the corresponding inhomogeneous boundary conditions. One can also prove this directly in a way parallel to Theorem 40.A in Section 40.2. The following very simple example aims to prepare the reader for general considerations in the next section. The use of the norm 11 -1Ij^ 2 is important. Example 40.8. The problem of finding the shortest curve x >-* u(x) between the two points (0,0) and (1,0) in the (x, «)-plane leads to F(u) = [ h+u'2dx = nun\, u&X, Jo def where X= {«e C2[0,1]: w(0)= w(l)= 0}. According to (25), the corresponding Euler equation reads as follows: d i uX ,/-1 _j_ ,,/2 = 0, M(0) = «(1) = 0. (30) . + i/"' A solution of (30) is u0 = 0. The straight lines u = ex + d with arbitrary constants c, d are extremals. We will show that uQ is a weak minimal. To this end, we write the following two norms on X: \\u\\ci= max |i/(x)|+ max |i/'(x)|, Osjtsl 0<;t<l \l/2 J {u2 + u'2)dx\ We haveL(u') = h+ u'2 and 52F(t/;/!)= [lLu,Ju'{x))h'2dx for all u, h e X. From the continuity of Lu.u. it follows that \82F(u;h)-82F(u0;h)\< (leh'2dx<e\ 2 1,2> 0 where ||«- uQ\\ci < t)(e). Since Lu.u,{u'0(x)) = \, we have 82F(u0;h)> Ch'2dx>c\\ II? 2
40.5. Application to Classical Multidimensional Variational Problems 199 for all liel and fixed c > 0. In this connection, we make use of the Poincare inequality from Problem 22.1. If we choose e sufficiently small, then 82F{u;h)^2-lc\\h\\l2 (31) clef for all h e X and all «el, where ||«- «0||ci < tj. Now let <P/,(0 = F(u0 + th). Then we have <p'h(t) = 8F(u0 + th; h), <p'£(t) = 82F(u0 + th; h). Moreover, <p'h(0) ~ 0. The classical Taylor theorem yields ^(1) = ^(0) + 2^(0), 0<#<1. Then the desired assertion follows immediately from (31) with u=u0+ h: F(u)> F(«0) + 4_1c||«- «olli,2" for all u such that ||«- "ollc1 < 1- Counterexample 40.9. We consider the minimum problem F{u) = 2_1f (u1 - u2x ~2fu)dxdt = mm\, «el, (32) JG def , _ def where I={aeC2(G): « = 0 on dG}. Here, G={(x,t): 0<x<l, 0<t <t0} is a rectangle in the (x, j)-plane. The Euler equation reads as follows: ««-««+ /-0. (33) Furthermore, d2F(u;h)= \(h)-h\)dxdt. (34) JG We can never have 82F(u; h)>0 for all /ieX For this reason (32) possesses no local minimum. Analogously one can show that no local inaximum exists. If we interpret u(x, t) as the displacement of a string at the time t at the point x, then (33) describes the equation of the vibrating string under the influence of the exterior force /. (32) comprises the Hamilton principle of least action, which stands at the pinnacle of mechanics. However, our considerations show that this principle is not well posed in the form (32). Indeed, by the principle of least action physicists do not mean (32) but the fact that the first variation 8F(u, h) is equal to zero for all /ieX This is /equivalent to (33). In the sense of Section 43.9, this means that F has a critical point at u. More correctly, therefore, one must replace "min!" by "stationary!" in (32) and speak of the principle of stationary action. Counterexample 40.9 shows that one can solve hyperbolic partial differential equations by seeking critical points of appropriate functionals. However, problems for critical points are generally more difficult to solve than minimum and maximum problems. We shall delve into this in Chap-
-.J ... rccLc... _ rcma . erentii _. nctior ,theC ,ofVi s ters 44 and 49. In particular, for hyperbolic partial differential equations, we recommend the works of Rabinowitz (1978a), (1978b), Benci and Rabinowitz (1979), Brezis, Coron and Nirenberg (1980), and Amann and Zehnder (1980), which employ deeper-lying topological methods, namely the Fadell-Rabinowitz index, which generalizes the genus from Chapter 44 and the generalized Morse index of Conley (1978, M). In these works, from critical points of functional, periodic solutions of the canonical Hamilton equations also arise (cf. the Problems for Chapter 49). Remark 40.10 (Generalized solutions). In the introductory remarks before the first section of Chapter 18 we have already referred to the fact that spaces of smooth functions are not appropriate for a general existence theory for the minimum problem (25). For example, one cannot apply the basic existence propositions from Section 38.3, since the space X in (25) is not reflexive. In order to build up an existence theory, one must replace C2m(G) by the Sobolev spaces W™(G). In this connection, one must ensure that the integrals appearing above exist and that in the calculation of 8kF(u0;h) one can carry out the differentiation under the integral sign according to A2(25). To this end, one needs restricting growth conditions on L and Ln«. We discuss this in Section 42.7. 40.6. Accessory Quadratic Variational Problems and Sufficient Eigenvalue Criteria for Local Extrema We shall build up the idea used in Example 40.8 to a general functional analytical sufficient condition and apply it to multidimensional variational problems. In this connection, we proceed from the minimum problem F(tt) = min!, seI (35) with the corresponding Euler equation dF(u;h) = 0 foralUeX (36) Let «0 be a solution of (36). We assume that the second variation can be written in the form d2F(u0; h)= a(h,h), where a(-,') is bilinear. We designate the accessory variational problem by def mina(h,h) = y, M = {h e Y: \\h\\z = l} (37) h eM with the corresponding so-called Jacobi eigenvalue equation a(h,v) = in(h\v)z forallueY. (38) We seek h^Y, h=£0, and ft e U. In Example 40.8, we considered the following special situation: X = { u e Cz[0,1]: «(0) = «(1) = 0}, || • || x = \\ ■ ||ci, Y= ^/(0, i), Z= L2(0,1). We formulate the following assumptions, where
w.o. Accessory quadratic variational Problems and Sufficient Eigenvalue Criteria 201 the following so-called Garding inequality is crucial: 82F(u0;h)*c0\\h\\2Y-d0\\h\\2z (39) for all h e Y and fixed c0 > 0, d0 > 0. : (HI) Spaces: X cy cZ. Here, Xis a real normed space, Y and Z are real H-spaces and the embedding Y c Z is compact. «0 e X is given and fixed. (H2) Garding's inequality. For F: l/(«0)c X->IR, (39) holds. Here, U(u0) is a fixed open neighborhood in X. (H3) Uniform continuity of the second variation. For each e > 0, there exists anij(e)> 0 such that \82F{u;h)-82F(u0;h)\<e\\!t\\2 for all u,h&X such that ||«— ue\\x < t)(e). Here, it is naturally assumed that 82F(u; h) exists for all u e U(u0) and all h <= X. (H4) Bilinear form. There exists a bounded symmetric bilinear form a: YX Y-*U such that 82F(u0; h, h)-a(h, h) for all h e Y. Tlieorem 40.D. Assume (//1)-(//4) hold. If u0 is a solution of the Euler equation (36), then F has a free strict local minimum on X at u0 when any one of the following mutually equivalent conditions is fulfilled: (i) a is strongly positive, i.e., (39) holds for d0 = 0. (ii) a is strictly positive, i.e., 82F( u0; h) > 0 for allh^Y,h + 0. (Hi) All eigenvalues ju in (38) are positive. Before proving this theorem we apply it to the general multidimensional variational problem (25) considered in the preceding section. Then: F(u)= (L{x,Du(x))dx. (L) JG Furthermore, we choose a(h,v) = j E LD„Dll{x,Du0))DtihDavdx G\a\,\P\<m and 7= W2m(G), Z=L2(G), def _ X=° { u eC2m{G): Z)^«=0 on dG for all /?, |/?| < m-1} def with the norm ||-||;r= INIcm- Parallel to the eigenvalue problem (38), we formulate the classical Jacobi eigenvalue equation G: E {-\)HDa[LD,D,(x,Dua{x))Dlih}^v,h, (40) \a\,\P\<.m dG: /)^ = 0 for all 0, \P\<m-l. Problem (38) is exactly the generalized problem corresponding to (40) in the sense of Part II. Each classical solution h of (40) satisfies (38). To prove
202 40. Free Local Extrema of Diflerentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations this, one has to multiply (40) by ueCo°(G) or, more generally, by ce 1¥™(G) and then integrate by parts. If the data are sufficiently smooth, then, according to the regularity theory, (38) and (40) are mutually equivalent. This always holds under the assumptions of the following proposition when we are dealing with a one-dimensional variational problem, i.e., G = ]a,b[,x^U\ Proposition 40.11. If «0 e X is an extremal of F defined in (L), i.e., u0 satisfies the corresponding Euler equation (26), then u0 is also a strict weak minimal of F when the following three conditions are fulfilled: (a) The assumptions of Proposition 40.6 hold. (b) The differential operator appearing on the left-hand side of (40) is strongly elliptic in the sense of Section 22.14, i.e., there exists a c> 0 such that £ LD„De(x,Du0(x))DaDl)>c £ \D"\2 |o|,|/5| = m \a\ = m holds for all x e G. The real variables Da, D& appearing here can take on arbitrary real values. (c) One of the conditions (i), (ii), or (Hi) of Theorem 40.D holds. Strong ellipticity means that the symmetric matrix (LD«Dn(x, Du0(x)) of second partial derivatives is positive definite with a uniform constant c for all xeG. The proof of Proposition 40.11 follows directly from Theorem 40.D if one observes that the Garding inequality follows, according to Lemma 22.39, from the strong ellipticity. In Problem 40.4 we treat an application of Proposition 40.11 to the minimal surface problem. One proves the fact that u0 is a strong minimal in the sense of Definition 40.5 with the aid of field theory. We discuss this in the next section. Proof of Theorem 40.D. Ad (i) Use the same argument as in Example 40.8. (ii)=»(i) We define c(-,-) by a(h,v)*= c(h,v)~d0(h\v)z. According to (39), c is strongly positive on Y. The bilinear form (h,v)<-^> (h\v)z is compact on Y because of the compact embedding Y C Z. By Hestenes' theorem (Problem 22.11), (i) follows from (ii). For the sake of completeness, we give a direct proof here. According to Example 38.16, h >-* c(h, h) is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous on Y and h1-* — d0(h\h)z is weakly sequentially continuous on Y, i.e., h>~* a(h,h) is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous on Y. If (i) does not hold, then there exists a sequence (hn) from Y such that p„||K = l for all «eN and a(hn, hn) -» 0. Due to the compact embedding Y c Z, hn-+h in Y and hn-*h in Z possibly only for a subsequence—therefore, a(h„,h)-* a(h, h) and c0\\h„ - h\\\ - d0\\h„ - A||! < a(h„ -h,h„- h) -- a(h, h);
40.7. Application to Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Local Extrema 203 consequently, — a(h,h) = 0, i.e., h = 0 according to (ii). However, h„ -» 0 in 7contradicts p„||K = l for all «eN. (iii) => (ii) It suffices to show that y > 0 in (37). First we solve (37). According to (39), a(h,h)^-dQ for all h^M. If (hn) is a minimal sequence for (37), then by (39) it is also bounded in Y. Therefore, hn-+h in Y, with the possible transition to a subsequence, and hence hn-*h in Z. This yields h^M and a(h,h)< Hma(h„,h„)'=y. Consequently, h is a solution of (37) and, according to the argument in Section 18.5 or directly by Proposition 43.6, h is also a solution of (38). Therefore, ji = a(h, h) = y. For an arbitrary solution lieMof (38), n = a(h,h); therefore, jn >y- Thus, y is the smallest eigenvalue of (38), i.e., y > 0 according to (iii). (ii) =» (iii) Now we have y > 0. For this reason, according to the preceding considerations, the smallest eigenvalue of (38) is positive. □ 40.7. Application to Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Local Extrema for Classical One-Dimensional Variational Problems Parallel to Section 40.5, we study the one-dimensional variational problem def rb / F(u) = / L(x, u{x),u'(x))dx*=nanl, u^X, (41) where — oo < a < ft < oo, def X" {xec2[a,b]:u(a) = u(b) = 0}, LeC3(R3), (42) and the Euler equation -^K'(x> u{x),u'(x))-Lu(x, u(x),u'(x)) = 0. (43) We will show how one can obtain a number of known classical criteria from our previous considerations. In particular, we are interested in sufficient criteria for weak and strong minima in the sense of Definition 40.5 with m — 1. In this connection, we attach no value to a derivation of the results under the weakest possible assumptions, but rather we will work out the simple basic ideas as clearly as possible. The essential results that we present here are contained in Fig. 40.3. The arrows are to be understood as implications. They indicate necessary (respectively, sufficient) criteria for minima. In particular, we will show that with the sufficiency criteria the convexity of L with respect to u' plays an important role. In addition to the following considerations, we consider the Weierstrass- Erdmann corner condition and the necessity of the Weierstrass E-condition in Section 48.7 in connection with the Pontrjagin maximum principle. First,
zv/4 w. rree Local txtrema or Din'erentiaDle junctionals and the Calculus of Variations free local minimum weak *^_ _^ strong minimum ' minimum I Euler equation, strong Legendre condition, field theory, Legendre condition eigenvalue criterion Weierstrass E-function respectively the Jacobi conjugate points criterion Figure 40.3 we note several important expressions. The second variation for (41) reads as follows: 82F(u; h) = f[wAQ)h'2 +2Lu,u(Q)h'h] dx + fhLuu(Q)h2 dx foralltt./aeX, (44) def where Q — (x, u(x), u'(x)) and the corresponding Jacobi eigenvalue equation is --^-{Rh') + Ph=t).h, h^X. (45) Here, def def A R(x)~Lu,u,(Q), P(x)=Luu(Q)-j^Lu,u(Q). If we observe that (h2)' = 2h'h, then integration by parts in (44) immediately yields S2F(u; h) = fb(Rh'2 + Ph2)dx for all «,/i£l (46) Furthermore, we define the Weierstrass E-function def E(x,u, u',v') = L(x, u, v') — L(x, u, u')~ Lu,(x, u, u')(v'— u'). By Section 42.3, the convexity of L with respect to u' is equivalent to E(x,u,u',v')>0 for all *,«,«', c'eK (47) (respectively, to Lu,u,(x,u,u')>0 for all x, «,«'e|). (48) These two conditions will play a central role in the following. As an illustration of our results, we use the following example.
40.7. Application to Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Local Extrema 205 Standard Example 40.12. Let L(x, u, u') = n(x, u)n + u'2, with n > 0 on R2. According to Section 37.4a, the solutions x •-* u(x) of (41) are the paths of light rays in a medium with the refraction index n(x,u) at the point {x, u) where we set the velocity of light equal to one. Proposition 40.13 (Necessary Condition). Suppose (42) holds. If (41) has a weak minimum at u, then the Euler equation (43) and the Legendre condition Lu,u,(x,u(x),u'(x))>0 forallxe[a,fc] (49) hold. Proof. Proposition 40.6 yields the Euler equation and 82F(u; h) > 0 for all heX. Thus, (49) follows from (46). Namely, if R(x0) < 0 for an x0 e [a, b], then one can choose an he X having very large h'(x0) and small h(x0), so that S2F(u; h) < 0 holds. However, this is impossible. □ (49) is always fulfilled in the Standard Example 40.12, since L is convex with respect to u'. Explicitly, LuV = n{\ + u'2)~3/2 holds. Proposition 40.14 (The Jacobi Sufficiency Criterion). Suppose (42) holds. If « e X is an extremal, i.e., a solution of the Euler equation (43) with the strong Legendre condition Lu,u,(x,u(x),u'(x))>0 forallxe[a,b], (50) then u is a weak minimal o/(41) when one of the following three conditions is fulfilled: (/) d2F(u; h) > c\\h\\h2 for all h e X and fixed c> 0. (ii) All eigenvalues ju of the Jacobi equation (45) are greater than zero. {Hi) If one solves the initial value problem h(a)= 0, A'(a) = l for (45) with ja = 0, then the solution h possesses no zeros on ]a, b]. The zeros xk of h in (Hi) are called conjugate points of a. In this connection, in (iii), one can use every initial value problem of the form h(a) = 0, h'(a) = a, a + 0, because of the linearity of (45). Example 40.15. If we choose n = v'l + u in the Standard Example 40.12, then u = 4~1(l +ct2)x2 + ax is a family of extremals. From u — u(x, a), ua(x, a)= 0, and by the elimination of a, we obtain the envelope v = 4~1x2 -1 of this family of parabolas (cf. Fig. 40.4). If we choose a — 0 and a parabola of this family that passes through the origin, then a short calculation shows that the first conjugate point xk is the abscissa of the contact point of the parabola with the envelope v. For b with a<b<xk, the segment of the parabola over [a, b] is a weak minimal by Proposition 40.14. In geometrical optics, the envelope corresponds to the envelope of light rays. This is the so-called caustic. In general, from the
206 40. Free Local Extrema of Diflerentiable Functional and the Calculus of Variations \ ^K^n Figure 40.4 standpoint of the calculus of variations, the points of the caustic are points having singular behavior. To be more precise, the following occurs: u(-,a) satisfies the Euler equation (43). If one differentiates this equation with def respect to a and sets h(x) = ua(x, a) for fixed a, then h is a solution of the Jacobi equation (45) with ju = 0 and u(-,a) instead of «. We have h(0) = 0, h'(0) = 1. Let a =/= 0. Then h(xk) — 0 is equivalent to ua(xk, a) = 0. According to the theory of envelopes, «(•,«) and v are in contact at xk. These considerations for the determination of conjugate points can obviously be extensively generalized. Moreover, we obtain a simple interpretation of the Jacobi equation. Strictly speaking, the assumption made in (42) is that L e C3(!R3) is not fulfilled since n is defined only for u> — 1. However, for a given extremal u == 4-1(l + a2)x2 + ax, one can modify n for u<c(ot), where c(a) is a suitable constant with c(a) > -1, and such that L e C3(R3) holds, so thatw still remains a solution of the Euler equation and the Jacobi equation is not changed (cf. Fig. 40.4). Proof of Proposition 40.14. The sufficiency of (i) as well as (i) «=> (if) follow from Proposition 40.11. The strong duplicity of (45) follows from (50). (iii)=»(ii) Let h0 be the solution of the initial value problem h0(a) = Q, def h'0(a) = l for (45) with ft = 0. We set w = - h'0R/h0. From (46) we obtain d2F{u;h)=JbR(h'+~-) dx>0 for all A <=CZ>(a,b). (51). In this connection, we observe that R(P + w') = w2 by (45) and f\h2w' + 2hh'w)dx^ f\h2w)'dx = 0. Co°(a, b) is dense in X; therefore (51) also holds for all /iel If h is a solution of (45), then, by integration by parts, we obtain nfbh2dx = d2F{u;h);
40.7. Application to Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Local Extrema 207 u I i I l \ \ \ a b Figure 40.5 therefore ju > 0. However, because of (hi), ja = 0 cannot be an eigenvalue. □ The following basic definition comprises the situation (depicted intuitively in Fig. 40.5) that a light ray is embedded in a family of light rays, where there is no intersection or touching; therefore, in particular, no caustic occurs. Definition 40.16. Let u0 be an extremal, i.e., a solution of (43). u0 can be embedded in afield of extremals if and only if the following three conditions hold: (a) There exists an open neighborhood U of the extremal u0 in the (x, u)- plane and a family of extremals (ua), where a varies in a neighborhood of zero. (b) Exactly one curve ua of the family passes through each point (x, u) e JJ; therefore, a = a(x, u). (c) The function ^ defined on Uby $(x, u) — u'a(x), a = a(x, u), is called a descent function of the field. We require that ^ e C\U). In the case where U — U2, we call the field global, ^(x, u) is the value of the derivative with respect to x of the curve ua through (x, u) at this point. Proposition 40.17 (Sufficiency Criterion of Field Theory). Suppose (42) holds and let «0 e X be an extremal which can be embedded in a field of extremals. Then u is a strong minimal when L is convex with respect to u', i.e., (47) or (48) holds. If the field is global, then u0 yields an absolute minimum for the original problem (41). Example 40.18. We consider the Standard Example 40.12 with n = 1. Then the problem is to find the shortest path in the plane connecting the points (a,0) and (b,0). The Euler equation reads as follows:
Z.\j8 40. free Local Extrcma of Differentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations therefore, t/'/vl + u'2 = constant and thus u' = constant, i.e., all nonvertical straight lines are extremals. The boundary condition u{a) - u{b) = 0 leads to u0(x) = 0. As the global field we choose ua{x) = a. By Proposition 40.17, u0 yields a global minimum, as was naturally to be expected. def Proof of Proposition 40.17. Let UE={ueX: ||u-u0||c <e}. We choose e > 0 so small that all curves belonging to u in UE lie in U (see Fig. 40.5). Furthermore, we define K by F(u)~K(u)= fbE(x,u(x),^(x, u(x)),u'(x))dx. (52) •'a From (47) it follows that F{u) > K{u) for all u e Ue. The point is that we can write K as a line integral: K(u)= fib'0)Mdx + Ndu. J(a,0) With the aid of the Euler equation (43) for ua and because u'a(x)=* i^(x, ua(x)), one easily verifies that MU = NX inU (53) holds (cf. Problem 40.5). Consequently, we obtain the crucial property that K(u) does not depend on the path, but rather only on the boundary values; therefore, K{u) = K(u0) for all u e. UE. According to the construction of ty and E, "o(*)->K*>"o(*)) and thus £(^,^0(^),^(^,^0(^)),^0(^))-0-, therefore, F(u0)— K(uQ) — 0 by (52). From this we obtain F(u) ^K{u) = K(u0) = F(u0) for all u e Uc. a K is the comparison functional from Theorem 40.C in Section 40.3. Problems and Supplements 40.1. Taylor's formula. Prove (12). Solution: From (2), with t = 1, and (3a), (11), it follows that: \n\Rn\-\rF{u0 + 9h;h)-VF(u0;h)\ <\\Fw(u^ + n)-F^(u^)\\\\hW', therefore, Rn = o(\\h\\") as h -* 0 because 0<d<:l and because of the continuity of F(n) at u0.
Problems and Supplements 209 40.2. Quadratic functionals. Let X be a real B-space, and let a: XxX-*U be bilinear, symmetric, and bounded (cf. Section 21.5). We set F{u) = 2~la(u,u)-b(u), where tel*. Calculate SnF(u; h) and the F-deriva- tive F<-"\ Solution: 8F(u;h)~a(u,h)-b(h),82F(u;h)-a(h,h), (54) SkF(u;h)^0 for k a 3. Let 6 = 0. According to Section 21.5, a(v) can be written as a(u,v) = (Au,v) for all u,v^X, where A: X-* X* is linear and continuous. Furthermore, according to Proposition 4.19, F'(u)h = (Au,h), F"(u)hk°*(Ah,k); (55) therefore, F'' = A, F"{u) = constant, and F("' = 0 for n > 3. If we combine these results with Theorems 40.A and 40.B in Section 40.2, then we obtain an overview of the local minimum problems for quadratic functionals. The definiteness condition (17) [respectively, (21)] with n = 2 is identical to the strong positiveness of a. Then, by Proposition 38.17, F possesses even a strict global minimum on X when X is reflexive. 40.3. Variational problems for several sought functions. Formulate Proposition 40.6 for the case when L depends not only on a function u, but also on k functions ux,...,uk and their derivatives up to and including the mth order. Let D^Uj = 0 on dG for ally and all /8 such that |/J| < m -1. Hint: Replace u and h everywhere by u = (ult...,uk) and h = {hx,...,hk), respectively. Instead of the Euler equation (26), one obtains a system where for each Uj,j = l,...,k, there arises a corresponding equation which is formally obtained by ignoring Uj as well as all the other u, in forming the derivatives; therefore, G: £ (-l)HD"LD*Uj(x,Du(x))~0, ]-l,...,k, |a|£m dG: DfiUj = 0 for all /8 such that |/3| < m -1. 40.4. Minimal surface problem. We consider j /T+yJ + v] dx dy = mini, v~g on dG, v&C2(G). (56) We have already considered this problem and interpreted it physically in Problem 6.5. Here it is a question of finding a surface v = v(x, y) with the smallest area which passes through a given space curve. Let G be a bounded region in R 2 with dG e C0,1, and let g e C2(G). Derive the Euler equation and show that every solution of the Euler equation with v e C2(G) and v = g on dG is a weak minimal. def . _ Solution: We set v=u + g, X= {u gC2(G): k = 0 on dG} and obtain
40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations According to Proposition 40.6, the Euler equation reads as follows: and 2 S2F(u;h)=( T, DiDiUixhxdxldx1 for all/i e X, Jc /,./-1 '' ' where L = \jl+v2 + v2 , xx = x, x2~°y, Di = jlp' Hence DfiL- (l+^ + y>2)~1/2(s,;(l+yx2 + ^2)-y,i%). The eigenvalues of the matrix {D(DjL) are greater than or equal to (1 + y2 + y2)~1/2; thus they are greater than or equal to a for all x e G for a suitable a > 0. For this reason, S2F(u;h)>c(u)\\h\\l2 (57) for all /i£l and fixed c(u)>0. Now Proposition 40.11 yields the assertion. The eigenvalues of (DjDjL) tend toward zero as (1 + y2 + y2) -»oo. For this reason (57) does not hold uniformly for all ael This essentially causes the difficulties of the existence theory for (56) within the context of Sobolev spaces. We discuss this in Problem 52.1. 5. Proof of (53). Solution: From u'a(x)=>\j/(x, ua(x)) it follows that <(x) = ^x{x,ua(x))+^u{x,ua(x))u'a(x). The Euler equation (43) yields ^v(GK+weK+we)-MG)-o, where Q = (x, ua(x), u'a(x)). Since a curve ua goes through each point (x, u) of U, we obtain WAP)*x(S)+ lu,x(p) = - lu,u,(p)Hs)*u(s) -LU,U(P)HS)+LU(P), where P = (x, u, \p(x, u)), S = (x, u). Since N(S)-LAP), M(S)-L(P)-j,(S)LAP), this is equivalent to Nx = Mu. * Field theory for multidimensional integrals. For our present purpose, study Klotzler (1971, M), Chapter V. There is is shown that an intimate connection exists between the construction of invariant integrals that depend only on the boundary values, the Legendre transformation, and the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. The variegated connections between field theory, geometrical optics, and other areas of theoretical physics can be found in Rund (1966, M).
Problems and Supplements 211 40.7.** Canonical formalism, symplectic geometry, the Legendre transformation, Lie algebras, and differential forms. In R2" one can generate a so-called symplectic structure by means of the skew-symmetric inner product n In [x,y] = ~ L x,y„+l+ L x,y,_n. /-1 i = n +1 If q = (qlt...,q„) and/? = (pi,...,p„) are the position coordinates and the generalized impulse coordinates, respectively, of a mechanical system, then by means of [x, y] with x = (p, q), there arises a symplectic structure which is significant for a deep understanding of the canonical Hamilton formalism, which we have described in its classical form in Section 37.4. To this end, study Arnold (1974, M), Chapters 8, 9*and Abraham and Marsden (1978, M). If we denote by M the n-dimensional manifold of the position coordinates q- (qi,...,q„) of a mechanical system, then we can first assign to each point the corresponding tangent space with tangent space coordinates q'=(q{ q'n), which can be interpreted as the velocity coordinates. If one varies (q, q'), then a 2rc-dimensional manifold TM arises: the so-called tangent bundle. If one makes all possible first-order differential forms db> = P\dqx+ ■ ■■ + p„dq„ correspond to each point q, then one obtains the cotangent bundle TM* with the coordinates (p,q). Here/; can be interpreted as the generalized momentum. The Legendre transformation signifies the transition from the tangent bundle TM to the cotangent bundle TM*. A symplectic structure can be introduced in TM* in a natural way, which is locally generated by the alternating differential form dp A dq = dpi A dqx + • • • + dp„ A dqn. The apparatus of differential forms on manifolds then permits an elegant formulation of the canonical formalism which is important in the modern theory of linear partial differential equations within the context of pseudodifferential operators and Fourier integral operators (cf. Problem 40.12). Applications of symplectic geometry to field theories in physics can be found in Kijowski and Tulpyczew (1979, M). Furthermore, we recommend Chernoffand Marsden (1974, L), Marsden (1974, L), (1981, L), Abraham and Marsden (1978, M), and Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M) (applications of infinite-dimensional canonical systems and symplectic geometry in mathematical physics). 40.8.** Canonical formalism and perturbation theory for mechanical systems. The Hamilton canonical equations for i = 1,...,n read as follows: J/'O)--ffO'O.fO)). q;(t) = ~(p(t),q(t)). (58a) A basic method for solving these equations consists of passing to new coordinates Ij = Ij(p,q), <Pj = <Pj(p,q) so that the structure of the canonical equations is preserved, i.e.,
40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations for i =1,...,n. Such transformations are called canonical transformations when one is dealing with diffeomorphisms. In Arnold (1974, M), Chapter 10, conditions that assure that a canonical transformation exists with H* — H*(I) (Liouville's theorem) are given. Then we obtain an especially simple solution from (58b): /, = constant, <p,(0 = (0,-(1)/ + <p,(0), /=1,...,/1, (59) where w, = dH*/8I,. Moreover, all <p, are interpreted as angular coordinates, i.e., for integer values of k, <p, and f^lirk describe the same position of the system. Thus the paths / •-> <p,(/) are to be considered on an //-dimensional torus which consists of all points (<p,,...,<p„), where <p, and yj + lirk are identified for integer values of k. Figure 40.6 shows the situation for n = 2. Motions of the form (59) are called quasiperiodic because each coordinate <p, executes a periodic motion with the angular frequency w,. Thus the physical content of Liouville's theorem is that the complex motion of numerous mechanical systems can be reduced to simple vibrations with the choice of appropriate coordinates. Ij and <py- are called the action variable and the angle variable, respectively. Systems for which the reduction of (58a) to (58b) with H* = H*(I) is possible are called integrable. The crucial sufficient condition for integrability consists in that the following three assertions hold for (58a): (i) There exist n integrals Fx F„ of motion with Fl — H which are in involution, i.e., the Poisson brackets {FitFj} are identically equal to zero for i, j = 1,..., n. In this connection, by definition, {F,G} £ ftp* k=l ' FlPpk )• def (ii) If we set Ma = {(//, ¢) eR2": F,(p,q)= a,, / =1,...,n) for fixed a,. then all the F, are independent on Ma, i.e., all the differentials dFt are linearly independent at each point of Ma. (iii) Ma is compact and connected. The next crucial step is to consider (58b) with H* = H0(I)+ eHx{I, <j>) Such perturbations appear, e.g., in celestial mechanics because of the perturbing influence of other planets on the motion of a given planet in the gravitational field of the sun. The Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser theon
Problems and Supplements 213 deals with this and more general perturbations. Roughly speaking, an essential result reads as follows: In the majority of cases, quasiperiodic motions again arise as a result of the perturbation of quasiperiodic motions. In this connection, study Siegel and Moser (1971, M) and Arnold (1974, M), Appendix 8 as well as Arnold (1963, S) and Sternberg (1969, M). There one also finds important applications to the stability problem of our planetary system, which, however, we have not yet been able to solve in complete generality. The abstract context for the investigation of perturbed problems is laid out in the Moser-Nash theorem (the hard implicit function theorem). We have already discussed this in Problem 5.9. The special difficulties in the present perturbation problem are that resonances can appear, i.e., for the unperturbed problem the connection between w and I is not bijective, and formally posed perturbation series contain small divisors (cf. Problem 5.9c and the works of Kolmogorov, Arnold, and Moser cited in Chapter 5). Also, in Arnold (1974, M), Chapter 10, a general heuristic principle for the treatment of perturbed problems is described. The idea, which goes back to Gauss, is that instead of If=egi(I,<p), ¥i = Ui{I)+eft{I,<t), i = l,...,n, one considers the averaged equation where g,= (2iry"f "■■■ f *gt(J,<t)d<tv..dtf„. One expects that J(t) and I(t) differ very little on [0, T] for T = l/e and small e. For n =1, this can be rigorously proved under suitable assumptions. 40.9.** Solitons, infinite-dimensional canonical systems, and nonlinear wave equations. We have already dealt with methods for the solution of the Korteweg-de Vries equation u, = 6uxu-uxxx (60) in Problem 33.7. The significance of this and similar nonlinear wave equations is that they possess solitary waves, i.e., so-called solitons as solutions, which exhibit stable behavior upon interaction with other solitons (cf. Figs. 33.2 and 33.3). For this reason, one is interested in solitons in many branches of physics (hydrodynamics, crystallography, plasma physics, short optical impulses, elementary particle physics, general relativity theory, etc.). The methods for the solution of (60) are based on the following two important observations: (i) Inverse scattering theory. If we set D = d/dx and L(t)v(x) = (- D2+u(x,t))v(t), A(t)v(x)= [4D3-3(uD + Du)]v(x),
40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variati<'ii> then, because L'(t) = u„ one can write (60) in the form L'=LA-AL, (CI) where A* = - A for suitable specification of the domain of definition of A in the H-space L2( — 00,00). Now, if u is a solution of (60), then (61) holds. From this it follows that U~l{t)L{t)U{t) is constant villi respect to t, where U(t) = exptA. The operator U(t) is uniting Consequently, e.g., the eigenvalues \(t) of L(t)v = \(t)v are ni'i dependent on t, i.e., they are conservation quantities for (60), ami there arises the initially surprising fact that (60) possesses an infin'K1 number of conservation quantities. The application of inverse scanning theory to the solution of the initial value problem for (60) is al-n based on the unitary equivalence of L(0) and L(t). We have explained the basic idea in Problem 33.7. Details can be found in Lax (1%M. We call (L,A) a Lax pair, (ii) Canonical equations. One can also write (60) in the form of an infir/ie- dimensional or continuous canonical system: where H(u)=(X (2~lu2x+u3)dx. •'-oo In fact, for all h e C0°°(R), one obtains SH(u;h) = J(uxhx + 3u2h)dx = J(-uxx + 3u2)hdx; therefore, SH/Su= - uxx + 3u2. Zaharov and Faddeev (1971) -ik- ceeded in verifying that (62) is integrable and in giving the action variables and angle variables analogous to Problem 40.8. Here, oik- finds a very natural explanation of the existence of an infinite nunilvi of conservation quantities for (60). The formalism is built up furiliei in Zaharov and Sabat (1974) and a perturbation formalism for a ( l.i- of nonintegrable wave problems is developed in Zaharov (1974). Together with the above-mentioned works, for this area of problem-, study the monographs of Zaharov (1980, M), and Calogero (1982, M), .mil the proceedings by Bullough and Caudrey (1980, P), where numeicii- physical applications can be found, as well as the survey articles !n Gelfand and Dikii (1975, S) and Miura (1976, S). As an introduction. \u' recommend Lamb (1980, L), and Ablowitz and Sigur (1981, M). * Wave equation, eikonal equation, canonical equations, asymptotic ex;''".- sions, Huygens' principle, and geometrical optics. In conjunction uil'i Section 37.4, we will explain a number of further important connect inii- wliich have their origin in geometrical optics and which are of fundame11i.1l significance in mathematical physics as well as in the modern theoiv i'l partial differential equations (cf. Problem 40.12).
Problems and Supplements 215 40.10a. Variational problem and ordinary differential equations. We proceed from I L(x,q,q') dx = mini (63) for given fixed boundary values for q. Using the Legendre transformation, as in Section 37.4, we obtain the canonical equations />'--«,, q' = Hp. (64) 40.10b. First-order partial differential equations. The Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation corresponding to (64) reads as follows: Sx + H{x,q,S„)-Q. ^ (65) In Section 37.4 we have seen that there exists a very intimate relationship between (64) and (65). The initial value problem for (65) can be solved with the aid of (64). Conversely, from the solutions of (65), one obtains the corresponding solutions of (64). From the standpoint of the general theory of first-order partial differential equations, which one finds, e.g., in Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I or in Caratheodory (1935, M), (64) is a part of the characteristic system for (65). The solution of the initial value problem for (65) with the aid of the Cauchy method of characteristics also leads naturally to (64). In the special case of geometrical optics, L = n(x, q)c~1]jl+ q'2 and H = -]j(n/c) - p1. Here, c/n(x, q) is interpreted as the velocity of light at the point (x, q). Then the eikonal equation S.H^ = (f)2 (66) results from (65). 40.10c. Second-order wave equation. We study the wave equation (f) "«-"«-"„ = 0 (67a) with the corresponding Helmholtz equation k2v + vxx + vqq = 0, k1 = (—) (67b) and the so-called characteristic equation (J)2tf-tf-+J-0. (67c) If if- is a solution of (67c), then the surface \p(t, x, q) = constant in (t, x, #)-space is called a characteristic. The curves r -* (t{r), x(r), q(r)) described by the differential equations ''(O-^)2*/, *'(t)--+,. *'(t)--*, (67d) are called the ^characteristics associated with the characteristic \j/. If, in particular, we seek characteristics of the form \j/(t, x,q) = t- S(x, q), then
4U. Free Local fcxtrema ol JLhlTerentiabie junctionals and the Calculus of Variation- the eikonal equation (66) for S results from (67c). It is well known that one is led to characteristics if one seeks surfaces ty in (r, x, o)-space thai contain the possible discontinuities of the solutions u of the wave equation (67a). In order to determine the solutions of the wave equation (67a), \u- proceed from the substitution u(x,q,t) = e~i"'v(P), (6M u(P)- Zvr(P)(-i"Vret"S(n, P-(x,q). r = 0 Then v is a solution of the Helmholtz equation (67b). Equating coefficienK we obtain the eikonal equation (66) for S and the so-called transpoii equations 2vSvwr+frAS = Awr_,, r = 0,l,2,..., with y_, = 0, for the amplitudes vr. If one is seeking real solutions, then the real and imaginary parts of (68) must be considered. Therefore, at- a first approximation, the solution of (67a) has, for large w, the form u=-v0e'°s-'u' + In order to recognize the significance of (68), we set the refraction indi-\ n = \. Then K = <r""'+2'"'x/\ r\ = 27rc/w, and thus the real part u = cos(27r\~xx — wt) is a solution of (67a). To tkb solution there corresponds a plane wave with wavelength X. Therefore, in (68) we are dealing, roughly speaking, with an asymptotic expansion in terms of small wave lengths. If S is a solution of the eikonal equation (66), then the curve S(x, q) = constant is called a geometric wave front. The corresponding characteristic \j/(t,x,q) = constant, with \p(t, x, q) = t - S(x, q), describes geometric wave fronts which move with variable time t. For the ^characteristics which correspond according to (67d), the result is x'(r) = Sx, q'(r)-S., t'(r)- — . (69) These curves stand perpendicularly to the wave front (see Fig. 40.7). We Figure 40.7
Problems and Supplements 217 will show that these curves can be interpreted as light rays, i.e., they are extremals of the variational problem (63). In order to arrive at symmetric formulas, we write (63) with L = n(x, q)c'1]jl + q'2 in the parametric form \hnc~x{xa + qa dt = min! for given fixed boundary values. For this variational problem, the Euler equations read as follows (according to Problem 40.3): d x' dt {xirT71 d q'n dt ptrzt = njx'2 + q'2, (70) = njx'2 + q'2. ix'^q' If we introduce the arc lengths s, with ds/dt = pc'2 + q'2 , we then obtain Now suppose we are given a solution of (69). Then dx _ c2Sx dq _c% dt „2 ' dt 1 (71) (70a) easily follows from this if one observes that S2 + S2 = n2/c2. Hence, ds/dt = c/n and SXSXX + SgSgx = nnx/c2. In order to motivate the expression "wave front," let S be a solution of the eikonal equation (66), and calculate the change in S along a light ray '""* (■*(')> <?(')) which satisfies (71). From (71) and (66), we obtain jtS(x(t),q(t)) = Sxx'+Sgq' = l, i.e., S(*('i).?('i))-S(*('o).f('o))-'i-'o- From this it results that if light rays start from a wave front at the time t0 as in Fig. 40.7, then they arrive at time tx at a new wave front when the family of curves has sufficiently regular behavior. This is the precise form of Huygens' principle in geometrical optics. " The ^characteristics play an important role in the solution of the initial value problem of the wave equation (67a). In this connection, we seek a solution u of (67a) for which u and the normal derivative of u take on prescribed values on a surface Fin (x, q, f)-space. In the special case when the plane t = 0 corresponds to F, the initial value problem reads as follows: u(x,q,0) = u0(x,q), u,{x,q,Q) = ux(x,q) for all (x, q) eR2 (72) and for given fixed functions u0 and ux. Difficulties arise in the initial value problem when one bicharacteristic contacts F. This case does not occur in (72). In this connection, study Garding, Kotake, and Leray (1964). Here a Riemann hypersurface is constructed for the description of the singulari-
40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations q \ ^x Figure 40.8 ties of the solutions of analytic hyperbolic differential equations. In this connection, it is a matter of a far-reaching generalization of the classical idea of conceiving of the singularities and multiple valuedness of analytic functions, i.e., of the solutions of the Cauchy-Riemann differential equations as Riemann surfaces. Asymptotic series of the form (68), which play a fundamental role in geometrical optics and quantum theory, are considered in detail in Babic and Buldyrev (1972, M). In this connection, optical foci cause special difficulties. These are points at which light rays x -* q(x) intersect or come into contact (see Fig. 40.8). The envelope of light rays is called a caustic. In Problem 40.11 we refer to a method developed by Maslov, which allows one to extend asymptotic expansions beyond optic foci. Important asymptotic formulas for small wave lengths for the refraction of light on a convex body were derived by Buslaev (1964). Electromagnetic waves and geometrical optics. The real physical background for the asymptotic expansion (68) is the transition from electromagnetic waves to the limiting case when the wavelength tends to zero. Geometrical optics corresponds to this limiting case. In order to clarify this, we first note the Maxwell equations in the international MKSA system: curl E=-/iH,, c\ii\H = eE,, (73) divE£ = 0, div /iH=0. E and H are the three-dimensional vectors of the electric (and magnetic) field strength, respectively. We consider (73) in a region in which there is a homogeneous medium, but no charges or currents. The material constants e and n depend on the position coordinates x,y,z and are called the dielectric and permeability constants, respectively. An analogous substitution for E and H as in (68), i.e., £= £•„(*,J'.^Oe-"'"*"'"50''''^ ••• , H=H0e'i-"+i-'s+ ■■■ yields the eikonal equation S* + Sv2+ ^ = ^, 4 = EV- (74) cL c Here, c is the velocity of light in a vacuum. The expansions for E and H in the form (68) are expansions in terms of small wavelengths X. By geometri-
Problems and Supplements 219 cal optics, one understands that of all the physical quantities, only the first approximation with respect to small X or large w are considered. Now, what is the physical definition of a light ray? In order to give a physically motivated meaningful definition, we consider the vector P = EXH of energy flow density. This vector describes the flow of energy. If we designate the surfaces S = constant corresponding to E and H as wave fronts, then, as a first approximation, the time averaged vector P stands perpendicular to the wave front. Now, we designate as light rays the curves which have the first approximation to P as tangent vectors, i.e., which intersect the wave front perpendicularly. In the language of hydrodynamics, light rays are thus the stream lines of the vector field of the energy flow density and, indeed, in the first approximation. In this connection, study the comprehensive standard work on geometrical optics by Born and Wolf (1959, M) (in particular, Chapter 3). There, within the context of the above discussion, one also finds a proof of the Fermat principle of shortest light path that we postulated in Section 37.4. Furthermore, study Luneburg (1964, M). One is also led to the eikonal equation (74) if one looks for surfaces t = S(x, y, z) on which jumps of the solutions E and H of the Maxwell equations (73) appear. In this connection, study Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. II, Smirnov (1956, M), Vol. IV, Section 167, and Jeffrey and Taniuti (1964, M). There it is shown, in general, how one can investigate the structure of wave phenomena for the equations of mathematical physics (hydrodynamics, magnetohydrodynamics, gas dynamics, elasticity theory, etc.) without solving the equations, by considering the characteristics, i.e., the surfaces that can contain the discontinuities of the solutions. 40.10e. Huygens' principle. This important heuristic physical principle, that was developed for the qualitative description of refraction processes in light waves and other wave phenomena, reads as follows: Every point of a wave front is the starting point of elementary waves (spherical waves), where the new wave front appears as the envelope of these elementary waves (see Fig. 40.9). We have already given an exact formulation of this principle in geometrical optics right after (71). For the wave equation 2 „,2 Li „f2 ""?' ^ ' cl dtl ,- = 1 dtf Figure 40.9
40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functionals and the Calculus of Variations where ^ = (^,^2.^3). there results an exact formulation from the basic Kirchhoff formula 1 \ \ [ l\\du~\ , \\du~\dr ri dr~l \ ,. "(*o./) = t~/ - -5- +— -5- -5--[«W— Uo + (-^\-dV, x0eG, r>0. (76) •'c 4wc r In this connection, let r = \x — x0\ and let G be a bounded region in R3 with a sufficiently smooth boundary. Let [/] denote /(x, /- r/c). For sufficiently smooth / and each sufficiently smooth solution u of (75) in G, the formula (76) holds (cf. Smirnov (1956, M), Vol. II, Section 202). If we set / = 0 and proceed from the substitution u(x,t) = v(x)e"*', (77) then v satisfies the Helmholtz equation, and from (76) we immediately obtain v u y 4ir Jdc r \dn \ c r J dn j K ' for x0 e G, (> 0. If we interpret r-1e_'"'/c as a spherical wave, then according to (78), the function u(x0,t) results from the superposition of spherical waves. The exact formulation of Huygens' principle (78) is the starting point for important approximation formulas of diffraction theory. In this connection, for example, in the diffraction by passage of light through a slit, certain physically motivated approximations concerning the exterior normal derivative dv /dn are made in the right-hand side of (78). To this end, study Born and Wolf (1959, M), page 377. An overview of diffraction theory can be found in BabiC (1967, M,B). The investigation of diffraction problems with the aid of integral equations is carried out in Kupradze (1956, M). There, the point of departure is the substitution for v in (77) ol the form of a single layer or double layer potential ihir/c p(x)~ or v(x0)=( p(x)~^-d0, (79) Jan r v(x0)=°( f -^tJtt1^ respectively. In this connection, also compare Smirnov (1956, M), Vol. IV. Section 228 ff. The connection with the Maxwell equations (73) results from the fad that in a homogeneous medium without charges and flows with e = constant. H = constant, all components of E and H satisfy the wave equation (75) with 0 = 1/)/7/1 (where c is the velocity of light in the medium). In this connection, compare Born and Wolf (1959, M), page 10. Of. Weak Huygens principle and the initial value problem. By the weak Huygens j principle, we mean the following: A sharply localized perturbation propa- • f
Problems and Supplements m = 3 Figure 40,10 gates wavelike in such a way that a sharp anterior and a sharp posterior wave front are present (see Fig, 40,10 with m = 3), This is the case for sound and light. On the other hand, if one throws a stone into water, then no sharp wave fronts appear (see Fig. 40.10 for m = 2). In order to alter this principle into an exact form for the wave equation, we consider the initial value problem C2 dt2 ,-_i dt? (80) u(x,0) = u0(x), ut(x,0) = Ui(x), where x = (£j £„,). For sufficiently smooth initial data u0 and ux, (80) is uniquely solvable, and the solution is given for all x0 <= R"', t > 0, from the following formulas: (i) m =1: u(x0,t) = -z(u0(x0-ct)+u0(x0 + ct))+-=- f ul{x)dx. (81a) (ii) 171 = 2: Ur,(x,t) = ^.— I , 1 d^d^2 + ^4:( , "° d^dti- (81b) (iii) m = 3: Here, l A ( 1 d(ra0) «! •/a/f(x0,o47rr2 ^r A-nrc (81c) /f(x0,0= {xeRm:r^rf},r = |x-x0|, In the formulas (81) it is immediately noticeable that the integration is over different regions. In (81c) the value u(x0,t) depends only on the
40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functional and the Calculus of Variaiifi-. values of u and its first derivatives on dK(x0, t). This is a strict form ol ilk- causality principle, for dK(x0, t) consists exactly of the points x with Ilk- property that a signal which at the time / = 0 starts from x towards \. arrives at the point x0 at exactly the time t. In contrast to this, u(x0, t) in (81a) and (81b) depends on the values ol '/ and its first derivatives on K(x0, t). This is a weak form of the caus.ilii^ principle, for K(x0, t) consists of precisely the points x having the puberty that a signal which starts at the time t = 0 from x towards x0 arrive .u x0 in the time interval [0, /]. However, in this case, no sharp signal tran^lci is possible. In U2 it would be impossible to receive radio mess.ws meaningfully since in the receiver the signals, which are sent at diffeu-ni times, constantly superimpose. By the weak Huygens principle for (80), we mean that the value oi Ik- solution u(x0, t) for x0 e U"', t> 0, depends only on the values of u .mil its first derivatives on dK(x0, t). This is the case for all odd m, m a 3. A geometric interpretation of the different dependence regions .1 is shown in Fig. 40.11 with A = dK(x0, t) for m = 3 and A = K(x0, t) Iim m=l,2. The cone C with the vertex (x0,i) is called the characten-in conoid. C is a characteristic. Its envelope lines are ^characteristics of (Mi). The characteristic conoid cuts the boundary of the dependency region ) out of the initial surface t — 0. In order to elucidate the connection with the weak heuristic Hujsi-n^ principle that we formulated earlier, we assume that the initial value1- '/ and Mj are concentrated only in a small neighborhood of x. Then, at link- t> 0, the solution u for m = 3, according to (81c), is also different limn zero only in a small neighborhood of the surface of the ball with centi-i .n x and radius ct, i.e., there exist sharp anterior and posterior fronts foi tlii- perturbation propagation. In contrast to this, the solution u for m = 1 .n time t is different from zero only outside a neighborhood of a disk uilli center at x of radius ct, i.e., the echo effect occurs (see Fig. 40.10). As a modern standard work for the solution of the initial value probk-in for general linear hyperbolic differential equations, we recomnii-iul Friedlander (1976, M). There these differential equations are conneiial with the Riemannian geometry of a four-dimensional space-time univi-i si- Then the characteristic conoid in Fig. 40.11 is curved. The characteriMii- and bicharacteristics are null hypersurfaces and null geodesies, res|vi- t t (x0.t) A m=l m=2 m=3 Figure 40.11 (x0,0 (x0,t)
Problems and Supplements '223 tively. Instead of the representation formulas (81), more complicated expressions which contain distributions appear there. From these formulas one can infer the criteria for the validity of the weak Huygens principle, which refer back to the classical monograph on the initial value problem by Hadamard (1932, M). Accordingly, the logarithmic term must vanish in the Hadamard fundamental solution. The validity of Huygens' principle could be verified for a number of physically important equations. In this connection, study Gunther and Wiinsch (1974) (Maxwell's equations in general relativity theory), Gunther (1965) (metric of plane gravitation waves), Schimming (1977) (general tensor and spinor fields), and W'unsch (1976) (spinor fields). A survey can be found in Schimming (1978). In the literature, the weak Huygens principle is frequently designated briefly as the Huygens principle. Furthermore, concerning the initial value problems for hyperbolic differential equations, study Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Petrovskii (1955, M), and Garabedian (1964, M>. More complicated questions are treated in Leray (1952, L), Garding, Kotake, and Leray (1964) (singularities and Riemann hypersurfaces), Lichnerowicz (1967, M) (relativistic magnetohy- drodynamics), Atiyah, Bott, and Garding (1970) (lacunary regions), Hawking and Ellis (1973, M) (Einstein's equations for general relativity theory), Marsden (1974, L), (1981, L), and Smoller (1983, M) (shock waves). 40.10g. Axiomatic construction of action propagation. In this connection, study Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M), Appendix I. There it is shown that the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation and the canonical equations are obtained from very few plausible assumptions concerning the propagation of action. 40.10h. Global generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. (Cf. Problem 52.9.) 40.11.** The Maslov WKB method. In Problem 40.10c we pointed out that the investigation of the asymptotic series (68) encounters difficulties when, in the language of geometrical optics, foci appear. A method for surmounting these difficulties is due to Maslov. In this connection, there appear additional terms in the asymptotic expansions which proceed from the foci and are connected with the so-called Morse index of these foci. In the general case, the index introduced by Maslov plays a crucial role. The basic idea of Maslov's results for the Schrodinger equation can be found in Arnold (1974, M), Appendix 11. There it is explained how asymptotic expansions of solutions of the Schrodinger equation according to the Planck action quantum h (quasiclassical approximations for the motion of a quantum mechanical particle) are related to the corresponding classical motion described by the canonical equations in phase space. Parallel to (68), the substitution for the solution of the Schrodinger equation has the form u(x,t) = v(x)ets^ + 0(h), h-*0. (82)
4U. Free Local cxtrema 01 uuTerentiaDie Junctionals and the Calculus of Variations S is the action function of the corresponding classical motion. If foci occur, this estimate has to be modified. The physical background of this so-called WKB-method can be found in Landau and Lifsic (1962, M), Vol. Ill, Chapter 7. Its connection with geometrical optics is that the Schro- dinger equation can be conceived of as an equation for electron waves (electron optics). The passage to the limit A -+ 0 corresponds to the transition A -+ 0, where A is the wavelength. For A = 0, the corresponding Fermat principle yields the motion of electrons as classical particles (cf. Born and Wolf (1959, M), page 740). As an introduction to the Maslov theory, we recommend Eckmann, Seneor (1976), where the harmonic and anharmonic oscillators of quantum mechanics are treated in detail. Furthermore, we recommend Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M). Numerous results can be found in Maslov (1972, M), (1977, M). In the latter monograph, nonlinear equations are also considered. * Fourier integral operators. This theory investigates how one can give meaning to integral expressions of the form ( ei^x'%(x,e,oi)de (83) within the framework of distribution theory. For example, in quantum field theory, in the description of action propagations, there appear expressions of the form (83), which are extremely singular and are not functions but distributions. Under suitable restricting assumptions, the theory of Fourier integral operators allows one to define the products of such distributions, which are important in quantum field theory. In this connection, study Reed and Simon (1971, M), Vol. II, Chapter IX and Bogoljubov and Sirkov (1973, M). One is led to integrals of the form (83) in classical optics if, over the I caustic, an attempt is made to globally extend the asymptotic expansion,- given locally for the wave equation with the aid of the Fresnel integrals. A,- an introduction to this, we recommend Combet (1975, L), (1982, L) Parallel to Problem 40.11, in the global continuation one uses method- developed by Maslov (1972, M), which essentially are based on the Maslo\ index. In the global continuation of expressions that are given locally, cohomology theory frequently plays a crucial role. The prototype for this i- the construction of analytic functions of several variables with prescribed zeros or poles (the Cousins problems). In this connection, study Maurin (1967, M) and Hormander (1973, M). Also, in the Atiyah-Singer index ; theorem concerning the structure of elliptic differential operators on manifolds, jKT-theory, which is a cohomology theory for vector bundles, plays an essential role (cf. Booss (1977, L)). Arnold could in fact show that the Maslov index is connected with a cohomology class on a suitable manifolil (cf. the appendix to Maslov (1972, M)). The theory of Fourier integral operators created by Hormander (1971) represents a powerful tool for the investigation of general linear differential equations, where the connections given in Problems 40.7, 40.10, and 40.11 ! are extensively generalized. In particular, the concept of the wave front ol
Problems and Supplements 225 a solution in the sense of distribution theory can be introduced and the propagation of singularities and the regularity behavior of the solutions can be described thereby. In this connection, study the standard work on linear partial differential equations, Hormander (1983, M), and Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M). In the latter monograph, one can admire the interplay of various mathematical resources: Morse theory, symplectic geometry on manifolds, classical mechanics, geometrical optics, cohomol- ogy and differential forms, Lie algebras, geometric quantum theory, asymptotic expansions for (83), pseudodifferential operators, etc. Moreover, also study Treves (1980, M), and Taylor (1981, M) (pseudo-differential operators). 40.13.** Connection between classical mechanics and quantum mechanics by way of the Feynman integral and the .Wiener integral. In this connection, study Reed and Simon (1971, M), Volume II, Section X.ll. There it is shown how the solution of the quantum mechanical Schrodinger equation can be represented as an integral that one can conceive of as averaging over the paths of classical particles (Feynman integral). In the averaging for imaginary time, the Wiener measure and the Wiener integral play an important role which is connected with Brownian motion (the Feynman-Kac representation formula). This formula is motivated in Reed and Simon (1971, M) with the aid of the action function of the corresponding classical motion, parallel to (82). Concerning the Feynman integral (respectively, the Wiener integral), we recommend Albeverio, and Hoegh-Krohn (1976, L) [respectively, Simon (1979, M) and Glimm and Jaffe (1981, M)]. In the framework of the so-called Euclidean quantum field theory, the crucial discovery was the fact that the theory becomes easier when we start with imaginary time. Then the solutions for the real time can be obtained by analytic continuation. From the mathematical point of view, this Euclidean theory has the advantage that we can use the Wiener integral instead of the Feynman integral. Up until now it was not possible to rigorously justify the Feynman integral in the necessary generality. By the Wiener integral we understand an integral over function spaces or spaces of distributions with an appropriate measure (functional integral or path integral). In recent years a number of essential connections between quantum field theory, operator algebras, stochastic processes, and stochastic physics have been discovered. In this connection, study Simon (1974, M), (1979, M), Glimm and Jaffe (1981, M), and Streit (1980, P). 40.14.** Canonical equations, statistical physics, and ergodic theory. In classical statistical physics, one considers, say, the motion of a gas which consists of 1023 molecules, as the motion of a point in a high-dimensional phase space. This motion is described by means of the canonical equations <l'i = Hpi, p'i = -Hqi, i=l,...,M. Statistical average values first arise by means of time average values. However, the crucial trick of statistical physics consists of replacing this time average value by the so-called ensemble average value. The latter are average values with respect to appropriate measures in the phase space. Ergodic theory attempts to justify this procedure rigorously. In this con-
226 40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functional and the Calculus of Variations nection, as an introduction, study Reed and Simon (1971, M), Vol. I, II.5, and Arnold and Avez (1968, M). Furthermore, we recommend Walters (1982, M), as an introduction, and the standard work Cornfeld, Fomin, and Sinai (1982, M). 40.15. Principle of stationary action, symmetry, Noether's theorem, conservation quantities, and gauge field theories. We also delve into these topics in Part V. There we show that many basic equations of mathematical physics result from variational problems (e.g., principle of stationary action). The Noether theorem is closely related to so-called gauge field theories which play a fundamental role in the modern theory of elementary particles. It seems that gauge field theories are the right tool for building up a unified theory of elementary particles which includes all kinds of known interactions. For example, the Weinberg-Salam theory unifies weak and electromagnetic interaction. In the framework of strong interactions, hypothetical particles (so-called colored quarks) and the quantums of the related gauge fields (so-called gluons) are important. In this connection, study Weinberg (1974, S), Faddeev and Slavnov (1980, M), and Becher (1981, M) (physical point of view) and Eguchi et al. (1980, S); Jaffe and Taubes (1980, M); Rund (1981, S), and Manin (1984, M) (mathematical point of view). As an introduction, we recommend the masterful Fermi lectures of Sir Michael Atiyah (1979, L) (Yang-Mills equation, connections in principal fiber bundles, complex projective spaces and Penrose twisters, holomorphic vector bundles). Gauge field theories are a continuation of Einstein's concept of describing physical effects mathematically in terms of differential geometry. In general relativity, the curvature of the four-dimensional space-time manifold is responsible for gravitation. In the gauge field theories of elementary particle physics, curved manifolds (fiber bundles) occur, whose structure is determined by internal symmetries of the elementary particles (the groups SU„). In Atiyah (1979, L) it is shown how deep tools of differential geometry and algebraic geometry can be used to obtain the exact number of solutions of certain complex nonlinear differential equations arising from gauge field theory (number of the so-called instantons). 40.16. History of the calculus of variations. Study the history of the Euler, Lagrange, Jacobi, and Weierstrass necessary and sufficient conditions in Funk (1962, M), and Goldstine (1980, M). This development is characterized by a number of classical error deductions and their criticism. The difficult path of the development of rigorous mathematical deductions will then be clear. References to the Literature Functional analysis and classical calculus of variations; Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, L) (introduction); Klotzler (1971, M) (multiple integrals); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M).
References 227 Calculus of variations: Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vols. I, II; Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M) (introduction); Funk (1962, M,H); Rund (1966, M); Hestenes (1966, M); Morrey (1967, M) (standard work on existence theory and regularity theory); Young (1969, M); Klotzler (1971, M). Field theory: Caratheodory (1935, M); Rund (1966, M); Klotzler (1971, M). Collection of exercises for the calculus of variations: Krasnov (1975, M). Minimal surfaces: Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, L) (introduction); Nitsche (1975, M) (standard work); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Gilbarg and Trudinger (1977, M); Tromba (1977, S), (1980); Hildebrandt and Nitsche (1979), (1980/1981); Fomenko (1982, M). Canonical formalism and perturbation theory: Arnold (1963, S), (1974, M); Siegel and Moser (1971, M) (cf. Problem 40.8). Solitons and infinite-dimensional canonical systems: Lamb (1980, L) (introduction); Zaharov (1980, M); Bullough and Caudrey (1980, P); Albowitz and Sigur (1981, M); Calogero and Degasperis (1982, M, H, B) (cf. Problem 40.9). Symplectic geometry, canonical systems, and mathematical physics: Arnold (1974, M) (introduction); Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M); Abraham and Marsden (1978, M); Kijowski and Tulpyczew (1979, L); Marsden (1981, L). Infinite-dimensional canonical systems and mathematics: Chernoff and Marsden (1974, L); Marsden (1974, L), (1981, L); Abraham and Marsden (1978, M). Geometrical optics: Sommerfeld (1962, M), Vol. IV; Born and Wolf (1959, M); Luneburg (1964, M). Geometrical optics and asymptotic expansions: Buslaev (1964); Babic and Buldyrev (1972, M); Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M); Babic and Kirpicnikova (1979, M). Maslov's WKB-method: Maslov (1972, M), (1977, M); Eckmann and Seneor (1976) (introduction); Leray (1978, M). Fourier integral operators and pseudodifferential operators: Hormander (1983, M) (standard work); Reed and Simon (1971, M), Vol. II (introduction); Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M); Treves (1980, M); Taylor (1981, M). Diffraction theory: Kupradze (1956, M) (integral equations); Born and Wolf (1959, M); Babic (1967, S, B) (survey). Scattering theory: Lax and Philipps (1967, M); Reed and Simon (1971, M), Vol. Ill; Amrein (1981, M); Baumgartel and Wollenberg (1983, M). Huygens' principle: Born and Wolf (1959, M); Rund (1966, M). Weak Huygens principle: Hadamard (1932, M); Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. II; Friedlander (1976, M); Gunther (1965), Gunther and Wiinsch (1974); Wunsch (1976); Ibragimov (1976); Schimming (1977), (1978, S, B) (cf. Problem 40.10f).
228 40. Free Local Extrema of Differentiable Functional and the Calculus of Variations Global generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation: Benton (1977, M); Lions, Jr. (1982, L), Crandall and Lions, Jr. (1983). Initial value problem for hyperbolic differential equations: Friedlander (1976, M) (standard work), Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. II; Petrovskii (1955, M); Garabedian (1964, M). Complicated problems in hyperbolic differential equations: Leray (1952, M); Garding, Kotake, and Leray (1964); Lichnerowicz (1967, M); Atiyah, Bott, and Garding (1970); HSrmander (1971); Hawking and Ellis (1973, M); Marsden (1974, L), (1981, L); Smoller (1983, M) (shock waves and reaction-diffusion) (cf. Problem 40.10f). Feynman integrals, Wiener integrals, stochastic processes, and quantum field theory: Reed and Simon (1971, M), Vol. II; Albeverio, Hoegh, and Krohn (1976, L); Simon (1974, M), (1979, M); Glimm and Jaffe (1981, M). Statistical physics and ergodic theory: Reed and Simon (1971, M), Vol. I, and Walters (1982, L) (introduction); Cornfield et al. (1982, M). Principle of stationary action for obtaining fundamental equations in mathematical physics: Sommerfeld (1962, M), Vol. I (mechanics); Landau and Lifsic (1962, M), Volumes I-IX; Schweber (1961, M); Bogoljubov and Sirkov (1973, M), (1980, M) (quantum field theory); Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I; Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M); Rund (1966, M). Variational principles, differential geometry and gauge theory: Atiyah (1979, L); Rund (1981, S); Eguchi et al. (1980, S); Manin (1984, M). Applications of gauge field theory to elementary particle physics: Weinberg (1974, S); Faddeev and Slavnov (1980, M); Bogoljubov and Sirkov (1980, M); Jaffe and Taubes (1980, M); Becher (1981, M, B) (introduction from the physical point of view).
CHAPTER 41 Potential Operators To wit, since the plan of the universe is the most perfect, there can be no doubt that all actions in the world can be determined from the observed phenomena and the causes with the aid of the method of maxima and minima. Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) He was a great scholar and a gracious human being. (Inscription on the Euler memorial tablet in Riehen, Switzerland, near Basel, where Euler spent bis childhood.) Above all, I think one must study the masters rather than the disciples if one wishes to make progress in mathematics. Niels Henrik Abel (1802-1829) Together with the minimum problem inf F{u)-(b,u)x = a, (l) ue M we consider the Euler equation F'(u)-b = Q (2) and ask the following questions: (a) How can one obtain the solutions for (2) from the solutions of (1)? ()8) Which operator equations Au - b = 0 can be written in the form (2), i.e., when is F'= A? (y) In what manner are the properties of F connected with those of F'l We give the answers in this and in the next chapter. In particular, in Chapter 42 we show that F is convex if and only if F' is monotone. This yields the connection with the theory of monotone operators in Part II. 229
230 41. Potential Operators The applications relate to the Hammerstein integral equations in Section 41.6 and to quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations in Section 42.7. It has been 200 years since the death of Leonhard Euler (1707-1783), the man who created the calculus of variations, pursuing the first works of the Bernoulli brothers, and produced works that were crucial to the development of mathematical physics. For this reason, at the beginning of this chapter, in which the abstract form of the Euler equation is the focal point, we should like to make the reader aware of this by means of some quotations concerning his work. For the interested reader, we recommend the Euler biographies by Juskevic (1971) and Thiele (1982, M,B). More precisely, one would have to designate the Euler equation as the Euler- Lagrange equation, since Lagrange was the first to derive these equations for integrals with several variables. The original geometric methods of Euler could not yet accomplish this. We have described Lagrange's analytic methods of variations in a more precise form in Section 37.4b and have used them in an essential way in Chapter 40. One can find a compilation of the important classical works on the calculus of variations due to Johann and Jakob Bernoulli, Euler, Lagrange, Legendre, and Jacobi in Stockel (1894, M). One can obtain an overview of the fundamental works of Hilbert on the calculus of variations at the beginning of this century by reading his "Collected Works," Hilbert (1932), Vol. 3, pp. 10-54. In that volume, one can also find Hilbert's recollections of Weierstrass and Minkowski as well as his life history. The essential impulse and results, which for the development of the calculus of variations in our century emanated from Hilbert's Paris address in 1900 (Problems 19, 20, and 23), are described in the collection volumes of Aleksandrov (1971) and Browder (1976). These volumes are devoted to all 23 Hilbert problems. One also finds much material concerning the history of the calculus of variations in Funk (1962, M) and Goldstine (1980, M). Furthermore, we recommend that the reader glance at the collected works of Euler (1911), in particular, his books on the calculus of variations, differential and integral calculus, algebra, mechanics, and optics. One will be astonished to see how smoothly Euler's books read even today and surprised by the detailed presentation of very elementary things. Mathematics knows, besides the exclusive era of the Greeks, no luckier constellation than the one under which Leonhard Euler was born. It was up to him to give mathematics a completely changed form and to shape it into the powerful edifice that it is today. Andreas Speiser (1885-1970) The Euler "Calculus of Variations" of the year 1744 is one of the most beautiful mathematical works that has ever been written. Constantin Caratheodory (1873-1950) I have recently again made a lengthier study of Euler's "Integral Calculus" and have anew wondered how this work of over 70 years has maintained its
1. Potential Operators 231 freshness, while the contemporary d'Alembert is entirely impossible to read. It appears to me that the reason lies in Euler"s examples. Carl Gustav Jacob Jacobi (1804-1851) Euler"s textbook "Complete instruction in algebra" which appeared in 1770 stems from the time of his blindness. Euler dictated the work to an uneducated young tailor with the intention of testing the comprehensibility directly. The pedagogical experiment was a success, according to reports of Eulefs son, Johann Albrecht, for the tailor could solve difficult algebraic problems without outside help. The book proceeds in small steps up to difficult problems. RudigerThiele(1982) Read Euler, he is the master of us all. ' Marquis de Pierre Simon Laplace (1749-1827) Euler truly did not sour his life with limiting value considerations, convergence and continuity criteria and he could not and did not wish to bother about the logical foundation of analysis, but rather he relied—only on occasion unsuccessfully—on his astonishing certitude of instinct and algorithmic power. Emil Alfred Fellman (born 1927) Seen statistically, Euler must have made a discovery every week.... About 1911, G. Enestrom published an almost complete (from today's viewpoint) list of works with 866 titles. Of the 72 volumes of his "Collected Works" all but three have appeared as of today. Euler's correspondence with nearly 300 colleagues is estimated to constitute 4500 to 5000 letters, of which perhaps a third appear to have been lost. These letters are to appear in 13 volumes. Euler was not only one of the greatest mathematicians, but also in general one of the most creative human beings. His indefatigable scientific activity, which could not be impaired even by his blindness, was limited however not only to mathematics: Euler, who was indeed called the personified analysis, engaged in a similar way in comprehensive technological application of science as also in fundamental questions in the theory of cognition. Rudiger Thiele (1982) One needs to have delved but little into the principles of differential calculus to know the method of how to determine the greatest and least ordinates of curves. But there are maxima or minima problems of a higher order, which in fact depend on the same method, which however can not be subjected to this method. These are the problems where it is a matter of finding the curves themselves. The first problem of this type, which the geometers solved, is that of the brachistochrone or the curve of fastest fall, which Johann Bernoulli proposed toward the end of the preceding century. One attained this only in special ways, and it was only some time later and on the occasion of the investigations concerning isoperimetric problems that the great geometer of whom we just spoke and his extraordinary brother Jacob Bernoulli gave some rules
232 41. Potential Operators in order to solve several other problems of this type. But since these rules were not of sufficient generality, the famous Euler undertook to refer all investigations of this type to a general method. But even as sophisticated and fruitful as his method is, one must nevertheless confess that it is not sufficiently simple.... Now, here one finds a method which requires only a simple use of the principles of differential and integral calculus; above all, I must call attention to the fact that I have introduced in my calculations a new characteristic S since this method requires that the same quantities vary in two different ways. Comte de Joseph Louis Lagrange, 1762 As I see, your analytic solution of the isoperimetric problem contains all that one can wish for in this situation and I am very happy that this theory which I have treated since the first attempts almost alone, has been brought precisely by you to the highest degree of perfection. The importance of the situation has occasioned me with the help of your new insights to myself conceive of an analytic solution, but which I shall not make known before you have published your deliberations, in order not to deprive you of the least part of the fame due you. Euler, in a letter to Lagrange 41.1. Minimal Sequences Definition 41.1. A sequence (un) in M is called a minimal sequence for (1) if and only if F(u„)—(b,un) ->a as n ->oo. The following proposition is important for the existence theory for (1) and for the construction of approximation methods. Proposition 41.2. Suppose the functional F: M c X-+U, M¥=0 satisfies the following four assumptions: (i) X is a real reflexive B-space. (ii) F is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. (Hi) M is weak sequentially closed (e.g., M is closed and convex), (iv) Either M is bounded or for each sequence (un) in M such that \\un\\ -» oo as n-+ qo, we have lim F(un) — (b,u„) — +oo. n -» oo Then the following three assertions hold: (a) For each del*,(l) possesses a solution u. (b) For (1) there always exists a minimal sequence. Each minimal sequence has a subsequence which converges weakly to a solution of (1). (c) If (1) possesses exactly one solution, then every minimal sequence of (1) converges weakly to the solution of (1).
41.2. aoiuiion oi upeiator Equuuoris by Soivmg Extremal rioblems 233 Corollary 41.3. In (b) and (c) weak convergence can be replaced by strong convergence when one replaces the assumptions (ii) and (Hi) in Proposition 41.2 by the following two conditions (but retaining the other assumptions): (W) F is continuous. F' exists on M as a G-derivative and satisfies the condition (S)+, i.e., for each sequence (un) in M, as n -» oo we have: u„-+u, lim(F'(u„),un- u) <0=> u„-* u. (Hi') M is closed and convex. According to Fig. 27.1 in Part II, (S)+ is fulfilled, e.g., when F'=A + V holds for the operators A, V: X-* X*, where A is uniformly monotone and Fis compact. One proves Proposition 41.2 in a way analogous to Theorem 38.A in Section 38.3. Observe that each minimal sequence is bounded, by (iv). Assertion (c) follows from the convergence principle Proposition 10.13, (2). We treat the proof of Corollary 41.3 in Problem 41.1. 41.2. Solution of Operator Equations by Solving Extremal Problems Theorem 41.A. For each del*, the operator equation (2) has a solution when the following two conditions hold: (i) The functional F: MC.X-+M, M¥=0, is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. X is a reflexive real B-space. (ii) The G-derivative F': M c X -» X* of F exists, and one of the following three conditions holds: (HI) M= («61: ||«|| </?),/?> 0; (F'(u)-b,u)>0 foralluedM. (//2) M=X,F(u)-(b,u) -* +oo ay||K||-*oo. (//3) M=X, <F'(tO,K>/|H-*+oo ay||K||-*oo. Proof. Ad (HI), (H2). According to Proposition 41.2, (a), (1) possesses a def solution u0. For G(u) = F(u)-b, we have G'(u) = F'(u)-b. We need only show that u0 e int M. Then it will follow that G'(u0) = 0 by Theorem 40.B, (1) in Section 40.3. For (H2), u0 e int M is trivial. If u0 ¢. int M for (HI), then ||«0|| = /? and G(u)>G(u0) for all ueM. However, from this we obtain the contradiction /^,/ \ ,. ,. G(un — tun)—G(ur,) 0><G'("0)>-"o>= lim -^-5 r~ V "' >0. t-> +o t Ad (H3). For large R, this is a special case of (HI). □
234 41. Potential Operators 41.3. Criteria for Potential Operators Definition 41.4. Let X be a real B-space. The operator A: X-* X* is called a potential operator if and only if there exists a G-differentiable functional F: X -* U such that A = F'. Then F is called a potential of A. If A is hemicontinuous, then we define FA: X-+H by fa(") = C(A{tu),u)dt and call FA a pseudopotential of A. The hemicontinuity of A guarantees the continuity of the integrand. Typical examples of potential operators are the Nemyckii operator in Section 41.6 and operators which belong to the generalized boundary value problems for quasilinear elliptic differential equations in Section 42.7. Of the important criteria for potential operators that we shall formulate directly, the following two equations play a crucial role: fa(u)-fa{v)= (l(A(v + t(u-v),u-v)dt (3)" •'o for all u, v e X, (A'(u)v,w) = (A'(u)w,v) ioiallu,v,w<=X. (4) The following condition belongs to (4): (t,s)<-+(A'(w + tu + sv)x, y) is continuous on [0,1]X[0,1] ,.. for all u, v, w, x, y e X. ^ ' Proposition 41.5. If A: X-+X* is a hemicontinuous operator on the real B-space X, then the following two assertions hold: (1) Integral criterion. A is a potential operator if and only if (3) holds. Then the pseudopotential FA is a potential, and an arbitrary potential for A differs from FA only by a constant. (2) Derivative criterion. If A' exists on X as a G-derivative, with (5), then A is a potential operator if and only if (4) holds. Example 41.6. Let X=U3, u = (£,tj,0, X=X*. Then we can interpret A = (a,b,c) to be a three-dimensional force field. If A is a potential operator, then A = grad F holds in the sense of vector analysis, i.e., on IR3, a = Fv b = Fv, c = Fs. (6) It can easily be shown that (4) is equivalent to curl ,4 = 0, i.e., a„ = 6£, a? = Cj, bf; = cv These are the known integrability conditions which follow from (6) and F(ri = F^, etc. (cf. Problem 41.2). Furthermore, it can easily be verified that (3) simply means that <f>Adu = Q in the sense of a classical line
41.4. Criteria for the Weak Sequential Lower Semicontinuity of Functional 235 integral when one integrates around a triangle. Furthermore, fa{u) = / Adv> where the integration is along the segment from 0 to u. Consequently, Proposition 41.5 generalizes known assertions from vector analysis. Example 41.7. Let A: X-* X* be a continuous linear operator on the real B-space X. We set Bu = Au-b for all ueX and fixed beX*. Then B'{u) = A for all u e X, and from (4) it follows that: B is a potential operator if and only if A is symmetric. Then the potential FB is equal to fb(u) = f\A(tu)-b,u)dt = 2-\Au,u)-(b,u). By Theorem 41.A in Section 41.2, the equation Au — b = Q can then be obtained only as the Euler equation of an extremal problem when A is symmetric, i.e., (Au, v) = (Av, u) for all u,ve X. The meaning of this assertion for partial differential equations was elucidated in Section 22.5. In Problem 41.3 we prove Proposition 41.5 by means of the known proposition on the integrability conditions and the independence of path for line integrals in 0¾2. 41.4. Criteria for the Weak Sequential Lower Semicontinuity of junctionals In Sections 38.3, 38.5, 41.1, and 41.2, we have already learned that the concept of the weak sequential lower semicontinuity of functional is of fundamental significance in the existence theory in minimum problems. For this reason it is important to know a number of criteria for this. Proposition 41.8. The functional F: X-+H is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous on the real reflexive B-space X when one of the following six conditions is fulfilled: (//1) F is convex and lower semicontinuous. (//2) S2F(u; h) > 0 for all u,he X, F' exists as a G-derivative. (//3) F' is monotone. (//4) F' is pseudomonotone and locally bounded. (//5) F' is demicontinuous and satisfies {S)+.
^36 4i. roiential Opeiautts (//6) F' is locally bounded and satisfies (P), i.e., u)l-^u=*lim(F'(ull),ull — u)>Q as n-* oo. In the conditions where 82F or F' appears, the existence of these expressions on X is assumed, where F' denotes the G-derivative. In Fig. 27.1 in Part II one finds prototypes for (H4)-(H6). Let F' = A + V with the operators A, V: X-* X*. Then (H4) holds when A is monotone and hemicontinuous and V is strongly continuous. (H5) occurs when A is uniformly monotone and hemicontinuous and V is compact or strongly continuous. From this we obtain an intimate relationship with the theory of monotone operators. Numerous classes of generalized boundary value problems for quasilinear elliptic differential equations lead to (H4), (H5). Corollary 41.9. The functional F: X-+M is weakly sequentially continuous on the real reflexive B-space X when F' exists on X as a G-derivative and is, strongly continuous or, more generally, only compact. Proof. Here we shall use several results that will be proved in the next chapter. (HI) follows from Proposition 38.7. According to Fig. 27.1, (H3), (H4), and (H5) are special cases of (H6). In this connection, one observes that, by Proposition 42.6, every monotone potential operator is demicon- tinuous. By Proposition 42.6 and Corollary 42.8, (H2) is a special case of (H3). Therefore, it suffices to prove (H6) by contradiction. Let us assume that F is not weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous at u. Then there exists a number d > 0 and a sequence (un) with u„-^u such that lim F(u„)-F(u)<-d and F(u„)-F (u) < - d forallneN. n -» oo (?) def Let <p(t) = F(u + th). The classical mean value theorem yields <p(l)-<p(0) = <p'(&), i.e., F(u + h)-F(u)=*(F'(u + &h),h), 0<#<1. (8) By (7), [F(un)-F(u + e{ua-u))] + [F(u + e(u„-u))-F{u)]<-d. (9) For suitable #„ e ]0,1[, depending on e, it follows from (8) that def A„ = F(u+e{un - u))-F(u) = e(F'(u + #„e(«„ - «)), u„ - u). Since un-+u, (u„ — u) is bounded. The local boundedness of F' at u then
4Lj. nustract hammers teiri equations Witn symmetric js.ernel Operators 23 I guarantees: |A„| < eK for all n e N and e such that |e| < e0 (10) for fixed K, e0, with e0 <^. If we choose e> 0 fixed but sufficiently small, then, by (9) and (10), we have I„ = F(u„)-F(u + e(un-u))<-~ forallneN. (11) If we apply (8) to (11), we obtain A„ = (F'(wn),(l-e)(«„-«)> = (1 -e)y-\F'(w„), wn -«>, def _ def where wn = u„ + #„(l-e)(«„ - u), y = l + #„(l-e\ 0<#„<1. For this reason, wn-+u as n -» oo, and it follows from (11) that m(F'{W„),W„ - a) =15^7(1-6)-¾ < 0. But this contradicts (P). D Proof of Corollary 41.9. Suppose u„-+u as n-*oo. If F{u„)^> F{u) does not hold, then there exists an e0 > 0 and a subsequence of (u„) which we also denote by (un) such that 0< eo^l^uj-^u)! forallneN. For 0 < #„ < 1, (8) yields 0< e0^|<f'(« + *„(«- un),u-un)\. (12) The sequence (u — un) is bounded. F' is compact. For this reason, there exists a subsequence, which we again denote by («„), such that F'(u + &n(u -«„))-> z as « -> oo. Since «„--«, the right-hand side of (12) tends to zero. But this is a contradiction. D 41.5. Application to Abstract Hammerstein Equations with Symmetric Kernel Operators Here, in conjunction with Chapter 28, we deal with the operator equation u + KF(u)=0, ueX*. (13) Theorem 41.B. (13) has a solution when the following three conditions hold: (f) K: X-* X* is linear, monotone, and symmetric. X is a real reflexive B-space. («) F: X* -» X is a potential operator with the potential <p: X* -»IR and <p satisfies the growth condition <p{u) i> - a\\u\\2 - bWuf ~ c forallueX*. (14) Here, a, b, c, and /3 are constants, a,b,c>;Q and 0 < fi < 2, 2a\\K\\ < 1.
238 41. Potential Operators (Hi) <p is either weak sequentially lower semicontinuous on X* or K is compact and F is continuous. We recall that, according to Fig. 27.1 in Part II, every linear monotone operator K is also continuous. The symmetry of the kernel operator K means that (Ku, v)x = (Kv, u)x for all u, v e X. In (ii), we use X** = X. Proof. By Proposition 28.1, there exists a real H-space (//,(• |-)) and a continuous linear mapping S: X-*H, where K = S*S holds and S*: H-* X* is injective. In this connection, we set //= H*. Moreover, \\S*\\2 < ll*IU|S|| = l|S*ll- Instead of (13), we consider v + SFS*d = Q, veil. (15) If v is a solution of (15), then u = S*v is a solution of (13). Therefore, it suffices to solve (15). To this end, we consider the minimum problem minh(v) = a, (16) ueff def , where h(v) = 2~~l{v\v)+<p{S*v). We shall show that: (a) h is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous for all v e H. (b) h{v) -» + oo as ||u|| -» oo. (c) The G-derivative h'= I + SFS* exists. Then Theorem 41.A in Section 41.2 yields the existence of a solution of (16). Case 1. <p is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. (a) S* is linear and continuous and, therefore, also weak sequentially continuous according to Fig. 27.1, i.e., v-v„ =* S*v„-S*v =* <p(S*o) <lim<p(S*v). (17) Furthermore, by Example 38.16, (1), v-*2~\v\v) is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. (b) From (14) it follows that h{v) > 2-^^)-a\\S*v\\2 - b\\S*o\\p - c 2:2^(1-2^111^11)110112-611^11^11^-0. (c) For all v,we H and t -* +0, we have h'{v)w = limrl{h{v + tw)- h(v)) = (v\w) + (<p'(S*v),S*w) ^(v + S<p'{S*v)\w). Case 2. K is compact and F is continuous. By assumption, <p' = F as a G-derivative. <p' is continuous and consequently, by Section 40.1, <p is also continuous. K is linear and compact.
41.6. Application to Hammerstein Integral Equations 239 Hence, by Proposition 28.1, S is also compact. In general, from the compactness of S, it follows that S* is also compact. Figure 27.1 shows that S* is strongly continuous. Therefore, instead of (17), the following holds: vn-v =* S*v„ -* S*v =» <p(S\) -* <p(S*v). The inferences proceed now as in Case 1. □ 41.6. Application to Hammerstein Integral Equations Parallel to Section 28.4, we consider the integral equation u(x) + lifk(x,y)f(y,u{y))dy = 0, (18) JG where /i e 01. We set X = Lq(G) and write (18) in the form u+ixKFu^O, ueX*, (18') where the Nemyckii operator F: X* -* X is generated by / and the kernel operator K: X -* X* is generated by k by virtue of (Fu)(x) °= f(x,u(x)), {Kv){x) = f k(x, y)v(y)dy. Jc In this connection, we make the following four assumptions: (HI) G is a bounded region in UN with JV^l and l< p, q<ao, p'1 + q~1 = l. Then as is known X* = Lp(G) holds. (H2) The kernel operator K: X-* X* is linear, monotone, compact, and symmetric. If we consider (Ku,v)x~ j \j k{x, y)u(y) dy\v{x) dx, then by Section 28.4 these assumptions are fulfilled when: (i) k: G X G -»Hi is measurable (e.g., continuous) and I \k(x, y)\pdxdy <oo. JGXG (if) k(x, y) = k(y, x) for all x, y e G. (iii) (Ku, u)x > 0 for all ueX. In this connection, (i) implies the compactness of K, (ii) yields the symmetry of K, i.e., (Ku, v) = (Kv, u) for all u,veX, and (iii) is identical to the montonicity of K. In particular, if p = 2, then (iii) follows from (i) and (ii) when all eigenvalues of K are nonnegative. Furthermore, with regard to (H4) below, we mention the known fact that \\K\\ is then equal to the largest eigenvalue of K.
x.40 41'. luiciitial Opciaturs (H3)/: GXU -> 0¾ satisfies the Caratheodory condition (e.g.,/is continuous), and the growth condition \f(x,u)\<\a{x)\ + b\u\p-1 forall(jc,«)eGxlR holds for fixed a e Lq{G) and beU + . (H4) The Hammerstein growth condition ff{x, v)dv>- c\u\2 - \d{x)\ M2~T- \e{x)\ holds for all {x,u)eGxU, where 0<y<2, p^2, d eL2/y(G), ee LX{G), celR+, and c(mesG)(^"2)//,||/s:||<l. Proposition 41.10. (1)// (//1) and (//3) hold, then the Nemyckii operator F is a potential operator from X* into X with the potential def f I fu(x) \ <p(u) = f f f(x,v)dv\dx forallu^X*. (2) If (//1)-( //4) hold, then (18) possesses a solution for n = 1. Corollary 41.11 (Eigensolutions). //(//1)-(//3) hold and if f(x,0)^0 as well as <p(u) =£ 0 and KFu =£ 0 for all u e X — {0}, /wen (18) te an eigensolu- tion w£Q for every a>0, wnere (cuwdx = a for all w e K~l(u). If, in addition, f is odd with respect to u, then for each a > 0 there exists at least m such eigenvector pairs (u, — u) with m = dim K{X), 1 < m < oo. For dim K(X) = oo, //iere are infinitely many characteristic numbers ji„ with H^1 -»0 a5 n ->oo. Proof. (1) For fixed «, w e X* and all < e [- /0, /0], we set therefore, <p(u + /w) = /Gg(/, x) c?x, and we show that d<p(u + /w) g(f,x) = / f(x,v)dv; (19) £// = //(x, «(x))w(x) ti«. (20) Then {^(^),^) = (^,^),- thus <p' = F. Formal calculations yield (20) immediately. In the following we justify this with the aid of the theorem on the differentiation of integrals with a parameter A2(25) and verify the assumptions. (19) exists for almost all x e G, for u >-* /(x, u) is continuous for almost all x e G because of the Caratheodory condition. For all t e [-10, t0], from (H3) and A2(30b) it follows that \g(t,x)\<\a(x)\(\u(x)\+t0\w(x)\) + (constant)(\u{x)\P + tp0\w{x)\P). (19) yields gt(t, x) = f(x, u(x)+tw(x))w(x) for all te]-t0,t0] and for
Problems 241 almost all x e G. By (H3), for these t, \g,(t,x)\< [K^I + tconstantXH^r1 + <rV(*)l'-1)] M*)l- Now, because u,we Lp{G) and, therefore, a, \u\p~~l, \w\p"1 e Lq(G), the right-hand side is integrable over G by the Holder inequality A2(29). (2) F: X* -» Zis continuous according to Proposition 26.5. By the Holder inequality, from (H4) it follows that v(«) :> - c||«||| - ||^||2/TIMirT-constant. Furthermore, the Holder inequality with X* = Lp{G) yields: I a/2 / \ 0--2)/2/. Now Theorem 41.B in Section 41.5 yields the assertion. D Corollary 41.11 is a special case of Theorem 44.C in Section 44.10 that we shall prove later (Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory). Problems def def 41.1. Proof of Corollary 41.3. Solution: Let G(u) = F(u)-(b, «), <p(f) = G(k + t(v - «)). Then <p'(0 = (G'(« + <(f - ")), v ~ u). The classical mean value theorem yields <p(l)- <p(0) = <p'(ft), where 0 < # <1; therefore G(w)-G(«) = (G'(« + #(i'-«),i'-«) forallw.yeM. (21) Hered depends on u, v. Let (m„) be a sequence in Msuch that G(u )-> a and a = inf„e MG(w). By (iv), («„) is bounded. Xis reflexive; consequently, m„ — u as n -> oo, possibly after passing to a subsequence. We shall show that un -> m. Then the continuity of G yields G(u) = a, and Proposition 41.2, (c), with strong convergence instead of weak convergence, follows from the convergence principle (Proposition 10.13, (1)). Let 0 < e ^ \. From (21) we obtain def A„ = G(«„)-G(« + E(«„-«)) (22) where therefore, ■(G'(W„),(l-e)( «„-«)>, def w„ = »» + *»(l-e)("»-»), 0 <#„<!; A„ = (1-6)(1+^(1-6))^(0^,).^-^- Obviously, w„ — u as n -> oo and Imi(G'(w„),%-«>-EHA„(l + d„(l-6))(1-6)-1.
41. Potential Operators We shall show that %mb„='EmG(u„)-G(u + £(u„-u))<0 (23) as n -» oo. Then Ern(G'(%),w„-M><0, and (5)+ yields w„ -» u, i.e., «„ - «- (1 + 9n(l-e))~\wB - «)) - 0. Proof of (23): Since u + e(un~ w)e M, we have G(u + e(u„~ u))>aloi all n e N and G(un) -> a. For a > - oo, (23) follows. Let a = - oo. Recall that (m„) is bounded. We choose e> 0 so small that the sequence of the G(u + e(u„ — «)) is bounded because of the continuity of G. Then (23) also holds. Proof of Example 41.6. Solution: If, for example, we set v~ (/1,0,0), w = (0,/i,0), /i ¥=0, then A'(u)v- {a^{u)h, b((u)h, c^(u)h) and we obtain A'(u)w by replacing the derivative with respect to £ by the derivative with respect to ij. Thus, (A'(u)v,w) = (A'(u)w, v) means 6j(m) = a,(«). free/ o/ Proposition 41.5. (I) (3) is necessary. Let v4 = F'. For <p(t) — F(v + t{u~- v)) for all t e R, we have ¢/(0-= (>4(y + f(M- y)),M- y); therefore, F(«)-F(i;) = <p(l)-<p(0)= (1(A(v + t(u-v),u-v)dt and thus F( u) = F(0) + F„(«). (II) (3) is sufficient. For * -> 0, we have (F;(v),w)^-&ms'1{FA(v + m)-FA(v)) ==lim/ (^(p + teMO.w)* = (v^.w) •'o according to (3), i.e., FA'=> A. Passage to the limit and integration can be interchanged because the integrand is continuous, for A is hemicontinuous. def (III) (4) is necessary. Let W(t, s) = F(w + tu + sv) for all t, s e R; therefore, Wls{t, s) = (A'(w + tu + sv)v, u), Wsl(t,s) = (A'(w + tu + sv)u,v). Since, by (5), the derivatives are continuous, we have W,s(0,0) = Ws,(0,0) according to a known classical theorem. But this is (4). (IV) (4) is sufficient. Let def U(t,s) = (A(tv + su),v), def V(t,s) = (A(tv + su),u).
References 243 Figure 41.1 (4) means that Us(t,s) = V,(t,s) for all j,/eR. Therefore, for the classical line integral, &U(t, s) dt + V(t, s) ds = 0 holds. In particular, if we choose the triangle in Fig. 41.1, then we obtain (3), i.e., A is a potential operator, by (II). References to the Literature Potential operators: Vainberg (1956, M), (1972, M); Gajewski, Groger and Zacharias (1974, M); Langenbach (1976, M); Berger (1977, M). Weak lower semicontinuity: Browder (1970b); Hess (1971); Zeidler (1976). Weak sequential lower semicontinuity of integral expressions and existence theory: Morrey (1966), M) (standard work); Olech (1969) and Cesari (1983, M) (control theory); Ball (1977) (fundamental paper on nonlinear elasticity); Dacorogna (1982, L); Giaquinta (1981, L); Necas (1983, L). Hammerstein integral equations: Hammerstein (1930) (classical work); Vainberg (1956, M), (1972, M); Krasnoselskii (1956, M), (1975, M), Gupta (1970), Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, L); Pascali and Sburlan (1978, M) (also, cf. the references to the literature in Chapter 28).
CHAPTER 42 Free Minima for Convex Functional, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method Our science, in contrast to others, is not founded on a single period of human history, but has accompanied the development of culture through all its stages. Mathematics is as much interwoven with Greek culture as with the most modern problems in engineering. It not only lends a hand to the progressive natural sciences but participates at the same time in the abstract investigations of logicians and philosophers. Felix Klein (1849-1925) In this chapter we show the intimate connection between the convexity of the functional F and the monotonicity of the operator F', which fully corresponds to the known connection in the case of real functions F: U -»R. In this way we obtain an approach to the theory of monotone operators F' by means of convex minimum problems. In contrast to general minimum problems, convex minimum problems have a number of crucial advantages: (i) According to the main theorem and its variants in Sections 38.3 and 38.5, there result simple existence propositions in reflexive B-spaces. (ii) By Theorem 38.C, it follows from the strict convexity of F that the minimum point is unique, (iii) Local minima are always global minima. (iv) The Euler equation F'(u)=*Q, where ueintD(F), is not only a necessary condition but also a sufficient condition for a free local minimum of F at u. (v) One has productive approximation methods at one's disposal in the Ritz and gradient methods. 244
42.1. Convex Functionals and Convex Sets 245 42.1. Convex Functionals and Convex Sets Definition 42.1. Let X be a linear space and let F: M c X -»IR be a functional. The set M is said to be convex if and only if u,veM, re [0,1] implies (l-t)u + tveM. If M is convex, then F is said to be convex if and only if F((l~t)u + tv)<(l-t)F(u) + tF(v) forallu.ueM, te]0,l[. (1) F is called strictly convex if and only if (1) holds with " < " instead of " <." F is called concave if and only if — F is convex. Example 42.2. The set M in Fig. 42.1(a), with X=U2, is convex, for whenever u, v belong to M, then the segment joining them also belongs to M. The function <p: IR -»IR in Figs. 42.1(b) and 42.1(c) is convex, for the chords always lie above the curve belonging to <p. In Fig. 42.1(b), <p is also strictly convex, i.e., the interior points of the chords lie properly above the curve. In Fig. 42.1(c), <p is not strictly convex. Figure 42.1
246 42. Free Minima for Convex Functionals, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method Proposition 42.3. Let F: M Q X^U be a convex functional on the convex set M in the real locally convex space X. If F has a local minimum at u0, i.e., F(u)>F(u0) forallueU{u0)(~)M, (2) where U(u0) is an appropriate neighborhood of u0, then u0 is a global minimum, i.e., F(u)>F(u0) forallueM. (3) Proof. Let «eM, where u¥=u0. Then there exists a \e]0,l] such that u0+X(u-u0)eU(u0)DM. By (2), F(u0) £ F(u0 + \(u- u0)) <\F(u) + (l- \)F(u0); therefore F(u0) < F(u). 0 42.2. Real Convex Functions Proposition 42.4 (Convexity Criterion). As in Definition 42.1, let F be given. We set <p(t) = F(u + t(v — u)). Then: Fis (strictly) convex <=> <p is (strictly) convex on[0,1] for all u,v e M. We recommend that the reader give the proof as an easy exercise. Geometrically this proposition means that a convex functional F is also convex over every segment in M, and conversely. Proposition 42.4 allows one to reduce the investigation of convex functionals F to the investigation of real convex functions <p. For this reason we first summarize classical results concerning <p and then apply these results in the next section. Proposition 42.5. The following assertions hold for the real function <p; [a, 6]->IR, where — oo<a<b<oo: (a) <p is convex implies <p'_(0 < <p'+(0 for a^l e ]°> b[- (b) <p is convex implies <p is continuous on ]a, b[. (c) IfV exists on [a, b], then: <p is (strictly) convex on [a, b] <=> <p' is (strictly) monotonically increasing on [a, b]. <p is convex on[a,b] =» <p' is continuous on]a,b[ (d) If<f/' exists on [a,b] then: <p is convex on [a, b] ** <p" > 0 on [a, b]. <p is strictly convex on [a, b] <= <p" > 0 on [a, b] ■ Assertion (a) also includes the existence of one-sided derivatives <p'±(t). Figure 42.2 shows that <p in (b) need not be continuous on [a, b]. Moreover, (4) (5) (6) (7)
42.3. Convexity of F, Monotonicity of F' and the Definiteness of the Second Variation 247 Figure 42.2 one obtains an intuitive interpretation of (a). We treat the proof in Problem 42.3. Let <p: [a, 6]-» IR be convex. In the proof of (4), it follows in particular from the monotonicity relation (53) below with tx = a, t3 = b that: <jp(ft)-<jp(a)^(ft-fl)<jp'+(fl), ' (4a) when <p'+(a) exists. By (a) this is the case if <p is convex in a full neighborhood of the point a. We shall often make use of relation (4a). We give an intuitive interpretation in Example 42.9 and in Fig. 42.3. 42.3. Convexity of F, Monotonicity of F', and the Definiteness of the Second Variation We now generalize Proposition 42.5. In this connection, we use the definition of monotone operators from Section 25.3. Proposition 42.6. Let F: X -»IR be a functional on the real B-space X. Suppose the G-derivative F'\ X^> X* exists on X, Then the following hold; (1) The following three assertions are equivalent: (i) F is convex on X. (ii) F' is monotone on X. (Hi) F(v)- F(u) > (F'(u), v-u) for all u, v e X. (2) If F is convex on X and X is reflexive, then F' is monotone and demicontinuous on X. (3) The following three assertions are equivalent: (i) F is strictly convex on X, (ii) F' is strictly monotone on X. (Hi) F(v)— F(u) > (F'(u), v — u) for all u,ve X such that u=f=v. A functional F: X -»IR on the B-space X is called coercive (respectively, weakly coercive) if and only if -~n—»+00 as|M|->oo
/48 42. Free Minima for Convex Functionals, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method (respectively, .F(m)->+oo as ||k||-» oo). Corollary 42.7. If, under the assumptions of Proposition 42.6, F' is uniformly monotone, i.e., to be precise, if for fixed numbers p > 1, c> 0, :; (F'(v)-F'(u),v-u)^c\\v-u\\p forallu,veX, (8);= then F(v)-F(u)>(F'(u),v-u) + cp-1\\v-u\\p forallu,veX. (9) By Proposition 42.6,3 (Hi) it follows that F is strictly monotone and, furthermore, that F is coercive. (9) is significant for error estimates, for, if F has a minimum at u, then F'(u) = 0 and thus F(v)-F(u)>cp-l\\v-u\\p for all u ex (9a) From information about F, one can thus estimate \\v — u\\. We shall discuss this in Remark 42.13. Furthermore, for v = un, (9) allows us to immediately infer from «„ — u and F(un) -» F(u) as n -» oo that un -» u. In applications, the convexity of F is often obtained conveniently by investigating the second variation. In preparation for this, we summarize as follows: 82F(u; h) > 0 for all u, h e X. (10) 82F(u;h)>Q iora\\u,heX, h*0. (11) 82F(u;h)>c\\h\\p for all u,h e Xand fixed;? >l,c> 0, (12) r >-» 8^(^ + t(v — u); v — u) is continuous on [0,1] for all u, v e X. Corollary 42.8. If, in addition to the assumptions in Proposition 42.6, the second variation 82F(u; h) exists for all u, he X, then one has the following criteria for convexity: (i) (10) <=> F is convex on X. (ii) (11) =» F is strictly convex on X. (Hi) (12) =» (8) holds and thus the assertions of Corollary 42.7 are valid. The proofs, which follow easily from Section 42.2, will be treated in Problem 42.4. As a special case of Corollary 42.8, we explain the application to quadratic variational problems and thereby sharpen Example 38.16. Example 42.9. Let X be a real B-space. We set F(u)= 2~xa(u, u)-b(u). Here, let a: XxX^U be bilinear, bounded, and symmetric and let
42.4. Monotone Potential Operators 24S Figure 42.3 b<BX*. According to Problem 40.2, 82F{u;h)=*a{h,h) forallK.fce* and (F'{u),h) = a(u,h)-b(h) for all u, h e X. From Corollary 42.8 it follows that: (i) a is positive <=> F convex. (ii) a is strictly positive => F strictly convex. (iii) a is strongly positive =» F strictly convex and coercive, and (9) holds for The relation F(v)- F(u)>(F'(u),v-u) for all k, us* (13) in Proposition 42.6, (1) intuitively signifies for F: U -»01, because (a, b) = ab, that for a differentiable convex function F, the corresponding curve lies over the tangent through u (see Fig. 42.3). The following proposition is obtained directly from Theorem 40.B in Section 40.3 and (13). Proposition 42.10. If F: X^>H is a convex G-differentiable functional on the real B-space X, then: Fhas a minimum at « <=> F'(u) — 0. 42.4. Monotone Potential Operators Due to the significance of monotone operators for numerous applications, we again present a summary of a number of important propositions for these operators, which we obtained in Chapter 41 and in the preceding
250 42. Free Minima for Convex Functional, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method sections. To this end, we note the following relations: f (A(tu),u)dt- f (A(tv),v)dt = { (A(v + t(u-v)),u-v)dt iox&\\u,v^X. (14) (A'{w)u,v) = (A'{w)v,u) foia\\u,v,weX, (15) (A'(w)h,h)>Q forallw,/jeX Proposition 42.11. Let A; X^>X* be an operator on the real reflexive B-space X. (1) The following assertions are equivalent: (i) A is a monotone potential operator, (ii) A is monotone hemicontinuous and (14) holds. (Hi) A is a potential operator, i.e., A = F', and F is convex and weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous on X. (2) If the demicontinuous G-derivative A' exists on X, then the following two assertions are equivalent: (i) A is a monotone potential operator, (ii) (15) holds. (3) If A is a monotone potential operator, then A is demicontinuous. By Proposition 38.7, one can replace the condition "F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous on X" by ".Fis lower semicontinuous on X" in (iii). In (2) the reflexivity of X is not needed. Example 42.12. If A: X-> X* is a continuous linear operator on a real B-space, then A'(w) = A for all weX, and it follows from Proposition 42.11, (2) that: A is a monotone potential operator <=> A is positive and symmetric. 42.5. Free Convex Minimum Problems and the Ritz Method We now generalize the assertions in Theorem 22.A in Section 22.1 for quadratic variational problems to convex variational problems. To this end, we study the minimum problem mmF(u)-(b,u)x-a (16) ue x
42.5. Free Convex Minimum Problems and the Ritz Method 251 with the Euler equation F'{u)-b*=Q. (16a) For the construction of approximate solutions, n "„ = E cknwk, we set Xn = span{ w1;..., wn } and study the Ritz approximation problem rmn F{un)-{b,un)x = an (17) with the corresponding Ritz equations (F'{u„)-b,wk)x = 0, k=l,...,n. (17a) This is a system of nonlinear equations in the real numbers cln,...,c„„, for whose iterative solution we prepare a gradient method in the next section. In preparation, we note further: (F'(v)-F'(w), v - w) > c\\v - w\\p for all u, we X and fixed;? >l,c> 0. (18) If this condition is fulfilled, then F' is uniformly monotone. Theorem 42.A. Suppose that the following three conditions are satisfied: {i)X is a real separable reflexive B-space with dim X—cc and {wr,w2,...} is a basis in X, (ri) The convex functional F: X^>M possesses a G-derivative F'\ X-> X* on X, which is coercive, i.e., <fj^U+oo a, IN-00. {Hi) b is a fixed element in X*. Then: (a) Equivalence. (16) and (16a) as well as (17) and (17a) are mutually equivalent problems. Moreover, F' is monotone and demicontinuous. (b) Existence. (16) possesses a solution u, and for each n€N equation (17) possesses a solution u„. If {u„) is a sequence of approximate solutions, then there exists a subsequence which converges weakly to a solution u of (16). (c) Uniqueness. If F' is strictly monotone, then all the solutions in (b) are unique and u„-*u as n -> oo. (d) Strong convergence of the Ritz method. If F' is uniformly monotone, then (16) as well as (17) have exactly one solution for alLneN, and {un) converges strongly to the solution u of (16). (e) Error estimate for the solution of (16). If (18) holds, then (d) occurs, and for all n e N we have cp-l\\un-u\Y<an-a. (19)
lil 42. Free Minima for Convex Functional, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method (f) Convergence of minimal values. If F is continuous, then a„-*a as n -» oo. Remark 42.13. If one knows a lower bound /? for the minimal value a in (16), then a„- a<an- ji, and from (19) we obtain an estimate for \\un - u\\.':. Such lower bounds /? are obtained with the aid of the dual maximum^ problem. We discuss this in Theorem 51.A in Section 51.3. We treat applications of Theorem 42.A to quasilinear elliptic differential equations in Section 42.7. Theorem 42.A is very intimately connected with the main theorem on monotone operators in Section 26.2. In this connection, the Ritz equations for F' are identical with the Galerkin equations. If the F in (16) is not differentiable, then we immediately obtain the following corollary from Proposition 38.15 and Theorem 38.C in Section 38.4. Corollary 42.14. If F: X-* U is convex and lower semicontinuous on the real reflexive B-space X, and if, for fixed b e X*, F(u)-(b,u)-* + <x> ay||K||-*oo, (20) then (16) has a solution, and the solution set is closed, bounded, and convex. If F is strictly convex, then (16) has exactly one solution. def Proof of Theorem 42.A. Let G(u) = F(u)-b. Then, G'{u)= F\u)-b. Here, F and G are convex, (a) follows directly from Propositions 42.10 and 42.11. Furthermore, (b), (c), and (d) are obtained from the main theorem on monotone operators (Theorem 26.A in Section 26.3) and from (a). Observe that F' is demicontinuous by Proposition 42.11, (3). Finally, (e) follows from (9a). We prove (f). Let nbea solution of (16). By hypothesis, {wx, w2, ■. ■} is a basis in X. This means that Xx c X, c • • • c X and U nX„= X. Thus, there exists a sequence of natural numbers («') and elements un, e Xn, such that un, -» u as n' -» oo. Furthermore, X1 c X2 c - - - c X yields a„>a for all n; («„) decreases monotonely and thus converges. From a = G(u)<an,< G( un,) -» G{ u), we obtain an-+ a. D 42.6. Free Convex Minimum Problems and the Gradient Method We elucidated the basic idea of the gradient method in Section 37.29. Here we use this method to solve, by successive approximations, the minimum problem minF(u) — {b, u)x = a (21) we A-
42.6. Free Convex Minimum Problems and the Gradient Method 253 and the corresponding Euler equation F'{u)-b = 0 (22) with the aid of the iteration method un+l = un-tnU{F\un)-b), « = 0,1,.... (23) In this connection, we make the following assumptions: (HI) X is a real separable reflexive B-space, and b is a fixed element in X*. The functional F: X-*U possesses the G-derivative F': X-* X*. (H2) F' is uniformly monotone. To be precise, for all v, w e X and fixed p > 1, c> 0, we have: (F'{v)-F'{w)-,v-w)^c\\v-w\\''. (H3) F' is locally Lipschitz-continuous, i.e., for each r > 0, there exists a number M(r)>.Q such that, for all v, w e X, |M|,|M|<r implies \\F\v)-F'{w)\\< M{r)\\v-w\\. (H4) U: X* -> Xis a fixed operator with the property that, for all v e X*, (v,Uv)x-\\v\\2, ||M>|| = N|. In an H-space X, U is the duality mapping from X* into X** = X. If we identify X with X*, then U is equal to the identity mapping I (cf. Section 21.4). If X is a strictly convex real reflexive B-space, then U is the duality mapping from X* into X** = X. In this connection, Uv=H'{v), and H{v) = 2-l\\v\\2 (cf. Section 47.12). (H5) In the gradient method (23), we obtain the t„ in the following way: We start with a fixed element u0e X and, for n = 0,1,... successively, we choose the numbers rn, Mn, tn such that rn = IKII+ \\F'(«„)- b\\, M„ = max(l, M{r„)), 1 Theorem 42.B. Suppose (//1)-(//5) hold. Then (21) has exactly one solution u. The gradient method (23) converges to u as n-* oo. For all n = 0,1,..., one has the error estimates ¢11^-^-^11^(0-611, (24) c2\\un-u\\^-^<2t;l[F(un)-F(un+l) + (b,un+l-un)]. (25) Theorem 42.B is intimately connected with the generalized gradient method of Theorem 26.B in Section 26.2.
254 42. Free Minima for Convex Functionals, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method Proof. The existence and uniqueness assertion follows from Theorem 42.A def in Section 42.5. We now investigate (un) and set dn = F(un)-(b, un). The following two relations are crucial: (F'(".+!)-*.".~ "„+i> £d„- dn+l, (26) c\\un-u\\P<(F'{un)-b,un-u) <\\F'{un)-b\\\\un-u\\. (27) (26) follows from Proposition 42.6, 1 (iii) and the monotonicity of F'. (27) results from (H2) and F'{u) = b. (24) is a direct consequence of (27). Below we shall prove: 2-ltn\\F>{un)-b\f<dn-dn+l, (28) (un) is bounded. (29) The proof follows easily from this, for, by (28), (dn) is monotonely decreasing. dn > a for all n eN yields the convergence of (dn). Due to (29) and (H5), inint„ > 0. Thus, (28) guarantees that .F'(«„)-&->(} as n->oo; therefore, un -* u according to (27). Furthermore, we obtain (25) from (28) and (24). Proof of (28). Since t„ < 2~\ by (23) and (H4) we obtain: \K\\<r„, \\«„+l\\<\\un\\ + 2-l\\F'{un)-b\\, \K-un+1\\<t„\\F'(un)-b\\, (F'(un)-b,un-un+l) = tn(F'(u„)-b,U{F'(un)-b)) -t„\\F'{un)-b\\2. Thus, from (26) it follows that: d„ ~ dn+l > (F'(un)-b, un - un+l) + (F'(un+l)-F'(un),un - un+l) >t„\\F'(un)-bf-\\F'(un+1)-F'{un)\\\\un-un+l\\ >t„\\F'("„)- b\\2 - Mn\\un- un+lf >tn(l-t„Mj\\F'{u„)-b\\\ Proof of (29). By Corollary 42.7, .F(m)/|M| -» + oo as ||u|| -♦ oo; therefore, F{u)-(b, «)->+oo as ||u|| —»oo. Now (29) follows from the boundedness of (</„)■ n Additional propositions concerning the gradient method can be found in Problem 42.8.
42.7. Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations in Sobolev Spaces 255 42.7. Application to Variational Problems and Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations in Sobolev Spaces Our goal is to give existence proofs for the classical variational problems considered in Section 40.5. We first explain the strategy that we shall pursue in doing this. In Section 40.5 we considered variational problems for multidimensional integral expressions on spaces of smooth functions. Here, for certain classes of such problems, which correspond to perturbed convex problems, we prove the existence of generalized solutions in Sobolev spaces. In this connection we also obtain generalized solutions of the Euler equations that correspond to quasilinear elliptic differential equations. The existence propositions for these differential equations are special cases of the results that we obtained in Chapter 26 with the aid of the theory of monotone operators, and which resulted from Chapter 27 within the context of the theory of pseudomonotone operators. In Chapters 26 and 27 we studied generalized boundary value problems for quasilinear elliptic differential equations of the form a(u,h)-(b,h) = 0 for all A e A". (30) There we showed that (30) is equivalent to the operator equation Au-b = 0, ueX, (31) where (Au, h) = a(u, h). In this section, we consider the special case A = F', i.e., A is a potential operator. Then (31) is the Euler equation for the minimum problem minF(u) — (b,u) = a. (32) we X def If we set G(u) = F(u)-(b,u) and take into account that 8G(u;h) = (F'u- b, h), then (30) is identical to the vanishing of the first variation, i.e., 8G(u; h) = 0 for all h e X. The Galerkin equations for (30), a{un,wk)-(b,wk) = Q, k=\,...,n (33) def for un e Xn, where Xn = span{ wlt..., wn}, are identical to the Ritz equations for (32) in Section 42.5. For our applications, the following situation of a perturbed convex problem occurs; (i) F=F1 + F2, the functional iy. X-+M is convex and continuous, F2: X-* U is weakly sequentially continuous, (if) F(u)-(b,u)-* + oo as ||k||-* + oo for fixed b e X*.
256 42. Free Minima for Convex Functional, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method According to Proposition 38.7, (2), F is then weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. From Proposition 38.15 it follows that: If (i) and (ii) hold and X is a real reflexive B-space, ,,... then (32) has a solution. *• ' We fulfill condition (i) by seeing that the integrand of F1 is convex with respect to u and all its partial derivatives and that, in comparison with Fv F2 contains only derivatives of lower order. To these belong the growth conditions which assure the existence of the integrals and which give the continuity of F1 because of the continuity of the Nemyckii operator. We guarantee (ii) by means of the coerciveness condition on the integrands. With differentiability conditions and growth conditions for the integrands of Fl and F2, we obtain the existence of the F-derivatives F{ and F{, where F{ is monotone and continuous and F{ is strongly continuous, i.e., A = F{ + F{ is pseudomonotone. 42.7a. A Second-Order Differential Equation First we explain the preceding considerations on the basis of a simple example: / \P~l El DMP + g(u)-fi* \dx = mini, u^OondG. (35) Let G be a bounded region in IRN and let p > 2. Furthermore, let x = (^,...,^), Dt = d/dZ/. If ueC2(G) is a solution of (35), then, by Section 40.5, N G:-Y,Dt(\Drtp~2Diu) + g'{u)-f, dG:u = Q. (36) i=i Observe that the real function <p{t) = p~1\t\p on IR has the derivative <p'(t) = \t\r~2t. Since <p"(t) = (p-l)\t\p-2, <p"(0^0- Therefore, <p is convex. We set FAu)- (lP>dx def J* def L^ = p-lZ\D,u\", L®-g(u), i = i def „ and we choose X = Wp\G). Let / e Lq(G) be given, where p + q =1. According to(22.1°), there then exists a functional be X* such that (b,u)= f fudx for all ue X.
42.7. Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations in Sobolev Spaces 25? As the generalized problem for (35), we now consider F( u)~(b,u) = mini, ueX, (37) def where F=Fl + F2. For ueX, we have « = 0 on dG in the sense of generalized boundary values. According to Section 40.5, we expect the first variation to be ! N \ (F'u,h)=*f\ J^lDiU^-^uDth + g'i^hldx iovallheX. (38) To (36) there corresponds the generalized boundary value problem (F'u,h)-(b,h) = Q for all/i eX (39) with the corresponding Ritz equations (F'un,wk)-(b,wlc) = 0, k=\,...,n (39a) def for un e Xn = span{w1,w2,...}. The wltw2,... form a basis in X. In the appendix to Part II, we gave a number of possibilities for this (cf. A2(56)). For g, we assume that: geCr{U), g{u)> -(constant) u- constant f or all m e IR, (40) |g(M)|<(constant)(l + |«|^) foralluelR, (41) |g'(«)|< (constant) (1 + M'"1) for all ue U. (42) For example, one can choose g(u) = \u\p. Example 42.15. With the assumptions made above, (37) has a solution that satisfies (39) with (38). If g = 0, then all the assertions of Theorem 42.A in Section 42.5 hold, including the consequences from (18). In particular, (37) has exactly one solution u, and the uniquely determined Ritz approximations un converge strongly to u in X as n -* oo. In Section 51.6 we shall discuss the duality theory for (37) with g = 0 and the error estimates that follow. Proof. We carry out the proof so that it can immediately be carried over to a more general situation in the next section. We set D0u = u, D = (D0, />!,..., DN). The estimate I N \ |L°K#")| < (constant) 1+ £ |Z);M|H, / = 1,2 (43) \ i = o I is essential.
258 42. Free Minima for Convex Functionals, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method (I) Existence. Fl is continuous on X, for, according to (43) and Proposition 26.4, it follows that the Nemyckii operator belonging to L(1) is a continuous operator from X= Wp{G) into LY{G). Thus, from un -* u in X it follows that Lm(Dun)-» I+l\Du) in L^G); therefore, F^uJ -* F^u), Fr is convex because of the convexity of <p. F2 is weakly sequentially continuous. First, as above for Fv it follows that F2 is continuous on X. However, by virtue of (41) and Proposition 26.4, F2 is also continuous on Lp(G). The embedding X c Lp(G) is compact. Hence, «„ — u in X=*un-+u in Lp(G) =» F2(un) -» F2(u) as n->oo. Now, we shall show that F{u)— (b, «)-> + oo as ||u|| —* oo. According to (40), F(u) > ||M||fi;,i0 -(constant)||mHj-constant, def where ||K||f 0 = Fx(u) and ||-||x denotes the norm on Lr(G). By A2(53b), II" llx jo o *s an equivalent norm on X. Due to the continuous embeddings JfcL,(G)cL1(G), F{u) > c\\u\\p - (constant)||«||-constant for all u e X and positive constant c. Moreover, \(b, u)\ < \\b\\ \\u\\. Now, the existence assertion follows from (34). (II) Proof of (38). Let L = L(1) + L<2). For u, h e X and all t e [ - r0, f0], j jv -%- f L(D(u + th))dx= f Y,LDU{Du^th)Dihdx. (44) In order to justify the differentiation under the integral sign, one has to estimate the integrand on the right-hand side, uniformly with respect to t, against an integrable function, according to A2(25). However, from (42) and A 2 (30b) it follows that ZLDlU{Du + ih)Dth (constant) 1 + IlW \D,h\- By Proposition 26.4, the expression in the square brackets, [...], belongs to Lq(G) and D,h lies in Lp(G). Consequently, by the Holder inequality, [...]\Dth\ belongs to L^G). Now (44), with t = 0, yields 8F(u; h). Furthermore, the Holder inequality assures that h >-* 8F(u; h)isa continuous linear functional on X. Consequently, the G-derivative F' exists, and (38) holds. As in the proof of Proposition 26.7, one shows the continuity of F' with the aid of the continuity of the Nemyckii operator. Hence, F' exists even as an F-derivative. Theorem 40.B, (1) in Section 40.2 yields (38a). (Ill) If g = 0, then all the assumptions of Theorem 42.A in Section 42.5 are fulfilled. In particular, (F{(u)-F{(v), u-v)> c\\u - v\\p for all u,veX
42.7. Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations in Sobolev Spaces 259 follows from inequality (25.45), i.e., from (\a\p"2a - \b\p~2b)(a -b)> cY\a - b\>> for all a, b e IR, where cx > 0 is fixed, as well as from the fact that || - llx.^.o *s an equivalent norm on X. □ 42.7b. Differential Equations of Order 2m We study the variational problem (L(x, Du(x)) dx- ffudx = min!, (45) D^u = QondG . forall/?,|/?|<m-l. L depends on x and on all partial derivatives Dau up to and including def order m. In this connection, D u = u. We conceive of L as a real function of x and D, where D = (Z>a)W;£m and D"eIR, DeUd. Furthermore, LD„ and LDaDK denote partial derivatives. \a\ is the order of the differential operator D". According to Section 40.5, the following boundary value problem formally belongs to (45): G: E (-iya]D*Aa(x,Du(x))=f(x) (46) dG:Dpu = Q forall/8,|y8|<m-l, with Aa = LD« for alia, \a\ <m. (46a) We have already dealt with problems of type (46) independently of (46a) in Chapters 26 and 27 within the context of the theory of monotone and pseudomonotone operators. If (46) is given, then the following question naturally arises: When is this problem a variational problem? The first formal answer reads as follows: (46a) must hold. In order to formulate a handier criterion, we imagine that we always have LDaDp = LD/sD« for smooth L. Thus, from (46a) it follows that (Aa)D» = (Afi)D- for all a,/3 such that |a|, \P\<m. (47) If, say, all Aa belong to C1(Gx01'') and (47) holds on GxUd, then by a classical theorem there exists an L such that (46a) holds on G X IR d when G is a simply connected region in IR N. Thus, in order to decide if (46) belongs to a variational problem, one will first verify (47). In order to treat (45) as a perturbed convex problem on a Sobolev space, parallel to the preceding section, we set L(x, D) = L(1)(jc, D)+ Li2){x,D)
260 42. Free Minima for Convex Functional, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method and make the following assumptions: (HI) G is a bounded region in IR N, N > 1, and 1 < p < oo, p'1 + q~x =1, m >1. We set X=W^(G). Let/ e Lq(G) be given and fixed. (H2) Growth condition. L e C(G X 0¾ d) and \L(x,D)\<J\ai{x)\+ £ i#t)- V |y|Sm ' To be precise, these conditions are to hold for L(1) and L(2) separately. (H3) Coerciveness condition L(x,D)>c2 £ IjDtV-CjZ)0-^.*;). |y| = m .i (H4) Convexity. D >-* L(1)(x, /)) is convex on IR'' for all x e G. (H5) Degenerate perturbation. L(2) depends only on x and all partial derivatives up to and including order m — 1. (H6) Growth condition for A a. Let L e C^G XlRrf) and \LDa(x,D)\<cJ\b(x)\+ £ IDT"1). ^ |y| < m ' To be exact, this condition is to hold for L(1) and L(2) separately. The inequalities above are to be fulfilled for all arguments, i.e., for all, (x, D)eGxUd and a with \a\ < m. Here, Cj denotes a positive constant. Furthermore, let a, e L^G), b e Lq{G). If L*1' eC^G XlRrf), then, by Problem 42.6, (H4) is equivalent to * £ {L%l{x,D)~L%l{x,D')){Da-D'a)^Q \a\ < m ior&\\D,D'<aUd,x<BG. This is the monotpnicity condition on Aa that we assumed in Section 26.5. If L(1) e C2(G X 0¾rf), then (H4) is equivalent to £ L<DV(x,/))/)^5:0 l«l.|/8|<m forallD.D'elR^jceG, i.e., the eigenvalues of the symmetric Hessian matrix {L$D,{x,D)) are nonnegative for all (x, D) eGxUd. In generalizing the monotonicity condition, we formulate the following. (H7) Uniform monotonicity condition. We have £ {L%l{x, D)- L%l(x, D')){D" -/>'«) >c5 £ |D*-Z>T |a|sm |y| = m for all A £>' elR**, x eG and fixed c5 > 0.
17. Qiiasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations in iobolev Spaces 2bl Parallel to Section 42.7a, we now set def r v ^ clef F,(u)= Lu){x,Du{x))dx, F=F1 + F2, Jc def , (b, u)x— I fudx JG and consider the generalized variational problem F(u)-(b,u) = mini, ueX (48) instead of (45). According to Section 40.5, we expect the first variation to be (F'{u),h)=J £ LDa(x,Du)Dahdx, u,heX. (49) G\a\ s m (46) corresponds to a generalized boundary value problem (F'{u),h)-(b,h) = 0 for all h eX (50) with the corresponding Ritz equations (F'{un),wk)-(b,wk) = Q, k = l,...,n (50a) def foruneXn, whereXn = span{wx,w2, ■ ■ ■, w„}, and w1,w2,... form a basis in X. One can find examples for this in the Appendix to Part II (cf. A 2 (56)). Proposition 42.16. //(//1)-(//5) hold, then the variational problem (48) has a solution u. Furthermore, Fl is convex and continuous on X, F2 is weakly sequentially continuous on X, and F is coercive. If, in addition, (//6) is fulfilled, then the continuous F-derivatives F{, F{, F' exist and (49) holds, and u satisfies the generalized boundary value problem (50). Furthermore, F{ is monotone and F{ is strongly continuous. For L<2) = 0, (48) and (50) are mutually equivalent. Corollary 42.17. If (//1)-(//7) are fulfilled and L(2) = 0, then all the assertions of Theorem 42. A in Section 42.5 are valid. In particular, (48) and (50) have exactly one solution u and the sequence (u„) of the uniquely determined Ritz approximations converges strongly to u e X as n ~* oo. Furthermore, F' is uniformly monotone, i.e., (F'{u)- F'{v),u- v)>c\\u- v\\$ for allu,v<£ X and fixed c> 0. The proof is obtained in a way parallel to Example 42.15, taking Proposition 26.12 into account.
262 42. Free Minima for Convex Functionals, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method Remark 42.18. Proposition 42.16 holds with the same proof if one weakens the regularity assumptions on L(,) with respect to x. Instead of L(,) e C(G xUd) for /=1,2 in (HI), it suffices that L<° satisfy a Caratheordory; condition, i.e., x >-* L(i)(x, D) is measurable on G for all DeUd, and D <-> L(,)(x, D) is continuous for almost all xeG. Analogously, in (H6), instead of L(/) eC\G xUd), it suffices that L(,) and all L$ satisfy a Caratheodory condition. Furthermore, analogously to Section 27.4, one can weaken the growth; conditions with the aid of the Sobolev embedding theorems. In Browder < (1970) and Lions (1969, M), one finds general conditions on L and Lp" which guarantee that F' is pseudomonotone (respectively, satisfies the (S)+ condition). In general, for existence theory we recommend Morrey (1966, M). An important problem, to which many recent works have been devoted, consists in verifying that the generalized solutions in Sobolev spaces are in fact classical solutions. In this connection, it is a matter of a new conception of Hilbert's nineteenth problem. Standard works on regularity theory are Ladyzenskaja and Uralceva (1964, M) and Morrey (1966, M). For recent results we recommend Giaquinta (1981, L), Frehse (1982, S) (capacity methods) and Necas (1983, L). A survey of several important results can be found in FuCik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, M), page 72. Compare also Problem 42.13 for an important weakening of the convexity conditions. Problems 42.1. Convex functionals. Show: If F: Wcl-»K is convex on a convex set M, then Flihu^zii.Fiu,) (51) W = l I /-1 for all ^,...^,,6^,0^(,,...,(^1, 2^,=1. Solution: (51) follows from (1) by induction. 42.2. Proof of Proposition 42.4. Solution: Simple calculations using Definition 42.1. 42.3. Proof of Proposition 42.5. Solution: (a) For a <t1<t2<t3<b, it follows from the convexity of <p that (t3 - t^vih) < (t3 - *2M<i)+(<2 - 'i)«P('3)- (52) def If we set g(r, t) = (<p(t)~<p(r))/(t - t) for t > r, then from (52) it follows that s(h,ti)Sg(h,h)<g(t1,t,) (53) and thus g(t-h,t)<g{t,t+h) lorh>0,te]a,b[. (54) Furthermore, by (53), the right-hand side (respectively, the left-hand side) in (54) is monotonically decreasing (respectively, monotonically increasing) as
Problems 263 h -* +0. Thus, the limits in (54) exist as h -> +0 and yield <p'_(0 < <p'+(0- (b) The existence of y'±(t) implies the continuity of <p in t. All the remaining assertions except (5) can be found in any textbook on differential and integral calculus [cf., e.g., Fichtenholz (1972, M), Vol. 1]. (5) Since <p' is monotone by (4), we first have lim <p'(r)><p'(t) loidllte]a,b[. (55) T->(+0 By (b), qp is continuous on ]a, b[; therefore, since g(r, a) ^ y'(r), g(t,a)= lim g(r,a)> lim <p'(r) T->(+0 T->(+0 for t < t < a. Then, as a -> t + 0, we obtain (55) with " <," i.e., (55) holds with " =" instead of " >." Consequently, <p' is continuous from the right. One proves the continuity from the left analogously. def 42.4. Proof of the assertions in Section 42.3. Let u,v*e X be fixed. For <p(t) = F(u + t(v - «)) and all t e [0,1], <p'(t) = (F'(u + t(v-u)),v- «), <p"(0 = S2.F(K + f(y-K);y-K). Ad (1) (I) F is convex on X <=> <p is convex on [0,1] for all u, v e X (Proposition 42.4) <=> ip' is monotonely increasing on [0,1] for all u, v e X (Proposition 42.5) <=> F' is monotone on X (Example 25.6). (II) F' is monotone on X => <p' is monotonely increasing on [0,1] =» <p(l)- <p(0) = <p'(#) 2i ip'(0), 0 < 9 <1 =» F(y)-F(w) > (F'(u), v-u) for all u, v e X =>F(M)-F(y)>(F'(y),M-y> ^0>(F'(u)-F'(v),v-u) => F' is monotone on X Ad (2) If F is convex, then <p' is continuous on ]0,1[ by Proposition 42.5. Since u and v are arbitrary, <p' is continuous on [0,1], i.e., F' is hemicontinu- ous. F' is monotone by (1) and thus demicontinuous as well, according to Fig. 27.1. Ad (3) Use the same line of reasoning as in (1). Proof of Corollary 42.7. <p(l)- <p(0) = /V(0 <*- tf(0)+(\vr(t)-tf(0)) dt :><p'(0)+ [1ctp-1\\v-u\\pdt. Proof of Corollary 42.8. (I) Fis convex on X«> <p is convex on [0,1] for all «,nel« <p"(0 i 0 for all t e [0,1] (Proposition 42.5). (II) <p"(t)> 0 for all re [0,l]=>qp is strictly convex on [0,1] (Proposition 42.5) => F is strictly convex (Proposition 42.4).
h2. Free ivmmna for ^unvcx FunwuuiwiS, Ritzivitmod and u«- vjiadient mewdd (III) Finally, <P'(1W(°)=/V'('M = f1S2F(u+ t(v - u);v-u) dt > (lc\\v-u\\pdt. Proof of Proposition 42.11. Verify that this proposition follows from the results in Sections 41.3, 41.4, and 42.3. Note that A~F', S2F(u;h) = (F"(u)h,h). Criteria for convex functions. Formulate necessary and sufficient conditions for F: R N -» R to be convex. Solution: If F e Cl(U N), then F is convex if and only if E(Z),F(x)-Z),.F(x))(i.-|,)^0 / = i forallx.xeR". (56) If F e C2 (R N), then F is convex if and only if N £ DiDjF(x)lij>0 forallx.xeR" (57) (../=1 Here, x= (ZV...,ZN), Z),= d/d£,. (56) means that F' is monotone. (57) corresponds to S2F(x;x)>0 for all x,x^UN. Take Section 42.3 and Example 40.4 into account. These criteria are also valid for convex functions on open convex sets of UN. A detailed exposition of the properties of convex functions is contained in Rockafellar (1970, M) and Roberts and Varberg (1973, M). Strongly convex functionals. F: X-* R defined on the real H-space Xis said to be strongly convex if and only if for all b,i;eX,(6 [0,1] and fixed m > 0, 2-»(l- t)tm\\u-vf< (l~t)F{u)+ tF(v)-F((l- t)u + tv). F is said to be bounded convex if and only if for all u,v e X, t& [0,1] and fixed M > 0, {\- t) F(u)+ tF(v)- F((\- t)u + tv) <2~\\- t)tM\\u - v\\2. Show. If F is continuous on X, then the following two assertions arc equivalent: (i) F is strongly convex and bounded convex. (ii) F' exists on X as an F-derivative, and for all u,v &X and fixed m. M>0, m\\u - y||2 £ (F'(u)- F'(v)\u - v) £ M\\u - v\\2, i.e., F' is strongly monotone and Lipschitz continuous. Hint: Compare Gopfert (1973, M), page 173.
Problems 265 42.8.* Gradient method. For min F(u) = a (58) «e X we consider the gradient method uk + i = uk + tkhk, /: = 0,1,.... Here, start with u0 e X. If uk is known, then the method breaks off, by definition, for F'(uk) = 0. If F'(uk)¥= 0, choose hk so that (F'(uk)\hk) < 0 (e.g., hk = - F'(uk)). Furthermore, determine an optimal step size tk by F(uk + tkhk) = rcm,>0F(uk + thk). Show: If F: X -» R is continuous, strongly convex, and bounded convex on the real H-space X, then (58) has exactly one solution u and F'(u) = 0. (uk) converges to u e X as & -» oo if and only if the series 2c| diverges. In rfc/ this connection, ck = 1(-^(^-)1^)1/11-^(^)11 P/ill is a coefficient measuring the quality of the approximation-(ck = oo when F'(uk) = 0). For k = 1,2,... with F'(uk)i= 0 and ^(1^)^0, the following error estimates hold: /c-l F(«,)-«< (F(«0)-a) EI {l-mM^cj), /c-1 m2\\uk - u\\2 < ||F'(«o)ll2 EI {l-m2M-\:}). m and M are taken from Problem 42.7. If hk = - F'(uk), then (¾ = 1, and the convergence is linear (cf. Section 1.3). Hint: Compare Gopfert (1973, M), page 180. The case of underrelaxation is also treated there, i.e., tk is smaller than the optimal step size. Therefore, in the general case, the zigzag path of the iteration method is smoothed. 42.9.* Gradient method and optimal positioning of factories. Study Beckert (1971). 42.10.* Convex functional and problems of elasticity and plasticity theory. Study Langenbach (1976, M). Cf. also Part IV. 42.11. An existence theorem. Show: The minimum problem rmnF(u) = a (59) «e X has a solution when F: X -> R is G-differentiable in the real reflexive B-space X, and, for all u, h e X, S2F(u; h) exists such that S2F(u;h)>\\h\\a(\\h\\) for all u, h e X, (60) where a: [0, oo[ -> [0, oo[ is a continuous function with R-1 fa(t)dt-* + oo as R -» + oo. (60a) •'o If a(0 > 0 for t> 0, then the solution of (59) is unique. Hint: By (60) and (60a), F is convex and weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous (cf. Corollary 42.8 and Proposition 41.8). Parallel to Problem 42.4, show that (60) and (60a) imply the relation F(u) -> + oo as ||u|| -> oo,
42. Free Minima for Convex Functionals, Ritz Method and the Gradient Method and apply Theorem 41.A in Section 41.2. Compare Fucik, Necas, and Soucd, (1977, L), page 25. The uniqueness follows from the strict convexity of F. A variational problem. Apply the result of Problem 42.11 to the variational problem f L(x,Du(x))dx = mn\, u<zW{"(G) (61) JG and explicitly formulate the assumptions needed for L. Solution: (61) has exactly one solution when the following two condition'- hold: (i) G is a bounded region in R N, N, m > 1. (ii) LsC^GxR') and there exist a function a e C(G), where a > 0 on G, and constants cu c2 > 0 such that for all x e G, D, D'e Ud, the following growth conditions are satisfied: \L(x,D)\<a(x)+Cl Z |Oy|2, |y|<m \Lua(x,D)\<a(x) + cx £ \Dy\ for all a, \a\ < m, |y|<m \LucDi>{x,D)\<a(x) for all a, /8 such that \a\, |)8| < m as well as the definiteness condition E LD«u,(x,D)D'"D'^c2 E \D'y\2. |o|,l/3|5m |y|<m Compare Fuclk, NeCas, and Soucek (1977, L), page 63. Instead of a e C(G). it suffices to have a e LX{G). Furthermore, instead of isC2 foi L, LD«, LDaDii, one needs only the Caratheodory conditions. A variational problem in which the integrand is convex only with respect to tk highest derivatives. In Section 42.7 we used a decomposition of Fol the form Fx + Fz, where Fx is convex. However, it suffices to have F convex with respect to the highest partial derivatives that are present. In this connection, we consider (L(x,D'u,D"u)dx=mn\, u<zW„m, (621 Jc y where ZJ'« = (ZJatt)|a|sm_1 and D"u = (Dau)la]_m. Show: (62) has a solution when the following three conditions hold: (i) G is a bounded region in UN, N, m>\, l<p <oo, (ii) L e Cl(G xW), and L(x, D', D") is convex with respect to D" for a I fixed x, D'. (iii) L satisfies the growth conditions (H2) and (H6) as well as the coerciw- ness condition (H3) in Section 42.7b. Instead of LgC (GxW) it suffices to require that L and all L,- belong to C(GxR<'). Hint: Compare Berger (1977, M), page 307. The crucial point is tlw verification of the weak sequential lower semicontinuity of the functional n (62). To this end, use Egorov's theorem from measure theory. Importa11
Problems 267 generalizations of the above existence proposition can be found in Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter VIII, Theorem 2.2 and Morrey (1966, M), Theorem 1.9.1. Ladyzenskaja and Uralceva (1964, N) and Morrey (1966, M) contain propositions on regularity for m=l, N arbitrary. 14.** Nonconvex variational problems. Up until now, we have assumed that the integrands have certain convexity properties with respect to the derivatives. We now describe two methods for dealing with more general problems with the aid of a generalized setup of the problems. -2.14a. Generalized solutions using measures (stochastic interpretation). In order to explain the difficulties, we consider the simple example F(x) = f[x2(t}+(x'2(t)~l)2] dt = rmn\, (63) x(0) = ;c(l) = 0. Let x(') be continuous and piecewise continuously differentiable or, more generally, absolutely continuous on [0,1]. The integrand is not convex with respect to x'. First we show that (63) does not have a solution. The lower bound of the integral is equal to zero. To prove this, we decompose [0,1] into In equal subintervals and construct x„ as the polygonal path with x„(0) = 0 and x,,(t) = l (respectively, x,,(t) = -l) on adjacent subintervals (see Fig. 42.4). Then F(x„) = l/12rc2, i.e., the infimum of Fis equal to zero. However, from F(x) = 0 it follows that x'(t) = 1, x(t) = 0; hence (63) cannot have a solution. In order to obtain generalized solutions which are connected with x„, instead of (63) we consider the generalized problem M/ {x2(t)+(v2-lf)d,i.t(v)\dt = rmn\, (63a) *(t)-/7 jvdji.,(v)\ dt, x(l)-0. We seek a continuous function x: [0,1] -> R and, for each <e[0,l], a probability measure n, on R. If x(-) is a continuously differentiable function on [0,1] and we choose n, equal to the Dirac measure Sx^,)t i.e., m ; \o itX'(t)eM, Figure 42.4
ti. Free Minima for convex Funcuonais, Ritz Metnod and me uradient ivieinod then (f(v)d»,(v)=f(x>(t)), and we obtain the classical expressions in (63a). Now it is easy to verify that by M,-2-1(« + i + «-i) (64) we obtain a solution of (63a), with x(t) = 0. Note that the lower bound of the functional in (63a) to be minimized equals zero, and for ju, in (64) and x(t) = 0, because //(1/)^,(1/)-2^(/(-1)+/(1)), this lower bound is attained. (64) permits the interpretation that the generalized solution takes on the derivative values x'(t)=l, or x'(t) = -1, with probability i at any given time. If we consider the motivation for this to be the sequence of polygonal paths (x„) constructed above, then (x„) does indeed converge uniformly to zero as n -> oo, but x(t) = 0 is not a solution of (63). However, the following two assertions hold: (i) The integral value F(xn) tends to zero as n -> oo, i.e., (xn) is a minimal sequence, (ii) The probability that x'„(t) = +1, or x'„(t) = — 1, is equal to \. Analogously one can explain generalized problems for more general variational problems. The essential advantage of this theory of generalized solutions which is due to L. C. Young and McShane is that for the measures p.,, general existence propositions are obtained with the aid of compactness arguments with respect to appropriate topologies. As an introduction to this subject, we recommend McShane (1978, S,H). There, for more general control problems as above, necessary conditions connected with the Pontrja- gin maximum principle as well as existence propositions are given and applied to four important classical problems of the calculus of variations. A detailed exposition is contained in Young (1969, M) and Gamkrclidze (1978, M). Generalized solutions with the aid of convex regularization. Together with the original problem /k L(x, u, u') dx^a, (65) we consider the generalized problem inf (' hL**{x,u,u')dx-p. (65**) U describes suitable side conditions. Here, L** relates to «'. The exact definition of L** is given in Section 51.1. Intuitively, «'•-» L**(x,u,ur) denotes the convex lower semicontinuous function which best approaches «'•-> L(x, u, u') from below (cf. Fig. 42.5 and Example 51.7). If «'•-> L(x, u, u') is not convex with respect to «', then one can instead consider (65**), where «'■-* L**(x, u, «') is convex. Therefore, the existence
References 269 v /^s.** «-u' Figure 42.5 propositions of Problem 42.13 can be applied to (65.**). In Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapters IX, X it is shown in a sophisticated way that under suitable assumptions for the multidimensional problems corresponding to (65) and (65**), the following holds: a = /8 and the solutions of (65**) are the limiting values of the minimal sequences for (65). In this sense, the solutions of (65**) are generalized solutions of (65). References to the Literature Monotone potential operators: Vainberg (1972, M,H); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Gajewski, Groger, and Zacharis (1974, M); Langenbach (1976, M); Kluge (1979, M). Ritz's method: Michlin (1969, M); Vainberg (1972, M); Ciarlet (1977, M) (finite elements). Gradient method: Ljubic (1970, S); Cea (1971, M); Vainberg (1972, M); Gopfert (1973, M); Berger (1977, M) (cf., also, the references to the literature on general approximation methods in Section 37.29 and in Chapter 21 as well as in the Appendix to Part II on finite elements). Convex functions: Rockafellar (1970, M), Roberts and Varberg (1973, M, H) (standard works). Convex functionals: Kluge (1979, M). Existence theory for multidimensional variational problems: Morrey (1966, M) (standard work); Browder (1970, S), Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Berger (1977, M), Ball (1977), (1981) (cf., also, the references to the literature in Chapters 26 and 27). Regularity of generalized solutions: Ladyzenskaja and Uralceva (1964, M,H); Morrey (1966, M); Giaquinta (1981, L); Frehse (1982, S); Hildebrandt (1983, S); NeSas (1983, L) (cf., also, the references to the literature in Chapter 21). Nonconvex variational problems and generalized solutions: McShane (1978, S,H) (introduction); Young (1969, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Gamkrelidse (1978, M). Hilbert problems and the calculus of variations; Aleksandrov (1971, M,H,B); Browder (1976, M,H,B).
EXTREMAL PROBLEMS WITH SMOOTH SIDE CONDITIONS Everyone knows what a curve is, until he has studied enough mathematics to become confused by the countless exceptions. Felix Klein In the following three chapters we consider problems of the type min F{u) = a, ue M where the side condition M is given by an equation G{u) = 0, i.e., M= {ueD(G): G(u) = 0}. In Chapter 43 we justify the Lagrange multiplier rule and apply these results to eigenvalue problems. In particular, we treat: (a) Existence of an eigenvector (Chapter 43). (/?) Existence of bifurcation points (Chapters 43 and 45). (y) Existence of several eigenvectors (Chapter 44). Chapter 44 is devoted to the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory. Chapter 45 contains a fundamental bifurcation result for potential operators. The applications are related to: (a) Real functions. (/?) Information theory. (y) Statistical physics. (S) Variational problems with side conditions. (e) Quasilinear elliptic differential equations. (J) Hammerstein integral equations.
272 Extremal Problems In Part IV we elucidate the connection with the principle of virtual displacement in mechanics as well as with thermodynamic equilibrium, and we treat applications to elasticity theory. Constraining forces in mechanics and absolute temperature are examples of the physical interpretation of Lagrange multipliers.
CHAPTER 43 Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems By generalizing Euler's method, Lagrange got the idea for his remarkable formulas, where in a single line there is contained the solution of all problems of analytic mechanics. C. G. J. Jacobi Returning to the concepts of maximum and minimum, it is a nuisance that there reigns such confusion in the use of these words. One says that an expression is a maximum or a minimum if one simply wishes to say that its variation vanishes (critical point), also in the case when neither a maximum nor a minimum occurs. C. G. J. Jacobi, 1837 In this chapter we shall show what nondegeneracy condition is necessary to justify the Lagrange multiplier rule in the narrower sense for smooth side conditions. Moreover, we will interpret this condition geometrically and explain the connection with manifolds in B-spaces. In this connection, a generalization of the implicit function theorem is the focal point (Theorem 43.C). The central concepts are: (a) Tangent vector, tangent space, and submersion. (/J) Regular point of a set. (j) Manifold. (S) Tangential mapping. (e) Critical point of a functional. The desired nondegeneracy condition leads to submersions. Furthermore, we discuss the connection between critical points, Lagrange multipliers, and eigenvalue problems. Roughly speaking, we shall obtain the following 273
274 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems important result: (L) If the smooth side condition G(u) = Q describes a manifold, then the Lagrange multiplier rule can be applied. 43.1. The Abstract Basic Idea of Lagrange Multipliers The basic idea of the Lagrange multiplier rule for sufficiently smooth side conditions is based on the following proposition: Proposition 43.1. Assume that the following two conditions hold: (i) X and Y are B-spaces over K, where K = IR or C. (ii) A: X-> Y and B: X->K are continuous linear operators and R(A) is closed. Then if Bh = 0 for all hex such that Ah = 0 (1) holds, there exists a AeP such that X0Bk + A(Ak) = 0 for all k eX, (2) with X0 = 1. For R(A) = Y, A is unique. Corollary 43.2. If R(A)¥=Y, then, by the assumptions (i) and (ii), there exists a AeY*, A¥=Q, such that (2) holds with X0 = Q. In every case, X0 and A in (2) are not simultaneously zero. Proof. We use the closed range theorem (cf. Aj^)). According to that theorem, R(A*) = ±N(A). By assumption, B e -^(,4). Consequently, B = — A*A; therefore, (B,k) = -(A*A,k) = -(A,Ak) for all k el This yields (2) with \0 =1. If R(A) = Y, then N(A*) = R(A)± = {0}, i.e., A* is injective. Consequently, A is determined uniquely by B. In the case of Corollary 43.2, there exists a v e Y with v £ R{A). According to the Hahn-Banach theorem, one can construct a A e Y* such that A(u) = landA(w) = OforallweJR(^l). □ As a typical application, we consider the minimum problem F(u) = imn\, G(u)=0. Let u0 be a solution. We restrict ourselves to formal observations which we shall make precise in Section 43.8. A curve t >-* u(t) such that u(Q) = u0 is said to be admissible when G(u(t)) = 0 for all t in a neighborhood of zero and u'(0) exists. Then we call u'(Q) a tangent vector. From G(u(t)) = 0 it
43.1. The Abstract Basic Idea of Lagrange Multipliers 275 follows that G'(u0)u'(0) = 0. If we set <p(t) = F(u(t)), then <p has a minimum at t = 0; therefore <p'(0) = °> i-e-> ^"("o)"'(°)= °- Thus, F'{u0)h = 0, G'{u0)h-0, where h = u'(Q). The following two requirements are now crucial for the application of Proposition 43.1: (i) Every h such that G'{u0)h = 0, which we designate as a virtual displacement, is a tangent vector of an admissible curve, (ii) R(G'(u0)) is closed. Then, according to Proposition 43.1, the following holds: X0F'(u0)u + AG'(«0)" = 0 for all u e X, (3) where A0 = 1. This is the Lagrange multiplier rule in the narrower sense. If only (ii) holds, whereby, however, G'(u0) is not surjective, then we obtain (3) with A0 = 0 and A =£ 0 according to Corollary 43.2. In this degenerate case we need no admissible curves. In abstract form, these considerations contain the principle of virtual displacements of mechanics that we shall delve into in Chapter 58. For multidimensional variational problems, (ii) can cause difficulties. For this reason, one does not always succeed in verifying that the Lagrange multiplier rule is a necessary condition. However, the simple method that we described in Section 37.4/ allows us to use Lagrange multipliers to obtain sufficient conditions. On the basis of a simple example we shall show the meaning of condition (0- Counterexample 43.3. We consider f(£,ij)=min!, G(£,ij) = 0, where F(£, i)) = exp(£ + 7)) and G(£, tj) = £2 + tj2. The solution is u0 = (0,0), since u0 is the only point where G(£, 17) = 0. The formal application of the Lagrange multiplier rule in the narrower sense yields the existence of a number X such that F{ (0,0)- AGj (0,0) = 0, ^,(0,0)-\G, (0,0)-0. However, this is a contradiction because Gf(0,0) = 0 and ./^(0,0) = 1. The reason is the following: h = (hlt h2) is a virtual displacement if and only if G'(u0)h = 0, i.e., G^O.O^ + G^O.O^-O. Hence, every h in 0¾2 is a virtual displacement. The only admissible curve t >-* u(t) is, however, u(t) = Q with the tangent vector ¢^(0)==0. For this reason the side condition is designated as rigid. Thus, not every virtual displacement is the tangent vector of an admissible curve.
276 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems However, if the necessary condition is written in the form a0^(0,0)-aGj(0,0) = 0, a0jF„(0, 0)- AG, (0,0) = 0, where \20 + \2 + 0, then no contradiction arises. 43.2. Local Extrema with Side Conditions Definition 43.4. Let F: D(F)c X^>U be a functional on a real locally convex space X. Let M be a subset of D{F) which we will call a side condition. Let u0 e D(F). F has a bound local minimum with respect to the side condition M at u0 if and only if there is a neighborhood U(u0) of u0 in X such that F(u)>F{u0) for all «e £/( «0)nM. (4) If " > " holds in (4) for u¥=u0, then we say that F has a bound strict local minimum with respect to M. The corresponding notions for maxima are explained in an obvious way by reversing the inequality sign. Example 43.5. In Fig. 43.1, the function F: U -»IR has a bound strict local minimum with respect to the side condition a<u<b at the point «0 = a, i.e., M=>[a, b]. However, there is no free local minimum present at u0 = a because F(u) > F(a) does indeed hold in a right-hand-sided neighborhood of a, but it does not hold in a full neighborhood of a. As a prototype for the application of minima and maxima with side conditions to eigenvalue problems, we consider f(«) = min!, G(«) = 0 (5a) together with the necessary condition \0F'(«o)-AG'(«0) = 0. (5b) i—I ) h*u a b Figure 43.1
43.2: Local' Extrema v/iih Side vouultions 277 Proposition 43.6. There exist real numbers X0, X with X20 + X2 ¥= 0 such that {5b) holds when the following two conditions are satisfied: (/) F has at u0 a bound local minimum or maximum with respect to the side def condition M= {ueD(G): G{u) = 0}. (/7) F, G: U(u0) c X-> IR are functional on the real B-space X, and F'(u0) and G'(u0) exist as F-derivatives. If the nondegeneracy condition G'(u0) =£0, G is continuous on U(u0) (5c) holds, then X0—l. def (5b) results formally from L'(u0) = 0 where L = X0F~ XG. Therefore, it is a matter of a Lagrange multiplier rule. Without the side condition, the necessary condition for a local extremum of F is equal to (5b) with \0 =1, X — Q. The nondegeneracy condition (5c) is weaker than a corresponding condition which results from the general Theorem 43.D in Section 43.8 below. For this reason we give an independent proof which is formulated in such a way that it will later in Chapter 64 be applicable to variational inequalities as well. Proof. (I) Degenerate case. If G'(u0) = 0, then (5b) holds for X0 = 0, X = 1. (II) Nondegenerate case. We choose an hx such that (G'(u0), hx) > 0. The functional G is F-differentiable at u0. Thus, from G(u0) = 0 it follows that G(u0 + k) = (G'(u0),k) + o(\\k\\) as k ->0. (6) def We set ga(S) = G(u0 + a(/?0 + S)hx + ah) and fix /80(A) by (G'(u0), ^)^ +(G'(u0),h)-Q. By (6), ga{±n~l) = ± an-\G'(u0), h{) + ao(l), a-> 0. For this reason, for each «eN, there exists an«„>0 such that an -»0 as n->oo and ga(±n'1)^Q. According to the mean value theorem, there thus exists a S„ e [ — n~l, n'1] such that ga (Sn) = 0; therefore, def G{u) = 0 ioiu = u0 + an(fi0 + dn)hl + anh. By assumption, F has a local minimum with respect to M at u0, i.e., F(u0)- F(u0 + oB(A, + «„)*! + a„h) < 0. When n -» oo, we obtain (.F'^oX AA + h) <0 analogous to (6), i.e., (F'(u0)-XG'(u0),h)<0 for all h (= X,
278 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems where X = (F'(u0), hl)/(G'(u0), hr). Consequently, (5b) holds by Problem 39.4. □ The following possibilities are available for producing existence propositions for eigenvectors: (a) Minimum problem (cf. Section 43.3). (/?) Maximum problem (cf. Section 43.4). (y) sup-min problem (cf. Section 44.5). However, we shall see that the approach via the maximum problem even yields a bifurcation point. 43.3. Existence of an Eigenvector Via a Minimum Problem We consider the minimum problem with a side condition min F(u) = F(ua), (7a) u e ff„ def where Na= {ue X: G(u) = a), and the eigenvalue problem which corresponds to it according to the Lagrange multiplier rule: F'(ua) = XaG'{ua), \a*0, ua*0. (7b) Theorem 43.A. Suppose that the following six conditions hold: (i) X is a real reflexive B-space. (ii) F: X-> IR is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. (iii) G; X -* U is weakly sequentially continuous and G(0) = 0. (iv) F',G': X-* X* exist as F-derivatives. (v) G'(u) = 0, or F'(u) = 0, implies u — Q. (vi) F(u)-* +oo as \\u\\ -»oo. Then there exists a real number a, a + 0, such that Na ¥> 0. For each such a, (7a) has a solution ua and ua is an eigensolution of (7b). We discuss applications to quasilinear elliptic differential equations in Section 44.9. Proof. By (v), G & 0. Consequently, there exists slug X such that G(u) + 0. Let a = G(u). By (iii), the level surface Na is weak sequentially closed, for it follows from G(un) = a, un-+u that G(u) = a. According to Proposition 41.2, (7a) possesses a solution ua. Since G(0) = 0 and G(ua) = a, we have ua + 0 and thus G'(ua) + 0, by (v). Proposition 43.6 yields (7b). If
43.4. Existence of a Bifurcation Point Via a Maximum Problem 279 Xa were equal to zero, Xa = 0, then, by (v), F'(ua) = 0, ua + 0 would yield a contradiction. □ 43.4. Existence of a Bifurcation Point Via a Maximum Problem Parallel to (7), we now study the maximum problem with a side condition maxG(«) = G(«a)> (8) ue/V„ def where Na = {u e X: F(u) = a}, and the corresponding eigenvalue problem G'(«J-M"(««), *«*0, ua*0. (9) Retaining the assumptions of Section 43.3, observe that we have interchanged the roles of F and G. In the following, F will be assumed to be only weak sequentially lower semicontinuous, while we assume G to have the stronger property of weak sequential continuity. The following condition is important for the bifurcation proposition: (HI) (X,(-\-)) is a real H-space and G' is compact. G"(Q) exists as a second F-derivative, and there exists a w e X such that (G"(0)w\w) > 0. We def _ specialize F to F(u) = 2 (u\u) for all ue X. If we identify X with X*, then F'{u) = u. By virtue of Proposition 7.33 and Problem 4.3, G"(0): X-* X is a compact symmetric operator. In this special case, (9) reads as follows: G'{ua) = Xaua, Xa *0, ua*0 (9a) with the linearized eigenvalue problem G"(Q)vl = X0vl> X0>0, v1¥^Q. (10) Theorem 43.B (Krasnoselskii (1956)). Suppose that the following seven conditions hold: (/) X is a real reflexive B-space, (r7) F: X-* U is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. (/(7) G: X -» U is weak sequentially continuous. (iv) F',G': X-* X* exist as F-derivatives. {v) F'(u) = 0 implies u = Q; G'(u) = 0 implies G(u) = 0; and G(0) = G'(0) = F(Q) = 0. (vi) F(u) -+ +QO as \\u\\ -» oo. (vii) There exists a sequence (wn) in Xsuch that G(w„) > 0 for all n eN and m>„ -»0 as n -* oo.
_iu 43, ^ufcidngelUun^jjers anu j-jgi-uvaluexiuuicms Then: (1) Eigensolution. For each a > 0, (8) has a solution ua and ua satisfies (9). (2) Bifurcation point. If (HI) holds, then (ua,\a)-*(0,\0) asa-»Q withX0>0. (11) Here, A0 is the largest eigenvalue of G"(0). (11) shows that (0, A0) is a bifurcation point of G'(u) = Xu. Theorem 45.A in Section 45.2 contains an important generalization of assertion (2). Proof. (1) The crucial trick is to first consider, instead of (8), the variational problem def maxG(«) = G(0. Ma= {x e X: F{u) <a], (8a) ueMa which is easier to solve. Let a > 0. The set Ma is bounded because F(u) -> + oo as ||k||-»oo. Furthermore, Ma is weak sequentially closed, for it follows from F(un)<a, un-^u that F(u)<limF(un)<a. According to Proposition 38.12, (d), (8a) has a solution ua. We show that ua is also a solution of (8), i.e., F(ua) = a. To begin with, F is continuous at u = 0. Therefore, there exists a wno e Ma. From 0 e Ma, G(wn ) > 0 it follows that G(ua) > 0. If we had F(ua) < a, then we would also have ua e int Ma because of the continuity of F; therefore, G'(ua) = 0 according to Theorem 40.B in Section 40.2. By (v), this yields G(ua) = 0, in contradiction to G(ua) > 0. We prove that F(ua) < a. Indeed, F(ua) = a and a > 0 assure that ua + 0 and F'(ua) + 0. Proposition 43.6 yields (9). Here, Aa * 0, for Aa = 0 would yield G'(ua) = 0 and thus G(ua) = 0. This is impossible. (2) We compare (8a) with the quadratic variational problem max #({;)=/?, (11a) veMa def where H(v) = 2 l(G"(0)v\v). If vl is a solution of (11) for a = 1, then Va vl is a solution for a > 0. (I) Solution of (11) for a = l. By Corollary 21.23, it follows from the compactness of G"(Q) that H is weak sequentially continuous. An argument analogous to that for (8a) yields the existence of a solution vr of (11) and H'{Vl) = XoVl, 2^(^1^)=1- Since H'(v1) = G"(0)v1, X0 = H(v1). By (11) with a = l, A0 is thus the largest eigenvalue of G"(Q). (II) We show: G(u) = H(u) + o(\\u\\2) asu-»0, (12) 0(^) = 2-^0^^)1^) + 0(11^112) as«-*0. (13) To this end, we set g{t) = G{tu)-2-lt2{G"{0)u\u). Since G'(0) = 0, the
43b. me Galeuuu method 101 i-iigenvali>v i luJems 28. Taylor theorem immediately yields G'{u) = G"{0)u + o{\\u\\) as«-*0. (14) The mean value theorem implies g(l) = g'(#), 0 < # < 1. This, together with .(14), yields (12) and (13). (Ill) Since ua e Na, and 2_1(«a|Ma) = a, we have ua -» 0 as a -» 0. Now, by (12) and (13), Xa -» X0 as a -» 0 is obtained from \ji-2-l(G'{ua)\ua) = G{ua)+o{a), X0a=H(\/avl) = G(\/avl) + o(a)<G(ua) + o(a) = H(ua) + o(a)<H(\/avl) + o(a) . = \0a + o(a). Now take into consideration ua, \fa.v1 e Ma and (8a), (11). □ 43.5. The Galerkin Method for Eigenvalue Problems For an approximate solution of the eigenvalue problem liAu = Bu, ueX, (15) for k = 1,2,..., we consider the Galerkin equations \ik(Auk,wi) = (Buk,wi), / = 1,...,^, (16) def where uk = Hf_lckiwi. We seek nk e IR and cki e IR. Here, (16) represents a nonlinear eigenvalue problem in IR *. Proposition 43.7. Suppose that the following three conditions hold: (/) X is a real separable reflexive B-space with dim X = oo, and { wlt w2,. ■.} is a basis in X, (//) A: X-* X* is compact. (Hi) B: X-* X* is continuous, bounded, and satisfies (S)0. Then, if for each k e N, (16) has a solution (uk,ixk) such that sup^(||«^|| + \l>,k\) < oo, (15) has a solution. The convergence of the subsequence uk,-+u, i>,k>-*ii as fc'->oo implies strong convergence uk, -* u, and (u, p) is a solution of (15). (S)0 means that for n -» oo: v„-*v, Bvn-+w, (Bvn,vn) -*(w, v) implies vn -» v. According to Fig. 27.1, B satisfies, for instance, the condition (S)0 when B = C + D, where C: X-+X* is uniformly monotone and D: X-+X* is compact.
282 43, Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems Proof. Since (uk) and (nk) are bounded and A is compact, there exist convergent subsequences which we denote in the same way such that uk-+u, def pk ->;*, Auk -» z. Let Xm = span{w1,...,wm}. From (16) it follows that for all v e Xm, m<k: pk(Auk,v) = (Buk,v). (17) Thus, (Buk, v) -» (pz, v) for all v e u mXm. Since X—UmXm and (Buk) is bounded, we even have Buk-^pz (cf. Aj(31d)). Furthermore, from (17) it follows that (Buk,uk) = pk(Auk,uk) -* (pz, u). Moreover, Buk-^\s,z, uk-+u. The condition (S)0 yields uk -* u, i.e., Auk -* Au. Therefore, Au = z. Hence, Bu = pAu. O 43.6. The Generalized Implicit Function Theorem and Manifolds in B-Spaces We consider the equation G(u) = Q (18) with the known solution u0. Let G: U(u0)c X-» Y be a mapping, where X and Y are B-spaces over K, where K =01 or C. We seek a parametric representation of the form w = 9(A), heVs (18a) for all solutions of (18) in a neighborhood of u0. Here, def , Vs~{heX:G'(u0)h = 0,Uh\\<8}. Our goal is the following proposition. If G is a submersion at u0, then there exist numbers 8, e > 0 and a homeomorphism <p from Vs into X such that all u from (18a) are solutions of (18). Conversely, every solution of (18) with \\u — u0\\ < e can be represented in the form (18a). Moreover, <p is continuously .F-differentiable on Vs with <p(/i)= u0 + h + o(||A||) as h -* 0. Submersions will be explained below in Definition 43.15. (18b) is a variant of the implicit function theorem (Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7), which is obtained as a special case of Theorem 43.C in Section 43.6. In order to interpret (18b) geometrically, we first introduce several concepts from differential geometry in B-spaces, which are of fundamental interest. These include tangent vectors, tangent spaces, and manifolds. In (18b)
43.6. The Generalized Implicit Function Theorem and Manifolds in B-Spaces 283 this connection, one generalizes well-known concepts of differential geometry in 0¾3. We explain the geometrical core in Example 43.12 and Fig. 43.3 below. In Chapter 73 we shall study Banach manifolds in greater detail. 43.6a. Tangent Vectors and Tangent Spaces In the following one can always think of M in connection with (18) as the set def M= {ueD(G):G(u) = 0}. . Definition 43.8. Let X be a locally convex space over K (K is IR or C) and let M be a subset of X. Let u0 be a fixed point in M. (1) An admissible curve in M through u0 is understood to be a mapping t >-+ u(t) with u(Q) = u0 and u(t) e M for all t in a neighborhood of zero in R1. Moreover, the derivative u'(Q) is assumed to exist. (2) h is called a tangent vector to M at u0 if and only if there exists an admissible curve as in (1) such that u'(Q) = h. (3) If the set of all tangent vectors to M at u0 form a linear space over K, then we denote it by TMUa and call it the tangent space to M at u0. Furthermore, u0 + TMU is called the tangent plane to M at a0. 43.6b. Manifolds We shall now make use of the tangent space to introduce local coordinates on Min a neighborhood of u0, with the aid of a mapping <j>. All topological concepts for M are relative to the induced topology on M (cf. Ax(9)). In particular, W is an open neighborhood of u0 in M if and only if W= M n U(u0), where U(u0) is an open set in X containing u0. Definition 43.9. A point u0 in M'is said to be regular if and only if the following two conditions hold: (i) The tangent space TMUa exists and is closed. (ii) There exists an open neighborhood of zero V'm TMUa and a mapping <j>: V c TMUa -* M which maps V homeomorphically on an open neighborhood of u0 in M. Each u in <p(V) can be represented as u = <p(h), where h e V. Here, h is called a local coordinate of u, and (V, <p) is designated as a local parametri- zation of M at a0. We now deal with change of local coordinates. If ux and u2 are two regular points in M with the corresponding local parametriza-
Z84 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems Figure 43.2 def tions (Ki,<Pi) and (F2,<p2), respectively, and we set Wt = <Pj(P,), then each point u in Wlf) W2 has with respect to V1 and V2 the local coordinates hx = <pf 1(u) and h2 = ff2x{u), respectively. The change of coordinates is thus described by means of hx = <pf ^2(^2)) (see Fig- 43.2). Definition 43.10. Let M be a subset of the B-space X over K. Then M is called a manifold if and only if every point of M is regular. M is called a C'-manifold if and only if M is a manifold and all the mappings <pf * °<p2 which describe the change of local coordinates are C-mappings. If M is a manifold, then it immediately follows that all the mappings <jpj"1o<jp2 are homeomorphisms. If M is a given Cr-manifold, then all the <pf * 0 <p2 are C-diffeomorphisms by the inverse mapping theorem in Section 4.13. In Problem 43.4 we study the more general concept of manifolds that are modelled locally on B-spaces but need not necessarily lie in a fixed B-space (Banach manifolds). Since from experience we know that the abstract concept of a tangent space for general Banach manifolds causes the reader difficulties (cf. Problem 43.4c), we have preferred to first consider only the manifolds introduced above, which, moreover, are very well suited to our applications to Lagrange multipliers and, as the following examples show, are helpful in direct geometric interpretation. 43.6c. Examples In the following examples we shall show how surfaces, curves, and points in IR3 submit to the concept of a manifold. Example 43.11. Let G: 0¾3 -*W be a mapping with G(u0) = 0. Let G = (G1;...,G„), u = (£1( £2, £3), and D- = d/d^-. All Gt are assumed to possess continuous first partial derivatives. Then the F-derivative G'(u) exists and we have G'(«)A-(Gf(«)A,...,G;(«)A),
43.6. The Generalized Implicit Function Theorem and Manifolds in B-Spaces 285 Figure 43.3 where G,'(u)h- I, DjGMhj. * We now consider the equation G(u) = 0, i.e., G1(«) = 0,...,GII(«) = 0. (20) We denote the set of all points u that satisfy (20) by M. Then u0 lies on M. The crucial requirement reads as follows: R(G,{u0)) = W, (20a) i.e., the linearization of G at u0 is surjective. Then G is a submersion at u0 (cf. Definition 43.15 below). (20a) is equivalent to vank(DjGt(u0)) = n. (20b) Example 43.12 (Surface). Let n=\. Then M is a surface in 0¾3. The nondegeneracy condition (20a), (20b) now reads explicitly as follows: £[j>/?i(«o)]2*0. (20c) ./ = 1 The following propositions are intuitively manifest (see Fig. 43.3). They result rigorously from Theorem 43.C below. (i) Admissible curves through u0 are curves on the surface M that pass through u0. The normal vector (Z)1G1(«0), D2Gi(u0), Z)3G1(«0)) exists at u0, and according to (20c) it is different from zero. The tangent vectors are equal to the intuitive tangent vectors to the curve on the surface. (ii) The tangent space TMUa consists precisely of all heU3 such that G'(u0)h = 0, i.e., h is perpendicular to the normal vector. The tangent plane u0 + TMUa coincides with the intuitive tangent plane ^{u0) in Fig. 43.3. TMUo arises from ^{u0) by translation to the zero point. TMUo is homeomorphic to 0¾2. (iii) u0 is a regular point, i.e., a neighborhood of u0 in the tangent plane is homeomorphic to a neighborhood of u0 on the surface by virtue of the mapping u0 + h^> <p(/i). Moreover, (18b) holds. (iv) M is a C1-manifold when (20c) holds for all u0eU3 such that G(u0) = 0. If, in addition, all G; possess continuous partial derivatives up to and including the rth order, then M is a C-manifold.
286 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems Example 43.13 (Curve, Point). For n = 2 or n = 3, M is a curve through u0 or u0 is an isolated point, respectively. As an exercise, the reader may explicitly formulate the assertions of Theorem 43 .C below and, parallel to Example 43.12, interpret them intuitively. We only mention that if the nondegeneracy condition (20a), (20b) holds for all u0 e R3, where G(u0) = 0, then M is a C1-manifold. Example 43.14. Let U be an open set in the B-space X, and let u0 e U. All t^>u(t) with u(t) = u0 + th are admissible curves. For this reason, each h in X is a tangent vector. Consequently, TMu<j = X. One can choose <p(h) = u0 + h as a local coordinate mapping. Thus, U is a C°°-manifold. 43.6d. Submersions This concept is basic to the implicit construction of manifolds in Theorem 43.C below. Definition 43.15. If X, Y are B-spaces over K, then a mapping G: D{G) c X -*Y is called a submersion at u0 (respectively, an immersion at u0) if and only if the following hold: (i) G is continuously F-differentiable in a neighborhood of u0. (ii) G'(u0): X-*Y is surjective, i.e., R(G'(u0)) = Y (respectively G'(u0) is injective). (iii) The null space N(G'(u0)) splits X, i.e., there exists a continuous projection operator P of X on N(G'(u0)); therefore, X-N(G'{u0))®{I-P)(X). (respectively, R(G'{u0)) splits Y). Example 43.16. N(G'(u0)) splits X when dimN(G'(u0))<co holds or codim N(G'(u0)) < oo or X is an H-space. Note that N(G'(u0)) is always a closed subspace. Then in an H-space X there even exists an orthogonal projection operator of X on N(G'(u0)). 43.6e. Construction of Manifolds We now formulate the main result of this section. Theorem 43.C (Ljusternik (1934)). Suppose that the following two conditions hold: (i) G: D(G)c. X -» Y is a submersion at u0 with G(u0) — Q,and Xand Yare B-spaces over K, where U =U or C. (ii) We set M= {« e Z>(G): G(«) = 0}.
43.6. The Generalized Implicit Function Theorem and Manifolds in B-Spaces 287 Then: (1) Tangent space, h is a tangent vector of M at u0 if and only if G'(u0)h = 0, i.e., TMUo= N(G'(u0)). (2) Local structure. There exists a homeomorphism ip: Fc TMUi -+ M of an open neighborhood of zero, V, in TMUa onto an open neighborhood of u0 in M. Furthermore, <p is continuously F-differentiable and(p(h) — u0 + h + o{\\h\\) as h -* 0 on V. (3) Manifold. If D(G) is open and G is a submersion for all u0 from D(G) such that G(u0) = Q, then M is a ^-manifold. If, in addition, G is a C-mapping on D(G), then M forms a C-manifold. (4) Isolated solution. For N(G'(u0)) = {0}, u0 is an isolated solution of the equation G(u) = 0. Note that assertion (2) contains assertion (18b) above of the generalized implicit function theorem and the fact that u0 is a regular point of M as a particular case. The proof of Theorem 43.C will be given in Section 43.7. 43.6f. Tangential Mapping We will now use <j> to describe the local behavior of mappings defined on a neighborhood of u0 in M. Corollary 43.17. Let F: U{u0) c X -* Z be F-differentiable at u0. Let X, Y, Z be B-spaces over K and suppose that G satisfies the assumptions of Theorem 43.C. Then F(<p{h)) = F(u0)+ F'{u0)h + o(P||) ash-*0 holds for all h in a neighborhood of zero of TMU . This decomposition gives occasion for the following definition. Definition 43.18. Let the mapping F: U(u0) c X-* Z be F-differentiable at u0, where X and Z are B-spaces over K. Let M be a set in X which has a tangent space TMUa at u0. Then we set TF{u0)h = F'{u0)h for all h e TMUo and we call the continuous linear operator TF(u0): TMUa~+ Z the tangent mapping or the differential of F at u0 with respect to M. In Section 44.4, the tangent mapping will play a focal role in the formulation of the Palais-Smale condition. TF(u0) is nothing other than the restriction of F'(u0) to the tangent space TMUa. Instead of TF(u0), one also uses TF. or T. F.
^6 43. i^agimige Muiupuvi's andugtuvalue Fiuwcuis 43.7. Proof of Theorem 43.C The intuitive content of the proof is contained in Fig. 43.3. Let Xl~N(G'(u0)); therefore, Xx = PX, and let X2=(I-P)X. We decompose X by X= XX®X2. Then each u in X can be uniquely represented as u — ux-\-u2, uleXl,u2eX2. In this connection, ux — Pu, u2 = (I— P)u. To begin with, we assume *i*{0}. (Ad 2) The simple idea of the proof is to solve the equation def F(ux, u2) — G(u0 + ux + u2) = 0 with the aid of the implicit function theorem in the form u2 — ^(Mj) in a neighborhood of zero in Xv To this end, we verify the assumptions of the implicit function theorem (Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7). (I) For F: 1/(0,0) c X1X X, -* Y, F(0,Q) = G(u0) = 0. Let [/(0,0) be an appropriate open neighborhood of (0,0). (II) According to the chain rule (Proposition 4.10), FUi{u1,u2)h = G\u0 + u1+u2)h for all h e Xt (21) holds on 1/(0,0). Here, Fu, FUj are continuous on U(0,0); consequently, F is continuously F-differentiable on U(Q,0) (Proposition 4.14). def (III) We set A = FUi(0,0) and show that A: X2 -* Y is linear, continuous, and bijective, for, according to (21), A equals the restriction of G'(u0) to X2 and G'(u0)h = 0, h^X2=*heXl=*h = Q as well as R(A) = R(G'(u0)) = Y. According to Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7, there exists a number 8 > 0 and a neighborhood of zero on Xlx X2, 1^(0,0), such that for each uY e Xl with II**ill < * there is exactly one <H"i) e X2 with (uv <H"i)) e W(0,0) and *•(«!,*(«!))-<). (22) Moreover, \p is continuously F-differentiable. From (22), by partial differentiation with respect to uu it follows that ^(0,0) + ^(0,0)^(0)-0. (21) shows that FUi(0,0) = 0; therefore A^'(0) = 0, i-e-> t'{0) = 0- Since ^(0) = $'(0) = 0, we have <K"i) = c-dlwjl) as ux -* 0. def Now we set <p("i) = "o + "l + >K"i)- Then <p is a homeomorphism of a sufficiently small neighborhood of zero in Xx onto a neighborhood of u0 in
43.8. Lagrange Multipliers 289 M. The inverse mapping of 9 is realized by the projection P. We observe that for sufficiently small e > 0, \\u — u0\\ <e, G(u) = Q =* u = u0 + ul + u2, ul = P(u — u0) => H^ll <8=>u2 = y}>(ui) =*u = <p(Ui). If G is a C-mapping in an open neighborhood of u0, then F is a C-mapping in a neighborhood of zero, and thus so are 1^,9, according to Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7. (Ad 1) If A is a tangent vector and u(-) is the corresponding admissible curve, then from G(u(t)) = 0 and u(Q) = u0, u'(0) = A by differentiation with respect to t at t = 0, it follows immediately that G'(u0)h = 0. Conversely, if G'(u0)h = 0 holds, then u(t) = <p(th) is an admissible curve according to assertion (2). (Ad 3) Let u0 together with u0 be another point for which G(u0) = 0 and let the corresponding mapping be ¢. If u in M possesses the two representations u = <p{h), h^TMUa, and k = 9(A), h^TM„a, then by the construction of 9, the relation A = P(u — u0) = P(9(A)— u0) follows. Since P ° 9 is continuously F-differentiable, M is a C'-manifold. If G is a C-mapping, then so are 9 and P ° 9, i.e., M is a C-manifold. We now assume that Xx = N(G'(u0))= {0}. According to the inverse function theorem in Section 4.13, G is a local C'-diffeomorphism. Consequently, u0 is an isolated solution of G(u) = Q in X. Thus, assertion (4) holds. The only admissible curve in M through u0 is u(t) — u0; therefore, TMU= {0} = N(G\u0)). This is (1). Assertion (2) becomes trivial with ip(A) = u0 for all A e TMUo, i.e., A = 0. (3) is proved as above. Thus Theorem 43.C in Section 43.6 is proved. Corollary 43.17 follows immediately from F(u0 +k) = F{u0) + F'{uQ)k + o(\\k\\) ask->QonX and M0 + yc = 9(A) = «0 + A+o(||A||) asA->0. 43.8. Lagrange Multipliers We consider the minimum problem ^(1*) = min! with the side condition G(k)=0 and G: D{G) cX->7. For fixed u0, let G{u0) = 0. We again set M D{G): G(u) = 0}. Condition (24) below is crucial. (23a) (23b)
290 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems Theorem 43.D (Ljusternik (1934)). Suppose that the following two conditions are satisfied: (i) F: U(u0) C.X-+M is F-differentiable at u0, and X and Y are real B-spaces. (ii) G is a submersion at u0. Then: (1) Necessary condition. If F has a bound local minimum at u0 with respect to M, then there exists a A e Y* such that F'(u0)k-A(G'{u0)k) = Q forallk^X. (24) (2) Sufficient condition. F has a bound strict local minimum at u0 with respect to M when the following two conditions are fulfilled: (a) F and G are n-times continuously F-differentiable in an open neighborhood of u0, where n is an even integer, n>2. (b) There exists a number c> 0 and a functional A e Y * such that F^(u0)kr- A(G(r~>(u0)kr) = Q, r = 1,...,/1-1, F("\u0)h" - A(G(n){u0)h") > c\\h\\" for all k^X and all h e X such that G'(u0)h = 0. A is called a Lagrange multiplier. Analogous assertions hold for a maximum. Then, one has only to replace " > c||A||"" by " < — c||A||"" in (b). Proof. (1) According to Theorem 43.C in Section 43.6, TMU= N{G'{u0)). For this reason, for each h in N(G'(u0)) there exists an admissible curve t <-* u(t) in M passing through u0; therefore, G(u(t)) = 0, u(Q) = u0, u'(0) = def h. Differentiation yields G'{u0)h = 0. Let f(t) = F(u(t)). Then/possesses a local minimum at t = 0; therefore, /'(0) = 0, i.e., F'(u0)h = 0 for all h with G'(u0)h = 0. Now, Proposition 43.1 yields the assertion. (2) Let n = 2. The proof proceeds analogously for n > 2. We set H(u) = F(u)-A{G(u)). For r = 1,2, /T(«„)*'= F<'>(«0)*'-A(G<"(«0)*'). By the Taylor theorem, because H'(u0)k = Q,sve have H{u)-H{u0) = H"(u0)(u-u0)+o(\\u-u0\\)2 as«-«0. (25) Parallel to Theorem 43.C, (2) in Section 43.6, we choose u = <p(h) for h in a small neighborhood of zero, V, on TMUo. Then G(u) = 0; therefore H{u) = F(u). Since <p(h) — u0 + h + o(PH), from (25) we thus obtain that for all F(<p(h))-F{u0) = H"(u0)h2 + o(\\h\\2) > c\\h\\2 + o(\\h\\2) as h -»0.
43.9. Critical Points and Lagrange Multipliers 291 Since <p(V) is a neighborhood of u0 on M, F has a strict local minimum at w0. □ We now generalize Theorem 43.D by weakening the assumptions on G. The formula X0F'(u0)k-A(G'(u0)k) = 0 for allk el (26) is the focal point. Proposition 43.19. Suppose that the following three conditions hold: (i) F: U(u0)C X-+Y is F-differentiable at u0. Here, X and Y are real B-spaces. (ii) G: U(u0) C X -* Y is F-differentiable in an open neighborhood of u0 and G' is continuous at u0. (Hi) R(G'(u0)) is closed. Then if F has a bound local minimum with respect to the side condition M= {u e Z)(G): G(u) = 0} at u0, there exist a A0 in U and a A in Y* which are not both equal to zero such that (26) holds. We have A0 = 1 when the nondegeneracy condition R(G'(u0)) = Y is fulfilled. Proof. In the degenerate case R(G'(u0)) + Y, (26) holds with A0 = 0 and A + 0 by Corollary 43.2. If R(G'(u0)) = Y, then the assertion follows from Theorem 43.D in the case where G is a submersion, i.e., G is continuously differentiable in an open neighborhood of u0 and N(G'(u0)) splits X. Analogous to the proof of Theorem 43.D, (1), the proof of the assertion under the present weaker assumptions follows because TMUo= N(G'(u0)) according to Problem 43.2. □ 43.9. Critical Points and Lagrange Multipliers critical points is the f< = 0. (27) The point of departure for the definition of critical points is the formula d din«{t)) /-0 Definition 43.20. Let X be a real locally convex space. The functional F: D(F) c X-* U has a critical point with respect to M at u0 if and only if the following two conditions hold: (i) M is a subset of X such that u0 e Af, and D(F) contains an open neighborhood of u0 in M. (ii) (27) holds for all admissible curves t<-+u(t) in M that pass through u0, i.e., u(Q) = u0, u(t) e M for all t in a neighborhood of zero of 0¾1 and u'(0) exists.
292 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems If u0 e int M, i.e., M contains an open X-neighborhood of u0, then u0 is called a free critical point of F. For the sake of convenience, in the case of a free critical point we shall agree that in (27) only straight lines u(t) = u0 + th for arbitrary h in X will be considered. All of these straight lines are admissible. Then, by definition of the first variation, the following holds: If u0 e int M, then F has a free critical point at u0 if and only if 8F(u0;h) = Q for all A e*. (28) A critical point which corresponds neither to a local maximum nor a local minimum is called a saddle point. In particular, a critical point u0 of F is a saddle point with respect to M if for each neighborhood U(u0) there exist points v and w on M n U(u0) such that F(v) < F(u0) < F(w). We have already explained the intuitive meaning of critical points in Section 37.3. If F has a critical point with respect to M at u0, then we also say that F is stationary with respect to M at u0. If X is a real B-space, the F-derivative F'(u0) exists, and M has a tangent space TMUo at u0, then we have the following criterion: u0 is a critical point of F with respect to M if and only if F'{u0)h = 0 for all h e TMu<j. (29) This is equivalent to the assertion that the tangential mapping TF(u0): TMUo-*M equals zero. (29) follows from (28), the chain rule, and the definition of TM„. We now consider the problem F(u) = stationary!, (30) G(u) = Q and its connection with Lagrange multipliers. If we set M = { u e D{G): G{u) = 0}, then (30) means that we seek critical points of F with respect to M. Parallel to (30), we note the following crucial condition: X0F'(u0)k-A(G'(u0)k)=0 for all k e X. (31) Proposition 43.21. Suppose that the following two conditions hold: (i) F: U(u0)c. X -* U is F-differentiable at u0\ X and Y are real B-spaces- (ii) G: D(G)c. X -*Y is a submersion at u0 such that G(u0) = 0. Then F has a critical point with respect to M at u0 if and only if (31) holds for a fixed A e Y* and h0=l. Corollary 43.22. If F satisfies the assumptions of Proposition 43.21 and G satisfies the weaker (relative to Proposition 43.21) assumptions of Proposition
43.10. Application to Real Functions in R 293 43.19, then the following holds: If F has a critical point with respect to M at u0, then there exist a A0 in U and a A in Y*, where not both are simultaneously equal to zero, such that (31) holds. In the nondegenerate case, R(G'(u0)) = Y, we can choose A0 == 1. Proof. We use only the fact that TMUg= N(G'(u0)). This relation follows from Theorem 43.C in Section 43.6. If u0 is a critical point, then from (29) it immediately follows that F'(u0)h = 0 for all h such that G'(u0)h = 0; therefore, (31) holds according to Proposition 43.1. Conversely, if (31) holds and f-*u(t) is an admissible curve in M that passes through u0, then G{u(t)) = Q and G'(u0)u'(0) = 0; therefore, F'(u0)u'(0) = 0 according to (31) and thus we have (27). □ Corollary 43.22 is proved analogously with the aid of TMUo = N(G'(u0)) for R(G'(u0)) = Y according to Problem 43.2. If R(G'(u0)) * Y, then we set A0 = 0 and use Corollary 43.2. 43.10. Application to Real Functions in UN We consider the minimum problem with side conditions: F(u)= mini, (32a) Gt(u)=Q, i =1,..., A"; K<N. (32b) The following two conditions are crucial, (i) There exist real numbers ^,...,^ and A0 =1 such that A0Z^(k0)-£a,Z>,.G,.(k0) = 0, j = l,...,N. (33) (ii) For all h e u N such that G({u0)h = 0, i = 1,..., K and fixed c> 0, F"(u0)h2- ZKG"{^)h2>c\\h\\\ (34) i-l To be precise, we assume: (HI) The functions F, GV...,GK: U(u0)QUN-+U, N>1, possess continuous partial derivatives up to and including order n in the open neighborhood U(u0). Let u = (iv...,iN) and D} = d/d^. (H2) The rank of the K X N matrix (DjGt(u0)) is maximal, i.e., equal to K.
294 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems From (HI) it immediately follows that F,GV...,GK are n-times continuously F-differentiable on U{u0) and F^{u0)h = ZDj,---DJF{u0)hJi---hJr for r == 1,...,n. The summation is oveijv...,jr from 1 to N. An analogous formula holds for the Gt. According to (H2), G is a submersion at u0, i.e., R(G'(u0)) = UK. Proposition 43.23. Suppose (//1) and (//2) are fulfilled and that u0 satisfies the side condition (32b). Then the following hold: (1) Let n=\ in (//1). If F has a bound local minimum with respect to the side condition (32b), then (i) holds. Condition (i) is necessary and sufficient for F to have a critical point with respect to (32b) at u0. (2) Let n = 2 in (//1). Then (i) and (ii) are sufficient for F to possess a bound strict local minimum with respect to (32b) at u0. Now we consider (32a) without the side condition (32b). Corollary 43.24. If F satisfies the assumption (//1) for n=\, then u0is a free critical point of F if and only if (33) holds for \0 = l,\l= ••• = XK = Q. Proof. We set G(u)= (Gx(u),...,GK(u)) and apply Theorem 43.D in Section 43.8 as well as Proposition 43.21 with X=UN, Y=UK, A = (XV...,XK). Corollary 43.24 follows from(28). □ If the nondegeneracy condition (H2) is violated, then, in general, one can formulate the Lagrange multiplier rule as follows. Corollary 43.25. If F satisfies the assumption (//1) with n=\ and F has a bound local minimum or a critical point with respect to the side condition (32b) at u0, then there exist numbers X0, XV...,XK, which are not all simultaneously equal to zero, such that (33) holds. Proof. If (H2) is not fulfilled, then the assertion follows from Proposition 43.19 with X0 = 0 and Corollary 43.22. □ 43.11. Application to Information Theory We consider an experiment e having the possible results ev...,en. Letpt be the probability for the occurrence of et. We define the entropy S of e by n S=-kZpMPi- (35) i-i
43.11. Application to Information Theory 295 Here, we agree to set Pjln Pi = Q for pt = 0. Thus, S is continuous on def /c is a constant that is freely at our disposal. In statistical physics, k equals the Boltzmann constant, i.e., k = (1.380)10^23 Ws/grd. In information theory, we choose k so that n S--T,P,to&2Pf (36) /-i Then the unit of S is called a bit. Before we motivate the definition (35), as an application of the Lagrange multiplier rule, we prove the following simple assertion. Proposition 43.26. S assumes its maximum on M at exactly the point p° — (Pi,...,p°), where p° = ■ ■ • = p°; thus,pf = l/n for i = 1,...,n. Furthermore, 5(/) = k Inn. Proof. The existence of a maximum point/ follows from the fact that S is n def continuous on the compact set M. Let p" eintK where K = [p <eU": Q<Pi<l, i —1,...,n). From Proposition 43.23, due to the side condition pl+ ••• +pn=l, it immediately follows that dS{p°)/dpt = \, / = 1,...,«, i.e., -A:(lnp° +1) = \, thusp°l = ---= p°. Now, by induction on n, one easily shows that p° e dK is impossible. □ Example 43.27. We consider the special case n = 2 and set I{Pi) = S(Pi> 1-Pi)- Then I has the form of Fig. 43.4. Now we motivate the definition of S. Heuristically, S is a measure of the uncertainty of the outcome of the trial. We first consider the case n = 2 in Fig. 43.4. For px = 1, p2 = 0 and px = 0, p2 = 1, the outcome is absolutely certain and S equals zero. For Pi = p2^h the outcome is the most uncertain and S is greatest. We also designate S as information. In this connection, we take the following standpoint: If one carries out an experiment, then the information obtained is greatest when the outcome of the trial is most uncertain. I , ,1 . \ -pj I 1 2 Figure 43.4
296 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems Table 43.1 Trial Result Probability e e„ i=l,...,n Pi=l/n f fj, ./=1,...,m qj = l/m ef ptJ = l/nm In order to motivate the concrete form of S, we consider three experiments e,f, and e/as given in Table 43.1. Here, ef consists of simultaneously carrying out of e and /, where we assume e and/to be mutually independent. For this reason the probabilities are multiplied. We set /(//) = 5(/^,...,/7,,), where/?, = 1/« for all /'. Then the entropy of e, /, and ef is equal to /(//), /(m), and /(nm) respectively. We now require J(nm) = /(//)+ /(m). (37) This condition lies at the heart of the following intuitive idea: We can convey the information to a remote experimenter $ty means of a channel or even over two channels concerning e and /. In this connection we now expect that the data add up. According to Problem 43.7a one obtains all continuous functions /: ]0,oo[-»R such that f{xy) = f{x) + f{y) for all x, y e ]0, oo[ by f(x) = k In x, where k e R is fixed. For this reason we set /(«) = klnn; therefore, S(p,...,p)*= - klnp where// = 1///. This is (35). In case of distinct probabilities /?,, S in (35) is the expected value of - k In p. In Problem 43.7c we give a deeper information-theoretical interpretation of the S in (36). Roughly speaking, it turns out that NS is equal to the average number of questions that one must ask in order to determine the result of a trial sequence of N trials in the case where the questions are answered solely by "yes" or "no." 43.12. Application to Statistical Physics. Temperature as a Lagrange Multiplier We consider the following basic model. Suppose a system has the possible states Z1;...,Z„ with the corresponding energies Ev...,En, n > 3, where not all of the Ej's are equal. Let//; be the probability that the system is in the def state Zj. We set// = (Pu---,p„) as well as def , K= {/ze[R": 0 <//( <1, /=1,...,//), def " S{p)= -kl_lpi]xxpi ;-i
■*U I. Application to Statistical Physics. Temperature as a Lagrange Multiplier 297 and determine pt from the requirement S(p) = max!, P^K, tpi = h (38) 1=1 tpA = E j==i lm fixed E. This fundamental problem of statistical physics has the following physical interpretation. We assume that the system 2 is part of a very kuge system 20. Suppose 2 stands in energy exchange with 20. However, Mippose the interaction is so weak that one can attribute an average energy in 2. For example, one can imagine 2 to be a gas in a container and 20 to be the Earth together with the Earth's atmosphere. (38) means that the entropy is maximal. By the second law of thermodynamics, the entropy S cannot decrease. The state which realizes maximal entropy is a stationary final state. From the standpoint of information theory in Section 43.11, mi lure seeks to realize states with maximal information. Proposition 43.28. If (38) possesses a solution with p e int K, then there exist iciil numbers C, X such that j?, = Cexp\£,, i' = l,...,«. 1'roof. According to Proposition 43.23, we have SPI(P)~ \x-M/"0; therefore, - k(In p, +1) = X1 + X2Et. □ C and X are determined by the side conditions in (38); thus, expXjB, ,„ . P,= n . 1-=1,...,«• (39) £ exp XEj /-1 In statistical physics, one sets \= -1/kT. Then T turns out to be the ahsolute thermodynamic temperature. The connection between T and E is obtained from E = 2,"=1^£,. fl: E (-l)MD"LD«u(X,D(u(X))) = 0. (42) We now extend the model by assuming that in a state Z, of the system, lliere belongs not only the energy Et but also a second quantity N„ where Nt, in general, represents the number of particles. We assume that it is meaning- lul to speak about the average number N of particles of the system 2, since
298 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems the exchange with the more comprehensive system 20 is rather weak. Then we have yet to add the side condition ipA = N (38a) i = i in (38) where N is fixed. Let p be a solution of (38), (38a), with p e int K. If the nondegenerate case occurs, i.e., the rank of the matrix 1 1 --1 Ei E2 - • • En lA N2 ••• N„J is equal to 3, then from Proposition 43.23 it follows that there exist real numbers X1,X2,X3 such that Sp,{p)-K-KEi-X3N, = 0; therefore, pt = Cexp XEt + /*iV, and consequently ^ «pXfi,+^ i = K n (4Q) £ cxpXEj + ixNj > = i In statistical physics one chooses kT' ** kT Here, Tis the absolute temperature and f is called the chemical potential per molecule. This plays an important role in physical chemistry. The connection between T, f and E, N is obtained from e-ZpA, n-Zpm i-i i=i and (40). Formulas (39) and (40) are of fundamental significance in statistical physics. The model pertaining to (39) or (40) is called the canonical ensemble or the large canonical ensemble, respectively. We shall treat physical applications in Chapter 68. For example, we shall consider Planck's radiation law and the evolution of the universe after the Big-Bang. The crucial physical problem consists in making the concepts of state Z, precise and calculating Et, N, for a state Z,-. Here, one has various possibilities (classical Gibbs statistics in phase space, Einstein-Bose statistics, Fermi-Dirac statistics). In this connection, quantum theory plays a crucial role. In Chapter 67 it will be shown that the determination of thermodynamic equilibrium states of physical and chemical systems leads to extremal problems for real functions (thermodynamic potentials) with side conditions and can be treated with the aid of Lagrange multipliers. For example, the Gibbs phase rule and the fundamental mass action law in chemistry are obtained in this way.
43.13. Application to Variational Problems with Integral Side Conditions 299 43.13. Application to Variational Problems with Integral Side Conditions We consider the minimum problem f L(x,Du(x)) c?x = min!, Dau = 0 on dQ for all a, \a\<m-l, (41) I H(x,Du(x))dx = c, where c is some constant. Here, we use the notation from Section 40.5. In particular, Du symbolizes the function u and all its partial derivatives up to and including order m. Let d be the number of components of Du. According to Section 40.5, the Euler equation for L reads as follows: Q: £ (-l)WZ>«Wx,/>(«(*)) = 0. (42) \cc\ < m We assume: (HI) Q is a bounded region in 0¾N and L, H eCm+\Q xUd), N,m> 1. By the generalized or distributional form of (42) we understand / E LD.u(x,Du(x))Dahdx = Q for all h e C0°°(Q). (42a) This relation follows from (42) by multiplication by h and subsequent integration by parts. If ueC2m(Q), then (42) follows, conversely, from (42a) in reverse by integration by parts. In order to formulate (41) functional analytically, we set X= {ueCm{U): Dau = 0 on 30 for all a, \a\ < m -1}, def /■ def /■ F(u) = I L(x, Du) dx, G(u) — j H(x, Du) dx — c. Then (41) reads as follows: F(u) = mini, ueX, G(u) = Q. (43) Proposition 43.29. Suppose (HI) holds. If, with respect to the side conditions in (43), F has a bound local minimum or a critical point, then there exist real numbers X0 and X which are not both zero such that (42) holds in the generalized sense (42a) with £? = \0L + \H instead of L. We have X0 = l when the side condition is not degenerate, i.e., (42) does not hold in the generalized sense with H instead of L.
3U0 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Egenvalue Problems Proof. We have G: X -» Y, where Y=U. If we denote the left-hand side of (42a) by {L}, then F'(u)h={L}, G'{u)h={H), where R{G'{u)) = U or R{G'{u))= {0}. In both cases, R{G'{u)) is closed. From Proposition 43.19 or Corollary 43.22 it follows that XQF'(u)h + XG'{u)h = Q for all h e X, where \20 + X2 + 0 and \0 = 1 for R{G'{u)) = 0¾. □ Proposition 43.29 refers to smooth solutions of the variational problem (41). In an analogous way, one can handle nonsmooth solutions that lie in Sobolev spaces. Parallel to 42.7, one then has to take into account that the integrands in (41) satisfy growth conditions so that the integrals exist. 43.14. Application to Variational Problems with Differential Equations as Side Conditions We now replace the integral side condition (41) with differential equations, i.e., we consider the problem f L(x,Du(x)) dx= mini, (44) Dau = Q on dQ for all a, \a\ < m- 1, Gk(x,Du(x))^Q onQfork = l,...,K. In this connection, u=(ult...,Uj), and Du symbolizes the partial derivatives of all Uj up to and including order m. Let the number of components of Du be /■ d. The Euler equations belonging to L read as follows: B. £ (-l?4D"LD.Uj(x,Du(x)) = 0, /-1,...,/, (45) |«| < m with the corresponding generalized (or distributional) form ( E LD.u.(x,Du(x))Dtthi(x)dx = 0 for all/j, eC0°°(J2), (45a) " |o| < m j = 1,...,J. An important role is played by the inhomogeneous linearized form of the side conditions E E (Gt)B.Hy(x,zMx))z>»M*)~gt(x) (46) j = 1 |o| s m with k—1,..., K. We write (44) as a functional analysis problem in the form f(«) = min!, ueX, G{u) = 0. (47)
43.14. Variational Problems with Differential Equations as Side Conditions 301 Here, F(u) is the integral in (44) and def G{u){x) = (Gl{x,Du{x)),...,Gk{x,Du{x))). Let X be the B-space of all u = (ux,..., Uj) with UjeCm(Q) and DaUj = Q on dQ for ally = 1,...,J and all a, \a\ < m -1 equipped with the usual norm. We now make the following assumptions, where u is a fixed solution of (HI) Q is a bounded region in Dl" and L, G1,...,GJ(eCm+\Q)XUJd), N, mil. (H2) Variations with respect to u.. For each he X such that G'{u)h = 0, i.e., (46) with gk = 0 for all k, there exists a function (x, t) •-> u(x, t) with the following properties: (i) u eCm(Q x[-t0,t0]) for fixed t0 > 0. (ii) u(x,Q)= u(x), 5,(x,0) = h(x) on Q. (iii) For each (e[-(0, r0], 5(-, t) satisfies the boundary and side conditions in (44). Then relative to the side condition G(v) = Q, to u there corresponds an admissible curve in X passing through u and having h as tangent vector. (H3) Closedness. Let def -L .,. def JL Z=Y\W2mW, Y= U L2{Q). j = 1 k = 1 If h runs through the space Z, then the right-hand sides g = {gx,..-,gK) in (47) form a closed set in Y. Proposition 43.30. Suppose F has a bound local minimum or a critical point relative to the side condition in (47) at u in X, and (//1)-(//3) hold for u. Then there exist functions Xj,...,?^ in L2(Q) such that the Euler equation (45) holds in the generalized sense (45a) in the case where L is replaced by <e=L + z«=l\kGk. Proof. If we replace u in (44) by u, then the derivative of the integral at t = Q must equal zero. Since u,(x,0)= h(x), we have F\u)h = 0, G'k(u)h = 0. Moreover, the left-hand side of (45a) and (46) correspond to F\u)h and G'k(u)h, respectively. Thus, according to (H2), the following holds: F'(u)h = 0 for all h e Xsuch that G\u)h = 0. (48) Since X is dense in Z, by passing to the limit in (48), we obtain F'{u)h = 0 for all fceZ such that G'{u)h = Q. (48a) Furthermore, the operators F'(u): X-+H and G\u): X-+Y can be
302 43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems extended to continuous linear operators F'(u): Z-*U and G'{u): Z-*Y. Assumption (H3) means that R(G'(u)) is closed in Y. Now from (48a) and Proposition 43.1 we obtain the existence of a A e Y* such that F'(u)h + AG'{u)h = Q for all ft eZ. Y is an H-space. By the Riesz theorem (Proposition 21.17), A = (\lt ...,XK), where \k e L2(Q) for all k, i.e., F'{u)h+(Y,\kG'k(u)hdx = 0 for all h e Z. ■>a k For ^ = (0,...,^.,0,...,0), where Ay.eC0°°(Q), (45a) follows from this immediately with L replaced by JS?. □ In multidimensional variational problems, the closedness condition (H3) can cause difficulties. In principle, the condition R(G'(u))=Y can be characterized according to a general surjectivity theorem by a priori estimates for the operator adjoint to G'(u) (cf. Problem 43.3). If one does not succeed in verifying (H3), then one cannot apply Proposition 43.30 in order to verify the Lagrange multiplier rule as a necessary condition. However, independent of this, there exists the possibility of using Lagrange multipliers in a simple way to obtain sufficient conditions. To this end, let it be assumed that we know: (a) a tuple of functions u = (ul,...,uJ) that satisfies the side conditions in (44) (b) and lagrange multipliers, i.e., functions Xl,...,XK that satisfy the Euler equation (45) (or, more generally, (45a)) with if = L + \lGl + • • • + XKGK instead of L. Then instead of (44) we consider the problem L + E KGk dx = ^111. i44*) k-i I Dau = 0 ondOforalla, |a|<m-l. If we can verify, for example, with the aid of the sufficiency criteria given in Section 40.2 with respect to the second variation, that u is a solution of (44*), then we have obviously obtained a solution u of (44). In Proposition 43.30, we considered a smooth solution u. These considerations can be extended directly to solutions in the Sobolev space W™(Q) that are not necessarily smooth, provided certain growth conditions are placed on the functions L and Gk, parallel to Section 42.7. Then, with the assumptions (HI) and (H3), Proposition 43.19 can be applied to F: .Z-*U, G: Z-*Y. Here, (H3) guarantees that R(G'(u)) is closed. (H2) need not be assumed here. I
Problems 303 If the side conditions Gk(x, u(x)) = Q do not depend on the derivatives, then the closedness condition (H3) cannot be fulfilled at first. However, by differentiation with respect to x, side conditions that contain derivatives result. For example, Gx + 2,G„ Z>« = 0 follows from G(x, u(x)) = 0. Problems In particular we recommend that the reader study the set of Problems 43,4 where general Banach manifolds are considered, 43.1, The quotient theorem. Let X, Y, and Z be B-spaces over K, We consider the diagram B x z . \ A m Y where AeL(X,Y), BeL(X,Z), and R(A) = Y, N(A)cN(B), Show: There exists exactly one operator Q in L(Y,Z) such that B = Q°A, i.e., (49) is commutative. Hint: Compare Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M), 0,1,4, Use the open mapping theorem (cf. Ax(36)). This proposition generalizes Proposition 43.1, One can think of Q as a quotient, 43,2,* General theorem on tangent vectors. Prove: TMU= N(G'(u0)) del for M = { u e D(G): G(u) = 0} provided: (i) X, Y are B-spaces over K, (ii) G; D(G) c X-* Y is F-differentiable in an open neighborhood of u0, and G' is continuous at u0, (iii)/J(G'(«0))-y. These assumptions are weaker than those in Theorem 43,C in Section 43,6. In particular, here we forego the splitting property for N(G'(u0)), Hint: Compare Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M), 0,2,4, Use the Banach fixed point theorem for multivalued mappings (Theorem 9,A in Section 9,1), 43,3, Surjectivity theorem, R(G'(u0)) closed and the condition R(G'(u0)) = Y play an important role in the applicability of the Lagrange multiplier rule. We give a general criterion for this. Prove: Let A: D(A)c X-+Y be a closed linear operator with dense domain of definition D(A), Let X and Y be B-spaces, Then R(A) = Y if and only if A* has a continuous inverse, i.e., there exists a number c > 0 such that ||/f*y*||:>c||.y*|| for ally* eD(A*), (50) Use the closed range theorem (Ax (39)), Hint: Compare Yosida (1965, M), VII, 5, Consequence 1. In particular, every continuous linear operator A: X -» Y is also closed. If A is the closure of a differential operator, then the a priori estimate (50)
43, Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems implies the solvability of the differential equation A u = / for all / in Y. In this connection, compare the general investigations of Browder (1959), In order to prove that R(G'(u0)) is closed, one can appeal to Proposition 8,14: A + B is a Fredholm operator, i.e., in particular, R(A + B) is closed provided A,B e L(X,Y), A is a Fredholm operator, and B is compact. Generalizations can be found in Kato (1966, M), Theorems 5,22, 5,26, etc, .4, Banach manifolds. In Definition 43,10 we considered manifolds in a fixed B-space, For numerous applications this assumption is too restrictive. For instance, if one considers the Riemann surface of an analytic function, then this is a topological space on which one can calculate only locally as in the complex plane. The general concept of a Banach manifold comprises topological spaces on which one can calculate locally as in UN or, more generally, as in a B-space, This concept is of central significance in the natural sciences. It corresponds to the picture that one can describe objects in natural science locally by parameters. Important manifolds in physics are curves and surfaces in phase spaces (mechanics, statistical physics), Riemannian manifolds (general relativity theory; events are described in local coordinate systems by three space coordinates and a time coordinate), and Lie groups for describing symmetries and conservation quantities as well as fiber bundles (gauge field theories in elementary particle physics). In many cases one can abstractly embed given manifolds in a single space. According to Whitney an n-dimensional C°°-manifold with a countable basis, which is thus described locally by W, can be embedded as a surface in R2"+1 (cf. Section 73.21). In Part IV we shall study the theory of Banach manifolds in greater detail. 4a. Definition. We generalize Definition 43,10 in a natural way. A topological space M is called a C-Banach manifold if and only if the following two conditions hold: (i) For each point u e M there exist a B-space Xu over H, an open set Vu in Xu, and a mapping <p„: Vu c Xu -» M which maps Vu homeomorphically onto an open neighborhood of u in M (see Fig. 43.5). (ii) The mappings, which describe the change of local coordinates parallel to Definition 43.10, are C-mappings. If all Xu are equal to the same B-space X, then one says that M is a manifold which is modelled on the B-space X. 4b. General strateg)' of the theory of manifolds. By a change of local coordinates, we understand that instead of the local coordinates <p,71(tt) from Vu, to the point u we assign the local coordinates %\u) from V0, provided u lies in <p„(Ki) (see Fig. 43.5). The general strategy is that one calculates in local coordinates and takes into account the concepts that remain invariant relative to change of local coordinates. In this connection, the chain rule plays a central role. Only these concepts possess a general coordinate-free meaning for the manifold, i.e., they represent geometrical properties of the manifold. For example, on a C-manifold M, one can easily define a mapping F: M-+ R when F is a C-mapping. For this it suffices that F be a Cr-map-
I'M'blems 305 Figure 43,5 ping relative to Vu for all weM—to be precise, F°yu eC(Fu,IR) must hold, This property is preserved for a change of local coordinates, One can convince oneself of this explicitly with the help of the chain rule. Analogously, one can define C-maps F: M -> N between two C-Banach manifolds M and N. As our next example, we consider tangent vectors. 4J.4c. Tangent space, In Definition 43.8 tangent vectors appeared in a simple intuitive way because M was situated in a B-space X. We will now define tangent vectors at u and the tangent space TMU at u in an invariant way so that TMU s Xu holds (isomorphism of linear spaces). (i) Let M be a C^manifold. By definition, a differentiable curve C on M that passes through the point u e M is a C'-map y: U(0) cR^M with /(0) = u. Now consider local coordinates in Vu. Then u has the local coordinate ii = y~l{u). Furthermore, the curve C corresponds to the curve Cu on Vu with the tangent vector tu at u. To be more precise, Cu is given by x(r) = q>u\y(r)) and tu = x'(0) (see Fig. 43.5). (ii) By definition, two differentiable curves C in (i) are in contact at u if and only if they have the same tangent vector tu with respect to Vu. (iii) By definition, a tangent vector t of M at m is the collection of all differentiable curves passing through u which are in contact at u. We designate tu as the representative of t with respect to Vu. Sometimes one calls the representative tu of t a concrete tangent vector and t an abstract tangent vector of the manifold. Obviously, tu lies in the B-space Xu (see Fig. 43.5). With the aid of the chain rule, show that the concepts of a differentiable curve, of contact, and of a tangent vector introduced in (i)-(iii) are invariant relative to a change of local coordinate systems. Observe that the curve r*-*x(j) in Xu passes to t i-> <Kx(t)) in the space Xv. (iv) The set of all tangent vectors t at u forms a linear space TMU which is linearly isomorphic to Xu. In this connection, the linear operations on tangent vectors are defined by the corresponding operations on the representatives in Xu.
43. Lagrange Multipliers and Kgenvalue Problems Write the transformation rule for the representatives of the tangent vectors and derive that the linear operations for tangent vectors are independent of the local coordinate system. Solution: \j/(x(t))' = 4>'(x(t))x'(t); therefore, tv = $\u)tu and atf1 + Ptf> = ^'(u)(at^ + M2))- The tangential mapping TF(u). Let M, N be C'-manifolds and let F:M-*N be a C'-mapping. The tangential mapping def TF{u):TMu^TNF{u), TF(u)t~s (51) assigned to F is a linear mapping between the corresponding tangent spaces which results in a natural way when one refers F to local coordinates and linearizes (forming the F-derivative). This linearization acts on the representatives tu of the tangent vectors t. Using the chain rule, one can easily convince oneself that the assignment of Mo s = TF{u)t is independent of the choice of the representatives of t and s (also, cf. Section 72.6). u is called a critical point of F when TF(u) is not surjective. For C'-functionals F: M-*U, this coincides with a definition parallel to Definition 43.20. However, Definition 43.20 can also be applied to functional which are not of the type C1. The tangent bundle TM. Let M be a Cr-manifold modelled on the B-space X with r>l. Show that the collection TM of all pairs (u,t), where ue M, teTMu, forms a C~'-manifold which is modelled on XXI (tangent bundle). TM plays a central role in modern differential geometry. Intuitively, TM results when one attaches the tangent plane TMU at each point «e M(see Fig. 43.6). Solution: One assigns the set Vu X X to (u, t). The local coordinates of (u, t) are (<p„_1(")>'u)- Here, (p„_1(«) is the local coordinate of u and tu is the representative of t with respect to Vu. In the transition to Vv X X, one chooses the corresponding coordinates with respect to Vv, i.e., (<p„-1(«),/„) (see Fig. 43.5). In a natural way, the tangential mappings TF(u) for u e M in Problem 43.4d yield a mapping TF: TM -»TN of the tangent bundles. As an introduction to the theory of Banach manifolds and their applications, we recommend Marsden (1974, L). An excellent introduction to the theory of manifolds in U" that is conceptually very intuitive is Guillemin and Pollack (1974, M). Generalizations to Sobolev spaces. Use the hints given in Sections 43.12 and 43.13 to generalize the results of Propositions 43.29 and 43.30 to Sobolev ... /£U £ZJ/ Figure 43.6
Problems 307 spaces. Furthermore, study the applications to the Zermelo navigation problem and the form of the surface of a fluid under the influence of surface tension considered in Klotzler (1971, M), page 102. 43.6. Lagrange multipliers for one-dimensional variational problems. Explicitly carry out the proofs sketched in Section 37.4/. Numerous physically interesting applications can be found in Bolza (1949, M) and Krasnov (1975, M) (collection of exercises). 43.7. Information theory. In conjunction with Section 43.10 the following exercises should enable one to obtain a deeper understanding of information theory. 43.7a. A functional equation. Prove: If/: ]0, oo[ -» R is a continuous function such that/(xy) = /(*)+/(/) for all x,y <e]0,oo[, then/(x) = - klax for fixed keU. Hint: Compare Fichtenholz,(1972, M), Vol. I, Section 75. 43.7b. Number of trial results. Suppose that an experiment e yields the outcomes elt...,e„ with the corresponding probabilities px,...,pn. We perform the experiment N times. By a possible outcome of the experiment we mean e, e, • • • e, , (52) where each ej in (52) appears according to its probability, i.e., pjN times. The number A(N) of all possible outcomes of the experiment is AM A(N)~~(Pi*y----(p,N)\ ■ Show that N'1 InA{N)-^S/k as #-»00. Thus there results a further interpretation of the information S. Hint: Make use of the Stirling formula. Compare Brioullin (1956, M), page 7. 43.7c* Average number of optimal questions and the first fundamental theorem of information theory. Suppose an experimentalist E has obtained the outcome of the experiment (52) for fixed N. We wish to establish this result using the smallest number of questions, where E can answer each question by "yes" or "no." Let H{N) be the average number of questions that are needed in order to establish experimental outcomes of the form (52). Show: lim —\-'- = - £/>,log2/>,. (53) JV -»00 '» ,• _ 1 This assertion is called the first fundamental theorem of information theory. (53) shows that to establish the outcome of a sequence of experiments consisting of N mutually independent individual experiments for large N, we need approximately N- S questions, where S is the information appearing on the right-hand side of (53). Hint: Compare Tops0e (1974, M), Chapter 1. We will explain and make this problem precise by means of an example with n ~ 2. Suppose E draws a card. e1 and e2 mean "no trump" and "trump," respectively. The probabilities are px = | andp2~i, respectively. Now E draws N cards, where after each drawing the card is replaced and the deck shuffled, so that the
43. Lagrange Multipliers ana eigenvalue rrooienis Table 43.2 Outcome e\t\ eiei e2e1 e2e2 Probability PiPj 9.4-2 3-4-2 3-4-2 1-4-2 Questions (i) (i), (¾ (i), (ii), (iii) (i),(ii),(iii) Number of questions 1 2 3 3 drawings are mutually independent. Let N = 2. Table 43.2 shows the probabilities for the outcomes of the experiment. From this we deduce the following strategy of questioning: (i) Is it e1e1? (ii) Is it exe2l (iii) Is it e2e{! That is, we put the questions in this sequence and stop when the answer is "yes" for the first time. Obviously, it is not optimal to ask for e2e2 in the first step because, compared to (i), the probability is greater that the answer is "no." In the last column Table 43.2 shows the number of questions that one needs in order to establish the corresponding outcome e.e,. If E repeats the experiment in Table 43.2 very often and if m is the number of experiments, then the outcome e,ey occurs mptpj times on the average and the number of questions that we must ask in order to establish the correct outcome in all cases is equal to 1' mpiPi + 2 • mp1p2 + 3 ■ mp2px + 3 ■ mp2p2 = 1.688m. By definition, H( N) with N = 2 is the average number of questions, thus equal to 1.688. Consequently, //(2)/2 = 0.844. By (53), H(N)/N -> S as N -> 00 and S = 0.815. Application of information theory to physics, biology, medicine, linguistics, and communications technology. For this purpose, study Brioullin (1956, M) and Tops0e (1974, M) as well as the classical work of Shannon (1948). Axiomatics for S. One can show that S is uniquely determined by a few axioms. Such an axiom system can be found in Shannon (1948). The significance of the axioms is discussed in detail in Jaglom (1960, M), page 80. The proof of uniqueness under very weak assumptions can be found in Renyi (1977, M). It is recommended that the reader study this literature. Existence of free critical points. Study the Problems in Chapter 49. There we explain a number of different methods. Lagrange multipliers, bound arcs, and the main theorem on underdetermined systems of differential equations. We have already used the result below in an essential way in Section 37.4/ to obtain a simple derivation of the Lagrange multiplier rule for one-dimensional variational problems with differential equations as side conditions.
PiuuiCiiiS 30? For y = (yx,...,yn) we consider the boundary value problem Ftt{x,y,y') = 0, a = l,...,m (54a) y(x0)->y0, y(xi) = yu (54b) where 0<m<n and - oo < x0 < xx < oo. Parallel to this, we are interested in the perturbed boundary condition y(x0)=y0, yixj^h + b. (54c) Furthermore, in preparation we write the system E i"aiK)'- *«>« = °. «' = !,...,« (55) a = l for \a, where «*/(*) = ^~,\x,y(x),y\x)), - dy, M*) = ^(*./(*)./'(*))■ Let the function]' in Cl[x0, xy\ be a solution of (54a) and (54b). We denote the corresponding arc of the curve by C. By definition, C is said to be free if and only if the perturbed boundary value problem (54a) and (54c) has a solution for each & in a fixed neighborhood of the origin in R". Otherwise, we say that C is bound. Show: If C is bound, then there exist C'-functions \l,...,\m on (½^] which are not all identically zero and satisfy (55) when the following regularity assumptions are fulfilled; (i) All Fa are C'-functions on a neighborhood V of C. Here, V= {(x,y,y')&U2n+l:x&[x0,Xy\, \y-y{x)\<8, \y'~y'{x)\<,8} for a fixed S > 0. (ii) Along C the rank of the functional determinant d(Flt...,Fm) 3{yi,-,yi) is maximal, i.e., equal to m for all points (x, y(x), y'(x)), where x *= L-^o. X\\. Solution: In the following, let a = l,...,m, /8 = m + 1,...,n; i,j,k,r = 1,...,n. One always sums over two equal indices. Our point of departure is the system of differential equations Fa{x,y,y')-0, (56) F/,(x, y, y') = Cf,{x) + ejcpjix)
43. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems for suitable Fg, c^, and c^. In this connection, we choose all Fp as C'-functions on V so that d(Flt...,F„) a]ongC_ (5y) Due to (ii), this can be achieved by choosing Fp to be linear in all the variables yj and with coefficients depending on x. Then (57) can be realized first locally and then globally by means of a partition of unity. Furthermore, let Cpj e Cl[x0, x{[ and let c^ be so determined that y is a solution of (56). We denote by y — y(x, e) the solution of (56) that satisfies the initial condition y(x0,0) - y0. Suppose the parameter e lies in a neighborhood of the origin in U". Then solutions of the perturbed boundary value problem (54a) and (54c) are obtained from y{xl,e) = y{xl) + b. (58) To begin with, this equation has the trivial solution e = 0, b = 0. However, since C is bound, (58) cannot be solved in the form e = e(b) in a neighborhood of b = 0. Therefore, by the implicit function theorem from Section 4.8, we have — -^(^,0) = 0. d(.Ei,...,£„) def If we define dtJ{x) = dy(x,0)/dEj, then det(d^xj) = 0. If we set y = y{x, e) in (56), then by partial differentiation with respect to e^ we immediately obtain the system a^dlj+b^du-O, (59) afiid;j+bfijdtJ=-cfij. Since y(x0,e)^y0, we have djJ(x0) = 0. Parallel to (59), on [x0>*i] we consider the so-called adjoint system (\kakiy-bkl\k-0. (59*) (57) is equivalent to det(akj(x)) # 0 on [x0,Xi]. Therefore, (59*) has n linearly independent solutions \k r. We are finished if, say, X/3,i = 0 for all P — m +l,...,n. Due to the linear independence of the \kr, not all Kal, a = l,...,m, are identically equal to zero on [xo,*!], and we obtain our assertion from (59*) with \a = \a-1. In order to prove that X/31 = 0, we multiply (59) by \k r and sum over k. Then from (59 *) it follows that (fl*/rf,7^*.r)'=c/s//sr; thus (akid<jXk.r)(Xl)= ( lCpj\p rdx. Since AeX{dij{x{)) = 0, the multiplication theorem for determinants im-
References 311 mediately yields detl f CpjXp rdx =0. By (56) and our derivation, this relation holds for all c^ e C*[x0, x{[. Thus, the corresponding n X n matrix has rank less than n. Consequently, the first row, say, is linearly dependent on the remaining rows, i.e., / lkfj,ihfjdx = 0. Since Cpj is arbitrary, this holds for all hp e Cl[x0, x{\; therefore, \p x = 0 according to the variational lemma (Proposition 18.2). In this proof the reader should pay very careful attention to the fact that, for all e, in a neighborhood of the origin in R ", we obtain a global solution y = y(x, e) of (56) on [x^x^ having continuous partial derivatives with respect to Ey. To this end, use (57) and the implicit function theorem as well as the theorem on the dependence of solutions of ordinary differential equations on the parameters (cf. Section 4.11). These theorems first give local solutions. Due to the compactness of V, however, there exist global extensions. In this connection, one uses the Picard-Lindelof theorem with the corresponding assertions concerning the magnitude of the solution region in Section 3.1. References to the Literature Classical work: Ljusternik (1934). Lagrange multipliers: Vainberg (1956, M); Krasnoselskii (1956, M) (bifurcation); Browder (1965); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M) (general results); Maurin (1976, M), Vol. I. Galerkin method: Browder (1968), (1970a); Vainikko (1979, S,B) (linear problems); Zeidler (1980) (also, cf. the references to the literature in Chapter 22). Variational problems with side conditions: Bolza (1949, M,H); Courant and Hilbert (1953, M), Vol. I; Gelfand and Fomin (1961, M); Funk (1962, M,H); Hestenes (1966, M); Klotzler (1971, M) (multiple integrals); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M). Banach manifolds: Marsden (1974, L) (introduction); Lang (1972, M) (standard work); Schwartz (1969, M); Klingenberg (1978, M) (Hilbert manifolds); Abraham and Robbin (1967, M) (manifolds and dynamical systems). Finite-dimensional manifolds: Guillemin and Pollack (1974) (introduction); Schwartz (1964, L); Warner (1971, M); Dieudonne (1975, M), Volumes III-VI.
J12 4j. Lagrange Multipliers and Eigenvalue Problems Manifolds in mathematical physics: Marsden (1974, L); Guillemin and Sternberg (1977, M); Abraham and Marsden (1978, M); Choquet, Bruhat et al. (1982, M). Information theory: Shannon (1948) (classical work); Jaglom (1960, M) (introduction); Feinstein (1958, M). Emphasis on the applications: Brioullin (1956, M); Tops0e (1974, M). Information theory and ergodic theory: Billingsley (1965, M). Statistical physics: Sommerfeld (1962, M), Vol. V; Landau and Lifsic (1962, M), Vol. V; Kittel (1973, M). Modern algebraic approach to quantum statistics: Ruelle (1969, M); Bratteli and Robinson (1979, M) (also, cf. the references to the literature in Chapter 7 concerning quantum field theory). Statistical physics and ergodic theory: Reed and Simon (1971, M,B), Vol. I (introduction). (Also, cf. the references to the literature in Chapters 44, 45, and 49 concerning the existence of critical points and bifurcation points.)
CHAPTER 44 Ljustemik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors The theory of eigenvalues of quadratic forms developed by R. Courant enables one to discern their existence and reality without calculations. We shall generalize this theory to arbitrary functions having continuous second partial derivatives. Lazar Aronovic Ljusternik (1930) In Chapter 43 we proved the existence of an eigenvector. Now we concern ourselves with the eigenvalue problem Au = XBu, ueX, \eR, (1) and we will prove the existence of several eigenvectors for (1) within the generalized context of the Courant maximum-minimum principle. In this connection, in an essential way, we use the fact that A and B are odd potential operators, i.e., A — F', B = G', and A(— u) = — A(u), B{— u) = -B(u) for all «el We have already explained the basic idea of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory in Section 37.26, and we recommend that the reader first study Section 37.26 again. In Part I we became acquainted with the fixed point index and the mapping degree, important topological tools for obtaining fixed point theorems; we now make use of the concept of the genus of a set in order to obtain propositions concerning eigenvalues. It is easier to work with this conceptualization than with the category concept applied originally, which we shall study in Problem 44.13. In order to prove the existence of sufficiently many eigenvectors for (1), it is crucial that the genus of spheres be equal to the dimension of the space. However, this assertion is obtained with the aid of the mapping degree—to be precise, it follows from the Borsuk-Ulam theorem and thus, in the final analysis, from the Borsuk antipodal theorem in Part I. Whereas for the fixed point index in Chapter 12 313
314 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors the compactness of the operators played a central role, in this chapter we use essentially the local Palais-Smale condition (PS)C for functional. This is also a compactness condition. In Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5 our goal is to formulate such propositions for the nonlinear problem (1) which are optimal in comparison with the corresponding linear problem (1). Not only can the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory be applied to eigenvalue problems but, also, it yields, in principle, a method for proving the existence of one or several critical points of a functional F. If it is a matter of a free critical point, then by Section 43.9, solutions of the equation F'(u) = Q result. If they are critical points with respect to a surface which is given by an equation G(u) = a, then one obtains solutions of F'(u)~ XG'(u) = 0, i.e., of (1), when G is a functional. We work out the simple fundamental principles of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory axiomatically in Section 44.2. In order to be able to apply these basic ideas to concrete problems, the construction of so-called Ljusternik-Schnirelman deformations (in short: L-S deformations) in each individual case plays a central role. We treat methods for this in the proof of the main theorem in Section 44.7 as well as in Problems 44.13g and 49.7. In the general case, for this purpose pseudo- gradient vector fields and the Palais-Smale condition are crucial. The applications concern systems of nonlinear equations, quasilinear elliptic differential equations, and Hammerstein integral equations. In the Problems in Chapter 49 we consider periodic solutions of nonlinear hyperbolic equations and Hamiltonian systems. There, we present a number of general methods for constructing free critical points in connection with their applications. In Section 37.27f we pointed out the significance of the Morse theory and the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory for the existence of geodesies on surfaces and manifolds. In the Problems in this chapter, we will discuss some important generalizations of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory and the Morse theory, in addition to the material of this chapter. 44.1. The Courant Maximum-Minimum Principle We study the linear eigenvalue problem Au = \u, ueX, XeU (2) with the aid of \± I sup inf ±F(u), 2 (o forjS?m±=0
44.1. The Courant Maximum-Minimum Principle 315 for m = 1,2, In this connection, we assume: (HI) X is a real separable H-space with the inner product (-|) and dimX = oo. The operator A: X-+X is linear, symmetric, and compact, A + 0. We define def def f(«) = 2""1(^"l"). C?(«) = 2-1(«|«). def (H2) S = {u e X: \\u\\ = 1} is the boundary of the unit ball. Sk denotes the boundary of an arbitrary ^-dimensional unit ball in X, i.e., Sk = S C\ Xk, where Xk is an arbitrary ^-dimensional linear subspace of X. (H3) Let JS?m denote the set of all Sk with k > m. Furthermore, let def r X±-[Ske<?m: ±F(u)>0 on Sk}. If we identify X with X* according to Section 21.4, then F(u) = l\Au,u), G(u)*=2~-l(u,u). Thus, F' = A, G'=/. Obviously, + A? > ± \f > • ■ • > 0. Proposition 44.1. With the assumptions (//1)-(//3), let ± \~ > 0 for + or -. Then the following four assertions hold: (a) X = A~ w an eigenvalue of A. All eigenvalues X + 0 o/^l can fee obtained in this way with the aid of (3). (b) The multiplicity ofX is equal to the number of indices kfor which X\ = X. (c) There exist eigenvectors ul,...,um of A such that («,|«y) = S, for i,j=* 1,...,m and such that \± ±^T= min ±F(u), where Sm = S C\span{ul,...,um} e SC^. (d) \~ ^0 as m->oo. The proof runs parallel to the proof of Theorem 22.E in Section 22.11. There we assumed only that A is positive just to be able to formulate the results more simply (cf. Problem 44.1). Our goal is to give a far-reaching generalization of Proposition 44.1 to nonlinear problems of the type Au — XBu. This is accomplished in Section 44.5. There, the basic idea is to replace the class jS?^ in (3) by a more comprehensive class Xm. In order to develop this basic idea clearly, we give an abstract axiomatic approach in the next section.
Jl6 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the bxistenceot Several Eigenvectors 44.2. The Weak and the Strong Ljusternik Maximum-Minimum Principle for the Construction of Critical Points 44.2a. The Weak Principle for the Existence of a Critical Point As a point of departure for the construction of critical points of the functional F, we choose c— sup inf F(u) (4) and assume: (HI) F: M c X -* U is a functional on the real B-space X and M j=0. Definition 44.2. We denote the set of critical points of F with respect to M such that F(u) = c by critM CF. If this set is nonempty, then c is called a critical value or a critical level of F with respect to M. (H2) Jfis a nonempty class of nonempty subsets of M. The number c constructed in (4) is finite. (H3) M allows L-S deformations with respect to F and c. By definition, this means: For each open set U in X such that U 2 critMc.F there exists a number e(U)>Q and a continuous mapping d: Mx[0,l]-»M such that d(u,Q) = u on M and F(u)^.c-e, ueM-U implies F(d(u,l))>c + e. (5) (H4) If critM CF = 0, then Xis invariant with respect to d in (H3) with £/ = 0, i.e., KeX implies d{K,l)eX. (6) Proposition 44.3 (Ljusternik (1930)). With the assumptions (H1)-(H4), critMiCF*0. For this theorem, we need (H3) only in the special case critM CF = 0, U = 0. We need the full concept of an L-S deformation in the next section. Corollary 44.4. An analogous proposition holds for c= inf swp F(u) (4a) provided (5) is replaced by F(u) <c + e, ueM — U implies F(d(u,l)) < c— e. (5a) Proof. Let us assume that critM CF = 0. By (H3) there is a d such that (5) holds with [/ = 0, i.e., F(u)>c — e, ueM implies F(d(u,l)) > c + e.
44.2. Weak and the Strong Ljusternik Maximum-Minimum Principle 317 We choose a K e X such that inf F(u)>c-e; thus, inf F(u)>c + e. Due to (H4), d(K,l) e X, i.e., inf F(u)<c, »erf(AT,l) by (4). But this is a contradiction. Corollary 44.4 is proved analogously. D We now briefly discuss (H2). Let infussKF(u)> — oo for some fixed K e X (e.g., F is continuous on the compact set K). Then (H2) holds, i.e., the number c is finite, when one of the following two conditions is fulfilled: (i) F is bounded above on M. (ii) Every K e X intersects a fixed set M0 on which F is bounded above. Condition (ii) is the point of departure of the important linking principle for the construction of critical points which we shall consider in Problem 49.7. 44.2b. The Strong Principle for the Construction of Several Critical Points In order to obtain the existence of several critical points for F, we consider cm= sup inf F(u), m = l,2,..., (7) K e Jf„, » e K where def Xm = class of all compact subsets KolM such that ind K > m. In this connection, ind K is a topological index whose properties we shall describe axiomatically in conjunction with (A) below. Definition 44.5. Let X be a real B-space. A subset K of X is said to be symmetric if and only if u e K always implies -«e K. We denote by sym^ the class of all closed symmetric subsets K of X such that 0 € K (see Fig. 44.1). Figure 44.1
318 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors Henceforth we assume the following; (A0) Each K in sym^ is assigned an integer m, 0 < m < oo, or oo, which we designate by ind K, such that for all K, Kx Kke sym^ the following hold: (Ax) ind K = 0 if and only if K = 0. (A 2) If K is a finite nonempty set, then ind K — \. (A3) indC^j U • • • U Kk) c indKx + • • • +indKk. (A4) ind ^ < ind K2 provided Kx c K2 or, more generally, there exists an odd continuous mapping <j>: Kx -» K2. (A 5) If K is_compact, then ind K < oo,jind there exis ts an open set U such that KcU,U s sym x and ind K — ind U. (B0) F: M qX-*U is an even functional on the nonempty symmetric set M of the real B-space X, i.e., F{— u) — F{u) on M. (Bx) For a fixed meN,jfmis nonempty and - oo < cm < oo. (B2) critM c.Fis compact and does not contain the zero point. (B3) On M there exist L-S deformations with respect to F and cm, where all d in (5) with c = cm are odd as functions of u. Proposition 44.6 (Ljusternik (1930)). With the assumptions {A) and (B) above, the following hold: (a) crit^c F*0. (b) For cm = cm+l = ■ ■ ■ = cm+p withp 2:1, indcritM c F^p +1. In particular, critM c F contains infinitely many pairs (u, — u). In this connection, in (b) it is tacitly assumed that Jfm Jfm+p¥=0. This proposition allows an important consequence: If the assumptions (A) and (B) are fulfilled for c1 ck, then there exist at least k pairs (u,-u) to which critical points of F with respect to M correspond, for, if all q ck are distinct, then (a) can be applied. Otherwise, one uses (2). As the proof of Proposition 44.6 will show, its assertions hold if ctfm is replaced by Jf%, where J^ contains precisely all K e JTsuch that F(u) > 0 on K. Then, however, from the L-S deformations d in (5), one has to require K e X^ =» d{K, 1) e X^ in order to guarantee (H4) in the proof. Corollary 44.7. A proposition analogous to Proposition 44.6 holds for cm= inf sup F(u) (7a) when the relation (5) in (B3) is replaced by (5a) with c = cm. Proof, (a) This follows from Proposition 44.3. The condition (H4) (in Section 44.2a) results from (Bj), (A4), and the definition of Jfm above. def (b) Let K= ciitM CF. The set K is symmetric because M is symmetric and F is even. Let it be assumed that ind K < p. If we choose U as in (A5) — thus, in particular, indU= indK < p, then by (B3) we have: F{u)>cm-t, ueM-U implies F(d(u,l)) > cm + e. (8)
44.3. The Genus of Symmetric Sets 319 Since cm =cm+p> there exists an L e jfm+p such that inf F(u)>cm~e; thus, inf F{u)>cm + e (9) »ei u€id(L -(/,1) when L-U+ 0. By (A3), since L c (L -U)UU, we have ind(L — U) >indL — indU> m +p — p = m; therefore, L-Uejfm and L-XJ + 0 by (Aj). The conditions (B3) and (A4) yield d{L - U, 1) e j^,, i.e., inf f(«)<cm iierf(L-(/,1) because of (7). But this is in contradiction to (9). One proves Corollary 44.7 analogously. □ In order to be able to apply the. preceding two general existence principles for critical points to concrete problems, we need L-S deformations and a topological index: (a) In Section 44.3 we construct indK. (/?) In Section 44.4 we explain the Palais-Smale condition. In particular, it yields the compactness of critMtC.F and plays a central role in the construction of L-S deformations, (y) We construct L-S deformations explicitly in the course of the proof of Theorem 44.A in Section 44.7 as well as in Problems 44.13g and 49.7 with the aid of ordinary differential equations and pseudogradient vector fields. If one attentively studies the proof of Proposition 44.6, then one recognizes that the same considerations can also be applied if one has at one's disposal a suitable index that need not necessarily be defined for symmetric sets. In particular, category is one such index. In this connection, compare Problems 44.13f,g. The construction of topological indices that have more propitious properties than does genus and correspond to more general symmetries can be found in Fadell and Rabinowitz (1977), (1978), together with applications to bifurcation theory and the existence of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems. 44.3. The Genus of Symmetric Sets Our point of departure is f-.K-tM"-^}, / is odd and continuous. (10) Definition 44.8. Let X be a real B-space. To each set K in sym^ we assign a number gen K (that we call the genus of K) in the following way: (i) gen 0 = 0.
3^.0 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Tlieoty and the tixistence of Several Eigenvectors (ii) If K + 0, then let gen K be the smallest natural number n > 1 for which a zero-free mapping/of the form (10) exists, (iii) If for K =t 0 there does not exist such an n, then let gen K = + oo. Example 44.9. If K is the boundary of the unit disk in 0¾2, then gen K = 2. : To begin with, the identity mapping satisfies (10) for n — 2. However, for n =1 there exists no / such that (10) holds. If we assume that / is such a mapping, then there is a ueK such that /(«)=£0. Thus, also, /(-«) = -f{u)i>=0. The classical mean value theorem yields a veK such that /(v) = 0. But this is a contradiction. The following theorem generalizes this example. Proposition 44.10 (The Genus of Spheres). For the sphere S={ueX: \\u\\ =1} in the real B-space X, we have gen S = dim X. Proof. Let 0<dimX<oo. The identity mapping satisfies (10) with n = dim X. However, according to the Borsuk-Ulam theorem (Theorem 16.D in Section 16.5), there exists no / for which (10) holds with n < dim X. Let dimX = oo. If Xn is an n-dimensional subspace of X, then, by the definition of genus, gen S > gen(S n X„); thus, gen S > n for all n e N, i.e., gen 5 = 00. For X= {0),5 = 0 and genS = 0. O Proposition 44.11. The genus genK has the properties (A0)-(A5) in Section 44.2b. Therefore, we can use genK as a topological index in Section 44.2b. Corollary 44.12. For all K>Kl,K2e sym x, the following four assertions hold: (1) gen Kx — gen K2 provided Kx and K2 are homeomorphic with respect to an odd homeomorphism. (2) gen Kx<oo implies gen(K2 ~ Kt) > gen K2 — gen Kx provided gen Kx < oo. (3) gen K < dim X. (4) From genK> m, 1 < m < oo, it follows that K C\(I- P)(X)ik0 when P: X -» X1 is a continuous linear projection operator on the m-dimensional subspace Xr of X. Proof. In an essential way we make use of the Tietze-Dugundji extension theorem (Proposition 2.1). We do not discuss the trivial special cases separately (empty set, etc.). (A1),(A4). Compare Definition 44.8 with/° <p instead of/in (10). def (A2). We choose/(± a,) = ±1 and n =1 in (10). (A3). Let gen Ks = n, < oo, i = 1,2 and let /:^,-^-(0}
44.4. The Palais-Smale Condition 321 be a continuous odd mapping. According to Proposition 2.1, /• can be extended continuously to/: X-*W'. We set def g(«)-(/i(«)-/i(-«),/2(")-/2(-")) forallae^u/^. Then g: KlKJK2-* W1+"2 -{0} is odd and continuous; therefore genC^ U K2) <nx + n2. Now, (A3) is obtained for arbitrary k by induction. _ def (A5). Let U(u;R)= {v e X: \\v~u\\<R}. For u + 0, 0 < R < \\u\\, we _ _ def _ _ have U{u;R)r\U{-u;R) = 0. Let L= U{u; R)L)U{- u; R) be a ball pair. def _ If we choose/(u) = ±1 for v eU(± u; R), then (10) holds with n = 1 andL instead of K; thus, genL=l. Since Q&K, the compact set K can be covered by a finite number of such ball pairs: Lv...,Lk. According to (A3), gen K < gert Lx +' • • • + gen Lk = k < oo. We now construct U. Let gen K = n. As in the proof of (A3), there exists an odd continuous mapping h: X-*W such that 0€h(K), and h{K) is compact. Therefore, h{K) is at a positive distance from 0, and we can construct the ball pairs L1>...,Llcby the choice of a suitable cover so that , def _ 0 € h{Lj) holds for all J. Let U = int Lx U • • • Uint Lk. Since K c U, we have gmK < gent/. On the other hand, from 0 € h(U) it directly follows that genU <n, i.e., gen K = genU. □ We prove Corollary 44.12 in Problem 44.2. 44.4. The Palais-Smale Condition The following condition is crucial: Each sequence (un) in M such that \\TF(un)\\-*0,F{un)-*casn--*co (11) has a convergent subsequence. Definition 44.13. Let M be a set in the real B-space X and let F: D{F) c X -* U be a functional that has a tangential mapping TF(u) with respect to M at each point u in M. Fsatisfies the local Palais-Smale condition (PS)C with respect to M if and only if (11) holds for a fixed ceU. F satisfies the Palais-Smale condition (PS) (respectively, (PS)+, (PS)~) if and only if (PS)C holds for all c e IR (respectively, c> 0, c < 0). According to Definition 43.18, the existence of TF{u) means that the tangent space TMU and the F-derivative F'(u) exist, where u eint D(F).
322 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors Then TF(u)h = F'{u)h for all h e TMU. We first treat two typical examples in connection with the eigenvalue problem Au = \u, ueX, XeU (12) and with the operator equation Au = Q, ueX. (13) Example 44.14 (Eigenvalue Problem). Let M={ueX: ||w|| = r} be a sphere in the real H-space X, r > 0. Let A: X -» X be a linear, compact, and symmetric operator. We set F(u) = 2~1(Au\u) for all »ejf; thus, F'= A. Then the following assertions hold: (1) The critical points of F with respect to M are precisely the eigenvectors of A on M. (2) F satisfies (PS)C for all c * 0 with respect to M. (3) If dim X < oo, then F also satisfies (PS) with respect to M. (4) If dim X = oo, then F does not satisfy (PS) with respect to M. Proof. (1) We set def def Du = Au — X(u)u, \(u) = r~l(Au\u). Below we shall show that Du is an extension of TF(u) on X such that 1177^)11 = \\Du\\. According to Section 43.9, u is a critical point of F with respect to M if and only if TF(u) = 0, i.e., Du = 0. Consequently, (1) holds. Now we prove that ||r„.F|| = ||Dk||. According to Theorem 43.C in Section def 43.6, with G{u) = (u\u)- r2, we have TMU = {h e X: (u\h) = 0}; therefore, TF(u)h = F'(u)h= (Du\h) iova]lheTMu, i.e., 1177^)11 < ||.Dk||. Let P: X-+TMU be the orthogonal projection operator on TMU. Since (Du\u) = 0 for u e M, for all v e X we have: |(i)«|i;)|-|(i)«|Pb)|^||7y(«)||||ft;||^||7y(«)||||i;||, i.e.,||Z>K||<||2T(K)l|. (2) From \\TF(un)\\ -* 0, F{u„) -* c, and un e M for all «, it follows that Dm„-»0 and \(«„)->c, c=£0. The operator ^4 is compact—therefore, possibly after passing to a subsequence, Aun -» u. Finally, Dun -* 0 yields un -* 0-½. (3) M is compact. (4) We assume that X is separable. Otherwise, it suffices to consider a subspace. Let (un) be a complete orthonormal system in X, r=l. Then un-*0 as n-*oo (cf. Ax(52)). Thus, Aun-*Q, X(un)= {Aun\un) -*0; therefore, ||77;,(Mn)|| = ||i)M„||-*0 and F{u„)-»Q, but \un) has no convergent subsequence because \\uk — um\\2 = 2 for k =£ m. D Example 44.15 (Operator Equation). Let F: X -»01 be an F-differentiable functional on the real B-space X. If we set M = X, then, according to Example 43.14, TMU = X and thus TF(u) = F\u) for all ueX. Further;
44.4. The Palais-Smale Condition 323 more: (1) The critical points u of F with respect to M are precisely the solutions oiF'(u) = 0. (2) F satisfies (PS) with respect to X when F' is proper and 0 e R(F'). This is fulfilled, in particular, when F'\ X-+X* is bijective and F'~l is continuous. Proof. (1) Compare Section 43.9. (2) Compare Definition 11.10 and Example 11.11. □ The significance of (PS)C for the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory results from the following proposition. Proposition 44.16. Suppose that the following two conditions hold: (/') The functional F: D(F)qX-+B satisfies (PS)C with respect to the closed set M in the B-space X. (/7) If (un) is a sequence on M such that un-*u and \\TF{ un)\\ -»0, as n -» oo, then TF(u) = 0. Then: (1) The set critM CF is compact. (2) For each open set U in X such that U O critM CF, there exist numbers Y, 8 > 0 such that 1177^( k) || ^. y for all u eM-Ufor which \F(u)~c\ < 8. We shall use these propositions in an essential way in the construction of L-S deformations in Section 44.7a. Proof. (1) Take (11) into account and observe that u e critM CF<* TF(u) = 0, F(u) = c, by Section 43.9. Due to the existence of the F-derivative of .Fon M contained in (PS)C, F is continuous on M. (2) If the assertion were false, then we should have a sequence (un) in M — U such that F(u„)-+c and \\TF(un)\\-+Q; therefore, «„->« because of (PS)C, and thus TF(u) = 0 and F{u) = c, i.e., uecvitM CF. But this contradicts ue M-U. Note that M - U is closed. □ To explain the significance of (PS)C for the existence of critical points, we now formulate two theorems that are valid as prototypes for more general results. In this connection, we state: F'(u) = Xu, ueM, XeU (14) and F'(u) = 0, ueX. (15) (HI) X is a real H-space with dim X = oo. Let M = [ue X: \\u\\ = r} for r>0. (H2) F is an even functional with F e C\ X, U). (H3a) F satisfies one of the following three ™nAU\™„.
324 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors (i) F is bounded below (or bounded above) on M and satisfies (PS) with respect to M. (ii) F is bounded as well as greater than (respectively, less than) zero on M and satisfies (PS)+ (respectively, (PS)~) with respect to M. (iii) F': X-+Y is compact, F(0) = F'(0) = 0 and u*Q implies F(u) + % F'(u)*0. Analogous to Example 44.14, we prove that (PS)* follows from (iii). Furthermore, since M is connected, F > 0 or F < 0 on M. Thus (iii) is a special case of (ii). Proposition 44.17 (Eigenvalue Problem). If (HI), (HI), and (HZa) hold, then with respect to M, Fpossesses infinitely many pairs (u, — u) of critical points to which eigenvectors of (14) correspond. We shall give the proof in Section 44.7d in conjunction with the proof of Theorem 44.A. (H3b) We choose Jfm to be the class of all compact sets K e symx with genK>m, m=l,2,... and we set cm = inf sup F( u). (16) F satisfies (PS)- with respect to X and F(Q) = 0. Proposition 44.18 (Operator Equation). If (HI), (H2), and (H3b) hold and — oo < cm < 0, then F has a pair of critical points (u, — u) on X such that F(±u) = cm to which solutions of (15) correspond. If - oo < cm = cm+! = • • • = cm+p < 0,p > 1, then gencritXcF>p+land F thus has an infinite number of pairs (u, — u) of critical points such that F(u) = cm to which solutions of (15) correspond. This proposition is a special case of Corollary 44.7. The L-S deformations which represent the heart of the proof are obtained from Problem 49.7. There, we also treat applications to semilinear elliptic differential equations. 44.5. The Main Theorem for Eigenvalue Problems in Infinite-Dimensional B-Spaces For fixed a > 0, we consider the eigenvalue problem F'(u) = \G'(u), ueNa, XeU (17) with the level set def Na= {ueX: G(u)^a).
44.5. The Main Theorem for Eigenvalue Problems in Infinite-dimensional B-Spaces 325 The following assumptions turn out to be natural generalizations of the classical linear eigenvalue problem Au = Xu in the Standard Example 44.19 that follows below. (HI) Functional F, G. The space X is a real reflexive separable B-space with dimX = oo, and F, G: X-+H are even functional such that F,Ge C\X,U) and F{0) = G(0) = 0. In particular, it follows from this that F' and G' are odd potential operators. (H2) The operator F' is strongly continuous and F{u) + Q, uecoNa implies F'(u)i=Q. (H3) The operator G' is uniformly continuous on bounded sets and satisfies {S)x, i.e., un-*u, G'{un)-*v implies un -* u asn->oo. (H4) The level set Na is bounded and u¥=Q implies (G'(u),u)>Q, lim G(tu)*= + oo, and inf (G'{u),u)>0. ueN„ The boundedness of Na follows, for instance, from G(m)-»+oo as ||u|| -»oo. Due to (H4), 0 <£ Na. From (H2) it follows that, to each eigenvector u of (17) such that F(u) + 0, there belongs an eigenvalue A + 0. Condition (H4) shows that G\u) + 0 on Na. Therefore, G is a submersion for all ueNa. We construct the projection operator P: X-» N(G'{u)) in this connection in the proof of Lemma 44.31. According to Proposition 43.21, the following therefore holds: u is a solution of (17) <=» u is a critical point of F with respect to Na. Now, the construction of sup inf ± F(u), 10 forJf± ic±= ^*"EA: (18) for m=l,2,... is crucial. Here, jf„^ denotes the class of all compact symmetric subsets K of Na such that genK>m and ±F(u)>0 on K. Furthermore, we define a global multiplicity x ± by: X def I supremum over all m such that + cm > 0, * ~ \o for0^=0. Standard Example 44.19. The assumptions (H1)-(H4) are fulfilled provided the following hold:
326 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors (i) X is a real separable H-space with dim X = oo. We identify X with X*. (ii) A: X-* X is a linear, compact, and symmetric operator. We set F(u) = 2~\Au\u) and G(u) = 2~\u\u). Then F' = A, G' = I, Nais a sphere, and (17) corresponds to Au = \u, \e|R with the normalizing condition G(u) = a, i.e., u e Na. It can be shown that c™ = a\± when + c± > 0. (18a) Here, \± is the eigenvalue of A that we constructed in Section 44.1 with the aid of the Courant maximum-minimum principle (cf. Problem 44.5). In this way all eigenvalues that are different from zero of A are obtained from c* according to their multiplicity. Therefore, A has at least x+ + X- P^s (u, — u) of eigenvectors on Na with the corresponding eigenvalues that are different from zero. If \* has the multiplicity^ +1, i.e., \± = \± +1 = • • ■ = \* +p, then the corresponding eigenvectors on Na form a ^-dimensional sphere and the genus of this set is p +1 according to Proposition 44.10. The following theorem generalizes these results to nonlinear problems. Theorem 44.A (Main Theorem). With the assumptions (//1)-(//4), the following Jive assertions hold: (1) Existence of an eigenvalue. If ± c * > 0 (+ or -), then (17) possesses apair(u^, — u*) ofeigenvectors with the eigenvalue \* =£0 andF(u*) — c*. If F' and G' are positive homogeneous, i.e., F'{tu) = tF'(u), and G'(tu) = tG'(u) for allu^X,t> 0, then c* = a\±. (2) Multiplicity. (17) has at least x+ + X^ Pa'rs ("> — ") °f eigenvectors with eigenvalues that are different from zero. If ± c± = ± c*+1 = •••= + c*+p > 0, p >1 (+ or -), then the set of all eigenvectors of (17) such that F(u) = c* has genus greater than or equal to p +1. In particular, this set is infinite. (3) Critical levels. + oo > + c* > + cf >■■ ■ > 0 and c* -»0 as m -»oo. (4) Infinitely many eigenvalues. // x+=0° or X- = °0) and F(u) = Q, u eco Af, implies (F'(u),u) — Q, then there exists a sequence (Xm) of infinitely many distinct eigenvalues for (17) such that \m -»0 as m-+ oo. (5) Weak convergence of eigenvectors. Assume that F{u) — Q, «eco Na implies u — ti. Then max{x+> X-)= °° and there exists a sequence of eigen- solutions (um, Xm) of (17) such that um-+Q, Xm -» 0 as m -» oo a«c? \m =£0/0/" a// m. Corollary 44.20 (Existence of an Eigensolution for Functionals F, G That Are Not Necessarily Even). With the assumptions (//1)-(//4), the following
44.5. The Main Theorem for Eigenvalue Problems in Infinite-dimensional B-Spaces 327 holds when one foregoes the evenness of F and G: If there exists an element Uq e Na ( + or —) such that ± F(u^)>Q, then (17) has an eigensolution (u ±, \*) such that X± =£ 0 and ±F(u±)= max ±F(u). We give the proofs in Section 44.7. In this connection, in Lemma 44.28 it turns out that, by virtue of a radical projection, the level set Na is homeomorphic to the unit sphere in X and 0 € Na. This homeomorphism is odd. According to Proposition 44.10 and Corollary 44.12, on Na for each meN, there thus exists a compact symmetric set K such that genK = m; therefore, gen Na = oo. From this there easily result estimates for x + which are important for the multiplicity assertion in Theorem 44.A, (2). Corollary 44.21 (Calculation of the multiplicity x ± )• With the assumptions (#1)-( #4), the following hold: (a) x + = oo when ± F > 0 on Na (+ or —). (b) X±> dim Xx provided there exists a linear subspace Xl of X such that ±F>0onNanXl(+or~). def (c) X+ = oo or X- = oo when the set of zeros N° = {«e Na: F(u) = 0} is compact or, more generally, there exists a closed linear subspace Xl of X such that dim{X/Xl) = oo and dist(\\u\\~1u, Xx) < t/ for all u e Afa° and fixed t\ e ]0,1[. def Proof, (b) Let K=*Nttr\Xv By Lemma 44.28 in Section 44.7a, K is homeomorphic to the unit sphere in Xv Since this homeomorphism is odd, we have gen K = dim Xx by virtue of Proposition 44.10 and Corollary 44.12. Since ± F > 0 on K, ± c ± > 0. (a) This is a consequence of (b) because dim X = oo. (c) If one uses Problem 44.3 and the fact that the homeomorphism from the unit sphere S onto Na is odd, then for each meN, there exists a compact symmetric set K on Na such that gen K>m and K n N° — 0. Let def Kt = {«e K: ± F(u)>Q}. Then K± is compact and symmetric. Since K=K+U K^, K+(~) K_=0, we have gen^±>/« (+ or —); hence, ± c± > 0. □ Remark 44.22 (Optimality of the Main Theorem). The prototype of Theorem 44.A that we gave in Proposition 37.60 was originated by Ljusternik (1939). Numerous authors contributed to the further development. In the present general form, Theorem 44.A can be found in Zeidler (1980). A careful comparison with the linear case in Standard Example 44.19 shows that Theorem 44.A is optimal in a certain sense. In this connection, compare Zeidler (1980). In the following remarks, we point out possible generalizations.
328 44. Ljusternik-Schnirehnan Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors Remark 44.23 (Weakened Continuity of G'). In (H3) we required that G' be uniformly continuous on bounded sets. Our goal is to weaken this condition by requiring only the continuity of G'. To this end, we state: (H2') F' is strongly continuous on X and (F'(u),u) = 0, «eco Na implies F(u) = 0. (H3') G' is continuous, bounded, and satisfies (S)0, i.e., as n--oo, u„-u, G'{uJ-v, (G'(u„),u„)-*(d,u) implies u„-*u. Then, with the assumptions (HI), (H2'), (H3'), and (H4). Theorem 44.A and Corollary 44.20 remain valid, where only Theorem 44.A, (2) is to be replaced by the following weakened proposition: For x+ =0° or x~ =oo, (17) has infinitely many pairs (u, — u) of eigenvectors, where the corresponding eigenvalues are not equal to zero. The proof can be found in Zeidler (1980). Browder's Galerkin method from Section 43.5 is used in that proof. We explain the basic idea in Problem 44.11. Remark 44.24 (Hyperboloids). Theorem 44.A refers to F'(u) = \G'(u), «e Na, X e 01, where G' is definite but F' is not necessarily definite. The similar problem for indefinite F' and G' is considered in general form in Zeidler (1979a). Whereas in Theorem 44.A the level set Na has approximately the form of a sphere, for indefinite G', Na can, e.g., have the structure of a hyperboloid (cf. Problems 44.9 and 44.10). Remark 44.25 (Perturbation of Evenness). For Theorem 44.A it is important that F,G be even and that, correspondingly, F',G' be odd. In Zeidler (1980), in conjunction with Krasnoselskii (1956, M) the general form of the perturbation case F = F1 + eF2 for small e is considered, where only F1 is even (cf. Problem 44.8). The papers of the author cited in the preceding remarks also contain applications to Hammerstein integral equations and quasilinear elliptic differential equations and comprehensive bibliographical references. As an introduction to this class of problems, we recommend Krasnoselskii (1956, M), Chapter 6. 44.6. A Typical Example We consider F'(u) = \G'{u), u^X, \eR, G(u) = a (19) and formulate an important special case of Theorem 44.A in connection with the theory of monotone operators.
44.6. A lypical Example 329 Proposition 44.26. Suppose that the following four conditions hold: (/) X is a real reflexive separable B-space with dim X — oo. (//) F,G:X-*U are functionals, F,G^ Cl(X,M), and F(0) = G(0) = 0. (///) F' is strongly continuous and (F'(u), u)>0 for all u =£ 0 in X. (iv) G' is continuous, uniformly monotone, bounded, and G'(0) = 0. Then: (1) For each a> 0, equation (19) has an eigensolution (u, X) with ui=Q, \>0. (2) IfF',G' are odd, then for fixed a > 0 and for each meN, (19) has an eigensolution (um, Xm) with umJ=Q,\m>Q and um-^Q,-\m -» +0 as m -» oo, so that there exist infinitely many distinct eigenvectors and eigenvalues. We treat applications to quasilinear elliptic differential equations in Section 44.9. Proof. First, let G' be uniformly continuous on bounded sets and assume that F and G are even. We verify the assumptions (H1)-(H4) of Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5 and use the connections between operator properties shown in Fig. 27.1. (HI) This is obviously fulfilled. (H2), (H2') We have F(u) = 0 «> (F\u),u) = 0 «> « = 0. This follows from (F\u), u) > 0 for u + 0 and F(u)= f\F'(tu),u)dt. (H3), (H3') G' satisfies (8)0,(8)! by Fig. 27.1. (H4) (I) ||u|| -» 00 implies that G(u) -» + 00, i.e., N is bounded. To prove this, def let «jp(0 = (G'(tu), u) for u + 0 and t > 0. Since G'(0) = 0 and since G' is uniformly monotone, we have <p(t) > 0 for t > 0, and <j> is strictly monotonically increasing on [0,1] (Example 25.6). Consequently, G{u)= r<p{t)dt> (1 (p{t)dt>(G'{2'lu),2~1u) -* +00 •'o '1/2 as ||u|| -» 00, because G' is coercive. (II) 9(1) > 0 yields (G'(u), u) > 0 for u * 0. (III) We prove vaiufEN^G'{u),u) > 0. Since G is continuous at « = 0 and G(0) = 0, there exists an r > 0 such that u£ Na for all u, \\u\\ < r. The uniform monotonicity of G' and G(0) = 0 assure that <G'(«)>«>^a(||«||)||«||^fl(r)r>0 for all u^Na (cf. Definition 25.2).
330 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors Now, assertion (2) follows from Theorem 44.A, (5), and (1) is obtained from Corollary 44.20. If G' is only continuous, then one uses Remark 44.23. That X is positive follows from X = (F'(u), u)/(G'(u), u). D 44.7. Proof of the Main Theorem The crucial aspect of the proof is the application of the strong Ljustemik maximum-minimum principle from Section 44.2b with ind(-) = gen(-). At the heart of the proof are the local Palais-Smale condition and the elementary explicit construction of L-S deformations. 44.7a. Preliminaries We assume (H1)-(H4) in Section 44.5 and first make available propositions on the duality mapping 7, the structure of the level set Na) the local Palais-Smale condition, L-S deformations, and projection operators. The proofs are especially simple when X is an H-space. If in this case we identify X with X*, then J is equal to the identity mapping on X. Further simplifications result when G(u) = 2"l{u\u); therefore, G'= I. Then Na is a sphere. We shall frequently use the connections between operator properties depicted in Fig. 27.1 of Part II. In particular, from Corollary 41.9 and Fig. 27.1 it follows that the following lemma holds. Lemma 44.27. F is strongly continuous. Furthermore, F, F', and G' are bounded and uniformly continuous on bounded sets. Step 1: Duality Mapping J. According to the Kadec-Troyanski theorem, every reflexive B-space has an equivalent norm such that X and X* are locally uniformly convex (A3(29)). Since our proof will be invariant relative to equivalent normings, we can assume X and X* to be locally uniformly convex at the start. By virtue of Proposition 47.19, since X** = X, there then exists an odd continuous mapping J: X* -» X such that <w,/w) = ||w||2, ||/w|| = IMI for all w eX*. (20) J is the dual mapping of X* into X**. Step 2: Level Surface Na for fixed a> 0 Lemma 44.28 (1) There exist numbers 0 < R0 < ^ such that 0 < R0 < \\v\\ <, RY for all V<ENa.
44.7. Proof of the Main Theorem 331 (2) For each u + 0 in X, there exists exactly one r(u)>Q such that G(r(u)u) = a; therefore, r(u) = l on Na. (3) The mapping r: X — {0} -» IR is even and continuously F-dijferentiable, such that r'(") = 7^TT^rVrTG'(r(")") forallu*0. (21) (G (r(u)u),r(u)u) Since r(u)ue Na for ui=Q and {HA) holds, the denominator in (21) is not equal to zero. (4) r and r' are uniformly continuous and bounded on bounded sets outside a neighborhood of zero. (5) The radial mapping w-+r(u)u is an odd homeomorphism of the unit sphere S onto Na (see Fig. 44.2).. We treat the proof in Problem 44.6. Sit-p 3: L-S Deformations on Na. For all u e Na, we set DudlF>(u)-X(u)G'(u), Mb)?£S«L«1 (G'(u),u) Eu - JDu - -—*—r u. (G\u),u) Lemma 44.29. There exists a continuous mapping d: Na X [0,1] -» Na and a number tx > 0 such that F(d{u,l))>F(u)+7^0^2 forallueNa. (22) Moreover, d(u,Q) — u on Na and d is odd with respect to u. This yields the following crucial proposition. Corollary 44.30. For each c + 0 and each open set U 2 critN CF, there exists a number e> 0 such that F(u)>c—e, ue Na — U implies F(d(u, 1))> c + e. Proof of Corollary 44.30. The proof of Lemma 44.31 in the following step shows that, for each c ¥= 0, F satisfies the local Palais-Smale condition Figure 44.2
332 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors (PS)C. with respect to Na. Moreover, there exists a constant cl > 0 such that ||rF(K)||<||Z>K|| :2(1+^)117^(1011 on Na. The assertion now follows directly from (22) and Proposition 44.16. D Proof of Lemma 44.29. (By (21), the relations (Du,u) = (G'(u),Eu)=0, (r'(u),Eu)=Q, (F'(u), Eu) = (Du, Eu) = (Du, JDu) = \\Du\\2 hold on Na. The operators D, E: Na -» X are continuous and bounded. Therefore, by Lemma 44.28, (1), there exists a t0 > 0 such that inf \\u+ jEu\\ >0 forallre [-t0,t0]. Now, the following definitions are important: def g(u, t) = r(u + tEu)(u + tEu), .def def \p{u,r) =F(g(u,T)), d(u,t) =4>(u,T0t) for all ueNa, ts[-t0, t0], and re [0,1]. We verify (22). First, g is a mapping of Na X [ — t0, t0] into Na and gT(u, t) = (r'{u + tEu), Eu)(u+ rEu) + r(u + tEu)Eu, g(u,0) = u, gr(u,Q) = Eu, *T(«,T) = <F'(g(«,T)),gT(«,T)>, *(u,0) = F(u), ^T(u,0) = (F'(u),Eu) = \\Du\\2. According to Lemma 44.28, g and gr are bounded. F and F' are bounded and uniformly continuous on bounded sets. By Lemma 44.28, the mappings t >-* 4>(u,t) and ti->^t(m,t) are thus equicontinuous on [-t0,t0] with respect to all ue Na. Thus, for sufficiently small t0, by the mean value theorem, t(u,T0)>t(u,0) + 2-\i}>T(u,0) for all Kei\ra. (22) results directly from this. D Step 4: The Local Palais-Smale Condition Lemma 44.31. For each c =^ 0, F satisfies the condition (PS)C with respect to Na. def Proof. (I) Connection between 77^(¾) and Du. Let N(G'{u)) = {he X. (G'(u), h) = 0} for fixed u e Na. Then Pu defined by _ */ (G'(u),v) P,,V = V - *-7 U (G'{u),u)
44.7. Proof of the Main Theorem 333 is a continuous linear projection operator from X onto N(G'(u)). Since (G'(u), u)>P>0, \\G'(u)\\ <y, and ||u|| < Rr for all ue7Ya, where /?, y, and /?1 are suitable constants, we have ||P„u|| < (1 + fi~1yRl)\\v\\. Therefore, \\PU\\ < constant for all u e 7Ya. According to Theorem 43.C in Section 43.6, TM,= N(G'(u)). Now, one proves analogous to Example 44.14, that Du is an extension of TF{u) on the space X and that 1177^)11 < \\Du\\ < (constant) 1177^)11 on Na. (II) (PS)C. Due to (I), it suffices to show the following: If (u„) is a sequence in Na and Dun -» 0, F(un) -» c as n -» oo for c ¥= 0, then (un) has a convergent subsequence. To prove this, let Du„ = F>{u„)-\{u„)G'{u„)-*0, \( \ (71^ »„);»„) (G'{un),un) (un) is bounded; therefore, the sequences (F'(u„)), (G'(u„)), and (M«„)) are also bounded by virtue of (H4) and Lemma 44.27. Consequently, there exists a subsequence («„,) such that un,-+u,\{ u„>)-* \0,i.e.,F'(u„,)-+F'(u) and F(un,) -* F(u) (Lemma 44.27). F(u) = c + 0, u eco Na yields F'{u) + 0 by (H2) and thus X0 =£ 0 since /*"'(")"" ^qG'(u) = 0- Therefore, u„,-*u, and G'(«„0 -» Xq lf'(")- Now (s)iin (H3) assures that u„, -* u. U Step 5: Generalized Nonlinear Orthogonal Projection Operators Lemma 44.32. Let X be a real separable reflexive B-space. Then, for each n eN, there exists a finite-dimensional linear subspace Xn of X and an odd continuous operator Pn: X-* Xn such that un-+u implies Pnun-+u as n -» oo, ||/>||<:|MI for all ueX,neN. Proof. If X is a real H-space, then we choose a complete orthonormal def system (e„) and set Pnu = 2"_1(«|e,)e,. The proof is more complicated for B-spaces (cf. Problem 44.7). D Corollary 44.33. If(n') is a subsequence of the sequence of natural numbers, then un,-^ u implies that Pn,un>-^u as n' -» oo. Proof. We set um = un, for m = n' and um = u otherwise. □ 44.7b Proof of Theorem 44.A. It suffices to consider the case " +." (Ad (1), (2)) We use the strong Ljusternik maximum-minimum principle def from Section 44.2b with ind K = gen K. To this end, we verify the assump-
334 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors tions made in Section 44.2b. Since F is bounded, 0 < c+ < oo. The condition (PS)t+, when c+ >0, implies that crit^ c+.F is compact by virtue of Proposition 44.16. The L-S deformations d were constructed in Corollary 44.30. Finally, F(d{u,l))^ F(u) on Na yields K e X^ =* d(K,l)e X^. If i-" and G' are positive homogeneous, then F(u)= (l(F'(tu),u)dt = (F'{u),u), G(u) = (G'{u),u). J0 Thus, from F'(u) = XG'(u), G{u) = a it follows that \ = F{u)/G{u) = a-~xF{u). (Ad 3) In order to show that c+ -» 0 as m -» oo, we use the operators P„ from Lemma 44.32. (I) For each e > 0 there exist numbers S(e) > 0 and n0(e) e N such that: \F{u)\>e, ueNa implies \\P„u\\>8. Otherwise there exists an e0 > 0 and a sequence («„) on Na such that \F(un)\\>e0 and ||Pbm„|| <n~~l for all neN. If we choose a subsequence («„,) such that un,-+u, then P„,u„,-*u, according to Corollary 44.33; hence u = 0. Consequently, F(un,) -» 0, which contradicts \F{un)\ > e0. (II) From K £Na and gen Jt > m0 + 1, where m0 = dim X„^c), it follows that inf„e=K\F(u)\<e. Otherwise, ||Pbm||>0 on K, by (I). The set P„g{K) is compact and symmetric. Corollary 44.12 yields the contradiction genP„ (K) < m0. (III) From (II) it follows that 0 < c*o(e)+1 < e for all e> 0. The sequence (c+) is monotonically decreasing; hence, c+ -» 0 as m -» oo. (Ad 4) Let x+ = oo. By assertion (1), for each m€N there exists a um such that F\um) = \mG\um), where umeNa, F(um)=c+, and \„,*0. The sequence («„,) is bounded. We choose a subsequence («„,-) sucn tnat um,-+u. Hence, F(u) = 0 since c*-» 0. Furthermore, «€co Na. Thus (.F'(")> «) = 0 by assumption. Therefore, \ (F'iUm')'K,') ,n xm,» _*0. <G \um,),um,) (Ad 5) If .F(m) = 0, m 6 co Af, implies « = 0, then F =£ 0 on Na. However, Na is connected; consequently, F > 0 or F < 0 on Na. Corollary 44.21 yields X+ =oo or x_ =oo. The assertion now follows as in the proof of assertion (4). D 44.7c Proof of Corollary 44.20. Now, in contrast to Section 44.7b, use the weak Ljusternik maximum- minimum principle (Proposition 44.3), where Jfis the class of singleton subsets of Na.
44.8. Main Theorem for Eigenvalue Problems in Finite-Dimensional B-Spaces 335 44.7d Proof of Proposition 44.17 (Ad i) Apply the strong Ljusternik maximum-minimum principle (Proposition 44.6). The L-S deformations are obtained by virtue of Lemma 44.29 and Corollary 44.30 when F' is uniformly continuous on the ball {ue X: \\u\\<r}. If this condition is not fulfilled, then one must construct the L-S deformations more carefully (see Problem 49.7). (Ad ii) Use the classes JfJ" as in (18) and follow a line of reasoning analogous to (i). D 44.8. The Main Theorem for Eigenvalue Problems in Finite-Dimensional B-Spaces For fixed a > 0, we consider the eigenvalue problem F\u) = XG'(u), ueNa, XeU, (23) def where Na = { u e X: G(u)= a) with the following assumptions: (HI) F, G: X-+M are functionals on the real finite-dimensional B-space X, where F, G e C\ X, U) and G(0) = 0. (H2) For each u =£ 0, (G'{u), u)>0 and there exists a number r(u) > 0 such that G(r(u)u) = a, i.e., each ray through the origin intersects Na. It easily follows that ue Na implies u =£0. If F'{u) + 0 holds on Na, then all eigenvalues X in (23) are different from zero. We set def cm= sup iai F(u), m =1,...,dim X. Let .^, be the class of all compact symmetric sets K in Na with gen K^.m. According to Lemma 44.28, there exists an odd homeomorphism from the unit sphere S in X onto Na. Then Proposition 44.10 and Corollary 44.12, (1) immediately yield JCm+<Z for m =1,...,dimX. Furthermore, from the compactness of Na and the continuity of F, it follows that - oo < cm < oo. Theorem 44.B. With the assumptions (HI) and (//2), the following two assertions hold: (1) (23) has an eigensolution (u,X). (2) If F and G are even, then there exist at least dim X distinct eigenvector pairs (u,-u) in (23). When cm = cm+1 = ■ ■ • = cm+p,p ^1, the genus of the set of all eigenvectors u of (23) such that F(u) = cm is greater than or equal to p +1. In particular, there then exist infinitely many eigenvectors for (23).
336 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors Proof. (1) F has a maximum to which there corresponds a critical point on the compact set Na. Furthermore, G is a submersion at each point u e Na. Now Proposition 43.21 yields the assertion. (2) Since Na is compact, F satisfies the condition (PS)C with respect to Na for all c e IR and not only for c =£ 0 as under the assumptions of Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5. Therefore, the existence assertion for L-S deformations in Corollary 44.30 holds for all c e IR. Now Proposition 44.6, with ind K = gen K, yields the assertion. D Since dim X< oo, in (23) it is a matter of an eigenvalue problem for a system of nonlinear equations. We have already formulated a special case in Proposition 37.59. 44.9. Application to Eigenvalue Problems for Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations As an application of the results in Section 44.6, we consider the classical boundary eigenvalue problem N Q: -\£ A(lA"(*)l^2A"(*))^g'("(*)). (24) i = i dQ: « = 0. (HI) Let Q be a bounded region inUNf N^l. Furthermore, let;? 2: 2. We set x-(£!,...,£„), fy-d/dt,. (H2)g: U -» IR is continuously differentiable, withg(0) = 0 andg'(u)u> 0 for all real numbers u + 0. There exist constants c, d > 0 such that the following growth condition holds for all u e U: \g{u)\<c(l+\u\P), \g'(u)\<d(l+\u\»^). Definition 44.34. Let X- Wp(Q). The generalized problem for (24) reads as follows: We seek u e X, X e IR such that Xb(u,v) = a(u,v) for all v e X, G(u) = a (24a) for fixed a > 0. Here, N G{") = P~1f Y,\DMpdx> F{u)= fg{u)dx, ^8,- = 1 JQ N b(u,v)= f £ {DiU^^DjUDiVdx, •'a/-1 a(u,v) = f g'(u)vdx.
44*10. Eigenvalue Problems for Haininerstein Equations 337 (24a) results formally from (24) by multiplication by i>eC0°°(G) and subsequent integration by parts. Proposition 44.35. With the assumptions {HI) and {HI), the following two assertions hold: (1) (24a) has an eigensolution {u, X), with u¥=Q,X>Q. (2) If g is even, then (24a) has infinitely many eigensolutions {um, Xm), with um + 0, Xm > 0 for all meN such that um-+Q in X as well as Xm -» 0 as m-»oo. Proof. According to Proposition 42.16, F and G are continuously F-di- fferentiable on X, where (G'{u), v) — b{u, v) and (F'{u), v) — a{u, v) for all u, v e X. Therefore, (24a) is equivalent to F'{u) = XG'{u), u e X, X e IR, G{u) = a. By Proposition 42.16 and Corollary 42.17, F' is strongly continuous, G' is continuous, uniformly monotone, and bounded. (H2) yields (F'{u), u)>0 for all u * 0 in X. The assertion now follows from Proposition 44.26. □ By applying Proposition 42.16, one can treat essentially more general boundary eigenvalue problems than (24) in a manner analogous to the above with the aid of Proposition 44.26. In this connection, also compare Problem 44.9. 44.10. Application to Eigenvalue Problems for Abstract Hammerstein Equations with Symmetric Kernel Operators We consider the eigenvalue problem u = it,KF{u), ueX*, fieIR (25a) together with the normalization condition (u,w)x = a for all we K~x{u) (25b) for fixed a > 0. For a solution of (25), we always have u + 0, ft, ¥= 0. Theorem 44.C (Amann (1972)). Suppose that the following three conditions are satisfied: (i) X is a real reflexive separable B-space. (ii) K: X -* X* is linear, compact, monotone, and symmetric. (/'«) F: X* -» X is a continuous potential operator with potential <p. Here, <p(0) = F{0) = 0 and <p{u) + 0, KF{u) + 0 for all u in X,u*Q.
338 44. Ljusternik-Schnirehnan Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors Then: (1) (25) has an eigenvector. (2) If F is odd, then at least m distinct eigenvector pairs (u, — u) belong to (25), where m = dim K( X). When m = oo, there exist infinitely many distinct characteristic numbers ji„ such that n^1 -» 0 as n -» oo. Proof. Our goal is to reduce (25a) to the problem u = pS*SF(u), ueX, fieU (26¾ and G'(v) = n<S>'{v), veH, )»eR, G(u) = |, (27); where def def ${v) = <p{S*v), G(v) = 2^(v\v) for all v e H. We then apply Theorems 44.A and 44.B to (27). (I) Equation (26). According to Proposition 28.1, there exist a real separable H-space (//,(■ |-)) and a linear compact mapping S: X-+H, where S*: H-* X* is injective and K = S*S, SUH= H. From K = S*S it follows that K(X)cS*(H). Furthermore, S*(H) QK(X); for, becauseS(X) = Hand u e //, from w = S*(v) it follows that there exists a sequence (un) such that u„ = £«„ -» v; hence, Kun=- S *Sun -* w: Consequently, dim H = dim S * (H) = dim K( X). (II) Equation (27). If we set v — S*~1u, then (26) is equivalent to d = ixSF(S*v), veH, ixeU. Since <p' = F, this is equivalent to (27) with $' = SFS*. Note that <$'(")> w> = <<p'(5'*u), S*w) = (5^(5^), w). 4>': //-» // is strongly continuous; for, if S is linear and compact then so is S* which, therefore, is also strongly continuous, and F is continuous. From $(v) * 0 it follows that S*u * 0; hence KF(S*v) + 0, i.e., $'(v) + 0. Furthermore, 4>(u) = 0 if and only if v = 0, by (iii). (III) Existence. Corollary 44.20 and Theorem 44.A, (5) in Section 44.5 (respectively, Theorem 44.B in Section 44.9) guarantee, for each a > 0, the existence of an eigenvector v of (27) (respectively, dim H distinct eigenvector pairs (v, — v) for odd ¢) satisfying the condition concerning the limiting value formulated in assertion (2). (IV) Inverse transformation. If v is a solution of (27), then u — S*v is a solution of (25a). Furthermore, (25b) also holds, for it follows from ueR(K) that u = Kw = S*Sw for some w; hence, v = Sw and thus a= (v\v) = (Sw\Sw) — (Kw, w) = (u,w) forallwe/T1^). □
44.12. The Mountain Pass Theorem 339 44.11. Application to Hammerstein Integral Equations We have already formulated the applications of Theorem 44.C in Section 44.10 to concrete integral equations in Corollary 41.11. 44.12. The Mountain Pass Theorem To conclude this chapter, we treat an important existence principle for a free critical point which is very intuitive. Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) Let X be a real B-space. The functional F: X -»IR is continuously F-differentiable and satisfies (PS). (H2) There exist positive constants R and a such that \F{u)\>a for all ueX with |M| = #. (H3) There exists a point u,6lwith H^H > R and F{u{), ^(°) < «• (H4) We denote by Jf the set of all continuous mappings p: [0,1] -» X with p(Q) = 0 and p(l) = uv Furthermore, we set def c= inf sup F(p(t)). pe.X o^;<l If X—U2, then we can think of F(u) as the height of a mountainous landscape at the point u. We shall designate the points u with ||u|| = R as a mountain chain S. Then, by (H3), valleys occur at the points u = 0 and u = uv To each p there corresponds a path which connects the two valleys over the mountain chain S. Intuitively, one now expects that there exists a saddle point of our landscape at height c. Theorem 44.D (Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz (1973)). If (//1)-( #4) hold, then Fpossesses a critical point u, with F(u) = c, c>a. We give the proof in Problem 49.10a in connection with the general linking principle. This proof follows from the Ljusternik weak maximum- minimum principle in Section 44.2a. In this connection, one obtains the required L-S deformations from a general result concerning such deformations which we furnish in Problem 49.6. In the problems in Chapter 49 we give an overview of various methods and principles for the construction of free critical points. Applications of Theorem 44.D to nonlinear elliptic and hyperbolic partial differential equations can be found in Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz (1973), Brezis, Coron, and Nirenberg (1980), and Chow and Hale (1982, M).
340 froblem Problems We consider general results of the Morse theory and the Ljusternik-Schnirelmaii theory on infinite-dimensional manifolds in Problems 44.12 and 44.13. Additional material concerning the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory can be found in the Prob lems to Chapter 49, in connection with the construction of free critical points. 44.1. Proof of Proposition 44.1. Compare Zeidler (1979), page 185. 44.2. Proof of Corollary 44.12. Solution: (1) Compare (A4). (2) Use K2 C Kx UlXP^i) and (A3). (3) Let dim X = n, K*0. If we identify X with R", then, since 0 £ K. relation (10) holds with f — I; hence, genK <n. (4) Suppose K n(I- P)(X) = 0. Then 0 £ P(K). The operator P: K- .^-(0} is odd and continuous. If we identify Xx with Rm, then gen K < m, in contradiction to gen K> m. 44.3.* A property of gen K. Show: For some set M and each m e N, there exists a compact symmetric set Km such that Km CS-M and gen Km>m. provided the following two conditions hold: (i) S is the unit sphere in the real B-space X with dim X = oo. The set M is a subset of S. (ii) There exists a closed linear subspace Xl of X such that dim( X/XJ -- oo and dist(«, Xx) < i\ for all u e M and for fixed t| e ]0,1[. If M is compact, then (ii) follows from (i). Hint: Compare Zeidlci (1980), page 457. Use the Michael selection theorem (cf. Problem 9.3). The proof is elementary in an H-space. In this special case, one appliis the orthogonal projection operator of Xonto X±- and Proposition 44.1'• 44.4. Direct proofs of the main results for special cases. 44.4a. n-dimensional spheres. In order to convince oneself whether one has MK understood the simple basic ideas of the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theor\. one should give a direct proof of Proposition 37.59 using all possible simplifications: An even (^-functional F: M"+l -» R has at least n paii^ («,-«) of critical points on the H-dimensional unit sphere S" that correspond to the eigenvectors of F'(u) = Aw, u e S". Solution: Make use of Proposition 44.6. Construct the L-S deformations needed in (5) as in Lemma 44.29 and Corollary 44.30, taking into consideration the essential simplifications that appear. Proposition 43.21 yields the connection between critical points and eigenvectors. 44.4b. Infinite-dimensional spheres. Explicitly verify that the proof of Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5 becomes especially simple when X is an H-span- def and G(u) = 2 (u\u), i.e., Na is a sphere. 44.5.* Comparison with the linear case; optimality of the main theorem. Prou1 (18a) using Theorem 44.A, (1) in Section 44.5. Hint: Compare Zeidk'. (1979), page 202. Furthermore, one should convince oneself of the
i .U^ltlS 341 optimality of the main theorem, emphasized in Remark 44.22. Compare Zeidler (1980), Theorem 1. 44.6. Proof of Lemma 44.28. Solution: (1) By (H4), Ne is bounded. The functional G is continuous at the zero point and G(0) = 0. def (2) Let <p(f, u) = G(tu). By (H4), <p,(f, u) = (G'(tu), u) > 0 for u # 0, f > 0. Therefore, f •-> <p(f, u) is strictly monotonely increasing on [0, oo[ and <p(f, m)->+oo as r -> + oo and u # 0. Thus the equation G(ft<) = a has exactly one solution t - r(u) > 0 for u # 0. (3) By the chain rule in Section 4.3, <p is continuously F-differentiable. Since y(r(u), u) = a and (p,(r(w), u) > 0 for m # 0, the implicit function theorem (Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7) assjares the continuous F- differentiability of r on Jf - {0}; thus 0 = G(r(u)u)' = (G'(/•(«)«), «)/•'(«) + r(«)G'(r(«)«). (21) follows. Since G is even, r is even. Consequently, r' is odd. (4) By assertion (1), r is bounded on bounded sets which lie outside some neighborhood of zero. Then, by (21), (H3) and (H4), r' has the same property. Let p > 0 be fixed. For all u, v e Xsuch that ||u||, ||y|| > p, \\u — v\\ <, p/2, the mean value theorem yields \r(u)~ r(v)\ £\(r'(u + &(v - «)), v - u)\ s||r'(« + #(o-«))||||o-«|| for suitable d e ]0,1[. Since \\u + ft(v - u)\\ > p/2, r is uniformly continuous on bounded sets of {u e X: \\u\\ > p}. Then, according to (21), (H3), and (H4), r' has the same property. (5) The mapping inverse to u -> r(u)u from S onto Na is v •-» IMr'y (see Fig. 44.2 in Section 44.7a). 44.7.* Proof of Lemma 44.32 for B-spaces. Use the weak topology and a partition of unity. Compare Dancer (1976). 44.8.** Perturbed eigenvalue problems and stable critical points. We consider F'(u) + eFl'(u) = hu, u&X, AeR, ||«||=1. (28) Show: For each n e N, there exists an e0(n) > 0 such that (28) has at least n eigenvectors for each e, |e| < e0(n), provided the following three conditions hold: (i) F, Fx: X-* U are C'-functionals on the real separable H-space X, where dim AT = oo. (ii) F\ F{ are strongly continuous, (iii) F is even, with F(0) = 0 and F(u) # 0, F'(u) # 0 for u # 0. The perturbation Fx need not be even. Consequently, F' is odd, but F{ need not be odd. Hint: Compare Krasnoselskii and Zabreiko (1975, M), Section 57.3. Generalizations to indefinite problems with applications to partial differential equations can be found in Zeidler (1980) (cf. Problem
44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors 44,9), There, perturbed Hammerstein equations \u = K(Fxu + eF2u), (29) together with applications to Hammerstein integral equations are also considered, ,9, Indefinite eigenvalue problems for quasilinear elliptic differential equations. Parallel to Section 44.9, we consider the boundary eigenvalue problem ti:\(-bu + g'(u)) = >p(x)u + ef{(u); 3S2:w = 0. (30) o In the Sobolev space W2(^)> we write (30) in the form \G'(u)=*F'(u) + eF{(u), (31) where G(u)'(2-lZ[(Dlu)2+g(u)]dx, a ; = i F(u) = 2~1J>pu2dx, Fl(u) = Jfl(u)dx. Then N <G'(u),«>-/ £ [(Diuf+g'i^uldx, Investigate this problem for a bounded region Q in IR N, Indefinitenesses of F' and G' arise by the change of sign in \p and violation of the condition g'(«)«>0 forallweR. (32) If (32) holds, then (G'(u), u)>0 for all u e W}(Q), where u # 0. Case 1; Let g=0, e=0, ^eC(Q). Apply Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5 and show: If \j/(x) # 0 for some x e G, then (31) has infinitely man> eigenvectors in ^(fi) such that G(u) = a for fixed a > 0. Besides (32), what conditions does one need in order to obtain tni> assertion for g & 0 as well? Care 2: Let g = 0, e # 0, <(/ e C(S). Apply Problem 44.8. Generalizations can be found in Zeidler (1980) Case 3: Let e > 0 and suppose that (32) is violated, e.g., let g'(u) = mu. where m < 0. Then (G'(«), u) > 0 does not necessarily hold for G(m) = a, i.e., the level set Na= {u: G(u) = a} does not have to behave approximately like a sphere (cf. Problem 44.10). Parallel to Section 42.7, consider more general nonlinear equation^ instead of (30). Hint: Compare Zeidler (1979a), (1980). 0.* Eigenvalue problems with unbounded level sets. Study (31) with e = 0 i'l Krasnoselskii (1956, M), Chapter 6 and in Zeidler (1979a) for the case when the level set Na is a hyperboloid or, more generally, unbounded and F' is indefinite.
Problems 343 44.11.* Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory and the Galerkin method. The proof of the main theorem (Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5) is based on the investigation of + c± = sup inf ±F(u) (33) with the aid of L-S deformations of the set K on the level set Na. If Na does not have sufficiently regular properties, then the construction of these L-S deformations is difficult, and we need another method. The idea of the Galerkin method due to Browder consists in using an increasing sequence of finite-dimensional subspaces Xx c X2 c • • • c X and considering in (33) only K from JtJ2 such that K c Xk. Then, instead of c~, we get c,^k. Now we can apply the main theorem in finite-dimensional B-spaces. (Theorem 44.B in Section 44.9) to these modified problems. By means of an approximation argument, one shows that c,* k -* c ~ as & -> oo" One then proves the convergence of the eigensolutions as k -»oo with the aid of Section 43.5. In particular, from this it follows that the eigenvectors of F'(u) = \G'(u) exist, where F(w) = c*. Furthermore, analogous to the proof of Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5, it follows that c,* -> 0 as m -»oo. It then follows that there exist infinitely many eigenvectors on Na. Use this idea to prove the weakening of the continuity assumptions on G' given in Remark 44.23. Hint: Compare Zeidler (1980), page 477. 44.12. Morse theory. We generalize several of the important propositions in Section 37.27a in R1 to H-spaces and B-spaces. 44.12a.* Morse lemma on normal forms. Let F: U(0) c X-^ U be a C- functional, r 2: 3, on a neighborhood of zero of the B-space X. Moreover, let u — 0 be a nondegenerate critical point of F, i.e., F'(0) = 0 and (/!,&)-» d2F(0; h, k) is not degenerate. Show: F(«p(i;)) = ^(0)+2-^(0: w.i;) forallyeK(O), (34) i.e., to be precise, there exists a neighborhood of zero, K(0), in X and a C"2-diffeomorphism <p: V(0) -> (7(0), with <p(0) = 0, <p'(0) = / (identity), such that (34) holds. Hint: Cf. Section 73.12. 44.12b.** Morse inequalities for the number of critical points. Show: If M, denotes the number of critical points of F with Morse index i, then the estimates k M0;>1, A^-Afo^-l, £(-1)^,2::1, /c = 2,3,..., i'=0 oo £(-l)'M,=l i=0 hold provided the following assumptions are fulfilled: (i) F: X-* U is a C Afunctional on the H-space X. (ii) All critical points are nondegenerate and all M, are finite.
44 44. Ljusiernik-Smmreiman liieory and the existence 01 several Eigenvectors (iii) inf„e XF(U) > _0°, and F satisfies (PS), i.e., for all ceR, from F(un) -» c, ||/"(«„)|| -* 0 as n -» oo it follows that (un) has a convergent subsequence. Hint: Compare Berger (1977, M), page 361. The assertion follows from more general topological results. General Morse estimates for functional satisfying (PS) on complete Hilbert manifolds can be found in Schwartz (1969, L), Theorem 4.89 and in Rothe (1973). 44.12c* The Morse-Sard theorem in UN. Show: (i) If F: U c R"-* R is a C^-function on the open set U in R", then the set of critical values of F has measure zero, (ii) If F: U c R"-* UM is a C-function on the open set U in HN, then the set of critical values of F has measure zero in UM provided r>max(Af- M,0). In this connection, c is called a critical value of F if and only if there exists a u eU such that F(u) = c and F'(u): KN-^KM is not surjec- tive. (i) is a special case of (ii). Hint: Cf. Section 73.20 for a more general result. 44.12d.* Generalization to infinite-dimensional spaces. Show: (i) The set of critical values of F: X-* U is at most countable provided the following holds: F is analytic on the real separable B-space X and F' is a Fredholm mapping. (ii) The set of critical values of F: X -» Y is of first Baire category in 1 when the following holds: X,Y are separable B-spaces, F is a C'-Fredholm mapping and r> max(ind F,0). The set of regulai values of F is open and dense in Y. In this connection, F: X -» Y is called a Fredholm mapping when F e C^Jf.y) and F'(u): X-* Y is a linear Fredholm operator for all u e X(cf. Definition 8.13). Then ind F'(u) is constant for all u e X, and we simply denote it by ind F. Hint: (i) Compare Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1973, L), page 150. (it) Cf. Section 78.8 for a more general result. As a simple application, prove: For F in (ii), with ind F < 0, we have ^^(^) = 0, i.e., the problem F(u) = v is ill posed. If there exists a solution for u0, then in each neighborhood of v0 there exists a v for which there exists no solution. Hint: Compare Berger (1977, M), page 126. 44.12e.* Applications of Morse theory to quasilinear elliptic differential equations. I)i this connection, consider the following problem given in Berger (1977. M), page 363: G:E2ku+u-g(x)u3 = 0; dG:u = 0, and study Skrypnik (1973, M), Chapter 5. 44.12f.* Application to the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory. As an application ol Problem 44.12d, (i), prove the following result for the eigenvalue problem F'(u) = \u, u&X, XeR, ||M||2 = r (35)
Problems 345 for fixed r > 0: The set T of the values of F that correspond to eigenvectors of (35) is at most countable—to be precise, T — {0} consists only of isolated points when the following conditions hold: (a) F: X-^U is analytic on the real separable H-space X and F' is strongly continuous. (b) F(0) = F'(0) = 0; u # 0 implies F'(u) # 0, F(u) > 0. When dim X = oo, then from Theorem 44.A in Section 44.5 for odd F, it follows that T consists of precisely a countable number of values that accumulate only at zero. Hint: Compare Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1973, L), page 161. There, one also finds more general results. 44.12g. Connection with eigenvalues. Show: For r = 2, the set T in Problem 44.12f consists of exactly the eigenvalues X in (35) when F' is positive homogeneous, i.e., F'(tu) = tF'(u} for all t> 0 and for all u e X. Solution: F(u) = U(F'(tu)\u)dt = 2^1(F'(u)\u). From (35) it follows that \r = (F'(u)\u) = 2F(u). 44.13. Ljustemik-Schnirelman theory and category. Category is a topological index which in very general cases yields a lower bound for the critical points of a functional (see Problems 44.13f and 44.13g). The basic idea is the same as in Section 44.2b. However, we do not postulate any symmetry conditions. In preparation for the following, we first make available absolute neighborhood extensors and Finsler manifolds. 44.13a. Absolute neighborhood extensors. A topological space Y is called an absolute neighborhood extensor for metric spaces (in brief: ANE) if and only if the following extension property holds for continuous mappings: If /: M -> Y is continuous on the closed set M of a metric space X, then there exists an open set U such that M c U c X and a continuous extension /: U -* Y of /. (i) Example. Every normed or, more generally, every locally convex space is an ANE. This is the Tietze-Dugundji theorem (Proposition 2.1). (ii) Borsuk's homotopy extension theorem. One of the most important properties of ANE's is the possibility of extending a homotopy, i.e., a continuous mapping //: MX[0,1]-^7, M<zX, to a continuous mapping H: XX[0,1]-^Y. The precise assumptions are: Y is an ANE, M is a closed set in the metric space X, and 7/(-,0): X-^Yis given as a continuous extension of //(-,0): M-*Y. Hint: Follow a line of reasoning similar to that in the proof of Theorem 16.A in Section 16.2. Compare Borsuk (1966, M), page 94. This monograph is a standard work for retracts and extensors. 44.13b. Finsler manifolds. A C'-manifold M modelled on a B-space X is called a Finsler manifold if and only if the following assertions hold: (i) On every tangent space TMU, a norm ||-1|„ can be introduced that is equivalent to the norm on X.
44. Ljustemik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvector (ii) If (/(w) is a w-neighborhood on M such that the points of the tangent bundle TM over (/(w) can be represented as U(u)XX (local trivialization), then for each k > 1 there exists a smaller w-neighborhood. Uk(u), such that fc-VLslMI.SfcHC forall(M)ef4(u)XX In connection with (i), one must note that we have indeed verified the linear isomorphism TMU = X in Problem 43.4c—however, this isomor phism depends on the local coordinate system and thus a norm is noi given a priori on TMU in an invariant way. On a Finsler manifold M, fo> a continuously differentiable curve x: [0,1] -» M, one can define the curve length by /V(0L(o*- For two points Px, P2 in a component of M, we define the distance p(Pl,P2) to be the inflmum of the lengths of all continuously differentiable curves that join Px and P2. (iii) Every component of M with the metric p(-, •) becomes a metric- space and we require that this metric induce the initial topology on M This holds, e.g., in the case where M is a regular topological space. MK said to be complete as a metric space, provided each component of M incomplete. Trivially, every B-space X is itself a complete C°°-Finsler manifold Moreover, sufficiently regular surfaces in B-spaces are Finsler manifolds c. Topological index. If A and B are subsets of a topological space M, then B is called a deformation of A (in symbols: A — 5) if and only if theie exists a continuous mapping d: A X[0,l]-» M, i.e., a deformation witli d(A,l) = B. The set ^ is said to be contractible in M if and only if A — {h0} holds for a fixed «0. In Fig. 44.3 we have simultaneous^ drawn the deformation paths />-»</(«(/) for u^A. For a topological index j(-) on the topological space M, we require that to each closed set ^ there corresponds an integer «(^4), 0 < «(^4) < oo, having the following four properties: (a) /(0) = 0, and i(A) = 1 when ^ consists of a single point. (b) AcBoiA~B implies /(/1) < /(5). (c) i(AVB)<i(A)+i(B). (d) For each component set A in M there exists a neighborhood C/ of -1 such that /((7) = /(,4). AU0 4 Figure 44.3
Problems 347 In particular, from (a) and (c) it follows that A contains at least i(A) points. By convention >41(8), all topological spaces are assumed to be separated. 44.13d. Category. We define the category c&tM(A) for closed sets A in the topological space M in the following way: (1) cdXMA = 1 if and only if A is contractible in M. (2) cdXMA is equal to the smallest number of first category sets that cover A. In particular, catM0=O. Furthermore, ca.lMA = <x> holds when there exists no finite cover of that sort. Show: (i) cat„nv4 = 1 for a closed ball A in R ", n > 1 (see Fig. 44.4). (ii) catR»S"_1 = 2 for the boundary, S"~\ of the unit ball in R", n > 1 (see Fig. 44.5): (iii)* cdXpnP" = n +1 for the n-dimensional projective space P" which arises from S", n>\, by identifying antipodal points (see Fig. 44.6). Figure 44.4 Figure 44.5 0 Figure 44.6
44. Ljusternik-Schrurelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors (iv) cat p«,P'" = <x> for the infinite-dimensional projective space P°° which arises from the boundary S of the unit ball in an infinite- dimensional B-space by identifying antipodal points. (v)** catrr= 3 where T is a torus in R3. Hint for the solution of (iii): The original proof of Schnirelman (1930) used deep-lying algebraic topological tools. However, one can give a completely elementary and very short proof using the Ljusternik- Schnirelman-Borsuk covering theorem in Section 16.5. Compare Tihomirov (1976, M), page 88. (iv) follows from (iii). We briefly explain the significance of (iii) for the classical Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory. Let/: S" -» R be continuously differen- tiable and even. According to Problem 44.13g, the number of critical points of/on S" is greater than or equal to the category of S"—thus, by (ii), it is greater than or equal to two. First of all, this result is trivial. However, since / is even, we can think of / as a continuous mapping of P" into R. Then, by (iii),/has at least n +1 critical points to which n +1 pairs (u, - u) of critical points of /on S" correspond. Hint for the solution of (v): For rc-dimensional C°°-manifolds, we have catMMsil + cup length of M. Here, "cup length" is a concept from cohomology theory. This yields (v). Compare Schwartz (1969, M), Section 5.15. From Problem 44.13g below, it thus follows that the number of critical points of a C'-function /: T -» R is at least equal to three. In an elementary way, prove this assertion with the aid of Section 44,2a Hint- Compare Ljusternik and Schnirelman (1934, M), page 38, 44.13e. Properties of category. Show. (i) Category has the properties (a)-(c) of a topological index in Prob lem 44.13c. (ii) If M is a metric space and an ANE, and every point of M has a closed neighborhood which is contractible to this point, then (d) also holds. (iii) Category is maximal in the following sense: i(A) < catMA holds foi each topological index in Problem 44.13 c. The next problem shows the significance of this maximality assertion. Hint: (i) Compare Schwartz (1969, M), page 156, (ii) Compare Tihomirov (1976, M), page 88 and Browder (1970a), page 13. Use the homotopy extension theorem from Problem 44.13a. (iii) Let catM>4=l Since A ~ { w0}, then, by (b) and (a), we have i(A) < i({u0}) = 1. Novt the assertion follows by using a cover and (c), 44,13f, Abstract main theorem on the smallest number of critical points. Parallel fc> Section 44,2b, show that the functional F: M -> R has at least i(M) critical points when the following four conditions hold: (i) There exists a topological index on M as in Problem 44,13c, (ii) The L-S deformations (5) are defined for all c e R, (iii) critM ,..^is compact for all ce R.
Problems 349 (iv) The numbers c„,= sup inf F(u) or dm = inf sup F(u) are finite for all m = 1,2,.,,, with l£m<,i{M). Here, Jf„, denotes the class of all subsets K of M such that i(K)>m, We tacitly assume that the concept of a critical point on M is well defined. Let M be, say, a C^-Banach manifold. ^ 44.13g.* Concrete main theorem on the smallest number of critical points. Show: The number of critical points of F: M -*U is greater than or equal to catMM when the following hold: (i) F is a (^-functional, F satisfies (PS) and is bounded from above or from below on M, (ii) M is a complete C2-Finsler manifold. Parallel to Section 44,4, the condition (PS) means that each sequence (u„) on M, such that \\TF(u„)\\ -> 0, F{u„)-*c as n ->oo and for arbitrary c e R, has a subsequence which converges in the metric of M. Here, \\TF(u)\\ is the operator norm of TF(u): TMU->U which is induced by the norm on the tangent space TMU. def Hint: We use Problem 44.13f with i(A) = cdiMA and first assume that: (H) All c,„, m =1,2,..., \<m <, caiMA, are finite. Then the assertion follows easily from the assertion in Problem 44.13f when we can construct the L-S deformations (5). These L-S deformations are obtained by solving ordinary differential equations on M and from (PS). If the norms ||-||„ on the tangent spaces TMU are produced by inner products, then one can easily construct the L-S deformations by solving u'(t) = a{\\TF(u(t))$)TF{u(t)), u(0) = u0 (36) def and d(u0, t) = u(t). Here, (5) results from F(u(t)y~(TF(u(t))\u'(t)) = a(\\TF(u(t))\0\\TF(u(t))\\2 and Proposition 44.16, provided one chooses a: [0, oo[->R as a C°°- function with a(t) = 1 for 0 < t <1 and a(t) = 2//2 for t > 2. In addition, t >-* t2a(t) should be monotonically decreasing for t > 0. Compare Berger (1977, M), page 367. In the general case, the right-hand side of (36) must be replaced by pseudogradient vector fields. In this connection, compare Browder (1970a), page 17, Zeidler (1979a), Chow and Hale (1982, M) and Problem 49.7.
350 44. Ljusternik-Schnirelman Theory and the Existence of Several Eigenvectors Parallel to Section 44.2b, (H) yields assertions concerning multiplicity. If (H) is not fulfilled, then one can use a general argument from Browder (1970a), pages 10, 33. 44.14.* Ljusternik-Schnirelmen theory and free critical points. We consider this complex of problems in Problem 49.7 in connection with other methods for the construction of free critical points. 44.15.** Existence of geodesies. Study the literature cited in Section 37.27e. References to the Literature Classical works: Ljusternik (1930), (1939); Schnirelman (1930). General theory: Ljusternik and Schnirelman (1934, M); Krasnoselskii; (1956, M); Vainberg (1956, M); Palais (1966); Schwartz (1969, L); Coffman (1969); Alber (1970, S); Browder (1970a); Clark (1972); Amann (1972); Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1973, L); Rabinowitz (1974, S); Berger (1977, M); Klingenberg (1978, M); Zeidler (1979), (1979a), (1980, S, B). General symmetries: Browder (1970a), Fadell and Rabinowitz (1978). Genus and topological index: Krasnoselskii (1956, M); Coffman (1969); Browder (1970a) (category); Rabinowitz (1974); Fadell and Rabinowitz (1977), (1978); Zeidler (1980, B). Perturbation of critical points: Krasnoselskii (1956, M); Krasnoselskii and Zabreiko (1975, M); Zeidler (1980, B). Indefinite problems: Krasnoselskii (1956, M); Zeidler (1979a), (1980). Morse-Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory and global differential geometry on Hilbert manifolds: Klingenberg (1978, M). Application to elliptic partial differential equations: Browder (1970), (1970a); Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz (1973); Rabinowitz (1974, S); Zeidler (1979a), (1980); Struwe (1980), (1982). Application to hyperbolic differential equations and periodic solutions of dynamical systems: Fadell and Rabinowitz (1978); Rabinowitz (1978a), (1978b); Chow and Hale (1982, M). Application to Hammerstein integral equations: Krasnoselskii (1956, M); Vainberg (1956, M); Coffman (1969); Amann (1972); Zeidler (1979a), (1980). Application to the existence of geodesies: Ljusternik and Schnirelman (1929) (classical work); Ljusternik and Schnirelman (1947, S); Schwartz (1969, L); Flaschel and Klingenberg (1972, L); Klingenberg (1978, M,B,H). (Also, cf. the references to the literature in Chapter 49 concerning the existence of free critical points and their applications.)
CHAPTER 45 Bifurcation for Potential Operators One can fully justify the linearization principle of bifurcation theory for potential operators. Mark Aleksandrovic Krasnoselskii (1956) In this chapter we shall show that especially favorable bifurcation relations are present in the case of potential operators. In the proof of the main theorem, we shall essentially make use of Lagrange multipliers and the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory. We introduced the basic concepts of bifurcation theory in Section 8.1. 45.1. Krasnoselskii's Theorem We consider the nonlinear eigenvalue problem n(Lu + Nu) = u, ueX, ix eU (l) together with the linearized problem H0Lu = u (2) under the following assumptions: (HI) L: X-* X is linear and compact on the real B-space X. (H2) N: f/(0)cl-^Iis compact on the neighborhood of zero [/(0), where ||M<||/||k||-*0 as ||k||-*0. According to Theorem 15.B in Section 15.6, the following two assertions hold: (i) Necessary condition: If (jw0,0) is a bifurcation point of (1), then n0 is a characteristic number of (2).
j52 45. tsuurcation lor rotential operators (ii) Sufficient condition: If ju.0 is a characteristic number of (2) with odd algebraic multiplicity, then (/x0,0) is a bifurcation point of (1). To obtain an essential sharpening of (ii), we make the following additional assumptions: (H3) X is an H-space, L is symmetric, and N is a potential operator, i.e., there exists a functional F: [/(0) c X-* U such that F'= N on [/(0). (H4) N is continuously F-differentiable on the open neighborhood of zero [/(0). Since L is symmetric, it is also a potential operator. Proposition 45.1 (Krasnoselskii (1956)). If(Hl)-(H4) hold, then the following two assertions are equivalent: (a) (n0,0) is a bifurcation point of (1). (b) ix0 is a characteristic number of (2). Thus the heuristic linearization principle for the determination of bifurcation points for potential operators is rigorously justified. As we have seen in the Counterexample 8.2, (b) =» (a) does not always hold when no potential operators are present. The bifurcation branches can then correspond to complex values of the parameter. The significance of Proposition 45.1 consists is that, for example, in elasticity theory there appear problems of type (1), say, in the determination of the buckling of beams, plates, and shells. Since in this connection it is a matter of equations that arise from variational problems, potential operators are present. We shall delve into such applications in Part IV. Proposition 45.1 is a special case of Theorem 45.A in the next section. In Krasnoselskii (1956, M), Chapter VI, Theorem 2.2, the conditions (H3) and (H4) are replaced by a modification of (H3). 45.2. The Main Theorem We investigate the equation Bu + Nu = e(u + Mu), (3) where B is a linear operator and Mu, Nu = o(\\u\\) as «->0, in order to determine when (3) has another (nontrivial) solution in a neighborhood of (0,0) besides the trivial solution u = 0, e arbitrary (see Fig. 45.1). Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) B: X-* X is a linear, continuous, and symmetric operator on the real H-space X with the inner product (• | •). (H2) R(B) is closed and 0 < dim N(B) < oo.
45.2. The Main Theorem 353 u -p ► 6 Figure 45.1 (H3) M, N: [/(0) c X -* X are continuous F-differentiable potential operators on the open neighborhood of zero, U(0), such that ||iVK||/|M| -*0 and ||MK||/||K||-*0asK-*0. Then, because of its symmetry, B is also a potential operator. Theorem 45.A. Under the assumptions (//1)-(//3), the following assertions hold: (1) The point (0,0) is a bifurcation point of (3). (2) If M and N are odd, then there exist n solution branches of (3) that pass through (0,0), where n = dim N(B). To be precise, there exists an r0 > 0 such that for each number r: 0 < r < r0 there exist at least n distinct solution pairs (e,, ur), (e,, — ur) of (3), where g(ur) = r and (e,, «,)-> (0,0) asr->0. Here, g(u) = 2~\u\u)+a(u), where a'(u) = Mu on [/(0), a(0) = 0. The intuitive interpretation of Theorem 45.A is clear from the following example. Example 45.2. We consider Lu + Nu = X(u + Mu) (4) and assume: (i) L: X -» X is linear, continuous, and symmetric on the real H-space X. The operators M and N satisfy (H3). (ii) \0 is an isolated eigenvalue of L having finite multiplicity n. Then the following hold: (a) (A0,0) is a bifurcation point of (4). (b) If M and N are odd, then there exist n solution branches, i.e., for each r. 0 < r < r0 there are at least n distinct solution pairs (Xr, ur), (Xr, — ur) such that g(ur) = r and (Xr, ur) -» (A0,0) as r -* 0. Proof. We set X = X0 + e, B = L - X0I. According to Problem 45.2, from (ii) it follows that R(B) =R[1T). Then Theorem 45.A immediately yields the assertion. □
354 45. Bifurcation for Potential Operators (gr® (a) (b) Figure 45.2 Figure 45.2 illustrates situation (b) for X=U2, n = 2, M = 0. The linearized problem Lu = \u possesses two linearly independent eigenvectors; therefore, two solution vector pairs (u, — u) lie on each small sphere having center at zero [see Fig. 45.2(a)]. If a perturbation N appears in (4), then we expect that the solution branches are deformed as in Fig. 45.2(b). Our assertion corresponds to this representation in weakened form. For M=£0, the level set g(u) = r describes a perturbed sphere. 45.3. Proof of the Main Theorem First, we briefly explain the basic idea of the proof. Let a'= M, b'= N.We set def def f(u) = 2_1(^m|m) + 6(m), g(u) =2-l(u\u) + a(u). Then the original problem (3) reads as follows: f'(u) = eg'(u). (5) Due to the Lagrange multiplier rule, it is natural to make use of the variational problem /(«) = min!, g(u) = r (6) to solve (5). However, this method does not lead directly to our goal. The idea of our proof is a modification which requires that we consider (6) only for special u of the form u = d + w(v,e), e = e(v), veN(B). (7) Since dimN(B)<oo, there are no difficulties with compactness in the solution of (6). Our procedure is very natural, since, with the aid of the branching equation, it will turn out that the solutions of (5) must necessarily have the form (7). From (6) and (7) we first obtain a solution of the branching equation and then, in the usual way, a solution of the original problem (5).
45.3. Proof of the Main Theorem 355 In the proof we shall repeatedly apply the implicit function theorem (Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7). In order to clearly work out the simple essence of the proof, we shall assume that M and N are analytic in a neighborhood of zero, i.e., in the sense of Section 8.3, Mu=*a2u2 + a3u3 + ■ ••, Nu = b2u2 + b3u3 + • • • (8) holds. Then we can apply the implicit function theorem in its analytic version given in Section 8.3 and obtain the solutions in terms of series expansions as well. The decisive advantage is that by substitutions and equating coefficients or by successive approximation we can immediately see the order of magnitude of the solutions in a simple way (see, e.g., (10)). For the proof it is crucial that certain expansion terms do not appear in the solutions. In Problem 45.3 we recommend that the reader verify all steps in the proof with the aid of Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7 for the case when M and N are only C1-mappings. We shall consider and solve all equations in a neighborhood of zero. Step 1: The Branching Equation in the Sense of Ljapunov. We decompose X by X=N(B)®N(B)± and then, parallel to this, consider the decomposition u=v + w, veN(B), weN(B)1- for all m e X Here, NiB)-1 denotes the orthogonal complement of N(B). We denote the orthogonal projection operators of X onto N(B) or onto N(B)->- by P or Px, respectively. Then P + P± =1. Parallel to Section 8.6, we now decompose equation (5) in the form P±f'(u) = eP±g'(u), u = v + w, (9a) Pf'(u) = ePg'(u). (9b) We first solve (9a). According to the closed range theorem (cf. Aj(39)), R(B) = N(B)±. Consequently, B: N(B)1- -* N(B)1- is surjective. Furthermore, this operator is also bijective because Bu = Q, ueNlB)-1 implies » = 0. According to Aj(36), B~l thus exists on N(B)-1 as a linear continuous operator. Since /'= B + N, g'=I + M, P±B*=B, Bv = 0, P±v=0, (9a) then reads as follows: w=B~1P± [e(w + Mu) — Nu], u = v + w. If we write this equation in the form G(e, u,w) = 0, then G(0,0,0) = 0, Gw(0,0,0) = I. According to the implicit function theorem from Section 8.3, we obtain a solution w = w(e,v), where w(e, v) — c02u2 + ecuv2 + c03u3 + ■ ■ • (10) because of (8). The ellipsis dots denote terms of higher order. It is important : that each term contains at least the square of v.
356 45. Bifurcation for Potential Operators Now, if we set u = v + w(e, v) in (9b), we obtain the so-called branching equation. Conversely, if one knows a solution (e, v) of the branching equation, then setting w = w(e, v) one immediately obtains a solution of (5) by adding (9a) and (9b). Therefore, we have only yet to solve the branching equation. Step 2: Condition on e. Forming the inner product of the branching equation (9b) with v immediately leads to (Bu + Nu\v) = e(u + Mu\v), u = v + w(e, v) because/' = B + N and g'~ I + M. Taking into account that Bv = 0, (u|w) = 0, this yields (Bw(e, v) + N(v + w(e, v))\v) = e(v\v) + e(M(v + w(e, v))\v). (11): It is crucial that after division by (v\v), for v + 0, this equation assumes the form e = d0lv + eduv + d02v2 + • ■ •, (11a) where the right-hand member is analytic in a neighborhood of zero. Here, one must keep in mind (10), (11) and ||cu*||/(u|u) < ||c|| ||u||*_2 for k > 3 and v + 0. The implicit function theorem from Section 8.3 guarantees a solution e= e(v) of (11a), where e(v) = axv + a2v2 + • • • . We thus arrive at the following lemma. Lemma 45.3. If we set <p(v) = w(e(v), v), then P^f'(u) = eP^g'(u), (/'(«)|i>)-e(g'(«)|i;) holds, where e= e(v), u = v+ <p(v) for all v in a neighborhood of zero in N(B). Step 3: Variational Problem. As we stated after (6), we now consider the problem /(i> + v(i>)) = mini, g(v + v(v))-r, veV. (12) Here, V is a fixed sufficiently small open neighborhood of zero in N(B). Lemma 45.4. For any fixed sufficiently small r > 0, (12) has a solution v and this solution satisfies (f'(v + <p(v))\z + <p'(v)z) = ,x(g'(v + <p(v))\z + <p'(v)z) (13) for all z e N{B). Corollary 45.5. If M and N are odd, then there exist at least dimN(B) solution pairs (v, — v) of (12), and (13) holds for them.
IV blems 357 1'koof. Let c(v) =g(v + <p(v)), F, = {c£F: c(v) = r}. Since <p(u) = fA||u||2), v-* 0, we have (c'(0)|0) = (g'(0 + v(0))|0 + v'(0)0) ~(v\v) + 0(\\v\\3), v-*0; c(w) - 2-1(»|») + C»(||i;||3), v-+0; therefore, (c'(v)\v) + 0 for all v e Vr and sufficiently small r. Thus Lemma 45.4 follows from the Lagrange multiplier rule (cf. Section 43.3). One must lake into account that for all sufficiently small r > 0, the level set Vr is a ampact subset of a sufficiently small open neighborhood of zero, V. Corollary 45.5 follows from the. Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory (cf. Sec- lion 44.8). Note that/ and g are even and thus v <-> e(v), v -* w(e, v), and r -»<p(v) are odd. Consequently, c is even. Since (c'(v)\v) i= 0 for all v e Vr and sufficiently small r > 0, the level set Vr is diffeomorphic to the sphere 2 '*{v\v) — r. This is proved analogously to Lemma 44.28. □ The essential trick in the proof of Theorem 45.A in Section 45.2 depends on the following lemma. Lemma 45.6. In (13), ft, — e(v). def 1'roof. Let z = v in (13). Since ^(^)6^(5)-1 and therefore ip'(o)z€ SXB)-1, from (13) and Lemma 45.3 it immediately follows that (6(0)-/0(^(0 + ^(0))10 + ^(0)0)-0. □ Srep 4: Solution of the Branching Equation. Using (13) with ft, = e(v), from Lemma 45.3 it follows that {f'(v + v(v))\z) = e(v)(g'(v + v(v))\z) forallzeAT(iJ); therefore, Pf'(v + V(v))-e(v)Pg'(v + <p(o)). (14) Step 5: Solution of the Original Problem. According to Lemma 45.3, (14) also holds if one replaces P by P ±. Since P + P± = I, addition of these two relations yields the equation (14) without P. Consequently, u = v + <p(v), 1 - e(v) is a solution of/'(«) = eg'(u). This completes the proof of Theorem 45.A in Section 45.2. 1'roblems 45.1. Proof of Proposition 45.1. Solution: Set X = n~l, A0 = fig1, A = A0 + e, B = L - \0I and apply Theorem 45.A in Section 45.2. By Section 8.4, B is a Fredholm operator; hence R(B) =R(B).
45. Bifurcation for Potential Operator- Closed range. Prove that R(B)=R(B), where B = L~\QI in Example 45.2. Solution: First, from the symmetry of B it immediately follows that R(B)£N(B)-L; hence PXB = B. We will be finished when we show that R(B) = NiB)1. For this purpose we use: Bu = Q, ueN(B)1 implies « = 0. (15) By assumption, A = 0 is an isolated eigenvalue of B. The spectral famih {Ex} of B is thus constant in a left-hand-sided and right-hand-sideJ neighborhood of X = 0. Then {P1 EXP-1 } possesses the same property. The latter is the spectral family of the operator PXBPX: N{B)X -»i\f(5) + . For this reason, X = 0 is an eigenvalue of P^BP1 or X = 0 belongs to the resolvent set of PXBPX. In the second case, R{B) = N{B)L. Due to (15). the first case cannot occur. Weakened smoothness in the proof of Theorem 45.A. Making use of the hinl1- in the introduction to Section 45.3, show that the proof of Theorem 45.A K also valid for C'-mappings M and N. Hint: Use Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7. Caution in using (11) is recommended. For this purpose, we write (11) in the form H(e,v) = e(v\v). Division by (v\v) yields G(e,u) = e (1(-) for v =t= 0. Now one must note the fact that for v-*Q, the limiting value def relation G(e, v)-*Q holds. If one sets G(0,0) = 0, then G is continuous on a neighborhood of zero. Moreover, one shows that (7,,(0,0) = 0. From (16) it then follows that e=e(v), and Theorem 4.B in Section 4.7 yields the existence of e'(v) for v + 0. Compare this with Rabinowitz (1974, S), pajA 181. Important variants of Theorem 45.A We consider the equation Lu + Nu = (\0 + e)u, eel, ael (1") subject to the following assumptions: (HI) Xis a real H-space. L: X-* X\s linear, continuous, and symmetrk (H2) JV: 1/(0)cl->l is continuously F-differentiable on an opo neighborhood of zero, 1/(0), where ||JVk||/||k|| -* 0 as u -* 0. Furthermore, \ is an odd potential operator. (H3) X0 is an isolated eigenvalue of L with finite multiplicity n. Show that (0,0) is a bifurcation point of (17) and exactly one of the following two cases occurs: (i) (0,0) is not an isolated solution of (17) in {0} X X. (ii) There exist a left-hand-sided neighborhood of zero, Uh and a righi- hand-sided neighborhood of zero, Ur, in U and integers n,, nr such th.il n, + nr>n and the following holds: For each eel// (respective!'..
Problems 359 e e Ur), e # 0, (17) has at least n, (respectively, nr) solution pairs (e, u), (e, - u), u # 0, and as e -> 0 these nontrivial solutions converge to (0,0). Hint: Compare Fadell and Rabinowitz (1977). In an essential way the proof makes use of a topological index, which is explained with the aid of the Cech cohomology theory and of arguments from the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory. This index is related to the concept of genus defined in Chapter 44. However, with regard to the present problem, it possesses more convenient properties than does the genus. In Theorem 45.A in Section 45.2 we characterized the number of solutions by stating how many solutions lie on small spheres with center at the zero point of X or the surfaces related to this. The significance of the above variant of Theorem 45.A consists is that the number of solutions is characterized as dependent on e. This characterization corresponds to our representation of solution branches of the form £*-> u(e). Roughly speaking, (ii) asserts that to the left (respectively, to the right) of e = 0 there lie at least n, (respectively, nr) solution branches e*->m(e), and the total number of these branches is at least equal to the multiplicity of the eigenvalue \0. Assertions for the case when N is not odd may be found in Rabinowitz (1977). 45.4b. Study the proof in Exercise 45.4a and show that assertions (i) and (ii) can be carried over to the equation F01u + eFnu + Fmu2 + 2t, rtkFkrur = 0, (17a) esR, ugX when the following assumptions are satisfied. Here, F(e, u) denotes the left-hand side of (17a): (HI) X is a real H-space. (H2) F: U(0,0)cmxX-^X is analytic in a neighborhood of (0,0). In (17a) the summation is over all integers k, r, where k + r > 3, k >. 0, r:>l. Thus, F( e, 0) = 0. (H3) For all e in a neighborhood of zero, u *-> F(e, u) is an odd potential operator. (H4) F01 is a Fredholm operator for 0 < n < oo where n - dim N(Fnl). (H5) (Fnu\u) > 0 for all u # 0 in N(F01). Hint: Compare Ackermann (1979), page 100. Equations of the type (17a) appear frequently in nonlinear elasticity theory. 45.4c. Important assertions concerning the structure of equations of type (17) and (17a), where it is not necessary to have potential operators, can be found in B6hme (1972). There, in the case of analytic equations, one finds more precise assertions concerning the number of analytic solution branches. The proofs use the reduction method of Section 45.3. The branching equations are then investigated with the aid of deeper topological and analytical statements (Adams' theorem concerning the number of linearly independent vector fields on spheres within the framework of jKT-theory, the curve selection theorem for analytical sets, etc.).
j60 45. Bifurcation for Potential Operator:- 45.5.* Application to elliptic partial differential equations. We consider the nonlineai boundary eigenvalue problem G: -\bu=*u + p(u); dG:u = Q. (18) Let G be a bounded region in R N with a sufficiently smooth boundary, and let /?: [— a, a] -> R be continuously differentiable for a fixed a > 0, where p(u) = o(u) as «->0. Show that to each eigenvalue \0 of the linearized problem, i.e., (18) with p = 0, there corresponds a bifurcation point (X0,0) of (18). Stated precisely: There exists an e0 > 0 such that to each \ with 0<|\-\0|<e0 there corresponds a classical solution ux^ 0 of (18), where ux(x) -> 0 uniformly on G as X -> X0. Hint: Let X= ^(G)- We extend/; to a C'-function/;: R ->R so that/ is bounded globally. The generalized problem for (18) reads as follows: f'(u) = \u, XeR, ugX, (18a) where f(u)- J2~l{u2+P{u))dx and P' = p. Now apply Theorem 45.A in Section 45.2 to (18a) with X = \0 + e. Then, for the solutions of (18a), regularity propositions foi elliptic partial differential equations then yield that ||«||^-->0 implies. max|u(x)| -» 0. Therefore, the generalized solutions are also classical solutions of (18) with the original p. Compare Rabinowitz (1974, S), pages 187. 160. References to the Literature Classical work: Krasnoselskii (1956, M). Bohme (1972); Rabinowitz (1974, S), (1977); Fadell and Rabinowit/ (1977); Mc Leod and Turner (1976); Stuart (1977), (1979, S); Bergej (1977, M); Ackermann (1979); Chow and Hale (1982, M). Kirchgassner (1971), (1976); Grundmann (1974); Ize (1976, S).
EXTREMAL PROBLEMS WITH GENERAL SIDE CONDITIONS We cannot get more out of the mathematical mill than we put into it, though we may get it in a form infinitely more useful for our purpose. John Hopkins Do not imagine that mathematics is hard and crabbed, and repulsive to common sense. It is merely the etherealization of common sense. Lord Kelvin In the following three chapters, convex sets, convex cones, variational inequalities, and general Lagrange multipliers play a crucial role.
CHAPTER 46 Differentiable Functionals on Convex Sets In this chapter, by generalizing the results of Section 40.2, we show that in the case of a convex set M each solution u of min F(u) — (b,u) =a (1) satisfies a variational inequality, i.e., (F'(u)-b,v-u)>.0 forallueM. (2) If u is an interior point of M, then, by Problem 39.4, (2) passes to the Euler equation F'{u)-b = 0. (3) 46.1. Variational Inequalities as Necessary and Sufficient Extremal Conditions We formulate the following assumptions for the existence propositions: (HI) F: M c X -» IR is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous. X is a real reflexive 5-space. (H2) M is closed, convex, and not empty. (H3) M is bounded or, for each sequence («„) from M, where \\u„\\ -* oo as n -» oo, we have HmF(un)-(b,un) = +oo.
364 46. Differentiable Functional on Convex Sets Theorem 46.A. Let F; M c X -* U be a functional on the convex nonempty set M of the real locally convex space X, and let b in X* be a given prescribed element. Then: (a) Necessary condition. If u is a solution of (1), then d+F(u;v-u)-(b,u-v)>0 for all v e M (4) in the case where the left-hand side exists. If F' exists as a G-derivative on M, then (4) is identical to the variational inequality (2). (b) Equivalence. If F is convex and F' exists as a G-derivative on M, then the minimum problem (1) and the variational inequality (2) are mutually equivalent. (c) Uniqueness. If F is strictly convex on M, then (1) and (2) have at most one solution. (d) Existence. If (//1)-(//3) are satisfied, then (1) has a solution. For convex F, the solution set of (1) is closed, convex, and bounded. As the proof shows, assertion (a) also holds for local minima of u <-* F(u) -(b,u) with respect to M. Proof, (a) For fixed v e M, we set def <p(t) = F(u + t(v - u))-(b,u + t(v - u)). For all t e [0,1], <p(t) > <p(0); therefore, <p'+ (0) > 0, but this is (4). (b) Let u be a solution of (2); therefore, <p'(0) > 0. The function <p is convex on [0,1]; consequently, <p' is monotone, i.e., <p(l)-<p(0) = <p'( #);><*>'(()), 0<d<l. This yields F(v)-(b, v) > F(u)-(b, u) for all v e M and, therefore, (1). (c) and (d) are special cases of Theorem 38.C in Section 38.4, Proposition 38.15, and Proposition 41.2. □ 46.2. Quadratic Variational Problems on Convex Sets and Variational Inequalities Parallel to the minimum problem min 2~la(u,u)-b(u) = a, (5) MS M we consider the variational inequality a(u,v— u)>b(v — u) forallueM. (6) We seek ue M.
■"■.). Application to Partial Differential Inequalities 365 I'roposition 46.1. The two problems (5) and (6) are mutually equivalent and 1'i'isess exactly one solution when the following three conditions hold: ((') M is a closed convex nonempty set in the real H-space X. {ii) a: X X X-* U is bilinear, bounded, symmetric, and strongly positive. iiii) b: X-+H is linear and continuous. Corollary 46,2, If M is a closed convex cone, then (6) is equivalent to the determination ofu&Mby means of a(u,w)>b(w) forallweM, (7) a(u,u) = b{u). We recall the known definition of a convex cone in Section 48.1. We treat the proofs in Problems 46.1 and 46.2. 46,3. Application to Partial Differential Inequalities l'.irallel to Section 37.7, we consider the problem - Au + cu = / on G, (8) «£0, j~-g*0, (~-g)« = 0 ondG, w I tore c is a positive constant. Let G be a bounded region in IR N, N > 1, with clef piecewise smooth boundary, i.e., dG e C0,1. We choose X = W^iG) and set def M = («el: u(x) ^ 0 almost everywhere on dG]. We recall that each u in X possesses generalized boundary values in L2(dG). I liese generalized boundary values appear in M. Definition 46.3. The generalized problem of (8) reads as follows: / e L2(G) and geL2(8G) are given. An element ueM is sought such that a(u,w)>b(w) forallweM, a(u, u) = b(u), where def - I N a(u, v) = j < Y, DjUDiV + cuv \ dx i-l , .def c r b{v)= \ gvdO+ fvdx JdG JG Ji,d ^=(^,...,^), Z>,= 3/3f,.
366 46. Differentiable Functionals on Convex Sets This definition is motivated by the discussion in Section 37.7. Example 46.4. The generalized problem for (8) has exactly one solution. We treat the proof in Problem 46.3. 46.4. Projections on Convex Sets We now study the minimum problem min \\u — c\\ = a, (9) « e M i.e., we seek points u in M which are at the least distance from the given point c (see Fig. 46.1). Proposition 46,5 (Moreau (1962)). If M is a closed convex nonempty set in the real H-space X with the inner product (■ | ■), then: (1) For each c in X, (9) has exactly one solution u. (2) If we denote this solution by Pc, then the operator P: X-* M is monotone and nonexpansive. (3) u = Pc if and only if (u-c\v-u)^0 forallveM. (10) (4) If M is a closed convex cone, then \\Pc\\2 = (c\Pc) and (Pc|w);>0 forallc,weM. (11) If we set def M+ = {veX:{v\w)>OforallweM}, then each c in X has exactly one decomposition of the form c = u-u+, ueM, u+eM+, (u\u+) = Q. (12) Here, u = Pc. M Figure 46.1
4( i. The Ritz Method 367 Geometrically, condition (10) asserts that, for all v e M, u - c and v - u lorm an acute angle (see Fig. 46.1). In the special case when M is a closed linear subspace, M+ is the orthogonal complement of M, i.e., M+={oeI: (u|w) = 0forallweM}. Mien P is equal to the orthogonal projection operator on M, and (12) lepresents the known orthogonal decomposition of c. For this reason, in the general case, we call P the projection operator of X on the convex set M. We "•lull apply Proposition 46.5 in an essential way in Section 46.6. 1'koof. Ad (1), (3). We set def def a(u,u) = (m\u), b(u) = {c\u). Since \\u~ c\\2 = a(u,u)~2b(u) + (c\c), (lJ) is equivalent to min 2_1a(«, u) — b(u) =/?. iie M Now the assertion follows from Proposition 46.1. Ad (4) Relation (11) follows from Corollary 46.2. From c = Pc-u+ it follows that (Pc\u+) = Q according to (11) and h eM+ according to (10). If (12) holds, then (10) is also satisfied and thus u -- Pc. Ad (2) From (10) with v = Pd and v = Pc, we obtain {Pc-c\Pd-Pc)^Q and (Pd-d\Pc-Pd)^Q, icvpectively; therefore, \\Pc~Pd\\2< (Pc~Pd\c-d) < \\Pc~Pd\\ \\c - d\\. a 46.5. The Ritz Method I nr an approximate solution of min F(u)-(b,u) = a, (13) «e M we consider the Ritz approximation problem min F{un)-(b, «„>=«„, «-1,2,.... (14) u e M n X„ (14) is a finite-dimensional optimization problem. We refer to Problem 46.5
368 46. Differentiable Functional on Convex Scls for methods for handling such problems. We assume: (HI) F: X -* U is continuous on the real separable H-space X, dim X = oo. b is a fixed element in X*. (H2) M is a closed convex nonempty set in X. Furthermore, M is bounded or, for each sequence (¾) in M such that ||u„|| -» oo as n -» oo, we have En F(v„)-(b,v„)-* +00. n -» oo (H3) F'\ X-* X* exists onlasa G-derivative. F' is demicontinuous and satisfies (S)+. According to Fig. 27.1, this is satisfied, for instance, when F' = A + V holds for the operators A, V: X-* X*, where A is uniformly monotone and V is compact. (H4) {w1,w2,...} is a basis for X. If we set Xn = span{Wj,...,w„}, then M n Xn¥=0 for all n e N and the closure of U "_jAf n X„ is equal to M. Theorem 46.B. ff/r/i r/ie assumptions (//1)-(//4), the following two assertions hold: (1) /Tie /?/te equations have a solution u„ for each n, and (u„) has a subsequence which converges to a solution u of (13). Moreover, a„ -> a as n -»oo. (2) If F is strictly convex, then for each n, (13) and (14) possess exactly one solution u and un, respectively, and un -* u as n -* oo. Proof. Ad (1) According to Proposition 41.8, F is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. The existence assertions for (13) and (14) follow from Proposition 41.2. As in the proof of Theorem 42.A in Section 42.5, the continuity of F and the fact that U „ Xn n Af = M imply an -* a as n -> oo. Thus, («„) is a minimal sequence, and Corollary 41.3 yields the assertion of the theorem. Ad (2) The uniqueness follows from Theorem 38.C in Section 38.4. Then we obtain the assertion by again using Corollary 41.3. D 46.6. The Projected Gradient Method We consider the minimum problem min F(u)-(b,u) = a (15) ue M with the corresponding variational inequality (F'(u)~b,v-u)ZtO forallueM. (16)
46.6. The Projected Gradient Method 369 Parallel to this, we also investigate the more general variational inequality (Au-b,v-u)>0 forallueM. (17) We seek »6 M. The basic idea for dealing with (16) and (17) is that we construct the operator def Ltu = P(u-tJ~l(Au-b)) (18) and, instead of (17), study the fixed-point problem u = Ltu, ueX, * (19) with the corresponding iteration method un + 1 = Ltun, u0eM, « = 0,1,.... (20) Thereby, we will apply the combined monotonicity and contractivity trick from Section 25.4. We assume: (HI) A: X-* X* is a strongly monotone and Lipschitz-continuous operator on the real separable H-space X, i.e., there exist numbers a, m > 0 such that for all u,veX, m\\u~ v\\2 <{Au — Av,u— v), \\Au- Av\\ <a\\u- v\\. We choose t so that 0 < t < 2m/a2. Furthermore, b is a fixed element in X*. (H2) M is a closed, convex, and nonempty set in X. (H3) P: X -» M is the projection operator from XonM defined in Section 46.4. Furthermore, J: X-* X* is the duality mapping explained in Section 21.4. If we identify X with X*, then J passes to the identity mapping I: X-*X. The following contractability condition which follows from Section 25.4 is crucial: \\L,u — L,v\\ <k\\u- v\\ forallM.u el, def where k2 = 1 - 2mt - t2a2. According to the choice of t in (HI), 0 < k < 1. Theorem 46.C. With the assumptions (//1)-(//3), the following two assertions hold: (1) L, is a k-contractive operator on X. (2) The variational inequality (17) and the fixed-point problem (19) are mutually equivalent. (19) has exactly one solution u on M and the iteration process (20) converges to u as n-* oo, with the error estimate \\un- u\\< k"(l~ k)'1^- u0\\, ««1,2,....
370 46. Differentiable Functional on Convex Sets Remark 46.6. (19) is precisely of the type that we considered in Theorem 25.A in Section 25.1. Therefore, for an approximate solution of (19), one can use not only iteration methods, but also projection methods and projection-iteration methods, and all these methods converge according to Theorem 25.A. If one compares (20) with the gradient method (42.23), with U=J~\ then because of the additional appearance of the projection operator P in (18) and (20), the designation projected gradient method becomes understandable. P provides for the situation that each solution of (19) is automatically in M. The main difficulty of the method lies in the construction of P in concrete problems. If F: X -* U is convex and F' exists on X as a G-derivative, then (15) and (16) are mutually equivalent according to Theorem 46.A in Section 46.1 and Theorem 46.C can be applied to solve (15) and (16) with A = F'. def _, Proof. Ad (1) Let Bu = u-tJ \Au-b). According to Section 25.4, B is fc-contractive. Since, by Proposition 46.5, P is nonexpansive, we obtain \\PBu - PBv\\ <, \\Bu - Bv\\ <k\\u~ v\\. Ad (2) Equation u = L,u is equivalent to u = PBu and this is equivalent to (u-Bu\v~u) >0 forallueM, by Proposition 46.5, (3). However, because t > 0, this is equivalent to 0< (J~l(Au-b)\v-u)= (Au-b,v-u) forallueM. The assertions for (19) and (20) follow immediately from the Banach fixed-point theorem (Theorem l.A in Section 1.1). D 46.7. The Penalty Functional Method We study the minimum problem F(u) = minl, ueX (21a) subject to the side conditions F,(u)<i0, / = 1,...,^, Fj(u) = Q, j = p+l,...,N. (21b) Here, we also allow that the inequalities or the equalities do not even appear. This can be attained formally by Fk = 0. The penalty method for the approximate solution of (21) reads as follows: H«) + k„ E(^("))2+ E H3(«)||2 =min!, ueX, (22) \'=i j=p+i I
46.7. The Penalty Functional Method 371 _ def where Ft(u) = max{Ft{u),0), or n») + ^ff(^(»)-^'))2+ E ||i>(")H2)=min!, (23) \ .-=.1 j = P+i I where(u,t)(= XxW and t = (t^,...,tiP)). We have already explained the basic idea of the penalty method in Section 37.29d. Here, it is important to note that in (22) and (23) we are dealing with a free minimum problem, in contrast to (21). The advantage of (23) over (22) is that for differentiable Ft, / = 1,...,^, the corresponding penalty term is also differentiable. We assume: (HI) X and Y are real reflexive B-spaces. (H2) F: X-*U is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous and F(u)-* + oo as ||u|| -» oo. (H3) Ft: X-*U, i = 1,...,p, is weakly sequentially continuous. (H4) Fy. X -* Y, j = p +1,..., N, is weakly sequentially continuous. (H5) There exists a ue X that satisfies the side condition (21b). Furthermore, (k„) is a sequence of positive numbers such that £:„->oo as n -»oo. Theorem 46.D. With the assumptions (//1)-(//5), the following two assertions hold: (1) For each n =1,2,..., the penalty problem (23) has a solution (un,tn)e XxW. There exists a subsequence (un>) of (un) which converges weakly to a solution u of the original problem (21), and F(un,) -* F(u) as n -» oo. (2) If (21) has exactly one solution u, then un-^u and F(un)-* F(u) as n-»oo. Corollary 46.7. There is an analogous assertion for (22). If F possesses a uniformly monotone G-derivative on X, i.e., (F'(u)-F'(d),u-d)>c\\u-d\\p for all «,!)£ X and fixed c>Q,p>l, then one can replace weak convergence in Theorem 46. D by strong convergence. Proof. Ad (1) If we denote the left-hand side of (23) by G„, then G„(u,t)-*+00 as||K|| + ||f||-*oo (24) holds. For ||u|| -* oo, this follows from G„{u, t)> F{u)-* + oo. By (H3), Ft, i = 1,...,p, is strongly continuous and thus bounded according to Fig. 27.1. For this reason, (24) is also valid for sequences for which ||u|| remains bounded and ||f||-»oo holds. F and G„ are weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. Proposition 41.2 yields the existence of a solution (un, t„) of (23). Obviously f <'> must be nonpositive.
372 4b. Differentiable Functionals on Convex Sets If U denotes the set of all u e X where (21b) holds, then U is weakly sequentially closed. Proposition 41.2 yields the existence of a solution v of (21). If wesetr(,)= F^v), then, because of (21b), Gn{un, tn)<Gn(v, t)<F(v) holds; therefore, G„(u„,t„)-F(u„) + k„ E(^("J-^)2+ E \\Ft(u„)\\A < F(v). \i=-i 1=/1+1 , (25) From this it follows that F(u„)<F(v), (26) {F.M-tPYzk^iFW-Fiu,)), / = 1,...,^, 11^(011^^(^)-^(0). j = P+h...,N. (24) and (25) yield the a priori estimate sup„(||«J| + ||f„||)< oo. Consequently, there exist subsequences which we denote by (u„), (t„) such that un-+u and tn -» t as n -» oo; therefore, F(u)<limF(un)<F(v). (27) (26) yields (i-.(«)-r<'>)2<0, iif/^ii^o. Since t(,) < 0, u satisfies the side condition (21b). According to (27), u is a solution of (21), for F(v) is equal to the minimal value. Ad (2) Use the convergence principle (Proposition 10.13, (2)). D The first part of Corollary 46.7 is proved analogously. By Corollary 42.7, the second part follows from f(«(,)-^(")^<^"(«),«,,-«> + q'"1ll«-«jr1 and F(u„)-* F(u), un-+u as n -»oo. 46.8. Regularization of Linear Problems In combination with Section 37.14, we consider the linear equation Au = b, ueX, (28) with the regularization method minM,i;-68||2 + *IMI2 = « (29) veX
■" . . Regulanzatibn of Linear Problems 373 iiud the corresponding Euler equation (AtAt+8l)ua = Afba, usex. (30) .(' denotes the adjoint operator to A. Here, we assume: (HI) A: X -» Y is a linear continuous operator. X and Y are real H-spaces. I! P denotes the orthogonal projection operator from Yonto R(A~], then let /' l>e a fixed element in Y such that Pb e R(A). According to Proposition 37.29, equation (28) then has a normal solution un which is equal to the uniquely determined solution of Au = Pb, u e X, »ilh the smallest norm. (H2) For each 8: 0 < 8 < 80 there exists a continuous linear operator As: V-> Yand an element bs in Y such that \\A - As\\<8 and \\b - bs\\ < 8. As and bs arise from A and b,- respectively, in practical problems on the hasis of round-off errors. (H3) If Ps denotes the orthogonal projection operator from Y onto K[AS), then, in the case where b <£ R{A), we consider only those operators . f„ having the property \\Pb-Psbs\\< (constant) 8 for all 8, 0<8<;80. (31) Theorem 46.E. With the assumptions (//1)-(//3), the following two asser- linns hold: (1) The regularized problem (30) has exactly one solution us. The problems (30) and (29) are mutually equivalent. (2) If 8 -» 0, r/iert m8 -* Mfi. The operator # = A^AS + S/ is self-adjoint and all its eigenvalues are yi eater than or equal to 8 because su\Asu) + 8(u\u) ^ 8(u\u). C) asserts that the solutions us of the stable problem (30) with the strongly monotone operator B tend to the normal solution uR of the original problem (28) as 8 -* 0. If we set A = As, b = bs, then, according to Section 46.7, (29) is the penalty method for ||u||2 = min! with the side condition \\Au — b\\2 = 0. I lie significance of Theorem 46.E for the solution of ill-posed problems was explained in Section 37.14. We have already considered applications in Section 37.15. We delve into the iterative determination of the normal solution and the corresponding error estimates in Problem 46.5. Proof. Ad (1) This follows immediately from Theorem 42.A in Section 42.5 :md (37.103d). A perusal of the proof of Theorem 42.A shows that the
374 46. Differentiable Functionate on Convex &t- separability of X required there is not necessary for the assertions needed here. Ad (2) First, we show that when b e R{A), (31) follows from (H2), for v-e then have \\Pb-Psbs\\ = \\b-Psbs\\<\\b-bs\\+ \\ba-Pab„\\ * \\b- b„\\+ \\bs - AsuR\\ < \\b - bs\\+ \\bs - b\\ + \\AuR-A8uR\\<z2\\b-ba\\+\\A-A8\\\\uR\\ <2S + S||«R||. (32) Note that \\bs - Psbs\\ < \\bs - Asu\\ for all u e X holds because of the construction of Ps. (I) Weak convergence of (us). Since PsAgV = AgU, \\Asv -bs\\2 = \\Asv -Psbs\\2 + ||(/- Ps)bs\\2 for all v ex. (This is the theorem of Pythagoras.) Consequently, us is also a solution nf problem (29) if one replaces bs by Psbs; therefore, Usus - Psbs\\2 + S\\us\\2 < \\AsuR - Psbs\\2 + 8\\uR\\2. (33) The next relation is important: \\AsuR-Psbs\\ = 0{8) as S -0. (34,1 According to (H2) and (H3), this follows from UsuR - PAII ^ \\AauR - AuR\\+ \\Pb- Psbs\\- Therefore, (33) yields the a priori estimate: ||k8||2<IKII2 + 0(8) as 8 -0. (35,1 Consequently, there exists a weakly convergent subsequence which we shall again briefly denote by (us); therefore, us-±v as 8 -» 0, and ||u||</»n||«8||<||«R||. (3M Furthermore, according to (H2), (H3), and (33), we have \\Au8 - Pb\\ < \\Aus - ^l8«8||+ \\Asus - Psbs\\ + \\Psbs-Pb\\-*Q asS-*0. A is weakly sequentially continuous (cf. Fig. 27.1); therefore, Av = l'b. \\v\\ ^ \\ur\\j i-e-. v=uRby the construction of uR. Since v is uniquely determined, it follows [by the convergence principle (Proposition 10.13, 2)] that the entire sequence (us) converges weakly to «,, as 8 -* 0. (II) Strong convergence of (us). From (35) and (36), with v = uR, a follows that ||m8|| -» \\uR\\ as 8 -* 0. Moreover, us-+uR as 8 -* 0. Now, Xis an H-space. It thus follows that us -* uR as 8 -* 0 (cf. Problem 46.4).
46.9. Regularization of Nonlinear Problems 375 46.9. Regularization of Nonlinear Problems In connection with the nonlinear operator equation Au = b, ueZ, (37) we study the regularized problem inf \\Az-bs\\r + 8-F(z) = a. (38) zeZ Our goal is an assertion of the form: \\u-us\\x<e for \\b -bs\\r<8, 0<8<8(e). (39) To this end, we assume: (HI) A: X -* Y is an injective continuous operator. X, Y, and Z are real reflexive B-spaces. The embedding Zc lis compact. (H2) F: Z-» [0, oo [ is weakly sequentially lower semicontinuous. For each r > 0, F~l([Q, r]) is bounded in Z. (H3) b is a given fixed element in A (Z), and u denotes the solution of (37). Theorem 46.F. If (//1)-(//3) hold, then for each e > 0 there exists a 8(e) > 0 such that for each bseY with \\b — bs\\Y < 8 and 0 < 8 < 8(e), the regularized problem (38) has a solution usfor which \\u - us\\x < e. def Example 46.8. F(u) = \\u\\lz can be chosen as a prototype for F. Proof. (I) Existence of us for fixed 8 > 0. We have a> 0. Let («„) be a minimal sequence of (38), i.e., \\Aun - bs\\\ + 8-F(un) -* a asn->oo. Due to the boundedness of the sequence (F(un)), according to (H2) the sequence (un) is also bounded (in Z). Consequently, there exists a subsequence which we shall again denote by (un) such that un-^us as n -* oo in Z and thus un -» us in X; therefore, \\Aus-bs\\2r + 8-F(us)^a. (II) Proof of (39). Let \\b - bs\\ < 8. Since Au = b and u e Z, from (38) it follows that \\Au8-b8\\+d-F(u8)^\\Au-b8\\+d-F{u)-0(8) (40) as 8-* 0. Consequently, F(us)<r for all 8 in a neighborhood of zero for appropriate r, i.e., us e F~ '([0, r]). */ _■, The set M = F \[0,r])U{u} is bounded in Z (according to (H2)), and tlius it is relatively compact in X. The closure M of M in X is therefore compact. JThe operator A: M -* Y is continuous and injective. Consequently, A"1: A(M)-*M exists as a continuous operator (cf. Aj(12e)). We shall
376 40. Diffeienuaule Funcnonais on Convex Set* show that \\Au-Aus\\Y = 0(S) as8-*0. (41) Since u, us e M, the relation (39) immediately follows. However, (41) follows directly from \\b-Aus\\<\\b-bs\\+\\bs-Aus\\ and (40). L Problems def 46.1. Proof of Proposition 46.1. Solution: Let F(u) = 2 la(u, u). The functional F is weak sequentially lower semicontinuous and strongly convex, according to Example 38.16. Furthermore, (F'(u),v) = lim r1(F(u + tv)~F(u)) = a(u,v) t->0 holds and F(u)-b(u)> c\\u\\2 - \\b\\\\u\\ -> + oo as ||u|| -> oo. Theorem 46.A in Section 46.1 yields the assertion. 46.2. Proof of Corollary 46.2. Solution: (6) obviously follows from (7) by subtraction. Conversely, we obtain (7) from (6) upon choosing def def def v = u + w forweM and v = 2u, v=0. Here, v is always an element of M. 46.3. Proof of Example 46.4. Solution: M is closed, for if un -> u in X, then for the generalized boundary values on 9(7, we have the convergence un-*u in L2(dG). Furthermore, M is obviously a convex cone. The mapping a X X X -> R is bilinear, bounded, symmetric, and strongly positive. ThK follows from the fact that |-| with \u\ = a(u,u) represents an equivalent norm on X because c > 0. Corollary 46.2 yields the assertion. Take (22.1') and Section 21.2 into account. 46.4. Criterion for strong convergence. Show: In an H-space or, more generally, in a locally uniform convex space (cf. A3(21a)), it follows from the wea'-\ convergence un-*u and the convergence of the norms ||m„|| -> ||w|| as n -*cr that we have the strong convergence un -> u. Hint: Compare Pascali and Sburlan (1978, M), page 5. In a real H-spacv. the assertion follows immediately from IK-"II2 = IKII2-2("K)+NI2. 46.5.* Methods for the solution of nonlinear optimization problems in R". For tlh1 numerical treatment of such problems, we have, in principle, three classes cf methods at our disposal: (i) Method of feasible directions, (ii) Penalty methods, (iii) Method of cutting hyperplanes.
n^jlems ill (i) is a matter of gradient methods where it is important to find descent directions which are compatible with the side conditions. Moreover, one must control the step length appropriately in order to prevent the method from oscillating near a vertex of the feasible region, where this vertex is not an optimal point. That is, we must avoid the situation where the method stays at an incorrect vertex. In (iii), the idea is to represent convex sets as the intersection of half-spaces and then to appropriately approximate the feasible region in a neighborhood of an optimal point. For an introduction to the modern algorithmic treatment of these ideas, we recommend Foulds (1981, M), Grossman and Kleinmichel (1976, L), and Psenicnyi, and Danilin (1979, M), as well as vthe literature that is to be found in the references to the literature for this chapter under the caption "Algorithms in RN". 46.6.* Regularization and iteration, methods. Suppose given the equation Au = b, where A: X -» Y is a linear continuous operator, X and Y are H-spaces and b e R(A). Let uR be the normal solution of Au — b. For the determination of uR by iteration, we make use of the iteration method un"(l-A%As)un_1 + A%bs, /1=1,2 «o = 0, where \\AS - A\\ < S, \\bs - b\\ < S, and we also make use of the normalization condition \\AS\\ <1, ||v4|| <1. The operator As: X~> 7is to be linear and continuous. We stop the iteration at n = n(S) when \\u„ — t/„_x|| < S. Show: IK(S) - "kII -> 0 and Sn(S) -> 0 as S -> 0. If uR = (A*A)pv, p>0, and ||y||^r, then one has the more precise estimates IK(S)-"*ll^sM'+1). n{S)<dS'1/^+l\ The constants c and d depend only on p and r. Hint: Compare Vainikko (1980), (1982, L). A number of further results can be found there. 46.7. Regularization for a not necessarily uniquely solvable equation. Together with the not necessarily uniquely solvable equation Au-f, (42) we consider the regularized uniquely solvable equation Au + n~1Bu=f+n~1g. (43) Let A, B: X-> X* be operators on the real reflexive separable B-space Xfor which the following hold: (i) A is hemicontinuous, monotone, and coercive, (ii) B is hemicontinuous, strictly monotone, and bounded. Let f,g&X* be given and fixed. Show: For each ne.N, (43) possesses exactly one solution un. We have m„-*m0 as n -* oo, and u0 is a solution of (42).
378 46. Differentiable Functionals on Convex Sets The solution set L of (42) is convex, bounded, and closed. The solution h0 is uniquely characterized by (Bu0 — g, v - u0) ^0 for all c£i. If B satisfies condition (S), then u„ -> u0 as n -> oo in X. According to Section 47.12, one can choose B to be the duality mapping when X and X* are strictly convex and separable. Hint: Make use of (25.20°). Compare Gajewski, Groger, and Zacharias (1974, M), page 87. Further regularization methods in this direction can be found in Pascali (1974, M) and in Pascali and Sburlan (1978, M). Regularization methods for semicoercive problems are contained in Hess (1974). We discuss this in Problem 54.5. References to the Literature Variational inequalities: Lions (1971, M); Kinderiehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M) (cf., also, the more detailed references to the literature in Chapter 54). Projection on convex sets: Moreau (1962), (1965); Zarantonello (1971a). Approximation methods for problems with side conditions: Cea (1971, M) (recommended as an introduction); Poljak (1974, S); Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M); Kluge (1979, M); Fletcher (1980, M), Vol. 2. Algorithms in UN: Fletcher (1980, M), Vols. 1-2 (standard work); Polak (1971, M), (1973, S); Grossmann and Kleinmichel (1976, L); Grossman and Kaplan (1979, L) (penalty method); PseniCnyi and Danilin (1979, M); Dixon (1980, P) (state of the art); Foulds (1981, M) (emphasizing practical applications; recommended as an introduction). Regularization: Cea (1971, M); Morozov (1973, S); Tihonov and Arsenin (1977, M); Vainikko (1980), (1982, L) (also, cf. the references to the literature in Section 37.29).
CHAPTER 47 Convex Functional on Convex Sets and Convex Analysis His number-theoretic investigations led Minkowski (1864-1909) for the first time to the realization that the concept of a convex body is a fundamental concept in our science. David Hilbert, 1910 The foundations of the general theory of convex sets and functions were laid around the turn of the century, chiefly by Minkowski. R. Tyrell Rockafellar, 1970 Over the last 20 years, parallel to the theory of monotone operators, a calculus for the investigation of convex functionals designated by convex analysis has emerged, which allows one to solve a number of problems in a Mmple way. To this calculus belong: (a) The subgradient dF (a generalization of the classical concept of derivative). (/3) The conjugate functional F* (duality theory). In this chapter we deal with the subgradient. We delve into the topics of conjugate functionals and their applications in Chapters 51 and 52. If a G-differentiable functional F: X-* U has a minimum at u, then F'(u)=0 (la) iind dF(u)= {F'(u)}. In this chapter we generalize this condition for nondifferentiable functionals to Q(=dF(u). (lb) furthermore, from the important sum rule for subgradients, d(F+G)(u) = dF(u)+ dG(u),
„dO hi. i-'unvex Buncuonals oil v-onvex Set's ana Convex Anal) sis we shall obtain, for example, the Kuhn-Tucker theory and the main theorem of convex approximation theory in a simple way. We allow F to take on the values ± oo. By means of this, and with the help of a simple trick, it is possible to change optimization problems with side conditions into problems without side conditions. In order to elucidate this, we consider the minimum problem min F(u) = a, (2a) where F: M c X -»IR is a functional on the subset M of the linear space X. If we now set f{up(F{u) iiueM, ( '\+co if ueX-M, then (2a) is equivalent to the free minimum problem minF(«) = a. (2b) The proofs of the central propositions of convex analysis are all based essentially on the separation theorems for convex sets which we have summarized in Section 39.1. In this connection, we essentially exploit the fact that with the aid of epigraphs one can reduce the investigation of convex functionals to the consideration of convex sets. We handle the applications of the subgradient to variational inequalities in Chapters 54-56. In Part IV we use the subgradient essentially in plasticity theory in order to formulate multivalued stress-strain relations. 47.1. The Epigraph Definition 47.1. Let F: X-* [- oo, oo] be a functional on the linear space X. (a) F is called convex if and only if F((l-t)u + tv) < (1 - t)F(u)+tF(v) for all u, v e X, te ]0,1[ for which the right-hand side is meaningful. Therefore, precisely all u, v e X for which F(u) and F(v) are simultaneously infinite with opposite sign are not to be considered. (b) The effective domain of definition of F, dom F, and the epigraph of F, epi F, are defined by the sets domir= {ue X: F(u) < + oo}, epif= {(u,a) eXXM: F(u)<a). Furthermore, we recall that F: X-* [ - oo, oo] on the topological space X is said to be lower semicontinuous if and only if the set { u e X: F(u) < r} is closed for all r e IR.
47.1. The Epigraph 381 R :==^^^6pi F Figure 47.1 Figure 47.1 shows epiF for X=U. Obviously, (a) coincides with Definition 42.1 for F: X -* U. Example 47.2. If M is a subset of a locally convex space X, then we define the indicator function of M by Y (,.)./0 iiueM, XmK ' \ +oo iiueX-M. The following assertions hold: (i) M is convex if and only if Xm 1s convex. (ii) M is closed if and only if Xm IS lower semicontinuous. For F: M -* U and F as in (3), we have: (iii) F is convex and M is convex if and only if F is convex, (iv) F is lower semicontinuous and M is closed implies F is lower semicontinuous. We now summarize several properties of the epigraph. Proposition 47.3. If X is a real locally convex space, then the following hold for F: X-+ [-00,00]: (1) F is convex if and only if epiF is convex. (2) F is lower semicontinuous if and only if epiF is closed. (3) F is continuous at u and F(u) =£ ± 00 implies intepiF^ 0. (4) F & + 00 implies epiFi= 0. (5) F is convex implies domF is convex. Proof. (1). (1)=*: Let F be convex. From (u, a),(v, b) eepif it follows that F(tu + (1 - t)v) < tF(u)+ (1 - t)F(v) < ta + (1 - t)b; therefore, (tu +(1- 0", ta + (l- t)b) eepiF for all t e]0,1[. (II)<=: Let epi F be convex. Suppose — 00 < F(u), F(v) < 00. The remaining cases are handled similarly. From (u, F(u)), (v, F(v)) e epi F, it follows
382 47. Convex Functional on Convex Sets and Convex An: I - - that (tu + {l-t)v,tF{u)+{l-t)F{v))^epiF for all; e]0,l[. This yields the convexity of F. (2) First, let X be a B-space. (Ill) =>: Let F be lower semicontinuous. From (u„, an) e epi F for all n and (un, an) -* (u, a) as n -* oo, it follows that F(u„) < a„ and a„ < a + e foi «>«0(e). The lower semicontinuity of F assures that F(u) <a + e. This holds for all e > 0; therefore, F(u) < a, i.e., (u, a) e epi F. (IV)<=: Let epiF be closed. From F(un)<r for all n and u„-*u a> n -*oo, it follows that (u„,/-)eepiF and thus (u, /-)eepiF, i.e., F(u)<i. If X is a locally convex space, then one uses MS sequences instead of sequences. (3) There exist neighborhoods U(u) c X, V(0) c U such that F(u) < F(h i + 1 + e for all (v, e) e [/(u)X V(0); therefore, (u, F(u) + l) e intepi F. (4), (5) Compare Definition 47.1. L We treat calculation rules for lower semicontinuous and convex function- als in Problems 38.2 and 47.1. As a typical application of the separation theorems, we obtain thi.1 following lemma which we shall use frequently. Lemma 47.4. Let F: X-* [- oo, oo] be convex and lower semicontinuous on the real locally convex space X and suppose there exists a u such that — oo<a<F(«), u e "dom F. Then there exists (u*,a)e. X* XU such that (u* ,u)- a> a> (u* ,v)- F(v) forallv&X. In particular, if F(u) ¥= ± oo, then we obtain F(v) >a + (u*,v — u) for all i)6jf such that F(v)> -oo, i.e., F can be estimated from below relative to an affine function. One also says that F is supported by an affun.1 function at u. Proof. Every continuous linear functional z* e(ZxlR)* has the form (z*,(v, b)} = (w*, v)+a*b for all (v, b) e X XU for fixed (w*, a*) e X* X U. For F = + oo, the assertion is trivial because we can choose u* = 0. Lei F^+oo. According to Proposition 47.3, epiF is convex, closed, and nonempty. Moreover, (u, a)€ epiF. According to the separation theorem^ (Proposition 39.4, (2ii)), we can strongly separate (u, a) and epi F in X X12,
47.2. Continuity of Convex Functionate 383 i.e., there exist z* e (X x 01 )* and fi e IR such that z* + 0 as well as (w*,u) + a*a> fl> (w*, v) + a*b for all (v,b) eepif. For u e dom F, we have (i>, F(v)) e epi F; therefore, <w*,M>+a*a>j8><H'*, ^)+0^(^) (4) for all u e dom F. We shall show that a* < 0. Then we obtain the assertion with «* = (- a*)~1w*. Assume, on the contrary, that a* > 0. Since u edom~F, there exists an M-S sequence (va) from domf such that va -» u; therefore, (w*,u) + a*a>P>(w*,u)+a*F{u), by (4) with v = va. But this contradicts a< F(u). D 41.2. Continuity of Convex Functionals We shall show that convex functionals are already continuous under very weak assumptions. Proposition 47.5. If F: X-*[— 00,00] is convex on the real locally convex space X, then: (1) The following two assertions are equivalent: (/) F is continuous at u and finite, (ii) F is bounded above on a neighborhood of u. (2) F is continuous on the open set M when F is finite on M and continuous at some point of M. Corollary 47.6. Every convex function F: M c IR N -»IR on an open convex set M is continuous. Here N>1. Corollary 47.7. Every convex lower semicontinuous functional F: M c X -»IR on a closed convex set M of the real B-space X is continuous on int M. Proof. (Ad 1) (i) =» (ii) This is a direct consequence of the definition of continuity, (ii) =* (i) Without loss of generality, let u = 0, F(0) = 0, and let U be a def neighborhood of zero such that a = s\xpBeUF(v) < 00. For all ee ]0,1[, D=(l-e)-0+e(^), 0=(1+6)^ + 6(1+6)^(^).
->o4 4;. convex Funcuonals on convex Sets" ana Convex analysis The convexity of F yields v<EeU=*F(v)<{l~e)F(0)+eF(~\<ea, v e (- eU) =» F(v) > (1+ e)F(Q)~eW —) > ~ ea; therefore, | F( v) | < ea for all v e eU n (- ef/), i.e., F is continuous at « = 0. (Ad 2) Without loss of generality, let F be continuous at u = 0 and let 0 e M; therefore, F(v)<a for all u in a neighborhood of zero, U, according to (1). Let «eM, We choose p > 1 so that pu^M. The mapping /i defined by h(v)= (l~p~1)v + p~l(pu) is a homeomorphism. Since /i(0)= «, /i maps a neighborhood of zero, V, with V c,U on a ^-neighborhood /i(F). The functional F is bounded on h(V) because F{h{v)) < {l-p-l)F{v)+p-lF{pu) < (l-p"l)a + p^lF(pu). Thus, by (1), F is continuous at u. D Proof of Corollary 47.6. We set F(v)= + oo for v<£M. Then F: U^-^)-00,00] is convex. Let «eM and let, say, N—2. We choose a triangle D that is spanned by {a, b, c} with u e int /) c M. Each u e /) has a representation of the form v = aa + Pb + yc, 0 <a,/J,y<l, a + j3 + y=l. Due to the convexity of F, F(v)<aF(a)+fiF(b)+yF(c) for all c£ /), i.e., i*" is bounded from above on D and thus is continuous at u. O Proof of Corollary 47.7. As above we extend F in a convex way on Xby defining F(v) = + oo for v € M. Without loss of generality, let 0 e int M. We choose a number a such that a > F(0). Let def T= {u<EM:F(u)<a}. We shall show that T n(- T) is a neighborhood of zero. Then, by Proposition 47.5, it follows that F is continuous on int M. T is convex and closed since F is convex and lower semicontinuous on M. According to Corollary 47.6, F is continuous on a neighborhood of zero of the straight line t >-> tv. Since .F(O) <a, for each v^X there thus exists a t > 0 such that F( ± tv) < a; hence, tv e ± T. Therefore, the set T n (- T) is a barrel; thus it is a neighborhood of zero since every B-space is barrelled (cf. Yosida (1965, M), Appendix V.2). D
47.3. Subgradient and Subdifferential 385 47.3. Subgradient and Subdifferential Subgradients generalize the classical concept of a derivative. In this connection, F(v)>F(u) + (u*,v-u) forallueX (5) is crucial. Definition 47.8. Let F: X -»[ — oo, oo] be a functional on the real locally convex space X. u* in X* is called a subgradient of F at u if and only if F(u) + ± oo and (5) holds. The set of all subgradients of F at u is called the subdifferential dF(u). If no subgradient exists at u, then we set dF(u) = 0. This is the case for F{u)= ±oo. If dF(u) *0, then, by (5),F>- oo. Example 47.9. For F:U-*U, the subdifferential dF{u) equals the set of all slopes u* e IR of straight lines through (u, F(u)) which lie below the curve belonging to F (generalized tangents in Fig. 47.2). If F'(u) exists, then dF(u)= {F'(")}• We generalize this in Proposition 47.13. Example 47.10 (Support Functional). Let M be a convex set in the real locally convex set X with the indicator function x«. By a support functional to M at the point u, we understand a functional u* in X* such that (u*,u) >(u*,v) forallueM (6) (see Fig. 47.3). According to (5), taking F^xm &n& %(") = 0 for a e M and Xm(u) ~ + °° f°r u & M, we have: I set of all support functional to M at the point u 5Xa/(")=< where «ejf, I 0 where ii£M. Figure 47.2
386 47. Convex Functionals on Convex Sets and Convex Analjhi- 1 M / ,' /I u Figure 47.3 We already considered the support functional mapping u>-> Bxm(u) in Section 32.2 and used it in Section 32.6 to handle variational inequality Let us discuss dxM- By (6), we always have 0 e 3xm(u) f°r u e M- If ueintM, then dxw(") = W- For "e ^M and int M + 0, by separating u and int M, according to Proposition 39.4, (1), one obtains a functioiui1 u* + 0 for which (6) holds, i.e., u* e dxM(u)- If M is a linear subspace, then from (6) it immediately follows that Sxm^^M1- forueM, i.e., dxM(u)= {"* e X*'- («*,w) = 0 for all we M) when «eJf. Example 47.11 (Subdifferential of the Square of the Norm). Let X be a ic.il normed space. For ■b\\2 def , with fixed iielwe have: u*<=dF(u)**(u*,u-b) = \\u*\\\\u-b\\ and \\u*\\ = \\u-b\\. Therefore, in a real H-space X, dF{u)= {u—b} when we identify X villi We treat the proof in Problem 47.3. Let us discuss Example 47.11. According to Theorem 47.A in Section 47.6 that follows below, we ha\o dF{ u)¥=0. One can also easily verify this with the aid of the Hahn-Banadi theorem. We shall use this example in a crucial way in Section 47.8 (mum theorem of convex optimization) and in Section 47.12 (duality mapphv.i. One denotes dF(u) above by J(u — b). 47.4. Subgradient and the Extremal Principle We consider the minimum problem inf F(u) = a »e X and the corresponding Euler equation QedF(u). V)
47.6. Existence Theorem for Subgradients 387 Proposition 47.12. If F: X-*]~00,00] is a functional on the real locally convex space X with F * + 00, then u is a solution of (7) if and only if (8) holds. From this result, which holds by (5) in a trivial way, we shall easily obtain nontrivial propositions for convex optimization problems in Sections 47.8-47.10 with the aid of the sum rule. 47.5. Subgradient and the G-Derivative We now justify the relation dF(u)=.{F'(u)}. (9) Proposition 47.13. If F: X-* [ — 00,00] is a convex functional on the real locally convex space X which is finite at the point u, then: (/') IfF'(u) exists as a G-derivative, then (9) holds. (it) If F is continuous at u and dF(u) consists of exactly one element, then F'iu) exists as a G-derivative and (9) holds. def Proof, (i) Let <p(t) = F(u + t(v - u)). According to (42.4a), for <p we have (P(1)-<jp(0)><jp'(0), i.e., F(v)-F(u)>(F'(u),v-u) for all veX; there- ioK,F'(u)edF(u). From u* e dF(u) it follows that F(v)-F(u)> (u*, v-u) for all eel Thus, for v = u + th and r-*0we have (F'(u)-u*, h)>Q for all he X, \.e.,F'(u)= u*. (ii) Compare Problem 47.4. □ 47.6. Existence Theorem for Subgradients The continuity of a real function F: U -»IR at « does not imply its differentiability at u. For convex functionals, however, such an assertion holds for the subgradient (cf. Fig. 47.2 in Section 47.3). Theorem 47.A. If F: X -* [ — 00,00] is a convex functional on the real locally convex space X, then: (1) dF(u) is convex and weak* closed. (2) If F is finite and continuous at u, then dF(u) is nonempty and weak* compact. In (1), dF(u) = 0 is possible. The existence assertion dF(u)¥=0 in (2) follows from a separation theorem. From PronosiHon 47 S it fnllnws that
388 47. Convex Functional on Convex Sets and Convex Anal>sis under the assumptions in (2), the subgradient dF(v) exists for all v in int(dom F). Proof. (1) The convexity of dF(u) follows easily from (5). To show the weak* closedness, we choose an M-S sequence (u*) in dF(u) such that u* -» u* in the weak* topology on X* (cf. A^l)). Passage to the limit in F(v)>F(u) + (u*,v-u) iorallveX yields (5) and thus u* e dF(u). (2) (I) We show that dF(u)j=0. According to Proposition 47.3, epi f is convex and intepi F+0. Moreover, (u, F(u))£ intepii\ Thus the point (u, F{u)) and the set epi F can be separated in X x IR (Proposition 39.4, (1)), i.e., there exist (w*, a*) + 0 from X* X 0¾ and /3 e IR such that (w*,u) + a*F(u)>a^(w*,v) + a*a for all (v, a) e epiF (10) (cf. the proof of Lemma 47.4). We shall show a*<Q below. Let u* = (- a*) lw*. Since (v,F(v))e epi F for F(v)^ +oo and(u, a)eepiF for all a e IR when F(v) = - oo, from (10) we then obtain (u*, !<)— F(u) > (u*,v) — F(v) for alius domF, i.e., u* e dF(u); therefore, dF(u)+0. We still must prove that a* < 0. To this end, we use (10). First, since (u, F(u) + T)e epi F, a*<0 holds. a* = 0 yields (w*, u — u)^0 for all v e dom F. Due to the continuity of F at u, dom F contains a neighborhood of u. Therefore, w* = 0 in contradiction to (w*, a*) + 0. def (II) We shall show that dF(u) is weak* compact. Let !7={iieJf: F(u + /;)— F(u) < 1}. Due to the continuity of F at u, U is a neighborhood of zero. For all /i e £/, «* e dF(u), we have (^,/1)^(11 + /1)-^^1, i.e., dF{u)cU°. According to A3(18) and A3(19), the polar U° is weak* compact. Due to (1), dF(u) is also weak* compact. D 47.7. The Sum Rule For the functionals F, Fu F2: X -» [ — oo, oo] and X > 0, from the definition of the subgradient it immediately follows that for all a€l: d(\F(u)) = \dF(u), d(Fi + Fi)(u) 3 dFl(u)+ dF2{u).
47.7. The Sum Rule 389 Our goal is the stronger assertion: 8{Fl+---+ F„){u) = dFl{u) + ■■■+ dF„{u). (11) In this connection, we use, as usual, A + B = fa + b: ae A, be B\ and A+ 0 = A. Equation (11) generalizes the sum rule of the classical differential calculus. We treat important applications in the following three sections. Theorem 47.B (Moreau and Rockafellar). (11) holds for all ue X when the following assumptions are fulfilled: (/') F1,...,F„: X-* ] — 00,00] are convex functional on jhe real locally convex space X, n > 2. (/7) There is a u0 in X such that all-F^s are finite at u0 and all Ft, with the exception of Fn, are continuous at uQ. The proof is based on a separation theorem, as is the case for all important propositions in convex analysis. Proof. Let n = 2. The assertion follows by induction for n > 2. With "2" in place of "=," (11) is obtained directly by adding the definition equations (5) for uf e dFj(u). We shall prove " c." Let u* e d{Fl + F2){u); therefore, F±{u), F2(u) < oo and def F2{u)~ F2{v) < F^v)- F^u)-(u*, v - u) = G{v) for all v e X. (12) We construct subsets A, B of X XU by def A = {{v,a)e XxU: G{v)<a] =epiG, def B= {{w,b)eXxU:b<F2{u)~F2(w)}. According to Proposition 47.3, A is convex and int^l ¥=0. B is also convex. Furthermore, B n int A = 0. For it follows from (v, a) e B n int A that G(v) < a < F2(u)-F2(v), i.e., a = G(v), according to (12). Moreover, (v, a) e int A means that (v, a — e)eA for all small e> 0, i.e., G(v) < a — e, in contradiction to G(v) = a. Consequently, we can separate the sets A and B in X X U (Proposition 39.4, (1)). Therefore, analogous to the proof of Lemma 47.4, there exists a (»*, a*) + 0 in X* X0¾ and an a e IR such that (w*,v) + a*a < a< (w*,w) + a*b (13)
390 47. Convex Functional on Convex Sets and Convex Analysis for all (v,a)eA, (w,b)eB. Furthermore, Proposition 39.4, (1) yields " <a<" for all (v, a)e intA. Below we shall show that a* < 0. Thus, by a change of w*,a, we can assume, say, a* - -1. Since («,0) e A n B, it follows that a = (w*, u) by (13). With a* - -1, from (13) and for appropriate choices of a and b, we obtain <w*,u>-G({;)<<w*,m><<w*,w>- (F2{u)- F2(w)) for all u e domG, w e dom 7¾. Taking (12) into account, this yields: — w* e 8F2(u), u* + w* e dF^u). Consequently, u* = (M* + w*) + (-w*) edFl(u)+dF2(u). This is the desired assertion, d(F1 + F2)(u) c 5^(^)+ 5f2(«). We still must prove that a* < 0. By assumption, G is continuous at u0; therefore, (u0,G(u0) + l)eintA. By (13), from (u0,F2(u)-F2(u0))eB, we obtain <w*,«0> + fl*(G(«0) + l)<o^<w*>«0> + fl*(f2(«)-F2(«0)). Now (12) yields a* < 0. D 47.8. The Main Theorem of Convex Optimization We consider the minimum problem inf F{u) = a. (14) iie M Parallel to this, we write the solvability conditions QedF{u)+dXM{u) (15) and the variational inequality 8+F(u;v-u)>0 forallueM. (16) Under the assumptions of the following theorem, the existence of the left-hand side in (16) is always assured. One can think of (15) as a generalized Lagrange multiplier rule, because, for the trivial side condition M = X, and because of Xx — ®< ^Xxi11)^ (0}> (15) passes into the Euler equation 0 e dF(u). We calculated dxM(u) in Example 47.10. Therefore, with the assumptions of the following theorem, (15) is equivalent to the
47.8. The Main Theorem of Convex Optimization 391 following condition: There exists a u* in X* such that (17) F(v)> F(u) + (u*, v- u) and (u*,v — u)>Q for allu e M. Theorem 47.C. Suppose that the following two conditions hold: ((') F: M c X-* U is convex; F is extended to X by setting F(v) = + oo for v<£M. ((7) M is a convex nonempty subset of the real locally convex space X. Then: (1) Characterization of the solution. Each of the three conditions (15), (16), and (17) is necessary and sufficient for u e M to be a solution of the minimum problem (14). (2) Structure of the solution set JSfof (14). (/) Sis convex. (ii) SPis closed when F is lower semicontinuous and M is closed. (Hi) Every local minimum of F on M is also a global minimum of F on M. (3) Uniqueness. (14) has at most one solution when F is strictly convex on M. Proof. (Ad 1), (17) If u is a solution of (14), then (17) holds with u* = 0. Conversely, from (17) it follows that u is a solution of (14). def (Ad 1), (16) Let 9(0 = F(u + t(v - u)) for all t e [0,1]. Then 9 is convex if u, v e M. According to (42.4a), <p'+ (0) = S+ F(u; v - u) > - oo exists and <p(l)- 9(0) > 9'+ (0); therefore, F(v)-F{u)>8+F{u;v~u) for all u, v e M. (18) If u is a solution of (14), then 9(0 > 9(0) for t e [0,1] with fixed veM; thus, 9'+ (0) > 0. This is (16). Conversely, if (16) holds, then from (18) it follows that u is a solution of (14). (Ad 2), (3) We have already proved these assertions. □ We shall show that under stronger assumptions, condition (15) also follows from the sum rule. Indeed, (14) is equivalent to infF(«) + x*(«) = a. (14a) «e x According to Proposition 47.12, u is a solution of (14a) if and only if 0 g d{F+ Xm)(u)- If int M =^0 or F is continuous at a point u0 of M, then from the sum rule it follows that d(F + Xm)(")== dF(u)+ dxM(u) f°r a^ « G X. This yields (15).
,)2 •t/. ^unvex IfuncuL»nals oil v^uuvex Sets emu vJonvex .miaiysis 47.9. The Main Theorem of Convex Approximation Theory We shall now generalize the results of Section 39.2 to convex approximation problems of the form inf||K-6|| = a (19) II6JW and note the following solvability condition: There exists a u* in X* such that (20) <K*,K-6> = ||K-6||,||K*||=1, (u*,v- u) >0 for alius M. Theorem 47.D. The following three assertions hold for a convex nonempty set M in the real normed space X for fixed be X, b£ M: (1) Characterization of the solutions. (20) is a necessary and sufficient condition for u in M to be a solution of (19). (2) Existence. (19) has a solution when M = M and X is reflexive. (3) Uniqueness. (19) has at most one solution when X is strictly convex. Proof. (1) The minimum problem (19) is equivalent to inf F(u) = fi, (19a) def where F(u) = 2 \\u- b\\ . According to Theorem 47.C in Section 47.8, for ueM: u is a solution of (19a) ~0edF(u)+dXM(«) <=> there exists aa*e dF(u) such that — u* e 8xm(u)- Now the assertion follows immediately from Examples 47.11 and 47.10. Note that because b£M, \\u — b\\*£Q always holds for a solution ue M, (2), (3) Compare Proposition 38.15 and Theorem 39.B in Section 39.2. D 47.10. Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theory We study the minimum problem iniF{u) = a, (21) u Fj(u)<0, i = l,...,«, ueA with the side conditions in the form of inequalities and «e A. We have
47.1U. Ueneralized Kuiin-Tucker Theory 393 already explained the basic ideas in Section 37.11. Our goal is to establish a Lagrange multiplier rule for (21) and at the same time to explain the connection between various formulations of the Kuhn-Tucker theory. To this end, for A = (Xv...,Xn)eU" and A0elR, we construct the Lagrange function def L{u, X) = X0F{u) + XlFl{u) + ■■■+ X„F„{u), where we forego giving the dependence of A0 explicitly, because A0=l holds in the nondegenerate case. We now formulate a number of propositions and give their range of validity in Theorem 47.E below. At the pinnacle of the entire theory stands the saddle point assertion (A2) from which (A3)-(A5) are also obtained in a simple way following the usual pattern. (Al) u is a solution of the original problem (21). (A2) L, with A0 = 1, has a saddle point (u, X) with respect (u,X)eAxU"+ and L(u,n)< L(u,X)<L(v,X) forati{v,ii,)eAxM"+. (A3) u is a solution of inf L(u, X) = al ueA for a fixed (X, A0) with A0 =1, where, in addition, A,.>0, VSCO-O, (23) Ft{u)<Q, /=1,...,«, ueA. In contrast to (21), (22) contains no inequalities as side conditions. Instead of this, the Lagrange multiplier X appears which thus, roughly speaking, eliminates the inequalities. In the nondegenerate case A0=l, we have a = av (22) and (23) are obtained in a simple way from L(u, X) < L(v, X) and L{u,n)<L{u,X), respectively, in (A2). Note that from ji,a< A,a for all Ht > 0 and fixed A, > 0, a e IR, it follows that a < 0 and A,a = 0 always hold. (A2) is the expression of a duality principle: u is obtained as a solution of a minimum problem and one obtains the Lagrange multiplier X as a solution of a maximum problem. We explain the connection with the general duality theory in Section 50.2. Condition (23) for A, simply means that A, > 0 and A,- = 0 for Ft{u) < 0. Here one says that Xj is not active when Fj(u)<Q. (A4) u satisfies 0 e \0dF(u)+ Xl8Fl(u)+ ■■■+ X„dF„(u)+ 8Xa(u) (24) for a fixed (X, A0), with A0 =1, where, in addition, (23) holds. to,4xlR';,i.e., (22)
394 47. Convex Functionals on Convex Sets and Convex Analysis (A5) u satisfies the variational inequality (X0F'(u)+XlFl'(u)+ ■■■ + X„F„'(u),v-u)x>Q for alius A (25) for a fixed (X, X0), with X0 = 1, where, in addition, (23) holds. In the special case A = X, (25) is equivalent to X0F'(u)+XlFl'{u)+ ■■■ + X„F„'(u)-0, (25a) i.e., Lu(u, X) = 0. Here it is again especially clear that one is dealing with a Lagrange multiplier rule. Furthermore, the so-called Slater condition plays an important role: There exists an element u0 in A such that Fi(u0)<0 for all/. (SC) This condition guarantees the nondegenerate case A0 = 1. Theorem 47.E. Suppose that the following two conditions are satisfied: (/) F,Fl,...,Fn: X-»IR are convex on the real locally convex space X. (//) A is a convex subset of X and (SC) is fulfilled. Then: (1) Lagrange function. We have (Al) <=» (A2) <=» (./43). Moreover, the extreme values in (21) and (22) coincide. (2) Subgradients. If F, Fl,...,Fll are continuous at afixedpoint in A, then (,41) «(,44). (3) Variational inequality. If the G-derivatives F',F{,...,Fn' exist on A, then (Al)** (AS). If the Slater condition (SC) is absent, then one obtains only weaker propositions. It can no longer be guaranteed that A0 =1. In the following, we denote by (A/)' the assertion which results from (A/) when A0=l is replaced by X0 > 0, X20 + X\+ ■■■+ X\ + 0, i.e., A0 = 0 is possible, but not all multipliers are simultaneously zero. Corollary 47.14. If the assumptions of Theorem 47.E are satisfied but (SC) is absent, then for (Al) we have: (1) (,43) <=* (A2) => (,41). (2) (Al)=»(A"b)'**(A2)'. (3) (,44) =» (,41) =» (,44)' when F, Fu...,Fn are continuous at afixedpoint in the set A. (4) (,45) =» (,41) =» (,45)' when the G-derivatives F', F{,...,F„' exist in A.
47.10. Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theory 395 Thus the weakening relative to Theorem 47.E pertains to the necessary conditions for (Al) (the existence of a solution of the original problem). We study the situation that is more general than (21) in Section 48.4, where the Fs are not convex and operator equations appear as side conditions. Proof. The crucial step is the proof of (Al) =» (A3) with the aid of a separation theorem. All the other assertions are then obtained in a simple way. The reader should convince himself that we obtain Corollary 47.14 at the same time. (Ad 1) (A2) => (A3) and (A3) => (A2), (Al). This is trivial if one takes the remark in conjunction with (A3) into account. Here, (SC) is not needed. (Al) =» (A3). Let u be a solution of (21). We construct a subset C of U"¥l. By definition, the point (ji0,..':,/*„) inlR"+1 belongs to C if and only if F{v)-F{u)<H, (26) Fj{v)<ft,t for all i = 1,...,n and a fixed v e A. C has the following properties: (i) C is convex since F, Fh and A are convex, (ii) int C ¥= 0, for (26) holds with v = u, ji0 = /xx = • • • = ji„ > 0. (iii) 0 £ intC, for u is a solution of (21); consequently, /x0 < 0 is impossible in (26). We can thus separate the point 0 and the set C in R"+1 (Proposition 39.4, (1)), i.e., there exists a \'= (\0, X) in R"+1 with X + 0 and (X'\u) > 0 for all ft G C, i.e., n E V; ^ ° for all j^ e C. (27) X' has the following properties: (a) \0,...,\„ > 0, for 0¾ n++1 c C, by (ii). Observe (27). (b) XjFj{u) = 0, for, from Fj{u) < 0, we obtain (0,...,0, Fj{u),0,...,0) eQ therefore, XjFj(u) ;> 0, by (27). (c) L{v, X) = X0F(v)+ S;\,.i=;.(f;) > X0F(u) =. L(u, X) for all v e A. By (27) this follows immediately from (F(i))-F(«),f1(c)>...,F„(c))£C forallue^. (d) From the Slater condition (SC) one obtains X0 > 0. This follows from (27) because (F{u0)~F(u),Fl(u0),...,Fn(u0))eC and F^Uq) < 0 for all i as well as X' + 0. We can thus assume that X0 = 1. Then L(u, X) = F(u), by (b). Therefore, a=ai, by (c).
j J6 41. convex Funcuouals on convex Sets ana convex analysis (Ad 2) We now show that (A3) <=» (A4). The minimum problem (22) is equivalent to inf L(u,X) + xA(u) = ai- uex The assertion now follows from the Euler equation Oed{L + xA){u) (28) according to Proposition 47.12 and by the sum rule i in Section 47.7. Here one takes into account that XA{u0)<ooSLndd{XiFi){u) = XidFi(u)ioTXi^O. (Ad 3) (A3) <*> (A5) This follows from Theorem 46.A, (b) in Section 46.1. D 47.11. Maximal Monotonicity, Cyclic Monotonicity, and Subgradients In this section we fully explain the connection between subgradients and the theory of monotone multivalued mappings. In this connection, we generalize earlier results from Section 42.4 on difTerentiable convex functional and monotone potential operators. In doing so, we find that: (a) differentiability will be generalized by the subdifferential, (/?) independence of path of integrals will be generalized by the sum condition of cyclic monotonicity. This section is intimately connected with Chapter 32. Here we repeat several definitions from Section 32.1 and add the concept of cyclic monotonicity. Definition 47.15. Let X be a real B-space and let T: X -* 2X* be a multivalued mapping, i.e., to each ue X there is assigned a subset T(u) of X*. The graph of T, G(T), consists of all {u,u*)eXxX* such that u*eT{u). T is called monotone if and only if (u*-v*,u-v)>Q iorall{u,u*),{v,v*)eG{T). T is called cyclic monotone if and only if Ol\"l-«2> + 0*>"2-"3>+ •■• +<"*."« -"«+l>^° for all («,, u*)eG(T), i = 1,...,n, and all n. Here, we set utl+l = uv
- ' J. Maximal Monotonicity, Cyclic Monotonicity, and Subgradients 397 T is called maximal monotone if and only if T is monotone and there is no monotone mapping 7): X-*2X* such that G(T) c G(7i). Maximal cyclic monotone mappings are defined analogously. In preparation for the following, we now formulate the condition: (H) F: X -* ]— oo, oo] is convex lower semicontinuous and F & + oo. 'Ilieorem 47.F (Rockafellar (1970a)). In a real B-space X, the following propositions for characterizing subgradients hold: (1) dF is maximal monotone when (H) holds. (2) For a mapping T: X -» 2X , the following assertions are equivalent: (i) T=dF and F satisfies (H). (ii) T is maximal cyclic monotone. In Problem 55.6 we show that F in (2) is uniquely determined to within a amstant by T. In particular, (2) generalizes the integral criterion in Section 4114. 1'iioof. We restrict ourselves to the case when X is reflexive. The proof for nonreflexive B-spaces can be found in Rockafellar (1970a). (Ad 1) We show that dF is monotone. From (u, u*), (v, v*) e G(dF), it lollows that u* e dF{u), v* e F(v); therefore, F(v)-F(u)>(u*,v-u), F(u)-F(v)it(v*,u-v). Now, addition yields (u* — v*, u - v) ^. 0. We show that F is maximal monotone. (I) Let (u0, «0*)elx X* with (u$-u*,u0-u)Z:0 foral\(u,u*)eG(dF). (29) We prove that u* e 8F(u0); therefore (u0,u$)eG(dF). The maximal monotonicity of dF follows from this. Here, in a crucial way, we use assertion (II) given below. Accordingly, because R(J + dF)= X*, there exist elements u and u* for which J(u)+u* = J(u0)+u$, u*edF(u). (30) I'rom (29) it follows that (J(u0)-J(u),u0-u) <0; therefore, u0 — u because of the strict monotonicity of J. (30) shows that u$ = u*, i.e., u$ e 8F(u0). (II) We still must prove that there exists a strictly monotone operator J: K-* X* such that R(J + dF) = X*. To prove this, we consider the varia- lional problem inf <*>(«)=/?, (31)
398 47. Convex Functional on Convex Sets and Convex Analysis where <p{u) = H(u)+F(u)-(u*,u), and #(^) = 2^11^12 for all ueX def with fixed u* e X*. We set J(u)-H'(u). In order to guarantee the existence of the F-derivative H' on X, we equip X with an equivalent norm so that X is locally uniformly convex. Then X is also strictly convex, H is strictly convex, and u >-* \\u\\ is F-differentiable on X - {0} (cf. A3(21)-A3(31)). From this it follows that the F-derivative H' exists on X and H'(Q) = 0. According to Proposition 42.6, H' is strictly monotone because of the strict convexity of H. Now <p possesses the following properties: (a) <p: X-> ]- oo, oo] is convex and lower semicontinuous, since it is the sum of functionals with these properties, and <p m + oo. (b) <p(u) -» + oo as ||u|| -»oo, since by Lemma 47.4, there exist u$ e X*, a e |R such that F{u)>{ul,u)~ a for all u e X; therefore, <p(k)>#(k)-||k||(||k*||+ ||K&||)-a-> +oo as||t<||->oo. From Proposition 38.15 it follows that (31) has a solution u. Proposition 47.12 yields Oed<p(«). (32) The sum rule in Section 47.7 assures that d<p(u) = dH{u)+ dF (u)-u* = J(u)+ dF (u)~u*; hence, R(J + dF) = X*, by (32), because u* is arbitrary. (Ad 2) (i) =* (ii) By the definition of dF, f(uj^)-F{Uj) > {uf, uJ+l - Uj) def for uf e dF(itj),j = 1,...,n and un+l = ux. Addition yields n 0< £ (uf,Uj-uJ+l), /=1 i.e., dF is cyclic monotone. We show that dF is maximally cyclic monotone. To this end, let £ be a cyclic monotone extension of dF and let u* e dF{u{)and uf e E(u2). The mapping £ is cyclic monotone; therefore This means that {uf~ut,ul-u1)S:Q forall^.Kj^eG^F). 5.F is maximally monotone; therefore («2, u\) e G{dF). Thus, £ = d£.
47.12. Application to the Duality Mapping 399 (ii) => (i) We set def £ where («y, uf)eG(T),j = l n + 1. We fix (uvuf) and define F(u) = sup^„(«) for variable n and variable (itj, uf)eG(T), /-2 n + 1. Now F has all the desired properties: (a) i*" is convex and lower semicontinuous, since it is the supremum of continuous linear functionals. (b) F m + oo because the cyclic monotonicity of T yields ^„("i) ^ 0; thus, F( «i)<0. (c) 3.F is an extension of T. To prove this, let {un+2, u*+2) e G(T). By the construction of F and the arbitrary choice of n, n+l E <"*[,UJ + l- Uj)+ {u*+2,u- un + 2) <F(u), j-l i.e., ^n+i("/,+i)+{"*+2."-"n+2>ef("); therefore F(un + l)+{K+2>u- "n + 2> ^-^(^) for all M S X Thus, u*+2 e dF(un+2). Take into account that F(un+2) < oo because of property (b). (d) BF= T. This follows from (c) and the fact that T and dF are maximal cyclic monotone. □ 47.12. Application to the Duality Mapping In this section, we will show how the results of this chapter directly yield numerous important properties of the duality mapping which we have already used in Chapter 44 in the proof of the main theorem of the Ljustemik-Schnirelman theory as well as implicitly in the proof of Theorem 47.F in Section 47.11. Definition 47.16. Let X be a real B-space. We set F(u) = 2-¾2. The duality mapping J: X-+ 2X* is defined by J(u) = dF(u).
400 47. Convex Functionals on Convex Sets and Convex Anal;. >■» If J(u) is a singleton, i.e., J(u) = {vu} for all ue X, then we identify J(»i with vu; we thus set J(u) = vu and write J: X -» X*. Proposition 47.17. J(u) consists of exactly all u* e X* such that <«*,«> = ||«*||||«||, ||«*||-||«||. J(u) is nonempty and convex as well as weak* compact. This follows directly from Example 47.11 and Theorem 47.A in Section 47.6 since F is convex. If F'(u) exists as a G-derivative, then from Proposition 47.13 it immediately follows that J(u) = { F'(«)}• In particulai. in an H-space, we obtain (F'(u), h) = (u\h); therefore, (J(u), h) = (u In for all ft e X In addition, ||/(w)|| = ||u||. Thus, in H-spaces, J coincides v-iili the duality mapping introduced in Section 21.3. The next proposition follows directly from Theorem 47.F in Section 47.11. Proposition 47.18. J: X-+2X* is maximal monotone and maximal cydu monotone. If the B-spaces X and X* have additional properties, then J also h;i>. additional properties. The next proposition shows this. Proposition 47.19. Let X be a real B-space, and let F(u) = 2, x||w||2. (1) If X* is strictly convex, then F'(u) exists as a G-derivative unci J{u) = F\u) for all u e X, i.e., J is single valued. (2) If X* is uniformly convex, then the following hold: (0 F'(u) exists as an F-derivative and J(u) = F'(u) for all »el (ii) J: X-* X* is uniformly continuous on each bounded set of X. (3) If X and X* are separable, reflexive, and strictly convex, then i/ic following hold: (0 J: X-* X* is bijective, strictly monotone, coercive, bounded, demiciii- tinuous, and odd. (ii) J~l: X* -» X is equal to the duality mapping from X* onto X** V. (Hi) If X and X* are even locally uniformly convex, then J and J"1 tire continuous on X and X*, respectively. According to the Kadec-Troyanski theorem (A3(29)), the proof of winch can be found in Troyanski (1971) and in Cioranescu (1974, M), page 98, an equivalent norm can be introduced on every reflexive B-space X so that X and X* are both locally uniformly convex and therefore strictly convex as well. In considerations that are independent relative to passing to equivalent norms, one can thus always assume that J possesses the propitious properties given in Proposition 47.19, (3).
Problems 401 We recommend that the reader study Appendices A3(21)-A3(31) concerning the geometry of B-spaces and then try to give the proof of Proposition 47.19, which is a simple consequence of these known propositions given in the Appendices together with results of the theory of monotone operators from Part II. We give the proof in Problem 47.6. With this method for the proof, we would like to point out the intimate connection between the geometry of B-spaces and the duality mapping. With an independent line of reasoning, the reader can check to see whether he has an understanding of the important propositions on monotone operators, potential operators, and differentiation rules which we gave earlier. The proofs of the propositions in the Appendix can be found in the comprehensive monograph of Cioranescu (1974, M) and in the lecture notes of Diestel (1974). Also, compare Beauzamy (1982, M). Problems 47.1. Convex junctionals. Show; If F,G,Fa: X-*[-00,00] are convex on the linear space X, then F + G,tF, 0 < t < 00, sup(F, G), and sup0F0 are also def convex. In this connection, we agree that F(u) + G(u) = +00 if F(u) = — G(u) = +00. 47.2. A singular case. If F: X-* [ — 00,00] is convex and lower semicontinuous on the real locally convex space X and F(u) ~ — 00 for some uel, then F takes on no finite values. Solution: Compare Lemma 47.4. 47.3. Proof of Example 47.11. Solution: It suffices to consider the case b==0. Let F(u) = 2 ||k|| . For u = 0, we have F (0) = 0; therefore, by Proposition 47.13, dF(u) = {0}. Now let u # 0. From u* e dF(u) it follows that 2_1(l|u||2-|kll2) >(u*,v -z) for alius A-, (33) where z = u; consequently, («*,«> 2: (u*,v) for all u e X, where ||i>|| = ||m||, i.e., ||«*HM-sup{<«*,o>:i;eAr,||i;||-||«||}- <«*,«>. We set def def def v = (s±r)w, z=sw, IM|=1, J = ||«||. From (33), for r > 0, it follows that I'^s2- (s -r)2)^r(«*,H'><2~1((5 + 02~*2). When r-> +0, we get (u*,w) =s for all w, ||w||=l, i-e-> II"*ll = .5 = ||u||.
47. Convex Functional on Convex Sets and Convex Analysis Conversely, let <«*,«)-||m*||||m|| and ||m*||-||m||. From this, for all v e X, it follows that (u*,v - u) <; Hulllloll- Nl2 <; 2^(11^112 - Ml2). Observe that ab s 2"\a2 + b2). Thus, we have u* e dF(u). Proof of Proposition 47.13, (»')• Hint: Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974. M), Chapter I, 5.2. Use a separation theorem. Application of Theorem 47.D to concrete approximation problems. In thN connection, study Holmes (1972, L), Chapter 3. Proof of Proposition 47.19. Solution-. We set def , „ def F{u)-2-x\\ut, G(u)=\\u\\. (1) According to A3(26), G is G-differentiable on X— {0}. ConsequenuV F'(u) = G'(u)||f<||for k#0. Trivially, F'(0) = 0. 2(i) Follow the line of reasoning of (1), using A3(25). def 2(ii) According to A3(25), G is uniformly F-differentiable on S — { u e X. \\u\\ =1}, i.e., for each e> 0 there exists a S(e) > 0 such that - e\\h\\ S \\u, + h\\- \\u,\\- (G'(u,),h) 5 e||A|| (34) for all h, \\h\\ ^ S(e), and u, e S. (I) G' is uniformly continuous on S. To see this we choose ulyu2^^ with 11«! - u2\\ <, eS(e). Hence iM-lMsrfCe). Ill«i + A||-Il«2 + A|||se«(e). Subtraction in (34) immediately yields \(G'(ui)-G'(u2),h)\^4eS(E) for alU,P|| < S(e); therefore, ||G'(«1)-G'(«2)IIs4e. (II) G' is thus also bounded on S, by Fig. 27.1. (III) w* G'(\\u\\~lu) is uniformly continuous on bounded sets that lie outside some neighborhood of zero. This follows from (I) and the corresponding property for u -* ||«||_1«. Since G(tu) = tG(u) for t>0, we have G\tu) = G\u), i.e., G'fllwH-1!*) = G'(w) for w#0. Now the uniform continuity of F' on bounded set- follows by a suitable decomposition of F'(u)— F'(v), taking into consideration F'(u) = G'(\\urlu)\\u\\ forw#0, F'(0)*=0 and (1)-(111). 3(i) X is strictly convex; therefore, F is also strictly convex by A3(31). Thus, for J = F\ the following hold: (a) J is strictly monotone and demicontinuous by Section 42.3. (b) J is odd because F is even.
Problems 403 (c) / is coercive because (/1/,1/)/111/11==111/115 therefore (/i/,i/)/||i/||-> + oo as||i/||->oo. (d) / is bounded since \\Ju\\ = ||u||. (e) / is bijective by Theorem 26.A. 3(ii) Since X is strictly convex, it follows from assertion (1) that the duality mapping J: X* -» X** is single valued because X** = X. Proposition 47.17 shows that / = /-1. 3(iii) / is continuous because, from u„ -» u as n -» oo, it follows that J(u„)-J(u), ||/(«„)||^||/(«)|| because of the demicontinuity of / and ||/(y)|| = |H|- Now Aj(30) yields /(1/,,)^/(1/). The continuity of / 1 — J is obtained in an analogous manner. 47.7.* Chain rule for subdifferentials. Prove thai,: d(F°L)(u)=*L*dF(Lu) foralli/eA- provided F: y-» R is convex and lower semicontinuous, L: X^> Y is linear and continuous, X and Y are real locally convex spaces, and F is finite and continuous at some point. Hint: Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Proposition 5.7. Use a separation theorem. 47.8. Approximate minimal solutions. Let F: X -» R be lower semicontinuous and G-differentiable on the B-space X, and suppose u satisfies F(u)£ inf F(v) + e. v<=X Show: For this F there exists an approximate minimal solution ue, i.e., F(u,)zF(u), \\u-u.\\*G, \\F'(u.)\\*G. Hint: Use Proposition 38.22. Further generalizations for subgradients can be found in Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), 6.3. 47.9.* Local e-subdifferentiability. Let F: X^>]-00,00] be convex and lower semi- continuous on the real B-space X. Let 0 < e < 00. The functional F is said to be locally s-subdifferentiable at u if and only if there exist aa*£l* and a number i\ > 0 such that F(v)^F(u) + (u*,v~u)~e\\v~u\\ for all v for which \\v — u\\<,i\. Show: If X is an H-space and Fm+oa, then the set of points at which F is locally E-differentiable is dense in dom F—hence, it is dense in X for — 00 < F < 00. Hint: Compare Aubin (1979, M), page 125. There, one also finds further results. See, also, Ekeland (1979, S) and the detailed exposition in Demjanov and Vasiljev (1981, M). 47.10. Generalized gradients of locally Lipschitz continuous functional. Let/: U Q X ->R be Lipschitz continuous on the open set U of the B-space X. The
47. Convex Functional on Convex Sets and Convex Analysis generalized directional derivative of / at x is given by tlef 8+f(x;h)-m[f(y + th)-f(y)]r1 asy-»*,*-»+0. Here t > 0. By definition, the generalized gradient df(x) of / at x is the sei of all x* e X* such that d+f(x;h)>(x*,h) for all AeA'. Show: 3/(x) is a nonempty convex bounded subset of X*. Hint: Compare Clarke (1981), page 54. This new calculus, which can be found in Clarke (1981), Demjanov and Vasiljev (1981, M), and in Rockafel- lar (1981, L), is very useful for treating nonsmooth and nonconvex problems. Interesting applications to general optimization and control problems are contained in Clarke (1976), (1976a), (1983), Ekeland (1979, S) and Rockafellar (1981, L) (also, see Problem 48.8c). This approach is closeh- related to that in Section 38.8. As a typical result we mention the following: Suppose /, g: X->M an: locally Lipschitz continuous functions on the B-space X. If u is a solution ol /(«) = min!, g(u)<:0, then there exist nonnegative numbers A0 and A, not both zero, such that 0<=\odf(u) + \dg(u), O-Ag(ti). If/and g are convex, then <9/(w) and dg(u) are the subdifferentials of/and g, respectively, at u. If / and g are G-differentiable, then df(u) - {/'(")! and dg(u) - {g'(u)) and we obtain the classical condition 0 = A0/'(«) + Ag'(")- Compare Clarke (1976b). Applied problems for convex optimization theory. Numerous interesting practical problems can be found in Luenberger (1969, M). Study these applications. *Convex analysis and mathematical economics. In this connection, study the detailed exposition in Aubin (1979, M). A simple sufficient Lagrange multiplier rule for nonconvex problems. "Wi: consider the problem F(x) = min! (35) fj(x)<,0 forally=l,...,m, with the Lagrange function L(x,\) = F(x)+ JlXjfjix). ye/
Relerences 405 We make the following three assumptions. (i) F,fy. U(x0)gn"-+n are C^functions. (ii) The point x0 satisfies the side conditions. (iii) Denote by J the set of all j for which fj(x0) = 0. Suppose that for each je/ there is a positive number \ • such that L,(x0,\) = 0 (36) and Lxx(x0,\)h2>0 (37) for all nonzero isR" with fj(x0)h = 0 for all j e J. Show: x0 is a strict local solution of (35). Solution: If x0 is not such a solution, then there is a sequence (tn) of positive numbers with t„ ~* 0 as n ~* oo and a sequence (hn) of unit vectors in R w such that F(x0 + t„h„)-F(x0)<,Q fj(x0 + t„h„)-fj(x0) < 0 for all j e/. Furthermore, by a compactness argument, we can assume that hn-*h as n -* oo. Hence F(x0)A<0 and fj'(x0)h<0 forallye/. By (36) and \^ > 0, we obtain r(*o)A-0 and fj(x0)h = Q for all / e /. Set x„ = tnh„. By Taylor's theorem and (36), 0>L{x„,\)-L{x0,\) = 2-^(^^)^ + 0(11^,,112). As « -»oo, 0 > 2_1Z,„(x0, \)h2. This contradicts (37). References to the Literature Classical works: Minkowski (1910), (1911) (convex functions, convex bodies, and number theory); Bonnesen and Fenchel (1934, M) (convex bodies); John (1948) and Kuhn and Tucker (1951) (minimum problem with inequalities as side conditions). Convex analysis in 01^: Rockafellar (1970, M, B,H) and Roberts and Varberg (1973, M,B,H) (standard works); Marti (1977, M).
406 47. Convex Functionals on Convex Sets and Convex Analysi- Convex analysis in infinite-dimensional spaces: Moreau (1966, L). Rockafellar (1968, S), (1970a); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M) and Aubin (197l>. M) (comprehensive exposition of calculus). Duality mapping: Cioranescu (1974, M) (comprehensive presentation), Pascali and Sburlan (1978, M) (connection with the theory of monotone operators). Convex analysis and monotone operators: Rockafellar (1968, S); Browdur (1968/76, M); Brezis (1973, L) (H-spaces); Gajewski, Groger, and Zacharias (1974, M); Pascali and Sburlan (1978, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, Mi: Kluge (1979, M). Convex analysis, multivalued functions, and measure theory: Castaiiisj. and Valadier (1977, L). Convex analysis and the calculus of variations: Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M). Local convex analysis and control theory: Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M i. Convex analysis and approximation theory: Holmes (1972, L). Convex analysis and geometric functional analysis: Holmes (1975, M). Applications of convex optimization theory in B-spaces: Luenberga (1969, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, Mi: Holmes (1975, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M); Aubin (1979, M). Convex analysis and mechanics: Duvaut and Lions (1972, M); Ekelaml and Temam (1974, M); Moreau (1976, S); Groger (1979, S); Hlavacek ami NeSas (1981, M); Temam (1983, M). Convex analysis and mathematical economics: Aubin (1979, M). Generalized gradients for locally Lipschitz continuous functionals ami applications: Clarke (1976), (1976a), (1976b), (1981), (1984, M); Ekelaml (1979, S); Rockafellar (1981, L); Demjanov and Vasiljev (1981, M, B). Optimization for nonsmooth functionals: Demjanov and Vasiljev (19^1. M, B); Rockafellar (1981, L); Clarke (1984, M). e-Subgradients, quasi-derivatives, and numerical methods: Demjanov ami Vasiljev (1981, M, B, H). Convex sets: Valentine (1964, M); Holmes (1975, M); Leichtweiss (19SD. M); Fuchssteiner and Lusky (1981, M). Generalized Hahn-Banach theorem and basic concepts of convex anal\- sis: Konig (1982, S).
CHAPTER 48 General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) True optimization is the revolutionary contribution of modern research to decision processes. George Bernhard Dantzig (born 1914) In Chapter 43 (eigenvalue problems) and in Section 47.10 (Kuhn-Tucker theory), we became acquainted with the Lagrange multiplier method for handling extremal problems. In this chapter we prove a very general formulation of this method (Theorem 48.A in Section 48.3). In this connection, the direction cone and the positive functionals that exist on it play the crucial role. The basic idea is very simple. Let F: G c |R2 -> |R be a real function on the closure of a region G. For F to have a minimum at a boundary point m0 e dG we must, roughly speaking, have KonKl=0. (1) Here, K0 and K^ have the following meanings: (i) K0 is the set of all directions that emanate from uQ and in which F is strictly decreasing, (ii) Kx is the set of all directions that point from u0 into the region G. Therefore, K0 n K± = 0 means, in other words, that there exists no direction that points from u0 into the region and in which F is strictly decreasing. Thus, our problem consists of stating conditions under which K0f)Kl = 0, with the aid of separation theorems. This occurs in Section 48.2
w8 48. (jeneral Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) (Dubovickii-Miljutin lemma). To this end, we use the Krein extension theorem for positive functionals from Section 39.1, which is obtained from a separation theorem. As applications we consider: (a) extremal problems with side conditions in the form of equations and inequalities (generalized local Kuhn-Tucker conditions); (/?) control problems, classical variational problems, and the Pontrjagin maximum principle. This theory was influenced in an essential way by the attempts around 1965 to create a general theory of extremal problems with side conditions that also encompassed the Pontrjagin maximum principle within the context of a Lagrange multiplier rule. In Section 48.10 we treat an application of the maximum principle to the optimal control of a spaceship in its return to earth. In Problems 48.5-48.7 we study additional practical control problems (optimal moon landing, optimal start of a rocket, etc.). 48.1. Cone and Dual Cone In general, cones play a crucial role in optimization theory. Definition 48.1. Let K be a subset of the real locally convex space X. K is called a cone if and only if the following holds: ueK, a > 0 implies au e K. (2) By the dual cone K+ to K we mean def K+ = {feX*:f(u)>0onK}. Example 48.2. Figure 48.1 shows a cone for X= U2. We do not require that the apex 0 belong to K or that K be closed or that the angle of the cone is acute. By definition, K+ consists of all continuous linear functionals that are nonnegative on K. Obviously, K+ is a convex cone with 0 e K+. For K = 0, K+ = X*. Furthermore, Kx C K2 always yields K\ c K{. Figure 48.1
48.1. Cone and Dual Cone 409 Convention 48.3. For reasons of symmetry, in optimization theory one frequently sets K* = K+. We adher to this convention later in Chapter 49, but we point out a danger of confusion: For K= X, we have K+ = {0}; therefore, the dual cone K* is not equal to the dual space X* when X* {0}. Example 48.4. Let X =0¾ N and ^ = ((^,...4)6^:¾ ^>0}. If we set K = IR1, then K is a closed convex cone in X with K+ = K (see Fig. 48.2). Proof. Every continuous linear functional/ e X* has the form /(•*) = iJi£i+ '" +%£jv for all jc = (£i,...,£jv)e X, wherey — (^ %)el is fixed. The condition /( jc)> 0 for all x eKis equivalent to ij1(...,%>0; hence y eK. If we identify /with y, then we obtain Jt+ = K. D As our next example, we investigate the cones: def K= = {«eI:/(«) = 0}, def K< = («eI:/(«)<0}, Ks = («€jf:/(i()<0}. Example 48.5. If X is a real locally convex space and /eP with / # 0, then: A"i == {A/:\elR}, /:+ = (A/: AelR,A<0}, A"+=A"+. We treat the proof in Problem 48.1. We shall apply this example in Section 48.5. Figure 48.2
410 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) Our next goal is to establish the formula K++=K (3)- which is important in duality theory. In this connection, we set K++ =¾ (K+)+. Proposition 48.6. If K is a cone in the real locally convex space X, and (X, X*) forms a dual pair, then the following four assertions hold: (a) K+ is convex, closed, and nonempty. (b) K++ = K if and only if K is convex, closed, and nonempty. (c) K++= co K when K*0. (d)IfK*0,then: inf (v,w) = { , ' (4)--: w<ekx ' \-oo ifv$K+. v ' Later we shall frequently make use of (4) in optimization theory to calculate Lagrange functions and conjugate functionals. Dual pairs will be defined in the Appendix. In particular, (X, X*) is a dual pair when X is a reflexive B-space and X* is the dual B-space. The proof that K++ = K is based on a separation theorem. Proof, (a) K+ is closed. In this connection, let (va) be an M-S sequence from K+ such that va -» v. From (va, u) > 0, for all u eK, it immediately follows that (v, u) > 0 for all u e K, i.e., veK+. (d) Let v &K+. Either (v,w) = 0 for all w& K or (v,w)>0 for some weK. In the second case, we also have (v,aw)>Q for all a>0. Now a-* +0 yields (d). Let u<£ K+. Then (v,w) < 0 for some we K; therefore, we also have (v, aw) < 0 for all a < 0. Thus, a -* + oo yields (d). Note that w e K, a > 0 implies aw e K. (b) If (K+)+ = K holds, then by (a) it follows that K is closed, convex, and nonempty. Now let K be closed, convex, and nonempty. We show that (K+ )+ = K. Since X** = X, this is equivalent to (v,u)x>0 for all v e /T <*> u e Jt. (5) The assertion for <= follows immediately from the definition of K+. We show the assertion for ==> when K is convex, closed, and nonempty. If we had u£K, then we could strictly separate u and K (Proposition 39.4, 2(ii)). Thus, there exist elements v& X* and an a e IR such that (v,u) <a= inf (v,w). weK By (4), a = 0; therefore, uef+, which contradicts (y, «> > 0 by (5).
48.2. The Dubovickii-Miljutin Lemma 411 def (c) K c K++ follows from (5). Let Kl=coK. By (a), K++ is convex and closed; hence, KrQK++. Furthermore, from K c Kx it follows that A? c K+ and thus A++ c Kf+. By (b), A++ = Ki, therefore Kx = K++. D 48.2. The Dubovickii-Miljutin Lemma The following Dubovickii-Miljutin lemma is crucial for the proof of the main theorem in the next section. Our goal is to find a characterization for n.A,.=0 (6) i = 0 with the aid of /o+ ---+/,+ 1-0. (6*) Our assumptions read as follows: (Al) KQ, Ku.. .,Kn+l are convex cones in the real locally convex space X, where n > 0. (A2) K0,...,Kn are open and Ko¥=0. Lemma 48.7. With the assumptions (Al) and (A2), the following two assertions are equivalent; (/) (6) holds. (ii) There exist junctionals / e Kf, /' = 0,..., n +1, which are not all simultaneously equal to zero, such that (6*) holds. Proof, (ii) => (i) Suppose that there exists a u such that n + l ue f| K,- i = 0 By (6 *), it is impossible to have /0 = • • • = /„ = 0. Therefore, let, say, /0 ¥= 0 and/0(u) ¥= 0. The set K0 is open; consequently, for all A in a neighborhood of zero, f0(u + Xv) 5: 0, i.e., f0(u)+ Xf0(v) > 0; hence, f0(u)> 0. By (6*), because/ e Kf, this yields the contradiction o«/0(«)+ •-- +/„+i(")a:/o("). (i) => (ii) We use a separation theorem and the important formula m \ + n*, =^ + --+^, »«£», (7) ,|-=o / which we shall prove below with the aid of the Krein extension theorem. Since Ko=£0 and (6) holds, there exists anmsn such that K= C\K,*0, KnKm+l~0. i = 0
412 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) Since K is open, we can separate K and Km+l (Proposition 39.4, (1)). Thus, there are an / e X* and an a e |R such that / =* 0 and f(u) ^a<f(v) foial\ueKm+l, veK. def def By(4),/e/r, -/6^, If we set/m+1 - -/,/M+2«- /,+ i=0, then / + /.,+1+---+/.+1-0. From / e A"+ and (7) it follows that /=/o+•••+/» for suitable/, e #+. This yields (6*). We must still prove (7). To this end, we set def Y = {(u0,...,um): ut, e Xioiall/}, def L= {(v,...,v):v<=X), def C= {(u0,..,,um): ut e Kt for all i}, i.e., m m r-ru. c=ru„ i = 0 i = 0 and L is the so-called diagonal on Y. Here, C is an open convex cone in Y such that C r\L^0 because K¥=0. Each fey* has the representation m *■(«)=!//(«/) (8) i=-0 for all k = (u0,...,um)e Y, where/, e X* for alli. (7) with 2 follows immediately from the definition of the dual cone. In order to prove (7) with c, let /e(,-0o*'P (9) Our trick for proving this consists in defining F on L by def F(u)=f(v) for all u= (v,...,v) eL. Due to (9), F(u) >0 for all ueCn L. According to the Krein extension theorem (Proposition 39.5), F on L can be extended to a continuous linear functional F on Y such that F(u)> 0 on C. Therefore, there exists an
48.3. Necessary and Sufficient Extremal Conditions Conditions 413 /jSl* such that (8) holds and m *"(«)- I/,(«i)2:0 / = 0 for all u e C, i.e., for all ut e Kt. veKt, a>0 implies av ^ Kt. Therefore, ft{u)>Q for all ute.Kt, i.e., The construction of F yields / = /0 + • • • + fm on X. D 48.3. The Main Theorem on Necessary and Sufficient Extremal Conditions for General Side Conditions We consider the general minimum problem with side conditions: F0(w) = min!, (10) (a) Side conditions of the type of inequalities: ue Nj, y = l,...,«. (b) Side conditions of the type of equations: u(=Nn+l. Our goal is a necessary condition for solvability of the form /0 + /1+--+/,+1-0, f,eK+. In this connection, our assumptions read as follows: (HI) F0: D(F0) c X-* U is a functional on a neighborhood of u0 in the real locally convex space X. (H2) All Nu..., Nn+! are subsets of X such that int Nj¥=0 for7 = 1 n. We thus designate the side conditions u e Nj, J = 1,...,n, as side conditions of the type of inequalities. In contrast to this, int Nn+1 = 0 is possible for N„+l. This situation occurs for side conditions in the form of equations. Now we associate certain direction cones at the point u0 with the side conditions: (a) The cone K0 of the regular descent directions of F0 at u0. (/?) The cone Kj of the admissible directions at u0 with respect to Nj for 7=1,...,«. (7) The cone Kn+l of one-sided tangential directions at uQ with respect to Nn+l. We give the precise definitions below. (H3) K0,...,Kn+ j are convex and K0 ¥= 0.
414 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) In the following, we designate u0 as a local solution of (10) when 7¾ has a bound local minimum at u0 with respect to the side conditions in (10). Theorem 48.A (Dubovickii and Miljutin (1965)). With the assumptions (//1)-(//3), the following three assertions hold: (1) Necessary condition. If u0 is a local solution of (10), then there exist continuous linear functionals feKf, i = 0,1,...,« +1, which are not all simultaneously zero, such that /o+ ---+/,+ 1 = 0. (11) (2) Nondegeneracy. We have fk^0 when n + 1 / = o i + k (3) Sufficient condition. The necessary condition in assertion (1) is sufficient for u0 to be a solution of (10) provided, in addition, the following hold: (i) F0: X-* U is convex and continuous. (ii) Nl,...,Nn+l are convex and there exists an h such that h e intNj for 7=1,...,« andh eNn+l (Slatercondition). We designate the /; as generalized Lagrange multipliers. We call (11) an abstract Euler-Lagrange equation. Especially important is the nondegener- ate case/0 ¥= 0 which is guaranteed by « + i /=i In the next section it will be clear from an important example that all this notation is chosen in a meaningful way. In (10) if one wants to forego the side conditions u eNt for fixed i, then one can choose N, = X. Then Kt = X by Definition 48.8 below. Therefore, Kf = {0} and thus f = 0. We now make the definition of Kt precise. Definition 48.8. h in X is called a regular descent direction of F0 at uQ if and only if there exist numbers a > 0, e0 > 0, and a neighborhood of zero, U(Q), such that F0(u0 + e(h + r))-F0(u0) ^ ^ e ~ holds for all e e ]0, e0[, r e [/(0). We denote the set of all these h by K0. h in X is called an admissible direction at u0 with respect to Nj for j = 1,...,n ii and only if there exist a number e0 > 0 and a neighborhood of zero, [/(0), such that u0 + e(h + r)(=Nj
48.3. Necessary and Sufficient Extremal Conditions 415 ^h ,e>< u(t) (a) / "^ (b) Figure 48.3 holds for all e e [0, e0[, r e [/(0). We denote the set of all these h by Kj [see Fig. 48.3(a)]. h in X is called a one-sided tangential direction at u0 with respect to Nn+1 if and only if there exist a number tQ > 0 and a curve t >-* u(t) such that u{t) = u0 + t(h + s{t))eN„+l for all t e [0, f0[. Here, we must have s(t) -» 0 as r -» +0. We denote the set of all these h by A"„+1 [see Fig. 48.3(b)]. It can easily be verified that all the Kt's are cones because if [/(0) is a neighborhood of zero, so is XU(Q) with X > 0. In order to be able to apply Theorem 48.A, one must then calculate the direction cone Kt and the dual cone Kf to it. We explain this in Section 48.5. Proof of Theorem 48.A. (1) Without any difficulties, from Definition 48.8 it follows that all K0,... ,Kn are open, due to (H2). We set */ "X1 and show that A=0. Then the assertion follows immediately from Lemma 48.7. Suppose that he A. By the construction of Kt, there then exists a neighborhood of zero, [/(0), and numbers e0 > 0, a > 0 such that F0(u0 + e{h + r))-F0{u0) ^ ^ e ~~ and u0 + e(h + r) eNv...,N„ for all e e ]0, e0[, r e [/(0). Furthermore, for sufficiently small e> 0, we have "(e) = "o + e{h + s{e)) e Nn+l and s{e) e [/(0). Therefore, F0(u(e))-F0(u0)< -ea u(e)eNu...,Nn+l. If V(u0) is a «0-neighborhood, then, for sufficiently small e>0, we can
-ri6 48. ueneral Lagrange Multipliers (Uubovicku-Miljutin Theory) always achieve «(e)eF(«0). This contradicts the fact that F0 has a bound local minimum at u0. (2) We consider, say, the case k = 0. If n 1+tK, ¥= 0 and /0 = 0, then, from /t + • ■ • + /„+1 = 0 and Lemma 48.7, we arrive at the contradiction n + 1 n Kt=e>. ;=i (3) Suppose there exists a ux such that F(ul)< F(u0) and uleNj, y = l,...,n+l. Let u = tux + (\-t)h for 0 < r <1. Since /ieintA^, y = 1,...,n, Ae iVn+1 and all iV,- are convex, we have « eintA^.y =1,...,« and «eAfi+1. The construction of isT, yields u - u0 e /£, for i > 1. Take into account that u0 + e(u — u0) eNn+1 Dint Nj for j = 1,...,n and 0< e<l. Below we show that u — m0 e /£0. Then « — «0 belongs to the intersection of all KQ,...,/fllH. x. However, from (11), according to Lemma 48.7, it follows that this intersection is empty. This is the contradiction sought. We must still prove that u - u0 eKQ. Due to the continuity of FQ and since ^(«0 < ^0("o)> we can nn^ a small t > 0 such that F0(u) < F0(u0). For 0 < e < 1, we have F0(u0 + e(u - u0)) < eF0(u)+ (1 - e)F0(u0); therefore, lim — <FQ{u)- FQ{u0) <0, i.e., u — «0 e 1£0. The limiting value on the left-hand side exists because of the convexity of F0. Q 48.4. Application to Minimum Problems with Side Conditions in the Form of Equalities and Inequalities As an application of Theorem 48.A, we study the minimum problem F0(u) = vain\, (12) F-(u)<0, y =1,...,/1 -1, ueN„, ^,+ i(")-0, where n > 2.
48.4. Minimum Problems with Side Conditions 417 Our goal is a necessary and sufficient solvability condition in the form of a Lagrange multiplier rule: n-1 E M'(«o)("-"o) + <ACi("o)("-"o)>2:0 (13a) / = o for all ueN„; ^,...,^-1^0, y*eY*, (13b) V5(k0) = 0, y-l,...,«-l; f|-(«o)^0, y-1 n-1 * (13c) u0eN„,- Fn+l(u0) = 0. We designate A, and j* as Lagrange multipliers. The variational inequality (13a) represents the Euler equation or the Euler-Lagrange equation for (12). (13b) and (13c) yield additional conditions for Ay. To be exact, Ay = 0 for Fj(u0)<Q, j = 1,...,n — 1, i.e., Ay is inactive in the case of the strict inequality Fj(u0) < 0. Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X and Y are real B-spaces. (H2) FQ,...,Fn_l: U(u0)c, X-+M are F-differentiable functionals on an open neighborhood of uQ, U(uQ). (H3) N„ is a convex set in X with intNn^0. (H4) Fn+l: U(u0) c X -* Y is a continuously F-differentiable operator. (H5) Regularity: The range R(F„'+l(u0)) is closed in Y. Assumption (H5) plays an important role for the necessary solvability condition. In the following we call «0 a local solution of (12) if and only if there exists a «0-neighborhood V such that F0(u) ^ F0(u0) for all u e V that satisfy the side conditions in (12). Theorem 48.B {Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theory). (1) Necessary condition. If (//1)-(//5) hold and u0 is a local solution of (12), then there exist real numbers A0,...,A„_1 and a functional y* eY* which are not all simultaneously equal to zero and satisfy (13). (2) Sufficient condition. If (//1)-(//4) hold, then from (13) it follows that w0 is a solution of (12) when the following two additional conditions are satisfied: (/)A0>0; (//') FQ,...,Fn_l andu >-* (y*, Fn+l(u)) are convex on X. The following additional results with respect to assertion (1) are important for many applications.
418 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) Corollary 48.9 (Special Cases). We consider the situation of Theorem 48.5, (1). If the side condition ueNn is eliminated, i.e., Nn = X, then the equality sign holds in (13a) for all u e X. Consequently, KFQ'{u0)+---+\n_lFn'_l(u0)+[Fn'+l{u0)]*y* = 0. If the inequalities are eliminated from (12) or the equation is eliminated in (12), then the corresponding terms in (13) drop out and A0, y* or A0, Xl,...,X„_l, respectively, are not simultaneously zero. Corollary 48.10 (Nondegenerate Case). In Theorem 48. .8, (1), we have A0 > 0 when one of the following two conditions is fulfilled: (/) F0'(«0) = 0. (ii) F0'(u0) =£ 0 and there is an he X such that the Slater condition F/(uQ)h<0, ./-1,...,/1-1, Uq + h eint Nn, ^,'+i("o)A-0, as well as R{Fn'+1{u0)) = Y, is satisfied. If the inequalities are eliminated from (12) or the equation is eliminated in (12), then in (ii) the corresponding conditions on Fl,...,F„_l or Fn+l, respectively, drop out. Finally, we explain the connection with the Lagrange function L(«;\0,\,y*)= E a^(") + 0>*,F„+i(")>- Here, \ = (\1,...,\„_1). A short calculation similar to that in Section 37.11 shows that for A0 > 0, X e IR!J._1, y* e Y*, u0e N„, condition (13) is equivalent to Lu(u0;X0,X,y*)(u-uQ)>0 for alius AT,, (14) LK(u0;X0,X, y*){n-X)<Q for all ju. 6R"+_1, Ly*{u0;XQ,X, y*) = Q. From this it is clear that in (13) we are dealing with a local Kuhn-Tucker condition.
48.5. Proof of Theorem 48.B 419 Proof of Theorem 48.B, (2). The proof of the sufficiency of the Lagrange multiplier rule is as always completely elementary. To this end, we set def <p(t) = L(uQ + t(u~u0);\Q,\, y*), where t e [0,1] and u e N„ is fixed. <p is convex. (13a) means that <j>'(0)>0; therefore, <p has a minimum at t = Q relative to [0,1]. Thus, L(uQ;X0,X, y*)<L(u;X0,X, y*) for all u e N„. Since XQ > 0, by multiplication of X and y* by a suitable number, we can always assume that XQ =1. From (13b) and (13c), it follows that F0(u0) = L,(u0;X0,X, y*). For all u that satisfy the side conditions in (12), we always have L(u;X0,X, y*)<F0(u) because \y > 0; therefore, ^("o) - FQ(u). P We give the proof of the necessity of the Lagrange multiplier rule in the next section. 48.5. Proof of Theorem 48.B We shall prove Theorem 48.B, (1), with the aid of Theorem 48.A in Section 48.3 and assume that u0 is a local solution of (12) and that (H1)-(H5) hold. The proof facilitates deeper insight into the mechanics of the Lagrange multiplier rule. Step 1: Trivial Special Cases. If F0'(uQ) = Q, then (13) holds with \0=1, \j = 0 for J = 1,..., n -1 and y* = 0. If Fj'(u0) = 0, Fj(u0) = Q for some fixed / = 1,..., n -1, then (13) holds with X,■ = 1, Xk = 0 for all k + j and y* = 0. def Let A = Fn'+1(u0) and suppose R(A)¥= Y. According to the closed range theorem Aj(39), R(A) = N(A*)X because of (H5). Hence, there exists a y* e N(A*) such that y* + 0; therefore, < y*< Fn'+i(uo)h) = (A*y*, h) = 0 for all hex. Consequently, (13) holds for X0 = • • • = \„_j = 0.
420 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) Step 2: Calculation of Kt and K* when the Above Special Cases Do Not Occur. Parallel to Section 48.3, we set def Nj= {ueX:Fj(u)<0}, 7=1,...,/1-1, def Nn+1={ueX:Fn+l{u) = 0}, and investigate the direction cone Kt which we introduced in Definition 48.8. At this point the reader is advised to study this definition again. Lemma 48.11. For F0'(u0) ¥= 0, we have KQ={heX:F0'(uQ)h<0}, KZ = {-\0F0'(u0):\0>0}. Proof. By Definition 48.8, if h e K0, then F0'(u0)h < 0. (Use e -* 0.) Conversely, from F0'(u0)h < 0 and the F-differentiability of F0 at u0, it follows that F0("o+ ^) = -^0)+^0)^ +0(11*11) as k "*0. For k = e(h + r), it easily follows that h is a regular descent direction, i.e., heK0. The formula for Kq follows from Example 48.5. D Lemma 48.12. If F-(u0) < 0 for a fixed j = 1,...,n — 1, then Kj = X; therefore, K+ = {0}, i.e., K+ = {-\jFj\u0): \y = 0}. Proof. Take into account the continuity of Fj at u0. O Lemma 48.13. If Fj'(u0) =£ 0 and Fj(uQ) = Q for a fixed j = 1,...,w—1, then Kj= {heX:F/(u0)h<0}, k;={-XjF/(u0):Xj>0}. Proof. From h e Nj it follows that Fj(u0 + e{h + r))-Fj(u0)z0 for all e6 ]0, e0[, r e [/(0); therefore, F/(u0)(h + r)z0, i.e., F/(u0)h<0. Conversely, from Fj'(u0)h < 0 it follows that h e Nj, analogous to the proof of Lemma 48.11. D
4&5. Proof of Theorem 48.B 421 Lemma 48.14. The following hold: Kn*~ [he X: h = a(u-u0),ueintNn,a>Q}, K+ = {feX*:f{u-u0)>OforallueNn}. Proof. These formulas follow directly from Definition 48.8 and the definition of the dual cone. □ Lemma 48.15. For R(Fn'+1(u0)) = Y, we have Kn+l~{heX:Fn'+l{u0)h = Q}x <+i=k'+i("o)]*(^*)> i.e., K*+l is equal to the set of all f e X* that can be represented as f(h) = -(y*,Fn'+l(uQ)h) for all hex and fixed y* e Y*. def Proof. Let A = Fn'+1(u0). If h is a one-sided tangential direction, then from Definition 48.8 it directly follows that Ah = 0; but, according to Theorem 43.C in Section 43.6, each such A is a tangential vector; therefore, Kn+1 = N(A). In this connection, one must observe that by Problem 43.2 we can forego having N(Fn'+l(uQ)) split the space X. For K++1( by the closed range theorem Aj(39) and because R(A*) = 1N{A), it follows that /etf„++1 **/(«) = 0 on N{A) <** f = A*(— y*) for somey* e Y*. □ One now easily convinces oneself that under the assumptions made in the lemmas, KQ,...,Kn+l are convex and KQ,...,Kn are open. Furthermore, K0*e>. Step 3; Proof of Theorem 48. B, (1). If none of the special cases considered in Step 1 is present, then from the assertions of Step 2 and by Theorem 48.A in Section 48.3, it follows that there exist f e Kf, i = 0,...,n + 1, which are not all simultaneously equal to zero, such that ~" /0 _ /l ~" ' ' ' ~ fn-l ~~ /n + 1 = Jn- But this is (13a). We now prove (13b). If Fj(u0)< 0 for a fixedy = 1,..., n — 1, then because /; G Kf, we have Xj = 0 by Lemma 48.12. Corollary 48.9 is obtained analogously. In order to show Corollary 48.10 — therefore, that \0 > 0 and thus that /0 =£ 0—according to Theorem 48.A,
422 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) (2), we have to verify the condition n+l However, the element h in Corollary 48.10 belongs to this intersection. This completes the proof of Theorem 48.B, (1) in Section 48.4. 48.6. Application to Control Problems (Pontrjagin's Maximum Principle) As an important application of Theorem 48.B in Section 48.4, we consider the following control problem (P): (a) Control functional: jhf(y(t),w(t),t)dt = vtin\ (b) Control equations: yM=ai+j'gi{y{t),w{t),t)dt, / = 1,. ..,N. (c) Boundary conditions at the end point t2: h,(h,y(t2)) = o, i=l,...,N. (d) Control restriction: w(t)eW forallf e[f1(f2]. Here we admit: (a) all finite time intervals [tlt t2] for fixed initial time tx and variable terminal time t2> tx; (/?) all paths or states y(-) and controls w(-) such that yteC[tltt2\, wteLS(«1(r2) for all/ =1,...,N; k~l,...,M. Here, y{t) = (yl(t),...,yff(t))eRN, w(t)={Wl(t),...,wM(t))eUM. We understand L^(r1( t2) to be the set of all piecewise continuous real functions on [tlt t2], i.e., these functions are bounded and continuous up to a finite number of jumps (see Fig. 48.4). As usual, C[tlt t2\ denotes the set of all continuous real functions on \tx, t2\
48.6. Application to Control Problems (Pontrjagin's Maximum Principle) 423 ^r> Figure 48.4 Comment. We have already considered a special case of (P) in Section 37.21. There, the bang-bang principle shows that it is not meaningful to restrict oneself to continuous controls. The control equation (b) for all 'e [*i> h] describes the connection between the control w and the path or state quantity y. Frequently the control equations occur in the form of differential equations: ^/(0-aW0.w(0.0. yiih) = a,. Then integration yields (b). The boundary conditions for t2 comprise, e.g., the following two special cases: (i) No boundary condition for y at t2, i.e., h = 0. (ii) y(t2) = b for fixed b, i.e., h-y — b. Our natural assumptions read as follows: (Hi) All/, gh and A • have continuous first partial derivatives with respect to all arguments. (H2) The admissible control region W is given as a subset of IR M. (H3) The initial values alt..., aN e IR of y are given. The construction of the Pontrjagin function def N tf{y,w,p,t,\) = Y,pigi{y,w,t)-\0f(y,w,t) /=i is crucial for the formulation of necessary solvability conditions. Furthermore, in preparation, we state the maximum principle Sf(y(t),w(t),p(t),t,\Q)= max Jif(y(t),w*, p(t),t, \0) (15) w*eW as well as the generalized canonical equations and the so-called transversality condition at the end point t2: N dh PiU2)--T.-gj;(h>y{h))«j> / = 1,--^- (Ha)
424 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) Furthermore, from the control equation (b), it follows that at the initial point tx: HitJ-a,, i=l,...,N. (17b) The following theorem is called the Pontrjagin maximum principle. This important principle was conjectured by Pontrjagin around 1955. The rigorous proof of the maximum principle was given by Boltjanskii (1958). A variant of the maximum principle was already given by Hestenes (1950) in a technical report which remained in obscurity. Theorem 48.C. Suppose (Hl)-(H3) are satisfied. If y,w, t2 is a solution of the original problem (P), then there exist real numbers ^,0^...,0^, where X0>0, that are not all simultaneously zero, and functions px,... ,pN which are continuous on [tlt t2] such that equations (15) and (16) hold at all points of continuity t of the optimal control w. Moreover, (17) is satisfied. Corollary 48.16. Furthermore, there exists a continuous function p0 on [tv t2] such that at all points t of continuity of w, p0(t) = Jf(y(t),w(t), p(t),t,X0) holds as well as Po = ^< 08) with the transversality condition at the end point t2, N dh Po(t2)=T,-s?(h,y(h))«j. (19) 7-1 \0 can always be chosen to be 1 or 0. In the case where h = 0, i.e., for a free right boundary, X0 =1. We have made use of an abbreviated form in (16) and (18) in order to formulate the conditions in a suggestive way. Written out in detail, eg., Pi = — 3f reads as follows: P!(t)-- L Pj(t)-^{y{t)Mt),t) + \0j£(y(t)Mt),t). In (16), y(=3fp is nothing other than the control equation y-{t) = £,(^(0)^(0.0- Furthermore, ^generalizes the Hamilton function H. We shall explain the connection with the classical calculus of variations in Section 48.8. Then w = y'; therefore, g, = wt and W = 0¾ M. The Pontrjagin maximum principle generalizes the classical maximum principle in Section 37.4 and represents a basic tool for handling variational and control problems.
48.6. Application to Control Problems (Pontrjagin's Maximum Principle) 425 Remark 48.17 (Analysis of the Maximum Principle). We consider, say, the frequently occurring case of fixed end conditions, i.e., yt(t2)= bh i = 1,... ,N; thus, hj = yt — br Then, to determine the functions y, w, p and the end time t2, we have at our disposal the generalized canonical equations />;--■*;,. >/=■*;,=&. /=1,...,^, the boundary conditions the boundary condition ^(y(h)Mh);p(h)>h,K) = o that follows from (19), as well as the Pontrjagin maximum condition (15). This maximum condition asserts that the optimal control imparts to the function Jf a maximum in comparison with all other possible controls. If no control restrictions are present, i.e., W=UM, then the system of equations ^k{y{t),w{t),p{t)j,K)-Q, k = l,...,M (15a) results from the maximum condition (15). We thus obtain exactly 2N first-order differential equations with 2N + 1 boundary conditions to determine the 2N functions yt> p( and the end time t2. To determine the M functions wk, one also uses the M equations (15a). Thus we get exactly the number of condition equations that are needed for well-behaved problems in order to calculate y, p, w, and t2 uniquely. For the numerical treatment, one can employ shooting methods (cf. Section 48.10). Furthermore, Theorem 48.C yields Pi(t2)- — a,, where (\0, a1(..., aN) =£ 0, \0 = 1 or \0 = 0. From this we obtain the additional information N \0=1 or \0 = 0, Hpf{t2)*0. / = 1 These assertions can be used together with the remaining conditions to exclude the degenerate case \0 = 0. We give an example of this in Section 48.8. In physical problems, the following heuristic consideration is very useful: If one expects that the optimal control depends on the form of the integral to be minimized, i.e., it depends on/, then we must have \0 =1. In the opposite case, since \0 = 0, namely, all condition equations for determining the optimal control would be independent of/, i.e., one would not even need the information contained in /. We treat an application of these considerations to the problem of the return of a spaceship to the earth in Section 48.10.
426 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) 48.7. Proof of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle With the aid of Theorem 48.B in Section 48.4, we wish to give a simple proof of the Pontrjagin maximum principle, which uses only completely elementary transformations and which makes the mechanism of the maximum principle very clear. The proof consists of the following main steps: (i) By a time transformation from t to t there results a problem to which we can apply the Lagrange multiplier rule of Theorem 48. B. (ii) By Theorem 48.B, we obtain a variational inequality which we simplify by introducing the auxiliary functions <p and ^ by means of an adjoint problem, (iii) A time-reversal transformation yields the Pontrjagin maximum principle. At the same time, p0, p result from <p, \j/. Here, in contrast to the side condition w e Win which W neither needs to be convex nor needs to contain interior points, a side condition aeJV, in which Nx is convex and intA^1^ is obtained by carrying out the time transformation. An additional advantage is that the new r-time lies in the fixed interval [0,1], whereas the original Mime ranges over the variable interval [tx> t2]. Merely to simplify we set N — M = \ and y1 = y, g1 = g, a1 = a, p1 = p, and hx = h. In addition, we agree on the following notation: def C = C[0,1] (continuous functions on [0,1]). def C+= the set of all nonnegative continuous functions v * 0 on [0,1] whose zeros are concentrated on at most finitely many intervals of positive length (see Fig. 48.5). def S = { t e [0,1]: w is continuous at t }. def def P=(z(r),w(T),f(r)), P={y{t),w{t),t). Qdi{t{l),m). Obviously, C+ is a convex subset of C and intC+ =£0, since u = l belongs to int C+. We shall introduce w, z and t below. Step 1: Time Transformation. To each oeC+ we assign a time transformation, i.e., a transition from t to t with '(■0='h+ f'V(T)dj for all re [0,1].
■*■ 7. Proof of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle 427 Figure 48.5 'lite reverse transformation reads as follows: T(f*) = min{Te[0,l]:f(T) = f*} Ul Fig. 48.5). Since t'(T)>0, on r-intervals, where u(t)>0, the trans- lormation is injective, i.e., 1 -1. On r-intervals, where v(t) = 0, t(-) remains constant. Step 2: Transformation of the Problem. Purely formally, from the original pioblem (P) in Section 48.6, a transition from t to t yields f f(z(r),w(T),t(T))v(T)dT = mini, 0 (z,t,v)eCXCXC+, z{j)-a- f g(z(T),w(r),t(T))v(T)dT = 0, o t(r)- h~fv{j)dT = Q, A(/(l),z(l))-=0. We write this problem in the operator form: F0(u) = min!, u^Nlt f2(«)-0. (PO (P")
<*28 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) In this connection, we use the following notation: def u = (z, t,v) e X, def X^CXCxC, def Nl~CxCxC+, def Y^CxCxM. F2 maps X into Y. Now we justify this formal procedure. Lemma 48.18. Let y,w,[tx, t2] be a solution of the original problem (P) in Section 48.6. If we construct the element u — {z,t,v) for given ueC+, w*eWby def /-T def '"(t)-*i+/ v(r)dT, z(t) = y(i(T)) and set def(w(i(T)) for t such that v(t)>0, w(t) = I [w* for t such that v(t) = 0, then u is a solution of (P') provided v is chosen so that i(l) = t2- Proof, w has only a finite number of points of discontinuity, i.e., [0,1]-Sis finite. In addition, i, zeC. From (P) it easily follows that u satisfies the side conditions in (P'). Moreover, after transformation to t, FQ(u)=f'2f(y(t),v(t),t)dt. (20) Now, if an element u - (z, t, v) satisfies the side conditions in (P'), then by a transformation to t according to t(T) = tl+ f v(r)dT, we obtain from z, w two functions t^y(t), t^iv(t) on[r1;r2] that satisfy the side conditions in (P) with t2 replaced by t2. In addition, F0(«)-fhf(y(t)Mt),t)dt. Sincey, w is a solution of (P), by (20) we have F0(u) > F0(u). D In the following, let u, w be fixed. In an essential way we shall use the fact that v, w* are arbitrary only in the last step. Step 3: Necessary Condition for (P")
48.7. Proof of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle 429 Lemma 48.19. There exist A0 e R, y* e Y* which are not both simultaneously equal to zero such that A0 > 0 and for all u e A^ the crucial variational inequality X0F0'(u)(u-u) + (y*, F2'(u)(u~u))>0 (21) holds. This follows from Theorem 48.B in Section 48.4 because, there, the assumptions (H1)-(H4) are obviously fulfilled. The basic regularity condition (H5) results from the next lemma. Lemma 48.20. The range R(F2'(u)) is closed. We will carry out the proof in such a way that it carries over completely analogously to the case N,M^.l. Proof. The equation F2'(u)(u-u)-b corresponds to the inhomogeneous equations in (P'), where one linearizes on the left-hand side, i.e., z-2- / gy(P)v(z-z)dT - f[gt(P)v(t-i)+g(P)(v-v)] dr-blt (22a) t — i—l (v — v)dT = b2; M5)(<(iW(i))+M2)(*(i)-z(i))=-*3- (22b) Below we denote the left-hand side in (22b) by b3(u). Here, u = (z,t,v) holds. Of importance is the fact that for each fixed v eC, (22a) represents a system of Volterra integral equations which by Section 1.9 has exactly one solution (z,()eCxC that depends continuously on {bY,b2), for each right-hand side {bx, b2) e C X C. We shall show that R{F2\u)) consists of exactly all b such that bxeC, b2eC, b3^ ^^(^,^)) +y, (23) where y ranges over a fixed linear subspace J^in IR and (bu b2) *-* u{bY, b2) is continuous on C X C. Since u >-* b3(u) is also continuous on X, it follows that because J^is closed, R(F2(u)) is also closed. To prove (23), we denote the set of all solutions of (22a) with bi — b2 — Q by uh. All uh — u form a linear space and thus all b3(uh — u) also form a linear space that we denote by &. Furthermore, for fixed (bx, b2), (22a) has exactly one solution for v — v, which we denote by u(blt b2). Each solution u of (22a) now has the form u = u(b1,b2)+uh. Thus, (23) holds.
430 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theorv • Step 4: The Lagrange Multiplier y* in (21). Since y* eP and Y=CxC> U, we have: y* = (y*, y* ,a) e C* X C* XU . Lemma 48.21. X20 + a2 * 0 holds. Proof. Assume, to the contrary, that X0 = a = 0. For bx = b2 = 0 and fixed v = v1 with ux = 1, we construct a solution u1 = (z, t, ux) of (22a). From (21) it follows that (y*,F2'(u)(Ul-u))^0. Since vx eintC+, ux eint Nv Therefore, from (21) with X0 = 0 it follov* that (y*,F{(u)(u-u))*=Q for all u (= X. Since (23) holds and y* — (yf, y*,Q), we then have yf = j2* = 0. This means that \0 = a = y* = 0, which contradicts Lemma 48.19. Lemma 48.22. For h = 0, \0 > 0. This means we can set X0 = 1 a/ter changing y*,a. Proof. If h = 0, the last equations with h in (P') drops out. Then Y- C X f and j* = (jf, j2*). Now one follows a line of reasoning analogous to that in Lemma 48.21 above. We now conclude the proof of the maximum principle by specializing u and u in (21). Step 5: Specializing u in (21). For each v e C+ and bx — b2 — 0, we choose the unique solution u of (22a). Thus, from (21) we obtain \0£[fy(P)v(z -z) + fl(P)v(t-i) + f(P)(v-v)]dT + aht{Q){t{\)- t(l))+ ahy(Q)(z(\)- 1(1)) > 0 and (22a) with bx — b2 — 0. We can differentiate (22a) with respect to t in the points of continuity of the integrand, thus at t e S. This yields z'-z'^gy(P)v(z-z)+gl(P)v(t-i) (24) + g(P)(v-v) for all res, t'-i'=v-v for all re [0,1], z(0) = z(0), ^(0)=^(0) = ^. We forego explicitly stating the r-dependence of z'(t), t'(r), etc.
48.7. Proof of the Pontrjagin Maximum Principle 431 Step 6: The Trick of Introducing <p and yj/ in Order to Eliminate t and z. Our goal is the variational inequality (l[Kf(P)~*g(P)+<p](v-v)dT>0 forallt;eC+. (25) '0 To this end, we introduce <j> and ^ by r(r)-(\ofy(P)-gy(T)i>(r))u(r), (26) <P'(T) = -(\0/,(F)-g,(F)<HT))fKT) forallres and *(l) = -hy(Q)a, v(l)-A,(G)a. The existence of <j> and ^ is easily obtained by integrating (26) over [1, t], solving the resulting system of Volterra integral equations on [0,1] by continuous functions <p,\p, and finally differentiating at the points of continuity of the integrand, i.e., at t in S. <p and 41 are introduced in such a way that one can apply the product rule to the relations in Step 5. Namely, for all t e S, X0v[fy(P)(z~z) + f(P)(t~i)] = [(z-2)4>]'-[(t-i)v]'-[4>g(P)-v](o-o). Taking the inequality in Step 5 into account, integration yields i _ _ T_1 f [\0f(P)-tg(P)+<p](v-v)dT + (z~z)t~(t~i)<p + ah,(Q)(t(l)-t(l))+ ahy(Q)(z(l)-z(l))>0. Now (25) follows from this. The introduction of <p and ^ is a trick which, under the catchphrase "introduction of adjoint states," plays an important role in all variants of the maximum principles (cf. Sections 37.23, 54.4, and 54.7). Step 7: Simplification of (25). In order to change the integral inequality (25) into a pointwise relation, we set def _ _ A(r) = \0/(F)-^(T)g(P)+<jp(r). Since P= (z(t),w(t), i(r)), from (25), for all points of continuity of t -» w(t), i.e., for t e S, it follows that A(t) = 0 forallreS, whereu(T) >0, A(t)>0 forallreS, where v(t) = 0. (27) The opposite assumption easily leads to a contradiction because of the continuity of A in t for a suitable choice of v e C+.
432 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theoi ■. i Step 8: Time-Reversal Transformation of t to t for Obtainingp, p0 from \j/, r/. We integrate (26) over [1, t]; therefore, ^(r) = ^(l) + /iT[\0/r(?)-gJ,(?)^]P^T, ' <p(T) = <jp(l)-/T[\0/((F)-g((?)^]^T. Changing variables from t to t by t = f(r) and def />t f(r) = fx+ / C(t)c?t yields the functions p, p0 from \j/, <p, where p{t) = p(t2) + f'[\0fy(P)-gy(P)p\dt, '2 P{t2)-^{l) = -hy{t2>y{t2))a and PoU) = Po(h)-[l[Kft(P)-g<(P)p]dt, Po(h)= 9(1) = ht(t2, y(t2))a for all f e [f1( f 2]. Take into account that g = (f(l), 2(1)), P = (j>(0, w(0>' '- Thus, j?, ^0 are continuous on [f1( t2\. Differentiation with respect to t yields the differential equations for;? and p0 given in Theorem 48.C in Section 48.6 and Corollary 48.16. Step 9: Interpretation of (27) by Specialization of v. We now observe that the w in Lemma 48.18 depends on v e C, and w* e W. def (I) Relation betweenp0 and #C. We set v(t) = t2 — ft. After a time-re\ci- sal transformation, from A(t) = 0 in (27) for all points of continuity of the optimal control t -> w(t), it follows that X0f(P)-p(t)g(P) + Po(t)=Q. This is identical to Po{t)^ 3f{y{t),w{t), p{t),t,\0) (:*> in Corollary 48.16. (II) Maximum principle. We choose v according to Fig. 48.5. From A(t)> 0 in (27), after a time-reversal transformation, it follows that VW'*).wV*)-/>('*)s(.v('*).wV*) + />o('*)^0 (24) for all w* e W, t* e [tu t2\. Observe that according to Fig. 48.5 one cm obtain each t* e [tlt t2] by an appropriate choice of V. In addition, one must take into account the construction of w in Lemma 48.18.
48.8. The Maximum Principle and Classical Calculus of Variations 433 However, because of (28), relation (29) is precisely the maximum principle ■&(y(t*)Mt*),P{t*),K,t*)>J?(y(t*)>w*,p(t*),\0,t*) for all w* e W, t* e [tr, t2]. This concludes the proof of Theorem 48.C in Section 48.6 and Corollary 48.16. 48.8. The Maximum Principle and Classical Calculus of Variations We consider the classical variational problem f'2L(u{t),t,u'{t))dt = mm\, (30) u(tl) = a, u(t2) — b where u = (ur,..., uM) and u,eC[t1,t2],u'leLg[t1,t2])i-'l,...,M, i.e., all derivatives u't are piecewise continuous. We suppose that the finite interval [tltt2] and a, b eUM are given and fixed. We set def Pl(t) = Lu,(u(t),t,u'(t)), /=1,...,M, (31) def ^ H(u, t, u') = 2j Lu,(u, t, u')u'; — L(u, t, u'). In the classical calculus of variations, one knows the following necessary solvability conditions for (30): (a) Euler equation: p'i{t)-LUi{u{t),t,u'{t% i=l,...,M. (b) Legendre condition: M £ ^("(^.'."'(OMw,^0 forallweRM. (c) Weierstrass condition: M L(u{t),t,w)-L(u{t),t,u'{t))> L^(o(w,-«;(o) i = i forallweRM.
434 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theoi -i (d) Weierstrass-Erdmann corner condition: LUl(Q+)-LUi(Q_), H(Q+) = H(Q_), /=1,...,M. Here, t is an arbitrary point of discontinuity of u' in ]tlt t2[ and def Q±= (u(r), t, u'(t +0)). Thus, (d) contains conditions on the jumps of the derivative of a solution of (30). We shall prove that all these conditions result from the Pontrjagin maximum principle. In this way the central position of this maximum principle for the classical calculus of variations becomes clear. Theorem 48.D. Suppose L has continuous first partial derivatives with respcu to all arguments and that u(•) is a solution of (30). Then (a), (b), and(c) hold at all points of continuity t of u'. Moreover, (cl) holds. In addition, in (b) it is naturally assumed that L has continuous second partial derivatives with respect to all arguments. Proof. The idea of the proof is to write (30) as a control problem as in Section 48.6 with the control variable w = u' and »eRw In order Id guarantee a fixed end time t2, we introduce an additional state variable yM+i — t, i.e., we sety = (ul,...,uM,t). Then (30) reads as follows: f'2L(y(t),w(t)) dt = min! with the control equations yi(t) = ai+ f'wi(t)dt, /=1,...,M Jh ^+1(0=^1+ \'dt, the control constraints w(t)^UM for all /e [tlt t2], and the boundary conditions yi{t2) = bi, / = 1,....M, yM+i\h) = ^M+i- The last condition fixes t2 because bM+l is prescribed. Furthermore, let yic^CUnh]' w;eLS(^i.^) for all/,/c. We have stated the condition w(t) e UM solely to obtain complete parallelism to Section 48.6. In fact, this requirement places no restriction whatsoe\ei on w(-).
4" 9. Modifications of the Maximum Principle 435 The Pontrjagin function reads as follows: M Jf(y,w,p)= E Pm + pM+1 ~X0L(y,w). 1=1 According to Theorem 48.C in Section 48.6, there exist numbers \0 eR, «n[RM+1 such that X0>0 which are not all simultaneously zero and functions^,...,;?M+1 which are continuous on [tu t2] such that P'k--^,,,, Pk(h) = ~«k, k = l M + l, (32) Jt?(y(t),w(t),p(t)) = ma* JP(y(t),w,p(t)). (33) I urthermore, by Corollary 48.16, there exists a continuous function p0 on [/,, t2] with p0{t) = 3e{y{t),w{t),P{t))> (34) Po-*» Po(h)~0. (35) I hese relations hold for all points of continuity t of w = u'. From (35) it follows that^0 = 0. Furthermore, \0 > 0; for, it would follow from X0 = 0 that pk = - ak by (32). Then M &=- E «j*j-«M+1. Since ^0 = 0 and (33) and (34) hold, the maximum of the linear function II -»Jff(w) is equal to zero on RM, i.e., Jif = 0; thus, ¢^ = ---= aM+l = 0. I his is in contradiction to the fact that \0 and a are not simultaneously /cro. Therefore, we can assume \0 =1, perhaps after a change in a, p. Now the Weierstrass condition follows directly from the maximum principle (33). Furthermore, (33) immediately yields K(y(')Mt),p(t)) = o, (36) M E ^»,.(.v(0.w(0..P(0)w,wy£0 forallwe|RM. (37) './ = 1 (37) is the Legendre condition. (36) corresponds topt = Lu,—hence, to (31). I his, together with p[ = - 3P , yields the Euler equation. The Weierstrass-Erdmann corner condition results from the continuity of "'1 Po» • • • >Pm+i> together with ^, = Lu,, mdp0^Jf = H + pM+l. D 48.9. Modifications of the Maximum Principle 'Ac shall first call the reader's attention to several transformations which jllow one to reduce certain classes of problems to the normal form consid- cicdin Section 48.6.
436 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) (a) Fixed end time. In Section 48.6 the end time t2 is variable. If t2 is to be fixed, then, as in Section 48.8, one introduces y- = t as a new state variable with the boundary condition yj(t2) = fy for fixed bj. (b) Integral side condition. We consider, for instance, the problem (hf(u(t), t, u'{t)) dt = mini, Jhg(u(t),t,u,(t))dt = c, 1/(^) = 0, u(t2) = b for fixed a,b,ce R. By introducing of a new state variable yJt the integral side condition can be written as the control equation yj(t) = aj+ f'g(u(t),t,w(t))dt with the boundary condition yj(t2) = c and with w = u'. As an exercise we recommend that the reader treat this problem parallel to Section 48.8 with the aid of the Pontrjagin maximum principle and show that the classical Lagrange multiplier rule which we formulated in Section 37.4/ results. In this connection, one must take (a) into consideration. (c) Bolza's problem. If in place of an integral to be minimized there appears the more general expression F{y{t2))+ fhf(y(t),w(t),t) A-mini (38) h with the control equations ^.(0 = 0,+ /^,(/(0,^(0.0^. /-1,....M, then one sets def (38) is equivalent to /((^2)— ^(^1)= mi11-' f°r nxed nih)= ^(y(a)) or f'2h'(t) dt = mini Furthermore, if we set f(y,w,t)= IiFy:(y)gi(y,w,t) + f(y,w,t), 1 = 1 then h'{t) = f(y(t), w(t), t) and (38) passes into f'2f(y(t)Mt),t)dt = min! (38a) h(t)tfF(y(t)) + ff(y(t),w('),')dt.
48.10. Return of a Spaceship to Earth 437 If f = 0 or F = 0 in (38), then, by definition, this is a matter of a Mayer problem or a Lagrange problem, respectively. All these problems and their natural generalizations can be carried over from one to another by means of simple substitutions of the design given above. Problems with Phase Restrictions. In Section 48.6 the paths are not subject to any restrictions, i.e., there are no so-called phase restrictions. Problems with phase restrictions, i.e., with additional side conditions of the type Gj(y(t),t)<0, Can be handled with a method of proof that is analogous to Section 48.7. In this connection, compare Girsanov (1972, M), Lesson 14. Other methods for the detailed investigation of this realm of problems can be found in Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M), Section 5.2 and Neustadt (1976, M). Here, it is essential that in place of the generalized canonical equations forp in Section 48.6, there appear integral relations, where the integrals are of the Lebesgue-Stieltjes type, i.e., they contain measures. 48.10. Return of a Spaceship to Earth In this section we consider an application of the Pontrjagin maximum principle to space travel problems. Here we deal with the calculation of the optimal control of an Apollo spacecraft which returns to earth as described in Stoer and Bulirsch (1978, M). Here, the braking process is to be controlled so that the heating of the spaceship remains minimal. For this problem, space engineers set up the following somewhat simplified control nroblem: (hl0ylJpdt = mini, yl~ Si(y>w)> (=1,2,3 (control equations), )>i(ti) = at, yXh) = bt (boundary conditions), weR (no control restrictions). In this connection, we use the following notation (see Fig. 48.6): yx = tangential velocity; y2 + it/2 = path angle of inclination q> with respect to the joining ray, spaceship—center of the earth, in arc measure; y3 = h/R (h is the distance of the spaceship above the earth's surface, R is the radius of the earth); w = control parameter (related to the brake system of the spaceship); p = p0exp(- 0Ry3) (atmospheric density by the barometric height formula).
438 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theor- ■ space ship Figure 48.6 The boundary conditions are chosen so that at time tx the spaceship enters the earth's atmosphere. In this connection, the following hold: .^(^)=10.8 km/sec, y2(t1) =0.045tt, y3(tj) =120km//?. The point Px in Fig. 48.6 corresponds to this situation. For the desired aid time t2, the following must hold: yl(t2) = %.I km/sec, ^2(½) = 0> y3(t2) = 15km/R. Here, y^t^) and y1(t2) are approximately equal to the second and first cosmic velocities, respectively (i.e., the minimal velocity required for leaving the earth and for attaining an orbit, respectively). The end time t2 corresponds to the point P2 in Fig. 48.6. Upon attaining the data j,(^2)> the enlv\ maneuver in the earth's atmosphere is finished and the landing maneuver can begin. Here, the condition y2(t2) = 0 means that at time t2, the path runs parallel to the earth's surface, i.e., an orbit has been achieved. The integral to be minimized describes the heating process of the spate- ship, i.e., to be precise, the convective heat transfer. Here the great influenee of the velocity is expressed by the appearance oiyl. The quantities g, have the following meaning: Fpyl „ ( x gsiny2 g =_ Ci(w) 2 (1+3¾) „ FPyi r/,LA, y^osy2 gcosy2 where g3 = R Vising, F = frontal surface/mass of the spaceship; g = acceleration due to gravity; Ci(w) =1.174 — 0.9cosw (aerodynamic coefficient of resistance); C2(w) = 0.6 sinw (aerodynamic coefficient of lift).
48.10. Return of a Spaceship to Earth 439 In toto, the following numerical values are obtained with the choice of a suitable mass system (in 105 ft, etc.): aY = 0.36, a2 = — 0.04577-, a3 = 4/R, £ = 209, ^ = 0.27, 62 = 0, ^ = 2.5//?, /=-=53200, p0 = 2.704 X10"3, /3 = 4.26, g = 3.2172 X10 ~4. The following simplifying assumptions are made in the derivation of the differential equations: (a) The earth is a ball at rest. (ft) The flight path lies in the plane of a great circle. (y) The astronauts' load capacity can be arbitrarily high. The appearance of the terms with CVC2 which describe the influence of atmosphere on the spaceship that is flying at approximately 11 km/sec is crucial. If yt is known, then the distance d on the earth's surface (see Fig. 48.6) is given by the differential equation d' = yi(l+ y3)~1cosy2. We can apply the Pontrjagin maximum principle in the form of Remark 48.17 to the present problem. To this end, we first construct the Pontrjagin function 1-1 Since we expect that the optimal control depends in an essential way on the integral expression to be minimized, according to our heuristic considerations in Remark 48.17, we immediately set XQ =1 and forego the discussion that X0 = 0 is impossible. In addition to the differential equations and boundary conditions for yv we thus obtain as necessary conditions the differential equations P', = -jeyi, /-1,2,3 with the additional boundary condition *(y(h)Mti),p{h)) = o and the maximum principle The last condition immediately yields sinw = — Q.6a~lp2, cosw= —0.9a~ly1p1, a = J(0.6p2f+(0.9ylPl)2.
440 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) If we replace w in the equations above by this expression, then, for the determination of the six functions yit p( and the end time t2, we obtain exactly six first-order differential equations with seven boundary conditions. The numerical solution of this complex nonlinear boundary value problem can be carried out by using shooting methods whose basic idea was explained in Problem 5.4. Due to the denominator in g,-, which can lead to singularities, the problem turns out to be very sensitive from the numerical viewpoint. The physical reason for this is that for the entry maneuver only a narrow corridor is favorable. If this corridor is missed, then the spaceship falls or will be tossed by the polster of the earth's atmosphere into space. As mathematical investigations of the boundary value problems have provided, there exist, in fact, differentiable solutions only for a narrow region of boundary data. Figure 48.7 shows the qualitative behavior of the solution. If we set tx = 0, then for the end time we obtain t2 = 224.9 sec. Therefore, the critical phase when the spaceship penetrates the earth's atmosphere lasts approximately 4 min. Of interest in the optimal solution is, the fact that the spaceship penetrates the earth's atmosphere rather deeply (from 120 km to 50 km) and then it climbs again to the given distance of 75 km. On the other hand, the velocity falls almost monotonically. Due to the sensitivity of the problem it was of the greatest importance for the numerical calculation to possess a good initial approximation. Such data were given to the mathematicians by space engineers on the basis of their experiences and their practical instinct. Additional details concerning these calculations can be found in Stoer and Bulirsch (1978, M). This example shows very clearly how valuable it is for the two groups—engineers and mathematicians—to contribute their specific knowledge and experience to the mutual solution of practical problems. At the same time, one obtains an idea that with concrete problems, despite the presence of a general theory, crucial difficulties can still arise from the specifics of the problem, with which the practitioner must do front line battle. -» altitude -• speed H .-1 (time) Figure 48.7
Problems 441 Problems 48.1. Proof of the Example 48.5. Solution: Concerning Kt: Let ge.K±, i.e., g(± «)>0 for all ue.K=; therefore, g(u) = 0 for all ueif=. Let/(u0) = def -1. Then y = u+ /(u)u0e if= for all »el, i.e., g(y) = 0; therefore, g(u) = - f(u)g(u0) f°r all u e X Thus, g = \f. Conversely, from g = Xf it immediately follows that ge.Kt. Concerning K<: Let g e if+ , i.e., g(u) > 0 for all u e #<. Since #< c if=Uif<, the proof proceeds as above for Kt, taking u0e.K< and g(«o) ^ 0 into consideration. For Kt- the argument is the same as for K%. 48.2 Calculus for dual cones. In the following, let X and" Y be real locally convex spaces, and let K, Ka, and KY be cones with K, Ka cl, KY £ Y. Furthermore, (X, X*) and (Y, 7*) form dual pairs. Suppose the operator B: X-+ Y is linear and continuous. Prove: 48.2a. Union. (Ua(EAKay = ntt<EAKt. 48.2b. Intersection. If all Ka are convex, closed, and nonempty, then: ( n kX=™ z k- (39) Furthermore, intif nL*0=*(K nL)+=K+ + L+ (40) when L is a linear subspace of X and K is convex. To show this, one uses Proposition 48.6 for (39) and the Krein extension theorem (Proposition 39.5) for (40). 48.2c. Subspaces. For a linear subspace L of X, we have L+ = {/eX*:/(jc) = 0onL}. 48.2d. Generalized diagonal. For <fe/ C= {(jc,.y)eXxY:fljc = .y}, we have C+ = {(**,;>*) eX*xY*:jc* = -B*y*}. To show this, use Problem 48.2c. 48.2e. Farkas' lemma. For def C= (jceX:Bjceify} = B-1(K'r), we have
48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) when KY is convex and either one of the following two conditions is satisfied: (i) There exists anx0el such that Bx0 e int K Y (the Slater condition), (ii) X= RN, Y = RM, KY = R +. Therefore, in case (ii), we have C+ = {B*y: y eR+ } because KY = KY This relation can also be expressed as follows: The system B*y*=b, y>0 has a solution y if and only if b e C+, i.e., if and only if (b\x)>0 for all x with Sjc > 0. In this form, the Farkas lemma stands at the pinnacle of linear optimization theory in R N (cf. Problem 50.4a for a short proof). This lemma is also often referred to as the Farkas-Minkowski lemma. In case (i), apply (40) to the sets {{x,y)<EXxY:y<EKY} and {(x,y) e XX Y: Bx = y). A special case. If C consists of all x e R N with (ai\x)>0 fori=l,...,/c, <a,-|jc)-0 for/ = fc + l,...,M for fixed a, e R N, then C+ consists of all / e R N with M /=IV/, xu...,\k>o 1=1 and\,eR. Hint: See Girsanov (1972, M), Lessons 5, 10. Existence of optimal controls. In the following, we shall refer to prototype- for existence assertions. Additional material is found in the references to the literature in this chapter under the headings "Existence of optimal controls" and "Generalized solutions." Many existence theorems are contained in Cesari (1983, M). Classical optimal controls (Fillipov's theorem). Parallel to Section 48.6, we consider the time-optimal control problem with fixed endpoint: t2 - tx = min!, (41a) y'(i)'=g(y(i),w(t),t) for almost all <e [t1,t1 ], (41b) y(h)~a, y(t2)-b, w(t)e\V for all <e [^,^]. In this connection, let tx e R and a, b e R N be fixed. Suppose the contn>l w(-) is measurable and thaty(-) is absolutely continuous. Show: The control problem (41) has a solution when the following hold: (HI) Regularity. The components of g: RNXRMXR->RN posses continuous first partial derivatives. (H2) Compactness of the control region. IF is a compact subset of R ".
Problems 443 (H3) Growth restriction. For all (y, w, t) e RN x W XR, we have \g(y,w,t)\<c(t)\y\, where c is a fixed continuous function. (H4) Consistency. The problem is well posed, i.e., the side condition (41b) can be fulfilled for a t1>t1 and some _>>(•), w(-). (H5) Convexity condition. The set {g(y,w,t);w<=W} is convex for all (y, t) e R N xR. Hint: Compare Gamkrelidze (1978, M), page 151. There the assertion follows from the result of the next problem. Similar existence results which depend on the existence principle of lower semicontjnuity in Chapter 38 can be found in Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), Chapter III. No solution need exist without the convexity condition (H5). In this case, one can use the assertion of the next problem 48.3b. Generalized controls (relaxed controls). In Problem 42.14a, we have already pointed out that it is meaningful to consider generalized variational problems within the framework of a probability interpretation. The generalized control problem parallel to (41) reads as follows: t1-t1 = mini, (41a*) /(')" [ g{y{t),w,t)dv.,(w) for almost all te [tlt t2], (41b*) {n,} is admissible with respect to W. In this connection, let tx eR, a, b e|" be fixed. Let y(-) be absolutely continuous. In the differential equation in (41b*), in contrast to (41b), we average over all controls weW with the aid of a measure n,. By the admissibility of the family of measures {fi,} we understand the following: (i) For each (£[(,,(;], p, is a probability measure on RM which is concentrated on W; that is, n, is a measure on the smallest a-algebra 81 of R M which is generated by the open sets, with 0 < ^,(^4) <1 for all A e 31 and ii,(W) = 1 as well as ii,(A) = 0 for A n W = 0,A e 81. (ii) The function h denned by h(t) = jwH{w, t) dii,{w) is Lebesgue-mea- surable for all continuous functions H: W X[^, t2] -* R. Show: The control problem (41*) possesses a solution when the following two conditions hold: (a) The conditions (HI) (regularity), (H2) (compactness of W), and (H3) (growth restriction) from Problem 48.3a are fulfilled. (b) The problem is consistent, i.e., the side condition (41b*) can be fulfilled for a t2 > tx and some^(), {fi,}. Furthermore, one can show that the solution satisfies the differential equation /(0- EMOsWO.VO.O. ; = o
48. ^■^.tial LagiauS^ ivIultipL^io ^uboviuui-iviiljutin mcuiy) where X,(f) > 0 for all i and X0(0+ • • • + \N(t)<~l. This type of control by means of a convex averaging is called chattering control. Hint: Compare Gamkrelidze (1978, M), page 147. The essential advantage of using measures is that a convexity condition analogous to (H5) is automatically fulfilled. The proof is based on the existence principle in Chapter 38 (generalized Weierstrass theorem). In this connection, the choice of weakly convergent subsequences of measures is exploited (weak* convergence in C(W)*; cf. Proposition 38.2, (3)). One can think of Problem 48.3b as a convexification of Problem 48.3a. It is shown in McShane (1978, S) how one can use generalized control problems in order to obtain very detailed assertions for three classical problems of the calculus of variations. The Ljapunov theorem on vector measures and the bang-bang principle. Let M be a set and let St be a a-algebra of subsets of M, where M e 21. Suppose that, with respect to (M, St) there are given finite measures /it,.. .,/i„ which have no atoms, i.e., for each A with \it(A)> 0 there exists a subset Be A with 0 < /i>(2?) < /1/(/4). The Ljapunov theorem asserts: The set {{^(A),...,iin(A)):AsV) is compact and convex in U". The proof based on the Krein-Milman theorem can be found in Holmes (1975, M), page 108 or Aubin (1979, M), page 580. Study this proof. The significance of the Ljapunov theorem for control theory is that it yields the key to the bang-bang principle for certain classes of problems. This principle, a special case of which we have already become acquainted with in Section 37.21, asserts: If the controls vary in a compact polyhedron in UM. then the optimal control can be so chosen that it assumes only values that correspond to the vertices of the polyhedron, i.e., one always controls with lull power. In this connection, study Holmes (1975, M), page 117 for a special case, Macki and Strauss (1982, M), and Cesari (1983, M). Ljapunov's theorem is closely related to the theory of measurable multivalued mappings. Here, we refer to Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M), Chaptei 8 and Castaing and Valadier (1977, L). Soft moon landings with minimal fuel consumption. This control problem reads as follows: fhkw(t) eft = min!, (42a) mh"=~gm + w, (42b) m'=~kw, (42c) *('i)-*i. h'{h) = Vl, h(t2)-h'(t2)-0, m(t1) = m1, (42d) 0<w(t)<a. (42e) Here, h(t) and m(t) denote the distance above the moon's surface and the mass of the moon landing ferry at the time t, respectively. The boundary
Problems 445 condition (42d) means that at the initial time tlt the landing ferry is at the altitude hu has the velocity vx and the mass mx. At the unknown landing time t2, the altitude and the velocity are to be equal to zero (for a soft landing). (42b) is the Newtonian equation of motion with the force of lunar gravity -gm and the braking power w of the rocket (g = acceleration due to gravity on the moon). According to (42e), the braking power of the rocket is bounded above, depending on fuel supply. By (42c), we set the rate of change in mass proportional to the braking power (k is a constant). According to (42c), requirement (42a) is equivalent to the situation that the loss of mass m(t^)- m(t2), therefore the consumption of fuel, remains minimal. Determine an optimal control w(t) of the moonjanding ferry. Moreover, in the sense of Section 37.22, solve the synthesis problem, i.e., calculate w in the feedback control form w = W(h,h'). In this way, the optimal control w is obtained in terms of the momentary altitude and velocity. Parallel to Section 37.21, show that the optimal control corresponds to a bang-bang principle: First, there is no braking at all, and at a later point in time, which can be calculated, the total braking power w = a of the rocket is switched on. Hint: Compare Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), page 28. There this exercise is treated as a Mayer problem. However, one can also make use of Section 48.6 directly. The first-order system used there results from the introduction of v = h'. 48.6. Start of a rocket in a homogeneous gravitational field with minimal consumption of fuel. Parallel to Problem 48.5, we obtain the following control problem: I 2kw(t) dt = mini, Jh mx" = - mg+ wcosip, mz" = wsinip, m'= — kw, x(t1) = x'(t1) = z(t1) = z'(t1) = 0, m(t1)=m1, x(t2) = x2, z(t2) = z2, 0< w(t)<a. The control parameters are the thrust of the rocket, w, and the climbing angle, <j>, where <j> is subject to no restrictions (see Fig. 48.8). The start commences at time tx. At the unknown terminal time t2, a given point P2(x2,z2)istobe reached. Determine an optimal control and the form of the path. Show that the optimal control w corresponds to a bang-bang principle: Begin with the maximal thrust w = a and then completely switch off the rocket drive at a critical point in time which one can calculate, i.e., w = 0. Hint: Compare Frank (1969, M), page 183. Also, study Leitmann (1981, M).
48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovicitii-Miljutin Theorj ■ Figure 48.8 Further applications of control theory. In this connection, study the following problems: (a) Control of a spaceship in interplanetary space with minimal consump tion of fuel (cf. Lee and Markus (1967, M), 7.4). (/?) Numerous concrete space-travel problems (cf. Control in space (197<i. P))- (y) Control of oscillating systems and chemical reactions (cf. Lee ai'd Markus (1967, M), Chapter 1). (S) Control of electric motors (cf. Petrov (1977, M), Chapter 6). (e) Optimal strategies in education (cf. Frank (1969, M), page 113). (f) Stochastic optimization of the production process of a paper mill (U Astrom (1970, M), page 188). We recommend Leitmann (1981, M) and Cesari (1983, M) as an introduction to applications of control theory. The book by Petrov (1977, Mi contains a bibliography on engineering-technical applications. There aic also numerous engineering-technical examples in Csaki (1972, M) (this L<- .i handbook of over 1000 pages on control systems). Additional application- can be found in Bryson and Ho (1969, M). Nearly 100 exercises an- contained in the collection of exercises by Oleinikov (1969, M). Furthermore, study the duality between the deterministic linear contii>l problem and the stochastic Kalman-Bucy filter in Astrom (1970, Mi. Chapter 7, page 238 and Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), page 133. General Lagrange multiplier rules and other proofs of the Pontrjagin maximin" principle. In order to prove the maximum principle, various abstract mulu- plier rules have been developed in the literature. Here, we shall point cul two conceptions which differ from our procedure. Side conditions in the form of a finite number of equations. We consider I lie minimum problem: .^(1^) = min!, weS, (43) /r(w) = 0, ( = 2,. ..,N, where the functional Ft: S-*U, i=l,...,N, are defined on the set S. Id F=(Fl,...,FN). Our goal is to find a necessary solvability condition in the
Problems 447 form (X\d)<0 foraUrfeZ)(w0), (44) XeRN, X*0, Xt<0. The following decomposition formula is crucial for the construction of the set D(w0), which we designate as the cone of variations: N F(w(x))=°F(w0)+ Erf,JC,-+o(|jc|) foralljceAs (45) / = i as jc-*0, where x = (xv...,xN). In this connection, As denotes a simplex in RN which is spanned by 0, Seu...,SeN where 8 > 0. Here, e, is the unit vector in the direction of the ith coordinate axis, i.e., et = (1,0,...,0), etc. (see Fig. 48.9). To be exact, we assume that there is an Af-dimensional convex cone D(w0) in RN having the following property: If dlt...,dNe D(w0) are linearly independent, then there exists a S > 0 and a mapping w(): &S->S such that (45) holds. Moreover, the composite mapping F(w(•)) should be continuous and w(0) = w0 should hold. Show: If w0 is a solution of the original problem (43), then there exists a Lagrange multiplier X such that (44) holds. Hint: The proof uses a separation theorem in RN and the Brouwer fixed-point theorem. Compare Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), page 46. There as well the above proposition is the main tool for giving a proof of the Pontrjagin maximum principle without the use of functional analysis as an auxiliary means. To explain its basic idea, we consider the control problem in the Mayer form: Fi(y(h)) = tmnl, y' = f'(y,w,t), H'i) = «i> F2(y(h)) = 0> w(t)<EW. If we denote by S the set of all control functions w( •) with the property that the corresponding paths y(•) on [tx, t2] satisfy the differential equation and the initial condition above, then we obtain precisely (43). The crucial point in the proof is to construct a suitable cone of variations D. By means of transformations of (44) with the aid of solutions of the adjoint equation, one then obtains the maximum principle. ■di izJ Figure 48.9
48. ueneial Lagrange Multipliers (UuboviCKii-Miljutiri meor-' Figure 48.9 shows the intuitive meaning of the cone of variations D(wt.) for the case N — 2: If one prescribes dud2 and denotes by Ap the triangle spanned by 0,pd1,pd2, where p > 0, then there exists a "curvilinear triangle w(As) such that its image F(w(As)) is approximated to within the first order by means of F(w0) + Ap when p and 8 are sufficiently small. Show: If 5 = RM and the F-derivative F'(w0) exists, then D(w0) = R'' holds when the rank of the matrix F'(w0) equals N. Otherwise, no such D(w0) exists. Generalizations of the above multiplier rule with applications to gener.il control problems can be found in Neustadt (1976, M). Side conditions in the form of equalities and inequalities with control restrif- tions. As a generalization of Section 48.4, we consider the problem: F0(j,w) = min!, (4<>) Fj(y,w)<;0, j-1 «-1, F(y,w) = 0, w<EN. The essential difference between this and Section 48.4 is that the set N of control restrictions are now not subject to any additional conditions. li\ definition, the Lagrange function reads as follows: def "-1 L(y,w,\,z*)~ £ \,F,(y,w) + (z*,F(y,w)). y0, w0 is called a local solution of (46) when all y,w which satisfy the side conditions are admitted and y varies in a fixed neighborhood of y0. Our goal is to find a necessary solvability condition of the form Lv(y0,w0,-K,z*) = 0, (47) L(y0,w0,\,z*) = min L[y0,w,\,z*), w G N Show: If y0,w0 is a local solution of (46), then there exist Lagrange multipliers X e R", z* e Z*, which are not all zero, such that (47) holds foi X0,---.^,1-1^ 0 when the following assumptions are fulfilled: (HI) The spaces X and Z are real B-spaces, and N is a set. (H2) Regularity. For each fixed w, all mappings Ft: YXN-+R and F: Y X N -* Z are continuously F-differentiable as functions of y in a neighborhood of y0. (H3) Convexity. For wv w2 e N, a e [0,1], and y in a fixed neighborhood of j0, there always exists a w e ]V such that F,(j, w) ^a/Kj.wJ-r- (l-a)F,( j, w2), (-0,...,/1-1, F(^ ^)-0:^(:)/,^)+(1--0:)^(^,1¾). (H4) Range condition. The dimension of the factor space Z/R(Fy(y0, w0)) is finite. Hint: Use a separation theorem analogous to the proof of Theorem 47.1'. in Section 47.10. Compare loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M), Section 1.4; in
Problems 449 Chapter 5 of that monograph some generalizations of the above proposition (local convexity) can be found, which leads to a proof of the maximum principle for control problems with phase restrictions. 48.8c. Quasisolutions and Pontrjagin's maximum principle for nonsmooth problems. In this chapter our goal was to show the connection between an abstract multiplier rule, the Kuhn-Tucker theory, variational inequalities, and the maximum principle. There exists another interesting approach to the maximum principle based on the theory of quasisolutions in Section 38.8. In this way it is possible to obtain a simple direct proof of Pontrjagin's maximum principle under weak regularity hypotheses. Study Clarke (1976a) and Ekeland (1979, S). 48.9. Tangential cones, nonlinear approximation theory, and the generalized Kolmogorov criterion. Together with the minimum problem F(w) = min!, u<eM, (48) we consider the modified minimum problem F(u) = min!, ue.uQ + dM(u0). (49) Let M be a set in the B-space X. We denote by dM(u0) the so-called tangential cone to M at the point u0 (see Fig. 48.10), i.e., by definition, dM(uQ) consists of exactly all h e X for which the following holds: There exists a sequence (u„) in M and a sequence of positive real numbers (t„) such that t~l(un —u0)-* h, u„-*u0 as«-»oo. Show: If F: X -* R is a convex continuous functional, then each solution of (48) is also a solution of (49). Hint: Compare Collatz and Krabs (1973, M), page 57; in that monograph and in Krabs (1975, M) applications to nonlinear approximation problems are treated. In particular, derive the following generalized Kolmogorov criterion: Let C(T) be the B-space of all real continuous functions on the compact nonempty set Tin RN with the usual max norm. Parallel to Problem 39.8a, we study the approximation problem: min||u-fc|| = a. (50) Let the function b e C(T) and the nonempty subset M of C(T) be given. Figure 48.10
48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) Then, if u is a solution of (50), we have: For each he dM(u) there exists a teT such that \u{t)~b(t)\ , \ - ||M - b\\ and (u(t)- b{t))h{t) > 0. W Conversely, if the condition (K) is fulfilled for a u e M, where M is convex, then u is a solution of (50). Hint: Compare Collate and Krabs (1973, M), page 60, and Krabs (1975, M), page 152. Motivation for the Pontrjagin maximum principle. In this connection, study Frank (1969, M), page 131. There the connection between the maximum principle and the classical Lagrange multiplier rule is motivated. The structure of linear control problems. We consider the control equation x'{t) = Ax{t)+Bu{t), x{0)~x0, (51) where A: U" -*U" and B: W"->W" are matrices. Here, x(t) and u(t) denote the state and the control at time /, respectively. All components wy ol the control are assumed to be measurable functions on the time interva1 [0,^] where t1>0 depends on u. For the corresponding time-optima1 problem below, (52), we want to point out that the structure of the solutions- is based on simple algebraic properties of A and B. Controllability. Let the state xx = 0 be the target. Furthermore, let C denote the so-called controllable set, i.e., the set of all initial points J0eR" which can be steered to the target by (51). The controllability matrix is defined as M ={B,AB,A2B,...,A"-lB}. Show: (i) C is convex, symmetric and arcwise connected, (ii) C is open <=» the target 0 e int C<=> rank M = n. (iii) C = U " if and only if rank M = n and no eigenvalue of A has positive real part. Hint: Compare Macki and Strauss (1982, M), Chapter 2. Time-optimal control and normality. We consider the following time-optimal control problem: fl==min! (521 x'{t) = Ax{t)+Bu{t), 0<t<tl x(0) = x0, x{tl) = 0 u{t)<EU. Here, U is the closed unit cube in R m. Suppose that no column bj of B i- zero. We call (52) normal if and only if the vectors {bj, Abj,...,A"~lbj} an: linearly independent for all/= l,...,m. Suppose that there exists a successful control steering x0 to 0 by (51). Show: (i) There exists at least one bang-bang time-optimal control which i- measurable but not necessarily piecewise constant.
References 451 (Ii) A time-optimal control u on [0, fx] satisfies the maximum principle: there is a constant vector h i= 0 such that {h\e-'ABu{t))= svp{h\e~tABv) for all t e [0,JX]. new (iii) If (52) is normal, then the time-optimal control is unique, bang-bang, and piecewise constant, (iv) If (52) is normal, then the converse of (ii) is valid: any successful control which satisfies the maximum principle is in fact time-optimal. Hint: Compare Macki and Strauss (1982, M), Chapter 3. The results summarized above are prototypes of jnore general results for nonlinear and infinite-dimensional control problems. Compare Macki and Strauss (1982, M), Balakrishnan (1975, M), and Givens and Millman (1982, S). References to the Literature Classical works on the maximum principle: Boltjanskii, Gamkrelidze, and Pontrjagin (1956); Gamkrelidze (1958) (linear systems); Boltjanskii (1958) (first proof of the maximum principle); Pontrjagin (1959, S). A variant of the maximum principle was already given by Hestenes (1950) in a work which remained in obscurity. Classical work on the general theory of extremal problems: Dubovickii and Miljutin (1965). Introduction: Frank (1969, M); Leitmann (1981, M); Macki and Strauss (1982, M). General survey of control theory. Control Theory (1976, P) (this is a three-volume proceedings of an international seminar in Trieste). General abstract Lagrange multiplier rule: Girsanov (1972, L,H) (introductory); Dubovickii and Miljutin (1965), (1971, M); Halkin (1970); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Boltjanskii (1975); Neustadt (1976, M,H); Clarke (1976), (1976a); Aubin (1979, M) (applications to economics). General theory of extremal problems: Girsanov (1972, L) (introductory); Dubovickii and Miljutin (1965, M), (1971, M); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M). Applications to approximation theory: Laurent (1972, M); Collatz and Krabs (1973, M); Krabs (1975, M). Introduction to deterministic and stochastic control theory: Fleming and Rishel (1975, M). Control by means of ordinary differential equations: Cesari (1983, M, B) (standard work); Pontrjagin (1961, M); Bellman (1961, M), (1967, M); Hestenes (1966, M); Lee and Markus (1967, M); Hermes and La Salle (1969, M); Boltjanskii (1971, M); Berkovitz (1974, M); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Fleming and Rishel (1975, M); Neustadt (1976, M); Gabasov
452 48. General Lagrange Multipliers (Dubovickii-Miljutin Theory) and Kirillova (1976, S,B). Elementary presentations: Frank (1969, M); Petrov (1977, M); Leitmann (1981, M); Macki and Strauss (1982, M). Control and stability of engineering-technical systems: Csaki (1972, M,B) (this is a handbook of over 1000 pages). Applications of control theory: Lee and Markus (1967, M); Bryson and Ho (1969, M) (comprehensive presentation); Frank (1969, M); Control in space (1970, M) (space travel); Petrov (1977, M); IFIP Conference (1978a, P), (1979, P); Leitmann (1981, M); Cesari (1983, M). Collection of exercises with solutions: Oleinikov (1969, M). Linear systems: Macki and Strauss (1982, M) (introductory); Pontrjagin (1961, M); Lee and Markus (1967, M); Krasovskii (1968, M) (method of moments); Kalman, Falb and Arbib (1969, M) (general systems theory); Chen (1970, M); Eveleigh (1972, M); Balakrishnan (1975, M) (functional analysis methods); Aoki (1976, M) (applications to economics); Russel (1978, S), (1979, M); Curtain and Pritchard (1978, L) (infinite-dimensional linear systems); Givens and Millman (1982, S) (applications of global analysis). Maximum principle under minimal hypotheses: Clarke (1976a). Global characterization of optimal solutions; Phii (1984), (1984a) (applications to the buckling of rods). Properties of cones in 5-spaces: Fuchsteiner and Lusky (1981, M). Control by means of partial differential equations and integral equations: Compare the references to the literature in Chapter 54. Stochastic control theory: Compare the references to the literature in Section 37.25. Dynamic optimization-. Compare the references to the literature in Section 37.20. Discrete maximum principle: Bittner (1968); Boltjanskii (1976, M); Focke and Klotzler (1978). Existence of optimal controls: Fleming and Rishel (1975, M) (introductory); Cesari (1966), (1975); (1983, M, B) (standard work); Olech (1969a), (1969); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Rockafellar (1975); Klotzler (1976); MorbyhoviC (1976, S,B); Ahmed and Teo (1981, M). Generalized solutions in the sense of a stochastic interpretation (relaxed control): McShane (1978, S) and Gamkrelidze (1978, M); (introductory); Young (1969, M); Warga (1972, M); Berkovitz (1974, M); Morbyhovic' (1976, S,B). Numerical methods: Dyer and McReynolds (1970, M) (introductory); Balakrishnan and Neustadt (1964, M); Butkovskii (1965, M); Polak (1971, M), (1973, S); Moisseev (1975, M); Fedorenko (1978, M) (handbook). Connection between classical calculus of variations and control theory: Pontrjagin (1961, M); Hestenes (1966, M); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); McShane (1978, S); Leitmann (1981, M); Cesari (1983, M). Historical survey: McShane (1978, S); Bennett (1979, M).
SADDLE POINTS AND DUALITY It is true that a mathematician, who is not somewhat of a poet, will never be a perfect mathematician. Karl Weierstrass (1815-1897) The mathematician is perfect only in so far as he is a perfect being, in so far as he perceives the beauty of truth; only then will his work be thorough, transparent, comprehensive, pure, clear, attractive, and even elegant. All this is necessary to resemble Lagrange. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832) (Wilhelm Meisters Wanderjahre) The basic idea of duality theory is that, together with the original problem mlF{u) = a, (1°) we consider a dual maximum problem sup (?(/>) = /?, (2°) where /? < a. In Section 37.29f we have already given a detailed presentation of the advantages derived from this approach, and we very strongly recommend that the reader again peruse Section 37.29f before studying Chapters 49-53. In particular, there we have explained the meaning of a — /?, i.e., there are no duality gaps, in contrast to the case where /? < a. In Chapter 61 of Part IV we shall describe the physical meaning of mutually dual problems on the basis of elasticity theory. Then displacements and stress correspond to u in (1°) and to p in (2°), respectively. The extremal relation
454 Saddle Points and Duality between the solutions u of (1°) and p of (2°) is nothing other than the known stress-strain relationship of elasticity theory. In the following chapters we deal with the construction of dual problems as well as the corresponding existence propositions, extremal relations, and error estimates, all as generalizations of Chapter 39. (i) In Chapter 49 we place at the pinnacle of duality theory the concept of the Lagrange function L; we construct dual problems with the help of L and show how existence propositions for mutually dual problems arise directly from saddle-point propositions for L. (ii) In the chapters following Chapter 49 we show how one obtains such Lagrange functions for linear and convex optimization problems as well as for quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations. (iii) In Chapter 51 we introduce the concept of a conjugate functional and explain its connection with the Lagrange function, dual problems, and the theory of monotone operators. Conjugate functionals generalize the classical Legendre transformation. (iv) The concept of a conjugate functional is used in Chapter 52 to prove the Rockafellar duality theorem on the stability of perturbed problems. In this connection, the place of differentiability conditions for the classical action function 5 of the Hamilton-Jacobi theory is taken by a more general condition for the subdifferential of an 5-functional. (v) In Section 52.5, using the Bellman differential equation, we develop a duality theory for nonconvex problems. (vi) Chapter 53 is devoted to the study of the connection between conjugate functionals and Orlicz spaces. The point here is that Orlicz spaces are used to treat differential equations and integral equations having strongly growing coefficients by functional analysis methods. The applications deal with: (a) Linear optimization. (/?) Convex optimization (Kuhn-Tucker theory). (y) Quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations. (8) Minimal surfaces. (e) Hammerstein integral equations. We have already become acquainted with applications of duality theory to problems of approximation theory in Chapter 39. In Problems 50.2 and 50.3, we treat with the Uzawa and Arrow- Hurwicz methods, two approximation methods which are based on duality theory. In Part IV we explain the significance of variants of this method for the numerical treatment of the Navier-Stokes differential equation, which describe the motion of viscous fluids. In Section 51.6 appears the classical duality between the Ritz and Trefftz methods as a special case of more general results. Together with coerciveness conditions (cf. Theorems 49.A and 49.B), a special role for existence propositions is played by nondegeneracy condi-
Saddle Points and Duality 455 tions which we denote briefly as the Slater condition (SC) (cf. Theorems 50.A, 52.A, 52.B, and 52.C). However, as Section 49.3 shows, there is a close connection between the two conditions of coerciveness and nondegeneracy. We attach particular value to ensuring that the connection between duality theory and the classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory is clear to the reader. In particular, we point this out in Chapter 51 (conjugate functionals and the Legendre transformation) as well as in Chapter 52 (the Hamilton-Jacobi theory, Rockafellar's stability principle, Bellman's differential equation, and duality for nonconvex problems). Duality appears in the most varied forms in concrete variational problems and optimization problems. The approach to duality theory that we have chosen here should, however, make clear that one can understand all these different manifestations with the aid of a simple unifying principle that we will present in Section 49.2. Duality arises in many branches of mathematics. It is one of the fundamental concepts of mathematics.
CHAPTER 49 General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and Their Saddle Points A mathematician, like a painter or poet, is a maker of patterns. If his patterns are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas. Godfrey Harold Hardy (1877-1947) In this chapter we set Lagrange functions and a related general duality principle at the pinnacle of duality theory. We treat important examples of Lagrange functions in: (a) Section 49.3 (linear optimization). (0) Section 50.1 (Kuhn-Tucker theory). (y) Section 51.6 (Trefftz duality for linear elliptic partial differential equations). (8) Section 51.7 (quasilinear elliptic partial differential equations). In Section 51.4 we explain a general method for constructing Lagrange functions with the aid of conjugate functionals. The general duality principle in Section 49.2 leads us, in Section 51.4, to the formulation of dual problems of Fenchel type which we investigate in Section 51.5 within the framework of the theory of monotone operators and in Section 52.2 as an application of the Rockafellar stability principle. In the Problems, at the end of this chapter, we explain a number of general methods for constructing critical points and saddle points, in particular. 49.1. Existence of Saddle Points In Section 43.9 we defined saddle points to be critical points that are neither local minima nor local maxima. Proceeding from maxL(u, p) = L{u,p) = minL(u,p), (3) 457
458 49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and their Saddle Poiri- we shall now define a saddle point with respect to the product set A X H. The reader will do well to distinguish these two concepts. For connections between these two concepts, we refer the reader to Example 49.3. Definition 49.1. Let L: Ax B-> IR be given; here A and B are nonempi\ sets. The point (u, p)is called a saddle point of L with respect to Ax B if and only if (u, p) e A x B and (3) holds. Example 49.2 (Prototype). Let L: IR x IR -»IR be given, where L(u, p) = u - p2. Then (0,0) is a saddle point of L with respect to IR x IR (see Fig. 49.1). Example 49.3. We assume that: (i) L: A x B c X x Y-* IR is F-differentiable at (S, p). (ii) X, Y are real B-spaces, and A and B are neighborhoods of u and />. respectively. Then the following holds: If (u, p) is a saddle point of L with respect in Ax B, then from (3) it immediately follows that Lu(u,p) = Lp(u,p) = 0; (4) therefore, L'(u, p) = 0, as well. In particular, then, (u, p) is a free critical point of L, to which, howeva. there corresponds a local minimum and therefore no saddle point in I lie special case L(u, p) = constant. However, as a rule, (u,p) will be a saddle point (see Fig. 49.1). The concept of a saddle point, as a critical point of /.. is connected with certain differentiability properties, according to Section 43.9. Definition 49.1 above is independent of this and is global in nature in contrast to the definition of a saddle point in Section 43.9. In order to prove a focal existence principle for saddle points with respocl to a product set A x B, we formulate the following assumptions: (HI) X and Y are real reflexive B-spaces and A<z X,B cY. Here, A and /i are convex, closed, and nonempty. Figure 49.1
-■.I. Existence of Saddle Points 459 (H2) The functional L: A X B -* U has the following two properties: (i) u>-» — L(u,p) is convex and lower semicontinuous on A for all pGB. (ii) /■"-» — L(u,p) is convex and lower semicontinuous on B for all we A. (113) A is bounded or there exists a />0 e 2? such that L(u, p0) -* + oo as j»|| *oo on A. (113*) B is bounded or there exists au0&A such that - L(w0, />) -> + oo i!.sj|/7||->oo on B. The assumptions are very symmetric. In passing from u top, one must replace L by — L. Condition (ii) can also be formulated as follows: l"-'L(u,p) is concave and upper semicontinuous on B for all u&A. 1 tinctionals (w, p) •-* L(u, p) which are convex with respect to w and a'licave with respect to p are also said to be convex-concave. The limiting \;iltie relations in (H3) and (H3*) are weak coerciveness conditions for L. One can depict the following existence assertion by Fig. 49.1. Ilieorem 49.A. With the assumptions (//1)-(7/3), (//3*), L possesses a \addle point with respect to AX B, The significance of this theorem for game theory was already explained in tliapter 9. The important connection with duality theory appears in the next section. Proof. (I) If A and B are bounded, then the assertion follows from Theorem 9.D in Section 9.6 (John von Neumann's minimax theorem). (II) In the unbounded case, we use a limiting value argument. To this end, v.e set def def An={uGA:\\u\\<n}, Bn = {we B: \\u\\ < n). .1,, and Bn are bounded and nonempty for sufficiently large n\ for this reason, according to (I), for these n, L has a saddle point (un,pn) with rospect to A„ X Bn —therefore, L(u„, p) < L(u„, p„) < L(u, pn) ioxa\\{u,p)^AnxBn. If we choose/? = p0,u = uQ, then from (H3), (H3*), and Proposition 38.12, If), it follows that the sequences (un),(pn) and (L(un, pn)) are bounded. I onsequently, possibly after going over to subsequences, "„-"> Pn-P< L(un,pn)^y as n -* oo and (u,p)&AxB by (HI). According to Proposition 38.7, the assumed cunvexity and lower semicontinuity assures weak sequential lower semicon- linuity; therefore, L(u, p) < lim L(un, p) <y < Jim L(u,pn) < L(u,p) for all (u, p)eAxB.ln particular, L{u, p) = y. Consequently, (3) holds. □
tuO 4?. vjeneral Lmamy Principle oy Means 01 Lagrange r uueiions auu uieir Saddle rumcs 49.2. Main Theorem of Duality Theory The point of departure for the formulation of dual problems is the symmetric pair of formulas: inf isupL(u,p) =a, —oo<a<oo, (5) sup ( inf L(u,/>)) = jS, -oo<j8<oo. (5*) peB^u^A I L is called a Lagrange function. In order to apply this dualizing procedure to the minimum problem inf F(u) = a, u G A we must assume the existence of a function L such that F can be represented in the form F(u)= sup L(u,p) for all tie .,4. Motivated by (5*), we set del G(p)= inf L(u,p) forall/>e£, «6/1 and obtain the maximum problem sup (?(/>) = £ as the dual problem. Here, p plays the role of an abstract Lagrange multiplier. For a meaningful dualizing process one requires that double dualization yields the original problem. Now, obviously, (5*) and (5) are equivalent to (5a*) and (5a), respectively, where inf sup — L(u,p) = — jS, (5a*) P e B u e A sup inf — L(u,p)= —a. (5a) In this sense, (5) is in fact the dual problem to (5*) with respect to the Lagrange function — L. Theorem 49.B. If L; AX B ->U is a function on the product of the nonempty sets A and B, then the following hold: (1) Weak duality assertion. /? < a holds. (2) Strongest duality assertion. The following two statements are equivalent. (i) (u,p) is a saddle point of L with respect to Ax B. (ii) u is a solution of (5), p is a solution of (5*), and a = jS.
49.2. ftiam lheorem ot Uuality Theory 461 Moreover, the so-called extremal relation then holds for (u, p): a=F(u) = L(u,p) = G(p) = l3. (6) The existence of a saddle point is guaranteed when (//1)-(//3), (//3*) in Section 49.1 are fulfilled. (3) Strong duality assertion. (i) The original problem (5) has a solution u and a = (I when (//1), (//2), and (//3) in Section 49.1 hold and a < + oo. (ii) The dual problem (5*) has a solution p and a = /? w/*en (//1), (//2), and (//3) /n Section 49.1 /wW and jS > - oo. This theorem yields important information about the behavior of the solutions of mutually dual problems. In particular, it is possible that only one of the two problems has a solution. The following two corollaries are an immediate consequence of assertion (1). Corollary 49.4 (Error Estimation). For »e A, p e /?, we have G(p)<P <a <F(u). Corollary 49.5 (Sufficient Solvability Criterion). From F(u) = G(p) for fixed elements «e A, p e B, it follows that u is a solution of (5) and that p is a solution of (5*) as well as a == p. We extend the existence assertions in Theorem 49.B to monotone operators in Theorem 51.B and to the Rockafellar stability principle in Theorem 52.A. In this way we shall obtain additional criteria that are important for applications. Proof of Theorem 49.B. We write inf„ for iniu^A and sup^ for suppeB. We mark inequalities that are obtained directly from the definition of inf and sup by <, . (Ad 1) From suppinfaJL(w, p) < su\)pL(v, p) for all v e A, it immediately follows that jS = suppinfuL(u, p) < inft)suppL(y, p) = a. (Ad 2) (ii)=»(i) From (ii) it follows that j8 = G(p) = miuL(u, p) < L(u, p) < suppL(u, p) = F(u) ~ a = P. Thus, the equality sign appears everywhere, i.e., (u, p) is a saddle point of L with respect to A X B. (i) =» (ii) If (u, p) is a saddle point with respect to AX B, then supL(u, p) = L(u, p) = mfL(u,p);
462 49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and their Saddle Poii'i* therefore, a= inf supL{u,p) < supL(u,p) = L(u,p) " p ' p = infL(w,^) < sup infL(w,p) =jS < a. u ■ p u Thus, the equality sign appears everywhere. This is (ii). The existence assertion in (2) follows from Theorem 49.A in Section 49.1- Ad 3(ii). (I) If A is bounded, then (H3) also holds, and the assertion follows from (2). (II) Now suppose that A is unbounded. We use the regularized function def Ln{u,p) = L{u,p)+n-l\\u\\2, where «=1,2,... and a limit argument as n -* oo similar to that in the prool of Theorem 49.A in Section 49.1. According to Lemma 47.4, for fixed pQ there exists a (u*, a)eX*> H such that L{u,p0)>a + (u*,u-uQ). For this reason, L„(w, p0)-* + oo as ||k||-*oo on A, and we can appK Theorem 49.A to Ln. Accordingly, Ln has a saddle point (un,pn) with respect to A X B, i.e., L{u„,p) + n'1\\un\\<L{un,pn) + n~1\\u„\\<L{u,pn) + n~1\\u\\ 17) for all (u, p) e A X B; therefore, a = inf supL{u,p) < supL{un, p) < L{un,pn) (X) « p ■ p <L{u0,pn) + n~l\\u0\\. Since jS < a, we have — oo < a. Condition (H3*) yields the boundedness nl (pn). Thus, pn-^p as n^oo, possibly after passing to a subsequence. According to (8) and (7), a< Tim L{un,pn)< Urn L{u,pn)<L{u,p); n -> oo n -> oo therefore, jS= sup infL(«, p) > miL{u,p) >a. p " ■ " From jS < a it follows that a = /?, i.e., G(p) = jS, and p solves (5*). Ad 3(i). Pass from L to — L, think of (5) as the dual problem to (5*), am] apply 3(ii), (cf. (5a)). C
49.3. Application to Linear Optimization Problems in B-Spaces 463 49.3. Application to Linear Optimization Problems in B-Spaces In this section we shall be concerned with working out the connection between the weak coerciveness conditions (H3) and (H3*) in Theorem 49.B in Section 49.2 and the Slater condition (SC) of linear optimization. Together with the original problem inf (c,u)x = a, u&Kx, Du-b &KY, (9) u where Kx c X, KY c 7, we shall consider sup (p,b)r = P, p^Kf, c-D*p&Kx<, (9*) p where K£ c X*, K$ c 7*. Moreover, we set def L(u,p) = (c, u)x-(p, Du-b)Y for all (u, p) &KXX K^. This Lagrange function was constructed in a way corresponding exactly to our general formal procedure: We adjoin the side condition multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier/? to the original functional (c,«); therefore, we get ~(p, Du — p). Our assumptions are: (Al) X, Y are real reflexive B-spaces. (A2) Kx and KY are convex closed nonempty cones in X and 7, respectively. (A3) D: X-^Y is linear and continuous. Proposition 49.6. For fixed c e X*, b e 7, problem (9*) is dual to (9) with respect to the Lagrange function L on Kx X K* when (,41)-(,43) hold. For this reason, one can apply all the assertions of Theorem 49.B in Section 49.2 with A = Kx, B = KY. We give the simple proof in Problem 49.14. The reader can convince himself that the transition from (9) to (9*) occurs in a very symmetric way. In order to strengthen this symmetry, we write K * in place of K+ for the dual cone introduced in Section 48.1. However, when K = X, one has to take K* = K+ = {0} into account. In this special case, note that K* is not equal to the dual space X* when Xi= {0}. If one writes (9*) as a minimum problem, by replacing (p,b) by -(p, b), then it easily follows that (9) is the dual problem for (9*). In this connection, we observe that X** = X, 7** = 7, D** = £>, and K$* - Kx, K$* = KY (Proposition 48.6). Example 49.7. In the special case
464 49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and their Saddle Points where N,M eN, the following hold: X* = X, Y* = Y, K$ = KX, K$ = KY. D is an M X N matrix and (9) corresponds to the classical linear optimization problem (81) in Section 37.10, with/? = X. Example 49.8. In the special case X*=UN, Kx = Ul, dim7=oo, we have X* = X, K$ = Kx, and the following holds: (i) In general (9) contains infinitely many side conditions described by Du-be KY. (ii) (9*) contains only a finite number of side conditions described by c-D*peK$. For this reason, in the numerical treatment it is frequently advisable to solve the dual problem (9*) approximatively, instead of the original problem, and to exploit the connection between (9) and (9*) which we shall describe in the following two corollaries. From Proposition 49.6 and the saddle-point characterization in Theorem 49.A, (2), it immediately follows, by a short calculation, from (6) that the following corollary holds. Corollary 49.9 (Characterization of the Solution). With the assumptions (^41)-(^43), the following three assertions are equivalent: (/) u solves (9), p solves (9*) and a = /?. (ii) (u, p) is a saddle point of L with respect to Kx X K*, i.e., L(u, p) < L(u,p) < L(u,p) for all (u, p) e Kx X K*. (Hi) u andp satisfy the side conditions in (9) and (9*), respectively, and we have: (c~ D*p,u) = (p,Du-b) = 0. (10) If any one of these conditions is fulfilled, then L(u, p) = a. (10) can also be written in the derivative form: Lu(u,p) = Lp(u,p) = 0. This is equivalent to L'(u, p) = 0. This, in turn, is equivalent to the fact that (u, p) is a free critical point of I on IX Y*. In order to formulate the existence assertion that follows from Theorem 49.B, (3) in Section 49.2 in a form that is convenient for applications, we note the following so-called Slater conditions: There exists au0<= Kx with Du0 - b e int KY. (SC) There exists &p% e KY with c~ D*p$<= int K$. (SC*)
Problems 465 In the special case of finite-dimensional linear optimization in Example 49.7, the side condition u e Kx, Du — b& KY denotes a system of inequalities. Here, (SC) asserts that in all inequalities containing D the equality sign never appears for uQ. (SC) implies the coerciveness condition L(w0,/>)-> — oo as||/?||-»oo onK$. We show this in the proof of Theorem 50.A in Section 50.1 in a more general context. Now, from Theorem 49.B, (3) in Section 49.2, we obtain the following result. Corollary 49.10 (Existence). With the assumptions (,41)-(,43), the following two assertions hold: (1) From (SC) it follows that the dual problem (9*) has a solution and a = /?. (2) From (SC*) it follows that the original problem (9) has a solution and a = fi. In Theorem 49.B, (3) it is assumed that ft > - oo. However, assertion (1) also holds for /?= — oo. Then p = 0 is a trivial solution of (9*). In this connection, compare this with the proof of Theorem 50.A in Section 50.1. Furthermore, assertion (2) follows from assertion (1) since (9) is the dual problem to (9*). What is interesting about Corollary 49.10 is that an assertion concerning the structure of the side conditions of the original problem allows an existence assertion for the dual problem, and conversely. In Section 52.3 we shall consider linear optimization problems in locally convex spaces as an application of the Rockafellar stability principle. In Problem 50.4 we treat the existence and duality theorems for linear optimization problems in R". In this connection, Corollaries 49.9 and 49.10 will be essentially sharpened. Problems The main goal of the following set of problems is to familiarize the reader with a number of important methods for proving the existence of free critical points and to point out applications. The identification of critical points for indefinite functionals which are bounded neither below nor above causes special difficulties. However, such problems occur if one wishes to prove the existence of periodic solutions of systems of differential equations or of hyperbolic differential equations (cf. Problem 49.1). As the real function F(u) = u shows, indefinite functionals need not have a critical point We recommend that the reader depict the following results using simple examples of functionals F:RN-*R with Af-1,2.
49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and their Saddle Poini 49.1. Critical points and prototypes of differential equations. Give differential equations which are necessary conditions for the following problems: j [l-l{ul + u\)- f(u)\ d£dr\ = stationary!, (11) u = 0on3G, u<=C2{G), (12) jlJT[2-l(uj -«!)-/(«)] rf£ A = stationary!, «(!,<) = 0 for ^ = 0, | = 0,1, respectively, ueC2([0,l]xR),uis T-periodic with respect to*. I [pi'~ H(P> <0] <# = stationary!, (1?) />(0) = ¢(0) = 0,p,q<= Cl(R),p,q are T-periodic. Solution: Parallel to Section 40.5, we obtain: — A« = /'(«) (elliptic equation), (11a) UU ~~ uit = f'(u) (hyperbolic equation), (12a) p' = — Hq, q'= Hp (canonical equation). (13a) Thus, in principle, follows the possibility of solving these types ol equations by determining critical points of the corresponding functional. However, in order to obtain problems that fit an abstract theory, we have to replace spaces of smooth functions by Sobolev spaces or one writes each of the equations (11a), (12a), and (13a) in the form Au-F'(u), ueD(A)cV, (14a) where V is a real H-space (Lebesgue space) and A is an unbounded self-adjoint operator. The corresponding variational problem for (14a) reads as follows: 2~l(Au\u)-F{u)=- stationary!, ueD(A). (14) (12a) and (13a) are always indefinite problems. Then the functional in (12), (13), and (14) are bounded neither below nor above. 49.2. G-differentiability and saddle points. Let L: A X B -* R be given and have the following properties: (i) A and B are convex sets of the real B-spaces X and Y, respectively. L is G-differentiable. (ii) u -» L(u,p) is convex on A for all;? e B. (iii) p -» - L(u,p) is convex on B for all u e A. Show that for (u,p) in A X B, the following three assertions are equivalent: (a) (u,p) is a saddle point of L with respect to Ax B. (b) For allueA,peB, (Lu(u,p),u-u)>0, (Lp(u,p),p-p)<0.
Problems 467 (c) L(u,p) = min„e/lsup;,eBL(M,p) = maxpsBmiusAL(u,p). Solution: (a) *» (b) follows from Theorem 46.A in Section 46.1. (a) *» (c) is the assertion of Theorem 49.B, (2) in Section 49.2. Generalizations to nondifferentiable functionals can be found in Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter VI, Proposition 1.7 and in Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M), Chapter 2, Section 3. All assertions in Chapters 42 and 47 concerning convex functions can be carried over to saddle points in a way analogous to the above. 49.3. Monotone operators and saddle points. Let L: XX Y-* R be given and have the following properties: (i) X and Y are real B-spaces. L is G-differentiable. (ii) w* Lu(u,p) is monotone on X for allp e Y. (iii) p -* - Lp(u,p) is monotone on Y for all u e X. Show: (u,p) in Xx Y is a saddle point of L with respect to XX Y if and only if Lu(u,p) = Lp(u,p) = 0. Solution: Compare Proposition 42.6 and Problem 49.2. 49.4. Strongly monotone operators and saddle points of families of functions. Let L: XXYXZ-+R be a C'-function {u,p,z)^> L(u,p; z), where we think of z as a parameter. X, Y, and Z are fixed real H-spaces. Suppose that for fixed c> 0 and all «,-, «ejf, ^,;e Y, zeZ, the following conditions hold: {Lu{ul,p;z)-Lu{u1,p;z)\ul-u1)>c\\ul~-u2\\2, -(Lp(u,pl;z)-Lp(u,p1;z)\pl-p1)>c\\p1-p1\\2. Show: For each zeZ, L has exactly one saddle point with respect to X X Y which we denote by def s{z) = {u{z),p(z)), where s e C( Z, X X Y) and dL(sidZJ'z) ~L2(s(z);z) for all zeZ. Hint: Use Problem 49.2 and the main theorem on monotone operators (Theorem 26.A in Section 26.2). Compare Amann (1979), page 132. 49.5. The method of saddle point reduction 49.5a. Basic idea. Assume that we seek a critical point of G on the real H-space def V. We decompose V=X®Y®Z and set L(u,p,z) = G(u + p + z), ue X, peY, z e Z. If we apply the result of Problem 49.4 to this situation, then we obtain (u(z),p(z)) with Lu(u(z),p(z),z) = Lp(u(z),p(z),z) = 0. def Let g(z) = L(u(z),p(z), z). Furthermore, if we succeed in identifying a critical point z0 of g, then g'(z0) = 0; therefore, L2(u(z0),p(z0), z0) = 0
49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange functions and their Saddle Points and thus L'(u(z0),p(z0),z0)= 0. Consequently, u(z0)+ p(z0)+ z0 is a critical point of G. 5b.** Applications. Study Amann (1979) and Amann and Zehnder (1980). There this method is applied to equations of the form (14a) and the corresponding differential equation problem in Problem 49.1. Of particular interest is the use of isolating blocks and of a generalized Morse index (the homotopy index) of Conley for dynamical systems (see Conley (1978, M)). A typical result for G: - hu = g{u); <9G:M = 0 (15) with the corresponding eigenvalue problem G: -hu = \u; dG:u = 0 (16) reads as follows: Let G be a bounded region in UN with sufficiently smooth boundary, and assume that, for g e CX(R,R), def g'(°°)= lim g'(u) |a|->«i exists. Then (15) has a solution when g'(oo) is not an eigenvalue of (16). If g(0) = 0, then (15) has a nontrivial solution when there is an eigenvalue X of (16) such that g'(0) <\< g'(oo) or g'(oo) <\< g'(0). 49.6.* L-S deformations. In Section 44.2 we pointed out the great significance of these deformations for the Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory. We now give an important existence criterion. To this end, let A" be a real B-space. Let M be a subset in X, and let c be a fixed real number. Let F: X -» R be a functional. Show. For each open set U in X with l/2critMcF and for each e0 > 0, there exists a number e, 0 < e < e0, and a continuous mapping d: M X[0,1] -* M with the following five properties: (i) d(u,Q) = u on M. (ii) d{u,l) = u for all u e M with F(u) <£ [c- e0, c+ e0]. (iii) F(u)>c-e, u e M - U implies F(rf(u,l))^c+ e. (iv) F(d(u,t))> F(u) on M X[0,1]. (v) d is even with respect to u when F is even. If case 2, below, occurs, then G must be even as well. In this connection, we assume that one of the two cases occurs. Case 1: M is equal to the B-space X, F eC'(I,R) and F satisfies (PS)C. def Case 2: Mis equal to the level set Na, where Na = [ael: G{u) = a} for fixed real a. The following hold for F and G: (a) F,G<=C\X,R), ^satisfies (PS)C and F~\A)r\Na is bounded when A is bounded. (b) G': X-* X* is bounded and locally Lipschitz continuous on bounded sets of Na. (c) infaeA-|(G'(«), «)|> 0 on bounded sets K of Na.
Problems 469 Assertions (i)-(v) also hold when > is replaced everywhere by < and e is replaced by — e. Hint: Compare Rabinowitz (1974, S) and Chow and Hale (1981, M), page 134 for case 1 and Zeidler (1979a) for case 2. The basic idea in the construction of case 1 involves the solution of the ordinary differential equation v'=<p{v)h(\\p{v)\\)p{v), y(0) = «. def Then one sets d{u,t) = v{t). Here, <p and h are appropriate functions. The heart of the construction is thatp() is a so-called pseudogradient vector field, i.e., for all u e X such that F'{u) ¥= 0, \\p{u)\\<2\\f\u)\\, <f(«).;>(")>^p"(")ll2- In an H-space X, one can choosep(u) — F'(u) (gradient vector field). An analogous construction is used in case 2. 49.7. Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory for free critical points. 49.7a. Abstract result. Prove Proposition 44.18. Solution: Use Section 44.2b and the L-S deformation d from Problem 49.6, case 1. 49.7b.* Application to semilinear elliptic differential equations. We consider G:-Au = Xg(u); 3G:u = 0, (17) together with the linearized problem G: -Au = Xg'(0)u, 3G:u = 0. (18) With the aid of Proposition 44.18 and (11), show that: for \e]\„, ^,,+il> (17) has at least n solution pairs (u, - u) when the following conditions hold: (i) G is a bounded region in R N with a sufficiently smooth boundary. 0 < Xx < X2 ^ " are tne eigenvalues of (18). (ii) g e CX(R,R), g(0) = 0, g'(0) > 0, g(u) < 0 for a fixed u > 0, g is odd. QHint: Compare Rabinowitz (1974, S), page 164. First, treat (11) in Wl(G) and then show that the weak solution is also a classical solution upon application of the regularization theorems. No growth conditions are needed for g since, with the aid of the maximum principle, a priori estimates for the solutions of (17) can be given. Additional results can be found in Rabinowitz (1974, S). 49.8. Ljusternik- Schnirelman theory on general level sets. Use Section 44.2 and Problem 49.6 , case 2 to formulate results for eigenvalue problems of the form F'{u) = \G'(u), u eNa. Here, Na need not be bounded. Hint: Compare Zeidler (1979a). There one also finds applications to differential and integral equations (cf., also, Problems 44.9 and 44.10). 49.9. Elementary linking theorems. This problem serves as a preparation for the linking principle in Problem 49.10. A class Jf of sets is said to be linked
49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and their Saddle Poinfc Figure 49.2 with a set M if and only if KC\M*0 for all K e X. Figure 49.2 motivates the designation "linking"'. Every sufficiently regular surface A with dK = AQ intersects M. 49.9a. In a B-space X, every continuous curve g: [0,1]-> X intersects the boundary of the unit ball when ||g(0) || < 1< ||g(l) || [Fig. 49.3(a)]. Solution: Apply the mean value theorem to t •-» ||g(0ll- 49.9b. Every continuous curve g: [ —1,1] —> IF82 such that g( ± 1) = (± 1,0) intersects the T)-axis [see Fig. 49.3(b)]. Solution: Use the mean value theorem or Problem 49.9c. def 49.9c. Let B = [-1,1] and suppose H\ fiX[0,l]->R2 is continuous. If P: M2->M denotes the orthogonal projection operator on the £-axis, i.e.. P(£, T)) = £, then we suppose that P/7(£,0) = £, PH(£,t)*0 foramsdB,rs]0,l]. Show: The curve belonging to £•-» H(i;,t) intersects the rj-axis for aJI re [0,1] [see Fig. 49.3(c)]. (a) O o (d) Figure 49.3
Problems 471 Formulate and prove an analogous result for the unit disk B in R 2 (see Fig. 49.3(d)) and for balls in H-spaces. Solution: We use the fixed-point index from Chapter 12. Let def <K£, 0 = £ - PH(£, t). Since ^(£,0) - 0 on dB, the fixed-point index of ^(-,0) is equal to 1 on B. The invariance of the fixed-point index under homotopy yields the same assertion for ^(-, t); therefore, ^(-, t) has a fixed point on B. In an H-space Xong. must require the compactness of ^: B X [0,1] -* X. Then B is a ball in a closed linear subspace Xx of X. Instead of the £-axis and the rj-axis there appears Xx and X^~, respectively. 49.10. Ljusternik- Schnirelman theory and the linking principle. 49.10a. Basic idea. In order to identify a critical point by Section 44.2a, with the aid of def c = inf sup F(u) (19) one needs the following items: L-S deformations, the invariance of Ct with respect to L-S deformations, and — oo < c < oo. The linking principle permits one to establish that - oo < c < oo. To this end, we choose a set M such that infF(u)>-oo, KnM*0 for all Ke X. (20) 16 M From this it immediately follows that c> - oo. If Fis bounded above on some K in Jf, then c < oo also holds. If one combines this idea with Fig. 49.3, then a number of important results are obtained. 49.10b. Figure 49.3a. We assume: (i) XisarealB-space, FeC^X.R) and F satisfies (PS)+. (ii) Let U(0, R) = { u e X: ||u|| < R}. There exists an R > 0 with F(0) = def 0,F(u)>0on (7(0,^)-(0} and a = inf„e W(0 _R)F(u) > 0. (iii) There exists a ux # 0 for which F(ux) < a. rfe/ (iv) JTis the class of all K = g([0,l]), where g: [0,1] -» Xis a continuous mapping (curve) with g(0) = 0, g(l) = uv Show: In addition to the local minimum u == 0, F has another critical point u ¥= 0 with F(u) = c, c > a. Figure 49.4 makes the structure of F clear. Solution: Let, say, F(ux)<0. Now follow the line of reasoning in Section 44.2a. According to Problem 49.9a, every curve g intersects the boundary 3(7(0, R); therefore, c > a. If c is not a critical point, then we choose an L-S deformation d according to Problem 49.6, case 1, with U = 0, e0 = a/2. In particular, 0 < e < a/2 and F(u)<c + e implies F(d(u,l)) < c- e, (21) d(u,l) = u forf(tt)*[c-|,c + |]. (22)
472 4y. Oeneral Uuality Principle by Means ot Lagrange functions and their Saddle Foints \ V I ^r~\ Figure 49.4 By (19), there exists a K e Jf such that sup F(u) < c + e. From F(u) < 0 for u = 0, uv as well as c > a and (22), it follows that d(g(r),l) = g(T) for t = 0,1, i.e., d{K,\) e jf. For this reason, sup F(u)^c-e uerf(*r,l) according to (21), in contradiction to (19). At the same time we have proven the mountain-pass theorem (Theorem 44.D in Section 44.12). 49.10c. Figure 49.36. Show: F has a critical point when: (i) F e C\X,R), F satisfies (PS), and X is a real B-space. (ii) .¾ is a linear subspace of X with dim Xx < oo, and P: X-* Xx is aj continuous linear projection operator on Xx. We set X2^i (I - P){X); therefore, X=Xl<BX1. (iii) F(u) > b2 > - oo on X2 and F(u)<b1<bz on the boundary 31/(0)} of a bounded neighborhood of zero, (7(0), in A^. Solution: We consider all g e C((7, Xx@ X2) with g(ux) = ul on <W [see Fig. 49.3(b)]. Let Jf be the class of all K=g(U). Now follow a line of reasoning as in Problem 49.10b. By Problems 49.9b and 49.9c, it is crucial that K nX2¥=0. Hence, c>b2. Compare Rabinowitz (1978¾ page 162. 49.10d.* Figure 493d. In this connection, study the existence propositions for critical points in Benci and Rabinowitz (1979) with applications to periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems. 49.10e.** Critical points and the Galerkin method, intersection theory. In this cote nection, study Rabinowitz (1978b). There the existence of periodic solutions for semilinear hyperbolic differential equations (12a) is proved;: Here, the linking principle is based on the application of intersection theory from algebraic topology. This intersection theory, which can be found in Dold (1972, M), is the appropriate tool for proving deeper linking theorems. % 49.11. Ordinary differential equations and critical points. An important method for the solution of A(u) = 0 is to consider the differential equation
I Jems 473 a'(t) = A(u(t)) and verify that a(f)-»u0 and a'(t)-*0 as f-» + oo. Then A(u0) = 0 (cf. Problem 6.7g). Show that F has a critical point u0 when: (i) F e c*(X,R), F' is Lipschitz continuous, and A" is a real H-space. (ii) F is bounded below on X. (iii) F~ 1(B) is bounded when 5 is bounded. (iv) u„~~u, F'(u„)-> v as n-> oo implies that v = F'(u). Hint: Compare Berger (1977, M), page 131. In Berger's monograph one can find a number of further results concerning critical points together with physical applications. 49.12. The fixed-point index and critical points. We use the notation from Section 12.3. 49.12a.* Local fixed-point index for a minimal point. Suppose g: U(u0)C X-^R has a local minimum at u0 to which an isolated critical point corresponds. Show that /(7 - g', u0) = 1 when the following hold: (i) U(u0) is an open bounded neighborhood of u0 in the real lisp ace X. (ii) g e {^([/(uq),!!?), and I - g' is compact on U(u0). Hint: Compare Rabinowitz (1975). 49.12b. Existence of three critical points, g has at least three critical points on U(uQ) when the following hold, in addition to the assumptions in Problem 49.12a: u0 ¥= 0, u = 0 is a nondegenerate critical point of g (i.e., g'(0) = 0, g"(0) exist as F derivatives, and g"(Qyx exists on X*), and i(I-g',U(u0))~l. Solution: According to Section 14.2, i(I ~ g',0) = + 1. If, in addition to u0 and u =.0, there exist no further critical points, then we obtain the contradiction i(/-*M/(«o))-i(/-s',0) + i(/-*',«„). In Rabinowitz (1975) one can also find an application to shell theory. Additional important results on the existence of three critical points via fixed-point index can be found in Problem 14.4. 49.12c. Existence of critical points and Morse theory. Compare Problem 44.12. 49.13. Weak sequentially lower semicontinuity and saddle points. The proof of Theorem 49.A in Section 49.1 is based on Theorem 9.D, which we have proved with the aid of fixed-point theorems for multivalued operators. Using Theorem 38.A, give a direct proof of Theorem 49.A for bounded A, B, which exploits only the weak sequential continuity of u •-* L(u,p) andp •-* — L(u,p). Hint: Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter VI, 2.1. 49.14. Proof of Proposition 49.6. Solution: For L(u,p) = (c,u)x — (p,Du— b)Y
49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and their Saddle Points by Section 48.4, we have ' (c,u) if Du- be KY, sup L(u,p) = peKf Hence, + 00 HDu-be KY. inf sup L(u,p)^= a is equivalent to inf(c, K) = a, ueKx, Du— b e KY. u Furthermore, L is equal to L(u,p)=(p,b)Y + (c-D*p,u)x; therefore, by (48.4), ' (p,b) if c-D*peKx, inf Liu,p)-- ueKx (-oo tic-D*p<£K%. Consequently, is equivalent to sup inf L{u,p) = j$ peK?ueKx sup (p,b) = /8, peKp, c-D*peKx. p Generalization of the duality assertions of Theorem 49. B. We again consider a- inf ( sup L(u,p) , (23) /8 = sup( inf L{u,p)\ (24) and make the following five assumptions: (HI) L: AXBQXXY->R is a given functional. A and B are convex nonempty subsets of the real locally convex spaces X and Y, respectively. (H2) u <-* L(u,p) is convex on A for all p e B. (H3) /) >-> L(u,p) is concave on B for all »£/(. (H4) u-> L(u,p) is lower semicontinuous on A for all /> e 5. (H5) «>-> L(u,p) is lower semicompact on A for a fixed p0 e B. Prove the following assertions: . min-sup problem. (23) has a solution « when (HI), (H4), and (H5) hold. Solution: One easily shows that w-> suppeBL(u,p) is lower semi- compact. Then use Proposition 38.12, (a).
Problems 475 49.15b. min-sup problem with a = /8. (23) has a solution u and a = /8 when (H1)-(H5) hold. Solution: Follow a line of reasoning similar to that in the proof of Theorem 49.B, (3) in Section 49.2. Another way of proving this can be found in Aubin (1979, M), page 216. By passing from L to — L, one also immediately obtains assertions about the solutions of (24) with a = /8. 49.15c* Applications to mathematical economics. In this connection, study Aubin (1979, M). There the special role of the Ky Fan inequality for existence propositions is pointed out. We will come back to Ky Fan's inequality and its applications in Chapter 77 of Part IV. 49.16.* Applications to nonlinear differential equations. Study Nirenberg (1981). In this survey article it is.shown how the Palais-Smale condition and variational principles can be applied to prove the existence of solutions of semilinear elliptic partial differential equations or the existence of periodic solutions of semilinear wave equations or Hamiltonian (canonical) systems. Compare, also, the corresponding works in the references to this chapter. There are still many open questions in this field. In this connection let us consider the following three typical examples which are prototypes of more general important results first proved by Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz (1973), and Rabinowitz (1978a), (1978b) by variational methods. 49.16a. Semilinear elliptic equations. Show that the following elliptic boundary value problem G: -Au + g(u) = 0, dG: u = 0 has a positive solution when the following four conditions are satisfied. (i) G is a bounded domain in R " with smooth boundary, (ii) g: R -» R is a C°°-function with g(u) > 0 for all u > 0. 1 (iii) g(u) = o(u) as u -* 0. (iv) g(u) = auk for large u. Here, a>0 and .1 < k < (n +2)/(n -2) (superlinear case). Hint: Use the mountain pass theorem in Section 44.12. Cf. Nirenberg (1981, S), page 279. 49.16b. Hamiltonian systems. Show that the Hamiltonian system p'=-Hq, q'=Hp has a nontrivial periodic solution on the level set *f , L=>{(p,q)<=Ri»:H(p,q)=l} when the following two conditions are satisfied. (i) #:R2"->R is C°°, and H'(p, q)* 0 on L. (ii) L is compact and strictly star shaped about the origin (i.e., any ray from the origin hits L at just one point and nontangentially). Hint: Cf. Nirenberg (1981, S), page 285.
49. vjv-ncral Dumuy Principle uy ivleans in Lagrange runcuons anu ineir Saddle roints 9.16c. Nonlinear vibrating strings. Let r be a given positive rational number. Show that the following hyperbolic problem u„ — uxx + u3 = 0, 0<x<ir, t>0 u(Q,t) = u(ir,t) = Q has a nontrivial solution u e LX(R2) with time period 2irr. Hint: Use the mountain pass theorem in Section 44.12. Cf. Nirenberg (1981, S), page 293. We need r rational in order to avoid bad resonance effects. More general results can be found in Brezis (1983, S). There, the proofs make use of a duality principle which we describe in the following problem. 49.17. The duality principle of Clarke and Ekeland. We are given a fixed b in X. We consider the equation Au + F'(u) = b, u<=X (25) together with the corresponding variational principle 2'l(Au\u)+ F(u)~(b\u) = stationary! (26) Furthermore, we consider the so-called dual variational principle 2-^-^)+F*(v +6) = stationary! veR(A). (26*) We assume: (i) The operator A : D(A)£. X-+ X is linear and self-adjoint on the //-space X. The range R(A) is closed, (ii) The functional F: X-+ R is convex and C1. Thus X admits an orthogonal decomposition X= R(A)®N(A). Consequently, the inverse operator A~l: R(A)-* R(A) is well defined and bounded. Note that A can be unbounded. F* denotes the conjugate functional defined in Section 51.1. Obviously, the problems (25) and (26) are equivalent. Use Proposition 51.5 in order to show that the solutions of (26*) are solutions of (25) when v — F'{u)~ b. Solution: (25) is equivalent to u<eR(A) A-1v + F'~~1(u+b)<EN(A). Now observe (F*)'= F'~l by Proposition 51.5. In practice it is much easier to find solutions of (26*) than of (26). This duality principle has turned out to be extremely useful for applications to Hamiltonian systems and nonlinear vibrating strings. Cf. Brezis (1983, M), and Clarke and Ekeland (1982). 49.18* Representation of maximal monotone operators by saddle functions. The following results show why, roughly speaking, maximal monotone operators behave like the subgradients of convex functionals. At the same time we get a close connection between the theory of maximal monotone
References 477 operators and convex analysis. Let X be a real 5-space. The function S: X X X-^]~ oo,oo]is said to be a proper saddle function if and only if S * + oo, and S is concave (respectively, convex) with respect to the first (respectively, second) argument. (i) Let S: X X X-* ]oo, oo] be a proper saddle function. Set .ye 7¼ ilt(-y,y)<EdS(x,x). Show that the mapping T: X-* 2X* is maximal monotone, (if) Conversely, let T: X-+ 2X* be maximal monotone. Show that there is a saddle function S such that T can be represented by (i). Hint: Cf. Krauss (1984). For example, this-approach can be used to derive general sum theorems for maximal monotone operators. References to the Literature Classical work: Farkas (1902) (Farkas' Lemma on inequalities); J. von Neumann (1928) (existence of saddle points and game theory). Saddle points and optimization in U N: Rockafellar (1970, M, B, H); Stoer and Witzgall (1970, M); Elster (1977, M). Introduction to linear optimization and duality: Franklin (1980, M). General minimax theorems: J. von Neumann (1928); Ky Fan (1952); Sion (1958); Browder (1968a); Brezis, Nirenberg, and Stampacchia (1972); Holmes (1975, M); Aubin (1979, M). Saddle points, multivalued mappings, and variational inequalities: Browder (1968a); Mosco (1976, S); Gwinner (1981, S). Saddle points and convex analysis: Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M); Aubin (1979, M). Saddle points and geometric functional analysis: Holmes (1975, M). Saddle points and duality theory: Ekeland and Temam (1974, M) (recommended as an introduction, numerous applications); PSenicnyi (1972, M); Gopfert (1973, M); Sander (1973, M); Ioffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Golstein (1975, M) (generalized concept of solution); Krabs (1975, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M). Saddle functions and maximal monotone operators: Krauss (1984). Critical points and nonlinear differential equations: Nirenberg (1981, S); Berkeley (1983, P). Critical points and semilinear elliptic differential equations: Clark (1972); Ambrosetti and Rabinowitz (1973); Rabinowitz (1974, S), (1978); Ahmad, Lazer, and Paul (1976); Berger (1977, M); Amann (1979); Amann and Zehnder (1980); Hess (1980); Struwe (1980), (1982). Critical points and semilinear wave equations: Rabinowitz (1978b); Amann (1979); Amann and Zehnder (1980); Brezis, Coron, and Nirenberg (1980); Brezis (1983) (duality principle).
478 49. General Duality Principle by Means of Lagrange Functions and their Saddle Points Critical points and periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems: Berger (1977, M); Rabinowitz (1978a), (1980); Benci and Rabinowitz (1979); Amann (1979); Amann and Zehnder (1980); Nirenberg (1981, S); Clarke and Ekeland (1980), (1981). Saddle points and applications to economics: Aubin (1979, M) (comprehensive presentation). Saddle points and game theory: Compare the references to the literature in Chapter 9 and in Section 37.8. Critical points and Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory as well as Morse theory: Compare the references to the literature in Chapter 44. Approximation methods for determining saddle points: Auslender (1972, L), (1976, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M) (Uzawa's algorithm); Demjanov and Malozemov (1975, M); Belenkii and Volkonskii (1976, M) (handbook); Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M).
CHAPTER 50 Duality and the Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theory Bees ... by virtue of a certain geometrical forethought... know that the hexagon is greater than the square and the triangle and will hold more honey for the same expenditure of material. Pappus of Alexandria In this chapter we consider convex minimum problems with a finite or infinite number of side conditions and their generalizations. It turns out that the results of the classical Kuhn-Tucker theory can be carried over completely to this situation. 50.1. Side Conditions in Operator Form In order to be able to formulate the side conditions in a convenient form, parallel to Chapter 7, we agree to the following notation: We write u < v if and only if v - u e K, where K is a closed convex cone in the B-space Y. Our original problem reads as follows: infF(n) = a, u(=A, Nu<0. (1) u Below we show that (1) is equivalent to inf sup L(u, p) = a (2)
480 50. Duality and Generalized Kulm-Tucker The<" ■ with the Lagrange function def L(u,p)=F(u) + (p,Nu) foia\\(u,p)<EAXK*. L arises from (1) corresponding to our general formal rule: The side conditions multiplied by a Lagrange multiplier/?, thus (p, Nu), are added to the functional F(u) to be minimized. The problem dual to (1) then has the following form on the basis of out general duality principle from Section 49.2: sup ( inf L(u,p)) = p. (l'| Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X and Y are real reflexive B-spaces. (H2) A c X, A is closed, convex, and nonempty. (H3) K c Y, K is a closed convex cone. (H4) F: A c X -*US is convex and lower semicontinuous. (H5) N: A c X -* Y is convex, i.e., N(tu + (l-t)v) <tNu + (l- t)Nv foial\u,v&A, (e[0,l] Furthermore, N is lower semicontinuous in the sense that the functionals U*-*(P,NU)Y are lower semicontinuous on A for all p &K*. This condition is always fulfilled for continuous N. Furthermore, the Slater condition is crucial: There exists &uQ&A such that — Nu0 e int K. (SCl As the following proof shows, (SC) guarantees a weak coerciveness condition for L. Theorem 50.A. With the assumptions (Hl)-(H5) and (SC), the following hold: (a) Solution of the dual problem. (1*) has a solution p and a = /?. (b) Solution of the original problem. The following two assertions an' equivalent: (i) u is a solution of the original problem (1). («7) L has a saddle point (u,p) with respect to AX K*. If (ii) is satisfied, then p is a solution of the dual problem (1*) and the extremal relation (p,Nu) = 0 (?) holds.
50.1. Side Conditions in Operator Form 481 Assertion (b) yields a saddle-point characterization of u. Moreover, assertions concerning the Lagrange multiplier p are put forth. In addition, we introduce a characterization which makes use of the minimum problem L(u,p) = min L(u,p), (4) u^A, Nu<0, (p,Nu) = 0. (4) is a result of (1) by replacing F by L and adding the extremal condition (p,Nu) = 0. Corollary 50.1. With the assumptions (Hl)-(H5) and (SC), the following two assertions are equivalent: (i) u is a solution of the original problem (1). (ii) There exists ap&K* and a u such that (4) holds. Proof of Theorem 50. A. The equivalence between (1) and (la) follows from w \ / »r \ SF(u) if-NueK, sup F(u)-(p,-Nu)=\ ^ > ' pBK* I+oo if -Nu£K according to (48.4) because K** = K. (Ad a) We first prove that from (SC) it follows that L(u0, p) = F(u0)-(p,-Nu0) -»-oo (5) as ||/>||-»oo on K*; for, because — NuQ&'mtK, some neighborhood of - NuQ also belongs to int K. For this reason, there exists an r > 0 such that for all/? e K* and all v e X with ||y|| <1. Now, (5) follows from r||/>||= sup (p,rv) <(p,- Nu0) for all/> e .K*. IH-i If fi > - oo, then (a) is obtained from Theorem 49.B, (3) in Section 49.2. When fi= -oo, a= inf F(m)= inf L(u,0)<fi; u G-A u &A therefore, a = fi and p = 0 is a solution of (1*). (Adb) Use (a) and Theorem 49.B, (2). The relation (p,Nu) = 0 is obtained, according to (49.6), from F(u) = L(u,p) = F(u) + (p,Nu). a We shall prove Corollary 50.1 in Problem 50.1.
482 50. Duality and Generalized Kulm-Tucker Theory 50.2. Side Conditions in the Form of Inequalities In this section we will explain the connection between the general duality theory and the Kuhn-Tucker theory of Section 47.10. We shall see that the essential results of Section 47.10 are also obtained as special cases from Section 50.1. For this purpose, we selp = X, X = (X1,...,X„) and consider our original problem to be mfF(u) = a, u&A, (6) u FM<0, ,-=1 n with the corresponding dual problem sup ( inf L{u,X))=fi (6*) and the Lagrange function def " L{u,X)^F{u)+ £i\,^(")- i = i The Slater condition from Section 50.1 reads as follows: There exists a u0 in A such that Ft,(u0) < 0 for alli. (SC) This is a requirement of the side conditions in the original problem (6). Proposition 50.2. Suppose the following two conditions hold: (i) A is a closed convex nonempty set in the real reflexive B-space X. (ii) The junctionals F,Fl,...,Fn: A<zX-^>U are convex and lower semicon- tinuous. Then: (1) Solution of the dual problem. (6*) always has a solution X and a = /8. (2) Solution of the original problem. The following two assertions are equivalent: (a) u is a solution of the original problem (6). (b) L has a saddle point (u,X) with respect toAXM + . If (b) is satisfied, then A e IR" is a solution of the dual problem (6*), and \tF,{u) = Q, i=l,...,«. (7) Proof. The assertions are a special case of Section 50.1, with Y=W, Nu = (^(11),...,^(11)), K = U"+ =K*,p = X, and (p, Nu) = 2f=1A,.^(M). Here (7) corresponds to the extremal relation (p,Nu) = 0. □ A comparison with Section 47.10 shows complete agreement. The Lagrange multiplier which occurs there appears here as a solution of the
Problems 483 dual problem. Furthermore, according to Section 50.1, the Lagrange function constructed in Section 47.10 is, at the same time, a Lagrange function for our general duality theory. Problems 50.1. Proof of Corollary 50.1. (i)=» (ii) According to Theorem 50.A, (b), (u,p) is a saddle point of L with respect to A X K*, i.e., for all u e A,p e K*, we have F(u) + (p,Nu)<F(u) + (p,Nu) (8) <F(u) + (p,Nu). This yields (4). (ii) =» (i) (8) follows from (4) because Nu<0; therefore, (p, Nu) ;S 0 for all p e K *. Hence, (u, p) is a saddle point of L with respect \o AxK*. According to Theorem 50.A, (b), m is a solution of (1). 50.2.* Uzawa's algorithm. Suppose we are given the minimum problem inf I sup L(u,p)\ = a (9) with L(u,p) — F(u)+(p\G(u)). The iteration process reads as follows: Pn + l = P(Pn + tG(un)), p0<EB, where t is sufficiently small and positive. We calculate p0, u0,pv ux,... successively, and u„ is obtained from L(u„,p„)= rmnL(u,p„). (10) Show: (u„) converges as n-*oo to a solution of (9) when the following four conditions hold: (i) A and B are closed, convex, and nonempty sets in the real H-spaces X ~ and Y, respectively. (ii) P: 7-> B is the projection operator from Section 46.4 on the bounded set B. (iii) F: A -> R is G-differentiable and {F'{u)~ F'{v)\u ~v)> c\\u ~ v\\2 for all u, v s A and fixed c > 0. (iv) G: A-*Y is Lipschitz continuous. The functional w~* (p\G{u)) is convex and lower semicontinuous on A for all p e B. The reader should think about the situation for which one can conceive of this method as the gradient method for the dual problem sup I inf L(u,p))= /8 for sufficiently regular data. Hint: Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter VII. 0.3.* The Arrow-Hurwicz algorithm. In this variant of Problem 50.2, u„ is not determined by (10) but rather by the iteration procedure Ut + l-Un-'iQM-'i+GI'Pn))-
50. Duality and Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theon Show: For suitable t, s > 0, (u„) converges as n -* oo to a solution of (9) when the following conditions hold, in addition to the assumptions in Problem 50.2: def (iii*) F(u) = {<&u\u)-2(<p\u) for all u e A, the operator ¢: X-* Xislineai. continuous, self-adjoint, and strongly positive, <p e X. (iv*) G: X-* Y is linear and continuous. (iii) and (iv) follow automatically from (iii*), (iv*). Hint: Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter VII. In Temaiii (1977, M), the Uzawa and Arrow-Hurwicz algorithms are applied to flu Navier-Stokes equations. Simple proof of the main theorem of linear optimization in R N. In this set i >f exercises, we give the reader appropriate hints so he can prove the ma-n theorem (Theorem 37.A in Section 37.10) independently. In this connection, only a separation theorem is used in Problem 50.4a. All other consideration.', are obtained by means of simple calculations with matrices. In the following, let A: R N -> R M be a linear operator, i.e., A is equal to a real matrix (a^) The adjoint matrix corresponds to A*. Furthermore, we recall that foi u,v eR", we have n (U\V)= £ UtVj. 1-1 u > 0 and u » 0 mean m, > 0 and m, > 0, respectively, for all ('. Farkas' lemma. The problem Aw a, u>0 (II) has a solution u if and only if (y|a)>0 for all y with/)*y > 0. (12) This is a generalization of the known criterion for the solution of a system of linear equations: Au = a has a solution u «=» (v\a) = 0 for all v with A*v = 0. Hint: (11) =»(12) (A*v\u) = (v\Au) = <i>|a). (12) =» (11) Separate a and if = W (R1). Compare Vogel (1967, M), pa.^c 49, and Franklin (1980, M). . Alternative theorem of Farkas (1902). Either (11) has a solution u or A*v>0, (v\a)<0 (U.D has a solution y. Solution: This is another formulation of Farkas' lemma. Tucker's existence proposition for inequalities. The two systems Au = 0,u:-u and A*v > 0 possess the solutions m, v with ^*y + m » 0. Hint: Apply Problem 50.4b to AxU\ = -ak, Ux > 0
Problems 485 and Afv^O, (v1\-ak)<0. Ax results from A by eliminating the &th column ak. Compare Collatz and Wetterling (1966, M), page 69. 50.4d. Inequality for skew-symmetric matrices. If 5: UN -» UN is a matrix with fl* = - B, then 5a >0, a>0, Ba + a»0 (13) has a solution a. Hint: Apply Problem 50.4c to (/,-5)(^) = 0, (*)>0, and(£),>0 and set a = v + z. Here the symbol I denotes the unit matrix. Compare Collatz and Wetterling (1966, M)," page 70. 50.4e. Main theorem of linear optimization in U N. Consider inf (p\u) = a, u sup(b\v) =•/?, Au > b, A*v <p, u > 0 y>0. (14) (14*) u and v are called admissible vectors for (14) and (14*), respectively, if and only if u and v satisfy the corresponding side conditions. Show: If u and v are admissible, then (b\v)< (v\Au)<(p\u) holds, i.e., B < a. Solution: A simple calculation. Also show: Exactly one of the following two cases occurs: Regular case: (14) and (14*) have a solution pair u, v such that <ft|o> = 0>|«>. Singular case: The following assertions hold for (14) and (14*): (i) At least one of the two problems has no admissible vectors. (ii) If the set M of admissible vectors of one of the two problems is not empty, then M is unbounded and the objective function is also unbounded on M. (iii) Neither of the two problems has a solution. This is another formulation of the main theorem in Section 37.10. Hint: The trick is to apply Problem 50.4d to I 0 A -b) -A* 0 p b* ~p* 0 ; and discuss (13). Here, t > 0 and t = 0 yield the regular and singular cases, respectively. Compare Collatz and Wetterling (1966, M), page 71. A similar simple approach can be found in Franklin (1980, M), page 62. in » | >0 t,
486 50. Duality and Generalized Kuhn-Tucker Theory 50.5.* Tuy's inconsistency theorem for inequalities. Under appropriate assumptions, from the solvability of S(u)<0, ueA (15) and the nonsolvability of S(u)<0, T(u)<0, u<=A (16) this very general theorem of convex analysis infers the existence of linear continuous positive functionals /, g, with g =£ 0, and (f,S(u)) + (g,T(u))>0 forallue^. Here, A is convex and S: A -* X and T: A -* Y are convex mappings in the linear topological spaces X and Y, respectively. In this connection, study Holmes (1975, M), page 90. In particular, the concept of a solution for (15) and (16) with the aid of regularizing sets is made precise there. Furthermore, it is shown that from this inconsistency theorem one can obtain a number of important general propositions of convex analysis: the Minkowski-Farkas lemma, the Hurwicz saddle-point theorem, and the Golstein duality theorem concerning generalized solutions of convex optimization problems. This concept of generalized solutions is so contrived that one obtains very intuitive duality propositions. In this connection, also compare Golstein (1975, M). References to the Literature John (1948) and Kuhn and Tucker (1951) (classical works); Arrow, Hurwicz, and Uzawa (1958, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Holmes (1975, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M) (cf., also, the references to the literature in Chapters 49 and 47).
CHAPTER 51 Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators and Elliptic Differential Equations But we are all led and guided by the passion to perceive and to understand, whereby we consider ourselves to be admirably distinguished. Euler's motto for his "Mediationes super problemate nautico" (Considerations on nautical problems). In Chapter 49 we showed how one arrives at general duality propositions knowing a Lagrange function L. In this chapter, given a functional F, we define a so-called conjugate functional F*, and in Section 51.4 we explain how one can construct a Lagrange function for a given convex minimum problem with respect to F by means of F*. In this connection, the generalized Young inequality F*(u*)+F(u)>(u*,u), (la) F*(u*) + F(u) = (u*,u)*>u*edF(u) (lb) and the relation F** = F (2) play a crucial role. One can use (F*)'~(F')~1 (3) or the more general relation u*^dF(u)**u&dF*(u*) (3a) to calculate F*. Together with the propositions furnished in Chapter 47 concerning subgradients, the calculus of conjugate functionals, whose principal parts are comprised in (la)-(3a), form the "crossing frog" of convex
<+oo 51. jDuamy, Conjugate Functiunais, Monoiuuc wperatois, ujnptic Duicicudal EquauiW analysis. [For readers who are not familiar with railways, a "crossing frog" is a device on railroad tracks for keeping cars on the proper rails at intersections or switches.] The concept of a conjugate functional has two classical roots: (a) The Legendre transformation in the calculus of variations. (/?) The Young inequality. We elucidate this more precisely in Section 51.1. The Young inequality reads as follows: „.„* Mi:+ ]"!!! • (4)- p q w for all u, u* G.U, where/', q>l and p"1 + q'1 =1. The calculus of conjugate functionals is best understood if one proceeds from (4). Here, the correspondence between F and F * occurs by means of F(u) = !~-L-, F*(u*) = !—'-. Now, one easily verifies that F** = F and (F*)'= (F')-1. Here, (F'y1 denotes the inverse function of F' with F'(u) = \u\p"1sgn u. The inequality (4) is nothing other than (la), and (lb) asserts that the equality sign appears in (4) precisely when u* = F'(u), i.e., u* = |n|/'_1sgiiii. The derivative F' of a convex functional F is a monotone operator. In this chapter, we make use of the generalized Young inequality as well as F** = F and (F*)' = (F')_1 in order to prove a general duality theorem for monotone potential operators in Section 51.5, which also justifies approximation procedures with practical error estimates. We apply this theorem to linear and quasilinear elliptic differential equations. In this connection, we obtain, in particular, the important Trefftz duality between the Ritz and Trefftz methods of Section 37.9. We thus recognize that, with regard to the concept of a conjugate functional, the classical Legendre transformation and the Trefftz duality for linear elliptic differential equations are mutually interconnected, although at first glance it appears that we are dealing with unrelated objects. In Chapter 52, we generalize the 5-function of the classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory and, with the aid of conjugate functionals, obtain a general duality principle which does not explicitly use Lagrange functions (Rockafellar's stability principle). Also, in this connection, the generalized Young inequality plays a central role. The Young inequality (4) is responsible for the duality between the Lebesgue spaces L (G) and Lq(G). In Chapter 53, as a generalization of this duality, we elucidate the connection between conjugate functions and Orlicz spaces, which play an important role in the treatment of differential and integral equations with strongly increasing nonlinearities.
51.1. conjugate runctionals 489 We also admit infinite values for F. For this reason, we can apply the formalism described in the introduction to Chapter 47, which allows us to change a minimum problem with side conditions into a free minimum problem over the entire space. In order to obtain symmetric duality propositions, we make use of dual pairs (X, X*) of locally convex spaces. We explain this concept in detail in the Appendix. In this connection, as usual, X* is the set of all continuous linear functionals on X. The designation "dual pair" indicates that a locally convex topology is defined on X* which yields the crucial duality relation (X*)* = X. The prototype for a dual pair is a reflexive B-space X and its dual space X*, together with the norm defined on it. The reader who does not feel confident with the theory of locally convex spaces can think of a dual pair to be this prototype in all the theorems. We have explained the concept of locally convex spaces in the Appendix to Part I. 51.1. Conjugate Functionals Our starting point is del F*(u*)= sup (u*,u)x~F(u) forall«*e^*. (5) UtEX Definition 51.1. Let F: X^> [-00,00] be a functional on the locally convex space X. The conjugate functional F*: X* -»[ - 00,00] to F is defined by (5). Obviously, F*(u*)= sup (u*,u) -F(u). (6) u s dom F In this connection, we observe that F * + 00 for dom FJ=0. When dom F = 0( F=+oo; therefore, F* = — 00. This is (6) because of our earlier agreement that the supremum (respectively, inflmum) taken over the empty set equals — 00 (respectively, + 00). In summary, the following situation results for infinite values: F(u) = — 00 foranel implies F* =+00. (7a) F=+oo implies F* =-00. (7b) F>-00, F*+00 implies F* > - 00, F* * + 00. (7c) The last assertion is obtained in the proof of Proposition 51.6, (4). We give an intuitive geometric interpretation of F*(u*) in Example 51.3 and in Problem 51.2a.
490 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations Proposition 51.2 (Generalized Young Inequality). The following hold: F*(u*)+F(u)^.(u*,u), (8a) F*(u*)+F(u) = (u*,u)<*u*(=dF(u) (8b) for all u e X, u* e X*, for which the left-hand side is meaningful, i.e., oo - oo does not occur. These singular situations never arise in the special case (7c). Proof. (Ad 8a) Compare (5). Ad (8b) u* e dF(u) is equivalent to (u*,v- u) <F(v)- F(u) ioraHveX and -oo < F(u) <oo, i.e., F*(u*)<(u*,u)- F(u), - oo < F(u) < oo. (8a) yields the assertion. □ As typical examples, we now explain the connection between conjugate functions and the Young inequality as well as the classical Legendre transformation. Example 51.3 (Young's Inequality). Let X= U; therefore, X* = U as well. If, in Fig. 51.1, we draw a secant through (0,0) with slope u*, then F*(u*) is the largest possible difference in ordinates between the secant and the curve belonging to F. If, in particular, we choose def \u\p F(u) = i-J- for all « eR and fixed/> >1, then F*(u*) for all u* e U, where/> + q L = 1. Figure 51.1
51.1. Conjugate Functionals 491 This results from (5) by means of a simple calculation, by setting def g(u) = u*u— F(u) and determining the maximum of g with the aid of *'(«) = o. The classical Young inequality (4) that we have already discussed in the introduction to this chapter follows from (8). Example 51.4 (Legendre Transformation). Our goal is to verify the following relation for q' ►-* L(t, q; q'): L*(t,q;p)^H(t,q;p), (9) i.e., we will show that the conjugate function L* to the Lagrange function L with respect to q' is the Hamilton function H. In this connection, p is obtained from p = Lq,{t,q;q>). (10) To this end, we assume: (i) Regularity. The Lagrange function L: U3 -* IR has continuous second partial derivatives, (ii) Convexity. For all t,q,q'<= U, (iii) Coerciveness. For all t, q eR, L(t,q;q') —-— -> + oo aso'-*oo. \q'\ Then the following assertions result: (1) For fixed t, q e IR and for each /?eR, equation (10), which describes the Legendre transformation, has exactly one solution q'= q'(t,q,p). (2) If we set 3f{t,q,q',p)= pq'-L{t,q;q'), def H(t,q; p) = Jf(t,q,q'(t,q, p), p), then (9) holds. Proof. (Ad 1) As a function of q', Lq, is continuous and strictly monotone increasing because of (ii), and Lq,-*±oo as g'->±oo because of (iii). Therefore, Lq, has the structure shown in Fig. 51.2. (Ad 2) As a function of q', — ^f is continuous and strictly convex because - #q,q, = Lq,q, > 0, and - 3ff/\q'\ -> + oo as \q'\ -* oo. For this reason, 3^ has the form given in Fig. 51.2. Consequently, for fixed t, q, p, the function Jf possesses exactly one maximum which, indeed, is in q' with
4y2 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, elliptic iJinerehtial Equations Figure 51.2 3fq,(t, q, p, q') = 0; therefore, (10), i.e., q'= q'(t, q, p). Thus, L*(t,q;p)=m^je(t,q,q',p) (11) q'sR = Jf(t,q,q'(t,q, p), />) = H(t,q; p). In Section 37.4 we have already explained the central significance of the Legendre transformation for the classical calculus of variations. (11) comprises the classical maximum principle, whose generalization to control problems is the Pontrjagin maximum principle. 51.2. Functionals Conjugate to Differentiable Convex Functional In order to conveniently calculate conjugate functionals for a class of frequently occurring functionals, we now justify the central formula (F*)'=(F')_1. (12) To be precise, we show that F(u) = F(0)+ C(F'(tu), u)xdt for all u e X, (13) F*(u*) = F*(0)+ (l{u*,F'"l{tu*))xdt forallM*e^*, (14) Jo F*(0) = -f(F'-1(0)). The corresponding generalized Young inequality reads as follows: For all u*ex* and weX, F*(u*)+F(u)^(u*,u), (15a) F*(u*)+F(u) = (u*,u)*>u* = F'(u). (15b) (12)-(14) result from this in a simple way.
51.3. Properties of Conjugate Functionals 493 Proposition 51.5. Formulas (12)-(156) hold when F: X^>M is G-differentia- ble on the real reflexive separable B-space X and F': X -* X* is strictly monotone and coercive. In particular, the strict convexity of F follows from the strict monotonic- ity of F'. If F is not differentiable, then a natural generalization of (12) with the aid of the subgradient reads as follows: u*edF(u)*>uedF*(u*). (16) We shall justify this formula in Theorem 51.A. Proof. (15) Since dF(u) = {F'(u)}, this follows immediately from (8). (13) According to Section 42.4, F' is demicontinuous and (13) holds. (12) Relation (15b) is the key here—i.e., F*(F'(u))+F(u) = '(F'(u),u) for all u eX (17) According to Theorem 26.A in Section 26.1, the inverse operator F'~l: .X"*-* X exists and is strictly monotone as well as demicontinuous. We set del del w = F'{y), v = F'(x). Then from (17) and Section 42.13 it follows that F*(w)- F*(v) = F(x)~ F(y)-(F'(y), x - y) + (F'(y)-F'(x),x) > (F'(y)-F'(x), x) = (w - v, F'-\v)); therefore, (w - v, F'-l(v)) < F*(w)- F*(v)< (w - v, F'"l(w)). The second inequality is obtained from the first by interchanging v and w. Finally, this yields (F*'{v),h)x*= lim rl[F*(v + th)-F*(v)] = (h,F>-\v))x~(F'-\v),h)x*; therefore, (F*)'=(F'yl. (14) According to (17), F*(0)= - F(F'-l(0)). Due to (^*)'= (F'y1 and the monotonicity of (F')_1, (F*)' is a monotone potential operator. Then, analogous to (13), (14) follows from Section 42.4. D 51.3. Properties of Conjugate Functionals In this section, we assume in general that: (H) X is a real locally convex space and (X, X*) forms a dual pair. This condition is fulfilled, e.g., when X is a real reflexive B-space and X* is the dual space with the usual norm topology. Then, because (X*)* = X,
494 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations for F: X-* [ - oo,oo], the relation (F*)*(k)= sup (v*,u)x-F*{v*) for all u&X (18) U*<E:X* holds by Definition 51.1. We set F** = (F*)*. A simple geometric interpretation of F** as a F-regularization is given in Problem 51.2e. We now ask, when does F= F** hold? Theorem 51.A (Fenchel and Moreau). For F: A"-* ]-00,00], assuming (H), we have: (i) F= F** if and only if F is convex and lower semicontinuous. (ii) u* e dF(u) if and only if we dF*(u*) when F is convex and lower semicontinuous. This theorem follows easily from (3), (4), and (6) in the following proposition. Here, F < G and F> — 00 are equivalent to F(u) < G(u) and F(u)> — 00, respectively, for all »el Proposition 51.6. For the functionals F,G: X-*[- 00,00], assuming (H), we have: (1) G<Fimplies F* <.G*. (2) F* is convex and lower semicontinuous on X*. (3) F** < F and F** is convex and lower semicontinuous on X. (4) F= F** when F is convex and lower semicontinuous, with F> — 00 or F = — 00. (5) F** <G < F implies F** = G when G is convex and lower semicontinuous andF,G> — 00 or G= — 00. (6) dF(u)¥°0, u* e dF(u) implies u e dF*(u*), F(u) = F**(u). (7) F(u) = F**(u) implies dF(u) = dF**(u). Example 51.7. For F: U -*U, (3) and (5) mean that F** is that convex lower semicontinuous function which best approaches F from below (see Fig. 51.3). From this observation it is meaningful to make the problem inf F**(h)=j8, (19) «e X w Figure 51.3
51.3. Properties of Conjugate Functionals 495 as a generalized problem, correspond to a nonconvex minimum problem infF(n) = a. (20) «e X F** is convex and lower semicontinuous. We then designate the solutions of (19) as generalized solutions of (20). We have already noted this possibility in Problem 42.14b. Proof of Proposition 51.6. The proof of assertion (4), which is based on a separation theorem, is crucial. All the other assertions result in a very simple way. (Ad 1) Compare Definition 51.1. (Ad 2) F* is obtained as the supremum of a family "of continuous linear functionals (cf. Problems 38.2 and 47.1). (Ad 3) F** < F follows from (18) and the Young inequality (8a). Furthermore, take f** = (F*)* and assertion (2) into account. (Ad 4). (I) Distinguishing cases. For F we have: (a) F(u) = — oo for some u implies F* = + oo. (b) F = + oo implies F* = - oo. (c) F> — oo, F* + oo implies F*> — oo, F* * +oo. (a) and (b) follow directly from Definition 51.1. We shall prove (c). First, F(u)< + oo for some u. According to Lemma 47.4, there exists a«*el* such that (u*, u) -(F(n)-l) > (u*, v)- F(v) for all v(=X; therefore, (u*,u) — (F(u)—l)> F*(u*), by equation (6). For F = — oo, we have F* = + oo, F** = — oo; therefore, F= F**. Likewise, from F = + oo, it follows that F= F**. (II) Suppose (c) holds. Since F**<F, it suffices to show that F< F**. Suppose F(u) > F**(u) for some fixed u. (IIj) We first prove that u e dom F; for, otherwise, because u € dom F, we can strictly separate the point u and the closed convex set domF (Proposition 39.4, 2(ii)), i.e., there exist w e X*, /? e U such that (w,u)> p>(w,v) for all ye dom F. Thus, for a z such that F*(z) < + oo, by (c) and for all t > 0, we have F*(z + tw)= sup (z + tw,v)-F(v)<F*(z)+tp, v e dom F F**(u) >(z + tw,u)- F*(z + tw) (by (18)), > (z, u)+ t(( w, w) —/?) —F*(z)-> + oo as;-» + oo. Consequently, F**(w)= + oo, in contradiction to F**(u) < F(u). (II2) Now, we have F**(u) < F(u) and u edom F. By Lemma 47.4 there exist elements u* e X*, a e IR such that (u*,u)- F**(u)>a> (u*,v)- F(v) for all v e dom F;
496 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations therefore, (u*, u)- F**(u) >a> F*(u*), in contradiction to (18). (Ad 5) By assertions (2) and (4), F*** = (F*)** = F*. Thus, from F**<,G<F it follows that F*<,G* < F*** = F*, by assertion (1). According to assertion (4), this yields F* = G*,F** = G** = G. (Ad 6) u* e dF(u) implies F(u)* ±oo. The Young equality (8b) and (18) yield F(u) = (u*,u)- F*(u*)<F**(u). Since F** < F, we have F**(u) = F(u); therefore (u*,u) = F**(u)+F*(u*) and thus u<= dF*(u*), again by (8b). (Ad 7) Compare Problem 51.2d. D 51.4. Conjugate Functionals and the Lagrange Function In this section we show how one can construct Lagrange functions for a comprehensive class of problems by means of conjugate functionals and the formula F** = F. A more detailed investigation of the dual problems is found in the following section and in Section 52.2. We consider the minimum problem inf F(u)+H(Du-a) = a, (21) «e X and we will give the cases for which the dual problems read as follows: sup [-F*(-D*p)-H*(p)-(p,a)]=p, (21a*) peY* sup [-H*(p)-(p,a)]=p, D*p = b, />eF*. (21b*) p This duality is called the Fenchel duality. We choose the Lagrange function to be def L(u,p) =F(u)+(p,Du-a)-H*(p) def def for u e X0, p e F0*, where X0 = dom F and YQ* = dom H*. Our goal is to write (21) in the form inf sup L(u,p) = a. (22) " e X° p e Y0*
51.4. Conjugate Functional and the Lagrange function 497 Then the dual problem reads as follows: sup inf L(u,p)=p. (22*) In this connection, our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X and Y are real locally convex spaces. (X, X*) and (Y,Y*) form dual pairs. (H2) F: X -> ]— oo, oo ] is a functional such that F * + oo. (H3) H: Y -* ] — oo, oo ] is convex lower semicontinuous and H * + oo. (H4) D: X -> Y is a given operator and a is a fixed element in Y. Proposition 51.8. With the assumptions (H1)-(H4), the minimum problems (21) and (22) are mutually equivalent. Proof. According to Theorem 51.A in Section 51.3, H** = H; therefore, H(Du- a) = suppeY*(p,Du-a)- H*(p). 0 Corollary 51.9. If, in addition to (H1)-(H4), the operator D: J -> F is linear and continuous, then the dual problem (22*) is equivalent to (21a*). def In the special case F(u) = — (b, u) for all u e X and fixed b e X*, (21a*) passes into (21b*). We treat the simple proof in Problem 51.3. In the following Examples 51.10-51.13, we show that very different important problems can be reduced to (21) by means of a suitable choice of F, H, and D. Example 51.10 (Minimum Problem). The problem inf F(u)+ H(u) = a, u& A where A<z X, passes into (21) when we set X = Y, D = I, a = 0, and extend def the functionals F,H:A-*U to J by F(u), H(u) = + oo for u e X - A. o 1 Example 51.11 (Classical Variational Problem). Let X=W2(G). The variational problem N - f fudx + 2'1 f £ {Dtufdx =a JG JGi=\ belonging to the boundary value problem G: -An = /; dG:u = 0 passes into (21), i.e., into inf F(u)+H(Du) = a, u & X where F(u)= - (fudx, H{v) = 2~l( £ vfdx, JG JGj=l inf as X
498 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations D=*(DjU,...,DNu), v = (vu...,vN). Then, naturally, Y^U^Lj^^G) and a = 0. We shall deal with more general problems of this sort for linear and quasilinear elliptic differential equations in Sections 51.6 and 51.7. Example 51.12 (Generalized Linear Optimization Problem). The minimum problem MF(u) = a, u<=A, Du-a<=B (23) U for F: A -* U and A<z X, BczY, can be written in the form (21) by setting K ' \+oo iiveY-B def and extending F from A to X by F(u) = +00 for all u e X — A. (23) contains linear optimization problems in locally convex spaces as a special case, which we shall treat in Section 52.3. Example 51.13 (Spline Functions). The fundamental problem of the theory of spline functions reads as follows: A real function u: [a, b]-*U is sought as a solution of the minimum problem inf/"*[«(«>(0]2df-a with the side condition «(r,) = rf, /=1,. ..,n, u^W£(a,b), (24) where l<q<n. Here, the n points tt in the compact interval [a,b], a <tx<- ■ ■ <tn<b, and the real numbers rt are given. This problem can be written in the form (21), i.e., inf F(u)+H(Du)°*a, usX by setting X-Wj{a,b), Y=L2(a,b), H(v) = ||y||y, Du=u(q) {qth derivative), F(«)-( ° f0r^' I +00 otherwise. The solution u of this problem is unique. Here, u is the only function with (24) that has the following properties: (i) u is a polynomial of degree 2q-l on ]tt,ti+1[, 1 =1,...,n -1. (ii) u is a polynomial of degree q —1 on [a, fj and ]tn, b]. (iii) S(2?_1) is continuous. Cf. Problem 51.5. We already treated a special case in Section 37.18.
51.5. Monotone Potential Operators and Duality 499 51.5. Monotone Potential Operators and Duality Our task is a detailed consideration of the minimum problem inf H{Du)-b{u) = a, (25) which plays an important role in many problems of elasticity and plasticity theory. According to (21b*), the dual problem reads as follows: sup [-#*(/>)]=/?, (25*) peK where K= {p<=Y*:(p,Dv) = b(v) forallueX}. This is equivalent to K= {p^Y*: D*p = b}. The Euler equation for (25) is a(u,v) = b(v) for alii; eX, (26) def . where a{u, v) = (H'(Du), Dv). We seek »el Observing that H*' = H''1, the Euler equation for (25*) can be written as (H-\p),q-p)7>0 for all <? e K. (26*) We seek p e K. In the applications in the following two sections, (26) is the generalized problem for a linear or quasilinear elliptic boundary value problem. Then (25) is the variational problem belonging to (26). The operator H' is generated by the coefficient functions of the differential equation and, in applications to mechanics, it depends on the properties of the materials involved. Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X and Y are real separable reflexive B-spaces. (H2) H: Y^U is G-differentiable and H': Y^Y* is strictly monotone and coercive. (H3) D: X^ Y is linear and isometric, i.e., ||Di;|| = ||i;|| for all v e X. The element b e X is given and fixed. According to (14), we obtain the following basic formula for calculating the dual problem (25*): H*(P) = -h(h'~1(0))+ (\p,H'-\tp))dt forall/>eF*. (27) •'o According to the main theorem on monotone operators (Theorem 26.A), H'-1- y* -> Y exists as a strictly monotone operator. H is strictly convex because of the strict monotonicity of H'. According to Section 51.4, the Lagrange function reads as follows: L(u,p) = (p,Du)-(b,u)-H*(p).
500 51. Duality, Conjugate Functional, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations Theorem 51.B. With the assumptions (Hl)-(H4),the following four assertions hold: (1) Existence and uniqueness. (25) and (25*) have exactly one solution u andp, respectively, and a = /?. (2) Euler equations. (25) and (26) are mutually equivalent problems. The same is true for (25*) and (26*). (3) Extremal relation.jp = H'(Du) holds. (4) Error estimates for u and a. For all »e X,p eK, ~H*(p)<a<H(Du)-b(u). (28) If there exist numbers y > 1, c> 0 such that (H'{r)~H'{q),r-q)>c\\r-q\y for all r,q^Y, (29) then y~lc\\u-u\y <H(Du)~b(u)+ H*(p) (30) for allu<=X,pe K. Remark 51.14. For y = 2, assumption (29) is equivalent to the strong monotonicity of H'. If, e.g., with the aid of a Ritz method or a gradient method, one constructs the minimal sequences (un) and (p„) for (25) and (25*), respectively, i.e., H(Dun)-b(un)^a, -H*(p„)^p as n -* oo, then, since a = ft, (29) yields an error estimate for u with rXc\\un-u\V <H{Dun)-b{un) + H*{pn) ^Q asn-a,. In applications to differential equations, (27) allows one to determine the dual problem, for H' depends only on the coefficient functions of the differential equations (cf. Sections 51.6 and 51.7). Since in applications to elasticity and plasticity theory these coefficient functions are essentially determined by the material law, the dual problem thus crucially depends on the material law. In elasticity theory, u is interpreted as displacement and p as stress. The extremal relation p = H'(Du) is then exactly the stress-strain relationship which is described, say, by Hooke's law. We shall discuss this in Chapter 62. The principle of minimal potential energy and the Castigliano principle of maximal dual energy correspond to (25) and (25*), respectively. (26) means the principle of virtual work. Furthermore, p&K expresses the so-called equilibrium condition between the stresses and external forces.
51.5. Monotone Potential Operators and Duality 501 Proof. We make use of Section 51.2 in a crucial way. def (I) Solution of (25). We set F(u) = H(Du) for all u e X. Then F'(u) = D*H'(Du) holds since, for all u, v e X, (F'(u),v)= ]xmrl[H{Du + tDv)-H{Du)} = {H'{Du),Dv). F' is strictly monotone since H' is strictly monotone and Du ¥■ Dv if u + v; therefore, (F'(u)-F'(v),u-v)*=(H'(Du)-H'(Dv),Du-Dv)>0. F' is coercive, since H' is coercive; consequently, because \\Du\\ -*oo, we immediately have (F'(u),u) = (H'(Du),Du) ll«ll \\Du\\ " + °° as ||u|| -»oo. According to Theorem 42.A in Section 42.5, (25) thus has exactly one solution u. (II) Solution of (26). According to Theorem 42.A in Section 42.5, (25) and (26) are mutually equivalent. Consequently, u is also a solution of (26). del (III) Solution of (25*). If we set p = H'(Du), then, by (26), (p, Dv) = b{v) for all v e X; therefore, p eK. The generalized Young inequality (1) yields H(Du)+H*(p)>(p,Du) = b(u) for aft (u,p)<= XX K, H(Du)+H*(p) = (p,Du)=*b(u). The first line shows that jS < a, and the second line yields p as solution of (25*) with a = j8. The uniqueness of p follows from the strict convexity of H*, for, by (12), H*'= H'~l, and H'_1 is strictly monotone. Moreover, K is convex. (IV) Solution of (26*). According to Theorem 46.A, (b) in Section 46.1, (25*) and (26*) are mutually equivalent. (V) Error estimate. (29) yields (F'(u)-F'(v),u-v)>c\\Du-Dv\y = c\\u-v\y. By (42.9), it follows that y-xc\\u-u\y + (F'{u),u-u)<F{u)~F{u). Now, one obtains (30) from F{u) = H{Du), F'{u) = b as well as F{u)-b(u) = a = $•£- H*{p). D
502 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations 51.6. Applications to Linear Elliptic Differential Equations, Trefftz's Duality We will apply the results of Section 51.5 to the minimum problem inf I 2 1 ]£ alXx)DiuDu — fu\ dx — a, (31) 1 where X—W^G), and for this purpose in preparation we note the dual problem sup peK -2-1 / E a\jl\x)piPjdx = /}. (31*) Here, K is the set of all p = (Pi,---,pN) such that /?■ e L2(G) for ally and (31a*) / ]C PjDjVdx — I fvdx for all i; e X. ^0,=1 JG Tlie matrix (a'/1') is the inverse of (a,y). If we set def N Lu= - £ Dt(aijDju), then the classical boundary value problem G:Lu = f; dG:u = 0 (32) belongs to (31) as the Euler equation, with the corresponding generalized problem: We seek u& Xso that N f £ a, ]DjuDivdx = f fvdx for all ye J. (33) JGi,j-l JG In this connection, (33) results from (32) purely formally upon multiplication by v e C0°°(G) and integration by parts. In order to clarify the connection with the Trefftz duality, we set def _ 5= {u <= C2(G): u = 0 on dG), def _ r= {veC2(G): Lu = f on G) and, parallel to Section 37.9, consider the two problems inf H(Du)-b(u)-=a, «6S inf [-H(Dv)] = /? (34) (34*)
51.6. Application to Linear Elliptic Differential Equations, Trefftz's Duality 503 def - " with H(Du)= (2-1 £ atjDiUDjUdx, G /,y = i */ r b(u) = I fudx. Jr. Below we shall show that H*{p) = 2-lf £ a\jl\x)ptPjdx (35) for all p er with Y~YV?=lL2(G) and F* = F. In order to be able to interpret (31a*) intuitively, we note that when/?, eC1((?) for ally, from the equation (31a*), by integration by-parts, it follows that I N \ f\'LDlpi + fvdx = 0 for all 1; eQ00(G), i.e., N -ZDiPi-f on6. (36) /-1 In the general case, (31a*) indicates that (36) holds in the sense of distributions. Proposition 51.15. Suppose that the following four conditions hold: (i) G is a bounded region in RN, N^.1. (ii) All atj: G -> U are measurable, i.e., for example, continuous as well as bounded and symmetric, i.e., atj — a,-, for all i, j. (Hi) L is strongly elliptic, i.e., N N D alJ(x)dldj>c'£d^ 1,./ = 1 ;-i for all d e R ^, x e G and fixed c> 0. (iv) f is a fixed element in L2(G). Then: (1) The problems (31) and (31*) have exactly one solution u and p, respectively, and a — ji. (2) u is also the unique solution of (33). (3) The following extremal relation holds: N Pj = E a,jD,u for all).
504 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations (4) The following error estimates hold for u and a: - H*(p) < a< H(Du)- b(u), 2~lc\\u -u\\2x < H{Du)-b(u) + H*(p). Remark 51.16. In assertion (4) we make use of N II"-"11*"= f E (DiU-D,u)2dx. (37) If we apply the Poincare inequality cx I \u— u\2dx < \\u— u\\x forallweX, JG then we get an estimate for the integral appearing in the left-hand side. We gave estimates for the constant c1 > 0 in Problem 22.1. Corollary 51.17 (Classical Solution). If in Proposition 51.15, the functions f, at], and the boundary dG are sufficiently smooth, then u e C2(G) and u is a solution of the classical boundary value problem (32) and of the classical variational problems (34) and (34*), with a = /8. Furthermore, the following error estimates hold for u and a: 2-1cc1 (\u- u\2 dx ^fkWu - u\\2x < H(Du)- b(u)+ H(Dv), JG - H{Dv) <a<H{Du)-b{u) for allueS,ve T. This justifies Section 37.9. As the following proof shows, strongly elliptic differential equations of order 2m can be handled in an analogous manner. Proof. We will apply Theorem 51.B in Section 51.5 and to this end we set H( v) = 2"1 ( X) atjV^jdx for all v&Y, def Du= (£>!«,...,1»^«) forallwej. Since X= Wj(G) and Y=TlfL1L2(G), the operator D: J-> Yis linear and continuous, with | Du \ \ Y = 11 u \ \ x for all u e X. Note the definition of 11 • 11 x in (37) and that N \\P\\y=f Zpfdx. If we set A(r,q)= f £ a^r^fdx for all r, q e Y, JaU-i
51.6. Application to Linear Elliptic t)ifferential Equations, IrefTtz's Duality 505 then there results AH(r 4- 1n\ = A{r,q). (H'(rU) ^-^31 r = 0 Thus, from the strong ellipticity it follows that (H'{q)- H'{r),q- r)>c\\q- r\\2Y for all q, r e Y. This means that H' is strongly monotone and hence coercive as well (see Fig. 27.1). We now calculate H*(p) by Section 51.5 with the aid of the formula H*(p)~-H(H'-1(0)) + f*(p,H'-1Xtp))rdt. (38) First, since H'(0) = 0, we have H{H'~\Q)) = 0. Let w = H\r). For almost allxeG, N wy(x)= E au{x)rt{x). i-l This follows from (w,q)Y= ( 'L^J<}jdx^(H'(r),q) Ja j N = / E aii{x)ri<iidx for all ^eF. Thus, /=1 and from (38) it follows that H*(p) = 2~lf E alj»plPjdx. Now, Proposition 51.15 follows immediately from Theorem 51.B in Section 51.5. D Proof of Corollary 51.17. 5eC2(G) and (32) are obtained from the regularity assertions which we gave in Problem 22.8. (34) «eS implies u&X. Since SeS, one thus needs only to minimize over S in (31). (34*) Let P=\(Pi,...,pN):pj=> JiatjDtV, oer'
506 51. Duality, Conjugate Functional, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equations ■} From p e P it follows that j ■:% because oeT; therefore, p&K. According to Proposition 51.15, (3), we^ obtain peP. Hence, in (31*) one needs to maximize only over />eP. s Furthermore, by (35), H*(p) = H(Dv) for allp e P. (39) By virtue of Proposition 51.15, (3), u is thus a solution of (34*). The error estimates result from Proposition 51.15 and (39). □ 51.7. Application to Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations Parallel to Section 51.6, we consider the minimum problem inf f E IA"I"-./" \dx = a, (40) where X=W^(G), p>2. In preparation, we formulate the dual problem sup -P, (40*) -°~lf i,\P,\°dx Gi-i where p"1 + a~x=l. Here, K is the set of all p — (plt...,pN)mthp-e LB{G) for all j and N f E PiD,vdx = f fvdx for all v e X. To (40) formally belongs the classical boundary value problem N G: ~ E A(lA«r~2A")=/; dG:u = 0 (41) with the corresponding generalized problem: We seek a«el such that N f YJ\Diu\l'~-2DiuDivdx= (fvdx for all v e J. (42) ^,- = 1 ■'g Here, (42) formally results from (41) upon multiplication by v e C™(G) and subsequent integration by parts. For the following error estimates, we recall inequality (25.45), i.e., {\y\p'2v-\zr2z)(y-z)>c\v-z\p
51.7. Application to Quasilinear Elliptic Differential Equations 507 for ally, z eIR and fixed c> 0. Furthermore, in the proof, it turns out that N H*(p) = o~lf T,\p,\'dx 0/ = 1 for all/>eF*, where Y = 11,^1,,,((7) and thus Y* = nf=1L0((7). Moreover, we note that N H(Du) = p~1f 'Z\D,u\pdx forallwej, JGt-i b(u) = J fudx, N H(v)=( Y,\vt\pdx forallueF; Du= (D^,...^^); JGi = i N 11« = / ElA«lp-*, G,=i N \\P\\r-f T,\P,\°dx. JGi=1 Proposition 51.18. Let G be a bounded region in UN, N>\, and let f be a fixed element from La(G). Then the following assertions hold: (1) The problems (40) and (40*) have exactly one solution u and p, respectively, and a = /?. (2) u is the unique solution of (42). (3) The extremal relation N Pj= £|W~2A- between u and p holds. (4) For u and a, the following error estimates hold: -H*{p)<a<H{Du)-b{u), p~lcd f\u- u\"dx <p~lc\\u - «||5- < H(Du)-b(u) for all u e X, p e K where d > 0 is some constant. The proof proceeds parallel to Section 51.6 (cf. Problem 51.4). In an analogous manner, one can handle more general quasilinear elliptic differential equations which lead to uniformly monotone potential operators in the sense of Section 42.7b.
Duality, Conjugate Functionate, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equatioa- MS Calculation. Prove the following calculation rules: (i) (F+ a)* = F* - a for all a e W. (ii) (XF)*(u*) = XF*(\-iu*) for all X > 0. (iii) (G)*(w*) = F*(M*)+(w*,y) when G(«) = F(«-y). (iv) If (F„) is a family of functional, then (infF„) = supF„*, (supFa)*<infF„*. Geometric interpretation of F*, F**, dF, and the T-regularization. Let I: X-* [—00,00] be a functional on the real locally convex space X and suppose (X, X*) forms a dual pair. We first give several definitions: (i) H: X-*R is said to be affine and continuous if and only if H(v)* (u*, v) + a for all v e X and fixed u* e X*, ael.We denote the sd of these H by ip. (ii) H is called an affine minorant of F if and only if H e ip and F(y); //(u) for all y e X Let 9W denote the set of all these minorants. (iii) By the r-regularization of F, T(F), we understand . ,*/ T(F)= sup //; . tfeSK therefore T(F) = - 00 for 3» =0. (iv) H is called a hyperplane of support for F at u if and only if // e 2¾ and H(u) = F(u) (see Fig. 51.4). Prove the following assertions for H(v) = («*, v) + a: Interpretation of F*(u*). If He.Wl, then the maximal possible a is - F*(u*) when F*(u*) is finite. For F*(u*)= + oo, there is no a, i.e., 9K —0, and when F*(u*) =-00, every aeiis possible. Subgradient. H is a hyperplane of support for F at u if and only if u* e dF(u). Figure 51.4
roblems 509 51.2c. Interpretation of F**{u). If H is a hyperplane of support for F at u, then a = F{u)-(u*,u) = - F*{u*), H is a hyperplane of support for F** at u and F(u) = F**(u). 51.2d. Meaning of F(u)*= F**(u). If F(u)- F**(u), then the hyperplanes of support to F and F** at u are equal, i.e., dF(u) = dF**{u). 51.2e. Interpretation of F**. We always have T(F) = F**. Solution: Concerning Problems 51.2a and 51.2b, compare the definition ofF* and 8F(u). Ad 51.2c. By the definition of F**. (u*,v)-F*(u*)<F**(v); therefore, H(v)< F**(v)< F(v) for all veX, according to Proposition 51.6, (3). Now, H(u) = F{u) yields F**{u) = F{u). Ad 51.2d. Compare Problem 51.2c. Ad 51.2e. One can restrict oneself to those H with maximal a, i.e., H(v) = (u*,v)~ F*(u*). Now, (18) yields the assertion. 51.3. Proof of Corollary 51.9. Solution: inf L(u,p)= inf F(u) + (p,Du- a)- H*(p) u e X0 u e JV0 = - sup (- D*p,u)- F(u)- H*(p)-(p,a) ueX0 - - F*(- D*p)- H*(p)-(p,a). In this connection, take note of X0 = dom F and (6). For F(u)= - (b, u), take into account that inf L(u,p)= inf (D*p-b,u)-(p,a)-H*(p) ■(p,a)-H*(p) HD*p-b = 0, -oo if£>*;>-&#0. 51.4. Proof of Proposition 51.18. Solution: Follow a line of reasoning analogous to the proof of Proposition 51.15. In particular <H'(r),q)Y-[ £ |r,|'-2r,ft<fa for allies 7. -^. -i AT From w = H'(r), we obtain that for almost all x e G, w,(x) = |r,(x)|f"~2; therefore ri(jc) = |w,-(jc)|°""2w,-(jc) and thus H*(p)--H(H'-\0)) + fl(p,H>-\tp))Ydt f1- •'o AT ■«"7 EiP/i"*- 0,=.1
510 51. Duality, Conjugate Functionals, Monotone Operators, Elliptic Differential Equation 51.5.* Spline functions. Prove the assertions in Example 51.13. Hint: CompaK' Laurent (1972, M), Theorems 4.1.2 and 4.1.3. That monograph contains j detailed treatment of spline functions. For numerical questions we recommend de Boor (1978, M). 51.6. Special conjugate functionals for bilinear and linear forms. Calculate F*,C* for F(u) = 2~l(Au\u), G(u) = (b\u). Here, A: X-+X is a symmetrn. strongly positive operator on the real H-space X and b e X. Solution: From (14) it follows that F' = A, F*(u) = 2~1(A~1u\u) and <?*(«)-( ° ?,uZl' v ' I+oo if u¥=b. 51.7.* Conjugate functionals for integral expressions. Let F{u)= [ f(x,u(x))dx forallue f[ L. (G). Show that the following convenient formula holds: n F*(u*) = jf*(x,u*(x))dx forallu*e Y[Lq.(G). Here,/* is the conjugate function to/with respect to u, i.e., n /*(x,u*)= sup Yj ufui-f{x,u) for almost all x e G. The assumptions are: (i) G is an open bounded nonempty set in R", n >1. (ii) /: G X R" -* R satisfies the Caratheodory condition (e.g., / is continuous), (iii) For all (x, u)e G XR", the growth condition is satisfied: n \f{x,u)\<a{x) + bZMp' i-l for fixed a e LX(G), b>Q,\< pt <oo. (iv) p^ + q-1**!, i=l n. Hint: Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter IX, Proposition 2.1. The proof depends on appropriate approximations. For this problem, also study Rockafellar (1971), (1976, S). 51.8. Criterion for lower semicompactness. Show. Let F: R N -> ]— oo, oo ], F * + v.. be lower semicontinuous. Then Fis lower semicompact when F* is continuous at zero or F(u)/||u|| -» a as ||u|| -»oo, a > 0. Hint: Compare Aubin (1979, M), pages 76-78. Theorem 38.B in Section 38.3 shows the meaning of lower semicompactness. 51.9. Torsion of a rod of nonlinear elastic material. For G: - E^[«p(l&radu|2)J3/u]=/; 3G:u = 0,
References 511 where |grad u\2 = EyL1(Dju)2, set up the corresponding variational problem and the dual problem in the sense of Section 51.5. Assume that the function <p: [0, oo[ -» R is strongly monotone and Lipschitz continuous. Hint; Compare Gajewski (1970). Further similar problems from nonlinear elasticity theory can be found in Langenbach (1976, M). Moreover, Gajewski (1970) contains references to the literature for appropriate problems in rheology. References to the Literature Classical works: Young (1912) (Young's inequality)^ Fenchel (1949), (1951, L) (conjugate functionals were first introduced in these papers). Calculation with conjugate functionals: Rockafellar (1970, M) (in UN); Moreau (1971); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); loffe and Tihomirov (1974, M); Barbu and Precupanu'(1978, M); Aubin (1979, M). Duality for monotone operators: Gajewski, Groger, and Zacharias (1974, M); Kluge (1979, M). Applications to rheology; Gajewski (1970). Duality and partial differential equations: Ekeland and Temam (1974, M). Numerical methods: Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M). Duality for integral functionals: Rockafellar (1971), (1976); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M) (application to nonconvex variational problems). (Compare, also, the references to the literature in Section 37.9.)
CHAPTER 52 General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems and Conjugate Functionals The study of mathematics, like the Nile, begins in minuteness, but ends in magnificence. C. C. Colton (1820) In Section 37.10 we observed the following general principle for linear optimization problems in U N: The consistency of (P) and (P*) implies that (P) and (P*) are solvable. Here, (P) and (P*) are the original and the dual problems, respectively. This very convenient existence principle no longer holds for more general optimization problems. However, in Section 52.1 we shall justify the following principle: The consistency of (P) and (P*), as well as the stability of (P*), implies that (P) is solvable. More precisely, the following holds when (P) and (P*) are consistent; The stability of (P*) is equivalent to the solvability of (P) andinf(P) = sup(P*). Furthermore, (P) and (P*) can be interchanged everywhere. This clarifies the basic meaning of the stability concept in the sense of Rockafellar for the existence of solutions. The basic idea consists in that, together with the given problem, one also studies perturbed problems. Parallel to the construction of the 5-function in the classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory and the Bellman dynamic optimiza- 512
52.1. The S-Functional, Stability, and Duality 513 tion, S-functionals are considered. The dual problems arise by means of conjugate functionals without the explicit use of Lagrange functions. We treat Fenchel duality and linear optimization problems as applications. In Section 52.5 we describe a duality principle for general, not necessarily convex, control problems, which is based on the Bellman differential equation. 52.1. The S-Functional, Stability, and Duality Together with the original problem infF(n) = a, (P) we consider the dual problem sup [-M*(0,q*)]=fi. (P*) In this connection, the functional M: .YX g-»]-00,00] arises from the requirement that the problems mlM(u,q)-S(q) (1) u e X represent a perturbation of (P), i.e., M(u,0) = F(u) for all Hex We consider sup [-M*(u*,q*)] = -S*{q*) (2) as the perturbed problem for (P*). By definition, S(q) and - S*(q*) are the perturbed extremal values with S(0) = a and — S*(0) = jS, respectively. We denote the functional conjugate to M by M*. Definition 52.1. (P) and (P*) are called stable if and only if dS(G) *0 and 55*(O)^0, respectively, hold. (P) is said to be normal if and only if — oo</? = a<+oo. This stability concept generalizes the differentiability properties of the 5-function of classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory. The classical S-function was introduced in Section 37.4 by means of perturbed variational problems. The Bellman S-function was obtained in the same way in Section 37.20. If (P) is normal, then, by definition, no duality gaps occur.
514 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Probleni- Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X and g are real locally convex spaces. (X, X*) and (6,2*) fann dual pairs. (H2) M: XXQ->]-00,00] is convex and lower semicontinuous, wheiv M(u,0) = F(u) for all u e X (H3) Consistency. There exist u0 e X, #,* eg* such that jF(«0), M*(0,^*) #+00. Theorem 52.A (Rockafellar (1967)). With the assumptions (//1)-(//3), the following five assertions hold: (a) Weak duality. -oo</J<a<+oo holds. (b) Solution of (P). The following statements are equivalent: (/) (P) has a solution and a = ft. (ii) (P*) is stable. (c) Solution of (P*). The following statements are equivalent: (/) (P*) has a solution and a = ft. (ii) (P) is stable. (d) Solution set. If a = ft, then the solution sets of(P) and (P*) are equal to 55*(0) and dS(0), respectively. (e) Extremal relation. The following statements are equivalent: (/) u solves (P), q* solves (P*), and a = /?. (ii) M(u,0)+M*(0,q*) = 0. (Hi) (0,q*)e=dM(u,0). According to this theorem, it is important to know conditions which assure the stability of (P) or (P*). This assurance is provided by the following Slater conditions: (SC) q *-» M(ux, q)is continuous at q = 0 for a fixed wt e X. (SC*) u* *-» M*(u*,q*) is continuous at u* = 0 for a fixed q* e g*. Corollary 52.2. With the assumptions (//1)-(//3), the following holds: (/') and (P*) are stable when (SC) and (SC*), respectively, holds. We sharpen Theorem 52A in Problem 52.3. We explain the connectimi with saddle points of a Lagrange function in Problem 52.4.
52.2. Proof of Theorem 52.A 515 52.2. Proof of Theorem 52.A The proof rests on the repeated application of convex analysis. In particular, we make use of the definition of M*(u*,q*)<= sup (u*,u)x + (q*,q)Q-M(u,q), (u,q)eXXQ the generalized Young inequality M(u,0)+M*(0,q*)^(0,u)x + (q*,0)Q = 0, (3) M(u,0) + M*(0,q*)=*0 if and only if (0,q*)(=dM(u,0), (4) as well as S*(q*) = M*(0,q*), (5) 5(0) = «, S**(0)=j8, (6) M** = M, (7) and the generalized Young inequality for 5. Step 1: Justification of (3)-(7). By hypothesis, (X, X*), (Q,Q*) form dual pairs. Then (X X Q, X* X Q*) also forms a dual pair with ((u*,q*),(u,q))XXQ=(u*,u)x + (q*,q)Q. Thus, the above formula for M* is well defined. (3) and (4) follow from Proposition 51.2. Relation (5) follows from S*(q*)= sup (q*,q)-S(q) qSQ — sup sup (q*,q)~ M(u,q) q<=Qu&X sup (q*,q)-M(u,q) = M*(0,q*). (u,q)^XxQ From this we immediately obtain (6) as well, because S**(0)= sup [~S*(q*)\ 17* eg* = sup [~M*(0,q*)]-fi. q* eg* Step 2: Double Dualization, (P**) = (P). The dual problem (P*) is equivalent to inf M*(0,q*) = -p. (P*) ,7* eg*
jjl6 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems As the corresponding perturbed problem, we consider inf M*(u*,q*) = S*(u*). According to our general construction principle, because X** = X, Q** = Q, the problem dual to (P*) is the same as sup [-M**(k,0)] = -y. (P**) u<=X If one notes that M** — M, then this is equivalent to the original problem inf M(n,0) = a, (P) «e X with a — y. In order to be able to apply this double dualization below, we note that the same assumptions are satisfied for (P*) as for (P); for, from (51.7c) and Proposition 51.6 it follows that: (HI*) (X*, X**), (Q*,Q**) form dual pairs. (H2*) M*:I*xg*->]- 00,00] is convex and lower semicontinuous. (H3*) M*(0,q$), M**(u0,0)*+ 00. Step 3: S is Convex. Given ql,q2^Q, e > 0, according to (1), there exist elements ulf u2 e X such that S(<7,) SM(ultqt) 5 S(q,)+e, / = 1,2, when S(qt) > — 00, /=1,2. For all t e ]0,'|.[, e > 0, the convexity of M yields the relation S(tqi + (1-0¾) ^ M(tui + (1- 0«2.'fc + (1-0¾) <t(S(qi)+e)+(l-t)(S(q2) + e). Taking the limit as e -♦ + 0 yields the assertion. For 5(¾) = - 00, / = 1,2, we replace 5(^,)+ e by an arbitrary real number and choose a suitable «,. By Definition 47.1, we need not consider the case 5(^)=-00, 5(^) = + 00. Step 4: Proof of Theorem 52.A. (Ad a) From the consistency condition (H3) it follows that a < + 00, jS > — 00. Now (3) yields /? < a. (Ad e) This follows immediately from (3) and (4). (Ad d) Let a — fi. Then q* solves (P*) if and only if a= - M*(0,q*); therefore, S(0)--S*(q*). By the generalized Young inequality in Proposition 51.2, this is equivalent to q* e dS(0).
52.3. Duality Propositions of Fenchel-Rockafellar Type 517 The corresponding assertion for (P) follows from (P) = (P**). (Ad c) (i) => (ii) By (d), 55(0) * 0. (ii) => (i). It follows from 55(0) # 0 that a = /?, by (6), for, Proposition 51.6, (6) yields 5(0) = 5**(0). Furthermore, (d) shows that 55(0) is the solution set of (P*). (Ad b) Use (c) and (P) = (P**). Step 5: Proof of Corollary 52.2. Ad (SC). The continuity of q>-* M(ult q) at q — 0 implies the bounded- ness on a neighborhood of zero, U(0), i.e., for a fixed r > 0, 5(.7)= inf M(u,q)<M(ul,q)<r f or all q e £/(0). ue X Proposition 47.5 yields the continuity of 5 at q - 0. Then Theorem 47.A in Section 47.6 guarantees that 55(0)-^0. Ad (SC*). An analogous deduction holds for (SC). D 52.3. Duality Propositions of Fenchel-Rockafellar Type We will apply Theorem 52.A to the minimum problem inf F(u)+H(Du-a) = a, (P) «6 X together with the dual problem (according to Section 51.4) sup [{q*,a)-F*(D*q*)-H*(-q*j\=p, (P*) 17* eg* where we replace/? by — q*. According to Section 51.4, the corresponding Lagrange function Lx reads as follows: Lfaq*)* F(u)-(q*,Du- a)- H*(- q*). With the assumptions of the following theorem, Lx is finite on the nonempty set A X B, where del A = (uel: F(u)< + <x>], def B= {q*<=Q*:H*(-q*)<+w}. In order to be able to apply the perturbation formalism from Section 52.1, we set def M(u,q) = F(u) + H{Du - a - q),
518 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems i.e., we perturb a by a + q and consider the two problems: M M(u,q) = S(q), (8)i? sup [-M*(u*,q*)]<=-S*(u*). (8* ):.:■, q*<=Q* In Problem 52.5 we shall show that - M*(u*,q*) = (q*,a)~ F*(D*q* + u*)~H*(- q*); for this reason, (P) coincides with (8) for q = 0 and (P*) coincides with (8*) for u* = 0, and we can indeed apply Theorem 52.A to (P) and (P*). Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X and Q are real locally convex spaces. (X, X*) and (2,2*) form dual pairs. (H2) The functionals F: X-*] — 00,00] and /7: Q-^] —00,00] are convex and lower semicontinuous. (H3) D: X -»2 is linear and continuous, a is a fixed element in Q. (H4) Consistency. There exist points u0 e X, q% e Q* such that F(uQ), H(Du0 - a), F*(D*q$), and H*(-q$) are all different from + 00. Theorem 52.B (Fenchel (1951) and Rockafellar (1967)). With the assumptions (/71)-(/74), the following four assertions hold: (1) Weak duality. -oo</?<a<oo holds. (2) Solution of (P). The following two statements are equivalent: (/) (P) is solvable and a = /?. (h) (P*) is stable, i.e., dS*(O)*0. If (ii) holds, then the solution set of (P) equals 55*(0). (3) Solution of (P*). The following two statements are equivalent: 0) (P*) is solvable and a = /?. 00 (P) is stable, i.e., dS(O)*0. If (ii) holds, then the solution set of (P*) equals dS(0). (4) Characterization of solutions by a saddle point. The following three statements are equivalent: (i) u is a solution of (P), q* is a solution of (P*), and a = /?. (ii) (u, q*) is a saddle point of Lx with respect to Ax B. (Hi) D*q* e dF(u), - q* e dH(Du - a). One can use the following Slater conditions to guarantee stability: /7 is continuous at DuQ — a. (SC) F* is continuous at D*q$. (SC*)
52.4. Application to Linear Optimization Problems in Locally Convex Spaces 519 Corollary 52.3. With the assumptions (//1)-(./74), the problems (P) and(P*) are stable when (SC) and (SC*), respectively, hold. Theorem 52.B generalizes Theorem 51.B in Section 51.5. According to Section 51.4, the formulation of problem (P) is very general. For example, it encompasses variational problems (cf. Sections 51.6 and 51.7) and optimization problems (cf. Section 52.4). Proof. Ad (1), (2), (3). The functional M:lXg-»]- oo, oo] is convex and lower semicontinuous. Theorem 52.A in Section 52.1 yields the assertion. Ad (4) (i) <=> (ii) This follows from Theorem 49.B, (2) in Section 49.2. (i) <=> (iii) By Theorem 52.A, (i) is equivalent to M(u,0) + M*(0,q*) = 0, i.e., [F(u)+ F*(D*q*)-(D*q*,u)} = -[H(Du-a)+H*(-q*)-(-q*,Du-a)]. By the generalized Young inequality in Proposition 51.2, both of the expressions in square brackets are non-negative, and therefore they are equal to zero. Thus, Proposition 51.2 yields D*q* e dF(u), — q* e dH{Du -a). D Corollary 52.2 yields Corollary 52.3. 52.4. Application to Linear Optimization Problems in Locally Convex Spaces As a special case of Section 52.3, we consider, as in Section 49.3, the minimum problem inf (c,u)x=a(b), u^Kx, Du-b<=K0 (P) u with the dual problem sup (q*,b)Q^ /8(c), q*^K*, c-D*q*&K$ (P*) 1* and the corresponding Lagrange function L(u,q*) = (c,u)x + (q*,b-Du)Q. Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) X and Q are real locally convex spaces. (X, X*) and (2,2*) each forms a dual pair.
520 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems (H2) Kx and KQ are convex closed nonempty cones in X and g, respectively. We denote the corresponding dual cones by K$ and Kg. (H3) D: X->Q is linear and continuous. Furthermore, beg, eel* are fixed elements. (H4) Consistency. There exist points uQ and q$ which satisfy the side conditions in (P) and (P*), respectively. a(-) and /6(-) are functions on g and X*, respectively. The following theorem yields exhaustive information about the behavior of the solutions of (P) and (P*). Theorem 52.C. With the assumptions (H1)-(H4), the following four assertions hold: (1) Weak duality. - oo < /8(c) < a(b) < + oo holds. (2) Solution of (P). The following two statements are equivalent: (i) (P) is solvable and a(b) = /6(c). (ii) <?/6(c)*0. If (ii) holds, then the solution set of (P) equals d/3(c). (3) Solution of (P*). The following two statements are equivalent: (i) (P*) is solvable and a(b) = /6(c). (ii) da(b)*0. If (ii) holds, then the solution set of(P*) equals da(b). (4) Characterization of solutions by a saddle point. The following three statements are equivalent: (i) u solves (P), q* solves (P*), and a(b) = /6(c). (ii) (u,q*) is a saddle point of L with respect to Kx X Kg. (Hi) u and q* satisfy the side conditions of (P) and (P*), respectively, and (c-D*q*,u)*=(q*,Du-b) = 0. The following solvability criterion results from assertion (1): If u and q* satisfy the side conditions in (P) and (P*), respectively, with (c,u) = (q*, b), then u and q* are solutions of (P) and (P*), respectively. Corollary 52.4 (Slater Conditions). With the assumptions (H1)-(H4), the following assertions hold: da(b)^0 when Du0 —b&intKQ. <2/6(c)*0 whenc-D*q$&intKx'.
52.5. Duality for Non-Convex Control Problems 521 Proof. As in Section 49.3, assertion (4) follows from Theorem 49.B in Section 49.2. If we set , .W((c,u) forU<=KX, ^U) \+oo foi u<£Kx and Kql \+oo iorq*KQ, then, by (48.4), we obtain 0 forc-n*eA'jf, F*(u*)= sup (u*,u)— F(u) u<=x ' ( + oo fore— u*<£K$ and (0 for q* e K* H*(-q*)= sup (-q*,q)-H(q)= I U c<bq (+00 for q*€ K*. Therefore, (P) and (P*) above are equivalent to (P) and (P*), respectively, in Section 52.3, with a replaced by b. Moreover, S(q) = a(b + q), dS(0) = da(b), S*(u*) = -p(c-u*), 55*(0) = 5j8(0). Now all the assertions follow from Section 52.3. D 52.5. The Bellman Differential Inequality and Duality for Nonconvex Control Problems For a general class of control problems which also comprise classical variational problems, our goal is to prove duality propositions without convexity assumptions. In the present case, duality gaps can occur, i.e., we can have ft < a in Theorem 52.D (page 524). At the same time we obtain a generalization of the classical Hamilton-Jacobi theory, where, in place of the Hamilton-Jacobi first-order partial differential equation, there appears a differential inequality which we designate as the Bellman-Hamilton-Jacobi differential inequality or, briefly, as the Bellman differential inequality. This inequality allows two-sided error estimates for the minimal values and allows the formulation of sufficient conditions for solvability. The following duality principle is entirely elementary and rests only on the formula for integration by parts. In Section 52.6, we explain its connection with geometrical optics and delve into the construction of approximation methods.
522 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems Our minimum problem reads as follows: inf f f(t,y{t),u(t))dt = a (9) y,»JG with the following constraints: (a) State constraint for y: (t,y(t))<=Z forallfeG. (b) Control constraint for u: u(t)^U forallfeG. (c) Control equation on G: DiyJ(t) = giJ(t,y(t),u(t)), i = l,...,N, / = 1,...,M. (d) Boundary condition for the states: yj = hj on dG for/=1,...,M. (e) Piecewise smoothness: yj,uk&D\G), / = 1,...,M, k = l,...,K. In this connection, we assume more precisely: (HI) G is a bounded region in IR^ with piecewise smooth boundary, i.e., dG^C0-1 and N >1._ We denote by D1(G) the set of all continuous functions <p: G -»IR that are piecewise continuously differentiable on G. We forego a detailed description of this concept and content ourselves with the remark that the discontinuities of the first partial derivatives can be found on sufficiently well-behaved sets M, with dim M < dimG, so that parallel to Section 21.1, we can apply the formula for integration by parts below in the proof of Theorem 52.D. (H2) We set u = (uu...,uK), y=°(yi,...,yM), t = (tlt...,tN), The sets Z and U are given fixed subsets of IR N X IR M and IR K, respectively. (H3) Let the given fixed functions/, g(. •: ZxU-*U be continuous for all i, j. Furthermore, we set */ r F(y>u)= f(t,y(t),u(t))dt. JG Example 52.5. If we choose "=("/y)» Stj(t,y,u) = uu
52.5. Duality for Non-Convex Control Problems 523 and Z = UNXUM, U=UK, K = NXM, then Ujj = D^j, and (9) represents a problem of the classical calculus of variations. By definition, the problem dual to the original problem (9) reads as follows: sup$(5)=j8, S1,...,SN^D1(Z), (9*) s with def r ¢(5)= / - sup ds(t,y)dt JG ySQ(t) N + ( LSt(t,h(t))ni(t)dO. Here, the quantities which occur have the following meaning: (i) Pontrjagin function: def 3e{t, y, u, p) = L,PijSij{t, y, u)-f(t, y, u). (ii) Bellman defect: ds(t,y)= 'LDiSi(t>y)+ supJf(t,y,v,Sy(t,y)). i veil The summation is over i= 1,..., N and J-1,..., M. We denote by Sy the matrix of the first derivatives dSj/dyj. (iii) Cross section of the state constraint: def Q(t)={yeUM;(t,y)eZ}. Let n(t) be the vector of the exterior unit normal at the boundary point t e dG, with components nt(t). The differential equation ds(t,y) = 0 is called the Bellman differential equation for 5 = (5j,. --,SN). It generalizes the Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential equation of the classical calculus of variations for multiple integrals to control problems.
524 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems Theorem 52.D (Klotzler (1978)). With the assumptions (i/l)-(i/3), the following two assertions hold: (1) Weak duality. /? < a holds for the extremal values of the original problem (9) and of the corresponding dual problem (9*). (2) Two-sided error bounds for the minimal value a. We have F(y,u)—(meas G) sup ds(t, y) <a< F(y,u) (t,y)<=Z when the following conditions are satisfied: (i) y, u satisfy the side conditions of (9). (ii) 51;...,SN e D1(Z) and, with the exception of the points of discontinuity of the first derivatives of 5,, the differential equation Ea[^('j('))]-/('j(0,«(')) (10) 1-1 holds on G. Remark 52.6. As a consequence of Theorem 52.D, in the following we explain the meaning of the Bellman differential inequality ds(t, y)<0 for all (f, ;)eZ (11) for obtaining the error estimates and sufficient conditions for solvability. First, we consider assertion (1). From (1 < a it immediately follows that $(S)<a<F(y,u) for all (y, u) and 5 which satisfy the constraints in (9) and (9*), respectively. If, in addition, 5 is a solution of (11), then, according to the construction of ¢: N f ZSt{t,h{t))nt{t)dO<a<F{y,u). (12) JdGi„1 In the left-hand and right-hand sides are equal in (12), then y, u is a solution of the original problem (9). We now turn to assertion (2). Here, we can exploit the degree of freedom we have in the choice of 5,. For example, we can proceed from the linear substitution with respect to y: *f £ s,(t,y) = al0(t)+ £«//0^- y=i If we substitute this expression in (10), then we obtain a first-order differential equation for determining the aik. If all the aik satisfy this differential equation, then assertion (2) yields an error estimate for a. If, in addition, S satisfies the Bellman differential inequality (11), then, by assertion (2), F(y, u) = a, i.e., y, u solves the original problem (9).
52.6. Application to a Generalized Problem of Geometrical Optics 525 Proof of Theorem 52.D. (1) If y, u satisfy the side conditions in (9) and S1,...,SN^D1(Z), then, by the chain rule, we have A[s,C,/(0)1 = (^)(^(0) + E |£ (t, y(t))D,yj{t). Furthermore, elementary transformations and integration by parts yield: F(y,u) =/ -3f(t,y(t),u(t),Sy(t,y(t)))+ EgJ^tf G i,j yi >(- sup^(t,y(t),v,Sy)+YJDiyjlr-i-dt JG veU _ ij "yj = f - ds(t, y(t))+ ED,[s,{t, y(t))] dt JG = f - ds(t, y(t)) dt+ f £s,(;, M0K(0 d0 * *(s). JG JdG i (2) Using integration by parts, it follows from (ii) that for all y, u which satisfy the side conditions in (9), F(y, u) = ( f(t, y(t),u(t)) dt=f EA[5,(r, /(0)] dt JG JG t = ( £5,.^,/,(0)^(0 do JdG , <:F(y,u)+ [ds(t,y(t))dt JG <, F(y,u) + (measG) sup ds(t,y) (t,y)sz D 52.6. Application to a Generalized Problem of Geometrical Optics Parallel to Section 37.4, we study the problem M("n(y)]fyJ7yJdr = a (13) Jo fory = y(r), subject to the following constraints: (a) Path constraints: y(r)^A forallTe[0, a].
526 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems (b) Boundary constraints: ^(0) = %, y(a) = ya- (c) Piecewise smoothness of the path: y1,y2eDl([0,a]). Here, y = (yY, y2). Let the function n: U -»IR be continuous and positive. Let the points y0, ya e IR2 and the real number a > 0 be given and fixed. Furthermore, let A be the closure of a fixed region in IR2. This problem has the following physical interpretation: We seek the path y( ■) of a ray of light which moves in the shortest time from yQ to ya, where it cannot leave the set A (Fig. 52.1). For the sake of simplicity, we set the velocity of light c equal to 1. Here, n(y) is the index of refraction at the point y. The Hamilton-Jacobi partial differential inequality S^(y)+Sy22(y)<n2(y) foralljG^f (14) is crucial for handling this problem. (14) is equivalent to the fact that |egrad S(y)\<n(y) ioraHy^A (15) holds for all unit vectors eelR2, i.e., the magnitudes of all directional derivatives of 5 at the point y are less than or equal to the index of refraction n(y). Our goal is the error estimate S(ya)-S(y0)<a<F(y) (16) for the minimal value a, where Hy)~ fn{y){yj+y?dr. Proposition 52.7. The error estimate (16) holds when y(-) satisfies the constraints in (13) and S: A^>U is a continuous and piecewise continuously differentiable function which satisifies (14). Figure 52.1
52.6. Application to a Generalized Problem of Geometrical Optics 527 The proof of this assertion, which is a special case of Theorem 52.D in Section 52.4, is given in Problem 52.6. If the assumptions of Proposition 52.7 hold and the right-hand and left-hand sides of (16) are equal, then F(y) = a, and y(-) is a solution of (13). Thus, Proposition 52.7 yields a simple sufficiency criterion for the solvability of the original problem (13). Example 52.8. In order to be able to explain several general peculiarities in the simplest way, we consider the special case n(y) = 1. Then in (13) we seek the shortest path connecting the points yQ and ya which lies entirely in A. Case 1: No constraint on the path. _ def def Let A = R . Furthermore, let, say, y0 = (0,0), ya = (a,0). A solution of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation, i.e., of (14) with " =" instead of def def "<," is S(y)~yv Forj(T) = (T,0), therefore the straight linej(-) is a solution, as could be expected. Case 2: With path constraint. Now, let A c IR2. Then, as a rule, we have a proper path constraint, and we need inequality (14). We choose A, say, as in Fig. 52.2, with the triangulation given there. We will use this triangulation to simultaneously explain the basic ideas of a general approximation method which will approximate the minimal curve lengths a as well as possible. In the following, when we speak of nodes we will always mean the nodes of the triangulation in Fig. 52.2. Let t -» y( ■) be an arbitrary polygonal path which connects the points y0 and ya in the set A and whose vertices are nodes. Then F(y) > a, i.e., we obtain an upper bound for a. I' In order to also obtain a lower bound for a by Proposition 52.7, we now construct the function 5 by prescribing the values S(y) at the node points y and then extending 5 to the set A by means of linear interpolation. Then, as a finite element, 5 is piecewise continuously differenliable, analogous to A2(59). In order to satisfy the differential inequality (14), the node values Figure 52.2
528 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems S( y) must be chosen according to (15) so that all directional derivatives are less than 1. Furthermore, in order to make the error estimate (16) as optimal as possible, we strive to achieve the situation that the positive differences of the functional values of 5 along the polygonal paths t*-*P(t) under investigation are as large as possible. This leads us to the following con- def def struction: We begin with S(y0) = 0. We set S(y) = 1 at nodes y that are def adjacent to j0. Furthermore, let S(y) = 2 at the nodesy that are adjacent to y, which as yet have no 5 value, etc. If y andj are two adjacent nodes, then we always have 15(/)- S(y)\ >\y- y\/^2. If we follow the nodes along a polygonal path t^|(t), then S(ya)-S(y0)>yF(y), where y =1//2. Thus, by Proposition 52.7, yF{y)<a<F{y). (17) In contrast to the triangulation in Fig. 52.2, if one chooses a triangulation with equilateral triangles, then (17) holds with the better estimate y = /J /2. In this connection, one notes that the sides of an equilateral hexagon, which is inscribed in the unit circle, are at a distance /3*/2 from the center. Therefore, our result reads as follows: For a triangulation by means of equilateral triangles, the relative error of F(y) is always less than or equal to 7% relative to the true value a because of (17) with y = /3~/2. For the original problem (13), these considerations motivate the following general approximation method for determining the minimal value a. Step 1: Triangulation and Choice of a Polygonal Path. We triangulate the set A and determine a polygonal path t •-» j(t) whose vertices are nodes. Then by F(y) > a we obtain an upper bound for a. The polygonal pathy(-) can be determined optimally by means of the requirement: F(y) = min!, where all possible polygonal paths y( ■) are admitted. This is a problem of so-called transport optimization on the graph belonging to the triangulation of A. For these problems, we have at our disposal simple algorithms (cf. e.g., Berge and Ghouila-Houri (1969, M)). Step 2: Construction of the S-Function. We assign 5 values to the nodes and interpolate linearly so that the following hold for the S-function that arises: S{ya)-S{y0) = m<ix\, (18a) -n(y) <egradS(y)<n(y) (18b) for all y e A and all e e IR2, \e\ =1. This is a linear optimization problem with an infinite number of side conditions. We can solve (18) approximately, by varying only those nodes y and all e in (18b) that correspond to
Problems 529 edge directions. If one knows a solution 5 of (18), then, by Proposition 52.7, S(ya)~S(y0)<a<F(y). (19) The algorithmic formulation can be found in KlStzler (1979), Part II. There it is also shown how one can exploit the second step to delimit a subregion of A in which the polygonal path y( ■) of step 1 lies. Furthermore, in Klotzler (1978) it is shown that no duality gaps appear for the original problem (13) in Proposition 52.7, i.e., one can find a function 5 with S(ya)— S(y0) = a. Therefore, the estimate for a in (19) can be, in principle, made arbitrarily precise. Problems 52.1. The minimal surface problem. The goal of this set of problems is to call the reader's attention to several important results. The minimal surface problem is a difficult and very diversified problem which played, and still plays, an important role in the development of the calculus of variations. As a standard work for the classical theory, we recommend Nitsche (1975, M,B,H). Parallel to Problems 6.5 and 40.4, we consider the minimum problem: (20a) (20b) = 0; (21) ith the F(z)- •jjl + zl + z} z = g on corresponding Euler equation G: 3{ dx\f^ ),9 zi + zj) "y dxdy dG { u+ = mini, ^ + z] 1 dG: z = g. This is equivalent to: G: (l + zyl)zxx + (l + z2x)zyy-2zxzyzxv-0; (21a) dG: z = g. In this connection, let G be a bounded region in R 2, and let g be a given function on the boundary dG. Geometrically, Problem (20) means that we seek a surface z = z(x, y) in R3 which passes through a fixed spatial curve C of the form (20b) and in this connection has the smallest possible surface area (Fig. 52.3). According to (20b), the projection of C on the (x, ^)-plane is equal to dG. Experimentally, one can realize this minimal surface by dipping a wire loop having the form C into a soap solution. Then inside C, a soap membrane which corresponds approximately to the solution of (20) is formed. Namely, (20a) means that the potential energy of the soap membrane, neglecting gravity, is minimal.
52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Probler- - Figure 52.3 la. Peculiarities of the problem. Due to the physical interpretation of oui problem, it is natural to conjecture that a classical solution need not exi-i for every curve C. If the basic region is not convex, then the danger arises that the soap membrane ruptures. In fact, in 1912 Bernstein gave a nonconvex region G and a curve C for which (20) has no classical solution, z e C2(G)nC(G) (cf. Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, M), paix 162). The mathematical difficulties in the treatment of (20) originate in tin- fact that the relation F(z)-* +oo as||z||;f-»oo (22) does not hold in the case of the reflexive B-space X= Wp(G), \<p<v. If, on the other hand, we consider the Sobolev space W\(Gi), then this space is not reflexive. In both cases we cannot apply the important existence principle of Proposition 38.15. These difficulties are expressed in the minimal surface equation (21a) by the situation that it is not uniformly elliptic, i.e., there exist no constants c, d > 0 such that c(H2 + r,2)<;(l + q2)e + (l + p2W-2pqtiV holds for all real numbers £, rj, p, and q. Therefore, for the existence proof for (20), general functional analysis propositions do not suffice. As an essential element one needs nontrivial a priori estimates which depend on the specifics of the problem. We delve into this further below in Problems 52.1c and 52.1d. .lb. Convexity and lower semicontinuity; elementary solution of a modifitJ problem. As in Section 6.2, we denote by C0,1(G) the B-space of all Lipschitz-continuous functions z: G-*R. Furthermore, we set def _ K(g,R)-{zeC°<\Gy.\\z\\wilR,z-gaadG). Here, def l|z|lo.i= max|z(P)|+L(z), PeG where L{z) denotes the Lipschitz constant of z on G, i.e., |z(/')-z(e)|<L(z)dist(/>,e) forall/>,geG.
Problems 531 For all z e K(g, R), F(z) is explained meaningfully in (20). In this connection, we make use of a theorem due to Rademacher (1919), which asserts that every function z in C°A(G) possesses classical first partial derivatives almost everywhere on G, and these derivatives are measurable and bounded with the Lipschitz constant as bound, i.e., for z e K{g, R), we have zx,zy e LX{G) and \\zx\\x, \\zy\\x < R. Show: The modified problem corresponding to (20), F(z) = min!, z eK(g,R), (23) has a solution when K(g, R)¥=0. Solution: Let (z„) be a minimal sequence for (23). From z„ e K(g, R), for all n e N, it follows that the Lipschitz constants for all z„ are less than or equal to R. According to the Arzela-Ascoli theorem in Ax(24g), we can choose a subsequence that we again denote by (z„) which converges uniformly on G to a function z e K(g, R). In conformity with this, we show that F(z)< Urn F(z„). (24) n -+ oo From this, as in the introduction to Chapter 38, it follows that z is a solution of (23). Proof of (24). Let f(u,v) = VI + u2 + v2. The function /: R-»R is convex. Therefore, according to Proposition 42.6, /(u„,v„)-f(u,v)>fu(u,v)(u„- u)+fv(u, v)(v„-v) def def def def holds. We set u — zx,v = zy, un = (z„)x, and v„ = (z„)>- Then u„-*u, v„-*v in L2(G) as«-»oo. (25) By integration by parts this follows immediately from / <p(un — u) dxdy = — I <px(zn~ z) dxdy -* 0 as«-*oo for all <p e C^(G) as well as from the fact that C^(G) is dense in L2{G) and the boundedness of (u„), (v„) in L2(G) (cf. Ax(31d)). From (25), for n -» oo, we obtain F(z„)- F(z) > f [fu(u,v)(un- u) + f„(u, v)(v„-v)]dxdy-^0. (26) (24) follows directly from this. The crucial assertion (26) for subsequences can also be obtained from the fact that (u„), (v„) are bounded in LX(G) and thus possess weak* convergent subsequences in LX(G) (cf. Example 38.3). 52.1c* A priori estimates and the classical existence proof due to Haar {1927). In this paper by Haar, the study of which we recommend to the reader, the following is proved: The original problem (20) possesses a solution
32 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems zeC^iG) when the following two assertions hold: (a) G is a bounded convex region of R2. (b) The spatial curve C corresponding to g: dG-*R satisfies a so-called three-point condition, i.e., there exists a number d > 0 such that a2 + b2 < d2 holds for each plane z = ax + by + c which passes through three points of C. Moreover, the solution is then analytic in G and satisfies the minimal surface equation (21). We split a sketch of the proof into four steps. Step 1. Solution of the modified problem (23). We have given tlv elementary proof in Problem 52.1b. Step 2. A priori estimate. With the aid of the three-point condition, oin- shows that there exists a number R > 0 such that each solution z e C0il(<>) of (20) lies in K(g,R) and K(g,R)¥=0. Then the solution of tlv modified problem (23) with this R is also a solution of the origin.il problem (20) in the space C^iG). Hidden behind this a priori estimate in the geometric fact that one c.:n estimate the Lipschitz constant for a solution of (20) against the constanl d in the three-point condition. Otherwise, one could construct a surfau' with smaller surface area. Step 3. Analyticity of the solution. A difficulty consists in that up until now we have proved only the existence of the first derivatives of the solution of (20), but in the minimal surface equation there appear second derivatives. In order to overcome this difficulty one uses a typical dedik- tion due to Haar (Haar's lemma). In this connection, one deduces from the vanishing of the first variation in (20) a first-order system of diffavn- tial equations (D) which contains additional auxiliary functions. From i Pi and the theorem asserting that Lipschitz-continuous solutions of I Ik Cauchy-Riemann differential equations are analytic, it then follows that the solution of (20) is analytic. Step 4. The solution satisfies the minimal surface equation. This follow.-- easily from (D) and the fact that the solution is analytic. Concerning the present set of problems, we also recommend Nitsche (1975, M), page 587 ff. 52.Id.* A functional analysis existence proof for (20) in W[{G). In this connection, study Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, M), page 146 ff. In modified fonn this proof contains the first and second steps of Problem 52.1c. '1 he a priori estimate in the second step follows from the maximum principle for the minimal surface equation and the so-called bounded slope condition which is related to the three-point condition. A uniqueness assertion also follows from the maximum principle. 52.1e.** Sharp existence assertion for the minimal surface equation. In this connection, study Gilbarg and Trudinger (1977, M), Chapter 15. There Ilk- following is shown: (i) Let G be a bounded region in R2 with dG e C2. Then the Dirichlrl problem possesses a solution for the minimal surface equation (21) foi all
Problems 533 jeC(dG) if and only if the curvature of the boundary dG is everywhere non-negative. (ii) Let G be a bounded region in R2 with dG e C2*", 0 < a < 1. Let the curvature of dG be everywhere non-negative. Then for each g e C2'"( dG) (respectively, geC(9G)), dispossesses exactly one solution z e C2'a(G) (respectively, z e C2(G)n C(G)). (iii) If z eC2(R2) satisfies the minimal surface equation (21) on R2, then z is a linear function. Assertion (iii) is a classical theorem due to Bernstein. It shows that despite formal similarity the minimal surface equation behaves essentially differently than the Laplace equation. The proofs follow from sharp a priori estimates and the continuation according to a parameter method discussed in Chapter 6 (the Leray-Schauder principle). 52.1 f.** The parametric minimal surface problem. In (20) we sought minimal surfaces in the special form z = z(x, y). Since not every surface can be written in this special form, the more general problem arises of determining minimal surfaces in the parametric form x = x(u,v), y = y(u,v), z = z(u, v). The solution of this famous classical Plateau problem can be found in Nitsche (1975, M), Chapter V, where one also finds detailed historical comments. 52.1g.* Duality and generalized solutions of the minimal surface problem. In the preceding we have seen that the form of the basic region G plays an important role in the construction of solutions of the minimal surface problem, e.g., we needed the convexity of G. However, duality theory offers the possibility of constructing generalized solutions for general bounded regions G. In this connection, study Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter V. The basic idea is the following: (i) Let G be a bounded open_set in R2 and let g be in W\(G)—more precisely, in the closure of CX(G) in W&G). We set def o - JV= {z<=Wl(G):z=*g+u,u<=W}(G)}, def r JV*= {p*eL00(G)xL00(G):divp*-OonG and \p*(x)\<l almost everywhere on G}. Then the problem dual to infF(z) = a (27) z &N reads as follows: sup H(p*) = p, (27*) p*GN* where H{p*)- j {- p*{x)^Ag{x)+[\~\p*{x)\2]l/2)dx.
4 52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problen • (ii) a = /8 and the dual problem (27*) has exactly one solution p*. (iii) If the original problem (27) has a solution z, then the extremal relation ~P*(x) (1-1^(^)12)1 ffadz(x)- ,_ yK'/2 (28) holds and \p*(x)\<l almost everywhere on G. Here, grad and div are always to be understood in the sense of distributions. (iv) If the original problem (27) has no solution, then one can construct a generalized solution z of (27) by means of the extremal relation (28). It is essential to investigate the regularity properties of this generalized solution. One can find a discussion of this in Ekeland and Temam (1974, M). 52.1h. Finitely many solutions in the generic case. For a long time it was believed that for all sufficiently smooth curves there are only a finite number oC minimal surfaces which they bound. In B6hme and Tromba (1977) and Tromba (1977), it was proved that, roughly speaking, there exists an open dense set of curves in R3 which bound only a finite number of classical minimal surfaces of the disk type. The proof is based on Morse theory. This result is closely connected to a recent trend in analysis stemming from global analysis. We do not consider the most general case, which is burdened with all kinds of pathologies, but rather we consider only the generic case and prove very natural results for this. As another example, we consider geodesies on a sphere. In most cases there exists a unique curve of shortest length between two points. An important generalization of this observation reads as follows: Let V be a (possibly infinite-dimensional) complete connected Rieman- nian manifold. Let any ueVbe given. Then there is a residual subset R of V such that every point »£fi can be joined to a by a unique minimal geodesic (cf. Ekeland (1979, S), page 470). Note that a residual set is the complement of a set of first Baire category. Such residual sets are "big." Also, compare the survey article Hildebrandt (1983) and Almgren (1984, M). 52.2. Examples of linear optimization problems with unfavorable solution behavior. 52.2a. Duality gaps. For the minimum problem u3 = min!, u<=K, Du-beK (29) with def def def u = (u1,u2,«3), Du = (0, u3, ux), 6-(0,-1,0), def . . K = [u eR : U], u2 > 0, uxu2 ~sl u\ j, construct the dual problem (29*) and show that both problems have a solution but that the extremal values do not coincide. Hint: Compare Fan (1970) and Gopfert (1973, M), page 205.
Problems 535 52.2b. Unsolvable original problem. For the minimum problem u2 = min!, (u1,u2)eR2, (30) t1ul + u2^t for all (E [0,1], construct the dual problem (30*) and show that the extremal values are equal and (30*) has a solution, whereas (30) has no solution. Hint: Compare Krabs (1975, M), page 34. 52.3. Sharpening of Theorem 52.A. We use the notation from Section 52.1. Now our assumptions read as follows: (Bl) X and Q are real locally convex spaces. (X, X*) and (Q, {?*) form dual pairs. (B2) M: XxQ->]-00,00] is convex and lower semicontinuous, with M * + oo. Furthermore, M(u,0) = F(u) on X. Show: 52.3a. The following three assertions are equivalent: (i) - oo < inf(P) = sup(P *) < oo. (ii) S(0) is finite and S is lower semicontinuous at zero. (iii) S*(0) is finite and S* is lower semicontinuous at zero. In the cases (ii) and (iii), one says that the problems (P) and (P*), respectively, are normal. 52.3b. The following assertions are equivalent: (i) (P) is solvable and - oo < inf(P) = sup(P*) < oo. (ii) (P*) is stable. An analogous equivalence holds if (P) and (P*) are interchanged. Hint: Use Problem 51.2. Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter III, 2. 52.4. Connection with a Lagrange function. We again make use of the notation of Section 52.1 and assume (Bl) and (B2) from Problem 52.3 hold. We define L: XxQ* -* [-00,00;| by def -L(u,g*) = sup (q*, q)- M{u,q), i.e., — L is the function conjugate to q -» M(u, q). 52.4a. Show that the following two assertions are equivalent: (i) u is a solution of (P), q* is a solution of (P*), and inf(P) = sup(P*). (ii) (u, q*) is a saddle point of L with respect to X X Q*. 52.4b. Show that for stable (P) the following two assertions are equivalent: (i) u is a solution of (P). (ii) L has a saddle point (u,q*) with respect to X X Q*. Hint: Compare Ekeland and Temam (1974, M), Chapter III, 3.
52. General Duality Principle by Means of Perturbed Problems Show that the following three assertions are equivalent: (i) (P) and (P*) are stable. (ii) L has a saddle point (u,q*) with respect to X X Q*. (iii) (P) has a solution u, (P*) has a solution q*, and - oo < inf (P) = sup (P*) < oo. Solution: Use Problems 52.4a, 52.4b, and 52.3b. Calculation of M* in Section 52.3. Solution: Let def y = sup (q*,q)-H{Du- a- q). def For p — Du — a — q, y — sup (q*,Du- a-p)~ H(p) = sup (D*q*,u) + (-q*,a + p)-H(p) P&Q = (D*q*, u) + H*(- q*)~(q*, a). From this it follows that M*(u*,q*)= sup (u*,u) + (q*,q) (a,«)eXx2 -F(u)-H(Du-a-q) = sup (u*,«)- F(u)+ y = F*(D*q* + u*) + H*(-q*)-(q*,a). Proof of Proposition 52.7. Solution: We write (13) in the form F(y,u) = f n(y(t))fuf(t)+ uj(t) dt == rain!, J0 y!(t)*°uit / = 1,2, {t,y(t))e[0,a]XA forall *e[0,a] and apply Section 52.4. Then Jf(y,u,p)"p1u1 + p1u1-n(y)fu[+i4 with sup Jf(y,v,p)=> < rl yl KJ' „<=B2 I + oo otherwise and ds = St; therefore, ds = 0 when we choose S to be independent of / (12) yields the assertion.
References 53'/ 52.7. A Igorithm for the application of the duality principle in Section 52.4. In this connection, study Klotzler (1979), Part II. 52.8. Duality principle, discrete control problems, discrete maximum principle, and dynamic optimization. In this connection, study Focke and Klotzler (1978). There the reader will find the duality principle from Section 52.4 applied to discrete problems. 52.9. Generalized solutions of the Hamilton -Jacobi equation. Study the comprehensive representation of recent results in Lions, Jr. (1982, L). Also, study Crandall and Lions (1983). There, a regularization method is used to obtain existence theorems for generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. 52.10. Capillary Equilibrium Surfaces. In this connection, many very interesting and deep recent results can-be found in the comprehensive monograph Finn (1984). References to the Literature Classical works: Fenchel (1951); Rockafellar (1967). General presentations; Gopfert (1973, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M). Applications of optimization theory in infinite-dimensional vector spaces: Collatz and Krabs (1973, M); Gopfert (1973, M); Krabs (1975, M). Applications to partial differential equations: Ekeland and Temam (1974, M). Duality for nonconvex problems: Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Rockafellar (1975); Klotzler (1978), (1979), (1983, S). Minimal surfaces: Nitsche (1975, M,B,H) (this is a standard work with a very comprehensive bibliography); Courant (1950, M); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Gilbarg and Trudinger (1977, M); Fucik, Necas, and Soucek (1977, L). Recent trends in the theory of minimal surfaces: Tromba (1977, S); Bohme (1981/82, S); Fomenko (1982, M); Hildebrandt (1983, S); Almgren (1984, M). Capillary equilibrium surfaces: Finn (1984, M, B, H) (standard work). Generalized solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equations: Lions, Jr. (1982, L,B); Crandall and Lions, Jr. (1983).
CHAPTER 53 Conjugate Functionals and Orlicz Spaces The secret to wearying consists in saying everything. Voltaire In this chapter, we consider the Orlicz spaces LH and LH * as generalizations of the Lebesgue spaces Lp and Lq respectively, where/', q > 1,p~x + q~l =1 and explain the connection with conjugate functionals. Orlicz spaces were introduced by Orlicz in 1932. Whereas Lebesgue spaces and the corresponding Sobolev spaces are appropriate for the treatment of nonlinear differential equations and integral equations with nonlinearities which do not grow more rapidly than certain polynomials for large functional values, one uses Orlicz spaces and Sobolev-Orlicz spaces when the growth is more rapid, for example, for exponential growth. Corresponding to our general strategy concerning function spaces, which we have already pursued in Part II, we merely summarize the important facts about these spaces and concentrate on a typical application in Section 53.5. 53.1. Young Functions Definition 53.1. Let H. U -»IR be a fixed function. H is called a Young function if and only if; (i) H(t) = fl'Hs)ds for all r e U. (ii) h; U+ -*U + is continuous and strictly monotonely increasing, (iii) h(0) = 0 and h(s) -* + oo as 5 -» + oo. 538
53.2. Orlicz Spaces and their Properties 539 H satisfies the condition A2 if and only if, for fixed t0, c > 0, H(2t)<cH(t) for all t>t0. H satisfies the condition A2 if and only if, for fixed t0, c>\, H2(t)<H(ct) tor all t>t0. Proposition 53.2. If H: IR -* U is a Young function, then one obtains the conjugate function H* on U by H*(t)= f%-l(s)ds. Here, h~x is the function inverse to h. This follows immediately from Proposition 51.5. For this reason, H* is also a Young function and H** = H. According to Proposition 51.2, the Young inequality holds: tt* <H(t) + H*(t*) forallt,t*eU, (1) where the equality sign occurs if and only if t* = H'(t)—therefore, for t* = h(\t\)sgnt. Proposition 53.3. If H is a Young function, then H satisfies A2 => H* satisfies A2. Proof. Compare Problem 53.1. Example 53.4. Let h(s) = sp~l for all s>0 with fixedp,l<p<oo. Then: H(t) = p-l\t\P, H*{t) = q-l\t\o on R, where p~l + q~l =1. Here, H and H* are Young functions that obviously satisfy A2. Example 53.5. Let h(s) = psp"lexpsp for all s > 0 with fixedp, 1 < p < oo. Then tf(0-(exp|r|')-l is a Young function on IR. Obviously, H satisfies A2, i.e., H* satisfies A2- 53.2. Orlicz Spaces and their Properties Definition 53.6. Let G be an open bounded nonempty set in R" with N >1. Let H: U -»IR be a Young function. We set pH(u) = IH(u(x))dx. JG
540 53. Conjugate Functionals and Orlicz Spaces The Orlicz class LH(G) is the set of all measurable functions u: G -»US for which pH(u) < oo. The Orlicz space LH(G) is the set of all u such that a(u)ueLH(G), a(u)>0 for an appropriate number a(w), which can depend on u. EH(G) is the set of all u such that au e LH(G) for all real numbers a > 0. Functions which differ on a set of N-dimensional measure zero are identified. In the following we summarize important properties of Orlicz spaces. Proposition 53.7. Let LH(G) be the real linear hull of LH(G). Then LH(G) is a real B-space with the norm Nl/= infa'1 1- «>o The generalized Holder inequality ■ j H(au(x)) dx Jr. I uvdx Jr. ^ ll«llj/l|l>l|j/. (2) holds for all u e LH(G), v e LH,(G). Proof. Compare Problem 53.2. Corollary 53.8. EH(G) is a closed separable subspace of LH(G). To be precise, EH(G) =27^((7) (this is the closure in the space LH(GJ), Furthermore, LM(G) c EH(G) c LH(G) c LH(G) c L^G). Corollary 53.9 (The Role of A2). If H satisfies the A2 condition, then: (a) EH(G) == LH(G) = LH(G) and LH(G) is separable. (b) As n ->oo, II" - "»llff -»0 ** pff (« - «„) -» 0. (c) A set M is bounded in LH(G) if and only if supUBMpH(u) < oo. (d) LH(G)* = LHt(G). To be precise, relation (d) means that for each linear continuous functional u* e LH(G)*, there exists exactly one u* e LH,(G) such that u*(u)= J u*udx for all »e LH(G), Jr and in this way each u* e LH,(G) generates a u* e LH(G)*.
53.3. Linear Integral Operators in Orlicz Spaces 541 Corollary 53.10. LH(G) is reflexive if and only if H and H* satisfy A2. All proofs can be found in Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958, M), (1958a, S) and Kufner, John, and Fu&k (1977, M). Example 53.11. For the Young function H(t) = p~l\t\p, l<p<<x>, we have LH(G) = Lp(G), LH,(G) = Lq{G), where/^1 + q~l = 1 and IHtf = <71A|HMG),- Hff* = /^11 L,(G) • 53.3. Linear Integral Operators in Orlicz Spaces We investigate the linear integral operator def f (Ku)(x)= k(x,y)u(y)dy JG under the following assumptions: (HI) G is an open bounded nonempty set in R", N >1. (H2) H: U ->M is a Young function satisfying the A2 condition, e.g., H(t) = (exp\t\p)-l, 1</><oo. (H3) k e LH(G X G), i.e., there exists an a > 0 for which / H(ak(x, y)) dxdy< oo. JGXG (H4) WesetX=Lff»(G). Then X* = LH(G); for, according to Proposition 53.3, H* satisfies the A2 condition and Corollary 53.9 yields X* = Lff**(G). Furthermore, H** = H by Proposition 53.2. Proposition 53.12. With the assumptions (Hl)-(H4), the operator K: X -» X* is linear and continuous. Moreover, K is compact when (H3) is satisfied for all a>0. The proof can be found in Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958, M), Theorems 6.6, 15.4B, 16.5.
542 53. Conjugate Functional and Orlicz Spaces 53.4. The Nemyckii Operator in Orlicz Spaces We shall study the Nemyckii operator F generated by def F(u)(x) =f(x,u(x)). Proposition 53.13. F: X* -* X is continuous and bounded provided the following three conditions hold: (i) G, H, and X satisfy the same conditions as in Section 53.3. (ii) /: G XU -* U satisfies a Caratheodory condition, e.g., f is continuous. (Hi) f satisfies the growth condition: \f(x,u)\<b(x) + T(\u\) forall(x,u)<BGXM, where b e LH,(G), the function T: IR+ -*U+ is continuous monotonely increasing and for each c> 0 there exists an s0(c) > 0 such that R(cs)<H(s) foralls>s0(c). (3) Proof. According to Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958, M), Theorem 6.3, Section 6.5, the A2-condition for H implies, for fixed r, s1 > 0, the estimate H*(Hs)<H(rs) for all .$>.$!. Since H*, being a Young function, is monotonely increasing on K +, by (3), for each c > 0 there exists a t0(c) > 0 such that /f*(*(y)) £#*(#(£)) £/f(0 foralW>r0(c). Now an analogous line of reasoning to that in the proof of Theorem 4.2 in Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958a) yields the assertion. □ Example 53.14. For the real functions def H(t) = (exp\t\p)-l, l<p<oo, def r(0 = expjB|f|, j8>0, all the assumptions on H and T in Proposition 53.13 are satisfied. 53.5. Application to Hammerstein Integral Equations with Strong Nonlinearities We consider the Hammerstein integral equation u(x)+[k(x,y)f(y,u(y))dy-0. (4) Jr.
53.5. Application to Hammerstein Integral Equations with Strong Nonlinearities 543 In this connection, we allow / to grow exponentially with respect to u. The following proposition is a typical example of the application of Orlicz spaces. In the proof, we shall make use of many of the auxiliary means prepared in the preceding sections. Proposition 53.15. Equation (4) has exactly one measurable solution u: G -»IR such that f exp\u(x)\pdx <oo forallp>\, JG where modification of u on an N-dimensional set of measure zero is permitted when the following assumptions are satisfied: (i) G is a bounded open nonempty set in UN, N>1. (ii) The kernel k: G X G ->IR is' measurable, bounded, and symmetric, i.e., k(x, y) = k(y, x)for all x, yeG. (Hi) k is positive in the sense that ( fk(x,y)v(y)dy JGlJG v(x)dx>0 for alive LX{G). (iv) /: G X IR -»IR satisfies a Caratheodory condition, e.g., f is continuous, (v) f is monotonely increasing with respect to u and satisfies the growth condition \f{x,y)\<a + be^ for all (x, u) e G X IR, where a,b,fi>0 are fixed numbers. Proof. We will apply Theorem 28.A in Part II. To this end, we choose the Young function #(0-(exp|f|')-l, P>h def and set X = LH,(G). The functions H and H* satisfy the A2- and A2-condi- tions, respectively. According to Corollary 53.9, X= EH„(G), and Xis real and separable. We write (4) in the form u + KFu = 0, ueX*, (4a) where K and F are generated by k and /, respectively. The operator K: X-> X* is linear and continuous by Proposition 53.12. We show that K is monotone. Since LX(G) is dense in EH*(G) and X= EH,(G), it immediately follows from (iii) that (Kv,v)x^O for all vex. Analogously, from (ii) it follows that (Kv, w)x= (Kw, v)xior all v, w e X. According to Proposition 53.13 and Example 53.14, the operator F: X* -> X is continuous. Moreover, Fis a monotone operator; for, because of
544 53. Conjugate Functionals and Orlicz Spaces the monotonicity of / with respect to u, for all u, v e X*, we have (u-v,F(u)-F(v))x^f[u(x)-v(x)}[f(x>u(x))-f(x>v{x))}dx>0. JG Here we think of X as a subset of X**. Now, according to Theorem 28.A, for each p>l, (4a) has exactly one solution »€l*. Since X* = LH(G), we thus have I expX (u)\u(x)\pdx <oo JG for an appropriate Xp(u) > 0. The estimate QKp\t\p'<C(X,p')eKpX\t\p for all A > 0, p' such that 1 < p' < p, and all t e R, shows that this existence proposition is equivalent to the assertion of Proposition 53.15. □ 53.6. Sobolev-Orlicz Spaces Let G be an open bounded nonempty set in R", N^.1. We denote by W"LH(G) the collection of all uGLH(G) which have generalized derivatives Dau up to and including order m in the sense of Definition 21.2, where Dau e LH(G) holds for all a such that \a\ < m. We set defl \V2 INL.i/- E ll^'«ll^ • (5) Proposition 53.16. Relative to the norm (5), WmLH(G) is a real B-space (it is a so-called Sobolev-Orlicz space). The proof is analogous to that of Proposition 21.10. Parallel to Section 53.5, Sobolev-Orlicz spaces play an important role in the treatment of nonlinear partial differential equations. However, in this connection, one must note the fact that, as a rule, these spaces are not reflexive. We recommend Gossez (1974), (1979, S) and Schumann (1982). Also, compare Problem 53.5. Problems 53.1. Proof of Proposition 53.3. Hint: Compare Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958, M), Lemma 5.1, Theorem 6.6. 53.2.* Proof of Proposition 53.7. Hint: Compare Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958, M), Chapter 2.
Problems 545 53.3. Proof of Example 53.11. Solution: A short calculation. 53.4.* Proof of Propositions 53.12 and 53.13. Study the references to the literature given in the text. 53.5.** Application to partial differential equations. We consider the boundary value problem -EA[*(¥W)]-/W *<?, (6) u(x) = 0 on 9G, under the following assumptions: (i) G is a bounded region in R N with dG e C01 and N > 1. (ii) h: R -» R is continuous," monotonely increasing, and odd, and h(s) -» + oo as j -> + oo. We set H(t) = /i'1/^) ds. (iii)/e£„»(G). Show: (6) has a generalized solution w e WlLH(G), i.e., AT f Y,h(Diu)Divdx=( fvdx for all v e Jf^/i^G). The solution u is uniquely determined when h is strictly monotonely increasing. Here, WlLH(G) and ^^(G) denote the closure of C^(G) in WlLH(G) and WX£W(G), respectively, with respect to suitable topologies. The boundary condition u = 0 on dG is by this means taken into account in a generalized way. Hint: Compare Gossez (1974), (1979, S). There one will find the development of a general theory of generalized pseudomonotone operators in so-called complementary systems of Sobolev-Orlicz spaces. Consider the following special cases: (i) Strong growth of the coefficient function h: h(t) = teW, //(0 = (|f|-l)el'l + l. (ii) Weak growth: /!(f) = sgnf-ln(l + |f|), ff(0-(l + |t|)ln(l + l'l)-|'l- (iii) Polynomial growth: h(t)*=\t\P~1t, \<p<oo. In (iii), WXLH(G) = WlE„(G) = W?(G) and E„.(G) = Lq(G),p~l + q~l = 1. Approximation methods for such differential equations can be found in Schumann (1982).
546 53. Conjugate Functionals and Orlicz Spaces References to the Literature Classical work: Orlicz (1932). Orlicz spaces: Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958, M,B,H) (this is a standard work); Kufner, John, and Fuclk (1977, M). Application to nonlinear integral equations: Krasnoselskii and Rutickii (1958, M), (1958a, S); Amann (1969). Application to nonlinear elliptic partial differential equations: Gossez (1974), (1979, S); Schumann (1982) (approximation methods).
VARIATIONAL INEQUALITIES In most sciences one generation tears down what another has built, and what one has established another undoes. In mathematics alone each generation builds a new story to the old structure. Hermann Hankel, 1839-1873 In Parts I and II, as well as in the preceding chapters, we have already encountered variational inequalities several times. In Chapter 9, we explained the connection between variational inequalities and the fixed-point theory for multivalued mappings. In Chapter 32, existence propositions for variational inequalities resulted from a direct application of the main theorem on maximal monotone operators. Here in Part III, we have so far encountered variational inequalities as necessary and also partly as sufficient conditions for solutions of minimum problems on convex sets. For example, in Section 47.10 we learned that there is a close connection between the Kuhn-Tucker theory and variational inequalities. Furthermore, the proof of Pontrjagin's maximum principle in Section 48.7 was based on the investigation of a variational inequality. In the next four chapters, parallel to the treatment of monotone operator equations and first- and second-order evolution equations in Part II, we will consider the corresponding variational inequalities. In this connection, in Chapters 54-56, we pursue the unified strategy of reducing variational inequalities with the aid of the subgradient dtp to multivalued operator equations and evolution equations, which need not necessarily be related to variational problems, i.e., it is not absolutely necessary for potential operators to appear. We explain this by an example involving the variational
548 Variational Inequalities inequality: (b- Au,v-u) + <p(u)<<p(v) for alii; ex. (1°) By the definition of the subgradient dtp, when <p(u) # + oo, this is equivalent to b — Aue d(p(u) or Au + d<p(u)3b. (2°) If tp equals the indicator function xM, i.e., tp( u) = 0 if i; e M and tp(v) = + oo if i; £ Af, then (1°) passes into (b-Au,v-u)<0, v<BM. (3°) We already encountered such problems in Chapter 46, with A — F'. Now, however, A need not be a potential operator. At the focal point of our existence proofs stands the concept of a maximal monotone operator and the main theorem for maximal monotone operators (Theorem 32.A in Section 32.3). In this connection, in an essential way we make use of the fact that, for a convex lower semicontinuous functional tp, the mapping dtp is maximal monotone (Theorem 47.F in Section 47.11). In order to enable the reader to compare the results, we specialize the main theorems in Chapters 54-56 to quadratic variational inequalities. In Chapter 57 we treat multivalued first-order evolution equations in B-spaces. In place of maximal monotone operators in H-spaces there appear m-accretive operators. There we also explain the connection with nonexpan- sive semigroups as a generalization of Chapter 31. In this connection, a generalized concept of the solution is essential, i.e., we consider so-called integral solutions. Equation (2°), i.e., Au + d(p(u) 3 b contains the operator equation Au — b and the Euler equation <p'(u) = 0 as special cases. Thus, (2°) represents a coalescence of the theory of operator equations with the calculus of variations. Another important strategy for handling variational inequalities is offered by the Galerkin method, parallel to Part II. We shall not delve into this. A detailed presentation can be found in Lions (1969, M) and Duvaut and Lions (1972, M). In this connection, one frequently combines the Galerkin method with a regularization. For example, one can replace Au + d<p(u) 3 b in (2°) by Au + q>;(u) = b, (4°) where tp^ is a regularization of <p for small ft and the F-derivative ^ represents the Yosida approximation of dtp. We deal with the Yosida approximation of multivalued maximal monotone operators in Section 55.2 where we generalize results of Chapter 31. A comprehensive investigation of numerical methods for handling variational inequalities is contained in Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M).
Variational Inequalities 549 The theory of variational inequalities has been developed over the last 20 years in intimate connection with physical applications in elasticity and plasticity theory, hydrodynamics, etc. In this connection, it is frequently a question of problems with one-sided constraints (one-sided conditions in elasticity theory, flow through walls, which permit transfer of matter or heat in only one direction, etc.). In Section 37.7 we have already pointed out important applications in connection with free boundary value problems (determination of the dampness region caused by leakage of water through a dam, fusion zone of ice, etc.). We shall discuss several of these applications, e.g., in modern plasticity theory, in Part IV. In general, we recommend the following for applications: Duvaut and Lions (19.72, M), Baiocchi and Capelo (1978, M), Groger (1979, S), Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M), Hlavacek and Necas (1981, M), and Friedman (1982, M). An additional main area of application for variational inequalities arises in control problems with a quadratic objective functional, where the control equations are partial differential equations. A detailed discussion of this can be found in Lions (1971, M). The connection between control problems and quasivariational inequalities is presented in Aubin (1979, M). Finally, there exist intimate interconnections between variational inequalities, stochastic differential equations, and stochastic optimization. One can find this in Friedman (1975, M), (1979, S), Bensoussan and Lions (1978, M), and Bensoussan (1982, M). The last reference is recommended as an introduction to this field. In Sections 54.4-54.9 we elucidate several methods for the investigation of control problems for partial differential equations and integral equations. The strategy, which we have already mentioned in Section 37.23, consists in the following: (a) The control problem is reduced to a minimum problem over a subset of the product of the state space and the control space, or by elimination of the state there results a minimum problem over the control set. (/?) The variational inequality that arises is simplified by the introduction of adjoint states. Another possibility is to apply the method of so-called needle variations described in Section 37.23 (cf. Problem 54.7). The investigation of the smoothness of the solutions of variational inequalities presents a difficult analytic problem. Simple physical examples already show that, in contrast to the solutions of equations, one has to deal with weaker regularity (cf. Problem 54.4). A thorough investigation of these problems can be found in Brezis (1972), Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M), and Friedman (1982, M). In Chapter 64 in Part IV we delve into bifurcation problems for variational inequalities and their applications in elasticity theory. In Chapter 77 in Part IV we consider the connection between quasivariational inequalities and mathematical economics.
CHAPTER 54 Elliptic Variational Inequalities Mathematics takes us still further from what is human, into the region of absolute necessity, to which not only the actual world, but every possible world must conform. Bertrand Russell 54.1. The Main Theorem We consider the variational inequality (b- Au,v- u) + q>(u) <<p(v) for all v e M (5) for u e M and, parallel to this, the multivalued operator equation Au+ d<p(u)B b, ueM (6) under the following assumptions: (HI) X is a real separable reflexive B-space. (H2) M is a convex closed nonempty subset of X. (H3) <p: M -»]— oo, oo] is convex lower semicontinuous and <p * + oo. def In the following, we think of tp as extended to X by (p(v) = +oo for i)€l-M. Then <p: X-*]~00,90] is likewise convex and lower semicontinuous. (H4) A: McI-»I* is pseudomonotone, demicontinuous, and bounded. For instance, these assumptions are fulfilled when A: McI->I* is monotone, hemicontinuous, and bounded.
552 54. Elliptic Variational Inequalities (H5) Coerciveness. If M is unbounded, then there exist u0 e M, v0 e Z* such that v0 e d(p(w0), i.e., <p(u0) < + oo and (p(w0) + (i;0, w — uQ) <<p(v) forallyeM as well as (Au, u — u0) ll"ll (H6) b is a fixed element in X*. •oo as||w||->oo, ueM. The condition for <p in (H5) is fulfilled, e.g., when v0 = <p'("0) an(^ *P'("o) exists as a G-derivative. Theorem 54.A. With the assumptions (Hl)-(H6), the following two assertions hold: (a) Equivalence. (5) and (6) are mutually equivalent. (b) Existence. (5) has a solution. Proof, (a) This is a direct consequence of the definition of dq>. (b) According to Theorem 47.F in Section 47.11, the mapping dtp: X^>2X* is maximal monotone. Then the restriction of tp to M is also maximal monotone. Theorem 32.A in Section 32.1 yields a solution u for (6). □ In Theorem 32.C in Section 32.5 we have already showed that for monotone A and <p = 0 on M, the solution set of (5) is bounded, closed, and convex. If A is strictly monotone and tp = 0 on M, then the solution of (5) is unique. 54.2. Application to Coercive Quadratic Variational Inequalities We consider the quadratic variational inequality b(v- u)-a(u,v — u) + tp(u) < <p(v) forallyeM. (7) We seek «eM.A frequently occurring special case results when <p = 0 on M. An important assumption is the strong positiveness of a( ■, •), i.e., a(u, u) > c\\u\\2 forallweX, where c is a positive constant. In the next section we partially free ourselves from this restriction.
54.3. Semicoercive Variational Inequalities 553 Proposition 54.1. Problem (7) with q> s 0 on M has exactly one solution provided the following four assertions hold: (i) X is a real separable reflexive B-space. (ii) M is a closed convex nonempty set in M. (iii) a: XX X^>U is bilinear, bounded, and strongly positive. (iv) b: X -» U is linear and continuous. Corollary 54.2. (7) has a solution if, in addition to (i)-(iv), the following two assertions hold: (v) <p: M -» ]— oo, oo] is convex, lower semicontinuousl and tp * + oo. (vi) If M is unbounded, then there exists a u0e M, v0e X* such that v0 e d(p(u0), i.e., <p(«0) < +-oo and <p(uQ) + (vQ,v — uQ) <<p(v) for alive M. We shall give the proofs in Problem 54.1. In connection with these results, compare Section 46.6. 54.3. Semicoercive Variational Inequalities In the following we concern ourselves with the quadratic variational problem b(v- u) <a(u,v-u) forallyeM. (8) We seek u&M. According to Section 46.2, for symmetric a(•,•). the variational problem associated with (8) reads as follows: min 2~~la(u,u)-b(u) = a. (9) However, now we do not assume a( ■, •) to be strongly positive on the entire space but rather on a subspace. It is crucial that in this connection there appears an additional side condition for b. Proposition 54.3 constitutes the basis for the handling of the Signorini problem of elasticity theory. We shall discuss this in Chapter 63 in Part IV. Our assumptions are: (HI) X is a real H-space. (H2) M is a closed convex nonempty subset of X. (H3) a: X X X -»IR is bilinear, bounded, positive, and symmetric. (H4) b: X -»IR is linear and continuous. In order to be able to formulate the important additional conditions, we define: del del Na= {uGX:a(u,u)^0}, Nb= {ne X: b(u) =0}.
554 54. Elliptic Variational Inequalities In Problem 54.2 we show that Na = N(A), where a(u, v) = (Au\v). Therefore, Na and Nb are closed linear subspaces. Thus, there exist orthogonal surjective projection operators P:X-*Na; Q:X^NanNh. Now the following conditions are crucial: (H5) dim Na < oo, and (/ - Q)(M) is closed. (H6) Semicoerciveness. There exists a c > 0 such that a(v,v)>c\\(I-P)v\\2 for all ue*. (H7) Compatibility condition. We have b(v)<0 for all v e Nan M. In applications to mechanics, this is a side condition for the external forces. Proposition 54.3. With the assumptions (//1)-(//6), the following assertions hold: (1) Equivalence. Problems (8) and (9) are mutually equivalent. (2) Uniqueness. If u, ux are two solutions of (8), then u— wx e Na. (3) Existence. (8) has a solution when M is bounded. If M is a cone, then (8) has a solution if and only if {HI) holds. Proof. (1) Compare Theorem 46.A in Section 46.1. (2) The addition of b{ux— u)<a{u,ux— u), &(w—Wj) <(((«!, w—Wj) yields 0>a(w-M1>M-M1)>c||(/-P)(w -«i)||2. (3) We set def F(u) = 2~1a(u,u)-b(u) and del del del S = I-Q, T = P-Q, U = I-P. Then the orthogonal decomposition holds: S(X) = T(X)®U(X). (10) T is an orthogonal projection operator on NaQ(Na n Nb). In order to solve
54.3. Semicoercive Variational Inequalities 555 (8), by assertion (1), it suffices to find a solution of minF(«) = a. (11) uSM def Let (un) be a minimal sequence of (11), i.e., F(un)-* a, and let vn = Sun. (I) We show: If (vn) is bounded, then (11) possesses a solution. After possibly passing to a subsequence, vn-*v as n -* oo. From vn^S(M) and the fact that S(M) is closed and convex, it follows that v eS(M); therefore, vSu holds. Na = N(A) in Problem 54.2 yields F(z) = F(Sz) for all z e X Due to the weak lower semicontinuity of F, we obtain F(w) = F(i;)< lim F(vn)" lim F(w„) = a; therefore, F(w)= a. (II) We show that (vn) is bounded. This is trivial when M is bounded. Thus, let M now be a cone. It is assumed that (vn) is unbounded. Then, def after possibly passing to a subsequence, ||i;n||-^oo. We set wn = anlun, def a„ = ||i>„||. Then Swn = a„ \ and ||5w„|| =1. Semicoerciveness (H6) yields c\\Uun\\2<a(un,un) = 2F(un) + 2b(v„). (12) Observe that b{un) = b(vn) because b(Qz) = 0 for all z e X From (12) and S = r+t/it follows that ca2||t/iv„||2 ^: constant + 2||ft||a„, (12a) 2-^11^11^0^(^)+6(7^) + 6(1/%). (12b) (12a) shows that Uw„ ~^> 0 as n -»oo since an ~^> + oo. Below we shall prove: For a subsequence {wn,) we have Twn, -»z, where 6(z) < 0. (13) Then the desired contradiction is obtained from (12b), for the right-hand side in (12b) tends to the negative value 6(z). (Ill) Proof of (13). From (10) it follows that l = l|5wj|2 = ||rw„||2 + ||t/wj|2; therefore, ||rwn|| -* 1 as n -* oo. Since Twn e Na and dim Na<oo, there exists a subsequence (wn,) such that Twn, ~^> z and ||z|| =1. From wn, e M, Swn, = rw„- + Uw„,, and the fact that S(M) is closed, it follows that zeS(Jlf), i.e., z=(/-g)w for aweM; thus, 6(z) = 6(w). Since /?(T) c JVa and dimiVa < oo, we have z e Na; thus, w = (w - z)+ z = Qiv + z e JVa) i.e., we NanM. The compatibility condition (H7) yields b(w)<0.
556 54. Elliptic Variational Inequalities We will show6(z)<0. If we had b{z) = Q, then b(w) = 0, i.e., weJVan Nb; consequently, Qw=w, z = 0, in contradiction to ||z||=l. (13) is thus proven. (IV) (H7) is necessary for a solution of (8) for a cone M. Let u in M be a solution of (8), i.e., b(v — u)<a(u,v — u) forallyeM. Furthermore, let w e.NaC\M. Since Na = N(A), a(u,w) = 0 by Problem 54.2. From tw e M, for all t ^ 0, it follows that tb(w) — b(u)<a(u,tw — u)=—a(u,u). As t -* +oo, we obtain 6(w)<0. D 54.4. Variational Inequalities and Control Problems We consider the control problem F(z,«) = min!, u&V, z&Z, (14) Az = Bu + /, with the state quantity z and the control quantity u. A frequently used method for reducing control problems to purely minimum problems consists of introducing the set X of all admissible (z, u), i.e., def X= {(z,u)(=ZxU: Az = Bu + f,z<=D(A),ueV}. Then (14) passes to the equivalent problem i7(z,M) = min!, {z,u)&X. (15) The whole apparatus we have developed for minimum problems can now be applied to this problem. A frequently used trick consists of introducing an adjoint state p that simplifies the variational inequality resulting from (15): (Fz(z,u),y-z) + (Fu(z,u),v-u)>0 for all (y, v) e X. (16) As we shall see, we then obtain A*p='FI(z,u), (17a) (B*p + Fu(z,u),u-v)<0 for all i; e PF. (17b) Here, W is the set of all control quantities v &V that correspond to a state z such that Az = Bv + f. The variational inequality (17b) is a simple form of
54.4. Variational Inequalities and Control Problems 557 Pontrjagin's maximum principle; for, the expression appearing on the left-hand side in (17b) takes on its maximum for v = u. Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) Z, Y, and U are real reflexive B-spaces. V is a closed convex subset of U. Here, V describes the control restrictions. (H2) B: U -* Y is linear and continuous, and A: D(A) c Z -* Y is linear and closed, with D{A)= Z and closed range R(A) (cf. Ax(39)). (H3) / is a fixed element in Y and X # 0. (H4) F: Z X t/ -* R is convex and lower semicontinuous. Theorem 54.B. W/f/i the assumptions (//1)-(/M), the following two assertions hold: (1) Existence and uniqueness. (14) /ias a solution (z,u) provided X is bounded or F(z,u)-* +oo as ||z||+||w||->oo, (z,ii)eX The solution is unique when F is strictly convex on X. (2) Characterization of the solution. If, in addition, F is F-differentiable on ZXU, then (z,u) is a solution of (14) if and only if there exists a p satisfying (17a) and (176) holds. This theorem permits numerous applications to control problems, where linear differential or integral equations correspond to the control equation Az = Bu + f. Proof. (1) X is closed and convex according to (H2). Section 38.5 yields (1). (2) According to Theorem 46.A, (z, u) is a solution of (15) if and only if (16) holds. For v — u,y = z + w, weN(A), it follows from (16) that <Fz(z,h),w> = 0 ioTaWw^N(A). SinccR(A*) = XN(A) by Aj^), then A* p = Fz(z, u) has a solution/?. Now (17b) follows directly from (16). Observe that Ay- Az = Bv- Bu for (y, v) e x. Conversely, (16) follows from (17). D If the control equations Az = Bu + f are nonlinear, then, in an analogous way, we obtain existence propositions by solving the minimum problem with respect to F over X. Then we have to make use of structure propositions on X. Such propositions, in connection with the theory of monotone operators in application to parameter identification problems, can be found in Kluge (1979a, S) and Nurnberg (1979).
558 54. Elliptic Variational Inequalities 54.5. Application to Bilinear Forms As a special case of (14), we study the control problem 2-1[c(z - z0,z~ z0) + d(u, u)] = mini, (18a) u e V, z&Z, (18b) a(z,w) = b(u,w)+g(w) forallwSZ. In preparation for this, we also state: a(w, p) = c(z — zQ,w) forallweZ, (19) b(u — v,p) + d(u, u — v) <0 forallyeF, p is a fixed element in Z. Proposition 54.4. The control problem (IS) possesses a solution (u, z), and this solution is characterized by (186) and (19), provided the following assumptions are fulfilled: (i) Z and U are real separable H-spaces. V is a closed, convex, bounded, and nonempty subset of U. (ii) The bilinear forms a,c: Z X Z-*U, b: UxZ-*U, and d: U XU^>U are bounded. Furthermore, a is strongly positive, and c and d are positive and symmetric. (Hi) zQ&Z, g&Z* are fixed. The solution is unique when c or d is strictly positive. The characterization of the solutions is to be understood in the following sense. If u, z is a solution of (18), then there exists a p in Z for which (18b) and (19) hold. Conversely, if one has &p in Z such that (18b) and (19) hold, then u, z is a solution of (18). Proof. For (18b), the representation formulas in Section 21.5 yield the equation Az = Bu + f with a(z,w) = (Az,w), b{u,w) = (Bu,w), (f,w) = g(w). A: Z-* Z* is strongly monotone; therefore R(A) = Z* by Theorem 26.A in Section 26.2, and A-1 exists. Then the assertion follows from Theorem 54.B in Section 54.4 with Y=Z*. O The following corollary also follows immediately from Theorem 54.B. Corollary 54.5. (18) has exactly one solution (u,z), and this solution is characterized by (186), (19) provided (i)-(iii) hold with the following modifications: (a) V is not necessarily bounded. (b) d(-,) is strongly positive.
54.6. Application to Control Problems with Elliptic Differential Equations 559 54.6. Application to Control Problems with Elliptic Differential Equations In Chapter 22 we discussed in detail how one formulates generalized boundary value problems for elliptic differential equations with the aid of equations for bilinear forms. An abundance of examples can be obtained thereby from Section 54.5. As a simple problem, we consider 2 1f(z-z0) dx = min\, JG G: -Az = h; dG:z = 0, " u&V, ~z<=W}(G). (20a) (20b) In addition, we state G: -Ap = z-zQ; dG:p = Q, (21) ( p(u-v)dx<0 forallveK, JG p^W2l(G). Problem (20) has the following simple physical interpretation. Let z be the steady temperature distribution in a region G, and let u be an external heat source. Suppose u varies over a set V and is to be so determined that z arbitrarily closely approaches a desired temperature distribution z0 in the sense of root mean square. The assumptions read as follows: (HI) G is a bounded region inUN, N>:1. (H2) Fis a convex closed bounded nonempty subset of L2(G). (H3) z0 <^W2\G) is given and fixed. We think of the boundary value problems (20b) and (21) as in Section 22.2 in the generalized sense, i.e., (20b) means a(z,w) = b(u,w) for all w <=W2l(G), where N a(z,w)=l ]£ DtzDtwdx, b(u,w)= i uwdx. •'g,==1 Jg The following proposition now follows directly from Proposition 54.4 and Section 22.2 with U=L2{G), Z=W2\G). Proposition 54.6. If(Hl)-(H3) hold, then (20) has exactly one solution (u, z) and this solution is characterized by (20b), (21).
560 54. Elliptic Variational Inequalities 54.7. Semigroups and Control of Evolution Equations We consider fT[(z(t)\z(t)) + (u(t)\u(t))] dt = min\, (22a) ueL2(0,T;U), z<=L2(0,T;Z), z'(t) = Az(t) + Bu(t), 0<t^T (22b) z(0) = z0. This problem is called a linear regulator problem. It is frequently employed in engineering as an approximation for more complicated nonlinear control problems. The solution of this problem is based on p'(t) = -A*p(t)-z(t), p(T) = 0, (22c) z'(t) = Az(t)-BB*p(t), z(0) = z0, u(t) = -B*p(t) for all t, 0 < t < T. Here, u is the control quantity and z is the state quantity. We interpret t as time. We call p the adjoint state. The introduction of p essentially simplifies the characterization of the solution. Also, in order to be able to handle the control equation (22b) easily, to which correspond unbounded operators A and thus, say, parabolic differential equations, we write (22b) in the form z(t) = S(t)z0+ f's(t-s)Bu(s)ds (22b*) Jo and (22c) in the form p(t) = fTS*(s - t)z(s) ds, (22c*) z(t) = S(t)z0 - f's(t -s)B*p(s) ds, Jo u(t) = -B*p(t) for all t, 0 < t < T. In this connection, compare this with Example 54.7 below. Our assumptions read as follows: (HI) Z and U are real H-spaces. The fixed end time T, 0 < T< oo, and the initial state z0eZ are given. (H2) B: U -* Z is linear and bounded. (H3) {S(t): t>0} is a linear continuous semigroup, i.e., S(t): Z-> Z is linear and continuous for each t > 0, S(t + s) = S(t)S(s) for all t,s >0, 5(0) = 1 and S(t)z-* z as t -* + 0 for all z (= X.
54.8. Application to the Synthesis Problem for Linear Regulators 561 We denote the corresponding adjoint operators by A*:D(A*)QZ^Z, S*(t):Z^Z, B*:Z^U. Thus for the sake of simplicity, we forego the notation S*\ etc., given in the List of Symbols to distinguish between dual and adjoint operators. Theorem 54.C. If (Hl)-(m) hold, then the control problem (22a), (22b*) has exactly one solution which is characterized by (22c*). Proof. We make use of some elementary properties of semigroups which can be found, e.g., in Balakrishnan (1975, M), Chapter 4. The situation when the special case of Example 54.7 below occurs is particularly intuitive. def del Let X= L2(0, T; Z) and Y= L2(0, T; U). We write (22b*) briefly in the form z = Mz0 + Lu. (23) L: Y -* X is linear and continuous. Now the following minimum problem results from (22a): def Q(u) = (Mz0 + Lu\Mz0 + Lu) + (u\u) = mm\, ueY. A short calculation yields Q(v)-Q(u) = ((I + L*L)(v- u)\(v- u)) forall v^Y, where def _, u= -(I+L*L) 1L*Mz0. Since I + L*L is strongly positive, the inverse operator exists. Therefore, this u is the unique solution of the minimum problem. For u we have u + L*(Lu + MzQ) = 0; (24) therefore, u = - L*z because of (23). If we define p(t)= (TS*(s-t)z(s)ds, •'t then n= - L*z = - B*p (cf. Problem 54.6), and we obtain (22c*). D 54.8. Application to the Synthesis Problem for Linear Regulators We consider two typical examples for Theorem 54.C. Example 54.7 (Bounded A and the Synthesis Problem). HA: Z -> Z is a def continuous linear operator, then we can choose S(t) = expk4 and (22b) and (22c) are equivalent to (22b*) and (22c*), respectively, as one can easily
562 54. Elliptic Variational Inequalities verify. This situation occurs, e.g., in the case where Z — W, U=Um. Then the control equations (22b) are systems of ordinary differential equations. A and B are matrices. In addition, we will explain how one obtains the feedback control that is important in engineering for optimal control (solution of the synthesis problem). To this end, we write u(t) = -B*P(t)z(t) (25) with the corresponding so-called Riccati equation P'{t) = - I - A*P(t)- P(t)A + P(t)BB*P(t), P(r)=0. (26) We assert: If P() is a continuously differentiable solution of (26) on [0, T], then one obtains the optimal control u( ■) from z'(t) = Az(t)-BB*P(t)z(t), z(0) = z0 and (25). The proof is very simple. We set p(t) = P(t)z(t). Then the product rule yields (22c) and the assertion follows from Theorem 54.C. It is remarkable that P(t) satisfies the nonlinear equation (26). This nonlinearity occurs because the objective functional in (22a) is quadratic. In general, it is a nontrivial problem to solve the Riccati equation (26). In Problem 54.11 we give some hints for this existence problem. Example 54.8 (Unbounded A). Let A: D(A)<zZ^>Z be a linear operator, let — A be monotone, and let R(I~ A)= Z. According to Theorem 31.A in Section 31.1, the operator A generates a continuous linear semigroup {S(t)\ t^.0}. Then one can think of (22b*) and (22c*) as generalized formulations of (22b) and (22c), respectively. To solve the synthesis problem, one must write the Riccati equation (26) in the generalized form. This, together with existence propositions for the Riccati equation, can be found in Balakrishnan (1975, M), 5.2. 54.9. Application to Control Problems with Parabolic Differential Equations We consider jTlj[z(x,t)2+u(x,t)2] dx)dt = mini (27) with the boundary-initial-value problem z,(x,t) = £iz(x,t) + u(x,t) on(7x]0, T], (28) z(x,t) = 0 ondGx[0,T], z(x,0) = z0(x) on G
Problems 563 as control equation. Let G be a bounded region in IR N. In order to write (28) in the generalized form in the style z'(t) = Az(t) + u(t), z(0) = z0, (29) . def we set Z-~L2(G) and define B = - A, D(B) = C0°°(G). According to Section 31.4, B has a self-adjoint extension BF in Z (Friedrichs' extension). Finally, we now set A = — BF. Again, by Section 31.4, the situation of Example 54.8 is at hand and we can apply the results of Section 54.7 with U= L2(G). Then, in place of (29), the integral equation (22b*) occurs. This is a generalization of (28) and (29) as well. Problems 54.1. Proof of the results in Section 54.2. Solution: By Section 21.5, there exists an operator A: X -* X* which is linear and strongly positive. Now use Theorem 54.A. 54.2. A special subspace. Show: Na in Section 54.3 is a closed linear subspace. Solution: According to Section 21.5, there exists a continuous positive self-adjoint linear operator A: X-*X such that a(u,v) = (Au\v) for all u, v e. X. The operator A has a square root Al/2; thus, a(u,u) = (A1/2u\A1/2u). From this it easily follows that Na = N(A). 54.3. Complementarity problem. Let F: U^ -> RN be given. We seek auGRj" such that (F(u)\u) = 0, F(«)eR*. (30) Show that for u e R £: u is a solution of (30) «• (F(u)\v - u) > 0 for all v e R1. Hint: Compare Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M), page 17. Generalize this proposition to B-spaces and formulate the corresponding existence propositions. Compare Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M), pages 127,168. For the connection between the complementarity problem and numerous problems of linear and nonlinear optimization theory, the reader is referred to Karamardian (1969) and Gftpfert (1973, M). 54.4.* Obstacle problem and regularity. We consider f [l~lu'2-uf] dt = mini, ueK, where def o , K= {u<=wl(0,l): u> gon]0,l]}. The functions/ e L2(0,1) and g e W2l(0,1) are given. Furthermore, let g(0), g(l) < 0, and suppose we are given an xq e [0,1] such that g(x0) > 0. Moreover, let K ¥= 0.
5-y. i.uiptic Vaiiauuual Inetj uaii uC'S o 1 Figure 54.1 This problem allows the following interpretation: u{x) is the displacement at x of a string which is fastened at the boundaries, g describes an obstacle (see Fig. 54.1). Show: There exists exactly one solution. Formulate the corresponding variational inequality and prove that u(x) > g(x) implies the continuity of u' at x. Hint: Compare Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M), page 47. There one also finds detailed considerations concerning generalizations to R N. * General semicoercive problems. Let M be a closed convex set in the real reflexive B-space X, with 0 e M. We consider the variational inequality (b-Au,v-u)<0 forallyeM. (31) Let A: X -» X* be pseudomonotone, demicontinuous, and semicoercive, i.e., (Au, u) > c[p(u)\q forallueX, where c> 0, q > 1 are fixed. Here, p is a seminorm on X. Let X be compactly embedded in a real B-space Y, wherep()+||||yis an equivalent norm on X. Furthermore, let def N= {u<=X:p(u) = 0}. Show: (i) If M n N is bounded, then (31) has a solution u e M for each b e X*. (ii) If Mr\N is unbounded, then (31) has a solution ue M provided b e X* and (ft, y) < 0 for all y e M n AT with v * 0. Hint: Compare Hess (1974). There one also finds generalizations and applications. The idea for the proof consists of reducing the problem to the coercive case. 6. The operator L*. Show that L*: X-*Y does in fact have the form given in the proof of Theorem 54.C. Solution: Let *(')= ('S(t - s)Bu(s) ds = (Lu)(t), Jo y(t) = B* (TS*(s-t)w(s)ds. It must be shown that L*w = y, i.e., (T{z{t)\w{t))dt~lT{u{t)\y{t))dt. (32) 'n •'n
trooiems 5M First, we consider the situation of Example 54.7; thus, S(t) = exp tA. Then: z'(t) = Az(t)+Bu(t), y'{t)^-B*A*y{t)-w{t). (33) Now (32) follows first for B = I by the integration of (z(t)\y(t))'=(u(t)\y(t))-(z(t)\w(t)), taking into account that z(0) = y(T) = 0. For B ¥= I, one obtains (32) by replacing u with Bu. In the general case, one first uses polynomials for u,w. Then (33) holds, where A is the infinitesimal generator of the semigroup (cf. Balakrishnan (1975, M), 4.8). Now, (32) follows from this as above. For general u, w, one uses a passage to the limit in (32). 54.7. Needle variations and control problems for partial differential equations and integral equations. In this connection, study Butkovskii (1965, M), Chapter 1, Section 2 and Lurje (1965,M), Chapter 1, Section 7. There the Pontrjagin maximum principle is derived in an elementary way with the aid of the method of so-called needle variations described in Section 37.23. In this connection, also study Bittner (1975) and von Wolfersdorf (1976) (nonlinear integral equations). In von Wolfersdorf (1975) a maximum principle is formulated for a class of heating processes. In this connection, the semilinear parabolic differential equations are reduced to nonlinear integral equations by means of Green's functions. 54.8.* Control problems for linear elliptic, parabolic, and hyperbolic differential equations with quadratic objective functional. In this connection, study Lions (1971, M). There one finds numerous examples. The simple general strategy consists of using the Hilbert-space methods presented in Chapters 22-24, eliminating the state quantities, and simplifying the variational inequalities that arise by introducing adjoint states. For time-dependent problems one also uses the formula for integration by parts with respect to time. 54.9.* Semigroups and control problems. In this connection, study Balakrishnan (1975, M). There one can also find the investigation of control problems in which stochastic differential equations appear. 54.10.* Duality between the linear regulator problem and the Kalman-Bucy filter. As we have already explained in Section 37.25, the Kalman-Bucy filter plays an important role in the filtering of nonstationary stochastic processes. The duality referred to in this problem heading is exploited to reduce the investigation of the Kalman-Bucy filter to the linear regulator problem. For this, study Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), pages 133-141 and Astrom (1970, M), page 242. 54.11.* Dynamic optimization and the linear regulator problem. An advantage of dynamic optimization is that it allows one to formulate sufficiency criteria. In this connection, study Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), pages 88, 165. There, these sufficiency criteria are used in order to determine optimal controls for deterministic and stochastic linear regulators. Linear regulators have diversified technical applications. For this, study Lee and Markus (1967, M) and Astrom (1970, M), as well as the literature
566 54. Elliptic Variational Inequalities given in the references to the literature in Chapter 48 under the caption "Linear systems." 54.12.* Solution of the Riccati equation and the synthesis problem. Give conditions that guarantee the existence of solutions of the Riccati equation (26). According to Example 54.7, knowledge of these solutions is basic to the solution of the synthesis problem. Hint: Compare Fleming and Rishel (1975, M), page 89 (the case of UN), Lions (1971, M), Chapter 3, 4.3, and Balakrishnan (1975, M). Additional references to the literature can be found in Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M), page 299. 54.13.* Linear regulators, Bellman's equation, dynamic optimization, synthesis problem, Riccati equation, stopping time problems, quasivariational inequality of Bensoussan and Lions, and impulse control. As an introduction to this series of problems, study Aubin (1979, M), pages 500-520. There applications to economics are also pointed out. The theory of quasivariational inequalities arose in connection with these questions. The Bensoussan-Lions quasivariational inequality is intimately connected with the Bellman equation, which in turn is a generalization of the Hamilton-Jacobi differential equation. In addition, for stochastic control theory, study Friedman (1979, S), von Moerbeke (1974, S), (1976), Bensoussan and Lions (1978, M), and Bensoussan (1982, M). 54.14.* Control problems with partial differential equations and engineering applications. In this connection, study Butkovskii (1965, M), (1975, M) and Lurje (1975, M). References to the Literature Classical works: Compare Section 37.7. Introduction: Lions (1971, M); Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M). General presentations: Browder (1966), (1968/76, M); Lions (1969, M); Duvaut and Lions (1972, M); Mosco (1973, S), (1976, S); Ekeland and Temam (1974, M); Barbu (1976, M); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M); Pascali and Sburlan (1978, M); Kluge (1979, M); Aubin (1979, M). Semicoercive problems: Fichera (1964), (1973); Hess (1974); Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M). Applications: Fichera (1973, S); Duvaut and Lions (1972, M); Baiocchi and Capelo (1978, M); De Giorgi (1978, P); Groger (1979, S); Aubin (1979, M); Kinderlehrer and Stampacchia (1980, M); Hlavacek and Necas (1981, M); Friedman (1982, M). Approximation methods: Mosco (1973, S); Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M,B); Glowinski (1980, L). Parabolic differential equations and the bang-bang principle: Glashoff (1976), (1977).
References 567 Stochastic differential equations, stochastic optimization, and variational inequalities: von Moerbeke (1974, S), (1976); Friedman (1975, M), (1979, S); Bensoussan and Lions (1978, M); Bensoussan (1982, M) (recommended as an introduction). Control with partial differential equations and integral equations. Introduction: Butkovskii (1965, M), (1975, M); Ahmed and Teo (1981, M,B). Hilbert space methods: Lions (1971, M) (standard work). Survey articles: Wang (1964, S); Butkovskii, Egorov, and Lurje (1968, S); Robinson (1971, S); Lions (1976, S), (1977, S), (1980, S). Monographs especially emphasizing engineering applications: Butkovskii (1965, M), (1975, M); Lurje (1975, M); Sirazetdinov (1977, M) (aerodynamics); Egorov (1978, M) (nuclear reactors); Ray and Lainiotis (1978, M). Conference reports on applications: Anger (1979, P); Tzafestas (1980, P); IFIP conferences (1978, P), (1978a, P), (1979, P). Selected works and monographs: Beckert (1972), (1977) (control of stability of elastic systems); Warga (1972, M) (generalized solutions, relaxed control); Bittner (1975); Balakrishnan (1975, M) (application of semigroups); von Wolfersdorf (1975), (1975a), (1976); Seidman (1977); Goebel and von Wolfersdorf (1978); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M); Walker (1980, M); Lions, Jr. (1982, L); Lions (1983, M). (Also, cf. the references to the literature in Chapter 48 on existence theory.)
CHAPTER 55 Evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order in H-Spaces I have hardly ever known a mathematician who was able to reason. Plato, 370 B.C. A great science is mathematics, but mathematicians are often only blockheads. Georg Christoph Lichtenberg, 1799 I had a feeling about Mathematics—that I saw it all. Depth beyond Depth was revealed to me—the Byss and the Abyss. I saw as one might see the transit of Venus or even the Lord Mayor's Show—a quantity passing through infinity and changing its sign from plus to minus. I saw exactly how it happened and why the tergiversation was inevitable—but it was after dinner and I let it go. Winston S. Churchill (1874-1965) In this chapter we generalize the results of Chapter 31 to problems of the form u'(t) + Au(t)-uu(t)Bb(t), 0<t<T, "(°) = "o in an H-space. In this connection we use the results that we established in Chapter 23 (generalized derivatives and evolution triples) and Chapter 32 (maximal monotone operators). As an important methodological tool, we make use of the Yosida approximation. In Chapter 66 we shall consider applications to plasticity theory. 568
55.1. ine Resolvent ot Maximal monotone operators 56. 55.1. The Resolvent of Maximal Monotone Operators For the multivalued operator A: H -*2H, we consider the equation b&u + pAu, u<=H (1) clef for fixed n > 0. We define the resolvent of A by Rfl = (I + [iA) , which always exists as a multivalued operator. We now explain the fundamental connection between the monotonicity of A and the accretiveness of R^. Proposition 55.1. Let A: H->2H be a multivalued operator on the real H-space H. Then the following hold: (A) The following properties are equivalent: (/) A is monotone, (ii) A is accretive, i.e., R is single valued and nonexpansive for all n>0. (B) The following properties are equivalent: (a) A is maximal monotone. (b) A is monotone and R(I + A) = H. (c) A is m-accretive, i.e., A is accretive and R^ exists for every n>Q on H. In particular, it follows from (B) that (1) has a solution for each b&H provided A is maximal monotone. Proof. (A) We write the identity \Wi-u2+ii,{vl-v2)\\2 (2) = 11¾ - M2||2 -+-2^(^ - «2^1- ^) + ^11^1 - ^ll2- If A is monotone, then (v1 — v2\u1 — u2)>0 for all (^,^),(^2,¾) e^i (3) therefore, ll"i — "2II ^ ll"i — "2 -+-^(^1 — ^2)11 (4) for all (ut, Vj) e A. Thus, (ii) holds. Conversely, (3) follows from (2) and (4). (B) (a) => (b) This is a special case of Theorem 32.A. (b) => (a) If A is not maximal monotone, then there exists a («', v') <£ A such that (v-v'\u-u')>0 forall(n,i;)e/l. (5) Since R(I + A) = H, there exists a (u,v)&A such that u + v=u'+v'; therefore, u'=u,v'=v by (5), in contradiction to («', v') <$. A. (a) *» (c) Observe that if A is maximal monotone, then so is \iA for \i > 0. D
570 55. Evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order in H-Spaces 55.2. The Nonlinear Yosida Approximation Let A: H -* 2" be a maximal monotone operator in the real H-space H. For all \i, > 0 we define the Yosida approximation A by Furthermore, for \i = 0 and u e D(A), we set: def A0u = the element with smallest norm in Au. This convention is meaningful because, for each u e D(A), the set Au is convex, closed, and nonempty. Otherwise, one could easily construct a proper monotone extension of A. By Section 46.4, A0u is uniquely determined. For \i >. 0, the mapping A^. D(A)l) c H -* H is single-valued with £>(^0) = I>(y4) and £)(^) = //^ for ju, > 0. In the sequel, t and | mean monotone convergence. Proposition 55.2. For all \i,\>Q and u,v<^H, we have: (a) A^uG ARyU. (c) A^ is maximal monotone. (<0(/iA)„-/iA+r Corollary 55.3. For all u^D(A), A^u^AoU, ||4,«||T||/<0«|| for ii 10 (6) and ||^«-^0«||2<|M0«||2-||VH2 for all fi>0. (7) For u^ D(A),\\Allu\\'\ oo as n J,0. For u <=D(A), R^u -> w as jw -> +0. We treat the proofs in Problems 55.1 and 55.2. 55.3. The Main Theorem for Inhomogeneous Problems As a generalization of Chapter 31, we study the inhomogeneous problem u'(t) + Au(t)-uu(t)3b(t), (8) "(°) = "o for almost all t e ]0, T[, where T is fixed, 0 < T < oo.
55.3. The Main Theorem for Inhomogeneous Problems 571 Theorem 55.A. For fixed given quantities u0eD(A), beW^(0,T;H), toeR, problem (8) has exactly one solution u e W^iQ, T; H) provided A: H -» 2H is a maximal monotone operator on the real separable H-space H. Corollary 55.4. Moreover, the solution u is Lipschitz continuous and u'(t) exists for almost all t e ]0, T[ in the sense of the classical derivative as the limit of the difference quotient, i.e., u' e L^O, T; H). Here, u e W^(0, T; H) means u, u' e L2(0, T; H)(cf. Section 23.5). The space W^iO, T'< H) corresponds to the Sobolev space ^(0. T\ V, H) in Section 23.6 with V=H. Proof. The proof proceeds with the aid of the results of Sections 55.1 and 55.2 in a way parallel to the proof of Theorem 31.A in Section 31.1. Instead of (8), one first considers the regularized problems ";(0 + 4,M0-«"„(0-&(0. "„(0) = «0. (9) where p > 0. By assumption, b is continuous on [0, T], The operator A^ is Lipschitz continuous. Now, (9) is solved as in Section 31.2. It is only to obtain the a priori estimate ||m;(0H<C for all n > 0, (e[0J] (10) that we need an additional trick. To this end, we differentiate (9) again; thus, w;{t)+g'll{t)-wu'll{t) = b'{t) (li) def for almost all t, where gM(f) = A^uit). All the derivatives in (11) exist. From the monotonicity of A^ it follows that (.*„«„(*+ A)-.4„«„(0|«/l(r +A)-«„(0)^0; thus, (g;(0K(0) ^ 0. Therefore, (11) yields (<(0l«;(0)* {b'(t)K(t))+\4u;(t)\u;(t)) *ll&'(0llll«;(0ll+MIK(0ll2 ^-^'(Of+^ + M)!!";^)!!2- Integration by parts yields K(0ll2-11«; (o)||2 -2/'( u';(s)\u;(s))ds s||&||2+(i+2m)/'ik(j)||2<&,
j/2 55. evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order in H-Spaces where Y= )^(0, T; H). The Gronwall lemma from Section 3.5 assures that ||«;(OH2<(constant)(||«; (0)||2 + \\b\\\). Since u;(0) = -Allu0 + ou0 + b(0) and ||i4 n0|| < ||i40«0||, it follows from the above that (10) holds. D 55.4. Application to Quadratic Evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order We consider the following problem for «(•): (u'(t)\v-u(t))H + a(u(t),v-u(t)) (12a) -(b(t),v-u(t))v + <p(v)><p(u(t)) for all v e V and almost all t e [0, T], where Tis fixed, 0 < T< oo, and with the initial condition k(0) = k0. (12b) Furthermore, let <p(u(t)) < oo for almost all t e [0, T). Proposition 55.5. Problem (12) has exactly one solution u e ^(0, T; /f) provided the following four conditions are satisfied: (i) H is a real separable H-space and "Kci/cP" is an evolution triple, (ii) The bilinear form a: V X V-* U is bounded, and there exist real numbers 03 and jS > 0 such that a(v,v) + u$v\\2H>P\\v\\l forallv&V. (Hi) y: V-* ]— oo, oo] is convex and lower semicontinuous, <p =£ + oo. (iv) b e W^iO, T; H) and u0&V are given and have the property that <p(u0) < +00 and a(u0,v-u0) + <p(v)><p(u0) + (g\v-u0)H (13) for all »eF with fixed g&H. Example 55.6. If M is a closed convex nonempty set in V and <p = Xm> i-e-> <p(v) = 0 for vg.M and <p(v) = + oo for v€ M, then (iii) holds and (12a) passes to the following problem: We seek a u such that u(t) e M for almost all t e [0, T] with («'(01^- u(t))H + a(u(t),v- u(t))-(b(t),v- u(t))v>0 for all veM.
Problems DM Proof of Proposition 55.5. By (ii), there exists a linear continuous strongly positive operator A: V-^V* such that (Au~ uu,v)v = a(u,v) for all u,v^V. clef In this connection, consider ax(u, v) = a(u, v) + u(u\v)H. Now, (12a) reads as follows: <- u'(t)-Au(t) + uu(t)+b(t),v- u(t))v + <p(u(t))<y(v) for all teK, i.e., u'(t) + Au(t)+d<p(u(t))-uu(f)Bb(t). We denote by B: H-* 2H the restriction of A + dy to H in the sense of Problem 55.4. We then obtain . u'(t) + Bu(t)-uu(t)3b(t). The fact that, by Problem 55.4, the mapping B is maximal monotone is crucial. (13) yields u0 e D(B) because g — Au0 + uu0 e dy(u0), i.e., {Au0 + d<p(uo)}r\H*0. Theorem 55.A in Section 55.3 yields the assertion. D Proposition 55.5 can be generalized directly to nonlinear operators with the aid of Problem 55.4. Problems 55.1. Proof of Proposition 55.2. Solution: (a) Observe that w = R^u => u e (/ + fiA)w => pA^u — u— w e fiAw. (b) By hypothesis, A is monotone. From (a) it follows that for all ^ > 0: (A^u-A^RpU -R^iiO for all u,veH. Thus: WA^u - ApW \\u ~ v\\ >{A^u~ A^u-v) - (A»u ~ At"\vA».u ~ ^A^)+(ap.u ~ ApP\Rp.u - v) ZliWA^u-A^W2. (c) By the last chain of inequalities, A^ is monotone and continuous. Now Example 32.4 yields the assertion. (d) Use the definition of A^. 55.2. Proof of Corollary 55.3. Ad (6) Let ueD(A). The sequence (IM^mID is bounded as \i -»+ 0; for, it follows from the monotonicity of A and Proposition 55.2, (a) that (A0u~ A^u\u- R^u) >0 for all u eD(A).
574 55. Evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order in H-Spaces Since u - R^u — pA^u, we thus have IIVII2 ^ (Aou\V) ^ IMo"ll IIVII- V- > °> IIVII^IMo"!!. The sequence (H^ull) is monotonely increasing as p J,0; for, if we replace A^ by A^+x, then, because Ak+/l = (A^)^, we immediately obtain |Mx+flu||2 < (Aku\Ak+llu), \\Ak+llu\\ < \\Aku\\; therefore, IIV,"" VII2 < \\Aku\\2 - \\Ak + jlu\\\ (14) Consequently, (IM^wlD is convergent as uj,0. By (14), A^u-^y as nJ,0. From (z-A^v- /^u)> 0 forall (v,z)eA and u — R^u = pA^u -» 0, it follows that (z- y\v-u)>0 forall (y,z)e ^, i.e., ye.Au because of the maximal monotonicity of A. Furthermore, \\ApuW < \\AquW implies \\y\\ < ||/40u||; therefore, y = A0u by the definition of A0. Ad (7) Consequence of (14). The remaining assertions are obtained in an elementary way. Compare Brezis (1973, M), pages 27, 28. 55.3. Proof of Theorem 55.A. Carry out the proof completely with the aid of the hints given in Section 55.3. 55.4. Important methods for constructing maximal monotone operators. We set *f({Nu+d<p(u)}nH forueF, 10 forueff~F. Show: 5: H-+2H is maximal monotone when the following four conditions hold: (i) "Vc He V*" is an evolution triple, H is a real H-space. (ii) N: V-*V* is monotone, hemicontinuous, and bounded. (iii) <p: V-* ]-00,00] is convex and lower semicontinuous, where 9956+00. (iv) There exists a u0 e V such that d<p(u0) ¥= 0 and (NU, U — Un)v — » + 00 as ||tt||,,-»00. \\u\\v Solution: According to Theorem 47.F in Section 47.11, dip is maximal monotone. Theorem 32.A in Section 32.3 yields R(N + d<p) = V*. Let def Nxu = u + Nu for all u e V. Since <N1u>y)K = (u|y)w + <Nu,i;)|/, and by Section 23.4, (iv) holds with Nx instead of N. Theorem 32.A again
Problems 575 yields R(NX + d<p) = V*, i.e., R(I + 5)= //; thus, B is maximal monotone by Proposition 55.1. 55.5.* Regularization of junctionals. Let <p: //-» ]—00,00] be a convex lower semi- continuous functional on the real H-space H with <p 0 + 00. For X > 0, we set <P*(u)= min<p(y) + (2X) ||y-u||2. (15) v e // Show: (i) 9i>\(w) -> 95(«) as X -» +0 and for all u e //. (ii) 99^ is convex, lower semicontinuous, and F-differentiable for all X > 0. (iii) <p'x is the Yosida approximation of dip for all X > 0. Hint: Compare Brezis (1973-, M), page 39. An analogous assertion holds when // is a reflexive B-space and H and //* are strictly convex. Then, in (ii), F-differentiability is to be replaced by G-differentiability. Compare Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M), page 107. 55.6. A property of subdifferentials. Show. From d<p(u)= dip(u) on X it follows that <p{u)"^(u)H-constant on X provided: (a) X is a reflexive B-space. (b) The functionals 99,1^: X-* ] — 00,00] are convex and lower semicontinuous, where <p, <p * + 00. Solution: According to Problem 55.5, <p'x = \p'x; thus, 9»\( «) - >M «) = constant = yx( u0) -- if>( u0). Passing to the limit as X -» + 0 yields the assertion. The assumptions in Problem 55.5 can be fulfilled by transition to an equivalent norm in accordance with A 3 (29). 55.7. Example for the Yosida approximation. Let <p: U -»]-oo,oo] be a function such that w(u) = 0 for |u| < 1 and <p(u) = + 00 for |u| > 1. Determine <px as well as A = dip and Ax (cf. (15)). Solution: Compare Fig. 55.1. 55.8.* Galerkin method for evolution variational inequalities. In this connection, study Duvaut and Lions (1972, M). Figure 55.1
d76 55. Evolution Variational Inequalities of First Order in H-Spaces References to the Literature Lions (1969, M); Brezis (1972) (regularity of solutions), (1973, M,B,H); Barbu (1976, M,B); Browder and Brezis (1980).. Galerkin methods and applications to mechanics: Duvaut and Lions (1972, M); Naumann (1984, L). Applications to plasticity theory: Groger (1979, S); Hlavacek and Necas (1981, M). Numerical methods: Glowinski, Lions, and Tremolieres (1976, M). Yosida approximation: Brezis (1973, M) (H-spaces); Barbu and Precupanu (1978, M) (B-spaces).
CHAPTER 56 Evolution Variational Inequalities of Second Order in H-Spaces Mathematics contains much that will neither hurt one if one does not know it nor help one if one does know it. J. B. Mencken, 1715 The second-order equation u" + Nu' + Lu~b (1) can be transformed by means of the substitution u'=v into a first-order equation v'+Nv + LSv=b. This is the path we took in Chapters 32 and 33. However, (1) can also be changed into a first-order system u'=v, v'+Nv + Lu = b and then Theorem 55.A in Section 55.3 can be used. We apply this method in the present chapter, using tools from Chapter 23. 56.1. The Main Theorem We consider the equation for u: u"(t) + Nu'(t) + Au(t)-uu(t) 3 b(t) (2a) for almost all (e[0J], where T is fixed, 0<T<oo, with the initial conditions «(0)-«0, «'(0)-i;0 (2b) 577
578 56. Evolution Variational Inequalities of Second Order in H-Spaces under the following assumptions; (HI) H is a real separable H-space and 'Tc^cF*" is an evolution triple. (H2) N: V -* 2V* is maximal monotone. (H3) A: V-* V* is linear, continuous, symmetric, and strongly positive. (H4) b0, u0, v0, w are given with ueR and b(=W?(0,T;H), u0,v0eV, {Au0 +NvQ}nH *0. Theorem 56.A. If(HV)-(H4) hold, then (2) has exactly one solution such that ueC{[0,T];V), u'eL„(0,T;V)nC([0,T]iH), u" e L„(0,Ti H). We recommend that the reader independently carry out the proof using the idea mentioned in the introduction. In this connection, use the trick of identically adjoining terms with a parameter a and introduce a suitable inner product on the product space V X H with the aid of A. We shall give the proof in Problem 56.1. 56.2. Application to Quadratic Evolution Variational Inequalities of Second Order We study the following variational inequality for u: {u"(t)\v - u'(t))H + a(u(t),v - u'(t)) - (b{t),v - u'{t))v + <p{v)><p{u'{tj) (3a) for all v e V and almost all t e [0, T], where T is fixed, 0 < T < oo, with the initial conditions u(0) = u0, «'(0) = i;0. (3b) Furthermore, let <p(u'(t)) < oo for almost all t e [0, T), Proposition 56.1. Problem (3) has exactly one solution u with the properties given in Theorem 56. A provided the following four conditions hold: (i) H is a real separable H-space and "V c H c V* " is an evolution triple, (ii) a; V X V-* R is bilinear, symmetric, and bounded, and there exist real numbers w and /? > 0 such that a(v,v) + u\\v\\2H>P\\v\\2v forallv^V. (Hi) <p: V-* ] — oo, oo] is convex lower semicontinuous and (p & + oo.
Problems 579 (iv) b e W2X(Q, T; H), and u0, vQ&V are given such that <p(vQ) < oo and a(u0,v-v0) + <p(v)><p(v0) + (g\v~v0)H (4) for all v eV and fixed g^H. The proof proceeds analogously to Section 55.4. We shall give the proof in Problem 56.2. Problems 56.1. Proof of Theorem 56./4. Solution: We write (2) iiuthe form u' + [au — v\ — au — 0, (5a) v' + [Au- uu + Nv + av] — av3 b, u(0) = u0, v(0) = v0. (5b) In this connection, we forego giving the argument t in (5a). We shall dispose of a later. We write (5) in the form U'(t)+BU(t)-aU(t)3F(t), (6) U(0) = (uQ,vQ), where U = (u, v), F = (0, b), and BU^ (au — v, Au — uu + Nv + av), <*4 , D(B) = {(u,v)eX: {Au + Nv}r\H*0} def as well as X = V X H. Then X becomes an H-space with the inner product (Ux\U2) = {Au1,u1)v + (vl\v1) „■ Note that because of (H3), (Aul,u1)v generates an equivalent inner product on V. We now verify the assumptions of Theorem 55.A in Section 55.3. (I) B: X-*2X is monotone for a suitable choice of o; for, a short calculation shows that, for Uv U2 e D(B), we have: A = (BUX - BU2\UX - U2) = «111/! - U2\\\ -«(«!- U2\vx -V2)H + (Nvl - Nv2,Vx ~ V2)v. Take into account that {x,y)v = (x\y)H for y e V, x e H by Section 23.5 and Vj e Vbecause Vi eD(B), as well as the symmetry of A. To simplify the notation, let Nvt denote an element of the set Nv,-. Now, for sufficiently large a, A > 0 follows from the monotonicity of N and from |( «! - u2\vx -v2)H\< 2^(11^ - u2fH + \\vx - v2\\2H) < C{\\ux - u2\\l + \\0l - v2\\2„) <; CX\\UX - U2\\2X.
580 56. Evolution Variational Inequalities of Second Order in H-Spaces (II) B is maximal monotone. According to Proposition 55.1, we have to show that R{I+B)^X. The equation (I + B)U3 W with W e X, W= (w,z) means u + (au— v) = w, (7a) v + (Au- uu + Nv + av)3 z (7b) for fixed (w, z) e F X H; therefore, u = (1 + a)"1(w + v) and Bxv + Nv3 z-(l + a)~\Aw- aw), (8) def where Bxv = (1 + a)v +(1 + ot)-1(/4i> - ud). By (H3) the operator Bx: K-> V* is linear, continuous, and strongly positive for sufficiently large o. According to Theorem 32.A, R(BX + N) = V, i.e., (8) has a solution v e K, and (7b) shows that (7= (u, y) eD(B). (III) By assumption, U0 - (u0, y0) e I>(5). Furthermore, from ft e ^'(0, T; /7) it follows that F e W\{0, T; X). Now Theorem 56.A follows from Theorem 55.A and Corollary 55.2. Accordingly, (6) has exactly one solution U such that UeC([0,T];X), U'e Lx(0,T; X). Observe that such a solution always lies in 0-^(0, T; X). Since X=VXH, this means that ueC([0,T];V), v <=C([0,T]; H), u'£Lx(0,T;V), v'<ELx(0,T;H). Now take into consideration that u'= v. 56.2. Proof of Proposition 56.1. Solution: Parallel to Section 55.4, from (3a), taking Section 23.5 into account, we have the relation {-u"(t)-Au(t) + uu(t) + b(t),v-u'(t))v + y(u'{ t))<<p(v) forallyeF, i.e., u"(t)+ 9<p( «'(')) + Au(t)-uu(t)=>b(t). By virtue of Theorem 47.F in Section 47.11, the mapping d<p: V-* 2V* is maximal monotone. Now Theorem 56.A with N = d<p yields the assertion. Note that condition (4) asserts that g - Au0 + uu0 e d<p(v0), i.e., {Au0 + Nv0}n H*0 . 56.3.* Regularity of solutions. In this connection, study the fundamental work of Brfeis (1972). References to the Literature Lions (1969, M); Brezis (1972); Barbu (1976, M) (cf., also, the references to the literature in Chapters 54 and 55).
CHAPTER 57 Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces The moving power of mathematics is not reasoning but imagination. A. De Morgan There is an astonishing imagination, even in the science of mathematics. ... We repeat, there was far more imagination in the head of Archimedes than in that of Homer. Voltaire In this chapter, in a manner parallel to Chapter 55, we study the initial value problem u'(t) + Au(t)3f(t), 0<t<T, (1) h(0) = h0, where u(t) lies in a real B-space X and A is multivalued. In Chapter 55, where X was a real H-space, the following two properties played a crucial role: (i) A is monotone, (ii) A is maximal monotone. In a real B-space X, in place of (i) and (ii) there appear the following generalizations: (i') A is accretive, (ii') A is m-accretive. In Chapter 55 we solved (1) in H-spaces while we thought of the derivative 581
582 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces u' in a generalized sense. In the case of a B-space, we again generalize the solution concept in an essential way and proceed as follows: (a) We state the difference method belonging to (1) (backward differences). (jS) The proof of convergence is obtained by constructing majorants for (a) with the aid of the difference method for a classical first-order partial differential equation, (y) The limiting value is a generalized solution of (1), i.e., a so-called integral solution. (6) We prove the uniqueness of integral solutions. The uniqueness proof assures that each classical solution of (1) is also an integral solution. If one considers the difference method for (1) in Section 57.3, then one finds that m-accretive operators allow the stable solvability of the corresponding difference equations in a very natural way. This motivates the central meaning of m-accretive operators for evolution equations. In Section 57.5 we show that for/ = 0 in (1) and variable u0 &D(A), the integral solution u(t) = S(t)uQ yields a nonexpansive semigroup {5(0} belonging to (1). 57.1. Generalized Inner Products on B-Spaces Definition 57.1. Let X be a real B-space. For all x, y e. X and real \i # 0, we define: [x,^_J!£±MzM, r [x,y]± = lim [x, >>]„. Thus, [x, y]± is nothing other than the directional derivative of the norm. Proposition 57.2. (a) The expression [x, y] ± is well defined, and for all x, y,z &X and |w, X, £ > 0, the following hold: [x, y]+= inf [x,y]^, [x, y]_ = sup [x, y]„.. (2) [x,y]-<[x,y] + , [*,.y]+<[*,/]„, (3) [x,-y]- = ~[x,y] + [x, y + z]+<[x, y] + + [x,z] + , [x, y + z]_ < [x, y]^ +[x, z]+ (4) |[x,j]±|<||j||, [y,y]±=\\y\\, [tx,\y]+ = t\[x,y] + . (5)
57.2. Accretive Operators 583 (b) We have ll"(0ll'-["(0."'(0] + -["(0.«'(0]-. (6) provided all these derivatives exist. We treat the proof in Problem 57.1. The following example shows that [x, y]± is a kind of generalized inner product. Example 57.3. In a real H-space X with the inner product (• |), we have: '(x|jO/II*II «11*11*0, [x,y]± ' '■•■'■ if ||x1|-0. Proof. We set (p(^) = \\x + fiy\\ — ][{x + {iy\x + py) and take into account that [x, y]±= <p'± (0). . D 57.2. Accretive Operators Definition 57.4. Let J be a real B-space and let A: D(A) c X-* 2X be a multivalued operator. We denote the resolvent, which always exists as a def multivalued operator, by Rfl = {I + pA) . A is called accretive if and only if, for all p > 0, R is single valued and nonexpansive. A is called m-accretive if and only if A is accretive and R(I + fiA) = X for all p > 0. Proposition 57.5 (Characterization). If X is a real B-space and A: D(A) c X -» 2X is a multivalued operator, then the following hold: (a) A is accretive if and only if [ut — U2, Vx — v2]+ > 0 for all («!, ^),(^2, y2)e ^- (b) If X is a separable H-space, then: A is accretive <=> A is monotone. A is m-accretive ** A is maximal monotone. If, in addition, A is linear and continuous, then the concepts accretive and m-accretive coincide. Proof, (a) By (2), ||*|| <; II*+ MI. V>0~[x,y]+>0. (7) A is accretive if and only if, for all \i > 0, \\R u - Rv\\ < \\u - v\\ for all u, v e R(I + pA).
584 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces This is equivalent to ll"l-"2ll^ll"l+^l-("2+^2)ll for all n > 0, (k,., vt) e A. Now (7), with x = ux - u2, y = vx - i;2, yields (a), (b) Compare Proposition 55.1. If A is linear and continuous, then the following holds: If A is accretive then it is also monotone. The operator I + \i A is thus strongly monotone for n > 0 and, by Theorem 26.A in Section 26.2, it is surjective; therefore it is m-accretive. D 57.3. The Main Theorem for Inhomogeneous Problems with ra-Accretive Operators We consider the initial value problem u'(t)+Au(t)3f(t), 0<t<T, (8) "(0) = "o with the following assumptions: (HI) The mapping A: D(A) c X-* 2X is m-accretive. X is a real B-space. (H2) / e 1^(0, T; X) is given and fixed for fixed T, 0 < T < oo. (H3) uQ &D(A) is given and fixed. Definition 57.6. u: [0, T] ~^> X is called an integral solution of (8) if and only if u is continuous and \\u(t)-x\\-\\u(S)-x\\<f'[u(T)-x,f(T)~y] + dT (9) for all t, s such that 0 < s < t < T and all (x, y)^A. These integral solutions are obtained in a natural way in Section 57.4 below as limiting values of the following difference method for (8): {^ty'ixl-xl^ + AxlBfH (10) with k = 1,2,..., n. In this connection, we set t"k = kAnt, A„r = |. Proceeding from (10), we construct the piecewise constant functions «„(0=*2. W)=fk forrek".^] and k =1,2,...,n. Moreover, let un(0) = x%, fn(0) = 0.
57.4. Proof of the Main Theorem 585 Theorem 57.A. With the assumptions (//1)-(//3), the following hold: (a) Existence and uniqueness. (8) has exactly one integral solution. (b) Permanence. Each continuous solution u: [0, T)~^> X of (8) that has a generalized derivative u' e -£>i(0, T; X) is also an integral solution 0/(8). (c) Convergence. If f„-*f inLx{Q, T; X) and xg-> w0 in X as n -* oo, then (un) converges uniformly on [0, T] to the integral solution u of (8). (d) Comparison assertion. If v is an arbitrary integral solution 0/(8), then \\v{t)-u(t)\\<\\v{s)-u{s)^ holds for alls,t,0<s <t <T. This theorem shows that the concept of an integral solution provides an appropriate solution concept for (8). At the same time, (c) yields an approximation method for the solution of (8). Equation (10) is equivalent to and because A is m-accretive, this can always be uniquely solved for x"c. Since Xq is known, we obtain x", x\,... successively. 57.4. Proof of the Main Theorem The main idea of the proof has already been described in the introduction to this chapter. Proof of Theorem 57.A, (b). From u e C([0, T)\ X) and u' e L^O, T\ X) it follows that u(t) = u(0)+ ('u'(T)dT forallfe[0,r] (11) and, for almost all t e [0, T], h~1(u(t + h)~-u(t))^u'(t) as/j^0 (cf. Brezis (1973, M), pages 140, 154). Equation (11) yields H«(ri)-«(r2)ll^rV(T)NT, Q<h<t2<T. For each e> 0 there thus exists a 6(e) > 0 such that for disjoint intervals ]t„ ti+1] having total length less than 6(e), we always have: £lll«(f,+i)-*ll-ll«(',)-*lll i ^Il\\u(tl+1)-u(tl)\\^I,f'*1\\u'(r)\\dr<e i i '<
586 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces (cf. A2(20)). Thus, f-* ||ti(f)-;c|| is absolutely continuous on [0, T). Then, according to a known theorem from Lebesgue theory, the derivative of t >-> ||m(/) — jc|| exists almost everywhere on [0, T], and we have \\u(t)-x\\-\\u(S)-x\\=f'\\u(r)-x\\'dr (12) for 0 < s < t < T (cf. Riesz-Nagy (1956, M), No. 25). Let y e Ax. By (6), the following holds for almost all t e [0, T]: ||«(t) —jc||'— [m(t)-jc,«'(t)]_ = [u(r)-x,(u'(r)-f(r) + y) + (f(r)-y)]_ <-[u(r)-x,{f(r)-u'(r))-y] + + [u(r)-x,f(r)-y] + <[u(r)-x,f(r)-y]+. In this connection, one takes Proposition 57.2 into account, as well as the fact that /(t)- u'(t) e Au(r), y e Ax, and the accretiveness of A (Proposition 57.5). Equation (12) yields ||«(0-x||-||«(j)-x|| < f [u(t)-~xJ(t)- y] + dr. The existence of the integral appearing on the right-hand side results from |[«(t)-x,/(t)-j]+|<||/(t)-j||<||/(t)||+||j|| by (5) and the Lebesgue dominated convergence criterion (cf. A2(19)). Proof of Theorem 57.A, (c). Here, (14), (15) and (17), (18) below are crucial. Step 1: Estimation for Accretive Operators A Lemma 57.7. From a-^x-^ + AxSf, P'\y-y) + AyBg and a, jS > 0, it follows that Ux-yU^ia + py'iaUx-n + m-yW+etPUf-gW}- (13) Proof. Proposition 57.5 yields 0<[x-j,(/-a-1(x-x))-(g-J8-1(j-^))] + <[x- y,f-g] + + [x- y, a'l{x -x)] + + [x- y, P'\y - y)\ + *[x-y,f-g] + + a-Hll* - y\\- \\x - y\\) + r1(\\x-y\\-\\x-y\\).
57.4. Proof of the Main Theorem 587 Take (2) into account. From this it follows that (13) holds, taking \[x-yj-g) + \<\\f-g\\ into consideration. D Step 2: Estimation of the differences. We set del ahk = \\x?-xl\\, o>m'»(t-s)tf /'|r_S|(||/(r)||+||j||)^r 0 + ||*o"-*ll + ll*om-*ll+ll/-/Jli + ll/-/Jli- Here, ||-1^ denotes the norm in 1^(0, T; X). Lemma 57.8. For allj = 1,..., m and k =1,..., n, aj^^iaj^Aj+aj^^Aj + AjAj-Uff-f^iAj + Ajy1, (14) and for j = 0 or k = 0, as well as y e Ax, ahk<um'n{tl~t?). (15) Proof. (14) Write (10) for m and n. Then (14) follows from Lemma 57.7. (15) Let ye Ax. The operator A is accretive, i.e., (I + Ant-A)~l is nonexpansive. Thus, from (10) it follows that \\x"k- x\\<\\A„t-fk" + x"k^-(x + A„t-y)\\ <\\x"k^-x\\ + A„t(\\fZ\\+\\y\\) ^II*Li-*II+P"(II/(t)|| + IWI + ||/(t)-/„(t)||)<*t. 'k-l From this it follows that \\x"k-x\\<\\x"0-x\\+f'"k(\\f(r)\\+\\y\\) dr+ \\f - fj,. Now, for/ = 0, assertion (15) follows from 11*2 ~*omII^IW -*ll + II* -*omll and tg = 0. In an analogous way, we get (15) for k = 0. D Step 3. Difference method. We consider the difference method that is parallel to (14), (15) for the real first-order differential equation Us(s,t) + Ut(s,t)-=h(s,t), 0<s,t<T (16a)
588 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces Figure 57.1 with the initial condition U(s,t)=u(t-s) for t = 0, s e [0, T] or s = 0, t e [0, T] (see Fig. 57.1). For smooth w and h, (16) has the solution U = G(u, h), where (16b) G(u, h)(s, t) = u(t-s)- { h(T, t -s + r) dr for t>s, I h{s-t + t,t) dr ioxs<t. One checks this by integrating (16a) along the characteristics s — t<= constant (see Fig. 57.1). If w and h are not sufficiently smooth, we think of G(u, h) as the generalized solution of (16). The difference method corresponding to (16) reads as follows: Vj.k-Vj-i,k Vj.k-Vj,k-i A.r = /; ■J.k for k =l,...,n,j = l,...,m, and ^,/c = w(^-^m) fory = 0 or ft; = 0. The expression "for/=0 or ft; = 0" is a natural abbreviation of the expression "for/ = 0, ft = 0,...,n or ft = 0, / = 0,...,m." Furthermore, we use the notation fj|! = k&nt, ft = 0,...,n and sj" = j'Amt,j' = 0,...,m as well as t/M =1/(^,¾). If we replace h by /!m'" and w by wm'", then we obtain Uj,k= {uJ^k^nt + uj^l^mt + ^mt^nt■h'>y}{^mt + ^ntY\ (n) UJ<k = um-n(t2-sp) for/ = 0 or ft = 0. (18) The crucial basic idea of the proof is the comparison of (IT) and (18) with the assertion of Lemma 57.8. We denote by H(um,n, hm'n) the function that equals UJJc at the grid point (Sj",t^) and is constant on the square ]sjlx, s^xjt^^ tnk\ The following lemma contains a convergence proposition for the difference
57.4. Proof of the Main Theorem 589 method. To this end, for the function h: [0, T]X[0, T] -* R, we introduce the following norm: ||A||.-inf{||g|li + ||/||i}. Here, the infimum varies over all g, f e L^O, T) such that \h(s, t)\ < g(s) + f(t) almost everywhere on [0, T]X[0, T). We denote the completion of C([0, T]X[0, T]) with respect to this norm by C*. Lemma 57.9. In the L^-norm on [0, T]X[0, T], H(um'n,hm-")^G(u,h) as(n,m)^oo, (19) provided the following three conditions hold: (i) wm'«, u&C[-T,T], hm'n, heC*for all n,m. (ii) hm,n is piecewise constant on the grid, i.e., it is constant on each square (hi) IK'" - <o||c(t0,7-]x[0,7-])-0 and\\hm'» - A||, -0 as (n, m)-»oo. Here, (n, m) -* oo means that min(n, m) -* oo. The proof makes use of standard techniques for difference methods, which we presented in Chapter 20 (cf. Problem 57.2). Step 4: Majorant Method and Uniform Convergence of(un) on [0, T]. We set clef def h(s,t)=\\f(s)-f(t)\\, hm-"{s,t)=\\fm{s)-fn{t)\\. If we compare (14) and (15) with (17) and (18), then, because of the fact that the coefficients are positive, we obtain the key relation of our proof: \\aj,k\\^Uj,k> 7=0,1,...,m; £ = 0,1,...,«. Therefore, for the corresponding piecewise constant functions, we have: \\um(s)-u„(t)\\<H(^",hm'")(s,t). (20) By assumption, \h°un(s,t)-\\f(s)-f(t)\\\ S||/m(j)-/(j)||+||/B(0-/(0ll "»0 as(/!,m)-»oo. From this it follows that \\hm'n — /i||* -*0 as (n,m) -*oo. Let «(J, 0 = /""""'(11/(011 + IWI) dr + 2\\u0 - x\\. Since Xq, x™ -* u0 as («, m) -» oo, we have um'"(s, t) ^u(s - 0 uniformly on [0, T] X [0, T] as (n, m)->oo for fixed (x,y)&A.
590 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces According to Lemma 57.9 and (20), we have 155 \\un(t)-um(t)\\<G(u,h)(t,t) = 2\\u0-x\\ (n, m ) -> oo for all x eD(A). Since u0 &D(A), it follows from this that (un) converges uniformly as n -* oo on [0, T] to a function u. Again, by Lemma 57.9 and (20), for 0 < s < t < T, we have \\u(S)-u(t)\\~ lim \\un(s)-un(t)\\<G(o>,h)(S,t) n ->oo -/"_,|(II/(t)IH-W)</t + 2||«0-x|| •'o + f\\f(t-S + r)-f(r)\\dr. Therefore, u is continuous on [0, T). In fact, the first integral is small for \t — s\ small because of the absolute continuity of the integral. For the second integral, one uses the mean continuity that follows from ||/(-)|| e Lj(0, T). Since u0 &D{A), \\uQ — x\\ can be made arbitrarily small for a suitable choice of x e D(A). Step 5: u is an Integral Solution. By (10), we have rk+{^ty\xi^~xi)^Axi, fc=i,2,...,«. A is accretive. Therefore, according to Proposition 57.5, for all (x,y)&A, we have 0<[x"k-x,fk»+(Anty1(x^1-xl)-y] + <[x'l- x,fk" - y] + + [x"k- x,(A„ty\x- x"k)] + + [xnk-x,{kntY\xnk^-xj\ + ; therefore, by (3) and (5), \\x"k- x\\-\\x"k^- x\\<A„t[x"k- x,fl' - y] + zKt[xk-x>fk-y],> for all/i >0. Addition of these equations for the various k yields \\un{t)-x\\-\\un{s)-x\\< (\un{T)-x,fn{T)~y}^. Since |[a,6]/l-[C,^]/l|<2^1||a-c||+||6-^||, we may replace the quantities un and fn by u and /, respectively, for n -* oo. Then, as \i ~^> + 0, we obtain (9). In this connection, take into consideration
57.4. Proof of the Main Theorem 591 that [u(r)-x,f(r)-y]ll^[u(r)-x,f(r)-y] + as|u-+0, (21) \[u(r)-x,f(r)-y],\^\\f(r)-y\\ for all ^ > 0 as well as that u, f e L^O, T; X) and the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem (cf. A 2 (19)). D Proof of Theorem 57.A, (d). In an essential way, we now make use of distributions u e @'(Q) over C0°°(fi) with values in IR (cf. A2(64)). Here, Q denotes a region in IR N. The following lemma is important for this. Lemma 57.10. The function g: [0, T]-*U is monotonely increasing if and only ifg'>QinS)'(Q,T). Here, u > 0 in 2'{Q) means that u(<p) > 0 for all <p e C0°°(fi), where tp > 0 on Q. The proof of Lemma 57.10 can be found in Schwartz (1950, M), pages 29, 54. Now, let v be an integral solution, i.e., by Definition 57.6, the function )? (' is monotonely increasing on [0, T); therefore, d_ dt g(t)- f[v(r)-x,f(r)-y]+dr-\\v(t)-x\\ [v(t)-x,f(t)-y] + -^-\\v(t)-x\\ SO (22) in &'(0, T) for all (x, y) e A. We choose def def s _, , x-xl, y = fk"+(A„t) \xl^-xl). According to Proposition 57.2, for p > 0, (22) yields jt\\v{t)-xl\\<[v{t)~xl,f{t)-fZ]„ (23) + [v(t)-xi(bnty\xnk-x^1)]Aiil = [v(t)~-xk>J(t)-fk»]ll + {KtY\\\v{t)-xl^\\-\\v{t)-xl\{). We set def def w„(t,s)=\\v(t)-un(s)\\, w(t,s)=\\v(t)-u(s) def h„(t,s)-[v(t)-u„(s),f(t)-fn(s)]ll, def h(t,s)=[v(t)-u(s),f(t)-f(s)]„
592 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces as well as gB(^)=VB0_1(IMO-*ZIIHKO-*;:-ill) forse]^!,^], fc-1,2,...,/!. def Then, with G = ]0, T[X]0,T[, inequality (23) reads as follows: jtwn{t,s) + gn{t,s)<hn{t,s) in^'(G). (24) Furthermore, we construct w~n(t, s) on [0, r]X[0, T] by def W, >„(t,s)=\\v(t)-x"k\\ iors = tnk, k = 0,l,...,n and interpolate linearly with respect to s. Parallel to Example 21.6, integration by parts yields fwn%dtds = -fgnq>dtds for all <p e C0°°(G), JG JG i.e., dWn/ds = g„ in ®'(G). Thus, by (24), jtw„ + ~wn<hn mS'(G). (25) As « -> oo, we have w„,w~„^>w and hn -* h in LX(G); therefore, ±w + JLw<h fa 9'(G). (26) This is so because, for all tp e C"(G), we have, e.g., — J wnq>, dtds -* — I w<p, dtds as n -* oo. Lemma 57.11. The following inequality holds: J^Ht)-k(t)||<0 inS'(0,T). (27) Proof. Compare Problem 57.3. Then, according to Lemma 57.10, the desired assertion (9) follows immediately. Proof of Theorem 57.A, (a). The uniqueness assertion follows from Theorem 57.A, (d) with v(0)=u(0), and Theorem 57.A, (c) yields the existence assertion. D
57.5. Application to Nonexpansive Semigroups in B-Spaces 593 57.5. Application to Nonexpansive Semigroups in B-Spaces Let C be a nonempty subset of a B-space. By a nonexpansive semigroup on C, we understand a family {S(t):0 <t <oo} of operators S(t): C-* Csuch that for all u,veC and t,s > 0, the following hold: (i) S(t + s)u = S(t)S(s)u. (ii) S(0)k = u. (iii) S(t)u-* u as t-* + 0. (iv)\\S(t)u-S(t)v\\<\\u-v\\. By the infinitesimal generator of-the semigroup {S(t)}, we understand the operator B: D(B) c X^> X defined by def Bu= lim h'x{S{h)u-u). (28) Here, £>(£) is the set of all u e X for which the limiting value (28) exists in the sense of norm convergence. The semigroup {5(^)} is called linear if all S(t) are linear. We now explain the connection between the initial value problem u'(t) +Au(t) BO, 0<t<oo," (29) "(0) = "o and nonexpansive semigroups. Here, A is a multivalued mapping. According to Theorem 57.A in Section 57.3, problem (29) has exactly one integral solution u(-) for each u0 <=D{A). We define S(t) by S(t)u0 = u(t). Theorem 57.B. If X is a real B-space and A: D{A)<zX-^>2x is an m-accre- tive operator, then {S(t): 0<t<co} forms a nonexpansive semigroup on WA). Proof. By the construction of u(t) according to Theorem 57.A, we obtain u(t)^DlA)ioT all t>0. def In order to show that S(t +s)u0 =S(t)S(s)u0, we set v(t) = u(t + s) for fixed s > 0. Then v is an integral solution of (29) on [0, T] for arbitrary T> 0 with v(0) = u(s); thus, v(t) = S{t)u(s). According to Theorem 57.A, (d), S(t) is nonexpansive, and from the continuity of t -» u(t) it follows that S(t)u0 -* u0 as t -» +0. D In Problem 57.4 we point out the Hille-Yosida theory for linear nonexpansive semigroups and their nonlinear generalization by Crandall and Pazy.
594 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces 57.6. Application to Partial Differential Equations We consider the quasilinear differential equation u, + F(u)x = 0, 0<x<l, t>Q (30a) with the initial condition u(x,0) = u0(x), 0<x<l (30b) and the boundary condition at x = 0, «(0,0=0, t>0. (30c) Equation (30a) describes a conservation law, because, for a smooth solution of (30a), we have: -r f u(x,t)dx = F(u(a,t))-F(u(b,t)). at Ja In the following, let X = 1^(0,1) and let u(t) denote x ►-» u(x, t) conceived of as an element of X for fixed t. Definition 57.12. By the generalized problem for (30), we understand the differential equation u'(t) + Au(t)=0, 0<f<oo, (31) "(0) = "o in X with def D(A)= (bgC[0,1]: v(p) = 0,F°veW?(0,l)} and (Av)(x)tf JLf(v(x)) on ]0,1[ for all v e D(A). Recall that (F»o)(x) = F(v(x)). The boundary condition (30c) is contained in the definition of D(A). The operator A in (31) acts on the function x ►-» u(x, t). Proposition 57.13. Let F: U -> IR be continuously differentiable and strictly increasing with F(0) = 0, F(U) = U. Then the following two assertions hold: (a) The operator A: i)(i)cI-» X is m-accretive with D(A)=* X. (b) For each u0 e X, (31) has exactly one integral solution u. If we set S(t)u0 = u(t), then {S(t): 0<t<oo} forms a nonexpansive semigroup on X. We show (a) in Problem 57.5. Then (b) follows from Theorems 57.A and 57.B.
Problems 595 Problems def 57.1. Proof of Proposition 57.2. Solution: Let 9»(n) = II* + M-fll- Then <p is convex. Consequently, the one-sided derivatives <jf± (0) = [x, y]± with 99^ (0) < yf+ (0) exist. In addition, the difference quotients [x^j^as ii-* +0 and as \i -* - 0 are monotonely decreasing and monotonely increasing, respectively (cf. Problem 42.3). Now use these assertions and the triangle inequality. For example, it follows immediately from ||x + X(.y + z)|| < 2^(11*+ 2X.y||+||x + 2Xz||) that [x,y + z]+ < [x,y] + + [x,z] + . On the other hand, from ||x + X.y|| < 2.^(11¾+ 2X(.y + z)||+Hx-2Xz||) one immediately obtains [x,y]+<[x,y + z]+-[x,z]^. Together with [a, b]+ = -[a, - b]^, this yields [x,y + z]^<[x,y]-. + [x,z] + . If we set x = u(t), y = u'(t), then x +\iy= u{t +\i) + o{\i) asji-»0. Now, (6) follows. 57.2.* Proof of Lemma 57.9. Hint: Compare Crandall and Evans (1975). 57.3. Proof of Lemma 57.11. Solution: For continuously differentiable functions, (27) results directly by considering (26) for s = t and observing that h(t, t) = 0. In the case of distributions, (27) means - [w(<p, + <ps)dtds< (hydtds (32) JG JG for all 99 e Q00 (G), where 99 ^ 0. Here, G = ]0, T [ X ]0, T [. We introduce new def variables T,ubys = T + ii, t = r — a and set 99(7-, a) = a(T) j8(a), where aeQ°(0,r), jSecn-e.e), a;J8>0, f /S(o)do~l. J- 8 Then 99 is concentrated on a small neighborhood of the main diagonal in the (t, i)-plane. We have a'fi = 99, + 9¾. From (32) it follows that "/I/ \\v(t — 0)—u(t + o)\\(x'(t) dT\fi(o) do <f (fT\\f(T-0)-f(T + 0)\\a(T)dTy(0)d0.
596 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces For e -» 0, the mean continuity of / and the continuity of u, v yield - /"'lIl'CT)—M(T)||«'(T)rfT^0 for all a e C0°°(0, T) with a > 0. This is (27). 57.4.* Characterization of nonexpansive semigroups. We give a complete survey of the structure of: (a) linear nonexpansive semigroups in B-spaces (Problem 57.4a); (/?) nonexpansive semigroups in H-spaces (Problem 57.4b). In this connection, also compare the introduction to Chapter 31. 57.4a.* Linear Hille-Yosida theory. Let Xbe a linear B-space. Show: (i) If A is an operator such that A: D(A)c.X-* X is linear, m-accretive, and T)(A)= X, then def , . S(t)u0= Mm (exp\ — tAA)u0 p.->+0 L J for all m0 e X yields a linear nonexpansive semigroup on X. Here, A^ denotes the Yosida approximation of A, and — A is the infinitesimal generator of the semigroup in the sense of Section 57.5. (ii) Every linear nonexpansive semigroup is obtained as in (i). Hint: Compare Riesz and Nagy (1956, M), No. 143, page 385. 57.4b.* Nonlinear Hille-Yosida theory of Crandall and Pazy. Let X be a real H-space. Show: (i) If A is a multivalued mapping such that A: D(A)QX-*2X and A is m-accretive, then, according to Theorem 57.B in Section 57.5, A generates a nonexpansive semigroup {S(t): 0<t<oo) on D(A). The infinitesimal generator of this semigroup is —A0. Here, D(A0)=* D(A) and AQu is the uniquely determined element with the smallest norm in the closed convex set Au. (ii) Every nonexpansive semigroup on a closed convex nonempty set is obtained as in (i) with the aid of a mapping A. The connection with the theory of monotone operators is obtained by the following relation which is valid in a real H-space: A is m-accretive «* A is maximal monotone. Hint: Compare Crandall and Pazy (1969) and Brezis (1973, M), page 114. 57.5. Proof of Proposition 57.13, (a). Solution: (I) We show that A is accretive. To this end, we use a regularizing method. Let v, w e D(A), X > 0. We must show that ||o-w + \(/1j;-/1w)|^^||j;-w||^ (33)
Problems 597 For this we set , .deffn'ls forljI^M"1, l^sgni for|i|>n l; def <>s q„(s) = j p„(t) dt. Then the following crucial relation holds: (\Av-Aw)p„(F(v)-F(w))dx (34) Jo ^f\F(v)-F(w)Yp„(F(v)-F(w))dx Jo -/^,,(^(0)-^(^))^-9,(^(0(1))-^(^(1)))^0. To be precise, one should write F(v(x)), F(w(x)). Furthermore, one must observe the following: For v,w eD(A), the function x >-* F(v(x)) belongs to C[0,l]rWi(0,r) and is consequently absolutely continuous (cf. Smir- now (1956, M), Vol. V, Section 110). The function q„ is Lipschitz continuous. Thus, x -» q„(F(v(x))- F(w(x))) is also absolutely continuous. Consequently, the last line in (34) is meaningful (cf. Riesz and Nagy (1956, M), No. 25). Since F and p„ are monotonely increasing, we have \v-w\\p„(F(v)-F(w))\~(v-w)p„(F(v)-F(w)). Since \p„\ si and (34) holds, then (X\v - w + \(Av - Aw)\dx z. [l(v-w)pJF(v)-F(w))dx Jo Jo + (l\{Av~ Aw)[pn(F{v)~F(w))] dx Jo >. I \v — w\\p„(F(v)—F(w))\dx-*l \v~w\dx as«-»oo. •'o •'o This is (33). Use the Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. (II) A is m-accretive. Let h e X. We must show that R(I+ XA) — X for all X > 0, i.e., the ordinary differential equation v(x)+XF(v(x)Y=h(x), 0<x<l, (35) has a solution v e D(A). If G is the inverse of the function u >-» XF(u), then it suffices to find a function w e C[0,l]n ^/(0,1) such that w(0) = 0 and G(w(x))+w'(x)=*h(x) (36) def almost everywhere on ]0,1[. Then v(x) = G(w(x)) is a solution of (35) and veD(A). A solution of (36) is obtained by solving the integral equation w(x)-f\h(i)-G(w(l)))di, 0<x<;l
598 57. Accretive Operators and Multivalued First-Order Evolution Equations in B-Spaces on C[0,1] using the Schauder-Leray principle (Theorem 6.A in Section 6.8). Take into consideration that for each solution v e D(A) of v + XAv = h, the inequality ||y||x< \\h\\x holds because of (33) and /i(0) = 0; thus, IIGMb < Pll* f°r each solution of (36). (Ill) D(A)= X because the C°°-functions that vanish at x = 0 belong to D(A) and form a dense subset of X— £[(0,1). 57.6.* Invariant sets for nonexpansive semigroups. Let {S(t)} be a nonexpansive semigroup on the complete metric space X, where the trajectories t >-» S(t)u are continuous on R + for all »el. Show: If M is a closed subset of X and C > 0 is a constant such that lim t~ld(S(t)u,M)<,C for all u e M, then d(S(t)u, M) < Ct for all u e M and t i 0. In the special case C — 0, we find that Af is an invariant set for the semigroup, i.e., if u e M, then 5(0 « e M f°r all' e R + • Hint: Compare Brezis and Browder (1976) and Ekeland (1979). There one also finds further material. Use the abstract entropy principle (Theorem 38.G in Section 38.11) with the entropy function (u, t) >-> t and the ordering: (u,t)< {v,s)<*t<s and d(S(s - t)u,v) < L(s- t). References to the Literature Crandall and Evans (1975); Kobayashi (1975); Crandall (1976, S). Nonlinear semigroups: Crandall and Pazy (1969); Brezis (1973, M,B); Brezis and Browder (1976); Barbu (1976, M, B); Walker (1980, M); Berkeley (1983, P). (Also, cf. the references to the literature in Chapter 31.)
Appendix Intelligence consists of this: that we recognize the similarity of different things and the difference between similar ones. Montesquieu In this Appendix we give fundamental propositions concerning: (a) Properties of convex sets in IR" and systems of inequalities. (/?) Dual pairs of locally convex spaces. (y) Smoothness and convexity properties of the norm in B-spaces. In this connection, we assume the basic concepts of linear and locally convex spaces as well as those of Hilbert spaces (briefly, H-spaces) and Banach spaces (briefly, B-spaces) which we summarized in the Appendix to Part I. In general, the following scheme holds: H-space -* B-space (norm topology) ; locally convex - linear space space. B-space (weak topology) Every H-space is a B-space, etc.
600 Appendix Convex Sets in IR" and Systems of Inequalities (1) Caratheodory's representation theorem. Let M be a set in IR" and x e coM. Then there exist points xv...,xk in M, 1< k < n + 1, such that x e co{x1,...,xt}. (2) The convex hull of a compact set in IR" is again compact. (3) Helly's intersection theorem. Let {K1,...,Km} be a finite family of compact convex sets Ki in IR". Then the intersection of all these sets is nonempty if and only if the intersection of at most n +1 sets Kt is nonempty. (4) Linear inequalities. Let Kbe a compact set in IR". Then the system of inequalities (z\u)<0 for all u<=K has a solution z e IR" if and only if 0 € coK. (5) Convex inequalities. Let ff. Af cR"-*R, /=1,...,m, be convex functions on the convex nonempty set M. Then the system fj(x)<0, / = 1,..., m has a solution xQ e M if and only if there is no vector y e IR 1 — {0} having at most n +1 nonvanishing components such that /=i (6) Strongly positive solutions of linear equations. Let A be a real mXn matrix. Then the problem Ax = 0, x»0, xelR" has a solution x if and only if the problem A*y>0, A*y¥°0, y<=Rm has no solution y. Here, x»z means that all components of x are greater than the corresponding components of z, i.e., x — z e intlR^. (7) Farkas' lemma. Let ^4 be a real mXn matrix and let b be a vector in IRm. Then Ax = b, x>0, xelR" has a solution x if and only if (y\b)>0 for all jelRm such that ,4*y>0. Dual Pairs of Locally Convex Spaces The concept of a dual pair allows the formulation of a symmetric duality theory. (8) Dual space. Let X be a locally convex space on IK ( = IR,C) with topology t and let X* be the set of all continuous linear functionals on X.
Appendix oux Then X* is called the dual space of X. For x* e X*, we write def (x*,x)x= x*{x). We assume that X* is transformed into a locally convex space over IK with the topology t* by means of a system of seminorms. (8a) Dual pair. (X, X*) forms a dual pair if and only if t, t* are so constituted that the following hold: (i) If, for fixed x e X, we set def fx(x*) = (x*,x)x for all x* el*, then fx is a continuous linear functional onl*. (ii) All continuous linear functionals on X* are obtained in this way. (8b) Identification. Since x # y always implies fx # f we can identify x with fx. In this sense, (X*)* = X, and, for all x e X, x* e X*, (X ,X);f=(X,X );f*. (9) Standard Example 1. If Xis a reflexive B-space, then (X, X*) forms a dual pair if the topologies r and T*onI and X*, respectively, are generated by the norms in the usual way. In this sense (K^K"), with K = R or C, is a dual pair. (10) Standard Example 2. If a locally convex space X is equipped with the weak topology tw and X* with the weak* topology t^ (cf. Ax(41)), then (X, X*) is a dual pair. (11) Standard construction of dual pairs. Let X and F be linear spaces over IK and let b: X X Y-* IK be a bilinear form with the properties: (i) b(x, /) = 0 for all y e Y implies x = 0. (ii) b(x, y) = 0 for all x e X impliesy = 0. Then we call (X, Y) an algebraic dual pair with respect to b. For all x e X, y e F, we set <fe/ rfe/ Equipped with the system of seminorms {py: y e F}, X becomes a locally convex space over IK. We denote this topology by a(X, F). Regarding a(X,Y), we have X* = F in the sense that precisely all continuous linear functionals on X are obtained by means of x ►-» b(x, y), provided y ranges over the set F. With the system of seminorms {p*\ x e X), F becomes a locally convex space over IK. We denote this topology by a(Y, X). Regarding a(Y, X), we have Y* = X in the sense that precisely all continuous linear functionals on F are obtained by means of y>-* b(x, y), provided x ranges over the set X.
602 Appendix Henceforth, the following holds: (X, X*), with X* = Y, forms a dual pair with respect to the topologies (a(X,Y), a(Y, X)), and for all x&X, x* e X*, we have (x*,x)x = b(x,x*). (12) Example 1. Let X= C[a, b], Y= C"[a, b] and b(x,y) = (bx(t)y(t)dt, where - oo < a < b < oo, n = 0,1,.... Obviously, the situation (11) is obtained. This example demonstrates the significance of dual pairs. If we provide X— C[a, b] with the usual norm, then X is a B-space and X* is a normed space in which one no longer can work very comfortably. By means of the construction in (11), X is equipped with a locally convex topology such that X* = Y holds. In this way dual optimization problems that run their course in X* can be handled more easily. Since (X*)*= X, there exists a complete symmetry between X and X*. def (13) Example 2. Let X be locally convex. We set Y = X*, b(x, y) def = (y, x)x. Then the construction in (11) yields o(X,X*) = rw, o(X*,X) = r*. (14) In a dual pair (X, X*), the following holds for M-S sequences: xa -*x in Ximplies (x*, xa)x~^> (x*,x)x for all x* e X*, x* -*x* in X* implies (x*,x)x~* (x*,x)x for all x e X. (15) The Mackey topology t(X, Y). Suppose (X, Y) forms an algebraic dual pair with respect to b as in (11). We set Pc(x) ~ SUP \b{x, y)\ forallxeX y eC The system of seminorms { pc: C is a( Y, X)-compact and convex on Y} transforms X into a locally convex space. We denote this topology by r(X,Y). (15a) The Mackey-Arens theorem. The locally convex topology n transforms the linear space X into a locally convex space with X* = Y if and only if (15b)o(X,Y)QpQr(X,Y). Furthermore, for \i in (15b) and Mcl,we have: (15c) M is convex and ^-closed <=> M is convex and r{X, F)-closed. (15d) M is ^-bounded <=> M is t(X, FVbounded. def def (15e) Example. Let X be a B-space. We set Y= X*, b(x, y) = (y, x)x.
Appendix 603 Then the Mackey topology r{X,Y) is generated by the norm on X, and a{ X, Y) is equal to the weak topology r„ on X. For the B-space X, (15b) describes all locally convex topologies n that yield the same continuous linear functionals on X as does the norm topology on X. In particular, for Mel, (15c) and (15d) assert that: (i) M is convex and weakly closed <=> M is convex and closed, (ii) M is weakly bounded <=> M is bounded. (16) Product spaces. If X and P are locally convex spaces over IK, then X X P is also a locally convex space over IK. In addition, (X X P)* = X* X P*, i.e., each continuous linear functional /e(lxP)* has the form/= (**,/>*), where x*e X*,/>* eP*, and <(**. />*)>(*> P))XXP = <**> *>* + (P*> P)p for all (x, p) e X X P, and all elements of (X X P)* are obtained in this way. If (X, X*),(P, P*) are dual pairs, then (X X P, X* X P*) also forms a dual pair with respect to the corresponding product topologies. (17) Dual operator. Let (X, X*) and (Y, Y*) be dual pairs over IK. For each continuous linear mapping A: X->Y, there exists a uniquely determined continuous linear mapping A*: Y* -* X* such that (y*,Ax)Y^(A*y*,x)x for all j* e F*, x&X. A* is called the dual mapping, or the dual operator, to A. Since (X*)* = X, (Y*)* = Y, we have (A*)* = A. (18) The polar M° of M. For a set M in the real locally convex space X we set M° = {x*eX*: (x*,x)x<ltoial\x<=M}. (19) The Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem. U° is weak* compact in X* provided U is a neighborhood of zero in X. (20) Bipolar theorem. (M°)° =co(MU{0}) provided (X, X*) is a dual pair. Convexity and Smoothness Properties of the Norm in B-Spaces In (21)-(32), let all spaces be real. X denotes a real B-space. (21) Definitions. The following definitions refer to smoothness and convexity properties of the boundary of the unit ball in X. (21a) X is called locally uniformly convex if and only if for each e, 0 < e < 2, and for each x, \\x\\ = 1, there exists a 6(e, x) > 0 such that the
0U4 Appendix following holds for all x, y e X: \\x-y\\>e, ||x|| = ||j||=l implies ||2-1(jc + ^)|| ^1-«(e,jc). (21b) X is called uniformly convex if and only if X is locally uniformly convex and 8 can be chosen to be independent of x. We explained the geometric meaning in Fig. 10.1. (21c) X is called strictly convex if and only if the following holds: \\tx+(l-t)y\\ <1 provided x # y, \\x\\ = \\y\\ =1, t e ]0,1[. (21d) X is called smooth if and only if / is G-differentiable for all del x&X- {0}, where f(x) = ||x||. (21 e) X is called uniformly smooth if and only if / is F-differentiable for allxeX-{0} and \\x + h\\-\\x\\-(f'(x),h)x+e(h)\\h\\ def for all /iel, where f(x) = ||x||. Here, we have e(h)^>0 as h-*0 and indeed uniformly for all x, \\x\\ =1. (22) X is uniformly convex =» X is locally uniformly convex =» X is strictly convex. (23) Xis uniformly convex =» Xis reflexive. Xis uniformly smooth => Xis smooth. (24) Example. Every real H-space X is uniformly convex and uniformly smooth and /'(*) = IMP1* forallxeX-{0}. The Lebesgue spaces Lp{G) and the Sobolev spaces Wpm(G) are uniformly convex provided 1 < p < oo and G is a nonempty open set in IR N. (25) X is uniformly convex (respectively, uniformly smooth) <=> X* is uniformly smooth (respectively, uniformly convex). (26) X* is strictly convex (respectively, smooth) =» X is smooth (respectively, strictly convex). (27) For a real reflexive B-space X, the following then holds: X is strictly convex (respectively, smooth) <=> X* is smooth (respectively, strictly convex). (28) X* is locally uniformly convex =»/ is F-differentiable on X-{0}, rfe/ where f(x) = \\x\\. (29) The Kadec-Troyanski theorem. In every reflexive B-space, an equivalent norm can be introduced so that X, X* are locally uniformly convex and thus also strictly convex. Then, according to (28), the corresponding norms on X-{0} and X* -{0} are F-differentiable. (30) In a locally uniformly convex space, x„-^x, ||x„||-* ||x|| implies xn-^x as n -* oo.
Appendix 605 (31) Characterization of strictly convex spaces. The following five assertions are mutually equivalent: (i) X is strictly convex. (ii) [x e X: \\x\\ =1} contains no segments. clef (iii) Every boundary point of 5={xel: ||x||<l} is an extreme point of B. (iv) If the equals sign holds in the triangle inequality, i.e., \\x-y\\-\\x-z\\+\\z-y\\, and z + x,z + y, then z = tx+(l- t)y holds for some t e]0,1[. (v) The functional x ►-» ||x||2 is strictly convex on X. (32) Maxima of functionals. - (32a) In a real B-space X, for all continuous linear functionals / e X*, we have: ||/||= sup f(x). (32b) X is strictly convex <=> each/ e X* takes on its maximum on B in at most one point. (32c) (James) X is reflexive <=> each /el* has a maximum on £. (32d) (Bishop-Phelps) Let the set M in X be bounded, closed, convex, and nonempty. Let X be a real B-space. Then the set of all / e X* that have a maximum on M is dense in X*. (32e) (James) Let the set M in X be bounded, weakly closed, and nonempty. Let X be a real B-space. Then: M is weakly compact <=> each /el* has a maximum on M. (32f) (Ekeland and Lebourg). Every B-space with an F-differentiable norm off the origin is an Asplund space, i.e., every continuous convex real function on the space is F-differentiable at every point of a residual set. A residual set is the complement of a set of first Baire category. Such sets are "big." Many of the theorems on the geometry of B-spaces stated above are profound propositions whose proofs are difficult. References to the Literature Convex sets in W: Valentine (1964, M); Rockafellar (1970, M,B) (standard work); Marti (1977, M,B). Linear inequalities: Vogel (1967, M); Marti (1977, M). Convexity and inequalities: Marti (1977, M). Dual pairs: Edwards (1965, M); Schaefer (1966, M). Geometry of B-spaces: Kdthe (1960, M); Cioranescu (1974, M) (comprehensive exposition); Diestel (1974, L); Holmes (1975, M); Ekeland (1979); Beauzamy (1982, M).
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List of Symbols We use the following abbreviations: B-space Banach space H-space Hilbert space M-S sequence Moore-Smith sequence F-derivative Frechet derivative G-derivative Gateaux derivative AS(10) means (10) in the Appendix to Part i. In perusing the following symbols, the reader should pay attention to the possible danger of confusion. The precise definitions can be found in Part I. X * dual space to X A* dual operator to A in a B-space, transposed matrix A*' adjoint operator to A in an H-space, adjoint matrix (transposed and conjugate complex) Observe that if the continuous linear operator A: X-* X is defined on the H-space X, then the operators A*: X*-> X* and A*'; X-> X are defined on different spaces. F' F-derivative or G-derivative of the operator F (the text always refers precisely to the momentary meaning) (x\y) inner product in an H-space (x, y) ordered pair, an element from the product set XXY (x\y) inner product in R N,C N
(f,x) value of the linear functional / at x, f(x) x„ -» x convergence in norm xn-^x weak convergence /„-*■/ weak * convergence of functional x *~* f(x) another notation for the mapping / /(•) another notation for the mapping / (x„r) subsequence of (x„) ||x|| norm of x \x\ Euclidean norm of x General Notation iff def f(x) = 2x aeA {x:...} AcB AcB n,u,- 0 2A AXB N R,C,0,Z [a,b],]a,b[,]a,b] measG I f: AqX^Y f surjective / injective / bijective s/ implies 88 if and only if j* iff SS f(x) = 2x by definition a is an element of the set A set of all x with the property ... the set A is contained in the set B A is properly contained in B intersection, union, difference empty set set of all subsets of A product set set of the natural numbers 1,2, ... set of the real, complex, rational, integer numbers RorC nonnegative real numbers set of all real N-tuples x — set of all x e U N with £,. ^ 0 for all i partial derivative with respect to £, closed, open, half-open interval Lebesgue measure of G identity mapping single-valued mapping from A into Y with AcX mapping onto Y, i.e., f(A) = Y one-to-one mapping one-to-one mapping onto Y
List of Symbols f(A) f~\B) S\a D(f) R(f) N(f) f°g f: A^2B SN sgna det M, rank M □ image of A preimage of B restriction of the map / to the set si. domain of / range of / null space, #(/)= {x: /(x) = 0) / applied to g, (/ ° g)(x) = f(g(x)) multivalued mapping surface of the unit ball in UN+l, the N-sphere signum of a determinant, rank of the matrix M end "of proof Notation Introduced in Part I 8A A int^4 U(x) U(x, R) diam/1 dist(x, A) dist(A,B) lim, km ~A + B, XA span A coA coA dimL supp/ XXY INI, X®Y L(X,Y) Ck(G) C(G) boundary of the set A closure of A interior of A neighborhood of the point x open ball with center x and radius R diameter of A distance of the point x from the set A distance between the sets A and B lower, upper limit sum of the sets A and B, product of the set A by the number X linear hull of A convex hull of A closed convex hull of A dimension of the linear space L support of the function / product space ^-norminRAr,CAr direct sum space of linear continuous operators from X into Y space of fc-times continuously di- fferentiable real functions space of continuous real functions
omj Tast of Synsows Ck[a, b], C[a, b] stands for Ck(G), C(G) with G = [a,b] Ck(M,Y) space of fc-fold continuously F-Ai- fferentiable mappings /: M-*Y Ck'a(G) space of fc-fold Holder-continu- ously differentiable real functions Ck,a(dG) space of real functions on the boundary 8G dG&Ck'a boundary property of the set G Notation Introduced in Part II X = X* identification of an H-space X with its dual space a= (alt...,aN) multi-index \a\ = ax + ■ ■ ■ + aN order of a D"= D"lD£2 ■ ■ ■ D^" derivative in multi-index notation, D, = d/dl, d/dn derivative in the direction of the exterior normal N i -1 dO ds Q»(G) dG G C0-1 LP(G) 11*11, Lp(dG) \\-\\P,3G Wpm(G), Wpm(G) \\-\\m,P II" llm,/>,0 HO* "VcHcV*" Wp\0,T; V,H) Lp(0,T;X) (P),(S),(S)+,(S)0 Laplace operator, Dt = d/d£t surface differential differential of the arc length (d0 = ds in IR2) space of infinitely differentiable real functions with compact support piecewise smooth boundary Lebesgue space norm on Lp(G) Lebesgue space on dG norm on L (dG) Sobolev spaces norm on Wpm(G) norm on Wpm(G) inner product in W2m(G) evolution triple Sobolev space with respect to "V QHcV*" Lebesgue space of functions with values in X conditions for mappings
IfeH^TO^Synibte (sJs£jjSV|8&-«, Notation Introduced in the Present Part III Page tF(u) = AF(u) -=AF(u) inf„, min, max min„e^^(") = « F(u) — min! F(u) = stationary! F'(u) 8F(u; h) 8nF(u; h) d"F(u;h1,...,hn) dnF{u;h) F'(u)h F"(u)hk F"{u)h2 S + F(u;h) dF(u) domF epiF Xm p* K+ K* K(Y) S(Y) Mx (X, X*),(X,Y) TMU TF(u) ^M,cF sym^ ind M gen M (PS) (PS)±,(PS), x± infimum of F on A 5 supremum of F on A 5 minimum of F on A 5 maximum of F on A 5 minimum problem 5 problem for determining a critical point 292 F-derivative or G-derivative at the point u (the text always refers precisely to the momentary meaning) 191 variation of F at the point u in the direction h. 191 n-th variation of F at u in the direction h 191 n-th /•'-differential of F at u in the directions hu..., h„ 192 identical with d"F(u;h,...,h) F\u) applied to h identical with {F"(u)h)k identical with F"{u)hh directional derivative of F at the point u in the direction h 191 subdifferential of F at the point u 385 effective domain of F 380 epigraph of F 380 indicator function of the set M 381 conjugate functional to F 489 dual cone to K 408 identical with K+ 408 closed unit ball in the space Y 111 boundary of K(Y) 111 generalized orthogonal complement in B-spaces 172 dual pair of locally convex spaces 601 tangent space to M at the point u- 283 tangential mapping to F at the point u 287 set of critical points 316 class of symmetric sets in the space X 'ill topological index of the set M 318 genus of M 319 Palais-Smale condition 161 local Palais-Smale conditions 321 global multiplicity of eigenvectors 325
642 List of Symbols Lcx(a,b) LH(G) L„(G) E„(G) WmLH(G) [x,y\p,[x, y]± space of piecewise continuous functions on [a, b] Orlicz space Orlicz class subspace of LH(G) Sobolev-OHict space generalized inner products on B-spaces 422 540 540 540 544 582
List of Theorems Every science is, among other things, the ordering, the simplifying, the making digestible what is undigestible for the spirit. Hermann Hesse Theorem 37.A (Consistency, existence, and duality in linear optimization problems) 54 Theorem 37.B (The Kuhn-Tucker saddle point theorem of convex optimization) 56 Theorem 37.C (Alternation theorem of classical Chebyshev approximation) 74 Theorem 37.D (Dynamic optimization of discrete control problems and the Bellman optimization principle) .... 85 Theorem 37.E (Dynamic optimization of continuous control problems) 87 Theorem 37.F (Thorn's classification theorem of catastrophe theory) , 126 Theorem 38.A (Main theorem for extremal problems in B-spaces; compactness and existence of extremal solutions; generalized Weierstrass theorem) 151 Theorem 38.B (Main theorem for extremal problems in topological spaces) 152 Theorem 38.C (Strict convexity and uniqueness of extremal solutions) 152 Theorem 38.D (Main theorem of linear optimization on compact convex sets in locally convex spaces, the role of the extreme points) 157 Theorem 38.E (Quasisolutions for minimum problems) 158
644 List of Theorems Theorem 38.G (Abstract entropy principle) 163 Theorem 39.A (Main theorem of linear approximation theory, existence, and duality) 172 Theorem 39.B (Interpolation properties of subspaces and the uniqueness of extremal solutions) 175 Theorem 39.C (Abstract alternation theorem of linear approximation theory) 179 Theorem 40.A (Necessary and sufficient conditions for free, local extrema expressed in terms of variations) 193 Theorem 40.B (Necessary and sufficient conditions for free, local extrema expressed in terms of derivatives) 194 Theorem 40.C (Sufficient conditions for global minima using comparison functionals; basic idea of field theory) 195 Theorem 40.D (Accessory quadratic minimum problems and sufficient eigenvalue criteria for free, local minima) 201 Theorem 41.A (Solution of operator equations by solving extremal problems) 233 Theorem 41.B (Solution of abstract Hammerstein equations whose kernel operator is symmetric and whose Nemyckii operator is a potential operator) 237 Theorem 42.A (Free, convex minimum problems and the Ritz method) 251 Theorem 42.B (Free, convex minimum problems and the gradient method) 253 Theorem 43.A (Existence of an eigenvector via a minimum problem with side conditions) 278 Theorem 43.B (Existence of a bifurcation point via a maximum problem with side conditions) 279 Theorem 43.C (Tangent vectors, submersions, and the generalized implicit function theorem) 286 Theorem 43.D (Existence of Lagrange multipliers for smooth side conditions, necessary and sufficient conditions). . . 290 Theorem 44.A (Main theorem of the Ljustemik-Schnirelman theory in infinite-dimensional B-spaces on the existence of finitely many or infinitely many eigenvectors) 326 Theorem 44.B (Main theorem of the Ljustemik-Schnirelman theory in finite-dimensional B-spaces) 335 Theorem 44.C (Existence of several eigenvectors for abstract Hammerstein equations) 337 Theorem 44.D (The mountain pass theorem for constructing a free critical point) 339 Theorem 45.A (Main theorem of bifurcation theory for potential operators) 353
List of Theorems 645 Theorem 46.A (Variational inequalities as necessary and sufficient conditions for minimum problems on convex sets) 364 Theorem 46.B (The Ritz method for minimum problems on convex sets) 368 Theorem 46.C (Solution of minimum problems and variational inequalities on convex sets by means of a projected gradient method) 369 Theorem 46.D (Convergence of the penalty functional method) . . 371 Theorem 46.E (Regularization of linear operator equations) .... 373 Theorem 46.F (Regularization of nonlinear operator equations). . 375 Theorem 47.A (Existence of subgradients) 387 Theorem 47.B (Sum rule for subgradients) 389 Theorem 47.C (Main theorem of convex optimization) 391 Theorem 47.D (Main theorem of convex approximation theory). . 392 Theorem 47.E (Generalized Kuhn-Tucker theory for side conditions in the form of inequalities; saddle points, Lagrange multipliers, subgradients, variational inequalities) 394 Theorem 47. F (Maximal mono tonicity of the subgradient, characterization of maximal cyclic monotone mappings) ; 397 Theorem 48.A (Main theorem on necessary and sufficient extremal conditions for minimum problems with general side conditions) 414 Theorem 48.B (Necessary and sufficient extremal conditions for minimum problems with operator equations and inequalities as side conditions) 417 Theorem 48 .C (Pontrjagin maximum principle) 424 Theorem 48.D (The Euler, Legendre, and Weierstrass necessary conditions for classical variational problems as a consequence of the Pontrjagin maximum principle) 434 Theorem 49.A (Existence of saddle points) 459 Theorem 49.B (Main theorem of general duality theory, Lagrange functions, and their saddle points) 460 Theorem 50.A (Minimum problems with operator inequalities as side conditions and duality) 480 Theorem 51.A (Properties of conjugatefunctionals, F**=> F). . . 494 Theorem 51.B (Duality propositions for monotone potential operators) 500 Theorem 5 2.A (Duality propositions of Rockafellar type for stable problems) 514 Theorem 52.B (Duality propositions of Fenchel type) 518
646 List of Theorems Theorem 52.C (Main theorem for linear optimization problems in locally convex spaces, duality, and stability) 520 Theorem 52.D (Bellman differential equation and duality in non- convex control problems) 524 Theorem 54.A (Main theorem for elliptic variational inequalities with pseudomonotone operators) 552 Theorem 54.B (Maximum principle for control problems with linear operator equations as control equations) . . . 557 Theorem 54.C (Semigroups and control problems with evolution equations as control equations) 561 Theorem 55.A (Multivalued inhomogeneous evolution equations of the first order in H-spaces and maximal monotone operators) 571 Theorem 56.A (Multivalued inhomogeneous evolution equations of the second order in H-spaces and maximal monotone operators) 578 Theorem 57.A (Multivalued inhomogeneous evolution equations of the first order in B-spaces and m-accretive operators) 585 Theorem 57.B (Nonexpansive semigroups in B-spaces) 593
List of the Most Important Definitions Weak convergence 148 Weak sequentially continuous functional 149 Weak sequentially lower semicontinuous functional 149 Lower semicontinuous and upper semicontinuous function- als 150 Lower semicompact functional 150 Palais-Smale condition 161, 321 n-th variation, G-derivative, F-derivative 191 Potential operator 234 Convex set 245 Convex and concave functional 245 Cone and dual cone 408 Minimum and maximum (local, free, bound) 5,193, 276 Saddle point 292 Saddle point with respect to a product set 458 Free extremum 193 Bound extremum 276 Critical point 291 Subgradient and subdifferential 385 Conjugate functional 489 A list of fundamental definitions of (compact, strongly continuous, demicontinuous, monotone, pseudomonotone, etc.) operators can be found in Section 27.5 of Part II.
648 List of Definitions Schematic Overviews Interrelationship between various extremal problems 3 Convexity and extremal problems 169 Interrelationships between the classical necessary and sufficient conditions for weak and strong minima in the calculus of variations 204 Interrelationship between important properties of nonlinear operators (see Figure 27.1 of Part II) General References to the Literature Theory of probability, stochastic processes, stochastic differential equations 102 Approximation methods 140 Exercise collections and monographs with comprehensive exercise sections 142 Functional analysis and extremal problems 166 Recent trends 166 For the history of the theory of extremal problems compare the literature under the caption "classical works" in the individual sections of Chapter 37. Auxiliary Means in the Appendix to Part I Topological spaces Moore-Smith sequence (M-S sequence) Foundations of linear functional analysis in linear spaces, Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces, and locally convex spaces Auxiliary Means in Part II Lebesgue integral Integration by parts Generalized derivatives and distributions
List of Definitions 649 Lebesgue spaces and Sobolev spaces Concrete Galerkin schemes for the Ritz method (e.g., the method of finite elements) Auxiliary Means in the Appendix of the Present Part III Convex sets in R N and systems of inequalities Dual pairs of locally convex spaces Geometry of Banach spaces (convexity and smoothness properties of the norm)
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Index The reader should also consult the detailed Contents of this volume on page xv, the List of Theorems on page 643 and the indexes in Parts I and II. Important properties of operators or functionals can be found under the catchword "operator." absolute neighborhood extensors (ANE) 345 absolute neighborhood retracts (ANR) (see Part I) abstract entropy principle 163 abstract Hammerstein equations 237, 337 accessory variational problem 200 admissible curve 283 admissible direction 414 Alaoglu-Bourbaki theorem 603 alternation theorem abstract 177 concrete 74,181 approximation Chebyshev 73, 76,180,182,184 Pade 74 rational 74 Yosida 570, 574 approximation theory basic ideas of 58 compensation analysis and 58 control theory and 64 convex 392 duality and 172 Haar's uniqueness theorem 183 Kolmogorov's criterion, classical 183 Kolmogorov's criterion, generalized 449 linear 172,183 partial differential equations and 76 approximative method of Arrow—Hurewicz 454, 483 ascent 135,177,183 basic ideas of 132 Bellman 86 combination 133 cutting hyperplanes 376 Dantzig 53 decomposition 139 duality 138 dynamic optimization 86 equivalent problems 133 feasible directions 376 Galerkin 281, 343, 472, 548 gradients 134, 252 iteration 483 least-squares 58
652 Index projected gradients 368 projection (see Ritz, Galerkin) projection-iteration 483 regularization 69, 372, 375, 377 Remes (see ascent) Ritz 134, 250, 367 simplicial algorithm (see Dantzig) steepest descent (see gradients) Trefftz 50, 502 Uzawa 454,483 approximative methods, references to the literature 140 at almost all points (see Part II) Baiiach manifolds in Banach spaces 284 general definition of 304 Lagrange multipliers and 286, 290 Banach space (B-space) (see Part I) dual (see Part I) locally uniform convex 603 reflexive (see Part I) separable (see Part I) uniform convex 604 Bang-Bang principle 90, 444, 450 basic ideas 4 Bellman's differential equation 27, 87, 523 differential inequality 524 equation 85 optimization principle 85 bicharacteristics 217 bifurcation 279, 351, 358ff bifurcation point (see Part I) bilinear form (see Part II) compact (see Part II) nondegenerate 108 positive (see Part II) strongly positive (see Part II) symmetric (see Part II) bipolar theorem 603 Bolza's problem 436 canonical formalism classical 23 in control theory 423 infinite-dimensional 213 perturbation theory and 211 symplectic geometry and 211 Caratheodory condition (see Part II) representation theorem 600 catastrophe theory 115 category 347 Cauchy sequence (see Part I) characteristic number (see Part I) characteristics 215 Chebyshev approximation 73, 76, 180,182 discrete 184 classical calculus of variations 20ff, 41, 43, 197, 203, 433 history of the 146ff, 189,226,230ff caustic 218 codimension of a singularity 128 coercive functional 247 operator (see Part II) compact bilinear form (see Part II) operator (see Part I) set (see Part I) compactness principles 145 compensation analysis deterministic 58 stochastic 61 concave functional 245 condition Caratheodory (see Part II) Jacobi 205 Legendre 205, 433 Palais-Smale 161, 321 Slater, classical 56 Slater, generalized 394, 414, 482, 519, 520 Weiers trass 433 Weierstrass-Erdmann 434 cone 408 cone, dual 408, 441 conjugate functionals basic ideas of 487 definition of 489 duality and 487, 512 for bilinear forms 510 for differentiable functionals 508 for integral operators 510 geometric interpretation of 508 Orlicz spaces and 538
Index 653 properties of 493, 508ff T-regularization and 508 consistency and existence 53, 514 controllability 450 control problems discrete 84, 537 dynamic optimization and 84 existence theorems for 442 linear 450 needle variations and 93, 565 nonconvex 521 Pontrjagin maximum principle and 422 quadratic 88, 559, 560, 562 • Riccati equation and 27, 566_ space ships and 437, 444 time-optimal 450 control problems with Bang-Bang 90, 444, 450 elliptic differential equations 559 evolution equations 560 impulse control 576 ordinary differential equations 89, 92, 93, 422, 433, 437, 450 parabolic differential equations 562 partial differential equations 96, 559, 560 regulators 88, 561, 566 stochastic influences 97 stopping time 566 synthesis 88, 92, 561, 566 convergence norm (see Part I) of M~S sequences (see Part I) strong 148 weak* 148 convex analysis 379 approximation theory 392 function 15, 246, 264 functional 245,380 hull (see Part I) optimization 55, 390 set 245 sets, properties in IRN 600 convexity principles 169 properties of the norm 603 critical level of a functional 316 critical points basic definition of 291 characterization of 292 elementary meaning of 14,18 existence of 102,105,316, 324, 326, 339, 340ff, 465ff free 292 inIR 14 inl!«N 18 Lagrange multipliers and 292 Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory and 102, 316, 324, 326, 339,469ff Morse theory and 105, 343 necessary and sufficient conditions for 292 nonlinear differential equations and 466ff Palais-Smale condition and the existence of 161, 324 of a function 14,18 of a functional 291 of a smooth mapping 116 periodic solutions and 466,475 stable 341 critical value of a functional 316 of a smooth mapping 116 cyclic monotone 396 deformation 346 derivative 191 diffeomorphism (see Part I) differential 192 on manifolds 287 differential equations Bellman 27, 87, 523, 524 conservation laws 594 control problems with ordinary 422, 435 control problems with partial 96, 559, 561, 562, 565ff eigenvalue problems 342, 360, 468, 469 elliptic 41,43,50,76,255,336, 342, 360, 466, 468,469,475, 502, 506, 545, 559 Euler 22,41,197,209 Euler-Lagrange 34,43, 299, 300
654 Index Hamilton-Jacobi 20,27ff, 38,215, 537 Helmholtz 271 Huygen's principle for hyperbolic 214, 219ff hyperbolic 213ff, 466, 476 Korteweg-de Vries equation 213 ordinary 20ff, 422ff parabolic 562 periodic solutions of 466, 475 wave equation 213ff with strong nonlinearities 545 differential inequalities 44, 365, 524 directional derivative 191 dual Banach space (see Part I) cone 408, 441 pair 601 duality approximation theory and 172 basic ideas of 7, 11, 138, 453 conjugate functionals and 487ff, 512ff convex optimization and 56, 392, 482 elliptic differential equations 50, 502, 506 Fenchel-Rockafellar 518 gaps 139, 534 general principle of 460 in Banach spaces (see Part I) in locally convex spaces 600 Kuhn-Tucker theory and 56, 392, 482 Lagrange functions and 454,460 Lagrange multipliers and 460 linear optimization and 54, 463, 519 minimal surface problems and 533 monotone potential operators and 499 nonconvex control problems and 521 principle of Clarke-Ekeland 476 Ritz 50, 502 Trefftz 50, 502 duality mapping in a Banach space 399 in a Hilbert space (see Part II) dynamic optimization continuous 86 discrete 84 effective domain of definition 380 eigenvalue problems abstract 278, 279, 335 bifurcation 279, 351 elliptic differential equations 43, 299, 336, 342ff existence of several eigenvectors 324, 335 Hammerstein integral equations 240, 342 Hammerstein operator equations 337 inlRN 17,335 Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory and 102, 324, 341ff eikonal 27 elementary catastrophes 123,125 embedding (see Part II) epigraph 380 equation Bellman 27, 85, 87, 523, 524 canonical 23, 211, 213, 214 eikonal 27 Euler 22, 41, 197, 209 Euler-Lagrange 34, 43 generalized canonical 213, 423 generalized Euler 193ff, 229, 386 generalized Euler-Lagrange 290, 414 Hamilton-Jacobi 20,27ff, 38, 215, 537 Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman (see Bellman) Helmholtz 217 Jacobi 201 Korteweg-de Vries 213 equilibrium Nash 49 (see also Part IV) Walras 49 (see also Part IV) equivalent mappings 121 norms (see Part I) ergodic theory 225 error estimates, two-sided approximation theory and 173
655 basic idea of 138 duality and 138, 461 monotone potential operators and 500 nonconvex control problems and 524 Ritz method and 50, 500, 504 Trefftz method and 50, 504 Euler equation (see equation) Euler quotations 230 evolution equations 560, 581 triple (see Part II) variational inequalities 568,.577 exercise collections, references to 142 existence principles basic ideas of 7,145, 168 compactness and 145ff, 151,152, 154, 161, 232 convexity and 168ff, 172 history of 146 Palais-Smale condition and 161, 324 existence principles for bifurcation points 279, 352 critical points 102,105, 316ff, 324, 326, 339, 340ff, 465ff eigenvectors 278, 279, 314, 324, 326, 335 maxima (see minima) minima 151,153,154,161,232 minimal surface problems 530ff optimal control problems 442 saddle points 457, 466, 467 variational problems 255, 266 extremal of a variational problem 196 principles, fundamental 145ff, 168ff problems 4 problems and operator equations 9, 229ff, 233 relations 453, 461 extreme points 157,182 extremum 5 Fan's inequality 50 (see also Part IV) Farkas' lemma 441, 484 F-derivative 192 F-differential 192 Fermat's principle 21 Feynman integral 225 field theory 195, 207, 210 filtering of stochastic processes 98 finite elements (see Part II) Finsler manifolds 345 Fourier integral operators 224 Fourier series 61 Frechet-derivative (see F-derivative) Fredholm mappings (see Part I) free convex minimum problems 250, 252 free critical point 292 free local minimum 193 function action (S-function) generalized Lagrange 460 Hamilton (H-function) 23 k-determined 130 Lagrange 16, 21, 43, 54, 55 Morse 107 Pontrjagin (^function) structurally stable 122 Weierstrass (E-function) 204 Young 538 functional (see operator) Galerkin method eigenvalue problems and 281 general (see Part II) Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory and 343, 472 Galerkin scheme (see Part II) game theory 47 Gateaux-derivative (see G- derivative) gauge field theory 226 G-derivative 191 generalized canonical equations 213, 423 Euler equations 193ff, 229, 386 Euler-Lagrange equations 290, 414 gradients of locally Lipschitz continuous functionals 403 implicit function theorem 286
656 Inde; inner products on Banach spaces 582 Kolmogorov criterion 449 Kuhn-Tucker theory 392, 416, 448, 479 Lagrange function 454, 460 Lagrange multipliers 290,414, 460 linear optimization 157,463, 519 Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory 340, 469 Morse theory 343 problem in geometrical optics 525 Slater condition 394,414,482, 519, 520 generalized solutions of abstract minimum problems 158, 403, 449 control problems 443 convex regularization and 268 linear equations 67 minimal surface problems 533 partial differential equations (see Part II) variational problems 267, 268 generic properties 120, 534 genus of symmetric sets 319 geodesies 37,112ff geometrical optics 24,27, 215, 216, 217, 218, 525 geometric functional analysis 168, 170, 185 germs of functions 127 gradient method 134, 252, 265 Haar determinant 178 Haar's uniqueness theorem 183 Hahn-Banach theorem 170 Hamiltonian systems 475 Hammerstein integral equations 239 with strong nonlinearities 542 Helly's intersection theorem 600 Hestenes' theorem 202 Hilbert space (H-space) (see Part I) H5lder's inequality (see Part II) homeomorphism (see Part I) hull (see Part I) closed convex linear Huygen's principle 214, 219 weak 220 immersions 116, 286 indefinite variational problems 342, 466 index theorem for geodesies 112 indicator function 381 inequality of Fan 50 (see also Part IV) Farkas 484 Garding 201 H51der (see Part II) Tucker 484 inequalities, systems of 600 infimum 5 information theory 294, 307 integrable dynamical systems 212 infinite-dimensional 214 integration by parts (see Part II) interpolation property of subspaces 175 inverse scattering theory 213 Kadec-Troyanski theorem 604 Kalman-Bucy filter 99, 565 Kolmogorov's criterion 183, 449 Krasnoselskii's bifurcation theorem 352 Krein's extension theorem 171 Krein-Milman theorem 157 Kuhn-Tucker theory classical 55 generalized 392, 416, 448, 479 generalized gradients and 404 simple sufficient rule 404 Lagrange functions calculus of variations and 21, 34 conjugate functional and 496 convex optimization 55 duality and 454, 460 generalized 460 in RN 16 linear optimization and 55 Lagrange multipliers basic ideas of 16, 274 constraining forces as 272 convex optimization 56, 393,480
Index 657 critical points and 291 eigenvalue problems and 43,278, 279, 324, 335 generalized 290, 414, 446 in RN 16, 293 linear optimization and 54,463, 519 nondegeneracy conditions for 9, 17, 273 Pontrjagin maximum principle and 429, 446 temperature as 296 variational problems and 34, 36, 43, 299, 300 Lax pair 214 least-squares method 58 Lebesgue integral (see Part II) Lebesgue space (see Part II) Legendre condition 205, 433 Legendre transformation classical 23 conjugate functionals and 491 linear space (see Part I) linking principle 317, 469, 471 list of the abbreviations 637 auxiliary means 648 general references to the literature 648 most important definitions 647 symbols 437 theorems 643 Ljapunov's theorem on vector measures 444 Ljusternik's theorems 104,105, 286, 290 Ljusternik-Schnirelman theory approach by genus 319 approach by category 347 basic ideas of 316 classical results of 102 constrained case and eigenvalue problems 324 free (unconstrained) case 339, 465ff Hammerstein equations and 337, 339, 342 indefinite problems and 342 linking principle and 317, 469, 471 monotone operators and 328 mountain pass theorem and 339 on Banach manifolds 349 on Finsler manifolds 349 on general level sets 469 on topological spaces 345 periodic solutions and 466, 475 partial differential equations and 336, 342, 466ff perturbed problems and 341 locally convex spaces (see Part I) lower semicompact functionals criterion for 510 definition of 150 lower semicontinuous functionals 150, 380 L-S deformations (Ljusternik- Schnirelman deformations) definition of 316 existence of 468 Mackey-Arens theorem 602 Mackey topology 603 manifolds in a Banach space 284 mapping (see operator) Maslov WKB method 223 mathematical economics 50, 475, 549 (see also Part IV) maximum (see minimum) maximum principle classical 25 Pontrjagin 422, 557 maximum-minimum principle Courant 102, 314 Ljusternik 316 Mayer's problem 437 measurable function (see Part II) minimal of variational problems strong 197 weak 197 minimum bound 276 free 244 strong 197 weak 197 minimal point 5 sequence 232 surface problem 209, 529 value 5
658 minimax theorem 459 min-sup problem 6, 474 moon landing 444 Morse function 107 index, classical 108 index, generalized (see Part V) inequalities 107, 111, 343 lemma 110, 343 Morse-Sard theorem classical 344 generalized 344 Morse theory classical 105 generalized 343 topology and (see Part V) mountain pass theorem 339 M-S sequence (Moore-Smith sequence) (see Part I) Nash equilibrium point 48 necessary conditions for extrema basic ideas of 8 classical maximum principle 25 differentiable functionals 193 ft" Dubovickii-Miljutin theory 414 dynamic optimization 85, 87 Euler equation abstract 193ff, 229, 386 Euler equation, variational problems 22, 41, 197, 209 Euler-Lagrange equation, abstract 290, 414 Euler-Lagrange equation, variational problems 34, 43 functionals on convex sets 363 general side conditions 414 inR 13 in RN 16, 195, 294 Kuhn-Tucker theory 56, 394, 417, 480, 482 Lagrange multipliers 17, 34,290, 292, 294 Legendre condition 205, 433 Pontrjagin maximum principle 422 subgradient condition 386 variational inequalities 363 Weierstrass condition 433 Weierstrass-Erdmann corner Index neighborhood (see Part I) Nemyckii operator (see Part II) Noether's theorem 33, 226 nonexpansive semigroups 593 norm (see Part I) normality of control problems 450 normal solution 66 nonconvex control problems 521 minimal surface problems 533 problems and convex regularization 268 variational problems 267, 268 nonexpansive semigroups characterization of 596 construction of 593 Crandall-Pazy theory for nonlinear 596 definition of 593 Hille-Yosida theory for linear 596 invariant sets for 598 obstacle problem and regularization 563 operator (functional, mapping) accretive 583 adjoint (see Part II) bijective (see List of Symbols) bilinear (see Part I) bounded (see Part II) coercive (functional) 247 coercive (operator) (see Part II) compact (see Part II) concave 245 condition (P),(S),(S)+,(S)0 (see Part II) condition A2,A2 539 conjugate 489 continuous (see Part I) contractive (see Part I) convex 245, 380 cyclic monotone 396 demicontinuous (see Part II) dual (see Part I) equicontinuous (see Part I) F-diflerentiable 192 Fredholm (see Part I) G-diflerentiable 192
659 linear (see Part I) linear bounded (see Part I) Lipschitz-continuous (see Part II) locally Lipschitz-continuous (see Part II) lower semicontinuous 150, 380 lower semicompact 150 m-accretive 583 maximal cyclic monotone 396 maximal monotone 396 measurable (see Part II) monotone (see Part II) monotone potential 249 nonexpansive (see Part II)' potential 234 proper (see Part I) pseudomonotone (see Part II) quasiconcave 150 quasiconvex 150 self-adjoint (see Part I) sequentially lower semicontinuous 149 strictly convex 245 strictly monotone (see Part II) surjective (see List of Symbols) symmetric (see Part II) uniformly continuous (see Part II) upper semicontinuous 150 weak sequentially continuous 149 weak sequentially lower continuous 149 weak* sequentially lower continuous 149 weakly coercive (functional) 247 optimal quadrature formulas 80 optimization problems approximative methods in IRN for 376 convex 55, 390, 392, 416, 479 dynamic 84 linear 51, 157, 463, 485 nonconvex 521 Pareto 48 Pontrjagin maximum principle for 422 Orlicz class 540 space 540 orthonormal system (see Part I) Palais-Smale condition 161, 321 parameter identification 71 Pareto optimization 48 penalty method 137, 370 periodic solutions 466, 475 perturbation theory 137, 211 perturbed bifurcation and catastrophe theory 128 minimum problems and Rockafellar theory 513 variational problems and Hamilton-Jacobi theory 26 polar 603 Pontrjagin maximum principle abstract version of 557 alternative proofs of 446, 449 basic idea of 93 Bolza's problem and 436 calculus of variations and 433 discrete 537 elementary application of 89 elementary provable special case of 93 Lagrange multipliers and 429, 446 main theorem of 422 Mayer's problem and 437 modifications of 435 nonsmooth version of 449 proof of 426 spaceships and 437ff, 444,445 variational inequalities and 429, 557 with operator equations as control 557 with phase restrictions 437 potential operators 229 criteria for 234 definition of 234 properties of monotone 9, 249 problem ill-posed 67 well-posed 67 product space (see Part I) projected gradient method 368 projection operator (see Part II) on convex sets 366 pseudoinverses 66
mr H'l'iaex quadratic control problems 88, 558, 559, 560, 561, 566 elliptic variational inequalities 364, 552, 553 evolution variational inequalities 572, 578 forms 108, 209, 235 variational inequalities, concrete 44, 365, 559, 561, 562 variational problems, abstract 155, 200, 314, 364 variational problems, concrete 27, 41, 43, 44, 50, 365, 502 quantum field theory 226 quasiconcave functionals 150 quasiconvex functionals 150 quasisolutions of minimum problems 158, 449 quasivariational inequalities 10, 549, 566 (see also Part IV) quotient theorem 303 recent trends references to the literature of 166 reference 177 reflexive Banach space (see Part I) region (see Part I) regular descent direction 414 regular point of a set 283 regularization iteration and 377 linear 372ff, 377 nonlinear 375ff of functionals 508, 574 of generalized solutions 267,269, 563 Tihonov 69 regulator problem 88, 561, 565, 566 Remes algorithms 135,183 resolvent (see Part I) of maximal monotone operators 569 return of a spaceship to earth 437 Riccati differential equation 27, 566 Ritz's method 134, 250, 367 Rockafellar's stability principle 512, 514 saddle points convex optimization and 56, 393, 480 definition of 292 duality and 453, 460 existence of 457, 466, 467 game theory and 47 inl!«N 18 linear optimization and 54, 463, 519 monotone operators and 467, 476 with respect to a product set 458 second variation convexity and 247 definition of 191 eigenvalue criteria for minima and 200 necessary conditions and 10,194 sufficient conditions and 10,194, 200 theorem of Hestenes and 202 semigroups control problems and 560, 565 nonexpansive 593, 596, 598 seminorm 170 separation of convex sets 171 set closed (see Part I) compact (see Part I) convex 245 dense (see Part II) measurable (see Part II) open (see Part I) relatively compact (see Part I) symmetric 317 weak sequentially closed 151 weak sequentially compact 154 side conditions in the form of convex sets 363 equations 34, 446, 479 equations in IRN 293, 335 evolution equations 560 general relations 413 inequalities and equalities 55, 392, 416, 448, 479, 482 integrals 34,299 linear differential equations 450, 559, 562 linear inequalities 51,463, 519
lllut-X nonlinear ordinary differential equations 34,422 nonlinear partial differential equations 300 operator equations 417, 479, 556 smooth equations 277, 290, 324 simplicial algorithm 53 singularities of smooth mappings 116 Sobolev's embedding theorems (see Part II) Sobolev spaces (see Part II) Sobolev-Orlicz spaces 544 solitons 213 splines 79, 498 stability of perturbed minimum problems 513 structural 122 stable deformations 127 statistical physics 296 stochastic interpretation of control problems 443 variational problems 267 stochastic processes control of 97, 549, 565 compensation analysis for 63 definition of 63 filtering of 98 prognosis of 98 strongly convex functional 264 subdifferential 385 subgradients basic ideas of 379, 487 chain rule for 403 definition of 385 existence of 387 extremal principle and 386 G-derivative and 387 inR 16 properties of 379ff, 386, 387, 388, 396, 399, 403, 487ff, 490, 493 sum rule for 388 Young's inequality and 490 submersions 116,286 sufficient conditions for minima accessory problems 200 basic ideas of 10 convex functionals 246 differentiable functionals 193 duality 138, 461 Dubovickii-Miljutin theory 414 dynamic optimization 85, 87 eigenvalue criteria 200 field theory 195, 207, 210 general side conditions 414 in RN 17, 195, 294 Jacobi condition 205 Kuhn-Tucker theory 56, 394,417, 480, 482 Lagrange multipliers 17, 36,290, 294 linear optimization 54,464, 520 nonconvex control problems 524 second variation 193,195,200, 290, 294 2n-th variation 193,195, 290, 294 simple rule for nonconvex problems with inequalities as side conditions 404 variational inequalities 363 sum rule 388 support functional 385 supremum 5 surjectivity theorem 303 synthesis problem 88, 92, 561, 566 tangent bundle 306 plane 283 space 283, 305 vector 283 tangential cones 449 direction 415 mapping 287, 306 theory of Crandall-Pazy 596 Dubovickii-Miljutin 407 Hille-Yosida 596 Kolmogorov-Arnold-Moser 212 Kolmogorov-Wiener 98 Kuhn-Tucker 55, 392, 416, 448, 479 Ljusternik-Schnirelman 102,313, 340, 469 Morse 105, 343 Rockafellar 514 Thorn's classification theorem 126
662 Index Tihonov regularization 69 topological index 317, 346 space (see Part I) transversality of manifolds and mappings 117 condition 32 Tuy's inconsistency theorem 468 unfolding of mappings 123 uniqueness principles strict convexity 152 interpolation property 175 Uzawa's algorithm 454, 483 variation 191 variational inequalities basic ideas of 363, 547 bifurcation problems for (see Part IV) coercive 552 control problems and 549, 556 differential inequalities and 44, 365, 524 elliptic 551 evolution 568, 577 inR 13 Kuhn-Tucker theory and 56, 394, 417 mathematical physics and 45 (see also Part IV) maximal monotone operators and 548ff Pontrjagin maximum principle and 429,557 quadratic 364, 552, 553, 565, 572, 578 regularity of solutions of 549 semicoercive 553, 564 (see also quasivariational inequalities) variational problems as control problems 433 basic ideas of classical 20ff, 203ff duality for 50, 502 existence theorems for 255, 266 field theory 195, 207, 210 generalized solutions of nonconvex 267, 268 multi-dimensional 41, 43, 50, 196ff, 255ff, 266, 299, 300, 502 necessary conditions for 22,41, 43, 197, 209, 433 one-dimensional 20ff, 203ff, 433 sufficient conditions for 200ff, 207, 210 Walras equilibrium 49 (see also Part IV) warehouse maintenance 97 weak sequentially lower semicontinuous functionals criteria for 235 definition of 149 Weierstrass counterexample of 165 E-function of 204 existence theorem, classical 145 existence theorem, generalized 151, 152, 154, 232 necessary condition 232 Wiener integral 215 Yosida approximation 570, 575 Young's inequality classical 488 generalized 490