Автор: Sedgewick Robert Wayne Kevin
Теги: programming computer science
ISBN: 978-0-13-407642-3
Год: 2017
Computer Science
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Computer Science An Interdisciplinary Approach Robert Sedgewick Kevin Wayne Princeton University Boston • Columbus • Indianapolis • New York • San Francisco • Amsterdam • Cape Town Dubai • London • Madrid • Milan • Munich • Paris • Montreal • Toronto • Delhi • Mexico City Sāo Paulo • Sydney • Hong Kong • Seoul • Singapore • Taipei • Tokyo
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______________________________ To Adam, Andrew, Brett, Robbie, Henry, Iona, Rose, Peter, and especially Linda ______________________________ ______________________________ To Jackie, Alex, and Michael ______________________________
Contents Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiii 1—Elements of Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.1 Your First Program 2 1.2 Built-in Types of Data 14 1.3 Conditionals and Loops 50 1.4 Arrays 90 1.5 Input and Output 126 1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer 170 2—Functions and Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1 Defining Functions 192 2.2 Libraries and Clients 226 2.3 Recursion 262 2.4 Case Study: Percolation 300 191 3—Object-Oriented Programming . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Using Data Types 330 3.2 Creating Data Types 382 3.3 Designing Data Types 428 3.4 Case Study: N-Body Simulation 478 329 4—Algorithms and Data Structures . . . . . . . . . 493 4.1 Performance 494 4.2 Sorting and Searching 532 4.3 Stacks and Queues 566 4.4 Symbol Tables 624 4.5 Case Study: Small-World Phenomenon 670 vi
5—Theory of Computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 715 5.1 Formal Languages 718 5.2 Turing Machines 766 5.3 Universality 786 5.4 Computability 806 5.5 Intractability 822 6—A Computing Machine. . . . . . . . . . . . . 873 6.1 Representing Information 874 6.2 TOY Machine 906 6.3 Machine-Language Programming 930 6.4 TOY Virtual Machine 958 7—Building a Computing Device . . . . . . . . . . 985 7.1 Boolean Logic 986 7.2 Basic Circuit Model 1002 7.3 Combinational Circuits 1012 7.4 Sequential Circuits 1048 7.5 Digital Devices 1070 Context. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1093 Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1097 Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1107 APIs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1139 vii
Programs Elements of Programming Functions and Modules Your First Program Defining Functions 1.1.1 Hello, World. . . . . . . . . . . 4 1.1.2 Using a command-line argument . 7 Built-in Types of Data 1.2.1 1.2.2 1.2.3 1.2.4 1.2.5 String concatenation . . . . . . . 20 Integer multiplication and division.23 Quadratic formula. . . . . . . . 25 Leap year . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Casting to get a random integer. . 34 Conditionals and Loops 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.5 1.3.6 1.3.7 1.3.8 1.3.9 Flipping a fair coin . . . . . . . 53 Your first while loop. . . . . . . 55 Computing powers of 2 . . . . . 57 Your first nested loops. . . . . . 63 Harmonic numbers. . . . . . . 65 Newton’s method. . . . . . . . 66 Converting to binary. . . . . . . 68 Gambler’s ruin simulation . . . . 71 Factoring integers. . . . . . . . 73 Arrays 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.4 Generating a random sequence . 128 Interactive user input. . . . . . 136 Averaging a stream of numbers . 138 A simple filter. . . . . . . . . 140 Standard input-to-drawing filter. 147 Bouncing ball. . . . . . . . . 153 Digital signal processing . . . . . 158 Case Study: Random Web Surfer viii Harmonic numbers (revisited) . 194 Gaussian functions. . . . . . . 203 Coupon collector (revisited) . . . 206 Play that tune (revisited). . . . . 213 Libraries and Clients 2.2.1 2.2.2 2.2.3 2.2.4 2.2.5 2.2.6 Random number library. . . . . 234 Array I/O library. . . . . . . . 238 Iterated function systems. . . . . 241 Data analysis library. . . . . . . 245 Plotting data values in an array . 247 Bernoulli trials . . . . . . . . . 250 Recursion 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.6 Euclid’s algorithm. . . . . . . 267 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . 270 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Recursive graphics. . . . . . . 277 Brownian bridge. . . . . . . . 279 Longest common subsequence . 287 Case Study: Percolation Sampling without replacement. . 98 Coupon collector simulation . . . 102 Sieve of Eratosthenes. . . . . . 104 Self-avoiding random walks. . . 113 Input and Output 1.5.1 1.5.2 1.5.3 1.5.4 1.5.5 1.5.6 1.5.7 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.1.4 1.6.1 Computing the transition matrix. 173 1.6.2 Simulating a random surfer . . . 175 1.6.3 Mixing a Markov chain. . . . . 182 2.4.1 2.4.2 2.4.3 2.4.4 2.4.5 2.4.6 Percolation scaffolding. . . . . 304 Vertical percolation detection. . . 306 Visualization client . . . . . . . 309 Percolation probability estimate .311 Percolation detection . . . . . . 313 Adaptive plot client . . . . . . . 316
Object-Oriented Programming Algorithms and Data Structures Using Data Types Performance 3.1.1 Identifying a potential gene . . . 337 3.1.2 Albers squares . . . . . . . . . 342 3.1.3 Luminance library . . . . . . . 345 3.1.4 Converting color to grayscale. . . 348 3.1.5 Image scaling . . . . . . . . . 350 3.1.6 Fade effect. . . . . . . . . . . 352 3.1.7 Concatenating files. . . . . . . 356 3.1.8 Screen scraping for stock quotes . 359 3.1.9 Splitting a file . . . . . . . . . 360 Creating Data Types 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 Charged particle . . . . . . . . 387 Stopwatch. . . . . . . . . . . 391 Histogram. . . . . . . . . . . 393 Turtle graphics. . . . . . . . . 396 Spira mirabilis. . . . . . . . . 399 Complex number. . . . . . . . 405 Mandelbrot set. . . . . . . . . 409 Stock account. . . . . . . . . 413 Designing Data Types 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 Complex number (alternate) . . . 434 Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . 437 Spatial vectors . . . . . . . . . 444 Document sketch. . . . . . . . 461 Similarity detection. . . . . . . 463 Case Study: N-Body Simulation 3.4.1 3.4.2 Gravitational body . . . . . . . 482 N-body simulation. . . . . . . 485 4.1.1 3-sum problem. . . . . . . . . 497 4.1.2 Validating a doubling hypothesis. 499 Sorting and Searching 4.2.1 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.7 Binary search (20 questions). . . 534 Bisection search . . . . . . . . 537 Binary search (sorted array). . . 539 Insertion sort . . . . . . . . . 547 Doubling test for insertion sort .549 Mergesort . . . . . . . . . . . 552 Frequency counts. . . . . . . . 557 Stacks and Queues 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.3.4 4.3.5 4.3.6 4.3.7 4.3.8 Stack of strings (array). . . . . 570 Stack of strings (linked list). . . . 575 Stack of strings (resizing array) . 579 Generic stack . . . . . . . . . 584 Expression evaluation . . . . . . 588 Generic FIFO queue (linked list). 594 M/M/1 queue simulation . . . . 599 Load balancing simulation . . . . 607 Symbol Tables 4.4.1 4.4.2 4.4.3 4.4.4 4.4.5 Dictionary lookup. . . . . . . 631 Indexing. . . . . . . . . . . 633 Hash table. . . . . . . . . . . 638 Binary search tree. . . . . . . . 646 Dedup filter. . . . . . . . . . 653 Case Study: Small-World Phenomenon 4.5.1 4.5.2 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 4.5.6 Graph data type . . . . . . . . 677 Using a graph to invert an index . 681 Shortest-paths client . . . . . . 685 Shortest-paths implementation .691 Small-world test. . . . . . . . 696 Performer–performer graph . . . 698 ix
Theory of Computing A Computing Machine Formal Languages Representing Information 5.1.1 RE recognition. . . . . . . . . 729 5.1.2 Generalized RE pattern match . 736 5.1.3 Universal virtual DFA . . . . . . 743 Turing Machines 5.2.1 Virtual Turing machine tape . . . 776 5.2.2 Universal virtual TM. . . . . . 777 Universality Computability Intractability 5.5.1 SAT solver . . . . . . . . . . 855 6.1.1 6.1.2 Number conversion. . . . . . . 881 Floating-point components . . . 893 TOY Machine 6.2.1 Your first TOY program. . . . . 915 6.2.2 Conditionals and loops. . . . . 921 6.2.3 Self-modifying code. . . . . . . 923 Machine-Language Programming 6.3.1 Calling a function . . . . . . . 933 6.3.2 Standard output. . . . . . . . 935 6.3.3 Standard input. . . . . . . . . 937 6.3.4 Array processing . . . . . . . . 939 6.3.5 Linked structures. . . . . . . . 943 TOY Virtual Machine 6.4.1 x TOY virtual machine. . . . . . 967
Circuits Building a Computing Device Boolean Logic Basic Circuit Model Combinational Circuits Basic logic gates. . . . . . . . . . . 1014 Selection multiplexer. . . . . . . . 1024 Decoder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1021 Demultiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . 1022 Multiplexer . . . . . . . . . . . . 1023 XOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1024 Majority. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1025 Odd parity. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1026 Adder. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1029 ALU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1033 Bus multiplexer. . . . . . . . . . . 1036 Sequential Circuits SR flip-flop . . . . . . . . . . . . 1050 Register bit. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1051 Register. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1052 Memory bit. . . . . . . . . . . . 1056 Memory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1057 Clock . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1061 Digital Devices Program counter. . . . . . . . . . 1074 Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1081 CPU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1086 xi
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Preface T he basis for education in the last millennium was “reading, writing, and arithmetic”; now it is reading, writing, and computing. Learning to program is an essential part of the education of every student in the sciences and engineering. Beyond direct applications, it is the first step in understanding the nature of computer science’s undeniable impact on the modern world. This book aims to teach programming to those who need or want to learn it, in a scientific context. Our primary goal is to empower students by supplying the experience and basic tools necessary to use computation effectively. Our approach is to teach students that composing a program is a natural, satisfying, and creative experience. We progressively introduce essential concepts, embrace classic applications from applied mathematics and the sciences to illustrate the concepts, and provide opportunities for students to write programs to solve engaging problems. We seek also to demystify computation for students and to build awareness about the substantial intellectual underpinnings of the field of computer science. We use the Java programming language for all of the programs in this book. The first part of the book teaches basic skills for computational problem solving that are applicable in many modern computing environments, and it is a selfcontained treatment intended for people with no previous experience in programming. It is about fundamental concepts in programming, not Java per se. The second part of the book demonstrates that there is much more to computer science than programming, but we do often use Java programs to help communicate the main ideas. This book is an interdisciplinary approach to the traditional CS1 curriculum, in that we highlight the role of computing in other disciplines, from materials science to genomics to astrophysics to network systems. This approach reinforces for students the essential idea that mathematics, science, engineering, and computing are intertwined in the modern world. While it is a CS1 textbook designed for any first-year college student, the book also can be used for self-study. xiii
Preface xiv Coverage The first part of the book is organized around three stages of learning to program: basic elements, functions, object-oriented programming, and algorithms. We provide the basic information that readers need to build confidence in composing programs at each level before moving to the next level. An essential feature of our approach is the use of example programs that solve intriguing problems, supported with exercises ranging from self-study drills to challenging problems that call for creative solutions. Elements of programming include variables, assignment statements, built-in types of data, flow of control, arrays, and input/output, including graphics and sound. Functions and modules are the students’ first exposure to modular programming. We build upon students’ familiarity with mathematical functions to introduce Java functions, and then consider the implications of programming with functions, including libraries of functions and recursion. We stress the fundamental idea of dividing a program into components that can be independently debugged, maintained, and reused. Object-oriented programming is our introduction to data abstraction. We emphasize the concept of a data type and its implementation using Java’s class mechanism. We teach students how to use, create, and design data types. Modularity, encapsulation, and other modern programming paradigms are the central concepts of this stage. The second part of the book introduces advanced topics in computer science: algorithms and data structures, theory of computing, and machine architecture. Algorithms and data structures combine these modern programming paradigms with classic methods of organizing and processing data that remain effective for modern applications. We provide an introduction to classical algorithms for sorting and searching as well as fundamental data structures and their application, emphasizing the use of the scientific method to understand performance characteristics of implementations. Theory of computing helps us address basic questions about computation, using simple abstract models of computers. Not only are the insights gained invaluable, but many of the ideas are also directly useful and relevant in practical computing applications. Machine architecture provides a path to understanding what computation actually looks like in the real world—a link between the abstract machines of the theory of computing and the real computers that we use. Moreover, the study of
Preface machine architecture provides a link to the past, as the microprocessors found in today’s computers and mobile devices are not so different from the first computers that were developed in the middle of the 20th century. Applications in science and engineering are a key feature of the text. We motivate each programming concept that we address by examining its impact on specific applications. We draw examples from applied mathematics, the physical and biological sciences, and computer science itself, and include simulation of physical systems, numerical methods, data visualization, sound synthesis, image processing, financial simulation, and information technology. Specific examples include a treatment in the first chapter of Markov chains for web page ranks and case studies that address the percolation problem, n-body simulation, and the small-world phenomenon. These applications are an integral part of the text. They engage students in the material, illustrate the importance of the programming concepts, and provide persuasive evidence of the critical role played by computation in modern science and engineering. Historical context is emphasized in the later chapters. The fascinating story of the development and application of fundamental ideas about computation by Alan Turing, John von Neumann, and many others is an important subtext. Our primary goal is to teach the specific mechanisms and skills that are needed to develop effective solutions to any programming problem. We work with complete Java programs and encourage readers to use them. We focus on programming by individuals, not programming in the large. Use in the Curriculum This book is intended for a first-year college course aimed at teaching computer science to novices in the context of scientific applications. When such a course is taught from this book, college student will learn to program in a familiar context. Students completing a course based on this book will be well prepared to apply their skills in later courses in their chosen major and to recognize when further education in computer science might be beneficial. Prospective computer science majors, in particular, can benefit from learning to program in the context of scientific applications. A computer scientist needs the same basic background in the scientific method and the same exposure to the role of computation in science as does a biologist, an engineer, or a physicist. Indeed, our interdisciplinary approach enables colleges and universities to teach prospective computer science majors and prospective majors in other fields in the same course. We cover the material prescribed by CS1, but our focus on xv
Preface xvi applications brings life to the concepts and motivates students to learn them. Our interdisciplinary approach exposes students to problems in many different disciplines, helping them to choose a major more wisely. Whatever the specific mechanism, the use of this book is best positioned early in the curriculum. First, this positioning allows us to leverage familiar material in high school mathematics and science. Second, students who learn to program early in their college curriculum will then be able to use computers more effectively when moving on to courses in their specialty. Like reading and writing, programming is certain to be an essential skill for any scientist or engineer. Students who have grasped the concepts in this book will continually develop that skill throughout their lifetimes, reaping the benefits of exploiting computation to solve or to better understand the problems and projects that arise in their chosen field. Prerequisites This book is suitable for typical first-year college students. That is, we do not expect preparation beyond what is typically required for other entrylevel science and mathematics courses. Mathematical maturity is important. While we do not dwell on mathematical material, we do refer to the mathematics curriculum that students have taken in high school, including algebra, geometry, and trigonometry. Most students in our target audience automatically meet these requirements. Indeed, we take advantage of their familiarity with the basic curriculum to introduce basic programming concepts. Scientific curiosity is also an essential ingredient. Science and engineering students bring with them a sense of fascination with the ability of scientific inquiry to help explain what goes on in nature. We leverage this predilection with examples of simple programs that speak volumes about the natural world. We do not assume any specific knowledge beyond that provided by typical high school courses in mathematics, physics, biology, or chemistry. Programming experience is not necessary, but also is not harmful. Teaching programming is one of our primary goals, so we assume no prior programming experience. But composing a program to solve a new problem is a challenging intellectual task, so students who have written numerous programs in high school can benefit from taking an introductory programming course based on this book. The book can support teaching students with varying backgrounds because the applications appeal to both novices and experts alike.
Preface Experience using a computer is not necessary, but also is not a problem. College students use computers regularly—for example, to communicate with friends and relatives, listen to music, process photos, and as part of many other activities. The realization that they can harness the power of their own computer in interesting and important ways is an exciting and lasting lesson. In summary, virtually all college students are prepared to take a course based on this book as a part of their first-semester curriculum. Goals What can instructors of upper-level courses in science and engineering expect of students who have completed a course based on this book? We cover the CS1 curriculum, but anyone who has taught an introductory programming course knows that expectations of instructors in later courses are typically high: each instructor expects all students to be familiar with the computing environment and approach that he or she wants to use. A physics professor might expect some students to design a program over the weekend to run a simulation; an engineering professor might expect other students to use a particular package to numerically solve differential equations; or a computer science professor might expect knowledge of the details of a particular programming environment. Is it realistic for a single entry-level course to meet such diverse expectations? Should there be a different introductory course for each set of students? Colleges and universities have been wrestling with such questions since computers came into widespread use in the latter part of the 20th century. Our answer to them is found in this common introductory treatment of programming, which is analogous to commonly accepted introductory courses in mathematics, physics, biology, and chemistry. Computer Science strives to provide the basic preparation needed by all students in science and engineering, while sending the clear message that there is much more to understand about computer science than programming. Instructors teaching students who have studied from this book can expect that they will have the knowledge and experience necessary to enable those students to adapt to new computational environments and to effectively exploit computers in diverse applications. What can students who have completed a course based on this book expect to accomplish in later courses? Our message is that programming is not difficult to learn and that harnessing the power of the computer is rewarding. Students who master the material in this book are prepared to address computational challenges wherever they might xvii
Preface xviii appear later in their careers. They learn that modern programming environments, such as the one provided by Java, help open the door to any computational problem they might encounter later, and they gain the confidence to learn, evaluate, and use other computational tools. Students interested in computer science will be well prepared to pursue that interest; students in science and engineering will be ready to integrate computation into their studies. Online lectures A complete set of studio-produced videos that can be used in conjunction with this text are available at http://www.informit.com/store/computer-science-videolectures-20-part-lecture-series-9780134493831 These lectures are fully coordinated with the text, but also include examples and other materials that supplement the text and are intended to bring the subject to life. As with traditional live lectures, the purpose of these videos is to inform and inspire, motivating students to study and learn from the text. Our experience is that student engagement with the material is significantly better with videos than with live lectures because of the ability to play the lectures at a chosen speed and to replay and review the lectures at any time. Booksite An extensive amount of other information that supplements this text may be found on the web at http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java For economy, we refer to this site as the booksite throughout. It contains material for instructors, students, and casual readers of the book. We briefly describe this material here, though, as all web users know, it is best surveyed by browsing. With a few exceptions to support testing, the material is all publicly available. One of the most important implications of the booksite is that it empowers teachers, students, and casual readers to use their own computers to teach and learn the material. Anyone with a computer and a browser can delve into the study of computer science by following a few instructions on the booksite. For teachers, the booksite is a rich source of enrichment materials and material for quizzes, examinations, programming assignments, and other assessments. Together with the studio-produced videos (and the book), it represents resources for teaching that are sufficiently flexible to support many of the models for teaching that are emerging as teachers embrace technology in the 21st century. For example, at Princeton, our teaching style was for many years based on offering two lectures
Preface xix per week to a large audience, supplemented by “precepts” each week where students met in small groups with instructors or teaching assistants. More recently, we have evolved to a model where students watch lectures online and we hold class meetings in addition to the precepts. These class meetings generally involve exams, exam preparation sessions, tutorials, and other activities that previously had to be scheduled outside of class time. Other teachers may work completely online. Still others may use a “flipped” model involving enrichment of each lecture after students watch it. For students, the booksite contains quick access to much of the material in the book, including source code, plus extra material to encourage self-learning. Solutions are provided for many of the book’s exercises, including complete program code and test data. There is a wealth of information associated with programming assignments, including suggested approaches, checklists, FAQs, and test data. For casual readers, the booksite is a resource for accessing all manner of extra information associated with the book’s content. All of the booksite content provides web links and other routes to pursue more information about the topic under consideration. There is far more information accessible than any individual could fully digest, but our goal is to provide enough to whet any reader’s appetite for more information about the book’s content. Our goal in creating these materials is to provide complementary approaches to the ideas. People may learn a concept through careful study in the book, an engaging example in an online lectures, browsing on the booksite, or perhaps all three. Acknowledgments This project has been under development since 1992, so far too many people have contributed to its success for us to acknowledge them all here. Special thanks are due to Anne Rogers, for helping to start the ball rolling; to Dave Hanson, Andrew Appel, and Chris van Wyk, for their patience in explaining data abstraction; to Lisa Worthington and Donna Gabai, for being the first to truly relish the challenge of teaching this material to first-year students; and to Doug Clark for his patience as we learned about building Turing machines and circuits. We also gratefully acknowledge the efforts of /dev/126; the faculty, graduate students, and teaching staff who have dedicated themselves to teaching this material over the past 25 years here at Princeton University; and the thousands of undergraduates who have dedicated themselves to learning it. Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne Princeton, NJ, December 2016
Chapter One
Elements of Programming 1.1 Your First Program . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1.2 Built-in Types of Data . . . . . . . . . 14 1.3 Conditionals and Loops . . . . . . . . 50 1.4 Arrays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 1.5 Input and Output . . . . . . . . . . . .126 1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer . . .170 O ur goal in this chapter is to convince you that writing a program is easier than writing a piece of text, such as a paragraph or essay. Writing prose is difficult: we spend many years in school to learn how to do it. By contrast, just a few building blocks suffice to enable us to write programs that can help solve all sorts of fascinating, but otherwise unapproachable, problems. In this chapter, we take you through these building blocks, get you started on programming in Java, and study a variety of interesting programs. You will be able to express yourself (by writing programs) within just a few weeks. Like the ability to write prose, the ability to program is a lifetime skill that you can continually refine well into the future. In this book, you will learn the Java programming language. This task will be much easier for you than, for example, learning a foreign language. Indeed, programming languages are characterized by only a few dozen vocabulary words and rules of grammar. Much of the material that we cover in this book could be expressed in the Python or C++ languages, or any of several other modern programming languages. We describe everything specifically in Java so that you can get started creating and running programs right away. On the one hand, we will focus on learning to program, as opposed to learning details about Java. On the other hand, part of the challenge of programming is knowing which details are relevant in a given situation. Java is widely used, so learning to program in this language will enable you to write programs on many computers (your own, for example). Also, learning to program in Java will make it easy for you to learn other languages, including lower-level languages such as C and specialized languages such as Matlab. 1
Elements of Programming 1.1 Your First Program In this section, our plan is to lead you into the world of Java programming by taking you through the basic steps required to get a simple program running. The Java platform (hereafter abbreviated Java) is a collection of applications, not unlike many of the other applications that you are accustomed to using (such as your 1.1.1 Hello, World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 word processor, email program, and web 1.1.2 Using a command-line argument . . . 7 browser). As with any application, you Programs in this section need to be sure that Java is properly installed on your computer. It comes preloaded on many computers, or you can download it easily. You also need a text editor and a terminal application. Your first task is to find the instructions for installing such a Java programming environment on your computer by visiting http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu/java We refer to this site as the booksite. It contains an extensive amount of supplementary information about the material in this book for your reference and use while programming. Programming in Java To introduce you to developing Java programs, we break the process down into three steps. To program in Java, you need to: • Create a program by typing it into a file named, say, MyProgram.java. • Compile it by typing javac MyProgram.java in a terminal window. • Execute (or run) it by typing java MyProgram in the terminal window. In the first step, you start with a blank screen and end with a sequence of typed characters on the screen, just as when you compose an email message or an essay. Programmers use the term code to refer to program text and the term coding to refer to the act of creating and editing the code. In the second step, you use a system application that compiles your program (translates it into a form more suitable for the computer) and puts the result in a file named MyProgram.class. In the third step, you transfer control of the computer from the system to your program (which returns control back to the system when finished). Many systems have several different ways to create, compile, and execute programs. We choose the sequence given here because it is the simplest to describe and use for small programs.
1.1 Your First Program 3 Creating a program. A Java program is nothing more than a sequence of characters, like a paragraph or a poem, stored in a file with a .java extension. To create one, therefore, you need simply define that sequence of characters, in the same way as you do for email or any other computer application. You can use any text editor for this task, or you can use one of the more sophisticated integrated development environments described on the booksite. Such environments are overkill for the sorts of programs we consider in this book, but they are not difficult to use, have many useful features, and are widely used by professionals. Compiling a program. At first, it might seem that Java is designed to be best understood by the computer. To the contrary, the language is designed to be best understood by the programmer—that’s you. The computer’s language is far more primitive than Java. A compiler is an application that translates a program from the Java language to a language more suitable for execution on the computer. The compiler takes a file with a .java extension as input (your program) and produces a file with the same name but with a .class extension (the computer-language version). To use your Java compiler, type in a terminal window the javac command followed by the file name of the program you want to compile. Executing (running) a program. Once you compile the program, you can execute (or run) it. This is the exciting part, where your program takes control of your computer (within the constraints of what Java allows). It is perhaps more accurate to say that your computer follows your instructions. It is even more accurate to say that a part of Java known as the Java Virtual Machine (JVM, for short) directs your computer to follow your instructions. To use the JVM to execute your program, type the java command followed by the program name in a terminal window. use any text editor to create your program editor type javac HelloWorld.java to compile your program type java HelloWorld to execute your program compiler JVM HelloWorld.java your program (a text file) HelloWorld.class computer-language version of your program Developing a Java program "Hello, World" output
Elements of Programming 4 Program 1.1.1 Hello, World public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { // Prints "Hello, World" in the terminal window. System.out.println("Hello, World"); } } This code is a Java program that accomplishes a simple task. It is traditionally a beginner’s first program. The box below shows what happens when you compile and execute the program. The terminal application gives a command prompt (% in this book) and executes the commands that you type (javac and then java in the example below). Our convention is to highlight in boldface the text that you type and display the results in regular face. In this case, the result is that the program prints the message Hello, World in the terminal window. % javac HelloWorld.java % java HelloWorld Hello, World Program 1.1.1 is an example of a complete Java program. Its name is means that its code resides in a file named HelloWorld.java (by convention in Java). The program’s sole action is to print a message to the terminal window. For continuity, we will use some standard Java terms to describe the program, but we will not define them until later in the book: Program 1.1.1 consists of a single class named HelloWorld that has a single method named main(). (When referring to a method in the text, we use () after the name to distinguish it from other kinds of names.) Until Section 2.1, all of our classes will have this same structure. For the time being, you can think of “class” as meaning “program.” HelloWorld, which
1.1 Your First Program 5 The first line of a method specifies its name and other information; the rest is a sequence of statements enclosed in curly braces, with each statement typically followed by a semicolon. For the time being, you can think of “programming” as meaning “specifying a class name and a sequence of statements for its main() method,” with the heart of the program consisting of the sequence of statements in the main() method (its body). Program 1.1.1 contains two such statements: • The first statement is a comment, which serves to document the program. In Java a single-line comment begins with two '/' characters and extends to the end of the line. In this book, we display comments in gray. Java ignores comments—they are present only for human readers of the program. • The second statement is a print statement. It calls the method named System.out.println() to print a text message—the one specified between the matching double quotes—to the terminal window. In the next two sections, you will learn about many different kinds of statements that you can use to make programs. For the moment, we will use only comments and print statements, like the ones in HelloWorld. When you type java followed by a class name in your terminal window, the system calls the main() method that you defined in that class, and executes its statements in order, one by one. Thus, typing java HelloWorld causes the system to call the main() method in Program 1.1.1 and execute its two statements. The first statement is a comment, which Java ignores. The second statement prints the specified message to the terminal window. text file named HelloWorld.java name main() method public class HelloWorld { public static void main(String[] args) { // Prints "Hello, World" in the terminal window. System.out.print("Hello, World"); } } statements body Anatomy of a program
6 Elements of Programming Since the 1970s, it has been a tradition that a beginning programmer’s first program should print Hello, World. So, you should type the code in Program 1.1.1 into a file, compile it, and execute it. By doing so, you will be following in the footsteps of countless others who have learned how to program. Also, you will be checking that you have a usable editor and terminal application. At first, accomplishing the task of printing something out in a terminal window might not seem very interesting; upon reflection, however, you will see that one of the most basic functions that we need from a program is its ability to tell us what it is doing. For the time being, all our program code will be just like Program 1.1.1, except with a different sequence of statements in main(). Thus, you do not need to start with a blank page to write a program. Instead, you can • Copy HelloWorld.java into a new file having a new program name of your choice, followed by .java. • Replace HelloWorld on the first line with the new program name. • Replace the comment and print statements with a different sequence of statements. Your program is characterized by its sequence of statements and its name. Each Java program must reside in a file whose name matches the one after the word class on the first line, and it also must have a .java extension. Errors. It is easy to blur the distinctions among editing, compiling, and executing programs. You should keep these processes separate in your mind when you are learning to program, to better understand the effects of the errors that inevitably arise. You can fix or avoid most errors by carefully examining the program as you create it, the same way you fix spelling and grammatical errors when you compose an email message. Some errors, known as compile-time errors, are identified when you compile the program, because they prevent the compiler from doing the translation. Other errors, known as run-time errors, do not show up until you execute the program. In general, errors in programs, also commonly known as bugs, are the bane of a programmer’s existence: the error messages can be confusing or misleading, and the source of the error can be very hard to find. One of the first skills that you will learn is to identify errors; you will also learn to be sufficiently careful when coding, to avoid making many of them in the first place. You can find several examples of errors in the Q&A at the end of this section.
1.1 Your First Program Program 1.1.2 Using a command-line argument public class UseArgument { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.print("Hi, "); System.out.print(args[0]); System.out.println(". How are you?"); } } This program shows the way in which we can control the actions of our programs: by providing an argument on the command line. Doing so allows us to tailor the behavior of our programs. % javac UseArgument.java % java UseArgument Alice Hi, Alice. How are you? % java UseArgument Bob Hi, Bob. How are you? Input and output Typically, we want to provide input to our programs—that is, data that they can process to produce a result. The simplest way to provide input data is illustrated in UseArgument (Program 1.1.2). Whenever you execute the program UseArgument, it accepts the command-line argument that you type after the program name and prints it back out to the terminal window as part of the message. The result of executing this program depends on what you type after the program name. By executing the program with different command-line arguments, you produce different printed results. We will discuss in more detail the mechanism that we use to pass command-line arguments to our programs later, in Section 2.1. For now it is sufficient to understand that args[0] is the first command-line argument that you type after the program name, args[1] is the second, and so forth. Thus, you can use args[0] within your program’s body to represent the first string that you type on the command line when it is executed, as in UseArgument. 7
Elements of Programming 8 In addition to the System.out.println() method, UseArgument calls the method. This method is just like System.out.println(), but prints just the specified string (and not a newline character). Again, accomplishing the task of getting a program to print back out what we type in to it may not seem interesting at first, but upon reflection you will realize that another basic function of a program is its ability to respond to basic information from the user to control what the program does. The simple model that UseArgument represents will suffice to allow us to consider Java’s basic programming mechanism and to address all sorts of interesting computational problems. Stepping back, we can see that UseArgument does neither more nor less than implement a function that maps a string of characters (the command-line argument) into another string of characters (the message printed back to the terminal window). When using it, we might think of our Java program as a black box that converts our input string to some output string. This model is attractive because it is not only input string Alice simple but also sufficiently general to allow completion, in principle, of any computational task. For example, the Java compiler itself is nothing more black box than a program that takes one string of characters as input (a .java file) and produces another string of output string characters as output (the corresponding .class file). Hi, Alice. How are you? Later, you will be able to write programs that accomplish a variety of interesting tasks (though we stop short of programs as complicated as a compiler). For A bird’s-eye view of a Java program the moment, we will live with various limitations on the size and type of the input and output to our programs; in Section 1.5, you will see how to incorporate more sophisticated mechanisms for program input and output. In particular, you will see that we can work with arbitrarily long input and output strings and other types of data such as sound and pictures. System.out.print()
1.1 Your First Program Q&A Q. Why Java? A. The programs that we are writing are very similar to their counterparts in several other languages, so our choice of language is not crucial. We use Java because it is widely available, embraces a full set of modern abstractions, and has a variety of automatic checks for mistakes in programs, so it is suitable for learning to program. There is no perfect language, and you certainly will be programming in other languages in the future. Q. Do I really have to type in the programs in the book to try them out? I believe that you ran them and that they produce the indicated output. A. Everyone should type in and run HelloWorld. Your understanding will be you also run UseArgument, try it on various inputs, and modi- greatly magnified if fy it to test different ideas of your own. To save some typing, you can find all of the code in this book (and much more) on the booksite. This site also has information about installing and running Java on your computer, answers to selected exercises, web links, and other extra information that you may find useful while programming. Q. What is the meaning of the words public, static, and void? A. These keywords specify certain properties of main() that you will learn about later in the book. For the moment, we just include these keywords in the code (because they are required) but do not refer to them in the text. Q. What is the meaning of the //, /*, and */ character sequences in the code? A. They denote comments, which are ignored by the compiler. A comment is either text in between /* and */ or at the end of a line after //. Comments are indispensable because they help other programmers to understand your code and even can help you to understand your own code in retrospect. The constraints of the book format demand that we use comments sparingly in our programs; instead we describe each program thoroughly in the accompanying text and figures. The programs on the booksite are commented to a more realistic degree. 9
Elements of Programming 10 Q. What are Java’s rules regarding tabs, spaces, and newline characters? A. Such characters are known as whitespace characters. Java compilers consider all whitespace in program text to be equivalent. For example, we could write HelloWorld as follows: public class HelloWorld { public static void main ( String [] args) { System.out.println("Hello, World") ; } } But we do normally adhere to spacing and indenting conventions when we write Java programs, just as we indent paragraphs and lines consistently when we write prose or poetry. Q. What are the rules regarding quotation marks? A. Material inside double quotation marks is an exception to the rule defined in the previous question: typically, characters within quotes are taken literally so that you can precisely specify what gets printed. If you put any number of successive spaces within the quotes, you get that number of spaces in the output. If you accidentally omit a quotation mark, the compiler may get very confused, because it needs that mark to distinguish between characters in the string and other parts of the program. Q. What happens when you omit a curly brace or misspell one of the words, such as public or static or void or main? A. It depends upon precisely what you do. Such errors are called syntax errors and are usually caught by the compiler. For example, if you make a program Bad that is exactly the same as HelloWorld except that you omit the line containing the first left curly brace (and change the program name from HelloWorld to Bad), you get the following helpful message: % javac Bad.java Bad.java:1: error: '{' expected public class Bad ^ 1 error
1.1 Your First Program From this message, you might correctly surmise that you need to insert a left curly brace. But the compiler may not be able to tell you exactly which mistake you made, so the error message may be hard to understand. For example, if you omit the second left curly brace instead of the first one, you get the following message: % javac Bad.java Bad.java:3: error: ';' expected public static void main(String[] args) ^ Bad.java:7: error: class, interface, or enum expected } ^ 2 errors One way to get used to such messages is to intentionally introduce mistakes into a simple program and then see what happens. Whatever the error message says, you should treat the compiler as a friend, because it is just trying to tell you that something is wrong with your program. Q. Which Java methods are available for me to use? A. There are thousands of them. We introduce them to you in a deliberate fashion (starting in the next section) to avoid overwhelming you with choices. Q. When I ran UseArgument, I got a strange error message. What’s the problem? A. Most likely, you forgot to include a command-line argument: % java UseArgument Hi, Exception in thread “main” java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0 at UseArgument.main(UseArgument.java:6) Java is complaining that you ran the program but did not type a command-line argument as promised. You will learn more details about array indices in Section 1.4. Remember this error message—you are likely to see it again. Even experienced programmers forget to type command-line arguments on occasion. 11
Elements of Programming 12 Exercises 1.1.1 Write a program that prints the Hello, World message 10 times. 1.1.2 Describe what happens if you omit the following in HelloWorld.java: a. b. c. d. public static void args 1.1.3 Describe what happens if you misspell (by, say, omitting the second letter) the following in HelloWorld.java: a. public b. static c. void d. args 1.1.4 Describe what happens if you put the double quotes in the print statement of HelloWorld.java on different lines, as in this code fragment: System.out.println("Hello, World"); 1.1.5 Describe what happens if you try to execute UseArgument with each of the following command lines: a. java UseArgument java b. java UseArgument @!&^% c. java UseArgument 1234 d. java UseArgument.java Bob e. java UseArgument Alice Bob 1.1.6 Modify UseArgument.java to make a program UseThree.java that takes three names as command-line arguments and prints a proper sentence with the names in the reverse of the order given, so that, for example, java UseThree Alice Bob Carol prints Hi Carol, Bob, and Alice.
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Elements of Programming 1.2 Built-in Types of Data When programming in Java, you must always be aware of the type of data that your program is processing. The programs in Section 1.1 process strings of characters, many of the programs in this section process numbers, and we consider numerous other types later in the book. Understanding the distinctions among them is 1.2.1 String concatenation . . . . . . . . . 20 so important that we formally define the 1.2.2 Integer multiplication and division. 23 1.2.3 Quadratic formula. . . . . . . . . . . 25 idea: a data type is a set of values and a set 1.2.4 Leap year. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 of operations defined on those values. You 1.2.5 Casting to get a random integer . . . 34 are familiar with various types of numPrograms in this section bers, such as integers and real numbers, and with operations defined on them, such as addition and multiplication. In mathematics, we are accustomed to thinking of sets of numbers as being infinite; in computer programs we have to work with a finite number of possibilities. Each operation that we perform is well defined only for the finite set of values in an associated data type. There are eight primitive types of data in Java, mostly for different kinds of numbers. Of the eight primitive types, we most often use these: int for integers; double for real numbers; and boolean for true–false values. Other data types are available in Java libraries: for example, the programs in Section 1.1 use the type String for strings of characters. Java treats the String type differently from other types because its usage for input and output is essential. Accordingly, it shares some characteristics of the primitive types; for example, some of its operations are built into the Java language. For clarity, we refer to primitive types and String collectively as built-in types. For the time being, we concentrate on programs that are based on computing with built-in types. Later, you will learn about Java library data types and building your own data types. Indeed, programming in Java often centers on building data types, as you shall see in Chapter 3. After defining basic terms, we consider several sample programs and code fragments that illustrate the use of different types of data. These code fragments do not do much real computing, but you will soon see similar code in longer programs. Understanding data types (values and operations on them) is an essential step in beginning to program. It sets the stage for us to begin working with more intricate programs in the next section. Every program that you write will use code like the tiny fragments shown in this section.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 15 type set of values common operators sample literal values int integers + - * / % 99 12 2147483647 double floating-point numbers + - * / 3.14 2.5 6.022e23 boolean boolean values && || ! char characters String sequences of characters true false 'A' '1' '%' '\n' + "AB" "Hello" "2.5" Basic built-in data types Terminology To talk about data types, we need to introduce some terminology. To do so, we start with the following code fragment: int a = b = c = a, b, c; 1234; 99; a + b; The first line is a declaration statement that declares the names of three variables using the identifiers a, b, and c and their type to be int. The next three lines are assignment statements that change the values of the variables, using the literals 1234 and 99, and the expression a + b, with the end result that c has the value 1333. Literals. A literal is a Java-code representation of a data-type value. We use sequences of digits such as 1234 or 99 to represent values of type int; we add a decimal point, as in 3.14159 or 2.71828, to represent values of type double; we use the keywords true or false to represent the two values of type boolean; and we use sequences of characters enclosed in matching quotes, such as "Hello, World", to represent values of type String. Operators. An operator is a Java-code representation of a data-type operation. Java uses + and * to represent addition and multiplication for integers and floatingpoint numbers; Java uses &&, ||, and ! to represent boolean operations; and so forth. We will describe the most commonly used operators on built-in types later in this section. Identifiers. An identifier is a Java-code representation of a name (such as for a variable). Each identifier is a sequence of letters, digits, underscores, and currency symbols, the first of which is not a digit. For example, the sequences of characters
Elements of Programming 16 abc, Ab$, abc123, and a_b are all legal Java identifiers, but Ab*, 1abc, and a+b are not. Identifiers are case sensitive, so Ab, ab, and AB are all different names. Certain reserved words—such as public, static, int, double, String, true, false, and null—are special, and you cannot use them as identifiers. Variables. A variable is an entity that holds a data-type value, which we can refer to by name. In Java, each variable has a specific type and stores one of the possible values from that type. For example, an int variable can store either the value 99 or 1234 but not 3.14159 or "Hello, World". Different variables of the same type may store the same value. Also, as the name suggests, the value of a variable may change as a computation unfolds. For example, we use a variable named sum in several programs in this book to keep the running sum of a sequence of numbers. We create variables using declaration statements and compute with them in expressions, as described next. Declaration statements. To create a variable in Java, you use type variable name a declaration statement, or just declaration for short A declaration includes a type followed by a variable name. Java reserves double total; enough memory to store a data-type value of the specified type, and associates the variable name with that area of memdeclaration statement ory, so that it can access the value when you use the variable in later code. For economy, you can declare several variables of Anatomy of a declaration the same type in a single declaration statement. Variable naming conventions. Programmers typically follow stylistic conventions when naming things. In this book, our convention is to give each variable a meaningful name that consists of a lowercase letter followed by lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and digits. We use uppercase letters to mark the words of a multi-word variable name. For example, we use the variable names i, x, y, sum, isLeapYear, and outDegrees, among many others. Programmers refer to this naming style as camel case. Constant variables. We use the oxymoronic term constant variable to describe a variable whose value does not change during the execution of a program (or from one execution of the program to the next). In this book, our convention is to give each constant variable a name that consists of an uppercase letter followed by uppercase letters, digits, and underscores. For example, we might use the constant variable names SPEED_OF_LIGHT and DARK_RED.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 17 Expressions. An expression is a combination of literals, variables, operands and operations that Java evaluates to produce a value. For primi(and expressions) tive types, expressions often look just like mathematical formulas, using operators to specify data-type operations to be performed on 4 * ( x - 3 ) one more operands. Most of the operators that we use are binary operators that take exactly two operands, such as x - 3 or 5 * x. operator Each operand can be any expression, perhaps within parentheses. Anatomy of an expression For example, we can write 4 * (x - 3) or 5 * x - 6 and Java will understand what we mean. An expression is a directive to perform a sequence of operations; the expression is a representation of the resulting value. Operator precedence. An expression is shorthand for a sequence of operations: in which order should the operators be applied? Java has natural and well defined precedence rules that fully specify this order. For arithmetic operations, multiplication and division are performed before addition and subtraction, so that a - b * c and a - (b * c) represent the same sequence of operations. When arithmetic operators have the same precedence, the order is determined by left associativity, so that a - b - c and (a - b) - c represent the same sequence of operations. You can use parentheses to override the rules, so you can write a - (b - c) if that is what you want. You might encounter in the future some Java code that depends subtly on precedence rules, but we use parentheses to avoid such code in this book. If you are interested, you can find full details on the rules on the booksite. Assignment statements. An assignment statement associates a data-type value with a variable. When we write c = a + b in Java, we are not expressing mathematical equality, but are instead expressing an action: set the declaration statement value of the variable c to be the value of a plus the value of b. It is true that the value of c is mathematically equal int a, b; literal to the value of a + b immediately after the assignment variable name a = 1234 ; statement has been executed, but the point of the stateassignment b = 99; statement ment is to change (or initialize) the value of c. The leftint c = a + b; hand side of an assignment statement must be a single variable; the right-hand side can be any expression that inline initialization statement produces a value of a compatible type. So, for example, both 1234 = a; and a + b = b + a; are invalid statements Using a primitive data type in Java. In short, the meaning of = is decidedly not the same as in mathematical equations.
Elements of Programming 18 Inline initialization. Before you can use a variable in an expression, you must first declare the variable and assign to it an initial value. Failure to do either results in a compile-time error. For economy, you can combine a declaration statement with an assignment statement in a construct known as an inline initialization statement. For example, the following code declares two variables a and b, and initializes them to the values 1234 and 99, respectively: int a = 1234; int b = 99; Most often, we declare and initialize a variable in this manner at the point of its first use in our program. Tracing changes in variable values. As a final check on your understanding of the purpose of assignment statements, convince yourself that the following code exchanges the values of a and b (assume that a and b are int variables): a b int t = a; a = b; b = t; To do so, use a time-honored method of examining program behavior: study a table of the variable values after each statement (such a table is known as a trace). int a = b = int a = b = t a, b; undefined undefined 1234; 1234 undefined 99; 1234 99 t = a; 1234 99 1234 b; 99 99 1234 t; 99 1234 1234 Your first trace Type safety. Java requires you to declare the type of every variable. This enables Java to check for type mismatch errors at compile time and alert you to potential bugs in your program. For example, you cannot assign a double value to an int variable, multiply a String with a boolean, or use an uninitialized variable within an expression. This situation is analogous to making sure that quantities have the proper units in a scientific application (for example, it does not make sense to add a quantity measured in inches to another measured in pounds). Next, we consider these details for the basic built-in types that you will use most often (strings, integers, floating-point numbers, and true–false values), along with sample code illustrating their use. To understand how to use a data type, you need to know not just its defined set of values, but also which operations you can perform, the language mechanism for invoking the operations, and the conventions for specifying literals.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data Characters and strings The char type represents individ- 19 values characters ual alphanumeric characters or symbols, like the ones that you typical 'a' type. There are 216 different possible char values, but we usu'\n' literals ally restrict attention to the ones that represent letters, numbers, Java’s built-in char data type symbols, and whitespace characters such as tab and newline. You can specify a char literal by enclosing a character within single quotes; for example, 'a' represents the letter a. For tab, newline, backslash, single quote, and double quote, we use the special escape sequences \t, \n, \\, \', and \", respectively. The characters are encoded as 16-bit integers using an encoding scheme known as Unicode, and there are also escape sequences for specifying special characters not found on your keyboard (see the booksite). We usually do not perform any operations directly on characters other than assigning values to variables. The String type represents sequences of characters. values sequences of characters You can specify a String literal by enclosing a sequence of typical "Hello, World" characters within double quotes, such as "Hello, World". " * " literals The String data type is not a primitive type, but Java some- operation concatenate times treats it like one. For example, the concatenation opoperator + erator (+) takes two String operands and produces a third Java’s built-in String data type String that is formed by appending the characters of the second operand to the characters of the first operand. The concatenation operation (along with the ability to declare String variables and to use them in expressions and assignment statements) is sufficiently powerful to allow us to attack some nontrivial computing tasks. As an example, Ruler (Program 1.2.1) computes a table of values of the ruler function that describes the relative lengths of the marks on a ruler. One noteworthy feature of this computation is that it illustrates how easy it is to craft a short program that produces a huge amount of output. If you extend this program in the obvious way to print five lines, six lines, seven lines, and so forth, you will see that each time you add two statements to this expression value program, you double the size of the output. "Hi, " + "Bob" "Hi, Bob" Specifically, if the program prints n lines, the "1" + " 2 " + "1" "1 2 1" nth line contains 2n1 numbers. For exam"1234" + " + " + "99" "1234 + 99" ple, if you were to add statements in this way so that the program prints 30 lines, it would "1234" + "99" "123499" print more than 1 billion numbers. Typical String expressions
Elements of Programming 20 Program 1.2.1 String concatenation public class Ruler { public static void main(String[] args) { String ruler1 = "1"; String ruler2 = ruler1 + " 2 " + ruler1; String ruler3 = ruler2 + " 3 " + ruler2; String ruler4 = ruler3 + " 4 " + ruler3; System.out.println(ruler1); System.out.println(ruler2); System.out.println(ruler3); System.out.println(ruler4); } } This program prints the relative lengths of the subdivisions on a ruler. The nth line of output is the relative lengths of the marks on a ruler subdivided in intervals of 1/2 n of an inch. For example, the fourth line of output gives the relative lengths of the marks that indicate intervals of one-sixteenth of an inch on a ruler. % % 1 1 1 1 javac Ruler.java java Ruler 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 The ruler function for n = 4 Our most frequent use (by far) of the concatenation operation is to put together results of computation for output with System.out.println(). For example, we could simplify UseArgument (Program 1.1.2) by replacing its three statements in main() with this single statement: System.out.println("Hi, " + args[0] + ". How are you?");
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 21 We have considered the String type first precisely because we need it for output (and command-line arguments) in programs that process not only strings but other types of data as well. Next we consider two convenient mechanisms in Java for converting numbers to strings and strings to numbers. Converting numbers to strings for output. As mentioned at the beginning of this section, Java’s built-in String type obeys special rules. One of these special rules is that you can easily convert a value of any type to a String value: whenever we use the + operator with a String as one of its operands, Java automatically converts the other operand to a String, producing as a result the String formed from the characters of the first operand followed by the characters of the second operand. For example, the result of these two code fragments String a = "1234"; String b = "99"; String c = a + b; String a = "1234"; int b = 99; String c = a + b; are both the same: they assign to c the value "123499". We use this automatic conversion liberally to form String values for use with System.out.print() and System.out.println(). For example, we can write statements like this one: System.out.println(a + " + " + b + " = " + c); If a, b, and c are int variables with the values 1234, 99, and 1333, respectively, then this statement prints the string 1234 + 99 = 1333. Converting strings to numbers for input. Java also provides library methods that convert the strings that we type as command-line arguments into numeric values for primitive types. We use the Java library methods Integer.parseInt() and Double.parseDouble() for this purpose. For example, typing Integer.parseInt("123") in program text is equivalent to typing the int literal 123. If the user types 123 as the first command-line argument, then the code Integer.parseInt(args[0]) converts the String value "123" into the int value 123. You will see several examples of this usage in the programs in this section. With these mechanisms, our view of each Java program as a black box that takes string arguments and produces string results is still valid, but we can now interpret those strings as numbers and use them as the basis for meaningful computations.
Elements of Programming 22 Integers The int type represents integers (natural numbers) between –2147483648 (2 31) and 2147483647 (2 311). These bounds derive from the fact that integers are represented in binary with 32 binary digits; there are 232 possible values. (The term binary digit is omnipresent in computer science, and we nearly always use the abbreviation bit : a bit is either 0 or 1.) The range of possible int values is asymmetric because zero is included with the positive values. You can see the Q&A at the end of this section for more details about number representation, but in the present context it suffices to know that expression value comment an int is one of the finite set of values in the 99 99 integer literal range just given. You can specify an int literal +99 99 with a sequence of the decimal digits 0 through positive sign 9 (that, when interpreted as decimal numbers, -99 -99 negative sign fall within the defined range). We use ints fre5 + 3 8 addition quently because they naturally arise when we are 5 - 3 2 subtraction implementing programs. 5 * 3 15 multiplication Standard arithmetic operators for addi5 / 3 1 no fractional part tion/subtraction (+ and -), multiplication (*), 5 % 3 2 remainder division (/), and remainder (%) for the int data 1 / 0 run-time error type are built into Java. These operators take two 3 * 5 - 2 13 * has precedence int operands and produce an int result, with one significant exception—division or remain3 + 5 / 2 5 / has precedence der by zero is not allowed. These operations are 3 - 5 - 2 -4 left associative defined as in grade school (keeping in mind that ( 3 - 5 ) - 2 -4 better style all results must be integers): given two int val- 3 - ( 5 - 2 ) 0 unambiguous ues a and b, the value of a / b is the number of Typical int expressions times b goes into a with the fractional part discarded, and the value of a % b is the remainder that you get when you divide a by b. For example, the value of 17 / 3 is 5, and the value of 17 % 3 is 2. The int results that we get from arithmetic operations are just what we expect, except that if the result is too large to fit into int’s 32-bit representation, then it will be truncated in a well-defined manner. This situation is known integers between 2 31 and 2 311 values 1234 typical literals 99 0 1000000 operations sign add subtract multiply divide remainder operators + - + - * / % Java’s built-in int data type
1.2 Built-in Types of Data Program 1.2.2 23 Integer multiplication and division public class IntOps { public static void main(String[] args) { int a = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int b = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int p = a * b; int q = a / b; int r = a % b; System.out.println(a + " * " + b + " System.out.println(a + " / " + b + " System.out.println(a + " % " + b + " System.out.println(a + " = " + q + " } } = = = * " " " " + + + + p); q); r); b + " + " + r); Arithmetic for integers is built into Java. Most of this code is devoted to the task of getting the values in and out; the actual arithmetic is in the simple statements in the middle of the program that assign values to p, q, and r. % javac IntOps.java % java IntOps 1234 99 1234 * 99 = 122166 1234 / 99 = 12 1234 % 99 = 46 1234 = 12 * 99 + 46 as overflow. In general, we have to take care that such a result is not misinterpreted by our code. For the moment, we will be computing with small numbers, so you do not have to worry about these boundary conditions. Program 1.2.2 illustrates three basic operations (multiplication, division, and remainder) for manipulating integers,. It also demonstrates the use of Integer.parseInt() to convert String values on the command line to int values, as well as the use of automatic type conversion to convert int values to String values for output.
Elements of Programming 24 Three other built-in types are different representations of integers in Java. The long, short, and byte types are the same as int except that they use 64, 16, and 8 bits respectively, so the range of allowed values is accordingly different. Programmers use long when working with huge integers, and the other types to save space. You can find a table with the maximum and minimum values for each type on the booksite, or you can figure them out for yourself from the numbers of bits. Floating-point numbers The double type represents floating-point numbers, for use in scientific and commercial applications. The internal representation is like scientific notation, so that we can compute with numbers in a huge range. We use floating-point numbers to represent real numbers, but they are decidedly not the same as real numbers! There are infinitely many real numbers, but we can represent only a finite number of floatingexpression value point numbers in any digital computer 3.141 + 2.0 5.141 representation. Floating-point numbers 3.141 2.0 1.111 do approximate real numbers sufficiently 3.141 / 2.0 1.5705 well that we can use them in applications, 5.0 / 3.0 1.6666666666666667 but we often need to cope with the fact that we cannot always do exact computations. 10.0 % 3.141 0.577 You can specify a double literal with 1.0 / 0.0 Infinity a sequence of digits with a decimal point. Math.sqrt(2.0) 1.4142135623730951 For example, the literal 3.14159 represents Math.sqrt(-1.0) NaN a six-digit approximation to . AlternaTypical double expressions tively, you specify a double literal with a notation like scientific notation: the literal 6.022e23 represents the number 6.022 1023. As with integers, you can use these conventions to type floating-point literals in your programs or to provide floatingpoint numbers as string arguments on the command line. The arithmetic operators +, -, *, and / are defined for double. Beyond these built-in operators, the Java Math library defines the square root function, trigonometric functions, logarithm/exponential functions, and other common functions for floating-point numbers. To use one of these functions in an expression, you type the name of the function followed by its argument in parentheses. For exvalues typical literals real numbers (specified by IEEE 754 standard) 3.14159 6.022e23 2.0 1.4142135623730951 operations add subtract multiply divide operators + - * / Java’s built-in double data type
1.2 Built-in Types of Data Program 1.2.3 25 Quadratic formula public class Quadratic { public static void main(String[] args) { double b = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); double c = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); double discriminant = b*b - 4.0*c; double d = Math.sqrt(discriminant); System.out.println((-b + d) / 2.0); System.out.println((-b - d) / 2.0); } } This program prints the roots of the polynomial x2 + bx + c, using the quadratic formula. For example, the roots of x2 – 3x + 2 are 1 and 2 since we can factor the equation as (x – 1)(x – 2); the roots of x2 – x – 1 are and 1 – , where is the golden ratio; and the roots of x2 + x + 1 are not real numbers. % javac Quadratic.java % java Quadratic -3.0 2.0 2.0 1.0 % java Quadratic -1.0 -1.0 1.618033988749895 -0.6180339887498949 % java Quadratic 1.0 1.0 NaN NaN ample, the code Math.sqrt(2.0) evaluates to a double value that is approximately the square root of 2. We discuss the mechanism behind this arrangement in more detail in Section 2.1 and more details about the Math library at the end of this section. When working with floating-point numbers, one of the first things that you will encounter is the issue of precision. For example, printing 5.0/2.0 results in 2.5 as expected, but printing 5.0/3.0 results in 1.6666666666666667. In Section 1.5, you will learn Java’s mechanism for controlling the number of significant digits that you see in output. Until then, we will work with the Java default output format.
Elements of Programming 26 The result of a calculation can be one of the special values Infinity (if the number is too large to be represented) or NaN (if the result of the calculation is undefined). Though there are myriad details to consider when calculations involve these values, you can use double in a natural way and begin to write Java programs instead of using a calculator for all kinds of calculations. For example, Program 1.2.3 shows the use of double values in computing the roots of a quadratic equation using the quadratic formula. Several of the exercises at the end of this section further illustrate this point. As with long, short, and byte for integers, there is another representation for real numbers called float. Programmers sometimes use float to save space when precision is a secondary consideration. The double type is useful for about 15 significant digits; the float type is good for only about 7 digits. We do not use float in this book. Booleans The type represents truth valvalues true or false ues from logic. It has just two values: true and false. literals true false These are also the two possible boolean literals. Every operations and or not boolean variable has one of these two values, and evoperators && || ! ery boolean operation has operands and a result that takes on just one of these two values. This simplicity Java’s built-in boolean data type is deceiving—boolean values lie at the foundation of computer science. The most important operations defined for booleans are and (&&), or (||), and not (!), which have familiar definitions: • a && b is true if both operands are true, and false if either is false. • a || b is false if both operands are false, and true if either is true. • !a is true if a is false, and false if a is true. Despite the intuitive nature of these definitions, it is worthwhile to fully specify each possibility for each operation in tables known as truth tables. The not function has only one operand: its value for each of the two possible values of the operand is boolean a !a a b a && b a || b true false false false false false false true false true false true true false false true true true true true Truth-table definitions of boolean operations
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 27 specified in the second column. The and and or functions each have two operands: there are four different possibilities for operand values, and the values of the functions for each possibility are specified in the right two columns. We can use these operators with parentheses to develop arbitrarily complex expressions, each of which specifies a well-defined boolean function. Often the same function appears in different guises. For example, the expressions (a && b) and !(!a || !b) are equivalent. a b a && b !a !b !a || !b !(!a || !b) false false false true true true false false true false true false true false true false false false true true false true true true false false false true Truth-table proof that a && b and !(!a || !b) are identical The study of manipulating expressions of this kind is known as Boolean logic. This field of mathematics is fundamental to computing: it plays an essential role in the design and operation of computer hardware itself, and it is also a starting point for the theoretical foundations of computation. In the present context, we are interested in boolean expressions because we use them to control the behavior of our programs. Typically, a particular condition of interest is specified as a boolean expression, and a piece of program code is written to execute one set of statements if that expression is true and a different set of statements if the expression is false. The mechanics of doing so are the topic of Section 1.3. Comparisons Some mixed-type operators take operands of one type and produce a result of another type. The most important operators of this kind are the comparison operators ==, !=, <, <=, >, and >=, which all are defined for each primitive numeric type and produce a boolean result. Since operations are defined only with respect to data types, each of these symbols stands for many operations, one for each data type. It is required that both operands be of the same type. non-negative discriminant? (b*b - 4.0*a*c) >= 0.0 beginning of a century? (year % 100) == 0 legal month? (month >= 1) && (month <= 12) Typical comparison expressions
Elements of Programming 28 Program 1.2.4 Leap year public class LeapYear { public static void main(String[] args) { int year = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); boolean isLeapYear; isLeapYear = (year % 4 == 0); isLeapYear = isLeapYear && (year % 100 != 0); isLeapYear = isLeapYear || (year % 400 == 0); System.out.println(isLeapYear); } } This program tests whether an integer corresponds to a leap year in the Gregorian calendar. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 (2004), unless it is divisible by 100 in which case it is not (1900), unless it is divisible by 400 in which case it is (2000). % javac LeapYear.java % java LeapYear 2004 true % java LeapYear 1900 false % java LeapYear 2000 true Even without going into the details of number representation, it is clear that the operations for the various types are quite different. For example, it is one thing to compare two ints to check that (2 <= 2) is true, but quite another to compare two doubles to check whether (2.0 <= 0.002e3) is true. Still, these operations are well defined and useful to write code that tests for conditions such as (b*b - 4.0*a*c) >= 0.0, which is frequently needed, as you will see.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 29 The comparison operations have lower precedence than arithmetic operators and higher precedence than boolean operators, so you do not need the parentheses in an expression such as (b*b - 4.0*a*c) >= 0.0, and you could write an expression such as month >= 1 && month <= 12 without parentheses to test whether the value of the int variable month is between 1 and 12. (It is better style to use the parentheses, however.) true meaning false Comparison operations, to- operator gether with boolean logic, provide == 2 == 2 2 == 3 equal the basis for decision making in Java 3 != 2 2 != 2 != not equal programs. Program 1.2.4 is an ex2 < 13 2 < 2 < less than ample of their use, and you can find <= 2 <= 2 3 <= 2 less than or equal other examples in the exercises at the 13 > 2 2 > 13 > greater than end of this section. More importantly, 3 >= 2 2 >= 3 >= greater than or equal in Section 1.3 we will see the role that boolean expressions play in more soComparisons with int operands and a boolean result phisticated programs. Library methods and APIs As we have seen, many programming tasks involve using Java library methods in addition to the built-in operators. The number of available library methods is vast. As you learn to program, you will learn to use more and more library methods, but it is best at the beginning to restrict your attention to a relatively small set of methods. In this chapter, you have already used some of Java’s methods for printing, for converting data from one type to another, and for computing mathematical functions (the Java Math library). In later chapters, you will learn not just how to use other methods, but how to create and use your own methods. For convenience, we will consistently summarize the library methods that you need to know how to use in tables like this one: void System.out.print(String s) void System.out.println(String s) void System.out.println() print s print s, followed by a newline print a newline Note: Any type of data can be used as argument (and will be automatically converted to String). Java library methods for printing strings to the terminal
Elements of Programming 30 Such a table is known as an application programming interface (API ). Each method is described by a line in the API public class Math that specifies the information you need to know to use the . . . method name method. The code in the tables is not the code that you type signature to use the method; it is known as the method’s signature. double sqrt(double a) The signature specifies the type of the arguments, the methreturn type argument type od name, and the type of the result that the method computes (the return value). . . . In your code, you can call a method by typing its name Anatomy of a method signature followed by arguments, enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas. When Java executes your program, we say that it calls (or evaluates) the method with the given arguments and that the method returns a value. A method call is an expression, so you can use a method call in library name method name the same way that you use variables and literdouble d = Math.sqrt(b*b - 4.0*a*c); als to build up more complicated expressions. return type argument For example, you can write expressions like Math.sin(x) * Math.cos(y) and so on. An Using a library method argument is also an expression, so you can write code like Math.sqrt(b*b - 4.0*a*c) and Java knows what you mean—it evaluates the argument expression and passes the resulting value to the method. The API tables on the facing page show some of the commonly used methods in Java’s Math library, along with the Java methods we have seen for printing text to the terminal window and for converting strings to primitive types. The following table shows several examples of calls that use these library methods: library name method call library return type value Integer.parseInt("123") Integer int 123 Double.parseDouble("1.5") Double double 1.5 Math.sqrt(5.0*5.0 - 4.0*4.0) Math double 3.0 Math.log(Math.E) Math double 1.0 Math.random() Math double random in [0, 1) Math.round(3.14159) Math long 3 Math.max(1.0, 9.0) Math double 9.0 Typical calls to Java library methods
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 31 public class Math double abs(double a) absolute value of a double max(double a, double b) maximum of a and b double min(double a, double b) minimum of a and b Note 1: abs(), max(), and min() are defined also for int, long, and float. double sin(double theta) sine of theta double cos(double theta) cosine of theta double tan(double theta) tangent of theta Note 2: Angles are expressed in radians. Use toDegrees() and toRadians() to convert. Note 3: Use asin(), acos(), and atan() for inverse functions. double exp(double a) exponential (e a) double log(double a) natural log (loge a, or ln a) double pow(double a, double b) raise a to the bth power (ab ) long round(double a) round a to the nearest integer double random() random number in [0, 1) double sqrt(double a) square root of a double E value of e (constant) double PI value of (constant) See booksite for other available functions. Excerpts from Java’s Math library void System.out.print(String s) void System.out.println(String s) print s print s, followed by a newline void System.out.println() print a newline Java library methods for printing strings to the terminal int Integer.parseInt(String s) double Double.parseDouble(String s) long Long.parseLong(String s) convert s to an int value convert s to a double value convert s to a long value Java library methods for converting strings to primitive types
Elements of Programming 32 With three exceptions, the methods on the previous page are pure—given the same arguments, they always return the same value, without producing any observable side effect. The method Math.random() is impure because it returns potentially a different value each time it is called; the methods System.out.print() and System.out.println() are impure because they produce side effects—printing strings to the terminal. In APIs, we use a verb phrase to describe the behavior of a method that produces side effects; otherwise, we use a noun phrase to describe the return value. The keyword void designates a method that does not return a value (and whose main purpose is to produce side effects). The Math library also defines the constant values Math.PI (for ) and Math.E (for e), which you can use in your programs. For example, the value of Math.sin(Math.PI/2) is 1.0 and the value of Math.log(Math.E) is 1.0 (because Math.sin() takes its argument in radians and Math.log() implements the natural logarithm function). These APIs are typical of the online documentation that is the standard in modern programming. The extensive online documentation of the Java APIs is routinely used by professional programmers, and it is available to you (if you are interested) directly from the Java website or through our booksite. You do not need to go to the online documentation to understand the code in this book or to write similar code, because we present and explain in the text all of the library methods that we use in APIs like these and summarize them in the endpapers. More important, in Chapters 2 and 3 you will learn in this book how to develop your own APIs and to implement methods for your own use. Type conversion One of the primary rules of modern programming is that you should always be aware of the type of data that your program is processing. Only by knowing the type can you know precisely which set of values each variable can have, which literals you can use, and which operations you can perform. For example, suppose that you wish to compute the average of the four integers 1, 2, 3, and 4. Naturally, the expression (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) / 4 comes to mind, but it produces the int value 2 instead of the double value 2.5 because of type conversion conventions. The problem stems from the fact that the operands are int values but it is natural to expect a double value for the result, so conversion from int to double is necessary at some point. There are several ways to do so in Java.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 33 Implicit type conversion. You can use an int value wherever a double value is expected, because Java automatically converts integers to doubles when appropriate. For example, 11*0.25 evaluates to 2.75 because 0.25 is a double and both operands need to be of the same type; thus, 11 is converted to a double and then the result of dividing two doubles is a double. As another example, Math.sqrt(4) evaluates to 2.0 because 4 is converted to a double, as expected by Math.sqrt(), which then returns a double value. This kind of conversion is called automatic promotion or coercion. Automatic promotion is appropriate because your intent is clear and it can be done with no loss of information. In contrast, a conversion that might involve loss of information (for example, assigning a double value to an int variable) leads to a compile-time error. Explicit cast. Java has some built-in type conversion conventions for primitive types that you can take advantage of when you are aware that you might lose information. You have to make your intention to do so explicit by using a device expression expression expression type value called a cast. You cast an expression from one primitive type to another (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) / 4.0 double 2.5 by prepending the desired type name Math.sqrt(4) double 2.0 within parentheses. For example, the "1234" + 99 String "123499" expression (int) 2.71828 is a cast 11 * 0.25 double 2.75 from double to int that produces (int) 11 * 0.25 double 2.75 an int with value 2. The conversion 11 * (int) 0.25 int 0 methods defined for casts throw away (int) (11 * 0.25) int 2 information in a reasonable way (for a (int) 2.71828 int 2 full list, see the booksite). For example, Math.round(2.71828) long 3 casting a floating-point number to (int) Math.round(2.71828) int 3 an integer discards the fractional part Integer.parseInt("1234") int 1234 by rounding toward zero. RandomInt Typical type conversions (Program 1.2.5) is an example that uses a cast for a practical computation. Casting has higher precedence than arithmetic operations—any cast is applied to the value that immediately follows it. For example, if we write int value = (int) 11 * 0.25, the cast is no help: the literal 11 is already an integer, so the cast (int) has no effect. In this example, the compiler produces a possible loss of precision error message because there would be a loss
Elements of Programming 34 Program 1.2.5 Casting to get a random integer public class RandomInt { public static void main(String[] args) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); double r = Math.random(); // uniform between 0.0 and 1.0 int value = (int) (r * n); // uniform between 0 and n-1 System.out.println(value); } } This program uses the Java method Math.random() to generate a random number r between 0.0 (inclusive) and 1.0 (exclusive); then multiplies r by the command-line argument n to get a random number greater than or equal to 0 and less than n; then uses a cast to truncate the result to be an integer value between 0 and n-1. % javac RandomInt.java % java RandomInt 1000 548 % java RandomInt 1000 141 % java RandomInt 1000000 135032 of precision in converting the resulting value (2.75) to an int for assignment to value. The error is helpful because the intended computation for this code is likely (int) (11 * 0.25), which has the value 2, not 2.75. Explicit type conversion. You can use a method that takes an argument of one type (the value to be converted) and produces a result of another type. We have already used the Integer.parseInt() and Double.parseDouble() library methods to convert String values to int and double values, respectively. Many other methods are available for conversion among other types. For example, the library
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 35 method Math.round() takes a double argument and returns a long result: the nearest integer to the argument. Thus, for example, Math.round(3.14159) and Math.round(2.71828) are both of type long and have the same value (3). If you want to convert the result of Math.round() to an int, you must use an explicit cast. Beginning programmers tend to find type conversion to be an annoyance, but experienced programmers know that paying careful attention to data types is a key to success in programming. It may also be a key to avoiding failure: in a famous incident in 1985, a French rocket exploded in midair because of a type-conversion problem. While a bug in your program may not cause an explosion, it is well worth your while to take the time to understand what type conversion is all about. After you have written just a few programs, you will see that an understanding of data types will help you not only compose compact code but also make your intentions explicit and avoid subtle bugs in your programs. Summary Photo: ESA Explosion of Ariane 5 rocket A data type is a set of values and a set of operations on those values. Java has eight primitive data types: boolean, char, byte, short, int, long, float, and double. In Java code, we use operators and expressions like those in familiar mathematical expressions to invoke the operations associated with each type. The boolean type is used for computing with the logical values true and false; the char type is the set of character values that we type; and the other six numeric types are used for computing with numbers. In this book, we most often use boolean, int, and double; we do not use short or float. Another data type that we use frequently, String, is not primitive, but Java has some built-in facilities for Strings that are like those for primitive types. When programming in Java, we have to be aware that every operation is defined only in the context of its data type (so we may need type conversions) and that all types can have only a finite number of values (so we may need to live with imprecise results). The boolean type and its operations—&&, ||, and !—are the basis for logical decision making in Java programs, when used in conjunction with the mixed-type comparison operators ==, !=, <, >, <=, and >=. Specifically, we use boolean expressions to control Java’s conditional (if) and loop (for and while) constructs, which we will study in detail in the next section.
36 Elements of Programming The numeric types and Java’s libraries give us the ability to use Java as an extensive mathematical calculator. We write arithmetic expressions using the built-in operators +, -, *, /, and % along with Java methods from the Math library. Although the programs in this section are quite rudimentary by the standards of what we will be able to do after the next section, this class of programs is quite useful in its own right. You will use primitive types and basic mathematical functions extensively in Java programming, so the effort that you spend now in understanding them will certainly be worthwhile.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data Q&A (Strings) Q. How does Java store strings internally? A. Strings are sequences of characters that are encoded with Unicode, a modern standard for encoding text. Unicode supports more than 100,000 different characters, including more than 100 different languages plus mathematical and musical symbols. Q. Can you use < and > to compare String values? A. No. Those operators are defined only for primitive-type values. Q. How about == and != ? A. Yes, but the result may not be what you expect, because of the meanings these operators have for nonprimitive types. For example, there is a distinction between a String and its value. The expression "abc" == "ab" + x is false when x is a String with value "c" because the two operands are stored in different places in memory (even though they have the same value). This distinction is essential, as you will learn when we discuss it in more detail in Section 3.1. Q. How can I compare two strings like words in a book index or dictionary? A. We defer discussion of the String data type and associated methods until Section 3.1, where we introduce object-oriented programming. Until then, the string concatenation operation suffices. Q. How can I specify a string literal that is too long to fit on a single line? A. You can’t. Instead, divide the string literal into independent string literals and concatenate them together, as in the following example: String dna = "ATGCGCCCACAGCTGCGTCTAAACCGGACTCTG" + "AAGTCCGGAAATTACACCTGTTAG"; 37
Elements of Programming 38 Q&A (Integers) Q. How does Java store integers internally? A. The simplest representation is for small positive integers, where the binary number system is used to represent each integer with a fixed amount of computer memory. Q. What’s the binary number system? A. In the binary number system, we represent an integer as a sequence of bits. A bit is a single binary (base 2) digit—either 0 or 1—and is the basis for representing information in computers. In this case the bits are coefficients of powers of 2. Specifically, the sequence of bits bnbn–1…b2b1b0 represents the integer bn2n + bn–12n–1 + … + b222 + b121 + b020 For example, 1100011 represents the integer 99 = 1· 64 + 1· 32 + 0· 16 + 0· 8 + 0· 4 + 1· 2 +1· 1 The more familiar decimal number system is the same except that the digits are between 0 and 9 and we use powers of 10. Converting a number to binary is an interesting computational problem that we will consider in the next section. Java uses 32 bits to represent int values. For example, the decimal integer 99 might be represented with the 32 bits 00000000000000000000000001100011. Q. How about negative numbers? A. Negative numbers are handled with a convention known as two’s complement, which we need not consider in detail. This is why the range of int values in Java is –2147483648 (–231) to 2147483647 (231 – 1). One surprising consequence of this representation is that int values can become negative when they get large and overflow (exceed 2147483647). If you have not experienced this phenomenon, see Exercise 1.2.10. A safe strategy is to use the int type when you know the integer values will be fewer than ten digits and the long type when you think the integer values might get to be ten digits or more. Q. It seems wrong that Java should just let ints Shouldn’t Java automatically check for overflow? overflow and give bad values.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 39 A. Yes, this issue is a contentious one among programmers. The short answer for now is that the lack of such checking is one reason such types are called primitive data types. A little knowledge can go a long way in avoiding such problems. Again, it is fine to use the int type for small numbers, but when values run into the billions, you cannot. Q. What is the value of Math.abs(-2147483648)? A. -2147483648. This strange (but true) result is a typical example of the effects of integer overflow and two’s complement representation. Q. What do the expressions 1 / 0 and 1 % 0 evaluate to in Java? A. Each generates a run-time exception, for division by zero. Q. What is the result of division and remainder for negative integers? A. The quotient a / b rounds toward 0; the remainder a % b is defined such that (a / b) * b + a % b is always equal to a. For example, -14 / 3 and 14 / -3 are both -4, but -14 % 3 is -2 and 14 % -3 is 2. Some other languages (including Python) have different conventions when dividing by negative integers. Q. Why is the value of 10 ^ 6 not 1000000 but 12? A. The ^ operator is not an exponentiation operator, which you must have been thinking. Instead, it is the bitwise exclusive or operator, which is seldom what you want. Instead, you can use the literal 1e6. You could also use Math.pow(10, 6) but doing so is wasteful if you are raising 10 to a known power.
Elements of Programming 40 Q&A (Floating-Point Numbers) Q. Why is the type for real numbers named double? A. The decimal point can “float” across the digits that make up the real number. In contrast, with integers the (implicit) decimal point is fixed after the least significant digit. Q. How does Java store floating-point numbers internally? A. Java follows the IEEE 754 standard, which supported in hardware by most modern computer systems. The standard specifies that a floating-point number is stored using three fields: sign, mantissa, and exponent. If you are interested, see the booksite for more details. The IEEE 754 standard also specifies how special floating-point values—positive zero, negative zero, positive infinity, negative infinity, and NaN (not a number)—should be handled. In particular, floatingpoint arithmetic never leads to a run-time exception. For example, the expression -0.0/3.0 evaluates to -0.0, the expression 1.0/0.0 evaluates to positive infinity, and Math.sqrt(-2.0) evaluates to NaN. Q. Fifteen digits for floating-point numbers certainly seems enough to me. Do I really need to worry much about precision? A. Yes, because you are used to mathematics based on real numbers with infinite precision, whereas the computer always deals with finite approximations. For example, the expression (0.1 + 0.1 == 0.2) evaluates to true but the expression (0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1 == 0.3) evaluates to false! Pitfalls like this are not at all unusual in scientific computing. Novice programmers should avoid comparing two floating-point numbers for equality. Q. How can I initialize a double variable to NaN or infinity? A. Java has built-in constants available for this purpose: Double.NaN, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, and Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY. Q. Are there functions in Java’s Math library for other trigonometric functions, such as cosecant, secant, and cotangent?
1.2 Built-in Types of Data A. No, but you could use Math.sin(), Math.cos(), and Math.tan() to compute them. Choosing which functions to include in an API is a tradeoff between the convenience of having every function that you need and the annoyance of having to find one of the few that you need in a long list. No choice will satisfy all users, and the Java designers have many users to satisfy. Note that there are plenty of redundancies even in the APIs that we have listed. For example, you could use Math.sin(x)/Math.cos(x) instead of Math.tan(x). Q. It is annoying to see all those digits when printing a double. Can we arrange System.out.println() to print just two or three digits after the decimal point? A. That sort of task involves a closer look at the method used to convert from to String. The Java library function System.out.printf() is one way to do the job, and it is similar to the basic printing method in the C programming language and many modern languages, as discussed in Section 1.5. Until then, we will live with the extra digits (which is not all bad, since doing so helps us to get used to the different primitive types of numbers). double 41
Elements of Programming 42 Q&A (Variables and Expressions) Q. What happens if I forget to declare a variable? A. The compiler complains when you refer to that variable in an expression. For example, IntOpsBad is the same as Program 1.2.2 except that the variable p is not declared (to be of type int). % javac IntOpsBad.java IntOpsBad.java:7: error: cannot find symbol p = a * b; ^ symbol: variable p location: class IntOpsBad IntOpsBad.java:10: error: cannot find symbol System.out.println(a + " * " + b + " = " + p); ^ symbol: variable p location: class IntOpsBad 2 errors The compiler says that there are two errors, but there is really just one: the declaration of p is missing. If you forget to declare a variable that you use often, you will get quite a few error messages. A good strategy is to correct the first error and check that correction before addressing later ones. Q. What happens if I forget to initialize a variable? A. The compiler checks for this condition and will give you a variable might error message if you try to use the variable in an expression before you have initialized it. not have been initialized Q. Is there a difference between the = and == operators? A. Yes, they are quite different! The first is an assignment operator that changes the value of a variable, and the second is a comparison operator that produces a boolean result. Your ability to understand this answer is a sure test of whether you understood the material in this section. Think about how you might explain the difference to a friend.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data Q. Can you compare a double to an int? A. Not without doing a type conversion, but remember that Java usually does the requisite type conversion automatically. For example, if x is an int with the value 3, then the expression (x < 3.1) is true—Java converts x to double (because 3.1 is a double literal) before performing the comparison. Q. Will the statement a = b = c = 17; assign the value 17 to the three integer variables a, b, and c? A. Yes. It works because an assignment statement in Java is also an expression (that evaluates to its right-hand side) and the assignment operator is right associative. As a matter of style, we do not use such chained assignments in this book. Q. Will the expression (a test whether the values of three integer variables a, b, and c are in strictly ascending order? < b < c) A. No, it will not compile because the expression a < b produces a boolean value, which would then be compared to an int value. Java does not support chained comparisons. Instead, you need to write (a < b && b < c). Q. Why do we write (a A. Java also has an & && b) and not (a & b)? operator that you may encounter if you pursue advanced programming courses. Q. What is the value of Math.round(6.022e23)? A. You should get in the habit of typing in a tiny Java program to answer such questions yourself (and trying to understand why your program produces the result that it does). Q. I’ve heard Java referred to as a statically typed language. What does this mean? A. Static typing means that the type of every variable and expression is known at compile time. Java also verifies and enforces type constraints at compile time; for example, your program will not compile if you attempt to store a value of type double in a variable of type int or call Math.sqrt() with a String argument. 43
Elements of Programming 44 Exercises 1.2.1 Suppose that a and b are int variables. What does the following sequence of statements do? int t = a; b = t; a = b; 1.2.2 Write a program that uses Math.sin() and Math.cos() to check that the value of cos2 + sin2 is approximately 1 for any entered as a command-line argument. Just print the value. Why are the values not always exactly 1? 1.2.3 Suppose that a and b are boolean variables. Show that the expression (!(a && b) && (a || b)) || ((a && b) || !(a || b)) evaluates to true. 1.2.4 Suppose that a and b (!(a < b) && !(a > b)). are int variables. Simplify the following expression: 1.2.5 The exclusive or operator ^ for boolean operands is defined to be true if they are different, false if they are the same. Give a truth table for this function. 1.2.6 Why does 10/3 give 3 and not 3.333333333? Solution. Since both 10 and 3 are integer literals, Java sees no need for type conversion and uses integer division. You should write 10.0/3.0 if you mean the numbers to be double literals. If you write 10/3.0 or 10.0/3, Java does implicit conversion to get the same result. 1.2.7 What does each of the following print? a. System.out.println(2 + "bc"); b. System.out.println(2 + 3 + "bc"); c. System.out.println((2+3) + "bc"); d. System.out.println("bc" + (2+3)); e. System.out.println("bc" + 2 + 3); Explain each outcome. 1.2.8 Explain how to use Program 1.2.3 to find the square root of a number.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 45 1.2.9 What does each of the following print? a. System.out.println('b'); b. System.out.println('b' + 'c'); c. System.out.println((char) ('a' + 4)); Explain each outcome. 1.2.10 Suppose that a variable a is declared as int a = 2147483647 (or equiva- lently, Integer.MAX_VALUE). What does each of the following print? a. System.out.println(a); b. System.out.println(a+1); c. System.out.println(2-a); d. System.out.println(-2-a); e. System.out.println(2*a); f. System.out.println(4*a); Explain each outcome. 1.2.11 Suppose that a variable a is declared as double a = 3.14159. What does each of the following print? a. System.out.println(a); b. System.out.println(a+1); c. System.out.println(8/(int) a); d. System.out.println(8/a); e. System.out.println((int) (8/a)); Explain each outcome. 1.2.12 Describe what happens if you write sqrt instead of Math.sqrt in Program 1.2.3. 1.2.13 Evaluate the expression (Math.sqrt(2) * Math.sqrt(2) == 2). 1.2.14 Write a program that takes two positive integers as command-line arguments and prints true if either evenly divides the other.
Elements of Programming 46 1.2.15 Write a program that takes three positive integers as command-line arguments and prints false if any one of them is greater than or equal to the sum of the other two and true otherwise. (Note : This computation tests whether the three numbers could be the lengths of the sides of some triangle.) 1.2.16 A physics student gets unexpected results when using the code double force = G * mass1 * mass2 / r * r; to compute values according to the formula F = Gm1m2 r 2. Explain the problem and correct the code. 1.2.17 Give the value of the variable a after the execution of each of the following sequences of statements: int a = a = a = a a a a = + + + 1; a; a; a; boolean a = true; a = !a; a = !a; a = !a; int a = a = a = a a a a = * * * 2; a; a; a; 1.2.18 Write a program that takes two integer command-line arguments x and y and prints the Euclidean distance from the point (x, y) to the origin (0, 0). 1.2.19 Write a program that takes two integer command-line arguments a and b and prints a random integer between a and b, inclusive. 1.2.20 Write a program that prints the sum of two random integers between 1 and 6 (such as you might get when rolling dice). 1.2.21 Write a program that takes a double command-line argument t and prints the value of sin(2t) sin(3t). 1.2.22 Write a program that takes three double command-line arguments x0, v0, and t and prints the value of x0 v0t − g t 2 2, where g is the constant 9.80665. (Note : This value is the displacement in meters after t seconds when an object is thrown straight up from initial position x0 at velocity v0 meters per second.) 1.2.23 Write a program that takes two integer command-line arguments d and prints true if m and day d of month m is between 3/20 and 6/20, false otherwise.
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 47 Creative Exercises 1.2.24 Continuously compounded interest. Write a program that calculates and prints the amount of money you would have after t years if you invested P dollars at an annual interest rate r (compounded continuously). The desired value is given by the formula Pe rt. 1.2.25 Wind chill. Given the temperature T (in degrees Fahrenheit) and the wind speed v (in miles per hour), the National Weather Service defines the effective temperature (the wind chill) as follows: w = 35.74 0.6215 T (0.4275 T 35.75) v 0.16 Write a program that takes two double command-line arguments temperature and velocity and prints the wind chill. Use Math.pow(a, b) to compute ab. Note : The formula is not valid if T is larger than 50 in absolute value or if v is larger than 120 or less than 3 (you may assume that the values you get are in that range). 1.2.26 Polar coordinates. Write a program that converts from Cartesian to polar coordinates. Your program should accept two double commandline arguments x and y and print the polar coordinates r and . Use the method Math.atan2(y, x) to compute the arctangent value of y/x that is in the range from to . 1.2.27 Gaussian random numbers. Write a program x r Polar coordinates RandomGaussian that prints a random number r drawn from the Gaussian distribution. One way to do so is to use the Box–Muller formula r = sin(2 v) (2 ln u)1/2 where u and v are real numbers between 0 and 1 generated by the Math.random() method. 1.2.28 Order check. Write a program that takes three command-line arguments x, y, and z and prints true if the values are strictly ascending or descending ( x < y < z or x > y > z ), and false otherwise. double y
Elements of Programming 48 1.2.29 Day of the week. Write a program that takes a date as input and prints the day of the week that date falls on. Your program should accept three int commandline arguments: m (month), d (day), and y (year). For m, use 1 for January, 2 for February, and so forth. For output, print 0 for Sunday, 1 for Monday, 2 for Tuesday, and so forth. Use the following formulas, for the Gregorian calendar: y0 = y (14 m) / 12 x = y0 y0 / 4 y0 / 100 y0 / 400 m0 = m 12 ((14 m) / 12) 2 d0 = (d x (31 m0) / 12) % 7 Example: On which day of the week did February 14, 2000 fall? y0 = x = m0 = d0 = Answer : 2000 1 = 1999 1999 1999 / 4 1999 / 100 1999 / 400 = 2483 2 12 1 2 = 12 (14 2483 (31 12) / 12) % 7 = 2500 % 7 = 1 Monday. 1.2.30 Uniform random numbers. Write a program that prints five uniform random numbers between 0 and 1, their average value, and their minimum and maximum values. Use Math.random(), Math.min(), and Math.max(). 1.2.31 Mercator projection. The Mercator projection is a conformal (anglepreserving) projection that maps latitude and longitude to rectangular coordinates (x, y). It is widely used—for example, in nautical charts and in the maps that you print from the web. The projection is defined by the equations x 0 and y 1/2 ln ((1 sin ) (1 sin )), where 0 is the longitude of the point in the center of the map. Write a program that takes 0 and the latitude and longitude of a point from the command line and prints its projection. 1.2.32 Color conversion. Several different formats are used to represent color. For example, the primary format for LCD displays, digital cameras, and web pages, known as the RGB format, specifies the level of red (R), green (G), and blue (B) on an integer scale from 0 to 255. The primary format for publishing books and magazines, known as the CMYK format, specifies the level of cyan (C), magenta
1.2 Built-in Types of Data 49 (M), yellow (Y), and black (K) on a real scale from 0.0 to 1.0. Write a program RGBtoCMYK that converts RGB to CMYK. Take three integers—r, g, and b—from the command line and print the equivalent CMYK values. If the RGB values are all 0, then the CMY values are all 0 and the K value is 1; otherwise, use these formulas: w max ( r / 255, g / 255, b / 255 ) c (w ( r / 255)) w m (w ( g / 255)) w y (w ( b / 255)) w k 1 w 1.2.33 Great circle. Write a program GreatCircle that takes four double command-line arguments—x1, y1, x2, and y2—(the latitude and longitude, in de- grees, of two points on the earth) and prints the great-circle distance between them. The great-circle distance (in nautical miles) is given by the following equation: d = 60 arccos(sin(x1) sin(x2) cos(x1) cos(x2) cos(y1 y2)) Note that this equation uses degrees, whereas Java’s trigonometric functions use radians. Use Math.toRadians() and Math.toDegrees() to convert between the two. Use your program to compute the great-circle distance between Paris (48.87° N and 2.33° W) and San Francisco (37.8° N and 122.4° W). 1.2.34 Three-sort. Write a program that takes three integer command-line arguments and prints them in ascending order. Use Math.min() and Math.max(). 1.2.35 Dragon curves. Write a program to print the instructions for drawing the dragon curves of order 0 through 5. The instructions are strings of F, L, and R characters, where F means “draw line while moving 1 unit F forward,” L means “turn left,” and R means “turn right.” A FLF dragon curve of order n is formed when you fold a strip of paper in half n times, then unfold to right angles. The key to solving this problem is to note that a curve of order FLFLFRF n is a curve of order n1 followed by an L followed by a curve of order n1 traversed in reverse order, and then FLFLFRFLFLFRFRF to figure out a similar description for the reverse curve. Dragon curves of order 0, 1, 2, and 3
Elements of Programming 1.3 Conditionals and Loops In the programs that we have examined to this point, each of the statements in the program is executed once, in the order given. Most programs are more complicated because the sequence of statements and the number of times each is executed can vary. We use the term control flow to refer to statement sequencing in a program. 1.3.1 Flipping a fair coin. . . . . . . . . . . 53 In this section, we introduce statements 1.3.2 Your first while loop. . . . . . . . . . 55 that allow us to change the control flow, 1.3.3 Computing powers of 2. . . . . . . . 57 using logic about the values of program 1.3.4 Your first nested loops. . . . . . . . . 63 1.3.5 Harmonic numbers . . . . . . . . . . 65 variables. This feature is an essential 1.3.6 Newton’s method . . . . . . . . . . . 66 component of programming. 1.3.7 Converting to binary . . . . . . . . . 68 Specifically, we consider Java state1.3.8 Gambler’s ruin simulation . . . . . . 71 ments that implement conditionals, 1.3.9 Factoring integers . . . . . . . . . . . 73 where some other statements may or may Programs in this section not be executed depending on certain conditions, and loops, where some other statements may be executed multiple times, again depending on certain conditions. As you will see in this section, conditionals and loops truly harness the power of the computer and will equip you to write programs to accomplish a broad variety of tasks that you could not contemplate attempting without a computer. If statements Most computations require different actions for different inputs. One way to express these differences in Java is the if statement: if (<boolean expression>) { <statements> } This description introduces a formal notation known as a template that we will use to specify the format of Java constructs. We put within angle brackets (< >) a construct that we have already defined, to indicate that we can use any instance of that construct where specified. In this case, <boolean expression> represents an expression that evaluates to a boolean value, such as one involving a comparison operation, and <statements> represents a statement block (a sequence of Java statements). This latter construct is familiar to you: the body of main() is such a sequence. If the sequence is a single statement, the curly braces are optional. It is possible to make formal definitions of <boolean expression> and <statements>, but we refrain from going into that level of detail. The meaning of an if statement
1.3 Conditionals and Loops 51 is self-explanatory: the statement(s) in the sequence are to be executed if and only if the expression is true. As a simple example, suppose that you want to compute the absolute value of an int value x. This statement does the job: boolean expression if (x < 0) x = -x; (More precisely, it replaces x with the absolute value of x.) As a second simple example, consider the following statement: if ( x > y ) { if (x > y) { int t = x; x = y; y = t; } int t = x; x = y; y = t; sequence of statements } Anatomy of an if statement This code puts the smaller of the two int values in x and the larger of the two values in y, by exchanging the values in the two variables if necessary. You can also add an else clause to an if statement, to express the concept of executing either one statement (or sequence of statements) or another, depending on whether the boolean expression is true or false, as in the following template: if (<boolean expression>) <statements T> else <statements F> As a simple example of the need for an else clause, consider the following code, which assigns the maximum of two int values to the variable max: if (x > y) max = x; else max = y; One way to understand control flow is to visualize it with a diagram called a flowchart. Paths through the flowchart correspond to flow-of-control paths in the if (x > y) max = x; else max = y; if (x < 0) x = -x; yes x < 0 ? x = -x; no yes x > y ? max = x; Flowchart examples (if statements) no max = y;
Elements of Programming 52 program. In the early days of computing, when programmers used low-level languages and difficult-to-understand flows of control, flowcharts were an essential part of programming. With modern languages, we use flowcharts just to understand basic building blocks like the if statement. The accompanying table contains some examples of the use of if and ifelse statements. These examples are typical of simple calculations you might need in programs that you write. Conditional statements are an essential part of programming. Since the semantics (meaning) of statements like these is similar to their meanings as natural-language phrases, you will quickly grow used to them. Program 1.3.1 is another example of the use of the if-else statement, in this case for the task of simulating a fair coin flip. The body of the program is a single statement, like the ones in the table, but it is worth special attention because it introduces an interesting philosophical issue that is worth contemplating: can a computer program produce random values? Certainly not, but a program can produce numbers that have many of the properties of random numbers. absolute value if (x < 0) x = -x; put the smaller value in x and the larger value in y if (x > y) { int t = x; x = y; y = t; } maximum of x and y error check for division operation error check for quadratic formula if (x > y) max = x; else max = y; if (den == 0) System.out.println("Division by zero"); else System.out.println("Quotient = " + num/den); double discriminant = b*b if (discriminant < 0.0) { System.out.println("No } else { System.out.println((-b System.out.println((-b } - 4.0*c; real roots"); + Math.sqrt(discriminant))/2.0); - Math.sqrt(discriminant))/2.0); Typical examples of using if and if-else statements
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Program 1.3.1 Flipping a fair coin public class Flip { public static void main(String[] args) { // Simulate a fair coin flip. if (Math.random() < 0.5) System.out.println("Heads"); else System.out.println("Tails"); } } This program uses Math.random() to simulate a fair coin flip. Each time you run it, it prints either Heads or Tails. A sequence of flips will have many of the same properties as a sequence that you would get by flipping a fair coin, but it is not a truly random sequence. % java Flip Heads % java Flip Tails % java Flip Tails While loops Many computations are inherently repetitive. The basic Java construct for handling such computations has the following format: while (<boolean expression>) { <statements> } The while statement has the same form as the if statement (the only difference being the use of the keyword while instead of if), but the meaning is quite different. It is an instruction to the computer to behave as follows: if the boolean expression is false, do nothing; if the boolean expression is true, execute the sequence of statements (just as with an if statement) but then check the expression again, execute the sequence of statements again if the expression is true, and continue as long as the expression is true. We refer to the statement block in a loop as the body of the loop. As with the if statement, the curly braces are optional if a while loop body has just one statement. The while statement is equivalent to a sequence of identical if statements: 53
Elements of Programming 54 if (<boolean expression>) { <statements> } if (<boolean expression>) { <statements> } if (<boolean expression>) { <statements> } ... At some point, the code in one of the statements must change something (such as the value of some variable in the boolean expression) to make the boolean expression false, and then the sequence is broken. A common programming paradigm involves maintaining an integer value that keeps track of the number of times a loop iterates. We start at some initial value, and then increment the value by 1 each time initialization is a loopthrough the loop, testing whether it exceeds a pre- separate statement continuation condition determined maximum before deciding to continue. int power = 1; TenHellos (Program 1.3.2) is a simple example of while ( power <= n/2 ) this paradigm that uses a while statement. The key braces are { optional to the computation is the statement power = 2*power; when body i = i + 1; is a single statement } body As a mathematical equation, this statement is nonAnatomy of a while loop sense, but as a Java assignment statement it makes perfect sense: it says to compute the value i + 1 and then assign the result to the variable i. If the value of i was 4 before the statement, it becomes 5 afterward; if it was 5, it becomes 6; and so forth. With the initial condition in TenHellos that the value of i starts at 4, the statement block is executed seven times until the sequence is broken, int i = 4; when the value of i becomes 11. while (i <= 10) { Using the while loop is barely worthSystem.out.println(i + "th Hello"); while for this simple task, but you will soon be i = i + 1; addressing tasks where you will need to specify } that statements be repeated far too many times i = 4; to contemplate doing it without loops. There is a profound difference between programs with no i <= 10 ? while statements and programs without them, yes because while statements allow us to specify System.out.println(i + "th Hello"); a potentially unlimited number of statements to be executed in a program. In particular, the i = i + 1; while statement allows us to specify lengthy Flowchart example (while statement)
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Program 1.3.2 55 Your first while loop public class TenHellos { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print 10 Hellos. System.out.println("1st Hello"); System.out.println("2nd Hello"); System.out.println("3rd Hello"); int i = 4; while (i <= 10) { // Print the ith Hello. System.out.println(i + "th Hello"); i = i + 1; } } } This program uses a while loop for the simple, repetitive task of printing the output shown below. After the third line, the lines to be printed differ only in the value of the index counting the line printed, so we define a variable i to contain that index. After initializing the value of i to 4, we enter into a while loop where we use the value of i in the System.out.println() statement and increment it each time through the loop. After printing 10th Hello, the value of i becomes 11 and the loop terminates. % java TenHellos 1st Hello 2nd Hello 3rd Hello 4th Hello 5th Hello 6th Hello 7th Hello 8th Hello 9th Hello 10th Hello i i <= 10 output 4 true 4th Hello 5 true 5th Hello 6 true 6th Hello 7 true 7th Hello 8 true 8th Hello 9 true 9th Hello 10 true 10th Hello 11 false Trace of java TenHellos
56 Elements of Programming computations in short programs. This ability opens the door to writing programs for tasks that we could not contemplate addressing without a computer. But there is also a price to pay: as your programs become more sophisticated, they become more difficult to understand. PowersOfTwo (Program 1.3.3) uses a while loop to print out a table of the powers of 2. Beyond the loop control counter i, it maintains a variable power that holds the powers of 2 as it computes them. The loop body contains three statements: one to print the current power of 2, one to compute the next (multiply the current one by 2), and one to increment the loop control counter. There are many situations in computer science where it is useful to be familiar with powers of 2. You should know at least the first 10 values in this table and you should note that 210 is about 1 thousand, 220 is about 1 million, and 230 is about 1 billion. PowersOfTwo is the prototype for many useful computations. By varying the computations that change the accumulated value and the way that the loop control variable is incremented, we can print out tables of a variety of functions (see Exercise 1.3.12). It is worthwhile to carefully examine the behavior of programs that use loops by studying a trace of the program. For example, a trace of the operation of PowersOfTwo should show the value of each variable before each iteration of the loop and the value of the boolean expression that controls the loop. Tracing the operation of a loop can be very tedious, but it is often worthwhile to run a trace because it clearly exposes what a program is doing. PowersOfTwo is nearly a self-tracing program, because it prints the values of its variables each time through the loop. Clearly, you can make any program produce a trace of itself by adding appropriate System.out.println() statements. Modern program- i power i <= n 0 1 true 1 2 true 2 4 true 3 8 true 4 16 true 5 32 true 6 64 true 7 128 true 8 256 true 9 512 true 10 1024 true 11 2048 true 12 4096 true 13 8192 true 14 16384 true 15 32768 true 16 65536 true 17 131072 true 18 262144 true 19 524288 true 20 1048576 true 21 2097152 true 22 4194304 true 23 8388608 true 24 16777216 true 25 33554432 true 26 67108864 true 27 134217728 true 28 268435456 true 29 536870912 true 30 1073741824 false Trace of java PowersOfTwo 29
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Program 1.3.3 57 Computing powers of 2 public class PowersOfTwo { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print the first n powers of 2. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int power = 1; int i = 0; while (i <= n) { // Print ith power of 2. System.out.println(i + " " + power); power = 2 * power; i = i + 1; } } } n i power loop termination value loop control counter current power of 2 This program takes an integer command-line argument n and prints a table of the powers of 2 that are less than or equal to 2 n. Each time through the loop, it increments the value of i and doubles the value of power. We show only the first three and the last three lines of the table; the program prints n+1 lines. % 0 1 2 3 4 5 java PowersOfTwo 5 1 2 4 8 16 32 % java PowersOfTwo 29 0 1 1 2 2 4 ... 27 134217728 28 268435456 29 536870912 ming environments provide sophisticated tools for tracing, but this tried-and-true method is simple and effective. You certainly should add print statements to the first few loops that you write, to be sure that they are doing precisely what you expect.
Elements of Programming 58 There is a hidden trap in PowersOfTwo, because the largest integer in Java’s data type is 231 – 1 and the program does not test for that possibility. If you invoke it with java PowersOfTwo 31, you may be surprised by the last line of output printed: int ... 1073741824 -2147483648 The variable power becomes too large and takes on a negative value because of the way Java represents integers. The maximum value of an int is available for us to use as Integer.MAX_VALUE. A better version of Program 1.3.3 would use this value to test for overflow and print an error message if the user types too large a value, though getting such a program to work properly for all inputs is trickier than you might think. (For a similar challenge, see Exercise 1.3.16.) As a more complicated example, suppose that we want to compute the largest power of 2 that is less than or equal to a given positive integer n. If n is 13, we want int power = 1; the result 8; if n is 1000, we want the result 512; if n is 64, we want the result 64; and so forth. This computation is power <= n/2 ? simple to perform with a while loop: int power = 1; while (power <= n/2) power = 2*power; no yes power = 2*power; It takes some thought to convince yourself that this simple piece of code produces the desired result. You can do so by making these observations: Flowchart for the statements • power is always a power of 2. int power = 1; • power is never greater than n. while (power <= n/2) power = 2*power; • power increases each time through the loop, so the loop must terminate. • After the loop terminates, 2*power is greater than n. Reasoning of this sort is often important in understanding how while loops work. Even though many of the loops you will write will be much simpler than this one, you should be sure to convince yourself that each loop you write will behave as you expect. The logic behind such arguments is the same whether the loop iterates just a few times, as in TenHellos, or dozens of times, as in PowersOfTwo, or millions of
1.3 Conditionals and Loops 59 times, as in several examples that we will soon consider. That leap from a few tiny cases to a huge computation is profound. When writing loops, understanding how the values of the variables change each time through the loop (and checking that understanding by adding statements to trace their values and running for a small number of iterations) is essential. Having done so, you can confidently remove those training wheels and truly unleash the power of the computer. For loops As you will see, the loop allows us to write prodeclare and initialize another a loop control variable grams for all manner of applica- initialize loopvariable in a continuation separate tions. Before considering more increment condition statement int power = 1; examples, we will look at an alterfor (int i = 0; i <= n; i++ ) nate Java construct that allows us { even more flexibility when writing System.out.println(i + " " + power); programs with loops. This alterpower = 2*power; nate notation is not fundamental} body ly different from the basic while Anatomy of a for loop (that prints powers of 2) loop, but it is widely used because it often allows us to write more compact and more readable programs than if we used only while statements. while For notation. Many loops follow this scheme: initialize an index variable to some value and then use a while loop to test a loop-continuation condition involving the index variable, where the last statement in the while loop increments the index variable. You can express such loops directly with Java’s for notation: for (<initialize>; <boolean expression>; <increment>) { <statements> } This code is, with only a few exceptions, equivalent to <initialize>; while (<boolean expression>) { <statements> <increment>; }
Elements of Programming 60 Your Java compiler might even produce identical results for the two loops. In truth, and <increment> can be more complicated statements, but we nearly always use for loops to support this typical initialize-and-increment programming idiom. For example, the following two lines of code are equivalent to the corresponding lines of code in TenHellos (Program 1.3.2): <initialize> for (int i = 4; i <= 10; i = i + 1) System.out.println(i + "th Hello"); Typically, we work with a slightly more compact version of this code, using the shorthand notation discussed next. Compound assignment idioms. Modifying the value of a variable is something that we do so often in programming that Java provides a variety of shorthand notations for the purpose. For example, the following four statements all increment the value of i by 1: i = i+1; i++; ++i; i += 1; You can also say i-- or --i or i -= 1 or i = i-1 to decrement that value of i by 1. Most programmers use i++ or i-- in for loops, though any of the others would do. The ++ and -- constructs are normally used for integers, but the compound assignment constructs are useful operations for any arithmetic operator in any primitive numeric type. For example, you can say power *= 2 or power += power instead of power = 2*power. All of these idioms are provided for notational convenience, nothing more. These shortcuts came into widespread use with the C programming language in the 1970s and have become standard. They have survived the test of time because they lead to compact, elegant, and easily understood programs. When you learn to write (and to read) programs that use them, you will be able to transfer that skill to programming in numerous modern languages, not just Java. Scope. The scope of a variable is the part of the program that can refer to that variable by name. Generally the scope of a variable comprises the statements that follow the declaration in the same block as the declaration. For this purpose, the code in the for loop header is considered to be in the same block as the for loop body. Therefore, the while and for formulations of loops are not quite equivalent: in a typical for loop, the incrementing variable is not available for use in later statements; in the corresponding while loop, it is. This distinction is often a reason to use a while loop instead of a for loop.
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Choosing among different formulations of the same computation is a matter of each programmer’s taste, as when a writer picks from among synonyms or chooses between using active and passive voice when composing a sentence. You will not find good hard-and-fast rules on how to write a program any more than you will find such rules on how to compose a paragraph. Your goal should be to find a style that suits you, gets the computation done, and can be appreciated by others. The accompanying table includes several code fragments with typical examples of loops used in Java code. Some of these relate to code that you have already seen; others are new code for straightforward computations. To cement your understanding of loops in Java, write some loops for similar computations of your own invention, or do some of the early exercises at the end of this section. There is no substitute for the experience gained by running code that you create yourself, and it is imperative that you develop an understanding of how to write Java code that uses loops. compute the largest power of 2 less than or equal to n compute a finite sum (1 + 2 + … + n) compute a finite product (n ! = 1 × 2 × … × n) int power = 1; while (power <= n/2) power = 2*power; System.out.println(power); int sum = 0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += i; System.out.println(sum); int product = 1; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) product *= i; System.out.println(product); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) System.out.println(i + " " + 2*Math.PI*i/n); print a table of function values compute the ruler function (see Program 1.2.1) String ruler = "1"; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) ruler = ruler + " " + i + " " + ruler; System.out.println(ruler); Typical examples of using for and while loops 61
Elements of Programming 62 Nesting The if, while, and for statements have the same status as assignment statements or any other statements in Java; that is, we can use them wherever a statement is called for. In particular, we can use one or more of them in the body of another statement to make compound statements. As a first example, DivisorPattern (Program 1.3.4) has a for loop whose body contains a for loop (whose body is an if-else statement) and a print statement. It prints a pattern of asterisks where the ith row has an asterisk in each position corresponding to divisors of i (the same holds true for the columns). To emphasize the nesting, we use indentation in the program code. We refer to the i loop as the outer loop and the j loop as the inner loop. The inner loop iterates all the way through for each iteration of the outer loop. As usual, the best way to understand a new programming construct like this is to study a trace. DivisorPattern has a complicated control flow, as you can see from its flowchart. A diagram like this illustrates the importance of using a limited number of simple control flow structures in programming. With nesting, you can compose loops and conditionals to build programs that are easy to understand even though they may have a complicated control flow. A great many useful computations can be accomplished with just one or two levels of nesting. For example, many programs in this book have the same general structure as DivisorPattern. i = 1; i++; i <= n ? no yes j = 1; j++; yes j <= n ? yes no (i % j == 0) || (j % i == 0) ? System.out.print("* "); no System.out.print(" System.out.println(i); Flowchart for DivisorPattern ");
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Program 1.3.4 63 Your first nested loops public class DivisorPattern { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print a square that visualizes divisors. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // Print the ith line. for (int j = 1; j <= n; j++) { // Print the jth element in the ith line. if ((i % j == 0) || (j % i == 0)) System.out.print("* "); else System.out.print(" "); } System.out.println(i); } } } n i j number of rows and columns row index column index This program takes an integer command-line argument n and uses nested for loops to print an n-by-n table with an asterisk in row i and column j if either i divides j or j divides i. The loop control variables i and j control the computation. % java DivisorPattern 3 * * * 1 * * 2 * * 3 % * * * * * * * * * * * * java DivisorPattern * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 12 * 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 5 * 6 7 8 9 10 11 * 12 i j i % j j % i output 1 1 0 0 * 1 2 1 0 * 1 3 1 0 * 1 2 1 0 1 * 2 2 0 0 * 2 3 2 1 2 3 1 0 1 3 2 1 2 3 3 0 0 * * 3 Trace of java DivisorPattern 3
Elements of Programming 64 As a second example of nesting, consider the following program fragment, which a tax preparation program might use to compute income tax rates: if else else else else else else else if if if if if if (income (income (income (income (income (income (income < 0) rate = < 8925) rate = < 36250) rate = < 87850) rate = < 183250) rate = < 398350) rate = < 400000) rate = rate = 0.00; 0.10; 0.15; 0.23; 0.28; 0.33; 0.35; 0.396; In this case, a number of if statements are nested to test from among a number of mutually exclusive possibilities. This construct is a special one that we use often. Otherwise, it is best to use curly braces to resolve ambiguities when nesting if statements. This issue and more examples are addressed in the Q&A and exercises. Applications The ability to program with loops immediately opens up the full world of computation. To emphasize this fact, we next consider a variety of examples. These examples all involve working with the types of data that we considered in Section 1.2, but rest assured that the same mechanisms serve us well for any computational application. The sample programs are carefully crafted, and by studying them, you will be prepared to write your own programs containing loops. The examples that we consider here involve computing with numbers. Several of our examples are tied to problems faced by mathematicians and scientists throughout the past several centuries. While computers have existed for only 70 years or so, many of the computational methods that we use are based on a rich mathematical tradition tracing back to antiquity. Finite sum. The computational paradigm used by PowersOfTwo is one that you will use frequently. It uses two variables—one as an index that controls a loop and the other to accumulate a computational result. HarmonicNumber (Program 1.3.5) uses the same paradigm to evaluate the finite 1 sum Hn = 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + ... + 1/n . These numbers, which are known as the harmonic numbers, arise frequently in discrete mathematics. Harmonic numbers are the discrete analog of the logarithm. They also approximate the area under the curve y = 1/x. You can use Program 1.3.5 as a model for computing the values of other finite sums (see Exercise 1.3.18). 1/2 1/3 1/4 1/5
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Program 1.3.5 65 Harmonic numbers public class HarmonicNumber { public static void main(String[] args) { // Compute the nth harmonic number. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) { // Add the ith term to the sum. sum += 1.0/i; } System.out.println(sum); } } n number of terms in sum loop index sum cumulated sum i This program takes an integer command-line argument n and computes the value of the nth harmonic number. The value is known from mathematical analysis to be about ln(n) + 0.57721 for large n. Note that ln(1,000,000) + 0.57721 14.39272. % java HarmonicNumber 2 1.5 % java HarmonicNumber 10000 7.485470860550343 % java HarmonicNumber 10 2.9289682539682538 % java HarmonicNumber 1000000 14.392726722864989 Computing the square root. How are functions in Java’s Math library, such as Math.sqrt(), implemented? Sqrt (Program 1.3.6) illustrates one technique. To compute the square root of a positive number, it uses an iterative computation that was known to the Babylonians more than 4,000 years ago. It is also a special case of a general computational technique that was developed in the 17th century by Isaac Newton and Joseph Raphson and is widely known as Newton’s method. Under generous conditions on a given function f (x), Newton’s method is an effective way to find roots y = f(x) root ti+2 ti+1 ti Newton’s method
Elements of Programming 66 Program 1.3.6 Newton’s method public class Sqrt { public static void main(String[] args) { double c = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); double EPSILON = 1e-15; double t = c; while (Math.abs(t - c/t) > EPSILON * t) { // Replace t by the average of t and c/t. t = (c/t + t) / 2.0; } System.out.println(t); } } c EPSILON t argument error tolerance estimate of square root of c This program takes a positive floating-point number c as a command-line argument and computes the square root of c to 15 decimal places of accuracy, using Newton’s method (see text). % java Sqrt 2.0 1.414213562373095 % java Sqrt 2544545 1595.1630010754388 iteration t c/t 2.0000000000000000 1.0 1 1.5000000000000000 1.3333333333333333 2 1.4166666666666665 1.4117647058823530 3 1.4142156862745097 1.4142114384748700 4 1.4142135623746899 1.4142135623715002 5 1.4142135623730950 1.4142135623730951 Trace of java Sqrt 2.0 (values of x for which the function is 0). Start with an initial estimate, t0. Given the estimate ti , compute a new estimate by drawing a line tangent to the curve y = f (x) at the point (ti , f (ti)) and set ti+1 to the x-coordinate of the point where that line hits the x-axis. Iterating this process, we get closer to the root.
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Computing the square root of a positive number c is equivalent to finding the positive root of the function f (x) = x 2 – c. For this special case, Newton’s method amounts to the process implemented in Sqrt (see Exercise 1.3.19). Start with the estimate t = c. If t is equal to c / t, then t is equal to the square root of c, so the computation is complete. If not, refine the estimate by replacing t with the average of t and c / t. With Newton’s method, we get the value of the square root of 2 accurate to 15 decimal places in just 5 iterations of the loop. Newton’s method is important in scientific computing because the same iterative approach is effective for finding the roots of a broad class of functions, including many for which analytic solutions are not known (and for which the Java Math library is no help). Nowadays, we take for granted that we can find whatever values we need of mathematical functions; before computers, scientists and engineers had to use tables or compute values by hand. Computational techniques that were developed to enable calculations by hand needed to be very efficient, so it is not surprising that many of those same techniques are effective when we use computers. Newton’s method is a classic example of this phenomenon. Another useful approach for evaluating mathematical functions is to use Taylor series expansions (see Exercise 1.3.37 and Exercise 1.3.38). 67 greater than 16 1???? 16 >16 less than 16 + 8 10??? <24 16 8 less than 164 100?? <20 16 4 greater than 162 1001? 16 2 >18 Number conversion. Binary (Program 1.3.7) prints the binary (base 2) representation of the decimal number typed as the command-line argument. It is based on decomposing a number into a sum of powers of 2. For example, the binary representation of 19 is 10011, which is the same as saying that 19 = 16 + 2 + 1. To compute the binary representation of n, we consider the powers of 2 less than or equal to n in decreasing order to determine which belong in the binary decomposition (and therefore correspond to a 1 bit in the binary equal to 16 + 2 + 1 10011 16 21 10000+10+1 =19 = 10011 Scale analog to binary conversion
Elements of Programming 68 Program 1.3.7 Converting to binary public class Binary { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print binary representation of n. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int power = 1; while (power <= n/2) power *= 2; // Now power is the largest power of 2 <= n. n power integer to convert current power of 2 while (power > 0) { // Cast out powers of 2 in decreasing order. if (n < power) { System.out.print(0); } else { System.out.print(1); n -= power; } power /= 2; } System.out.println(); } } This program takes a positive integer n as a command-line argument and prints the binary representation of n, by casting out powers of 2 in decreasing order (see text). % java Binary 19 10011 % java Binary 100000000 101111101011110000100000000 representation). The process corresponds precisely to using a balance scale to weigh an object, using weights whose values are powers of 2. First, we find the largest weight not heavier than the object. Then, considering the weights in decreasing order, we add each weight to test whether the object is lighter. If so, we remove the weight; if not, we leave the weight and try the next one. Each weight corresponds to
1.3 Conditionals and Loops n binary representation power 19 10011 3 0011 3 3 1 0 69 power > 0 binary representation n < power output 16 true 10000 false 1 8 true 1000 true 0 011 4 true 100 true 0 01 2 true 10 false 1 1 1 true 1 false 1 0 false Trace of casting-out-powers-of-2 loop for java Binary 19 a bit in the binary representation of the weight of the object; leaving a weight corresponds to a 1 bit in the binary representation of the object’s weight, and removing a weight corresponds to a 0 bit in the binary representation of the object’s weight. In Binary, the variable power corresponds to the current weight being tested, and the variable n accounts for the excess (unknown) part of the object’s weight (to simulate leaving a weight on the balance, we just subtract that weight from n). The value of power decreases through the powers of 2. When it is larger than n, Binary prints 0; otherwise, it prints 1 and subtracts power from n. As usual, a trace (of the values of n, power, n < power, and the output bit for each loop iteration) can be very useful in helping you to understand the program. Read from top to bottom in the rightmost column of the trace, the output is 10011, the binary representation of 19. Converting data from one representation to another is a frequent theme in writing computer programs. Thinking about conversion emphasizes the distinction between an abstraction (an integer like the number of hours in a day) and a representation of that abstraction (24 or 11000). The irony here is that the computer’s representation of an integer is actually based on its binary representation. Simulation. Our next example is different in character from the ones we have been considering, but it is representative of a common situation where we use computers to simulate what might happen in the real world so that we can make informed decisions. The specific example that we consider now is from a thoroughly studied class of problems known as gambler’s ruin. Suppose that a gambler makes a series of fair $1 bets, starting with some given initial stake. The gambler always goes broke eventually, but when we set other limits on the game, various questions
Elements of Programming 70 goal stake 0 goal stake 0 arise. For example, suppose that the gambler decides ahead of time to walk away after reaching a certain goal. What are the chances that the gambler will win? How many bets might be needed to win or lose the game? What is the maximum amount of money that the gambler will have during the course of the game? Gambler (Program 1.3.8) is a simulation that can help answer these questions. It does a sequence of trials, using Math.random() to simulate the sequence of bets, continuing until either the gambler is broke or the goal is reached, and keeping track of the number of times the gambler reaches the goal Gambler simulation sequences and the number of bets. After running the experiment for the specified number of trials, it averages and prints the results. You might wish to run this program for various values of the command-line arguments, not necessarily just to plan your next trip to the casino, but to help you think about the following questions: Is the simulation an accurate reflection of what would happen in real life? How many trials are needed to get an accurate answer? What are the computational limits on performing such a simulation? Simulations are widely used in applications in economics, science, and engineering, and questions of this sort are important in any simulation. In the case of Gambler, we are verifying classical results from probability theory, which say the probability of success is the ratio of the stake to the goal and that the expected number of bets is the product of the stake and the desired gain (the difference between the goal and the stake). For example, if you go to Monte Carlo to try to turn $500 into $2,500, you have a reasonable (20%) chance of success, but you should expect to make a million $1 bets! If you try to turn $1 into $1,000, you have a 0.1% chance and can expect to be done (ruined, most likely) in about 999 bets. Simulation and analysis go hand-in-hand, each validating the other. In practice, the value of simulation is that it can suggest answers to questions that might be too difficult to resolve with analysis. For example, suppose that our gambler, recognizing that there will never be enough time to make a million bets, decides ahead of time to set an upper limit on the number of bets. How much money can the gambler expect to take home in that case? You can address this question with an easy change to Program 1.3.8 (see Exercise 1.3.26), but addressing it with mathematical analysis is not so easy. win
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Program 1.3.8 71 Gambler’s ruin simulation public class Gambler stake { goal public static void main(String[] args) trials { // Run trials experiments that start with bets // $stake and terminate on $0 or $goal. wins int stake = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); cash int goal = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); int bets = 0; int wins = 0; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { // Run one experiment. int cash = stake; while (cash > 0 && cash < goal) { // Simulate one bet. bets++; if (Math.random() < 0.5) cash++; else cash--; } // Cash is either 0 (ruin) or $goal (win). if (cash == goal) wins++; } System.out.println(100*wins/trials + "% wins"); System.out.println("Avg # bets: " + bets/trials); } } initial stake walkaway goal number of trials bet count win count cash on hand This program takes three integers command-line arguments stake, goal, and trials. The inner while loop in this program simulates a gambler with $stake who makes a series of $1 bets, continuing until going broke or reaching $goal. The running time of this program is proportional to trials times the average number of bets. For example, the third command below causes nearly 100 million random numbers to be generated. % java Gambler 10 20 1000 50% wins Avg # bets: 100 % java Gambler 50 250 100 19% wins Avg # bets: 11050 % java Gambler 10 20 1000 51% wins Avg # bets: 98 % java Gambler 500 2500 100 21% wins Avg # bets: 998071
Elements of Programming 72 Factoring. A prime number is an integer greater than 1 whose only positive divi- factor 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 sors are 1 and itself. The prime factorization of an integer is the multiset of primes whose product is the integer. For example, 3,757,208 = 2 2 2 7 13 13 397. Factors (Program 1.3.9) computes the prime factorization of any given positive integer. In contrast to many of the other programs that we have seen (which we could do in a few minutes with a calculator or even a pencil and paper), this computation would not be feasible without a computer. How would you go about trying to find the factors of a number like 287994837222311? You might find the factor 17 quickly, but even with a calculator it would take you quite a while to find 1739347. Although Factors is compact, it certainly will take some thought to convince yourself that it produces the desired result for any given integer. As usual, following a trace that shows the values of the variables at the beginning of each iteration of the outer for loop is a good way to understand the computation. For the case where the initial value of n is 3757208, the inner while loop iterates three times when factor is 2, to remove the three factors of 2; then zero n output times when factor is 3, 4, 5, and 6, since none of those numbers divides 469651; and so forth. Tracing the program 3757208 2 2 2 for a few example inputs reveals its basic operation. To con469651 vince ourselves that the program will behave as expected for 469651 all inputs, we reason about what we expect each of the loops 469651 to do. The while loop prints and removes from n all factors 469651 of factor, but the key to understanding the program is to 469651 7 see that the following fact holds at the beginning of each 67093 iteration of the for loop: n has no factors between 2 and 67093 factor-1. Thus, if factor is not prime, it will not divide 67093 n; if factor is prime, the while loop will do its job. Once 67093 we know that n has no divisors less than or equal to factor, 67093 we also know that it has no factors greater than n/factor, 67093 13 13 so we need look no further when factor is greater than n/ 397 factor. 397 In a more naïve implementation, we might simply have used the condition (factor < n) to terminate the for 397 loop. Even given the blinding speed of modern computers, 397 such a decision would have a dramatic effect on the size of 397 the numbers that we could factor. Exercise 1.3.28 encour397 ages you to experiment with the program to learn the ef397 397 Trace of java Factors 3757208
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Program 1.3.9 73 Factoring integers public class Factors n { factor public static void main(String[] args) { // Print the prime factorization of n. long n = Long.parseLong(args[0]); for (long factor = 2; factor <= n/factor; factor++) { // Test potential factor. while (n % factor == 0) { // Cast out and print factor. n /= factor; System.out.print(factor + " "); } // Any factor of n must be greater than factor. } if (n > 1) System.out.print(n); System.out.println(); } } unfactored part potential factor This program takes a positive integer n as a command-line argument and prints the prime factorization of n. The code is simple, but it takes some thought to convince yourself that it is correct (see text). % java Factors 3757208 2 2 2 7 13 13 397 % java Factors 287994837222311 17 1739347 9739789 fectiveness of this simple change. On a computer that can do billions of operations per second, we could factor numbers on the order of 109 in a few seconds; with the (factor <= n/factor) test, we can factor numbers on the order of 1018 in a comparable amount of time. Loops give us the ability to solve difficult problems, but they also give us the ability to construct simple programs that run slowly, so we must always be cognizant of performance. In modern applications in cryptography, there are important situations where we wish to factor truly huge numbers (with, say, hundreds or thousands of digits). Such a computation is prohibitively difficult even with the use of a computer.
74 Elements of Programming Other conditional and loop constructs To more fully cover the Java language, we consider here four more control-flow constructs. You need not think about using these constructs for every program that you write, because you are likely to encounter them much less frequently than the if, while, and for statements. You certainly do not need to worry about using these constructs until you are comfortable using if, while, and for. You might encounter one of them in a program in a book or on the web, but many programmers do not use them at all and we rarely use any of them outside this section. Break statements. In some situations, we want to immediately exit a loop without letting it run to completion. Java provides the break statement for this purpose. For example, the following code is an effective way to test whether a given integer n > 1 is prime: int factor; for (factor = 2; factor <= n/factor; factor++) if (n % factor == 0) break; if (factor > n/factor) System.out.println(n + " is prime"); There are two different ways to leave this loop: either the break statement is executed (because factor divides n, so n is not prime) or the loop-continuation condition is not satisfied (because no factor with factor <= n/factor was found that divides n, which implies that n is prime). Note that we have to declare factor outside the for loop instead of in the initialization statement so that its scope extends beyond the loop. Continue statements. Java also provides a way to skip to the next iteration of a loop: the continue statement. When a continue statement is executed within the body of a for loop, the flow of control transfers directly to the increment statement for the next iteration of the loop. Switch statements. The if and if-else statements allow one or two alternatives in directing the flow of control. Sometimes, a computation naturally suggests more than two mutually exclusive alternatives. We could use a sequence or a chain of ifelse statements (as in the tax rate calculation discussed earlier in this section), but the Java switch statement provides a more direct solution. Let us move right to a typical example. Rather than printing an int variable day in a program that works with days of the weeks (such as a solution to Exercise 1.2.29), it is easier to use a switch statement, as follows:
1.3 Conditionals and Loops switch (day) { case 0: System.out.println("Sun"); case 1: System.out.println("Mon"); case 2: System.out.println("Tue"); case 3: System.out.println("Wed"); case 4: System.out.println("Thu"); case 5: System.out.println("Fri"); case 6: System.out.println("Sat"); } 75 break; break; break; break; break; break; break; When you have a program that seems to have a long and regular sequence of if statements, you might consider consulting the booksite and using a switch statement, or using an alternate approach described in Section 1.4. Do–while loops. Another way to write a loop is to use the template do { <statements> } while (<boolean expression>); The meaning of this statement is the same as while (<boolean expression>) { <statements> } except that the first test of the boolean condition is omitted. If the boolean condition initially holds, there is no difference. For an example in which do-while is useful, consider the problem of generating points that are randomly distributed in the unit disk. We can use Math.random() to generate x- and y-coordinates independently to get points that are randomly distributed in the 2-by-2 square centered on the origin. Most points fall within the unit disk, so we just reject those that do not. We always want to generate at least one point, so a do-while loop is ideal for this computation. The following code sets x and y such that the point (x, y) is randomly distributed in the unit disk: do { // Scale x and y to be random in (-1, 1). x = 2.0*Math.random() - 1.0; y = 2.0*Math.random() - 1.0; } while (x*x + y*y > 1.0); Since the area of the disk is and the area of the square is 4, the expected number of times the loop is iterated is 4/ (about 1.27). y (1, 1) in x (0, 0) out
Elements of Programming 76 Infinite loops Before you write programs that use loops, you need to think about the following issue: what if the loop-continuation condition in a while loop is always satisfied? With the statements that you have learned so far, one of two bad things could happen, both of which you need to learn to cope with. First, suppose that such a loop calls System.out.println(). For example, if the loop-continuation condition in TenHellos were (i > 3) instead of (i <= 10), it would always be true. What happens? Nowadays, we use print as an abstraction to mean display in a terminal window and the result of attempting to display an unlimited number of lines in a terminal window is dependent on operating-system conventions. If your system is set up to have print mean print characters on a piece of paper, you might run out of paper or have to unplug the printer. In a terminal window, you need a stop printing operation. Bepublic class BadHellos fore running programs with loops on your own, you make sure ... int i = 4; that you know what to do to “pull the plug” on an infinite loop while (i > 3) of System.out.println() calls and then test out the strategy { by making the change to TenHellos indicated above and trying System.out.println to stop it. On most systems, <Ctrl-C> means stop the current (i + "th Hello"); program, and should do the job. i = i + 1; Second, nothing might happen. If your program has an } infinite loop that does not produce any output, it will spin ... through the loop and you will see no results at all. When you find yourself in such a situation, you can inspect the loops to % java BadHellos make sure that the loop exit condition always happens, but the 1st Hello 2nd Hello problem may not be easy to identify. One way to locate such 3rd Hello a bug is to insert calls to System.out.println() to produce 5th Hello a trace. If these calls fall within an infinite loop, this strategy 6th Hello reduces the problem to the case discussed in the previous para7th Hello graph, but the output might give you a clue about what to do. ... You might not know (or it might not matter) whether a An infinite loop loop is infinite or just very long. Even BadHellos eventually would terminate after printing more than 1 billion lines because of integer overflow. If you invoke Program 1.3.8 with arguments such as java Gambler 100000 200000 100, you may not want to wait for the answer. You will learn to be aware of and to estimate the running time of your programs. Why not have Java detect infinite loops and warn us about them? You might be surprised to know that it is not possible to do so, in general. This counterintuitive fact is one of the fundamental results of theoretical computer science.
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Summary 77 For reference, the accompanying table lists the programs that we have considered in this section. They are representative of the kinds of tasks we can address with short programs composed of if, while, and for statements processing built-in types of data. These types of computations are an appropriate way to become familiar with the basic Java flow-of-control constructs. To learn how to use conditionals and loops, you must practice writing and debugging programs with if, while, and for statements. The exercises at the end of this section provide many opportunities for you to begin this process. For each exercise, you will write a Java program, then run and test it. All programmers know that it is unusual to have a program program description work as planned the first time it is run, so you will want to have an understandFlip simulate a coin flip ing of your program and an expectaTenHellos your first loop tion of what it should do, step by step. PowersOfTwo compute and print a table of values At first, use explicit traces to check your DivisorPattern your first nested loop understanding and expectation. As you Harmonic compute finite sum gain experience, you will find yourself thinking in terms of what a trace might Sqrt classic iterative algorithm produce as you compose your loops. Binary basic number conversion Ask yourself the following kinds of Gambler simulation with nested loops questions: What will be the values of the Factors while loop within a for loop variables after the loop iterates the first time? The second time? The final time? Summary of programs in this section Is there any way this program could get stuck in an infinite loop? Loops and conditionals are a giant step in our ability to compute: if, while, and for statements take us from simple straight-line programs to arbitrarily complicated flow of control. In the next several chapters, we will take more giant steps that will allow us to process large amounts of input data and allow us to define and process types of data other than simple numeric types. The if, while, and for statements of this section will play an essential role in the programs that we consider as we take these steps.
Elements of Programming 78 Q&A Q. What is the difference between = and ==? A. We repeat this question here to remind you to be sure not to use = when you mean == in a boolean expression. The expression (x = y) assigns the value of y to x, whereas the expression (x == y) tests whether the two variables currently have the same values. In some programming languages, this difference can wreak havoc in a program and be difficult to detect, but Java’s type safety usually will come to the rescue. For example, if we make the mistake of typing (cash = goal) instead of (cash == goal) in Program 1.3.8, the compiler finds the bug for us: javac Gambler.java Gambler.java:18: incompatible types found : int required: boolean if (cash = goal) wins++; ^ 1 error Be careful about writing if (x = y) when x and y are boolean variables, since this will be treated as an assignment statement, which assigns the value of y to x and evaluates to the truth value of y. For example, you should write if (!isPrime) instead of if (isPrime = false). Q. So I need to pay attention to using == instead of = when writing loops and conditionals. Is there something else in particular that I should watch out for? A. Another common mistake is to forget the braces in a loop or conditional with a multi-statement body. For example, consider this version of the code in Gambler: for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) for (cash = stake; cash > 0 && cash < goal; bets++) if (Math.random() < 0.5) cash++; else cash--; if (cash == goal) wins++; The code appears correct, but it is dysfunctional because the second if is outside both for loops and gets executed just once. Many programmers always use braces to delimit the body of a loop or conditional precisely to avoid such insidious bugs.
1.3 Conditionals and Loops Q. Anything else? A. The third classic pitfall is ambiguity in nested if statements: if <expr1> if <expr2> <stmntA> else <stmntB> In Java, this is equivalent to if <expr1> { if <expr2> <stmntA> else <stmntB> } even if you might have been thinking if <expr1> { if <expr2> <stmntA> } else <stmntB> Again, using explicit braces to delimit the body is a good way to avoid this pitfall. Q. Are there cases where I must use a for loop but not a while, or vice versa? A. No. Generally, you should use a for loop when you have an initialization, an increment, and a loop continuation test (if you do not need the loop control variable outside the loop). But the equivalent while loop still might be fine. Q. What are the rules on where we declare the loop-control variables? A. Opinions differ. In older programming languages, it was required that all variables be declared at the beginning of a block, so many programmers are in this habit and a lot of code follows this convention. But it makes a great deal of sense to declare variables where they are first used, particularly in for loops, when it is normally the case that the variable is not needed outside the loop. However, it is not uncommon to need to test (and therefore declare) the loop-control variable outside the loop, as in the primality-testing code we considered as an example of the break statement. Q. What is the difference between ++i and i++? A. As statements, there is no difference. In expressions, both increment i, but ++i has the value after the increment and i++ the value before the increment. In this book, we avoid statements like x = ++i that have the side effect of changing variable values. So, it is safe to not worry much about this distinction and just use i++ 79
Elements of Programming 80 in for loops and as a statement. When we do use ++i in this book, we will call attention to it and say why we are using it. Q. In a for loop, <initialize> and <increment> can be statements more complicated than declaring, initializing, and updating a loop-control variable. How can I take advantage of this ability? A. The <initialize> and <increment> can be sequences of statements, separated by commas. This notation allows for code that initializes and modifies other variables besides the loop-control variable. In some cases, this ability leads to compact code. For example, the following two lines of code could replace the last eight lines in the body of the main() method in PowersOfTwo (Program 1.3.3): for (int i = 0, power = 1; i <= n; i++, power *= 2) System.out.println(i + " " + power); Such code is rarely necessary and better avoided, particularly by beginners. Q Can I use a double variable as a loop-control variable in a for loop? A It is legal, but generally bad practice to do so. Consider the following loop: for (double x = 0.0; x <= 1.0; x += 0.1) System.out.println(x + " " + Math.sin(x)); How many times does it iterate? The number of iterations depends on an equality test between double values, which may not always give the result that you expect because of floating-point precision. Q. Anything else tricky about loops? A. Not all parts of a for loop need to be filled in with code. The initialization statement, the boolean expression, the increment statement, and the loop body can each be omitted. It is generally better style to use a while statement int power = 1; while (power <= n/2) empty increment than null statements in a for loop. power *= 2; statement In the code in this book, we avoid for (int power = 1; power <= n/2; ) such empty statements. power *= 2; for (int power = 1; power <= n/2; power *= 2) ; empty loop body Three equivalent loops
1.3 Conditionals and Loops 81 Exercises 1.3.1 Write a program that takes three integer command-line arguments and prints equal if all three are equal, and not equal otherwise. 1.3.2 Write a more general and more robust version of Quadratic (Program 1.2.3) that prints the roots of the polynomial ax2 + bx + c, prints an appropriate message if the discriminant is negative, and behaves appropriately (avoiding division by zero) if a is zero. 1.3.3 What (if anything) is wrong with each of the following statements? a. b. c. d. if (a > b) then c = 0; if a > b { c = 0; } if (a > b) c = 0; if (a > b) c = 0 else b = 0; 1.3.4 Write a code fragment that prints true if the double variables x and y are both strictly between 0 and 1, and false otherwise. 1.3.5 Write a program RollLoadedDie that prints the result of rolling a loaded die such that the probability of getting a 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 is 1/8 and the probability of getting a 6 is 3/8. 1.3.6 Improve your solution to Exercise 1.2.25 by adding code to check that the values of the command-line arguments fall within the ranges of validity of the formula, and by also adding code to print out an error message if that is not the case. 1.3.7 Suppose that i and j are both of type int. What is the value of j after each of the following statements is executed? a. for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; b. for (i = 0, j = 1; i < 10; c. for (j = 0; j < 10; j++) j d. for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 10; 1.3.8 Rewrite i++) j += i; i++) j += j; += j; i++) j += j++; to make a program Hellos that takes the number of lines to print as a command-line argument. You may assume that the argument is less than 1000. Hint: Use i % 10 and i % 100 to determine when to use st, nd, rd, or th for printing the ith Hello. TenHellos
Elements of Programming 82 1.3.9 Write a program that, using one for loop and one if statement, prints the integers from 1,000 to 2,000 with five integers per line. Hint: Use the % operation. 1.3.10 Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n, uses Math.random() to print n uniform random values between 0 and 1, and then prints their average value (see Exercise 1.2.30). 1.3.11 Describe what happens when you try to print a ruler function (see the table on page 57) with a value of n that is too large, such as 100. 1.3.12 Write a program FunctionGrowth that prints a table of the values log n, n, n loge n, n 2, n 3, and 2 n for n = 16, 32, 64, ... , 2,048. Use tabs (\t characters) to align columns. 1.3.13 What are the values of m and n after executing the following code? int n = 123456789; int m = 0; while (n != 0) { m = (10 * m) + (n % 10); n = n / 10; } 1.3.14 What does the following code fragment print? int f = 0, g = 1; for (int i = 0; i <= 15; i++) { System.out.println(f); f = f + g; g = f - g; } Solution. Even an expert programmer will tell you that the only way to understand a program like this is to trace it. When you do, you will find that it prints the values 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 134, 233, 377, and 610. These numbers are the first sixteen of the famous Fibonacci sequence, which are defined by the following formulas: F0 = 0, F1 = 1, and Fn = Fn-1 + Fn-2 for n > 1.
1.3 Conditionals and Loops 83 1.3.15 How many lines of output does the following code fragment produce? for (int i = 0; i < 999; i++); { System.out.println("Hello"); } Solution. One. Note the spurious semicolon at the end of the first line. 1.3.16 Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints all the positive powers of 2 less than or equal to n. Make sure that your program works properly for all values of n. 1.3.17 Expand your solution to Exercise 1.2.24 to print a table giving the total amount of money you would have after t years for t = 0 to 25. 1.3.18 Unlike the harmonic numbers, the sum 1/12 + 1/22 + ... + 1/n2 does converge to a constant as n grows to infinity. (Indeed, the constant is 2/6, so this formula can be used to estimate the value of .) Which of the following for loops computes this sum? Assume that n is an int variable initialized to 1000000 and sum is a double variable initialized to 0.0. a. for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1 / (i*i); b. for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1.0 / i*i; c. for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1.0 / (i*i); d. for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1 / (1.0*i*i); 1.3.19 Show that Program 1.3.6 implements Newton’s method for finding the square root of c. Hint : Use the fact that the slope of the tangent to a (differentiable) function f (x) at x = t is f (t) to find the equation of the tangent line, and then use that equation to find the point where the tangent line intersects the x-axis to show that you can use Newton’s method to find a root of any function as follows: at each iteration, replace the estimate t by t f (t) / f (t). 1.3.20 Using Newton’s method, develop a program that takes two integer command-line arguments n and k and prints the kth root of n (Hint : See Exercise 1.3.19). 1.3.21 Modify Binary to get a program Kary that takes two integer commandline arguments i and k and converts i to base k. Assume that i is an integer in Java’s long data type and that k is an integer between 2 and 16. For bases greater than 10, use the letters A through F to represent the 11th through 16th digits, respectively.
Elements of Programming 84 1.3.22 Write a code fragment that puts the binary representation of a positive integer n into a String variable s. Solution. Java has a built-in method Integer.toBinaryString(n) for this job, but the point of the exercise is to see how such a method might be implemented. Working from Program 1.3.7, we get the solution String s = ""; int power = 1; while (power <= n/2) power *= 2; while (power > 0) { if (n < power) { s += 0; } else { s += 1; n -= power; } power /= 2; } A simpler option is to work from right to left: String s = ""; for (int i = n; i > 0; i /= 2) s = (i % 2) + s; Both of these methods are worthy of careful study. 1.3.23 Write a version of Gambler that uses two nested while loops or two nested for loops instead of a while loop inside a for loop. 1.3.24 Write a program GamblerPlot that traces a gambler’s ruin simulation by printing a line after each bet in which one asterisk corresponds to each dollar held by the gambler. 1.3.25 Modify Gambler to take an extra command-line argument that specifies the (fixed) probability that the gambler wins each bet. Use your program to try to learn how this probability affects the chance of winning and the expected number of bets. Try a value of p close to 0.5 (say, 0.48). 1.3.26 Modify Gambler to take an extra command-line argument that specifies the number of bets the gambler is willing to make, so that there are three possible
1.3 Conditionals and Loops ways for the game to end: the gambler wins, loses, or runs out of time. Add to the output to give the expected amount of money the gambler will have when the game ends. Extra credit : Use your program to plan your next trip to Monte Carlo. 1.3.27 Modify Factors to print just one copy each of the prime divisors. 1.3.28 Run quick experiments to determine the impact of using the termination condition (factor <= n/factor) instead of (factor < n) in Factors in Program 1.3.9. For each method, find the largest n such that when you type in an n-digit number, the program is sure to finish within 10 seconds. 1.3.29 Write a program Checkerboard that takes an integer command-line argument n and uses a loop nested within a loop to print out a two-dimensional n-by-n checkerboard pattern with alternating spaces and asterisks. 1.3.30 Write a program GreatestCommonDivisor that finds the greatest common divisor (gcd) of two integers using Euclid’s algorithm, which is an iterative computation based on the following observation: if x is greater than y, then if y divides x, the gcd of x and y is y; otherwise, the gcd of x and y is the same as the gcd of x % y and y. 1.3.31 Write a program RelativelyPrime that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints an n-by-n table such that there is an * in row i and column j if the gcd of i and j is 1 (i and j are relatively prime) and a space in that position otherwise. 1.3.32 Write a program PowersOfK that takes an integer command-line argument and prints all the positive powers of k in the Java long data type. Note : The constant Long.MAX_VALUE is the value of the largest integer in long. k 1.3.33 Write a program that prints the coordinates of a random point (a, b, c) on the surface of a sphere. To generate such a point, use Marsaglia’s method: Start by picking a random point (x, y) in the unit disk using the method described at the end of this section. Then, set a to 2 x 1 – x2 – y2 , b to 2 1 – x2 – y2 , and c to 1– 2 (x2 + y2). 85
Elements of Programming 86 Creative Exercises 1.3.34 Ramanujan’s taxi. Srinivasa Ramanujan was an Indian mathematician who became famous for his intuition for numbers. When the English mathematician G. H. Hardy came to visit him one day, Hardy remarked that the number of his taxi was 1729, a rather dull number. To which Ramanujan replied, “No, Hardy! No, Hardy! It is a very interesting number. It is the smallest number expressible as the sum of two cubes in two different ways.” Verify this claim by writing a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints all integers less than or equal to n that can be expressed as the sum of two cubes in two different ways. In other words, find distinct positive integers a, b, c, and d such that a3 + b3 = c3 + d3. Use four nested for loops. 1.3.35 Checksum. The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a 10-digit code that uniquely specifies a book. The rightmost digit is a checksum digit that can be uniquely determined from the other 9 digits, from the condition that d1 + 2d2 +3d3 + ... + 10d10 must be a multiple of 11 (here di denotes the ith digit from the right). The checksum digit d1 can be any value from 0 to 10. The ISBN convention is to use the character 'X' to denote 10. As an example, the checksum digit corresponding to 020131452 is 5 since 5 is the only value of x between 0 and 10 for which 10·0 + 9·2 + 8·0 + 7·1 + 6·3 + 5·1 +4·4 +3·5 + 2·2 + 1·x is a multiple of 11. Write a program that takes a 9-digit integer as a command-line argument, computes the checksum, and prints the ISBN number. 1.3.36 Counting primes. Write a program PrimeCounter that takes an integer command-line argument n and finds the number of primes less than or equal to n. Use it to print out the number of primes less than or equal to 10 million. Note : If you are not careful, your program may not finish in a reasonable amount of time! 1.3.37 2D random walk. A two-dimensional random walk simulates the behavior of a particle moving in a grid of points. At each step, the random walker moves north, south, east, or west with probability equal to 1/4, independent of previous moves. Write a program RandomWalker that takes an integer command-line argument n and estimates how long it will take a random walker to hit the boundary of a 2n-by-2n square centered at the starting point.
1.3 Conditionals and Loops 1.3.38 Exponential function. Assume that x is a positive variable of type double. Write a code fragment that uses the Taylor series expansion to set the value of sum to e x = 1 + x + x2/2! + x3/3! + . . . . Solution. The purpose of this exercise is to get you to think about how a library function like Math.exp() might be implemented in terms of elementary operators. Try solving it, then compare your solution with the one developed here. We start by considering the problem of computing one term. Suppose that x and term are variables of type double and n is a variable of type int. The following code fragment sets term to x n / n ! using the direct method of having one loop for the numerator and another loop for the denominator, then dividing the results: double num = 1.0, den = 1.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) num *= x; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) den *= i; double term = num/den; A better approach is to use just a single for loop: double term = 1.0; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) term *= x/i; Besides being more compact and elegant, the latter solution is preferable because it avoids inaccuracies caused by computing with huge numbers. For example, the two-loop approach breaks down for values like x = 10 and n = 100 because 100! is too large to represent as a double. To compute ex , we nest this for loop within another for loop: double term = 1.0; double sum = 0.0; for (int n = 1; sum != sum + term; n++) { sum += term; term = 1.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) term *= x/i; } The number of times the loop iterates depends on the relative values of the next term and the accumulated sum. Once the value of the sum stops changing, we leave 87
Elements of Programming 88 the loop. (This strategy is more efficient than using the loop-continuation condition (term > 0) because it avoids a significant number of iterations that do not change the value of the sum.) This code is effective, but it is inefficient because the inner for loop recomputes all the values it computed on the previous iteration of the outer for loop. Instead, we can make use of the term that was added in on the previous loop iteration and solve the problem with a single for loop: double term = 1.0; double sum = 0.0; for (int n = 1; sum != sum + term; n++) { sum += term; term *= x/n; } 1.3.39 Trigonometric functions. Write two programs, and Cos, that compute the sine and cosine functions using their Taylor series expansions sin x = x x 3/3! + x 5/5! ... and cos x = 1 x 2/2! + x 4/4! . . . . Sin 1.3.40 Experimental analysis. Run experiments to determine the relative costs of and the methods from Exercise 1.3.38 for computing e x : the direct method with nested for loops, the improvement with a single for loop, and the latter with the loop-continuation condition (term > 0). Use trial-and-error with a command-line argument to determine how many times your computer can perform each computation in 10 seconds. Math.exp() 1.3.41 Pepys problem. In 1693 Samuel Pepys asked Isaac Newton which is more likely: getting 1 at least once when rolling a fair die six times or getting 1 at least twice when rolling it 12 times. Write a program that could have provided Newton with a quick answer. 1.3.42 Game simulation. In the game show Let’s Make a Deal, a contestant is presented with three doors. Behind one of them is a valuable prize. After the contestant chooses a door, the host opens one of the other two doors (never revealing the prize, of course). The contestant is then given the opportunity to switch to the other unopened door. Should the contestant do so? Intuitively, it might seem that the
1.3 Conditionals and Loops contestant’s initial choice door and the other unopened door are equally likely to contain the prize, so there would be no incentive to switch. Write a program MonteHall to test this intuition by simulation. Your program should take a commandline argument n, play the game n times using each of the two strategies (switch or do not switch), and print the chance of success for each of the two strategies. 1.3.43 Median-of-5. Write a program that takes five distinct integers as commandline arguments and prints the median value (the value such that two of the other integers are smaller and two are larger). Extra credit : Solve the problem with a program that compares values fewer than 7 times for any given input. 1.3.44 Sorting three numbers. Suppose that the variables a, b, c, and t are all of the type int. Explain why the following code puts a, b, and c in ascending order: if (a > b) { t = a; a = b; b = t; } if (a > c) { t = a; a = c; c = t; } if (b > c) { t = b; b = c; c = t; } 1.3.45 Chaos. Write a program to study the following simple model for population growth, which might be applied to study fish in a pond, bacteria in a test tube, or any of a host of similar situations. We suppose that the population ranges from 0 (extinct) to 1 (maximum population that can be sustained). If the population at time t is x, then we suppose the population at time t + 1 to be r x (1x), where the argument r, known as the fecundity parameter, controls the rate of growth. Start with a small population—say, x = 0.01—and study the result of iterating the model, for various values of r. For which values of r does the population stabilize at x = 1 1/r ? Can you say anything about the population when r is 3.5? 3.8? 5? 1.3.46 Euler’s sum-of-powers conjecture. In 1769 Leonhard Euler formulated a generalized version of Fermat’s Last Theorem, conjecturing that at least n nth powers are needed to obtain a sum that is itself an nth power, for n > 2. Write a program to disprove Euler’s conjecture (which stood until 1967), using a quintuply nested loop to find four positive integers whose 5th power sums to the 5th power of another positive integer. That is, find a, b, c, d, and e such that a 5 b 5 c 5 d 5 e 5. Use the long data type. 89
Elements of Programming 1.4 Arrays In this section, we introduce you to the idea of a data structure and to your first data structure, the array. The primary purpose of an array is to facilitate storing and manipulating large quantities of data. Arrays play an essential role in many data 1.4.1 Sampling without replacement. . . . 98 processing tasks. They also correspond 1.4.2 Coupon collector simulation. . . . 102 to vectors and matrices, which are widely 1.4.3 Sieve of Eratosthenes . . . . . . . . 104 used in science and in scientific program1.4.4 Self-avoiding random walks . . . . 113 ming. We will consider basic properties Programs in this section of arrays in Java, with many examples illustrating why they are useful. A data structure is a way to organize data in a computer (usually to save time or space). Data structures play an essential role in computer programming—indeed, Chapter 4 of this book is devoted to the study of classic data structures of all sorts. A one-dimensional array (or array) is a data structure that stores a se- a a[0] quence of values, all of the same type. We refer to the components of an ara[1] ray as its elements. We use indexing to refer to the array elements: If we have a[2] n elements in an array, we think of the elements as being numbered from a[3] 0 to n-1 so that we can unambiguously specify an element with an integer a[4] index in this range. a[5] A two-dimensional array is an array of one-dimensional arrays. Wherea[6] as the elements of a one-dimensional array are indexed by a single integer, a[7] the elements of a two-dimensional array are indexed by a pair of integers: the first index specifies the row, and the second index specifies the column. An array Often, when we have a large amount of data to process, we first put all of the data into one or more arrays. Then we use indexing to refer to individual elements and to process the data. We might have exam scores, stock prices, nucleotides in a DNA strand, or characters in a book. Each of these examples involves a large number of values that are all of the same type. We consider such applications when we discuss input/output in Section 1.5 and in the case study that is the subject of Section 1.6. In this section, we expose the basic properties of arrays by considering examples where our programs first populate arrays with values computed from experimental studies and then process them.
1.4 Arrays 91 Arrays in Java Making an array in a Java program involves three distinct steps: • Declare the array. • Create the array. • Initialize the array elements. To declare an array, you need to specify a name and the type of data it will contain. To create it, you need to specify its length (the number of elements). To initialize it, you need to assign a value to each of its elements. For example, the following code makes an array of n elements, each of type double and initialized to 0.0: double[] a; a = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = 0.0; // declare the array // create the array // initialize the array The first statement is the array declaration. It is just like a declaration of a variable of the corresponding primitive type except for the square brackets following the type name, which specify that we are declaring an array. The second statement creates the array; it uses the keyword new to allocate memory to store the specified number of elements. This action is unnecessary for variables of a primitive type, but it is needed for all other types of data in Java (see Section 3.1). The for loop assigns the value 0.0 to each of the n array elements. We refer to an array element by putting its index in square brackets after the array name: the code a[i] refers to element i of array a[]. (In the text, we use the notation a[] to indicate that variable a is an array, but we do not use a[] in Java code.) The obvious advantage of using arrays is to define many variables without explicitly naming them. For example, if you wanted to process eight variables of type double, you could declare them with double a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7; and then refer to them as a0, a1, a2, and so forth. Naming dozens of individual variables in this way is cumbersome and naming millions is untenable. Instead, with arrays, you can declare n variables with the statement double[] a = new double[n] and refer to them as a[0], a[1], a[2], and so forth. Now, it is easy to define dozens or millions of variables. Moreover, since you can use a variable (or other expression computed at run time) as an array index, you can process arbitrarily many elements in a single loop, as we do above. You should think of each array element as an individual variable, which you can use in an expression or as the left-hand side of an assignment statement.
Elements of Programming 92 As our first example, we use arrays to represent vectors. We consider vectors in detail in Section 3.3; for the moment, think of a vector as a sequence of real numbers. The dot product of two vectors (of the same length) is the sum of the products of their corresponding elements. The dot product of two vectors that are represented as one-dimensional arrays x[] and y[], each of length 3, is the expression x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]. More generally, if each array is of length n, then the following code computes their dot product: i x[i] y[i] x[i]*y[i] sum double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += x[i]*y[i]; The simplicity of coding such computations makes the use of arrays the natural choice for all kinds of applications. 0.00 0 0.30 0.50 0.15 0.15 1 0.60 0.10 0.06 0.21 2 0.10 0.40 0.04 0.25 0.25 Trace of dot product computation The table on the facing page has many examples of array-processing code, and we will consider even more examples later in the book, because arrays play a central role in processing data in many applications. Before considering more sophisticated examples, we describe a number of important characteristics of programming with arrays. Zero-based indexing. The first element of an array a[] is a[0], the second element is a[1], and so forth. It might seem more natural to you to refer to the first element as a[1], the second element as a[2], and so forth, but starting the indexing with 0 has some advantages and has emerged as the convention used in most modern programming languages. Misunderstanding this convention often leads to off-by one-errors that are notoriously difficult to avoid and debug, so be careful! Array length. Once you create an array in Java, its length is fixed. One reason that you need to explicitly create arrays at run time is that the Java compiler cannot always know how much space to reserve for the array at compile time (because its length may not be known until run time). You do not need to explicitly allocate memory for variables of type int or double because their size is fixed, and known at compile time. You can use the code a.length to refer to the length of an array a[]. Note that the last element of an array a[] is always a[a.length-1]. For convenience, we often keep the array length in an integer variable n.
1.4 Arrays create an array with random values 93 double[] a = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = Math.random(); print the array values, one per line for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) System.out.println(a[i]); find the maximum of the array values double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (a[i] > max) max = a[i]; compute the average of the array values reverse the values within an array copy a sequence of values to another array double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sum += a[i]; double average = sum / n; for (int i = 0; i < n/2; i++) { double temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[n-1-i]; a[n-i-1] = temp; } double[] b = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) b[i] = a[i]; Typical array-processing code (for an array a[] of n double values) Default array initialization. For economy in code, we often take advantage of Java’s default array initialization to declare, create, and initialize an array in a single statement. For example, the following statement is equivalent to the code at the top of page 91: double[] a = new double[n]; The code to the left of the equals sign constitutes the declaration; the code to the right constitutes the creation. The for loop is unnecessary in this case because Java automatically initializes array elements of any primitive type to zero (for numeric types) or false (for the type boolean). Java automatically initializes array elements of type String (and other nonprimitive types) to null, a special value that you will learn about in Chapter 3.
Elements of Programming 94 Memory representation. Arrays are fundamental data struc- tures in that they have a direct correspondence with memory 000 systems on virtually all computers. The elements of an array are stored consecutively in memory, so that it is easy to quickly access any array value. Indeed, we can view memory itself as a giant a array. On modern computers, memory is implemented in hard123 523 ware as a sequence of memory locations, each of which can be 124 8 quickly accessed with an appropriate index. When referring to computer memory, we normally refer to a location’s index as its a.length address. It is convenient to think of the name of the array—say, a—as storing the memory address of the first element of the array a[0]. For the purposes of illustration, suppose that the com- 523 a[0] 524 a[1] puter’s memory is organized as 1,000 values, with addresses from a[2] 000 to 999. (This simplified model bypasses the fact that array el- 525 a[3] ements can occupy differing amounts of memory depending on 526 527 a[4] their type, but you can ignore such details for the moment.) Now, 528 a[5] suppose that an array of eight elements is stored in memory loca- 529 a[6] tions 523 through 530. In such a situation, Java would store the 530 a[7] memory address (index) of the first array element somewhere else in memory, along with the array length. We refer to the address as a pointer and think of it as pointing to the referenced memory location. When we specify a[i], the compiler generates code that accesses the desired value by adding the index i to the 999 memory address of the array a[]. For example, the Java code a[4] would generate machine code that finds the value at memory location 523 + 4 = 527. Accessing element i of an array is an Memory representation efficient operation because it simply requires adding two integers and then referencing memory—just two elementary operations. Memory allocation. When you use the keyword new to create an array, Java reserves sufficient space in memory to store the specified number of elements. This process is called memory allocation. The same process is required for all variables that you use in a program (but you do not use the keyword new with variables of primitive types because Java knows how much memory to allocate). We call attention to it now because it is your responsibility to create an array before accessing any of its elements. If you fail to adhere to this rule, you will get an uninitialized variable error at compile time.
1.4 Arrays Bounds checking. As already indicated, you must be careful when programming with arrays. It is your responsibility to use valid indices when referring to an array element. If you have created an array of length n and use an index whose value is less than 0 or greater than n-1, your program will terminate with an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException at run time. (In many programming languages, such buffer overflow conditions are not checked by the system. Such unchecked errors can and do lead to debugging nightmares, but it is also not uncommon for such an error to go unnoticed and remain in a finished program. You might be surprised to know that such a mistake can be exploited by a hacker to take control of a system, even your personal computer, to spread viruses, steal personal information, or wreak other malicious havoc.) The error messages provided by Java may seem annoying to you at first, but they are small price to pay to have a more secure program. Setting array values at compile time. When we have a small number of values that we want to keep in array, we can declare, create, and initialize the array by listing the values between curly braces, separated by commas. For example, we might use the following code in a program that processes playing cards: String[] SUITS = { "Clubs", "Diamonds", "Hearts", "Spades" }; String[] RANKS = { "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "Jack", "Queen", "King", "Ace" }; Now, we can use the two arrays to print a random card name, such as Queen of Clubs, as follows: int i = (int) (Math.random() * RANKS.length); int j = (int) (Math.random() * SUITS.length); System.out.println(RANKS[i] + " of " + SUITS[j]); This code uses the idiom introduced in Section 1.2 to generate random indices and then uses the indices to pick strings out of the two arrays. Whenever the values of all array elements are known (and the length of the array is not too large), it makes sense to use this method of initializing the array—just put all the values in curly braces on the right-hand side of the equals sign in the array declaration. Doing so implies array creation, so the new keyword is not needed. 95
Elements of Programming 96 Setting array values at run time. A more typical situation is when we wish to compute the values to be stored in an array. In this case, we can use an array name with indices in the same way we use a variable names on the left-hand side of an assignment statement. For example, we might use the following code to initialize an array of length 52 that represents a deck of playing cards, using the two arrays just defined: String[] deck = new String[RANKS.length * SUITS.length]; for (int i = 0; i < RANKS.length; i++) for (int j = 0; j < SUITS.length; j++) deck[SUITS.length*i + j] = RANKS[i] + " of " + SUITS[j]; After this code has been executed, if you were to print the contents of deck[] in order from deck[0] through deck[51], you would get 2 of Clubs 2 of Diamonds 2 of Hearts 2 of Spades 3 of Clubs 3 of Diamonds ... Ace of Hearts Ace of Spades Exchanging two values in an array. Frequently, we wish to exchange the values of two elements in an array. Continuing our example with playing cards, the following code exchanges the cards at indices i and j using the same idiom that we traced as our first example of the use of assignment statements in Section 1.2: String temp = deck[i]; deck[i] = deck[j]; deck[j] = temp; For example, if we were to use this code with i equal to 1 and j equal to 4 in the deck[] array of the previous example, it would leave 3 of Clubs in deck[1] and 2 of Diamonds in deck[4]. You can also verify that the code leaves the array unchanged when i and j are equal. So, when we use this code, we are assured that we are perhaps changing the order of the values in the array but not the set of values in the array.
1.4 Arrays 97 Shuffling an array. The following code shuffles the values in our deck of cards: int n = deck.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int r = i + (int) (Math.random() * (n-i)); String temp = deck[i]; deck[i] = deck[r]; deck[r] = temp; } Proceeding from left to right, we pick a random card from deck[i] through (each card equally likely) and exchange it with deck[i]. This code is more sophisticated than it might seem: First, we ensure that the cards in the deck after the shuffle are the same as the cards in the deck before the shuffle by using the exchange idiom. Second, we ensure that the shuffle is random by choosing uniformly from the cards not yet chosen. deck[n-1] Sampling without replacement. In many situations, we want to draw a random sample from a set such that each member of the set appears at most once in the sample. Drawing numbered ping-pong balls from a basket for a lottery is an example of this kind of sample, as is dealing a hand from a deck of cards. Sample (Program 1.4.1) illustrates how to sample, using the basic operation underlying shuffling. It takes two command-line arguments m and n and creates a permutation of length n (a rearrangement of the integers from 0 to n-1) whose first m elements i r 0 9 1 2 3 perm[] 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 5 9 5 2 3 4 1 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 9 5 13 3 4 1 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 2 14 15 5 9 5 13 1 4 3 6 7 8 0 10 11 12 2 14 15 4 11 9 5 13 1 11 3 6 7 8 0 10 4 12 2 14 15 5 8 9 5 13 1 11 8 6 7 3 0 10 4 12 2 14 15 9 5 13 1 11 8 6 7 3 0 10 4 12 2 14 15 Trace of java Sample 6 16
Elements of Programming 98 Program 1.4.1 Sampling without replacement public class Sample { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print a random sample of m integers // from 0 ... n-1 (no duplicates). int m = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int n = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int[] perm = new int[n]; // Initialize perm[]. for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) perm[j] = j; m sample size range perm[] permutation of 0 to n-1 n // Take sample. for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { // Exchange perm[i] with a random element to its right. int r = i + (int) (Math.random() * (n-i)); int t = perm[r]; perm[r] = perm[i]; perm[i] = t; } // Print sample. for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) System.out.print(perm[i] + " "); System.out.println(); } } This program takes two command-line arguments m and n and produces a sample of m of the integers from 0 to n-1. This process is useful not just in state and local lotteries, but in scientific applications of all sorts. If the first argument is equal to the second, the result is a random permutation of the integers from 0 to n-1. If the first argument is greater than the second, the program will terminate with an ArrayOutOfBoundsException. % java Sample 6 16 9 5 13 1 11 8 % java Sample 10 1000 656 488 298 534 811 97 813 156 424 109 % java Sample 20 20 6 12 9 8 13 19 0 2 4 5 18 1 14 16 17 3 7 11 10 15
1.4 Arrays comprise a random sample. The accompanying trace of the contents of the perm[] array at the end of each iteration of the main loop (for a run where the values of m and n are 6 and 16, respectively) illustrates the process. If the values of r are chosen such that each value in the given range is equally likely, then the elements perm[0] through perm[m-1] are a uniformly random sample at the end of the process (even though some values might move multiple times) because each element in the sample is assigned a value uniformly at random from those values not yet sampled. One important reason to explicitly compute the permutation is that we can use it to print a random sample of any array by using the elements of the permutation as indices into the array. Doing so is often an attractive alternative to actually rearranging the array because it may need to be in order for some other reason (for instance, a company might wish to draw a random sample from a list of customers that is kept in alphabetical order). To see how this trick works, suppose that we wish to draw a random poker hand from our deck[] array, constructed as just described. We use the code in Sample with n = 52 and m = 5 and replace perm[i] with deck[perm[i]] in the System.out.print() statement (and change it to println()), resulting in output such as the following: 3 of Clubs Jack of Hearts 6 of Spades Ace of Clubs 10 of Diamonds Sampling like this is widely used as the basis for statistical studies in polling, scientific research, and many other applications, whenever we want to draw conclusions about a large population by analyzing a small random sample. Precomputed values. One simple application of arrays is to save values that you have computed for later use. As an example, suppose that you are writing a program that performs calculations using small values of the harmonic numbers (see Program 1.3.5). An efficient approach is to save the values in an array, as follows: double[] harmonic = new double[n]; for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) harmonic[i] = harmonic[i-1] + 1.0/i; 99
Elements of Programming 100 Then you can just use the code harmonic[i] to refer to the ith harmonic number. Precomputing values in this way is an example of a space–time tradeoff: by investing in space (to save the values), we save time (since we do not need to recompute them). This method is not effective if we need values for huge n, but it is very effective if we need values for small n many different times. Simplifying repetitive code. As an example of another simple application of arrays, consider the following code fragment, which prints the name of a month given its number (1 for January, 2 for February, and so forth): if else else else else else else else else else else else if if if if if if if if if if if (m (m (m (m (m (m (m (m (m (m (m (m == 1) System.out.println("Jan"); == 2) System.out.println("Feb"); == 3) System.out.println("Mar"); == 4) System.out.println("Apr"); == 5) System.out.println("May"); == 6) System.out.println("Jun"); == 7) System.out.println("Jul"); == 8) System.out.println("Aug"); == 9) System.out.println("Sep"); == 10) System.out.println("Oct"); == 11) System.out.println("Nov"); == 12) System.out.println("Dec"); We could also use a switch statement, but a much more compact alternative is to use an array of strings, consisting of the names of each month: String[] MONTHS = { "", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec" }; System.out.println(MONTHS[m]); This technique would be especially useful if you needed to access the name of a month by its number in several different places in your program. Note that we intentionally waste one slot in the array (element 0) to make MONTHS[1] correspond to January, as required. With these basic definitions and examples out of the way, we can now consider two applications that both address interesting classical problems and illustrate the fundamental importance of arrays in efficient computation. In both cases, the idea of using an expression to index into an array plays a central role and enables a computation that would not otherwise be feasible.
1.4 Arrays 101 Coupon collector Suppose that you have a deck of cards and you turn ♣ ♠ ♣ ♥ ♥ ♣ ♠ ♦ up cards uniformly at random (with replacement) one by one. How many cards do you need to turn up before you have seen one of each suit? How many cards do you need to turn up before seeing one of each value? These Coupon collection are examples of the famous coupon collector problem. In general, suppose that a trading card company issues trading cards with n different possible cards: how many do you have to collect before you have all n possibilities, assuming that each possibility is equally likely for each card that you collect? Coupon collecting is no toy problem. For example, scientists often want to know whether a sequence that arises in nature has the same characteristics as a random sequence. If so, that fact might be of interest; if not, further investigation may be warranted to look for patterns that might be of importance. For example, such tests are used by scientists to decide which parts of genomes are worth studying. One effective test for whether a sequence is truly random is the coupon collector test : compare the number of elements that need to be examined before all values are found against the corresponding number for a uniformly random sequence. CouponCollector (Program 1.4.2) is an example program that simulates this process and illustrates the utility of arrays. It takes a command-line argument n and generates a sequence of random integers between 0 and n-1 using the code (int) (Math.random() * n)—see Program 1.2.5. Each integer represents a card: for each card, we want to know if we have seen that card before. To maintain that knowledge, we use an array isCollected[], which uses the card as an index; isCollected[i] is true if we have seen isCollected[] a card i and false if we have not. When we r distinct count 0 1 2 3 4 5 get a new card that is represented by the integer F F F F F F 0 0 r, we check whether we have seen it before by 2 F F T F F F 1 1 accessing isCollected[r]. The computation 0 T F T F F F 2 2 consists of keeping count of the number of distinct cards seen and the number of cards gen4 T F T F T F 3 3 erated, and printing the latter when the former 0 T F T F T F 3 4 reaches n. 1 T T T F T F 4 5 As usual, the best way to understand a 2 T T T F T F 4 6 program is to consider a trace of the values 5 T T T F T T 5 7 of its variables for a typical run. It is easy to add code to CouponCollector that produces a 0 T T T F T T 5 8 trace that gives the values of the variables at the 1 T T T F T T 5 9 3 T T T T T T 6 Trace for a typical run of java CouponCollector 6 10
Elements of Programming 102 Program 1.4.2 Coupon collector simulation public class CouponCollector { public static void main(String[] args) { // Generate random values in [0..n) until finding each one. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); boolean[] isCollected = new boolean[n]; int count = 0; int distinct = 0; while (distinct < n) { // Generate another coupon. int r = (int) (Math.random() * n); count++; if (!isCollected[r]) { distinct++; isCollected[r] = true; } } // n distinct coupons found. System.out.println(count); n isCollected[i] count distinct r # coupon values (0 to n-1) has coupon i been collected? # coupons # distinct coupons random coupon } } This program takes an integer command-line argument n and simulates coupon collection by generating random numbers between 0 and n-1 until getting every possible value. % java CouponCollector 1000 6583 % java CouponCollector 1000 6477 % java CouponCollector 1000000 12782673
1.4 Arrays end of the while loop. In the accompanying figure, we use F for the value false and T for the value true to make the trace easier to follow. Tracing programs that use large arrays can be a challenge: when you have an array of length n in your program, it represents n variables, so you have to list them all. Tracing programs that use Math.random() also can be a challenge because you get a different trace every time you run the program. Accordingly, we check relationships among variables carefully. Here, note that distinct always is equal to the number of true values in isCollected[]. Without arrays, we could not contemplate simulating the coupon collector process for huge n; with arrays, it is easy to do so. We will see many examples of such processes throughout the book. Sieve of Eratosthenes Prime numbers play an important role in mathematics and computation, including cryptography. A prime number is an integer greater than 1 whose only positive divisors are 1 and itself. The prime counting function (n) is the number of primes less than or equal to n. For example, (25) = 9 since the first nine primes are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, and 23. This function plays a central role in number theory. One approach to counting primes is to use a program like Factors (Program 1.3.9). Specifically, we could modify the code in Factors to set a boolean variable to true if a given number is prime and false otherwise (instead of printing out factors), then enclose that code in a loop that increments a counter for each prime number. This approach is effective for small n, but becomes too slow as n grows. PrimeSieve (Program 1.4.3) takes a command-line integer n and computes the prime count using a technique known as the Sieve of Eratosthenes. The program uses a boolean array isPrime[] to record which integers are prime. The goal is to set isPrime[i] to true if the integer i is prime, and to false otherwise. The sieve works as follows: Initially, set all array elements to true, indicating that no factors of any integer have yet been found. Then, repeat the following steps as long as i <= n/i: • Find the next smallest integer i for which no factors have been found. • Leave isPrime[i] as true since i has no smaller factors. • Set the isPrime[] elements for all multiples of i to false. When the nested for loop ends, isPrime[i] is true if and only if integer i is prime. With one more pass through the array, we can count the number of primes less than or equal to n. 103
Elements of Programming 104 Program 1.4.3 Sieve of Eratosthenes public class PrimeSieve { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print the number of primes <= n. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); boolean[] isPrime = new boolean[n+1]; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) isPrime[i] = true; n isPrime[i] primes argument is i prime? prime counter for (int i = 2; i <= n/i; i++) { if (isPrime[i]) { // Mark multiples of i as nonprime. for (int j = i; j <= n/i; j++) isPrime[i * j] = false; } } // Count the primes. int primes = 0; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) if (isPrime[i]) primes++; System.out.println(primes); } } This program takes an integer command-line argument n and computes the number of primes less than or equal to n. To do so, it computes a boolean array with isPrime[i] set to true if i is prime, and to false otherwise. First, it sets to true all array elements to indicate that no numbers are initially known to be nonprime. Then it sets to false array elements corresponding to indices that are known to be nonprime (multiples of known primes). If a[i] is still true after all multiples of smaller primes have been set to false, then we know i to be prime. The termination test in the second for loop is i <= n/i instead of the naive i <= n because any number with no factor less than n/i has no factor greater than n/i, so we do not have to look for such factors. This improvement makes it possible to run the program for large n. % java PrimeSieve 25 9 % java PrimeSieve 100 25 % java PrimeSieve 1000000000 50847534
1.4 Arrays 105 As usual, it is easy to add code to print a trace. For programs such as PrimeSieve, you have to be a bit careful—it contains a nested for-if-for, so you have to pay attention to the curly braces to put the print code in the correct place. Note that we stop when i > n/i, as we did for Factors. i isPrime[] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T T 2 T T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T F T 3 T T F T F T F F F T F T F F F T F T F F F T F T 5 T T F T F T F F F T F T F F F T F T F F F T F F T T F T F T F F F T F T F F F T F T F F F T F F Trace of java PrimeSieve 25 With PrimeSieve, we can compute (n) for large n, limited primarily by the maximum array length allowed by Java. This is another example of a space–time tradeoff. Programs like PrimeSieve play an important role in helping mathematicians to develop the theory of numbers, which has many important applications.
Elements of Programming 106 Two-dimensional arrays In many applications, a convenient way to store information is to use a table of numbers organized in a rectangle and refer to rows and columns in the table. For example, a teacher might need to maintain a table with rows corresponding to students and columns corresponding to exams, a scientist might need to maintain a table of experimental data with rows corresponding to experiments and columns corresponding to various outcomes, or a programmer might want to prepare an image for display a[1][2] by setting a table of pixels to various grayscale values or colors. 99 85 98 The mathematical abstraction corresponding to such 98 57 78 row 1 tables is a matrix; the corresponding Java construct is a two92 77 76 dimensional array. You are likely to have already encountered 94 32 11 many applications of matrices and two-dimensional arrays, 99 34 22 90 46 54 and you will certainly encounter many others in science, engi76 59 88 neering, and computing applications, as we will demonstrate 92 66 89 with examples throughout this book. As with vectors and one97 71 24 dimensional arrays, many of the most important applications 89 29 38 involve processing large amounts of data, and we defer considcolumn 2 ering those applications until we introduce input and output, in Section 1.5. Anatomy of a Extending Java array constructs to handle two-dimen- two-dimensional array sional arrays is straightforward. To refer to the element in row i and column j of a two-dimensional array a[][], we use the notation a[i][j]; to declare a two-dimensional array, we add another pair of square brackets; and to create the array, we specify the number of rows followed by the number of columns after the type name (both within square brackets), as follows: double[][] a = new double[m][n]; We refer to such an array as an m-by-n array. By convention, the first dimension is the number of rows and the second is the number of columns. As with onedimensional arrays, Java initializes all elements in arrays of numbers to zero and in boolean arrays to false. Default initialization. Default initialization of two-dimensional arrays is useful because it masks more code than for one-dimensional arrays. The following code is equivalent to the single-line create-and-initialize idiom that we just considered:
1.4 Arrays 107 double[][] a; a = new double[m][n]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { // Initialize the ith row. for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) a[i][j] = 0.0; } This code is superfluous when initializing the elements of a two-dimensional array to zero, but the nested for loops are needed to initialize the elements to some other value(s). As you will see, this code is a model for the code that we use to access or modify each element of a two-dimensional array. Output. We use nested for loops for many two-dimensional array-processing operations. For example, to print an m-by-n array in the tabular format, we can use the following code: for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { // Print the ith row. for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) System.out.print(a[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } If desired, we could add code to embellish the output with row and column indices (see Exercise 1.4.6). Java programmers typically tabulate two-dimensional arrays with row indices running top to bottom from 0 and column indices running left to right from 0. a[][] a[0][0] a[0][1] a[0][2] a[1][0] a[1][1] a[1][2] a[2][0] a[2][1] a[2][2] a[3][0] a[3][1] a[3][2] Memory representation. Java represents a two-dimensional array as an array of arrays. That is, a two-dimensional array with m rows and n columns is actually an array of length m, each element of which is a onedimensional array of length n. In a two-dimensional Java array a[][], you can use the code a[i] to refer to row i (which is a one-dimensional array), but there is no corresponding way to refer to column j. a[4][0] a[4][1] a[4][2] a[5] a[5][0] a[5][1] a[5][2] a[6][0] a[6][1] a[6][2] a[7][0] a[7][1] a[7][2] a[8][0] a[8][1] a[8][2] a[9][0] a[9][1] a[9][2] A 10-by-3 array
Elements of Programming 108 Setting values at compile time. The Java method for initializing an array of values at compile time follows immediately from the representation. A two-dimensional array is an array of rows, each row initialized as a one-dimensional array. To initialize a two-dimensional array, we enclose in curly braces a list of terms to initialize the rows, separated by commas. Each term in the list is itself a list: the values for the array elements in the row, enclosed in curly braces and separated by commas. Spreadsheets. One familiar use of arrays is a spread- double[][] { { 99.0, { 98.0, { 92.0, { 94.0, { 99.0, { 80.0, { 76.0, { 92.0, { 97.0, { 89.0, { 0.0, }; a = 85.0, 57.0, 77.0, 62.0, 94.0, 76.5, 58.5, 66.0, 70.5, 89.5, 0.0, 98.0, 79.0, 74.0, 81.0, 92.0, 67.0, 90.5, 91.0, 66.5, 81.0, 0.0, 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, }, } sheet for maintaining a table of numbers. For examCompile-time initialization of a ple, a teacher with m students and n test grades for of an 11-by-4 double array each student might maintain an (m +1)-by-(n +1) array, reserving the last column for each student’s average grade and the last row for the average test grades. Even though we typically do such computations within specialized applications, it is worthwhile to study the underlying code as an introduction to array processing. To compute the average grade for each student (average values for each row), sum the elements for each row and divide by n. The row-by-row order in which this code processes the matrix elements is known as row-major order. Similarly, to compute the average test grade (average values for each column), sum the elements for each column and divide by m. The column-by-column order in which this code processes the matrix elements is known as column-major order. n=3 m = 10 99.0 98.0 92.0 94.0 99.0 80.0 76.0 92.0 97.0 89.0 91.6 85.0 57.0 77.0 62.0 94.0 76.5 58.5 66.0 70.5 89.5 73.6 98.0 79.0 74.0 81.0 92.0 67.0 90.5 91.0 66.5 81.0 82.0 85 + 57 + ... + 89.5 10 row averages in column n 94.0 92 + 77 + 74 3 78.0 81.0 79.0 95.0 74.5 75.0 83.0 78.0 86.5 column averages in row m Compute row averages for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { // Compute average for row i double sum = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) sum += a[i][j]; a[i][n] = sum / n; } Compute column averages for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // Compute average for column j double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) sum += a[i][j]; a[m][j] = sum / m; } Typical spreadsheet calculations
1.4 Arrays 109 Matrix operations. Typical applications in science and engineering involve representing matrices as two-dimensional arrays and then implementing various mathematical operations with matrix operands. Again, even though such processing is often done within specialized applications, it is worthwhile for you to understand the underlying computation. For example, you can add two n-by-n matrices as follows: double[][] c = new double[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) c[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j]; a[][] .70 .20 .10 .30 .60 .10 .50 .10 .40 a[1][2] b[][] b[1][2] .20 .30 .50 .10 .20 .10 .10 .30 .40 c[][] .90 .50 .60 .40 .80 .20 .60 .40 .80 c[1][2] Similarly, you can multiply two matrices. You may have Matrix addition learned matrix multiplication, but if you do not recall or are not familiar with it, the Java code below for multiplying two square matrices is essentially the same as the mathematical definition. Each element c[i][j] in the product of a[][] and b[][] is computed by taking the dot product of row i of a[][] with column j of b[][]. double[][] c = new double[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // Dot product of row i and column j. for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) c[i][j] += a[i][k]*b[k][j]; } } b[][] a[][] .70 .20 .10 .30 .60 .10 .50 .10 .40 row 1 column 2 .20 .30 .50 .10 .20 .10 .10 .30 .40 c[1][2] = + c[][] + .17 .28 .41 = .13 .24 .25 .15 .29 .42 Matrix multiplication 0.3 * 0.5 0.6 * 0.1 0.1 * 0.4 0.25
Elements of Programming 110 Special cases of matrix multiplication. Two special cases of matrix multiplication are important. These special cases occur when one of the dimensions of one of the matrices is 1, so it may be viewed as a vector. We have matrix–vector multiplication, where we multiply an m-by-n matrix by a column vector (an n-by-1 matrix) to get an m-by-1 column vector result (each element in the result is the dot product of the corresponding row in the Matrix–vector multiplication a[][]*x[] = b[] matrix with the operand vector). for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) The second case is vector–matrix { // Dot product of row i and x[]. for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) multiplication, where we multiply b[i] += a[i][j]*x[j]; a row vector (a 1-by-m matrix) by } an m-by-n matrix to get a 1-by-n a[][] b[] row vector result (each element 94 99 85 98 in the result is the dot product of 77 98 57 78 81 92 77 76 x[] the operand vector with the cor45 94 32 11 responding column in the matrix). .33 51 99 34 22 row .33 63 averages 90 46 54 These operations provide a .33 74 76 59 88 succinct way to express numerous 82 92 66 89 64 97 71 24 matrix calculations. For example, 52 89 29 38 the row-average computation for such a spreadsheet with m rows and n columns is equivalent to Vector–matrix multiplication y[]*a[][] = c[] a matrix–vector multiplication for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) where the column vector has n el{ // Dot product of y[] and column j. for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) ements all equal to 1/n. Similarly, c[j] += y[i]*a[i][j]; the column-average computation } in such a spreadsheet is equivalent y[] [ .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 .1 ] to a vector–matrix multiplication a[][] 99 85 98 where the row vector has m ele98 57 78 92 77 76 ments all equal to 1/m. We return 94 32 11 to vector–matrix multiplication in 99 34 22 90 46 54 the context of an important appli76 59 88 cation at the end of this chapter. 92 66 89 c[] 97 89 71 29 24 38 [92 55 57] column averages Matrix–vector and vector–matrix multiplication
1.4 Arrays Ragged arrays. There is actually no requirement that all rows in a two-dimensional array have the same length—an array with rows of nonuniform length is known as a ragged array (see Exercise 1.4.34 for an example application). The possibility of ragged arrays creates the need for more care in crafting array-processing code. For example, this code prints the contents of a ragged array: for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < a[i].length; j++) System.out.print(a[i][j] + " "); System.out.println(); } This code tests your understanding of Java arrays, so you should take the time to study it. In this book, we normally use square or rectangular arrays, whose dimension are given by the variable m or n. Code that uses a[i].length in this way is a clear signal to you that an array is ragged. Multidimensional arrays. The same notation extends to allow us to write code using arrays that have any number of dimensions. For instance, we can declare and initialize a three-dimensional array with the code double[][][] a = new double[n][n][n]; and then refer to an element with code like a[i][j][k], and so forth. Two-dimensional arrays provide a natural representation for matrices, which are omnipresent in science, mathematics, and engineering. They also provide a natural way to organize large amounts of data—a key component in spreadsheets and many other computing applications. Through Cartesian coordinates, two- and three-dimensional arrays also provide the basis for models of the physical world. We consider their use in all three arenas throughout this book. 111
Elements of Programming 112 Example: self-avoiding random walks Suppose that you leave your dog in the middle of a large city whose streets form a familiar grid pattern. We dead end assume that there are n north–south streets and n east–west streets all regularly spaced and fully intersecting in a pattern known as a lattice. Trying to escape the city, the dog makes a random choice of which way to go at each intersection, but knows by scent to avoid visiting any place previously visited. But it is possible for the dog to get stuck in a dead end where there is no choice but to revisit some intersection. What is the escape chance that this will happen? This amusing problem is a simple example of a famous model known as the self-avoiding random walk, which has important scientific applications in the study of polymers and in statistical mechanics, among many others. For example, you can see that this process models a chain of material growing a bit at a time, until no growth is possible. To better understand such processes, scientists seek to Self-avoiding walks understand the properties of self-avoiding walks. The dog’s escape probability is certainly dependent on the size of the city. In a tiny 5-by-5 city, it is easy to convince yourself that the dog is certain to escape. But what are the chances of escape when the city is large? We are also interested in other parameters. For example, how long is the dog’s path, on the average? How often does the dog come within one block of escaping? These sorts of properties are important in the various applications just mentioned. SelfAvoidingWalk (Program 1.4.4) is a simulation of this situation that uses a two-dimensional boolean array, where each element represents an intersection. The value true indicates that the dog has visited the intersection; false indicates that the dog has not visited the intersection. The path starts in the center and takes random steps to places not yet visited until getting stuck or escaping at a boundary. For simplicity, the code is written so that if a random choice is made to go to a spot that has already been visited, it takes no action, trusting that some subsequent random choice will find a new place (which is assured because the code explicitly tests for a dead end and terminates the loop in that case). Note that the code depends on Java initializing all of the array elements to false for each experiment. It also exhibits an important programming technique where we code the loop exit test in the while statement as a guard against an illegal statement in the body of the loop. In this case, the while loop-continuation condition serves as a guard against an out-of-bounds array access within the loop. This corresponds to checking whether the dog has escaped. Within the loop, a successful dead-end test results in a break out of the loop.
1.4 Arrays 113 Program 1.4.4 Self-avoiding random walks public class SelfAvoidingWalk { public static void main(String[] args) { n lattice size # trials # trials resulting in deadEnds a dead end a[][] intersections visited x, y current position r random number in (0, 1) trials // Do trials random self-avoiding // walks in an n-by-n lattice. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int deadEnds = 0; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { boolean[][] a = new boolean[n][n]; int x = n/2, y = n/2; while (x > 0 && x < n-1 && y > 0 && y < n-1) { // Check for dead end and make a random move. a[x][y] = true; if (a[x-1][y] && a[x+1][y] && a[x][y-1] && a[x][y+1]) { deadEnds++; break; } double r = Math.random(); if (r < 0.25) { if (!a[x+1][y]) x++; } else if (r < 0.50) { if (!a[x-1][y]) x--; } else if (r < 0.75) { if (!a[x][y+1]) y++; } else if (r < 1.00) { if (!a[x][y-1]) y--; } } } System.out.println(100*deadEnds/trials + "% dead ends"); } } This program takes command-line arguments n and trials and computes trials self-avoiding walks in an n-by-n lattice. For each walk, it creates a boolean array, starts the walk in the center, and continues until either a dead end or a boundary is reached. The result of the computation is the percentage of dead ends. Increasing the number of experiments increases the precision. % java SelfAvoidingWalk 5 100 0% dead ends % java SelfAvoidingWalk 5 1000 0% dead ends % java SelfAvoidingWalk 20 100 36% dead ends % java SelfAvoidingWalk 20 1000 32% dead ends % java SelfAvoidingWalk 40 100 80% dead ends % java SelfAvoidingWalk 40 1000 70% dead ends % java SelfAvoidingWalk 80 100 98% dead ends % java SelfAvoidingWalk 80 1000 95% dead ends
114 Elements of Programming Self-avoiding random walks in a 21-by-21 grid
1.4 Arrays As you can see from the sample runs on the facing page, the unfortunate truth is that your dog is nearly certain to get trapped in a dead end in a large city. If you are interested in learning more about self-avoiding walks, you can find several suggestions in the exercises. For example, the dog is virtually certain to escape in the three-dimensional version of the problem. While this is an intuitive result that is confirmed by our tests, the development of a mathematical model that explains the behavior of self-avoiding walks is a famous open problem; despite extensive research, no one knows a succinct mathematical expression for the escape probability, the average length of the path, or any other important parameter. Summary Arrays are the fourth basic element (after assignments, conditionals, and loops) found in virtually every programming language, completing our coverage of basic Java constructs. As you have seen with the sample programs that we have presented, you can write programs that can solve all sorts of problems using just these constructs. Arrays are prominent in many of the programs that we consider, and the basic operations that we have discussed here will serve you well in addressing many programming tasks. When you are not using arrays explicitly (and you are sure to do so frequently), you will be using them implicitly, because all computers have a memory that is conceptually equivalent to an array. The fundamental ingredient that arrays add to our programs is a potentially huge increase in the size of a program’s state. The state of a program can be defined as the information you need to know to understand what a program is doing. In a program without arrays, if you know the values of the variables and which statement is the next to be executed, you can normally determine what the program will do next. When we trace a program, we are essentially tracking its state. When a program uses arrays, however, there can be too huge a number of values (each of which might be changed in each statement) for us to effectively track them all. This difference makes writing programs with arrays more of a challenge than writing programs without them. Arrays directly represent vectors and matrices, so they are of direct use in computations associated with many basic problems in science and engineering. Arrays also provide a succinct notation for manipulating a potentially huge amount of data in a uniform way, so they play a critical role in any application that involves processing large amounts of data, as you will see throughout this book. 115
Elements of Programming 116 Q&A Q. Some Java programmers use int a[] instead of int[] a to declare arrays. What’s the difference? A. In Java, both are legal and essentially equivalent. The former is how arrays are declared in C. The latter is the preferred style in Java since the type of the variable integers. int[] more clearly indicates that it is an array of Q. Why do array indices start at 0 instead of 1? A. This convention originated with machine-language programming, where the address of an array element would be computed by adding the index to the address of the beginning of an array. Starting indices at 1 would entail either a waste of space at the beginning of the array or a waste of time to subtract the 1. Q. What happens if I use a negative integer to index an array? A. The same thing as when you use an index that is too large. Whenever a program attempts to index an array with an index that is not between 0 and the array length minus 1, Java will issue an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException. Q. Must the entries in an array initializer be literals? A. No. The entries in an array initializer can be arbitrary expressions (of the specified type), even if their values are not known at compile time. For example, the following code fragment initializes a two-dimensional array using a command-line argument theta: double theta = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); double[][] rotation = { { Math.cos(theta), -Math.sin(theta) }, { Math.sin(theta), Math.cos(theta) }, }; Q. Is there a difference between an array of characters and a String? A. Yes. For example, you can change the individual characters in a char[] but not in a String. We will consider strings in detail in Section 3.1.
1.4 Arrays Q. What happens when I compare two arrays with (a 117 == b)? A. The expression evaluates to true if and only if a[] and b[] refer to the same array (memory address), not if they store the same sequence of values. Unfortunately, this is rarely what you want. Instead, you can use a loop to compare the corresponding elements. Q. When happens when I use an array in an assignment statement like a = b? A. The assignment statement makes the variable a refer to the same array as b—it does not copy the values from the array b to the array a, as you might expect. For example, consider the following code fragment: int[] a = { 1, 2, 3, 4 }; int[] b = { 5, 6, 7, 8 }; a = b; a[0] = 9; After the assignment statement a = b, we have a[0] equal to 5, a[1] equal to 6, and so forth, as expected. That is, the arrays correspond to the same sequence of values. However, they are not independent arrays. For example, after the last statement, not only is a[0] equal to 9, but b[0] is equal to 9 as well. This is one of the key differences between primitive types (such as int and double) and nonprimitive types (such as arrays). We will revisit this subtle (but fundamental) distinction in more detail when we consider passing arrays to functions in Section 2.1 and reference types in Section 3.1. Q. If a[] is an array, why does System.out.println(a) @f62373, instead of the sequence of values in the array? print something like A. Good question. It prints the memory address of the array (as a hexadecimal integer), which, unfortunately, is rarely what you want. Q. Which other pitfalls should I watch out for when using arrays? A. It is very important to remember that Java automatically initializes arrays when you create them, so that creating an array takes time proportional to its length.
Elements of Programming 118 Exercises 1.4.1 Write a program that declares, creates, and initializes an array a[] of length 1000 and accesses a[1000]. Does your program compile? What happens when you run it? 1.4.2 Describe and explain what happens when you try to compile a program with the following statement: int n = 1000; int[] a = new int[n*n*n*n]; 1.4.3 Given two vectors of length that are represented with one-dimensional arrays, write a code fragment that computes the Euclidean distance between them (the square root of the sums of the squares of the differences between corresponding elements). n 1.4.4 Write a code fragment that reverses the order of the values in a onedimensional string array. Do not create another array to hold the result. Hint : Use the code in the text for exchanging the values of two elements. 1.4.5 What is wrong with the following code fragment? int[] a; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) a[i] = i * i; 1.4.6 Write a code fragment that prints the contents of a two-dimensional boolean array, using * to represent true and a space to represent false. Include row and column indices. 1.4.7 What does the following code fragment print? int[] a = new int[10]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) a[i] = 9 - i; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) a[i] = a[a[i]]; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) System.out.println(a[i]);
1.4 Arrays 119 1.4.8 Which values does the following code put in the array a[]? int n = 10; int[] a = new int[n]; a[0] = 1; a[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < n; i++) a[i] = a[i-1] + a[i-2]; 1.4.9 What does the following code fragment print? int[] a = { 1, 2, 3 }; int[] b = { 1, 2, 3 }; System.out.println(a == b); 1.4.10 Write a program Deal that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints n poker hands (five cards each) from a shuffled deck, separated by blank lines. 1.4.11 Write a program HowMany that takes a variable number of command-line arguments and prints how many there are. 1.4.12 Write a program DiscreteDistribution that takes a variable number of integer command-line arguments and prints the integer i with probability proportional to the ith command-line argument. 1.4.13 Write code fragments to create a two-dimensional array that is a copy of an existing two-dimensional array a[][], under each of the following assumptions: a. a[][] is square b. a[][] is rectangular c. a[][] may be ragged Your solution to b should work for a, and your solution to c should work for both b and a, and your code should get progressively more complicated. b[][]
Elements of Programming 120 1.4.14 Write a code fragment to print the transposition (rows and columns exchanged) of a square two-dimensional array. For the example spreadsheet array in the text, you code would print the following: 99 85 98 98 57 78 92 77 76 94 32 11 99 34 22 90 46 54 76 59 88 92 66 89 97 71 24 89 29 38 1.4.15 Write a code fragment to transpose a square two-dimensional array in place without creating a second array. 1.4.16 Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and creates an n-by-n boolean array a[][] such that a[i][j] is true if i and j are relatively prime (have no common factors), and false otherwise. Use your solution to Exercise 1.4.6 to print the array. Hint: Use sieving. 1.4.17 Modify the spreadsheet code fragment in the text to compute a weighted average of the rows, where the weights of each exam score are in a one-dimensional array weights[]. For example, to assign the last of the three exams in our example to be twice the weight of the first two, you would use double[] weights = { 0.25, 0.25, 0.50 }; Note that the weights should sum to 1. 1.4.18 Write a code fragment to multiply two rectangular matrices that are not necessarily square. Note: For the dot product to be well defined, the number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix. Print an error message if the dimensions do not satisfy this condition. 1.4.19 Write a program that multiplies two square boolean matrices, using the or operation instead of + and the and operation instead of *. 1.4.20 Modify SelfAvoidingWalk (Program 1.4.4) to calculate and print the average length of the paths as well as the dead-end probability. Keep separate the average lengths of escape paths and dead-end paths. 1.4.21 Modify SelfAvoidingWalk to calculate and print the average area of the smallest axis-aligned rectangle that encloses the dead-end paths.
1.4 Arrays Creative Exercises 1.4.22 Dice simulation. The following code computes the exact probability distribution for the sum of two dice: int[] frequencies = new int[13]; for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) for (int j = 1; j <= 6; j++) frequencies[i+j]++; double[] probabilities = new double[13]; for (int k = 1; k <= 12; k++) probabilities[k] = frequencies[k] / 36.0; The value probabilities[k] is the probability that the dice sum to k. Run experiments that validate this calculation by simulating n dice throws, keeping track of the frequencies of occurrence of each value when you compute the sum of two uniformly random integers between 1 and 6. How large does n have to be before your empirical results match the exact results to three decimal places? 1.4.23 Longest plateau. Given an array of integers, find the length and location of the longest contiguous sequence of equal values for which the values of the elements just before and just after this sequence are smaller. 1.4.24 Empirical shuffle check. Run computational experiments to check that our shuffling code works as advertised. Write a program ShuffleTest that takes two integer command-line arguments m and n, does n shuffles of an array of length m that is initialized with a[i] = i before each shuffle, and prints an m-by-m table such that row i gives the number of times i wound up in position j for all j. All values in the resulting array should be close to n / m. 1.4.25 Bad shuffling. Suppose that you choose a random integer between 0 and n-1 in our shuffling code instead of one between i and n-1. Show that the resulting order is not equally likely to be one of the n! possibilities. Run the test of the previ- ous exercise for this version. 1.4.26 Music shuffling. You set your music player to shuffle mode. It plays each of the n songs before repeating any. Write a program to estimate the likelihood that you will not hear any sequential pair of songs (that is, song 3 does not follow song 2, song 10 does not follow song 9, and so on). 121
Elements of Programming 122 1.4.27 Minima in permutations. Write a program that takes an integer commandline argument n, generates a random permutation, prints the permutation, and prints the number of left-to-right minima in the permutation (the number of times an element is the smallest seen so far). Then write a program that takes two integer command-line arguments m and n, generates m random permutations of length n, and prints the average number of left-to-right minima in the permutations generated. Extra credit : Formulate a hypothesis about the number of left-toright minima in a permutation of length n, as a function of n. 1.4.28 Inverse permutation. Write a program that reads in a permutation of the integers 0 to n-1 from n command-line arguments and prints the inverse permutation. (If the permutation is in an array a[], its inverse is the array b[] such that a[b[i]] = b[a[i]] = i.) Be sure to check that the input is a valid permutation. 1.4.29 Hadamard matrix. The n-by-n Hadamard matrix H(n) is a boolean matrix with the remarkable property that any two rows differ in exactly n / 2 values. (This property makes it useful for designing error-correcting codes.) H(1) is a 1-by-1 matrix with the single element true, and for n > 1, H(2n) is obtained by aligning four copies of H(n) in a large square, and then inverting all of the values in the lower right n-by-n copy, as shown in the following examples (with T representing true and F representing false, as usual). H(1) H(2) H(4) T T T T T T T T F T F T F T T F F T F F T Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints H(n). Assume that n is a power of 2.
1.4 Arrays 123 1.4.30 Rumors. Alice is throwing a party with n other guests, including Bob. Bob starts a rumor about Alice by telling it to one of the other guests. A person hearing this rumor for the first time will immediately tell it to one other guest, chosen uniformly at random from all the people at the party except Alice and the person from whom they heard it. If a person (including Bob) hears the rumor for a second time, he or she will not propagate it further. Write a program to estimate the probability that everyone at the party (except Alice) will hear the rumor before it stops propagating. Also calculate an estimate of the expected number of people to hear the rumor. 1.4.31 Counting primes. Compare PrimeSieve with the method that we used to demonstrate the break statement, at the end of Section 1.3. This is a classic example of a space–time tradeoff: PrimeSieve is fast, but requires a boolean array of length n; the other approach uses only two integer variables, but is substantially slower. Estimate the magnitude of this difference by finding the value of n for which this second approach can complete the computation in about the same time as java PrimeSeive 1000000. 1.4.32 Minesweeper. Write a program that takes three command-line arguments m, n, and p and produces an m-by-n boolean array where each element is occupied with probability p. In the minesweeper game, occupied cells represent bombs and empty cells represent safe cells. Print out the array using an asterisk for bombs and a period for safe cells. Then, create an integer two-dimensional array with the number of neighboring bombs (above, below, left, right, or diagonal). * * . . . . . . . . . * . . . * * 1 0 0 3 3 2 0 0 1 * 1 0 0 Write your code so that you have as few special cases as possible to deal with, by using an (m2)-by-(n2) boolean array.
124 Elements of Programming 1.4.33 Find a duplicate. Given an integer array of length n, with each value between 1 and n, write a code fragment to determine whether there are any duplicate values. You may not use an extra array (but you do not need to preserve the contents of the given array.) 1.4.34 Self-avoiding walk length. Suppose that there is no limit on the size of the grid. Run experiments to estimate the average path length. 1.4.35 Three-dimensional self-avoiding walks. Run experiments to verify that the dead-end probability is 0 for a three-dimensional self-avoiding walk and to compute the average path length for various values of n. 1.4.36 Random walkers. Suppose that n random walkers, starting in the center of an n-by-n grid, move one step at a time, choosing to go left, right, up, or down with equal probability at each step. Write a program to help formulate and test a hypothesis about the number of steps taken before all cells are touched. 1.4.37 Bridge hands. In the game of bridge, four players are dealt hands of 13 cards each. An important statistic is the distribution of the number of cards in each suit in a hand. Which is the most likely, 5–3-3–2, 4–4-3–2, or 4–3–3–3? 1.4.38 Birthday problem. Suppose that people enter an empty room until a pair of people share a birthday. On average, how many people will have to enter before there is a match? Run experiments to estimate the value of this quantity. Assume birthdays to be uniform random integers between 0 and 364. 1.4.39 Coupon collector. Run experiments to validate the classical mathematical result that the expected number of coupons needed to collect n values is approximately n Hn, where Hn in the nth harmonic number. For example, if you are observing the cards carefully at the blackjack table (and the dealer has enough decks randomly shuffled together), you will wait until approximately 235 cards are dealt, on average, before seeing every card value.
1.4 Arrays 125 1.4.40 Riffle shuffle. Compose a program to rearrange a deck of n cards using the Gilbert–Shannon–Reeds model of a riffle shuffle. First, generate a random integer r according to a binomial distribution: flip a fair coin n times and let r be the number of heads. Now, divide the deck into two piles: the first r cards and the remaining n r cards. To complete the shuffle, repeatedly take the top card from one of the two piles and put it on the bottom of a new pile. If there are n1 cards remaining in the first pile and n2 cards remaining in the second pile, choose the next card from the first pile with probability n1 / (n1 + n2) and from the second pile with probability n2 / (n1 + n2). Investigate how many riffle shuffles you need to apply to a deck of 52 cards to produce a (nearly) uniformly shuffled deck. 1.4.41 Binomial distribution. Write a program that takes an integer commandline argument n and creates a two-dimensional ragged array a[][] such that a[n] [k] contains the probability that you get exactly k heads when you toss a fair coin n times. These numbers are known as the binomial distribution: if you multiply each element in row i by 2 n, you get the binomial coefficients—the coefficients of x k in (x+1)n—arranged in Pascal’s triangle. To compute them, start with a[n][0] = 0.0 for all n and a[1][1] = 1.0, then compute values in successive rows, left to right, with a[n][k] = (a[n-1][k] + a[n-1][k-1]) / 2.0. Pascal’s triangle binomial distribution 1 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1 2 1 1/4 1/2 1/4 1 3 3 1 1/8 3/8 3/8 1/8 1 4 6 4 1 1/16 1/4 3/8 1/4 1/16
Elements of Programming 1.5 Input and Output In this section we extend the set of simple abstractions (command-line arguments and standard output) that we have been using as the interface between our Java programs and the outside world to include standard input, standard draw1.5.1 Generating a random sequence. . . 128 ing, and standard audio. Standard input 1.5.2 Interactive user input . . . . . . . . 136 1.5.3 Averaging a stream of numbers. . . 138 makes it convenient for us to write pro1.5.4 A simple filter . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 grams that process arbitrary amounts of 1.5.5 Standard input-to-drawing filter. . 147 input and to interact with our programs; 1.5.6 Bouncing ball . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 standard drawing makes it possible for us 1.5.7 Digital signal processing . . . . . . 158 to work with graphical representations of Programs in this section images, freeing us from having to encode everything as text; and standard audio adds sound. These extensions are easy to use, and you will find that they bring you to yet another new world of programming. The abbreviation I/O is universally understood to mean input/output, a collective term that refers to the mechanisms by which programs communicate with the outside world. Your computer’s operating system controls the physical devices that are connected to your computer. To implement the standard I/O abstractions, we use libraries of methods that interface to the operating system. You have already been accepting arguments from the command line and printing strings in a terminal window; the purpose of this section is to provide you with a much richer set of tools for processing and presenting data. Like the System.out.print() and System.out.println() methods that you have been using, these methods do not implement pure mathematical functions—their purpose is to cause some side effect, either on an input device or an output device. Our prime concern is using such devices to get information into and out of our programs. An essential feature of standard I/O mechanisms is that there is no limit on the amount of input or output, from the point of view of the program. Your programs can consume input or produce output indefinitely. One use of standard I/O mechanisms is to connect your programs to files on your computer’s external storage. It is easy to connect standard input, standard output, standard drawing, and standard audio to files. Such connections make it easy to have your Java programs save or load results to files for archival purposes or for later reference by other programs or other applications.
1.5 Input and Output Bird’s-eye view The conventional model that we have been using for Java programming has served us since Section 1.1. To build context, we begin by briefly reviewing the model. A Java program takes input strings from the command line and prints a string of characters as output. By default, both command-line arguments and standard output are associated with the application that takes commands (the one in which you have been typing the java and javac commands). We use the generic term terminal window to refer to this application. This model has proved to be a convenient and direct way for us to interact with our programs and data. Command-line arguments. This mechanism, which we have been using to provide input values to our programs, is a standard part of Java programming. All of our classes have a main() method that takes a String array args[] as its argument. That array is the sequence of command-line arguments that we type, provided to Java by the operating system. By convention, both Java and the operating system process the arguments as strings, so if we intend for an argument to be a number, we use a method such as Integer.parseInt() or Double.parseDouble() to convert it from String to the appropriate type. Standard output. To print output values in our programs, we have been using the system methods System.out.println() and System.out.print(). Java puts the results of a program’s sequence of these method calls into the form of an abstract stream of characters known as standard output. By default, the operating system connects standard output to the terminal window. All of the output in our programs so far has been appearing in the terminal window. For reference, and as a starting point, RandomSeq (Program 1.5.1) is a program that uses this model. It takes a command-line argument n and produces an output sequence of n random numbers between 0 and 1. Now we are going to complement command-line arguments and standard output with three additional mechanisms that address their limitations and provide us with a far more useful programming model. These mechanisms give us a new bird’s-eye view of a Java program in which the program converts a standard input stream and a sequence of command-line arguments into a standard output stream, a standard drawing, and a standard audio stream. 127
Elements of Programming 128 Program 1.5.1 Generating a random sequence public class RandomSeq { public static void main(String[] args) { // Print a random sequence of n real values in [0, 1) int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) System.out.println(Math.random()); } } This program illustrates the conventional model that we have been using so far for Java programming. It takes a command-line argument n and prints n random numbers between 0.0 and 1.0. From the program’s point of view, there is no limit on the length of the output sequence. % java RandomSeq 1000000 0.2498362534343327 0.5578468691774513 0.5702167639727175 0.32191774192688727 0.6865902823177537 ... Standard input. Our class StdIn is a library that implements a standard input abstraction to complement the standard output abstraction. Just as you can print a value to standard output at any time during the execution of your program, so you can read a value from a standard input stream at any time. Standard drawing. Our class StdDraw allows you to create drawings with your programs. It uses a simple graphics model that allows you to create drawings consisting of points and lines in a window on your computer. StdDraw also includes facilities for text, color, and animation. Standard audio. Our class StdAudio allows you to create sound with your programs. It uses a standard format to convert arrays of numbers into sound.
1.5 Input and Output 129 To use both command-line arguments and standard output, you have been using built-in Java facilities. Java also has built-in facilities that support abstractions like standard input, standard drawing, and standard audio, but they are somewhat more complicated to use, so we have developed a simpler interface to them in our StdIn, StdDraw, and StdAudio libraries. To logically complete our programming model, we also include a StdOut library. To use these libraries, you must make StdIn.java, StdOut.java, StdDraw.java, and StdAudio.java available to Java (see the Q&A at the end of this section for details). The standard input and standard output command-line standard input arguments abstractions date back to the development of the Unix operating system in the 1970s and are found in some form on all modern systems. Although they are primitive by comparison to varistandard output ous mechanisms developed since then, modern programmers still depend on them as a reliable way to connect data to programs. We have destandard audio veloped for this book standard drawing and standard audio in the same spirit as these earlier standard drawing abstractions to provide you with an easy way to A bird’s-eye view of a Java program (revisited) produce visual and aural output. Standard output Java’s System.out.print() and System.out.println() methods implement the basic standard output abstraction that we need. Nevertheless, to treat standard input and standard output in a uniform manner (and to provide a few technical improvements), starting in this section and continuing through the rest of the book, we use similar methods that are defined in our StdOut library. StdOut.print() and StdOut.println() are nearly the same as the Java methods that you have been using (see the booksite for a discussion of the differences, which need not concern you now). The StdOut.printf() method is a main topic of this section and will be of interest to you now because it gives you more control over the appearance of the output. It was a feature of the C language of the early 1970s that still survives in modern languages because it is so useful. Since the first time that we printed double values, we have been distracted by excessive precision in the printed output. For example, when we use System.out.print(Math.PI) we get the output 3.141592653589793, even though we might prefer to see 3.14 or 3.14159. The print() and println()
Elements of Programming 130 public class StdOut void print(String s) print s to standard output void println(String s) print s and a newline to standard output void println() print a newline to standard output void printf(String format, ... ) print the arguments to standard output, as specified by the format string format API for our library of static methods for standard output methods present each number to up to 15 decimal places even when we would be happy with only a few. The printf() method is more flexible. For example, it allows us to specify the number of decimal places when converting floating-point numbers to strings for output. We can write StdOut.printf("%7.5f", Math.PI) to get 3.14159, and we can replace System.out.print(t) with StdOut.printf("The square root of %.1f is %.6f", c, t); in Newton (Program 1.3.6) to get output like The square root of 2.0 is 1.414214 Next, we describe the meaning and operation of these statements, along with extensions to handle the other built-in types of data. Formatted printing basics. In its simplest form, printf() takes two arguments. The first argument is called the format string. It contains a conversion specification that describes how the second argument is to be converted to a string for output. A conversion specification has the form %w.pc, where w and p are integers and c is a character, to be interpreted as follows: • w is the field width, the number of characters that should be written. If the number of characters to be written exceeds (or equals) the field width, then the field width is ignored; otherwise, the output is padded with spaces on the left. A negative field width indicates that the output instead should be padded with spaces on the right. • .p is the precision. For floating-point numbers, the precision is the number of digits that should be written after the decimal point; for strings, it is the number of characters of the string that should be printed. The precision is not used with integers.
1.5 Input and Output 131 • c is the conversion code. The conversion codes format string number to print that we use most frequently are d (for decimal values from Java’s integer types), f (for floatStdOut.printf(" % 7 . 5 f " , Math.PI) ing-point values), e (for floating-point values conversion field width using scientific notation), s (for string values), precision specification and b (for boolean values). The field width and precision can be omitted, but Anatomy of a formatted print statement every specification must have a conversion code. The most important thing to remember about using printf() is that the conversion code and the type of the corresponding argument must match. That is, Java must be able to convert from the type of the argument to the type required by the conversion code. Every type of data can be converted to String, but if you write StdOut.printf("%12d", Math.PI) or StdOut.printf("%4.2f", 512), you will get an IllegalFormatConversionException run-time error. Format string. The format string can contain characters in addition to those for the conversion specification. The conversion specification is replaced by the argument value (converted to a string as specified) and all remaining characters are passed through to the output. For example, the statement StdOut.printf("PI is approximately %.2f.\n", Math.PI); prints the line PI is approximately 3.14. Note that we need to explicitly include the newline character \n in the format string to print a new line with printf(). Multiple arguments. The printf() method can take more than two arguments. In this case, the format string will have an additional conversion specification for each additional argument, perhaps separated by other characters to pass through to the output. For example, if you were making payments on a loan, you might use code whose inner loop contains the statements String formats = "%3s $%6.2f $%7.2f $%5.2f\n"; StdOut.printf(formats, month[i], pay, balance, interest); to print the second and subsequent lines in a table like this (see Exercise 1.5.13):
Elements of Programming 132 Jan Feb Mar ... payment $299.00 $299.00 $299.00 balance $9742.67 $9484.26 $9224.78 interest $41.67 $40.59 $39.52 Formatted printing is convenient because this sort of code is much more compact than the string-concatenation code that we have been using to create output strings. We have described only the basic options; see the booksite for more details. type code typical literal int d 512 double f e String boolean sample format strings converted string values for output "%14d" "%-14d" " "512 512" " 1595.1680010754388 "%14.2f" "%.7f" "%14.4e" " 1595.17" "1595.1680011" " 1.5952e+03" s "Hello, World" "%14s" "%-14s" "%-14.5s" " Hello, World" "Hello, World " "Hello " b true "%b" "true" Format conventions for printf() (see the booksite for many other options) Standard input Our StdIn library takes data from a standard input stream that may be empty or may contain a sequence of values separated by whitespace (spaces, tabs, newline characters, and the like). Each value is a string or a value from one of Java’s primitive types. One of the key features of the standard input stream is that your program consumes values when it reads them. Once your program has read a value, it cannot back up and read it again. This assumption is restrictive, but it reflects the physical characteristics of some input devices. The API for StdIn appears on the facing page. The methods fall into one of four categories: • Those for reading individual values, one at a time • Those for reading lines, one at a time • Those for reading characters, one at a time • Those for reading a sequence of values of the same type
1.5 Input and Output 133 Generally, it is best not to mix functions from the different categories in the same program. These methods are largely self-documenting (the names describe their effect), but their precise operation is worthy of careful consideration, so we will consider several examples in detail. public class StdIn methods for reading individual tokens from standard input boolean isEmpty() int readInt() is standard input empty (or only whitespace)? read a token, convert it to an int, and return it double readDouble() read a token, convert it to a double, and return it boolean readBoolean() read a token, convert it to a boolean, and return it String readString() read a token and return it as a String methods for reading characters from standard input boolean hasNextChar() does standard input have any remaining characters? char readChar() read a character from standard input and return it methods for reading lines from standard input boolean hasNextLine() String readLine() does standard input have a next line? read the rest of the line and return it as a String methods for reading the rest of standard input int[] readAllInts() read all remaining tokens and return them as an int array double[] readAllDoubles() read all remaining tokens and return them as a double array boolean[] readAllBooleans() read all remaining tokens and return them as a boolean array String[] readAllStrings() read all remaining tokens and return them as a String array String[] readAllLines() read all remaining lines and return them as a String array String readAll() read the rest of the input and return it as a String Note 1: A token is a maximal sequence of non-whitespace characters. Note 2: Before reading a token, any leading whitespace is discarded. Note 3: There are analogous methods for reading values of type byte, short, long, and float. Note 4: Each method that reads input throws a run-time exception if it cannot read in the next value, either because there is no more input or because the input does not match the expected type. API for our library of static methods for standard input
Elements of Programming 134 Typing input. When you use the java command to invoke a Java program from the command line, you actually are doing three things: (1) issuing a command to start executing your program, (2) specifying the command-line arguments, and (3) beginning to define the standard input stream. The string of characters that you type in the terminal window after the command line is the standard input stream. When you type characters, you are interacting with your program. The program waits for you to type characters in the terminal window. For example, consider the program AddInts, which takes a command-line argument n, then reads n numbers from standard input, adds them, and prints the result to standard output. When you type java AddInts 4, after the program takes the command-line argument, it calls the method StdIn.readInt() and waits for you to type an integer. Suppose that you want 144 to be the first value. As you type 1, then 4, and then 4, nothing happens, because StdIn does not know that you are done typing the integer. But when you then type <Return> to signify the end of your integer, StdIn.readInt() immediately returns the value 144, which your program adds to sum and then calls StdIn.readInt() again. Again, nothing happens until you type the second value: if you type 2, then 3, then 3, and then <Return> to end the number, StdIn.readInt() returns the value 233, which your program again adds to sum. After you have typed four numbers in this way, AddInts expects no more input and prints the sum, as desired. public class AddInts { public static void main(String[] args) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int sum = 0; parse commandfor (int i = 0; i < n; i++) line argument { int value = StdIn.readInt(); read from sum += value; standard input stream } StdOut.println("Sum is " + sum); } print to standard output stream } command-line argument command line % java AddInts 4 144 233 377 standard input stream 1024 Sum is 1778 standard output stream Anatomy of a command
1.5 Input and Output Input format. If you type abc or 12.2 or true when StdIn.readInt() is expecting an int, it will respond with an InputMismatchException. The format for each type is essentially the same as you have been using to specify literals within Java programs. For convenience, StdIn treats strings of consecutive whitespace characters as identical to one space and allows you to delimit your numbers with such strings. It does not matter how many spaces you put between numbers, or whether you enter numbers on one line or separate them with tab characters or spread them out over several lines, (except that your terminal application processes standard input one line at a time, so it will wait until you type <Return> before sending all of the numbers on that line to standard input). You can mix values of different types in an input stream, but whenever the program expects a value of a particular type, the input stream must have a value of that type. Interactive user input. TwentyQuestions (Program 1.5.2) is a simple example of a program that interacts with its user. The program generates a random integer and then gives clues to a user trying to guess the number. (As a side note, by using binary search, you can always get to the answer in at most 20 questions. See Section 4.2.) The fundamental difference between this program and others that we have written is that the user has the ability to change the control flow while the program is executing. This capability was very important in early applications of computing, but we rarely write such programs nowadays because modern applications typically take such input through the graphical user interface, as discussed in Chapter 3. Even a simple program like TwentyQuestions illustrates that writing programs that support user interaction is potentially very difficult because you have to plan for all possible user inputs. 135
Elements of Programming 136 Program 1.5.2 Interactive user input public class TwentyQuestions secret secret value { guess user’s guess public static void main(String[] args) { // Generate a number and answer questions // while the user tries to guess the value. int secret = 1 + (int) (Math.random() * 1000000); StdOut.print("I'm thinking of a number "); StdOut.println("between 1 and 1,000,000"); int guess = 0; while (guess != secret) { // Solicit one guess and provide one answer. StdOut.print("What's your guess? "); guess = StdIn.readInt(); if (guess == secret) StdOut.println("You win!"); if (guess < secret) StdOut.println("Too low "); if (guess > secret) StdOut.println("Too high"); } } } This program plays a simple guessing game. You type numbers, each of which is an implicit question (“Is this the number?”) and the program tells you whether your guess is too high or too low. You can always get it to print You win! with fewer than 20 questions. To use this program, you StdIn and StdOut must be available to Java (see the first Q&A at the end of this section). % java TwentyQuestions I’m thinking of a number between 1 and 1,000,000 What’s your guess? 500000 Too high What’s your guess? 250000 Too low What’s your guess? 375000 Too high What’s your guess? 312500 Too high What’s your guess? 300500 Too low ...
1.5 Input and Output Processing an arbitrary-size input stream. Typically, input streams are finite: your program marches through the input stream, consuming values until the stream is empty. But there is no restriction of the size of the input stream, and some programs simply process all the input presented to them. Average (Program 1.5.3) is an example that reads in a sequence of floating-point numbers from standard input and prints their average. It illustrates a key property of using an input stream: the length of the stream is not known to the program. We type all the numbers that we have, and then the program averages them. Before reading each number, the program uses the method StdIn.isEmpty() to check whether there are any more numbers in the input stream. How do we signal that we have no more data to type? By convention, we type a special sequence of characters known as the end-of-file sequence. Unfortunately, the terminal applications that we typically encounter on modern operating systems use different conventions for this critically important sequence. In this book, we use <Ctrl-D> (many systems require <Ctrl-D> to be on a line by itself); the other widely used convention is <Ctrl-Z> on a line by itself. Average is a simple program, but it represents a profound new capability in programming: with standard input, we can write programs that process an unlimited amount of data. As you will see, writing such programs is an effective approach for numerous data-processing applications. Standard input is a substantial step up from the command-line-arguments model that we have been using, for two reasons, as illustrated by TwentyQuestions and Average. First, we can interact with our program—with command-line arguments, we can provide data to the program only before it begins execution. Second, we can read in large amounts of data—with command-line arguments, we can enter only values that fit on the command line. Indeed, as illustrated by Average, the amount of data can be potentially unlimited, and many programs are made simpler by that assumption. A third raison d’être for standard input is that your operating system makes it possible to change the source of standard input, so that you do not have to type all the input. Next, we consider the mechanisms that enable this possibility. 137
Elements of Programming 138 Program 1.5.3 Averaging a stream of numbers public class Average n count of numbers read { sum cumulated sum public static void main(String[] args) { // Average the numbers on standard input. double sum = 0.0; int n = 0; while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) { // Read a number from standard input and add to sum. double value = StdIn.readDouble(); sum += value; n++; } double average = sum / n; StdOut.println("Average is " + average); } } This program reads in a sequence of floating-point numbers from standard input and prints their average on standard output (provided that the sum does not overflow). From its point of view, there is no limit on the size of the input stream. The commands on the right below use redirection and piping (discussed in the next subsection) to provide 100,000 numbers to average. % java Average 10.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 7.0 32.0 <Ctrl-D> Average is 10.5 % java RandomSeq 100000 > data.txt % java Average < data.txt Average is 0.5010473676174824 % java RandomSeq 100000 | java Average Average is 0.5000499417963857
1.5 Input and Output 139 Redirection and piping For many applications, typing input data as a standard input stream from the terminal window is untenable because our program’s processing power is then limited by the amount of data that we can type (and our typing speed). Similarly, we often want to save the information printed on the standard output stream for later use. To address such limitations, we next focus on the idea that standard input is an abstraction—the program expects to read data from an input stream but it has no dependence on the source of that input stream. Standard output is a similar abstraction. The power of these abstractions derives from our ability (through the operating system) to specify various other sources for standard input and standard output, such as a file, the network, or another program. All modern operating systems implement these mechanisms. Redirecting standard output to a file. By adding a simple directive to the command that invokes a program, we can redirect its standard output stream to a file, either for permanent storage or for input to another program at a later time. For example, % java RandomSeq 1000 > data.txt specifies that the standard output stream is not to be printed in the terminal window, but instead is to be written to a text file named data.txt. Each call to System.out.print() or System.out.println() appends text at the end of that file. In this example, the end result is a file that contains 1,000 random values. No output appears in the terminal window: it goes directly into the file named after the > symbol. Thus, we can save away information % java RandomSeq 1000 > data.txt for later retrieval. Note that we do not have to change RandomSeq (Program 1.5.1) in any way for this mechRandomSeq anism to work—it uses the standard output abstracdata.txt tion and is unaffected by our use of a different implestandard output mentation of that abstraction. You can use redirection to save output from any program that you write. Once Redirecting standard output to a file you have expended a significant amount of effort to obtain a result, you often want to save the result for later reference. In a modern system, you can save some information by using cutand-paste or some similar mechanism that is provided by the operating system, but cut-and-paste is inconvenient for large amounts of data. By contrast, redirection is specifically designed to make it easy to handle large amounts of data.
Elements of Programming 140 Program 1.5.4 A simple filter public class RangeFilter { public static void main(String[] args) { // Filter out numbers not between lo and hi. int lo = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int hi = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) { // Process one number. int value = StdIn.readInt(); if (value >= lo && value <= hi) StdOut.print(value + " "); } StdOut.println(); } } lo lower bound of range upper bound of range value current number hi This filter copies to the output stream the numbers from the input stream that fall inside the range given by the command-line arguments. There is no limit on the length of the streams. % java RangeFilter 100 400 358 1330 55 165 689 1014 3066 387 575 843 203 48 292 877 65 998 358 165 387 203 292 <Ctrl-D> Redirecting from a file to standard input. Similarly, we can redirect the standard input stream so that StdIn reads data from a file instead of the terminal window: % java Average < data.txt This command reads a sequence of numbers from the file data.txt and computes their average value. Specifically, the < symbol is a directive that tells the operating system to implement the standard input stream % java Average < data.txt by reading from the text file data.txt instead data.txt of waiting for the user to type something into standard input Average Redirecting from a file to standard input
1.5 Input and Output 141 the terminal window. When the program calls StdIn.readDouble(), the operating system reads the value from the file. The file data.txt could have been created by any application, not just a Java program—many applications on your computer can create text files. This facility to redirect from a file to standard input enables us to create data-driven code where you can change the data processed by a program without having to change the program at all. Instead, you can keep data in files and write programs that read from the standard input stream. Connecting two programs. The most flexible way to implement the standard input and standard output abstractions is to specify that they are implemented by our own programs! This mechanism is called piping. For example, the command % java RandomSeq 1000 | java Average specifies that the standard output stream for RandomSeq and the standard input stream for Average are the same stream. The effect is as if RandomSeq were typing the numbers it generates into the terminal window while Average is running. This example also has the same effect as the following sequence of commands: % java RandomSeq 1000 > data.txt % java Average < data.txt In this case, the file data.txt is not created. This difference is profound, because it removes another limitation on the size of the input and output streams that we can process. For example, you could replace 1000 in the example with 1000000000, even though you might not have the space to save a billion numbers on our com- % java RandomSeq 1000 | java Average puter (you, however, do need the time RandomSeq to process them). When RandomSeq calls System.out.println(), a string standard input standard output is added to the end of the stream; when Average Average calls StdIn.readInt(), a string is removed from the beginning of the stream. The timing of precisely Piping the output of one program to the input of another what happens is up to the operating system: it might run RandomSeq until it produces some output, and then run Average to consume that output, or it might run Average until it needs some input, and then run RandomSeq until it produces the needed input. The end result is the same, but your programs are freed from worrying about such details because they work solely with the standard input and standard output abstractions.
Elements of Programming 142 Filters. Piping, a core feature of the original Unix system of the early 1970s, still survives in modern systems because it is a simple abstraction for communicating among disparate programs. Testimony to the power of this abstraction is that many Unix programs are still being used today to process files that are thousands or millions of times larger than imagined by the programs’ authors. We can communicate with other Java programs via method calls, but standard input and standard output allow us to communicate with programs that were written at another time and, perhaps, in another language. With standard input and standard output, we are agreeing on a simple interface to the outside world. For many common tasks, it is convenient to think of each program as a filter that converts a standard input stream to a standard output stream in some way, with piping as the command mechanism to connect programs together. For example, RangeFilter (Program 1.5.4) takes two command-line arguments and prints on standard output those numbers from standard input that fall within the specified range. You might imagine standard input to be measurement data from some instrument, with the filter being used to throw away data outside the range of interest for the experiment at hand. Several standard filters that were designed for Unix still survive (sometimes with different names) as commands in modern operating systems. For example, the sort filter puts the lines on standard input in sorted order: % java RandomSeq 6 | sort 0.035813305516568916 0.14306638757584322 0.348292877655532103 0.5761644592016527 0.7234592733392126 0.9795908813988247 We discuss sorting in Section 4.2. A second useful filter is grep, which prints the lines from standard input that match a given pattern. For example, if you type % grep lo < RangeFilter.java you get the result // Filter out numbers not between lo and hi. int lo = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); if (value >= lo && value <= hi)
1.5 Input and Output Programmers often use tools such as grep to get a quick reminder of variable names or language usage details. A third useful filter is more, which reads data from standard input and displays it in your terminal window one screenful at a time. For example, if you type % java RandomSeq 1000 | more you will see as many numbers as fit in your terminal window, but more will wait for you to hit the space bar before displaying each succeeding screenful. The term filter is perhaps misleading: it was meant to describe programs like RangeFilter that write some subsequence of standard input to standard output, but it is now often used to describe any program that reads from standard input and writes to standard output. Multiple streams. For many common tasks, we want to write programs that take input from multiple sources and/or produce output intended for multiple destinations. In Section 3.1 we discuss our Out and In libraries, which generalize StdOut and StdIn to allow for multiple input and output streams. These libraries include provisions for redirecting these streams not only to and from files, but also from web pages. Processing large amounts of information plays an essential role in many applications of computing. A scientist may need to analyze data collected from a series of experiments, a stock trader may wish to analyze information about recent financial transactions, or a student may wish to maintain collections of music and movies. In these and countless other applications, data-driven programs are the norm. Standard output, standard input, redirection, and piping provide us with the capability to address such applications with our Java programs. We can collect data into files on our computer through the web or any of the standard devices and use redirection and piping to connect data to our programs. Many (if not most) of the programming examples that we consider throughout this book have this ability. 143
Elements of Programming 144 Standard drawing Up to this point, our input/output abstractions have focused exclusively on text strings. Now we introduce an abstraction for producing drawings as output. This library is easy to use and allows us to take advantage of a visual medium to work with far more information than is possible with mere text. As with StdIn and StdOut, our standard drawing abstraction is implemented in a library StdDraw that you will need to make available to Java (see the first Q&A at the end of this section). Standard drawing is very simple. We imagine an abstract drawing device capable of drawing lines and points on a two-dimensional canvas. The device is capable of responding to the commands that our programs issue in the form of calls to methods in StdDraw such as the following: public class StdDraw (basic drawing commands) void line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) void point(double x, double y) (1, 1) Like the methods for standard input and standard output, these methods are nearly self-document(x0, y0) ing: StdDraw.line() draws a straight line segment connecting the point (x0 , y0) with the point (x1 , y1) whose coordinates are given as arguments. StdDraw.point() draws a spot centered on the (x1, y1) point (x, y) whose coordinates are given as arguments. The default scale is the unit square (all x- and y-coordinates between 0 and 1). StdDraw (0, 0) displays the canvas in a window on your computStdDraw.line(x0, y0, x1, y1); er’s screen, with black lines and points on a white background. The window includes a menu option to save your drawing to a file, in a format suitable for publishing on paper or on the web. Your first drawing. The HelloWorld equivalent for graphics programming with StdDraw is to draw an equilateral triangle with a point inside. To form the triangle, we draw three line segments: one from the point (0, 0) at the lower-left corner to the point (1, 0), one from that point to the third point at (1/2, 3/2), and one from that point back to (0, 0). As a final flourish, we draw a spot in the middle of the triangle. Once you have successfully compiled and run Triangle, you are off and
1.5 Input and Output running to write your own programs that draw figures composed of line segments and points. This ability literally adds a new dimension to the output that you can produce. When you use a computer to create drawings, you get immediate feedback (the drawing) so that you can refine and improve your program quickly. With a computer program, you can create drawings that you could not contemplate making by hand. In particular, instead of viewing our data as merely numbers, we can use pictures, which are far more expressive. We will consider other graphics examples after we discuss a few other drawing commands. 145 public class Triangle { public static void main(String[] args) { double t = Math.sqrt(3.0)/2.0; StdDraw.line(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); StdDraw.line(1.0, 0.0, 0.5, t); StdDraw.line(0.5, t, 0.0, 0.0); StdDraw.point(0.5, t/3.0); } } Control commands. The default canvas size is 512-by-512 pixels; if you want to change it, call setCanvasSize() before any drawing commands. The default coordinate system Your first drawing for standard drawing is the unit square, but we often want to draw plots at different scales. For example, a typical situation is to use coordinates in some range for the x-coordinate, or the y-coordinate, or both. Also, we often want to draw line segments of different thickness and points of different size from the standard. To accommodate these needs, StdDraw has the following methods: public class StdDraw (basic control commands) void setCanvasSize(int w, int h) create canvas in screen window of width w and height h (in pixels) void setXscale(double x0, double x1) reset x-scale to (x0 , x1) void setYscale(double y0, double y1) reset y-scale to (y0 , y1) void setPenRadius(double radius) set pen radius to radius Note: Methods with the same names but no arguments reset to default values the unit square for the x- and y-scales, 0.002 for the pen radius.
Elements of Programming 146 For example, the two-call sequence int n = 50; StdDraw.setXscale(0, n); StdDraw.setYscale(0, n); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) StdDraw.line(0, n-i, i, 0); (n, n) (0, 0) Scaling to integer coordinates StdDraw.setXscale(x0, x1); StdDraw.setYscale(y0, y1); sets the drawing coordinates to be within a bounding box whose lower-left corner is at (x0, y0) and whose upperright corner is at (x1, y1). Scaling is the simplest of the transformations commonly used in graphics. In the applications that we consider in this chapter, we use it in a straightforward way to match our drawings to our data. The pen is circular, so that lines have rounded ends, and when you set the pen radius to r and draw a point, you get a circle of radius r. The default pen radius is 0.002 and is not affected by coordinate scaling. This default is about 1/500 the width of the default window, so that if you draw 200 points equally spaced along a horizontal or vertical line, you will be able to see individual circles, but if you draw 250 such points, the result will look like a line. When you issue the command StdDraw.setPenRadius(0.01), you are saying that you want the thickness of the line segments and the size of the points to be five times the 0.002 standard. Filtering data to standard drawing. One of the simplest applications of standard drawing is to plot data, by filtering it from standard input to standard drawing. PlotFilter (Program 1.5.5) is such a filter: it reads from standard input a sequence of points defined by (x, y) coordinates and draws a spot at each point. It adopts the convention that the first four numbers on standard input specify the bounding box, so that it can scale the plot without having to make an extra pass through all the points to determine the scale. The graphical representation of points plotted in this way is far more expressive (and far more compact) than the numbers themselves. The image that is produced by Program 1.5.5 makes it far easier for us to infer properties of the points (such as, for example, clustering of population centers when plotting points that represent city locations) than does a list of the coordinates. Whenever we are processing data that represents the physical world, a visual image is likely to be one of the most meaningful ways that we can use to display output. PlotFilter illustrates how easily you can create such an image.
1.5 Input and Output Program 1.5.5 147 Standard input-to-drawing filter public class PlotFilter { public static void main(String[] args) { // Scale as per first four values. double x0 = StdIn.readDouble(); double y0 = StdIn.readDouble(); double x1 = StdIn.readDouble(); double y1 = StdIn.readDouble(); StdDraw.setXscale(x0, x1); StdDraw.setYscale(y0, y1); x0 left bound bottom bound x1 right bound y1 top bound x, y current point y0 // Read the points and plot to standard drawing. while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) { double x = StdIn.readDouble(); double y = StdIn.readDouble(); StdDraw.point(x, y); } } } This program reads a sequence of points from standard input and plots them to standard drawing. (By convention, the first four numbers are the minimum and maximum x- and y-coordinates.) The file USA.txt contains the coordinates of 13,509 cities in the United States % java PlotFilter < USA.txt
148 Elements of Programming Plotting a function graph. Another important use of standard drawing is to plot experimental data or the values of a mathematical function. For example, suppose that we want to plot values of the function y = sin(4x) sin(20x) in the interval [0, ]. Accomplishing this task is a prototypical example of sampling: there are an infinite number of points in the interval but we have to make do with evaluating the function at a finite number of such points. We sample the function by choosing a set of x-values, then computing y-values by evaluating the function at each of these x-value. Plotting the function by connecting successive points with lines produces what is known as a piecewise linear approximation. double[] x = new double[n+1]; The simplest way to proceed double[] y = new double[n+1]; is to evenly space the x-values. for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) First, we decide ahead of time x[i] = Math.PI * i / n; on a sample size, then we space for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) y[i] = Math.sin(4*x[i]) + Math.sin(20*x[i]); the x-values by the interval size StdDraw.setXscale(0, Math.PI); divided by the sample size. To StdDraw.setYscale(-2.0, 2.0); make sure that the values we for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) plot fall in the visible canvas, StdDraw.line(x[i-1], y[i-1], x[i], y[i]); we scale the x-axis correspondn = 20 n = 200 ing to the interval and the yaxis corresponding to the maximum and minimum values of the function within the interval. The smoothness of the curve depends on properties Plotting a function graph of the function and the size of the sample. If the sample size is too small, the rendition of the function may not be at all accurate (it might not be very smooth, and it might miss major fluctuations); if the sample is too large, producing the plot may be timeconsuming, since some functions are time-consuming to compute. (In Section 2.4, we will look at a method for plotting a smooth curve without using an excessive number of points.) You can use this same technique to plot the function graph of any function you choose. That is, you can decide on an x-interval where you want to plot the function, compute function values evenly spaced within that interval, determine and set the y-scale, and draw the line segments.
1.5 Input and Output Outline and filled shapes. 149 StdDraw also includes methods to draw circles, squares, rectangles, and arbitrary polygons. Each shape defines an outline. When the method name is the name of a shape, that outline is traced by the drawing pen. When the name begins with filled, the named shape is filled solid, not traced. As usual, we summarize the available methods in an API: public class StdDraw (shapes) void circle(double x, double y, double radius) void filledCircle(double x, double y, double radius) void square(double x, double y, double r) void filledSquare(double x, double y, double r) void rectangle(double x, double y, double r1, double r2) void filledRectangle(double x, double y, double r1, double r2) void polygon(double[] x, double[] y) void filledPolygon(double[] x, double[] y) The arguments for circle() and filledCircle() define a circle of radius r centered at (x, y); the arguments for square() and filledSquare() define a square of side length 2r centered at (x, y); the arguments for rectangle() and filledRectangle() define a rectangle of width 2r1 and height 2r2, centered at (x, y); and the arguments for polygon() and filledPolygon() define a sequence of points that are connected by line segments, including one from the last point to the first point. (x0, y0) r (x1, y1) r r (x, y) (x, y) StdDraw.circle(x, y, r); StdDraw.square(x, y, r); (x3, y3) (x2, y2) double[] x = {x0, x1, x2, x3}; double[] y = {y0, y1, y2, y3}; StdDraw.polygon(x, y);
Elements of Programming 150 Text and color. Occasionally, you may wish to annotate or highlight various elements in your drawings. StdDraw has a method for drawing text, another for setting parameters associated with text, and another for changing the color of the ink in the pen. We make scant use of these features in this book, but they can be very useful, particularly for drawings on your computer screen. You will find many examples of their use on the booksite. public class StdDraw (text and color commands) void text(double x, double y, String s) void setFont(Font font) void setPenColor(Color color) In this code, Font and Color are nonprimitive types that you will learn about in Section 3.1. Until then, we leave the details to StdDraw. The available pen colors are BLACK, BLUE, CYAN, DARK_GRAY, GRAY, GREEN, LIGHT_GRAY, MAGENTA, ORANGE, PINK, RED, WHITE, YELLOW, and BOOK_BLUE, all of which are defined as constants within StdDraw. For example, the call StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.GRAY) changes the pen to use gray ink. The default ink color is StdDraw.square(.2, .8, .1); BLACK. The default font in StdDraw suffices for most StdDraw.filledSquare(.8, .8, .2); of the drawings that you need (you can find inforStdDraw.circle(.8, .2, .2); mation on using other fonts on the booksite). For double[] xd = { .1, .2, .3, .2 }; example, you might wish to use these methods to double[] yd = { .2, .3, .2, .1 }; annotate function graphs to highlight relevant valStdDraw.filledPolygon(xd, yd); StdDraw.text(.2, .5, "black text"); ues, and you might find it useful to develop similar StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.WHITE); methods to annotate other parts of your drawings. StdDraw.text(.8, .8, "white text"); Shapes, color, and text are basic tools that you can use to produce a dizzying variety of images, but you should use them sparingly. Use of such artifacts usually presents a design challenge, and our StdDraw commands are crude by the standards of modern graphics libraries, so that you are likely to need an extensive number of calls to them to produce the beautiful images that you may imagine. By comparison, using color or labels to help focus on important information in drawings is often worthwhile, as is using color to represent data values. white text black text Shape and text examples
1.5 Input and Output 151 Double buffering and computer animations. StdDraw supports a powerful com- puter graphics feature known as double buffering. When double buffering is enabled by calling enableDoubleBuffering(), all drawing takes place on the offscreen canvas. The offscreen canvas is not displayed; it exists only in computer memory. Only when you call show() does your drawing get copied from the offscreen canvas to the onscreen canvas, where it is displayed in the standard drawing window. You can think of double buffering as collecting all of the lines, points, shapes, and text that you tell it to draw, and then drawing them all simultaneously, upon request. Double buffering enables you to precisely control when the drawing takes place. One reason to use double buffering is for efficiency when performing a large number of drawing commands. Incrementally displaying a complex drawing while it is being created can be intolerably inefficient on many computer systems. For example, you can dramatically speed up Program 1.5.5 by adding a call to enableDoubleBuffering() before the while loop and a call to show() after the while loop. Now, the points appear all at once (instead of one at a time). Our most important use of double buffering is to produce computer animations, where we create the illusion of motion by rapidly displaying static drawings. Such effects can provide compelling and dynamic visualizations of scientific phenomenon. We can produce animations by repeating the following four steps: • Clear the offscreen canvas. • Draw objects on the offscreen canvas. • Copy the offscreen canvas to the onscreen canvas. • Wait for a short while. In support of the first and last of these steps, StdDraw provides three additional methods. The clear() methods clear the canvas, either to white or to a specified color. To control the apparent speed of an animation, the pause() method takes an argument dt and tells StdDraw to wait for dt milliseconds before processing additional commands. public class StdDraw (advanced control commands) void enableDoubleBuffering() enable double buffering void disableDoubleBuffering() disable double buffering void show() copy the offscreen canvas to the onscreen canvas void clear() clear the canvas to white (default) void clear(Color color) clear the canvas to color color void pause(double dt) pause dt milliseconds
152 Elements of Programming Bouncing ball. The “Hello, World” program for animation is to produce a black ball that appears to move around on the canvas, bouncing off the boundary according to the laws of elastic collision. Suppose that the ball is at position (rx , ry) and we want to create the impression of moving it to a nearby position, say, (rx 0.01, ry 0.02). We do so in four steps: • Clear the offscreen canvas to white. • Draw a black ball at the new position on the offscreen canvas. • Copy the offscreen canvas to the onscreen canvas. • Wait for a short while. To create the illusion of movement, we iterate these steps for a whole sequence of positions of the ball (one that will form a straight line, in this case). Without double buffering, the image of the ball will rapidly flicker between black and white instead of creating a smooth animation. BouncingBall (Program 1.5.6) implements these steps to create the illusion of a ball moving in the 2-by-2 box centered at the origin. The current position of the ball is (rx , ry), and we compute the new position at each step by adding vx to rx and vy to ry. Since (vx , vy) is the fixed distance that the ball moves in each time unit, it represents the velocity. To keep the ball in the standard drawing window, we simulate the effect of the ball bouncing off the walls according to the laws of elastic collision. This effect is easy to implement: when the ball hits a vertical wall, we change the velocity in the x-direction from vx to –vx , and when the ball hits a horizontal wall, we change the velocity in the y-direction from vy to –vy . Of course, you have to download the code from the booksite and run it on your computer to see motion. To make the image clearer on the printed page, we modified BouncingBall to use a gray background that also shows the track of the ball as it moves (see Exercise 1.5.34). Standard drawing completes our programming model by adding a “picture is worth a thousand words” component. It is a natural abstraction that you can use to better open up your programs to the outside world. With it, you can easily produce the function graphs and visual representations of data that are commonly used in science and engineering. We will put it to such uses frequently throughout this book. Any time that you spend now working with the sample programs on the last few pages will be well worth the investment. You can find many useful examples on the booksite and in the exercises, and you are certain to find some outlet for your creativity by using StdDraw to meet various challenges. Can you draw an n-pointed star? Can you make our bouncing ball actually bounce (by adding gravity)? You may be surprised at how easily you can accomplish these and other tasks.
1.5 Input and Output Program 1.5.6 153 Bouncing ball public class BouncingBall rx, ry position { vx, vy velocity public static void main(String[] args) dt wait time { // Simulate the motion of a bouncing ball. radius ball radius StdDraw.setXscale(-1.0, 1.0); StdDraw.setYscale(-1.0, 1.0); StdDraw.enableDoubleBuffering(); double rx = 0.480, ry = 0.860; double vx = 0.015, vy = 0.023; double radius = 0.05; while(true) { // Update ball position and draw it. if (Math.abs(rx + vx) + radius > 1.0) vx = -vx; if (Math.abs(ry + vy) + radius > 1.0) vy = -vy; rx += vx; ry += vy; StdDraw.clear(); StdDraw.filledCircle(rx, ry, radius); StdDraw.show(); StdDraw.pause(20); } } } This program simulates the motion of a bouncing ball in the box with coordinates between 1 and +1. The ball bounces off the boundary according to the laws of inelastic collision. The 20-millisecond wait for StdDraw.pause() keeps the black image of the ball persistent on the screen, even though most of the ball’s pixels alternate between black and white. The images below, which show the track of the ball, are produced by a modified version of this code (see Exercise 1.5.34). 100 steps 200 steps 500 steps
Elements of Programming 154 This API table summarizes the StdDraw methods that we have considered: public class StdDraw drawing commands void line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) void point(double x, double y) void circle(double x, double y, double radius) void filledCircle(double x, double y, double radius) void square(double x, double y, double radius) void filledSquare(double x, double y, double radius) void rectangle(double x, double y, double r1, double r2) void filledRectangle(double x, double y, double r1, double r2) void polygon(double[] x, double[] y) void filledPolygon(double[] x, double[] y) void text(double x, double y, String s) control commands void setXscale(double x0, double x1) reset x-scale to (x0 , x1) void setYscale(double y0, double y1) reset y-scale to (y0 , y1) void setPenRadius(double radius) set pen radius to radius void setPenColor(Color color) set pen color to color void setFont(Font font) set text font to font void setCanvasSize(int w, int h) set canvas size to w-by-h void enableDoubleBuffering() enable double buffering void disableDoubleBuffering() disable double buffering void show() copy the offscreen canvas to the onscreen canvas void clear(Color color) clear the canvas to color color void pause(int dt) pause dt milliseconds void save(String filename) save to a .jpg or .png file Note: Methods with the same names but no arguments reset to default values. API for our library of static methods for standard drawing
1.5 Input and Output 155 Standard audio As a final example of a basic abstraction for output, we consider StdAudio, a library that you can use to play, manipulate, and synthesize sound. You probably have used your computer to process music. Now you can write programs to do so. At the same time, you will learn some concepts behind a venerable and important area of computer science and scientific computing: digital signal processing. We will merely scratch the surface of this fascinating subject, but you may be surprised at the simplicity of the underlying concepts. Concert A. Sound is the perception of the vibration of molecules—in particular, the vibration of our eardrums. Therefore, oscillation is the key to understanding sound. Perhaps the simplest place to start is to consider the musical note A above middle C, which is known as concert A. This note is nothing more than a sine wave, scaled to oscillate at a frequency of 440 times per second. The function sin(t) repeats itself once every 2 units, so if we measure t in seconds and plot the function sin(2t 440), we get a curve that oscillates 440 times per second. When you play an A by plucking a guitar string, pushing air through a trumpet, or causing a small cone to vibrate in a speaker, this sine wave is the prominent part of the sound that you hear and recognize as concert A. We measure frequency in hertz (cycles per second). When you double or halve the frequency, you move up or down one octave on the scale. For example, 880 hertz is one octave above concert A and 110 hertz is two octaves below concert A. For reference, the frequency range of human hearing is about 20 to 20,000 hertz. The amplitude (y-value) of a sound corresponds to the volume. We plot our curves between 1 and 1 and assume that any devices that record and play sound will scale as appropriate, with further scaling controlled by you when you turn the volume knob. 1 0 2 4 3 6 5 9 11 7 8 10 12 ♩♩♩♩♩♩♩♩ note i frequency A 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 440.00 466.16 493.88 523.25 554.37 587.33 622.25 659.26 698.46 739.99 783.99 830.61 880.00 A♯ or B♭ B C C♯ or D♭ D D♯ or E♭ E F F♯ or G♭ G G♯ or A♭ A 440 2i/12 Notes, numbers, and waves
156 Elements of Programming Other notes. A simple mathematical formula characterizes the other notes on the chromatic scale. There are 12 notes on the chromatic scale, evenly spaced on a logarithmic (base 2) scale. We get the i th note above a given note by multiplying its frequency by the (i /12)th power of 2. In other words, the frequency of each note in the chromatic scale is precisely the frequency of the previous note in the scale multiplied by the twelfth root of 2 (about 1.06). This information suffices to create music! For example, to play the tune Frère Jacques, play each of the notes A B C# A by producing sine waves of the appropriate frequency for about half a second each, and then repeat the pattern. The primary method in the StdAudio library, StdAudio.play(), allows you to do exactly this. Sampling. For digital sound, we represent a curve by sampling it at regular intervals, in precisely the same manner as when we plot function graphs. We sample sufficiently often that we have an accurate representation of the curve—a widely used sampling rate for digital sound is 44,100 samples per second. For concert A, that rate corresponds to plotting each cycle of the sine wave by sampling it at about 100 points. Since we sample at regular intervals, we only need to compute the ycoordinates of the sample points. It is that simple: we represent sound as an array of real numbers (between 1 and 1). The method StdAudio.play() takes an array as its argument and plays the sound represented by that array on your computer. For example, suppose that you want to play concert A for 10 seconds. At 44,100 samples per second, you need a double array of length 441,001. To fill in the array, use a for loop that samples the function sin(2t 440) at t = 0/44,100, 1/44,100, 2/44,100, 3/44,100, …, 441,000/44,100. Once we fill the array with these values, we are ready for StdAudio.play(), as in the following code: int SAMPLING_RATE = 44100; // samples per second int hz = 440; // concert A double duration = 10.0; // ten seconds int n = (int) (SAMPLING_RATE * duration); double[] a = new double[n+1]; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) a[i] = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * i * hz / SAMPLING_RATE); StdAudio.play(a); This code is the “Hello, World” of digital audio. Once you use it to get your computer to play this note, you can write code to play other notes and make music! The difference between creating sound and plotting an oscillating curve is nothing
1.5 Input and Output 157 more than the output device. Indeed, it is instructive and entertaining to send the same numbers to both standard drawing and standard audio (see Exercise 1.5.27). Saving to a file. Music can take up a lot of space on your computer. At 44,100 samples per second, a four-minute song corresponds to 4 60 44100 = 10,584,000 numbers. Therefore, it is common to represent the numbers corresponding to a song in a binary format that uses less space than the string-of-digits representation that we use for standard input and output. Many such formats have been developed in recent years—StdAudio uses the .wav format. You can find some information about the .wav format on the booksite, but you do not need to know the details, because StdAudio takes care of the conversions for you. Our standard library for audio allows you to read .wav files, write .wav files, and convert .wav files to arrays of double values for processing. 1/40 second (various sample rates) 5,512 samples/second, 137 samples 11,025 samples/second, 275 samples 22,050 samples/second, 551 samples 44,100 samples/second, 1,102 samples (Program 1.5.7) is an example that shows how you can use StdAudio to turn your computer into a musical instrument. It takes notes from standard in- 44,100 samples/second (various times) put, indexed on the chromatic scale from concert A, and 1/40 second, 1,102 samples plays them on standard audio. You can imagine all sorts of extensions on this basic scheme, some of which are addressed in the exercises. PlayThatTune 1/1000 second We include standard audio in our basic arsenal of programming tools because sound processing is one important application of scientific computing that is certainly familiar to you. Not only has the commercial application of digital signal processing had a phenomenal impact on modern society, but the science and engineering behind it combine physics and computer science in interesting ways. We will study more components of digital signal processing in some detail later in the book. (For example, you will learn in Section 2.1 how to create sounds that are more musical than the pure sounds produced by PlayThatTune.) 1/200 second, 220 samples 1/1000 second 1/1,000 second, 44 samples Sampling a sine wave
Elements of Programming 158 Program 1.5.7 Digital signal processing public class PlayThatTune pitch distance from A { duration note play time public static void main(String[] args) hz frequency { // Read a tune from StdIn and play it. n number of samples int SAMPLING_RATE = 44100; while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) a[] sampled sine wave { // Read and play one note. int pitch = StdIn.readInt(); double duration = StdIn.readDouble(); double hz = 440 * Math.pow(2, pitch / 12.0); int n = (int) (SAMPLING_RATE * duration); double[] a = new double[n+1]; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) a[i] = Math.sin(2*Math.PI * i * hz / SAMPLING_RATE); StdAudio.play(a); } } } This data-driven program turns your computer into a musical instrument. It reads notes and durations from standard input and plays a pure tone corresponding to each note for the specified duration on standard audio. Each note is specified as a pitch (distance from concert A). After reading each note and duration, the program creates an array by sampling a sine wave of the specified frequency and duration at 44,100 samples per second, and plays it using StdAudio.play(). % 7 6 7 6 7 2 5 3 0 more elise.txt 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.25 0.50 % java PlayThatTune < elise.txt
1.5 Input and Output 159 The API table below summarizes the methods in StdAudio: public class StdAudio void play(String filename) play the given .wav file void play(double[] a) play the given sound wave void play(double x) play sample for 1/44,100 second void save(String filename, double[] a) save to a .wav file double[] read(String filename) read from a .wav file API for our library of static methods for standard audio Summary I/O is a compelling example of the power of abstraction because standard input, standard output, standard drawing, and standard audio can be tied to different physical devices at different times without making any changes to programs. Although devices may differ dramatically, we can write programs that can do I/O without depending on the properties of specific devices. From this point forward, we will use methods from StdOut, StdIn, StdDraw, and/or StdAudio in nearly every program in this book. For economy, we collectively refer to these libraries as Std*. One important advantage of using such libraries is that you can switch to new devices that are faster, are cheaper, or hold more data without changing your program at all. In such a situation, the details of the connection are a matter to be resolved between your operating system and the Std* implementations. On modern systems, new devices are typically supplied with software that resolves such details automatically both for the operating system and for Java.
Elements of Programming 160 Q&A Q. How can I make StdIn, StdOut, StdDraw, and StdAudio available to Java? A. If you followed the step-by-step instructions on the booksite for installing Java, these libraries should already be available to Java. Alternatively, you can copy the files StdIn.java, StdOut.java, StdDraw.java, and StdAudio.java from the booksite and put them in the same directory as the programs that use them. Q. What does the error message Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: StdIn mean? A. The library StdIn is not available to Java. Q. Why are we not using the standard Java libraries for input, graphics, and sound? A. We are using them, but we prefer to work with simpler abstract models. The Java libraries behind StdIn, StdDraw, and StdAudio are built for production programming, and the libraries and their APIs are a bit unwieldy. To get an idea of what they are like, look at the code in StdIn.java, StdDraw.java, and StdAudio.java. Q. So, let me get this straight. If I use the format %2.4f for a double value, I get two digits before the decimal point and four digits after, right? A. No, that specifies 4 digits after the decimal point. The first value is the width of the whole field. You want to use the format %7.2f to specify 7 characters in total, 4 before the decimal point, the decimal point itself, and 2 digits after the decimal point. Q. Which other conversion codes are there for printf()? A. For integer values, there is for octal and x for hexadecimal. There are also numerous formats for dates and times. See the booksite for more information. o Q. Can my program reread data from standard input? A. No. You get only one shot at it, in the same way that you cannot undo a println() command.
1.5 Input and Output Q. What happens if my program attempts to read data from standard input after it is exhausted? A. You will get an error. StdIn.isEmpty() allows you to avoid such an error by checking whether there is more input available. Q. Why does StdDraw.square(x, y, r) draw a square of width 2*r instead of r? A. This makes it consistent with the function StdDraw.circle(x, y, r), in which the third argument is the radius of the circle, not the diameter. In this context, r is the radius of the biggest circle that can fit inside the square. Q. My terminal window hangs at the end of a program using StdAudio. How can I avoid having to use <Ctrl-C> to get a command prompt? A. Add a call to System.exit(0) as the last line in main(). Don’t ask why. Q. Can I use negative integers to specify notes below concert A when making input files for PlayThatTune? A. Yes. Actually, our choice to put concert A at 0 is arbitrary. A popular standard, known as the MIDI Tuning Standard, starts numbering at the C five octaves below concert A. By that convention, concert A is 69 and you do not need to use negative numbers. Q. Why do I hear weird results on standard audio when I try to sonify a sine wave with a frequency of 30,000 hertz (or more)? A. The Nyquist frequency, defined as one-half the sampling frequency, represents the highest frequency that can be reproduced. For standard audio, the sampling frequency is 44,100 hertz, so the Nyquist frequency is 22,050 hertz. 161
Elements of Programming 162 Exercises 1.5.1 Write a program that reads in integers (as many as the user enters) from standard input and prints the maximum and minimum values. 1.5.2 Modify your program from the previous exercise to insist that the integers must be positive (by prompting the user to enter positive integers whenever the value entered is not positive). 1.5.3 Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n, reads n floating-point numbers from standard input, and prints their mean (average value) and sample standard deviation (square root of the sum of the squares of their differences from the average, divided by n-1). 1.5.4 Extend your program from the previous exercise to create a filter that reads n floating-point numbers from standard input, and prints those that are further than 1.5 standard deviations from the mean. 1.5.5 Write a program that reads in a sequence of integers and prints both the integer that appears in a longest consecutive run and the length of that run. For example, if the input is 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 7 7 7 7 1 1, then your program should print Longest run: 4 consecutive 7s. 1.5.6 Write a filter that reads in a sequence of integers and prints the integers, removing repeated values that appear consecutively. For example, if the input is your program should print 1 2 2 1 5 1 1 7 7 7 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1, 1 2 1 5 1 7 1. 1.5.7 Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n, reads in n-1 distinct integers between 1 and n, and determines the missing value. 1.5.8 Write a program that reads in positive floating-point numbers from standard input and prints their geometric and harmonic means. The geometric mean of n positive numbers x1, x2, ..., xn is (x1 x2 ... xn)1/n. The harmonic mean is n / (1/x1 + 1/x2 + ... + 1/xn). Hint : For the geometric mean, consider taking logarithms to avoid overflow. 1.5.9 Suppose that the file input.txt contains the two strings F and F. What does the following command do (see Exercise 1.2.35)?
1.5 Input and Output % java Dragon < input.txt | java Dragon | java Dragon public class Dragon { public static void main(String[] args) { String dragon = StdIn.readString(); String nogard = StdIn.readString(); StdOut.print(dragon + "L" + nogard); StdOut.print(" "); StdOut.print(dragon + "R" + nogard); StdOut.println(); } } 1.5.10 Write a filter TenPerLine that reads from standard input a sequence of integers between 0 and 99 and prints them back, 10 integers per line, with columns aligned. Then write a program RandomIntSeq that takes two integer commandline arguments m and n and prints n random integers between 0 and m-1. Test your programs with the command java RandomIntSeq 200 100 | java TenPerLine. 1.5.11 Write a program that reads in text from standard input and prints the number of words in the text. For the purpose of this exercise, a word is a sequence of non-whitespace characters that is surrounded by whitespace. 1.5.12 Write a program that reads in lines from standard input with each line containing a name and two integers and then uses printf() to print a table with a column of the names, the integers, and the result of dividing the first by the second, accurate to three decimal places. You could use a program like this to tabulate batting averages for baseball players or grades for students. 1.5.13 Write a program that prints a table of the monthly payments, remaining principal, and interest paid for a loan, taking three numbers as command-line arguments: the number of years, the principal, and the interest rate (see Exercise 1.2.24). 163
Elements of Programming 164 1.5.14 Which of the following require saving all the values from standard input (in an array, say), and which could be implemented as a filter using only a fixed number of variables? For each, the input comes from standard input and consists of n real numbers between 0 and 1. • Print the maximum and minimum numbers. • Print the sum of the squares of the n numbers. • Print the average of the n numbers. • Print the median of the n numbers. • Print the percentage of numbers greater than the average. • Print the n numbers in increasing order. • Print the n numbers in random order. 1.5.15 Write a program that takes three command-line arguments x, y, and z, reads from standard input a sequence of point coordinates (xi, yi, zi), and prints the coordinates of the point closest to (x, y, z). Recall that the square of the distance between (x , y , z) and (xi , yi , zi ) is (x xi )2 + (y yi )2 + (z zi )2. For efficiency, do not use Math.sqrt(). double 1.5.16 Given the positions and masses of a sequence of objects, write a program to compute their center-of-mass, or centroid. The centroid is the average position of the n objects, weighted by mass. If the positions and masses are given by (xi , yi, mi ), then the centroid (x, y, m) is given by m = m1 + m2 + ... + mn x = (m1 x1 + ... + mn xn) / m y = (m1 y1 + ... + mn yn ) / m 1.5.17 Write a program that reads in a sequence of real numbers between 1 and 1 and prints their average magnitude, average power, and the number of zero crossings. The average magnitude is the average of the absolute values of the data values. The average power is the average of the squares of the data values. The number of zero crossings is the number of times a data value transitions from a strictly negative number to a strictly positive number, or vice versa. These three statistics are widely used to analyze digital signals.
1.5 Input and Output 165 1.5.18 Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and plots an n-by-n checkerboard with red and black squares. Color the lower-left square red. 1.5.19 Write a program that takes as command-line arguments an integer n and a floating-point number p (between 0 and 1), plots n equally spaced points on the circumference of a circle, and then, with probability p for each pair of points, draws a gray line connecting them. 16 0.125 16 0.25 16 0.5 16 1.0 1.5.20 Write code to draw hearts, spades, clubs, and diamonds. To draw a heart, draw a filled diamond, then attach two filled semicircles to the upper left and upper right sides. 1.5.21 Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and plots a rose with n petals (if n is odd) or 2n petals (if n is even), by plotting the polar coordinates (r, ) of the function r = sin(n ) for ranging from 0 to 2 radians. 4 5 8 9 1.5.22 Write a program that takes a string command-line argument s and displays it in banner style on the screen, moving from left to right and wrapping back to the beginning of the string as the end is reached. Add a second command-line argument to control the speed.
Elements of Programming 166 1.5.23 Modify to take additional command-line arguments that control the volume (multiply each sample value by the volume) and the tempo (multiply each note’s duration by the tempo). PlayThatTune 1.5.24 Write a program that takes the name of a .wav file and a playback rate r as command-line arguments and plays the file at the given rate. First, use StdAudio.read() to read the file into an array a[]. If r = 1, play a[]; otherwise, create a new array b[] of approximate size r times the length of a[]. If r < 1, populate b[] by sampling from the original; if r > 1, populate b[] by interpolating from the original. Then play b[]. 1.5.25 Write programs that uses StdDraw to create each of the following designs. 1.5.26 Write a program Circles that draws filled circles of random radii at random positions in the unit square, producing images like those below. Your program should take four command-line arguments: the number of circles, the probability that each circle is black, the minimum radius, and the maximum radius. 200 1 0.01 0.01 100 1 0.01 0.05 500 0.5 0.01 0.05 50 0.75 0.1 0.2
1.5 Input and Output Creative Exercises 1.5.27 Visualizing audio. Modify PlayThatTune to send the values played to standard drawing, so that you can watch the sound waves as they are played. You will have to experiment with plotting multiple curves in the drawing canvas to synchronize the sound and the picture. 1.5.28 Statistical polling. When collecting statistical data for certain political polls, it is very important to obtain an unbiased sample of registered voters. Assume that you have a file with n registered voters, one per line. Write a filter that prints a uniformly random sample of size m (see Program 1.4.1). 1.5.29 Terrain analysis. Suppose that a terrain is represented by a two-dimensional grid of elevation values (in meters). A peak is a grid point whose four neighboring cells (left, right, up, and down) have strictly lower elevation values. Write a program Peaks that reads a terrain from standard input and then computes and prints the number of peaks in the terrain. 1.5.30 Histogram. Suppose that the standard input stream is a sequence of double values. Write a program that takes an integer n and two real numbers lo and hi as command-line arguments and uses StdDraw to plot a histogram of the count of the numbers in the standard input stream that fall in each of the n intervals defined by dividing (lo , hi) into n equal-sized intervals. 1.5.31 Spirographs. Write a program that takes three double command-line arguments R, r, and a and draws the resulting spirograph. A spirograph (technically, an epicycloid) is a curve formed by rolling a circle of radius r around a larger fixed circle of radius R. If the pen offset from the center of the rolling circle is (ra), then the equation of the resulting curve at time t is given by x(t ) = (R + r ) cos (t ) (r + a ) cos ((R + r )t /r) y(t ) = (R + r ) sin (t ) (r + a ) sin ((R + r )t /r) Such curves were popularized by a best-selling toy that contains discs with gear teeth on the edges and small holes that you could put a pen in to trace spirographs. 167
Elements of Programming 168 1.5.32 Clock. Write a program that displays an animation of the second, minute, and hour hands of an analog clock. Use the method StdDraw.pause(1000) to update the display roughly once per second. 1.5.33 Oscilloscope. Write a program that simulates the output of an oscilloscope and produces Lissajous patterns. These patterns are named after the French physicist, Jules A. Lissajous, who studied the patterns that arise when two mutually perpendicular periodic disturbances occur simultaneously. Assume that the inputs are sinusoidal, so that the following parametric equations describe the curve: x(t ) = Ax sin (wx t + x) y(t ) = A y sin (wy t + y) Take the six arguments Ax ,, wx ,, x , Ay ,, wy , and y from the command line. 1.5.34 Bouncing ball with tracks. Modify BouncingBall to produce images like the ones shown in the text, which show the track of the ball on a gray background. 1.5.35 Bouncing ball with gravity. Modify BouncingBall to incorporate gravity in the vertical direction. Add calls to StdAudio.play() to add a sound effect when the ball hits a wall and a different sound effect when it hits the floor. 1.5.36 Random tunes. Write a program that uses StdAudio to play random tunes. Experiment with keeping in key, assigning high probabilities to whole steps, repetition, and other rules to produce reasonable melodies. 1.5.37 Tile patterns. Using your solution to Exercise 1.5.25, write a program TilePattern that takes an integer command-line argument n and draws an n-by-n pattern, using the tile of your choice. Add a second command-line argument that adds a checkerboard option. Add a third command-line argument for color selection. Using the patterns on the facing page as a starting point, design a tile floor. Be creative! Note: These are all designs from antiquity that you can find in many ancient (and modern) buildings.
1.5 Input and Output 169
Elements of Programming 1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer Communicating across the web has become an integral part of everyday life. This communication is enabled in part by scientific studies of the structure of the web, a subject of active research since its inception. We next consider a simple model of the web that has proved to be a particularly successful approach to understanding some of its properties. Variants of this model are widely used and have been 1.6.1 Computing the transition matrix .173 a key factor in the explosive growth of 1.6.2 Simulating a random surfer. . . . . 175 search applications on the web. 1.6.3 Mixing a Markov chain . . . . . . . 182 The model is known as the random Programs in this section surfer model, and is simple to describe. We consider the web to be a fixed set of web pages, with each page containing a fixed set of hyperlinks, and each link a reference to some other page. (For brevity, we use the terms pages and links.) We study what happens to a web surfer who randomly moves from page to page, either by typing a page name into the address bar or by clicking a link on the current page. The mathematical model that underlies the link structure of the web is known as the graph, which we will consider in detail at the end of the book (in Section 4.5). We defer discussion about processing graphs aaa.edu until then. Instead, we concentrate on calculations associated with a natural and wellwww.com studied probabilistic model that accurately defff.org www.com fff.org scribes the behavior of the random surfer. aaa.edu The first step in studying the random mmm.net surfer model is to formulate it more preciselinks ttt.gov ly. The crux of the matter is to specify what it fff.org means to randomly move from page to page. mmm.net The following intuitive 90–10 rule captures both methods of moving to a new page: Assume that 90% of the time the random surfer mmm.net ttt.gov page clicks a random link on the current page (each aaa.edu fff.org link chosen with equal probability) and that mmm.net 10% of the time the random surfer goes directly to a random page (all pages on the web chosen with equal probability). Pages and links
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer 171 You can immediately see that this model has flaws, because you know from your own experience that the behavior of a real web surfer is not quite so simple: • No one chooses links or pages with equal probability. • There is no real potential to surf directly to each page on the web. • The 90–10 (or any fixed) breakdown is just a guess. • It does not take the back button or bookmarks into account. Despite these flaws, the model is sufficiently rich that computer scientists have learned a great deal about properties of the web by studying it. To appreciate the model, consider the small example on the previous page. Which page do you think the random surfer is most likely to visit? Each person using the web behaves a bit like the random surfer, so understanding the fate of the random surfer is of intense interest to people building web infrastructure and web applications. The model is a tool for understanding the experience of each of the billions of web users. In this section, you will use the basic programming tools from this chapter to study the model and its implications. Input format We want to be able to study the behavior of the random surfer on various graphs, not just one example. Consequently, % more tiny.txt we want to write data-driven code, where we keep data 5 n in files and write programs that read the data from stan- 0 3 0 1 dard input. The first step in this approach is to define an 1 2 1 2 1 input format that we can use to structure the informa1 3 1 3 1 4 tion in the input files. We are free to define any conve2 3 2 4 3 0 nient input format. links 4 0 4 2 Later in the book, you will learn how to read web pages in Java programs (Section 3.1) and to convert Random surfer input format from names to numbers (Section 4.4) as well as other techniques for efficient graph processing. For now, we assume that there are n web pages, numbered from 0 to n-1, and we represent links with ordered pairs of such numbers, the first specifying the page containing the link and the second specifying the page to which it refers. Given these conventions, a straightforward input format for the random surfer problem is an input stream consisting of an integer (the value of n) followed by a sequence of pairs of integers (the representations of all the links). StdIn treats all sequences of whitespace characters as a single delimiter, so we are free to either put one link per line or arrange them several to a line.
Elements of Programming 172 Transition matrix We use a two-dimensional matrix, which we refer to as the transition matrix, to completely specify the behavior of the random surfer. With n web pages, we define an n-by-n matrix such that the value in row i and column j is the probability that the random surfer moves to page j when on page i. Our first task is to write code that can create such a matrix for any given input. By the 90–10 rule, this computation is not difficult. We do so in three steps: • Read n, and then create arrays counts[][] and outDegrees[]. • Read the links and accumulate counts so that counts[i][j] counts the links from i to j and outDegrees[i] counts the links from i to anywhere. • Use the 90–10 rule to compute the probabilities. The first two steps are elementary, and the third is not much more difficult: multiply counts[i][j] by 0.90/outDegree[i] if there is a link from i to j (take a random link with probability 0.9), and then add 0.10/n to each element (go to a random page with probability 0.1). Transition (Program 1.6.1) performs this calculation: it is a filter that reads a graph from standard input and prints the associated transition matrix to standard output. The transition matrix is significant because each row represents a discrete probability distribution—the elements fully specify the behavior of the random surfer’s next move, giving the probability of surfing to each page. Note in particular that the elements sum to 1 (the surfer always goes somewhere). The output of Transition defines another file format, one for matrices: the numbers of rows and columns followed by the values of the matrix elements, in row-major order. Now, we can write programs that read and process transition matrices. input graph 3 0 1 4 2 5 0 1 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 3 0 0 link counts 1 2 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 1 4 4 2 leap probabilities .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 + 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 outdegrees 1 5 1 1 2 link probabilities transition matrix 0 .90 0 0 0 .02 .92 .02 .02 0 0 .36 .36 .18 .02 .02 .38 .38 = .02 .02 .02 92 0 0 0 .90 0 .90 0 0 0 0 .92 .02 .02 .02 .45 0 .45 0 0 .47 .02 .47 .02 Transition matrix computation .02 .20 .02 .02 .02
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer Program 1.6.1 173 Computing the transition matrix public class Transition { public static void main(String[] args) { int n = StdIn.readInt(); int[][] counts = new int[n][n]; int[] outDegrees = new int[n]; while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) { // Accumulate link counts. int i = StdIn.readInt(); int j = StdIn.readInt(); outDegrees[i]++; counts[i][j]++; } n number of pages counts[i][j] count of links from page i to page j outDegrees[i] count of links from page i to anywhere p transition probability StdOut.println(n + " " + n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Print probability distribution for row i. for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // Print probability for row i and column j. double p = 0.9*counts[i][j]/outDegrees[i] + 0.1/n; StdOut.printf("%8.5f", p); } StdOut.println(); } } } This program is a filter that reads links from standard input and produces the corresponding transition matrix on standard output. First it processes the input to count the outlinks from each page. Then it applies the 90–10 rule to compute the transition matrix (see text). It assumes that there are no pages that have no outlinks in the input (see Exercise 1.6.3). % 5 0 1 1 2 3 4 more tinyG.txt 1 2 3 3 0 0 1 2 1 3 4 2 1 4 % java Transition < tinyG.txt 5 5 0.02000 0.92000 0.02000 0.02000 0.02000 0.02000 0.38000 0.38000 0.02000 0.02000 0.02000 0.92000 0.92000 0.02000 0.02000 0.02000 0.47000 0.02000 0.47000 0.02000 0.02000 0.20000 0.02000 0.02000 0.02000
Elements of Programming 174 Simulation Given the transition matrix, simulating the behavior of the random surfer involves surprisingly little code, as you can see in RandomSurfer (Program 1.6.2). This program reads a transition matrix from standard input and surfs according to the rules, starting at page 0 and taking the number of moves as a command-line argument. It counts the number of times that the surfer visits each page. Dividing that count by the number of moves yields an estimate of the probability that a random surfer winds up on the page. This probability is known as the page’s rank. In other words, RandomSurfer computes an estimate of all page ranks. One random move. The key to the computation is the random move, which is specified by the transition matrix. We maintain a variable page whose value is the current location of the surfer. Row page of the matrix gives, for each j, the probability that the surfer next goes to j. In other words, when the surfer is at page, our task is to generate a random integer between 0 and n-1 according to the distribution given by row page in the transition maj 0 1 2 3 4 trix. How can we accomplish this task? probabilities p[page][j] .47 .02 .47 .02 .02 We use a technique known as roulette.47 .49 .96 .98 1.0 cumulated sum values wheel selection. We use Math.random() generate .71, return 2 to generate a random number r between 0 and 1, but how does that help us get to a random page? One way to answer this question is to think of the probabilities 0.0 0.47 0.49 0.96 0.98 1.0 in row page as defining a set of n interGenerating a random integer from a discrete distribution vals in (0, 1), with each probability corresponding to an interval length. Then our random variable r falls into one of the intervals, with probability precisely specified by the interval length. This reasoning leads to the following code: double sum = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // Find interval containing r. sum += p[page][j]; if (r < sum) { page = j; break; } } The variable sum tracks the endpoints of the intervals defined in row page, and the for loop finds the interval containing the random value r. For example, suppose that the surfer is at page 4 in our example. The transition probabilities are 0.47, 0.02, 0.47, 0.02, and 0.02, and sum takes on the values 0.0, 0.47, 0.49, 0.96,
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer Program 1.6.2 175 Simulating a random surfer public class RandomSurfer { public static void main(String[] args) { // Simulate random surfer. int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int n = StdIn.readInt(); StdIn.readInt(); // Read transition matrix. double[][] p = new double[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) p[i][j] = StdIn.readDouble(); trials number of moves n number of pages page current page p[i][j] probability that the surfer moves from page i to page j freq[i] number of times the surfer hits page i int page = 0; int[] freq = new int[n]; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { // Make one random move to next page. double r = Math.random(); double sum = 0.0; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // Find interval containing r. sum += p[page][j]; if (r < sum) { page = j; break; } } freq[page]++; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // Print page ranks. StdOut.printf("%8.5f", (double) freq[i] / trials); StdOut.println(); } } This program uses a transition matrix to simulate the behavior of a random surfer. It takes the number of moves as a command-line argument, reads the transition matrix, performs the indicated number of moves as prescribed by the matrix, and prints the relative frequency of hitting each page. The key to the computation is the random move to the next page (see text). % java Transition < tinyG.txt | java RandomSurfer 100 0.24000 0.23000 0.16000 0.25000 0.12000 % java Transition < tinyG.txt | java RandomSurfer 1000000 0.27324 0.26568 0.14581 0.24737 0.06790
176 Elements of Programming 0.98, and 1.0. These values indicate that the probabilities define the five intervals (0, 0.47), (0.47, 0.49), (0.49, 0.96), (0.96, 0.98), and (0.98, 1), one for each page. Now, suppose that Math.random() returns the value 0.71 . We increment j from 0 to 1 to 2 and stop there, which indicates that 0.71 is in the interval (0.49, 0.96), so we send the surfer to page 2. Then, we perform the same computation start at page 2, and the random surfer is off and surfing. For large n, we can use binary search to substantially speed up this computation (see Exercise 4.2.38). Typically, we are interested in speeding up the search in this situation because we are likely to need a huge number of random moves, as you will see. Markov chains. The random process that describes the surfer’s behavior is known as a Markov chain, named after the Russian mathematician Andrey Markov, who developed the concept in the early 20th century. Markov chains are widely applicable and well studied, and they have many remarkable and useful properties. For example, you may have wondered why RandomSurfer starts the random surfer at page 0—you might have expected a random choice. A basic limit theorem for Markov chains says that the surfer could start anywhere, because the probability that a random surfer eventually winds up on any particular page is the same for all starting pages! No matter where the surfer starts, the process eventually stabilizes to a point where further surfing provides no further information. This phenomenon is known as mixing. Though this phenomenon is perhaps counterintuitive at first, it explains coherent behavior in a situation that might seem chaotic. In the present context, it captures the idea that the web looks pretty much the same to everyone after surfing for a sufficiently long time. However, not all Markov chains have this mixing property. For example, if we eliminate the random leap from our model, certain configurations of web pages can present problems for the surfer. Indeed, there exist on the web sets of pages known as spider traps, which are designed to attract incoming links but have no outgoing links. Without the random leap, the surfer could get stuck in a spider trap. The primary purpose of the 90–10 rule is to guarantee mixing and eliminate such anomalies. Page ranks. The RandomSurfer simulation is straightforward: it loops for the indicated number of moves, randomly surfing through the graph. Because of the mixing phenomenon, increasing the number of iterations gives increasingly accurate estimates of the probability that the surfer lands on each page (the page ranks). How do the results compare with your intuition when you first thought about the question? You might have guessed that page 4 was the lowest-ranked page, but did
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer 177 you think that pages 0 and 1 would rank higher than page 3? If we want to know which page is the highest rank, we need more precision and more accuracy. RandomSurfer needs 10n moves to get answers precise to n decimal places and many more moves for those answers to stabilize to an accurate value. For our example, it takes tens of thousands of iterations to get answers accurate to two decimal places and millions of iterations to get answers accurate to three places (see Exercise 1.6.5). The end result is that page 0 beats page 1 by 27.3% to 26.6%. That such a tiny difference would appear in such a small problem is quite surprising: if you guessed that page 0 is the most likely spot for the surfer to end up, you were lucky! Accurate page rank estimates for the web are valuable in practice for many reasons. First, using them to put in order the pages that match the search criteria for web searches proved to be vastly more in line with people’s expectations than previous methods. Next, this measure of confidence and reliability led to the investment of huge amounts of money in web advertising based on page ranks. Even in our tiny example, page ranks might be used 3 0 to convince advertisers to pay up to four times as much to place an ad on page 0 as on page 4. Computing page ranks is math1 ematically sound, an interesting computer science problem, and 2 4 big business, all rolled into one. 0 0.273 1 3 2 4 0.266 0.146 0.247 0.068 Visualizing the histogram. With StdDraw, it is also easy to create a visual representation that can give you a feeling for how the random surfer visit frequencies converge to the page ranks. If you enable double buffering; scale the x- and y-coordinates appropriately; add this code Page ranks with histogram StdDraw.clear(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) StdDraw.filledRectangle(i, freq[i]/2.0, 0.25, freq[i]/2.0); StdDraw.show(); StdDraw.pause(10); to the random move loop; and run RandomSurfer for a large number of trials, then you will see a drawing of the frequency histogram that eventually stabilizes to the page ranks. After you have used this tool once, you are likely to find yourself using it every time you want to study a new model (perhaps with some minor adjustments to handle larger models).
Elements of Programming 178 Studying other models. RandomSurfer and Transition are excellent examples of data-driven programs. You can easily define a graph by creating a file like tiny.txt that starts with an integer n and then specifies pairs of integers between 0 and n-1 that represent links connecting pages. You are encouraged to run it for various data models as suggested in the exercises, or to make up some graphs of your own to study. If you have ever wondered how web page ranking works, this calculation is your chance to develop better intuition about what causes one page to be ranked more highly than another. Which kind of page is likely to be rated highly? One that has many links to other pages, or one that has just a few links to other pages? The exercises in this section present many opportunities to study the behavior of the random surfer. Since RandomSurfer uses standard input, you can also write simple programs that generate large graphs, pipe their output through both Transition and RandomSurfer, and in this way study the random surfer on large graphs. Such flexibility is an important reason to use standard input and standard output. Directly simulating the behavior of a random surfer to understand the structure of the web is appealing, but it has limitations. Think about the following question: could you use it to compute page ranks for a web graph with millions (or billions!) of web pages and links? The quick answer to this question is no, because you cannot even afford to store the transition matrix for such a large number of pages. A matrix for millions of pages would have trillions of elements. Do you have that much space on your computer? Could you use RandomSurfer to find page ranks for a smaller graph with, say, thousands of pages? To answer this question, you might run multiple simulations, record the results for a large number of trials, and then interpret those experimental results. We do use this approach for many scientific problems (the gambler’s ruin problem is one example; Section 2.4 is devoted to another), but it can be very time-consuming, as a huge number of trials may be necessary to get the desired accuracy. Even for our tiny example, we saw that it takes millions of iterations to get the page ranks accurate to three or four decimal places. For larger graphs, the required number of iterations to obtain accurate estimates becomes truly huge.
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer 179 Mixing a Markov chain It is important to remember that the page ranks are a property of the transition matrix, not any particular approach for computing them. That is, RandomSurfer is just one way to compute page ranks. Fortunately, a simple computational model based on a well-studied area of mathematics provides a far more efficient approach than simulation to the problem of computing page ranks. That model makes use of the basic arithmetic operations on two-dimensional matrices that we considered in Section 1.4. Squaring a Markov chain. What is the probability that the random surfer will move from page i to page j in two moves? The first move goes to an intermediate page k, so we calculate the probability of moving from i to k and then from k to j for all possible k and add up the results. For our example, the probability of moving from 1 to 2 in two moves is the probability of moving from 1 to 0 to 2 (0.02 0.02), plus the probability of moving from 1 to 1 to 2 (0.02 0.38), plus the probability of moving from 1 to 2 to 2 (0.38 0.02), plus the probability of moving from 1 to 3 to 2 (0.38 0.02), plus the probability of moving from 1 to 4 to 2 (0.20 0.47), which adds up to a grand total of 0.1172. The same process works for each pair of pages. This calculation is 3 0 one that we have seen before, in the definition of matrix multiplication: the element in row i and 1 column j in the result is the dot product of row i probability of and column j in the original. In other words, the 2 4 surfing from i to 2 result of multiplying p[][] by itself is a matrix in one move where the element in row i and column j is the p .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 probability that the random surfer moves from .02 .02 .38 .38 .20 page i to page j in two moves. Studying the ele.02 .02 .02 .92 .02 ments of the two-move transition matrix for our probability of surfing from 1 to i .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 example is well worth your time and will help in one move you better understand the movement of the ran.47 .02 .47 .02 .02 dom surfer. For instance, the largest value in the p 2 square is the one in row 2 and column 0, reflect.05 .04 .36 .37 .19 probability of ing the fact that a surfer starting on page 2 has .45 .04 .12 .37 .02 surfing from 1 to 2 only one link out, to page 3, where there is also in two moves .86 .04 .04 .05 .02 only one link out, to page 0. Therefore, by far the (dot product) .05 .85 .04 .05 .02 most likely outcome for a surfer starting on page .05 .44 .04 .45 .02 2 is to end up in page 0 after two moves. All of the other two-move routes involve more choices and Squaring a Markov chain are less probable. It is important to note that this
Elements of Programming 180 is an exact computation (up to the limitations of Java’s floating-point precision); in contrast, RandomSurfer produces an estimate and needs more iterations to get a more accurate estimate. The power method. We might then calculate the probabilities for three moves by multiplying by p[][] again, and for four moves by multiplying by p[][] yet again, and so forth. However, matrix–matrix multiplication is expensive, and we are actually interested in a vector–matrix multiplication. For our example, we start with the vector [1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] which specifies that the random surfer starts on page 0. Multiplying this vector by the transition matrix gives the vector [.02 .92 .02 .02 .02 ] which is the probabilities that the surfer winds up on each of the pages after one step. Now, multiplying this vector by the transition matrix gives the vector [.05 .04 .36 .37 .19 ] which contains the probabilities that the surfer winds up on each of the pages after two steps. For example, the probability of moving from 0 to 2 in two moves is the probability of moving from 0 to 0 to 2 (0.02 0.02), plus the probability of moving from 0 to 1 to 2 (0.92 0.38), plus the probability of moving from 0 to 2 to 2 (0.02 0.02), plus the probability of moving from 0 to 3 to 2 (0.02 0.02), plus the probability of moving from 0 to 4 to 2 (0.02 0.47), which adds up to a grand total of 0.36. From these initial calculations, the pattern is clear: the vector giving the probabilities that the random surfer is at each page after t steps is precisely the product of the corresponding vector for t 1 steps and the transition matrix. By the basic limit theorem for Markov chains, this process converges to the same vector no matter where we start; in other words, after a sufficient number of moves, the probability that the surfer ends up on any given page is independent of the starting point. Markov (Program 1.6.3) is an implementation that you can use to check convergence for our example. For instance, it gets the same results (the page ranks accurate to two decimal places) as RandomSurfer, but with just 20 matrix–vector multiplications instead of the tens of thousands of iterations needed by RandomSurfer. Another 20 multiplications gives the results accurate to three decimal places, as compared with millions of iterations for RandomSurfer, and just a few more give the results to full precision (see Exercise 1.6.6).
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer ranks[] first move 181 newRanks[] p[][] .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .38 .38 .20 [ 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 ] * .02 .02 .02 .92 .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .47 .02 .47 .02 .02 .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .38 .38 .20 [ .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 ] * probabilities of surfing from 0 to i in one move probabilities of surfing from i to 2 in one move second move probabilities of surfing from 0 to i in one move = [ .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 ] .02 .02 .02 .92 .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .47 .02 .47 .02 .02 probability of surfing from 0 to 2 in two moves (dot product) = [ .05 .04 .36 .37 .19 ] probabilities of surfing from 0 to i in two moves third move probabilities of surfing from 0 to i in two moves .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .38 .38 .20 [ .05 .04 .36 .37 .19 ] * .02 .02 .02 .92 .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .47 .02 .47 .02 .02 20th move probabilities of surfing from 0 to i in 19 moves = [ .44 .06 .12 .36 .03 ] probabilities of surfing from 0 to i in three moves . . . .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .02 .38 .38 .20 [ .27 .26 .15 .25 .07 ] * .02 .02 .02 .92 .02 .92 .02 .02 .02 .02 .47 .02 .47 .02 .02 = [ .27 .26 .15 .25 .07 ] probabilities of surfing from 0 to i in 20 moves (steady state) The power method for computing page ranks (limit values of transition probabilities)
Elements of Programming 182 Program 1.6.3 Mixing a Markov chain public class Markov { // Compute page ranks after trials moves. public static void main(String[] args) { int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int n = StdIn.readInt(); StdIn.readInt(); // Read transition matrix. double[][] p = new double[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) p[i][j] = StdIn.readDouble(); trials number of moves n number of pages p[][] transition matrix ranks[] newRanks[] page ranks new page ranks // Use the power method to compute page ranks. double[] ranks = new double[n]; ranks[0] = 1.0; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { // Compute effect of next move on page ranks. double[] newRanks = new double[n]; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) { // New rank of page j is dot product // of old ranks and column j of p[][]. for (int k = 0; k < n; k++) newRanks[j] += ranks[k]*p[k][j]; } for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) ranks[j] = newRanks[j]; // Update ranks[]. } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) // Print page ranks. StdOut.printf("%8.5f", ranks[i]); StdOut.println(); } } This program reads a transition matrix from standard input and computes the probabilities that a random surfer lands on each page (page ranks) after the number of steps specified as command-line argument. % java Transition < tinyG.txt | java Markov 20 0.27245 0.26515 0.14669 0.24764 0.06806 % java Transition < tinyG.txt | java Markov 40 0.27303 0.26573 0.14618 0.24723 0.06783
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer 183 25 34 0 7 10 19 29 41 2 40 33 15 49 8 44 45 28 1 14 48 22 39 18 21 6 42 13 23 47 31 11 32 12 30 26 27 5 37 9 16 43 4 24 38 3 17 35 36 46 20 6 22 Page ranks with histogram for a larger example 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 0.00226 0.01681 0.00909 0.00279 0.00572 0.01586 0.06644 0.02092 0.01718 0.03978 0.00200 0.02770 0.00638 0.04452 0.01793 0.02582 0.02309 0.00508 0.02308 0.02562 0.00352 0.03357 0.06288 0.04268 0.01072 0.00473 0.00559 0.00774 0.03738 0.00251 0.03705 0.02340 0.01772 0.01349 0.02363 0.01934 0.00330 0.03144 0.01162 0.02343 0.01677 0.02108 0.02120 0.01627 0.02270 0.00578 0.02343 0.02368 0.01948 0.01579
184 Elements of Programming Markov chains are well studied, but their impact on the web was not truly felt until 1998, when two graduate students—Sergey Brin and Lawrence Page—had the audacity to build a Markov chain and compute the probabilities that a random surfer hits each page for the whole web. Their work revolutionized web search and is the basis for the page ranking method used by Google, the highly successful web search company that they founded. Specifically, their idea was to present to the user a list of web pages related to their search query in decreasing order of page rank. Page ranks (and related techniques) now predominate because they provide users with more relevant web pages for typical searches than earlier techniques (such as ordering pages by the number of incoming links). Computing page ranks is an enormously time-consuming task, due to the huge number of pages on the web, but the result has turned out to be enormously profitable and well worth the expense. Lessons Developing a full understanding of the random surfer model is beyond the scope of this book. Instead, our purpose is to show you an application that involves writing a bit more code than the short programs that we have been using to teach specific concepts. Which specific lessons can we learn from this case study? We already have a full computational model. Primitive types of data and strings, conditionals and loops, arrays, and standard input/output/drawing/audio enable you to address interesting problems of all sorts. Indeed, it is a basic precept of theoretical computer science that this model suffices to specify any computation that can be performed on any reasonable computing device. In the next two chapters, we discuss two critical ways in which the model has been extended to drastically reduce the amount of time and effort required to develop large and complex programs. Data-driven code is prevalent. The concept of using the standard input and output streams and saving data in files is a powerful one. We write filters to convert from one kind of input to another, generators that can produce huge input files for study, and programs that can handle a wide variety of models. We can save data for archiving or later use. We can also process data derived from some other source and then save it in a file, whether it is from a scientific instrument or a distant website. The concept of data-driven code is an easy and flexible way to support this suite of activities.
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer Accuracy can be elusive. It is a mistake to assume that a program produces accurate answers simply because it can print numbers to many decimal places of precision. Often, the most difficult challenge that we face is ensuring that we have accurate answers. Uniform random numbers are only a start. When we speak informally about random behavior, we often are thinking of something more complicated than the “every value equally likely” model that Math.random() gives us. Many of the problems that we consider involve working with random numbers from other distributions, such as RandomSurfer. Efficiency matters. It is also a mistake to assume that your computer is so fast that it can do any computation. Some problems require much more computational effort than others. For example, the method used in Markov is far more efficient than directly simulating the behavior of a random surfer, but it is still too slow to compute page ranks for the huge web graphs that arise in practice. Chapter 4 is devoted to a thorough discussion of evaluating the performance of the programs that you write. We defer detailed consideration of such issues until then, but remember that you always need to have some general idea of the performance requirements of your programs. Perhaps the most important lesson to learn from writing programs for complicated problems like the example in this section is that debugging is difficult. The polished programs in the book mask that lesson, but you can rest assured that each one is the product of a long bout of testing, fixing bugs, and running the programs on numerous inputs. Generally we avoid describing bugs and the process of fixing them in the text because that makes for a boring account and overly focuses attention on bad code, but you can find some examples and descriptions in the exercises and on the booksite. 185
Elements of Programming 186 Exercises 1.6.1 Modify to take the leap probability as a command-line argument and use your modified version to examine the effect on page ranks of switching to an 80–20 rule or a 95–5 rule. Transition 1.6.2 Modify Transition to ignore the effect of multiple links. That is, if there are multiple links from one page to another, count them as one link. Create a small example that shows how this modification can change the order of page ranks. 1.6.3 Modify Transition to handle pages with no outgoing links, by filling rows corresponding to such pages with the value 1/n, where n is the number of columns. 1.6.4 The code fragment in RandomSurfer that generates the random move fails if the probabilities in the row p[page] do not add up to 1. Explain what happens in that case, and suggest a way to fix the problem. 1.6.5 Determine, to within a factor of 10, the number of iterations required by RandomSurfer to compute page ranks accurate to 4 decimal places and to 5 decimal places for tiny.txt. 1.6.6 Determine the number of iterations required by Markov to compute page ranks accurate to 3 decimal places, to 4 decimal places, and to ten 10 places for tiny.txt. 1.6.7 Download the file from the booksite (which reflects the 50page example depicted in this section) and add to it links from page 23 to every other page. Observe the effect on the page ranks, and discuss the result. medium.txt 1.6.8 Add to medium.txt (see the previous exercise) links to page 23 from every other page, observe the effect on the page ranks, and discuss the result. 1.6.9 Suppose that your page is page 23 in medium.txt. Is there a link that you could add from your page to some other page that would raise the rank of your page? 1.6.10 Suppose that your page is page 23 in medium.txt. Is there a link that you could add from your page to some other page that would lower the rank of that page?
1.6 Case Study: Random Web Surfer 1.6.11 Use Transition and RandomSurfer to determine the page ranks for the eight-page graph shown below. 1.6.12 Use Transition page graph shown below. 3 0 5 1 4 7 2 Eight-page example 6 and Markov to determine the page ranks for the eight- 187
Elements of Programming 188 Creative Exercises 1.6.13 Matrix squaring. Write a program like Markov that computes page ranks by repeatedly squaring the matrix, thus computing the sequence p, p 2, p 4, p 8, p 16, and so forth. Verify that all of the rows in the matrix converge to the same values. 1.6.14 Random web. Write a generator for Transition that takes as commandline arguments a page count n and a link count m and prints to standard output n followed by m random pairs of integers from 0 to n-1. (See Section 4.5 for a discussion of more realistic web models.) 1.6.15 Hubs and authorities. Add to your generator from the previous exercise a fixed number of hubs, which have links pointing to them from 10% of the pages, chosen at random, and authorities, which have links pointing from them to 10% of the pages. Compute page ranks. Which rank higher, hubs or authorities? 1.6.16 Page ranks. Design a graph in which the highest-ranking page has fewer links pointing to it than some other page. 1.6.17 Hitting time. The hitting time for a page is the expected number of moves between times the random surfer visits the page. Run experiments to estimate the hitting times for tiny.txt, compare hitting times with page ranks, formulate a hypothesis about the relationship, and test your hypothesis on medium.txt. 1.6.18 Cover time. Write a program that estimates the time required for the random surfer to visit every page at least once, starting from a random page. 1.6.19 Graphical simulation. Create a graphical simulation where the size of the dot representing each page is proportional to its page rank. To make your program data driven, design a file format that includes coordinates specifying where each page should be drawn. Test your program on medium.txt.
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Chapter Two
Functions and Modules 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Defining Functions . . . . . . . . . . .192 Libraries and Clients . . . . . . . . . .226 Recursion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 Case Study: Percolation . . . . . . . . 300 T his chapter centers on a construct that has as profound an impact on control flow as do conditionals and loops: the function, which allows us to transfer control back and forth between different pieces of code. Functions (which are known as static methods in Java) are important because they allow us to clearly separate tasks within a program and because they provide a general mechanism that enables us to reuse code. We group functions together in modules, which we can compile independently. We use modules to break a computational task into subtasks of a reasonable size. You will learn in this chapter how to build modules of your own and how to use them, in a style of programming known as modular programming. Some modules are developed with the primary intent of providing code that can be reused later by many other programs. We refer to such modules as libraries. In particular, we consider in this chapter libraries for generating random numbers, analyzing data, and providing input/output for arrays. Libraries vastly extend the set of operations that we use in our programs. We pay special attention to functions that transfer control to themselves—a process known as recursion. At first, recursion may seem counterintuitive, but it allows us to develop simple programs that can address complex tasks that would otherwise be much more difficult to carry out. Whenever you can clearly separate tasks within programs, you should do so. We repeat this mantra throughout this chapter, and end the chapter with a case study showing how a complex programming task can be handled by breaking it into smaller subtasks, then independently developing modules that interact with one another to address the subtasks. 191
Functions and Modules 2.1 Defining Functions The Java construct for implementing a function is known as the static method. The modifier static distinguishes this kind of method from the kind discussed in Chapter 3—we will apply it consistently for now and discuss the difference then. You have actually been using static methods since the beginning of this book, 2.1.1 Harmonic numbers (revisited). . . 194 from mathematical functions such as 2.1.2 Gaussian functions . . . . . . . . . 203 Math.abs() and Math.sqrt() to all of 2.1.3 Coupon collector (revisited) . . . . 206 the methods in StdIn, StdOut, StdDraw, 2.1.4 Play that tune (revisited). . . . . . 213 and StdAudio. Indeed, every Java proPrograms in this section gram that you have written has a static method named main(). In this section, you will learn how to define your own static methods. In mathematics, a function maps an input value of one type (the domain) to an output value of another type (the range). For example, the function f (x) = x 2 maps 2 to 4, 3 to 9, 4 to 16, and so forth. At first, we work with static methods that implement mathematical functions, because they are so familiar. Many standard mathematical functions are implemented in Java’s Math library, but scientists and engineers work with a broad variety of mathematical functions, which cannot all be included in the library. At the beginning of this section, you will learn how to implement such functions on your own. Later, you will learn that we can do more with static methods than implement mathematical functions: static methods can have strings and other types as their range or domain, and they can produce side effects such as printing output. We also consider in this section how to use static methods to organize programs and thus to simplify complicated programming tasks. Static methods support a key concept that will pervade your approach to programming from this point forward: whenever you can clearly separate tasks within programs, you should do so. We will be overemphasizing this point throughout this section and reinforcing it throughout this book. When you write an essay, you break it up into paragraphs; when you write a program, you will break it up into methods. Separating a larger task into smaller ones is much more important in programming than in writing, because it greatly facilitates debugging, maintenance, and reuse, which are all critical in developing good software.
2.1 Defining Functions 193 Static methods As you know from using Java’s Math library, the use of static methods is easy to understand. For example, when you write Math.abs(a-b) in a program, the effect is as if you were to replace that code with the return value that is produced by Java’s Math.abs() method when passed the expression a-b as an argument. This usage is so intuitive that we have hardly needed to comment on it. If you think about what the system has to do to create this effect, you will see that it involves changing a program’s control flow. The implications of being able to change the control flow in this way are as profound as doing so for conditionals and loops. You can define static methods other than main() in a .java file by specifying a method signature, followed by a sequence of statements that constitute the method. We will consider the details shortly, but we begin with a simple example— Harmonic (Program 2.1.1)—that illustrates how methods affect control flow. It features a static method named harmonic() that takes an integer argument n and returns the nth harmonic number (see Program 1.3.5). Program 2.1.1 is superior to our original implementation for computing harmonic numbers (Program 1.3.5) because it clearly separates the two primary tasks performed by the program: calculating harmonic numbers and interacting with the user. (For purposes of illustration, Program 2.1.1 takes several command-line arguments instead of just one.) Whenever you can clearly separate tasks within programs, you public class Harmonic { should do so. Control flow. While appeals to our familiarity with mathematical functions, we will examine it in detail so that you can think carefully about what a static method is and how it operates. Harmonic comprises two static methods: harmonic() and main(). Even though harmonic() appears first in the code, the first statement that Java executes is, as usual, the first statement in main(). The next few statements operate as usual, except that the code harmonic(arg), which is known as a call on the static method harmonic(), causes a transfer of control to the first line of code in harmonic(), each time that it is encountered. Moreover, Java public static double harmonic(int n) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1.0/i; return sum; } Harmonic public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { int arg = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); double value = harmonic(arg); StdOut.println(value); } } } Flow of control for a call on a static method
Functions and Modules 194 Program 2.1.1 Harmonic numbers (revisited) public class Harmonic { public static double harmonic(int n) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1.0/i; return sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { int arg = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); double value = harmonic(arg); StdOut.println(value); } } sum cumulated sum arg value argument return value } This program defines two static methods, one named harmonic() that has integer argument n and computes the nth harmonic numbers (see Program 1.3.5) and one named main(), which tests harmonic() with integer arguments specified on the command line. % java Harmonic 1 2 4 1.0 1.5 2.083333333333333 % java Harmonic 10 100 1000 10000 2.9289682539682538 5.187377517639621 7.485470860550343 9.787606036044348 initializes the parameter variable n in harmonic() to the value of arg in main() at the time of the call. Then, Java executes the statements in harmonic() as usual, until it reaches a return statement, which transfers control back to the statement in main() containing the call on harmonic(). Moreover, the method call harmonic(arg) produces a value—the value specified by the return statement, which is the value of the variable sum in harmonic() at the time that the return
2.1 Defining Functions 195 statement is executed. Java then assigns this return value to the variable value. The end result exactly matches our intuition: The first value assigned to value and printed is 1.0—the value computed by code in harmonic() when the parameter variable n is initialized to 1. The next value assigned to value and printed is 1.5— the value computed by harmonic() when n is initialized to 2. The same process is repeated for each command-line argument, transferring control back and forth between harmonic() and main(). Function-call trace. One simple approach to following the control flow through function calls is to imagine that each function prints its name and argument value(s) when it is called and its return value just before returning, with indentation added on calls and subtracted on returns. The result enhances the process of tracing a program by printing the values of its variables, which we have been using since Section 1.2. The added indentation exposes the flow of the control, and helps us check that each function has the effect that we expect. Generally, adding calls on StdOut.println() to trace any program’s control flow in this way is a fine way to begin to understand what it is doing. If the return values match our expectations, we need not trace the function code in detail, saving us a substantial amount of work. For the rest of this chapter, your programming will center on creating and using static methods, so it is worthwhile to consider in more detail their basic properties. Following that, we will study several examples of function implementations and applications. i = 0 arg = 1 harmonic(1) sum = 0.0 sum = 1.0 return 1.0 value = 1.0 i = 1 arg = 2 harmonic(2) sum = 0.0 sum = 1.0 sum = 1.5 return 1.5 value = 1.5 i = 2 arg = 4 harmonic(4) sum = 0.0 sum = 1.0 sum = 1.5 sum = 1.8333333333333333 sum = 2.083333333333333 return 2.083333333333333 value = 2.083333333333333 Function-call trace for java Harmonic 1 2 4 Terminology. It is useful to draw a distinction between abstract concepts and Java mechanisms to implement them (the Java if statement implements the conditional, the while statement implements the loop, and so forth). Several concepts are rolled up in the idea of a mathematical function, and there are Java constructs corresponding to each, as summarized in the table at the top of the next page. While these formalisms have served mathematicians well for centuries (and have served programmers well for decades), we will refrain from considering in detail all of the implications of this correspondence and focus on those that will help you learn to program.
Functions and Modules 196 concept Java construct description function static method mapping input value argument input to function output value return value output from function formula method body function definition independent variable parameter variable symbolic placeholder for input value When we use a symbolic name in a formula that defines a mathematical function (such as f (x) = 1 + x + x2), the symbol x is a placeholder for some input value that will be substituted into the formula to determine the output value. In Java, we use a parameter variable as a symbolic placeholder and we refer to a particular input value where the function is to be evaluated as an argument. Static method definition. The first line of a static method definition, known as the signature, gives a name to the method and to each parameter variable. It also specifies the type of each parameter variable and the return type of the method. The signature consists of the keyword public; the keyword static; the return type; the method name; and a sequence of zero or more parameter variable types and names, separated by commas and enclosed in parentheses. We will discuss the meaning of the public keyword in the next section and the meaning of the static keyword in Chapter 3. (Technically, the signature in Java includes only the method name and parameter types, but we leave that distinction for experts.) Following the signature is the body of the method, argument parameter method return enclosed in curly braces. The body signature type name type variable consists of the kinds of statements we discussed in Chapter 1. It also public static double harmonic ( int n ) can contain a return statement, { which transfers control back to double sum = 0.0; local the point where the static method variable for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) was called and returns the result of method sum += 1.0/i; body return sum; the computation or return value. } The body may declare local varireturn statement ables, which are variables that are Anatomy of a static method available only inside the method in which they are declared.
2.1 Defining Functions Function calls. As you have already seen, a 197 for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) static method call in Java is nothing more { than the method name followed by its arguarg = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); ments, separated by commas and enclosed double value = harmonic( arg ); in parentheses, in precisely the same form as StdOut.prinln(value); is customary for mathematical functions. As argument function call } noted in Section 1.2, a method call is an expression, so you can use it to build up more Anatomy of a function call complicated expressions. Similarly, an argument is an expression—Java evaluates the expression and passes the resulting value to the method. So, you can write code like Math.exp(-x*x/2) / Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI) and Java knows what you mean. Multiple arguments. Like a mathematical function, a Java static method can take on more than one argument, and therefore can have more than one parameter variable. For example, the following static method computes the length of the hypotenuse of a right triangle with sides of length a and b: public static double hypotenuse(double a, double b) { return Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b); } Although the parameter variables are of the same type in this case, in general they can be of different types. The type and the name of each parameter variable are declared in the function signature, with the declarations for each variable separated by commas. Multiple methods. You can define as many static methods as you want in a .java file. Each method has a body that consists of a sequence of statements enclosed in curly braces. These methods are independent and can appear in any order in the file. A static method can call any other static method in the same file or any static method in a Java library such as Math, as illustrated with this pair of methods: public static double square(double a) { return a*a; } public static double hypotenuse(double a, double b) { return Math.sqrt(square(a) + square(b)); } Also, as we see in the next section, a static method can call static methods in other files (provided they are accessible to Java). In Section 2.3, we consider the ramifications of the idea that a static method can even call itself. .java
Functions and Modules 198 Overloading. Static methods with different signatures are different static methods. For example, we often want to define the same operation for values of different numeric types, as in the following static methods for computing absolute values: public static int abs(int x) { if (x < 0) return -x; else return x; } public static double abs(double x) { if (x < 0.0) return -x; else return x; } These are two different methods, but are sufficiently similar so as to justify using the same name (abs). Using the same name for two static methods whose signatures differ is known as overloading, and is a common practice in Java programming. For example, the Java Math library uses this approach to provide implementations of Math.abs(), Math.min(), and Math.max() for all primitive numeric types. Another common use of overloading is to define two different versions of a method: one that takes an argument and another that uses a default value for that argument. Multiple return statements. You can put return statements in a method wherever you need them: control goes back to the calling program as soon as the first statement is reached. This primality-testing function is an example of a function that is natural to define using multiple return statements: return public static boolean isPrime(int n) { if (n < 2) return false; for (int i = 2; i <= n/i; i++) if (n % i == 0) return false; return true; } Even though there may be multiple return statements, any static method returns a single value each time it is invoked: the value following the first return statement encountered. Some programmers insist on having only one return per method, but we are not so strict in this book.
2.1 Defining Functions absolute value of an int value public static int abs(int x) { if (x < 0) return -x; else return x; } absolute value of a double value public static double abs(double x) { if (x < 0.0) return -x; else return x; } public static boolean isPrime(int n) { if (n < 2) return false; for (int i = 2; i <= n/i; i++) if (n % i == 0) return false; return true; } primality test public static double hypotenuse(double a, double b) { return Math.sqrt(a*a + b*b); } hypotenuse of a right triangle harmonic number public static double harmonic(int n) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1.0 / i; return sum; } uniform random integer in [0, n ) public static int uniform(int n) { return (int) (Math.random() * n); draw a triangle 199 } public static void drawTriangle(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2 ) { StdDraw.line(x0, y0, x1, y1); StdDraw.line(x1, y1, x2, y2); StdDraw.line(x2, y2, x0, y0); } Typical code for implementing functions (static methods)
Functions and Modules 200 Single return value. A Java method provides only one return value to the caller, of the type declared in the method signature. This policy is not as restrictive as it might seem because Java data types can contain more information than the value of a single primitive type. For example, you will see later in this section that you can use arrays as return values. Scope. The scope of a variable is the part of the program that can refer to that variable by name. The general rule in Java is that the scope of the variables declared in a block of statements is limited to the statements in that block. In particular, the scope of a variable declared in a static method is limited to that method’s body. Therefore, you cannot refer to a variable in one static method that is declared in another. If the method includes smaller blocks—for example, the body of an if or a for statement—the scope of any variables declared in one of those blocks is limited to just the statements within that block. Indeed, it is common practice to use the same variable names in independent blocks of code. When we do so, we are declaring different independent variables. For example, we have been following this practice when we use an index i in two different for loops in the same program. A guiding principle when designing software is that each variable should be declared so that its scope is as small as possible. One of the important reasons that we use static methods is that they ease debugging by limiting variable scope. scope of n and sum public class Harmonic { public static double harmonic(int n) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) sum += 1.0/i; return sum; } this code cannot refer to args[], arg, or value scope of i two different variables named i public static void main(String[] args) { for (int i = 0; i < args.legnth; i++) { int arg = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); double value = harmonic(arg); StdOut.println(value); } } scope of arg } Scope of local and parameter variables scope of i and args this code cannot refer to n or sum
2.1 Defining Functions Side effects. In mathematics, a function maps one or more input values to some output value. In computer programming, many functions fit that same model: they accept one or more arguments, and their only purpose is to return a value. A pure function is a function that, given the same arguments, always returns the same value, without producing any observable side effects, such as consuming input, producing output, or otherwise changing the state of the system. The functions harmonic(), abs(), isPrime(), and hypotenuse() are examples of pure functions. However, in computer programming it is also useful to define functions that do produce side effects. In fact, we often define functions whose only purpose is to produce side effects. In Java, a static method may use the keyword void as its return type, to indicate that it has no return value. An explicit return is not necessary in a void static method: control returns to the caller after Java executes the method’s last statement. For example, the static method StdOut.println() has the side effect of printing the given argument to standard output (and has no return value). Similarly, the following static method has the side effect of drawing a triangle to standard drawing (and has no specified return value): public static void drawTriangle(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2) { StdDraw.line(x0, y0, x1, y1); StdDraw.line(x1, y1, x2, y2); StdDraw.line(x2, y2, x0, y0); } It is generally poor style to write a static method that both produces side effects and returns a value. One notable exception arises in functions that read input. For ex-ample, StdIn.readInt() both returns a value (an integer) and produces a side effect (consuming one integer from standard input). In this book, we use void static methods for two primary purposes: • For I/O, using StdIn, StdOut, StdDraw, and StdAudio • To manipulate the contents of arrays You have been using void static methods for output since main() in HelloWorld, and we will discuss their use with arrays later in this section. It is possible in Java to write methods that have other side effects, but we will avoid doing so until Chapter 3, where we do so in a specific manner supported by Java. 201
202 Functions and Modules Implementing mathematical functions Why not just use the methods that are defined within Java, such as Math.sqrt()? The answer to this question is that we do use such implementations when they are present. Unfortunately, there are an unlimited number of mathematical functions that we may wish to use and only a small set of functions in the library. When you encounter a mathematical function that is not in the library, you need to implement a corresponding static method. As an example, we consider the kind of code required for a familiar and important application that is of interest to many high school and college students in the United States. In a recent year, more than 1 million students took a standard college entrance examination. Scores range from 400 (lowest) to 1600 (highest) on the multiple-choice parts of the test. These scores play a role in making important decisions: for example, student athletes are required to have a score of at least 820, and the minimum eligibility requirement for certain academic scholarships is 1500. What percentage of test takers are ineligible for athletics? What percentage are eligible for the scholarships? Two functions from statistics enable us to compute probability density function accurate answers to these questions. The Gaussian (nor1 mal) probability density function is characterized by the familiar bell-shaped curve and defined by the formula (x) ex 2 2 2 . The Gaussian cumulative distribution function F(z) is defined to be the area under the curve de(x) fined by f(x) above the x-axis and to the left of the vertical area is (z0) line x = z. These functions play an important role in science, engineering, and finance because they arise as accurate x 0 z0 models throughout the natural world and because they are essential in understanding experimental error. cumulative distribution function In particular, these functions are known to accurately 1 describe the distribution of test scores in our example, as a function of the mean (average value of the scores) and the standard deviation (square root of the average of the sum of the squares of the differences between each score and the mean), which are published each year. Given the mean (z0) and the standard deviation of the test scores, the percentage of students with scores less than a given value z is closely z 0 approximated by the function ((z )/). Static methz0 ods to calculate and are not available in Java’s Math Gaussian probability functions library, so we need to develop our own implementations.
2.1 Defining Functions Program 2.1.2 203 Gaussian functions public class Gaussian { // Implement Gaussian (normal) distribution functions. public static double pdf(double x) { return Math.exp(-x*x/2) / Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI); } public static double cdf(double z) { if (z < -8.0) return 0.0; if (z > 8.0) return 1.0; double sum = 0.0; double term = z; for (int i = 3; sum != sum + term; i += 2) { sum = sum + term; term = term * z * z / i; } return 0.5 + pdf(z) * sum; } sum term cumulated sum current term public static void main(String[] args) { double z = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); double mu = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); double sigma = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); StdOut.printf("%.3f\n", cdf((z - mu) / sigma)); } } This code implements the Gaussian probability density function (pdf) and Gaussian cumulative distribution function (cdf), which are not implemented in Java’s Math library. The pdf() implementation follows directly from its definition, and the cdf() implementation uses a Taylor series and also calls pdf() (see accompanying text and Exercise 1.3.38). % java Gaussian 820 1019 209 0.171 % java Gaussian 1500 1019 209 0.989 % java Gaussian 1500 1025 231 0.980
204 Functions and Modules Closed form. In the simplest situation, we have a closed-form mathematical formula defining our function in terms of functions that are implemented in the library. This situation is the case for —the Java Math library includes methods to compute the exponential and the square root functions (and a constant value for ), so a static method pdf() corresponding to the mathematical definition is easy to implement (see Program 2.1.2). No closed form. Otherwise, we may need a more complicated algorithm to compute function values. This situation is the case for —no closed-form expression exists for this function. Such algorithms sometimes follow immediately from Taylor series approximations, but developing reliably accurate implementations of mathematical functions is an art that needs to be addressed carefully, taking advantage of the knowledge built up in mathematics over the past several centuries. Many different approaches have been studied for evaluating . For example, a Taylor series approximation to the ratio of and turns out to be an effective basis for evaluating the function: F(z) 12 f(z) ( z z 3 3 z 5 (35) z 7 (357) . . . ) This formula readily translates to the Java code for the static method cdf() in Program 2.1.2. For small (respectively large) z, the value is extremely close to 0 (respectively 1), so the code directly returns 0 (respectively 1); otherwise, it uses the Taylor series to add terms until the sum converges. Running Gaussian with the appropriate arguments on the command line tells us that about 17% of the test takers were ineligible for athletics and that only about 1% qualified for the scholarship. In a year when the mean was 1025 and the standard deviation 231, about 2% qualified for the scholarship. Computing with mathematical functions of all kinds has always played a central role in science and engineering. In a great many applications, the functions that you need are expressed in terms of the functions in Java’s Math library, as we have just seen with pdf(), or in terms of Taylor series approximations that are easy to compute, as we have just seen with cdf(). Indeed, support for such computations has played a central role throughout the evolution of computing systems and programming languages. You will find many examples on the booksite and throughout this book.
2.1 Defining Functions Using static methods to organize code Beyond evaluating mathematical functions, the process of calculating an output value on the basis of an input value is important as a general technique for organizing control flow in any computation. Doing so is a simple example of an extremely important principle that is a prime guiding force for any good programmer: whenever you can clearly separate tasks within programs, you should do so. Functions are natural and universal for expressing computational tasks. Indeed, the “bird’s-eye view” of a Java program that we began with in Section 1.1 was equivalent to a function: we began by thinking of a Java program as a function that transforms command-line arguments into an output string. This view expresses itself at many different levels of computation. In particular, it is generally the case that a long program is more naturally expressed in terms of functions instead of as a sequence of Java assignment, conditional, and loop statements. With the ability to define functions, we can better organize our programs by defining functions within them when appropriate. For example, Coupon (Program 2.1.3) is a version of CouponCollector (Program 1.4.2) that better separates the individual components of the computation. If you study Program 1.4.2, you will identify three separate tasks: • Given n, compute a random coupon value. • Given n, do the coupon collection experiment. • Get n from the command line, and then compute and print the result. Coupon rearranges the code in CouponCollector to reflect the reality that these three functions underlie the computation. With this organization, we could change getCoupon() (for example, we might want to draw the random numbers from a different distribution) or main() (for example, we might want to take multiple inputs or run multiple experiments) without worrying about the effect of any changes in collectCoupons(). Using static methods isolates the implementation of each component of the collection experiment from others, or encapsulates them. Typically, programs have many independent components, which magnifies the benefits of separating them into different static methods. We will discuss these benefits in further detail after we have seen several other examples, but you certainly can appreciate that it is better to express a computation in a program by breaking it up into functions, just as it is better to express an idea in an essay by breaking it up into paragraphs. Whenever you can clearly separate tasks within programs, you should do so. 205
Functions and Modules 206 Program 2.1.3 Coupon collector (revisited) public class Coupon { public static int getCoupon(int n) { // Return a random integer between 0 and n-1. return (int) (Math.random() * n); } public static int collectCoupons(int n) { // Collect coupons until getting one of each value // and return the number of coupons collected. boolean[] isCollected = new boolean[n]; int count = 0, distinct = 0; while (distinct < n) { n # coupon values (0 to n-1) int r = getCoupon(n); isCollected[i] has coupon i been collected? count++; count # coupons collected if (!isCollected[r]) distinct # distinct coupons collected distinct++; r random coupon isCollected[r] = true; } return count; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Collect n different coupons. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int count = collectCoupons(n); StdOut.println(count); } } This version of Program 1.4.2 illustrates the style of encapsulating computations in static methods. This code has the same effect as CouponCollector, but better separates the code into its three constituent pieces: generating a random integer between 0 and n-1, running a coupon collection experiment, and managing the I/O. % java Coupon 1000 6522 % java Coupon 10000 105798 % java Coupon 1000 6481 % java Coupon 1000000 12783771
2.1 Defining Functions Passing arguments and returning values Next, we examine the specifics of Java’s mechanisms for passing arguments to and returning values from functions. These mechanisms are conceptually very simple, but it is worthwhile to take the time to understand them fully, as the effects are actually profound. Understanding argument-passing and return-value mechanisms is key to learning any new programming language. Pass by value. You can use parameter variables anywhere in the code in the body of the function in the same way you use local variables. The only difference between a parameter variable and a local variable is that Java evaluates the argument provided by the calling code and initializes the parameter variable with the resulting value. This approach is known as pass by value. The method works with the value of its arguments, not the arguments themselves. One consequence of this approach is that changing the value of a parameter variable within a static method has no effect on the calling code. (For clarity, we do not change parameter variables in the code in this book.) An alternative approach known as pass by reference, where the method works directly with the calling code’s arguments, is favored in some programming environments. A static method can take an array as an argument or return an array to the caller. This capability is a special case of Java’s object orientation, which is the subject of Chapter 3. We consider it in the present context because the basic mechanisms are easy to understand and to use, leading us to compact solutions to a number of problems that naturally arise when we use arrays to help us process large amounts of data. Arrays as arguments. When a static method takes an array as an argument, it implements a function that operates on an arbitrary number of values of the same type. For example, the following static method computes the mean (average) of an array of double values: public static double mean(double[] a) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) sum += a[i]; return sum / a.length; } 207
Functions and Modules 208 We have been using arrays as arguments since our first program. The code public static void main(String[] args) defines main() as a static method that takes an array of strings as an argument and returns nothing. By convention, the Java system collects the strings that you type after the program name in the java command into an array and calls main() with that array as argument. (Most programmers use the name args for the parameter variable, even though any name at all would do.) Within main(), we can manipulate that array just like any other array. Side effects with arrays. It is often the case that the purpose of a static method that takes an array as argument is to produce a side effect (change values of array elements). A prototypical example of such a method is one that exchanges the values at two given indices in a given array. We can adapt the code that we examined at the beginning of Section 1.4: public static void exchange(String[] a, int i, int j) { String temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } This implementation stems naturally from the Java array representation. The parameter variable in exchange() is a reference to the array, not a copy of the array values: when you pass an array as an argument to a method, the method has an opportunity to reassign values to the elements in that array. A second prototypical example of a static method that takes an array argument and produces side effects is one that randomly shuffles the values in the array, using this version of the algorithm that we examined in Section 1.4 (and the exchange() and uniform() methods considered earlier in this section): public static void shuffle(String[] a) { int n = a.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) exchange(a, i, i + uniform(n-i)); }
2.1 Defining Functions find the maximum of the array values dot product exchange the values of two elements in an array public static double max(double[] a) { double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (a[i] > max) max = a[i]; return max; } public static double dot(double[] a, double[] b) { double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) sum += a[i] * b[i]; return sum; } public static void exchange(String[] a, int i, int j) { String temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; } print a onedimensional array (and its length) public static void print(double[] a) { StdOut.println(a.length); for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) StdOut.println(a[i]); } read a 2D array of double values (with dimensions) in row-major order public static double[][] readDouble2D() { int m = StdIn.readInt(); int n = StdIn.readInt(); double[][] a = new double[m][n]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) a[i][j] = StdIn.readDouble(); return a; } Typical code for implementing functions with array arguments or return values 209
210 Functions and Modules Similarly, we will consider in Section 4.2 methods that sort an array (rearrange its values so that they are in order). All of these examples highlight the basic fact that the mechanism for passing arrays in Java is call by value with respect to the array reference but call by reference with respect to the array elements. Unlike primitivetype arguments, the changes that a method makes to the elements of an array are reflected in the client program. A method that takes an array as its argument cannot change the array itself—the memory location, length, and type of the array are the same as they were when the array was created—but a method can assign different values to the elements in the array. Arrays as return values. A method that sorts, shuffles, or otherwise modifies an array taken as an argument does not have to return a reference to that array, because it is changing the elements of a client array, not a copy. But there are many situations where it is useful for a static method to provide an array as a return value. Chief among these are static methods that create arrays for the purpose of returning multiple values of the same type to a client. For example, the following static method creates and returns an array of the kind used by StdAudio (see Program 1.5.7): it contains values sampled from a sine wave of a given frequency (in hertz) and duration (in seconds), sampled at the standard 44,100 samples per second. public static double[] tone(double hz, double t) { int SAMPLING_RATE = 44100; int n = (int) (SAMPLING_RATE * t); double[] a = new double[n+1]; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) a[i] = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * i * hz / SAMPLING_RATE); return a; } In this code, the length of the array returned depends on the duration: if the given duration is t, the length of the array is about 44100*t. With static methods like this one, we can write code that treats a sound wave as a single entity (an array containing sampled values), as we will see next in Program 2.1.4.
2.1 Defining Functions Example: superposition of sound waves As discussed in Section 1.5, the simple audio model that we studied there needs to be embellished to create sound that resembles the sound produced by a musical instrument. Many different embellishments are possible; with static methods we can systematically apply them to produce sound waves that are far more complicated than the simple sine waves that we produced in Section 1.5. As an illustration of the effective use of static methods to solve an interesting computational problem, we consider a program that has essentially the same functionality as PlayThatTune (Program 1.5.7), but adds harmonic tones one octave above and one octave below each note to produce a more realistic sound. Chords and harmonics. Notes like concert A have a pure sound that is not very musical, because the sounds that you are accustomed to hearing have many other components. The sound from the guitar string echoes off the wooden part of the instrument, the walls of the room that A 440.00 you are in, and so forth. You may think of C♯ 554.37 E such effects as modifying the basic sine 659.26 wave. For example, most musical instruA major chord ments produce harmonics (the same note in different octaves and not as loud), or A you might play chords (multiple notes 440.00 A 220.00 at the same time). To combine multiple A 880.00 sounds, we use superposition: simply concert A with harmonics add the waves together and rescale to make sure that all values stay between 1 and 1. As it turns out, when we suSuperposing waves to make composite sounds perpose sine waves of different frequencies in this way, we can get arbitrarily complicated waves. Indeed, one of the triumphs of 19th-century mathematics was the development of the idea that any smooth periodic function can be expressed as a sum of sine and cosine waves, known as a Fourier series. This mathematical idea corresponds to the notion that we can create a large range of sounds with musical instruments or our vocal cords and that all sound consists of a composition of various oscillating curves. Any sound corresponds to a curve and any curve corresponds to a sound, and we can create arbitrarily complex curves with superposition. 211
Functions and Modules 212 Weighted superposition. Since we represent sound waves by arrays of numbers that represent their values at the same sample points, superposition is simple to implement: we add together the values at each sample point to produce the combined result and then rescale. For greater control, we specify a relative weight for each of the two waves to be added, with the property that the weights are positive and sum to 1. For example, if we want the first sound to have three times the effect of the second, we would assign the first a weight of 0.75 and the second a weight of 0.25. Now, if one wave is in an array a[] with relative weight awt and the other is in an array b[] with relative weight bwt, we compute their weighted sum with the following code: double[] c = new double[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) c[i] = a[i]*awt + b[i]*bwt; The conditions that the weights are positive and sum to 1 ensure that this operation preserves our convention of keeping the values of all of our waves between 1 and 1. 0.982 lo = tone(220, 1.0/220.0) lo[44] = 0.982 hi = tone(880, 1.0/220.0) hi[44] = -0.693 -0.693 harmonics = superpose(lo, hi, 0.5, 0.5) harmonics[44] = 0.5*lo[44] + 0.5*hi[44] = 0.5*0.982 + 0.5*0.693 = 0.144 0.144 concertA = tone(440, 1.0/220.0) 0.374 concertA[44] = 0.374 superpose(harmonics, concertA, 0.5, 0.5) 0.259 0.5*harmonics[44] + 0.5*concertA[44]) = 0.5*.144 + 0.5*0.374 = 0.259 44 Adding harmonics to concert A (1/220 second at 44,100 samples/second)
2.1 Defining Functions Program 2.1.4 213 Play that tune (revisited) public class PlayThatTuneDeluxe { public static double[] superpose(double[] a, double[] b, double awt, double bwt) { // Weighted superposition of a and b. hz frequency double[] c = new double[a.length]; a[] pure tone for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) c[i] = a[i]*awt + b[i]*bwt; hi[] upper harmonic return c; lo[] lower harmonic } h[] tone with harmonics public static double[] tone(double hz, double t) { /* see text */ } public static double[] note(int pitch, double t) { // Play note of given pitch, with harmonics. double hz = 440.0 * Math.pow(2, pitch / 12.0); double[] a = tone(hz, t); double[] hi = tone(2*hz, t); double[] lo = tone(hz/2, t); double[] h = superpose(hi, lo, 0.5, 0.5); return superpose(a, h, 0.5, 0.5); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Read and play a tune, with harmonics. while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) { // Read and play a note, with harmonics. int pitch = StdIn.readInt(); double duration = StdIn.readDouble(); double[] a = note(pitch, duration); StdAudio.play(a); } } } This code embellishes the sounds produced by Program 1.5.7 by using static methods to create harmonics, which results in a more realistic sound than the pure tone. % more elise.txt 7 0.25 6 0.25 7 0.25 6 0.25 ... % java PlayThatTuneDeluxe < elise.txt
214 Functions and Modules Program 2.1.4 is an implementation that applies these concepts to produce a more realistic sound than that produced by Program 1.5.7. To do so, it makes use of functions to divide the computation into four parts: • Given a frequency and duration, create a pure tone. • Given two sound waves and relative weights, superpose them. • Given a pitch and duration, create a note with harmonics. • Read and play a sequence of pitch/duration pairs from standard input. These tasks are each amenable to implementation as a function, with public class PlayThatTuneDeluxe all of the functions then depend{ public static double[] superpose ing on one another. Each function (double[] a, double[] b, double awt, double bwt) { is well defined and straightforward double[] c = new double[a.length]; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) to implement. All of them (and c[i] = a[i]*awt + b[i]*bwt; return c; StdAudio) represent sound as a se} quence of floating-point numbers kept in an array, corresponding to public static double[] tone(double hz, double t) { int RATE = 44100; sampling a sound wave at 44,100 int n = (int) (RATE * t); double[] a = new double[n+1]; samples per second. for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) a[i] = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * i * hz / RATE); Up to this point, the use return a; } of functions has been somewhat of a notational convenience. For public static double[] note(int pitch, double t) { example, the control flow in double hz = 440.0 * Math.pow(2, pitch / 12.0); double[] a = tone(hz, t); Program 2.1.1–2.1.3 is simple— double[] hi = tone(2*hz, t); each function is called in just one double[] lo = tone(hz/2, t); place in the code. By contrast, double[] h = superpose(hi, lo, .5, .5); PlayThatTuneDeluxe (Program return superpose(a, h, .5, .5); 2.1.4) is a convincing example of } the effectiveness of defining funcpublic static void main(String[] args) tions to organize a computation { while (!StdIn.isEmpty()) because the functions are each { int pitch = StdIn.readInt(); called multiple times. For examdouble duration = StdIn.readDouble(); double[] a = note(pitch, duration); ple, the function note() calls the StdAudio.play(a); } function tone() three times and } the function sum() twice. With} out functions methods, we would need multiple copies of the code in Flow of control among several static methods
2.1 Defining Functions and sum(); with functions, we can deal directly with concepts close to the application. Like loops, functions have a simple but profound effect: one sequence of statements (those in the method definition) is executed multiple times during the execution of our program—once for each time the function is called in the control flow in main(). tone() Functions (static methods) are important because they give us the ability to extend the Java language within a program. Having implemented and debugged functions such as harmonic(), pdf(), cdf(), mean(), abs(), exchange(), shuffle(), isPrime(), uniform(), superpose(), note(), and tone(), we can use them almost as if they were built into Java. The flexibility to do so opens up a whole new world of programming. Before, you were safe in thinking about a Java program as a sequence of statements. Now you need to think of a Java program as a set of static methods that can call one another. The statement-to-statement control flow to which you have been accustomed is still present within static methods, but programs have a higher-level control flow defined by static method calls and returns. This ability enables you to think in terms of operations called for by the application, not just the simple arithmetic operations on primitive types that are built into Java. Whenever you can clearly separate tasks within programs, you should do so. The examples in this section (and the programs throughout the rest of the book) clearly illustrate the benefits of adhering to this maxim. With static methods, we can • Divide a long sequence of statements into independent parts. • Reuse code without having to copy it. • Work with higher-level concepts (such as sound waves). This produces code that is easier to understand, maintain, and debug than a long program composed solely of Java assignment, conditional, and loop statements. In the next section, we discuss the idea of using static methods defined in other programs, which again takes us to another level of programming. 215
Functions and Modules 216 Q&A Q. What happens if I leave out the keyword static when defining a static method? A. As usual, the best way to answer a question like this is to try it yourself and see what happens. Here is the result of omitting the static modifier from harmonic() in Harmonic: Harmonic.java:15: error: non-static method harmonic(int) cannot be referenced from a static context double value = harmonic(arg); ^ 1 error Non-static methods are different from static methods. You will learn about the former in Chapter 3. Q. What happens if I write code after a return statement? A. Once a return statement is reached, control immediately returns to the caller, so any code after a return statement is useless. Java identifies this situation as a compile-time error, reporting unreachable code. Q. What happens if I do not include a return statement? A. There is no problem, if the return type is void. In this case, control will return to the caller after the last statement. When the return type is not void, Java will report a missing return statement compile-time error if there is any path through the code that does not end in a return statement. Q. Why do I need to use the return type void? Why not just omit the return type? A. Java requires it; we have to include it. Second-guessing a decision made by a programming-language designer is the first step on the road to becoming one. Q. Can I return from a void function by using return? If so, which return value should I use? A. Yes. Use the statement return; with no return value.
2.1 Defining Functions Q. This issue with side effects and arrays passed as arguments is confusing. Is it really all that important? A. Yes. Properly controlling side effects is one of a programmer’s most important tasks in large systems. Taking the time to be sure that you understand the difference between passing a value (when arguments are of a primitive type) and passing a reference (when arguments are arrays) will certainly be worthwhile. The very same mechanism is used for all other types of data, as you will learn in Chapter 3. Q. So why not just eliminate the possibility of side effects by making all arguments pass by value, including arrays? A. Think of a huge array with, say, millions of elements. Does it make sense to copy all of those values for a static method that is going to exchange just two of them? For this reason, most programming languages support passing an array to a function without creating a copy of the array elements—Matlab is a notable exception. Q. In which order does Java evaluate method calls? A. Regardless of operator precedence or associativity, Java evaluates subexpressions (including method calls) and argument lists from left to right. For example, when evaluating the expression f1() + f2() * f3(f4(), f5()) Java calls the methods in the order f1(), f2(), f4(), f5(), and f3(). This is most relevant for methods that produce side effects. As a matter of style, we avoid writing code that depends on the order of evaluation. 217
Functions and Modules 218 Exercises 2.1.1 Write a static method max3() that takes three int arguments and returns the value of the largest one. Add an overloaded function that does the same thing with three double values. 2.1.2 Write a static method odd() that takes three boolean arguments and returns true if an odd number of the argument values are true, and false otherwise. 2.1.3 Write a static method majority() that takes three boolean arguments and returns true if at least two of the argument values are true, and false otherwise. Do not use an if statement. 2.1.4 Write a static method eq() that takes two int arrays as arguments and returns true if the arrays have the same length and all corresponding pairs of of elements are equal, and false otherwise. 2.1.5 Write a static method areTriangular() that takes three double arguments and returns true if they could be the sides of a triangle (none of them is greater than or equal to the sum of the other two). See Exercise 1.2.15. 2.1.6 Write a static method sigmoid() that takes a double argument x and returns the double value obtained from the formula 1 (1 + ex). 2.1.7 Write a static method sqrt() that takes a double argument and returns the square root of that number. Use Newton’s method (see Program 1.3.6) to compute the result. 2.1.8 Give the function-call trace for java Harmonic 3 5 2.1.9 Write a static method lg() that takes a double argument n and returns the base-2 logarithm of n. You may use Java’s Math library. 2.1.10 Write a static method lg() that takes an int argument n and returns the largest integer not larger than the base-2 logarithm of n. Do not use the Math library. 2.1.11 Write a static method signum() that takes an int argument n and returns -1 if n is less than 0, 0 if n is equal to 0, and +1 if n is greater than 0.
2.1 Defining Functions 2.1.12 Consider the static method duplicate() below. public static String duplicate(String s) { String t = s + s; return t; } What does the following code fragment do? String s = "Hello"; s = duplicate(s); String t = "Bye"; t = duplicate(duplicate(duplicate(t))); StdOut.println(s + t); 2.1.13 Consider the static method cube() below. public static void cube(int i) { i = i * i * i; } How many times is the following for loop iterated? for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) cube(i); Answer : Just 1,000 times. A call to cube() has no effect on the client code. It changes the value of its local parameter variable i, but that change has no effect on the i in the for loop, which is a different variable. If you replace the call to cube(i) with the statement i = i * i * i; (maybe that was what you were thinking), then the loop is iterated five times, with i taking on the values 0, 1, 2, 9, and 730 at the beginning of the five iterations. 219
Functions and Modules 220 2.1.14 The following checksum formula is widely used by banks and credit card companies to validate legal account numbers: d0 f (d1) d2 f (d3) d4 f (d5) … = 0 (mod 10) The di are the decimal digits of the account number and f (d) is the sum of the decimal digits of 2d (for example, f (7) = 5 because 2 7 = 14 and 1 4 = 5). For example, 17,327 is valid because 1 + 5 + 3 + 4 + 7 = 20, which is a multiple of 10. Implement the function f and write a program to take a 10-digit integer as a command-line argument and print a valid 11-digit number with the given integer as its first 10 digits and the checksum as the last digit. 2.1.15 Given two stars with angles of declination and right ascension (d1, a1) and (d2, a2), the angle they subtend is given by the formula 2 arcsin((sin2(d/2) + cos (d1)cos(d2)sin2(a/2))1/2) where a1 and a2 are angles between 180 and 180 degrees, d1 and d2 are angles between 90 and 90 degrees, a = a2 a1, and d = d2 d1. Write a program to take the declination and right ascension of two stars as command-line arguments and print the angle they subtend. Hint : Be careful about converting from degrees to radians. 2.1.16 Write a static method scale() that takes a double array as its argument and has the side effect of scaling the array so that each element is between 0 and 1 (by subtracting the minimum value from each element and then dividing each element by the difference between the minimum and maximum values). Use the max() method defined in the table in the text, and write and use a matching min() method. 2.1.17 Write a static method reverse() that takes an array of strings as its argument and returns a new array with the strings in reverse order. (Do not change the order of the strings in the argument array.) Write a static method reverseInplace() that takes an array of strings as its argument and produces the side effect of reversing the order of the strings in the argument array.
2.1 Defining Functions 221 2.1.18 Write a static method readBoolean2D() that reads a two-dimensional boolean matrix (with dimensions) from standard input and returns the resulting two-dimensional array. 2.1.19 Write a static method histogram() that takes an int array a[] and an integer m as arguments and returns an array of length m whose ith element is the number of times the integer i appeared in a[]. Assuming the values in a[] are all between 0 and m-1, the sum of the values in the returned array should equal a.length. 2.1.20 Assemble code fragments in this section and in Section 1.4 to develop a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints n five-card hands, separated by blank lines, drawn from a randomly shuffled card deck, one card per line using card names like Ace of Clubs. 2.1.21 Write a static method multiply() that takes two square matrices of the same dimension as arguments and produces their product (another square matrix of that same dimension). Extra credit : Make your program work whenever the number of columns in the first matrix is equal to the number of rows in the second matrix. 2.1.22 Write a static method that takes a boolean array as its argument and returns true if any of the elements in the array is true, and false otherwise. Write a static method all() that takes an array of boolean values as its argument and returns true if all of the elements in the array are true, and false otherwise. any() 2.1.23 Develop a version of getCoupon() that better models the situation when one of the coupons is rare: choose one of the n values at random, return that value with probability 1 /(1,000n), and return all other values with equal probability. Extra credit : How does this change affect the expected number of coupons that need to be collected in the coupon collector problem? 2.1.24 Modify PlayThatTune to add harmonics two octaves away from each note, with half the weight of the one-octave harmonics.
Functions and Modules 222 Creative Exercises 2.1.25 Birthday problem. Develop a class with appropriate static methods for studying the birthday problem (see Exercise 1.4.38). 2.1.26 Euler’s totient function. Euler’s totient function is an important function in number theory: (n) is defined as the number of positive integers less than or equal to n that are relatively prime with n (no factors in common with n other than 1). Write a class with a static method that takes an integer argument n and returns (n), and a main() that takes an integer command-line argument, calls the method with that argument, and prints the resulting value. 2.1.27 Harmonic numbers. Write a program Harmonic that contains three static methods harmoinc(), harmoincSmall(), and harmonicLarge() for computing the harmonic numbers. The harmonicSmall() method should just compute the sum (as in Program 1.3.5), the harmonicLarge() method should use the approximation Hn = loge(n ) 1/(2n ) 1/(12n 2) 1/(120n 4) (the number = 0.577215664901532... is known as Euler’s constant), and the harmonic() method should call harmonicSmall() for n < 100 and harmonicLarge() otherwise. 2.1.28 Black–Scholes option valuation. The Black–Scholes formula supplies the theoretical value of a European call option on a stock that pays no dividends, given the current stock price s, the exercise price x, the continuously compounded risk-free interest rate r, the volatility , and the time (in years) to maturity t. The Black–Scholes value is given by the formula s F(a) x e r t F(b), where F(z) is the Gaussian cumulative distribution function, a = (ln(s x) (r 2 2) t) / (t), and b = a t. Write a program that takes s, r, , and t from the command line and prints the Black–Scholes value. 2.1.29 Fourier spikes. Write a program that takes a command-line argument n and plots the function (cos(t) cos(2 t) cos(3 t) … + cos(n t)) / n for 500 equally spaced samples of t from 10 to 10 (in radians). Run your program for n 5 and n 500. Note : You will observe that the sum converges to a spike (0 everywhere except a single value). This property is the basis for a proof that any smooth function can be expressed as a sum of sinusoids.
2.1 Defining Functions 223 2.1.30 Calendar. Write a program Calendar that takes two integer commandline arguments m and y and prints the monthly calendar for month m of year y, as in this example: % java Calendar 2 February 2009 S M Tu W Th F 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 25 26 27 2009 S 7 14 21 28 Hint: See LeapYear (Program 1.2.4) and Exercise 1.2.29. 2.1.31 Horner’s method. Write a class Horner with a method evaluate() that takes a floating-point number x and array p[] as arguments and returns the result of evaluating the polynomial whose coefficients are the elements in p[] at x: p(x) = p0 p1x1 p2 x2 … pn2 xn2 pn1 xn1 Use Horner’s method, an efficient way to perform the computations that is suggested by the following parenthesization: p(x) = p0 x (p1 x (p2 … x (pn2 x pn1)) . . . ) Write a test client with a static method exp() that uses evaluate() to compute an approximation to e x, using the first n terms of the Taylor series expansion e x = 1 + x + x 2/2! + x 3/3! + .... Your client should take a command-line argument x and compare your result against that computed by Math.exp(x). 2.1.32 Chords. Develop a version of PlayThatTune that can handle songs with chords (including harmonics). Develop an input format that allows you to specify different durations for each chord and different amplitude weights for each note within a chord. Create test files that exercise your program with various chords and harmonics, and create a version of Für Elise that uses them.
Functions and Modules 224 2.1.33 Benford’s law. The American astronomer Simon Newcomb observed a quirk in a book that compiled logarithm tables: the beginning pages were much grubbier than the ending pages. He suspected that scientists performed more computations with numbers starting with 1 than with 8 or 9, and postulated that, under general circumstances, the leading digit is much more likely to be 1 (roughly 30%) than the digit 9 (less than 4%). This phenomenon is known as Benford’s law and is now often used as a statistical test. For example, IRS forensic accountants rely on it to discover tax fraud. Write a program that reads in a sequence of integers from standard input and tabulates the number of times each of the digits 1–9 is the leading digit, breaking the computation into a set of appropriate static methods. Use your program to test the law on some tables of information from your computer or from the web. Then, write a program to foil the IRS by generating random amounts from $1.00 to $1,000.00 with the same distribution that you observed. 2.1.34 Binomial distribution. Write a function public static double binomial(int n, int k, double p) to compute the probability of obtaining exactly k heads in n biased coin flips (heads with probability p) using the formula f (n, k, p) = pk(1p)nk n! (k!(nk)!) Hint : To stave off overflow, compute x = ln f (n, k, p) and then return ex. In main(), take n and p from the command line and check that the sum over all values of k between 0 and n is (approximately) 1. Also, compare every value computed with the normal approximation f (n, k, p) (np, np(1p)) (see Exercise 2.2.1). 2.1.35 Coupon collecting from a binomial distribution. Develop a version of getCoupon() that uses binomial() from the previous exercise to return coupon values according to the binomial distribution with p = 1/2. Hint : Generate a uniformly random number x between 0 and 1, then return the smallest value of k for which the sum of f (n, j, p) for all j < k exceeds x. Extra credit : Develop a hypothesis for describing the behavior of the coupon collector function under this assumption.
2.1 Defining Functions 225 2.1.36 Postal bar codes. The barcode used by the U.S. Postal System to route mail is defined as follows: Each decimal digit in the ZIP code is encoded using a sequence of three half-height and two full-height bars. The barcode starts and ends with a full-height bar (the guard rail) and includes a checksum digit (after the five-digit ZIP code or ZIP+4), computed by summing up the original digits modulo 10. Implement the following functions • Draw a half-height or full-height bar on StdDraw. 08540 • Given a digit, draw its sequence of bars. 0 8 5 4 0 7 guard • Compute the checksum digit. rail checksum Also implement a test client that reads in a five- (or nine-) digit digit ZIP code as the command-line argument and draws the corresponding postal bar code. guard rail
Functions and Modules 2.2 Libraries and Clients Each program that you have written so far consists of Java code that resides in a single .java file. For large programs, keeping all the code in a single file in this way is restrictive and unnecessary. Fortunately, it is very easy in Java to refer to a method 2.2.1 Random number library . . . . . . 234 in one file that is defined in another. This 2.2.2 Array I/O library. . . . . . . . . . . 238 2.2.3 Iterated function systems. . . . . . 241 ability has two important consequences 2.2.4 Data analysis library. . . . . . . . . 245 on our style of programming. 2.2.5 Plotting data values in an array. . . 247 First, it enables code reuse. One pro2.2.6 Bernoulli trials. . . . . . . . . . . . 250 gram can make use of code that is already Programs in this section written and debugged, not by copying the code, but just by referring to it. This ability to define code that can be reused is an essential part of modern programming. It amounts to extending Java—you can define and use your own operations on data. Second, it enables modular programming. You can not only divide a program up into static methods, as just described in Section 2.1, but also keep those methods in different files, grouped together according to the needs of the application. Modular programming is important because it allows us to independently develop, compile, and debug parts of big programs one piece at a time, leaving each finished piece in its own file for later use without having to worry about its details again. We develop libraries of static methods for use by any other program, keeping each library in its own file and using its methods in any other program. Java’s Math library and our Std* libraries for input/output are examples that you have already used. More importantly, you will soon see that it is very easy to define libraries of your own. The ability to define libraries and then to use them in multiple programs is a critical aspect of our ability to build programs to address complex tasks. Having just moved in Section 2.1 from thinking of a Java program as a sequence of statements to thinking of a Java program as a class comprising a set of static methods (one of which is main()), you will be ready after this section to think of a Java program as a set of classes, each of which is an independent module consisting of a set of methods. Since each method can call a method in another class, all of your code can interact as a network of methods that call one another, grouped together in classes. With this capability, you can start to think about managing complexity when programming by breaking up programming tasks into classes that can be implemented and tested independently.
2.2 Libraries and Clients 227 Using static methods in other programs To refer to a static method in one class that is defined in another, we use the same mechanism that we have been using to invoke methods such as Math.sqrt() and StdOut.println(): • Make both classes accessible to Java (for example, by putting them both in the same directory in your computer). • To call a method, prepend its class name and a period separator. For example, we might wish to write a simple client SAT.java that takes an SAT score z from the command line and prints the percentage of students scoring less than z in a given year (in which the mean score was 1,019 and its standard deviation was 209). To get the job done, SAT.java needs to compute F((z1,019) 209), a % java SAT 1019 209 ... % Gaussian.java public class Gaussian { SAT.java public class SAT { public static double cdf(double z) { if (z < -8.0) return 0.0; if (z > 8.0) return 1.0; double sum = 0.0; double term = z; for (int i = 3; sum != sum + term; i += 2) { sum = sum + term; term = term * z * z / i; } return 0.5 + pdf(z) * sum; } public static void main(String[] args) { double z = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); double v = Gaussian.cdf((z - 1019)/209); StdOut.println(v); } } Math.java public class Math { public static double exp(double x) { ... } public static double pdf(double x) { return Math.exp(-x*x/2) / Math.sqrt(2*Math.PI); } public static void main(String[] args) { double z = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); double mu = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); double sigma = Double.parseDouble(args[2]); StdOut.println(cdf((z - mu) / sigma)); } public static double sqrt(double x) { ... } } } Flow of control in a modular program
Functions and Modules 228 task perfectly suited for the cdf() method in Gaussian.java (Program 2.1.2). All that we need to do is to keep Gaussian.java in the same directory as SAT.java and prepend the class name when calling cdf(). Moreover, any other class in that directory can make use of the static methods defined in Gaussian, by calling Gaussian.pdf() or Gaussian.cdf(). The Math library is always accessible in Java, so any class can call Math.sqrt() and Math.exp(), as usual. The files Gaussian.java, SAT.java, and Math.java implement Java classes that interact with one another: SAT calls a method in Gaussian, which calls another method in Gaussian, which then calls two methods in Math. The potential effect of programming by defining multiple files, each an independent class with multiple methods, is another profound change in our programming style. Generally, we refer to this approach as modular programming. We independently develop and debug methods for an application and then utilize them at any later time. In this section, we will consider numerous illustrative examples to help you get used to the idea. However, there are several details about the process that we need to discuss before considering more examples. The public keyword. We have been identifying every static method as public since HelloWorld. This modifier identifies the method as available for use by any other program with access to the file. You can also identify methods as private (and there are a few other categories), but you have no reason to do so at this point. We will discuss various options in Section 3.3. Each module is a class. We use the term module to refer to all the code that we keep in a single file. In Java, by convention, each module is a Java class that is kept in a file with the same name of the class but has a .java extension. In this chapter, each class is merely a set of static methods (one of which is main()). You will learn much more about the general structure of the Java class in Chapter 3. The .class file. When you compile the program (by typing javac followed by the class name), the Java compiler makes a file with the class name followed by a .class extension that has the code of your program in a language more suited to your computer. If you have a .class file, you can use the module’s methods in another program even without having the source code in the corresponding .java file (but you are on your own if you discover a bug!).
2.2 Libraries and Clients Compile when necessary. When you compile a program, Java typically compiles everything that needs to be compiled in order to run that program. If you call in SAT, then, when you type javac SAT.java, the compiler will also check whether you modified Gaussian.java since the last time it was compiled (by checking the time it was last changed against the time Gaussian.class was created). If so, it will also compile Gaussian.java! If you think about this approach, you will agree that it is actually quite helpful. After all, if you find a bug in Gaussian.java (and fix it), you want all the classes that call methods in Gaussian to use the new version. Gaussian.cdf() Multiple main() methods. Another subtle point is to note that more than one class might have a main() method. In our example, both SAT and Gaussian have their own main() method. If you recall the rule for executing a program, you will see that there is no confusion: when you type java followed by a class name, Java transfers control to the machine code corresponding to the main() method defined in that class. Typically, we include a main() method in every class, to test and debug its methods. When we want to run SAT, we type java SAT; when we want to debug Gaussian, we type java Gaussian (with appropriate command-line arguments). If you think of each program that you write as something that you might want to make use of later, you will soon find yourself with all sorts of useful tools. Modular programming allows us to view every solution to a computational problem that we may develop as adding value to our computational environment. For example, suppose that you need to evaluate F for some future application. Why not just cut and paste the code that implements cdf() from Gaussian? That would work, but would leave you with two copies of the code, making it more difficult to maintain. If you later want to fix or improve this code, you would need to do so in both copies. Instead, you can just call Gaussian.cdf(). Our implementations and uses of our methods are soon going to proliferate, so having just one copy of each is a worthy goal. From this point forward, you should write every program by identifying a reasonable way to divide the computation into separate parts of a manageable size and implementing each part as if someone will want to use it later. Most frequently, that someone will be you, and you will have yourself to thank for saving the effort of rewriting and re-debugging code. 229
Functions and Modules 230 Libraries We refer to a module whose methods are primarily intended for use by many other programs as a library. One of the most important characteristics of programming in Java is that thousands of libraries have been predefined for your use. We reveal information about those that might be of interest to you throughout the book, but we will postpone a detailed discussion of the scope of Java libraries, because many of them are designed for use by client experienced programmers. Instead, we focus in this chapter on the even more important idea Gaussian.pdf(x) that we can build user-defined libraries, which Gaussian.cdf(z) are nothing more than classes that contain a set of related methods for use by other programs. calls library methods No Java library can contain all the methods that API we might need for a given computation, so this public class Gaussian ability to create our own library of methods is double pdf(double x) (x) a crucial step in addressing complex programdouble cdf(double z) (z) ming applications. Clients. We use the term client to refer to a program that calls a given library method. When a class contains a method that is a client of a method in another class, we say that the first class is a client of the second class. In our example, SAT is a client of Gaussian. A given class might have multiple clients. For example, all of the programs that you have written that call Math.sqrt() or Math.random() are clients of Math. APIs. Programmers normally think in terms defines signatures and describes library methods implementation public class Gaussian { ... public static double pdf(double x) { ... } public static double cdf(double z) { ... } } Java code that of a contract between the client and the impleimplements library methods mentation that is a clear specification of what the method is to do. When you are writing both Library abstraction clients and implementations, you are making contracts with yourself, which by itself is helpful because it provides extra help in debugging. More important, this approach enables code reuse. You have been able to write programs that are clients of Std* and Math and other built-in Java classes because of an informal contract (an English-
2.2 Libraries and Clients 231 language description of what they are supposed to do) along with a precise specification of the signatures of the methods that are available for use. Collectively, this information is known as an application programming interface (API). This same mechanism is effective for user-defined libraries. The API allows any client to use the library without having to examine the code in the implementation, as you have been doing for Math and Std*. The guiding principle in API design is to provide to clients the methods they need and no others. An API with a huge number of methods may be a burden to implement; an API that is lacking important methods may be unnecessarily inconvenient for clients. Implementations. We use the term implementation to describe the Java code that implements the methods in an API, kept by convention in a file with the library name and a .java extension. Every Java program is an implementation of some API, and no API is of any use without some implementation. Our goal when developing an implementation is to honor the terms of the contract. Often, there are many ways to do so, and separating client code from implementation code gives us the freedom to substitute new and improved implementations. For example, consider the Gaussian distribution functions. These do not appear in Java’s Math library but are important in applications, so it is worthwhile for us to put them in a library where they can be accessed by future client programs and to articulate this API: public class Gaussian double pdf(double x) f(x) double pdf(double x, double mu, double sigma) f(x, , ) double cdf(double z) (z) double cdf(double z, double mu, double sigma) (z, , ) API for our library of static methods for Gaussian distribution functions The API includes not only the one-argument Gaussian distribution functions that we have previously considered (see Program 2.1.2) but also three-argument versions (in which the client specifies the mean and standard deviation of the distribution) that arise in many statistical applications. Implementing the threeargument Gaussian distribution functions is straightforward (see Exercise 2.2.1).
Functions and Modules 232 How much information should an API contain? This is a gray area and a hotly debated issue among programmers and computer-science educators. We might try to put as much information as possible in the API, but (as with any contract!) there are limits to the amount of information that we can productively include. In this book, we stick to a principle that parallels our guiding design principle: provide to client programmers the information they need and no more. Doing so gives us vastly more flexibility than the alternative of providing detailed information about implementations. Indeed, any extra information amounts to implicitly extending the contract, which is undesirable. Many programmers fall into the bad habit of checking implementation code to try to understand what it does. Doing so might lead to client code that depends on behavior not specified in the API, which would not work with a new implementation. Implementations change more often than you might think. For example, each new release of Java contains many new implementations of library functions. Often, the implementation comes first. You might have a working module that you later decide would be useful for some task, and you can just start using its methods in other programs. In such a situation, it is wise to carefully articulate the API at some point. The methods may not have been designed for reuse, so it is worthwhile to use an API to do such a design (as we did for Gaussian). The remainder of this section is devoted to several examples of libraries and clients. Our purpose in considering these libraries is twofold. First, they provide a richer programming environment for your use as you develop increasingly sophisticated client programs of your own. Second, they serve as examples for you to study as you begin to develop libraries for your own use. Random numbers We have written several programs that use Math.random(), but our code often uses particular idioms that convert the random double values between 0 and 1 that Math.random() provides to the type of random numbers that we want to use (random boolean values or random int values in a specified range, for example). To effectively reuse our code that implements these idioms, we will, from now on, use the StdRandom library in Program 2.2.1. StdRandom uses overloading to generate random numbers from various distributions. You can use any of them in the same way that you use our standard I/O libraries (see the first Q&A at the end of Section 2.1). As usual, we summarize the methods in our StdRandom library with an API:
2.2 Libraries and Clients 233 public class StdRandom void setSeed(long seed) int uniform(int n) double uniform(double lo, double hi) boolean bernoulli(double p) set the seed for reproducible results integer between 0 and n-1 floating-point number between lo and hi true with probability p, false otherwise double gaussian() Gaussian, mean 0, standard deviation 1 double gaussian(double mu, double sigma) Gaussian, mean mu, standard deviation sigma int discrete(double[] p) void shuffle(double[] a) i with probability p[i] randomly shuffle the array a[] API for our library of static methods for random numbers These methods are sufficiently familiar that the short descriptions in the API suffice to specify what they do. By collecting all of these methods that use Math.random() to generate random numbers of various types in one file (StdRandom.java), we concentrate our attention on generating random numbers to this one file (and reuse the code in that file) instead of spreading them through every program that uses these methods. Moreover, each program that uses one of these methods is clearer than code that calls Math.random() directly, because its purpose for using Math.random() is clearly articulated by the choice of method from StdRandom. API design. We make certain assumptions about the values passed to each method in StdRandom. For example, we assume that clients will call uniform(n) only for positive integers n, bernoulli(p) only for p between 0 and 1, and discrete() only for an array whose elements are between 0 and 1 and sum to 1. All of these assumptions are part of the contract between the client and the implementation. We strive to design libraries such that the contract is clear and unambiguous and to avoid getting bogged down with details. As with many tasks in programming, a good API design is often the result of several iterations of trying and living with various possibilities. We always take special care in designing APIs, because when we change an API we might have to change all clients and all implementations. Our goal is to articulate what clients can expect separate from the code in the API. This practice frees us to change the code, and perhaps to use an implementation that achieves the desired effect more efficiently or with more accuracy.
Functions and Modules 234 Program 2.2.1 Random number library public class StdRandom { public static int uniform(int n) { return (int) (Math.random() * n); } public static double uniform(double lo, double hi) { return lo + Math.random() * (hi - lo); } public static boolean bernoulli(double p) { return Math.random() < p; } public static double gaussian() { /* See Exercise 2.2.17. */ } public static double gaussian(double mu, double sigma) { return mu + sigma * gaussian(); } public static int discrete(double[] probabilities) { /* See Program 1.6.2. */ } public static void shuffle(double[] a) { /* See Exercise 2.2.4. */ } public static void main(String[] args) { /* See text. */ } } The methods in this library compute various types of random numbers: random nonnegative integer less than a given value, uniformly distributed in a given range, random bit (Bernoulli), standard Gaussian, Gaussian with given mean and standard deviation, and distributed according to a given discrete distribution. % java StdRandom 5 90 26.36076 false 8.79269 13 18.02210 false 9.03992 58 56.41176 true 8.80501 29 16.68454 false 8.90827 85 86.24712 true 8.95228 0 1 0 0 0
2.2 Libraries and Clients Unit testing. Even though we implement 235 without reference to any particular client, it is good programming practice to include a test client main() that, although not used when a client class uses the library, is helpful when debugging and testing the methods in the library. Whenever you create a library, you should include a main() method for unit testing and debugging. Proper unit testing can be a significant programming challenge in itself (for example, the best way of testing whether the methods in StdRandom produce numbers that have the same characteristics as truly random numbers is still debated by experts). At a minimum, you should always include a main() method that • Exercises all the code • Provides some assurance that the code is working • Takes an argument from the command line to allow more testing Then, you should refine that main() method to do more exhaustive testing as you use the library more extensively. For example, we might start with the following code for StdRandom (leaving the testing of shuffle() for an exercise): StdRandom public static void main(String[] args) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); double[] probabilities = { 0.5, 0.3, 0.1, 0.1 }; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { StdOut.printf(" %2d " , uniform(100)); StdOut.printf("%8.5f ", uniform(10.0, 99.0)); StdOut.printf("%5b " , bernoulli(0.5)); StdOut.printf("%7.5f ", gaussian(9.0, 0.2)); StdOut.printf("%2d " , discrete(probabilities)); StdOut.println(); } } When we include this code in StdRandom.java and invoke this method as illustrated in Program 2.2.1, the output includes no surprises: the integers in the first column might be equally likely to be any value from 0 to 99; the numbers in the second column might be uniformly spread between 10.0 and 99.0; about half of the values in the third column are true; the numbers in the fourth column seem to average about 9.0, and seem unlikely to be too far from 9.0; and the last column seems to be not far from 50% 0s, 30% 1s, 10% 2s, and 10% 3s. If something seems
Functions and Modules 236 amiss in one of the columns, we can type java StdRandom 10 or 100 to see many more results. In this particular case, we can (and should) do far more extensive testing in a separate client to check that the numbers have many of the same properties as truly random numbers drawn from the cited distributions (see Exercise 2.2.3). One effective approach is to write test clients that use StdDraw, as data visualization can be a quick indication that a program is behaving as intended. For example, a plot of a large number of points whose x- and y-coordinates are both drawn from various distribupublic class RandomPoints tions often produces a pattern that { gives direct insight into the imporpublic static void main(String[] args) { tant properties of the distribution. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); More important, a bug in the random for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) number generation code is likely to { double x = StdRandom.gaussian(.5, .2); show up immediately in such a plot. double y = StdRandom.gaussian(.5, .2); StdDraw.point(x, y); } } } Stress testing. An extensively used li- brary such as StdRandom should also be subjected to stress testing, where we make sure that it does not crash when the client does not follow the contract or makes some assumption that is not explicitly covered. Java libraries have already been subjected to such stress testing, which requires carefully examining each line of code and questioning whether some condition might cause a problem. What should discrete() do if the array elements do not sum to exactly 1? What A StdRandom test client if the argument is an array of length 0? What should the two-argument uniform() do if one or both of its arguments is NaN? Infinity? Any question that you can think of is fair game. Such cases are sometimes referred to as corner cases. You are certain to encounter a teacher or a supervisor who is a stickler about corner cases. With experience, most programmers learn to address them early, to avoid an unpleasant bout of debugging later. Again, a reasonable approach is to implement a stress test as a separate client.
2.2 Libraries and Clients 237 Input and output for arrays We have seen—and will continue to see—many examples where we wish to keep data in arrays for processing. Accordingly, it is useful to build a library that complements StdIn and StdOut by providing static methods for reading arrays of primitive types from standard input and printing them to standard output. The following API provides these methods: public class StdArrayIO double[] readDouble1D() read a one-dimensional array of double values double[][] readDouble2D() read a two-dimensional array of double values void print(double[] a) print a one-dimensional array of double values void print(double[][] a) print a two-dimensional array of double values Note 1. 1D format is an integer n followed by n values. Note 2. 2D format is two integers m and n followed by m × n values in row-major order. Note 3. Methods for int and boolean are also included. API for our library of static methods for array input and output The first two notes at the bottom of the table reflect the idea that we need to settle on a file format. For simplicity and harmony, we adopt the convention that all values appearing in standard input include the dimension(s) and appear in the order indicated. The read*() methods expect input in this format; the print() methods produce output in this format. The third note at the bottom of the table indicates that StdArrayIO actually contains 12 methods—four each for int, double, and boolean. The print() methods are overloaded (they all have the same name print() but different types of arguments), but the read*() methods need different names, formed by adding the type name (capitalized, as in StdIn) followed by 1D or 2D. Implementing these methods is straightforward from the array-processing code that we have considered in Section 1.4 and in Section 2.1, as shown in StdArrayIO (Program 2.2.2). Packaging up all of these static methods into one file—StdArrayIO.java—allows us to easily reuse the code and saves us from having to worry about the details of reading and printing arrays when writing client programs later on.
Functions and Modules 238 Program 2.2.2 Array I/O library public class StdArrayIO { public static double[] readDouble1D() { /* See Exercise 2.2.11. */ } public static double[][] readDouble2D() { int m = StdIn.readInt(); int n = StdIn.readInt(); double[][] a = new double[m][n]; for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) a[i][j] = StdIn.readDouble(); return a; } public static void print(double[] a) { /* See Exercise 2.2.11. */ } % more tiny2D.txt 4 3 0.000 0.270 0.000 0.246 0.224 -0.036 0.222 0.176 0.0893 -0.032 0.739 0.270 % java StdArrayIO < tiny2D.txt public static void print(double[][] a) 4 3 { 0.00000 int m = a.length; 0.24600 int n = a[0].length; 0.22200 System.out.println(m + " " + n); -0.03200 for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) StdOut.prinf("%9.5f ", a[i][j]); StdOut.println(); } StdOut.println(); } 0.27000 0.22400 0.17600 0.73900 0.00000 -0.03600 0.08930 0.27000 // Methods for other types are similar (see booksite). public static void main(String[] args) { print(readDouble2D()); } } This library of static methods facilitates reading one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays from standard input and printing them to standard output. The file format includes the dimensions (see accompanying text). Numbers in the output in the example are truncated.
2.2 Libraries and Clients 239 Iterated function systems Scientists have discovered that complex visual images can arise unexpectedly from simple computational processes. With StdRandom, StdDraw, and StdArrayIO, we can study the behavior of such systems. Sierpinski triangle. As a first example, consider the following simple process: Start by plotting a point at one of the vertices of a given equilateral triangle. Then pick one of the three vertices at random and plot a new point halfway between the point just plotted and that vertex. Continue performing this same operation. Each time, we are pick a random vertex from the triangle to establish the line whose midpoint will be the next point plotted. Since we make random choices, the set of points should have some of the characteristics of random points, and that does seem to be the case after the first few iterations: (1/2, 3/2) last point midpoint (0, 0) (1, 0) random vertex A random process We can study the process for a large number of iterations by writing a program to plot trials points according to the rules: double[] cx = { 0.000, 1.000, 0.500 }; double[] cy = { 0.000, 0.000, 0.866 }; double x = 0.0, y = 0.0; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { int r = StdRandom.uniform(3); x = (x + cx[r]) / 2.0; y = (y + cy[r]) / 2.0; StdDraw.point(x, y); } We keep the x- and y-coordinates of the triangle vertices in the arrays cx[] and cy[], respectively. We use StdRandom.uniform() to choose a random index r into
Functions and Modules 240 these arrays—the coordinates of the chosen vertex are (cx[r], cy[r]). The x-coordinate of the midpoint of the line from (x, y) to that vertex is given by the expression (x + cx[r])/2.0, and a similar calculation gives the y-coordinate. Adding a call to StdDraw.point() and putting this code in a loop completes the implementation. Remarkably, despite the randomness, the same figure always emerges after a large number of iterations! This figure is known as the Sierpinski triangle (see Exercise 2.3.27). Understanding why such a regular figure should arise from such a random process is a fascinating question. A random process? Barnsley fern. To add to the mystery, we can produce pictures of remarkable diversity by playing the same game with different rules. One striking example is known as the Barnsley fern. To generate it, we use the same process, but this time driven by the following table of formulas. At each step, we choose the formulas to use to update x and y with the indicated probability (1% of the time we use the first pair of formulas, 85% of the time we use the second pair of formulas, and so forth). probability 1% 85% 7% 7% x-update x= 0.500 x = 0.85x 0.04y 0.075 x = 0.20x 0.26y 0.400 x = 0.15x 0.28y 0.575 y-update y= 0.16y y = 0.04x 0.85y 0.180 y = 0.23x 0.22y 0.045 y = 0.26x 0.24y 0.086
2.2 Libraries and Clients Program 2.2.3 241 Iterated function systems public class IFS { public static void main(String[] args) { // Plot trials iterations of IFS on StdIn. trials int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); dist[] double[] dist = StdArrayIO.readDouble1D(); cx[][] double[][] cx = StdArrayIO.readDouble2D(); cy[][] double[][] cy = StdArrayIO.readDouble2D(); x, y double x = 0.0, y = 0.0; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { // Plot 1 iteration. int r = StdRandom.discrete(dist); double x0 = cx[r][0]*x + cx[r][1]*y + cx[r][2]; double y0 = cy[r][0]*x + cy[r][1]*y + cy[r][2]; x = x0; y = y0; StdDraw.point(x, y); } } } iterations probabilities x coefficients y coefficients current point This data-driven client of StdArrayIO, StdRandom, and StdDraw iterates the function system defined by a 1-by-m vector (probabilities) and two m-by-3 matrices (coefficients for updating x and y, respectively) on standard input, plotting the result as a set of points on standard drawing. Curiously, this code does not need to know the value of m, as it uses separate methods to create and process the matrices. % more sierpinski.txt 3 .33 .33 .34 3 3 .50 .00 .00 .50 .00 .50 .50 .00 .25 3 3 .00 .50 .00 .00 .50 .00 .00 .50 .433 % java IFS 10000 < sierpinski.txt
Functions and Modules 242 % more barnsley.txt 4 .01 .85 .07 .07 4 3 .00 .00 .500 .85 .04 .075 .20 -.26 .400 -.15 .28 .575 4 3 .00 .16 .000 -.04 .85 .180 .23 .22 .045 .26 .24 -.086 % more tree.txt 6 .1 .1 .2 .2 .2 .2 6 3 .00 .00 .550 -.05 .00 .525 .46 -.15 .270 .47 -.15 .265 .43 .26 .290 .42 .26 .290 6 3 .00 .60 .000 -.50 .00 .750 .39 .38 .105 .17 .42 .465 -.25 .45 .625 -.35 .31 .525 % java IFS 20000 < barnsley.txt % java IFS 20000 < tree.txt % java IFS 20000 < coral.txt % more coral.txt 3 .40 .15 .45 3 3 .3077 -.5315 .8863 .3077 -.0769 .2166 .0000 .5455 .0106 3 3 -.4615 -.2937 1.0962 .1538 -.4476 .3384 .6923 -.1958 .3808 Examples of iterated function systems
2.2 Libraries and Clients 243 We could write code just like the code we just wrote for the Sierpinski triangle to iterate these rules, but matrix processing provides a uniform way to generalize that code to handle any set of rules. We have m different transformations, chosen from a 1-by-m vector with StdRandom.discrete(). For each transformation, we have an equation for updating x and an equation for updating y, so we use two m-by-3 matrices for the equation coefficients, one for x and one for y. IFS (Program 2.2.3) implements this data-driven version of the computation. This program enables limitless exploration: it performs the iteration for any input containing a vector that defines the probability distribution and the two matrices that define the coefficients, one for updating x and the other for updating y. For the coefficients just given, again, even though we choose a random equation at each step, the same figure emerges every time that we do this computation: an image that looks remarkably similar to a fern that you might see in the woods, not something generated by a random process on a computer. Generating a Barnsley fern That the same short program that takes a few numbers from standard input and plots points on standard drawing can (given different data) produce both the Sierpinski triangle and the Barnsley fern (and many, many other images) is truly remarkable. Because of its simplicity and the appeal of the results, this sort of calculation is useful in making synthetic images that have a realistic appearance in computer-generated movies and games. Perhaps more significantly, the ability to produce such realistic diagrams so easily suggests intriguing scientific questions: What does computation tell us about nature? What does nature tell us about computation?
Functions and Modules 244 Statistics Next, we consider a library for a set of mathematical calculations and basic visualization tools that arise in all sorts of applications in science and engineering and are not all implemented in standard Java libraries. These calculations relate to the task of understanding the statistical properties of a set of numbers. Such a library is useful, for example, when we perform a series of scientific experiments that yield measurements of a quantity. One of the most important challenges facing modern scientists is proper analysis of such data, and computation is playing an increasingly important role in such analysis. These basic data analysis methods that we will consider are summarized in the following API: public class StdStats double max(double[] a) largest value double min(double[] a) smallest value double mean(double[] a) average double var(double[] a) sample variance double stddev(double[] a) sample standard deviation double median median(double[] a) void plotPoints(double[] a) plot points at (i, a[i]) void plotLines(double[] a) plot lines connecting points at (i, a[i]) void plotBars(double[] a) plot bars to points at (i, a[i]) Note: Overloaded implementations are included for other numeric types. API for our library of static methods for data analysis Basic statistics. Suppose that we have n measurements x0, x1, …, xn1. The average value of those measurements, otherwise known as the mean, is given by the formula ( x0 x1 … xn1 ) n and is an estimate of the value of the quantity. The minimum and maximum values are also of interest, as is the median (the value that is smaller than and larger than half the values). Also of interest is the sample variance, which is given by the formula 2 ( ( x0 )2 ( x1 )2 … ( xn1 )2 ) ( n1 )
2.2 Libraries and Clients Program 2.2.4 245 Data analysis library public class StdStats { public static double max(double[] a) { // Compute maximum value in a[]. double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) if (a[i] > max) max = a[i]; return max; } public static double mean(double[] a) { // Compute the average of the values in a[]. double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) sum = sum + a[i]; return sum / a.length; } public static double var(double[] a) { // Compute the sample variance of the values in a[]. double avg = mean(a); double sum = 0.0; for (int i = 0; i < a.length; i++) sum += (a[i] - avg) * (a[i] - avg); return sum / (a.length - 1); } public static double stddev(double[] a) { return Math.sqrt(var(a)); } // See Program 2.2.5 for plotting methods. public static void main(String[] args) { /* See text. */ } } This code implements methods to compute the maximum, mean, variance, and standard deviation of numbers in a client array. The method for computing the minimum is omitted; plotting methods are in Program 2.2.5; see Exercise 4.2.20 for median(). % more tiny1D.txt 5 3.0 1.0 2.0 5.0 4.0 % java StdStats < tiny1D.txt min 1.000 mean 3.000 max 5.000 std dev 1.581
246 Functions and Modules and the sample standard deviation, the square root of the sample variance. StdStats (Program 2.2.4) shows implementations of static methods for computing these basic statistics (the median is more difficult to compute than the others—we will consider the implementation of median() in Section 4.2). The main() test client for StdStats reads numbers from standard input into an array and calls each of the methods to print the minimum, mean, maximum, and standard deviation, as follows: public static void main(String[] args) { double[] a = StdArrayIO.readDouble1D(); StdOut.printf(" min %7.3f\n", min(a)); StdOut.printf(" mean %7.3f\n", mean(a)); StdOut.printf(" max %7.3f\n", max(a)); StdOut.printf(" std dev %7.3f\n", stddev(a)); } As with StdRandom, a more extensive test of the calculations is called for (see Exercise 2.2.3). Typically, as we debug or test new methods in the library, we adjust the unit testing code accordingly, testing the methods one at a time. A mature and widely used library like StdStats also deserves a stress-testing client for extensively testing everything after any change. If you are interested in seeing what such a client might look like, you can find one for StdStats on the booksite. Most experienced programmers will advise you that any time spent doing unit testing and stress testing will more than pay for itself later. Plotting. One important use of StdDraw is to help us visualize data rather than relying on tables of numbers. In a typical situation, we perform experiments, save the experimental data in an array, and then compare the results against a model, perhaps a mathematical function that describes the data. To expedite this process for the typical case where values of one variable are equally spaced, our StdStats library contains static methods that you can use for plotting data in an array. Program 2.2.5 is an implementation of the plotPoints(), plotLines(), and plotBars() methods for StdStats. These methods display the values in the argument array at evenly spaced intervals in the drawing window, either connected together by line segments (lines), filled circles at each value (points), or bars from the x-axis to the value (bars). They all plot the points with x-coordinate i and y-coordinate a[i] using filled circles, lines through the points, and bars, respectively. In addition,
2.2 Libraries and Clients Program 2.2.5 247 Plotting data values in an array public static void plotPoints(double[] a) { // Plot points at (i, a[i]). int n = a.length; StdDraw.setXscale(-1, n); StdDraw.setPenRadius(1/(3.0*n)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) StdDraw.point(i, a[i]); } public static void plotLines(double[] a) { // Plot lines through points at (i, a[i]). int n = a.length; StdDraw.setXscale(-1, n); StdDraw.setPenRadius(); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) StdDraw.line(i-1, a[i-1], i, a[i]); } public static void plotBars(double[] a) { // Plot bars from (0, a[i]) to (i, a[i]). int n = a.length; StdDraw.setXscale(-1, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) StdDraw.filledRectangle(i, a[i]/2, 0.25, a[i]/2); } This code implements three methods in StdStats (Program 2.2.4) for plotting data. They plot the points (i, a[i]) with filled circles, connecting line segments, and bars, respectively. plotPoints(a); int n = 20; double[] a = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) a[i] = 1.0/(i+1); (0.0, 1.0) (9.0, 0.1) plotLines(a); plotBars(a);
Functions and Modules 248 they all rescale x to fill the drawing window (so that the points are evenly spaced along the x-coordinate) and leave to the client scaling of the y-coordinates. These methods are not intended to be a general-purpose plotting package, but you can certainly think of all sorts of things that you might want to add: different types of spots, labeled axes, color, and many other artifacts are commonly found in modern systems that can plot data. Some situations might call for more complicated methods than these. Our intent with StdStats is to introduce you to data analysis while showing you how easy it is to define a library to take care of useful tasks. Indeed, this library has already proved useful—we use these plotting methods to produce the figures in this book that depict function graphs, sound waves, and experimental results. Next, we consider several examples of their use. Plotting function graphs. You can use int n = 50; the StdStats.plot*() methods to draw double[] a = new double[n+1]; a plot of the function graph for any func- for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) a[i] = Gaussian.pdf(-4.0 + 8.0*i/n); tion at all: choose an x-interval where StdStats.plotPoints(a); you want to plot the function, compute StdStats.plotLines(a); function values evenly spaced through that interval and store them in an array, determine and set the y-scale, and then call StdStats.plotLines() or another plot*() method. For example, to plot a sine function, rescale the y-axis to cover Plotting a function graph values between 1 and 1. Scaling the xaxis is automatically handled by the StdStats methods. If you do not know the range, you can handle the situation by calling: StdDraw.setYscale(StdStats.min(a), StdStats.max(a)); The smoothness of the curve is determined by properties of the function and by the number of points plotted. As we discussed when first considering StdDraw, you have to be careful to sample enough points to catch fluctuations in the function. We will consider another approach to plotting functions based on sampling values that are not equally spaced in Section 2.4.
2.2 Libraries and Clients Plotting sound waves. Both the 249 library StdDraw.setYscale(-1.0, 1.0); and the StdStats plot methods work with arrays that double[] hi; contain sampled values at regular intervals. The dia- hi = PlayThatTune.tone(880, 0.01); StdStats.plotPoints(hi); grams of sound waves in Section 1.5 and at the beginning of this section were all produced by first scaling the y-axis with StdDraw.setYscale(-1, 1), then plotting the points with StdStats.plotPoints(). As you have seen, such plots give direct insight into Plotting a sound wave processing audio. You can also produce interesting effects by plotting sound waves as you play them with StdAudio, although this task is a bit challenging because of the huge amount of data involved (see Exercise 1.5.23). StdAudio Plotting experimental results. You can put multiple plots on the same drawing. One typical reason to do so is to compare experimental results with a theoretical model. For example, Bernoulli (Program 2.2.6) counts the number of heads found when a fair coin is flipped n times and compares the result with the predicted Gaussian probability density function. A famous result from probability theory is that the distribution of this quantity is the binomial distribution, which is extremely well approximated by the Gaussian distribution with mean n/2 and standard deviation n/2. The more trials we perform, the more accurate the approximation. The drawing produced by Bernoulli is a succinct summary of the results of the experiment and a convincing validation of the theory. This example is prototypical of a scientific approach to applications programming that we use often throughout this book and that you should use whenever you run an experiment. If a theoretical model that can explain your results is available, a visual plot comparing the experiment to the theory can validate both. These few examples are intended to suggest what is possible with a well-designed library of static methods for data analysis. Several extensions and other ideas are explored in the exercises. You will find StdStats to be useful for basic plots, and you are encouraged to experiment with these implementations and to modify them or to add methods to make your own library that can draw plots of your own design. As you continue to address an ever-widening circle of programming tasks, you will naturally be drawn to the idea of developing tools like these for your own use.
Functions and Modules 250 Program 2.2.6 Bernoulli trials public class Bernoulli { public static int binomial(int n) { // Simulate flipping a coin n times; return # heads. int heads = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (StdRandom.bernoulli(0.5)) heads++; return heads; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Perform Bernoulli trials, plot results and model. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); n number of flips per trial int[] freq = new int[n+1]; trials number of trials for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) freq[] experimental results freq[binomial(n)]++; double[] norm = new double[n+1]; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) norm[i] = (double) freq[i] / trials; StdStats.plotBars(norm); norm[] phi[] normalized results Gaussian model double mean = n / 2.0; double stddev = Math.sqrt(n) / 2.0; double[] phi = new double[n+1]; for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) phi[i] = Gaussian.pdf(i, mean, stddev); StdStats.plotLines(phi); } } This StdStats, StdRandom, and Gaussian client provides visual evidence that the number of heads observed when a fair coin is flipped n times obeys a Gaussian distribution. % java Bernoulli 20 100000
2.2 Libraries and Clients 251 Modular programming The library implementations that we have developed illustrate a programming style known as modular programming. Instead of writing a new program that is self-contained within its own file to address a new problem, we break up each task into smaller, more manageable subtasks, then implement and independently debug code that addresses each subtask. Good libraries facilitate modular programming by allowing us to define and provide solutions for important subtasks for future clients. Whenever you can clearly separate tasks within a program, you should do so. Java supports such separation by allowing us to independently debug and later use classes in separate files. Traditionally, programmers use the term module to refer to code that can be compiled and run independently; in Java, each class is a module. IFS (Program 2.2.3) exemplifies modular programming. This relatively sophisticated computation is implemented with several relatively small modules, developed independently. It uses StdRandom and StdArrayIO, as well as the methods from Integer and StdDraw that we are accustomed to using. If we were API description to put all of the code required for Gaussian Gaussian distribution functions IFS in a single file, we would have a StdRandom random numbers large amount of code on our hands StdArrayIO input and output for arrays to maintain and debug; with modular programming, we can study iterated IFS client for iterated function systems function systems with some confiStdStats functions for data analysis dence that the arrays are read properly Bernoulli client for Bernoulli trials and that the random number generator will produce properly distributed Summary of classes in this section values, because we already implemented and tested the code for these tasks in separate modules. Similarly, Bernoulli (Program 2.2.6) exemplifies modular programming. It is a client of Gaussian, Integer, Math, StdRandom, and StdStats. Again, we can have some confidence that the methods in these modules produce the expected results because they are system libraries or libraries that we have tested, debugged, and used before.
Functions and Modules 252 To describe the relationships among modules in a modular program, we often draw a dependency graph, where we connect two class names with an arrow labeled with the name of a method if the first class contains a method call and the second class contains the definition of the method. Such diagrams play an important role because understanding the relationships among modules is necessary for proper development and maintenance. IFS parseInt() parseInt() Integer readDouble1D() readDouble2D() discrete() plotBars() plotLines() sqrt() StdArrayIO readDouble() readInt() Bernoulli pdf() bernoulli() point() StdStats setPenRadius() setXscale() line() StdIn StdDraw Gaussian StdRandom exp() sqrt() PI random() Math Dependency graph (partial) for the modules in this section We emphasize modular programming throughout this book because it has many important advantages that have come to be accepted as essential in modern programming, including the following: • We can have programs of a reasonable size, even in large systems. • Debugging is restricted to small pieces of code. • We can reuse code without having to re-implement it. • Maintaining (and improving) code is much simpler. The importance of these advantages is difficult to overstate, so we will expand upon each of them. Programs of a reasonable size. No large task is so complex that it cannot be divided into smaller subtasks. If you find yourself with a program that stretches to more than a few pages of code, you must ask yourself the following questions: Are there subtasks that could be implemented separately? Could some of these subtasks be
2.2 Libraries and Clients logically grouped together in a separate library? Could other clients use this code in the future? At the other end of the range, if you find yourself with a huge number of tiny modules, you must ask yourself questions such as these: Is there some group of subtasks that logically belong in the same module? Is each module likely to be used by multiple clients? There is no hard-and-fast rule on module size: one implementation of a critically important abstraction might properly be a few lines of code, whereas another library with a large number of overloaded methods might properly stretch to hundreds of lines of code. Debugging. Tracing a program rapidly becomes more difficult as the number of statements and interacting variables increases. Tracing a program with hundreds of variables requires keeping track of hundreds of values, as any statement might affect or be affected by any variable. To do so for hundreds or thousands of statements or more is untenable. With modular programming and our guiding principle of keeping the scope of variables local to the extent possible, we severely restrict the number of possibilities that we have to consider when debugging. Equally important is the idea of a contract between client and implementation. Once we are satisfied that an implementation is meeting its end of the bargain, we can debug all its clients under that assumption. Code reuse. Once we have implemented libraries such as StdStats and StdRandom, we do not have to worry about writing code to compute averages or standard deviations or to generate random numbers again—we can simply reuse the code that we have written. Moreover, we do not need to make copies of the code: any module can just refer to any public method in any other module. Maintenance. Like a good piece of writing, a good program can always be improved, and modular programming facilitates the process of continually improving your Java programs because improving a module improves all of its clients. For example, it is normally the case that there are several different approaches to solving a particular problem. With modular programming, you can implement more than one and try them independently. More importantly, suppose that while developing a new client, you find a bug in some module. With modular programming, fixing that bug essentially fixes bugs in all of the module’s clients. 253
254 Functions and Modules If you encounter an old program (or a new program written by an old programmer!), you are likely to find one huge module—a long sequence of statements, stretching to several pages or more, where any statement can refer to any variable in the program. Old programs of this kind are found in critical parts of our computational infrastructure (for example, some nuclear power plants and some banks) precisely because the programmers charged with maintaining them cannot even understand them well enough to rewrite them in a modern language! With support for modular programming, modern languages like Java help us avoid such situations by separately developing libraries of methods in independent classes. The ability to share static methods among different files fundamentally extends our programming model in two different ways. First, it allows us to reuse code without having to maintain multiple copies of it. Second, by allowing us to organize a program into files of manageable size that can be independently debugged and compiled, it strongly supports our basic message: whenever you can clearly separate tasks within a program, you should do so. In this section, we have supplemented the Std* libraries of Section 1.5 with several other libraries that you can use: Gaussian, StdArrayIO, StdRandom, and StdStats. Furthermore, we have illustrated their use with several client programs. These tools are centered on basic mathematical concepts that arise in any scientific project or engineering task. Our intent is not just to provide tools, but also to illustrate that it is easy to create your own tools. The first question that most modern programmers ask when addressing a complex task is “Which tools do I need?” When the needed tools are not conveniently available, the second question is “How difficult would it be to implement them?” To be a good programmer, you need to have the confidence to build a software tool when you need it and the wisdom to know when it might be better to seek a solution in a library. After libraries and modular programming, you have one more step to learn a complete modern programming model: object-oriented programming, the topic of Chapter 3. With object-oriented programming, you can build libraries of functions that use side effects (in a tightly controlled manner) to vastly extend the Java programming model. Before moving to object-oriented programming, we consider in this chapter the profound ramifications of the idea that any method can call itself (in Section 2.3) and a more extensive case study (in Section 2.4) of modular programming than the small clients in this section.
2.2 Libraries and Clients Q&A Q. I tried to use StdRandom, but got the error message Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: StdRandom. What’s wrong? A. You need to make StdRandom accessible to Java. See the first Q&A at the end of Section 1.5. Q. Is there a keyword that identifies a class as a library? A. No, any set of public methods will do. There is a bit of a conceptual leap in this viewpoint because it is one thing to sit down to create a .java file that you will compile and run, quite another thing to create a .java file that you will rely on much later in the future, and still another thing to create a .java file for someone else to use in the future. You need to develop some libraries for your own use before engaging in this sort of activity, which is the province of experienced systems programmers. Q. How do I develop a new version of a library that I have been using for a while? A. With care. Any change to the API might break any client program, so it is best to work in a separate directory. When you use this approach, you are working with a copy of the code. If you are changing a library that has a lot of clients, you can appreciate the problems faced by companies putting out new versions of their software. If you just want to add a few methods to a library, go ahead: that is usually not too dangerous, though you should realize that you might find yourself in a situation where you have to support that library for years! Q. How do I know that an implementation behaves properly? Why not automatically check that it satisfies the API? A. We use informal specifications because writing a detailed specification is not much different from writing a program. Moreover, a fundamental tenet of theoretical computer science says that doing so does not even solve the basic problem, because generally there is no way to check that two different programs perform the same computation. 255
Functions and Modules 256 Exercises 2.2.1 Add to Gaussian (Program 2.1.2) an implementation of the three-argument static method pdf(x, mu, sigma) specified in the API that computes the Gaussian probability density function with a given mean and standard deviation , based on the formula (x, , ) = f(( x ) / )/. Also add an implementation of the associated cumulative distribution function cdf(z, mu, sigma), based on the formula (z, , ) = ((z ) / ). 2.2.2 Write a library of static methods that implements the hyperbolic functions based on the definitions sinh(x) = (e x ex) / 2 and cosh(x) = (e x ex) / 2, with tanh(x), coth(x), sech(x), and csch(x) defined in a manner analogous to standard trigonometric functions. 2.2.3 Write a test client for both StdStats and StdRandom that checks that the methods in both libraries operate as expected. Take a command-line argument n, generate n random numbers using each of the methods in StdRandom, and print their statistics. Extra credit : Defend the results that you get by comparing them to those that are to be expected from analysis. 2.2.4 Add to StdRandom a method shuffle() that takes an array of double values as argument and rearranges them in random order. Implement a test client that checks that each permutation of the array is produced about the same number of times. Add overloaded methods that take arrays of integers and strings. 2.2.5 Develop a client that does stress testing for StdRandom. Pay particular attention to discrete(). For example, do the probabilities sum to 1? 2.2.6 Write a static method that takes double values ymin and ymax (with ymin strictly less than ymax), and a double array a[] as arguments and uses the StdStats library to linearly scale the values in a[] so that they are all between ymin and ymax. 2.2.7 Write a Gaussian and StdStats client that explores the effects of changing the mean and standard deviation for the Gaussian probability density function. Create one plot with the Gaussian distributions having a fixed mean and various standard deviations and another with Gaussian distributions having a fixed standard deviation and various means.
2.2 Libraries and Clients 257 2.2.8 Add a method exp() to StdRandom that takes an argument and returns a random number drawn from the exponential distribution with rate . Hint: If x is a random number uniformly distributed between 0 and 1, then ln x / is a random number from the exponential distribution with rate . 2.2.9 Add to StdRandom a static method maxwellBoltzmann() that returns a random value drawn from a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution with parameter . To produce such a value, return the square root of the sum of the squares of three random numbers drawn from the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation . The speeds of molecules in an ideal gas obey a Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution. 2.2.10 Modify Bernoulli (Program 2.2.6) to animate the bar graph, replotting it after each experiment, so that you can watch it converge to the Gaussian distribution. Then add a command-line argument and an overloaded binomial() implementation to allow you to specify the probability p that a biased coin comes up heads, and run experiments to get a feeling for the distribution corresponding to a biased coin. Be sure to try values of p that are close to 0 and close to 1. 2.2.11 Develop a full implementation of StdArrayIO (implement all 12 methods indicated in the API). 2.2.12 Write a library Matrix that implements the following API: public class Matrix double dot(double[] a, double[] b) vector dot product double[][] multiply(double[][] a, double[][] b) matrix–matrix product double[][] transpose(double[][] a) transpose double[] multiply(double[][] a, double[] x) matrix–vector product double[] multiply(double[] x, double[][] a) vector–matrix product (See Section 1.4.) As a test client, use the following code, which performs the same calculation as Markov (Program 1.6.3):
Functions and Modules 258 public static void main(String[] args) { int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); double[][] p = StdArrayIO.readDouble2D(); double[] ranks = new double[p.length]; rank[0] = 1.0; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) ranks = Matrix.multiply(ranks, p); StdArrayIO.print(ranks); } Mathematicians and scientists use mature libraries or special-purpose matrix-processing languages for such tasks. See the booksite for details on using such libraries. 2.2.13 Write a Matrix client that implements the version of Markov described in Section 1.6 but is based on squaring the matrix, instead of iterating the vector– matrix multiplication. 2.2.14 Rewrite RandomSurfer (Program 1.6.2) using the StdArrayIO and StdRandom libraries. Partial solution. ... double[][] p = StdArrayIO.readDouble2D(); int page = 0; // Start at page 0. int[] freq = new int[n]; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { page = StdRandom.discrete(p[page]); freq[page]++; } ...
2.2 Libraries and Clients Creative Exercises 2.2.15 Sicherman dice. Suppose that you have two six-sided dice, one with faces labeled 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 and the other with faces labeled 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, and 4. Compare the probabilities of occurrence of each of the values of the sum of the dice with those for a standard pair of dice. Use StdRandom and StdStats. 2.2.16 Craps. The following are the rules for a pass bet in the game of craps. Roll two six-sided dice, and let x be their sum. • If x is 7 or 11, you win. • If x is 2, 3, or 12, you lose. Otherwise, repeatedly roll the two dice until their sum is either x or 7. • If their sum is x, you win. • If their sum is 7, you lose. Write a modular program to estimate the probability of winning a pass bet. Modify your program to handle loaded dice, where the probability of a die landing on 1 is taken from the command line, the probability of landing on 6 is 1/6 minus that probability, and 2–5 are assumed equally likely. Hint : Use StdRandom.discrete(). 2.2.17 Gaussian random values. Implement the no-argument gaussian() function in StdRandom (Program 2.2.1) using the Box–Muller formula (see Exercise 1.2.27). Next, consider an alternative approach, known as Marsaglia’s method, which is based on generating a random point in the unit circle and using a form of the Box–Muller formula (see the discussion of do-while at the end of Section 1.3). public static double gaussian() { double r, x, y; do { x = uniform(-1.0, 1.0); y = uniform(-1.0, 1.0); r = x*x + y*y; } while (r >= 1 || r == 0); return x * Math.sqrt(-2 * Math.log(r) / r); } For each approach, generate 10 million random values from the Gaussian distribution, and measure which is faster. 259
Functions and Modules 260 2.2.18 Dynamic histogram. Suppose that the standard input stream is a sequence of double values. Write a program that takes an integer n and two double values and hi from the command line and uses StdStats to plot a histogram of the count of the numbers in the standard input stream that fall in each of the n intervals defined by dividing (lo , hi) into n equal-sized intervals. Use your program to add code to your solution to Exercise 2.2.3 to plot a histogram of the distribution of the numbers produced by each method, taking n from the command line. lo 2.2.19 Stress test. Develop a client that does stress testing for StdStats. Work with a classmate, with one person writing code and the other testing it. 2.2.20 Gambler’s ruin. Develop a StdRandom client to study the gambler’s ruin problem (see Program 1.3.8 and Exercise 1.3.24–25). Note : Defining a static method for the experiment is more difficult than for Bernoulli because you cannot return two values. 2.2.21 IFS. Experiment with various inputs to IFS to create patterns of your own design like the Sierpinski triangle, the Barnsley fern, or the other examples in the table in the text. You might begin by experimenting with minor modifications to the given inputs. 2.2.22 IFS matrix implementation. Write a version of IFS that uses the static method multiply() from Matrix (see Exercise 2.2.12) instead of the equations that compute the new values of x0 and y0. 2.2.23 Library for properties of integers. Develop a library based on the functions that we have considered in this book for computing properties of integers. Include functions for determining whether a given integer is prime; determining whether two integers are relatively prime; computing all the factors of a given integer; computing the greatest common divisor and least common multiple of two integers; Euler’s totient function (Exercise 2.1.26); and any other functions that you think might be useful. Include overloaded implementations for long values. Create an API, a client that performs stress testing, and clients that solve several of the exercises earlier in this book.
2.2 Libraries and Clients 2.2.24 Music library. Develop a library based on the functions in PlayThatTune (Program 2.1.4) that you can use to write client programs to create and manipulate songs. 2.2.25 Voting machines. Develop a StdRandom client (with appropriate static methods of its own) to study the following problem: Suppose that in a population of 100 million voters, 51% vote for candidate A and 49% vote for candidate B. However, the voting machines are prone to make mistakes, and 5% of the time they produce the wrong answer. Assuming the errors are made independently and at random, is a 5% error rate enough to invalidate the results of a close election? What error rate can be tolerated? 2.2.26 Poker analysis. Write a StdRandom and StdStats client (with appropriate static methods of its own) to estimate the probabilities of getting one pair, two pair, three of a kind, a full house, and a flush in a five-card poker hand via simulation. Divide your program into appropriate static methods and defend your design decisions. Extra credit : Add straight and straight flush to the list of possibilities. 2.2.27 Animated plots. Write a program that takes a command-line argument m and produces a bar graph of the m most recent double values on standard input. Use the same animation technique that we used for BouncingBall (Program 1.5.6): erase, redraw, show, and wait briefly. Each time your program reads a new number, it should redraw the whole bar graph. Since most of the picture does not change as it is redrawn slightly to the left, your program will produce the effect of a fixed-size window dynamically sliding over the input values. Use your program to plot a huge time-variant data file, such as stock prices. 2.2.28 Array plot library. Develop your own plot methods that improve upon those in StdStats. Be creative! Try to make a plotting library that you think will be useful for some application in the future. 261
Functions and Modules 2.3 Recursion The idea of calling one function from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Java and most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive solutions 2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm. . . . . . . . . . 267 to a variety of problems. Recursion is a 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi. . . . . . . . . . . 270 powerful programming technique that 2.3.3 Gray code. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 we use often in this book. Recursive pro2.3.4 Recursive graphics. . . . . . . . . . 277 grams are often more compact and easier 2.3.5 Brownian bridge. . . . . . . . . . . 279 2.3.6 Longest common subsequence. . . 287 to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become Programs in this section sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recursive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data strucA recursive model of the natural world tures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect.
2.3 Recursion 263 Functions and Modules Functions and Modules 2.3 Recursion Functions and Modules THE IDEA OF CALLING ONE FUNCTION from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Python and in most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive so2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 295 lutions to a variety of problems. Once 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . . . . 298 you get used to the idea, you will see that 2.3.3 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 recursion is a powerful general-purpose 2.3.4 Recursive graphics . . . . . . . . . 305 2.3.5 Brownian bridge . . . . . . . . . . 307 programming technique with many attractive properties. It is a fundamental Programs in this section tool that we use often in this book. Recursive programs are often more compact and easier to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the A recursive model recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recurof the natural world sive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data structures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and to make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect. 2.3 Recursion THE IDEA OF CALLING ONE FUNCTION from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Python and in most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive so2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 295 lutions to a variety of problems. Once 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . . . . 298 you get used to the idea, you will see that 2.3.3 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 recursion is a powerful general-purpose 2.3.4 Recursive graphics . . . . . . . . . 305 2.3.5 Brownian bridge . . . . . . . . . . 307 programming technique with many attractive properties. It is a fundamental Programs in this section tool that we use often in this book. Recursive programs are often more compact and easier to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the A recursive model recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recurof the natural world sive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data structures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and to make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect. 2.3 Recursion THE IDEA OF CALLING ONE FUNCTION from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Python and in most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive so2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 295 lutions to a variety of problems. Once 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . . . . 298 you get used to the idea, you will see that 2.3.3 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 recursion is a powerful general-purpose 2.3.4 Recursive graphics . . . . . . . . . 305 2.3.5 Brownian bridge . . . . . . . . . . 307 programming technique with many attractive properties. It is a fundamental Programs in this section tool that we use often in this book. Recursive programs are often more compact and easier to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the A recursive model recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recurof the natural world sive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data structures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and to make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect. seludoM dna snoitcnuF noisruceR 3.2 ytilibissop eht stseggus yletaidemmi rehtona morf NOITCNUF ENO GNILLAC FO AEDI EHT tsom ni dna nohtyP ni msinahcem llac-noitcnuf ehT .flesti gnillac noitcnuf a fo -rucer sa nwonk si hcihw ,ytilibissop siht stroppus segaugnal gnimmargorp nredom -maxe yduts lliw ew ,noitces siht nI .nois -os evisrucer tneicfife dna tnagele fo selp ecnO .smelborp fo yteirav a ot snoitul taht ees lliw uoy ,aedi eht ot desu teg uoy esoprup-lareneg lufrewop a si noisrucer -ta ynam htiw euqinhcet gnimmargorp latnemadnuf a si tI .seitreporp evitcart noitces siht ni smargorP siht ni netfo esu ew taht loot era smargorp evisruceR .koob evisrucernon rieht naht dnatsrednu ot reisae dna tcapmoc erom netfo htiw elbatrofmoc yltneicfifus emoceb sremmargorp weF .strapretnuoc -ele na htiw melborp a gnivlos tub ,edoc yadyreve ni ti esu ot noisrucer -niatrec si taht ecneirepxe gniyfsitas a si margorp evisrucer detfarc yltnag .)!uoy neve( remmargorp yreve ot elbissecca yl ynam nI .euqinhcet gnimmargorp a naht erom hcum si noisruceR eht ,elpmaxe roF .dlrow larutan eht ebircsed ot yaw lufesu a si ti ,sgnittes ledom evisrucer A -rucer larutan a sah dna ,eert laer a selbmeser )tfel eht ot( eert evisrucer dlrow larutan eht fo evisrucer yb denialpxe llew era anemonehp ynam ,ynaM .noitpircsed evis .ecneics retupmoc ni elor lartnec a syalp noisrucer ,ralucitrap nI .sledom eb nac taht gnihtyreve secarbme taht ledom lanoitatupmoc elpmis a sedivorp tI dna ;smargorp ezylana ot dna ezinagro ot su spleh ti ;retupmoc yna htiw detupmoc gnignar ,snoitacilppa lanoitatupmoc tnatropmi yllacitirc suoremun ot yek eht si ti -orp noitamrofni troppus taht serutcurts atad eert ot hcraes lairotanibmoc morf .gnissecorp langis rof mrofsnart reiruoF tsaf eht ot gnissec -rofthgiarts a sedivorp ti taht si noisrucer ecarbme ot nosaer tnatropmi enO tnatropmi evorp ot esu nac ew taht sledom lacitamehtam elpmis dliub ot yaw draw sa nwonk si os od ot esu ew taht euqinhcet foorp ehT .smargorp ruo tuoba stcaf lacitamehtam fo sliated eht otni gniog diova ew ,yllareneG .noitcudni lacitamehtam -rednu ot elihwhtrow si ti taht noitces siht ni ees lliw uoy tub ,koob siht ni sfoorp evisrucer taht flesruoy ecnivnoc ot troffe eht ekam ot dna weiv fo tniop taht dnats .tceffe dednetni eht evah smargorp 592 . . . . . . . . . . mhtirogla s’dilcuE 1.3.2 892 . . . . . . . . . . . ionaH fo srewoT 2.3.2 303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edoc yarG 3.3.2 503 . . . . . . . . . scihparg evisruceR 4.3.2 703 . . . . . . . . . . egdirb nainworB 5.3.2 Functions and Modules 2.3 Recursion seludoM dna snoitcnuF THE IDEA OF CALLING ONE FUNCTION from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Python and in most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive so2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 295 lutions to a variety of problems. Once 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . . . . 298 you get used to the idea, you will see that 2.3.3 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 recursion is a powerful general-purpose 2.3.4 Recursive graphics . . . . . . . . . 305 2.3.5 Brownian bridge . . . . . . . . . . 307 programming technique with many attractive properties. It is a fundamental Programs in this section tool that we use often in this book. Recursive programs are often more compact and easier to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the A recursive model recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recurof the natural world sive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data structures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and to make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect. noisruceR 3.2 seludoM dna snoitcnuF noisruceR 3.2 ytilibissop eht stseggus yletaidemmi rehtona morf NOITCNUF ENO GNILLAC FO AEDI EHT tsom ni dna nohtyP ni msinahcem llac-noitcnuf ehT .flesti gnillac noitcnuf a fo -rucer sa nwonk si hcihw ,ytilibissop siht stroppus segaugnal gnimmargorp nredom -maxe yduts lliw ew ,noitces siht nI .nois -os evisrucer tneicfife dna tnagele fo selp ecnO .smelborp fo yteirav a ot snoitul taht ees lliw uoy ,aedi eht ot desu teg uoy esoprup-lareneg lufrewop a si noisrucer -ta ynam htiw euqinhcet gnimmargorp latnemadnuf a si tI .seitreporp evitcart noitces siht ni smargorP siht ni netfo esu ew taht loot era smargorp evisruceR .koob evisrucernon rieht naht dnatsrednu ot reisae dna tcapmoc erom netfo htiw elbatrofmoc yltneicfifus emoceb sremmargorp weF .strapretnuoc -ele na htiw melborp a gnivlos tub ,edoc yadyreve ni ti esu ot noisrucer -niatrec si taht ecneirepxe gniyfsitas a si margorp evisrucer detfarc yltnag .)!uoy neve( remmargorp yreve ot elbissecca yl ynam nI .euqinhcet gnimmargorp a naht erom hcum si noisruceR eht ,elpmaxe roF .dlrow larutan eht ebircsed ot yaw lufesu a si ti ,sgnittes ledom evisrucer A -rucer larutan a sah dna ,eert laer a selbmeser )tfel eht ot( eert evisrucer dlrow larutan eht fo evisrucer yb denialpxe llew era anemonehp ynam ,ynaM .noitpircsed evis .ecneics retupmoc ni elor lartnec a syalp noisrucer ,ralucitrap nI .sledom eb nac taht gnihtyreve secarbme taht ledom lanoitatupmoc elpmis a sedivorp tI dna ;smargorp ezylana ot dna ezinagro ot su spleh ti ;retupmoc yna htiw detupmoc gnignar ,snoitacilppa lanoitatupmoc tnatropmi yllacitirc suoremun ot yek eht si ti -orp noitamrofni troppus taht serutcurts atad eert ot hcraes lairotanibmoc morf .gnissecorp langis rof mrofsnart reiruoF tsaf eht ot gnissec -rofthgiarts a sedivorp ti taht si noisrucer ecarbme ot nosaer tnatropmi enO tnatropmi evorp ot esu nac ew taht sledom lacitamehtam elpmis dliub ot yaw draw sa nwonk si os od ot esu ew taht euqinhcet foorp ehT .smargorp ruo tuoba stcaf lacitamehtam fo sliated eht otni gniog diova ew ,yllareneG .noitcudni lacitamehtam -rednu ot elihwhtrow si ti taht noitces siht ni ees lliw uoy tub ,koob siht ni sfoorp evisrucer taht flesruoy ecnivnoc ot troffe eht ekam ot dna weiv fo tniop taht dnats .tceffe dednetni eht evah smargorp 592 . . . . . . . . . . mhtirogla s’dilcuE 1.3.2 892 . . . . . . . . . . . ionaH fo srewoT 2.3.2 303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edoc yarG 3.3.2 503 . . . . . . . . . scihparg evisruceR 4.3.2 703 . . . . . . . . . . egdirb nainworB 5.3.2 ytilibissop eht stseggus yletaidemmi rehtona morf NOITCNUF ENO GNILLAC FO AEDI EHT tsom ni dna nohtyP ni msinahcem llac-noitcnuf ehT .flesti gnillac noitcnuf a fo -rucer sa nwonk si hcihw ,ytilibissop siht stroppus segaugnal gnimmargorp nredom -maxe yduts lliw ew ,noitces siht nI .nois -os evisrucer tneicfife dna tnagele fo selp 592 . . . . . . . . . . mhtirogla s’dilcuE 1.3.2 ecnO .smelborp fo yteirav a ot snoitul 892 . . . . . . . . . . . ionaH fo srewoT 2.3.2 taht ees lliw uoy ,aedi eht ot desu teg uoy 303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edoc yarG 3.3.2 esoprup-lareneg lufrewop a si noisrucer 503 . . . . . . . . . scihparg evisruceR 4.3.2 703 . . . . . . . . . . egdirb nainworB 5.3.2 -ta ynam htiw euqinhcet gnimmargorp latnemadnuf a si tI .seitreporp evitcart noitces siht ni smargorP siht ni netfo esu ew taht loot era smargorp evisruceR .koob evisrucernon rieht naht dnatsrednu ot reisae dna tcapmoc erom netfo htiw elbatrofmoc yltneicfifus emoceb sremmargorp weF .strapretnuoc -ele na htiw melborp a gnivlos tub ,edoc yadyreve ni ti esu ot noisrucer -niatrec si taht ecneirepxe gniyfsitas a si margorp evisrucer detfarc yltnag .)!uoy neve( remmargorp yreve ot elbissecca yl ynam nI .euqinhcet gnimmargorp a naht erom hcum si noisruceR eht ,elpmaxe roF .dlrow larutan eht ebircsed ot yaw lufesu a si ti ,sgnittes ledom evisrucer A -rucer larutan a sah dna ,eert laer a selbmeser )tfel eht ot( eert evisrucer dlrow larutan eht fo evisrucer yb denialpxe llew era anemonehp ynam ,ynaM .noitpircsed evis .ecneics retupmoc ni elor lartnec a syalp noisrucer ,ralucitrap nI .sledom eb nac taht gnihtyreve secarbme taht ledom lanoitatupmoc elpmis a sedivorp tI dna ;smargorp ezylana ot dna ezinagro ot su spleh ti ;retupmoc yna htiw detupmoc gnignar ,snoitacilppa lanoitatupmoc tnatropmi yllacitirc suoremun ot yek eht si ti -orp noitamrofni troppus taht serutcurts atad eert ot hcraes lairotanibmoc morf .gnissecorp langis rof mrofsnart reiruoF tsaf eht ot gnissec -rofthgiarts a sedivorp ti taht si noisrucer ecarbme ot nosaer tnatropmi enO tnatropmi evorp ot esu nac ew taht sledom lacitamehtam elpmis dliub ot yaw draw sa nwonk si os od ot esu ew taht euqinhcet foorp ehT .smargorp ruo tuoba stcaf lacitamehtam fo sliated eht otni gniog diova ew ,yllareneG .noitcudni lacitamehtam -rednu ot elihwhtrow si ti taht noitces siht ni ees lliw uoy tub ,koob siht ni sfoorp evisrucer taht flesruoy ecnivnoc ot troffe eht ekam ot dna weiv fo tniop taht dnats .tceffe dednetni eht evah smargorp Functions and Modules Functions and Modules 2.3 Recursion THE IDEA OF CALLING ONE FUNCTION from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Python and in most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive so2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 295 lutions to a variety of problems. Once 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . . . . 298 you get used to the idea, you will see that 2.3.3 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 recursion is a powerful general-purpose 2.3.4 Recursive graphics . . . . . . . . . 305 2.3.5 Brownian bridge . . . . . . . . . . 307 programming technique with many attractive properties. It is a fundamental Programs in this section tool that we use often in this book. Recursive programs are often more compact and easier to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the A recursive model recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recurof the natural world sive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data structures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and to make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect. 2.3 Recursion THE IDEA OF CALLING ONE FUNCTION from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Python and in most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive so2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 295 lutions to a variety of problems. Once 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . . . . 298 you get used to the idea, you will see that 2.3.3 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 recursion is a powerful general-purpose 2.3.4 Recursive graphics . . . . . . . . . 305 2.3.5 Brownian bridge . . . . . . . . . . 307 programming technique with many attractive properties. It is a fundamental Programs in this section tool that we use often in this book. Recursive programs are often more compact and easier to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the A recursive model recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recurof the natural world sive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data structures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and to make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect. seludoM dna snoitcnuF noisruceR 3.2 seludoM dna snoitcnuF noisruceR 3.2 ytilibissop eht stseggus yletaidemmi rehtona morf NOITCNUF ENO GNILLAC FO AEDI EHT tsom ni dna nohtyP ni msinahcem llac-noitcnuf ehT .flesti gnillac noitcnuf a fo -rucer sa nwonk si hcihw ,ytilibissop siht stroppus segaugnal gnimmargorp nredom -maxe yduts lliw ew ,noitces siht nI .nois -os evisrucer tneicfife dna tnagele fo selp ecnO .smelborp fo yteirav a ot snoitul taht ees lliw uoy ,aedi eht ot desu teg uoy esoprup-lareneg lufrewop a si noisrucer -ta ynam htiw euqinhcet gnimmargorp latnemadnuf a si tI .seitreporp evitcart noitces siht ni smargorP siht ni netfo esu ew taht loot era smargorp evisruceR .koob evisrucernon rieht naht dnatsrednu ot reisae dna tcapmoc erom netfo htiw elbatrofmoc yltneicfifus emoceb sremmargorp weF .strapretnuoc -ele na htiw melborp a gnivlos tub ,edoc yadyreve ni ti esu ot noisrucer -niatrec si taht ecneirepxe gniyfsitas a si margorp evisrucer detfarc yltnag .)!uoy neve( remmargorp yreve ot elbissecca yl ynam nI .euqinhcet gnimmargorp a naht erom hcum si noisruceR eht ,elpmaxe roF .dlrow larutan eht ebircsed ot yaw lufesu a si ti ,sgnittes ledom evisrucer A -rucer larutan a sah dna ,eert laer a selbmeser )tfel eht ot( eert evisrucer dlrow larutan eht fo evisrucer yb denialpxe llew era anemonehp ynam ,ynaM .noitpircsed evis .ecneics retupmoc ni elor lartnec a syalp noisrucer ,ralucitrap nI .sledom eb nac taht gnihtyreve secarbme taht ledom lanoitatupmoc elpmis a sedivorp tI dna ;smargorp ezylana ot dna ezinagro ot su spleh ti ;retupmoc yna htiw detupmoc gnignar ,snoitacilppa lanoitatupmoc tnatropmi yllacitirc suoremun ot yek eht si ti -orp noitamrofni troppus taht serutcurts atad eert ot hcraes lairotanibmoc morf .gnissecorp langis rof mrofsnart reiruoF tsaf eht ot gnissec -rofthgiarts a sedivorp ti taht si noisrucer ecarbme ot nosaer tnatropmi enO tnatropmi evorp ot esu nac ew taht sledom lacitamehtam elpmis dliub ot yaw draw sa nwonk si os od ot esu ew taht euqinhcet foorp ehT .smargorp ruo tuoba stcaf lacitamehtam fo sliated eht otni gniog diova ew ,yllareneG .noitcudni lacitamehtam -rednu ot elihwhtrow si ti taht noitces siht ni ees lliw uoy tub ,koob siht ni sfoorp evisrucer taht flesruoy ecnivnoc ot troffe eht ekam ot dna weiv fo tniop taht dnats .tceffe dednetni eht evah smargorp 592 . . . . . . . . . . mhtirogla s’dilcuE 1.3.2 892 . . . . . . . . . . . ionaH fo srewoT 2.3.2 303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edoc yarG 3.3.2 503 . . . . . . . . . scihparg evisruceR 4.3.2 703 . . . . . . . . . . egdirb nainworB 5.3.2 Functions and Modules 2.3 Recursion seludoM dna snoitcnuF THE IDEA OF CALLING ONE FUNCTION from another immediately suggests the possibility of a function calling itself. The function-call mechanism in Python and in most modern programming languages supports this possibility, which is known as recursion. In this section, we will study examples of elegant and efficient recursive so2.3.1 Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . 295 lutions to a variety of problems. Once 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi . . . . . . . . . . . 298 you get used to the idea, you will see that 2.3.3 Gray code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 recursion is a powerful general-purpose 2.3.4 Recursive graphics . . . . . . . . . 305 2.3.5 Brownian bridge . . . . . . . . . . 307 programming technique with many attractive properties. It is a fundamental Programs in this section tool that we use often in this book. Recursive programs are often more compact and easier to understand than their nonrecursive counterparts. Few programmers become sufficiently comfortable with recursion to use it in everyday code, but solving a problem with an elegantly crafted recursive program is a satisfying experience that is certainly accessible to every programmer (even you!). Recursion is much more than a programming technique. In many settings, it is a useful way to describe the natural world. For example, the A recursive model recursive tree (to the left) resembles a real tree, and has a natural recurof the natural world sive description. Many, many phenomena are well explained by recursive models. In particular, recursion plays a central role in computer science. It provides a simple computational model that embraces everything that can be computed with any computer; it helps us to organize and to analyze programs; and it is the key to numerous critically important computational applications, ranging from combinatorial search to tree data structures that support information processing to the fast Fourier transform for signal processing. One important reason to embrace recursion is that it provides a straightforward way to build simple mathematical models that we can use to prove important facts about our programs. The proof technique that we use to do so is known as mathematical induction. Generally, we avoid going into the details of mathematical proofs in this book, but you will see in this section that it is worthwhile to understand that point of view and to make the effort to convince yourself that recursive programs have the intended effect. noisruceR 3.2 seludoM dna snoitcnuF noisruceR 3.2 ytilibissop eht stseggus yletaidemmi rehtona morf NOITCNUF ENO GNILLAC FO AEDI EHT tsom ni dna nohtyP ni msinahcem llac-noitcnuf ehT .flesti gnillac noitcnuf a fo -rucer sa nwonk si hcihw ,ytilibissop siht stroppus segaugnal gnimmargorp nredom -maxe yduts lliw ew ,noitces siht nI .nois -os evisrucer tneicfife dna tnagele fo selp ecnO .smelborp fo yteirav a ot snoitul taht ees lliw uoy ,aedi eht ot desu teg uoy esoprup-lareneg lufrewop a si noisrucer -ta ynam htiw euqinhcet gnimmargorp latnemadnuf a si tI .seitreporp evitcart noitces siht ni smargorP siht ni netfo esu ew taht loot era smargorp evisruceR .koob evisrucernon rieht naht dnatsrednu ot reisae dna tcapmoc erom netfo htiw elbatrofmoc yltneicfifus emoceb sremmargorp weF .strapretnuoc -ele na htiw melborp a gnivlos tub ,edoc yadyreve ni ti esu ot noisrucer -niatrec si taht ecneirepxe gniyfsitas a si margorp evisrucer detfarc yltnag .)!uoy neve( remmargorp yreve ot elbissecca yl ynam nI .euqinhcet gnimmargorp a naht erom hcum si noisruceR eht ,elpmaxe roF .dlrow larutan eht ebircsed ot yaw lufesu a si ti ,sgnittes ledom evisrucer A -rucer larutan a sah dna ,eert laer a selbmeser )tfel eht ot( eert evisrucer dlrow larutan eht fo evisrucer yb denialpxe llew era anemonehp ynam ,ynaM .noitpircsed evis .ecneics retupmoc ni elor lartnec a syalp noisrucer ,ralucitrap nI .sledom eb nac taht gnihtyreve secarbme taht ledom lanoitatupmoc elpmis a sedivorp tI dna ;smargorp ezylana ot dna ezinagro ot su spleh ti ;retupmoc yna htiw detupmoc gnignar ,snoitacilppa lanoitatupmoc tnatropmi yllacitirc suoremun ot yek eht si ti -orp noitamrofni troppus taht serutcurts atad eert ot hcraes lairotanibmoc morf .gnissecorp langis rof mrofsnart reiruoF tsaf eht ot gnissec -rofthgiarts a sedivorp ti taht si noisrucer ecarbme ot nosaer tnatropmi enO tnatropmi evorp ot esu nac ew taht sledom lacitamehtam elpmis dliub ot yaw draw sa nwonk si os od ot esu ew taht euqinhcet foorp ehT .smargorp ruo tuoba stcaf lacitamehtam fo sliated eht otni gniog diova ew ,yllareneG .noitcudni lacitamehtam -rednu ot elihwhtrow si ti taht noitces siht ni ees lliw uoy tub ,koob siht ni sfoorp evisrucer taht flesruoy ecnivnoc ot troffe eht ekam ot dna weiv fo tniop taht dnats .tceffe dednetni eht evah smargorp 592 . . . . . . . . . . mhtirogla s’dilcuE 1.3.2 892 . . . . . . . . . . . ionaH fo srewoT 2.3.2 303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edoc yarG 3.3.2 503 . . . . . . . . . scihparg evisruceR 4.3.2 703 . . . . . . . . . . egdirb nainworB 5.3.2 ytilibissop eht stseggus yletaidemmi rehtona morf NOITCNUF ENO GNILLAC FO AEDI EHT tsom ni dna nohtyP ni msinahcem llac-noitcnuf ehT .flesti gnillac noitcnuf a fo -rucer sa nwonk si hcihw ,ytilibissop siht stroppus segaugnal gnimmargorp nredom -maxe yduts lliw ew ,noitces siht nI .nois -os evisrucer tneicfife dna tnagele fo selp 592 . . . . . . . . . . mhtirogla s’dilcuE 1.3.2 ecnO .smelborp fo yteirav a ot snoitul 892 . . . . . . . . . . . ionaH fo srewoT 2.3.2 taht ees lliw uoy ,aedi eht ot desu teg uoy 303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edoc yarG 3.3.2 esoprup-lareneg lufrewop a si noisrucer 503 . . . . . . . . . scihparg evisruceR 4.3.2 703 . . . . . . . . . . egdirb nainworB 5.3.2 -ta ynam htiw euqinhcet gnimmargorp latnemadnuf a si tI .seitreporp evitcart noitces siht ni smargorP siht ni netfo esu ew taht loot era smargorp evisruceR .koob evisrucernon rieht naht dnatsrednu ot reisae dna tcapmoc erom netfo htiw elbatrofmoc yltneicfifus emoceb sremmargorp weF .strapretnuoc -ele na htiw melborp a gnivlos tub ,edoc yadyreve ni ti esu ot noisrucer -niatrec si taht ecneirepxe gniyfsitas a si margorp evisrucer detfarc yltnag .)!uoy neve( remmargorp yreve ot elbissecca yl ynam nI .euqinhcet gnimmargorp a naht erom hcum si noisruceR eht ,elpmaxe roF .dlrow larutan eht ebircsed ot yaw lufesu a si ti ,sgnittes ledom evisrucer A -rucer larutan a sah dna ,eert laer a selbmeser )tfel eht ot( eert evisrucer dlrow larutan eht fo evisrucer yb denialpxe llew era anemonehp ynam ,ynaM .noitpircsed evis .ecneics retupmoc ni elor lartnec a syalp noisrucer ,ralucitrap nI .sledom eb nac taht gnihtyreve secarbme taht ledom lanoitatupmoc elpmis a sedivorp tI dna ;smargorp ezylana ot dna ezinagro ot su spleh ti ;retupmoc yna htiw detupmoc gnignar ,snoitacilppa lanoitatupmoc tnatropmi yllacitirc suoremun ot yek eht si ti -orp noitamrofni troppus taht serutcurts atad eert ot hcraes lairotanibmoc morf .gnissecorp langis rof mrofsnart reiruoF tsaf eht ot gnissec -rofthgiarts a sedivorp ti taht si noisrucer ecarbme ot nosaer tnatropmi enO tnatropmi evorp ot esu nac ew taht sledom lacitamehtam elpmis dliub ot yaw draw sa nwonk si os od ot esu ew taht euqinhcet foorp ehT .smargorp ruo tuoba stcaf lacitamehtam fo sliated eht otni gniog diova ew ,yllareneG .noitcudni lacitamehtam -rednu ot elihwhtrow si ti taht noitces siht ni ees lliw uoy tub ,koob siht ni sfoorp evisrucer taht flesruoy ecnivnoc ot troffe eht ekam ot dna weiv fo tniop taht dnats .tceffe dednetni eht evah smargorp ytilibissop eht stseggus yletaidemmi rehtona morf NOITCNUF ENO GNILLAC FO AEDI EHT tsom ni dna nohtyP ni msinahcem llac-noitcnuf ehT .flesti gnillac noitcnuf a fo -rucer sa nwonk si hcihw ,ytilibissop siht stroppus segaugnal gnimmargorp nredom -maxe yduts lliw ew ,noitces siht nI .nois -os evisrucer tneicfife dna tnagele fo selp 592 . . . . . . . . . . mhtirogla s’dilcuE 1.3.2 ecnO .smelborp fo yteirav a ot snoitul 892 . . . . . . . . . . . ionaH fo srewoT 2.3.2 taht ees lliw uoy ,aedi eht ot desu teg uoy 303 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . edoc yarG 3.3.2 esoprup-lareneg lufrewop a si noisrucer 503 . . . . . . . . . scihparg evisruceR 4.3.2 703 . . . . . . . . . . egdirb nainworB 5.3.2 -ta ynam htiw euqinhcet gnimmargorp latnemadnuf a si tI .seitreporp evitcart noitces siht ni smargorP siht ni netfo esu ew taht loot era smargorp evisruceR .koob evisrucernon rieht naht dnatsrednu ot reisae dna tcapmoc erom netfo htiw elbatrofmoc yltneicfifus emoceb sremmargorp weF .strapretnuoc -ele na htiw melborp a gnivlos tub ,edoc yadyreve ni ti esu ot noisrucer -niatrec si taht ecneirepxe gniyfsitas a si margorp evisrucer detfarc yltnag .)!uoy neve( remmargorp yreve ot elbissecca yl ynam nI .euqinhcet gnimmargorp a naht erom hcum si noisruceR eht ,elpmaxe roF .dlrow larutan eht ebircsed ot yaw lufesu a si ti ,sgnittes ledom evisrucer A -rucer larutan a sah dna ,eert laer a selbmeser )tfel eht ot( eert evisrucer dlrow larutan eht fo evisrucer yb denialpxe llew era anemonehp ynam ,ynaM .noitpircsed evis .ecneics retupmoc ni elor lartnec a syalp noisrucer ,ralucitrap nI .sledom eb nac taht gnihtyreve secarbme taht ledom lanoitatupmoc elpmis a sedivorp tI dna ;smargorp ezylana ot dna ezinagro ot su spleh ti ;retupmoc yna htiw detupmoc gnignar ,snoitacilppa lanoitatupmoc tnatropmi yllacitirc suoremun ot yek eht si ti -orp noitamrofni troppus taht serutcurts atad eert ot hcraes lairotanibmoc morf .gnissecorp langis rof mrofsnart reiruoF tsaf eht ot gnissec -rofthgiarts a sedivorp ti taht si noisrucer ecarbme ot nosaer tnatropmi enO tnatropmi evorp ot esu nac ew taht sledom lacitamehtam elpmis dliub ot yaw draw sa nwonk si os od ot esu ew taht euqinhcet foorp ehT .smargorp ruo tuoba stcaf lacitamehtam fo sliated eht otni gniog diova ew ,yllareneG .noitcudni lacitamehtam -rednu ot elihwhtrow si ti taht noitces siht ni ees lliw uoy tub ,koob siht ni sfoorp evisrucer taht flesruoy ecnivnoc ot troffe eht ekam ot dna weiv fo tniop taht dnats .tceffe dednetni eht evah smargorp A recursive image
Functions and Modules 264 Your first recursive program The “Hello, World” for recursion is the factorial function, defined for positive integers n by the equation n ! = n (n1) (n2) … 2 1 In other words, n! is the product of the positive integers less than or equal to n. Now, n! is easy to compute with a for loop, but an even easier method is to use the following recursive function: public static long factorial(int n) { if (n == 1) return 1; return n * factorial(n-1); } This function calls itself. The implementation clearly produces the desired effect. You can persuade yourself that it does so by noting that factorial() returns 1 = 1! when n is 1 and that if it properly computes the value (n1) ! = (n1) (n2) … 2 1 then it properly computes the value n ! = n (n1)! = n (n1) (n2) … 2 1 factorial(5) To compute factorial(5), the recursive funcfactorial(4) factorial(3) tion multiplies 5 by factorial(4); to compute factorial(2) factorial(4), it multiplies 4 by factorial(3); factorial(1) and so forth. This process is repeated until calling return 1 return 2*1 = 2 factorial(1), which directly returns the value 1. return 3*2 = 6 We can trace this computation in precisely the same return 4*6 = 24 return 5*24 = 120 way that we trace any sequence of function calls. Since we treat all of the calls as being independent copies of the code, the fact that they are recursive is Function-call trace for factorial(5) immaterial. Our factorial() implementation exhibits the two main components that are required for every recursive function. First, the base case returns a value without making any subsequent recursive calls. It does this for one or more special input values for which the function can be evaluated without recursion. For factorial(), the base case is n = 1. Second, the reduction step is the central
2.3 Recursion 265 part of a recursive function. It relates the value of the function 1 1 2 2 at one (or more) arguments to the value of function at one (or 3 6 more) other arguments. For factorial(), the reduction step is 4 24 5 120 n * factorial(n-1). All recursive functions must have these 6 720 two components. Furthermore, the sequence of argument values 7 5040 must converge to the base case. For factorial(), the value of n 8 40320 9 362880 decreases by 1 for each call, so the sequence of argument values 10 3628800 converges to the base case n = 1. 11 39916800 Tiny programs such as factorial() perhaps become 12 479001600 slightly clearer if we put the reduction step in an else clause. 13 6227020800 14 87178291200 However, adopting this convention for every recursive program 15 1307674368000 would unnecessarily complicate larger programs because it 16 20922789888000 355687428096000 would involve putting most of the code (for the reduction step) 17 18 6402373705728000 within curly braces after the else. Instead, we adopt the conven- 19 121645100408832000 tion of always putting the base case as the first statement, end- 20 2432902008176640000 ing with a return, and then devoting the rest of the code to the Values of n! in long reduction step. The factorial() implementation itself is not particularly useful in practice because n! grows so quickly that the multiplication will overflow a long and produce incorrect answers for n > 20. But the same technique is effective for computing all sorts of functions. For example, the recursive function public static double harmonic(int n) { if (n == 1) return 1.0; return harmonic(n-1) + 1.0/n; } computes the nth harmonic numbers (see Program 1.3.5) when n is small, based on the following equations: Hn = 1 + 1/2 + … + 1/n = (1 + 1/2 + … + 1/(n1)) + 1/n = Hn1 + 1/n Indeed, this same approach is effective for computing, with only a few lines of code, the value of any finite sum (or product) for which you have a compact formula. Recursive functions like these are just loops in disguise, but recursion can help us better understand the underlying computation.
266 Functions and Modules Mathematical induction Recursive programming is directly related to mathematical induction, a technique that is widely used for proving facts about the natural numbers. Proving that a statement involving an integer n is true for infinitely many values of n by mathematical induction involves the following two steps: • The base case: prove the statement true for some specific value or values of n (usually 0 or 1). • The induction step (the central part of the proof): assume the statement to be true for all positive integers less than n, then use that fact to prove it true for n. Such a proof suffices to show that the statement is true for infinitely many values of n: we can start at the base case, and use our proof to establish that the statement is true for each larger value of n, one by one. Everyone’s first induction proof is to demonstrate that the sum of the positive integers less than or equal to n is given by the formula n (n + 1) / 2. That is, we wish to prove that the following equation is valid for all n 1: 1 + 2 + 3 … + (n1) + n = n (n + 1) / 2 The equation is certainly true for n = 1 (base case) because 1 = 1(1 + 1) / 2. If we assume it to be true for all positive integers less than n, then, in particular, it is true for n1, so 1 + 2 + 3 … + (n1) = (n1) n / 2 and we can add n to both sides of this equation and simplify to get the desired equation (induction step). Every time we write a recursive program, we need mathematical induction to be convinced that the program has the desired effect. The correspondence between induction and recursion is self-evident. The difference in nomenclature indicates a difference in outlook: in a recursive program, our outlook is to get a computation done by reducing to a smaller problem, so we use the term reduction step; in an induction proof, our outlook is to establish the truth of the statement for larger problems, so we use the term induction step. When we write recursive programs we usually do not write down a full formal proof that they produce the desired result, but we are always dependent upon the existence of such a proof. We often appeal to an informal induction proof to convince ourselves that a recursive program operates as expected. For example, we just discussed an informal proof to become convinced that factorial() computes the product of the positive integers less than or equal to n.
2.3 Recursion Program 2.3.1 267 Euclid’s algorithm public class Euclid { public static int gcd(int p, int q) { if (q == 0) return p; return gcd(q, p % q); } public static void main(String[] args) { int p = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int q = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int divisor = gcd(p, q); StdOut.println(divisor); } } p, q divisor arguments greatest common divisor % java Euclid 1440 408 24 % java Euclid 314159 271828 1 This program prints the greatest common divisor of its two command-line arguments, using a recursive implementation of Euclid’s algorithm. Euclid’s algorithm The greatest common divisor (gcd) of two positive integers is the largest integer that divides evenly into both of them. For example, the greatest common divisor of 102 and 68 is 34 since both 102 and 68 are multiples of 34, but no integer larger than 34 divides evenly into 102 and 68. You may recall learning about the greatest common divisor when you learned to reduce fractions. For example, we can simplify 68/102 to 2/3 by dividing both numerator and denominator by 34, their gcd. Finding the gcd of huge numbers is an important problem that arises in many commercial applications, including the famous RSA cryptosystem. We can efficiently compute the gcd using the following property, which holds for positive integers p and q: If p > q, the gcd of p and q is the same as the gcd of q and p % q.
268 Functions and Modules To convince yourself of this fact, first note that the gcd of p and q is the same as the gcd of q and pq, because a number divides both p and q if and only if it divides both q and pq. By the same argument, q and p2q, q and p3q, and so forth have the same gcd, and one way to compute p % q is to subtract q from p until getting a number less than q. The static method gcd() in Euclid (Program 2.3.1) is a compact recursive function whose reduction step is based on this property. The base case is when q is 0, with gcd(p, 0) = p. To see that the reduction step converges to the base case, observe that the second argument value strictly decreases in each recursive call since p % q < q. If p < q, the gcd(1440, 408) gcd(408, 216) first recursive call effectively switches the order of the two gcd(216, 192) gcd(192, 24) arguments. In fact, the second argument value decreases gcd(24, 0) by at least a factor of 2 for every second recursive call, so return 24 the sequence of argument values quickly converges to the return 24 return 24 base case (see Exercise 2.3.11). This recursive solution to return 24 the problem of computing the greatest common divisor is return 24 known as Euclid’s algorithm and is one of the oldest known Function-call trace for gcd() algorithms—it is more than 2,000 years old. Towers of Hanoi No discussion of recursion would be complete without the ancient towers of Hanoi problem. In this problem, we have three poles and n discs that fit onto the poles. The discs differ in size and are initially stacked on one of the poles, in order from largest (disc n) at the bottom to smallest (disc 1) at the top. The task is to move all n discs to another pole, while obeying the following rules: • Move only one disc at a time. • Never place a larger disc on a smaller one. One legend says that the world will end when a certain group of monks accomplishes this task in a temple with 64 golden discs on three diamond needles. But how can the monks accomplish the task at all, playing by the rules? To solve the problem, our goal is to issue a sequence of instructions for moving the discs. We assume that the poles are arranged in a row, and that each instruction to move a disc specifies its number and whether to move it left or right. If a disc is on the left pole, an instruction to move left means to wrap to the right pole; if a disc is on the right pole, an instruction to move right means to wrap to the left pole. When the discs are all on one pole, there are two possible moves (move the smallest disc left or right); otherwise, there are three possible moves
2.3 Recursion 269 (move the smallest disc left or right, or make the one legal move involving the other two poles). Choosing among these possibilities on each move to achieve the goal is a challenge that requires a plan. Recursion provides just the plan that we need, based on the following idea: first we move the top n1 discs to an empty pole, then we move the largest disc to the other empty pole (where it does not interfere with the smaller ones), and then we complete the job by moving the n1 discs onto the largest disc. TowersOfHanoi (Program 2.3.2) is a direct implementation of this recursive strategy. It takes a command-line argument n and prints the solution to the towers of Hanoi problem on n discs. The recursive function moves() prints the sequence of moves to move the stack of discs to the left (if the argument left is true) or to the right (if left is false). It does so exactly according to the plan just described. Function-call trees To better understand the behav- 1 start position move n–1 discs to the right (recursively) move largest disc left (wrap to rightmost) move n–1 discs to the right (recursively) Recursive plan for towers of Hanoi ior of modular programs that have multiple recursive calls (such as TowersOfHanoi), we use a visual representation known as a function-call tree. Specifically, we represent each method call as a tree node, depicted as a circle labeled with the values of the arguments for that call. Below each tree node, we draw the tree nodes corresponding to each call in that use of the method (in order from left to right) and lines connecting to them. This diagram contains all the information we need to understand the behavior of the program. It contains a tree node for each function call. We can use function-call trees to understand the behavior of any modular program, but they are particularly useful in exposing the behavior of recursive programs. For example, the tree corresponding to a call to move() 4 in TowersOfHanoi is easy to con3 3 struct. Start by drawing a tree node labeled with the values of 2 2 2 2 the command-line arguments. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 The first argument is the number Function-call tree for moves(4, true) in TowersOfHanoi
Functions and Modules 270 Program 2.3.2 Towers of Hanoi public class TowersOfHanoi { public static void moves(int n, boolean left) { if (n == 0) return; moves(n-1, !left); if (left) StdOut.println(n + " left"); else StdOut.println(n + " right"); moves(n-1, !left); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Read n, print moves to move n discs left. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); moves(n, true); } } The recursive method moves() prints the true) or to the right (if left is false). % java TowersOfHanoi 1 1 left % 1 2 1 java TowersOfHanoi 2 right left right % 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 java TowersOfHanoi 3 left right left left left right left n left number of discs direction to move pile moves needed to move n discs to the left (if left is % 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 java TowersOfHanoi 4 right left right right right left right left right left right right right left right
2.3 Recursion 271 of discs in the pile to be moved (and the label of the disc to actually be moved); the second is the direction to move the disc. For clarity, we depict the direction (a boolean value) as an arrow that points left or right, since that is our interpretation of the value—the direction to move the piece. Then draw two tree nodes below with the number of discs decremented by 1 and the direction switched, and continue doing so until only nodes with labels corresponding moves(4, true) to a first argument value 1 have no nodes below them. moves(3, false) moves(2, true) These nodes correspond to calls on moves() that do moves(1, false) 1 right not lead to further recursive calls. Take a moment to study the function-call tree 2 left depicted earlier in this section and to compare it with moves(1, false) 1 right the corresponding function-call trace depicted at right. When you do so, you will see that the recursion tree is 3 right moves(2, true) just a compact representation of the trace. In particumoves(1, false) lar, reading the node labels from left to right gives the 1 right moves needed to solve the problem. 2 left Moreover, when you study the tree, you probably moves(1, false) notice several patterns, including the following two: 1 right • Alternate moves involve the smallest disc. 3 discs moved right • That disc always moves in the same direction. 4 left These observations are relevant because they give a disc 4 moved left moves(3, false) solution to the problem that does not require recurmoves(2, true) sion (or even a computer): every other move involves moves(1, false) 1 right the smallest disc (including the first and last), and each intervening move is the only legal move at the time 2 left not involving the smallest disc. We can prove that this moves(1, false) 1 right approach produces the same outcome as the recursive program, using induction. Having started centuries 3 right moves(2, true) ago without the benefit of a computer, perhaps our moves(1, false) 1 right monks are using this approach. Trees are relevant and important in understand2 left ing recursion because the tree is a quintessential recurmoves(1, false) sive object. As an abstract mathematical model, trees 1 right play an essential role in many applications, and in 3 discs moved right Chapter 4, we will consider the use of trees as a compuFunction-call trace for moves(4, true) tational model to structure data for efficient processing.
272 Functions and Modules Exponential time One advantage of using recursion is that often we can develop mathematical models that allow us to prove important facts about the behavior of recursive programs. For the towers of Hanoi problem, we can estimate the amount of time until the end of the world (assuming that the legend is true). This exercise is important not just because it tells us that the end of the world is quite far off (even if the legend is true), but also because it provides insight that can help us avoid writing programs that will not finish until then. The mathematical model for the towers of Hanoi problem is simple: if we define the function T(n) to be the number of discs moved by TowersOfHanoi to solve an n-disc problem, then the recursive code implies that T(n) must satisfy the following equation: T(n) = 2 T(n1) 1 for n > 1, with T(1) = 1 Such an equation is known in discrete mathematics as a recurrence relation. Recurrence relations naturally arise in the study of recursive programs. We can often use them to derive a closed-form expression for the quantity of interest. For T(n), you may have already guessed from the initial values T(1) = 1, T(2) = 3, T(3), = 7, and T(4) = 15 that T(n) = 2 n 1. The recurrence relation provides a way to prove this to be true, by mathematical induction: • Base case : T(1) = 2n 1 = 1 • Induction step: if T(n1)= 2n1 1, T(n) = 2 (2n1 1) 1 = 2n 1 Therefore, by induction, T(n) = 2n 1 for all n > 0. The minimum possible number of moves also satisfies the same recurrence (see Exercise 2.3.11). (30, 230) Knowing the value of T(n), we can estimate the amount of time required to perform all the moves. If the monks move discs at the rate of one per second, it would take more than one week for them to finish a 20-disc problem, more than 34 years to finish a 30-disc problem, and more than 348 centuries for them to finish a 40-disc problem (assuming that they do not make a mistake). The 64-disc problem would take more than 5.8 billion centuries. The end of the world is likely to be even further off than that because those monks presumably never have had the benefit of using Program 2.3.2, and might not be able to move the discs so rapidly or to figure out so quickly which disc to move next. Even computers are no match for exponential growth. A computer that can do a billion operations per second will still take centuries to do 264 (20, 220) 1,000 operations, and no computer will ever do 2 operations, say. The lesson is profound: with recursion, you can easily write simple short programs Exponential growth
2.3 Recursion 273 that take exponential time, but they simply will not run to completion when you try to run them for large n. Novices are often skeptical of this basic fact, so it is worth your while to pause now to think about it. To convince yourself that it is true, take the print statements out of TowersOfHanoi and run it for increasing values of n starting at 20. You can easily verify that each time you increase the value of n by 1, the running time doubles, and you will quickly lose patience waiting for it to finish. If you wait for an hour for some value of n, you will wait more than a day for n + 5, more than a month for n + 10, and more than a century for n + 20 (no one has that much patience). Your computer is just not fast enough to run every short Java program that you write, no matter how simple the program might seem! Beware of programs that might require exponential time. We are often interested in predicting the running time of our programs. In Section 4.1, we will discuss the use of the same process that we just used to help estimate the running time of other programs. Gray codes The towers of Hanoi problem is no toy. It is intimately related to basic algorithms for manipulating numbers and discrete objects. As an example, we consider Gray codes, a mathematical abstraction with numerous applications. The playwright Samuel Beckett, perhaps best known for Waiting for Godot, wrote a play called Quad that had the following property: starting with an empty stage, characters enter and exit one at a time so that each subset of characters on the stage appears exactly once. How did Beckett generate the stage directions for this play? One way to represent a subset of n discrete objects is to code subset empty use a string of n bits. For Beckett’s problem, we use a 4-bit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 string, with bits numbered from right to left and a bit value of 1 0 0 1 1 2 1 indicating the character onstage. For example, the string 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 2 3 2 1 corresponds to the scene with characters 3 and 1 onstage. This 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 3 2 1 representation gives a quick proof of a basic fact: the number 0 1 0 1 3 1 3 different subsets of n objects is exactly 2 n. Quad has four charac- 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 4 3 4 ters, so there are 2 = 16 different scenes. Our task is to generate 1 1 0 1 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 1 the stage directions. 1 1 1 0 4 3 2 n An n-bit Gray code is a list of the 2 different n-bit binary 1 0 1 0 4 2 numbers such that each element in the list differs in precisely 1 0 1 1 4 2 1 4 1 one bit from its predecessor. Gray codes directly apply to Beck- 11 00 00 10 4 ett’s problem because changing the value of a bit from 0 to 1 move enter enter exit enter enter exit exit enter enter enter exit exit enter exit exit Gray code representations 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 3 1 2 1
274 Functions and Modules corresponds to a character entering the subset onstage; changing a bit from 1 to 0 corresponds to a character exiting the subset. How do we generate a Gray code? A recursive plan that is very similar to the one that we used for the towers of Hanoi problem is effective. The n-bit binaryreflected Gray code is defined recursively as follows: • The (n1) bit code, with 0 prepended to each word, followed by • The (n1) bit code in reverse order, with 1 prepended to each word The 0-bit code is defined to be empty, so the 1-bit code is 0 followed by 1. From this recursive definition, we can verify by induction that the n-bit binary reflected Gray code has the required property: adjacent codewords differ in one bit position. It is true by the inductive hypothesis, except possibly for the last codeword in the first half and the first codeword in the second half: this pair differs only in their first bit. The recursive definition leads, after some 1-bit code 3-bit code careful thought, to the implementation in Beckett (Program 2.3.3) for printing Beckett’s stage direc- 2-bit 0 0 4-bit 0 0 0 0 0 1 tions. This program is remarkably similar to Tow0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 ersOfHanoi. Indeed, except for nomenclature, the 1 0 0 0 1 0 only difference is in the values of the second argu1-bit code 0 1 1 0 (reversed) 0 1 1 1 ments in the recursive calls! 0 1 0 1 2-bit code As with the directions in TowersOfHanoi, the 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 enter and exit directions are redundant in Beckett, 3-bit 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 since exit is issued only when an actor is onstage, 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 and enter is issued only when an actor is not on1 0 1 0 1 1 0 stage. Indeed, both Beckett and TowersOfHanoi 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 directly involve the ruler function that we consid1 0 0 0 1 0 0 ered in one of our first programs (Program 1.2.1). 3-bit code Without the printing instructions, they both imple2-bit code (reversed) (reversed) ment a simple recursive function that could allow 2-, 3-, and 4-bit Gray codes Ruler to print the values of the ruler function for any value given as a command-line argument. Gray codes have many applications, ranging from analog-to-digital converters to experimental design. They have been used in pulse code communication, the minimization of logic circuits, and hypercube architectures, and were even proposed to organize books on library shelves.
2.3 Recursion Program 2.3.3 275 Gray code public class Beckett { public static void moves(int n, boolean enter) { if (n == 0) return; moves(n-1, true); if (enter) StdOut.println("enter " + n); else StdOut.println("exit " + n); moves(n-1, false); } n enter number of actors stage direction public static void main(String[] args) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); moves(n, true); } } This recursive program gives Beckett’s stage instructions (the bit positions that change in a binary-reflected Gray code). The bit position that changes is precisely described by the ruler function, and (of course) each actor alternately enters and exits. % java Beckett 1 enter 1 % java Beckett 2 enter 1 enter 2 exit 1 % java Beckett 3 enter 1 enter 2 exit 1 enter 3 enter 1 exit 2 exit 1 % java Beckett 4 enter 1 enter 2 exit 1 enter 3 enter 1 exit 2 exit 1 enter 4 enter 1 enter 2 exit 1 exit 3 enter 1 exit 2 exit 1
276 Functions and Modules Recursive graphics Simple recursive drawing schemes can lead to pictures that are remarkably intricate. Recursive drawings not only relate to numerous applications, but also provide an appealing platform for developing a better understanding of properties of recursive functions, because we can watch the process of a recursive figure taking shape. As a first simple example, consider Htree (Program 2.3.4), which, given a command-line argument n, draws an H-tree of order n, defined as follows: The base case is to draw nothing for n = 0. The reduction step is to draw, within the unit square • three lines in the shape of the letter H • four H-trees of order n1, one centered at each tip of the H with the additional proviso that the H-trees of order n1 are halved in size. Drawings like these have many practical applications. For example, consider a cable company that needs to run cable to all of the order 1 homes distributed throughout its region. A reasonable strategy is to use an H-tree to get the signal to a suitable number of centers distributed throughout the region, then run cables connecting each home to the nearest center. The same problem is faced by computer designorder 2 ers who want to distribute power or signal throughout an integrated circuit chip. Though every drawing is in a fixed-size window, H-trees certainly exhibit exponential growth. An H-tree of order n connects 4n centers, so you would be trying to plot more than a million lines with n = 10, and more than a billion with n = 15. The program will certainly order 3 not finish the drawing with n = 30. If you take a moment to run Htree on your computer for a drawing that takes a minute or so to complete, you will, just by watching the drawing progress, have the opportunity to gain substantial insight into the nature of recursive programs, because you can see the H-trees order in which the H figures appear and how they form into H-trees. An even more instructive exercise, which derives from the fact that the same drawing results no matter in which order the recursive draw() calls and the StdDraw.line() calls appear, is to observe the effect of rearranging the order of these calls on the order in which the lines appear in the emerging drawing (see Exercise 2.3.14).
2.3 Recursion Program 2.3.4 277 Recursive graphics public class Htree { public static void draw(int n, double size, double x, double y) { // Draw an H-tree centered at x, y n depth // of depth n and given size. size line length if (n == 0) return; x, y center double x0 = x - size/2, x1 = x + size/2; double y0 = y - size/2, y1 = y + size/2; StdDraw.line(x0, y, x1, y); StdDraw.line(x0, y0, x0, y1); StdDraw.line(x1, y0, x1, y1); (x0, y1) (x1, y1) draw(n-1, size/2, x0, y0); draw(n-1, size/2, x0, y1); (x, y) draw(n-1, size/2, x1, y0); size draw(n-1, size/2, x1, y1); } public static void main(String[] args) { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); draw(n, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5); } (x0, y0) } The function draw() draws three lines, each of length size, in the shape of the letter H, centered at (x, y). Then, it calls itself recursively for each of the four tips, halving the size argument in each call and using an integer argument n to control the depth of the recursion. % java Htree 3 % java Htree 4 % java Htree 5 (x1, y0)
Functions and Modules 278 Brownian bridge An H-tree is a simple example of a fractal: a geometric shape that can be divided into parts, each of which is (approximately) a reduced-size copy of the original. Fractals are easy to produce with recursive programs, although scientists, mathematicians, and programmers study them from many different points of view. We have already encountered fractals several times in this book—for example, IFS (Program 2.2.3). The study of fractals plays an important and lasting role in artistic expression, economic analysis, and scientific discovery. Artists and scientists use fractals to build compact models of complex shapes that arise in nature and resist description using conventional geometry, such as clouds, plants, mountains, riverbeds, human skin, and many others. Economists use fractals to model function graphs of economic indicators. Fractional Brownian motion is a mathematical model for creating realistic fractal models for many naturally rugged shapes. It is used in computational finance and in the study of many natural phenomena, including ocean flows and nerve membranes. Computing the exact fractals specified by the model can be a difficult challenge, but it is not difficult to compute approximations with recursive programs. Brownian (Program 2.3.5) produces a function graph that approximates a simple example of fractional Brownian motion known as a Brownian bridge and closely related functions. You can think of this graph as a random walk that connects the two points (x0, y0) and (x m , y m + ) (x1, y1), controlled by a few parameters. The implemen(x 1 , y 1 ) tation is based on the midpoint displacement method, random which is a recursive plan for drawing the plot within displacement (x m , y m ) the x-interval [x0, x1]. The base case (when the length of the interval is smaller than a given tolerance) is to (x 0 , y 0 ) draw a straight line connecting the two endpoints. The reduction case is to divide the interval into two halves, Brownian bridge calculation proceeding as follows: • Compute the midpoint (xm, ym) of the interval. • Add to the y-coordinate ym of the midpoint a random value , drawn from the Gaussian distribution with mean 0 and a given variance. • Recur on the subintervals, dividing the variance by a given scaling factor s. The shape of the curve is controlled by two parameters: the volatility (initial value of the variance) controls the distance the function graph strays from the straight
2.3 Recursion Program 2.3.5 279 Brownian bridge public class Brownian { public static void curve(double x0, double y0, x0, y0 double x1, double y1, x1, y1 double var, double s) xm, ym { if (x1 - x0 < 0.01) delta { var StdDraw.line(x0, y0, x1, y1); return; hurst } double xm = (x0 + x1) / 2; double ym = (y0 + y1) / 2; double delta = StdRandom.gaussian(0, Math.sqrt(var)); curve(x0, y0, xm, ym + delta, var/s, s); curve(xm, ym+delta, x1, y1, var/s, s); } public static void main(String[] args) { double hurst = Double.parseDouble(args[0]); double s = Math.pow(2, 2*hurst); curve(0, 0.5, 1.0, 0.5, 0.01, s); } } left endpoint right endpoint middle displacement variance Hurst exponent By adding a small, random Gaussian to a recursive program that would otherwise plot a straight line, we get fractal curves. The command-line argument hurst, known as the Hurst exponent, controls the smoothness of the curves. % java Brownian 1 % java Brownian 0.5 % java Brownian 0.05
Functions and Modules 280 line connecting the points, and the Hurst exponent controls the smoothness of the curve. We denote the Hurst exponent by H and divide the variance by 22H at each recursive level. When H is 1/2 (halved at each level), the curve is a Brownian bridge—a continuous version of the gambler’s ruin problem (see Program 1.3.8). When 0 < H < 1/2, the displacements tend to increase, resulting in a rougher curve. Finally, when 2 > H > 1/2, the displacements tend to decrease, resulting in a smoother curve. The value 2 H is known as the fractal dimension of the curve. The volatility and initial endpoints of the interval have to do with scale and positioning. The main() test client in Brownian allows you to experiment with the Hurst exponent. With values larger than 1/2, you get plots that look something like the horizon in a mountainous landscape; with values smaller than 1/2, you get plots similar to those you might see for the value of a stock index. Extending the midpoint displacement method to two dimensions yields fractals known as plasma clouds. To draw a rectangular plasma cloud, we use a recursive plan where the base case is to draw a rectangle of a given color and the reduction step is to draw a plasma cloud in each of the four quadrants with colors that are perturbed from the average with a random Gaussian. Using the same volatility and smoothness controls as in Brownian, we can produce synthetic clouds that are remarkably realistic. We can use the same code to produce synthetic terrain, by interpreting the color value as the altitude. Variants of this scheme are widely used in the entertainment industry to generate background scenery for movies and games. 1 2 3 4 8 5 6 7 Plasma clouds
2.3 Recursion Pitfalls of recursion By now, you are perhaps persuaded that recursion can help you to write compact and elegant programs. As you begin to craft your own recursive programs, you need to be aware of several common pitfalls that can arise. We have already discussed one of them in some detail (the running time of your program might grow exponentially). Once identified, these problems are generally not difficult to overcome, but you will learn to be very careful to avoid them when writing recursive programs. Missing base case. Consider the following recursive function, which is supposed to compute harmonic numbers, but is missing a base case: public static double harmonic(int n) { return harmonic(n-1) + 1.0/n; } If you run a client that calls this function, it will repeatedly call itself and never return, so your program will never terminate. You probably already have encountered infinite loops, where you invoke your program and nothing happens (or perhaps you get an unending sequence of printed output). With infinite recursion, however, the result is different because the system keeps track of each recursive call (using a mechanism that we will discuss in Section 4.3, based on a data structure known as a stack) and eventually runs out of memory trying to do so. Eventually, Java reports a StackOverflowError at run time. When you write a recursive program, you should always try to convince yourself that it has the desired effect by an informal argument based on mathematical induction. Doing so might uncover a missing base case. No guarantee of convergence. Another common problem is to include within a recursive function a recursive call to solve a subproblem that is not smaller than the original problem. For example, the following method goes into an infinite recursive loop for any value of its argument (except 1) because the sequence of argument values does not converge to the base case: public static double harmonic(int n) { if (n == 1) return 1.0; return harmonic(n) + 1.0/n; } 281
Functions and Modules 282 Bugs like this one are easy to spot, but subtle versions of the same problem can be harder to identify. You may find several examples in the exercises at the end of this section. Excessive memory requirements. If a function calls itself recursively an excessive number of times before returning, the memory required by Java to keep track of the recursive calls may be prohibitive, resulting in a StackOverflowError. To get an idea of how much memory is involved, run a small set of experiments using our recursive function for computing the harmonic numbers for increasing values of n: public static double harmonic(int n) { if (n == 1) return 1.0; return harmonic(n-1) + 1.0/n; } The point at which you get StackOverflowError will give you some idea of how much memory Java uses to implement recursion. By contrast, you can run Program 1.3.5 to compute Hn for huge n using only a tiny bit of memory. Excessive recomputation. The temptation to write a simple recursive function to solve a problem must always be tempered by the understanding that a function might take exponential time (unnecessarily) due to excessive recomputation. This effect is possible even in the simplest recursive functions, and you certainly need to learn to avoid it. For example, the Fibonacci sequence 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, … is defined by the recurrence Fn = Fn1 + Fn2 for n 2 with F0 = 0 and F1 = 1. The Fibonacci sequence has many interesting properties and arise in numerous applications. A novice programmer might implement this recursive function to compute numbers in the Fibonacci sequence: // Warning: this function is spectacularly inefficient. public static long fibonacci(int n) { if (n == 0) return 0; if (n == 1) return 1; return fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); }
2.3 Recursion fibonacci(8) fibonacci(7) fibonacci(6) fibonacci(5) fibonacci(4) fibonacci(3) fibonacci(2) fibonacci(1) return 1 fibonacci(0) return 0 return 1 fibonacci(1) return 1 return 2 fibonacci(2) fibonacci(1) return 1 fibonacci(0) return 0 return 1 return 3 fibonacci(3) fibonacci(2) fibonacci(1) return 1 fibonacci(0) return 0 return 1 fibonacci(1) return 1 return 2 return 5 fibonacci(4) fibonacci(3) fibonacci(2) . . . Wrong way to compute Fibonacci numbers 283 However, this function is spectacularly inefficient! Novice programmers often refuse to believe this fact, and run code like this expecting that the computer is certainly fast enough to crank out an answer. Go ahead; see if your computer is fast enough to use this function to compute fibonacci(50). To see why it is futile to do so, consider what the function does to compute fibonacci(8) = 21. It first computes fibonacci(7) = 13 and fibonacci(6) = 8. To compute fibonacci(7), it recursively computes fibonacci(6) = 8 again and fibonacci(5) = 5. Things rapidly get worse because both times it computes fibonacci(6), it ignores the fact that it already computed fibonacci(5), and so forth. In fact, the number of times this program computes fibonacci(1) when computing fibonacci(n) is precisely Fn (see Exercise 2.3.12). The mistake of recomputation is compounded exponentially. As an example, fibonacci(200) makes F200 > 1043 recursive calls to fibonacci(1)! No imaginable computer will ever be able to do this many calculations. Beware of programs that might require exponential time. Many calculations that arise and find natural expression as recursive functions fall into this category. Do not fall into the trap of implementing and trying to run them. Next, we consider a systematic technique known as dynamic programming, an elegant technique for avoiding such problems. The idea is to avoid the excessive recomputation inherent in some recursive functions by saving away the previously computed values for later reuse, instead of constantly recomputing them.
Functions and Modules 284 Dynamic programming A general approach to implementing recursive programs, known as dynamic programming, provides effective and elegant solutions to a wide class of problems. The basic idea is to recursively divide a complex problem into a number of simpler subproblems; store the answer to each of these subproblems; and, ultimately, use the stored answers to solve the original problem. By solving each subproblem only once (instead of over and over), this technique avoids a potential exponential blow-up in the running time. For example, if our original problem is to compute the nth Fibonacci number, then it is natural to define n + 1 subproblems, where subproblem i is to compute the ith Fibonacci number for each 0 i n. We can solve subproblem i easily if we already know the solutions to smaller subproblems—specifically, subproblems i1 and i2. Moreover, the solution to our original problem is simply the solution to one of the subproblems—subproblem n. Top-down dynamic programming. In top-down dynamic programming, we store or cache the result of each subproblem that we solve, so that the next time we need to solve the same subproblem, we can use the cached values instead of solving the subproblem from scratch. For our Fibonacci example, we use an array f[] to store the Fibonacci numbers that have already been computed. We accomplish this in Java by using a static variable, also known as a class variable or global variable, that is declared outside of any method. This allows us to save information from one function call to the next. public class TopDownFibonacci cached values { private static long[] f = new long[92]; static variable (declared outside of any method) } public static long fibonacci(int n) { return cached value (if previously computed) if (n == 0) return 0; if (n == 1) return 1; if (f[n] > 0) return f[n]; f[n] = fibonacci(n-1) + fibonacci(n-2); return f[n]; } compute and cache value Top-down dynamic programming approach for computing Fibonacci numbers Top-down dynamic programming is also known as memoization because it avoids duplicating work by remembering the results of function calls.
2.3 Recursion Bottom-up dynamic programming. In bottom-up dynamic programming, we compute solutions to all of the subproblems, starting with the “simplest” subproblems and gradually building up solutions to more and more complicated subproblems. To apply bottom-up dynamic programming, we must order the subproblems so that each subsequent subproblem can be solved by combining solutions to subproblems earlier in the order (which have already been solved). For our Fibonacci example, this is easy: solve the subproblems in the order 0, 1, and 2, and so forth. By the time we need to solve subproblem i, we have already solved all smaller subproblems—in particular, subproblems i1 and i2. public static long fibonacci(int n) { long[] f = new int[n+1]; f[0] = 0; f[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i <= n; i++) f[i] = f[i-1] + f[i-2]; return f[n]; } When the ordering of the subproblems is clear, and space is available to store all the solutions, bottom-up dynamic programming is a very effective approach. Next, we consider a more sophisticated application of dynamic programming, where the order of solving the subproblems is not so clear (until you see it). Unlike the problem of computing Fibonacci numbers, this problem would be much more difficult to solve without thinking recursively and also applying a bottom-up dynamic programming approach. Longest common subsequence problem. We consider a fundamental string-processing problem that arises in computational biology and other domains. Given two strings x and y, we wish to determine how similar they are. Some examples include comparing two DNA sequences for homology, two English words for spelling, or two Java files for repeated code. One measure of similarity is the length of the longest common subsequence (LCS). If we delete some characters from x and some characters from y, and the resulting two strings are equal, we call the resulting string a common subsequence. The LCS problem is to find a common subsequence of two strings that is as long as possible. For example, the LCS of GGCACCACG and ACGGCGGATACG is GGCAACG, a string of length 7. 285
Functions and Modules 286 Algorithms to compute the LCS are used in data comparison programs like the diff command in Unix, which has been used for decades by programmers wanting to understand differences and similarities in their text files. Similar algorithms play important roles in scientific applications, such as the Smith–Waterman algorithm in computational biology and the Viterbi algorithm in digital communications theory. Longest common subsequence recurrence. Now we describe a recursive formulation that enables us to find the LCS of two given strings s and t. Let m and n be the lengths of s and t, respectively. We use the notation s[i..m) to denote the suffix of s starting at index i, and t[j..n) to denote the suffix of t starting at index j. On the one hand, if s and t begin with the same character, then the LCS of x and y contains that first character. Thus, our problem reduces to finding the LCS of the suffixes s[1..m) and t[1..n). On the other hand, if s and t begin with different characters, both characters cannot be part of a common subsequence, so we can safely discard one or the other. In either case, the problem reduces to finding the LCS of two strings—either s[0..m) and t[1..n) or s[1..m) and t[0..n)—one of which is strictly shorter. In general, if we let opt[i][j] denote the length of the LCS of the suffixes s[i..m) and t[j..m), then the following recurrence expresses opt[i][j] in terms of the length of the LCS for shorter suffixes. opt[i][j] = 0 opt[i+1, j+1] + 1 max(opt[i, j+1], opt[i+1, j]) Dynamic programming solution. if i = m or j = n if s[i] = t[j] otherwise LongestCommonSubsequence (Program 2.3.6) begins with a bottom-up dynamic programming approach to solving this recurrence. We maintain a two-dimensional array opt[i][j] that stores the length of the LCS of the suffixes s[i..m) and t[j..n). Initially, the bottom row (the values for i = m) and the right column (the values for j = n) are 0. These are the initial values. From the recurrence, the order of the rest of the computation is clear: we start with opt[m][n]. Then, as long as we decrease either i or j or both, we know that we will have computed what we need to compute opt[i][j], since the two options involve an opt[][] entry with a larger value of i or j or both. The method lcs() in Program 2.3.6 computes the elements in opt[][] by filling in values in rows from bottom to top (i = m-1 to 0) and from right to left in each row (j = n-1 to 0). The alternative choice of filling in values in columns from right to left and
2.3 Recursion Program 2.3.6 287 Longest common subsequence public class LongestCommonSubsequence { public static String lcs(String s, String t) { // Compute length of LCS for all subproblems. int m = s.length(), n = t.length(); int[][] opt = new int[m+1][n+1]; for (int i = m-1; i >= 0; i--) for (int j = n-1; j >= 0; j--) if (s.charAt(i) == t.charAt(j)) opt[i][j] = opt[i+1][j+1] + 1; else opt[i][j] = Math.max(opt[i+1][j], opt[i][j+1]); // Recover LCS itself. String lcs = ""; int i = 0, j = 0; s, t while(i < m && j < n) m, n { if (s.charAt(i) == t.charAt(j)) opt[i][j] { lcs lcs += s.charAt(i); i++; j++; } else if (opt[i+1][j] >= opt[i][j+1]) i++; else j++; } return lcs; two strings lengths of two strings length of LCS of x[i..m) and y[j..n) longest common subsequence } public static void main(String[] args) { StdOut.println(lcs(args[0], args[1])); } } The function lcs() computes and returns the LCS of two strings s and t using bottom-up dynamic programming. The method call s.charAt(i) returns character i of string s. % java LongestCommonSubsequence GGCACCACG ACGGCGGATACG GGCAACG
Functions and Modules 288 from bottom to top in each row would work as well. The diagram at the bottom of this page has a blue arrow pointing to each entry that indicates which value was used to compute it. (When there is a tie in computing the maximum, both options are shown.) The final challenge is to recover the longest common subsequence itself, not just its length. The key idea is to retrace the steps of the dynamic programming algorithm backward, rediscovering the path of choices (highlighted in gray in the diagram) from opt[0][0] to opt[m][n]. To determine the choice that led to opt[i][j], we consider the three possibilities: • The character s[i] equals t[j]. In this case, we must have opt[i][j] = opt[i+1][j+1] + 1, and the next character in the LCS is s[i] (or t[j]), so we include the character s[i] (or t[j]) in the LCS and continue tracing back from opt[i+1][j+1]. • The LCS does not contain s[i]. In this case, opt[i][j] = opt[i+1][j] and we continue tracing back from opt[i+1][j]. • The LCS does not contain t[j]. In this case, opt[i][j] = opt[i][j+1] and we continue tracing back from opt[i][j+1]. We begin tracing back at opt[0][0] and continue until we reach opt[m][n]. At each step in the traceback either i increases or j increases (or both), so the process terminates after at most m + n iterations of the while loop. j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 s[j] A C G G C G G A T A C G - i t[i] 0 G 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 4 3 3 2 1 0 1 G 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 4 3 3 2 1 0 2 C 6 5 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 0 3 A 6 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 2 1 0 4 C 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 5 C 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 6 A 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 1 0 7 C 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0 8 G 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 9 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Longest common subsequence of G G C A C C A C G and A C G G C G G A T A C G
2.3 Recursion Dynamic programming is a fundamental algorithm design paradigm, intimately linked to recursion. If you take later courses in algorithms or operations research, you are sure to learn more about it. The idea of recursion is fundamental in computation, and the idea of avoiding recomputation of values that have been computed before is certainly a natural one. Not all problems immediately lend themselves to a recursive formulation, and not all recursive formulations admit an order of computation that easily avoids recomputation—arranging for both can seem a bit miraculous when one first encounters it, as you have just seen for the LCS problem. Perspective Programmers who do not use recursion are missing two opportunities. First recursion leads to compact solutions to complex problems. Second, recursive solutions embody an argument that the program operates as anticipated. In the early days of computing, the overhead associated with recursive programs was prohibitive in some systems, and many people avoided recursion. In modern systems like Java, recursion is often the method of choice. Recursive functions truly illustrate the power of a carefully articulated abstraction. While the concept of a function having the ability to call itself seems absurd to many people at first, the many examples that we have considered are certainly evidence that mastering recursion is essential to understanding and exploiting computation and in understanding the role of computational models in studying natural phenomena. Recursion has reinforced for us the idea of proving that a program operates as intended. The natural connection between recursion and mathematical induction is essential. For everyday programming, our interest in correctness is to save time and energy tracking down bugs. In modern applications, security and privacy concerns make correctness an essential part of programming. If the programmer cannot be convinced that an application works as intended, how can a user who wants to keep personal data private and secure be so convinced? Recursion is the last piece in a programming model that served to build much of the computational infrastructure that was developed as computers emerged to take a central role in daily life in the latter part of the 20th century. Programs built from libraries of functions consisting of statements that operate on primitive types of data, conditionals, loops, and function calls (including recursive ones) can solve important problems of all sorts. In the next section, we emphasize this point and review these concepts in the context of a large application. In Chapter 3 and in Chapter 4, we will examine extensions to these basic ideas that embrace the more expansive style of programming that now dominates the computing landscape. 289
Functions and Modules 290 Q&A Q. Are there situations when iteration is the only option available to address a problem? A. No, any loop can be replaced by a recursive function, though the recursive version might require excessive memory. Q. Are there situations when recursion is the only option available to address a problem? A. No, any recursive function can be replaced by an iterative counterpart. In Section 4.3, we will see how compilers produce code for function calls by using a data structure called a stack. Q. Which should I prefer, recursion or iteration? A. Whichever leads to the simpler, more easily understood, or more efficient code. Q. I get the concern about excessive space and excessive recomputation in recursive code. Anything else to be concerned about? A. Be extremely wary of creating arrays in recursive code. The amount of space used can pile up very quickly, as can the amount of time required for memory management.
2.3 Recursion Exercises 2.3.1 What happens if you call factorial() with a negative value of n? With a large value of, say, 35? 2.3.2 Write a recursive function that takes an integer n as its argument and returns ln (n !). 2.3.3 Give the sequence of integers printed by a call to ex233(6): public static void ex233(int n) { if (n <= 0) return; StdOut.println(n); ex233(n-2); ex233(n-3); StdOut.println(n); } 2.3.4 Give the value of ex234(6): public static String ex234(int n) { if (n <= 0) return ""; return ex234(n-3) + n + ex234(n-2) + n; } 2.3.5 Criticize the following recursive function: public static String ex235(int n) { String s = ex235(n-3) + n + ex235(n-2) + n; if (n <= 0) return ""; return s; } Answer : The base case will never be reached because the base case appears after the reduction step. A call to ex235(3) will result in calls to ex235(0), ex235(-3), ex235(-6), and so forth until a StackOverflowError. 291
Functions and Modules 292 2.3.6 Given four positive integers a, b, c, and d, explain what value is computed by gcd(gcd(a, b), gcd(c, d)). 2.3.7 Explain in terms of integers and divisors the effect of the following Euclidlike function: public static boolean gcdlike(int p, int q) { if (q == 0) return (p == 1); return gcdlike(q, p % q); } 2.3.8 Consider the following recursive function: public static int mystery(int a, int b) { if (b == 0) return 0; if (b % 2 == 0) return mystery(a+a, b/2); return mystery(a+a, b/2) + a; } What are the values of mystery(2, 25) and mystery(3, 11)? Given positive integers a and b, describe what value mystery(a, b) computes. Then answer the same question, but replace + with * and return 0 with return 1. 2.3.9 Write a recursive program Ruler to plot the subdivisions of a ruler using StdDraw, as in Program 1.2.1. 2.3.10 Solve the following recurrence relations, all with T(1) = 1. Assume n is a power of 2. • T(n) = T(n/2) + 1 • T(n) = 2T(n/2) + 1 • T(n) = 2T(n/2) + n • T(n) = 4T(n/2) + 3 2.3.11 Prove by induction that the minimum possible number of moves needed to solve the towers of Hanoi satisfies the same recurrence as the number of moves used by our recursive solution.
2.3 Recursion 293 2.3.12 Prove by induction that the recursive program given in the text makes exactly Fn recursive calls to fibonacci(1) when computing fibonacci(n). 2.3.13 Prove that the second argument to gcd() decreases by at least a factor of 2 for every second recursive call, and then prove that gcd(p, q) uses at most 2 log2 n + 1 recursive calls where n is the larger of p and q. 2.3.14 Modify (Program 2.3.4) to animate the drawing of the H-tree. Next, rearrange the order of the recursive calls (and the base case), view the resulting animation, and explain each outcome. 20% Htree 40% 60% 80% 100%
Functions and Modules 294 Creative Exercises 2.3.15 Binary representation. Write a program that takes a positive integer n (in decimal) as a command-line argument and prints its binary representation. Recall, in Program 1.3.7, that we used the method of subtracting out powers of 2. Now, use the following simpler method: repeatedly divide 2 into n and read the remainders backward. First, write a while loop to carry out this computation and print the bits in the wrong order. Then, use recursion to print the bits in the correct order. 2.3.16 A4 paper. The width-to-height ratio of paper in the ISO format is the square root of 2 to 1. Format A0 has an area of 1 square meter. Format A1 is A0 cut with a vertical line into two equal halves, A2 is A1 cut with a horizontal line into two halves, and so on. Write a program that takes an integer command-line argument n and uses StdDraw to show how to cut a sheet of A0 paper into 2n pieces. 2.3.17 Permutations. Write a program Permutations that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints all n ! permutations of the n letters starting at a (assume that n is no greater than 26). A permutation of n elements is one of the n ! possible orderings of the elements. As an example, when n = 3, you should get the following output (but do not worry about the order in which you enumerate them): bca cba cab acb bac abc 2.3.18 Permutations of size k. Modify Permutations from the previous exercise so that it takes two command-line arguments n and k, and prints all P(n , k) = n ! / (nk)! permutations that contain exactly k of the n elements. Below is the desired output when k = 2 and n = 4 (again, do not worry about the order): ab ac ad ba bc bd ca cb cd da db dc 2.3.19 Combinations. Write a program Combinations that takes an integer command-line argument n and prints all 2n combinations of any size. A combination is a subset of the n elements, independent of order. As an example, when n = 3, you should get the following output: a ab abc ac b bc c Note that your program needs to print the empty string (subset of size 0).
2.3 Recursion 2.3.20 Combinations of size k. Modify Combinations from the previous exercise so that it takes two integer command-line arguments n and k, and prints all C(n, k) = n ! / (k !(nk)!) combinations of size k. For example, when n = 5 and k = 3, you should get the following output: abc abd abe acd ace ade bcd bce bde cde 2.3.21 Hamming distance. The Hamming distance between two bit strings of length n is equal to the number of bits in which the two strings differ. Write a program that reads in an integer k and a bit string s from the command line, and prints all bit strings that have Hamming distance at most k from s. For example, if k is 2 and s is 0000, then your program should print 0011 0101 0110 1001 1010 1100 Hint : Choose k of the bits in s to flip. 2.3.22 Recursive squares. Write a program to produce each of the following recursive patterns. The ratio of the sizes of the squares is 2.2:1. To draw a shaded square, draw a filled gray square, then an unfilled black square. 2.3.23 Pancake flipping. You have a stack of n pancakes of varying sizes on a griddle. Your goal is to rearrange the stack in order so that the largest pancake is on the bottom and the smallest one is on top. You are only permitted to flip the top k pancakes, thereby reversing their order. Devise a recursive scheme to arrange the pancakes in the proper order that uses at most 2n 3 flips. 295
Functions and Modules 296 2.3.24 Gray code. Modify Beckett (Program 2.3.3) to print the Gray code (not just the sequence of bit positions that change). 2.3.25 Towers of Hanoi variant. Consider the following variant of the towers of Hanoi problem. There are 2n discs of increasing size stored on three poles. Initially all of the discs with odd size (1, 3, ..., 2n-1) are piled on the left pole from top to bottom in increasing order of size; all of the discs with even size (2, 4, ..., 2n) are piled on the right pole. Write a program to provide instructions for order 1 moving the odd discs to the right pole and the even discs to the left pole, obeying the same rules as for towers of Hanoi. 2.3.26 Animated towers of Hanoi. Use StdDraw to animate a solution to the towers of Hanoi problem, moving the discs at a rate of approximately 1 per second. order 2 2.3.27 Sierpinski triangles. Write a recursive program to draw Sierpinski triangles (see Program 2.2.3). As with Htree, use a command-line argument to control the depth of the recursion. order 3 2.3.28 Binomial distribution. Estimate the number of recursive calls that would be used by the code public static double binomial(int n, int k) { if ((n == 0) && (k == 0)) return 1.0; if ((n < 0) || (k < 0)) return 0.0; return (binomial(n-1, k) + binomial(n-1, k-1))/2.0; } Sierpinski triangles to compute binomial(100, 50). Develop a better implementation that is based on dynamic programming. Hint : See Exercise 1.4.41. 2.3.29 Collatz function. Consider the following recursive function, which is related to a famous unsolved problem in number theory, known as the Collatz problem, or the 3n+1 problem:
2.3 Recursion 297 public static void collatz(int n) { StdOut.print(n + " "); if (n == 1) return; if (n % 2 == 0) collatz(n / 2); else collatz(3*n + 1); } For example, a call to collatz(7) prints the sequence 7 22 11 34 17 52 26 13 40 20 10 5 16 8 4 2 1 as a consequence of 17 recursive calls. Write a program that takes a command-line argument n and returns the value of i < n for which the number of recursive calls for collatz(i) is maximized. The unsolved problem is that no one knows whether the function terminates for all integers (mathematical induction is no help, because one of the recursive calls is for a larger value of the argument). 2.3.30 Brownian island. B. Mandelbrot asked the famous question How long is the coast of Britain? Modify Brownian to get a program BrownianIsland that plots Brownian islands, whose coastlines resemble that of Great Britain. The modifications are simple: first, change curve() to add a random Gaussian to the x-coordinate as well as to the y-coordinate; second, change main() to draw a curve from the point at the center of the canvas back to itself. Experiment with various values of the parameters to get your program to produce islands with a realistic look. Brownian islands with Hurst exponent of 0.76
Functions and Modules 298 2.3.31 Plasma clouds. Write a recursive program to draw plasma clouds, using the method suggested in the text. 2.3.32 A strange function. Consider McCarthy’s 91 function: public static int mcCarthy(int n) { if (n > 100) return n - 10; return mcCarthy(mcCarthy(n+11)); } Determine the value of mcCarthy(50) without using a computer. Give the number of recursive calls used by mcCarthy() to compute this result. Prove that the base case is reached for all positive integers n or find a value of n for which this function goes into an infinite recursive loop. 2.3.33 Recursive tree. Write a program Tree that takes a command-line argument n and produces the following recursive patterns for n equal to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. 1 2 3 4 8 2.3.34 Longest palindromic subsequence. Write a program LongestPalindromicSubsequence that takes a string as a command-line argument and determines the longest subsequence of the string that is a palindrome (the same when read forward or backward). Hint : Compute the longest common subsequence of the string and its reverse.
2.3 Recursion 2.3.35 Longest common subsequence of three strings. Given three strings, write a program that computes the longest common subsequence of the three strings. 2.3.36 Longest strictly increasing subsequence. Given an integer array, find the longest subsequence that is strictly increasing. Hint : Compute the longest common subsequence of the original array and a sorted version of the array, where any duplicate values are removed. 2.3.37 Longest common strictly increasing subsequence. Given two integer arrays, find the longest increasing subsequence that is common to both arrays. 2.3.38 Binomial coefficients. The binomial coefficient C(n, k) is the number of ways of choosing a subset of k elements from a set of n elements. Pascal’s identity expresses the binomial coefficient C(n, k) in terms of smaller binomial coefficients: C(n, k) = C(n1, k1) + C(n1, k), with C(n, 0) = 1 for each integer n. Write a recursive function (do not use dynamic programming) to computer C(n, k). How long does it take to computer C(100, 15)? Repeat the question, first using top-down dynamic programming, then using bottom-up dynamic programming. 2.3.39 Painting houses. Your job is to paint a row of n houses red, green, or blue so as to minimize total cost, where cost(i, color) = cost to pain house i the specified color. You may not paint two adjacent houses the same color. Write a program to determine an optimal solution to the problem. Hint : Use bottom-up dynamic programming and solve the following subproblems for each i = 1, 2, …, n: • red(i) = min cost to paint houses 1, 2, …, i so that the house i is red • green(i) = min cost to paint houses 1, 2, …, i so that the house i is green • blue(i) = min cost to paint houses 1, 2, …, i so that the house i is blue 299
Functions and Modules 2.4 Case Study: Percolation The programming tools that we have considered to this point allow us to attack all manner of important problems. We conclude our study of functions and modules by considering a case study of developing a program to solve an interesting scientific problem. Our purpose in doing so is to review the basic elements that we have covered, in the context of the various challenges that you might face in solv2.4.1 Percolation scaffolding . . . . . . . 304 2.4.2 Vertical percolation detection. . . . 306 ing a specific problem, and to illustrate 2.4.3 Visualization client . . . . . . . . . 309 a programming style that you can apply 2.4.4 Percolation probability estimate . . 311 broadly. 2.4.5 Percolation detection. . . . . . . . 313 Our example applies a widely appli2.4.6 Adaptive plot client. . . . . . . . . 316 cable computational technique known as Programs in this section Monte Carlo simulation to study a natural model known as percolation. The term “Monte Carlo simulation” is broadly used to encompass any computational technique that employs randomness to estimate an unknown quantity by performing multiple trials (known as simulations). We have used it in several other contexts already—for example, in the gambler’s ruin and coupon collector problems. Rather than develop a complete mathematical model or measure all possible outcomes of an experiment, we rely on the laws of probability. In this case study we will learn quite a bit about percolation, a model which underlies many natural phenomena. Our focus, however, is on the process of developing modular programs to address computational tasks. We identify subtasks that can be independently addressed, striving to identify the key underlying abstractions and asking ourselves questions such as the following: Is there some specific subtask that would help solve this problem? What are the essential characteristics of this specific subtask? Might a solution that addresses these essential characteristics be useful in solving other problems? Asking such questions pays significant dividend, because they lead us to develop software that is easier to create, debug, and reuse, so that we can more quickly address the main problem of interest.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation Percolation 301 It is not unusual for local interactions in a system to imply global properties. For example, an electrical engineer might be interested in composite systems consisting of randomly distributed insulating and metallic materials: which fraction of the materials need to be metallic so that the composite system is an electrical conductor? As another example, a geologist might be interested in a porous landscape with water on the surface (or oil below). Under which conditions will the water be able to drain through to the bottom (or the oil to gush through to the surface)? Scientists have defined an abstract process known as percolation to model such situations. It has been studied widely, and shown to be an accurate model in a dizzying variety of applications, beyond insulating materials and porous substances to the spread of forest fires and disease epidemics to evolution to the study of the Internet. For simplicity, we begin by working in two dimensions percolates blocked and model the system as an n-by-n grid of sites. Each site is site either blocked or open; open sites are initially empty. A full site is an open site that can be connected to an open site in full the top row via a chain of neighboring (left, right, up, down) open site open sites. If there is a full site in the bottom row, then we empty open say that the system percolates. In other words, a system per- site open site connected to top colates if we fill all open sites connected to the top row and does not percolate that process fills some open site on the bottom row. For the insulating/metallic materials example, the open sites correspond to metallic materials, so that a system that percolates has a metallic path from top to bottom, with full sites conducting. For the porous substance example, the open sites correspond to empty space through which water might flow, so that a system that percolates lets water fill open sites, no open site connected to top flowing from top to bottom. In a famous scientific problem that has been heavily Percolation examples studied for decades, scientists are interested in the following question: if sites are independently set to be open with site vacancy probability p (and therefore blocked with probability 1p), what is the probability that the system percolates? No mathematical solution to this problem has yet been derived. Our task is to write computer programs to help study the problem.
302 Functions and Modules Basic scaffolding To address percolation with a Java program, we face numerous decisions and challenges, and we certainly will end up with much more code than in the short programs that we have considered so far in this book. Our goal is to illustrate an incremental style of programming where we independently develop modules that address parts of the problem, building confidence with a small computational infrastructure of our own design and construction as we proceed. The first step is to pick a representation of the data. This decision can have substantial impact on the kind of code that we write later, so it is not to be taken lightly. Indeed, it is often the case that we learn something while working with a chosen representation that causes us to scrap it and start all over using a new one. For percolation, the path to an effective representation is percolation system clear: use an n-by-n array. Which type of data should we use for each element? One possibility is to use integers, with the convention that 0 indicates an empty site, 1 indicates a blocked site, and 2 indicates a full site. Alternatively, note that we typically describe sites in terms of questions: Is the site open or blocked? Is the site full or empty? This characteristic of the elements suggests that we blocked sites might use n-by-n arrays in which element is either true or false. 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 We refer to such two-dimensional arrays as boolean matrices. Us0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 ing boolean matrices leads to code that is easier to understand 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 than the alternative. 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 Boolean matrices are fundamental mathematical objects 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 with many applications. Java does not provide direct support for operations on boolean matrices, but we can use the methods in open sites 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 StdArrayIO (see Program 2.2.2) to read and write them. This 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 choice illustrates a basic principle that often comes up in pro1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 gramming: the effort required to build a more general tool usually 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 pays dividends. 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 Eventually, we will want to work with random data, but we 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 also want to be able to read and write to files because debugging full sites programs with random inputs can be counterproductive. With 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 random data, you get different input each time that you run the 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 program; after fixing a bug, what you want to see is the same input 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 that you just used, to check that the fix was effective. Accordingly, 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 it is best to start with some specific cases that we understand, kept 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 in files formatted compatible with StdArrayIO (dimensions folPercolation representations lowed by 0 and 1 values in row-major order).
2.4 Case Study: Percolation When you start working on a new problem that involves several files, it is usually worthwhile to create a new folder (directory) to isolate those files from others that you may be working on. For example, we might create a folder named percolation to store all of the files for this case study. To get started, we can implement and debug the basic code for reading and writing percolation systems, create test files, check that the files are compatible with the code, and so forth, before worrying about percolation at all. This type of code, sometimes called scaffolding, is straightforward to implement, but making sure that it is solid at the outset will save us from distraction when approaching the main problem. Now we can turn to the code for testing whether a boolean matrix represents a system that percolates. Referring to the helpful interpretation in which we can think of the task as simulating what would happen if the top were flooded with water (does it flow to the bottom or not?), our first design decision is that we will want to have a flow() method that takes as an argument a boolean matrix isOpen[][] that specifies which sites are open and returns another boolean matrix isFull[][] that specifies which sites are full. For the moment, we will not worry at all about how to implement this method; we are just deciding how to organize the computation. It is also clear that we will want client code to be able to use a percolates() method that checks whether the array returned by flow() has any full sites on the bottom. Percolation (Program 2.4.1) summarizes these decisions. It does not perform any interesting computation, but after running and debugging this code we can start thinking about actually solving the problem. A method that performs no computation, such as flow(), is sometimes called a stub. Having this stub allows us to test and debug percolates() and main() in the context in which we will need them. We refer to code like Program 2.4.1 as scaffolding. As with scaffolding that construction workers use when erecting a building, this kind of code provides the support that we need to develop a program. By fully implementing and debugging this code (much, if not all, of which we need, anyway) at the outset, we provide a sound basis for building code to solve the problem at hand. Often, we carry the analogy one step further and remove the scaffolding (or replace it with something better) after the implementation is complete. 303
Functions and Modules 304 Program 2.4.1 Percolation scaffolding public class Percolation { public static boolean[][] flow(boolean[][] isOpen) { int n = isOpen.length; boolean[][] isFull = new boolean[n][n]; // The isFull[][] matrix computation goes here. return isFull; } public static boolean percolates(boolean[][] isOpen) { boolean[][] isFull = flow(isOpen); int n = isOpen.length; for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) n if (isFull[n-1][j]) return true; isFull[][] return false; isOpen[][] } system size (n-by-n) full sites open sites public static void main(String[] args) { boolean[][] isOpen = StdArrayIO.readBoolean2D(); StdArrayIO.print(flow(isOpen)); StdOut.println(percolates(isOpen)); } } To get started with percolation, we implement and debug this code, which handles all the straightforward tasks surrounding the computation. The primary function flow() returns a boolean matrix giving the full sites (none, in the placeholder code here). The helper function percolates() checks the bottom row of the returned matrix to decide whether the system percolates. The test client main() reads a boolean matrix from standard input and prints the result of calling flow() and percolates() for that matrix. % 5 0 0 1 1 0 more test5.txt 5 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 % java Percolation < test5.txt 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 false
2.4 Case Study: Percolation 305 Vertical percolation Given a boolean matrix that represents the open sites, how do we figure out whether it represents a system that percolates? As we will see later in this section, this computation turns out to be directly related to a fundamental question in computer science. For the moment, we will consider a much simpler version of the problem that we call vertical percolation. The simplification is to restrict attention to vertical convertically percolates nection paths. If such a path connects top to bottom in a system, we say that the system vertically percolates along the path (and that the system itself vertically percolates). This restriction is perhaps intuitive if we are talking about sand traveling through cement, but not if we are talking about water traveling site connected to top through cement or about electrical conductivity. Simple as it is, with a vertical path vertical percolation is a problem that is interesting in its own does not vertically percolate right because it suggests various mathematical questions. Does the restriction make a significant difference? How many vertical percolation paths do we expect? Determining the sites that are filled by some path that is connected vertically to the top is a simple calculation. We initialize the top row of our result array from the top row of no open site connected to the percolation system, with full sites corresponding to open top with a vertical path ones. Then, moving from top to bottom, we fill in each row of the array by checking the corresponding row of the percolation Vertical percolation system. Proceeding from top to bottom, we fill in the rows of isFull[][] to mark as true all elements that correspond to sites in isOpen[][] that are vertically connected to a full site on the previous row. Program 2.4.2 is an implementation of flow() for Percolation that returns a boolean matrix of full sites (true if connected to the top via a vertical path, false otherwise). Testing After we become convinced that our code is behaving as planned, we want to run it on a broader variety of test cases and address some of our scientific questions. At this point, our initial scaffolding becomes less useful, as representing large boolean matrices with 0s and 1s on standard input and standard output and maintaining large numbers of test cases quickly becomes unwieldy. Instead, connected to top via a vertical path of filled sites not connected to top via such a path connected to top via such a path Vertical percolation calculation
Functions and Modules 306 Program 2.4.2 Vertical percolation detection public static boolean[][] flow(boolean[][] isOpen) { // Compute full sites for vertical percolation. int n = isOpen.length; boolean[][] isFull = new boolean[n][n]; n for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) isFull[][] isFull[0][j] = isOpen[0][j]; isOpen[][] for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) isFull[i][j] = isOpen[i][j] && isFull[i-1][j]; return isFull; } system size (n-by-n) full sites open sites Substituting this method for the stub in Program 2.4.1 gives a solution to the vertical-only percolation problem that solves our test case as expected (see text). % 5 0 0 1 1 0 more test5.txt 5 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 % java Percolation < test5.txt 5 5 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 true we want to automatically generate test cases and observe the operation of our code on them, to be sure that it is operating as we expect. Specifically, to gain confidence in our code and to develop a better understanding of percolation, our next goals are to: • Test our code for large random boolean matrices. • Estimate the probability that a system percolates for a given p. To accomplish these goals, we need new clients that are slightly more sophisticated than the scaffolding we used to get the program up and running. Our modular programming style is to develop such clients in independent classes without modifying our percolation code at all.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation Data visualization. We can work with much bigger problem instances if we use StdDraw for output. The following static method for Percolation allows us to visualize the contents of boolean matrices as a subdivision of the StdDraw canvas into squares, one for each site: public static void show(boolean[][] a, boolean which) { int n = a.length; StdDraw.setXscale(-1, n); StdDraw.setYscale(-1, n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) if (a[i][j] == which) StdDraw.filledSquare(j, n-i-1, 0.5); } The second argument which specifies which squares we want to fill—those corresponding to true elements or those corresponding to false elements. This method is a bit of a diversion from the calculation, but pays dividends in its ability to help us visualize large problem instances. Using show() to draw our boolean matrices representing blocked and full sites in different colors gives a compelling visual representation of percolation. Monte Carlo simulation. We want our code to work properly for any boolean matrix. Moreover, the scientific question of interest involves random boolean matrices. To this end, we add another static method to Percolation: public static boolean[][] random(int n, double p) { boolean[][] a = new boolean[n][n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) a[i][j] = StdRandom.bernoulli(p); return a; } This method generates a random n-by-n boolean matrix of any given size n, each element true with probability p. Having debugged our code on a few specific test cases, we are ready to test it on random systems. It is possible that such cases may uncover a few more bugs, so some care is in order to check results. However, having debugged our code for a small system, we can proceed with some confidence. It is easier to focus on new bugs after eliminating the obvious bugs. 307
308 Functions and Modules With these tools, a client for testing our percolation code on a much larger set of trials is straightforward. PercolationVisualizer (Program 2.4.3) consists of just a main() method that takes n and p from the command line and displays the result of the percolation flow calculation. This kind of client is typical. Our eventual goal is to compute an accurate estimate of percolation probabilities, perhaps by running a large number of trials, but this simple tool gives us the opportunity to gain more familiarity with the problem by studying some large cases (while at the same time gaining confidence that our code is working properly). Before reading further, you are encouraged to download and run this code from the booksite to study the percolation process. When you run PercolationVisualizer for moderate-size n (50 to 100, say) and various p, you will immediately be drawn into using this program to try to answer some questions about percolation. Clearly, the system never percolates when p is low and always percolates when p is very high. How does it behave for intermediate values of p? How does the behavior change as n increases? Estimating probabilities The next step in our program development process is to write code to estimate the probability that a random system (of size n with site vacancy probability p) percolates. We refer to this quantity as the percolation probability. To estimate its value, we simply run a number of trials. The situation is no different from our study of coin flipping (see Program 2.2.6), but instead of flipping a coin, we generate a random system and check whether it percolates. PercolationProbability (Program 2.4.4) encapsulates this computation in a method estimate(), which takes three arguments n, p, and trials and returns an estimate of the probability that an n-by-n system with site vacancy probability p percolates, obtained by generating trials random systems and calculating the fraction of them that percolate. How many trials do we need to obtain an accurate estimate? This question is addressed by basic methods in probability and statistics, which are beyond the scope of this book, but we can get a feeling for the problem with computational experience. With just a few runs of PercolationProbability, you can learn that if the site vacancy probability is close to either 0 or 1, then we do not need many trials, but that there are values for which we need as many as 10,000 trials to be able to estimate it within two decimal places. To study the situation in more detail, we might modify PercolationProbability to produce output like Bernoulli (Program 2.2.6), plotting a histogram of the data points so that we can see the distribution of values (see Exercise 2.4.9).
2.4 Case Study: Percolation Program 2.4.3 309 Visualization client public class PercolationVisualizer n { p public static void main(String[] args) isOpen[][] { isFull[][] int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); double p = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); StdDraw.enableDoubleBuffering(); system size (n-by-n) site vacancy probability open sites full sites // Draw blocked sites in black. boolean[][] isOpen = Percolation.random(n, p); StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BLACK); Percolation.show(isOpen, false); // Draw full sites in blue. StdDraw.setPenColor(StdDraw.BOOK_BLUE); boolean[][] isFull = Percolation.flow(isOpen); Percolation.show(isFull, true); StdDraw.show(); } } This client takes two command-line argument n and p, generates an n-by-n random system with site vacancy probability p, determines which sites are full, and draws the result on standard drawing. The diagrams below show the results for vertical percolation. % java PercolationVisualizer 20 0.9 % java PercolationVisualizer 20 0.95
310 Functions and Modules Using PercolationProbability.estimate() represents a giant leap in the amount of computation that we are doing. All of a sudden, it makes sense to run thousands of trials. It would be unwise to try to do so without first having thoroughly debugged our percolation methods. Also, we need to begin to take the time required to complete the computation into account. The basic methodology for doing so is the topic of Section 4.1, but the structure of these programs is sufficiently simple that we can do a quick calculation, which we can verify by running the program. If we perform T trials, each of which involves n 2 sites, then the total running time of PercolationProbability.estimate() is proportional to n 2T. If we increase T by a factor of 10 (to gain more precision), the running time increases by about a factor of 10. If we increase n by a factor of 10 (to study percolation for larger systems), the running time increases by about a factor of 100. Can we run this program to determine percolation probabilities for a system with billions of sites with several digits of precision? No computer is fast enough to use PercolationProbability.estimate() for this purpose. Moreover, in a scientific experiment on percolation, the value of n is likely to be much higher. We can hope to formulate a hypothesis from our simulation that can be tested experimentally on a much larger system, but not to precisely simulate a system that corresponds atom-for-atom with the real world. Simplification of this sort is essential in science. You are encouraged to download PercolationProbability from the booksite to get a feel for both the percolation probabilities and the amount of time required to compute them. When you do so, you are not just learning more about percolation, but are also testing the hypothesis that the models we have just described apply to the running times of our simulations of the percolation process. What is the probability that a system with site vacancy probability p vertically percolates? Vertical percolation is sufficiently simple that elementary probabilistic models can yield an exact formula for this quantity, which we can validate experimentally with PercolationProbability. Since our only reason for studying vertical percolation was an easy starting point around which we could develop supporting software for studying percolation methods, we leave further study of vertical percolation for an exercise (see Exercise 2.4.11) and turn to the main problem.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation Program 2.4.4 311 Percolation probability estimate public class PercolationProbability { public static double estimate(int n, double p, int trials) { // Generate trials random n-by-n systems; return empirical // percolation probability estimate. int count = 0; for (int t = 0; t < trials; t++) { // Generate one random n-by-n boolean matrix. boolean[][] isOpen = Percolation.random(n, p); if (Percolation.percolates(isOpen)) count++; } return (double) count / trials; n system size (n-by-n) } p site vacancy probability public static void main(String[] args) trials number of trials { int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); double p = Double.parseDouble(args[1]); int trials = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); double q = estimate(n, p, trials); StdOut.println(q); isOpen[][] q open sites percolation probability } } The method estimate() generates trials random n-by-n systems with site vacancy probability p and computes the fraction of them that percolate. This is a Bernoulli process, like coin flipping (see Program 2.2.6). Increasing the number of trials increases the accuracy of the estimate. If p is close to 0 or to 1, not many trials are needed to achieve an accurate estimate. The results below are for vertical percolation. % java PercolationProbability 20 0.05 10 0.0 % java PercolationProbability 20 0.95 10 1.0 % java PercolationProbability 20 0.85 10 0.7 % java PercolationProbability 20 0.85 1000 0.564 % java PercolationProbability 40 0.85 100 0.1
312 Functions and Modules Recursive solution for percolation How do we test whether a system percolates in the general case when any path starting at the top and ending at the bottom (not just a vertical one) will do the job? Remarkably, we can solve this problem with a compact program, based on a classic recursive scheme known as depth-first search. Program 2.4.5 is an implementation of flow() that computes the matrix isFull[][], based on a recursive four-argument version of flow() that takes as arguments the site vacancy matrix isOpen[][], the current matrix isFull[][], and a site position specified by a row index i and a column index j. The base case is a recursive call that just returns (we refer to such a call as a null call), for one of the following reasons: • Either i or j is outside the array bounds. flow(...,0,0) • The site is blocked (isOpen[i][j] is false). flow(...,1,0) • We have already marked the site as full (isFull[i][j] is true). The reduction step is to mark the site as filled flow(...,0,3) and issue recursive calls for the site’s four neighbors: isOpen[i+1][j], isOpen[i][j+1], flow(...,0,4) isOpen[i][j-1], and isOpen[i-1][j]. The one-argument flow() calls the recursive method for every site on the top row. The recursion flow(...,1,4) always terminates because each recursive call either is null or marks a new site as full. We can flow(...,2,4) show by an induction-based argument (as usual for recursive programs) that a site is marked flow(...,3,4) as full if and only if it is connected to one of the sites on the top row. Tracing the operation of flow() on a tiny flow(...,3,3) test case is an instructive exercise. You will see that it calls flow() for every site that can be flow(...,4,3) reached via a path of open sites from the top row. This example illustrates that simple recurflow(...,3,2) sive programs can mask computations that otherwise are quite sophisticated. This method is a special case of the depth-first search algorithm, flow(...,2,2) which has many important applications. Recursive percolation (null calls omitted)
2.4 Case Study: Percolation Program 2.4.5 313 Percolation detection public static boolean[][] flow(boolean[][] isOpen) { // Fill every site reachable from the top row. int n = isOpen.length; n system size (n-by-n) boolean[][] isFull = new boolean[n][n]; isOpen[][] open sites for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) isFull[][] full sites flow(isOpen, isFull, 0, j); i, j current site row, column return isFull; } public static void flow(boolean[][] isOpen, boolean[][] isFull, int i, int j) { // Fill every site reachable from (i, j). int n = isFull.length; if (i < 0 || i >= n) return; if (j < 0 || j >= n) return; if (!isOpen[i][j]) return; if (isFull[i][j]) return; isFull[i][j] = true; flow(isOpen, isFull, i+1, j); // Down. flow(isOpen, isFull, i, j+1); // Right. flow(isOpen, isFull, i, j-1); // Left. flow(isOpen, isFull, i-1, j); // Up. } Substituting these methods for the stub in Program 2.4.1 gives a depth-first-search-based solution to the percolation problem. The recursive flow() sets to true the element in isFull[][] corresponding to any site that can be reached from isOpen[i][j] via a chain of neighboring open sites. The one-argument flow() calls the recursive method for every site on the top row. % 8 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 more test8.txt 8 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 % java Percolation < test8.txt 8 8 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 true
Functions and Modules 314 To avoid conflict with our solution for vertical percolation (Program 2.4.2), we might rename that class PercolationVertical, making another copy of Percolation (Program 2.4.1) and substituting the two flow() methods in Program 2.4.5 for the placeholder flow(). Then, we can visualize and perform experiments with this algorithm with the PercolationVisualizer and PercolationProbability tools that we have developed. If you do so, and try various values for n and p, you will quickly get a feeling for the situation: the systems always percolate when the site vacancy probability p is high and never percolate when p is low, and (particularly as n increases) there is a value of p above which the systems (almost) always percolate and below which they (almost) never percolate. p = 0.65 p = 0.60 p = 0.55 Percolation is less probable as the site vacancy probability p decreases Having debugged PercolationVisualizer and PercolationProbability on the simple vertical percolation process, we can use them with more confidence to study percolation, and turn quickly to study the scientific problem of interest. Note that if we want to experiment with vertical percolation again, we would need to edit PercolationVisualizer and PercolationProbability to refer to PercolationVertical instead of Percolation, or write other clients of both PercolationVertical and Percolation that run methods in both classes to compare them. Adaptive plot To gain more insight into percolation, the next step in program development is to write a program that plots the percolation probability as a function of the site vacancy probability p for a given value of n. Perhaps the best way to produce such a plot is to first derive a mathematical equation for the function, and then use that equation to make the plot. For percolation, however, no one has been able to derive such an equation, so the next option is to use the Monte Carlo method: run simulations and plot the results.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation 315 Immediately, we are faced with numerous decisions. For how many values of p should we compute an estimate of the percolation probability? Which values of p should we choose? How much precision should we aim for in these calculations? These decisions constitute an experimental design problem. Much as we might like to instantly produce an accurate rendition of the curve for any given n, the computation cost can be prohibitive. For example, the first thing that comes to mind is to plot, say, 100 to 1,000 equally spaced points, using StdStats (Program 2.2.5). But, as you learned from using PercolationProbability, computing a sufficiently precise value of the percolation probability for each point might take several seconds or longer, so the whole plot might take minutes or hours or even longer. Moreover, it is clear that a lot of this computation time is completely wasted, because we know that values for small p are 0 and values for large p are 1. We might prefer to spend that time on more precise computations for intermediate p. How should we proceed? PercolationPlot (Program 2.4.6) implements a (x m , f(x m )) recursive approach with the same structure as Brownian (Program 2.3.5) that is widely applicable to similar prob(x 1 , y 1 ) error lems. The basic idea is simple: we choose the maximum distolerance tance that we wish to allow between values of the x-coordi(x m , y m ) nate (which we refer to as the gap tolerance), the maximum gap tolerance known error that we wish to tolerate in the y-coordinate (x 0 , y 0 ) (which we refer to as the error tolerance), and the number of trials T per point that we wish to perform. The recursive Adaptive plot tolerances method draws the plot within a given interval [x0, x1], from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). For our problem, the plot is from (0, 0) to (1, 1). The base case (if the distance between x0 and x1 is less than the gap tolerance, or the distance between the line connecting the two endpoints and the value of the function at the midpoint is less than the error tolerance) is to simply draw a line from (x0, y0) to (x1, y1). The reduction step is to (recursively) plot the two halves of the curve, from (x0, y0) to (xm, f (xm)) and from (xm, f (xm)) to (x1, y1). The code in PercolationPlot is relatively simple and produces a goodlooking curve at relatively low cost. We can use it to study the shape of the curve for various values of n or choose smaller tolerances to be more confident that the curve is close to the actual values. Precise mathematical statements about quality of approximation can, in principle, be derived, but it is perhaps not appropriate to go into too much detail while exploring and experimenting, since our goal is simply to develop a hypothesis about percolation that can be tested by scientific experimentation.
Functions and Modules 316 Program 2.4.6 Adaptive plot client public class PercolationPlot { public static void curve(int n, double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) { // Perform experiments and plot results. double gap = 0.01; double err = 0.0025; int trials = 10000; double xm = (x0 + x1)/2; double ym = (y0 + y1)/2; double fxm = PercolationProbability.estimate(n, if (x1 - x0 < gap || Math.abs(ym - fxm) < err) { StdDraw.line(x0, y0, x1, y1); return; } curve(n, x0, y0, xm, fxm); StdDraw.filledCircle(xm, fxm, 0.005); curve(n, xm, fxm, x1, y1); } n system size x0, y0 left endpoint x1, y1 right endpoint xm, trials); xm, ym midpoint fxm value at midpoint gap gap tolerance err error tolerance trials number of trials public static void main(String[] args) { // Plot experimental curve for n-by-n percolation system. int n = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); curve(n, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0); } } This recursive program draws a plot of the percolation probability (experimental observations) against the site vacancy probability p (control variable) for random n-by-n systems. % java PercolationPlot 20 % java PercolationPlot 100 1 1 percolation probability percolation probability 0 0 0.593 1 site vacancy probability p 0 0.593 1 site vacancy probability p
2.4 Case Study: Percolation 317 Indeed, the curves produced by PercolationPlot immediately confirm the hypothesis that there is a threshold value (about 0.593): if p is greater than the threshold, then the system almost certainly percolates; if p is less than the threshold, then the system almost certainly does not percolate. PercolationPlot.curve() As n increases, the curve approaches a step function PercolationProbability.estimate() Percolation.random() that changes value from 0 to 1 at the threshold. This StdRandom.bernoulli() . phenomenon, known as a phase transition, is found in . n times . many physical systems. StdRandom.bernoulli() return The simple form of the output of Program 2.4.6 Percolation.percolates() masks the huge amount of computation behind it. For flow() return example, the curve drawn for n = 100 has 18 points, return . each the result of 10,000 trials, with each trial involv. T times . ing n 2 sites. Generating and testing each site involves Percolation.random() StdRandom.bernoulli() a few lines of code, so this plot comes at the cost of . . n times executing billions of statements. There are two lessons . StdRandom.bernoulli() to be learned from this observation. First, we need return Percolation.percolates() to have confidence in any line of code that might be flow() executed billions of times, so our care in developing return return and debugging code incrementally is justified. Second, return . although we might be interested in systems that are . once for each point . much larger, we need further study in computer sciPercolationProbability.estimate() Percolation.random() ence to be able to handle larger cases—that is, to deStdRandom.bernoulli() . velop faster algorithms and a framework for knowing . n times . their performance characteristics. StdRandom.bernoulli() return With this reuse of all of our software, we can Percolation.percolates() flow() study all sorts of variants on the percolation problem, return just by implementing different flow() methods. For return . . example, if you leave out the last recursive call in the . T times Percolation.random() recursive flow() method in Program 2.4.5, it tests StdRandom.bernoulli() . for a type of percolation known as directed percola. n times . tion, where paths that go up are not considered. This StdRandom.bernoulli() return model might be important for a situation like a liqPercolation.percolates() uid percolating through porous rock, where gravity flow() return might play a role, but not for a situation like electrical return connectivity. If you run PercolationPlot for both return return methods, will you be able to discern the difference (see Exercise 2.4.10)? Function-call trace for PercolationPlot 2 2 2 2
Functions and Modules 318 To model physical situations such as water flowing through porous substances, we need to use three-dimensional arrays. Is there a similar threshold in the threedimensional problem? If so, what is its value? Depth-first search is effective for studying this question, though the addition of another dimension requires that we pay even more attention to the computational cost of determining whether a system percolates (see Exercise 2.4.18). Scientists also study more complex lattice structures that are not well modeled by multidimensional arrays—we will see how to model such structures in Section 4.5. Percolation is interesting to study via in silico experimentation because no one has been able to derive the threshold value mathematically for several natural models. The only way that scientists know the value is by using simulations like Percolation. A scientist needs to do experiments to see whether the percolation model reflects what is observed in nature, perhaps through refining the model (for example, using a different lattice structure). Percolation is an example of an increasing number of problems where computer science of the kind described here is an essential part of the scientific process. Lessons We might have approached the problem of studying percolation by sitting down to design and implement a single program, which probably would run to hundreds of lines, to produce the kind of plots that are drawn by Program 2.4.6. In the early days of computing, programmers had little choice but to work with such programs, and would spend enormous amounts of time isolating bugs and correcting design decisions. With modern programming tools like Java, we can do better, using the incremental modular style of programming presented in this chapter and keeping in mind some of the lessons that we have learned. Expect bugs. Every interesting piece of code that you write is going to have at least one or two bugs, if not many more. By running small pieces of code on small test cases that you understand, you can more easily isolate any bugs and then more easily fix them when you find them. Once debugged, you can depend on using a library as a building block for any client.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation 319 Keep modules small. You can focus attention on at most a few dozen lines of code at a time, so you may as well break your code into small modules as you write it. Some classes that contain libraries of related methods may eventually grow to contain hundreds of lines of code; otherwise, we work with small files. Limit interactions. In a well-designed modular program, most modules should depend on just a few others. In particular, a module that calls a large number of other modules needs to be divided Percolation Percolation into smaller pieces. Modules that are StdDraw Visualizer Plot called by a large number of other modules (you should have only a few) need StdRandom special attention, because if you do need to make changes in a module’s Percolation API, you have to reflect those changes in all its clients. Develop code incrementally. You StdOut should run and debug each small Percolation module as you implement it. That way, Probability StdArrayIO you are never working with more than a few dozen lines of unreliable code at any given time. If you put all your StdIn code in one big module, it is difficult to be confident that any of it is free Case study dependency graph (not including system calls) from bugs. Running code early also forces you to think sooner rather than later about I/O formats, the nature of problem instances, and other issues. Experience gained when thinking about such issues and debugging related code makes the code that you develop later in the process more effective. Solve an easier problem. Some working solution is better than no solution, so it is typical to begin by putting together the simplest code that you can craft that solves a given problem, as we did with vertical percolation. This implementation is the first step in a process of continual refinements and improvements as we develop a more complete understanding of the problem by examining a broader variety of test cases and developing support software such as our PercolationVisualizer and PercolationProbability classes.
Functions and Modules 320 Consider a recursive solution. Recursion is an indispensable tool in modern programming that you should learn to trust. If you are not already convinced of this fact by the simplicity and elegance of Percolation and PercolationPlot, you might wish to try to develop a nonrecursive program for testing whether a system percolates and then reconsider the issue. Build tools when appropriate. Our visualization method show() and random boolean matrix generation method random() are certainly useful for many other applications, as is the adaptive plotting method of PercolationPlot. Incorporating these methods into appropriate libraries would be simple. It is no more difficult (indeed, perhaps easier) to implement general-purpose methods like these than it would be to implement special-purpose methods for percolation. Reuse software when possible. Our StdIn, StdRandom, and StdDraw libraries all simplified the process of developing the code in this section, and we were also immediately able to reuse programs such as PercolationVisualizer, PercolationProbability, and PercolationPlot for percolation after developing them for vertical percolation. After you have written a few programs of this kind, you might find yourself developing versions of these programs that you can reuse for other Monte Carlo simulations or other experimental data analysis problems. The primary purpose of this case study is to convince you that modular programming will take you much further than you could get without it. Although no approach to programming is a panacea, the tools and approach that we have discussed in this section will allow you to attack complex programming tasks that might otherwise be far beyond your reach. The success of modular programming is only a start. Modern programming systems have a vastly more flexible programming model than the class-as-a-libraryof-static-methods model that we have been considering. In the next two chapters, we develop this model, along with many examples that illustrate its utility.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation Q&A Q. Editing PercolationVisualizer and PercolationProbability to rename Percolation to PercolationVertical or whatever method we want to study seems to be a bother. Is there a way to avoid doing so? A. Yes, this is a key issue to be revisited in Chapter 3. In the meantime, you can keep the implementations in separate subdirectories, but that can get confusing. Advanced Java mechanisms (such as the classpath) are also helpful, but they also have their own problems. Q. That recursive flow() method makes me nervous. How can I better understand what it’s doing? A. Run it for small examples of your own making, instrumented with instructions to print a function-call trace. After a few runs, you will gain confidence that it always marks as full the sites connected to the start site via a chain of neighboring open sites. Q. Is there a simple nonrecursive approach to identifying the full sites? A. There are several methods that perform the same basic computation. We will revisit the problem in Section 4.5, where we consider breadth-first search. In the meantime, working on developing a nonrecursive implementation of flow() is certain to be an instructive exercise, if you are interested. Q. PercolationPlot (Program 2.4.6) seems to involve a huge amount of computation to produce a simple function graph. Is there some better way? A. Well, the best would be a simple mathematical formula describing the function, but that has eluded scientists for decades. Until scientists discover such a formula, they must resort to computational experiments like the ones in this section. 321
Functions and Modules 322 Exercises 2.4.1 Write a program that takes a command-line argument n and creates an n-by-n boolean matrix with the element in row i and column j set to true if i and j are relatively prime, then shows the matrix on the standard drawing (see Exercise 1.4.16). Then, write a similar program to draw the Hadamard matrix of order n (see Exercise 1.4.29). Finally, write a program to draw the boolean matrix such that the element in row n and column j is set to true if the coefficient of x j in (1 + x)i (binomial coefficient) is odd (see Exercise 1.4.41). You may be surprised at the pattern formed by the third example. 2.4.2 Implement a print() method for Percolation that prints 1 for blocked sites, 0 for open sites, and * for full sites. 2.4.3 Give the recursive calls for flow() in Program 2.4.5 given the following input: 3 1 0 1 3 0 1 0 0 1 0 2.4.4 Write a client of Percolation like PercolationVisualizer that does a series of experiments for a value of n taken from the command line where the site vacancy probability p increases from 0 to 1 by a given increment (also taken from the command line). 2.4.5 Describe the order in which the sites are marked when Percolation is used on a system with no blocked sites. Which is the last site marked? What is the depth of the recursion? 2.4.6 Experiment with using PercolationPlot to plot various mathematical call PercolationProbability.estimate() with functions (by replacing the a different expression that evaluates a mathematical function). Try the function f(x) = sin x + cos 10x to see how the plot adapts to an oscillating curve, and come up with interesting plots for three or four functions of your own choosing.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation 323 2.4.7 Modify Percolation to animate the flow computation, showing the sites filling one by one. Check your answer to the previous exercise. 2.4.8 Modify Percolation to compute that maximum depth of the recursion used in the flow calculation. Plot the expected value of that quantity as a function of the site vacancy probability p. How does your answer change if the order of the recursive calls is reversed? 2.4.9 Modify PercolationProbability to produce output like that produced by Bernoulli (Program 2.2.6). Extra credit : Use your program to validate the hypothesis that the data obeys a Gaussian distribution. 2.4.10 Create a program that tests for directed percolation (by leaving off the last recursive call in the recursive flow() method in Program 2.4.5, as described in the text), then use PercolationPlot to draw a plot of the directed percolation probability as a function of the site vacancy probability p. PercolationDirected 2.4.11 Write a client of Percolation and PercolationDirected that takes a site vacancy probability p from the command line and prints an estimate of the probability that a system percolates but does not percolate down. Use enough experiments to get an estimate that is accurate to three decimal places. percolates (path never goes up) does not percolate Directed percolation
Functions and Modules 324 Creative Exercises 2.4.12 Vertical percolation. Show that a system with site vacancy probability p vertically percolates with probability 1 (1 p n)n, and use PercolationProbability to validate your analysis for various values of n. 2.4.13 Rectangular percolation systems. Modify the code in this section to allow you to study percolation in rectangular systems. Compare the percolation probability plots of systems whose ratio of width to height is 2 to 1 with those whose ratio is 1 to 2. 2.4.14 Adaptive plotting. Modify PercolationPlot to take its control parameters (gap tolerance, error tolerance, and number of trials) as command-line arguments. Experiment with various values of the parameters to learn their effect on the quality of the curve and the cost of computing it. Briefly describe your findings. 2.4.15 Nonrecursive directed percolation. Write a nonrecursive program that tests for directed percolation by moving from top to bottom as in our vertical percolation code. Base your solution on the following connected to top via a path of computation: if any site in a contiguous subfilled sites that never goes up row of open sites in the current row is connected to some full site on the previous row, then all of the sites in the subrow become full. 2.4.16 Fast percolation test. Modify the re- not connected to top connected to top cursive flow() method in Program 2.4.5 so (by such a path) that it returns as soon as it finds a site on the Directed percolation calculation bottom row (and fills no more sites). Hint: Use an argument done that is true if the bottom has been hit, false otherwise. Give a rough estimate of the performance improvement factor for this change when running PercolationPlot. Use values of n for which the programs run at least a few seconds but not more than a few minutes. Note that the improvement is ineffective unless the first recursive call in flow() is for the site below the current site.
2.4 Case Study: Percolation 2.4.17 Bond percolation. Write a modular program for studying percolation under the assumption that the edges of the grid provide connectivity. That is, an edge can be either empty or full, and a system percolates if there is a path consisting of full edges that goes from top to bottom. Note : This problem has been solved analytically, so your simulations should validate the hypothesis that the bond percolation threshold approaches 1/2 as n gets large. 325 percolates does not 2.4.18 Percolation in three dimensions. Implement a class Percolation3D and a class BooleanMatrix3D (for I/O and random generation) to study percolation in three-dimensional cubes, generalizing the two-dimensional case studied in this section. A percolation system is an n-by-n-by-n cube of sites that are unit cubes, each open with probability p and blocked with probability 1p. Paths can connect an open cube with any open cube that shares a common face (one of six neighbors, except on the boundary). The system percolates if there exists a path connecting any open site on the bottom plane to any open site on the top plane. Use a recursive version of flow() like Program 2.4.5, but with six recursive calls instead of four. Plot the percolation probability versus site vacancy probability p for as large a value of n as you can. Be sure to develop your solution incrementally, as emphasized throughout this section. 2.4.19 Bond percolation on a triangular grid. Write a modular program for percolates studying bond percolation on a triangular grid, where the system is composed of 2n 2 equilateral triangles packed together in an n-by-n grid of rhombus shapes. Each interior point has six bonds; each point on the edge has four; and each corner point has two. does not
Functions and Modules 326 2.4.20 Game of Life. Implement a class GameOfLife that simulates Conway’s Game of Life. Consider a boolean matrix corresponding to a system of cells that we refer to as being either live or dead. The game consists of checking and perhaps updating the value of each cell, depending on the values of its neighbors (the adjacent cells in every direction, including diagonals). Live cells remain live and dead cells remain dead, with the following exceptions: • A dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes live. • A live cell with exactly one live neighbor becomes dead. • A live cell with more than three live neighbors becomes dead. Initialize with a random boolean matrix, or use one of the starting patterns on the booksite. This game has been heavily studied, and relates to foundations of computer science (see the booksite for more information). time t time t + 1 time t + 2 time t + 3 Five generations of a glider time t + 4
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Chapter Three
Object-Oriented Programming 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 Using Data Types . . . . . . . . . . . .330 Creating Data Types . . . . . . . . . .382 Designing Data Types . . . . . . . . . 428 Case Study: N-Body Simulation . . . 478 Y our next step in programming effectively is conceptually simple. Now that you know how to use primitive types of data, you will learn in this chapter how to use, create, and design higher-level data types. An abstraction is a simplified description of something that captures its essential elements while suppressing all other details. In science, engineering, and programming, we are always striving to understand complex systems through abstraction. In Java programming, we do so with object-oriented programming, where we break a large and potentially complex program into a set of interacting elements, or objects. The idea originates from modeling (in software) real-world entities such as electrons, people, buildings, or solar systems and readily extends to modeling abstract entities such as bits, numbers, colors, images, or programs. A data type is a set of values and a set of operations defined on those values. The values and operations for primitive types such as int and double are predefined by Java. In object-oriented programming, we write Java code to define new data types. An object is an entity that holds a data-type value; you can manipulate this data-type value by applying one of the object’s data-type operations. This ability to define new data types and to manipulate objects holding datatype values is also known as data abstraction, and leads us to a style of modular programming that naturally extends the procedural programming style for primitive types that was the basis for Chapter 2. A data type allows us to isolate data as well as functions. Our mantra for this chapter is this: whenever you can clearly separate data and associated tasks within a computation, you should do so. 329
Object-Oriented Programming 3.1 Using Data Types Organizing data for processing is an essential step in the development of a computer program. Programming in Java is largely based on doing so with data types known as reference types that are designed to support object-oriented programming, a style of programming that facilitates organizing and processing data. 3.1.1 Identifying a potential gene. . . . . 337 The eight primitive data types 3.1.2 Albers squares. . . . . . . . . . . . 342 3.1.3 Luminance library. . . . . . . . . . 345 (boolean, byte, char, double, float, int, 3.1.4 Converting color to grayscale. . . . 348 long, and short) that you have been using 3.1.5 Image scaling. . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 are supplemented in Java by extensive librar3.1.6 Fade effect . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 ies of reference types that are tailored for a 3.1.7 Concatenating files . . . . . . . . . 356 3.1.8 Screen scraping for stock quotes . . 359 large variety of applications. The String 3.1.9 Splitting a file. . . . . . . . . . . . . 360 data type is one such example that you have Programs in this section already used. You will learn more about the String data type in this section, as well as how to use several other reference types for image processing and input/output. Some of them are built into Java (String and Color), and some were developed for this book (In, Out, Draw, and Picture) and are useful as general resources. You certainly noticed in the first two chapters of this book that our programs were largely confined to operations on numbers. Of course, the reason is that Java’s primitive types represent numbers. The one exception has been strings, a reference type that is built into Java. With reference types you can write programs that operate not just on strings, but on images, sounds, or any of hundreds of other abstractions that are available in Java’s libraries or on our booksite. In this section, we focus on client programs that use existing data types, to give you some concrete reference points for understanding these new concepts and to illustrate their broad reach. We will consider programs that manipulate strings, colors, images, files, and web pages—quite a leap from the primitive types of Chapter 1. In the next section, you will take another leap, by learning how to define your own data types to implement any abstraction whatsoever, taking you to a whole new level of programming. Writing programs that operate on your own types of data is an extremely powerful and useful style of programming that has dominated the landscape for many years.
3.1 Using Data Types Basic definitions A data type is a set of values and a set of operations defined on those values. This statement is one of several mantras that we repeat often because of its importance. In Chapter 1, we discussed in detail Java’s primitive data types. For example, the values of the primitive data type int are integers between 231 and 231 1; the operations defined for the int data type include those for basic arithmetic and comparisons, such as +, *, %, <, and >. You also have been using a data type that is not primitive—the String data type. You know that values of the String data type are sequences of characters and that you can perform the operation of concatenating two String values to produce a String result. You will learn in this section that there are dozens of other operations available for processing strings, such as finding a string’s length, extracting individual characters from the string, and comparing two strings. Every data type is defined by its set of values and the operations defined on them, but when we use the data type, we focus on the operations, not the values. When you write programs that use int or double values, you are not concerning yourself with how they are represented (we never did spell out the details), and the same holds true when you write programs that use reference types, such as String, Color, or Picture. In other words, you do not need to know how a data type is implemented to be able to use it (yet another mantra) The String data type. As a running example, we will revisit Java’s String data type in the context of object-oriented programming. We do so for two reasons. First, you have been using the String data type since your first program, so it is a familiar example. Second, string processing is critical to many computational applications. Strings lie at the heart of our ability to compile and run Java programs and to perform many other core computations; they are the basis of the information-processing systems that are critical to most business systems; people use them every day when typing into email, blog, or chat applications or preparing documents for publication; and they have proved to be critical ingredients in scientific progress in several fields, particularly molecular biology. We will write programs that declare, create, and manipulate values of type String. We begin by describing the String API, which documents the available operations. Then, we consider Java language mechanisms for declaring variables, creating objects to hold data-type values, and invoking instance methods to apply data-type operations. These mechanisms differ from the corresponding ones for primitive types, though you will notice many similarities. 331
Object-Oriented Programming 332 API. The Java class provides a mechanism for defining data types. In a class, we specify the data-type values and implement the data-type operations. To fulfill our promise that you do not need to know how a data type is implemented to be able to use it, we specify the behavior of classes for clients by listing their instance methods in an API (application programming interface), in the same manner as we have been doing for libraries of static methods. The purpose of an API is to provide the information that you need to write a client program that uses the data type. The following table summarizes the instance methods from Java’s String API that we use most often; the full API has more than 60 methods! Several of the methods use integers to refer to a character’s index within a string; as with arrays, these indices start at 0. public class String (Java string data type) String(String s) create a string with the same value as s String(char[] a) create a string that represents the same sequence of characters as in a[] int length() char charAt(int i) String substring(int i, int j) number of characters the character at index i characters at indices i through (j-1) boolean contains(String substring) does this string contain substring ? boolean startsWith(String pre) does this string start with pre ? boolean endsWith(String post) does this string end with post ? int indexOf(String pattern) index of first occurrence of pattern int indexOf(String pattern, int i) index of first occurrence of pattern after i String concat(String t) int compareTo(String t) this string with t appended string comparison String toLowerCase() this string, with lowercase letters String toUpperCase() this string, with uppercase letters String replaceAll(String a, String b) this string, with as replaced by bs String[] split(String delimiter) boolean equals(Object t) int hashCode() strings between occurrences of delimiter is this string’s value the same as t’s ? an integer hash code See the online documentation and booksite for many other available methods. Excerpts from the API for Java’s String data type
3.1 Using Data Types 333 The first entry, with the same name as the class and no return type, defines a special method known as a constructor. The other entries define instance methods that can take arguments and return values in the same manner as the static methods that we have been using, but they are not static methods: they implement operations for the data type. For example, the instance method length() returns the number of characters in the string and charAt() returns the character at a specified index. Declaring variables. You declare variables of a reference type in precisely the same way that you declare variables of a primitive type, using a declaration statement consisting of the data type name followed by a variable name. For example, the statement String s; declares a variable s of type String. This statement does not create anything; it just says that we will use the variable name s to refer to a String object. By convention, reference types begin with uppercase letters and primitive types begin with lowercase letters. Creating objects. In Java, each data-type value is declare a variable (object name) stored in an object. When a client invokes a coninvoke a constructor to create an object structor, the Java system creates (or instantiates) String s; an individual object (or instance). To invoke a constructor, use the keyword new; followed by the class s = new String("Hello, World") ; name; followed by the constructor’s arguments, char c = s .charAt(4) ; enclosed in parentheses and separated by commas, object name invoke an instance method in the same manner as a static method call. For exthat operates on the object’s value ample, new String("Hello, World") creates a Using a reference data type new String object corresponding to the sequence of characters Hello, World. Typically, client code invokes a constructor to create an object and assigns it to a variable in the same line of code as the declaration: String s = new String("Hello, World"); You can create any number of objects from the same class; each object has its own identity and may or may not store the same value as another object of the same type. For example, the code
Object-Oriented Programming 334 String s1 = new String("Cat"); String s2 = new String("Dog"); String s3 = new String("Cat"); creates three different String objects. In particular, s1 and s3 refer to different objects, even though the two objects represent the same sequence of characters. Invoking instance methods. The most important difference between a variable of a reference type and a variable of a primitive type is that you can use reference-type variables to invoke the methods that implement data-type operations (in contrast to the built-in syntax involving String a = new String("now is"); operators such as + and * that String b = new String("the time"); String c = new String(" the"); we used with primitive types). Such methods are known as instance method call return type return value instance methods. Invoking (or 6 int a.length() calling) an instance method is 'i' char a.charAt(4) similar to calling a static meth"w i" String a.substring(2, 5) od in another class, except that b.startsWith("the") boolean true 4 a.indexOf("is") int an instance method is associ"now is the" a.concat(c) String ated not just with a class, but b.replace("t", "T") "The Time" String also with an individual object. a.split(" ") { "now", "is" String[] Accordingly, we typically use b.equals(c) false boolean an object name (variable of the given type) instead of the class Examples of String data-type operations name to identify the method. For example, if s1 and s2 are variables of type String as defined earlier, then s1.length() returns the integer 3, s1.charAt(1) returns the character 'a', and s1.concat(s2) returns a new string CatDog. String shortcuts. As you already know, Java provides special language support for the String data type. You can create a String object using a string literal instead of an explicit constructor call. Also, you can concatenate two strings using the string concatenation operator (+) instead of making an explicit call to the concat() method. We introduced the longhand version here solely to demonstrate the syntax you need for other data types; these two shortcuts are unique to the String data type. shorthand longhand String s = "abc"; String t = r + s; String s = new String("abc"); String t = r.concat(s); }
3.1 Using Data Types 335 The following code fragments illustrate the use of various string-processing methods. This code clearly exhibits the idea of developing an abstract model and separating the code that implements the abstraction from the code that uses it. This ability characterizes object-oriented programming and is a turning point in this book: we have not yet seen any code of this nature, but virtually all of the code that we write from this point forward will be based on defining and invoking methods that implement data-type operations. extract file name and extension from a command-line argument String s = args[0]; int dot = s.indexOf("."); String base = s.substring(0, dot); String extension = s.substring(dot + 1, s.length()); print all lines on standard input that contain a string specified as a command-line argument String query = args[0]; while (StdIn.hasNextLine()) { String line = StdIn.readLine(); if (line.contains(query)) StdOut.println(line); } is the string a palindrome? translate from DNA to mRNA (replace 'T' with 'U') public static boolean isPalindrome(String s) { int n = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < n/2; i++) if (s.charAt(i) != s.charAt(n-1-i)) return false; return true; } public static String translate(String dna) { dna = dna.toUpperCase(); String rna = dna.replaceAll("T", "U"); return rna; } Typical string-processing code
Object-Oriented Programming 336 String-processing application: genomics To give you more experience with string processing, we will give a very brief overview of the field of genomics and consider a program that a bioinformatician might use to identify potential genes. Biologists use a simple model to represent the building blocks of life, in which the letters A, C, G, and T represent the four bases in the DNA of living organisms. In each living organism, these basic building blocks appear in a set of long sequences (one for each chromosome) known as a genome. Understanding properties of genomes is a key to understanding the processes that manifest themselves in living organisms. The genomic sequences for many living things are known, including the human genome, which is a sequence of about 3 billion bases. Since the sequences have been identified, scientists have begun composing computer programs to study their structure. String processing is now one of the most important methodologies—experimental or computational—in molecular biology. Gene prediction. A gene is a substring of a genome that represents a functional unit of critical importance in understanding life processes. A gene consists of a sequence of codons, each of which is a sequence of three bases that represents one amino acid. The start codon ATG marks the beginning of a gene, and any of the stop codons TAG, TAA, or TGA marks the end of a gene (and no other occurrences of any of these stop codons can appear within the gene). One of the first steps in analyzing a genome is to identify its potential genes, which is a string-processing problem that Java’s String data type equips us to solve. PotentialGene (Program 3.1.1) is a program that serves as a first step. The isPotentialGene() function takes a DNA string as an argument and determines whether it corresponds to a potential gene based on the following criteria: length is a multiple of 3, starts with the start codon, ends with a stop codon, and has no intervening stop codons. To make the determination, the program uses a variety of string instance methods: length(), charAt(), startsWith(), endsWith(), substring(), and equals(). Although the rules that define genes are a bit more complicated than those we have sketched here, PotentialGene exemplifies how a basic knowledge of programming can enable a scientist to study genomic sequences more effectively. In the present context, our interest in the String data type is that it illustrates what a data type can be—a well-developed encapsulation of an important abstraction that is useful to clients. Before proceeding to other examples, we consider a few basic properties of reference types and objects in Java.
3.1 Using Data Types Program 3.1.1 337 Identifying a potential gene public class PotentialGene { public static boolean isPotentialGene(String dna) { // Length is a multiple of 3. if (dna.length() % 3 != 0) return false; // Starts with start codon. if (!dna.startsWith("ATG")) return false; // No intervening stop codons. for (int i = 3; i < dna.length() - 3; { if (i % 3 == 0) { String codon = dna.substring(i, if (codon.equals("TAA")) return if (codon.equals("TAG")) return if (codon.equals("TGA")) return } } // if if if i++) dna codon string to analyze 3 consecutive bases i+3); false; false; false; Ends with a stop codon. (dna.endsWith("TAA")) return true; (dna.endsWith("TAG")) return true; (dna.endsWith("TGA")) return true; return false; } } The isPotentialGene() function takes a DNA string as an argument and determines whether it corresponds to a potential gene: length is a multiple of 3, starts with the start codon (ATG), ends with a stop codon (TAA or TAG or TGA), and has no intervening stop codons. See Exercise 3.1.19 for the test client. % java PotentialGene ATGCGCCTGCGTCTGTACTAG true % java PotentialGene ATGCGCTGCGTCTGTACTAG false
338 Object-Oriented Programming Object references. A constructor creates an object and returns to the client a reference to that object, not the object itself (hence the name reference type). What is an object reference? Nothing more than a mechanism for accessing an object. There are several different ways for Java to implement references, but we do not need to know the details to use them. Still, it is worthwhile to have a mental model of one common implementation. One approach is for new to assign one object memory space to hold the object’s current data-type value and return a pointer (memory address) to that space. We rereference fer to the memory address associated with the object as the c1 459 object’s identity. Why not just process the object itself? For small objects, length it might make sense to do so, but for large objects, cost be- 459 3 460 C comes an issue: data-type values can consume large amounts characters 461 A of memory. It does not make sense to copy or move all of its 462 T data every time that we pass an object as an argument to a method. If this reasoning seems familiar to you, it is because we have used precisely the same reasoning before, when talking about passing arrays as arguments to static methods in Section 2.1. Indeed, arrays are objects, as we will see later in two objects this section. By contrast, primitive types have values that are natural to represent directly in memory, so that it does not c1 459 make sense to use a reference to access each value. c2 611 We will discuss properties of object references in more identity of c1 detail after you have seen several examples of client code that use reference types. 459 3 Using objects. A variable declaration gives us a variable name for an object that we can use in code in much the same way as we use a variable name for an int or double: • As an argument or return value for a method • In an assignment statement • In an array We have been using String objects in this way ever since HelloWorld: most of our programs call StdOut.println() with a String argument, and all of our programs have a main() method that takes an argument that is a String 460 461 462 C A T identity of c2 611 612 613 614 3 D O G Object representation
3.1 Using Data Types array. As we have already seen, there is one critically important addition to this list for variables that refer to objects: • To invoke an instance method defined on it This usage is not available for variables of a primitive type, where operations are built into the language and invoked only via operators such as +, -, *, and /. Uninitialized variables. When you declare a variable of a reference type but do not assign a value to it, the variable is uninitialized, which leads to the same behavior as for primitive types when you try to use the variable. For example, the code String bad; boolean value = bad.startsWith("Hello"); leads to the compile-time error variable bad might not have been initialized because it is trying to use an uninitialized variable. Type conversion. If you want to convert an object from one type to another, you have to write code to do it. Often, there is no issue, because values for different data types are so different that no conversion is contemplated. For instance, what would it mean to convert a String object to a Color object? But there is one important case where conversion is very often worthwhile: all Java reference types have a special instance method toString() that returns a String object. The nature of the conversion is completely up to the implementation, but usually the string encodes the object’s value. Programmers typically call the toString() method to print traces when debugging code. Java automatically calls the toString() method in certain situations, including with string concatenation and StdOut.println(). For example, for any object reference x, Java automatically converts the expression "x = " + x to "x = " + x.toString() and the expression StdOut.println(x) to StdOut.println(x.toString()). We will examine the Java language mechanism that enables this feature in Section 3.3. Accessing a reference data type. As with libraries of static methods, the code that implements each class resides in a file that has the same name as the class but carries a .java extension. To write a client program that uses a data type, you need to make the class available to Java. The String data type is part of the Java language, so it is always available. You can make a user-defined data type available either by placing a copy of the .java file in the same directory as the client or by using Java’s classpath mechanism (described on the booksite). With this understood, you will next learn how to use a data type in your own client code. 339
Object-Oriented Programming 340 Distinction between instance methods and static methods. Finally, you are ready to appreciate the meaning of the modifier static that we have been using since Program 1.1.1—one of the last mysterious details in the Java programs that you have been writing. The primary purpose of static methods is to implement functions; the primary purpose of instance (non-static) methods is to implement data-type operations. You can distinguish between the uses of the two types of methods in our client code, because a static method call typically starts with a class name (uppercase, by convention) and an instance method call typically starts with an object name (lowercase, by convention). These differences are summarized in the following table, but after you have written some client code yourself, you will be able to quickly recognize the difference. instance method static method sample call s.startsWith("Hello") Math.sqrt(2.0) invoked with object name (or object reference) class name parameters reference to invoking object and argument(s) argument(s) primary purpose manipulate object’s value compute return value Instance methods versus static methods The basic concepts that we have just covered are the starting point for objectoriented programming, so it is worthwhile to briefly summarize them here. A data type is a set of values and a set of operations defined on those values. We implement data types in independent modules and write client programs that use them. An object is an instance of a data type. Objects are characterized by three essential properties: state, behavior, and identity. The state of an object is a value from its data type. The behavior of an object is defined by the data type’s operations. The identity of an object is the location in memory where it is stored. In object-oriented programming, we invoke constructors to create objects and then modify their state by invoking their instance methods. In Java, we manipulate objects via object references. To demonstrate the power of object orientation, we next consider several more examples. First, we consider the familiar world of image processing, where we process Color and Picture objects. Then, we revisit our input/output libraries in the context of object-oriented programming, enabling us to access information from files and the web.
3.1 Using Data Types 341 Color. Color is a sensation in the eye from electromagnetic radiation. Since we want to view and manipulate color images on our computers, color is a widely used abstraction in computer graphics, and Java provides a Color data type. In professional publishing, in print, and on the web, working with color is a complex task. For example, the appearance of a color image depends in a significant way on the medium used to present it. The Color data type separates the creative designer’s problem of specifying a desired color from the system’s problem of faithfully reproducing it. Java has hundreds of data types in its libraries, so we need to explicitly list which Java libraries we are using in our program to avoid naming conflicts. Specifically, we include the statement import java.awt.Color; at the beginning of any program that uses Color. (Until now, we have been using standard Java libraries or our own, so there has been no need to import them.) To represent color values, Color uses the RGB color model where a color is defined by three integers (each between 0 and 255) red green blue that represent the intensity of the red, green, and blue (respective- 255 0 0 red ly) components of the color. Other color values are obtained by 255 0 green 0 mixing the red, green, and blue components. That is, the data-type 0 255 blue 0 values of Color are three 8-bit integers. We do not need to know 0 0 black 0 whether the implementation uses int, short, or char values to 100 100 100 dark gray represent these integers. With this convention, Java is using 24 bits 255 255 255 white yellow to represent each color and can represent 2563 224 16.7 mil- 255 255 0 0 255 magenta 255 lion possible colors. Scientists estimate that the human eye can dis90 166 this color 9 tinguish only about 10 million distinct colors. The Color data type has a constructor that takes three integer Some color values arguments. For example, you can write Color red = new Color(255, Color bookBlue = new Color( 9, 0, 0); 90, 166); to create objects whose values represent pure red and the blue used to print this book, respectively. We have been using colors in StdDraw since Section 1.5, but have been limited to a set of predefined colors, such as StdDraw.BLACK, StdDraw. RED, and StdDraw.PINK. Now you have millions of colors available for your use. AlbersSquares (Program 3.1.2) is a StdDraw client that allows you to experiment with them.
Object-Oriented Programming 342 Program 3.1.2 Albers squares import java.awt.Color; public class AlbersSquares { public static void main(String[] args) { int r1 = Integer.parseInt(args[0]); int g1 = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int b1 = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); Color c1 = new Color(r1, g1, b1); int r2 = int g2 = int b2 = Color c2 Integer.parseInt(args[3]); Integer.parseInt(args[4]); Integer.parseInt(args[5]); = new Color(r2, g2, b2); StdDraw.setPenColor(c1); StdDraw.filledSquare(.25, StdDraw.setPenColor(c2); StdDraw.filledSquare(.25, StdDraw.setPenColor(c2); StdDraw.filledSquare(.75, StdDraw.setPenColor(c1); StdDraw.filledSquare(.75, r1, g1, b1 c1 RGB values first color r2, g2, b2 RGB values c2 second color 0.5, 0.2); 0.5, 0.1); 0.5, 0.2); 0.5, 0.1); } } This program displays the two colors entered in RGB representation on the command line in the familiar format developed in the 1960s by the color theorist Josef Albers, which revolutionized the way that people think about color. % java AlbersSquares 9 90 166 100 100 100
3.1 Using Data Types 343 As usual, when we address a new abstraction, we are introducing you to Color by describing the essential elements of Java’s color model, not all of the details. The API for Color contains several constructors and more than 20 methods; the ones that we will use are briefly summarized next. public class java.awt.Color Color(int r, int g, int b) int getRed() red intensity int getGreen() green intensity int getBlue() blue intensity Color brighter() brighter version of this color Color darker() darker version of this color String toString() string representation of this color String equals(Object c) is this color’s value the same as c ? See the online documentation and booksite for other available methods. Excerpts from the API for Java’s Color data type Our primary purpose is to use Color as an example to illustrate object-oriented programming, while at the same time developing a few useful tools that we can use to write programs that process colors. Accordingly, we choose one color property as an example to convince you that writing object-oriented code to process abstract concepts like color is a convenient and useful approach. Luminance. The quality of the images on modern displays such as LCD monitors, plasma TVs, and cellphone screens depends on an understanding of a color property known as monochrome luminance, or effective brightness. A standard formula for luminance is derived from the eye’s sensitivity to red, green, and blue. It is a linear combination of the three intensities: if a color’s red, green, and blue values are r, g, and b, respectively, then its monochrome luminance Y is defined by this equation: Y = 0.299 r + 0.587g + 0.114b Since the coefficients are positive and sum to 1, and the intensities are all integers between 0 and 255, the luminance is a real number between 0 and 255.
Object-Oriented Programming 344 Grayscale. The RGB color model has the prop- red green blue erty that when all three color intensities are the same, the resulting color is on a grayscale that ranges from black (all 0s) to white (all 255s). To print a color photograph in a black-and-white newspaper (or a book), we need a function to convert from color to grayscale. A simple way to convert a color to grayscale is to replace the color with a new one whose red, green, and blue values equal its monochrome luminance. 9 90 166 this color 74 74 74 grayscale version 0 0 0 black 0.299 * 9 + 0.587 * 90 + 0.114 * 166 = 74.445 Grayscale example Color compatibility. The monochrome luminance is also crucial in determining whether two colors are compatible, in the sense that printing text in one of the colors on a background in the other color will be readable. A widely used rule of thumb is that the difference between the luminance of the foreground and background colors should be at least 128. For example, black text on a white background has a luminance difference of 255, but black text on a (book) blue background has a luminance difference of only 74. This rule is important in the design of advertising, road signs, websites, and many other applications. Luminance (Program 3.1.3) is a library of static methods that we can use to convert a color to grayscale and to test whether two colors are compatible. The static luminance difference methods in Luminance illustrate the util0 232 compatible ity of using data types to organize infor74 158 mation. Using Color objects as argucompatible ments and return values substantially 232 74 not compatible simplifies the implementation: the alternative of passing around three intensity Compatibility example values is cumbersome and returning multiple values is not possible without reference types. Having an abstraction for color is important not just for direct use, but also in building higher-level data types that have Color values. Next, we illustrate this point by building on the color abstraction to develop a data type that allows us to write programs to process digital images.
3.1 Using Data Types Program 3.1.3 345 Luminance library import java.awt.Color; public class Luminance { public static double intensity(Color color) { // Monochrome luminance of color. int r = color.getRed(); int g = color.getGreen(); int b = color.getBlue(); return 0.299*r + 0.587*g + 0.114*b; } public static Color toGray(Color color) { // Use luminance to convert to grayscale. int y = (int) Math.round(intensity(color)); Color gray = new Color(y, y, y); return gray; } r, g, b y RGB values luminance of color public static boolean areCompatible(Color a, Color b) { // True if colors are compatible, false otherwise. return Math.abs(intensity(a) - intensity(b)) >= 128.0; } public static void main(String[] args) { // Are the two specified RGB colors compatible? int[] a = new int[6]; for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) a[] a[i] = Integer.parseInt(args[i]); Color c1 = new Color(a[0], a[1], a[2]); c1 Color c2 = new Color(a[3], a[4], a[5]); c2 StdOut.println(areCompatible(c1, c2)); } int values of args[] first color second color } This library comprises three important functions for manipulating color: monochrome luminance, conversion to grayscale, and background/foreground compatibility. % java Luminance 232 232 232 true % java Luminance 9 90 166 true % java Luminance 9 90 166 false 0 0 0 232 232 232 0 0 0
Object-Oriented Programming 346 Digital image processing You are familiar with the concept of a photograph. Technically, we might define a photograph as a two-dimensional image created by collecting and focusing visible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation that constitutes a representation of a scene at a point in time. That technical definition is beyond our scope, except to note that the history of photography is a history of technological development. During the last century, photography was based on chemical processes, but its future is now based in computation. Your camera and your cellphone are computers with lenses and light-sensitive devices capable of capturing images in digital form, and your computer has photo-editing software that allows you to process those images. You can crop them, enlarge and reduce them, adjust the contrast, brighten or darken them, remove redeye, or perform scores of other operations. Many such operations are remarkably easy to implement, given a simple basic data type that captures the idea of a digital image, as you will now see. Digital images. Which set of values do we need to process digital images, and pixel (0, 0) row height which operations do we need to perform on those values? The basic abstraction for computer displays is the same one that is used for digital photographs and is very simple: a digital image is a rectangular grid of pixels (picture elements), where the color of each pixel is individually defined. Digital images are sometimes referred to as raster or bitmapped images. In contrast, the types of images that we produce with StdDraw (which involve geometric objects such as points, lines, circles, and squares)are referred to as vector images. Our class Picture is a data type for digital images whose pixels are references to definition follows immediately from the digital image abstracColor objects column tion. The set of values is nothing more than a two-dimensional matrix of Color values, and the operations are what you might expect: create a blank image with a given width and height, load an image from a file, set the value of a pixel to a given color, return the color of a given pixel, return the width or the height, show the image in a window on your computer screen, and save the image to a file. In this description, we intentionally use the word matrix instead of array to emphasize that we are referring to an abstraction (a matrix of pixels), not a specific implementation (a Java two-dimensional array of Color objects). You do not need to know how a data type is width Anatomy of a digital image
3.1 Using Data Types 347 implemented to be able to use it. Indeed, typical images have so many pixels that implementations are likely to use a more efficient representation than an array of Color objects. In any case, to write client programs that manipulate images, you just need to know this API: public class Picture Picture(String filename) create a picture from a file Picture(int w, int h) create a blank w-by-h picture int width() return the width of the picture int height() return the height of the picture Color get(int col, int row) return the color of pixel (col, row) void set(int col, int row, Color c) set the color of pixel (col, row) to c void show() display the picture in a window void save(String filename) save the picture to a file API for our data type for image processing By convention, (0, 0) is the upper-leftmost pixel, so the image is laid as in the customary order for two-dimensional arrays (by contrast, the convention for StdDraw is to have the point (0,0) at the lower-left corner, so that drawings are oriented as in the customary manner for Cartesian coordinates). Most imageprocessing programs are filters that scan through all of the pixels in a source image and then perform some computation to determine the color of each pixel in a target image. The supported file formats for the first constructor and the save() method are the widely used PNG and JPEG formats, so that you can write programs to process your own digital photos and add the results to an album or a website. The show() window also has an interactive option for saving to a file. These methods, together with Java’s Color data type, open the door to image processing. Grayscale. You will find many examples of color images on the booksite, and all of the methods that we describe are effective for full-color images, but all our example images in this book will be grayscale. Accordingly, our first task is to write a program that converts images from color to grayscale. This task is a prototypical image-processing task: for each pixel in the source, we set a pixel in the target to a
Object-Oriented Programming 348 Program 3.1.4 Converting color to grayscale import java.awt.Color; picture public class Grayscale col, row { color public static void main(String[] args) gray { // Show image in grayscale. Picture picture = new Picture(args[0]); for (int col = 0; col < picture.width(); col++) { for (int row = 0; row < picture.height(); row++) { Color color = picture.get(col, row); Color gray = Luminance.toGray(color); picture.set(col, row, gray); } } picture.show(); } } image from file pixel coordinates pixel color pixel grayscale This program illustrates a simple image-processing client. First, it creates a Picture object initialized with an image file named by the command-line argument. Then it converts each pixel in the picture to grayscale by creating a grayscale version of each pixel’s color and resetting the pixel to that color. Finally, it shows the picture. You can perceive individual pixels in the picture on the right, which was upscaled from a low-resolution picture (see “Scaling” on the next page). % java Grayscale mandrill.jpg % java Grayscale darwin.jpg
3.1 Using Data Types 349 different color. Grayscale (Program 3.1.4) is a filter that takes a file name from the command line and produces a grayscale version of that image. It creates a new Picture object initialized with the color image, then sets the color of each pixel to a new Color having a grayscale value computed by applying the toGray() method in Luminance (Program 3.1.3) to the color of the corresponding pixdownscaling el in the source. source Scaling. One of the most common image-processing tasks is to make an image smaller or larger. Examples of this basic operation, known as scaling, include making small thumbnail photos for use in a chat room or a cellphone, changing the size of a high-resolution photo to make it fit into a specific space in a printed publication or on a web page, and zooming in on a satellite photograph or an image produced by a microscope. In optical systems, we can just move target a lens to achieve a desired scale, but in digital imagery, we have to do more work. In some cases, the strategy is clear. For example, if the target image is to be half the size (in each dimension) of the source image, we simply choose half the pixels, say, by deleting half the rows and half upscaling the columns. This technique is known as sampling. If the target image source is to be double the size (in each dimension) of the source image, we can replace each source pixel by four target pixels of the same color. Note that we can lose information when we downscale, so halving an image and then doubling it generally does not give back the same target image. A single strategy is effective for both downscaling and upscaling. Our goal is to produce the target image, so we proceed through the pixels in the target, one by one, scaling each pixel’s coordinates to identify a pixel in the source whose color can be assigned to the target. If the width and height of the source are ws and hs (respectively) and the width and height of the target are wt and ht (respectively), then we scale the column index by ws /wt and the row index by hs /ht. That is, Scaling a digital image we get the color of the pixel in column c and row r and of the target from column cws /wt and row rhs /ht in the source. For example, if we are halving the size of an image, the scale factors are 2, so the pixel in column 3 and row 2 of the target gets the color of the pixel in column 6 and row 4 of the source; if we are doubling the size of the image, the scale factors are 1/2, so the pixel
Object-Oriented Programming 350 Program 3.1.5 Image scaling public class Scale { public static void main(String[] args) w, h target dimensions { source source image int w = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); int h = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); target target image Picture source = new Picture(args[0]); colT, rowT target pixel coords Picture target = new Picture(w, h); colS, rowS source pixel coords for (int colT = 0; colT < w; colT++) { for (int rowT = 0; rowT < h; rowT++) { int colS = colT * source.width() / w; int rowS = rowT * source.height() / h; target.set(colT, rowT, source.get(colS, rowS)); } } source.show(); target.show(); } } This program takes the name of an image file and two integers (width w and height h) as command-line arguments, scales the picture to w-by-h, and displays both images. % java Scale mandrill.jpg 800 800 600 300 200 400 200 200
3.1 Using Data Types 351 in column 4 and row 6 of the target gets the color of the pixel in column 2 and row 3 of the source. Scale (Program 3.1.5) is an implementation of this strategy. More sophisticated strategies can be effective for low-resolution images of the sort that you might find on old web pages or from old cameras. For example, we might downscale to half size by averaging the values of four pixels in the source to make one pixel in the target. For the high-resolution images that are common in most applications today, the simple approach used in Scale is effective. The same basic idea of computing the color value of each target pixel as a function of the color values of specific source pixels is effective for all sorts of image-processing tasks. Next, we consider one more example, and you will find numerous other examples in the exercises and on % java Fade mandrill.jpg darwin.jpg the booksite. Fade effect. Our final image-processing example is an entertaining computation where we transform one image into another in a series of discrete steps. Such a transformation is sometimes known as a fade effect. Fade (Program 3.1.6) is a Picture and Color client that uses a linear interpolation strategy to implement this effect. It computes n1 intermediate pictures, with each pixel in picture i being a weighted average of the corresponding pixels in the source and target. The static method blend() implements the interpolation: the source color is weighted by a factor of 1 i / n and the target color by a factor of i / n (when i is 0, we have the source color, and when i is n, we have the target color). This simple computation can produce striking results. When you run Fade on your computer, the change appears to happen dynamically. Try running it on some images from your photo library. Note that Fade assumes that the images have the same width and height; if you have images for which this is not the case, you can use Scale to created a scaled version of one or both of them for Fade. 9
Object-Oriented Programming 352 Program 3.1.6 Fade effect import java.awt.Color; public class Fade { public static Color blend(Color c1, Color c2, double alpha) { // Compute blend of colors c1 and c2, weighted by alpha. double r = (1-alpha)*c1.getRed() + alpha*c2.getRed(); double g = (1-alpha)*c1.getGreen() + alpha*c2.getGreen(); double b = (1-alpha)*c1.getBlue() + alpha*c2.getBlue(); return new Color((int) r, (int) g, (int) b); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Show m-image fade sequence from source to target. Picture source = new Picture(args[0]); Picture target = new Picture(args[1]); int n = Integer.parseInt(args[2]); int width = source.width(); int height = source.height(); Picture picture = new Picture(width, height); for (int i = 0; i <= n; i++) n number of pictures { for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) picture current picture { i picture counter for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) c1 source color { Color c1 = source.get(col, row); c2 target color Color c2 = target.get(col, row); color blended color double alpha = (double) i / n; Color color = blend(c1, c2, alpha); picture.set(col, row, color); } } picture.show(); } } } To fade from one picture into another in n steps, we set each pixel in picture i to a weighted average of the corresponding pixel in the source and destination pictures, with the source getting weight 1 i / n and the destination getting weight i / n. An example transformation is shown on the facing page.
3.1 Using Data Types Input and output revisited In Section 1.5 you learned how to read and write numbers and text using StdIn and StdOut and to make drawings with StdDraw. You have certainly come to appreciate the utility of these mechanism in getting information into and out of your programs. One reason that they are convenient is that the “standard” conventions make them accessible from anywhere within a program. One disadvantage of these conventions is that they leave us dependent upon the operating system’s piping and redirection mechanism for access to files, and they restrict us to working with just one input file, one output file, and one drawing for any given program. With object-oriented programming, we can define mechanisms that are similar to those in StdIn, StdOut, and StdDraw but allow us to work with multiple input streams, output streams, and drawings within one program. Specifically, we define in input streams this section the data types In, Out, and Draw for input streams, output streams, and drawings, respectively. As usual, you must make these classes accessible to command-line standard input Java (see the Q&A at the end of arguments Section 1.5). pictures These data types give us the flexibility that we need to address many common data-processing output streams tasks within our Java programs. Rather than being restricted to just one input stream, one outdrawings put stream, and one drawing, we can easily define multiple standard output objects of each type, connecting the streams to various sources and destinations. We also get the flexibility to assign such obA bird’s-eye view of a Java program (revisited again) jects to variables, pass them as arguments or return values from methods, and create arrays of them, manipulating them just as we manipulate objects of any type. We will consider several examples of their use after we have presented the APIs. 353
Object-Oriented Programming 354 Input stream data type. Our In data type is a more general version of StdIn that supports reading numbers and text from files and websites as well as the standard input stream. It implements the input stream data type, with the API at the bottom of this page. Instead of being restricted to one abstract input stream (standard input), this data type gives you the ability to directly specify the source of an input stream. Moreover, that source can be either a file or a website. When you call the constructor with a string argument, the constructor first tries to find a file in the current directory of your local computer with that name. If it cannot do so, it assumes the argument is a website name and tries to connect to that website. (If no such website exists, it generates a run-time exception.) In either case, the specified file or website becomes the source of the input for the input stream object thus created, and the read*() methods will read input from that stream. public class In In() create an input stream from standard input In(String name) create an input stream from a file or website instance methods that read individual tokens from the input stream boolean isEmpty() int readInt() double readDouble() is standard input empty (or only whitespace)? read a token, convert it to an int, and return it read a token, convert it to a double, and return it ... instance methods that read characters from the input stream boolean hasNextChar() does standard input have any remaining characters? char readChar() read a character from standard input and return it instance methods that read lines from the input stream boolean hasNextLine() String readLine() does standard input have a next line? read the rest of the line and return it as a String instance methods that read the rest of the input stream int[] readAllInts() read all remaining tokens; return as array of integers double[] readAllDoubles() read all remaining tokens; return as array of doubles ... Note: All operations supported by StdIn are also supported for In objects. API for our data type for input streams
3.1 Using Data Types 355 This arrangement makes it possible to process multiple files within the same program. Moreover, the ability to directly access the web opens up the whole web as potential input for your programs. For example, it allows you to process data that is provided and maintained by someone else. You can find such files all over the web. Scientists now regularly post data files with measurements or results of experiments, ranging from genome and protein sequences to satellite photographs to astronomical observations; financial services companies, such as stock exchanges, regularly publish on the web detailed information about the performance of stock and other financial instruments; governments publish election results; and so forth. Now you can write Java programs that read these kinds of files directly. The In data type gives you a great deal of flexibility to take advantage of the multitude of data sources that are now available. Output stream data type. Similarly, our Out data type is a more general version of StdOut that supports printing text to a variety of output streams, including standard output and files. Again, the API specifies the same methods as its StdOut counterpart. You specify the file that you want to use for output by using the oneargument constructor with the file’s name as the argument. Out interprets this string as the name of a new file on your local computer, and sends its output there. If you use the no-argument constructor, then you obtain the standard output stream. public class Out Out() create an output stream to standard output Out(String name) create an output stream to a file void print(String s) print s to the output stream void println(String s) print s and a newline to the output stream void println() print a newline to the output stream void printf(String format, ...) print the arguments to the output stream, as specified by the format string format API for our data type for output streams
Object-Oriented Programming 356 Program 3.1.7 Concatenating files public class Cat { public static void main(String[] args) { Out out = new Out(args[args.length-1]); for (int i = 0; i < args.length - 1; i++) { In in = new In(args[i]); String s = in.readAll(); out.println(s); } } } out i in s output stream argument index current input stream contents of in This program creates an output file whose name is given by the last command-line argument and whose contents are the concatenation of the input files whose names are given as the other command-line arguments. % more in1.txt This is % more in2.txt a tiny test. % java Cat in1.txt in2.txt out.txt % more out.txt This is a tiny test. File concatenation and filtering. Program 3.1.7 is a sample client of In and Out that uses multiple input streams to concatenate several input files into a single output file. Some operating systems have a command known as cat that implements this function. However, a Java program that does the same thing is perhaps more useful, because we can tailor it to filter the input files in various ways: we might wish to ignore irrelevant information, change the format, or select only some of the data, to name just a few examples. We now consider one example of such processing, and you will find several others in the exercises.
3.1 Using Data Types 357 Screen scraping. The combination of the In data type (which allows us to create an input stream from any page on the web) and the String data type (which provides powerful tools for processing text strings) opens up the entire web to direct access by our Java programs, without any direct dependence on the operating system or browser. One paradigm is known as screen scraping: the goal is to extract some information from a web page with a program, rather than having to browse to find it. To do so, we take advantage of the fact that many web pages are defined with text files in a highly structured format (because they are created by computer programs!). Your browser has a mechanism that allows you to examine the source code that produces the web page that you are ... viewing, and by examining that source you can (GOOG)</h2> <span class="rtq_ often figure out what to do. exch"><span class="rtq_dash">-</span> Suppose that we want to take a stock trad- NMS </span><span class="wl_sign"> ing symbol as a command-line argument and </span></div></div> print that stock’s current trading price. Such in- <div class="yfi_rt_quote_summary_rt_top formation is published on the web by financial sigfig_promo_1"><div> service companies and Internet service provid- <span class="time_rtq_ticker"> <span id="yfs_l84goog">1,100.62</span> ers. For example, you can find the stock price </span> <span class="down_r time_rtq_ of a company whose symbol is goog by brows- content"><span id="yfs_c63_goog"> ing to http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=goog. ... Like many web pages, the name encodes an HTML code from the web argument (goog), and we could substitute any other ticker symbol to get a web page with financial information for any other company. Also, like many other files on the web, the referenced file is a text file, written in a formatting language known as HTML. From the point of view of a Java program, it is just a String value accessible through an In object. You can use your browser to download the source of that file, or you could use % java Cat "http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=goog" goog.html to put the source into a file goog.html on your local computer (though there is no real need to do so). Now, suppose that goog is trading at $1,100.62 at the moment. If you search for the string "1,100.62" in the source of that page, you will find the stock price buried within some HTML code. Without having to know details of HTML, you can figure out something about the context in which the price appears. In this case, you can see that the stock price is enclosed between the substrings <span id=”yfs_l84goog”> and </span>.
358 Object-Oriented Programming With the String data type’s indexOf() and substring() methods, you easily can grab this information, as illustrated in StockQuote (Program 3.1.8). This program depends on the web page format used by http://finance.yahoo.com; if this format changes, StockQuote will not work. Indeed, by the time you read this page, the format may have changed. Even so, making appropriate changes is not likely to be difficult. You can entertain yourself by embellishing StockQuote in all kinds of interesting ways. For example, you could grab the stock price on a periodic basis and plot it, compute a moving average, or save the results to a file for later analysis. Of course, the same technique works for sources of data found all over the web, as you can see in examples in the exercises at the end of this section and on the booksite. Extracting data. The ability to maintain multiple input and output streams gives us a great deal of flexibility in meeting the challenges of processing large amounts of data coming from a variety of sources. We consider one more example: Suppose that a scientist or a financial analyst has a large amount of data within a spreadsheet program. Typically such spreadsheets are tables with a relatively large number of rows and a relatively small number of columns. You are not likely to be interested in all the data in the spreadsheet, but you may be interested in a few of the columns. You can do some calculations within the spreadsheet program (this is its purpose, after all), but you certainly do not have the flexibility that you have with Java programming. One way to address this situation is to have the spreadsheet export the data to a text file, using some special character to delimit the columns, and then write a Java program that reads that file from an input stream. One standard practice is to use commas as delimiters: print one line per row, with commas separating column entries. Such files are known as comma-separated-value or .csv files. With the split() method in Java’s String data type, we can read the file line-by-line and isolate the data that we want. We will see several examples of this approach later in the book. Split (Program 3.1.9) is an In and Out client that goes one step further: it creates multiple output streams and makes one file for each column. These examples are convincing illustrations of the utility of working with text files, with multiple input and output streams, and with direct access to web pages. Web pages are written in HTML precisely so that they are accessible to any program that can read strings. People use text formats such as .csv files rather than data formats that are beholden to particular applications precisely to allow as many people as possible to access the data with simple programs like Split.
3.1 Using Data Types Program 3.1.8 359 Screen scraping for stock quotes public class StockQuote { private static String readHTML(String symbol) { // Return HTML corresponding to stock symbol. In page = new In("http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=" + symbol); return page.readAll(); } symbol stock symbol public static double priceOf(String symbol) page { // Return current stock price for symbol. String html = readHTML(symbol); int p = html.indexOf("yfs_l84", 0); int from = html.indexOf(">", p); int to = html.indexOf("</span>", from); String price = html.substring(from + 1, to); return Double.parseDouble(price.replaceAll(",", "")); } public static void main(String[] args) { // Print price of stock specified by symbol. String symbol = args[0]; double price = priceOf(symbol); StdOut.println(price); } input stream html contents of page p yfs_184 index from to price > index </span> index current price } This program accepts a stock ticker symbol as a command-line argument and prints to standard output the current stock price for that stock, as reported by the website http://finance. yahoo.com. It uses the indexOf(), substring(), and replaceAll() methods from String. % java StockQuote goog 1100.62 % java StockQuote adbe 70.51
Object-Oriented Programming 360 Program 3.1.9 Splitting a file public class Split { public static void main(String[] args) { // Split file by column into n files. String name = args[0]; int n = Integer.parseInt(args[1]); String delimiter = ","; name n delimiter in out[] // Create output streams. Out[] out = new Out[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) out[i] = new Out(name + i + ".txt"); line fields[] base file name number of fields delimiter (comma) input stream output streams current line values in current line In in = new In(name + ".csv"); while (in.hasNextLine()) { // Read a line and write fields to output streams. String line = in.readLine(); String[] fields = line.split(delimiter); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) out[i].println(fields[i]); } } } This program uses multiple output streams to split a .csv file into separate files, one for each comma-delimited field. The name of the output file corresponding to the ith field is formed by concatenating i and then .csv to the end of the original file name. % more DJIA.csv ... 31-Oct-29,264.97,7150000,273.51 30-Oct-29,230.98,10730000,258.47 29-Oct-29,252.38,16410000,230.07 28-Oct-29,295.18,9210000,260.64 25-Oct-29,299.47,5920000,301.22 24-Oct-29,305.85,12900000,299.47 23-Oct-29,326.51,6370000,305.85 22-Oct-29,322.03,4130000,326.51 21-Oct-29,323.87,6090000,320.91 ... % java Split DJIA 4 % more DJIA2.txt ... 7150000 10730000 16410000 9210000 5920000 12900000 6370000 4130000 6090000 ...
3.1 Using Data Types Drawing data type. When using the Picture data type that we considered earlier in this section, we could write programs that manipulated multiple pictures, arrays of pictures, and so forth, precisely because the data type provides us with the capability for computing with Picture objects. Naturally, we would like the same capability for computing with the kinds of geometric objects that we create with StdDraw. Accordingly, we have a Draw data type with the following API: public class Draw Draw() drawing commands void line(double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) void point(double x, double y) void circle(double x, double y, double radius) void filledCircle(double x, double y, double radius) ... control commands void setXscale(double x0, double x1) void setYscale(double y0, double y1) void setPenRadius(double radius) ... Note: All operations supported by StdDraw are also supported for Draw objects. As for any data type, you can create a new drawing by using new to create a object, assign it to a variable, and use that variable name to call the methods that create the graphics. For example, the code Draw Draw draw = new Draw(); draw.circle(0.5, 0.5, 0.2); draws a circle in the center of a window on your screen. As with Picture, each drawing has its own window, so that you can address applications that call for displaying multiple different drawings at the same time. 361
Object-Oriented Programming 362 Properties of reference types Now that you have seen several examples of reference types (Charge, Color, Picture, String, In, Out, and Draw) and client programs that use them, we discuss in more detail some of their essential properties. To a large extent, Java protects novice programmers from having to know these details. Experienced programmers, however, know that a firm understanding of these properties is helpful in writing correct, effective, and efficient object-oriented programs. A reference captures the distinction between a thing and its name. This distinction is a familiar one, as illustrated in these examples: type typical object typical name website our booksite http://introcs.cs.princeton.edu person father of computer science Alan Turing planet third rock from the sun Earth building our office 35 Olden Street ship superliner that sank in 1912 RMS Titanic number circumference/diameter of a circle Picture new Picture("mandrill.jpg") picture A given object may have multiple names, but each object has its own identity. We can create a new name for an object without changing the object’s value (via an assignment statement), but when we change an object’s value (by invoking an instance method), all of the object’s names refer to the changed object. The following analogy may help you keep this crucial distinction clear in your mind. Suppose that you want to have your house painted, so you write the street address of your house in pencil on a piece of paper and give it to a few house painters. Now, if you hire one of the painters to paint the house, it becomes a different color. No changes have been made to any of the pieces of paper, but the house that they all refer to has changed. One of the painters might erase what you’ve written and write the address of another house, but changing what is written on one piece of paper does not change what is written on another piece of paper. Java references are like the pieces of paper: they hold names of objects. Changing a reference does not change the object, but changing an object makes the change apparent to everyone having a reference to it.
3.1 Using Data Types The famous Belgian artist René Magritte captured this same concept in a painting where he created an image of a pipe along with the caption ceci n’est pas une pipe (this is not a pipe) below it. We might interpret the caption as saying that the image is not actually a pipe, just an image of a pipe. Or perhaps Magritte meant that the caption is neither a pipe nor an image of a pipe, just a caption! In the present context, this image reinforces the idea that a reference to an object is nothing more than a reference; it is not the object itself. 363 © 2015 C. Herscovici / Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York This is a picture of a pipe Aliasing. An assignment statement with a reference type creates a second copy of the reference. The assignment statement does not create a new object, just another reference to an existing object. This situation is known as aliasing: both variables refer to the same object. Aliasing also arises when passing an object reference to a method: The parameter variable becomes another reference to the corresponding object. The effect of aliasing is a bit unexpected, because it is different from that for variables holding values of a primitive type. Be sure that you understand the difference. If x and y are variables of a primitive type, then the a; assignment statement x = y copies the value of y to x. For Color a = new Color(160, reference types, the reference is copied (not the value). Color b = a; Aliasing is a common source of bugs in Java programs, as illustrated by the following example: Picture a = new Picture("mandrill.jpg"); Picture b = a; a.set(col, row, color1); // a updated b.set(col, row, color2); // a updated again After the second assignment statement, variables a and b both refer to the same Picture object. Changing the state of an object impacts all code involving aliased variables referencing that object. We are used to thinking of two different variables of primitive types as being independent, but that intuition does not carry over to reference objects. For example, if the preceding code assumes that a and b refer to different Picture objects, then it will produce the wrong result. Such aliasing bugs are common in programs written by people without much experience in using reference objects (that’s you, so pay attention here!). a b 811 812 813 811 811 160 82 45 Aliasing 82, 45); references to same object sienna
364 Object-Oriented Programming Immutable types. For this very reason, it is common to define data types whose values cannot change. An object from a data type is immutable if its data-type value cannot change once created. An immutable data type is one in which all objects of that type are immutable. For example, String is an immutable data type because there are no operations available to clients that change a string’s characters. In contrast, a mutable data type is one in which objects of that type have values that are designed to change. For example, Picture is mutable data type because we can change pixel colors. We will consider immutability in more detail in Section 3.3. Comparing objects. When applied to reference types, the == operator checks whether the two object references are equal (that is, whether they point to the same object). That is not the same as checking whether the objects have the same value. For example, consider the following code: Color a = new Color(160, 82, 45); Color b = new Color(160, 82, 45); Color c = b; Now (a == b) is false and (b == c) is true, but when you are thinking about equality testing for Color, you probably are thinking that you want to test whether their values are the same—you might want all three of these to test as equal. Java does not have an automatic mechanism for testing the equality of object values, which leaves programmers with the opportunity (and responsibility) to define it for themselves by defining for any class a customized method named equals(), as described in Section 3.3. For example, Color has such a method, and a.equals(c) is true in our example. String also contains an implementation of equals() because we often want to test whether two String objects have the same value (the same sequence of characters). Pass by value. When you call a method with arguments, the effect in Java is as if each argument were to appear on the right-hand side of an assignment statement with the corresponding argument name on the left-hand side. That is, Java passes a copy of the argument value from the caller to the method. If the argument value is a primitive type, Java passes a copy of that value; if the argument value is an object reference, Java passes a copy of the object reference. This arrangement is known as pass by value. One important consequence of this arrangement is that a method cannot directly change the value of a caller’s variable. For primitive types, this policy is what
3.1 Using Data Types 365 we expect (the two variables are independent), but each time that we use a reference type as a method argument, we create an alias, so we must be cautious. For example, if we pass an object reference of type Picture to a method, the method cannot change the caller’s object reference (for example, make it refer to a different Picture), but it can change the value of the object, such as by invoking the set() method to change a pixel’s color. Arrays are objects. In Java, every value of any nonprimitive type is an object. In particular, arrays are objects. As with strings, special language support is provided for certain operations on arrays: declarations, initialization, and indexing. As with any other object, when we pass an array to a method or use an array variable on the right-hand side of an assignment statement, we are making a copy of the array reference, not a copy of the array. Arrays are mutable objects—a convention that is appropriate for the typical case where we expect the method to be able to modify the array by rearranging the values of its elements, as in, for example, the exchange() and shuffle() methods that we considered in Section 2.1. Arrays of objects. Array elements can be of any type, as we have already seen on several occasions, from args[] (an array of strings) in our main() implementations, to the array of Out objects in Program 3.1.9. When we create an array of objects, we do so in two steps: • Create the array by using new and the square bracket syntax for array creation • Create each object in the array, by using new to call a constructor For example, we would use the following code to create an array of two Color objects: Color[] a = new Color[2]; a[0] = new Color(255, 255, 0); a[1] = new Color(160, 82, 45); Naturally, an array of objects in Java is an array of object references, not the objects themselves. If the objects are large, then we gain efficiency by not having to move them around, just their references. If they are small, we lose efficiency by having to follow a reference each time we need to get to some information. a 123 124 323 2 a.length a[0] 323 324 459 611 459 460 461 255 255 0 yellow 611 612 613 160 82 45 sienna a[1] An array of objects
366 Object-Oriented Programming Safe pointers. To provide the capability to manipulate memory addresses that refer to data, many programming languages include the pointer (which is like the Java reference) as a primitive data type. Programming with pointers is notoriously error prone, so operations provided for pointers need to be carefully designed to help programmers avoid errors. Java takes this point of view to an extreme (one that is favored by many modern programming-language designers). In Java, there is only one way to create a reference (with new) and only one way to manipulate that reference (with an assignment statement). That is, the only things that a programmer can do with references is to create them and copy them. In programming-language jargon, Java references are known as safe pointers, because Java can guarantee that each reference points to an object of the specified type (and not to an arbitrary memory address). Programmers used to writing code that directly manipulates pointers think of Java as having no pointers at all, but people still debate whether it is desirable to have unsafe Color a, b; a = new Color(160, 82, 45); pointers. In short, when you program in Java, you will b = new Color(255, 255, 0); not be directly manipulating memory addresses, but if b = a; you find yourself doing so in some other language in the future, be careful! Orphaned objects. The ability to assign different objects to a reference variable creates the possibility that a program may have created an object that it can no longer reference. For example, consider the three assignment statements in the figure at right. After the third assignment statement, not only do a and b refer to the same Color object (the one whose RGB values are 160, 82, and 45), but also there is no longer a reference to the Color object that was created and used to initialize b. The only reference to that object was in the variable b, and this reference was overwritten by the assignment, so there is no way to refer to the object again. Such an object is said to be orphaned. Objects are also orphaned when they go out of scope. Java programmers pay little attention to orphaned objects because the system automatically reuses the memory that they occupy, as we discuss next. a b 811 811 references to same object orphaned object 655 656 657 255 255 0 yellow 811 812 813 160 82 45 sienna An orphaned object
3.1 Using Data Types Memory management. Programs tend to create huge numbers of objects but have a need for only a small number of them at any given point in time. Accordingly, programming languages and systems need mechanisms to allocate memory for data-type values during the time they are needed and to free the memory when they are no longer needed (for an object, sometime after it is orphaned). Memory management is easier for primitive types because all of the information needed for memory allocation is known at compile time. Java (and most other systems) reserves memory for variables when they are declared and frees that memory when they go out of scope. Memory management for objects is more complicated: Java knows to allocate memory for an object when it is created (with new), but cannot know precisely when to free the memory associated with that object because the dynamics of a program in execution determine when the object is orphaned. Memory leaks. In many languages (such as C and C++), the programmer is responsible for both allocating and freeing memory. Doing so is tedious and notoriously error prone. For example, suppose that a program deallocates the memory for an object, but then continues to refer to it (perhaps much later in the program). In the meantime, the system may have reallocated the same memory for another use, so all kinds of havoc can result. Another insidious problem occurs when a programmer neglects to ensure that the memory for an orphaned object is deallocated. This bug is known as a memory leak because it can result in a steadily increasing amount of memory devoted to orphaned objects (and therefore not available for use). The effect is that performance degrades, as if memory were leaking out of your computer. Have you ever had to reboot your computer because it was gradually getting less and less responsive? A common cause of such behavior is a memory leak in one of your applications. Garbage collection. One of Java’s most significant features is its ability to automatically manage memory. The idea is to free the programmer from the responsibility of managing memory by keeping track of orphaned objects and returning the memory they use to a pool of free memory. Reclaiming memory in this way is known as garbage collection, and Java’s safe pointer policy enables it to do this efficiently and automatically. Programmers still debate whether the overhead of automatic garbage collection justifies the convenience of not having to worry about memory management. The same conclusion that we drew for pointers holds: when you program in Java, you will not be writing code to allocate and free memory, but if you find yourself doing so in some other language in the future, be careful! 367
368 Object-Oriented Programming For reference, we summarize the examples that we have considered in this section in the table below. These examples are chosen to help you understand the essential properties of data types and object-oriented programming. A data type is a set of values and a set of operations defined on those values. With primitive data types, we worked with a small and simple set of values. Strings, colors, pictures, and I/O streams are high-level data types that indicate the breadth of applicability of data abstraction. You do not need to know how a data type is implemented to be able to use it. Each data type (there are hundreds in the Java libraries, and you will soon learn to create your own) is characterized by an API (application programming interface) that provides the inAPI description formation that you need to use it. A client program creates objects that hold data-type values Color colors and invokes instance methods to manipulate Picture digital images those values. We write client programs with String character strings the basic statements and control constructs In input streams that you learned in Chapters 1 and 2, but now Out output streams have the capability to work with a vast variety of data types, not just the primitive ones Draw drawings to which you have grown accustomed. With Summary of data types in this section greater experience, you will find that this ability opens up new horizons in programming. When properly designed, data types lead to client programs that are clearer, easier to develop, and easier to maintain than equivalent programs that do not take advantage of data abstraction. The client programs in this section are testimony to this claim. Moreover, as you will see in the next section, implementing a data type is a straightforward application of the basic programming skills that you have already learned. In particular, addressing a large and complex application becomes a process of understanding its data and the operations to be performed on it, then writing programs that directly reflect this understanding. Once you have learned to do so, you might wonder how programmers ever developed large programs without using data abstraction.
3.1 Using Data Types Q&A Q. Why the distinction between primitive and reference types? A. Performance. Java provides the wrapper reference types Integer, Double, and so forth that correspond to primitive types and can be used by programmers who prefer to ignore the distinction (for details, see Section 3.3). Primitive types are closer to the types of data that are supported by computer hardware, so programs that use them usually run faster and consume less memory than programs that use the corresponding reference types. Q. What happens if I forget to use new when creating an object? A. To Java, it looks as though you want to call a static method with a return value of the object type. Since you have not defined such a method, the error message is the same as when you refer to an undefined symbol. If you compile the code Color sienna = Color(160, 82, 45); you get this error message: cannot find symbol symbol : method Color(int,int,int) Constructors do not provide return values (their signature has no return type)— they can only follow new. You get the same kind of error message if you provide the wrong number of arguments to a constructor or method. Q. Why can we print an object x with the function call StdOut.println(x), as opposed to StdOut.println(x.toString())? A. Good question. That latter code works fine, but Java saves us some typing by automatically invoking the toString() method in such situations. In Section 3.3, we will discuss Java’s mechanism for ensuring that this is the case. Q. What is the difference between =, ==, and equals()? A. The single equals sign (=) is the basis of the assignment statement—you certainly are familiar with that. The double equals sign (==) is a binary operator for checking whether its two operands are identical. If the operands are of a primitive type, the result is true if they have the same value, and false otherwise. If the op- 369
Object-Oriented Programming 370 erands are object references, the result is true if they refer to the same object, and otherwise. That is, we use == to test object identity equality. The data-type method equals() is included in every Java type so that the implementation can provide the capability for clients to test whether two objects have the same value. Note that (a == b) implies a.equals(b), but not the other way around. false Q. How can I arrange to pass an array as an argument to a function in such a way that the function cannot change the values of the elements in the array? A. There is no direct way to do so—arrays are mutable. In Section 3.3, you will see how to achieve the same effect by building a wrapper data type and passing an object reference of that type instead (see Vector, in Program 3.3.3). Q. What happens if I forget to use new when creating an array of objects? A. You need to use new for each object that you create, so when you create an array of n objects, you need to use new n + 1 times: once for the array and once for each of the n objects. If you forget to create the array: Color[] colors; colors[0] = new Color(255, 0, 0); you get the same error message that you would get when trying to assign a value to any uninitialized variable: variable colors might not have been initialized colors[0] = new Color(255, 0, 0); ^ In contrast, if you forget to use new when creating an object within the array and then try to use it to invoke a method: Color[] colors = new Color[2]; int red = colors[0].getRed(); you get a NullPointerException. As usual, the best way to answer such questions is to write and compile such code yourself, then try to interpret Java’s error message. Doing so might help you more quickly recognize mistakes later.
3.1 Using Data Types 371 Q. Where can I find more details on how Java implements references and garbage collection? A. One Java system might differ completely from another. For example, one natural scheme is to use a pointer (machine address); another is to use a handle (a pointer to a pointer). The former gives faster access to data; the latter facilitates garbage collection. Q. Why red, green, and blue instead of red, yellow, and blue? A. In theory, any three colors that contain some amount of each primary would work, but two different color models have evolved: one (RGB) that has proven to produce good colors on television screens, computer monitors, and digital cameras, and the other (CMYK) that is typically used for the printed page (see Exercise 1.2.32). CMYK does include yellow (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black). Two different color models are appropriate because printed inks absorb color; thus, where there are two different inks, there are more colors absorbed and fewer reflected. Conversely, video displays emit color, so where there are two different-colored pixels, there are more colors emitted. Q. What exactly is the purpose of an import statement? A. Not much: it just saves some typing. For example, in Program 3.1.2, it enables you to abbreviate java.awt.Color with Color everywhere in your code. Q. Is there anything wrong with allocating and deallocating thousands of Color objects, as in Grayscale (Program 3.1.4)? A. All programming-language constructs come at some cost. In this case the cost is reasonable, since the time to allocate Color objects is tiny compared to the time to draw the image.
Object-Oriented Programming 372 Q. Why does the String method call s.substring(i, j) return the substring of s starting at index i and ending at j-1 (and not j)? A. Why do the indices of an array a[] go from 0 to a.length-1 instead of from to length? Programming-language designers make choices; we live with them. One nice consequence of this convention is that the length of the extracted substring is j-i. 1 Q. What is the difference between pass by value and pass by reference? Q. With pass by value, when you call a method with arguments, each argument is evaluated and a copy of the resulting value is passed to the method. This means that if a method directly modifies an argument variable, that modification is not visible to the caller. With pass by reference, the memory address of each argument is passed to the method. This means that if a method modifies an argument variable, that modification is visible to the caller. Technically, Java is a purely pass-by-value language, in which the value is either a primitive-type value or an object reference. As a result, when you pass a primitive-type value to a method, the method cannot modify the corresponding value in the caller; when you pass an object reference to a method, the method cannot modify the object reference (say, to refer to a different object), but it can change the underlying object (by using the object reference to invoke one of the object’s methods). For this reason, some Java programmers use the term pass by object reference to refer to Java’s argument-passing conventions for reference types. Q. I noticed that the argument to the equals() method in String and Color is of type Object. Shouldn’t the argument be of type String and Color, respectively? A. No. In Java, the equals() method is a special and its argument type should always be Object. This is an artifact of the inheritance mechanism that Java uses to support the equals() method, which we consider on page 454. For now, you can safely ignore the distinction. Q. Why is the image-processing data type named Picture instead of Image? A. There is already a built-in Java library named Image.
3.1 Using Data Types Exercises 3.1.1 Write a static method reverse() that takes a string as an argument and returns a string that contains the same sequence of characters as the argument string but in reverse order. 3.1.2 Write a program that takes from the command line three integers between 0 and 255 that represent red, green, and blue values of a color and then creates and shows a 256-by-256 Picture in which each pixel has that color. 3.1.3 Modify AlbersSquares (Program 3.1.2) to take nine command-line arguments that specify three colors and then draws the six squares showing all the Albers squares with the large square in each color and the small square in each different color. 3.1.4 Write a program that takes the name of a grayscale image file as a command-line argument and uses StdDraw to plot a histogram of the frequency of occurrence of each of the 256 grayscale intensities. 3.1.5 Write a program that takes the name of an image file as a command-line argument and flips the image horizontally. 3.1.6 Write a program that takes the name of an image file as a command-line argument, and creates and shows three Picture objects, one that contains only the red components, one for green, and one for blue. 3.1.7 Write a program that takes the name of an image file as a command-line argument and prints the pixel coordinates of the lower-left corner and the upperright corner of the smallest bounding box (rectangle parallel to the x- and y-axes) that contains all of the non-white pixels. 3.1.8 Write a program that takes as command-line arguments the name of an image file and the pixel coordinates of a rectangle within the image; reads from standard input a list of Color values (represented as triples of int values); and serves as a filter, printing those color values for which all pixels in the rectangle are background/foreground compatible. (Such a filter can be used to pick a color for text to label an image.) 373
Object-Oriented Programming 374 3.1.9 Write a static method isValidDNA() that takes a string as its argument and returns true if and only if it is composed entirely of the characters A, T, C, and G. 3.1.10 Write a function complementWatsonCrick() that takes a DNA string as its argument and returns its Watson–Crick complement: replace A with T, C with G, and vice versa. 3.1.11 Write a function isWatsonCrickPalindrome() that takes a DNA string as its input and returns true if the string is a Watson–Crick complemented palindrome, and false otherwise. A Watson–Crick complemented palindrome is a DNA string that is equal to the reverse of its Watson–Crick complement. 3.1.12 Write a program to check whether an ISBN number is valid (see Exercise 1.3.35), taking into account that an ISBN number can have hyphens inserted at arbitrary places. 3.1.13 What does the following code fragment print? String string1 = "hello"; String string2 = string1; string1 = "world"; StdOut.println(string1); StdOut.println(string2); 3.1.14 What does the following code fragment print? String s = "Hello World"; s.toUpperCase(); s.substring(6, 11); StdOut.println(s); Answer: "Hello World". String objects are immutable—string methods each return a new String object with the appropriate value (but they do not change the value of the object that was used to invoke them). This code ignores the objects returned and just prints the original string. To print "WORLD", replace the second and third statements with s = s.toUpperCase() and s = s.substring(6, 11).
3.1 Using Data Types 3.1.15 A string s is a circular shift of a string t if it matches when the characters of one string are circularly shifted by some number of positions. For example, ACTGACG is a circular shift of TGACGAC, and vice versa. Detecting this condition is important in the study of genomic sequences. Write a function isCircularShift() that checks whether two given strings s and t are circular shifts of one another. Hint : The solution is a one-liner with indexOf() and string concatenation. 3.1.16 Given a string that represents a domain name, write a code fragment to determine its top-level domain. For example, the top-level domain of the string cs.princeton.edu is edu. 3.1.17 Write a static method that takes a domain name as its argument and returns the reverse domain name (reverse the order of the strings between periods). For example, the reverse domain name of cs.princeton.edu is edu.princeton. cs. This computation is useful for web log analysis. (See Exercise 4.2.36.) 3.1.18 What does the following recursive function return? public static String mystery(String s) { int n = s.length(); if (n <= 1) return s; String a = s.substring(0, n/2); String b = s.substring(n/2, n); return mystery(b) + mystery(a); } 3.1.19 Write a test client for PotentialGene (Program 3.1.1) that takes a string as a command-line argument and reports whether it is a potential gene. 3.1.20 Write a version of PotentialGene (Program 3.1.1) that finds all potential genes contained as substrings within a long DNA string. Add a command-line argument to allow the user to specify the minimum length of a potential gene. 3.1.21 Write a filter that reads text from an input stream and prints it to an output stream, removing any lines that consist only of whitespace. 375
Object-Oriented Programming 376 3.1.22 Write a program that takes a start string and a stop string as commandline arguments and prints all substrings of a given string that start with the first, end with the second, and otherwise contain neither. Note: Be especially careful of overlaps! 3.1.23 Modify StockQuote (Program 3.1.8) to take multiple symbols on the command line. 3.1.24 The example file DJIA.csv used for Split (Program 3.1.9) lists the date, high price, volume, and low price of the Dow Jones stock market average for every day since records have been kept. Download this file from the booksite and write a program that creates two Draw objects, one for the prices and one for the volumes, and plots them at a rate taken from the command line. 3.1.25 Write a program Merge that takes a delimiter string followed by an arbitrary number of file names as command-line arguments; concatenates the corresponding lines of each file, separated by the delimiter; and then prints the result to standard output, thus performing the opposite operation of Split (Program 3.1.9). 3.1.26 Find a website that publishes the current temperature in your area, and write a screen-scraper program Weather so that typing java Weather followed by your ZIP code will give you a weather forecast. 3.1.27 Suppose that a[] and b[] are both integer arrays consisting of millions of integers. What does the following code do, and how long does it take? int[] temp = a; a = b; b = temp; Solution. It swaps the arrays, but it does so by copying object references, so that it is not necessary to copy millions of values. 3.1.28 Describe the effect of the following function. public void swap(Color a, Color b) { Color temp = a; a = b; b = temp; }
3.1 Using Data Types Creative Exercises 3.1.29 Picture file format. Write a library of static methods RawPicture with read() and write() methods for saving and reading pictures from a file. The write() method takes a Picture and the name of a file as arguments and writes the picture to the specified file, using the following format: if the picture is w-byh, write w, then h, then w × h triples of integers representing the pixel color values, in row-major order. The read() method takes the name of a picture file as an argument and returns a Picture, which it creates by reading a picture from the specified file, in the format just described. Note: Be aware that this will use up much more disk space than necessary—the standard formats compress this information so that it will not take up so much space. 3.1.30 Sound visualization. Write a program that uses StdAudio and Picture to create an interesting two-dimensional color visualization of a sound file while it is playing. Be creative! 3.1.31 Kamasutra cipher. Write a filter KamasutraCipher that takes two strings as command-line argument (the key strings), then reads strings (separated by whitespace) from standard input, substitutes for each letter as specified by the key strings, and prints the result to standard output. This operation is the basis for one of the earliest known cryptographic systems. The condition on the key strings is that they must be of equal length and that any letter in standard input must appear in exactly one of them. For example, if the two keys are THEQUICKBROWN and FXJMPSVLAZYDG, then we make the table T H E Q U I C K B R O W N F X J M P S V L A Z Y D G which tells us that we should substitute F for T, T for F, H for X, X for H, and so forth when filtering standard input to standard output. The message is encoded by replacing each letter with its pair. For example, the message MEET AT ELEVEN is encoded as QJJF BF JKJCJG. The person receiving