Автор: Harmuth H.F.  

Теги: mathematics  

Год: 1969










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Transmission of Information by Orthogonal Functions Henning F.Harmuth With 110 Figures 5 Springer-Verlag New York Inc. 1969
DR. HENNING F. HARMUTH Consulting Engineer D-7501 Leopoldshafen / Western Germany All rights reserved No part of this book may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from Springer-Verlag © by Springer-Verlag, Berlin/Heidelberg 1969. Printed in Germany Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 79-79651 Title-No. 1590
To my Teacher Eugen Skudrzyk

Preface The orthogonality communications extensive work since use However, Ten little results retical tional its very in this before the have been published functions appear to sults. It again the produced the logy was that of orthogonal In this ample tions as a emphasis well as on years ago. functions block first block of independently. state opera- the only that time and this way to derive of new, made the re- on the available and example functions. Walsh on techno- useful Walsh functions, sine-cosine pulses were known semiconductor really pulses functions However, at pulses, placed is number based on orthogonal advance is theoretical solid of the little-known literature in and circuits. complicated functions: book since be in rather arrival many and theory exploited Conscious considerable field examples of orthogonal sine-cosine a integrated and A theory of communication could been use could be made of the theo- experimental amplifiers useful has beginning. later years working were people functions was made of it by KOTEL'NIKOV 1947. in of func-— derived from them. There tions are two are of major reasons practical a number of mathematical are required, and shift cosine mission, of interest orthogonal in communications. func-— First, features other than orthogonality such as completeness or 'good' multiplication theorems. usefulness why so few One quickly multiplication functions whenever and learns shift and to appreciate theorems for multiplexing mobile one tries to duplicate these of radio the sine- trans- applications
PREFACE pe of actually later This from andof frequency spectrum phase this generalization equipment variety economic using but is potential. Walsh mately Itis, should not cosine functions The be as work has been sponsored der Verteidigung this SCHULZE E.SCHLICKE encourage in and attenuation and possible de- to on based stimulate of the to see why problems particular Walsh filters orthogonal Co. on is digital functions as continued was sine- networks. functions he wants Prof.F.A.FISCHER, the case inti- Bundesministerium Deutschland; their the previously time-invariant of been about artinbinary digital thank work has to favor the new this A considerable extend years by the Allen-Bradley some and functions to In area for only competitiveness Republik to not controversy tend for the many Dr.M.SCHOLZ of of concept equipment due to some state opportunity and much forlinear, der the competitive. difficult for functions. equipment new methods. important are author's it orthogonal always and e.g., of offer to the economic connected to the circuits. take Thisis equipment of made must still which functions, should be treated orthogonal multiplex lead equipment there ortho- frequency. of must compatibility, introduced of but the derived from it as frequency must be economically of developed, of and filters why of response theory in engineering understanding, of functions Walsh practical raised functions concepts frequency Sign Any be transmis-— But sooner generalization the such or The shift. to systems other ledto question power had sine and cosine gonal systemof differently presence signalsinthe question the the of noise. with attention in connection attracted feature orthogonality the mainly was is 1960 to sion of digital or be produced. Prior that can more or think to tries a million of which systems of functions one if comprehended readily is quirement re- second this of severity The produce. to easy be must reason is that the functions The second functions. by other among Dr.E. support. the engineering to first Dr. to applica-
PREFACE tions to era of Walsh him. Help functions; has been well as administrative Prof. F.H. LANGE Innsbruck N.EILERS ruhe of Prof. Rostock University, (FTZ-FI SANDEN of the Thanks are nische Hochschule greatly in indebted scientific Prof. G. LOCHS and the of Dr.H.HUBNER Dipl.Phys. Dr.E.KETTEL of AEG-Tele- Prof.J.FISCHER of Karlsof Technische Hochschule Technische Hochschule Aachen University of Southern Darmstadt studyofthe who showed great applications and California. particularly due to Prof.K.KUPFMULLER encouraged as gentlemen: Darmstadt), and Prof.G.ULRICH of further GmbH, the late Prof.H.LUEG J. KANE is Dipl.Ing.W.EBENAU Prof.K.VON University, Iimenau, rendered Bundespost Bosch AG, author problems by the following University, of the Deutsche funken of the of Tech- interest described and inthis book. De. fF. PLCHUER, Mannheim were of great of the-book. and devoted to time to as book the were Ubertragung; for the College, editing of University mathematical Telephone sections Mrs.J.OLSON and Telegraph of the task. published Cu. manuskript, Many of the inthe Archiv a picder Mr.F.RUHMANN of S.Hirzel-Verlag their use. Mrs.F.HAASE 1969 St.Olaf first Dr.L.TIRKSCHLEIT of Innsbruck the indispensable permitted E.HARMUTH-HOENE January of International well this courteously due of as elektrischen are University, helpinimproving much thankless in Linz Prof.D.OLSON Mr.J.LEE tures oF University and Dr.P.WEISS for the Last but not least, typing and to my thanks wife Dr. proof-reading. Henning F. Harmuth
Table of Contents ere catei Slerevelalel sielahers wrere¥ebeteterers coe INTRODUCTION.....-.....4 MATHEMATICAL FOUNDATIONS des FUNCTIONS ORTHOGONAL 1.11 Orthogonality 1.12 Series 1.13 Invariance of Orthogonality to Fourier formation THE 6 and Expansion FOURIER TRANSFORM from Linear Independence...... by Orthogonal AND ITS Fourier Functions... Trans-— GENERALIZATION 1.21 Transition Transform 1.22 Generalized 1.2% Invariance of Orthogonality lized Fourier Transform.<... 1.24 Examples of the Generalized Fourier Transform 1.25 Fast 1.26 Generalized Fourier Walsh-Fourier GENERALIZED Laplace Series to Fourier the Genera- Transform to Transform Transform...... FREQUENCY 1.31 Physical Interpretation Frequency ioe Power Spectrum, Amplitude Spectrum, Filtering of Signals coer eee eee ee 1.33 Examples of Walsh Spectra Fourier of the Generalized Transforms al and Power oi
TABLE OF 2.DIRECT 2g CONTENTS 1x TRANSMISSION OF ORTHOGONAL DIVISI AS GENERALIZ ON ATION FREQUENCY DIVISION Ere eRnCDL Open caudol ee 2.14 ete 2.15 2.21 Cree (OT by COMMUNICATION Sine ee and oe FILTERS BASED ell COMMUnMa Ceai WALSH Wsuachoevsis: TRANSMISSION OF Walger 71 U2 81 86 OmeChanmed: «ce dehee ees O41 FUNCTIONS NOW Pas Se Lal GCI S sy. «6s. ers) cuss sre: siereve «6 Luts PeOUUCICy AMPLITUDE ON 60 64 CHANNELS Eose pois acame TCL Gls cide sels OuUciicy. POPUL 4.11 OF pUMABaAe beri ety LOM Olm Zo De Meee Diwt AND Frequency Response of Attenuation and Phase onatG of a Communicapion, Caanmel.......s.s6 SEQUENCY %.CARRIER TIME Gre o1onal Se. pare Transmission of Digital Signals Cer ie Be WSC cere Sacehi c= east ee Wye Zee OF eee ce eee (SLOMAN Ssuis e = aie erehe cess ciecee iecichnew as Amplitude Sampling and Orthogonal DecompoSSLOD orecae eee are! Grcbsie cic as«10k & Geeetaehes ole oo eerteakare ctreuats) for Orinogonal Division. ..tss....-. eam DUES CHARACTERIZATION ee SIGNALS tao Gab om oOo 94 SG 97 HPLLGOrE ss «sss ss oe soles oa ees 104 SIGNALS MODULATION( AM ) Modulation Bile genet Wes J, NOUVEAU and Synchronous ELE of Demodulation.... oye h CMs . gates 6 ss 6 0a ole es s6ne eco 50 8 LERING see Sideband ae 3.14 Methods Correction of Time Differences in SynchroTAOS SMO GUE enWall Ollilcetete swell olarate) eters stich els: slersiene:clele) 6 447 TIME BASE, POSITION Pee imesBase 2022 Mate Modulatiom pee COC en OCP abiOm Position AND CODE 154 MODULATION (TEM) 0. 626 case cee se es Modulation CCM) Modulation...... 114 4.15 TIME Single ewe cs ete ws sees eevee 106 155 ees ay (TEM). s...ssecs es cee c caste e ee secee ses 159
TABLE OF CONTENTS 3.31 of Walsh Radiation 3.32 Propagation, 3.43 4.1 SINGLE Definitions...... 4.12 Density Function, Functionof a Random Variable, Mathematical Expectation. .....sccesecc Moments and OF Ae) Addition 4,22 Joint Aways, aiaral oeraga Ce CharacteristLG 137 188 Huncutome sc clerete tom VARIABLES of Independent Variables. ss... =0<6 194 Variables 198 DEPENDENCE WS Coviartance wands 4. 52 Cross— =AUutbOCOrrelaulonm SERIES re ea Distributions of Independent STATISTICAL “and OF comre basromc = al rere mie we cients ORTHOGONAL EXPANSION OF TO 21 214 STATISTICAL FUNCTIONS Thermal 5-12 Statistical Independence of the Components of an-Orcuhogonel Expeneicne...e<see en sea ee ere ADDITIVE Nowsegec. YunGulole «see. FUNCTIONS STOCHASTIC . Sell 2-21 5 cee eee eietetreeereerereneeenerere ee ee DISTURBANCES Least Mean pample 5.3 167 173 Doppler VARIABLES 5.APPLICATION PROBLEMS Bee Effect...... Recognition.......... VARIABLES COMBINATION Del Shape 160 Dipole 4.11 4 15 4.3 by a Hertzian Waves Antennas, Interferometry, 4. STATISTICAL WAVES ELECTROMAGNETIC Dis NONSINUSOIDAL Square Pirie Doce Kramplesiof poo Matened ».24 Compandors eo ee eo ere ee ee from een CireuiGe. va ceed cieenie cee Risieteiees «Pa lteraeus MULTIPLICATIVE Deviationof a Signal ciieichce sua for an eae cea Sequency ere C24 ey, ee ucie ensnere rene 240 Signals.....s.c...+. 299 DISTURBANCES yeo| Interference 2-32 Diversity Fading... Transmission a. «sc «0 6 Ke Wee ersete Outer LOO Using Many Copies... 243
TABLE OF CONTENTS 6.SIGNAL 6.1 DESIGN IMPROVED RELIABILITY CAPACITY GOwl| Measures ote 6.aie eta eee - 245 6.12 Transmission Capacity of Communication ChanMEV. cscs Stetststencls elepe s/s ela s/c.steisiores sjait sucia ayateresa e Zon ERROR of Bandwidth..:.. Delay and PROBABILITY OF Sipnal, a evecaler Distortions. ... SIGNALS ree weaker Ower Tami Fed Se — iy Mem DATS OVenalS. sc. ssc ces e0 se ss 268 Us Dal COS sekere ele sclalere tens) sis sts ele ATA CODING limeruencttany meh ILeMmerdGiGtels > cycle crelsi ete leleteners ZFS 6.32 Orthogonal, Transorthogonal and Biorthogonal MOE S 5 ood 6 Ob OOED AGH OR DODOOKO GODS COGUE want 280 6.55 loding, 2s. 288 Go. +-“lernary-Combinatiom Alphabets. 220.5... cee ASNS) form Error—lree Transmission, GIS mC OMpi me palOnurhulapita betris wou Oredieie 7... 21eed)ctslers eres! « Pe BA RVG Bos OG Dishbd) BYatOLG L.LOND <6 «6s s06 « 1s «60s MAP ewetees se eo ois s/wiwie| tajels = cr = oles numbered are Equations chapters. 6 chapter front 260 Error Probability of Simple Signals due to eee MeN ODCyclecate a eters atererert eiahareie’ s srete cos s oie oie ene 262 Gremlne © Gantt the 6. 6.21 Gee Ome 6.3 FOR TRANSMISSION Cupeoienadl 6.2 XI of is made the in'chapter 4. by number writing of the to an the « 502 cies ese cies ¥ oss «9.010 ® o's B78) consecutively Reference 5 650 299 within equation number of of the each one of a different chapter (4.25) e.g. n, equatio for in (25)

Introduction Sine and cosine munications. defined The functions concept play of by the parameter a unique frequency, role in com- based on them, f inthe functions Vsin is (enft+a ) and Vcos (2nft+a). There are many to possible hardly reasons of communications. made it possible forms wave almost the any further delay and were the most coils of linear, ticular fine desirable sinusoidal has brought functions. cosine on Sinusoidal functions ortho- and the- The the e.g., is par- no analyzing be that semi- of advent functions Walsh socalled out of capacitors There should turns It the based signal, of aradar a tre- demonstrates change. filter, whyadigital reason structure unchanged. had systems The functions. aradical based the sine on filters digital are A the attenuate only remain networks invariant was elements. circuit that economically. resistors, as was it But circuits functions complete other long time of advantages conductors and over as functions, gonal non-sinusoidal circuits cosine and sine was early transistors functions the shape and frequency advantage mendous ory them, the systemof Hence, It the voltages. produced be invariant time in integrated sinusoidal favoring role. and simple ramp the could functions linear that fact of arrival factor tubes such or pulses block as before unique functions Electron produce to this other produce days not for simpler and ASuCIe. are less pagation of electromagnetic waves conductors. the BERT and tion show, mitted the dominance 1 solutionof general that dipole can of sinusoidal partially explained Harmuth, Transmission of Information classof or can radiate waves by the free wave solutionof a large distortion-free a Hertzian be The important in be the for space equation can regenerated. radio proalong by d'ALEM- telegrapher's functions non-sinusoidal in the or be equatrans- Similarly, waves. The communication can invariance of their ortho-
INTRODUCTION 2 have functions comeback as is that functions munications the almost be can mathematical taken often engineer, sine tool. functions quency is that he cosine and crophone The of a time sentation function by sine is only many of orthogonal one sions that into to tions. output of will be nals and not the for riers that to in used are much correspon- systems of of functions, book for orthogonal sine the func- Legendre etc. in include carriers, used for theoretical multiplex and methods of the and that functions of sig- the application of ortho- since sine analysis, radio cosine in- lines and networks. systems. exist for them, frequency will be shown and functions representation characterization as modulation it of systemof theory must functions amplitude, more, the expan- For instance, superposition a cylinder systems special usedinthis only see systems a microphone. of complete A consistent gonal may many of mi- repre- series transforms for is functions Complete series. also transform parabolic voltage General stead one Hence, polynomials, are ofa the cosine functions Bessel of voltage permit generally There Fourier the and is This superposition ones. to the Fourier series communications. ding possible functions correspond expansions in among a Actually, transmitter. of communications output the com- time to fre- analysis. the sees instinctively in by in analysis from this of granted functions orateletype Fourier transition for cosine superposition a which a result much so by represented for used functions time all functions, sine and cosine a made and sine of features important most recently cables. digital One of the ampli- as relays have they and lines, such were fiers, electromechanical using century, 49th lines of the The telegraph existed. always sinusoidal transmit not, need nor not, could that lines wire open or Cables delays. time varying under gonality phase antennas and but It will which modulation. canbe cosine also as be are carshown correspond Further- designed that
3 INTRODUCTION radiate non-sinusoidal The tions transition to general the as theory the systems simplifications matical waves from of of the a limited finite The been the complications far theory which that an avoid infinite substituting signal the a parameter interpreted concept of frequency theoretical may with Sign 100 changes of aS also sine and number crossings is mensionally. 100 of cycles unit functions per One per unit cycle number of zero to cover is introduced hasno frequency and The term wavelength response sequency X = v/f per sequency as A sine for unit of makes for are of and in sine definitions: ave- "sequency" and Thus cosine power spectrum or spec-— power attenuation. +t = oscillation frequency wing in order frequency. frequency. cted with conne n of sequency tutio di- useful the time" by sequency of attenuation period zero it possible to replace frequency of of is half Thenewterm of func- functions It "one the crossings numerically meaning. identical response of general number concept » for more the obvious are concepts concepts half generalization sequency and frequency The zero functions. forthis important 200 second crossings non-periodic functions. time". of out, half of crossings are defined introduce the more general "one has second second. as of functions. cosine interpreted per cycles Zero which the term be per per a has result MANN [1], STUMPERS [2] and VOELCKER [4] pointed frequency a composed occupies functions of communication based on orthogonal crossings trum by mathe- e.g., occupies satisfying cycles such the may, time-limited of most tion rage to brings time-function-domain. number of zero 1s One orthogonal of this of the is canbe time. Any generalization so Frequency to as func- functions time-frequency-domain number section sine-cosine orthogonal communication. time-function-domain. or of troubles fact that ome any signal section of of well etiicienticy. system f leads to the 1/f and Substifollo-
INTRODUCTION 4 multiplied crossings zero the of in time paration se- (average T = 1/p period of oscillation average by 2) they nology. pears if sine and simple are known semiconductor tech- system of Walsh quency and than faster sine on of strictly inthe ly have active radiation ning Walsh geometric optics. waves the been Walsh can optics On theoretical only, other since hand, wave electromagnetic field for basic research. radio inthe to the waves implies region of visible question of why The that light, white be there non-Sinusoidal dal are on Walsh practical waves problems in is are a that challenging canbe non-sinusoi- leads should of wave of this concerterms doubt such and for a sine little waves waves recent- practical generation light progress very answered optics ra- circuits. be is They functions Only to the among ahead. Their Most or Digital electromagnetic found functions. presently as carriers years stage. se- frequency integrated scale Very functions considerable non-sinusoidal antennas of over functions. will require of large in the development the based cosine and however, Applications functions equipment for when Walsh applications. certain multiplex coils. experimental an Walsh applications and application, in and these that has advantages systems digital Simpler on of system time-invariant linear, Furthermore, circuits, the as capacitors systemusing developed promising the for based filters developed. multiplex filters ther is functions multiplex most components, ap- functions time-variable linear, for based onresistors, been time are known digital binary cosine been are applications to little sequency have has such The circuits, prac- tied all on its Several are to be as ideal based are intimately applications. tical and crossing) theory in engineering any of test acid (whee 4 by multiplied isthe velocity of propagation of a zero v in separation (average v/® crossings zero space of the The A = wavelength average be generated ultimately decomposed
1.11 ORTHOGONALITY into sinusoidal The Walsh 5 functions. functions, emphasized sentl the y most important tions by in communications. communication more for subsystem a are this complete found system around conductors practice into them of 1900 in Walsh the to 1923 the of functions when [6],[7], were recently aware func- for century. The been have [9] introduced engineers common of standard was scheme this which used transposition J.L.WALSH of used conduc- [4], to seems The known been were 19th Communications not are pre- of functions BARRETT's mathematics. have functions, end Walsh they transposition by J.A.BARRETT!. according thematicians very the towards purpose the Rademacher lines. of book, functions are hardly although for years wire tors inopen These engineers 60 than inthis exam of non-sinusoi pledal and ma- until usage [8]. 1. Mathematical Foundations 1.1 Orthogonal Functions 1.11 Orthogonality and Linear Independence A system Wentening in gonal dition {f(j,x)} tunetions, the holds of real £(0,%), x, interval and almost £0¢1,x),.... = x = x, if everywhere is the talled non- ortho- following con- true: x1 J fC5,e)f£Ck,x)dx = Xj) Ge Xo Sik = 7 lores = ik, Pes Orton] ut. by FOWLE [5] in 1905 is mentioned 1'JOHN A. BARRETT the transposition of conductors according or inventof Walsh functions; see particularly page a (OAS merowie ae as to
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL 6 are called orthogonal and normalized if functions usually are constant X,; is equal 1. The two terms The the al malized. orm or orthonor dterm orthon the single touce red may functions orthogonal of A non-normalized system the system For instance, ys be normalized. alwa is normalized, if X; of (1) is not equal 1. orthogonal functions system A linearly called is Systems of s of system of lin- cases special functions. independent early functions are {x;fts3=)} m of {f(j,x)} if dependent, equation the m- 2s e(j)f(g,x) is satisfied c(j) being =°0 for orthogonal if inthe comstamy A system can (2) values is systemare multiplication each, all of zero. The functions independent, products (2) always interval linearly f(j,x) x, are satisfied. always (2) by without =x = x, all constants called linearly Functions of independent, and since integration yields c(j) an of the = 0 for oC). {eCa; =v} of m linearly be orthogonal of not x f(j,x) transformed functions. One into may a independent functions system write the {f£(5,x)] following of m equa- tions: ECO, )=76,0 2 00,2) £(1,%) = £(2,x) ="0,, (3) eee) ¢,, 200, x) €C0,x) S cl etlyxy 4 Cy, B(2,%) etc. Substitution of the f(j,x) equations for xy tr Hy aeercOy se asc determination into of the (1) yields just enough constants x, (4) Xo xy Ay J 2° (1, x)ax= %), (eC Xo x) c ei aren, XQ 2 xy xy J f° (2,x)dx=X,, [£(0,x)f(2,x)dx =0, f£(1,x)£(2,x)ax=0 Xo Xo Xo etc.
1.11 ORTHOGONALITY 9 Thevcoet ficients for normalized tually yields system {e(3,x)} satisfy (4) Figs.1 Xz, Xj,.2. systems. values of are arbitrary. ip follows for the linearly from=(2) coefficients independent They are that Cpq (4) as 1 “ac= only functions a could identically. to 3 show The independent The functions examples of orthogonal variable is the normalized of Fig. -% = 0 = 4; they will 1 are orthonormal be referred to functions. time @ inthe as sine = "tis interval and cosine elements. odd One may divide them into even functions f, ‘Gates functions f,(i,@) and the constant 1 or wal(0,86): © Ci,0-) = FoCi,o) = "Ve cos 2719 = f, (1,8) = V2 sin 2nié -# = 0Face Ger) =wal(0,6) = 1 = undefined 6 < ees Bt So eo So -8, 9 >+8 ial, Ns ra ew 000 sal(1,9) KJ | 000 a6) 700000 —— B12) ee re 0 cal(2,8) —+——_—_- sa(36) EF —_f — 4 0100 soo cal (3,6) —f—L-A—_L_ FH~_s 66 td LN Pain (46) FLSA Ess at a to =& SS PITT SPP Weos4ma — sall5,0)_ 4+ FH EF -LFSCS:g (100 F 10 1010 WH HE: call 5,4) -—H7A- eon re taro aa CS tos Fso2 .: 1100 LAL cal (6,6) ELA sal(7,) HALF-ALLLF-XLFL_s£“BS 101 FAL HE EFL: 4s 110 cal(7,6) -ALFLA acm iat fener sal(8,6) AEE FLL ft =f ec fl A = ik 0 @=t/T—— 85 111 Ee 1/2 e lements. i and cosine 1 sine Orthogonal c left) ILS 5 Orthogonal Walsh elements. The poe gee oe a ce the right give jin decimal and binary ee -1, tion wale j.0) 12 used. Wwal@et.6 = cal(i,6), wal(2i
sine cosine elements other hand, yields the periodic It is easy gonality is to see, that satisfied 1/2 J Wesinenie for and f 1V2cos2mie interval. Fig.1 of on the functions. (1) for cosine 1/2 de = “Wa 1/2 condition sine that = O yields sine and cosine the unde- is continuation, periodic pulses; cosine and a finite -4 = 6 = #% by f(j,6) interval of the outside outside and sine the of Continuation the zero identical is a function and only used to emphasize is 'pulse' The term outside. fined interval finite a in defined is tion a func- that emphasize to used is 'element' term The FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 1. 8 ortho- elements: dé = 0 iz 2 J V2 sin Qnie-V2 sin 2nk@ dé = [2 cos 2mié-V2 cos 2nk® dé s6;, -1/2 -1/2 1/2 J V2 sin anis-V2 cos 2nké dé -1/2 2 f VIERA -1/2 Fig.2 - Colle od shows more sal(i,9). It -1. is orthonormal - Walsh functions These functions Consider -1 the following +%. 0 1/2 odd and forth first two -# s @ < O and of these or of a constant functions between +1 functions. +1 in the products has = 4+4 = 0 0 product of the in the intervals the intervals - -1/4 back integral + f (+1)(41)de -1/2 of and of the interval The functions value: J 6+1)(-1)d0 The jump Walsh consisting cal(i,@) product in the 0 = 6 < systemof elements, even equal interval the the exactly wal(0,@), and = O these second and -- = 6 < -2 = 6 <0 and products again third element yields +1 and 0 = 6 < +4, and -1 in ++ 5 6 < +#. The integral yields zero: 0 J (-1)(-1)d0 + [(-1)(+1)ae + (41) (41 )a8 . (41) (-1 ae at a = 16 0 We
1.11 ORTHOGONALITY One may easily duct of any two tiplied 9 with verify that functions itself is the equal yields the integral zero. Fig.3 nal are functions shows functions. functions vanish tions pro- A function mul- C44) Crd ior the value 1 in the integralis’1. The orthonormal. thus a particularly simple Evidently, product the system of between orthogo- any vanishes and the integrals of the products too. For normalization must the two must amplitudes of the func- be V5. f(0,8) pal sea| Seis Co the products (-1)(-1). Hence, these products have whole interval -$ = @ = +# and their Walsh of S 22%: it f (Ov) a f(1v) (2,8) penseteeweet ste! SES f(2,v) i ee eae OR (PN Sl F, (0) Se ee ee ) ee Fy (v) +++ — 94/7 ; Fig.3 5 ae Orthogonal block Bernoulli polynomials Gj 6) and. £5,Vv) Fig.4 Cop v=fT pulses eich). Fig.5 Legendre polynomials (right). An nal of a linearly example of system functions but independent not polynomials Bernoulli's are orthogo- B, (x) [4], (51: B, (x) Bai x) = 11, Be 2 = 4x? = x.- $, B(x) Se $x, Ace) = = x4 x? - x ox 3 + + att x2 = 1
Sie(g)By(x) = I condition The j. order -f polynomial a is B j(x) FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 10 (e) j=0 highest term applied to the in it. One may see in proves from the Fig.4 are interval orreCysse) in DN and sum This polynomials lization then the values of x only if c(m)x™ is is the ; = 0. Now c(m-1)R_.(x) the the same reasoning linear can be independence of polynomials. Bernoulli Bernoulli e(m) implies This zero. all for satisfied be can without calculation not orthogonal. -1 = x = +1 one that the For orthogona- may substitute Coy. Blow Asie). Eid ere hy ek eee eg PX) Using the constants Xj = eee 2/(2j+1) one obtains from (4): frax =X, =2 J [oy + oy (x-t) ax = x, = 2, flere +0;, (x-b) lax = 0 The coefficients tained. The lowing form: enn eed] = "l, c,, Py Gz) P, (x) = $(5x? = with shows the P(x) - 3x), X = first = Pj (x) —(3x? BP, (x) = $(35x* (j five = 1, etc. are polynomials E85 These are the Legendre -1/2 plied = #, ¢,, orthogonal » polynomials. 2 4) for = readily ob-— assume the fol- 1) -30x? Pj(x) 4 3) must be multi- normielization. Eee ee polynomials. 1.12 Series Expansion by Orthogonal Functions Let a orthonormal function F(x) system B(x) = S' a(g)t(3,x) j=0 be igh expanded in a series of the eS (6)
1.12 SERIES The value EXPANSION of the 14 coefficients a(j) may be obtained multiplying (6) by f(k,x) and integrating the interval of orthogonality x, sx s x,: in the by products x f F(x)£(e,x)ax = a(x) (7) XQ How well is F(x) are represented, if the coefficients a(j) by (7)? Let us assume a series > b(j)f£(3,x) determined having m terms terion for ation Q of a better yields shall be the least 'better' its from F(x) mean cri- The representation. square devi- representation: m-1 - [e260 Seep tGisxpl dx ee “| (odaae~ 25,05) j=0 Using (7) yields and Q in the the The Xan orthogonality following x] Q= ae) (Jyxedax + | a ShGec. ar dx Xo Ne AGREE X9 j=0 last term vanishes for b(j) The assumes socalled its of the functions £(j,x) form: f F’(x)dx - deviation eice a Lo(g) = aid} = a(j) (8) andthe mean square minimum. Bessel inequality m-] eo xX j=0 j=0 Xo follows from (8): Sia2(j) = Slat(j) s f Fe (x)ax The upper since the holdetor The zero of summation integral any system complete, and to limit with quadratically value does of the may not be co insteadof depend m and is called orthogonal, mean square deviation increasing integrable m for in any the function interval vim 65f'UR(x) - j=0S!a(g)e(3,x)]?ax = 0 Megat on m- must 1, thus m. {f(j,x)} if (9) x, normalized Q converges F(x) = x is that = X,: (10)
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL 2 equality in- Bessel the in case this in holds sign equality The (9): (11) a?(j) = Kaf Fe (x)ax Ss j=0 resistance. unit the is integral The (11), to sum EGG the same function The is function no the quadratically the of energy voltage is described the or its lee F(x) system represents This energy it differently, Putting Tee whether sumof the series is integrable function a then equals, terms the in energy by the expansion. said to be closea', Let across time of F*(x) of energy dissipated in the resistor. according the meaning as a voltage represent F(x) physical Its theorem. val's follows: as is Parse- or theorem is known as completeness (11) Equation time if there F(x), [ P2(x)ax < oo (12) Xo for which the equality xy { FG SC), x dsetanO (43) Xo is for satisfied Incomplete mit a convergent integrable practical an functions. orthogonal an expansion instance, lowpass expansion system of j. functions of Nevertheless, For frequency by of of orthogonal series interest. ideal exactly values all systems — in series are output may of per- quadratically they the filter a all do not be the of great voltage of represented incomplete functions. "A complete orthonormal systemis always closed. The inverse of this statement holds true, if the integrals of this section are Lebesgue rather than Riemann integrals. The Riemann integral suffices forthe major part of this book. Hence, ‘integrable' will mean Riemann integrable stated. unless otherwise
1.15 INVARIANCE Whether series be a OF ORTHOGONALITY certain function of aparticular told nuity from or such Ne) F(x) orthogonal simple boundedness' - be system features [5] can of expanded {f(5,k)} F(x) as in a cannot its conti- [7]. 1.13 Invariance of Orthogonality to Fourier Transformation A time tain function conditions of means the f(j,@) by two may be represented functions a(j,v) under and b(j,v) cer- by transform: Fourier (5,0) = f [aCj,v) cos 2nve + b(j,v) sin2mveJav (14) ag. = bP. C459 ny e= 5,6) cos 2rve 0) sin anve qe, It is advantageous the two functions e(j,v) = a(j,v) aero ltows Hurceion a(j,v) = a(j,v) of vy) and a more fT applications to replace and b(j,v) by a single function’: (16) that aC(j,v) b(j,v) (17) = is an even and bj,Vv) may be -b(j,-v) yield + b(j,-v) for C17) g(j,-v): (18) = aCij.v) - bCij,v) regained from g(j,v) by means (18): FLeCi.y) ar e(j,-v)]J #[e(g,v) = g on in functi Usthe in certain v= Vv: and b(j,v) and (16) a(j,v) Cy (16) 6 = t/T, bigs) (15) = a(j,-v) g(j,-v) of + a(j,-v), Equations for a(j,v) trom aieodd dé symmetric (19) e(j,-v)] g(j,v) one may write (14) and (15) form: 'For instance, the Fourier series of a continuous function does not have to converge in every point. A theorem due to BANACH states, that there are arbitrarily many orthogonal systems withthe feature, that the orthogonal series of a continuously differentiable function diverges almost everywhere. 2Real notation is used for the Fourier transform to facilitate comparison with the formulas of the generalized Fourier transform derived later on.
MATHEMATICAL 4. 44. FOUNDATIONS £@),0)= i e(j,v)( cos 2nvé + sin 2mvé)dv (20) calgictiyy fer eae cos Onyvé + sin 2mve )dé (21) (20) vanish since OLAS sLOia Cae We Let {f£(j,6)} -40 = 0 = +4@ isaneven a(j,v) be a system and zero nite. The-functious f(3,0) Their orthogonality integral, f£(j,0)f(K,0)d0 and in the @ may be are Fourier is b(j,v) orthonormal outside. sin2nvé b(j,v) and a(j,v)cos2nvé of integrals The an in odd interval finite or infitransformable’. = by (22) —oo may be rewritten’? using (20): cos emve 00 [ e(k,v)( J £03,0 + sin amve )dv]de = 6, fek, vt f £(5,8)( cos anve + sin 2mvé )d6]dv = 5% f eCi,we(k,v)dv = 6, (23) —co Hence, the {£(§j,9)} Fourier yields Substitution transform an orthonormal of an orthonormal system {g(j,v)}. g(k,v) = alkyy) system of BCI,Ve) = ee er vs into (23) yields it in terms of the + bUk,Y) notation a(j,v), Dea yes feGi,welk,vav = fla(j,v) + dCj,v)]LaGk,v) +bCk, vay —oo a faCg,vja(k,v) + b(j,v)b(k, vay = 6), —co 'Orthonormality implies transform inverse The and the integrations grands are may absolutely be the existence transform interchanged, integrable. of the (Plancherel since Fourier theorem). the inte-
1.15 INVARIANCE OF ORTHOGONALITY 15 Fig.6 Fourier transforms g(j,v) of sine ses according’ to “Nigw..\.a) \wal(O,es Cel o~os ond... Fig.6 Sine and d) Veo sin 470, shows as cosine pulses. elements of Side interval the an Fig.1 by and cosine pulb) Vesin ene, “e) {2cos 4r6.. example the These Fourier transforms pulses are derived continuing them identical from zero of the out- -% = 6 = +4: 1/2 200.) = if 1( cos ap: 2mv@ + sin 2nvé )de 1/2 gc(i,v) = [| Vecos 2mié( cos 2nvé + ee CoH) sin 2nvé)de -1/2 i ayo (Sia8 Tess TO Vai Saat T 1/2 = i V2 sin 27ié( cos 2nvé Gelisv) . V=1 + sin _ sin vei) Cvtl ve )dé Biz a ay 2( sint(v-i) z Fig.7 rived by outside 2(0,V) shows the continuing the interval 142 -= f wal(0,@)( “1/2 TT Ov=n Fourier the Tr (vti transforms of Walsh elements of ) Aye Fig.2 pulses identical -4 = 60 = +#: cos 2nv@ +° ; sin 2mvd )dé@ = sinty a dezero
1. 16 2 = [ sal(1,8)(cos anvé + sin arvé )dé = ee “1/2 ; ee in? gs(1,v) go(1,v) One = sinénv may functions time physical meaning. oscillation Fourier FPig.2. d) -sal(2,6), Fig.8 g.(2svie= from into of the The with these even transform values to see transform Negative Fig.7 ne readily functions sine FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL examples frequency into odd frequency oscillationof reference transforms 2a) wal(O,0), g(j,v) e). cal(2,6). Fourier transforms to = O, g(j,v) if time and odd functions. a perfectly frequency @ even functions valid y is the a co- Fourier of Walsh pulses according bd) sal(1,0), £(2,8) and £(3,6) of Fig.3. that frequency have nv/4 cos a of the block ¢) -cal(1.4), pulses f(1.9 eo?
1.13 INVARIANCE transform has value Fig.8 ORTHOGONALITY the oscillation, imme OF if same the but value Fourier Opposite shows the pulses of Fig.3. V7 for +v and transform sien for +V are no the as a) sine same abso- and\—\v. Fourier transforms They —VeebGe has longer g(j,v) of three block either even odd!. or £(6,8)=-V2cos(616+m/4) F(5,8)=V2sin(61.8+m1/4) £(4,8)=-V2cos (418+11/4) 1/4) sin (418+ £(3,6)=V2 f(2,8)=-V2 cos(218+n/4) F(1,8)=\/Zsin (21 8+n/4) f(0,8) = constant eT 2 ' Es 4 2 ney a 2 Q=t/T —~— Fig.9 Orthogonal jumps of equal Fig.9 shows ses. so They that 6 = - shown are and at of sine and 6 = -% and cosine shifted functions 6 = +#. compared have Their jumps Fourier pulses 6 = +#. a system of orthogonal time all in system hight sine and with those of equal transforms having cosine of pul- Fig.1, magnitude g(j,v) at are Fig.10: e(j,v) = StS (25) , xk =-45 for even j k = 1(j+1) for odd jg. ‘The Fourier transforms of the various block pulses are different but their frequency power spectra are equal. The power spectrum is the Fourier transform of the auto@orrelation function of a function, and not the Fourier transform of the function itself (Wiener-Chintchin theorem). The connection between Fourier transform, power spectrum and amplitude spectrum is discussed in section 1.32. 2 See also ta]. Harmuth, Transmission of Information
(4,8) (2,8) FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 4S £(0,8) £(1,8) £(3,9) sa! ff \ Fig.10 Fourier pulses of shape LCi 0) a cy ¥, (8), = Gai ee g(0,v) = ya: Gawd, 2d Ss eee ¥ (4rv) (26) g(2i+1,v) ese = (-1)' Woies (Ary) ere SORT -o5} Fig.11 The rabolic functions 4, cylinder. -4x’ ¥,)(x) =__e = ite = same [5]: g(2i,v) se in shown the have e(j,v) transforms Fourier their and Fig.11 cosine and sine cylinder the parabolic of 4508) functions The of the g(j,v) transforms Fig.9. OCOR ¥, (8) Amys = O=t/T 4;(8) or y; =; yi He, j (x); ; en decreases —> th = v=2fT f on oe 4x? d\i $x? = e&* 3 (- S)ie ax eda for large (4n el He, j (x) ae eon V2 ee i absolute ee values of 6 propor- tionally to 6! exp(-#6*) and ¥, (4tv) decreases for large absolute values of v proportionally to (4nv)! exp[-4(4ny)?}. Pulses with quire a the shap of parabolic e particularly small part cylinder of the functions re- time-frequency-
1.14 WALSH domain FUNCTIONS for 19 transmission of a certain percentage of their energy!. 1.14 Walsh Functions The Walsh functions are of considerable a close connection between as between cal and in sal cal were while and the For letters to use times the milar duality single three sine wal(j,9) re he cal(i,6), functions difference Wol(O,@) be sal(i,@) may be for s name con- at other convenient. defined and Walsh. more while Walsh andc connection, the sometimes more is as well A si- functions. instead of A the cal(i,@): = sal(¢i,¢e) defined (27) by the following equation”’’: wal(2j+p,6) Om is There letters this functions, wal(2i-1,6) wal(j,@) The from is exists may cal(i,o) functions, indicate it function notation wal(0,6), sine derived cosine function he to and communications2. and purposes and sal(i,9) functions. are functions = Peet 'al' of in sal chosen exponential walC27,0) The cosine computational venient wal(0,@), interest 1s = (-1) Hs) fae, = 9O for wal[j,2(e+t)] 1, -c,4.-45 +(-1 walt j,2¢0-4))} wallO,e) = for 412 6 < =—4, 0 > +#. 0 <4; (28) 1Pulses of the shape of parabolic cylinder functions use the time-frequency-domain theoretically 'best'. This good use has not been of much practical value so far, since sine-cosine pulses and pulses derived from sine-cosine pulses are almost as good, but much easier to generate and detect. 2The probably oldest use of Walsh functions in communica- tions is for the transposition of conductors [18]. 3Walsh functions are usually defined by products of RadeThis definitionhas many advantages but macher functions. does not yield the Walsh functions ordered by the number of sign changes as does the difference equation. This r= of frequency in der is important for the generalization functions the are functions Rademacher 1.31. section -sal(1,9), sal(3,6), sal(7,0),..inFig.2. may also be defined by Hadamard matrices 4(j/2] means the largest integer smaller 9* Walsh functions Pass. or equal ; #j.
wal(j,26) obtained by shifting terval 0 =6<+#. j = 2, p = 1. GME the Using values = 0 [0/2] and p=1 j =0, cases in- the into right the to the consider example, an As is < 0, and wal[j,2(@-z)] -# <6 interval the left into to the wal(j,20) shifting by is obtained wal[j,2(0+4)] < +4. 209 -+ interval the into squeezed is but shape, has the same wal(j,29) The function wal(j,6). function the consider equation difference this of explanation For FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 20 and [2/72]=7 Gloigeulias) y wal(1,0) (-1)°* {wal [0,2(0+4)] + (-1)°*! wal[0,2(8-4)]} wal(5,8) (-1)'" fwal[2,2(0+4)] + (-1)?*! wall2,2@ +4)]} Tt may be verified obtained from multiplying -1, and the = cal(1,6) to is The to by function function sal(3,@) to the right product of two is is to by +1 half to its to the and the the ia width, the left right by squeezing multiplying by = sal(1,6) shifted shifted obtained left the wal(1,0) squeezingit that is that that half its width, shifted shifted Fig.2 wal(0,@) the wal(5,0) from by +1. wal(2,8@) function function = that that is by -‘. Walsh functions yields another Walsh TUNE TLOM: wal(h,@)wal(k,@) This relation rence may equation them with = wal(r,9) readily be proved for each wal(h,@)wal(k,9) same form The as is the sign wal(k,@), turns satisfies a of the somewhat modulo wal(h,§)wal(k,@) The and It writing out diffe- and multiplying that difference the the product equation of the (28). determination equation equals wal(h,@) other. by ® stands written as binary value of cumbersome. 2 sum of h and r The fromthe result difference is that = wal(h@k,@) for an numbers (29) addition and 0@®@1=+=1002=1,060=1 r k: added ©% modulo 2. k and h are according to the rules = 0 (nocarry). Addition
1.14 WALSH modulo FUNCTIONS 2 is what puters.As wal(6,@) one an and eas a half adder example, doe in binary s consider the wal(12,6 Using ). binary obtains 10 for the sum com- multiplication numbers for of 6 and 12 6 @12: ClO pen ets Open? Seid digital co VOD Ores ces eh be verified It may equals wal(12,6) a of that the wal(6,6)x product yields itself (41)(41) products the with function Walsh only since wal(j,@)wal(j,@) eo Fig.2 wal(10,0). product The MaubeO.G), Occur. from and (-1)(—1) = wal(0,@) C50). =O The product of wal(j,@) with wal(0,@) leaves wal(j,é) unchanged: wal(j,@)wal(0,@) Ae = wal(j,¢e) (31) = Since the plication addition of Walsh modulo 2 is associative, the multi- functions must be associative too: (wal(h,@)wal(j,0)]wal(k,@ )=wal(h,9 )[wal(j,0)wal(k,6 J (32) Walsh functions cation. tions is Equation yields defined the unit by law functions is and is an modulo 2. to (32). Walsh the consider and dyadic number what both h are inverse element the element itself; to (31); the The commutative be func- the according by of discrete k and two may the are of (31) phic k and h, that product or the group speaking, subgroups, the Abelian tically determine multipli- (30) in To to equal hold factors to (29), to respect function; is wal(0,8@) shown with that a Walsh (50) is group (29) shows again element ciative forma group group, assoWalsh since commuted. functions of the Mathemais isomor- group. of elementsina group and its if two numbers ers can occur, numb smaller written or as equal binary 2° - 1, are added numbers:
ice eree Daas : herpes oie R= O64 ae esa Dy t* Psy? h@®j= Cae the h = ke number occurs, of factors Diet for thus functions are all the (29) of This to the role Walsh cal(i,@)cal(k,9) a functions cal({ (i-1)@(k-1),9] is sine and required is for i requires is number system inthe whole functions interval of an in the the integer and thus Walsh interval series system whole and and This expansion. { sin2mv8, interval thus theorem -co< denumerable, cos 2mié is The the Fou- cos eT v8 } 6 < +a, while vy non-denumerable. functions -co< sin 2mni9 -# s ®@ = +%#. a Fourier orthogonal that a real cosine in the transform The 2 = wal(0,é@) orthogonal Note of (35) sal{[i®(k-1)]+1,6} which ele- sal{[k@®(i-1)]4+1,6} Il rier These 2' follows: sal(i,@)sal(k,@) system s. powers multiplication i] The sr < functions. cal(i,@)sal(k,é@) are 0 to contain = cal(iek,é) sal(i,@)cal(k,@) cal(0,@) bi- wal(0,8) contains Evidently, the as in and vice versa. Subgroups subgroup Walsh rewrite if all that functions cosets. for may h has ones wal(2'-1,8), = 2°" one means, functions. Since for obtained number, Walsh 2° is front in os where the of (34) factors number © j. This zeros wal(0,@) (27) amet number is obtained, resulting (2°*-1) subgroups. 2°/2' = CUE Fn the all largest the h = important Using ee +'(p,® if zero. contains it has an 1; a total the play Heoess The j has wal(25-1,9), ments q,2'+ nae ee ee Pap Se ei notation A group 0 Pye = 2 ] is obtained nary y 2 are O. are Ca s-] 1 pee k yields: h and of equals FOUNDATIONS oe Digital ® ae powers j and these Sotan tapegpnn BIL 2 sum smallest The eligi Seige Gagne module The of MATHEMATICAL 4. ee 8 <© orthogonal is denoted and complete by {sal(u,@),
1.14 WALSH FUNCTIONS Cal(,9)}, later on, sal(i,®) can where be that is a number. Rademacher ema by stretching functions the sin2mnié be shown by 'stretching' and cos 2mié. from the periodi- and cal(1,6). From them Walsh functions known We aerate 6, ats Se =GO< yp be of the An- [9]: [8], functions starts sal(1,@) subset 58) '= cal(1,2*6)\ now It will may be obtained definition due to PICHLER' one may define Popes real system and cal(i,é@) just asthe syst {sin em 2mv6, cos 2rv0} cally continued Let » this obtained other 25 . sal(2",6). =) sal@ ,2"6) (36) aU I<) 14.00% written as binary number; co u ==)! ieee UU. sum be = s=-00 1S either has at 1 or a finite most of the fined SN es vie O. 44h uw is number a finite binary as TW called of oe of cal(u,®) a) dyadic terms. number point. 2s This binary and or olele rational, means, digits the must the right to sal(yu,@) if there are then de- follows: co cal(u,0) = |] cal(u,2*,0), -ao< 8 < +00 (37) s=-0CO —Ca LO, ose =Oo se <50 sal(u,0) ={ Bal(e,0) = caliee ™ 6 )sal(2e 0), SEE g=even cal(u,@) and sO) Decne number; sal(u,@) are <.co u= dyadic -co<16 irrational <c, u = (g+1)/2% = dyadic showninFigs.12 and rational 13 for the 'The non-denumerable system of Walsh functions required for the Walsh-Fourier transform is due to FINE [12], who also pointed out first the existence of such a transform. The correct mathematical theory of the Walsh-Fourier transwhich are somewhat diffeform using sal and cal functions, rent from the system used by FINE, is due to PICHLER [9]. as well or Pichler transform appears fair A term like Fine as shorter than the cumbersome term Walsh-Fourier transWalshthe this term, because use form. Mathematicians caseof the general Fourier Fourier transform isaspecial on topologic groups, published by VILENKIN two transforms years after FINE's paper [22].
intervals value the a line of sal(u,8) a versa, cal(u,8) of value a certain y for of function as sal(u,@) or values the shows Vice ui. of value certain or cal(u,9) obtains one a y-axis the to parallel line 6 for of function as 6+axis the to parallel indicate By drawing -1. value the areas white +1, areas Black -3<90<+3. and -4<u<+4 FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 24 6. 4 4 3 w 2 2 1 40 ne H r 4 -] 2 -2 3 3 -4 # Oe oO 0 -1 -2 =3 1 3 2 Q—e Fig.12 (left) The functions cal(y,®) —~—3 < 0 < +3, -4'< yp < £4. A function, is obtained §-axis. by drawing cal(1.5,9) is a line +1 at where yw = this in the interval ¢.@. <al(1.5.6), 1.5 parallel line runs to the through a black area and -1 where it runs through a white area. At borders between black and white areas use the value holding forthe absolutely larger yw. The function cal(y,1.5) is obtained by drawing a line at 8 = 1.5 parallel to the U-axis and proceeding accordingly. Fig.13 (right) The functions sal(u,@) in the interval “3 <9 < +3, -4 < yw < +4. The values +1 and -1 of the functions are obtained by drawing lines as explained in the caption of Fig.12. At borders between black and white areas use the value holding for the absolutely smaller u or 9. The There are no following computations wal€u,9) with functions additional Walsh = wal(0,6), Ceun.e.) = calen, ey clGiyoy) = selGi,6), sal(0,®@) formulas or are sal(u,0). important for functions: O-sie<i sl a epg hip “isiesraie Abo | a (38) —% = 0 < +4
1.14 WALSH FUNCTIONS cal(u,oe0') eal (yu; o8joal(w,o") sal(u,9@6') Since extend = sal(u,6)sal(u,é @ and the 6@' may ges or addition negative modulo one 2 to has cal(u,@) may to negative (40) = -(a.@ (-b) equal to one This positive of =a@b a @ b = of 1. (39) ty) -b: (-a) @ (-b) u is be definition ,-a and numbers ae 25 half or bd) the sal(u,é@) easily be average number of sign inatime chan- interval of duration veryfied forthe periodic functions cai2,9) and sal(i,@). by counting the-sign changes in Pis.2. calGu,9) and sal(u,9) are not periodic; ifwis not dyadic the rational, average duration Ef 1 still an known, yielded the value -% = 6 < yu as one an by of that respect. +1 a everywhere. saying interval of sine function is feature is from This sinusoidal Walsh Assume foraWalsh +#. It follows yield additional -1; the interval surement Hintox acti) measurement value of # = yp < yields, functions functions that and uw is the A® interval undetermined. thus -1 forthe The W;5 required Au since tained The more within product with transmission information increasing interval restricted interval this this O = u<1. # = 6 < to the rate about of < meaand yy to. the of the successively y remains the sequency remains 1 smal- 1.5 A doubling measurement which A@A4y 1 39 restricts 3 4 <°0.75. for as the uncertainty interpreted tions. the inter- 13 that 1 according to Fig.12. Afurther e.g. smellerssovervals halfs in are a measurement functioninthe Figs.12 thestmpervalid. > = 0 <2; interval half time be a functioncal(u,9) with wy inthe interval Let be section known inthis val time small expressed of per true. is has ler changes information at the rate zero. different must interpretation sign holds function frequently quite the of arbitrarily the transmit but number and constant may for Walsh relation func- not zero, information the observation exact value interval is of AQ. u is ob-
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL 26 inclined words may be added for the mathematically A few reader about the connection between the systems {wal(0,6), and {1,V/2sin 2ni9,V2cos 2nié}. Both cal(i,@), sal(i,9)} are orthonormal may base rier is bothof them series andthe Fourier that from may both of system the group topologic the functions dyadic rived from most of Walsh of the - numbers real is the of Walsh the group de- real the func-— and discontinuity different by the of of the between functions dyadic of group topologic difference derived group system representations caused and the is character The The groups. character the groupis striking functions the numbers. from binary of this character is continuity of circular - tions real dyadic set the The numbers. the Fou- reasonfor The { cos kx, sin kx} which derived be group; }, of group may from functions er theories of the transform. derived be circular similar very on one and L,(0,1) space in Hilbert systems topology [8,11,12,20]. group 1.2 The Fourier Transform and its Generalization 1.21 Transition from Fourier Series to Fourier Transform The of Fourier every Fourier series facilitate from transform communication is shown here understanding orthogonal Consider cosine belongs engineer. the elemants, series of to to the Its derivation in a the more special orthogonal orthonormal system the first few of which elements fs5(i,8) and the constant knowledge way general from that the will transition transforms’. {f(j,6)} are The elements f(j,8) are divided into even odd basic of shown elements sine in and Fig.1. f,(i,8), f(0,9): 'The transition from the Fourier series to the Fourier transform has mainly tutorial value. A mathematical correct transition without an additional assumption is not possible, since the Fourier series uses a system of denumerable functions but the Fourier transform one of nondenumerable functions. A corresponding remark applies to the transition from orthogonal series to the generalized Fourier transforms in section 1.22.
1.21 FOURIER TRANSFORM £COV00 Ge) = ey Si= wal(0;0) = 4 Detcdey V2 cos 2mie f,(i,@) = V2sin 2nie undefined 39° 1, Sine cosine outside sine the elements interval f£(0,6) 8:) DC. = Polio) Periodic is a way of to the An triangular is obtain periodic -00< 8 < +00 (42) the If conditions in a finite interval defined inthe series of sine function and cosine is one continue the sine must two of continued the possible and ways Periodic continuation of the periodic continuation Hence, the panded in tions. If, continued has to which Let be are periodic a series on of expanded zero be of its If the the a outside expanded inthe cosine sine requires elements. Fig.14a and triangular and same important: function and series of sine that triangular elements sine periodic hand, the particularly triangular the of satis- interval of definition, cosine are top are orthonorsame interval as is expanded into O outside the interval in on of the triangular functionof other by F(@) = F(@) elements: the -$ #90<#. shown elements. outside interval definition. required for convergence function way; of interval fied, one may expand F(@) into a series mal system fe Gioe)} being definedinthe F(6). The triangular function of Fig.14a a periodically the a function extend F(@) example continued to see sin-omk8 Consider a function Fig.14a. be 9 <+# 1 continuation special 0 >+4 V2 cos anid sat eed = may -% = (41) functions: cosine and 6 < -#, -2,. So. Week7 and af A Ree is cosine ex- func- function is -# =9 < #, it cosine pulses, interval. in a series of sine and cosine
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL 28 cosamie + a,(i) sin 2ni8] B(@) = a(0)£(0,0) + V2 Sifa,(i) 1/2 a(O) = fF(@)£(0,8)de a = JF(@)de -1/2 -1/2 anu) aay [PC ) cos amie de (43) -1/2 a.(i) = V2 [F(8) sin2nie ae “1/2 The coefficients angular a,(i) a(O) function are of zero, and a,(i) Fig.14a since the are plotted in Fig.15a. triangular for All the tri- coefficients function is an even sbGuaNe NGALON Let the replaced variable by the Cea 7.5.) new ® on the right variable @': hand side of (44) substitution "stretches" the elements V2cos 2mi8 and f(0,8) by a factor §. The new orthogonality is -#§ = 6<#8. The \2sin 2mié, interval of system of orthogonal the stretched elements V2 sin2miée', V2cos 2mié' not normalized, amplitude The to be multiplied -#§ nuation and over the these is not by §” to stretched, of = 98 < -# and # #6 the Y2sin2nié and is shown the is §-times stretched the same as wide. functions functions have normalization. continued < #8 by F(6) stretching for andf(O,6') have the stretched retain but of F(®) functions elements but are square § rather than ‘1. Hence, F(9) val since as the original integral yields be Ses This is (43) of § = 2 and into the inter- = O. This conti- £(0,8),V2cos 2mié & = 4 in Figs.14b elialel (ec The ments expansion has the of F(§) following inaseries of the stretched ele- form: P(8) = 7p{a($,0)£(0,8') + V2 S'La,(,i) cosamie! + + a,(8,i) sin 2nie']} (45)
1.21 FOURIER TRANSFORM 29 wal (0,8) ae —— Ces oN rn x _ Se Se=e Ne ee DOS <i N, Nea ae TaN Seoe /2sin2x8 /2cos 210 ta /2sin&n8 Nae ~ 2 cos428 = nm wal (0,8’) V2 sin 2x8’ —< nen cates V2 cos 2x6" 2 sin 420" /2 cos 418" /2 sin 616" ><> V2 cos 218 ~ ae aa Ns Zz /2 cos 618" = ee, SRO LASSE N — = V2sin 3x8 AS4 ff?08308 See oe Se V2 sin 816" 2 cos 88" . b N Lf (sind SAS [2008 408 Per pares = -4 wal (0,0') =, — va 4/2 B'—= = ph = Eee 4 -- F08) wal (0,8) /2sin6/2 \2 sin 2n0' = Se /2 cos 276" /2 ae Se eae sin4n0' oe a \/2cos 16/2 eee ae /2sinx 0 = \2cosn8 /2 cos4n0" /2 sin6x6' 2 cos6x8" <x /2sin3n6/2 ee ee See /2sin 6x0 : Lf = == ht } —— c Expansion cosine elements a) - = 6 < $, Ceo aA CEs Pees <1, 2 of t a function having various n iH F(@) i o—= 2 Ca (_—= 3 in a series intervals /2cos 3116/2 of sine- of orthogonality. V2 Coe emi0, Ve sin 27i6} cos On(#i)8 V2 sin 2n(4i)6} 40 ),V2 cos an(4i)8,V2 sin On(£i 6} {wal(0O, 8) #6me yal o.t wal(0O pied ‘ + -A/2 Fig.14 atl
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL 50 The but This 2nié'. of is used be may it generalization = cos 2mi(6/g) = cos 2n(i/e)e = sin 2ni(@/é) = sin 2n(i/é)e £ C059 = notation 72) = f£(0/€,6) is trivial the with for sine of dea point as transform: Fourier the the TO.) combined be may 9@' in for cos 27i0' sin 2nie' The argument functions cosine parture contained the i in factor and ae factor (46) 78) £t07E strictly formal andis of no con- sequence. The series expansionof F(@) assumes the following form: V2 >!fa,(€,i oosengorads,i)sinande}} F(a )=zela(s,0)#(G,9 i /&= VE 2) E/2 Ca Garey ae : |e J F(e) cos ange de -E/2 ; = ag(8,1) le 2 | g/2 é 2 ale sin 2ns0 F(@) (47) dé &/2 a(g,0) = rE f F(@)ae -§/2 Introduction ac(#) =/é of new eas constants, a s(#) =Vé Rl Ey ty a(2) =Vé§ a(@,0),(48) yields nae. ie cnt tet ein ates FCG) Se =sae) iC B72 diLac(g)oos engo+as 2190 ]} (49) 0 F aly) and and c; the sine Let lim i,8 00 age fy iP ac(#) they and are plotted for € = hold forthe cosine expansion elements of § increaseto infinity; ac(#) = a,(v), ae 2 and of Fig.14b i/€ & = 4 in Fig.15b F(@) shall in and a of c. remain Lin as(#) = ag(v) i,k —co series constant: (50)
1.21 FOURIER TRANSFORM a 05 04 04 i be 3 02 eS 0. 0 a > = 02 s 0. he? eye Chan a 0.5 04 |0.4 4 i/I—~ to i may Fig.14. be any merable. of on tions, the denotes i and thus aan transform curve as be be for the i/& are allowed to denu- be any non-denumerable, would denumerably Fourier limit well must integrals contains See ee ~-a, as hand, number ‘ the § number. other 0 2 —~ expansion of the triangular sine and cosine elements ac- a factor following series but the real the Fourier by integer v, non-negative some a-(v) stretched 5 0.3 0.2 0.4 0 d Fig.15 Coefficients of the function F(@) in a seriesof elements wie 1/4 Os uf03 S02 SOA 0 b cording sh 0.6 be many zero. Hence, orthogonal contains or the func-— non-denumerably many. The end limits a,(v) and a,(v) follow readily from (46) (47): a,(v) = &/2 3 co lim/2 f F(@) cos ange do = 2 [ F(e)cos 2nve E—oo -F/2 de —00 a) E/2 Pec order consider F(8,) as plotted to along Fog.16. to 1/€. by dg =y2 gh iN F(@) sin 2nve The Hence, (49) find the an integral numbers distance the is dé i representation for a certain value ® = 0,. Equation (49) a sum of denumerably many terms, which in given co asl 2 J F(6 ) sin engé sats In i sum axis atthe points between the plotted of the terms i/§ multiplied equal to the areaunder the step yields may be as terms F(@), shown is equal by A AZ eis) smbnakenrmmeyal
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL oe series Fig.16 Transition from Fourier to Fourier transform. x(0) (0) = a(P)t(F,%) Xa/72) = a (E2 cos ange + + as(2 V2 sin ange 0 Wf 2G 3K Sif of Fig.16. Using (49), bitrarily close following integral: FCO) = V2 for The lower limit limit of the of butes able the in sum (52) and integral an odd not function (49) may be of be shows of approximate v. large this area ar- values of § by the a,(v) sin 2nve]dv (52) integral is zero, because approaches zero. neglected, for large assume only + in little not (51) following F(@) (49) must could Equation the sum arbitrarily v numbers the of may sufficiently flactv) cos 2mve 0 wer term one denumerably interpreted that a,(v) Hence, (52) since values the values of of all many as it §. real of may be and lo- first contri- The vari- positive them, a Riemann isaneven the The or the integral. a,(v) rewritten is into form: = (Lay) cos Onvé A(v) = #V¥2a,(v), + B(v) sin 2nvéjdv (53) BCv) = 4V¥2a,(v) a,(v) is identically zero for the triangular function of Fig.14; a,.(v) is plotted in Fig.15d according to the following ac(v) formula: : 3/8 8 = 22 ! (1 - 39) cos emve dé sin i 34nv/8 \2 = ale (Saas )
1.22 GENERALIZED FOURIER TRANSFORM DO. 1.22 Generalized Fourier Transform’ Conasid system of er functions orthonormalized script an c odd in indicates function. results the will interval of an even © may be {f£(0,0),f.(i,@),f,(i,8@)} interval be -40 finite or orthogonality, such be to in the defined f,(i,@) Hence, s the The of the non-nega- be f,(i,@) cross from do not functions A function is -$@ = 9 < 4@ interval sub- havi an infinite ng differentiable. or continuous ‘The subscript as the functions @ = O. at values to positive negative have the infinite. functions all let and 6 = 0, for and applicable to functions all functions Let cylinder. par abo lic tive s 6 < 4@. function expanded F(9) in a series: B(@) = a(0)£(0,8) +S? Lag(4)f_ (4,8) + ac(4)P(4,9)] a,.(i) = 0/2 if F(0 )fc(i,8 -0/2 de (54) @/2 = J F(O)f,(i,6 )d0 as(i) -9/2 @/2 a(O) = [ F(e)f£(0,6)de -0/2 @ is replaced’ and (4 Gea / vy, The tions by 9' in the functions £(0,0), y= y(t) > 1, expansionof is obtained pene) F(@)ina in = OO series of the analogy to (55) stretched ; other generalizations au Rel Soa see func-— (45): (56) B(@) = gofa(s,0)2(0,8") + Dilac(S AF eCi,8") A 'For £,(i,8) 8% ea Soe |} [1,2]. systems of of 2Thre method used applies to a large class proofs can be obtained withmathematical s. tion Exact func individual for requirements mathematical out excessive the results of of functions only. For instance, systems i this section seem to apply for dyadic rational values of in reality of Walsh functions; i/gé = uy only in the case i/€. of values real all to they apply 3 Harmuth, Transmission of Information
1/y factor (de/é ) oni @' may be written onthe right hand side of (56). had been replaced trivially by 2n(i/§)@ in (46); connected 8 are not necessarily and and £,(i,@) formal should be until proved CO; 0") The = Pour = Ci. series et yo) = o7 9) rather i in f,(i,@) particular, than i/§ a fraction: CLs sae Peala/e = In otherwise. a symbol considered foro 0.) = fore 7) cipal leony since ons must be considered following substituti the purely product as of 6 instead that with i so is combined the into continued by F(@) = O 40 = 6 < #y®. and -ky® = 0 < #y0. F(6) is intervals -#y® = 9 < -4@ The interval in the orthonormal are functions stretched The FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 34 (57) ey tUO/e, 33 expansion of F(@) assumes the following form: PCO )=pofa(s,0)£(2,0)+ >; Lac(S,4)F,(F,0 4a,(6,4)2, (F011 i/E =1/F (2,4) a.(§,i) ; a ; (=,6)de = many 6 )f,)f. (B18) teva ae = eo (8,4) = 7bwok? (8) Go) F.(=,8 7 ye/2 (,0) m== 75 a eee Om New Y _y@/2 (58) )dée =e (8) )dé F(@ coefficients are introduced: ‘ ac(g)1 = Vyac(6si),‘ ag(#)1 = Vyas(8,i), aP) = Vya(s,0)(59) In order to make (58) and (59) more one must demand either the same as = y is 1/6 limit for 'The hand left limit large that the value hand limit differ. a formal coefficients for constant, values than all or of values that i and shall be notation, ac(#) or as(z) have of §, they i and converge’! as long toward a &: taken, if left and right
1.22 GENERALIZED ; i = algae Again, one has number and FOURIER TRANSFORM : el eer to al, a Sean ss p= postulate thusis aD. that uy is non-denumerable, (60) a non-negative while i or i/€ real is de- numerable. The limits (60) exist, limit functions follows'!: and f,(u,8@) yo/e2 lim if fo (3,8) and £5(z,9) approach x i F(8 )£¢ (3,8 a8 eee = lim ea /2 yo/2 wine i,§ co Se are that f,(u,8) defined yo/2 f[ F(O)f.(u,6)ae ey as (61) (2 yo/2 F(@)f5 (7,0 )ae = pam) Gea. (1,0)d8 ~yo/2 oe a2 y = y(§) The functions fc (%,8) and f£.(F,9) val -#y® = 6 < #y® to the limit fs(u,8). This type of convergence gence’ i from = lim F(6) interval. to ; (62) -y@/2 + ye/e ‘i B(8 )f, (F589 )d8 -yo/e2 be a function Equations (62) that reduce vanishes to the outside a finite following simpli- form: In order B* functions f,(y,8) and is called 'weak conver- (61): ac(u) = fPC@)fe(u,9)d8, 'The oe F(6 inter- lim , f F(8)£, (7,9 )d0 = —co fied (51) yo /2 aoQi).2 Let in the [4]. follows Aetu) converge to find an alu) = f FCe)f.(u,e)ae (63) integral representation for F(6), integrals shall represent Cauchy's principal value. must hold forall quadratically integrable functions
a consider a as COE plotted along instead of given by 1/y as a step gral, function. This € and thus if by (58) area y(€) is may grow to equal the area represented be beyond all the multi- terms the of sum the Hence, 1/y. is terms plotted plied between distance The Fig.16. in as i/&€ be i/y = i/y(8) points axis atthe the numbers may which terms many denumerably of sum yields (58) Equation 8,- 6 = value certain FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 36 under by an inte- bounds: £5 F(@) = ff Cac(ufc(u,8) + ag(u) )1a0 (use (64) 0 ac(u) and transform ag(u) of F(8) are for called the Equation (64) is anintegral generalized inverse grals the actually functions riable wp cannot and the Fourier - normalized and - real tions negative f uae) = f,(u,9) numbers £.(-n,9), is an ag(u) into form the FOO) = co of y is One or these without its inte- specifying closely. variable v The va- in the called a generalized may extend integers for non- the defini- numbers: function = -f,(-p,6) of function of and show (63) function 9 @ as as well well that of uy. Hence, (65) as a,(u) (64) as uw, and is aneven and of of u. may be brought (534): Jf [AC)£e(u,8) £e.(u), the of F(@) Whether more Fourier f,(u,6). are defined for positive and fs5(u,6) are defined + Bludfs(u,lay 8 —oo ACy) as Hence, fein, 9) even is an odd role uw only. real f5(u,0) is an odd Equations (62) stated and frequency. f,(i,8) f,.(u,@) negative be fs5(u,8) same transform. f£,(i,8) and i only. Hence, to representation exist usual generalized f¢(y,8) Fourier transform. f,.(u,9) plays the functions Boi) = $eccu) (66)
1.23 INVARIANCE OF ORTHOGONALITY 37 1.23 Invariance of Orthogonality to the Generalized Fourier Transform Consider the G(u) = VatACu) function + BCu)] Since A(u) G(-y) = VetAC-u) G(y): = BV2Lac(u) is even and B(u) + B(-y)] is + as(u)] (67) odd, one obtains = V2tACu) for G(-y): - BCu)] A(u) and Blu) may be regained from G(y): ACu) = 4V2[G(u) + G(-u)], Using Or s¢20) G(u) and one may By) rewrite = 2V2G(u) (63) and - G(-u)] (64) (68) into the form €21): (8) = V2 f GCu)Lfc(u,e) + fo(u,8) Iau (69) G(u) = 4V2 f FC@to(u,0) + £5(u,e)]a0 (70) —Co se tei made Ataf. Cu,0) in and Consider that a (70) of thesfact, BCw)f,.(u.9)system vanish-outside {f(j,8)} a finite that the integrals of vanish. of orthonormal functions interval: co J HOS, 0 DF (&, 806 Let g(j,u) HCO). e(j,u) = Six the denote Olt follows C749 Fourier generalized transform fromsC70)% (72) OVE (Unt) + fe Cu 0) de = aVe2 i Poss Equation (71) may of be transformed as follows: F ej, )fav2 feCkwlte(use) + f5(u.8 )]ausas ie —oCo F e(eyu)tave [Cd te(us8) + £(u,8)]4e}dy [o.e) ll mo = Je weCd wdy = 5% —oo Moe
felg,uor- system orthogonal an into transform Fourier generalized the by transformed is interval nite fiae outsid vanishes that {f(j,9)} system An orthogonal FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 38 1.24 Examples of the Generalized Fourier Transform function iM) 15 The = of substituted and B(x) 4). transformations following -1 8 2 = < +414: x = 26 are (74) = ae 2s made: = Py (ee) Pe Gi b- etc. the Gly) Cage yy ea te) (-1)' (ai - 19B,, (20) oo a er The system the {f(0,6), interval positive for sitive first -(3x?- is = PoCOy = Cad in = polynomials orthogonality Pea) ch Legendre for Fig.17 2) (Cpe interval £(07,8) of trif Transformothe Fourier generalized the Consider angular -§ = 6 s +#. @ = 0, and differential few PCO,8) polynomials =r, P.(i,6), FeCl, o all All = ey ee as is orthonormal functions functions quotient. read P,(i,9)} P,(i,6) P,(i,@) Written have are a po- explicitely, the follows: P.(1,8) = -8V5(120" - 1) 7s) Ps (2,8) =-¥7(208" -38), P. (2,8) = 79(5608' - 12087 + 3) The coefficients a.(i) readily computed: a, (i) f P(e), (4,8 ae ! - 1/2 a,(i) 3/8 I aioe for Fig.17a may $8 )Pc (i,8 ae be (76) 0 [ F(@)P.(i,0)ae 1/2 ag(i) and 3/8 0, a0) 8 = 2 f (1 - $0)ae - 1/2 0 a (i) and a(O) are plotted in Fig.18a. Let @ in(75)be replace byd9' = @/y, where y = y(e&)= ace sec Fa. Ue eae: P.(i,®@) are stretche over doubledthe interval as shown in place byd the streched Fig.17b. functions The functions P,(i/2,8) (75) and are re-— P,(i/2,é6):
1.24 EXAMPLES = —— _— Py (28) — OF TRANSFORMS See eo c-— ae Be) | | P, (28) ee Ga i See a & FIG) wal(0,8) ch | ESS al ee ae 7 pean PB, (2,0) ee ie (2,8) A a0) ) eg Ps (26') Ps See SSS a = P(8/28) (26’) ee —Py (26') ===! | ie(2/28) = 3 P,(3/2,8) 8) 4 0 4 O— = 2 L_ P.(14,8) —P, (26') ——— Se Po (1/4,8) a ie P, (20°) <P Ps (28’) <i P, (2/4,8) eT (2/8) L_ P,(3/4,8) A mea —P, (28") a ee oa /48) Ph mS Py (20°) 2S Pe (5/4,8) YS pee ee Cc Fig.17 dre Expansion polyno mials a? WA 4IA TIA ec ete 1/4 of afunction having 1/4 B" 0 various Sia &, {waltO,9), 9 S Alc fwal(0,9), 9 <—es {wal(0,@), F(@) pecs 1/2 of Legen- in a series intervals Pe P,(4/48) 0") of orthogonality. Pett, 2e.0), )s Pe (a7e,9.)}
FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 40 (77) P.(1/2,8) = Ps(1,9/2) = ava(ee) - 11 P.(1/2,8) = Po(1,8/2) = -BV5(12(88) P,(2/2,8) = Ps(2,0/2) = -V7[20(#8)- 3(#8)] Po (2/2,6) = Pp(2,0/2) = sV9[560(#8)’ - 120(88)°+ 3] The coefficients a (4/2) a,(i/2) = FRC@)P, (i/2,8)ae have the following value: -2f (1 - $0 )P, (i/2,8)de (78) =f Values of aecise) exactly the since, as the P,.(2/2,0) the Jee f= by (75) the 4 as in Fig.18b. coefficients is*mot, functions interval = VCE plotted same values ¢.g., Let the are equal be a2) of Fig.18a P.(1,8). stretched substitution shownin They do not have 6' over = four 6/y, times where Big .17Gz P.(1/4,8) = Pg(1,0/4) = ay3(48) P.(1/4,0) = Po(1,0/4) = -#V5012(46)?- 1] P(2/4,0) = Po(2,0/4) = -7[20(40)°- 3(40)] P.(2/4,8) Some y = (79) = Po (2,8/4) = 4V9[560(40 )* - 120(30)?+ 3] coefficients a.(i/4) are plotted in Fig.18c: a,(i/4) =] F(@)P,(4/4,8)ae = 2 wich $0)P,(i/4,0)a8 (80) 23 In of orderto i and lues 0 of §, one the needs polynomials of j and Ppa a eae for hans EAs small (74) one Pe (4,8 /8 =e obtains: cos uze of is a,(i/é) for = P,(i,6/€) 6/€. values of cos” [Cj+e)cos large that values forlarge va- An asymptotic known ath 7qzsinl (j+k = ae Using limit P,(i/€,8) i and small values Legendre values compute holds series for for large x: x + dn)+ x + 4n)} (81)
1.24 EXAMPLES OF TRANSFORMS 44 |oS7 0.3 = 02 0. 1 03 = S 0.2 = oO So i 0 a e 0 ead parr aay ed Ou 0 1/2,4>—— jee d = 03 3 502 = = 0 s 0 c Se hiet He hashear i eae Fig.18 Coefficients of the expansion of the triangular function F(§) in a series of Legendre polynomials according to Fig.17. a,(u) is the limit curve for the polynomials stretched by a factor § +a, iiew imi be tumetson-P.(1,9)- and a,(u) follow fom.2.>.co-: FC,0 a= fq 008 40 (82) co A 3/8 8 ac(u) = f F(@)P¢(u,8)49 = rf (1 - $6) cos 4yue ae 5 : we a (u) angular is is the in coefficients a.(v) for tion in scale of of Fig.15 Legendre equation lues of j to to for c. a,(i/2) and One a,(u) may Cet readily fromthe that Tre differential may see are is re gra values how of the a,(u). equal except equa- generally Oris x It to differential this tri- polynomials. a,(i/4+) converge in Fig.18 see for small reduces the transformof the Legendre One and polynomials ee eee This Fourier Fig.17 Fig.18a a,(i), factors. (Cee) (83) generalized function plotted 2 SSS) and 2. ca. C84) large and f sine equationo so: va- cosine functions: ES a Ae Oe Cee)
SSS ipa eae a cei ae Eee Hes ia oes ee as te a eee a Ra Se FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 42 ealPca 8 | arn ae el $318) lg eo a at ge pp eC aed aa ee wt Se gee ee PAF We LST cay SATs a USL PALS woeLL PLLA ts a -1 t Sooo | | =i el ge Es ee a eee Oy) Salil e (=e See, eee oe eT eee es ne) s0l(98) Ee 7s = sal(6,0) “EFL sal(4,8') =25, ofan sal(6,0) =o = aaa al (48) sal 2 sal (1/2,8) Poe ed ate sai00) WeDo erzeasee eSt } Lt FL a ! Sones a =o Sd ets sal (6/2,8) sal (3,8) LE sal(7/2,8) FLFLFS— sal (4,8) _ sal (8,0 b F (8) sal(1,8") = = sal (1/4,8) sal(2,8') - r~ sal (1/2,8) sal(3,8’) sal(4,8) = sal (5,8’) ae a sal (7,8 sal (8,8 sal (9,6 a cays sal(11,6') -- _ sal (3/4,8) P sal(1,6) _ sal (5/4,8) == gal (3/2,8) sal (7/4,8) == gal (2,8) = gal (9/4,8) = sal (5/2,8) - sal (11/4,8) . aa aE 7 == gal (3,8) al 8). Je Pea Ll r t ig eT! (gy VRE ge FO eyYN sr EN peg ET pe PR) es Nealpen Pg sal(15, 6) Se i ae eer sal(16,0) =e c a a 4/2 —1/4 | o AM cy EY ty eh ms ier ee oe 0. r 1 o6—— 7 0 | 1k B'—=— 4/2 e Sa gall(4,8) Fig.19 Expansion of a function F(@) in a series of Walsh elements having various intervals of orthogonality. a) —- s0 <4, {wel(O,0),>Gel(i,6)) seits, Go) bh ~1 @) -2 = 6 < 1,9 s6 < 2, (wellO,e), {wall0,$), cal(i/2, 8), cal, ay sal(i/2, 8 )} sal(i/4,e)}
1.24 EXAMPLES Hence, TRANSFORMS interest not for defined reduced by systems by such Fourier functions Walsh rather thanadifferential amore rewarding of Fourier distinguish Walsh for theory PILCHLER the functions Walsh to functions. This not did distinc- Walsh-Fourier of mathematically into rigorous - odd and even functions sal Walsh- the FINE separated and expected polynomials. due is to f£(0,6), f,(i,9) and f,(i,8) repre- functions: 6( O76 j)=wel 0,0), triangular 2c(i,8 )=cal(i,o), £,(1,0)=sal(i,6 ) (86) function of Fig.19a 1/2 aero yields the coefficients 3/8 a(0) ar F(@)wal(0,8)a@ Bead) be may However, The func- a difference [L2). Let The cal is cosine by they applications the functions that - functions sent for and transform FINE. communications. to analysis sine equation, due to that equations, which are than lt resu Legendre and odd even between important is tion is transform functions, defined are of the Fourier generalization The transform is main- orthogonal stretching to the one Since yield of differential tions. to 44 the generalization of the ly of are OF = 2 J tive 30 de 30 cal (i,8)as, eG) =O oO Fig.20a With shows y(2) = sal(i/é,6) = cal(i,9) @ ome continued original values of obtains sal(i,@/eé). cal(2i/2,8) that the some and a(O) and a,(i). cal(i/g,8) = cal(i,0/é) of Fig.19a Inspection cal(4i/4,6) periodically are equal over of definition. interval to to the function or four double This result may be inferred readily from the difference equation Hence, it holds in the interval -$ = 9 <#: Bal(ise ) = can (2i1.6/€) Cpt er l= obey sees 3 Gal(Zi/e,0) —$) S40) <4. and c shows times also (28).
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL 44 Inspection in the hold ing relations Cal(i,6) toc Fig.19a of follow- the that further shows -% = 96 < B: interval (87) = cal (21/2,0) = calf (2it1)/e,0) = cal[(4i+2)/4,8) = cal[ (4i+1 )/4,8] = cal(4i/4,8é) = calf (4i+3)/4,8] = uw, (€i4+n)/E Substituting = é€al(i,6)5 i, \ASoy CalQu,6) = ese\A yn <4 Corresponding Sali, 4260 relations ca ceLuL, fal <a obtains: one < 141, 2 Su calG,0) Wal CO,e }, O51, --5E= 1; See Ye = cal[(gi+n)/é,9] i Fees are obtained SY Ss for (88) sal(u,8): ot ee yeywe (89) <¢ The limit derived functions here in an cal(yu,8) heuristic and sal(u,8) manner for the -% = 6 < #. PICHLER has obtained cal(u,8) and a for whole mathematically -0co<8<co, but rigorous his of mathematics. proofs Fig.12 presentation of the [2]. way and the require 13 functions show a a cal(u,§8) very very and have been interval sal(u,8) in interval good command ingenious sal(u,9) re- found by am Functions that are identical inthe yield the same expansion coefficients obtains for a,(u) ac (uy) = a, (i) and interval for -4 F(8). Hence, fFCe )cal(i,e ae i i+1 IIA i= A < y IIA H- IIA A 28 -1/2 = 1/2 (Ce )se1(a,0 “1/2 ag(i) Il ac(u) = a(O) 1/2 fFCe ae i} -1/2 = S0.< 43 130], one a,(u): V2 ey = 6 <4 See a8 i=) 0 i = (90)
1.25 FAST WALSH-FOURIER TRANSFORM 0.4 04 0.3 0.3 1 02 = =} 0.2 Als 504 er ; 0 a os 0 i 2 0.4 3 ee 4 c : 0 04 2 3 4 ere a (4i+9)/4 —— ter | 0.3 alg A5 3 =} 0.2 JO) — 04 STO Ss 0 b ees Fig.20 to F(@) Fig.19. chedy by a.(u) ea factor Fig.20b The to for Lo expansion of of Walsh the triangular elements according elements stret-— & i co, for the of Walsh Cdeiticients the series a [(4i+n)/4] d computation simple a Pe isthe limit curve forthe ao {(2i+n)/2), in of into OC d —=— Coefficients function 0 ee (2i+n)/2 the functions functions, a(0), and the limit a,(u) are shown triangular a,-(i) occ rOumOm 70 A net COMM Obtain a-(u) and a.(u) fee | < 147 or 3-1 <4 a,(u) since and function a;(i) emt the to is very compute and Ol Fig.19. a.(u) has only Omit). in and one of plot eieOM the thesé Le GOmeL— intervals O24 lato <1, = i. 1.25 Fast Walsh-Fourier Transform The be time required drastically Fourier to transform. A transform was found by [2,3]. fast KANE, of pictures forsignal according between to Consider the [1] transform [4]. a even number function Fourier of and of by and odd GUINN in functions changes some WELCH a two-dimensional and as of infor- have The form presented sign F(@) Walsh- Fourier generalized used may known as fast for the compression WHELCHEL [5]. fast and have transform a method corresponding GREEN classification tinguishes the by means ANDREWS and PRATT Walsh-Fourier mation obtain reduced in interval. used it here dis- lists them Fig.e. Let this
The intervals. of average transforms Walsh-Fourier and from the = 8 O2n s C+D ERereGeH air SA=B=C—Dth+ F+GtH -A-B+CyD+E+P-G-8 = alGjee= aclu), = acta) = a. tus = a. (Cl) =Backins ‘is +AeB-—C-DtEti-G-H = ae(2) ast), 4 << s e eh B=OFDLE—E=G4 —A+B+C-D+E-F-G+H = acter = apis 2 Ss =o = a,(3) = ag(u), ei a Ss = 0 <a.=°% a < —A+B-C+D+E-F+G-H = ac(3) = acy), 4s4 <4 +A-B+C-D+E-F+G-H = a,(4) = a.(u), oo eee There tions are 2°(23- necessary ag(u). The ditions to fast only. 1) = 56 or obtain Note that generally the Walsh-Fourier the 2" Walsh-Fourier which the case the transform!. For an refer to A, ..., B, Column 1 samples, and 1. lists again neral 4 the sums with and are of and a more notation Bre shows column the are 1 are of shown each added Walsh-Fourier or in of case, does consuming samples notation two Sho each of notation. column column subtracted. coefficients 2, 2. which in transform 8 amplitude general differences in ad- Walsh-Fourier the differences column and 2"n transform time together with amore general sums yields fast O lists shows previous column of Column H together differences column the explanation Table a,(u) requires multiplications, Fourier 1) addi- coefficients require fast 2"(2"- transform not of ee Bo of help the ac(u) obtained be may H with ..., B, A, values for this nunm- F(@) of fit square func- byastep represented is thus functions step these of a.(u) s are denoted 8 interval in the F(@) mean least isa that tion F(@) H. ..., by A, B, per values average The of be discussed. 2* = 8 will case special the illustration, For vals. y subinter all wide equ 2" into be divided interval FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 46 : the Sums while The ge- terms of The third a(0), a. Ga 'A fast Haar-Fourier transform may be derived forthe complete orthogonal systemof Haar functions [6]. This trans-— form may be even better suited for digital computations than the fast Walsh-Fourier transform (personal communi- cation from H.C. ANDREWS USCLA).
1.25 FAST WALSH-FOURIER Table 1. Fast 42 TRANSFORM Walsh-Fourier Par(soges0g) 17 ransform 0,0 tse +A+B HO) 0,0 +A+B+C+D 0,0 0,0 SE pet 1,0 =+A+B+C+D+E+F+G+ OO 0,0 SUS SnD) ) 0,0 So'3 ter 5 ee 0,0 0,0 CS 0 Al So 3 —A-B+C+D =-A-B-C-—D+E+F+G+H onion 00 Mas Goh Se 1 iy OTA 0‘ = la ok 0 aly Spe —A+B+C-D 0,1 A-B+C+D+E+F-G-H 01 -( Sy) haere +A-B+C-D 0 Se C854 0,0 0,0 a3; =+4+A-B-—C+D+E-F-G+H +H+F+G+D yh). 1hOPee Ose 8) Ae £ Oiier. 6.4 =+(5,')-8,', ) 4 33 Oe 3 0, 1,1 1 heyy eo =—A+B-C+D+E-—F+G-H —H+F+G-D 0 0 ita 3, ies! -(8)/, +83',) So’ ACS Ghee 2cii.). The fast Walsh-Fourier formula from the Walsh functions j/2]+ rela 2). Tayi Altea fai that ee of ee [j/2] = largest Ontors) = number As of difference integer evenyix 0) In PeeROn eee. o"= or transform a recurrence cee yal heey) =+A-—B+C—D+E-F+G-H +E-F+G—-D end ee. =-—A+B+C—D+E-F-G+H —E-F+G+D = 10 Same =s1l- for consider be represented by that follows (29): j/ 2),x sfi7)] or j.= =P Onl san yy amplitude an-example smaller can equation (91) equal #j odd pe= Oy or 14.9 = 0.2 .m; samples the term for j=3, p=1, k=0,
Br = (1) lac, This is of ol) Syd right corner x may be producedina binary ber. Division number The number to right j= 25 210111 The left the the binary point by one of the binary point is x. Example: 45 211-59 =1011.1, computation -.2'-1. is starts It follows from ay , k = 0....2"'-1, terms inthe [3/2] = [1/2] quire terms The second and can column sj while fast the 2" be only terms 2”' terms inverse computing the the ane with recursion g lil2h* 1, both coefficients formula difference 7 £(-4) ih?) j/2],x 7 Jue gli/2)* [j/2e] are the terms with yielding transform A, B,..., This for the of Bo ; git! ) and 2"-' terms zero or 1, [j/2] is H from the done ere One - = 0. obtained may be he re- available. may be ite coef- by inobtains the following j/2 k,m j,0 j,1 veg ek) be written = (4 piri?) Gone $ (4) F glk,m ) 1; x k+p,m-1 0 or Further x values k,m may These terms formulas: k+l, m-1 Both =_ Oa. the x = O are ,» since Walsh-Fourier recursion fromthe sum and two 1. aa ais jac = 0 that the computationof the PiCienvesstO) se aULeaws coe as(4). verting terms computed. Table the [j/2], =41410T1,) = [0/2] of Bet permit j may thus be O or The Fife place. = O cannot be computed, since this would terms aye andthe with [j/2] num- bya binary represented j be Let 2 shifts by the to and [j/2] quantities er as follows: comput p= lower terminthe the with identical Table. The by Ae = Wyeaee= 14/2) = (3/2) with Tbe rollows n=3o° FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 48 = largest = together 0 for j = integer in 6veny smaller one formula: S0er7 or (924 fore) equal 4). = ooae
1.31 GENERALIZED FREQUENCY 49 1.26 Generalized Laplace Transform The and Laplace its transform inverse GS) Vimo may be X(o,v) written | ECO Jer2? ci *™". of as a time function F(@) follows: ag 3) 0 F(@) = It be ef is apparent considered factor Baplace mark to that be Laplace F(@) functions in transform and (93) transform transform quadratically not from the (94) a Fourier makes e799 are that X(o,v)e2™"G9 may F(6@)e-?9 . The Fourier transformable integrable. generalized The follows notation real of F(6) of from re- this (94): ag(o,v) = f F(e)e?* £6(v,9)a9 (95) 0 Bevo,Vv) = f Fede # oCy,0 G0 0 co HCA} =m “eo?? J pe Co4 Vs AN) a,(o,v)f.(v,9)]dv(96) —co The do integrals the since integrals the vanish The (95) of factor not the e-%? sufficiently usual do the generalized might fast assumption have make for F(@) = lower limit Fourier -co as transform, them divergent. F(9) must large O for negative 6 < O is values used of @. here. 1.3 Generalized Frequency 1.31 Physical Interpretation of the Generalized Frequency is Frequency vidual Its per a parameter physical unit of Gerpreted time". as interpretation is normalized The “number of cycles in "number indi- cycles of v=fT is in- interval of du- frequency a time the or { sin 2nft}. {-cos 2nft} of the systems functions usual distinguishes that igeysiiewaieg hike The 4 generalized Harmuth, Transmission frequency of Information may be interpreted as "ave-
divided u is interpreted by 2". The generalized time interval of duration 1 divided frequency has the dimension [s"]: The (97) / Tae Lo een ie eH definitionof the generalized sen so that it coincides to sine lation 200 and the of per as sine to spaced It is useful need frequency oscillations; sal waves cy as in three well as is a for use one Consider Fig.2. may the i equals the interval the periodically new One reason is Walsh one -§ = 6 < #4 and continued number zero cros- spaced but it appli- not equally used 'sequency' is in that for the term connection with are transvera frequen- The there measure per i/f sign is will i/€ and of functions. are stretched by a factor § they gesinthe interval -#@ = 6 < 42; sequency is 'zps'. cal(i,@) number » = of second divided by 2", abbreviation the are term that functions half The or zero space which have crossings the of periodic. the already oscil- same frequency makes be sequency. zero the are equally even dimensional "average number of which whichis crossings another sine cycles per second zero m. cho- if applied a frequency'. introduce frequency frequency, 100 100, the not been One half the number functions whose to generalized damped has of the generalized which generalized Hz of of has For instance, second. cosine frequency that equals that and functions and 100 per second definition cable the frequency dimension Sings with functions. crossings crossings and cosine with zero per crossings number of zero "average as frequency generalized The normalized, by 2". time of unit per changes sign of number "average as or by 2" divided time of unit per crossings zero of number rage FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 1. 50 = the If the have 2i wy will sal(i,6) in changes in sequency of functions sign chan- be one half 'The number of sign changes per unit of time has been used to define an instantaneous frequency of frequency modulated sinusoidal-oscillations [7,2.5).
1.42 POWER the SPECTRUM, average! number of Sign i changes in an interval of du- Ae WEG Consider nued as Legendre They have interval number by a factor € and i/é normalized by the = periodically & makes the uu becomes conti— duration one half of interval time per changes sign the the Pp. Cie rand P.(@1,%.) of Fig. 17an changes in the interval -k = 9 < +4. sign them replaced example polynomials equal of Let a further 2i Stretching iG = FILTERING variables y non-normalized and the this average duration 8 in variables of sin2mvé f = v/T 1. be and BAUS sin 2nvé The = time tain base the angle. sin on (£1 )e = T drops three This functions, is sin 2nft out. (98) Sine and cosine parameters amplitude, not complete which so do for not have functions frequency systems sequency and of con- and phase orthogonal time base con- nected by multiplication. Walsh functions sal(y,98) or Legendre polynomials P,(u,8@) have a comma between yw and 0. Hence, the sal(u,6) These = substitutions sacbCpl! .b/'h)-, functions rameters » Vsal (p?, = S22), p/T and Ps (u,9) containin amplitude = their = t = 0T yield: PP, (ol,t/T) general (99) formthe V, sequency a, delay t,, and four pa- time baseT: VPs (pT ,t-tHD). 1.32 Power Spectrum, Amplitude Spectrum, Filtering of Signals One from may the interpret may from derive Fourier it as the frequency transforms frequency the sequency interpret the generalized function power + Gy and In analogy, spectrum. one function Fourier aé(v) (51) a,(v) and as(v) aé(y) transforms of + ag(u) He Cy) end derived ba. (uy I'The sequency of a periodic function equals one half the a nonncy number of sign changes per period. The sequeof chansign of number the s half one equal function periodic ges per unit of time, if this limit exists. 4*
FOUNDATIONS 41. MATHEMATICAL De notation the using integrated and coefficients: the for (59) of squared be (58) Let spectrum. power a sequency as (63) (62)-and of -/0 9) Oy a F*(e)d8 = —>dioee te a(+)f(S, e -Ff {a@r, Ferea + ai i See "i ee Pt, , oe + ag(h)te(F,e)1} a8 The integrals of the cross-products of different vanish sreliseotet ya functions due to the orthogonality of the functions. (075,64), yuela £2¢2 6,0 The inte- rand 2 oie, 82 multiplied by 1: ( F2(ayae = ytpazQ)5 + j/kSt ca2cd) + 02(4)I] =1/ eS apa —oo The be sum has the interpreted sum may be same as form the replaced as area by an that of under a (58). step integral for Hence, function large it may and the values of §& and y = y(&): a[ F?(o)a0 = f Caz(u) + a2(y)lau=#f[az(u) + a2 (u)]au (100) —-co Using non-normalized co notation one obtains: [o.e) J F’(t/T)at = Tf Car(pP) + a2(@T)]d(@T) TLaté(u) + az(u)]du ac(ulfc(u,9) to + as as atu) the has sequency if energy the the energy of ac(utdufc(u+du,e) as(u+du)fs(u+du,9), preted is the of dimension power integral the of spectrum signal power or (101) and of the acg(u)fs(u,8) F*(t/T) F(8). and sequency components may power is Hence, to inter- ena ery) + be interpreted density spec-— Tye UIT Using G(v) the = ACv) function + BCv) one may rewrite into the G(v), = $V2[ac(v) the frequency followings form: + Bel VIN power spectrum a2(y) + az (Cv)
1.32 POWER ey) SPECTRUM, + poy Use has power e=et been FILTERING hnCy) made spectrum eB Cy) of may (16), be DD = Cy) (19) rewritten and als eo G2 (52). The square not root power sequency cosine sequency + G2(-y) (103) Lac (vy) & EelGus may be interpreted amplitude spectrum. possible forthe and The follows: ai(u) + ag(u) = 4[A*(u) + B2Qu)] = Gu) frequency C102) square spectrum, functions Such root interpretation [a2(u) a since is an for is + eeu) 2a toratie of sine feature specific required as it!. Using the re- lation Mein« one + Bcosx may = rewrite (A° =i A + B*)'*cos (x - tg (52) as =) (104) follows: oo Mies V2) lacy) + 22(v)i!cos [emve Pac(v) + as(v)]"? = te = = Jdv (105) 0 Die stactor quency tude to amplitude of the that the phase do permit spectrum, oscillation angle Um have an not this Of a,(v) the the function Filters put signal scribed connexion @ ee Vary). ac(u) generally, into an operators. linear with denote and spectra the ampliregard of like the square as(u) are fre- without Systems theorem of vy as functions (104) root just do not [az(u) like + a,(v) of the even and odd part systems that change an in- F(é). more F(@) by describing Let or, interpreted frequency addition amplitude be since it represents with interpretation fs aero sie - However, and may The systems complete an output operator signal concept is of systems and of F,(@) linear particular of be de- operators importance orthogonal {f(j,9)} may in functions. a complete system cosine are required and sine of 1'The addition theorems in theorem chin Wiener-Chint the of derivation the for Hence, other systems of functions have no real notation. Walsh theorem. Wiener-Chintchin direct analogue to the the dyadic on functions have an abstract analogue based correlation function [F(8 )G(eer de.
1. 54 f(j,6) signal input or function to a particular of Application functions. orthogonal of FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL sig- an output generates nal g(j,6): the system functions all for hold = a(jar(,¢) Q Sa(402G5,8) = j=0 proportionality S* na(g)2(5,9) law superposition (107) law (108) j =0 Q may be afunction operator and variable; the of of j and system otherwise example plitude it they a linear, modulator. Let h(k,6) may be, e.g., carrier wal(k,9). carrier yields: 6. If describes are linear Q depends are and time-variable an input ted by the sum Da(j)f(j,9) asine carrier and is F(8@) be andthe carrier Amplitude linear ¢, 2sin modulation j=0 (5,9) It = bc, is best h(k,9) is the time time-invariant. system signal on the am- represen- by h(k,@) 2nké@ with or = Q. a Walsh suppressed F(a )h(k,8) = aF(8) = a S'a(gj)£(5,8) = S'a(gde(3,8) if of (t£(J.0 7): Qa(g)f(j,8) An law superposition the and law proportionality the linearif called 9 is operator The (106) cy ACH = yo. (109) j=0 ef Cn.6) to use a Walsh Walsh functions carrier wal(j,@) wal(k,6). One for f(j,8) obtains for gCg,8): e(j,8) If = wal(k,@)wal(j,0) h(k,§8) functions tem isasine = wal(k@j,0) carrier Ve sin 2nk§ f(0,@), {f(j,8)}. one should use V2sin2mie and V2cos 2mi8 for the The functions g(j,8@) are then g(0,8) = V2 sin Snke g(2i,0) = cos 2n(k-i)@ g(2i-1,9) = sin 2n(k-i)® + fezeo, 21, Stade eee 9 cos 2n(k+i)9 sin 2n(k+i)e eee the sys-
1.32 POWER The SPECTRUM, definition lopment of differential to time invariable The by If a (106) OEC3 to invariable for described the of a filter. = The steady. nal F(8) Curpus el Geb) ey sponse are output. have signal It to has time; its is often credited be been widespread to a a linear of operator form 9 and functions in this of and the an hand side {f(3,6 )}, 9. Equation case: eigenfunction of function are (110) and phase state of has 9 even to. be re- f[j,6@-6(j)]. described shirt. Vcosenft a,(f) is the by voltage electrical the This applied frequency description to the input V,(f)cos[enft+a,(f)] = and a-(v) are called frequency re- phase shift. Fourier transforms F (9) if The frequency functions -2logV.(f )/V attenuation follows from Let a,(v) an and input sig- a,(v). The (52): ye [ {a,(v)Kg(v)coslanve 4. a, (v))+ a ale) 0 + ag(v)Ke(v)sin[2nve + a,(v)]}dv w= VoCV)/V3- The for of ope- Q long f(j,98) of filters —2logV,.(v)/V sponse require eigenfunctions shifted a voltage appears at the then differential not theory of communication of attenuation that restricted C1110) right time characteristics assumes deve- Ch, 6) frequency response was operator. system. following baie by the Inthe a by the It is convenient to-call placed does communications choose Se DCL ou it during coefficients, necessarily definition the systemof assumes Poi changed First [1]. choose 8) not time into systemis may has theory. mathematicians omeviesiree one or by WUNSCH book linearity but present introduction DD operators with constant a differential used of communication to rators. FILTERING description of 8 = £0, of attenuation telephony usually filters. described 9 = t/T. filters and phase Matched by means means by shift of frequency is eminently filters, the of re- suited on the other hand, pulse response. A
is voltage output the of shape the and input the to applied §(8) function Dirac the of shape of the pulse voltage FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 4. 56 reference to sine and cosine funcD(@) tions is required. Which system of functions is used for description of afilteris strictly a matter of convenience. No is determined. Let the the input voltages of Vfc(y,9) a filter f.(u,8) and fs(u,9) ralized Fourier and instead are the transform of same (63). attenuation. term tions other than between input sisting of are sine filters Walsh coils and that resistors sine and and tions. Such tions than Let forms a cosine but a,(u) are sine-cosine F(8) and the Let and delaybe -2 log Vo(u)/V, The output By Ce) = signal fla Gu Ku and one attenuate sine and described con- fo4a.e0 may design storages, and delay cosine func- Walsh func- by functions. have a.(u). relations integrators, will func- filters F.Gi,6)) distort delay, to simple for However, better called applied These If which will are be exist functions. filters by cosine. voltage multipliers, switches, signal @5(u) cannot capaciters contain functions, [u,8-85(u)] and and output and gene- be shift' steady in the -2log Vc(u)/V and -2 log V.(u)/V @,.(u) 'phase The The functions at Let the occur occur the Since onft. to voltages V5(u)fs called Vcos that applied shall and output. be state Ve(u)f.[u,8-8c(u)] filter Vfs5(u,8) follows generalized the steady state -2log Vs(u)/V from )fCu,8-86(u Fourier and trans- attenuation @c(u), & (ur 0-06(u)] dau (64): ]+a(uKs(u flu, 0 KeCu) = VeCu)/V, Comparison Gov) would sine put of Kg(u) (111) = V5 Cu) /V. and (112) occurs in (711), Gut Met occurif and shows kec,) that end frequency filters would cosine voltage RAVES Vsin functions onft of would tage V.(f) sin [2nft+a,(f)] the then same only a g(v). K,(v) Such distinguish frequency. produce rather than VC the and terms between The output invol- oa [enftt+a(f)].
1.343 EXAMPLES Such a distinction OF POWER time-variable frequency Filters the between circuit filters based sine given later sine sine and are and and a7 sine element which on periodic tween SPECTRA and An cosine can linear cosine cosine cosine. and requires thus and not some occur in time—invariant. pulses rather functions than distinguish exaof sucha filter mpl e on be- will be on. 1.33 Examples of Walsh Fourier Transforms and Power Spectra Fig.21 shows transforms epeceraas time G(u), (a) functions a,(u), F(@), as(u) their and their Walsh-Fourier sequency power enae(u): G(u) = 472 f F(e)Lcal(u,8) + sal(u,eiae ac(u) = aV2[GCu) pacer act + Gl-u)], as(u) = aVetGCu) - GC-y)] = G (a) + G°C=1) F(8) {waOe) (113) : G(u) Loa ac (j1) a a5 (Ww) ad (u)+a2 (1) accel prsRit a 2 2 2waigze)—L_,_L_ ee ata ee eee fae —{ft— —1 _ 6 cal(,8) -—f>+ Lp en — 1A ———__ —n.n— 7ol(26) FPA —_____ _n__ 4 sal(18) -—f—+- —{fH—_- a sh Serer V2 Fig.21 a1 4 V2 -4 — 0 i_it—} 4 -4 i 0 4 4-4 F(@), their Some time functions forms ag(u) eee)! may by apower' as(u) ac(u), G(u), One —_-__-. yp nt 0 | on 8 sal (3,8) oF-HEL+ ak a eee fe = see of CC) that 2 in andtheir 4 +—_1 do tt 4 4 0 4 -4 Walsh-Fourier sequency power 0 4 trans- spectra eG (a). compression the of time-domain the ames, produces lolleyele jouilksie a proportional
is yu <@. -©< interval whole the in value stant a con- has G(y) transform Its limit. in the obtained 6(8) function delta The G(u). of the transform stretching FOUNDATIONS MATHEMATICAL 1. 58 G(y) of the further see, that the transform ‘sequency-limited'. pulsesinlines 1,4,5,-.,8 are One may Walsh This is that analysis, a time-limited quency-limited in shown to Fourier Fig.6 Fig.1 for known sine the The cannot Walsh-Fourier time-bandwidth infinite transform sequency idth inthe case of Walsh-Fourier bandw A class limited of may cal(i,®@) time be and functions inferred sal(i,@) -—3 = 90 = 4%. Their that from vanish of Walsh PCOS) =o = Let have F(6) the = course to transform. and sequency- Walsh time pulses interval transforms vanish outside and sequency-limited: sal(i,@) = vant spe O for |@| transform aee oe (114) > G(u). It holds: (115) > cle The orthogonality generalized catly, The the of the = yp s +(i+1) o0r-i = yp = +i. consisting of a finite nun- Walsh-Fourier the Walsh-Fourier avoids of |e| > 4 = Ooms!) iH time time outside Sie G Jeet G6) izl cal(i,@) F(@) = O for to is 0 wal (OCG wal(0,9) GCs pulses are Fig.21. Walsh-Fourier the sequency intervals -(i+1) Hence, any time function F(@) ber refers bandwidth according products Fourier fre- transforms pulses ordinary analysis; Fourier havea Fourier cosine and of result function transform. go onto infinity. troublesome the well the to contrast in of a systemof Fourier transform. functions is invariant transform and that includes the Hence, one may write G(y) expli- af the coefficients alO), a,(4) and a.(i) Gr the (114) are known. Let g(0,u), eli.) and 2.4 sa denote the Walsh-Fourier transforms of wal(0,@), cal(i,é@) and sal(i,®@). One obtains the transform Gu) of F(A): expansion { GCu) = aCO)g(O,u) + Difa, (idecli,u) + as(ides(igu)] i=0 (176)
1.33 ecm EXAMPLES OF POWER Uncuionere(O,u)5 shown may in Fig.21, readily larger 59 2201s). second infer values SPECTRA the 6c Cin), sees B.S, column, shape lines of Vey g,(i,y) and eo WZ wal (0,0) |wal(0,8) Wz 12 (2 sin 2n6 ¥2 sin 270 WwW? Wy2 z cos 2n0 W2 cos 210 1NZ uz \2 sin 416 V2 sin 410 W2 v V2 cos 416 ee -15 eS -10 a5 yipetor i. of WZ SNe eare sey Oe Oe \2 cos 410 EEE 0 5 10 15 -F -10 3 0 5 10 15 Fig.22 (left) Walsh-Fourier transforms G(y) of the sine and -cosine pulses derived from the elements of Fig.‘1. Fig.23 (right) coefficients of the expansion of the periodically continued sine and cosine elements of Fig.1 in a series of periodic Walsh functions cal(i,®) and sal(i,é@). Fig.22 cosine One pulses may formed the that readily functions and cosiné functions. The spectra. Fourier The Walsh-Fourier vanish see is ag(i) functions band of the in transforms the Fig.2% the of shows of the expansion a series spectraofFig.22 to interval orthogonality preserved. analogy series outside how and a;(i) a(O), cients Sine shows Fourier of are transform corresponding of sine -% \A = the the and 9 < %. transcoeffi- of periodic periodic Walsh by line replaced of periodic a pulse function and is evident. power s the frequency show ee G-(-\) storie first five Fig.24 Poca spectra ae(v) + a6(v) and cosine pulses sine
of TRANSMISSION 2.DIRECT 60 continuing obtained by interval v < 0. Walsh-Fourier the Civicne continuation This spectra power for even as them transform are into the is of muchless G(y), interest G(v) transform since they the 0 <©o functions Fourier the for than -co< interval whole in the curves The signals. under of energy the represents T by multiplied curves the area The Fig.45. of pulses block the and Fig.9 are or always ia CivOiaiss 2. Direct Transmission of Signals 2.1 Orthogonal Division as Generalization of Time and Frequency Division 2.11 Representation of Signals Consider ber of having sets of atelegraphy characters. 32 characters. 5 coefficients character 1: character 2: In An general, alphabet example It is with value +17 +17 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +17 +1 +1 -1 may afinite the teletype to represent usual +1 the characters containing is +1 or nun- alphabet them by -1; etc. consist of sets of m coef- 2: 6?) +62(-) —= 4 766 V—_ = 33d 7 ot 40fF[Hz)-~ 468 Pig.24 Frequency power spectra a2(v)+a2(v) = G2(v)+G2(-yv) of the sine and cosine pulses of Fig.9. a) £(0,8); b) £(1,6),£02,9)3 co) $C,0),PC4 6) Comverd te the frequency power spectrum of the block pulses of Fig.4 if they have five times the energy of the block pulse of Fig.9. The frequency scale in Hertz holds for T = 150 ms.
2.11 REPRESENTATION ficients having fues*+1 or SIGNALS arbitrary 61 values rather than just the va- -1. The following omer O), Ay(1),---ay(§j),---a,(m-1) notation is appropriate character The representation another tions important f(j,9). of characters representation. Let by time m time be multiplied functions and the products of the character representation C7) functions Consider the a,(j) efficients added. be func- co- by the obtains One func- time by the y m-) Pr(0)=>, a, (i)£(5,8) The from coefficients functions The are malizedinthe obtained grating ¥Y(6) a,(j) may orthogonal. product; f(k,0)' 2 be regained et em eequal eye) oe tlie Fig.3. Fy(@) teletype The = F,(6) at sampling time The frequency j=0 1/2 5; Let functions as proper a@y(0), F,(8) £0),0.°are voltage of times. also by time of Fig.4 f(j,v). = ay(k) equal sblock of +1 shown pulses the (3) and in of usual may transmitted by the obtained by amplitude terms transmission the division or process: shape current a,(j) be Hence, pulses functions 'correlating time. coefficients may and this the the or nor- inte- a,(3) then and the f(k,@) for ay(2), if a,(k) expression used has linearly coefficient J £(5,8)fCk,8)d8 function of Fig.3 multiplex block V2 is simple orthogonal The with shorter Siay(j) represents signals F,y(9) m-1 vequali—1. be -$ = 6 < 4. the values of the signal Let them individually {f(j,9)} particularly is generally -1/2 aeiwy is by multiplying the with process interval J Fy(e)£(k,0)d0 by (2) F,(6), if the system of functions independent. Mir is Pee): TLOM is in case: this the OF also are be used. interpreted as The character y is then repre- If FY(v) is applied sented by the frequency function Fy(v).
to usual terms for Recovery in time is not or by means of frequency of Theoretical racters these in is always this that is more freedom represent How m-dimensional, is of this by chavector orthogo- rectangular vectors of of time application. representation equals the integral for or The number than frequently space. case. the larger pos- division a particular having the unit functions £7(3,0)ae the is orthogonal there for signal to Consider vectors orthonormal 1/2 in a related coordinates computation is much Hence, sampling functions’. division system by vectors functions? tesian of best by further appropriate functions are of orthogonal terms investigations representation nal are division. the without orthogonality The orthogonal systems for their of these division coefficients systems (4). multiplex advantage choice domain of to voltages transmission. of transmitted for most according useful type frequency orthogonal or the possible Recovery sible of this recover frequency or multiplex Frequency filters. output the sampling by coefficients the one may filters, bandpass frequency 5 suitable TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 62 e;. the The square car- length of the f(j,86): =e,6, i (4) ae -1/2 The scalar vanishes connection sentation since product they between may thus of are two vectors e; and perpendicular to each orthogonal be function expressed by the and e,, j # xk, other. vector The repre- orthogonality re- lation: 1/2 J £C3,0)f(c,8)ae@ =e.0, = 8, (5) -1/2 A character y is represented by the vector F, in signal 'More than one amplitude sample is then needed to compute the coefficients. Such a processis, however, a method to compute the integral (4) and thisis not what is generally understood as time or frequency division.
2.11 REPRESENTATION OF SIGNALS 69 space: m-1 = 2 ay (J) ej Instead early (6) of morthogonal independent tained, if linearly As the one This functions may also use representation f(j,9) are not m lin- is ob- orthogonal but independent. a practical F,(8) vectors vectors. composed example of 5 sine consider and a cosine teletype elements character OC Oe Cua oaT@ calle aaed OF myo) = a,(0)r(0,8) + a, (1/2 sin 400+ + a,y(3)Ve2 sin 676 —eeeei<oe, T-equals is 150 9 = 150 ms, a,(j) are an on-off of if val = 6 < at the output =tes amuch-used to #. The the time a output standard. of voltages dueto traces a negative the of shows 32 (-1). This system, a& +1 signal and those 2sin2n8 of symmetry ending added of at to -1 the tion. The elements V2sin 2n@ imi? » fomethis ‘reason. F,(6) with voltages five inter- integra- a,(j) the 16 between is (+1) indicates a negative instead O for of of the interval each of the characters of the teletype system. In an on-off lack the reach apositive value value or receiver output tracesvior value apparent +1 the oscillograms sume The and at during teletype O coefficients coefficients 52 different the character during the time 5 integrators 5 output 16 of Fig.25 the are the The The voltages values s.1 [here 16 teletype to f2cos6n6. 6 = 4. voltages alphabets. (7) 5 multipliers which multiply f(0,6@) 00<a and of +1 or -1 forabalanced system, system. Let F,(@) be applied represent (7) duration 5 multipliers are integrated -§ tors the whichis 5 functions the + ay(4)f2 cos 4n8 + t/'D. ms simultaneously the ay(2)V2cos4n8 caused traces value the by for = 4% a balanced would at traces an 9 9 as= #. ending additional for synchronizacharacters and V2cos ené do not appear
2. 64 Fig.25 ents DIRECT Detection +1 and -1 by of 42 different composed of sine Duration of the All t he three discussed coefficients Ss entation of functions f(j,8) F y(9). Some p 1one, m vectors coefficients the signals, are usually presentation The by by e; one representation as coefficients time will signals pulses. 450 eis. of signals contain vector one the Fy, time voltage of functions. be coeffici- teletype « ine permit by such as the output available the cross-—correlation and representations a,(j). of TRANSMISSION discussed 1 the time function a microTheir in re- 2.134. 2.12 Examples of Signals Fig.c6a Signal shows space. functions for two characters The same the block characters pulse Ore = 4ECO58), FYCe) are f(0,9) Seul(C4) sis) ye Bee) F,=e = =2.0,89 and shown or the F,= below Walsh -e, in as time pulse
2.12 EXAMPLES OF rae) SIGNALS Cm 65 wal (0,6) £0.87 eal -1/2 6 24/2 Fig.2e6 Characters dimensional signal Figs.26d, e andf tors the Fo = e, and e,, characters @, + e,, or (4.8) 6 V2 represented by points in one and spaces and by time functions. two- show characters vec- from two of Fig.26d F,= @,- have 0,, constructed functions. the F,= following -e, from Writtenindetail, +0, , form: F,= -e,- e, or Cop asni Or +e.o yey G0)e= 100,68) BRCG) = =000, Oo ret 10) oF, (e er-f00,8) or ie Cope a= wallGO 6) e=ssalC1 F,(@) 5 =-wal(0,0) - =1f(15.0) = £(1,0) 8); Fy Ce) = wal(0,6) + sal(1,6) sal(1,@), F3(8@) =-wal(0,6@) + sal(1,86) Harmuth, Transmission of Information
functions these of posed the Fig.26d; below shown £(1,6), £(0,9), functions Te uc) to com- F,(8) them. above shown are F,(@) are sal(1,0) and wal(0,@) characters TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 66 Be es te} P-saca -i72 6 V2-1/20 W2 Fig.27 Characters represented by points in a two-dimensional signal space and by time functions. Nn The plied terms to vectors assume like a binary, the or 2, characters functions 3 or "binary character Fig.27a sentation are character" the of and quarternary Fig.26, since multiplied by values. are more not one be shows terms if function. characters of socalled trans-— The characters read invector repre- follows: a that that applicable, vectoror ap- individual coefficients Fig.27 generally than the may three alphabet. as of 4 different consists shows orthogonal ternary
2.12 EXAMPLES OF SIGNALS 67 Fo= #¥3e, + #e,, F, = ORT Cty a SO a e, is multiplied by one of the three coefficients V3, 0 or -gV3, e, by one of the two coefficients -mor t=). rit the vectors e, and e, are rotated relative to the signal points, representa are obtained tions ferent coefficients efficients for the functions are shown for e, and f(0,@) Rpegoe= eV 570056) shows alphabet: Fo,=e,, Ee); than The tain two Signal gonal The Paco look very if or All CHig vectors similar the 27a) equals UF, a If than a Il alee TEC F, y i (v3 the by shown 5* characters one vectors integrals e,) of by: (5). the of a socalled bior- to those of Fig.26d. The characters are composed of functions. show have cars—.h, distances points the same signal points and of between the transortho-— distance 0 to cer- 1, F,-F, . The from 1 to each 2 and square of 3: (F, - F))’ = (-8¥3e, - $e,) zi of -sal(1,0) F,= -e,- signal from Fr,— Fos length composed and F,(@) = +sal(1,0) characters linesinFig.27 points. eres their four vectors alphabet other. co- - #sal(1,6) disappears, dashed dif- model: F,= -e,; characters more Signals e,. orwal(0,@) - $sal(1,8), the thogonal similarity for three different + $£(1,80) = -#/3wal(0,8) These have ortwo + ££(1,9), oF, ce) =ieC4, ey, F,(0) = #¥3wal(0,0) Fig.27b that vector, £(1,@) vector F,(@) = -BV3f(0,6) F,(8) three and the below each =-f+h-=3 ar eae I I 2 are must products It follows: represented replace of the by functions scalar products respective rather by functions the as
TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 68 fer, (e) - #,(e)}?ae = ft-#V3e(0,0) - 32(1,8)7 ae fte,(e) - F,\Ce)}ae = ‘ft av3e(o,e) - 32(1,0)?ae (tp,(e) -F,(e)]?ae = f [¥ar(07,0)7* de "=93 2 | \N -1/2 -1/2 I WN -1/2 1/2 -1/2 -/2 to obtain must be added to the the character F, (0). 1/2 i [P,(9) - F,(8)]’ 48 is the energy required to transform F,(@) character Ea character V2 [FY (6 de =1/2 of the sents order in F,(@) character into that function is the - F,(@) F,(@) } : if F,(@), is the energy of the character distance the of energy a of signal that point F,(6). from 7 integral the the The square Mar origin repre- character. Fig.28 Characters represented by points in a threedimensional signal space. Fig.28 spheres shows represent vectors ferent tances c are depend characters represent the @,), from distances @, and e, composed of three signal points. between are between the adjacent chosen points in The values of the coefficients orientation stance the , four characters of of vectors. The between them rods points. Normalization is signal The adjacent shown. Figs.26 and 27. It equal. on the the the unit so that No is dif- the dis-— Figs.28a, invector vectors unit b and space e;. For in- transorthogonal alpha-
2.12 EXAMPLES bet of Fig.28 OF may Cogs Ay ee my - Oe, SIGNALS be 69 written - Wayge, F, = -Fe, + Ve, = 5 2) 28) F,= 0€, + Z72\3e, all four The energy Boe of follows: Pay, iV3e, 0@, + as characters is equal: Fi = FRR Fj 8 The distances between the four signal points are also equal: eh ge 2 lead 2 seem erate coy Sipe 7=sic3.8) Co . ie ee jae Se a OO eel HE —o | a tse AEs La) rere alee 19005 £28) Fig.29 1 Characters of Fig.28 Fig.29a by three two pulses £(0,0), case the is reasonable opposed the of to signal simple £(1,9) wal(0,8), Walsh pulses In following represented by time functions. shows arepresentation of these block as by three it cal(1,8) points vector the are four alphabet coordinate located representation on characters f(2,0) -sal(1,8) biorthogonal orient and as well ~cal(1,0)< and Fig.28b, of system each results: so axis. that The
These characters Walsh functions be writmay Fig.28c co- the of if the axes form, of the cube at their the surfaces intersect system ordinate of alphabet simple a particularly in ten in Fig.29b. the of characters The shown three or pulses block three of composed are F5= -@ Fre*=03, 0 Fp="—€;,, -Fi> @) see Fz = e7> Fo= 6p, TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 70 centers: Fy =@) +e, +@ F, = -e9+e, +; + 6; —'4, F, -@, EC oneOy a es Fe eet Ogae, Fa Ss f=6, -e, —'e, F, =-e,-6, -@, Fo =e, Fig.29c shows pulses if and The perspicuity characters four or m+1 of a) m+1 are b) The qual. mination There ber of ditional for are the This One alphabet between (m-1) m+1 0. al- alphabets al- may compose from m he func- coef- foliosaes computation: characters is the + m+1 equal. (m-2) characters This +....+ can are O- 1 = -m(m-1) characters. equat are ions available m(m+1) conditions. m+1 e.g., binary by m(m+1) y = 0... their true, conditions. m + coefficients is andthe computation. m1, lost, readilybe specified Transorthogonal for all m between of #m(m+3) of may is The biorthogonal c. available of block vectors. characters are specified distances distances A total and yields three three functions. the J = Os... energy statement of representation of atransorthogonal a,(j)} The or of considerable These conditions vector alphabets Figs.29b characters fielents the vectors require tions. of characters phabets composed pulses. consist of more than some more the ready of characters Walsh the characters for these three =-e,+e, coefficients. be chosen for the deter- A considerable freely or fixed numby ad-
2.13 AMPLITUDE SAMPLING al 2.13 Amplitude Sampling and Orthogonal Decomposition The sampling a Signal and cosine cies [1..6]. Hertz by KLUVANEC [7]. tions that a and = Ap per in is if limited eH ee into the signals cussed later evident on. without turns frequency -4 s v = 4%. Legendre polynomials, phase system angle I! to of v = fT etc. are sine-cosine $n being introduced withno > % may decom- for 1(6+3)., (649 : .sequency will be that disit de 1, transform of be pulses, suitable to is be the in the pulses, functions. will ha- expanded outside Walsh simplify = V2 sin (2riv+én) eetmdie components vanish 2(2i-1,v) series Tt simple = f2cos (aniv+ar ) 21, a its sin used, The the result: 1 ewe in so pulses a= 0 FOr eveeeer and Vo <= — es ded to result fed@2kerat) Fourier a frequency of system that Sine-cosine ZC The be sam- amplitude It will be shown functions F(8) functions g(0,v) g(j,v) out signal orthogonal interval following Walsh interval calculation. limited anormalized of It of states functions of inthe equivalent orthogonal Corresponding composed A frequency series The zps. func- theorem by 2Ap in in generalized been sampling amplitude incomplete wetinnto aes oo limited a measured determined of orthogonal sequencies signal is mathematically position ving with determined is that section, this Ap has frequen- measured a superposition of completely second sine is sampling KLUVANEC's that with Af if systems complete f£,(pt,t/T) 2nft states, periodic completely is theorem sampling other of cos second per consisting signal O = ples This analysis and 0 = f = Af Inessence, fe(ol,t/T) 2nft samples for Fourier a superposition sin interval amplitude of of functions the in 2df by theorem consisting these poe (8) < ate G(yv) of pulses: a signal F(§) is expan-
V2sin(enive+dn )+a(2i V2cos(ariv+ar)] 7 (a (2i-1 G(v)=a(0)+ TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. Ye iz] 1/2 av 2cos(anivedm = f° Gv) etait pile = Le aCOy =e 1/2 (9) = di G(v)V2sin( eniv+gn )dv aC2t=1) -1/2 The inverse Fourier transform co F(8) = [ [G(v)C cos anvé + yields F(8): sin 2nve Jdv —oo The sum G(v) (9) is is zero substituted for G(v). outside the interval Keepinginmind -% = v = % one that obtains: F(@ )=a(0) seul Sin.78 >)[a(2i~1 SER PE) 1a (21 SER OEE) (10) A frequency by limited a series functions. of It the signal F(@) incomplete follows from are orthogonal. One may ating the integral © Sinn(@+k) sin 1(0+; ee Kgs £25 a os The OF ae [lc obtained at the functions a(0), by sampling times @ = prove represented system 1.13 it be of ais that these directly by func- evalu- = 6, (11) eee coefficients be de thus orthogonal section tions (Saas may t/T ee a(2i-1) the = QO, 41, and and amplitude t2, &.. aa a(2i) of of the FOr are (10) signal anstence, zero for may F(0) bi 8 = 0 and $4509 is 1. Hence, it holds F(O) = a(0). It follows and tion a(2i-1) of F(8) from may (11) also by ae be that the coefficients a(2i) decomposi- functions. a(O)-= f p(o Sin ged) ae =) a(0), obtained by orthogonal FCO) fer jg = “ately = Rai? for y= a(2i—1) = FU) «fore 4 ey <7
2.14 CIRCUITS The FOR equivalence decomposition A, Sinemy,8 and pling these would a(2i-1). amplitude and with additional. orthogonal limited sigoscillations discrete of number B, cos 2nv,é6 again 73 sampling Vi > @ Deradded to (6). filter with cut-off frequency oscillations, v = % would and amplitude sam- yield the coefficients a(0), a(2i) and decomposition of the new signal F(9) + Orthogonal since yield contribution: the sinn (6+ ]—== o43 and (21° B, cos ary,6 and A, sin 2mv,8 functions : JCFC@ )+A,sinery 6+B,cos2ny,9 a(0); yields also cos 2my,e) (eh, cllenv,@.+0By a(2i-1), no DIVISION restricted to frequency finite ideal lowpass suppress of is not a Let nals. An ORTHOGONAL ae: ge sinn(0+ nora) Oo -Co veos tt, Thood, fp o> 4/22je85=°t/T. It remains lations do to not tion D(@) be with frequency be yield added |v| then be zero inthe the Fourier outside time any to that which interval -# interval. The two each bands of oscil- either. Let a func- contains no oscillation > #. The Fourier transformof the to continuous contribution F(@), transformof this orthogonal shown (13) other and = v = %. Onthe same hand, 1S) TCO+ 9 Fourier must other sint(84+ functions the D(@) ZErO transforms are thus must for hold the functions: f v(o Se Sin nttsDag =O TC (14) O+ 9 2.14 Circuits for Orthogonal Division’ Fig.30 shows FG transmitter, 4 £41. ted block a,(j) 5 coefficients generator a generates which are diagram by orthogonal 5 functions orthogonal The five coefficients by voltages, See [1] -[11] which for amore for have detailed A function division. £(0,0)...f£(4,8) in the interval ay(O)...ay(4) a constant of transmission the are value discussion of at the -T = represenduring the circuits.
74 2. DIRECT TRANSMISSION s are multiplied tion f(j,@) interval -#T = t < #1. The func The M. multipliers. the in a,(j) by the coefficients R are added by the resistors five products a,(j)f(j,9) and RA. It is enters and transmitted then f£(j,8) used in the cients. with each M. FG signal is 5 functions for the coeffi- and retransmitter the in The the one of transmitter as carriers generators Function gh throu the amplifier 5:multipliers to applied simultaneously multiplied receiver the signal is resulting The TA. amplifier operational the ceiver must the received be synchronized. The 5 product of s signal with the functions I during integrators the at the integrator tages a,(O) to ay(4) Another set at the of five a,(4) is transmitted functions f(0,@) to inthe transmitter these functions representing -3T s t < #7 in are integrated -#T = t < #T. outputs time the and represent terval $#T = t < 31. Transmitter the vol- the coefficients represent t = #7. coefficients denoted receiver are required periodic coefficients T = $7 in The by a,(0) to during the interval 4#T = t < 317. The f£(4,8) of the function generator FG and are the f(j,9) interval with period a,(j) transmitter are the coefficients The integrators again. Hence, T. The voltages during the interval changed ay(j) in the suddenly during at the in- receiver are Receiver Acca aah @) Block diagram for signal transmission by orthogonal functions f(j, FG0). function generator, Mmultiplier, Pigeon TA transmitter amplifier, RA receiver ampliier.
2.14 CIRCUITS reset at FOR t = 4T ORTHOGONAL and start DIVISION 1 integrating the voltages vered from the multipliers during the interval For be practical augmented modems are delivered by use a the to at the time diagram the 4T < t < 37. Fig.30 circuit. has coefficients into the required the at obtained desired to Furthermore, the coefficients #T into of transform transmitter also to transform ver block synchronization required to the deli- a,(j) form the and recei- form. + —— wal (0,8) sal (1,8) cal (1,8) gal (2,8) cal (2,6) sal (3,6) Fig.31 for perio- cats.) ave weaken nuney tons. By banea— ry counter, X multiplier = half adder, z input for trig- Generator sal (4,8) Wa Cea ger pulses, sal(5,8) set pulses. n input for re- cal (5,8) sal (6,8) cal (6,8) sal (7,0) cal (7,8) sal (8,8) Fig.31 shows repeated cally sal(i,é@). This a for circuit Walsh functions circuit is the on the periodi- cal(i,@) or wal(j,6) based of generation and multiplication functions wal(j,6) as given by (1.29). Binary counters B1 to B4 produce the functions wel 15600 = = sal(4,@) and = sal(2,6@), wal(7,9) sal(1,9), wal(3,0) in Fig.41 shown = sal(8,@). The multipliers wal(15,9) theorem of the produce tem The of from Walsh function these Rademacher functions wal(0,9) functions sal(1,0), isaconstant the complete cal(1,0),.., positive sys- sal(8,9). voltage. The
2, only. Comparison adder shows i poses no functions circuit for the of tion -V. The generaliza- a negative voltage 1 for output an and difficulties. fay and Consider counters a Walsh rather depend are the counters. There are a frequency discrete sine switching sently compare between sequency of “1018 = zps of the 10 frequencies of at 100 of having 20 or aging the MHz the such will binary It is a million representative zps time. were a a generator circuits 10® GHz of the sequency This restricts 10 of problems. of digital present to one delivering from binary A total driving On the other hand, 10ns. (b). can be obtained. their simplicity functions Gzps adder any generator foramulfunctions half Fig.31. produce fastest 100 ps and Walsh in synthesizer functions. times to drift the a functions accuracy no to of shown pulse to for generator Walsh The trigger worthwhile that as required functions. on 4 different adders possible function than 048 576 19 half of values higher with Table 2. Truthtables tiplier fortwo Walsh pe +V voltage a positive for stands O output an if adders, half be may Fig.31 in multipliers the that with that of the half table truth this of in +1 0r -1 values the assume functions Walsh since Table shown as table truth a having gates are multipliers TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 76 are pre- the highest = 100 Sine Mzps waves produced to with decades ago. Fig.32 phase of shows stable Fig.1and9. demacher a sine The functions, function and binary from fundamental sinusoidal three the times In practical generator cosine oscillations counters which functions. frequency of the applications it for is B1 the and generation for the of pulses B2 produce Ra- filters extract the harmonic has The first fundamental better to oscillation. leave out the
2.14 CIRCUITS FOR ORTHOGONAL DIVISION rae cos478 sin4n8 Fig.32 iGrous. Generator for phase locked 8 binary counter, F filter, pulses. x andy are filters and functions to by a complementary produce outputs a better superposition sine and z input of cosine funcfor trigger the counters. approximationof the of Rademacher sine functions. g Vy=-\j cal(i,8) cal (i,8) \,cal (1,8) -cal (i,8) sal(1,8) \V,sal(1,8) -sal (i,8) cal(k,8) V,cal (k,8) —cal (k,8) b Fig.33 Multipliers by Walsh function multiplication b) multiple There multiplies for the multiplication of an arbitrary a single multiplication, functions. are three two basic voltages (e.g. types that of can filter bank). The first values only, multipliers. assume two
circuits. by logic V, arbitrary having sume a few type. Voltage output any V, terminal field emission equal -V, ground inverting nal must The bitrary mented sistors ally FETis of at be basic voltages. by Hall and type In effect quad circuit. It where of this only. V, The may have (-) also non- this multipliers, elements. multiplier. to V, multiplies type can field etc. A tran- are due Fairly ar- imple- emission shows usual V;. two be devices applications the termi- equal Fig.433b. in These Fig.34 from inverting the multiplier must The and shown V3 terminal V, is the if conducting. requires am- non-inverting grounded, at of deviates The is input temperature drift, price, diode -1 non-conducting. principle, logarithmic or be This V,. canas- FET multiplier this -V;, fully inverting Let that rang ofe the operational unsatisfactory for practical the tive the bring voltage example +1 amplifier the terminalisthen third impedance, is to or an wor as ks follows: transistor potential. shows values voltage of (+) also variation the The circuit input to the assumes within A. plifier Fig.43a equals either+V, voltage value only. values V, withavoltage values a multiplies type second The implemented is of multiplier type This V. -1 V and +1 say TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. VAS. usu- to low suitable a representa- one by not using transformers. Fig.34 n The voltage Multiplier V, in Fig.33a using diode assumes the quad. values +1 or -1
2.14 CIRCUITS only and ry Four binary 16 values. field ORTHOGONAL may be considered digit. assume FOR emission complicated P.SCHMID. one voltage Fig.45 the is be digits transistors and amore to to represent network. available in amplifier yields accuracy. charging this the switch The switch capacitor. is usually The by of the form. feedback of voltage that input voltage with the integrator by dis- practical a field but output the s resets four Suchamultiplier capacitive an can one in Fig. 44a results, digital The bina- that requires the excellent proportional to the integral great than yields anintegrator. operational multiplier rather by one avoltage resistor It be must shows Ves, represented Acorresponding is due DIVISION implementation emission of transistor. s R v,(t) principle circuits This the for circuit pulses integrator for the sine makes sin2nit/T following output Ce). function of of the generator function. functions. pulses fact, v,(t) suffice Superior Fig.36 shows according to Fig.‘. that cos 2nit/T are sine and cosine eigenfunctions of equation: y(-sT)-yQT), v,(t) any of y'C-8T)=y"CeT) amplifier A; fv, Goldee~ (R05) fv voltage pce) = CRC, use cosine and voltage = CRO, output The and differential ae tty = 0, pire tnt The and detection are available for special a detector Integrator mac ret Multiplier, in Fig.45 t = -v2(t) of Fig.36 0b ae. (15) is (16) of A, equals: Sh ry Celet I (R,C,R,C,y' [fv Cb! dtdt'+(R,C,R,0,)" I -v,(t) (17) Ce" dtat' ffv,
yields: terms the reordering and twice Differentiating TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 80 (18) va Ch) = = Ce, Brey yee) wiley 2 (RC RG vp (t)=-v, (t) Fig.36 Detector for sine cos 2mit/T R, = TiR,; Choosing R,C,R,C, of (15) and cosine pulses and (18) = (T/2mi) identical. makes The the shape terest, +27, of v, (t) since the v, (1/2) outside and.v, Fig.37 oscillograms = 1. Fig.38 120; of this a with shows voltages 28, The 729 losses that out at use of circuit the 100 regeneration. plication lies between The lower the frequency limit is of resonators. of The is to tuned and t Ry =.7iks; i= f= i = 128 and 128, for 129 to its input. Fig.36 are comparable readily frequency of by 1Hz pulses and leakage, operational for to thou- obtained range and detection cosine fed = = (-1)'V,. that are fractions of for in- at Q-factors of several Hz determined response i?¢k end v,(1/2) v,(t) cycles are of no closed k equal circuit 128 cycles a frequency of the of is sand v,(%)(for of with orm 140 those of mechanical sand of v,(t) oscillograms pulse for = 0 and V, cos 2nkt/T means cosine s, are zero v,(1/2) term v,(t) for -#T = +t = #7. interval s, and (2/2), are yields shows of this switches V,; sin 27it/T input and left hand side inhomogeneous is equal to V, cos 2nkt/T or V, sin 2nkt/T The sinemit/T according to Fig.1. R,C, =7T/2mi, R,C, =T/emi, s; and sz, are closed at t = +2/2. with- its ap- about 100 kHz. the amplifiers upper [6]. by
2-15 SINE AND COSINE PULSES 81 ig-5/ (lett) Typical voltages of the circuit of Fig.36. Peron pusevOlbage v,(t) = Vsin2nt/T; Brand C: resulting vyolbages v,(t) and v,(t); D: input volta v, (Gas aev-cos -1u/1; Hand F:-resulting om meZompclleescalker e> mls airy. voltages Te Capomes Coals Pics 5o (right) Typical voltages of the circuit of Fig 46. Circuit is tuned for the detectionof sine and cosine pul ses with i = 128 cycles. Output voltages v,;(t) shown are caused cycles v= by input voltages v, (t) (wand JoOecrvoles (C). 7o9me. (Courtesy Allen-Bradley with 128 cycles Duratvion.ol the P.SCHMID, R-DURISCH and (A), 129 traces, 1s D.NOVAK of Co.) 2.15 Transmission of Digital Signals by Sine and Cosine Pulses’ One and block Hertz Tiss they amplitude limit The tSee - 6 [1] of an same [11] orthogonal Harmuth, Transmission FPig.4 canbe idealized fom sampling fluence. using pulse through devectiom without more the rate of per lowpass block second filter. pulses intersymbol by in- holds forthe "raised examples of transmission systems functions. of Information of correction transmission for transmitted frequency
cosine pulses" Fig.39. Those be influence. intersymbol 0 T 27 t—= per pulses second a and in practice. of ideal any way to Sine [12,12]. and which of cosine The more than limit approached complex of one equipment. three spectrumis shown on the red for transmission zfés fg = second reasonable tion wal(0,@) sine pulse 4 block any not if deviation large seem to be half the Nyquist rate least not without pay- and pulses of two This or 9 permit per second pulses per close by may be T only. right. The 1/T. and to One block seen - Hertz second using The first Its pulse transmis-— and from and more Fig.40 consists frequency frequency shall be defined of Fig.1 a Fig.1 pulse systems of functions. duration per be used occur, arbitrarily does at at of of is to arbitrarily pulse It lead There used, pulses than Nyquist be shows mitted cannot can transmitted; may a block -asO pulses 2 pulses penalty. higher can is transmit amplitudes is faster to these pulses. sampling and rates Hertz the one large pulses transmit a power Sion such between amplitude ing However, synchronization crosstalk if Hertz. Arbitrarily a sequence from permit cos ant/T, 1+ Fig.39 Raised cosine pulsesintime domain: 4 4+ cos 2n(t-T)/® and 1 + cos 2n(t—20)/7. The requi- functions sample with the correct to circuits res may crosscorrelation by tection orthogonal but linearly indedetected by amplitude sampling. De- pulses are not They pendent. in shown are them of Some domain. in time TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 82 band power requi- somewhat arbitrary can be then trans- Hertz. identify and cosine block to transmit pulse duration the of T each. a duration The pulse as block pulse, func- 5 47 instead of power spectra of
2.15 SINE AND COSINE the pulses for transmissionis 1.5 pulses are PULSES shown are in 83 Fig.40. reduced to transmitted The 0 =f per bandwidth s to second and required 2/ 51. Hence, Hertz. 0 Fig.40 systems Comparison of of functions. the Considerafurther ries mit of cosine is to means pulses 0 that bandwidth step. of one =f Instead 5T. T 2 sine required 3/5T a se- pulses and frequency band Fig.40. second frequency band for the simultaneous trans- are according 2 to pulses = transmitting each, one may trans- pulse, The by various per 1.67 3 3f,/5 required of duration block pulses of duration reduced This and 5 block simultaneously fy=/T transmitted Hertz. The required mission of one block duration (214+1)T pulse, equals mission rate equals Hertz’. This rate i sine 0 = f-s i cosine pulses of (i4+1)/(2i+1)T. The trans- (2i+1)/(i+1) approaches and 2 for pulses large per second values of and i. Wsee Wi4 | for, a detailed discussion of the fraction of energy outside this band. This paper also discusses the application of KRETZSCHMER's principle of partial response to signals consisting of sums of sine and cosine pulses. 6*
84 2. Table shapes pulse transmitted for and of of the equipment different proaches 2. Table Number pulse of shapes and rapidly different may One Hertz. and 21i+1 TRANSMISSION different of of pulses (2i+1)/(i+1) number the increases 21+1 number the for second per number 4. values 4 shows DIRECT thus see that complexity the (2i+1)/(i+1) as pulse shapes ber (214+1)/(i+1) of pulses transmitted per Hertz for a transmission system using sine the and ap- nun- second and and cosine pulses. Table 4. Utilization Transmission rate is of a 120 6.67 Hz wide teletype characters per second; channel. duration of a character is 150 ms. First column lists the pulse, second the frequency of the function from which it is ga- ted, third the subchannel (su.) and digit (di.) the pulse is used. carr. stands for carrier tion, sync. for character synchronization. for which synchroniza- [pulse [ flHe] feu. ai.[[ sinpulse | fla) [au. ai | wal(0,@) O carr. 1870 60 c sin cos sin cos sin cos Sin cos sin cos Sin cos sin cos sin cos 278 2T6 416 46 676 6TA 819 816 1076 10780 1276 1276 1476 1416 1676 1678 Guo 6.67 5359 Boose 20 20 26/567 26.67 44.55 D515 40 40 46.67 46.67 Baer DiBin BIS : SS FUP AW EW FWD PO PO PD INN NIN AASA cos 1819 Sin cos Sin cos Sin cos Sin cos Sin cos Sin cos sin cos sin cos 2076 2079 2276 2279 2476 249 2678 2678 2876 2876 3078} 4078] 32m760| 32m6| 4479@| 44m6| ew 60 66.67 66.67 1339 75.59 80 80 86.67 86.67 94.44 94.43 100 100 106.67 106.67 113.33 114.43 EEO EEE DANDNN WMEWNM EWS SU EWN UP AU
2.15 SINE Table AND COSINE 4 lists of the periodic in not ‘start-stop' ving sine multichannel but they are abeonhenreceiver, teletype A teletype to 200 large number Tests be can other that in sible power wer one sion is There of one channels out that works over and be One able long more, at were loading rates but for high least synchronous one For 2400 transmission Error depending on how fast rates lost or comparison, the data permis-— the load should very telephone may po- requires power It is chan- transmis- that the bits/s. occur in switched distances. trans- coding Exceeding but and between than 24 teletype system channel im- 10” No speed such permissible exceeds 3. de- With of the used. some becomes condition afactor transmit which operate channel, exchangers. channel, usual is crossing characters channel. accomodates telephony to jumps tive to phase can quite systems. pointed methods telephony zero a 4 can error severe system usual characsin2nt/T exceeding telephone TELEX bandwidth eight ious two the holds for transmission more loading by about loading the figure of signals function a telephony power without amuch error-reducing the widely used of shown, between nels in have This into end of the telephony of obtained from signal. question loading. mission channels arri- buffer teletype has Hz and is transmitter fed the according to Table the subscribers, be of Gs66 /le= the periodic A quality of the less two ms. teletype portant. power 150 system pending onthe a may duration synchronization as used end=is they The mands signals a must be added tothe pulses that and their Transmission through to frequencies gated, Teletype fed slope at beginning negative 100 so Ouns be the are system. synchronously to be Wit with must equipment. is assumed ters pulses, they teletype stop and which synchronous. fed Start Fig.30. 85 cosine from asynchronously which and waves use a PULSES be sensinet- increase to synchronization reestablished. reason, why sine and cosine transmission, is that pulses telephony yield channels very reli- are designed
2. 86 periodic sine and coofsion transmis containing very pulses cosine and Sine free distortion for sine functions. many cycles fer little son is orthogonal rence, shapes pulse however, affects cau- noise. noise affects is used interfe- than more pulses sampling mainly Pulse-type equally. block particul if arly amplitude rea- thermal thermal 5 that chapter in shown be will It than rather interference Another are channels telephone in sed by pulse-type all distortions. ayion or attenuat del errors s and suffunction periodic the to close come that TRANSMISSION DIRECT others, detection. for 9.2 Characterization of Communication Channels 2.21 Frequency Response of Attenuation and Phase Shift of a Communication Channel Communication attenuation and channels phase are shift usually of harmonic function of their frequency. A to the state the Vc-(w) = input cos ac(w) as and omitted, sine wt,.(w) =b,.(w) of if are and only, steady the attenuation equal. Since for line and the The and phase it is applied output why with are constant such time its and periodic zero into the trans- ends. equation The differential described coefficients, invariant Vcoswt that be channels. at equation. be shift may functions differential will c those equation s, if its dimensions it lg V/V,(w) communication chann be divided el by ordinary In particular, of known as is information at rate of the the parameter shift well circuitry by apartial described ponents w. characterization difference-differential equation at attenuation and phase cosine functions transmit described ferential are frequency Let the communication is Vcoswt voltage itis interesting to investigate used mission voltage by oscillations w[t-t.(w)] is measured. The quantities function Vsinwt are and specified items The line is or a partial terminal CLTCULtLY. or difference-dif- are not by a if the as too large. differential circuit coils, com- capaci-
2.21 FREQUENCY tors and anput RESPONSE resistors. of sucha and sinusoidal shape se of other phase the frequency phase instance but more 02 w Ox2 L, 32 w = ©, and (4) — LO sry = (LA R and A are free, case if LA as w(x,t) is ee f(x-ct) ow equal RC. [£(x-ct) and = - is by per- shape the by the of telegra- O (19) capacity, The line general resistivity is distortion solution is in this «G = 1/ VC, and and a distortion-free According to boundary Au if ee = example are ductors L = 2.01x10°3 during if functions they are The determined only transmission feature also change is holds condition x is holds an for ‘electrically [1] a line of length following wires Henry/km, atnot short'. electri- for x aie following Ohm/km, One obtains fLAs— RC =O: conditions. This [2]: (21) consider copper The cm. the Z=\ x< ge - = an lines, K.W.WAGNER short, (20) g(x-ct) are arbitrary initial 4.95 Hence, respon- + g(x+ct)] delay. 2g) U RAw Its functions 18 - length. suffered by these of since described inductivity, unit tenuation As functions an the A characterization Walsh line se the per bey eic. cally as output; follows: = 6° by the the [3]. ae RC conductivity state the preserved. complicated Consider a transmission puem'emequation steady to changed. is functions applied at are shift. and for possible, the by the frequency characterized - fectly voltage in voltage attenuation functions these appears shifted and be may circuit A sinusoidal circuit attenuated the 87 an of open wire 3 mm diameter typical values © = 5.9x10°* line. The at two con- a distance apply: Farad/km <A * 0 Z = 540 Ohm and 22/R = 225 km. This line is
regenerative Inserting km. 225 smaller than at shorter amplifiers dis- over any cable be- distortion-free signals one may transmit tances, distances for line distortion-free a like TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 88 distance. tween insulated typical subscriber. and exchange copper values of wires R This lowe line lew following apply: The will be electrically sow 50 2Z/R will coaxial and 100 then cables Ohm. be Let of However, one must keep equation does not allow tionof the skin cosine seems Despite to the be One solution variant some subscribers in partial coefficients. = us practical described and mind for impedance 20 km. that skin Thisis between the Z 10 be- Ohm/kn. the order amplifiers. telegrapher's effect. An investiga- functions other than sine cosine sine and lacking’. important of a wave resistivity be forthe role in reason and the is theory Assume equation that of a w(x,t) space functions of BERNOULLI's differential represented as the product a time variable v(t): Wore: for distances results, a distinguished lines. 10 usual effect these have the between of magnitude play short euLIL. usual tween Wk The diameter. paper- 7x10 Henry/km, C = 3.3x10° Farad/km, 70 Ohm/km, Z = 145 Ohm, 2Z/R = 4 km L was mm are conductors The 0.8 telephone a consider example, a further As transmission method for the with in time (19) variable in- may u(x) rCh) be and (22) distortion-free by MEACHAM do [3]. line using semiconductors Superconductive cables are almost distortion-free and transmit switching transients in the nanosecond region [4,5]. Such superconductive cables could have great practical potentif organic comial, pounds can be developed that are superconducting at room as some physicists believe to be possible. temperature,
2.21 FREQUENCY Substitution of tal SP Oh - 89 u(x)v(t) into RA)u yields two ordinary =) (23) 2 LC Sey + (LA + RC) 4 v = 0 Their are eigenfunctions e?! | where (19) equations: differential ax RESPONSE A-RA)x, sin \(A-RA)x and follows: as defined y is cosy y = Hee (CHS) oh J BERNOULLI's solutions the of boundary lution that riable lines the by sine would dimensional with w(x,t) = f(x-ct) solution a and asa R= It special A = 0. has the 674 same form term like distortion-free have be to rent rent sons but ting sine waves frequency sequency bands. and be factor. waves obtained of general is for the de- one- telegra- solution There are is: Radio that aradio link waves sine do not functions. operate in diffe- instead operate in diffe- the transmitters by except to excellent channels mainly (20), Hence, line. have may radio as described not they are reasons receivers radio is Missing. do bands; for allocating these or transmitters of (25) DiemeGuenuation Different sova- separation a case Its of Time + g(x+ct) behaves a method dependent is par- initial certain the permit space equation. propagation equation not ifTine saayse functions. electromagnetic wave paemis This of satisfy itis for and of other equation cosine course of importance that and a time into the great However, conditions. propagation scribed of equations favours solution The is telegrapher's editierential tee and method en practical rea- according to frequency, simplicity rather than of implemen- laws of na- radio commu- possible with Walsh nication is indeed theoretically waves. ture. It will be shown later on that mobile
achannel of features that are There have been somany py the transmitted shapes proposed and used signals. telephony for telephony signals functions. Hence, is that signals there the output will mation of a independent cularly by apartial so for like p, t described by This isnot sounds is time-variable with excitation why one position of consider ons of some sine other Experimental MAILE and considered LUKE and using of 4000 functions to MAILE filters up and has be have that zps to such to a there no sounds to systemof built a telephony permit Walsh pass through a frequency of rather 4000 parti- sinusoi- ofa not Hz. the equation no of reason super- functi- functions. TASTO, Walsh may LUKE, indeed functions. multiplex functions with producing Signals of sy- excitation orthogonal superposition a equation consist voice sy- activa- Such is and by vo- The andis BOESSWETTER, that and approxi- good particular functions shown sine differential is by KLEIN, of consonants, system and There cosine telephony sinusoidal The partial a complete work others k. coefficients function. should differential voiceless or why function. anda for difficul- oscillations. a sine coefficients sounds with time-invariant is cosine sustained A long consisting with cords described is function. vowel and represented signals sinusoidal of afew vocal reason a microphone. of the stem cy voice a voltage sum producing time dal as hold regard The superpositions Consider not preeminent appear overwhelming no sine of channels. regarded voltage produce by the ted be should wel stem is functions. cosine be functions these characterization of telephony the ty superposition use- to practice general is It a as it only does This a channel. characterizing for one ful the as one pulse that transmission digital for a particular claim to hard be would distinguished by functions signals. the describe +o It is reasonable angle. another from nels chan- of communication characterization Let us consider TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 90 system up to a sequen- than sine-cosine There is no dis-
2.22 CROSSTALK cernible an that tions and synthesizer has these formants; A theoretical argument contains "sequency work on built 16.fil= speech these Walsh used Has analysis as formants" functions are investigations explaining OANDY 5.14. tiesecuLen retical functions by sine-cosi decompos edne as voice just has using? sequency of Walsh funcaccording to the frequency of sine funcshown fora few examples, that voice de- by Walsh frequency BOESSWETTER fora vocoder according to the than KLEIN composed a filter rather tions. oA differen of performan ce ce. analyzer ters PARAMETERS contains continuing. results is functions early as given “in théo— 1962 [6]. 2.22 Characterization of a Communication Channel by Crosstalk Parameters Having to be shown question, how theory of quires a all or least the a Let functions a (1,0) channel. that the tained systems the of a,(i) fiom since sine An is orthogonal functions. characterization channel capacity system of re- apply in to As will sim- section 6.1. orthogonal functions and The of For time the state the being, This {f(j,9)} ldne. only. voltage the hold is to case is of is class obof of a distortionlg V/V-(i) = the communica-— generalized applicable produces large or = K.(i) the vol- the input channel be such fora attenuation = b.(i) Vf,(i,®) let inthe V.(i)/V shift f(0,0). applied V.(i)f. [i,@-6-<(i)] will generalized functions constant V. coswt ig voltage oupput. phase input of will instead term the of general functions that £,(i1,8) § @.(i) channel. the f,(i,9), freeitransmission = based on orthogonal complete functions the have them be divided into even functions steady ao not raises may be characterized. A consistent systems more do functions characterization many this Consider tetemvte of channels sine-cosine they discussion {f£(j,9)}. of communication by communication effect plify else method at aside odd that characterized the to sine output delay, and co- voltage
Vf(0,9) The ‘constant a(O) = lg V/V(O) =9beCe 6<(4) and = a,(1) 1g W¥s(i) V¥.(i)/V = K(i), by defined are delay and Attenuation Vo(i)f,[i,e-95(i)]- TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 92 -61, VCO) ZNSE COD (0) yields V¥(O)£[0,6 = bo). 6(0) and Let the functions of the system {£(0,0),f,.(i,@),f,(i,9)} substitution by the stretched be &€ increase is obtained according to section1.22. be (i) ag(i), lar, one and b,(i) obtains for {f,(u,8),f, (u,9)} the Kk. (i), Im particu— f, (u,9) functions special a,(i), Ks(i), K.(u)---b,Q@u). become i and Let =u. i/§ i-~ The system beyond all bounds. = = /2cos 2mud =V2coswt and f,(y,9) = 2 sin 2mud =V2 sinwt the frequency functions K,(w)...b,(w). The indices c and s may be omitted, frequency tions are of special case. In general, the delayed be expanded and functions but Vgc (1,0) is obtained @c(i,8) are Vf,.(i,9) into a of Hence, by shift phase the delayed; channels distorted. instead of the functions and obtained. communication attenuation response and of cosine and attenuated b(w) and a(w) K(w), racterization nuated if sine equally are the the is not included only The new output of the cha- frequency system as atte- function V,(i)f-[1,6-0. (i) series same func-— }-mee {f[0,9- 6c(i),fefk,0-9c(i)], f,[k,8-6c¢(i)]}. The value of the delay 8,(i) will be defined later on. The variable is now k, Wiibesigs Ss a COMSLENG \(=) we ey ea Ce en co Bela e) = Keer, O)fp0yeseu(a4 Dd, (RCed, ck )f, Dc, 8-6. ae k=] +. ECeL, Sk) fuCk,6=05 Gj), K(ci,0) = fe.(i,e)£[0,0-0¢ (i)Jag K(ci,ck) = fec(i,e)f,[k,0-9 (4),]a9 E(ei,sk) = [g-(i,o)f,(k,6-8,(i) Jae (26)
2.22 CROSSTALK PARAMETERS Consider depends the on integral 6,<(i). Let assume its absolute s = b,(i) and 6,(i) ®.(i) the distortions. value for coeificients communication of the KG the i = k. so two K(ci,ck) attenuation has variables with de- K(ci,sk) are variable k, i and that it ap- fora distorting one Kici,O), vector. a value K(ci sez ) delay Ce) line and K.(i) the Its that distortion-free K,.(i) by by a matrix presented the channel. have for chosen The generalized is then defined so, K(ci,0), Moyebeesreprescnted K(ci,sk) be maximum. creasing rhe K(ci,ck) = b,(i) proaches generalizations 93 and i and KCci,;ck) and may be re- K(ci): med. CO isk1c 1 ak Ce4/,s1 PyKCcd.c2 akK(e14s2)2. UGC. 0 eK Cee, cl) K(e2, 4) |) Reco. CZOK (Cease. i C500) Kies, 61) KhCc5),s1) Kles,¢c2) Klesjs2).. een (27) Me output voltages Ve,(i,6) are obtained, if Vif, (i,9) baaGesusotevi- 41,0) 18 applied tothe input. Coefficients K(si,O), K(si,ck) and K(si,sk) are obtained in analogy to (26). Duo The CL 16 matrix replaced-by Transmission cients as K(0,0), line K(si) Has the form of the bined Ke K(O,ck) and yields Vg(0,6) K(0O,sk) which andthe may the be coeffiwritten matrix: three ante: matrices K(ci), K(si) and K(O) Boi) may be com- one: RCO Oe K(s, 0) (oe Oume CeO Res 0) The (27), 81% of Vf(0,@) K(0) = (K(0,0) K(0,c1) K(0,s1) K(0,c2) CHEE The matrix terms functions (CO, ot) ek O,c1) K(st, 51) K(s1, C11 ) Ce leet) Kcl,c1) ee etn (seact) K(c2,61) Kice,e1) outside f(j,@) of the are not KUO, 82) K(s1, 82 Kicl.e2) K(s2,82) K(ce,s2) main KC0,¢2).. OS, Co als Klel1,¢2).. )K(s2,ce).~ | (28) Klcz2,c2).. diagonal distorted, of The if K vanish, terms in the
and = K(ci,ci)” K.(i) = K(O,0), K(O) coefficients tion attenua- of set one-dimensional the become diagonal main TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. O4 8 Csa,.5a5). The delay times 9,(i) of (26) and the corresponding of the delay times 9,(i) and 6(0) for the transmission and Vf(0,8) may also be written as functions Vf,(i,@) ReaGie uetasest sxe 8(0) O O OMT e) Ce) O Oe eta) Om O 2S) O 6 The tion 0 two for Distortions the in a transmission. One correction this an of appropriate K and Sans system of channel a K, the functions cause crosstalk. for ie : ® characterize application term ic er Meta matrices channel ss of matrix Hence, while {f(j,9)¥- crosstalk the communicain crosstalk ® may be multiplex K is for the matrix called is the de- lay matrix. 2.3 Sequency Filters Based on Walsh Functions 2.31 Sequency Lowpass Filters It can has be f5(u,8)} Equation signal applied shown instead of (1.112) had F,(8) to functions P,(8) = been characterized at the the in by sine section a system and been filter 1.32 of cosine functions functions obtained, output, how that if the a filter Pie tehsowy [i — yer represents signal input. the F(@) Substitution of the system of {cal(u,8),sal(u,9)} into (7.4172) yields: is Walsh [acu dKe(u)oalfy 50-0 (41 + (30) + as(u)Ks(u)sal(u,9-85(u)] tau The derive following filters relations from (30): of section 1.24 are needed to
2.31 SEQUENCY LOWPASS eal(u,@) = wal(0,0) calcined) f= calG eal Gu,e) = —s 5, = 0-< Let 6i< a Lae Oy ang i Sty se Be (31) Snes) ily es 25 eee G(6) be divided 6 < #,.....F(9) into denotes is on @ae(U) signal required (40) ei the canbe may from G(@), which derived. be The computed a sections not place beginning F(@) with 42 e=se(0) <= [FCO )wai(0,6 ae = ac(i) Ale V2 = | F(6)cal(i,e )de any re- synchronization and coefficients for -$ = section in the im-— does but the time the -# = 9 < %. Suchadivision intervals of ls signal strictions gnal 56) sali,6) 2, f= terval FILTERS end a,(u) the help si- of the anda,(u) of (31): Onsen (22) an Dey ne ee igs = /i2 (2 ase(u) = a(i) = [F(8@)sal(i,é)de i-1 <p IIA H- Si f74 The specific possible ted a to features transform function F(§) of the by an the Walsh functions representation integral into of make a time it limi- arepresentation by sum: fe [a,(u)cal(u,é) F(@) + a, (u)sal(u,é@)jds eee) 0 Co a(O)wal(0,0) + ys a Ci cal Gare) is anGh sala, 60] iz] as The attenuation the delays ter. They may §<(u) be Sical realization. to able be than an to coefficients and chosen The represent 6,(u) freely K.(u) in (30) within following the and determine the choice output Ks(u) limits is signal made by asum as well the fil- of phy- in order rather integral: Ke (u) = K(O), ee) = 6(0) p= oa 4 Gy) = Kew O@c(u) = Gy Pas ele< tet ec) = EC Dee = 85 (i) ye De Se eS (34)
DIRECT 2. WG Equation form: following the assumes (30) TRANSMISSION F, (@)=a(0)K(0)wal lO, 0-9(0) 4 'fa,(4)Ke (i calli, 0-0¢(i)]+ iz] +a. Let us consider (i )K, Cisaltas O83 a filter for which the (359 following holds: K(O) = 1, 8(0) = 1; K.(i) = Ks(i) = 0 Gs) follows F,(@) = pass ter of filter or in (30) to (35): fa¢(u,@-1)an = a(0)wal(0, 9-1) 0 form The from order lowpass integral the - more to filter. andatime suggests precisely distinguish Its diagram block in it An diagram, circuit, Sequency lowpass c) practical A operational filter. circuit. amplifier (37) calling -asequency from diagram Fig.41b. F(8) =F (t/T) Werk. -—. != : ie Pies (36) is the shown a lowpass usual integrator fig H this in lowfil- frequency Fig.4‘a, I determines -F,(8) : a) block diagram, b) time L intvesrater. 11H holding
2.32 SEQUENCY BANDPASS FILTERS a(O) according the interval S,- The the section to -$ (32). a(0O) integrator is then G(9) inthe by integrating G(6) during is version ter of numerical with 4 kHz this to The output will have Cee cut-off is made here analysis, cy lowpass equals of which per A signal the of lowpass rate, 1/2T = lowpass at the fil- output analysis. filter of Fig.41 if second. sampling [8] - a practical Fourier it also Hence, the = 125 4000 theorem happens to be trivially filters » IIA rwlK wo amplitudes per second T = 1/8000 » = 6 < # = 6 and frequency theorem mistbe sequency -4 \= interval filteris shown in Fig.41c. information amplitudes rie. 41> (37) to a(O)wal (0, 6-1) Hence, in, Fie.41a, signal of the sequency same according 1) - independent sampling for 4# = 6 < 3 is obtained interval, etc. a(0) frequency. 8000 the the independent Ca has a(0O) time considera cut-off filter according values s,. interval the ng duri of this sequency lowpass For of outp by ut switch switch in the shown H is by value’. stored and circuit eho leine that obtained a(O) 9=+% at sampled sample at d the end interval with isaconstant voltage the be reset wal(0,9 by multiplied be wal(0,9) can = 6 < #4 at the integrator of must 97 has 8000 steps of us long; the zps=4 kzps. Use of Walsh-Fourier simple for sequen- [10]. 2.32 Sequency Bandpass Filters Let 1.174 are sequency s theorem of Walsh multiplication tion simple derive us bandpass needed: = cal(i¢k,0) = sal{(k®(i-1)]+1,96} sal(i,6)sal(k,@) = cal[(i-1)®(k-1),6] The of stands 7 = wal(0,9)] and on (38) I multiplication sine The in secderived functions Gal(i,é@)cal(k,6) sal(i,9@)cal(k,9) fealCO,8) filters. the theorems cosine right Harmuth, Transmission of Information (38) are functions, hand side except very those toar simil that one term only for the two terms of d instea
is sideband modulation. This makes sequency bandpass filters by a yields a single (sequency) implement to it possible band- frequency for used little but known well principle signal a by carrier Walsh a of modulation the that A consequence frequencies. the of difference the and sum TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2, 98 filters. pass the Let F(9)cal(k,8) = a(O)cal(k,8) "sequency shifted" one obtains: (48) Using cal(k,9). with multiplication be (33) of F(@) signal + S* (a¢(4)eal (48k, 0) + i#k by (39) + ac(k)wal (0,6) + + a,(i)sal{[k®(i-1)]41,0}) + a,(k)sal{[k®(k-1)]+1,6} Passing by (46) this signal through a lowpass filter yields in analogy to (47) the output described signal F,, (8): Py, (@)=a,(k)wal(0,0-1)= f a, (u)oal(u,e)cal(k,e-1)du (40) cal(k,é-1) = cal(k,6) Multiplication tered signal to of its F,,(9) by original cal(k,9-1) shifts the fil- positioninthe sequency do- main: F, (o)=F,, (@)cal(k,6-1)=a, (k)ceal(k,6-1)= wal (0,6-1)cal(k,9-1)=cal(k,9-1), The filter. last For MUltaplaer integral its in suggests practical front of cal’ (k,9-1)=1 the name after tiplication The the (41). sequency Fig.42 sequency lowpass shows one filter a bandpass must lowpass (49). such (41) sequency implementation the Fig.41 to perform the multiplication plier Fac(udeal(u,e Jadu put filter A second a of multi- performs the mul- bandpass filter. same function cal(k,6) is fed to both multipliers since cal(k,8) hasthe period 1 andisthus identical aes cal(k,6-1). Suitable multipliers are shown in Fig.34. Note
2.32 SEQUENCY BANDPASS F(8) FILTERS oo) Fo(8) Fig.42 Sequency bandpass filter. M g multiplier for Walsh functions, LP sequency lowpass filter. that multiplication Cevion by Signal unchanged, +1 by a Walsh function means by multiplication -1 multiplileaves +1 by multiplication only; —1 or reverses a its am-— of se- 1, and plitude. Fig.43 quency for several are shows a attenuation sequency bandpass shown to be 1. The midieabewtnas through whey tor the the as filter function with coefficients values of i cal(i,®@) for or cross-hatched K(0) = Ke (i) and K.,(i) which areas at the band function filter; dOeaole The hatched the delay lowpass filters. ZEro,,excepy and they limits U= sal(i,@) areas are i passes indicate, that pass K(0)=4 K(0)=4 \ WEY oe sa 0 K,(1)=4 K,(4)=4 Z S 2 ‘Ss es — K,(2)=4 ai j 4 s— —EE 0 2 3 SOK (2)=4 a | 0 EE 4000 T=05 ss _ 8000 12000s” (3—S> Fig.43 The all) of width/(lower The 7% | 2 a 0 ae | = K.(2)=4 following band 0 ——eEEEEE——EE—| 0 i 2 3 0 0 0 bandwidth relations | 4000 T=125 ps Bet delay 8000 12000s* of 0 = Au/u, may be denote as Seen 2 | 4000 T2513 800057 ae filters. sequency equals 1 for quotient band- u,-u,=i,-1,=4u us i ji—> | Cae and limit) K,(2)=4 a _—E 4000 8000s" Fig.44. wo Peyote jee | T=125 1s Attenuation filters | 125ns a (ae normalized Ks(1)=4 oe ao —EE 0 K.(4)=4 jes the relative to hold, bandwidth. for AuU/u;
from Fig.43: YO Mic Ee 4 fore macy achieved with multiplexing are square between is and -60 The hold an the non-normalized u as well as signal at filter the 107 and filters 10° of The is steep used to sequency filter filters. This think terms in filters quantization edges of use the result of is square means the between -40 frequency switches signal. that Keeping would interval sections in the Attenuation and pass-band inherently no stop-bands energy is bands. This -~< were -# = defined Real is to or for shown mind, surprising. used filters Fig.43. delay filters a functions rather than 6 < #, dela of sequency y isnot delay 68 < +0 according attenuation passed. in disappear, if the Walsh interval to filters. this discontinuity whole also introduce The the lies startling change of attenuation is not the root shown in Fig.43 discontinuous im the, » which Fig.43 shown voltage mean the the assume delay output present. and stop-bands may second. attenuation the in use would one that per in Fig.44. plotted are us In practical of between the practical engineer the be can only 1 dB. However, of band- relative equal ler smalor of 0.0017 thus in sequency the into the determine idealized. infinitely for time fed amplitudes response and attenuation sal(k,®) signals,if each deviation 0.071 deviation omm channels the telephony sequency Fig.44 mean eerek. (ae T = 125 show independent The —~ circuit. for » of values 8000 = sequency » = u/T sequency The this normalized The Kee bandwidths Relative width. 1ce Fig.42 of filter bandpass =I or cal(k,@) functions The Kee torek (k= eee 1 AU/Uy Vor = Ko C2) for 4/2 AM/iy in TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 4100 are Hence, distortions. ideal pass by dashed filters, energy lines in in constant there are Delay in since 16 the stop- Pig .43.
2.32 SEQUENCY BANDPASS cael Fig.44 Walsh (left) FILTERS aae = | Approximation functions. A: 04 of sinusoidal sinusoidal functions wave, ae AO) by Malba ceamrerce wale,o (Cs. 2.(4 sal(1,¢); 0: a.(1)cal(1, 8); ees ce salve. es fois the sum of B and C; Cys he cu or DCE) ei SmuMom SUM OieD, C. Diand Hee lime: base I= =ipms; Gorizonval scale O.5 ms/div. Fig.45 (right) Walsh-Fourier transforms of sinusoidal waves. A: sinusoidal waves, frequency 1 kHz, various phases; horizontal scale transtorms ac O.1 gl) ms/div. and a,(¢r) B and of A; C show time Walsh-Fourier base T = 1.6 ms; horizontal scale 625 zps/div.(Both oscillograms courtesy C.BOESSWETTER and W.KLEIN of Technische Hochschule DarmStadt Fig.44 sequency the shows a sine filters output of a and wave the sequency (A) at the resulting lowpass input output filter of several signals. with K,(0) B is
bandpass filters with K,(1) ofuts the outp and K,(2) = 1. F, G and Hare) thevontputs C, D and E are = 1, K.(1) =1 d in paralconnecte filters bandpass ined several obtafrom em eee él: (0) = KyC4) = 4 CP); KeCO) =e ReCOvee Ke(1) Fig.45 functions phases. B, the The (A) >= ee sequency of equal amplitude amplitude oscillograms output and =k C1) shows The the and traces spectra of sinusoidal frequency and amplitude but various spectra spectra B ae amplitude B a.(u) = a,(gTI) are shown by a,(u) = a.,(yT) are shown C were obtained by sampling voltages of abank of 16 adding TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2. 102 and sequency C yields filters. the by C. the Squaring sequency power spectra. 10 Q=t/T— Fig.46 filter, Sequen widecy band H holding i ee Stet s Ginafilter. LP sequency lowpass
2.32 SEQUENCY Bandpass filters bandwidths bandpass his BANDPASS Au/u, for alowpass T. A further output chosen of There pass tive may of (6) Signel®F’ is another filters of bandwidth. pass the Pyeceti.¢.) important Fig.46 The of b LP? and LFP1 in is and LP1 of SP. The differ- output the yields between the band- besides the different rela- sal(u,6) as well as cal(y,8@) Fig.46inthe calG@i,6) The shown are filter. difference 42 functions filter Or and ..2 1/4, or of of over circuit and bandpass wide this intervals delay times holding a integrates filters period Fig.46a of voltages the shows aes time LP2 °T/3, or Fig.46 according to Fig.41, filter lowpass relative LN over different The T/2. permit only. LP1 1/2, two compensated by the are ence to equal ... signals integration the b; and Fig.46a Fig.42 bandwidths lowpass the of voltages to filter duration Gimewinbervals-of AOS 1/3, relative integrates the input duration LP2 according = 1, 1/2, filter circuit uses which FILTERS may pass pass—band, a’ filter while on- according to Fig.4e. Fig.47 Sequency highpass oi and (b) LP sequency sequency bandstop filter lowpass filter, BP variety A great sic a ters Parallel according sal(u,@) AUy/iie= as We filter bandstop filters. well Aes filters as 1/5, derived yields cal(u,@) os; On filter. the ba- highpass and from may be derived connection Fig.42 to bandpass shows asequency Fig.47 discussed. types sequency pass of sequency from lowpass of several filters other and band- bandpass that and have relative the filter hand, let fil- pass bandwidths one may ob-
Fig.44F-H. of oscillograms the by shown as only cal(u,@) or sal(u,0) pass let that filters bandpass wide tain TRANSMISSION DIRECT 2, 104 2.33 Digital Sequency Filters transformation of while only, subtractions and additions requires signals see filters digital are Walsh-Fourier numerical that is reason functions Walsh on based ters fil- of sequency applications promising most One of the numerical Fourier transformation requires multiplications. Fig.48 Block diagram of adigital sequency filter. LP sequency lowpass filter of Fig.41; AD analog/digital converter, ST digital storage, AU arithmetic unit performing additions and subtractions, DA digital/analog converter. For an explanation sider the block through tion a of diagram sequency of F,(6@) at its output of the steps converter delivered the AD at the digital digital Fig.48. lowpass amplitudes tal a A signal filter have are sequency LP. of storage racters be Fourier transform denoted ST1. ty A, of 16 the Let aset B, step steps of duration per of 16 T/16. 1.25 may The time which are unit T to consecutive cha- ...,8,...,P. section func-— analog/digi- characters, characters con- F(6) is passed Let converted by the into binary digital rate filter The be Tease used Weta to obtain from these 16 characters the 16 coefficients a(0),a,(1), ac(1),---,45(8). Additions and subtractions only have to be performed by the veral or all of these ac(5) alone ficients is -a,(5), arithmetic unit coefficients. computed +a¢(5), as shown +ac(5), AU to Assume in obtain the Fig.48. -a,(5),.. one, se- coefficient The 16 coef- with the signs corresponding to the signs of cal(5,6) in Fig.2 are transferred into the digital storage ST2. Reading these 16 coefficients out serially through a digital/analog conver- ter DA yields the analog output signal F,(8). The connec-
2.33 DIGITAL SEQUENCY tion between input signal F(@) (32) and (41): follows from Be uD) Pe 2 FILTERS ee (05 and output ei) S signal eG) an (42) Po(8) = ac(5)cal(5,0-1) = f ac(uoat(u,e)ae 5 Let F,(8) quency minal value Fig.42. according Fig.48 10°° If and the if negligible error, + 2). loge (On The usual of one eropaene, For analog which tions Colour of Stands filters or two for three tive is basic can be programmed effort filters and ANDREWS even a of cross- of and filter the enormous sequency an and pictures, The func- ofami- grayness two third space are time. of va- func- variable the that Digital functions of two functions are fed into of one variable. filters usedit a with compared PRATT, advantage. digital for The rela- inherent the and important aswas of such programmed of two variables functions filter pictures or dB. -72 voltage time. a obtains one to output Dunctions becomes of still information The Fig.48 a function though becomes have deviation loge 2) + capable the colours to of digital simplicity frequency KANE are as variables Shestilcersscriallyslaike computing a to introduces square in used funetion picture variables in compute to used voltage. pictures or television three attenuF,(8) Let referred are —-(6G0 + 40 such a space the of filters is 10° unit i #4 5, crosstalk filter. a mean as 16 variable a black-and-white riables. = 2" a,(i), conversion a The voltage. unit a is thus 10 log 10 °/2" = -(60+ autenuabion Spcrosstalk tions dB in no- F,(8) of to referred talk attenuation its deviation obtains one from distribution with mean to analog/digital 40f 107° /2" ae C5) se- digital samples an voltage. SRO) the Amuchhigher a square mean the have into deviate coefficients the by obtained be cal(5,@) F,(9) referred of -60 dB. is then a,(i) Let to aGaussian attenuation agion,can unit obtain by feeding ed of deviation square erosstalk and be filter filter for of the reduction pointed out in 1.25.
3. Carrier Transmission of Signals 3.1 Amplitude Modulation (AM) 3.11 Modulation and Synchronous Demodulation The previous chapter. The F,(@) by means of or be discussed will output denotes to emphasize of coefficients functions time a,(j), a contain cal- the number finite signals: teletype as be e.g. F,(@) is used notation The that such function, time any will $(k,6@) functions These {#(k,6)} functions time of a system of amicrophone. voltage F(@) of time functions transmission now. F(9) carriers. led the in discussed been has {f£(j,e)} functions thogonal or- of byasystem ax(j) constants of transmission m- By(8) = S ay(4)£(4,08) j=0 The carriers functions at mathematical could not lines, wave pulses are form Multiplex systems of with exact meaning lized sense of why for links, well etc. using The with respect as a more this is best general and other explained a functions via wire trains to of from the modulation of such do meaning terms modulation. not sideband by an multipli- carriers sideband carriers single other Periodic Amplitude such term cosine neither as carriers in cables. suited view. and transmission extent a group sine however, inheren atly single filters. here is, reason holds radio point yields used This particularly functions There usedto some that mathematical predominantly physical guides, Functions sideband a used. are are present. nor be block cation #(k,@) the need single modulation than used example. in usual. a is The genera-—
3.11 SYNCHRONOUS Consider a Signal DEMODULATION amplitude F(@). Let modulation F(8) be of a cosine function by into a Fourier series expanded -# = 6 < #: interval in the 107 ; oo F(a) = a(O) + V2 Di La,(i) cos 2ind + as(i) sin 2ind] (1) iz Let all F(6) terms be pass of implemented tion The 2.31, limit carrier sum very but filtered upper through the alowpass with much index like of F'(8) the sum J2cosQ,9 (1). i > k. is has of suppresses Such filters can filters in sec- no importance i = k rather Amplitude by F'(@) that the sequency implementation signal filter than here. i =o modulation of as the yields: (2) FT(@)V2cos 2,8 = 3 Ca. (i)cos(Q,-ani )6-a,(i)sin(Q, -2ri)e] iz! k ,8+ >, Ca, (4)cos(A) +2mi )e+a,(i)sin(a,+2ni )e] +a(O0)V2 cos i=) The first sum lows the term is produced represents Let SCS) represents with by lower sideband. frequency 2, of DC component of F'(9). the the the the upper the It carrier, The folwhich second sum sideband. F(8§) be expanded into a Walsh = alO) + S' Lac(i)eal(i,e) = a(O) + opel ape it series: ~eaeta ereeD eal(i.6) | (3) + 6201 )Wwal@2i-1,9)] —-s6<@ Let F(8) suppresses enal Ft(9) has i =k expansion series number terms all of wal(j,0) a through pass of with ae sequency index upper Ft(é6) terms. Amplitude by Ft(9) yields: and i > limit FT(9) modulation lowpass filter that k. The filtered si- of the sum (3). The have of thus a Walsh the same carrier
+ = a(O)wal(j,9) Ft(e )wal(j,9) TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 108 + fac (i)wal(2iej,9) er £ a, (i wall (21-106 7,00 39 On places. binary 1 lowest DigOe \e=tii pou) C2i 51) tM Gede= relations following The nota- os the zerat gj Have let and 2k than larger j be Let tion. ‘lo- Consider, in binary n digits 2k having a number example, for in sideband'. Lower partly upper, ‘partly or wer’ j, of value the Depending (4). be', an 'upper descri may sum this only sum one is, however, There rier. car- unchanged the by cases in both is transmitted a(O) component DC the that shows (2) and (4) of Comparison (4) hold: a oy, 1soe Sgn ee + ly 4 oe (5) see e ee Ce ns es tera Oa) All ger indices than choice 2i®j the of and index j. This (2i-1)@j j of the of the sum carrier corresponds to an (4) are wal(j,®) for upper larthis sideband modu- lation. As a further binary places. example, One CeCe at) eta 16S 5g ie Now the all ee, corresponds The lues Jj, 1f west than to numbers of Week. the i larger and neither zeros binary places. This Why lower does sideband amplitude riers yield Walsh carriers two the n lowest (6) for only in the carrier sum (4) wal(j,6). are This modulation. will other nor be for values ones corresponds to only a certain smaller onthe partly vathan n loupper, modulation. modulation Sidebands, only the (2i-1)®j than j and j has partly (2i-1)®j of sideband and at case: ee me i eee index a lower ones this eee a 2i®j 2i®j j have in es ea i indices smaller let obtains one but sideband? of sine amplitude Forthe and cosine car-— modulation answer of consider
3.11 SYNCHRONOUS the DEMODULATION multiplication theorems AO? of sine and cosine: 2 cos 1@ cos k@ = +cos(i-k)@ + cos(i+k)e eesim 710 cos kK@ = +Ssin(i-k)6 + sin(i+k)e 2 cos ¥@ sin k@ = -sin(i-k)@ + sin(i+k)e 2 sin~16 sin k0 i PhewesiS right be is a us Sides of cal(i,6@) - sime cos(i+k)6 or cosine equations. and cosi@é amplitude or sini@é Fourier modulated once more the = = = = is only (8): bet or and the one [xeonG cal(k,@) function or Walsh in a for on the sal(kj6) components the be = 110) right hand carriers of a carriers. sideband amplitude 1-4 signal There but and one modulation that is not function of Walsh modulation. modulation of a Walsh carrier Fig.49a. cosine carrier demodulated PECGiay encase Mne term a filter. single —e1) 1)"34 Ce ="4) (Ge 74] veOne inl tel Imi Is} Walsh lower (8) Pe reason why amplitude yields A circuit filtering. theorems =io@k cal(r,6) sal(r,ée) sal(r,@) cal(r,9@) sal(i,@) Thisis modulated theorems multiplication 'side-function' firs: Hence, functions: one be a (7). upper may produced. multiplication one shown of carriers. the onto The the sinké@ carriers modulated is those is amplitude only. on or components onto are functions cosk@ modulation of sine and cosine of consider functions Let side-oscillation sideband eobereo cal k.6) Sai(1,6)cal(k,6) €al(i,é)sal(k,@) sal(i,¢@)sal(k,6) There two are consequence Walsh of andalower double Let of that upper the sum sides of these carriers Signal An a hand +cos(i-k)@ C2) signal. Half This the 9,9 modulated with by multiplication o,0u0y2 om V2 cos cos 0,8 = F°(6)(1 the right The second power power is loss hand term lost is side + cos F'(6) in(@) cos the be 9,80: 20,9) represents must on by V2 (9) the de- suppressed average by by this if the product unimportant,
TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 410 multiplication can be amplified before Ft(@)f2cosQ,8 with 2 cos 0,8. 1,0. Let a signal Dt(@) be transmitted by a carrier Vecos yields: by Yecos,9 demodulation Synchronous [Dt(@ V2 cos 2, 8172 cos 2)9=D*(8 )[cos(Ny-2, )e+cos(0,+2, 6] (10) Let -VvV2Zy 2m eo) the signal auxiliary be modulated of the carriers Q,8 (11) Vq- & v OS gq? F'(@)V2cos carrier conditions: satisfy the following and f2cos,é@ without will be received F*(6) D*t(@), if the frequencies from interference V2cosa,@ an vg. frequency cut-off through pass signals demodulated the with filter frequency a let and only Vg 0 = v 8 interval the in frequencies with oscillations contain Dt(@) and F'(@) signals the Let be J2cosQ,8 and by multiplication with first let multiplied the 2cos product by then (Q)-0,)8: {LFtC8 V2 cos 298]V2 cos 2,932 cos (M)-0y)8 = (12) = F'(9@)[14+ cos 2(0)-M, )6+ cos 20,0+ cos 20,8] The desired terms on Let the term right a signal synchronous F'(8) is hand side D'(@)V2cos modulation obtained. must The be [D*(@ W2 cos (n,-20, )e]~2cosa,d to signal (13) may be desired be received. Direct (9) yields: = (13) = D'(8)[ cos 20,8 The not filtered. (0,-20,)8 according three filtered, if + the 0] cos 2(a,-0, frequency band- width of Dt(6) is sufficiently small. Hence, there is no interference between Ft(@) andthis image signal. This is not so, if the signal D'(@ V2 cos (a,-20,)8 is first multiplied by an lated by multiplication auxiliary carrier with 2cos Q,8 and then 2 cos (M)-,)8: {[D*(@ V2 cos (a,-20, )e]V2 cos 0,9}2 cos (259-0,)8 =) aE 60:)[ cos 20,0 demodu- + cos 2(29-22,)8 +14 = (14) cos 2(0,-2, 6]
3.11 SYNCHRONOUS The term FT(@) is from (7) DEMODULATION D‘'(@) appears affected and (14) of cosine. would if there were the one no Amplitude us term rather used instead of the of two of by image on the of (14), sine and signals, right hand (b) for is to that, lev a signal filter; if carriers. anyway Dt(9) be Let means in carriers the signal = Fe) very carriers. little, systems multichannel transmitted ley) contrary filtered, fromdifferent be Walsh sine-cosine of usually signals to term M multiplier by wal(j,®): = Ft(e)wal(0,e) sequency required separate order demodulator processes, sine-cosine difference this and lowpass (4) be multiplied demodulation synchronous filtering Lem high no is ever, than (a) same (Ft(6)wal(j,9)Jwal(j,6) j @j = 0 to side cal (j,8) modulator consider Ft(e@)wal(1,6) There hand theorems interference Walsh carriers. LP sequency for Walsh functions. are right multiplication be b Let the W7.)s Sidenote Fig.49 on by the image signal Dt(@). One may see that the reception of image signals is a consequence There aa Howsince in . To show channels by a second car- wale, 0): Dec e.) bC8) + SoCeeCH i=l = s o(r)wal(r, 8) r=0 calcite) Orci Ssalta, ed (16)
wal(j,6) by pig )wal(1,0) of demodulation Synchronous TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. We yields: (17) i] D*(e)wal(1@j,6) = [pt(e@ wal(1,0)]wal(j,6) 2k >; c(r)wal (18jér ,6 ) r=0 and wal(r,@) with s be filtered signal will is pass ee Or Only 2 j and function demodulated the with cut- of wal(1®jé@r,6) (17) filter r, the following filteif condition 1 be larger than binary Swe The condition ree > 2k be modulo =k zeros at its eabisty eke have will zeros Let only eee at (19) one. 6 ee ere in order sides of for (20) (18) to hold. Adding ek (21) has n lowest 1 modulo j yields: 4S that Adding them (18) digits. obtains: a eel Seal transformation fact One n binary (20) 2 on both last the 2 ways to satisfy have andlet gl ete !satisfied, tee Pi Os 2k 2k places. lv Goj, (18) possible the number lt must ec ae ere many Let y lowest ata) jee lowpass this two of the Oi wo by a sequency ogt Te discussed. the The functions satisfied: SD be through Walsh y, or onl further No Walsh p=k. sequency off wal(0,@), Let only. = 2k r i =k with sal(i,@) cal(i,9) functions Walsh contain and Dt(@) Ft(e) Let uses the n binary binary 2 in (20) relation places j © j = only, while O and j has places. yields a second possibility (18): = Conditions Pr +7] like (23) (21) and (22) divide the sequency spec-
3.11 SYNCHRONOUS trum into trum is divided into ment of certain frequency more general Walsh DEMODULATION sequency carriers {CF for based an auxiliary as the group with the the sequency theory wal(h,8) channels is no are interference then = D*(6)wal(1,6) be it (23) = Ft(e) by image this, let multiplied first by wal(h,®) To later. demodulate show used. A for F*(@)wal(j,6) first = [F*(@)wal(jéh,8)]wal(jan,8) There require- wal(jéh,é@): 8 )wal(j,6)Jwal(h,9)}wal(j@h,9) carriers spec-— channels. will be given and a carrier by for multiply asignal carrier frequency channels bandwidths allocating on to by multiplication just frequency method It is possible with channels AAD signals, a if received Walsh signal and then by wal(j&h,9): {([DT(6)wal(1,@)Jwal(h, 9) }wal(jéh, @) = Con) Dt(@)wal(1@h®j@,8) = Dt(e)wal(1ej,9) 2k >, ¢(r)wal (1¢j@r, 9) I r=0 Dt(@)wal(1®j,8) through =k, absence of a as only sequency lowpass the image signals Walsh function of Walsh Amplitude orthogonal Most but of theorems Of 8 Waléh can may (8) the that have be well better known produce not sime-cosine Harmuth, Transmission of Information of be systems may on could cut-off is traced the and with (18) be diagram modulation this filter that pass sequency satisfied. The to the occurrence right hand side of the (1.29). forthe synchronous demo- carriers. systems other or theorems shows a block component condition of dulation far, as one Fig.49b No no long multiplication way. contains functions of other discussed in very shown due to practical have or functions, two terms the advantages insufficient an functions one complete, much same so effort. multiplication asinthe but aninfinite case series
of or Walsh strongly from that of sine-cosine differs dulation mo- amplitude Their one. a complete not but system gonal m an orthofor pulses block Carriers of periodic terms. TRANSMISSION CARRIER %. 144 functions. 3.12 Multiplex Systems through sed modulated a via after plex one are to several signals such Single modulators the There link. at the method it carriers as well. m modulators The the receiver phase must This at be means the from m lowpass multiplex same synchronized the frequency The are inserted m is signal is multi- carriers The that were carriers to those in must be right suppress multi- non-sinusoidal demodulated filters which signals of wrong channels. the transmitted demodulation to transmitter. difference very small. through applied by the principle, be frequency Synchronous be mo- sideband. to separate received used for multiplexing mitter. can amplitude filters one suppress receiver. and plied in sideband methods In then may and added are carriers common carriers. sine orcosine m onto dulated are pas- Signals and filters lowpass frequency telephony m telephony. for system tiplex mul- a frequency Consider in multiplexing. is modulation amplitude of applications important most the of One the in transand signals the pass the contributions A practical frequency mul- tiplex system differs of course fromthis principle, since specific features of sine and cosine functions are utilized in practical tures, which complete The of modulation carriers are amplitude lation. cosine and methods Two equal Here sine systems two sideband systems. of Two of known in frequency by bandwidth are is on share those fea- with other and single functions. quadrature are equal signals emphasis functions orthogonal modulated frequency the two inthe produced, modulation frequency but 90° multiplexing. phase independent case of difference Signals quadrature eachof which has of modu- twice
3.12 MULTIPLEX the SYSTEMS bandwidth than in the Signals of a of occupy one of sideband a common the [11]. two i. either cal(i,8@) quency sideband quadrature by means voltages and a'. periodic The modulated at Walsh the used be fed directly g* of of available the the sequency may denote modulation and are too. sal(i,9) is single carriers means that sideband to appear at two d' lowpass to The transmitter that LP, step The at a delay another 125 c'. the multiplied Walsh same voltages ap- are fed equal are at to the They may lowpass fil- b'. The and and voltages b and headset. produce produce is two c S M by the b'. modulate of the multiplier g' are equal tothose into atelephone in a fil- b and points added voltage This filters transmitter. lowpass outputs are out- points amplitude multipliers g and The to and transmitter. outputs multiple- Fig.50. applied applied d and for modulation. their M secar- the apart of sequency are One but through two sequency obtained. receiver inde- modulated. case, refer multipliers the by two twice aswide principle carriers in at h' h and outputs those e the in one modulation spaced microphones carriers sequency through ters the used functions pearing a Signal in Single for modulated only for the voltages receiver the those be as of two voltage terms, sideband sideband to of Walsh fedto two exist generated ineither is have of Step are output both carrier by methods cal(i,8) sal(i,®@) They are passing LP. better amplitude Single explanation These modulated methods single are modulation put ters one is suppressed several functions or sequencies xing since Only for Quadrature modulation means that cal(i,@) signals. pendent and sal(i,@) as For Lacking Walsh sequency well at modulation quadrature are rier bandwidth suppression. by each as are more Signal, band. sidebands There No per frequency generated Corresponding There signals. occupied frequency is amplitude multiplexing them is modulation. this for original baseband certain and the 415 of us 125 us delay. and The
these delays. Multiplexing of analog sigis no problem in modifying transmission inone direction. nals will be discussed. There input and output circuits for a for that principle the of two-wire hybrid frequency line coming circuit into branch. A signal on one the inputs of 1024 sequency lowpass filter The the switches of a the from a the and a than transmitter. filters by applied It sequency are split receiving branchis with cut-off lowpass im- more subscriberis transmitting of no multiplexing. transmitting LP are multiplexing sequency or time omitted are details they since of digital transmission the for Such signal. discussion, further portant The telephony PCM the from channels Seven signals. of ausual are required binary of transmission for channels inputs of the the to applied are only -V For types of signals. other or +V voltages the instance, for Channels 1024 with system shows amultiplex Fig.51 for indicate Fig.50 of diagram time the of sections dashed TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. AAG to passes a of 4 kzps. driven by pulses of the timing generator SG. The input signal F(§@) is transformed into a step function F%(6); F(6) and Ft(9) are shown F(e) in After to Fig.52 filtering, one of 42 pliers M. The are Walsh without thogonality the the delay of 125 signal is amplitude carriers first shown in Fig.52. nal us between four 171 142 carriers Duration interval to T and coincides modulated inone wal(0,6) to position of with the on- of the multi- wal(4,8) their stepsofthe orsig- F *(9). 32 modulated S32 into nels is but and Fit(9). one each are chosen as choosing size carriers group. As obtained example of groups are combined by the a result, as shown 32 in groups with Fig.51. only; principles and supergroups adders The for 42 81 to chan- figure 32 judiciously will be discussed later. The output voltages of the adders are amplitude modu-
3-12 MULTIPLEX SYSTEMS , AV? 1 ' oc’ fe) a Ss ee t—_ Fig.50 quency channel No. Principle of a lowpass filter, Transmitter sequency multiplex system. M multiplier, S adder. Receiver 32 groups 32 channels each T33-T64 LP se- channel No. WMS T3Z Fig.51 Sequency multiplex system with 1024 telephony channels for transmission in one direction. LP sequency lowpass filter; Mmultiplier; S adder; TG, FG, SG trigger, function and timing generator.
118 carriiers of i Generation 5. Table 3. CARRIER 4 to TRANSMISSION multi- the by T42 ce wal(k,6)wal(1,@) = wal(j,@) and oe ee 41, )wal( l(1l, ,@)wa wal(k tion plica multi 143 to T64 by the ee REMPBRRSSRRSAR SORIAMARWNHO SNH eonnwne COM>! CHNORADID wo pe lated ers onto M. voltage the the Adder is steps Walsh 8343 carriers adds the obtained is at equal to tude of this output independent amplitudes the sequency nal may may be At be to signals LP, O which with pass are the to output bey x125 per sine the the then equal The to or Walsh T™1 the those The ns. A step width The ampli- occupies receiver sig- or it in 32 then in carrier. multiplied to to of = 8 192 000 signal the 134% carriers multipli- This multiplex first carriers to * 122 Mzps. is through 833. 8000x(42)* second. signal inthe 32 voltages. us directly a T64 of assumes = » = 4.096 modulate M with 32 multipliers ters 9 signal receiver multipliers lated the transmitted used the band 134 resulting T64 T3432. sequency in the and The demodu- lowpass transmitter. fil-
3.12 MULTIPLEX SYSTEMS 119 F(@) F*(@) OE ees een goer i As ce! aes Sg aos meee eases a eee wl Oe wi.) EEE tt ee ES pal0 oe 8 SSE ae a fer afi fa ea eS 0 eS ee Ea ee 125 ee Ee ee ee ee ee ee 250 eS eee 375 us 500 t——_ Fig.52 Time diagram Table 6. The 2x42 tem of Fig.51. for the carriers multiplex of the sequency function calli,6), salli,@) system multiples calli,8), salli, @) RWHR RHA HAHAHA BHCOIMBRA Pee eee NNrFrR OS Om OO m ol cel ce | ce) ia ian sys- CHONANRwWNHRO Ree Bee eee NOQOrwnro pDnNnnwnnree Sow Rone ror boCoane dec,| binary 000000000 | 0000000000 16 000010000 2 | 0000100000 32 000100000 | 0001000000 48 000110000 0001100000 64 001000000 0010000000 80 001010000 | 0010100000 96 001100000 0011000000 001110000 0011100000 010000000 0100000000 010010000 0100100000 010100000 0101000000 010110000 2 0101100000 011000000 0110000000 011010000 0110100000 011100000 0111000000 011110000 0111100000 100090000 1000000000 100010000 1000100000 100100000 1001000000 ecoqgaononceccooaaonasoo 100110000 1001100000 101000000 1010000000 101010000 1010100000 101100000 1011000000 101110000 1011100000 110000000 1100000000 110010000 1100100000 110100000 1101000000 110110000 1101100000 111000000 1110000000 111010000 1110100000 111100000 1111000000 111110000 1111100000 46066004660666 - oo tooa wal(j,@) een |dec. | binary 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 Fig.51. function wal(j,@) ti eee ae of 0 o)ra o @eaenreonmeeunsoaw®omaonaoanmnegogauagunoawnnwnwnonmaonxaonon
the the multiplication -wal(1,0), functions by binary ted functions digits of the ry number is be between fitted available lost always sequency the Walsh 2'° purely elements. this to To4. of the The Walsh carriers are functions tion ..., wal(0,6), cation means coset. One by the T32 may To4. The are progress the as of by reordering wal(0,@) of the with 143 modulation All 134% to functions 6 with a cosets wal (0,6) .n< cosets. wal(31,6). are 32 carriers the carriers of Table ..., = functions 32 The with wal(31,9) 2!'9/25 each one of the wal(992,9) no be- formagroup number of the usable multiply to to there to to are generated elements T64 wal(1,6), can just the a used wal(0,@) to only used, last channels. be There functions obtained by multiplying wal(32,0), may the as a bina- T1 T4343 carriers wal(1023,8) 133 wal(j,@) that way of chosing the carriers. functions Thisis see wal(j,6) written carriers 32 adjacent to 2° elements. subgroup. --wal(31,8) ble empirical may completely theory wal(0,@) The with is between group functions subgroup of of The two of the band bands Concepts yond zero. any notation sequency normalized sequency One sal(i,@). cal(i,®@), as as well five inthe table Walsh carriers. these Ta- wasted. bandwidthis of choice cross- so that no must be chosen showninthis are Fig.31. in sequency no and genera- be can functions shown T64 possible a 6 shows ble as to 1443 produced is talk Rademacher counters carriers The wal(7,0),-..wal(2"-1,6).. wal(3,6), 5. Table by shown is Rademacher the from (1.29) theorem of by means generation Their 132. to ™ carriers for used wal(0,@) to wal(31,6) are best functions The Walsh used. carriers in the only differ methods two The modulation. sideband single for as aswell lation modu- holds for quadrature Fig.51 of diagram block The TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 420 any possi- T64 are wal(0,6), one func- Sucha multiplielements one of the tions wal(0,@), wal(1,6), ..., wal(31,@). multiply wal(42,6 ) with these 32 functions, of each 32 func- One may further then wal(64,¢@),
3.12 MULTIPLEX SYSTEMS ja etc. The are re atotal of 323? = 2'®8 such products, which means there are 2'®8° possible choices of carriers 13% to Te4, none duce crosstalk. of Fig.52 which shows carriers wal(0,@) riers 11 to be a more of lated 132 sequency bandwidth sine and cosine carriers besides the Walsh to in wal(3,@). Fig.51. The this having car-= have The 32 to to modu- pass a modulation sequen- and frequency between as would case. without or pro- them type of quadrature connection close may use multipliers in added This filter. One type could be sideband the shows waste complicated carriers single would cy multiplexing. One May functions Mee O or Signals readily that Lie is carriers F(6) are doesnot hold have multiplication or-Walsh Fig.51 1024 nization can Ofepne sequency 134 similar used for output voltage channels. tion tudes. of The the of be input filters. Té4. They those of must sine- can a synchrowhich is vol- constant of Tracking with relative statistical a form times averaging long by the shifts. built functions suppressed of of orthogonality to be between more a if The invariant Walsh be line or wal(2"-1,0), 2”. channel them onto one filters. Let Fig.53. of of is signal the is is rise v,(t) multiplex steps completely v,(t) and signal the a telephony width signal If the to transmitted ation ents for synchroniz Requirem from lowpass to can if. the transmission function is the to can tracking inferred system interval synchronization functionsis and background any Fig.51 Actually, A Walsh modulated The ease. be lock that filters by of carriers extra function, Rademacher the the that a finite (T52 theorems an applied is in to receiver. signal. a Rademacher tage Fig.52 functions. and channels 7] for shows transmitter from filtered This eosine see orthogonal 122 represent with system ns. contained transmitted, may times The in the 1024 informa- its it be ampli- suffices
— the absence steps, in in the nization. exactly at the rise time In error. must is be thus than Amplitude ns, rise general, less presence points 122 122 time is of noise. However, to v,(t) tegral over taken Crone tOnv «Ceol circuit va(t), cal which can shown of do this. ry the due to emission Consider modulation and the ter are in plus synchronization no detection one may error method readily see by integration, e.g., Fig.543 without The within is maximum The ... synchronization is from, frequency can be solved field ZT, sampling by T in that since to Of v,(t) the is the in- propor- evel theoretically problem in Fig.53. there a poor can be reconverted The O, T, 2T, if so ns. sampling v,(t) regained be may voltage step original va (t) v,(3T), to v.(2T) from The be v,(2T), to by va(t) shown as etc. v,(T) from change to ns 122 that it takes slow synchro- time rise the Let time. Consider the rise the for interval tolerance thisisthe and vals, inter- long ns 422 the in anywhere done be may sampling The information. the all obtain to order of amplitudes the sample to - noise of TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. Wee use wider of a transistor for time in Walsh functions. signal F*(@) filtered on top; the Itisa with into classi- approximate a filter which this problem variable the The by element of Single original a sequency time theo- the filter. discussion of shown to v.(t) framework of sequency F - a transform any ringing. theory simplicity the Fig.54 will shift sideband signal F(é) lowpass fil- between F(98) and F%(@) is omitted. The Walsh carriers wal(0,@), wal(2,6), wal(4,6), wal(6,8),....... are shown. Their time base is 250 us, whichistwice the durationof the steps of Ft(9). The filtered expression F¥(6) signal in the interval = c(O)wal(0,6) 8 = (t-t,)/T; t+ F"(@) is O represented by the = t <250 following Us : + c(1)wal(1,6) = 125 us, T = 250 us; (25) + s9< }
3.12 MULTIPLEX SYSTEMS Vel2T) sipleaelll” 123 wat) F(Q) —— Valt) : VelT) _ vet) velaT) ny FM) Vel4T) volt) el wal (0,) | Sa L___ ca ee) ee es) hE a ee |, a eee wall6,8) ALL FER ESF T 0 el -wal (2,8) ———_+—_ + }__+_ 20 ees i208 Fig.53 (left) Finite rise time of astep perio the conversion. of) va(t) also-reconverts v,(t) into v,(t). Fig.54 (right) multiplex tools mo lmen Amplitude of Fig.54 are functions occupy Fig.54 250 us. also quadrature is the just those in the shows single between Fig.54. whole sine Walsh function sequency filters Ts is P5Ouus - carriers Walsh function carriers Hence, functions the wal(2j,6) with modulation. functions sine of on a Walsh the as (25), Ft(6) of wal(1,@), which does a by F%(@) sideband not (26) wal(2j+1,0) modulated sequency and signal The geries. Te fil- filter + ¢(1)wal(2j+1,0) available modulation is based first lowpass the Their amplitude modulation a (frequency) dence of = c(O)wal(2j,6) out sideband the Carriers one and The yields: produces left for anne of function v(t). of asingle base DosemrOr by Ft(e) Modulation diagram Time modulation Pf (6 )wal(2j,6) that Time system. into time The fact, well as however, band. base doesnot in Walsh of yield correspon- the case of that wal(0,6) of a Fourier contains the to a Fourier Fig.54 be increa- belong series. Let the time base of the carriers in
special case of of time the the single class the base of sequency which can with signals be frequency, whichis signals, times separable. herently to lead to those need Since marked to are other some by their frequency The yet as the sideband systems, the is to of or time is signals Time various marking in signals sequency, one are that are fretheir mul- unknown order will with that times. having networks radio by multiplex multiplex systems ease marked delay hand, the reason inherently additional sequency not equal networks independent communication for systems separated. onthe have appears of frequency multiplex communication signals is of filters. multiplex and multiplex tiplex delay in combined quency feature time single of carriers lowpass A characteristic compared the drawbacks and modulation T = for only systems sideband Quadrature investigated. where base possible many these been Advantages ...... 2, 1, 0, j = us} are per- wal(4j,9) wal(8j,9) and us, T = 500 for only mitted carriers The side- single sequency of examples systems are obtained. band 4000 more Two Ft(@). signal changing the without us 1000 or us 500 to us 250 from sed TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. der to also expect very be in- them similar signals. supergroup B, 64 channels ae u®) cane®) supergroup A, 32 channels es a 256 = 320 Fig.55 Occupation wide base bands. Fig.55 er je 3h~SSAB KapsSIZ of sequence bands by multiplexi y Muitiplexing y q shows a possible sequency allocation for 4 kzps groups
3.12 MULTIPLEX and supergroups tion B is are so of band 64 to 128 = cess Khe group band from 192 to A in Modulation wal(128,6@) wl2ekzps. of the Se, sieval 100 of a band in kzps and from func- Single assumed. Oto4kzps. the are sequency wal(32+2j,0); wal(96,8) the interval shifts 42 256. are channels ty a from 128 into the agroup wal(192,8) by 256 kzps; the are G2, 384 A into 64 Table band are marked shifted fromthe “10° is of the shows by the are the 384 denoted by shifted. The 16 wal(j,9), anstance, “onto is from position for modulated A carrier which carriers baseband. occupies the band to are wal(50,6) signal a supergroup channels 7 channels sequency the to supergroup resulting channel The into These from Fig.55. of agroup in band carrier a 2450e8>., wal(50,6). or carrier wal(64,8) Walsh us occupies carriers the kzps. the sequency channels jue 256 The B 128 alloca- supergroup Fig.55. shifts supergroup of basebands that The of the carrier Shifts it into Go kzps. the sequency kzps; supergroup occupy modulation shifts 192 32, This A or subgroup than make a group Od network. supergroup and atim base e of 250 channels from Amplitude group, mathematical modulation basebands a) et communication wit j smaller h individual Sixteen a W2D that the wal(j,@) sideband The in chosen cosets tions to SYSTEMS the equal band the carrier to from 2x50 100 = to 104 kzps. The carrier wal(50,6) becomes wal(82,6) by multiplication with wal(96,6), or wal(114,6) by multiplication the with band 2x114 = wal(64,9) from 228 wal(210,0) cupies to the of 292 kzps, 2x244 488 kzps. and a group supergroup 164 the Finally, in of = 556 a Channel kzps the or 10 occupies the carrier B. bands kzps, transmitted. The with B, from wal(50,¢) Channel a Signal 10 oc- lower = 420 2x210 supergroup band wal(178,4), wal(146,@), supergroup wide 4 kzps case A. ‘168 carriers 2x178. being to kzps. the eyqiGu= Consider = wal(244,@) or one 232 of one becomes in 2x82 limit or kzps supergroup occupies A the
Bi eo pear = OV) ae 512 kzps the carrier 256 <@ the band < 0 < » <512 band (j = 192, <» < 256 kzps the extract wal(64,6) which the supergroup (j = 64, <@ for band of a < 128 a B be 484 the band 190) is transposed into that the 126). ..., sequency bandeset the into A sequéency 128 of can kzps A multiplication kzps. the to from Bis multiplied shows 254) is transposed cut-off it shift = from band the 2. .9eG2)5 0, ..., a O band can is Let having filter 7 ..., (j = keps kzps 128 lowpass 2! x4 band the Supergroup Table (j = 128, ©» <128 equal in in channels wal(128,0). < 384 kzps to transmission the channels 32 32 shall be extracted. to by is filtering of is sequency example the the or kzps 484 to Either B. supergroup 256 kind extract the group wanes further a as Consider simple cut-off the if only possible sequency This A. supergroup the and cut-off kzps 256 with ter will fil- A lowpass kzps. 128 of sequency cut-off with filter lowpass sequency a of by means group the extract may One Big. 5d5¢ to according kzps 512 to 64 from band sequency TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. ‘N2e band < » < 128 by kuapa; 256 A. supergroup multiplied by wal(192,8) instead of by wal(128,0). The band 256 < » < 384 kzps (j = 128, ---, 190) is transposed into the band 128 < » < 256 kzps (j = 64, 2-2, ..., 126), the band 254) into the A sequency 128 lowpass kzps, group which filter now individual be 542 < 128kzps(j can contains sequency. any position with the dual channels The in proper and can by extract the other the band be or lowpass filtered the kzps (j = 0, ..., the band channels Walsh groups in time of all may spectrum carrier. The 2j <9 with filter signal sequency remodulate done in multiplication by a sequency off dulate channel extracted filtering what 0 <9 < » < = 0 192, 62). <® < of super- B. Any can band 384 < 2ejt+4 kzps wal(j,9), and having then by 4 kzps be shifted to multiplying it extraction channels without channels multiplexing. is of indivi- need to demo- very It cut- may similar to be to used
3.12 MULTIPLEX Table of a SYSTEMS dey 2 Transpositof ion the carriers wal(32,0)..wal(62,9) group to the carriers wal(64,6)..wal(126,0) of a Supergroup A and a Supergroup B. Zeek epoe Ore tos the The 25), carriers sequency its. of wal(128,0)..wal(256,6) the carriers is equal of to supergroup A: 2 groups group: 16 channels carrier wal(96,8) 96=1 100 000 carrier wal(64,6) 64=1 000 000 7 Zz 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 32 100 100 100 100 101 101 101 101 110 110 110 110 111 111 111 111 000 010 100 110 000 010 100 110 000 010 100 110 000 010 100 110 66 68 70 72 74 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 supergroup 1 000 010 1000 100 1000 110 1001 000 1001 010 1001 100 1001 110 1010 000 1010 010 1010 100 1010 110 1011 000 1011 010 1011 100 1011110 | | | | | | | B;: 2 supergroups A carrier wal(192,8) 192=11 000 000 10 000 000 10 000 010 10000100 10 000 110 10 001 000 10 001 010 10 001 100 10 001 110 10010000 10 010 010 10 010 100 10 010 110 10011000 10 011 010 10 011 100 10011110 route tion It | | ; channels that 11 000 000 11 000 010 11 000 100 11 000 110 11 001 000 11 001 010 11001100 11 001 110 11 010 000 11 010 010 11 010 100 11010110 11 011 000 11011010 11011100 11 011 110 202 2 y 2 | } 2 22% through 3 | p 2 y y | | 2 switched a edthe channels so farthat assum supergroup holds exchange case 10 100 000 10 100 010 10 100 100 10100110 10 101 000 10 101 010 10 101 100 10 101 110 10 110 000 10 110 010 10 110 100 10 110 110 10 111 000 10111010 10 111 100 10111110 11 100 000 11 100 010 11 100 100 11 100 110 11 101 000 11 101 010 11 101 100 11101110 11 110 000 11 110 010 11 110 100 11 110 110 11111 000 11 111 010 11111 100 11111 110 communica- [14]. into assumption the | been has combined same | individual network carrier wal(128,6) 128=10 000 000 | | | 1100 000 1100 010 1100 100 1100 110 1101 000 1101 010 1101 100 1101110 1110 000 1110 010 1110 100 1110 110 1111 000 1111010 1111 100 1111110 98 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 122 124 A if all true into groups channels are or B are channels and groups This synchronized. are combined supergroups. combined and into Now in the consider at differgroups
are synchronized. groups same groups these these that the have j | j wal (27,6). LJ LI LI cannot assume, | that assume iu es) is O) ANSE | j | We j | wear Th wath Ohm (le Fw Le foe ee wal (96,4) ey LJ L—J however, base time wal(34,0) | wal (63,8) | into may, One super- combined One exchange. level ahigher at groups are groups these and exchanges ent TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 128 1 LJ grup4 ay 1 T 2 ROSS 5 1 6 S888 group2 a 1] 2 ROSSA 5 T 6 SYSS8y a eel a ee es Se ee grup! cA 4 72 RSS 5 T 6 BSS group2 cL 4 | 2 K3NSN 5 T 6 SSS group! f SSNS 7 T 2 BSS 5 TO group2 FMT 4 TP2 BSR 5 TT 6 B87 wiiter= lowpass =e Lee P2222 LLANELLI LBS SS Se a 0 0 4/32 7.8425 ee 4/46 @ —= 3/32 45.625 23.4375 T= 250 ps SS 4/8 34.25 pos = Fig.56 Principle for the combination of two non-synchronized groups into a supergroup A according to Fig.55. The time base figure and combination of unsynchronized will be discussed shows on wal(127,6) top in the the with groups reference Rademacher interval with to equal Fig.56. This functions wal(31,0) O = @ < 4. The multipli- and These cations wal(127,6)wal(63,@) = wal(64,6) wal(127,9)wal(31,8@) = wal(96,0) yield the to the functions carriers one supergroup ference Lines for a of ding functions to for wal(96,@). transposition A according to of two Fig.55. are groups in- They are the re- synchronization. Fig.56 non-synchronous the wal(64,8) required show groups. wal(32,@), Figs.54 and 55; symbolically These signals the wal(43,0),..., the amplitude signals of two consist of wal(63,8) of these sums of accor- functions
Fe(ee ULL EPLEX SYSTEMS Wes, depend ons the particul signal transmitted ar . Fig.57 shows that a signal containing the functions wal(32,6),wal(33,6), ---, wal(63,9)isastep odd with steps 1/64 wide. The wal(35,8),..., wal(64,9) are not wal(33,8), functions in Fig.57, shown function since they Say Gi skeveGOm only differ 4) cua the interval -3 = 8 < Ofrom the even functions wal(32,8), wal(34,0), ..:, wal(62,0). The signals in the Vines a 6f Fig.56 are divided into intervals 1/64 wide. Their amplituaes these in nt consta are Seivcue Fig.57 sare signal a that val -2 +2 the amplitudes Sign must < -4 + -$ 26 in 2k any two fl 8 of Fig.56 value of the signal The amplitudes Ta Ghestupervals show such eal Fig.57 9 Walsh Harmuth, Transmission generally: and opposite 1 amd Cae intervals alternatively absolute 2, 5 and of equal absolute hatched and not hatched. value and opposite 4, 4 2.<_< (mas holds oF Ga’ '* < en ten have equal a inthe inter- -v value al ll eGRies Meecaecumi. Bines wal(32,9), v in the interval result absolute in- intervals 2k ce This same the have functions amplitude the < -# +2. £86 the individual from see r furthe may amplitude. the have The One “2. containing having and WoL (65,0) wey intervals. 2, 1, by aenoved 5 and 6, ——E—————— sign etc. os ————— ee a a ga ieee iia functions pies of Information a ee Pr Snes a eek ae (hued 9 Walicqeon see rea ness ry wl? C21 ;0)) = seawall Gl. cal Gi,d).
trigger by the riers sufficient. yet not the O with absolute equal which for ling this and so. 1 has circuit to that groups correctly but f and reference to arbitrary shift groups since each by other any not. line wal(96,8). from that shifted with 1/32. of of Such an channels in division. Written symbolically, following (group yields 1)wal(64,9) the the signal of supergroup of + (group supergroup following two 2)wal(96,6) A by wal(64,@) or wal(96,80) signals: [(group 1)wal(64,8) [(group = (group 1) + (group 2)wal(32,6) 1)wal(64,6) + (group 2)wal(96,8)]wal(96,6) = One of pressed, the in It is (group 2) quence, + (group terms order on to easier than (group the to are 2)wal(96,9)]wal(64,6) 2) + the (group right obtain others. Thisisof (group obtained, sides 1 or the terms no may be [(group 2)wal(32,@)]wal(32,0) 1)wal(32,0) wal(32,6)]= = (group 2) (group 1) be sup- 2 separate- (group practical wal(42,6): [(group must group 2)wal(32,0) which = 1)wal(32,6) hand group suppress sinc the e terms wal(32,0) A has form: Demodulation ly. f. 2 is and aninterchange cause would multiple samp— 2 from differs 2 maybe a lines group wal(64,6) 1 and of group problem of synchronization the by signals the takenfromline be of time division, the yields the have intervals two with 1 begins Shifting modulation of the carriers for time not is now synchronized 1 Group c Group is holding Group Note value. is 6 = time amplitudes 2 in whichthe 1 and at c begins line 2 in Group intervals synchronization This wal(96,@). and wal(64,6) are They c. lines of signals car- the with synchronized the yields 1/64 of- duration interval an during voltages sampled the holding and indicated times the a at lines als signof b line pulse of the Sampling TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 130 and 1) or conse— (group 1)x demodulated by
3.12 MULTIPLEX The a terms sequency Vetoeeo tion SYSTEMS (group lowpass lvone 1) and filter 68 = 1752501752 (group that < duration channel telephony tend over two 4 in line f, equal absolute gration value yields zero and and wal 4 and 4, Pores wal(42,6) 52,0) makes etc. equal. Fhe asienalis! pass the signals ecules siens wine (sroup the Fig.56. us’ ¢c andof 1024 the ex- group have signals the inte- suppressed. teandeeroup Aim intervals 2)wal(42;0) Hie. 56 Their for-a intervals cancellation sequency dintegra- Hence, are in “the Thereisno through of sign. opposite Muka pLrcabloniOneroup Booy of line 2 in amplitudes the These integration group of the which line by over the inter- etc. to°7s6125 These system. intervals in last equal ig suppressed integrates 0 = 2/32) inter arevals shown inthe Hhon-normalized 2) canbe by sors lowpass Oscillograms Pine 1 and 2; integra- -(eroup 1) filter. of sequency filver: nC: carrier wal(>,o 3D: first modulation Ft(0O)wal(5,6); E: carrier wal(9,@); F: second modulation Ft(6@ )wal(5,0 )wal(9,6 ) =Fit(¢@ )wal(12,8); horizontal scale 50 us/div.;(courtesy H.LUKE and ReMALLE. of AEG-Telefunkeéen AG)* Fig.58 system is g* developed shown for oscillograms some shows by LUKE clarity and MAILE. instead of of asequency The one carrier of the multiplex wal(5,98) carriers
—55 about to and dropped was transmitted by a of Fig.55. -5% dB with the telephony tracking would be high enough to meet compandors are used. However, mainly of interest at present, the than enough system Post is peak -54 in this power case. by digital of the is more multiplex sequency HUBNER is signals attenuation advanced An if signal multiplexing limited crosstalk dB developed being Office for and attenuation standards sequency signal extracted and This filter. used was line signals telephony was equipment this in if the synchronization about function Walsh or wal(64,6) synchronization extra an’ if dB» modulation obtained attenuation crosstalk The wal(96,@) than the carrier rather second the for shown is s wal(9,8) (orsuauaulya iglalew Bor tie salic™rearon, Im Figs50° Wal (62,6) s00)) Wal(42,8), TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. Age West German Department. 3.13 Digital Multiplexing It has been based on gital filters. pointed Walsh Since shifting of signals expect that telephony before can be bandpass just sequency easilyby digital two out functions as equipment. sequency filters multiplex multiplex signals that implemented require systems systems Consider according to filters easily as disequency do, one will can be implemented the multiplexing Fig.50 for of illustra- WAL Owl, Two signals These signals Fig.50. The interval 125 form an by digital F,(6) are and amplituedes us< F,(@) represented t < ina 250 analog/digital representation are by to the particular be +110110 for a and interval, us, are transformed converter. multiplexed. curves Table FY(8) a' say in the into digital 8 and lists the -011010 for FM). Multiplexing of these two values will be discussed with reference to Table 8. It is assumed that F,(06) and F,(@) are signals of an 8-channel multiplex system. The 8 Walsh riers. Only functions two responds to an of the activity wal(0,8) to sal(4,8) channels factor carry of 0.25, are used as car-— Signals. This cor- which is represen-
3.13 DIGITAL Table 8. MULTIPLEXING Digital sequency FY(8) and to respective the 135 F(@) multiplexing according line of two signals to Fiet50.hc,bcly. seeirefer in Fig.50. F(@) stands forthe sum @fer™(o )eak(4,0) —— + —— 2 pleco Te sal(1,9)|sal(3,0@) -F(6@ ) -011010 +011010 +011010 -011010 +011010| —011010 -011010 +011010 |+0011100 |+1010000 |+1010000 |40011100 -0011100 |-1010000 |-1010000 |-O011100 eerste sal(1,9) sal(3,6) +0011100 +1010000 +1010000 +0011100 +0011100 +1010000 +1010000 +0011100 +110110000 +110110 tative for telephony multiplex channels -sal(1,@) and during peak traf- Bie The two sented by anudec sot carriers 8 digits Table’) +1 co. or The -1 -sal(3,6) as shown negative sign» of no importance here. The carriers amplitude numbers shown of modulated +110110 inthe column Same sline presented by F7(9) and columns e is d and obtained tinicodumnrc by numbers and -011010 by Fi(9) The the The one ithe columns c carriersis yield by two or digit the -1 signal numbers multiplex more 8 times +1 multiplex adding ¢'. having of) the -sal(1,9) and -sal(3,8) multiplied d'. and in can be repre- as -F(9) of the signal is re- than Ff(@) or BECO). The 8X8 -F(9@) may could use this xing would case, and be channels, digits of - digits be block sequency time one each with pulses division for division same the if in many transmitted 64 the including number parity channel. .as check Such ways. of - sign For amplitudes would be used transmission. in time digit a signal one -1. In +1 or for multiple- The 64 pulses multiplexing of 8 to the 7 were check the instance, added digit would permit
correction. error no but detection error single TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 134 Demodulation of -F(9) is done by multiplying -F(9) with -sal(1,9) and -sal(3,6). The resulting binary numbers are shown in columns g and g'. Integrationof F(e )sal(1,6) and F(@ )sal(3,9) means adding the 8 numbers in columns g and 8 yields the original tical to of the principle. The signal value and -F(@) 0011100 two of active and each to correct errors tage over useful time be 1010000; can errors, corrected. time division. information if the be numbers. two can contains Hence, it unchanged would is activity obscure only numbers signs. if one This number corrected In with in There The many is cases and two to the also possible more than that fourths of time two advan- reasonis three 0.25 due with a definite underlying is signs for changed itis thus transmitted factor negative comparison cases this absolute typical is by most and is of explanation the two of eachhave positive channels. interference three method Inclusion -F(6). to section of transformation signal be course of would numbers these multiplex the time-consuming less values by pracs of rite) and P(e) = The Walsh-Fourier fast the apply 1.25 obtain to way Division -011010000. and +110110000 yields which g', no the division is used. A considerable number of variations quency multiplexing scheme gated. However, possible great, thatno about their the definite relative of Table of the 8 have number of conclusions digital been investi- variations have been se- is reached so yet merits. 3.14 Methods of Single Sideband Modulation Amplitude a double modulation sideband theorems of these for the elimination very well functions. of by orthogonal Consider two of sineorcosine modulation one due There to the are sideband carriers a numberof that yields multiplication canbe methods analyzed functions. transmitters, both radiating sinusoidal
4.14 METHODS functions of gm. OF of SSM frequency The carriers, Ft(@) and D*(@) Ve sin Q,9- be a Dt(@), reproduced phase Q,), but having amplitude shall It have is exactly form Ft(6) assumed that the the a receiver, between and V2singn,@ a phase difference modulated by time the at difference V2cos 9, frequency but the that Q,can there received locally the functions Ve cos y,0 7and is carriers carriers produced V2 sin (Q,8+a). Multiplication of a received V2 cos (099+a), Signal S(6), S€e) “WS = F'(6) Y2cosn,0 by V2cos (Q,8+a) + Dt(e) y2sina,6, and [2 sin(0,9+a) S(6) V2cos (N,@+a) = F*(9) cosa + F'(Oicoe S(o Ve sin (0,e+000= C27.) yields: + Dt(0) sina + (2iigesa ) + —F'(oy.sina (28) D (8) sin (Q,8+a) + DiC) cosa + (29) + F'(@) sin (20,6+a) - D*(8) cos (20,6+a ) The termsonthe tiplied by cos(2n,@+a) frequency components filters. only The if riers the of cy phase two they (28) and (29) mul- contain high shall be Ft(@) as Hence, difference signals Ft(9@) and into two phase and cosine car- #n may Dt(6) without each frequenchannels channel. utilizationof by Dt(@) two phase sine permits or a Putting it differently, here very suppressed then a vanishes. but subdivided demodulation of contain difference frequency canbe sides sin(20,@+a) independent will be denoted nous or only; interference. channel hand right hand sides equal transmit mutual right both which Synchrochan- phase nels. through the channel in for order instance, quire low sine a that certain to replace Ft(é@) and them make in Ft(@) D*(@) frequency. modulated by the but channel, be through never transmitted One may, and re- no energy practically be- be de- (29) signal circuit of Fig.59. cosine the distinguishable. have The always may function time A certain by 1 + F*(@) S(8@) The may signal then [1+MF‘(®)]x
%. (14+ cos 2298)is obtained at output 1, and 4s au Obtained Single To show this, of sine and let cosine Dt(6)(1+ cos Q,8) 2. to according pulses channel. into aseries expanded be F(9) practical cosine and sine through a signal excellent an is modulation transmitting for means outvpuu sideband TRANSMISSION CARRIER 136 Fig.1: (30) B(g)=a(0)£(0,9)4V2 5’ Lac(4) cos 2mig+a,(i) sin 21ie] jz ap SS 5 Fourier transforms pulses shown are g(0,v), given by (1.24). @c(i,v) The and first g,(i,v) five of these transforms are in Fig.6. feedback loop Sine. (Mra ins0,e—L-!2sin(248+cx) Ty TM output [I+MF*(@)}+c0s20,8) Fig.59 Correction of the phase difference between received and local carrier V2cosQ,8 and V2cos (Q)84+a). Mmultiplier; LP frequency lowpass filter; HFO high frequency oscillator; PS variable phase shifter; PD fixed phase shifter for 90° Let us*denote V2sinQ)8, cos Mg8 and dois (8), these products dsc (8) and dgjs (0). boc(v) = are denoted 8V2lg(0,v-v,) hejic (Vv) = = Q,/2n The signs 2nie sinNyd, The 2sin 2niex dog (8), duc (8), Fourier by hg <(v),..-., & £(0,8)x transforms of hss (v): g(0,v4y,)] Coy #V2lg.(i,v-v9)& Sold svtVed =) 8V2le,(i,v-v,) Vo £(0,9)V2cosQ,9, 2cos 2sin 2ni@ sin ® by doc(8), products hsic(v) the 2cos 2718 cos N98, in parenthesis + gs (i, viv,)] hold for the Fourier transforms
3-14 hoy METHODS (v2 The OF Daeg SSM (v) Fourier ons F(@)V2cos and (41): oy and re (v). transforms 2,9 G,(v) and G.(v) of the functiF(@ V2 sin gQ,6 are obtained from (20) and Ge(v) = a(O)hoe(v) +91 Lac(d)bene(v) + asi thei (v)1(Z2) 1=] Gs(v) a(O )hy - : at as@iy) bey) (v) oF S fea. Ki bt ic .(v) =1 Considersthescase efficients of Ge(v) the equal ait) and-all zero to get anunderstanding The G,(v). and = as€t)-=4 resulting co- of the shape transforms of Fourier functions Vecos 2n@ V2cosn,6, V2cos ane VerimManoe 2 cos), Vo sin 2n0*V2 sin 150, ere Shown in-the Vecose2né equal and zero The first four V2 sin2né outside following PeOlmuMemu bans the are V2 sinn,§, lines of Fig.60. cosine and sine interval single Orisouine sideband bch rlrsh signals four See. onl 610.0 +9 Sinem £-¢(8) = cos 2n8 cosN,@ - sin er sin 099 fsc (9) = cos 270 sin)? -— sin2nd Peso me ecOs TO cos (0,6 + Fourier transforms almost all of pulses, that be on (43) cos 049 of these their functions functions energy in are £4,(6) the sideband rier sinQ,@ all and vy < four cosine the implementation of SSB called modulation [2]: Both (44) phase contain carrier single of ding to (33) isusually method Q,/en. signals cos,@. sideband second energy sine The F(6) in are car- practi- modulation method A signal sideband channels the in sand: f,.(8) the since shown upper feccenpemdeice (Op havermost of their) lower Fie s60: COs 0,0 Weegee used, derived Sil cn? sin {),0 Linesapestoposotetig.e0.eThehave that may lanes = The Note -% = 6 = ¢. eC cal other: or phase accorshift is modulated
AD single yields a filter. of by means sideband one suppressing by result same the obtains modulation the car-— onto modulated is all with signal same the sumordifference of the modulated carriers of SSB sideband signals. The first method 9,6; cos rier shifted phase 90° oscillations and 0,0, sin carrier the onto TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. ee) 2cos 21t/T ° cos Gol ~ LS) 2cos 2Tt/T ‘sin Wot wy 2sin 217 t/T ‘cos@ot 2sin2T7t/T-sin@ot wn cos n cos 2M t/T- cos aot - sin 2M t/T-sinwot $44 Lhd b4§ @ © -foT cos 21 t/T: Sin@ot - Sin 2TTt/T- cos Wot Fig.60 Fourier transforms plitude modulated by sine Line 9 in Fig.60 be disregarded. of lines this Single if same the used. this is for not a number two The way is phase positive single and of channels usually handicapped - sin 2Tt/T-cos 21M t/T- cos Qt of referred by high looks values sideband double channels exploitation - cos of sine and cosine and cosine pulse. transform 6 sideband + Sin2Tt/T-sin apt shows why negative This 5 and cos 21 t/T-cos@ot Oot st ~ fT —_ the + Sin 2Tt/T - cos ar meee + LSPPLLESBR N less, 21 t/T-Sin@ot frequencies like of of a to as crosstalk cannot transforms fT; neverthe- modulation certain each double the ve am- signal. sideband in carriers frequency frequency sideband quadrature inthe case permit band, channel modulation are in modulation-— of telephony
3.14 METHODS OF transmission. hand causes Sionif ter SSB more as wide. Thermal of for double sideband signal from phase sine through one the sine the band pro- used is would noise as half filtering but the side- equally, methods otherwise channel or asingle receive both from channels. The Sine signals; one transmit- the of afrequency both other sideband band; phase-sensitive the transmis- energy all on signal through frequency channel that the phase A double influences noise course digital either transmits cosine modulation, in used. energy of acertain the vided are all transmitter well sideband distortions filters transmits band 149 Single cosine’ channel as SSM investigation and .cosine functions are plot. results The tions. not Consider Everuneoi one wal(2i-1,v) functions wl2ek,6) wC2k+1,0) of pulses suffers frequency are the Wall@.)) modulation from limited simpler Walsh insteadof are amplitude to the of with Fig.2 ,ecalia, vy) =wal(2i,V) obtained = ig wal(2k,v) by cos functions. a Fourier that of these and are cumbersome obtain functions time by means fact The Walsh as iand to func- frequen- alia ,Vv)= following time transformation: 2nvedy (44) = iy walecked,+) sinenvedy 9 Kes OF 1) "2..." —oo The or 2k+1, functions have the w(j,@)cos,9 Fourier following 2fw(2k, 8 )cost,8cosenveds and Il w(j,6)sinn,§9, j = 2k transforms: wal(2k,v-v,) + wal(2k,v+v,) wal(2k,v-V,) - wal(2k,v+v, ) -0o afw(2k,8 )sind,@sindnvede co 2k+1, V-¥,)+wal (2k+1,v+¥) 2fw(2k+1,8)cosQ,@sinanvede = wal 2fw(2k+1,@ sind, ecos2nvedd =-wal (2k+1, v-y,)+wal (2k+1,v+y) -oo Or)
3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION 440 or tions the from may be derived nds only sideba lower the upper time func- in energy all having signals following The 54): w(0,@ )cosM@ + w(1,0)sinQ,d@, w(0,0)cosNes - w(1,0)sinQ,6 w(0,6)sinMge - w(1,0)cos,8, w(0,0)sin se + w(1,0)cosQ,6 w(2,8 )cosf,ge@ + w(3,0)sinQ,@, w(2,0)cosQ @ - w(3,0)sinQ9@ w(2,0)sing,@ - w(3,0)cosQ,@, w(2,0)sinQ,6 + w(3,0)cosQ,6 (36) Four Fourier in Fig.61. solute The value increases. for the transforms of the functions arrows The direction upper of sidebands Wo(0,8)cos $2,8+w (1,8) sin Q,8 jel indicate of the frequency ee ee in which of the andis (436) direction wal(2k,v) arrows reversed are and shown the ab- wal(2k+1,v) remains forthe unchanged lower ones. lt w(0,8)sin 22,8-w(1,8)cos228° 2 eee D Fig.61 W(08)cos 22,8-w(1,8) sin 298 es Fare pe Fourier transforms of frequency limited single Signals; v, = Q,/ent. some sideband el w(0,8)sin 2298+w(1,8)cos298 A block band modulation signal Two diagram F(@) signals components wise sideband fed The a through at second phase The the two their method phase cos 2ny,9 sum of of The the difference of shifting whose 90° and lower sidelimited networks. oscillation but are sin2nv,9 products a single frequency outputs, difference carriers modulated. signal, the shown in Fig.62a. appear have equal. plitude is is for other- are am- yields an upper sideband signal.
4.14 METHODS OF SSM 444 g(B)cos 21r(vy+1/2)8+ +h(B)sin 2(vq+1/2)8 Fig.62 (left) Outphasing method of single method sideband (a) and modulation (b) SARAGA's fourth of acarrier with frequency vy, byafrequency limited signal F(9). PS phase shifting network, M multiplier, S adder, BP bandpass fil- ter, F'(8) single sideband signal. Fig.64 (right) WEAVER's third method of single sideband modulation of acarrier with frequency v)+% by a frequency limited signal F(@). OS oscillator, M multiplier, LP lowpass falter. A very riers ted similar cos env@ signals plied An these A further WEAVER [4]. riers of the pass sin oor band shows F(8) a -and cos md Trequency, The filtered signals carriers: sin [4]. the two baseband Asimple block no multi- and in around bandfilter method diagram energy with of frequency the for carrier sup- cos OT the v4 +8) 0. imple- the band onto the carf,T = the middie Vg= and its to in pass onto due v,= is carriers modulated is outside 3 +] ismodulated modulated am(y ,+8)8 are carshif- signal is generated; cut-off-frequencies are The phase sums modulation with = fT with. 2v,. sideband 2) used. filters. The to signals. 1 lhe SARAGA added sideband frequency single 76 jol. to are producedinthe undesirable A signal f) 20477 ioe are Fig.63 mentation. Oes is due env upper signals double the carrier presses sin according to Fig.62b. together. addition, method and through f£,T = high The #. # or low- The frequency sum yields
nce , the differe signal sideband upper an CARRIER %. 442 TRANSMISSION a lower sideband signal. w (0,8) -w (1,8) 1 AEs -2w(18) cos 18 2 2w(0,8)sin x8 -2w (1,8) sin 18 3 299(8)=9o1 (8)+9q2 (8) 2g,(8)= 91 ()+9n (8) Fig.64 2) forms 2h,(8)=hy,(B)+ hyp(6) tO eR thod Fourier trans- of the third of single let the me- side- : ae ees 9478) Yoo8) hg,(8) hy (8(8) 3 ho (8) hy(8) Eee 24g (8) cos 2m (vy+1/2)8 2q)(8)cos 2x (ve 1/2) 8 +-- 10 f= 2hg(Q)sin 2m (vq+1/2)8 --+-- 2hy(8) sin Zr Vq+/2)8 Go (B)cos 2reWvq+I/2)B+hg(B)sin 2ry+1/28 g,(B)cos 2rr(vq+1/2)8+ h,()sin 2ne(v,+1/2)8 __.. __ Ss) 49 +-- EE L i 4 1 22 TL as i oa ji 4 J ET = x te 4 Ls RO Ne weed ial cy limited input functions transform F(6) = It (34) >, [a(2k)w(2k, k=0 (37) ee 2 through F(8§) and from > be method expanded w(2k+1,9) the 8) + one 4 ee WEAVER's signal sufficesto trace series of w(2k,8) rier et 1 For an explanation the + Walsh frequen- intoaseries derived by the functions. a(2k+1 )w(2k+1, 6) ] even the circuit and of Fou- one odd of Fig.63 (37) function of the rather than F(6). The simplest functions, w(0,9) and -w(1,6), are used. Their Fourier transforms wal(0,v) and -sal(1,v) are shown in Fig.64, line 7. The arrows point in the direction of in— creasing absolute values of v. Modulation of cos7mé@ shifts
4.14 METHODS the Fourier the left OF 443 transforms of line 1 by # to the right and to (line 2). The transform shifted to the left is hatc for clarity. The two shifted transforms are hed superimposed where they overlap and have equal signs. Shown shown Modulation right andthe (line 4). the SSM h,(98) which etsoushowm transform signals g),(9), yield the transforms yiel d Lines g,,(9) andh,,(6), g,(8) and h,(4); by3@ )) and t-h)(6)), sof transforms )odd.) 4and5). (lines of whe the left outside to which to The resulting 4and5). transforms hare # suppr all ess components odd transforms even by by -1 by # to the may be superimposed 8209) 8,09), the multiplied filters have 9 showthe 6 to shifts transform Lowpass and h,,(6) sinm@ -g = v = % (lines band Bo(8) of of h,(6) andg,(6) superimposed. wie transiorms wal(O,v) of the and of lines —sal(7}v). following functions g,(9) cos em(v,+#)9 6 to Hence, 9 one with have the Shape of obtains the transforms the help of (43): = [g,,09) + ¢,,(8)] cos 2n(vj+8)e (38) = [h,,(@) + h,(6)] sin 2m(v,+8)6 (39) to h, (6) sin 2n(v,+4)6 as shown and 5 in are = lines shifted ted transforms the four possible sine or rence Sunvot of an yields The filter causes carrier lanes upper the tically no necessary spectrum lO and used energy for of the actually following be according fourLer 12). in modula- This a filter. objectioFig.o5a signals. of asignal 0 = v = vo. the diffe- signal. sideband by investigation rectangular to with vrans— The sideband digital band 4 shif- transforms thew single spectrum lines the are particularly of the -1 (line sideband which of left; (45). a lower one power outside in or odd yields of transmission and +1 or signal method of by ll transform transforms right even shown sideband frequency the The of as distortions the for 11. tothe multiplied suppression tionis nable and v,+# products generally the shows are cosine The forms 10 by that joaiag: with It the prac- is not power © 2 WS Vr
3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION AA Fig.65b shown. as having Band-filters the dashed lines, show thessum of the hatched phase shift causes linearly not vary distortions. d separate by bandpass are the are partly does are introduced demodulated areas indicate nL TT filters, shows and The in and their This the signals additional distor- power to are Fig.65c frequency. receiver, N72 WAGN, k. spectra of The hatched improperly attenu- pe a Me tO Hy VebIG jiNN 7 RS ‘ ST IRN NEN ee Fig.65 attenuated with Fig.65i oscillations DNeINS J the (Fig.65f-h). signals where At by shown as oscillations The frequency areas signal tions sidebands. upper v,t+4vo- sidebands, lower the suppress the modula- and functions, transmission si- such amplitude vct2v, v9, frequencies with carriers of tion of by means bands adjacent into gnals three of shift the d shows to (left) ee Power spectra for ee the modulation and demo- dulation of three signals by single sideband modulation. Bandwidth of the signals is 2v,; lowest frequency of the Signals is 0. Fig.66 (right) Power spectra for the modulation and demodulation of three signals by transposed sideband modulation. Bandwidth of the signals is 2Vo; lowest frequency of the signals is 2%.
3.14 METHODS OF ate and d phase There may cated ters the cy bands be channels given by BENNET vy = 4y, is It-is only wider be to filters tod adjacent frequency with Bandpass filters by cause Figs.66b carriers the of are having of where the by the are show 2,2 'Vestigial to demodulated ) = 4yo eas sideband Harmuth, Transmission = O < Vv < ev, which the single is in power The and functions energy by shown The in bandpass of 2vy- The sum signals the distort. frequency the in- vce + sidebands. Fig.66e. no signals modulation Ve filters separated k. such 2Vo5 shows fre- At the filters. shown areas the demodulated spectraof non-distorted are signals in fig.66a. modulation of Information Av 2v,> equals that transmission there are The Fig.66i O<v<2yv, bandwidth amplitude vy. - bandpass introduced signals the since the signals = band three sidebands (Fig.66f-h). 10 bands frequencies hatched Deuce shift upper Distortions of the distorted, have 2v, band band the in three areas, is used is distortions. suppress the lower not tele- signals The empty band, to will Its principle important the lines receiver, tra that dashed the quency show the not is This method this empty to first are method frequency of the frequency the than Sideband It necessary of [8]. compared small fil- frequenThe existing second the the signals through lo- the edges modulation!. Fig.66. in One is sideband from account to energy energy. digital The small. locate away if [7]. width The nor may sideband energy signal. the of 2v, AY. far modulation their zero one division reference distortions. single of the signal DAVEY sideband (Fig.66a). neither Or A detailed and all practically the useful, time with discussed where most Signal distortions most of their vestigial [6]. in transposed be = in by phony that filters particularly transmitted cause the distortion. contain used is so sideband which thus keep bands, little is method to signals, single method and ways frequency cause of two the in 445 shifted, are shape SSM again The goes in to the and fol- NYQUIST ots distorted back spec-— power located
3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION AAG O and sev, 2 = Vv esi binary character sin 30mt/T has T and sin pand (15-1) is equal of the wider gained means quite 14 2 to empty than a +1-1 is 17 by =v = £1 = band the =v Fig.66. this of v,(t) = (1741). 14; O inan The signal functiom The is D, E Detection V(+ sin voltages of cos 3111 (B), (BE), 30T7T@ eve and is thus of that sin 4078 4478 of a digital - the nucl be and > re-—- F by Fie. N4G.) feet function sin cos can width outside the band show the Duration The Figs.6/7B the limit 1. are 43076 from in = Showman G Signal follows +1-1 to signals and signal. duration frequency Ay 14Av/4 ag Fig CG). is coefficients other Figs.66C, it of concentrated lower according devecvor what is bandwidth = ey, this interval oscillations. energy 2v, unimportant vy 218. transmitted transmitted oeiu7e oscillations has the in from of 15 44nt/T that be 50nt 7) = Westin The Fig.68, can that v,(t) modulation: sideband transposed Vit > 4v,- a signal shows Fig.67A by v bands unused the in located are oscillations ded-over wrong sig- signals. 346); detectors (C),cos (F) and traces: A: output 32n8 sin = 150) (Courtesy P.SCHMID,D.N of Allen-Bradley Co.). for (D). 34n8 ms ISC 05 0 Tes 1 flHzl=8000 2 16000 3 24000 ae 32000 40000 Fig.68 Frequency power spectra of following pulses according to Fig.1 HO; $V2wal(0,6) (a). sin 21 2n@ {bpJcos (b)cos 2Vewal\U,U (a), Sim (c), sin 4m@ (d), cos 476 (e), sin (tf), cos 678 (g), sin 876 (h), cos (i). 8 = MnaBhictotcval 0/71, y wie) Wakenaymi4 Il fT, -— ake@ner Vl = £6 24; the and 2 9 om 6na 879 fis
3.15 nal CORRECTION produces OF TIME very DIFFERENCES little output 447 voltage at the sampling time 3.15 Correction of Time Differences in Synchronous Demodulation Consider a frequency band limited It shall with a be synchronously local carrier difference a WieecOs gO) [1 |: demodulated V2cos with signal (2 )8+a) reference to F(@)/2cos 0,6. by multiplication which the has the received phase carrier F(@ V2 cos Np6V2 cos (1,840 )=F(9 )[ cosa+ cos (20,8+a)] Let local the signal carrier chronously be 2cos by the frequency-shifted CO, O+a, ) and local by an (40) auxiliary then be demodulated carrier syn- 2 cos [(M)-0, )6+a, ]: {LPC@V2 cos 2,0 JV2 cos (0,940, )}2cos[(2,-0,)94+a,] = )+-008(20,9+a)} )8-a,g J+c08(2N,8+a,9 F(6 ){cos.a+cos[2(0) -0,4 Het Clicag Ce OL Ag Equations multiplied be tne by by cine and contain the desired high filters. of frequency There cosa. from local the Let us The sina The quency ised methods €.¢., cosine a sine carrier signal by yields: sin (20)8@+a)] (42) assume F(@) may be written as sum F(9)=14+MF‘(@) isasignal that contains practically no ener- a certain right frequency hand + MFt(0) sina second lowpass eimea and vanishes. a M is term The Toop thus then can term to modulation the be sina shift (43) zero suppressed by remains. It the local in such in- form: sin (20)9+a) f2sin(N,8+a) equals the assumes + (1 + MF*(@)] filter. and and (42) of side third teedback V2 cos (Q,9+a) sina of can F'(6) gy below dex. F(0) which received F(@ V2 cos Np 6V2 sin (Np6+a )=F(9 )[ sina+ where terms derive, the of signal a number may Multiplication Oscillation are One V2 sin (Q,@+a) We cos (0,040). tots -— Ase cosa Temoval oscillation Ah = (40) and (417) suppressed for 10* (41) a fre- may a way, or aninteger be carrier that multiple
3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION 148 of phase difference Consider carriers be the are used. periodic unstable signal atime carriers anddo difference, F"(@)wal(j,¢) multiplication functions The of with wal(j,9) not demodulated o.= and vanish of the demo- [2]. VITERBI by given is carriers ex- zero of synchronous treatment the for holding values where be to assumed a is Fig.59 corrects that receiver, a if Walsh (15) shall local carrier wal(j,6-8)) outside the are interval signal has the following form: Ft(9 )wal(j,®)wal(j,0-6,) The product that of to that (40). of This = the cosacosB sine tion and simple from right to shift theorems (44) a modulo functions (45) this shift then be are essentially to left. the addition theorem, applied. the same (7) are multiplica- right and shift Walsh functions theo- have ve- and not (1.39), = wal(j,@)wal(j,6,), contains the 2 addition Certain with in in functions: may since left not similar etc. (7) theorems from needs but (Q,8+a) performed by theorems is Vecos one cosine decomposed functions, read be sina sing and shift if and problem with alone, binary wal(j,9@0,) but + be cosine theorems rems if read ry sine is known, The cannot (7) multiplication Multiplication for of must wal(j,9) V2cosQ,8 theorems theorems V2 cos(Q,8+a) and and wal(j,6-0,). multiplication shift cos(a-B) and multiplying multiplication the (44) wal(j,6) of wal(j,9) be 47, = a for unstable. then are -1 = loop, The by The -4 = 6 = %. and correction demodulated wal(j,6-9)). ... way. sinusoidal of adulation +4n, detailed A very shown. the inthis feedback in the cept are Let of diagram block a shows -1. cosa values The ... +37, #2n, = 0, fora stable loop feedback or +1 equals cosa and m special may periodically be ordinary or subtraction cases of derived continued subtraction the readily. functions Sign sign. shift theorem Fig.2 sal(1,6) shows and of that Walsh the cad C1565)
3.15 are CORRECTION OF transformed TIME into DIFFERENCES each other by a in unnormalized notation; the shift and cal(2,0), a power of +% for 2; equal it = by in values (46) Table 3 may eo to 9. be line ee (46) eal (x-sm) and for following of (46) and 2), 0—-2 *-*) =i i= see inte- any for that the 2’. ..., 9, sign One Lncesimage 4 = 1, 05 This is de- marked = ¢ for i = 6, by 3 is 6, for for i1=1 with readily see thet Lor law 8, are reversed. of may OF 52. values "image" 2'. (48) It sine ee t= of 5.52. sb with images may be are the and cosine relations theorem relation of sin x functions. hold forthe cal ce", 6) = -cal(2*—j,6) sal functions in- (49) -cal(e"+j,e) sere (6) shift tothe (48): Bal(o'=5,040,) cee special corresponds = Equations (48) ee gal (2%+5,649)) ib Sh (46) cen ew, holding These the 2 = i functions. The holds: = sal(2"-j,9) Equations stead i be gait 2 +4, 0.) t By a cos = i = the = Let follows: eal(2*-j,6=0,) Walsh may called i 87 to er+j50+85,) & S for i = 1 with line to as 0, i = 2“. One for thus reference sal(2,@) etc. (47) of for t=O, written +37 sal(i,9) @, =-& feference Cal = J schows aestar ++ or +§ for formula Cn case of i": of Calla, 6+0,) termined equals general general more the Consider Gerpmvalue following shift andcal(4,6), ENS) Sail ie Te CES CAIN” pebble the sal(3,@) 149 to (50) cal(i,6+6,) = -cal(i,9-6,) sal(i,9+08,) = -sal(i,6-99), (50) eee yield: (51)
special shift and cal(i,@) the 9, 1 functions 9 and Walsh of Table 9. Some values periodic of the theorem TRANSMISSION CARRIER %. 4150 Palliciy0)) ae 27 28 29 001011 001100 001101 001110 001111 010000 -1/4 -1/8 +1/4 -1/16 -1/4 4176 +1/4 41/32 -1/4 -1/8 |010001| |010010| |010011| |010100| |010101| 1010710) |010111| 1011000] |011001| |011010| 17 18 19 20 21 22. 23 24 25 26 | 000007 | 000010 | 000011 | 000100 | 000107 | 000110 | 000111 | 001000 @04 004 001010 4 2 4 4 5 6 7 8 Oe ae |011011| |011100 |011101 011110 011111 100000 1/2 -1/4 =A fo | -1/16 fe —1/4 +1/4 or Cal(i,d+0,) 8 = of It much of the sal(i,o46, ) = cond by writing —seita.7) (52) The absolute the the k the digit Consider yields as 6) example The two lowest |8,|= 2-7-7 One An -% for for can large obtain 6, equals inspection all digit 6, 6, odd is of Ta- values a O and the equals =e 6, -#, of se- if the zero. 6) digits 0; 9. is is representation binary and number. a 1. holds: are 8) is binary Generally of Table binary 6, lowest digits k + 2 is 9. that obtain of digit value binary lowest in Table this a 1. binary from 1. shows 9. to i as binary -4,if the lowest k lowest Table cumbersome lowest is in i by an extension 9 readily 6, shown be faster ble is 6, are would values i. ~cal@i,e), —2|05|« Values if = derived of are 9) +|6,|if numbers binary = 1/146. |6)| zero. equals the i. in digits The the same equals equals the i = (k = fourth 2% if —{0,|) 12 digit 20 way and k + 2 i = 28 2) are Zero 3 binary digit
3.15 CORRECTION (k+2 = 4) the is fourth rules for 0 for digit i = is DIFFERENCES 20 and 1 and determination A circuit tween special Let us is a 6, of 6) 4 equals equals 6, and 41/163 +1/16. 8, at received output was for i = 28 A proof of the given of produces the by PICH- The may once be- based is local is received. passes is locked circuit = with a onto fixed sal(i,9-6,). by sal(i,6-0,) is + = 0 34% + 6, of sal(i,6-0,). The output voltage of +6, integrator 3+ 6,,... circuit om the MP by the TP. plitudes. I is This The sampler circuit following due to the impervelse: sampled fact -$k AT, the and times # + 8), over many average is obtained #90 the interval 3 + 9, is fed to an averaging averages that + 6, at orthogonality and the product the the in cal(i,9)isoptai- cal(i,6-0,+6,) is multiplied low- produced carrier circuit delay on (Pie.6eo. through a sequency the during be functions carrier A further integrated difference cal(i,9-6,) The carrier signal carrier Walsh passed FG. RV a time [14+MF(0)]cal(i,6) RV. carrier. received of carrier circuiG of local has generator delay ned delay signal that A local the and theorem the function the correction carrier signal filter. Verlaple the shift assume Ft(9) pass for received the The TIME [4]. LER the OF imtvegratvor sampled at the I averages am-— output over = #k + 0): cal(1,6) 1+MF*t(8) out Fig.69 and Correction local carrier of a time cal(i,@) difference and between cal(i,6+6y); received i = power of FG function generavor, RV variable delay miltiplier, PM AT amplitude circuit, D fixed delay by 6,, I integrator, an “tie equal Oyecxcepu 8, is put sampler, LP averager. feedback loop.
eo i TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 102 —— cally;6) eall(,2) $$ — ol) <<a Sal (6!) Ree Call)@) ae Soli) —$$— COAG) ea | ee ee |Sea ee a Se ee ts cal (3,6) sal (3,8) cal (2,8) ———— Hat sal (2,8) cal (1,6) Fe7,s1(8)) sal (1,8) woe wal (0,6) sal (8,8) Let sal(7,8) cal (6,8) sal (6,8) cal (5,6) for periodic Correlation functions Fig.70 <i cal(7,8) sal (5,8) cal(4,8) functions. Walsh MF" (8 )]cal(i,6 )sal(i,0-8y)> us assume that the average of (53) the second term, <MF*(9 )cal(i,6)sal(i,6-6,)>, increases the more slowly with (54) increasing averaging time than average Ccal(i,@ )salla,6-0y)> of the output the first term. voltage of local that and The the carrier (55) and (54) (54) vanish (55) term (55) averager. cal(i,@-8)) vanish. are dominates It may and thus The values of obtained be then used in to sal(i,é@-6,), 6, for fromthe following the shift which so (55) integral: 12 Coal(i,9 )sal(i,é-6, »> = fear(i,e )sal(i,6-9, )d® = R(6) (56) 1/2 Fig.70 shows main diagonal. nal and some functions F,;,\(9,) is shown Ricil®y) gust above. F,, ,(6,) just The and E,si,si (CBee in the below the main interval 0 = diago- 6,241 is
3.15 CORRECTION OF TIME DIFFERENCES VBS: es eS SS NESS RES eB oe TT ORM OA te = ——_ To i ee a ee es afr NS BO AA ee OS cal (7,6) ——__ sll (79) OS A rrr Os — eS . Lad — Ane — —— ee a oat Ne ee ee —— wee KANG Pf Af ————— —— —— wan XN, wo SA ———<——— Ee -_ — Se ee -e_ ass Ss |Se sal (46) shown; cal(3,6) the sal (3,6) cal(2,8) functions The dashed tions of Fois(9y) or gero Walsh shall functions Consider the dicallyto the by 6, 0y left sal(i,@). sal(1,6) and right. +4/2i, Things = ... are into equals PO result This of +2/2i, pala ,0); the complicated loop +4/2i,.. continued again ab- that feedback ...- more func- The of Fig.2 yields periodically +1/2i. +3/21, A shift wal(0,8) wal(0,8) deeply phe ..., = 0, functions Samar ames SR from Fig.71 6y for cal (1,6) into their struc- too (46) and (52). stable sal (20) correlation however, +20, of —— enlarged in Fig.71. lead see, = 41/21, Walsh = 0, +2/2i, function from made in Fig.69 may be and Unstable for al20) the 2, 4, 8, multiple also be obtained aes AYES) ee continued of would Onemay integer PVA give some insight discussion vanishes fori=1, an be cal(4,6) anaes cal(1,8) to ——— ee ee Fy; gi 8 y) is shown detailed mathematics. stract may lines amore SS sal(2,8) have outside this interval. ture; Eee sl (5,8) el 0) es AL SES IS sal(6) call(5,8) A A A A we av, —— OO etl ee Baal A Apa ee) perio- i=2*, periodic if Lars not a power of 2. Fj,,(8,) vanishes for certain values 8y = 64, but sal(i,é-8)) is in general not identical with sal(i,@). the most Hence, the functions cal(2*,6) and sal(2*",8) This result synchronization. for suitable are has
TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 154 eo et Fas) es functions already discussion tiplex been systemof according of used inthe to Fig.51. Fig.69 AEG-Telefunken There are simplify the a A Walsh has for such number of discussed differences. For been the to for the LUKE signal and MAILE system. generalize, the mul- tracking-filter by a multiplex ways telephone function developed method instance, of Walsh some of F cis; (8,) F Fig.71 Crosscorrelation functions. improve correction of or time [cal(r,6)+MF*(6)]x cal(i,9) may be transmitted instead of [1+MFt(9)]cal(2k,6) if r®i blocks in Fig.69 Aine be in fed than equals may be the of 2. combined Fiet5o into into apower The into three one. The a phase shifter or PS function or delay AT feedback “end Ccal(i,6)sal(i,@-e))»> oscillator I, and voltage in Fig.69 generator circuit RV. TP may rather
3.21 TIME BASE MODULATION We) 3.2 Time Base, Time Position and Code Modulation 3.21 Time Base Modulation (TBM) Any carrier can writte as time n will be amplitude function expec that three t canbe defined, sequency k, more this carrier time base T and of Modulation = it can be modulation One methods cont the normalized ains the T is if Vé(k,t/T+t,/T). individual since the V. amplitude modulated V8(k,6+0,) delay called t, besides the base modu- g(6@). There a time lation. The are basic ideaistoreplace several signal and ways to do this. M a modulation 6 byafunction Let F(@) index. One be the may modulating use the defini- GLO $ $(k,0) = é@(k,g(e)] 7) e(6)= f(1+MF(e)]ae =f (44+MF(t/T) Jat This is the Sinusoidal proach and are time $(k,@) for taken carriers. However, strongly connected are combined as in frequency the modulation advantages to the fact of this that case of ap- frequency product, = sin ké, sinusoidal general approach (58) (oo) functions. makes the The comma following between k definition and of § in g(9) the more advantageous: 2(@) = e[1+MF(@)] = gals IMF(@)|< The 1 modulated Fig.72 parameter a how shows, changed are (60) if the is clearly function sine time now T is base and the a changed time base T. function Walsh 37/4 into and T/e. The Larger modulation values of index F(8@) time base se the increa to frequency M may reduce for modulation, be the M < 0. positive time base Thisisin e an increased wher or for negative. M close > O and analogy of the voltage
TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 456 mod. -V ; ; carrier { out sin 218 1/2 G=t/T— 0 -1/2 signal sin 218" T=3T -1/2 0 @=t/T—— sin on Q” “ 1/2 Tie tT -f2 5 0 e"=t/T—1/2 2 sal(3,8) -1/2 0 a err pera lg bet te tilee al ee at cae d mmm ttt rrr iii ALE ' im : ot HAAS pe 8 28 38 48 —_—_—e Fig.72 (left) Time se VHaOiG Leyla ¢ Fig.73 (right) base Block modulation diagram for of a time sine base and a Walsh modulation of Walsh carriers. AT amplitude sampler, I integrator, SV voltage comparator, SP storage, Z counter, FG function generator. modulating of the shows modulation half may increase as wide that the index M. as the occupied by sal(4,0") is twice as functions sin 276 or energy distribution values of M and A possible functions (b). is shown sampled the decrease the frequency at sampled An time The as for in is sin A detailed of is time base line of the the stored I produces the pulse a the ramp or long analysis for of various lacking. amplitude in 2n6" the modulation Let is sequency by sequency still Fig.73. first functions occupied with shown or that function F(6) time frequency short sal(3,98). as 6 = O by voltage integrator base shortest the circuit by the increases The large signals shown required bandwidth longest. bandwidth shape or carrier. Fig.72 the signal of Signal Walsh have diagram. sampler holding voltage. the It AT circuit is (a); SP A voltage
3.22 TIME POSITION comparator SV in resets SP and equal. A duration stored_in The compares the this AB ramp integrator sawtooth of MODULATION voltage (c) sawteeth is volt with age the one held I when both results. voltages The proportional become amplitude to the and voltage SP. pulses (d) from the comparator SV which reset I are also fed into the counter Z. A pulse in(e) tegrator is generated meceived (e) by from clears SP Z if points is reset, happens the this and stores at the at the sawteeth (d) generated interval terval ®@ = O = 8 that pulse (e) is generated. © 0, @, is as the and long voltage have as the these The before. The distance into Fig.73 Z resetting pulses the time asinthe a of Hence, 8 SV in time functions at its output; sam-— amplitude pulses ted carrier functions the Counter as at time 0. generates for Walsh 40. pulse of between This comparator twice Feeding Walsh 30, been The amplitude. twice as large has sample the distance generator tated in Fig.74. sampled 4@ 6 3 ©. 8 pulses amplitude the twice = is new Note times by a of on time are number number AT. depends when the Signal certain SV; Signal via sampler pling a in- function base modula- shows the modu- sal(4,0). 3.22 Time Position Modulation (TPM) The variable by a The parameter case the function of time modulating lowing 6 of g(9) 9 the in the position signal definitions and ea ne MF(@) modulation 9 for largervaluesof holds if M is a time base replaced modulation. function h(8) Let again F(§) M a modulation index. in the denote The fol- (o7) be positive. of by was introduced: index will V4(k,6+6,) modulation. are = $[k,9+h(@)] 6(k,0+6,+MF(@)] case is replaced 3(k,0+0,) The carrier shifted F(8) if This positive be M.may towards Mis or larger negative. values of opposite the ve; negati to phase modulacorresponds
shifts three forthe 2n6 sin = #(1,9) carrier a sinusoidal shows Fig.74 of the signal. amplitude by alarger retarded or advanced be may carrier the of phase the where tion, TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 153 carrier MF(@) = 0, -# and -#. Below is shown the Walsh (3,0) = sal(3,8) forthe same three shifts. Note that the section is the at added the of end other +% limits the beyond projects which shift a to due -# or EUG of afunction AOI -V sin278 mod. carrier signal sin 2m (8-1/4)=cos2n8 sin 2n(8-1/2)=-sin 2x8 4i? 0 2 8=t/T—— sal (3,8-1/8) sal(3,8-1/4) sal(3,8-1/4) sal (3,8-1/8) yy sal out (3,8 -1/4) ==cal (3, 1(3,8-1/4) al(3,8) Q = Cc d sal (3,8 -1/2)=—sal (3,8) of ll? e | l T bacreT = 7 Fig.74 ed it (left) Time = position Walsh function. Fig.75 (right) Block and sr 1 AO G—— 6 GAO modulation time diagram of for a b—— AbxO sine the and time a posi- tion modulation of Walsh carriers. AT amplitude sampler, I integrator, SP storage,SV voltage comparator, TG trigger generator, GAgate, U divider, FG function generator. Fig.75 time position sampler put shows AT signal voltages a block are and modulation of Walsh samples at diagram the held periodically times for 0, 0, a a pulse carriers. the 20, certain diagram The amplitude ... and the time (>) in for amplitude of the in- resulting 3 holding
3.23 CODE circuit MODULATION SP. A voltage the in integrator comparator ramp SP. An voltage This Positive pulse duration is Trigger cleares pulses through TG a pulse value SP of and voltage (d) the as voltage resets (c). soon as stored integrator I. are obtat the output ain of SP, whose ed proportional A divider ger pulses through duces ger gate to the (e) may GA1 as gate (g) output of produces (e), pulses that GA2 amplitude pass of the fromthe sampled trigger pulse as long gepre- is (b) (f) are small function pulses sampling circuit Demodulation generator é¢.¢., through of FG (h) from AT at for time carriers have been principles strongly used on for the The protrig- the trigger 20, ... a time of the 6, and turn ... position They are based modulating transmission (e) divi- that 20, time devised. position The (g) 0, The pulses (g). pulses times the which to is base pass 0, @, pulses the the trig- They FG, GA2 times the fromthe sal(4,6). gate the that circuits Walsh depend period. generator with produces but larger function, if the period U2 same amuch after the the (g) function added compared modulated pulses functions, immediately Walsh trigger have tothe Walsh the modulated der U1 periodic pulses on the a ramp ti). SeiGMey on SV generates (b) voltage. is I produces reaches pulses merator ES} link circuits, envisaged. 3.23 Code Modulation (CM) Modulation Vé(k,6+8,) is The evident normalized 128 that signals be may a are used for These signals enals by means of of pulse of with code pulse code the system, a k = 0, 1, k modulation. of a carrier following which is substlifunctions transmission modulation a generalization of of the from constructed system such of with wal(k,6) form pulses consideration system k for functions the €-e., (kh, ep, sequency modulation code a particular if foro block as the called k distinguishes reason: Guvca of is = 1, 0, of -.-+ 2, 7 binary «-., Nees telephony This normalized modulation. suggests sia sequency
160 3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION since i trast to integer assume can continuous permit tion, which tions sal(u,9) and cal(u,@) lues of yp with the exception There tion and since by is no time i and a comma essential base for modula- changes. However, the func- defined least as Walsh other Hence, between for connected code mo- code sinusoidal product va- real all theory. in difference and for sal(0,6). of at modulation 8 are as position are continuous, be may dulation time and base time amplitude, con- in is This only. values functions, of the change a discontinuous means cal(i,§) and sal(i,@) as such functions of modulation Code and functions, not functions. modula- separated It holds: sini® = sin#t (62) A modulation of 4/7 versa. and vice i There are many code connect The and as values produce all of based on for Walsh transform to section a may 1.25 use as Amore was for $(i,8) common the of normalized crosscorrelation functions of the functions through a switch be a modulation modulators and demodulators functions with all possible ones. demodulator Fourier one may interpreted integer onemay proper demodulator received Using i only, the be possible modulation. sequency may of the ingenious fast done and line. by WalshGREEN collaborators. 3.3 Nonsinusoidal Electromagnetic Waves 3.31 Radiation of Walsh Waves by a Hertzian Dipole The solution dipole may scalar potential lar system A(r,t) be of of Maxwell's written equations by a vector »(r,t) functions for potential the without reference to any such sine as or Hertzian A(r,t) and a particu- cosine: p(t-r/c) Ane o(rse) = gee (eBUieale) , rwCe-a/0)) (63) co
3-31 RADIATION r is point the and OF vector r the is the WAVES from vector, which and is proportional riable charge and q(t) t-r/e assumed p and of p at the Electric computed the dipole observation moment: the direction of the otu) the va i(t) e, isthe A and the s that s. on a change and current is so retarded The delay in arguments between E(r,t) of a change obser- andH(r,t) the following space may be formulas: E(r,t) = 2A e) _ grea (r,t) Mite a=) HU ) 1s the The zone the that small constan of empty t forces » by means 16 of A and » at the dielectric and magnetic from and usual, (65) length. p indicat the time e dipole point. vation as depend do not has WOPLes dipole the of is i(t) of to is the p(t) = p(t) = its dipole It dipole p(t) dipole dipole. 161 the distance. p(t) = a(t)s, S WALSH ey FOLAUr,tb) magnetic following are permeability solutions obtained from of empty space. for E and H holdinginthe (6%) to oe wave ale E(r,t) = qleeex(rxp(t-r/c)]= mais potty HCRt/e) x(rx8) (67) dt H(r,t) = goderB(t-r/o)ur = groper SG ie ee + 377 Ohm, The wave with compared derived E(r,t) 11 a region, definition, usual the as restricted more where ris definition r that assumes wavelength, is defined zone near ficiently" H(r,t) defined must be sinusoidal a "suf- will be large cur- it.) . The be The below. given Seay 4 ie 3x10" m/s ¢ = y= + A large. ficiently" sent zoneis Stone — small. for = The the following near p+ids = PUt-r/c)xr Anrr3 a region, as zone (63) "suf- E and H can to (66) [5]: sales ==r/e oor-s+ ASE _ ut ter/c) Harmuth, Transmission of Information for formulas from r is where Anrxr3 (69) (70)
E and H of (67) and (68) are much larger than E and (69) and (70). The opposite requirement defines the zone. The following conditions are obtained: that H of near c? cHON rss ay Cc ra Consider integral sin rs a The i(t) will with time in This is due in the wave In to between foresee an warning. quotient, zone is The to of asphere ting's be power far vector over zone. sinusoidal func- of the or zone, E and to - however, in of engineering this i(t) effect must the inthe r have from a be i(t). The the or between terms. One aircraft small near I Zo (ae 6rc2 at may colli- differen- zone to zone through the obtai by integrating ned surface a? dis- wave transmitter. wave is to wad according of point H E will to thus afunction observation E andH differentia- i(t). proportional H is cur- of in of the surface Poin- sphere: GP rtEC )xH(r tao = 220, p(t-r/c) PCrytt) H near functions transition the and as integrated near and radius E a sinusoidal and H proportional that flowing with for variation feature zone the from -enfix = x/en that well if other the zone c/2nf as receiver if wave The Icos 2nft. = differential a sinusoidal E and Note the rs zone dipole and sion for the (67) to (70) application tial and case: fi(t)dt of i(t) current nit peculiar the transmitter (F2a3 sinusoidal dependence tance for H(r,t) wave (68). proportional time zone produce to and wave from the remain vary (67) C71) this Thisis not so for both to in apparent to E(r,t) = .?/(2an)?, rent tions for conditions c?/(2nr)* is zone saz sin identical It wave sinusoidal equals 2nft. become ted. requirement the by defined be now may zone wave The TRANSMISSION CARRIER %. 4162 ce (73) (ss)
3.31 RADIATION OF WALSH Introduction of Beem ce), yields the ation power WAVES the 165 rms-current, G! = t-r/c, radiation C74) resistance R, fromthe average radi- P: 2 = <P(2,t)> = @(r,t')> = BS (GE, 2 Rs= As an There may are two » consider cases that the radiation have to be of Walsh waves. distinguished. One T fi cal(k,t'/T)at' She (76) currents zt) =r into the tain point ‘i Sale, boy het? 5 aC tenes -1/2 Hertzian dipole. inthe e,') wave into at) = thenvary proportional tou(G7) currents tear ct /?), E and H will zone according Walsh-shaped Dees CG) 6nc2 example, feed eat. (Se) Git! Zos* P/Itms= (75) and the to (6&)..One at acer- sal(k,t/T) may also, or feed dipole: Leéaltk, t/t) C92 H will then vary proportionallyto sal(k,t/T) or cal(k,t/2) at a and certain H will of in case the Walsh Fig.76 current dipole power iil will yield to I,,, into that R, is according and which the same are to currents about in the is taken 10 shows (70). the according This ideal R, to for a fig.76 the average One may see and se- shape functions current that for sine same Walsh receiver holding for sinusoidal cases. E account. peak resistance assumed all the voltages. from into of functions of the Walsh Table radiation It anintegration Walsh-shaped integral (76). shown. are zone deviations functions shows also near zone; comparison, the values are and the far requires according For the voltage cond in vary proportionally to the differentiated functions input point Walsh that I, rms- Hertzian are fed. currents radiated I, functions Irms of
3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION 164 ——— a foal08) 5 eee Fffeaitna 1 {sal(2,8) feal(i,@) ; oe Hl) ee Falls) ARAAAS PPA PASS LHS LLG HA DrHrSE functions. = JP cal(ii ,x)ax -1/2 fsat(iye) = f' sal(i,x)ax U2 F Seal(3,8) SOO Integral functions of Walsh the 4 feal(2,6) ON SO Fig.76 8 = Sead Juailo.80 = Seailb8) Sia 8) Seal(689) aw foal (7,8) PITTI fos 78) ELLIS fsal (8,8) ee eee -1/2 0 1/2 — Table 10. Peak current I, rms-current Irms and radiation resistance Rs for a Hertzian dipole. Z, = 377 Ohm, c velocity of light, s length of the dipole, T period of the radiated functions (Fig.76), P average radiated power. f'sal(1,8) 5=0.5 3-0 289] 1 Sin 2nd ==0.225 | —==0.159 foat(1,e), fsa1(2,8)/ z=0.25 mys70 144 sin 2n9 f<-0.112 | —-0.079| foal(2,0)..fsal(4,e) | g=0.125 By370-072 sin 816 Y2-0.056 e=0.040| 4x3=12 47 2=39.5 16x 3=48 16n?=158 64x 3=192 64n? =631 Joal(4,0)..Jsal(8,8) | 7p=0.063 |zapq=0.034 |256x3=768 sin 16n@ enor) tke =O: 020 | 256r? =2520
3.31 RADIATION equal are sequency. exactly 1% One equal eons) sine OF WALSH WAVES may for further Walsh and Rs functions. depend While on the the determined is in 0 —— now the Consider current a Ical(3,t/T) time sider general the Isal(k,t/T); shall be end Rs not case a of true choice of k. Fig.77 Radiation of a Hertzian sequency The functions. Walsh case that dipole. and case same One the is for sinusoidal currents, it antenna for currents having a a Walsh wave dipole. below of Walsh-shaped Fig.77 shows a current At. The differential the used. in 2 Hertzian switching dipole by the by into Develrms frequency Hertzian integrated of shape di fed that functions (frequency) wideband antenna isatrue (sequency) wideband the see see a yea ye cal(oaiig) <.egar of ae.9R) Itms bandwidth 165 a Walsh L(t the with finite also shown. current Tealyt following i(t) is idealized — is approximation as for obtains current the Conl or in Fig.77 averages (eS) and ee Ct): (= 2 &) Se -4PR, (79) =k Grey «t= BY Befee = P= (0 a ee ct ee P= 20 mag Sree = “LAE Bro? 81 .54) tz peas oe 2 ne Dr a beanie2 6 (82)
3. 166 yields tion or Isin emkt/T power and radia- resistance: p= nti? #908 = tres? SO, 2 2.2 7 om Ry = ZgS? 2= Sree 2Ae (83) and (84) on its frequency f (82) for Walsh At. large trarily sing the time Table At. by Rs sal /Bssin 1 Gzps. about equal of the for a fora than frequency switching time for Table 11. ratio Resa /Rs,si, for Power antenna and and swit- arbi- by and radiation resistance ps. 100 = makes - a sequency tech- and ra- functions. P,,,/P.i;, aHertzian the one order of magni- functions Walsh are A reduction power radiated de- denoted f = 1 GHz At sinusoidal ratio decrea- (81) and (83) of to 10 ps - whichis about present for be quotient of (82) and (84) and resistance higher may R, quotient power time switching diation tude and the limit at the nical sequency the shows Radiated P and and made » depend on sequency current (81) relations the depend current sine forthe while alone, foragiven by Psal/Psin noted (84) Theoretically, 11 (83) 5222 2g8? Sate a relations ching of = k/T 2 The ~ = TRANSMISSION Icos2mkt/T for radiated current sinusoidal the following values The CARRIER and radiation dipole. Rs 4 Resin resistance f=1GHz, »=1Gzps. | 772 FAt(1-~t/6 ) 1 805 TO. 100.0 Let pared the with sideragate presses switching the time average that At permits the any pulses that arrive ber of all having the Bequencies 1 = independent pulses at other transmitters same OTS in Fig.77 oscillation AG time “he base may but receiver, be very small com- period - to Tt = times. radiate Con- but sup- A large num- Walsh different the 1/9. pass, waves, normalized pulses — not
3.32 PROPAGATION arriving gate. the at The OF WALSH the correct timing of nous is recognized, and negative gate must must not distinguish can distinguish less a timing dio communication. to point-to-point ago. tical applications in mobile the possibility member that any of such verification perimental passed when useful waves sinusoidal for ra- mobile example of pos- - in conlinks some speculate wa- electromagnetic disclaiming before one well may the of some while by HERTZ, large 45 years had commu- practical scale exmade tube electronic repre- their and by MAXWELL 70 prac-— any on theoretical the een betw waves for un- functions carriers application development the carriers However, elapsed electromag oftio dic netic n the function Walsh non-sinusoidal by can- carriers sine a cosine new syn- of function communication to early to of years 20 in carriers for Sinusoidal of communication. ves transmit- as on microwave transmission much is like recognized is Hence, first mobile introduction years as the is for trast It just transmitter a cal and a sine provided. This carriers radio the by the in synchro- desired receiver intheory sible since The and a sal is least at used correct correct carriers sine between be be be the thanthe signal can Suppressed Walsh for recei ver between any more Sequency same like of The frequency. proper be carriers. just demodulation chronous will howeveby the patternof r, the positive pulses, the 167 carrier demodulation of sine ter - time the phase of the local WAVES Maal @eyE OIA 3.32 Propagation, Antennas, Doppler Effect One ves of is the For the invariance plitude modulated practically carrier V2 sin 2mé. dulated carrier gral: a may during carrier sine by a signal constant shifts. to time of their orthogonality consider explanation wa- sinusoidal of ages advant important most F,(9). any Synchronous The period of signal n demodulation be represented by the an- V2sin2nmn9 B,C8) es of the cycles of the following mo- inte-
8'41/2 = Fp(O')bnm dé (2 sin 2nme (84) Pye sin 2nne =F, (85) = dé Vesinenme f F,(@)V2 sin enne 9-1/2 TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 168 g'-1/2 case In the received. by is replaced F,(9)V2 sinennée Hence, is shifts time various with carriers modulated communicationa sum of many radio of mobile SF, (8) V2 sin 27n(6-6, ) n=) and (85) O'l1/2, I i YF 6-1/2 assumes the following form: Ceve sin enmn(6-8,)]V2 Sin 2nmé dé = (86) n=l = F,(9') cos année The time talk. The shifts 8, introduce orthogonality the same the orthogonality frequency preserved. The is to {V2 cos k(6-9,)} are attenuation but not sine destroyed functions subsets of reasons for and functions: and by of cosine the this for arethe any time or values shift cos ke sin ké, cos k(6+6,) = cosk@coska, - sinké sinké, sal(k,9@0,) similar shift of theorems + very but {/2sink(6-6,)} sink@cos ke, have shifts is = functions of frequency sink(9+0,) Walsh cross- functions different functions orthogonal underlying cosine of 6, @,. The of sine (87) theorems: = sal(k,@)sal(k,6,) (88) cal(k, 908, ) = cal(k,@)cal(k, 0, ) The essential replaced by modulo Sional can ot2 ee and its wave difference 2 addition. is that ordinary Consider now the addition is one-dimen- equation, sou ox?” general (89) solution
3.32 PROPAGATION Wixi OF WALSH eC G—x/o) The occur in because the 1169 +¢h(t4x/c). orthogonality preserved WAVES of Walsh ordinary arguments (90) functions and system {sal(k, 6+6,),cal(k,9+9,)} for pendent functions separation of remain sal orthogonal The Walsh present may Walsh second column fast the "left The column is column the ends" a twist third obtained 2x360° in The Fig.78. the hand, are of of column the 360° is column by twisting the of sense Circularly polarized Walsh re- 5 are circularly obtained from functions inthe to the a and sense obtained 90° to first The the of by turPichu. functions right e = os Sep 78 than of SCrew. Fig. inde- other considered waves. the screw. first be of functions of the second fourth the Fig.2 of hand independent systems on column ends" the difficult The functions, signs However, linearly more first "right the but of not shifted. of their a right of time x/c. is linearly functions. cal polarized waves them by holding The if linearly giving or t - Separation possible, functions againinthe polarized ning is orthogonal differentiated shown cases. generally addition and subtraction t + x/c except singular is waves. hand
3. A170 polarized right unit per (turns as with sequency functions the of frequencies The are Hertzian sinusoidal or holds half better waves. much dipoles more sin onf(t-x/c) will standing be fed wave if + all known that quarter wavelength sine of it. based onthe IL. Let A reflected for proper look for Hertzian the wave sumof both are of one will length and the losses waves Hence, sin Onft(t+x/c) wave sin 2nfx waves yields neglected: = 2 sin 2nft cos 2nfx/c (91) dipole may be Zian dipoles, but feed them because all sin onf(t-x/c) (87) The of of (91) wave. It is Hert- is required of follows due to to the wave from (91) the shift functions. for Walsh functions is obtained (88): wave is produced. along = a metallic (92) However, conductor are Walsh waves described by or sal(gT,t/T+x/cT) rather than by the sal(gT,t/Tex/cT) or sal(oT,t/T@x/cT). It is expressions how amplifier of many sal(oT,t/T)sal(pT,x/cT) Againa standing sal(pT,t/T-x/cT) consist transformation + sal(T,t/T@x/cT) = propagating power the cosine equation from sal(pT,t/Tex/cT) to transformation and following instead one of a standing this sine considered only into that theorems known 2, = AL This and equals five theory functions into se- The 4. antenna dipole be produced sin Onf(t-x/c) G/f =) a 1 and of radiate for Walsh have 1, 2. 1 and basis efficiently. Consider (t+x/e) a It is well radiators dipole. 1, O, again and line O, line in four lines in dipoleisthe wavelength frequency functions the waves Walsh second the in appear waves These 1 and frequencies sequency for frequencies polarized right functions are the usual 2. and of case The O. same quency the 0, 1, 1 normalized the the 2; time) special the here all having Fig.78 normalized the waves, TRANSMISSION of line first functions of the The CARRIER to make a Walsh wave propagate according to the
3.32 PROPAGATION argument OF t/T@x/cT, WALSH than based onthe standing tive. a power that feeds antenna, poles dred a either it that is metallic wave are individually are implemented are not are used. naturally as a long a two-dimensional small The nas radiation has been Its sinusoidal of beamwidth D the diameter of cAt/D occur the the in average faned@inwie./7/7 and width decreases to zero while the may thus be diameter D the of all to The effect pulses increased. on the last, This canbe in the and The two ratios \/D and where } is now switching time de- be waves, the of ratio The many bean-— time A narrower }\/D or a At beam smaller Actually byacircular Hertzian disc dipoles function. space empty waves. Upon andthe isnot from radiate to used short light. switching beamwidth. replaced by A/D re- wavelength fixed covered Walsh effect relatively by anten- a parabolic constant. a wave ratio decreasing a fixed would be widened be area. replaced be be the velocity for almost onthe The to ina square Walsh the is remain is same need } is Walsh At the for antenna an of with may which the on where v/p, suffice earth. trimental the D as antennas not may e.g., reflector. reflector radiating such depends 18 obtained diameter probe \/D may parabolic Let ¢ do simple Consider, case wavelength ratio some waves, the tech- antennas. resonance antenna a thousand circuit antenna. calculated. case while arranged canbe patternof flector. -ateune active to di- A hun- dipoles one-dimensional Hertzian integrated to lead Hertzian but alongaline arranged Hence, fed current to the Practical, by transistors, lead switch amplifiers. perfectly waves attrac- wavesisa many fed by such Walsh waves use more antennas appear a negative if sine Walsh to unrealistic individually many or appear more niques for attractive switches and Hence, principle do not a positive dipoles circuitry is much conductor. amplifier more Hertzian q71 but the required complicated Since WAVES would a have space no de- hitting the atmosphere width important sectionof of the beam would since it occurs the transmission
to obtain D of the the same narrow reflector by clouds. and that A sinusoidal Doppler shifted or cae where relative frequency a given absorbed but waves once diameter completely appear more quite one must is verification available yet. wave effect Esin 2nf(t-x/c) into the wave frequency GU VaroSeSe Slee aero v is the be Walsh electromagnetic The with thus applications, no experimental transformed by the (t'-x'/c). beamwidth would harmful. high avery have electromagnetic Hence, promising in certain caution to have would waves Sinusoidal thisisvery and probe space a to earth the from radiating when path occurs beam the of widening transmission the of beginning the at the hand, other the On path. TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. N72 has the is Esin enf'x value (93) velocity of transmitter and re- ceiver. A Walsh wave Ex,t)) =B is transformed vistic t eal (ol,t/2 into the nea gs (94) transformation xy On oo ame vi/o2 the following E(x',6') In xfer) equations of relati- mechanics ee = by — = Esal| order define the to ve er viva (953 form: pt, bring bt axe ——_____ in = v'/c* =" Ve (96) transformed into (96) the sequency »' form and of (94) time one base must T' as follows: o! ee eae ee WS, - v/o (97) (98)
3.33 It INTERFEROMETRY 175: follows: Bs ce eee Equations quency f E/N! 4 eV /ens ) ((97) and (93) are additional (On changed change show equally of the that sequency by the time (99) » and Doppler base effect. T according gene anrate invariant s of the Doppler effect fre- or The to of (98) Lorentz transformation: T'p' = Te (400) A sine wave with relative with frequency velocity One may O. the Thisis w= have the The Doppler any pend on wave, the be the on same of located would other wave, a Walsh a with for wave weak such for a of the = 6/1, sallo,@). waves from intelligent These signals attempts were based would be raises more likely and sine the to waves. question be used. transmitting a different frequency this frequency would planet could of wave of @1 signals the equal functions. reduction = Ro yields with hand, relative differ planet and one sto o!' not on with Walsh a from would Walsh regardless Furthermore, sine so that. planets. are space position the wave received in not Fig.2 sal(S,0 that waves direction from other by a transmitter by atransmitter attempts to detect effect these transmitter waves been from f radiated cannot be distinguished Walsh assumption whether v generally see B/Tiot transmitted frequency radiated resulting There on f' ireedily pequency but with velocity in its always direction has twice amplitude, from de- A Walsh identified of the sine also orbit. be A as propagation. average animportant power of advantage signals. 3.33 Interferometry, Shape Recognition shows Fig.79c measurement. Two the of principle receivers the at parallel pagation. time a difference and AT points which saway transmitter from afar wave the rays along interferometric A and travel angel B receive practically the proof nt A measureme b. = AC/c yields the angle
TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 7 sin 2n(tT)(t/T) {Tal oT [Seeohi Amin * &/f a sal(pT,t/T) piel AT Mnax* 7 ss pe Brin /P Max * 1 *(AB/c) cosck Otnin = (AB/c)AR c Fig.79 (left) Interferometric measurement of -angles. a) resolution and resolution range of sine waves; b) resolution and resolution range of Walsh waves; c) geometric relations fortwo receivers A and B positionedonthe same meridian. Fig.80 (right) Reflection of sine and Walsh waves by two point-like 8 = sin! AT, on targets. cOT/AB. depends the - 1/p for denoted the and angle Walsh pletely must ¢ lie wave, in for + since a wave the undelayed \/ faim eone The wave. Case of Walsh b. functions Hence, and The AT,;, or the - is factor is that is resolution, smallest measu- equal for sine the resolution +7T/2, AT,,;, proportional is approximately largest range is com- permissible value if period of the T is delayed by amultiple Hence, ATma, equals same difference the proportionality time and for functions However, -T/2 as time crossings. and cATmin/AB, different. between well functions; functions. measurable zero sine Fig.79a measurable AB as their 1/f Walsh by smallest sine of to smallest rable for gradient proportional to The functions, the of T. ATmax T is Since equals of equal T AT to equals ATyin/é >
4.35 INTERFEROMETRY Certain Walsh T = and i/o tion is are functions ATmax shown ipan2’ waluervof i = according the and southern 10°° s. The distance observation AB following Cee cA An 11 angle surface one Mars for of distance toa beacon of would be over, 42x10° Fig.80 and B2 An the 1000 shows equals from are of about 4 km Earth. For of 0.05" the best about on the compa- is that appears about can be not be required. to the 10° of The block amount 2x10° would data assumed be capacity storage ratio by Averaging a total require case would bits 4.0% pulses. of multiples a another to be com- signal-to-noise the the consisting have pulses of of previously Additional improve of functions of capacity Such vincinity Walsh two attractive knowledge A considerable multiples a to accurate comparison. storage of than required. storage many that be Gor) a distance and measurement probe is sequence over bits to AT,j, telescopes. that means to €.g., fai=252° = 10° angle smaller space needed averaging 1 SB i computed ‘ate resolution The close frequently a A minimum for is transmitter. Of aperiodic required be assume to moon tracking. equipment 10° i = without may = 2.5x10%e Mars angle would or processing pared. of probe AB ATz., difference points and 76°. resolvable astronomical guidance A large The value of i is obtained the magnitude is value when method space = 150. 10 000 km and the usable corresponds of smallest with This 0.05" surface the order done of of rison, 20 values page time func- usable range values latitude =e cosa/ip the 9 on bé >two 8 = 0.05". period relation: /AU mon Table resolution AB is about 180°- angle = 3x10°8or AB the to and shortest Other measurable GA a idT,;, /€. Sucha Walsh representative (Joss Let northern have Fig.79b. the smallest following PoOUeerie. then 43 in increases increasing The sal(i,6) equals for 264 iI) 195 of some capacity. radar close R and together. two targets point-like Lines a and b show B1 sine
by two targetsorbyasingle, pulsed sine indicating two tal of energy Let us d and frequency carrier andthe 1 us distorted, of them two only and targetsisin the f shows their sum. or the waves two ning andendofapulse. tell how not be veral Walsh waves may be the reflection would a to solve the and initial optics functions as for waves Walsh would sine wave be and wrong to cosine sequency antennas tions would had been the but wave, radar the dominated systems treat Walsh and sine and multiplexing have treated cosine a shifts particular been done and cosine no theory orthogonal waves. is as a superposition the known waves. found, se- approach sine and the results been as waves of investigate not There of apply time the by could signal. sum proper has still difference the for This begin- distance must The communications. to would various equation been reflected reflected one dish. wave waves never wave that Lines B2, and line waves what show shape complete optics to these ters, sine as or of waves. and Walsh conditions. has much Walsh B1 restricted and shape shaped to- the of 0.1% between longer are equal the Wave It of of from f in Fig.80 on be of the the energy Hence, although the absolute differently boundary yet. from d to is insignificant. reflection there are, duration pulse of cycles 1000 are 1 GHz. A periodic targets lines the order is targetsisno inferred Since if difference one many There reflected The from of their distances b. is the and pulse the consider e show and a and end compared with lines beginning at deviations c shows line of wave The target. reflecting more reflected whether same the look would wave sine periodic A radar. the by received is which waves sine two these of sum the shows c Line B2. and B1 from reflected waves TRANSMISSION CARRIER 3. 176 if superposition results Sequency for the of Walsh Walsh of filwave func-— sine and co- functions. Lacking a wave theory, asafirst approximation. lic The dish. distances one may Fig.81 r, and use shows r, geometrical a cut + d are of optics a parabo- equal. Hence, a
3.35 INTERFEROMETRY 479 '‘c—_— 1+ cosa d=r, cosol,-r, cosa, b=,+d Fig.81 Reflection of waves according to geometrical optics by a parabolic mirror (a) and two perpendicular mir- rors Walsh wave equally time radiated whether shift. Vice dish tothe it is focal not Another no this lar point D will be delayed B or C and will reflected add without by a parabolic not be distorted even though in Fig.81b. showninthat and shift distortion-free b are between without result also holds follows figure that equally long. Walsh change reflector It and of for waves It Walsh can the two prowill from wave be the there reflected the shape. the Hence, is from will shown a three-dimensional va- be that rectangu- retlecvor. nite general, dimension the flection Fig.2, a Walsh wave will longer be will yield reflected geometric 12 a a points of the reflector, In of D will shown relations time rious of mirror paths reflected focal versa, a signal point example geometric be at sinusoidal. rectangular pagation fromthe reflected (b>). size of and @ step, no wave shape like of the froma sphere as shown Harmuth, Transmission of Information reflected the one by a Walsh wave. fi- shape about the the re- Consider sal(1,9) in Fig.82a. of The information target. of a target at A correct 6 = O.in treat-
172 3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION Fig.82 Shapes of step waves reflected by perfect scatterers of various shapes. a) sphere; b) rod of length L and diameter d«L; c) cylinder; d) circular disc of diameter OR; e) radar reflector (4 perpendicular mirrors).
3.33 INTERFEROMETRY ment would A first suming the again that cident of time the sphere functions with construct the to shape the time t = At half of of step of one amplitude, re- Walsh all Since may from functions Walsh #ct than reflected. superpositions be reflected of the of increase no negative or positive as-— illuminated t. of values considered be may functions be will there larger for this the be will the on points and reflect, power flected all 2R/c = t the on in- Initially smaller distance a point surface After as- will be reflected by all power more by by the under the only. S having much S and from each Fig.82a. on equation. obtained computed of points plane sphere the on step right the the wave be that is illuminated elapsed, the wave 6) has plane the by to close sin points on the however, reflected shown of wav is radiated e sphere, reflected Sphere from the The is is may, aspherical wave. sumption Ba requ aire solution approximation surface wave 179 Fig.82a. The computation of the shape of the reflected is as amplitude due an annular area with follows. distance ct from is proportional its 27mR cos fraction The sin® of incidence. as function to of this The 2 angle m/2-f the wave reflection from plane S 6B RdB, in but Fig.82a only the reflects back into the direction voltage the of area area to step u displayed thus 8B is on an given by ; oscilloscope > is | cos B' sin 6' dB' = KnR’ (1 - sin’B) u(8) = 2nR’K (102) f Ousacusestt, where K Since of time et = RM from 12 is u and - Fig.82a displayed not dimension ects corrthe amplification, attenuation, for that isafactor of B one sink) into (102): on an may reflectivity, oscilloscope substitute as and allows etc. a function
3. CARRIER TRANSMISSION 480 ee Seen in Fig.82a. plotted curve is the u(ct) 2 = kako, “Ulet) KnR*[1-(1-S2) J sot stony) ucCet):= by a Fig.82b shows the shape of a step wave reflected rod of length L and diameter d << L forvarious anglesa of incidence. Fig.82c shows the reflection by a cylinder, if rious angles best question for This ambiguities, The cess than t = T and sion filter 6 = % or a target sal(8,6), However, steps, the than but shape has the are from the the The point can from ternative foramore that sine discussion has been meter be Fig.2. it causes than gcT, larger than filter period the and is pro- 6 =1 with or dimen- would and while sections Walsh of thus that offer of might Fig.77 introduce thus tar- waves too. inherently very a promising al- and use- obtained. The although the waves appear much the of the functions and radar be complicate about view. probes to Walsh T. sal(7,9) has 14 information constant point and period study of resolution restricted time filter shortest waves behave and detailed Walsh waves to done by sinusoidal Walsh ratios simple complicated are waves these waves switching not more and signal-to-noise However, this targets provide tracking of space hereis, differentiated to the only, that theoretical be different ful has 2 steps steps Interferometric analysis in dimension for equally also target, Hence, get would However, distances shortest is and itisthe functions. better process. harder occur a radar cl. sal(8,8) of its forma of mirrors. t = $1 and with is will sal(1,8) sal(1,8) and and <n sal(8,6) hasalarger targets sal(7,8) that functions Consider of ambiguities as Walsh to function process which easy function larger The Fig.82e period if diaméter perpendicular three of orif there are several ecT. and recognition. is a shortest of arises shape function has incidence, of consisting reflector The a shows Fig.82d axis. incidence is perpendicular to the reflection by a circular disc of the the superior. additional the para- discussion.
4. Statistical Variables 4.1 Single Variables 4.11 Definitions Consider a series expansion of a signal F(06): F(@) = 2 a(j)f(5,0) There are with three the Signal help basic of design. operations that can be distinguished this expansion: A filtered tiplying a(j) time shifting filtering, signal shifting and F;(@) is obtained by mul- with an attenuation f(j,9) by 9(3): function K(j) and by co Fy(8) = >-K(j)a(s)£05,0-0(5)1 j=0 Shifting forthe F(@) variable is j; done the by substituting inverse function a function j[k(j)] k(j) = gj must by means of ampli- wal(k,@); it equals exist: Fe(8) = >’ a(j)flk(5),0] k(j) equals tude modulation k+j or k-j band The k@j for of sequency a must, functions in the one case tions in the Signal cients c(j); other designis a(j) are again the carrier shifting modulation {f(j,9)} shifting Walsh frequency amplitude system for of by meansof a sinusoidal single carrier of course, be the systemof and side- sin enké. that of the sine-cosine Walsh func-— case. the most replaced inverse general process. new coefficients by function a{c(j)] =a(j) The coeffi- c[La(j)] must exist. =
new a by replaced is {f(j,6)} system the Furthermore, VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4, se system {g(j,0)}: Fa(@) = 30(3)6(38) jz The a(j) + coding have been of Examples set coefficient one that Note coefficients of Filtering 2 and 4. mission and The shifting extensionof requires A short the discussion understanding of An uptodate start with to date as sults the are a and equally game "if methods is all was the cards is "if of are the equally often ‘such of condition an be [1,2]. the measurements heads or tails occur when not is the mathe- all be re- results applied to probability of equals The 1/52, if condition explained by the once". This defi- for communications, "if all results are theory of probability Consider results are ex- explained. axiomatic sets yielding suffice if 52 up abstrac-— favorable deck. probable" not the founded of the represented can of measurements of is probable" theory results, in avoid to most. of The of KOLMOGOROFF number a deck less of an chap- have century difficulty. equally does to eighteenth once to degree may from two would order The the signal statistics. last definition meaning based onthe ples of of A somewhat in possible card nition of probability since by This card inthe satisfactory defined trans- facilitate discussion here, without each will o-algebra. prove area mathematical abstraction. represented results statement of used number the applications quotient a certain card these probable. of drawing each of should maticians into methods mathematical required a discussed in chapters of concept Probability been theory of information mathematical approach cessive tion the have the functions their ters. may into transformed be a(j) (26 to in Figs .€26) given c(j)-. by orthogonal design coding. called is alone c(j) transformation C= alarge C,, C2,... observation flipping coins, how number Examoften or the counting of
4.11 DEFINITIONS NeVUCT a Seine theswordsvormaetext:. statistical C= just ¢ dropped variable was given. a onto a random as the yields two-dimensional where two variable. Let the € is in example the examples a ball ¢ and ball values, mn denote comes and that C= to is the rest. €(C,n) is a a k-dimensional generally by k values. defined is it if variable surface. points Uy .2.Tis@caliled variable. a further anirregular of measurement variable, or C =0-C))) one-dimensional Consider coordinates Each 183 Let S denote the set of all possible results C of a measurement. S; and Sx denote subsets of S. The sum §j+S, is defined and/or all S,. rence isthe an by the sible word with Sctewlca the sail lengths set with set with be stance, the set by the C = u+iv The diffe- to be Sets space operations of of to- 25 and 12; 8; but ‘12. real maybe be times. Borel sets The The sum product ithe sub- 8) +8, is 8;'5, 16 difference Sj -Sj5, by intervals. For in- 2 is de- 1 and numbers intervals a 3 u = b and by k intervalsinan Eukli- resulting sets. Borel Let sets setsis are these infinite ora denumerable class of and subtraction Addition, sets yield further R,. be the A set of complex two defined in S; S;, be ¢€ between a finite performed The Si: Let length 10. numbers by the pos- The defined 1 = ¢ = 2. defined ina text shortest e.g., let 144 and.15. 9 and easily is 5..,°15. R, of k dimensions. following A set 1 words The longest, 11 and lengths lengthof the 410, 11 of these multiplication the S,. belonging letters. 13, 3, most of the of 10, 11,12, interval may Svsd. class §|S, is the set of aswellas leneths lengths may number §j to Sj; where 9, Lenpiis Sets dian to or intersection length’, lengths eeu c belonging to number the of with mice fined elements of all elements example has lbewset. subset is set all S,. Consider the of product measured eo. set belonging S;-S, to the The elements not is as the called always used in analysis. function assigns a number to each element C€ of
4, STATISTICAL VARIABLES 184 of S. Let us define additional features the probability p(S) = O and p(S)=1. € belongstothe that belong to the result of measuring set with p(9sC=12) 9, 10, 11 probability of variable Consider a lengthof 9, 10, =1 de- € of ameasurement Let and words 12. and C= let p(S;) ¢ having to called is S. p(S) set the with must ¢€ be the S; denote = p(¢éS;) one of the values ine ion a distribut def of S of S having no value of ¢€ smaller olatsial oer DUS) = p(k "s'¢ = x) The is probability defined as = ¢C. subset Aeweletoue said is p(S) p(S) measurements. all the lengths isthe iulavetiok Vs @se Sof set 11 or 12. random the function = p(CE€S) p(S) since each result certainty, - notes the aset S is a subset that shows S cS set S, while to the longs € be- element the that shows C€¢€S notation The a set S. of (1) a two-dimensional variable C= (C€(C¢,n) follows: PCS) ip Chi S CAs 2 pekoS msi An example is the 12 letters is found probability in a (2) that sentence a word with with 10, 100, 101, the lower 11 .., or 125 eters: Dec =. p10 = Coste. A function LD. lag W(x) can 00 aon e125) be defined, if limit k ee ones W(x) = p(-o< W(x) is called € = x) distribution (3) function.
4.11 DEFINITIONS These 165 axioms may be expressed by the following formulas: PMS Ee £0 (4) DUS +24...) Os Wx) = p(s, ) + DG = O means element; yields that the subsets several S; the results postulate Came series that che €, the any alee and the of S, have result no of measurements. second the combinationof bee stapistical The results the common a measure- S,. to as well as Sj; to belong not Consider us 5, Si. = 0 -2 4 putting it differently, must ment £0T s 4 Were) = (0, " Wes) S,|S, we... n, random first etc. Let variables veriable, This third dom variables, any combined variable (fi, -+:+ 0;) is also For example the length ¢ of the length ding obtained first by word word been and words and the each of the random to Grofithes tion or yn. joint The disbribubion- joins relative [ and to of [. is 43 of the with has length the length shall of be no variable. (C,1) of (C without to relative identical marginal the second the random is is the example distribution It of one-dimensional distribution Similarly, the with distribution ((,n). identical of there two yiel- variable Length where combined axiom calledamarginal y is distribution the was to yielding series Another (2), two-dimensional combination variables etc. combination and one pairs: length following sentence second combined sentence, sentence, a A following According between the sentences. example variables two a text, the second a series of measurements first word of the Consider regard 7 of the sentence. difference one in combining giveninthe of the consider with distribu- distribution of Ns Two variables p(S) =p(reS) [ and yj have and p(Q) = p(neQ). two probability The probability functions function
represents the probability that a measurement result ( of the set S and the result y of the p(CES,n€Q) yields the be can functions new Two Q. set VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4, 186 defined: (5) p(neQg [Ces) = peGee asso p(tes|neQ) = ee p(teS) > 0, The plneQ) function pability of S. the conditional "1 the an the set defined distribution example, length us of Q, by if pro- C belongs to the p(néQ|tES) is called to the condi- length of words, 7 relative the sentences the pairs length ¢ > 1, n- frequency of ¢ > lies on 1, inasufficiently of 1, probability of Let, onthe the word will a of This dence. sentence example bination of of between length can only conditional L; and fromthe between The L2, in oc- pro- if ¢ is unconditional L; and L>. the length the sentence k inatext. The condi- a certain length will usually of a certain word k has be of length usually a sequel no sentence to L; the = une n = ly), bearing on the k. leads to animportant statistical Let the following p(CeEs,neQ) this word The differ a value probability length with long = n = L2. n denote 1, length value L; ¢, of the all the pair probability since and words hand, of ¢€ > L,, sentences sentence. S Le, if words possible This set contains and long tional conditional of L; a very by 2°) these all now the pairs for which the length n having k and chosen. usually other Among since n having than n. between occurrence depends bability 1 are the containing €, Consider of the sentences larger ¢ represent of pairs a text let consider with of y of distribution those cur is called the conditional Guero. For let p(neQ|CES) obtaining set DLOnw The > O variables: special statistical product hold forthe = p(CEeS)p( EQ) case sets of com- indepen- S and Q: (6)
4.11 One DEFINITIONS obtains TS/. from (5) and (6): pMeQ|CeS) = p(neQ), p(ceS) > 0 p(teS|neQ) = p(CeS), plneQ) > The conditional distribution pendent of tically independent y and Let us assume (7) and in this ( and »y are rather inde- called statis-— pc €S) independent. than (6) Hence, (6). is true. Substithe equations are equations, two of the one each sufficient case and the probabilities yields (5) precisely more or (7), necessary € is statistically that into (7) of tution versa. variables called are p(n€Q) and vice of (7) conditions for statistical inde- pendence. Let us substitute probability the function distribution p according to function W for the (3): W, (x) = p(¢sx) (8) W2Cy) = p(n3y) W(x,y) = p(Csx, n3y) Equation W(x,y) This (6) assumes equation is independence and Q are necessary of be shown that this that S and Q may let function the n(C) and Borel- g(x) for restriction Borel words which be real K. Hence, the values elements of a Borel set. is statisti- the sets However, by the n = n(¢)=¢". be for all real g(x) of (. The elements = K, the random The 7(C) all the nun- variable B-measurable', real, for S unnecessarily measured of in S, if the holds if sets. ¢ consider defined defined for n, according to (1). be of function or B-measurable x, ¢ and called afunction uniquely "A function of Instead is sufficient intervals length general a Let ments and variables and ¢ of letters. finite the by Again ¢. form: (9) defined can narrow per following = W,(x)W2(y) cal it the y ofaset subset isaBorel variable function S is S of all ele- for all be the set 9 must
VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4, 188 variable having adistribution funcn a random is the tion defined by the random variable ¢. Let Q denote a set containing n, and S a set contain(C) ning ¢. to S, and p,(Q) of n belonging bility n belonging to Q. probathete deno p,(S) to S. Let ¢ belongs if only then, and Q then, to belong shall n The random variable probability the of It holds: p,(S) = p2(Q@) (10) Substitution of the distribution function according to (4) yields Wy) = p,(n#y) where = p, (Sy), Sy is the set of (11) all ¢ for which holds 7(¢) € y. 4.12 Density Function, Function of a Random Variable, Mathematical Expectation The distribution function W(x) has been defined in (3) by Wi) “= "pCGsi). Assume, x. that The the derivative derivative Sity Tunction: w(x) = W'(x) ¢ is called A random is called W'(x) exists for distribution a continuous variable transformed into random ¢ with anew random condition n = y corresponds W2(y) variable distribution function of variable n is to in w, (2), this function den- n = case. W, (x) aC+b. The obtained as follows. ¢ = (y-b)/a to ¢ 2 (y-b)/a for a < 0. The distribution is obtained from (11): This points or (42) tribution W2(y) all density for a> function disThe oO and W2(y) a> 0 = formula is ‘GES, is correct for a < O, only af W\ (2) as con,
4.12 DENSITY tinuous shall FUNCTION at be x = 189 (y-b)/a. determined so At discontinuous that the points, functionis W;(x) continuous to from if ErLeht . wae The W,(x) density is w,(y) WiCy) Wy (x) = Wy) Consider There function are = no The s¢ must is at obtained oy = it n and yields bisa 1) Bye. ye W2(y) for equals zero sy .=70s W,(y) for n is yw Ss © (15) pee) at x = -y/2i, if W,(x) obtained: is The density differentiable function for all ye fe ic yields s y Wl2i-1) holds: Cy A) Yntes< be W(x) Let the function. a certain for ,y>0 ae Wika) itw, Cy!) C2i-1 = "1 : i Yo p. 1, = sty 7.<0 Cy M2) St, = va- ae We et w2 Cy) x: 1) =8¢7' of 7 Sy | W,(-y!'), be continuous e e Cy)! & Hence (3), Coe values function Sy G of Thee: © Wey obtained values s 4y O w,(y) is all Tunckhion relation = {Wee) W,(x) RIESE tae negative distribution a(x) for | fw, SBD a surgher POteyi—nOstnes ~y'@i w,(y) differentiable function distribution The Lebesgue following and g(¢) integral shall of ¢ exist: E{e(¢)] = | e(x)dw(x) E[g(c)] is riable W(x) the g(¢). is. (18) mathematical Equation differentiable (18) for the random expectationof becomes all x, a Riemann Wea) va- integral if and if = we),
4, 4190 a finite at most has g(x) discontinuities: of number VARIABLES STATISTICAL (19) Ble(¢)] = fe(x)w(x)ax to équal = x 0, 1, ..., 1 is given Dy whe example an ¢ being of probability The distributions. discrete for as distribution Bernoulli the shows Fig.83 equation p(C=x) = X(1-a% (5) , Of 487 For any ae5t S not containing one of the points x = 0, 1, Holds: p(ces) The set (20) = 0 distribution function W(x) follows from (3): W(x) = a¥ (1-a)t¥ (5) (21) x y=0 The mathematical expectation is represented by the l ELg(¢)] = >ige(x)a*%(1-a)* () . sum (22) x=0 g(x) has to be Ua o Fig.843 tion of defined points x = 0, 1,..,1 only. Come C me Po > (left) 2) ——— 10 oo Probability a Bernoulli functi and distribut on ion distributed Fig.84 (right) Density of product of the at the two variable; q = a functi and distribu on tion Gauss distributed funcWee alsiES function variables.
4.14 MOMENTS Fig.84 defined 191 shows by the an example modified of a Hankel continuous function distribution K(x): Wox) = p(cax) = 2 fKay It will for be the later product W(x) tion. shown of (23) that two this variables with and differentiable is distribis ution obtained Gaussian distribu- yield the density s func- tion w(x) = 7K (x): K(x) 1s (24) approaches +m for x = O, since perpendicular The probability hOrECOnTINUOUS p(¢=x) The to the of x-axis in the this tangent of W(x) point. ¢ having acertain value equals zero Gr_SLELpDULLONS: = 0 mathematical expectation E[g(¢)] follows from (19): Ble(¢)] = 2 f e(x)Ko(x)ax (25) 4.13 Moments and Characteristic Function Tey o(C matical ini 18) expectation bea power E(ck) is of Cc, @(¢c) called the = ase The moment mathe- of order B(¢K) = f xkaw(x) One Ee obtains \ kia eer for k k: (26) the Bernoulli distribution (22): 71 2) I-x Cy ee (27) X= for continuous moments The HCC k he eae wea distributions from (19): follow Kc (28) | gxte wioe)dx —oo The E(¢) moment =m of first orderis also called mean value m: Geg)
192 The 4, STATISTICAL VARIABLES moments (30) EL(¢-c)'] = f(x-c) aw(x) the are LS) WESC the point about moments called are atone moments central The notationu, the and c=m points the about moments c. aMlaeinig uy = ELCC-m)] = fxm)" aw(x) (31) Expanding the factor (x-m)“ one obtains from (26): Uy = 1 (32) teehee M2 = E(¢?) - m? The second E[(¢-c)’] order moment =U, 1tS The about aw +O minimum, + for’ equations 4 2(m-c) f(x-m)aW (m-c)*= ¢ containing the probability of relations (mc)? faw ae Lebesgue integrals distributions. ¢ assuming are + = Mm, explicitely for discrete eng c, (33) ten general a point = EL(¢-m+m-c)*] (xm)? bas + ems ZmE(¢?) - = EC¢*) Us obtained the value instead x. of are writ- Let p, denote The following (20),(21),(22) C27.) p(C=x) = p, (34) Wx) = Dipy, Ble(c)] = Dietedpe, B(CK) = 5° xckp, xX =—co Equations m = (29) ye XPy 5 xX =-Co and LL = (31) xX =—0COo yield: OY (x-m)* py (35)
4.13 MOMENTS The ston moments Of) the 493 a are distribution defined frequently distribution. is by asimple moment of first order, point m order also is t momen ation and is All o is symmetrical true particularly by measurements distribution variance The location mean moment The of standard odd order about the mean from devi- symmetry. deviation. vanishif the distribution m. The Hence, yu, characterizes coefficient mathematical exp(iv¢) is called variable €; v e(v) Let is of w(v) = fexp(ivx)w(x)ax is a one-to-one function identical characteristic done function of function the random (isd p(y) is thenthe Fourier trans- with W(x) is a correspondence between a distri- and its characteristic function functions characteristic functions; analogy communications. Harmuth, Transmission of Information yield rather functions this to the is two 9(v). identical Calculations versa. and vice functions complete in (39) distribution distribution transform 13 special W(x): There There the = fexp(ivx)aw(x) W(x) be differentiable. the of real: of be skewness. characteristic form Two the coefficient expectation = ELexp(iv¢)] bution is (37) called The of second The square Vuue= 40/07 is of has its order m. mean or if than concentration the the around called the (33). to according rather function. momentof second characterizes called moments deviation holds for the discus- notation the used. suited characterizes the variable statistical the m, since H,, order, second of the about minimum This obtained analytical distribution, the well than may with sometimes easier. the Fourier use of
4, 494 STATISTICAL VARIABLES 4.2 Combination of Variables 4.21 Addition of Independent Variables Consider two random ¢ and variables 7 having the diffe- rentiable distribution functions W,(x) and W2(y). The mathematical expectations of the functions g,(¢) and g,(n) integrals: following by the defined are Ele,(¢)] = f e,(«)w,(x)ax (40) Ele2(n)] = f e,¢y)w,(y)ay (41) Let from ¢ and n be statistically independent. It follows (9) GMO) = w(x,y) = wy(x)w,(y) Mave: (42) iBpuAeamal (ona (con) = 610¢) yields the ELa(e,n)] + 826m) mathematical = (43) expectation E[g(¢,n)]: f f e(x,y)w(x,yaxdy iT] 83 (44) Ce,(x) + 8,Cy)]w,(x)w,(y)dxdy co co _JeCedw Ce ddelw, Cray + fe.(yw, Cw ayf w(x)ax Elgi(¢)] The expectation of the + Elg,(n)] sum of the and g,(n) equals the sumof the €2(n). This result still holds tistical The independence made random variables a. Ccy expectations if the here is not of @, Cc) end assumption of stasatisfied. function hCCs) = 6, (CB, 0m) yields the expectation (45) E[h(¢,n)]:
4.21 ADDITION OF VARIABLES d95 aif.h(x,y)w(x,y)dxdy —=Eth(¢,n)] (46) = T fe, (xe, (yw, (x)w, Cyaxay = ie g,(x)w, (x)dx fe, (yw, (y)ay = Efg,(¢)]EL[g.(n)] The expectation g,(¢) and of g2(n) the product equals the of the random variables product of the expectations of g:1(¢) and g,(n). The results derived more here than tions. for two The to be about two Punetions and g2(n) products continuous expectations »,(v), and variables calculated Let sums and according »2(v) and variables to for characteristic independent distributions denote the to have characteristic = Elexp(ivn)exp(ive)] function random characteristic is apply distribu- (34). o(v) = ELexp(ivn)]ELexp(ive)] It also non-continuous discrete to variables of.¢, q and C+n. Substitution of e7(c )=expCive) = exp(ivn) into (46) yields: o(v) = Efexp[iv(¢+n)]} The of random functions known of variables from of Fourier (39) is the following w(x) = arf exp(-ive el vay (47) = 9;(v)e,(v) the sum equals the = of the statistically product of the variables. analysis that the inverse of integral: foo) Denote the distribution W,(x) and and W,(y) w,(y). The and w(z). function done 13* in density integrals This (47) function the for simple integrated tion in of C+n, ¢ and functions (38), (39) n by W(z), by w(z), and w(x) (48) may and yield the density functions retransformation into a general (48) the form distribution and yields: of the be func- characteristic function can also be
4, 196 VARIABLES STATISTICAL (49) (2c) Wz) = PPW,(z-y)aW,(y) = f W)(z-x)aW, —0o differentiable W(z) = functions: TW, (o-y)w a (yay =f W,(2-x)w, (x)ax (50) fw, (2-y)w, (yay = fw, (2-x)w, (ax w(z) —oco —oo Denote the Manco integrals Riemann following the (49) from obtains One for —oo means, variances and moments of third order distribution functions W(z), W,(x) andW,(y)bym, “405 OS saLiat uj) and wl3). Equation (44) yields 6,(¢) = m=m, ¢ and g,(n) = of m), for n: +m, (51) Equations (32), oa; + o5 = BCC?) (46) and (47) — mi + B(y7) yield: — amg (52) E(¢?) - E*(¢) + E(n?) - E*(n) EL(¢+n)°] - 2E(¢n) - E*(¢) - E*(n) EL(¢+n)7] The following easy: a) relation is = o? obtained in a similar way: (23) U4 + Consider Gaussian - E*(c+n) as (53) an example two variables ¢ and n having a distribution: w,(x) = Tana, exp[ -(x-m, )?/2? ] (54) w Cy) = Taner exp[-(y-m, )*/20? ] Wi(x) = $[1 + erf()I, erf(u) is tabulated erf(u) eae eee = aDuhJ 6) ds! 4 erf(-u) The = the -erf(u), characteristic Wo(y) error erf@) + eri (t54)] function: “eee Te = #[1 y2 553 = 1 function »,(v) of w,(x) follows
4.21 ADDITION from (39): OF VARIABLES 197 m,(v) = TaVTSy J explivx - (xem, )’ /20? ax The substitution y = (io?+m)/f2c0, yields py cvd= Tayna, oP (ivi, -bof v?) f exp-(x/V2a, -y)’ Jax. —oco Using (55) Cv) (us ae : v?). (56) dz = exp(ivm,-#0? Je ~to;2 v? )xre = exp(ivm, and the substitution GAV2s, <y) =o 25 vielas —oo The characteristic function o(v) = »,(vdp,(v) = expliv(m,+m,)-$(0? +03 )v?] Comparison have of (57) a Gaussian relationship istic function between W(x) equal Gaussian a variable shows since function w,(x) and and Gaussian the sum €+7 must one-to-one function and characterw(x) of and distribution (54) if m, = o?+o2. rather ey) thereisa W,(x) o? by o? variables with that distribution Density by m=m,+m, pendent (56) distribution, function. placed and follow from (47): s C+n of »p(v) than distribution is Summing re- 1 inde- two, again having the yields mean \ nM = Mj i=] and the go? = variance 5 o?. (58) 1 It can further be variables approaches values 1 if of This tribution. tics. It variance means and andy 52)) holds of the the is shown a do central the very distribution of the Gaussian variables under variances that the sum 1 independent distribution not have limit general are of for a Gaussian theorem of assumptions. equal variables to large the according dis- statisMean and sumsof the to (51)
198 4, STATISTICAL VARIABLES 4.22 Joint Distributions of Independent Variables two of sum the problem ¢ hasaGaussian mean of ¢-|n| of the in with distribution and m=O chapter mean also n has variance Gaussian ¢ and and variance distribution function and w,(y) -0< x <@ (59) <o9 O. Sy yO shall for A variable w,(x) wily) = 0 holG following 6. are |n| = Taras exp (-y*/207) x-y the The distribution o2. w, (x) = popes exp [-(x-1)?/207] w2(y) m=‘1 The density functions is wanted. variables consider variables be encountered variable second a o2, with random will that of distribution the of example complicated a more As all ee ey The density yield z. values Hence, or the following relation must -y: * (60) function of the variable ¢-|n| w(z) are and distribution function given by the following W(z) equations: co w(z) = <1. f exp [-(zt+y-1)?/20?] 0 = ee W(z) exp [-(2-1)?/4071[1 = Jw(e'az = a {1 #(1 Let us + erf(z)] further if the condition as + 41 exp (-y 7/20? dy ~ ert (44) erf(u)je™ - du, (61) -cOO< us= %Z <© — ertf?(z)] calcul theate density function ¢€ 2 O must be satisfied. w,(x) of is C- In| defined follows: w, (x) I ToynUs exp (-(x-1)?/20?) =O ied O wy (x) (62) 3 * = 8f1 + ert(4//20)] © = qayng Jexpl-(x-1)*/20Jax 4 ¢ cannot co be smaller than zero for non-negative values of
4.22 JOINT C|nls DISTRIBUTIONS thence, (61) 199 holds for z= O, but one has to multi- #Oe® wa < Diva Dy suc. The zero smallest but -z due y = -z-=|z| One to x 2 O, for obtains W Za) permissible gz as may of difference 2 10 the between argument exceedingly tion W(z). Pees), ces to a isthe Viele different function. sign This makes the of w(z) since + Berf(1/f20) probability willeibe ¢ -|nl calculatedzonly. from (61) of func- -co to holds O. Ilt-suffi- for z = O only: = ert (=2") jaz - 2erf (1/20) - ert’ (1/26 (64) Zvdeqwert(1/V2o integration (64) is very cumbersome. It was accomplishby KASACK by fis w iO) lows the parameter = WCO,s), and Consider an the 1/20, next the over distribution independent w,(x) functions joint then distribution u = dW(0,s)/ds, integration statistically density 8 = integration. differentiation = V2(u-s) of error thanezero (64), - two the integration integrate 4 The (61) and (63) of consequence, smaller’ mow (65) ert (==1) - 0 = BACs fexpl-(z-1)?/407J[1 W(O) w © 1S (60): difficult to compute the distribution AS soetne ibis-requires ed from = soar fexpl-(aty-1)¥/20? Jexp(~y?/20? )ay The it WV seen (61): --- exp(-(2-1)?/40?][1 ef of be O IIA instead value and follows substitutes -(z-1)s. the It fol- substitution s. of continuous w,(y). One The from the product variables density ¢n of having function (42): w(x,y) = wy (x)w2(y) The in probability the area w(x,y)dxdy of apoint element dxdy with coordinates ¢ and 7 lying equals = w,(x)w,(y)dxdy. (65)
xy equals two ways to due relation (67) = 2. two cases may X to y = =, any assume the x 2 0; dy = &, The x= probability x a given is and dy is SiS dy = -2, of x+dx Cn lying and if by the x < 0 +o and all values not converge terval of wiz) cor value of and O, -c on (68) into %, between n lies (69) z and between z+dz y = if ¢ lies - and (70) product the x second at width ¢ x = 2e - 0 from -o -o and +o. to is x O, since may from assume However, the integrals O duetothe around y+dy= products: reasonableto integrate the first between for and 7s": following iy oe oS O to A transformed x 2 0 seems certain a O distinguish may one Given between -=, w, (x)ax w(Z)2 It O. value 0; between unique, x < value y = differential it make O and x 2 y has provided The order In guous. the ambi- becomes dy differential the of transformation The of the in obtained be may z of value xy = (-x)(-y) Z, product 2 if @: A certain the value acertain have ¢n will product The VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4, 200 = factors 0 is investigated left in <. A certain out each andthe (71) may be replaced for even in- limit case: w(z)az = -[w,(x)w,(2)daxaz + fw, (x)w,(2)taxaz a Tags rahe Equation may (71) functions w(z)dz = 2fw, (x)w,(2)laxdz. == by (72) -—co Let ¢ and m, =m,=O n have a and variances Gaussian distribution o? and of. Equation with means (72) yields:
4.22 JOINT DISTRIBUTIONS 204 2 os Z\2 4 w(z) =_ ono,e) Jexp(-x?/2a4 2 Jexpl -(2) /207, |5dx The substitution s = x?/o? (73) is made: wz) = Big,G,_|ert-# (2/50) o3 +8) }4as (74) 1 The integral ° u2 a eee jexpl-# (Ss ~ s)]zds 0 is tabulated. a modified for é¢-- Bei) Hankel ii « a Hankel aia) is function. woke, (i) eup= reals function Equations and K,(u) (74) and (75) follows w(-z) is The from (74) that w(z) is even: CHD thus defined distribution for all real”z. function W2) = aegr [Kogan (78) ra cannot W(z) yield (76) = w(z) weg) is 0: OD) = ee eG (75) be and reduced w(z) if to one tabulated functions. Fig.84 shows substitutes Som (79) and ere = 0,0, w(x), The Rayleigh involving and fading distribution distribution or narrow function defined ) Je =n0 W, (x) = 1 - = W(x). distribution = SE exp(-x?/6 Wee WpCx are en exp(-x?/6?) is as important band noise. a variable of (80) for problems Density function ¢ with Rayleigh follows: (81) ZrO 6 ze NO rar aa@)
The mean equals co (82) = 2Vn8,, = f x w,(x)dx =m E(¢) VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4, 202 0 and the second order moment equals (83) B(¢?) = f x?w,(x)ax = #. 0 The variance a. follows from (29), (32) and (36): o? = E(¢?) - E*(¢) = 8,(1 - én) Let leigh a variable n be distribution independent with density wo(y) = + exp(-y?/85 ) The density culated. the function y w(z) density function about x of = the O. of ¢ function IV and a product €n shall Rayleigh (81) be used, distribution and (85) be one equation 207 = 8 eee and is identical 207 = 6f into with (73) (73) and if calsince is not obtains: w(z)= ster | exp (-x’ /s, )= exp(-2? /x?6? )odx This Ray- (85) than (72) must Using have w,(y): oO of the Equation (71) rather Symmetrical (84) (86) one substitutes multiplies by ee Ge Osmoose * The Ot density function of ¢€n follows from (86) withthe help (€76,): w(z) = ser K Car = The distribution = 0 (87) function Z W(z) = aye 3 De ———)du may be x 2u/6,6, yields: = reduced 22/65, wa) = to (88) tabulated functions. 22/5, The substitution 3K g(x)ax = -bin f |Cic)H!! (ax)a(ax) 0 (89)
4,22 JOINT The DISTRIBUTIONS 203 integral Syl5,(y) + iNg(y)ldy = fyH'} (yay = yo!) (y) is known. and J,(y) second and Nj(y) order are Bessel (Neumann (90) functions functions). of Equation first (89) be- comes: W(z) = $nxH!"! (ix) 2z/6,5, SE) - gen" (ie)] (91) -1[54 € Let ¢ approach Ee (ae) one zero. =.=—P/tre Using Date the equation cecen”| (92) obtains lime Hie) = -2/n oo) and Wz) = 1 - Se HIE). The term in the brackets is non-negative for real values of Z. Let us investigate 4-f6r Z sco. ; sae 58, The ea, (ix) nishes 1. = Oe equals help (92) one — of i ue to ee O for obtains ae Ot. Baza positive z=O for and z=0: te approximation \peree eu large thus for of values large the shows x. values The of second z and of functions (94) in term one (87) and (94) sum ¢+n of va- W(e) obtains for = 6, = Gls The pendent WCz) (94) ay] Fig.85 = the whether ett | eZ = for holds The With asymptotic (94) distribution Rayleigh = apf (1 lower limit function distributed exp[-(z-x)?/8% of the of the variables follows ]}xexp(-x?/63 )dx integral equals zero, two inde- from (50): z20 (95) since the
4, STATISTICAL VARIABLES 204 density function by w(x) = O x < O. for the since z, is limit upper The replaced be to ) has exp(-x?/8} = x w(x) to distribution function W(z-x) = 4 — exp[{-(z-x)* /87 J has be replaced by W(z-x) = O for z-x < O. Substitution 62 +64 1/2 62 oP ae ae yields with 4, of (96) ~ 2 6, [62 +62 )iz the help of the integral fye? dy = -te 7 2 after _— lengthy a= W(z) transformations: 52 a 84 exp (-25 ){ exp(- arth) + oie expe care - \r pzlert(e + Wg) e=sO) ror A simpler WC) eae Oe eet is obtained formula eos Consider functions w, (x) by dx for and and 6, of is = the variables w,(y). dy 220 = 1: ¢ (98) quotient and The density used 6, erf(z/V2) distribution continuous ert (22 mee 67 hee \E ze 2*/e = the independent tiplied mi (97) again. n/c n having function The of two density (68) mul- relation Yaz x must may hold be if n/¢ obtained is in to two have acertain value ways, in just as z. the That case value of the IROGUC UH iGrs aa x -xX ag Let in us order (99) consider to make sume all values value ¥ 222k, The of Zz, XS the the between provided OF differential ys is cases x 2 O and differential O and +00 0r y has the Sex ee <0 transformed x < O separately, unambiguous. -o and following into x may as- O foracertain value:
4.22 JOINT DISTRIBUTIONS OY R= KOZ ee Kee, The VA 205 ys =agee xo probability of n/¢ lying between x and = x(z+dz), x+dx and is given w,(2x)x dz w,(x)dx w,(2x)(-x)dz probability for arbitrary values KX = -c +0; For between following we The (100) between z and 2+02, n lies by the wi(x)dx w(z)dz if KO, y = 12°C lies xz and yrdy z and z+dz from products: 0) rea, w(z)dz of n/¢ lying between of x is obtained by integrating = -fw, (x)w,(2x)x ae dxdz + \ Ww, (x)w, (2x )x dxdz 5 tO X = 0 symmetric functions one °° may write (101) instead: w(z)dz = 2fw,(x)w,(2x)x dxdz (102) 0 & 6,/54)w(26,/52)—=— 4 3 : 26,/6, Fig.85 of the Fig.86 of the (left) and distribution distributed of two with (54) and with means Gauss distributed ¢ and functions m, 34 function variables. distribution andtion func let 2 Z 0;,/ function density tion 1 Rayleigh example Asafirst 0 two Density (right) quotient 241 Density of product -+ -3 —= = m2 Gaussian n have w,(x) = O. One and function variables. w,(y) obtains: distribu- = w(x) of
2 u = axt(S + an yields: 1 2 co substitution The w(z) = exp(-2? x 2/20? )x dx fexp(-x2/20? 0 = w(z) 0, 0 Al ia VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4. 206 oF +Z207 je -u du (103) 0 stud eri > The an eh O2 O02 distribution known with iy defined by this as Cauchy distribution or one degree of inverse tangens Oa;= Fig.86 As freedom. the a further n/c Student function is distribution distribution function CS ie Sh ade mraz a functions example of two mn. Equations as The density is function: = shows quotient w(z) 2474 (81), of (103) consider Rayleigh (85) and Sy and the = sar | exp (-x? /8; zx (104). distribution distributed (101) Sa RA? of variables the ¢ and yield: exp(-z “x 45s )x dx The substitution u = x? ( + z) yields | w(z) =ee Ti i +22 OF) eee fue™~du 2 § z6, = ers zB, /8 78, 84 : (105) 0 The distribution the help of the | ea X2 + function W(z) is obtained from (105) with integral = te 2 ee 26/6, W(z) =e) Fig.87 ! CaP shows the yz x = - functions Z6, 5 w(z) 7 and . W(z) (106) of (105) and (106). peveral and a joint Gauss functions are distributions variable as n will follows: of be a Rayleigh calculated. variable The ¢ density
4.22 Ce JOINT amwa (x= mee ent 26x 207 exp(-x?/6?), = 0 Ws y) = fCon) o exp(-y?/202), the computation Rayleigh density truncated of 0. image about wiz). The The density the = coe distribution variable holds for function One J exp(-x?/202)zx co -Lle 60 of the consider the densi- for y < 0. variableto equal ordinate. 0 : substitution (107) oO functionof the quotient = ae w(z) the variable/Gauss distribution =2z> IV AVP. & functionof the Gauss The x w, (x) For ty DISTRIBUTIONS ¢€/n all for zero quoti- computed for this positive negative values values x/y is its obtains: exp(-z?x?/s7)x dx vi IES 4 y = x(s57 + sr) yields: 2oZz/6 coz Zz 2 an 3/2 Lea) (108 ) —— (6/V20)wi2¥/20/6) yey 1 Step Ue 2206/6 —~ —— W(zV20/6) rn 1 left) Big.8 Loa Fig.88 1 2 2/65) —= (right) variable. of two Density Rayleigh -4 i function Density Stet quotient a and Rayleigh and 3° 2 = alt 1 i | function variables. function variable/Gauss dil eh 2/2.0/6-—— distribution distributed distribution distributed «4 of the distributed
STATISTICAL 4, 208 w(z) =F Z w(O) must W(z) is 202Zz2/62 +4 defined a set (109) w(z). of symmetry the to # due. equal rect formula: by the defined is function density complete The VARIABLES Hence, by: W(z) 5Sra bi ae ae (110) I nl Fig.88 shows The Gauss density in and 62 22 6 2 Vee) ores the product of density y < function variable shown of the O. The density in Fig.89 and of the the and a Gauss function its density image function Rayleigh variable computed about the variable let equal with the and of this ordinate negative = wer co | exp(-z?/2x?g? )x exp(-x?/6? substitutions $ ma — v = Yeo 5.2, eq f ¥2e20/6z exp(-¢X) a = —" = zero tax yield for truncated yield values variable: = ob- rte) v3 ) € wiz) is (111) function for positive is) The quotient way: variable functionof distribution random (110). .-3/2 computation a Gauss the density and ) PO Ghe me a $1 For (109) fx exp(-x?/8? )exp(-z?x?/207)x dx 0 6 Z W(z) of distribution a corresponding = — I w(z) functions variable/Rayleigh tained w(z) the of the the
4,22 JOINT DISTRIBUTIONS 209 _|l2o6 welt) —> W(z\2/05)—— TIP epee SO 1 se 3-290 lineaMR DT EARP EO IN ER eee Fig.89 (left) Density function and distribution function Gauss distributed variable/Rayleigh disof the quotient tributed variable. and distrib Fig.90 (right) Density functi ution function on of the product of a Gauss distributed and a Rayleigh distributed variable. Using the tabulated S exp(-3¥ 0 one = = w(z) The Yoos density values Z ) a = of z eV 22/60 holding fromthe for positive and negative requirement of symmetry about Ze oo (113) O: = | /0P popes) ¥206 distribution Z Sag dhGeeta Harmuth, Transmission == function -\ ex/6bo = ge-V2 121 760 14 /a ae) function follows 4 W(z) \qrre obtains w(z) The integral of Information is defined ate Se z2 <0 by: de ge V 22/50 ates (114)
the sum 2? (114). and PEELE (4115) -x?/§? Jdz exp(=-x*/s 2)qe q?= example: last the ert Voop “2. pz )[1 + CXP\ "Ba exp variable Gauss a of as : oe oVo\no p?= (113) )°/207 2 x (x-z Jexpl _~(x-z)? == sr T1064 Wiz) of given is variable a Rayleigh and of function density The functions the shows Fig.90 VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4. ra, 62 ~2¢? 4.3 Statistical Dependence 4.31 Covariance and Correlation It were has been assumed statistically of section to drop 4.1 the riables tion far be g(¢,n) n. The the Some generalized of function mathematical is defined by the random of in statistical a distribution € and that independent. must condition Consider so the variables definitions order to be able independence. W(x,y) of the two va- expectation of a func-— integral co CO (116) i i g(x,y )dW(x,y) a E[g(¢,n)] -00 -00 Let W(x,y) and let number be differentiable g(x,y) of be continuous points. Equation except, (116) a Riemann integral: Ele(¢,nJ] = { J e(x,y)w(x,y)dxdy co may 2 y, eee and for all x at most, then be at f a finite replaced CO by (117) —00 -co Let g(€,n) e(¢,n) = hn E(cK y! ) is E(¢kny®) be the product of integer in of ¢ and ( called analogy n: (118) a and E(¢°n!) one-dimensional fines powers moment are marginal to of identical (29): order with distribution k + 1. the of The moments moments of the ¢ and m. One de-
4.31 COVARIANCE BGC any AND CORRELATION 2A BCC on) t= at, The point the mean of the with the (119) coordinates ¢ =m,, two-dimensional about the mean are called n =m, distribution. central moments and is called The moments are denoted (ee Nv: Mat co = EL(¢-m,)\(m-m,)'] CO = f f (xm, —co Expansion and of factors with the (me help S02 oes Myr eomiC ei 0.2 Ganeee= m2 = 65, Boers a? the y yields and ome are DOLee cute called the tse, oe mixed moment or from the multiplication zero for statistically iy = E(C)E(n) - The mathematical m,m, the thus M5, be be theorem distributions interest of (46) independent ¢ and and here; it It follows 7. (121) is thatitis variables: O 1122) Reet nC aC aalg, Cs) too. zero. One that is nonnegative Hence, nonnegative. unequal ol wah 20) = 0%, the marginal sis of afunction nonnegative must = BCcn) - mm, of x (119): le ctor 4,, of powers and = ECG na covariance = into (118) expectation integral be (124) Gm) (116), (Pre i), E{{c,(¢-m,)+¢,(n-m,)]7} is of variances mOMeCNb (y-m,)! aw(x,y)(120) —oo the right Let at least may rewrite one the uno and hand moment right must side of en ou hand side £16125)% Hap} +2 4 Cy Cp +Ho2%2 = Tage 6He0% tH 2 2 Ds ah + CUpoblo2-Hi1 C2 J (124) A ? Dot Coxe, teriS))° + (Hadar CF J Uo9 The are and uo, in terms arbitrary nonnegative brackets values of c, in and for the (124) will if the c,, same be reason as (123). nonnegative following for condition holds: Hyp Hoz ~.Hn 14* 2 0 (125)
p is coefficient A correlation wing equation: VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4, BE follo- the by defined 2 a \M20 Moz The relations Oe (125). from follow # p = +1 -1 or p2 <1 statistically independent variables ¢ andy follows 0 = O from (122) and (126). The inverse relation does not hold generally; statistical independence cannot be infered For ‘eel jy & Ox Assume relationship a linear 7: ‘¢ and between € = Gon + By = a(n - m2) + B One obtains: oo = EL(C-m,)?] =a’U, = Ela? (n-m,)?+20(p-m, )(n-m ,)+(p-m, )? J + 2a(B-m, uy, +(8-m,)? uy, = aU, HCE, 2 wi = EL(¢-m,)(m-m,)] = Ela(n-m,)?+(-m,)(n-m,)] ll = Abba, + (B-m SaOe Oe. QW. 1 for and that 1 are as a the and = At least the Wy, = Myo, be = m, one one of the will OF in Woy this a in if equal of m, the and y,, = hand, variables inthe must ¢ the point vanish relation distribution The This m,. Hence, of, the Consi- zero. concentrated uy, concentrated definition (126) for case. equations Mo. FO} is y = m,. the hold zero points other for and moments sign equal Mog Sy) Hy, S2= the of andu,, covariance O follows applied least The On may be inverted. distributions distribution x equality (123) result both marginal y = m,. inthe points 9 cannot The that consequence. =U. (127) concentratedinthe two-dimensional x =m, pa B=m,. first the case means AL 4 > + (B-m, Vy equals der = 2 Vs o? , JU, OF Un, (125). one (124) are The of the Uy, Co+h,, must hold unequal right hand if zero. at Let side of conditions ¢, = 0, Mor # O (128)
4.31 COVARIANCE is satisfied of (123) since the to only expectation a Shi githpae Hence, the linear from p? Lollows cording One to may o # O and an One this 1. # O (130) for u,, #0 and between u,, only a measure One says uncorrelated p? # O and Gauss obtains for #0, due statistical from for the n on the not p = p* always other =, ac- the correlation independence are correlated of for O. density 6x |O and camd gee function oa,, 4 independence =ew) 2 o, en Dor) Tama, p = 0, ESE Ey Ne because of G\ga2 of a two- two instance, (13%) 2 XPS Dor? could and (9) of one-dimensional C132) follows variables the (x )waly)-This pf(x,y) NE Z| 2 22 # 0: l density functions two-dimensiona of that linear variables the 2 = Rovgas 0 = O. For and distribution: p = 4 of two consider 210,0, \1—p2 to aproduct € relation, from this discussion p is example case (130) Fromalinear general a’ (W, (x)W, (y)]/axday all Uo2 identical = w(x,y) The = infer dimensional Ce xe relation in variables. As everywhere. (127). coefficient two are vanishes func- ena follows hand, side of anonnegative function jong + MH, These equations to the relation Pichtenend) (129): and (128) C= poh nm 2) + m1, — Ta the (129) be zero if the from Let hold: = 0 mathematical can eng (124). It must zero. + c,(n-m,) follows It CORRELATION according equal e,(¢-m,) tion AND which density stand relation the result in holds »for out infactor functions instead for of 2pxy
in multiplied be could expression whole the and (131) VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4. Bas by 1 + pga(x,y)4.32 Cross- and Autocorrelation Function = individual present sequence. the indices time at t, course of €;, sequence ---. a riverorthe be may result ¢;. result the Let a measurement The C2, not the sequence. a €,,n;3; €2,n2; etc. sequence. did instance, after indicate yield yield shall a time For measured necessarily the re- measurements. assume along They the not t, the of ordered was > distinguish results how be to used C2 to only far us t. C2, so some surement €;, were «++ Nor 1. n = and ---- € = variables the of indices The Let amea- time at not have does water temperature levels at certain places It makes no difference —] Of ReresulusrG for the computation of the mean siemC.. R <c>= 5 DSi» whether terms mean the of (133) index the square sum i indicates a sequence ornot, may be commuted. The same since the for the holds deviation >o -<o’> = 8 HG Ste e Given two variables ¢ and n, (134) one may construct the ex- pression MIRE It is plied IS: tC Kin; - <n). important with nj Equations R =o, ments ifthis out of for and the (133) and limit a total value with not (134) exists. of of nj. (135) Let ¢, is multi- nia. or are that (135) identical ¢; equal R measurements. with x It in (35) for r measure-— holds:
4.32 CORRELATION pyeasehime FUNCTIONS alp r/R. 1,R-— co let-the pair surements Oi € = x, and ets let g7 n = the y be limit obtained gq times in R mea- exist Re. q,R=co One may Pree then oo ee x,y=—00 het che ee tinuous I Let interval One integrals to €;, C5, assumes may run of (35) all (136) ... be values rewrite the -#0 replaced instead of (133) to +#@ ¢; of by a time at the times f(8;) this -4#0 = 6 = $@, from simplify form the values is written sequence. in the written my, £(0) infinite. (all in the ta) Dy, sequence f(@; ) which j = 0,1,2,.-. or (135) Oy Gime function cated write for sequence where 0; 5 a conbe lo- © may be finite and (144) but the as follows limits are not formulas): <£(8)>= af £(o )ae (137) o? =(£(8)-<¢(8)>]*> @" f[r(e)-m,]’de Replacing further tion one g(@) the = @7 [f7(8)ae - mj sequence n,,,, «-- by a time func- obtains: (138) m, =<g(8)> = @ fe(e)ae 2 = ([e(8)-<e(@) 1°» o' flee )-m,]* ae = 9" fe7(@ ae - 7 = (Lele )-elo IL £(8 )-<£(8 1 a i) i] = @” fC r(e)-m, ][g(@)-m,]de = @”' [r(e)g(e)de - mm, e' p fr(e)g(e)ae - mm, ~ {fe" fr2(e)ae - m?][e" fe*(e)ae - egy
in the integral The lation in- 8, = O if ® approaches for Ky (@,) function crosscorre-— called p is of numerator VARIABLES STATISTICAL 4, 206 iPala@al amare The @/2 @ f f(6)g(e+8,)a8 lim Ktg (@y) = O-e (139) =-On autocorrelation function Kegf¢ (dy) follows for f(@) = g(9): Kye (Oy) = @/2 @' f £(8)f(e+0,)d6 lim ees The terms short-time autocorrelation what may assume be minate zero. yields |p| a measure this are O/O is thus avoided that Kfg (0) = 1. of the and least Hence, the the autocorrelation limits two functions the functions and for of short-time p in the the means f(9) are sal(i,@) 9). let m, K tg (0) and us Let us and n, = K (0) function is p measures g(@) only, but for the func- Examples of cross- shown in Figs.70 figures are show indeter- (138). functions. correlation amount To functions, p = O and integrationinthose cal(i,®) or finite. crosscorrelation by an arbitrary and ® is constant; one correlationof The of not = O yields Kye (8@y) yield tions shifted +oo , Since at if correlation g(¢@) correlationfor Kg (Oy) the and assume equals with £(@) form further crosscorrelation function are used done that (140) -@/2 are periodic not and 71. -o and functions.
5. Application of Orthogonal Functions to Statistical Problems 5.1 Series Expansion of Stochastic Functions 5.11 Thermal Noise Sepsitcergs which be do not Se1oo1 have functions 56510), be orthogonal. Each to of into aseries expanded {f(j,¢)} stem suime in the complete the -4@ interval °) \=al4n2so005 function shall orthonormal sy- = 6 = #0: Bae e= ne, (jor 3,0) (1) j=0 @/2 aa(j) =f e,(e)f( 5,6 )de -0/2 The coefficients a,(j) have certain values a fixed t functions g,(6) value of j= gj, and variable values of }. yield ). Let q, of them t coefficients enV Die Oss hes reactions sin d,/',- invervels O- to.AA, function. Assume values AA sity by function calls the of a,(j) density AA.to that it be g,(8@) to the is is shall 2AA, etc. can be are called be The density for identical result value The all and set of white the a step for small This of to One j, if values a,(k) den- j. of be j. sta- of time func- noise with refe- orthogonal called the functionis system {f(j,9)}. Gaussian distributed, ee. over is reference for in- 2AA, function. a,(j) j # k. a sample be inthe A < plotted each with coefficients for AA-< approximated distributed functions the «-.. different independent tions rinverval a continuous can let rence a,(jg) elaine d/l, equally Furthermore tistically a,(j Oy for derivative of the error if its function. density The set
For the practical assume aa(j) The index a generator for the functions run from zero to infinity as in a finite vided of the coefficients measurement f(j,6). consider j cannot number in the g,(@) function g,(9), the finite number values m of non-overlapping into time the in of the m functions f(j,8) and let there multipliers The in m coefficients the by the time first Let us value plot of resulting nuous AA ) in functions to = Wal1 Ag) distribution pends not only q,/t on of may and and A from simulta- integrators. can be measured the endof the the first measure- coefficients mt (r-1)AA be = shown A < in sufficiently to j causes rAA. by The conti- Fig.91, large. the a if The follow- A = Aj: «ss coefficients set < noise. yielding approximated as ut is thermal measurements a certain Wale sag) the the of reference for © \ runs available g,(@) interval small hold at yields wg(j,A) with by Ce aw the sufficiently WolO,An) denoted , by g,(9). ion of these Repetit functions functions distribution ing relation The of fraction step density is equal the ©. le set a,(j m The coefficients are represented intervals sila the be voltages duration of hans. Assume di- is j = O.....m-1, These output t time forall m a,(j), integrator BCG) be interval. interval ments is @. vals only; of inter is possible Let only Time interval t. j can duration interval time neously 1 to (1); O....m-1. intervals first function t dis- Gaussian and ference to j, statistically independent j = jytributed for a certain re- with distributed equally arej) a,( the if noise’, mal or thersian noise Gaus white g,(9)iscalled of functions PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 218 of functions (2) a,(j) a,(@), generally but also deon ‘Use of these terms is not uniform in the literature. Thermal noise is frequently called Johnson noise [12] or resistor noise. The noise generated by thermal agitation of electrons in an ohmic resistor is thermal noise, if the electrons are descri by Boltzmann bed statistic rather than Fermi statistic.
5.11 THERMAL Fig.91 Density ----m—-1; m NOISE A 219 functiohs wq(j,A4) of normalized the denotes thermal output noise. voltages j = 0 of the integrators. the system {f(j,9)}. However, it is independent of the system {f(j,@)} under very general assumptions for thermal noise. For a complete {h(j,@)} terval proof = 6 = $0. be bounded. series The statement Let the functions h(j,9) co @/2 Ay -@/2 DiC; (x) shall converges g,(9) is converge = (1) replace the De Org and be expanded shall into a | h(g, O0£Ck,e ae" C5) (3) uniformly. expanded into aseries of the system {h(j,@)}: 0/2 Gd: Oy. by CJ) j=0 Using us absolutely. The series co ates) let The functions f(j,6@) andh(j,9) aes cri £(ie, 8),) yey (ic) a sum then this orthonormal system {f(j,8)} by another system that is also complete and orthonormal inthe in- -40 nig of = J g,(e -@/2 (3) one obtains: )h(j,8 ae (4)
5. 220 @/2 eo -@/2 k=0 (5) or) 0/2 k=0 -@/2 eee k=0 if all a,(k) absolutely, converges sum last fore) pee = >) ¢; (x) J g(@)f(k,6)d0 The PROBLEMS Ce, ee yy eye) | 2 6G =m yd) STATISTICAL boun- are ded. The sumof statistically independent, buted variables is aGaussian the b,(j) have statistically Fhe a Gaussian distributed distribution, independent. The mean Gaussian distri- variable. Hence, if of the the a,(k) a,(k) are and of by J) eLsaZer0. The density function thermal noise Wa(k,A) = TOPADGS exp(-A’ Integration Wa(k) as wi (kA) over the a,(k) reads for follows: 2 A yields °i) Wa(k,A)dA = of /20) (6) 1/n, 1 = = —oo and the sum Aa of m terms wq(k) yields 1: eens k=0 The o2 = variance of in is defined 4 (7) A=1 density function wo [k,c, (k)A] of = yarn U 2 ee . =| Ola = out “ 2 2 2 cj (k)a,(k) density CPeGa function snd (en equals: exp[-c4 (k) A’ /202,] 2 eae s The by: L ree ae. . Lim ore The (6) . ae | ag of the variable (8) L > 24 Cs) = 0% Cc dey, Az=1 b,(j) follows from
5.11 THERMAL NOISE 304 : 4 2 Wp(g,4) =r Tarim, exp(-A" /20; ) C9) Ob Pi aks Qyhatd) = Na = def(e) +ta G The Al last the pend on! kk: it 2 step that if x “ in (10) Parseval's the arbitrary with mean square from (5): of O/2 -0/2 -@/2 is toOllows the trom Satisfied h(j,8) functions assumption o2 does or, de- putting may be represen- of a vanishing sense the not one {f(j,9)}, obtains oo SLD) o (x)t(x,e)}ae = SeiCk) (11) (10) k=0 and k=0 (11), that the condition same CE and values that e¢ approaches of m. The variables variance. The density unchanged, panded is in initial thus eee satisfied large (1.11) accuracy J nj(j,e)ae = 4 = on, Men and by n deviatio the system @/2 fr use of the a,(k) theorem if Gly pt makes distribution differently, ted ule, if in a the samples series of zero b,(j) for and functions g,(9) of of thermal the system usually defined sufficiently a,(j) then have Fig.91 remain noise are ex- instead of literature by {h(j,9)} {£(j,9)}. Thermal noise a Fourier is series rather series (1). One pulses that vanish the system section, defined {h(j,9)} is outside no a Fourier that than by the the general substitute in (1) the {f(j,9)}. there by may in canbe the interval According to difference series or expanded orthogonal sine +40 the results thermal a series of of this noise is functions series ina Fourier cosine 5 6 = $0 for whether by and as shown by (3). It were Walsh has found been to functions, decomposed by stated have just in section sequency asthey sine-cosine 2.21 formants, have that if frequency functions. audio signals decomposed by formants, if Furthermore, audio
decompose if and could ear the number of compo- infinite an into signals these noise, thermal of distribution the had signals audio If same. the was flow information the sae TiLGere, filtered by frequency signals from tinguished hardly be dis- could filters sequency by filtered signals PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 2ce nents according to (1) or (4) one should expect such results. The experimental results show that audio signals sufficiently are ear decomposes make the The similar them results of results into section also functions and produce decompose light into spectra, Walsh Hence, functions must why device has known the components to represented by light spectrum. for an no that Thereis functions diffraction have explaining noise into Walsh that fre- grating extremely pre- Devices oraprisnm, filters decomposing practical at and produce like the frequency a device dence, become sequency an just to decompose sinusoidal suchas time-invariant munications. a many suchaslight. could and applicable. apply radiation, known that are noise this sent no device quency thermal sufficiently must electromagnetic to of com- light fast time suggestion into depen- for such a yet. 5.12 Statistical Independence of the Components of an Orthogonal Expansion It has been coefficients for h # k. assumedinthe proceeding a,(h) and a,(k) are statistically It remains to be shown also holds for the coefficients These are coefficients statistically client p or the convergence section, of have that b,(j) a Gaussian independent, covariance oF the in series and vanish. a =CbaCgyba(L)) + Lim J b,(1) lim tear L fo} one Using Nee wehea a dC 2, 0; Ga, hy >, e| Geye, Cry} k=0 the and j#1. they coeffi- absolute obtains: bs Ca dee ey co when cotrelation A =I = independent independence distribution if the (5) this that the (13)
5.21 LEAST MEAN SMR 5 = Gr hz0 k=O Denote CoO A=) h=0 i Che) iGr a 2 CoO double ej Ch) and k=0 _ ths L 2 ial Cs) ee sum value of BAA) 4i = Yay (ada, Ce) for 1; any pair i. follows: Se (14) Ch)e, (k) (5) CO lS The Peo 80 largest finite Ane < Deke pe) & pCi) HS, DEVIATION picnic, (ka, (na Co) ks ye by ¢« the and o5 L EE ert h,k SQUARE converges absolutely, ce, (kK) converge sum absolutely: since the sums 2 de, (a)e, (k) = K Equations-(15) and (16) (16) yield: o¢;-= eK €é (aie) approaches zero forlarge values the of covariance oF of t by definition and vanishes. 5.2 Additive Disturbances 5.21 Least Mean Square Deviation of a Signal from Sample Functions Let a time functions BAe function of the F,(0) be composed system orthogonal m-1 of the first (18) -79 = 6 = 30 y= >, ay Ci FC,9) m {f(j,9)}: j=0 is called character a finite number of Fy(9) ay(j) are not such arbitrary of an alphabet. characters, but can if assume the There is only coefficients a finite number of
5. STATISTICAL PROBLEMS 22M two assume ay( gj) may coefficients 5 andthe equals m racters; cha- 32 contains e.g., alphabet, only. The teletype values values. transmission during and g,(9) is added A disturbance Let F,(@) be transmitted. signal the R(@) = F,(@) + g,(8) a in expanded be can F(9) that assume us Let received. is (19) series: PO) =. > aldie(js8) = j=0 > Layld e+ ey¢SIoL a0 eee j=0 @/2 a(j) = f F(e)f(j,6)d8; -@/2 from j runs O to a,(j) = 0 for jem infinity and not from O to m-1. a,(j) is defined by (1). It must be decided Fy(6@), \ = 1....%... sed signal the of F,(@) was only for with on the ance with bability The us W and probability on the characters The decision No decision Putting is most known cases, it that are F,(@) trans- depends is then possible about the set that adisturbless differently, often than the pro- g,(8) with energy monotonically with increasing likely transformed F(6). The energy! is is received adisturbance decreases be in many energy energy. receiving may a transformation probability all large F(9) of character probably cau- assume if nothing W+AW which most probability. character, signal into which g,(@). little of receiver one disturbances ) with yr CO!) that energy The However, it is known gy tween the depends Let equal a single g,(8). W. F(@) transmitted. mitted one F(6). into at is the produced additively be- by a character with the AWy required for this least trans- 'The term energy isused for the definite integral of the square of a function. Its meaning is the same as the one generally used in electrical engineering, if the function represents the voltage across or the current through a Pe sister. ULE
5-271 LEAST MEAN formation is SQUARE given DEVIATION by the 225 integral @/2 @/2 -0/2 -@/2 AWy = [F(6)-F,(9)]’de = {[F?(e)-2F(e)R, (8)+F¥(8 )Jae(21) The integral of F*(@) yields ed signal, of racter the gral the integral Fy(@) with which of F(6)F,(8) relation The of the is the signal contribution characters energy F,(@) of all and energy of the receiv-— Fj(@) the energy of the chasigna is compared. l The inte- correlation F(@) to the and the character AWy by F*(8) maybe characters the ey COD same for all furthermore, the is the ignored. is integral or the cor- If, same, @/2 Wy = f[ F,(e)de = W, G2 -O/2 one may mined AW ignore by the = minimum The if Fy (8) for transmitted AW, has Signal too. The smallest correlation integral 1 B(9)F, (848 -0/2 character its minimum detection which g,(8) such additive thermal intelligent as (21) least from type multipliers puted be 15 (21) great. or n to done pliers (23). or according energies AWy Let the called deviation. are many conditions disturbances and The for types are or of not socalled integrators, one may effort alphabet an correlation transmitted integrals n is however, required, have de- charac- characters. have to be n com- (21) or (23). These computations should adders, multi- simultaneously. and is interference. adders, too usually correctly (24) square There which pulse and mean in principle the most probably termine ter (23) satisfy the conditions proper. for deter- case: = maximum of noise a detectionis such is j=. by means disturbances satisfied, Using of AWy in this BY (8 ) will be detected for detection by the criterionof Samples value alone integrators Harmuth, Transmission of Information Hence, n or are required. n/2
(oe) (249: into (20) and (18) ting m-1 ee ee a j=m j=0 AWy = minimum (24) j=0 j=0 S a : el, oe acs) — 2, PERLE) AWge=) substitu- by obtained be can methods expensive Less PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 226 = minimum Betas - for 3 [a(j) for 2 S a(gjay(d) j=0 or m- AW, = minimum m-1 - a, az (gj) = maximum j=0 The sums yield for co co i ay (gj) or Soe) j=m j=0 the same characters Equations the to value with AWy = minimum ficients j=0 for for equal (24) j < m, decision over which produce the m multipliers This means the a teletype Let us avian, 4. and (25) the One show noise character signal practical ignored, since obtains they from = maximum (24) (25) that only the coef- sample g,(@) affect Fy,(08) was the most likely F(@). and integrators reduction be energy: of received required for the each 3 aC j)ay,(j) j=0 (20), a,(j), ‘ may rather than n or n/2 are implementation of (24) and (25). from 32 or 16 to 5 in the case of alphabet. substitute the sum ay(j) + a,(j) from (20) for Geans m-1 AW, =minimum for 2 2,Lax(5)+a,C5 je The effect of the cision is due to the . . . disturbances sum 2 A Pak jz0 m=! lay (j)- De ay (g) =naxinum g,(6) ve on the The Signal de- probability
522 of EXAMPLES a wrong properties OF CIRCUITS decision of the 2a, depends solely coefficients on a,(j) the = statistical erence —0/2 Let cal g,(8) be conditions general used. {f(j,9)} system quite unimportant which functions for The statisti- under then are orthogonal the of to according probability it is (18).-Hence, decision of awrong used to compose are additive are noise. a,(j) transmitted signal F,(@)is com- the f(j,6) disturbances the thermal independent - The Tunctions these meccdvor of cocetficients of the properties very a sample the signal, if noise. thermal 5.22 Examples of Circuits ietwus dtecuss signal are detection. obtained sample Same some Fig.92 from functions as the efficients ay kd ) are one circuits the shows of This Fig.30, instead the signal (24) and (25) coefficients F(§8) the that by for a(j) means of is basically the the disturbed co- circuit except of use how received i(j,9). a(j) that undisturbed coefficients obtained. signal in ae ai) Fig.92 Extraction a(j) from the of the coefficients received MAW LplLer, signal F(6). U2 Lotecratboi. f(2,8) The are cients of the products by the circuit produced composed 15> of sums three By(O), ay (1) and ay(2) according Pie.So. Lue of functions, a UG m = 4. occur Hence, that to Characters three are (25) alle coeffi- represented
5. STATISTICAL PROBLEMS | 228 nts . coefficie ages by voltThe = 1, 2, ..- amplifiers terminals a,(0O), ay(1) and ay(2), 4 = ted . The operational by resistors represen A have differential inputs. The inverting input are the non-inverting are denoted by (-), Va(0) Va(t) Va(2) by (+). ones +V Va(0) Va(t) Va(2) Fig.93 (left) Signal characters have equal ~a(2)ag(2)]13 detection by the largest sum. All energy. V, =V[a(0)a,(0)-a(1)a,(1) + Vi= VL alO)a, (0)+a(1)a,(1)-a(2)a,(2)]; =V[a(0)a,(0)+a(1)a,(1)-a(2)a,(2)]. Fig.94 (right) Signal detection by the characters do not have to have equal smallest sum. Vz = The energy. Vee Vlad (0 )+ag (1)+a2(2)-a(0)a,(0)+a(1)ag(1)+a(2)a,(2)]; vies VL a? (0 )+ap(1)+a?(2)-a(0)a,(0)-a(1 a, (1)+a(2)a,(2)]; V2 = VL al (0)+a7 (1)+a3(2)-a(0)a,(0)-a(1)a,(1)+a(2)a,(2)]; ll R/([at(O)+ Ry = oat as(4 (2)ise ear. 2 eee
522 EXAMPLES For the of a*(j) to sum as V,, sos uses a parators with the the voltage; ramp tage. An voltage largest of does back non-instantaneous the instantaneous voltage equals at the the largest the largest put terminal (-) non-reversing and A, sing input A; terminal is voltage'V;, indicated alarger diode j=0...7, by the vol- that the time and The draw- the 52 4 diodes Let than must V3 at am- non-rever- (-). one denoted be the The ampli- at the Bs be in- negative at be reversing and. The sufficient by representing characteristics of by B,=-1. voltage at Fig.95. non-reversing will B, By, The is in larger voltages: +1. com- ramp with Assuming output B,-= The A, positive driven n n increasing voltage. at the (+). (+) than an group to are number. shown each voltage be via unimportant. saturation, Both largest receive type of determined positive amplifier shall which saturation, of linearly of voltage terminal output the plification fiers of input The One smallest circuit is point applied voltage. ouc— operation. comparator common vol- comparator to fire case are fairly The output a decreasing have to vary opera- andewhich compared of the value. or is of type fluctuations is in voltage this not is but con- smallest. The first voltage that voltage An that re- with which largest be of the line proper is ati Jaya) must in Fig.94. iseilearcest the sum without Fig.93, as determine to fireincase advantage voltage of n voltages. the comparator of of terminals in Fig.94 smallest first to .-. sum sign additional by an dt) LPiclo> V,, The the interchanged determines voltages ramp be the determined circuit input that sum may be disre- be that the required that determines shall resistors and +V are circuit ramp must 5) Vos voltage of mayuse note This of AWy. except is produced Circuits BICCEVasmv, AW, value non-inverting voltage stant all AW,. before, amplifiers of a5 (5) put the one and for snallest Hence, inverting same know produced versed. ey implementation of (24) letus wit, the any need tional CIRCUITS is the earded, is OF by B2 indicabe j as very = the binary similar
of 2' voltages. of several are required for comparison r amplifiers results. good for magni- smallest or the has the largest voltages which can detect circuit of the Variations PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 230 tude. to between the largest the isthe be of table but smallest positive tive than comparison (n-2) total of voltages third Vo, V; diodes. Its required. of are A (n-1) + Hence, a needed. The n = yn for requires amplifiers may sensi- fed differences. hand, that are measurement amplifiers only V, and more amplifiers voltage shown - voltages the Z3l= not largest is much other onthe are denote circuit of The V,. voltages voltages requires differential lg,n and diffe- by the and V, They since differential Fig.95, are rather than through = $n(n-1) +1 A; Az A,, output number n voltages ... of $#n(n-1) circuit Fig.95, large the of + The This amplifiers directly to the + of and caption. second voltage. one is the negative. the drawback also - or the of figure the the V,, voltages permutations 6 possible in three the of saturation negative or positive driven rences determination amplifiers three The voltage. largest for circuit another shows Fig.96 only. 5.23 Matched Filters It are has been obtained f£(j,9) and equivalent matched rather of pulse approaches the the of D(@) product. very response matched having the coefficients the signal the Consider delta method further a bank of attenuation and phase filters. §(@) of uses response amplitude function with pulse Consider 1/e for a narrow inside = 6 = $e and the amplitudeO outside. the a(j) F(@) A mathematically different It is customary to.use characterize -ge that technically than the frequency block e. integration but to of so far, multiplication filters. shift terval assumed by the vanishing filters. Let in- This pulse the values pulse 6(0+%) be applied at time 6 =-% to the input of the filter j- The output function f(j,6), -4 = 6 5 +4, of (18) and (20) shall be produced. f(j,6) is the pulse response
525 MATCHED FILTERS ee feet a rs See Ss STE may aera Beige 0es eee aon é eis Fig.95 Detection of the largest positive voltage Vy to V,. The largest voltage is determined by the values of B,,B, and B, shown. R Seow Fig.96 Detection of voltages. largest second third Our AeabGene of the relative values voltage largest largest voltage| V, voltage] V, ae The time function F,(@) of (18) canbe produced by applying the pulses a,(j)6(6+8) to m filters with pulse response f(j,9) denoted The Fy(0) as and receiver or summing transmitter These filters are invert the process. a(j) time the inputs functions time Let appliedto their The the 6rtnouermal) are outputs. interval -& = 6 = #, and the coefficients a,(j) or in (20) are obtained at the output of filter j at the @ = +4. F(6) filters the filters. during functions f(j,6) be represented of pulsés D(6—ke)s; ki =O, +1, system by the +42,...:
STATISTICAL 5. Coe PROBLEMS (26) a(3 £03,802 aC) 24; (k)D(@-ke ) ke+e/2 ke-e€/2 -1/2 Peo ee any sor exactly by small ciently the function. the that the can However, square mean if in (26) sum the e becomes deviation suffi- f(j,8) between arbitrarily becomes be receiver since {D(@-ke)}, function step functions Let system the represented not generally are f(j,9) a step represents and eae e functions The eve > Cj uf = £¢3;09d0" [ £(3,8)D(0-Ke )ae = )e= dpc small for those generated. filter j produce the output h(j,8), 4+ = 0 5s 4, ifthe input 5(6+%) is applied. The input function D(6-ke) = D(6@'+#) produces the output h(j,8@') = h(j,@-s-ke) if e is sufficiently small. Hence, the function a(j)f(j,9) applied to the input produces the following output signal: ad) 2,d;(k)h(j,0-#-ke), This signal has the ke ) at Let d,;(k) 9 = in (28). e andheight an +#. The if 41/2¢ (27) (28) us sum substitute f(j,ke)e yields areaof f(j,ke )h(j,-ke). integral, .... value a(j) d, 4; (c)aC§ time k = 0, #1, e is the This sum sufficiently from (26) for stripes of width may be replaced by 5mall: 1/2 a(j) J f(g,0)n(j,-9)ae, -1/2 This Cj integral equals 58) = The coefficient © = lim ke ans = lime bansd (29) 1 for f£(j,-8). (30) a(j) is obtained recei filterver at the time 6 = $. on the a6 e— other hand, if the at The function the output a(1)f(1 output Ois 6); of the obtained a=4eg,eas
5.24 COMPANDORS applied to Bae the input of receiver filter aS v2 a(1)[£(1,0Yh(j,-8)a8 = a(1)f2(1,8)£(J,8)48=0 §41 (31) -2 -1/2 The pulse response of the receiver filter j must be f(j,-8) if the pulse response of the transmitter filter jisf(j,é@). Transmitter functions = and receiver f(j,8) filters = f(j,-8), are and for identical odd for functions even f(j,9) -f(j,-@). Matched ene filters coeiticieny vantage say over whether for Walsh filters, from like one shown multipliers or In matched other and in general, filters e.g., on determine ad- cannot are superior. arevery accurate. but page an one hand, do not have capacitors, Fig.36 to is frequently circuits. functions, onthe coils need (20).-This correlator structed the not in correlators Multipliers Matched do aCj) may to be be con- circuits 80. 5.24 Compandors for Sequency Signals It is well known that instantaneous frequency limited signal produces frequency limited anymore. The compression of sine functions Thisisnot Walsh ters so for sequency functions. F,(@) and Fig.97a limited shows compression signal, reason always for i= = -wal(0,6) an example + these S Gi Fi(9) and same the they are FJ(8) Walsh that harmonics. composed two of charac-— r eer celia, iz] i=5 i pelCl.6) shown through cal(i.d) These compressor having the signals signals contain exactly produces by Fig.97b of Fig.97c. a F,(6) as the characters functions only multiplied by different a compressor characteristic Consider is a not i=l characters characteristic the is 5 CEleL sO iz] Sending this generates functions as of that F,(@). F,(9) =wal(0,6)+ of Pup) sal(i,@)- Fy(@) a andF,(6), coefficients. n = Eerf(¢/f2o).
be the amplitude distribution func- W,(x) =W, (-©<¢sx) Let (4.11): from follows W, (-co<nsy) = Veo erf ¢ = 20 = W,(y) function The compression. before of asignal tion PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 234 erf't WoCy) = W, (-co<¢sV2e erf 2) = W,(\2o erf 4) w2(y) =Ver Sy exp(erf£) w,(\2o erf£) Consider further tions val of Fig.2. All 0 < 6 < 1/16. can be produced character =1. with a signal 16 functions Among from the the have equal a 16 amplitude aes composed of the 16(41) =16 the CucCre holds same result binary characters a Bernoullian composed of amplitude m Walsh probability for any of that is 1 = ee interval; time 16 Let a an 12; interval. functions with amplitude sampling inter- 14(41)+2(-1)= other distribution. p,l (m-2h )a] the characters there composed of Walsh functions func-— 15(4+1)4+1(-1)= 143 have the amplitude ie Walsh in in this amplitude 120 = ("a5 characters Hence, +1 binary functions 16 have character +aor-a. amplitude be The (m-Zh)a equals: Bgl (ms2n je) =e): The distribution yo" lew Opty reds am function is W,(x), [x] W(x) = GP SY, h=0 m where [x] Wa(x) denotes can be error function: Wa(x) = #(1 The and + erfraR) derivative racteristics cE in the largest approximated w,(x) Fig.98a. for large = W,(x); is n = Eerf integer equal values m by are of x. the = ma’. showninFig.98b. (¢//2c) The E? smalleror shown corresponding Compressor foro density cha- = 0.5E, E functions
5-24 COMPANDORS eas i] ye E ertlf20) ] Fig.97 Compression of sequency multiplex signals. a) original signal, b) compressor characteristic, c) compressed signal. Fig.98 (right) Compression sequency multiplex signals. compressor characteristics, of a) b) density functionof the statis-— ecole VarLaple, tC, Gc) density functions after compression. wo(y) are shown in Fig.98c: wo(y) = # & exp(1-02)(ert” £)’] Wo(y) Note = #[1 that formed the into Figs.98a hold Pep This for + erf(o erf| £)] Gaussian an and equal distribution distribution c also show a non-reversible cene=scevore compressor lines all Fig.98b o = denoted compressor |Claeds>neand clips of for with r= 21.58 amplitudes is trans- E. by "13%". the for They character- {¢| = 71.55. absolutely larger
TMEMNOremCetad Lalo discussed be will clipper This distribution. a Gaussian of case amplitudesinthe the of 13% are which 1.5E, than PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 236 eeud One Oncrls 5.3 Multiplicative Disturbances 5.31 Interference Fading Let The a radio signal samples of the at the receiver. be same transmitted signal Consider as example viatwo paths. The samples with two a delay samples A, cos 2nv,6 (A, ll of be 6, are written in two receiver the The phase A,+A, and The tudes evidently shift and large tigation plicated. has the (32) + A, Sin nv, sin amv,by receives A,-A, of or one of the two terms the signal betwéen A, received and -A,. determines the amplitude line of (32). It varies reason for this variationof the a time same =-cos functions reversal 8, of It would A simpler transmission useful is, only. functions however, It A of the between cancel application does by not is the amplitude rever-— reasonable hold between or does theoretical mathematically Walsh ampli- m7 of anoscilla- appears Ageneral obvious differentiated not 8,= effect as an emv,9. amplitude of shift for which the equivalence values shifted, Fig.77 third that cos 2nv,(@-1) other of forms: amplitude and receiver the sum O. cos emv,8 sal, time in mathematical is tion for A;+A, insensitive oscillation use line. The + wy" cos (2tv, 8-a ) A phase sensitive second another = + A, cos 2mv, 6, ) cos 2nv,9 between paths. one a sine wave transmitted received. + A, cos anv, (6-8,) (pA‘are 2A,A, cos amv, Sy varies several with A, cos 2nv9@ and A, cos 2mv, (8-8,) difference may via interfere to time hold inves-— very com- that a superpositicn functions of according to interference. of orthogonal functions for the through an interference-fading medium follows
5-31 INTERFERENCE from the tion 2.15 narrow follows: for Let ated. a harmonic Using receiver e(8) the input answer an before necessary oscillation Rayleigh several limitations. The more and 10 onto of secdiscusin sed carriers many carriers. can be spread to worthwhile diversity with for can of fading a voltage = v(8)cos[env,9 so over results known into method as for bandrequirements itis whether is 4 carriers or 2 system use to concept known modulated than by the power transmitter a fixed digression The und the er influence excessive without discusin sed sec-— well bandwidth to due questionis, The width. a are More one. possible it 2or%4 of is reliability used makes 2.15 instead system transmission. required bandwidth the Signals than be not generally narrow of diversity fading. rather carriers is teletype transmission interference 237 bandwidth Frequency improving tion FADING A short transmission given. frequency model, one v, be radi- obtains at the e(@): + a(9)] Geis) v(@) is a slowly fluctuating envelope, which is practically constant during an interval 6, -$9, = 9 3 9,+#6,, and which has a Rayleigh distribution with the following density function: 2 = 0 6? equals (34) vz0 wiv) = & exp(- 4) We S00 expectation the E(¢’) according to (4.83): LADS GO The phase angle have a constant wa ) ll ro) ns also a(@) density =fsed Cis (35) fluctuates slowly. It shall function: (36) 2 +7 6 + sion reliability requires, that ent in transmis improvem two ormore statistically independent 'copies' of the sigof the function density the Hence, received. are nal An
of density functions (34). narrow between beam. Two independent quency diversity uses diversity problem basically which val has 6, gain the largest summation). ring by an For cally interval that 6, g,(9) of thermal the copy on as copies them of a signal arises. a) The There copy during their ratio three is a time inter- methods 1 from copy (equal before average ing is Gi 40) v, represented equation F(8) 9, -29, The £9 to let F(@) into G,(8). q statisti- be available. G, (8). Hence, A sample the which fol- Cre during a short according to assumed time 6, by the follow- (43): to be 09-29% = 8 = 6,486, constant in (38) the interval smaller than = 6, +#0,. probability threshold time are du- 1: "= 7 COE )cos[ atv, O+a ,(8)], anda, sum- power H,(@) = Gi(8) + gale) G,(@) are used summation). signal noise is added received and time carriers copies are multiplied copies of the transform is of power depend of Fre- b) All copies are added (maximal a comparison independent lowing average c) All factors fading use available. selection). provide region. repeatedly. independent best methods (optimal mation Let of making three wave short sinusoidal signal several waves polarized the several the obtained in discriminating antennas circularly copies transmits Having the polarized right and left fairly antennas by means of directional copies obtains diversity with Angle spaced sufficiently far apart. antennas several uses diversity Space copies of asignal. independent sta- receptionof the for known are A number of methods tistically product a be shall amplitudes the of distribution joint PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 238 vg v, p(v,<v,) of or, putting it is smaller than p(y, <v, ) = Wv,) Vg v, being differently, v, follows the from fraction a of (34): = f - exp (= wav =1- exp(-v’/s? ) (39) 0
5-51 INTERFERENCE Let FADING 259 q statis independen tic t copies all be received, y havin the g same distribution. p,(v,<v,) that q copies the amplitudes v, of all isthe are all probability smaller thanv,: Pa(v <vy) = WoCv,) = [1 - exp(-v2/s? )]' (40) The average power of the copy G,(@) inatime interval of duration 0,, thatisan integer multiple of 1/v,, follows from (38): +8, /2 8-8,/2 Let with ; ; Gy (8 de) = “Sy i(8p) P, copy Peere is “ ee ib 8k = Py (85) denote the 1. signal-to-noise The average noise = avi = PF power ratio power (41) received ratio, Tee. a quantity probability (42) that of P, fluctuates being due to the fading belowathreshold P, only. follows The from (39) and (42): eT 7 F; = vagiges W(P, ) = DAP) /2.< WP,) = 1 - Let from the the smaller if all Wecee The as = Pa copy with the available than copies this of value The all statistically P,/P, probability copies follows be selected that P,/P, from (40), independent: distribution (44) us ; co denote copy Dae lee Sh the average by Ps /P, : U Ae, OT Ee calculated was J SL aW,(P,) = J qy(1-e"" Go each W(vg) exp(-2P, /6* ) largest for Coe Of (43) = (1 = exp =2P,/6)] mean Let 4, = copies. P,;/P, are Mere. p(y, <vy ) = exp(-v, /6") = q is < th 8 by BRENNAN: q 4 )" eY dy = 2 rt (45) signal-to-noise power ratio
signal-to-noise average The = Py: CPi > = $6’ relation with the help of the is obtained copy best the of ratio power PROBLEMS STATISTICAL 5. 240 by the ratio (Peq/Pp/ CPs Fy) is shown in Fig.99 denoted by 'a'. One may readily see that the aveise ly power ratio o-no increases insignificant signal-t The points rage if more than three or four copies used are optimal for selection. — So Fig.99 |9 Increase of signal-to-noise 8 the power average ratio by diversity reception according to BRENNAN. q number of received copies of the signal; (Psq/Pr)/ a BG at. a” ae ASS (P;/P, = (average signal - tonoise power ratio of q copies)/ (average signal-to-noise power ratio for 1 copy). a) optimal selection, tion, = Replacing q copies optimal yields, b) equal c) maximal selection by equal according to gain ratio gain BRENNAN, the summa- summation. summation following of re- lation: Psq/Py = Psq/Py stands ratio The points of (Ps/P, )[1 the ratio of dB for of the all by differ 'b'. q copies over Optimal only equal (47) average (Psq/P,)/(Ps/Pr) However, 4.5 sum denoted summation 2). now + ¢n(q-1)] slightly signal-to-noise of is the shown signal. in selection if gain summation optimal selection Fig.99 and 2 copies yields if power are an q = 10 by the equal gain used (q = improvement copies are used. For in a maximal time ratio interval summation of the duration6, amplitudes is of multiplied copy l by a
5-31 INTERFERENCE weighting of copy the FADING factor 1 and which copy. pression replacing Psq/Py = CPs/P ha Psq /Pr now of the weighted The ratio points denoted than dB 1 a during measure (39) (43) and fraction of threshold vg, average threshold gain of range for of yield such ratio of ex- signal. in of by the is some- difference q shown of and the the various signal. is possible measure. methods fraction is, however, Equations The gives first which second the fractionof time during Pg = Py for power now voltage ratio rewrite which W(P,) of of alink. during us a The the Let ap- q. time signal-to-noise is signal-to-noise power ratio reliability a The values comparing of Fig.99 summation values transmission the the shown summation. infinite copies for Pg /P; - median W(Py) Maximal means of which a better the 'c'. for good utilization rms-value following signal-to-noise power ratio q copies equal dB the rms—value (47): increase of the average provides the of forthe 1.05. the the derived esr AG sey Samp is by less time and (46) sum than for BRENNAN to to (48 ) CoP better The proportional proportional denotes the average what proaches is inversely noise of that 24 v, is P,;/P; (43) equals by the below is a which below a introducing all 3: = # = 1 - exp(-2P,/8*) (49) ihe, ae@ullkeyigess Ory foesely ast 0.095 (50) P/F, DPWca =e crs/ Py) Une 4107693" Equation rewritten: W(Pg) The (43) may be (2) = 1 - exp(-0.693P,/Py) probability of P|/P, than Pg/P, beinglarger becomes: (52) /Py) p(P /P,>P,/P,) = 1 - W(Py) + exp(-0.693P, p(P\/P;>P,/P, ) is The 16 ordinate of shown that Harmuth, Transmission of Information «in figure Fig.100 shows by the the curve percentage q = Ane of the
5. STATISTICAL PROBLEMS than a threshold Pg. eye, P, Here normalization. PR, for median divided by the are Pg and is larger P, which during time q copies are received one obtains from (44) the propability that P,/P, is larger than Pg/P, forat least one If copy: )]" #1 - £1 - exp(-2Ps/6* Dq(Pi/Pr>Po/Pr) One may rewrite this equation using (50): (53) Da(Pi/Pr>Py/P,) +1 - [1 - exp(-0.693Pg/Pu)I] Pq(P,/P,>P,/P, ) is shown q = 2, time 4 and during optimal ratio These which P,/P, time during ger than the of time if equal which Pg/Py Fig.100 P, of may be computed methods is Pg. of used than is of the possible 8 copies and if if a required. the percentage 2, 4 or Hence, they of the 8 copiesis lar- give the fraction transmission is possible with Ps /Py withthe have percentage 4 or show diversity larger the 2, a sum summationis by the solid lines for transmission with in which P;/P, numerical used threshold gain give than lines during if aratio is larger dashed curves diversity selection The ves 8. in Fig.100 help of to be used 2, 4 or 8 copies is required. (4.95) for for larger These and cur- q=2 ‘while values of q. 5.32 Diversity Transmission Using Many Copies The methods taining ally provide cannot sity discussed statistically only yield could more in practice. several short only hundred wave a few than yield the apart section copies Polarization required for space time that can provide diver- However, limit ob- usu- diversity Space and angle antennas and for of a signal many copies. space Frequency methods previous copies. instance, meters region. practical and For the copies. two theoretically sideration of cost ber in independent con- this nun- have to be spaced diversity in diversity many are the the copies of the Signal. In order to apply the curves of Fig.100 to frequency
5.32 DIVERSITY TRANSMISSION 243 Fig.100 Relative time A® during whicu the normalized signal power of adiversity transmission exceeds a threshold ved from NAN). figures q number Pg/Py(deri- due to BREN- of received co- pres; solad lines :foptimal’ ge— lection; dashed lines: equal gain summation; dashed-dotted line: reception without diversity. and time diversity, Signals space are and mitter than angle power, smaller by for quency Instead and time using each Let frequency is Fig.100 Py/Py the wer 16* may, use of This 'equal' trans- signal time for is diversity drawback of fre- course, be compensated. reception one antenna the per and for power ordinary diversity will signal-to-noise ratio Signal diversity. compensate transmitter increased, power just q average radiated frequency q antennas Replacing average angle that asinspace with and q-times reduced signal the power copy. the fixed. for one may gain; this would of power diversity diversity, in mind Givenacertain average 1/q keep only one signal is radiated diversity. the space of must while a factor and angle one radiated despite of Py/q. fraction exceeds the Given of time qPg/Pm an 1/q. 1/q by be of the input signal-to-noise the average in the median Py threshold Pg the ratio reduces q-fold larger be onlyif the receiver Reductionof which antenna (q = 1) by q-fold improvement certain a during must receiver ratio at the decrease by Using qPg/Pm. becomes bring copy the transmission power copy per power to each and frequency the average than the diversity, signal fraction poof
5S. STATISTICAL PROBLEMS 244 exceeds Pz Pu The curve an example: Consider transmission. ordinary for power signal average the which time'during q=1 in Fig.100 yields A®@ = 95% for 10 log Pg/Fy =-11 curves the while power signal One may if the by at ted is larger readily least 10 '4 dB' by Evidently see that log q = show 10 time, curves and between order to The separation equal with operation is deno- just 4 dB. summation gain occurs operation possible points is selection optimal make selection on for more be will possible is than worthfor tion is best with It has sine bandwidth Hz. fold cuits. by more onlyif 80% of points the '3 dB', least been discussed bandwidth Six may in be teletype according frequency 40% number of to 2400 diversity of '6 dB' and '9 dB' the 2.15 utilized circuits Table diversity satisfactory time and is gain are using opera- is then copies. section well operation equal Frequency of Optimal For = 40%. at indi- time. worthwhileif in worthwhile. '9 dB' 9 dB. satisfactory += 6 dB 8 = 9 dB and 6 and is largest log diversity are just between 10log4 10 '6 dB' A@ A total The least line the pulses. at least summation possible frequency the separation eightfold 70% or three be at denoted worthwhile the gain must q =8 separations least all located q=4 fourfoldor these at summation and in Fig.100 is possible considerations q = 1 and where equal same q=‘1 points cate is while is 99.3%. horizontally separated 2 + 3 GB. log average the improvement an 2 are diversity 99% or 95% to dB 52 1of thesvine. the 240 P, from this satisfactory onlyif Basedonthe The which where 40% tiame5 during such if satisfactory while time diversity twofold the twofold q = worthwhile of Hence, than 1 and q = curves 99.3%. of fraction the increases and = 99% A@ values the dB, -8 = 10log 2P,/Py for yield qg=2 for 4, that by require twelve a certain sine about circuits and 120 coHz about Hz bandwidth are required for tentransmission of these twelve cir- spacing of the ten copies by multiples sufficient in the short wave region. of 240 Hz
6. Signal Design for Improved Reliability 6.1 Transmission Capacity 6.11 Measures of Bandwidth It was recognized communications of bols very filter pee of KUPFMULLER and Af, bandwidth [2,3] the states per time frequency low- transmitted be may frequency its on Forinstance, + through an idealized of duration interval pass [1] symbol independent one shift. phase and of rate of sym- transmission depended channel of attenuation famous theorem by NYQUIST that during the development that the possible a communication response early where 17K Ts The cae transmission case by the per unit number time rate 1/1 [4,5]. transmission tistical disturbances attenuation lebrated formula information under the Goeent where per Af filter power)/(average is It (2) as tent theory as well for ason shift the of the additive that response obtained the ce- transmission frequency rate lowpass and contain of P/P, noise of filter noise, C2) is power for the the the bandwidth of the quotient in the band present frequency communication e.g.,inbits stated, capacity frequency isthe the depended on sta- He thermal this transmitted account frequency [6,7]. possible transmission important well symbols into in P/Es es C isthe second. took defined rate of information phase influence is independent through an idealized ted lowpass and of symbols SHANNON possible of of idealized (average boo 0 sf purpose bandwidth basedoncomplete signal that Af. (1) as A consis-— systems of
6. 246 an input the end of mean performed. Pat does: power <Vy PRG >= Using caused of equation where V are that integrates Va» voltage output zero, is 1 inte- of will be denoted at V,. For equal to zero. The multiplied by 1/R,, by just the noise characterize is like (3) this result a voltage noise. g,(9) is from 5.11 be by thermal instead integrator through applied A total At. let L - SEVIS lim (5.1) integrator voltage may and section of The mean deviation square average g,(9) the an interval integration \-th the noise an a time over is grations thermal R, to resistance voltage this be voltage, noise so do To = Af. O =f band a by represented noise, the frequency the in Pyy power frequency. average the from eliminated is First, frequency of concept the need not does that capacity requires a definition of transmission functions orthogonal DESIGN SIGNAL and replaced defined as The the by may be generalized. acrossaresistor notation V,(t) functions the will f(j,9) normalized Let Rg which in be used the same VGj.t) voltages 7 . 4 -@/2 J follows: [tC,e)2Cc,0)ae = mtr f VCd,t)VCk,t)at = 1; Bee Q2 is T/2 (4) mt “172 The coefficients of (5.1) are represented by normalized voltages using the notation Aia es Equation (5.1) then assumes the g(a) eV following form: Vat) = Dax63)2(3 48) =v" S v,CaVG,t) 65) j=0 ; a,(j)=V' af @2 i V,(3) = f ,(e)£(5,8)ae =m | Va(t)VC5 tat -O/2 -T/ Let the voltages grator and integrated tage at the time V"'V,(t)V(j,t) #T' from -#T' equals to -V,(j) be applied +4$T'. if The the to an inteoutput time vol- constant
6.11 of MEASURES the The OF BANDWIDTH integrator quantity derived is 247 chosen equal VE@IIZRa , with from to the dimension unit of of power, time 7. may be the output voltage. Let Vi (tyaf (5) be squa— red, dividedby TR,, and then integrated from -#T' to $1': 4 T'/2 - - co mn ah Wi CeR erate ; Since noise the left sample meaning. oy v2(3)R = hand (6) side is g, (8), the right Acertain term the average hand ViGao/Re side inthe power must sum of the have the same represents the average power of the component j, or f(j,9), of the noise sample g,(6). Averaging the term Vei07 8 over 1 samples of noise g,(6), L BP, = Xvi(G)RI> = Lim’ t >)veg Re, yields the average samples the or same makes no case one over j. m of for power “the any the the average of average average one j of the noise distribution component the the The case of thermal which replace’ Furthermore, times of the component noise". j in difference may Pj (7) is over of m of noise. V,(j) is Hence it averaged. In } by average the components this equals component: Te C20, URa?1 = mV;2 (j)R]> = mP, . - : (8) -) j= Mae value of system {f(j,9)}. by the functions have the and (5.3), yield however, can from is quite independent of the orthogonal of the noise samples g,(6) Multiplication of an orthogonal system {h(j,@)}, which intervals orthogonality same f(j,9) Pj be expanded into Cy instead voltages (5.4) to a as series of the functions according to V,(j). It follows, (5.12): (9) CGha = <1, (a )Ra> and e of time ‘This exchang the ergodic hypothesis is ensemble average satisfied. requires that
6. SIGNAL DESIGN 248 functions. cosine and sine of independent is that a parameter by equation that ean OfSAL replacement the to turn now us Let (2). Pree of replacement the about investigation the finishes This ,9), al f£(0,8),f<(1 ogon functions 2141 orth e the m = Assum a through £,(1,0),---,f¢(1,6),f,(1,8) may be transmitted communication -++ = 6 = 4. Fourier Consideras = 1, £,.(41,0) 0's 8) b= These Sine terval ched case the of the functions = V2cos anid, £f,(1,6) = ¥2 sin2nid, Vowe ky 0 Sebea and by the cosine elements (10) are orthonormal inthe in- substitution = 6/€ as in section 1.21: (11) ,04) = \2cos f,(i,@') The 2ni(6/5) -$§ duration increased from‘ = V2 sin2n(i/e)e 3058 of to unit of time be = Ve eos aniseJG = FayeG7 = V2sin2ni(0/é) 4 =e0' ss, index 6@' Yo= (0/870) C1 must special interval -4 = 6 s $ andundefined outside. Let them be stret- PCOVe per orthogonality the series: £(0,0) =to5 during channel the €. shall 6 orthogonality The numberof remain transmittedinthe i runs from 1 to = £,(i/€,8) functions constant. interval k, interval where been transmitted &(214+1) €-times k is has as functions large. The defined by the equa- tion (21+1)& Let Sine kee § approach elements tions runs = 2k+1, with from vy, difference Av, is AV sho given =, the periodic frequencies = 1/§ The let @-4+ 1722 )- (42) infinity. The time limited become the OC to v,-v,, v, i/€ = k/€ denoted = sine vy = since as the fT. and The i runs sine and cosine co- func- frequency from frequency 1 to v k. bandwidth by Lim E—oo Uva ee a k/§ = #(214+1). C13)
6.11 MEASURES secltd is unit ted oT the T. k of The orthogonal bandwidth orthogonal during of ihe) numberof time number the elements and their infinity. instead Af The fréquency of On sure sine the of transmitted and cosine the concept tical section of domain the occupied interval occupied inthe finite of by cosine a that be m/T ele- interpreted is of as a mea- that reference a the canbe transmit- functions without m/T measure can to be sine generalization Af and m/T every goes of beyond the grea- cumbersome function for theore- occupies time-frequency-domain. = function that tz Fig.101b only. = f = f,. by truncating t there since use bandwidth. that a = t f, only Itisoften only f or may a frequency-limited interval number < 6 s ee may and the The an in- hatched shows the section of the time-frequency-— by t,; is time, the -#€ one of transmit-— if sine per T. orthogonal Hence, the section in Fig.101a Af of functions m/T of investigations finite time of m/T. to unit between of measure elements orthogonality, number frequency generality cosine the hand, functions. The difference ter transmitted a (14) unit of is According cosine number per of bandwidth other the or Af interval per and or orthogonality whichis transmitted number ted. of functions Av sine interval approaches ments 249 S.4nm aia m/T OF BANDWIDTH The them are no differs function hatched and zero in section that is non-zero areas arbitrarily time from shows the can be made at some value frequency-limited functions. It of shown in section been has ting the replace a system Walsh = t, which and - are zero Consider orthogonal outside; unnecessarily It by it temp- a time- distinguish better to introduce a system of functions is in the j = 0, class thereisa This makes frequency-domain functions. 'time-function-domain'. {f(j,9)}, st of time But this would sequency—domain. the functions. time and sequency-limited to that 1.33 1, finite interval --edryeeeda2ee0- t, Let
signals be composed of functions j; to j2. from along the abscissa and along the ordinate of The system. coordinate a cartesian j/(t2-+,) = j/T or j indices the time is plotted the Fig.101c, to According j running index the with DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 250 signals considered occupy the hatched section of this timeThese signals are exactly time and "func-— function-domain. limited. tion" Let us investigate bandwidth Ap and the m/T. The system CECOLG)) tei. Gus te Ci 70) shall be orthogonal crossings inthe rations tions apply quency Au = eh uw has 2i for to the are be (Ue-Wa 2) = ne oo S Sri. of (13) ee Comparison normalized number of the is again, but the the replaced and functions that can be duration 1. (14) with (16) bandwidth of the of c) The frequency duration normalized normalized fre- (16) Av and is system transmitted canbe transmitted terval Equa- by Au: in (17) shows: a measure {V2cos is a systems which the isnot applicable. ber of of concept functions time measure system of (FEC yy in a normalized time in- 1. bandwidth Af = Av/T isa special case the sequency bandwidth Ap = Au/T, but m/2T is aneven general measure of bandwidth since it applies to all plete of enve, a normalized b) The normalized sequency bandwidth Au the number of functions of the more general that conside- elements. k/— = $(214+1) frequency interval f5(u,8)} number of zero The same cosine for (15) (17) V2 sin 2nv6} of aa uuman interval. and sequency functions equal obtained ee 00 i+ shall substituted Av Se2 of between Ack sbaa=e sine Furthermore, a) The the and v. hk Sy «iia = orthogonality as (13) and (14) sequency connection orthogonal functions of sequency in m/2T equals "one transmitted per its including present half unit the time of more com- those to definition average 1". num-—
6.12 TRANSMISSION CAPACITY Corl Fig.101 Time-frequency-domain and time-function-domain. a) section of the time-frequency-domain occupied by atime limited signal; b) section of the time-frequency-—domain occupied byafrequency limited signal; c) section of the time-function-domain occupied by atim and function e limi- eed cignel.. f,—f; = Af; t,-t, = 7; j,-(j,-1) =n. 6.12 Transmission Capacity of Communication Channels Consider signals F,(8) that are composed of the system Sieruncyi oie 21200756 .7.(1,0),f.(1,9)}° “orthogonal: in the interval -4 = 6 = #. co Fy(6) = a,(O)f(0,8)+ >) Lacy (2)F, 4,9 +asy(A) PGi, 82) Elke Let Fy(@) Then and 6(0O) ficients for be assume £.(i,8) time i=] Ms hot .o transmitted for the time f,(i,@) through a communication being channel. that the functions are only attenuated and f(0,6), delayed by the during transmission. Using the attenuation K(O), the (18) K,(i) signal at and K.<(i) of section the coef- 1.32, one obtains receiver: F,. (8) = by(0)£T0,0-9(0)] + > (dey (i)£eLi,0-8(0)]4 (19) Dsy (ifs [1,9-9(0)]} by (OyeK(0)a,(0), The receiver characters deviation Signals as be 744 shall F,(8 ) was criterion Fyy(8 ) must similar as aK c(i acy (1), determine transmitted. shall be used be The Loe, one of the forthe to the received possible which Ch, possible least-mean-square- decision. signals integral Sample which at the receiver produced to decide is then necessary lest: which Way Wi) she Byee(O). I(¥,x) is are It smal-
Bor 1/2 DESIGN SIGNAL 6. ee 2 8o=1/2 tn cs rca Let us assume exactly equal the to inteeral difference AI possible (19) to and GORE is (21) zero by The at afinite to the integral least cannot be arbitrarily due could be made signals: then zero. from determine (20) # yib8) = x I(¥,¥) differ functions received for ) # x must Pe sample the Fyw(8) = Pye(8) The Pd I(¥,x) AI. small The for minimum sinceitis only It follows from difference. orthonormality of the system pra GU CW Mee Gilet we TCV5x) = Coy(0)-bAO +> (ib. vba (22) iz] + [bey (i)-bey(i)]?} = al Consider in only one of those one the of signals the following feyc-ny 0) conditions minimal values from (19) |ay(O)-ay(0)| | acy (2 )-acx ay(O), tween then To IIA Pj IIA +A Aa(O), and IV agy(i) given by or Fy_(6) agx(i); hold: Aa,(i) must and erece Aas(i) by which -A. CAT) Ae, (i) and The x,, Ce PARCO)/ (CAT the differ at the transmitter (23): = aa(O) = (ar)? /K(0) (i)| and must from agy(i) atbeptig—be (ipl agy(i) number ene ee (24) /E CT? (ar) /K,(4) ecg Gime, Gil ei heete) Let differ (23) coefficients of two signals follow that a,(0), rar, fila ycber ipl. Siht, The Fy_e(@) coefficients be of restricted possible to values coefficients is ret 4 % 2AKe(L)/(AT)41, be- (25) yj 41. Ss 2AK (4) /(O1)"?
6.12 TRANSMISSION The 'ones' on CAPACITY the right possibility that The integers largest must be taken for Bose (ee small that ee No the let 0, 2hal0O), they are +#Aa(0), > slo, and TyS| be eyes naHey transmitted or permissible the zero. (25) values it 7a +2Aa(0).... +3Aa(0),... Kei); relations account inequalities are =si. us the ayo) > 1. iirc er ores) satisfy into have the value ro; - The r, can take may and following information sides r,; toni tOr fication that r,, even for is odd; hand the coefficients coefficient of the AO) for i> 714 sbe- se hold: ISS with £6150), .tori (26) a single function > lcesPor simpli- put eet rane ol", where 1 is mitted Mae (27) called the bandlimit. beyond the eoetficients, Gl so), genal. leo This nuation bandlimit but the of at least two functions must type Information of be changed processis trans-— different. f£,(i,8) and/or ro, obtain.adifferent,si- transmissionis increases so rapidly canbe impossible if the beyond the bandlimit atte- that the condition co be Ai) ea, yt) (28) ys 81 tole] is satisfied for The number mitted during by the product any pair y and of distinguishable a time yj. can be transthat als sign al of duration interv T is then given l T Tre: esi: i=] mission time, orthe transper unit of ted transmit capacity of the channel, isthe logarithm of thas product divided The information C = mig r, + by T: l 2 (GN ee Leen (29)
6. SIGNAL DESIGN 254 (25 forty ep=e rae air Geeen.ot @% (29): from follows It 1, arean— 1.3 and £,(1,8), £.(1,8) £(0,0), equally. tenuated aatiger If and the (30) system cosine from ee ECON aR eCe yree eed All. functions (29). It follows of case special considera Let’ us of functions functions one used may are the substitute periodic Af from (14) sine and obtains: G= 2QAf ler= This formula although will’ Af ler be has it the was shown (31) structure derived in the of under remainder SHANNON's different of this formula assumptions. section that (2) It r in (30) and (41) is replaced by (1 + P/P,, )? if the same assumptions are made as in the derivation of (2). Consider signals F,(@) composed of r functions f(j,@). The orthogonality intervalis -4 = 6 = # or -4T st = $1. r-) ByGh ta l) cas jat Gd. 00 (32) j=0 aGiRcey The = UECO integral Ley ye of ery Get re(6) era gas yields the Pisa average s powerof the si- gnal: 1/2 335 = Py F2(t/T)at = 4 f i Fe(0)d0 -1/2 Sara i “¢s) V2. 4 =a -T/2f >j=0 a2(ge2G3,t/mat = =S' a2(3) Instead Fy(8), one cartesian the of unit the unit of r representing may signal by represent it by a point signal vectors space, e;, coordinate vectors a equals J = axes. the according O...r-1, The a time function in a r-dimensional to point section in the 2.11. Let direction square of the length of these integral of the square of f(j,6).
6.12 TRANSMISSION CAPACITY ape 2 T/2 RE 2,8 de = e2" = 7), f £7Cj,t/P)at -1/2 = 2 = Te? (34) =1/2 A signal is represented by the following sum: r-1 Fy= >, ay( ie; (35) j=0 F, rather and than F,(8) F, represents space. Its is a distance writteninvector certain from the r-1 point in origin the is r-1 Meee sCE j>,=0 a2(j)e2]° = [1 j=0Saat j)] A sample of thermal representation, r-dimensional Dy: e=r(OP,7) « G6) noise, g,(@) = Sia,(3)t(i,8), (37) =0 may also be represented by a vector: co G,= >, aalide; (38) j 20 According to (5.24) and (5.25) only the or e; that occur in the signal (38). Hence, g,(9) is divided gi(6); the part gi(9) may be r-1 are important in (37) into two parts g}(@) r-1 j=0 j=0 fo.) gf = Ya,(ae, Ma (gee) Diraut distance and and ignored: jer The f(j,9) (39) gh = Yialdre, gi(8) = Yia,(j)t(5,8) gi,(8) r components " = of the point 9; from the origin equals Paez fal Ta, (i)) Dj): (40) j=0 The P,7 average of power ; the indices r many and noise T indicate samples g is denoted by the number of orthogonal
6. 256 U under very the coeffiofon distributi the that assumptions, general 5.12 and 5.11 sections shownin been It has the (41) ateheya Ca) lin = Pe of duration the and sample of the noise components orthogonality interval: DESIGN SIGNAL cients aj(j) is the same forall gj, if the g,(9) are samnoise. Equation (41) may thus be rewritten s of thermal ple follows: as The L j=) average average eo The over over } for j for a = Pe, j may be t = C >)a4Le(i) (44) jel of gi, from the origin approaches of of (40) and (44) r. in The points signal space a r-dimensional The average Tges Rieeamer of shows that the representing arbitrarily sphere power with thermal close radius t signals distance Di of (TP ,,)"* for large to noise the CaP ey )> F. follows irom This equation may the distribution tistically eins“ = be rewritten, if the coefficients for all (39): a J have are surface eae te Sia es cut same the r yields: ald points located by (43) Comparison values replaced }: L iin lim = fixed fixed 2(4 2,84 Coy substitution din Lim (42) ay pa, (seer dime. l[—oco Deitew= rT j andif they are ay (35) sta- independent: pe L 2,8x(d) = 2 G dim q = 518263) L A (46)
6.12 TRANSMISSION The CAPACITY substitution 1. =r oe Comparison with (36) shows that all points Fy are located close to the surface of a r-dimensional sphere (TP)? for large values of r. arbitrarily radius A signal Pome yields: T ee with 2o7 with an additive pre Scole Cm Diveuine noise sample g Superimposed polit pai Fy ms gi = Ss faycg) cts a,(j)le; ° j=0 The points close for to F+g,, the large % = surface values 1, of of 2, a --. Piya fascj4e, CIs) (ee with located arbitrarily radius VECPLPs, r: r-1 dimes are sphere r- -<11in j=0 {7 STO Weta eee j=0 = lim ¥OCP+P, 7) One may decide disturbed Signal points of points is equal this unambiguously which signal signal F, +9) is at having to the if least this the 2E0P, 72)? - minimum possible the radius R The distance number number consider the volume having distance of (48) Fy caused between possible from number one signals. To the any two another determine V of ar-dimensional sphere [6,7]: mia Y* Ttaret)*; The volume R-e R and n V- between approaches most closeto its ber 17. of r r 2 Shae Ve = fGreiHence, a) of the points Harmuth, Transmission of Information concentric for large " mtl2 spheres numbers 3 = FG@r-) Rta volume surface. signal two of A good is the r the é with radius volume r 4 C50) = =) 1 eV r-dimensional sphere the possible of e estimat obtained V: by dividing the is num- volume
of with radius ine PEP rate thus may see functions that interval of infinite. average orthogonality ratio P/P,; power may tion (44) for is F,(6), The shows beyond the number must -3T of of approach average be The finite signal or to the Equa- that the average noise infi- T; (47) according signal all be orthogonal infinity. = t = $T may the also (52) finite orinfinite. finite for the average becomes: lim sy 1e(1+P/P,;) which noise nite grows r, in a signal limit of the The T. duration the has F,(@) (51) lim plg(1+P/P,,)"? = r=oo OL One of a sphere by that /2 B/Pe transmission error-free C= me Gers signal Each V2 (TP,, Nor rt r/2 tte VTC P+P, 7) radius with sphere the DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 258 to power bounds P. if T The is power the P,; same transmission finite and is holds true capacity P/P,,; is not Zero. Consider gonality ple two let ususe that special interval asystem vanish k = system of morthogonal ted -1 tions an orthogonal interval integer. may f(j,9). These functions interval #kT'-T' functions = rj; The average are because have s t = -$kT'+2T'. {f(j,9-k+1)} is m, vanish Continue which orthoexam- {f(j,8)} s t s -#kT';T', furthermore, that shape as noise are shiffunc- outside the interval this way until in power P,, is the in the vanishes outside the The total number of orthogonal then: r/2T non-zero a the k, r = integers factor T' is functions -skT' same the For the first {f(j,9-1)} the reached =t s $kT'. produced forwhich Consider, functions which system only is (52) infinity. and —ekT'+T' mk m the where by of outside T/T' casesof approaches any (52) (53) becomes becomes one durationof of the P,, the mk/2kT' = m/2T. because m functions k time intervals orthogonality The and interval.
6.12 One TRANSMISSION obtains f Ca= from apr to wait the signal the ends As (52); 1E derivation have (14+P/P ak of this F,(6@). of the Part example inthe interval Dy artactor of The number St = #2T It of is =a] is from replaced Signals and cosine cies in C= = = tri Some the 620)50031), mission variable signals magnetic also has of must It are in available at m = 21+1 sine According to for 1 in per (12) orderto unit functions of in and cosine elements one’ keep time the are has the to nun- constant. interval -éT a) = the factor Af. The follows reP,; that band the is average noise power in Fyyy; (52) = Fy, O = f = Af noise received. r/2T samples SHANNON's since andall with the sine frequen- formulais thus am At le 14P/P,,)) (56) ey be exercised functions They hold with the one to the transmission corresponds This represented in interpreting the formulas (54) and.(56). by voltages travelling independent positions formulas to each apply ling ina wave of or variable in guideindirection trans- independent An of electro- z-direction or- and the However, z, the the but has two t only, polarization them. for currents. space infree the for thogonal 12% of orthogonal time. the not (52): €52), wave does information 1. frequency iySe care the These lim ser Ls Cy ry Af one = t = #1. that m/2T band from (54) = me components this obtained 7) by: by F,,,;- occupy that -4T § > (14) by mé/2eT shows consider orthogonal given (1+P/P, informationis transmitted = (2147)€ follows placed the k = §(1+$41/2€) functions are 2S intervals. k time second substitute = long to obtain of a sureuwcned kn? formula infinitely elements ber eo mk oa The CAPACITY the vector, ina wave variables travel- x and y
better way to increase this numberisto use variables are are capacity. and used this in prin- the A possible that channels of time the that show functionsis orthogonal a guide as but (30) and (52) transmission telescopes Optical nates. can exis- what of transmit, and for- SHANNON's limit the as Equations which signals Hence, channels channels. number of transmittable cipal factor determining mit them. only be viewed communication ting to not should mula show modes as up freedom of apply to each formulas the of degrees additional These variables. independent as t to addition in appear may DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 260 space transcoordi- way. 6.13 Signal Delay and Signal Distortions Several simplifying derivation nation of of the these assumptions transmission assumptions have been capacity will be made for the (29). The investigated elimi- in this section. Let the functions f,(i,@) by 6¢(i) and 6(0). functionsin The and 8(0)isno more general fco(i,®@) and 6>5(i) rather longer definition with are sample time the than by a common delay then no longer orthogonal delay time of the of asignal fs5(i,8@) be transmitted tions K(0)£[0,8-0(0)], §-8>5(i)] f,(i,8) in (19) be delayed are (19) the and then functions difference between Let £(0,6), 6 delay time let them be f-(i,6) = O and signal. individually. Ke(i)feli,6-8¢(i)] received. the time For a f(0,8), The func- and K,(i)f,[i, crosscorrelated and f.5(i,@). absolute crosscorrelation functions yield the delays maxima The of 9(0), 9(i) and @,(i). The values of the maxima yield the attenuation coefficients K(O), K.(i) and K,(i). Using these coefficipak - may derive a sample function Fy,.(@) from F,(@) L718 y's BY Coy teak Ove, (O)6COye mes 2, (K(i)aex(i)tc (458) + (57) + Ke(ipesta lee Cantal The received signal F,,(6) has the same Shape, but 6 must
6.13 be DELAY AND replaced hand side. end ey. (8), er DISTORTIONS by Let 9-6(0), the 261 @-@,.(i) or @-6<(i) crosscorrelation on the function of right as Cale) ee EY (8-0 de = £69"), co (58) —oco yield an absolute maximum for a certain This value is defined as the delay time of ceiver to the which define for signal propagation average signals to to or the not define 6y, 0'= 6x. propagation re- itis advantageous independent values of known at the arrive, time the Fy(@) time Since itis signal is going a instance, ferent Fy(6@). value if of y. there a propagation One are may, R dif- time 6,: R a = 7dox (59) ed The propagation a statistical approximation Signal The delay but side. only The with the in has function by 6-8, a series Towing equations, which fen. (i,0-6 -(1)) and the or group on the shape delay of (57) on the or if 9 right too, hand side. Let andf,[i,9-6,(i)] {f(0,9-6, ),fc(i,6- analogy to (2.26) v = 9-6., is first has this shape right system in in [2]. 6-@.5(i) Fym(8) of the obtains in of f,[i,6-9,.(i)] 6,),£,5€i,6-8, )}. One information identified in optics 6-8c(i) f[0,6-9(0)], be concepts F,-(@) sample carrying can defined 6-9(0), 6 must be replaced expanded a signal which signal by the functions be of originally received is replaced hand time variable the fol- f,) = f[0,9-8(0)], £- = £.{1,0-0,(1)] is written for abbreviation: co fy = K(0,0)£(0,v)+ >, [K(O,ck)f£,(k,v)+K(0,sk)f,(k,v)] (60) k=] Pree =k (1,0 )f(0.v)+ ; fo S" [K(ci,ck)f,(k,v)+K(ci,sk)f£,(k,v)] k=] = K(si,0)£(0,v)+ >, (K(si,ck)f,_ (k,v)+K(si,sk)f5(k,v)] k=1 Let Fy-(0). these The series first be term substituted of F,,-(8) has into the the formula following for form:
DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 202 (61) [K(0)a,(0)K(0,0) + 5 [Ke(iacy(i)K(ei,0) + } Ky CHacy Cl RCs, 00) 200, 0—oe t=] correcting tion £(0,0-0,) Let us further are not but only also £(0,0), g.(i,6) K(0O)a,(0O)x Fyy(e) and Fye(8) (61). identical. then are of is obtainedinplace that so measurement, of accuracy the within crosstalk the compensate that circuits distor- devise to ble in principle possi is It efficients. co- the between crosstalk or interference is mutual There assume that £(0,8@), fc(i,@) attenuated and delayed during transmission invariant distortion. suffer a linear, time and fs(i,8) f-(i,9) and f,(1,8) are transformed into and gs(i,@) according to section 2.22. functions f£(0,8), vidually. The g(0.,8), Let the fc(i,8) andfs(i,8) be transmitted correlation indi- functions of the received func-— tions g(0,8@), g,(i,9) and gs(i,@) with sample functions £(0,;6), £.4,6) and .(1,0) is produced. The time farce between 8(0), their 6,(i) attenuation and be and 6,(i). K.(i) =K(si,si). 6, and with (59) distorted expanded maxima The coefficients constructed yields the absolute = K(0,0), functions these coefficients. g(0,8), of the resulting same (60) and the K,.(i) Sample functions in yields Fiy(6) defines a propagation inaseries those 8 =O values of the maxima K(O) f,(i,9-6, )}. The as and the of (57) may time 9,. and (58) Now let gs5(i,8) be {f(0,6-6, ),f-(i,6-6, ), expressions the yield = K(ci,ci) Equation g,(i,8) system delays same are formally conclusions the apply. 6.2 Error Probability of Signals 6.21 Error Probability of Simple Signals due to Thermal Noise Consider the transmission of teletype presen of thermal ce be computed tection. The for The noise. several general of inthe error shall probability methods form characters such of of transmission characters and de- represented
6.21 ERRORS by time DUE TO THERMAL functions NOISE 263 is: 4 F,(8) = 2 on GE GGG eer a age The orthonormal functions 6 = 4. T is usually 150 or 167 or ms. The interval character coefficients a,(j) have g,(@) (63) co Ba(@) = 2 an(5)F(5,8), as(5) = aC )t(3,6), energy from fe ,(oF(5,8)a8 aCj) = a,(3) + a,(3) j=0 system. 1/2 -1/2 es The of all Using sample the characters is the same in a least-mean-square-deviation functions balanced criterion F,(@), 4 Pee of into FY Co) BOO) = Fy(6) +g, (0) ee is system; A sample system. the character noise transforms -% s which forabalanced -a, and +a O foranon-off and inthe of ateletype (62) F(6@): signal the duration thermal additive are +1 and-1, +1 are they the 100, values the f(j,9) ea Yai )tC) 8), (64) j=0 one may decide, according to (5.25), which value of y will give (65) Ss a( jay Cg) j=0 maximum its as sign same occur value. the All coefficients coefficients z elec, j20 If, for example, (65) the if must ay(j) = +a or a(O) had the d be larger woul for -a; y= opposite the the have is maximum y = xy. The sum (65) then has the following for 4 sum a,(j) a(j) to value: ¥ sign of ay(O), the with the character F,(8)
6. SIGNAL DESIGN 264 for a, (k) = ay (ik), k=15..4 than +|a(o)|+ |a(1)| + a2) + faC32 + aC, ven = -ay(O), a,(0) coefficients Fy(@): - Yas )ay(3 y={ -|a(0)|+ js |a(1)| + faC2)| + faC3)| + [a(4)], to have according must be satisfied, conditions The following two to (63), in order different signs V=X for a(j) and aie: a) sig ay(j) # sig a,(Jj) F : (66) 5 a Bye layCi) |< laiCd7| 5 equivalent sig ay(j) means In case of thermal positive is % and the being ‘sign of ] a Sayld > 4 or j ey <1 ay(j)'. noise the the probability of probability of being a,(j) negative is also #. Hence, the probability of condition (a) being satisfied equals 4, independent of the sign of a,(j). The distribution of x = a,(j)/|ay(j)| is needed for the computation of the probability satisfied. constant. The Since Therefore, density bility since for that the tion x for function all for one coefficients the follows from m=5 have noise. and is a a,(j). (5.6) by the conditional k=j. values the being |a,y(j)| from follows condition a,(j) (5.6) only, obtained the case of thermal -a (b) same distribution as is of condition same The of proba- j is 1/m, distribution Thus the density func- (4.5): re ee (67) Cdl/ [exCd)|” = etsfe Each coefficient energy. oe has the or A. Fromw,(k,x) ren) @ foe) x Sey +a wa(k,x) w(x) k equals j in w(x) x function substituting density a,y(j) canbe of 4 Hence, 1/2 SP 2 CD ay(j) the in average ee 4 ye j=0 (62) is signal peer transmitted power P with equals: equal
6.21 ERRORS DUE TO THERMAL This result may be generalized NOISE (A) and solved for a’: (68) a? = P/m Equation for r = @ = 1 (42) yields + ah The : mean 2 : i square 2 where of Eat 0 deviation Sie PE (Pati becomes AP dePe se mP, is the average thermal (69) = Ay Mim, 7 aad) = RD (70) power of m orthogonal noise in an orthogonality components interval of duration a Using (56) one pero where +1 is the band The o2: of width smaller 7) average probability or rewrite AL = nor, P,, quency may of thermal noiseina fre- x is larger than Af. p(x>1) + p(x<-1) than p(x>1 )+p(x<-1) power -1 follows that from (67) by integration: PRES iaexp(-x?/202 )dx C72) seal A= The probability of (66) Pp, = The #4[1 - is of probability the m (a) as well that the the the conditions of (66) arenot probability that they m = 5 coefficients they that coefficients equals are not ay(j) satisfied are is at for CONG The {f(j,9} tlOnGmOmEse numerical does not used, provided CUulOMS mont values satis- satisfied (1-p,) least m ; the one of p,: of error pm probability of functions Tem (b) C738) Dm = 1-(1-p,)" = 1 - ()"[1 + erf(\P72Pat )I” The as becomes: erf ( \P/2P ny )] 1-p,; any p,, that conditions satisfied probability fied for are eer Cr Co, ) = 1 — ert C\P/er.,) m= these deeamd 5 and depend Af on (74) the functions system satisfy 5). die. = ei = poz 16.6 Hz
Curve racter. Ost P/E GLO, cosine and sine of ting according pulses consis- {f£(j,9)} with the system shown in Fig.30 equipment ‘ls Fig to the of version early an with measured The Af. and m of values obtained were 'a' points of these of (74) as func- p, =p, shows Fig.102 'a' for cha- per ms 150 of standard apply to the much used teletype DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 266 Ben Fig.102 Error probability p for the reception of teletype signals superimposed by additive thermal noise. P/Py; = average Signal power/average noise power in a 16.67 Hz wide band. a) balanced system, detection by crosscorrelation; b) balanced system, filtering by a120 Hz wide ideal lowpass filter, detection by amplitude sampling; c) same as (b) but on-off synchronization Let the : _ ore d= OF system ay same by the {f(j,9)} Sinm(md-j) as consist sind (c) but of the functions '-j ly 2,43. (74) Boy hae seed ear cr applies functions a is to this system concentrated in too. the o7a The According to section for the the functions F(8) filter (74) coefficients is 16.6 also (75) and passed Hz holds wide for 2.14 the same energy frequency -- = v = fT/m s $ with the bandwidth af=m/2T ther start-—stop noise. bmg ee Br Equation these system; disturbed values are whether F(@) the product is integrated, andthe an ideal amplitudes filtering and band = 16.6 Hz. a(j) through obtained is multiplied frequency are sampled. amplitude of or by whe- lowpass Hence, sampling of
6.21 ERRORS DUE TO Bhe=pulses.(75). the average means dB; of the Consider power curve 'a' curve is on-off conditions cient ay(j) instead +b to be of denoted system. or must 120 Hz wide increases by 120/16.6 + 7.2. This in Fig.102 by 10log7.2 + (74) the an 267 filter in shifted assum the values e ing NOISE A lowpass noise a shift 8.58 THERMAL The O instead be of satisfied detected as +a in The-conditions power P = have of (66) to the get pestliy block the OLecurves: as O thus < with the and (76) (> 7 -1 a,(j) may be +b are same, -%b. values 'c' were pulses of then ceiver. The “a The +b or or O. but +a average O equals adjusting adding characters the receiving points block the pulses lowpass after of ateletype The sampler. not filter of The and the 'd' depend teletype channel measured to the the disfil- a teletype well not only with the re- curve shape ideal, very points 'd' of and roughly hold pulses for were for synchronization. strongly receiver. means lowpass but start-stop transmission, the noisy through re- sys- This which have was works measured be noise wide fairly did receiver '‘'c'. thermal magnet agree to by TOtog 2 $5" dB. by teletype the 'c' system. Fresi0e denoted by fedto same teletype points (bin is P has fora balanced on-off were filtered by a 120 Hz as anamplitude transmitted and that holding an obtained pulsesin(79), magnet for 'b' measured although shows equations curve ter and in eG by +#b (68) and (77) equations signals The 0, or follows: of turbed the a coeffi- of (77) shifted points the (67) replaced by #P in the temto the may = P/2m placed 'c', for x\d since coefficients it Comparison The and be m $mb’ and (4b)? ay(j) -a. The follow- +b instead a, 3) 7 sig may be +#b or -3b, -a or order ») lax(4)-#b]< lax(3)], equivalent and Dee +b: ey sie fe,(i)-8b) a,(j)-gb bye. coefficient on the care taken
DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 268 6.22 Peak Power Limited Signals same. tudes, are the The Ave- and probability error ‘Theoretical denoted Let The these curve carrierisa Walsh carrier would average power; holds for binary a Only of time same one PCM must if curve be of while no increased signal = 1 the the in same Fig.103 modulated signals and n access activity factors activity factorof curve for now is be channels multiple denoted the factors satellite of the the m/n the the would activity activity 3/4 that the m/n or of by a telephony number of systems, is or Walsh pulses. large peaks although most The 1/4 least not very The peak to = obtain would all 0.25 ground the is transponder. in amplitudes number channels. stations of sum of the equal to the A represen- Fig.103. binary resulting time. Fig.103. the available the deli- the in m being since shown used time. stations transmissionof block at amplified occurinthe 0.05 are amplifier by m/n ground Using the # 6 GB factor, satellite = in amplifiers by 10 log4 power curve very m/n signals, are transmitted is cosine yield channels the ratio Consider by if of a sinusoidal to amplitude the resulting tative power larger a carrier. apply during peak traffic. The low peak denoted transmission, useful busy still carrier, The Very onto would 4 dB quarter only, average ver for (73) pulses. signals, power ampli- of P/P,, =P./P, modulated The be system are busy for the the about pulses useful to sinusoidal block multiplex limit' carrier. have of p, of limit'. pulses be amplitude 'Theoretical consisting negative digit is plotted in Fig.103 as function one of Pe. power or positive having pulses, block binary that a signal of P, power peak P and power rage an amplifier a peak delivers and at +E amplitudes clips Consider power. average the than rather power peak the limit generally amplifiers power However, probability. error the in factor determining is the wer po- signal average the that so far assumed been has It digits by sine- signals F(8@) are much have smaller
6.22 PEAK 43% POWER = \ SIGNALS 4.6% \ x NG \ say\, 6B " 748 WV va ye \ \ ea \\ | ‘a\ Ss ea a \ : Theoretical limit 8 \ \\\ \ \\ —\— 10% 015 we \ e 269 0.64% al \\32% Ms LIMITED Ofh : 44 dB pal bts Be > \ g, Ais¥ EAST \\ i. A Ss ced eS Lh RS Ws eS a 0,05 Nett \ ee Why \\ \ | ws \ \ ie Gale any 1h) Kh) GG oe, 22 Zh 25> 200 30 R/P,p [dB] —= 0 [NEP eis Geko i cal, F(8)—= Fig.103 (left) Error probability p as functionof Pe/Pyt = = peak signal power/average noise powerina bandof width Af=m/2T. Solid lines: time division, sine carrier, actiViny factors 1,.0725 and 0.05; dashed lines: 4 sine and 4 cosine pulses, percentage of clipped amplitudes shown. Fig-104 (right) Propability p[F(98)] of the amplitudes of the Sie signals Fy(6) being in intervals of width 0.1. Gaussian density function with equal mean and mean square deviation shown for comparison. ay(0), ay(i), by(i) =+1; Fy(8) = a,(0) + V2 Di Lay(i) cos 2nie + by(i) sin 2nie). than the such a signal wide. the Fig.104 having Superimposed same results very peaks. mean an is the amplitude a Gaussian within density deviation. an square of section 5.24 this density function signals consisting of Fig.104 are average of asum symmetrical power if the large but rare of peaks for the interval Walsh negative signals of 0.1 having According to the approximates function of the of p[F(6)] function mean accurately the probability The probability and of peaks shows pulses. values The of plots F(6). be very small would be transmitted. The large must be limited to increase the would amplitudes average signal power.
indicate 32% carrier. Walsh similar cosine curves pulses [2], The following clipping while no energy conclusions transmission of lowest error if lower The rates, error rates, The clipper Fig.98 for crease of the case of constant D.ROTH of increase equal error is of shapes shows the increase the sine The right solid by AP_ the the Hochschule yield better in energy of a pulse while inthe power be will be increased used. shown that characteristic dis- has results functions, required peak block in serial required than clipping provided the er- domain'is power pulses is are needed replaced transmission. for in Fig.104 apply to these pulse in frequency shown 4057. the APe less. criti- that ade- Aachen function curves 1. Note average error used the function is transmission, the or not density clipped. keeps Walsh Fig.103. 0.5 is is if to is amplifier the pulse factor control of ad- iscloseto will below rates other shapes. factor of apulse 5.24 composed to produces energy the and or Walsh pulses yields and serial Technische probability An the gain cussed in section ror pulses to sine pulses. from distribution transmission and using signals factor of of Walsh amplitudes amplitudes case automatic activity clipped of drawn activity amplitude activity parallel compandors for be block characteristic 13% of the kept an the of Gaussian unchanged inthe if binary if the percentage a clipped sums transferred is may yield transferred is of transmission by sine-cosine exact cal. of energy by Serial Parallel Little bands by a pulses Walsh bands by clipping of sums sequency jacent [1]. frequency adjacent carriers. sine of The single for approximately hold also They clipped. transmission for or and 13% 4.6%, 0.64%, amplitudes of transmission DC modulation sideband very percentage the for hold curves parameters The noise. thermal tive addi- of presence the in pulses sine-cosine for clipping of amplitude results the show Fig.103 in lines dashed The DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 27.0 some have pulses. defined Table typical 'raised by the by 12 pulse to be shifted The for to co- equation
6.25 PULSE Table power TYPE DISTURBANCES 12. Increase APe of a block pulse ea of peak signal power over the peak for equal error probability. pulse shape DC block pulse, & foreQs<9G =<) 1/1; .Ovotherwise raised cosine pulse in frequency domain; rollQrirltacvor 1 = 74 Sei WS ORs Sane raised Oa cosine NWFW Psprienpular ” = f(t/T) pulse pulse, sinnnt/T muy. E mins the socalled used for pulse and to T/n be isthe in time Fig.39 -T/n < 6 < 0 ECl=nt/?). -Os<°¢ <sT/n cosnrnt/T 1-Cernt/T )4 roll-off shaping factor, [3], duration transmitted domain, E(1ant/T), of during n of is the the lowpass number of filter channels, a block pulse if n of them the time have T. 6.23 Pulse-Type Disturbances of The error the particular their probability of digital transmission ditive thermal turbances which lines. are Let us assume much turbed plitude are that of for not so are for more important than the amplitude of caused thermal largest these If the rise and short, block pulses of various will be shall for during as r fall pass of the R time in r intervals of on pulse undis- through timesof addis- noise an the am- pulses length obtained at its output. Let but these duration T; pro- r/R is the during an interval intervals. of a pulse occurrence if and function pulse one the T, be amplitude for by a disturbing the pulses used pulse-type let duration bution is Then amplitude r/R disturbances This than limiter. bability functions larger be observed pulses there the orthogonal signal. sufficiently equal if noise. telephone is systemof signals is independent W,(T)is written W:(T) isthe R approachinfinity; distri- r for and the R arevery occurrence large. of a pulse.
gq out of infinite values tistically of the joint distribution W(T, 7; ) = W(T,t,) cannot W,(T) is function by the defined then WCE product (95). be 2 (78) determined by separate measurement of W,(1,) if statistical independence does not hold. of RQ rather than R + Q measurements would then required. The one distribution pulse pulses is W, CTW, and A total be The distribution independent. sta- be pulses the lengthof and the occurrence the Let pulses. the of length the for q/Q for by W,(t, ), the dis- Q is denoted of q and function tribution let and duration At, of the pulses be observed Q have a duration At, = 1,- The limit the Let DESIGN SIGNAL 6. eve occurs occur, assumed function in an computations that more W(T,t,) interval than applies of when duration get very one pulse T. involved. occurs only If more Hence, very it infre- quently. Denote T is At, Pp» is by p the changed probability beyond = T,- The conditional under the condition The conditional various pulse puted if of suffices p, signal a probability that of duration pulse of of error a pulseof CULL probability shapes and an duration duration for p, equals At, # shown m in Fig.3 A positive amplitude = T/m for or 5. negative sampling. causes = an 1, methods Each with pulses one m amplitudes. the sampled p pulse m,block has com- pulses duration be detected with duration shall the of the probability The canbe The knowledge pulse change for to disturbances. of amplitude disturbing a calculated susceptibility consist half of the of the A disturbing error be methods. of shapes and detection character as may RIF measurements. a comparison Let the transmitted T/m. iS detection W(T,rt, ) is known from various pulse Ats a by received: P, = p(tsl,At, st)? by that recognition sign p, of = # since at probability least p, in-
6.243 PULSE TYPE DISTURBANCES aio 0 mlOn= 0 02 O4 O08 06 125-0 erie O20 46 mb, /a—> 10 Ats/(1/m)—> Hig). 105 Clert) wurbime repulse (right) disturbing sisting of Presses Shown 2. same block r,(k) by with curve sign As, 1 in of in the amplitudes of This The ceived turbed pulse signal has lest one the amplitude the of the if the 2aht, < al/m s T/m, have an At, following means and +a -a or a since have amplitude the relation on re- undis- a signal completely. is allow. pulses inte- the the On an zero. disturbing be A disturbing negative +a-2a the of if -a. be suppressed of pulses that superimposed would of block On disturbing -a, the smalthe average, amplitude No error pulses +2a will is so holds: (80) 72m conditional = -2a limiter duration the to disturbing other that < the the will the amplitudes +a amplitude amplitude +a short Ata at amplitude occur 18 limited hand, amplitude -2a, aT/m be would be limited half The sampled. positive with other pulse or can with pulse the signal is O = Ay, con- Fig.105. the pulses b, of signals interval gral the of correla- pulses, limiting; determined by crosscorrelation. of bya dis- “pulsés of the amplitudes pulses after amplitude m = 8 Walsh pulses. the caused block 1. correlation. Probability linearly Let Of anerror sampling; pulses, Walsh 3. tion; Fig.106 p, Ars/(T/a). "duration amplitude Fig.3, as Probability “of 2akt, probability = 2aT/m Harmuth, Transmission of Information or p, T/2m depends # At, for = T/m Ce)
on and =T/2m At, 4 at O to from disturbing the of positionintime the jumps p, pulse. values larger for increases DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 274 There 2inFig.105. n by curve of Art, linearly to # as show is a strong threshold effect at At = T/oan. the Consider Walsh -a/m. of m functions such clip may thus bed signal. Let m the aie = The at be apower +a/m ct-ek/mja, of -a 2. have the amplitude smallest and -a. At the +a/m a sum of amplitude limiter undisturthe ing chang a certain Walsh moment functions amplitude a character have the am- -a/m: Oy 150 5ail of a, ocurring (82) is denoted by r(k): p(k) = 2") The the (83) amplitude amplitude following b, a, probability -2a and +2a the after signal pulse may amplitude have limiting superimposed one of at +a: the = 2ka/m r,(k) follows An example of distribution The of having from an amplitude b, between (83): (86) r,(k) is as negative after shown pulses m-] for m disturbing amplitude crosscorrelation of Walsh two (85) Sonata) tive as well on (84) = -2(1-k/m)a = -a-(1-2k/m)a The of adisturbing of values by = a-(1-2k/m)a or bk m amplitudes An without if m-k k have Ks probability +a and a, and the is +a amplitude plitude and largest The of composed characters of Let each function functions. or has transmission 8 in pulses -bosi= have a Bernoulli limiting. of a binary signal wal(j,9), B,(0)~ & Say (j)wal(d,0), j20 Fig. 106. a,(3) = #1, F,(9) composed
6.31 CODING WITH BINARY ELEMENTS eye yields 1/2 ii F,(9 )wal(1,6)dt -T/2 According to (84) plitude of enc no) error that the relation Bers This is Can ey hee hen SOR (85), the absolute disturbing Occur pulse cannot its duration if eatt, < aT/m holds. eg fe (87) of am- value be the larger AT, is Hence, p, than so the very same value the error pulses is zero for transmitter plitude is are as limiter by somewhat probability pulses curve lower [6]. 3 of than The Fig.105. for block thresholds. pulses discussed at error disturbing obtained sine-cosine pulses. conditional longer several results or block calculationis shown has Better Walsh for the for probability and as of tedious of 2a smart (88) calculation is result The and Ae 2 /2m. The Pp, the = earn the if is in the signal amplitude section receiver may 6.22, then composed limited since be set of at the the am- to lower levels. 6.3 Coding 6.31 Coding with Binary Elements It be has been discussed in section represented by a a set of coefficients is of the characters be used to of turbances. 18* Some of F,(@), of function problems here for a vector R different Fy(8) of Fy is a designing which may or signals cha- the orthogonality a character may it to be cause at the receiver. character R characters the probability certain that asignal advantage. foradifferent choice A set be discussed A disturbance ken A alphabet. will function a,(j). called an alphabet. racter may time 2.11 of Some this of happening methods for an alphabet for may certain g a suitable makin mista- A suitable reduce the of dis- choice will types
m by represented be characters R the Let investigated. be DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 276 coefficients: functions: time by representation the obtains one of & ?, -$ #9 interval inthe orthogonal {f(Jj,¢)}, functions system a Using codes. block called are alphabets Such (89) x = = 1.+---R ay(m-1); alpiebe amet “ERD m-1 20 Generally, be a time in other It appears (90) ee ies), PAG a = F, (9) the signal dependent at the electric instances a time reasonable to or functions when However, it has been functions CeACA. alone additive decide thermal {f(j,9)} mission f(j,@) require and the and detection the error A further by +1 additional cient This means be or a changed +4+%4. It has cient a,(j) by +1-1, been is a a number or shown even of in by O. though reasons by not influ- One are often usually makes leaves ay(O) one and 5.21 value. = not, disturbance ay(j) +1 the only and +1+1, the four e.g., into the into canbe only of that the a coeffi- permitted as the character only by restricting which into why of genera- characters coefficients section a case functions case. achieved notation -1-1 that in do the values disturbance -1+1 changed have any value are with pro- 5.12 their they that adisturbance character error of for but by 1 and time bandwidths for trans- special two written in short +1+1, There -1, assumption forms may and to by coefficients error represent in this low systems unchanged or changes it to the other ay(1) =4+1, can may current. section of may strength, or and the frequency different, ay(j) in difficulties simplification is coefficients denoted Different a,(j) with shown probability One field voltage alphabets the are a receiver representation noise. rate. coefficients the unimportant different ence the are practical tion the for of magnetic dependent use bability. the looking input coeffi- a(j) which +1 or -1. values +1 and
6.31 -1 CODING are WITH often BINARY permitted velopment of coding functions f(j,@) amplitude sampling. as +1 were block onthe than the on previous the time -1. was of de- that the are by interpreted changes the increases F,(6@) the only with The the the that called block-alphabets turbed as well elements numbers. as +1 Number in used has starting case. the f(j,9) a(j) for and be and acode the error rate and this compati- coding of [1-5]. An ay(j) as well +1 and called Since characters consider a large -1, that can be or the binary undis- contain only themtobe binary numbers problems. may then Binary of publications number excellent for alphabet the a(j) are usually are block-codes. in on was gisummary ven in a bookby PETERSON [6,7]. Non-binary alphabets also been investigated using number theory [8,9]. of dis- consisting of cha- applied to binary treated value is alpha- positive reasons can elements disturbed theory The and it elements is based a,(j) -1, onemay HAMMING with The dis- pulse-type between Alphabets investigation the been to coefficients of binary and in the results, implementation by binary number or shown pulse-type these only coefficients equal rather equipment. elementsinthis with ‘their coefficients of code O, only. The coefficients racters been of resistance the undisturbed disturbed It has coefficients. existing thermal of a,(j)f(j,9) effect distinguish theory of coding assumption of Despite for values of the additive shape of the functions amplitude. to than anvestigation a,(j). that designed and «an requirement of simple bility 1 and other functions depends onthe negative on the decoded quantization generally and sources 6.23 clipping that coding were This as coefficients turbances, be and one customary to consider the assumed amplitude in’ principle, section turbances as beginning A positive from require, effects are At the pulses (5.24) and (5.25) in Disturbances mOlse bets a(j). ANTS. EIMIAOW on for a7) theor it y was usually andanegative sums the ELEMENTS communications achieved. have depends Computation of
of It denotes +14+14+141-1 and tance for block disturbed The tance 1. without energy of following smallest One from may m' racter an transmitted the shows is increased characters energy kept is reasonable of and partly to base the with is increased, is also m' > lation which effect reduction additive distance. thermal It +1o0r-1. the 2” cha- the energy of the error the construction larger on energy. two equal must Hence, the per pro- of It is the often alphabets on equal average then energy. contain the Hamming errors is characters transmitted if for are cannot be decided the parity error check rate digit under noise by increasing Consider elements A m/n' distance one element caused without by ad- calcu- dominates. one of m probability of error noise. with or if dis- m'/m elements e.g., limited. Hamming decrease from element. but the thermal Alphabets m per increased, ditive factor The comparisonof characters energy from by their the rather d between two characters energy of each derived Hamming The is of number probability of error. constructing by the partly character a by The constant. times the d elements. sequence power peak a large meanalow distance the signal that constructed increase is bability canbe be the Con- pulses in which occurring. if a of of may error useful example Hamming > m element of larger does not necessarely 2™ characters The the particularly is the than differ, pulses distance consisting in- with characters. number the larger The charac-— decreases y often characters instance, pulses. characters the a disturbed decoding Hamming distance between the two creasing sider, of character x into the wrong ter of probability The 1. dis- Hamming the have 11110 and 11111 or +1+1+1+1+1 characters the instance, For differ. racters cha- two in which elements binary numberof the elements. by binary theory of coding alphabet inthe an quality the judging for distance' 'Hamming the montouse com- itis Hence, difficult. very rateis often error this DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 2738 the 2” = 32 are the the characters an example influence smallest of the of Hamming teletype
6.31 CODING WITH BINARY ELEMENTS eps) alphabet: “Ales = le alee alle Saha ta eens Fle 4-4 eee e144 Le ed l—1—4 etc. The smallest digit +1 Hamming be of elements an even (91) added distance to all 1 andacheck digit 1. Let -1 aparity having to all an odd check number characters with 1: elements of number equals characters el 1-1 a sfFurpo ‘lig The smallest to 2. The nerally large (92) Hamming energy to per element m/(m+1). values distance of m, has thus been must be reduced The factor while the m/(m+1) increased to 5/6 or approaches Hamming distance ge- 1 for is still doubled. The smallest Hamming an alphabet may of adding are be sufficiently called made many systematic decode all characters have been reversed 1-1 between 43, 4, check ... the or generally digits. alphabets. characters These Making d = d, by correction of 1 reversals. 21+1 one may disturbances. d = 21 permits the reversals and the detection without 1 errors-correcting by alphabets correctly, if nomore than 1 elements rection of distance Hence, andl one distinguishes errors-detecting cor- between alphabets. This distinction is necessary only if the disturbed coefficients a(j) According are (5.24) limited and to (5.25) the the values relation hold in order to make anerror possible. The the zero if are, however, not probability disturbances disturbances +1 or AWx = AWy would detection AW, that are due for -1. without thermal which this to correction are AW, and to have to equal noise. is There probability is zero. The 2™ characters constructed from m binary elements
Walsh the called is bet ters form a binary group group. this A charac- whose code systematic a is code group systematic alpha- of subgroup a are characters its if code or alphabet group a binary An [11]. feature the same have functions that Note 2. modulo addition under a group form 0 4 and DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 280 a group. Reed- the are codes group binary of class A special Muller codes [5,10]. Their characters contain m elements, m being a power of 2. The numberof check elements is m-k the and number ee of characters is the k has 2", value eerie te: (93) 1=0 The smallest Hamming Consider Muller and an alphabet k=14+4=5. constructed distance example of first This from 16 m elements, This asa(m,k)-alphabet. of this by +1 first The 16 signs tudes of of alphabet is -1. Compare characters correspond the Walsh characters follows with the The 17 through 32 are characters 16 through functions ters; the other the functions belong to the minus half of -wal(j,6). class yield the of which are check shows the elements and signs 1. or charac- represenof Fig.2. negative ampli- of the elements the orthogonal One may thus the con- characters as follows: j -0...455, represented one the characters Thus =e obtained by reversing wal(j,9®), Signs a characters functions positive functions. a Reed-Muller alphabet with m and = 32 (Reed- (16,5)-alphabet 13 Walsh struct by $m plus r=1 d = of the of $m Walsh 2° and signs of the elements of the the the 16 as Table Signs The the It denoted with to = 16-5=11 (16,5)-alphabet and 2™". o* contains elements. ted d = = order). alphabet generally ters is where half are of charac- represented Reed-Muller by alphabets alphabets. 6.32 Orthogonal, Transorthogonal and Biorthogonal Alphabets To save space let of a (16,5)-alphabet. us It considera contains (4,3)-alphabet instead 2° = 8 characters. The
6.32 ORTHOGONAL Mable 156 The ALPHABETS coefficients pape gegen bebet dl = eeee |x| 0 281 a,(4j) of according the characters to REED-MULLER. y = 1s. of 32, e Cc aoe ee are the first Cue ee Oe O01 eie-714. 1k 45 dl 2 3 A 2 6 7 8 2 first four - +71 +7 «47 +7 - -1 -71 +17 +7 NN Os~ -1 +1 +7 -1 +1 +1 =1 =-1 The elements of X. Interchanging matrix 1This four Walsh functions is Fig.e: (94) (94) rows may be and considered to columns yields matrix [7-9]. X*: matrix of a Hadamard form the a matrix' transposed
+1 foe Siem -1 -1 +74 [et d'—t +0 4 erdee |r teat +1 +1 -1 -1 +1 -1 +1 -1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 -1 +1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 A matrix -1 -1 -1 +1 +1 -1 +41 +71 -1 -7 called matrix constant. An can be The alphabet ters +1 +1 as (94) 16 of us omit alphabet the the unit is an product matrix of form an with multiplied an alphabet; by a elements orthogonal orthogonal its matrix. the charac- aiphabet, as sal7 muOmoer. the third element with its orthogonal 13 “OO: +4 40 orthogonal if its elements Table domuinemchiaraci,eir Let yields if (96) oO 29°40 Go-O 6 alphabetis called written 1 to | Oe orthogonal by 4: E multiplied (2029 ©: +1 O54 Te Oe ae ol ee eee is tvansposed (95) unit matrix the s yield XX* The product An DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 26e three of all elements characters in (94). and four characters is obtained: “ie, | Sd) edhe 2a ele ie Cet erg -1 (97) 4, +7 The product +1 Yar +1 +1 ie) ee = eq) al -1 etd) of the matrix a Y and the transposed +1 -1 [= =1 Y* = +7 +7 -1 +1 +14 -1 -1 -1 matrix Y* yields LN The > ne =1/3 =1/3, +7 1/9 <1 =<I7/5 =<173 “1/3 -1/3 -1/5 Aan We difference gonal for (97) and eee ets ee betwee the elements n the others is the unit matrix (96). is called larger Both on for this transorthogonal. The contain four from characters the the For transorthogonality is evident (97). (98) +" principal matrix reason the practical the (98) than alphabet meaning alphabets and the dia- Hamming (94) of and distance
6.32 ORTHOGONAL ALPHABETS 265 betwe ary en two characters (94) requires four equals elements 2. and However, the the alphabet alphabet (97) only three. Let the characters of the alphabet (97) be represented by vectors: q. Fo= +@, +e, +e, Bie F,= -e, -e, +e, 4. F,= +e, -e, -e, The end points of a tetrahedron, coordinate dron and these as shown systemis the four vectors in Fig.28a, placed coordinate at the system are if the center is the corners origin of rotated the of of the tetrahe- into a proper position. The are off the principal closeto zero for transorthogonal than terms four Let the orthogonal alphabet —-t +1 +1 -1 +t -1 47 -1 The —1 -1 -1 -1 (4,3)-alphabet also the one Let which shown Any added. by that the be of character replaced a by system An If the functions in in the of Table f(j,8) any are and Table except other of example a bior- alphabet is elements or Fig.28b. characters by representation 16 orthogonal of the by one functionis multiplied a character (94) of a biorthogonal Reed-Muller a octahedron of of d from 2d. not is characters (16,5)-alphabet distance representation Each supplemented by the signs of the elements: of the The distance the Consider functions. ficients nas alphabet the be the consisting biorthogonal. biorthogonal. coefficients £(j,9). more (99) has the Hamming alphabet thogonal with +1 +1 -1 -1 (99) is called one (94) obtained by changing ae 6. Ze 8. for alphabets YY* characters. characters 14% is diagonal of the matrix 13 and block the by time functions 16 coef- products are , the first pulses
46 multiplied by -1. function Walsh one by fifteen represen- then are characters The add the products. © and multiply well as other the and -1 or by +1 just could one products, the adding -1 or by +1 pulses block 16 the Instead of multiplying and functions characters by the same Walsh 16 Fig.2, the second of functions Walsh the by represented are characters DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 284 Table 14 by the coefficients +1, -1 and O as ted where the first row lists the index j of wal(j,8) and the in shown first column functions -1 or one O. of The product One 14 the alphabet are Both of 8 in spectrum sing T = type signals, 150 there. The tered about 53.33 row bandwidth, to add no that Fig.9 of by the Hz Hz. that Table the above 60 One may construct cients. It is The to may say, the rate the ternary one may use pulses the a, the according first b and to 5 pulses The six- Its c. v=8inFig.24. used would standard have would alphabet be of and resulting 32 -1 for tele- energy cen- practically Table multiply Choo- frequencies its conclude +1 from this 14 is pulses of better according Table signals no nar- 13 have and almost Hz. 2'° characters The (16,5)-alphabet usual yield error of unnormalized there coefficients products. energy the One 13 alphabet = V2sin (16n0+in). at should not the 13. Table of curves F,,(8) since character. ternary pulses, a much and trivial disturbance. 7 cosine Fi<(6) One each of spectra is +1, is the of Walsh obtains The characters centered signal 60 the the be which one shown than kind be character. coefficients must have the same and by would for that alphabet power would ms, above zero any sine Fig.24 the products result 14 by 16 character energy of frequency shown power unequal representing £(0,8), xy of the alphabets Table The teenth of andthe binary of constant number multiplied by the curious influence Instead Fig.9. is the signals. under the are summation only has Table Same lists wal(j,8) that from 16 binary of Table 13 uses this alphabet coeffi- 2° of them. contains 5 infor-
6.32 ORTHOGONAL ALPHABETS 265 mevlowi4+wwhe coefficients ay(j) of the characters of a ternary biorthogonal alphabet. y = 1G sees, al ORAACaee O “AI O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O + + + + + + + + + + + | | I | I | I | 1 (| O O'O' C1O OO)O lO 1e)@ E1116 GOO Clo CO > © Ae GlOleleiel@ SG ClOle]© Cl@S1@.@ OO COC OOOO © NOS OOOl1el@) C'O O'S Cleleiele!@ ClO Cle] ©QO © OOO OLS CONG OO @OC'O ClOSD CO e!O Cle Gi@e1@ 1@ OO OO OOOO AO GOO eo O'O CLES OlO!lO OCEOS@ GO © OO OC OO GOO@) OO O\O C1O'S) O' Clele® SO Cle SC GiC GlOEO CO © OO COSS1@i@1@ GOO O'O'O SO OC! C1@]O C)S O'S C1Siele© OOO CS @GCEPL OO SIO) (SiS (S(O) S28) DIOVOKS) AQWOOeCoe@ego© 2G) QAOOle 01O'O O11 ClO Gio © 02G @ OO OSE GE eeeGie/e1@ O'O G'@ O=| GSC ©OO OOOO OC OG Se ONGC O'O CGl@ SC ClO Cie © OO O36 COO OOS eeeC1E1Ol1ele@ ClO 1@ G10 CiC '@ O1O'@ SO ' S'S ©OOOO OO OEOI161@ ©@COO ClO O'S Gl@ET@ GC O1@ GIG O00 © O OO OOS @@ GiCGl@ © 21616 OC ClO | 21S1O G1 Vol© OE Ol OO \© CO OO ClO @ tation digits and character contains uses to 16 2° of each sign ternary the considered. One Without considered to be or 1g,(3'® derived may the a the 11 r'® each bits re- be constructed Table of The certain there is bits 5 to concept order no 14 as- of are reason should not be characters of an (16,4)-alphabet from that be reluctant - 2°) to them. of - information however, restriction the and alphabet The if alphabets of better information assign will, this - characters may one useful, characters of 3'° of redundancy is digits coefficients. character. redundancy why the them; check 5 bits A total dundancy. from 11
6. 286 r rather alphabet of order an alphabet The order of concept of theory of coding, from the has also proven longer no in useful of Hamming the binary to restricted the of generalization a For elements. 2'° characters than 2. distance general DESIGN SIGNAL distance consider two characters represented by time functions F,(6) and F,(@) inthe interval -$ 3 6 = %. The energy required to transform Wey = Fy(@) into F,(@) is Wy: f cE, Ce - F,(@)]’ae (100) -1/2 The energy of the character Fx(@) is Wy: V2 Wy = f Fy(9)de (101) -1/2 The average energy of all R characters of an alphabet is W, R We a Py Wy s where py The (102) isthe probability of transmission energy distance’ F,(8) is defined dxyy = Wyy/W Let F,(@) tions dyy the by normalization characters of the F,(@) energy and F,(@) be constructed func- £(35,0): m-1 obtains for Wy, Fy(@) = j=0Diay(3)f(j,8) and m-1 = all (105) j=0 characters term eae) (104) Wy,: =I 'The and Wyy: fromm orthogonal Wey = 2, Lay(j) - ay(j)]? 9 Wy I= 5’ a2 (3) Let y. (103 ) Fy(8)= j> ay(j)£(5,8), One of of character have the same 'normalized distance if energy non-similarity' the integration W= Wy. It follows: has been interval is used for infinite
6.32 ORTHOGONAL ALPHABETS 2o7, m-1 rs >, ax (ay(3) oy = Hey 2 1 - 1 py (ayn (eae = 1 - EB(496) m-] -1/2 Ya 2(3) j=0 It holds for eG) = the characters Table 14: at -1 for 2 aed ay dl Je=a erletor Meai(g) = j =0 - u oO of — ay 2,8 x65 )ay(d) = fs The following characters peepee The Table distances 4 are thus obtained for tor xy = 42 - 4 + 41 (107) xy = mee Or yee 4, 52. — tet) m-] y of Table 15 prea Gd pay) j=0 j=0 = 13 yield: =016 (108) “3 Dey jay.) = 4 for =O = x ay(jday(gj) = 32 - y+ =; -16 for xy = +16 for x = ¥ 32-y+1 1 fory=y a 2 ior the 14: = O for characters dyy 32-y+1 y=, O for x # ¥, 32-y+1 energy of y = (109) y # ¥, 32 - 4 + 1 The distances d,y, of the characters of Table 14 would have the values 16, 0 or 8, if Wyy in (103) were divided by W/lg,m=W/4 elements ming in energy square signal distance of the space. by W. This characters evident meaning dyy vector These the signal between an than the is just differ, the i.e., number their of Ham- distance. The the rather inwhich vectors points in in of the two characters connecting their is equal signal to points are represented by the rods Fig.28. vector The term distance representation. Due has to
6. SIGNAL require, forthe 288 such in ted a gravity. of lisbeet alphab of abiorthogonal R characters the Let sequence relation the that vector average the have points center common their 1 from must one signal the that representation, distance dyy of normalization the DESIGN pegeC e e ames is satisfied. (110) It follows: 7 1 fory=y af Fy(@)Fy(@)d0 = | -1 for y=R-4 ae It +1 O fory#y, follows gonal ter from alphabet R-y+1 ters; (106) has that an energy and anenergy yy = the (111) R-y +1 character distance distance y of 4 from 2 from all a biorthothe charac-— other charac— No. salts 6.33 Coding for Error-Free Transmission SHANNON's formula communication sion of is possible that bets as formula may be for channel the in section obtained presence Consider transmission that a limiting which pacity of the channel in the proves of and case. 6.12 capacity an error-free it From is approach the additive thermal a system of Fourier how alpha- transmission which have vanishing a derivation evident the of transmis- ca- error rates orthogonal func- noise. expandable tions f(j,9) in the interval -4 = 6 s #. Random numbers aj(j) with a Gaussian distribution are taken fromatable and the character F,(6) is constructed [1-3]: m-1 Fo(8) =), a,(s£(5,8) (112) jz0 One may Fo(8) assume is then distinguished beyond all Using that the numbers a time from a variable sample of aj(j) represent voltage. thermal voltages. F,(8) noise cannot if m be grows bounds. another constrauct second set of m character random F,(8). numbers The a,(j), general ome may character
6.34 TERNARY Fy(8) ted can be random these the COMBINATION ALPHABETS constructed by means numbers characters channel of a,(j). equals (54) follows of m Gaussian distribu- The unnormalized duration of The transmission capacity of from m, T andthe average si- re ratio power gnal-to-noise T. ASS) este; (1 4-2/2,7) (113) Let n be the largest. integer n characters ee EN mhese n miotey, n one (114) formthe alphabet drawbacks. alphabet is point It is for is in of the a finite probability [4,5]. The much combination and zero very Now and There L but to.) from to the practival how good per of the er- character. approaching the energy per bit of infor- rate also yield that zero. however, alphabet SHANNON's close in- satisfying information finite than way approaching are, L al- in this what the probability of for let approach close interesting to see transmission alphabets n very non-random smaller come rate are amount error however, only limit, found the first mation error view. not If arbitrarily alphabets' ELIAS lities random. is: an alphabet. each be constructed at yields 'random theoretical first characters alphabet scuesprobability These ror constructed: cis cin yg —T with pick this be characters phabets and F,(8@) smaller than 2°' and let of information limit. vanishing SHANNON's was, The socalled error probabi- limit. 6.34 Ternary Combination Alphabets m ents orthogonal ay(j). functions A fotal may Ged) ifa,(j) Writing (1+2)" R = of of can transmit m coeffici- can be construcvalues +1, 0 and -1. 3™ yields the following expan- the assume instead £(7,9) 3™ characters three sion: Bes (442)" =72°(5)+2 This 19 decomposition (4)+.. 42" divides Harmuth, Transmission of Information the 4... +2") set of R characters Glee into
function or +1 -1. the form characters These one of consisting ay(j) equals biorthogonal alpha- coefficient one only because each, 2m = ENG» are there more, Further zero. are characters, func- no containing a,(j) coefficients all because tion, character = Bake £Gj G0.) lnSresis functions many equally containing characters of subsets DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 220 are ane characters, each conbets. In general, there taining h functions ay(j)f(j,8), where ay(j) equals +1 or Ge is the Siemoiuce m functions, tion ber alphabets these alphabets for h #4 0,1 characters 2 Ge of in combinations of number are 0r Table m. such of h the shows 15 out of combina- ternary called num- alphabets. Table 15. Number of characters internary combination alphabets. According to KASACK [2], the numbers above the line drawn through the table belong to 'good' alphabets. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 _0 Equation (115) yields, for h = m, the 2"(7) =2™ cha- racters that contain all mfunctions equal +1 or -1. These are the ay(j)f(j,8) characters with of the a,(j) binary alphabets. Consider an alphabet tions f(j,9). equal to +a, with characters Each character or -a, and Let these the received signal with coefficients a,(j). Let characters be imposed on the signal. which have a Gaussian m-h containsh functions additive distribution equal a,y(j) to zero. Crosscorrelation f(j,@) thermal The coefficients h func- coefficients coefficients transmitted. the containing yields noise a(j) with amean are be of the super- obtained, either +894
6.34 TERNARY O or -a), COMBINATION denoted j--> by a®'(5), = <> +A, ee TN (0) < a >> <a » The variance o* ALPHABETS aol al(5) (2D ana aca ys - Cal = 1 (116) e of these distributions follows from (60), (70) and (71): Bifis 2? eee a =< az iy 2 Pate HPA DO Ga eee Gliors h = number n= ee of coefficients Ge = information characters P,,= average noise P = haj Py = power in an average ite tween of of value character with thermal Af or if of of binary snoisee and 2gG.) T; = n/2T; noise in a frequency power is; inorder ternary to rather then h,; facilitate ork; and any sums (118) produced coefficients one must be determined (5.25). m-h Consider are terms sum cients largest those the S,. sums positive are whose a(j) for O. The those the the for The terms largest largest transmitted of all terms a,(j) +a, or magnitude. character Fy,(@) will remaining Sy will the The re- yield ‘sume 2” sums 2G) contain The and the while O for coefficients -a, these of ‘accor- are j=0O...m-h-1. a(j)a,(j), largest received decoding certain cing ca, equal non-vanishing with for a(j) coefficients sums for which coeificients h contain of O, forinstance h 2" aifferent 19* m largest ad) the the to feaining m—-h from the .- “is be- alphabets. j=0 ding band comparison m-1 be all thermal duration eye=) > 8d )ay (3) must Ete probability; components interval power; +a, in bits, equal orthogonal signal a reference The n with Af. average as per orthogonality power width ay(j) transmitted = average of used are 117) h sum when be coeffi- will be the ab-
6. Zoe DESIGN SIGNAL dolute value of the h coefficients a’ (9) and alge of the m-h coefficients a!°(j), andifin larger than that e, the following Henc two error-free (see decoding 4. All coefficients are gal None than of the the ae are for satisfied Fig.107): al = al(j)/a, and -al!) = -al')(j)/a, (119) h absolute Condit vom eeu zero. ico al%)_ al%(5)/a,. Tie be must conditions than non-negative: Gasca 2. a'(3)is smaller and a*'(j)islarger addition coefficients value This | }tor |= one condition of the -at') m-h is smaller coefficients needs to be satisfied only 1 Sasabish Led: a Sala of +a'*') and Otsya'Y eC nes (120) O The density functions w,(x) of a!) and w,(y) of la | given by (4.59). The probability p(at!!<O) = W,(0) of condition plal’<0) (119) = not W, (0) being satisfied = ae. equals: exp[-(x-1)? /20? )Jax (121) #(1 - erf(1/Af2c)] The probability p(-al"<0) = #[1 pi?’ denotes the not satisfied and al!); Ph = 1-1 Consider Its density p(-a - (-1) <0) has same value: erf(1/f2c)] probability for the at least (122) that one of the the -W,(0)]" =1-2"(14 condition h (119) coefficients ert(A2c)] is al*!) Cas) the distribution of a't!) —|al®l], 0 < alll< co. function is given by (4.61) to (4.63). The probability that the condition (120) is not satisfied for Gens one of the h(m-h) differences a TK jat@l and —al-!) -|a' | is al [al <o Se eae a WOO) = Y f[ w(z)dz. (124)
6.34 TERNARY COMBINATION ALPHABETS 20 a(+!) Fig.107 gta Density functions of ea (Oe | at Oe wand a!) -la°| for a ternary combination alphabet. hatched areas indicate TOL. The er- alt). Jq() This integral was es ee denotes is not satisfied -al-Ne [gl] ec and ea (4.64). for all h(m-h) differences (120) a'*!’— ja!) and dew WOODIEY (123) and (125) ternary binary eee in ; Equations of evaluated the probability, that the condition combination (125) yield the alphabets, error probability biorthogonal pee alphabets (m,m)-alphabets: Cle , o a - UG (126) ) : ; 4 = 21 + ert(1N20))" {+ Equation (126) yields a binary alphabet with for m h = m the + eebio tie ti | h(m-h) error coefficients probability ay(j) and of 2™ cha-
ie Ge Coes mP. m,m Tr eae - pl?) 24 GPU + srt Acer m ee. =m Giese follows alphabets biorthogonal of probability = eyes /BP es ba, /2y) Le= error The C7): as same is the which racters, DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 204 \ifopan aly ta (128) leesty oie) Wasted M Ke)36 1 1 = #11 + ert(1W20)1 {+ eee} 4 fl t7eg Gta=n by, /E = Py /oP, Fig.108 gonal shows alphabet (curve n=16, m= = 5, The n= are the of the as noise power Pit noise in orthogonality reference. sion, mit since amounts P. (P/n)/P,, signal This bet per P/P, = EYE P/P,, of (n = 5, m = 16) one price paid give requires for this 11 - gain is of thermal T is used a false impres- transto information, is used use ra- in Fig.108: cease with (129) 5 bits n probability of 10°. Accoralphabet (n = 5, m = 5) re- dB andthe of 8 dB. 8 = mea- The average alphabets of ratio The It is better bit which curve power duration a Pf)iim 11 The component of (5,5)- Fig.102. evident. the transmission of characters a ratio alphabet P is information. of information With an error ding to Fig.108, the binary quires in explanation. would power gives = P/oP, 5 Consider comparison. ‘a” interval P/P, biortho- binary signal-to-noise power of some (16,16)-alphabet characters of the various P/n, the average than for orthogonal Plotting the different ther one for of the the requires Signal of and curve average along the abscissa an 5) shown same ning of the average as probability probability 5, m= m=16) 5 is choice plotted error The error (curve n niedle,2' Ci je= oe oe the alphabets. Ta 3 dB an biorthogonal Hence, less increase alpha- the biorthogonal signal in the power. number The of
6.34 TERNARY COMBINATION N N \ \ GEN ALPHABETS 29) | “N A NENG NN NYE ING \ 3 ates oe e 9 “ cae eatae PI Ra¢ [4B] —= 13 "1 15 8 PIR «(d8]—— Fig.108 (left) Error probability p of biorthogonal alphabets. P average signal power; P,, average power of thermal noise in a frequency band of width Af = n/eT; n information of the characters in bit; T duration of the characters; m numberof orthogonal functions inthe alphabet. Solid lines: biorthogonal alphabets; dashed lines: binary alphabets (5,5) and Aendens Fig.109 (right) Error probability p of ternary combination alphabets; P, Pa}, n and m definedinthe caption of Fig. 108. h number of orthogonal functionsina character. Dashed lines show the error probabilities of the binary alDHapeter(S,5)- and *(16,16). orthogonal times what functions larger required sectionof the from less precise, a 16/5-times required. Consider further with n=‘16 bits of m=5 the information wider with an alphabet dB; the biorthogonal m= 32 768) one requires binary tions only alphabet required 11.7 of 5.8 about dB. one band is error probability (n = 16, m = 16) requires Thus the quarterof (11.7=5.8=5.9 increases, a 16/5- or, some- transmission of characters of 10°? . The binary of m=16; frequency ratio P/Py, to time-function-domain biorthogonal the dB). however, alphabet signal The from alphabet power of the number 16 to a (n= 16, 32 of func- 768.
- n than 16, = m This for shows shows P/Ps+ one than bability Che shows information the n = n=8 ones n = m=5%12 9.9, m need alphabet P/P,,; a but For with larger a smaller instance, yields an the error pro- of 8 dB; the comparable = n there with 8.8, the 8, h = 4 requires m = 8, which combination is alphabets same ara- error with is signal 3. m less = that a curve functions of yield do more than power'. the n = the that ex- a binary the 8.8 requires a Consider of 8 functions than alphabet by of A character probability represented m transmit nevertheless alphabets 'less h = which number and These for transmits The are (m,m)-alphabet bits, ternary alphabet n=10, combi- A comparison (m,m)-alphabets. functions' (8,8)-alphabet functions. particular biorthogonal probability. 'more curve these that binary error change the ternary (126). and [NO'5) Gls. than mation of to foraratio more the probability alphabet Elen Fig.109 lower error alphabet combination Wa 32768 the the of 10°5 = AYES binary biorthogonal m of that the 16, probability according than = somewhat to amounts n alphabets of 14.8 by power error alphabets Fig.108 difference same the while ratio a an at 16 = Fig.109 nation ratio dB. 7 dB =3.6 11.2 more in Fig.108), signal the of reduction aB, apossible 44.8 error requires 5) = m 5, (n = alphabet m=16 n=5, (curve of 107 binary the P/P,; a ratio requires it ample, probability ex- for-en dB 11.2 Of For alphabet. a biorthogonal of use the is justified more the probability error required the smaller The DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 296 infor- bits also of m=8 binary lies (8,8)between the curves curve is n= 5, m= 5 andn = 16, m= 16 in Fig.109. This about 3 dB to the right of the curve n = 8.8, h=%3 forerror probabilities between 1074 and 10-7. m=8, Consider values of x etits) . = one m obtains: - the error and n. eae ee? probability Using MoS the Tg aad of (126) for large approximations BEI el ye RA ok
6.34 TERNARY COMBINATION Fenn Soames ete \Fat Vr Pp f= Let n and Thus, OD Tor the Using in ia [h(m-h) P (21 b= ZDPat infinity: 4 > 0 ROT enc (137) fO transmission is achieved in the relation =h le; i>, transform condition, the holding (132) condition for 7 < O into a constant value the following of h: P/ Pao > A hne A ratio Gigs) P/P,, transmission larger for The limit function and 109. gonal alphabets > Hence, 1). ones from red, since proportional Let to m >> in place of of ee Error—-free of and is the the for same O then are or functions yields finite biortho- the (h superior bandwidth requi- increases but only alphabets. approach m°; to the h; 4 ine. alphabets required mandn still the alphabets combination is for combination proportional (132) and n+co is shown in alphabets as n, error-free is smaller than biorthogonal constant h of m of functions m for 2h n < condition The P/P to 2° situipecrease condition limit number large yields for m+oo, combination h not remain Let Duce This 41n2 1 if-P/P,, standpoint the proportional is lim p3) (h = 1) and the the than infinitely the error probability Figs.108 limit a <0. n = ieee) may (130) Or error-free OS one = approach (cy ; Se Lim ies sel7 iq im igs =r C77, Pie 2 m ALPHABETS infinity, 0 2.a.< satisfied 41. The forlargenm. following condition "(135): 1 tO. -a transmission ees” ae Ous¢0..< 01. is possibleif a (134) is smallerthan ‘1.
mission nary combination alphabets. must be replaced by Ppt in It follows: (130). (135) Eee ee vee Sa The condition Py, power noise average The by ter- is approached (54) of form capacity inthe trans- the of limit Shannon's how investigate us Let DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 206. n < O becomes: h < snpm 44 an Ch(m-h) 2) (136) m,T The approximation stituted on the n = left side m term inthe brackets and h remains time is 1. character it n/T are reordered: (137) 1 when becomes m n becomes (1-a)/(1+a) transmitted since transmitted duration n C=m< finite; to terms h, is sub- Pmt becomes The information equal the m >> P In mh - $1n(1g2>) The < h let, IR and ol n< pel O Za Lapel is infinite for h = m‘%, error-free per unit the information during an orthogonality of each interval of T: m + Lia eaei ial 1 -a Cee ur<es ta The logarithm transmission h = constant m 4 iz to the base oT Sine Dene capacity is (138) i Rome 2 must to be be Got used obtained se eeeey in (139) (54) in bits if per the unit time: C= or 1e(1+ P/P,.) * Seep The right hand 2(1+a)/(1-a) Hence, side than a ternary transmits half by Shannon's Talequale) Pee (140) right asmuch small. hand (140) by a factor 2 or sides of (138) and (149). alphabet information provided The pT<< 1- is larger combination limit, is of the Ee) the physical with h = constant errorasfre permite ted signal-to-noise meaning power of the condition
6.35 ALPHABETS P/P,,t << phabet OF 1 is evident; have only the of the average less be of cients an more -1. than P/Fh,t D/Pea useworti— the zero. Use could only three if the values coeffi- +1, O and by be replaced must alphabets al- An increase order. higher was ratio combination detailed alphabets of a ternary +1, O and probabilit has reached y assume of A more coefficients values increased ternary alphabets the 299 signal-to-no powerise ratio could The 2r+1 three onee the error made -1. ORDER investigation recently published of ternary by KASACK combination [2]. 6.35 Combination Alphabets of Order 2r+1 Let characters tions f(j,6), These coefficients as for F,(@) mial (ra the the Let 4 expanded in a bino- Cor): Green (or)? of characters coefficients ay( 5) are non-zero; These 2r+1. equal bits equals: Let characters The information a are denoted coeificient by a,, ay(j) be per # O may p = +1....4Tr. by p(p). Let p(p) be independent of the functions f(j,@) is P,: from 1 alphabet character in (142) a,(j) assuming that transmitted moo h Each of the h coefficients They y runs formacombination probability. alphabet means all 1g,(2r)’"(@) =n 1g, , of This characters these (Pyra44) in the f(j,9). with power than characters functions Gry). noted be a,(j). rather (1+2r)™ m order lity values of (1+2r)" number h of the of lues. 2r+1 A total er) ee G) is to n= func-— multipliedby coefficients assume alphabets. produced. et containing of may orthogonal series: eee h be composedof m -+=6 54%, ternary canbe Fy (8) the of assume value er va- probabi- The a, j. The is de- average
+r 4 v/2 : 7 DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 300 +r (143) > Plod@ J aff? (3,8 dt mee p(p daz P= a -1/2 coe +r yi p(p) = 1 Pio The average power of the characters BG), of composed h functions Lees (144) The following a) The lue b) assumptions probability of a, is independent The difference = ag. Sn? This Eg The tu average made: a coefficient of p: p(p) |a,-a,,| condition teeta are is 1s a,(j) having the va- = 1/er. independent satisfied if of a, is p. la,—ay4l a multiple = of 2S {headin cassie power P; of afunction f£(j,8) follows from (143) and (144): r +7 >) pai /er = (ai/r) = P a > p* = fret ere) a? = P/h a= af = 6P/h(r+1 )(2r+1 ) Let a character Fy (8) with the functions the receiver. these f(j,6) with (+ ple into means coefficients are |pla,, denoted + The = (al) variance of transmitted. Crosscorrelation yields the coefficients additive a(j). or by alel(j), 0; a Gaussian |p| and es at changes distri- = 1...r. al-rl(j) . ay |Petey = a I ay(j) thermal noise They have -Ipla, (- pl; SnD a ty —(O)( be Superimposed coefficients bution (145) These alt)(j): (146) O these distributions follows in analogy to Cade): oO 2 (ai(j)/ay> = h(r+1)(2r+1)P, ,/OP hee )(2r-4 Nae /onP = h(r+1)(2r+1)P,, (147) /6nP
6.35 ALPHABETS OF ORDER 2r+1 301 h = number of non-zero coefficients ay(5)3 >) =I een) VG) = information per character in bits, if all characte are transmitt rsed with equal probability; er = numb of non-zero er values which the coefficients a,(j) assume; may ae average noise power in an of average of = of components interval average signal thermal noise of of power; in thermal duration a 1; = nyeot Af frequency band of than Af. characters of combination third must power width The orthogonal orthogonality P = haé(r+1)(2r+1)/6 aie a n order are not transmitted determine the smallest for the detection ae ey sums alphabets of with energy the equal AWy signal. higher energy. One accordingto (5.24) This means that By = >, ats) = ay G1’ j=0 must be computed termined. where The be is - h occurs to with if of a,(j) in following value smallest for de- } = yx, F,(@). obtainedif the h smallest added. # 0 smallest character Sy is termsinthe the the S, isnot transmitted value smallest if one Bey Gai As are equal noise (148) the the smallest [a(j) the mal An error x denotes terms acgo and the The the h terms, for noise-free presence conditions of which case, will additive are ther- satisfied (see Bie 1 Os 4. None of the h coefficients = -al-el(j)/ayis farther = 2. |p| None from one than one of These ditions the m-h of the Satistied The from the of only two the ale) from other its means coefficients h means condition conditions a'®’. are 1 is of the 1....r, and -al-r) the This -al?!= la,/ayl = # pis farther absolute condition value of must be satisfied. essentially error and mean |p'|= a't?) (119) and (120) for ternary calculation correct 1..... r than coefficients if = abel(j)/a, to the conequal combination probability is alphabets. much more
6. 302 Values Teo r h using 2r+1, h, m, values large For functions. m of out order of alphabet combination a of noise thermal to due probability error the denote Ca Let here. stated be will results the Only complicated. DESIGN SIGNAL small and Of o°, Seii> Sk) Mare ore red Snes (149) n = 1g,(2r)"(7) M2= h 1g,(xm/n), one obtains ili the following SAG gueeneiee yl UY formula: a (150) m,h 1 nm = ZP inh - perp) Let the information Limp N= CO cea case nor n, < 0, yeah grow beyond all bounds: eroamnony terminthe n, > Gibrae. O is ac a because it holds: eeeee }+(tinn-g 4] Shr Pay Shr? P,, (152) n, not bracket must be probability probability 1 for for > second O that yields the error condition y= Geer n, ag from character 1, soe e. == O- S61" Wake tng es The n per : + (2r+1) Lim Dinh The 4 (2 = yg InG@-bh - Piha Eeeti? n +o, possible is equal larger to than n,. O. It follows Hence, n, O and n, > O yields the error n, yields the following error-free PP 4 of a... SS 3 in transmission: (153) n from Let us investigate The average formals noise (150) (149) yields: 2See ln(m=h )h can be approached for by O Rewriting P/Py, > $2 r?1n(m-h)h Substitution < how (154) Shannon's combination power yy: Pyy must limit alphabets be inthe of replaced form order by (54) 2r+1. Bo aa
6.35 ALPHABETS OF ORDER 2n+1 303 Fig.110 Density functions of all) alt, alt)" abel, altel) ate and afer), The hatched areas indicate oa errors. af?) : N ~|pl-1 ~lpl ap) ~|pr1 et a {pi-1 'p! Ipl+1 ys NX -rel Pap = Ent = One obtains dim Be , pa Using the n nP,; Sn from (151): e= Out or at) it r-1 r r+) faa tee 4h ra r?1n(m-h )h CASso relation ree 22 m which (156) follows from (149) n < Sle {Caer One of this tain is One inequality of value too may see, large, the be » 1, one obtains from (155): eal 1579 right the that so as possible mes as large beco a fixed to however, should r = h(m) h and m complicated logarithm too choose must for ratio P/FR,,;- find a maximum that the as terminthe large factor as brackets The side hand for a cer- expression by differentiation. h possible. becomes in front If h smaller of the becomes than sles
creasing Tae as woke equation the that so chosen constant suggests This satisfied. is h is Hence, m. (158) choice the h = n/\fin = : (159) it followertrom ial, << 3 CE The information C = td K< a (157): 1g ,(KP/P,, ,) n/T CHa of P/P,, difference equal [ 1g,(P/2,,, is bution. The from only by the probably distribution (160) transmitted This formula differs values in- with small arbitrarily become then would term This DESIGN SIGNAL 6. 304 ) + unit time becomes: 1g,kK ] Shannon's factor accounted for physical per (161) limit (54) for large (1n m)* for . This by having chosen p(p) rather thana Gaussian meaning of the condition small an distri- P/P,; >> K is readily understandable. r > 1 had been assumed in (149); many different values for the coefficients ay(j) will permit an error-free to-noise power transmission ratio is large. onlyif the average signal-
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Index 171 134,268 Active antenna activity factor addition modulo 2 205 aircraty collision amplitude clipping amplitude sampling angle diversity angle measurement antenna, active astronomical telescope attenuation audio coefficient signals 27 162 270 122 238 175 eo 175 95 oscillation period. 4,166 average wavelength 4 axioms of probability 184 Banach's theorem system 14 264 Bernoulli distribution 190 - method 88 - polynomials 9 Bessel functions 204 - inequality a binary character 66 - shift theorem 148 biorthogonal 67,280 block codes 277 Boltzmann statistic 218 Borel measurable - sets Cauchy's principal value Cauchy distribution central limit theorem channel routing character group characteristic function function correlation matrix 94 density function diffraction grating diode quad multiplier dipole - moment - vector distortion free line distribution function distribution density Doppler effect dyadic correlation - group - rational Eigenfunctions electrically short energy distance 187 ensemble average 183 equal gain summation ergodic hypothesis error correction 45 - detection 206 - function 197 Euklidian space ce 26 152,214 212 correlation coefficient 120 coset 135 cosine channel covariance 211 crosstalk } 4205146 - attenuation 105 — matrix 94 222 Delay average balanced continuation of functions 27 188 continuous variable Fermi statistic 188 222 78 1'70 161 161 87 184 188 172 53 26 23 55 87 286 O47 248 247 279 279 196 183 218 circular polarization closed systems coaxial cable 194 formants -,Ssequency 914 221 169 12 88 code fourth method of SSM frequency channel - diversity 141 ics 238 159 - 162 185 - filters —- limited 270 —- modulation Wz 1" 255 + - shifting synthesizer theory modulation collision warning combination compandor completeness theorem complete systems compressor compression of information conditional division - tracking filter function detector probability 186 function Limited. 45 62 56 58,249 “Sp 181 76 eye 447 279
INDEX ey Gaussian distribution geometric optics group code - delay - theory Haar-Fourier half adder 196 number 215 476 Nyquist transform pe -, 46 -, PIS -, 78 278 Hankel function 191,201,203 Hermite polynomials 18 Hertzian dipole 163 signal 110 incomplete system Nee integral, Walsh function 164 integrator He intelligent interference 225 intersection ASS interval a5 Johnson joint 2ny rate 82 280 On-off system 261 Open wire line NZS operator, differential Hall multiplier Hamming distance Image theory noise 218 distribution 185 87 55 55 54 54 eigenfunctions linear time variable optical telescope 260 optimal selection 248 orthogonal outphasing Parabolic division method of SSM 62 141 cylinder functions 18 parabolic reflector laa parameter integration 199 parity check digit 278 Parseval's theorem 2 partial response 84 PCM Ari owsalinese} periodic continuation 29 phase channel SiS) - modulation AIS)7 - Legendre polynomials linear independence 263 shift method ANE 9, 38 — jumps Suryai) Plancherel - operator Lerentuce pranstormab Lom lower sideband 1/4 108 Marginal, 185 distribution mathematical expectation maximal ratio summation 189 248 Maxwell's equations mean square deviation mean value 160 194 191 85 theorem 14 Pointing's vector 162 polarized Walsh waves 164 power loading 85 prism eon probability, axioms 184,185 -, defined 184 - function product eS of random variables propagation time polarization diversity 7o9 261 293 259 mixed moment 211 - vector mobile radio communication 167 Quadrature modulation 114 modified Hankel V2oe 150 function 1915201 modulation index AISI». Aa? quotient of random variables 204 modulo 2 addition Zone moments 1911 19,1271 multiple access 268 Rademacher functions 166 multiplication theorems 22 radiated power multipliers ee tes) radiation resistance 163,165 radio Near zone AGE Mee Cree Neumann functions non-synchronized groups normalized systems 204 127 communication, mobile raised cosine radar target 6 receiver pulse filter GH Sener d 180 24
520 Target analysis 180 tracking 180 transorthogonal 68 , 280 87 oo telegrapher's equation 84 y, teletype transmisstion 85 APY) TELEX relativistic mechanics random alphabet - variable defined Rayleigh 172 289 135 distribution rectangular reflector Reed-Muller alphabet resolution range resolvable angle rise time roll-off factor Sampling theorems scalar potential Schmid multiplier second method of SSM seus sequency allocation - bandwidth — definition - formants - limited 280 174 7S 1241 thermal noise, definition 218 third method of SSM 141 time base 51542 Za - division time-frequency—domain - diversity 248 61,1730 249 Fag ae as time-function-domain 160 time-sequency-domain 79 time-shifts 57 topologic group 184 transposed SSM 124 two-dimensional filters 99 50 Uncertainty relation unsynchronized groups OAeeed upper sideband 58,249 249 249 167 26 444 105 25 128 108 aliclizs Variance 193 160 Se vector potential - shifting 181 - representation 62 - spectra 101 voice signals 90 - tracking filter bec vocoder 91 Signal classification 45 voltage comparison 229 SSM 145 - detection 2e5 vestigial - delay 261 - space 62, (63.0 ao Walsh functions, integral 164 shift theorem, sine 148,168 - multiplier (Oy eee -, Walsh 25,148,150 - tracking filter 154 Single sideband 1075108 - waves, polarized 169 simultaneous wave equation 89,168 transmission 83 - guide 250 Sine channel 155 - optics AS skin effect 88 — zone 1671, 162 Space diversity 238 weak convergence 35 - probe “7 wideband antenna 165 special shift theorem 149 Wiener-Chintchin theorem 17 speech analysis a standing wave “AO zps defined 50 statistical independence 186 - multiplexing - response - variable Student distribution sum of random variables Superconductive cable 184 206 196 88 supergroup switched telephone network synchronization 125 Systematic code 85 ak 279,280

Date Due LATTE EET Demeo 38-297
217.2 Hast Aarmuth, Henning F, _ Transmission of in- formation by orthogon =e a 517.2 H28t HUNT LIBRARY CARNEGIE-MELLON UNIVERSITY PITTSBURGH, PENNSYLVANIA OEMCO