Теги: weapons   firearms  

Год: 1944

                    Aug. 22, 1944.	н. schmeisser	2,356,538
Filed Oct. 14, 1940

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Patented Aug. 22, 1944 2,356,538 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 2,356,538 BLANK AMMUNITION FIRING ATTACHMENT FOB AUTOMATIC GUNS Hugo Schmeisser, Suhl, Germany; vested in the Alien Property Custodian Application October 14,1940, Serial No. 361,184 In Germany November 22, 1939 2 Claims. The invention relates to automatic guns and particularly to a device for controlling the gas pressure in automatic blank cartridge firing with such automatic guns. It is an object of the present invention to pro- vide a device or an arrangement of this kind which is simple in construction and able to offer resistance in use and which may be easily manipulated especially for cleaning purposes. The invention consists therein that the gas throttling is effected by means of a loosely fitting core-bar or stem adapted to be inserted into the barrel of the gun and having a smaller diameter than the bore of the said barrel. It is a further object of the invention to pro- vide a loosely Atting core-bar or stem which ex- tends substantially over the entire length of the barrel of the gun. A further object of the invention is to provide a Atting core-bar or stem which is rigidly con- nected with a silencer-funnel in such a manner that both parts form a practical unit for use. The means for securing the said unit to the au- tomatic gun as for instance a screw thread are arranged preferably on the said silencer-funnel. In the preferred form of the present invention the Atting core-bar or stem and the silencer-fun- nel are rigidly connected by riveting a reduced end of the core-bar to a portion of the silencer- funnel. To these ends my invention consists in the novel construction and arrangement of parts to attain the ends above speciAed and in the de- tails of construction and mechanism for other purposes, as will hereinafter more fully appear and which are deffned in the claims at the end of this speciffcation. My invention in its preferred form or approx- imately such form is illustrated in the accom- panying drawing, in which Fig. 1 is a central longitudinal section of a portion of an automatic gun constructed in ac- cordance with the present invention, only so much of the barrel being shown as is necessary for the purpose of explanation, and Fig. 2 is a sectional view through the silencer, taken on the line 2—2 of Fig. 1. In the drawing ( designates the front part of the barrel of an automatic gun and 2 a loosely Atting core-bar or stem inserted into the bore of the barrel and having a little smaller diameter than the bore of the barrel. On the muzzle of the gun is Axed by means of screw thread 3b a silencer or casing funnel 3 provided with the gas channels 3a offset laterally from (Cl. 42—1) the bore of the barrel and secured to the front end of the Atting core-bar 2 so that both parts, viz., the Atting core-bar 2 and the silencer- funnel 3 form a unit. In the example shown 6 the front end 2a of the Atting core-bar or stem projecting from the muzzle of the gun is reduced or stepped and riveted to the central portion of the silencer-funnel as indicated at 2b. In- stead of the use of a screw thread other suitable Ю means may be used for connecting the silencer- funnel with the muzzle of the barrel. If in operation an automatic gun arranged for loaded or bulleted cartridge Aring is to revert into an automatic gun arranged for blank car- 15 tridge Aring, i. e., with the usual and known cartridges without bullets, it is only necessary to insert the Atting core-bar 2 provided with the silencer-funnel 3 into the barrel of the auto- matic gun and to screw up the silencer funnel 20 3 with its screw thread upon the screw thread on the front end of the barrel. It is obvious that the device according to the present invention is simple in its construction and cheap to manufacture and permits an easy 25 and quick changing of an automatic gun from one kind of Aring to another one. A further advantage of the device according to the present invention consists in its high capacity of resistance and in the convenient pos- 30 sibility for cleaning. It will be understood that I do not limit my- self to the details of construction above set forth, but, on the contrary, that many mcdiAcations may be made within the broad scope of my 36 invention. What I claim and desire to secure by Letters Patent of the United States is as follows: 1. In an automatic gun a barrel, a silencer casing having openings at both ends in line 40 with said barrel, removably secured to the muz- zle of the barrel, said casing having a central portion extending across the same intermediate its ends, and a core rod secured to said central portion, extending into the bore of the barrel 45 and spaced from the wall of the bore, and said central portion being formed with a plurality of openings eccentric to the barrel axis, each of said last named openings forming a communi- cation between said Arst named openings. 50 2. The gun as claimed in claim 1 wherein the rod extends substantially the length of the barrel and the eccentric openings are spaced lat- erally from the space in the barrel between the rod and the wall of the bore. 55 HUGO SCHMEISSER.