                    GIAN-CARLO ROTA, Editor
Section: Probability
Mark Kac, Section Editor
Integral Geometry
Geometric Probability
Luis A. Santal6
University of Buenos Aires
With a Foreword by
Mark Kac
The Rockefeller University
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company
Advanced Book Program
Reading, Massachusetts
London. Amsterdam. Don Mills, Ontario. Sydney . Tokyo

Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Santal6 Sors, Luis Antonio. Integral geometry and geometric probability. (Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications; v. 1 : Section, Probability) Bi bliography: p. 1. Geometric probabilities. 2. Geometry, Integral. I. Title. II. Series: Encyclopedia of mathematics and its applications ; v. I. QA273.5.S26 516'.362 76-41777 ISBN 0-201-13500-0 Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Published simultaneously in Canada. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy- ing, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program, Reading, Massachusetts 01867, U.S.A. Printed in the United States of America ABCDEFGHIJ-HA-79876 
Contents Editor's Statement . . . XI . Series Editor's Foreword. . . XIII Preface . . XV Part I: INTEGRAL GEOMETRY IN THE PLANE Chapter 1. Convex Sets in the Plane . 1 1. Introduction. . . . . . .. .......... 1 2. Envelope of a Family of Lines . . . . . .. 2 3. Mixed Areas of Minkowski. . .. ...... 4 4. Some Special Convex Sets . . . . . . . .. ... 6 5. Surface Area of the Unit Sphere and Volume of the Unit Ball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6. Notes and Exercises. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Chapter 2. Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 12 1. Density for Sets of Points . . . . . . . . . . 12 2. First Integral Formulas . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3. Sets of Triples of Points . . . . . . . .. .... 16 4. Homogeneous Planar Poisson Point Processes . . . . . 17 5. Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Chapter 3. Sets of Lines in the Plane. 27 1. Density for Sets of Lines. . . . . . . . . 27 2. Lines That Intersect a Convex Set or a Curve . . . 30 3. Lines That Cut or Separate Two Convex Sets . . . 32 4. Geometric Applications. ...... . . . 34 5. Notes and Exercises. . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Chapter 4. Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines . 45 1. Density for Pairs of Points . ..,....... . 45 v 
VI Contents 2. Integrals for the Power of the Chords of a Convex Set. . 46 3. Density for Pairs of Lines . . . . .. .... 49 4. Division of the Plane by Random Lines . ..... 51 5 . Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Chapter S. Sets of Strips in the Plane 68 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Density for Sets of Strips 68 Buffon's Needle Problem. 71 Sets of Points, Lines, and Strips. . 72 Some Mean Values . 75 Notes . 77 Chapter 6. The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density . . 80 1. The Group of Motions in the Plane. . . . . . . 2. The Differential Forms on IDl . ... . . . . 3. The Kinematic Density . . . . . . .. ..... 4. Sets of Segments . . . . . . . . . . 5. Convex Sets That Intersect Another Convex Set 6. Some Integral Formulas . . . .. .... 7. A Mean Value; Coverage Problems . . . . 8. Notes and Exercises. . . . . . . . . . . 80 82 85 89 . . . . 93 . . . . 95 . . . . 98 . 100 Chapter 7. Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke. . . 109 1. A New Expression for the Kinematic Density. . . 109 2. Poincare's Formula . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 3. Total Curvature of a Closed Curve and of a Plane Domain 112 4. Fundamental Formula of Blaschke . . . . . . . . . . 113 5. The Isoperimetric Inequality . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 6. Hadwiger's Conditions for a Domain to Be Able to Contain Another . . .. ......... . 121 7 . Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123 Chapter 8. Lattices of Figures. . 128 1. Definitions and Fundamental Formula. 2. Lattices of Domains. . . . . 3. Lattices of Curves . . . . 4. Lattices of Points. . . . . 5. Notes and Exercise . . . . . . . . . . 128 . . . . . . 131 . 134 . . 135 . . . . . . 138 
Contents VII Part II. GENERAL INTEGRAL GEOMETRY Chapter 9. Differential Forms and Lie Groups. 143 1. Differential Forms . . . . . .. ........ 143 2. Pfaffian Differential Systems . .. ........ 145 3. Mappings of Differentiable Manifolds. . . 148 4. Lie Groups; Left and Right Translations. . . .. . 149 5. Left-Invariant Differential Forms . . . . . . .. . 150 6. Maurer-Cartan Equations . . . . . . . . . . . 152 7. Invariant Volume Elements of a Group: Unimodular Groups . . . . . . . . .. ....... . 156 8 . Notes and Exercises. . . . . . . . . . . 160 Chapter 10. Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces. . 165 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Invariant Subgroups and Quotient Groups. . . . . 3. Other Conditions for the Existence of a Density on Homo- geneous Spaces. . . . . . . 170 4. Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 5. Lie Transformation Groups . . . . . . . 173 6. Notes and Exercises. . .. ........ . 175 . 165 169 Chapter 11. The Affine Groups . 179 t. The Groups of Affine Transformations . . . . . . . . 179 2. Densities for Linear Spaces with Respect to Special Homo- geneous Affinities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 3. Densities for Linear Subspaces with Respect to the Special Nonhomogeneous Affine Group . . . . . . . 187 4. Notes and Exercises. . . . . . .. ....... 189 Chapter 12. The Group of Motions in En . 196 1. Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Densities for Linear Spaces in E" . . . . . 3. A Differential Formula . . . . . . . . . 4. Density for r-Planes about a Fixed q-Plane. 5. Another Form of the Density for r-Planes in En . 6. Sets of Pairs of Linear Spaces . . . 7. Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . 199 . 200 . . 201 . . . . 204 . 205 . 207 
VIII Contents Part III. INTEGRAL GEOMETR\ IN En Chapter 13. Convex Sets in E". . . . . . . . . . 215 I. Convex Sets and Quermassintegrale . ....... 215 2. Cauchy's Formula . . . . . . . . . . . 217 3. Parallel Convex Sets; Steiner's Formula . 220 4. Integral Formulas Relating to the Projections of a Convex Set on Linear Subspaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 5. Integrals of Mean Curvature . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222 6. Integrals of Mean Curvature and Quermassintegrale. . . 224 7. Integrals of Mean Curvature of a Flattened Convex Body 227 8. Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229 Chapter 14. Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds . 233 I. Sets of r-Planes That Intersect a Convex Set . 233 2. Geometric Probabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 235 3. Crofton's Formulas in Ell . . . . . . . . . . 237 4. Some Relations between Densities of Linear Subspaces . . 240 5. Linear Subspaces That Intersect a Manifold 243 6. Hypersurfaces and Linear Spaces . . . 247 7. Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248 Chapter 15. The Kinematic Density in Ell . 256 1. Formulas on Densities. . . . . 256 2. Integral of the Volume (J,+q-n(M' n Mq) . ..... 258 3. A Differential Formula . . . . . . . . . . 260 4. The Kinematic Fundamental Formula. . . . . . . . . 262 5. Fundamental Formula for Convex Sets . . . . . 267 6. Mean Values for the Integrals of Mean Curvature. . . . 267 7. Fundamental Formula for Cylinders . . . . 270 8. Some Mean Values . . . . . 272 9. Lattices in En. . . . . . . . . . . 274 10. Notes and Exercise ............... 275 Chapter 16. Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 282 1. Size Distribution of Particles Derived from the Size Distribution of Their Sections . . . 282 2. Intersection with Random Planes . . . 286 3. Intersection with Random Lines . . . . . . 289 4. Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 290 
Contents IX Part IV. INTEGRAL GEOMETRY IN SPACES OF CONSTANT CURVATURE Chapter 17. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Noneuclidean Integral Geometry. . . . . . . . . . . The n-Dimensional Noneuclidean Space . . . . . . . The Gauss-Bonnet Formula for Noneuclidean Spaces . Kinematic Density and Density for r-Planes . . . . . Sets of r-Planes That Meet a Fixed Body. . . . . . Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 299 . 299 . 302 . 304 309 . 311 Chapter 18. Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula in Noneuclidean Spaces. . . .. ...... . 316 1. Crofton's Formulas . . . . . . . . .. ..... 316 2. Dual Formulas in Elliptic Space . . . . . . . .. 318 3. The Kinematic Fundamental Formula in Noneuclidean Spaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 320 4. Steiner's Formula in Noneuclidean Spaces . . . . . . . 321 5. An Integral Formula for Convex Bodies in Elliptic Space 322 6. Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 323 Chapter 19. Integral Geometry and Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... 330 1. Foliated Spaces. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 2. Sets of Geodesics in a Riemann Manifold . . .. . 331 3. Measure of Two- Dimensional Sets of Geodesics. . . . . 334 4. Measure of (2n - 2)- Dimensional Sets of Geodesics. . . 336 5. Sets of Geodesic Segments . . . . . .. ..... 338 6. Integral Geometry on Complex Spaces . . . . . . 338 7. Symplectic Integral Geometry . . . . . .. ... 344 8. The Integral Geometry of Gelfand . . . . . . . . . . 345 9. Notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Appendix. Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus . . .. .. 353 1. Differential Forms and Exterior Product. ..... 353 2. Two Applications of the Exterior Product . . .. . 357 3. Exterior Differentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 4. Stokes' Formula . . . . . . . . . .. ... 359 5. Comparison with Vector Calculus in Euclidean Three- Dimensional Space . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 360 6. Differential FornlS over Manifolds . . . . 361 Bibliography and References . . . . . 363 Author Index . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... ... 395 Su bject Index . . . . . . . . . . .. . 399 
Editor's Statement A large body of mathematics consists of facts that can be presented and described much like any other natural phenomenon. These facts, at times explicitly brought out as theorems, at other times concealed within a proof, make up most of the applications of mathematics, and are the most likely to survive changes of style and of interest. This ENCYCLOPEDIA will attempt to present the factual body of all mathematics. Clarity of exposition, accessibility to the non-specialist, and a thorough bibliography are required of each author. Volumes will appear in no particular order, but will be organized into sections, each one comprising a recognizable branch of present-day mathematics. Numbers of volumes and sections will be reconsidered as times and needs change. I t is hoped that this enterprise will make mathematics more widely used where it is needed, and more accessible in fields in which it can be applied but where it has not yet penetrated because of insufficient information. GIAN-CARLO ROTA XI 
Foreword This monograph is the first in a projected series on Probability Theory. Though its title "Integral Geometry" may appear somewhat unusual in this context it is nevertheless quite appropriate, for Integral Geometry is an outgrowth of what in the olden days was referred to as "geometric probabil- ities. " Originating, as legend has it, with the Buffon needle problem (which after nearly two centuries has lost little of its elegance and appeal), geometric probabilities have run into difficulties culminating in the paradoxes of Bertrand which threatened the fledgling field with banishment from the home of Mathematics. In rescuing it from this fate, Poincare made the suggestion that the arbitrariness of definition underlying the paradoxes could be removed by tying closer the definition of probability with a geometric group of which it would have to be an invariant. Thus a union of concepts was born that was to become Integral Geometry. It is unfortunate that in the past forty or so years during which Probability Theory experienced its most spectacular rise to mathematical prominence, Integral Geometry has stayed on its fringes. Only quite recently has there been a reawakening of interest among practitioners of Probability Theory in this beautiful and fascinating branch of Mathematics, and thus the book by Professor Santal6, for many years the undisputed leader in the field of Integral Geometry, comes at a most appropriate time. Complete and scholarly, the book also repeatedly belies the popular belief that applicability and elegance are incompatible. Above all the book should remind all of us that Probability Theory is measure theory with a "soul" which in this case is provided not by Physics or by games of chance or by Economics but by the most ancient and noble of all of mathematical disciplines, namely Geometry. MARK KAC General Editor, Section on Probability xiii 
Preface During the years 1935-1939, W. Blaschke and his school in the Mathematics Seminar of the University of Hamburg initiated a series of papers under the generic title "Integral Geometry." Most of the problems treated had their roots in the classical theory of geometric probability and one of the project's main purposes was to investigate whether these probabilistic ideas could be fruitfully applied to obtain results of geometric interest, particularly in the fields of convex bodies and differential geometry in the large. The contents of this early work were included in Blaschke's book Vorlesungen iiber lntegralgeometrie [51]. To apply the idea of probability to random elements that are geometric objects (such as points, lines, geodesics, congruent sets, motions, or affinities), it is necessary, first, to define a measure for such sets of elements. Then, the evaluation of this measure for specific sets sometimes leads to remarkable consequences of a purely geometric character, in which the idea of probability turns out to be accidental. The definition of such a measure depends on the geometry with which we are dealing. According to Klein's famous Erlangen Program (1872), the criterion that distinguishes one geometry from another is the group of transformations under which the propositions remain valid. Thus, .for the purposes of integral geometry, it seems natural to choose the measure in such a way that it remains invariant under the corresponding group of transformations. This sequence of underlying mathematical concepts - probability, measure, groups, and geometry - forms the basis of integral geometry. The original work was limited almost entirely to metric (euclidean and noneuclidean) geometry and the probabilistic ideas were those of the classical geometric probability initiated by Crofton [132, 133] and Czuber [134 J in the last century. After 1940 the new methods of differential geometry and group theory made it possible to unify and to generalize several questions in integral geometry, which led to new problems and noteworthy progress in this field. Consideration of a differentiable manifold (instead of euclidean space) and of a transitive transformation group operating on it gave rise to integral geometry in homogeneous spaces, and the whole theory was illuminated by the ideas of the theory of locally compact groups and their invariant measures. The inclusion of the methods of integral geometry within the framework of the theory of homogeneous spaces was the work of A. Weil xv 
XVI Preface [710, 711] and S. S. Chern [105]. However, integral geometry generally has been restricted to Lie's transformation groups - more precisely, to matrix Lie groups - for two reasons. First, because they are the most important from the point of view of their geometric applications, and second, because they lead to more computable results. Further, the resulting simplification of the presentation compensates for the loss of generality. As main references on integral geometry, after the work of Blaschke [51], we have our early introduction [568] and the books of M. I. Stoka [646, 647]. Also closely related are Hadwiger's books [270, 274]. With regard to the theory of geometric probability there is the book of Deltheil [144] and the nice brochure of M. G. Kendall and P. A. P. Moran [335], where a large number of applications to different fields are brought together. The present book intends to provide a synopsis of the main topics of integral geometry, including their origins and their applications, with the aim of showing how the interplay between geometry, group theory, and probability has become fruitful for all of these fields. In recent times, mainly due to the work of R. E. Miles [410, 411, 414, 418], the field of integral geometry has been enriched by the introduction of the ideas and tools of stochastic processes. In a symposium on integral geometry and geometric probability held at Oberwolfach (Germany) in June 1969, D. G. Kendall, K. Krickeberg, and R. E. Miles suggested the term "stochastic geometry" to indicate precisely those contents of geometry and group theory that are in a sense related to stochastic processes. This constitutes a promising field, to which the present book may be considered an introduction, at least from its geometric point of view (see [294] and G. Matheron's recent book [401a], where the theory of random sets and applications to practical problems are treated in great detail, using deep topological ideas). The book presupposes only a basic course in advanced calculus, although some elementary knowledge of differential geometry, group theory, and probability is desirable. Publications in which prerequisite material can be found are always indicated where apt. Part I is concerned with integral geometry on the euclidean plane. It is treated in an elementary way. Most of the problems are handled by specific techniques and the main results are proved directly and independently in each case. We consider this part fundamental in that it exhibits the power of the methods and their usefulness in various fields. Chapters 1 to 4 are classical in the theory of geometric probability. They are devoted to the current notions on the measure of sets of points and lines in the plane, including some fairly recent results, in order to illustrate the breadth of the field of applica- tions. Chapter 5 deals with sets of strips as an immediate generalization of sets of lines. In Chapters 6 and 7 the kinematic measure in the plane is treated in detail in order to emphasize how the measure on groups can be applied 
Preface xvii to strictly geometric problems. These chapters prepare the ground for the general approach of Chapters 9 and 10. Chapter 8 deals with some discrete subgroups of the motions group and their interpretation from the integral geometric viewpoint. Part II presents an account of the necessary elements of the theory of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces in order to obtain the invariant measures in these spaces and their properties. The general theQry is exemplified by the groups of affine transformations (Chapter 11) and the group of motions in euclidean space (Chapter 12). Several examples are discussed. For instance, it is shown that the affine invariant measure of sets of planes with reference to a fixed convex body permits a geometric interpretation of some inequalities among various characteristics of the convex body - a typical result of integral geometry (Sections 2 and 3 of Chapter 11). Part III is concerned with integral geometry in euclidean n-dimensional space. Chapter 13 contains a resume of the main results on convex sets in n-dimensional space. Chapter 14 is devoted to the measure of linear spaces that intersect a convex set or, more generally, a compact manifold embedded in euclidean space. Several integral formulas are obtained and some applica- tions to the theory of geometric probability are mentioned. Chapter 15 is concerned with the so-called kinematic fundamental formula, which includes most formulas in euclidean integral geometry as special or limiting cases. In Chapter 16 the general theory is applied in detail to three-dimensional euclidean space, especially to the question of the size distribution of particles embedded in a convex body when only two-dimensional sections are available, a problem that has several areas of application and has received considerable attention in recent years, giving rise to so-called stereology [166]. Finally, Part IV deals with integral geometry in spaces of constant curvature (noneuclidean integral geometry), in particular integral geometry on the sphere, and some new trends in integral geometry (integral geometry and foliated spaces, integral geometry in complex spaces, symplectic integral geometry, and integral geometry in the sense of Gelfand and Helgason). A survey of these new trends is given, entirely without proofs, but with detailed references to the literature. Each chapter ends with a section of notes or notes and exercises, including a number of references and theorems without proof and emphasizing applica- tions. These notes increase the amount of material covered and, with the extensive bibliography, establish the book's encyclopedic character. LUIS A. SANTALO 
Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability 
PART I Integral Geometry in the Plane CHAPTER 1 Convex Sets in the Plane 1. Introduction Convex sets play an important role in integral geometry. For this reason we will review here their principal properties, especially those which will be needed in the following sections. In this chapter we consider convex sets in the plane. For convex sets in n-dimensional euclidean space, see Chapter 13. For a more complete treatment, refer to the classical books of Blaschke [50] and Bonnesen and Fenchel [63], or to the more modern texts of Benson [27], Eggleston [162], Griinbaum [247], Jaglom and Boltjanski [320], Hadwiger [270], Hadwiger and coauthors [282], and Valentine [683]. A set of points K in the plane is called convex if for each pair of points A E K, B E K it is true that AB c K, where AB is the line segment joining A and B. For convenience we shall assume throughout that the convex sets are bounded and closed. A curve with end points P, Q is called convex if its point set, together with the segment PQ, bounds a convex set. If the convex set K is bounded and has interior points, then the boundary of K is called a closed convex curve. Throughout, we will denote by oK the boundary of the set K. If all the points of K belong to oK, then K is a line segment. We can prove that (a) All convex curves are piecewise differentiable (i.e., they are the unio n of a countable set of arcs with continuously turning tangent); ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santal6, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 1 
2 Convex Sets in the Plane 1.1.2. in other words, convex curves have at most a countable set of corners; (b) All bounded convex curves are rectifiable. The length of the boundary oK of a convex set K is called the perimeter of K. 2. Envelope of a Family of Lines The envelope of a family of curves F(x, y, ;") = 0, depending on a parameter ;", is defined as that curve every point of which is a point of contact with a curve of the family. As is well known, the equation of the envelope can be obtained by eliminating the parameter ;" from the two equations F = 0, iJF/o;" = O. We will apply this result to the case of a family of lines. A line on the plane may be determined by its distance p from the origin and the angle 4> of the normal with the x axis (Fig. 1.1). The equation of the line is then x cos 4> + Y sin 4> - p = o. (1.1) H / / / / p// / / / /  o x Figure 1.1. If p is a function p = p( 4», then (1.1) is the equation of a family of lines and if we assume that p( 4» is differentiable, the envelope of the family is obtained from (1.1) and the derivative 
1.1.2. Envelope of a Family of Lines 3 - X sin cjJ + Y cos cjJ - p' = 0 (p' = dpjdcjJ). (1.2) From (1.1) and (1.2) we get the parametric representation of the envelope of the lines (1.1), X = p cos cjJ - p' sin cjJ, y = p sin cjJ + p' cos cjJ. (1.3) These formulas give the X, y coordinates of the contact point P of the line with the envelope (Fig. 1.1). Since the coordinates of the point H in which the perpendicular through 0 intersects the line are p cos cjJ, p sin cjJ, it follows that HP = p'. (1.4) Assuming that the function p is of class e 2 (recall that class en means n times continuously differentiable), from (1.3), it follows that dx = - (p + p") sin cjJ dcjJ, dy = (p + p") cos cjJ dcjJ. Hence ds = Ip + p"l dcjJ and the radius of curvature of the envelope becomes p = dsjdcjJ = Ip + p"l. If the envelope is the boundary 8K of a convex set K and 0 is an interior point of K, then p = p(cjJ) is called the support function of K or the support function of the convex curve 8K with reference to the origin O. The lines (1.1) are then the support lines of K. In this case we can prove that p + p" > 0 (see, e.g., [63, p. 18]), and the formulas in the preceding paragraph may be written ds = (p + p") dcjJ, p = p + p". ( 1.5) It can be proved that a necessary and sufficient condition that the periodic function p be the support function of a convex set K is that p + p" > O. From the first equation in (1.5) it follows that the length of a closed convex curve that has support function p of class e 2 is given by 21t L = J p dcjJ. o (1.6) The assumption that p is of class e 2 C3!1 be removed. We can show that formula (1.6) holds for any closed convex curve (see, e.g., [683, p. 161]). The area of the convex set K can be also evaluated in terms of the support function. Indeed, if we consider K decomposed into elementary triangles of height p and base ds, with the point 0 as common vertex, we have 21t F = t J P ds = t J p(p + p") dcjJ oK 0 ( 1.7) 
4 Convex Sets in the Plane 1.1.3. and by integration by parts 21t F = ! j (p2 - p,2) d4J. o (1.8) 3. Mixed Areas of Minkowski Let Kt, K 2 be two bounded convex sets on the plane whose support functions with reference to 0 1 and O 2 are, respectively, PI and P2, assumed of class C 2 . Consider the function p(cjJ) =-Pl(cjJ) + P2(cjJ). The envelope of the lines x cos cjJ + y sin cjJ - P = 0 is a closed curve whose radius of curvature is P = P + p" = (PI + PI") + (P2 + P2") = PI + P2. Since 8K 1 and oK 2 are convex curves, we have PI > 0, P2 > 0 and hence P > o. Therefore the envelope above is the boundary of a convex set K 12 . If PI and P2 are not of class C 2 the proof fails, but the result is still true: the function P = PI + P2 is always the support function of a convex set K 12 called the mixed convex set of K 1 and K 2 [63, p. 29]. The area of K 12 has the form 21t F = ! j (p2 - p,2) d4J = F 1 + F 2 + 2F 12 o ( 1.9) where F 1 , F 2 are the areas of K 1 , K 2 and 21t F 12 = F 21 = ! j (P1P2 - P1'P/) d4J o (1.10) is the so-called mixed area of Minkowski of K 1 and K 2 . Integration by parts, using (1.5), gives 21t F 12 = ! j P1(P2 + p/') d4J = t j P1 dS 2 o oK2 (1.11) and similarly we have F 21 = -! j P2 dS 1 oK! (1.12) where ds 1 , dS 2 are the arc elements of 8K 1 , 8K 2 at the contact points of the support lines normal to the direction cjJ. 
1.1.3. Mixed Areas of Minkowski 5 Note that the mixed area F 12 does not depend on the origins 0 1 , O 2 , In fact, if 0 1 is replaced by 0 1 * such that 0 1 0 1 * = a and a is the angle of 0 1 0 1 * with the x axis (Fig. 1.2), the support function relative to 0 1 * is PI * = PI - a cos(cjJ - (X), and using (1.10) and integrating by parts we verify that Fi2 = F 12. The same is clearly true if we change O 2 . y x Figure 1.2. Furthermore, the mixed area F 12 does not change by translations of K 1 and K 2 since PI and P2 remain unchanged. Assume now that one of the sets, say K 1 , is rotated an angle e about a point o. Let 0 1 * be the image of 0 1 . The rotation is equivalent to the rotation of angle e about 0 1 composed by the translation defined by the vector 0 1 0 1 *. Thus, because of the invariance of F 12 by translations, it remains for us to consider rotations about 0 1 . By the rotation of angle e about 0 1 the new support function of K 1 is PI *( cjJ) = Pl(cjJ - e) and the mixed area of K 2 and the rotated set K 1 * becomes F 12(0) = ! J Pt(4J - 0) ds 2 . OK2 Integrating with regard to e and using (1.6) we get 21t J FdO) dO = !Lt L 2' o (1.13) This formula will be useful later . 
6 Convex Sets in the Plane 1.1.4. Examples 1. If K 1 is a translate of K 2 , we may assume P1 = P2, dS 1 = ds 2 , and (1.12) gives F 12 = F 1 = F 2' That is, the mixed area of convex sets that are translation congruent is equal to the common area of the sets. 2. If K 2 is a circle of radius r, we have dS 2 = r dcjJ and (1.11) gives 21t F 12 = !r J Pt d4J = !rLt. o (1.14) 3. Let K 1 , K 2 be two line segments of lengths 2a, 2b, respectively, and let (X be the angle between the lines which contain the segments. Using (1.10) we get F 12 = 2ablsin (XI. Integrating with respect to (X over the range 0, 2n, we get 8ab, in accordance,with (1.13). Note that a line segment is a convex set whose perimeter is twice the length of the segment. 4. Some Special Convex Sets A line h is said to be a support line of the convex set K at a point P E oK if P E hand K is contained in the closure of one of the two open half planes into which h cuts the plane. If oK possesses a tangent at P, then the support line at P coincides with the tangent. Every point on the boundary of a convex set lies on a support line and there are exactly two support lines perpendicular to a given direction. The breadth A( cjJ) of K in the direction cjJ is the distance between the two parallel support lines to K that are perpendicular to the direction cjJ and that contain K between them. If p(cjJ) is the support function of K, we have A(cjJ) = p(cjJ) + p(cjJ + n) and according to (1.6) we have 1t L = J A(4J) d4J. o ( 1.15) Therefore, the mean value or expected value of A is E(A) = Lln ( 1.16) where L is the perimeter of K. Note that the breadth A(cjJ) may be defined as the length of the orthogonal projection of K on a line parallel to the direction cjJ. Consequently, (1.16) gives: any closed convex curve oK of length L can be projected on a line in such a way that the length of the projection is  Lln. It can also be projected so that such a length is ::::;; Lln. The least of the breadths of a convex set K is called the width of K. We shall represent it by E. The diameter of K, represented by D, is the greatest distance between two points of K. It can also be defined as the greatest 
1.1.4. Some Special Convex Sets 7 breadth of K. Since we obviously have E  L1  D, from (1.15) it follows that ltE  L  ltD. ( 1.17) We now want to define some special convex sets that have particular interest for our purposes. Parallel convex sets. The parallel set Kr in the distance r of a convex set K is the union of all closed circular disks of radius r the centers of which are points of K. The boundary 8Kr is called the outer parallel curve of 8K in the distance r. Figures 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 show parallel sets of a segment, a triangle, and an ellipse, respectively. Figure 1.3. Figure 1.4. Figure 1.S. If p( </» is the support function of K relative to 0, the support function of Kr relative to the same point 0 is p(</» + r, and using (1.6) and (1.8) we have that the perimeter and the area of Kr are, respectively, 
8 Convex Sets in the Plane 1.1.4. Lr = L + 2nr, Fr = F + Lr + nr 2 . (1.18) If 8K is of class C 2 , the radius of curvature of 8Kr, by (1.5), is Pr = p + r. (1.19) For values of r such that r ::::;; min p we can define the interior parallel set K-r as the set whose support function is p(cjJ) - r. Then the length of 8K-r and the area of K-r are given by the same formulas (1.18) after the substitution r  - r. Sets of constant breadth. If A( cjJ) = A = constant for all cjJ, the convex set K is said to be of constant breadth. In this case we have E = A = D and by (1.15) the perimeter of K is given by the simple formula L = nA. (1.20) Furthermore, if 8K is of class C 2 , using (1.5) and the fact that A = p(cjJ) + p(cjJ + n), we have p( cjJ) + p( cjJ + n) = A. (1.21) Besides the circle, the simpler convex sets of constant breadth are the so-called Reuleaux polygons. Given a linear regular polygon of 2n + 1 sides (n = 1, 2,. . .), the corresponding Reuleaux polygon is formed by the circular arcs that are subtended by the sides and whose centers are the opposite vertices of the polygon. Figure 1.6 shows the Reuleaux triangle and Reuleaux pentagon. Note that each set parallel to a convex set of constant breadth is also of constant breadth. c A 8 Figure 1.6. It can be shown that any set of diameter D  A is a subset of a convex set of constant breadth A [63, p. 130]. 
1.1.5. Surface Area of the Unit Sphere and Volume of the Unit Ball 9 Triangular convex sets. Convex sets of constant breadth can rotate in the interior of a square (i.e., all circumscribed rectangles are congruent squares; Fig. 1.7). There are also convex sets that can rotate inside a fixed equilateral triangle, which is equivalent to saying that all the equilateral triangles that are circumscribed to the set are congruent triangles. These sets are called triangular sets. For instance, the shaded spindle in Fig. 1.8 is a triangular set. Each parallel set of a triangular set is also a triangular set. Figure 1.7. Figure 1.8. Since the sum of the distances from an interior point of an equilateral triangle to the sides is equal to the height h of the triangle, it follows that the support function of a triangular set satisfies the condition p( cjJ) + p(cjJ + 2n/3) + p(cjJ + 4n/3) = h. From this equality and (1.6) it follows that the perimeter of the triangular sets inscribed in an equilateral triangle of height h is L = (2n/3)h. 5. Surface Area of the Unit Sphere and Volume of the Unit Ball Throughout this text we shall denote by On the surface area of the n- dimensional unit sphere and by "n the volume of the n-dimensional unit ball or solid sphere. Their values are 2n(n + 1 )/2 On = r«n + 1)/2) · °n-l " = n n 2n n / 2 (1.22) nr( n/2) where r denotes the gamma function, which satisfies the relations r(n + 1) = nr(n), r(n) = (n - 1)! (n integer), r(!) = .In. (1.23) For instance, 0 0 = 2, 0 1 = 2n, O 2 = 4n, 0 3 = 2n 2 , "1 = 2, "2 = n, "3 = tn. 
10 Convex Sets in the Plane 1.1.6. 6. Notes and Exercises 1. Minimum problems concerning convex sets. The area F, perimeter L, diameter D, and width E of a convex set are related by certain inequalities, some of which are the following. L 2  4nF, .J3 F  E 2 , L  nE, L  2(D 2 - E2)1/2 + 2E arc sin(E/D), L ::::;; 2(D 2 - E2)1/2 + 2D arc sinCE/D), 2F ::::;; E(D 2 - E2)1/2 + D 2 arc sin(E/D), 2F  ED, 4F ::::;; 2EL - nE 2 . A complete set of inequalities remains unknown. The determination in each case of the set that satisfies the equality sign is in general a difficult problem. For references and a systematic exposition, see the articles by Kubota and Hemmi [349], Ohmann [462], Santal6 [576], and Sholander [606]. Several results on convex sets can be found in the book Convexity (V. Klee, ed.; Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1963). 2. Polar reciprocal convex sets. Let K be a bounded convex set in the plane. Let 0 be an interior point of K and let P be the boundary point of K in the direction cjJ from o. The function h*(cjJ) = IOPI-l is the support function of a convex set K* called the polar reciprocal of K with respect to O. The polar reciprocal convex sets have several applications to the geometry of numbers (see the work of C. G. Lekkerkerker [361] and Cassels [92]). We state the following properties: (a) The mixed area F 12(K, K*) satisfies F 12(K, K*)  7r with equality if and only if K is a circle of center 0 [192]. (b) If K has 0 as center of symmetry, then the areas F(K) and F(K*) satisfy the inequalities !n2 ::::;; F(K).F(K*) ::::;; n 2 . ( 1.24) The affine invariant F(K). F(K*) has been studied for closed curves not necessarily convex, for which the polar angle is a monotone functioh of the arc length, and 'applied to inequalities related to periodic solutions of differen- tial equations by Guggenheimer [255]. For convex curves in the plane, see [296] and for applications to differential equations see [445-448]. The inequalities (1.24) may be extended to centrally symmetric convex sets in n-dimensional euclidean space En. Calling V(K) and V(K*) the respective volumes, we have "n 2n -n12 ::::;; V(K). V(K*) ::::;; "n 2 (1.25) where "n is the volume of the unit ball in En (1.22). Inequalities (1.25) have their origin in the work of Mahler [387] and were improved by Bambah [19] and Santal6 [556]. The right-hand inequality in (1.25) is the best possible for all convex bodies, not necessarily centrally symmetric, and equality holds for the n-dimensional ellipsoid centered at O. For centrally symmetric convex bodies, the left-hand equality in (1.25) holds if and only if K is a parallelotope 
1.1.6. Notes and Exercises 11 or a cross polytope. Mahler conjectured that if K ranges over all convex bodies, then V(K). V(K*)  4 n n! (equality sign if and only if K is a simplex), but this inequality has not been proved. Some improvements can be seen in the work of Dvoretzky and Rogers [157] and Guggenheimer [258]. For applications to the geometry of numbers see [361, pp. 104-110]. The affine invariant V(K*) has a clear geometrical meaning in affine integral geom- etry, as we shall see in Chapter 11, Sections 2 and 3. EXERCISE 1. Let K be a convex set with boundary oK of class ct. Assuming oK oriented, we consider for each point A of oK the chord AB such that the angle between AB and the tangent at point A is a constant e. Assume that K is such that IABI = A = constant. Show that the length of oK is then L = nAlsin e. If K is of constant breadth and e = n12, then A is the breadth and this formula coincides with (1.20). EXERCISE 2. Let oK be a closed convex curve of class C 1 and assume that through each point A E oK there passes a chord of given length IABI = A. On every such a chord take the point X such that IAXI = a, IXBI = b (a + b = A). Show that the area between oK and the curve described by X is nab (independent of oK). This result is known as the Holditch theorem. EXERCISE 3. If the support line perpendicular to the direction CPo contains a line segment PIP 2 of oK (Fig. 1.9), prove that the support function p( cp) Figure 1.9. has no derivative at the point CPo, but there exist the right-hand derivative p+'(CPo) and the left-hand derivative p-'(CPo) such that p+'(CPo) = HP 1 and p _'( CPo) = H P 2 where H is the foot of the perpendicular to the support line from o. 
CHAPTER 2 Sets 01 Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1. Density for Sets of Points Let x, y denote rectangular Cartesian coordinates in the plane. In integral geometry and in the theory of geometrical probability the measure of a set of points X is defined as the integral over the set of a differential form OJ = f(x, y) dx A dy (provided this integral exists, in the Lebesgue sense), where the functionf(x, y) is chosen according to the following criterion: the measure m(X) is to be invariant under the group of motions in the plane. Throughout, we shall use the notation and rules of the exterior calculus, which can be seen in any book of modern calculus or differential geometry (e.g., in those of Fleming [204], Flanders [201, 202], Loomis and Sternberg [368], and H. Cart an [91]). Let 9Jl be the group of motions in the plane. With reference to a rectangular Cartesian system of coordinates the equations of a motion u E 9Jl are x' = x cos ex - y sin ex + a, y' = x sin ex + y cos ex + b (2.1) where (a, b) are the components of the translation and ex is the rotation of u. We want to find a function f(x, y) such that the measure m(X) = Ix f(x, y) dx A dy is invariant under 9Jl for any set X. If X' = uX is the transform of X by the motion u, using that dx A dy = dx' A dy', we have m(X') = Jf(X" y') dx' A dy' = Jf(X', y') dx A dy (2.2) x' x ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. SantalO, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or b.y any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, reoording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 12 
1.2.2. First Integral Formulas 13 and the condition m(X') = m(X) for any X gives f(x', y') = f(x, y) for all pairs of corresponding points (x, y) -+ (x', y'). Since any point x, y can be transformed into any other x', y' by a motion (i.e., the group of motions is transitive for points), we have f(x, y) = constant. This justifies the following definition. The measure of a set of points P(x, y) in the plane is defined by the integral over the set of the differential form dP = dx A dy, (2.3) which is called the density for points. Up to a constant factor this density is clearly the only one that is invariant under motions. Similarly, for sets of n-tuples of points PI' P 2'. . ., Pn, assumed independent, we state the following definition. The density for sets of independent n-tuples ofpointsP;{x;,Yi)' i = 1,2,.. .,n in the plane, is dP A dP A... A dP 1 2 n (2.4) where dP i = dXi A dYi. This density is unique up to a constant factor. Densities (2.3) and (2.4) are always taken in absolute value. If the points P are given in a system of coordinates related to the Cartesian coordinates x, y by the equations x = h(, '1), Y = g(, '1), the point density takes the form dP = dx A dy = IJI d A d'1 where J is the Jacobian deter- minant J = hg" - h"g. Once we have defined the measure of sets of points and sets of n-tuples of points, the probability that a "random" element (point or n-tuple of points) is in the set Y when it is known to be in the set X (Y c X) is defined by the quotient of measures m(Y) p = m(X) . (2.5) The elementary notions on geometrical probability that we shall need in the sequel can be seen in the books of Deltheil [144], M. G. Kendall and P. A. P. Moran [335], and M. I. Stoka and R. Theodorescu [654]. For an axiomatic construction see the work of Hadwiger [275] or Renyi [501, 503]. 2. First Integral Formulas We will give an example in the style of Crofton [132, 133] and Lebesgue [357] to show that the simple computation of the density dP = dx A dy in 
14 Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1.2.2. different coordinate systems gives some remarkabl integral formulas referring to convex sets in the plane. Let K 1 , K 2 be two bounded convex sets whose support functions relative to the points 0 1 , O 2 are Pl(4)I)' P2(4)2). Assume that all the support lines have only one point in common with the corresponding convex set. Let 1'i = 4>i + n/2 (i = 1, 2) be the directions of the support lines that are perpendicular to the directions 4> i (Fig. 2.1). The equations of these support lines are (x - Xi) sin 1'i - (y - Yi) COS 1'i - Pi = 0 (i = 1, 2) (2.6) where Xi' Yi are the coordinates of Oi' K 2 Figure 2.1. The coordinates of the point P in which the support lines (2.6) intersect are the solutions of system (2.6). We want to express the density dP in terms of 1'1 and 1'2' By differentiation of (2.6) we get sin 1'. dx - COS 1'. d y = - t. dt. I I I I (2.7) where t i denotes the length of the tangent PA i from P to the support point Ai' Indeed, (x - X i) COS 1'i + (y - Y i) sin 1'i = HiP is the projection of 0 i P on the support line, and according to (1.4) we have dpi/d1'j = HiA i . 
1.2.2. First Integral FormuJas 15 Exterior multiplication of (2.7) for i = 1, 2 yields t 1 t 2 sin(r2 - !1) dP. dP = dx A dy = . ( ) d'l A d'2 or d'l A d'2 = SIn ! 2 - ! 1 t 1 t 2 (2.8) Let us integrate both terms of this equality over all values of ! 1 and ! 2. The left-hand side gives 4n 2 . O the right-hand side we observe that through each point P exterior to K 1 and K 2 there pass two support lines of K 1 and two support lines of K 2 . Let t i , t 1 ' and t 2 , t 2 ' be the lengths of these lines from P to the corresponding support points and let (t i , t j ) denote the angle between t i and t j . To each point P there corresponds the sum sin(t 1 , t 2 ) sin(t 1 , t 2 ') sin(t 1 ', t 2 ) sin(t 1 ', t 2 ') ( 2 .9) + , + , + " t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 and therefore we have the integral formula J [ Sin(tl' t2) + sin(t l , 2') + sin(t', t 2 ) + sin(t', 2') ] dP = 4n 2 (2.10) t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 t 1 t 2 PKl UK2 where the integral is extended over all the points P exterior to K 1 , K 2 . Formula (2.10) contains some particular cases: (a) If K 1 = K 2 = K and we call t, t' the lengths PAl' PA 2 (Fig. 2.2), we have t = t 1 = t 2 , t' = t 1 ' = t 2 ' and (t 1 , t 2 ) = (t 1 ', t 2 ') = 0, (t 1 , t 2 ') = K Figure 2.2. (t 1 ', t 2 ) = (J) = angle A 1 PA 2 . Hence we have J sin (J) dP = 2n 2 . tt' PK (2.11 ) (b) If the boundary oK of the convex set K has continuous radius of curvature P, calling Pi (i = 1, 2) the radius of curvature at the support points Ai' we have Pi d!i = dS i where dS i is the arc element of the boundary of K 
16 Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1.2.3. at Ai. Then formula (2.8) can be written SIn (J) , PI dP = dS I A dt2 tt or SIn (J) , PIP2 dP = dS I A ds 2 . (2.12) tt (c) Integrating over all points P outside K and taking into account that each point P belongs to two support lines, we get J SIn (J) , (PI + P2) dP = 2nL, tt PK J SIn (J) 2 , PIP2 dP = !L . tt PK (2.13) The factor ! in the last term arises from the fact that by interchanging 81 and 82 we get the same point P.  EXERCISE. Prove the more general formulas J sinm (J) dP = 2r( m12) n 3 / 2 tt' r[(m + 1)/2] , PK J sinm (J) 2r( m12) - tt' (PI + P2) dP = r[(m + 1)/2] .jn L. PK (2.14) Similar formulas have been gIven by Czuber [135], Masotti-Biggiogero [393-395], and Stoka [647]. 3. Sets of Triples of Points Let PlXb Yi)' i = 1, 2, 3, be three independent points in the plane. Assuming that they are not collinear, let Q(, 11) be the circumcenter of triangle P 1 P 2 P 3 and let (R, (Xi) be the polar coordinates of Pi with respect to Q (R being the circumradius of triangle P 1 P 2 P 3 ). We have Xi =  + R cos (X i, Y i = 11 + R sin (Xi. (2.15) Putting dP i = dXi A dYb dQ = d, A dl1, we obtain by a straightforward calculation the following density for triples of points in the plane. dP 1 A dP 2 A dP 3 = R 3 1S1 dQ A dR A d(X1 A d(X2 A d(X3 (2.16) where S = sin«(X2 - (Xl) + sin«(X3 - (X2) + sin«(X1 - (X3) 4 . «(X2 - (Xl) . «(X3 - (X2) . «(Xl - (X3) = - sIn sIn SIn · 222 (2.17) 
1.2.4. Homogeneous Planar Poisson Point Processes 17 Noting that lR2 S is the area T of triangle P t P 2P 3' we can write dP t A dP 2 " dP 3 = 2RTdQ A dR A dcx t A dcx 2 A dcx 3 = 2(TjS) dQ A dT A dcx t A dcx 2 A dCX3. (2.18) Let C = C(P 1 , P 2 , P 3 ) denote the circumdisk of triangle P 1 P 2 P 3 . Consider the set of all ordered triples PI' P 2' P 3 such that C is contained in a given circle C p of radius p. According to (2.16), the measure of this set of triples, calling r, l/J the polar coordinates of Q with respect to the center of C p' is 2 J 1t 1 J p 4 2 J 1t 2 J 1t 2 J " n3 p 6 m(P 1 ,P 2 ,P 3 ;CcC p )= dl/J 4 (p-r)rdr dcx 1 dCX 2 ISldcx3=S. o 0 0 «1 «2 (2.19) The measure of the set of all ordered triples PI' P 2, P 3 such that C c C p and PIP 2 P 3 is an acute-angled triangle is 21t P 21t «1 + 1t «2 + 1t J d4>  J (p - r)4r dr J drt 1 J drt2 J 151 drt3 = n66 · o 0 0 «1 «1 + 1t Thus, the probability of an acute-angled triangle in the considered set of triples such that C c C p is equal to 1. Taking the limit as p -+ 00, we get that the probability of a random triangle in the plane (in the sense of density (2.16)) being an acute-angled triangle is 1 (cf. the work of R. E. Miles [411]). Richards [510] has shown that the probability density function for the perimeter L of the triangle PIP 2P 3 whose vertices are three random points in a domain D of area F is (4n 2 /21F2)L3 dL (asymptotically for large F). 4. Homogeneous Planar Poisson Point Processes Let Do, D be two domains of the plane such that D c Do. Let F 0, F be the areas of Do, D, respectively. According to the density dP = dx A dy, the probability that a random point of Do lies in D is F j F o. If there are chosen at random n points in Do, the probability that exactly m of them lie in D is (binomial distribution) _ ( n )( F ) m ( F ) n-m p - - 1-- . m m Fo Fo (2.20) If Do expands to the whole plane and both n, F 0 -+ 00 in such a way that n/ F 0 -+ p, positive constant, we get 
18 Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1.2.4. lim Pm = (PFr e- pF . m. (2.21 ) The right-hand side of (2.21) is the probability function of the Poisson distribution; it depends only on the product pF, which is called the parameter of the distribution. This probability model for points in the plane is said to be a homogeneous planar Poisson point process of intensity p. It is characterized by the property that the number of points in each domain D is a random variable that depends only on the area F (not on the shape nor the position of D in the plane) and has the distribution (2.21). A systematic study of stochastic point processes, in particular of Poisson processes, in n-dimensional space can be seen in J. R. Goldman's article [232]. From the point of view of integral geometry the most important applications are due to R. E. Miles. We present some of his results given in [411]. 1. Let r 8 (v, A) (0 > 0, A > 0, v > 0) denote the so-called gamma distribu- tion, which has the probability density function f( ) = O ,v18 v-I exp( - AX 8 ) X A X r( v j 0) , where r is the gamma function which satisfies relations (1.23). This means that the probability that the random variable x lies between x and x + dx is equal to f(x) dx and thus we have x  0, (2.22) 00 If(X) dx = 1. o (2.23) The moments are = { r[(v + k)jO] } A -k18 J.lk r(vjO) , k = 1, 2,. . . . (2.24) In particular, the expected value of x is E( ) = = { r[(v + l)jO] } , -1/8 x J.ll r(vjO) A . Let the points of a Poisson process be called particles and consider the set C( m) of triangles whose vertices are particles and that contain exactly m particles in its interior. Let PIP 2P 3 be one such triangle and let T be its area. According to the pro bability identity pro b( area Tand m particles in its interior) = prob(area T) x prob(m particles in its interior, assuming area T) and taking (2.18) and (2.21) into account, we get that the probability density function for the area T of the triangles PIP 2P 3 whose vertices are particles of a Poisson process and that contain exactly m particles has the form (2.25) 
1.2.4. Homogeneous Planar Poisson Point Processes 19 I' ( T ) = K (pT)m e-pTT Jm m, ' m. m = 0, 1, 2,. . ., (2.26) where Km is a constant that we determine by condition (2.23). The result is Km = p 2 /(m + 1) and hence we have The distribution of the areas of triangles that contain exactly m particles in a homogeneous planar Poisson point process of intensity p is r 1(m + 2, p). In particular, the mean area of the empty triangles (m = 0) is E(To) = 21p. 2. Consider now the radius R of the circumdisk of triangle P 1 P 2 P 3. According to (2.16) the probability density function of R is proportional to R 3 and hence the probability density function of radii R of circumdisks that contain exactly m particles (ignoring the particles P l' P 2, P 3 of its boundary) has the form Km *(pnR 2 )m[exp( - pnR 2 )/m !]R 3 . Condition (2.23) gives Km * = 2( np 2)2/(m + 1) and we get The distribution of radii Rm of circumdisks to triang les P 1 P 2 P 3 of a homogeneous planar Poisson point process of intensity p that contain exactly m particles is r 2(2m + 4, np). The mean value of Ro is thus E(Ro) = 3/2) p. For details and more complete results, see Miles's article [411]. Other point processes have been studied by Krickeberg, for instance, the so- called Cox process or doubly stochastic Poisson process, which plays an important role in the study of point processes that have invariance properties under transformation groups arising in geometry (see the articles by Krickeberg [345, 346]). Related questions are to be found in Matheron's book [401 a]'. 3. Random tessellations. A tessellation is an aggregate of cells (bounded convex polygons) that fit together to cover E 2 without overlapping. Regular tessellations in euclidean and hyperbolic planes have been well studied, for instance by Coxeter [128, 130]. The problem arises of defining random tessellations. We will consider some that are generated by homogeneous planar Poisson point processes. Write Plx) for the ith nearest particle to the point x and define the following equivalence relation: x is equivalent to y if and only if Plx) = Ply) for i = 1, 2,. . ., n. Apart from points for which the ith nearest particle is not unique, this equivalence relation divides the plane into disjoint exhaustive sets of equivalent points, which are almost surely bounded convex polygons. These polygons constitute a random tessellation of the plane, which Miles [411] represents by V n * . For those points x for which it is unique, define the neighboring n-set of x as the set of the n particles nearest x. The equivalence relation x is equivalent 
20 Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1.2.5. to y if and only if they have the same neighboring n-set generates the random tessellation represented by V n . Clearly V n * is a refinement of V n in the sense that each cell V n is the disjoint union of cells of V n *. If n = 1, then VI * = VI and we have the so-called Voronoi tessellation, which generalizes to En (see [704]). For each cell of a tessellation we may define the area A, number of vertices N, and perimeter L. Miles [4J 1] has given the following mean values of these scalars for V n and V n * . (a) For V n E(A) = [(2n - 1)p]-t, E(N) = 6, E(L) _ (2n)! '" 4 n!(n - 1)!(2n - 1)2 2n - 3 p l/2 (nnp)I/2. (b) For V n * 9n 2 E(A) = {n[2n - 1 + (64/9n 2 )(n - 1)(n - 2)]p} -I  , 64n 3 p E(N) = 54n 2 n + 256(n - l)(n - 2) '" 4, 9n 2 (2n - 1) + 64(n - 1)(n - 2) E L _ 2L[(2m)!/m!(m - 1)!2 2m - 2 ] 3 ( it3 ) 1/2 ( ) - n[2n - 1 + (64/9n 2 )(n - l)(n - 2)]pl/2 '" 4 n 3 p where  refers to n -+ 00. The higher-order moments are not known, except that E(A 2 ) = 1.280p-2 for V n *. If v denotes the number of members of V n * that contain a member of V n , the foregoing results give E(v) = n ( 1 + 64(n - 1)(n - 2) ) '" 32n 2 . 9n 2 (2n - 1) 9n 2 For Voronoi tessellations, Crain [130], by a Monte Carlo technique, has estimated the expected values of N 2 , N 3 , N 4 , L 2 , L 3 , A 2 , A 3 . Interesting theoretical and experimental results on random tessellations have been reported by Matschinski ([403] and references therein); see also Ambarcumjan's articles [8, 9]. For random tessellations in E3 see Chapter 16, Section 4, Note 9. 5. Notes 1. Some classical integral formulas. (a) Let K be a bounded convex set in the plane and consider two fixed support lines that form an agnle ,ex (0  ex  n) (Fig. 2.3). These support lines divide the plane into five regions 
1.2.5. Notes 21 R4 Figure 2.3. exterior to K, say Rt, R 2 ,. . ., Rs, as indicated in Fig. 2.3. If Ii represents the integral of (sin wItt') dP extended over R i , where t, t' are the lengths of the support lines from P to the support point, the following formulas can be proved. 1 1. 2 t = 2 IX , 1 2 = !( n - IX)2, 14 = !n2 + nIX. I 3 = I s = !( n 2 - IX2), These formulas are the work of Crofton [132, 133] and Czuber [134]; they hold good for any IX (0  IX  n). Note that It + 1 2 + . . · + Is = 2n 2 , as expected according to (2.11). (b) Let K be a bounded convex set. The points of the plane such that the angle w between the support lines through it is a constant, say w = wo, form a closed convex curve C. Show that the integral of the differential form (sin wItt') dP over the ring between C and K has the value 2n(w - wo) [135]. (c) Assuming that t, t', and w have the same meaning as in cases (a) and (b), we can prove the following formulas [394]: J w 2 (+ +  ) dP = 8nL log 2, P,K J sin 2 w (+ + :' )dP = 2nL. P,K 2. The probability that a random triangle is obtuse. Let p(L) be the probability that three points chosen at random in a rectangle with dimensions 1 x L form an obtuse triangle. Then according to Langford [355], 1 47 ( 2 1 ) n ( 3 1 ) log L ( 2 1 ) p(L) = 3 + 300 L + L2 + 80 L + L3 - 5 L - L2 if 1  L  2, and 1 1 ( n 47 10gL ) ( L2 3 ) L + (L 2 - 4)1/2 p(L) = 3" + £2 80L + 300 + 5 + 10 - 5£2 log L - (£2 - 4)1/2 L 3 . 2 L 2 10gL 47L 2 L(L 2 - 4)1/2 ( 63 64 ) + 40 arc SIn L - 5 + 300 + 150 - 31 + L2 + L4 
22 Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1.2.5. if L  2. When the rectangle is a square, L = 1, we have p(1) = (97/150) + (n/40) = 0.7252. Compare this result with those of Section 3. Are they con- tradictory? 3. On the convex hull of n randomly given points. Let K be a bounded convex set with boundary oK of class C 2 . Let K = K(S) be the curvature of oK and assume that it satisfies the inequalities 0 < K < M where M is a constant. Let Hn be the convex hull of n randomly given points in K. If Fn is the area of Hn and Ln is the length of its boundary, Renyi and Sulanke [504] have shown the following formulas for their expectations: E ( F ) = F - r(8/3)(12F)2/3Ql/3 + 0 (  ) n 10n 2 / 3 n ' E(Ln) = L - r(2/3)(12F)2 / 3Q4/3 + 0 (  ) 12n 2 / 3 n where F and L are the area and perimeter, respectively, of K and L Qm = I "m ds. o For the number of vertices v of Hn we have E(v) '" r( : )(i)1/3(F- 1 / 3 Ql/3)n 1 / 3 . If oK is not of class C 2 , the computations are more involved. For a square of side a the results are E(Fn) = a 2 _ 8a 2 ;g n + 0 (  ), E(Ln) = 4a - a(2 -n21t)1/2 + 0 (  ) where q is the constant 1 I [(1 + t 2 )1/2 - 1] q = dt. t 3 / 2 o Consider now the case of a convex polygon K with r vertices. The expected value of the number v of vertices of the convex hull Hn is E(v) = 2; (log n + C) +  log (F-r(If;) + 0(1) where C = 0.5772. .. is Euler's constant, F is the area of K, and fi denote the area of the triangle A i - I A i A i + l' where AI' A 2 ,. . ., Ar are the ordered vertices of K. For instance, if K is a triangle, we have E(v) = 2(log n + C) + 0(1), which is independent of the shape of the triangle. The product F- r [lfi is an affine invariant of K that is maximal for regular polygons. AU these results are the work of Renyi and Sulanke [504]. 
1.2.5. Notes 23 Some extensions to m-dimensional space have been given by H. Raynaud [496]. For instance, if K is the unit m-ball and n points are chosen at random in K, the expected value of the number of faces of its convex hull, as m  00, has the infinity order 2 2 / ] [ ] (m2+1)/(m+l) E(v) '" 2 "m- 2 1 r[(m + 1) ( + 1) (m + 1) "m n(m-l)/(m+1) Km (m + 1). Km-l where K i is the volume of the unit ball of dimension i (1.22). Other results have been given by Efr9n [160] and Geffroy [220, 221]. These results refer to the uniform density (2.4) for sets of n-tuples of points. The case of normally distributed points has been considered by Renyi and Sulanke [504]. The more general case of points distributed according only to the assumption of rotational symmetry has been considered by Carnal [84], who gives the asymptotic behavior of the expectations E(v), E(L n ), E(Fn) according to the behavior of the probability that the distance OP of a random point P to the origin 0 be > x as x  1 (distribution on the unit disk) or x  00 (distribution on the whole plane). See also [736]. The probabilities that the polytopal convex hull of a set of random points in the interior of the unit m-ball possesses a certain number of vertices have been investigated by Miles [420]. For a different approach to the study of random convex hulls see that of L. D. Fisher [196, 197]. 4. Nearest neig hbors in a Poisson process. Lt Pn denote the probability that a point of a Poisson process is the nearest neighbor of exactly n other points. The maximum number of points that can have a given point P as nearest neighbor equals 6. This occurs when P is the center of a regular hexagon and each of the six points lies at a vertex. The probability that such a configuration occurs in a Poisson process is zero; hence Pn = 0 if n  6. The exact value of Pn is not known. Roberts [514], by Monte Carlo tech- niques, has obtained these bounds: Po < 0.3785, P2 < Po, Po 0.3785 Pn < 1 < 1 n- n- (n = 2, 3, 4, 5). A direct approach to evaluating Pn runs into combinatorial problems that have thus far proved insurmountable. Consider now a homogeneous Poisson point process of intensity p in the plane. Assume that each point is an end point of a linear segment, the orienta- tion of which is uniform over the unit two-dimensional sphere and the length of which has the distribution dF(s) (0 :s:;; s < (0). Assume that the lengths and orientations are mutually independent. Then the probability that the distance from a point, chosen independently of the process of segments, to the nearest end of a segment exceeds u is exp( - pB 2 (u)) (0 :s:;; u < (0), where B2(U) = 2u 2 {n - Ju [arc cos(s/2u) - (s/2u)(1 - s2/4u 2 )1/2] dF(s)}. The re- sult is due to Coleman [121]. The same problem in n-dimensional euclidean space En has the probability exp( - pBn(u)), where 2u Bn(u) = ( 2: n ) {On-l - 0n-2 J [n-ilX) o 
24 Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1.2.5. - ( 2(n  l)J (l - 4: ZZ r- 1 )/Z] dF(S)} where CPh(i/.,) = J sinh x dx, i/., = arc cos(sI2n), and Oh is the surface area of the unit h-dimensional sphere. For related results see those of Holgate [311], Eberhardt [158], and Coleman [120]. 5. Coverage problems on the line. Suppose that we have n - 1 random points PI' P 2 ,..., P n - l that are independently and uniformly distributed on the interval 0, L of the real line. The density for (n - I)-tuples of points is dX I /\ dX 2 /\ . . ./\ dx n - l , where Xi is the coordinate of Pi (0 :s:;; Xi :s:;; L). It can be shown that the probability that exactly m of the n intervals determined by the points 0, Xl' X 2 ,. . ., X n - l , L have length greater than.u (m.u :s:;; L, m :s:;; n) IS P{m) = (:){(1 - 7 )"-1 _ (n  m)[l _ (m  1)Jl r- 1 ( n - m ) [ (m + 2).u ] n-l } + 1- -... 2 L (2.27) where the sum ends with the last term for which 1 - (m + h).uIL is positive (see [335]). In particular, for m = 0, we have that the probability that all intervals have length equal to or less than .u (n.u  L) is ( n ) ( .u ) n-t ( n ) ( 2.u ) n-1 p{O} = 1 - 1 1 - L + 2 1 - T - . · . + (- 1)'(:)(1 - i )"-1 (2.28) where r is the greatest integer such that r.u :s:;; L. The probability that at least m of the intervals will exceed .u in length (m.u :s:;; L, m < n) is Pm= (:)(1- 7 )"-1 - (7)(m: 1)[1- (m  1)Jl r- 1 + (m; l)(m : 2)[ 1 _ (m  2)Jl r- 1 -... (2.29) the sum continuing as long as (m + h).u :s:;; L (h = 0, 1, 2,. . .). These problems have been considered by a number of authors, among them R. A. Fisher [198]; Garwood [214], who gives an application to vehicular controlled traffic; Baticle [23]; and Levy [365]. See also Kendall and Moran's book [335]. Consider now sets of intervals of length a on the line. Each such interval may be determined by the coordinate of its midpoint (or by the coordinate of any other fixed point in the interval) and the measure of a set of intervals 
1.2.5. Notes 25 of constant length is defined to be the measure of the set of their midpoints. Then, from (2.28) follows the solution of the following coverage problem on the line: Let So be a fixed interval of length L on the line. Suppose that we have n random intervals of length a (na  L) that intersect So. Then the prob- ability that they completely cover So is ( n + 1 ) ( a ) n ( n + 1 ) ( 2a ) n p=l- 1- + 1- 1 L+a 2 L+a ( n + 1 ) ( ha ) n + . . . + (- l)h h 1 - L + a (2.30) where h is the greatest integer such that h :s:;; n + 1, ha :s:;; L + a. The analogous problem on the circle may be stated as follows [630]: For n arcs of length 4> chosen independently and at random on the circle of unit radius, the probability that they completely cover the circle is 0 if n4> :s:;; 2n and if n4>  2n has the value P *- o - ( n ) ( 4> ) n-l ( n ) ( 24» n-l 1- 1-- + 1-- 1 2n 2 2n ( n )( h4» n-l + (- l)h h 1 - 2n - . . . (2.31 ) where h is the greatest integer such that h4> :s:;; 2n. Coverage problems in spaces of dimension greater than 1 are much more difficult and in general no exact solution is known (see Chapter 6, Section 7). For other coverage problems see the articles by Robbins [512, 513], Takacs [666], and Votaw [705]. 6. The "parking" problem of Renyi [502]. Let us consider the interval (0, x) with x > 1. An interval of unit length is chosen at random in it. After that, a second interval of unit length is placed at random in the unfilled intervals. This process continues until no additional interval of unit length can be accommodated. Suppose that the number of unit intervals placed in the given interval (0, x) is N. The problem consists in determining the mean value of N as a function of the length x. The problem is clearly that of parking at random cars of unit length on a street of length x. The main result of Renyi is that the ratio of the mean value of the number N of unit intervals parked at random in the interval of length x to the total length x, as x  00, is C = 0.74759. . . . The problem has been generalized by several authors. Ney [449] considers the case in which the intervals for parking have their lengths given at random. Dvoretzky and Robbins [156] give certain limit theorems for N(x). Mannion [389] shows that the variance of the occupied portion of the interval as it becomes infinite is proportional to c 1 x, where x is the length of the interval and Cl = 0.035672. (See also [440].) Suggestions and bibliographical notes 
26 Sets of Points and Poisson Processes in the Plane 1.2.5. on the parking problem and its extensions to higher dimensions have been given by H. Solomon [616, 618]. For two dimensions see the articles by Palasti [467] and Gani [212]. The three dimensions several problems on random space-filling or random parking have been considered, mainly in connection with models of liquid structure, by Bernal [28], Bernal, Masson, and Knight [29], and D. G. Scott [602]. 
CHAPTER 3 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1. Density for Sets of Lines A straight line G in the plane is determined by the angle 4> that the direction perpendicular to G makes with a fixed direction (0 :s:;; 4> :s:;; 2n) and by its distance p from the origin 0 (0 :s:;; p). The coordinates p, 4> are the polar coordinates of the foot of the perpendicular from the origin onto the line. y Figure 3.1. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santal6, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without th prior permission of the publisher. 27 
28 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1.3.1. The equation of G is then (Fig. 3.1) x cos l/J + y sin l/J - p = o. (3.1 ) The measure of a set X of lilles can be defined by any integral of the form m(X) = Jf(P' <P) dp A d<p x (3.2) where the function f must be chosen according to certain criteria, depending on the nature of the problem. In integral geometry and in the theory of geometrical probability the chosen criterion establishes that the measure is to be invariant under the group of motions IDl. By a motion u (2.1) the line (3.1) transforms into x cos(l/J - Ct) + y sin(l/J - Ct) - (p - a cos l/J - b sin l/J) = O. Comparing with (3.1), we see that under the motion u(a, b, Ct) the coordinates p, l/J of G transform according to p' = p - a cos Ct - b sin Ct, l/J' = l/J - Ct, (3.3) so that dp'/\ dl/J = dp' /\ dl/J'. The measure of the transformed set X' = uX is m(X') = J f(p', <p') dp' A d<p' = J f(p - a cos <p - b sin <p, <p - a.) i p A d<p. (3.4) x' x If we want m(X) to equal m(X') for any set X, (3.2) and (3.4) lead to f(p - a cos l/J - b sin l/J, l/J - Ct) = f(p, l/J) and since equality is to hold for all motions u, we must have f(p, l/J) = constant. Choosing this constant equal to unity we have The measure of a set of lines G(p, l/J) is defined by the integral, over the set, of the differential form dG = dp /\ dl/J, (3.5) which is called the density for sets of lines. Up to a constant factor, this density is the only one that is invariant under motions. The density (3.5) will always be taken at absolute value. We will give an immediate application of density (3.5). Let D be a domain in the plane of area F and let G be a line that intersects D. Multiplying both sides of (3.5) by the length (J of the chord G n D and integrating over all the lines G, using the fact that (J dp is the area element of D, so that the integral with reference to dp for any fixed l/J (0  l/J  n) is the area F, we have 
1.3.1. Density for Sets of Lines 29 J U dG = nF. GnD:I=9 (3.6) Other forms of dG. If the line G is determined by other coordinates than p, if>, the density dG takes different forms, which can be easily obtained by simple changes of coordinates. (a) If G is determined by the angle fJ that it makes with the x axis and the abscissa x of the point at which it cuts the same axis (Fig. 3.2), we have p = x sin fJ, if> = fJ - n12, and therefore dG = sin fJ dx A dfJ. (3.7) y x Figure 3.2. (b) If G is determined by its intercepts x, y on the coordinate axis, we have p = xy(x 2 + y2)-1/2, if> = arc tan(xly), and therefore dG = xy dx A dYe (x2 + y2)3/2 (3.8) (c) Let G be determined by the coefficients u, v of its equation written in the form ux + vy + 1 = O. Then in (3.8) we have x = - 1/u, y = - 11v, and thus dG = dx A dv (U 2 + V 2 )3/2 (3.9) 
30 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1.3.2. (d) If G is determined by the coordinates , 11 of the foot of the perpendicular from the origin onto the line, we have  = p cos 4>, 11 = P sin 4>, and therefore dG = d A d'1 (2 + 112)1/2 (e) Let P(x, y) be a point of G and let fJ be the angle that G makes with the x axis. We have p = x sin 0 - y cos fJ, 4> = 0 - rc/2, and thus (3.10) dG = sin fJ dx A dO - cos fJ dy A dO. (3.11 ) All these forms for dG must be taken up to the sign, because we consider all densities to be positive. 2. Lines That Intersect a Convex Set or a Curve We want to measure the set of lines that meet a fixed bounded convex set K. Take as origin a point 0 E K and let p = p(4)) be the support function of K with reference to o. Applying (3.5) and (1.6), we have 27t m(G; G n K ,= 0) = J dp A dcfJ = J p dcfJ = L GnK*9 0 (3.12) where L is the length of oK (perimeter of K). Hence we have The measure of the set of lines that intersect a bounded convex set K is equal to the length of its boundary. In terms of geometric probability, we can state Let K 1 be a convex set contained in the bounded convex set K. The prob- ability that a random line G intersects K 1 if it is known that it intersects K is p = L 1 /L, where L 1 , L are the perimeters of K 1 and K, respectively. From (3.12) and (3.6) we also deduce that the mean length of the chords that random lines intercept in a convex set K is E(O') = rcF/L (3.13) where F is the area and L the perimeter of K. Let C be a piecewise differentiable curve in the plane that has a finite length L. Assume that C is defined by the equations x = x(s), y = y(s) (3.14) where the parameter s is the arc length. Let G be a line that intersects C at the point x, y and forms with the tangent at this point an angle fJ. The co- 
1.3.2. Lines That Intersect a Convex Set or a Curve 31 ordinates s, 0 determine the line G and we want to express dG in terms of s, O. We have l/J = 0 + -r - (rc/2) (3.15) where -r is the angle between the tangent to C and the x axis. Since x, y is a point of G, we have p = x cos l/J + y sin l/J and therefore dp = cos l/J dx + sin l/J dy + (- x sin l/J + Y cos l/J) dl/J. Since dx = cos -r ds, dy = sin -r ds, we get dp = cos(l/J - -r) ds + (- x sin l/J + Y cos 4» d4>. Exterior multiplication by dl/J gives dG = dp A dl/J = cos(l/J - -r) ds A dl/J and according to (3.15), since dl/J = dO + -r' ds, we have dG = /sin 0/ ds A dO (3.16) where we have written /sin 0/ because we consider all densities to be positive. Now integrate both sides of (3.16) over all lines that intersect C. On the right-hand side we have L 7t 1 ds I lsin 01 dO = 2L o 0 and on the left-hand side each line G has been counted as many times as it has intersection points with C. Calling this number n, we obtain 1 n dG = 2L (3.17) where the integral is extended over all lines of the plane, n being 0 for the lines G that do not intersect C. For n = 2 we again have the result (3.12). We have proved (3.17) for piecewise differentiable curves, but it holds good for any rectifiable curve [377, 51]. The left-hand side of (3.17) can be taken as the definition of the length of a continuum of points; it is called the F avard length of the continuum [172, 604]. On the importance that the integral in (3.17) be in the Lebesgue sense instead of the Riemann sense, see [171]. Formula (3.17) can be applied for measuring the length of curves. Following Steinhaus [625, 626], we proceed as follows. Take a transparent sheet with a family of equidistant parallels G i (i = 1, 2,. . .). Assume that the arc C to be measured cuts G i in ni points, so that So = L ni is the total number of inter- sections. Turning the sheet through an angle (k/m)n (k = 0, 1,. . ., m - 1), we get Sk intersections and the total amount is N = L-l Sk. Calling a the distance between G i and G i + 1, we get the expression 
32 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1.3.3. Nrca 2m (3.18) as an approximation of the length of C (since it is an approximation of ! J n dG). The accuracy of(3.18) depends on a and m. For a -+ 0 and m -+ 00, (3.18) tends to the length of C. Estimates of the errors involved in this method are given by Moran [427]. 3. Lines That Cut or Separate Two Convex Sets Let K 1 , K 2 be two bounded convex sets in the plane and let L 1 , L 2 be the lengths of the boundaries oK 1 , oK 2 . We call external cover C e of K 1 and K 2 the boundary of the convex hull of K 1 u K 2 (recall that the convex hull of a set of points is the intersection of all the convex sets containing the set). The external cover may be intuitively interpreted as a closed elastic string drawn about K 1 and K 2 (Fig. 3.3). Let Le denote the length of Ceo If K 1 n K 2 #- 0, as in the case of Fig. 3.3, we can also consider the internal cover C i realized by a closed elastic string drawn about K 1 and K 2 and crossing over at a point 0 placed between K 1 and K 2 . Let L i denote the length of C i . Figure 3.3. Though they have arcs in common, we will consider oK 1 , oK 2 , C e , C i as different curves. Except for lines of support that belong to a set of measure zero, every line that meets K 1 and K 2 has two intersection points with each of the curves oK 1 , oK 2 , and C e , and four intersection points with C j ; there are in all ten points of intersection. Let m 1 0 be the measure of the set of such lines. The lines that meet either K 1 or K 2 , but not both, have six common points with the curves oK 1 , oK 2 , Cj, C e : let m6 be the measure of this set of lines. The lines that separate K 1 and K 2 have four intersection points with the curves above (two common points with C e and two common points with C j ): let m4 denote the measure of this set of lines. Since the measure of the set of lines that meet a convex set is equal to its perimeter, the measures m6', m6" of the lines that meet K 1 without meeting 
1.3.3. Lines That Cut or Separate Two Convex Sets 33 K 2 , or vice versa, are m6' = L 1 - m 1 o, " L m6 = 2 - m10, (3.19) and therefore we have m6 = m6' + m6" = L 1 + L 2 - 2m 1 o. (3.20) Since C e is a closed convex curve, we have m4 + m6 + m10 = Le (3.21) and applying (3.17) to the set of the four curves oK 1 , oK 2 , Cj, C e , we obtain 4m4 + 6m6 + 10m 1o = 2(L 1 + L 2 + Le + L j ). (3.22) From (3.19)-(3.22) we get m4 = L j - (L 1 + L 2 ), m6' = L 1 - (L j - Le), m6" = L 2 - (L i - L e ), m10 = L i - Le. (3.23) In words, (a) The measure of all lines that meet K 1 and K 2 is L j - Le. (b) The measure of the set of lines that meet K 1 without meeting K 2 is L 1 - (L j - Le) and the measure of the set of lines that meet K 2 without meeting K 1 is L 2 - (L j - Le). (c) The measure of the set of lines that separate K 1 and K 2 is L j - (L 1 + L 2 ). We have assumed that K 1 n K 2 = e. If they overlap, it is easy to see that results (a)-(c) hold good with the convention of putting L j = L 1 + L 2 . In terms of geometrical probability these results can be stated as follows: Let K 1 and K 2 be two bounded convex sets. If G is a line chosen at random in the plane with the condition that it meets the convex hull of K 1 and K 2 , then: (a) The probability that G meets K 1 and K 2 is p(G n K 1 n K 2 :F e) = (L j - Le)/Le. (b) The probability that G meets K 1 without meeting K 2 is L i - L 1 p(GnK 1 :Fe,GnK 2 =e)=I- L e and similarly L j - L 2 p(G n K 1 = e, G n K 2 :F e) = 1 - L · e 
34 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1.3.4. (c) The probability that G separates K 1 and K 2 is L j - (L 1 + L 2 ) p(G n K 1 = e, G n K 2 = e, G n C e * e) = L . e If K 1 n K 2 * e in the preceding formulas, we must put L j = L 1 + L 2 . If we consider only lines that meet K 1 , by applying the same type of argument we obtain the following. If K 1 and K 2 are two bounded convex sets in the plane (which mayor may not overlap), the probability that a random chord of K 1 intersects K 2 is P = (L j - Le)/Ll where L j is the length of the internal cover if K 1 n K 2 = e and L j = L 1 + L 2 if K 1 and K 2 overlap. The preceding results are the work of Sylvester [665a], who also considered the case of more than two convex sets. About the distribution of the number of intersections of a rectifiable curve C and a random line G (i.e., about the probability Pk that G has k intersection points with C, for every k) very little is known (see the articles by Sulanke [662] and Ambarcumjan [6]). 4. Geometric Applications 1. Let C be a plane closed curve of class C 2 , which is oriented, so that there is a prescribed sense of rotation. Let s denote the arc length of C and let -r(s) denote the angle of the tangent to C with a fixed direction, say the x axis. The curvature of C is defined by K = d-r/ds and the total absolute curvature is defined by the line integral C a = f 1"1 ds = f Id-rl. c c (3.24) Let v(-r) denote the number of unoriented tangents to C that are parallel to the direction -r (e.g., in Fig. 3.4, v = 6). Since in the last integral (3.24) each direction -r appears vCt) times, equation (3.24) can be written 1t C a = f v( -r) Id-rl. o (3.25) On the other hand, if a line G is parallel to the direction -r and meets C in n points Pi' then there are at least n tangents to C that are parallel to G (one for each of the arcs P 1 P 2 , P 2 P 3 ,..., P n - 1 P m P n P 1 ) and thus n(-r)  v(-r). Using (3.17), we have 
1.3.4. Geometric Applications 35 2L = 1 n dG :::;; GnC*9 1t 1 V dG = 1 V dp A d-r :::;; Li m 1 V Id-rl = Limc a (3.26) GnC*9 GnC*9 0 where L is the length of C and Am its maximal breadth. Figure 3.4. In particular, if C lies inside a circle of radius r, then Am  2r and we have the following theorem of Fary [169]: If a closed plane curve of length L and absolute total curvature C a can be enclosed by a circle of radius r, then L  rc a . 2. Let K be a bounded convex set of area F and perimeter L. Let G, G' be two lines that intersect oK at the points corresponding to the arc lengths s, s'. Call 0, 0' the angles of G, G' with the support lines at their intersection points with the boundary oK and let (J, (J' be the lengths of the chords inter- cepted by G, G' in K. We consider the integral I = 1 (0' sin (J' - 0" sin (J)2 ds A d(J A ds' A d(J' (3.27) extended over the ranges 0  s  L, 0  s'  L, 0  0, 0'  n. According to (3.16) we have sin 0 ds A dO = dG, sin 0' ds' A dO' = dG'. Now 
36 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1.3.4. 1t J q2 dO = 2F, o 1t J sin 2 0 dO = n/2 o (3.28) where the first integral follows from the formula for area in polar coordinates. An analogous formula holds for G'. Hence I = 2nL 2 F - 2 J q dG J q'dG' = 2nF(L 2 - 4nF) GnK=I=0 G'nK=I=0 where we have applied (3.6) and the fact that in integral (3.27) each line G, G' is counted twice, once for each intersection with oK. Figure 3.5. Since clearly I  0, we have proved the classical isoperimetric inequality L 2 - 4nF  o. (3.29) The equality sign holds if I = 0, so that (J /sin 8 = (J' /sin 8', which means that K is a circle. This proof is due to Blaschke [38]. 3. Let C be a curve of length L contained in a closed convex curve C 1 of length L 1 . If we consider all lines G that intersect C l' the average of the number of intersection points of these lines with C will be E(n) = 2L/L 1 . Since there must be lines G the number of whose intersections with C is not 
1.3.5. Notes and Exercises 37 less than E(n), we have: if a curve of length L lies inside of a closed convex curve of length Lt, there exist lines that cut it in at least 2L/Lt points. ,. 5. Notes and Exercises 1. Again the isoperimetric inequality for convex curves. Let C be a closed convex curve of class ct. Let At, A 2 be the points in which C is intersected by the line G(p, 4» and let ds t , dS 2 be the arc length elements at At, A 2 and 0t, O 2 the angles of G with the tangents to C at At, A 2 . It is easy to see that (J dG = sin 0t sin O 2 dS t A dS 2 (3.30) where (J is the length of the chord AtA2' Integrating over all oriented lines that meet C, we have 2nF = J dS 1 J sin 0 1 sin O 2 dS 2 L L = t J dS 1 J [COS(01 - ( 2 ) - COS(01 + ( 2 )] ds 2 . L L The integral JL cos(Ot + ( 2 ) dS 2 is equal to the projection of C on the tangent line at At and therefore is equal to zero. Thus we have 4nF = L 2 - 2 J dS 1 J sin 2 !(01 - ( 2 ) ds 2 , (3.31) L L which contains the isoperimetric inequality L 2 - 4nF  O. This proof is due to Pleijel [479]. A more general result can be obtained from the formulas J u" dG =  J J u n - 1 COS 0 1 COS O 2 dS 1 A ds 2 , GnC:#:0 LL J Un dG =  J J u n - 1 sin 0 1 sin O 2 dS 1 A ds 2 , GnC:#: 0 L L which yield the following formula of Ambarcumjan [7] (for any integer n > 0) 2(n + 1) J u" dG= n J J u n - 1 dS 1 A dS 2 - 2n J J U n - 1 sin 2 ( 0 1 ; O 2 )dS 1 A ds 2 . GnC:#:0 LL LL As a consequence we have the inequality J u" dG ::::; 2(n: 1) J J u n - 1 dS 1 A dS 2 GnC:#: 0 L L (3.32) which for n = 1 gives the isoperimetric inequality. 
38 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1.3.5. Pleijel's proof has been generalized to nonsimple curves by Banchoff and Pohl [20]. Then F is replaced by the sum of the areas into which the curve divides the plane, each weighted with the square of the winding number, that is, L 2 - 4n f w 2 dP  0 where the integral is over the whole plane. The wInding number w(P) of P with respect to the curve can be defined as the number of turns of the vector PX when X goes around the curve. Equality holds if and only if the curve is a circle or a circle traversed several times. Banchoff and Pohl have general- ized this isoperimetric inequality to arbitrary dimension and codimension, as we shall see in Chapter 14, Section 7, Note 8. 2. Distance of two curves. Let C t and C 2 be two curves in the plane and let Nt(G), N 2 (G) be the numbers of points at which they are intersected by a variable line G. Define the distance of C t, C 2 by the integral (C t , C 2 ) = ! f INt(G) - N 2 (G)1 dG (3.33) extended over all lines of the plane. If C 1 and C 2 are rectifiable curves, the distance (C t , C 2 ) is finite, since (C 1 , C 2 )  L 1 + L 2 . Show that the distance so defined satisfies the condi- tions (a) (C 1 , C t ) = 0; (b) (C t , C 2 ) = (C 2 , C t ); (c) (C t , C 2 ) + (C 2 , C 3 )  (C 1 , C 3 ). If C 1 , C 2 are Jordan curves (i.e., homeomorphic images of a line segment or of a circle), then (C t , C 2 ) = 0 implies C 1 = C 2 . With the definition above, prove that: (i) If C 1 and C 2 are closed convex curves such that C 1 lies inside C 2 , then (C 1 , C 2 ) = L 2 - L 1 ; (ii) If C 1 , C 2 are closed curves such that C 1 lies outside C 2 , then (C 1 , C 2 ) = L 1 + L 2 - 2(L i - L e ), where L i , Le are the lengths of the external and internal covers of C t , C 2 (Section 3). (See [625].) 3. Asymmetry of convex curves. If C is a given curve of length L, its asymmetry relative to a line Go may be defined as the distance (C, C*), where C* denotes the reflection of C in Go. The line Go that minimizes the asymmetry (C, C*) is called the axis of symmetry of C and the difference 1 - min(C, C*)j2L is called the index of symmetry of C. Compare this definition of Steinhaus [625] with other definitions of symmetry for convex curves (e.g., that of Griinbaum [246]). 4. Length of order m. Steinhaus [625J calls the length of order m of a set of points C the integral Lm = t f W m dG GnC:;:0 (3.34) 
1.3.5. Notes and Exercises 39 where W m = n is the number of points of the intersection G n C if n  m and W m = m if n > m. Note that if C is a rectifiable closed curve, then L 2 is the length of the boundary of its convex hull and Loo is the ordinary length. 5. Systems of nonseparable convex sets. A system of n closed convex sets K i (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) in the plane is called separable if there is a line G that intersects no K i and that divides the plane into two half planes, each con- taining at least one K i. In the contrary case, the system is said to be non- separable. The following theorem can be proved: Let Ko denote the convex hull of the nonseparable convex system K i (i = 1,2,..., n). Let Lj, D i , and R i denote the perimeter, diameter, and radius, respectively, of the circum- circle of the set K i' Then n Lo  L L i , 1 n Do  L D i , 1 n Ro  L R i . 1 (See the articles by Hadwiger [266] and A. W. Goodman and R. E. Goodman [233].) 6. lnvariance of the line density by reflection and refraction. Assume that the line G is the trajectory of a ray of light that is incident on a fixed curve C and is reflected according to the law of reflection: the angle of reflection is equal to the angle of incidence. Then if fJ is the angle between G and the tangent to C, the angle of the tangent with the reflected line G* is 0* = - fJ (Fig. 3.6) and by making use of expression (3.16) for dG (at absolute value), we have dG = dG*. Hence, the density dG is invariant under reflections in curves. c G Figure 3.6. Suppose that the line G 1 is refracted at the curve C that separates two mediums whose indices of refraction are nl and n2, respectively (Fig. 3.7). 
40 Sets of Lines in the Plane I. 3.5. If i 1 , i 2 are, respectively, the angles of incidence and refraction, the classical Snell law of optics says that sin i 1 /sin i 2 = n2/nl. On the other hand, the angle of the tangent with G 1 and the angle of the tangent with G 2 are (Jl = n/2 - i 1 and (J2 = n/2 - i 2 , so that, using (3.16), we have dG 1 = - cos i 1 ds A di 1 = - ds A d(sin i 1 ), dG 2 = - cos i 2 ds A di 2 = - ds A d(sin i 2 ) = - (nl/n2) ds A d(sin i 1 ) = (n 1 /n2) dG 1 . Thus, when a ray is refracted from a medium of index of refraction nl to a medium of index of refraction n2, the density dG 1 is multiplied by the constant factor nl/n2. , , , , , , , , . " 1 2 c G 1 Figure 3.7. Consider an optical instrument composed of several mediums of indices of refraction n l' n2,. . ., n m such that the first medium, where the rays enter the instrument, coincides with the last medium, where the rays emerge; that is, n 1 = n m . WehavedG m = (nm-l/nm)dGm-l = (nm-lnm-2)/(nmnm-l)dGm-2 = . .. = (n m - 1 · . . n 1 )/(n m n m - 1 . . . n2) dG 1 = dG t . Hence, line density is pre- served during its propagation through optical instruments [40]. 7. The convex billiard table of G. D. Birkhoff. Let C be a closed convex curve in the plane. Suppose that a point P moves inside C and collides with C according to the law "the angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection." The path of P is determined by the length s of the arc OA (where o is an arbitrary point on C) and the angle rx (0  rx  n) of the line G = AP with the tangent to C at A (Fig. 3.8). According to (3.16) the line density can be written dG = sin rx ds A drx and since this density is preserved under reflection, we have that the differential form sin rx ds A drx is invariant under the motion of point P (see the books by Birkhoff [31] and Arnold and Avez [13]). 
1.3.5. Notes and Exercises 41 B A Figure 3.8. 8. An inequality of Feller. Let D be a plane domain of area F contained in the unit circle. Suppose that the intersection of D with any line has measure not exceeding a fixed constant a < 1. Then necessarily F < 2a. This result is the best possible in the sense that there exists a domain such that its inter- section with any line has a total length not exceeding a, whereas for its area F we have F > 2a(1 - n- 2 a 2 - e) where e > 0 is arbitrarily small (see [184]). Generalization to the sphere and noneuclidean spaces has been done by Veno and co-workers [682] and Santalo [563]. If D is convex, we have F  na 2 /4 where the equality sign holds if and only if D is a circle [30a]. Figure 3.9. 
42 Sets of Lines in the Plane 1.3.5. 9. An integral formula. Let C be a closed convex curve of length L that contains m line segments of length a l' a 2'. . ., am, respectively (Fig. 3.9). Let A 1 , A 2 be the points at which a line G meets C and call u the length of the chord A 1 A 2 and 0 1 , O 2 the angles that G makes with the support lines of C at A 1 and A 2 . Then'the following formula holds. J u 1 ( 2  2 ) dG = - L - L.- a. . sin 0 1 sin O 2 2 l' GnC:;:0 (3.35) 10. Integral geometry of plane linear graphs. Sulanke [622] has con- sidered the following kind of problem. Recall that a linear graph is a finite set of points (vertices) together with a finite number of arcs of curve (edges, assumed rectifiable) joining two distinct vertices, such that no two of the edges have an interior point in common and each vertex is the end of at least one edge. To each graph Q is attached the set of real numbers plQ) (i = 1, 2,. . .) that are equal to the probability that a random line intersects Q exactly i times. THEOREM. A necessary and sufficient condition for a linear graph to be Eulerian (i.e., a graph such that it is possible to find a path that traverses each arc exactly once, goes through all vertices, and ends at the starting point) is that Pi = 0 for all i odd. Linear graphs with the same set of natural numbers {i 1 , i 2 ,. . ., iN} such that Pi > 0 are said to be of the same type. The problem arises of knowing whether to each set of natural numbers i 1 < i 2 < · . · < iN there corresponds a linear graph. Sulanke has solved the problem for iN  5 with the exceptions {I, 2, 5}, {I, 4, 5}. Recently Hristov has shown that the type {I, 2, 5} cannot exist (M R 50, # 8295). Let c be the number of bounded regions into which Q partitions the plane (faces of the graph) and let C G be the analogous number for the graph Q + SG, where SG is the line segment of the random line G determined by the first and the last point of the intersection G n Q. Then, if we assume Q to be connected, the expected value of CG is E(c G ) = C - 1 + 2L(Q)jL(Q*) where L(Q) is the total length of Q and L(Q*) is the length of the convex hull of Q. If m(G; N G(Q) i= N G(Q')) denotes the measure of the line set G such that the number of intersection points of G with Q is not equal to the number of intersections ,of G with another linear graph Q', then p( Q, Q') = m(G; NG(Q) i= NG(Q')) defines a metric in the space of graphs. Compare with the distance of Note 2. For more details, see [662]. 11. A mean free path. The mean free path through a plane that contains laminae whose mean area is F 0 and mean perimeter Lo, with a density of D laminae per unit area, is E(u) = (1 - F oD)jLoD. If the laminae are circular of radius r, we have E(u) = (1 - nr 2 D)j2nrD and for r small, this value can be approximated by 1j2nrD. In the space E3 the analogous mean free path for a moving point through particles of mean volume v and mean area f distributed uniformly at random with a mean density of D particles per unit volume is E(u) = 4(1 - vD)jfD. F or small particles we can take E( u) = 4(fD) - 1 . Polya [486] interprets the plane mean free path as the mean visible distance from a point inside a forest of trees of radius r distributed uniformly at 
1.3.5. Notes and Exercises 43 random with a density of D trees per unit area and the mean free path in the space as the mean visible distance inside a cloud of snow formed by flakes distributed uniformly at random with mean density D. Santal6 [542] has considered the case in which the trajectories are curves of a given shape. EXERCISE 1. Let AB be a convex arc of length L. Let Lo be the length of the line segment AB. Show that the probability that a random line that intersects the convex set bounded by the arc AB and the chord AB meets the chord AB is 2Lo/(L + Lo). EXERCISE 2. If it is known that a random line meets a side of a given square, show that the probability that it also meets the opposite side is p = .J 2 - 1. EXERCISE 3. If it is known that a random line meets a diagonal of a given square, the probability that it meets the other diagonal is p = 2 - .J 2. EXERCISE 4. Let C i be m closed convex curves of lengths L i (i = 1, 2,. . ., m) that are inside a closed convex curve C of length L. Show that there are lines that meet a number of curves C i that is equal to or greater than the integral part of (I Li)/L. K Figure 3.10. EXERCISE 5. Let Ko, K 1 be two convex sets such that K 1 C Ko. The probability that n random lines that intersect Ko do not have common point with K 1 is equal to (1 - Ll/Lo)n, where Ll), L 1 are the perimeters of Ko, K 1 . 
44 Sets of Lines in the Plane I. 3.5. More difficult is the following question: assuming n random lines that intersect Ko, find the probability that a convex set congruent to K 1 may be placed inside Ko without meeting anyone of the given lines. Consider the cases when K 1 is a line segment or a circle. 
CHAPTER 4 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1. Density for Pairs of Points A pair of points Pl(X l , Yl)' P 2 (X 2 , Y2) may be determined by the four coordinates Xl' Yl, X2, Y2, as well as by the coordinates p, <p of the line G that unites them, together with the distances t l' t 2 from P l' P 2 to the foot H of , , , , P,' , , , , cp o x Figure 4.1. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. SantalO, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley.Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 45 
46 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.2. the perpendicular from the origin 0 to G (Fig. 4.1 ). We want to express the product dP l A dP 2 = dx. A dYl A dX2 A dY2 in terms of the coordinates p, 4>, t 1 , t 2 . We have Xi = pcos 4> - tisin 4>, Y i = P sin 4> + t i COS 4> (i = 1, 2). (4.1 ) Hence dXi = cos 4> dp - (p sin 4> + t i cos 4» d4> - sin 4> dt;, dYi = sin 4> dp + (p cos 4> - t i sin 4» d4> + cos 4> dt;, and by exterior multiplication we get dP; = dXi A dy; = p dp A d4> + dp A dt; - t i d4> A dt; (i = 1, 2) and dP l A dP 2 = (t 2 - t 1 ) dp A d4> A dt 1 A dt 2 . Since dp A d4> = dG, we can write dP l A dP 2 = It 2 - t 1 1 dG A dt 1 A dt 2 (4.2) where we have put the absolute value of t 2 - t 1 because all densities are assumed to be positive. 2. Integrals for the Power of the Chords of a Convex Set Let K be a plane bounded convex set and let (] denote the length of the chord determined by the line G on K. Consider the integrals 1" = J a" dG, GnK::I=9 J" = J r" dPl A dP 2 Pl,P2 eK (4.3) where n is an integer and r means the distance between points PI and P 2 of K. In order to relate the integrals In and J n we apply (4.2) and observe that It 1 - t 2 1 = r. We have J" = J It 2 - tll"+l dt 1 A dt 2 A dG b 11 = J dG A dt 1 [ J (t 2 - t 1 )"+ 1 dt 2 + J (tl - t 2 )"+ 1 dt 2 ] tl a 
1.4.2. Integrals for the Power of the Chords of a Convex Set 47 b - n  2 1 dG 1 [(b - t 1 )"+2 + (t 1 - a)"+2] dt. a - (n + 2:Cn + 3) 1 (b - a)"+3 dG GnK::I=9 (4.4) where a, b denote the values of t corresponding to the end points of (J, so that b - a = (J. We conclude that J = 2 I n (n + 2)( n + 3) n + 3' (4.5) which holds for n = - 1, 0, 1, 2,. . . . Formula (4.5) can be written n(n - 1) In = 2 I n - 3 , (4.6) which holds for n = 2, 3, 4,. . . . For the cases in which n = 0, 1, using (3.6) and (3.12), we have 10 = L, I 1 = nF (4.7) where L is the perimeter and F the area of K. For n = 2, (4.3) and (4.6) become 1 2 = 1 (12 dG = GnK::I=9 J dP.; dP 2 . PI,P2 e K ( 4.8) For n = 3, because J o = F 2 , (4.6) becomes 1 3 = J (13dG=3F2, GnK::I=9 (4.9) which is a remarkable integral formula due to Crofton [133]. For n = 4, denoting by E(r) the mean distance between two points of K, that is, 1 E(r) = 2 F 1 r dP. dP 2, PI,P2eK (4.10) we have, using (4.6), 14 = J (14 dG = 6F 2 E(r). GnK::I=9 ( 4.11 ) 
48 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.2. In the case of a circle of radius R, by direct computation we get I = 2 · 4. ... . n 2n + I n R n + 1 n 3.5. ... .(n + 1) for n even; I = 1.3.. .. . n 2nn2 Rn+ 1 n 2.4.. .. .(n + 1) for n odd. (4.12) The integrals In are not independent. They satisfy certain inequalities. For instance, the inequality 10 2 - 41 1  0 is the isoperimetric inequality (3.29). In connection with this point, Blaschke [51] proposed the problem offinding necessary and sufficient conditions for a sequence of real numbers to be the sequence In associated with a convex set and of determining, when those conditions are satisfied, whether or not the corresponding convex set is unique. In addition to the isoperimetric inequality, the following necessary conditions are known: I  2 · 4. ... · n 2 n + I n - n I (n + 1) / 2 n 3.5. ... .(n+ 1) 1 for n = 2,4, 6,. . . ; 1  1 · 3. ... · n 2nn - (n + 1)1 (n + 1)/2 n  2.4. ... .(n + 1) 1 for n = 3, 5, 7,. . . ; ( 4.13) 2 8 1 1 3  3 2n 4 I 2 2 , (4.14) 2 n I n _ ( k ) 2n + 1 I n + 1 + ( k ) 2n + 2 I n + 2 2n + k I + . . . + (_ 1)k n+k > 0, Ion 1 Ion+l 2 Ion+2 Ion+k ( 4.15) for any n, k = 0, 1, 2,. . . ; 1 2m ] 2n  I;'+m ] p-n] n-m  ] p-m m p  n , (4.16) for any integers m, n, p such that 0  m  n  p. Inequalities (4.13) are due to Blaschke [35] and (4.14) is due to Carle man [81]; in both cases the equality sign holds only for circles. Inequalities (4.15) are related to the moment problem of Hausdorff (see the book by Shohat and Tamarkin [605]) and were pointed out by Sulanke ([659]; see also [339]). Inequalities (4.16) are easily deduced from classical inequalities of Schwarz and Holder. About the distribution function of the lengths of chords G n K, that is, the probability that the chord that a random line G determines on a fixed convex set K has length  x, see the articles by Sulanke [659] and Geciauskas [217, 218]. Mallows and Clark [388] have shown that this distribution function does not characterize the convex set K. They give an example of two noncongruent convex sets with the same distribution function of the chord length. The problem of Blaschke is thus partially solved. The 
1.4.3. Density for Pairs of Lines 49 question is related to some methods of pattern recognition (see [443a, 457, 627]). Examples of mean distances. By direct computation, from definition (4.10), using (4.11), we obtain the following mean distances between two points of a con vex set. For a circle of radius R: E(r) = (128/45n)R. For an equilateral triangle of side a: 3a ( 1 1 . ) E(r) = - - + -log3 . 5 3 4 ( 4.1 7) For a rectangle of sides a, b (a  b): 1 [ a3 b 3 ( a2 b 2 ) E(r) = - - + - + d 3 - - - - 15 b 2 a 2 b 2 a 2 5 ( b2 I a + d a 2 I b + d )] + - - og + - og 2 a b b a (4.18) where d is the diagonal of the rectangle. In particular, for a square of side a we have E(r) = (a/15)[J 2 + 2 + 510g(1 + J 2) ] = 0.521. The distribution of random distances within a rectangle and between two rectangles has been investigated by Ghosh [225]. Other results have been obtained by Fairthone [167]. 3. Density for Pairs of Lines Let Gi(Pb 4>i)' i = 1, 2, be two lines that intersect at the point P(x, y) and make angles (Xl' (X2 with the x axis. As a kind of "dual" problem of that considered in Section 1, we are going to express the product dG l A dG 2 in terms of the coordinates x, y, (Xl' (X2. We have (Fig. 4.2) 4>i = (Xi - (n/2) and therefore Pi = x cos 4>i + Y sin 4>i = x sin (Xi - Y COS (Xi (i = 1, 2). Hence, d4>i = d(Xi and dpi = sin (Xi dx - COS (Xi dy + (x cos (Xi + y sin (Xi) d(Xi' and by exterior multiplication we have dG i = dpi A d4>i = sin (Xi dx A d(Xi - COS (Xi dy A d(Xj. From this it follows that dG l A dG 2 = Isin«X2 - (Xl)1 dP A d(Xl A d(X2 ( 4.19) which is the formula "dual" to (4.2). As a first application we are going to evaluate the integral of both sides of(4.19) over all pairs of lines that meet a bounded convex set K. The left-hand side, according to (3.12), is equal to L 2 where L is the perimeter of K. The 
50 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.3. H2.1 , .I , , , , .I .I , , , , .I ,. ' </> ," 2 ,.' , ,. ,." :' </>1 o Figure 4.2. right-hand side may be integrated first over the points P E K' and then over the points outside K. For the points P E K we have 1t 1t J dP J J Isin(oc 2 - ocl)1 dOCI A dOC2 = 2nF PeK 0 0 ( 4.20) and for the points outside K, if rx and f3 are the angles formed with the x axis by the support lines of K drawn from P, we have p p J J Isin( oc 2 - o( 1 )1 dOC2 A dOCI a a P a1 P = J doc 1 (J sin(oc 1 - O(2) dOC2 + J sin( OC 2 - O( 1 ) doc 2 ) a a a1 
1.4.4. Division of the Plane by Random Lines 51 p = J [2 - COS(1X 1 - IX) - cos(P - 1(1)] dIX 1 = 2(P - IX) - 2 sin(p - IX). IX ( 4.21) If we call OJ = P - a the angle between the support lines of K through P, we have p p J dP J J Isin(1X 2 - 1( 1 )1 dIX 1 A dIX2 = 2 J (w - sin w) dP PK IX IX PK ( 4.22) and since the sum of (4.20) and (4.22) must be equal to L 2 , we get the following formula of Crofton J (w - sinw) dP = iL2 - nF, PK ( 4.23) which holds for any bounded convex set K (Fig. 4.3). See [133, 144, 335]. Figure 4.3. Note that (4.9) and (4.23) result when we try to compute, respectively, the measure of the sets of pairs of points inside, K and that of the sets of pairs of lines that meet K. Therefore, these formulas may be considered as cor- responding formulas under a certain kind of "duality" in the plane. This fact appears more clearly when we treat the same problem on the sphere [539]. 4. Division of the Plane by Random Lines Let K be a bounded convex set of the plane with interior points. Let F be its area and L its perimeter. Assume n random lines GlPi, 4>i) that intersect K (Fig. 4.4). These lines will divide K into a number c of regions and will determine a number v of interior vertices (intersection points of pairs of 
52 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.4. lines that are interior to K) and a number e of edges. In Fig. 4.4, n = 5, c = 11, v = 5, e = 25. We want to find the mean values of c, v, e. G 3 G 2 G 4 G s Figure 4.4. Let us begin with the mean number of vertices v. By definition we have 1 E(v) = L n ) vdG 1 A dG 2 A"""A dG n " GinK::I=9 (4.24) Let Vhk (h '# k) denote the function of G h , G k that is equal to 1 if G h n G k E K and to 0 otherwise (set Vii = 0 for completeness). We have v = L Vhk where the number of summands is n(n - 1)/2. Calling (1h the length of the chord G h n K, we have ) Vhk dG h A dG k = 2 ) Uh dG h = 2nF ( 4.25) where the integrals are extended over all lines G h , G k that meet K. Therefore we have 
1.4.4. Division of the Plane by Random Lines 53 r V dG A dG A... A dG = n(n - 1) r dG dG J 1 2 n 2 J V hk 1 A . . . A n GjnK:#9 GjnK:#9 = n(n - l)nF L n - 2. ( 4.26) Thus For n lines chosen at random so as to meet a bounded convex set K, the mean number of intersection points that are inside K is E(v) = n(n - /)nF . L ( 4.27) We can also find E(v 2 ). Indeed, we have L n E(v 2 ) = J (v 12 + v 13 + · · . + V n - 1 .n)2 d G 1 A d G 2 A" . A d G n GjnK:#9 J C/:j ) dG l A" · A dG n GjnK:#9 +2 J GjnK:#9 L VijVkhdGl A'.' A dG n (i,j):#(k,h) = 2n G) FL n - 2 + 2L n - 4 (:) 3 J VijV kh dG j A dG j A dG k A dG h I + 2L n - 3 G) 3 J VijVjh dG j A dG J A dG h II ( 4.28) where in integral I we assume i < j < k < h and the factor 3 arises from the possibilities VijVkh, VikVjh, VihVjk, and in integral II we assume i < j < h and the factor 3 arises from the possibilities VijVih, VijVjh, VihVjh. Therefore we have LnE(v 2 ) = 2nG)FLn-2 + 24L n - 4 (:)n 2 F 2 + 24L n - 3 G) J q 2 dG. GnK*9 (4.29) Putting 1 2 = J GnK:# 9 q2 dG, as in (4.8), we get the following result. 2 ( n ) F 2 ( n ) F2 ( n ) 12 E( v ) = 2n 2 L 2 + 24n 4 L 4 + 24 3 L 3 . ( 4.30) 
54 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.4. For instance, if K is a circle of radius R, we have 1 2 = (16/3)nR 3 (4.12) and we get E(v 2 ) =  (;) +  (:) + 16n- 2 (;). (4.31 ) Consider the number c of regions into which the n random lines divide K. The chords G i n K and the boundary oK form a graph with c regions and v + 2n vertices (v interior vertices and 2n vertices on the boundary). Through each interior vertex pass four edges and through each vertex of the boundary pass three edges. Thus, since each edge unites two vertices, the number of edges will be e = !(4v + 6n) = 2v + 3n and, applying the Euler formula v - e + c = 1, we get c = v + n + 1. ( 4.32) Note that we have not considered the cases in which more than two lines pass through a point or two of them intersect on the boundary, because these cases have measure zero and do not affect the result. Taking expected values, equality (4.32) yields E(c) = n(n - 1)(nF/L 2 ) + n + 1. ( 4.33) That is, For n lines chosen at random so as to meet a bounded convex set K, the mean value of the number of regions into which they divide K is given by ( 4.33). We now consider the number of sides of each region. Let e i be the number of sides of the region Ci (i = 1,2,. . ., c). The total number of edges is e = 2v + 3n and since 2n of them belong to the boundary of K, we have that the number of interior edges is 2v + n. Thus, since each interior edge is a side of two regions and each edge of the boundary is a side of only one region, we have c e* = L el :;; 2(2v + n) + 2n = 4v + 4n 1 ( 4.34) and thus 4n(n - l)nF E(e*) = E(Iei) = 4E(v) + 4n = L2 + 4n. ( 4.35) Similarly, the sum of the perimeters of all regions is c n S = LSi = 2LO'i + L 1 1 ( 4.36) 
1.4.4. Division of the Plane by Random Lines 55 and then, since E(o-) = nFjL (3.13), we have E(s) = 2nE(u) + L = 2nnFjL + L. ( 4.37) For any set of lines G 1 , G 2 ,. . ., G n that intersect K, the mean value of the number of sides of the regions into which K is partitioned is N = e*je. This quotient N is a random variable the mean value of which probably has a very involved expression. Instead of it we consider the following quotient of mean values. E*(N) = E(e*) = 4 _ 4L 2 . (4.38) E(e) n(n - l)nF + (n + I)L 2 Similarly, instead of the mean value of the random variable S = sje (difficult to calculate), we write the following quotient of mean values E*(5) _ E(s) _ 2rrnFL +L 3 - E(e) - n(n - l)nF + (n + I)L2 ( 4.39) and instead of the mean value of the average A = Fje of the area of the regions, we write the following quotient of mean values E*(A) _  _ FL 2 - E(e) - n(n - l)nF + (n + I)L2 . ( 4.40) EXERCISE. Show that for n = 2 we have E( F ) = (2L 2 - nF)F e 6L2' so that E*(A)jE(A) = 6L 4 j(6L 4 + nFL 2 - 2n 2 F2). For instance, if K is a circle, we have E*(A)jE(A) = 48j49. Compute the analogous ratios for N and S. Limit case: averages for polygons formed by random lines. Let K(t) be a family of convex domains of area F(t) and perimeter L(t) depending upon the parameter t. Assume that for any point P of the plane there is a value t p of t such that, for all t > t p we have P E K(t). That means that K(t) expands over the whole plane as t  00. LEMMA. Independently of the shape of K(t) we have . L( t) 11m F( ) = o. t 00 t ( 4.41) Proof. Let C(t) be the greatest circle contained in K(t) and let R(t) be its radius. Let 0 be the center of C( t) and let ht = ht( <p) denote the support 
56 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.4. function of K(t) with respect to o. We have F(t) = ! J ht(<!J) dS t where dS t denotes the arc element of oK at the contact point of the support line per- pendicular to the direction <!J and the integral is over oK. Since hl<!J)  R(t), we get F(t)  lR(t)L(t) and because R(t)  00 as t  00, we get (4.41). Consider a line segment Ko of length b contained in K(t). If n random lines are assumed to intersect K(t), the probability that exactly m of them meet K is (binomial distribution) Pm = (:) ( r(l -  r-m ( 4.42) where we have applied that the probability that a randon1 line intersecting K(t) also intersects Ko is 2b/L (Chapter 3, Section 2). Assume that K(t) expands to the whole plane and that n = n(t)  00 in such a way that . n( t) A }:rr;, L(t) = "2' A = positive constant. ( 4.43) -We say that there is generated in the plane a Poisson line system or that we have a homogeneous planar Poisson line process [414]. The limit of Pm is then P * = lim P = (bA)m e- b1 m m , too m. (4.44) and the mean value of m is E(m) = L mpm * = bA; that is, the constant A is equal to the mean value of the number of lines crossing any line segment of unit length and A-I is the mean free length of a line. From (4.27) and (4.30) we have lim E(v/F) = (1tA 2 )/4, lim E(v 2 /F2) = (n 2 A4)/16 too (4.45) too and hence the variance var(v/F) = E(v 2 /F2) - (E(v/F»2  o. According to probability theory, from this result we deduce that, with probability 1, . v 1tA 2 hm - = -. too F 4 ( 4.46) This is the mean number of vertices per unit area. According to (4.43) and (4.41) we have n/F = (n/L)(L/F)  0 as t  00 and using (4.32) we get that the mean area of the regions into which the plane is partitioned by the random lines is E(A) = lim £ = lim(v/F + n/F + 1/F)-1 = ;2 ' too C too 1tA (4.47) 
1.4.4. Division of the Plane by Random Lines 57 For the mean number of sides of each region, from (4.34) and (4.32) we have E( N) = lim e* = lim 4v + 4n = 4 t-+oo C t-+oo V + n + 1 ( 4.48) and for the mean perimeter, using (4.36), E(S) = lim  = lim 2(L l1i/n) + L/n = i (4.49) t-+oo C t-+oo v/n + 1 + l/n A where we have used that (2: (1i/n)  E«(1) = nF/L and vJn = (v/F)(FJL)(LJn). All these equalities hold with probability 1 (almost surely). Hence we can state If a plane is partitioned into an infinite number of convex polygonal regions by random lines of a homogeneous Poisson line process of parameter l, then the mean values of the area A, perimeter S, and number of sides N of each region are, respectively, E(A) = 4Jnl 2 , E(S) = 4Jl, E(N) = 4. ( 4.50) Note that these mean values coincide with the limit of quotients (4.38)- (4.40) as t  00. The parameter l is the mean number of lines intersecting an arbitrary segment of unit length. Richards [510] and Miles [407,418] by probabilistic methods have obtained the mean values of several other measurements of these random polygons. We state without proof the following results of Miles: E(N 2 ) = (n 2 + 24)/2, E(AN) = 2n/l2, E(AS) = 4n/l 3 , E ( NA 2 ) = (81[2 - 21)16 211 4 ' E(SN) = (n 2 + 8)/l, E(S2) = [2(n 2 + 4)]/l2, E(A 2 ) = 8/l4, E ( SA 2 ) = 256n 2 211 5 ' E ( A 3 ) = 256n . 7A 6 Among the results of Richards [510] are 00 EGf(r) dP l A dP 2 ) = (8/).2) J rf(r)e-A'dr, o 00 E Gf(P) dP 1 A dP 2 A dP 3 ) = (8/21).2) J r 3 f(r) exp( - ).r/2) dr, o where p denotes the perimeter of the triangle PIP 2P 3 and the integral on the 
58 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.5 left-hand side is extended over a typical polygon (the choice of f = 1 yields E(A 3 )), and 00 E (J f(r) dS 1 A dS 2 ) = (2/),) J (4 + 1[2 ).r)f(r)e- r dr o where ds 1 , dS 2 are the arc elements on the boundary of a typical region and r is the distance between them. The rigorous proofs of these results are not easy; they can be found in a series of papers by Miles [414, 415, 418] and Matheron [399]. The origin of the problem is an earlier result of Goudsmit [234]. The extension to the hyperbolic plane has been carried out by Santal6 and Yanez [592]. For the division of E3 by random planes see Chapter 16, Section 4, Note 8. The Poisson line process is only one example, perhaps the most interesting due to its simplicity, of different line processes that can be defined in the plane. The study of these line processes and the random divisions of the plane into regions originated by them seems to be a very promising field. We refer the reader to the papers of Davidson [140] and Krickeberg [345, 346] and to Stochastic Geometry, edited by E. F. Harding and D. G. Kendall [294] (cf. Note 8, Section 5). 5. Notes 1. lntegral formulas for convex sets. Crofton's formulas (4.9) and (4.23) are typical examples of a number of integral formulas referring to convex sets in the plane that are obtained by calculating in different ways certain sets of points and lines related to the convex set. We want to give some other examples. (a) Let K be a bounded convex set with boundary oK of class ct. Let P be a point not in K and call t 1 and t 2 the lengths of the tangent lines through P, from P to the contact point, and OJ the angle between these tangents. Then if f is an integrable function over oK and 11' f2 are its values at the contact points of the tangent lines through P, we have 2n J (: +  ) sin 2 (  ) dP =  L J f d K 0 (4.51 ) where 4> is the direction of the tangent line. Applying (4.51) for particular values of I (f = constant, f = p2, f = p,. . .), we obtain several integral formulas as particular cases (see the results of Lebesgue [357], Masotti- Biggiogero [396], and Stoka [647]). If AI' A 2 are the contact points of the tangent lines through P and D denotes the diameter of the circle determined by At, A 2 , P, Masotti- Biggiogero [392] proved that 
1.4.5. Notes 59 J p1P2 dP = L D3 ' J PIP2 sin 3 w dP = 3F 2 , J P1P2 sin 3 (J) dP = reF 2 ' U J Pt + P2 dP = 4re D3 where (J) is the angle AlP A 2 , u is the chord AtA2' and Pi are the radii of curvature at Ai (i = 1, 2). The integrals are extended over the whole of the plane outside K. Integral formulas of an analogous kind may be obtained using the Fourier series expansions of the functions p( <fJ) and p( <fJ), as was done by Hurwitz [319]. For instance, if! denotes the angle of the tangent to oK with a fixed direction (0  !  2re), putting 2n a 2 =  J P COS 2T dT, o 2n a 2 ' =  J P sin 2T dT, o we have J sin 3 w dP = (3j4)L 2 + (n 2 j4)(a/ + a2,2). P,K For any convex set K we can prove that (J6 - n 2 )F  J (w 2 - sin 2 w) dP  (4jn)L 2 - n 2 F P,K where the equality sign holds on the left-hand side for circles and on the right-hand side for sets of constant breadth [270, 396]. Let x = xes), y = yes) be the parametric equations of a closed convex curve oK of length 2re and let am b n and C m d n be the coefficients of the Fourier expansions for xes) and yes), respectively. Then the functionals 4>n(oK) = an 2 + b n 2 + C n 2 + d n 2 (n  1) satisfy noteworthy inequalities, for instance, 4>t(oK)  (336j27n) - 3/2 = 1.282. .. and 4>n(oK)  8/ren 4 (n  2) (see [145a]). (b) Let G I , G 2 , G 3 be three lines that form the triangle of vertices Pt, P 2 , P 3 . Let D be the diameter of the circle determined by these points. Then (according to Blaschke [51]) dP I A dP 2 A dP 3 = D 3 dG I A dG 2 A dG 3 . ( 4.52) More generally, consider the ordered set of n points Pi (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) and denote by G i the line PiP i + t (i = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1), G n = Pn P l' by L i the length of PiP i + I' and by a i the angle of G i-I and G i. Then we can prove that [418] /\ L i dpi A d<fJi = /\ Isin ail dPj. ( 4.53) 
60 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.5. (c) Let D be a plane domain with smooth boundary aD. Let dS l and dS 2 denote the arc elements at points PI and P 2 of aD and call (1 the distance between PI and P 2. Then the area of D is given by F 2 = - 1 J (12 COS '" dS l A dS 2 aD x aD ( 4.54) where t/J is the angle between the outward normals at PI and P 2. This formula is the work of Redei and Nagy [497] and has been extended to domains of n-dimensional euclidean space by Hadwiger [267] and Ruben [518]. 2. Functions and their integrals over straight iines. Note that if f(x, y) = 1/(1 - x 2 - y2)1/2 for x 2 + y2 < 1, then J f(x, y) ds = 11: when the integral is extended over any chord of the unit circle. Renyi raised the question: does there exist a convex curve oK other than the circle and an integrable function f defined on the interior of oK and not identically zero such that J f ds = constant over all chords of K? The solution was given by J. W. Green [235], who proved the following theorem. Let oK be a convex curve and f a summable function over its interior, with J f ds = k over all chords of K. Then either f = 0 almost everywhere or else K is a circle and f = kn -1(1 - x 2 _ y2) -1/ 2 . If k = 0, we get the theorem: If f(x, y) is a continuous and summable func- tion over the plane and the line integral J f ds is zero when extended over any infinite straight line, then f = o. The generalization to higher dimensions has been considered by Darling [139]. 3. Density for points and lines that are incident. Let P(x, y) be a point of a line G(p, <p). If t denotes the length of the segment H P from the foot of the perpendicular to G from the origin to P and 0 is the angle of G with the x axis, we have t = x cos 0 + y sin O. Thus dt = cos 0 dx + sin 0 dy + (- x sin 0 + Y cos 0) dO. Exterior multiplication with expression (3.11) for dG gives, up to the sign, dG A dt = dP A dO, where dP = dx A dYe This formula assumes 0  0  1t. If G is an oriented line, we can set dG* A dt = dP A dO ( 4.55) and then 0 varies in the interval 0  0  2n. Equation (4.55) is the density for sets of pairs (P, G*) of points P and oriented lines G* such that P belongs to G*. 4. On the mean length of the chords of a convex set. There are different ways of defining the mean value of the length of random chords of a bounded convex set K. They depend on what is meant by a chord given at random. We give some examples. (i) If we assume that the line G that contains the chord is chosen at random in the sense of integral geometry, we know that the mean length of the chord has the value £((1) = nFIL (3.13). 
1.4.5. Notes 61 (ii) Suppose that oK is a perfectly reflecting wall and that a particle is projected from a point P of K into the direction 0 (Fig. 4.5). When the particle arrives at oK, say at point At, it is reflected and describes the chord A 1 A 2 ; then it is reflected again and successively describes the polygonal line A 1 A 2 .... Our aim is to find the mean value of the length of the chords A 1 A 2 , A 2 A 3 ,. .. when P is chosen at random in K and 0 is chosen at random A 2  A 1 Figure 4.5. between 0 and 2n. Calling (J the length of the chord that contains PAt, we define this mean value by J (J dP A dO 1 J Et«(J) = = 2F (JdPAdO J dP A dO n ( 4.56) where the integrals are extended over all P E K and to the range 0  0  2n. According to (4.55) we have J(JdPAdO=J(JdG*Adt=2J(J2dG=212 where 1 2 is defined by (4.8). Consequently we have E 1 «(J) = I 21nF. ( 4.57) The invariant 1 2 depends on the shape of K and generally lacks a simple expression. In order to compare E«(J) with E 1 «(J) we set E«(J - E«(J))2 = E(u 2 ) - (E«(J))2 and therefore, putting var«(J) = E«(J - E(U))2, we can write E«(J2) = (E«(J))2 + var«(J) and since 1 2 = E(u 2 )L, we have L nF L Et«(J) = E«(J) + nF var«(J) = L + nF var«(J). As a consequence we have E«(J)  Et«(J). 
62 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.5. For instance, for a circle of radius R we have E(u) = (n/2)R, E 1 (u) = (16/3n)R. ( 4.58) For the square of unit side we have E(u) = n/4 = 0.785..., El(U) = (4/3n)(310g(1 + )2 ) - ) 2 + 1) = 0.546. ( 4.59) This problem has applications in architectural acoustics. See [22, 335, 336]. (iii) Another possibility of defining the mean free path in convex domains is the following. Assume a point P chosen at random on the boundary of K and a direction P PI chosen at random about P (Fig. 4.6). Let u be the length of the chord P P 1. The mean value of u is then L 7t £2(0") = 7r H 0" ds A dO 00 ( 4.60) where s is the arc of oK at P. Figure 4.6. For example, for a circle of radius R the result (given by Horowitz [315]) is E2(U) = 4R/n and for a rectangle of sides a, b 
1.4.5. Notes 63 a b E2(O) = b f(a, b) + b f(b, a) a+ a+ where a ( a 2 + b 2 b ) 2b [ a + (a 2 + b 2 )1/2 ] f(a, b) = -log + - + -log b n a a n _  [ (a 2 + b 2 )1/2 _ 1 ] . na b (iv) Let P, Q be two points chosen at random on oK. The mean value of the distances u = I PQ I is Eiu) = L -2 J u ds. A dS 2 oK x oK (4.61) where dS I and dS 2 are the arc elements of oK at P and Q. For a given length L, the mean value E3(U) attains its maximum only for circles. More generally, if the function g(u) is increasing and concave, the mean value E3(g) = L -2 J g(u) ds. A dS 2 oK x oK attains its maximum, for L fixed, only for circles [375]. In particular, choosing g(u) = u, we find that the mean length of chords of a closed curve of length L does not exceed 2L/n 2 . (v) Finally, if the random chord is defined by two points PI' P 2 chosen independently at random inside K, we have Eiu) = F- 2 J u dP. A dP 2 . KxK (4.62) Using (4.2), (4.4), and (4.11), we have E4(U) = 2E(r), where E(r) denotes the mean distance between two points of K. Some details about the preceding results and their generalization to 3-space have been given by Coleman ([119]; see also the articles by Geciauskas [217, 218]). 5. Sylvester's problem. A classical problem of geometrical probability, interesting in integral geometry, is that of Sylvester (see [144, 335]): Find the probability that four points Po, PI' P 2 , P 3 chosen at random inside a convex set K form a convex quadrilateral; that is, that none of the points is inside the triangle formed by the other three. Consider the complementary probability that the quadrilateral is not convex. This can occur in four different ways, according to which of the 
64 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.5. points Pi occurs inside the triangle formed by the other three. The measure of the set of quadrilaterals such that P 3 lies inside the triangle PoP 1 P 2 is T 2 = J T 012 dPo A dP l A dP 2 PjeK where T 012 denotes the area of the triangle with vertices Po, PI' P 2 . The other three cases have the same measure, so that the total measure of cases in which the quadrilateral is not convex is 4T 2 . The corresponding prob- ability will be 4T 2 /p4 (where P is the area of K) and the probability of a convex quadrilateral is p = 1 - (4T 2 /p4). Since T 2 contains only areas and area elements, and thus is invariant under unimodular affinities, in order to compute the probability p it suffices to take a simpler figure equivalent to K under affinities. For instance, p has the same value for all ellipses, the same value for all triangles, and the same value for all parallelograms. A direct computation gives these results: ellipse, T 2 = 35P4( 48n 2 ) - 1 ; parallelogram, T 2 = Ilp4/144; T = 9 cos 2 rx + 52 cos rx + 44 p4. 2 36n 2 sin 2 rx ' triangle, T 2 = P4/12; regular n-sided polygon, where rx = 2n/n. The last result is due to Alikoski [3]. From these results we can write the corresponding probabilities. Blaschke [33] has shown the inequalities 35 T 2 1 ---, 48n 2 p4 12 ( 4.63) which say that the probability of Sylvester's problem has the greatest value for ellipses and the smallest value for triangles. In n-dimensional euclidean space Sylvester's problem leads to the integral Tn = J T 012 ... n dPo A dP 1 A . · · A dPn where TOl...n means the volume of the simplex with vertices Po, PI'. . ., P n and the integral is extended over all (n + I)-tuples of points of a convex body K. For the n-dimensional unit ball, direct computation gives, up to the factor pn + 2, ( n + 1 ) n+ 1 ( (n + 1)2 ) -1 Tn (unit ball) = t(n + 1) t(n + 1)2 Tn (4.64) where if n + 1 is odd we must put ( n + 1 ) 22n+4 ( n + 2 ) -1 !(n + 1) = (n + 2)n !(n + 2) · 
1.4.5. Notes 65 For example 1 Tl = 3"' 35 T 2 = 48n 2 ' 9 T3 = - · 715 The value above for Tn(unit ball) is due to J. F. C. Kingman [337]. The first inequality of Blaschke generalizes to n-dimensional euclidean space; that is, the ellipsoid has the greatest value of the probability of Sylvester's problem. The result is due to Groemer [244, 245]. For historical remarks concerning this problem see [338]; see also [498]. Miles [420] has generalized Sylvester's problem in the sense of finding the probabilities pen, m) that the polygonal convex hull of n + 3 random points of the unit n-ball possesses m vertices. Values of special interest are p(2, 3) = 15/16n 2 = 0.0949. . ., p(2,4) = 65/12n 2 = 0.5488. . ., p(2,5) = 1 - 305/48n 2 = 0.35619. . ., p(3,4) = 9/200n 2 = 0.004559. . ., p(3,5) = (1) - ( 17t2 ) = 0.17969..., p(3,6) = G) + ( 27t2 ) = 0.81575. . · · Other particular cases have been computed by Miles [420] but the general value of pen, m) is not known. 6. Lines that intersect a convex set. Let G i , i = 1, 2,. . ., n, be n random lines that intersect a convex set K. We know that the mean number of inter- section points of the lines G i that are interior to K is E(v) = n(n - 1)nF/L 2 (4.27). More difficult is the problem of finding the probability Ph' for h = 0, 1, 2,. . ., n(n - 1)/2, that exactly h intersection points lie inside K. The expression of these probabilities requires new invariants of K besides the area F, the perimeter L, and the invariants In of Section 2. For instance, for n = 3 there appears the integral u = J u(G 1 , G 2 ) dG 1 A dG 2 GI nG2eK where u(6 1 , 6 2 ) denotes the length of the convex quadrilateral whose vertices are the intersections of 6 1 and G 2 with iJK. Applying the results of Chapter 3. Section 3, we can prove that for n = 3 1 3 Po = L3 (U + 1 2 + L - 6nFL), 3 PI = L3 (2nFL - U), 3 P2 = L3 (U - 1 2 ), 1 P3 = L3 (21 2 - U). 
66 Pairs of Points and Pairs of Lines 1.4.5. If oK is of class C 2 , the probability Pn(n _ 1 )/2 that all the intersection points lie inside K satisfies the inequality n! ( bL ) n Pn(n-l)/2 < (2n)! 2 where b is the maximal value of the curvature of oK. These results are due to Sulanke [660]. 7. Random polygons in a ring domain. Let Ko be a bounded convex domain of the plane containing in its interior another convex domain K 1. Let G i (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) be n independent lines, drawn at random, meeting Ko but not K 1. Let Hi be the closed half plane that is bounded by G i and contains K 1 . Let Kn be the intersection of all the Hi. Then Renyi and Sulanke [505] have proved: (i) The probability that Kn is an open set is of the order of yn as n -+ 00, where y is a constant, 0 < y < 1, that depends on Ko and K 1. We will write p(K n open) = O(yn). In particular, if Ko and K 1 are parallel convex sets, then p(K n open) = nj2 n - 1 . (ii) If K 1 reduces to a point, the expected value of the number of vertices V n of Kn is E(V n ) = n 2 j2 + O(yn) (0 < y < 1). Thus, E(V n ) -+ n 2 j2 as n -+ 00. (iii) If oK I has bounded continuous curvature K > 0, then [( ) 1/3 ( ) J L1 ] _ 2 5 2/3 1/3 E(Vn) - 3(Lo _ L 1 ) r 3 K ds n + 0(1) o where Lo and L 1 are the perimeters of Ko and K 1 , respectively. (iv) If K 1 is a convex r-gon, then E(V n ) = ir log n + 0(1). For partial generalization to more dimensions see the work of W. M. Schmidt [598] and Sulanke and Wintgen [665]. The same problem with a general distribution function for lines on the plane has been treated by Ziezold [736], who by "duality" relates this problem to that of the expected number of vertices of the convex hull of n random points in a convex domain (see Chapter 2, Section 5, Note 3). '8. Stochastic processes of lines. An oriented line G in the plane E 2 can be regarded as a point (p, </J) in the cylinder C(p, </J; - 00 < p < 00, 0 < </J < 2n). Let 9Jl be the group of motions on C induced by the group of motions (transla- tions and rotations) on E 2 . Let Bq be the ball Bq = {(p, </J); Ipl < q}. A line process in E 2 can be considered as a point process on C, that is, a non- negative integer-valued random Borel measure Z on C such that (a) for all q  0, Z(B q ) is almost surely finite ; (b) Z has almost surely no atoms of mass greater than 1. Davidson [140] considers line processes, denoted by LP4, satisfying the further conditions: (c) for all q  0, E(Z2(B q » < 00 and for all TE9Jl, E(Z(A» = E(Z(T A» (first-order stationarity), E(Z(T A I)Z(T A 2 » = E(Z(A 1 )Z(A 2 » (second-order stationarity), provided there is a q such that At u A 2 C Bq; (d) Z has almost surely no parallel (or anti parallel) lines. Those members of LP4 that also satisfy the condition that (e) the finite- dimensional distributions of Z are stationary under 9Jl, that is, 
1.4.5. Notes 67 Prob (0 (Z(A i ) = n i )) = Prob (0 (Z(TA i ) = n i )) for all k, nt, n2"'.' nk, At,..., A k , and TE 9)1, form the class LP5. Davidson [140] and Krickeberg [345] have shown that every Z E LP4 is second-order stationary under reflections of E 2 (equivalently, under transla- tions of C). For Z satisfying (a), (b), and (c), define the intensity A of Z as the mean number of points of Z in any set of measure unity. Davidson shows that given Z E LP4, a second process Z* E LP4 can be constructed such that Z* is doubly stochastic Poisson (dsP) with the same intensity and covariant measure as Z. Although Davidson obtained an element of LP4 that is not dsP, all processes constructed by him to satisfy the restrictions on LP5 are dsP and he conjectures that dsP does exhaust LP5. If this is so, we can use Miles' results [407, 410, 414] on distributions associated with the Poisson process to get expressions for the same distributions associated with any Z E LP5. Davidson [140] has discussed the applications of line processes to the structure of paper and to road networks. Paper may be regarded as a (closely packed) random process of long fibers. The strength of paper surely lies in the matting density of its fibers; it is thus of interest to find what line proc- esses have the greatest specific density of intersections per unit area. This specific density is defined as the ratio of the mean number of intersections per unit area to the mean number of pairs of distinct lines per unit area and is invariant under changes in the thickness of the paper. Davidson shows that the strongest paper will be produced by the so-called mixed Poisson process, which is just the ordinary homogeneous Poisson process with a random change of global density. Other results on random fibrous networks have been obtained by Dodson [147, 148] and Corte [124]. With reference to road networks, the problem is to put a network of (conceptually) infinite straight roads in the plane so as to make the average road journey as short as possible. Let A be a random point on the network and consider all the points B on the network at a distance d from A. Let r(d, A) denote the mean distance of the points B from A via the roads of the network. The coefficient of inefficiency m(d) of the network is defined as the mean value, over A, of r(d, A) divided by d. For the rectangular grid, it can be shown that m(d)  (2 + n)J4 and approaches this limit as d  00. For a Poisson line process, m(d) is finite for all d, and m(d)  1 as d  00. In this sense, a Poisson process is the most efficient for long journeys. The expected number of intersections per unit area between two sets of random parallel lines in the plane has applications in problems of road traffic theory [213]. Other results on points and lines processes are to be found in the work of Papangelou [469] and Daley [136]. For the general theory see the book of G. Matheron [401a]. 
CHAPTER 5 Sets of Strips in the Plane 1. Density for Sets of Strips By a strip of breadth a we mean the closed part of the plane consisting of all points that lie between two parallel lines at a distance a from each other. We will represent the strips by the letter B. The position of a strip B can be determined by the position of its midparallel. Calling p, </J the coordinates of such a line, the density for sets of strips of fixed breadth will be (Fig. 5.1) dB = dp A d</J. (5.1) Clearly this density is unique, up to a constant factor, if it is to be invariant under the group of motions of the plane. Let K be a bounded convex set. If B n K ¥= 9, the mid parallel of B inter- sects the parallel set K a / 2 of K in the distance a/2. Conversely, if the mid parallel of B intersects K a / 2 , then B intersects K. Therefore, using (1.18) and (3.12), we have that the measure of the set of strips of breadth a that intersect a convex set K is m(B; BilK =F 9) = J dB = L + na BnK*0 (5.2) where L is the perimeter of K. In particular, we have (i) The measure of all strips of breadth a that contain a fixed point P is meR; P E B) = na. (5.3) (ii) The measure of all strips of breadth a that meet a line segment S of length s is ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 68 
1.5.1. Density for Sets of Strips 69 m(B; B () S ¥= 9) = 28 + 1ta. (5.4) (iii) The measure of all strips of breadth a that meet a connected domain, not necessarily convex, is given by the same formula (5.2), where L denotes in this case the perimeter of the convex hull of the domain. Iy A 1'\0.. & , & .... .... , ,. .... " '" 'L . I , .... /  p//  , ,/cp o .... .... " ,. ...... , "- 'I. X "- "- '" "-  Figure 5.1. More involved is the measure of the set of strips that contain a given set. However, the result is simple if the set is a convex set of diameter D  a. In this case the measure is the difference between measure (5.2) and the measure of all strips whose boundary meets K, which is equal to 2L. Thus m(B; K c: B) = 1ta - L. (5.5) Note that this measure is not negative because L  1tD and D  a. The preceding results may be stated in terms of geometrical probability as follows. (a) Let K 1 be a convex set contained in a bounded convex set K. The probability that a random strip of breadth a that meets K intersects K 1 is 
70 Sets of Strips in the Plane 1.5.1. L 1 + na P = L + na (5.6) where L 1 and L are the perimeters of K 1 and K, respectively. If the diameter of K 1 is less than or equal to a, then the probability that the strip B contains K 1 is na - L 1 P = na + L . (5.7) If K 1 reduces to a point, then (5.7) applies with L 1 = o. (b) Consider N convex sets K i (i = 1, 2,. . ., N) contained in a bounded convex set K (Fig. 5.2). Let L be the perimeter of K and L i the perimeter of K j . o Figure 5.2. If n denotes the number of sets K i that are intersected by the strip B (in Fig. 5.2, n = 3), we have J N N n dB = L m(B; B () K i ¥= e) = L L j + nNa. 1 1 BnK#=0 (5.8) If the diameters of all K i are equal to or less than a, and ni denotes the number of sets K i that are covered by the strip B, from (5.5) we deduce J n i dB = nN a -  L;. BnK#=0 (5.9) 
1.5.2. ButTon's Needle Problem 71 From (5.5), (5.8), and (5.9) we have Let K i (i = 1, 2,. . ., N) be N convex sets that are contained in a bounded convex set K. The mean number of sets K i that are met by a strip of breadth a that intersects K at random is E(n) = L L i + nNa . L + na If the diameters of the sets K i are all less than or equal to a, then the mean number of sets K i that are covered by the strip is (5.10) E(n.) = nNa - L L i . I na + L (5.11) 2. Bufron's Needle Problem Let us go back to the problem (a) of the preceding section. Assume that K is a convex set of constant breadth D and K 1 is any convex set contained in K. Recall that any convex set of diameter D 1  D can be contained in K (Chapter 1, Section 4). The probability that a strip B of breadth a that intersects K will meet Kl is given by (5.6). Instead of assuming that K is fixed and the strip , , 0: :' Q \1K I ' K ' \ I  Figure 5.3. B is given at random, we can consider that the set K, together with the set K 1 , is placed at random on a plane on which are ruled parallel strips B at a distance D from each other (Fig. 5.3). Then it is sure that K will meet one and only one strip (except for tangent positions of measure zero) and the probability that Kl will meet a strip will be given by (5.6); that is, using that L = 1tD, we have 
72 Sets of Strips in the Plane 1.5.3. L 1 + na p = n(a + D) · (5.12) Clearly, the existence of the set K is not necessary and we may state that if a convex set K 1 of diameter D 1  D and perimeter L 1 is placed at random on the plane, the probability that it intersects a strip is given by (5.12). If a = 0 and K 1 reduces to a line segment of length 1, we have L 1 = 21 and (5.12) gives the solution of the classical Buffon needle problem: The probability that a needle of length 1 placed at random on a plane on which are ruled parallel lines at a distance D  I apart will intersect one of these lines has the value p = 21/nD. Note. The Buffon needle problem was stated and solved by Buffon in his Essai d'Arithmetique Morale (1777) and is considered the first problem in the theory of geometric probability. The formula p = 21/nD gives the possibility of estimating 1t by the random process of throwing a needle N times on the plane where the parallel lines are drawn. If in n of these throws the needle intersects one parallel line, then p* = n/N is an estimate of p and n* = 21/p*D is the corresponding estimate for 1t. From the theory of probabilities it is known that the standard error of p in N falls is [p/(1 - p)/N]1/2. Since n* = (21/p2 D) p, it follows that by N large the standard error of n* is n[( 1tD - 21)/21N] 1/2 and this formula indicates that the more precise estimate of n corresponds to the greatest possible value of I, that is, 1 = D. The experiment has been carried out several times and the results are quoted in the literature (e.g., by Kendall and Moran [335]). However, all the published results are better than should be expected, as has been pointed out by Gridgeman [238]. This author shows that in order to get the value of 1t with d exact decimal figures, with a probability of 95%, it is necessary that N I'OtJ 90.10 2d (assuming D = 1), a value much greater than that announced by experimenters (see also the results of Mantel [390]). For applications of the needle problem and other integral geometric results to the construction of pattern recognition devices, see the work of Novikoff [457]. For applica- tions to estimate the length of curves see [205]. The assumptions that underlie the treatment of Buffon's problem have been analyzed by Kac, Van Kampen, and Wintner [328]; see also [318] and [601]. 3. Sets of Points, Lines, and Strips Let D be a domain in the plane, not necessarily convex, of area F. The density for sets of pairs of points and strips (P, B), assuming the independence of P and B, is dP A dB. The measure of the set of pairs (P, B) such that P E B () D will thus be 
1.5.3. Sets of Points, Lines, and Strips 73 m(P, B; P E B n D) = J dP A dB. PeB" D (5.13) To calculate this integral we fix P and apply (5.3). The result is m(P, B; P E B n D) = na J dP = naF PeD (5.14) where a is the breadth of B. On the other hand, if we first fix B and call f Figure 5.4. the area of B r) D (Fig. 5.4), we get m(P, B; P E B n D) = J f dB B"D::I=0 ( 5 .15) and thus J f dB = naF. B"D::I=9 (5.16) Let L be the perimeter of the convex hull of D. Then m(P; P e D) = F and m(B; B r) D :F 9) = L + na and we can state 
74 Sets of Strips in the Plane 1.5.3. If P and B are chosen at random such that P e D and B (') D :j:. 9, the probability that P belongs to B (') D is na p = L + na (5.17) and the mean value of the area f of the intersection B (') D is E(f) = naF . L + na (5.18) Let K be a convex set and consider the sets of pairs G, B (line and strip) such that G (') B (') K :j:. 9. The measure of this set is the integral of the form dG A dB over the set G (') B (') K :j:. 9. The integration can be accomplished either by first fixing G and then integrating over the strips B or by first fixing B and then integrating over the lines G. The first way gives, using (5.4), m(G, B; G n B n K "# e) = J (20" + na) dG = 2nF + naL (5.19) GnK=I=9 where (1 is the length of the chord G (') K. The second way gives m(G, B; G n B n K "# e) = J u dB BnK=I=9 ( 5.20) where u denotes the perimeter of B (') K (Fig. 5.5). From (5.19) and (5.20) Figure 5.5. 
1.5.4. Some Mean Values 75 we deduce J U dB = 2nF + nL. BnK=I=9 (5.21) These results can be stated as follows. Let G and B be a line and a strip of breadth a chosen at random such that G n K # e and B n K # e. The probability that G n B n K # e is 2reF + reaL p = L(L + rea) . ( 5.22) If a = 0, we get the probability that two random chords of K will intersect inside K, that is, p = 2reFjL 2 . The mean length of the boundary of B n K is E(u) = 2reF + reaL . L + rea (5.23) The density for pairs of independent strips Bt, B 2 is dBt " dB 2 and thus the measure of the set of pairs of strips Bl' B 2 such that B l n B 2 n K # e is m(B 1 , B 2 ; B 1 n B 2 n K =1= e) = J dB 1 A dB 2 = Bl nB2nK =1= 9 J (Ul + na2) dB 1 BlnK=I=9 = 2reF + realL + rea2(L + real) (5.24) where we have applied (5.2) and (5.21) and at, a2 are the breadths of strips B l and B2' respectively. Therefore we have If Bl' B 2 are two random strips intersecting the convex set K, the prob- ability that B 1 n B 2 n K # e is 2reF + reL(al + a 2 ) + re 2 a l a 2 p = (L + rea 1 )(L + rea2) . (5.25) For strips whose breadth is random variable, see [216]. 4. Some Mean ValDes Let B j (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) be n random strips of breadth a that intersect a convex set K. We want to find the mean value of the area fr of the part of K 
76 Sets of Strips in the Plane 1.5.4. that is covered by exactly r strips. Consider the integral I = r dP A dB A dB A... A dB r J t 2 n (5.26) extended over the set of strips B i that intersect K and over the points P that are covered exactly by r strips. We have I = ( n ) r dP A dB A... A dB r dB A.. · A dB r r J t r J r+ 1 n PeBi P,Bh (5.27) where i = 1, 2,. . ., rand h = r + 1,. . ., n. Since the measure of the strips that contain P is equal to rea and the measure of the strips that do not contain P is (L + rea) - rea = L, we have Ir = (:) (na)'Ln-rF. (5.28) On the other hand, if in order to calculate I r we first keep fixed the strips Bt, B2'. . ., Bn' we have Ir = J f, dB 1 A dB 2 A.. · A dBm the integral being extended over all strips that meet K. From (5.28) and (5.29) we have (5.29) J fr dB 1 A dB 2 A.. · A dBn = (:) (na)' Ln-rF. (5.30) Since the measure of the set of n-tuples of strips that intersect K is equal to (L + rea)n, we can state The mean value of the areafr that is covered exactly r timesfor n randomly given strips of breadth a that intersect a convex set K is () (na)'U-rF EUr) = (L + nat ' r = 0, 1, 2,. . ., n. (5.31) If n --+ 00 and simultaneously a -+ 0 according to the law na = cx = constant (Le., the total breadth of the n strips remains constant and equal to cx), we get ( ) r ( ) 1 recx recx E(j; ) -+ - - F exp - - · r r! L L (5.32) 
1.5.5. Notes 77 For instance, the mean value of the area that is not covered by any strip (r = 0), in the limit, becomes E(fo) = F exp( - rcrxJL). In other words these results may be stated as follows. If it is assumed that n strips of breadth a cross at random a convex set K, the probability that a given point of K belongs exactly to r strips is equal to ( n ) (rea)r L n - r Pr = r (L + rea)n ' r = 0, 1,. . ., n. (5.33) If n -+ 00, a -+ 0 in such a manner that na = rx (constant), then ( ) r ( ) 1 rerx rcrx Pr -+ r! L exp - L · 5. Notes 1. Generalization of the Buffon needle problem. Assume that the needle has a length L greater than the distance D between parallels. Then the prob- ability that it will cross at least one parallel line is 2 D 2 p = -arccos - + - [L - (L 2 - D2)1/2]. re L rcD ( 5.34) More precisely, if we assume that D = 1 and L = n + L' (0  L'  1), the probability that the needle will cross exactly h parallel lines (1  h  n + 1) IS 2 Ph = - [(h + 1)rx h + 1 - 2hrih + (h - 1)ri h -- 1 ] rc 2L + - (cos rx h + 1 - 2 cos rxh + cos rih-l) re (5.35) where rx i is the angle such that L sin rx i = i for i = 1, 2,. . ., n, and rxn+ 1 = reJ2. For h = n + 1, Pn+ 1 = 2Lrc- 1 cos rx n + 2nre- 1 (rx n - rcJ2). See [335]. 2. Buffon's problem with a broken line. Assume the plane ruled with equidistant parallel lines a distance D apart. A broken line y = BAC com- posed of two sides AB, AC of lengths IABI = a and IACI = b is dropped at random on the plane. Assuming that the greatest side of the triangle ABC is less than D, prove as an exercise that the probabilities that y has zero, one, or two intersection points with the parallel lines are, respectively, 1 a+b+c Po = - rcD 2c PI = -, reD a+b-c P2 = rcD where c = IBCI (Fig. 5.6). 
78 Sets of Strips in the Plane 1.5.5. B C , / B;\C Y B C Figure 5.6. 3. White and black random strips. Let K be a convex set of area F and perimeter L that we suppose to be white. Assume that K is crossed at random by a black strip B 1 of breadth a. After that, K is crossed at random by a white strip B 2 of the same breadth a, which erases the part of B 1 that it meets. The process continues, drawing at random alternately black and white strips of the same breadth a (Fig. 5.7). After n + 1 black strips and n white strips have been drawn, the mean value of the black area of K is 8 3 8 2 8 4 Figure 5.7. 
1.5.5. Notes 79 reaF [ ( L ) 2 ( L ) 4 ( L ) 2n ] E(!2n+ 1) = L + rea 1 + L + rea + L + rea +... + L + rea (5.36) and after n + 1 black and n + 1 white strips have been drawn, the mean black area becomes reaF L [ ( L ) 2 ( L ) 4 ( L ) 2n ] E{f2n+2) = (L + na)2 1 + L + na + L + no + . . . + L + na · For n -+ 00 we get (See [534].) (5.37) E F(L + rea) (!2n+ 1) -+ 2L + rea ' FL E(!2n+2) -+ 2L + rea . (5.38) 
CHAPTER 6 The Group 01 Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1. The Group of Motions in the Plane We have imposed on the densities for points and lines in the plane the condition of being invariant under the group of motions. We shall now consider in detail this group of motions, which we will represent by 9Jl, as an introduction to the general study of groups of matrices that appears in Chapter 9. Assume the euclidean plane referred to a rectangular system of Cartesian coordinates. A motion is defined as a transformation u: P(x, y) -+ P'(x', y') represented by the equations x' = x cos 4> - y sin 4> + a, y' = x sin 4> + Y cos 4> + b (6.1) where a, b, 4> are parameters that have the following respective ranges: - 00 < a < 00, - 00 < b < 00, o  4>  21t. (6.2) If K is a set of points and K' = uK is the image of K under the motion u, we say that K and K' are congruent. It is easy to give a geometric interpretation of parameters a, b, 4>. Let (0; x, y) denote the rectangular frame of origin 0 and x, y axes (Fig. 6.1). Assume that by the motion u the frame (0; x, y) is mapped onto the frame (0'; x', y'); then a, b are the coordinates of 0' and 4> is the angle between the x axis and the x' axis. The unit element of the group is the identity a = 0, b = 0, 4> = O. Instead of equations (6.1), it is sometimes useful to represent the motion u by the ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. SantalO, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, reoording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 80 
1.6.1. The Group of Motions in the Plane 81 matrix ( COS 4J u = Si 4J - sin 4J a ) co  4J  · (6.3) y 0' - I I P b: t I Y' I I I 0 x A a A 1 X Figure 6.1. Then the motion U2Ul is represented by the product matrix U2Ul and the inverse motion U - 1 is represented by the inverse matrix ( cos 4J sin 4J U - 1 = - sin 4J cos 4J o 0 - a cos 4J - b sin 4J ) a sin 4J - b cos 4J . 1 (6.4) Hence the group of motions IDl can be defined as the group of matrices of the form (6.3) with the ordinary matrix product as composition law. We will use the same symbol to represent a motion and the corresponding matrix. Each motion is determined by a point of the 3-space (a, b, 4J). This space, with the equivalence relation (a, b, 4J) '" (a, b, 4J + 2kn) (k any integer) is the space of the group IDl and it will be represented by the same letter IDl. Each motion SEIDl defines two endomorphisms of IDl: the left translation Ls: u -+ su; (6.5) and the right translation 
82 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.2. Rs: u -+ us. (6.6) For instance, if ( COS 4>0 S = Sin/ o - sin 4>0 cos 4>0 o a o ) o , (6.7) we have ( COS 4> L. : Si cP - sin 4> a ) cos 4> b o 1 ( COS( 4> + 4>0) - sine 4> + 4>0) --+ sin( 4> ; cPo) cos( 4>0 + 4>0) a cos 4>0 - b sin 4>0 + a o ) a sin 4>0 + b i cos 4>0 + b o , (6.8) which can be written { a -+ a cos 4>0 - b sin 4>0 + ao, Ls b -+ a sin 4>0 + b cos 4>0 + b o , 4> -+ 4> + 4>0. ( 6.9) Analogously we have { a -+ ao cos 4> - b o sin 4> + a, Rs b -+ ao sin 4> + b o cos 4> + b, 4> -+ 4>0 + 4>. (6.10) 2. The Differential Forms on 9R A differential form of order 1 or a 1-form on IDl (also called a Pfaffian form) is any expression of this type W(u) = (X(u) da + P(u) db + y(u) d4> (6.11) where (X(u), P(u), y(u) are functions of class Coo defined on the space IDl, that is, infinitely differentiable functions of the coordinates a, b, 4> of the point u E IDl. All differential 1-forms on IDl at the point u with the addition and product by a scalar defined in the natural way (wt(u) + w 2 (u) = ((Xt + (X2) da + (Pt + P2) db + (Yt + Y2) d4>, AW = A(x da + AP db + AY d4» constitute a vector space of dimension 3, called the vector space of the 1-forms at u (or the cotangent space to IDl at the point u) and represented by T" *. The 1-forms 
1.6.2. The Differential Forms on 9.Jl 83 da, db, dl/J and any set of three independent linear combinations of them constitute a basis for Tu *. The left and right translations Ls and Rs induce on Tu * the maps Ls *: ro(u) -+ ro(su), Rs *: ro(u) -+ ro(us) (6.12) where in order to write ro(su) and ro(us) in explicit form the following equations, consequences of (6.9) and (6.10), must be used. I da -+ cos l/Jo da - sin l/Jo db, Ls * db -+ sin l/Jo da + cos l/Jo db, dl/J -+ dl/J; (6.13) I da -+ - (ao sin l/Jo + b o cos l/J) dl/J + da, Rs * db -+ (a o cos l/J - b o sin l/J) dl/J + db, dl/J -+ dl/J. (6.14 ) An important problem is that of finding the I-forms on 9Jl that are invariant under Ls * and those that are invariant under Rs *. They are called left-invariant and right-invariant I-forms, respectively. To this end, note that the matrix D L = u- 1 du ( 6.15) is invariant under left translations, because Ls*D L = (SU)-1 d(su) = U- 1 S- 1 S du = u- 1 du = D L ( 6.16) and therefore the elements of D L are left-invariant 1-forms. From (6.3) and (6.4) we deduce ( 0 - dl/J cos l/J da + sin l/J db ) D L =u- 1 du= </>  -Sin</>dao+COS</>db. ( 6.1 7) Hence the 1-forms ro 1 = cos l/J da + sin l/J db, ro2 = - sin l/J da + cos l/J db, ro3 = dl/J (6.18) are left-invariant I-forms. On the other hand, ro1, ro2, ro 3 are independent forms (since the determinant of the coefficients of da, db, dl/J is not zero) and thus any linear combination of them with constant coefficients is also an invariant 1-form under Ls *. We will prove that the converse is also true, that is, any 1-form on 9Jl that is left invariant is a linear combination with constant coefficients of the 1-forms (6.18). 
84 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.2. For a proof, we observe that since rol, ro2, ro 3 are independent, they form a basis for Tu * and therefore each I-form ro(u) may be written as ro(u) = ex(u)ro 1 + {3(U)ro2 + y(u)ro 3 . If ro is invariant under L s *' we have ro(su) = ex(su)ro 1 (su) + {3(su)ro 2 (su) + y(su)ro 3 (su) = ro(u) and since rolsu) = roi(u) (i = 1, 2, 3), we have (ex(su) - ex(u))ro 1 (u) + ({3(su) - {3(u))ro 2 (u) + (y(su) - Y(U))ro3(U) = o. Because of the independence of ro 1 , ro 2 , ro3 it follows that ex(su) = ex(u), {3(su) = {3(u), y(su) = y(su), which implies (since s is any point of IDl) that ex, {3, yare constants. Thus, we have solved the problem of finding all left- invariant 1-forms on rol. To find the right-invariant 1-forms we consider the matrix DR = du u- 1 (6.19) which is right invariant, because Rs*DR = d(us)(US)-1 = du SS-I U -l = du u- 1 = DR. According to (6.3) and (6.4) we have ( 0 d4J DR = d4J 0 o 0 b d4J + da ) - a dt + db (6.20) . and therefore we have the following set of right-invariant 1-forms. ro 1 = b d4J + da, ro 2 = - a d4J + db, ro 3 = d4J. (6.21) Any linear combination with constant coefficients of ro 1 , ro 2 , ro 3 will be a right-invariant 1-form and the same proof as above shows that, conversely, any right-invariant 1-form on WI is a linear combination with constant coefficients of the forms (6.21). Finally, observe that by differentiating the identity uu - 1 = e = unit matrix, we get du · u - 1 + u. du - 1 = 0 and therefore du - 1 = - U - 1 du u - 1. ( 6.22) From this equality and (6.15), (6.19) we get D L (u- 1 ) = - DR(u), ( 6.23) which is an important relation that will be useful later. 
1.6.3. The Kinematic Density 85 3. The Kinematic Density Since WI' W2, W3 are left-invariant I-forms, the exterior product dK = W 1 A W2 A W3 = da A db A dl/J ( 6.24) is a left-invariant 3-form. Furthermore, up to a constant factor, dK is the unique left-invariant 3-form in 9)1. Indeed, if t/J = f(a, b, l/J) da A db A dl/J = f(u)W 1 A W 2 A w 3 is a left-invariant 3-form, we have f(su)w 1 (su) A W2(SU) A w 3 (su) = f(u)w 1 (u) A w 2 (u) A w 3 (u) and since wlsu) = wlu) (i = 1,2,3), it follows thatf(su) = feu). Since any u may be sent into any su by a suitable left translation s, the function f must have the same value for all points of IDl; thus, it is a constant. From (6.21) it follows that w 1 A w 2 A w 3 = da A db A dl/J = dK (6.25) that is, the differential form dK is also right invariant. The same argument as above shows that, up to a constant factor, it is the unique 3-form that is invariant under right translations. Finally, from (6.22) we deduce dK(u- 1 ) = - dK(u); (6.26) that is, up to the sign, dK is also invariant under inversion of the motion. Since we will always take the densities in absolute value, the change of sign in (6.26) is immaterial and we can state that the 3-form (6.24) is invariant under left and right translations and under inversion of the motion. It is called the kinematic density for the group of motions in the plane. The kinematic density dK is the invariant volume element of the space of the group of motions IDl. By integrating dK over a domain on IDl, we get the measure of the corresponding set of motions (kinematic measure). We now consider some examples in order to see the geometrical meaning of the kinematic measure and its invariance properties. Consider a rectangle K = OABC and a fixed domain Ko, as shown in Fig. 6.2. We ask for the measure of the set of motions u such that uK (') Ko =1= 9, that is, the set of motions that carry K into a position in which it intersects Ko. This measure is the integral of dK = da A db A dl/J over the points O'ea, b) and the angles l/J such that uK (') Ko =1= l/J. The left invariance of this measure means that instead of Ko we could take the domain sKo, the image of Ko by the motion s, the measure being the same in both cases. In other words, the measure of motions such that uK (') Ko '# 9 is equal to the measure of motions such that uK (') sKo '# 9, for any fixed s. The right in variance means that instead of K we could take sK and the measure of the motions such that u(sK) (') Ko =1= 9 is also the same as before. 
86 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.3. It follows that the kinematic measure does not depend on the initial position of K or Ko, so that instead of the measure of a set of motions we can say that the problem is that of finding "the measure of the set of rectangles congruent to K that have common point with the domain Ko." This terminology, based on "sets of congruent figures," is sometimes more intuitive than that based on "sets of motions," though they are obviously equivalent. y c K o B  A a.. x Figure 6.2. The invariance of dK by inversion of the motion means that the measure of the set of motions such that uK n Ko i= e is equal to the measure of the set of motions u' = u -1 such that K n u' Ko i= e. For instance, if K reduces to a single point Po(O, 0) and we put uPo = P(a, b), we have m(u;uPoEKo)= J daAdbAdljJ=2n J daAdb= 2nF o (6.27) uPoeKo uPoeKo where F 0 is the area of Ko. If we c<;>nsider the set of inverse motions u' such that Po E u'K o , the result should be the same and we have 
1.6.3. The Kinematic Density 87 m(u'; Po E u'K o ) = J dKo = 2nFo Poeu'Ko ( 6.28) where we have used dKo in order to indicate that the moving figure is now the domain Ko. Equation (6.28) is a simple but useful integral formula. Remark. From the preceding paragraphs it follows that to compute the measure of a set of congruent figures, or a set of positions of a figure K, we must choose a frame (0'; x', y') fixed in K (moving frame) and then compute the integral of dK = da A db A dl/J over the set, where a, b are the coordinates of 0' with respect to the fixed frame (0; x, y) and l/J is the angle between the x axis and x' axis. v Y' I I I . I I I I b 1 I I a a a 1 x Figure 6.3. The choice of the moving frame is arbitrary. Indeed, if instead of (0'; x', y') we choose the frame (0 1 '; Xl" Yl') such that (Fig. 6.3) a 1 = a + ao cos l/J - b o sin l/J, b 1 = b + a o sin l/J + b o cos l/J, l/J 1 = l/J + l/Jo, ( 6.29) 
88 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.3. where ao, b o are the coordinates of 0 I' relative to the frame (0'; x', y') and l/Jo is the angle between O'x' and 01'XI', we note that (6.29) are the equations of a right translation (6.10) and therefore the kinematic density remains unchanged. In other words, the right invariance of dK is equivalent to the invariance by a change of moving frame. This property allows the choice of the more suitable moving frame for each particular case. Other expressions for the kinematic density. Let (P; x', y') be a moving frame defined by the point Pea, b) and the angle l/J that the line Px' makes with the x axis. If we define this moving frame by new coordinates, we will have new expressions for dK. For instance, let (P; x', y') be determined by the y x Figure 6.4. line Px', which we will denote by G(p, e) and the distance t = PH from P to the foot of the perpendicular drawn from 0 to G (Fig. 6.4). The transforma- tion formulas are a = p cos e + t sin e, b = p sin e - t cos e, l/J = e - n/2. Hence dK = da A db A dl/J = dp A de A dt, or dK = dG* A dt (6.30) 
1.6.4. Sets of Segments 89 where we write G* in order to indicate that G must be considered oriented, because a change of orientation does not superpose the frame (P; x', y') onto itself. Each un oriented line is the support of two oriented lines. If we set dP = da A db, (6.30) can be written dP A dl/J = dG* A dl. (6.31) Another expression for dK is the following. Except for translations, which depend on two parameters (a, b) and therefore belong to a set of measure zero, each motion u is a rotation about an invariant point called the center of rotation of u. Let Q(, 17) be the center of rotation of the motion that maps (0; x, y) onto (0'; x', y') and let l/J be the angle of this rotation. The coordinates a, b, l/J and , 17, l/J are related by the equations a = (1 - cos q,) + sine l/J )17, b = - sine l/J) + (1 - cos l/J)17 as follows putting x = x' = , y = y' = 17 into equations (6.1). From these transformation formulas it follows easily that dK = 4 sin 2 ( l/J/2) d A d17 A dq,. ( 6.32) This expression is not applicable to translations, since then Q is a point at infinity. 4. Sets of Segments Let Ko be a fixed convex set of area F 0 and perimeter Lo. Consider an oriented segment K of length I. We want to calculate the measure of the set of segments congruent to K that meet Ko (Fig. 6.5). Choosing expression (6.30) for the kinematic density, letting G be the line that contains segment Figure 6.5. 
90 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.4. K, and calling (j the length of the chord G n Ko, we have (using (3.6) and (3.12) ), m(K; K (') Ko =F e) = f dG* A dt = f (0" + l) dG* = 2nFo + 21Lo. K()Ko =1= {} G()Ko =1= {} (6.33) Thus, the measure of all oriented segments of length I having a point in common with a convex set of area F 0 and perimeter Lo is equal to 2rcF 0 + 21Lo. The problem of finding the measure of the segments of a constant length that are contained in Ko has no simple solution and depends largely on the shape of Ko. For a circle C of diameter D  I, a direct computation gives m(K; K c C) = (rc/2)[rcD 2 - 2D 2 arc sin(I/D) - 21(D 2 - 12)1/2] (6.34) and for a rectangle R of sides a, b (I  a, I  b) we have m(K; K c R) = 2(rcab - 2(a + b)1 + 12). (6.35) For a convex polygon, under certain conditions for I, this measure will be computed in (6.44) below. Figure 6.6. If Ko reduces to a segment of length 10 the measure (6.33) reduces to 411 0 . If Ko is a polygonal line of total length Lo, writing this measure for each side of Ko and summing over all sides, we get f n dK = 41Lo K()Ko =1= {} (6.36) 
1.6.4. Sets of Segments 91 where n denotes the number of sides of Ko that are intersected by K for each position of this segment (Fig. 6.6). We now evaluate the measure of the set of oriented segments K of length I that intersect both sides of a given angle A (Fig. 6. 7). Vie denote by A indis- A , , , G: , , , , , , M: c B . , , , , ........-. ...... .... . E Figure 6.7. tinctly the vertex of the angle and its measure. Denoting by (J the chord cut by the angle A from the line G that contains K, we have m(K; K () AB #- e, K () AC #- e) = J dG* A dt = 2 J (l - u) dG. (6.37) al Further 7t - A J I dG = I j dp A dt/J = I J IAEI dt/J = 2 J T dt/J a<l a<l 0 (6.38) where T is the area of the triangle AH M defined by a chord H M of length I perpendicular to the direction l/J. On the other hand, we have 7t-A J u dG = J u d p A dt/J = J T dt/J. al al 0 (6.39) 
92 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.4. Therefore x-A m(K; K (') AB #- e, K (') AC #- e) = 2 J T dljJ. o ( 6.40) In order to evaluate this integral we observe that 2T = ([2/ s in A) sin l/J sin(A + l/J) (6.41) and consequently x-A [2 J 12 m = sin A sin l/J sin(A + l/J) dl/J = 2 [1 + (n - A) cot A]. o ( 6.42) Thus, the measure of the set of oriented segments of length [ that intersect both sides of an angle A is given by (6.42). Sets of segments interior to a given convex polygon. Let Ko be a convex polygon and K an oriented segment of length I such that it cannot intersect two nonconsecutive sides of Ko. Let mi (i = 0, 1, 2) be the measure of the set of positions of K in which it has exactly i points in common with the boundary of Ko (mo is the measure of the set of segments K that are interior to Ko). Formulas (6.33), (6.36), and (6.42) can be written mo + m 1 + m 2 = 2nFo + 21Lo, m 1 + 2m 2 = 41Lo, m2 = (/ 2 /2) L [1 + (n - Ai) cot Aa, Ai (6.43 ) respectively, and therefore 1 2 mo = 2nFo - 21Lo + 2 L [1 + (n - Ai) cot A;], Ai m 1 = 41Lo - 1 2 L [1 + (n - Ai) cot Aa, Ai 1 2 m2 = "2 L [1 + (n - Ai) cotAa. Ai (6.44) For unoriented segments these formulas should be divided by 2. 
1.6.5. Convex Sets That Intersect Another Convex Set 93 5. Convex Sets That Intersect Another Convex Set Let K 1 be a convex set of area F 1 and perimeter L 1 and let Ko be a convex set of area F 0 and perimeter Lo. We want to calculate the measure of the set of convex sets congruent to K 1 that have some common point with Ko. In other words, we wish the measure of the set of positions of K 1 in which it intersects Ko. The position of K 1 is defined by the coordinates x l' Y 1 of a point P 1 E K 1 and the angle cP that a direction P 1 A fixed in K 1 makes with a direction Pox fixed in the plane (Fig. 6.8). Ko Figure 6.8. The kinematic density is dK 1 = dX 1 A dY1 A dcP where we put dK 1 (instead of dK) to indicate that it refers to the moving set K 1. We want to calculate m(K 1 ; Kl (') Ko =F e) = J dK 1 = J dP 1 A d</J. ( 6.45) K1n K o*9 K1nKo*9 Let po(a) and pl(a) be the support functions of Ko and K 1 with respect to the origins Po(x o , Yo) E Ko, P1(X 1 , Y1) E K 1 and the parallel reference lines Pox, P 1 x', respectively. If we keep cP fixed and translate K 1 so that it is in contact with Ko externally (Fig. 6.8), then the locus of the translated point 
94 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.5. P 1 traces a new curve, which is the boundary of the convex set defined by the support function p(a) = PO(a) + P1 (a + n). ( 6.46) Since P 1 (a + n) is the support function of the set K 1 * 0 btained by reflecting K 1 in P l' according to Chapter 1, Section 3, the area of the set whose support function is p(a) is Fo + F 1 + 2F;1 where F;1 is the mixed area of Ko and K 1 *. Thus, the measure of the set of translates of K 1 such that Ko n K 1 #- e is F 0 + F 1 + 2F;1. This is the result of integrating (6.45) with respect to dP 1. Further integration with respect to dcP gives 27t m(K l ; Kl ('\ Ko #- e) = 1 (Fo + Fl + 2F;l) dljJ = 2n(F o + F l ) + LoLl o ( 6.47) where we have applied (1.13). Note that K 1 and K 1 * have the same perimeter. We have proved The measure of all positions of a convex set K 1 in which it intersects another fixed convex set Ko is m(K l ; Kl ('\ Ko #- e) = 1 dK l = 2n(Fo + F l ) + LoLl' (6.48) K tf....Ko * 9 Particular cases. 1. If K 1 is a segment of length 1, then F 1 = 0, L 1 = 21, and (6.48) yields (6.33). 2. If K 1 is a circle of radius R, we can choose for the point P 1 the center of K 1 and then J dK 1 = 2n J dP 1 . Formula (6.48) becomes 1 dP l = Fo + LoR + nR 2 , KonK1 *9 ( 6.49) which is the second of formulas (1.18), as it should be. Convex sets contained in another convex set. In general, there is no simple expression for the measure of the positions of a convex set K 1 in which it is contained in a fixed convex set Ko. However, the solution is simple under the hypothesis that oK 1 and oK o have continuous radii of curvature and the greatest radius of curvature of oK 1 is less than or equal to the least radius of curvature of oKo. Indeed, with the same notation as above, if K 1 is trans- lated to all positions in which it is interior to Ko, then the locus of the point P 1 is the convex set whose support function is p(a) = po(a) + P1 (a). (6.50) 
1.6.6. Some Integral Formulas 95 Note that p(rx) is the support function of a convex set because p + p" = (Po + Po") - (PI + PI") > 0 (see Chapter 1, Section 2). By (1.8) the area of this convex set is 27t t J (p2 - p,2) dcfJ = Fo + F 1 - 2F o1 ' o (6.51) Integrating over all rotations of KI and taking (1.13) into account, we get m(K I ; KI c: Ko) = 2n(Fo + F I ) - LoLl. (6.52) We can state If Ko and KI are bounded convex sets whose boundaries oK o and oK I have continuous radii of curvature and the greatest radius of curvature of oK I is less than or equal to the least radius of curvature of oKo, then the measure of all convex sets congruent to KI that are contained in Ko is given by (6.52). If we consider only translations of K I , then such a measure is given by (6.51). If Pm is the least radius of curvature of oKo and K I is a circle of radius R  Pm' choosing for the point PI the center of K I' from (6.52) it follows that the area filled by the centers of the circles K I that are contained in Ko, that is, the area of the convex set interior parallel to Ko in the distance R, is (see Chapter 1, Section 4) (2n)-lm(K I ;K I c: Ko) = F - LR + nR 2 . ( 6.53) If PM is the greatest radius of curvature of oKo and K I is a circle of radius R  PM' then (6.53) gives the area filled by the centers of the circles KI that completely cover Ko. 6. Some Integral Formulas 1. Let Ko, K I be two plane domains, not necessarily convex, of area F 0 and F I' respectively. Assume that Ko is fixed and K I is moving. Let dK I be the kinematic density for KI. If P(x, y) is a point in the plane and dP = dx A d y its density, we consider the integral I=m(P,K 1 ;PeK o nK 1 )= J dPAdK 1 PeKonK1 ( 6.54) over all positions of P and KI in which P belongs to Ko n KI. If first we leave P fixed, using (6.28), we have 
96 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.6. I = J dP J dK I = 27tF I J dP = 27tF o F 1 ; PeKo PeKI PeKo ( 6.55) leaving K 1 fixed first, we have I = J dK 1 Kl nKo * {} J PeKI nKo dP = J JOI dK I Kln K o*{} ( 6.56) Figure 6.9. wherefol denotes the area of K 1 n Ko. From (6.55) and (6.56) we get (Fig. 6.9) J JOI dK I = 2FoFl' Kl nKo * {} ( 6.57) 2. Let Ko, K 1 be plane domains of area F 0' F l' respectively, and such that their boundaries are rectifiable curves of lengths Lo and L 1 . Let A(so) be a point of oK o (so being the arc length) and consider the integral J 1 = J ds o A dK I' AeKI If we first leave A fixed, we have J 1 = J ds o J dK I = 27tFI L O' aKo AeKI (6.58) and if we first leave K 1 fixed and 1 01 denotes the length of the arc of aK o that is interior to K 1 , we get 
1.6.6. Some Integral Formulas 97 J 1 = J dK 1 J ds o = J 1 01 dK 1 , KlnKo*9 AeKl KlnKo*9 (6.59) From (6.58) and (6.59) we deduce (Fig. 6.10), J 1 01 dK 1 = 2nF1 L O' KonKl *9 (6.60) K 1 Ko Figure 6.10. By the invariance property of the kinematic measure under inversion of the motion, if 1 10 denotes the length of the arc of oK I that is interior to Ko, we have the analogue of (6.60), namely J 110 dK 1 = 2nFoL1' KonKl *9 (6.61) Adding (6.60) and (6.61), we get J L 01 dK 1 = 2n(F1 L O + FoL1) KonKl * 9 ( 6.62) where L 01 is the length of the boundary of Ko n K 1 . 3. Let Ko, K 1 , K 2 be three bounded convex sets in the plane. Assume that Ko is fixed and K 1 , K 2 are moving with the kinematic densities dK I and dK 2 , respectively. By successive application of (6.48) we have m(K 1 . K 2 ; Ko ('\ K 1 ('\ K 2 #- e) = J dK 1 A dK 2 KonKl nK2 * 9 
98 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.7. J [2(F 2 +/01) + L 2 L 01 ]dK 1 Kor.Kl -:1=9 = (2n)2(Ft F 2 + FOFt + FoF2) + 2n(FOLt L 2 + Ft L O L 2 + F2 L OLt) (6.63) where we have applied formulas (6.56) and (6.62). The generalization of (6.63) to n moving convex domains is straightforward [523]. Related results have been obtained by Stoka [648, 650, 651] and Filipescu [190]. For the extension to En of (6.57) and to Lebesgue measurable sets, see [17, 18]. 7. A Mean Value; Coverage Problems LetK o be a fixed convex set of area F 0 and perimeter Lo and let Kt, K 2 ,. . ., Kn be n congruent convex sets of area F and perimeter L. Assume that the sets K i are dropped at random on the plane in such a way that they intersect Ko. 1<0 K 2 K3 Figure 6.11. We seek the mean value of the area fr filled by those points of Ko that are covered exactly by r sets K i (r = 0, 1,2,..., n). In Fig. 6.11 the shaded area corresponds to r = 2, n = 4. To this end let us consider the integral I = J dP A dK A dK A". A dK r t 2 n ( 6.64) over all points P of Ko that are covered exactly by r sets K i and to all positions 
1.6.7. A Mean Value; Coverage Problems 99 of K j such that K j n Ko ¥= e. If we leave P fixed, we have Ir = (:) J (2nF)'(2nF o + LoL)"-r dP = (:)(2nF)r(2nF o + LoL)"-rFo. PeKo ( 6.65) On the other hand, if we first leave Kt, K 2 ,. . ., Kn fixed, we have Ir = J fr dK. A dK 2 A" · A dKft' KinKo * 9 ( 6.66) Thus the required mean value is ()(2nF)r(2nFo + LoL)"-rFo EUr) = [2n(F + F 0) + LLo]ft · ( 6.67) Consider the limit case in which n  00, leaving constant the total area of the sets Kb that is, nF = ex = constant. Putting F = ex/n and taking the limit as n  00, we get (a) If the sets K i tend to line segments of length s, then L  2s and we have EUr)   f ( mx :asLJ r exp ( - nF 0 : SLJ . (b) If the perimeter of the sets K j tends to zero as F  0, then ( 6.68) E(fr) Fo (  ) r exp ( -  ) . r! Fo Fo ( 6.69) For r = 0 these formulas give the mean value of the area of the part of Ko that remains uncovered by the sets K i. From (6.65) it follows that if a point P and n congruent convex sets K j are chosen at random so as to meet a boundej convex set Ko, the probability that P is covered exactly by r sets K j (r = 0, 1, 2,. . ., n) is ()(2nF)r(2nF 0 + LoL)"-r Pr = [2n(F + F 0) + LLo]n . (6.70) More difficult and not yet solved is the problem of finding the probability that every point of Ko is covered exactly by r sets K i . The so-called coverage problems are of the following form. Let S be a fixed set and Ai a sequence of random sets in the same space thtlt contains S. Then, for fixed N we want to find the probability that S c: U Ai (coverage probability). Cooke [122, 
100 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.8. 123] has given general upper and lower bounds for coverage probabilities. These probabilities are in general difficult to calculate exactly and we seek asymptotic results. We shall give an example. Let D be a domain contained in the convex set Ko. The probability that a random point in D is covered exactly by r convex sets K i is given by (6.70). Assume that Ko expands to the whole plane in such a way that n/ F 0 -+ p (positive constant). Then, independently of the shape of Ko, we have Lo/F 0 -+ 0 (Chapter 4, Section 4) and (6.70) becomes lim Pr = (pY e- pF . r. (6.71) The countable set of convex sets K i of area F generated by this process constitutes a field of convex sets of density p. According to (6.71) the number of them that cover a point of the plane is a Poisson random variable with parameter pF. As before, the probability that every point of D is covered exactly by r sets K i is not known. For the limiting case area of D -+ 00, Miles [412] has given the following asymptotic results. The probability that every point of D is covered by at least r plates K i is  exp{ - rpF* exp( - pF)[1 + . . . + «pF)r/r I)]}, r = 0,1,2,..., (6.72) and the probability that every point of D is covered by at most r plates K i is (asymptotically as F* -+ (0)  exp [ _ (r + l)pF* exp( _ pF) ( PF)r + (pF)r+ 1 +.. . )] r! (r + I)! ' r = 0, 1,. . ., (6.73) where F* is the area of D. For a review of the literature on a class of coverage problems see that of W. C. Guenther and P. J. Terragno [251]. For covering problems on the sphere, see Chapter 18, Section 6, Note 4. 8. Notes and Exercises 1. Two mean values. Let Ko be a fixed convex set of area F 0 and perimeter Lo and let K 1, K 2 ,. . ., Kn be n congruent convex sets of area F and perimeter L. Assume that the sets K i are dropped at random on the plane with the condition of intersecting Ko. Let U r be the length of the boundary of the part of Ko that is covered exactly by r sets K i . This boundary may be composed of several closed curves. Then the mean value of U r is the ratio of J U r dK l A dK 2 A' . · A dKn = G) (2nF)'( 2nF o + LLo)"-rLo 
1.6.8. Notes and Exercises 101 + n [( = ) (21tF)'-1(21tF 0 + LLo)n-r21tF oL + (n  1) (21tF)'(21tF o + LLot-r-121tFOL] (6.74) to 1 dK 1 A dK 2 A" 'A dKn = [21t(F + Fo) + LLO]n, Kir.Ko * {} (6.75) The mean value of the nUlnber N r of separate domains that are covered exactly r times (in Fig. 6.11, No = 2, N 1 = 4, N 2 = 4, N 3 = 1) is equal to the ratio of 1 NrdKl A dK 2 A" 'A dKn = n(21tFy-l(21tF o + LLo)n-r- 121tF o [(n  1)21tF + (= )(21tFo+LLo)] + (:)(21tF)'(21tF O + LLot- r + G) 21tL 2 F o (21tF)'-2(21tF o + LLo)n-r-2 , [( = ) (21tF 0 + LLo)2 + ( = :) 41tF(21tF 0 + LLo) + (n  2) (21tF)2] + LL o n(21tF)'-1(21tF 0 + LLot- r - 1 [C = :)(21tF 0 + LLo) + (n  1 )21tF ] (6.76) to (6.75). In (6.74) and (6.76) when the binomial coefficients make no sense, they should be replaced by -zeros [560]. For related mean values and their generalization to three-dimensional space see [658]. 2. Number of clumps in a random distribution of convex sets. Let N small convex laminae be placed at random on an area A. A clump of laminae is defined as a set of laminae each of which overlaps or is overlapped by at least one other member of the set. For convenience, a single lamina (i.e., nonoverlapped) will also be considered as a clump. Armitage [12] and Mack [385] have considered the problem of finding approximate formulas for the expected number of clumps, a problem that has importance in certain techniques of particle counting on a sample plate, where overlapping particles are difficult to distinguish from single particles, owing to their small size. We will consider the simple case in which all N laminae K l' K 2 ,. . ., KN are congruent and have area f and perimeter u. Let P b cP i be the point and the direction that define the position of K b so that the kinematic density for K i is dK i = dP i A dcp i' Let ex be a domain 
102 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.8. contained in the area A such that every K i that intersects et has the point Pi in A. Given at random a lamina Kr, the probability that Pr E et is et/A and therefore the mean number of laminae with this property is Net/A. On the other hand, if Kr is fixed, the probability that Kin Kr = e for a random K i is 1 - (4nf + u 2 )/2nA (using (6.48) and the probability that K i n Kr = e for all i =1= r) is [1 - (4nf + u 2 )/2nA]N-l. Therefore the mean number of laminae Kr that do not overlap (mean number C 1 of clumps with a single lamina) is E(Cl) = Net [ 1 _ 4nf + U 2 ] N-l . A 2nA (6.77) To find the mean number of clumps (including clumps with a single lamina), we note that each clump can be determined by the lamina Kr for which the point Pr has the greatest abscissa Xr. Then, with Kr fixed, the probability that K i (i =1= r) intersects Kr is (4nf + u 2 )/2nA and by symmetry, the prob- ability that K i intersects Kr and the abscissas of Pi satisfy x i  X r is (4nf + u 2 )/4nA and the probability that none of the K i (i =1= r) intersects Kr and has Xi  X r will be [1 - (4nf + u 2 )/4nA]N-l. Thus the mean number of Kr with such a property (i.e., the mean number of clumps c, including those composed of a single lamina) is [ 2 ] N - 1 E(c) = Net 1 _ 4nf + u . A 4nA (6.78) Assuming that N -+ 00, A -+ 00 in such a way that N / A -+ A (mean number of laminae per unit area), we have E(c 1 ) -+ Aet exp[ - A(2f + u 2 /2n)], E(c) -+ Aet exp[ - A(f + u 2 /4n)]. (6.79) (6.80) These formulas are due to Mack [385], who also considers the case of noncongruent laminae. For details and numerous examples of the theory of random clumping, see Roach's book [511]. 3. Expected number of aggregates in a random distribution of points. Suppose that n points are independently and uniformly distributed over a domain of the plane. A k-aggregate with respect to a given domain D is defined as a set of k points that can be covered by such a domain D without covering any other point. An interesting problem is that of finding the mean value of the number of such aggregates for domains D of different size and shape. The problem has been considered by Mack [382, 383]. Ambarcumjan [10] uses the term "cluster" for the finite set of n points and assuming that it is contained in a basic circle of radius R centered at the origin, determines the probability P k( r) of finding k points of the cluster in a random circle C(r) of constant radius r with center distributed uniformly in the interior of the basic circle. If the cluster M is centrally symmetric, with o as the center of symmetry, and the number of points n tends to infinity, then the mean length h m of the perimeter of the convex hull of a randomly chosen m-subset of the cluster satisfies the inequaJity hm+2  4p(1 - 2-m-l), 
1.6.8. Notes and Exercises 103 where p denotes the mean distance of the points of M from O. Another asymptotic result given by Ambarcumjan is p* 1 H  1, where p* denotes the mean distance between the pairs of points in M and H denotes the perimeter of the convex hull of M. 4. Probability of detecting a convex domain by a linear search. Let Ko be a convex domain within which lies another convex domain K. The process of making a linear random cut of length s in Ko is called a linear search. The problem arises of detecting K, that is, of the cut of length s intersecting the  Ko Figure 6.12. domain K (Fig. 6.12). Assume that all the segments S of length s that cut K are contained in Ko. According to (6.33) the probability of detecting K is m(S; S n K # e) 2nF + 2sL p = m(S c Ko) = m(S c Ko) (6.81) where F and L are, respectively, the area and the perimeter of K. If Ko is a circle of radius R > s/2, according to (6.34) we have p(S n K # e) = 4nF + 4sL . n[4nR 2 - 8R 2 arc sin(s/2R) - 2s(4R 2 - S2)1/2] (6.82) If Ko is a rectangle of sides a, b (a > s, b > s), according to (6.35) we have nF + sL p(S n K =fi e) = b 2( b) 2 · na - a + s + s (6.83) (See [260].) Vinogradov and Zaragradsi [703] discussed the search for random objects uniformly positioned in a convex domain Ko, where the search is conducted by tracing a curve C of fixed length L, contained in Ko, with constant velocity. See also [468]; on search by networks, see [80]. For applications in ecology, see [404]; other results are given in [219]. 
104 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.8. 5. Self-intersections in continuous random wa lk. An n-step random walk (n  3) is a sequence of n straight segments, called steps, in the plane, such that each step is of length 1, the first step starts at the origin, and each successive step starts at the end of the previous one. Every step is in a random direction with a uniform distribution angle. Neglecting certain events of probability 0, a self intersection is defined as the event when for some i and j, with 1  i < j  nand j - 1 > 1, the ith step and the jth step have in common exactly one point interior to each step. Let E(n) be the expected number of self-intersections. Then, for large n, the following asymptotic result is known. E(n) '" (2/n 2 )n log n. See the article by Melzak [406], which also gives the exact value of E(n) (rather involved). 6. A new proof of the isoperimetric inequality. Assume that Ko and K 1 are two congruent convex sets. Then (6.47) gives m(K 1 ; K 1 n Ko # e) = 4nFo + L02. Using expression (6.32) for dK 1 , we easily obtain m(K. ; K. n Ko =F e) = 4nF 0 + 4 J ( - sin  ) dP P,Ko where l/J is the angle that Ko can rotate with center P f# Ko without being exterior to its initial position. Therefore we have J (  - sin  ) dP = L; 2 · P,Ko Comparison with Crofton's formula (4.23) gives the isoperimetric inequality Lo 2 - 4nF 0  0 [531]. 7. Random figures not uniformly distributed. The kinematic measure gives equal weight to all points P and all orientations l/J of geometrical figures. This is a consequence of the assumed invariance under translation and rotation. If we assume only invariance under translation, we have a density of the form dK* = F( l/J) dP A dl/J and can calculate integral formulas and probabilities for random figures whose orientations are not uniformly distributed. This nonisotropic case has been investigated by S. W. Dufour [155]. EXERCISE 1. Some integral formulas on the intersection of convex sets. Let Ko and K 1 be two bounded convex sets in the plane, of area F 0' F 1 and perimeter Lo, L 1 respectively. We denote by F i the area of Ko n K 1 ; Foe the area of Ko - Ko n K 1 ; FIe the area of K 1 - Ko n K 1 ; Lli the length of the arc of oK 1 that is interior to Ko; L Oi the length of the arc of oK o that is interior to K 1 ; LIe the length of the arc of oK 1 that is exterior to Ko; Loe the length of the arc of oK o that is exterior to K 1. Prove as an exercise the follow- ing integral formulas: J Lo; dK. = 2nF .Lo, J Lli dK. = 2nF oL., 
1.6.8. Notes and Exercises 105 J Lie dK i = 2nL i F i + LoL12, J (Lie L Oe - LliL oi ) dK 1 = LO 2 L/, J LOe dK i = 2nLOFO + Li L 02, J (F1e F Oe - Fj2) dK i = FOFi L OLt where the integrals are taken over all positions of K 1 in which K 1 n Ko # e. EXERCISE 2. Problems in geometric probability. We shall give some examples of problems in geometric probability that can be solved using the results of this chapter. Throughout these problems, we denote by F i, L i the area and the perimeter, respectively, of the bounded convex set K i . (a) Let Ko, K 1 be two convex sets in the plane such that K 1 C Ko. The convex set K 2 is placed at random in the plane so as to meet Ko. Find the probability that it intersects K 1 . Solution. From (6.48) we deduce 2n(F 1 + F 2) + L 1 L 2 p= . 2n(F 0 + F 2) + LoL2 (b) A point P and a convex set K 1 are chosen at random such that P E Ko and Ko n K 1 # e. Find the probability that P E K 1 n Ko. Solution. 2nF 1 p= . 2n(F 0 + F 1) + LoLl (c) A line G and a convex set K 1 are placed at random in the plane; both intersect Ko. Find the probability that G n K 1 n Ko =1= e. Solution. 2n(FoLl + FI L O) p= . Lo[2n(F 0 + F 1) + L o L 1 J In particular, if K 1 is a line segment of length s we have F 1 = 0, L 1 = 2s and the required probability becomes - 2nF oS p = Lo(nFo + Los) . For s -+ 00 we get that the probability that two random chords of a convex set Ko will intersect inside Ko is p = 2nF 0/ Lo 2 . (d) Let K 1 and K 2 be two random convex sets that intersect a fixed convex set Ko. Find the probability that Ko n K 1 n K 2 # e. Solution. The solution is the ratio of (6.63) to the product [2n(F 1 + F 0) + LI L oJ[2n(F2 + Fo) + L2 L OJ. In particular, if K 1 and K 2 are two segments of length Sl, S2, respectively, we have 
106 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.8. 2ns t s 2 F 0 p= . (nF 0 + Lost)(nF 0 + LOs 2 ) (e) Assume n random congruent convex sets K i that intersect a fixed convex set Ko. Show that the probability that all K i have a point in common interior to Ko is (2n)"(F ft + nF or-i) + (2n)"- i (nLLor-i + (;)F oLr- 2) P = [27r(F + F 0) + LLo]n (6.84) The proof follows by straightforward induction from Problem (d), F and L denoting, respectively, the area and the perimeter of the congruent sets K i . (f) Assume that n points are chosen at random inside a circle K of radius R. Find the probability that they may be enclosed in a circle of radius r (r  R) contained in K. Solution. The problem is equivalent to that of finding the probability that n circles of radius r whose centers are chosen in K have a nonvoid intersection with the circle of radius R - r concentric with K. Thus, the solution is given by (6.84) with F = nr 2 , L = 27rr, F 0 = n(R - r)2, Lo = 2n(R - r). The result is r 2n - 3 [ ( n ) ] p = nr 3 + nnr(R - r)2 + 2nnr 2 (R - r) + (R - r)2 . nR 2n 2 (g) Let Ko be a fixed convex polygon. An oriented segment S* such that it cannot intersect two nonconsecutive sides of Ko is placed at random with the condition of intersecting Ko. Find (i) the probability Po that S* is interior to Ko; (ii) the probability Pt that S* has one and only one point in common with oK o ; (iii) the probability that S* has two intersection points with oKo. The solutions are Pi = md2(nF 0 + LoS) where s is the length of Sand mi are the measures (6.44). We shall give an application of this result. Assume a rectangle R of sides a, vb divided in v partial rectangles R i by parallel lines to the base a at a distance b apart (Fig. 6.13). The measure of the set of segments S* of length s  b that are contained in R is, according to (6.35), m(S*; S* c R) = 2nvab - 4s(a + vb) + 2S2 ( 6.85) and the sum of the measures of the sets of those segments that are contained in the rectangles R i (i = 1, 2,. . .) is vm(S*; S* c R i ) = [27rab - 4s(a + b) + 2s 2 ]v. ( 6.86) Consequently, we can state that if a rectangle R of sides a, vb (a > b) is ruled with equidistant lines parallel to the base a at a distance b apart, then the probability that a needle of length s (s < b) chosen at random in the interior of R will not cross one of the parallel lines is 
1.6.8. Notes and Exercises 107 (nab - 2s(a + b) + S2)V P = nvab - 2s(a + vb) + S2 . (6.87) If a -+ 00, V -+ 00 so that the entire plane is ruled by parallel lines a distance b apart, we again obtain the result of the Buffon needle problem (Chapter 5, Section 2). /'S b a Figure 6.13. (h) Let Ko be a convex polygon and let h be the maximal length of a segment which cannot intersect two nonconsecutive sides of Ko. Let PI' P 2 be two random points chosen in the interior of Ko. Find the probability that the distance IP 1 P 21 is equal to or less than h. Solution. Let IP IP21 = r. From the expression of the area element in polar coordinates we have dP 1 A dP 2 = r dP 1 A dr A d4J where 4J is the angle between the line P IP2 and a reference direction in the plane. If we leave r fixed, then dP 1 A d4J is the kinematic density for the segment PIP 2 of length r, and using (6.44) we have h m(Pl' P 2 ; IP 1 P 2 1 < h) = J dP l A dP 2 = J mor dr rh 0 = nF oh2 - iL o h 3 + Ih 4 L [1 + (n - Ai) cot A;] Ai and the desired probability is 1 { 2 1 } p(r  h) = F 2 nFoh2 - J"L o h 3 + gh 4 L[1 + (7r - Ai)cotAJ . o Ai (i) Let PI' P 2 be two points chosen at random in the interior of a circle of diameter D. Find the probability that the distance IP 1 P 21 is equal to or less than h  D. 
108 The Group of Motions in the Plane: Kinematic Density 1.6.8. Solution. P(!PI P 21  h) = n2 [nh 2 + rx(D 2 j4 - h 2 ) - (D 2 j4 + h 2 j2) sin rx] where rx = 2 arc sin(hjD). Analogous results when PI' P 2 are random points in the interior of triangles, squares, and polygons in general have been computed by E. Borel [64]. In general the distribution function prob(r  x) of the distance r between two points of a convex set K is given by the integral with respect to r, from o to x, of rm(r)jF 2 , where F is the area of K and m(r) denotes the measure of all oriented segments of length r that lie inside K. This follows immediately from the equality dP 1 A dP 2 = r dr A d4J A dP 2. For the generalization to En' see [217]. 
CHAPTER 7 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke 1. A New Expression for the Kinematic Density Let (0; x, y) be a fixed frame and let r 0 denote a fixed rectifiable curve composed of a finite number of arcs with continuous turning tangent at y .0 I 1 I :b I I I I 0 a x Figure 7.1. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santal6, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 109 
110 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke I. 7.1. every point. Let x = x(so), y = y(so) (7.1 ) be the equations of r 0 referred to the arc length So as parameter and to the coordinate system (0; x, y) (Fig. 7.1). Let (0 1 ; X, Y) be a moving frame and ria moving curve, also piecewise smooth, whose equations with respect to the frame (0 1 ; X, Y) are X = X(SI)' Y = Y(SI) (7.2) where s 1 denotes the arc length of r l' With respect to the coordinate system (0; x, y) the equations of r 1 become x = a + X cos l/J - Y sin l/J, y = b + X sin l/J + Y cos l/J (7.3) where a, b are the coordinates of 0 1 and l/J is the angle between Ox and 01X, The intersection points of r 0 and r 1 are given by the system x(so) = a + X(SI) cos l/J - Y(SI) sin l/J, y(so) = b + X(SI) sin l/J + Y(Sl) cos l/J (7.4) with the unknowns So, Sl' From (7.4) we deduce da = x'ds o - (X' cos l/J - Y ' sin l/J) ds 1 + (X sin l/J + Y cos l/J) dl/J db = y' ds o - (X' sin l/J + Y ' cos l/J) dS I - (X cos l/J - Y sin l/J) dl/J (7.5) where the prime symbols denote derivatives. By exterior multiplication we get da A db A dl/J = [(X' y' - x' Y') cos l/J - (Y' y' + X' x') sin l/J] ds o A ds 1 A dl/J. (7.6) If CXo denotes the angle between the tangent to r 0 at the point PEron r 1 and the x axis, and CX 1 denotes the angle between the tangent to r 1 at the same point and the X axis, we have , x = cos cxo, , . y = SIn cxo, X' = COSCXl, Y ' . = sIn CXl, (7.7) and the kinematic density can be written dK I = da A db A dl/J = sine CXo - CXl - l/J) ds o A ds 1 A dl/J. If 8 is the angle between r 0 and r 1 at P, then 181 = Icx o - CXl - l/JI and since CXo and CXl are functions only of So and Sl, we conclude that dK l = Isin 81 ds o A dS I A d8. (7.8) 
1.7.2. Poincare's Formula 111 This is a very useful expression for dK l' It says that the probability that the angle between r 0 and a random curve r 1 at any intersection point lies between fJ and fJ + dfJ for 0  fJ  n is ! sin fJ dfJ. The expected value of fJ is thus E(fJ) = n/2. (7.9) 2. Poincare's Formula Suppose that we want to calculate the measure of the set of curves congruent to r 1 that have common point with the fixed curve r 0 or, in other words, the measure of the set of locations of r 1 in which it intersects r o. This measure is equal to the integral of dK lover all values of the parameters a, b, l/J for which r 0 n r 1 =1= e and in general it lacks a simple form, depending on the shape of the curves r 0' r l' However, if we integrate both sides of expression (7.8) over all values of So, Sb fJ (assuming 101  n), we get, on the right-hand side, Lo L 1 1t J ds o J dS 1 J Isin 91 d9 = 4LoL1' o 0 -1t (7.10) On the left-hand side of (7.8) each position of r 1 has been counted as many times as it has intersection points with r 0' so that we can write J n dK 1 = 4LoL1 TonTI :1:9 (7.11 ) where n is the number of intersection points of r 0 and r 1 and Lo, Ll are the lengths of r 0 and r 1 . Formula (7.11) is known in integral geometry as Poincare's formula. To be precise, Poincare only considered formula (7.11) on the phere as the mean value of the number of intersection points between spherical curves of given length [484, p. 143]. In such a form it was also known by Barbier [21]. The foregoing proof assumes that the curves are piecewise smooth [523]. However, the formula holds for the case in which the curves are only assumed rectifiable [377, 378, 455]. For a different approach, see [351]. If A denotes the area of the region covered, by the points 0 1 (origin of the frame attached to r 1) for all positions of r 1 such that r 0 n r 1 =1= e, then Poincare's formula says that the expected number of intersections of r 1 and r 0 is 2LoLI/nA. Obviously each curve can be composed by a separate set of curves of total length Lo or Ll (see [434]). 
112 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke 1.7.3. Note that multiplying both sides of (7.8) by 101 and performing the integra- tion over all values of So, SI, 0 (- n  0  n), we obtain J n L 10il dK I = 2nLoLI 1 (7.12) ronrl :1:9 where Oi are the values of 0 at the intersection points r 0 n r 1. A particular case. If r t is a circle of radius r, we may choose the expression dK t = dP A dc/J, P being the center of the circle. Then for each position of P the angle c/J can vary from 0 to 2n without the change of n and Poincare's formula gives J n dP = 4rLo, the integral being extended over the whole plane. From (7.13) we have Lo = (1/4r) J n dP, which may be taken as the definition of the length of a continuum of points r o. This definition may be extended to curves in n- dimensional euclidean space (as has been done by Santal6 [535]). (7.13) 3. Total Curvature of a Closed Curve and of a Plane Domain Let r be a closed oriented curve in the plane with continuous curvature K. The total curvature of r is defined as the integral c(r) = J K ds r (7.14) where s is the arc length of r. Since K = d1:/ds, where 1: is the angle of the oriented tangent to r with the x axis, it follows that c can be defined as c(r) = J d1:, r (7.15) that is, the total curvature is equal to the total variation of 1: when the tangent describes r in the sense given by the orientation of r. If r is the union of a finite number of arcs at = A 1 A 2 , a2 = A 2 A 3 ,. . ., am = AmAt of class C 2 and we denote by O(A i ) the exterior angles at the corners (Le., O(A i ) is the angle of the tangent to ai-t and the tangent to ai at the point Ai' - n  0  n), the total curvature is defined by c( 1:) = Jl J d1: +; O(A;). Qj (7.16) 
1.7.4. Fundamental Formula of Blaschke 113 A closed curve is called simple if it has no double points. Then the so-called theorem of turning tangents asserts that the total curvature of a simple closed curve is + 2n where the sign depends on the orientation of the curve [113]. The definition of total curvature can also be applied to plane domains. Let D be a domain of the plane bounded by a finite number of closed piecewise smooth curves without double points. We suppose these closed curves oriented so that the domain lies on the left over each contour. Then the total curvature of D is the total curvature of its boundary aD. For instance, assuming the positive orientation to be counterclockwise, the total curvature of the shaded domain in Fig. 7.2a is - 2n and the total curvature of the shaded domain in Fig. 7.2b is 2n. a Figure 7.2. Note that the total curvature of a domain D is always an integer multiple of 2n. Therefore we can write c(D) = 2nX(D) (7.17) where XeD) is an integer called the Euler characteristic of D. The Euler char- acteristic of a domain bounded by a single simple curve is + 1. In general, if D can be decomposed into f faces or cells (sets homeomorphic to a disk) with a edges and v vertices, it is well known that (see, e.g., the results of Coxeter [128]) xeD) = v - a + f. (7.18) 4. Fundamental Formula of Blaschke Assume a domain Do bounded by a finite number of oriented closed piecewise smooth curves without double points. Let Co be the total curvature, 
114 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke 1.7.4. F 0 the area, and Lo the perimeter of Do. Let D 1 be another domain of the same kind of total curvature c 1 , area F 1 , and perimeter L 1 . We assume D 1 moving in the plane with kinematic density dK 1. Calling Co 1 the total curvature of the domain Do n D 1 , we wish to prove the following fundamental kinematic formula of Blaschke J COl dK l = 2n(Foc l + Flc o + LoLl)' DonDI #: 9 (7.19) Proof. Denote by a/ (j = 0, 1) the arcs with continuous tangent of aD j and by A/ the corner points. According to (7.16) the total curvature of Dj is (Fig. 7.3) Cj =  r dT +  O(A/), J J J at J j = 0, 1. (7.20) Do 0, Figure 7.3. If peso) denotes a point of aDo and Q(SI) denotes a point of aD I (so, SI being the respective arc lengths), the total curvature of Don D 1 is COI = J d(so) + J d(SI) + L 9(A i O ) + L 9(A/) + L9 h (7.21) AjOeD. Aj1eDo h PeDI QeDo 
I. 7 .4. Fundamental Formula of Blaschke 115 where (}h are the angles between aDo and aD l at their intersection points, assuming these boundaries oriented so that Do, D l , and thus Do n D 1 , lie on the left; then, except for positions of D 1 that belong to a set of measure zero, we have 0  (}h  n, so that I(}hl = (}h' Let us consider 1 1 = j d'T:(so) A dK 1 PeDt (7.22) where dK 1 is the kinematic density referring to D 1 as a moving set. We have 1 1 = j d'T:(so) j dK 1 = 2nF 1 j d'T:(so) = 2nF 1 t j d'T:(so) (7.23) oDo PeD! oDo ai O and also 1 1 = j dK 1 J d'T:(so) = j (j d'T:(So») dK 1 . DonDt #:9 PeDt DonD! #:9 PeDt (7.24) Consequently we have j (J d'T:(So») dK 1 = 2nF 1  j d'T:(so). DonD! #: 9 PeD! ai o (7.25) On the other hand, we have J DonD! #:9 ( L (}(A j O » ) dKl = L J (}(AjO) dK l = 2nF l L (}(Ajo). AiOeDt j j A iOeD! (7.26) From (7.25) and (7.26), using that we may set dK l = dKo (invariance of kinematic density under inversion of the motion), it follows that j (j d'T:(S1»)dK 1 = 2nFo t j d'T:(S1) DonDt #: 9 QeDo ait (7.27) and j (j 9(A/») dK 1 = 2nFo  (A/) DonD! #:9 Ai!eDo (7.28) and by virtue of (7.12), since 0  (}h  n, we also have j (t 9;) dK 1 = 2nLoL1' DonD! #:9 (7.29) 
116 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke I. 7.4. Summing the last five equalities and applying (7.21) and (7.20), we get the stated formula (7.19). Particular cases. 1. If Do and D 1 are convex domains, we have Co = C 1 = C01 = 2n and formula (7.19) reduces to (6.48), as expected. 2. If each domain Do, D 1 is bounded by a single simple curve, then Co = C1 = 2n and Do n D 1 is composed of a certain number v of separate domains, °1 Figure 7.4. each of total curvature 2n; hence C0 1 = 2nv. For instance, for the case in Fig. 7.4 we have v = 2. The fundamental formula (7.19) then takes the form 1 V dK 1 = 2n(Fo + F 1 ) + LoLl' DonD1 :1:9 (7.30) 3. If Do is the union of a finite number m of separate convex sets Do i (i = 1, 2,. . ., m) of total area F 0 and total perimeter Lo, we have Co = 2nm and assuming that D 1 is bounded by a single simple curve, so that Cl = 2n, we have J V dK 1 = 2n(Fo + mF 1 ) + LoLl DonD1 *9 (7.31) where v is the number of sets Doi that are met by D 1 (e.g., in Fig. 7.5 v = 5, m = 7). 
,7.4. Fundamental Formula of Blaschke 117 o o Figure 7.5. o o o o 0 1 o Figure 7.6. In particular, if Do reduces to m points, we get J V dK 1 = 2nmF 1 (7.32) where v is the number of points that belong to D 1 for each position of this domain (in Fig. 7.6 m = 9, v = 3) and the integral is extended over the whole of plane. 4. Assume that D 1 is a rectangle of sides a, b (a > b). We have F 1 = ab, L 1 = 2(a + b), Cl = 2n. For the kinematic density we may take the form dK 1 = dG 1 * A dt (6.30), where G 1 * is the line through the center of the rectangle that is parallel to the sides of length a. Then, for each position of 
118 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke 1.7.4. G l' the integral on the left-hand side of (7.19) can be divided into two parts: part I, corresponding to values of t for which the sides of length b do not intersect Do; and part II, corresponding to values of t for which one or both sides of length b meet Do. For the positions of part I, Co 1 does not depend on t and the integral of dt gives a factor of the form a - hI' where hI is less than or equal to the diameter of Do. If a  00 and b remains fixed, then for any G t the positions of part II have finite measure, so that by dividing both sides of (7.19) by a and taking the limit as a  00, we have j C0 1 dG 1 * = 2n(bc o + 2Lo) Bn Do :# {) (7.33) where B denotes the strip of breadth b that has G 1 as its midparallel. Ifweput dG 1 *=2dB, where dB denotes the density for nonoriented strips (Chapter 5, Section 1) we get j Co 1 dB = n( bco + 2L o ), BnDo :# {) (7.34) which is the fundamental formula for strips of breadth b. For instance, in Fig. 7.7 Co = - 21t, COt = 61t. B Figure 7.7. The fundamental formula (7.19) may be extended to more general domains than those considered here: see the work of Blaschke [51] and Nobeling [454]; for another kind of proof, see that of Hadwiger [270, 274]. 
1.7.5. The Isoperimetric Inequality 119 5. The Isoperimetric Inequality Let K i (i = 0, 1) be two bounded congruent convex sets of area F and perimeter L. Blaschke's and Poincare's formulas applied to Ko, K 1 , and their boundaries give, respectively, J dK 1 = 4nF + L 2 , KonKt *0 J n dK 1 = 4L 2 · KonKt *0 (7.35) Denoting by m i the measure of the set of positions of K 1 in which oK 1 has i points in common with oKo, (7.35) can be written (since each position of K 1 with i odd belongs to a set of measure zero) m2 + m4 + · · · = 4nF + L 2 , 2m2 + 4m4 + 6m6 +...= 4L 2 . From these equations it follows that L 2 - 4nF = m4 + 2m6 + 3ms + · · . (7.36) and since the measures m i are always  0, we get the classical isoperimetric inequality L 2 - 4nF  O. (7.37) Note that (7.36) gives a geometrical interpretation of the isoperimetric deficit L1 = L 2 - 4nF of a convex set. If K = Ko = K 1 is not convex, we consider the convex hull K*. Between the areas F, F* of K and K* and the lengths L, L * of oK and oK* there exist the relations F  F*, L *  L, so that L 2 - 4nF  L *2 - 4nF*  O. Therefore the isoperimetric inequaHty holds good for any domain of the plane, not necessarily convex. Stronger isoperimetric inequalities. Let K be a bounded convex set. Consider the maximal circle that can be contained in K (let r i be its radius) and the minimal circle that can contain K (let re be its radius). Obviously r i  r e' r i being equal to r e if and only if K is a circle. Let K 1 be a circle of radius r satisfying the condition ri  r  reo (7.38) As before, let mi be the measure of positions of K 1 in which its boundary has exactly i points in common with the boundary of K. In the same way as above, we have m2 + m4 + · · · = 2nF + 2n 2 r 2 + 2nrL, 2m2 + 4m4 + · · · = 8nrL, and thus m4 + 2m6 + · · · = 2n(rL - F - r 2 ). Since m i  0, we obtain 
120 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke 1.7 .5. Bonnesen's inequality [62] r L - F - nr 2  0, (7.39) which holds for any r within the limits of (7.38). If we consider the identity L 2 ( L ) 2 Lr - F - nr 2 = - - F - n - - r 4n 2n (7.40) and call Si and Se to the expressions (m 4 + 2m6 +. · · )/2n corresponding to the circles of radius r i and r e' respectively, we have L 2 -F=n ( - r. ) 2 +s. 4n 2n 1 l' L 2 ( L ) 2 4n - F = n 2n - r e + See Consequently L 2 1 [ ( L ) 2 ( L ) 2 1 - - F = - n - - r. + n - - r + S. + s 4n 2 2n 1 2n e 1 e and therefore L 2 - 4nF  ![(L - 2nr i )2 + ( 2nr e - L)2]. (7.41) This inequality is stronger than (7.37) and shows that the equality L 2 - 4nF = 0 holds only when ri = r e = L/2n, that is, when K is a circle. In other words, circles are the only sets that enclose the maximum area for a specified perimeter. This result and (7.36) give the following theorem (due to Fujiwara [206] and Bol [61]). If a bounded convex set K is not a circle, then there are positions of kinematic measure> 0 in which the boundary of K has at least four points in common with the boundary of another convex set congruent to K. Taking the general inequality 2(x 2 + y2)  (x + y)2 into account, we find that from (7.41) it follows that L 2 - 4nF  n2(re - r i )2, (7.42) which is another isoperimetric inequality due to Bonnesen [62]. An upper limitfor the isoperimetric deficit. Assume now that the boundary oK of the convex set K has a continuous radius of curvature p. Let Pm and PM be the smallest and the greatest values, respectively, of p. Let K 1 be a circle of radius r such that either r  Pm or r  PM. According to (6.53), the measure of the set of circles K 1 that are contained in K or that contain K satisfies 
1.7.6. Had wiger's Conditions for a Domain to Be Able to Contain Another 121 ( ) 2 ( 2 ) mo 2 L L 2n = F + nr - Lr = n 2n - r - 4n - F . (7.43) Since mo  0 and (7.43) holds for r = Pm and r = PM' we have L 2 ( L ) 2 --Fn --P , 4n 2n m L 2 ( L ) 2 - - F  n PM - - . 4n 2n (7.44) Using that 2nPm  L  2nPM, we can multiply these inequalities and we obtain L 2 -Fn ( -p )( PM- ) ' 4n 2n m 2n (7.45) The general inequality 4xy  (x + y)2 then gives L 2 - 4nF  n 2 (PM - Pm)2, (7.46) which is an upper limit for the isoperimetric deficit due to Bottema [66]. The equality sign holds if and only if Pm = PM' that is, if K is a circle. Pleijel [480] has shown that L 2 - 4nF  n(4 - n)(PM - Pm)2, which is an improvement of (7.46). 6. Hadwiger's Conditions for a Domain to Be Able to Contain Another Following Hadwiger [263, 264], we wish to obtain some sufficient condi- tions in order that a given domain K 1 of area F 1 bounded by a simple closed curve of length Ll can be contained in another domain Ko of area F 0 bounded by a simple closed curve of length Lo. Since we will apply the formulas of Poincare (7.11) and Blaschke (7.19), we first assume that the boundaries aKo and aK 1 are piecewise smooth, but then we shall see that the result remains valid under more general conditions. Assume Ko fixed and K 1 moving in the plane. Let n be the number of points of aKo n oK 1 and let v be the number of pieces of which the inter- section Ko n K 1 is composed. If mo denotes the measure of all positions of K 1 in which either K 1 c Ko or K 1 :::> Ko, formula (7.30) can be written mo + J v dK 1 = 2n(Fo + F 1 ) + LoLl' oKonoKI :1:9 (7.47) Each piece of Ko t1 Kt, when oKo n OKl :F 9, is bounded at least by an arc of aKo and an arc of OKl' Thus v  n/2 and (7.11) and (7.47) give mo  2n(Fo + Ft) - LoLt. (7.48) 
122 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke 1.7.6. Hence, if the right-hand side exceeds zero, then it is sure that there are positions of K 1 in which either it contains Ko or it is contained in Ko. To remove the condition that aKo and aK l are piecewise smooth it is enough to consider domains Ko (m), K 1 (m) whose boundaries are polygonal lines inscribed in aKo and aK l' If we have 2n(F 0 + F 1) - LoLl > 0 and Ko, K 1 are rectifiable curves, we can take Ko (m), K 1 (m) such that 2(F 0 (m) + F 1 (m») - Lo (m) L 1 (m) > 0 for any m > Jl. This means that for any m > Jl one of the domains Ko (m), K 1 (m) can be contained in the other. In the limit the same property will be true for Ko and K 1 . Observe that we say that Ko is contained in K 1 when no point of Ko is outside of K 1 (the boundary curves may have a common point). Therefore we have the following theorem: In order that a domain K 1 bounded by a simple closed rectifiable curve can be contained in, or contain, a domain Ko of the same kind, it is sufficient that 2n(Fo + F 1 ) - LoLl> O. (7.49) This condition does not really distinguish between the cases Ko c K 1 and K 1 c Ko. To make this point clear, let us consider the inequality LoLl - 4nF l > (L02L12 - 16n2FoFl)1/2 (7.50) where the expression under the root is always nonnegative, in accordance with the isoperimetric inequality (7.37), which holds for Ko and K 1 . If (7.50) holds, then (7.49) is also true and thus either Ko can be contained in K 1 or K 1 can be contained in Ko. Furthermore, if(7.50) holds, then LoLl - 4nF 1 > 0, and by adding this inequality to (7.49) we get 2n( F 0 - F 1) > 0, that is, Fo > Fl' This means that the case in which Ko c K 1 must be excluded and Ko must be capable of containing K 1 . If instead of (7.50) we consider the inequality 4nFo - LoLl> (L02L12 - 16n2FoFl)1/2, (7.51) we note that if it is satisfied, then (7.49) is also satisfied; furthermore, the inequality 4nF 0 - LoLl > 0 or 16n 2 F 0 2 - Lo 2 L 1 2 > 0, which follows from (7.51), together with Lo 2 L 1 2 - 16n 2 F of 1 > 0, gives F 0 > F l' that is, if (7.51) holds, then K 1 c Ko. Thus we can state: In order that a domain K 1 bounded by a simple closed rectifiable curve can be contained in another domain Ko of the same kind, it is sufficient that either condition (7.50) or condition (7.51) be satisfied. Of course, these sufficient conditions are not necessary. (They were obtained by Hadwiger [263, 264].) 
1.7.7. Notes 123 A particular case. Suppose that K 1 is a circle of radius r. From (7.50) we deduce the following result: in order that a circle of radius r can be contained in a domain Ko of area F 0 bounded by a simple closed curve of length Lo it is sufficient that Lo - (Lo 2 - 4nF 0)1/2 r < 2n = roo (7.52) Similarly, from (7.51) we have that in order for a circle of radius R to be able to contain a domain Ko of area F 0 bounded by a simple curve of length Lo, it is sufficient that R Lo + (L02 - 4nFo)1/2 - R > 2n - o. (7.53) These inequalities show that for any 8 there are circles of radius ro - 8 (Ro + B) that are contained in Ko (that contain Ko) and thus taking the limit as 8 -+ 0 we get the theorem: For a domain Ko of area Fo bounded by a simple curve of length Lo there exists a circle of radius Lo - (L02 - 4nFo)I/2 r 2n (7.54) contained in Ko and a circle of radius L + ( L 2 - 4nF ) 1/2 R  0 0  2n (7.55) that contains Ko. Since Lo - (Lo 2 - 4nF)1/2  2n(F 0/ L o ), the right-hand side of (7.54) may be replaced by F o/Lo. This result is the work of Grunwald and Turan [249]. 7. Notes 1. More isoperimetric inequalities. If Ko and K 1 are domains bounded by a single simple curve of finite length such that neither of them can be contained in the other, then conditions (7.50) and (7.51) cannot hold and we have (Lo 2 L 1 2 - 16n 2 F of 1)1/2  LoLl - 4nF l' (Lo 2 L 1 2 - 16n 2 F of 1)1/2  4nF 0 - LoLl (7.56) (7.57) and by permuting Ko and K 1 , we obtain 
124 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke 1.7.7. (L02L12 - 16n2FoFI)I/2  LoLl - 4nFo, (L02L12 - 16n2FoFI)I/2  4nF I - LoLl. (7.58) (7.59) If rj is the radius of the largest circle K I that is contained in Ko, the measure of the positions in which KI c Ko is zero. Thus (7.56) and (7.57) hold and we have 2 ( 2Fo ) Lo - 41tF 0   _ Lo 2. Similarly, if r e is the radius of the smallest circle that contains Ko, we have Lo 2 - 4nF 0  (Lo - 2nr j )2, (7.60) 2 ( 2Fo ) 2 Lo - 4nF 0  Lo - -----r: ' From these inequalities, using that x 2 + y2  !(x + y)2, we find that L02 - 4nFo  (2nre - Lo)2. (7.61) Lo 2 - 4nF 0  r i - 2( F 0 - nr j 2)2 , ) 2 2 2 1 1 Lo - 4nF 0  F 0 ( - - - . r j re (7.62) Inequalities of this kind were givn by Bonnesen [62] and Hadwiger [264]. Other sharpened forms of the isoperimetric inequality have been given by D. C. Benson [26]. 2. Minkowski's inequality for convex sets. Let Ko, KI be two convex sets with support functions Po, PI' respectively. Assuming Ko fixed, we know that the measure of the set of translates of K I that meet Ko is F 0 + F I + 2F ril where F ril is the mixed area of Ko and the set K I * obtaind by reflecting K I in a point (Chapter 6, Section 5). That is, if PI is a point attached to K I' we have J * dPI = Fo + F l + 2Fol. (7.63) KonK1 *9 Consider now the convex curves oKo, oK I . We want to find an analogue of Poincare's formula (7.11) for oKo, oK I when only translations are taken into account. Let so, SI denote the arc lengths of the boundaries oKo, oK I and let PI be a point of oK o n oK 1. Since the corner points of oK o and oK 1 form a countable set (Chapter 1, Section 1), we may assume that both curves are differentiable at P I and thus the area element at P I can be written dP I = Isin 01 ds o A dS I where 0 is the angle between oK o and oK I at PI. If So is fixed, integration of Isin 01 dS I gives the projection of oK I on the line per- pendicular to the tangent to oKo, which is equal to 2[Pl(l!» + PI(l!> + n)] where <p denotes the angle that makes the normal of oK o at PI with a reference direction. Therefore, if n is the number of intersections of oK I and oKo, taking into account (1.12), we can write J n dPl = 2 J [Pl(cP) + Pl(cP + 1t)] ds o = 4(F o1 + Fril) (7.64) oKonoK1 * 9 oKo 
1.7.7. Notes 125 where F 01 is the mixed area of Ko and K I. From this equality and from (7.63) we get the average of n, * E(n) = 4( F Ot + Fot) * . F 0 + F I + 2F 0 I Assuming that oK o and oK I always intersect, we have E(n)  2. Then (7.65) gives (7.65) 2F 0 I  F 0 + F I and since (Fo + FI)2  4FoFI' we have (7.66) 2 FOl  FoFI (7.67) It can be proved that this Minkowski inequality holds good for any pair of convex sets. Note that if KI is the unit circle, we have F 1 = n, F 01 = t J1t Po dl!> = Lo/2 and (7.67) specializes to Lo 2 - 4nF 0  0, which is the isoperimetric inequality. A stronger form of (7.67) is the following. The inradius of Ko relative to KI is the largest real number ro such that a translate of rOK1 is in Ko (rOK1 denotes the transform of K I by a homothety of ratio ro) and the circumradius of Ko relative to K 1 is the smallest real number Ro such that a translate of RoKI contains Ko. Obviously, Ro  ro with equality if and only if KI and Ko are similar and similarly placed. Note that if K I is the unit circle, then ro and Ro are the radii rj and re of Section 5. With these definitions the strongest inequality F1 - FoFI  (FI2/4)(Ro - ro)2 (7.68) can be proved. This inequality is due to Bonnesen [62]. For a proof in the style of Section 5, see that of Blaschke [51]; an elementary and detailed proof has been given by Flanders [201]. 3. Difference set and bisected chords of a convex set. Following Chakerian and Stein [101], we are going to give an application of (7.64). Let oK o be a convex curve and let oK o * be the reflection of oK o in the point Q E Ko (Fig. 7.8). The curve oK o *, up to a translation, is independent of Q. If P 1 is the image of a fixed point Po E Ko by the reflection in Q, then P 1 is fixed in Ko * and formula (7.64) applies. Noting that dP I = 4dQ, we have J n(Q)dQ = Frio + Foo (7.69) QeKo where F 00 = F 0 (mixed area of Ko and Ko) and F;o denotes the mixed area of Ko and its reflection Ko *; n(Q) is the number of intersection points of oK o and oK o *. Let us consider the so-called difference set DKo, which has the support function pel!» = Po(l!» + Po(l!> + n). According to (1.9) the area of DKo is F(DKo) = 2F 0 + 2F rio and Minkowski's inequality (7.66) applied to Ko and Ko * gives F(DKo)  4F 0 where equality holds if and only if Ko is 
126 Fundamental Formulas of Poincare and Blaschke I. 7.7. I I I R 1  Figure 7.8. centrally symmetric. Furthermore, it can be shown (as has been done by Bonnesen and Fenchel [63, p. 105]) that F(DKo)  6F 0 (with equality if and only if Ko is a triangle), so that we have * F 0  F 00  2F 0 (7.70) where equality holds on the left for centrally symmetric sets and on the right for triangles. Let v(Q) denote the number of chords of Ko bisected by Q. Clearly 2v(Q) = n( Q) and (7.69) and (7.70) give Fo  1 v(Q) dQ  iFo (7.71) QeKo with equality holding for the same cases as in (7.70). Since v(Q)  1, (7.71) implies that Ko is centrally symmetric if and only if the set of points of Ko bisecting more than one chord has measure zero. This generalizes a result of Viet [701]. Put M k = {Q E Ko; v(Q) = k} and call F(M k ) = area of M k . Then, from the foregoing formulas, Chakerian and Stein [101] have deduced the following results: (a) If k is even, F(M k ) = 0; (b) 3Fo  4F(M 1 )  4Fo; (c) If Ko is of constant breadth, then 1  F(M 1)/F 0  F(M 1(R)/F(R) fOOt.; 0.943, where R is the Reuleaux triangle (Chapter 1, Section 4). Equality holds on the right if and only if Ko is a Reuleaux triangle and on the left if and only if Ko is a circle. 4. Close packing of segments. Let n(Q) convex plates be placed at random inside a square Q of area A(Q) in such a way that the distance between two of them is at least 2r. Let F(Q), L(Q) denote the average area and the average 
I. 7.7. Notes 127 perimeter of these plates. Assume that Q increases infinitely in such a way that F( Q), L( Q), and n( Q)/ A( Q) tend to the limits F, L, N, respectively. Then it is easy to prove that N  (F + Lr + nr 2 ) -1. If the plates reduce to line segments with an average length a, this result can be improved to N  (2ar + 2J3 r 2 )-1 [181]. 
CHAPTER 8 Lattices of Figures 1. Definitions and Fundamental Formula A set of points in the plane is called a domain if it is open and connected. A set of points is called a reg ion if it is the union of a domain with some, none, or all its boundary points. By a lattice of fundamental regions in the plane we understand a sequence of congruent regions aI' a2,. .. that satisfies the following conditions: (i) Every point P of the plane belongs to one and only one region ai; (ii) Every ai can be superposed on ao by a motion t i that superposes on every ah an as, that is, by a motion that takes the whole lattice onto itself. The set of motions {t i} such that ao = t ifli is a discrete subgroup of the group of motions. Such groups are called crystallographic groups. There are seventeen classes of nonisomorphic crystallographic groups, but for any given group there are infinitely many possible fundamental regions. It is not our purpose to present details on these groups, which are explored, for instance, in the books of Coxeter [127] and Guggenheimer [254]. Figures 8.1 to 8.5 are examples of lattices whose fundamental regions are squares, par- allelograms, hexagons, or figures of more complicated shape. Let Do be a figure in the plane, that is, a set of points, which can be a region bounded by a finite number of closed curves without double points, a set of rectifiable curves, a finite number of points, etc. Suppose that Do is con- tained in the fundamental region fl m of a given lattice. Let D I be another figure without the condition of being contained in a fundamental region. We assume Do fixed and DI moving with kinematic density dK I = dP A d4>, where P is a point of DI and 4> denotes the angle that a fixed direction attached ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 128 
1.8.1. Definitio ns and Fundamental Formula 129 [J Figure 8.1. -------7 I I I I I Figure 8.2. to D 1 makes with a reference direction. Consider the integral I = J f(Do () D 1 ) dK 1 DonDi :1= 9 (8.1) where I denotes a real-valued function of the intersection Do n D 1 such that 1(9) = O. We can write I = t I f (D o () D 1 ) dK 1 CI, (8.2) 
130 Lattices of Figures 1.8.1. r - - ""'\ I \ U Figure 8.3. Figure 8.4. where the sum is extended over all fundamental regions, and for each i the integral is extended over all P E (Xi and 0  4>  2n. By the motion tithe fundamental region (Xi is carried over into (xo, that is, ti(Xi = (Xo. Consequently, by the change of variables K 1 -+ tiKI (Le., the moving frame P, 4> is translated by ti)' taking the in variance of the kinematic density into account (i.e., dK I = d(t i K 1 )), we have I = t Jf(D o (') t;Dl) dK 1 «0 (8.3) 
1.8.2. Lattices of Domains 131  ,.-- , .... " " , " ,----- Figure 8.5. and since the intersection Do n t i D 1 is congruent with t i -1 Do n D 1 , we can write I = J (f(ti-IDo n D I ») dKlo «0 (8.4 ) Therefore, if we draw on the plane the set of all sets t i -1 Do (i = 0, 1, 2,. . .) and for each position of D 1 with P E Clo, 0  4>  2n, we carry out the sum LiJ(t i -1 Do n D 1 ), the value of integral (8.4) coincides with the value of integral (8.1). 2. Lattices of Domains Suppose that Do and D 1 are closed domains bounded by a finite number of simple, piecewise smooth closed curves. Let F b L i , C i be the area, perimeter, and total curvature, respectively, of D i (i :::::: 0, 1). Assuming Do contained in the fundamental region Clo, we consider the lattice of all translates t i -1 Do (i = 0, 1, 2,. . .). Then, taking J(Do n D 1 ) = total curvature of Do n D 1 , from the fundamental formula (7.19) and from (8.4) we deduce J COI dK I = 2n(F o C I + FIco) + LoLl «0 (8.5) where COI means now the total curvature of the intersection of D 1 with all figures t i - 1 Do, that is, with the lattice of figures generated by the reproduction in each Cli of Do. The integration in (8.5) is over the field P E Clo, 0  4>  2n. 
132 Lattices of Figures 1.8.2. For instance, if Do and Dt are both bounded by a single closed curve, we have Co = Ct = 2n, COt = 2nv, where v denotes the number of pieces of the intersection Li (t i -1 Do) n D 1 and we have ' J V dK 1 = 2n(Fo + F 1 ) + LoLl' ClO (8.6) For the case in Fig. 8.6 we have v = 8. [f1][f1][JlJ Figure 8.6. The case in which Do coincides with the fundamental region CXo together with the necessary boundary points in order that Do be a closed set is of special interest. Then, formula (8.6) holds and v means the number of pieces into which D 1 is divided by the lattice. For instance, in the case of Fig. 8.7, v = 8. Since the volume of the field of integration is 2ncx o , where CXo also denotes the area of the fundamental region CXo, from (8.6) we deduce The mean value of the number of pieces into which a closed domain D 1 of area F 1 bounded by a single curve of length L 1 is divided when it is put at random on a lattice whose fundamental regions have area CXo and contour of length Lo is E(v) = 2n(cx o + F 1 ) + LoLl . 2ncxo (8.7) 
1.8.2. Lattices of Domains 133 The number N of fundamental regions that have a common point with D 1 is always N  v (e.g., in the case of Fig. 8.7 we have N = 6, v = 8). Con- sequently, E(N)  E(v) and we get Any closed domain D 1 of area F 1 bounded by a single curve of length L 1 can be covered by a number J1 of fundamental regions, of area CXo and contour Lo, that satisfies the inequality J1  E(v) where E(v) has the value (8.7) . Figure 8.7. Application of this result to the case of the lattice of squares of side a (cxo = a 2 , Lo = 4a) gives the result that every domain D 1 bounded by a single curve can be covered by a number of squares that is less than or equal to 2L 1 F 1 J1 =1+-+-. s na a 2 (8.8) If the lattice is that of regular hexagons of side a (Fig. 8.3), we find that D 1 can be covered by a number of hexagons not exceeding 2L 1 2F 1 J1h=1+ - + - . 3 na 33 a 2 (8.9) If we consider the circles circumscribed about the regular hexagons of side a, we get the result that D 1 can be covered by a number of circles of 
134 Lattices of Figures 1.8.3. radius a that is less than or equal to the same value as Ph. These results are due to Hadwiger [263]. For the generalization to n dimensions, see Chapter 15, Section 9. Problems on lattices in Riemannian two-dimensional space and' in three-dimensional euclidean space have been considered by Trandafir [675, 677, 677a]; see also [464, 465]. 3. Lattices of Curves Let Do and D 1 be piecewise smooth curves of lengths Lo and L 1 , respec- tively. From (7.11) and (8.4), taking f(Do n D 1 ) = number of points of the intersection Do n D l' it follows that j n dK I = 4LoLI ao (8.10) where n means the number of intersection points of D 1 with the lattice of curves t i -1 Do (i = 0, 1, 2,. . .). In Fig. 8.8 we have n = 4. Consequently, we have r----T----..,.----. I I I I I I I I I I : I I I I 1 I I 0 1 I 00 1 t------i- ---t-----i I I I , I 1 I I I I I : 1 1 I I I r- - - -----------1 - I I I I I I I I r I I I I I I I I I I I I I L..--__L____I____ .J Figure 8.8. If the fundamental regions of a given lattice have area CXo and each contains a curve of length Lo, then the mean value of the number of inter- section points of these curves with a curve D 1 of length L 1 placed at random on the plane is E(n) = 2LoLI . 1tCX o (8.11) 
1.8.4. Lattices of Points 135 For instance, consider the lattice of rectangles of sides a, b and let Do be composed of two consecutive sides of these rectangles (Fig. 8.9). We have CX o = ab, Lo = a + b, and thus E(n) = 2(a + b)L 1 . nab (8.12) If a  00, the lattice becomes the lattice of parallel lines a distance b apart and we get E(n) = 2L 1 /nb. In particular, if D 1 is a line segment of length 0 1 b a -------.., I I I I J. o Figure 8.9. L 1  b, then n can take only the values 0, 1 and E(n) is the probability that a random segment of length L 1 will cross one of the parallel lines. We again have the result of Buffon (Chapter 5, Section 2). 4. Lattices of Points Let Do be composed ofafinite number, say m, of points. Takingf(Do n D 1 ) = number of points of Do that are contained in D 1 , from (7.32) and (8.4) we find that f n dK 1 = 2nmF 1 ao (8.13) where n is the number of points of the lattice that belong to D 1. For instance, in the case of Fig. 8.10 we have m = 3, n = 4 and in Fig. 8.11 m = 1, n = 2. The result may be stated as follows. 
136 Lattices of Figures 1.8.4. r----I----..,----, 10 10 10 I I I I I I 0 I 0 I 0 I I I I I I 0 0 I 0 I I - - : __I-  I I I I 0 0 I 0 I I I I D I 0 I 1 I I 0 I 0 I I I I ...--_-_ _ _ _ _ ...J I I I 0 I I 0 I 0 , 0 I I I 1 I 0 I 0 I 01 L________L___ .J Figure 8.10. Figure 8.11. If each fundamental region contains m points, the mean number of points contained in a domain D 1 of area F 1 placed at random in the plane is mF l E(n) =-. CX o (8.14) We will give three applications of this mean value. 1. Consider the lattice of points formed by the vertices of a lattice of equilateral triangles of side a. The fundamental regions are parallelograms fi7 Figure 8.12. 
1.8.4. Lattices of Points 137 formed by two triangles and we have CXo = (.J 3/ 2)a 2 , m = 1 (Fig. 8.12). Thus we have E(n) = 2F 1 (.J3 a 2 )-1 and we get the theorem: It is always possible to put n points inside a given domain of area F 1 so that the minimal distance a between two of them satisfies the condition a 2  2F 1 (.J3 n)-1 [179]. 2. If only translations of D 1 are taken into account, formula (7.32) holds good without the factor 21t. on the right-hand side, so that the mean value (8.14) holds good without change. We will prove that if D 1 is bounded and closed, there are positions of D 1 in which it contains at least EmF 1/CXO] + 1 lattice points, where [ ] means "integral part." Indeed, if there exists a set of positions of positive measure for which n < EmF 1/CXO]' to compensate it there will be a set of positions of positive measure for which n > EmF 1/CXO] and therefore for some positions n will be equal to EmF 1/CX O ] + 1. Suppose that, except for locations of D 1 that belong to a set of measure zero, we have n = [mF1/cxo]. Take a position of D 1 in which some of these points are in the boundary aD 1 . Let 8 be the minimal distance to D 1 from the lattice points that do not belong to D 1 ; since D 1 is bounded and closed, we have 8 > O. By translations of length < 8 we can ascertain that some of the lattice points that belong to aD 1 are left out of D 1 and thus we will have a set of positions of positive measure for which n < EmF 1/CXO]' contrary to the hypothesis. Consequently we have proved Blichfeldt's theorem [53]: If D 1 is a bounded, closed domain of area F 1 in the plane of a lattice of points that has m points in each fundamental region, assumed of area CXo, there are always translates of D 1 that contain at least EmF 1/CX O ] + 1 points of the lattice. 3. Given a lattice of points, a difficult problem is that of finding the shape of the domain of minimal area such that it contains at least a given number of lattice points for any position of it in the plane. Consider, for instance, the lattice of points of integral coordinates with reference to a pair of rectangular axes, and ask for the closed convex set of minimal area such that, however it is displaced in the plane, a point of the integral lattice is covered. In this case, from (8.14) it follows that E(n) = F 1 and the required condition implies E(n)  1, so that we have F 1  1. If we consider translations only, the solution is given obviously by the unit square, with F 1 = 1. When all motions are taken into account, the area F 1 = 1 is not enough. D. B. Sawyer ([593], for the case of convex sets having a center) and J. J. Schaffer ([594], for the general case) have shown that the solution is given by the domain consisting of a unit square and two parabolic segments, the angle formed by the tangents to the parabola and the side of the square being 1t/4 (Fig. 8.13). The area of this minimal set is F 1 = 4/3. (See also [332].) 
138 Lattices of Figures 1.8.5. A similar problem is the following (devised by Scott [603]). Let K be a bounded convex set in the euclidean plane. Let c5(K) be the width of K. If c5(K)  i(2 + .J 3) , then K contains a point of the integral lattice. Equality - is necessary when and only when K is the equilateral triangle of side length (2 + .J 3) /.J 3. Figure 8.13. A domain D not necessarily convex is said to be admissible relative to the lattice of points in the plane with integer coordinates if no points of the lattice are interior to D. Then, Bender [25] proved that 2F  L, where F is the area and L the perimeter of D. See also the results of Silver [612], Hadwiger [277, 278], and Wills [726, 727]. The following general result was obtained by Bokowski, Hadwiger, and Wills [60]: let K be a convex body in euclidean n-space with volume Vand surface area F, and let N be the number of lattice points (points with integer coordinates) interior to K. Then N > V - F/2 and the factor! cannot be replaced by a smaller number. (See also [598a].) The problem of finding in the plane the convex region of smallest area that, after suitable translations and rotations, will cover any given arc of length L has been considered by Poole and Gerriets [491], who assert that a closed rhombus R with diagonals Land 3- 1 / 2 L will cover every such arc. They also mention that R may be "truncated" to obtain an even smaller region of area less than .0.2861L 2 with the required property. Related problems have been considered by Chakerian and Klamkin [100] and Wetzel [714a]. The problem of determining the variance of the number of lattice points covered by a random region is in general difficult. Kendall and Rankin [334] have treated the case of lattice points inside a random sphere in En. (For re- lated results see [335].) 5. Notes and Exercise 1. Probabilities on lattices. Consider a lattice whose fundamental regions are convex polygons of area CX o . The boundaries of the fundamental regions form a linear lattice (or infinite graph) generated by the transforms by t i of a certain arc of the boundary of CX o . Let U o denote the length of this arc. For instance, for the lattice of parallelograms of sides a, b and angle (J in Fig. 8.2, 
1.8.5. Notes and Exercise 139 we have eto = ab sin 0, U o = a + b; for the lattice of regular hexagons in Fig. 8.3, we have et o = (3 3/ 2)a2, Uo = 3a. In this section, the term lattice will indicate the lattice of the boundaries of the fundamental regions. Let S* be an oriented segment of length r such that it cannot have more than two points in common with the lattice. The measure mo of the set of locations of S* in which it is contained in a fundamental domain is given by (6.44). On the other hand, calling m i (i = 0, 1, 2) the measure of the loca- tions of S* in which it has i points in common with the lattice, according to (8.10) we have m l + 2m2 = 4ruo and the measure of all locations of S* that are not equivalent under the group of motions {tJ is mo + m l + m2 = 2net o . If mo is known, these formulas give m l and m 2 and we have solved the problem of finding the probability that S* has 0, 1, or 2 common points with the lattice. Examples. (i) Consider the lattice of parallelograms in Fig. 8.2. According to (6.44) we have mo = 2nab sin 0 - 4r(a + b) + r 2 [2 + (n - 20) cot OJ, (8.15) and making use of the results above we obtain m l = 4r(a + b) - 2r 2 [2 + (n - 20) cot OJ, m 2 = r 2 [2 + (n - 20) cot OJ. (8.16) Consequently, we can state A needle of length r is thrown at random on the plane containing a lattice of congruent parallelograms of sides a, b and angle O. We assume that the needle cannot intersect the lattice in more than two points. Then the probabilities of 0, 1, or 2 intersection points are 2r(a + b) r 2 Po = 1 - b. 0 + 2 b. 0 [2 + (n - 20) cot OJ, na SIn na sIn 2r(a + b) r 2 (2 + (n - 20) cot 0 PI = nab sin 0 - nab sin 0 ' r 2 [2 + (n - 20) cot OJ P2 = 2nab sin 0 (ii) For a lattice of regular hexagons of side a and a needle of length r  a, the probabilities are Po = 1 _ 4.J3 r + ( 3 _  ) r2 , 3na 3n 9 a 2 _ 43r ( 23 2 ) r2 PI - 3na - 31t - 9 a 2 ' P2 = ( 3 _  ) r2 . 3n  a 2 
140 Lattices of Figures 1.8.5. These problems have been considered by Santal6 [532]. 2. Lattices of convex sets. Suppose that each fundamental region contains a single convex set Do of area F 0 and perimeter Lo. Let D 1 be another convex, set of area F 1 and perimeter L 1 such that it cannot intersect more than one v  \A V V V Figure 8.14. of the sets Do (Fig. 8.14). Then, accordingto(7.19)wehavem(D 1 ;Do nD 1 =F e) = 2n(F 1 + Fo) + LoLl and since the measure of all positions of D 1 (up to a motion t i ) is equal to 2ncx o , we have The probability that a convex set D 1 placed at random on the plane of a lattice of convex sets Do will intersect one of them (under the hypothesis that D 1 can meet only one of the sets Do) is 2n(F 0 + F 1) + LoLl p= 2ncx o · EXERCISE. Let D 1 be a segment of length r, greater than or equal to the diameter of Do and such that it cannot intersect more than one of the convex sets Do of the lattice. Show that the probabilities of cutting the boundaries aDo in 0, 1, or 2 points are For Lo Po = 1 - - - -, CX o ncx o 2Fo Pl = -, CXo r Lo F 0 P2 = - - -. ncxo CXo 3. Lattices of equilateral triang lese Consider the lattice of equilateral triangles of side a (Fig. 8.12). A segment of length r  ( 3/ 2)a placed at random on the lattice can cut the lattice in 0, 1, 2, or 3 points. The respective probabilities are [532] Po = 1 _ 4-J3r + 2 ( 3 +  ) r2 , na 2n 3 a 2 P1 = 4-J3r _ ( 3 +  ) r2 , na n 3 a 2 
1.8.5. Notes and Exercise 141 P2 = ( i _ J3 ) r2 , 3 n a 2 P3 = ( J3 _  ) r2 . n 3 a 2 4. Convex sets of particular shape and lattices. (a) Consider a lattice of rectangles of sides a, b (a  b) (Fig. 8.15) and let K 1 be a convex set of o Figure 8.15. constant breadth h  b. Assuming K 1 placed at random on the plane, the probabilities that it meets 0, 1, or 2 lines of the lattice are Po = 1 _ (a + b)h + h 2 J ab ab (a + b)h 2h 2 P1 = ab - ab ' h 2 P2 = - . ab (b) Consider the lattice of equilateral triangles of side a (Fig. 8.16) and a triangular convex set Kt whose circumscribed equilateral triangles have side Figure 8.16. at  a (Chapter 1, Section 4). If we assume that Kt is placed at random in the plane, the probability that it intersects the lattice is P = 2a l la - (alla)2 and the probability that K I falls entirely inside a triangle of the lattice is Po = 1 - (2alla) + (alla)2 [551]. ( c) Consider the lattice of squares of side a and with center at each vertex of the lattice draw a circle of radius al4 (Fig. 8.17). Show, as an exercise, that (i) the mean number of intersections of the circles of the lattice with a random curve of length L is E(n) = Lla. (ii) If a lamina K of arbitrary shape with 16 small holes in it is dropped at random on the plane, the mean number of holes that fall inside a circle of the lattice is equal to n. 
142 Lattices of Figures 1.8.5. Figure 8.17. 5. Measuring the length of a curve. Applying formula (8.12) to a lattice of squares of side a, we obtain L 1 = (n/4}aE(n). This result can be used to provide a practical method of measuring the length of curves. Suppose that we cover the curve with a transparent grid of squares of side a. If we count the number of intersections of the curve with the lines of the grid and take the average by rotating the grid through successive multiples of n/n, then (n/4)a times this average is an estimate for Lt. Estimates of the errors involved in this method have been analyzed by Moran [427J. 
PART II General Integral Geometry CHAPTER 9 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 1. Differential Forms In Part I we treated integral geometry in the plane from an elementary point of view. The densities for sets of points and sets of lines and the kinematic density were obtained by particular devices and their invariance properties were proved directly and independently in each case. We want to include the foregoing results and ideas in a general context. In order to do this we need (i) a base space M that contains certain geometric objects (in the preceding part, M was the euclidean plane and the objects were points, lines, or congruent figures); (ii) a group of transformations (fj operating on M (in the preceding part (fj was the group of motions in the plane). Once we have the space M and the group (fj, the next step is to define a measure for sets of geometric objects invariant under (fj and then to compute this measure for some specific sets in order to obtain some results of geometric interest. We will assume known the usual definitions and fundamental theorems about differentiable manifolds and Lie groups, as contained for instance in the books of Sterneberg [628], Kobayashi and Nomizu [341a], or Bishop and Goldberg [32]. In this chapter we will give only a resume of the principal properties of differential systems and invariant n1easures on Lie groups and homogeneou s spaces. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (00.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photooopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 143 
144 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.1. Let M be a differentiable manifold of class Coo and dimension n. Let Tp denote the tangent vector space at the point p and let T(M) denote the union of all tangent spaces Tp. A vector field X is a function X: M  T(M) that assigns to each point p E M a vector X p E Tp. If X is a vector field and f belongs to the ring of functions of class Coo defined on M, then Xf is the function p  Xp(f) or Xf(p) = Xpf. If Xi is a local coordinate system, a vector field is given by the expression n. a X = Lal(x)- 1 aXi (9.1) where we will always assume that the functions ai(x) are of class Coo. If Tp * denotes the dual vector space of Tp (called the cotangent space of M at p) and T*(M) is the union of all spaces Tp *, a I-form on M is a function M  T*(M) that assigns to each point p E M a covector w p E Tp *. The expression of a I-form in a local coordinate system is n W = L C(lx) dXi 1 (9.2) where C(lx) are functions of class Coo. If 1\ Tp *(M) denotes the exterior algebra over Tp *(M), a q-form w(q) is an assignment of an element of degree q in 1\ Tp *(M) to each point p E M. In terms of a local coordinate systeJ;11 Xi' w(q) can be expressed uniquely as w(q) = L C(it...i q dX it A dX h A.. · A dX iq it < ...< iq where C(it...i q are functions on M of class Coo. There are no q-forms :F 0 when q > n. The q-forms are called differential forms of degree q and we adopt the convention that functions are differential forms of degree O. Clearly the set of all q-forms on M is a module on the ring of functions of class Coo defined on M. A basis for this module is the set of exterior products dx it A . · . A dX iq (i 1 < . . · < i q ). More generally, if w 1 , W2,. . ., W n is a basis for the I-forms, then the set of exterior products Wit A.. · A W iq (i 1 <... < i q ) is a basis for the q-forms. The exterior derivative or exterior differential of w(q) is defined by dw(q) = "dC(. . dx. A... A dx. i..J It...lq It Iq i aCt . . L It...lq d d d = X A X. A...A X. aX k It Iq i,k k (9.3) where the sums are extended over all permutations of the indices i h such that i 1 <. · · < iq and 1  k  n. Note the properties 
11.9.2. Pfaffian Differential Systems 145 d( dro(q» = 0, d( ro(q) " roes» = dro(q) " roes) + (- 1 )qro(q) "dro(s) (9.4) for each integer q, s  1. For the case of I-forms it is sometimes useful to have an expression of the exterior differential in terms of ordinary differentials. To this end note that the exterior product dX 1 " dX2 can be considered as the expression of the element of signed area in R 2 . Thus, if (dx 1 , dx 2 ) and (£5x 1 , £5X2) are two independent infinitesimal vectors, we have dX1 " dX2 = dX1 £5X2 - dX2 £5x 1 and the exterior differential of the I-form ro (9.2) can be written  8(X.  8(X. dro = '-'  dXk " dXi = '-'  (dXk £5Xi - £5Xk dx i ). i,k 8Xk i,k 8Xk (9.5) Using that d £5Xi = £5 dX i (which is the statement of the commutativity of the second-order partial derivatives), we have [90, p. 36] dro = dro(£5) - £5ro(d). (9.6) This formula is invariant under change of coordinates and will prove useful later on. Note that the symbol d on the left-hand side denotes exterior differentiation and that on the right-hand side denotes ordinary differentiation. However, since (9.6) is not used often, there is no danger in retaining this somewhat misleading notation. Finally, note that given r I-forms <Pi = L (Xij dXj (i = 1, 2,. . ., r), we have <P1" <P2"..." <Pr = L det«(Xit.. . (Xi r ) dXi1"..." dXi r (9.7) i 1 < . . . < i r where det( (Xi! · · · (Xi r ) denotes the determinant formed by the columns of order i 1 ,. . ., i r of the matrix «(Xij). In particular, if r = n, we have <P1 " · · ." <Pn = det«(Xij) dX 1 " dX2 " · · ." dXn. (9.8) The I-forms <P1'. . ., <Pr are independent if the rank of the matrix «(Xij) is r at every point of M, that is, according to (9.7), if and only if <P 1 " · · ." <Pr #= o. (9.9) 2. Pfaffian Differential Systems Let ro be a 1-form on the differentiable manifold M and let X be a vector field on M. The equation roX = 0 means that at each point p E M, the covector ro(p) maps the vector X p into zero. We then say that X is a solution of the equation ro = 0 and such an equation is called a Pfaffian equation. More generally, if ro 1 , ro2,. . ., ror are r independent I-forms on M, the system 
146 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.2. W 1 = 0, W2 = 0, ... , w, = 0 (9.10) is called a Pfaffian system on M. Two Pfaffian systems Wi = 0 (i = 1, 2,. . ., r) I and c/Jj = 0 (j = 1,2,. . ., m) are called equivalent on M (or on an open set of M) if there exist functions Aij, Jlij of class Coo such that m w. = " A. ,,I... I i..J IJo/ J' j=1 , c/J j = L JlijWi' i= 1 (9.11 ) It is clear that if the I-forms Wi are independent and the I-forms c/Jj are independent, conditions (9.11) can only be verified if m = r and the matrix (Jlij) is the inverse of the matrix (A ji)' If we assume that Wi = L (Xik dx k , then a vector field X = L aj(ojoxj) is a solution of system (9.10) if and only if n L (Xik ak = 0, k=1 i = 1, 2,. . ., r. (9.12) If the I-forms Wi are assumed independent, the rank of the matrix ((Xik) is equal to r and then at each point p E M the vectors X p whose components ak(p) satisfy linear equations (9.12) form a linear subspace of dimension n - r, or an (n - r)-plane, of the tangent space Tp. Thus, with each Pfaffian system (9.10) there is associated a field of (n - r)-planes, that is, a function that assigns to each p E M an (n - r)-plane of Tp. Such a function is called an r-dimensional distribution on M. We say that this field of (n - r)-planes is the annihilator or the solution of system (9.10). A submanifold M' of lVf is called an integral manifold of system (9.10) if for every p E M' the tangent space Tp' of M' at p is contained in the annihilator of (9.10). Conversely, if we have a field of (n - r)-planes on M, spanned by n - r independent vector fields X/ = L a/(ojox k ) (i = 1,..., n - r; k = 1,2,..., n), the system ,of linear equations n L (Xhai h = 0 h=1 (i = 1, 2,. . ., n - r) (9.13) defines an r-plane of the cotangent space Tp * at each point p E M. That is, to each field of (n - r )-planes there is associated a function (called an r- dimensional codistribution) that assigns to each p E M an r-plane of Tp *, that is, a set of r independent I-forms defined up to a linear combination. A Pfaffian system (9.10) is called completely integrable on M (or on an open set of M) if there exists a set ofr functions y;(x 1 , X2,. . ., x n ) (i = 1,2,. . ., r) such that system (9.10) is equivalent to the system dY1 = 0, dY2 = 0, ..., dy, = O. (9.14) 
11.9.2. Pfaffian Differential Systems 147 In other words, system (9.10) IS completely integrable if there exist r functions y;(x 1 ,. . ., x n ) such that r Wi = L aih dYh h=1 (9.15) where (a ih) is an invertible matrix whose elements a ij are of class Coo. If system (9.10) is completely integrable, then there is an integral submanifold of dimension n - r through each point p E M. In fact, in the neighborhood of each point p, the equations y;(x) = y;(p) define a submanifold of dimension n - r that obviously is an integral submanifold (since (9.14) is equivalent to (9.10». Conversely, given a family of (n - r)-dimensional differentiable submanifolds with the property that through each point of M there passes one and only one submanifold, then they are integral submanifolds of a completely integrable Pfaffian system. Indeed, in a local coordinate system, the given manifolds are represented by F i( x 1, X 2'. . ., X n;  l'  2,. . . , ,.) = 0, i = 1, 2,. . ., r, (9.16) where each point p determines one and only one set of parameters  1" . . , r. The stated Pfaffian system is n of. L  dx j = 0, j= 1 uXj i = 1, 2,. . . , r (9.1 7) where the parameters i are replaced by functions of Xi deduced from (9.16). Finally, note that if system (9.10) is completely integrable, that is, the I-forms Wi can be written in the form of (9.15), then we have n r  " "ua ih dWi = l.J l.J - dXj A dYh, j=1 h=1 OXj i = 1, 2,. . . , r, (9.18) and using equations (9.14), we get dW i = O. We can therefore state A necessary condition for system (9.10} to be completely integrable is that the exterior differentials dWi be zero when the equati,on$ .of the system are taken into account. In other words, in order that system (9.10) be completely integrable, it is necessary that the conditions dW i A W1 A W2 A.. · A W r = 0 (i = 1, 2,. . ., r) (9.19) hold. The preceding conditions are also sufficient (theorem of Frobenius) but we shall need them only 'as necessary conditions. For a proof of Frobenius' theorem see the work of Flanders [201], Sternberg [628], or H. Cartan [91]. 
148 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.3. 3. Mappings of Differentiable Manifolds Before beginning the study of Lie groups, we need to recall some definitions, about mappings of differentiable manifolds. Let «P: M -+ M' be a mapping of the differentiable manifold M of dimension n into the differentiable manifold M' of dimension m. The mapping 4> is called differentiable if for any I E COO defined on M', it is I 0 4> E COO. If 4> is differentiable, then there is an induced linear mapping d«P: T(M) -+ T(M'), called the differential of 4>, defined by d«P(X p)1 = X p(1 0 «P) for any vctor X p E Tp and any function I E COO defined in a neighborhood of p' = «P(p). In terms of local coordinates, if «P has the expression xa.' = xa.'(x l' X2,. . . , x n ), CX = 1, 2,. . ., m, and X p = L ai(ajaxi)p, then (df/J)X p = Lai ( aXa.' ) (  ) i,a. ax i p axa. p' (9.20) where the ranges of indices are i = 1, 2,. . ., n; cx = 1, 2,. . ., m. From this expression follows this chain rule: if 4>: M -+ M' and tp: M' -+ M", then d('P 0 4» = d'P 0 d4>. (9.21) The differentiable mapping 4>: M -+ M' also induces a mapping «P* : T*(M') -+ T*(M), called the dual of d4>, defined as follows: 4>*( ro')X p = ro' X p' (9.22) where X p' = (d4»X p and ro' denotes a 1-form of T;. If ro' = L cxa.' dxa.', the expression of 4>*( ro') is ( m ) a ' * ,,_ , Xa. «P L CXa. dxa. - L CXa. _ a dx i. 1 i ,a. Xi (9.23) Note that the matrices of dt/> and 4>* are transposed matrices. The mapping 4>* may be extended to a mapping ro,(q) -+ ro(q) of q-forms as follows. cP* (  1X;''''''.''4 dx, A" · A dX;"') L I aX1 ax d d = cx -... --.!.. x. A...A x.. a.1...a. q ax. ax. 11 Iq a.,i '1 Iq (9.24) In particular, if m = nand ro' is an n-form on M', we have 4>*ro n ' = IJfro n = (det d4»ro n (9.25) 
11.9.4. Lie Groups; Left and Right Translations 149 where IJI denotes the determinant of the Jacobian matrix J = (oxa' jox i ) (i = 1, 2,. . ., n; ex = 1, 2,. . ., m). From (9.24) it is easy to deduce the following formulas. (tJI 0 4»* = 4>* 0 tJI*, 4>*(w" cp) = 4>*(w) " 4>*(cp), 4>*(dw) = d(4)*(w)). (9.26) 4. Lie Groups; Left and Right Translations A Lie group ffi is a group whose elements are points of a differentiable manifold, which we shall represent by the same letter ffi, such that the group operation (a, b)  ab- 1 (a, b E ffi) is a differentiable mapping of ffi x ffi into ffi. If e E ffi is the identity, the mapping x  x- 1 can be written (e, x)  ex - 1, so that it is also a differentiable mapping ffi -+ ffi. The general linear group GL(n) (group of all n x n invertible real matrices) is a Lie group. The map aij = X n (i-1)+ j (i, j = 1, 2,. . ., n) represents each matrix (aij) into a point of R n2 . The group manifold of GL(n) is then the n 2 -dimensional affine space with the points det(aij) = F(x 1 ,. . ., X n 2) = 0 excluded. Integral geometry deals mainly with Lie groups of matrices, that is, subgroups of GL(n) that are differentiable manifolds, for instance, the special linear group SL(n) (group of all n x n real matrices of determinant equal to 1) and the orthogonal group O(n) (group of all n x n real matrices such that oot = I, where ot means the transpose of 0 and I denotes the n x n unit matrix). Since oot = I implies n(n + 1)j2 conditions, the dimension of O(n) is n(n - 1)j2. For each fixed go E ffi we have two differentiable mappings ffi -+ ffi: (a) the left translations Lgo: g -+ gog; and (b) the right translations Rgo: g  ggo. A vector field X on ffi is said to be left invariant if for every g, go E ffi, we hav (dLgo)Xg = X90g. (9.27) By the substitution go  g, g  e, we get Xg = (dLg)X e . (9.28) Hence, any left-invariant vector field can be generated by left translations from a tangent vector at the identity e. Similarly, a vector field X on G is called right invariant if for every g, go E ffi we have (dRgo)X{I = Xg90' and therefore, setting go -+ g, g -+ e, we have Xg = (dRg)Xe, which proves that any right-invariant vector field can be generated by right translations of a tangent vector at the identity. 
150 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 1I.9.S. For all go, g 1 E  we have LgORgt = Lgo(gg 1) = gogg l' RglLgog = R g1 (gog) = gogg l' so that LgORgt = R g1 Lgo. (9.29) On the other hand, according to (9.21) we have d(LgO 0 R g1 ) = dLgO 0 dR gl and thus we have the commutative property dLgO 0 dR gl = dR gl 0 dLgo. (9.30) We now note that L g190 : g  (g1g0)g = g1(gOg), R g1go : g  g(g1g0) = (gg1)gO and consequently L g190 = L g1 0 LgO' R g190 = RgO 0 R g1 . (9.31) Hence, by (9.21), dL g190 = dL gl 0 dLgO' dR g190 = dRgO 0 dR gl . (9.32) From (9.31) it follows that LgO-l 0 LgO = RgO 0 RgO-l = identity and there- fore dLgO - 1 = (dLgo) - 1 , dRgO-l = (dRgo)-1. (9.33) Adjoint representation. Let Te denote the tangent space of 63 at the identity e. Each go E  induces a linear transformation of Te into itself defined by ad(go): Xe  (dRgO-l 0 dLgo)Xe. (9.34) This transformation is called the adjoint transformation of go and it is linear because dLgO and dRgO-l are linear transformations. The mapping g  ad(g) is called the adjoint representation of  and it is a homomorphism of ffi into the group of automorphisms of Te (i.e., into GL(n». In fact, using (9.30) and (9.32), we can easily prove that ad(g1go): Xe  ad(g1) 0 ad(go)X e and ad(go -1) = (ad(go»-1. 5. Left-Invariant Differential Forms Any left translation LgO induces the dual mapping (9.22) L*.T*T* gO · gog 9 (9.35) of the cotangent space Tg:g onto Tg *. A I-form w E T*( G) is called left invariant if Lg:w(gog) = w(g) (9.36) 
11.9.5. Left-Invariant Differential Forms 151 for all g, go E (fj. In terms of local coordinates, denoting by Xi' X i O , and Yi = yiCx i ; x i O ) the coordinates of g, go, and gog, respectively, we can write in variance condition (9.36) as n a n L ai(Y) dYi = L aly(x» Yi dXh = L alx) dXi 1 i,h U X h 1 (9.37) and this expression justifies the symbolic notation w(g og) = w(g) (9.38) sometimes used for indicating the left invariance of w. For instance, w = X-l dx is a left-invariant form for the multiplicative group of real numbers because w(xox) = (XOX)-l d(xox) = X-l dx = w(x) for any constant Xo. If W l and W 2 are left-invariant 1-forms, so are aWl + bW2 for any constants a, b, so that the left-invariant 1-forms are the elements of a vector space on the field of real numbers. From (9.36) it follows that Lg*_tw(e) = w(g). Hence, all left-invariant 1-forms on (fj can be generated from the 1-forms at the identity and therefore the vector space of the left-invariant 1-forms has the dimension of Te *, that is, the dimension n of (fj. The 1-forms w l , w 2 ,. . . , W n of any basis for this space are called M aurer-Cartan forms for (fj. In other words, a set of Maurer-Cartan 1-forms for (fj is any set ofn linearly independent left-invariant 1-forms on (fj. Each left-invariant 1-form can then be written n W = " a.w. i...J   1 (9.39) where a i are constants. For a direct proof of this fact, note that if w is a left- invariant 1-form, we have n n L g: w(g og) = L a iCg og )w iCg og) = w(g) = L a iCg )w iCg ) 1 1 and since wiCgog) = wiCg), we get Li (aiCgog) - ai(g»wiCg) = O. Since the 1-forms Wi are assumed independent, the last equation proves that aiCgog) = ai(g) and thus ai = constant (i = 1, 2,. . ., n). In general we have the following important theorem: Any left-invariant h-form can be written W(h) = L aith...ih wit"..." W ih it,...,ih (9.40) where the 1-forms Wi s belong to a set of Maurer-Cartan forms and the coefficients a it... ih are constants. The proofis the same as above, using that the () products Wit" W h " · · ." W ih form a basis for the module of the h-forms. 
152 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.6. COROLLARY. If  is of dimension n, all left-invariant n-forms are equal, except for a constant factor. 6. Maurer-Cartan Equations Let {Wi} (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) be a set of Maurer-Cartan I-forms, that is, a basis for the vector space of the left-invariant I-forms on the group . Because of the last of equations (9.26), we have Lg * dw = d(Lg *w). Thus the exterior derivatives dWi are left-invariant 2-forms, and according to the last theorem in the preceding section we can write n dW i = L Cjk W j A Wk j ,k = 1 (9.41) where Ck are constants. Setting C)k - Cj = C; and agaIn writing Ck instead of C, we can write equations (9.41) as n dW i = ! L Ck Wj A W k j ,k = 1 (9.42) where Cjk are constants such that Ck + Cj = o. (9.43) Equations (9.42) are known as the Maurer-Cartan equations or structure equationsfor the group. The constants Cjk are called the structure constants for  with respect to the basis {Wi}. Sometimes it is useful to have structure equations (9.42) in terms of ordinary differential calculus. Taking (9.6) into account, we can write equations (9.42) as dwl) - wi(d) = ! L Cjk(wj(d)Wk() - Wj()wk(d» j,k = L C;k Wj(d)Wk()' j,k (9.44) where on the right-hand side we have an ordinary product of differential forms. Pro perties of the structure constants. The structure constants satisfy the conditions of skew symmetry (9.43). Moreover, exterior differentiation of the Maurer-Cartan equations, using that d(dwi) = 0, gives o = ! L C)k(Cq W p A W q A W k - C: q Wj A W p A W q ) = ! L CjkCq W p A W q A Wk = L L (C;kCq + C;qCl p + CpCk)Wp A W q A Wk. j p<q<k 
11.9.6. Maurer-Cartan Equations 153 Since the products {W p A W q A Wk} (p < q < k) form a basis for the vector space of left-invariant 3-forms and are independent, we have n L (CJkCq + CjqCp + CJpCk) = 0 j=l (9.45) for all values of i, p, q, k  n. The structure constants defined by equations (9.41) depend on the basis {Wi}. If we replace this basis with another {i} such that n i = L UihWh, h=l n Wi = L Uihh h=l (9.46) where u ih, U ih are constants such that n L UihU hj = ij' h= 1 (9.47) we have the following new set of structure constants. C;l = L ChUmSUhkUji. i,m,h (9.48 ) These equations show that: (a) The conditions Ch = 0 are independent of the basis. They give an intrinsic property of m. We can prove that they are the necessary and sufficient conditions that m be commutative. (b) From (9.47) and (9.48) it follows that n L C; = L CiUms j = 1 i ,m and hence n L Ci = 0, i= 1 m = 1, 2,. . ., n, (9.49) is a set of equations that is independent of the basis and thus it gives another intrinsic property of m . We shall see later that system (9.49) characterizes the so-called unimodular groups. Construction of the Maurer-Cartan forms for matrix groups. Let m be a group of matrices g = (g ij). Consider the matrix Q = g - 1 dg (9.50) whose elements are the I-forms 
154 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.6. n (J)ij = L Y ih dg hj h= 1 (9.51) where Yih denote the elements of the inverse matrix g-1. The matrix Q is left invariant, that is, the forms (J)ij are left invariant. Indeed, we have Lg:Q(gog) = (gog)-1 d(gog) = g-1go -1go dg = g-1 dg = Q(g), (9.52) which is the condition (9.36) of left invariance. If the matrices g E  are r x r matrices and  is of dimension n, we want to show that among the r 2 I-forms (J)ij there exist exactly n that are linearly independent. In fact, at the identity we have Q(e) = (dg)e = (dgij(e» and because dg ij(e) form a basis for the cotangent space to GL(r) at the identity, they contain a basis for the cotangent space to  at e and the covectors that form this basis generate n linearly independent I-forms. Hence, from the forms (9.51) we can select a basis for the left-invariant I-forms, that is, a set of Maurer-Cartan forms for . Exterior differentiation of(9.50) gives dQ = dg -1 A dg = - g -1 dg g -1 A dg; tha tis, dQ = - Q A Q. (9.53) Among the r 2 equations contained in this matrix equation are the Maurer- Cartan equations for . Example. Consider the three-dimensional matrix group ( X 0 Y ) g = x log x x z , o 0 1 x "# o. (9.54) The group manifold is R 3 except for the plane x = o. We have ( dX/X 0 Q = g-1 dg = dx/x dx/x o 0 dy/x ) -x-lI0gdY+dZ/X . (9.55) Thus a set of Maurer-Cartan forms is dx (J)1 = -, x dy (J)2 = - , x (03 = log x d dz y +-. x x (9.56) Since Q A Q = (  WI A :2 1 ; :: A W3 ) , 
11.9.6. Maurer-Cartan Equations 155 the structure equations for  are dro 1 = 0, dW2 = - ro 1 A ro2, dW3 = - ro 1 A ro2 - rol A ro3 (9.57) and the structure constants that are not zero are C2 = - Cl = - 1, C 3 - C 3 - 1 12 - - 21 - - , C 3 - C 3 - 1 13 - - 31 - - · (9.58) Right-invariant I-forms. All that we have said about left-invariant I-forms can be repeated almost without change for right-invariant I-forms. A I-form w is called rig ht invariant if Rg: w (ggo) = w (g) for all g, go E . Briefly we shall write this condition (9.59) R * w = ro g or ro (ggo) = w (g), (9.60) understanding that the true meaning of (9.60) is the relation (9.59), since strictly speaking w (ggo) is an element of the cotangent space Tg:o and w (g) is an element of Tg * . As in the case of left-invariant forms, the right-invariant I-forms are elements of a vector space of dimension n over the real field. For matrix groups, the right-invariant I-forms are given by the matrix Q =dgg- 1 , (9.61) which is right invariant since Rg: Q = d(ggo)(ggO)-1 = Q . A basis for the vector space of the right-invariant I-forms is obtained by choosing n linearly independent elements of the matrix Q . From (9.61) and (9.50) we get Q(g-l) = g dg- 1 = _ dg g-1 = _ Q (g). (9.62) Therefore it is always possible to choose basis {roJ, { W i} such that ro lg) = - rolg -1), i = 1, 2,. . ., n. (9.63) In a manner like that by which we obtained (9.42) we arrive at n d - - 1 '" c i - - roj - "2 i..J jk W j A rok j ,k = 1 (9.64 ) where Cjk are constants. Applying (9.64) to g -1 and taking (9.63) into account, we get n - droj = ! L Cjk ro j A ro k j ,k = 1 (9.65) 
156 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.7. and comparison with (9.42) yields CJk = - CJk. Thus, the structure equations for right-invariant 1-forms can be written n d W i = - ! L CJk Wj A Wk . j ,k = 1 (9.66) For commutative groups, left- and right-invariant forms are the same and (9.66) and (9.42) give CJk = O. That is, commutative groups have structure constants equal to zero. We can prove that this condition is also sufficient for the commutativity of ffi. As for (9.44), structure equations (9.66) C'"an be written d w l) -  w ld) = - L C;k Wj (d) Wk (). j,k (9.67) Example. Consider the group of matrices (9.54). We have ( X-I dx 0 Q =dgg- 1 = x- I dx x- I dx o 0 - yx- I dx + dy ) - yx- 1 dx - ozx- 1 dx + dz , so that a system of right-invariant I-forms is _ dx W1 = - , x w 2=-dx+dy, x y+z W 3 = - dx + dz. (9.68) x The structure equations are d W I = 0, d W 2 = W I A W 2, d W 3 = W I A W 2 + W I A W 3. (9.69) The structure constants are the same as (9.58) with opposite sign. 7. Invariant Volume Elements of a Group: Unimodular Groups Let {coJ be a set of Maurer-Cartan I-forms of the group ffi. The exterior product dI.;ffi = WI A CO2 A.. · A COn (9.70) is a left-invariant n-form that, according to the corollary in Section 5, is unique up to a constant factor. We shall write the left in variance of d L ffi symbolically as follows. dL(goffi) = dLffi, go E ffi. (9.71) The n-form dLffi is called the left-invariant volume element of ffi. In integral geometry it is also known as the kinematic density of ffi. The kinematic 
11.9.7. Invariant Volume Elements of a Group: Unimodular Groups 157 density considered in Chapter 6 is the left-invariant volume element of the group of motions on the plane. In like manner, the right-invariant volume element of ffi is defined as d R ffi = W 1 A W 2 A . · . A W n (9.72) where { w } is a basis for the space of the right-invariant i-forms. The right invariance of dRffi can be written symbolically as dR(ffig o ) = dRffi, go E ffi. (9.73) By integration of the left-invariant (right-invariant) volume element we have a left-invariant (right-invariant) measure on ffi. This invariant measure exists on any locally compact group and is called the left (right) Haar measure on the group. Most of the properties of the left-invariant (right-invariant) measure that we shall prove for Lie groups are valid for the more general case of locally compact groups (see [443, 500, 710]). A Lie group is called unimodular if its left-invariant volume element is also right invariant. In this case dLffi and dRffi coincide except for a constant factor and we can choose bases {wJ, { w J such that dLffi = dRffi. If ffi is unimodular, from (9.63) it follows that (up to the sign) d L ffi(g) = d L ffi(g - 1) ; (9.74) that is, for unimodular groups, the invariant volume element is also invariant under the mapping g  g':- 1. This invariance corresponds to the so-called invariance under inversion of the motion (see Chapter 6, Section 3). We shall now give some conditions for a group ffi to be unimodular. Since the n i-forms W i are independent and the module of i-forms on ffi is of dimension n, we can write n Wi = L aik wk k=1 (9.75) where a ik are functions on ffi. If we consider the structure equations in the form (9.67) and assume that  denotes an elementary left translation and d an elementary right translation, using the right invariance of W i' we have d w l) = 0 and (9.67) becomes n  w ld) = L elk Wj (d) rok (). j ,k = 1 (9.76) On the other hand, by the left in variance of rold) we have rold) = 0 and from (9.75) we get n L (aik wk (d) + aik  wk (d» = o. k=1 (9.77) 
158 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.7. From (9.76) and (9.77) we find that ktl (t5a ik - m.l Cjaim Wi t5») wk (d) = 0 (9.78) and since the 1-forms wk (d) are independent, using d instead of , we have / n d a . k - " C'? k a. OJ . = o. I  J 1m J j ,m = 1 (9.79) On the other hand, calling J the determinant laikl of system (9.75), up to the sign, we have d L (f) = J(g) dR(f). (9.80) The derivative of a determinant is given by n dJ = L rl ik daik i ,k = 1 (9.81) where rlik are defined by n L rlikaih = Jkh. i= 1 (9.82) Multiplying both sides of (9.79) by rl ik and summing for i, k, we have dA =  Ck W j' A j ,k = 1 (9.83) If (f) is unimodular, then A is a constant and dA = O. Conversely, if A is constant, then the volume elements can be normalized so that A = 1 and from (9.80) it follows that (f) is unimodular. Hence we have that in order for (f) to be unimodular it is necessary and sufficient that n L Ck = 0 k=l for j = 1, 2,. . ., n. (9.84) Properties of A(g). The determinant A(g) defined by (9.80) has important properties, which we shall now investigate. Applying the right translation RgO to both sides of (9.80) and using the right invariance of dR(f), we get * * A(ggo) d RgO dL(f) = A(ggo) RgO dR(f) = A(ggo) dR(f) = A(g) L(f). (9.85) According to (9.29), Rg: commutes with any left-invariant n-form and hence Rg: d L (f) is again left invariant. Thus, from the Corollary in Section 5, it 
11.9.7. Invariant Volume Elements of a Group: Unimodular Groups 159 follows that Rg: dL<fJ and dL<fJ differ by a constant factor, and using (9.85) we have A(ggo) A(g) = C (9.86) where c is constant with respect to g, but can depend on go. To find the value of c we consider the case in which g = e. Then, using (9.63) we have ro le) = - role) and hence, up to the sign, (dL<fJ)e = (dR<fJ)e' that is, A(e) = 1. Thus c = A(go) and we can write A(ggo) = A(g) A(go), ( - 1 ) 1 A g = A(g) (9.87) for all g, go E <fJ. These equalities show that A(g) is a homomorphism of <fJ into the multiplicative group of positive real numbers. From (9.85) and (9.87) we deduce Rg: dL<fJ = A(go) dL<fJ, which can be written dL(<fJg O ) = A(go) d L <fJ. (9.88) If <fJ has a finite volume, the integral of dL(<fJg O ) and the integral of dL<fJ over the whole group have the same value and thus A(go) = 1 for all go E <fJ. Hence, the groups of finite volume are unimodular. The converse is not true. For instance, although GL(n) is not of finite volume, it is unimodular, as we shall see later. A Lie group is said to be compact if the underlying differentiable manifold is compact. Since any compact group has finite volume, compact groups are unimodular. Another condition for <fJ to be unimodular can be found in terms of the adjoint representation. Indeed, ad(g 0) induces on Te * the linear transformation (ad(go»*: w(e)  (RgO-l 0 Lgo)*w(e) = Lg: 0 R g :- 1 w(e) (9.89) for alII-forms w(e) E Te *. Note that the matrix of this linear transformation is the transpose of the matrix of (9.34); in consequence, they have the same determinant, which we will indicate by det ad(go). Applying transformation (9.89) to both sides of (9.80) and using that Rg:-l dR<fJ = dR<fJ, we obtain Lg: 0 Rg:-l dL<fJ = A(goggo -1)Lg: dR<fJ = A(goggo -1) dR(go<fJ). (9.90) Using (9.26) we have L 0 Rg:-l dL<fJ = Lg: 0 R g :- 1 (J)1 A.. · A Lg: 0 R g :- 1 W n = det ad(go) dL<fJ and consequently 
160 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.8. detad(go) dL<fi = ,1(goggo -1) dR(go<fi) = ,1((::;;1) dL<fi. (9.91) Putting g = e we have A(e) det ad(go) = ,1(go) · (9.92) If ffi is unimodular, then A = constant and from (9.92) it follows that det ad(go) = 1. Conversely, if det ad(go) = 1, we have A(go) = A(e) = constant, and ffi is unimodular. Hence we have A necessary and sufficient condition that the group ffi be unintodular is that det ad(go) = 1 (9.93) for all g, go E ffi. 8. Notes and Exercises 1. The group of motions and the group of similitudes in the plane. The group of motions in the plane was considered in detail in Chapter 6. It is isomorphic to the group of matrices ( COS 4> g = Si tP - sin 4> cos 4> o ) . (9.94) A system of Maurer-Cartan forms is C0 1 = COS 4> da + sin 4> db, CO2 = - sin 4> da + cos 4> db, C03 = d4>. The structure equations are dco 1 = co 3 A CO2' dC0 2 = C0 1 A C03, dW 3 = 0 and the nonzero structure constants are C!3 = - e1 2 = - 1, ef3 = - e1 = 1. Hence, conditions (9.84) are satisfied and we have that the group of motions in the plane is unimodular. The invariant volume element is dLffi = dRffi = da A db A d4>. These results agree with those of Chapter 6. The group of similitudes in the plane is the four-dimensional transformation group x' = p( x cos 4> + y sin 4» + a, y' = p( - x sin 4> + y cos 4» + b. (9.95) The parameters are p, a, b, 4>, with p =1= O. This group is isomorphic to the group of matrices ( p cos 4> g= -pintP p sin 4> a ) p CS tP  ' p =1= O. (9.96) 
11.9.8. Notes and Exercises 161 Using (9.50) we get the set of Maurer-Cartan 1-forms: C0 1 = dp/p, CO 2 = d4>, C03 = p-1 cos 4> da - p-1 sin 4> db, C04 = p-1 sin 4> da + p-1 cos 4> db. (9.97) The structure equations are dW I = 0, dco 2 = 0, dW3 = - C01 A C03 - CO 2 A C04, dC0 4 = CO 2 A C03 - C0 1 A C0 4 , and the nonzero structure constants are C3 = - C1 = - 1, C 3 - C 3 - 1 24 - - 42 - - , C13 = - C2 = 1, Ct4 = - C: 1 = - 1. Conditions (9.84) are not satisfied; hence, the group of similitudes is not unimodular. The left-invariant volume element is dp A d4> A da A db d L  = C0 1 A CO 2 A C03 A W4 = 3 · P Similarly, the right-invariant volume element is dRID = dp A dcf> A da A db . p For instance, a set C of circles defined by the center (a, b) and the radius p has the following left- and right-invariant measures under the group of similitudes. (C) - 2 J da A db A dp m L - 'It 3 ' P c (C) - 2 J da A db A dp m R - 'It · P c These measures are defined up to a constant factor (see [647]). 2. Direct product of groups. A group  is said to be the direct product 1 x 2 of its subgroups ffi 1 and ffi 2 if it is the set of all pairs (g1' g2), where g1 E 1' g2 E 2 with the multiplication law (g1' g2Xg1', g2') = (g1g1', g2g2'). If d L ffi 1 and dL2 are the left-invariant volume elements of ffi 1 and ffi 2 , the left-invariant volume element of  is dLffi = d L ffi 1 A d L ffi 2 and similarly, dRffi = d R ffi 1 A d R ffi 2 . Consequently, we have that if ffi 1 and ffi 2 are unimodular, then ffi is also unimodular. EXERCISE 1. Prove the relations dL(ffig o ) = det ad(go -1) dLffi, dR(goffi) = det ad(go) dRffi, dL(g-1) = detad(g)dL. (9.98) 
162 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.8. EXERCISE 2. If elk are the structure constants and aij are defined by equa- tions (9.75), establish the identities n n L CqaqkapS = L ekair p,q = 1 r = 1 (9.99) for any i" s, k  n. Example 1. Consider the matrix group g = ( ), a "# O. Using (9.50) and (9.61), we get C0 1 = da/ a, (J)2 = db/a, (O t = da/a, (02 = - (b/a) da + db (9.100) and therefore d GJ = da A db L 2' a dR(f) = da A db , a 1 A=-. a (9.101) The following mappings are easily obtained: Lgo: a  aao, b  aob + b o ; Rgo: a  aao, b  ab o + b; RgO-l 0 Lgo: a  a, b  - ab o + bao + b o ; iJ iJ iJ iJ iJ ad(go): iJa  iJa - b o iJb ' iJb  ao iJb ; so that det ad(g 0) = a 0' in accordance with (9 .92) We can easily check relations (9.98). Example 2. Consider the group ffi of matrices (9.54). From (9.56) and (9.68) it follows that dLGJ = x- 3 dx A dy Adz, dRGJ = X-I dx A dy Adz. (9.102) The group is not unimodular. Comparing with (9.80), we get A(g) = x- 2 , dA/A = - (2/x) ,dx.' Using (9.58) it is easy to verify that relation (9.83) holds. 'The group element g' = ggo is the matrix of the form (9.54) whose elements are x' = xXo, y' = XYo -t- y, z' = XYo log x + xZo + z, "so that wehaveA(ggo) = (X 2 X 0 2 )-1 = A(g)A(go)anddL(GJg o ) = X,-3 4x' A dy' A-dz' = (xxo)-3xo dx A dy A dz = A(go) dLGJ, as it should be according to (9.88). The mapping g  goggo -1 is x' = x , y' = - Yox + xoY + Yo, z' = - xyo log x + xoY log Xo - zoX + Xoz + Zo, 
11.9.8. Notes and Exercises 163 and therefore the 1-form w' = a' dx' + b' d y' + c' dz' goes to W = [(a' - yob' - (Yo log x + Yo + zo)c'] dx + [b'xo + Xo log xoc'] dy + c'x o dz. The identity e corresponds to x = 1, y = 0, z = 0; hence, the transforma- tion (ad(go))* can be written a = a' - yob' - (Yo + zo)c', b = xob' + Xo log xoc', , c = xoc , and we have det ad(go) = Xo 2 . With this value we can easily verify equation (9.92) and identities (9.98). Example 3. Consider the group GL(2), that is, the four-dimensional group of 2 x 2 invertible matrices g = (; ), xt - yz = D -# O. (9.103) The matrix Q = g - t dg has the elements 1 'w t = V(tdx - ydz), 1 w 2 = V (t dy - y dt), 1 w 3 = v(- zdx + xdz), 1 W 4 = V (- z dy + x dt). The structure equations, deduced from (9.53), are dW t = - W 2 A W 3 , dW 2 = - W t A W 2 - W2 A W 4 , dW 3 = W t A W 3 + W 3 A W 4 , dW 4 = W 2 A W3, so that the structure constants that are not zero are C3 = - C2 = - 1, C3 = - Cl = 1, CI2 = - Cl = - 1, C4 = - C3 = 1, C4 = -. C2 = - 1, Ci3 = - Cj2 = 1. Therefore conditions (9.84) are verified and we can state that the group GL(2) is unimodular. We shall see later that the same is true for GL(n). The invariant volume element is dx A dy A dz A dt dL(fj = dR(fj = W t A W 2 A W3 A W 4 = D2 . (9.104) Example 4. Let (fj be the group of matrices g = ( ) , x -# O. It is a commutative group, so that it is unimodular. The general method gives 
164 Differential Forms and Lie Groups 11.9.8. W 1 = W l = dx/x, W 2 = W 2 = dy/x - (y/x 2 ) dx. The structure equations are dW 1 = 0, dW 2 = 0 and the invariant volume element is dL(f) = dR(f) = x- 2 dx A dYe Example 5. Let (f) be the matrix group g = ( lX) , x -# o. By the general method we have WI = dx/x, W 2 = dy/x + (y/x 2 ) dx, W I = dx/x, W2 = - Y dx + x dYe The structure equations are dW l = 0, dW 2 = - 2W 1 A w 2 and the structure constants that are not zero are Ci2 = - Cl = - 2. The group is not unimodular. The volume elements are dL(f) = x- 2 dx A dy and dR(f) = dx A dYe Hence we have A = 1/x 2 and dA/A = - 2(dx/x), in accordance with (9.83). The adjoint mapping is A dx + B dy  (A - 2xoYoB) dx + Bx o 2 d y. Hence, det ad(g 0) = Xo 2 . 
CHAPTER 10 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 1. Introduction In this chapter we shall use only left invariance, so that, for simplicity, we shall say invariance instead of left invariance. The left-invariant volume element dLGJ will be represented simply by dGJ. Let GJ be a Lie group of dimension n and let  be a closed subgroup of GJ of dimension n - m (a subgroup  is called closed if the set of points  is closed in the underlying differentiable manifold of GJ). The set of left co sets g, g E GJ, is the homogeneous space GJ/, which, as is known, admits a differentiable manifold structure of dimension m (see, e.g., [628, p. 230]). We want to find the conditions for the existence of a nonzero m-form on GJ/ invariant under GJ. Such an m-form is called a density on GJ/ and it gives rise, by integration, to an invariant measure on GJ/. Since GJ acts tran- sitively on GJ/, the invariant density, ifit exists, is unique up to a constant factor. Note that  and its left cosets g (g E GJ) are differentiable submanifolds of the differentiable manifold GJ, in such a way that through each point of GJ there passes one and only one submanifold g. Hence, according to Section 2 of Chapter 9, they are integral manifolds of a completely integrable Pfaffian system WI = 0, W 2 = 0, ... , rom = 0 (10.1) where Wi are I-forms on GJ. Because  and its left co sets as a whole are invariant under GJ, the left-hand members of (10.1) can be chosen to be invariant I-forms and therefore to be ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. SantalO, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 165 
166 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 11.10.1. linear combinations with constant coefficients of a system of Maurer-Cartan forms for GJ (Chapter 9, Section 5). Because these forms are defined up to a linear combination with constant coefficients, we may assume that I-forms (10.1) are the m first forms of a Maurer-Cartan system for GJ. The differential m-form d(GJ/f:» = ro 1 A (J)2 A . · · A rom (10.2) is then invariant under GJ and, up to a constant factor, it is the unique m-form with this property. Indeed, any other invariant m-form can be written ) f(g) d(ffi/f:» and by the property of invariance we have f(gog) d(GJ/fJ) = f(g) d(GJ/f:»; hence, f(gog) = f(g) for any go and since GJ is transitive on GJ/f:>, it follows that f(g) = constant. However, d(GJ/f:» is not always a density for GJ/fJ because its value can change when the points g E ffi displace on the submanifold gfJ. We shall prove the following theorem. A necessary and sufficient condition for the m-form d(GJ/fJ) to be a density for GJ/fJ is that its exterior differential vanish, that is, d(d(GJ/f:») = o. ( 10.3) Proof. Let x i be the coordinates of the point g E GJ in a local coordinate system. We CC;ln make a change of coordinates (Xl' X2'...' x n )  (l' 2'...' m' Ym+ 1'. . ., Yn) such that the submanifolds gf:> be represented by equations  i = constant (i = 1, 2,. . ., m) and Y j (j = m + 1,. . ., n) be local co- ordinates on gf:>. Then system (10.1) is equivalent to d I = 0, d2 = 0,. . ., dm = 0 and we have d(GJ/f:» = F(l'...' m' Ym+b...' Yn) d1 A...A dm. (10.4) Under a variation b on gf:>, the coordinates  i remain constant and we have n of (d(ffi/fJ)) = L a dYj A d I A . . . A dm. j=m+l Yj ( 10.5) On the other hand, by exterior differentiation of (10.4) we get m of d(d(ffijfJ)) = jl aj dj A dl A.. · A dm n aF + L a - dYj A dl A...A dm = (d(ffi/fJ)) (10.6) j=m+ 1 Yj because the first sum vanishes. Consequently, in order that b(d(GJ/fJ)) = 0, that is, for d(GJ/fJ) to be invariant under displacements on the manifolds gfJ, it is necessary and sufficient that d(d(GJ/f:») = O. This proves the theorem. 
11.10.1. Introduction 167 Alternative approach. We shall give other forms for the conditions of existence of an invariant density on (fj/$j (we always refer to "nonzero" invariant densities). Let  1, 2'. . ., m' Ym+ 1'. . ., Yn be the local coordinates introduced above. The elements of , which we will indicate by gH, have coordinates (el' e2'...' em, Ym+b...' Yn) where (e 1 , e2'...' en) are the co- ordinates of the identity. Each element of (fj belongs to a coset g$j and we may take as representative of the coset the element h of coordinates (b 2'. . ., m' e m + l' e m +2,. . ., en). Since the forms (10.1) are the first m forms of a Maurer- Cartan system of (fj and they are equivalent to d 1 = 0, d2 = 0,. . ., dm = 0, it follows that they have the form wl, Y, d) = 0 (i = 1, 2,. . ., m), that is, they do not involve the differentials dYm+ 1'. . ., dYne Moreover, if in the remaining forms of the Maurer-Cartan system of(fj we set 1 = e 1 , 2 = e2,. . ., m = em, the resulting forms will be invariant under $j and therefore they constitute a Maurer-Cartan system of . Hence we have The Maurer-Cartan forms of (fj can be written Wi = wl, Y, d), (J)s = ws*(g, Y, d) + wsH(y, dy), i = 1, 2,. . ., m, s = m + 1,..., n (10.7) where the I-forms wsH(y, dy) are a set of Maurer-Cartan forms for the group $j. By exterior multiplication of the forms (10.7) we get d(fj(g) = d«(fj/$j)(h) A d(gH) (10.8) where d$j(gH) = W+ 1 A.. · A W n H is the invariant volume element of $j at the element gH and g = hg H . In order that d«(fj/)(h) be a density it must be invariant under displacements on the cosets g$j; that is, it does not change under h  hg H . Hence we must have d«(fj/)(hgH) = d«(fj/)(h) for all gH E $j. (10.9) Recall equation (9.88), which we can now write d«(fjgH) = A(gH) d(fj and the corresponding equation d(gH) = £5(gH) d$j for the group . By the translation g  ggH, (10.8) gives d«(fjgH) = d«(fj/)(hgH) A d(gH)' which can be written A(gH) d(fj = d«(fj/)(hgH) A <5(gH) d$j. (10.10) From this equation and (10.8) it follows that A(gH) <5(g H) d( (fj /  )( h g H) d«(f>/)(h) (10.11) 
168 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 11.10.1. for each gH E. Thus, in order that condition (10.9) be satisfied we must have A(gH) = £5(gH). Since we are always considering densities in absolute value, we can state the following condition of Weil [710]: A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant density on the homogeneous space ffi/ is that IA(gH)1 = 1£5(gH)1 (10.12) for all gH E . According to (9.92), condition (10.12) implies that Idet adG(gH) I = Idet adH(gH)I. (10.13) Consequences. (a) If ffi is unimodular, we have det adG(g) = 1 for all g E ffi and from (10.13) it follows that if ffi/fJ has an invariant density and ffi is unimodular, then  is also unimodular. (b) If (10.13) holds, then by (9.92) we have IA(gH)/£5(gH)1 = I A (e)/£5(e) I = constant, and since dffi and dfJ are defined up to a constant factor, they can be normalized so that IA(gH)1 = 1£5(gH)I. Then we have that condition (10.13) is a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant density on ffi/. (c) If ffi and fJ are unimodular, then condition (10.12) holds and we have if ffi and  are unimodular, then ffi/ has an invariant density. (d) Recall that as a consequence of (9.87) the map g  A(g) is a homo- morphism of ffi into the multiplicative group of positive real numbers. If  is compact, then its image under A or £5 is a compact subgroup of the multiplicative group of positive real numbers and therefore it must reduce to unity, that is, A(gH) = £5(gH) = 1. Hence we have if a closed subgroup  of ffi is compact, then there is an invariant measure on ffi/fJ. That a compact subgroup of the multiplicative group of positive real numbers consists only of the unity element can be proved as follows: if it contains any real number a #- 1, then it will contain am for any m, and this is not possible since am  00 or am  0 as m  00; both cases are impossible since am must remain in a bounded closed interval not including O. Note that Idet adG(gH) I = 1 does not imply that Idet adG(g)1 = 1 for any g E ffi. Therefore it is possible that  be unimodular and ffi/fJ have an invariant density without ffi being unimodular. For instance, let ffi be the group of ma trices g = ( ), a#-O and  be the subgroup of matrices 
11.10.2. Invariant Subgroups and Quotient Groups 169 gH = ( ). Then  is unimodular because it is commutative. The Maurer-Cartan forms for GJ are WI = da/a, W2 = db/a, so that the co sets g are defined by WI = 0 and since dW I = 0, it follows that by criterion (10.3), GJ/ has an invariant density. However, GJ is not unimodular, since W I = da/a, W 2 = - (b/a) da + db and therefore dLGJ = a- 2 da A db, dRGJ = a- 1 da A db. The linear transformation adG(go) is A' = A, B' = - boA + aoB, so that det adG(go) = ao. We have det adG(go) = 1 if go = gH E  and det adG(go) =F 1 otherwise. 2. Invariant Subgroups and Quotient Groups A subgroup  of a Lie group is called invariant or normal if for all gH E  and all 9 E GJ the relation ggHg -1 E  holds. Then, if  is closed, it is well known that with the definition of the product (x)(y) = xy, the homogeneous space GJ/ becomes a Lie group, called the quotient group, which is also denoted by GJ/. Let dL(GJ/) denote the left-invariant density of this group GJ/. If h E GJ is a representative of the coset g, from the relation hgHh - 1 E  it follows that hg H = gH*h, where gH* E and we can write symbolically (GJ/)gH = gH*(GJ/). Therefore the left invariance dL(GJ/) = dL(gH*(GJ/)) implies that dL(GJ/) = dL«(fj/)gH)' and then from (10.9) it follows that dL«fj/) is an invariant density for the homogeneous space (fj/. Hence we have If  is a closed invariant subgroup of GJ, the homogeneous space (fj/ has an invariant density under GJ that is equal to the left-invariant density for the quotient group GJ/. From this theorem and consequence (a) of the preceding section we deduce that if GJ is unimodular and  is a closed invariant subgroup of (fj, then  is unimodular. The condition of  being an invariant subgroup cannot be dropped. For instance, GL(2) is unimodular and its closed subgroup of matrices ( ) with xz = 1 is not unimodular. The converse is not always true. For instance, the group of matrices 
170 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 11.10.3. gH = ( ) is a closed unimodular invariant subgroup of the group of matrices ( ), x =F 0; this group, however, is not unimodular. Of course, if  is unimodular and ffi/ is compact, then ffi is unimodular. 3. Other Conditions for the Existence of a Density on Homogeneous Spaces Applying transformation (9.89) to both sides of (10.8), we obtain Lg: 0 Rg:-1 dffi(e) = Lg: 0 Rg:-1 d((ffi/)(e)) A Lg: 0 R: H - 1 dfJ(e). (10.14) The diffeomorphism -r(gH): gfJ  gHg of ffi/fJ onto itself is equivalent to g  gHgi)gH -1 (since gH E); thus the first factor on the right-hand side in (10.14) is the mapping -r*(gH)e. Equating the determinants of the matrices of linear transformation (10.14) and using that the matrices of -r* and d-r are transposed matrices, we have det adG(gH) = det adH(gH). det(d-r(gH))e. (10.15) The linear group of transformations (d-r(gH))e, which acts on the tangent space to (fj/ at e (i.e., the point represented by the coset ), is called the linear isotropy group of ffi. From (10.13) and (10.15) we have the theorem (see [353]): A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant densit.y on the homogeneous space ffi/ is Idet d-r(gH)el = 1,' (10.16) that is, that the linear isotropy group have determinant equal to unity. Finally, we shall give a last condition for the existence of invariant density on ffi/i). From (10.7), writing the structure equations dOJ s = ! L Ck OJ i A OJ k (s = m + 1,..., n) and equating the terms that do not involve the differentials di' we get dOJ s H = ! L Ck OJ i H A rok H (i, k, s = m + 1,. . ., n). Thus, the structure constants Ck for i, k, s = m + 1,..., n are the same for the group (fj a,s for the -subgroup i). On the other hand, according to (10.7), for the points gH (i = constant) we have OJi(gH) = 0 (i = 1,2,..., m) and OJlg H ) = 
11.10.4. Examples 171 WiH(gH) for i = m + 1,. . ., n. Hence, using (9.63) we have w lgH) = - wlg H -1) = 0 (i = 1, 2,. . ., m). Therefore, the condition A = J or dA/A = dJ/J becomes, in view of (9.83), n n n n L L C:k U) s = L L C:k w s , s=m+ 1 k= 1 s=m+ 1 k=m+ 1 which gives f ( f Ck ) Ws = o. s=m+l k=1 Since the 1-forms W s are independent, we can state the following criterion of Chern [105]. A necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of an invariant density on the homogeneous space (fj/Sj is that m L C: k = 0 k=l for s = m + 1,. . ., n. ( 1 0.1 7) A method of computing invariant densities based on the construction of models of homogeneous spaces as varieties in affine spaces, has been given by Gaeta [211]. 4. Examples 1. Let (fj be the group of matrices ( 1 o log X ) g= y x z , o 0 1 x #- 0, (10.18) and let Sj be the one-dimensional subgroup gH = ( r ). (10.19) A set of Maurer-Cartan I-forms for (fj is W 1 = dx/x, W 2 = dy/x, W3 = - yx- 2 dx + X-I dz, (10.20) and the structure equations are dW 1 = 0, dW2 = - WI A W2, dW 3 = W 1 A W2 - WI A W 3 . (10.21) The subgroup  is defined by x = 1, z = O. Hence system (10.1) is now dx = 0, dz = 0; that is, W 1 = 0, W 3 = 0 and the invariant density, if it exists, must be d«(fj/Sj) = Wl A W 3 . Because d(w 1 A (3) = dW 1 A W 3 -WI A dW3 = 0, 
172 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 11.10.4. condition (10.3) is fulfilled and hence the space ffi/Sj has the invariant density d(ffi/Sj) = WI A (03. The co sets gSj (points of ffi/Sj) are determined by the x, z coordinates (1' 2 coordinates of Section 1) and in terms of these co- ordinates the invariant density becomes d(ffi/Sj) = x- 2 dx Adz. (10.22) We want to verify, as an exercise, that the other conditions for the existence of an invariant density on ffi/Sj are satisfied. Indeed, from (10.21) it follows that the nonzero structure constants are Ci2 = - Cl = - 1, C2 = - Cl = 1, C3 = - Cl = - 1 and therefore conditions (10.17) are fulfilled. The mapping g  goggo -1 is x' =-x, y' = - Yox + xoY + Yo, z' = (Yo log Xo - zo) x + Yo log x - XoY log Xo + Xoz - Yo log Xo + Zo and Idet adG(go)1 = X02. If go E Sj, we have Xo = 1 and Idet adG(gH)1 = 1. The mapping gH  gHogHgii o l can be written y' = y and therefore Idet adH(gH)1 = 1. Hence, condition (10.13) is fulfilled. The coset gSj is the set of matrices ( 1 0 log X ) Y + xyo x z o 0 1 for all Yo E R 1 . Thus, if gH l is the element x = 1, y = Yl, X = 0, the mapping -r(gH 1 ) is x' = x, y' = y + Yl, Z' = Yl log x + z, so that the mapping (d-r(gH 1 ))e may be written x' = x, y' = y, z' = Yl + z. Thus Idet(d-r(gH 1 ))el = 1, according to (10.16). 2. Consider the matrix groups ( X 0 0 ) ffi: g = 0 Y z , xy -# 0; 001 ( 1 0 0 ) Sj: gH = 0 yO, Y -# 0, 001 (10.23) such that Sj c: ffi. A system of Maurer-Cartan forms for ffi is WI = dx/x, W2 = dy/y, W 3 = dz/y, and the structure equations are dW l = 0, dW2 = 0' dW 3 = - W2 A W3. The co sets gSj are defined by x = constant, z = constant, so that system (10.1) becomes WI = 0, W3 = O. We must see whether d(ffi/Sj) = WI A w 3 is or is not an invariant density for ffi/Sj. We have d(d(ffi/Sj)) = dW l A W3 - WI A dW 3 = WI A W2 A W 3 -# O. Hence, the homogeneous space m/Sj does not have an invariant density under m. The same result yields the other criteria of Sections 2 and 3. For instance, from the structure equations it follows that Cl + C2 + C3 = - 1, and hence condition (10.17) is not fulfilled. A set of right-invariant I-forms is W I = dx/x, W 2 = dy/y, (0 3 = - (z/y) dy + dz = - ZW 2 + yw 3 , so that according to the definition of A(g) (9.80), we have A(g) = l/y. Thus the group ffi is not unimodular. For the group Sj we have WI H = (0 1 H = dy/y, c5(g.J = 1 and hence Sj is unimodular. 
11.10.5. Lie Transformation Groups 173 Condition (10.12) is not fulfilled. The reader can easily compute Idetad G (g1)1 = Y1, Idet ad H (g1)1 = 1, I det(dt(gH1))el = Y1. 5. Lie Transformation Groups Let ffi be a Lie group and let M be a differentiable manifold. The group ffi is called a Lie transformation group of M if to each x E ffi there is associated a homeomorphism p -+ xp (p E M) of M onto itself, such that (a) (X 1 X 2 )P = X 1 (X 2 P) for X b X 2 E ffi, P E M; (b) the mapping (x, p) -+ xp is a differentiable mapping of ffi x M onto M. It follows that for each x E ffi the mapping p -+ xp is a diffeomorphism of M onto itself. We call xp the transform of p by x. The group of motions on the plane is an example of a Lie transformation group. A Lie transformation group is called transitive if for every pair of points P1, P2 E M there is at least one x E ffi such that XP1 = P2. If for every pair of points P1, P2 E M there is one unique x such that XP1 = P2, then ffi is called simply transitive. If the identity e is the only element in ffi that leaves all of M fixed, then ffi is called effective. Assume that ffi acts transitively on M. The elements s offfi such that spo = Po for a given point Po E M form a subgroup ffio of ffi called the isotropy grou P at Po (or the stability subgroup of ffi at Po). This group ffio is closed in ffi. If (fj is effective, the homogeneous space ffi/ffio is mapped in a continuous one-to-one way onto M by the map t/J: xffio -+ xPo; that is, to the coset xffio (an element of ffi/ffio) there corresponds the point XPo of M and, conversely, to the point p E M such that p = XPo corresponds the coset xffio. Let {y} be a set of representatives of ffi/ffio, that is, a set of elements y E ffi such that yffi o (y E {y}) are all cosets of ffi/ffio and if Y1 # Y2, then Y1 ffi O # Y2ffiO. We call {y} a set of translations of the group ffi. By the mapping t/J above, the set {y} is mapped in a continuous one-to-one way onto the points of M. If ffi/ffio has an invariant density under ffi, the mapping t/J gives rise to an invariant density for points of M, the invariant measure of a point set X c: M being m(X) = 1 tjJ(y) d(<D/<Do) (f)j(f)o (10.24) where 4J(y) = 1 if YPo E X and 4J(y) = 0 otherwise. The density d(ffi/ffio) is called the density for points in M that is invariant under ffi and we set dP = d(ffi/ffio). (10.25) From (9.74) and (10.8) it follows that if ffio and ffi are unimodular, then dP = d(ffi/ffio) is invariant under the mapping Y -+ y-1 and (10.24) can be 
174 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 11.10.5. written m(X) = 1 tjJ(y-l) dP (f)j(f)o where 4J(y-1) = 1 if Po E yX and 4J(y-1) = 0 otherwise. We give two applications of these forn1ulas. 1. Let Ko be a set of N fixed points P1, P2,. . ., PN in M. Writing (10.26) for each point Pi and summing, we get (10.26) 1 v(Ko n yX) dP = Nm(X) (f)j(f)o (10.27) where v(Ko n yX) denotes the number of points of Ko that belong to yX. If m(M) = m(ffijffi o ) denotes the volume of M, it follows tl:tat the mean value of the number of points of Ko covered by the set yX, for all y, is m(X) E(v) = m(M) N. (10.28) Since the mean value E( v) lies between the greatest and the smallest values of v, we can state the following theorem. Let M be a differentiable manifold on which the group ffi acts transitively. Assume that the homogeneous space (fj/(fjo has an invariant density «(fjo being the isotropy group at Po E M) and that (fj and (fjo are unimodular. Let X be a given point set in M of volume m(X) and assume that M has a finite volume m(M) (both m(X) and m(M) measured with the point density d«(fj/(fjo) = dP). Then, given N points Pi E M (i = 1, 2,. . ., N), there exists a translation y E ffi such that yX contains at least (at most) Nm(X)jm(M) of the given points. It certainly contains a number greater (less) than Nm(X)jm(M) if X is closed in M and m(X) < m(M). The proof of the last part of the theorem is the same as that in Chapter 8, Section 4. 2. Consider the complex variable z =  + il1. The group SL(2) (group of all 2 x 2 matrices of determinant equal to 1) acts on the upper half plane 11 > 0 as the transformation group , az + b z = --, pz + q where a, b, p, q are real numbers. The Maurer-Cartan forms for SL(2) are aq - bp = 1, (10.29) 00 1 = q da - b dp, 00 2 = q db - b dq, 00 3 = - p da + a dp, (10.30) 
11.10.6. Notes and Exercises 175 and using that d(aq - bp) = 0, we have da = aco 1 + bco 3 , db = - bco 1 + aco 2 , dp = pco 1 + qco 3 , dq = - qco 1 + pco 2 . (10.31) The structure equations are dWl = - 00 2 A co 3 , dW 2 = - 2001 A 00 2 , dW3 = - 200 3 AW l . (10.32) The isotropy group ffio at z = i is characterized by the conditions b = - p, a = q, which according to (10.31) are equivalent to 00 1 = 0, CO 2 + 00 3 = o. Since d(co 1 A (CO 2 + (03)) = 0, it follows from criterion (10.3) that ffijffi o has the invariant density d(ffijffi o ) = dP = 00 1 A (co 2 + (0 3 ). Noting that dz = (00 2 + co 3 + 2i( 1 )/(p + iq)2, Z - Z = 2i(p2 + q2)-1, we get dP = i dz A dz = _ d A d17 (z - Z)2 217 2 . (10.33) Consider now the subgroup ffi 1 of the elements of ffi = SL(2) that preserves the half circle Izl = 1 (17 > 0). They are characterized by the condition 1 = (a 2 + 2ab + b 2 )(p2 + 2pq + q2)-1 for any . Thus we have the conditions a 2 + b 2 = p2 + q2, ab = pq, from which we deduce a = q, b = p, or a = - q, b = - p. These conditions are equivalent to 00 1 = 0, CO 2 - 003 = o. Since d( co 1 A (002 - (0 3 )) = 0, it follows that the homogeneous space ffijffi 1 has the invariant density d(ffijffi 1 ) = co 1 A (CO 2 - co 3 ). Element (10.29) of ffi transforms the half circle Izl = 1 (17 > 0) onto the half circle with center (, 0) and radius r given by  = (bq - ap)(q2 _ p2)-1, r=(q2_p2)-1. (10.34) Using (10.30), we find by an easy computation that d(ffijffi 1 ) = co 1 A (CO 2 - co 3 ) = - (d A dr)j2r 2 . (10.35) This is the invariant density under the group (10.29) for half circles whose centers are on the  axis. The upper half plane 11 > 0 with the transformation group (10.29) is the classical Poincare model for noneuclidean hyperbolic geometry. The density for points (10.33) is then, up to a constant factor, the noneuclidean area element and (10.35) is the invariant density for sets of lines (geodesics) in the hyperbolic plane (see, e.g., [360]). 6. Notes and Exercises 1. An analogue to Blichfeldt's and Minkowski's theorems. Let M be a differentiable manifold on which a Lie transformation group ffi acts transitively. 
176 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 11.10.6. Assume that the homogeneous space ffi/ffio «fjo being the isotropy group at Po) has an invariant density d(ffi/ffio) and that there exists a partition of M into fundamental regions Dh (h = 0, 1,. . .), Dh n Dm = e if h ¥= m, and a discrete subgroup tj of ffi such that (a) each Dh is the transform of Do by the transformation Xh E tj (xo = identity of tj), that is, Dh = XhDO (Xh E tj, h = 0, 1, 2,. . .) ; (b) each Xh transforms a fundamental region D j into a fundamental region Dm withj ¥= m if h ¥= 0; (c) the fundamental regions have a finite volume 0 < m(Do) = m(D h ). Then we can prove the following theorem: Let Pi be N points contained in the fundamental region Do. We consider the lattice of all points XhPi (Xh E tj) and a function f(Pi) defined on the points Pi and their translates, such that f(Pi) = f(xhPi). Then, for every point set X of M there are translates yX ({y} = set of representatives of ffi/(fjo) for which the sum If(Pi) extended over the lattice points contained in yX is not less than m(X) N m(Do)  !(Pi) (10.36) and there are translates yX for which that sum is not greater than (10.36). If X is closed in M, then there are translates for which the sum If(Pi) is certainly less and translates for which it is certainly greater than (10.36). If f(Pi) = 1, we get the mean value of the number v of lattice points that are covered by yX, namely, E(v) = Nm(X)/m(Do), and the theorem gives bounds for the number of lattice points contained in suitable translates of X. If M is the euclidean n-dimensional space Em (fj is the group of motions in it, and tj the subgroup of translations that leaves unchanged the lattice of points with integral coordinates, then ffi/ffio is the group of translations in En and the theorem coincides with the classical Blichfeldt theorem: Consider in En the lattice of points with integral coordinates; let X be a measurable closed set such that m(X)  k; then there are translations y such that yX contains at least k lattice points. For n = 2, see Chapter 8, Section 5. If M is the unit disk I z I  1 of the complex plane, (fj is the group of linear transformations that maps M onto itself, and tj is a real discontinuous subgroup of (fj (Fuchsian group), the theorem gives some results of Tsuji [680]. Consider the case in which N = 1. Given a domain X that contains Po, we shall say that the domain X* contained in X is an m-domain of X with respect to the group (fj if for each pair x, y E (fj the following conditions are satisfied: (a) if XPoEX*, then X-1PoEX*; (b) if XPoEX* and YPoEX*, then xYPo E X. With these conditions, we can prove that if the domain X that contains the point Po possesses an m-domain X* such that m(X*) > m(Do), then X contains at least one lattice point distinct from Po. If M is En and (fj, tj are the group of translations and the subgroup that preserves the points with integral coordinates, this theorem is a classical Minkowski theorem [361]. For applications to the unit disk of the complex plane and to Fuchsian groups, see the work of Tsuji [679] and Santal6 [571]. 
11.10.6. Notes and Exercises 177 2. Measurable groups according to M. I. Stoka. Let ffi be a Lie group that acts transitively as a transformation group of a differentiable manifold M. Let ffio be the isotropy group at Po E M. If the homogeneous space ffi/ffio has an invariant density d(ffi/ffio) (density for points in M), then ffi is said to be a measurable group in the sense of Stoka [646]. In other words, a transitive group (fj is called measurable if there exists an invariant density under ffi for sets of points. The following theorems can be proved: (i) All simply transitive groups on M are measurable (since d(ffi/ffio) is then the invariant density of ffi). (ii) If M has dimension n, any group of dimension n + 1 acting on M is either measurable or has a measurable subgroup of dimension n. (iii) If ffi has a transitive subgroup ffi 1 c ffi that is not measurable, then ffi is not measurable. (iv) If ffi possesses two simply transitive subgroups ffit, ffi 2 , a necessary and sufficient condition for ffi to be measurable is that (fjt and ffi 2 have the same invariant density. For instance, the affine group ffi: x' = ax + b (a i= 0) that acts on the real line has the subgroup ffi 1 : x' = x + b, which is measurable with invariant density equal to dx, and the subgroup of homotheties x' = ax, a i= 0, which is also measurable with dx/x as invariant density. Hence, since the two densities are different, it follows that the group ffi is not measurable; that is, the sets of points on the real line do not have an invariant density under the affine group ffi. A fortiori, the projective group x' = (ax + b )/( cx + d), ad - be i= 0, is not measurable, that is, it lacks an invariant density for sets of points, as can also be seen by direct computation. Other properties of measurable groups and the necessary and sufficient conditions for a group to be measurable in terms of the infinitesimal operators and the structure constants of the group were given by Stoka [646]; see also the work of Chebotarev [102], Drinfel'd [152, 153], and Vranceanu [706]. 3. The chain rule. (a) Let 6 c tj be closed subgroups of the Lie group (fj. If we assume that the homogeneous spaces ffi/tj and ffi/6 have nonzero invariant densities d(ffi/tj) and d(ffi/6), respectively, then tj/6 also has an invariant density, which with a suitable normalization can be written d(ffi/6) = d(ffi/tj) A d(tj/6). (10.37) See [298, p. 449]; on homogeneous spaces with finite invariant measure, see [ 436]. (b) Let ,  be closed subgroups of the Lie group (fj. Assume that (fj/Sj and ffi/ have invariant density under ffi. Then a necessary and sufficient condition for / n  and /Sj n  to have an invariant density is that ffi/ n  have invariant density [661]. 4. Relative invariant density in homogeneous spaces. Let ffi be a Lie group. We know that a differential form Q defined on ffi is called invariant under ffi (recall that in this chapter invariance means "left invariance") if Q(gog) = Q(g) for all g, go E ffi. More generally, the form Q is called relatively invariant under ffi if there exists a positive real-valued function cP: ffi  R + (called the multiplier of Q) such that Q(gog) = cP(go)Q(g), g, go E ffi. 
178 Density and Measure in Homogeneous Spaces 11.10.6. Let  be a closed subgroup of ffi and consider the homogeneous space ffi/f:>. Assume that ffi/f:> is of dimension m and let Q be an m-form on <f>. Then Q will be an m-form on ffi/f:> if it remains invariant under translations on the cosets g, that is, if Q(ggH) = Q(g) for g E ffi, gH E. We have seen criteria for finding the m-forms on ffi/f:> that are invariant under ffi. We shall now give a criterion for finding the m-forms on ffi/f:> that are relatively invariant under ffi. Let W 1 = 0, W 2 = 0,. . ., W m = 0 be the Pfaffian system that determines the cosets gf:> of ffi/. Put W = W t A W2 A . . . A Wm. As a generalization of criterion (10.3) it can be shown that a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a relatively invariant density for ffi / of multiplier 4> is d( 4>w) = 0, provided that 4>(gog) = 4>(go)4>(g). Then, the desired relatively invariant m-form is Q = 4>w. Moreover, the multiplier 4> restricted to  satisfies the equation 4>(gH) = det adH(gH)/det adG(gH)' with the same notation as in (10.13). See [521]. From 4>(gtgo) = 4>(gt)4>(go) it follows that, up to a constant factor, 4>(gH) = b(gH)/A(gH). Any strictly positive function 4> on ffi satisfying these conditions gives rise to a relatively invariant positive density on ffi/. More general results are discussed by Bourbaki [69] and Reiter [500]. EXERCISE 1. Triangular groups. Let ST(n), n  2, be the group ofaJI n x n matrices g with determinant equal to unity and such that g ij = 0 (1  j < i  n) and g ii > 0 (1  i  n), called the special triangular group. Show that it is not unimodular. The group STt(n) of all n x n matrices such that gij = 0 (1  j < i  n) and g ii = 1 (1  i  n) is a closed invariant subgroup of ST(n). Show that it is unimodular (see [500]). 
CHAPTER 11 The Affine Groups 1. The Groups of Affine Transformations Let R n denote the space of n-tuples of real numbers (Xl' X2,. . ., x n ) with the usual topology . We shall call it Cartesian n-dimensional space. The r-dimensional linear spaces of R n will be called r-planes (for r = 1, lines; for r = 2, planes; and for r = n - 1 , hyperplanes). The results of the preceding chapters will now be applied to the case of the affine groups of R n . We shall represent by X the point of coordinates (Xl' X 2 ,. . ., x n ) as well as the n x 1 matrix whose elements these coordinates are. An affinity or an affine transformation is a transformation of Rn onto itself, represented by a matrix equation of the form X' = ax + b, det a # 0, (11.1) where a = (a ij) and b = (b i) are n x nand n x 1 matrices, respectively. A group of affinities is a group of transformations of the form (11.1). These groups are isomorphic to the corresponding groups of (n + 1) x (n + 1) matrices g = ( ) ( 11.2) with the customary rules ( a 2 a l g2g1 = 0 a2 b l + b 2 ) 1 ' _ I _ ( a - I - a - I b ) g - . o 1 (11.3) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 179 
180 The Affine Gro ups 11.11.1. The Maurer-Cartan forms for a group of affinities are those of the cor- responding group of matrices, that is, a set of independent I-forms of the matrix g - 1 dg, which in this case splits up into the matrices Q1 = a- 1 da, Q2 = a- 1 db. (11.4) By exterior differentiation and using the fact that da - 1 = - a - 1 da a - 1 , we get the following structure equations. dQ1 = - Q1 A Q1' dQ2 = - Q1 A Q2' ( 11.5) In explicit form, if we set a = ( a .. ) J} , b = (b i ), a - 1 = ( (X .. ) J} , Q 1 = (w ij ), Q2 = (Wi), (11.6) equations (11.4) can be written in the form n W.. = " (X° h da h . J) i..J J }' h=1 n Wi = I (Xih db h , h=1 ( 11.7) and the structure equations become n dw.. = - " W. h A W h . J} i..J J }' h=1 n dWi = - L W ih A W h . h=1 (11.8) If the group of affinities has dimension r, among the n 2 + n 1-forms W ij , Wi there are exactly r of them that are linearly indepelJ.dent and they form a system of Maurer-Cartan forms for the group. For instance, for the general affine group (n) (a is any n x n nonsingular matrix and b any n x 1 matrix) we have r = n 2 + n and the Maurer-Cartan forms are all the forms Wij, Wi' For the special affine group s(n) (det a = 1) we have r = n 2 + n - 1 and therefore there is a relation between the I-forms w ij , Wi' Indeed, developing the equation d(det a) = 0, we get \ I (Xhi daih = 0 i,h or W 11 + W 22 +. · . + W nn = 0 (11.9) and the Maurer-Cartan forms ofs(n) are all the forms W ij , Wi except one of the forms Wii. The moving frames of E. Cartan. In order to give a geometric meaning to the Pfaffian forms w ij , W h , let us consider in R n a fixed frame (Po; e 1 0, e 2 0 ,. . ., en 0), composed of a point Po and n independent vectors e i o , and a moving frame (p; e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., en), which results from the fixed frame by the affinity represented by (11.1). Let us assume that Po is the origin (0, 0,. . ., 0) and that ei o are the coordinate vectors e 1 0 (1, 0,. . . , 0), e 2 0 (0, 1, 0,. . ., 0), ..., en 0 (0,. . ., 0, 1). ( 11.10) 
11.11.1. The Groups of Affine Transformations 181 If we introduce the vector matrices eO = ( e ° eO. . · e 0 ) 1 2 n , e = ( e e... e ) 1 2 n , (11.11) we can write P - Po = eO b, e = eOa, (11.12) and therefore dp = eO db = ea- 1 db = eD 2 , de = eO da = ea- 1 da = eD 1 , (11.13) which are the so-called moving frame equations for affine groups. They can be written n d p = '" w.e. i..J 1 I' i= 1 n de. = '" w..e. 1 i..J JI r j=1 (11.14) Note that from the equation e = eOa it follows that the components of the vectors e i of the moving frame with respect to the fixed frame are the columns a1i, a2i'...' ani of the matrix a. Thus, det a can be written leI e 2 ... en I where each vector e i must be replaced by the column of its components with respect to the fixed frame. With this notation, the special affinities are those such that leI e 2 · .. en I = 1, and using (11.14) we have Wi = lei e 2. · · e i-I d p e i + 1 · · · e n I , W j i = lei · · . e j - 1 de i e j + 1 · · · en I. ( 11.15) Invariant volume of affine groups. We have seen that the left-invariant I-forms for affine groups are given by the matrices D 1 , D 2 of (11.4). The right-invariant I-forms are given by the matrix dg g -1, which now splits up into - -1 D 1 = da a , D 2 = - da a- 1 b + db. ( 11.16) In order to obtain the explicit form for the invariant volume elements of affine groups, we shall consider separately the cases in which b = 0 and b ¥= O. When the column matrix b is the zero matrix, we have the so-called homoge- neous affinities (or central affinities) X' = ax, det a ¥= o. (11.1 7) This group, which we shall represent by O( n), is isomorphic to G L( n). According to (11.7), the left-invariant volume element is dLo(n) = dLGL(n) = /\k (det a)n da lk A da 2k A.. · A dank where Cl = a-I. The right-invariant 1- forms are W ih = L daikClkh, as follows from (11.16), and thus dRO(n) = dRGL(n) = /\i (det Cl)n dail A dai2 A.. · A dain. Since det Cl = (det a)-I, we can state 
182 The Affine Gro ups 11.11.1 The group o(n) (or the group GL(n» is unimodular. The left- and right- invariant volume element can be written ° 1 /\ dl!1 (n) = dGL(n) = (d )n daik' et a i,k ( 11.18) The special homogeneous affine group in R n is the group, which we shall represent by sO(n), x' = ax, det a = 1, (11.19) that is isomorphic to SL(n). This group is a closed invariant subgroup of GL(n). For if g E GL(n), gH E SL(n), we have det(ggHg- 1 ) = 1 and hence ggHg- 1 E SL(n). Consequently, since GL(n) is unimodular, from Chapter 10, Section 3, it follows that SL(n) is also unimodular. Its left- and right-invariant volume element is (recall that we always consider densities in absolute value) n ds O( n) = d S L( n) = L (- l)n + i a in /\ da hk( d a in) i = 1 h ,k (11.20) where (dain) indicates that the factor dain is to be omitted. For instance, for n = 2, we have dl!1 s 0(2) = dSL(2) = da 11 A da 12 A da 2 1 . a 11 For the general affine group (11.1), according to (11.7) we have dL{(n) = (det a)-1 dLGL(n) /\ db h . h (11.21) The right-invariant volume element is the exterior product of all elements of the matrices (11.16) and it has the value dRn) = dRGL(n) /\ db h . h (11.22) Hence we have that the general affine group is not unimodular. According to (9.80), we have A(g) = (det a)-I. The nonhomogeneous special affine group s(n): x' = ax + b, det a = 1, is unimodular and its invariant volume element is ds(n) = dSL(n) /\ db h h (11.23) where dSL(n) is given by (11.20). 
11.11.2. Densities for Linear Spaces with Respect to Special Homogeneous Affinities 183 2. Densities for Linear Spaces with Respect to Special Homogeneous Affinities Consider the group s o( n), or simply s 0 , (11.19) of special homogeneous affinities acting on the n-dimensional space R n . This group is transitive and effective on R n - O. Let L, be a fixed r-plane that does not go through the origin and let , denote the subgroup of s 0 consisting of the elements that leave L, fixed. It is clear that , is closed in s 0 and that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of r-planes and the points of the homogeneous space s 0 /,. The invariant density for s 0 /, under s 0 , if it exists, is called the invariant density for r-planes. In order to see whether such an invariant density exists or not, we assume that L, is the r-plane that goes through the end point of e 1 and is parallel to the r-plane spanned by e 2 , e 3 ,. · ., e, + l' where (e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., en) is a moving frame of origin 0 that satisfies the condition le 1 e 2 . · . enl = 1. The elements of s 0 that leave L, fixed are those for which de i (i = 1, 2,. . ., r + 1) are linear combinations of e 2 , e 3 ,. . ., e,+ l' Thus, according to the second set of equations (11.14), they are characterized by the conditions W 1 i = 0 for i = 1, 2,. . ., r + 1; W.. = 0 )J for j = r + 2,. . ., n, i = 1, 2,. . ., r + 1. ( 11.24) This is system (10.1) of the general theory. From (10.3) it follows that a necessary and sufficient condition for the sets of L, to have an invariant density under s 0 is that d(/\ W 1 i /\ w ji ) = 0 (11.25) where the exterior products have the range of indices of (11.24). The structure equations of s 0 are the first set of equations (11.8) with condition (11.9). When these equations are taken into account, (10.25) becomes ( '+ 1 ) /\ W 1 i /\ W ji /\ L W hh = 0, h=l i = 1,...,r + 1, j = r + 2,. . ., n. (11.26) This condition is satisfied if and only if W 11 /\ (W 22 +... + W,+l,,+l) = 0 (11.27) and since (11.9) is the only relation between the Maurer-Cartan I-forms, it follows that either r = 0 or r = n - 1. For r = 0 the density for points becomes dLo = W 11 /\ W 21 /\. · ./\ W n1 = da 11 /\ da21 /\ · · ./\ da n l and since all' a 21'. . ., a n1 are the coordinates of 
184 The Affine Groups 11.11.2. the end point of e l , we have that the density for points is equal, up to a constant factor, to the volume element of the space, which is an obvious result, since the special affinities are volume preserving. For r = n - 1, the density for hyperplanes becomes dLn-1 = WI I " W l2 " · · ." WIn. (11.28) This expression corresponds to the hyperplane that goes through the end point of e l and is parallel to e 2 , e3,. . ., en. In order to give a metric interpreta- tion of this density, we proceed as follows. Let b be the unit normal vector to Ln-l through the origin 0 and let b 2 , b 3 ,. . ., b n be n - 1 orthonormal unit vectors of origin 0 that are contained in the hyperplane (0, e 2 ,. . ., en) parallel to Ln-l. The scalar product b. db i is equal to the arc element on the (n - 1 )-dimensional unit sphere Un _ 1 at the end point of b in the direction of bi' so that, denoting by dU n - 1 the (n - l)-dimensional volume element of U n - l at the end point of b, we have dU n - 1 = /\ (b. db i ), i = 2, 3,. . ., n. (11.29) On the other hand, since vectors b i and e i belong to the same hyperplane, we may write n ei = }: Aikbk' k=2 i = 2, 3,. . ., n, (11.30) and therefore /\ (b. de i ) = det(Aik) /\ (b. db i ) = det(Aik) dUn-I. (11.31) Since b . e i = 0 (i = 2,. . ., n), from (11.14) we have (b. de i ) = wllb . e l ) = WliPI cos (J (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) where PI is the length of el and (J is the angle between e l and b. That is, if P denotes the distance from 0 to Ln- b we have P = PI cos (J and from (11.31) we deduce ( .A W li ) pn-l = det(A ik ) du n - l . 1=2 (11.32) Moreover, from (b. del) = Wll(b .e l ) = WIIP and (b. del) = dp - (el.db), using that (el.db)" dUn-1 = 0, which is a consequence of (11.29) and the relations b . b i = 0, b 2 = 1, b. db = 0, we get (W ll " dun-l)p = dp" dUn-I. (11.33) On the other hand, since the parallelepiped spanned by e l , e 2 ,. . ., en has volume 1, according to the condition leI e 2 . · · enl = 1, and the parallelepiped 
11.11.2. Densities for Linear Spaces with Respect to Special Homogeneous Mfinities 185 spanned by e2, e3,' . ., en has its volume equal to det(Aik)' we have det(A ik ). p = 1 and thus we finally get dL = dp 1\ dU n - 1 n-l n+l' p (11.34) which is the wanted metric interpretation for dL n - l . We may summarize the foregoing results in the following theorem. The points and the hyperplanes that do not pass through the origin are the only linear subspaces that have an invariant density under the special homogeneous affine group so. The density for points equals the volume element. The density for hyperplanes may be written in the metric form (11.34) where p is the distance from the origin to the hyperplane and dU n -l denotes the volume element of the (n - I)-dimensional unit sphere cor- responding to the direction of the normal to the hyperplane (i.e., the solid angle element corresponding to the unit normal vector to the hyperplane). An application to convex bodies. Let p = P(U n -l) denote the support function of the convex body K in En with respect to the origin 0 contained in K. That is, p is equal to the distance from 0 to the support hyperplane of K that is normal to the direction Un _ 1. According to (11.34) the measure of the set of hyperplanes exterior to K, which is invariant under s 0 , is I(K,O) = m(Ln-l; Ln-l n K = 0) =  i dU nn - 1 n J p U n -l (11.35) where the integral is extended over the whole (n - 1 )-dimensional unit sphere Un _ 1. This integral I(K, 0) is an affine invariant that depends on K and on the point 0 E K. There exists a unique point OM E K such that I(K, OM) = min I(K, 0) (0 E K). Consequences of this fact have been given by Petty [476]. Note that I(K, 0) is the volume of K*, the polar reciprocal body of K with respect to 0 (defined by the vector radius 1/ p). Properties of this invariant were reported in Chapter 1, Section 6, Note 2. Linear subspaces through the origin. The group so leaves invariant the origin 0 and hence it maps linear subspaces through the origin into linear subspaces through the origin. We shall now see if the r-planes Lr[o] through the origin have an invariant density under s 0 (0 < r < n). Assume Lr[o] determined by the vectors e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., ere Then, in order that Lr[o] remain fixed under the mapping (11.19) the differentials del' de 2 ,. . ., de r must be linear combinations of e 1 , e2"'" e r and (11.14) gives OJ.. = 0 JI for i = 1, 2,. . ., r; j = r + 1,. . . , n. (11.36) 
186 The Affine Groups 11.11.2. According to the general theory, in order that the sets of r-planes have an invariant density it is necessary and sufficient that d(f\ (J)ji) = 0 where the exterior product refers to the range of indices in (11.36). Taking (11.8) and (11.9) into account, we have d(f\ (J)ji) = f\ (J)ji 1\ ( t w jj - t W ii ) = - 2 f\ (J)ji 1\ ( f Wii ) . (11.37) r+ 1 1 1 Since (11.9) is the only relation between the I-forms (J)ji and r < n, dif- ferential form (11.37) cannot be zero. Thus we have that the linear subspaces through the origin do not have an invariant density under s o. Let us now consider as elements sets of m-tuples of linear subspaces (Lrt[o], L r2 [o],. . ., Lrm[O]) of dimensions r 1 , r 2 ,. . ., r m passing through the origin and having no other common point. Assume that these m-tuples transform transitively under s o . We take the moving frame so that Lrh[o] is determined by the vectors ert+...+rh-t+1, ert+...+rh-t+2,..., ert+...+rh-1+rh (h = 1, 2,. . ., m). The elements of s ° that leave the m-tuple fixed form a closed subgroup (r1'. . ., r m) characterized by the conditions that the dif- ferentials de i (r 1 +... + r h - 1 + 1  i  r 1 +... + r h ) are linear combina- tion of e s for r 1 +... + r h - 1 + 1  s  r 1 +... + rho Consequently, according to (11.14) we have (J)ji = 0 for all pairs i, j between the ranges r 1 +... + r h -1 + 1  i  r 1 +... + r h , 1  j  r 1 +... + r h -1, r 1 +... + rh + 1  j  n, for h = 1, 2,. . ., m (with r ° = 0). By exterior multiplication of all (J)ij corresponding to these ranges of indices we get a differential form ll> which will be an invariant density for the homogeneous space so/(r1 + · .. + r m ) and consequently for m-tuples (Lrt[O]'. . ., Lrm[O]) if and only if dll> = 0 (according to condition (10.3». Using structure equations (11.8), we see by an easy calculation that dll> = ll> 1\ L (J)hh (h = 1, 2,. . ., r 1 + r 2 +. · · + r m). Since (11.9) is the only relation between the forms (J)ij, the condition dll> = 0 holds if and only if r 1 + r 2 + . . · + r m = n (11.38) and we have the theorem The m-tuples (Lrt[O]'. . ., Lrm[O]) of linear spaces of dimensions r 1 , r 2 ,. . ., r m passing through the origin and having no other common point have an invariant density under so if and only if condition (11.38) holds. In this case, the density for m-tuples (Lrt[O]'. . ., Lrm[O]) is the differential form ll> of degree (n - r 1)r 1 +... + (n - r m)r m. For example, on the plane, 
11.11.3. Densities for Linear Subspaces 187 n = 2, no invariant density exists under s 0(2) for sets of lines through the origin; such a density does exist, however, for pairs of lines (L I , L I '). If the lines are determined by the angles 4>, 4>' that they form with the x axis (assuming an orthogonal Cartesian system), the invariant density takes the form d(L, L') = sin - 2( 4> - 4>') d4> 1\ d4>'. 3. Densities for Linear Subspaces with Respect to the Special Nonhomogeneous Affine Group We now consider the group s or s(n) x' = ax + b, det a = 1. (11.39) Each element ofs is defined by the position of an n-frame (p; e I , e2,. . ., en) such that leI e 2 . · .enl = 1 and the Maurer-Cartan forms are given by (11.4). The structure equations are (11.8) with condition (11.9). Let Lr be the r-plane defined by the point p and the vectors e I ,. . ., e r (0  r < n). From (11.13) it follows that the subgroup r of the affinities that leave Lr fixed is characterized by the conditions (J). = 0 J for i = r + 1,..., n; (J)jh = 0 for h = 1,. . ., r; j = r + 1,. . ., n. (11.40) This is system (10.1) of the general theory. The homogeneous space s/r will have an invariant density under s if and only if d(/\ (J)i /\ (J)jh) = 0 where the indices have the ranges indicated in (11.40). Making use of structure equations (11.8) we easily get, up to the sign, d(/\ (J)i /\ (J)jh) = /\ (J)i /\ (J)jh 1\ (2«(J)r+ I,r+ 1 +... + (J)nn)). (11.41) Since the forms (J)i, (J)jh are only related by equation (11.9), the right-hand side of(11.41) is zero if and only ifr = O. Hence we have that exceptfor points, the linear subspaces Lr have no invariant density under s. For points, r = 0, the invariant density is dLo = (J)I 1\ · . · 1\ (J)n = db i 1\ db 2 1\ . · · 1\ db n , which is equal to the volume element of the space. For sets of m-tuples of linear spaces (L r1 ,. . ., Lr m ) without common point, proceeding as in the case of the homogeneous group s 0 , we prove the following theorem. The sets of m-tuples of linear subspaces (L r1 ,. . ., Lr m ) without common point, whose dimensions r i satisfy the condition r1 + r2 +. . . + r m + m  n + 1 and transform transitively under s(n), have an invariant density 
188 The Affine Groups 11.11.3. under s(n) if and only if either all r i are equal to zero or the condition r 1 + r 2 +... + r m + m = n + 1 (11.42) holds. For instance, the sets of (point Lo, hyperplane L n - 1 ) such that Lo is not in Ln-1 have an invariant density whose metric expression is d(Lo, L n - I ) = p-(n+ 1) dLo A dU n -1 A dp, where dLo is the volume element at the point Lo, dUn - 1 is the solid angle element corresponding t the direction perpendic- ular to Ln _ 1, and p is the distance from the point to the hyperplane. Density for sets of parallel hyperplanes. We will prove that sets of parallel hyperplanes have an invariant density under s. Since pairs of parallel hyper- planes transform transitively under s' we can take the hyperplane determined by the point p and the vectors e I , e 2 ,. . ., e n - I and its parallel through the end point of en. According to (11.14), the system whose integral varieties correspond to these parallel hyperplanes is W n = 0, Wnh = 0 for h = 1, 2,. . ., n. (11.43) In view of (10.3), the condition that the exterior product df!IJ = W n A W ni A.. . A w nn be a density is that d(df!JJ) = o. Taking the structure equations into account we have, up to the sign, d(dfJl» = dfJl A ( W ii ) = O. Therefore we have The sets of parallel hyperplanes have an invariant density with respect to the group s(n) that is given by df!IJ = W n A W ni A . . · A W nn . (11.44) It is not difficult to obtain a metric expression for df!IJ. If P1, P2 denote the distances from the origin to the ,hyperplanes and dUn _ 1 denotes the volume element on the (n - I)-dimensional unit sphere corresponding to the direction perpendicular to the hyperplanes, we can prove that [577] df!IJ = dU n - I A dpi A dp2 Ipi - P21 n + 2 . (11.45) Application to convex bodies. Let K be a given convex body in the euclidean space En and let A = L1(u n - I ) be the breadth of K corresponding to the direction Un _ 1. The measure of all pairs of parallel hyperplanes that contain K has the value 
11.11.4. Notes and Exercises 189 J dUn-I A dpi A dp2 = 1 J dUn-I . Ip2 - PIl n + 2 n(n + 1) An U n -1/2 ( 11.46) This measure gives rise to the affine invariant of K J= J dUn - 1 An U n -1/2 (11.47) where the integral is extended over half of the (n - 1 )-dimensional unit sphere. If K possesses a center of symmetry, then J is related to the affine invariant I(K, 0) (11.35) by the obvious relation nI(K, 0) = 2n+ 1 J. If K does not have a center of symmetry, J and I are not trivially related. Using the inequalities x- n + y-n  2(xy)-nI2, (xy)nI2  [(x + y)/2Jn, x- n + y-n  2n+I(x + y)-n, valid for x > 0, y > 0 and where equality occurs only for x = y, and denoting by PI' P2 the values of the support function P (with respect to a point 0 inside K) at opposite points, we have 2J = J dUn-I = J dUn-I   J ( dUn-I + dUn-I ) =  I(K,O) An (PI + P2)n 2n+ 1 PI n P2 n 2 n U n -l U n -l U n -l and therefore we have n J  -I(K, 0) 2n+ 1 (11.48) valid for any point 0 E K, with equality if and only if K is centrally symmetric about o. We can prove the inequalities 2 n - I 4n n <JV n !(n - 1)! 2n+ l(r(n/2))2n (11.49) where V is the volume of K [577J. The upper bound is attained if and only if K is an ellipsoid. The lower bound is not the best possible and its best value is not known for n > 2. For n = 2, Eggleston [161J established that JV  3/2 and that equality characterizes triangles. 4. Notes and Exercises 1. Sets of lattices. Let e I , e 2 ,. . ., en be linearly independent vectors in R n . The set of all points x = u i e i +... + une n with integral U I , U2,' . ., Un is called the lattice with basis e I , e 2 ,. . ., en. The half-open parallelepiped defined by x = x i e i +.. . + xne n where Xi are real numbers such that 
190 The Affine Groups 11.11.4. o  Xi < 1 is a fundamental region of the lattice (in the sense of Section 1 of Chapter 8) and the volume of this fundamental region is the value of the determinant let e 2 . . . enl, called the determinant of the lattice. Consider the lattice 2 () of all points with basis e ;(0,. . ., 0, 1, 0,. . ., 0), where 1 is the ith component, and the group sO(n) of special homogeneous affine transforma- tions. The lattices 2 = a20 (a E s 0) have determinant 1 and conversely any lattice with determinant 1 is the transform of 20 by a suitable a E s o . Let 2 denote the set of all lattices with determinant 1. If r denotes the sub- group of s 0 whose elements leave 20 invariant, the set 2 can be identified with the homogeneous space s 0 / r. Since r is a discrete group, the invariant density dIe for lattices of determinant 1 coincides with the density ds 0 = dSL(n) given by (11.20). We shall set d2 = dso. With this density we can prove that the total measure of 2 is m(2) = '(2)'(3)'. .'(n), where '(n) = 1 + 2- n + 3- n +... . Moreover, given a fixed domain D of volume v(D) in R n and denoting by N the number of lattice points of 2 that belong to D and have coordinates prime to each other (called primitive lattice points) and by Nt the total number of lattice points of 2 that are contained in D, we have J N d5i' = v(D)(2)(3)' . · (n - 1), L J Nt d5i' = v(D)(2)' · · (n - 1)(n). L Therefore we have (a) The mean value of the number of primitive lattice points contained in a fixed domain D of volume v(D) is E(N) = v(D)/'(n). (b) The mean value of the number of lattice points contained in D is E(N t ) = v(D). These mean values are taken over the set of all lattices with determinant 1. As a consequence we have the following theorem of Minkowski and Hlawka: If D is an n-dimensional domain in R n that is star-shaped relative to the origin (i.e., a domain that contains with any point X the whole segment AX, o  A  1) of volume v(D) < '(n), then there exists a lattice with determinant 1 such that D does not contain any lattice point other than the origin. This theorem was conjectured by Minkowski and first proved by Hlawka in 1944. The proof based on the mean values E(N) and E(N t ) is due to Siegel [610a] and Weil [712]. A simplified proof and more general results have been given by Macbeath and Rogers [381]. Other kinds of proofs and interesting related results are quoted in the books of Cassels [92] and Lekkerkerker [361]; see also [557]. 2. Sets of parallel subspaces in affine space. The result of Section 3 about sets of parallel hyperplanes is a particular case of the following theorem (due to Santal6 [578]): In order that the sets of q-tuples H(L h1 ,. . ., Lh q ) of parallel linear sub- spaces of dimensions ht,. . ., hq that transform transitively under the special affine group in) have an invariant density with respect to s' it is necessary and sufficient that the dimensions hi all be equal, ht = h 2 =. . . = hq = h, and that q = n + 1 - h. 
11.11.4. Notes and Exercises 191 The case of two parallel hyperplanes corresponds to the case in which h = n - 1, q = 2. For n = 3 we have the case of two parallel planes and the case of sets of three parallel lines (noncoplanar). In this case, if dU2 denotes the area element of the unit sphere corresponding to the direction of the lines and dP 0' dP l' dP 2 denote the area elements on a plane perpendicular to the lines at the cor- responding intersection points, the measure of the set of three parallel lines whose convex hull contains a convex set K gives the following affine invariant of K: (K) =  r d J dP 0 A dP 1 A dP 2 m 1 64 J u 2 T6 U n /2 (11.50) where T denotes the area of the triangle PoP 1 P 2. The first integral is extended over all triangles POP 1 P 2 that contain the projection of K on the plane perpendicular to the direction u 2 and the second integral is extended over half of the unit sphere. It should be interesting to find inequalities between the invariant (11.50) and other affine invariants of K. 3. Sets of parabolas, ellipses, and hyperbolas. Consider the affine plane. The parabolas transform transitively under the special affine group s(2). Therefore, it makes sense to seek a density for sets of parabolas invariant under s(2). Assuming the parabolas given by the equation x 2 + 2bxy + b 2 y2 + px + qy + r = 0, we can show that the invariant density is [104] dP = db A dp A dq A dr (q _ bp)8/3 . Similarly, assuming the ellipses given by the equation x 2 + 2axy + (a 2 + b 2 )y2 + 2px + 2qy + r = 0, we have, as the invariant density for sets of ellipses under the group (2), 1 a p L1 = a a 2 + b 2 q . b dE = L12 da A db A dp A dq A dr, p q r For hyperbolas given by the equation x 2 + 2axy + (a 2 - b 2 )y2 + 2px + 2qy + r = 0 the invariant density under (2) is b dH = L12 da A db A dp A dq A dr, 1 a p L1 = a a 2 - b 2 q . p q r These densities are the work of Stoka [634, 647]. 
192 The Affine Groups 11.11.4. 4. The real projective group. Let V n + 1 be an (n + l)-dimensional vector space over the real numbers. Let V* n+ 1 = v n + 1 - {O} denote the set of all nonzero vectors in v n + 1. Two vectors x, y of V * n + 1 are said to be in the relation p: x '" y if they are linearly dependent, that is, if there exists a real number c "# 0 such that y = cx. This relation is an equivalence relation (proportionality relation). The quotient V* n+ 1/ p, the set of all equivalence classes, is called the projective n-dimensional space Pn' If L,*+ 1 is an (r + 1)- dimensional subspace of V n + 1 (r = 0,1,..., n), then (L'*+1 - {O}/p is a real projective r-dimensional space contained in P n that is called an r-plane of P n. If x is a vector of V * n + 1, then all vectors of the form cx (c "# 0) are rep- resentatives of the same point x. If the nonzero vectors x O , X l ,. . ., x' define an (r + l)-dimensional subspace in V* n+ 1, the corresponding points define an r-plane in P n. Let Ao, A 1 ,. . ., An be a basis for v n + 1. Then every vector x can be rep- resented in the form x = xoAo + Xl A 1 + . . . + xnAn. The numbers Xo, Xl'. . ., X n are called the homogeneous coordinates of the point x corresponding to the class cx (c "# 0). Two points are coincident if their homogeneous coordinates are proportional. If Xo "# 0, the ratios Xl/XO' X2/XO'. . ., xn/XO are the non- homogeneous coordinates of the point x. The vector space v n + 1 is called the vector space associated with Pn and the bases Ao, AI'. . ., An constitute a system of homogeneous coordinates. Let x denote the point x E Pn and the column matrix (n + 1) x 1 whose elements are the homogeneous coordinates of x. A projective transformation or a collineation of P n into itself is a transformation defined by the matrix equation x' = Ax, det A "# 0, where A = (aij) is an (n + 1) x (n + 1) nonsingular matrix. Since x and cx represent the same point, we can always assume that det A = 1. The collineations of P n into itself form the projective group n' A system of Maurer-Cartan forms of n is a set of independent elements of the matrix Q = A - 1 dA and the structure equations are dQ = - Q A Q. In explicit form, if A = (aij), A -1 = (ij)' Q = (wij), we have n n (J)ij = L ih dahj = - L ahj dih' h=O h=O n dWij = - L W ih A Whj, h=O and differentiating det A = 1, we get Woo + W 11 +... + Wnn = O. Calling Ai the vectors of v*n+l whose components are (aOi, a 1 i'...' ani), i = 0, 1,. . ., n, we can write the equation dA = AQ as n dA. = " w.. A. l i..J Jl J j=O (11.51) and hence we have Wji = IAo'. 'A j - 1 dA i Aj+1.. .Anl. (11.52) The kinematic density for n has the following metric form. A collineation in Pn is determined by the n + 2 points Qo, Q1,. . ., Qn+ l' which are the transforms of the points (1, 0,. . ., 0), (0, 1, 0,. . ., 0),. . ., (0, 0,. . ., 0, 1), (1, 1,. . ., 1). Let Sh denote the volume of the simplex whose vertices are the 
11.11.4. Notes and Exercises 193 points Qo, Ql'. . ., Qn+ 1 (Qh excluded) and let dQi denote the volume element at Qi. Then the invariant volume element of n (kinematic density of n) can be written [370] dlJl n = dQo A dQl A"'A dQn+l . So Sl" 'Sn+l (11.53) The problem of determining whether sets of m-tuples of linear spaces have an invariant measure under n can be solved in like manner as for the affine group [557]. The result is the following theorem: In order that the sets of m-tuples (L h1 ,..., Lh m ) of linear subspaces without common point, whose dimensions hi satisfy the condition hI + h 2 + . . · + h m + m  n + 1, have an invariant density with respect to the projective group, it is necessary and sufficient that hI + h 2 + · · · + h m + m = n + 1. (11.54) In this case the invariant density is given by the exterior product /\ (J)i) where the forms are given by (11.52) and the indices have the ranges o  i  hI' hI + 1  j  n, hI + 1  i  hI + h 2 + 1, o  j  hI' hI + h 2 + 2  j  n, hI +... + h m - 1 + m - 1  i  hI + h 2 + . . . + h m + m - 1, o  j  hI +... + h m - 1 + m - 2, hI +... + h m + m  j  n. For m = 2 this result is due to Varga [686]. Example 1. For the projective line (n = 1) the only possible case is that in which hI = h 2 = 0, that is, pairs of points. The invariant density for the points (Ao, AI) is d(Ao, AI) = (J)01 A (J)10 = a OO a 11 da 10 A da O l - a OO a Ol da 10 A da 11 - a 10 a 11 da oo A da Ol + a 10 a Ol da oo A da 11 . On the other hand, the nonhomogeneous coordinates of Ao and Al are  = a 10 /a OO ' '1 = a 11 /a O l, so that an easy calculation gives d A d'1 = (a OO a 01 )-2(J)10 A (J)01 and ('1 - )2 = (a 01 a Oo )-2. Hence we have: The projective invariant density for pairs of points on the line is d(Ao,Al)=(-'1)-2 d A d'1 where , '1 are the nonhomogeneous coordinates of the points. For instance, the measure of the set of pairs of points (Ao, AI) such that Ao lies in the interval (o,  1) and Al lies in the interval ('10' "1)' assuming that both intervals do not intersect, is m(, '1; o    1' '10  '1  '11) = log('12, '11' 2' 1)' where ('12' '11' 2' 1) denotes the cross ratio of the four points '12' '11' 2' l. Example 2. For the projective plane (n = 2) the cases in which condition (11.54) holds are (a) h l = h 2 = h) = 0, m = 3 (triples of noncollinear points); (b) h l = 0, h 2 = 1, m = 2 (point and line that are not incident). (a) In order that the points Ao, AI' A 2 be fixed, using (11.51) we have the conditions (J)10 = (J)20 = 0, (J)01 = (J)21 = 0, (J)02 = (J)12 = 0, and the invariant density becomes d(Ao, A l , A 2 ) = (J)10 A (J)20 A (J)01 A (J)2l A (J)02 A (J)12. 
194 The Affine Groups 11.11.4. The nonhomogeneous coordinates of Ao, AI' A 2 are Ao(o = aIO/aOO, rJo = a 20 /a OO )' Al( = all/a Ol ' rJl = a 21 /a Ol )' A2(2 = a 12 /a 0 2, rJ2 = a 22 /a 02 )' and with the aid of (11.52) we get d(Ao, AI' A 2 ) = aOala2 do /\ drJo /\ dl /\ drJl /\ d2 /\ drJ2. Taking into account that the area of the triangle AoAlA2 is T = !(aOOaOla02)-I, we get, up to a constant factor, d(Ao, AI' A 2 ) = T- 3 dAo /\ dA I /\ dA 2 where dA i = di /\ drJi is the area element at the point Ai. (b) For the point Ao and the line G = AIA2 the invariant density is d(Ao, G) = (010 /\ (020 /\ (001 /\ (002. The metric form of this density is d(Ao, G) = £5- 3 dAo /\ dG, where dAo and dG are the metric densities for A and G and £5 is the distance from Ao to G. Sets of hyperquadrics. A nonsingular hyperquadric C in Pn has a matrix equation of the form xtQx = 0, where Q is a nonsingular (n + 1) x (n + 1) symmetric matrix (q ij) and x is the (n + 1) x 1 matrix whose elements are the homogeneous coordinates of the point x. Then the density for sets of nonsingular hyperquadrics invariant under n can be written dC = (qnn)-l dqoo /\ dqol /\.../\ dqn-l,n, where qnn is the element (n, n) of the inverse matrix Q - I and we have assumed Q normalized in such a way that det Q = 1. If the equation of the hyperquadric is normalized so that it has the form 'L q XiXj = 0 with qn = 1 (i, j = 0, 1,. . ., n), then we have * * * dC = dqoo /\ dqol /\... /\ dqn-l,n (n + 1)L1(n+2)/2 * where L1 = det(q ij). For instance, the invariant density for sets of conics written in the fornl qoox02 + 2qOlX O X l + 2q02XOX2 + q ll X l 2 + 2q12XIX2 + X 2 2 = Ois (see [646, 647, 577]) dC = dqoo /\ dqOl /\ dq02 /\ dqll /\ dq12 . 3L12 The case of singular hyperquadrics has been considered by Luccioni [371]. The integral geometry of the group of collineations in P 2n+ I that leave invariant two planes has been investigated by Stanilow [622]. EXERCISE 1. With respect to the general affine group (2), parallelograms transform transitively and have the invariant density F- 3 dPo /\ dP l /\ dP 2 , where Po, PI' P 2 are three vertices of the parallelogram and F denotes its area. EXERCISE 2. Under the special affine group s(2) the pairs of lines (G l , G 2 ) have an invariant density given by d(G o , G t ) = sin- 3 () dGo /\ dG l , where dGo, dG l denote the metric density for lines and () is the angle between Go and G I . EXERCISE 3. With respect to the group of similitudes (9.95), the pairs of points (Po, PI) have the density d(Po, PI) = £5- 4 dPo /\ dP l where £5 is the 
11.11.4 . Notes and Exercises 195 distance between the points. The pairs of parallel lines (Go, G 1 ) have the density d(G o , G 1 ) = A- 2 dGo A dp1 where A is the distance between the two lines and P 1 is the distance from the origin to G 1. Other examples are given by Stoka [634] and Santal6 [581]. The inverse problem of finding the groups when the density of point pairs or pairs of lines is given has been considered by Lucenko and Jurtova [374]. EXERCISE 4. Check the following densities for points and lines in the plane, under the indicated subgroup of the projective group 2. Where the densities are missing, it means that they do not exist. (a) x' = ax, y' = by; dP = (xy)-1 dx A dy, dG = (psin4>cos4»-1 dpA d4>. (b) x' = ax, y' = y + h; dP = x- 1 dx A dy, dG = (sin 2 4> cos 4»-1 dp A d4>. (c)x'=x+e, y'=ex+y+h; dP=dxAdy, dG=sin- 3 4>dpAd4>. (d) x' = ax, y'=ay+h; dP=x- 2 dxAdy. (e) x' = x + log a, y' = ay + h; dP = e-xdx A dy, dG = (cos 2 4>sin4»-1. dp A d4>. (f) x' = x, y' = ay + b; dG = (cos 2 4>sin4»-1 dpA d4>. (g) x' = (ax + b)(ex + h)-1, y' = (ex + h)-1y, ah - be = 1; dP = y-3. dx A dy, dG = sin- 3 4> dp A d4>. (h) x' = ax + b, y' = ex + a 1 / 2 y + h, dG = sin 3 4> dp A d4>. The projective groups in the plane for which there exists a measure for n-tuples of points have been considered by Lucenko [372]. 
CHAPTER 12 The Group of Motions in En 1. Introduction Let X(Xl'...'X n ) and Y(Yl,...,Yn) be two points of R n . If the distance between x and Y is defined by d(x, y) = [(Xl - Yt)2 + · · · + (xn - Yn)2]1/2, then R n is a metric space called euclidean n-dimensional space and denoted by En. An affine transformation of En onto itself that preserves distance is called a motion. The motions form a subgroup IDl of the affine group, defined by the equations x' = ax + b, aa t = e (12.1) where at denotes the transpose of the n x n matrix a and e is the unit n x n matrix. The condition aa t = e says that a is an orthogonal matrix. If det a = + 1, we have a subgroup of IDl, called the group of special motions. The study of IDl can be easily done by the method of moving frames (Chapter 11, Section 1). Let (Po; e t 0,. . ., en 0) = (Po; e i o) be an orthonormal fixed frame (e i O .ejo = ij). To each motion g E IDl corresponds a moving frame (p; ei) = g(po; ei 0), the transform of (Po; e i 0) by g, and conversely, to each orthonormal frame (p; ei) corresponds the motion g such that (p; ei) = g(po; e i o). From equations (11.14) n d p = " oo.e. f..J 1 I' i= 1 n de. = " oo..e. 1 f..J JI) j=l (12.2) using the relations e i . e j = ij' de i . ej + ei . dej = 0, we have 00. = d p . e. 1 I' 00 .. = de. . e . JI 1 J' 00.. + 00.. = O. ) 1 I) (12.3) ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santal6, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 196 
11.12.1. Introduction 197 In terms of the matrices a, b these I-forms are given by (11.7), which can now be written (since rLih = ahi for orthogonal matrices) n (J)ij = L ahi dahj, h=l n (J)i = L ahi db h . h=l (12.4) The structure equations are n d(J).. = - " (J) . h A (J) h . IJ i..J I J' h=l n d(J)i = L (J)h A (J)ih. h=l (12.5) We proceed to find the invariant volume elements of IDl and some of its subgroups. The group of translations. Is the subgroup  c: IDl defined by x' = x + b. The dimension of  is n and the I-forms db i form a set of Maurer-Cartan forms. Since  is commutative, it is unimodular and its invariant volume element is d = db lAd b 2 A.. · A db n. (12.6) The integral geometry of the group of translations has been investigated by Berwald and Varga [30], Blaschke [44] and Miles [422]. Rotations about a point. The group IDl[o] of rotations about the origin is defined by x' = ax (a orthogonal). It is isomorphic to the orthogonal group O(n). From the condition aa t = e it follows that afh  1 for all i, h and thus the group manifold of IDl[o] is bounded (and closed). Therefore IDl[o] is a compact group and we have, according to Section 6 of Chapter 9, that the group IDl[o] of rotations about a point in En (orthogonal group O(n)) is unimodular. The invariant volume element is given by dIDl[o] = /\ (J)ij. i<j (12.7) As a consequence of (9.63) we have dIDl[o](a) = dIDl[o](a -1), that is, the invariant volume element dIDl[o] is not changed by replacement of the rotation by its inverse. We shall compute the total volume of IDl[o]. By rotation about the origin 0, the end points of the vectors e i move on the unit sphere U n - l centered at O. The scalar product dei . e j = (J)ji is equal to the arc element on U n - l at the end point of e i in the direction of ej, so that, denoting by dU n -1 the (n - 1)- dimensional volume element of U n - 1 at the end point of e1, we have dUn-l = (J)2l A (J)3l A...A (J)nl. (12.8) 
198 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.1. By similar reasoning, if Un _ 2 is the (n - 2)-dimensional unit sphere contained in the (n - I)-plane orthogonal to e l , its (n - 2)-dimensional volume element at the end point of e 2 is dU n -2 = (032 A (042 A.. · A (On2 (12.9) and by induction we get d 9Jl[ 0] = dUn - I A dUn - 2 A.. · A du I . (12.10) Note that the last vector en has two possible senses, en and - em both giving rise to an orthonormal n-frame (0; e i ). The group 9Jl[O] includes both possibil- ities, so that integration of (12.10) over the whole group gives m(9Jl[O]) = 20 n - 1 On- 2. . · 0 1 (12.11) where 0 i denotes the surface area of the i-dimensional unit sphere (1.22). If only special rotations are considered, then the measure (12.11) should be divided by 2. For n = 3, the kinematic density about the origin 0 takes the form d9Jl[o] = du 2 A du 1 = sin 0 dO A d4> A drx, where 0, 4> are the spherical coordinates on the unit sphere U 2' of the end point of e3 and rx denotes the rotation about this vector (0  0  11:, 0  4>  211:, 0  rx  211:). If the rotation is defined by the axis of rotation with spherical coordinates 0 1 , 4>1 and the rotation rx l about it, then a change of coordinates gives d9Jl[o] = 2 sin 2 (rx l /2) sin 0 1 dOl A d4>l A drx 1 . This shows that the guess of choosing uniformly at random both the axis of rotation and the angle of rotation is wrong. (See [144, 335, 408, 670].) The group of motions. Since 9Jl[O] and  are unimodular, the group of motions 9Jl is also unimodular and its invariant volume element can be written d9Jl = d9Jl[o] Adz'. (12.12) Assuming the motion defined by the frame (p; e i ), taking into account (12.6) and (12.10), and noting that the volume element of En at p is dP = db 1 A db 2 A . . . A db m we can write the invariant volume element (12.12) as d9Jl = dP A d9Jl[o] = dP A dU n - 1 A dU n -2 A. · · A dUI. (12.13) Rotations about a q-plane. The motions in En that leave invariant all points of a fixed q-plane Lq form the group 9Jl[q] of rotations about Lq. If we cut Lq by an orthogonal (n - q)-plane Ln-q, the group 9Jl[q] is clearly isomorphic to the group 9Jl]q) of rotations about 0 = Lq n Ln-q in the euclidean space Ln-q. Thus 9Jl[q] is unimodular and its total volume, according 
11.12.2. Densities for Linear Spaces in En 199 to (12.11), has the value m(931[q]) = 20n-Q-l0n-q-2.. .01. (12.14) In all the cases above, if the moving frame (p; e i ) has the same orientation as the original frame (Po; e i o ), then det a = 1 and we have the groups of "special" rotations or "special" motions. The total measures (12.11) or (12.14) are twice the total measures of the corresponding special groups. 2. Densities for Linear Spaces in En We want to define a density for r-planes Lr in Em invariant under the group of motions. Let r denote the group of all motions that leave invariant a fixed Lr o . Clearly, r is closed in 931. If g E 931, to each coset gr there corresponds the r-plane gL r 0 and, conversely, to each Lr there corresponds a coset gr' where g is a motion such that Lr = gL r o . That is, there is a one-to-one correspondence between the r-planes of En and the elements of the homogeneous space 931/r. The problem of finding an invariant density for sets of r-planes is equivalent to that of finding an invariant density on 931/r. We will apply the general methods of Chapter 10. The group r is the direct product of the group of rotations about Lr 0 , say 931[r]' and the group of motions in Lr 0 , say 931(r). Since 931[r] and 931(r) are unimodular groups, the product r = 931[r] x 931(r) is also unimodular. Thus, by consequence (c) of Section 1, Chapter 10, we have that the homogeneous space 931/r (r = 0, 1,. . ., n - 1) has an invariant density. This invariant density is called the density for r-planes and it will be indicated by dLr. We shall compute the explicit form of dLr. Let (p; e i ) be a moving frame in En. Assume that Lr 0 is the r-plane spanned by the point p and the r unit vectors e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., ere If Lr 0 is kept fixed, then p and the vectors e 1 ,. . ., e r can vary only on Lr 0 and therefore we have dp. e(Z = 0 (cx = r + 1,.. ., n) and de( efJ = 0 (P = r + 1,..., n; i = 1, 2,. . ., r). Consequently, by (12.3) we have W(Z = 0, W ifJ = 0, (12.15) with the range of indices cx, P = r + 1, r + 2,. . ., n, i = 1, 2,. . ., r. (12.16) System (12.15) is Pfaffian system (10.1) of the general theory. The invariant density for 931/r becomes d(931/r) = /\ WifJ /\ W(Z (12.17) with the range of indices in (12.16). Though we know that this differential 
200 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.3. form is an invariant density for 9Jl/fJ r , we can verify as an exercise, using structure equations (12.5), that condition (10.3) is fulfilled. Thus we can state There exists a density for sets of r-planes in En that is given by dLr = /\ W ifJ /\ W(l i ,fJ (l (12.18) where W(l' WifJ are the forms in (12.3) and the range of indices is given by (12.16). The density dLr is defined up to a constant factor and it is a form of degree (n - r)(r + 1), as expected, since the space of r-planes of En has dimension (n - r)(r + 1). For a direct proof of the invariance properties of form (12.18) see [36, 664, 274]. Example. Consider the case in which n = 2, r = 1. We have dL I = W l2 A W2 = (del .e 2 )A (dp.e 2 ).Ifx,yarethecoordinatesofpandel(cosO,sinO), e2( - sin 0, cos 0), we have W l2 = dO, W2 = - sin 0 dx + cos 0 dy and dL I = - sin 0 dO A dx + cos 0 dO A dy, which is form (3.11) of the density for lines in the plane. 3. A Differential Formula Let P, PI'. . ., Pr be r + 1 points in Lr. Assuming that P is the origin of the moving frame (p; e i ) and that Lr is the r-plane spanned by (p; e l , e 2 ,. . ., e r ), we can write r P . - P = " A..e. I f..J "J J' j=l r r d p . - d p = " dA..e. + " A.. de. I f..J IJ J f..J "J J j=l j=l (i = 1,..., r). Multiplying by e(l (ex = r + 1,..., n), we have r dpi" e(l - dp. e(l = L Aije(l. de} }=1 or r dpi.e(l = W(l + LAijW(lj j=l (ex = r + 1,. . ., n). Exterior multiplication of these equalities for i = 1, 2,. . ., r and by d p . e(l = W(l gives (dp.e(l) /\ (dpi"e(l) = r!Sw(l/\ w(lj i j (i,j = 1,2,...,r) (12.19) where 
11.12.4. Density for ,-Planes about a Fixed q-Plane 1 0 0 0 r!S = 1 All A l2 AIr 1 Arl A r 2 A" 201 (12.20) that is, S is equal to the volume of the simplex of vertices P, PI'. . . , Pr contained in Lr. Exterior multiplication of equalities (12.19) for ex = r + 1,.. ., n gives !\ (dp. e(Z) !\ (dpi" e(Z) = (r !s)n-r dLr. (Z i ,(Z (12.21) The volume element of En at Pi can be written dPi(E n ) = !\h (dpi"eh) (h = 1, 2,. . ., n) and the volume element of Lr at Pi is dPlLr) = !\j (dpi" ej) (j = 1,2,. . ., r). Thus, by exterior multiplication of(12.21) by !\h (dp. eh) !\i,j. (dpi. ej) (h, i, j = 1, 2,. . ., r) we get dP(En) /\ dP 1 (En) /\ · · · /\ dPr(En) = (r !s)n-r dP(Lr) dP 1 (Lr) A.. · /\ dPr(Lr) /\ dLr. (12.22) This is a very useful formula due to Blaschke [37]. Similar formulas have been obtained by Petkantschin [471] and Kingman [337]. Miles [420] applies (12.22) to problems in random geometry, for instance, to determine all the moments of the random volume of various isotropic random r- dimensional simplexes in En (r = 1, 2,. . ., n). As particular cases of (12.22) we have: (a) r = 1. Let P, PI be two points of the line L 1 of En. If t, t 1 are their co- ordinates on L 1 , we have dP(L I ) = dt, dP 1 (L 1 ) = dt l' S = t 1 - t, and (12.22) becomes (taking the absolute value of S) dP(En) /\ dP 1 (E n ) = It 1 - tl n - 1 dt /\ dt 1 /\ dL 1 , (12.23) which for n = 2 is formula (4.2). (b) r = n - 1. If P, Pl,. . ., Pn-l are n independent points of the hyperplane L n - 1 , we have dP( En) /\ dP 1 (En) /\ · · · /\ dP n - 1 (En) = (n - 1)!S dP(L n - 1 ) /\ dP 1 (L n - 1 ) /\.../\ dP n - 1 (L n - 1 ) /\ dL n - l . (12.24) 4. Density for r-Planes about a Fixed q-Plane Assume a q-plane Lq ° fixed in En. We seek a density for r-planes Lr (r > q) that contain Lq o. Let Lq ° be determined by the point P and the unit vectors e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., e q and consider the r-plane Lr o determined by Lq ° and the unit 
202 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.4. vectors e q + 1,. . ., ere The group r[q] of all motions that kept Lr 0 fixed, con- sidered as a subgroup of the group q of all motions that kept Lq 0 fixed, is defined by (J) h O = 0 J , i = q + 1,. . ., r, h = r + 1,. . ., n, (12.25) for e q + 1'. . ., e r can only vary in Lr o . Consequently the invariant volume element of q/r[q], which is equal to the density for r-planes about Lq 0 , reads dLr[q] = /\ (J)h i h, i (i = q + 1,..., r; h = r + 1,..., n). (12.26) From the structure equations (12.5) for IDl, it follows that d( dLr[q]) = O. Hence, according to (10.3) the space q/r[q] has the invariant density (12.26) and we can state The r-planes about a q-plane in En (q < r  n - 1) have an invariant density given by (12.26). For q = 0 we get the density for r-planes about a fixed point dLr[o] = /\ Whi i,h (i = 1, 2,. . ., r; h = r + 1,..., n), (12.27) which is the invariant volume element of the Grassmann manifold Gr,n-r. Recall that the Grassmann manifold Gn,p is the set of n-planes through the origin of Rn+ p with a suitable differentiable manifold structure (see, e.g., [341a]). Between the r-planes Lr[o] and their orthogonal complement Ln-r[O] we have the duality dLr[o] = dLn - r[O]' (12.28) as follows immediately from (12.27) and (12.3). The set of all Lr about Lq 0 has a finite measure. In order to compute this measure we consider first the case in which q = O. Let L n - 1 [0] be the (n - 1)- plane perpendicular to e 1 through the origin p of the moving frame (p; ei). Calling L r - 1 [0] to the (r - 1)-plane Lr[o] n L n - 1 [0], we have that the density for L r - 1 [0] in Ln- 1[0] is dL (n- 1) - /\ r-l[O] - (J)hi h, i (i = 2,. . ., r; h = r + 1,. . ., n). (12.29) From (12.27) and (12.29), using that the volume element on U n - 1 at the end point of e 1 is dU n -l = (J)21 A (J)31 A.. · A (J)nl, we get dLr[o] A (J)21 A (J)31 A.. · A (J)rl = dL': 6] A dUn - 1. (12.30) 
11.12.4. Density for r-Planes about a Fixed q-Plane 203 If dU r -1 denotes the volume element of the unit (r - l)-sphere in Lr[o], (12.30) can be written dLr[o] A dU r -1 = dL"--16] A du n - 1 . (12.31) Exterior multiplication by dU r -2 using (12.31) gives (up to the sign) dLr[o] A dU r -1 A dU r -2 = dL"--16] A dU r -2 A dU n -1 - dL (n-2) d d - r-2[0] A U n - 1 A U n -2. (12.32) Successive exterior multiplication by du r - 3'. . ., du r - q , taking (12.31) into account each time, gives dLr[o] A dU r -l A. · · A dU r - q = dL"-t6] A dU n -1 A.. · A du n - q . (12.33) F 1 . dL (n - r + 1) d h or q = r - , sInce 1[0] = U n - r ' we ave dL r [ 0] A d U r - 1 A.. . A d U 1 = dUn - 1 A.. · A dUn - r. (12.34) Integrating over the hemispheres of the unit spheres Un - 1 , Un - 2'. . ., U 1 and dividing by 0 0 = 2, since we consider unoriented Lr[o], we get The total measure of the unoriented r-planes of En through a fixed point (i.e., the volume of the Grassmann manifold Gr,n-r) is (G ) (G ) J dL On - 1 O n - 2 · · . On - r m r,n-r = m n-r,r = r[O] = 0 0 . . . 0 0 r-1 r- 2 1 0 Gr,n - r (12.35) where OJ is the surface area of the i-dimensional unit sphere (1.22). The measure of all Lr[q], that is, the measure of all r-planes of En that contain a given L q O , can be deduced from (12.35). Let Ln-q[o] bean(n - q)-plane perpendicular to Lq 0 and let 0 be the intersection point. Each Lr[q] can be defined by the intersection Lr[q] n Ln-q[o], which is an (r - q)-plane through 0, and consequently the measure of all Lr[q] in En is equal to the measure of all Lr-q[o] in Ln-q[o]. Formula (12.35) then gives J dL = °n-q-l °n-q-2. . .On-r . r[q] 0 0 . . . 0 0 r-q-l r-q-2 1 0 Total (12.36) Example 1. The measure of all the lines through a point in E3 corresponds to n = 3, r = 1, q = 0 and (12.36) gives the value 2n. Example 2. The measure of all the planes through a line in E3 corresponds to n = 3, r = 2, q = 1 and (12.36) gives the value n. 
204 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.5. Note that we have considered unoriented r-planes. If they were considered oriented, the measures above would be multiplied by 2. 5. Another Form of the Density for r-Planes in En Formula (12.18) gives dLr in terms of a point p and r orthonormal vectors e i contained in Lr. It is sometimes useful to introduce the elements of the (n - r)-plane perpendicular to Lr through a fixed point O. To this end, let Ln-r[O] be the (n - r)-plane perpendicular to Lr through 0 and let p be the point Lr n Ln-r[O]' Let p be the distance Ope Choose the orthonormal frame (p; e i ) in such a way that p, e 1 ,. . ., e r are in Lr and e,.+ 1 have the direction of Ope The I-form Wr+h = dp.e r + h is the arc element of Ln-r[O] at p in the direction e r + h . Thus w r + 1 A W r +2 A.. . A W n is the volume element of Ln-r[O] at p, which we will denote by dO' n - r , so that dO' n - r = W r + 1 A W r +2 A'. · AWn' (12.37) From (12.27) and (12.28) it follows that the product A Whj (h = r + 1,. . ., n; j = 1, 2,. . ., r) is equal to dLn-r[O] and hence we have dLr = dO' n - r A dLn-r[O]. (12.38) Exam pIe 1. n = 2, r = 1. This corresponds to lines on the plane. In this case L 1 [0] is the line perpendicular to L 1 through 0 and dO'I is the arc length on L 1 [0]. On the other hand, dL 1 [0] is the density for lines about 0, that is, dL 1 [0] = d4>, where 4> is the angle of L 1 [0] with a fixed reference direction. With these notations, (12.38) gives (3.5). Example 2. r = 1. A line L 1 in En may be determined by its direction and its intersection point p with the hyperplane L n - 1 [0] perpendicular to L 1 through O. The density dL n - 1 [0] is the volume element dU n - 1 of the unit sphere U n - 1 at the end point of the vector el parallel to L 1 and dO' n -l is the volume element of L n - 1 [0] at p. We have dL I = dO' n -l A dUn-I. (12.39) Example 3. r = n - 1. Let p be the distance from the origin 0 to the hyperplane L n - 1 ; then dO' I = dp. The density dL 1 [0] is the volume element dUn - 1 of the unit sphere Un - 1 at the end point of the vector en perpendicular to Ln _ 1 through O. Thus we have dL n - 1 = dp A dUn-I' (12.40) For n = 2 we again have the density for lines in the plane in the form of (3.5). 
11.12.6. Sets of Pairs of Linear Spaces 205 6. Sets of Pairs of Linear Spaces 1. Let Ln-l and L n *-1 be two hyperplanes of En. We want to express dLn - 1 A dL n *_ 1 in terms of the density dLn - 2 of the intersection Ln - 2 = Ln -1 n L n *- 1 and the densities d4> l' d4>2 of the angles of Ln - 1 and L n *- 1 about Ln - 2. For this purpose let us consider the orthonormal frames (p; e 1 ,. . ., en), (p;e 1 ,e2,.. .,e n -2,e n *_I,e n *),and(p;e 1 ,.. .,e n _2,a,b)suchthat(a)p,el'.. .,e n -2 define Ln _ 2 ; (b) en - 1 is contained in Ln - 1 and en is the unit normal vector to Ln - 1 ; (c) e n *- 1 is contained in L n *- 1 and en * is the unit normal vector to L n *-1 ; (d) a and b are constant unit vectors. By (12.18) and (12.3) we have dL n - 1 = 1\ (de( en) A (dp. en), i = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1, dL * = 1\ ( de.. e * ) A ( de * . e * ) A ( d p . e * ) n-l I n n-l n n , i = 1, 2,. . ., n - 2, dL n - 2 = 1\ (de(a)(de(b)(dp.a)(dp.b), i = 1,2,..., n - 2. (12.41) Calling 4>1 and 4>2 the angles of Ln-l and Ln*-l about Ln-2 that are equal to the angles of en and en * with b, we have e n -l = cos 4>1 a + sin 4>1 b, en = - sin 4>l a + cos 4>lb, e n *-1 = cos 4>2a + sin 4>2b, en * = - sin 4>2 a + cos 4>2 b , and therefore (de(e n ) A (de(e n *) = sin(4)2 - 4>1)(de(a) A (de(b) (de n - 1 · en) = d4>I' (de n *_ 1 · en *) = d4>2, (dp. en) A (dp. en *) = sin( 4>2 - 4>1)(dp. a) A (dp. b). (12.42) From (12.41) and (12.42) it follows, up to the sign, that dL n - 1 A dL n *-1 = sin n - 1 (4)2 - 4>1) d4>2 A d4>1 A dL n - 2 . (12.43) This is the formula that we want to obtain. For n = 2 we have (4.19). 2. We can extend (12.43) to the case of two subspaces Lr, Ls such that r + s - n  O. To this end let L r + s - n = Lr n Ls and consider the following sets of unit orthogonal vectors through p E L r + s - n : (a) e 1 , e2,. · ., e r ts-m which span L r + s - n ; (b) b 1 , b 2 ,. . ., b 2n - r - s , which span the (2n - r - s)-plane L 2n - r - s per- pendicular to Lr+s-n through p; 
206 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.6. (c) f 1 , f 2 ,. . ., f n - s , perpendicular to Lr+s-n and contained in Lr; (d) f 1 ', f 2 ',. . ., f-r' perpendicular to L r + s - n and normal to Lr; (e) gl, g2,. . ., gn-r' perpendicular to L r + s - n and contained in Ls; (f) gl', g2',. · ., g-s' perpendicular to Lr+s-n and normal to Ls. Set 2n-r-s f. = '" (X ..b . I l.J I))' j=l 2n - r - s fh' = L (Xjb j, j=l 2n - r - s gh = L phjb j , j=l 2n - r - s g/ = L P;jb j , j=l (12.44) where the ranges of indices are i = 1,2,. . ., n - s; h = 1,2,. . ., n - r; j = 1,2,. . ., 2n - r - s. (12.45) According to (12.18) and (12.3) we have dLr+s-n = /\ (dp. b j ) /\ (de m . bj), j m,j m = 1, 2,. . ., r + s - n, dLr[r+s-n] = /\ (df( f h '), i,h dLs[r+s-n] = /\ (dg h . g/), h, i dLr = /\ (d p · f h ') /\ (de m · f h ') /\ (df;. f h '), h m,h i,h dLs = /\ (dp. g/) /\ (de m . g/) /\ (dg h . g/). i m,i h,i Substituting the values in (12.44) into the foregoing expreSSIons and introducing the determinant f t' . b t f l' . b 2 fl'.b2n-r-s f 2 ' . b t f 2 ' . b 2 f 2 '. b 2n - r - s L1 - f-r.bl f-r. b 2 f-r. b 2n - r - s ( 12.46) gt' . b 1 gl' · b 2 gt'.b 2n - r - s g-s. b t g-s. b 2 g-s. b 2n - r - s we easily get the desired formula dLr A dLs = A r + s - n + 1 dLr[r+s-n] A dLs[r+s-n] A dLr+s-n. (12.47) 3. Finally we want to consider sets of pairs of linear spaces (Lr, Lr 1) such that L11 C Lr (i + 1  r). Choose the moving frame (p; e 1 , e2,. . ., en) so 
11.12.7. Notes 207 that p, el,. . ., ei+ 1 belong to L11 and p, el,. . ., e r belong to Lr. The density for the (i + 1)-planes L11 in Lr is, according to (12.18), dL11 = /\ OJjp /\ OJ a j,fJ a (12.48) where j = 1, 2,. . ., i + 1; tx, P = i + 2,. . ., r. ( 12.49) On the other hand, the density dLr[i+ 1] of Lr about Lr21 is, according to (12.26), dLr[i+ 1] = /\ OJha, h,a h = r + 1,..., n; tx = i + 2,. . ., r. (12.50) Furthermore, (12.18) gives dL i + 1 = /\ OJ jm /\ OJ h , j,m h m, h = i + 2,. . ., n; j = 1, 2,. . ., i + 1. (12.51) From these results we get dL11 A dLr * = dLr[i+ 1] A dL i + 1 (12.52) where on the left-hand side the r-planes Lr are oriented because each un oriented Lr that contains L11 is the support of two Lr[i+ 1] about L11 that differ in orientation. If we consider only linear spaces through a fixed point 0 of Em (12.52) still holds and may be written dL11[0] A dLro] = dLr[i+ 1] A dL i + 1[0]. (12.53) Formulas in the style of (12.52) and (12.53) and more general ones have been given by Petkantschin [471]. Example. Let n = 3, r = 2, i = O. Let dG be the density for lines in E 3 , dE the density for planes, dE(G) the density for planes about G, and dG(E) the density for lines in E. Then (12.52) becomes dG(E) A dE* = dE(G) A dG. (12.54) 7. Notes 1. Stiefel manifolds. Consider the set of all orthonormal frames (e 1 , e2,. . ., e r ) through the origin 0 in Er+n. This set can be made, in a natural manner, into a differentiable manifold called the Stiefel manifold Sr,n' If the components 
208 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.7. of the vectors ei with respect to a fixed orthonormal (n + r)-frame are taken as columns of a matrix, the result is an (r + n) x r matrix A such that At A = e (unit r x r matrix). The Stiefel manifold Sr,n can be considered as the set of such matrices. For instance, Sr,O is the set of r x r orthogonal matrices and can be identified with the orthogonal group O(r). More generally, Sr,n can be identified with the homogeneous space O(r + n)jO(n). The density for sets of r-frames invariant under the group of rotations about 0 is obtained as follows. Let (el"..' en) be the orthonormal frame complementary to (e 1 ,. . ., e r ). The Pfaffian system (10.1) that determines the r-frame(e 1 , e2,. . ., e r ) is (J)ih = e(deh = 0, 4>ah = ea.deh = 0 (1  i, h  r; 1  r:J.  n). Therefore the volume element of the Stiefel manifold is dSr,n = A (J)ih A 4>ak i < h a,k (1  i, h, k  r, 1  r:J.  n). (12.55) By reasoning similar to that in Section 1 for the orthogonal group, we prove that (12.55) can be written dSr,n = dU r + n -l A dU r + n -2 A . · · A dUn and the total volume of the Stiefel manifold Sr,n is m(Sr,n} = J dSr,n = 0r+n-1 0r+n-2' · · On. Sr,n (12.56) In particular, for n = 0 we get the volume of O(r) = M[o]. 2. Some differential formulas. (a) Let Lr[O] and Ls[o] be two orthogonal subspaces in En through O. Assume r + s  n. It can be shown that dLr[o] A dLs[n - r] = dLs[O] A dLr[n - s] (12.57) where dLs[n-r] denotes the density of Ls about the (n - r)-plane perpendicular to Lr and similarly dLr[n-s]' (b) Let L_p be a fixed (n - p)-plane. Let L i O be the orthogonal projection of a given L i on L_p (assuming i < n - p) and let L i + P be the (i + p)-plane perpendicular to L_p that contains L i and L j o. Then it can be proved that dL;(E n ) = dLjO(L_p) A dL;{L i + p ) (12.58) where dLh(L) denotes the density of Lh in L. (c) Let Lr and Ls be two linear subspaces of En with r + s  n. If Lr+s-n = Lr n Ls, consider a (2n - r - s)-plane, say L 2n - r - s , perpendicular to Lr+s-n, and let 0 be the intersection point L 2n - r - s n Lr+s-n. Put Ln*-s = L 2n - r - s n Lr, Ln*-r = L 2n - r - s n Ls, and consider the (2n - r - s - I)-dimensional unit sphere U 2n-r-s-1 of L 2n - r - s with center O. The intersections U 2n-r-s-1 n * d * * * Ln-s an U 2n-r-s-1 n Ln-r are great spheres U n - s - 1 and U n-r-1 of U 2n-r-s' Consider the great circles meeting both U n*-s-1 and U n*-r-1 at right angles and let ° 1 , ° 2 " . ., be the spherical distances between the intersection points. These distances 0t, ° 2 ,. . . are called the angles between Lr and Ls. Consider now a fixed Ls, say Lso, and a variable Lr. We want to express the density dLr in terms of the density dLss_n of Lr+s-n = Lr n Lso as an (r + s - n)-plane of Lso and the density dLr[r+s-n] of Lr about Lr+s-n. The 
11.12.7. Notes 209 result is dL ( . f) . f) ) r+s-n+ 1 dL (s) dL r = sIn 1 sIn 2... r+s-n A r[r+s-n]. ( 12.59) Example 1. r = 1, s = 1, n = 2. Then (12.59) coincides with (3.7). Example 2. r = 1, s = 2, n = 3. Then we have dL l = sin f) dP A dU2 (12.60) where t!P = dLo (2) is the area element of the plane L 2 0 at the intersection point P = L 1 n L 2 0 , dU2 is the density for lines about P, and f) is the angle between L 1 and L 2 o. These results are the work of Petkantschin [471]. 3. Volume in terms of concurrent cross sections. Let PI' P 2 ,. . ., P;.-1 be points in En and call T(P 1 , P 2 ,..., P n - 1 , 0) the volume of the simplex with vertices PI'. . ., P n - l' 0 (0 being a fixed point taken as origin). Then from (12.22) it follows easily that dP 1 (E n ) A dP 2 (E n ) A...A dP n - 1 (E n ) = (n - 1)!T(P 1 ,..., P n - 1 , 0) dP 1 (L n - 1 ) A...A dP n - t (L n - 1 ) A dU n -l (12.61) where Ln-l is the (n - I)-plane spanned by PI' P 2 ,..., P n - 1 , 0 and dU n -l = dLn - 1 denotes the area element of the (n - 1 )-unit sphere Un _ 1 at the end point of the unit normal vector to L n - 1 . IfKi(i = 1,2,.. .,n - 1) are convex bodies in En(n  3)andKlL n - 1 ) = K i * denotes the cross sections K i n Ln-t' by integrating (12.61) over all points PiE K i we get V t V 2 ... V n - t = (n  1)! J (J.., J T(Pt,.. " P n - t , 0) U n -l Kl* K . n-l 'dP t(L n - t ) A ' , 'A dPn-t(L n - t ») dU n - t (12.62) where Vi is the volume of K i and the factor ! arises after observing that by integration over U n - 1 every K i (L n - 1 ) is counted twice. If we replace the sets Kn-h+ 1" . ., Kn-l by the unit ball Sn with center 0, after some computation (12.62) yields expressions for VI V 2 . · · V n - h in terms of the volume T(P 1'. . ., P n - h , 0). For instance, for h = n - 1, (12.62) yields the well-known formula V t =  J r"du n - t U n -l (12.63) where r is the distance from 0 to the point of oK I in the direction Un-I' The computations can be seen in Busemann's article [75]. If V i * = VlL n - 1 ) 
210 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.7. denote the (n - I)-dimensional volume of the cross section K i *, Busemann has also proved the inequality 1 n-2 J . . . "n * *... * n/(n - I) VI V 2 V n - l  - n (VI V 2 V n - l ) dU n - t (12.64) n "n-l U n -l where "i denotes the volume of the i-dimensional unit ball (1.22), and the equality sign holds only when K i are homothetic ellipsoids with center o. In particular, for a convex body K, assuming n  3, we have 1 n-2 J V n - 1  _ "nn - (v*)ndu n _ t n "n - I U n -l ( 12.65) with equality, if V > 0, only for ellipsoids with center O. For a reinterpretation of these results and other relations of the same type, see that of Petty [473]. 4. Mean density in En. Let 4>(P) be a function with which a finite mass is distributed throughout Em that is, a real-valued, nonnegative, measurable function on En that is bounded over any bounded subset of En (n  2). The mean density £5(4)) of 4> is defined (provided the limit exists) as b(ljJ) = i ( J ljJ(P) dP) "n -l(R) SR where "n(R) means the volume of the n-ball SR of radius R. Let H = Ln-l be a hyperplane through 0 and let 4>H be the restriction of 4> to H. If the mean density £5(4)H) exists for every H through 0, then £5(4))  inf £5(4)H) and if, in addition, £5(4)) is bounded, then £5(4))  sUP.£5(4)H)' where inf and sup refer to the set of hyperplanes through o. The result is due to Groemer [241]. Analyze the situation when instead of hyperplanes we consider the set of all r-planes through 0 (r = 1, 2,. . ., n - 2). 5. Densities for planes and lines in E3. We wish to describe different forms of the densities for planes and lines in E 3 , which are easily obtained from the general expressions (12.18) and (12.38) by the rule for change of variables in a differential form. For simplicity we shall represent the planes by E and the lines by G, instead of the general notations L 2 and Lt used earlier. According to (12.40), the density for planes is dE = dp A dU2, where p is the distance from the origin to E and dU2 = sin 0 d4> A dO is the area element of the unit sphere U 2 at the end point of the unit vector perpendicular to E (0, 4> are the polar coordinates on U 2). (i) IfEisgiven by the equation ax + {3y + yz = 1, we have a = p-l cos4> sinO, {3 = p-l sin 4> sin 0, y = p-l cos 0, and da A df3 A dy = p-4 sin 0 dp A d4> A dO, so that the density for planes becomes dE = da A d{3 A dy (a 2 + f32 + y2)2 . ( 12.66) 
11.12.7. Notes 211 (ii) If a, b, c are the abscissas of the intersection points of E with the coordinate axis of a rectangular system, we have a = l/rx, b = 1 I {3, c = 11"1 and thus a 2 b 2 c 2 da A db A dc dE = (b 2 c 2 + a 2 c 2 + a 2 b 2 )2. (iii) Let Eo be a fixed plane in E3. A plane E can be determined by the line G = E n Eo and the angle t/1 between E and Eo. Then ( 12.67) dE = sin 2 t/1 dG(E o ) A dtjJ ( 12.68) where dG(Eo) denotes the density for lines in Eo. This formula has been applied to obtain the angular distribution of planes in space from observations of the angular distribution of their traces on one or more section planes (see [435]). According to (12.39), the density for lines G is dG = dO'2 A dU2, where dO' 2 is the area element on a plane perpendicular to G at the intersection point and dU 2 is the area element on V 2 at the end point of the unit vector parallel to G. (i) If G is determined by its direction and its intersection point (x, y) with a fixed plane, denoting by "I the angle between G and the direction perpendicular to the fixed plane, we have dG = Icos "II dx A dy A du 2 . ( 12.69) (ii) If VI' V 2 , V3 are the direction cosines of G, we havedu 2 = (dv 1 A dV2)/v3 and V3 = COS "I, so that (12.69) can be written dG = dV I A dV 2 A dx A dYe (12.70) (iii) If G is defined by the equations x = az + m, y = bz + q with respect to a rectangular coordinate system, the direction cosines are V I = a(1 + a 2 + b 2 )-1/2, V2 = b(1 + a 2 + b 2 )-1/2, V 3 = c(1 + a 2 + b 2 )-1/2, and using that the coordinates of the intersection point of G with the (x, y)- plane are x = m, y = q, we find that (12.70) becomes dG = (1 + a 2 + b 2 )-2 da A db A dm A dq. (12.71) Two parameter families of lines (called congruences of lines) have two invariant densities. The first is the area element of the spherical image of the lines. The second density is more important; it can be written dG* = - sin rxl dx A drx l - sin rx 2 dy A drx2 (12.72) where rx I' rx 2 , rx 3 are the angles of G with the coordinate axis of a rectangular coordinate system (x, y, z) and x, yare the coordinates of the intersection point of G with the (x, y)-plane. This density was introduced by E. Cartan [85J. See also the work of Vidal Abascal [695] and Pohl [481]. Sulanke [663] has studied in detail the integral geometry of such congruences of lines in E 3. For the generalization to Em see the work of Stanilov and Sulanke [623]. Relations between the densities of lines and planes in E3 were given by Blaschke [51'] and Varga [685]. For applications to mineralogy, see [54-56]. 
212 The Group of Motions in En 11.12.7. 6. Distribution of distances in an n-ball. The probability distribution of the distance r between two points P, Q taken at random inside an n-dimen- sional ball of radius R has been considered by Deltheil [143], Hammersley [288], Lord [369], and Miles [420]; see also [335]. If fn(x) dx denotes the probability that the distance r will assume a value in the interval x, x + dx and we put r = 2RA, we prove that fn(A) = 2 n nA n - l / t _;'2[(n + 1)/2, I] (12.73) where / x(p, q) is the complete beta function, defined by x 1 ( ) - F( p + q) r P - I ( 1 _ ) 4 - 1 d x p, q - T(p)r(q) J t t t. o For n = 1, 2, 3 we get fleA) = 2(1 - ),,), f2(A) = 16A7r- I [arc cos A - A(1 - A2)1/2], f3(A) = 12A2(1 - A)2(2 + A), which correspond to the cases of a segment, a disk, and a three-dimensional ball, respectively. From (12.73) we can obtain the kth moments of r, ( n ) 2 r(n + k + 1)r(n/2) k Ilk(n) = n + k r(n + t + k/2)r«n + k)/2) R · ( 12.74) In particular, the first moment or mean value of the distance PQ in an n-dimensional ball of radius R becomes ( n ) 2 F(n + 2)F(n/2) J11(n) = n + 1 r(n + 3/2)r«n + 1)/2) R. When n becomes large it can be shown that the distribution tends to the normal distribution with mean J2 R and variance (2n) - t R 2 . I t follows that for n large, the distance is almost always nearly equal to J2 R, the distance between the extremities of two orthogonal radii. A more general result has been given by Miles [420]. Let Pl,P 2 ,...,Pi be independent random points in the interior of the unit n-ball and let Ql'. . ., Qj be independent random points on its bounding (n - I)-sphere. Consider the case in which 2  i + j  n + 1; in it, the convex hull of the i + j points is almost surely an r-simplex (r = i + j - 1) having the points as vertices. Then, the r-dimensional volume T of this random r-simplex has moments 1 \ . E( Tk ) = .. T k d P A... A d p. A d Q A... A d Q . I O J 1 I 1 J Kn n - 1 . ( 1 ) k ( n ) i r[!( r + 1)( n + k) - j + i] = r! n + k r[!(rn + n + rk) - j + 1] 
11.12.7. Notes 213 { r(n/2) } r r-l r[(n - r + k + 11)/2] . r[(n + k)f2] JI r[(n - r + h)f2] (12.75) where dP 1'. . . , dP i denote the volume elements in En and dQ 1'. . . , dQj the volume elements on the unit (n - 1 )-sphere; Kn and 0n-l are given by (1.22). 7. Random clusters. Consider points scattered at random in E3 in such a way that the probability of a volume V containing exactly s points is Ps(J.., V) = e- AY(J.. V)s/s! (Poisson process of intensity J..). Two points are said to be connected if they lie within a distance 2R of each other. A cluster of size n is a set of n points, each of which is connected to at least one other point in the set but none of which are connected to points not contained in the set. Although the distribution of the number of points in a cluster and the expected cluster size depend on the two parameters J.. and R, dimensional analysis suggests that they are functions of the one composite parameter t = J..R 3 . Let Pn(t) be the probability distribution of cluster sizes and E(t) the expected cluster size. Roberts and Storey [515] consider the problem of finding the critical value t = t c at which E( t) becomes infinite and that for values of t > t c infinite clusters occur. They gave the lower bound t c  0.0434 and the Monte Carlo estimate t c = 0.0889. Holcomb, Iwasawa, and Roberts [310] estimate t c to be 0.070 and Domb [149], by series expansions, suggests the value t c = 0.081. Tate [668] has also considered clusters of random points in E3. Let B be the boundary of a right-circular cylinder of length T and cross-sectional area A in such units that T  1 and A  1. Let Z, Z' be unit cylinders, right- ircular cylinders of unit length and unit cross-sectional area, with axes parallel to the axis of B. Let t/I n(A, A, T) be the probability that no unit cylinder contains n or more points. A set of k points falling within a unit cylinder is called an aggregate of degree k or k-aggregate. Then, the prob- ability for no aggregates of degree n or higher can be written 00 (J.. V)S t/ln(J.., A, T) = L e- AV , fn(s, A, T) s= 0 s. where V = AT and fn(s, A, T) is the probability for no aggregate of degree n or higher when B contains exactly s randomly placed points. Analytical expressions for fn(s, A, T) can be obtained easily only if A = 1, n = 2, namely, f2(S, 1, T) = (1 - (s - l)/T)s. In general, fn(s, 1, T) is a polynome of degree s in T- 1 . For n > 2 the analytical calculation of t/ln(J.., A, T) is impracticable and Tate [668] reported some results based on Monte Carlo method. 
PART III Integral Geometry . In En CHAPTER 13 Convex Sets in En 1. Convex Sets and Quermassintegrale A set of En is called convex if and only if it contains, with each pair of its points, the entire line segment joining them. We shall restrict our attention throughout to convex sets that are bounded and closed. A convex set with non empty interior is called a convex body. The boundary oK of a convex body is called a convex surf.ace. We can prove the following properties: (a) A convex surface is almost everywhere differentiable; that is, it has almost everywhere a tangent plane [74, p. 13]. (b) Any convex surface can be approximated by a sequence of analytic convex surfaces and by a sequence of convex polyhedral surfaces [63, p. 36; 195]. A support hyperplane of a convex set K (or a support hyperplane of the convex surface oK) is a hyperplane that contains points of K but does not separate any two points of K. If K has interior points, then the support hyperplanes may be defined as those hyperplanes which contain points of oK but no interior points of K. Through each boundary point of a convex set there passes at least one support hyperplane. If a boundary point admits only one support hyperplane, it is called a regular point. Let K be a convex set and let 0 be a fixed point in En. Consider all the (n - r)-plan es Ln-r[o] through 0 and let K-r be the orthogonal projection ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santal6, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 215 
216 Convex Sets in En 111.13.1. of K into Ln-r[o]. That is, K-r denotes the convex set of all intersection points of Ln-r[O] with the r-planes perpendicular to Ln-r[O] through each point of K. We want to define the mean value of the volume V(K_r) of these projected sets. Equation (12.27) gives the densities dLn-r[O] for (n - r)-planes about a fixed point 0, that is, the invariant volume element of the Grassmann manifold Gn-r,r. Then the mean value of the projected volumes V(K_r) is E(V(K_r» = IlK) = Or-I" '0 1 0 0 Ir(K) m(Gn-r,r) On-I. · · On-r where m(Gn-r,r) denotes the volume of the Grassmann manifold Gn-r,r given by (12.35) and Ir(K) = J V(K_r) dLn-r[O] = J V(K_r) dLr[o] (13.2) Gn-r,r Gr,n-r (13.1 ) is an important characteristic of the convex set K, which we proceed to investigate. Equation (13.2) defines Ir(K) for r = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1. For completeness we define Io(K) = V(K) = volume of K. (13.3) Formula (12.53) for r = n - 1 and i + 1 = r becomes dL:[o A dL n *-I[O] = dL n - 1 [r] A dLr[O] (13.4) and the same formula (12.53) for n  n - 1, i + 1  r - 1 becomes dL r dL *n-l dL n-l dL n-l r- 1[0] A r[O] = r[r-l] A r-l[O)" ( 13.5) Multiplying both sides of (13.4) by dL-I[O] and taking (13.5) into account, we have (up to the sign and noting that an oriented plane is equivalent to two unoriented planes) dL n - 1 [0] A dL:= :[0] A dL:[ 1] = dLr[O] A dL-l[O] A dL n - 1 [r]. (13.6) Let us multiply by V(K-r) and perform the integration over all pairs Lr[o], L-I[O]. Since K-r is also the orthogonal projection onto Ln-r[O] of the convex set K-I' orthogonal projection of K onto L n - 1 [0], and dL n - 1 [0] = dU n - 1 is the area element of the unit sphere Un-I' on the left-hand side we get !On-r-l J I;-I(K-I) dUn-I' where we have applied that the measure of all L:[ 1] is lOn-r-l (12.36) and I;-I(K-I) refers to K-1 as a convex set of L n - 1 [0]. On the right-hand side we get Ir(K) times the measure of all L-I[O] (which is equal to lOr-I) and the measure of all L n - 1 [r] (which is equal to !On-r-l). Therefore, we have the recursion formula 
111.13.2. Cauchy's Formula 217 IlK) = 0 2 J I;-t(K-t) dUn-to r-t !U n -l ( 13.7) Note that the unit hemisphere lUn is precisely G t ,n-t, that is, the manifold of all unoriented lines through the origin o. Instead of the integrals Ir(K), which are related by (13.2) to the expected values of the projected volumes V(K-r)' it is usual to introduce the so-called quermass integ ra Ie, or mean cross-sectional measures, introduced by Minkowski and defined by W,(K) = (n - r)On-1 E( V(K_,)) = (n - r)O'-l · · . 0 0 IlK). nOn-r-t nOn- 2 . . . On-r- t (13.8) Then (13.7) becomes W,(K)= 2(-1) J W;-l(K-l)dun-l' n n-2 !U n -l (13.9) which is known as Kubota's formula ([348]; see also the work of Bonnesen and Fenchel [63, p. 49], and of Hadwiger [274, p. 209]). For completeness, we put Wo(K) = Io(K) = V(K), Wn(K) = On-tIn, (13.10) where the last formula comes from (13.9) if we assume that W n is a constant that depends only on n. It is worth observing that from (13.8) it follows that the mean breadth of K is E(V(K 1 '» = (2nIO n - t )W n - t (K). (13.11) It is easy to show that the quermassintegrale are continuous functionals over the space of convex sets ([274, p. 211]; see also [243]). For the generaliza- tion of the quermassintegrale to any measurable set, see [460, 461]. 2. Cauchy's Formula Suppose first that K is a convex polyhedral region. Let fi be the area of a face of oK and let f/ be the area of its orthogonal projection onto L n - 1 [o]. Then we have f/ = Icos (Jilfi' where (Ji is the angle between the direction U n - t normal to L n - 1 [o] and the outer normal to oK. Since the sum of all projections is twice the area V(K-l) of the projection of K, we have 
218 Convex Sets in En 111.13.2. m 2 V(K_l) = L Icos Oilfi (13.12) 1 where m is the number of faces of oK. Multiplying by dU n - 1 and integrating over the unit hemisphere we get 2 J V(K-l)dun-l = :21 F !U n -l (13.13) where F denotes the (n - I)-dimensional surface area of oK and we have applied that J Icos Oil dUn-lOVer lU n - 1 is equal to the projection of !U n - 1 onto a diametral hyperplane, that is, the volume of the (n - I)-dimensional unit ball "n-l = On- 2/(n - 1). Equation (13.13) can be written F= 2n21) J V(K-l)dun-l=nWl' !Un-t (13.14) which is the so-called Cauchy formula for convex polyhedrons. Since any convex set can be expressed as the limit of a sequence of convex polyhedral regions, it follows that the formula also holds for arbitrary convex sets [93, 63, 274]. For a generalization to subsets of the unit n-sphere, see [188]. The case in which n = 3. For n = 3, if Fu denotes the area of the orthogonal projection of K on a plane perpendicular to the direction U 2' Cauchy's formula can be written F =  J Fu dU 2 U2 (13.15) where F is the surface area of oK. The expected value of Fu is E(Fu) = F14. (13.16) This provides a practical method for measuring the surface area of small convex bodies. If E 12 and E 20 denote the means of the projections of K on the faces of a dodecahedron and an icosahedron, respectively, then Moran [424] has shown that 0.2294  E 12 1F  0.2696 and 0.2390  E 20 lF  0.2618. A similar result can be proven for curves. If r is a curve of length L, the expected value of the length of the projections on a plane is E(Lu) = (nI4)L and the mean values of the projections on the faces of a dodecahedron or icosahedron give approximate values of L. If these mean values are L 12 and L 20 , we have 0.229  L12/nL  0.269 and 0.244  L 20 lnL  0.252. The probability density function f(Fu) (Le., the function such that the probability that F u lies in the interval from a to b is given by integrating 
111.13.2. Cauchy's Formula 219 f(F u) between these limits) has, in general, an involved expression depending on the shape of K. In some particular cases, however, it can be computed. Let, for instance, K be a right-circular cylinder of height h and radius r. The area of the orthogonal projection onto a plane normal to the direction   ,     , , , , , ,  h ----- , ...,     ,   , , , ,  Figure 13.1. that makes an angle (J with the axis of the cylinder is (Fig. 13.1) F8 = nr 2 cos (J + 2rh sin (J. ( 13.1 7) The maximum area corresponds to (J = arc tan(2h/nr) and has the value F M = n 2 r 4 + 4h 2 r 2 . The resulting distribution function is f(F =  [ 2rhFu + nr 2 ] u) FM 2 (FM 2 - F /)1/2 - for min(nr 2 , 2rh) < Fu < max(nr 2 , 2rh), and F ) _ 1 4rhFu f( u - FM 2 (FM 2 _ F/)3/2 for max(nr 2 , 2rh) < Fu < F M . (13.18) (13.19) 
220 Convex Sets in En 111.13.3. The positive sign in (13.18) is used when nr 2 > 2rh and the negative sign when nr 2 < 2rh. Assuming, for instance, nr 2 < 2rh, we have FM j f(F")dF,, = 1, nr 2 FM r nr 2 nrh E(F,,) = J F.J(F,,) dF" = 2 + 2' (13.20) nr 2 which is in accord with the result above. The second moment is FM r 4rh n 2 r 4 J F,,2f(F,,) dF" = T(2rh + 1[r 2 ) + 3 ' nr 2 (13.21) These formulas, as well as those for rectangular parallelepipeds, are due to A. G. Walters [707]. 3. Parallel Convex Sets; Steiner's Formula The parallel body Kp in the distance p of a convex set K is the union of all solid spheres of radius p the centers of which are points of K. The boundary oK p is called the parallel surface of oK in the distance p. We want to prove the following expression for the volume of Kp V(K p ) =  G) W;(K)pi, ( 13.22) which is valid for any p  0 and is called Steiner's formula for parallel convex sets. We proceed by induction. For n = 1, (13.22) becomes V(K p ) = V(K) + 2p; this is true because K is a line segment of length V(K) and Kp is a line segment of length V(K) + 2p. Assume that (13.22) holds for convex sets of En-t. Applying it to the convex set K', which is the orthogonal projection of K onto L n - 1 , we have n - 1 ( n - 1 ) V'(Kp') =  i W/(K')pi. ( 13.23) Multiplying both sides of this equality by dUn-I' the area element of the unit sphere Un - 1 at the end point of the unit vector perpendicular to Ln - t, and integrating over the whole Un-t, using the formulas of Kubota and Cauchy, we get n-l ( n - 1 ) F(K p ) = t n i W i + l(K)pi, ( 13.24) 
111.13.4. Integral Formulas Relating to the Projections of a Convex Set 221 On the other hand, we have p V(K p ) = V(K) + J F(K p ) dp o and thus n-l ( n ) V(K p ) = V(K) +  i + 1 W i + 1 (K)pi+1, By virtue of (13.10) we can put Wo(K) = V(K) and then the change of indices i + 1 --+ i gives the desired formula. A more general formula can be obtained by simply writing that the parallel body Kp+ coincides with the parallel body (Kp) of Kp in the distance a. Indeed, we have  (;) W;{Kp)Cl i = t (:) Wh(K)(p + Clt ( 13.25) or f (  ) Wi(Kp)Cli = f (h n ) Wh(K)..i (  ) ph-iai. o I h=O .=0 I (13.26) Since this equality holds for any a  0, we can identify the coefficients of a i (i = 0,1,..., n) and we get, after substituting h - i --+ j, n - i ( n - i ) W;(K p ) = L . W i + j(K)pj, j=O ) (13.27) which holds for i = 0, 1,. . ., n. 4. Integral Formulas Relating to the Projections of a Convex Set on Linear Subspaces Let K be a convex set and let K-r be its orthogonal projection onto the (n - r)-plane Ln-r[O] that passes through the origin o. Formula (13.8) gives the mean volume of K-r in terms of Wr(K). We want to find the mean value of the invariants W/(K-r). To this end we apply (13.8) to the body Kp. We have ( ) (n - r)O r - 1 . · · 0 0 J V( ' ) d W r K p = 0 . . . 0 K p n - r Lr[o]. n n-2 n-r-l G,.,n -,. (13.28) 
222 Convex Sets in En 111.13.5. According to (13.27) we have n - r ( n - r ) Wr(K p ) = L . Wr+j(K)pj j=O J ( 13.29) and, applying Steiner's formula to (Kp')n-r and using that (Kp')n-r = (K-r)p, we get n - r ( n - r ) V(Kp')n-r = L . W/(K-r)pj. j=O J (13.30) Putting (13.30) and (13.29) into (13.28) and equating the coefficients of pj, we have J W ' (K ' )dL nOn-2...0n-r-l W (K) j n-r r[O] = (n - r)Or-l.. .0 0 r+j , G rt " - r (13.31) which holds for 0  j  n - r  n - 1. Consider the cases in whichj = 0, 1. If j = 0, then W o ' = V(K-r) is the volume of the projection K-r and (13.31) coincides with (13.8); that is, J V(K' )dL = nOn-2...0n-r-l W(K) n - r r[ 0] (n - r) ° r _ 1 . . . ° 0 r . G r t" - r ( 13.32) For j = 1, according to (13.9) and (13.14) we have Wl'(K-r) = F(K_r)/(n - r), where F(K-r) denotes the area of oK-r. Then (13.31) becomes J F(K ' )dL °n-2...0n-r-t W (K) n - r r[ 0] = ° . . . O n r + 1 . r-l 0 G r t" - r (13.33) 5. Integrals of Mean Curvature If the boundary oK of a convex set K is a hypersurface of class C 2 , the quermassintegrale W r can be expressed by means of the integrals of mean curvature of oK. It is known that at each point of a hypersurface I there are n - 1 principal directions and n - 1 principal curvatures K l' K 2,. . ., Kn - 1. If da denotes the area element of I, then the rth integral of mean curvature Mr(I) is defined by M .( E) = (n  I r 1 J {" iI' "i 2'. . ., /(;) d a I ( 13.34) where {K i1 , Kiz'. . ., Ki r } denotes the rth elementary symmetric function of the 
111.13.5. Integrals of Mean Curvature 223 principal curvatures. The product K 1 K2. · · K n - 1 is called the Gauss-Kronecker curvature and is related to the area element dUn _ 1 of the spherical image of I by the equation K 1 K2. · . K n - 1 du = dUn-I. (13.35) Recall that the spherical image of I is the mapping I --+ Un-I' which maps a point P of I to the end point of the unit vector through the origin 0 parallel to the normal vector to I at P. If R i = 11Ki (i = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1) are the principal radii of curvature, then (13.34) can be written M.(I) = e  1 r 1 J {R;., R i2 ,. .., Ri n - r _.} dU n - 1 Un-t (13.36) where the integration is over the unit sphere Un - 1. If I is a compact, orientable hypersurface of class C 2 and n - 1 is even, then M n - 1 (I) is equal to the total volume of the spherical image of I and is a topological invariant of I that is related to the Euler-Poincare char- acteristic x( I) by M n - 1 (I) = !On-IX(I) (n - 1 even). (13.37) If I is the boundary of a domain D, for every n we have M n - 1 (oD) = On-lX(D). (13.38) For instance, if D is a topological ball, in particular if D is a convex body, it is known that X(D) = 1 and we have Mn-l(oD) = On-I. (13.39) Finally, recall that if a compact differentiable manifold Im of dimension m has a finite simplicial decomposition and lJ,i denotes the number of simplexes of dimension i, then X(Im) = lJ,o - lJ,1 + lJ,2 - . . · + (- 1)mlJ,m. (13.40) Applying this formula to a simplex of dimension n, we easily get that for any topological ball D in En we have X(D) = 1, X(oD) = 1 - (- 1)n. (13.41) For an axiomatic definition of the Euler-Poincare characteristic see the work of Hadwiger [272, 274], Groemer [243], and Lenz [363]. 
224 Convex Sets in En 111.13.6. 6. Integrals of Mean Curvature and Quermassintegrale Let K be a convex set and assume that oK is a hypersurface of class C 2 . If R i are the principal radii of curvature of oK, then the principal radii of curvature of oK p are R i + p and the area element du p of oK p becomes (using (13.35» du p = (R 1 + p)(R 2 + p).. .(Rn-l + p) dUn-I. (13.42) Hence, the area of oK p is F(K p ) = j (R 1 + p)"'(Rn-l + p)du n - 1 U n -l n-I j n-l ( n - 1 ) = L {Rit'...' R in _ 1 _ r }pr dU n - 1 = L Mr(oK)pr. r=O r=O r (13.43) For the volume of Kp we have V(K p ) = V(K) + (F(K p ) dp = V(K) + nf pr+; ( n - 1 ) MloK). (13.44) J r=O r+ r o Comparison of this expression with Steiner's formula (13.22) gives Mr(oK) = nWr+I(K). (13.45) Note that W r + l(K) is well defined for any convex set, whereas the definition (13.34) of Mr(oK) makes sense only if oK is of class C 2 . However, we can define Mr(oK) by equality (13.45), as we shall do from now on, so that we willhaveawell-definedintegralofmeancurvatureMr(oK),r = 0,1,2,.. .,n -1, for any convex set K. Conversely, equality (13.45) can be used for computing W r + I (K). Indeed, the parallel convex body Kp has a smooth boundary oK p and Mr(oK p ) can often be computed directly from (13.34), in which case the limit of Mr(oK p ) as p -+ 0 yields nW r + 1 (K). We collect some values of Wr(K) for some particular convex sets of En. (a) Ball of radius R Wr(ball) = (On_l/n)Rn-r, r=0,1,...,n. (13.46) (b) Right parallelepiped of edges ai (i = 1,2,..., n) W.(right parallelepiped) = (:) {ait,..., ain-J ( 13.47) 
111.13.6. Integrals of Mean Curvature and Quermassintegrale 225 where {ail' ail'. . ., ai n - r } is the (n - r)th elementary symmetric function of the ai. For instance, for a cube of edge a we have W r ( cube) = (Or_t/r)an-r. (13.48) (c) Line segment of length s. For n  2 we have W; = 0 (i = 0, 1,. . . , n - 2), W °n-2 n - 1 - n( n _ 1) s, w= On-l . n n (13.49) For n = 1 we have W o = s, W t = 2. (13.50) (d) Convex cylinders. Let Ap, Bn-p be convex domains contained respec- tively in two orthogonal planes Lp, Ln- p of En. If X E Ap and y E Bn- p' the set of all points of the form x + y constitutes the convex set Ap x Bn- p' called the Minkowski sum of Ap and B,,_p. Then we have W;(A p x B n - p ) = °1-1 If v(i - v) ( P )(  - P ) Wy(P)(Ap)W':P)(Bn_p) i () v= 1 °.- 1 ° 1 -.- 1 V I - V +  [( n - P ) w: (p) ( A ) w.(n - P) ( B ) + ( P ) W.(P) ( A ) w: (n - p) ( B )] () i 0 P I n- P i I P 0 n- P (13.51) where Wy(p)(A p ) denotes the vth quermassintegral of Ap as a convex set of Lp and similarly Wp)(Bn-p) denotes the (i - v)th quermassintegral of Bn - p as a convex set of Ln _ p. In particular, if p = 1 and A 1 is a line segment of length hand Bn _ 1 is an (n - I)-dimensional ball of radius a, then (13.51) are the quermassintegrale of the cylinder of revolution of radius a and height h; that is, W;(cylinder) = °n-2 [ (i - 1)0 1 - 1 a n - I + (n - i)a n - I - 1 h ] (13.52) n(n - 1) 0;-2 for i  2 and W - °n-2 n-t h o - l a, n- W t = °n-2 (2a n - t + (n - 1)a n - 2 h). (13.53) n( n - 1) 
226 Convex Sets in En 111.13.6. (e) Ellipsoid of revolution. If K is an ellipsoid of revolution of semiaxis a and Aa (a = radius of the equator), we have W = (On_1/n)Ar+1a n - r F[(n + 1)/2, r/2, n/2; 1 - A2] (13.54) where F is the hypergeometric function. The preceding values are from Hadwiger's book [274, pp. 220-221]. (f) It is worth noting that using (13.45) and (13.27), we obtain, as the integrals of mean curvature of the parallel surface oK p to oK in the distance p, n- i-1 ( n - i-I ) MloK p ) = L . Mi+j(oK)pj, j=O J j = i = 0, 1,. . ., n - 1. (13.55) (g) The case in which n = 3. For convex bodies K in E 3 , the integrals of mean curvature are Mo = F (area of oK); M 1 = M (integral of mean curvature of oK); M 2 = 4n. Then, using (13.45), (13.11), and (13.33), we easily get M = 2 J Lu dU 2 =  J A dU 2 U2 U2 (13.56) where Lu denotes the perimeter of the orthogonal projection of K onto a plane perpendicular to the direction u 2 and L1 is the breadth of K in the direction u 2' that is, the distance between the two support planes of K that are perpendicular to U2 and that contain K between them. Thus we have the mean values E(Lu) = M/2, E(L1) = M/2rc. (13.57) It follows from the last equation that M is equal, up to the factor 2n, to the mean distance between parallel support planes and in technical books is also referred to as "the mean caliper diameter" [166]. The method of computing M(K) by first computing M(K p ) and then taking the limit as p -+ 0 easily yields the following results. (a) For a convex polyhedron the edges of which have lengths ai with corresponding dihedral angles (Xi' we have M = ! L (n - (Xi)a i (13.58) where the sum is extended over all edges of oK. (b) For a right cylinder of revolution of height h and radius r we have M = nh + n 2 r. (13.59) In particular, for a line segment of length h (r = 0) we have M = nh. 
111.13.7. Integrals of Mean Curvature of a Flattened Convex Body 227 (c) For a plane convex set, considered as a flattened convex body of £3' we have M = (n/2)L (13.60) where L is the perimeter of the convex set. The method of computing M for the parallel surface in the distance p and then taking the limit as p  0 can also be applied to the boundary of nonconvex sets. or instance, for a right cylinder Z of height h that has a I I , I I I I I I I I I _- --I- -..L. ,. i' I I , )" I I I' #I' I I I ,-  I ,.- '- " / I /, V  I I I '-.. - ' I t  I '- #I' Figure 13.2. cross section of perimeter L and total curvature c (in Fig. 13.2, c(Z) = - 2n), we have M(Z) = !(nL + ch). (13.61) 7. Integrals of Mean Curvature of a Flattened Convex Body Let K r be a convex body in the r-plane Lr c: En. The boundary aK r , as a set of Lr, is an (r - I)-dimensional manifold of Lr that we assume twic(; differentiable. Let Mq (r)(aK r ) (q = 0, 1,. . ., r - 1) be the mean curvature integrals of aK r as a convex surface of Lr. If we consider K r as a flattened convex body of En (n > r), the integrals of mean curvature Mq(n)(aK r ) can be evaluated by considering first the mean curvatures of the convex body 
228 Convex Sets in En 111.13.7. K/ parallel to K' in a distance 8 (as a convex set of En) and then taking the limit as 8 -+ O. We state without proof the following result, which is not difficult to obtain (see [574, 274]). (i) If q  n - r, then ( r-1 ) M (n) ( oK' ) = q - n + r Oq M(') ( oK' ) q ( n - 1 ) ' 0 q-n+" q-n+r q (ii) If q = n - r - 1, then q  n - r. (13.62) ( 1 ) - 1 Mn'_l(oK') = n - 1 0n-,-l V,(K') n-r- ( 13.63) where V,(K') denotes the r-dimensional volume of K'. (i ii) If q < n - r - 1, then Mq(n)(oK') = 0, q < n - r - 1. (13.64) From these mean curvature integrals we pass to the quermassintegrale by (13.45). Example 1. For the ordinary space E3 we have the following possibilities. (a) r = 1. K 1 reduces to a line segment of length s. The mean curvature integrals are M (3) - 0 o - , M t (3) = ns, M 2 (3) = 4n. (13.65) (b) r = 2. K 2 is a plane convex domain. Let u be its perimeter and 1 its area. We get M O (3) = 2/, M t (3) = (n/2)M 0 (2) = (n/2)u, M 2 (3) = 2M 1 (2) = 41t. (13.66) Example 2. For a ball of radius R and dimension r, considered as a convex body of Em we have ( r-1 ) M(n)= q-n+r Oq 0'-1 R n -q-l q (n q 1) Oq-n+r r ( 13.67) for q = n - r, n - r - 1,. . ., n - 1 and 
111.13.8. Notes 229 <n> 1 Mq = r(n q 1) °n-r-l0r-l For q < n - r - 1 we have Mq<n) = o. Example 3. For an r-dimensional cube of edges a, as a convex set of En' we have for q = n - r - 1. (13.68) ( r-1 ) M (n) = r q - n + r Oq q (n ; 1) q - n + r + 1 n-q-t a for q = n - r,. . . , n - 1, ( 13.69) and ( 1) -1 <n> n - r M n - r - 1 = r °n-r-l a . (13.70) Forq < n - r - 1 we have Mq<n) = o. Example 4. For a line segment of length s in En we have Mn 1 = On- l' M q <n> = 0 for q = 0, 1,. . ., n - 3, and M <n> _ °n-2 n-2 - I s. n- (13.71) 8. Notes 1. Volume, surface area, and integral of mean curvature for convex bodies of various shapes in E3. (a) For regular polyhedrons whose circum- sphere has the radius R, we have the following values volume V, surface area F, and mean curvature integral M, for the [270]. Tetrahedron V = (8J 3/ 27)R3, Cube F = (8J3/3)R2, M = 2J6 R arc cos( - 1/3). V = (8 3/ 9)R3, F = 8R 2 , M = 2J3 nR. Octahedron V = (4/3)R 3 , F = 4,,/3 R 2 , M = 6J 2 R arc cos(1/3). Dodeca hedrol1 V = (2/9)J 1S( J5 + 1)R 3 , F = (200 - 40J 5) 1/2R2, 
230 Convex Sets in En 111.13.8. M = 5J 3( JS- - l)R arc tan 2. 1 cosahedron v = (40 + 8J 5) 1/2R3f3, F = J 3( 10 - 2J5)R2, M = (450 - 90,,/ 5) 1/2 R arc sin(2f3). (b) For the rectangular parallelepiped whose concurrent edges have lengths at, a 2, a 3' we have v = a 1 a 2 a3, F = 2(a 1 a2 + a2 a 3 + a 1 a3)' M = n( a 1 + a 2 + a 3). (c) For the cone of revolution having height h and radius R we have v = (lf3)nR 2 h, F = nR 2 + nR(h 2 + R 2 )t / 2, M = n 2 R + nh - nR arc tan(hf R). (d) For the cylinder of height h and radius R, v = nR 2 h, F = 2nR(h + R), M = n(h + nR). (e) For the hemisphere of radius R, v = (2f3)nR 3 , F = 2nR 2 , M = 2nR( 1 + nf4). (f) For the ellipsoid of revolution with semiaxes a, a, Aa, we have, for o < A < I, V = (4f3)nAa 3 , F = 2n[1 + A 2 (1 - A 2 )-1/2I og {[1 + (I - A2)1/2]A-l}]a 2 , M = 2n[) + (1 - A2)-1/2arccosA]a, and for 1 < A < C/J v = (4f3)nAa 3 , F = 2n[1 + A2()w 2 - 1)-1 / 2 arc cos(lfA)]a 2 , M = 2n{A + (A 2 - 1)-t/2Iog[A + (A 2 - l)1/2]}a. (g) The values of some other geometric quantities relating to convex bodies in E3 and upper and lower estimates for them may be found in [490]. 2. Integral formulas for convex bodies in E3. Let K be a convex body in E3. Denote by G s the secant lines of K and by G e the lines that are exterior to K. Let du 1 , dU2 denote the area elements of oK at the intersection points Pt and P2 of G s with K. Let s denote the length of the chord G s n K, w the angle between the support planes of K through G e , and C(t, C(2 the angles between G s and the outer normals of oK at PI' P 2' respectively. Finally, let t t, t 2 denote the distances from PI' P 2 to G e and k t, k 2 the Gaussian curvature of oK at PI' P 2. Then the following relations hold. dG - cos at cos C(2 d d s- 2 UI A U2, S k 1 k 2 t 1 t 2 dG e = . 2 dUI A dU2' sIn w 
111.13.8. Notes dG = k 1 k 2 t 1 t 2 dG e COS (Xl COS (X2 sin 2 (JJ s' 231 dG = kk2S4 dG . e sln4 (JJ S From these expressions the following integral formulas can be proved, where the integrals are taken over all G e exterior to K and all G s that meet K: J sinm (JJ rCm/2) dG = 4n 5 / 2 , t 1 t 2 e rCCm + 1)/2) J C 2(JJ - sin2(JJ) (  +  ) dGe = 16nM, t 1 t 2 J sin2 (JJ dG = ( !!..- ) F2 k 1 k 2 t 1 t 2 e 2 ' J sin4 (JJ k 1 k 2 s 3 dGe = 2n V, J klk2S2 dG = 8n 2 cos (Xl COS (X2 s , J :: dGe = (  )F, J sin4 (JJ dG = 6 V 2 k 1 k 2 e , J S2 F 2 dG = - , COS (Xl COS (X2 s 2 J (k1 + k 2 )S2 dG = 4nF, cos (Xl COS (X2 s J ( 11 + 12 ) dG = 2n J I du, COS (Xl COS (X2 s oK J( 11 + 12 ) S3 dG = 3V J l dU, cos (X 1 COS (X2 s oK where 11,12 are the values of the function I, defined on oK, at PI' P2' See [395, 397, 546]. 3. An inequality 01 Ambarcumjan. Let G be a line that intersects the convex body K. Let s be the length of the chord G n K and let du 1 , dU2 denote the area elements of oK at the intersection points G n oK. Then Ambarcumjan [7] has proved the following inequality (for any integer n > 0) J sn dG  n(n: 2) J sn-2 dU 1 A dU2' G('\K0 oKxoK For n = 2 we get 1 2  F 2 /2n. 4. Support Ilats to convex bodies. Imagine a family of q-planes in En constructed in the following way: to each q-plane Lq tangent to the unit sphere Un-I' centered at the origin 0, we make correspond a translate Lq' in the Lq + 1 containing Lq and o. What conditions are necessary and sufficient for the family {Lq'} to be the full set of support q-planes to some convex body K? We sa that Lq' supports K if Lq' n K is a nonempty subset of oK. The cases in which q = 0, q = n - 1 are classical [63, p. 26]. Firey [194] 
232 Convex Sets in En 111.13.8. has given the answer as a set of conditions on the distance r of Lq' from o. Calling rj(n - q)I/2 = hq the q-support function of K, Firey has also given formulas for the quermassintegrale of K in terms of hq. 5. I soperimetric inequalities of Chakerian. (a) Let K be a convex body in En and let L1(u) be the breadth of K in the direction u. Let u 1 ,. . ., up (p  1) be fixed unit vectors that form a p-frame, not necessarily orthogonal, which we assume moving about the origin 0 with the kinematic density d9R[o] (12.7). Consider the average of the product of the breadths L1(u i ), J p = (20 1 . . . On - 1) -1 J L1(u 1 ). · . A(u p ) d9R[o]' where the integration is extended over all of the group 9JI[O] (Chapter 12, Section 1). Chakerian [98] has proved the following inequalities: (i) J p  2 P n W n _ p O;_11 (1  p  n); (ii) J p  ()2Pnlp_nO;_11 (p  n), where W n - p is the (n - p)th quermassintegral of K and Ih is defined by JK r h dP, where r is the distance from the point P E K to oK. For p > 1, equality holds in (i) and (ii) if and only if K is an n-dimen- sional sphere. (b) Let K be a convex body in En' with volume V, surface area F, and ith quermassintegral Wi- Let Ku be the projection of K onto a hyperplane Ln-l perpendicular to the direction u. Let (J u be the (n - I)-dimensional volume of Ku and let Au be one half the mean breadth of Ku relative to Ln - 1. Chakerian [99] has established the inequalities 2W n - 1  Wn_2Au-1 + n-tOnAu, [ ] -I/(n-l) [ ] F ;?; (n - 1) (n - 1)O'u V + (n - 1)On O'u. 0n-l nOn-l Additional inequalities can be derived by integration over the unit sphere. For n = 2 the inequalities are due to D. C. Benson [26]. 
CHAPTER 14 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 1. Sets of r-Planes That Intersect a Convex Set Let K be a convex set in En. We want to find the measure of all r-planes Lr that intersect K. Using expression (12.38) for dLr and taking (13.2) into account, we see that this measure is equal to Ir(K) or, in terms of the quermass- integrate (13.8), m(L r ; Lr n K ¥= e) = J dLr = nOn- 2 0 n- 3' · · °n-r-l W,(K). (n - r)Or- 1 · . .0 1 0 0 L,.f"IK *- e (14.1 ) Thus we can state The measure of all r-planes that intersect a convex set in En is given by (14.1) for r = 1,2,..., n - 1. For r = 0, the measure of points of K is equal to the volume V(K). Using relation (13.45) we can also write m(Lr; Lr (") K # 0) = (On-\'On-r- M r - 1 (oK). n-r r-l... 0 ( 14.2) If K is a convex body contained in an Lq, then in (14.1) and (14.2) the terms W r and M r - 1 must be replaced by the values given in Section 7 of Chapter 13. For n = 3, we have the cases in which m(L 1 ; L 1 n K ¥= e) = (nj2)F, m(L 2 ; L 2 n K ¥= e) = M l' which are the measures of lines and planes that meet a convex set in E3' For a direct proof see [586, 335, 144]. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 233 
234 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.1. Next we want to compute the integrals of the quermassintegrale W/r)(K n Lr) over all Lr that intersect K. To this end we shall use formula (12.52), that is, dL11 A dLr * = dLr[i+ 1] A dL i + l' i + 1  r. (14.3) Consider the integral I = j dLnl A dL,*. (r) L i + 1 r.K=#=e (14.4) Keeping Lr fixed and integrating dL11' we get, using (14.1), I = rOr-2.. .Or-i-2 j W (r) (K L ) dL * ( 0 i+ 1 n r r. r - i-I) i... 0 1 0 0 L,.r.K =#= e ( 14.5) On the other hand, by (14.3) and (12.36) we have 1 = dL j dL - 20n-i-2...0n-r i + 1 r[ i + 1] - 0 . . . 0 r-i-2 0 L i + 1 r. K =#= e To ta 1 L i + 1 r. K =#= e j j dL i + 1 (14.6) where the factor 2 arises from the fact that Lr is assumed oriented. Thus, by (14.1) and (14.5), assuming Lr unoriented, we have j . Wr) ( K L ) dL = (r - i - l)On- i-2 0 n-2. . .On-r n w. ( K ) 1 + 1 n r r ( . 1 )0 0 0 0 1 + 1 , n - 1- r-i-2 r-2... 1 or L,.r.K =#= e (14.7) or, according to the identity 2nO i - 2 = (i - 1)0 i, ( 14.8) we can write j W r) (K L)dL = °n-2.. .0n-rOn-i  W . (K) 1+1 n r r 0 .. . 0 0 1+1. r-2 0 r-i r L,.r.K =#= e (14.9) Note that for i = r - 1, according to (13.10) we have W/ r ) = 0r-l!r and (14.9) coincides with (14.1). In terms of the integrals of mean curvature, taking (13.45) into account, we can write (14.9) in the form r M t)(iJ(K n Lr}} dLr = 0,,- 2' . · O,,-r 0,,- i M liJK}. (14.10) J 0r-2... 0 0 0r-i L,.r.K =#=.e 
111.14.2. Geometric Probabilities 235 The formulas in this section were given by Santal6 [565, 572] and Hadwiger [274]. 2. Geometric Probabilities The preceding formulas give the solution of the following typical problems in geometrical probability. 1. Let Ko, K 1 be convex sets in En such that K 1 c Ko. The probability that a randomly chosen r-plane Lr (r = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1) that meets Ko also meets K 1 is (L K 01 ) _ W r (K 1 ) _ M r - 1 (oK 1 ) P n 1 #u - - . r Wr(Ko) M r - 1 (oK O ) (14. 11 ) The result is an immediate consequence of (14.1) and (14.2). 2. Let K be a convex set in En. Assume that p + q  n, and let Lp and Lq be two independent random subspaces both intersecting K. Find the prob- ability that Lp n Lq intersects K. Solution. We need the value of the integral m(L p , Lq; Lp n Lq n K # e) = J dL p A dLq. (14.12) LpnLqnK *-.e Fixing Lq and integrating over all Lp that meet Lq n K, we have °n-2.' 'On-p-l J m = (n - P)Op-l . . .0 0 LqnK*e M p - 1 (L q n oK)dL q . (14.13) In order to compute the last integral we distinguish two cases: (i) p + q  n + 1. According to (13.62) we have ( q-l ) Mp-t= P+(-)-l o°P-t n - p+q-n-l p-l M (q) p+q-n-l (14.14) and by (14.10) J Lqn K *- e (q) _ °n-2...0n-q02n-p-q+l Mp+q_n_l(LqnoK)dLq- ° ...0 ° M p + q - n - 1 (oK). q-2 0 n-p+l (14.15) 
236 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.2. Substituting (14.14) and (14.15) in (14.13), we get the measure of all pairs Lp, Lq such that Lp n Lq n K # e. The measure of all pairs Lp, Lq that intersect K is equal to the product of measures m(L p ; Lp n K # e) and m(L q ; Lq n K # e) given by (14.2). By division we get the desired probability p(L p n Lq n K # e when p + q > n) 2(p - l)!(q - 1)!Op-tOq-l02n-p-q+l M p + q - n - 1 (iJK) - (p + q - n - 1)!( n - 1) ! On - p + 1 On - q + 1 ° p + q - n - 1 M p - 1 (iJ K)M q - 1 (iJ K) (14.16) (ii) p + q = n. In this case, (13.63) gives ( 1 ) -1 M p-t = ; = 1 On-q-t(1q(Lq n K) ( 14. 17) where uq(Lq n K) indicates the q-dimensional volume of Lq n K. Moreover, using expression (12.38) for dLq and since the integral of uq(Lq n K) dU n - q over the projection K_q of K onto Ln-q[o] is the volume V(K) of K, we have J j . On-I.. .On-q uq(L q n K) dLq = V(K) dLn-q[o] = 0 . . .0 V(K). q-l 0 Lq()K*e G n - q . q (14.18) Therefore in this case we have m(L p , Lq; Lp n Lq n K =1= e) 0n-2... 0 n-p-l °n-q-l 0 n-l... 0 n-q V(K) (n - p)O p _ 1 . . . ° 0 ( n - l ) ° q - 1 . . . ° 0 p-t (14.19) and the desired probability becomes (L K 01 h p!q!On-lV(K) p p n Lq n ¥' u w en p + q = n) = (n _ 1)!M p _ t (oK)M q _ t (oK) ' ( 14.20) Examples. (a) For p = 1, q = n - 1, we have 0n-l V(K) p= F(iJK)M n _ 2 (iJK) (14.21) where F(oK) denotes !he surface area of oK. (b) If K is a ball, (14.21) gives p = Iln and we can state that the probability of a hyperplane and a line that intersect a ball having an intersection inside the ball is l/n. 
111.14.3. Crofton's Formulas in En 237 3. The method above gives the solution of the following general problem: Given h randomly chosen subspaces L ri (i = 1, 2,. . . , h), such that r 1 + r 2 + . . . + r h  (h - 1)n, that intersect a convex set K, find the probability that L r1 n L r2 n. . . n Lrh n K ¥= e. The general formula is involved, but the method above easily gives the solution for each particular case. For instance, the probability that three planes in E3 intersecting K have their common point inside K is n 4 VI M 3 . 3. Crofton's Formulas in En We want to extend to En two classical formulas of Crofton that were given for E 2 in Chapter 4. Chord formula. Let PI' P 2 be two points in En and let G be the line deter- mined by them. Let t l' t 2 be the abscissas of PI' P 2 on G. If dUn _ 1 denotes the volume element on the hyperplane perpendicular to G at PI' the volume element of En at PI can be written dP 1 = dUn - 1 A dt l' On the other hand, the volume element at P 2 can be written dP 2 = t n - 1 dU n - 1 A dt 2 where t = / t 2 - t 1/ and dUn - 1 denotes the solid angle element corresponding to the direction of G. Thus we again have formula (12.23), d PIA d P 2 = t n - 1 d GAd t 1 A d t 2. ( 14.22) Integrating over all pairs of points PI' P 2 inside the convex body K and using the relation a a f f I I n-l d d 2 n+ 1 J J t 1 - t 2 t 1 A t 2 = n( n + t) U 00 ( 14.23) where U denotes the length of the chord intercepted by G, we have J qn+1 dG = n(nt 1) V 2 GnK*e (14.24) where V is the volume of K. This generalization of Crofton's formula for chords to En is due to Hadwiger ([269]; see also [337]). Since the measure of lines that intersect K is [On- 2/2(n - 1)]F (according to (14.2», it follows that the mean value of u n + 1 is given by £(u"+ I) = n(n 2 - 1) V 2 . 0n-2 F 
238 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.3. More generally, multiplying both sides of (14.22) by a power of t and integrating as before, we get the relation 21m = m(m - I)J m - n - 1 ( 14.25) where 1m = J u'" dG, GnK*e r J m = J t m dPI A dP 2 . (14.26) Pl,P2eK Between 1m and J m there are inequalities similar to those given in Chapter 4 for E 2 . Hadwiger [269] has proved that F 2  2(n - 1)(n - 2)J -2, where the equality sign holds only for the ball. From (14.25) and (14.26) it follows that the mean distance between two points of a convex set is given by E( ) 21n+2 r = (n + l)(n + 2)V 2 . For the three-dimensional ball of radius R a direct computation gIves 2m+2 1 = n 2 R m + 2 . m m +2 Some known inequalities between the integrals 1m for n = 3 are the following 81 0 3 - 9n 2 I 1 2  0, 41 0 3 - 3n 4 1 4  0, 3 4 I 1 4 - 2 6 n 2 I 2 3  0, 3 5 1 1 5 - 5 3 n 4 13 3  0, 73n81s3 - 3 7 1 1 7  0, in all of which the equality sign holds if and only if the convex set is a ball (see [35, 81]). Angle formula. Next we want to extend to En Crofton's formula (4.26). Let Ln- 1 and L n *-l be two hyperplanes that intersect a convex set K. The total measure of such pairs of hyperplanes is J dL n - 1 A dL n *-l = M;_kJK). Ln - 1 n K * e L_lnK*e ( 14.27) We compute the measure of the pairs of hyperplanes whose intersection Ln-l n L n *-1 intersects K. Using (14.13), (14.14), and (14.15) for p = n - 1, q = n - 1, we get (assuming n > 2) * n - 2 0 n 2 - 2 1T: ( M(Ln-l n Ln-l n K i= e) = _ 1 0 _ 4 Mn-3 oK). n n-3 ( 14.28) 
111.14.3. Crofton's Formulas in En 239 On the other hand, in order to compute the measure of all pairs of hyper- planes that intersect K but whose intersection does not intersect K, we apply formula (12.43). Denoting by l/J the angle between the two supporting hyper- planes of K through Ln-2 and putting q,t!J <Pn-1 (cP) = J J Isin n - 1 ( cP2 - cP1)1 dcP1 A dcP2, o 0 (14.29) we find that the desired measure is equal to J 4>n-l(l/J) dLn-2 extended over all Ln-2 exterior to K. Since the sum of this measure and (14.28) must be equal to (14.27), we get f ,I.. d 2 (  n - 2 0;-2 1t  J <P n - 1 ('I') Ln-2 = M n - 2 uK) - n _ 1 0n-3 "4 M n - 3 (uK). (14.30) Ln - 2"K = e This is the generalization of Crofton's formula (4.26) to En for n > 2. The case in which n = 2 has been considered directly in Chapter 4. The explicit value of 4>n-l(l/J) is as follows. (a) For n - 1 even <P n - 1 ( cP) = - 2 1 [ 1 1 si n n - 1 cP n - n- (n - 3)/ 2 ( 2) ( 2 . ) ] " n - . .. n - z . n-I-2i At. + L. . sIn 'V i=1 (n-3)...(n-1-21) ( n - 2 ) . ... · 3 . 1 + 4>2 (n - 1). ... .4.2 (b) For n - 1 odd <P n - 1 ( cP) = - 2 1 [ 1 1 si n n - 1 cP n - n- n/l (n - 2).. .(n - 2i) . n-I-2i,l.. + L. . SIn 0/ i=1 (n-3)...(n-1-2z) (n - 2). ... .4.2 ] - l/J. (n - 3). ... . 3 · 1 Formula (14.30) was given by Santal6 [565]. For n = 3 we have J (cP 2 - sin 2 cP) dL l = 2M 2 - (n 3 J2)F, LI "K:I: e which was established by Herglotz [51, 306]. (14.31) (14.32) (14.33) 
240 Linear Subs paces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.4. 4. Some Relations between Densities of Linear Subspaces Let 0 be a fixed point (origin) and let Lq[o] be a fixed q-plane through O. Let Lr[o] be a moving r-plane through 0 and assume q + r > n, so that Lq[o] n Lr[o] is, in general, an (r + q - n )-plane through 0, which we represent by Lr+q-n[O]' We want to express dLr[o] as a product of dLr[r+q-n] (density of Lr about Lr+q-n[O]) and dLq-n[o] (density of Lr+q-n[O] as subspace of the fixed Lq[o]). To this end we consider the following two orthonormal moving frames: Moving frame I (a) e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., e r + q - n span Lq[o] n Lr[o]. (b) er+q-n+b..., e r lie on Lr[o]' (c) e r + 1'. . ., en are arbitrary unit vectors that complete orthonormal frame I. Moving frame II (a) e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., e r + q - n span Lq[o] n Lr[o]. (b) b r + q - n + 1'. . ., b r are constant unit vectors in the (n - q)-plane Ln-q[o] perpendicular to Lq[o]' (c) b r + 1'. . ., b n are contained in Lq[o] and such that together with e 1 ,. . ., e r + q - n they form an orthonormal frame in Lq[o]. With these notations, according to (12.27) and (12.3) we have dLr[o] = /\ (e r + a , de;) /\ (e r + a , deh) a,; a,h (14.34) with the following ranges of indices, which will be used throughout the rest of this section. lJ. = 1, 2,. . . , n  r; i = 1, 2,. . ., r + q - n; h=r+q-n+ 1,...,r. (14.35) According to (12.26) we have dLr[r+q-n] = /\ (e r + a , deh)' a,h (14.36) dLfl)q-n[O] = /\ (b r + a , de;). a, ; ( 14.37) Put e r + a = I Ur+a,hbh + I Ur+a,kbk h k (14.38) where the range of h is given by (14.35) and k = r + 1, r + 2,. . ., n. 
111.14.4. Some Relations between Densities of Linear Subspaces 241 Since b h are constant vectors, we have (b h . de i ) = - (e( db h ) = 0 and thus (er+a.de i ) = L ur+a,k(bk.de i ). k (14.39) From (14.34) and (14.39) we get the desired formula dL - Ar+q-n dL dL (q) r[O] - LJ r[r+q-n] A r+q-n[O] (14.40) where A = det( e r + a . b k ). (14.41) Integrating (14.40) over all Lr[o], we obtain on the left-hand side the known value (12.35) and on the right-hand side we can integrate dLq-n[O]' applying the same formula (12.35) for n --+ q, r --+ r + q - n, since A depends only on Lr[r+q-n]. The result is J On - 1 O n - 2 . . . 0 q r+q-n _ A dLr[r+q-n] - 0 0 . . .0 r- 1 r- 2 r+q-n ( 14.42) where the integral is extended over all Lr[q + r - n]. We can give this formula another useful form. Recall that dLr[q] = dLr6] (Chapter 12, Section 4), which can be written dL - dL (2n-r- q ) r[r+q-n] - n-q[O] (14.43) and therefore (14.42) becomes J 0 ...0 Ar+q-n dL(2n-r- q ) _ n-l q n-q[O] - 0 0 r-1. .. r+q-n G n - q ,n - ,. (14.44) Making the change of notation r + q - n = N,2n - r - q = v, n - q = p, we have for this equation J 0 ...0 AN dL(\I = N+\I-1 N+\I-p . p[ ] 0 . . . 0 N+p-l N Gp,v-p ( 14.45) Recall the meaning of the determinant A : through the origin 0 there are p fixed orthonormal vectors e 1 0, e 2 0 ,. . ., e p ° and a moving Lp[o] spanned by the orthonormal vectors e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., e p . Then Lt = det(ei o . e j ) where 1  i, j  p. We consider further consequences of (14.40). Consider the fixed Lq[o] and a moving Lr, r + q > n. Let x be a point of the intersection Lr n Lq[o] and consider moving frames I and II above with reference to point x. In order to apply (14.40) we observe that dLn-r[o] = dLr[o] = dLr[x] and dU n - r = (dx. e r + 1) A.. . A (dx. en). Hence we have 
242 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.4. dLr = dLr[x] /\ (dx. e r + a ), a lJ. = 1, 2,. . ., n - r. (14.46) Since the vectors b h (h = r + q - n + 1,. . ., r) are perpendicular to Lr (\ Lq[o] and x E Lr (\ Lq[o], we have dx. b h = 0 and thus (14.38) gives dx. e r + a = L ur+a,k(dx. b k ). k (14.47) It follows that /\ (dx. e r + a ) = A /\ (dx. b k ), a k k = r + 1,..., n. (14.48) Since dLt1)q-n = dLq-n[O] /\k (dx. b k ), from the last relations and (14.39) it follows that dL - ..4r+q-n+ 1 dL dL (q) r - LJ r[r+q -n] A r+q -n° (14.49) Let F(Lr) be an integrable function that depends only on Lq-n = Lr (\ Lq[o]. We get 1 F(Lr) dLr = 1 Ar+q-n+ 1 dLr[r+q-n] 1 F(LilJq-n) dLilJq-n (14.50) where the integrals are extended over all possible values of the integrands. According to (14.43), we have r Ltr+q-n+ 1 dL = r Ar+q-n+ 1 dL(2n-r-q) J r[r+q-n] J n-q[O] (14.51) and applying (14.45) to the case in which N = r + q - n + 1, p = n - q, and v = 2n - r - q, we obtain 1 00 ...0 Ar+q-n+ 1 dL = n n-1 q+ 1 r[r+q-n] 0 0 0 r r-l... r+q-n+l (14.52) and finally 1 - °n O n-1.. .Oq+1 1 (q) (q) F(Lr) dLr - 0 0 . . .0 F(Lr+q-n) dL r + q - w r r-1 r+q-n+1 (14.53) Formulas (14.44) and (14.53) are the work of Chern [112]. As an application of (14.53), let Kq be a convex set contained in Lq[o] and let F be the function that is equal to 1 if Lr (\ Kq ¥= e and to 0 otherwise. Then, the left-hand side of (14.53) is the measure of all Lr that intersect Kq. Thus, by (14.2) we have 
111.14.5. Linear Subspaces That Intersect a Manifold 243 J dL = °n-2. . .On-,-1 M (n) , ( ) ,-1 n - r 0'-1 . . .° 1 ° 0 ( 14.54) L r f"'\K q :1: 0 where M".! 1 denotes the (r - 1 )th integral of mean curvature of Kq as a convex body of En. The integral on the right-hand side in (14.53) is the measure of all Lil).q-n of Lq[o] that intersect Kq. Therefore, according to the same formula (14.2) we have J (q) _ Oq-2...0n-,-1 (q) dL r + q - n - ( _ )0 . . .0 M r + q - n - 1 (14.55) n r '+q-n-l 0 (q) K f>. Lr + q - n f"'\ q :1: 11(} where Mil).q-n-1 is the (r + q - n - l)th integral of mean curvature of Kq as a convex set of Lq[o]. Thus, (14.53) gives (n) O,+q-nOnOn-1 (q) M'-1 = ° ° ° M,+q-n-t. , q q-t (14.56) This formula must coincide with (13.62). To verify this coincidence it suffices to take into account the value (1.22) of ° i and the following well-known properties of the gamma function. r(z) = (z - I)!, r(z)r(z + !) = 21-2znt/2r(2z). (14.57) 5. Linear Subspaces That Intersect a Manifold Let (x; e i ) be a moving orthonormal frame and consider the r-plane L, determined by x, e t , e 2 ,. . ., e,. The density for L, is, by (12.18), dL, = 1\ Wi 1\ Whj, ;, h = r + 1,. . ., n, j = 1, 2,. . ., r. (14.58) h,j The exterior product 1\ Wi = 1\ (dx. e i ) (i = r + 1,. . ., n) is equal to the volume element dun-,(x) of the (n - r)-plane Ln-,[x] orthogonal to L, at x. The exterior product 1\ Whj = 1\ (e j. de h ) is the density dL,[x] of the r-planes about x. Hence we have (compare with (12.38)), dL, = dun-,(X) A dL,[x]. (14.59) Let Mq be a compact differentiable manifold of dimension q embedded in Em assumed piecewise smooth. Assume r + q  n and consider the set of r-planes that have common point with Mq. The intersection L, n Mq is in general a manifold of dimension r + q - n. Take the frame (x; ei) such that x E L, n Mq and e t , e 2 ,. . ., e,+q-n are orthonormal tangent vectors to L, n Mq. Let b,+ l' b,+2,. . ., b n be a set of orthonormal vectors such that the tangent 
244 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.5. space to Mq at x is spanned by e 1 ,. . ., e r + q - m b r + 1'. . ., b n . Since we consider only r-planes that intersect Mq, we may assume that point x in (14.59) is such that r+q-n n dx = L Aie i + L Pkbk ;=1 k=r+l ( 14.60) where Ai and Pk are differential I-forms. We have n W r + a = dx. e r + a = L Pk(b k . e r + a ), k=r+ 1 C( = 1, 2,. . . , n - r, (14.61) and thus Il-r dun-r(x) = /\ W r + a = L1 /\ Pk' a= 1 k k = r + 1,. . ., n, (14.62) where L1 = det(b k . e r + a ) = det(cos <Pk,r+a), <Pk,r+a being the angle between b k and e r + a . If dur+q-n(x) denotes the volume element of Lr n Mq and duq(x) the volume element of Mq at x, since /\ Pk is the (n - r)-dimensional volume element of Mq orthogonal to Lr n Mq, we have n /\ Pk A dur+q-n(x) = duq(x) k=r+1 (14.63) and from (14.59), (14.62), and (14.63) we obtain dur+q-n(x) A dLr = L1 duq(x) A dLr[x]. ( 14.64) Note that (a) L1 depends on the position of Lr with respect to the tangent q-plane to Mq at x, but is independent of x. (b) If r + q - n = 0, formula (14.64) remains true and becomes dLr = L1 duq(x) A dLr[x], r + q = n. ( 14.65) Let u(Mq) denote the q-dimensional volume of Mq. Integrating both sides of (14.64) over all r-planes that intersect Mq, we get j ur+q-n(Mq n Lr) dLr = cuq(Mq) (14.66) Lrf"'\MQ:l: 0 where c = S L1 dLr[x] is a constant that we want to calculate. To this end we shall calculate directly the left-hand side of (14.66) for the q-dimensional unit sphere U q in En- Let Lm (q + 1), m  q, denote the m-planes of the (q + 1 )-plane 
111.14.5. Linear S ubspaces That Intersect a Manifold 245 that contains U q. Consider first the integral J (J ( u n L (q + 1 » dL (q + 1) m-l q m m ( 14.67) over all Lm (q + 1) that intersect U q. If 0 is the center of U q and p denotes the distance from 0 to Lm (q + 1), then U q n Lm (q + 1) is a sphere of dimension m - t and radius (1 - p2)1/2, whence (Jm_l(U q nL m (q+l» = (1 - p2)(m-l)/20 m _ 1 . On the other hand, since the volume element of the (q + 1 - m)-plane perpendicular to Lm (q+ 1) through 0 at its intersection point with Lm (q+ 1) is e q ual to P q-m du A d p we have dL (q+ 1) = P q-m du A d p A dL(q+ 1) q-m' m q-m q+ I-m[O]" Taking into account that S pq-m(1 - p2)(m-l)/2 dp = Oq+ I(Oq-m O m) -1 and using (12.35) applied to the Grassmann manifold G q + I-m,m' we have J 00...00 (U L (q+ 1» dL (q+ 1) = q+ 1 q m+ 1 m-l . (Jm-l q n m m 0 0 0 q-m q-m-l... 0 (t 4.68) L + 1) (") U q * e Now return to the case of a general Lm of En. We apply formula (14.54) to the case in which F is the volume of U q n Lm. Replacing q + 1 by q, since Uqiscontained in a fixed (q + 1)-plane,and using(14.68) for m  r + q + 1 - n, we obtain J 0n O n-l. . . Or+ 1 0 r+q-n (J r + q - n( U q n Lr) d Lr = 0 . . . 0 0 . n-r-l 10 Uq(")L r * e Comparing with (14.66) we get the value of the constant c and substituting in (14.66) we have the final result J On. . .0n-rOr+q-n (Jr+q-n(Mq n Lr) dLr = 0 . . .0 0 (Jq(Mq). r 0 q (t 4.69) MqnLr*e It is noteworthy that this formula holds without change for any space of constant curvature, that is, for euclidean and non-euclidean geometry (see [561, 565]). For r + q = n, (14.69) becomes J N(Mn-r n Lr) dLr = On. . . °n-r+ 1 (J (M n - r ) o ,..0 q r 1 M" - r (") Lr * e (14.70) where N(M n - r n Lr) denotes the number of points of the intersection M n - r n Lr. Formula (14.69) includes a great number of special cases. We state the following: 
246 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.5. Example 1. For the plane, n = 2, we have two possibilities: (a) r = 1, q = 1. Then M 1 is a curve, 0'1(M 1 ) is its length, and O'o(M I n L 1 ) is the number of intersection points of M 1 with the line L 1 . Formula (14.69) reduces to (3.17). (b) r = 1, q = 2. Then M 2 is a plane domain of area 0'2(M 2 ). The integrand 0'1(M 2 n L 1 ) is the length of the chord M 2 n L 1 and (14.69) coincides with (3.6). Example 2. For the space n = 3, we have the following cases: (a) r = 1, q = 2. L 1 are lines that intersect a fixed surface M 2 of area F and (14.69) becomes 1 N dL I = 1tF Lt f"'\M2 :I: e (14.71) where N is the number of intersection points of L 1 and M 2 . (b) r = 1, q = 3. L 1 are lines that intersect a fixed domain D. If 0'1 denotes the length of the chord L 1 n D, we get 1 (11 dL I = 21tV, Ltf"'\D:l:e v = volume of D. (14.72) (c) r = 2, q = 1. L 2 are planes that intersect a curve C of length L. We get J N dL 2 = 1tL L2f"'\C:I: e (14.73) where N is the number of intersection points of L 2 and C. This formula (14.73), which we have proved for piecewise smooth curves, holds good for any rectifiable curve. (d) r = 2, q = 2. L 2 are planes that intersect a fixed surface M 2 . Then (14.69) gives 1 A. dL 2 = (1t 2 /2)F L2f"'\M2:1: e (14.74) where A is the length of L 2 n M 2 and F the surface area of M 2 . White [721] has given integral formulas relating the length and the total curvature of curves cut from M 2 by planes passing through a fixed point to invariants of the surface. ( e) r = 2, q = 3. L 2 are planes that intersect a fixed domain D of volume V. Then (14.69) becomes 
111.14.6. Hypersurfaces and Linear Spaces 247 J (J'2 dL 2 = 2n V L2r.D:I: 0 (14.75) where U 2 is the area of the intersection L 2 n D. From (14.74) and (14.75), using the fact that m(L 2 ; L 2 n K i= e) = M, we get the following mean values (for convex bodies K). E(A) = n 2 F/2M, E(U2) = 2n VIM. (14.76) Example 3. Let ro(n-,) be an (n - r)-form defined on M n -,. Then (14.70) may be generalized to an integral formula of the form J ( w<n-r)(P i )) dLr = c J w<n-r) L,.r.Mn-r:l:e Mn-r where Pi are the intersection points M n -, n L, and c is a constant. Formulas of this kind have been applied to the proof of the Stokes formula JOMn-r ro = SMn-r dro (by, e.g., Maak [379] and Horneffer [312, 313]). 6. Hypersurfaces and Linear Spaces We want to extend formula (14.10) to the case of a body Q, not necessarily convex, intersected by moving r-planes. We assume that oQ is a hypersurface of class C 2 . Let L, be an r-plane that intersects Q and let x E L, n oQ. For q = n - 1, formula (14.64) becomes dU'-I(X) A dL, = L1 dUn-leX) A dL,[x]. (14.77) Let PI'. . ., P,-l be the principal radii of curvature of the (r - 1)-dimen- sional manifold oQ n L, at x. Multiplying both sides of (14.77) by {11 Ph.'. · ., 1/ PhJ and integrating over all values of the variables, we get, on the left-hand side, the integral ('i 1) J M/') dL, over all L, such that L, n oQ i= e. In order to calculate the integral on the right-hand side, we observe that the curvatures 1/Ph (h = 1, 2,. . ., r - 1) can be expressed in terms of the principal curvatures 1/Rs (s = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1) of oQ at x and the angles 4>h,s of the vectors e h and b s of Section 5 (because the classical theorems of Euler and Meusnier hold for hypersurfaces in a way analogous to that for surfaces of E 3 ,see [165]). In consequence of this, putting {1/PhJ" .., 1/PhJL1 = F(1/R b 4>h,s), we have that the integral J F dL,[x] extended over all L, through x depends only on R 1 , R 2 ,. . ., Rn-l. A direct evaluation of this integral seems to be difficult. However, since we know that for the case of convex bodies it is equal to the symmetric function {1/Rhl'. . ., 1/Rh) (up to a constant factor, formula (14.10)) and this "local" result cannot be influenced by the properties in the large 
248 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.7. of oQ, we deduce that (14.10) holds in general. That is, we can state the formula f MtJ(oQ n L,) dL, = °n-2" .On-,On-i M;(oQ) J 0,- 2 . . .0 0 0,- i Q(")L r :1: 0 (14.78) for any body whose boundary is of class C 2 . If Q is a convex body and we take i = r - 1, we have M':21 = 0'-1 and (14.78) coincides with (14.2). For any body, not necessarily convex, using (13.38) we have f X(Q n L,) dL, = °n-2' , · On-.on-,+ 1 M'-I(OQ) J 0,-2.. .00010,-1 Q(")L r :1: ° = °n-2" 'On-,-1 M'-I(OQ). (n - r)O,-1 . . .0 0 (14.79) If we replace M,( OQ) = n W, + 1 (Q), (14.79) can be taken as the definition of W,+I(Q) for nonconvex bodies [274, p. 240]. 7. Notes 1. Favard measure and dimension. If A is a subset of En and k is a positive integer less than n, then the k-dimensional Favard measure of A is defined by mpk(A) = 0n-k. . .° 1 °n...Ok+l J N(A n L n - k ) dLn-k L n -k(")A#=0 where N(A n L n - k ) denotes the number (possibly infinite) of points of A n Ln-k. If sand n are integers, n > 0, 0  s  n, and mpS(A) = 0, then dim A  s - 1. The following formula (compare with (14.69)) can be proved. mpk(A) = 0n-k+h. . .OOOk 0".. .0k-hOh L n -k+h(")A:1:0 J mph(A n L n - k + h ) dL n - k + h . The properties of the Favard measure, its comparison with other measures (Caratheodory, Hausdorff), and its relation to dimension have been treated in important papers by Federer [174, 175]. 2. Sets of r-planes that support a convex body. Let w be a set of points on the unit sphere U of all directions in En. Let S(K; w) denote the (n - 1)- dimensional area of the set of all those points in the boundary of the convex body K in En that lie in at least one supporting hyperplane whose outer normal falls in OJ. If B is the unit ball and A  0, then S(K + AB; OJ) is a 
111.14.7. Notes 249 polynomial in A whose coefficients define the so-called area functions Sn-q-t (K; w) for K (q = 0, 1,. . ., n - 1). For each U E U there is a unique hyperplane that supports K + AB and has outer normal u. In this hyperplane, let Cq(u, A) be the set of all q-planes that have points in common with K + AB. For each set wand for each YJ > 0 let Fq(K; w, YJ) = U Cq(u, A) (u E W, o < A < YJ). Let J1 q (K; w, YJ) be the invariant measure of Fq(K; w, YJ) as a set of q-planes in En. Firey [193] proves that lim,,-.o +(F(K; w, YJ)/YJ) = Sn-q-t (K; w). If w = U, then Sn-q-l(K; U) = nWq+t(K) where Wq+t(K) is the (q + 1)- quermassintegral of K. Consequently, W q + t(K), which is known to be the measure of the set of(q + I)-planes that meet K up to a constant factor (14.1), can also be considered as the measure of the q-planes that "support" K. 3. An integral geometric formula for n-dimensional ellipsoids. Let K be an n-dimensional ellipsoid centered at the origin and let G"n-, denote the Grassmann manifold of r-planes through the origin in En. Furstenberg and Tzkoni [209a] have given the formula cn.rm(Gr.n-r}(uiK})' = j [u.(K n Lr[o])]n dLr[o] G r ,n - r where m( G"n-,) is the measure (12.35) of the Grassmann manifold G"n-" (Jh denotes h-dimensional measure, and c n " = [r(n/2)(n/2)]'[r(r/2)(r/2)]n. This formula can be iterated to the case of flag manifolds consisting of all m-tuples of planes L S1 c L S2 C . . . c LSnt. For related results see those of Miles [421] and Guggenheimer [259]. 4. Sets of strips. By a strip of breadth a in En we mean the part of the space between two parallel hyperplanes at a distance a from each other. The position of a strip B can be determined by the position of its midhyperplane and the density for strips is the same as for hyperplanes, dB = dp 1\ dU n - 1 (12.40). Let K be a convex set in En. Since the integral of mean curvature of the convex body K a / 2 parallel to K in a distance a/2 is M n - 2 (iJK) + (On-l/2)a (13.55), we have m(B; B n K "# e) = M n - 2 (iJK) + (On-t/2)a. (14.79a) I f a is less than the diameter of K we also have m(B; B ::) K) = (On-l/2)a - M n - 2 (iJK). Let Ko be a convex set of constant breadth Do, so that M n - 2 (iJK o ) = (On-t/ 2 )Do. Let K 1 be a convex set such that K 1 c Ko. Instead of assuming B moving, we can assume a fixed sequence of parallel strips B a distance Do apart (Fig. 5.3) and then Ko placed at random in space, together with K 1 in its interior. Since Ko will always meet one and only one of the strips B, and it is known that every convex set of diameter Do is a subset of a set of constant breadth Do [63, p. 130], we can state Consider a set of parallel strips of breadth a in the space En at a distance Do apart and let a convex set K 1 of diameter D 1  Do be placed at random in the space. The probability that K 1 will intersect one of the strips is 
250 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.7. 2M n - 2 (oK t ) + °n-ta p= . On-t(Do + a) In particular, if a = 0, we have 2M n - 2 (oK t ) p= On-t Do and if Kt reduces to a line segment of length b, 20 n - 2 b p= . (n - l)On-tDO These formulas generalize to En the classical needle problem of Buffon (Chapter 5, Section 2). For another approach see that of Stoka [649] and Ambarcumjan [11]. 5. Mean values for convex polyhedrons. 1. From (14.1) and (14.73) it follows that the mean number of vertices of the polygonal section of a given convex polyhedron by a random plane is E(v) = nL/M, where M is the integral of mean curvature and L is the total length of the edges of the polyhedron. 2. Let Q be a convex polyhedron and let Ai (i = 1,. . ., N) be its vertices. Let 4>i denote the interior solid angle of Q at Ai. A line through Ai is called exterior to Q if Ai is the only point that it has in common with Q. Clearly the probability that a random line through Ai is exterior to Q is Pi = 1 - 4>d2n. The number of vertices of the orthogonal projection of Q onto a plane E is equal to the number of lines through the vertices Ai that are perpendicular to E and are exterior to Q. Thus, the expected value of the number of vertices of the polygonal projection of Q onto a random plane is E(v t ) = N - (1/2n) L 4>i. This result generalizes to En (see [412]). 6. Integral formulas for space curves. We state some results about curves in E3 that were obtained by [481]. Let r be a closed curve in E3 that is differentiable of class C 3 and has no cusps or double points. For each line G let A( G) denote the linking number of G with r (the algebraic number of times that r twists around G) and for each plane E let Pt, P 2 ,... denote the points of E n r. Call r(Pi' pj).the distance from Pi to Pj and let i p . denote the intersection number of E and r at Pj (+ 1 or - 1, according to J the orientation of the frame formed by the tangent to the curve at P j and two ordered vectors of E, assumed oriented). Then Pohl proves the integral formula 1t j A.2 dG = - j (f.; r(P i , P)iP1i PJ ) dE ( 14.80) where the first integral is extended over all lines and the second over all planes of E3. The right-hand side of (14.80) may be put in a different form in the following way. To each ordered pair of points P, Q of r associate the unit vector e = e(P, Q) directed from P to Q and the distance r(P, Q). Let t(P), t(Q) 
111.14.7. Notes 251 denote the tangent vectors to r at P and Q and let (J p and (J Q be the angles (t(P), e) and (t(Q), e), respectively. Let T(P, Q) denote the angle between the oriented planes spanned by (t(P), e) and (t( Q), e). Let ds denote the arc element and let dI = - r- 1 cos T sin (Jp sin (JQ ds{P) A ds(Q) (14.81) for (P, Q) at which the quantities involved are defined and dI = 0 otherwise. Then - j (t; r(Pj, P)ipJpi) dE = (nj2) j r dl. rxr (14.82) Another integral formula of Pohl is 2L = j dl rxr (14.83) where L is the length of r. For plane curves, (14.81) and (14.82) give 2n 1 W Z dP = j r dl E2 r x r ( 14.84) where dP is the area element in E 2 and w is the winding number of P with respect to r (algebraic number of times the curve winds around the point P). These formulas generalize to En [481]. Prove, as an exercise, that dI = d G* (12.72). 7. Linking numbers for space curves. Let r, r' be two closed, disjoint, oriented curves in E3 of class C 1 . We assume that r is the boundary of a disk D, assumed oriented compatibly with r. The linking number L(r, r') is defined to be the intersection number of D and r'; hence, it is an integer. In order to give an integral formula for the linking number, we assign to each pair of points PEr, Q E r' the unit vector e from P to Q and denote by du 2 the area element on the unit sphere U 2 corresponding to the direction of the vector e. Then it can be shown that L is given by the Gauss integral L(r, r') = (lj4n) j du z . rx r' (14.85) Let t 1 = t 1 (P), t 2 = t 2 (Q) denote the tangent unit vectors to r, r' at P, Q, respectively. Then an easy calculation shows that the right-hand side of (14.85) can be written L(r,r') = (lj4n) j r-Z(et1tz)ds 1 A ds z rx r' (14.8()) 
252 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.7. where ds t , dS 2 denote the arc elements of r, r' at P and Q, respectively, and (et t t 2 ) is the scalar triple product of the vectors e, t t, t 2 . Calugareanu [77-79] raised the question of the significance of L(r, r') if r = r'. By considering a parallel curve to r in a distance e (suitably defined) and letting e  0, he found that if r is of class C 3 and has non- vanishing curvature, then (1/41t) j dU2 + (l/21t) J T ds = SL(r) rxr r (14.87) is an integer, where T is the torsion of r. This integer SL(r) is called the self-linking number of r. A simplified proof of this formula of Calugareanu, together with topological questions related to it, has been given by Pohl [483]. The generalization to submanifolds of a differentiable manifold of higher dimensions has been carried out by White [720]. 8. The isoperimetric inequality of Ranchoff and Pohl. The isoperimetric inequality of Banchoff and Pohl (of Chapter 3, Section 5, 1) may be generalized to arbitrary dimension and codimension. Let M be a compact oriented manifold of dimension m in En. Let P t, P 2 be two points of M and let r = r(Pt, P 2 ) denote the chord length from Pt to P 2 . Let dP t , dP 2 denote the volume elements on M at Pt, P 2 , respectively. Then Banchoff and Pohl [20] have obtained the inequality j r- m + 1 dP l A dP 2 - (1 + m)OmCm.n j A,2 dLn-m-l  0 MxM where A, is the linking number of Ln-m-t with M and cm,n is a constant (cm,n = km,m+ 2km,m+ 3 . . . km,n where km,j = n- (m+ t)/2 r«j + 1)/2)/r«j - m)j2)). The second integral is extended over all (n - m - 1)-planes in En. Equality holds only for one or several coincident spheres with coincident orientations, or (n = 1) one or several coincident circles all traversed in the same direction, each a number of times. The last integral A(M) = cm,n S A,2 dLn-m-t has the following properties: (a) A(M) is just the volume bounded by M if n = m + t. (b) If M c En C EN' then A(M) in the sense of submanifolds of EN is the same as A(M) in the sense of submanifoJds of En. (c) A(M) has the so-called reproductive property S A(M n Lq) dLq = bm,n,qA(M) where bm,n,q is a constant. For details and other similar results see [20]. 9. Mean values and curvatures. Let M n be a compact n-dimensional differentiable manifold (without boundary) in En+N. To each point P E M n we attach the qth tangent fiber over P, that is, the plane spanned by the vectors o/OXt,...,%xn; 02/0Xt 2 , 82joXt 8x 2 ,..., 82/8xn2;...; 8 q /8x t q ,..., 8 q /8x n Q where Xi are local coordinates in a neighborhood of P whose dimension is q ( n + i - 1 ) pen, q) = il i . 
111.14.7. Notes 253 Assuming 1  r  n + N - 1, p  n + N - 1, we define the rth total absolute curvature of order q of M n as follows. (a) Case in which 1  r  p. Let 0 be a fixed point of En+N and consider an (n + N - 1)-plane Ln+N-r[O] through O. Let rr denote the set of r-planes Lr of En + N that are contained in some of the fibers, pass through the cor- responding base point P of the fiber, and are orthogonal to Ln+N-r[O]. The intersection r r n Ln + N - r[O] will be a compact variety in Ln + N - r[O] whose dimension is b = rp + n - r(n + N). Let J1(rr n Ln+N-r[O]) be the n1easure of this variety as subvariety of the euclidean space Ln + N _ r[O]; if b = 0, then J1 means the number of intersection points of rr and Ln+N-r[O]; if b < 0, we put J1 = O. Then we define the rth total absolute curvature of order q of M n c En + N as the mean value of the measures J1 for all Ln + N - r[O]; that is, making use of (12.35), we have K(q) ( M n ) = 0 1 . . . °n+N-r- I r,N 0 0 r... n+N-t 1 J1(rr n Ln+N-r[o]) dLn+N-r[o]. Gn+N-r,r Note that the coefficient of the right-hand side may be replaced by 0 1 . . . 0r-I/On+N-r. . .0n+N-I and that it differs by a factor of 2 from (12.35) because we now consider unoriented (n + N - r)-planes. (b) Case in which p  r  n + N - 1. Instead of the set of Lr that are contained in some qth tangent fiber, we consider the set of Lr that contain some of them and are orthogonal to Ln + N _ r[O]. As before, we represent this set by rr and the rth total absolute curvature of order q of M n is defined by the same mean value as earlier. The dimension of Tr n Ln+N-r[O] is now b = rp + n - r(n + N). We want to consider some particular cases. 1. The case in which n = N, r = 1, q = 1 has the following geometric interpretation. Let U 2n _ I denote the unit (2n - 1 )-sphere centered at O. Let Ln[o] be the n-plane through 0 parallel to the tangent space T p at P E M n . The intersection U 2n _ I n Ln[o] is an (n - 1 )-dimensional great circle of U 2n - I. If we assume identified the pairs of antipodal points in U 2n - I' we have the (2n - 1 )-dimensional .elliptic space P 2n _ I and the intersections U 2n - I n Ln[o] define an n-parameter family of (n - 1 )-planes in P 2n - I' say C n - t . Let vn-I(Y) be the number of (n - 1)-planes of C n - I that contain the point Y E P 2n - 1 and let V2n-I(17) denote the number of (n - 1)-planes of C n - I that are contained in the hyperplane 17 of P 2n - l . Let dU2n-I(Y) denote the volume element in P 2n - 1 at Y and let dL 2n - 1 (r,) denote the density for hyperplanes of P 2n - 1 at 17 (see Chapter 17, Section 3). Then the curvatures above are clearly equal to K 1 ( M n ) = 2 l,n 0 2n-t 1 V n - 1 (y) du 2n-l (Y)'. P2n - 1 1 2 K 2n - 1 ,n = 0 2n-l 1 V2n-l(") dL 2n - 1 (,,). L2n-1 cP2n-1 
254 Linear Subspaces, Convex Sets, and Compact Manifolds 111.14.7. For n = 2, N = 2, r = 1, we have a congruence of lines C 1 in P3 and, in a certain sense, the foregoing curvatures are the mean "order" and the mean "class" of the congruence C 1. 2. The case in which r = n + N - 1 gives rise to the curvature defined by Chern and Lashof [116]. 3. The case o.f curves, n = 1. For curves, n = 1, we have the two possibil- ities p = N, r = 1 and p = 1, r = N. For p = N, r = 1 the corresponding curvature is (N) ( 1 ) 1 J d K 1 ,N M = ON VI LN[o] GNti where VI is the number of lines in En+N that are orthogonal to LN[o] and are contained in some Nth tangent fiber of the curve MI. Note that G N ,l is the unit sphere UN and dLN[o] is the area element of this sphere. If e 1 ,. . . , eN + 1 are the principal normals of M 1 , it is not hard to see that the right-hand side of the last equation is equal to the length of the spherical curve e N + I(S) (s = arc length of M 1 ) up to the factor 1/n. That is, if KN is the Nth curvature of M 1 (see [165, p. 107]), we have KN1 =  J IKNI ds. , n M1 For curves in E 3 , KN is the torsion of the curve. For the case in which p = 1, r = N we have the curvature (1) 1 [ KN,N = ON J V N dL 1 [o] G1,N where VN is the number of hyperplanes LN of EN+ 1 that are orthogonal to L 1 [0] and contain some tangent line to MI. The right-hand side of the last equation is equal to the length of the curve e 1 (s) (spherical image of M 1 ), up to the factor 1 In. Therefore if K 1 denotes the first curvature of M 1, we have KI(Ml) =  J IKll ds. , n M1 Noting that for each direction L 1 [0] there are at least two hyperplanes orthogonal to L 1 [0] that contain a tangent line to M 1 , we see that the mean value KI, is  2 and hence SM1 IK 1 1 ds  2n, which is a classical inequality of Fenchel [187]. If the curve M 1 has at least four hyperplanes orthogonal to an arbitrary direction L 1 [0] that contain a tangent line to M 1 (as happens for knotted curves in E 3 ), the mean value of KI, is  4 and we have the inequality S IK 1 1 ds  4n, which is due to Fary [168]. For details and com- plements see [588, 590, 591]. Related results have been obtained by Slavskii [614]. 
111.14.7. Notes 255 Let M h be a compact differentiable manifold of dimension h enclosed by a sphere of radius r in En. The problem arises of finding inequalities connecting the area and the total absolute curvatures of M h . For instance, for n = 3, h = 2 we have F  (4jn)r 2 K where F is the area and K the total absolute curvature (Gaussian curvature) of M 2 . This inequality is due to Fary [169]. In this connection, see [96, 97]. 
CHAPTER 15 The Kinematic Density in En 1. Formulas on Densities In Section 1 of Chapter 12 we defined the volume element of the group of motions in En. Now we shall investigate in detail the group of special motions, that is, the transformation group x' = ax + b, where a is an orthogonal matrix and det a = + 1. As is usual, the kinematic density for this group will be represented by dK and is given by dK = /\ Wi /\ Wjh j<h (15.1) where Wi = dx'e i , W jh = ej'de h = - eh.de j (i,j, h = 1,2,..., n) (12.3). Denoting by dP = /\ Wi (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) the volume element of En at point x and by dK[x] the kinematic density of the group of special rotations about x (isomorphic to SO(n)), we have (12.13) dK = dP A dK[x]. (15.2) Note that dK[x] and dM[x] (12.7) are the same differential form. The only difference is that the total measure of M [x] is twice the total measure of the group of special rotations. Let Mq be a fixed q-dimensional manifold and M r a moving one of dimension r, both assumed piecewise smooth of class C 1 , having finite volumes uq(Mq) and ur(M r ), respectively. Let q + r  n and consider positions of M r such that Mq ('\ M r =F e. Let x E Mq ('\ M r and choose the orthonormal vectors e 1 , e2,' . ., en such that el, e 2 ,. . ., e r + q - n are tangent to Mq ('\ M r and e r + q - n + 1" . ., e r are tangent to Mr. Let b 1 ,. . ., b n - r be orthonormal vectors such that e 1 , e 2 ,. . ., e r + q - n , b 1 ,. . ., b n - r span the tangent q-plane to Mq at x. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 256 
111.15.1. Formulas on Densities 257 Since x E Mq, we have r+q-n n-r dx = L ahe h + L /3jb j h=1 j=1 (15.3) where (Xh and /3j are 1-forms. Thus n-r Wr+h = dx. e r + h = L /3j(b j · e r + h ), j=1 h = 1, 2,. . ., n - r, (15.4) and n-r n-r /\ Wr+h = A /\ /3j h=1 j=1 (15.5) where A isthe(n - r) x (n - r)determinant A = I (b j . e r + h) I (j, h = 1, 2,. . ., n - r). ( 15.6) The exterior product /\ f3j (j = 1, 2,. . ., n - r) is the (n - r)-dimensional volume element on Mq in the direction of the tangent (n - r)-plane orthogonal to Mq n Mr. Therefore, denoting by duq+r-n(x) the volume element of Mq n M r at x, we can write n-r duq+r-n(x) /\ f3j = duq(x) j=1 ( 15 .7) where duq(x) is the q-dimensional volume element of Mq at x. On the other hand, the exterior product w 1 A W2 A'. · A W r is equal to the volume element dur(x) of M r at x. Thus, multiplying (15.5) by dur+q-n(x) A W 1 A.. · A W r and taking (15.7) into account, we get n dur+q-n(x) /\ Wj = A duq(x) A dur(x). i= 1 (15.8) Multiplying by dK[x] = /\ W jh (j < h; j, h = 1, 2,. . ., n) we get dur+q-n(x) A dK = A duq(x) A dur(x) A dK[x], (15.9) which is a very useful differential formula, similar to (14.64). For r + q - n = 0, we have dK = A duq(x) A dur(x) A dK[x]' (15.10) Note that A depends only on the angles between the unit vectors er+h and b j (h,j = 1,2,..., n - r), not on the point x. Another important differential formula is the following. Let Lh be the h-plane through x spanned by e 1 ,. . ., e h . We have dL h = /\ Wj /\ Wjk j j,k (j = 1,2,..., h; i, k = h + 1,..., n). (15.11) 
258 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.2. Let dK h denote the kinematic density in L h , that is, dK h = /\ OJ j /\ OJ sm , j s<m j, s, m = 1, 2,. . ., h, (15.12) and let dK'[;j h denote the kinematic density about x in the (n - h)-plane orthogonal to Lh (density for rotations about L h , given by (12.7». Then dK'[;jh = /\ OJik, i<k i, k = h + 1,..., n. (15.13) From (15.1), (15.11), (15.12), and (15.13) it follows that dK - dL * A dK h A dKn-h -- h [x] , (15.14) which holds good for h = 1, 2,. . ., n -- 1. We have used Lh * in order to indicate that Lh must be supposed "oriented," so that the factor 2 arises when the right-hand side of (15.14) is integrated. We leave to the reader the proof of the following analogue of (15.14). Let Lh[o] be the h-plane through 0 that is parallel to the h-plane determined by (x, e t ,. . ., e h ) and let Ln-h[o] be the (n - h)-plane orthogonal to Lh[o] through O. Then dK = dLhO] A dK h A dK n - h (15.15) where dK h and dK n - h denote the kinematic density on Lh[o] and Ln-h[o], respectively. 2. Integral of the Volume (Jr+q_n(M r r\Mq) Integrating (15.9) over all positions of M r we have j ur+q-n(Mq n M r ) dK = cuq(Mq)ur(M r ) Mqr\Mr=t:=.e (15.16) where c is a constant (independent of x and independent of the manifolds Mq, M r ) that depends on the dimensions q and r and is given by the integral c = j ..1 dK[x] taken over all positions of M r about x. In order to calculate c, let us consider the case when M r is a finite domain of an r-plane Lr. Expression (15.14) for dK (for h = r) leads to j ur+q-n(Mq n M r ) dL.* A dK r A dK'[;]r = cuq(Mq)ur(M r ) (15.17) Mqr\Mr=t:=.e 
111.15.2. Integral of the Volume or+q-n(M n M'l) 259 where we can set dK r = dpr 1\ dK[x]' dpr being the volume element in Lr at x. Keeping Lr and x fixed and applying (12.10), recalling that the right-hand side must be divided by 2, we have j dK[x] = 0r-1 . . · 0 1 , j dK'[;jr = 0n-r-1 . . .0] (15.18) where the integrals are taken over all positions of Mr about x. Furthermore, the integral of d pr (by fixed Lr) gives the volume ur(M r ), so that (15.17) becomes °r-t...OtOn-r-t...Ot j ur+q-n(Mq (") M r ) dL,* = cuiMq). (15.19) Mqr\Mr =I=.e Thus, applying (14.69), we get c = On. . .0 1 Or+q_n(OrOq)-t and the final result is j U ( M' n Mq ) dK = l?n. . . °t O,+q-n U ( Mq ) u ( M' ) '+q-n 0 0 q r . q , Mqr\Mr =1= e ( 15.20) For I" + q - n = 0, ur+q-n(Mq n M r ) denotes the number of points of the intersection Mq n M r , so that (15.20) can be written .\ N(M r (") M n - r ) d K = On1rOO u r ( Mr)u n _ r ( M n - r ). (15.21) Mrr\Mn-r=l=.e The case of several moving Inanifolds. Let Mq be a fixed q-din1ensional manifold in En and consider h moving manifolds Mrl,. . ., Mrh of dimensions r 1 ,. . ., r h , respectively. Assuming q + r 1 +... + rh - nh  0 and calling d K; the kinematic density for Mri, we find by induction that j u q + r , +...+rh-nh(Mq (") M r ! ("). . . (") Mrh) dK] A. . . A dK h _ n._ . .0t)hOq+rl+...+rh-hn (M q ) (M 'l ) ... (M rh ) o 0 ...0 U q U rl U rh q rl rh ( 15.22) where the integral is taken over all positions of M i for which Mq n M r ! n. . . n M'h =I O. It is interesting to consider the case of moving hyperspheres. Let rl = 1"2 = . . . = rh = n - 1 and let each Mri be a hypersphere Ii of radius R i . We may take the origin of moving frames to be the center of the respective hypersphere. Then from dK i = dP i 1\ dK i[x]' using the fact that the integral of dK;[x] is equal to On-I. . .0 1 (12.10), we get 
260 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.3. J OnhOq_h U ( Mq n En. . . n E ) dP A d P A... A dP = R(n - 1)h u ( Mq ) q-h 1 h 1 2 h 0 q. q (15.23) This formula holds for h = 1, 2,. . ., q. For It = q, the integrand uo(Mq n 17 1 n' . . n 17q) is the number of points of the intersection Mq n 17 1 n. . . n 17q, say N 12...q' and (15.23) becomes r N dP A... A dP = ( 20 q j O ) Rq(n-l)u ( Mq ) (15.24 ) J 12...q 1 q n q q where the integral is extended over the whole space En X En X . . . X En (q times), N 12...q being zero when Mq n 17 1 n. . . n 17q = e. Some simple special cases are the following: (a) n = 2, q = 1. Then M 1 is a curve of the plane and (15.24) becomes S N 1 dP 1 = 4LR where L denotes the length of MI. (b) n = 3, q = 1. Then M 1 is a curve of 3-space and (15.24) becomes S N 1 dP I = 2rcR 2 L. We have assumed that Mq is a piecewise smooth manifold of class C 1 . Conversely, (15.24) conduces to define the q-dimensional measure of a continuum of points in En by the formula Oq J uq(Mq) = 20 n q RQ(n- 1) N 12.. q dP I A. . . A dPq (15.25) provided the integral on the right-hand side exists. Integral geometry has been applied to the definition of q-dimensional measure for continua of points by Federer [174, 175], Hadwiger [274], Nobeling [452, 453], Santal6 [559], and Maak [380]. (See Federer's book [178].) If M r is a line segment of unit length (r = 1) and M n - 1 is contained in a domain of volume V in En' the expected number N of intersection points M 1 n M n - 1 , according to (15.21), is E(N) = (OnjrcOn_l)Un_l(Mn-l)/ V. This formula has been used to define the surface area of a given hypersurface by Kulle and Reich [350]. 3. A Differential Formula One of the most important results in integral geometry is the so-called fundamental formula, which we saw for the case of the plane in Chapter 7. Our purpose here is to extend this formula to n-dimensional euclidean space. The proof we shall give in the next section is due to Chern [108] and is a generalization of Blaschke's proof for n = 3 in [42] (see also [586]). First, however, we shall prove an interesting differential formula. 
111.15.3. A Differential Formula 261 Let So and S 1 be two piecewise smooth hypersurfaces in En of class C 2 . We assume So fixed and SI moving with the kinematic density dK I . Consider a generic position of S 1 in which the intersection So n S 1 is a manifold of dimension n - 2. Let x E So n SI and consider the orthonormal frame (x; e l , . . ., en) such that e l , e2,. . ., en - 2 span the tangent (n - 2)-plane to So n S 1 and elJ - l' en are, respectively, tangent and normal unit vectors to Slat x. Let e,; _ b en' be the unit vectors that are, respectively, tangent and normal to So at x, so that (x; e l ,. . ., en _ 2' e - l' en') is a second orthonormal frame of origin x. The kinematic density is dK I = 1\ (dx.e i )1\ (deh.e j ), h<j i, j, h = 1, 2,. . ., n. ( 15.26) Since the densities are always considered in absolute value, there is no question of sign. We define the kinematic density dT I on S 1 (i.e., the density for sets of frames (x; e l ,. . ., en-I' en) such that en is the unit normal to SI) by dT I = 1\ (dx. e i ) 1\ (e h . de j ), h<j i, h, j = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1, (15.27) so that d K 1 = d T 1 A (d x . en) A (del · en) A . . . A (den - 1 . en). (15.28) Similarly, the kinematic density on So (density for frames (x; e l ,. . ., e n -2, e-I' en') tangent to So) is defined by dTo = 1\ (dx. e i ) 1\ (e h . de j ) A (dx. e-l) A (del . e-l) A . . . A (de n - 2. e-I) i h<j ( 15.29) where the range of indices is i, h, j = 1, 2,. . ., n - 2. The kinematic density on So n Sl (Le., density for frames (x; e l ,..., e n - 2 ) attached to So n S 1) is dT ol = 1\ (dx.e i ) 1\ (eh.de j ), i h<j i,h,j = 1,2,...,n - 2. (15.30) Thus dTo can be written dTo = dT ol A (dx.e_l) A (del.e_l) A...A (den-2.e-1). (15.31) Let cP be the angle between en' and en. On the plane normal to So n S l' determined by en and en', we have en = sin cP e-1 + cos cP en', e n - 1 = cos cP e-l - sin cP e,/ (15.32) and hence 
262 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.4. dx. en = sin l/J (dx. e-l) + cos l/J (dx. en') de( en = sin l/J (de( e-l) + cos l/J (de( en'), i = 1, 2,. . . , n - 2, den - 1 . en = - dl/J - e - 1 . den' . (15.33) Since en' is normal to So, we have dx. en' = 0 and since So is a fixed hyper- surface, the unit vector en' does not depend on the position of S l' so that de i . en' = - ei . den' = 0 and de_l . en' = O. Hence, (15.28) and (15.33) give, up to the sign, dK 1 = sinn-ll/J dl/J A dT l A (dx. e-l) A (del . e-l) J\ . . . A (de n - 2 . e-l). (15.34) Multiplying both sides of this formula by dT ol and using (15.31), we get dT ol A dK l = sin n - l l/J dl/J A dT 1 A dTo, (15.35) which is the desired formula. Note that by integrating over all locations of 51 such that So n Sl =I e we obtain (15.20) for the case in which r = q = n - 1. 4. The Kinematic Fundamental Formula We are now in a position to prove the kinematic fundamental formula following Chern [108]. Let Do and D l be two domains in En bounded by the hypersurfaces aDo and aD l , which we assume to be of class C 2 . Moreover, we assume that Do and D l are such that for all positions of Dl the intersection Do n D l has a finite number of components. Suppose Do fixed and D l moving. Then, if dK l denotes the kinematic density for D l and M i o , Mil are the ith integrals of mean curvature of aDo and aD l , respectively, the kinematic fundamental formula in En is J X(Do n D 1 ) dK 1 = ° 1 .. .0.-2 [On-1X(D o )V1 + 0.-lX(D 1 )V O DonD1 * 9 1 n-2 ( n ) ] +-L h 1 MhoM_h_2 n h={) + (15.36) where X denotes the Euler-Poincare characteristic anq V o and V l are the volumes of Do and Db respectively. To prove (15.36) we use (13.38), that is, X(Do n D l ) = (lj O n-l)M n - l (a(D o n D l )) (15.37) where M n - l (a(D o n D l )) is the volume of the spherical image of a(D o n D l ). The boundary a(D o n D l ) consists of a finite number of hypersurfaces aDo n D l and Do n aD l that intersect in aDo n aD l , the (n - 2)-dimensional 
111.15.4. The Kinematic Fundamental Formula 263 edges of the intersection. We have Mn-t(a(Do n Dt)) = Mn-t(aDo n Dt) + Mn-t(Do n aD t ) + Mn-t(aDo n aD t ). (15.38) The last term on the right-hand side corresponds to the spherical image of the normals belonging to the angle subtended by the outward normals to aDo and aD t at the points of aDo n aDt. In order to calculate the volume of this spherical image, we use the notation of the last section and proceed as follows. Let en and en' be the unit normal vectors to aDo and aD t , respec- tively, and denote by v, w two unit vectors in the directions of the angle bisectors of en, en'. Let c/J be the angle between en and en'. We have en = (cos ; ) V - (sin ; ) w, en' = (cos ; ) v + (sin ; )w (15.39) and therefore v = [2 cos( c/Jj2)] - t( en + en'), w = [2 sin(c/Jj2)]-t(e n ' - en)' (15.40) Let  be a variable unit vector between en and en'. Let rx denote the angle between  and v and define the unit vector 11 by  = cos rxv + sin rxw, 11 = - sin rx v + cos rx w (15.41) for - c/Jj2  rx  c/Jj2. The volume element on the unit sphere U n - t cor- responding to the direction  is dUn-t = (d'e!) A (d'e2) A..'A (d.en-2) A drx n-2 = /\ [cos rx(dv.e i ) + sin rx(dw.e i )] A drx. i= t (15.42) By (15.40) we have . sin( c/Jj2 - rx) sin( c/Jj2 + rx) , cos rx(dv'ei) + sm rx(dw'e i ) = sin(q,) (den 'e j ) + sin(q,) (den .e j ) (15.43) and therefore - 1 n-2 [ . ( c/J ) . ( c/J ) , 1 dU n - 1 - sinn-2(q,) /:J sm "2 - rx (den'e j ) + sm "2 + rx (den .e;) A drx. ( 15.44) Let us introduce the unit tangent vectors V t ,. . ., V n - t to aD! in the principal directions and the unit tangent vectors v t ',. . ., V-t to aDo in the principal 
264 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.4. directions at point x. We have n-l n-l e i = L CihV h = L ChVh' h=1 h=1 (i = 1, 2,. . ., n - 2), n-l e n - 1 = L C n - 1 ,hVh, h=1 n-l , ' , e n - 1 = cn-l,hvh. h=1 (15.45) Since the vector sets {ei' e-I}' {v h }, {v h '} are orthonormal systems, the matrices (C ih ) and (Ch) are orthogonal matrices, and therefore we have n-l V h = L Cihei, i= 1 n-2 , ' , , Vh =  cihe i + C n - 1 ,h e n-l. i= 1 (15.46) The equations of Rodrigues for hypersurfaces in En give V h . den = - Kh(dx. v h ), where Kh denotes the principal curvature of aD I in the V h direc- tion. Therefore we have (i = 1, 2,. . ., n - 2) n-l n-l den' e i = L Cih(de n ' v h ) = - L CihKh(dx'v h ) h=1 h=1 n-l = - L CihKhCjh(dx'e j ). h ,j = 1 (15.47) Similarly, for aDo we have n - 1 ( n - 2 ) den"e i = L ChKh' L c;h(dx.e j ) + C:'-I,h(dx.e-I) . h=1 j=1 (15.48) In order to compute dU n - 1 by (15.44) we use that x displaces on aDo n aD 1 so that dx' e n - 1 = 0, dx' e-1 = 0, and thus sin ( i - OC)<den.e;) + sin( i + OC)<den'.e i ) n-2 [ ( c/J ) n-l ( c/J ) n-l ] - -.L sin _ 2 - rL L CihCjhKh + sin _ 2 + rL L ClhCJhKh' (dx.e j ). )=1 h=1 h=1 (15.49) Substituting in (15.44) and using the fact that the product (dx.e t )(dx.e2)'.. (dx'e n - 2 ) is the volume element dU n -2 of aDo n aD t , we get H dU n - t = dU n -2 A drL sinn - 2( c/J) ( 15.50) where H is the determinant of type (n - 2) x (n - 2) whose elements are ( c/J ) n-t ( c/J ) n-t H ij = - sin T - oc h"f. CihCjhKh - sin T + oc h"f. ClhCJhKh'. (15.51) 
111.15.4. The Kinematic Fundamental Formula 265 Therefore H has the form H = ni,2 H p sin n - 2 - p ( !t - ex ) sinP ( !t + ex ) p=o 2 2 ( 15.52) where L ' , H - A K ... " " ... " - ..... .. . P 1.l... 1. qJl...Jp 1.1 1. q Jl Jp ih ,jm (15.53) where p + q = n - 2. The coefficients Ait...iqi!...jp are functions of Cih, C;h and the sum is extended over all combinations (i 1'. . ., i q ) and (j 1'. . ., j p). That is, the only terms in H that depend on aDo, aD 1 are the products Kil. . . K iq ";1 . . . ";p; the remaining coefficients depend only on the position of aD 1 about x, and they are the same for every pair of hypersurfaces aDo, aD 1 . Since M n - 1 (aD o (\ aD 1 ) is equal to the volume of the spherical image corresponding to the (n - 2)-dimensional edges aDo (\ aD 1 of the hyper- surface a(D o (\ D 1 ), by (15.50) we have MII-t(aD o (\ aD 1 ) = J H da n -2 A dex sin n - 2 (4)) ( 15.54) where the integral is extended over - 4>/2  ex  4>/2 with respect to ex and over aDo (\ aD 1 with respect to the remaining variables. Using (15.35) and noting that the density (15.30) can bewrittendTo1 = da n -2 A dU n -3 A...A du 1 , we have J Mn-l(aDo"aDl)dKl=(On-3"'Ol)-l J Hsincpdcp oDof"'toDI * 9 oDof"'toDI * 9 A dex A dT 1 A dT 2 . (15.55) The densities dTo and dT 1 on aDo and aD 1 are dTo = da_1 A dU n -2 A. · · A dU 1 and dT 1 = da_1 A dU n -2 A . . . A du 1 , respectively. First keeping x fixed and integrating (15.55) over all positions of aD 1 about x and then moving x over aDo, with the aid of (15.52) and (15.53) we obtain r n-2 J Mn-l(aD o " aD l ) dK l p  cpMpoM_2_P oDof"'toDt * 9 - (15.56) where c p are constants and M p o , M-2-p are the integrals of mean curvature of aDo and aD 1 , respectively. It remains to calculate the integrals of the first and second terms on the right-hand side in (15.38). To this end, let P be a point of aDo (\ D 1 and let 
266 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.4. du n - 1 (P) denote the volume element of the spherical image of P. Fixing DI and then letting P vary on aDo (') D 1 , we get j du n - 1 (P) A dK I = j M n - 1 (oDo n D 1 ) dK j ( 15.57) Pee Do f"'\ D 1 Dof"'\Dl * 9 and fixing P and then rotating D 1 about this point and letting it vary over D 1 and aDo, we have j dU n -l A dK I = On-I' · .0 1 V1M-1 PeeDof"'\Dl (15.58) where M-l = M n - 1 (aD o ). Thus, from (15.57) and (15.58) we have j Mn-l(oDonDl)dKI = On-l"'0IV1M-1 DOf"'\Dl #: 9 (15.59) where V 1 denotes the volume of D 1 . Similarly, by the invariance of the kinematic measure under inversion of the motion, j Mn-l(DonoDl)dKI =On-j"'OIVoM_1 Do f"'\Dl * 9 (15.60) where V o denotes the volume of Do and we have put M-l = Mn-l(aD I ). From (15.37), (15.38), (15.56), (15.59), and (15.60) it follows that j n-2 X(Do n D I ) dK I = On-I.. .01(V 1 XO + VOXI) + L cpMpoM_2_P. p=O Do f"'\Dl * 9 (15.61) It remains to determine the constants Cpo This can be done by taking Do to be a convex body and DI a hypersphere of radius p. Then X(DI n Do) = 1, Xo = Xl = 1, and (15.61) gives n-2 V lp O n - 1 . . .° 1 = 0n-l · . · 01(V 1 + yO) + L cpM p 0 M-2-P (15.62) p=O where VIP denotes the volume of the parallel body of Do in the distance p. Comparing with (13.44) we get c = On-2'''01 ( n -1 ) p r + 1 r and the proof of (15.36) is complete. 
111.15.6. Mean Values for the Integrals of Mean Curvature 267 5. Fundamental Formula for Convex Sets 1. If Do and D 1 are convex bodies, we have X(Do) = X(Dt) = X(Do (\ Dt) = 1 and the fundamental formula becomes J dK I = °n-2" '° 1 [On-l(V o + VI) +  :t: (h : 1)MhOM-2-h]' Do,...D. * 9 (15.63) Introducing the quermassintegrale W h , we can write J dK I = °n-2" 'Ol h t nG) WhOW_h' Do,...D. * 9 ( 15.64) Though we have proved (15.63) for bodies Do, D 1 whose boundaries were assumed of class C 2 , since any convex body can be approximated by smooth convex bodies (actually, by convex bodies whose boundaries are analytic manifolds [63]) and the quermassintegrale are continuous functionals, it follows that (15.64) holds for any pair of convex sets in En. From the point of view of the theory of geometric probability, formula (15.64) may be interpreted as follows: If D, Do are convex bodies such that D c: Do, the probability that a random convex body D 1 intersecting Do also intersects D is ht (:)WhW-h P = n ( n ) hO h WhOW_h (15.65) where Wi' W i o , W/ are the quermassintegrale of D, Do, and Dt, respectively. 2. If Do is composed of m congruent nonintersecting convex bodies Ko and D 1 is a convex body K 1 , then X(Do (\ D 1 ) = N, the number of convex bodies Ko that are met by Kt, and the fundamental formula becomes J N dK I = °n-2" 'Ol m [On-l(V o + VI) +  :t: (h : 1)MhOM-2-h]' ( 15.66) 6. Mean Values for the Integrals of Mean Curvature We will pursue the situation studied in the preceding sections. We want to evaluate the integral 
268 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.6. J M q _ 1 (i)(Do (') D I » dK I , Do ,...Dl * 9 q = 1,2,..., n - 1. (15.67) Consider first the case in which Do and D 1 are convex bodies. The funda- mental kinematic formula is (15.63). If Do is a q-dimensional convex set Doq contained in a q-plane Lq, formula (15.63) is still valid, but the integrals of mean curvature Mh o have the limit values given in Section 7 of Chapter 13. Therefore we have J dK I = °n-2" '° 1 Doq,...Dl * 9 (n  q) q 1 On-I VI + n(nl)On-q-l(1iDo)Mq-1 ( q-l ) 1 n 2 ( n ) h + q - n Oh O(q) 1 + -  h 1 ( - 1) 0 Mh+q-nMn-2-h n h=n-q + n h+q-n h ( 15.68) where uq(Doq) denotes the q-dimensional volume of Doq and Mq-n denotes the (h + q - n)th integral of mean curvature of the boundary of Doq as a convex body of Lq. In order to calculate (15.67) we use the following device. Let Do, D 1 be two convex bodies. Let Do be fixed and D 1 moving with kinematic density dK 1. Let Lq be a moving q-plane and consider the integral I = J dK I A dL q , Do,...D. ,...Lq * 9 (15.69) First keeping D 1 fixed, according to (14.2) we have I = °n-2'" °n-q-I [M q - 1 (O(D o n D 1 ) dK 1 , (n - q)O q - 1 . . . 0 0 J Do,...D. * 9 (15.70) and then keeping Lq fixed and integrating dK 1 , by (15.68) we have 1= 0 ... 0 r n-2 1 J (n  q) I On-I VI + n(n  1) 0n-q-l(1q(D o (') Lq)M q-I 
111.15.6. Mean Values for the Integrals of Mean Curvature 269 ( q - 1 ) 1 n2 ( n ) h+q-n 0h t + -- i.J h 1 ( _ 1) ° Mh+q-n(o(Do n Lq))M n-2-h dLq. n h=n-q + n h+q-n h (15.71) The last integrals can be evaluated by (14.69) and (14.10) and the obtained value, when compared with (15.70), gives the final result J M q - 1 (o(D o (") D 1 » dK I Dof"'tD. * 9 = 0n-2" '01 [On-l(VIM-1 + VOM-I) ( )0 n-2 ( q h t ) 02n-h-qOh ] n - q q-1 L q + - n M 1 M O (15.72) + 0n-q-t h=n-q (h + 1)On-h O h+q-n n-2-h h+q-n ' which holds for q = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1. For q = n it must be replaced by (15.36). Division of (15.72) by (15.63) gives the expected value of Mq-t(o(Do n D 1 )). Formula (15.72) can be generalized to m convex bodies Dt, D 2 ,. . ., Dm intersecting a fixed convex body Do. The result is the expected value of Mq-t(o(Do n. . · n Din)) (see [657]). Applications to geometric probabilities have been made by Stoka [648]. Generalization to nonconvex domains. Formula (15.72) holds for bounded domains Do, D 1 , not necessarily convex, provided the mean curvatures Mh(oD o ), M h (oD 1 ), and Mh(o(Do n Dt)) exist in the sense of Section 6 of Chapter 13. In order to show this, consider the identity M q - 1 (o(D o n D 1 )) = M q _ 1 (oDo n Dt) + Mq-t(Do n oD 1 ) + M q - 1 (oD o n aD t ). (15.73) An argument similar to that used in proving (15.59) and (15.60) gives J M q _ 1 (Do (") oD 1 ) dK 1 = On-I' , ,OI M :-l V o , J M q _ 1 (oDo (") D 1 ) dK I = On-I" 'OIM-1 VI' (15.74) 
270 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.7. For the integral of the last term of (15.73) the same method that yields (15.56) gives an expression of the form J M q - 1 (oD o n oD 1 ) dK 1 = L cnqhM-2-hM2+q-n (h = n - q, n - q + 1,. . ., n - 2) (15.75) whose coefficients Cnqh do not depend on the shape of Do, D 1 (they are "local" coefficients). Consequently, they must be the same as in (15.72) and thus formula (15.72) holds for any pair of domains Do, D 1 provided that the integrals of mean curvature MhO, M h 1 , and Mh(o(Do n D 1 » exist (h = n - q, n - q + 1,..., n - 2). 7. Fundamental Formula for Cylinders Let 0 be a fixed point in En and let Ln _ p[O] be an (n - p )-plane through o. Let Dn-p be a bounded domain in Ln-p[o] whose boundary oD n - p c Ln-p[o] is smooth of class C 2 . For each point x E Dn-p we consider the p-plane Lp orthogonal to Ln _ p[O]. The set of all such Lp constitutes a cylinder Zp. The p-planes Lp are the generators of Zp and Dn- p is a normal cross section. The density for congruent cylinders in En is dZ p = dL:_p[o] A dKn-p (15.76) where dK n - p denotes the kinematic density on Ln _ p[O] and the asterisk means that Ln-p[o] must be considered as oriented. From (15.76) and (15.14) it follows that the kinematic density in Em which we will now denote by dK n , can be written dK n = dZ A dKP p ( 15.77) where dKP is the kinematic density on Lp. Since dK n can also be written dK n = dL p * A dK[p] A dKP, we have dZ p = dL p * A dK[p] (15.78) where dK[p] denotes the density for rotations about Lp (Chapter 12, Section 1). A cylinder Zp is determined, up to a motion, by its cross section Dn- p and thus we may define the integrals of mean curvature of Zp as those of oD n - p con- sidered as an (n - p - 1 )-dimensional manifold in Ln _ p. That is, we shall define M;(Zp) = Mt-P(oD n - p ), i = 0,1,..., n - p - 1, (15.79) and Mi(Zp) = 0 for i = n - p, n - p + 1,..., n. We represent by V(Zp) the (n - p)-dimensional volume of Dn- p. 
111.15.7. Fundamental Formula for Cylinders 271 We want to extend the fundamental formula (15.36) to the case in which D 1 is a cylinder Zp. In order to do this, we first consider the bounded body of all p-dimensional balls U p(p) of radius p whose centers are the points of the cross section Dn _ p and are contained in the corresponding generator Lp orthogonal to Ln-p[o]. Let Zp(p) denote this body (so that Zp = Zp( 00 )). To find the integrals of mean curvature of Zp(p), consider its parallel body in the distance 8 and then let 8 -.. O. We easily obtain MlZp(p)) = hi n-p-1 for i > n - p - 1, for 0  i  n - p - 1, (15.80) where hi is the part of the integral of mean curvature corresponding to the locus of the boundaries of the balls U p(p), so that hdp P --+ 0 as p --+ 00. Note that (Op-l/P)pP is the volume of the p-dimensional ball of radius p. We write the fundamental formula (15.36) for Do and Zp(p), using expression (15.77) for dK 1. On the left, when the boundaries of the balls U p(p) do not intersect Do, the integral of dKP yields 0 1 ... Op-l(Op-l/P)pP (asymptotically for large p). On the other hand, the measure of Zp(p) such that the boundaries of U p(p) intersect Do is bounded above by an expression of the form pp-l x constant. Therefore, dividing both sides of the fundamental formula by 0 1 . . · Op-l(Op-l/P)pP and letting p --+ 00, taking (15.80) into account, we get the fundamental kinematic formula for cylinders J X(Do ('\ Zp) dZ p Dof"'\Zp * 9 = 0n-l · · . OpX(D o ) V(Zp) n-2 1 ( n - p ) + 0n-2.. .Op L 1 Mv(Do)Mn-v-2(Zp). v=p-tn-p v-p+ (15.81) Particular cases. 1. When Dn- p reduces to a single point, then Zp reduces to an "oriented" Lp. In this case, using (15.78) and (12.14), formula (15.81) reduces to (14.79). 2. When Do reduces to a point P, we have J dZ p = °n-l" 'OpV(Zp). PeZp (15.82) 
272 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.8. 3. If Zp is a convex cylinder and Do is a convex set, (15.81) becomes J dZ p = °n-l' . 'OpV(Zp) Dof"'\Zp:# {} o . . .0 n- 2 ( n - p ) + n-2 p L 1 Mv(Do)Mn-v-2(Zp) n - p v=p-l V - P + (15.83) or, in terms of the quermassintegrale Wi' J n-l ( n-p ) dZ p = nOn-2.. .Op L 1 Wv+l(Do)Wn-l-v(Zp) (15.84) p- 1 v - p + Dof"'\Zp:# {} where we have put W n - 1 - v (Zp) = W:f-v(aDn-p). This result may be stated as follows: If Do and D 1 are convex sets such that Do c: D 1 , the probability that a random cylinder Zp intersecting D 1 also intersects Do is m(Zp; Zp n Do # e)/m(Zp; Zp n D 1 # e) where the numerator and denominator are given by (15.84) applied to Do and D 1 , respectively. 4. In euclidean space E3 we have the cases in which p = 1, 2. If p = 1, the cross section of Z 1 is a plane domain D 2; let f Z be the area, U Z the perimeter, and Cz the total curvature of this domain (Chapter 7, Section 3). Then we have Mo(Zt) = Uz, M l(Zl) = Cz = 2nX(Zl)' V(Zt) = fz, and (15.81) becomes J X(Do (") Zl) dZ 1 = 8n2X(Do)fz + nFcz + 2nM 1 u Z (15.85) Dof"'\Z 1:# {} where F and M 1 are the' area and mean curvature integral of aDo, respectively. If p = 2, then .Z2 is a strip or a set of parallel strips in E3. Assuming that Z2 is a strip of breadth a, we have M t (Z2) = 0, M O(Z2) = 2, V(Z2) = a, and (15.81) becomes (compare with (14.79a», J X(Do (") Z2) dZ 2 = 4nax(Do) + 2M l(aD o )' (15.86) DOf"'\ Z 2:# {} 8. Some Mean Values 1. Let K = K i (i = 1, 2,. . ., m) be m fixed congruent convex sets. Let n be the number of K i intersected by a moving convex cylinder Zp. Applying the fundamental formula (15.81) for Do as the union of all sets Kb we have J n-l ( n - p ) n dZ p = nmO n - 2 .. .Op L 1 Wv+t(K)Wn-t-v(Zp). (15.87) v=p-l v - p + 
111.15.8. Some Mean Values 273 Hence we have if m congruent convex bodies K i = K are interior to a convex body Ko, the expected number of them intersected by a random convex cylinder intersecting Ko is n-l ( n - p ) m L _ 1 W.+1(K)W n - 1 -.(Zp) E( ) _ ,, = p - 1 V P + n - -1 ( n _ p ) . L 1 W,,+ 1 (Ko) W n - 1 -,,(Zp) ,,=p-l v-p+ (15.88) 2. Now consider m congruent cylinders Zpi (i = 1, 2,. . ., m) that meet at random a fixed convex set Ko. We wish to find the mean value of the fraction of volume of Ko that is covered exactly by r cylinders (r  m). To this end, consider the integral J dP A dZ p 1 A.. · A dZ p m taken over all cylinders Zpi that intersect Ko and over all points P E Ko that are covered exactly by r cylinders. Fixing either first the cylinders and integrating dP or first P and integrating dZ p i and equating the results, we obtain J V dZ 1 A . . . A dZ m r p p = () (On-2' . 'Op)m(On_l V(Zp»' l n - 1 ( n - p ) ] m - r . n L _ 1 W,,+l(Ko)Wn-l-\,(Zp) - 0n-l V (Zp) V(K o ). v=p-l V P + (15.89a) As a consequence of (15.84) and (15.89a) we have Consider m random congruent cylinders intersecting a fixed convex set Ko. The mean value of the fraction of volume of Ko covered exactly by r  m cylinders is ( m ) O r I n nf (  - P 1 ) W,,+l(Ko)Wn-l-,,(Zp)-On-l V(Zp) ] m-r E( V) = n - 1 P - 1 V P + . r r n m I n-l ( n _ p ) ] m L _ 1 W,,+ l(K o ) W n - i-"(Zp) p- 1 V P + (15.89b) This formula holds for r = 0, 1,. . ., m. EXERCISE. Assuming that m -+ 00 in such a way that the total volume of the cross sections remains constant, that is, m V(Zp) = S (constant), show that, as m -+ 00, 
274 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.9. [ ] r ( ) E( V) --+ V(Ko) (n - p) 0n-l S exp _ j n - p)On-1 S . r r! nOn-p-1Wp(Ko) nOn-p-1Wp(Ko) 9. Lattices in En The extension to En of the results of Chapter 8 is straightforward. Assume En divided by a lattice of fundamental regions ai = Tiao where T i (i = 0, 1,. . .) are the elements of a discrete subgroup of the group of motions in En that leaves invariant the lattice. We assume that each point of En belongs to one and only one ai. Let Do be a set of points contained in ao and consider the set TiDO (i = 0, 1, 2,. . .). Applying (15.36) and using the same method as in Chapter 8 for the plane, we obtain j x(TPo(\D)dK = 0n-l... 0 l(VXO + VoX) Peao 1 n- 2 ( n ) + 0n-2.. .01 - L h 1 MhoMn-2-h n h=O + ( 15.90) where the integral on the left-hand side is taken over all locations of the moving set D for which the origin P of the moving frame is contained in a o . We shall consider two consequences of (15.90). 1. Assume En partitioned by the lattice of cubes of edges parallel to the coordinate axis and length a. Assume that ao is the cube 0  Xi < 1 (i = 1, 2,. . ., n) and that Do is the closure of ao. Let D be a topological ball, so that X = X(D) = 1, Xo = X(Do) = 1, and Li X(TiDO (\ D) is equal to the number of pieces, say v, into which D is divided by the lattice of cubes. Hence, applying (15.90) and using the values (13.48) of the mean curvature integrals of a cube of edge a, we have V 1 n- 2 ( 11 ) 0h E(v) = 1 + Ii + ° L M n - 2 - h . a n - 1 h = 0 h + 1 (1 + h )a h + 1 (15.91) Since the number of fundamental regions that have common point with D, say N, is always equal to or less than v, we have E(N)  E(v) and hence we can state Every body D that is a topological ball can be covered by cubes of edge a so that their num,ber is not greater than the quantity (15.91). By considering the n-dimensional balls of radius r = (.J n/ 2)a circumscribed to the cubes a i we can also state Every body D that is a topological ball can be covered by n-dimensional balls of radius r so that their number is not greater than the quantity 
111.15.10. Notes and Exercise 275 V 1 n-2 ( n ) 0 n(h+ 1)/2 1 + nn/2 + h 2 n r n On-I hO h + 1 (h + 1)2h+lrh+1 M n - 2 - h . For n = 2 these inequalities are due to Hadwiger [263] and their extension to En was obtained by Santal6 [543]. See also the work of Hadwiger [278] and Trandafir [677a]. 2. Assume that Do is a convex body and D is a line segment of length s. Moreover, assume that D cannot meet more than one of the bodies TiDo. Then, using (15.90) and the values (13.49) for the mean curvature integrals of a line segment of length s, we have the following result. Consider a lattice of convex bodies formed by Do and its translates TiDo (i = 0, 1,. . .). Given a randomly chosen line segment of length s, such that it can intersect at most one of the bodies TiDo, the probability that it intersects one of them is 1 ( On- 2 ) P = 1(101 V o + (n - 1)0"-1 sFo where 1(101 denotes the volume of (10 and V o , F 0 are the volume and surface area, respectilJely, of Do. 10. Notes and Exercise 1. Problems on random sets. Let A be a right parallelepiped in En con- sisting of the points x(x 1'. . . , x n ) such that 0  x i  a i (i = t,. . . , n). The volume of A is VA = a 1 a 2 . · . an' Let Y 1 ,..., Y m be m congruent right parallelepipeds whose edges have the lengths b 1'. . ., b n , so that their volumes are all V y = b 1 . . . bno Let Pi be the center of Y i and let dP i be the volume element of En at Pi. Assume that the Y i have all their edges parallel to the coordinate axis and that they are moving by translations (not by rotations). The measure of a set of translates of Y i is the volume covered by their centers Pi. Put X = (Y i U Y 2 u. . . u Y m ) u A and consider the integral I = J dP A dP 1 A . . . A dP m taken over the set of points PI'... , Pm such that PEA, Y i (\ A -# e, and P f/: Y i (i = 1,. . ., m). In order to calculate I, note that Y i (\ A -# e is satisfied if Pi belongs to the right parallelepiped that has the same center as A and has edges a i + b i . Note also that J dP i = V y (the integral taken over P E Y i ). Keeping P fixed first, we have I = (V o - Vy)m VA where we have put V o = (a 1 + b 1 ). . . (an + b n ). On the other hand, integrat- ing P while keeping the parallelepipeds V y fixed, we obtain I = J (VA - X). dP I A...A dPm. HencewehaveJ X dP I A...A dPm = VA[V O m - (V O - Vy)m]. Dividing by V o m, we get the expected value of the volume X: E(X) = VA [1 - ( 1 - : r] . (15.92) 
276 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.10. The expression for the higher-order moments turns out to be more com- plicated. For these and related problelTIs see the articles by Robbins [512], Votaw [705], and Bronowski and Neyman [71]. For n = 2 we can consider the case where the random rectangles also have random orientation [552]. Instead of parallelepipeds Y i we can consider random congruent spheres (see [512, 213, 335]). For a general approach see [2]. If the random sets are not uniformly distributed, the results are more involved (see [432, 616, 617]). 2. A general kinematic formula of Chern and Federer. Let M be a compact Riemann manifold of dimension k. Suppose M embedded in En and suppose that Tp is the set of all points a distance p from M. Then for p suf- ficiently small, Weyl [716] proved that the volume of Tp is given by the formula (e - 1)( e - 3). . . 1 m + e V(T p ) = Om-I L ()( 2) p.iM)p e m+e m+e- ...m ( 15.93) (e even, 0  e  k, m = n - k) where J-le(M) are integral invariants of M that can be computed from the components of the curvature tensor of M. In particular, J-lo(M) is the total volume of M and if k is even, (2n)k/2 J-lk(M) = - (k - l)(k - 3). . .1 X(M) ( 15.94) where X( M) is the Euler-Poincare characteristic of M. Let MP and Mq be two compact submanifolds (without boundary) of dimensions p and q in Ell. Let MP be fixed and Mq moving with kinematic density dK. Then J Mpf"'IMq*0 J-le(MP n Mq) dK = L CiJ-li(MP)J-le- i(Mq) o  ie ieven ( 15.95a) where Ci are constants, rather involved, depending on n, p, q, e. If dLq means the density for q-planes in En' we have J p.iMP n Lq) dLq = On. . . On-qO p+q-n+1 0 p+q-n O p+ I -e p.iMP). Oq...Ol0p+l0pOp+q-n+l-e Mp f"'ILq * 0 (15.95b) For e = 0, (15.95a) coincides with (15.20); for p = n - 1, (15.95b) coincides with (14.78). General formulas (15.95a) and (15.95b) were given by Chern [112] and are similar to those given earlier by Federer [177]. Flaherty [200] has extended the curvature measures J-lk to bounded Borel sets is En (see also the book by Sulanke and Wintgen [664]). Nijenhuis [451] pointed out that there exists a normalization of the J-l'S and a kinematic density, so that the curvature polynomials defined by J-l(X, l) = Le J-le(X)le satisfy J J-l(MP n Mq) dK = J-l(MP, l)J-l(Mq, l)(mod lP+q-n+ 1). Chen [103] has given some kinematic formulas that involve extrinsic invariants of MP, Mq, and MP n Mq. For instance, let -r(C) denote the total square curvature of a curve C in E3 and for a surface M 2 with mean curvature 
111.15.10. Notes and Exercise 277 H and Gaussian curvature K let H*(M 2 ) = J H 2 du, K*(M 2 ) = J K du, u(M 2 ) = surface area of M 2 . Chen proves that J 'C(M02 n M 2 ) dK = 2n 3 (3H*(M o 2 ) - K*(M o 2 »uo(M 2 ) + 2n 3 (3H*(M 2 ) - K*(M 2 »uo(M o 2 ). (15.96) For surfaces in E3 see also [687]. General formula (15.95a) can be extended to moving cylinders. Let M h be an orientable, compact, differentiable manifold (without boundary) con- tained in an (n - m)-plane of En (h + m < n). Through each point of Mil we consider the m-plane Lm perpendicular to Ln-m. The set of all these Lm is a cylinder Zh,m of dimension h + m, whose generators are the m-planes Lm and cross section M h . The density for Zh,m is dZh,m = dLn-m[O] A dK n - m , where dK n - m is the kinematic density on Ln-m[O]. The kinematic formula (15.95a) becomes e-h Ie I m-l + m Mp "Zh,m * e . e-l ( 15.97) (e even, 0  e  p + h + m - n, i  0, i even). 3. Extensions of Poincare's formulas. Formulas such as (15.95a) con- cerning the integral of the intersection of a fixed manifold MP with a moving manifold Mq are usually known in integral geometry as Poincare's formulas. Formulas (7.11) and (15.20) are particular cases. This kind of formula has been generalized to homogeneous spaces by Kurita [351], Federer [177], and Brothers [73]. The following are examples of the type of formula given by Brothers. Let M be an n-dimensional Riemann manifold with a transitive group of isometries ffi. Let MP, Mq be proper p-, q-dimensional submanifolds of class C l of M, and let A c MP, B c Mq be Borel sets. Assume that ffi acts tran- sitively on the set of tangent spaces of MP and of Mq, respectively. Let dg be the left-invariant measure on ffi and suppose p + q  n. Then there exists a constant ct depending only on MP, Mq, and ffi such that J meA n gB) dg = ocm(A) 1 LI dUB ffi B (15.98) where m(A n gB) is the (p + q - n)-dimensional measure (Hausdorff measure) of A n gB, dUB is the element of q-dimensional measure on Mq, and L1 is a positive function that depends on M and ffi. The constant ct is -# 0 if and only if for some g E ffi there exists a point a E MP n gMq for which the union of the tangent space Ta(MP) with Ta(gMq) spans Ta(M). 
278 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.10. Formula (15.98) may be generalized in the following way. Let C be a set of closed q-dimensional submanifolds of M such that ffi acts transitively on C and if E E C, then ffi n {g; gE = E} is transitive on C. Also assume that C has a ffi-invariant density dE. Then we have J m(A n E) dE = pa.m(A) 8 ( 15.99) where m(A n E) is the (p + q - n)-dimensional measure of A n E and fJ is a positive constant depending on the density dE (which, in general, is not unique). 4. Fields of convex sets and fields of cylinders. Consider a countable set of congruent convex sets K = K 1 = K 2 = . . . in En' not necessarily disjoint and such that if m(r) denotes the number of convex sets intersecting an n-ball Sr whose center is the point P and that has radius r, the asymptotic relation In(r) = PKn rn + o(r n ), K n = nn/2(r(1 + n/2» - 1 (15.100) holds for r  00; that is, the limit I . m( r) 1m ----n = P r 00 Kn r (15.101) exists and is independent of the center P. We \X/ill say that we have in En a field of convex sets K of density p. Assuming that a convex set Ko is placed at random in En' what is the probability that it meets exactly s sets of the field? To solve the problem we proceed as follows. Suppose that we place the convex set Ko at random inside the ball Sr. Then, the probability that a random convex set K intersecting Sr also intersects Ko is given by (15.65), which can be written, denoting by W h 1 the quermassintegrale of sr (13.46), p = : , B i = Kn -1 Jo G) WhiW n _ h (i = 0,1). (15.102) If we consider m random convex sets congruent to K that intersect Sr, the probability that exactly s of them meet Ko will be ps(r) = (7) pS(1 - p)m-s. Allowing both m, r  00 in such a way that relation (15.101) holds, we find, by a simple calculation, that . (pBo)S Ps = hm pir) = , exp( - pBo). r 00 s. (15.103) That is, the number of convex sets K of a field of density p that are inter- sected by a convex set Ko placed at random in En (a "probe") is a Poisson random variable with parameter pBo (see [228]). 
111.15.10. Notes and Exercise 279 Now consider a countable set of congruent convex cylinders Zp, not necessarily disjoint, such that if m(r) denotes the number of cylinders inter- secting a ball Sr of radius r, the asymptotic relation 1 . m(r) 1m = p r-+oo K r n - p n holds, independently of the center of Sr. We shall say that we have in En a field of cylinders Zp of density p. By considerations similar to those above, if a probe convex set Ko is placed at random in En' the number of cylinders that are intersected by it is a Poisson random variable with parameter pBo *, where n-l ( n - p ) Bo * = K;_lp L. 1 Wi+ 1 (Ko) W n - 1 - i(Zp). i= p-l I - P + (See Exercise 1.) 5. Agglomerations o.f convex sets. Imagine a fixed convex set Ko in E3 and n convex sets K l' K 2'. . . , Kn that intersect Ko. Let Ko 1...n = Ko (") K 1 (") . . . (") Kn and call V o 1...n the volume, F 0 1...n the surface area, and M 0 1...n the integral of mean curvature of KOl...n. We can prove that 1 V 0 1...n dK I A dK 2 A" · A dKn = (8n2)nv o VI · · · V n . 1 F01...n dK I A dK 2 A"'A dKn = (8n2)n  V o '" Vi-IFiVi+I'" V n . J M OL . n dK I A dK 2 A' . . A dKn - In 4 ( Sn 2 ) n-l  V.. · V F V . · . V F V.. · V - "2 f..J 0 i-I i i+l j-l j j+l n i ,j + (Sn 2 )n I V o . . . V i - 1 M i V i + 1 . · . V n , r dK A dK A'" A dK J 1 2 n = ( Sn 2 ) n  V.. . V. V. · . . V f..J 0 .-1 .+1 n + 2n(Sn 2 )n-l L V o '.. Vi-IFiVi+l'" Vj-lMjVj+l'.' V n i ,j + n 5 (Sn 2 )n-2 L V o '.. Vi-IFiVi+l.'. Vj-lFjVj+l'.' Vk-lFkVk+l". V n ; ,j ,k where the integrals are taken over the locations of K i such that Ko (") K 1 (") . . . (") Kn -# O. Note that the least integral divided by the product of measures m(K;; K i (") Ko -# 0) gives the probability that the common intersection of 
280 The Kinematic Density in En 111.15.10. the n convex sets K i hitting Ko and Ko itself is not empty. See [524] and, for the generalization to Em [657]; see also [190, 191]. Let Pi be n random points inside a convex set K. What is the probability that they may be enclosed by a ball of radius r? Assume that each point is the center of a ball of radius r. The required probability is equal to the probability that all such balls have a nonvoid intersection. Let K -r denote the interior parallel set of K in the distance r and let V -r' F -r' and M -r be its volume, area, and integral of mean curvature, respectively. Applying the last result, we get the following value for the required probability. p(r) = (4n/3)n-l r 3n- 3 v- n [(4n/3)r 3 + n(M _rr 2 + F -rr + V- r ) + 3n(n - 1)«n 2 /32)F_ r r + V- r ) + (3n 2 /32)n(n - 1)(n - 2)V_ r ]. Hadwiger and Streit [281] extended this result to the case of cylinders or strips intersecting a fixed convex set Ko and then used it to solve the problem of finding the probability that n random lines (or random planes) that intersect a convex set Ko form an "almost bundle," that is, there exists a ball of radius r that has common point with all the lines (or planes). Note that the problem requires only that such a ball exist, without prescribing its position within Ko. 6. Cylinders in E3. Let Z be a right cylinder in E3 whose cross section is a plane domain of area f and perimeter u. The density for Z, according to (15.78), can be written dZ = dG* A dcp where G* is an oriented line parallel to the generators of the cylinder and cp denotes a rotation about G*. We quote the following results. (a) If K is a fixed convex body of area F and integral of mean curvature M, fundamental formula (15.85) becomes, assuming C z = 2n, J dZ = 2n(nF + 4nf + Mu). K"Z:l:e (b) If r is a rectifiable curve of length Land n denotes the number of intersection points with az, then J n dZ = 4n 2 uL. r "oz:I: e (c) If I is a surface of area F and A denotes the length of the curve I n az, J A. dZ = 2n 3 uF. I"oZ:l:e (d) Assume a fixed plane E divided into fundamental domains of area ll, each domain containing a convex set K E of area f and perimeter u. Assume that each K E is the cross section of a right cylinder Z, so that they define a lattice of convex cylinders in E3 (Fig. 15.1). Let K be a convex set of area F and integral of mean curvature M that cannot meet more than one cylinder 
111.15.10. Notes and Exercise 281 of the lattice. Then, the probability that K, placed at random in space, meets a cylinder of the lattice is p = (nF + 4nf + Mu)/4nrx. In particular, if K is a line segment of length b, we have F = 0, M = nb, and the probabiJity becomes p = (4f + bu)/4rx. If the cylinders reduce to lines (f = u = 0), we have p = F/4rx. These are new generaJizations of Buffon's problem. For other related results see [51]. / /  / / / , , / / , Figure 15.1. EXERCISE 1. Apply the last result in Note 4 to the case of fields of lines or planes of density p, considered as cylinders whose cross sections reduce to a single point. 
CHAPTER 16 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 1. Size Distribution of Particles Derived from the Size Distribution of Their Sections Let us consider convex particles distributed at random in E3. The determina- tion of the size distribution of these particles from the size distribution of their sections with random figures of known shape (e.g., a convex body, a cylinder, a plane, a strip, or a line) is one of the basic problems of so-called stereo logy , which is an interdisciplinary field relating such seemingly disparate disciplines as biology, mineralogy, metallurgy, and geometry. Elias [166] has proposed the following definition: Stereology deals with a body of methods for the exploration of three-dimensional space when only two-dimensional sections through solid bodies or their projections are available. The chief methods of stereo logy are closely related to integral geometry, as we shall show in this chapter with some typical examples. As a main reference see [166]; for a discussion of the fundamental equations, see [226, 227]. We first state some formulas from the preceding chapter for the case in which n = 3. Let K be a fixed convex body in E3 and Kl a moving one with kinematic density dK l . The kinematic fundamental formula (15.63) becomes J dK 1 = 8n 2 (V + VI) + 2n(FM I + FIM) Kf'\K1 * e (16.1 ) where V, F, M denote the volume, surface area, and integral of mean curvature, respectively. ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Gulo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 282 
111.16.1. Size Distribution of Particles 283 Formula (15.20) for n = 3, q = r = 3 and formula (15.72) for n = 3, q = 1 and n = 3, q = 2 give j VOl dK I = 8n 2 VV I , Kn K l=#=e j FOI dK I = 8n 2 (FV I + VF I ), Kn K l=#=e j MOl dK I = 8n 2 (V I M + M I V) + (n 4 /2)FFI KnKl =#=e (16.2) where VOl is the volume of K (') K 1 and F 01 , MOl are the surface area and the mean curvature integral, respectively, of iJ(K (') K 1 ). If the moving figure is a convex cylinder Z1 and u, f denote the perimeter and the area of its normal cross section, the preceding formulas become j dZ I = 2n(nF + 4nf + Mu), (16.3) KnZl =#=e j VOl dZ I = 8n 2 Vf, j FOI dZ I = 8n 2 (Ff + Vu), (16.4) Kn Z l=#=e KnZI =#= e j MOl dZ I = 2n 2 (4Mf + 4nV + !n 2 Fu) KnZI =#=e (16.5) where (16.3) is a particular case of (15.83) and the remaining formulas follow easily from (16.2) by reasoning similar to that in Section 7 of Chapter 15. If the moving figure is a strip B consisting of two parallel planes in distance A, we have j dB = M + 2nA, KnB=#=e j VOl dB = 2nVA, (16.6) KnB=#=e j FOI dB = 2n(2V + FA), KnB=#=e j MOl dB = (n 3 /4)F + 2nMA KnB=#=e (16.7) where the density dB for strips is equal to the density for the midplane of the stri p. We next assume congruent convex particles K distributed at random in E3 and consider the problem of determining the particle quantities p (number of particles per unit volume), V (volume), F (surface area), M (integral of mean curvature) from the quantities V 1 , F 1, M 1 of a moving convex body K 1 (the probe) and the total number of particles N*, total volume V*, total surface area F*, and total integral of mean curvature M* of the intersection of K 1 with the particles, averaged over all positions of K 1. 
284 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 111.16.1. Assuming the particles inside a ball of radius R and letting R --+- 00, using (16.1) and (16.2), we have V* = pVV 1 , F* = (F 1 V + V1F)p, and thus V* V=-, pV t F= F*V 1 -V*F t . pV t 2 ( 16.8) Analogously we get M= P13 [V/M* - 7 FIVIF* +( 7 F12 - M 1 V 1 )V*J (16.9) and using (15.66) for n = 3, we obtain N* FtM* ( n 2 VIM 1 ) F* P= V t - 4nV I 2 + 32 Ft - 2n 2V t 3 ( VtFtMt _ V 2 _ F 3 ) V* . + 2 n t 64 1 V t 4 ( 16.10) These formulas permit an estimation of p, V, F, M from N*, V*, F*, M*, using the known quantities Vt, F 1 , Mt of the probe Kt. If the moving figure is a cylinder Zt, from (16.3)-(16.5) we easily get V* = p V, F* = pF + p V(uff), M* = pM + pn(Vff) + pn 2 Fuf16f, N* = p(Ff4f + Muf4nf + 1) (16.11 ) where N*, V*, F*, M* are, respectively, the number of particles, volume, surface area, and mean curvature integral of the intersection of Z 1 with the particles (averaged over all positions of Z 1) per unit volume of Z 1. From (16.11) we deduce V* V= -, P F*f - V*u F = ------, pf M* n V* n 2 u M = P - pf - 16pJ2 (Pf - V*u), uM* ( nu 2 ) F* ( nU2 ) u V * P = N* - 4nf + 16f - 1 4f + 1 - 32f 2f2 . (16.12) If the moving figure is a strip B of breadth A, from (16.6) and (16.7) it is easy to deduce that V*=pVA, P = p(FA + 2V), M* = P(MA + 2 F)' N* = P(A +  ) (16.13) and hence 
111.16.1. Size Distribution of Particles 285 V* v=-, pA F*A - 2V* F = pA2 ' 8M* A 2 - n 2 F* A + 2n 2 V* M = 8pA3 ' N* 8M* A 2 - n 2 F* A + 2n 2 V* P = Lf - 16nA4 (16.14) where N*, V*, F*, M* refer to the hits per unit area of the strip. If the particles are not congruent, then V, F, M denote the averaged quantities over all particles. We can derive the values of p and M by using Figure 16.1. K Figure 16.2. 
286 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 111.16.2. measurements of N* in at least two strips of different breadth. For details and complements see the paper of G. Bach in Elias' book [166]. Usually the moving figure is a random plane E (strip with L1 = 0) (Fig. 16.1) or a random line G (cylinder with f = 0, u = 0) (Fig. 16.2). We are going to consider these cases separately. 2. Intersection with Random Planes Consider a convex body Q that contains a certain number of convex nonoverlapping particles distributed at random. Suppose that all particles are similar to a convex body K and let A be the ratio of similitude: we shall denote by K). the convex body similar to K with ratio A, so that K 1 = K. Let R(A) dA be the number of particles per unit volume in Q whose ratio lies in the range A, A + dA. We intersect Q by a random plane E and let h(u) du be the number of sections per unit area in Q (') E that have area between u and u + du. The problem that we shall now consider is that of finding R(A) from h( u), a problem that has applications in several fields (see [335, p. 86] and references therein). Let <p( u) be the probability distribution of the area u of E (') K, so that <p(u) du is the probability of a plane chosen at random having an intersection of area in the range u, u + du. Denoting by U m the maximal value of u, we have am j4J( u) du = 1, o am j u4J(u) du = 2n VIM, o (16.15) where the second equality is equivalent to the second formula (14.76). If <p(u, A) denotes the probability distribution of the areas of E (') K;., so that <p(a, 1) = <p(a), we have <p(u, A) d(A 2 U) = <p(U/A 2 ) du, or 4J(u, A) = A 12 4J ( ; ). (16.16) The function <p(u) is in general not simple. It should be interesting to have it for simple bodies, such as a simplex or a cube. We win give it for the unit sphere. In this case, putting x 2 = 1 - r 2 , we find that the probability of a plane section chosen at random having a radius in the range r, r + dr is Idxl = r(1 - r 2 ) -1/2 dr. Since u = nr 2 , du = 2nr dr, the probability of having an area in the range u, u + du is 2[n(n - u)] - 1/2 du and thus <p( u) = 1/2 n (n - U)1/2. (16.17) 
111.16.2. Intersection with Random Planes 287 For the sphere of radius A, according to (16.16), we have <p(u, A) = 1/2 n A(nA 2 - U)1/2 (16.18) . '] 2 or, sInce u m = nil, , <p(U,A) = 1/2 n A(Um - U)1/2. (16.19) Let M;. and M Q denote the integrals of mean curvature of K;. and Q, respectively. The total number of particles whose ratio A lies in the range A, A + dA is VH(;") dA, where V denotes the volume of Q, and the mean value of the number of particles that are intersected by a random plane E that cuts Q is (M;./MQ)VH(A) dA. Multiplying by the probability distribution <p(u, A), we obtain the mean value of plane sections E (') K;. with A in the range A, A + dA and u in the range u, u + duo By integration over A, from A = (U/U m )1/2 to A = 00, we get the mean value of intersections K;. (') E whose area lies between u and u + du, namely 00 du J (M;./MQ)VH()')cp(u,).) d).. o (16.20) Since the number of intersected particles per unit area in Q (') E whose area lies between u and u + du is h(u) du and the mean area of the intersections Q (') Eis 2n V/M Q , it follows that mean value (16.20) is equal to (2n V/MQ)h(u) duo Taking (16.16) into account, we obtain the equation 00 J ;'-1cp(U/).2)H()') d)' = (2n/M)h(u) (alam)1/2 (16.21) where we have appiied the relation M;. = AMI and have put M = MI. Equation (16.21) is the integral equation that relates H(;") and h(u). Using measurements of the intersection of Q by random planes, we can estimate h(u) and then calculate H(A) from (16.21). This integral equation contains the function <p(u), which depends on the shape of the particles K and is in general difficult to calculate. We will consider some particular cases. (a) Spherical particles. If K are spheres, we can take A = r (radius of the spheres). Then we have M = 4n, U m = n, and using (16.17), equation (16.21) becomes 00 J H(;") dA (n).2 _ u)1/2 = In h(u). (aln)I/2 ( 16.22) 
288 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereo logy 111.16.2. Putting 1tA 2 = sand H 1 (s) = H«S/1t)1/2)/ S, h 1 (u) = 2nh(u), we find that (16.20) becomes 00 r H 1(S) ds = h 1 (q), J (s - U)1/2 (16.23) tT which is an integral equation of Abel's type. The solution IS (see, e.g., [125, p. 158]), 00 H 1(S) = - ! r h 1 '(q) dq n J (u - S)1/2 s (16.24) where the prime denotes derivative. In terms of H(A) and h( u) this solution can be written 00 H(A) = - 2n!12 A J h'(u) du. (u - 1tA 2)1/2 1tA. 2 ( 16.25) If we introduce the distribution function g(r) of the radii (g(r) dr = h( u) du = number of intersected spheres per unit area in Q (') E whose inter- sections have radii in the range r, r + dr), we have u = nr 2 , h(u) = g(r)/2nr, h'(u) = (g(r)/r)' /4n 2 r, and (16.25) becomes 00 H(A) = _  r ( g(r) ) ' dr 1t J r (r 2 - A 2) 1 1 2 ' A. ( 16.26) which is a formula due to Wicksell [724]. (b) Nearly spherical particles. An analogous formula holds for particles whose function <p(u) may be assumed of the form <p( u) = a( U m - u) - #l ( 16.27) for 0  u  U m and <p(u) = 0 for u > u m , where a and Jl are constants. The sphere corresponds to Jl = !, a = 1/2 n. From (16.15) we have a 1-#l- 1 1 Um -, -Jl a 2 - #l 2n V u =-, (1 - Ii )(2 - Ii) m M (16.28) from which we get - -p a - pu m , Jl = 1 - p, p = (Mu m /21tV) - 1. (16.29) 
111.16.3. Intersection with Random Lines 289 Since for any convex body we have the known inequalities U m  F/4 and MF  12nV, it follows that p  MF(8nV)-1 - 1  land henceJl !. From (16.27) and (16.21) we have aM 00 J A 2/l-1 H(A) (U m A2 _ u)" dA = 21th(u). (O'O'm) 1 12 (16.30) This is a generalized Abel's type equation whose solution is (see [125, p. 159]) 00 4u A 2 (1 - /l) sin J.11t J h ' ( u) H(A) = - m du. aM (u - U m A2)1-/l O'mA,2 (16.31) (c) Particles of the same shape and size. If all particles embedded in Q are congruent and there are N of them per unit volume, we can consider H(A) as N times a Dirac delta function, more precisely, N times the translated function <5(A) such that <5(A) = 0 if A # 1 and J <5(A) dA = 1 when the region of integration includes the point A = 1. Then, for an arbitrary function g(A) that is continuous at A = 1, the equation J g(A) <5(A) dA = g(l) is valid, where again the integration includes the point A = 1. Then (16.21) gives N = 2nh(u)/Mc/>(u). The case of ellipsoidal particles has been considered by De Hoff [142, a, b] 3. Intersection with Random Lines With the same notation as above, we shall now consider the intersections of Q by random lines G. Let h(u) du be the number of intersected particles per unit length of Q n G whose chords have their length in the range u, u + du. The problem is to relate H(A) and h(u). Since the mean length of the chords that G determines in Q is 4 VQ/F Q' where V Q is the volume of Q and F Q is the surface area of Q, the mean number of particles intersecting G in chords whose length lies in the range u, u + du is (4V Q /F Q)h(u) du. On the other hand, the mean number of particles inter- secting G and having a similitude ratio in the range A, A + dA is (F A,/F Q) VH(A) dA where FA, denotes the surface area of KA,. Let K 1 be a particle that corresponds to A = 1 and let c/>(u) du be the probability that the length of the chord G n K 1 lies between u and u + du. The same probability for a particle KA, is c/>(u, A) = A -1c/>(U/A) du and the number of chords whose lengths lie in the range u, u + du becomes 00 du J (F ;.IF Q) VH(A)4J(U, A) dA O'/O'm (16.32) 
290 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereo logy 111.16.4. where Urn denotes the greatest chord cut from G by Kt. By equating this value with (4V Q /F Q )h(u)du and using that F;., = A 2 F, where F = Ft is the area of Kt, we get the integral equation 00 j Acp«(j/A)H(A) dA = (4/F)h«(j). a/am (16.33) The solution of this equation depends on l/J(u). For spherical particles we have l/J(u) du = (uI2) du, Urn = 2, F = 41t, and (16.33) becomes 00 J H(A) dA = (2/(j1t)h«(j), a/2 (16.34) which has the immediate solution H(A) = - (1/n)(h(2A)/A)'. (16.35) For the case in which all particles have the same shape and size, assuming that there are N particles per unit volume, we can consider H(A) to be N times a Dirac delta function and (16.33) gives N = 4h(u)/Fl/J(u). 4. Notes 1. Further results. For details and bibliography relating to the topics in this chapter, see the pertinent works by Duffin [154], Kendall and Moran [335], Moran [430], De Hoff and Rhines [142], Bodzioni [54, 55], Matheron [400], and Santal6 [573]. See also a number of related investigations in [166]. Nicholson [450] considers in detail the case of cylindrical particles. Watson [708] warns on the bad statistical properties of some of the often-used estimators. Miles [416] has generalized many stereological results to higher- dimensional spaces. See also [321, 322]. Marriot [391] considers rods of fixed length whose centers are uniformly distributed in a planar domain. If the rods make a random angle l/J with some fixed direction, where l/J has density function f( l/J) = 2( 1 + k cos 2l/J )/n (- 1  k  1), k an unspecified parameter, we can derive the probability that the rod is intersected by a. system of parallel lines making an angle rJ. with the reference direction. The number of intersections of the rods with two systems of parallel lines with different rJ. enables us to estimate the total rod length per unit area and the parameter k. Sidak [609] considers an aggregate of spheres and a slice section of breadth A through the aggregate. Let Y be the maximum diameter of that portion of the sphere falling in the section and let X be the diameter of the original sphere. If two sections of different thickness At, L1 2 are taken, then E(X) can be expressed in terms of Et(Y), E 2 (Y), At, and A 2 . 
111.16.4. Notes 291 Tallis [667] considers planar sectioning of aggregates of ellipsoids whose principal axes have fixed directions. The case of spherical particles whose diameters follow a normal distribution is considered by Giger and Riedwyl [229]. Computational methods for some stereological problems are reported by Jakeman and Anderssen [321, 322]. Duffin, Meussner, and Rhin [154a] (see also [154]) consider the problem of determining the true size distribution of spherical particles from the observation of linear or planar samples. They define the following distribu- tion functions: ( a) the sphere distribution function G 3( s) is the average number of spheres per cubic centimeter having diameter greater than s ; (b) the circle distribution function G 2 (s) is the average number of circles per square centimeter having diameter greater than s (the circles are the intersection of a plane with the spherical particles); (c) the segment distribution Gt(s) is the average number of segments per centimeter having length greater than s (the segments are the intersection of a line with the spherical particles). Then, the cumulative distribution functions are related by the following Stieltjes integrals: 00 00 (i) G 2 (s) = -1 (u 2 - S2)1/2 dG 3 (u), Gis) = -  1 (u 2 - S2) - 1/2 dG 2 (u), s s 00 (ii) G 1 (s) = - ( : ) 1 (U 2 -S 2 ) dGiu), s G 3 (s) = 2 dG 1 ---, ns ds 00 00 (iii) G 1 (s) = -1 (U 2 _S 2 )1/2 dG 2 (u), Gis) = -  1 (U 2 _S 2 )-1/2 dG 1 (u). s s A distribution function is termed Gaussian if it has the form G(s) = A exp( - ks 2 ) where A and k are constants. Then the following theorem holds: If any two oftheaistributionfunctions G 1 , G 2 , G 3 are proportional, then they are all Gaussian. If anyone of them is Gaussian, a II are Gaussian. 2. Moments of the distributions of sizes of particles. Instead of the func- tions H(A) and g(r) in (16.26), it is sometimes best to introduce the probability density function of the diameters D of the spherical particles embedded in an opaque medium, say G(D), and the probability density of the diameters of the circles of intersection with a random plane, say l/J(D). If v denotes the mean number of spheres in a unit volume and Do is the mean diameter of a sphere chosen at random, we have F(D/2) = 2vG(D), g(D/2) = 2vD o l/J(D). Thus, (16.22) and (16.26) become 00 ,I,. ( D ) - D r G(t) d 'I' - Do J (t2 _ D2)1/2 t, D 00 H(D) = - 2D: o 1 (t 2 - D2)-1/2 ( <Pt» )' dt. r 
292 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 111.16.4. Following Kendall and Moran [335], we can express the moments of one distribution in terms of those of the other. Putting 00 M h = J thG(t) dt, o we obtain the result m h = J h + 1 D o -lM h + 1 where 00 m h = J thtjJ(t) dt, o for h = - 1, 0, 1, 2,. . . nl2 J h = J sinh () d() = o 2.4. ... . (h - 1) 1.3. ....h 1.3. ... .(h -1) n 2.4. ....h 2 For Do we have the value if h is odd, if h is even. Do = ( ; ) [r tjJt) dt r 1 · o If Vo denotes the mean number of circles per unit area, we have Vo = vD o and thus v can be estimated by 00 v = ( 2v o/n) J (tjJ(t)/t) dt. o We can also introduce in (16.35) the probability density function G(D) and the probability density function s(u) of the lengths of the chords. Then we have h(u) = s(u)vnD 2 /4, where D 2 is the mean value of D 2 and (16.35) becomes G(D) = - (D 2 /2)(s(D)/D)' [335], [309c]. 3. Nearly spherical particles. When the particles embedded in a medium are not spherical, the results of this chapter are less satisfactory. Wicksell [724] considers the case of ellipsoidal particles and further references can be seen in [335]. A formula analogous to (16.35) may be applied for particles that do not depart very far from sphericity in the sense that the probability density <fJ( u) may be assumed of the form 4>(u) = (au}J\ where a, J.1 are constants determined by the conditions 00 J tjJ( u) du = 1, o 00 J utjJ(u) du = 4V/F o 
111.16.4. Notes 293 where V is the volume and F the surface area of the particle corresponding to A = 1 . We get u m F-8V J1 = 4V - umF' a = [(J1 + l)u m -(+ 1)]1/. Then (16.33) takes the form 00 j ).l-"H().) d)' = (QU:)"F h(u) a/am and thus H()') = _ 4).,.-1 ( h(UmA) ) , (aUm) F A which generalizes (16.35). 4. Size distribution of cubic particles. If the number of particles per unit volume is N v, then the number of particle intersections N A per unit area of a sectioning plane is given by N A = N v M /2n « 16.13) for L1 = 0). Where the particles are congruent cubes randomly oriented, we have M = 3na, where a is the cube edge, and thus N A = (3/2)N va. The possible sections observed have three, four, five, or six sides, with four sides comprising, on the average, 48.7% of the total. Since some sections will be nearly square, a can be estimated closely and the equations above used to determine N v. Such a dispersion of cubic particles may also be analyzed by lineal traverses. Then, the number of particle intersections N L per unit length of the sectioning line is N L = (f/4)N v, where f is the area of the particles. For cubes, we have f = 6a 2 , N L = (3/2)N v a2 . Combining these equations, we have N v = 2N A 2 /3N L and a = NL/N A (see [442]). 5. Sectioning by random spheres. Consider the case of spherical particles whose centers form a Poisson field with a mean of A centers per unit volume. We may intersect by a random sphere SR of radius R greater than the radii of the particles and then study how the size distribution of the particles can be estimated from the distribution of the sizes of their intersection circles with SR. If a sphere Sr of radius r does intersect S R, under the assumption that R > r, the probability that the radius p of the intersection circle lies in the interval p, p + dp is 3(R 2 + 3r 2 - 4p2)p dp. r(3R 2 + r2)(r2 _ p2)1/2 (16.36) Let F(r) dr be the probability of a random particle's having a radius between rand r + dr. The expected number of particles whose radii lie in the range r, r + dr and that' intersect an arbitrary sphere of radius R in a unit area of the latter is (2/3)A(3r + r 3 / R 2 )F(r) dr; hence, the probability density of the distribution of radii of spheres that intersect S R is 
294 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 111.16.4. f(r) = (r + r 3 f3R2)F(r) J (r + r 3 /3R2)F(r) dr . Hence, writing r 1 , r3 for the moments of order 1, 3 and using (16.36), we get that the probability distribution of the observed radii, that is, of the radii of the intersection circles of the particles with S R, is R 4J(p) = 3p r (R 2 + 3r 2 - 4p2)(1 + r 2 f3R2)F(r) dr. r 1 + r 3 /3R 2 J (3R 2 + r 2 )(r 2 _ p2)1/2 p This is the integral equation that relates lj>(p) with F(r). The radius p is related to the spherical radius r:t.. of the intersection S R n S" considered as a circle of SR' by p = R sin r:t... Consider now the space divided at random into convex polyhedra by a Poisson field of infinite random planes. If the resulting density of polyhedra is A per unit volume, the density of the resulting convex areas on a random intersecting plane is (977:/16) 1 13 A 2/3 [430]. The density of the resulting convex spherical areas on a random intersecting sphere of radius R such that (4/3)nRA > 1 is As = (9n/16)1 / 3 A 2/3 - «6n 2 )1/3 /16R)A 1/ 3 . This would give a means of estimating A from cross sections by a random sphere of radius R. 6. Pattern analysis. Integral geometry is related to some problems in pattern recognition, that -is, the study of how to restore pure geometric objects when we can observe only deformed or partial versions of them. Typical problems are those of restoring a pattern in a certain n-dimensional domain A from a sample in the euclidean space that contains A, or of rec- ognizing a set of pure images given a set of deformed images. See [15, 16, 237] and references therein; see also [199, 457], [206a]. 7. Division of a body by random planes. Let D be a domain in E3 topolog- ically equivalent to a ball, but not necessarily convex. Let V, F, M denote, respectively, the volume, surface area, and integral of mean curvature of D. Let Do be the convex hull of D. Consider n independently random planes E 1 , E 2 ,. . ., En intersecting D. Then we have the following integral formulas (from Santal6 [544, 553]): (i) If N i denotes the number of intersection points of three planes that belong to D, then r N. dE A dE A'" A dE = n 4 ( n ) M n - 3 V J 1 1 2 n 3 0 ( 16.37) where M 0 denotes the mean curvature integral of aDo and the integral is taken over all n-tuples of planes meeting D. (ii) If N s denotes the number of points in which the intersection line of two planes meets aD, then J N s dEl A' . · A dEn = (n 3 f2) (;) Mon-2F. (16.38) 
111.16.4. Notes 295 (iii) If R denotes the number of regions into which the planes divide D, then J R dE A... A dE = n 4 ( n ) M n - 3 V + n 3 ( n ) M n - 2 F + nM n - 1 M + M n 1 n 3 0 42 0 0 o. (16.39) From these formulas we deduce the following mean values. E ( N . ) = n 4 ( n )  · 3 M 0 3' ( n ) V ( n 3 ) ( n ) F M E(R) = n 4 - + - - + n - + 1. 3 M 0 3 4 2 Mo2 Mo E ( N ) _ ( n 3 ) ( n ) F s - 2 2 Mo2 ' (16.40) Consider a convex body K in E3. Consider the regions into which K is divided by n planes E 1 ,. . ., En intersecting K. Noting that each interior vertex belongs to eight regions and each vertex on oK belongs to four regions, we have that the mean number of vertices of each region is (8N i + 4N s )jR. Hence, if the variable N R denotes the number of vertices of each region, we can define the following quotient of mean values. E ( 8N. 4N ) 32 ( ; ) n4V+8 (  ) n3MF E*(N R ) = .+ s = E(R) 4(;)n 4 V + (;)n 3 MF + 4(n + 1)M3 (16.41) Similarly, as the mean number of edges of each region we can take E*(A R ) = E(4A i + 2A s )jE(R), where Ai is the number of interior edges and As the number of edges on oK. Since 6N i + N s = 2A i , 4N s = 2As, it follows that E*(A) = 12E(N j ) + 6E(N s ) = 48 (;)n 4 v + 12 (;)n: 3 FM r E(R) 4(;)n: 4 V+ (;)n: 3 MF +4(n+l)M 3 ( 16.42) The mean number of faces, say C R, of each region follows from the last mean values and the Euler relation N R - A R + C R = 2. The result is 24 ( n ) n 4 V + 6 ( n ) n 3 FM + 8(n + I)M 3 E*( C ) = 3 2 R 4(;)n: 4 V + (;)n: 3 FM + 4(n + 1)M 3 ( 16.43) To calculate the mean area of each region, note that if we call (1 i the area of E; n K, we have 
296 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 111.16.4.   (J. dE A... A dE = 2nn VMn - 1 i..J I 1 n , 1 E (Ui) = 2nn(VjM), (16.44) and since the interior faces belong to two regions and the faces on oK have their total area equal to F, the mean area of each region can be defined as the quotient * _ 1 ( 4nn V ) E (SR) - E(R) M + F (16.45) and for the mean volume of each region we have E*(V R ) = VjE(R) where E(R) is given by (16.40). 8. Averages for polyhedrons formed by random planes. We know that if Ko is a line segment of length s contained in the convex set K, the prob- ability that a random plane intersecting K also intersects Ko is nsjM. Hence, if there are n random planes intersecting K, the probability that exactly m of them intersect Ko is ( 16.46) Pm = (:) (nsjM)m(1 - nsjM)n-m. Assuming that K expands to the whole space and the number of random planes grows in such a way that n A ---+-, M n A a positive constant, (16.47) it follows easily that Pm tends to the Poisson law Pm * = lim Pm = «AS)mjm !)e- As . (16.48) Such a distribution of planes in space is called a Poisson field or a homoge- neous Poisson system of parameter A. The mean value of m is E(m) = AS, so that A is equal to the mean number of planes crossing any line segment of unit length. Noting that for any convex body K that expands to the whole space we have F j V --+ 0, M j F --+ 0, M j V --+ 0, independently of its shape, from (16.41)-(16.46) we deduce the following mean values E* for the poly- hedrons into which the space is partitioned by planes of a homogeneous Poisson system of parameter A: E*(N R) --+ 8, E*(A R ) --+ 12, E*(C R ) --+ 6, E*(SR) --+ ;2 ' E*(V R ) --+ n3 ' For the true mean values E of the quantities N R, SR' etc. (suitably defined) and their second moments, Miles [418] found the following values. E(N R ) = 8, E(SR) = 24jnA 2 , E(V R ) = 6jnA 3 , E(C R ) = 6, 
111.16.4. Notes 297 E(N R2) = (13n 2 + 96)/3, E(N R V R ) = 8n/A3, E(N RSR) = 28n/A 2 , E(SRV R ) = 96/A5, E(SR 2 ) = 240/A 4 , E(V R 2 ) = 48/A6, E(V R 3 ) = 1344n/A 9 , E (C V ) _ 4(n 2 + 3) R R - nA 3 ' E(CRS R ) = 2(71[2 + 24) . nA 2 Furthermore, if L R denotes the total edge length and M R the mean curvature integral of a polyhedron, Miles showed that E(L R ) = 12/A, E(M R ) = 3/2A, E(NRL R ) = 2(5n 2 + 12)/A, E(L R 2 ) = (24n 2 + 24)/A 2 , E(NRM R ) = (13n 2 + 48)/12A E(LRM R ) = (5n 2 + 12)/2A 2 , E(M R 2 ) = (13n 2 + 48)/48A 2 , E(CRL R ) = (51[2 + 36) , A 2 3 13n 2 + 120 E(MRS R ) = (7n + 12)/1tA, E(CRM R ) = 12A ' E(LRS R ) = 72n/A3, / 4 ( 2 )/ 4 ( 2 13n 2 + 336 E(L R V R )=247rA, EM R V R )=2(n +3 nA, EC R )= 12 · If the random planes that divide the space into polyhedrons are assumed perpendicular to three orthogonal axes and are uniformly distributed on each of these three directions, then it is easy to show that E( V R 2) = 288/n 2 A 6 . Interesting and promising results on random sets, with applications to random polyhedral regions defined by Poisson fields of hyperplanes in En (n = 2, 3,. . .), are to be found in [399-401]; see also [333]. 9. Random division of space into cells. The random tessellations described in Section 4 of Chapter 2 generalize easily to En. We will consider the case in which n = 3 for simplicity. The following models are of interest [405, 230]. Let Pi (i = 1, 2,. . .) be a countable set of points uniformly distributed in E3 with a density of p points per unit volume. Next, subdivide the space into regions or cells by the following rule: the cell C i contains all points in space closer to Pi than to any Pj (j # i). Then C i is a convex polyhedron, because it is the intersection of several half spaces. Pi is called the center of C i. Figure 16.3 shows an example for the plane. The model is of interest in mineralogy. The centers Pi represent the location of the original nucleus or seed crystals from which C i grow . We assume that the sets for all crystals start growing at the same instant and that they grow at the same rate in all directions, staying fixed in space without pushing apart as they grow into contact. Call S R the surface area of a cell, L R the total length of the edges of a cell; N R, A R, C R the number of vertices, number of edges, and number of faces of a cell; and v the number of crystal sections per unit area cut by a plane. Then Meijering [405] derived the following mean values. E(SR) = 5.821p-2/3, E(L R ) = 17.50p-l/3, E(A R ) = 40.61, E(C R ) = 15.54, E(N R) = 27.07, E(v) = 1.458 p 2/3. 
298 Geometric and Statistical Applications; Stereology 111.16.4. The mean number of sides of a face is 3E(N R )/E(C R ) = 5.23. Comparing with the values for polyhedrons obtained by random planes in the last section, we note that E(N R)' E(A R ), E(C R ) differ by a factor of 3. It should be interest- ing to compare this factor for dimensions n > 3. Figure 16.3. Johnson and Mehl [325] considered more complicated random tessellations, assuming that seeds appear at a constant rate of a seeds per second per unit volume, starting at an initial time t = O. In this model the cells do not have plane faces and they need not be convex. With the notation used above, Meijering obtained the following mean values for the Johnson-Mehl model: E(S R) = 5.143p - 2/3, E(A R ) > 33.84, E(L R ) = 14.71p-l/3, E(C R ) > 13.28, E(N R) = 22.56, E(v) = 1.225 p 2/3, where p = 0.8960( a/v )3/4 and v denotes the growth rate of the cells. Other mean values and variances for these models have been computed by Gilbert [230]. For instance, the volume variance of a cell for the first model is 0.180p-2 and for the Johnson-Mehl model it is 1.136p-2. These values are much less than the values corresponding to the division of the space by random planes, as was to be expected. For details, complements, and further references, see the important paper of Miles [418]. 
PART IV Integral Geometry in Spaces of Constant Curvature CHAPTER 17 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry 1. The n-Dimensional Noneuclidean Space Let P n be the real n-dimensional projective space. Let Xo, Xl' . . . , X n be the homogeneous coordinates of a point x and consider the quadric 4> = X 2 + x 2 + · . . + X2 + ex 2 = 0 - 0 1 n-l n (17.1) where e can take the value + 1 or - 1. We assume the homogeneous coordinates of the points x that do not belong to 4> normalized so that 4>(x) = 1jeK (17.2) where K is a positive constant. For e = - 1 the points such that <I>(x) > 0 have complex coordinates and are called ideal or imaginary points. The real n-dimensional noneuclidean space (or n.e. space) is the set of all points of Pn if e = + 1, and the set of all poivts of Pn such that <I>(x) < 0 if e = - 1, with the group of motions and the metric we shall define below. The r-planes of Pn are also the r-planes of the n.e. space (r = 0, 1,. . ., n - 1). The quadric <I> is called the fundamental or absolute quadric; for e = + 1, ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. SantalO, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 299 
300 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV.17.1. 4> has no real points and the space is called the elliptic n.e. space, and for e = - 1, <P is a real quadric and the set of points interior to 4> (i.e., the points such that 4>(x) < 0) constitute the hyperbolic n.e. space. In both cases eK is called the curvature of the space. The elliptic space can be identified with the n-dimensional hemisphere with the points of its boundary antipodally identified. For details see, for instance, the book by Busemann and Kelly [76] . The inner product of two points a( ao, al,. . ., an) and b( b o , b 1'. . ., b n ) is defined by n-l (a, b) = (b, a) = L aibi + eanb m i=O (a, a) = 1jeK. (17.3) In matrix notation, quadric (17.1) can be written 1 0 CP(x) = xtQx = 0, Q= 0 1 0 0 o o (17.4) B where x is now an n x 1 matrix whose elements are the homogeneous coordinates of point x and x t is its transpose. By means of Q the inner product can be written (a, b) = atQb = btQa. The collineations of P n that carry 4> into itself are called noneuclidean motions (n.e. motions) and they form a group that we will represent by m*. A necessary and sufficient condition that a collineation x' = Ax be an n.e. motion is that 4>(X') = xtAtQAx = xtQx = 4>(x) for all points x, and hence AtQA = Q. Note that the inner product is invariant under n.e. motions, namely, (ai, b ' ) = atAtQAb = atQb = (a, b). Two points such that (a, b) = 0 are called conjugate points. In the hyperbolic space (e = - 1) the conjugate points of a real point are ideal points. Let aO, a 1 ,. . ., an be n + 1 points that are vertices of a self-conjugate simplex, that is, such that (ai, a j ) = bijjeK, where bij is the Kronecker symbol. Assume that aO is a real point and consider the matrix A = «eK)1/2 a l, (eK)1/2 a 2,..., (eK)1/2 a n, K 1 / 2 aO) (1 7.5) whose columns are the coordinates of the points (eK)1/2 a l,. . ., K 1 / 2 aO. We have AtQA = Q and thus x' = Ax is an n.e. motion. According to the method of moving frames, the Maurer-Cartan forms for the n.e. motions group m* are defined by n d«eK)1/2 a i) = L wji(eK)1/2 a j + wOiKl/2aO j=l (17.6) 
IV.17.1. The n-Dimensional Noneuclidean Space 301 for i = 1, 2,. . ., nand n d(K 1 / 2 aO) = L w jo (eK)I/2 a j . j=1 ( 17. 7) Multiplying (17.6) by a j and by aO we get W.. = eK ( a j dai ) = - w.. ) 1 , I) (i, j = 1, 2,. . ., n), W Oi = .J e eK(ao, da i ) = - .JeK(ai, daD). (17.8) Multiplying (17.7) by a j we have WjO = .J K(a j , daD) = - .J K(ao, da j ) and thus we have the relations WjO + eWOj = 0, WOj + ero jO = o. (17.9) Differentiating (17.6), we get the structure equations n dw.. = " W. h A W h . )1 i..J 1 )' h=O n dWOi = e L W ih A WhO. h=1 (17.10) We shall give the definition of the n.e. distance between two points a, b. The distance s between a and b is defined by cos(eK)I/2 s (a, b) = eK . (17.11) If a and b are real points, the distance s is a real number. In the case in which e = - 1 we can put cos .J - K s = cosh .J K s. (17.12) The distance between two conjugate points satisfies the condition cos(eK)I/2s 1 = 0 and thus SI = n/2(eK)I/2, which is real for e = + 1 and complex for e = - 1. Since SI and - SI correspond to the same point (the conjugate point of aD), it follows that the lines of the elliptic space of curvature K are closed lines of length n/.J K. Let a = aO and assume that b lies in the line joining the pair of conjugate points aD, a i . Then b = (Xao + pa i , (b, aO) = (X(eK)-1 and (17.11) gives (X = cos(eK)I/2 s . On the other hand, the relation (b, b) = (eK)-1 gives(X2 + p2 = 1. Therefore, denoting by Si the distance from b to aD, we have b = cos«eK)I/2si)aO + sin«eK)I/2 si )a i . (17.13) Assuming aD, a i fixed and b moving on the line aOa i , we have db = (eK)I/2( - sin«eK)I/2 si )aO + cos«eK)I/2si)a i ) ds i . (17.14) 
302 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV.17.2. In particular, for Si = 0, we have daD = (eK)I/2 a i ds i . From this relation and (17.9) we obtain d K -l/2 K -l/2 S i = OJiO = - e OJo i . ( 17.15) The volume element at point aO is the product dS I A dS 2 A . . · A ds n ; that is, d v = K - n/ 2 OJ A OJ A . . . A OJ = ( - e ) n K - n/ 2 OJ A . . . A OJ 10 20 nO 01 On' ( 1 7.16) The angle between two lines through point aO that lie in the plane aOaia j is defined by cos 4J = eK(a', b') (1 7.1 7) where a', b' are any pair of conjugate points to aO that lie respectively in the given lines. In particular, if a' = ai, we have cos 4J = eK(a i , b'). Assuming h' moving on the line aia j (i.e., assuming that the line aOb' rotates about aO in the plane aOaia j ), we get - sin 4J d4J = eK(a i , db'). If b' = a j , we have 4J = n/2 and the angle element on the plane aOaia j about aD, corresponding to the direction aOa j in the sense from a j to ai, takes the form d,l.... = eK ( a i daj ) = OJ.. 'PrJ ' rr (17.18) Therefore the solid angle element corresponding to the direction aOa j through aO is given by dU n - 1 (ao a j ) = OJ 1j A OJ 2j A . · . A OJj_ i,j A OJj+ l,j A . · . A OJ nj . (17.19) 2. The Gauss-Bonnet Formula for Noneuclidean Spaces We need the so-called Gauss-Bonnet formula for compact, orientable hypersurfaces of the n-dimensional n.e. space. This formula is a particular case of the generalized Gauss-Bonnet formula of Allendoerfer and Weil [5] and Chern [106]. For the special case of hypersurfaces of the n.e. space, the formula was given independently by Herglotz [307]. Let Q be a connected domain in the n.e. space that is bounded by a compact hypersurface oQ of class C 3 . At each point aO of oQ we attach the self- conjugate simplex aO a 1 . . . an such that the points aO, a 1 ,. . ., an - 1 define the tangent hyperplane and aOa n is the normal of oQ at aD. Assuming that aOa i (i = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1) are the principal directions at aO, the principal radii of curvature R i are defined by the Rodrigues formulas OJ in = d4Jin = - dsdRi and the ith integral of mean curvature is defined by M j = (n  1) J{ Rl ... ;J df . oQ I (17.20) 
IV.!7.2. The Gauss-Bonnet Formula for Noneuclidean Spaces 303 where { } denotes the elementary symmetric function of degree i of the curvatures 1/ Rh and df denotes the area element of oQ. Then the Gauss- Bonnet formula for the boundary oQ of a domain Q states that cn-lM n - l + Cn-3Mn-3 +... + clM l + (BK)n/2V = !OnX(Q) (17.21) for n even, and cn-lM n - l + c n - 3 M n - 3 +...+ C2 M 2 + coF = !OnX(Q) (17.22) for n odd. In these formulas M i are the mean curvature integrals and c h = ( n - 1 ) On (BK)(n-l-h)/2. h 0hOn-l-h (17.23) If n is odd, we can use the equality x( Q) = !X( oQ), n odd. (17.24) If oQ is only piecewise of class C 2 , the Gauss-Bonnet formula holds in all cases where the boundary of the parallel set Q£ of Q in the distance B is of class C 2 . Then the integrals M i are defined to be the mean curvature integrals of oQ£ as B --+ O. Federer [177, 178] extended the Gauss-Bonnet formula to sets with positive reach (the reach of a subset A of the n.e. space is the largest B such that if the distance from point x to A is smaller than B, then A contains a unique point nearest to x) and Hadwiger [274, 276] to sets of the convex ring (sets representable as the finite union of convex sets). All formulas in this chapter hold for these kinds of sets. Examples. For n = 2 (17.21) becomes J K ds + 8KF = 2nX(Q) oQ where K is the curvature (geodesic curvature) of oQ and F is the area of Q. On the unit sphere we have B = + 1, K = 1 and on the hyperbolic plane B = - 1, K = 1. For n = 3, (17.22) becomes M 2 + BKF = 4nX(Q). (17.25) Dual formulas in elliptic space. Consider the elliptic case B = + 1. For simplicity, without loss of generality, we can take K = 1. Then the hyper- surface parallel to oQ in a distance n/2 is called the hypersurface "dual" or "polar" of oQ. This hypersurface is the boundary of a domain QP (which does not contain Q). It can be proved that the mean curvature integrals of 
304 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV.17.3. oQ and those of its polar oQP satisfy the equations Mi(oQP) = Mn-l-i(OQ), i = 0, 1,. . ., n - 1 (17.26) (for a proof see [558, 580]). Writing (17.21) for QP and using that X(Q) = X(QP), we get (putting Mo = F, MoP = F P ) cn-lF + c n - 3 M 2 +. . . + c l M n - 2 + v P = !OnX(Q) (n even) (17.27a) and cn-lF P + c n - 3 M n - 3 +... + clM l + V = !OnX(Q) (n even). (17.27b) Similarly, from (17.22) it follows that cn-lF + C n -3 M 2 +...+ C2 M n-3 + coF P = lOnX(oQ) (n odd) (17.28) where we have applied that X(Q) = !X(oQ). For n odd the volume v P of QP can be evaluated as the difference between twice the volume of the elliptic space (which is equal to On) and the volume of the body parallel to Q in the distance n/2. The result is [4] C n -2 M n-2 +... + clM l + V + v P = (1 - !X(Q»On (n odd). (17.29) Example 1. n = 2. Calling L the length of the closed curve oQ and F the area of Q, we have L + F P = 2nX(Q), L P + F = 2nX(Q). (17.30) Example 2. For n = 3, we have F + F P = 4nX(Q), M 1 + V + v P = 2n 2 - n2X(Q). (17.31) 3. Kinematic Density and Density for r-Planes - According to the general theory, the kinematic density of the group 9)1* of n.e. motions is equal to the exterior product of the 1-forms of a set of Maurer- Cartan forms. Since the kinematic density is defined up to a constant factor, using (17.16) and (17.19) we can take the normalized form ( 1 ) n/2 dK = K 1\ OJ h 1\ OJij = dv A dUn - 1 A . . . A du 1 ; h i<j i, j, h = 0, 1,. . ., n, (17.32) where dv denotes the volume element corresponding to the point aO and dUh is the area element of the h-dimensional unit sphere in the linear space defined by aO, a l ,. . ., a h + 1 (h = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1). Note that (17.32) has the same 
IV.17.3. Kinematic Density and Density for r-Planes 305 form as in the euclidean case (15.1). Similarly, as in the euclidean case, the kinematic density about a fixed q-plane Lq can be written dK[q] = dU n - q - 1 A. . . A dU 1 (q = 1, 2,. . ., n - 2). (17.33) Consider now the r-plane Lr defined by the set of conjugate points a O , a 1,. . ., are The n.e. motions that leave Lr invariant are characterized (according to (17.6) and (17.7» by OJOi = 0 for i = r + 1,. . ., n; OJjh = 0 for j = r + 1,..., n, h = 1,. . ., r. (17.34) Therefore, the density for r-planes can be taken as ( 1 ) (n-r)/2 dLr = K /\ OJ Oi /\ OJ jh (17.35) where the indices of the exterior products run over the ranges ;, j = r + 1, r + 2,. . ., n, h = 1, 2, . . ., r. (17.36) The constant factor (1/K)(n-r)/2 is not essential, but it is useful in order to simplify some formulas in the sequel. The density for r-planes that contain a fixed q-plane (q < r) is given by the same formula (12.26) as in the euclidean  Figure 17.1. 
306 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV.17.3. case. The duality (12.28) and the total measure of r-planes through a fixed q-plane (12.36) also hold without change. It is useful to express the density dLr in terms of the distance p from Lr to a fixed point 0, the density dLn-r[O] of the (n - r)-plane perpendicular to Lr through 0, and the volume element d(Jn-r of Ln-r[O] at the intersection point Lr n Ln-r[O]. To do this we proceed as follows. Let p be the distance from ° to the point aO (Fig. 17.1). If a h is the conjugate point of aO on the line Oao and a j is a conjugate point of aO and a h , by (17.8) we have OJ jh = BK(a j , da h ) = - BK(a\ da j ). (17.37) By (17.18) we know that OJ jh denotes an elementary rotation about aO in the plane aO a j a h corresponding to the direction aO a". If ° 1 is the conjugate point of ° on the line Oao, using (17.13) and the fact that the distance ahaO is equal to nj2(BK)1/2, we have a h = cos(BK)1/2(p + nj2(BK)1/2)0 + sin(BK)1/2. (p + nj2(BK)1/2)01 = - sin«BK)1/2 p )0 + cos«BK)1/2p)01. Therefore, between the elementary rotation OJ jh about aO and the elementary rotation OJj = BK(a j , dOl) = - BK(Ol' da j ) about 0, using that (a j , 0) = (a j , ° 1 ) = 0 and that dO = 0, we have the equation « ) 1 /2 * W jh =- cos BK p)W jh . (17.38) Let aO be the foot of the perpendicular drawn from ° to Lr, the r-plane defined by aO, a 1 ,. . ., are Take, moreover, a r + 1 on the line Oao. The elementary rotations OJj (j = 1,2,..., r; h = r + 2,..., n) are contained in planes orthogonal to Oao and thus they have the same value at the point aO as at the point 0; that is, we have * OJ jh = OJ jh for j = 1, 2,. . ., r, h = r + 2,. . ., n; (17.39) while according to (17.38) we have OJj,r+ 1 = wtr+ 1 cos«BK)1/2 p ), j = 1, 2,. . ., r. ( 1 7.40) Substituting (17.39) and (17.40) into (17.35) and using that the product (I/K)(n-r)/2/\ W o ; (i = r + 1,..., n) is the volume element d(Jn-r of Ln-r[O] at point aO, we get dLr = cosr«BK)1/2p) d(Jn-r A dLn-r[O] (r = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1) (17.41) where dLn-r[O] = /\ OJj (j = r + 1,. . ., n; h = 1, 2,. . ., r) is the density for (n - r)-planes through 0. This formula (17.41), which generalizes (12.38) of euclidean space, is the desired expression for dLr. Another expression for dLr in terms of matrices has been given by Muller [437]. 
IV.l? .3. Kinematic Density and Density for r-Planes 307 Let us consider the case in which r = 1. In it, dLn-l[o] = dLI[o] is the solid angle element of vertex ° corresponding to the normal of the (n - 1)- plane perpendicular to L 1 through 0. In order to replace this solid angle element dLI[o] by the analogous element dL1[aO] of vertex aO, since Ll is defined by aO and aI, using (17.19), (17.39), and (17.40), we have dL l = d(Jn-1 A dU n - 1 (17.42) where dU n - t is the solid angle element corresponding to the direction of Ll at point aO and d(Jn- I is the volume element of the (n - I)-plane perpendicular to Ll through aO. If ds denotes the arc element on L 1 at aO, we have d(Jn-t A ds = dv, volume element of the space at aO, and (17.42) gives dL l A ds = dv A dUn-I. (17.43) Consider, for instance, a domain Q of the n.e. space and integrate both sides of (17.43) over all points aO E Q. The right-hand member gives i VO n - 1 (where the factor i arises from the fact that the lines L 1 are considered unoriented) and on the left-hand side the integral of ds gives the length A of the chord Q n Lt. The result is the integral formula f ). d L 1 = to. - 1 V. ( 1 7.44) LtnQ::f:O Note that (17.43) and (17.44) are independent of the curvature of the space. Actually, they hold for any Riemann space. Formula (17.41) fails for r = O. In this case, dL o is the density for points and the formula that corresponds to (17.41) is the expression of the volume element in polar coordinates. In order to find it, note that with the same notation as above we have aO = cos((BK)I/2p)0 + sin«(BK)I/2 p )01 and therefore (sin,ce ° is fixed and thus (0, da i ) = - (ai, dO) = 0) we have W iO = - (BK)I/2(aO, da i ) = - (BK)1/2 sin«BK)I/2 p )(01' da i ). (17.45) On the other hand, considering the self-conjugate simplex 0, ° I' a 2 ,. . ., an, the solid angle element of vertex ° corresponding to the direction Oao, according to (17.19), is du n - 1 = W; I A W; I A . . . A Wl' where Wl = BK(a i , dOl) = - BK(OI' da i ) = /-; w i o/sin(BK)I/2 p (i = 2,3,. . ., n). There- fore, applying (17.16) we have dv = (..J B/ (BK)n/2)sin n - 1 (BK)I/2 p ) W 10 A dUn-to According to (17.15) we have dp = dS I = (1/..JK)w IO and hence dL = dv = - 1 sin,,-t«BK)t/2 p ) dp A du _ . ° (BK)(n-l)/2 n t ( 17.46) 
308 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV.17.3. This expression for the volume element of the n.e. space in polar coordinates immediately gives the volume of the n.e. sphere of radius p, namely p V(p) = °n-l r sin n - 1 «BK)I/2 p )dp, n (BK)(n-l)/2 J o ( 17.47) and the area An(P) = d Vn(p)/dp of the n.e. sphere of radius p, A (p) = °n-l sin n - 1 «BK)1/2 p ). n (BK)(n-l)/2 (t 7.48) For completeness we are going to compute the mean curvature integrals Mr(p) of the n.e. sphere of radius p. We need only recall that if R i is the principal radius of curvature of a hypersurface at the point P corresponding to the line of curvature C i, and Pi denotes the distance from P to the contact point of the normal to the hypersurface at P with the envelope of the normals along C i, we have the relation (see, e.g., [165, p. 2 t 4]), R i = (BK)-1/2 tan«BK)1/2 pi ). (17.49) Thus, for an n.e. sphere of radius p, according to definition (17.20), we have ° M (p) = ,,-1 sin n - r - l «BK)1/2 p ) cosr«BK)1/2 p ). r (BK)(n-l-r)/2 (t 7.50) Measure of the r-planes that meet an n.e. sphere. As an application of (17.41) we want to compute the measure of the r-planes that intersect a fixed n.e. sphere Lp of radius p. We can take the center of Lp as a fixed point 0. Then we have dU n - r = An-r-1(p) dp = (BK)-(n-r-l)/2 sin n - r - 1 «BK)1/2 p)On-r- 1 dp; (17.5 t) hence, applying (t 7.48) and (12.35), which holds without change for n.e. spaces, we obtain r dL = O,,-l.'.Or J r (BK)(n-r-l)/20,,_r_2. . '0100 LrnIp * e p , j' cos'«BK)1 /2 p) sinn -,- I«BK) I /2 p) dp. o (17.52) For the elliptic case, B = + 1, the space is finite and the measure of all Lr is also finite. Its value follows from (17.52) for p = n/2(eK)1/2. Since 
IV.17.4. Sets of r-Planes That Meet a Fixed Body 309 n/2 r cosr(a) sin.-r-I(a) da = O. , J OrOn -r- 1 o (17.53a) it follows that J dLr = °nOn-I.. .0r+1 K (n-r)/2 0 .. . 0 n-r-l 0 Tota 1 (e = + t). (t7.53b) Note. It is sometimes advantageous to write (17.52) and (17.53b) in the equivalent forms p r d Lr = O. - I .. · O.-r- I f cosr«BK) 1/2 p) sin.- r - 1«BK)1/2 p) dp J (eK)(n-r-I)/20 r _ 1 . . .0 0 J Lr('\I p *- e 0 (17.52)* J dL = °nOn-I.. .On-r r K(n-r)/20...0. r 0 Tota 1 (17.53b)* For instance, for r = n - 1, (17.52) is not directly applicable, but (17.52)* gIves p J dL._ I = 0.- 1 J coS.- 1 «BK)1/2 p) dp. Lr - 1 ('\I p *- e 0 (17.54) 4. Sets of r-Planes That Meet a Fixed Body Since dLr and dLr[o] have the same form, up to a constant factor, in the euclidean as in the n.e. case, it follows that formula (14.77) holds good in both cases. Then since the theorems on local differential geometry that are used in proving (14.78) are also valid in n.e. differential geometry, it follows that (14.78) is also valid for any n.e. space of curvature eKe In like manner, (14.69) holds without change in n.e. geometry. In particular, for q = n we have J (Q L)dL °n-l...0n-r (Q) a r n r r = 0 .. . 0 an r-I 0 Q('\L r =1= e (17.55) where an(Q) denotes the volume of the domain Q and ar(Q n Lr) is the r-dimensional volume of Q n Lr. For r = 1 we again get (17.44). Consider Q n Lr as a body of Lr and let M /r) (i = 0, 1,. . ., r - 1) be the mean curvature integrals of a(Q n Lr). The generalized Gauss-Bonnet formula gives, for r = 2r' (r even) 
310 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV.17.4. 1 __ r' 2 0 nX(Q n Lr} -- (BK) (Jr(Q n Lr) r' ( r -- 1 ) ° + L. r (BKY'-;Ml-l ;=1 21 -- 1 02;-1 0 r-2; (17.56) and for r = 2r' + 1 (r odd), r' ( r -- 1 ) ° O"X(Q n Lr) =.L 2' 0.0 r . - (BK(-iMl, 1=0 1 2, r-2,-1 ( 17.57) Multiplying both sides of these equations by dLr and integrating over all Lr that intersect Q, we have, for r = 2r', j . Q L ) d L 0" - 2 . . . On - r [ ( K ) r ' ° ( Q ) x( n r r = 0. :--:0- B n - 1 (J r 1 QnL r *" e r' ( r -- 1 ) ° ° ° ] L r r-l ,,-2;+1 (Ky'-;M. + i= 1 2; -- 1 02i-l Or- 2i O r- 2i+ 1 B 21-1 (17.58) and for r = 2r' + 1, r X( Q n Lr) dLr = 0,,- 2 ' " ,'"-r .£ ( r --: ' ) °r-\ 0,,_ 2i (BK( - i M 2i' J Or - . ° 1 1 = 0 21 ° 2 i O r - 2 i-I Or - 2 i QnL r *" 0 ( 17.59) For r = 0, dLo is the volume element and X(Q n Lo} = 1, so that integral (17.59) is the volume of Q. Note that for r = 1 (r' = 0) (17.59) is not directly applicable. However, using the identity 0,,- 2 . . .O,,-r °r-l...0. Oil - 2 . . . Or 0n-r-l.. '01 ( I 7.60) we get J X(Q n L\) dL\ = (0,,/4n)F. QnLt *" 0 (17.61) If Q is a convex set, then X( Q n Lr) = 1 and we can state The lneasure of all Lr intersecting a convex set Q in the n.e. space of constant curvature BK is given by the right-hand side of (17.58) or (17.59), according to the parity of r. 
IV.I7.5. Notes 311 For instance, for n = 3, assuming Q convex, we have j dL I = (n/2)F, QnLl =1= 0 j dL 2 = M 1 + BK V. QnL2 =1= 0 (17.62) For the elliptic integral geometry, see the work of Blaschke [43] and T. J. Wu [73 t, 732, 732a]. 5. Notes 1. An inequality for tetrahedrons in n.e. geol11etry. Let T be a tetrahedron in three-dimensional n.e. space of curvature eKe The mean curvature integral M 1 of T can be computed by the same method as in the euclidean case, and we get the same result (13.58). Therefore we have .\ 6 6 d L 2 =  7r L a i - 1 L a i a i + e K V, i=1 ;=1 .\ 6 NdL 2 =7rLa; i = 1 L2n T =1= e L2 n T =1= e where a; are the lengths of the edges, a; are the corresponding dihedral angles, V is the volume, and N denotes the number of edges that are intersected by L 2 . Therefore either N = 3 or N = 4, except for locations of L 2 that belong to a set of measure zero. Calling n1; the measure of planes that intersect i edges, from the last formulas we deduce 6 6 1113 = lrIa i - 2Ia i a i + 4eKV, i=1 i=1 6 6 m 4 = tIaiai - 7rIai - 3eKV. ;=1 i=1 Since these measures are nonnegative, we have the inequalities 6 6 7rLa; + 4eKV 2La;a;, ;=1 ;=1 6 6 3 L aia i  7r La; + 6eK V. ;=1 ;=1 These inequalities generalize to n.e. space those given by P61ya and Szego [489] for Euclidean space. They may be of some interest because, as is well known, V cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions of a; and a;. The volume of a tetrahedron in n.e. geometry has been studied by several authors (including Coxeter [J 28] and Bohm [57-59]). 2. An integral fornlula. Let Q be a connected domain in the elliptic 11- dimensional space and assume that the boundary oQ is of class C 3 . For each point P of the elliptic space we draw the normals P A; (i = 1, 2,. . .) to oQ and let C ih (h = t, 2,. . ., n - t) be the n - 1 lines of curvature of oQ at A;o Set e;h = - t if P A; is a relative maximum of the distances from P to C ih and e;h = + t if P A i is a relative minimum of these distances; set e ih = 0 
312 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV .17.5. otherwise. Putting Vi = Bit B i2 . . . B i,n - t and N = LVi where the sum is over all normals from P to Q, we find that the following integral formulas hold f N dP = OnX(Q) . (n odd), J N dP = OnX(Q) - 2V P (n even) where dP is the volume element and the integrals are extended over the whole elliptic space. For n = 2, 3 these formulas are the work of Blaschke [45] (see [570]). 3. Geometric probability in n.e. spaces. From the results of this chapter, we can easily obtain the solution of typical problems on geometric probability in n.e. spaces. We state some of them, leaving the proofs to the reader. 1. If Kt is a convex set contained in a convex set Ko in n-din1ensional n.e. space of curvature BK, the probability that a random secant of Ko also intersects K 1 is FI/Fo, where Ft and Fo are the surface areas of oK 1 and oKo, respectively. 2. The mean length of a secant of a convex body K in n.e. n-dimensional space is E(O') = 2nO n - 1 V/OnF. 3. If K 1 is a convex set interior to a convex set Ko in n.e. space o.f three dimensions, the probability that a random plane intersecting Ko also intersects K 1 is M1+BKV t p= Mo + BKV o where M i and Vi are, respectively, the mean curvature integrals and the volumes of Ki(i = 0, t). 4. Let K be a convex body in three-dimensional n.e. space and let Lt and L 2 be a line and a plane that meet K independently and at randol1l. Then the probability that they meet inside K is 4nV p = (M + BKV)F. 5. Let K be a convex body in three-dimensional n.e. space and let L 2 , L 2 * be two independently random planes, both intersecting K. The probability that their line of intersection intersects K is n 3 F p = 4(M + BK V)2 . 4. Geometric probability on the sphere. We state some problems con- cerning the theory of geometric probabilities on the two-dimensional sphere U. They are easily solved using the results of this chapter, taking into account that the geometry on U is locally the geometry on the elliptic plane, the lines being the great circles on the sphere. t. The probability that two random great circles intersect inside a convex set K of area F is p = F/2n. If the great circles are assumed secant to K, then the probability that they intersect inside K is p = 2nF/L2. 
IV.I? .5. Notes 313 By duality we have 2. The probability that the circle defined by two random points on the unit sphere does not intersect a fixed convex set K of perimeter L is p = (2n - F)/ L. 3. The probability that the arc of great circle P 1 P 2  n joining two random points PI' P 2 cuts a fixed convex set K is p = (L + 2F)/8n. 4. The mean distance between two random points on the unit sphere is n/2. 5. Let PI' P 2 , P 3 be three points chosen at random on the unit sphere. The mean perimeter of the triangle P 1 P 2 P 3 is 3n/2 and the mean area is n/2. 6. Let HI' H 2 be the two hemispheres defined by a given great circle Go on the unit sphere. The mean distance between two points PI' P 2 chosen at random on H I and H 2' respectively, is E(O) = n - 4/n. Consider the hemisphere H of unit radius. Because of the lack of symmetry, mean value problems on the hemisphere are in general more involved than those on the whole sphere. We consider some examples: 7. The mean distance between two points on the unit hemisphere is 4/n. 8. The mean perimeter of a triangle defined by three random points PI' Pz, P 3 on the hemisphere is 12/n, and the mean area is (12/n) - n. If the triangle is defined by three random great circles, the mean perimeter is E*(L) = 3n - 12/n and the mean area E*(F) = 2n - 12/n. 9. The probability that four random points on the unit hemisphere form a convex spherical quadrilateral is p = 3 - 24/n 2 = 0.569. .. (Sylvester's problem on the hemisphere). Second-order moments. Let f H(L) denote the probability density function of the perimeter L of the triangle PIP zP 3 generated by three independent random points PI' P 2, P 3 on a hemisphere H of the unit sphere U and let f(L) be the probability density function of L when P 1, P 2' P 3 are chosen randomly on the unit sphere U. Then, given at random three points PI' P 2, P 3 and a great circle G, we have p(P l' P 2 , P 3 E H) .fH(L) = f(L). p(G n P IP2P3 = e), where p(P 1 , Pz, P 3 E H), the probability that PI' P 2 , P 3 all lie in some single hemisphere of those into which G partitions U is equal to 1, and p(G n P 1 P 2 P 3 = e), the probability that the great circle G does not intersect the triangle PIP 2P 3 is 1 - L/2n. Hence we have fH(L) = 4f(L) - (2/n)Lf(L). Multiplying both sides by L and integrating from 0 to 2n, we get EH(L) = 4E(L) - (2/n)E(L 2 ) and since EII(L) = 12/n and E(L) = 3n/2, we get E(L 2 ) = 3n 2 - 6. By duality, if E* denotes the mean value when the spherical triangles are generated by three random great circles, we have E*(F) = E«2n - L)2) = n 2 - 6. These and other second-order moments of certain quantities of random spherical figures have been given by Miles [413]. In this paper, Miles gives a complete survey of geometrical probability on the sphere, including the tessellation determined by n uniform random great circles and the first and second moments of the area, perimeter, and number of angles of the polygons I of the tessellation. 
314 Noneuclidean Integral Geometry IV.I? .5. 5. Integra 1 formu Las with tangents. Let K be a convex set on the unit two-dimensional sphere U. Let t l' t z be the lengths of the arcs of great circles tangent to oK through the point P measured from P to the contact Figure 17.2. point (t i  n) and let (JJ be the angle between these tangent great circles (Fig. 17.2). Then the integral formula J . sin 0: dP = 1(2n - F)z sIn t 1 sIn t z 2 P,K holds, where the points situated at the extremities of a diameter are considered as a single point. By duality we get J . sin dG=1L z sIn a 1 sIn az 2 Gr.K::I=e where ljJ is the length of the chord G (') K and a 1 , a z are the angles that G makes with the great circles tangent to oK at the intersection points G (') K [539]. 6. Density for horocycles. When the center of a circle in a hyperbolic plane moves off to infinity, stiIl requiring the circle to pass through a fixed point, then the circle becomes a circle of infinite radius, which is called a horocycle. Assuming a system of polar coordinates (r, a) with origin at 0, the density for horocycles is dH + = e' dr 1\ da if the horocycle has its convexity toward the origin 0 and dH _ = e-' dr 1\ da if the convexity of the horocycle is turned a way from the origin. We shall write dH for the density of horocycles, with the convention of taking dH + or dH _, according to the case. It is easy to see that two points A, B determine two horocycles joining them. A set 
IV.I?5. Notes 315 of points K is said to be h-convex (horocycle convex) if for each pair of points A, B E K the entire horocycle segments joining A and B are contained in K. Then, if (J denotes the length of the chord H (') K, we can prove that j (J dH = 2nF, HnK=I=e j (J3 dH = 6F 2 HnK=I=e where F is the area of K. Let K be an h-convex set with smooth boundary. Let h(O) be the distance from a fixed point 0 E K to the horocycle that is tangent to K and is per- pendicular to the line emanating from 0 and making the angle 0 with a reference direction through 0, K being on the convex side of H. The function h(O) is called the support function with respect to horocycles that have K on the convex side. Then the length of 8K is given by 27t L ""  j (e h - e- h + e- h h,2) dO. o ( 17.63) If h* is the support function for K constructed as was h but with K on the concave side of the horocycle, (17.63) becomes 27t L = ! j (e- h * + e- h * - e- h *h*,2) dO. o ( 1 7.64) If h - 11* = B is a constant, K is said to be of constant breadth with respect to horocycles, and then 27t L = !(I - e- B ) 1 e h dO. o (17.65) Formulas (17.63), (17.64), and (17.65) are the work of J. P. Fillmore [189J. Any convex set of constant breadth with respect to horocycles is also of constant breadth with respect to its tangent lines and then the perimeter L and area F are related to the constant breadth B by the formula L = (2IT + F) tanh(B/2) [548, 589J. For applications of integral geometry to the theory of curves in three-dimensional hyperbolic space, see the work of D. Jusupov [326J. 
CHAPTER 18 Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula in Noneuclidean Spaces 1. Crofton's Formulas We want to generalize formula (14.24) to convex bodies of the n.e. space of curvature eK. Let P l' P 2 be two points and let L 1 denote the line P 1 P 2. Let t 1 and t 2 denote the coordinates of P l' P 2 on L 1 . Assuming that P 1 is the origin of a polar coordinate system, the volume element at P 2' according to (17.46), may be written dP = sin n - 1 «eK)1/2It 2 - t 1 1) dt "du _ . 2 (eK)(n-t)/2 2 n 1 ( 18.1 ) Exterior multiplication by the volume element d PI' using (17.43) (where dv is now denoted by dP 2)' gives [283] d P "d P = .si n n - 1 ( ( e K) 1 /21 t 2 - t 11) d t "d t "d L . 1 2 (eK)(n-t)/2 1 2 1 ( 18.2) Let Q be a convex body and integrate (18.2) over all pairs of points PI' P 2 E Q. On the right-hand side we have the integral (1(1 4J _ (a, eK) = J J sinn- 1«eK)I/2It 2 - t II) dt A dt , n 1 (eK)(n-t)/2 2 1 00 ( 18.3) which has the value ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 316 
IV.IB.I. Crofton's Formulas 317 4J _ (a, eK) = _ 2 [ 1 sin n - 1 «eK)1/2 a ) n 1 (n _ 1)(eK)(n+ 1 )/2 n - 1 (n-3)/2 ( 2 ) ( 2. ) ] + L n - . .. n - I. sinn-1-2i«eK)1/2a) i=1 (n - 3)...(n - 1 -21)2 + (n - 2). . .1 (eK)-(n-1)/2 a 2 (n - 1)...2 (18.4) for n odd, and 4J n - 1 (a, eK) = _ 2 [ 1 sinn-1«eK)1/2a) (n - 1 )(eK)(n+ 1)/2 n - 1 (n-2)/2 ( 2) ( 2") + L n - . .. n - 1 . Sinn-1-2i«eK)1/2a) i=1 (n - 3)...(n - 1 -21) _ (n - 2).. .2 (eK)1/2 a ] (n - 3)...1 (18.5) for n even and n > 2. For n = 2 we have cP 1 (a, eK) = 2«eK)1/2 a - sin«eK)1/2 a »(eK)-3/2. (18.6) Therefore, integrating both sides of (18.2), we have f <Pn-t(U' eK) dLt = V 2 , Ll r'lQ::I= 9 ( 18.7) which is the desired generalization. For instance, for n = 2, we have 1 r ( _ Sin«eK)1/2 a » ) dL =  F 2 eK J a (eK)1/2 1 2 Ltr'lQ::I=9 (18.8) and for n = 3 r ( a 2 - Sin2«eK)1/2a» ) dL = 2V 2 . (18.9) eK J eK 1 Llr'1Q::I=9 From (18.8) with the help of (17.44) it follows that, for e = + 1 (elliptic plane) we have J U dLt = nF, Qr'lLl ::1= 9 J sin u dLt = nF - tF 2 Qr'lLl ::1= {} (18.10) and for e = - 1 (hyperbolic plane) 
318 Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula IV.18.2. 1 (J dL j = nF, Qf1L. * e 1 sinh (J dL j = nF + tF 2 . (18.11) Qf1L. * e Prove, as an exercise, that passing to the limit as K -+ 0, (18.8) and (18.9) become (4.9) and (14.24) (for n = 3), respectively. 2. Dual Formulas in Elliptic Space In the elliptic space, B = 1, the so-called principle of duality holds, which affirms that every theorem remains true when we interchange "point" and "hyperplane" and make the consequent alterations in wording (e.g., "contains" is interchanged with "is contained in," "dimension r" is interchanged with "dimension n - r - I"). As we saw in Section 2 of Chapter 17, to each Lr there corresponds by duality an L-r-l' called the dual of Lr. We want to translate by duality some of the formulas of the preceding section. Consider first formula (17.44). Assume Q convex. The dual of a line Ll is an L-2' and to the length A of the chord Q (') L 1 there corresponds the angle n: - ljJP, where ljJP is the angle between the tangent hyperplanes to the convex body QP, dual ofQ, through L:- 2 . Thus, (17.44) gives 1 (n: - ljJP) dL_2 = !On-l V. (18.12) P QPf"\L n -2=e The measure of all L-2 that do not meet QP is equal to the measure of all L 1 that meet Q; hence, by (17.61) it is equal to (On/4n:)F. Consequently (18.12) yields 1 ljJP dL_2 = (On/4)F - (On-l/ 2 )V (18.13) P Q Pf1L n - 2 = e or, interchanging Q and QP, we have 1 ljJ dL n - 2 = (On/ 4 )F P - (On-l/ 2 )V P (18.14) Qf1L n - 2 * e where F P and v P are the area and volume of QP, whose values can be deduced from the formulas in Section 2 of Chapter 17. For instance, for n = 2, (18.14) becomes ) cP dP = n(L - F) P,Q (18.15) 
IV.18.2. Dual Formulas in Elliptic Space 319 where ljJ is the angle between the tangents to Q from the exterior point Q. For n = 3 we get 1 cjJ dL I = 2n(M I + V) - in 2 F Qf"ILt = e (18.16) where we have applied (17.31). We want to translate by duality formula (18.7). Note that for n even, according to (18.5) we have (n > 2) 2(n - 2). . .2 4(n - 2). . .2 4>n-t(n - ljJ, 1) = 4>n-l(ljJ, 1) + (n _ 1).. .1 11: - (n _ 1).. .1 ljJ. (18.17) Therefore, using (18.12) and (18.7), we get r (n - 2).. .2 J CP,,-I (cjJ, 1) dL,,_ 2 = (V P )2 + 2(n _ 1)' . . 1 (O"F P - 40"-1 V P ) Q n Ln - 2 = e (18.18) where ljJ is the angle between the tangent hyperplanes to Q through Ln - 2 and CPIJ - 1 (ljJ, 1) is given by (18.5). Similarly, for n odd we have r (n - 2)...1 11: J CP,,-I(cjJ, 1) dL n - 2 = (V P )2 + (n _ 1)" .2 4 (O"F P - 40"-1 V P ). Qf"ILn - 2 = e (18.19) Examples. For n = 2, (18.6) yields (/)1(11: - ljJ, 1) = l/J 1 (ljJ, 1) + 2(11: - 2ljJ) and (18.18) becomes 1 (cjJ - sin cjJ) dP = iL2 - nF PQ which is the classical result of Crofton (4.24) extended to the elliptic plane. From (18.20) and (18.14) it follows that ( 18.20) 1 sin cjJ dP = nL - iL2. PQ (18.21) For n = 3, using (17.31), we obtain from (18.19) 1 2  2 . 2  d 2 11: 3 J' ( 'I' - Sin 'I' ) L I = (M 1 + V) - 4 F, Lt f"IQ = e (18.22) which is the generalization to elliptic three-dimensional space of the formula of Herglotz (14.33). 
320 Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula IV.18.3. 3. The Kinematic Fundamental Formula in Noneuclidean Spaces Formula (15.72) of the euclidean n-dimensional space is also valid for domains with sufficiently smooth boundary of the n-dimensional n.e. space of curvature eK. In fact, all the steps of the proof are based on formulas of the local differential geometry of hypersurfaces, which have the same form for euclidean and n.e. spaces (namely, the Meusnier, Euler, and Rodrigues formulas). Formula (15.72) is valid for q = 1,2,..., n - 1. For q = n it must be replaced by (15.36), taking (15.37) into account. That is, as a com- plement of (t 5.72) we have (for q = n) 1 M" - I (i3( Don D 1 ) d K I = 0" - I . . . 0 I [M - I V I + M  - I V 0 no f"I D 1 * 9 I 11-2 ( n ) J + -- L I 1 MhOM_2_h ' (18.23) n h= 0 1 + which is valid for any pair of domains Do, Dt with sufficiently smooth boundaries of the n.e. space of curvature eKe With these preliminaries, it is easy to obtain the fundamental kinematic formula for n.e. spaces. We consider separately the cases of n even and n odd. 1. n even. We apply the Gauss-Bonnet formula (17.21) to the intersection Do (') Dl and integrate over all positions of D 1 . The integral of the volume V(Do (') Dt) is immediate. j V(DonDI)dK I = O,,-I"'OIVOVI' Do f"I D 1 *- e (18.24 ) Then, (15.72) and (18.23), after some rearrangements, give 1 X(D o n DI)dK t Do f"I D 1 *- 9 _ 20,,_. . . 0 1 (eK)"/2 V o VI II 1 n-2 ( n ) + 011-1.. .01(V t XO + VoXt) + 0,,-2.. .Ot - I h 1 MhOM_2_h 11 h=O + { n 1 2 - 2 ( n - t ) - 2' - 2 2 ° ... 0  n I ( K) (n-2i-2)/2 + n-2 1 i..J . ---- e i=O 21 + 1 0n-2i-3 0n-2i-2 
IV.18.4. Steiner's Formula in Noneuclidean Spaces 321 n-2 I h=n-2i-2 ( 2i + 1 ) h 1 °2n-h-2i-2 0 } n- - h 1 0 ( h 1 )0 0 M n - 2 - h M h + 2 i + 2 - n . + n-h 2i+h-n+2 ( 18.25) 2. n odd. Applying (17.22) to Do n Dl and integrating both sides over all positions of D 1 , using (15.72), after some rearrangements, we get J X(D o () Dt) dK 1 Dor.Dl * e 1 n-2 ( n ) = 0n-t.. .0t(VtXo + VoX.) + 0n-2.. .Ot - L h 1 MhOM_2_h n h=O + { (n-3)/2 ( n - I ) 2 - 2 . - 1 O .. . 0 )' n I ( K ) (n-t-2i)/2 + n-2 t  2 . 0 0 B i=O I ,,-2i-l n-2i-2 n- 2 ( 2; ) 0 0 }  h 2n-h-2i-l M 1 M o i..J 1 0 . (h 1)0 n-2-h h+2i+l-n. h=n-2i-l n - h - 2,+h-n+ 1 + n-h ( 18.26) For n = 2 formula (18.25) must be written as J X(Do () Dt) dKt = - (eK)FoFt + 2n(FtXo + FOXt) + LoLt (18.27) Dor.Dl *- e and for n = 3 J X(Do () Dt) dKt = 8n 2 (V t xo + VoXt) + 2n(FOMt + FtMo). (18.28) Dor.Dl *- e Note that according to (18.25) and (18.26), n = 3 is the only case such that the kinematic fundamental formula is independent of the curvature of the space. For the "dual" fundamental formula in the elliptic case, see [732]. 4. Steiner's Formula in Noneuclidean Spaces Consider the special case when Dl is a ball of radius p and Do is a convex set Q. Then X(Q n D 1 ) = 1 if Q n Dl =ft e and X(Q n D 1 ) = 0 otherwise. Using expression (17.32) for dK 1 and choosing the center of the ball D 1 as the origin of the moving frame, for each position of D 1 we can integrate dUn _ 1 1\. . . 1\ du 1 and the kinematic fundamental formula gives the volume 
322 Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula IV.18.5. of the convex body Qp parallel to Q in the distance p (i.e., the generalized Steiner formula for n.e. spaces). The resulting formula is rather complicated, so we will write it only for the particular cases in which n = 2, 3. For a different approach, see that of Allendoerfer [4]. (a) n = 2. With the natural change of notation V o -+ F 0, VI -+ F l' Mo 0 -+ Lo, MOl -+ L 1 where Lo, F 0 are the perimeter and area of Q and L 1 , F 1 the perimeter and area of the disk of radius p, that is, L 1 = (2n/(eK)1/2) sin«eK)l/2 p ), F 1 = (2n/eK)[1 - cos«eK)I/2 p )], ( 18.29) we get the following expression for the area of Qp [690] Fp = F 0 cos«BK)1/2 p) + (B)1/2 sin«BK)1/2 p) + :: [1 - cos«BK)1/2 p )]. ( 18.30) The perimeter of Qp can be calculated by the formula Lp = dFp/dp. (b) n = 3. For the ball of radius p, by (17.47), (17.48), and (17.50), we have V = 2n [(eK)I/2 p _ sin«eK)I/2p)cos«eK)1/2 p )], 1 (eK)3/2 Fl = Mol = :; sin 2 «BK)1/2 p ), M = M 1 = 4n sin«eK ) l/2 p ) cos«eK)1/2 p), 1 1 (eK)1/2 Substituting into (18.26) and dividing by 8n 2 , we get F sin 2 «eK)l/2 p ) V = V + 0 sin«eK)l/2 p ) cos«eK)1/2 p ) + M p 0 (eK)1/2 1 eK Xl = 1. (18.31) + 2n [(eK)l/2 p _ sin«eK)l/2p)cos«eK)1/2 p )]. (eK)3/2 (18.32) The surface area Fp of Qp can be calculated by the formula Fp = dVp/dp. 5. An Integral Formula for Convex Bodies in Elliptic Space Consider the elliptic n-dimensional space (e = 1, K = 1). We know that the lines L 1 are closed and have the length n. Let L 1 be such a line. We can consider L 1 as a degenerate body for which 
IV.18.6. Notes 323 Xl = 0, VI = 0, Mo = M 1 =...= M n - 3 = M n - l = 0, M n - 2 = en/en - l)]On-Z (18.33) and then apply fundamental formula (18.25) or (18.26) to the case in which D 1 = L 1 and Do = Qo, a fixed convex body. We have X(Qo n L l ) = 1. Let P be a point of L 1 and take the kinematic density (17.32) with P as origin of the moving frame. The integral on the left-hand side is equal to 0n-t"'OtVO + 20 n - 2 ...O t 1 QdP PQo ( 18.34 ) where Q is the solid angle under which Qo is seen from the point P (exterior to Qo). The factor 2 before the second summand arises from the fact that each point P is the common vertex of two angles Q that subtend Qo (because L 1 is closed). The integral on the left-hand side, in view of (18.33), reduces to 0IJ-z.. .010n-Z(n/(n - 1»J\tl 0 1 . Therefore, denoting by Fo = MOl the area of aQo, we have the formula [ n 1 J QdP= 2(n_I) On-2Fo-20n-tVo. PQo (18.35) For n = 2 we again have (18.15). 6. Notes 1. Integral forl11ulas relating to the intersection of lnanifolds in n.e. space. Formula (15.20), which was proved for euclidean space, is valid without change for noneuclidean space. That is, we may state Let Mq be a fixed q-dimensional compact Inanifold in n-din1ensiona I noneuclidean space and let M r be an r-din1ensional compact manifold, rtloving with kinel11atic density dK. Assun1e r + q - n  0 and let ar+q_IJ(Mq n M r ) denote the (r + q - n)-din1ensionul volun1e of the inter- section Mq n Mr. Then we have 1 0IJ O IJ-l. . .° 1 °r+q-n ar+q-n(Mq n M r ) dK = ° ° aq(Mq)a,(M r ) (18.36) q r MqnMr=l:-e where aq(Mq) and ar(M r ) are the volulnes of Mq and M'., respectively. If r + q - n = 0, then ar+q-n(Mq n M r ) denotes the number of intersection points of Mq and Mr. For instance, if r 0' r I are two curves of the n.e. plane, we have 1 ndKt=4LoLt TonTI =I:- e (18.37) 
324 Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula IV.18.6. where Lo, Ll are the lengths of the curves and n is the number of intersections. This shows that Poincare's formula (7.11) is independent of the curvature of the space. 2. The isoperin1etric inequality. Let Do, D] be two congruent domains in the n.e. plane, of area F and bounded by a single curve of length L. Assuming Do fixed and Dl moving with kinematic density dK t , we have X(Do n D]) = v = the number of pieces of the intersection Do n D., and using that X(D o ) = X(D]) = 1, we can write the fundamental formula (18.27) as .\ v dK 1 = 47rF + L 2 - (eK)F 2 . (18.38) DonDt * e Since v  n/2, from (18.37) and (18.38) it follows that L 2 + eKF 2 - 4n:F  0, (18.39) which is the isoperimetric inequality for the n.e. plane of curvature eK. Proceeding as in Section 5 of Chapter 7, we can prove the following stronger inequalities (for convex domains). (a) For the elliptic plane (e = I, K = 1), putting L1 = L 2 + F 2 - 4n:F, we have ( r - r ) L1  4n: 2 sin 2 M 2 m , ( r - r ) L1  4n: 2 tan 2 M 2 m [62J, L1  [F cot(r m/2) - LJ2, L1  [L - F cot(r M /2)J 2 . (b) For the hyperbolic plane (e = 1, K = I), putting L1 = L 2 - F 2 - 4n:F, we have L1  [L - F coth(r m /2)J2, L1  [F coth(r M /2) - LJ2. In both cases r M is the radius of the smallest circle that contains the convex domain D and rill is the radius of the greatest circle that is contained in D [539, 541J. For isoperimetric inequalities in the elliptic plane, see [34IJ; for the hyperbolic plane, see [458J. 3. The theoren1 ql H ad\viger }'or the n.e. plane. The same argument that produced Hadwiger's theorem in Section 4 of Chapter 7 now gives (a) For the elliptic plane (e = I, K = I): Do and D. being two domains bounded by simple closed piecewise smooth curves, the inequalities Lo L . - F. ( 4 n: - F 0)  [Lo 2 L t 2 - F 0 F . ( 4 n: - F 0)( 4 n - F.) J · / 2 and F o (4n: - F.) - LoL.  [L02L.2 - FOF](4n - F o )(4n - Ft)Jl/2 are two sufficient (but not necessary) conditions in order that D. can be contained in Do. 
IV.18.6. Notes 325 (b) For the hyperbolic plane (e = - 1, K = 1) the analogous conditions are LoLl - F I (4n + Fo)  [L0 2L 12 - F o F I (4n + Fo)(4n + F 1 )]1/2, Fo(4n + F I ) - LoLl  [L02L12 - FoFI(4n + F o )(4n + F 1 )]1 / 2. In particular, if Dl is a circle of radius r on the unit sphere, we have Ll - 2n sin r, F 1 = 2n( 1 - cos r) and recalling that the elliptic plane is locally the unit sphere, we can state In order that a domain Do on the unit sphere, bounded by a simple closed curve, contain a circular cap of angular radius r, it is sufficient that one of the inequalities ( r ) Lo - A 0 I 1 2 tan 2 < 4n - F 0 ' co t (  ) > Lo + A__  2 f'o hold, where Ao = L02 - 4Fo + F02. In like manner, either of the conditions ( R ) Lo - A 0 1 1 2 cot 2 < F 0 ' ( R ) Lo + Ao 1/2 tan 2 > 4n - F 0 is a sufficient condition for Do to be conta ined in a ca P o.f angula r rad ius R. Another result of the same kind is the following: let D be a domain, not necessarily convex, of area F and perimeter L, bounded by a single simple closed curve contained in a hemisphere of the unit two-dimensional sphere. Then there exists a spherical cap of angular radius p contained in D such that tan p  F / L. The ineq uality is the best possible in the sense that it cannot be replaced by tan p  c(F/ L) with a constant c > 1. If D is convex, then the angular radius of the largest cap in D satisfies the ineq uality p  F /4. This inequality is due to D. J. White [719] and can be extended to convex domains of the n-dimensional unit sphere. Its form is then F  (p/n)O", where On is the area of the n-dimensional unit sphere. This inequality is the best possible, as we see by taking D to be the intersection of two closed hemispheres. 4. Sonte covering problems. The geometry of elliptic space is locally the geometry of the sphere. The fundamental formula of Section 3 for e = 1, K = 1 gives the kinematic fundamental formula of the n-dimensional unit sphere. We will apply it to some covering problems on the unit two-dimen- sional sphere. Let Ko be a fixed convex domain, of area F 0 and perimeter Lo, on the two-dimensional unit sphere U. Let K l' K 2'. . ., K'J be n congruent convex domains that are moving on U and have area F and perimeter L; let dK; denote the corresponding kinematic density. Let F 0 1...n denote the area and Lo 1.. n the perimeter of the intersection Ko n KIn. . . n Kw Then in a way analogous to that in Section 7 of Chapter 6 we can prove that j FOI...n dK 1 A dK 2 A' . . A dKn = (2rr)nrFo. ( 18.40) 
326 Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula IV.18.6. 1 L 0 1...n dK I A dKz A" 'A dKn = (2nt rL o + n(2ntFn- IF oL, (18.41) where the integrals are extended over all locations of K i (i = 1, 2,. . ., n). Hence we have the following mean values. E(F Ot...n) = FnF o( 4n) -n, E(LOl...n) = (FnL o + nF n - 1 F o L)(4n)-n. (18.42) Furthermore, by successive application of (18.27) for e = K = 1, we get I!2'''n = 1 dK I A dKz A" 'A dKn = (2nt(Fn + nFoFn-l) + (2nt- 1 [nr-ILoL + G) FoLzr-z - nFor] (18.43) where the integration is extended over all locations of K 1" . ., Kn such that Ko n K 1 . . . n Kn =I e. This result may be stated as follows. Given a fixed convex set Ko on the two-dimensional unit sphere, the probability that n random congruent convex sets K l' K 2 ,. . ., Kn have a nonvoid intersection interior to Ko is p = (8n 2 )-nl 12 ... n where 1 12 ... n is given by (18.43). Assume n + 1 points chosen at random on the unit sphere. We want the probability that they may be covered by a circular cap of radius r. If we consider each point as the center of a spherical cap of radius r, then the desired probability is equal to the probability that n circular caps of radius r have a nonvoid intersection with a fixed cap of radius r. The probability is given by (18.44) with the values Lo = L = 2n sin r, F 0 = F = 2n(t - cos r). In particular, for r = n/2 we have ( 18.44) The probability that n + 1 randon1 points on the unit two-dimensional sphere belong to the same hemisphere is p* = ;n [(n + 1) + n(n;- 1) ], (18.45) By duality we have that the probability that n + 1 random hemispheres will have a nonv.QiQ.i intersection is given by the same formula (18.45). If the n + 1 hemispheres have a common point P, then the opposite point p* will not belong to any hemisphere and therefore the n + 1 random hemispheres will not cover the unit sphere U. Hence, the probability of covering the whole unit sphere U by n + 1 random hemispheres is 1 - p*. Wendel [714] has proved the more general result that the probability that 11 random points on the surface of the unit sphere in euclidean 111-dimen- sional space belong to the same hemisphere is m - 1 ( n - 1 ) Pn,m = 2-(n-1) hO h ( 18.46) 
IV.18.6. Notes 327 for n > 111 and p",,,, = 1 for n  111. The probability of covering the whole (111 - 1 )-sphere by n random hemispheres is 1 - Pn,Iw More difficult and not yet solved is the problem of finding the probability of covering the unit sphere U with N circular caps of angular radius r < n/2 given at random on U. An approximate solution is given by Moran and Fazekas de St. Groth [431J, and some bounds for the probability have been given by Gilbert [231 J. Miles [412] has considered the following general problem. Consider 11 arbitrary subsets of a set X. Suppose that the point x E X lies in H(x) of these subsets and define H * = min H(x), H* = max H(x) for x E X. That is, the least and most covered regions of X are, respectively, H *-covered and H*- covered, with 0  H *  H*  n. Each subset is taken to be the uniform randolTI image of a fixed subset of X; that is, they are n different positions of a fixed subset of X, the n positions assumed to be given independently. Find the asymptotic values, as 11  rfJ, of the probabilities p(H *  111) and p( H*  n - 111). Assume that X is the surface U of the unit sphere in E 3 and let Y be a spherical polygon, that is, a subset of U bounded by a simple closed curve consisting of great circle arcs. Write F and L for the area and perimeter of Y. Let Y 1 ,..., Y" be a set of independent random positions of Y. Then Miles proves that as n  00 P (VI Y i #- X) - n(n - l)L 2 (4rr - Ft- 2 (4rr)-II, P(OI Y i #- 0) - n(n - I)L 2 F"-2(4rr)-II. Both p(H *  111) and p(H * = 111) '" ( n 2) (111 + 1 )(111 + 2)L 2 F m (4n - F)n-m- 2(4n) -no 111 + Both p(H*  n - 111) and p(H* = 11 - 111) '" ( 11 2) (111 + 1)(111 + 2)L 2 F,,-m-2(4n - F)m(4n)-". 111 + The last results generalize to the case in which Y c X is bounded by a simple closed curve with bounded (spherical) curvature. They also generalize to the 111-dimensional unit sphere [412J. 5. Tessellations 011 the sphere. A set of n great circles in general position on the unit two-dimensional sphere U partitions U into a" = n(n - 1) + 2 convex spherical polygons. This aggregate of polygons is called a tessellation on the sphere and it has v" = n(11 - 1) vertices and ell = 211(n - 1) edges. If the 11 great circles are given independently at random, Miles [413J has considered the problem of finding the moments E,,* of the area F, perimeter L, and number of vertices N of the resulting polygons (faces of the tessellation). The first-order moments are immediate: £ *- 4/ " - n ", E,,*(L) = 4nn/a", £n*(N) = 4n(n - 1)/a" (18.47) 
328 Crofton's Formulas and the Kinematic Fundamental Formula IV.18.6. for all n  2. The second-order moments are E,,*(F 2 ) = 8n 2 Yn/lJ.n (n  1), E,,*(L 2 ) = 2n 2 (4 + P",2)/lJ." (n  2), E,,*(N 2 ) = (1211(n - 1) + P",4/2)/" (11  4), E,,*(LN) = n(8n + P",3)/lJ. n (n  3), E,,*(N F) = 2np",2/" (n  2), En*(LF) = 4n 2 P",1/lJ. n (n  1), where lJ. n = n( n - 1) + 2, Pn, i = n( 11 - 1).'. (n - i + 1 )Yn - i, 1 _ j(j - 1) + j(j - 1 )(j - 2)(j - 3) _ . . . Y j = n2 n 4 J(-I)j/22(j!)n- j , jeven, + 1(- I)U-l)/2(j!)n- j , j odd. For instance, when n = 3 (triangles given by three random great circles), E 3 *(F 2 ) = n 2 - 6, E 3 *(L 2 ) = (5/2)n 2 , E 3 *(FL) = (3/2)n 2 - 6. If the triangles are generated by three random points instead of random great circles, by duality we have E 3 (F 2 ) = n 2 /2, E 3 (L 2) = 3n 2 - 6, E 3 (LF) = E 3 *(LF). These and si milar results are the work of Miles [413J. 6. Randol11 polyhedral convex cones. If N hyperplanes in En are so placed that every n but no n + 1 have a common point, the number of regions into which they decompose the space is f(N, n) = (:) + () +... + (:). ( 18.48) If the given N hyperplanes go through the origin 0 and are in Iologeneral position," then they decompose the space into [( N - 1 ) ( N - 1 ) ( N - 1 )] C( N, n) = 2 0 + 1 + . . . + n - 1 ( 18.49) polyhedral convex cones. A set of N vectors in En is said to be in Iologeneral position" if every n-element subset is linearly independent, and a set of N hyperplanes through the origin is said to be in general position if the cor- responding set of normal vectors is in general position. Formulas (18.48) and (18.49) are due to SchHifli [597J. Using (18.49), Cover and Efron [126J have established the following results: (a) Let W be a random polyhedral convex cone spanned by N random half lines through the origin. Then, the expected number of r-faces of W, 
IV.18.6. Notes 329 conditioned on W being a proper cone (i.e., given that the N half lines all lie in some single half space), is given by E{Rr{ W» = 2 r ( N ) C(N - r, n - r) r C(N, n) ( 18.50) and ( n - 1 ) lim E(Rl W)) = 2 r . Noo r (18.51) (b) Let W* be the random polyhedral convex cone resulting from the inter- section of N random half spaces in En through the origin. Then the expected number of r-faces Rl W*) of W*, conditioned on W* i= e, is given by (r = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1) E(R r (W*))=2n-r ( N ) C(N-n+r,r) n - r C(N, n) ( 18.52) and we have ( n - 1 ) lim E(Rr( W*)) = 2 n - r . Noo n - r (18.53) If the random half lines of (a) or the random half spaces of (b) are inter- sected by the unit (n - 1 )-dimensional sphere Un _ l' theorems (a) and (b) give theorems on the expected values of random polyhedral regions on U,,-t. In particular, theorem (a) affirms that for N random points in Un-I' given that they all lie in some single hemisphere, the mean number of vertices of their convex hull (taken with great (n - 2)-dimensional spheres), is E(R1(W)) = 2NC(N - 1, n - l)jC(N, n) and hence limE(R1(W)) = 2(n - 1). Noo (18.54 ) Cover and Efron [126] note that for N points chosen at random on the unit sphere in E 3 , so that they all lie in some single hemisphere, the mean number of extreme points of their convex hull does not grow without bound as N increases, but rather approaches the limit 4. In the case of the plane, however, this limit goes to infinity (Chapter 2, Section 5, Note 3). On the other hand, from (18.54) we deduce, for N great circles chosen at random on the unit two-dimensional sphere, that they decompose the sphere into regions having an expected number of sides 4 as N goes to infinity (as follows also from the last formula in (18.47)). This agrees with the case of polygons formed by random lines in the plane (4.50) and of polygons formed by random lines in the hyperbolic plane [592]. 
CHAPTER 19 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; T rends in Integral Geometry 1. Foliated Spaces In the preceding chapters we have considered integral geometry from the point of view of homogeneous spaces, that is, spaces with a transitive trans- formation group ffi. The measure for sets of geometric objects embedded in such space has been defined by the condition of being invariant under ffi, a condition that determines the measure up to a constant factor. Integral geometry in Riemann spaces of nonconstant curvature cannot be based on the same principle because in general such spaces do not admit a transitive transformation group that preserves the metric nor a transitive transformation group that maps geodesics into geodesics. Thus, the density for sets of geodesics cannot be defined by the property of being invariant under a certain group of transformations. Nevertheless, it is possible to start from another point of view and to define a measure for sets of geodesics and sets of points which, though it is not invariant under any group, has some invariance properties that make it a measure of geometric interest. The method is based on the theory of foliated spaces and was developed by Hermann [308] and Vidal Abascal [696-699]. We want to give a resume of the method and apply it to the integral geometry of Riemann manifolds. Let X be a differentiable manifold of dimension m + n. Let F be a field of tangent linear subspaces F x of dimension m, that is, a map F: x  F x c Tx (Tx = tangent space to X at the point x). Assume that F is completely integrable. That means that about every point x E X there is a local coordinate ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-Carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 330 
IV.19.2. Sets of Geodesics in a Riemann Manifold 331 system (Xl' X 2 ,. . ., x n + m ) such that the system X m + 1 = constant,. . ., Xm+n = constant, represents locally differentiable submanifolds L of X whose tangent spaces are the subspaces Fx. Then F is called a foliation on X and the sub- manifolds L are called the leaves of the foliation (of dimension m). The set of leaves of the foliation F on X is represented by X/F. The global study of this set is in general not easy (see the work ofPalais [466]). For our purposes we shall assume that X / F is a differentiable manifold of dimension nand that there exists a map fJ: U  X / F of every open subset U of X into X / F such that it is constant along the leaves; that is, for all points X E U that belong to the leaf, fJ(x) is the same point of X/F. A differential form OJ on X is said to be an invariant form of the foliation F providing that (a) it is invariant under changes of local coordinates on X ; (b) it is invariant by displacements on the leaves of the foliation. This last property means that OJ reduces to a form on X/F or, more precisely, that for any map fJ: U  X / F there exists a differential form OJ o on X / F such that O*(OJ o ) = OJ (recall Chapter 9, Section 3). Every nonzero invariant form OJ of the foliation gives rise, by integration of OJo over X/F, to a measure for sets of leaves. We are going to apply these definitions to the case of geodesics of an n-dimensional Riemann manifold. 2. Sets of Geodesics in a Riemann Manifold Let M be a Riemann manifold of dimension n endowed with the fundamental quadratic form (in a local coordinate system) n ds 2 = " g ..dx.dx. '-' IJ I J. i ,j= 1 (19.1) Putting ( n ) 1/2 r = .  gijXiX j I ,J = 1 ar Pi = _ a . , Xi i = 1, 2, . . ., n, (19.2) we have n " p .x. = r  I I , i= 1 II L gijPiPj = 1 i ,j = 1 (19.3) where gij are the elements of the inverse matrix (g ij) -1 and x i is the derivative with respect to a parameter t. Since g ij is a covariant tensor and x i is a tangent vector, it follows from (19.2) that r is a scalar invariant and equations (19.3) say that Pi is a unit co vector of M. Take as manifold X the bundle of all unit covectors of M. A local coordinate system for X is (x 1'. . ., X n , PI'. . ., Pn) where the coordinates Pi satisfy the 
332 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.2. second of conditions (19.3). Hence, the dimension of X is 2n - 1. The geodesic curves of M are, by definition, the integral curves of the Euler eq uations  ( or ) _ or =0 dt ox i ax i ' I = t, 2,. . . , n. ( t 9.4) Any integral curve of these second-order differential equations is defined by a point (x I'. . . , x n ) and a direction (PI'. . ., Pn); that is, through each point of X goes one and only one integral curve. It follows that the geodesics of M define a foliation F G on X. The geodesics G are the leaves of the foliation and, since dim G = 1, it follows that dim X / F G = 2n - 2. Consider the 2-form on X " dG l = I dpi A dx i . i = I (19.5) ,We want to prove that dG l is an invariant form of the foliation F G. To this end we have to prove the following invariance properties. 1. lnvariance with respect to a change oj' coordinates. Let Xl". . ., x n ' be a second coordinate system, given by Xi = Xi(XI',...,x n ') (i = 1,2,...,n) where the functions x;(x I',. . . , xn') and the inverse X ;'(x I'. . ., x n ) are dif- ferentiable functions with a nonvanishing Jacobian. Since Ph is a covector, we have  ox. Ph' =   Pi' i= I uX h n  "2 I , "uX i d "u Xi d ' (Ph =  -,- Pi +  0 ' a , Pi X k i = I u X h i ,k = I X h X k ( t 9.6) and conseq4ently " " ,  " d ' I ' "ux h uX i d I '- Ph A(X h =  _ 8 --  Xh ' PiA(Xj h = 1 h, i ,j = 1 X j u + " 2 " u Xi d ' d '  , Pi X k A X h . i,k,h= I uX h uX k ( t 9.7) Using the fact that dx k ' A dx h ' = - dXh' A dx k ' and that  Oh'_  = ?i = <5.i '- rl ,  J ' h= 1 GX j uX h uX j we get " " " d p .' A dx.' = " d p . A dx. '- I I  I J' ;=1 ;=1 (19.8) which proves the first invariance property. 
IV.19.2. Sets of Geodesics in a Riemann Manifold 333 2. Invariance by displacements on the leaves. We must prove that the integral of dG l over any two-dimensional set of geodesics is invariant under displacements on the geodesics. The following proof is due to Firey. Let S be a family of geodesics depending on two parameters. The equation of the geodesics will have the form Xi = xlC(, {3; t) (i = 1,2,.. ., n) where c(, {3 define the geodesic among the elements of S, and t is the parameter on the geodesic. According to (19.2), we have Pi(C(' {3; t) = or(xi(C(, {3; t), Xi(C(, {3; t»/ox i . Let R be the set of values (C(, {3) corresponding to the geodesics of the family S. We want to prove that m(S) = r dG I = r t dpi A dx; = rt O ( Pi'  ) ;) dC( A d{3 J J , = 1 J , = 1 U C(, P S S R ( 19.9) is independent of t for all R. By Stokes' theorem we have J  0 X .( a; t) rn(S) = - i.J p;( a; 1) '0 -- da i=1 a c (19.10) where C: C( = C(a), {3 = {3(a) is the boundary of R, and we have set PiCa; t) = p;(C(a), {3(a); t), xi(a; t) = x;(C(a), {3(a); t). Then d_1!!i S = _ J f ( op; OX; + Pi 0 2 Xi ) da. dt ;= 1 ot oa oa ot c Making use of (19.2) and (19.4), we obtain dm(S) = - J f ( or OX; + o:oXi ) d(T = - r dr = o. dt i=1 ax; oa ax; oa J c c (19.11) Since this holds for any set S of geodesics, dG 1 is independent of t. Note that we have taken dG l with its sign in order that Stokes' theorem could be applied. If we take the absolute value IdG 1 1, as is usual in integral geometry, the independence with respect to t is still true. To prove this we decompose R into R + and R - such that the sum L o(p;, x i)/O( c(, {3) is  0 over R + and < 0 over R - at t, and suppose that these sets are bounded by a finite number of simple closed curves that are piecewise smooth. Then we have JR IdG 1 1 = JR+ dG l - JR- dG l . The last two measures are invariant separately under a change in the choice of t and so this is true for the left-hand member. Thus we have proved invariance properties 1 and 2. Since dG 1 is an invariant form of the foliation F G, the exterior powers 
334 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.3. dG h = (dG1)h = '" d p . Adx. A...Ad p . Adx.  '1'1 'h'h (il,...,ih) (19.12) are also invariant forms (h = 1, 2,. . ., n - 1). They define a measure for 2h-dimensional sets of geodesics. The most interesting cases, which we will study separately, are h = 1 and h = n - 1. 3. Measure of Two-Dimensional Sets of Geodesics Let M be a Riemann manifold of dimension n > 2. Consider a two- dimensional family of geodesics on it, such that there is a transversal surface B that cuts each geodesic in one and only one point. Such a set is called a congruence of geodesics. If we choose a rectangular coordinate system so that the equations of B are (locally) X3 = 0, X4 = 0,. . ., X n = 0, then n ds 2 = '" g OO dX.2  " I' i= 1 dx. I Pi = g ii ds . (19.13) The angle ai of the geodesic G with the Xi curve is given by cos ai = (gii)1/2(dxdds) and therefore we have P . = (g . . ) 1 /2 cos a . L I' " n  ( ) 1 /2 d ( ) 1/2. d "u gii d Pi = - g ii sin ai ai +  0 cos a; X". h = 1 X h (19.14) Making use of the second in variance property, we may determine G by its intersection point P with B, that is, by the point (x l' x 2 , 0,. . ., 0). Then we get dG l = dpl A dX 1 + dp2 A dX 2 - ( ) 1/2' d d ( ) 1/2' d d - - gll Sinal a 1 A Xl - g22 slna2 a 2 A X 2 ( O(g 22) 1/ 2 o(g 11 ) 1/ 2 ) + OX 1 cosa2 - OX 2 cosa 1 dX 1 A dx 2 . (19.15) Let us consider a pencil of geodesics whose intersection with B is a domain R bounded by a closed piecewise smooth curve oR. Contrary to the general convention of taking the densities in absolute value, we define as measure of this pencil of geodesics the integral of dG l with the corresponding sign, so that we can apply the Stokes formula; we get ml(G) = J dG 1 = J (gll)I/2 COS (XI dX 1 + (g22)1/2 COS (X2 dx 2 . (19.16) R oR If 4> denotes the angle of G with the tangent to oR at its intersection point, we have 
IV .19.3. Measure of Two-Dimensional Sets of Geodesics 335 ,k 1/2 dX 1 1/2 dX 2 COS'f' = (g11) COS (Xl ds + (g22) COS(X2dS ( 19.17) where we have applied that the unit tangent vector to G has the components (cos (Xi)/(g i)1/2 and the unit tangent vector to oR has the components dx;/ds. Therefore we have m1(G) = J dG 1 = J cos cjJ ds. R oR (19.18) This integral, which was discovered by E. Cartan [85J, has interesting properties. Note that cos 4> ds is the projection of ds onto the corresponding geodesic. Hence, if we consider a tube made up ()f the geodesic lines going through a closed contour and AEA' is an orthogonal trajectory of the geodesics around the tube, then m 1 (G) is equal to the arc AA' (Fig. 19.1). Figure 19.1. Consider the case in which n = 3. Then, if all geodesics of the congruence are orthogonal to a surface B, the congruence is said to be a normal con- gruence. In this case A = A' and ml(G) = O. Conversely, if ml(G) = 0 for any set of geodesics of a given congruence, then all normal trajectories from a point A will generate a surface B to which the geodesics are normal (locally about A). Therefore, the congruence is a normal congruence and we have a necessary and sufficient condition that a congruence of geodesics of a three-dimensional Riemann space be a normal congruence is that ml(G) = 0 for any set of geodesics; that is, that dG 1 = o. 
336 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.4. Another property of the measure m 1 (G) is its behavior under refraction by a surface B. Indeed, if a geodesic passes through a surface B according to the refraction law of physics sin i = n sin i' (where n is the refraction index, Fig. 19.2), since i = nl2 - 4> and i' = nl2 - 4>', we have cos 4> = n cos 4>' and therefore m l (G) = nml(G'), where G' denotes the refracted geodesic. Hence, when a congruence of geodesics is refracted by a medium of index of refraction n, the measure m l (G) goes into nnl l (G'). In particular, the property of being a normal congruence is conserved by refraction. Figure 19.2. Case of the lines of E3. If the Riemann manifold M is the euclidean space E 3 , then the geodesics are the straight lines and the density dG l coincides with the density dG* (12.72). Indeed, if the transversal surface B is a plane E, then ds 2 = dx 2 + dy2, gll = g22 = 1, and (19.15) reduces to dG l = - sin C(l dC(l 1\ dx - sin C(2 dC(2 1\ dYe All properties given here for congruences of geodesics obviously hold for congruences of lines in E3. In particular, dG* = 0 is a necessary and sufficient condition that a congruence of lines be a congruence of normal lines to a surface. 4. Measure of (2n - 2)-Dimensional Sets of Geodesics Sets of geodesics depending on 2h parameters can be measured by means of the density dG h (19.12). We have considered the case in which h = 1 and we now want to consider the case in which h = n - 1. The intermediate cases h = 2, 3,. . ., n - 2 are little known. 
IV.19.4. Measure of (2n - 2 )-Dimensional Sets of Geodesics 337 For h = n - 1 the density becomes '1 d Gn - 1 = L d PI /\ d x 1 1\ · · · /\ d P ; - 1 /\ d X; - I /\ d p ; + 1 /\ d X; + 1 /\ · · · /\ d p n /\ d x n. i = 1 (19.19) In order to give a geometric interpretation to this density, consider a hypersurface Sn _ 1 that intersects all the geodesics of the given (2n - 2)- dimensional set. Let G be a geodesic and let P be its intersection point with Sn-l. In a neighborhood of P we may assume that Sn-l is defined by the equation X n = 0 and that the coordinate system is orthogonal, so that equations (19.13) and (19.14) hold good. In order to define G, we may choose the point P so that we have x n = 0, dXn = 0 and hence (19.19) becomes dG n - 1 = dp1 /\ dX 1 /\ . . ./\ dPn-l /\ dXn-1 (19.20) or, according to (19.14), up to the sign, d Gn - 1 = (g 11 . . . g n _ 1 ,n _ 1) 1 1 2 sin a 1 . · . sin an - I d X 1 /\ . · . /\ d X n - 1 /\ da 1 /\. . ./\ dan-I. (19.21) If da denotes the (n - 1)-dimensional area element on Sn-1' we have da = (gll.. .gn_l,n_l)1/2 dX 1 /\.../\ dX n - 1 and the area element on the unit (n - I)-dimensional sphere of center P corresponding to the direction of the line tangent to G at P has the value . . sin a 1 . . . sin an - 1 d U'I - 1 = d a 1 /\ . . . /\ d an - 1. CoS an Hence, (19.21) can be written (in absolute value) dG n - 1 = Icos ani da /\ dU n - 1 (19.22) where an is the angle between the geodesic and the normal to Sn-1 at inter- section point P. This expression (19.22) immediately gives a very general integral formula. Let/(a, an) be an integrable function defined on Sn-l, depending on the point pea) and on the direction an at P. Multiplying both sides of (19.22) by I and performing the integration over Sn _ I and half of the (n - 1 )-dimensional unit sphere (in order to consider un oriented geodesics), on the left-hand side each geodesic appears as common factor of the sum LI(a;, an,;) of the values of I( a, an) at the N intersection points of G with Sn-l. Hence we have 1 J/{a i. an,i) dG n - 1 = J 1 f{a. an)lcos ani da A du n - l' (19.23) sn- 1 U n -1/2 
338 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.6. For instance, iff = 1, the integral of Icos C<nl dU n - 1 is half of the projection of the unit (n - I)-dimensional sphere onto a diametral plane and we get J N dG n - 1 = [On-2/(n - l)]F ( 19.24) where N is the number of intersection points of G with Sn- 1 and F is the surface area of Sn - 1. 5. Sets of Geodesic Segments Let t denote the arc length on the geodesic G. From (19.22) it follows that dG n - 1 1\ dt = Icos C<n' da A du n - 1 A dt. (19.25) The product Icos C<nl dt equals the projection of the arc element dt on the normal to the hypersurface Sn-l at P. Consequently, Icos C<1I1 dt A da represents the volume element dP of the given Riemann manifold at P. Hence, (19.25) can be written dG n - 1 1\ dt = dP 1\ du n - 1 . (19.26) An oriented geodesic segment S can be determined either by G and t (where G is the geodesic that contains Sand t is the coordinate of the origin of S on G) or by P, U n -l (where P is the origin of the segment and U n - 1 denotes the point on the unit (n - I)-dimensional sphere giving the direction of S). Either of the two equivalent forms in (19.26) can be taken as the density for geodesic segments. Consider, for example, the measure of the set of "oriented" segments S* that have their origin inside a fixed domain D. The integral on the left-hand side of (19.26) gives 2,1 dG n - 1 where A denotes the length of the arc of G that lies in D (the factor 2 appears because dG n - 1 is the density for unoriented geodesics). The integral on the right-hand side in (19.26) is equal to 0n-l V where V is the volume of D. Thus we have the integral formula J AdG=On-1V, Dr'lG =1= ° (19.27) which generalizes (17.44) to Riemann manifolds. Other applications are given in [567]. 6. Integral Geometry on Complex Spaces IGtegral geometry on complex spaces has not been sufficiently developed and probably deserves further study. We shall give a resume of the densities 
IV.19.6. Integral Geometry on Complex Spaces 339 and some formulas relating to the n-dimensional complex projective space Pn( C) and the unitary group U acting on it. Let Z i (i = 0, 1,. . ., n) be the homogeneous coordinates of a point Z E P n( C), so that Z = (zo,. . ., zn) and ,1Z = (,1z o ,. . . , ,1Z n ) define the same point (A i= 0). Let Z i denote the complex conjugate of Z i. We define the hermitian inner product n (z, Y) = L Z iY i i=O ( 19.28) and assume the homogeneous coordinates Z i normalized so that n (z,z) = LZiZi = 1. i=O (19.29) This condition determines the coordinates Z i up to a factor of the form exp(iex) (i = .J - 1, ex real). We consider the group U(n + 1), called the unitary group, of all linear transformations z' = Az that leave invariant the form (19.29). Then the (n + 1) x (n + 1) complex matrix A satisfies AA t = E , A - 1 = At , At A = E (19.30) where E is the (n + 1) x (n + 1) unit matrix. These relations show that U(n + 1) depends on (n + 1)2 real parameters. Because Z and z exp(iex) denote the same point, matrix A and matrix A exp( iex) define the same linear transformation z' = Az; hence A can be normalized so that det A is a rea I number and then equations (19.30) give det A = 1. If 9t E U(n + 1) denotes the group of matrices exp(iex)E, then the factor group U(n + 1)/9t is called the hermitian elliptic group (n + 1) and it defines in Pn the so-called hermitian elliptic geometry (see [89J). The elements A of (n + 1) satisfy (19.30) and det A = 1; hence the dimension of (n + 1) IS n(n + 2). It is easy to show that U(n + 1) and (n + 1) are compact groups. The Maurer-Cartan forms of U(n + 1) are given by the matrix Q = A - 1 dA = At dA such that Q + Q t = o. (19.31) A system of Maurer-Cartan forms is then n OJjk = L ahj dahk = (a j , dak)' h=O OJ jk + W kj = 0 (19.32) where ahk are the elements of the matrix A. The kinematic density of U(n + 1) is equal to the exterior product of all independent I-forms OJ jk , Wj k, that is, up to a constant factor, dU = 1\ (OJ jk 1\ W j k) 1\ ()Jhh, j < k, 0  j, k, h  n. (19.33) 
340 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.6. Since U(n + 1) is compact and hence unimodular, this density is left and right invariant (Chapter 9, Section 7). The structure equations are n dW. k = - " W.. 1\ W' k J i..J Jf, f, · i=O (19.34) The group .D(n + 1) has the same invariant forms (19.32) and the same structure equations (19.34). The only difference is that now the relation Woo + W 11 +... + W nn = 0 holds, as follows by differentiating the relation det A = 1. Hence the kinematic density for .D( n + 1) is the exterior product of all the wij except one of the forms, W ii . Calling w ii the exterior product (19.33) from which the W ii form has been omitted, we can take for dfJ(n + 1) the symmetric expression [47] d.D(n + 1) = woo + W 11 +... + w nn . (19.35) Densities for linear subspaces and normal chains. We want to give the invariant densities with respect to .D(n + 1) for linear subspaces and normal chains in Pn(C). They are the same, up to a constant factor, as the invariant densities under U(n + 1). Let Lr 0 be a fixed r-plane of P n( C) and let Qr denote the su bgrou p of fJ( n + 1) that leaves Lr 0 invariant. The invariant density for r-planes is the invariant volume element of the homogeneous space .D(n + 1)/Qr. Since Qr is a closed subgroup of the compact group .D(n + 1), it is also compact and fJ(n + 1)/Qr has an invariant volume element. In order to find it, we will follow the general method of Chapter 10. Let ak denote the point whose coordinates are the columns of matrix A. Conditions (19.30) give (aj, Qk) = b jk and from (19.32) it follows that dak = L W jka j. It follows that, assuming Lr 0 defined by the points ao, a 1 ,. . ., a r , we have w jk = 0 for 0  k  rand r + 1  j  n. Since w jk are complex forms, from w jk = 0 it follows that Wj k = 0; hence, the density for r-planes invariant under fJ(n + 1) is dLr = A (W jk 1\ W jk) (0  k  r, r + 1  j  n) (19.36) which is defined up to a constant factor. Note that dLr is a differential form of degree 2(r + 1)(n - r), as expected, since the r-planes in Pn(C) depend on 2( r + 1)( n - r) real parameters. For r = 0 we get the density for points, that is, the volume element of Pn(C) with respect to the hermitian (elliptic) geometry, which coincides with the volume element deduced from the so-called hermitian metric ds 2 = (dz, dz) - (z, dz)(z, dz) (19.37) where z is normalized according to (19.29). Indeed, applying (19.37) to the 
IV .19.6. Integral Geometry on Complex Spaces 341 point ao, we have ds 2 = (dao, dao) - (ao, dao)(ao, dao) = L WjO Wj O and the volume element is A W jO 1\ Wj O (j = 1, 2,. . ., n), which coincides with dLo. In the complex space Pn(C) there are, besides the linear subspaces, the so- called normal chains. A normal chain Kn of dimension n is the set of points that may be expressed parametrically by n Z =  A.a. L.. I I i=O (19.38) where Ai are real parameters such that L ,1/ = 1. A normal chain depends on (n + 1)(n + 2)/2 real parameters. In order to find the density for normal chains, we put W rs = rx rs + iPrs where rx rs and Prs are real forms that satisfy, according to (19.32), the relations rx rs + rx sr = 0, Prs - Psr = o. We have n n n dz = L Ah da h = L Ahrxjha j + i L AhPjhaj h = 0 j ,h = 0 j ,h = 0 (19.39) and therefore, in order that Kn remain fixed, we have Pjh = Oforj, h = 0, 1,. . ., n, that is, the density for normal chains with respect to the group .D(n + 1) is the exterior product of all the P jh, with one of the P ii forms omitted because he relation Woo + · . . + W nn = 0 implies that Pll +... + Pnn = O. Denoting by pH the exterior product of all the P jh with P ii omitted, the density for normal chains becomes [47] d K n = p l1 + p2 2 + . . . + pnn. (19.40) The density for normal chains Kr (r < n) is equal to the exterior product of the density for Kr, as a normal chain of the subspace Lr that contains Kr, times the density dLr. Integral formulas. We shall present, without proof, some results of integral geometry on hermitian spaces. (For details, see Santal6's article [564]). Each of the groups U(n + 1) and .D(n + 1) has a finite volume; according to (19.33) and (19.35), these volumes are n + 1 ( 2 . ) h m(U(n + 1» = ;(n+1)(n+2)/2 TI 7r1 h=l(h -I)! (19.41) and n + 1 ( 2 . ) h m(Sj(n + 1) = i n (n+3)/2 TI 7r1 , h=2 (h - I)! ( 19.42) respectively, where the powers of i have been added as a factor in order to get a real-valued measure. 
342 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.6. The measure of all r-planes of the hermitian n-dimensional space is also finite and has the value m(L) = (2n)(n-,)(,+1)1 12!" 'r! . r n!(n -l)!...(n - r)! (19.43) For r = 0 we get the volume of the n-dimensional hermitian (elliptic) space, (L ) _ (2n)n m 0 - . n! ( 19.44 ) Let C h be an analytic manifold of complex dimension h contained in P n( C), that is, a manifold piecewise defined by a set of n + 1 analytic functions z i = Z i( t 1'. . ., t h ) (i = 0, 1,. . ., n) of r complex variables t 1'. . ., t r in a domain D. Assuming Zi normalized according to (19.29), let us consider the following differential form of degree 2h : Qh = , dz. 1\ dz. 1\... 1\ dz. 1\ dz.  , 1 , 1 'h'h (il,oo.,ih) (19.45) where the sum is over all combinations of iI' i 2 ,. . ., i h = 0, 1,. . ., n. This form is invariant under U( n + 1 ) (actually it is the only differential form of degree 2h that is invariant under U(n + 1); see [86]) and the integral of Qh over an h-plane is r Q = (2ni)h . J h h! Lh (19.46) For an analytic manifold C h of complex dimension h, we define h! J Jh(C h ) = Qh, (2ni)h Ch (19.47) which has the property of being equal to the order of C h if it is an algebraic manifold. Assume that C h is fixed and let Lr be an r-plane moving with density dLr. Then the following integral formula holds (assuming h + r - n  0). J Jh+,-iC h (') L,) dL, = m(L,)Jh(C h ) Ch nLr =1= e (19.48) where m(Lr) is given by (19.43). In particular, if r + h - n = 0, JO(C h n Lr) denotes the number of intersection points of C h and Lr. For algebraic manifolds (compact manifolds) J o( C h n L,,-h) is a constant, equal to the order J h( C h ) of the manifold. For noncompact manifolds the difference between J h( C h ) and the number of points of intersection of a 
IV.19.6. Integral Geometry on Complex Spaces 343 generic (n - h)-plane and C h , each counted with its proper multiplicity, can be expressed as an integral over the boundary of C h [364, 109]. If C r is another analytic manifold of dimension r such that r + h - n  0 and uC r denotes the transform of C r by u E U(n + 1), we have j Jr+h-n(C h (\ uC r ) dU(n + 1) = m(U(n + 1»J h (C h )Jr(C r ), (19.49) U(n + 1) The same formula holds for (n + 1) by replacing m(U(n + 1» by m((n + 1». For the proof of (19.48) and (19.49) see [564]. A generalization and a different proof using techniques of currents has been given by Schiffman [596]. Formulas (19.48) and (19.49) relate to the invariants (19.47). If instead of Jh(C h ) we consider the volume of C h induced by the hermitian metric (19.37), the resulting formulas are not so simple. They give rise to interesting inequal- ities, related to those of Wirtinger [728], which are not yet completely known. For n = 2 see the work of Rohde [516] and Varga [688] (see also that of De Rahm [145]). For algebraic manifolds Jr+h-n(C h n uC r ) is independent of u and (19.49) is Bezout's theorem. For noncompact manifolds (19.49) may be considered an average Bezout theorem. The idea of extending Bezout's theorem to noncompact manifolds has given rise to important publications. We set Ch(p) = C h n S(p), where S(p) = {z; Izi  p} and N(C h , p) = Sg Jh(Ch(t»(dt/t). The Bezout problem is then to find estimates of N(C h n C r , p) in terms of p, N(C h , p), and N(C r , p). See the articles by Carlson [82], Stoll [655, 656], Griffiths [239], and Carlson and Griffiths [83], in several points of which integral geometry plays an important role. Integral geometry has been applied to the geometry of submanifolds in a complex projective space by Chern [110] (see also Pohl [482]). For applications to complex analytic mappings in several complex variables, see [114]. Holomorphic curves. The tools of complex integral geometry have been successfully applied to the theory of mercmorphic or holomorphic curves in complex projective space in the sense of H. Weyl [717], H. Weyl and J. Weyl [718], and L. Ahlfors [1]. Consider a holomorphic curve C 1 : Y = yet) in the complex projective space P n( C) defined by n + 1 holomorphic functions yi = yi(t) (i = 0, 1,. . ., n) of the complex variable t ranging on a given Riemann surface. We can associate to C 1 the manifolds C r (r = 1, 2,. . ., n) generated by the (r - 1) osculating linear spaces of C 1. Let Y r (r = 0, 1,. . ., n) denote the multivector YAY' A y" A . . . A y(r- 1), that is, the multivector whose components are the determinants of order r of the r x (n + 1) matrix (yk(i» where i denotes derivatives (i = 0, 1,. . ., r) and k = 0, 1,. . ., n. Then the invariants Jr(C r ) can be written 
344 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV .19.7. J ( C ) =  ( I Y r_11 2 I Y r+d 2 d d- r r 27r i J t Y r 14 tAt Cl (19.50) where I Yl2 denotes the scalar product y. 1': For instance, for r = 1, we have 1 J Iy A y'1 2 - J 1(C 1 ) = 2ni IYl4 dt A dt Cl (19.51) where YAY' denotes the bivector whose components are yiy'h _ yhyfi. For a plane algebraic curve C 1 : yO = yO(t), yl = yl(t), y2 = y2(t), J 2 (C 1 ) is the class of C 1 (up to the sign) J ( c ) =  ( IY121yy'y"12 dt A dl 2 1 2niJ IYAy'12 Cl (19.52) where Iyy' y"l denotes the absolute value of the determinant whose elements are the components of y, y', y". The classical Plucker formulas for algebraic curves are linear relations among the invariants J h , namely, s + J r - 1 - 2J r + J r + 1 = - X where s is the so-called stationary index (depending on the critical points of C 1) and X is the Euler-Poincare characteristic of the Riemann surface on which C 1 is defined. Integral formulas (19.48), (19.49) give a geometric interpretation of the classes in terms of the average number of points of intersection of the loci of osculating h-planes and random (n - h)-planes or random (n - h)- dimensional analytic manifolds. On holomorphic curves, see the earlier work of Weyl [717] and Ahlfors [1] and the more recent contributions of Hung-Hsi Wu [730], Chern [115], and Griffiths [240]. 7. Symplectic Integral Geometry Let Z = (Zhk) be a symmetric n x n matrix with complex elements and let Z = (Zhk) denote the conjugate complex matrix of Z. Put Z = X + i Y, where X = !(Z + Z ) and Y = (lj2i)(Z - Z ), and let H be the domain defined by the inequality Y > O. The real dimension of H is n(n + 1). The homogeneous symplectic group 60 is the group of all real 2n x 2n matrices M = ( ) (19.53) where A, B, C, Dare n x n real matrices such that MtJM = J, J = (_0 E ) (19.54) 
IV.19.8. The Integral Geometry of Gelfand 345 where E is the unit n x n matrix and 0 denotes the null matrix. Since M t J M is skew-symmetric, it follows that the dimension of So is 2n 2 + n. I t is easily proved that the transformations Z' = (AZ + B)(CZ + D)-l (19.55) map the domain H onto itself. They form the symplectic group S, which acts transitively on H and is obtained from So by identifying M and - M. The group S defines on H the so-called symplectic geometry. The quadratic differential form ds 2 = Tr(y-1 dZ y- 1 dZ) = Tr(y- 1 dX y- 1 dX + y-1 dY y- 1 dY) (19.56) is invariant under S and defines a Riemannian metric on H. The volume element defined by this metric is the density for points in symplectic geometry. Up to a constant factor this density can be written dP = [Tr( y-l dZ A y-l d z )]n(n+ 1)/2 (19.57) where the power is to be understood as an exterior product. With reference to geodesics, it can be proved that the symplectic metric (19.56) exactly defines one geodesic connecting two arbitrary points of Hand that all geodesics are symplectic images of the curves represented by Z = i exp(sG), where s is the arc length and G is the diagonal matrix (b jkgk) in which 0 < g 1  g2  . . .  gn are arbitrary constants such that L g / = 1. This proves that the set of all geodesics of H splits into an (n -I)-dimensional bundle of symplectic equivalent classes, each class determined by the real numbers (g1' g2,..., gn) satisfying the condition L g/ = 1. The geodesics of each class and the geodesics that go through a fixed point have a density. These densities and applications to a kind of Crofton's formula for sets of geodesics that intersect a fixed hypersurface have been studied by Legrady [358] . It seems that symplectic integral geometry deserves much further study. For the necessary concepts in symplectic geometry see the fundamental paper of Siegel [610]. 8. The Integral Geometry of Gelfand The term integral geometry has been used in a sense different from that of the present book by Gelfand, Helgason, and others. They consider the following general problem. Let X be a differentiable manifold in which certain submanifolds M(u) = M( u 1 , U 2,. . ., Uk)' depending analytically on the parameters u 1'. . ., Uk' are 
346 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.8. given. Given a function f(x) on X, we associate its integrals over each M(u): J(u) = J f(x) du(u) M(u) (19.58) where du is a suitable differential form on M(u). This gives a new function leu) defined on the set of submanifolds. The problem is to invert the "Radon transform" f --+ l, that is, to determine f(x) in terms of leu). For a systematic exposition of the results on this subject obtained before 1966, see the book of Gelfand, Graev, and Vilenkin [224]. The classical case is when X is R n and the manifolds M(u) the hyperplanes in R n . The problem was solved by Radon in 1917 [493] for n = 2 and n = 3 and generalized to any n by John [324]. John's result may be stated as follows. With the hyperplane (u, x) = U 1 X 1 +. . . + unx n = p, determined by the unit normal vector u and the real number p, we shall associate the differential form d u = (- l)h - 1 U h :- 1 d x 1 A . . . A d x h _ lAd x h + 1 A . . . A d x n (oriented area element on the hyperplane), which is independent of h. Then, for any f(x), infinitely differentiable and rapidly decreasing (criteria that can be weakened), we consider the Radon transform J(u, p) = J f(x) duo (u,x)=p (19.59) The formula expressing f(x) in terms of leu, p) depends on whether the space has odd or even dimensions. If the dimension n is odd, the inverse Radon transform is ( 1 ) (II-l)/2 J f(x) = - J (lI-l)(U, (u, x» du 2( 2 IT )n - 1 P 1 I ( I 9.60) where dU1 = L (- 1)h- 1 U h dU l A. . . A dUh-l A dUh+ 1 A. . . A dUll is the surface element on the unit sphere sn - 1, and Jp (n - l) denotes the (n - 1 )th derivative of leu, p) with respect to p. The integral is over any hypersurface  that encloses the origin in u-space. If n is even, the inverse Radon transform is 00 (- 1 )n/ 2( n - I)' r ( r A ) f(x) = (2n:t - . J Jf(U, p)[p - (u, x)r" dp du 1 I -00 (19.61) where the integral over p is understood in terms of its regularization. For details see [224], which includes a table of Radon transforms of some functions. 
IV .19.8. The Integral Geometry of Gelfand 347 The general question of determining a function .f on a space from the knowledge of the integrals of f over certain subsets of the space was initiated by Funk [210], who proved that a function f on the two-dimensional sphere symmetric with respect to the center can be determined by means of the integrals of f over the great circles (for an application to convex bodies, see [50, p. 154]). Radon [493] treated the problem of determining a function on the noneuclidean plane from the integrals of the function over all geodesics. For related results see those of Blaschke [39] and J. W. Green [235]. Radon's and John's formulas (19.60), (19.61) were generalized to hyperbolic spaces by Helgason [297], who associated with every f(x) of bounded support its integrals over all possible hyperplanes (geodesic submanifolds). In a different direction, Gelfand, Graev, and Vilenkin [224] treated the same problem, associating with every such function its integrals over horospheres, since the intrinsic geometry of the horospheres in hyperbolic space is euclidean and thus they form one of the analogues of hyperplanes of a euclidean space. The result was extended by Gelfand and Graev [222] to noncompact sym- metric spaces with a complex isometry group, and Helgason [299, 301] extended Radon's formula to all noncompact symmetric spaces. Helgason [300, 301] noted that formula (19.60), when (19.59) is taken into account, contains two integrations, dual to each other: first, we integrate over the set of points in a given hyperplane through x, then this integral is integrated over the set of hyperplanes through x. Guided by this duality, Helgason [301] adopted the following very general setup. Let G be a locally compact topological group. Let H x' HE be two closed subgroups of G and consider the left coset spaces X = G/Hx, 3 = G/H E . Assume that (i) G, Hx, HE' Hx n HE are unimodular; (ii) if hx E H x' hxHE C HEHx, then hx E HE; if hE E HE' hEHx C HXHE' then hE E Hx. Two elements in X and 3, respectively, are called incident if as cosets in G they have a point in common. Then, for x E X put x = {E E; x,  incident} and for  E B, put  = {x EX; x,  incident}. These sets can be identified with coset spaces of certain subgroups of G and they have invariant densities, say dJl and dm, respectively. Then, iff and 4> are suitable restricted functions on X and 3, respectively, we define J() = j f(x) dm(x), "  (fi(x) = J cpW dp.W x (19.62) and Helgason [301] has stated the following general problems: (A) Relate function spaces on X and 3 by means of integral transforms f -+ 1 and 4> -+ (fi; (B) Relate directly the functions f and (1)'" on x, 4> and «(fi)" on 8. 
348 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.8. Helgason [301] proved that for suitable normalized invariant measures dx and d on X and E, respectively, the formula j f(x)4)(x) dx = j JWrP() d x (19.63) holds for all continuous f and 4> of compact support. As an example, let G be the group of all rigid motions of R n . Let Hx be the subgroup of G leaving a given h-plane Lh fixed and let HE be the subgroup of G that leaves an r-plane Lr containing Lh invariant (h < r, Lh C Lr). Then X = GfHx is the set of h-planes and 3 = GfH E is the set of r-planes in R n . The density dJ1() = dLr[h] is the invariant density for r-planes through Lh and dm(x) = dL h (r) is the invariant density for h-planes in Lr. Formula (19.63) is then a consequence of (12.52). Formulas (19.60) and (19.61) show that for R n there is a remarkable contrast between the inversion formulas in cases in which n is odd and those in which n is even. In the first case, (19.59) is inverted in terms of a differential operator; in the second case, by an integral operator. This contrast persists for the case of a symmetric space, but then the decisive feature is not the parity of the dimension, but whether the group of isometries has all Cartan subgroups conjugate or not [301]. Applications of the Radon transform on R n to constant coefficient differential equations in R n are given by John [324a] and Borovikov [65] (cf. also Rhee's article [509]). Applications of the Radon transform on symmetric spaces to the solving of differential equations on these spaces are given by Helgason [299, 303, 305]. Several examples and applications to group representations are given by Gelfand and Graev [222], Gelfand, Graev, and Vilenkin [224], and Helgason [300, 304]. Further work on the Radon transform on symmetric spaces has been done by Helgason ([302] ; compact symmetric spaces of rank one and Grassmannians), Petrov and Sibasov ([472, 607]; Grassmannians), and Morimoto [433] and Kelly [331] (on lower-dimensional horocycles). A general group-theoretic approach is described in [301] and a related differential form generalization by Gelfand, Graev, and Shapiro [223], Kelly [331], Morimoto [433], and Petrov [472]. Some uniqueness theorems for various integral geometric problems have been given by Romanov [517]. For instance, Romanov considers the problem of determining a function from its integrals over a family of ellipsoids of revolution with one focus fixed and the other running over a point set of a fixed hyperplane passing through the fixed focus. The problem has applications to the study of the earth's internal structure from seismological data. 
IV.19.9. Notes 349 9. Notes 1. Two formulas of Hermann [308]. (a) Let X be a differentiable manifold of dimension m + n with a foliation F. Let n be the dimension of the leaves and let X j F be the set of leaves. Suppose that Y is an (In + p )-dimensional manifold and lI.: Y --+ X a differentiable map. Let ()(P) be a p-form on Yand let w(m) be an invariant m-form of the foliation on X. Suppose that for each L E XjF, except perhaps for a set of w(m)-measure zero, lI.-1(L) is a p-dimen- sional submanifold of Y. Define the function N almost everywhere on XjF as N(L) = J O(P), -l(L) ( 19.64a) Then J a*( w(m» A O(P) = J N W(m). Y X/F ( 19.64 b ) As an application of this formula, suppose that q: X --+ Z is a mapping of X onto a manifold Z and S c Z is a submanifold of Z with dim S = dim Z - dim F. Let Y = q -1(S) and lI.: Y --+ X be the inclusion map. Then, in formula (19.64a), N(L), for L E XjF, becomes the number of times the projection of L in Z intersects S and the right-hand side of (19.64a) is the measure of all leaves of F that intersect S, counted according to multiplicity. (b) Let (fj be a connected Lie group and  a closed subgroup. Let (fjj be the space of left co sets of  and p: (fj --+ (fj I  the projection g --+ g. Let K, Ko be submanifolds of (fjj with dim K + dim Ko = dim (fjj. Let gK denote the transform of K by g E (fj and let N(g) be the number of points of gK n Ko. Suppose that there are cross sections (): K --+ (fj and t/J: Ko --+ (fj and define the map lI.: K 0 x  x K --+ (fj as lI.(y, s, x) = t/J(y)S()(X)-l for y E Ko, s E £, x E K. Then J N dg = .\ a*(dg) (f) Ko x  x K where dg denotes the left-invariant measure on (fj. The evaluation of lI.*{dg) depends on the structure of (fj as a Lie group. 2. Sets of geodesics of din1ension 2h. Consider the formula dG h = (dG l)h (19.12). Assume two h-dimensional differentiable submanifolds of the Riemann manifold M, say M 1 and M 2' such that any pair of points PIE M l' P2 E M 2 determines one and only one geodesic G. Call dUi the volume element of M i at Pi' r the length of the geodesic arc PIP 2' lI.i the angle that G makes with the tangent space T i of M i at Pi and () the angle between the geodesic (h + I)-dimensional manifolds containing T i and G (i = 1, 2). Then, up to 
350 Integral Geometry in Foliated Spaces; Trends in Integral Geometry IV.19.9. a constant factor, we have dG h = r- h cos () sin at sin a2 dU l A du z . For lines in En' see Pohl [481]. 3. Vector integral geon1etry. Let Hr denote the rth elementary symmetric function of the n - 1 principal curvatures of the boundary oK of a convex body K of En- The vectorial quermassintegrale of K are defined by q;(K) =(nC ll)fl jXH;_ldU (i = 1,2,...,n); qo(K) = jXdV oK K where dv is the volume element of En' du is the area element of oK, and x denotes the radius vector from the origin to the point. From these, we deduce the so-called curvature centroids Pi = q;/ Wi (i = 0, 1,. . ., n), where Wi are the ordinary q uermassintegrale (13.8) and (13.45). I n particular, Pn is the Steiner point s( K) of K, which has important properties (for references and an account of the history, see [247, 248]). Hadwiger and Schneider [280] extended the definitions of q;, Pi to sets D of the convex ring, that is, sets representable as finite unions of convex bodies, and proved that many integral formulas of ordinary integral geometry have their analogues by replacing the scalar q uermassintegrale W; with q ;. For instance, if d K 1 is the kinematic density of the domain Dt and Do is a fixed domain, Dt and Do being elements of the convex ring, we have S qh(D o n D l ) dK l = L CnhiWh-;(Do)q;(Dt) for certain constants Cnh;. This is the analogue of (15.72) in vector integral geom- etry. Details and extensions can be seen in the work of Hadwiger and Schneider [280], Schneider [599, 600], Hadwiger and Meier [279], and H. R. Muller [438,439]. 4. Integral geometry 011 surf'aces. Let ds z = e du 2 + g dv z be the first fundamental form of a surface E in terms of local rectangular coordinates. If ljJ denotes the angle between the geodesic G and the u-curve at the point (u, v), the density (19.15) for geodesics takes the form dG = - ,,/ e sin ljJ dljJ A du + J g cos ljJ dljJ A dv + [(o,,/glou)sinljJ - (oJ e/ ov)cosljJ]du A dv. (19.65) In particular, if (u, v) is a geodesic coordinate system (i.e., the curves v = constant are geodesics and u is the arc length parameter along each of these geodesics), we have e = 1 and (19.65) becomes dG = (o,,/glou) sin ljJ du A dv - sin ljJ dljJ A du + ,,/g cos ljJ dljJ A dv. (19.66) I f each geodesic of the set is perpendicular to a u-curve, according to the second invariance property (Section 2) we can choose on each geodesic the point at which ljJ = nl2 and the density dG takes the simple fornl dG = (o,,/glou) du A dv. (19.67) For geodesic polar coordinates, u denotes the distance from the origin 0 to the geodesic G and v is the angle that the geodesic perpendicular to G from o makes with a fixed direction at O. 
IV.19.9. Notes 351 Let r be a curve of length L on the surface L. Formula (19.24) is then 1 N dG = 2L Gnr=:l=e (19.68) and for a geodesic segment S* of length Lo, denoting by N the number of intersection points S* n r, we have 1 N dS* = 4LLo r nS* =:1= e ( 19.69) where dS* = dP A dO = dG* A ds is the kinematic density on L (dP is the area element at the origin P of the segment S* and 0 is the angle of S* with a reference direction at P (19.26». Let us give an application of these formulas. Let E be a convex surface in E3 all of whose geodesics are closed curves. Then it can easily be shown that all the geodesics have the same length, say L, and that each pair of geodesics intersects at N  2 points. If G 1 is a fixed geodesic and G is a moving one, con- sidered as a geodesic segment of length L, according to (16.69) we have 4L 2 = 1 N dP 1\ dO ;.: 21 dP 1\ dO = 411:£ where F is the surface area of L. If 1/ Ro 2 is the greatest value of the Gaussian curvature K of E, we have F = S K - 1 du 2  4nRo 2 and from (19.70) it follows that L  2nRo, which is an inequality due to Zoll [735]. Let A be the length of the greatest geodesic segment that cannot intersect a geodesic of E in more than one point. Then, from (19.69) it follows that ( 19.70) 4AL = 1 N dP 1\ dO  1 dP 1\ dO = 211:£ and since )  L/2, we have 4A 2  nF. If f(P, 0) denotes the distance from the point P to its first conjugate point P' along the geodesic determined by the angle f) at P and call a = inf f(P, 0) for PEE and 0  0  2n, then a  ).. and the last inequality gives 4a 2  nF. For compact orientable surfaces of Euler-Poincare characteristic X, this inequality (which is due to Berger: see L. W. Green [236]) generalizes to 2a2X  nF. For the integral geometry on surfaces and on Finsler spaces, see [39, 95, 463, 555, 621, 646]; for other points of view, see [253, 254]. (19.71) 
APPENDIX Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus 1. Differential Forms and Exterior Product The object of this Appendix is to give a rather informal approach to differential forms, mainly as they relate to the applications that have been made in the text. The so-called exterior differential forms, or simply dif- ferential forms, were used by Poincare in his "new methods" on celestial mechanics and by E. Cartan in his work on continuous groups and Pfaffian systems at the end of the last century. A systematic treatment of these forms was presented by E. Cartan [87] in his theory of integral invariants (1922). Later on, mainly through the 1946 work on Lie groups of Chevalley [118], differential forms were incorporated into the domains of algebra and since that time they have been widely and successfully used in differential geometry and mathematical physics (see the works of Sternberg [628, (\29] and H. Cartan [91]). In this Appendix, however, since our purpose is only to compile some definitions and some results that have been used in the text, we will follow a more classical and intuitive exposition, giving more emphasis to the practical handling of differential forms and their geometric meaning than to their rigorous and precise formulation. This geometric approach can be seen in the work of E. Cartan [90] and Flanders [201, 202]. A differential form of degree 1, or I-form (also called a Pfaffian form), in R n is the expression ro(1) = a l dX I + a2 dX2 +. · . + an dXn, (1) which occurs under the integral sign in line integrals. That means that (1) can be integrated over oriented curves, the result being independent of the parametrization of the curve. The coefficients a i are real-valued functions of the variables Xl' X2,. . ., X n , which for simplicity are assumed of class Coo. By a change of coordinates Xi  X;' the I-form (1) may be written ENCYCLOPEDIA OF MATHEMATICS and Its Applications, Gian-carlo Rota (ed.). 1, Luis A. Santalo, Integral Geometry and Geometric Probability Copyright @ 1976 by Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Advanced Book Program. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical photocopying, reoording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher. 353 
354 Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus A.l. W (l) =  ax; d '  ah ' dXh ' L..J a i a ---, x h = L..J i= 1 Xh h= 1 (2) and thus the transition law relating the coefficients a; to the a / is given by the equation ,  aX i ah = L..J _ a ' ai' i= 1 Xh (3) which is known to define the transformation law for covectors in R n . An example of a i-form is the differential of a function f, n af df = L _ a dx i. i= I x; (4) Not all I-forms, however, can be obtained in this manner. By a well-known theorem of calculus, the necessary and sufficient conditions for a differential form (1) to be the differential of a function is that aa;/ax h = aah/oxi' The product of a I-form w(1) and a scalar A is defined by }(I) = Ii )..ai dXi and the sum and difference of I-forms w(l) = Li ai dXi, </J(I) = Li b i dXi is defined by W(l) + </J(I) = Li (a; + b i ) dx i . With these operations the I-forms constitute a module on the ring of differentiable functions on R n . The I-forms dx l , dX2,. . ., dXn are a basis for the module. Any set of independent I-forms, that is, any set of i-forms W h (I) = Li a hi dx i (11 = 1, 2,. . ., n) such that det lahi I -# 0, also constitute a basis of the module. To define the differential forms of degree two, or 2-forms, we consider first the case of the plane R 2 . The expressions under the integral sign in double integrals on R 2 contain the product dx 1 dX2, which according to the change of variables formula, by the change Xi -+ X;' becomes ( aX I aX2 aX I aX2 ) , , dX I dX2 = _ a '- a ' - _ a '- a ' dX I dX2. XI X2 X2 XI (5) This shows that the "'product" dx I dx 2 that appears under the double integral sign is not the ordinary product of the differentials dX i = (ox;/axl')dx l ' + (aX;/aX2') dX2' (i = 1,2) but another kind of product, which is called the exterior product of dx I and dX 2 and is denoted by /\ (usually read "'wedge product"). The fundamental property of the exterior product is that it is skew-symmetric, or alternating; that is, dX I A dX 2 = - dX2 A dx l , dx i A dx i = o. (6) Using this skew symmetry, by the change of coordinates Xi -+ X;' we have d d ( ax I d ' ox I d ' ) ( OX 2 d ' ax 2 d ' ) Xl A X2 = aX I' Xl + ax 2 ' X2 A aX I' Xl + aX2' X 2 _ ( ax I aX2 _ ax! aX 2 )d ' d ' - a ' a ' a ' a ' Xl A X 2 , XI X2 X2 XI which agrees with the classical rule (5). 
A.l. Differential Forms and Exterior Product 355 If x.' X 2 denote rectangular coordinates, then the exterior product dx. 1\ dx 2 denotes the element of the signed area on the plane. Thus, considering an oriented parallelogram whose sides are the infinitesimal vectors of com- ponents (dx., dx 2 ) and (£5x., £5x 2 ), respectively, we have I dX 1 dx 1 1\ dx 2 = I  uX. dX 2 I £5X2 = dx( £5x 2 - dX 2 £5x t o (7) For instance, taking two displacements, respectively parallel to the co- ordinate axes, we have (dx. = dx., dX 2 = 0), (£5x 1 = 0, £5x 2 = dx 2 ) and the area element takes the usual form dx 1 dx 2. Taking the first displacement in the direction of the radius vector of a polar coordinate system (p, 0) and the second in the perpendicular direction, we have dx 1 = cos 0 dp, dx 2 = sin 0 dp, £5x. = - p sin 0 dO, £5x 2 = P cos 0 dO and (7) gives £Ix. 1\ dX 2 = p dp 1\ dO, which is the area element in polar coordinates. From the representation (7) of the exterior product, which could be taken as a definition in any affine coordinate system, not necessarily rectangular, the following distributive laws follow easily. dX 1 1\ (dx 2 + dX3) = dx. 1\ dX 2 + dX 1 1\ dX3' dX 1 1\ (x 3 dx 2 ) = X3 dx. 1\ dx 2 . (8) After these preliminaries we can define the 2-forms in R n as the expressions that occur under the integral sign in double integrals, that is, the expressions n W(2) = " a.. dx. 1\ dx. '- 'J I J' i ,j = 1 (9) which can be integrated over oriented two-dimensional manifolds, the result being independent of the parametrization of the manifold. The functions a ij are assumed of class Ceo. If we again call a ij the difference !(aij - a j;), it is clear that it is always possible to assume that the coefficients of the 2-forms are skew-symmetric, that is, a ij = - a ji. The condition that the 2-form (9) remains invariant under the change of coordinates Xi --+ x;' conduces to the transformation law ,  iJx h iJx k ' aij = '- - iJ -, _ a ' ahk' h ,k = 1 X i X j (10) which proves that a ij are components of a skew-symmetric covariant double tensor. A way of generating 2-forms is the exterior product of two I-forms w( 1) = . a. dx. (1) = . b. dx. defined b y '-" " 0/ '-'" n a. w( 1) 1\ (1) =  a.b. dx. 1\ dx. =  ' 0/ '- IJ I J '- b i ,j = 1 i < j i aj b. dx i 1\ dx j' J (11) which according to (7) can be written 
356 Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus A.l. n w( 1) 1\ 4> (1) = L a i b j( d x 1 b x j - b x; d x j ) i ,j = 1 ( 12) or, putting w(l)(d) = Li Q; dXi' w(1)(b) = Li ai bX i and introducing the analogous expressions for 4>( 1), w(1) 1\ 4>(1) = w(1)(d)4>(l)(b) - w(l)(b)4>(l)(d), ( 13) which is the expression of the exterior product in terms of ordinary products of differential forms. Obviously not all 2-forms are the product of two I-forms. When this is the case, the 2-form is said to be decomposable. For instance, if n > 3, and co 1 , W2, co 3 , W4 are independent i-forms in R n , the 2-form (WI 1\ ( 2 ) + (w 3 1\ ( 4 ) is not decomposable. The definition of r-forms (differential forms of degree r) follows the same lines as above. They are the expressions w(r) = " a. . dx. 1\..' 1\ dx.  'I...'r II Ir' ( 14) it ,...,;r which occur under the integral sign in r-fold integrals over r-dimensional manifolds of R n . If r > n, then the only r-form is the null form. According to the skew symmetry of the wedge product, we can always assume that the coefficients a ;I...;r are skew symmetric. They are the components of a covariant skew-symmetric tensor of order r. The exterior product of the r-form (14) and the q-form w(q) = " b. . dx. 1\... 1\ dx.  JI...Jq JI Jq is the (r + q)-form defined by w(r) 1\ w(q) = " a. . b . . dx. 1\... 1\ dx. 1\ dx. 1\". 1\ dx.. ( 15)  ll...lr JI...Jq'l Ir JI Jq i ,j Note that by r interchanges we may bring dXjt to the left past dX;I'. . ., dXir and similarly, r interchanges bring each dx j2 ,. . ., dX jq in turn past dX;I'. . ., dXir. Thus w(q) 1\ w(r) is obtained from w(r) 1\ w(q) by rq interchanges. Hence, the exterior product, which is associative and distributive with respect to addition, has the property w(r) 1\ w(q) = (- I yqw(q) 1\ w(r). ( 16) In particular, the product of I-forms does not change if we perform an even permutation of the factors and is changed into its negative if we perform an odd permutation of the factors. It is clear that under conventional addition and scalar multiplication the r-forms constitute a module on the ring of differentiable functions on R n and that a basis for this mod ule is the set of r-forms dx i I 1\ . . . 1\ dX;r with i 1 < i 2 <. . . < ire Hence, the dimension of the module of r-forms in R n is (). If WI' W2'. . ., W r is a set of independent I-forms, the set of r-forms 
A.2. Two Applications of the Exterior Product 357 Wi l /\ w i2 /\ . . ./\ W ir (i t < i 2 < . . . < i r ) is also a basis for the module of r-forms. 2. Two Applications of the Exterior Product 1. If Wi = Lh aih dX h (i = 1,2,.. ., r) are r 1-forms in R n , they may be considered as linear forms in the indeterminates dx i and then from linear algebra we know that they are linearly independent if and only if the rank of the matrix (aih) is r. On the other hand, as a generalization of (11), we have Q t i I at i r W t /\. . . /\ W r = L it < . . . < i r dX il /\.../\ dXi r . (17) Qri I Qri r Hence we have The 1-forms WI' W2,. . ., W r are linearly independent if and only if WI /\ W 2 /\ . . . /\ W r "# O. Note that for r = n we have W t /\.../\ W n = detlaihl dXl /\ dX2 /\.../\ dXn. (18) 2. Let WI'. . ., W r be I-forms in R n that are linearly independent and assume that there exist other I-forms 4> t,. . ., 4>r such that W t /\ 4> t + W 2 /\ 4>2 + . . . + W r /\ 4>r = O. (19) Then r 4>i = L AihW h , h=1 Aih = Ahi (i = 1, 2,. . ., r). (20) This is a useful property known as E. Cartan's lemma. For a proof choose w r + 1,. . ., W n so that W t ,. . ., W r , W r + 1'. . ., W n is a basis of the I-forms in R n . Then we can write r n 4>i = L AihW h + L BihW h h=1 h=r+l and substituting this expression into (19), we have L r n ( A.. - A. . ) w. /\ w. +" "B . h W, /\ W h = 0 IJ J I I J   I I . i=1 h=r+l li<jr Since the set of exterior products Wi /\ w j is a basis for the 2-forms in R n , we deduce A ij = Aj;, Bih = 0, and this proves (20). 
358 Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus A.3. 3. Exterior Differentiation The exterior differential or exterior derivative of an r-form w(r) = " a. . dx. 1\... 1\ dx.  1....lr I. Ir it,...,i r (21) is defined as the (r + i)-form dw(r) = L da. . 1\ dx. 1\... 1\ dx. 1....lr I. Ir it, . . . , i r oa. . '" '....'r d d d   X h 1\ X i. 1\ . . . 1\ X i r h,i.,'..,i r uX h (22) where the sums are extended over all permutations of the indices. For instance, if w = Li ai dXi' we have   oa. ,, ( oa. oah ) dw =  dai 1\ dXi ==  oh ' dXh 1\ dXi =  _ 0 I - _ 0 dXh 1\ dXj. i = 1 i ,h = 1 h i < h Xh Xi (23) Since a it... i r may be assumed components of a skew-symmetric covariant tensor of order r, the coefficients of dw(r) are also the components of a skew- symmetric covariant tensor of order r + 1 (the so-called rotor, or curl, of a i .... ir ), so that definition (22) is independent of the coordinate system. To complete the definition, we agree that the exterior differential of a function f (considered as a differential form of degree 0) coincides with its ordinary differential (4). The exterior differential has the following properties: (a) If w(r) and w(s) are forms of degrees r, s, respectively, then d( w(r) 1\ w(s») = dw(r) 1\ w(s) + (- l)r w(r) 1\ dw(S). (24) The proof is an easy consequence of definition (22). (b) For any w, d(dw) = O. (25) Proof. Assuming w = w(r), we have 02a. . d(dw) = L a 1..lr dX k A dX h A dx it A . · . A dXir h,k,it ,"',ir X h X k ( 0 2 a .. 0 2 a . . ) 1....lr 't...'r = L a a - a a dX k A dXh A dXi, A" . A dXi r h < k, i. , . .. , i r X h X k X k X h =0 , proving (25). We can prove that the exterior differential operator d is uniquely determined by the condition of linearity d( w + l/J) = dw + dl/J and properties (24), (25), and (4). This proves again that the exterior differential does not depend on the coordinate system (see, e.g., [628]). 
A.4. Stokes' Formula 359 A differential form w is called closed if dw = O. It is called exact if w = d4> for some differential form 4>. According to (25), every exact differential form is closed. The converse is true only locally. For instance, the form w = (X 1 2 + X 2 2)-1(X 1 dX 2 - X2 dx 1 ) in R 2 - {O} satisfies dw = 0 but w = d4> only locally. In general we have the following result, which is called Poincare's lemma: Let w be an r-form (1  r  n) defined on a star-shaped open set of R n with dw = O. Then there exists an (r - I)-form 4> such that w = d4>. For a proof see Sternberg [628] or H. Cartan [91]. Recall that a set U is called star-shaped if there is a point x E U such that for every Y E U the line segment joining x and y is contained in U. The star- shapedness is only a sufficient condition on U that every closed form be exact. A necessary and sufficient condition has been given by Whitney [723]. 4. Stokes' Formula Let w be an (r - I)-form of compact support on an oriented r-dimensional manifold V r in R n and let a V r denote the boundary of V r considered as an oriented (r - I)-dimensional manifold with the orientation induced by that of V r . Then J w = J dw. (26) oV r V r This is the so-called Stokes formula. For a proof see, for instance, [628, 201, 723]. Note that for r = 1 it isjust the fundamental theorem of the calculus. Particular cases. 1. The case in which r = 2, n = 2. In this case V 2 is a closed region in R 2 bounded by a smooth simple closed curve a V 2 . Let w = a 1 .dx 1 + a2 dx 2 . Then formula (26) becomes J J ( aa 2 a a 1 ) a l dX l + a 2 dX 2 = oX l - OX2 dX l A dx 2 , OV2 V2 (27) which is the classical Green theorem. 2. The case in which r = 2, n = 3. In this case V 2 is a smooth oriented surface in R 3 whose boundary iJ V 2 is a smooth simple closed curve directed in accordance with the given orientation in V 2 . Let w = a 1 dX 1 + a2 dX2 + a3 dX3. Then J a l dX l + a2 dx 2 + a 3 dx 3 OV2 J ( aa 3 aa2 ) ( aal iJa3 ) ( aa2 aa1 ) = OX2 - OX3 dX2 A dX 3 + OX3 - oX l dX 3 A dX l + oX l - OX2 dX l A dx 2 , V2 which is often called Ostrogradsky's theorem, or the curl theorem. 
360 Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus A.5. 3. The case in which r = 3, n = 3. Let V 3 be a closed region in R 3 bounded by a smooth surface a V 3 . Let w = at dX2 " dX 3 + a2 dX3 " dXt + a 3 dXt " dX2' Then J a l dX2 A dX3 + a2 dX3 A dX l + a 3 dXl A dX 2 OV3 r ( aa t aa2 aa 3 ) = J OX l + OX2 + OX3 dX l A dX 2 A dX3' V3 which is the so-called Gauss theorem. 4. Integration by parts. If V r is a compact manifold without boundary (a V r = 0) and w = w(p) " w(q) (p + q = r - 1), then from (24) and (26) we have J dw(p) A w(q) = (- 1)p+ 1 J w(p) A dw(q), V r V r which is a generalization of integration by parts. 5. Comparison with Vector Calculus in Euclidean Three-Dimensional Space Consider euclidean three-dimensional space and the standard orthonormal frame e t , e2, e 3 such that e(e j = b ij . Each I-form w(1) = at dXt + a2 dX2 + a3 dX 3 defines a field of vectors A = atel + a 2 e 2 + a 3 e 3 and each 2-form W(2) = a l 2 dXt " dX 2 + a23 dX2 " dX 3 + a 31 dX 3 "dx l , with au = - aji, defines a field of skew-symmetric covariant tensors of second order a ij' or a field of axial or relative vectors  = a23 e l + a31e2 + a12e3. Remember that axial vectors or relative vectors are geometric objects that transform like vectors except that they change direction when the "handedness" of the original frame is changed. For instance, the vector product A x B of two vectors is an axial vector. Analogously, a 3-form W(3) = a dx I " dX 2 " dX3 defines a relative invariant a = a. Consider the differential forms w(1) = at dX I + a2 dX2 + a3 dX3' 4>(1) = b l dX I + b 2 dX 2 + b 3 dx 3 , W(2) = C t dX2" dX 3 + C2 dx 3 " dX I + C 3 dX I "dX2' W(3) = a dX I "dX2" dX3' and let tfJ denote the operator that associates to each differential form the corresponding vector element, that is, tfJ( w( I») = A, tfJ( w( 2 ») = <£, tfJ( W(3») = a, tfJ( w( 1) " 4>(1») = A x B, tfJ( w( I) " W(2») = A. <£. 
A.6. Differential Forms over Manifolds 361 According to the definitions af af af gradf = _ a el + _ a e2 + _ a e3, Xl X2 X3 ( aa 3 aa2 ) ( aa1 aa3 ) ( aa2 aa1 ) curl A = - - - e 1 + - - - e2 + - - - e3, aX2 iJx 3 aX 3 aX 1 aX 1 aX 2 d . A aal aa2 iJa3 IV = - + - + -, aX 1 aX 2 aX 3 we have t/J(df) = grad f, t/J(da/ 1 » = curl A, t/J( dW(2» = div <t. Applying these relations, we obtain the following correspondence between identities of exterior calculus and identities of vector calculus: d(df) = 0 --+ curl grad f = 0, d( dw( 1» = 0 --+ div curl A = 0, d(fg) = df. g + f dg --+ grad(fg) = g grad f + f grad g, d(fw(1) = df 1\ w(1) + f dW(l) --+ curl(f A) = (grad f) x A + f curl A, d(fw(2» = df 1\ W(2) + f dW(2) --+ div(f<t) = grad f. <t + f div <t, d(w(1) 1\ fjJ(l» = dw(1) 1\ fjJ(1) - w(1) 1\ dfjJ(l) --+ div(A x B) = (curl A). B - A. curl B. Poincare's lemma translates into the following theorems of vector calculus. (a) For w = w(1) we have the condition curl A = 0 is the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a function f such that A = grad f (assuming that the region for which curl A = 0 is star shaped). (b) For w = W(2) we have if is a field of axial vectors, then the condition div  = 0 is the necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of a vector field B such that  = curl B (assuming that the region for which div  = 0 is star shaped). Thus, we see that the exterior calculus can serve to represent and to unify the basic operations of classical vector calculus in euclidean three-dimensional space. 6. Differential Forms over Manifolds We have seen how differential forms transform under the change of co- ordinates Xi --+ x/. It suffices to replace each coefficient ait...ir(x) by the composite function ait...ir(x(x'» and replace each dXi by the differential dX i = Lh (aXdaXh') dx h ', then use the exterior product of these I-forms. Because of 
362 Differential Forms and Exterior Calculus A.6. this simple transformation rule under mappings, the differential forms work on spaces that are defined by means of local coordinate systems, for instance, on differentiable manifolds. On such a manifold M, local charts (U i, h i) exist such that the open sets U i cover the whole manifold and the hi are one-to-one maps of each U i onto open sets of R n . Differential forms over U i are then trivial transforms of differential forms over the corresponding open sets of R n . Moreover, it is possible to consider a form w as existing over the whole manifold if its representations over U i and U j in the intersection U i n U j are related by the change of coordinates hi 0 h j -1. The integration of differential forms on manifolds has the conventional meaning if the domain of integration is contained in some U i. Otherwise, it is necessary to use the so-called "partition of unity" (see, e.g., the work of Sternberg [628] and Fleming [204]). With this device, all exterior calculus, including Stokes' formula, translates without change from R n to any dif- ferentiable manifold M. We conclude this Appendix with the definition of the rank of a differential form and the statement, without proof, of some theorems related to the problem of finding a normal form for linear differential forms. An r-form w over an n-dimensional manifold is called of rank p (r  p  n) if there exist p and no less than pI-forms 4>h such that w = "',h. "...",h.  Il Ir (1  i l <... < i r  p). If r = p, then w = 4>1 " · · ." 4>r and the form is said to be decomposable. We mention the following results: 1. The rank of a 2-form W(2) is an even integer p = 2s where s is the greatest integer such that W(2) " W(2) " . . ." W(2) "# 0 (s factors). 2. If W(2) is a closed 2-form of rank p = 2s on an n-dimensional manifold M, then about every point of M we can introduce coordinates x I' X2,. . ., Xs, Yl,. . ., Ys such that in terms of these coordinates W(2) = dx 1 " dYl + dX2 1\ dY2 + . . · + dxs " dys. 3. Let w be a I-form such that dw has rank p on M. If w "# 0 and w " dw " . . ." dw = 0 (with s factors dw), then about every point of M we can find coordinates Xl' X2'...' Xs, Yl,..., Ys such that w = Xl dYl +... + Xs dys. If w " dw " . . ." dw "# 0 (with s factors dw) everywhere, about every point of M we can introduce coordinates Xl'...' XS' X s + l , YI'...' ys so that w = Xl dYl +... + Xs dys + dXs+l. This property is known as Oarboux's theorem [628]. 
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Author Index 
Author Index Ahlfors, L., 343, 344 Ailan, G., 276(2) Alikoski, A. A., 64 Allendoerfer, C. B., 302, 304(4), 322 Ambarcumjan, R. V., 20, 34, 37, 102, 231, 250 Anderssen, R. S., 290(321, 322), 291 Armitage, P., 101 Arnold, V. I., 40 A vez, A., 40 Azorin, F., 294(15, 16) Bach, G., 286 Balanzat, M., 98(17, 18) Bambah, R. P., 10 Banchoff, T. F., 38, 252 Barbier, E., 111 Bate, A. E., 62(22) Baticle, M., 24 Bender, E. A., 138 Benson, D. C., 124, 232 Benson, R. V., 1 Berger, M., 351 Bernal, J. D., 26 Berwald, L., 197 Bieberbach, L., 41 (30a) Birkhoff, G. D., 40 Bishop, R. L., 143 Blaschke, W., 1, 31 (50), 36, 40(40), 48, 59, 64,113,114,118,121,125,197, 200(30),201,211,238(35),260, 281(51), 311, 312, 340(47), 341(47), 347, 351 (39) Blichfeldt, H. F., 137, 175, 176 Bodzioni, J., 211 (54-56), 290 Bohm, J., 311 Bokowski,J.,138 Bol, G., 120 Boltjanski, V. G., 1 Bonnesen, T., 1, 3(63), 4(63), 8(63), 120, 124, 125, 126, 215(63), 217, 231(63), 249(63), 267(63), 324(62) Borel, E., 108 Borovikov, V. A., 348 Bottema, 0., 121 Bourbaki, N., 1 78 Briarty, L. G., 282(70) Bronowski, J., 276 Brothers, J. E., 277 Busemann, H., 209, 215(74), 300 Calugareanu, G., 252 Caregradskii, I. P., (see Zaregradski) 103(80) Carle man, T., 48, 238(81) CarlsonJ. A., 343 Carnal, H., 23,147 Cartan, E., 145(85), 151, 152, 153, 154, 180, 211, 331, 339(89), 342(86), 353 Cartan, H., 12, 353, 359 Cassels, J. W. S., 10, 190 Cauchy, A., 218 Chakerian, G. D., 125, 126, 138, 232, 255(96,97), 351(95) Chebotarev, N. G., 177 Chen, Chang-shing, 276, 277 Chern, S. S., 113(111), 171, 242, 254, 260, 262,276,302,343,344 Chevalley, C., 353 Clark, J. M., 48 Coleman, R., 23, 24, 63 Cooke, P. J., 99 Corte, H., 67 Cover, T., 328, 329 Courant, R., 288(125) Coxeter, H. S. M., 19, 113, 128, 311 Crain, I. K., 20 Crofton, M. W., 13, 21, 47, 51, 58 Czuber, E., 16, 21 Daley, D. J., 67 Darling, D. A., 60 Davidson, R., 58, 66, 67 De Hoff, R. T., 289, 290 Deltheil, R., 13, 51 (143), 63( 143), 198(144), 212, 233(144) De Rahm, G., 343 De Vries, H. L., 59(145a) Dodson, C. T. J., 67 Domb, C., 213 Drinfel'd, G. I., 177 Duffin, R., J., 290, 291 Dufour, S. W., 104 Dvoretzky, A., 11, 25 Eberhardt, L. L., 24 Efron, B., 23, 328, 329 Eggleston, H. G., 1, 189 Eisenhart, L. P., 247(165), 254(165), 308(165) Elias, H., 226(166), 282, 286, 290(166) 395 
396 Fairthone, D., 49 Fary, I., 35, 254, 255 Fast, H., 31(171) Favard, J., 31, 248 Fazekas de St. Groth, S., 327 Federer, H., 248, 260, 276, 277, 303 Fejes Toth, L., 127(181), 137(179) Feller, W., 41 Fenchel, W., 1, 3(63),4(63),8(63), 126, 215(63), 217, 231(63), 249(63), 254, 267(63) Figiel, T., 218(188) Fillmore, J. P., 315 Filipescu, D., 98, 280( 190, 191) Firey, W.J., 10(192),215(195),231,249, 333 Fisher, L. D., 23 Fisher, R. A., 24, 294(199) Flaherty, F. J., 276 Flanders, H., 12, 125, 147, 353 Fleming, W. H., 12, 362 Fratila, E., 72(205) Fujiwara, M., 120 Fukunaga, K., 294(206a) Funk, P., 347 Furstenberg, H., 249 Gaeta, F., 1 71 (211 ) Gani, J., 26 Garwood, F., 24, 67(213) Gaspar, E., 75(216) Geciauskas, E. P., 48, 63, 103(219), 108(21 7) Geffroy,J.,23 Gelfand, I. M., 345, 346, 347, 348 Gerriets, J., 138 Ghosh, B., 49 Giger, H., 278(228), 282(226), 291 Gilbert, E. N., 297(230), 327 Goldberg, S. I., 143 Goldman, J. R., 18 Goodman, A. W., 39 Goodman, R. E., 39 Gotz, A., 31 (70) Goudsmit, S., 58 Graev, M. I., 346, 347, 348 Green, J. W., 60, 347 Green, L. W., 351 Grenander, U., 294(237) Gridgeman, N. T., 72 Griffiths, P. A., 343, 344 Groemer, H., 65, 210, 217(243), 223 GrUnbaum, B., 1, 38, 350(247, 248) Author Index Grunwald, G., 123 Guenther, W. C., 100 Guggenheimer, H., 10, 11, 128, 249, 351(253, 254) Guter, R. S., 103(260) Hadwiger, H., 1, 13, 39, 59(270), 60, 118, 121,122,124,134,138,200(274),217, 218(274), 223, 226, 229(271), 235, 237, 238, 248(274),260,275, 278(274), 280,303,324,350 Hammersley, J. M., 212 Harding, E. F., 58 Heil, E., 10(296) Helgason, S., 177(298), 345, 347, 348 Hemmi, D., 10 Herglotz, G., 239, 302, 319 Hermann, R., 330, 349 Hilliard, J. E., 292(309c) Hilbert, D., 288( 125) Holcomb, D. F., 213 Holgate, P., 24 Hombu, H., 41(682) Horneffer, K., 247 Horowitz, M., 62 Hostinsky, B., 72(318) Hurwitz, A., 59 Iwasawa, M., 213 J aglom, I. M., 1 Jakeman, A. J., 290(321, 322) John, F., 346, 348 Johnson, W. A., 298 Jurtova, L. M., 195 Jusupov, D.t 315 Kac, M., 72 Kelly, E., 348 Kelly, P. J., 300 Kendall, D. G., 58,137(332),138,297(333) Kendall, M. G., 13, 24, 51 (335), 58, 62(335),63(335), 72, 77(335), 138(335), 198(335), 212(335), 233(335), 276(335), 286(335), 290,292 Kingman, J. F. C., 62(336), 65, 201, 237(337) Klamkin, M. S., 138 Klee, V., 10, 65(338) Knight, K. F., 26 Knothe, E., 324(341) Kobayashi, S., 143, 202(341a) 
Author Index Krickeberg, K., 19, 58, 67 Kubota, T., 10, 217 Kulle, R. D., 260 Kurita, M., 111(351), 170(353), 277 Langford, E., 21 Lashof, R. K., 254 Lebesgue, H., 13, 58 Legrady, K., 345 Lehner, J., 175(360) Lekkerkerker, C. G., 10, 11(361), 176(361), 190 Lenz, H., 223 Levy, P., 24 Loomis, L. H., 12 Lord, R. D., 212 Luccioni, R., 193(370), 194 Lucenko, A. V., 195 Liiko, G., 63(375) Maak, W., 31 ( 377), 111 ( 3 77, 378), 247, 260 Macbeath, A. M., 190 McIntire, G. A., 103(104) Mack, C., 101, 102 Mahler, K., 10, 11 Mallows, C. L., 48 Mannion, D., 25 Mantt;l, L., 72 Marriot, F. H., 290 Masotti Biggiogero, G., 16, 21(394), 58, 59(396), 231 (395, 397) Masson, J., 26 Matheron, G., 19, 67,290, 297(399-401) Matschinski, M., 20 Mehl, R. F., 298 Meijering, J. L., 297 Melzak, Z. A., 104 Miles, R. E., 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 56(414), 57,58,59(418),65,67, 100, 197, 198(408), 201, 212, 249, 250(412), 290, 294(199), 296, 297, 298, 313, 327,328 Moran, P. A. P., 13, 24, 32,51(335), 62(335),63(335), 72, 77(335), 138(335), 142, 198(335), 212(335), 218,233(335),276(335), 286(335), 290, 292, 294(335), 327 Morgenthaler, G. W., 276(432) Morimoto, M., 348 Morton, R. R. A., 111(434) Morton, V. M., 211 Mostow, G. D., 177(436) 397 MUller, H. R., 350 Mullooly, J. P., 25(440) Myers, E. J., 293(442) Nachbin, L., 157(443) Neuman, F., 10(445-448) Ney, P. E., 25 Neyman, J., 276 Nicholson, W. L., 290 Nijenhuis, A., 276 Nobeling, G., 111(455),118,260 Nomizu, K., 143, 202(341a) Novikoff, A. B.J., 49(457),72,294(457) Obrechkoff, N., 324(458) Ohmann, D., 10, 217(460, 461) Owens, O. G., 351 Oshio, S., 134(464, 465) Palais, R. S., 331 Palasti, I., 26 Paloheimo,J. E., 103(468) Papangelou, F., 67 Petkantschin, B., 201, 207, 209 Petrov, E. E., 348 Petty, C. M., 185, 210 Pillow, M. E., 62(22) Pleijel, A., 37, 38, 121 Pohl, W. F., 38, 211,250,251(481),252, 343,350 Poincar, H., 111, 121 Polya, G., 42, 230(490), 311 Poole, G., 138 Radon, J., 346, 347 Rankin, R. A., 138 Reed, W. J., 65(498) Raynaud, H., 23 Redei, L., 60 Reiter, H., 157, (500), 178 Renyi, A., 13, 22, 23, 25, 60, 66 Rhee, H., 348 Rhin, G., 291 Rhines, F. N., 290 Richards, P. I., 1 7, 57 Riedwyl, H., 291 Roach, S. A., 102 Robbins, H. E., 25, 276 Roberts, F. D. K., 23,213 Rogers, C. A., 11, 190 Rohde, H., 343 R.omanov, V. G., 348 Ruben, H., 60 
398 Sancho San Roman,J., 178(521) Santal6, L. A., 10, 41, 43, 51(539), 58, 79(534),98(523), 101(560), 104(531), 111(523),112,140,141(551),176, 188(577), 190(557), 194(577), 195, 228(574), 231(546), 260, 275, 290, 294, 324(539, 541), 329(592), 338(567), 341 Sawyer, D. B., 137 Schaffer, J. J., 137 Schiffman, B., 343 SchIafli, L., 328 Schmidt, W. M., 66, 138 Schuster, E. F., 72(601) Scott, D. G., 26 Scott, P. R., 138 Sherman, S., 31 ( 604 ) Shohat, J. A., 48 Sholander, M.. 10 Sibasov, L. P., 348 Sidak, Z. A., 290 Siegel, C. L. 190, 345 Silver, M., 138 Slavskii, V. V., 254 Solomon, H., 26, 276(616, 617) Stanilov, G., 194,211,351(621) Stein, S. K., 125, 126 Steinhaus, H., 31, 38 Steppe, 49(627) Sternberg, S., 12, 143, 147, 165, 353, 358(628), 359, 362(628) Stevens, W. L., 25(630) Stoka, M. I., 13, 16, 58, 98, 161, 177, 191, 194(646, 647), 195, 250, 269, 351 (646) Stoll, W., 343 Storey, S. H., 213 Streit, F., 101(658), 269(657), 280 Sulanke, R., 22, 23, 34, 42, 48, 66, 177(661), 200(664), 211, 276 Sylvester, J. J., 34, 63, 64 Szego, G., 230(490), 311 Takacs, L., 25 Tallis, G. M., 291 Author Index Tamarkin,J. D., 48 Tate, C., 213 Terragno, P. J., 100 Theodorescu, R., 13 Tietze, H., 198(670) Trandafir, R., 134, 275 Tsuji, M., 1 76 Turan, P., 123 Ueno, S., 41 Valentine, F., 1, 3(683) Van Kampen, E. R., 72 Varga, 0., 193, 197, 211, 277(687), 343 Vidal Abascal, E., 211, 322(690), 330 Viet, U., 126 Vilenkin, N. Ya., 346, 347, 348 Vinogradov, O. P., 103 Voronoi, G., 20 Votaw, D. F., 25, 276 V ranceanu, G., 1 77 Walters, A. G., 220 Watson, G. S., 290 Weil, A., 157(710), 168, 190, 302 Wendel, J. G., 326 Weyl, H., 276, 343 Weyt,J.,343 White, J. H., 246, 252, 325 Whitney, H., 359 Wicksell, S. D., 288, 292 Wills, J. M., 138 Wintgen, P., 66, 200(664), 276 Wintner, A., 72 Wirtinger, W., 343 Wong, E., 49(627) Wu, H. H., 344 Wu, T. J., 311 Yanez, 58, 329(592) Zaregradski, I. P., 103 Ziezold, H., 23(736), 66 Zoll, 0., 351 
Subject Index 
Subject Index Abel's integral equation, 288, 289 Adjoint representation, 150, 159, 160 Admissible domains, 138 Affine groups, 179-182 homogeneous, 181 special, 180, 187 special homogeneous, 183 special nonhomogeneous, 182, 187 Affinity, 179 Agglomerations of convex sets, 279 Aggregates of ellipsoids, 291 of points, 102 of spheres, 290 Algebraic manifolds, 343 Almost bundle, 280 Ambarcumjan inequality, 37, 231 Angle formula, 238 Angle in n.e. geometry, 302 Annihilator, 146 Area of convex set, 3, 60 Asymmetry, 38 Averages, for curves, 111 for polygons, 55 for polyhedrons, 296 Axial vectors, 360 Bezout theorem, 343 Blaschke's fundamental formula, 113-116 Blichfeldt's theorem, 137 generalized, 176 Bonnesen's inequality, 120 Breadth, 6 of stri p, 68 Buffon's needle problem, 71, 107, 135 generalized, 77, 250, 281 with broken line, 77 Cartan's lemma, 357 Cartesian space R n , 179 Cauchy's formula, 217 Chain rule, 177 Class C n , 3 Class of curve, 344 Closed differential forms, 359 Closed geodesics, 351 Closed subgroups, 165 Close packing of segments, 126 Clumps of convex sets, 101 CI usters, 102, 213 Coefficient of inefficiency, 67 Commutative groups, 156 Compact groups, 159 Completely integrable, 146 Complete set of inequalities, 10 Complex analytic mappings, 343 Complex spaces, 338 Concurrent cross sections, 209 Congruences, of lines, 211, 254 of geodesics, 334, 335 Conjugate points, 300 Constant breadth, 8 Convex billiard, 40 Convex body, 215 in elliptic space, 322 of various shapes, 229 Convex curves, 1 Convex hull, 32 of n random points, 22 Convex ring, 350 Convex sets, 1, 215 at random in E 3 , 283 contained in another, 94, 95 in En' 215 intersecting another, 93, 94 Convex surface, 215 Cotangent space, 82, 144 Coverage problems, on circle, 25 on line, 24, 25 on plane, 98 on sphere, 325-327 Covectors in R n , 354 Crofton's formulas, in En' 237-239 in n.e. spaces, 316 in plane, 47, 51 Crystallographic groups, 128 Cube, 229 Cubic particles, 293 Curvature of Chern-Lashof, 254 399 
400 Curvature of space, 300 Cylinders, in E 3 , 280 in En' 270 intersecting convex sets, 273 intersecting ball, 279 Darboux's theorem, 362 Density for cylinders, 270, 280 for horocycles, 314 for hyperplanes, 184, 185 for linear spaces in En' 199 for linear spaces in Pn< C), 340 for lines, 27, 28 for m-tuples of linear spaces, 186, 193 for normal chains, 341 for pairs of lines, 49, 194 for pairs of linear spaces, 205 for pairs of points, 45 for parallel hyperplanes, 188 for parallel subspaces, 190 for parallelograms, 194 for planes and lines in E 3 , 210 for points, 13, 173 for points and lines, 195 for r-planes, 183, 187, 204, 305 for r-planes about a q-plane, 202 for strips, 68 for triples of points, 16 Density function, for area, 18 for orthogonal projection, 218 for perimeter, 17 for radii of circumdisk, 19 Diameter, 6 Difference set, 125 Differential forms, 82, 353 closed, 359 decomposable, 356 exact, 359 over manifolds, 361 over the group of motions, 82 Differential of a mapping, 148 dual, 148 Direct product of groups, 161 Distances in n-ball, 212 non-euclidean, 301 of two curves, 38 in the space of graphs, 42 Distribution, of areas of triangles, 19 of distances in n-ball, 212 of lengths of chords, 48 of particles, 282 S ubj ect Index of radii of circumdisks, 19 of sizes of particles, 291 Division of a body by random planes, 294 of a convex set by random lines, 54 of plane by random lines, 51-58 Dodecahedron, 229 Domain, 128 Dual formulas, 303 in elliptic space, 318 Effective Lie transformation group, 173 Ellipsoid, 249, 291 Elliptic n.e. space, 300 Envelope, 2 Equations of Rodrigues, 264, 302, 320 Euclidean space En' 196 Euler characteristic, 113 Eulerian graph, 42 Euler-Poincare characteristic, 223 Exact differential form, 359 Exterior derivative, 144, 358 Exterior differential, 358 Exterior product, 353-357 External cover, 32 Favard length, 31 Favard measure, 248 Fields of convex sets, 100, 278 of cylinders, 278 Fixed frame, 87 Flattened convex body, 227 Foliated spaces, 330 Foliation, 331 Forms linearly independent, 357 Forms of degree r, 356 Functions over straight lines, 60 Fundamental kinematic formula, 113-115, 262-266 for convex sets, 267 for cylinders, 270, 271 for strips, 118 in n.e. spaces, 320, 321 Fundamental quadric, 299 Fundamental region, 128 Gamma distribution, 18 Gaussian distribution, 291 Gauss-Bonnet formula, 302 Gelfand's integral geometry, 345 General affine group, 180, 182 General linear group GL(n), 149 Geodesics, 331 Geodesic curvature, 303 Geodesic segments, 338 
Subject Index Geometric probability, 105, 235 in n.e. spaces, 312 on the hemisphere, 313 on the sphere, 312 problems, 43, 105-108, 138-142, 235, 267,312 Grassmann manifolds, 202 volume of, 203 Great circles at random, 329 Group of affine transformations, 179 Group of motions, 12, 160, 198 in En' 196-199 in n.e. spaces, 300 in the plane, 12, 80--82 Growth rate, 298 Haar measure, 157 Hadwiger's condition, 121-122 for n.e. plane, 324 Herglotz formula, 239 in elliptic space, 319 Hermann's formulas, 349 Hermitian elliptic geometry, 339 Hermitian group, 339 Hermitian inner product, 339 Hermitian metric, 340 Holditch theorem, 11 Holomorphic curves, 343 Homogeneous affinities, 181 Homogeneous spaces, 165 density in, 165, 169, 170 invariant measure in, 165 Homogeneous symplectic group, 344 Horocycles, 314 Horocycle convex sets, 315 Horospheres, 347 Hyperbolic n.e. space, 300 Hyperplanes in general position, 328 Hypersurface polar, 303 Hypersurfaces and linear spaces, 247 Icosahedron, 230 Ideal points, 299 Independent differential forms, 145, 354 Inequalities for tetrahedrons, 311 Inequality of Ambarcumjan, 37, 231 of Fary, 254, 255 of Feller, 41 of Fenchel, 254 Integral formulas, 13, 16,21,42, 58, 59, 95, 221, 230 in elliptic space, 314, 322 in Hermitian space, 341-343 Integral formulas and Fourier series, 59 Integral geometry, 401 on surfaces, 350 in complex spaces, 338 in Riemann manifolds, 330- 338 Integral manifold, 146 Integral of volume, 258 Integrals of mean curvature, 222, 223 for cylinders, 271 and quermassintegrale, 224-227 of a flattened convex body, 227-229, 243 of n.e. sphere, 308 I ntegral of the power of chords, 46, 237 Interior parallel set, 8 Intersection of manifolds, 258-260 in n.e. spaces, 323 Intersection, with random planes, 286 with random lines, 289 with random spheres, 293 Internal cover, 32 Invariant densities in homogeneous spaces, 165-169 Invariant subgroups, 169 Invariant volume element, 156 of affine groups, 181 Inverse Radon transform, 346 Isoperimetric deficit, 119 Isoperimetric inequality, 36, 37, 104, 119, 123 of Banchoff and Pohl, 252 of Chakerian', 232 in n.e. plane, 324 Isotropic random simplexes, 201 Isotropy group, 170, 173 Jacobian matrix, 149 Kinematic density for projective group, 192 in E 2 , 85, 109-110 in En' 256 in n.e. spaces, 304 other expressions, 88 Kinematic fundamental formula for convex sets, 267, 282 for cylinders, 270, 277, 283 for strips, 118, 283 in E 2 , 113-116 in En' 262 in n.e. spaces, 320 of Chern-Federer, 276 Kubota's formula, 217 Lattice points, covered by a region, 137, 138 Lattices in E 2 , 128 
402 Lattices in En' 274 Lattices, of balls, 274 of cubes, 274 of convex sets, 140, 275 of curves, 134 of domains, 131 of equilateral triangles, 140 of figures, 128 of fundamental regions, 128 of points, 135 of regular hexagons, 133, 139 of squares, 133 Leaves, 331 Left-invariant differential forms, 83, 150 Left translations, 81, 149 Length of continuum of points, 112 Length of curve, 31, 142 Length of order m, 38 Lie group, 149 Lie transformation group, 173 Linear graphs, 42 Linear isotropy group, 170 Linear search, 103 Linear subspaces in En' 199 intersecting a manifold, 243-247 through origin, 185, 186 Line density, in E2' 28-30 in E 3 , 211 invariance by reflection, 39 invariance by refraction, 39 Lines intersecting a convex set, 30, 65 Lines intersecting curve, 30 Lines that cut two convex sets, 32-34 Lines that separate two convex sets, 32-34 Linking numbers, 251, 252 Mappings of differentiable manifolds, 148 Maurer-Cartan equations, 152 Maurer-Cartan forms, 151 for affinities, 180 for matrix groups, 153-154 Mean breadth, 217 Mean cross-sectional measures, 217 Mean density in En' 210 Mean distances in circle, 49 in equilateral triangle, 49 in n-ball, 212 in rectangle, 49 Mean free path, 42 Mean length of chords, 30, 60-63 Mean number of faces, 295 of regions, 295 Subject Index of vertices, 295 Mean values and curvatures, 252 Mean values for convex polyhedrons, 250 Mean values for integrals of mean cur- vature, 267-269 Mean values of domains covered r times, 101 Mean values of projected volumes, 216 Measurable groups, 177 Measure of continuum of points, 260 Minkowski and Hlawka theorem, 190 Minkowski's inequality, 124-125 Minkowski's theorem, 176 Mixed convex set, 4 Mixed area of Minkowski, 4 Moments of sizes of particles, 291 Moments of gamma function, 18 Motions in En' 196 Motions in plane, 80-82 Moving frames, 180 n-dimensional euclidean space, 196 n-dimensional noneuclidean space, 299 Il-dimensional projective space, 192, 299 Nearly spherical particles, 288, 292 Noneuclidean elliptic geometry, 300 Noneuclidean hyperbolic geometry, 175, 300 Noneuclidean integral geometry, 299 Noneuclidean motions, 300 Nonseparable convex sets, 39 Normal chains, 340 Normal congruence, 335, 336 Octahedron, 229 Orthogonal group, 149, 197 Orthonormal frame, 196 Osculating linear spaces, 343 Packing of segments, 126 Pairs of linear spaces, 205 Pairs of lines, 49 Pairs of points, 44, 237 Parallel convex sets, 7, 220 Parallel hyperplanes, 188 Parking problem, 25 Particles inside ball, 284 Partition of unity, 362 Pa ttern analysis, 294 Perimeter, 2 Pfaffian differential systems, 145 completely integrable, 146, 147 Plane linear graphs, 42 Plucker formulas, 344 Poincare's formula, 109, III generalized, 277 Poincare's lemma, 359, 361 
Subject Index Poisson field of planes, 296 Poisson line system, 56 Poisson point processes, 17 nearest neighbors in, 23 Polar reciprocal convex sets, 10, 185 Polygons formed by random lines, 55 Power of the chords, 46, 238 Probabilities on lattices, 138 Probability of acute angled triangle, 17 Probability of obtuse angled triangle, 21 Projections of convex sets, 221 Proper cone, 329 q-dimensional measure, 260 Quermassintegrale, 217 of ball, 224 of convex cylinder, 225 of ellipsoid of revolution, 226 of line segment, 225 of right parallelepiped, 224 Quermassintegrale and integrals of mean curvature, 224 Quotient group, 169 Radius of curvature, 3 Radon transform, 346, 348 Random clusters, 213 Random chords, 60-63 Random division of space, 297 Random elements, 13 Random figures, 104 Random great circles, 329 Random lines, 289 Random planes, 294, 286 Random points, inside of convex set, 280 in unit ball, 23, 65, 212 on unit sphere, 326 Random polygons, 66 Random polyhedral cones, 328 Random rectangles, 276 Random regions on sphere, 329 Random sets, 275 Random spheres, 293 Random spherical figures, 313 Random strips, 68 Random tesselations, 19, 298 Random triangles, 21 Rank of a differential form, 362 Real projective group, 192 Reflection of lines, 39 Refraction of lines, 39 of geodesics, 336 Region, 128 Relation between densities, 240 Relative invariant density, 177, 360 403 Relative vectors, 360 Reproductive property, 252 Reuleaux polygons, 8 Right invariant differential forms, 84, 155 Right translations, 81, 149, 183 Rodrigues' formulas, 264, 302, 320 Rods of fixed length, 290 Rotations about a point, 197 about a q-plane, 198 r-planes, intersecting a convex set, 233 intersecting a manifold, 243 in n.e. spaces, 309 that support a convex body, 248 rth total absolute curvature, 253 Second order moments, 313 Sections, by random lines, 289 by random planes, 286 by random spheres, 293 Self intersections, 104 Self-linking number, 252 Sets, of circles, 161 of congruent figures, 86 of constant breadth, 9 of ellipses, 191 of geodesics, 331 2h-dimensional, 334, 349 (2n - 2)-dimensional, 336 of geodesic segments, 338 of hyperbolas, 191 of hyperquadrics, 194 of intervals on the line, 24 of lattices, 189 of lines, 27 of n-tuples of points, 13 of pairs of spaces, 205 of parabolas, 191 of parallel hyperplanes, 188 of parallel subspaces, 190 of points, 12 of points, lines and strips, 72-75 of r-planes, 233, 309 of segments on plane, 89 interior to a polygon, 92 intersecting an angle, 92 of strips, 68, 249 that are met by a strip, 71 with positive reach, 303 Several moving manifolds, 259 Similitudes in the plane, 160 Skew symmetric covariant tensor, 355 
404 Solid angle element, 185, 302 Space curves, 250 Special affine groups, 180 Special linear group, 149 Special motions, 196 Special nonhomogeneous affine groups, 187 Spherical image, 263 Spherical particles, 287, 291 Stability subgroup, 173 Steiner's formula, 220 in n.e. spaces, 321 Stereology, 282 Stiefeld manifold, 207 Stochastic processes of lines, 66 Strips, 68 Strips that contain a set, 69 Strips that meet a domain, 69 Stoke's formula, 267, 333, 359 Stronger isoperimetric inequalities, 119 Structure constants, 152 Structure equations, 152 Subspaces through origin, 185 Support flats, 231 Support hyperplane, 215 Support function, 3, II Support line, 3, 6 Surface area of the n.e. sphere, 308 Sylvester's problem, 63-65 in n-dimensional euclidean space, 64 on the hemisphere, 313 Symplectic group, 345 Symplectic integral geometry, 344, 345 Tangent vector space, 144 Tessellations, in En' 297 on the plane, 19 on the sphere, 327 Tetrahedron, 229 Tetrahedron in n.e. geometry, 311 Subject Index Theorem of Frobenius, 147 Torsion of curve, 254 Total absolute curvature, 34, 253, 255 Total curvature, 112 of a closed curve, 112 of a plane domain, 112 Total square curvature, 276 Transitive Lie transformation group, 173 Translations, 197 Triangular convex sets, 9 Triangular groups, 178 Triples of points, 16 Tubes of geodesics, 335 Unimodular groups, 156 Unitary group, 339 Unit ball. random points in the, 23, 65, 212 vol ume of, 9 U nit sphere, random points on the, 326 surface area of, 9 Upper limit for isoperimetric deficit, 120 Vector integral geometry, 350 Volume element in polar coordinates, 307, 308 Volume element in Ell' 256 Volume of Grassmann manifold, 203 of Hermitian elliptic space, 342 of n.e. sphere, 308 of parallel convex sets, 220, 321-322 of unit ball, 9 V oronoi tessellations, 20 Wedge product, 354 Weil's condition, 168 White and black random strips, 78 Width, 6 Winding number, 38, 251