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Introduction to p-Adic Numbers and Valuation Theory * By George Bachman POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE OF BROOKLYN MATHEMATICS DEPARTMENT BROOKLYN, NEW YORK ACADEMIC PRESS • New York and London
Copyright © 1964, by Academic Press Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. NO PART OF THIS BOOK MAY BE REPRODUCED IN ANY FORM, BY PHOTOSTAT, MICROFILM, OR ANY OTHER MEANS, WITHOUT i WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM THE PUBLISHERS. ACADEMIC PRESS INC. 111 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10003 United. Kingdom Edition published by ACADEMIC PRESS INC. (LONDON) LTD. Berkeley Square House, London W.l Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 64-17793 PRINTED IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA
Preface The field of p-adic numbers, which can be obtained from the field of rational numbers by a completion process with respect to a special kind of mapping, or valuation, similar in many respects to the ordinary absolute value mapping has a great number of interesting properties. However, beyond this, it turns out that such fields are of particular interest and importance in algebraic number theory and in algebraic geometry. This is equally true of the general notion of a valuation together with some of its related concepts. The book is meant to serve as an introduction to valuation theory. The first two chapters have been written mainly for advanced undergraduate students and first year graduate students. The amount of algebra required is quite small, and the algebraic results needed for these two chapters are included in the first four sections of the appendix. It is hoped that in this fashion these two chapters will be reasonably self-contained and available to as wide an audience as possible. In addition, exercises have been added to these chapters most of which are intended to give the reader some manipulative facility with the concepts intro- duced. The remaining three chapters definitely demand more mathe- matical maturity on the part of the reader. At least a first course in modern algebra would be required to read parts of them. Although most of the material needed for these chapters has been stated in the appendix, this is meant just to serve as a handy glossary for the reader. References have been supplied for this material. It is hoped that the treatment of the material throughout the book itself will prove to be leisurely. We have been somewhat repetitious in places in the hope of gaining increased clarity. Again, the most elegant proofs of some theorems have not been used when it was felt that other proofs were clearer. The develop- ment of certain sections is based to a large extent on lectures given by E. Artin. In particular, Sections 1, 2, 4, and 5 of v
vi Preface Chapter III are based on lecture notes written by the author for a course given in algebraic geometry at N.Y.U. by Professor Artin (see [3] in bibliography). Needless to say, the author assumes all responsibility for the proofs presented. In a short introductory treatment of this sort, there was no opportunity to present the many beautiful applications of the subject matter to such areas as algebraic number theory or algebraic geometry. Although some hints of the applications to number theory are given. In the bibliography, a number of books which treat the applications have been listed along with texts and periodical literature which go deeper into the subject matter itself, and, finally, some books relevant to the material listed in the appendix have been added. No attempt has been made for anything resembling a complete bibliography. We follow the customary abbreviations by writing, for example, II, (1.3) in referring to Chapter II, Section 1, Equation (1.3). In referring to the appendix, we write, for example, A,2 meaning Section 2 of the appendix. Numbers occurring in brackets refer to the bibliography. The author would like finally to express his appreciation to Professor W. Magnus for his encouragement and advice through- out the writing of this book. He would also like to express his gratitude to Mr. Lawrence Narici for his helpful suggestions in the preparation of the manuscript. G. Bachman Brooklyn, New York
Contents PREFACE...................................................... V SYMBOLS USED IN TEXT ...................................... ix Chapter I Valuations of Rank One 1. p-Adic Valuations of Q............................. 1 2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1................ 4 3. Equivalent Valuations............................. 16 Exercises......................................... 23 Chapter II Complete Fields and the Field of p-Adic Numbers 1. Completion of a Field with Respect to a Valuation ............................................ 24 2. p-Adic Numbers ................................... 33 3. Some Analysis in Qr............................... 43 4. Newton’s Method in Complete Fields................ 52 5. Roots of Unity in Qv.............................. 61 Exercises......................................... 63 Chapter III Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations 1. Valuation Rings and Places........................ 65 2. Valuations........................................ 70 3. Valuations of General Rank........................ 76 4. The Extension Theorem............................. 83 5. Integral Closure.................................. 88 Chapter IV Normed Linear Spaces 1. Basic Properties of Normed Linear Spaces.......... 92 2. Linear Functionals ............................... 99 3. Banach Algebras ..................................110 vii
viii Contents Chapter V Extensions of Valuations 1. The Extension Problem..............................117 2. The Number of Extensions of a Valuation........... 128 3. Valuations of Algebraic Number Fields— Examples ............................................ 137 4. Discrete Valuations................................142 Appendix 1. Sets and Mappings.............................. 153 2. Number Theory ................................. 155 3. Groups......................................... 158 4. Rings, Ideals, and Fields...................... 161 5. Glossary for Rings and Fields...................164 6. Adeles and Ideles.............................. 167 bibliography .......................................... 168 SUBJECT INDEX............................................171
Symbols Used in Text The chapter, section, and page on which they are first introduced are listed. z Q R C II* d Set of all integers, I, 1, p. 1. Set of all rational numbers, I, 1, p. 1. Set of all real numbers, I, 1, p. 1. Set of all complex numbers, I, 1, p. 1. p-Adic valuation of Q, I, 1, p. 2. Distance function, I, 1, p. 3, and IV, 1, p. 93. v(a) — —Iog| a \, I, 2, p. 5. Hi — II2 К Q» ordp x ord x a < b Equivalent valuations, I, 3, p. 16. Completion of a field k, II, 1, p. 26. p-Adic numbers, II, 2, p. 34. Ordinal of x at p, II, 3, p. 45. Ordinal of x, V, 4, p. 143. In an order group, III, 2, p. 71. К* ~ К — {0} Multiplicative group of the field K, III, 2, p. 73. II II II lli~ II ll2 II lie Norm mapping, IV, 1, p. 92. Equivalent norms, IV, 1, p. 94. О-Norm on a finite-dimensional vector space, IV, 1, p. 95. ll/ll a(x) •^X7fc(X) e f Norm of a bounded linear functional, IV, 2, p. 101. Spectrum of x in a Banach algebra, IV, 3, p. 113. Norm from К to k, V, 1, p. 118 (A, 166). Ramification index, V, 1, p. 121. Residue class degree, V, 1, p. 121. ix

CHAPTER I Valuations of Rank One 1. p-Adic Valuations of Q In this chapter we wish to give a provisional definition of a valuation, or, more accurately, we wish to define a valuation of rank one. In Chapter III, this concept will be generalized. Throughout the text, we shall use the following notations: Z, the ring of integers; Q, the field of rational numbers; R, the field of real numbers; and C, the field of complex numbers. Before giving the definition of a rank one valuation, we wish to motivate the definition by considering an example. Our aim is to extend the notion of the ordinary absolute value function on the field Q. We recall that the basic properties of this function, | |: Q —► R, are the following: forxeQ, | x | > 0 and =0 if and only if x = 0; (1.1) for x, yeQ, | xy | — | x | | у |; (1.2) (the triangle inequality) | x 4- у | | x | + | у |. (1.3) We shall now construct other mappings of Q into R which satisfy these conditions. Actually these functions will satisfy a much stronger condition than (1.3). Instead of “weighing” the rational number x according to its numerical value | x |, we shall now “weigh” it in a certain sense according to the presence of a fixed prime, p. We now proceed more precisely in constructing these functions. Let c e R, where 0 < c < 1; c will be fixed throughout the discussion. Also, let p be a fixed prime number. If x is any rational number other than 0, we can write x in the form a I
2 I. Valuations of Rank One where a, b € Z, p f a, and p f b, and where a e Z, Clearly, a may be positive, negative, or zero depending on x. We now define | X |„ — c°-, and | 0 |B = 0. It follows immediately from the definition that | x |„ > 0 and equals 0 if and only if x = 0. Furthermore, if у = p^fa'lb'), where p-\ a' and p f b', then XV = р<*+$ — , bb where p -f bb' andp -f aa'. Hence, I ХУ |p = = I x |„ | у |B . Finally, we shall show that l*+j|p < max (| x |„ , | у |b). (1.4) It is clear that (1.4) is a much stronger statement than (1.3), i.e., from (1.4) it follows immediately that the function | |„ satisfies condition (1.3). Instead of proving (1.4), we shall prove the following equivalent condition: I x Ip *4 1 I 1 + x |p 1- (1-5) We first note that (1.4) is, indeed, equivalent to (1.5), for, sup- pose (1.4) is satisfied, then, if | x |„ + 1, I 1 + x |,„ + max (| x |„ , 1) = 1, and (1.5) holds. Conversely, suppose (1.5) is true. We may assume that у 0, for, if у = 0, (1.4) is trivially true. Also, we may assume without loss of generality that | x |„ + | у |„ . Then I Х!У Ip 1 and, therefore, by (1.5) 1+ H ^1, so | x +y |„ sg |y = max (| x |„ , | у |„). 1 У Thus, we must just show that (1.5) is true. It follows immediately frc^m the definition of | x |p for x + 0 that if | x |s + 1, then
1. p-Adic Valuations of Q 3 a 0, and x can be written in the form x — cjd, where (c, d) = 1, and p -Г d. Then and 1 + x also has a denominator prime to p\ whence, | 1 + x |„ 1. Since (1.5) holds trivially if x — 0, the proof is completed. We have, therefore, shown that the function | |„ satisfies all the conditions that the ordinary absolute value function satisfies, and, moreover, | satisfies condition (1.4), which is certainly not true for | |. We wish to make some further observations concerning this function. Define in terms of the function | ]„ a new function, d-. QxQ^R, namely, d{x,y) = | x -y |„. (1.6) Let us see what properties the function d possesses. Clearly d(x, y) 0 and =0 if and only if x=y. (1.7) <Z(y,x) = I у -x|„ = I -1 |„ I X —y = |x-y |„ = d(x,y\ so d(y, x) = d(x, y). (1.8) Finally, d(x, г) = | x - z |„ = | (x — y) + (y - z) |„ max(| x —у , |y — z |„) — max (d(x, y), d(y, г)). Thus, d(x, z) max (d(x,y), d(y, z)). (1.9) From (1.9), it follows immediately that d(x, z) d(x, y) + d(y, z). (1-Ю) A set X together with a function, d\ X x X —► R, which satisfies the conditions (1.7), (1.8), and (1.10) is called a metric
4 I. Valuations of Rank One space. Hence, Q together with the function d(x, у) = | x — у is a metric space, which actually satisfies the stronger condition (1.9). Equation (1.9) is frequently called the ultrametric inequality. In a metric space, W, one can introduce the notion of conver- gence of a sequence of elements. There are a number of equivalent ways of introducing this concept, but the following will suffice for our purposes. The sequence {x„} in the metric space X is said to converge to the element x e X, written xn —> x, if and only if d(x, x„) —> 0, as n —> oo. Let us now observe that in the metric space Q introduced above, the sequence p, p2, ...,pn,... converges to 0; namely, 40, ^«) = |/1«|₽ = cn, and, since 0 < c < 1, cn —► 0 as я At first sight, this might seem strange, but when one recalls that the distance function was defined in a manner entirely differently from the customary absolute value, this behavior of the sequence {pn} should not seem too surprising. It is not difficult to show (see Exercise 1, page 23) that if X is a metric space in which the distance function d satisfies the ultra- metric inequality, then, if d(x, у) Ф d(y, z), d(x, z) = max (d(x, y), d(y, z)). This result has the following geometric interpretation: every triangle in such a metric space is isosceles, and its base has length less than or equal to that of the equal sides. 2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1 We shall now extend the concept of the absolute value function on the field Q; namely:
2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1 5 Definition 2.1. A valuation of rank 1 of a field A is a mapping, | |, from k into R such that for all a, b e k | a | > 0 and =0 if and only if a = 0; (2Л) l«N - l«I IN; (2.2) | a + b | | a | + | b j. (2.3) We shall generally omit the expression “of rank 1” in the first two chapters, and simply speak of such a function as a valuation, it being understood that such a map is always into R. If the valuation satisfies, in addition, the condition | a 4- b | max (| a |, | b |) (2.4) then it will be called a non-archimedian valuation. From the results obtained in Section 1, we see that the function | |„ is a non- archimedian valuation of Q. We shall shortly see that there are essentially no other non-archimedian valuations of Q except for a trivial one. The valuation | |„ is called the p-adic valuation of Q. Before discussing various results which follow from the definition of a valuation, we shall reformulate the definition of a non-archimedian valuation. For a e k, and a 4 0, we define the function v(a) as follows: w(a) = —log | a |, (2.5) while w(0) = °°, where we have introduced the symbol °° and shall operate with it in the customary formal fashion. Thus, v is a mapping of k into the extended real number system, i.e., v(a) e R v {°0}, and v(a) = °° if and only if a = 0. Let us see what further conditions v satisfies. Since | ab | = | a | | b |, we get log I «N = log | a | | b | = log | a | 4- log | b |, -log | ab | = -log | a | — log | b |. This, together with the rules for operating with <», gives v(ab) = v(a) 4- v(b). (2.6)
6 I. Valuations of Rank One Also, since | a 4- b | max (| a |, | b |), log | a + b | < max (log | a |, log | b |), and —log | a 4- b | —max (log | a |, log | b |), i.e., —log | a + b | > min (—log | a —log | b |), and we have v(a + b) > min (v(a), w(6)). (2-7) Thus, the function v satisfies the conditions (2.6) and (2.7) analogous to the conditions (2.2) and (2.4) for the non-archi- median valuation | |. The following fact, which we formalize as a theorem is fre- quently useful—particularly in the consideration of examples. Theorem 2.1. Suppose | |T is a mapping of an integral domain A into R which satisfies the conditions (2.1) to (2.3). Then | jj can be extended uniquely to a valuation, | |, of the quotient field k. Proof. If there exists a valuation | | on k extending | , then it is clear that for x e k, where x = alb, a, be A, we must have „ I I a I _ I a li 1 ~ l ь । । ь |г (2-8) Thus we have uniqueness. Now let us show that (2.8), indeed, defines an extension | | of j |г which is a valuation. We must first of all show that j | is well defined. Thus, suppose a/Z> = c/d, then ad = be, and | ad = | be , or | a j d |^ — j b | c , I a li __ I c li l*li I d I, ‘
2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1 7 Now we show that | | satisfies the conditions for a valuation. Condition (2.1) is clear as is (2.2). If у — ejd> c, de A, then and . , , I ad + be L _ I ad I, , j be L 1 x + y 1 |M|X ГЖ + ГЖ _ Ia li । ic li Ш1 Hli = I X I + |j |. Finally, it is clear that | | extends | |г for if a e A, then a = ab/b, where be A, and which completes the proof. It follows immediately from Definition 2.1 that a valuation | | satisfies the following conditions I 1 I = 1 1-11 = 1 | a | _ | a | I b I ТИ ||«|- 1&Ц \a — b\. (2-9) (2.Ю) (2.П) (2.12) Let us now see what the counterpart of (2.12) is for a non- archimedian valuation. Thus, suppose | | is non-archimedian, and suppose | a | > | b Then | a | = | {a + b) — b | max (| a 4- b |, | b |). Clearly | a 4- b | must be the maximum, for, otherwise, we would have I a | < | b |, which contradicts our assumption. Hence, I a j < j a + b I < max (j a | b |) = | a (.
8 I. Valuations of Rank One We, therefore, have: Theorem 2.2 . If | | is a non-archimedian valuation, and if | a | > | b |, then | a -f- b | ~ | a |. It is easily seen, by taking a — —b, that the theorem is not true if | a | = | b |. It also follows readily that, for a non-archimedian valuation, I «1 + «2 +----h a» | max (| «J |, | a2 |, | an |), and I «I + a2 + ••• + «»! = I «1 | if | \ < | «1 | for j — 2, n. We continue to assume that | | is a non-archimedian valuation, and we consider the set V of all a e k such that | a | 1. If a, beV, then I | = | a | | b | 1, and, therefore, ab e V. Also, J a — b | max (| a |, | b |) 1. Hence, V is a ring; also 1 e V. Next, we consider P, which is the set of all a e k such that | a | < 1. Clearly, if a, b e P, then a + b e P, and if a e P and b e V, then | ba | = | b | | a | < 1, so ba e P. Therefore, P is an ideal in V. Moreover, if a e V and if а ф P, then | a | = 1. Therefore, | a-1 | =1. It follows that P is the unique maximal ideal of V, and, since 1 e V, that P is also a prime ideal. Summarizing, we have: Theorem 2.3 . If | | is a non-archimedian valuation, then the set V C k of all elements a such that | a | 1 is a ring with identity. The set P of all elements a such that | a | < 1 is the unique maximal ideal of V, and P is also a prime ideal.
2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1 9 The ring V is called the valuation ring associated with the non-archimedian valuation | The field V]P is called the associated residue class field. We have already obtained a number of valuations of Q, namely, the />-adic valuations as well as the usual absolute value. In addition, there is, of course, the trivial valuation which one can define for any field k, namely, | 0 | = 0 and | a | = 1 for all a 0, a e k. We wish to show that these exhaust all possible valuations of Q in a certain sense; that is, we set forth the problem: to find all valuations of Q. Before embarking on this project, we establish the following lemmas which will be needed in the course of our investigation. Lemma 2.1. If 0 < r C $, and if at, i = 1,..., n are non- negative real numbers, then Proof. Let d — atT. Then ... d1'' W d’M 1=1 (gm’T since af/d 1, and since r s. But Therefore,
10 I. Valuations of Rank One Lemma 2.2. If 0 < a 1, and if , i — 1, n are non- negative real numbers, then (61 + fe2 + + ya < bf + у + - + у. (2.13) Proof. In Lemma 2.1, choose a, = b,, i — 1, ..., n, s = 1 and r = ol. Then we obtain + bs + ••• + bn (У + у + ... + V)V«, or (Z>2 + b2 + ••• + b„y* bf + у + - + b„«. Now, we return to the problem at hand. Let m and n be two integers >1, and write m using the base n. Then m = a0 + агп -f- a2n2 -f- ••• + aknk, where 0 n — 1, i = 0, 1, ..., A. Clearly, nk m. Hence, k < 1оёот " logn ' Assume now that | | is a valuation of Q. Then applying (2.3), we have | ai I — ! 1 +1 + "• + 1 | П. Thus, I m | | a0 | + | Д1 | | n | + | <z2 j | n |2 +-1- | ak | | n |* < n(I + | n | + | n (2 4- + | n I*) n{k 1) max (1, | n |)fc. Using the estimate on k, we, therefore, have | m | n 4- 1) max (1, | n |)iogm/iogn> (2.14) which is true for any m, n > 1. Hence, replacing m by mT in (2.14), and then taking the rth root of both sides, we get | m | sg + 1) max (1, [ n |)log»»/logn_
2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1 11 Finally, if we let r —> and use the fact that Нтт_мод/т = 1, then | m | max (1, | n |)iogm/iognt (2.15) There are now two distinct possibilities which we have to consider. The first is that there exists an n > 1 such that | я | C 1. Equation (2.15) then yields that | m j 1 for all m > 1. From which it follows, using the fact that | —1 | = 1, that | m | <1 1 for all m e Z. In this case, we show that the valuation, | |, must satisfy the stronger inequality (2.4). Actually, we can prove a stronger statement, and, because of its importance, we single this out as a theorem. Theorem 2.4 . Suppose A is a field with a valuation, j |, and suppose | m | d for all integers m of k (here the set of integers refers to the isomorphic image of Z if k has characteristic 0, or to the isomorphic image of the residue classes modulo p if k has characteristic/»). Then the valuation, | |, is non-archimedian. Proof. | a + b I1 = |(« + i)T | = j aT + (j) а'-Ч) + Q a*-252 + ••• + 611 < I a |T + | a I7-1 | b | + ••• + | b |T (r + 1)<Z max (| a |, | b |)T. Taking the rth root of both sides and letting r we obtain | a b | max (| a |, | b |), which completes the proof. Thus in our special case of a valuation | | on Q under the first possibility, we obtain that | | is non-archimedian. If | m | = 1 for all m 6 Z, m 0, then using Theorem 2.1, we see that | | is just the trivial valuation. Thus, let us suppose that
12 I. Valuations of Rank One j m | < 1 occurs for some m > 1. Then let p be the smallest positive integer such that | p | < 1. We claim that p is a prime, for if p — ab, where a, b < p, and where a and b are positive, then which is a contradiction. Hence, p is a prime. Suppose | m | < 1. Then m — qp 4- r, where 0 C r < p. If r 0, then, since r < p, we have | r | = 1. But I ЧР I = | + | C | P | <1, so | m | = 1, which is a contradiction. Thus, p | m, and, conver- sely, if | m, then clearly | m | <1. Now if x G Q, x 0, then x has the form x = pa^, where p -Г a and plb, and, therefore, by the immediately preceding discussion, we have I X | = | p = ca, where c = | p | is some real number such that 0 < c < 1. Thus, in this case, | | is ap-adic valuation. We have seen in Section 1 that all such functions are, indeed, valuations (non-archimedian) of Q. Now let us consider the second possibility, namely, for any n > 1, | n | > 1. It follows from (2.15) that | m |l/logm | n jl/logn, and, since this is true for all m, n > 1, we get, interchanging m and n, the inequality in the opposite direction. Hence, | m |l/logm = | n |l/10gn. that jS) | m |l/10gm = where c is independent of m. We observe that c > 1, and, therefore, we can write c = e“, where a > 0. Then I m I = e»10gm = ma (2.16)
2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1 13 We can also obtain an upper bound on a, for take m = 2. Since j 2 | = | 1 + 1 | < 2, we see that 2“ < 2, so a 1. Finally, let | |да denote the usual absolute value function. Then for m > 1, we have, using (2.16), I m I — ma = I m Iе , II ' ’co ’ (2.17) but | —1 | = 1 and | —1 — 1, so (2.17) is true for all meZ, since it is also trivially true for m = 0. Applying Theorem 2.1, we have, for any x e Q, | x | — | x |“ , where 0 < a C 1. We shall now show that all functions of the form | |“ , where 0 < a 1, and | („о still denotes the usual absolute value func- tion, yield valuations of Q. Clearly conditions (2.1) and (2.2) are satisfied. To verify (2.3), we use Lemma 2.2; namely, I X + у 1“ < (I X |И + IJ |J“ c I X I» + \y IX • Thus, we have completely solved the problem originally set forth. We have shown that any valuation of Q is either the trivial valuation, a />-adic valuation, or a power, | |£, of the ordinary absolute value, where 0 < a 1. We shall show that all valuations of the form | |X , 0 < a 1, are equivalent in a sense which will presently be made precise. We also note that in defining the />-adic valuation | |„ we chose a number c, 0 < c < 1. If one chooses another real number d, 0 < d < 1, instead of c, the resulting />-adic valuation will be equivalent to the original one, again, in a sense which we shall make precise. Before proceeding, however, to this notion of equivalent valuations, we wish to consider some further examples of valuations. We shall now consider the field k — F(x) of rational functions with coefficients from a field F. We wish to determine all valua- tions of k which are trivial on F. It follows immediately from Theorem 2.4 that any such valuation, | |, must be non-archi-
14 I. Valuations of Rank One median. As in the case with Q, there are two possibilities to consider. First, | x | 1. Then, since | | is non-archimedian, and trivial onF, |/(x) | < 1 for all/(x) gF[x], If |/(x) | = 1 for all /(x)eF[x], other than 0, then, using Theorem 2.1, it is clear that | | is the trivial valuation. Thus, let us suppose that |/(x) | < 1 for some /(x)eF[x]. We know, by Theorem 2.3, that the set of all such polynomials is a maximal ideal, and since F[x] is a euclidean ring, this ideal must be a principal ideal generated by an irreducible polynomial p{x'). One also shows, as was done in the analogous case for Q, that | f(x) | < 1 if and only if p(x) |/(x). Now, if h(x)eF(x), write h(x) = p(x)a , и\л/ where a(x), 6(x)eF[x], and p(x) f a(x)t p(x) -Г Then I Kx) I = I P(x) 1“ = (2.18) where c ~ | p(x) |, and 0 < c < 1. One also shows, as in the case for Q, that all such functions of the form (2.18) yield valuations of F(x). For the second possibility, we consider | x | > 1. Let /(») = anxn + +------h aAx + a0 • Then |/(x) | = | x I" — | x |deg/<®> = cdeg/(®)) where c = | x |, and c > 1. Thus, if h(x) eF(x), A(x) — f(x)/g(x), where /(x), g(x) eF[x], and I h(x) I = ! = I x |degr-deg9 _ ^egr-flegg. (2.19) I I where c > 1. Again, it is easy to see that all functions of the form (2.19) yield valuations of F(x). As a natural extension of the />-adic valuations of Q and the case (2.18) forF(x), we consider A to be any unique factorization domain. Then, if x e A, X = e
2. Definition of a Valuation of Rank 1 15 where e is a unit, and all but a finite number of the nonnegative integers = 0, and then’s are irreducible elements of A, which are not associate elements. We then define I x i; = л, (2.20) where 0 < c < 1. The functions (2.20) satisfy conditions (2.1)—(2.3) on A, and are extended uniquely to the quotient field k by Theorem 2.1. All such functions are valuations of k, and (2.20) is called the p-adic valuation of k. If | | is a valuation of k, we can view k as a metric space with distance function, d(x, yi), x,yek, defined as d(x, j>) — | x — у |. It follows immediately from the definition of valuation that this is, indeed, a legitimate distance function; that is, d(x, У) 0 and =0, if and only if x = y; d(x,y) = d(y, x); d(x, z) d(x, y) -|- d(y, z). If, in addition, | | is non-archimedian, then d will satisfy the ultrametric inequality: d(x, z) "C max (d(x, y), d(y, z)). The proof is like the one in the first section for | |„ . Once we have a metric space, we can introduce neighborhoods: S(x, r) = {y e k | d(x, y) < r}. S(x, r) is called the r neighborhood of x, or the spherical neigh- borhood of x with radius r. In terms of these neighborhoods, one can now introduce the usual topological notions of open set, closed set, compact set, convergence, etc.
16 I. Valuations of Rank One 3. Equivalent Valuations Let | | be a valuation on the field k. Also, let {an} be a sequence of elements of k. Definition 3.1. The sequence {an} is called a Cauchy sequence with respect to the valuation | | if, for any real number e > 0, there exists an integer W such that | an — am | < e for all n, m > N. In terms of the metric introduced at the end of Section 2, we could express this by writing d(an , am) < e for all n, m> N. Definition 3.2. The sequence {«„} is called a null sequence with respect to the valuation | | if, for any real number e > 0, there exists an integer N such that | an | < e for all n > N. Again, in terms of the metric d, we could express this as d(0, a„) < e for n > N. Now, let | and | |2 be two nontrivial valuations of k. Definition 3.3. The nontrivial valuations | |x and | |8 are called equivalent, and we write | |x ~ | |2 , if j a |x < 1 implies 1 л |2 < 1- Clearly, if every null sequence with respect to | |x is a null sequence with respect to | |2, then | |x ~ | |2, for suppose | a < 1, then the sequence {a”} is a null sequence with respect to | |x . Therefore, it is a null sequence with respect to | |2 , so we must have | a |a < 1. We shall now investigate the relation between valuations. Clearly, ~ is a reflexive and transitive relation. We shall pre- sently see that it is also a symmetric relation, and, hence, is an equivalence relation. First, note that if | |x ~ | |2, and if | a > 1, then | a |2 > 1, for | а > 1 implies | 1/a < 1. Therefore, j 1/a |2 < 1, or [ a |2 > 1. Theorem 3.1 . If | |x ~ | |2, then | « |x = 1 implies that \ a |2 = 1.
3. Equivalent Valuations 17 Proof. Since | |г is not the trivial valuation, there exists an element b g k, b Ф 0, such that i b |j < 1. Then I anb |i = | a|rfl I 6 li < 1> which implies that | anb |2 < 1, or / 1 x1/» 1й1г<\|Тг) 'I о 12' If we let n —► oo, then we get | a |2 1. But if in place of a we use Ila, then we get | 1/a (2 1, or | a |2 1. Hence, | a |2 — 1. It now follows that ~ is, indeed, a symmetric relation, for suppose j ~ j j2 , and suppose | a j2 < 1. Then if | а |г > 1, we have | a |2 > 1 by the comment just preceding this theorem. If | а |г = 1, then | a |2 = 1 by the theorem. Thus, we must have | a < 1, i.e., | |2 ~ | |i. We next wish to show that if | |x ~ | |2 , then | |2 is just a power of j |i. Once this statement has been established, then it is clear that if | ~ | |2, any null sequence with respect to j is also a null sequence with respect to | |a , which, together with the comment following Definition 3.3, would yield an alternate characterization of equivalent valuations. Theorem 3.2 . If | |i ~ Ik > then | |2 = I li, where v is a positive real number. Proof. We choose a fixed b G k such that | b |x > 1. Let a G k, and а Ф 0. Then I a L = | b |i“, where a = ,-т-г • log | 6 |i Now, let n, m G Z and n/m > a. Then I am I or which implies, since | |i ~ | |2 , that j bn 1. 2
18 I. Valuations of Rank One Therefore, I a l8 < I l”/m. In a similar fashion, one gets if nfm < a, then > I b I"/"1. 2 I u '2 Hence, we must have I a Is — I la* Thus, log I a lx = log I a la log I b |x log | b |s ’ so , ii log | b I» . . , log a 2 — . - ". • ~ ’ log a , , 81 2 log | Hl ё 11 and if we let log I b Is log I b |i ’ then | a |s = | a If. Since the result is trivially true for a = 0, the proof of the theorem has been completed. We next establish the important approximation theorem, which pertains to a finite number of inequivalent valuations. Before stating and proving this theorem, we establish two useful lemmas. Lemma 3.1. Given n inequivalent (nontrivial, as usual) valuations | |f , i = 1, ..., n on a field k, there exists an element a G k such that | а |г > I and | a < I, i — 2, ..., n. Proof. First, let n = 2. Then there exists an element b 6 k such that I b |i > 1, and I b |2 1
3. Equivalent Valuations 19 since | |j and | ]2 are not equivalent. Also, there exists an element c 6 k such that | c |j < 1, and | c |2 > 1 for the same reason. Now, let a = blc. Then We now assume that the lemma is true for a — 1 inequivalent valuations and proceed to the case of n inequivalent valuations. By the induction hypothesis, there exists an element d. e k such that | d |i > 1, and | d ], < 1 for i — 2, ..., n — 1. Also, there exists an element c e k such that | c |i > 1, and | c |n < 1 I since | |j And | |n are inequivalent and since the lemma has been established for n = 2. Suppose first that | d 1. Then let a = djc withy a sufficiently large positive integer: | a |i = | d l^’] с > 1, И„ = ИИ‘|П<1. and, for 2 < i < n, I a = | d |г’ | c |,- < 1 if j is sufficiently large. Therefore, in this case, the element a — djc for j sufficiently large works. If, however, | d |n > 1 let <Z’c a ~ ‘ Then since \ d> I _ I 1 | . I (W | . I 1 + I 1 + к 11+ (l/rf); к
20 I. Valuations of Rank One we have that djc It follows by (2.12) that | a |x is arbitrarily close to | с |г for j sufficiently large. Thus, | а |r > 1 for j sufficiently large. Now, and, as above, the right-hand side of this inequality approaches | c |n as j gets large. Hence, | a |n < 1 if j is sufficiently large. Finally, if 2 i < n, then 1 '• 1 - ldl,<’ and the right-hand side of this inequality is arbitrarily small for j sufficiently large. Thus, in this case, a = d’c/l + dj for j sufficiently large satisfies the conditions of the lemma. Lemma 3.2. Let | |<, i = 1,..., n, be n (nontrivial) inequiva- lent valuations of a field k and let e be an arbitrary positive real number. Then there exists an element d e k such that | d — 1 |i < e, and | d |f < e for i = 2, ..., n. Proof. We choose an a e k which satisfies the conclusion of Lemma 3.1, and set d = —?L—. 1 Then l'-n.4T^L<T^T<' for j sufficiently large, where e is any arbitrarily preassigned positive real number. Next, for 2 i n, for j sufficiently large, and the proof of the lemma is completed.
3. Equivalent Valuations 21 Theorem 3.3 (the approximation theorem). Given n inequi- valent (nontrivial) valuations | |,, i = 1,..., n, of k and n arbitrary elements at, i — 1, n of k, there exists an element a e k such that (: = 1...я), where < is an arbitrarily given positive real number. Proof. Lemma 3.2 guarantees that there exist elements d{ e k such that | — 1 |f < < and | dt |, < e' for j ф i. Let a —- a1dl -J- a2d2 + ” • + andn . Then I a ~ ai I» = I el<A + ”* + ai{di — 1) + ” + It I al If * + + I ai |i e> 4- "‘ + | an |t < €, for e' sufficiently small, and the proof has been completed. In the case of k = Q and with | |< = | |₽i as/>f-adic valuations, one can establish in a simpler fashion a much stronger version of the approximation theorem: not only does there exist an a<=Q such that | a — at |„ < e (i = 1,..., я), but | a.\v C 1 for all other />-adic valuations. We shall now establish this contention. First of all, we claim that it suffices to prove the statement where all elements involved are integers. Thus, given integers c,, and distinct primes />f (i = 1,..., яг), and 8 > 0, suppose we can find an integer c such that | c — c{ |y. < 8 (г = 1, ..., tn), and | с |„ С 1 for all other primes p, then we show that the original problem has a solution; namely, let d be a common denominator of the and take Ci = dat (i = 1,..., n), and =0 (г = n 4- 1,..., яг),
22 I. Valuations of Rank One where m — n equals the number of primes p for which | d |p ф 1, and, finally, let 8, — min I d I- e, 8, = min I d L , where the minimum for 82 is taken over those p for which | 1. Take 8 = min (8г, 82). Then there exists an integer c such that I c — da.i |P( < 8 < \d |p.« (i = 1,..., n) | c - 0 |„ < 8 < | d |„ for those p such that | d |P ]; and I c Io 1 = I I® at all other primes. Thus, we have an integer c such that j c — dat I,. < | d |„. c (i = 1,..., n), and at all other primes. Then, clearly, a — cld solves the original problem. Now the condition | a |„ 1 for an integer is automatically satisfied, so we must just see if we can satisfy the condition la-ad₽(<« (t = This means a = a-i (mod p?*) (: = 1, n), with пг sufficiently large. Since the moduli are relatively prime, one knows that these simultaneous congruences can be solved by the Chinese remainder theorem, (see Appendix) which completes the proof.
Exercises 23 Exercises 1. Let the set X together with d be a metric space. Show that if d satisfies the ultrametric inequality, and if d(x, у) Ф d(y, z), then d(x, z) — max (d(x, y), d(y, z). 2. In the definition of the p-adic valuation, | |„ , take c = 1/p (the normalized p-adic valuation). Show that if x e Q and x 0, then where the product is taken over all primes p, and where | denotes the usual absolute value. 3. In a metric space X with distance function d, let Sr(x) be the spherical neighborhood of x with radius r. Show that if d satisfies the ultrametric inequality, and if z G Sr(x), then Sr(x) — Sr(z), i.e., every point inside a sphere is a center. 4. Let V be the valuation ring associated with the non-archi- median valuation | |. Let U be the set of all ae V such that | a | = 1. Show that U is a group (called the group of units of F). 5. Prove that any valuation of a field of characteristic not equal 0 is non-archimedian. 6. Prove that the only valuation of a finite field is the trivial valuation. 7. Show that the nontrivial valuations | |г and | |2 are equivalent if and only if every Cauchy sequence with respect to | |x is a Cauchy sequence with respect to | |8 . 8. Assuming the stronger version of the approximation theorem in Q, prove the Chinese remainder theorem. 9. If | | is a non-archimedian valuation of a field k, show that {x„} is a Cauchy sequence with respect to | | if and only if I *n+i — xn I -> 0 as n <». 10. Let A be a field and | | a valuation of k. Show that the field operations are continuous with respect to | |.
CHAPTER II Complete Fields and the Field of p-Adic Numbers 1. Completion of a Field with Respect to a Valuation As the reader is well aware from analysis and algebra, there are great advantages in passing from the field Q to the field R. One shortcoming of Q is the fact that not every Cauchy sequence of rational numbers converges to a rational number. These “gaps” in the field Q are filled in by a completion process which yields the field R. One way of achieving this completion is by Cantor’s method, and it is this technique which will be applied to the more general situation which will confront us of an incomplete field with respect to a valuation. We must first, however, introduce some terminology. We have already defined in I, 3 a Cauchy sequence {o„} of elements of a field k with respect to a valuation | | in k. Definition 1.1. Let k be a field and | | a valuation on k. Let be a sequence of elements of k. The sequence {an} is said to converge to the element a e k (and a is said to be a limit of {an}, denoted by lim an ~ a, or an —> a) if, for every real number e > 0, there exists an integer N such that | an — a | < e for all n > N. In terms of the related metric of I, 2, this means d(an , a) -> 0 as n —>°°. The customary statements concerning limits which the reader is familiar with for real and complex numbers hold in our more general situation since the valuation satisfies the same conditions that the usual absolute value function does and which are needed in proving those statements. Definition 1.2. The field k is called complete with respect to the valuation | | if every Cauchy sequence of k with respect to | | has a limit in k. 24
1. Completion of a Field 25 As noted, the field Q is not complete with respect to the usual absolute value, whereas, R and C are both complete with respect to the customary absolute values. Before considering the general process of completing a field, we shall establish two useful results which hold in complete fields with respect to a valuation. If A is a complete field with respect to a valuation | |, we can introduce the notion of convergence of an infinite series an , in the usual fashion. It follows immediately that if S“=1 an converges, then lim — 0. It is useful to note that if | | is non-archimedian, the converse statement holds, namely: Theorem 1.1. If k is a complete field with respect to a non- archimedian valuation | |, and if {a*} is a sequence of elements of k such that lim an = 0, then an converges. Proof. Let 4* *'' 4~ 4“ '’' 4~ > where m < n. Then I I = I «n + ’•• + a»n+l I J ai I -* 0 as n, m —>- which implies that lim sn exists since k is complete. Therefore, S„=i an converges. Theorem 1.2. If k is a complete field with respect to a valuation | |, and if {<zn} is a sequence of elements of k such that SXi | an | converges, then an converges. Proof. Let 4 = I ax ) 4-4-I «п I , sn = «i 4-------4- an • Then, for n > m, I V — sm I — II an | 4- 4- | am+11| (1.1) where | rn' — sm' | refers to the ordinary absolute value on R and similarly for the outer symbol | | on the right of (1.1) embracing the sum. But 11 &п I 4- " 4- | ^m+l ll=l<^|4~’“4-| I
26 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers since | a, | 0, and I $n $m I I &n 1 d- ‘" + I &m+l I * 0 as n, m -> oo since S“=1 | an | converges. Thus | sn — sm | —> 0 as n, m —> °°, and, since k is complete, the theorem follows. Now, we proceed to a discussion of the completion process. Given a field k with a valuation | we shall construct a complete field k, called the completion of k, which contains a field k, isomorphic to k and such that k is dense in k. Moreover, k is ; unique up to an isomorphism. Actually a little more is true, not only is k isomorphic to k, but it is also isometric to k, i.e., the isomorphism preserves distances also. Also, & is unique up to an isometric isomorphism, or, more biefly, a congruence. We turn to the construction. Let {an} and {An} be two Cauchy sequences of k with respect to | |. Introduce an addition and a multiplication between Cauchy > sequences by defining: {®n} “1“ {M d- > {^n} ~ Let us show that the set of all Cauchy sequence is closed with respect to these operations. Clearly, {an + 6n} is a Cauchy sequence since I d~ bn (am d- ^m) I | | d~ | bm |- Since any Cauchy sequence is bounded, {anbn} is also a Cauchy sequence, for I ^nJ^rn | | О-п(Ьп Ьт) d~ bm(un &rn) | 'd | Яп | | bn bm | -|- | bm | | an am | I bn bm | “b 2^2 | !> where | an | Kx for all n, and | bn | -C K2 for all n. The con- tention is now clear. It is also clear that the set A of all Cauchy
1. Completion of a Field 27 sequences of k with respect to these two operations is a ring with identity element. Next, let {a„} and {bn} be null sequences. Since I M I «J +1b {an} — {bn} is a null sequence. If {c„} is a Cauchy sequence and if {an} is a null sequence, then I I %- | |> where | cn | К for all n. Therefore, {c„} {an} is a null sequence, and it follows that the set M of all null sequences is an ideal in the ring A. We wish to show that M is actually a maximal ideal. First, observe that if the Cauchy sequence {a^ is not a null sequence, then there is an e > 0 and an integer N such that | an | e for n > N. (1.2) For otherwise, for every e > 0 and every integer N, there exists an n > N such that | an | < e. But there exists an integer N such that i am ~ °ni < e for n, m > N; then for every e > 0 provided m > N, which implies, contrary to our assumption, that {an} is a null sequence, and, therefore, (1.2) has been established. We continue to assume that{an} is a Cauchy sequence which is not a null sequence so (1.2) holds. Define for n < N for n > N. (1-3)
28 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers {/>„} is a Cauchy sequence, for I A _ A I — 1 1 I "n Ощ I — an am __ I &n I I I <" । й»» । for m, n > N. The contention is now clear. Next, we observe that KHM ={0,0, ...,0,1,1,...} = {1, 1,...} —{1,1......1,0,0, Now let us show that M is, indeed, a maximal ideal. Suppose I is an ideal of A, and 2D M properly. Let {a„} e/ and {an} ф M, i.e., {an} is not a null sequence. Let {£„} be the corre- sponding Cauchy sequence constructed in (1.3). Then {M {«Je7, i.e., {1, 1,...} — {1, 1,..., 1,0, 0, ...}£/, but {1, 1, ..., 1, 0, 0, ...} is a null sequence, and is, therefore, also in I, so {1, which implies that I = A. Hence, M is maximal, and k — A/M is a field. We introduce a valuation on h, by defining for a — {an}-\-M e k, | a | = lim | an |. (1.4) We must show first of all that the limit in (1.4) exists, that it is well defined, and, finally, that is satisfies the axioms for a valuation. Since 11 I I || | I,
1. Completion of a Field 29 | an | is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers, and, therefore, has a limit. Next, if Ы + M = {bn} + M, then so II &n I I II | I * and lim | an | = lim | bn |. Finally, | a | > 0, and — 0 if and only if lim | an | =0, i.e., if and only if {a,} e M, or a = M. If jS — {£„} + M. Then aj8 = {a„M + and | aj8 | = lim | anbn | = lim | a„ | lim | bn | = | a | | jff |. « + Д = {.^n + so I “ + P | = lim | an + bn | lim | an | + lim | bn | = j a | + | Д |. Now let a e k. Consider the mapping: f: k-f-A/M given by where {a} designates here the Cauchy sequence a, a, a, ... . The claim is that/is an isomorphism of k onto k = {{a} + M\aek}. ’ fab) = {ab} + M = ({a} + M)({b} + M) =f(a)f(b). f(a + b) = {a + b} + M = ({a} + M) + ({b} + M) ^f(a) +f(b). If/(a) — 0, then {a}eM, i.e., {a} is a null sequence; whence, | a | =0, and a — 0. From (1.4), |/(a) | = lim | a | = | a |,
30 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers and f is, indeed, both an isomorphism and an isometry. We will identify k and K. Next, we show that k is dense in k. Let a = {an} + M e k, and let e > 0 be arbitrary. Then | an — am | < e for n, m > N. We consider the element = {an , an , an ,...} + M e k, where n > N: | Д — a | = lim | an — am | e, m-wo so k is dense in k. Now, we show that k is complete. First, let a^, a2', , ... be a Cauchy sequence of k, where &n > •••> &n > ••} 4* Since | a„' | = | an > ^2 i •••> , ... is a Cauchy sequence, and lim a,[ = a, where a = {an} + M since lim I a — a' I = lim lim I am — an I — 0. П-WO П-WO 7П-ЭСО Now, let oq , a2, ..., a„ , ... be an arbitrary Cauchy sequence of k. Since k is dense in k, we can find a sequence j ^2 J •••> ’ ”* of elements of k such that j a„' — a„ | < 1/и, я = 1, 2,... . Since
1. Completion of a Field 31 a/, a2', ... is a Cauchy sequence of elements of k, and, by what has just been shown, lim a/ = a, where a e But then «j, a2 , an , also converges to a since I « — a„ | < | a — On' | + | — v.n Thus, k is complete. Suppose kr and kz are two complete fields with valuations | |г and | 12 such that k is dense in kx and ft , and such that | and | |2 both extend the given valuation | | on k, i.e., | a = | a |2 — | a | for a e k. There exists a sequence al > fl2 > an > "• of elements of k such that lim an = <xx where e kr since k is dense in kt. {«„} is a convergent sequence, and is, there- fore, certainly a Cauchy sequence. It can, moreover, be viewed as a Cauchy sequence of k2 since ft Э k and | |2 extends | |. Since ft is complete lim «„ = a2 , where a2 e k2 . We now define a mapping, /: —> k2 , by /(cq) = «2 We contend that f is a congruence and that f(a) — aforaek. First, let us observe that the mapping is well defined. If lim = lim ft = aT in k1 , and lim an = a2 in k2 , then I “a — ft |2 | a2 — + | an — bn |, and it follows that lim bn = a2 in ft . If lim On = and lim bn = ft in kr , then lim (an -f- bn) = + ft in kr. While, if lim an = a2 and lim bn = ft , then lim (an ft) = ой, + ft in k2 . From which we get
32 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers Similarly, /(“A) =/(«x)/A)> so/is a homomorphism./is clearly onto ft . Furthermore, if lim an = 04 , and lim bn = fa in fa, and lim an = a2 , and lim bn — fa in fa , then, since I “1 — & 11 I al an 11 + I an — ft I + I b„ — ft |i , we get I “I ~ Pl 11 < lim I On — bn l> O-5) but I an - bn I 1 an — «1 |i + I «1 - ft 11 + 1 Pl — bn |1. Hence, lim I an ~ bn I < I «j - ft |i. Comparing (1.5) and (1.6), one sees that lim I - bn I = I ai - ft |i . A similar argument shows that lim J an — bn I = I a2 - ft |2. Thus, I aI ~ P 11 = I a2 ~~ P2 I 2 » which shows that / is an isometry, and, therefore, certainly a one-one mapping, and we have shown that/is a congruence. (1-6) (1-7) (1-8)
2. p-Adic Numbers 33 Finally, for aek, the sequence {«} converges to a in both and k2 , so f(a) = a. Summarizing and recalling our identification of k and k, we have: Theorem 1.3. Given a field k and a valuation | | on k, there exists a field ft (unique up to a congruence), called the completion of k with respect to | such that k is a complete field with respect to a valuation extending | (, and k is dense in k. It is clear that ft has the same characteristic as k, and if the given valuationisnon-archimedian,then so is the extended valuation on k. Speaking somewhat loosely, we can summarize the completion process by saying that we associate with each Cauchy sequence which does not have a limit in k an “ideal” element and to equiva- lent Cauchy sequences we associate the same “ideal” element. These elements are then adjoined to k to yield the completion. We shall denote by | k | the image of k in R under the valuation mapping | |. We can now establish the following theorem. Theorem 1.4. If] | is a non-archimedian valuation on k, then | k | = | k |, where k is the completion of k. Proof. Let a e If a = 0, | a | — 0. Suppose a 0. Since k is dense in there exists a Cauchy sequence {an} of elements of k such that lim an = a. However, | | is non-archimedian, so I an | = | ex + (an - a) | = max (| a |, j o„ - a |) = | a | for n sufficiently large by Theorem 2.2 of Chapter I since [ a | =/= 0 and | an — a | can be made arbitrarily small by taking n suffi- ciently large. Thus, I an | = I « I for n sufficiently large, which establishes the theorem. 2. p-Adic Numbers The completion of the field Q of rational numbers with respect to a p-adic valuation ! |„ is called the field of p-adic numbers and
3-4 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers will be denoted Qv . We shall also use | for the extension of I Ip Qj> • Let a &QP , and a 0. We know by Theorem 1.4 above that I Qv Ip = I Q Ip = U P \Vn I « = 0, ±1, ±2, ±3, ...} so I « Ip = \P Ip”’ (2.1) and, therefore, a/p” = /3 is a unit, i.e., | |„ = 1. We shall denote by V, the valuation ring of | |„ on Q, by P, the unique maximal ideal of V, by P, the valuation ring of | |„ on Qv , and by A the unique maximal ideal of A Clearly /3 = oc/pn e P. But /? = lim , where ck G Q. Thus I P ~ ck |p < 1 for A sufficiently large, say, for k N. Hence, I cn |p = | P + (cN ~ £) |p = max (| p I, , | cN - p |„) = | p . Therefore, I CN Ip I P Ip 1’ where cN e Q, and, therefore, cN e V. We now write cN = bn , so | bn |p = 1, and 1,8 — i„|p<l, whence p + P = bn + A Let bn — enjdn , where en , dne Z, and where en and dn are prime to p, which is possible since | bn |p = 1. Thus, there exist integers x and у such that xdn 4- yp = 1, or xdn 1 (mod />). Then - enx = £n^ ~ = 0 (mod P) i.e., bn — enx G P, and, hence, bn — enx c A If we let enx — an , then an G Z, and P + p = bn + P = an + A
2. p-Adic Numbers 35 Now, | an — /3 |„ < 1, and we have I anp* - ft* |„ < | p* I, , (2.2) or a = = anpn + (fi — an)pn = anpn + У1 , where уг = (fi — an)pn, and | yt |„ < | p |„n by (2.2). Thus | yj |„ = | P U"1, where m > n, which is the same type of relation as we started with for a in (2.1). Hence, we treat as we did a and continue the process. After k steps, we get a = anpn + Wwl + -• + ‘W-iP’1^"1 + У* , where the e Z and | at |„ = 1, or a,, — 0 and where lyfc|„^lPi;+*. Since | p \р+к —> 0 as k —>• °°, we have shown: Theorem 2.1. Any p-adic number ex can be written in the form « = X а^’ (2-3) n where the a} G Z, and n is such that | a |„ — | p I*,”. The integer coefficients of (2.3) are only unique modulo p. If we agree to choose the a, such that 0 sC a3-^ p — 1, then (2.3) will be called the canonical representation or expansion of a. We illustrate by an example the canonical expansion. We shall determine the expansion of f in Qb, and shall adhere to the notation used in establishing Theorem 2.1. Since | |6 — | 5 |s° = 1, we see that n — 0. A solution of 8x = 1 (mod 5) is x = 2, and, since 2 3 s 1 (mod 5), we get that aQ — 1. Now У1 = (8 ~ 1) = ~ "I >
36 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers and | — |5 = | 5 Is1, which indicates that av =£ 0, and — (5/8 • 5) = — . Again, a solution of 8x == 1 (mod 5) is x — 2, and 2(—1) s 3 (mod 5). Thus — 3. Next, y2 = (—i — 3) 5 = (—25/8)5, . so | y2 |s = | 5 |s3, which indicates that a2 = 0, but a3 0, and, since У2/53 = - |, we see, as above, that aa — 3. Continuing, it is easy to see that a4 = ae ==•••== 0, while a5 — л7 = = 3. The expansion of a. e Qv , say « = + •• + «0 + + <W>2 + - pv p is frequently abbreviated as follows: a = a_va_v+1 a0 , ага2 ••• (/>). (2.4) For example, we could write the canonical expansion of f in Qs as j = 1,30 30 30 -(5), or, still shorter, as 1,30 -(5), where the bar designates a periodic repetition. If the element a e Qp has an expansion (2.3) for which л /> 0, i.e., if « = <%, ага2 (p),
2. p-Adic Numbers 37 then a is called a p-adic integer. This will be the case if and only if I “ Ip = 1P li>” n i-e-> and onty *f a G valuation ring of | | „ on . Let a be an arbitrary p-adic integer, a = E^ arf3. We let sn = Eo 1 аф’. fpn is the principal ideal generated by pn in the ring V. Then a = />" (X = Pn& j—n where )3 — EJtn a3pJ~ri 6 F, so a = sn (mod Vpn), n — 1,2,... (2.5) where sn+i sn (mod Vpn), and each sn e Z. In other words, any p-adic integer satisfies an infinite system of congruences of the form (2.5). Recalling our remarks immediately following Theorem 1.3 of the preceding section section and the subsequent representation (2.3) for any a of Qv , we see that one could have initially defined the p-adic numbers as the totality of all formal series of the form En a,p3, where the a, e Z, and where two such series ^a^p1, ^bjp1 are considered equal if there exists an integer N such that b = Ь + 0p9 for all j N, where p and p- are the sum of the first j terms of E ajpj and E bjp3, respectively, and where _j3 e Q and can be written as fraction with denominator prime to p. Then define the operations of addition and multiplication of two series' in the natural fasion. The totality of all such series with respect to the two operations could then be shown to be a field. Finally, we shall illustrate the arithmetic operations in Qp using the notation introduced in (2.4). Before proceeding with specific
38 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers examples, we note the following facts which will be useful for the examples. Since + а*+1?<+1 = (ai + />)/•* + («i+i — l)pi+1. we have v+1 «0 > ”* ”* = v-bl ^0 > at +p ai+1 — 1 ••• . (2.6) Similarly, <2—v , ’ *' = у * * * , * * * p 4" 1 • (2.7) Equations (2.6) and (2.7) together with the next observation will enable us to write all elements obtained in our examples readily in the canonical expansion. We can write, say a-, = where 0 a_v p — 1. Then < P~v + (* + Next, we note that 0 = 00 -p(p - 1) - (p - 1), (p - l)(p - 1) - . Now, if a = S™ Ujpj and /3 = Ь,р\ then one obtains the expansion of а. Ц- /3 by adding “componentwise,” and to get a/3, one multiplies the series formally and collects coefficients of the same powers of p, i.e., the usual Cauchy product, since one has convergence of the series with | |„ in place of and | bjpi |„ in place of Ь?р\ We consider now some specific examples and shall tacitly make use of the obervations made above.
2. p-Adic Numbers 39 (1) Addition, (a) In Q7 add the following; 452, 1 3 7 6 1 2 + 37, 52 1 3 1 52 111 11 1 413,06 1 3 303 (b) In add the following two elements and express the result in terms of the canonical expansion: | -f- We saw earlier that inQs j = 1,303030 ••• while | = 10,00000 - . Therefore, t + | = 11,303030 (2) Multiplication, (a) Q7 multiply the following: 12,314-1,20 3 12 314 2 4628 3 69 3 12 1112 1 1 4, 0 4 6 4 5 5 1 (b) In Q6 multiply and and express the result in canonical form. Clearly, 10, 000 1, 3030 ••• = 13, 030303 •••. (3) Subtraction, (a) In Q7 subtract the following: 5 6, 3 5 2 4 - 1,2403 5 5, 1 1 2 1
40 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers (b) In Q5 subtract the following: 0 5 4, 4 4 4 4 4 4 - 22 1,43021 -13 4, 231422 141,64323244- = 141, 10423244- (4) Division. In Q5 divide 32,13 by 43, 12 43, 12 | 32, 13 = 2,034430034430 32 34 0 3444 - 3234 11044 - 10241 134244- 10241 323244 - 3234 00344 - In the field R of real numbers one frequently writes a given number as a decimal expansion. The canonical expansion is the analog in Qp . Also, in R an element is rational if and only if its decimal expansion is periodic. The analogous statement holds for^. Theorem 2.2. An element a e is rational if and only if its canonical expansion, 00 X а^' 0 < «, < p, j==n where n is such that | a [p = | p \vn, is periodic. Proof. (1) Suppose the canonical expansion of a is periodic.
2. p-Adic Numbers 41 Then we can write a in the form a = OnPn + an+iF+1 + "• + an+kPn+k + ^«+*+14- b2pn+k+2 +--------h Ь^рп+к+]' Ц- b1pn+k+i+1 4- ••• 4- bjpn+k+2i (2-8) = ?n(«n + On+iP + "• + «n+fc/5*) 4- pn+M(br + b2p+-+ b^-1) + рп+к+1+1(Ь1 4- b2p 4- ••• + bfp>-') + = pnA +pn+k+1B(\ 4- 4- p2i 4- •••) (2.9) where A = On 4- «n+i? H------F an+kPk, and В - К + b2p + ••• 4- b^~k. Then (2.9) equals since, in Qv , i _ pH 1 1 + pj + P2i + - + тАз- as t->oo. However, (2.10) clearly is a rational number, which completes the first part of the proof. (2) Assume, conversely, that <xeQ. If we can write a in the form р”[Аф — 1) — Bpi+1] pi _ i (2.U) where A, В G Z, and where 0 A < pk+1, О В < pj, then
42 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers it follows that a has a periodic canonical expansion, for we can write (by the canonical expansion or see Appendix) A — an T an+lP + '' ’ + an+kPk< 0 s2 at < P В = br + b2p+ • • • + bjpP-1, 0 C bi <p, and a = pnA 4- pn+k+1B -—~~pJ ’ which implies that a can be written in the form (2.8) as we saw in the first part of the proof. Thus, we must just show that a can be written in the form (2.11). Let | a — \p \Pn, so a]pn =? /3, where | Д |„ = 1. Hence, we can write /3 = c/d, c, deZ, and p-X d, p< c. Then there exists an integer j (see Appendix) such that pJ = 1 (mod d). Now n - 1) P d(^-l)’ and since d | pj — 1, we have p а = рп^рп --------- (2.12) p1 — 1 where e G Z. Next, we choose an integer k such that 0 e < />fc+1 if a 0; —p/c+1 sC e < 0 if a < 0. Since (pk+1, pj — 1) - Appendix) pk+rx uniquely modulo pj — 0 В pi' — 2 if a 5 pk+lB = 1, we can solve the congruence (see = — e (modp3 — 1) 1. Let В be a solution, where we take 5 0, and 1 В p]’ — 1 if a < 0. Now, == — e (mod p’ — 1),
3. Some Analysis in Q„ 43 and, therefore, e = A(p - 1) - Bp*+\ (2.13) where A g Z. It is easy to see that in both cases 0 A < pk+\ Finally, substitution of (2.13) in (2.12) gives — Рп№Ф — !) — Bpk+l] a ~ p* — 1 ’ where 0 A < pk+1, 0 В < pi, which completes the proof. 3. Some Analysis in Qp In this section we shall consider the exponential, logarithmic, and binomial series in . Before doing so, we remind the reader of some facts already established (II, 1, Theorems 1.1 and 1.2) in a more general framework; namely, if an tQv{n = 0, 1, 2, ...) and x e Qv , then E“=o апхП converges if and only if lim = 0. Also, E” 0 anxn converges if S„=o | anxn converges. A series of the form E„=o anxn is called a power series. The set of all x for which E„=o anxn converges is called the domain of convergence of the power series, and, as in the case of the fields R or C with with the customary absolute values, one readily establishes that E„=o апхП converges for | x < r and diverges for | x > r, where 1 r — =—.........-. lim v| On |„ The case | x |„ = r is slightly easier to analyze here because of the non-archimedian character of the valuation; namely, for | x = r, we have convergence if lim | an |„г" = 0 and divergence if lim | an \TJrn ф 0. Other results follow readily as in the case of R or C. In many cases the proofs can be simplified slightly since | |„ is a non- archimedian valuation. Thus, one has that if S anxn and S brtxn converges, then S (a„ + 6n) xn converges and equals £ anxn ± fjbnxn. Similarly, the Cauchy product of '£anxn and £бпяп converges and equals E anxn • E bnxn.
J 44 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers If f(x) = S”=o converges, then lim anxn — 0, i.e., lim j anxn j, — 0. D enoting/'(x) as 00 /'(x) = X^""1- n=0 we have | nanxn 1 С | anxn 1 I? —* 0. Therefore, /'(x) converges. Moreover, = (3.i) J ' ’ 3/-.0 у ' where у eQv , and у 0. Equation (3.1) follows readily from the following relations: CO 00 /(*+y) —fw = X a^x+~ X n=0 «=0 so /(x + y) -/(x) У xn~jyj—y (3.2) But for | у < | x , we have «и (”) I < I On lp | x |« 1 -> 0, \y/ Ij) i.e., the series in (3.2) converges uniformly for all у with IУ L < i x L • Hence, lim /(^ +^) 1/-»0 у xn-jyi-l co = ^n^x"-1 =/'(x). n=l
3. Some Analysis in Qv 45 The other results follow just as simply as this one, and we shall make use of these results and similar ones in the sequel without further discussion. It will be advantageous, for the discussion that follows to introduce some new notation. We know [see II, 1, Theorem 1.4 and also the beginning of Subsection 2] that if x G Qv , x Ф 0, then i«i„ = (33) where и = 0, ±1, ±2........ We denote by ordpX, called the ordinal of x at p, the integer n occurring in (3.3). Thus, 1=1* lordsa, I r Ip > (3-4) or | x |„ = cord®“, where c = | p |„, and 0 < c < 1. For x — 0, we define ordpX = It is clear that | x |p = 1 о ordp x = 0. | x |p < 1 о ordpX > 0. I x |p > 1 ordpX < 0. (3-5) We also have that ordp xy = ordp x + ordp у, (3-6) which follows immediately from | xy |₽ = | x |p | у |P . Also, from I x + У |p < max (I x |p » IУ |p)> one gets ordp (x + y) min (ordp x, ordp y). (3-7) We know [I, (2.12)] that if xn£Q„ and xn -> x, then | xn |p —> | x |p . In terms of ordinals, this means that if xn —> x, then ordpXn —> ordp x. (3-8) As a final consideration before discussing the exponential function, we establish the following useful lemma.
46 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers Lemma 3.1. Let n be a positive integer, and let n = a0 + axp + ••• + й4р‘, О С p — 1 be the canonical representation of n. Then ordj,(n!) = ^, where sn = a0 + ax 4- ••• + at. Proof. For notational convenience, we shall write s0 = 0, Let 1 k n, and suppose k = 0, 000 •••0 bj>„+1 bt, is the canonical expansion of k where bv 1, i.e., k = bvpv + ^+iP’’+1 + ••' + btp*, sk = b„ + b„+i + ” + bt. Then *-l - (P - 1) + (P - 1)? + + (P - ПГ’1 + (br - 1)r + wr+1 + ••• + btp‘ and Sfc-i = v(p — 1) + (b„ — 1) -f- b„+t + ••• + bt = v(p — 1) + sk — 1. Hence, _ 4c-l ~ fjt + 1 v p-i ' but clearly v = ord,, k. Therefore, ord^^^L J^ and, by (3.6), we have ordP (и!) = = Пр 11^ ’ which establishes the lemma. We shall now consider the exponential series E(x) = 2„=0 xnjnl.
3. Some Analysis in Q„ 47 First of all, we wish to determine the domain of convergence of this series. The answer is given in the following theorem. Theorem 3.1 . The domain of convergence of the expo- nential series, E(x) — ^n„oxnlnl, is the set of all x for which ord„x > l/(p — 1). Proof. By (3.6) and the lemma, we have ordj’ &)= ” ordp x ~ ord” (m!) = nordpx- = n (ordp x — —Ц-) + . \ p — 1/ p — 1 Thus, if ord,, x > l/(p — 1), then ordj, (х"/я!)i.e., | xn/n! > 0, and the series converges. If, however, ord„x ~ О, then for all n of the form pk, sn — 1, and, for such n, ordP (х”/я!) •+♦ Thus, the series converges for those and only those x with ord„ x > l/(p — 1). In particular, if x e Z and if/» is an odd prime, then for x — kp, k&Z, ordpX^ 1 > l/(p— 1), and the exponential series converges for such an x. If however, p — 2 and if x G Z, then x must be a multiple of 4 in order for x to belong to the domain of convergence of the exponential series. It follows immediately from the unconditional convergence of our series that if x and у belong to the domain of convergence of the exponential series, then E(x + y) = E(x) E(y). (3.9) We also note some other relevant facts concerning the exponential series, which will play a role subsequently. If ord„ x > ——- , x 0, ” p — 1 then (3.10) (xn \ —r) > ord„ x for n > 1. nl / v
48 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers The result(3.10)follows immediately from the following relations: / л:” \ ord„ — ordy x — n ordc x — ordp n! — ord„ x fl s = („-!) ord, T + j^ П — 1 П Sn Sn~ 1 > A " p-1 />-l+ p-1 p-1 Finally, we note if x belongs to the domain of convergence of the exponential series, then ordp (E(x) — 1) = ord„ x. (3-11) Equation (3.11) follows from the following considerations: д*)_1 = л + _+- + -+-> or E(x) — 1 = lim s„(x), where sn(x) = x + я2/2! + ”• + xnln\ . Recalling Theorem 2.2 of Chapter I and (3.10) above, we have ord,, хи(л) = ord„ (x + -jf + ' = ordp x. Now, ordj, (E(x) — 1) = ord,, lim sn(x) — lim ord,, sn(x) [by (3.8)] -- lim ordp x — ord„ x, and (3.11) has been proved. We turn now to a consideration of the logarithmic series.
3. Some Analysis in 49 Theorem 3.2 . The domain of convergence of the logarithmic series, log(l + x) — (—1)п-1хп/я, is the set of all x for which ords x > 0. Proof. We have (3-12) However, it is clear that pord^n n> and, therefore, Inserting this last estimate in (3.12) shows that if ord„x > 0, then and the series converges. If ord„ x -C 0, then for those n such that/» < n, ordP n = 0, and Hence, the domain of convergence consists precisely of those x for which ordp x > 0. It follows readily that the logarithm function satisfies the functional equation log (1 + x) (1 + y) = log (1 + x) + log (1 + y), (3.13) where ord^x > 0, and ord^y > 0. We also note the following facts which are analogous to (3.10) and (3.11): if (3-14)
50 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers then , (_Пп-1лп , ord„ I—---------- > ord_я for n > 1, * \ ♦» I v and ord,, (log (1 4- x)) = ordp x. (3.15) Once (3.14) has been established, (3.15) follows form it in the same fashion as (3.11) followed from (3.10). Thus, we just prove (3.14). Let ordp a; > !/(/> — 1), and x ф 0. Then ordp (—I)”-1*” n — ordp x = n ordp x — ordp n — ordp x = («—!) ordp x — ordp n n — 1 y=Tf-°rd’” ordpW\ n — 1/ (3.16) Now, let us suppose that n — paa, where p < a, so ordp n = a. Then ordp» _ a a n — 1 paa — 1 ' pa — 1 1 a 1 p — 1 ра~г +•••+/> + 1 ""p — 1 and it follows from this and (3.16) that /(—l)n^1x”\ „ ordp I—--------1 — ordp x > 0. We are now in a position to show the interrelation between the exponential and logarithmic functions, namely:
3. Some Analysis in Q„ 51 Theorem 3.3 . If ord,, x > l/(/> — 1), then (1) log E(x~) = x, and (2) E(log (1 + x)) — 1 -f- x. Proof. (1) is clear for x — 0. We next observe that log E(x) converges since, by (3.11), ordp (E(x) — 1) = ordp x > ------r > 0. P — 1 Finally, since E'(x) — E(x), we have (logE(x))' = ^® = 1, so log E(x) = a 4- x, where a is a constant in Qv , and for x = 0, we get a = 0; whence, log E(x) = x. Statement (2) is also clear for x = 0. Next, E(log (1 4- x)) converges since, by (3.15) ordp (log (1 + x)) = ordp x > j-—. Now, by the first part of the theorem, we have log E(Iog (1 4- x)) = log (1 4- x), which implies (see Exercise 7 at the end of this chapter) that E(log (1 4- x)) = 1 4- x. We conclude this section with a brief discussion of the binomial series. Theorem 3.4 . Let у eQp be such that ordp у 0 (i.e., ye^> the valuation ring of | on Qp). The binomial series, (1 4- x)v — S„=o («) x"> converges for all x with ordp x > 1 /(p -1). Proof. Since ordp у > 0, and since = У^У ~ 0 ~ 1)) \n/ nl
52 li. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers it is easily seen that Thus, but, as we saw in the proof of Theorem 3.1, ord„ (xn/«!) -* 00 if ord,, x > l/(p — 1), and this completes the proof of the theorem. From the proof of Theorem 3.4, we have for all у with ord„y > 0 forord„x > l/(/> — 1). Thus the series converges uniformly in у, and since each (®) is clearly a continuous function of у, it follows that (1 + x'Y is a continuous function of y. Finally, one can show for y^Qj,, ord„y > 0, and ord„x > I/O — 1), (1 + x)® — E(y log (1 + x)), and log (1 + x)® = у log (1 + x). We leave these final considerations to the reader to justify. 4. Newton’s Method in Complete Fields Let k be a complete field with respect to a non-archimedian valuation | j; also, let V be the associated valuation ring. We might think, in view of the applications that will be presented later, of k as ap-adic field and of | | as | |„ . We want to show that if certain polynomial equations have an approximate root in k, then they have a root in k, i.e., we shall extend Newton’s method to this case. More precisely, we prove: Theorem 4Л. Let/(x) be a polynomial with coefficients in V, the valuation ring associated with | | in the complete field k.
4. Newton’s Method in Complete Fields 53 Suppose also that f(x) has leading coefficient 1. If there exists an a* e k such that l/fa)l<l and |/'fa)| = l, then the sequence “2 = «1 /fa) /'fa) “s = /fa) /'fa) (4-1) converges to a root a e V off(x). Proof. Observe first of all that eq e V, for if f(x) = xn + q---------------F a„ , where the а{ e V, then /fa) — ai + 1 + ” + «о • (4-2) If | ax | > 1, then the first term of (4.2) would be the dominant term with respect to the valuation, and we would have | /fa) [ > 1, a contradiction. Now, by Taylor’s theorem, f(x + h) = f(x) 4- hf'(x) + kzg(x, h), namely,/(x) — a,x’, where a, e V, and an = 1. Then f(x 4- Л) = 2 a^x + 1=0 = /(*) + hf(x) 4- Л2/2(х) + Л3/3(х) + •• + hnfn(x~) = f(x) + hf(x) + №g(x, Л),
54 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers where g(x, h) = f2(x) + kf3(x) + - + hn~2fn(xj. Thus, /w=/b-^r) (43) but g (“i> Now, the coefficients of the /t are all in V, and e V, and ! < 1, so Hence, from (4.3) and the hypothesis, we obtain |Ж) I l/(«i) I2- Again, by Taylor’s theorem f\x + h) = /'(«) + hF(xt Л), so /'(«j) ' but I -7—7 I < 1, and 1 f (“i) 1 Therefore, Л“1) 1. l/'Wl = = 1-
4. Newton’s Method in Complete Fields 55 Hence, aj satisfies the same two assumptions as , and we may proceed with the iteration. Thus, I «2 — «11 = l/(“l) I I “3 ~ «2 I = 1/(«з) I l/(«l) I® I “4 — “3 I l/(«l) I* I «n - “n-i I C l/Ь) I2”" Finally, set “ = “1 + («2 — “1) + («з — «2) + = lim an. The series converges since its rath term approaches 0. Also, since it is clear that /(a) = 0. We also note that | a - cq | = lim | an - ax | , but I ocn — a, I < max I a,- — 1 < 1, so I a — otj I 1, and a e V. The proof is now complete. We wish to modify the hypothesis of the preceding theorem just slightly in view of a subsequent application, namely: Theorem 4.2. Let f(x) be a polynomial with coefficients in V, the valuation ring associated with the valuation | | in the complete field k, and suppose the leading coefficient of f{x) is 1. If there exists an ax e k such that Ю<1. /'K)^o, |/'(«i)l^i, and for then the sequence (4.1) converges to a root a e Fof/(4
56 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adlc Numbers Proof. As in the proof of Theorem 4.1, «j G V. Clearly, I «2 - «11 = I <4! I- Again, by Taylor’s theorem, /(«,)=/(«,- = /<«.)- -ft «4) where fl G V since Thus, I I ^1- (4-5) Also, /'(«2) = f («1 - = ~ Д~у У> where у G V, so and 1 = \/'Ы I I 1 + d1V I = |. Hence, /'(«2)=/'W^ (4.6) where e is a unit, i.e., | e ] = 1. Now, by (4.4) and (4.6), J = _ (/(«1)2//'(«1)2) - ft = Ж)2. s 2 /W №)2-e2 /W where S e V. Therefore, \d2 i < I d. p.
4. Newton’s Method in Complete Fields 57 Proceeding inductively, we get j “n+1 — «П I — | dn I I j = 141 |/'(«i) I 4 1412”’11/'(«i) I- Then, as before, we set ® = “i + (“г — ai) + (“з ~ aa) + •’ ' = lim an, and conclude that the series converges,/(a) = 0, and a G V. We now want to consider several applications of the previous theorems to the case of the p-adic fields. First, take k = Q5 and f(x) = x2 -f- 1. Let aj = 2. Then /(2) = 5, so |/(2)|6<1, /'(2) = 4, so |/'(2) |5 = 1. Thus, by Theorem 4.1, the sequence (4.1) converges to a root a of Л*У _ a2 4- 1 = 0, i.e., V— 1 eQ5. We note that it suffices for the applications of either theorem to the case of Qp to try and find an cq e Z, for, by the remarks at the beginning of Section 2, since oq G F, the valuation ring of 11®on Qv > cq 4- P = a 4- A where a e Z, and where P is the unique maximal ideal of P. We also note that for the above example, we could apply Theorem 3.4 of the preceding section, namely, i vr^5. у = |gQ5 and ord5 -g- = 0; while, ord5 (—5) = 1 > 1/(5 — 1). Thus I
58 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers As our next application, we want to consider, in general, when the equation f(x) — x2 a can be solved in , where a e Z, and p2 -Г a. Suppose, first, that p | a. If x2 — a has a solution y/a eQP, then vT«iP = | (4.7) since I a |p = ] VaValP \\Sa\v\Va\v. Now, from (4.7) and our assumption, (4.8) However, as we know (see beginning of Section 2) \QA> = {|?l/ l.« = 0, ±1, ±2, -}, which contradicts (4.8). Thus, if p [ a, -\/a ф Qp . Let us now assume that/» 1 a. To apply Theorem 4.1, we must see if there exists an oq 6 Z such that l/(«i) I» = I «i2 “ a I® < 1, and l/'(“i) L = I 2ai I® = L The first condition means that cq2 = a (modp), i.e., a is a quadratic residue modulo p. The second condition means that p -f 2ax . Suppose p 2, and cq2 =s a (mod />). Then P I “i2 ~ й> but p -Г a. Therefore, p -f cq and, since p 2, p -f 2cq . Thus, in this case, if a is a quadratic residue modulo p, then x2 — a has two solutions in Qv . If a is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p, then it is easy to see that x2 — a has no solution in QP , for if a e Qp and if a2 — a = 0,
4. Newton’s Method in Complete Fields 59 then a e F, and a + P — b + P, where e Z. We then have a + P = a2 + P = b2 + A which implies that b2 = a (mod/>). However, this contradicts the fact that a is a quadratic non- residue modulo p. Summarizing, we have: Theorem 4.3. If p is an odd prime, then the equation x2 — a = 0, where a e Z, and/»2 f a has: (1) no solution in Qv if p | a.’, (2) two or no solutions in according as a is a quadratic residue modulo p or a quadratic nonresidue modulo p if p f a. Finally, let us consider the case p = 2, where 2 -Г a. Here we shall apply Theorem 4.2, for it is clear that one cannot find an oq satisfying the criteria of Theorem 4.1. We, therefore, seek an oq G Z such that I /(ai) la “ j ai2 ~~ a la < L and | |г < h where , = = ai2 ~ a 1 f'W 4cq2 • Since 2 -Г cq2, we see that it suffices to have 8 | cq2 — a so that both conditions will be satisfied. Thus, we must be able to solve the congruence x2 = a (mod 8) with an cq such that cq = 1 (mod 2), i.e., oq should be odd. But for any odd integer, cq , cq2 = 1 (mod 8).
60 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers Hence, we see that if e s 1 (mod 8), then we can use any odd integer cq , and the criteria of Theorem 4.2 will be satisfied. Conversely, if a is a solution of x2 — a — 0 in Q2 , then a G and by II, (2.5), a = b (mod P23) where be Z. Thus, a — a2 = b2 (mod 723), and it follows immediately from this and from the fact that b must be odd that a = t2 = 1 (mod 8). Summarizing, in this case, we have: Theorem 4.4. The equation x2 — a = 0, where a G Z, 4 < a has in Q2 (I) no solution if 2 | a\ (2) two or no solutions according as a is or is not congruent 1 modulo 8 if 2 -f a. It is clear that the field QT1 is topologically distinct from the field Qg for p q since in Qp the sequence p, p2, ...,pn, ... converges to 0, while this is certainly not the case in Qg (see also Exercise 12 at the end of this chapter). With the aid of Theorems 4.3 and 4.4, one can also show that they are algebraically distinct, namely. Theorem 4.5. If p and q are distinct primes, then the fields QP and QB are not ismorphic. Proof. We consider first the case where p and q are odd primes and, say, p > q. If there were an isomorphism between Qp and Qg , then the additive and multiplicative identities of the two fields would correspond, and, consequently, so would the elements of the rational subfields. If p is a quadratic residue modulo q, then, by Theorem 4.3, the equation x2 — p = 0 has a solution in Qq but no solution in OTJ . However, this contradicts the assumption that the fields are isomorphic, for if a2 — pinQg,
5. Roots of Unity in Q„ 61 then the image of a under the isomorphism would be a solution of the equation in Qv . Now consider the case where p is a quadratic nonresidue modulo q. Select a quadratic nonresidue, n, modulo q such that n < q- n certainly exists since q is odd. Then np is a quadratic residue modulo q. Hence, again by Theorem 4.3, the equation x2 — np = 0 has a solution in Qe , but no solution in since n < q < p, so p2 < np. Thus, the theorem has been established if p and q are distinct odd primes. Now let /э be any odd prime. If 2 is a quadratic residue modulo p, then, using both Theorems 4.3 and 4.4, we see that the equation x2 - 2 = 0 has a solution in Qv but no solution in Q2. If 2 is a quadratic nonresidue modulo p, select an odd quadratic nonresidue, n, modulo p, which certainly exists, for if m is an even quadratic nonresidue modulo/), tn Ц- p is an odd one. Now, 2n is a quadratic residue modulo p. Therefore, the equation x2 — 2n = 0 has a solution in Q„. However, it has no solution in Q2 since 4 -Г 2», but 2/2». Since all cases have been considered, the proof of the theorem has been completed. 5. Roots of Unity in Qp We shall show that the equation x*-1 -1=0 (5.1) has exactly p — 1 distinct roots in Qv . Since Qv is a field, Eq. (5.1)
62 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers has at most p — 1 roots in Q„ . Let a represent any of the integers 1, 2, ...,/> — 1. Consider a = a + [av — a) + (a*2 — a») + ••• 2 = lim av". The series is readily seen to converge since the nth term, a»”+1 _ avn = - 1), and ap"(p-i) == j (mod/»"+1) (5-3) by Euler’s theorem (see Appendix). Thus, the nth term approaches zero, and the series converges. Also, ap-i = lim = 1 by (5.3). Hence, a is a solution of (5.1), i.e., a (p — 1) root of unity. Letting a assume the different values 1, 2, ..., p — 1, (5.2) is seen to yield/» — 1 distinct roots of (5.1). Clearly each root a of (5.1) belongs to F, the valuation ring of | |„ onQ„. Also, different roots belong to distinct residue classes modulo Д the unique maximal ideal of F, for if a and j3 are roots of (5.1), say, a = a -|- (av — a) + (apt — «”) + , F = b + (6P - b) + (ft”2 - 6”) + ••• , where a b, and 1 a, b «4 p — 1, then a + P = Ц- P implies that a + P — b Ц- A or a = b (mod/»), which is impossible. Recalling the discussion preceding Theorem 2.1 of this
Exercises 63 chapter, we see now that another canonical type representation is possible, i.e., any у e Qv can be written uniquely in the form У = 2 n where the a, are either 0 or are (/> — 1) roots of unity. Exercises 1. Find the canonical representation of the following elements: (a)|ing3. (b)jinp2. (c)^in£>6. 2. Perform the indicated operations in . (a) 123,412 (b) 124,131 (c) (34, 121) - (0, 2103). + 421,032 - 321,221 (d) (131, 2) + (2,42). 3. In Q3, what rational number has the canonical expansion 2,0121 0121 4. In books on number theory (see e.g. Bibliography) it is shown that ordp n\ where [x] denotes the largest integer + x. Use this result to give an alternate proof that ordp n\ = -----r. p — 1 5. Suppose x and у belong to the domain of convergence of the exponential series. Show if E(x) = E(y), then x — y. 6. Show that it is not necessarily true that ordp (—----------) — ordp x > 0 V / * if ordp x +--------z-
64 II. Complete Fields and Field of p-Adic Numbers 7. Show if orcL x > -——- and ord„ у > ——r, and if P — 1 P — 1 log(l 4- x) = log (1 + y), then x = y. 8. In Q3 determine the first few terms of the canonical expansion of log 4. 9. Prove that the equation x2 + % + « = 0, where a e Z, has a solution in Q2 if and only if a is even. 10. Use the result of Exercise 9 to give an alternate proof that Q2 is not isomorphic to Qp for p^2. 11. Let к be the completion of k with respect to a non-archi- median valuation | |. If V is the valuation ring associated with | | on Ze, let F be the closure of V in к. Show that F = F, the valuation ring of the extended valuation on к. Similarly, show that P = P, where P is the unique maximal ideal of V, and P, the unique maximal ideal of F. 12. Show that the sequence q, q2, ..., qn, ... has a converging subsequence in Qp, where q is a prime not equal to p. Does the sequence itself converge in Qv ? 13. Consider the sequence of primes 2,3,5,7,11,... in Qv. Find a convergent subsequence. 14. Using the notation of Exercise 11, and taking k = Q and 11 — 11 „, show that for any e > 0, there exists a finite set of elements ar, ..., an depending on e in F such that for any ag F, there exists an with | a — д* j < e. 15. Using the notation of Exercise 14, show that F is compact.
CHAPTER III Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations 1. Valuation Rings and Places In this chapter, we want to extend some of the notions already introduced in Chapter I. In particular, we want to extend the notion of non-archimedian valuations of rank one, which we had been dealing with throughout most of the first two chapters. We shall first consider valuation rings in general—a special case of which was already considered in Chapter I. Then we shall see the intimate connection between this concept and those of places and valuations. Next, we shall consider a general extension theorem for places. This theorem will be basic in discussing the possibilities of extending a non-archimedian valuation on a given field to a finite extension field, which we shall come to in Chapter V. Finally, we shall give an application of our results to the concept of integral closure. Throughout this section, К will denote an arbitrary field. Definition 1.1. A subring V of К is called a valuation ring if ae К and if а ф V, then a-1 e V. It is clear that if К is a field and | | is a rank one valuation on K, then the valuation ring associated with the valuation in I, Theorem 2.3 is a valuation ring in the sense of Definition 1.1. It is also clear that an arbitrary field К is itself a valuation ring, which we shall call the trivial valuation ring. It follows immediately from the definition that if V is a valuation ring, 1 G V, where 1 is the identity element of the multiplicative group of the field K. Vie consider now the set P of non-units of the valuation ring V, i.e., P = {ae V\ а~г ф V} (1.1) Lemma 1.1. If P is defined as in (1.1), then аф P a^1 e V. 65
66 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations Proof. Suppose афР. If a G V, then, by the definition of P, аг1 e V. If а ф F, then, by definition of V, й-1 g V. Conversely, suppose a-1 G V. If a G V, then а ф P by definition of P. If a ф V, then clearly аф P. This completes the proof of the lemma. The set P considered in Theorem 2.3 of Chapter I certainly satisfies condition (1.1). There we saw that P is the unique maximal ideal of V. We can prove the corresponding statement - here for the set P of (1.1) with the aid of the lemma. First note: (1) If a + Ьф P, then either афР or Ьф P. ' Proof. The statement is clear if either a = 0 or 6=0. Hence, we may assume that both a and b are not 0. We may also assume, and do, that a]b G V, for if й/6 ф V, then bja e V, since V is a valuation ring, and the argument would be analogous. Now, since a + b ф P, by Lemma 1.1 (й + ft)-1 e V. « Therefore, v = (1 + g (a + 6)-i e V, and, again by Lemma 1.1, b ф P. We may reword (1) as follows: (Г) If a and b belong to P, then a + b e P. Next, we have и (2) Ifa,6G Fandif дб^Р, thena^Pand6^P. Proof. Since аЬфР, Lemma 1.1 implies that (й6)-1бК Therefore, a-1 = (аЬу'Ъе V, so аф P. Similarly Ьф P. We may also reword (2) as follows: (2') If a, b G V and if either a or b belongs to P, then ab G P. Statements (Г) and (2') imply that P is an ideal of V. If 7 is an > ideal of V and if 7 is not contained in P, then I contains a unit
1. Valuation Rings and Places 67 of F; whence, I = V. Thus, P is the unique maximal ideal of V. Since P is maximal and since 1 6 V, V/P is a field, called the residue class field, and P is a prime ideal. Again, we denote by V a valuation ring of K, and we let U denote the units of V, i.e., U = {a G V | a-1 e V}. It is clear that U is a multiplicative group, which will be called the group of units of V. We now claim that the field К decomposes into the following disjoint union: A = P v G v (P - {0})-1, (1.2) where P — {0} denotes the difference set, and (P — {0})-1 denotes the set of elements inverse to those of P — {0}. Since P U — V, in order to prove (1.2), all one must show is that К — V = (P — {0})-1. Thus, suppose that a e К — V, so а ф V, and, therefore, a"1 e V, and a-1 e P, so a e (P — {0})-1. Conversely, if a e (P — {0})”1, then a-1 G P. Hence, a$V, and, therefore, a e К - V. It is easy to see from (1.2) that if and V2 are two valuation rings of К with non-units Px and P2 and units Ux and U2 , respectively, then Vx C V2 о Л Э P2 о Ut C U2 . The next concept that we want to introduce is that of a place. Although a place is intimately related with a non-archimedian valuation, we did not point this out in the introductory chapters, but now we shall proceed to consider the relationship. Actually, in a sense, the reader is acquainted with places, as we shall point out in some of the illustrative examples which will follow the definitions. Definition 1.2. Let К and F be arbitrary fields. A map ф : {oo} is called a place if: (1) <£-1(P) = V is a ring;
68 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations (2) the restriction of </> to V, Ф | v, is a nontrivial homo- morphism; (3) if = oo, then = 0. We shall give some examples of places. (a) Let К = F(x), the field of rational functions of a trans- cendental element x over F with coefficients in the field К Write each element of F(x) in reduced form. If we substitue x = a&F in each element, we obtain a well-defined mapping К =F(x)->Fv{oo} under the specification that if, after the substitution, 0 appears in the denominator then that element is mapped into °°. It is a simple matter to verify that this mapping is, indeed, a place. Thus, one might view a place intuitively as a substitution mapping. (b) Let К — Q, and let p be a fixed prime. Take F — where (p) is the principal ideal generated by p in Z. Now, write any Д 6 Q in the form fl — a/b, where not both a and b are divisible by p. Consider the following map defined as follows: replace a and b by the residue classes to which they belong modulo p, and, should the denominator be the 0 residue class, map the element into 00. Again, it is readily seen that we have a place. Actually, the first example follows the same procedure as this one, for, if f{x) еТфс], then, by the division algorithm /(«) = {x — a) q(x~) and f(x) == f(a) mod (x — a), i.e., in this example, we considered residue classes modulo (x — a) in the ringF[x], Now, we wish to draw some consequences from the definition of a place. The first observation is that if <f> is a place, where <h : К F и {<»}, then V = <^-1(F) is valuation ring, called the valuation ring associated with the given place. The proof is
1. Valuation Rings and Places 69 immediate, for if афУ, then </>(a) = and, (1.3) therefore, ^(a-1) — 0; hence, a-1 e V, and V is a valuation ring. Let us consider the non-units, P, of this valuation ring. By (1.2), we know that P consists of the 0 element and the inverses of those elements which do not belong to V. Thus, by definition of the place ф, m = o. (1-4) Suppose a G V, and <£(a) = 0. If a-16 V, then ф(Г) = ф^аа-1) = ф(а)ф(а'1) = 0, which implies that ф(У) = 0, but this contradicts the fact that ф is nontrivial. This together with (1.4) shows that the kernel of ф on V is precisely P. We have seen, up to this point, that, with a given place, there is an associated valuation ring, V. Now we shall show that the converse is true, namely, given a valuation ring of a field К a place can be associated with it. Denote by P the maximal ideal of non-units of F, and define (0° if a i V + P if Av ™ Thus, on V, ф is defined to be the canonical homomorphism onto the quotient ring V/P, which is a field F. Clearly, ф satisfies condition (1) of Definition 1.2, and, on V, ф is a nontrivial homomorphism since 1 ф P, so condition (2) is satisfied. Finally if а ф V, then a G (P — {0})-1, so a-1 e P. Hence, condition (3) is satisfied. The valuation ring associated with the place ф is the given valuation ring V. The place ф so constructed will be called the place associated with the given valuation ring. We return now to the situation where a place ф: К-+F<j {°°} is given and denote by V, the associated valuation ring, so Ф\у- V^F
70 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations is a homomorphism with kernel P, as has been noted. Hence, the map </> | V decomposes into the product of 3 maps: </> \v = if к', where V-^ VIP-^^tVj-^F, and к is the canonical homomorphism, f is an isomorphism, and i is the injection map. If we extend к to К — V by taking к(а) = °° for all a&K — V, then this would be the place (1.5) associated with the valuation ring К We can, therefore, state the following: There exists a one-to-one correspondence between places and valuation rings, where by this we mean the following: a given place determines an associated valuation ring, which, in turn, determines an associated place, which is equal to the given place up to an isomorphism. Two places are called equivalent if they have the same associated valuation ring. Thus, we can reword the above result by saying that there is a one-to-one correspondence between places and valuation rings up to an equivalency. 1. Valuations We shall, in this section, consider a more general notion of valuations than we did in Chapter I, and we shall then interrelate this concept to those of places and valuation rings. Before doing this, however, we must define what is meant by an ordered group. Definition 2.1. Let G be a multiplicative group. The group G is said to be an ordered group if G contains a normal subsemigroup S such that G = Su{l}uS-\ (2.1) where the union is a disjoint one, and where S-1 denotes the set of all inverses of elements of S. Now, let G be an ordered group and define a < b if and only if ab~x G 5, where a, b G G. (2.2) In particular, a < 1 if and only if a G .S'. We shall show that
2. Valuations 71 < satisfies the customary order relationships. We note first that a < b will also be denoted at times by b > a. (1) a < b if and only if b^a e S. Proof. Ь~га = 6-1(a6-1) b. Therefore, if air1 G S, then Ь~га g S since 5 is normal. Similarly, since ab-1 = 6(6-1a) 6-1, if b-1 ae S, then ab-1 G S, which completes the proof. (2) a < b, or a = b, or b < a. Proof. From the decomposition (2.1) of G, we have that either a6-1e S, and then a < b, or a6-1G{l}, and then a = b, or ab-1 G S~r, and then ba-1 G S, and b < a. If a < b or a — b, we write a b, or b a. (3) If a < b, and c e G, then ac < be, and ca < cb. Proof. Since a < b, ab-1 G S, so аагЧг1 G S, i.e., (ac) (6c)-1 G S, which means that ac < be. Similarly, one shows that ca < cb. (4) If a < b, and b < c, then a < c. Proof. Since a < b, ab-1 G 5. Also, since b < c, 6c-1 6 5. Therefore ac-1 = (ab-1) (6c-1) G S, for S is a semigroup, so a < c. (5) If a < 6, then 6-1 < a-1. Proof. By property (3), a < 6 implies that 1 < a-16, and this implies, again by (3); that 6-1 < a-1. (6) If a < 6, and c < d, then ac < bd. Proof. From a < 6, we get, using (3), that ac < 6c. Simi- larly, 6c < bd, and then, by (4), ac < bd. In an ordered group G, it is possible that an additive operation
72 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations (+) is also defined. However, it is always possible to introduce in G an additive operation by defining a + b — max (a., b), (2.3) which is well defined by property (2). Also, the operation + is clearly an associative operation. It can also be seen that the distributive laws are satisfied. For example, suppose a b, then ac C be, and max (ac, be) — be. However, max (a, b)e == be. Therefore ac + be — (a + b) c. Next, if G is an ordered group, we shall adjoin a zero element, i.e., form G и {0}, in such away that a • 0 = 0 • a — 0 for all a e G, and such that 0 < a for all a e G. Then, by (23), a-0 = 04-a = «, for any a E G. With these notions, we can now give the definition of a valuation. Definition 2.2. A valuation of a field К is a map | |: К —>• G и {0}, where G is an ordered group provided (1) for a e K, | a | = 0 if and only if a = 0; (2) for a, b e K, | ab | = | a | | b |; (3) | a + b | < | a | + | b |. It follows immediately from (2) of the definition that | 1 | = 1. We also have that | — 1 | = 1, for, again by (2), I -i I3 = 111 = i; however, in an ordered group, G, there exists no element except the identity with finite order, for if a > 1, then an > 1 for any positive integer n. We now suppose that the additive operation in G is based on the max, i.e., it is given by (2.3); whence, condition (3) of the definition becomes | a + b j C max (| a | b |), and the valuation is this case will be called non-archimedian.
2. Valuations 73 Note that I, Theorem 2.2 also holds for our more general non-archimedian valuations. The proof is the same. Next, we shall show that to a given nonarchimedian valuation there is an associated valuation ring. Let V = {a e К | | a | < 1}. (2-4) V is certainly a ring, for if а, b e V, then | a | C 1 and | b | 1, so | | = | a | |6| < 1, (2.5) and | a — b | C max (| a |, | b |) C 1. (2-6) Equations (2.5) and (2.6) imply that И is a ring. Next, let us show that V is a valuation ring. Thus, suppose that а ф V. Then | a | > 1; therefore, | a-i | = | a |-i < 1. Hence, a-1 e V, and V is, indeed, a valuation ring. The non-units, P, of V are. those a e V such that а1 ф V, or, in other words, those a&K such that | a | C 1 and | a |-1 > 1, so P = {a e К | | a | < 1}. (2.7) Consequently, the units, U, of V are U = {aeK\ ] a | = 1}. (2-8) Now, let us analyze a given valuation mapping | | more care- fully. Denote by K* the set К — {0}. Condition (2) of Definition 2.2 states that | | restricted to the multiplicative group K* is a homomorphism into the group G. If we denote the image group by | K* | and observe, by (2.8), that the kernel of this homo- morphism is precisely U, then we obtain K*)U ~ I K* |.
74 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations Thus we have that | | on K* factors into the product of the following sequence of mappings: K*/U-^\K*\++G (2-9) where к is the canonical map, f is an isomorphism, and i is the injection map. Suppose we now reverse the procedure, namely, suppose a valuation ring, V, of a field К is given. Let P be the unique maximal ideal of non-units of И, and let U be the group of units of V. To the given valuation ring V, we wish to obtain an associated valuation. From the previous discussion, in particular from (2.9), the following map suggests itself: \aU for aeK* |a|=l0 for a = 0. <2Л0) Thus, we take G = A-*/ U and the additive operation in G based on the max. We must therefore, show first of all that G is an ordered group. To do this, we must exhibit a subsemigroup, S, with the required properties. Define 5 as follows: aU e S if and only if a&P* — P — {0}. Clearly S is a semigroup, and it is certainly normal since К is a field. Also, by (1.2) of this chapter, К* — P* u U и (jP*)-1 (disjoint). Therefore, we get mod U that G = K*)U = 5 u {1} w S-1 (disjoint) so G — K*l U is an ordered group. Now, we check that | a | = aU satisfies the conditions of Definition 2.2. The first two conditions follow immediately from the definition of | a |. To verify the third condition, we must show that | a b | | a | | b |. However, this is equivalent to the following: (2.П)
2. Valuations 75 For, say, | a/b | < 1, then, if (2.11) is satisfied, |1+| <1 + If I, I о i b I which implies that | a + b | < | a | + | b |. However, condition (3) certainly implies (2.11). Therefore, in our case, in which the addition is based on the max, we must show that | a | C 1 implies that | 1 + a | 1. Thus, suppose that a U = | a | 1. Then a eV, and, therefore, 1 ae V, i.e., ( 1 + a | < 1. Hence, | a | — a U is a valuation and, moreover, its associated valuation ring is the given one V. Summarizing, we have that a given valuation determines an associated valuation ring, which, in turn, determines an associated valuation, which is equal to the given valuation up to an ismor- phism. If we define two valuations as equivalent if they have the same associated valuation ring (this, incidentally, is consistent with our use of the word equivalent for rank 1 valuations in Chapter I), then we can say that there is a one-to-one corre- spondence between non-archimedian valuations and valuation rings up to an equivalency. Since we have already seen that there is a one-tp-one correspondence between places and valuation rings up to an equivalency, we now have the complete inter- connection of the three concepts, and, by identifying equivalent places and equivalent valuations, we have that there is a one-to- one correspondence between places, valuation rings, and non- archimedian valuations. In the sequel, we shall not distinguish equivalent places or equivalent valuations. Let us pause for a moment and consider a specific example. We take К = C(z). The field of all rational functions of a single complex variable. We know that a place is obtained by substituting z0 e C for z. The associated valuation ring of this place is - where f(z), g(z) e C[ar]. The maximal ideal of non-units is P= |^o)^ O,/(*o) = 0[,
lt> III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations and, finally, the group of units is u= The valuation associated with this valuation ring is | h(z) | = h(z) U, where h(z) e C(z). Hence I h(z) I = (z — *o)n u, and я is called the order of the zero of h(z) at z0 if я > 0, and —я the order of the pole of h(z) at z0 if n < 0. The ordered group G here is just the infinite cyclic group generated by (z — z0) U, and is, therefore, isomorphic to Z. Finally, we have | h(z} | < 1 (z — z0)n e P* n > 0. We see that the given place merely tells us if a function has a pole or zero at a given point z0 , while the valuation gives us a refinement of this statement by telling us about the order of the pole or zero. 3. Valuations of General Rank We want to consider specifically how the non-archimedian valuations of rank 1, considered in Chapters I and II, fit into the general scheme of things discussed in the previous section of this chapter. In order to do this, we must introduce a general notion of rank of a non-archimedian valuation, and show that for the non-archimedian valuations of rank 1 the general value group can always be replaced by an additive subgroup of the field R of real numbers which is order-isomorphic to it. In order to carry out this program, we must introduce some preliminary notions. Let G be an ordered group as defined in Definition 2.1 of the previous section. We shall assume through- out that G 1.
3. Valuations of General Rank 77 Definition 3.1. A subgroup H of G, where G is an ordered group, is called isolated if Ье H, and b"1 C a C b, where a 6 G, imply a e H. Clearly, the whole group G and the identity subgroup, {1}, are isolated subgroups of G. It is entirely possible that these are the only isolated subgroups of G. This occurs, for example, when G is infinite cyclic. We shall now prove the following fundamental fact. Theorem 3.1 . If Hr and H2 are two isolated subgroups of the ordered group G, then either Hr C H2 or H2C H1. Proof. Let Si — {ae Нг \ a > 1}, and S2 = {a E H2 \ a > 1}. We first note that, if H2 , S2 , for suppose 5^ = S2 . Let a E Hy. If a > 1, then a E Sx = S2 C H2 . If a < 1, then a~r > 1, which implies a-1 e Sx = S2 C H2, and, therefore, a e H2 . Thus Hi C H2. Similarly, H2 C Hx , and H± = H2t which contradicts the assumption. Thus, if Нг Ф H2 , =#= S2 , and we may find, say, an element a E Hr , a > 1, and а ф H2 . Let b E S2. Now, we must have b < a, for, otherwise, b~* a < b, which would imply that a E H2 since b E H2 and since H2 is isolated. Thus b < a, but b > 1 > a-1. Hence, a-1 < b < a. where a belongs to the isolated subgroup Hr . Thus, bE Hr , and we have shown that S2 С Нг , but this clearly implies that H2 С Нг . Theorem 3.1 shows that the set of all isolated subgroups of an ordered group G form a totally ordered set with respect to the order relation given by set inclusion. Definition 3.2. Let G be an ordered group. The order type of the set of all isolated subgroups of G distinct from G is called the rank of G. Definition 3.3. If | | is a non-archimedian valuation of a field К into G и {0}, where G is an ordered group, then the rank of | | is the rank of G.
78 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations Definition 3.4. Two ordered groups G and G' are called order-isomorphic if there exists an isomorphism: a —> a! mapping G onto G' such that a < b => a' < b', where a, b e G, a', b' e G'. As our last definition of this section, we have: Definition 3.5. An ordered group G is called archimedian if for every a, be G with b > 1, there exists an integer n such that bn > a. • Let us consider some relationships between, and consequences of, these definitions. Theorem 3.2 . An ordered group G is of rank 1 if and only if it is archimedian. Proof. (1) We suppose first that the rank of G is one. If G is not archimedian, then there exist elements a, be G such that b > a > 1, and an > b does not hold for any positive integer n. Let 5 = {c e G | 1 < c, and c < an for some n}. Clearly, Ь ф S. If сг and c2 belong to S, say, 1 < ct < an and 1 < £a < then 1 < CjCz < an+m, and cxc2 e S. Hence, 5 is a subsemigroup. Also, if 1 < d < c, where c e S, then d e 5. Now let H = [S], be the subgroup of G generated by S. Since S is a semigroup, H is the set of all elements of the form ••• where the e S, and the e, — ± 1. We claim that H is an isolated subgroup of G distinct from {1} and G. Once this has been shown, the first part of the theorem will have been established, for this would contradict the fact that the rank of G is 1, and, hence, the assumption that G is not archimedian is false. Now, clearly, H {1} since aeH. Next, H G, for Ьф H, namely, if b = c/ic/s ••• c/« (3.1)
3. Valuations of General Rank 79 where the ct e S, and the et- = ± 1, then for those ct with €,= — 1, Cif< < 1, and for those Cj with e> = 1, < an* for some ttj . Hence, (3.1) implies that * b < a , where the summation is over those j with в,- — 1 in (3.1), but this means that b e S, which is a contradiction. Finally, H is isolated for suppose e 6 H, and e~r d e, where deG. Then, if e = • • сп(п, we have « ••• < d <- q£i ••• cn£», (3.2) but, as in the argument above, d cxfl ••• cn£" implies that d < am, for some integer m. If d > 1, then de S С H. If d < 1, then d~r > 1, and, by (3.2), c/1 ... c^n d-i whence, as before, d~* e S С H, and deH. This completes the proof of the first part of the theorem. (2) Conversely, suppose that G is archimedian. Let H be an isolated subgroup of G where Choose beH, where b > 1. Let a be an arbitrary element of G, and say, « > 1. Then there exists an integer n such that bn > a; whence, b~n < a < bn, and a e H. If a < 1, then a-1 > 1, and, by the preceding result, a'1 e H, so aeH. Thus H = G, and the rank of G is 1. The theorem has now been established. The next consequence of the definitions that we shall establish is the following: Theorem 3.3. An archimedian ordered group G is abeliaq. Proof. If we can show that for any two elements a, beG, where a > 1 and b > 1, ab — ba, then we are clearly done.
80 III. Valuation Kings, Places, and Valuations Suppose, first that there exists a smallest element ceG such that c > 1. If a > 1, then, by definition of c, c a. Also, since G is archimedian, there exists a positive integer n such that cn a cn+\ Thus, 1 < acn < c, which implies that ac~n = 1, or a = c”. Thus, if a > 1, a — cn for some positive integer n. If a < 1, then a-1 > 1, and a-1 = cm for some positive integer m, and a — c~m. Therefore, in this case, (^= [c], the infinite cyclic group generated by c, and G is, of course, abelian. Next, we suppose that there exists no smallest element of G greater than 1. We shall first show that if c is any element of G such that c > 1, there exists an element deG, where 1 < d < c, and d2 c. Since c > 1, and since G contains no smallest element greater than 1, there exists an element её G such that 1 < e < c. (33) There are two possibilities: either e2 c, or e2 > c. In the first case, we take d = e as the desired element. Let us consider now the second case. e2 > c (3-4) and, therefore, e > ce~\ Thus, 1 > and c > ce~lce~r = (ce-1)2. (3.5) Take d — ce~\ Then, by (3.5), we have c > t/2, and, using (3.3) and (3-4), we have 1 < d = ce~x <e <c, and d — ce"1 is the desired element. Now, suppose that a, b G G, where a > 1 and b > 1. Suppose ab Ф ba. There is no loss of generality in assuming abtya)-1 — с > I.
3. Valuations of General Rank 81 Then, by the preceding result together with the fact that G contains no smallest element greater than 1, we can find a de G, where 1 < d < c, cP c and d < a, d < b. Since G is archimedian, there exist positive integers m and n such that dm < a < dm+1 and </"<&< </n+1. Therefore, dm+n ab -<C <7m+"+2> and ^-(m+n+2) < (bd)~x 3^ jf-On+n). Thus d-2 < (ab) (ba)-1 < d2, or d~2 <_ c <_ d2 c, a contradiction. This completes the proof of the theorem. Finally, we establish the following theorem, which will show how the valuations of rank one considered in Chapters I and II fit into the general concepts of this chapter. Theorem 3.4. An ordered group G of rank 1 is order- isomorphic to a subgroup of the additive group R of real numbers. Proof. By Theorems 3.2 and 3.3, we know that G is abelian. If G contains a smallest element c such that c > 1, then, as seen in the first part of the proof of Theorem 3.3, G — [c], and, therefore, G can be mapped in an order-ismorphic fashion onto Z, the additive group of integers. Next, suppose that there exists no smallest element of G greater than 1. First, we map the identity, 1, of G into the real number 0. Next, let a be an arbitrary element of G with a > 1. We map a into the real number 1. Now, let b c G; to b we associate a real number b' defined as follows: for m]n e Q, with n > 0, m\n eL(b), the lower class of a Dedekind cut b', if am sC bn, and m/» e b\b), the upper class of a Dedekind cut b' if am > bn. Clearly m/n eL(b) or mjn e U(b). Since G is archimedian, b~n < a < bn for some
82 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations integer n. If n is positive l/я eL(i); also, there exists an m such that am > bn, so m/n e U(b). Thus L(b) ф в and U(b) 0. A similar argument establishes the same result if n is negative. If m/n G U(b), and if s/t m/n, where n, t > 0, then ns mt. Thus, since am > bn, we have an‘ amt > 6ni; whence, as > and s/t e U(b). It now follows that L(b) and U(b) are indeed, the lower and upper classes of a Dedekind cut, b', in R. Suppose that b, ceG and b > c. Then bc~r > 1, and, by the archimedian property of G, there exists a positive integer n such that (3.6) Let m be the smallest integer such that > cn. For this m, we must have (3-7) since, otherwise, am > bn, which implies, by (3.6), that am > acn, and then am-1 > cn. This, however, contradicts the choice of m. Hence, (3.7) holds, and this implies that mjneL(b), and m/ne U(c)\ whence b' > c', and our correspondence is one-one and preserves the ordering. If Wi/nj sL(b) and m2/n2 еОД, then we can write m1jn1 — mln, and m2/n2 — m'/n. We have am <- bn, and am' <- cn. Thus, am+m' (bc)n, so Therefore, we have shown that L(b) +L(c) СЦЬс). Similarly, U(b) + U(c) C U(bc), and from these relations it follows immediately that (be) r=b'+c', and the proof of the theorem has been completed.
4. The Extension Theorem 83 Thus in considering valuations of rank 1, we may always assume that the ordered group G is a subgroup of the additive group of real numbers with the customary ordering. These were the type valuations considered in Chapters I and II, and the reason for the rank one terminology initially adopted there is now clear. 4. The Extension Theorem We shall now establish the fundamental extension theorem for places, which will play a basic role in the subsequent discussion on the extension of non-archimedian valuations. In the hypothesis of the theorem, it will be assumed that a certain field, F, is algebraically closed. This is no real restriction since, in general, one could always inject F into its algebraic closure. We now state and prove the theorem. Theorem 4.1. Let К be a field and A a subring of K. Let F be an algebraically closed field, and f-.A-+F, a nontrivial homomorphism. Then there exists a placed of К such that <^> \A — f, where ф \A is the restriction of ф to A. Proof. Let S = |/(Z>) ^0}. It is clear that 5 is a semigroup and that S 0 since f is non- trivial. We form the quotient ring A' — | a e A, b e S]L A' is a ring with identity which contains A as a subring, and in A' all elements of 5 have inverses. We shall now extend f to a mapping/' defined on A'. This is done as follows: for a/beA' define , л_/(д) 7 W fib)’
84 Hi. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations We first observe that the map f is well defined, for if = az/b2, where ax , aze A, and br ,bse S, then агЬ2 = а2Ьг , and since/is a homomorphism However, /(^i) Ф 0 and f(b2) 0. Thus, dividing by /(b^f^) we get f(b2) ’ which shows that /' is well defined. It follows immediately from (4.1) that/' is a homomorphism since/ is. Also,/' \A = f, for if a e A, then a = abjb, where be S, and /(aft) f(a)f(b) J \b) f(b) f(b) This is the first type of extension, but it is possible that it yields no extension at all. This will be the case when the ring A is its own quotient ring, i.e., when a G A and f(a) 0 implies that a-1 g A. When this occurs, we shall show that if we select any a eK, f can be extended to either the ring Л[а] or to the ring Л[а-1], and this is the second type of extension that we shall consider. Thus, assume that A is its own quotient ring. We first note that /(Л) —Fo is a subfield of F, for let coeFo and cQ ф 0. Then e0 = /(а) Ф 0, where a e A. Hence, a-1 G A, and 1 = /(аа-1) =/(a)/(a-i) = c0/(a-i); Therefore, c0 has an inverse in Fo , andFe is a field. We shall denote by a, the image of aeA under the homo- morphism /. We extend / to the polynomial ring A[x] in a transcendental element x in the obvious fashion by just applying / to the coefficients of a polynomial. The image of P(x)e A[x] will be denoted by F(x). The image of A[x] under this extended homomorphism is just F0[jc], andP0[x] is a principal ideal domain
4. The Extension Theorem 85 sinceFo is afield. Now we attempt to extend/to a homomorphism g on Л[а], where a. e K, by defining ^(P(a)) = P(0), (4.2) where /3 is any element ofF. If£ is well defined, then it is certainly a homomorphism which extends /. Thus, we must just see if g is well defined. This amounts to showing that Р(а) = 0 implies = 0. Let 7 = {Р(х)еЛ[х]|Р(а) = 0}. I is clearly the kernel of the substitution map: Л[х] Л[а], and is, therefore, an ideal of Л[х]. Hence, to check if g is well defined, we must determine whether the image I in F0[x] of I is such that x = /? is a zero of it, i.e., whether P(/3) — 0 for all P(x) e I. If this is the case, then g is clearly well defined. Since I is an ideal ofF0[x], I is a principal ideal, and we have i = ow - ад. for some Q(x) eF0[x]. Thus Д must be selected so that Q(fl) = 0, and, since F is algebraically closed, such а Д can be chosen provided Q(x) is not a nonzero constant polynomial. Hence, if Q(x) is not a nonzero constant polynomial, we have an extension of/to£ given by (4.2) on Л[а]. However, it is possible that Q(x) is a nonzero constant (should Q{x) — 0, then it is clear that any Д eF may be chosen), in which case our construction fails. Thus, we must consider this case in more detail. Clearly, we may assume that Q(x) — 1. Then there is a Q(x) = 1 + a0 + a->x +-----h a<x‘, where a, — 0, i — 0,1,..., t, and where 1 -f- Ч- «1“ 4" *" 4" — 0.
86 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations Thus, if a satisfies such an equation, our construction does not go through. However, we shall now show that if this situation prevails, then we can extend f to Я [a-1]. For suppose the con- struction did not work for Л[а] and for Л[а-1]. Then we would have 1 + a0 + ai“ + " + (4-3) and 1 + ad + ad - + • • + as' — = 0, (4.4) where the a{ and a/ belong to A, and where ul = a/=0, i =0,..., t, j = 0,..., s. We may also assume that t and s are the minimal degrees of such equations satisfied by a. and 1 [a, and we may also assume that s <t since the argument will be symmetric in r and t. Observe, first, that both t and s are greater than or equal 1, for if, e.g., t — 0, then 1 + ao — 0, and this implies that 1 + ao = 0, or T = 0, since Oq = 0. However, this is a contradiction since/is nontrivial. Next, from (4.4), one gets The coefficients of (4.5) belong to A since 1 + ad — 1 0, and A is its own quotient ring. Thus, (4.5) can be written as «s = a'd + a”a +---------F a''-ia’-1> (4.6) where the a'd e A, and where a'd = 0, i = 0, ..., r — 1. Since r t, we can write a* — a’(«t-*),
4. The Extension Theorem 87 where t — s 0. Now, using (4,6), we can lower the degree of a in (4.3), i.e., we can write (4.3) as 1 a0 + + ‘" + flt(at-e) — 0> or 1 + «0 + ara. + + ^«‘-’(a" + a”a. -j- ••• + л'21«’~1) = 0, (4-7) and the highest power of a in (4.7) is t — 1, which contradicts the minimality of t. Hence, we have finally shown that if we can not extend f to A [a], we can extend it to Л[а-1]. We are now in a position to apply Zorn’s lemma. Let E denote the set of all extensions of f to larger rings. In other words, £ e E if g is a homomorphism defined on a ring В Э A, and g \A = f- If^i, g<i& E, we define^ > gt, ifgz is an extension of gi. This clearly defines a partial ordering of E. Let {ga} he any totally ordered subset of E. The set of rings, {Ла}, on which the ga are defined are; therefore, totally ordered by ordinary set inclusion. Form the union of these rings, which is a ring in this case and define g on this union as follows: if a G Ua Aa, then a belongs to one of the rings, say Aa , and define g(a) = £«(«)• g is well defined since the set {ga} is totally ordered, and g is clearly a homomorphism. It is also clear that g > ga for all a, and ge E. Thus, the set E is inductively ordered, and, therefore, has a maximal element. Let h be such a maximal element, and h: V^F. Since h can not be extended any further, we know, by the pre- ceding discussion, that (1) V is its own quotient ring by elements with nonzero images, i.e., if а 6 V, and if h(a) ф 0, then a-1 e F; (2) if а V, then we know that h cannot be extended to1 F[a] since A is a maximal element of E. However, this means, as we
88 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations previously saw, that h can then be extended to И[а-1], but, since h is maximal, we must have a-1 6 V. In other words, if a V, then ar1 e V, or V is a valuation ring. Finally we show that the place, ф, associated with this valuation ring is equal to h up to an isomorphism. This follows from (1), for by (1), if a e V and if h(a) 0, then a-1 e V. Conversely, if if a 6 V and if a-1 G V, then h(a) ф 0, for, otherwise, Л(1) — й(аа-1) = Л(д) А(д-1) — 0, which implies that h and, therefore, f is trivial. Hence, the kernel, P, of h is the set of non-units of V, and h decomposes into the product of the following maps: viP^h{V)^F, where к is the canonical map, h'(a + P) = h(a), and i the injection map. It is now clear that h = <f> on V up to an isomor- phism. We now extend h to all of К by mapping a into °° if а ф V. Then h = ф up to an isomorphism, and the proof of the extension theorem has been completed. 5. Integral Closure As mentioned before, our main application of the extension theorem will be to the extension of valuations. However, because of its importance in number theory, we shall digress in this section in order to give an application of the concepts introduced in this chapter and also of the extension theorem to the concept of integral closure. Let A be a ring with an identity element and let A be a subring of the field A. We shall first give the customary definition of the integral closure of A in K, i.e., we shall give a definition not using the notion of places, and then shall show the relation of this concept to that of places. Definition 5.1. An element <x e К is called integral over A if ex satisfies an equation of the form 4- • • • 4* an = 0
5. Integral Closure 89 where the ate A. The totality of elements of К which are integral over A is called the integral closure of A in K. Clearly any element of A is integral over A. If A = Z and К = C, an element a which satisfies such an equation is called an algebraic integer. We let S denote the set of all places of К which are finite on A, i.e., 5 is the set of all places of К whose associated valuation rings contain A. Theorem 5.1. If a g К is integral over A, and if ф e S, then ф is finite on a. Proof. Suppose <£(a) — oo. Then$(l/a) = 0. However, a satisfies the equation a" + + ••• + йп = 0, where the a{ e A. Divide by a"; then 1 + a±~ + ••• an— = 0, and apply the place </> to this. We then have <£(D = 0, a contradiction. The theorem states that any place of К which is finite on A is finite on any element of К which is integral over A. We shall now establish the converse of this theorem. Actually, we shall prove a slightly stronger theorem. Denote by So the set of those places фе S whose kernel in A is a maximal ideal of A. Theorem 5.2. Let <xeK, and suppose Ф °° for any ф e >S0 . Then a is integral over A. Proof. We note first of all that once the theorem has been proved it follows that </>(a) 00 for any ф G S by Theorem 5.1. We now proceed to the proof.
90 III. Valuation Rings, Places, and Valuations If a = 0, then a e A and is, therefore, integral over A. Thus, we may assume that a^O. Consider the ring Аг = Л[1/а]. The theorem will be proved if it can be shown that 1/a is a unit of Аг , for this would imply that «g Аг = Л[1/а], which means that “ = ao + fli —h " + at ~t > (5-1) а а where the e A. Multiplying (5.1) by a‘ yields od+1 — e0«f — — at — 0, which implies that a is integral over A. We shall now assume that I/а is not a unit of At and shall arrive at a contradiction. If 1 /а is not a unit of Ar, then the principal ideal (1/а)Лх is not Аг. Thus, there exists (see appendix) a maximal ideal M of Ал such that -A! CM. a Let us consider the canonical map Ar AJM. Since M is maximal, A-JM is a field, which we can inject into its algebraic closure. In this fashion, we obtain a homomorphic mapping of the ring Аг into an algebraically closed field. More- over, the homomorphism is nontrivial since M =£ Ал . By the extension theorem of the preceding section, we can extend this homomorphism to a place, ф, of K. Since ф is finite on , it is finite on A, Therefore, ф e S. Now, (1/а) e M, so <£(l/a) = 0. and, consequently, </>(«) = °°. This would already yield the desired contradiction had we used in the hypothesis of the theorem the set S instead of the set So . Thus, to complete the proof, we must just show that ф G So . The kernel of ф in Ar is, of course, M which is a maximal ideal of Ax . The kernel о£ф in A is A n M — N, and we must just show that TV is a maximal ideal of A in order to establish that ф G So .
5. Integral Closure 91 We shall show that W is maximal by showing that AjN is a field (see appendix). Thus, suppose that a 6 A and that а ф N. Then a e Au and а ф M. Since M is a maximal ideal of Ar and .since а ф M, a must have an inverse in Аг modulo M, i.e,, «(*o + *4+- + = 1 (modM), (5.2) where the bi e A. However, 1 /а = 0 (mod M), so (5.2) reduces to abe == 1 (mod M), i.e., ab0 — 1 e M, but, clearly, ab0 — 1 6 A\ whence, ab0 — 1 eN. Thus, ab0 == 1 (mod TV), where boe A. This shows that A/N is a field and completes the proof of the theorem. It follows immediately from Theorems 5.1 and 5.2 that the integral closure, A, of A in К is a ring, for A is precisely the set of elements of К which are finite on all places of S. Next, we show that the word “closure” is justified, i.e., we wish to show that the integral closure of A in К is precisely A. Let 5 denote the set of all places of К which are finite on A. If G S, then, by definition, </> is finite on A, and, therefore, on A, so </> G 5. Conversely, if G S, then <f> is finite on A since A is the integral closure of A. Thus, ф s •?, and we have >S == S. To see, therefore, if an element belongs to the integral closure of A in K, we must see if it is finite on any ф G S. It follows immediately that the integral closure of A in К is A. Finally, we note, in view of our characterization of the integral closure by means of places of 5 and by the interconnection between places and valuation rings, that A, the integral closure of A in K, can be expressed as follows: А — П V, where the intersection is taken over all valuation rings of К which contain A.
CHAPTER IV Normed Linear Spaces 1. Basic Properties of Normed Linear Spaces This chapter will be devoted to certain concepts and results mainly from analysis which, in conjunction with the results of the previous chapter, will enable us to tell the complete story on the extension of valuations. It is possible to proceed in a spirit much more algebraic and elementary in nature. For example, instead of introducing Banach algebras and giving an analytic proof of the Gel’fand theorem, we could instead present the elementary proof, due to Tornheim [20], that the only normed field over the real numbers, R, is either R itself or C, or we could present the more special result of Ostrowski [17]. We choose the present mode of treatment because it affords us an opportunity to present to the reader a number of concepts which play an extremely important role in mathematics today, which happen to have applications to the specific problems we are concerned with, but have many deep and beautiful applications far beyond the narrow use we shall make of them. We first give a rather general definition of a normed linear space. Definition 1.1. Let A be a field with a rank one valuation j j. Let X be a linear (vector) space over k. X is called a normed linear space over k if there exists a mapping, || ||, called norm, where II W-X-^R, and is such that (a) For x e X, || x || 0 and — 0 if and only if x — 0; (b) for x e X and a e A, || ax || == | a 1|| x ||; (c) for x, у e X, || x + у || < || x II + ||^ ||. 92
1. Basic Properties of Normed Linear Spaces 93 To avoid special cases in the sequel, we shall always assume that X Ф {0}. The case X = {0} is always trivial to handle. Before considering some basic consequences of the definition, we shall consider a number of examples. (1) Take X = k — Q with the usual absolute value onQ as the valuation and as the norm. (2) Take X — Qv, k —Q with the />-adic valuation as the valuation on Q and its extension to QP as the norm on X. (3) Take X = C[a, 6], the set of all real valued continuous functions on the closed interval [a, 6]. Let k — R, with the usual absolute value, and define, for x e X, || x || — тах1б[о>|)] ( x(t) |. (4) TakeX = C", complex euclidean я-space. Let k = Cwith the usual absolute value, and define, for x — (eq , ,..., a.n) e Cn, |2 + ••• + | «n |2)1/2. The verification of the conditions (a), (b), (c) of Definition 1.1 in all the examples is quite direct and will be left to the reader. Let X be a normed linear space. For x, у e X, define d(x, y) = || x - у ||. Clearly (1) d(x,y) > 0 and equals 0 if and only if x — y; (2) d{x,y) = d{y, x), since || x — j || = || ~(y — x)|| = | — 1 11| j — x|| = ||y - x|); (3) d(x, г) d(x,y) 4- d(y, я), since|| x -z|| =||(x -у) + (у - г) || ||x — y|| + ||y -г||. Thus X, d is a metric space, and we have that any normed linear space is a metric space, and consequently, a topological space. We can, therefore, introduce the customary topological concepts into such a space in terms of the metric. For example, the sequence {xn} of elements of X converges to x G X, denoted by xfl —► x, if d(x, x„) —* 0, or, in terms of the norm, if || x — xn || —>• 0. Ъпе can also speak of open and closed sets, compact sets, etc.
94 IV. Normed Linear Spaces The notion of Cauchy sequences is introduced in the usual fashion, namely, the sequence {xn} of elements of X is called a Cauchy sequence if, for every real e > 0, there exists an integer, N, such that d(xn , xm) < e for all n, m > N. Finally, we note that one can also consider infinite series of elements in X. Definition 1.2. If every Cauchy sequence of the normed linear space, X, converges to an element of X, then X is called a Banach space, or a complete space. Examples (2), (3), and (4) are examples of Banach spaces, while (1) is not a Banach space. We now draw some simple consequences from the definition of a normed linear space. Theorem 1.1. Let X be a normed linear space. Then (a) the operation of vector addition in X is continuous; (i) the norm mapping is continuous. Proof. Let x, y, x0 , y0 e X. Statement (a) follows immediately from the inequality II (* + У) - (*o +b)ll < II* - II + IIJ ~ Уо II. and statement (b) follows from the easily proved inequality III *11 - II *0III < II * - *0 Il- Here, of course, the symbol | | refers to the usual absolute value function on R. Let X be a linear space, and suppose that || and || ||2 are two norms on X, i.e., two mappings of X into R which both satisfy the conditions of Definition 1.1. Definition 1.3. The two norms || ||г and || ||2 are equivalent if there exist two real numbers a, ft both greater than 0 such that a II * Hi il * Иг P II * Hi for all x G X.
1. Basic Properties of Normed Linear Spaces 95 It is easy to see that this relation is an equivalence relation in the set of all norms defined on X. It is also not difficult to see that equivalent norms give rise to the same collection of open sets in X. We now establish the following useful theorem. Theorem 1.2. Let A" be a finite-dimensional linear space over a field k, where k is complete with respect to a rank one valuation, | |. Then any two norms on X are equivalent. Proof. We first define a very special norm on X. Let xt , x2 > •••> xn be a basis of X. Then, if x G X, we can write x uniquely in the form n i=l where the af g k. Define || я Ho = max | «f |, It is clear that || ||0 is a norm on X, and since the concept of equi- valent norms is an equivalence relation, it suffices, in order to prove the theorem, to show that any norm, || ||, on X is equivalent to llllo. Let x e X, x = Si=1 <Х{Х{. Then ft i=l < X ia< । X( i=l iix iio X iix* ii i-i = Д1И1о, where fl — L"=11| x,• || > 0. Thus, to complete the proof, we must show that there exists a real number a > 0 such that
96 IV. Normed Linear Spaces a || x ||0 ^ || x ||. We shall establish this by induction on n, the dimension of X. If n = 1, let xx 6 X, xt 0. Then, for any x e X, x = a1xt, oq 6 k, and II x II = II o^Xj || = | oti III Xj || = || X Но II Xj II = a II x ||0, where a = || Xj ||. Hence, we are done in this case. We assume now the inequality for all X of dimension я — 1, and consider X of dimension n. Let xx , хг, ..., x„ be a basis of X; also, let M be the subspace spanned by x2, x,, ..., xn_!. The dimension of M is n — 1, so || || and || ||0 are equivalent on M. Let уг, yt, ... be elements of M and be a Cauchy sequence with respect to || ||. Then it is a Cauchy sequence with respect to II Ho • Write Ji = “1Л + Vs + li*n-1 > » = 1» 2,.... where the ajfe k. The sequences {««},; = 1,..., я — 1 are Cauchy sequences in k since I ai« — “я I < II У> — Jillo < J = 1. 2,.... я — 1. Therefore, by the completeness of k, lim оь, = a, e k for j = 1,..., я — 1. I-KO Set у = ajX! 4- + — 4- «„.iX»-! . Then it is clear that у = lim ytin the norm || ||0 and, consequently, in the norm || || since they are equivalent on M. Hence, M is complete. The metric space x„ 4~ M is isometric to M under the translation mapping: x -* xn 4- x, and is, therefore, also com- plete. However, any complete subspace of a metric space is closed, so xn 4- M is closed in X, and its complement is, therefore, open. Now 0фхп+М, for, otherwise, 0 = x„ 4- plXl 4- "• 4- ,
1. Basic Properties of Normed Linear Spaces 97 where the 6 k, which would contradict the fact that the xt form a basis of X. Since Оф xn + M, and since the complement is open, there exists a real number yn > 0 such that for x e xn + M II * II = II * - 01| > y„ , i.e., II <Х1*1 + - + “я-l *П-1 + *n II > Vn (1-1) for arbitrary a, G k. Let x G X, and let X = + OjX2 + -• + Vfl • We claim that IIx II ~ II “i*i 4" “2*2 + 4~ ®n*« II + Уп I <*n !• (1'2) Equation (1.2) is certainly true if <xn =0; while, if an 0, then we have from (1.1) that ||-*1 + •” + —*»-l + X„|| >У«, II II which yields (1.2) if we multiply both sides by | an |. Similarly, we get II * II = II “1*1 + ««*2 +---Ь “n*n II > Yi I «. I. i = 1.....n, and where each y, > 0. These other inequalities are obtained in an analogous fashion as (1.2) by considering the other (я — l)-dimensional subspaces spanned by я — 1 basis vectors. Hence, II * II = II “1*1 + •" + Мп II > a II * Ho . where a = naify yt > 0, which completes the induction and establishes the theorem. In the course of the proof, we established also the following result.
98 IV. Normed Linear Spaces Theorem 1.3. If A is a complete field with respect to the rank one valuation | and if X is a finite-dimensional normed linear space over k, then X is also complete (i.e., X is a Banach space). Although we shall not need it in the sequel, we note the following consequence of this theorem. Corollary. If X is a normed linear space over the complete field A, any finite-dimensional subspace, M, of X is closed. Proof. The norm, || ||, on X restricted to M makes M a finite-dimensional normed linear space over the complete field k. M is, therefore, complete by Theorem 1.3, and, consequently, closed. We note that the corollary is certainly not true for infinite- dimensional subspaces, namely, in Example (3) following Definition 1.1 take M to be the subspace of C[a, i] consisting of all polynomials on [а, й]. M is clearly an infinite-dimensional subspace of C[a, 5], while 1ft, the closure of M, is C[a, A] by the Weierstrass approximation theorem. Definition 1.4. Let X be a normed linear space and let {xn} be a sequence of elements of X. The series xn is called absolutely convergent if the series II II converges. For Banach spaces, we have the following result. Theorem 1.4. If X is a Banach space, then any absolutely convergent series, xn . is convergent, and II X*» IH n=l 11 n=l Proof. Let xn be absolutely convergent. Then, for any « > 0, there exists an integer N such that for all я N and any t 0 II xn+l II + ' + II xn+t II < «•
2. Linear Functionals 99 thus, II *n+i 4*+ %n+t II < €> or II *n+t - II < e, where sn — xk . Therefore, {sn} is a Cauchy sequence in X, and lim sn exists since X is complete. Also, II + — +*„!!< 11*1 II 4— + II »n II, so нм <2ii*ji, n=l for any n. Hence, X*n II Xll*n|l. Л-1 11 n-1 and this completes the proof. It is readily seen that one can manipulate with absolutely convergent series in a Banach space just as one does in the case case of absolutely convergent series of real or complex numbers. 2. Linear Functionals We shall assume throughout this section that X is a normed linear space over k, where k = C or R, with the customary absolute value, i.e., X is a complex or real linear space. Let f: X —> k be a linear functional, i.e.,/(ox -f- /Sy) = a/(x) + /3/(y) for all x, уeX and all a, ftek. We shall also consider sub- sequently linear functionals which are not defined on all of X but only on some domain Dt С X, where Df is a subspace of X. We show first of all that if/ is a linear functional defined on X and if / is continuous at just a single point of X, it automatically follows that/is continuous on all of X.
100 IV. Normed Linear Spaces Theorem 2.1 . If the linear functional f is continuous at some point x of the normed linear space X, then f is continuous everywhere on X. Proof. Since f is continuous at x, we have that for every sequence xn -> x, f(xn) —> f(x). Let у be an arbitrary point of X and let {yn} be an arbitrary sequence in X such that yn —> y. Then f(yn) =/(Уп -y + x+y~x) =f(yn - у + x) + f(y) However, y„ — у + x —> x, and, by the continuity of f at x, it follows that f(y„ ~ У + x) -+f(x). Thus, which completes the proof. We observe that actually all that was needed for the proof was the fact that f was additive, i.e., f(x + j) = f(x) + f(y) for all x, у e X. However, we shall not make use of this fact since we shall be concerned throughout this section with linear functionals. Definition 2.1. A linear functional f is said to be bounded if there exists a real number a > 0 such that | f(x) | a || x || for all x e X. Similarly one defines a bounded linear functional/ defined on a subspace Df of X. For a linear functional, the concepts of boundedness and continuity are equivalent, namely: Theorem 2.2 . If/is a linear functional defined in X, then/is bounded if and only if it is continuous. Proof. Assume first that / is continuous. If / were not bounded, then, for an arbitrary positive integer n, there exists an element xn e X such that l/fc.) I > » II xn ||.
2. Linear Functionals 101 Let yn = *п/я || x„ ||. Clearly, ||jn|| = 1/n, and, therefore, yn -> 0. But which contradicts the assumption that / is continuous. Conversely, suppose that f is bounded and let a be a real number such that | f{x) | < a || x || for all x e X. Then, if {xn) is an arbitrary sequence of elements of X such that xn —► 0, |/(*n) I < a II xn II — 0. Thus,/is continuous at x = 0, and, by the preceding theorem,/ is continuous everywhere. We now introduce the notion of the norm of a bounded linear functional. We observe that since / is bounded the set of all l/(*) l/ll x II where x #= 0 is a bounded set of real numbers, and, therefore has a least upper bound. Definition 2.2. Let/be a bounded linear functional on X, the norm of/, denoted by ||/||, is defined as follows: 11/11 = sup-1Ж1. II x II It follows immediately that ||/|| is precisely the infinum of the set of all real numbers a which satisfy Definition 2.1. It is also clear that |/(*) I <11/1111*11 for all x G X, and, if e is an arbitrary positive real number, there exist an x' e X such that |/(*')l XII/11-^) II*'II- The norm of/can also be expressed as follows: II/II = sup I f(x) |. (2-1)
102 IV. Normed Linear Spaces This is readily seen to be true, for if || x || < 1, then l/(*)l <11/1111*11 <11/11. so sup|W|<11 f(x) | < II/JI- If e > 0, then there exists an x' e X . such that !/(*')!> (ll/ll ~ <011 *'II- Let — x'l\\ x' ||. Then || || = 1, and l/(*i)1 = iTZHi I Л*') I > liVii (ll/ll - «) II *' II = ll/ll - <; Ii * II II л II therefore, sup.l/W I >/(*i) I > ll/ll — ||«II<1 Since c is an arbitrary positive real number, we have sup^u^j |/(x) ( > ll/ll, and this completes the proof of (2.1). Actually, the proof shows a little more, namely, that ll/ll = ^l/(*)|. We note that in the finite-dimensional case, every linear functional on X is bounded. For let/be a linear functional defined on X and let хг , x2,..., xB be a basis of X. Then, if x€ X, x = a,x,, uniquely. Then /(*) = X “</(*»)> so i/(*)i <2>.-|1Ж)| t-l < Н*Н0£|/(*.) I i-1 = «II* llo. where a — Zt=1 | /(xf) |, and || ||0 is the special norm used in the proof of Theorem 1.2 of the preceding section. Thus, we have
2. Linear Functionals 103 shown that f is bounded in the norm || ||0, and, since any two norms on X are equivalent by Theorem 1.2, we have established the contention. This is certainly not the case for X infinite dimensional. For example, consider the subspace M of C [0, 1] consisting of differentiable functions, and define f:M-+ C, by/(x) = x'(l). /is certainly linear, but for xn(t) = tn, /(*n) = <(1) = from which it follows that / is not bounded. The next notion we shall introduce is that of a sublinear functional. Definition 2.3. Let X be just a linear space over C or R. The real-valued function, p : X —► R, is called a sublinear functional if (1) p(x + y) < p(x) + />(y) for all x, у e X\ (2) p(<xx) = ap(x) for all real a > 0 and all x e X. If, in addition, Xх) 0 for aU хе X, thenp is called a convex functional. Our aim now is to establish the important Hahn-Banach theorem. In order to do this, we shall establish first the following lemma from which the theorem will follow readily. Lemma. Let M be a subspace of the real linear space X, Suppose that p is a sublinear functional defined on N, which is the subspace spanned by M and some x0 f M', also, assume that/ is a linear functional defined on M such that /(x) < p(x) for all x 6 M. Then/ can be extended to a linear functional £ defined on N such that g(x) Xх) f°r all x e N.
104 IV. Normed Linear Spaces Proof. We first note that any element yeN can be written uniquely in the form у = x + ax0 (2.2) where x e M and a e R, for if 4- axx0 == x9 + ajX, xx, x2 G M, ax , a2 G R, then Xj x2 = (a2 <*j) x0 , which implies, if aj — ax 0, that xoe M, a contradiction. Hence, <xx = a2, and then xx = xt, so the representation (2.2) is unique. Next, let xx, xs be arbitrary elements of M; then f(xx) -/(x2) = /(xx - x2) sC f>(*i - *2) = X(*i + *0) - (*2 + *0)) Hence, -p(-*a - *0) -/(^2) < P(xi + *0) (2.3) Since xx and хг are arbitrary elements of M, it follows from (2.3) that a = sup (-p(-x - x0) -f(x)) and b = in£(X* + *0) - f(x)) xeM are finite. Moreover, a < b. We now choose c to be any real number such that a < c < b. Then for arbitrary у = x + axoe N, we define £(y) = f(x) + ac. (2-4)
2. Linear Functionals 105 g is clearly a linear functional defined on N, since for Ji = xi + “ixo > andyt = Xi + in N, g(yi + Js) = /(*1 + Xt) + + Ojj) = + Cal +/(*») + = g^i) + £(Уз)- Similarly, g(fiy) = figty) for /? e R. Also, g extends f since, for x 6 M, a = 0 in (2.4), and g(x) = f(x). Thus, to complete the proof of the lemma, we must show that g(y) p(y) for all yeN, i.e., we must show that f(x) + ас < p(x + ax0) (2.5) for all x e M and all a e R. Equation (2.5) is true for a = 0 by the hypothesis, so we may assume that а ф 0. Now, since c was chosen between a and b, we have -p(-x - xe) -f(x) < c </>(* + *o) ~f(x) (2.6) for all xeM. We assume first that a > 0 and replace x by (1 /a) x on the right-hand side of (2.6). Then and, since a > 0, we have or /(x) 4- ac P(x 4- ox0) since f is linear and p is sublinear. Thus (2.5) is true for a > 0. Now suppose that a < 0. We replace x by (1 /a) x on the left-hand side of (2.6). This yields c.
106 IV. Normed Linear Spaces If we multiply by a, we reverse the inequality and get (-“)/» (- - *o) “c + »/Q- Again, by the linearity of/ and the sublinearity of p, we have p(x + ax0) > ac +/(x), which shows that (2.5) is true also for a < 0 and completes the proof of the lemma. Theorem 2.3 . Let p be a sublinear functional defined on the real linear space X and let M be a subspace of X. Suppose that/ is a linear functional defined on M such that /(x) p(x) for all x 6 M. Then /can be extended to a linear functional F defined on all of X such that F(x) p(x) for all x e X. Proof. We denote by S = {&,} the set of all linear functionals which extend / and which are such that gj^x} p(x) for all x e Da , the domain of ga . For ga , gp e S, we define gp > ga if gp is an extension of g«. This clearly gives a partial ordering in S. If {£„} is a totally ordered subset of S, then the domains D, of the g„ are totally ordered by set inclusion. We define h on U, Dr by Л(х) = g,.(x) for x e Dr. h is well defined since the set {£,.} is totally ordered; also h is clearly linear and belongs to S. Finally, h > any g, in the totally ordered subset. Thus, S' is inductively ordered, and, therefore, by Zorn’s lemma S has a maximal element F. F must be defined on all of X for otherwise, using the lemma, there exists a proper extension of F, but this would contradict the maximality of F. Thus, F is defined in all of X, and since Fe S, F extends /, and F(x) C p(x) for all x e X. This completes the proof. We want next to consider the situation for complex linear spaces. For this purpose, we introduce the notion of a symmetric convex functional.
2. Linear Functionals 107 Definition 2.4. A convex functional p defined on the real or complex linear space X is called symmetric if p(ax) — | a, IX*) for all x e X and for all a belonging to R or C. Now we can state and prove the analog of Theorem 2.3 for complex linear spaces. Theorem 2.4 . Let p be a symmetric convex functional defined on the complex linear space X and let M be a subspace of X. Suppose that f is a linear functional defined on M such that |/(x) I С X*) for all хе M. Then f can be extended to a linear functional F defined on X such that |F(x)|^p(x) for all x 6 X. Proof. Since X is a complex space, it can also be viewed as a real space. The linear functional /on M can be decomposed into a real and imaginary part, namely, /(*) = X*) + »X*). *eM, (2.7) where g and h are real-valued functions. Moreover, g and h are real linear functionals on M, i.e., g(ax + fry) = ag(x) + frg(y), and Л(ах + fry) = ah(x) + frh{y) for all x, у e M and all a, fre R. The proof of this follows readily from (2.7) and from the fact that a, fre R. Next, we have, by hypothesis, that X*) l/(*) I X*) for all хе M. Thus, the real-valued real linear functional g defined on M, which can be viewed as a real subspace, satisfies the conditions of Theorem 2.3. Hence, there exists a real-valued real linear functional G defined on all of X such that G(x) С X*) for all x e X. (2.8)
108 IV. Normed Linear Spaces । We define | F(x) = G(x) - iG(ix). (2.9) [ Observe first that, for x 6 M, «/(л) = «(M*) + l7l(x)) = -A(*) + «(*)» but if{x) = f(ix) since/is given as linear on M. Now, /(»*) = g(tx) + l‘A(IX)- Therefore, g(tx) = —h(x), хеМ. (2.Ю) Let x e M, then F(x~) = G(x) — t'G(ix) = Xх) - #(,x) = g(x) - »(-A(x)) = g(x) + i’A(x) = /(*), where we have made use of (2.7), (2.10), and the fact that G extends g. Thus, F extends/. F is certainly real-linear since G is, but it is even complex linear since. F(ix) — G(ix) — iG(—x) = G(ix) + iG(x); while iF(x) = j(G(x) - tG(ix)) = j’G(x) + G(t'x). Thus, F is a linear functional on the complex linear space X, and F extends/. Hence, to complete the proof, we must just show that F satisfies the desired inequality. This is certainly the case if F(x) = 0. IfF(x) Ф 0, letF(x) = re«. F(e-<0x) = e-fflF(x) = e-‘°(r?e) = r. Hence, | F(x) | = r — F(e~iOx) = G(e_’flx)
2. Linear Functionals 109 since F(e~iex) is real. But G(e~i9x) < p(e'**x) by (2.8). Thus, |F(x)|O(rt) = M since p is symmetric. This completes the proof. Now we continue to consider the situation where X is a normed linear space over C. Let / be a bounded linear functional defined on a subspace M. We shall choose a special symmetric convex functional on X and apply the preceding theorem to this case; namely, define /•(*) = H/H II* II for all хе A", where ||/|| is the norm of / defined on M. Then, by definition of the norm of /, |/(*)| < ll/ll II *ll = ?(*) forallxeM; X*+y) = ll/ll II *+у II < ll/ll (II* II + IIу II) = />(х) + p(y). p(ax) = H/Ц || ax|| = | a 11|/|| || * || = | a | p(x). Thus, p is a symmetric convex functional, and |/(x) | p(x) for all x 6 M. Therefore, by Theorem 2.4, there exists a linear functional F defined on X which extends /, and is such that I*!*) I </(*)= ll/ll II*II for all xeX. This implies that || F || ||/||, but it is clear that || F || > ||/|| since F extends/. Thus, we have shown the following: Theorem 2.5 . If X is a normed complex linear space, and if M is a subspace of X, then, if/is a bounded linear functional defined on M, f can be extended to a linear functional defined on all of X with the same norm as /.
110 IV. Normed Linear Spaces Of course, the theorem is also true for real normed linear spaces. As an immediate consequence of the theorem, we have: Corollary. If X is a normed linear space over C or R, and if x e X, and x Ф 0, then there exists a bounded linear functional, F, defined on X such that || F || — 1, and F(x) = || x ||. Proof. Let M be the subspace of X spanned by x. Then, for yeM,y —xx, and we define /(j) = a || x||. f is clearly linear on M, and f is bounded with norm 1 since |/O)| = I « 111*11 = Ill'll for all у e M. Therefore, by Theorem 2.5, there exists a bounded linear functional F defined on X which extends f, and such that ||.F|| = ll/ll = L SinceF extends/, F(x) = f(x) = || x ||, and the proof has been completed. We see from the corollary that if f(x) = 0 for every bounded linear functional / defined on X, we must have x — 0. 3. Banach Algebras We shall now give a brief introduction to the notion of Banach algebras and we shall derive several consequences from the definition. Our main aim in this section is to prove the important theorem of Gel’fand on commutative Banach algebras which are fields. This theorem will be applied in the next chapter to the extension problem for valuations, but it is also the starting point of the Gel’fand theory of commutative Banach algebras. We refer the reader to the Bibliography at the end of the book for further details.
3. Banach Algebras 111 Definition 3.1. A normed algebra over C is a set X which satisfies the following conditions: (a) X is a normed linear space over C; (b) X is a ring; (c) «(xy) = (ox) у = x(ay) for all x, у e X, a 6 C; (d) II a₽y|| <||x|| II j||. We shall assume throughout that all our normed algebras are commutative, i.e., xy — yx for all x,yeX, and we shall also assume that X contains an identity element e. Hence, ex — xe — x for all хе X. Theorem 3.1 . Let X be a normed algebra. The operation of ring multiplication in X is continuous. Proof. Let x, y, x0 , y0 e X. Then II - *oJo II = II (* - *o) O' -Уо) + Уо(х ~ *o) + x<& -Уо) II II x-x„II lly-y0II +||y0IIIIX-x0H+llx0IIIIJ -y0 II, and the theorem follows immediately from this inequality. If the normed algebra X is complete with respect to the norm, i.e., if X is also a Banach space, then X is called a Banach algebra. Theorem 3.2 . Let X be a Banach algebra. (a) If x e X, and if ]| e — x || < 1, then x is a unit of X. (b) If | A | > || x ||, where Хе С, хе X, then (x — Xe) is a unit of Д'. Proof. We consider the series e + (e — x) + (e - х)г + ••• . (3.1) Since || (e — x)n || <£ || e — x ||n, and since || e — x || < 1, by hypothesis, the series (3.1) converges absolutely, and, therefore, converges by Theorem 1.4 of this chapter. Multiply the series (3.1) by x = e — (e — x). Then we have e + (e — x) + (e - x)2 + ••• — (e — x) — (e — x)2 — ••• = e
112 IV. Normed Linear Spaces Thus, the convergent series (3.1) represents the inverse element of x, and statement (a) has been established. To prove (i), we write (x — Ae) = A Q x — ej. Since Л Ф 0, we must just show that ((1/A) x — e) is invertible. However, Therefore, by part (a), ((1/A) x — e) is invertible, and the proof is complete. Let us denote by A the set of all elements of X which are units. Then e 6 A, and, by part (a) of Theorem 3.2, the neighborhood of e: N(e) — {xe X\\\e — x\\ < 1} is contained in A. Let xe A, then x-1 exists, and xx-1 — e. By Theorem 3.1, the ring multiplication is continuous; hence, there exists a neighborhood of x, N{x), such that N{x) x-1 C N{e). Thus, for all j 6 N(x), yx~x 6 N(e) C A. Hence, jx-1 is invertible, i.e., there exists a x e X such that ух~гх = e, but then у is also invertible. Therefore, N(x) C A, which implies that A is an open set. Theorem 3.3 . The map: A —► A given by x —> x-1 (where A is, as above, the set of all elements of the Banach algebra X which are units) is continuous. Proof. Let {xn} be an arbitrary sequence of elements of A such that xn —► x, where xe A. Then x-1xn-*-e. Now, (x_1xn)-1 can be expressed by the geometric series (x~1xn)~1 = e + (e — x-!xn) + (e - x-!x„)2 + •••.
3. Banach Algebras 113 Thus e - = ~(e - *"4) - («~ *~4)2 —- and recalling Theorem 1.4 of this chapter, we have II « - x?* II < УII (« - II k-1 = X ii *-*(* _ *»)* ii t-1 < X ii x~' и* ii x - x« и* к—1 This clearly implies that x~*x —> e, or x”1 —> x-1, which proves the theorem. Let x 6 X, and let Л 6 С. A is called a regular point of x if (x — Xe) is a unit of X. The set, a(x), of all nonregular points of x is called the spectrum of x. Hence, A 6 a(x) implies that (x — Ae) is not invertible. If A is a regular point of x, then (x — Ae) e A, and, since the inverse operation is continuous on the open set A, we see that there exists a neighborhood of (x — Xe) such that all elements у in this neighborhood have inverses. However, by the continuity of the function x — ae as a function of a e C, there exists a neighborhood of A, which maps into the neighborhood or x — Ae. This shows that the set of regular points of x is an open set in C. Therefore, <r(x), the spectrum of x, is a closed set in C. However, if | A | > l| x ||, then (x — Xe) e A by the second part of Theorem 3.2. Thus, a(x) is also bounded and is, consequently, a compact subset of C. We wish to establish that a(x) is also non- empty. In order to achieve this, we shall introduce one more concept in Banach algebras. We could actually have defined this notion earlier for normed linear spaces, but we only need it for the special situation at hand. Definition 3.2. Let G be a domain in the complex plane and let x be a vector-valued function: x : G —► X, where X is a
114 IV. Normed Linear Spaces Banach algebra, i.e., for A e G, x(A) 6 X. x is defined to be analytic in G if «W - Л — Лд exists for all e G. Let f be an arbitrary bounded linear functional on X, and suppose that x(X) is analytic in G. f(x(XJ) is an ordinary complex- valued function on G, and it is analytic on G in the usual sense, for, since/ is bounded,/ is continuous; whence, Л -- Лф exists also for all e G. Now, we shall establish Liouville’s theorem for analytic vector-valued functions. Theorem 3.4 . If x(X) is analytic in the entire complex plai and bounded, then it is a constant. Proof. Let / be an arbitrary bounded linear functional on X. Then, as noted above, /(x(A)) is analytic in the entire complex plane also. Moreover, |/(*Ю)| <II/IIHA)II, and, since || x(A) || is bounded, | /(x(A)) | is bounded. Thus, by the ordinary Liouville theorem, /(x(A)) is a constant. Hence, for arbitrary complex numbers a, /8, /(*(«)) =/(х(Д)), or /Ma) - x(?)) = 0, where/ was any bounded linear functional. Thus, by the corollary of Theorem 2.5 of this chapter, we must have x(a) — x(ff) — 0, for any a, ft e C. Therefore x(A) is a constant, which is what we wanted to prove.
3. Banach Algebras 115 Now, let x be a fixed element of X. We consider the vector- valued function x(A) = (x - Ae)-1. Suppose that Ax and As are regular points of x. Then «(Ai)-1 x(A2) = (x - At«) x(A2) = [(* - *2«) + (As - AO e] x(A2) = < + (A, - Аг) х(Аг). Hence, x(A2) = x(A2) + (A2 — Aj) x(Aj) x(A2), or *(A,) ~ = (As - AJ x(Ax) x(\). (3.2) We have also seen that the regular points of x form an open set in C, and we can now, with the aid of (3.2), prove the following: Theorem 3.5 . The vector-valued function x(A) = (x — Ae)-1 is analytic ip the set of all regular points of x. Proof. For arbitrary distinct А, Ад in the set of regular points of x, we have, using (3.2), that Л — Ад As A —f Ад , x(A) -> х(Ад) by Theorem 3.3 and by the continuity of x — Ae as a function of A. Thus, which completes the proof. We can now prove that, for x e X, a(x) is not empty. Theorem 3.6 . If X is a Banach algebra and if x e X, then <r(x), the spectrum of x, is a nonempty set. Proof. Suppose <r(x) is empty. Then the set of regular points of x coincides with the entire complex plane, and (x — Ae)-1
116 IV. Normed Linear Spaces exists for all A g C. This function is, therefore, analytic in the entire plane by Theorem 3.5. Furthermore, for А ф 0, e - A~2x —e as | A | -> oo; therefore, by Theorem 3.3, (e - A-1x)-1 -> e. Hence, || (x - Ae)-i || = | A-i 11| (e - A~»x)-i || -> 0 (3.3) as | A | —> oo. Thus the function x(A) = (x — Ae)-1 is analytic in the entire complex plane and is bounded. Using Theorem 3.4, we get that (x — Ae)-1 is a constant, which must be 0 by (3.3); i.e., (x — Аг)-1 = 0, which is absurd since (x — Ae) (x — Ae)-1 = e. It is now a simple matter, on the basis of Theorem 3.6, to establish the Gel’fand theorem. Theorem 3.7 . If X is a Banach algebra (commutative, as usual) which is a field, then X is isomorphic to the field of complex numbers. Proof. Let x G X, a(x) ,6 <f> by Theorem 3.6. Let A g o(x) then (x — Ae) is not invertible. However, X is a field so every nonzero element is a unit. Thus, we must have x — Ae — 0, or x = Ae. In other words, every element x G X is of the form Xe for some A 6 C. The mapping, X —»• C, given by Ae —► A now yields the desired isomorphism. This completes our short excursion through normed spaces and Banach algebras. For the most part, we have just proved things which will be needed for the discussion in the next chapter. However, we again hope that the trip was worthwhile for the reader in the sense that he will be motivated to discover more of the properties and applications of the structures, which we have considered all too briefly in this chapter. References are, for example, Naimark [15], Lorch [14], Hille and Phillips [9].
CHAPTER V Extensions of Valuations 1. The Extension Problem In this chapter, we shall be concerned for the most part with the problem of extending a rank one valuation on a given field to a finite extension field. We shall see that it is always possible to do this; however, we shall have to handle the archi- median and non-archimedian cases separately. If the given field is complete with respect to the valuation, it will be seen that the extension is unique, and an explicit formula for it will be obtained. We shall next consider the number of different extensions which are possible when the given field is not complete. In the course of the development, a number of concepts will be introduced and some results will be obtained which are important beyond just the extension problem. We shall begin the discussion with the case of a given field k with a rank one valuation | | such that k is complete with respect to | |. К will denote a finite extension field of degree n of k. We shall show that, if the valuation can be extended to K, the extension is unique. Since К is a finite extension field of degree n of k, К can be viewed as a finite-dimensional vector space of dimension n over k. Let Xj, хг, ..., xn denote a basis of К over k. We denote the extension of | | on the complete field k to К again by | |. | |, being a valuation on K, makes К a normed linear space over k according to Definition 1.1 of Chapter IV. If x 6 K, we can write <X = Ot^X^ 4" * ' * 4* an^n (1*1) in a unique way where the af 6 k. If we set || x ||0 = max | <х( I, then this is also a norm on K, as we noted in the proof of Theorem 1.2 of the previous chapter. However, by this same theorem, 117
118 V. Extensions of Valuations || ||0 and | | must be equivalent. Also, К is complete with respect to either norm by IV, Theorem 1.3. Suppose that | x | < 1, then | x |r —► 0, so | xT | -► 0, which implies, by the equivalency, that || xr ||0 -*• 0. But this means, writing XT = <xnxl + 4------F «nXn . that lim | aT< | = 0, i = l,2,..., я. r-wo (1.2) Now, the norm of x, NK^(x) = N(x), for x given by (1.1) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree n in the af with coefficients in k. Thus, we must have lim | N(xr) | = 0, (1.3) for N(xr) is a homogeneous polynomial of degree n in the ari with fixed coefficients in k for all r, and then use (1.2). By the multi- plicative property of the norm and by the multiplicative property of the valuation, (1.3) can be written as lim | N(x) Г = 0, (1.4) which implies that | N(x) | < 1. We have, therefore, shown that if | x | < 1, then | N(x) | < 1. If | x | > 1, then | 1/x | < 1; whence | N(\/x) | < 1, but N(l/x) = N(x)~r. Thus, j N(x) |-1 < 1, and | N(x) | > 1. Hence, if | N(x) | = 1, then we must have | x | = 1. Finally, for xe K, and x Ф 0, let у = N(x)lxn e K. Then NM _ MM*)) м*г _ t W N(x") N(x}n ’ which implies, by what we just noted, that | у | = 1, i.e., |M*)| = 1 I x” I
1. The Extension Problem 119 or |N(*)| = Inl- and I * । = (i.5) for all x Ф 0 in K, but (1.5) is clearly true for x = 0. Thus, (1.5) holds for all x e К and shows: Theorem 1.1. If a rank one valuation of the complete field k has an extension as a rank one valuation to a finite extension field К of degree n over k, the extension is unique and is given by (1.5). In particular, we note that the trivial valuation of a field k does not have any nontrivial extensions to finite extension fields. This is certainly not the case for infinite extension fields as we observed in the example of the rational function fields of I, 2. Now, we turn attention to the extension problem. Here, as noted earlier, we shall have to consider separately the archimedian and non-archimedian cases. We consider first the non-archi- median case in general, i.e., we let | be an arbitrary non- archimedian valuation of a field k, not necessarily complete, with associated place, 95, and associated valuation ring Vk, with units Uk and non-units Pk . Recalling the discussion in III, 2, we have | k* |fc ~ k*/Uk , and there is an equivalent valuation with ordered group k*jUk, such that | aVk | < 1 if and only if eeP** =P*-{0}. Next, let К be an arbitrary, not necessarily finite, extension field of k. We want to show that | |fc can be extended to K. As noted in III, 4, we may assume <p : k —F и {<»}, where F is an algebraically closed field. If we consider <p restricted to Vk , then Vk-+F, where F is algebraically closed, and where <p | is nontrivial. We note here that we may assume throughout that | |t is not trivial
120 V. Extensions of Valuations since the trivial valuation on k can always be extended to a trivial valuation on K. Now, by the extension theorem of III, 4, ?> can be extended to a place ф of K. We designate the associated valuation by | |K, the associated valuation ring by , the units and non-units by UK and PK, respectively. If a 6 Vk, then <p(a) 6 F; whence, ф(а) e F since ф is an extension of <p\yt- But ф(а)ёР implies that aeVK. Thus VkCVK. Now, let a G k and а ф Vk, then <p(«) = <», so gs(l/a) = 0; therefore, ф(1/а) — 0, and ф(а) = «>, i.e., а ф VK. Thus, Vk = koVK, (1-6) and ф\к = <p. | |K restricted to k gives clearly a valuation on k, and for a G k, | a |K 1 means that a G k n VK = Vk. Hence, | restricted to k is a valuation of k equivalent to | |t, the given one. Moreover, from (1.6) and from III, (1.2), we have К -Vk = К -ku К -VK, k—Vk — ko(K — FK), (Pfc-{0})-‘ = kn(PK-{0})~\ Therefore, P к — n Pk > and, consequently, Uk = k n UK. We can now embed k*/Uk in K*fUK in an order isomorphic fashion by mapping: aUk —► aUK . The mapping is well defined for, if b ё Uk , then ab(Jk^>- abUK = aUK. It is clearly a homomorphism, and, if aUK — UK, then аё UK ok = Uk. Thus, it is isomorphism. Finally, it is order preserving for aUk < bUk implies that ab-1 ё Pk = PKo k,
1. The Extension Problem 121 so aUK < bUK. Also, | A* |t is order isomorphic to k*[Uk , and | К* I* is order isomorphic to K*jUK, Similarly, the mapping a + Рц —* a + Pk is an isomorphism of Ик/Рк into VKIPK. Thus, the discussion shows that the given valuation | can be extended to К and that we may view the value group | k* |t as a subgroup of the extended value group, and the residue class field Vk/Pk as a subfield of the extended residue class field. Summarizing just part of this, we have: Theorem 1.2. If k is a field with an arbitrary non-archimedian valuation | |, and if К is an arbitrary extension field of K, then | | can be extended to K. Now, let us consider a non-archimedian rank one valuation | | on k, so | k | can be considered as a subgroup of the additive group of real numbers. Again, let К be an extension field of k. We want to see if it is possible to extend | | to К so that the extended valuation is also of rank one. We shall see that this can be done if A" is a finite extension of k. Before proving this, two concepts will be introduced. Let j | be a non-archimedian valuation of k with associated place <f> and valuation ring Vk , with non-units Pk . Let | | denote also its extension to К with associated place ф and valuation ring VK , with non-units PK where К is an arbitrary extension field of k. Then, as noted in the discussion prior to Theorem 1.2, | k* |, can be considered as a subgroup of | K* |, and <р(Рк) — Vk]Pk as a subfield of ф(УК) ~ Vk/Pk • Definition 1.1. The index, e = [| K* | : | A* |], is called the ramification index, and the degree,/, of the field ф(УК) ~ VkIPk over <p(Vk) ~ Vk/Pk is called the residue class degree. In order to settle the question raised before the definition, we shall first establish the following inequality between e, f and the degree n of a finite extension field of k.
122 V. Extensions of Valuations Theorem 1.3. If К is a finite extension field of degree n of k, then both e and fare finite, and ef ^n. Proof. Let Xj, xt,..., xt be elements of VK such that ^(*1), i/r(x2),Ф(х{) are linearly independent over <р(Ил). Also, let y1, yt,..., yt be elements of K* such that | уг | | k* |, | y2 | | k* |.| yt | | k* | are distinct cosets of | k* | in | K* If we can show that the ij elements x,yu , v = 1,i, p = 1,of К are linearly independent over k, then we shall have that ij n, which implies that e and f are finite and ef C Now, let us show that these elements are, indeed, linearly independent over k. Let a, 6 k, v = 1,..., i. We claim that | a-jX! + агхг + ••• + djX,, | = max | a„ |. (1.7) This is certainly true if all the a, = 0. If not, suppose | ar | = max, | a, |, and let — v = 1,..., i. Then | b„ j 1, and bj = 1. To establish (1.7) it is clear that we must prove that I xi + + •" + bixi I = 1- (1-8) Clearly, | 4- b%x2 4- 4- Ь(х( | 1 since xx 4- Ьгхг + 4- bjXj e VK. If it were < 1, then ф(х! 4- 62x2 4- ••• 4- Ь<х() = 0, which implies that Ф(х1) + Ф(ьг) Ф(хг) H-----h Ф(ь<) 0(x.) = 0, or Ф(х1) + Ф(хг) 4- 4- <p(bi) ф(х() = °> and this is a contradiction of the assumed linear independence of ^(xj),..., <Д(х,). Therefore, (1.7) has been established. Finally, suppose that 2w=0> (1.9)
1. The Extension Problem 123 where the ctfle k. Equation (1.9) can be written as X Л = 0- (110) Now, | j \y„ | = 0 or belongs to | уц | | k* | by (1.7). Since the | y^ | | A* | are distinct, the nonzero terms of (1-10) have different valuations. Thus, if some | cr/pc, И Уц | ¥=0, then | X (X^'*’) yf | = m*x | X c^x' | I I °> which contradicts (1.10). Hence, all | | | yfl | =0, i.e., all | | = 0. However, again by (1.7), 0 = | X C^X' I = myax I I- Thus all the cVfl = 0, and the are linearly independent. This completes the proof. Now, we can prove: Theorem 1.4. If | | is a non-archimedian rank one valuation of k, and if К is a finite extension field of A, then | | can be extended to a rank one valuation of K. Proof. By Theorem 1.2, | | on k can be extended to K. We denote the extended valuation by | | also. We also know that | k* | C | K* [ and that | k* | C R. Finally, by Theorem 1.3, we have that [| K* | : | k* |] = e is finite. | |* is clearly an equivalent valuation of K, and, for а ё К, I a I' e I A* I c R. Thus, we have obtained an equivalent valuation with values in R. Hence, (| a I*)17* (where we extract the eth root in R) is an equivalent valuation with values in R, and for a e A, it coincides with| a |. This completes the proof. There is now just one further matter which we wish to discuss
124 V. Extensions of Valuations concerning the extension of non-archimedian valuations | | of rank one on a field k. We have seen, in general, by Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, that, if k is complete with respect to | | and if К is a finite extension field of k, the extension of | | to К is unique. Now, suppose however that k is not complete with respect to | |. In how many ways can we extend | | to К ? We shall first show that there are only finitely many extensions, and then, in the next section, we shall determine just how many there are. To show that there are just finitely many extensions, we shall prove an extended version of Theorem 1.3 for rank one valuations. Although, the theorem we shall prove is also true for arbitrary non-archimedian valuations the proof is much harder, and we refer the reader to Zariski and Samuel [23] or to Roquette [18] for the details. Theorem 1.5. Let k be a field with a nontrivial, non-archi- median rank one valuation, | |, and let A be a finite extension field of degree n of k. Finally, let | |t, | |, ,... be distinct valuations of К which extend | [. If q , et,... and ... are the respective ramification indices and residue class degrees, then ^ekfk n. Proof. First observe that the valuations | |x, | |2,... are not equivalent. Let aek be such that | a | Ф 1, and | a | 0. If If I I? = I b > then, since | |,- and | |, extend | |, we would have | a = | a |, which implies that a = 1, and | |< = | b , a contra- diction. Also, in virtue of Theorem 1.4, we may assume that the | |t- are rank one valuations. To the given valuation 114, we choose elements xlk, x2k,..., x/ik and elements ylt , y2k , ..., уе*к as in the proof of Theorem 1.3. Next, by the approximation theorem of I, 3, we can find for each Л and each i and j elements , o^j........af*k and elements /3lt, Pzk . —. Petk such that < |Л*|* (LU) I Pit I. < min | Уп le for all r #= k, r,t and I — xik I* < 1 I xik Is < 1 for all s Ф k. (L12)
1. The Extension Problem 125 Now, I Plk I* ~ I У{к ~ (Унс ~ Pik) It = | У^к I* by (1.11), and, since the yjk were chosen such that the cosets I У>к It I I are distinct, we have that the | pSk |* (/ — 1.....et) are in distinct cosets of | fe* | in | K* |. Also, we claim that the elements ^»(aik), i = 1, ..-,fk are linearly independent over <p(rt), where фк, of course, denotes the place associated with | |fc - This follows from (1.12) since | a<t ~ x<t It < 1 implies that — xik) = 0, so •At(ait) — l/'t(Xit)' and the </>*(*«) were chosen to be linearly independent over <p{Vk). Vfe shall now show that the elements «aftt (1-13) are linearly independent over k. Once this has been shown, since (1.13) constitutes ^ekfk elements, it follows that я, and the theorem will have been proved. Thus, suppose that 3^ aijkolikP)k = 0, (1.14) «J.t where the aijk g k. We may assume that | eui | = maxM k | aijk |, and we write (1.14) as follows: 2/ (2/ Ph + 2/ aijkaikfSjk = 0. (1-15) i ' i i,i,k^k Recalling (1.7) of Theorem 1.3 and its proof, we have |(2/ Pn I «,n I I Ph Ii — I «in I I Ph Ii •
126 V. Extensions of Valuations Therefore, since, as noted, the | j831 are in distinct cosets of | A* | 2 (2 Дл = mfx |(2 I am I I &i Ii • Next, consider the second sum in (1.15). For k > 2, and and Thus, I aiik I I alll l> I «all < 1 [by (1.12)], 1А*11<1Д1111 [by (1.11)]. I aiik I I “tt 11 I Pik 11 <‘l й111 I I Pll 11 • Therefore, 0 - j 2 aUI&ikftik j — j 2 Л<Л«л) fill I fllll I I fill 11 • Hence, | aui | = 0, and it follows that | aijk [ = 0, or aijk = 0 for all t, j, k, which completes the proof. It follows immediately from the theorem that there can be at most n extensions of | | on k to K. As the final consideration of this section, we shall discuss the problem of extending an archimedian valuation | | on k. Suppose for the moment that k is complete with respect to | |. Consider the field A(i) where i is a root of the equation x2 + 1 — 0. If the valuation can be extended to k(i), we know it is unique by Theorem 1.1. In fact, for aeA(i), a — a -f- ib, and I a | = V\ 2V(a) | = Va* + b2. (1-16)
1, The Extension Problem 127 But it is readily seen that (1.16), indeed, defines a valuation of A(i) extending the given one, for clearly | a | 0 and = 0 if and only if a = 0. Also, 10481 = V|N(a^)“| = = VN& VN(P) = I «I IД I, and, finally, a straight forward computation shows that Now, let | | be an archimedian valuation of the field k. Then k must have characteristic 0 (see I, Exercise 5). Thus, k contains an isormorphic replica of Q, and | | restricted toQ is equivalent to the ordinary absolute value. By replacing | | by a suitable power, we may assume that | | is the customary absolute value on Q. We designate, as usual, by k, the completion of k. Then we have: The valuation of £ can be extended uniquely to £(i) as we have just noted and is a norm on £(»). Also, ^(ij is complete by IV, Theorem 1.3. Hence, £(j) is a commutative Banach algebra which is a field. Therefore, £(i) ~ C by IV, Theorem 3.7; whence k is isomorphic to a subfield of C. Thus, we have shown: Theorem 1.6. Any field k with an archimedian valuation is isomorphic to a subfield of the field of complex numbers, and the valuation of k, viewed as a subfield of C, is a power of the usual absolute value. If A is a finite extension field of k, and | | an archimedian valuation of A, then k, as we have just seen, is isomorphic to a subfield of C. Since C is algebraically closed, К is also isomorphic
128 V. Extensions of Valuations to a subfield of C. Mapping К isomorphically into C by an isomorphism which agrees with the given one on k, gives rise clearly to an extension of the valuation on k to K. There are only finitely many such isomorphisms, and, hence, only finitely many extensions of the given non-archimedian valuation. We shall go into these matters in more detail in the next section and shall work out a number of specific examples. 2. The Number of Extensions of a Valuation Let k be a field with a nontrivial rank one valuation, | |. Let k denote the completion of k with respect to | |. We first establish the following preliminary result. Theorem 2.1 . Let К be a finite extension field of k, and let | | be a rank one valuation on k. Denote an extension of | | to К again by | |. Then JC = Kk, where Kk is the composite field formed in Proof. Clearly Kk is a finite extension field of Я, and, since k is complete, Kk is also complete by IV, Theorem 1.3. Now, since К C Kk and since К is dense in /t, we have /t C Kk\ whence Kk — which completes the proof. Let K± and K2 be two finite extensions of k, and let a : Kr —► K2 be an isomorphism of Kt onto K2 which leaves k fixed. The valuation | | in k can be extended uniquely to | |j on and uniquely to | |2 on K2. We claim, that under these conditions, that, for any a G Kx, j a |x = | <r(a) |2 , i.e., a takes the valuation of into the valuation of K2. This fact is clear since, if n is the degree of these fields over k, I “ li = = <1 Ж“)) I = I <<*) Is • (2.1) because a is an isomorphism leaving k fixed. Again, let A be a field with a rank one valuation, | |, and let К be a finite extension field of k. If A is the completion of k, we designate by the algebraic closure of A. Since k is complete, | |
2. The Number of Extensions of a Valuation 129 can be extended to k uniquely, for, if a e if, then k(a) is finite of degree я, say, over k, and we define I « I = (2.2) where the N(oi) = Nfa^.Joc). It is easy to see that (2.2) defines a valuation on it, which extends | | on k, and is unique. The uniqueness is clear, while clearly | a | > 0 and = 0 if and only if a = 0. Moreover, it does not matter what finite extension field containing £(a) we compute | a | in, namely, if & Э F D H(a), where F is of degree m over £(a), then computing | a | in F gives nm,--------- I«I = V| ^|£(«) I, but NF^(a) = and the result follows. Now, if а, Де if, we can compute | аД | and | a. + Д | in £(a, Д) to check the remaining axioms, and, since | | is a valuation of Ifla, fl), this completes the proof. We can extend | | to К if we isomorphically embed К in if by an isomorphism leaving k fixed, namely, if Л : К — Кг C I, where A on k is the identity, then let | |t be the restriction of | | given by (2.2) to , and, for fleK, define IД к' = I 4Д) к • (2.3) Clearly | |/ is a valuation of К which extends | | on k and is induced by the embedding. If At: A'->X1Cif, and A,: K-*-KtC^ are two embeddings leaving k fixed, and if a is an automorphism of К which leaves ft fixed and is such that aA1 = A2, then, by (2.1) and (2.3), for Де К I Д к' = I АГ(Д) к = I <^(Д) к = I 4(Д) к = IД к'.
130 V. Extensions of Valuations provided that Кг and Кг are extension fields of X; otherwise, we consider Kji = and K2k = £3. Two embeddings related as above are called conjugate over ft, and we have shown that conjugate embeddings induce the same valuations on K. The converse of this statement is also true, for, suppose | |/ = | |g' where | |/ is induced by At : К —► Kx and | |3' is induced by A3 : К —► K2 . Then Aj = AgAj-1 : Кг —* K2 , and Aj is identity on k since both At and Ag are. Now, we show that Ag can be extended to an isomorphism of Kxk, the completion of Кг, onto K2k, the completion of K2, leaving ft fixed. Let a. G Kyk; then a = lim otn , (2-4) I where the an 6 Кг , and where the limit exists with respect to the valuation | |j. However, since | |/ = | |2', we have I *з(“п) - Is = I Аз(“п - «m) Is = I (an — am) Is I A1 (an ““ ®m) Is = I V(“n — “m) 11' ” I 11 • Thus, {A3(an)} is a Cauchy sequence of K2H, and, therefore, converges to an element of K2f, which we denote by X3(a). If we also have a = lim , where the /?„ 6 Kt, and where the limit again exists in the | |3 valuation, then, as above, I ^s(an) Is ~ I Pn an 11 > which shows that X3(a) is independent of the sequence in (2.4). Hence, A3; is well defined. It is an isomorphism, for if a. = lim otn , and P — lim pn , then ap = lim a„/?„ , and I Ш) - V«A) Is - I Ш) - Л.К) Is,
2. The Number of Extensions of a Valuation 131 but A3(ocn) -> Ag(a), and X3(ftn) -► Aa(/3). Hence, Ag(a/3) = As(a)Aa(/3). Similarly A3 preserves sums. If A3(a) = 0, then I «П |1 = I Лз(“п) Is -* 0, and а = 0. Also, if /3 is any element of K^, then /3 = lim fln where the finG K2. Let Aa 1Q8n) = a„ . Then I «n — “m 11 = I Лз(“п) — Is = I Pn Pm Is > so {a„} is a Cauchy sequence in Kxk. Hence, a„ —► a e Ktk, and *a(“n)->^8(“)> but I ^з(“п) ^(a) |2 = | P-n A3(a) |2 , so j8 = A3(a). Thus A, is onto. Next, we note that A3 is identity on к since Ag is identity on k. Finally, Ag can be extended to an automorphism of к. Therefore, we have shown that two embeddings induce the same valuation of К if and only if they are conjugate over к. Next, we show that every extension of [ | to К can be obtained by embedding К in к. Thus let | | be a valuation of К extending the given one on k. Then, by Theorem 2.1 of this section we have: Л k Since R. is finite over к, R. can be extended to an algebraically closed field which is isomorphic to к by an isomorphism leaving к fixed. This isomorphism takes into a subfield of к and takes, according to the discussion preceding (2.1), the valuation of £ into that of , or, in other words, the valuation of and, therefore, of К is induced by that of С к. We summarize all this in the following theorem. Theorem 2.2 . Let k be a field with a rank one valuation, | |, and let К be a finite extension field of k. If к is the completion of k,
132 V. Extensions of Valuations then the set of distinct extensions of | | to К is in one-one cor- respondence with those embeddings of К in H, the algebraic closure of ft, which are not conjugate over ft. We consider now a special case, namely, let К be a finite separable extension of k. Then К — k(<x). If/(x) is the irreducible polynomial satisfied by a over k, then over k f(x} = p1(x)pi(x) -pr(x), where the p^x) e £[x] and are irreducible. Also, the pt{x) are distinct since a is separable. If A is an embedding of k(a) in K, then we have: where A(a) = a. Since 0 = /(a) = Pj(a) p2(a) •• • pr(a), 0 =/(«') = A(“')Ps(«') Hence, some />,(« ) = 0, and the embedding determines uniquely, by the separability, a polynomial рДх). Conversely, if we choose a polynomial p^x) and a root a' and form £(ot') within Л, then, since /(a') = 0, A(a') and A(a) are isomorphic over k. a, therefore, determines an embedding of k(a) into ^(а') C £ If we take a different root ft' of p,(x), then we get f(p') which is isomorphic to &(<x) over f since a and /3' are roots of the same irreducible polynomial over k. These would then determine conjugate embeddings of k{a) in and hence, as we know, the same valuation of Л(а). We also see that « = 2».-. (2.5) i-1 where n = degree of /(x) = degree of К over k — the global
2. The Number of Extensions of a Valuation 133 degree, and я< = degree ofpt{x) = degree ^(a) over R [where a is a root of />Дх)] = the local degree. Thus, we have shown: Theorem 2.3 . If К = k(a) is a finite separable extension of k, and if | | is a rank one valuation of k, then there are as many distinct extensions of | | to К as there are irreducible factors of /(x) over R, where/(x) is the irreducible polynomial satisfied by a over k, and where ft is the completion of k. Moreover, the global degree of the extension is equal to the sum of the local degrees. If К is a finite inseparable extension, then we could decompose К into a separable extension, K,, and a purely inseparable extension of K, obtained by adjoining pth roots to K,, where/» is the characteristic of k. Since K, is a finite separable extension of k, K, = k(a), and we can apply Theorem 2.3 to K,. Then we note that | | on K, is uniquely extendable to K, for, if у 6 С К where is of degree p over Kt, then y” = p e Ks. If | у | is defined, then | у |” = | p |, and | у | = | p |1/p. Continuing in this fashion, we obtain uniqueness. We return again to the situation where К is a finite separable extension of k, and where | | is a rank one valuation of k. We shall look at our previous results from a slightly different point of view. Let E be the least separable normal extension ofk containing K. Denote by G, the Galois group of E over k, and by U, the subgroup of G which leaves К fixed. If 1| is extended to K, then we know by the preceding discussion that there is an embedding Ax of К into R. leaves k fixed. Let К Кг C R Also, we know that | | is of the form | |/, and, for a 6 K, | a |/ = | Л/a) |t, where | |i is the unique valuation of determined by | | on R. But since Aj is an isomorphism of К which is the identity on A, At is given by an automorphism e G, i.e., |x = At. Thus I « Ii' = I »'i(a) Ii.
134 V. Extensions of Valuations where e G. Also, it is clear that any v e G leads to an induced valuation of E and, hence, of K, for v : E —► E can be extended to v : Ek —► Ek, and Ek can subsequently be mapped by an isomor- phism over k into k, so v gives rise to an embedding in k and to a valuation on E induced by v. Now, let К K2 C k be another embedding, then, as above, I « Is' = I •'s(a) Is > where v3 e G. We also saw that, if | |/ = | |2', there exists an isomorphism X3: Kj-^Ktk such that A3 is identity on k, and = v2 on K. A3 can be extended to an automorphism a: Ek-^Ek over k, i.e., aeS, the Galois group of Ek over k, which by the theorem on natural irrationalities is isomorphic to the subgroup of G which has E n k as its fixed field. Now, a has on the same effect as X3 since a extends X3 , so ovj = v2 on K, or v^1<r~1v2 =1 on K. Therefore, l»l S/g g U, or, v2 G av1 U, and v2 e Svi U.
2. The Number of Extensions of a Valuation 135 Conversely, if va = avyi, where a e S and ц e U, then, for a G K, I « Is' = I ”«(“).|s ~ I ^iK01) la = I OT'i(“) la = |vi(«) 11 [by (2.1)] = I “ It'- We have, therefore, established the following result: Theorem 2.4 . Let К be a finite separable extension of k, and let | | be a rank one valuation of k. If E is the least separable normal extension of k containing К with Galois group G, and if U is the subgroup of G which fixes K, decompose G into distinct double cosets: G = U<_i SvtU, where 5 is the Galois group of E/г,over k. Then there are as many extensions of | | to К as there are distinct double cosets, and all of these extensions are of the form: I »'<(«) |«> i = 1, •••> r, where the | |( are the unique extensions of | | in k to the embeddings of К in £ associated with the v{. We shall now apply this theorem to obtain a result, particularly useful in number theory. First, write G as a distinct union of double cosets: G = U, SvtU. Since SOSa ViUv^, we can decompose S into disjoint cosets S = U ^(S^A?1) . (2.6) j Hence, SvJJv^1 = U , i or SViU = и <wtu. J We claim that this last union is disjoint, for suppose that OijViU = oikv{U (j ф k).
136 V. Extensions of Valuations Then a7kauvie ’«Чл17 = viU> so «ъЧл = w where p e U. Thus, = ^r1, and, therefore, a^eSn^, which is a contradiction. Hence, we can write G = U auvi U (disjoint). (2.7) The group of v<(K), where we use the same notation as in the theorem, is v{Uvf\ while the group of v^K) к is S н vtUvf\Thus the trace of ^(a), where at 6 K, from v/(jK) £ to £ is given, using (2.6), by and the trace of a from К to k, using (2.7), is given by (“) = S’«*<(«)• I* ti Therefore, we have SK^«) — 2/ ^4<лг)»| _4(a))- In other words, the global trace is equal to the sum of the local traces, and, similarly, or the global norm is the produce of the local norms, where all of these results have been established under the assumptions of
3. Valuations of Algebraic Number Fields 137 Theorem 2.4. One frequently abbreviates these formulas by simply writing and AGq («) = П^(, («)• Ik t Ik These results hold under somewhat broader conditions than those of the theorem, but we shall not go into such matters here. 3. Valuations of Algebraic Number Fields—Examples If К is an algebraic number field, i.e., К = where в satisfies the irreducible polynomial/(x) overQ, then we can apply the results of the last section, in particular Theorems 2.2 and 2.3, along with the results of Chapter I. We know, disregarding equivalent valuations and the trivial one, that the only valuations of Q are the ordinary absolute value and the p-adic valuations. To see how these extend to K, we apply the preceding results. For example, if | | is the ordinary absolute value, then Q = R, and/(x) decomposes, in general, over R into linear and quadratic factors: /(x) == (x - oq) ••• (x - ar)p1(x) ••• pt(x). The extensions of | | to К are now obtained by considering all the non-conjugate embeddings of К in Q = R = C determined by roots of these polynomials. These various embeddings induce all possible valuations on К extending | | on Q, and we see that there are r + t of them. In the case of a p-adic valuation | jp on Q, the same sort of observations hold only now Q = Qp, and we must investigate how /(x) factors over Qp . Each irreducible factor determines an embedding of К in Qp and induces a valuation on К extending | |p. We shall now consider some specific examples to see how these steps are carried out, and to see how the extended valuation is determined for various elements.
138 V. Extensions of Valuations Example 1. Take К = Q(6), where в satisfies x2 + 1 = 0; and let | | be the usual absolute value on Q. Over jR, x2 + 1 is irreducible. Hence there is just one extension, | |', of | | to K, obtained by embedding Q(ff) in Q(i) С C and taking the induced valuation. Thus, | a + Ьв I' = | a + Ы | = Va2 + ft®. Example 2. Let К — Q(&), where 0 satisfies the irreducible equation x3 = 3, and let | | be the usual absolute value on Q. Over R, x3 — 3 factors into a linear factor (x — tyi) and a quadratic factor p(x) with roots -^Зе and -(/Зе2 in C, where e is a primitive cube root of unity. There are, therefore, two extensions | I/ and | |2' of | | to К obtained by embedding Q(6) in 0(^3) С C and in Q(^3e) С C. For example, | 1 - в |/ = | 1 - № | = № - 1. |l-0|2'-=|l-e<3|. Example 3. Let К = Q{0), where в satisfies the irreducible equation/(x) = x3 — x — 1, and consider the 17-adic valuation, | |17, on Q. Let ац = 5; then /(aj = 119 = 7 X 17, and f Thus, !/(«!) |17 < 1, and Ii? = !• Therefore, by II, Theorem 4.1, the sequence «1> > - of II, (4.1) converges to a root /3 of /(x) in Q17 . The second term otg, is given by 2 ~ /'(«,) = 5-H? 74 = = -63 (mod 17®P),
3. Valuations of Algebraic Number Fields 139 where ? is the valuation ring of | |17 on Q17 . We could clearly compute Д to any desired degree of accuracy. Now, overQ17 , x3 — x — 1 = (x — Д) Xх), where/>(x) is a quadratic polynomial, which we claim is irreducible over Q17. In order to show this, we must just show that p(x) has no root modulo 17, for if, say, p(a) = 0, where aG017, let a = a (mod 17?), where aeZ. Such an a exists for, if X°0 — 0, then a3 — a — 1 =0, and clearly «e f. Then 0=p(a) =/>(«) (mod 17?), and, since />(«) is an integer, p(a) = 0 (mod 17). Now, since 0 = 5 (mod 17?), p(x) = x2 4- 5x + 7 (mod 17?), (3.1) and we must show that x2 + 5x + 7 has no root modulo 17. But x2 4- 5x + 7 = x2 — 12x + 7 (mod 17) = (x — 6)2 + 5 (mod 17) = J2 + 5, where у = x — 6. However, the congruence j2 = -5 (mod 17) has no solution since, by the quadratic reciprocity law, £) = » - (n) - (t) - © - -> Thus, there are just two extensions of | |17 to К obtained by embedding Q(0) ЭД8) C Q17, and Q(0) ~ Q(y) C Q17,
140 V. Extensions of Valuations where у is a root ofp(x) in 017 . Denote the induced valuations by | |/ and | |j', respectively. Let us compute some specific values for these two extensions. Consider the element 3 - 28 + 66» eQ(8). | 3 - 20 + 60»)/ = | 3 - 20 + 60» |„. But 3 - 20 + 60» s 3 - 10 + 150 = 143 (mod 17?), and since 17 -f 143, we have | 3 - 20 + 60» |x' = 1. If in this computation 17 had divided the number, we would have to go to the second approximation to 0 and possibly further. For example, let us compute |7 + 20 |i'= 1 7 + 20 |x7 7 + 20=17 (mod 17?), but0 s== —63 (mod 17»?). Thus 7+ 20 =-119 (mod 17»?), and, since 17» -Г 119, we have I 7 + 20 I/ = | 17 |„. We consider next the valuation | |2', and compute 11 + 0 + 0» |2'. We denote again by | |17 the unique extension of | |17 to Q17(y). Then I 1 + 0 + 0»|,' = | 1 +y +y» |„. From (3.1), we have у» = -5y _ 7 (mod Thus, 1 + у + У» = — 4y — 6 (mod 17?), and | 4y + 6 I,, = | 2y + 3 |I7 .
3. Valuations of Algebraic Number Fields 141 Now, the norm of 2y + 3 is, denoting the other root of p(x) in 0i7 by y'. N(2y + 3) = (2y + 3)(2y' + 3) = 9 + 6(y + y') + 4yy’ s 9 - 30 + 28 = 7 (mod 17?). Therefore, I2y + 3|17 = VjTj7= 1; hence, also 11 + e + v i; = i. If we had obtained a number divisible by 17, then, as in the preceding computation, we would have to go to higher approxi- mations. Example 4. Let К = Q(0), where 0 satisfies the irreducible equation f(x) = x® — 2x + 2, and consider | |a on Q, For eq = 3, we get |/(ax) |гз < l^and ]/'(«!) |a = 1. Similarly for cij = 9 and otj = 11. Hence, we get three distinct roots a, j8, у in Qa such that <x = 3 (23?) /S = 9 (23?) у =11 (23?). Thus, there are three extensions of | |a to K. Example 5. We now consider К = Q{6), where в satisfies the same irreducible equation /(x) as in Example 4, namely, /(x) = x® — 2x + 2, but we consider | |2 on Q instead of | |a as in Example 4. If we take = 0, then/(ax) = 2, and |/(ax) |8 < 1. However, /'(ax) = —2, and |/'(<xx) |2 < 1, while dx = so I <ZX 12 > 1. Therefore, neither version of Newton’s theorem in Chapter 11 can be applied. If we take ax = 1, then |/(aj) |® = 1, and, again, we can not apply Newton’s method to see if /(x) factors over . Instead we argue as follows: 0® - 20 + 2 = 0;
142 V. Extensions of Valuations hence, if | | denotes an extension of j |2 to K, we see, first of all from this equation, that | 6 | < 1. Secondly, we see that there must be more than one dominant term, for we know, in general, in the case of non-archimedian valuations that if | a | < |/? |, then | oc H- Д | == | j8 |. Since | 0 | < 1, | 20 | < | 2 |, and we must have I 0 I4 s = | 2 | = | 2 |2, or I 0 I - I 2 I*/*. This implies that the ramification index for this extension is at least 3. However, the degree of Q(0) over Q is 3. Thus, we get that there is just one extension of | |2 to 0(0) with ramification index 3 and residue class degree 1. We leave the examples now, but we note that the computations performed here are particularly important in number theory. One is concerned there, among other things, with the factorization of primes of Z in the ring of integers of algebraic extension fields, and this is intimately related to the extension of a given p-adic valuation. We also observe that the two cases considered in Examples 4 and 5 behaved quite differently. This can be traced to a consideration of the discriminant of the equation. In general, for the cubic equation x3 + px -|- q, the discriminant D = —4p3 — 27q2, which in our case is —4 X 19, so 2 | D, while 23 -Г D. These considerations are related to the ramifi- cation problem for primes in number theory, but we cannot go into these matters here. 4. Discrete Valuations We shall briefly discuss in this section some properties of discrete valuations. Many of the properties will be just extensions of results already obtained for the p-adic valuations, which are examples of discrete valuations. We assume throughout that k is a field with a non-archimedian valuation | |.
4. Discrete Valuations 143 Deflnition 4.1. The valuation | | is called discrete if its value group | A* | is an infinite cyclic group. If | | is a discrete valuation of k, then | k* | is an infinite cyclic group and is, therefore, order isomorphic to Z. Hence, there exists л ire k such that | ir | <1, and | ir | generates | k* |. It is clear that | ir | is the maximum of all | a |, a e k, such that | a | < 1. Given any a e k*, a yt 0, there exists an integer, as in the case of the p-adic valuations, called the ordinal of a and denoted by ord a such that | a | = | ir |ori» Thus, a = 7rorde€, where | e | = 1, so e is a unit. For a = 0, we take ord a = °°. Then | a | = 1 о ord a = 0, | a | < 1 о ord a > 0, | a | > 1 о ord a < 0. We also have that ord ab = ord a + ord b, and ord (a + b) > min (ord a, ord b). If V is the associated valuation ring with P, the maximal ideal of non-units, it is clear that P = {a | ord a > 1} = irV. Aho, ir is a prime element of the ring V, for, if ir = «jOg where аг, a2 6 V, then, since | ir | < 1, either | 04 | < 1, or 10^ | < 1. If, say, I otj, I < 1, then a.1 e P — irV, and ir | , but cq | ir; whence, it is a prime. Now, let К be a finite extension field of k, and let | | be extended to A. We shall denote the extension also by | |, and we claim that this extended valuation in К is also discrete, namely: Theorem 4.1 . If A is a finite extension field of k, and if Ц is a discrete valuation of k, then any extension of | | to К is also discrete.
144 V. Extensions of Valuations Proof. We know by Theorem 1.3 of this chapter that if n is the degree of the extension, ef я where e is the ramification index and f, the residue class degree of the extension. Then | K* |‘ C | A* |. Thus, we have a mapping given by | a | —> | a |* where a g K*. The mapping is an isomor- phism into | k* |, for it is readily seen to be a homomorphism, while, if | a |e = 1, then it follows immediately since | k* | is ordered that | a | = 1. Thus, the ordered group | K* | is isomorphic to a subgroup of the ordered infinite cyclic group | k* |, and, therefore, must be infinite cyclic also. This completes the proof. Again, we assume that if is a finite extension of k and that | | is a discrete valuation of k which has been extended to K. We denote the extension also by | |, and we let e be the ramification index of the extension. Finally, let | n | be the generator of | k* | with | тг | < 1, and | П | the generator of | K* | with | П | < 1. Since | tt | < 1 тг = e77", where я is a positive integer and where e is a unit of K. However, | K* | = [| П |], the cyclic group generated by | П |, and | A* | = [| тг |]> ^e cyclic group generated by | тг |. Now, |л*1 = [Ы] = [1т«о [| К* | : | ^* |] = я, but [| K* | : | k* |] = e. Therefore, e — n, and тг = e/7‘. (4.1) Now, if aek, then, of course, a also belongs to K, and we can compute its ordinal with respect to тг, denoted by ordt a, or its ordinal with respect to П, denoted by ordxa. Equation (4.1) shows that ordjf a = e ordfc a.
4. Discrete Valuations 145 Next, we simply note that the extension of II, Theorem 2.1 is valid for discrete valuations; namely, if k is a complete field with respect to the discrete valuation | |, then every aek can be written in the form OQ_ « = X “^> n where n = ord a, and where the e V, the associated valuation ring. The proof is essentially the same as that in Qv and need not be repeated. We now wish to show that Theorem 1.3 of this chapter can be improved if k is a complete field with respect to a discrete valuation. Theorem 4.2 . Let К be a finite extension field of degree n of k, where k is complete with respect to a discrete valuation, j |, then ef = n. Proof. We adhere to the same notation used prior to the statement of the theorem. Let , x2, ..., xf be elements of the valuation ring VK associated with | | on К such that ф(х1), Ф(хг),..., </<(»/) is a basis of к) over <p(VK), where ф is the associated place of | | on K, and <p and are, respectively, the associated place and valuation ring of | | on k. We wish to show that every element of К is a linear combination of the elements xjli, i = 1....f, j — 0, 1, ..., e — 1 with coefficients from k. Since the cosets | ** |, | П | | k* |.| П'11|**| are distinct, we know, by the proof of Theorem 1.3 of this chapter, that the elements xf!* are linearly independent over k. Hence, if we can prove that every element of К is a linear сопь bination of these elements with coefficients from k, then they will form a basis of К over k, and, consequently, ef = n. Actually, we shall prove more; namely, we shall show that every element of
146 V. Extensions of Valuations V? is a linear combination of the xjl’ with coefficients from Ffc, i.e., VK = J V*JV. (4.2) i.i For suppose that (4.2) has been established. Then let aeK. Select an a 6 k* such that | aa. | 1. Such an a always exists, for example, some sufficiently higher power of ir will work. Then i.i which implies that ae^kxJV. ij Thus, we must just prove (4.2). Consider 1тг(П* |, where i = 0,1,2,..., and j = 0, 1,..., e — 1. By (4.1) we have | rflV | = | П™ |, but clearly ei + j ranges over all non-negative integers, so | тг‘П> | yields all values of j | on Vx. Now let a G VK, a 0. Suppose that | a | | rr‘IV | for some i = 0, 1, 2, ... and some j = 0, 1,..., e — 1. Set 0 = ot/irTT’. Then | /3 | 1, so 0(0) 6 0( VK). Therefore, 0(0) = 0(ai) 0(*i) + 0(аг) 0(*г) + •" + 0(az) 0(*/), where the a, g Vk . Hence 0(0) = 0(аЛ + + - + atxt), or 0(0 - («i^i H------h a/Xf}) = 0. But this means that 10 — (аЛ + — + afxf) | < 1,
4. Discrete Valuations 147 or, recalling the definition of Д, that I ® — («1*1 + " + afxf) "‘л* I < I ^П1 |. Let a — + ••• + afxf) ir*!!1 = y. We have, therefore, shown that, if | a | ^ | ir*!!1 |, there exist elements ax,..., af in Vk and an element у e VK such that a. = (ap^ + ••• + afxt) ir*!!1 + y, with | у | < | ir*!!1 |. Now let a be an arbitrary element of VK, so | a | 1. By the preceding result, we can write “ = aooixi 4~ аоогхг + ‘ + «оо/*/ + ai > where the Vk and where | oq | < 1, so | at | < | 77]. Similarly, considering ax, we have “i = («011*1 +------h «oir*/) П + “a . where ] oig | < | П |, so | og | | Пг |. Similarly, ®4 ~ («021*1 4“ ’' ’ 4“ «02/*/) 772 4" ^3 > where | a3 | | П3 |. Continuing, we get down to a«—1 “ («08—1,1*1 “h + «Oe—1./*/) 77е 1 “Ь > where | ae | <2 | Пе | = | ir |. Hence, a« = («101*1 4" ’'" 4" «10/*/) 7r 4- a8+l , where | aefl | < | irl! |, so “«+1 ~ («111*1 4- 4- «Ц/) rr77 + ae+2 > ’ where | ae+s | | л-П2 and so on. Performing successive substitutions, we see that a can be
148 V. Extensions of Valuations written as a certain finite sum plus a small remainder term, namely, « = X + •" + anfxr) + у, i.i where the sum is finite and where | у | is arbitrarily small. Thus, “ = X + ' +e«/xr)ni <4-3) i.f where i = 0, 1, 2, ..., and j = 0, 1, e — 1. We can write (4.3) in the form « = X ((X X1 + (X ai^) *2 + "•+ (X а«/7Г‘) Xf)n1’ j=0 " i t ' i the E, a^ir* converge since the aijk e Vk and | a^ir* | —► 0. In fact, E$ а(1ктг* e Vk , since, if sn denotes the «th partial sum, | sn | <2 1; whence, | E, аик1г{ | — lim | sn | <2 1, and this shows that (4.2) is true and completes the proof of the theorem. We saw in II, Theorem 1.4 that if | | is a non-archimedian rank one valuation on k, then | k | = | k |, where k, as usual, denotes the completion of k. We note that the same is true for the residue class fields, namely, the residue class field of k is the same as that of k. For, if <p is the associated place, and if a G k, | a | Cl, then since k is dense in ft, there exists an a G k such that | a. — a | < 1, or a = a ft, where | /8 | < 1. Hence 99(a) = 99(a), which establishes the contention. Next, we observe that Theorem 4.2 is not true, in general, if I I is not a discrete valuation even though the field k may be complete. This may be seen as follows: We start off with the field Q and the 2-adic valuation | |2 and form the completion, Q2 . Now, form Q2(\/2). The valuation can be uniquely extended to Q2(V2) and is given by I«I = viWh for cxgQ2(V2). Also, Q2(\/2) is complete since it is finite over
4. Discrete Valuations 149 Q2, and, by Theorem 4.1, the valuation on Q2(y/2) is discrete. Since I V2 | = | 2IV2, we see that e = 2, and, since n = efyf — 1. Also, 1 > I V2| > 12 |e. If we now form Q2(-v/2, ^2),then again wehaveaunique extension of the valuation with e = 2, f = 1, and 1 > | ^2 | > | V2 | > | 2 |8. We continue in this fashion and form k = &(V2, ^2, #2, Since k is algebraic over Q2, the valuation can be extended uniquely to k, but it is clearly no longer discrete. We now form the completion к, and let К = к(у/ — 1). We claim that in this case the degree n of К over к is 2, while e = f = 1. Hence, n =/= ef even though к is complete. First, we have that n = 2, for у/— 1 ф Qt, and, therefore, у/— l ф k. It also does not belong to к, for if д/— 1 = where the anek, then we must have | an | = 1 for all n sufficiently large, since | д/— 1 | = 1. Thus, д/ — 1 would be a limit of units where these units cannot all belong to a finite dimensioned subfield of k since any such field is complete, and, therefore, closed. This, together with our earlier remarks on the various residue class degrees enables us to assume that “n = 1 + 5/2 Д, , where /?„ is also a unit, so 1 + Л/2^В-V^T,
150 V. Extensions of Valuations which is clearly impossible. Hence the degree of К over k is 2. Furthermore, I yCTT _ 1 I = I 2 |v« < 1, so 1 — 1) — 0, where <p is the associated place, and 1) = <p(—1). Hence f = 1. Finally, for a e K, a = a + b — j, where a, b e k, and | ® | = | aa + 6s p'«e | k |, so e — 1. Although e/ = n is no longer true if | | is not discrete even if k is complete, it can be shown that in the complete case ef always divides n. We shall not be able to go into these matters here. The reader may consult Artin [1] for further considerations along these lines. We observed earlier in (2.5) of this chapter, in the case of a finite separable extension, К = A(a) of degree n of k, that n = nt, where the nt are the local degrees. Let A(a) ~ k(a') C £(<*') be an embedding of A(a), where £(a') is of degree п, over 4, and a' a root of some />,(x) over ft where the pi(x) are the irreducible factors over 4 of the irreducible poly- nomial satisfied by a over k. Since the residue class fields and value groups of k and A are the same, and since they are also the same for fe(a') and we have, in view of the previous theorem, that, if the valuation | | on k is discrete, then «= 2 * r-1 where the ef and /, are the ramification indices and residue class degrees of the various extensions of | | to K. We state this as a theorem. Theorem 4.3 . If К is a finite separable extension of degree n of k, and if | | is a discrete valuation of k with r extensions to К
4. Discrete Valuations 151 which have ramification indices ex............. and residue class degrees, respectively, then я = X • Let us suppose now that К is a finite separable normal extension of degree n of k and that | | is a discrete valuation of k. Then, if G is the Galois group of К over k, we have, in the notation of Theorem 2.4 of this chapter, that G = Svt (disjoint), where r is the number of extensions of | | to K. The local degrees, nt, are the degrees of the vt{K} к over к, but v£K) = K, and, therefore, ei = ег = •" = e, — e, However, by the previous theorem, n — SJLj whence, n = efr. Thus, we have shown: Theorem 4.4 . If К is a finite separable normal extension of degree n of k, and if | | is a discrete valuation of k with r extensions to K, then all the ramification indices are equal to the same number e, and all the residue class degrees are equal to the same number f. Moreover, n = efr. As a final consideration, we shall prove an extended version of the Eisenstein irreducibility criteria. Theorem 4.5 . Let f(x) = xm + + ••• + atx + a0 be a polynomial over a field k with a discrete valuation | |. If | тг | is the generator of | k* | with | n-1 <1, and if ir | a,, i = 0, 1,..., m — 1, but тг® 4" a0 , then f(x) is irreducible. Proof, Let a be any root of/(x), and consider К — k(a). Let я be the degree of К over k. Clearly, n m. Assume that the valuation has been extended to К in some fashion and denote the extended valuation by | | also. Now, + ат-р™-1 + +<*!« + e0 = 0
152 V. Extensions of Valuations which implies that | a | < 1, and, since we know that it | at, i = 0,1, ...,m — 1 and ?r2 f a0, we have that I a™-!»”'11....I I are all less than | a0 |. However, there must be at least two dominant terms in the equation, whence I I = I I =4 l> or | a | = 177 |1Zm. Thus, the ramification index, e, of the extension is greater than are equal m. Hence, m n e J? m. Therefore, m — n — e, the residue class degree of the extension must be 1, It is now also clear that f is irreducible, and the proof has been completed. A special case of this situation was observed in Example 5 of the previous section. Extension fields, K, of k of degree n for which e = n are called fully ramified. Further extensions of Eisenstein’s criteria are possible, where the valuation is no longer assumed discrete, but we refer the reader to the references for these considerations. This concludes our discussion of matters centering around the extensions of valuations. Many important matters, such as the ramification theory of valuations, we have barely touched on or have not gone into at all. The interested reader is strongly recommended to consult the books and notes listed in the Bibliography, in particular, Artin [1], Bourbaki [5], Zariski and Samuel [23], and Schilling [19].
1. Sets and Mappings 153 Appendix 1. Sets and Mappings Let A be a set. If an element a belongs to A, we write a e A. If a is not an element of A, we write аф A. Let {Аг} be a collection of sets where it is understood that a runs over some index set Л. We denote the union of the sets by Ua Ал. This is the set of all elements which belong to at least one of the Ал. We denote the intersection of the sets by Da Aa. This is the set consisting of those elements which belong to all the Aa . Let A and В be two sets, the difference set (or the complement of В in Л) is denoted by A — B, and consists of those elements in A which are not in B. If the set A is contained the set B, i.e., if every element of A is an element of B, we say that A is a subset of В and write A С B, or В Э А. If А С В and В C A we define the sets to be equal and write A = B. The set consiting of no elements at all will be denoted by и and is called the empty set or null set. We shall frequently use the notation for a set: {xeS|P(x)}. This designates the set of all elements belonging to S which satisfy a certain condition or proposition, designated by P(x). If x e S, the set consisting of just x will be denoted by {x}. If A and В are two sets, the cartesian product A X B, is the set of all pairs (a, b) where a G A and beB. Let A and В be two sets. If to each element a g A a unique element b G В is associated, we say that there is a mapping or function f from A into В and write f(a) = b. We denote this by /: A -+B, or АЛВ. If a± ф аг implies /(a^ Ф f(at), then f is said to be one-to-one. If for each b e B, there exists an element a e A such that/(«) = b, then /is called an onto mapping.
154 Appendix Let / be a mapping of A into B. Then, if E C A, the image set f(E) is the set {/(x) j x e £}. Let F С B, then the pre-image set /~4F) = {x|/(x)eF}. Next, if/: A —► В and if E C A, the restriction off to E is the mapping, denoted by f , and given by f |£(x) = /(x) for all xe E. Finally, if А Л В Л- C, then the composite map (or product map) gf maps A into C and is defined by {gf> (x) = g{f(x)). Let S be a set and let ~ designate a relation defined between pairs of elements of S such that, given any two elements a, b e S, either a ~ b (read a is equivalent to b) is true or false. The relation is called an equivalence relation if it satisfies the following con- ditions: (1) a ~ a for all a e S (reflexivity); (2) a ~ ft implies ft ~ a (symmetry); (3) a ~ ft and ft ~ c implies a ~ c (transitivity). A special equivalence relation is given by taking S = Z, the set of all integers, and defining a ~ ft if and only if mja — ft (i.e., if and only if m divides a — ft) where m is a fixed positive integer. This special equivalence relation is denoted by a = ft (mod m), read a is congruent to ft modulo m. Suppose that 5 is a set and ~ an equivalence relation defined on S. We denote by a, the set of all elements of 5 equivalent to a. Such a set is called an equivalence class. Theorem 1.1. If S is a set with an equivalence relation defined between pairs of elements of S, then S is decomposed into disjoint equivalence classes. We denote this by S — \J a. Here it is understood that the union is taken over only certain a 6 S, so that the sets are disjoint. Now, let g: E -+F. We define, for a, ft e E, a ~ ft if and only if g(a) = g(b). It is clear that this is an equivalence relation on E.
2. Number Theory 155 Let E denote the set of all equivalence classes and consider the following mappings where /(a) = а, Л(а) = g(a), and i(g(a)) — g(a). f is an onto mapping, h is well defined and is one-to-one and onto, i is a one-to-one mapping called the injection map. Finally, g = ihf. A set S is said to be partially ordered if there is a relation, denoted by <, defined between some pairs of elements a, b of 5 such that (1) a < b and b < c => a < c\ (2) a < a for all a e S; (3) a < b and b < a => a = b. If S is partially ordered, and, if for every pair a, b e S, a < b or b < a, then 5 is called totally ordered. Let S be a partially ordered set and let E C S. An element b 6 S is called an upper bound of E if a < b for all a e E. If c 6 S and if whenever aeS, c < a c = a, then c is said to be a maximal element of 5. A set S is called inductively ordered if 5 is partially ordered and any totally ordered subset has an upper bound in S. The following set theoretical axiom, equivalent to the axiom of choice and many other set theoretical statements, will be assumed. Zorn’s Lemma. A non-empty inductively ordered set 5 has a maximal element. Applications of this axiom appear throughout the text. 2. Number Theory As usual, we denote by Z the set of all integers. If an integer a divides an integer b, we denote this by a/b. The greatest common divisor (g.c.d.) of two integers a and b is a
156 Appendix positive integer d, denoted by (a, 6), such that d/а and d/b, and, if c is any integer such that c/a and c/b, then cjd. Theorem 2.1 . The g.c.d., d = (a, b), of any two integers a and b exists, is unique, and can be expressed in the form d = xa + yb, where x and у are integers. If (a, b) = 1, then a and b are called relatively prime. The least common multiple (l.c.m.) of two integers a and b is a positive integer -r, denoted by {a, b}, such that а/т and b/т, and, if afc and bjc, then т/с. The l.c.m. of any two integers a and b exists and is unique. In Section 1 of the appendix, we introduced the equivalence relation a = b (mod m) in Z. The equivalence classes for this special equivalence relation are called residue classes (modulo m), and a set of elements, one from each class, is called a complete residue system (modulo m). We denote by ^(m), the Euler ^-function, the number of positive integers less than or equal to m and relatively prime to m. If n =nw^jl, where the/), are distinct primes, then Theorem 2.2 . (Euler’s theorem). If (a, m) = 1, then a*<m) == 1 (mod m). Theorem 2.3 . (Fermat’s theorem). If p is a prime and if (a, />) = 1, then в”-1 = I (mod/>). Theorem 2.4 . The linear congruence ax == b (mod m) has a solution if and only if d]b, where d = (a, m). If d]b, then the congruence has d solutions modulo m. Theorem 2.5 . (Chinese remainder theorem). Given the system of congruences x = (mod mJ x = a2 (mod mJ x ~ an (mod mn)
2. Number Theory 157 where (mf, m}) — 1 for i Ф j. There exists a unique solution of the system modulo mtma ••• mn. Theorem 2.6 . Let A denote a complete residue system modulo a prime p. Then for any a 6 Z, a s a0 + atf> + ••• + On-ip""1 (modpn) where the a( e A. This representation is unique. Consider now the quadratic congruence X2 * * s * = a (mod p) where p is a prime. An integer a, where (a, p) = 1, is called a quadratic residue modulo p if this equation has a solution. If a is not a quadratic residue modulo p, it is called a quadratic nonresidue modulo p. If p is an odd prime, the number of quadratic residues modulo p is (p — l)/2, and, consequently, the number of quadratic non- residues modulo p is also (/> — 1 )/2. For (a, p) = 1, the Legendre symbol, (ajp), is defined as follows: ©i 1 if a is a quadratic residue mod p |—1 if a is a quadratic nonresidue mod p We list the following properties of (alp): (2) a = b (mod p), then (- (7)=(> (4) (5) (6) (mod/») if p is an odd prime. (—-) = (—i>/a if p is an odd prime. ' P > c j j • * A (1 ifp = ±1 (mod 8) For an odd prime p, (-) - jf# ±J (m0<J 8) Finally, one has:
158 Appendix Theorem 2.7 (quadratic reciprocity law). If p and q are odd primes, then !)/«]. For proofs of the preceding statements, one may consult Niven and Zuckerman [16], Hardy and Wright [8], LeVeque [13]. 3. Groups Definition 3.1. A group is a set G together with an operation defined between pairs of elements a, beG (we denote the operation by a • b, or simply ab, and call it multiplication) which satisfies the following axioms: (1) For all a, b e G, ab 6 G (closure). (2) a(bc) = (aft) c (associativity). (3) There exists an element 1 e G (called the identity element) such that a • 1 = 1 • a = a for all a e G. (4) To each element a e G, there exists an element a1 e G (called the inverse element to a) such that aa~x = a~la = 1. A set G satisfying just the first two axioms is called a semigroup. If G is a group and if for all a, ft 6 G, ab = ba, then G is called commutative or abelian. In this case, the operation is usually denoted by +, and one writes a + ft instead of ab. The identity is then written as 0, and the inverse of a as —a. Finally, one writes a — ft instead of a + (—ft). Definition 3.2. A group G which contains only a finite number of elements is called a finite group. The order of such a group, denoted by ord G, is the number of elements of G. Definition 3.3. A subset H of a group G is called a subgroup if (1) a, ft e H implies ab e H; (2) 16Я; (3) aeH implies a-1 eH.
3. Groups 159 It follows from the associativity axiom for a group G that the associative law holds for any finite number of elements, and, if , aa ,.... a* belong to G, we can write unambiguously, агаа If all the at = a, we write a”, or na in the additive case. If for some positive integer n, an = 1, then a is said to have finite order, and the smallest such positive integer n is called the order of a and is denoted by ord a. Theorem 3.1 . If a has finite order, and if ak = 1, then ord a | k. Let G be a group and H a subgroup of G. Define a ~ b if and only if tr'beH. It is readily seen that this is an equivalence relation and that a ~ b if and only if b e aH. Thus, the equi- valence classes are the sets of the form aH, called left cosets of H. We have that either aH = bH, or aH and bH are disjoint. Furthermore, G = U aH, where the union is disjoint and taken over distinct left cosets. One could proceed analogously be defining a ~ b if and only if ba-1 e H; one then gets a decomposition of G into right cosets, Ha. Theorem 3.2 . (Lagrange). The order of a subgroup H of a finite group G divides the order of G. We write [G : H] — and call [G : H] the index of H in G. Г Theorem 3.3 . The order of any element of a finite group G divides the order of G, and if ord G = я, then an = 1 for all ae G. Suppose there exists an element a belonging to the group G such that every b G G is of the form an, then G is called a cyclic group and a is said to be a generator of G. We write G = [a]. If and Sa are subsets of a group the product is the set of all elements of the form aaaa where aa g Sx and a2 G S2 . The
160 Appendix associative law in G implies that S/SgSg) = (SXS2) S2, where Sx, S2, S3 are three subsets of G. If Sx consists of just a single element a, we write aSt instead of SXS2 . This is in agreement with our previous notation for left cosets. Clearly, if Я is a subgroup of G, then Я2 = H. Definition 3.4. A subgroup N of G is called normal if aNa-1 = N for all a e G. In the case of an abelian group, it is clear that every subgroup is normal. If N is a normal subgroup of G, and if aN and bN are any two left cosets, then (aN) (bN) = abN2 = abN. Motivated by this, we consider the set G/N of all left cosets aN, aeG, where N is a normal subgroup of G. It can be shown that the set G/N is a group, called the factor or quotient group, with respect to the operation of set multiplication, i.e., aN bN = (aN) (bN) = abN. If G is a finite group, then ord (G/N) = = [G : NJ. Definition 3.5. Let G and G' be two groups, and let /: G —G'. f is called a homomorphism of G into G' if f(ab) = f(a)f(b) for all a, b G G. If f is also onto, then Gr is called a homomorphic image of G. If f is a one-to-one homomorphism, it is called an isomorphism, and, if it is onto G', G' is called an isomorphic image of G, and we write G' ~ G. An isomorphism of a group onto itself is called an automorphism. An improtant example of a homomorphism is the following. Let G be a group and N a normal subgroup; map G —► G/N by the mapping a —aN for all a G G. This mapping is a homo- morphism of G onto G/N and is called the canonical homo- morphism.
4. Rings, Ideals, and Fields 161 Iff: G -* G' is a homomorphism, the set К = {aeG\f{a) = 1'}, where Г is the identity of G' is readily seen to form a normal subgroup of G and is called the kernel of the homomorphism. Theorem 3.4 (fundamental theorem of homomorphisms). If f: G -* G' is a homomorphism of G onto G', then G' ~ G/K, where К is the kernel of f. Again, let G be a group and let HY and Ht be two subgroups of G. Define for a, b 6 G, a ~ b if and only if hiaht — b, where 1^ e Hi and hse Нг. This is easily seen to be an equivalence relation. The equivalence classes are sets of the form and are called double cosets with respect to Нг and Нг . We have G = U НхаН* (disjoint) where the union is taken over certain elements a e G. If G is finite, unlike the case of cosets, distinct double cosets need not contain the same number of elements. One can show that the number of elements in НгаН2 is given by ord ord Hi ord (Яг n a-1Kxa) The following references are suggested for further considerations: Hall [7], Ledermann [12], Zassenhaus [24], Kurosh [11]. 4. Rings, Ideals, and Fields Definition 4.1. A set A together with two operations, denoted by + and •, defined between pairs of elements a, b e A is called a commutative ring if: (I) A, with respect to the operation +, is an abelian group; (2) A, with respect to the operation •, is a semigroup; (3) ab — ba for all a, b 6 A; (4) a(b + c) — ab + ac for all a, b, c in A (distributive law).
162 Appendix We shall in the future omit the word commutative, it being understood that all rings we consider are commutative. A ring A is called a ring with identity if there exists an element 1 6 A such that a • 1 = a for all a E A. It follows immediately from item 4 in the definition of a ring that a • 0 = 0 for all a e A. Definition 4.2. If A is a ring and if ab = 0 implies a = 0 or 6=0, then A is called an integral domain. Definition 4.3. If A is a ring and if A* = A — {0} is an abelian group with respect to •, then A is called afield. An element a belonging to a ring A is called a unit if a has a multiplicative inverse in A. Definition 4.4. If A is a ring, a subset I is called an ideal if: (1) a, 6 6 Z implies a — 6 e 7; (2) a 6 A, bel implies abel. If a el, an ideal, we frequently write a = 0 (mod/). With respect to the operation +, condition 1 states that an ideal, I, is a subgroup of A, and, since A is an abelian group with respect to +, I is a normal subgroup, and we can consider the factor group A [I of all cosets a + I where a e A. A/Ican be considered as a ring, called the quotient ring, by defining (ai + Z) • {at +1) = a^z + Z, where , a2 e A. Definition 4.5. Let A and A' be two rings. A map/: A —* A' is called a homomorphism if, for all a, b e A,f(a -j- 6) = f(a) 4-/(6), and/(d6) = /(a)/(6). If/is also one-to-one, it is called an isomor- phism, and should / also be onto, A' is called an isomorphic image of A. We designate this by A ~ A'. An isomorphism of a ring onto itself is called an automorphism. Let/: A —>- A' be a homomorphism. The set A = {aGJ|/(*) = 0'}
4. Rings, Ideals, and Fields 163 where 0' is the additive identity of A', is easily seen to be an ideal of A and is called the kernel of the homomorphism. Analogous to the results on groups in the previous section, we have that the map f’A-*A/I, where 1 is an ideal of A, and where /(a) = a 4-1, is a homo- morphism, which we call the canonical homomorphism. Also, if^ : A —> A' is a homomorphism of A onto A', then A' ~ A/K, where К is the kernel. If A is a ring with identity, then the set (a) = aA = {ab | b e A} is an ideal containing a and is called the principal ideal generated by a. More generally, if S is a subset of A, where A has an identity, then the set (S) = where we consider only finite sums, is an ideal containing 5 and is called the ideal generated by 5. For the ring Z of integers, we have the following result. Theorem 4.1 . In the ring Z, every ideal is a principal ideal. Another example of such a ring is the ring F[x], of all poly- nomials in a transcendental element x over F with coefficients from the field F. Definition 4.6. An ideal I in a ring A is called a prime ideal if A[I is an integral domain. An ideal I in a ring A is called maximal ifl^A and if J is an ideal such that J Э / (proper inclusion, i.e., J ф I), then J — A. One can show that given any ideal ^A, where A is a ring with identity, there exists a maximal ideal containing it.
164 Appendix Theorem 4.2 . If A is a ring with identity and if M is a maximal ideal in A, then M is a prime ideal. Moreover, AfM is a field. Conversely, if А/M is a field, then M is a maximal ideal. It is easy to see that a field, F, has no ideals other than F itself and {0}. This result implies that the only homomorphic images of a field are the trivial ones, where we map all elements into the additive identity, or are isomorphic images. Let F be a field. Suppose па = 0 for some a e F. Then, if b is any other element ofF, nb = 0. One says thatF has characteristic p if there exists a positive integer/» such that pa = 0 for all a e F, where p is the smallest positive integer with this property. If F does not have characteristic p, one says that F has characteristic 0. If F has characteristic />, then it is easy to see that p must be a prime. Again, suppose that F is a field. The intersection of all subfields of F is clearly a subfield, Fo , of F and is called the prime field of F. One can prove that the prime field Fo of any field F is either isomorphic to Q or to Zfip) for some prime/». 5. Glossary for Rings and Fields In this section, we shall just list some definitions concerning rings and fields for handy reference for the reader. Rings 1. Let A be a commutative ring with identity. If a, be A, then b 0 divides a, written 6/a, if there exists an element ce A such that a — be. If a/b, and b/a, a and b are called associates. An element a e A is called a prime (or an irreducible element) if bja implies that b is a unit of A or b is an associate of a. 2. Let A be a ring contained in a field F, and S # 0, a subset of A such that 0$S, The set I a e A, b e (о I 1 is a ring, called the quotient ring of A by S, which contains A and in which all elements of S have inverses.
5. Glossary for Rings and Fields 165 3. If A is a (commutative) integral domain with identity in which every ideal is principal, A is called & principal ideal domain. 4. A (commutative) integral domain with identity in which every non-unit and non-zero element can be written uniquely as a product of primes except for order and multiplication by units is called a unique factorization domain. 5. Let A be a (commutative) integral domain with identity. Suppose there exists a function 8 : A —► Z such that for a, b E A (a) 8(a) > 0 and = 0 if and only if a == 0; (b) 8(o6) = 8(a) 8(6); (c) if b Ф 0, there exist elements q, r in A such that a = bq 4- r, where 8(r) < 8(6). Then A is called a euclidean domain. Fields 1. If К is a field and if k is a subfield of K, then К is called an extension field of k. 2. Let К be an extension field of k. Then К can be viewed as a vector space over k. If К is finite-dimensional over k, then К is called a finite extension of k. The dimension of К over k is also called the degree of К over k. 3. If К is an extension field of k, and if a e К satisfies a poly- nomial equation f(x) = 0 with coefficients in k, then a is called algebraic over k\ otherwise, a is called transcendental over k. The extension К is called algebraic over k if every element of К is algebraic over k. 4. An extension field К of k is called normal if it is algebraic over k and if every irreducible polynomial in fc[x] which has a root in K, factors into linear factors in K[x]. 5. Let « e K, an extension field of k. If a satisfies an irreducible polynomialf(x) 6 6[x], then a is called inseparableover k if/'(“)= 0; otherwise, a is called separable over k. An algebraic extension field К of k is called separable if every a E К is separable over A; otherwise, К is called an inseparable extension of k. 6. Let К be an extension field of a field k of characteristic p.
166 Appendix An element a. e К is called purely inseparable over k if a”* e k for some integer e 0. If every element of К is purely inseparable over k, then К is called л purely inseparable extension of k, 7. If К is a finite extension field of k, the set of all elements of К algebraic over k form a subfield, Кг . The degree of К over Kx is a power, pf of the characteristic p of k and is called the degree of inseparability of К over k. The degree of over k is called the degree of separability of К over k. 8. If К is an extension field of k, and if S is a subset of K, then the intersection of all subfields of К which contain S and k is a field, called the field generated by S in К over k. 9. Let /(x) be a polynomial with coefficients in a field k. A splitting field of f(x) over k is an extension field К such that f(x) decomposes into linear factors inA[x] and such that К is generated over k by the roots of f(x) in K. 10. If К is an extension field of k, and if a G К and a algebraic over k implies a e k, then k is called algebraically closed in K. 11. If К is an extension field of k, then К is called an algebraic closure of k provided К is an algebraic extension of k, and К is algebraically closed, i.e., К has no proper algebraic extensions. 12. If К is a finite normal extension of k, the group of auto- morphisms of К which leave k fixed (elementwise) is called the Galois group of К over k. 13. Let К be a finite separable extension field of k and let E be the least separable normal extension field of k containing K. If G is the Galois group of E over k and if H is the subgroup of G leaving К fixed, write G = U,- (disjoint). Define for a G K, the norm, NK/k(oi), from К to k of a and the trace, SKlk(a), as follows: Wjr. (“) = П I* 4 5K| («) = X I* i
6. Addles and Iddes 167 If К is a finite inseparable extension of k, let pf be its degree of inseparability. Then define ЛГг, («) = ГЫ*)". I* i-1 where the run over the distinct isomorphisms of К (leaving k fixed) into the least normal extension of k containing K. For references see Van der Waerden [21], Zariski and Samuel [23], Jacobson [10], and Artin [2]. 6. Adiles and Idiles This final section is not a review section as the preceding ones. We just want to define some notions here in a rather special setting. We shall not go beyond a few definitions. How- ever, because of the importance of these notions in such areas as class field theory and algebraic geometry, we feel that some intro- ductory mention of them should be made. For a more general framework, as well as for applications, one may consult Artin [1], Artin-Tate [4], Weil [22], and Chevalley [6]. We shall denote by S = {| |„} a set containing all inequivalent />-adic valuations as well as the usual absolute value, which we denote here by | , p = We now form the cartesian product °f the sets Q„ , where denotes R. Elements of this product are of the form x = (..., ap , ...) where a9 6 . This set can be made into a ring by adding two such elements componentwise and by multiplying them com- ponentwise also. The field Q itself can be mapped isomorphically into this ring by the mapping a —► (a, a, ...) (6.1) where a 6 Q.
168 Appendix We now consider the subring AQ consisting of those x with | av | „ < 1 for all but a finite number of p. AQ is clearly a subring which is called the adele ring of Q. The elements of AQ are called adeles or valuation vectors of Q. Certainly, for any a G Q, | a |P 1 for all but a finite number of p, so AQ contains the isomorphic image of Q under (6.1). Next, we define for any x G ПР QP I x I» = I av Ip • Thus, x G Aq if and only if | x |p < 1 for all but a finite number of p. We consider the set I of all x e AQ such that | x | „ Ф 0 for all p, and | x |0 = 1 for all but a finite number of p. 1 is easily seen to form a multiplicative group, and the elements of I are called ideles oiQ. If a gQ*, then | u 0 for any prime and | a |„ = 1 for all but a finite number of p, so I contains an isomorphic image of Q* under the map (6.1). We finally note that a topology may be introduced in AQ by taking a neighborhood basis of 0 G Ao to consist of all sets Px ={убЛ0 | |y|p < | *(„} where x el. Bibliography 1. Aktin, E., Algebraic Numbers and Functions (lecture notes), Princeton, 1951. 2. Artin, E., Galois Theory, Notre Dame, 1948. 3. Artin, E., Elements of Algebraic Geometry (lecture notes), New York University, 1955. 4. Artin, E., and Tate, J., Class Field Theory (lecturenotes),Princeton, 1951-1952. 5. Bourbaki, N., “Algebre Commutative.” Hermann, Paris, 1961. 6. Chevalley, C., Class Field Theory, Nagoya University, 1953-1954. 7. Hall, M., “The Theory of Groups.” Macmillan, New York, 1959. 8. Hardy, G., and Wright, E., “An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers.” Oxford Univ. Press, London and New York, 1954. 9. Н ille, E., andPHiLLips, R., “Functional Analysis and Semi-Groups,” Amer. Math. Soc. Colloquium Publications, 1957.
Bibliography 169 10. Jacobson, N., “Lectures in Abstract Algebra,"Vol. 1. Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey, 1951. 11. Kurosh, A., “The Theory of Groups” (2 volumes). Chelsea, New York, 1955. 12. Ledermann, W., “The Theory of Finite Groups.” Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh and London, 1953. 13. LeVeque, W., “Topics in Number Theory” (2 volumes). Addison- Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1956. 14. Lorch, E., “Spectral Theory.” Oxford Univ. Press, London and New York, 1962. 15. Naimark, M., “Normed Rings,” Noordhoff, Groningen, 1959. 16. Niven, I., and Zuckerman, H., “An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers.” Wiley, New York, 1960. 17. Ostrowski, A., Uber einige Losungen der Funktionalgleichung $К*Жу) — <p(xy). Acta. math. 41 (1918), 271-284. 18. Roquette, P., On the prolongation of valuations. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 88 (1958), 42-57. 19. Schilling, O., “The Theory of Valuations,” Mathematical Survey s, American Mathematical Society, 1950. 20. Tornheim, L., Normed fields over the real and complex numbers. Michigan Math. J. 1 (1952), 61-69. 21. Van per Waerden, B., “Modern Algebra.” Ungar, New York, 1949. 22. Weil, A., Adeles and Algebraic Groups (lecture notes), Princeton, 1961. 23. Zariski, O., and Samuel, P., “Commutative Algebra” (2 volumes). Van Nostrand, Princeton, New Jersey, 1958. 24. Zassenhaus, H., “The Theory of Groups.” Chelsea, New York, 1958.

Index Absolute convergence, 98 Adeles, 167 Algebraic closure, 166 integer, 89 Analyticity, 114 Approximation theorem, 21 Archimedian ordered group, 78 Associated place, 69 Associated valuation, 74 Associated valuation ring, 68, 73 Banach algebra, 111 Banach space, 94 Binomial series, 51 Bounded linear functional, 100 Canonical homomorphism, 160, 163 Cauchy sequence, 16, 94 Characteristic, 164 Chinese Remainder Theorem, 22, 156 Commutative normed algebra, 111 Complete field, 24 residue system, 156 Completion of a field, 26-33 Congruence, 26 Conjugate embeddings, 130 Convergence absolute, 98 p-adic valuation, 4 rank one valuation, 24 Convex functional, 103 Degree extension, 165 of separability, 166 Discrete valuation, 143 Discriminant, 142 Divisibility, 164 Domain of convergence, 43 Double coset, 161 Eisenstein criteria, 151 Equivalent norms, 94 places, 70 valuations, 16 Euclidean domain, 165 Euler 9>-function, 156 theorem, 156 Exponential series, 46, 47 Extension algebraic, 165 field, 165 finite, 165 normal, 165 separable, 165 theorem, 83-88 transcendental, 165 Extension of a valuation archimedian, 126-128 non-archimedian, 117-126 Fermat’s theorem, 156 Fully ramified extension, 152 Gelfand theorem, 116 Global degree, 132-133 norm, 136 trace, 136 Greatest common divisor (G.C.D.), 155-156 Group Galois, 166 ordered, 70 Group of units, 23, 67 171
172 Index Hahn-Banach theorem, 103, 106, 107 Ideal, 163 Idfeles, 168 Identity element, 111 Induced valuation, 130 Inductively ordered, 155 Integral closure, 89 element, 88 Irreducible element, 164 Isolated subgroup, 77 Isometry, 26 Kernel, 161 Lagrange’s theorem, 159 Least common multiple, 156 Legendre symbol, 157 Liouville’s theorem, 114 Linear functional, 99, 100 norm of, 101 Local degree, 133 norm, 136 trace, 136 Logarithmic series, 48, 49 Metric, 3, 4, 15, 93 Metric spaces, 3, 4, 15, 93 Neighborhood (spherical), 15 Newton’s method, 52-57 Non-units, 65 Norm, 92, 166 Normalized p-adic valuation, 23 Normed algebra, 111 Normed linear space, 92 Null sequence, 16 Order isomorphism, 78 Ordered group, 70, 77 Ordinal, 45 p-adic integer, 37 numbers, 33, 34 numbers (canonical expansion of), 35 valuation, 2 Place, 67-70 Power series in Qp , 43 Prime, 164 Prime field, 164 Principal ideal domain, 165 Quadratic non-residue, 157 reciprocity law, 158 residue, 157 Radius of convergence (power series), 43, 98 Ramification index, 121 Rank of an ordered group, 77 of a valuation, 77 Regular point, 113 Relatively prime, 156 Residue class degree, 121 class field, 9, 67 classes, 156 Roots of unity in Qt, 61 Semigroup, 158 Spectrum, 113 Splitting field, 166 Subgroup, 158 normal, 160 Sublinear functional, 103 Symmetric convex functional, 107 Trace, 167 Trivial valuation ring, 65 Ultra-metric inequality, 3, 4 Unique factorization domain, 165
Index 173 Unit, 162 Units, Group of, 23, 67 Valuation associated, 74 discrete, 143 equivalent, 16, 75 general, 72 induced by an embedding, 130 non-archimedian, 5, 72 normalized p-adic, 23 of algebraic number field, 137 of rank one, 5 p-adic, 2, 5 ring, 9, 65 trivial, 9 vector, 168 Zorn’s lemma, 155