                    ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ШКОЛА
Ю. А. Комарова
И. В. Ларионова
К. Билсборо
С. Билсборо
к учебнику Ю. А. Комаровой,
И. В. Ларионовой, К. Макбет
«Английский язык»
для 8 класса
общеобразовательных организаций
3-е издание
Федеральному государственному
образовательному стандарту
«Русское слово»

Vocabulary bank and Vocabulary plus 116 Money, Money, Money! 26 %3 Culture today 125 Extreme! 36 Irregular verbs 134 New Media 46 Final Frontiers 56 Global Citizens 66 and Responsibilities 76 Body and Soul 86
Starter unit 1J Circle the odd one out. a) Germany 1 a) Manchester United 2 a) Asia 3 a) Birmingham 4 a) England b) United Kingdom c) (Condon^: d) Italy b) Liverpool c) Spartak d) Chelsea b) Europe c) Africa d) Wales b) Bristol c) Scotland d) Glasgow b) Russia c) Wales d) Scotland Verbs, nouns and adjectives 2y Write these words in the correct column. motorbike blue weather speak cloudy city keyboard tourist win Irish party annoying noisy want learn verbs nouns adjectives motorbike be, have got, can and there is I there are 4, Complete the sentences with the present simple form of be, have got, can and there is / there are. What time........*?..... it? 1 I.............from Scotland. 2 My town (not) a good football team. 3 you swim? 4 We .............. a boat. 5 How old.............. you? 6 ..............your brother ............. a motorbike? 7 .............. (not) an error in this sentence. 8 you late? 9 She ............. play the guitar very well. 10 a lot of people on the bus. Question words 3^ Match the questions with their answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 What’s your surname?---------— How far is Brighton from London? ''' How many people are there in your family? Where’s Cardiff? Who’s your favourite singer? Why haven’t you got your school bag? a) About 35 miles. b) In Wales. c) It’s Harris. d) Because there’s no school today! e) Five. f) Leona Lewis.
Present simple and adverbs of frequency Subject pronouns, object pronouns and possessive adjectives 5, Look at the table and write two sentences about Paula and three sentences about Mark using the present simple and these adverbs of frequency. never sometimes often usually always □ □ □□ □□□ bbbb chat online in English read books in English go to the UK Paula BBBB BOB □ Mark □□ □ □ Paula always chats online in English........ 1................................... . 2 ................_.........._.............. з........................................... 4 ............ .......................... 5........_.................................. Present continuous 6, Complete the dialogue with the present continuous form of these verbs. call have do (x2) prepare get watch visit Mike Hi! I (1) gm calling to see how you are! Adam Hi, Mike! I’m fine. I (2) my Maths homework. Mike Is it difficult? Adam A bit. I (3) a few problems with the algebra. What (4)..............you................? Mike I (5)...............a film on TV, but the adverts are on now. My brother (6).........„....lunch in the kitchen. Adam What about your parents? Mike They (7) my grandmother in hospital. Adam (8) she ............... better? Mike Yes, thanks. Oh - the film is on again! See you later. Adam Yeah, bye! 7j Circle the correct words. My /ф/ Me go to school by car. 1 He / His / Him name is George. 2 What’s your I you / yours name? 3 Where’s my pen? I can’t find it / its / them. 4 It’s my / me /1 book. 5 Give this pencil to she I It I her. 6 I can't find my magic cards. I’ve lost they / them I their. 7 Is this we / our / us car?
Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Complete the word puzzle. What’s 1 My job isn’t boring, it’s ..interesting... 2 A person who makes scientific discoveries is a............... ’ 3 Ken Follet, Boris Akunin and John Grisham are.................. 4 Captain Robert Falcon Scott went to Antarctica in 1911. He was an.................... 5 A person who wins a prize is a ............... 6 People who do athletics are called 7 Maradonna was probably the greatest ..............of all time. 8 Ethan Hawke and Vin Diesel are my favourite.................. The mystery word is................. Achievements 1j Match the verbs with the phrases. 1 make—, a) voluntary work 2 write \ b) a prize 3 do \ c) a novel 4 score \ d) an exam 5 go \ e) a goal 6 pass \ f) on an expedition 7 win V_ g) a scientific discovery 2j Complete the sentences with these words. goal certificate exam scientific discoveries prize expedition novel voluntary work Torres scored another goal . It’s now 2-1 to Spain. 1 I didn’t study very much so I didn’t pass my Maths................. 2 My uncle is a novelist. At the moment he’s writing his third ...______ . 3 The Bilbao Metro won a for being the cleanest underground in Europe. 4 This is an official exam. If you pass you get a................ 5 At the CERN laboratories in Geneva scientists make important ............. . 6 Charles Darwin went on an to the South Sea Islands. 7 Last summer my sister went to South America to do........... for Oxfam. 3j Circle the correct words. My undergoes on}/ makes an expedition once a year. 1 I need to win / get that certificate before the summer. 2 My brother scores / makes a lot of goals when he plays football. 3 I always pass I get my Maths exams! 4 Some actors and actresses make / do voluntary work to help the poor. 5 Boris Akunin gets / writes detective novels. 6 Every year my sister wins / does a prize for singing.
Grammar 1 Present simple and present continuous Circle the correct words. I'm playing tennis every day /at the moment 1 He goes to the cinema today / twice a week. 2 Are you playing computer games now / every weekend? 3 They go to work by train every morning / at the moment. 4 We’re studying at the moment / every day 5 Does she go to work every day / today? 2 Rewrite the sentences using the adverbs of frequency in brackets. My parents eat dinner in a restaurant, (often) My parents often eat dinner in a restaurant. 1 We go shopping on Saturdays, (usually) 4j Correct the sentences about Oscar. Oscar reads a magazine at the moment. Oscar is reading a magazine at the moment. 1 Oscar is going to school at 8.30 every day. 2 Oscar listens to a CD now. 3 Oscar is having lunch at school every day. 2 I am on time, (always) 4 At the moment Oscar eats a sandwich. 3 We go to the beach, (hardly ever) 4 He is late, (sometimes) 5 Every day Oscar is wearing a school uniform. 5 I do my homework on the bus. (never) 6 Today Oscar wears jeans and trainers. 7 Oscar is doing his homework every evening. в. or 3 Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. We usually....eat... at home but today we are eating in a restaurant, (eat) 1 Normally I...........a suit and tie but today I jeans, (wear) 2 She hardly ever television but at the moment she a documentary, (watch) 3 you ....... Paul right now? You never............me. (help) 4 We often.......... the bus when we go to visit my grandmother, but today we the train, (take) 5 Why..............you...........your homework now? You usually it on Sundays, (do) Complete the email with the present simple or present continuous form of these verbs. have go not work wear get up write use work play AAA ______ CD Hi Mum and Dad, Here I am in Guatemala. It’s great! I (1) 01 a wonderful time. Every day we (2) early, about six o'clock. We (3) ... to work by bus. I (4).......today because it’s a fiesta. I (5) ... some emails - this one to you and another one to Joe. I (6)...... my boss’s computer. I’m tired. Every day we (7)......for eight or ten hours. In the evenings we (8)...... board games. It’s fun! Oh, thanks for the trainers. I (9) them now. They’re great!
Vocabulary 2 Personal qualities: opposite adjectives 1j Complete the adjectives with vowels. g en e г о us 1 m_____n 2 c.... nf„ d „nt 3h rd-w rk ng 4 I z у 5 ____s у - g n g 6 c r _ n g 7 s _ c______ Ы 8 s _ I f s h 9 q_____ t 10 str ss d 2) Write the adjectives from exercise 1 in the correct column. positive adjectives negative adjectives generous Match the adjectives with their definitions. 1 mean 2 sociable 3 lazy □ 4 quiet 5 hard-working 6 stressed 7 generous 8 shy a) A person who works hard. b) A person who likes giving presents. c) A person who likes going to parties. d) A person who never works hard. e) A person who doesn’t like meeting new people. f) A person who doesn’t share things. g) A person who doesn't say very much. h) A person who isn’t relaxed. 5y Complete the sentences with adjectives of character. 1 I am usually... and sometimes I'm 3j Do the crossword. Complete the clues with these words. mean generous confident hard-working selfish easy-going qtttef caring sociable stressed shy lazy 2 My best friend is often He / She is hardly ever 3 My neighbour is ..._. 4 My maths teacher is hardly ever He / She is usually Down 1 The opposite of sociable....Quiet.. 2 The opposite of lazy. ......... 4 The opposite of hard-working. 5 The opposite of caring. 6 The opposite of generous. Across 3 The opposite of quiet. ......... 5 The opposite of easy-going. 7 The opposite of mean. 8 The opposite of selfish........... 9 The opposite of shy. 10 The opposite of confident. 11 The opposite of stressed.
Grammar 2 be: past simple and there was I there were 1 Order the words to make sentences with was I were, there was / there were. the / There / car I was / with / a I problem. T^r?was q problem w.................... 1 of / at / There I concert I people I were / the I hundreds. 2 famous / He / explorer / was / a. 3) Write sentences in the past with was I were, there was I there were. cinema in this street / the last cinema in town. There was ai.cinemgin this street.lt was the last enema.in town,............................. 1 thousands of people at the match / Liverpool supporters. 2 a lot of magazines in the shop I bookshop. 3 no meat on the menu I vegetarian restaurant. 3 Was / Report / in / he / Minority? 4 wasn’t / a / the / There / village / bookshop / in. 5 any / days I There / those / medicines / in I weren't. 4 two hundred children at the picnic I hungry and thirsty. 5 a mistake on that page / a spelling mistake. 6 there / school / Were / in / primary / your / computers? 4 Complete the text using was I were, there was I there were. 7 winning/They/the/were/team. 2 Rewrite the sentences in the past with the affirmative or negative form of was I were, there was I there were. There is a cinema in this street. There was <?. cinema in this s treet........ 1 We are at home. 2 There are a lot of people in the park. 3 It isn’t very sunny. 4 There aren’t any eggs. 5 Is there a direct train to the college? 6 Is he interested in football? This is a picture of my town thirty years ago. (1) There were a lot of shops in the High Street. They (2)............ open from 9 till 5. (3)............a library too. It (4) ..........open until late some evenings. (5) so many books there! At the comer of my street (6)........ a sweet shop. It (7) a small shop but inside (8) hundreds of jars of sweets and chocolates. It (9) my favourite shop! (10)...............many cars in my town, so (11)..............a lot of traffic. I knew a lot of people in the town. They (12) all very friendly. I had many friends at school. They (13) all very easy-going. After school we usually played football. (14)............ a football field behind my school. It (15) quite small, but we didn’t care!
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1j CLI Listen and write the sentences. 1 ........ 2 .................................. 3 4 .................................. 5 .................................. 6 7 .................................. 8 Error correction 2j Correct the sentences. I go always to school by bus. I o.lways go to s.chp.Pl. bybus-.......... 1 Do you wait for the bus at the moment? 2 It’s snowing every winter in my country. 3 What he doing now? 4 How many Nobel Prize winners there were? 5 They were hundreds of people at the concert. 6 Was you at school yesterday? Translation 3j Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 2 ................ л....................... 3 ............................................ 4 ................................... ..... 5 ............................................ 6 Unit grammar check 4y Read the text and circle the correct answers. Every year The Guinness World Records™ book (1)... thousands of copies. To date it has sold more than 100 million copies in 100 different countries and 37 languages. People (2)... world records every week. We (3)... about crazy records, but there are records for thousands of different things. An organization from Mallorca, Projecte Home Balears (4)... one world record because it had the most participants in a 24-hour swimming relay. Adam Ldrincz, from Hungary, became a record holder in 2002, at the age of 14. He (5)... the youngest composer of a musical, Star of the King. Birgit Berends, from Germany, is in the Guinness World Records™ book because she (6)... a very big penguin collection. In 2008 (7)... 5098 penguins in the collection. Today there are probably more. 1 a) (sells) b) selling c) is selling 2 a) break b) breaks c) is breaking 3 a) hear usually b) usually hear c) are usually hearing 4 a) holds b) holding c) are holding 5 a) there was b) were c) was 6 a) have b) has c) is having 7 a) there were b) there was c) were 5j (Т~з~| Listen and check your answers. 10
Reading 1j Read the two texts quickly and tick (/) the things that Puk and Harry mention. 1 food И 5 houses □ 2 school 6 transport [ 3 sport 7 clothes □ 4 politics □ 8 religion 0 Interesting lives: Puk and Harry Hi' I'm Puk from Thailand. In Thailand we go to school for ten months of the year. We have a holiday in April because it’s the rainy season. In October we have another holiday because there are a lot of festivals. October is my favourite month! The food here is very spicy and we always eat rice with our meals. My favourite meal is green curry with jasmine rice. Our houses are very simple. They are two or three metres above the land - on tall sticks - so they are protected from the monsoons. I do Muay Thai - Thai boxing. It’s our national sport and it’s a great way to keep fit. On Sundays we go to the park to fly kites. Kite-flying is a popular hobby here. Most Thais are Buddhists. We have a quiet hour every day at school when we sit with our eyes closed and meditate. All of our houses have statues of Buddha. ГП Read and listen to the texts. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. Puk goes to school for eight months of the year. .False, Puk goes to schoplfprten months, pf.theyear,............................................................................ 1 In October there are a lot of festivals in the Netherlands. 2 Puk’s favourite meal is green curry with jasmine rice.................................................. 3 Harry usually has a small breakfast. 4 On Sundays, Puk goes to the park to fly kites. ....................................................... 5 Most people in the Netherlands are Catholics. ................................................... 6 Puk has a statue of Buddha in her house. 7 Harry lives in a house boat. 3y Read the texts again and answer the questions. 1 Why is October Puk’s favourite month? 2 What does Puk do during ‘quiet hour’? 3 When does Harry have school holidays? 4 Why does Harry like his city? Hello! I’m Harry from Amsterdam in the Netherlands. People in Amsterdam live in houses, flats or house boats. We’ve got a small house with a garden. Dutch people love football. I play for the school team. I also like listening to music and playing guitar. Food here is usually simple but we’ve got a lot of foreign restaurants. I always have a big breakfast with bread, jam, cheese and eggs. But my favourite food is pea soup! School finishes at 2.30 and then we are free. We have holidays at Easter, Christmas, and for a month and a half during the summer. My family isn’t religious but most people here are Protestants. Amsterdam is a small city with a lot of canals and narrow streets. I love living here because the people are friendly and there are a lot of things to see and do.
Writing dossier A profile Language focus: introducing examples Complete the sentences with such as, like and including. 1 I don’t like singers Amy Winehouse. 2 The Sugababes are famous for songs ...............Ugly, Overload and Hole in the Head. 3 There are a lot of good female singers in the ‘Top 40’.Duffy and Leona Lewis. Plan Singer, U2 Born I960, Dublin Songs: Sunday Bloody Sunday, Mysterious Ways One Nominated for Nobel Peace prize: 2003, 2005, 2006 Sometimes sings with other famous groups: Green Day, The Corrs Writes poetry Orqanizes benefit concerts to raise money for poor countries Co-founder of 'The One Campaign’ (wants to eliminate poverty) Now lives in Dublin, Ireland, but travels around the world These days writes songs, plays with U2 and does chanty work 2j Read these ideas about Bono and write notes in the table below. Notes Paragraph 1 о where / when born? о why famous? group? о songs? / prizes? Paragraph 2 о sings with? о other interests? о humanitarian work? Paragraph 3 о Where does he live now? о current projects? Write 3} Write a profile about Bono using the notes you made in exercise 2. Write three paragraphs. Use some words for introducing examples. Check Check your writing. Check all the information is there. Check your spelling. Check the use of words for introducing examples. 12
Dialogue builder Meeting people 1y Order the words to make useful expressions. 1 you I see I great I again I It's / to! 2 coming I Thanks / to / for I meet / me. 3 your / was I journey / How? 4 set I did / off / What / you / time? 5 forward I meeting / I’m / to / looking I them. 6 me / bag / take / Let / your. 2 [T| Listen and check your answers. \ Write John's sentences in the correct place in the dialogue. Paula Hi, John. It’s great to see you again! 3 Leo a) That’s OK. How was your journey? b) Five hours ago! That is long. Let me take your bags. c) With my parents. They're waiting in the car park. d) It’s good to see you too. How are you? John (1)................................. Paula I’m fine. Thanks for coming to meet me. John (2)................................. Paula It was long! We set off this morning at nine. John (3)................................. Paula That’s OK, they aren't heavy! How are we going to your house? John .......................... Paula I'm looking forward to meeting them. 4j (OH Listen and check your answers. 5j Complete the dialogues with some of the useful expressions from exercise 1. ? Andy It was OK, thanks. I like travelling by train. Maria Early! I left the house at about 7.30 this morning! 4 Greg OK, you carry that one up. I’ll carry this one! Diane 5 Anita My parents are over there. Claire ...............
Achievements 1 He / She never buys anything for anyone. Find six nouns in the wordsquare and write them in the correct column. Write the articles where necessary (a or ал). 2 He / She loves going to parties and meeting people. 0 Y H I Q N P К В R W в R C P V E R в X А Р c E R T I F I с А Т Е T V U R C В Z м L W X N 0 M H G D E к В X А R c A В N 0 N Y I О М A s R w R G A Н J N S U I H N О V E L S О м 0 D Y Y J К W Q D Е R 3 He / She works very hard. 4 He / She likes giving presents to people. 5 He / She doesn't like working. 6 He / She doesn’t like speaking in public. 7 He / She likes speaking in public. 8 He / She isn't very calm or relaxed. Present simple and present continuous get win pass make score write Personal qualities: opposite adjectives 2y Write the name of the person who’s being described. ‘I’m mean, shy Tm sociable, generous and lazy. Tm hard-working easy-going and confident.’ 3y Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 Be quiet! I........... the news! (watch) 2 Hi, Jack! What you ? (do) 3 Joe............. tennis twice a week, (play) 4 He home at the moment, (not walk) 5 We hardly ever English, (speak) 6 We much fish, (not eat) 7 ........... you............ to go for a coffee? (want) 8 ..............he.............at me right now? (look) was I were; there was I there were Circle the correct words. 1 ... any computers when I was a boy. a) There was b) There wasn’t c) There weren’t 2 My grandparents ... hard-working. a) was b) were c) there were 3 ... only fifteen houses in my village. a) There were b) There was c) There wasn’t 4 Not far from my house ... a river. a) there were b) there was c) there weren’t
Cumulative grammar i 2>з>4>5>6>7>8>9> ij Circle the correct words. Hi Diana, Here we ore in M»-HD (5) eat I eats in a restaurant. Y?sterday we went to a typical 'fiesta'. Yesteraay and peop|e « There were / There « (?) :xXaiX^we'8>was/wer" concert in the evening. The music M were I was ssssss® Spanish now! See you soon, Ryan Ms Diana Spry 49 Pine Road Bristol BS11 9QB England ш EXTRA VOICES 2J (T~7~| Listen to this recording about the teenage tennis champion, Laura Robson. 3^ ('°T~7~| Listen again and circle the correct answers. 1 Laura was born in ... a) Britain b) Austria c) Australia 2 Laura plays tennis for... a) the UK b) Austria c) Australia 3 Laura... a) goes to school in Wimbledon b) doesn’t go to school c) goes to school in Australia 4 Laura trains for... a) one hour a day b) one hour a week c) three hours a day 5 Laura helps with ... a) the homework b) the housework c) the cooking 6 Laura plays... a) the saxophone b) the violin c) the xylophone
Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. catch chase go solve commit escape The thief tried to.escape from prison. 1 The detective used all the clues he had to the criminal. 2 Murderers usually ..........to prison. 3 The police often use dogs to a criminal. 4 When someone ..............a crime, he I she becomes a criminal. 5 Sometimes the FBI help the police to crimes. Crime and criminals 1j Find these words in the wordsquare. hijacking vandalism armed robbery theft shoplifting murder hacking X В S T U 0 I ft A V R A s R E к H R I C E I R H N U w s S J Q R V M о G F L J R A P N A E p E V A E Q C К T N D L A H E M P К R s D R I C H A c К I N G A 0 F 0 s Z M W N R Q L В T H E F T P © F E I В I w Q I T w Q Y О S E N D S N I L E V N M R G U M U R D E R I 0 Y 2j Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. The police caught the shoplifter stealing DVDs from a department store, (shoplifting) 1 The two................stole the money and escaped, (theft) 2 There were three ..............on the plane. The passengers saw them, (hijacking) 3 Two............................ entered the bank and shouted ‘hands up!' (armed robbery) 4 The...............went to prison for twenty years, (murder) 5 A group of.............. destroyed the school hall, (vandalism) 6 The police caught a this morning. He entered NATO's computer system and tried to destroy it. (hacking) 16
Grammar 1 °ast simple i Write the past simple form of these verbs. think ........Oipught... 1 decide ............... 2 get ................. 3 take ................ 4 put 5 discover............. 6 give ................ 7 check 8 go .................. 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple form of the verbs in brackets. My neighbour ...chased, the thief down the street, (chase) 1 The police ........ the shoplifter when she left the shop, (arrest) 2 The armed robbers............when they heard the police car. (run away) 3 All of the passengers the hijacking, (survive) 4 The thief.........a Van Gogh painting from the National Art Gallery, (steal) 5 The gang five banks in five days! (rob) 4j Complete the sentences with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. Yesterday at three o’clock I .......was sitting.......on the sofa watching television, (sit) 1 The cat......................... a dog down the street, (chase) 2 It’s hard to believe that I ..............................on the same plane as a hijacker, (fly) 3 We............................in the forest when we heard a strange sound, (walk) 4 The bank robbers ............................. the bags when the police caught them, (not carry) 5 I saw a shoplifter! She.......... ........... ...................... a pair of expensive sunglasses into her bag. (Put) 6 What did you say? I’m sorry, I..........................(not listen) 7 It ........................on Saturday, so they stayed at home, (rain) 5j Write questions for these answers. Twenty-two people were travelling on the plane. How many people were travelling on the plane? Past continuous 3 Write the -ing form of these verbs. leave ......leaving...... 1 fly ................... 2 sit .................. 3 walk ................. 4 put .................. 5 carry ................ 1 He was wearing a baseball cap. What..........................................? 2 I was sitting near the door. Where.........................................? 3 They were carrying $1000000 when they were caught. How much money.............................? 4 Last night I was watching television. What ? 5 We were waiting for him at the bus stop. Where.........................................?
Vocabulary 2 Phrasal verbs 1) Match these phrasal verbs with their opposites. 1 pick up picture ...c 2 turn on picture 3 stand up picture 4 get out of picture 5 put on picture b) takeoff c) put down d) turn off e) get into Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. stand up turn off pick up turn on get out of take off get into put on The pupils were sitting down but when the teacher came in they stood up............... 1 The woman........... her jacket and gave it to the waiter. 2 The detective.......................his car and drove to the police station. 3 He....................... the television and went to bed. 4 When the actress the car everybody started taking photos. 5 The detective .... .....the tape recorder and began to ask questions. 6 We....................... all the rubbish when we finished our picnic. 7 He looked like a film star when he ............his new sunglasses. 3y Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs and phrasal verbs. turn take turn down put down put take off get out of The car turned the corner. 1 The music was too loud, so she the CD player. 2 The police photographer some photos of the crime scene. 3 The detective his hat and jacket before he examined the scene. 4 The robber the money in two big bags. 5 She ........... her pen when she finished her work. 6 The suspect.............the car and ran into the station.
Grammar 2 Past simple and past continuous i / Complete the sentences with when or while. When...I arrived home, my mother was making lunch. 1 The burglars came in............I was having a bath. 2 They robbed the bank the manager was having lunch. 3 I saw the shoplifter he put the CD into his pocket. 4 The vandals broke the windows we were sleeping. 5 The police caught the robbers they stopped at the traffic lights. 2, Rewrite the two sentences as one sentence using when or while. He was running away. He fell on the floor. He was running.^.......................... 1 She was walking home. Someone stole her bag. (while) 2 It began to rain. They were having a picnic, (when) 3 I was cleaning my room. I found five pounds, (when) 4 The detectives were looking in the car. They found an important clue, (while) 5 John arrived. We were having dinner, (while) 3. Circle the correct words. I washed / (foaswashingmy hair when the programme started / was starting. 1 Did you watch / Were you watching the football match when I arrived / was arriving last night? 2 We had / were having dinner when you called / were calling me. 3 Did you sleep / Were you sleeping when I rang you? No, I played / was playing the guitar. 4 We met / were meeting his brother while we waited / were waiting in the queue. Read about the train robber, Ronnie Biggs. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. The Great Train Robber Ronnie Biggs was born in London in 1929. In 1963 he and his gang (1)......stole..... (steal) £2.6 million from a mail train while it (2).............. (travel) across the English countryside. The police (3) (catch) Biggs and (4)...............(send) him to Wandsworth Prison. In 1965, he (5) (escape) from prison and (6) (run away) to France. While he (7)............. (hide) he (8) (have) plastic surgery and (9) (buy) new identity papers. The police finally (10)............. (catch) Biggs in 1974 while he (11).......... (live) in Brazil, but the Brazilian authorities protected him. Ronnie Biggs (12)................(return) to England voluntarily in 2001. 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs. I was walking (walk) home when it started (start) to rain. 1 Someone (steal) my TV while I (talk) on the phone. 2 The dog (escape) while I . (not look). 3 Jamie (cook) lunch while I (paint) the bedroom. 4 The phone (ring) while I (have) a bath. 5 My parents________________ (arrive) while we _______ (have) lunch.
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Unit grammar check 1j 'M~8~l Listen and write the sentences. 1 .................................... 2 ... ......... 3 ................................ 4 ......................................... 5 ......................................... 6 ................ ........................ 7 ......................................... 8 ....... Error correction 2 ) Correct the sentences. Brian finded 5800 dollars. Brian.found .5800.doljars,.. 1 It rains all day yesterday. 2 Did you went to the beach last summer? 4 Read the text and circle the correct words. P. D. James P. D. James 3 What did he wearing? 4 The robber did escaped. 5 I was reading the paper when the police were arriving. 6 He waited for a train when suddenly a vandal broke a window. 7 What you were doing when the computer broke? Translation 3y Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 2 ................................... 3 ............................. 4 5 ................................... 6 . . .......... 7 ................................... In 1962 the writer P. D. James (1/created) / was creating one of the most popular Scotland Yard detectives, Adam Dalgliesh. Dalgliesh (2) became / was becoming famous for his intelligence and for the poems he wrote. The stories P. D. James (3) wrote I was writing were about mysterious crimes - and Dalgliesh (4) solved I was solving every one of them. Detective Sergeant Martin was in some of the Dalgliesh stories. He was his trusted partner. While Dalgliesh (5) analysed I was analysing evidence or while he (6) followed I was following his suspects, Martin was usually (7) thought / thinking about the mystery himself and he (8) tried / was trying to solve the crime. Some of the most famous stories are now a popular television series. Death of an Expert Witness is one of the best known ones. 5j ^T*~l Listen and check your answers. 20
Reading i. Read the texts and find words to complete the sentences. 1 G.............are people in an unofficial military group. 2 In the USA in the past horses pulled c...............with people travelling inside. 3 A r.......... is a sum of money the police pay for help in solving a crime. 4 An о is a person who lives a life of crime. 5 A j is another word for a prison. 6 H are the titles of pieces of news in a newspaper. 2j (Ciol Read and listen to the texts. Complete the table with information about Jesse James and William Bonney. Jesse James William Bonney date of birth place of birth nickname or other name crimes year of death Two Famous Criminals the Kid. Jesse James was born in Missouri in 1847. When he was 15 he left home with his older brother, Frank, and joined a gang of guerrillas. They were fighting for the Confederates in the American Civil War. William Bonney was born in 1859 in New York. He became one of the most famous American outlaws, known as Billy While they were fighting the Union soldiers, the gang became famous for murder and armed robbery. They robbed mail coaches and murdered their prisoners of war. In one attack they killed more than 150 people in one town and burned down all the buildings. When the war ended in 1865 Jesse and Frank formed a new gang. They robbed banks, trains and coaches. They also murdered people. In 1876 Jesse James changed his name to Thomas Howard and moved to hide from the police. But Jesse started robbing banks again. In 1879 the Governor of Missouri offered a reward of $10000 to anybody who caught him. One of Jesse's gang, Robert Ford, shot him three years later for the reward money. When Billy was a teenager the police arrested him for stealing. He escaped from jail and ran away to Arizona. His life of crime didn’t stop and soon he was stealing horses. In 1877 Billy killed for the first time. He was only 18 years old. Billy ran away again and settled in New Mexico. He joined a gang of horse thieves. They wanted to kill Lincoln County Sheriff, William Brady, because he was responsible for killing their leader. Billy murdered the Sheriff and his deputy. In 1881 Sheriff Pat Garrett caught Billy the Kid. He arrested Billy for murder and sentenced him to death. Billy escaped from the jailhouse but Garrett went after him, caught him and shot him. The next day the newspaper headlines said, ‘The Kid Killed’.
Writing dossier A report of an event Language focus: adverbs of degree 1> Circle the correct words. 1 I feel really I a bit hungry. I don’t want a meal but I’ll have a snack. 2 She was quite I not very good at shoplifting. She was caught three times last week! 3 He is very! isn’t very bad at investigating. He didn’t catch any criminals last year. 4 The suspect has got a bit I quite short hair, about 1 cm! 5 The investigators in CSI are not very I really clever. They always catch the criminals. Plan 2j Order the paragraphs below to make a witness statement. 1 ..... 2 ........ 3....... (a) Well, he wasn’t very tall. He was about 1.60 metres. He had quite long hair and was wearing dark clothes. He was carrying the bag. It looked very heavy. I think he was really young, about 18 or 19. (b) It was nearly midnight on Sunday 3rd November. I was looking out of my bedroom window at my neighbour’s house when I saw a man. He was standing behind a tree and he was holding a big bag. (c) As I was watching, the man walked over to the neighbour’s window. He broke the glass and climbed in. I phoned the police immediately. Then I waited for the police. The man moved really quickly when he heard the police cars arrive. He ran across the road and into the woods. What did he look like? 3> You witnessed the crime described in exercise 2. Write notes in the table below. Notes Paragraph 1 о time? day? date? place? о What were you doing? о What did you see? Paragraph 2 о What happened next? о How did the suspect escape? Paragraph 3 о suspect’s physical appearance? о suspect's clothes? о suspect’s age? Write 4/ Write a witness statement using the notes you wrote in exercise 3. Write three paragraphs. Use at least three adverbs of degree. Check 5j Check your writing. Check the use of the past simple and past continuous. Check the use of adverbs of degree.
Dialogue builder Asking for directions ly fTT| Listen and complete the useful expressions. 1 Hello, I’m.......... the library. 2 It’s........... the road. 3 How.............is it? 4 Go outside and.............right. 5 Go .............for 200 metres. 6 When you get to the toilets, left. ij It's Paul and Ellie’s first day in their new school and they’re lost. Complete the dialogue with these words. far way lost right looking for turn how Mr Granger Hello, are you (1) ? Paul Yes! I’m a new student. I’m (2)......... the sports hall. Mr Granger It’s outside, next to the car park. Paul (3)..................far is it? Mr Granger It isn't (4) at all. It’s a five-minute walk. Paul What’s the best (5)................ to go? Mr Granger Go outside and (6) left. Walk past the science labs and it’s on the (7)......... Paul Thanks! Mr Granger No problem. Paul Can you help my sister, too? Mr Granger Yes. of course. 3j бПЛ Listen and check your answers. 4/ Ellie wants to get directions to the library. Look at the map and complete the dialogue with some of the useful expressions from exercise 1 and the words in brackets. Mr Granger Hello, I’m Mr Granger. Ellie I’m Ellie. I’m looking for the library. Mr Granger (1)................................. (outside / opposite the toilets) Ellie How far is it? Mr Granger (2)................................. (not far I down the road) Ellie What’s the best way to go? Mr Granger (3)............................... (go outside I turn right I go straight on) Ellie And then? Mr Granger (4)................................. (toilets / turn left) Ellie Thanks! Mr Granger No problem! 23
Crime and criminals Past simple (Л Ф у Read and write the names of the crimes. 1 There is a chalk outline of a body on the floor. There is a knife next to it. 3j Complete the sentences with the past simple form of an appropriate verb. 1 2 3 2 There are two men with guns, in a bank. A woman is giving them a bag of money. 4 5 You Jack.... morning! My dad weekend. We...... French at school, fantastic in those clothes! up at 6 o’clock this a new car last to the hotel by bus. 3 Two boys and a girl are destroying a telephone box. Another girl is painting her name on the wall. Past continuous 4у Write answers to these questions using the words In brackets. 4 A virus is eating all the information on your computer. Someone put the virus on an email. 5 Two men are in an aeroplane. They are holding guns. The passengers are crying and shouting. 6 A woman is putting a bottle of perfume into her pocket. She is in a department store. 1 2 3 Was it raining? (sunny) No, it wasn't. raini\ng.ltyyassunn^........ Were the people running? (walk) No, Was James eating? (drink) No. Were you watching a DVD? (listen music) No. Was she painting? (write) No, Were Mum and Dad working? (have lunch) No .......... Were you studying? (chat) No. 4 5 6 Phrasal verbs 2j Complete the sentences with these prepositions. for into after off away up on down on the chair, his car and 1 2 з 4 5 6 7 The suspect sat The robber got drove to the station. I looked my key, but I couldn’t find it anywhere. The burglar escaped, but the police ran him and caught him. It was too hot and she took jacket. The singer picked and started to play. He turned the TV to watch the news. My dog is missing. We went to the park and it just ran ........... her the guitar and sat down Past simple and past continuous Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings. 1 2 3 4 5 When the teacher walked in While I was walking home from the shop □ What were you doing When I looked out of the window Where was the witness standing a) when you heard the news? b) the visitors were arriving. c) we were all sitting quietly. d) when she saw the suspect? e) I lost my keys. 8 24
Cumulative grammar |1>2>3>4>5>6>7>8>9> 1 Circle the correct words. 1(1) arrived / was arriving at the scene of the crime at exactly 4.23 am. (2) It was I were very quiet. (3) There was / There were two bodies; a man and a woman. The man was Smith but I (4) wasn’t recognizing / didn’t recognize the woman. While I (5) was looking I looked for clues Smith’s wife arrived. She (6) was sitting down I sat down and smiled. Her husband was dead but she (7) weren’t I wasn’t sad. ‘I hated him,’ she said. She started shouting; ’I (8) didn’t like / wasn’t liking his house.’ she said. ‘I didn’t want to be his wife’. She (9) took off / took up her gloves. There was blood on her hands. 1(10) said / was saying. ‘We need to talk’. Си f EXTRA VOICES 2^ Listen to this recording about the famous robber, Butch Cassidy. Listen again and circle the correct answers. 1 Butch Cassidy was... a) English b) Argentinian c) American 2 Before Cassidy became a robber, he was ... a) an actor b) a cowboy c) a train driver 3 He and his gang robbed money from ... a) jeweller’s shops b) bank and trains c) cowboys 4 He went to prison in... a) 1894 b) 1984 c) 1895 5 The police caught Cassidy while he was... a) stealing some money b) stealing some horses c) counting his money 6 In 1901 Cassidy travelled to... a) South Africa b) Europe c) South America 7 Harry Longabaugh’s nickname was ... a) The Kid b) The Sundance Kid c) Harry 8 In 1905, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid stole a lot of money from ... a) a train b) a rich woman c) a bank 9 Two American robbers stole money from a silver mine in ... a) America b) Bolivia c) Argentina 10 People think that the two men who were shot in Bolivia were I a) Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid b) soldiers c) miners
Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Complete the sentences with these words. Fieh cheap free poor expensive Many footballers are very rich....... 1 That was an holiday. We spent thousands of euros. 2 In countries, a lot of people haven’t got enough to eat. 3 You don’t have to pay to get into the museum. It’s............... 4 This watch was quite ........ It only cost ten euros! Verbs related to money 1j Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. buy spend waste swap save win earn lose In 1867 the USA...bought Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million. 1 He loves music. He all his money on CDs. 2 My brother............£5 an hour working in a cate on Saturdays. 3 I want to 50p from my pocket money every week so I can buy Mum a birthday present. 4 Uncle Jack.......... ten thousand pounds on the lottery! 5 Do you want to your Paulina Rubio CD for this computer game? 6 You shouldn’t money on things you don’t need. 7 Jessica’s upset because she all her money. She left her bag on the bus yesterday. 2,. Write these phrases in the correct column. a prize £25000 a year the lottery a gold medal in the Olympics a race a wage less than a dollar a day 1000 euros a month earn win a prize Complete the dialogues with the correct form of lend or borrow. 1 Tom Dad, can you .. ....me six euros? Dad No, you five euros from me yesterday! 2 Mum It’s cold outside. Do you want to ...................a scarf? Rose Yes, please. Can you me a hat too? 3 Anna Did you.... this CD from Peter? Eve No, James ........... me that one. 4j Tick (✓) the two correct sentences and correct the other three. Top footballers can win huge salaries. X Top footballers can earn h uge salq ries.. 1 He sold his old jacket on ebay. He got £20 for it. 2 My brother loses all his money on totally useless things. 3 He wins a lot of money in his new job. 4 He saved half of his pocket money to buy some new trainers. 5 He earned all his money in a card game. 26
Grammar 1 Comparatives and superlatives mn. Camera A Camera В Camera C price £59.99 £99.99 £200 memory 4 megapixels 10 megapixels 12 megapixels design very attractive not very attractive quite attractive easy to use? difficult to use easy to use very easy to use i / Complete the table with the comparative and superlative forms of the adjectives. adjective comparative superlative hot hotter (than) (the) hottest lazy fast beautiful expensive important good bad It T) me le. 20 У 2, Complete the sentences with the comparative forms of the adjectives in brackets. Cars are more expensive than motorbikes, (expensive) 1 Potatoes are.....................caviar, (cheap) 2 Wales is.......................England, (small) 3 The ending of this film is the other film, (happy) 4 Are you.......................your brother? (intelligent) 5 Is English Chinese? (easy) Complete the sentences with the superlative form of these adjectives. big intelligent slow cheap expensive attractive It is.....thebiggest.......shopping centre in Europe. It’s got more than 1000 shops! 1 These are........................shoes in the shop. They’re only 10 euros. 2 Ferrari makes.......................cars in the world. 3 He’s a scientist and an inventor. He's .................. ... person I know. 4 I think he's.......................boy in the class. He’s got lovely eyes. 5 Are snails.......................animals in the world? 4> Write sentences comparing the different cameras. Use the adjectives in brackets and the information in the table. Camera C has got the biggest memory. (А, В, C / big memory) 1 (A, В / expensive) 2 ...................................... (В, СI small memory) 3 (А, В, C / cheap) 4 .......................................... (A, СI attractive) 5 ....................................... (А, В, C / easy to use) 6 ...................................... (В, C / difficult to use) too and not enough 5j Write pairs of sentences with too and (not) enough. The mobile phone costs 60 euros and I’ve got 50 euros. The mobile phone istoo expensive. The phone is n’t cheap enough. 1 Those jeans are size 46. I’m size 38. 2 You must be 18 to drive a car. Jan is 17. 3 This exam is very difficult. I don’t understand the questions. 4 This coffee is boiling hot. I can’t drink it. 5 Your house is far from here. I can’t cycle there. 27 I
Vocabulary 2 False friends Extra false friends: notice, exit 1j Match the sentences with the pictures. 1 The emergency exit is over there, picture d 2 The dinner was a great success, picture..... 3 Did she watch the news last night? picture 4 Did she read the notice? picture 3j Circle the correct words. After the party I put all my birthday cards?/ letters in my bedroom. 1 All my friends and relatives I parents sang Happy Birthday. 2 Shh! Dad’s watching the notice / news on television. 3 The weather forecaster warned / advertised people to stay at home. 4 History is my favourite signature I subject at school. Complete the sentences with the correct form of these words. parents letter exit warn signature notice My parents came to the game. 1 Write your...........at the end of the form. 2 Her mother wrote a thank-you to her friend. 3 The teacher ..........his pupils to be quiet in the exam. 4 The exam results are on the .......... board. 5 Charlie wanted to leave the shopping centre but he couldn’t find the............... 5; Correct the sentences. He received a lot of Christmas letters. не received q l o t of .Christmas cards. 1 I have a lot of parents in Madrid. 2 I think that maths is an easy signature. 3 We always watch the notices on television after dinner. 4 The concert was a big exit, all the fans were happy. 2j Complete the missing vowels to make false friends. signature 5 The weather forecaster advertised drivers about the heavy rain. 1 n t c 2 c rd 3 __dv rt_s 4 p r nt 5 x t
Grammar 2 Quantity: some, any, much, many and a lot of 4j Circle the correct answers. >ang »on ject ct 1,. Complete the sentences with much or many. How.....many....songs have you got on your MP3? 1 How money have you got? 2 I didn't eat cheese 3 There aren’t people here. 4 There are too...........children in the pool. 5 How............water do you drink every day? 6 My brother has got too books in his room. 7 There’s too........... milk in this glass. 2 Complete the sentences with some or any. I’ve got ..some....... CDs for the party. 1 I haven’t got money! 2 Have you got............ stamps? 3 There are people in the garden. 4 Has your brother got kung-fu DVDs? 5 Look! Mum bought................popcorn for tonight! 6 I brought snacks for the party. 7 I didn’t see people I knew. Pocket Money Survey Results Jill Steve Pauline mobile phone 80% 0% 15% sweets 2% 75% 8% magazines 15% 5% 0% going out 3% 20% 77% Jill spends (1) ... money on her mobile phone. She doesn’t buy (2)... sweets and she doesn’t spend (3) ... on going out. Steve doesn’t spend (4) ... money on a mobile phone because he hasn’t got one! He buys (5)... sweets. He doesn’t buy (6)... magazines and he doesn’t spend (7)... money on going out. Pauline doesn’t buy (8)... magazines because she reads her sister’s! She spends (9)... money on going out but she doesn’t buy(10) ... sweets. lion 1-... were ers 3 Rewrite the sentences using any. I’ve got some shoes. i.h.ay&n.’.t.gQ.t.any.sli.Qes.,............... 1 We’ve got some biscuits. 2 There are some burglars in the house. 3 I’ve got a lot of friends. 4 She took some photographs at the party. 5 We bought a lot of bread. 6 He played a lot of different computer games. 7 They’ve got a lot of money. 1 a) too many b)(joo much) c) much 2 a) much b) many c) too much 3 a) much b) many c) any 4 a) many b) any c) much 5 a) a lot b) too many c) too much 6 a) some b) many c) any 7 a) any b) a lot of c) many 8 a) any b) many c) too many 9 a) too many b) too much c) any 10 a) too much b) any c) many
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1> Listen and write the sentences. 1 ............................. 2 ........... 3 _.............................. 4 ........................... 5 ................................ 6 ............................... 7 .......................... „.. 8 ................................ Error correction ij Correct the sentences. I can’t lend you some money. I can't lend you any money............................................. 1 A paper clip is cheaper that a house! 2 People in Africa are more poor than people in Europe. 3 She’s the intelligentest girl in our class. 4 The exit isn’t enough big for two people. 5 Has she got much shoes? 6 Football players earn too many money. 7 I haven’t got some brothers or sisters. Translation 3/ Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 .................................... 2 .................................... 3 .................................... 4 .................................... 5 .................................... 6 .... ............................... 7 .................................... Unit grammar check 4j Read the text and circle the correct answers. Bob-a-job! When my dad was a boy he was in the Boy Scouts. Every year they had a special week called Bob-a-job week. Scouts went to people’s houses and did any job for a shilling. A shilling was called a ‘bob’. In today’s money that’s not (1) ..., it’s only five pence. Some jobs were (2)... than others and sometimes they were (3)... difficult for my dad. Other scouts did (4)... jobs and earned (5) ... money too. The scouts didn’t spend (6) ... money on sweets. They gave all their bobs to charity. 1 a) too many 4 a) many b) many c) (too muctj) b) c) any much 2 a) difficulter 5 a) any b) most difficult b) many c) more difficult c) a lot of 3 a) too 6 a) some b) enough b) any c) too much c) too many Listen and check your answers.
Reading \ Read the text quickly and find the name of: 1 A queen 2 A dog 3 A mountain Head Tales is on the front. The five-pence coins cost £39.95 but have a street value of five pence. What have the faces of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa and Queen Elizabeth II got in common? They all appear on coins or banknotes. Some are still being used today. Others are in museum collections around the world. Portraits on coins and banknotes help us to understand the history of people, countries and empires. Most faces are of kings, queens and heads of state, but there are also faces of artists, musicians, explorers, inventors, scientists, religious leaders and even the modern-day fictional wizard Harry Potter! In 2004, in Belgium, they made 50000 special ten-euro coins to commemorate the Belgian writer, Herge's, most famous characters. Tintin and his dog Snowy appear on one side of the coin and a map of Europe appears on the other side. Collectors paid 31 euros for each coin. i g- ey i The Isle of Man Government decided to make a limited edition of Harry Potter coins. Harry's face is on the back of the coins and Queen . Elizabeth Il's face Until 1991 in New Zealand, the portraits on coins and banknotes were either heads of state or dead people. Sir Edmund Hillary broke this rule. His face appeared on five- dollar banknotes. Hillary was famous for being the first person to climb Mount Everest in 1953. He died in 2008. to 2 Find words in the text that mean: f 1 paper money 2 not real, invented 3 a person that collects objects as a hobby 4 a picture of a person b............ f .......... c............ P............ 3j Read and listen to the text. Answer the questions. 1 Which fictional character appeared on the back of coins in the Isle of Man? 2 How much did collectors pay for the ten- euro Tintin coins? iny 3 When did Sir Edmund Hillary's face appear on banknotes in New Zealand? 31
Writing dossier A thank-you letter Language focus: phrases for thank-you letters tj Complete the table with these greetings. Best wishes, I’m writing to thank you for Thanks very much for All the best, Hope to see you soon. Lots of love, Dear Thank you so much for opening greetings closing greetings 1 5 2 6 3 7 4 8 Plan 2j You received a present from your grandparents. Look at the picture and write notes in the table below. Notes Paragraph 1 opening greetings Thank them for the present (use comparative or superlative adjectives) Paragraph 2 Tell them about your birthday celebrations Paragraph 3 closing greetings Write 3y Write a thank-you letter to your grandparents using the notes you made in exercise 2. Write three paragraphs. Use opening and closing greetings. Check 4 Check your writing. Check your opening and closing greetings. Check the letter is polite.
Dialogue builder Shopping 1/ (17| Listen and cross out the extra word in each sentence. 1 Can I try these new boots on, please? 2 Do they boots fit? 3 They're too much small. 4 It’s too big size. 5 Have you got some a bigger size? 3j (та Listen and check your answers. 2 Toby and Pat are looking at T-shirts and caps in a shop. Order the words to complete the dialogue. Shop assistant (1) help /1 / can / you / Hello? Toby Shop assistant Toby I want to buy a dragon T-shirt. OK. (2) it / Can / try /, please / on /I? Shop assistant Shop assistant Yes, here you are. Here’s a size M. (3) fit / it / Does? Toby Er, no. (4) too / It’s / big. Shop assistant Toby Right. (5) a / got / size / Have / smaller / you? Shop assistant Toby No, we haven’t, not with a dragon. (6) got / a / ‘Wales’ / on / size / the / Have / with / smaller / you / front? Shop assistant Toby Yes, here you are. Thanks. I’ll buy that. 4j Pat wants to buy a cap. Write a dialogue using the useful expressions from exercise 1 and these prompts. 1 The shop assistant offers to help. 2 Pat wants a cap. 3 The shop assistant shows her a black cap in size M. 4 Pat wants to try it on. 5 The shop assistant asks if it fits. 6 It’s too big. Pat asks about a smaller one. 7 The shop assistant looks but there aren’t any in black. She has size S in white. 8 Pat buys a white cap. 1 Hello, can I help you? 2 3 4 5 ....... 6 7 ........................................... 8 ...........................................
Verbs related to money 1j Complete the dialogue with the correct form of these verbs. lend save buy spend swap (x2) waste Tom Mum, can you (1)..............me five pounds? Mum Why? Did you (2) all your pocket money yesterday? Tom Yes, I (3)........... a new mobile phone. Mum But you've got a mobile phone! Tom Don’t worry! I (4).......... the mobile phone for a guitar. Mum But you can’t play the guitar! Tom I’m going to learn. Will you pay for guitar classes? Mum No way! You can (5).............the guitar for a money box and then you can (6) your money. Tom Oh, Mum! Mum You always (7) ............ your money on stupid things, Tom. False friends too and not enough 4y Write sentences with the adjectives in brackets and too or (not) enough. 2} Complete the sentences with these words. card parents signature notice exit 2+2 1 She bought her mum a birthday............... with a picture of a cat. 2 Excuse me. please. I want to leave the building. Where is the............. ? 3 That’s not my on the cheque! 4 There is a saying‘no entry'! 5 This is my brother. Jack and these are our , Harold and Maud. 4 ............................ (easy) (old) Comparatives and superlatives 3y Circle the correct words. 1 My new trainers were more / most expensive than yours. 2 This is the best / better team in the world! 3 I’m happier / more happier than my brother. 4 That was the baddest I worst day of my life! 5 Russia is much bigger that / than Wales. Quantity: some, any, much, many and a lot of 5V Circle the correct words. 1 There aren’t many / much students in my class. 2 There is a lot of / many money on the table. 3 There are a lot of I any problems in this town. 4 There weren’t much / many people at the concert. 5 Do you have any I some British friends? 6 I went to the shop to buy any / some milk.
Cumulative grammar < 2 a; 4>5>s>7>e>9> ij Circle the correct words. « eA_______ Hi Mum, I hope you and Dad are OK. I’m well, but I need to borrow some money because I (1) spended / spent the money you gave me on the first day. I (2) asked / was asking Joe to lend me £5 but he (3) said I sayed ‘no’. Everything here is (4) more expensive / expensiver than at home. Everything's (5) too / too much expensive, actually! I haven’t got (6) some I any money to spend at the zoo tomorrow. Can you put £50 in my bank account, please? There aren’t (7) much / many days of the holiday left and I want to buy some presents for you and Dad. Thanks, Simon >ive) jnd i my | his t the is? milk. EXTRA VOICES 3^ (^"19] Listen again and circle the correct answers. 1 The boot of a car is ... 2^ (JKI Listen to Stephen talking about car-boot sales. c) the back of the car 2 3 4 5 a) the front of the car b) the top of the car In a car-boot sale things are ... in normal shops. a) cheaper than b) more expensive than The best time to go to a car-boot sale is ... a) late in the morning b) in the afternoon Later in the day there are ... a) too many people b) too many things The most expensive things you can buy at a car-boot sale are ... a) clothes and games b) cars and furniture c) musical instruments c) the same price as c) early in the morning c) too many CDs 35
Vocabulary 1 J Recycl Complete the missing words with the correct consonants. 2j Match the extreme sports from exercise 1 with the pictures of equipment. 2 _ i 5 v e 7 Adventure sports tj Order the letters to write the names of extreme sports. narinoswdbog 1 troom cranig m...............r............ 2 tainomun kingib m............... b................ 3 krinelolrsatg r............ 4 ynakkiag к............ 5 ckor mclgibin r............c............. 6 cie limcngbi i..............c............ 7 rfisugn s............. 8 utiacnragph p.............. 9 ginvac c.............. 3/ Write sentences about the extreme sports from exercise 1 using these words. snowboard roller skates parachute torch racing car climbing ropes mountain bike kayak ice boots surfboard You need[ja snowboard to go snowboarding... 1 2 ......................................................... 3 ......................................................... 4 ......................................................... 5 ......................................................... 6 ......................................................... 7 ......................................................... 8 ......................................................... 9 36
Grammar 1 ^resent perfect: affirmative and negative *7 Write the past participles of these verbs. see ..........seen...... 1 try ................. 2 climb .............. 3 be ................. 4 do ............___.. 5 jump ................ 6 walk ............... 7 run ................ 2у Complete the sentences with the past participles from exercise 1. I’ve never....seen......a ghost. 1 My brother has...............many high mountains. 2 They’ve never................to Paris. 3 She hasn’t............. yoga before. 4 I haven’t any extreme sports before. 5 I’ve never out of a plane! 6 My friends have that marathon before. 7 Thomas has five kilometres today. 3, Rewrite the sentences using the negative form. I have tried sushi. I haven't,tried sushi,..................... 1 He has supported Chelsea for years. 4y Complete the mini dialogues with the correct negative form of the verbs in brackets. A Ocean's Thirteen is a great film, isn’t it? В I don’t know, I haven't seen... it. (see) 1 A I love snowboarding. Do you? В I don’t know, I ............ it. (try) 2 A Chess is my favourite game. Do you like it? В I don’t know, I ............it. (play) 3 A Do you like the taste of frogs’ legs? В I don’t know, I ............ them, (eat) 4 A We love London. Do you? В I don’t know, I.............. there, (be) 5j Read Charlie’s list and write sentences using the present perfect. Things to do before I'm 30 Parachute from a plane. / Go rock climbing in wales. Eat insects. / watch a European Cup final. Play volleyball on a Caribbean beach. / Go on a safari in Africa. / Meet the Prime Minister. 2 She has watched a Jackie Chan film. He has parachuted from a plane. He hasn’t been rock climbing in Wales. 3 They have taken Dad’s car.
Vocabulary 2 -ed and -ing adjectives Match the pictures with the adjectives. annoyed 1 interested 2 embarrassed 3 worried 4 surprised 5 bored picture f. picture picture picture picture picture 2y Circle the correct adjectives. Yesterday I went rock climbing. It was really (exciting / excited! 1 This film is boring / bored. Let’s watch another channel. 2 Do you get embarrassed / embarrassing easily? 3 We were surprising I surprised when our team won! 4 This book is really interesting / interested. Do you want to borrow it? 5 He’s very exciting / excited about his new job. 6 It was an embarrassing I embarrassed situation for everybody. 7 I’m boring / bored. What can I do? 3j Complete the sentences with these adjectives. frightened frightening annoying annoyed interesting interested embarrassed embarrassing Don’t be...frightened.., the dog isn't dangerous! 1 Does your face go red when you are ? 2 It’s an ............website with information about celebrities. 3 Was the teacher when nobody did the homework? 4 The most moment was when he forgot her name. 5 She’s in ecology and she always recycles everything. 6 That new vampire film is.............. I don’t want to watch it! 7 Stop clicking your pen! It’s really ! 38
Grammar 2 4 Present perfect: questions and short answers 1j Match the beginnings of the questions with their endings. 1 Have you ever flown 2 Have they ever been 3 Has he ever climbed 4 Has she ever sung 5 Have we ever eaten a) a mountain? b) a song in public? c) to the USA? d) frogs' legs? e) in a balloon? 2j Match the questions from exercise 1 with their answers. a) Yes, he has. □ b) No, she hasn’t. □ c) Yes, they have. d) No, we haven’t. e) Yes, I have. 3j Order the words to make questions. Then write true short answers to the questions. ever / Have I you / climbed / mountain I a? Hayeyou wer dim^ .N.QJ.h.fl.ven.'.t............................... 1 ever I Patagonia I Has / your / teacher I been / to? 4y Complete the sentences with the correct form of these verbs. see eat ride meet drink climb Have you ever....seen.... a UFO? 1 Has your sister ever a horse? 2 Have your friends ever............ a mountain? 3 Has your dad ever kangaroo meat? 4 Have they ever.............mango milkshake? 5 Has your mum ever.............. a famous person? 5j Complete the ‘you’ section of the table. Then write questions and short answers using the present perfect, ever and the information in the table. Tom Betty You have an accident X / appear on TV X X eat Chinese food ✓ / ride a camel X X win a prize ✓ X 2 sushi / you / ever / Have / eaten? 3 Has / slept / at / house I your I friend I ever / your? 4 ever / seen / Have / iceberg / you / an? 5 ever / met / Have / a / famous / you / person? Betty I accident Yes,, she. has. 1 Tom / accident 2 Tom and Betty / TV 3 Tom and Betty I Chinese food 4 Tom / prize 5 you/accident 6 you/camel
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1j :TO Listen and write the sentences. 1 ........................................ 2 ........................................ 3 4 ........................................ 5 ................................. .. .. 6 . ............. 7 ........................ 8 ........................................ Error correction 2 Correct the sentences. I've seen a flying dog yesterday! isawq flyi.ng.dpgyesterday(............... 1 I’ve tryed parachuting but I didn’t like it. Unit grammar check 4j Read the text and circle the correct answers. Have you (1)... of the professional skateboarder, Tony Hawk? The world champion (2)... a hero for thousands of skateboard fanatics all over the world. He was extremely excited when he got his first skateboard at the age of nine. Hawk (3)... skateboard crazy since then. 2 He has jumped out of a plane? 3 She enjoyed climbing since she was a child. Hawk has (4)... on lots of television programmes and he (5)... DVDs about the sport. As well as DVDs he (6)... computer games with a skateboard theme. And, he (7)... in movies. 4 Have you ever have an accident? 5 Have you seen Peter? Yes, I do. Hawk (8)... his autobiography and it (9)... a bestseller! 6 Have she ever been to Amsterdam? 7 I love parachuting. I’ve ever done anything so exciting before! Translation 3j Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 ..................................... 2 3 .......... 4 5 ..................................... 6 . ............... 7 ...................................... 1 a) ever hear bjfever heard', c) never heard 2 a) has became b) has become c) have become 3 a) has been b) has being c) is being 4 a) appearing b) appeared c) appear 5 a) have made b) make c) has made 6 a) has created b) has create c) is created 7 a) has been b) has never been c) is been 8 a) has publish b) have published c) has published 9 a) have become b) has become c) has became ФИ Listen and check your answers.
Reading 1 Read the advert and tick (/) the verbs that are mentioned. Then read the text. 1 jump 2 run 3 climb 4 swim 5 parachute 6 drive 7 stand 8 fall 9 fight Wanted Stunt performer Must be able to: Jump from a great height Run through fire Parachute Jump through a window Fight with a shark Stand on an elephant's back 2 Find words in the text that mean: 1 danger r ............... 2 not visible i................ 3 evil person, criminal v ............... 4 cars, lorries, etc. v................ 5 judo, karate, etc. m................ How did they do that? A stunt performer is a person who works as an actor’s double. Usually the work involves great risk. You see a stunt performer’s work when you watch your favourite films. When the bad guy falls from a cliff or the hero escapes an explosion, you’re probably watching a stunt performer - one of the invisible heroes putting the ‘action’ into action films. This is a high-risk job. Film directors use safety nets to catch falling villains and there is plenty of water ready to put out burning vehicles, but it is impossible to avoid all risks. 3> Read and listen to the text. Are the sentences true or false? Correct the false sentences. 1 Jackie Chan started as a stunt performer and then became an actor. 2 Tom Cruise doesn’t want to do his own stunts. 3 All stunt performers work with dangerous animals. 4 Stunt performers can be humans or animals. Some Hollywood actors started as stunt performers. Jackie Chan did stunts in Chinese martial-arts films before he became an actor. In Minority Report and Mission Impossible Tom Cruise did a lot of his own stunts. Charlize Theron does her own stunts too. Stunt performers need to be fit, strong and not afraid of getting hurt. They also need to have a speciality. This can be anything, from vehicles to dangerous animals. Talking of animals, not all stunt performers are human. Sometimes a director needs a swimming dog or a jumping cat. The film world is full of animal actors and their stunt doubles. ★ ★★★ 41
Writing dossier A blog Language focus: sentence adverbs 1j Match the pairs of sentences. 1 He fell out of the boat into the sea 2 My dad fell off his bike. 3 He’s won hundreds of races. 4 It started snowing heavily while he was climbing the mountain. 5 We went on a driving holiday to France. Plan a) Actually, he's the fastest cyclist in the world. b) Unfortunately, the car broke down on the way. c) Obviously, he returned to the camp. d) Fortunately, he wasn’t hurt. e) Luckily, there weren’t any sharks! 2) You’ve hiked in the mountains with your family. Look at the pictures and the prompts and write notes in the table below. Day 1 Day 2 start I along the path arrive / at the hostel share / room climb / a mountain a goat/chase Dad sleep / in a tent pack / our things it / rain a rainbow / come out Notes Paragraph 1 о day one Paragraph 2 о day two Paragraph 3 о day three Write 3j Write a blog for the first three days of your walk using the notes you wrote in exercise 2. Write three paragraphs. Use adjectives with -ed and -ing endings. Use some sentence adverbs. Last month I hiked in the mountains with my family. On the first day we... On the second day we... When we woke up on the third day we... Check Check your writing. Check the verb tenses and the forms of the past participles. Check the use of -ed I -ing adjectives. Check the use of sentence adverbs.
Dialogue builder -rodents and emergencies: giving advice Order the words to make useful expressions. 1 my I I’ve / finger / cut. 2 broken / his I leg / He’s. 3 knee / has / My / brother / his / bruised. 4 quite / hurts / a / It / lot. 5 go / the I You / to / should I hospital. 6 of / You / lot / do / exercise / a / shouldn’t. 4j Listen and check your answers. Look at the pictures and write short dialogues using some of the useful expressions in exercise 1 and the words in brackets. 2, '5ГЙ1 Listen and check your answers. 3 Match the pictures with the advice. 1 You should take some painkillers, picture 2 You should put a bandage on it. picture 3 She should go to the dentist. picture 4 You should put some ice on it. picture 5 He should go to the hospital. picture
Adventure sports ly Complete the adventure sports with the correct vowels. 1 You need a surfboard to go s r f ng. 2 You need ropes to go г с к с I mb ng. 3 You need a parachute to go p _ r ch t n g. 4 You need a snowboard to go s n w b...... rd ng. 5 You need a racing car to go m t r r c ng. 6 You need a kayak to go к у к ng. Present perfect: affirmative and negative Order the words to make sentences. 1 Mexico 11 / been / haven’t / to. 2 has / meat I eaten I She / shark. 3 has I brother I spoken I never / public / My / in. 4 have / skiing I never / They I tried. 5 many / have / that /1 / seen / film / times. -edand -ing adjectives 2j Circle the correct form of the adjectives. 1 The game was bored / boring. I was bored I boring. 2 We were worried I worrying about our missing dog. It was a worried / worrying situation. 3 It was a frightened / frightening story. I was frightened / frightening from the beginning to the end! 4 She’s interested I interesting in music. She thinks any type of music is interested I interesting 5 My dog has got an annoyed / annoying habit. It eats Dad’s shoes. Dad gets really annoyed / annoying. 6 My sister gets embarrassed I embarrassing when she meets new people. She goes red in any embarrassed I embarrassing situations. 7 Are you excited / exciting about the holiday? New York is a very excited I exciting place! Present perfect: questions and short answers 4. Read Anna's list and write questions and short answers using the present perfect and ever. Things I want to do this year Eat octopus / Visit New York / Ride a camel / Try snowboarding Appear on TV Cycle up a mountain / Go surfing in Hawaii 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 44
Cumulative grammar 1 2 з ><>s>6>7>8>9> V Circle the correct words. Bill Joe Bill Joe Bill Joe Bill Have (1) ever you / you ever been rock climbing? Yes, (2) I’ve I have. I (3) went I gone on a rock climbing holiday last year. What about you? No, I (4) hasn’t / haven’t been rock climbing. But last weekend I (5) was going / went on a kayaking course in Brecon. Really? I (6) go / went kayaking in Brecon a few months ago too. Did you (7) enjoyed / enjoy it? I thought (8) It was / there was exciting. But when I went there (9) were I was too (10) much / many people on the river. Yes, that’s the problem with courses. There are always (11) too many / a lot people. EXTRA VOICES 2^ Listen to this dialogue between a travel writer and a journalist. 2 3j ' C^s") Listen again and circle the correct answers. 1 । .Vr ’f- 3 4 5 6 7 8 Janet has been to ... countries a) more than 100 b) less than 100 c) exactly 100 Janet thought India was ... a) small b) interesting c) boring Janet.... the Taj Mahal. a) has been to b) hasn’t been to c) doesn’t want to go to Janet... some strange things. a) has eaten b) has cooked Janet... kangaroo meat. a) refused to eat b) has eaten Janet was ... when she ate insects, a) worried b) frightened Janet... eat snake meat. a) has seen people b) has eaten Janet... about Peru. a) has written c) has bought c) has seen people eat c) surprised c) has cooked b) has read c) has watched a documentary 4 о» О <0
Vocabulary 1 % J Recycl Write these words in the correct column. television the Internet a magazine a newspaper the radio an email watch listen to send read surf television 2j Match the questions with their answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 What’s a social networking site? What’s an e-book? What’s a mobile phone? What’s online gaming? What’s the World Wide Web? What’s an MP3 player? What’s a text message? What’s interactive TV? a It’s a place in cyberspace where you can meet people and make new friends. b) Digital media 1> Match the words in the two columns to make words about digital media. 1 interactive —- a) broadband 2 wireless \ b) networking site 3 instant \ c) phone 4 social d) TV 5 World e) book 6 mobile 0 messaging 7 MP3 g) Wide Web 8 text h) message 9 online i) gaming 10 e- i) player It’s an enormous network of web pages with links between them. c) d) e) It’s a book that you read on your computer. It's a new kind of television where you can choose when to watch the programmes. It’s a new way to play games with people from all over the world. f) g) h) It’s a small machine where you can keep thousands of songs. It's a telephone that you can keep in your pocket. It’s like an email but you receive it immediately on your mobile phone.
Grammar 1 Present perfect with for and since Complete the sentences with for or since. I have lived in London .for....three years. 1 He’s been a Real Madrid fan he was a boy. 2 We have had this mobile phone two months. 3 We haven’t used the Internet ...... yesterday. 4 She’s known him ....... May. 5 John’s worked at that school a long time. j can ges Tiputer ou can ines. eople keep i your 2> Complete the sentences using the words in brackets. He started class three months ago. He has been in class for .three months (for) 1 She moved to Paris in 1999. She has lived in Paris..................... (since) 2..They bought their MP3 player in the winter. They have had their MP3 player .................... (since) 3 John started piano lessons two weeks ago. John has played the piano .....................(for) 4 We joined this class in October. We’ve been in this class ......................(since) 5 My family came to live in Bristol two years ago. My family has lived in Bristol .......................(for) 3 Write true answers for the questions using the words in brackets. How long have you had your mobile phone? I've h ad my mobile phone for three mon ths.. (for). 1 How long have you been at this school? .................................... (for) 2 How long have you known your best friend? ....................................(since) 3 How long have you lived in this town? ...-...........-.............-.........(for) 4 How long have you had your shoes? .................................. (since) Present perfect with just 4 , Order the words to make sentences. just / email / written / an / I’ve, .fvejust writteni an email.......... 1 just I the I We’ve / exam / finished. 2 home I just / arrived / They’ve. 3 to / gone / the / She’s / party I just. 4 dad / bought I has / an / player / My / MP3 / just. 5 sent / message / She’s / a / text / just. 5 Look at the pictures and write sentences using the present perfect with just, and these verbs. wateh drink eat see buy win
Vocabulary 2 Websites, newspapers and magazines 3j Match the words with their definitions. 1> Order the letters to write words about newspapers and magazines. lepmrob gepa Problem, page.. 1 scroorwds 2 sehnealdi 3 vt ugdie 4 cohospores 5 ehwreat asfocrte 6 wreivnite 7 trsops nosteic 2, Find words about the Internet in the wordsnake. Write the extra letters in the grid to find the name of a popular web page. 4 home page 1 ............. 2 ............. 3 ............. A popular web page: У 1 problem page 2 weather forecast 3 horoscope 4 podcast 5 video clip 6 TV guide a) A prediction of the weather b> Daily predictions for people according to their star signs c* A page in a magazine with advice for readers with problems d) A list of what’s on television e) A short piece of video A recording that you download onto an MP3 player
Grammar 2 -resent perfect and past simple ij Complete the sentences with these words, in ever for since ago last year Kylie Minogue was born..in.... 1968. 1 People have used mobile phones years. 2 Have you......written a blog? 3 Did you pass your exams....? 4 She has lived here 2006. 5 I started studying English six years 2 Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. I ..have lived... in Tula since I was a child, (live) 1 My family........... in the USA when I was young, (live) 2 We the Internet for five years, (use) 3 We the Internet three times yesterday, (use) 4 Since she bought her new computer, Ann hundreds of emails, (write) 5 She an email to me last week, (write) Look at Tim’s passport page.Complete the dialogue with the information In the passport and the words in brackets. Then continue the dialogue with questions and answers about Germany and Poland. \jz^U Ann (1) Haye you been (you / be) to Kenya? Tim Yes,I(2) Ann When (3)..................(you I go)? Tim I (4).................. (go) in 2002. Ann (5)....................to Germany? Tim (6)................................. Ann (7) When......................... ? Tim (8) I............................___ Ann (9).......................to Poland ? Tim (10)................................ Ann (11)..„...........................? Tim (12)................................ 4, Complete the text with the past simple or present perfect form of the verbs in brackets. Since Apple first (1).invented (invent) its iPod in 2001, it (2)........(change) from the simple white music player into something of a fashion accessory. In the last few years, Apple (3)............(bring out) many different versions of the media player. Before, we (4)....... ....(have) one choice: the colour. Now Apple (5)............(give) us a lot more to consider. The original iPods (6)...........(cost) more or less the same. Now the company (7) ............(give) us a range of products costing between $109 and several hundred dollars. Decisions! Decisions! 5. Complete the dialogue using these words. have (x 3) used (x 2) haven’t ago send last was ever sent (x 3) Interviewer Excuse me. Can you answer some questions for this survey for TechnoKid magazine? Teenager Yes, OK. Interviewer (1) Haye you ever (2) used a mobile phone? Teenager Yes, I (3) Interviewer When was the last time you (4) a mobile phone? Teenager About two hours (5) Interviewer And have you (6) used the Internet? Teenager Yes, I have. I use it for sending emails sometimes. Interviewer Have you (7) an email in the last few days? Teenager No, I (8) Interviewer And when (9) the last time you downloaded a song? Teenager (10) week, I think. Interviewer Thanks. (11) you (12) any text messages recently? Teenager Yes, I have. I (13) a lot of text messages. I (14) one half an hour ago. Interviewer Thanks very much.
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Unit grammar check 1J' ~Пб~| Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 ....................................... 3 4 ....................................... 5 ....................................... 6 ....................................... 7 ....................................... 8 ....................................... Error correction Correct the sentences. I’ve had this computer since three weeks. .......................................... 1 You have lived here for a long time? 2 He works in this school for three years. 3 My parents have bought a new house last year. 4 He has won just a gold medal! 5 Did you ever studied Chinese? 6 I haven’t used Google yesterday. 7 She’s invented this machine twenty years ago. Translation 3> Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 2 ........... 3 ....................... . . . 4 .................................... 5 .................................... 6 ................................ 7 ..................„................. 4j Read the text and circle the correct E-books E-books (1)... (2) ... a few decades but recently they (3)... more popular with readers. The first e-books (4)... technical manuals or specialized documents that only a few people (5)... interested in. In recent years, novelists (6) ... their books online and the contents of some of the best libraries in the world are now in cyber archives. A few years (7) .... companies like Sony and Amazon (8)... e-readers to make it easier for people to read e-books. 1 a) existed bxjnave existed^) c) has existed-' 2 a)ago b) for c) since 3 a) have become b) have became c) became 4 a) was b) have been c) were 5 a) was b) have been c) were 6 a) published b) have published c) has published 7 a) just b) since c) ago 8 a) invented b) have invented c) have invent 5j -СаТ] Listen and check your answers. 50'
heading Read the texts quickly and match each gadget with a sport or hobby. 1 Phototrackr™ a) swimming 2 SwiMP3 b) reading 3 E-book Reader c) photography '' L' ' Ly and nd er for Phototrackr™ Sometimes I look at an old photo and I can't remember where I took it. Does this happen to you? If the answer is ‘yes’, the Phototrackr™ is for you. It records information about your photos when you take them and because it has a GPS in its system, it includes the exact location. The Phototrackr™ is small enough to fit in your pocket. . SwiMP3 With the new SwiMP3 you can listen to your favourite songs while you are swimming. This amazing MP3 player allows you to hear crystal clear music. It is fully waterproof, has a 256-MB memory and it comes with a rechargeable battery. It is also very light. геп jblished Wished •d ivented went .-- Do you know about e-books? They are great, but your eyes get tired and you need to sit in front of the computer, of course. Now you can download e-books onto the e-books onto the new E-book Reader and then use it in the same way as a real book. So you can read e-books on the train, in bed or even on the beach! 2j (^28] Read and listen to the texts. Answer the questions. Write P (Phototrackr™), S (SwiMP3), or E (E-book Reader). Which gadget... 1 records information? ..... 2 helps your tired eyes? ..... 3 comes with battery you can recharge? ..... 4 can fit in your pocket? ..... 5 is used underwater? ..... 6 can you use in bed? ...... 7 plays music? ..... 3, Match the gadgets with the pictures. 1 SwiMP3 picture 2 E-book Reader picture 3 Phototrackr™ picture
Writing dossier A website review Language focus: linkers of addition and contrast 1j Match the sentences in columns a and b. a b 1 My friends download films from the Internet. In addition, you can share your photos with your friends. 2 I use the Internet for school projects but I often use books too. 3 I’ve got a gmail account However, this isn’t always legal. 4 YouTube is one of the most popular websites in the world. and a yahoo email account. 5 Flickr is a good place to store your photos. More over, it’s free! Plan Match the website names with the different types of websites 2J 1 YouTube 2 Yahoo 3 Wikipedia 4 Facebook a) online encyclopedia b) video website c) internet portal d) social networking 3> Choose one of the websites in exercise 2 and write notes in the table below. Notes Paragraph 1 о introduction: name / type of website Paragraph 2 о advantages Paragraph 3 о disadvantages Paragraph 4 о conclusion Write 4j Write a website review using the notes you wrote in exercise 3. Write four paragraphs. Use some linkers of addition and contrast from exercise 1. Check 5j Check your writing. Check you have included all the advantages and disadvantages from your notes. Check the linkers of addition and contrast.
Dialogue builder Making arrangements 1 Complete the useful expressions with these words. 5/ Debbie and Mark are making arrangements. Write a dialogue using some of the useful expressions from exercise 1. anything playing sounds things want later 1 2 3 4 5 6 How’s........ Are you doing Sunday? They’re...... festival later. Do you Yes. that.... OK. See you ? on in the music to come? ... great! then. 2> '{29~| Listen and check your answers. 3J (°Гзо| Tony and Bob are making arrangements for the weekend. Listen to the dialogue and circle the correct words. Tony Hi, Bob. Bob Oh! Hi, Tony. How’s (1) things / you? Tony Pretty (2) good / cool. What about you? Bob Yeah, I’m (3) OK I fine thanks. Tony Listen, are you doing (4) something I anything on Saturday night? Bob That depends. Why? Tony Well, Josie’s (5) band / group are playing. Bob Josie? Your (6) sister / girlfriend? Tony Yeah. Bob What (7) do / are they like? Tony Well, Josie’s a good (8) singer / musician. I think they’re OK. And after the concert (9) they’re having / they have a party. Do you want to come? Bob Yeah, it (10) sounds / seems great. Tony OK. See you (11) on Saturday / later then. 4^ .та Listen again and check your answers. 1 Debbie greets Mark and asks him how he is. 2 Mark answers. 3 Debbie asks about Mark’s plans on Saturday. 4 Mark wants to know what’s happening. 5 Debbie tells Mark there’s a football match and invites him out. 6 Mark likes the idea and accepts the invitation. 7 Debbie tells Mark that they will see each other on Saturday. Debbie (1) Hi, Mark. How's things?........... Mark (2)..................................... Debbie (3)................................... Mark (4)..................................... Debbie (5)................................... Mark (6) Debbie (7)
Digital media 1j Complete the sentences with these words. online gaming text message interactive TV e-book mobile phone wireless broadband 1 I really like because I can choose when to see the programmes. 2 Sue has just set up she doesn’t need cables. and now 3 Did you receive my ? 4 I’ve never read an before. 5 He’s just discovered and he can’t stop playing! 6 Do you like my new ? It's got a camera. Websites, newspapers and magazines Match the speech bubbles with the words. О One down. An animal with one leg? © • What's on TV? Let’s have a look. 0 I listened to it on my MP3 yesterday! What does mine say? I’m Capricorn. 7) Cristiano Ronaldo speaks about his life in Madeira. Present perfect with for and since 3, Write the words and phrases in the correct column. two hours half past two 15 minutes July two days Monday yesterday six months I was a child a long time 2002 last winter for since Present perfect with just 4/ Write sentences with the present perfect and just. 1 I / eat a sandwich. 2 He / clean his car. 3 They / buy a new house. 4 We / arrive home. 5 Mum I make lunch. 6 You / receive your pocket money. Present perfect and past simple 1 video clip 2 interview 3 horoscope 4 crossword 5 TV guide 6 podcast 7 weather forecast 8 headline speech bubble speech bubble speech bubble speech bubble speech bubble speech bubble speech bubble speech bubble Sj Correct the sentences. 1 She played the piano since she was three. ......................................♦♦... 2 They have started playing football in 2007. 3 We have driven to France last summer. 4 I knew my friend Alex since I was nine. 5 Last winter he has bought a new house.
Cumulative grammar 1234 5 e>7>e>9> 1^ Circle the correct words. Ken Have you (1)... the newspaper? Beth Yes. The headlines (2)... that house prices (3)... 2% (4)... January. Ken I’m not interested in the news. I (5)... to do the crossword! Beth I’ve (6)... it! Ken Oh no! (7)... you finished it? Beth No. I (8)... 14 across: ‘A piece of news you can download onto your MP3’. Ken How many letters? Beth Seven. Ken That’s (9)..., it’s a podcast. Beth Oh yeah. Hey, my horoscope (10)... true today then. Ken Why? Beth It (11).... ‘you will finish something that you (12)...’! Ken Well, tomorrow you can read the letters on the problem page and leave the crossword to me! rtect art 1 a) buy b) buyed c) bought 2 a) say b) have said c) says 3 a) fell b) are falling c) have fallen 4 a) since b) for c) from 5 a) wants b) want c) am wanting 6 a) just done b) just did c) done just 7 a) Are b) Have c) Did 8 a) didn’t done b) haven’t do c) didn’t do 9 a) easier b) too easy c) not easy enough 10 a) come b) has come c) have come 11 a) has said b) said c) was said 12 a) have start b) have started c) are started \____________________________________________________________________________________________________J EXTRA VOICES three. 2^ бГзГ) Listen to three people talking about new media. (HU Listen again and circle the correct words. 1 Sarah’s mum and dad gave her money for Christmas / her birthday. 2 Sarah has got 750 /715 songs on her MP3 player. 3 Sarah uses her mobile phone I MP3 player to play games online. 4 Danny has got / hasn’t got a good internet connection. 5 Danny’s brother I father reads e-books. 6 Danny is a member of a / some social networking site / sites. 7 Danny’s mother reads her horoscope / the news on the Internet. 8 Kath likes I doesn’t like the Internet. 9 Kath has / hasn’t surfed the Internet. 10 Kath's friends have had mobiles for a long time / short time. 55
Vocabulary 1 % J Recycle Match the words with their definitions. 1 2 3 4 5 6 plane car bus spaceship boat ship a) You can go fishing on the river in it. b) Astronauts travel in it. c) In the UK, you can learn to drive it when you’re 17. d) You can catch it to go to the next town. e) You go to an airport when you travel in it. f) You can travel across the ocean in it. 2. Choose the correct words. It’s a busy Saturday in thepark. There’s a man walking (1) under /(towards)the cafe and some people walking (2) over / away from it. The river is going (3) under I through the bridge and two women are walking (4) away I over it. A young boy is taking his dog for a walk (5) out of I through the flower garden. There’s a cat running (6) round I through the lake. There are two men getting (7) out / out of a taxi. Prepositions of movement 3j Read the dialogue and draw the route on the map. Tourist 1j Complete the sentences with these prepositions of movement. Woman down eut-ef across into under towards along away from over When we arrived we got .......put; of.the taxi and ran to catch the plane. The next time he insults you, walk ..........................him and say 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 nothing. Look! That cat is walking top of the wall! Don’t walk the road here, go to the zebra crossing. We are now flying the Alps. You can see the snow on the mountains. Oh no! He’s walking..............us. I don’t know what to say to him. When the plane starts coming.............., you can see the houses and the traffic. We got.............. the taxi and drove to the airport. The River Thames goes bridges in London. the a lot of Tourist Woman Tourist Woman Tourist Woman Tourist Can you tell me where the museum is, please? Yes. It isn’t far. First, walk round the lake. OK. And then? Then go over the little bridge. To the other side of the river? Yes. There’s an ice cream shop on the right and opposite the shop there are some trees. Walk towards the trees. Away from the shop? Yes. Walk along the path and you’ll see the museum on the right. Thanks! 56
Grammar 1 -v/7/ and might b Order the words to make sentences. not / go / London I He I to I might. Hemightnotgo .toLondon,....... 1 arrive / this / John I will / afternoon. 2 party I We / have / a / on / might I Saturday. 3 won’t 111 you I next / see I Friday. 4 swimming / go / tomorrow / She I might / not. 5 will / after / play / school / We / tennis. 2 Complete the sentences with will, won't, might or might not. It's very late! Hurry up or we will be late for school. 1 Be careful with that dog. It be dangerous. 2 We go to that restaurant again. The food is horrible! 3 I’m not sure, but Dad be able to help you. Ask him. 4 You didn’t eat your lunch. You be hungry later. 5 We don’t know where to go on holiday this year. We ................go to Sochi. 6 It’s a shame, but I come to your party. I’m still not sure. 3, Look at Helen’s list of ideas for the future and write sentences. Helen will go to university. Shemight study French. 1 ........................................ 2 ............................................. 3 ............................................. 4 5 .................................. ,T....... 6 ............................................. be going to Match the sentences. 1 Liverpool are winning 3-0. 2 Look at that boy at the top of that tree! 3 Watch out for that car! 4 They have cancelled the game. 5 The weather forecast predicts rain. a) The team aren't going to play. b) We aren’t going to have a picnic. c) They are going to win the game. d) Is he going to fall? e) We’re going to crash! Write affirmative (+), negative (-) or interrogative (?) sentences using be going to. Tom I stay in a hotel (+) Tpm.i.sgoing.to.stgy.in.g. hotel............ Sue I stay in a tent (-) Sue.isn't gpingtostayin a.tent,............. Pam and Jim / go shopping (?) Are Pam and Jim going to go shopping? 1 Prince William / be a king one day. (+) 2 My parents / go camping with us. (-) 3 You / be famous. (?) Definite go to university not get married travel to India not eat junk food Possible study French be famous get rich appear on TV 4 My brother / pass his exams. (+) 5 I/travel to space. (-) 6 He / win a race. (?)
Vocabulary 2 Extreme adjectives 1J Circle the odd a)huge 1 a) hot 2 a) freezing 3 a) nice 4 a) hot 5 a) cold 6 a) interesting one out. b) tiny b) amazing b) bad b) interesting b) fascinating c) big c) boiling c) small c) big c) awful c) freezing c) small 4j Complete the sentences with these extreme adjectives. boiling huge tiny freezing awful 2j Complete the sentences with these adjectives. hot big nice bad cold interesting small The water in the pool was........hot........ It was not refreshing at all. 1 This drink is . It’s been in the freezer. 2 This pizza is............. I can't eat it all! 3 The room is only 3 m2. It’s............. but comfortable. 4 We had a..................time on our holiday last year. It was great fun. 5 That was a...............film. I didn’t like it at all. 6 I think that physics is an subject. 3j Rewrite the sentences from exercise 2 with these extreme adjectives. boiling awful amazing tiny fascinating freezing huge The water in the; pool .was boiling.Jtwas not r?fr®hjnggtgll........... 1................................................ 2................................................ 3................................................ 4................................................ 5... ..... 6 58
Grammar 2 First conditional 2 You’ll feel sick if you eat too many sweets. 3 4 If they don’t study, they won't pass. 5 2j Circle the correct words. 2 3 4 5 get up late □ arrive late □ miss Maths □ not know what is in the exam □ not pass □ have to repeat the year □ miss my friends □ 4у Write sentences about the situations and consequences in the table below. Use the first conditional. Dad will be happy if Liverpool wins the match. If my parents save money, we’ll go on a cruise. What’s Hamish thinking? Look at the box and write sentences using the first conditional. 3j What will you see if you go to these citites? Match the cities with the attractions and write sentences using the first conditional. give you 20 euros. 1 1 у Rewrite the sentences changing the order of the situation and the consequence. If we run, we’ll arrive on time, we’ll arrive on time .if we run........... 1 We’ll get wet if it rains. If! getup ..late,!.'!! arrive late. 1 2 3 4 5 Ifyougo toParis, .you’ll seethe . Eiffel.Tpvyer. 1 2 3 4 5 We won’t get I don’t get wet if we will take / take an umbrella. If we join / will join the expedition, we never / 'll never forget it. She won’t I won’t not come if she has I will have too much work. If Mum will arrive / arrives late, she miss I ’ll miss the best part of the film. The rescue team rescues / will rescue you if you have / will have an accident. Paris — Bilbao London New York Sydney Moscow the Opera House — the Eiffel Tower Big Ben the Kremlin the Statue of Liberty the Guggenheim Museum situation consequence he / steal that car 1 you 1 send him an email 2 we / win this game 3 they / not study 4 she / tell the teacher 5 I / practice a lot 6 we/go to the beach I / ring the police 1 he / reply 2 we / be league champions 3 they / not pass 4 we / not speak to her 5 I / be a good pianist 6 we / see Jim and Tom !t.h?..?.teo.!s.tft^ 1 ..................................... 2 ........................................ 3 ........................................ 4 ........................................ 5 ........................................ 6 !f! g.rriye lqte,
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Unit grammar check 1J Listen and write the sentences. 1 ...................................... 2 ........................................... 3 .......„..................................... 4 5 6 7 8 ................................„............ Error correction 2j Correct the sentences. I think it will to snow tomorrow. I .f^i.n.K.i.tw!.l..5.nfZWtomp^Pw;...„..J...... 1 People don’t might buy CDs in the future. 2 I going to travel to Africa in July. 3 Are going to come to the party with your friends? 4 If I’ll pass my exams. I’ll celebrate. 5 I give him the tickets if he gives me the money. 6 If you don’t go to Paris, you won’t to see the Eiffel Tower. 7 What will we do if it will rain? Translation 3j Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1. .................................... 2 ..................................... 3 4 ..................................... 5 ..................................... 6 ..................................... 7 ..................................... 4j Read the text and circle the correct answers. Nobody knows what life will be like in the future but there are a lot of predictions. Some people say that we (1)... travel in space and we (2)... civilizations on other planets, like Mars. This definitely (3)... happen in our lifetime but it (4)... happen when our grandchildren are adults. Some reports say that our planet (5)... die because we are not looking after it carefully. The same people say that all of the animals and plants (6)... become extinct if we (7)... like this. I think that we will (8)... the planet and that space travel will (9)..., but for exotic holidays! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a) are a) build a) will a) won’t a) is going to a) will a) continues a) saving a) exist b)(wiib b) will build b) is b) might b) is going b) will to b) continue b) save b) existing c) going to c) will building c) won’t c) might will c) are going to c) are going c) will continue c) saved c) existed 5j |~зз~| Listen and check your answers. 60
heading building I (I’t |ht will going to going continue 'ed sted Read the texts quickly and things that are mentioned. 1 space travel 2 virtual money 3 biometric security 4 genetic engineering 5 virtual reality 6 holograms 7 solar power 8 robots We saw space tourism in the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey. It was an incredible idea. But soon Virgin Galactic will travel into space. The company is making special passenger spaceships. Trips will start in a year or two and tickets will cost $200000. . In 1956, Philip K. Dick wrote a novel called The Minority Report. Tom Cruise acted in the film version in 2002. When Cruise used his iris to prove his identity, we thought it was a crazy idea. But in a few years’ time biometric security will be normal. We will use our fingerprints, voices and eyes to log onto internet pages or buy things online. tick (/) the TO RSMlrW In the film 2001: A Space Odyssey there was a self-aware computer called HAL 9000. It started as a friendly machine, but then decided to kill some astronauts in order to protect its programs. By 2019, self-aware computers like HAL 9000 will be common. In the 1987 television series Star Trek, the Next Generation we first saw a holodeck - a virtual reality room with a hologram projecting images and sounds. Later, we saw holodecks in X-Men, Power Rangers and Futurama. The Japanese are working on a machine to project smells. Holodecks will be part of our everyday lives in the next decade. Some experts say that most homes will have domestic robots by 2020 and that by 2025 people will buy more robots than cars. We saw examples of domestic robots in television series like Lost in Space (1965) Domestic robots will do housework, gardening, cooking and will help children with their homework V Find words in the texts that mean: 1 unbelievable i.............. 2 the coloured part of an eye i............. 3 mad c............. 4 ten years d ............. 5 people who know a lot about a subject e.............. 3j (^34] Read and listen to the texts. Answer the questions. 1 Which company is going to sell tickets for space travel? 2 What use will our voices have in the future? 3 What are they inventing in Japan? 4 Who - or what - was HAL 9000? 5 What are domestic robots going to do in the future? 61
Writing dossier A description of a place Language focus: linkers of reason and result 1) Complete the sentences with so or because. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Plan do your shopping in the morning. Petergof, Russia Ontario, Canada Cape Town, South Africa New York :ity, the US Bathing is allowed,...............don’t forget your swimming costume! The town is very cold at night..............it’s high up in the mountains. Transport is expensive,...............local people cycle everywhere. I don’t want to forget this trip, .........I'm taking lots of photographs. We’re staying at a camp site..............we haven’t got enough money to stay in a hotel. Shops close early, 2j Find information about one of these amazing places and write notes in the table below. • Notes Paragraph 1 о introduction: name? о where? why special? Paragraph 2 о how to get there о when to go there (why?) Paragraph 3 о where to stay (why?) о places to visit Paragraph 4 о what to take (why?) Write 3j Write about the place you chose using the notes you wrote in exercise 2. Write four paragraphs. Include some linkers (so and because), some extreme adjectives and at least one first conditional sentence. Check Check your writing. Check the use of linkers. Check your extreme adjectives. Check you have included one example of the first conditional.
Dialogue builder ' avelling on public transport ’j Order the words to make useful expressions. 1 have /, please I ticket / a / to / Crompton / Can I Street /1? 2 or / return I Single? 3 me I way I, please / to I Can I which I you / tell I go? 4 Circle I It’s I line / the. 5 many / is / How / it / stops? 2^ ^3sl Listen and check your answers. 3Z Beth is buying a bus ticket to Liverpool. Write Beth’s sentences In the correct place in the dialogue. Ticket officer Beth Ticket officer Beth Ticket officer Beth Ticket officer Beth Ticket officer Beth Ticket officer Beth Ticket officer Beth Ticket officer Next, please! (D .............. Single or return? (2) 4....................... Are you returning today? (3) ........................ OK, that’s eight pounds, please. (4) Eight pounds. (5) Here’s your ticket and your change. (6) Yes, it’s bus stop number six. (7) Next, please! a) Sorry, how much? b) Thanks. c) Hello, can I have a ticket to Liverpool, please? d) Yes, at five o’clock. e) Can you tell me which way to go, please? f) Here you are. Ten pounds. g) Return, please. 4, Listen and check your answers. 5j Simon is in Gateshead metro station in Newcastle. He wants to buy a single ticket to Regent Centre. He doesn’t know where to go and he wants to know how far his station is. Complete the dialogue using some of the useful expressions from exercise 1. Simon Hello, can I have a ticket to Regent Gentr&.p.leas.e?............................. Ticket officer (1) .......................... Simon Single, please. Ticket officer (2)........................... Simon Sorry, how much? Ticket officer Three pounds. Simon (3)............................ Ticket officer Thanks, here is your ticket and your change. Simon (4) ................................... Ticket officer Turn right and then go down the escalator. Simon (5) Ticket officer Eight stops to Regent Centre. Simon Thanks. Bye!
Prepositions of movement will and might "[) Look at the map and complete the directions with these words. over along up towards through into under round Start at the beach. Walk (1)..............the five steps. Then walk (2)..............the path, (3).............. the forest. Walk (4)......... the forest and then walk (5) the three mountains. Continue walking. Walk (6) the first bridge and (7)............. the second bridge. Walk (8)................the second cave. The treasure is here! Extreme adjectives 2y Complete the dialogues with extreme adjectives. A Was the food nice? В Yes, it was (1)................. A Is it cold in the sea? В Yes! It’s (2)................ A Was it hot and sunny in Florida? В Yes! It was (3)................ A What a small house! В Yes, it’s (4) .............isn’t it? A They make bad coffee here. В Yes, it’s (5)..............! A Look how big that dog is! В Wow! It’s (6)................. 3y Complete the sentences with will or might. 1 When I go home, I ...............watch TV I I don’t want to miss my favourite programme 2 On Saturday, Mum and Dad go to the theatre. But they’re still thinking about it 3 Tonight, John................eat in an Italian restaurant. But he also wants to try the new Mexican restaurant. 4 Next summer, we..................go camping We’ve already decided that’s what we want to do. be going to 4. Complete the sentences with the correct form of going to. 1 He...............buy an ice cream. 2 you.„...................watch TV tonight? 3 They..............go to Spain next summer. 4 I..............eat that cake later. 5 ............. Cathy..............study English next year? First conditional 5j Write sentences using the first conditional and the information in the table. Travel time from Moscow Saint Petersburg Kazan Sochi by plane 1 hour 27 min 1 hour 30 min 1 hour 50 min by train 4 hours 12 hours 24 hou by bus 10 hours 10 hours 15 hou It’s 8 o’clock in the morning in Moscow ... Saint Petersburg / train. If we go to Saint Petersburg by train,, we'll arrive ac twelve o’clock. J 1 Kazan/train. 2 Sochi/plane. 3 Saint Petersburg / car. 4 Kazan / bus. 5 Sochi / plane. 64
might. itch TV. jramme 9C about it. in Italian ne new amping. want to rrect atch TV rt study litional Sochi 1 hour 50 min 24 hoir 15 hoir I... II arrive at Cumulative grammar [12345 6»8>9> 1j Circle the correct answers. Sally Mike Sally Mike Sally Mike Sally Mike Sally Mike Sally Mike Sally Mike Hi, Mike. Do you want to come to town later? I’m not sure. I (1).... Why? What are you (2)...? Well, I (3)... my bike now and then I (4)... do my homework. Well, I'm going (5)... Jane in Pizza Land. That sounds good. If I (6)... my homework, I’ll come too. Are you (7)... the bus? Yes. I (8).... It won’t take long. But it’s (9)... cold to cycle, it's freezing! It isn’t very cold. It was (10)... yesterday. And the roads are dangerous. I (11)... along the old canal road. That road is safe. Well, be careful! Don’t worry! (12)... anything silly! a) might am busy a) doing a) repair a) are going to a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) 03 LU Ф О 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to meet finish going getting am going cycle much more cold might gone I won’t do b) might to be busy b) done b) repairs b) am going b) meet b) will finish b) going get b) will cycle b) not enough b) colder b) will gone b) I won’t doing c) might be busy c) does c) am repairing c) am going to c) meeting c) won’t finish c) going to get c) might to cycle c) too c) coldest c) will go с) I won’t to do f------------ EXTRA VOICES 2; Listen to Tony talking about his plans for the summer. ('{37] Listen again and circle the correct words. 1 Tony wants his girlfriend / sister to go on an adventure holiday with him. 2 He thinks she might I might not like the idea. 3 He’s going to show her some video clips on MySpace / YouTube. 4 He wants to spend two weeks I a week on holiday. 5 He wants to go to Italy / Ireland. 6 He’s going to get information about mountain-biking I horse-riding. 7 He thinks I doesn’t think she will enjoy climbing. 8 They are going to discuss it that night / the next day.
Vocabulary 1 О Recycl- Match the pictures with the adjectives. 1 happy picture ,.fl„ 2 hungry picture 3 healthy picture 4 thirsty picture 5 ill picture 6 tired picture Global issues 2j Match the global Issues with the newspaper extracts. 1 famine extract e 2 illiteracy extract 3 war extract 4 terrorism extract 5 disease extract 6 racism extract у Find these global issues in the wordsquare. war peace terrorism immigration famine malnutrition poverty racism pollution environment disease illiteracy A U R E N V I R 0 N M E N T G В N D P Q M E R W A Q N P I P P N P M M N I D L W T 0 T E R R 0 R I S M P N F J V D A К Y L Y G S X R U G H E I C R M L N R N Q 0 T J F R S E Q Y U F A P C N R P A T E G В E T N T R A C I S M Y A R T U I E I M N W T S I К S 0 C 0 E P X I V N L $V A E R H p N M N G M и 0 M E Q I L L i T E R A C Y N X E A (a) It is a big problem because only 20% of the adult population can read. The Government is designing projects to help people. The Red Cross is bringing medicines to the affected people but they urgently need more Airport controls are stricter after a series of bomb scares. We advise travellers to arrive at the airport three hours before their flight is due <L' has grown in the past few years. Ben Lee, spokesman for ‘Different Colour, Same Rights’ spoke about the problems the black community has to face every While one section of the world wastes millions of kilos of food every year, people in this country are dying because they do not have enough to eat © Soldiers have been fighting for six days and the number of casualties is now
blems every Grammar 1 Second conditional Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings. 1 If I had a million euros,------ 2 He wouldn’t be homeless x\ 3 If people in the West ate less, 4^ 4 If she studied more, 5 You wouldn’t be on the team 6 If we started early, 1, Write sentences using the second conditional. 11 win the lottery I buy a yacht. lf.Lwon.the..lottery, I'd buy a yacht............ 1 He I have more money / give some to charity. If............................................ 2 People in Africa / have more food / not be hungry. If............................................ 3 They / listen in class / pass the exam. If............................................ 4 I / see a snake / scream. If ........... „.............................. 5 We / not do our homework now I not be free tonight. If............................................ 6 She / know you / like you. If............................................ 3 Write questions using the second conditional. What I you / do / if / find 1000 euros in the street? .W.hPLwQM.^.YOH.dp.,ifyou foundWOO euros in the street?.................................. 1 You / be happier / if / have more money? 2 How I you / react / if / hear a racist comment? 3 Where / you / go / if / have a free plane ticket? a) if he had enough money to pay for a house. b) she would pass her exams. c) we would arrive in time for lunch. —d) I’d travel all over the world. e) they would be healthier. f) if you weren’t a good player. 4j Complete the sentences using the second conditional. She doesn’t go to parties because she isn’t sociable. If she was sociable, she would go to parties. 1 They are homeless because they haven't got a home. If they had.............................. 2 He is cold because he doesn’t wear a coat. If he wore............................... 3 They are hungry because they don’t have anything to eat. If they had.............................. 4 She is rich because she saves all her money. If she didn’t save................... 5 We are at home today because we don't have to go to school. If we had............................... 6 They go for a walk every day because they've got a dog. If they didn’t have................... world । every f dying I to eat 4 What / you / buy / if / have a credit card? 5 What / you / do / if / see a famous person? six 6 Who / you / take with you / if / win two free tickets to a rock concert?
Vocabulary 2 1> Order the letters to write six synonyms of get. ebecmo .........become 1 aiotnb .................. 2 vaerir .................. 3 yub .................... 4 irveece ................. 5 gbnri ................... Rewrite the sentences replacing the words in bold with the correct form of a verb from exercise 1. People in the Third World are getting poorer. People. in. the Third. world are becoming, poorer,. 1 He got back from his holidays on Thursday. ................................................•••♦* 2 Did you get an email from Jackie yesterday? Match the sentences with the correct synonym of get. 1 obtain ,.b. 2 bring ......... 3 arrive 4 become ........ 5 buy 6 receive 3 I didn’t get any sugar from the supermarket 4 Can you get the newspaper for me? It’s on that table. 5 She got good marks in her exams. a) He got a lot of presents for his birthday. b) Did you get the new job you wanted? c) My dog is getting fat - it eats too much! d) They got sandwiches from the supermarket and had a picnic in the park. e) We get home late from school on Thursdays because we play football. f) Can I get you anything else? 68
Grammar 2 -dverbs of possibility and probability Complete the sentences using the words in brackets in the correct order. They . will probably go on holiday in June. (go / will I probably) 1 I ..................before five o’clock. (can’t / arrive I definitely) 2 ................. the DVD I’ve got. (won’t I like I you I maybe) 3 She...................in helping homeless children in Brazil. (probably I interested I is) 4 We....................to this restaurant again! (come I definitely / won't) 5 ................. to go to the football match too. (like / John I perhaps I would) 2 Order the words to make sentences. university I study 11 / will I French I probably / at. I will probably, study.Fren^............... 1 best I He / the I definitely / is / singer. 2 footballer / Mr Evans / be I definitely / a / wouldn’t / good. Rewrite the sentences using these adverbs of possibility or probability. +++ = definitely ++ = probably + = maybe I perhaps We’ll do volunteer work in the summer. (+) Maybe/. Perhaps ^7!.do.wluntggrwp.rk.......... in the summer. 1 I’ll go to Paris. (+++) 2 They won’t arrive on time. (+) 3 Our class would like to help. (++) 4 He wouldn’t like to live in a poor country. (++) 5 My teacher won’t let us eat in the classroom. (+++) Write sentences using adverbs of possibility or probability and the information in the table. 3 us / She I probably I can / the I give I solution. 4 school I for / Maybe / we’ll / an / go / ice cream / after. 5 pass /1 / exam / probably I French / won’t I my. 6 come I Perhaps I us I Saturday / they / on / can't / with. Gloria Tammy will go on the school trip definitely maybe would like to be famous probably definitely wouldn’t like to live in another country probably perhaps won’t pass the Maths exam maybe definitely 7 come / He / the / us / definitely I cinema I can’t / to / with. Gloria I school trip Gloria will definitely go on the school trip.. 1 Tammy / famous. 2 Gloria / another country. 3 Gloria / famous. 4 Gloria / Maths exam. 5 Tammy / Maths exam. 6 Tammy / another country. 69
г Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1J сТзв] Listen and write the sentences. 1 _............................. 2 .................................. 3 4 .................. 5 .................................. 6 .................................. 7 .................................. 8 ........................... Error correction Correct the sentences. If I had more money, I will buy food for all the poor people. If I had more .won^AJ.wouldibuy-fpod.^a>r all.the.. poqrpeople........................... 1 She was happier if. she lived with her family. 2 If they would have enough time, they would go on holiday to Mexico. 3 What would you give me if it is my birthday tomorrow? 4 I’ll perhaps buy a T-shirt. 5 They probably are very tired after the trip. 6 He won’t definitely eat meat - he’s a vegetarian! Unit grammar check 4/ Read the text and circle the correct answers. According to UNESCO, four out of ten sub- Saharan Africans cannot read or write. That is a total of 136 million people. If people could read, their lives (1)... a lot easier. If people read the labels on their medicine bottles, they (2)... take the wrong number of pills. If farmers (3)... their legal documents, they would (4)... more money for their products. If women learnt how to read, they (5)... their children too. One problem with teaching people to read is language. Africans often speak several languages and most people (6)... at least two. There are thousands of local languages as well as each country’s official language. So which language should people learn to read and write? One thing everybody agrees on is that things (7)... go on like this. We have to do something! Translation 3> Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 2 ..................................... 3 ..................................... 4 ............. ................... 5 ..................................... 6 ..................................... 1 a)(would b^) b) will be c) be 2 a) would b) wouldn’t c) won’t 3 a) understand b) understood c) would understand 4 a) get b) got c) getting 5 a) would taught b) would teach c) taught 6 a) can definitely speak b) can speak definitely c) can definitely to spe 7 a) can’t definitely b) definitely can’t c) definitely can’t to 5> .Тз9~| Listen and check your answers
Reading <40| Read and listen to the text. The Fairtrade Foundation О FAIRTRADE The Fairtrade Foundation is a non-profit organisation that is trying to fight poverty around the world. A number of charities, churches and social groups set it in 1992. They decided to work together to form an organisation dedicated to the problem of global poverty. The Fairtrade Foundation works with farmers and workers in poor countries to help them improve their working and living conditions. It does this by making sure they are paid a fair price for their work, and by encouraging people in richer countries to buy products with the FAIRTRADE Mark. The FAIRTRADE Mark shows consumers that the farmers, who grew the products, got a fair price for their work plus a little extra to invest in their communities. Typical products include coffee, chocolate, bananas, flowers and cotton. Sometimes Fairtrade products cost a few pence more than other products, but that’s because the farmers in poorer countries were paid a respectable price for their work. One Fair Trade company is ‘Divine’, a chocolate company in the UK. 45,000 cocoa farmers in Ghana grow the beans for the chocolate and also co-own the company. They receive a fair price for their cocoa and they also get a share in the company profits. Divine chocolate bars have African symbols as decorations. These symbols mean different things. You can check the key below for some examples. The next time you buy a chocolate bar or a packet of biscuits, check to see whether the shop sells Fairtrade products and help to do something about the world poverty. ADINKRAMENE ChMt at >m Admia 5»™aot» PATIENCE E KARMDH'f АОАРТАВИГТГ 2j Find words in the text that mean: 1 not making a profit n...„........... 2 a design used by a company to advertise its products 3у Read the text again and answer the questions. 1 When did the Fairtrade Foundation start its work? 3 fair, acceptable r,............... 4 benefit made from selling things P 5 signs, designs with meanings s................ 2 Who does the Fairtrade Foundation work with? 3 Name some typical Fairtrade products. 4 Where is the ‘Divine’ company located?
Writing dossier A composition: my opinion Language focus: giving your opinion 1j Complete the sentences giving your opinion about the words in brackets. 1 I think that ..............|......................... (heavy metal music) 2 I don’t think that.,................................. (reality TV) 3 In my opinion, ............................... (politicians) 4 I’m not sure if ........................ (pollution) Plan 2> Choose one of these topics and write notes in the table below. noise pollution bullying traffic homelesness Notes Paragraph one (the problem) о what? о why? Paragraph two (now) о getting better or worse? о why? Paragraph three (the future) о What would you do about it if you were a politician? о What would you like to happen? Write 3j Write a composition using the notes you wrote in exercise 2. Write three paragraphs. Give your composition a title and include some of the expressions to give your opinion from exercise 1. Use examples of the second conditional. Check 4^ Check your writing. Check you have used expressions to give your opinion. Check your use of second conditional sentences.
Dialogue builder Agreeing and disagreeing 1 (dl Listen to Pat and Joe and complete the dialogue with useful expressions. Pat I love Rihanna’s music. Joe (1)...................................... Pat Do you think she’s pretty? Joe (2)...................................... Pat She's probably got lots of boyfriends. Joe (3).................................... Pat Her videos are fantastic. Joe (4)................................... Pat Is she British or American? Joe (5).................................... Pat I don’t think she’s got a British accent. Joe (6) ................ Pat I think she’ll win a Grammy this year. Joe (7) 2j Circle the correct words. Tess I don’t think we recycle enough in this house. Katie I (1) agree / am agree. What can we do about it? Tess Have you seen those bins with four different sections? You separate paper, organic rubbish, plastic and glass. Shall we ask Mum to buy one? Katie I suppose (2) it I so, yeah. Tess I think she’ll like the idea. Katie I’m (3) sure / not sure. Maybe she’ll think it’s a waste of money. Tess I (4) don’t agree I am not agree. She’s always talking about the environment. Katie Well, maybe (5) you’re right I It’s right. We can ask her later. Dad will think it’s a brilliant idea. Tess Do you (6) think / agree so? Katie Yeah. He is more into environmental issues than Mum! And I think he’d give us the money to buy one. Tess Yeah, (7) so / neither do I. Come on, let’s ask him! 42| Listen and check your answers. 4/ Tim and Josie are talking about racism. Complete Josie’s side of the dialogue using the information in brackets and the useful expressions from exercise 1. Tim I don’t understand racist people. Josie (she has the same opinion) (D........................................ - Tim I think we should talk about it at school, maybe have a debate in our English class. Josie (she has the same opinion) (2)..................._........................ Tim If people talk about it more, we’ll understand it better and maybe people will stop being racist. Josie (she is uncertain) (3)............................................ Tim Why not? People aren’t all bad. Josie I know. But some people just won’t change. Tim Everybody can change. Josie (she wants to know if Tim really thinks this) (4) Tim Yeah. Josie (she thinks perhaps Tim is right) (5)..................................... Tim But I definitely think it’s good to talk about these things. Josie (she has the same opinion) (6) Tim So, shall we suggest the debate tomorrow? Josie (she agrees, but she is not completely sure)
Global issues 1j Match the newspaper extracts with the global issues. If we don’t lower CO2 emissions immediately, the environmental balance will be affected. _ ___________i The United Nations will send | a group of soldiers to guarantee J the end of the conflict. Suicide bombers are causing great damage in Tel Aviv. The majority have come from African countries, looking for a better life. What are they talking about? We need to set up farms so that the people can grow their own cereals. This is a tragedy, died and the water Millions of plants is poisoned, and animals have The figures show that only one in I five adults can read and write. When will people learn that we cannot treat people differently just because of the colour of their skin? 1 terrorism extract 2 peace extract 3 pollution extract 4 environment extract 5 illiteracy extract 6 famine extract 7 racism extract 8 immigration extract get 2j Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of a synonym of get. 1 How many birthday cards did you get? 2 Can you get the maths book from the table over there? 3 What time does the bus get there? 4 The global climate is getting hotter every year. 5 Can you get a few things from the supermarket? 6 The Russian swimming team got several medals in the Olympics. Second conditional 3 Complete the sentences with the correct second conditional form of these verbs. be practise go play have (x2) 1 If I ...............more money, I’d buy a faster car. 2 If Paul football, he'd join our team. 3 She’d win the piano competition if she everyday. 4 If she a teacher, she’d have more holidays. 5 You’d feel better if you for a walk every day. 6 We’d buy a dog if we................. a garden. Adverbs of possibility and probability 4y Rewrite the sentences with the adverbs in brackets. 1 I’ll climb Mount Everest one day. (definitely) 2 John will invite Hilary to the picnic, (maybe) 3 She can’t come to the party, (probably) 4 You won’t pass all your exams, (perhaps) 5 He’s too busy to come with us. (probably) 74
Cumulative grammar 123456 7'Т>э> 1j Circle the correct answers. Chloe Jake Chloe Jake Chloe Jake Chloe Jake Chloe My mum doesn’t like watching the news. She calls it ‘the bad news’ because it (1)... about horrible things, like war or poverty. She’s got a point, but if we (2)... the news, we wouldn’t know what was going on in the world. And if we didn’t know, things (3)... change. What do you mean? Well, if we didn’t know (4)... a problem with pollution, we wouldn’t be (5)... about recycling. (6)... I don’t know. Think about it. If you (7)... something on the news about famine in Africa, you’d want to do something about it. So next time you saw a charity organization collecting money, you would give them a pound. If you (8)... the news, you wouldn’t think about it. You (9)... be totally ignorant. Yes, I think (10).... But the news is depressing. Well, not always. Last night they talked about a 100-year-old man. He got a telegram from the Queen! All right, I think I (11)... the news tonight, then! a) always is didn’t watch won’t there are careful Maybe you’re right, seen have ignored would you’re probably right will watched 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 a) c) always are didn’t watched wouldn’t there was most careful You are maybe right, have seen ignored won’t you're right probably will watch a) a) a) a) a) a) a) a) b) b) b) b) b) is always haven’t watched would there were more careful b) You maybe are right. b) saw b) will ignore b) will b) probably you're right b) might to watch c) c) c) c) c) c) c) C) C) C) р-ЧЯВЯЯВЯ-! EXTRA VOICES 2J б(~4з~| Listen to this recording about the campaign Keep Britain Tidy'. 3J (^43] Listen again and circle the correct words. 1 The ‘Keep Britain Tidy’ campaign gets money from charities / the government. 2 The campaign started more than fifty / fifteen years ago. 3 Nobody / Everybody knows the symbol of the campaign. 4 The new campaign is called ‘The Big Tidy Up’ / ‘Clean Up’. 5 The new campaign hasn’t / has had a lot of publicity. 6 Disney Pixar / Dreamworks supports the campaign. 7 Wall-E is a film about a robot designed to clean up the world / the USA.
Vocabulary 1 »„♦ Recycle Write the names of the parts of the Household chores 1J Match the words in the two columns to make household chores. 1 tidy — a) the house 2 take \ b) the floor 3 unload \ c) the bed 4 put d) your room 5 mop e) the washing up 6 make f) the washing machine on 7 do g) the rubbish out 8 clean h) the dishwasher 2j Complete the sentences with the correct form of make or do. After breakfast I always make.... my bed. 1 I hate.............the ironing. 2 The carpet is dirty. I'll the vacuuming. 3 If you cook, I’ll.........the washing up. 4 Is your mother dinner at the moment? 5 My father and I...........the shopping last weekend. Look at the pictures and complete the questions with the correct household chore. 1 How often do you „dO..ttie.W05hin.0..up ? 4> Write true answers to the questions in exercise 3. 1 I do the washing up twice a week. 2 3 ....................................... 4 ..................„.................... 5 ....................................... 6 ....................................... 76
J Grammar 1 Obligation: have to I don't have to \ Complete the sentences with the correct form of have to or don’t have to. Tomorrow is Saturday. We don't have to go to school. 1 The football match is free. You ...............pay to get in. 2 I can’t talk now. I............do the washing up. 3 Hurry up! We...............run quickly if we want to catch the train. 4 He ..............eat all those sweets now. He can keep some for tomorrow. 5 ............. she ............take the dog for a walk every day? Obligation and prohibition: must / musn't and have to I don’t have to 3 Look at the pictures and circle the correct answers. a)(Vou mustn’t smoke) b) You don’t have to smoke. 1 a) You must be quiet. b) You mustn’t be quiet. Silence! 2 a) You mustn’t be a member, b) You don’t have to be a member. 2j Write sentences about Peter the postman with has to or doesn't have to and the information in the table. 3 4 a) You don’t have to ring, b) You have to ring. a) You mustn’t drink the water. b) You don’t have to drink the water. Enter without ringing bell < __ 5 a) You must play ball games. b) You mustn’t play ball games. Things he has to do Things he doesn’t have to do get up early wear a uniform carry a big bag work on Saturdays drive a car work in an office work on Sundays use a computer Peter has to get up early. Peter.!doesn’t, havetodnve.acar,.......... 4j Complete the sentences with mustn’t, have to or don’t have to. In basketball you.............. get the ball in the basket to score a point. 1 In football you............ touch the ball with your hand. 2 You wear special clothes to play table tennis. You can wear anything. 3 In golf you ...............get the ball in the hole. 4 To win a gold medal in a race you come first. 5 In tennis you...............hit the ball outside the line.
Vocabulary 2 Words that are verbs and nouns 1j Are the words in bold verbs or nouns? Write V for verb or N for noun. We don’t fly to Finland for our holidays. We go by ferry, у 1 I don’t watch television very often. 2 If you exercise every day, you’ll feel better. ..... 3 Waiter! There’s a fly in my soup! 4 I’m thirsty. Can I have a drink? 5 I haven’t got a watch. What’s the time? ..... 6 How many exercises are there on this page? ..... 7 She drinks two litres of water Complete the sentences with the words from exercise 2. 1 Cola, milk and water are drinks.......... 2 A ............. is like a clock, but you can wear it. 3 I................every day, sometimes at home and sometimes in the gym. 4 This is an easy ................. 5 You................. when you are thirsty. 6 Does your dad cigarettes? That’s terrible! 7 There’s no................without fire. 8 You need an aeroplane to ................... 9 Let’s ............. a DVD! 10 A............... is a small insect. every day. Ij Find these words in the wordsquare. - Il fly exercise drink watch smoke A L w A L E D H E G D V W P D F X Y T I J 1 R L E W A T C H A Y R Q N c 0 E 0 1 C A D R I N К Y I К N R s Z s N s M 0 К E В w T E E X M R Y M E P U T F X 0 N w 78
Grammar 2 Permission: can, could and be allowed to Aj Look at the information in the table and choose the correct words. 1> Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with the correct affirmative or negative form of be allowed to. 1 You aren't allowed to........smoke. 2 You.........................feed the birds. 3 You.........................park here between 12 o’clock and 8 o’clock. 4 You.........................walk on the grass. 5 You ........................ ride a bicycle. 6 You throw rubbish. 2j Write questions using these words and the correct form of be allowed to. we / eat / in class? Are we .allowed to eat in। class? 1 fifteen-year-olds / drive / in England? 2 he / stay out late / when he was young? 3 your sister / stay out late? 4 they I drink alcohol / when they were young? Sam Pam stay out at the weekend / X chat on messenger every day X / ride his / her bike to school ✓ / eat in his / her bedroom / J have friends when he / she was younger / 7 Sam (1 )(Are you allowed)/ Can you to stay out late at the weekend? Pam No, I (2) ’m not allowed / can to stay out late. What about you? Sam I (3) can / can’t stay out late, but only at the weekend. Pam (4) Are you allowed / Can you chat on messenger every day? Sam No, I (5) ’m not / can’t. Not every day. And you? Pam Yes, I (6) am allowed I can to chat, but only for 20 minutes. Sam (7) Are you allowed / Can you eat in your bedroom? Pam Yes, I (8) am / can eat, but only snacks. Sam Me too. I (9) am allowed / can eat crisps or fruit, but not meals. Pam (10) Were you allowed to / Can you have friends over at your place when you were younger? Sam Of course 1(11) was allowed / could have my friends over! What about you? Pam I (12) could I was allowed have friends over too. 5 the children / watch this programme? 3J Match the questions with their answers. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Could you walk to school alone when you were a child? Are you allowed to talk in the library? Can Artem speak Russian in his English class? Are thirteen-year-olds allowed to drink alcohol? Were your parents allowed to talk in class? Can we play ball on the grass? a) No, they aren’t. b) No, we can’t! c) No, I couldn’t. d) No, you aren’t. e) Yes, he can. f) Yes, they were. 79
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation Unit grammar check (^44] Listen and write the sentences. 1 2 3 ........................................ 4 ........................................ 5 6 7 8 ........................................ Error correction 2j Correct the sentences. She don’t have to make her bed. She.doesn't have tp.make.herbed.......... 1 He have to get up early for school. 2 Have they to wear a uniform at school? 3 I must to go to the library. 4 Children not allowed to buy cigarettes. 5 Can we to go to the park? 6 In the UK, you don’t can drive a car until you are seventeen. 7 Can you go to discos when you were young? Translation 3y Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1 .................................. 2 ..................................... 3 4 ..................................... 5 6 ..................................... 7 ..................................... Read the text and circle the correct answers. Juvenile Correctional Institutions Young criminals in the USA sometimes (1)... go to Juvenile Correctional Institutions. They are like special schools where teenagers (2)... follow strict rules. They (3)... classes every day. In most centres, they (4)... wear special uniforms, they (5)... their own clothes. Young people sleep in the centres, but after a period of time they are sometimes (6)... home at weekends. While the teenagers live in these institutions they have (7)... their beds and do other housework. 1 a^have to} b) have c) has to 2 a) must b) have c) must to 3 a) must attend b) must to attend c) must attending 4 a) don’t must b) don’t have to c) haven’t to 5 a) can wear b) can to wear c) can wearing 6 a) allowed go b) allowed going c) allowed to go 7 a) make b) making c) to make 5; (^45~| Listen and check your answers. 80
Reading V Read the letters quickly and match the problems with the names. 1 housework a) Barbara 2 best friend b) Mark 3 strict parent c) Jenny tar Г№ф Dear Madge, I’m a fifteen-year-old girl with a BIG problem. I have to do housework but my brother doesn’t. I have to do the washing up and I have to do the vacuuming on a Saturday. It isn’t fair. My brother does nothing! I feel angry with my brother. Jenny Dear Jenny, Talk to your parents and explain how you feel. Ask if you and your brother can share the housework. Housework is more fun if you do it with somebody! Madge Dear Madge, Hello. My name’s Barbara and my problem is my best friend. Recently, she started copying everything I do. She wears the same clothes as me and she has the same hairstyle. I don’t want a twin! Please help me. Barbara Dear Barbara, Your friend copies you because she admires you. She probably has low self esteem. You have to tell her she looks nice and help her to find her own style. Madge Dear Madge, My dad is very strict. I have to be home by eight o’clock every night. My friends stay out until ten! Next Saturday there is a party at my school and it finishes at 10.30. My dad says I can stay until nine but I am not allowed to stay until the end! Mark Dear Mark, Your father is strict because he wants you to be safe. You have to show him you are responsible. Ask if you can stay at the school party until 10.30 if you phone him regularly. Ask him to meet you after the party. Introduce him to your friends. Madge Find adjectives in the letters that mean the opposite of: 1 unfair f ............. 2 different s............... 3 high I ............. 4 tolerant s................ 5 irresponsible r............... 3j :4~46~l Read and listen to the letters. Answer the questions. 1 What does Jenny have to do on Saturdays? 2 Why is Jenny angry with her brother? 3 Why is Barbara annoyed with her friend? 4 What time does Mark have to be home next Saturday?
Writing dossier Writing rules Language focus: correcting errors 1j Correct the error in each sentence and write SP if it is a spelling error, G if it Is a grammar error and CAP if it is a capital letters error. type of error 1 You can stay up until midnight on Saturdays. 2 You must turn off your mobile before goeing into the cinema. 3 You can’t to play ball games on the grass. ............... 4 You can chouse any dishes from the menu. ............... 5 You have to help sarah with her homework. ............... 6 You must answered the questions in English. ............... Plan 2j Look at these pictures and write the rules in the correct column. Return books Leave the pool by 4 o’clock by 8 o’clock No jumping in Bring your library the water card Library rules Swimming pool rules 1 ............................. 2 ................................... 3 ................................... Write 3j Write a list of ten rules for either a school library or a swimming pool. Use the rules from exercise 2. Add six more rules. Use modal verbs to express obligation and permission. Check 4/ Check your writing for errors in spelling, grammar or capital letters. Check you have used modal verbs correctly.
Dialogue builder Advice and obligation Ъ Listen and complete the sentences about road safety with useful expressions. 1 ......................................._..... look right and left before you cross the road. 2 ............................................. cross the road where there is a lot of traffic. 3 stop at a zebra crossing. 4 ...................................... wait until the light changes to green before crossing. 5 ___________________________________ wait until the cars stop completely before crossing. Pablo is going to hire a car in the UK. His friend Mark is giving him some advice. Write Mark’s sentences in the correct place in the dialogue. Mark’s advice a) You should listen to the traffic news on the radio. It’s useful. b) And you have to wear a seat belt. It s the law. c) You must have an international driving licence. Have you got one? d) What else? Oh yes. if I were you, I wouldn't drive anywhere in the rush hour. e) And of course you have to drive on the left in the UK. You probably know that. f) And you shouldn’t drive faster than the speed limit. I Mark OK, Pablo. Are you going to the car rental office, then? Pablo Yes, I am. Any advice? Mark (1)................................... Pablo Yes, I got one last month. Don’t worry. Mark (2)................................... Pablo Yes, I know that, but it will be strange after always driving on the right. Mark (3) Pablo That’s a good idea. I’ve got a radio on my alarm clock. Mark (4)................................... Pablo Ah, OK. It will be very busy. Mark (5)................................... Pablo No, of course not. Mark (6) Pablo Don’t worry, I always wear one. Thanks a lot Mark, that's very useful. 3j с4~4в] Listen and check your answers. 4j Complete the dialogue giving advice about safety and obligations at the swimming pool. Use the picture prompts and the useful expressions from exercise 1. You So, are you ready to go? Your friend Yes, I am. Any advice? You Well, (1)_________________________________ Your friend Oh, I don’t have a cap. But I guess I can buy one at the swimming pool. You Also, (2)................................. Your friend I usually have a shower anyway. But thanks for the advice. You And don’t forget (3)...................... Your friend Yes, of course. That sounds dangerous. You And (4).......................for the locker. Your friend Well, thanks. That's good to know. You Finally, (5) Your friend You’re right. I’ll have a small lunch.
Household chores 1j Find six verbs and six nouns in the wordsnake and write them in the correct column. Then match each verb with a noun to make household chores. verbs nouns 1 a) 2 b) 3 C) 4 d) .’. 5 a) 6 f) Words that are verbs and nouns 1J Underline the words that can be nouns or verbs and write N for noun and V for verb. 1 There was a lot of smoke in the room. 2 You mustn’t smoke here. ....... 3 Is it true that penguins can’t fly? 4 Look! That spider is going to eat a fly! . 5 It’s not good to watch TV all the time. 6 I don’t need a watch because my mobile phone tells me the time. .......... Obligation and prohibition: must / mustn't and have to I don't have to 3j Circle the correct words. 1 You mustn’t I don’t have to eat in the classroom. 2 We must to / have to learn English at school. 3 He doesn’t have to I mustn’t go to school on Saturday. 4 Mum mustn’t I doesn’t have to cook every day because Dad cooks too. 5 You have / must answer all the questions. Obligation: have to I don't have to 4> Look at the list and write sentences about Mike and Lauren. Use the correct form of have to or don’t have to and the words in brackets. Household chores list ^Mike Lauren clean the house X X take the rubbish out ✓ X do homework every day _x ✓ 1 They............................. 1 (clean the house) 2 Mike..............................J (take the rubbish out) 3 Lauren.............................. (take the rubbish out) 4 Mike (do homework every day) 5 Lauren.............................. (do homework every day) Permission: can, could and be allowed to Sj Rewrite the sentences using the correct form of be allowed to in the affirmative or negative. 1 You can’t walk in that area. 2 We can't leave school during the break. 3 My parents couldn't go out late when they were young. 4 My dad could stay up late when he was a teenager. 5 I can watch TV in my bedroom. 6 Teenagers can't drink alcohol. (84)
>ut 3f in Ho л ’ or ey Cumulative grammar 1 2 з 4 5 6 7 8 э> 1 j Circle the correct answers. Jill Hi, Pete. What(1)... do tomorrow? Do Jill And (6)... helped your mum with the you have any plans? vacuuming? Pete Well, on Saturdays I (2)... help my Pete Well, My sister is (7)... at that, so she mum with the housework. (8)... it. Jill What do you have (3) ...? Jill So what exactly (9)... you do? Pete Everything! Pete I (10)... the dog for a walk! Jill Really? Do you (4)... the washing up? Jill And (11)... to take it anywhere? Pete Er, no, I (5)... do that. Pete Yeah. Jill Do you have to unload the dishwasher Jill OK, then you can bring it to my house or mop the floors? and we (12)... watch a DVD! Pete No. Pete Good idea. I (13)... do that tomorrow then. 1 a) are you going b) are you going to c) will you to do 2 a) have to b) must to c) mustn’t 3 a) doing b) do c) to do 4 a)have do b) have to do c) must do 5 a) don't have b) don’t have to c) don’t must 6 a) have ever you b) have you ever c) has you ever 7 a) best b) gooder c) better 8 a) usually does b) usually do c) does usually 9 a) must b) musn’t c) have 10 a) have take b) must to take c) have to take 11 a) can you b) are you can c) are you allowed 12 a) must b) can c) can to 13 a) am going b) will to c) will EXTRA VOICES 2J (^49) Listen to Matt talking about household chores. 3J (<|~491 Listen again and circle the correct words. 1 Matt has got two brothers and two / three sisters. 2 The children in Matt’s family help / don’t help with the chores when they are very young. 3 Matt is 13/15. 4 Matt is / isn’t allowed to cook. 5 Matt has to / doesn’t have to do the washing up. 6 Matt’s youngest brother I sister is six. 7 Joe helps / doesn’t help Matt. 8 Matt’s sisters have to do the ironing / cooking. J
Vocabulary 1 О Recycle Order the letters in brackets to write adjectives and complete the sentences. She’s got......green eyes, (regen) 1 My mother’s hair is ........... (rati) 2 Nelly Furtado has got........... hair, (krad) 3 My sister has got .............hair. (glon) 4 Frodo’s eyes are ...............(lube) 5 My brother has got eyes, (norwb) 6 My grandad has got hair, (ryge) 7 I used to have long hair but now it’s ............... (orsht) Appearance Look at the pictures and complete the crossword with these words. henna earring dreadlocks necklace body painting beard nose stud tattoo face painting Complete the sentences with these words. dreadlocks nose studs make-up masks henna wigs earrings Around the world Rastafarians like the legendary Bob Marley have . dreadlocks., in their hair. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hindu women often wear made from diamonds and other precious stones. In Spain, baby girls often have when they are only a few months old. In Middle-Eastern cultures women often have...............tattoos on their hands and feet. The French upper classes wore ..............in the 18th century - both men and women. Many African tribes wear for special occasions. They are made from many different materials. Indian brides do their carefully. very
Grammar 1 The passive: present simple 1.. Write the past participles of these verbs. infinitive past participle cover covered make carry read use try put call 2j Complete the sentences with the present simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. The visitors are met.......at the airport, (meet) 1 French..............in some parts of Canada, (speak) 2 The bridge..............every two years, (not paint) 3 Those costumes every day! (not wear) 4 Saint Patrick’s Day..............on 17th March, (celebrate) 5 The posters ...............in this department, (design) 3j Complete the clues with the present simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. Then write the answers using these words. meat English tennis paper sandals banana This...isn’t eaten.by vegetarians, (not eat) .....meat..... 1 Books...............of this material. (make).............. 2 This language..............in Australia, (speak)............. 3 This fruit in Guatemala. (grow).............. 4 These shoes................in the summer, (wear).............. 5 This sport..............by Vera Zvonareva, (play)............. 4> Write the interrogative form of the sentences. Then write true answers. Cheese is made in France. is.cheese made in France? 1 Cars are made of wood. 2 Grapes are grown in Spain. 3 English is spoken in Germany. 4 Maths is taught in schools. 5 Snails are eaten in France. Active to passive 5j Rewrite the sentences using the passive form. People speak English in the USA. EHalish.is.spp.keni inThe USA............. 1 They make chocolate in Belgium. Chocolate............................... 2 Young people don’t visit this museum. This museum............................. 3 Judges in the UK wear white wigs. White wigs.............................. 4 Do they grow coffee beans in Colombia? 5 They don’t grow tea in Scotland. Tea .... 6 Do they speak Portuguese in Brazil? 7 Visitors take a lot of photos. A lot of photos........................... 8 They don't use computers in my office. Computers............................... 87
Vocabulary 2 Adjective prefixes 1j Write the opposites of the adjectives in the table using negative prefixes. Positive (+) Negative (-) happy unhappy patient sensitive polite comfortable tolerant capable healthy possible active practical kind 2j Complete the sentences with the opposite of these adjectives. comfortable polite patient happy possible healthy This sofa isn’t very good, it’s un.conifprtqbl.e.. 2 I get very .............................. when I have to wait more than ten minutes for a bus. 3 He never says ’please’ and ‘thank you’. He’s very................. 4 She looks quite............... I think it’s because she doesn’t do enough exercise. 1 I think she’s very................ She looks so sad. 5 Travelling back through time is
Grammar 2 The passive: past simple 1 Complete the text with the past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. 3j Match the words in the two columns. Then write sentences using the past simple passive form of the verbs in brackets. The 2004 Tsunami One of the worst disasters in recent history was the 2004 tsunami in South-East Asia. More than 200 000 people (1) .....were killed (kill) and a large number of people (2) ............... (injure). The popular tourist town of Phuket (3) ...........(destroy) in a few short hours. Hundreds of holiday homes on the nearby Phi Phi islands (4) ............. (throw) into the sea. Victims (5)................. (take) to hospitals and survivors (6) ................... (move) to higher areas. Some children (7)................ (save) by a circus elephant that was walking on the beach. Its owner put the children on the elephant’s back and they (8)................(carry) to a safe place. 1 Guernica------ 2 The Pianist 3 The Lord of the Rings 4 the light bulb 5 the Colosseum a) Thomas Edison b) the Romans c) Tolkein d) Picasso e) Roman Polanski 1 Guernica was painted by Picasso . (paint) 2 .................... „............. (direct) 3 .............. „..„............... (write) 4 .................................... (invent) 5 .......................................(build) 4j Correct the sentences. The pyramids were built by the Romans. X (Egyptians) .The.pyramids.weren’tbuilt by the Romans. They. were builtby the Egyptians.................... 1 War and Peace was written by Chekhov. X (Tolstoy) 2 Sunflowers was painted by Goya. X (Van Gogh) 3 Yellow Submarine was sung by The Rolling Stones. X (The Beatles) Write sentences using the past simple passive. Yoga I invent I a long time ago. Yoga, vyasm.yented a long time ago,.... 1 The Guggenheim Museum / build / in 1992. 4 Kill Bill was directed by Almodovar. X (Quentin Tarantino) 5 America was discovered by Napoleon. X (Christopher Columbus) 2 The Mona Lisa / paint / by Leonardo da Vinci. 3 Yesterday / sing / by The Beatles. 4 Moby Dick / write / by H. Melville. 5 Jaws /direct /by Steven Spielberg. 6 The Pyramids / build / by the Egyptians. 7 Our school / design / by a famous architect. 5j Complete the sentences with the active or passive past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Robbie Williams .. sang Angels, (sing) 1 Fireworks..............in China, (invent) 2 The Parthenon............ by the Greeks, (build) 3 Oliver Stone..............JFK. (direct) 4 Salt...............to preserve food before fridges.............. (use, invent) 5 Tchaikovsky Swan Lake. (compose)
Grammar 1 and 2 Dictation 1J 5Tso~l Listen and write the sentences. 1. ....................................... 2 ........................................ 3 ........................................ 4 ........................................ 5 ........................................ 6 7 .................................... Error correction 2> Correct the sentences. The meal was cook by a professional. Ibe meal. was.cooked byaprofessipnal....... 1 These cars aren’t maked in Germany. 2 The wig is decorate with flowers. 3 Special clothes are worn for firemen. 4 These pictures was painted by a famous painter. 5 Were this room repainted recently? 6 Was Macbeth written by Shakespeare? Yes, it was written. 7 That famous song was sang at the party. Translation 3^ Translate the corrected sentences from exercise 2 into your language. 1. .................................... 2 ........._........................... 3 ..................................... 4 ....................„................ 5 ..................................... 6 ..................................... 7 ..................................... Unit grammar check 4j Read the text and circle the correct answers. Yoga Yoga originated in India and (1)... as a form of meditation for centuries. References to yoga (2)... in many old Hindu texts and today these texts (3)... by people in the West. We want to understand how this ancient discipline can help us. These days, yoga (4)... as a way to exercise our bodies and relax our minds and it (5)... by hundreds of thousands of people all over the world. Some people think it is the best remedy for everything. Some yoga teachers (6)... in faraway countries, but others are not. 1 a) is used 2 a) were found 3 a) studied 4 a) is seen 5 a) practised 6 a) is trained b)(yyasused) b) is found b) are studied b) was seen b) was practised b) are trained c) used c) found c) were studied c) saw c) is practised c) is training 5y (TsT] Listen and check your answers. 90
Reading 1j Read the text quickly and tick (✓) the four things that are mentioned. 1 eye shadow 2 mascara 3 eye liner 4 glasses 5 contact lenses 6 sunglasses The Ancient Egyptians used plants and minerals to decorate their eyes. They wanted to make their eyes look bigger and more like cat’s eyes. Today we use eye shadow, mascara, eye liner and kohl pencils. And not just women try to make their eyes appear more attractive. Pop stars like David Bowie and Marilyn Manson are famous for their exotic eyes. These days we can use crazy contact lenses to decorate our eyes. We can temporarily change the colour of our eyes from blue to green or from brown to violet. Or we can make our eyes dramatic with a pair of designer lenses. Contact lens companies sell lenses that look like cat’s eyes, demons, dragons, aliens and vampires. They have all-white lenses, all-black lenses and every colour in between. If you want something really different, you can buy striped lenses, spotted lenses or checked lenses. Other lenses have spirals, stars, crosses and numbers. Or why not buy some lenses with butterflies, spiders, bats or flowers? If you decide to try decorative contact lenses, visit a qualified optician for advice. Always buy lenses with a prescription and make sure you get the right size and type of lens for your eyes. <jDcr» ф Internet 2j Find words in the text that mean: 1 different, unusual e................ 2 for a short time t................ 3 devils d ............... 4 horizontal and vertical crossing lines c............... 5 eye doctor о................ 3) (^52] Read and listen to the text. Answer the questions. 1 What did the Egyptians use for eye make- up? 2 Which pop stars wear unusual eye make- up? 3 What colours are contact lenses made in? 4 Who should you ask for advice before you buy decorative contact lenses?
Writing dossier Plan Write 2j Draw lines to indicate where you think paragraphs two and three should start. 5j Check your writing. Check your paragraphs and tenses. Check your use of passive sentences. Check you have used vocabulary for physical descriptions and character. A personal description Language focus: planning your writing 1j Read the description. This picture was taken a few years ago, when my sister Molly was seven. The photo was taken by our dad with his new camera. Molly was in the garden. It was summer time and there was no school. In the photo Molly’s wearing a summer top. She’s also wearing a sun hat with flowers on. My sister looks happy in the photo. She was enjoying the long summer days and our grandparents were stay- ing with us. I think this picture shows Molly’s personality. She's very easy-going and happy most of the time. Sometimes Molly is a bit impatient but nobody’s perfect! I’ve kept the photo because it reminds me of the happy summer days! 3 Look at the picture and write notes In the table below. Invent the information you don't know. Notes Paragraph 1 о introduction (Who is in the photo?) о When / Where was the picture taken? о Who by? Paragraph 2 o appearance Paragraph 3 о character о Does the photo reflect his personality? о Why have you kept the photo? 4. Write a description of the picture using the notes you wrote in exercise 3. Write three paragraphs. Use at least two examples of the passive. Include vocabulary for physical descriptions and character. Check 92
Dialogue builder -ccepting and declining invitations ’ Order the words to make useful expressions. 1 like I house / come I to I Would / to / you / tonight / my? 2 love I Yes, / to / I’d 3 be / That’d / great 4 I / I’d / but I love / can’t I to, 5 meet / on / instead / Shall / Friday / we? 5j Tom wants Kathy to go out with him and he phones her three times. Look at the pictures and complete the three dialogues using some of the useful expressions from exercise 1. 2, TsTl Listen and check your answers. 3J Listen to the dialogue between Rob and Jan and circle the correct words. Friday Tom Hi, Kathy. (1)....................... Kathy (2) Tom (3) .... Kathy (4)................................ Rob Hi, Jan. Jan Hi, Rob. Rob Would you like (1) coming / to come out with me at the weekend? Jan Yes, I’d (2) like I love to! Rob Great! Would you like (3) to go I go to the cinema on Friday? Jan Oh, I (4) can’t / won’t go out on Friday. Rob No problem! Shall we do something on Saturday (5) as well I instead? Jan OK. What (6) can I shall we do? Rob (7) Would / Will you like to go for a pizza? Jan That’d be (8) good I great. Rob OK, I’ll come and get you at about seven. Jan OK, see you then. 4, ^54] Listen again and check your answers. One week later Tom Hi, Kathy. (5)........................ Kathy (6) ...... Tom (7) Kathy (8) ................................ One week later Tom Hi, Kathy. (9).................... Kathy (10) Tom (11) Kathy (12) 93
Appearance The passive: present simple 1^ Match the words in the two columns to make compound nouns. Then write them under the correct picture. 3J Write sentences using the present simple 1 body 2 dread 3 ear 4 nose 5 face a) rings b) stud c) painting d) locks e) painting 2 Flowers / grow / Holland passive. 1 A lot of rice / eat / Japan 3 4 Kilts / wear / men / Scotland Cars I make I Germany and Italy The passive: past simple 4j Complete the sentences with the active or passive past simple form of the verbs in brackets. Adjective prefixes 2) Complete the sentences with the opposites of these adjectives. happy sensitive polite active practical kind 1 He doesn’t have any friends and never goes out. I think he’s very.................. 2 I should do more exercise. I live a very life. 3 He is an................ little boy! He’s always mean to people. 4 She made a joke about a very delicate subject. That was very ...................... 5 This plan isn't going to work. It’s 1 The Lord of the Rings ............in New Zealand, (film) 2 In the past they horses and carts as transport, (use) 3 paper .............by the Chinese? (invent) 4 Romeo and Juliet................by Shakespeare in 1595. (write) 5 Charlie Chaplin the first feature-length comedy film? (invent) 6 Peter only invited half his classmates to his birthday party. I think that’s really ................of him. 5j Write questions using the past simple passive or the present simple passive. 1 Where / baseball I invent? 2 How often / Olympic Games I hold? 3 When / The Mona Lisa I paint? 4 How often / the Eurovision Song Contest I show / on TV? 5 Where / Latin / speak?
Cumulative grammar ЕИШЗЮИЩ®) 1j Circle the correct answers. Jessica Wow! I love your earrings. Are they 1 a) made 8 a) travelled new? b) make b) would travel Maria Yeah, they were (1)... in Senegal. c) making c) would travelled My mum (2)... them for me while she 2 a) didn’t buy 9 a) will buy and my dad (3)... in Africa. b) bought b) bought Jessica I love African things. I ve got a c) were buying cj would buy wall hanging in my room that was designed (4)... a woman from 3 a) travelled 10 a) was sent Tanzania. b) was travelling b) were sent Maria Yeah, I think African objects look c) were travelling c) is sent much (5)... than the things you can 4 a) for 11 a) are sent buy here. b) by b) was sent Jessica Most of the arty things in our house c) to c) were sent (6)... in Africa and India. Maria Reallv? Whv’s that? 5 a) exoticer 12 a) don’t have to Jessica Because mv dad qoes on trips there b) most exotic b) am not allowed to and he (7)... stuff back. c) more exotic c) am allowed not to Maria Oh, if I (8)... to those countries 6 a) are buying 13 a) are used regularly, I (9)... a lot of things too. b) was bought b) is use By the way, talking of exotic things; c) were bought c) is used Tania (10)... some flowers last week. 7 a) brings usually 14 a) will Jessica I know. They (11)... by that guy who works in the library, the one with the b) brought usually c) usually brings b) c) might to will to dreadlocks and the tattoos. Maria Awesome! I want a tattoo, but my mum says I (12)... get one until I’m 18. Jessica Get a henna one. Henna (13)... for temporary tattoos. It isn't permanent. Maria That’s a good idea. I (14)... talk to her tonight about getting a henna tattoo. EXTRA VOICES 2, (Tssl Listen to this recording about the Face Painting Association. Listen again and circle the correct words. 1 The Face Painting Association was formed 15/50 years ago. 2 There are members all over the USA / UK. I 3 Members receive a magazine three I four times a year. 4 The magazine is called Face to Face I Paint to Face. 5 Non-members can I can’t go onto the website. I 6 Competition winners get trophies / prizes. “ 7 Every January, a face painting conference / competition is organized. 8 The website is www.facepaint.com / www.facepaint.co.uk.

Grammar bank Present simple and present continuous present simple о We use the present simple for routines and habits. They do voluntary work every week. о In the third person singular (he / she / it) we add -s to the verb. It takes at least six months to do a Bronze Award. о In the negative and questions we use the auxiliary do/does. She doesn’t go on an expedition every year. Do you play football on Fridays? present continuous о We use the present continuous to describe what is happening at the moment. Thousands of people are doing the D of E Awards now. о In the affirmative and negative the order is subject + be (not) + verb + -ing. He is watching TV. о In questions, the order is be + subject + verb + -ing. Are you doing the Dof E Awards? о In short answers, we don't repeat the verb + -ing. Yes, I am. V Yes-, I am doing: x Time expressions о We use every day, twice a week, on Mondays, etc with the present simple. They play computer games every day. My brother does voluntary work twice a week. I help at training on Mondays. о We use at the moment, now, today with the present continuous. We're waiting for our teacher at the moment It isn't raining now. You're wearing new jeans today. Adverbs of frequency never sometimes often usually always о We use adverbs of frequency with the present simple to say how often we do something. о Adverbs of frequency usually go before the verb. He often studies in the library on Saturdays. о Adverbs of frequency go after be. I am never late for school. be: past simple affirmative 1 / He / She / It was We / You / They were famous, writers. negative 1 / He / She / It wasn’t (was not) We / You 1 They weren’t (were not) Spanish. French. questions Was 1 / he / she / it Were we / you / they English? scientists? short answers Yes, 1 / he / she / it was. / No, 1 / he / she 1 it wasn’t. Yes, we / you 1 they were. / No, we / you / they weren’t. there was I there were affirmative There was an African winner. There were other winners._________ negative__________________________ There wasn’t an African winner. There weren’t other winners. questions Was there an African winner? Were there other winners? short answers Yes, there was. I No, there wasn’t. Yes, there were. / No, there weren't. 98
Grammar exercises \ Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form of the verbs in the box. You need to use one verb twice. be do hate work kick like make take write 1 A: What........is. your father ...doing in Africa at the moment? B: He...........as a volunteer. 2 A: What......... your father ..........? B: He...........an engineer. 3 Natalia is at school. She the exam today. 4 And it’s Torres for Spain! He..........the ball, and it's in the net! Goal! 5 I always Monday mornings. 6 ..........you .......friends at your new school? 7 ....'.....you......... this city? No, I don’t. There’s a lot of noise and pollution here. 8 My mother novels in her free time. Circle the correct words. 1 He works late;every da^)/ at the moment. 2 Ssh. Don’t disturb her. She's sleeping always / at the moment. 3 Is Carla using the computer now / always? 4 We’re driving to the coast every day I today. 5 I brush my teeth now / twice a day. 6 They always I every year go to the same place on holiday. 3> Order the words to make sentences. 1 the gym / always I three times a week / go /1 / to. j Я • ways go to th e gym th ree t i m es g week.. 2 you / Do / your mother / with the housework / help? 3 are / always / school / for / Why / late / you? 4 not / We / so quiet / usually / are. 5 often / is / on the computer / My father. 6 good marks I for / They I achieve / their exams / never. 4> Write questions for these answers. 1 I usually see my friends at the weekend, when do. you see you r friends?........... 2 Isabel plays tennis twice a week. ...........................................? 3 They go to the beach in the summer holidays. ? 4 I’m doing my homework. ? 5 He’s thinking about playing football this evening. ? Write sentences in the past with was I were or wasn't/ weren’t. 1 I / not well I yesterday, l.wasn’twelfyesterdgy...................... 2 you / on holiday / last week? 3 Tom / late home from school / today. 4 the organizers / happy / with the concert? 5 Tolstoy and Bulgakov / Russian writers. 6j Complete the questions in the past with the words in the box and was /were. Then match the questions with their answers. How old What When Where Why 1 w h e re we re 2 ........... 3 ........... 4 ........... 5 ........... they from? a) you born? \ b) his job? \ c) we? \ d) he famous? \ Scientist. 1994. 10 years old. For discovering penicillin. America. 7j Complete the sentences with there was/ wasn't or there were / weren’t. 1 a bus, so I'm late. 2..................a lot of people at the concert We couldn’t see the group on the stage. 3 In the 19th century,.any mob e phones. 4 ........ a black president of South --ca in the 1960s. 5 a good film on TV last r teas really exciting. 6..................three female writers ' “e 5•: family.
Grammar bank Past simple affirmative I / You / He / She / It / We/They went on holiday. negative I/You/He/She/lt/ We/They didn’t escape. questions Did I / you / he / she / it / open the we / they door? short answers Yes, I / you / he / she / it / we / they did. No, I / you / he / she / it / we / they didn’t. о We use the past simple to talk about events in the past. ' о In the past simple, all persons are the same. I / You /Не/ She / It/We/ They disappeared. о We make negative sentences in the past with didn’t and the infinitive without to. He didn't return to his seat. о We make questions in the past with did and the infinitive without to. Did he go on holiday with his family? о In short answers we don’t repeat the main verb. spelling rules for past simple regular verbs Most regular verbs: add -ed return -» returned Regular verbs ending in -e: add -d arrive -» arrived Regular verbs ending in consonant + -y: change -y to -/ and add -ed carry -» carried Regular verbs ending in consonant + vowel + consonant: double the final consonant and add -ed travel •+ travelled Pronunciation о The pronunciation of past simple regular verbs changes, depending on the spelling of the verb: о when the verb ends in an unvoiced sound, the -ed ending is pronounced [t]: help -» helped о when the verb ends in a voiced sound, the -ed ending is pronounced [d]: return -» returned о when the verb ends in -t or -d, the -ed ending is pronounced [id]: visit -» visited о For irregular verbs, see Irregular Verbs list, Workbook p134. Past continuous о We use the past continuous to describe an action in progress in the past. Past simple and past continuous о We often use the past continuous and past simple in the same sentence. о We use the past simple for short actions. We use the past continuous for longer actions. The past simple describes an event that happened during a longer action in the past continuous. a) He was waiting for a train. .....................X..................> b) He heard a voice. о We generally use when with the past simple and while with the past continuous. He was waiting for a train when he heard a voice. While he was waiting for a train, he heard a voice. 100
Grammar exercises 2 1y Complete the text with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. catch chase escape not find send not stay steal There was a robbery at a jeweller’s shop. The robbers (1).....stole some jewellery. The police (2) ............the thieves the next day. They (3)..............them to prison for three years. But the criminals (4)........... long in prison. After two months, they (5).............The police (6) .............. the criminals in their police cars, but they (7)............. them. 2j Order the words to make questions. 1 you I Where / did / yesterday / go? Where didyougoyesterdgy?..................... 2 happen / did / When / the accident? 3 in the shopping centre / she I Who / meet I did? 4 did I the pyramids / How / make / the Egyptians? 5 the robbers / they / see / Did? 6 my pen / Why / did / take / you? 7 he / eat / all the cake / Did? 8 the teacher / What / find / did I in the cupboard? 4j Complete the questions with where, what, why or how. 1 What were the thieves doing when the police arrived? 2 was the dog making a lot of noise all night? 3 many students were taking the exam? 4 was she going? 5 were you singing that song? 6 book were you reading? 5 Complete the questions with the past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. 1 What game . wereyou.plgying. on the computer? (you I play) 2 to her boyfriend on the phone? (Mercedes / talk) 3 Why ..............the train to Tver? (your father / take) 4 How many ...............the plane? (people / get on) 5 .............dark glasses? (the thieves / wear) 6 Who with on that holiday? (we / travel) Write sentences using the past simple and the past continuous. 1 I / watch I the match / on TV / when I somebody / ring / the doorbell. I, was watching the match on ту when.... somebody rang thedoorbell............... 2 Elena I finish / her homework I while I her mother / cook / the evening meal. 3> Correct the errors. 1 He walking his dog yesterday. Hewa$wd|king.hi5..^ ...................... 2 Was you listening to the same concert as me? It was awful. 3 What you were doing in town? 3 Mark / work I on the computer / when / he I hear / a noise. 4 While 111 walk I home from school it star to rain. 4 Did you saw that great film on TV last night? 5 They wasn’t working in the bank last week. 5 They / travel / in a train / when / • suddenly / stop. 6 She don’t travel on the bus last night. 7 It weren’t raining yesterday. 6 Tom / tell / a funny story / wh -a *ar for our drinks in the cafe.
Grammar bank Comparatives and superlatives adjective comparative superlative short adjectives cheap large big happy cheaper larger bigger happier cheapest largest biggest happiest long adjectives interesting expensive more interesting more expensive most interesting most expensive irregular adjectives good bad better worse best worst о We use comparative adjectives to compare two things, people or places. Luis is taller than Jack. о We use superlative adjectives to compare three or more things, people or places. Luis is the tallest boy in the class. о We use than after comparative adjectives. My house is bigger than hers. о We use the before superlative adjectives. Tokyo is the most expensive city in the world. Spelling rules: short adjectives о We form the comparative of short adjectives by adding -er and the superlative by adding -est. small - smaller - smallest о We add -r to short adjectives ending in -e to make the comparative and -st to make the superlative. wide - wider - widest о With adjectives that end in one vowel + consonant, we double the consonant and add -er to make the comparative and add -est to make the superlative. hot - hotter - hottest о With adjectives that end in -y, we delete the -y and add -ier to make the comparative and add -iest to make the superlative. easy - easier - easiest Long adjectives о We form the comparative of long adjectives by adding more in front of the adjective. attractive - more attractive о We form the superlative of long adjectives by adding most in front of the adjective. attractive - most attractive too and not enough о We use too + adjective to say something is more than necessary or satisfactory. The T-shirt is too small. о We use not + adjective + enough to say something is not satisfactory. The T-shirt isn’t big enough. о We use too before adjectives and enough after adjectives. Quantity: some, any, much, many and a lot of countable nouns uncountable nouns affirmative She’s got some CDs. She’s got a lot of CDs. She’s got too many CDs. ‘ He’s got some time. She’s got a lot of time. I’ve got too much time. negative She hasn’t got many CDs. She hasn't got any CDs. She hasn’t got much time. She hasn’t got any time. questions and short answers Has she got any CDs? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t. Have they got any time? Yes, they have. I No, they haven’t. о We use some, any, much, many and a lot of to talk about quantity of things. о We use some and any with uncountable nouns and with plural countable nouns. о We use some in affirmative sentences, and any in negative sentences and questions. о We use many with countable nouns, and much with uncountable nouns. о We use too many or too much to say something is more than sufficient.
Grammar exercises 1J Circle the correct words. 1 This is best /(the best>beach in Sochi. 2 You’re younger than / that me. 3 This is the more / most expensive bag in the shop. 4 My neighbour’s garden is bigger I more big than mine. 5 What is the most large I largest animal in the world? 6 Watching football is more interesting / interestinger than watching golf. 7 Patricia’s exam results were badder / worse than Julia's. 8 Boris is the fatest / fattest cat in the street. 2j Write comparisons with the adjectives in brackets. 1 summer / winter, (hot) SUtynwis to........................... 2 this homework / the last homework, (easy) 4y Complete the sentences. Use too and not enough and the adjectives in brackets. 1 The bridge is 10 m high. The lorry is 10.5 m high. The lorry.....is too high.(high) The bridge ..isn/t high, enough . (high) 2 The jeans cost 50€. I've got 45€. The jeans...................(expensive) I .................to buy the jeans, (rich) 3 The temperature in this car is 10°C. The car..................... (cold) I..................(warm) 4 I can't lift this box. I............................to lift this box. (strong) I....................................... to lift this box. (weak) 5 All the students got the questions correct in the exam. The exam...................(difficult) The questions ....................(easy) 6 Andrey is 15. He can’t drive. Andrey...... to drive, (old) Andrey.................... to drive, (young) 3 the English football team I the Spanish football team, (good) 4 parachuting / skiing, (dangerous) 5 cheetahs / leopards, (fast) 6 Oxford University / Luton University, (famous) Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the adjectives in the box. bad expensive hot long eld tall 1 Some of the....Oldest...animals in the world are tortoises. They can live to be over 180. 2 .......... building in the world is the Burj Dubai. It’s over 800 m in height. 3 The Nile is river in the world. It goes from the Democratic Republic of Congo to Ethiopia. 4 The Bugatti Veyron is............ car in the world. It costs nearly S2 million. 5 month of the year in England is August. 6 January is..............month of the year to come to this country. It’s cold and wet. 5y Complete the sentences with How much/ How many...? or too much / too many. 1 how much money have you got? 2 He ate chocolates. Now he’s feeling ill. 3 There’s salt on these chips. 4 songs are there on the CD? 5 homework have you got this weekend? 6 It’s impossible. You've got shoes. You can’t wear them all. 7 He’s got milk in that bowl. He’s spilling it on the floor. Tick (✓) the sentences that are correct and correct the sentences that are wrong. 1 Eva has got lot of CDs. Eva .tosjotgJptpfCDs...................... 2 Sorry, I don’t have some paperclips. 3 There isn't much butter in the fridge. 4 Hurry up, please. I haven’t got many time. 5 Do you have any English friends? 6 He spends too many money on clothes. 7 There wasn’t some homework to do yesterday.
Grammar bank Present perfect: affirmative and negative Present perfect: questions and short answers affirmative I / You’ve (have) He / She / It’s (has) We / You / They’ve (have) climbed a mountain. negative I / You haven’t (have not) He / She/lt hasn’t (has not) We / You I They haven’t (have not) run a marathon. questions Have l/you (ever) visited a cave? Has he / she 1 it (ever) had an accident? Have we /you/ they (ever) seen a snake? short answers Yes, I / you have. I No, l/you haven’t. Yes, he / she I it has. / No, he I she / it hasn’t. Yes, we I you/they have. I No, we / you / they haven't. о One of the uses of the present perfect is to talk about experiences in the past, when we don't mention the exact time. о In affirmative sentences the order is subject + have /has + past participle. I've climbed a mountain. He's run a marathon. о In negative sentences the order is subject + have/has + not + past participle. I haven't seen an ice hockey match. He hasn't played in the school team. о The past participle of regular verbs is the same as the past simple of regular verbs - they end in -ed. jump - jumped miss - missed play - played о The past participles of irregular verbs are all different and you have to learn them. See Irregular Verbs List, Workbook p134. о We form questions in the present perfect with Have/Has + subject + past participle. Have you been to India? Has your brother tried kayaking? о In short answers we don’t repeat the past participle. Has he travelled to Scotland? No, he hasn't. о We often use ever with the present perfect to ask questions about experiences in the past. Have you ever been snowboarding? Has your teacher ever climbed a mountain? Present perfect with never and ever о We often use never with the present perfect to talk about things we haven’t done or experienced in the past. He's never played in the school team. о We also use ever with the present perfect negative to talk about things we haven’t done or experienced in the past. / haven't ever tried rollerskating before.
Grammar exercises 1 у Write the past participles of these irregular verbs. 1 run .............. 2 begin ............ 3 speak ............ 4 think ............ 5 cut .............. 6 fall ............. 7 do ............... 8 make ............. 2. Complete the sentences with the present perfect form of the verbs in the box. be climb play iwt see write 1 My brother is very fit. He ..h.es..fH.n.a marathon. 2 Brad Pitt............in a lot of films. 3 The children too many computer games. 4 JK Rowling ............seven Harry Potter books. 5 I...........all the Star Wars films. 6 Their parents the Himalayas. 3j Complete the second sentence with the present perfect negative form of the verbs in brackets and ever. 1 Carlos is swimming the length of the pool. He hasn't ever swum, that before, (swim) 2 I’m frightened of flying. I before, (fly) 3 This looks interesting. I.............. Indian food, (eat) 4 My brother is exhausted. He so much housework, (do) 5 They..................a rock concert, so they want to go to a music Festival this July, (see) 6 My mother looks strange. She ....................glasses, (wear) 7 This is awful. I..............rock climbing before, (do) 4j Rewrite the sentences in exercise 3 with the present perfect and never. 1 Carlos.is swimming Ле.length pf the pool, He ... has.never swumthatbefore,................... 2 ..................................... 3 ......................................... 4 ................ _....................... 5 .............. 6 7 Match the questions with their short answers. 1 Have your parents ever been to Scotland? 0 2 Have you seen the new James Bond film? □ 3 Has Virginia worked with children before? О 4 Have we answered all the questions? 5 Has Jack ever thanked you for the present? □ 6 Have I been to your house before? П a) Yes, I have. b) No, he hasn’t. c) No, they haven't. d) No, you haven’t. e) Yes, we have. f) Yes, she has. 6y Correct the errors. 1 I haven’t never been on holiday to Italy, (have never beenon holiday to .itqly,....... 2 Emily seen a leopard in the wild. 3 They has tried kayaking in the sea. 4 What countries did you ever go to? 5 Nikita has not never had his ear pierced. 6 We never have had a dog. 7 Have ever you eaten snails? 8 Didn’t you ever studied English before? Grammar bank 105
Grammar bank Present perfect with for and since о We use the present perfect with for when we mention the period or length of time of a situation. I’ve had this ringtone for two weeks. о We use the present perfect with since when we mention the point of time when a situation started. My friend has been at school since 8.30 this morning. о We use How long with the present perfect to ask about the duration of an action or situation. How long have you had this ringtone? How long has your friend been at school? Present perfect with just I / You've (have) just received an email. He I She's (has) just got wireless broadband. We / You / They've (have) downloaded a ringtone. о We use just with the present perfect to talk about very recent actions. о We use subject + have /has + just + past participle. I’ve just bought a new MP3 player. My brother has just started a blog. Present perfect and past simple о We use the present perfect for situations when the time period is not finished. I’ve had this computer for five years. (I’ve got the same computer now.) о We use the past simple for completed actions in the past, when the time period is finished. I sent my first email six years ago. Time expressions о We use ever, for and since when the time period we are talking about is not finished. Sara has read this magazine since she was 12. (She still reads it.) о We use ago, in, last week / month / year, etc, when I was a child/ten, etc when the time period we are talking about is finished. We went to the mountains last year. (We are not in the mountains any more.) о We use ever, for and since with the present perfect. Have you ever read Emma by Jane Austen? The game has been in the shops for two weeks. OK! magazine has been popular since the late 1990s. о We use ago, in, last week / month / year, etc, when I was a child /ten, etc with the past simple. Magazines were more popular ten years ago. They set up the website in 2006. The magazine closed last year. Which school did you go to when you were little?
Grammar exercises 5 17 Complete these time expressions with for and since. 1......since.last Christmas 2 .......1 was a child 3 Wednesday evening 4 .......two days 5 .......a long time 6 48 hours 7 .......8.30 this morning 8 .......January 2004 2/ Write a second sentence that means the same as the first. Use the present perfect and the words in brackets. 1 Our teacher started working in this school in 2006. Our teacher has worked in this school since 2006 (work / since) 2 I bought this watch two years ago. I.............,.......(have / for) 3 She went to her room at 7.30. It’s 9 o’clock now. She......................(be I since) 4 Dad bought this car in January 2010. Dad......................(drive / since) 5 I met you last summer. It’s July the following year. I.......................(know / for) 6 Mike last saw Kate on Tuesday. Mike.....................(not see / since) 3y Order the words to make questions. Then write answers for them. 1 long I lived / How / in / house I your / you / have? How long hayeypuliyedjnyour house?....... 2 known / friend / your I How / best / have / long / you? .........................................? 3 been / school / you I long / at / have / How / this? .........................................? 4 your parents / owned / a computer / How / have / long? .........................................? 5 the same hairstyle / How / had I your friend / has / long? ...........? 4j Complete the sentences to explain what has happened. Use the present perfect form of the verbs in the box and just. eat fall ftntsh have see spill walk pass 1 Why are your parents tired? They have just finished WOrk. 2 Why are you washing the floor. I..„................coffee all over it. 3 Why is Rachel angry? She.....................an argument with her brother. E E 4 Why is Felix so happy? He.......................his exam. 5 Why are you so wet? I.....................in the river. 6 Why has your brother got a black eye? He.......................into a door. 7 Why is Erick frightened? He.......................a ghost. 8 Where is your homework? My dog.......................it. 5. Complete the dialogue. Use the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in brackets. A: (1) H<we you ever visited (you ever / visit) India? B: Yes, (2).................... (3) .....................(you ever/be) there? A: Yes, (4) I.................(go) to India on holiday last year. When (5)......................? (you / go) B: My family (6).................. (live) in Delhi when I was a child. (7).. (you / like) the too: * A: Yes, (8)...................Mmm. absolutely fantastic! 67 Complete the sentences with for. since ago, ever or last. 1 A: When did you see John? B: Five years .... 2 I haven’t eaten anything 3 He left school __month. 4 I’ve had the same ringtone on —ч July. 5 Have you.....used this wecse • download music? It’s very pooel
Grammar bank will and might affirmative 1 / You / He / She / It / We / They will get into the spaceship. 1 / You / He / She / It / We / They might climb up walls. negative 1 / You / He / She / It/We/They won’t walk around. 1 / You / He / She / It / We / They might not travel to space. о We use will or won't when we’re sure about something in the future - it’s definite. о We use might or might not when we aren’t sure about something in the future - it's possible. о To form affirmative sentences we use will/ might + infinitive without to. People might go on holiday in space. о To form negative sentences we use won't/ might not + infinitive without to. I won't pay that price for a room. о The form is the same for all persons. We don’t use -s in the third person. He might open a hotel. о We normally use contractions ('ll not will and won't not will not) when we speak. be going to affirmative I'm (am) You’re (are) He / She / It’s (is) We / You / They’re (are) going to ask him. negative I’m not (am not) You aren’t (are not) He / She / It isn’t (is not) We / You / They aren’t (are not) going to work there. questions Am 1 Are you Is he / she 1 it Are we / you / they going to stay there? short answers -4 Yes, I am. I No, I’m not. Yes, you are. I No, you aren't. Yes, he / she I it is. I No, he I she / it isn't. Yes, we / you / they are. I No, we / you / they aren't. о We use be going to to talk about plans and intentions for the future. Next month she is going to travel to China. о To form sentences we use subject + be + going to + infinitive without to. She's going to spend six weeks in space. о In short answers, we don't repeat going to + infinitive without to. Are you going to stay at that hotel? Yes, I am. First conditional situation consequence If 1 get rich one day, If he doesn’t pass his exams, I’ll go to Antarctica. he won't go on holiday. consequence situation I'll go to Antarctica He won’t go on holiday if 1 get rich one day. if he doesn’t pass his exams. о We use the first conditional to talk about possible situations and their consequences. о To form first conditional sentences we use If + subject + present simple for the situation, and subject + 7/ / won’t + infinitive without to for the consequence. If we go to Antarctica, we'll take lots of pictures. о We can put the situation first or we can put the consequence first. о If the situation comes first, we put a comma. If we have time, we’ll send you a postcard. о We don’t put a comma if the consequence comes first. We'll see a lot of whales if we're lucky.
Grammar exercises 6 1J Circle the correct words. 1 Peopleirnigfi) I might to travel to Mars on holiday one day. 2 He might / mights study medicine at university. 3 Don’t worry. They won’t all / don’t all will want to come to the party. 4 Paula might / will cook dinner tonight. She promised. 5 The teacher might / won’t like my story. It’s terrible. 6 We don’t might I might not go to the cinema tonight. We're tired. 2j Use the notes below and complete the sentences with will / won’t or might / might not. Definite in 2018 Possible in 2018 (1) Moscow/hold the World Cup (2) Russia / win the World Cup (3) Leo / have a job in engineering (4) Leo / not like his job (5) I / go to university (6) I / study law (7) I / not live with my parents (8) My parents / not live in Moscow, move to the country Ш 2018 ... 1 Moscow 2 Russia............................... 3 Leo.................................. 4 Leo.................................. 5 I.................................... 6 I.................................... 7 I 8 My parents........................... 3> Complete the sentences with be going to and the verbs in the box. do not eat go spend wash 1...Their suitcases are packed. They ....are др'адto 5Q... on holiday. 2 He ................his homework. 3 I feel sick. I............anything tonight! 4 They’ve got a lot of money. They ..................it in that shop. 5 Her dress is dirty. She .......... it. 4j Read the advertisement and notes. Then complete the sentences with be going to. 1 We are going to travel to the Sahara in 4x4s. 2 We.................... the ruins. 3 Carmen through the desert on a camel. 4 I ................mint tea. 5 Oscar ................. quad biking. 6 The group.................. tents. CU E E ro 5 theiSaliiaiiai Travel to the Sahara desert in 4x4s Z Visit ruinsX Stay the night in tents Z Trek through desert on a camel Carmen Z Go quad biking Oscar Z Drink mint tea Oscar and Carmen Z Me / 5j Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. be come catch have take work 1 If it rains, we ...wil.l.tgke . the car. 2 He’ll pass his exams if he........ hard. 3 If they hurry, they .........the train. 4 You cold if you wear a jacket. 5 If she .........on this cruise, she won’t be disappointed. 6 We enough money for trips if we stay at this hotel. It's too expensive. Write first conditional sentences. 1 he / not like the party / he / go home early. If.he.doesn’t like the party,. H.e’ll go horrie early 2 it / snow this weekend / they I go skiing. 3 I / be happy I my team / win the match. 4 they / not come soon / they / miss the start of the film. 5 it / be hot I this summer / my parents / go to the mountains.
Grammar bank Second conditional situation consequence If 1 had more money, If he won the lottery, I’d (would) help. he wouldn’t spend all the money. consequence situation I’d (would) help He wouldn’t spend all the money if 1 had more money, if he won the lottery. о We use the second conditional to talk about imaginary situations and their consequences. о To form second conditional sentences we use If + subject + past simple for the situation, and subject + would/wouldn’t + infinitive without to for the consequence. If he had a dog, he would feel safe. If I didn’t have classes today, I would play football. о Would is contracted to'd in conversations. If he was ill,, he’d go to the doctor. о We can put the situation first or we can put the consequence first. о If the situation comes first, we put a comma. If everybody helped each other, the world would be a better place. о We don’t put a comma if the consequence comes first. The world would be a better place if everybody helped each other. Adverbs of possibility and probability о We use the adverbs definitely, probably, perhaps and maybe to talk about possibility and probability. о Definitely and probably go after be. These chocolates are definitely a great idea. This toy is probably our most popular gift. о Definitely and probably go after affirmative auxiliaries (will, would, can ...). They will definitely appreciate this gift. They would probably buy some fairtrade chocolate. You can definitely buy those in this shop. о Definitely and probably go before negative auxiliaries (won't, wouldn't, can’t...). He definitely worit keep the wallet. She probably can! think of a better present. They definitely wouldrft prefer the T-shirt. о Perhaps and maybe go at the start of a sentence. Perhaps I'll buy the chocolates. Maybe you’d prefer to make a present.
Grammar exercises 1J Match the beginning of the sentences with their endings. 1 Maria would have more money 2 If he kicked the ball harder, □ 3 If I gave the cat some milk, 4 She’d get up late П 5 If my dad was here, □ 6 If I did voluntary work abroad, a) he’d want some more tomorrow. b) if it was Saturday. c) he’d know what to do. d) if she didn’t buy so many clothes. e) I’d go to Peru. f) he’d be a better football player. Order the words to make sentences. 1 won’t I her work / finish I definitely I tonight / Laura. Laura definitely won't.finish.her work tonight. 2 from the Oxfam website I will / buy I They / probably / some fairtrade goods. 3 Miguel I win I Maybe / this week I the lottery I will. 4 to the party / will / We / come / definitely. 5 tonight / she I Perhaps / to go / like I to the cinema / would. 2j Circle the correct words. 1 If I know /(fcnevjfthis name, I tell / would tell you. 2 Luisa bought / would buy the necklace if she had I would have more money. 3 If you ate / eat all that chocolate cake, you get / will get ill. 4 I wouldn’t I would wear that jacket if you wouldn’t give / gave it to me. It’s horrible. 5 If we grew / would grow more food, people don’t die / wouldn’t die of hunger. 6 If their family would be / were richer, they would go / will go to school. 3j Read the situations. Then write second conditional sentences about them. 1 I want to go rock climbing with you, but I’m not very fit. woufd до.госк dimbing. withypw.. 2 Julia doesn’t get up early. She always misses the school bus. 6 I / tomorrow / ill / won’t / go / feel / probably / to school /1 /because. 5j Use the information in the table and write answers to the questions. Jo Andy Tom Fail exams - take them again // ? X No homework - play computer games / XX / Have more money - go to see a football match / / ✓ ✓ XX Key: definitely (✓ ✓), probably (/), perhaps (?), probably not (x), definitely not (x X) 3 My best friend has problems with his homework. I don’t help him because I don’t live near him. 1 What would Jo do if she failed her exams? She would definitely take them again. 2 What would Tom do if he failed his exams? 3 What would Andy do if he failed his exams' 4 They have got their dog with them. They can’t stay at this hotel. It doesn’t allow animals. 4 What would Jo and Tom do if they hao -: homework? 5 My cat eats quickly. He always gets a stomach ache. 5 What would Andy do if he had no homework? 6 My dad arrives home late from work every day. He’s always tired. 6 What would Jo and Andy do if r~. *ac more money?
Grammar bank Obligation: have to I don't have to Permission: can, could, be allowed to affirmative I/You He / She / It We / You / They have to has to have to be home early. negative I/You He / She / It We / You / They don’t have to doesn’t have to don’t have to go home early. questions Do Does Do I/You He / She / It We / You / They have to do the ironing? short answers Yes, I / you do. / No, I / you don’t. Yes, he / she / it does. / No, he / she / it doesn’t. Yes, we / you / they do, / No, we / you / they don’t. Present affirmative I / You / He / She / It / We / They can work five hours a day. I’m (am) We / You / They're (are) He / She / It’s (is) allowed to buy a pet. negative I / You / He / She / It/We/They can’t drink alcohol. I’m not (am not) We/You/They aren't (are not) He / She / It isn’t (is not) allowed to stay out late. I о We use have to for obligation. о We use don’t have to when there is no obligation (i.e. when something isn’t necessary). о We use do /does in the negative, questions and short answers. She doesn’t have to prepare dinner. Do you have to look after your sister? Yes, I do. Obligation and prohibition: must/ mustn't and have to / don't have to affirmative (= obligation) I / You / He / She / It / We / They must clean the floor. negative (= prohibition I / You / He / She / It / We/They mustn't be home late. Past —, affirmative I / You/ He/She / It / We / They could buy cigarettes. I was We / You / They were He / She / It was allowed to smoke then. negative I / You / He / She / It / We / They couldn’t take photos. I wasn’t (was not) We / You / They weren't (were not) He / She / It wasn’t (was not) allowed to get a tattoo. о We can use must or have to for obligation. You must / have to make your bed. о We use mustn’t when something is prohibited. It doesn’t have the same meaning as don’t have to. You mustn't put the washing machine on. (It’s prohibited.) You don’t have to put the washing machine on. (It isn’t necessary.) о After must/ mustn't we use the infinitive without to. You must leave the party at eleven. о We use can / can’t, could / couldn't and (not) be allowed to for permission. о After can, can't, could and couldn't we use the infinitive without to. At 18 you can drive a car in Russia. о After be allowed we use to. I'm allowed to stay out until twelve. 112
Grammar exercises 1} Tick (✓) the sentences that are correct. Correct the sentences that are wrong. 1 Andy always has to do the washing up after dinner. ✓ 2 Maria doesn’t has to be back home early from the party. 4, Correct the errors. 1 I’m allowed use my sister’s computer when she doesn’t need it. .Cm.a.ll.o.wed..to.^ she.d.o.e$.n.4.n.eed it............... ........ 2 We can to have the party if we clean the house the next day. 3 We haven’t to go to school tomorrow. It’s a holiday. 4 I’m late. I don’t have to go now. 5 My father has to be at work at 6.30 in the morning. 6 I don’t have to finish my essay. My teacher wants to see it tomorrow. 3 You’re allowed to feed the animals. Don’t give the monkey any food. 4 The notice on the door says ‘Private’. You can go into that room. 5 The students aren’t allowed talking during the exam. It’s forbidden. 2j Use the information in the table and complete the sentences with the jobs the people have to do or don’t have to do. 6 Paulo can’t drive Dad’s car if he’s careful. Silvia Tommy Me do ironing tidy room feed the cat tidy room do washing up wash Dad’s car do washing up take rubbish out tidy room 1 I have to feed the cat. 2 Tommy the rubbish out. 3 Silvia Dad’s car. 4 I the washing up. 5 Silvia the washing up. 6 We our rooms. 7 We the shopping. 8 Tommy the ironing. 3j Complete the sentences with must/ mustn’t or have to I don’t have to. 1 The students....’T’.MStn't copy their classmates’ answers in the exam. 2 The children obey the rules. 3 Jaime catch the bus to school. His father drives him there. 4 You wear a crash helmet if you want to ride a motorbike. 5 Sandra.............look after her brother when her parents are away. 6 We speak Russian in our English lesson. Our teacher is very strict. 7 It’s necessary for Ana to tidy the house before her parents get back. Circle the correct words. 1 In the 1960s, people^ere allowedto)/ are allowed to drive cars without wearing seatbelts, but today they weren’t / aren’t. 2 When she was a child, Marta wasn’t allowed / weren’t allowed to eat sweets. Now she can / could eat them whenever she likes. 3 Yesterday, you can / were allowed to come home late. Today you can’t / weren t allowed to because you’ve got a lot of homework. 4 We couldn’t I can’t use our mobile f -: - s during lessons, but we aren’t allowed to can use them when the lesson is fi'*s'ec. 5 We aren’t allowed / are allowed :: = dictionary in the exam to help us * “ £“• words we don’t know, but we car car to ask the teacher.
Grammar bank The passive: present simple affirmative Akash is held by his mother. Children are stopped from getting pains. The head isn't (is not) shaved completely. The prayers aren't (are not) offered to one god. questions Is Akash's head shaved completely? Are prayers offered to the gods? short answers Yes, it is. I No, it isn’t. Yes, they are / No, they aren’t. о We use the passive when we want to focus on the recipient of an action in a sentence, not the doer. The school rules are read by the teacher. о We also use the passive when we don’t know who does the action. All of the hair isn't shaved off. о We use the passive more in writing than in speaking. о We often use the passive in writing to describe a process. The design is chosen. It’s drawn onto the skin. о We use be + past participle to make the passive form of the present simple. Two different wigs are needed for the ceremony. о In short answers, we don’t repeat the past participle. Are masks worn by men in Papua New Guinea? Yes, they are. о For the past participles of irregular verbs, see Irregular Verbs list, Workbook p134. Active to passive о Active sentences start with the subject. The subject is the doer of the action. Scientists freeze cells in this lab. (The focus of the sentence is on the scientists.) о In passive sentences, the subject is the recipient of the action. Cells are frozen by scientists in this lab. (The focus of the sentence is on the cells.) о We use by to introduce the person or thing which does the action in passive sentences. William is met by the teacher. о We only use by with passive sentences when it’s important to mention who does the action. They sing this song at the ceremony. This song is sung at the ceremony by them. Pink sings this song. This song is sung by Pink. The passive: past simple affirmative The new timetable was introduced. Changes were made. negative The study wasn't done in Britain. The students weren't paid. questions Was a conclusion reached? Were yoga classes taught? short answers Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t. Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t. о We use was / were + past participle to make the passive of the past simple. The students were included in the study. о In short answers, we don't repeat the past participle. Was a conclusion reached by the scientists? Yes, it was. 114
Grammar exercises 1j Order the words to make passive sentences with the present simple. 1 are / The wigs I in I France / made. The wigs are made in France. 2 cars / made / not / Germany / are / These / in. 3 on special occasions / Colourful I are I dresses I worn. 4 watered / The / twice a day I garden I is. 5 is / every week / rubbish / collected / not I The. 6 grown / that field / are / The mushrooms / in. Write passive sentences with the present simple. 1 This car / not fill / with diesel. It I fill I with petrol. This car isn't..filled: with. with... petrol........................................... 2 Tigers / find I in India. They I not find I in Africa. Complete the passive sentences with the past simple. Use the verbs in the box. not build design paint send win not write 1 The World Cup was won by Italy in 2006. 2 Guernica.......... by Picasso. 3 Her dress ........by Versace. 4 Don Quixote ...... by Shakespeare. 5 These emails...........yesterday. 6 The pyramids ..........by the Romans. 5y Change these sentences from active to passive. 1 My mother drew this picture of me. This picture ofme 2 They make the cars in France. 3 We don’t accept credit cards. 4 My brother owns that motorbike. 5 Lots of people took photos of the ceremony. 6 Anton didn’t sing the song. 3 The mask / not make / by Grace. It I make I by Sylvia. 4 The ceremonial wigs / wear I by the warriors. They / not wear / every day. 5 The food in this restaurant I prepare / by a famous cook. The meals / eat / by celebrities. 6j Cross out the phrases in these sentences that are not needed. 1 My bike was stolen by someone yesterday. 2 The match was won by the Dutch team. 3 That song was written by Pink. 4 Boris was met at the airport by a taxi driver. 5 This gadget was invented by my friend. 6 The thieves were arrested by the police. 6 The paint I apply I very carefully. It / not do / quickly. 3 Match the questions with their short answers. 1 Are the designs drawn by John? E 2 Is the hat decorated with feathers? 3 Is the dog taken for a walk every day? 4 Is she helped with her homework? 5 Are you invited to dinner? 6 Are we provided with food at the festival? D a) Yes, I am. b) No, we aren’t. c) No, they aren’t. d) Yes, it is. e) Yes, he is. f) No, she isn’t.

Vocabulary bank Crime and criminals armed robbery I armed robber hacking / hacker hijacking / hijacker murder I murderer shoplifting I shoplifter theft / thief vandalism / vandal Phrasal verbs get into * get out of pick up * put down put on # take off sit down * stand up turn on * turn off look for run after run away Useful expressions I’m looking for... It’s just down the road. Go straight on. Turn left / right. Is it far? How far is it? Vocabulary plus Police 1> Check the meaning of these words. handcuffs bulletproof vest police officer whistle police cell police car police station notebook 2? Which ones can you see in the picture? 117
Vocabulary bank 3 Verbs related to money advertise borrow buy ______ earn lend lose save ..... sell spend swap waste win Useful expressions Can I try these on, please? Do they fit? / Does it fit? Nouns related to money banknote bonus cash change check coin cost credit card currency They’re / It’s too big I small. Have you got a bigger / smaller size? Vocabulary plus Money 1j Translate these words into your language. coins notes credit card cashpoint debit card purse wallet foreign currency bank account cheque 2j Which ones can you see in the picture? 118
Vocabulary bank Adventure sports -ed and -ing adjectives caving annoyed / annoying ice climbing ...I bored / boring kayaking embarrassed I embarrassing motor racing excited I exciting mountain biking frightened / frightening parachuting interested / interesting rock climbing surprised / surprising rollerskating worried / worrying snowboarding.................................. I J surfing Useful expressions I’ve cut / bruised / broken my arm / leg I finger. It hurts a bit / quite a lot. You should make an appointment to see your doctor. You shouldn’t... Vocabulary plus Water sports equipment 1j Check the meaning of these words. surfboard flippers snorkel wetsuit swimming costume oars rubber dinghy kayak 2 Match the sports equipment items with the pictures.
Vocabulary bank 5 Digital media e-book instant messaging interactive TV mobile phone MP3 player online gaming social networking site text message wireless broadband World Wide Web Websites, newspapers and magazines blog crossword headlines home page horoscopes interview podcast problem page sports section TV guide video clip__________________________________ weather forecast Useful expressions How’s things? Are you doing anything this afternoon? They’re playing at the Megastore later. Do you want to come? Yes, that sounds great. OK. See you later then. Vocabulary plus Television ij Translate these words into your language. TV set remote control aerial channel DVD player satellite dish volume 2j Which ones can you see in the picture?
Vocabulary bank Prepositions of movement across along away from down into out of over round through towards under up Extreme adjectives normal adjectives I extreme adjectives bad I awful big / huge cold I freezing hot / boiling interesting I fascinating nice / amazing small / tiny Useful expressions Can I have a ticket to please? Single or return? Can you tell me which way to go, please? It’s the... line. How many stops is it? Vocabulary plus Outer space 1j Check the meaning of these words. solar system galaxy space suit planets Milky Way comet satellite spacecraft asteroids space station astronaut 2j Which ones can you see in the picture?
Vocabulary bank Global issues disease the environment famine illiteracy immigration_____ malnutrition pollution poverty racism _________ peace terrorism war gef get home = arrive get fatter = become get a sandwich = buy get someone a glass of water = bring get a medal = obtain get presents = receive Useful expressions So do 1.1 Neither do I. I suppose so. Do you think so?____ I agree. /1 don’t agree. I’m not sure. Maybe you’re right. Vocabulary plus Charity Check the meaning of these expressions. give money wear a wristband take part in a demonstration support a charity make a donation sponsor someone take part in a sponsored event collect money make a banner 2j What are the people doing in the picture? LONDON MARATHON START 12:
Vocabulary bank Household chores Words that are verbs and nouns clean the house do the ironing do the shopping do the vacuuming do the washing up make dinner make the bed mop the floor put the washing machine on take the rubbish out tidy your room unload the dishwasher verb /noun exercise / an exercise drink / a drink fly / a fly smoke I smoke watch / a watch Useful expressions Keep left! You should / shouldn't... ................... You have to / must... That’s good to know. If I were you, I’d ... It’s a good idea. Vocabulary plus Kitchen appliances 1j Translate these words into your language. microwave kettle toaster fridge freezer vacuum cleaner iron hand blender Which ones can you see in the picture?
Vocabulary bank Appearance beard body painting dreadlocks earring face painting make-up mask necklace nose stud rings tattoos wig Adjective prefixes impatient impolite impossible impractical inactive incapable insensitive intolerant uncomfortable unhappy unhealthy unkind Useful expressions Would you like to ...? I’d love to. That’d be awesome! I can’t go out on Saturday evening. I’d love to, but I can’t. Shall we... instead? How about meeting during the day? Vocabulary plus Toiletries 1j Check the meaning of these words. shampoo conditioner soap brush comb hair gel hairdryer hair straightener toothpaste toothbrush Which ones can you see in the picture?
— ...the BIG DEBATE: Should men and women do the same jobs? There Is more equality between men and women now than there used to be. However, statistics show that there are still a lot of stereotypes, particularly in the workplace. I disagree. Sometimes it's better I think men and women should do the same jobs. What's wrong with female miners? And why aren't there more male nannies? for a man to do a particular job because men are physically stronger than women. Also, women are better at some jobs than men. Gender inequality о Over 110 million children in the world don’t go to school. About 70% of these are girls. о 75% of the world’s 876 million illiterate adults are women. о 70% of the poorest people in the world are female. о Women hold only 14% of parliamentary seats in the world. о Only 8% of the world’s government ministers are women. о Women do 66% of the world’s working hours and produce 50% of the world’s food, but they only earn 10% of the world’s income and they own less than 1 % of the world’s property. о In the UK, 66% of managers are men and 81% of secretaries are women. о In big companies in the UK, 83% of directors are men and 95% of receptionists are women. Test your memory! о How many children in the world don’t attend school? о What percentage of the world's working hours do women do? о What percentage of receptionists in big companies in the UK are women? Should men and women do the same jobs? What do you : - ?
СиИйЩ1оаау о о о о о о Should we have more CCTV cameras in public places? What do you think? the BIG DEBATE: Should we have more CCTV cameras in public places? In some countries CCTV (closed-circuit television) cameras are everywhere: in banks, shops, schools, at the entrances to homes, at bus stops, in train stations and at airports. Some people think that these cameras help prevent crime, but other people see them as an intrusion. I believe that CCTV cameras are a good thing. I say: the more, the better! when there are lots of CCTV cameras there is less crime. Watching your every move When George Orwell wrote 1984 he terrified his readers with his creation: Big Brother. He described a world with CCTV cameras in every public place. Now his world is a reality. Look at some CCTV facts: о The average citizen is filmed by CCTV cameras 300 times a day. There are more than 25 million CCTV cameras in the world and about 2.5 million CCTV cameras in the UK. Many families have CCTV cameras in their homes as a form of security. Insurance companies are in favour of all homes having CCTV cameras to reduce the risk of burglary. Test your memory! Which famous book is about Big Brother? How many times a day does the average person appear on a CCTV camera? What is the percentage of people who are against CCTV cameras in Oslo? I am against CCTV cameras. I don't like the government invading my privacy. I don't want to be on camera when I go shopping or when I'm walking in the street. I'd like to have fewer cameras, not more. CCTV has become an essential part of daily life. Look at information about the public’s perception of CCTV across Europe: General attitude to CCTV (2004) for (%) against (%) Berlin 56 39 London 94.4 4 Vienna 45.5 41.5 Oslo 73.4 19.7 Bib ВЯОТНГЯ
...the BIG DEBATE! Should teenagers work while they study? In some countries it’s normal for teenagers to have a part-time job while they are at school. Some work on Saturdays and during the school holidays, others have a part-time job for a couple of hours after school. I think the best way for teenagers to understand the true value of money is to get a part-time job while they are at school. As well as earning extra pocket money, they will learn a lot of useful skills that they don't learn at school. I don't think it's a good idea for teenagers to work, i think that teenagers need to concentrate on their studies as well as relax and have a good time. They should not get a job until they are adults. Paper rounds In the UK and the USA, paper boys and paper girls get up very early every morning and go to their local newsagent to collect their sack of newspapers. Each worker has a paper round - a list of houses and streets where they have to deliver a daily newspaper. When they finish their paper rounds they go to school like the rest of their friends. They get paid at the end of the week and usually earn between £15 and £25 a week. Saturday jobs A lot of teenagers have Saturday jobs working in big department stores, restaurants, hairdressers or supermarkets. These places usually have a lot more customers on Saturdays and that’s why there are plenty of Saturday jobs available for young people. An average wage for a Saturday is about £22 for the whole day. Babysitting Babysitting is the perfect job for a teenager who wants to earn some extra money without really doing very much. As soon as the child you are babysitting for is in bed, you are free to do your homework, watch TV or read a book. Babysitters’ pay varies, but you can earn up to £10 an hour. Test your memory! & о What is a paper round? о Why are there a lot of Saturday jobs available in supermarkets, restaurants and department stores? о How much money can you earn by babysitting? Should teenagers work while they study? What do you think?
— ...the BIG DEBATE: Should irresponsible people pay to be rescued? The rescue services often rely on volunteer staff and have to raise money to pay for equipment, vehicles and training. Rescue services across the world save thousands of lives every year. They rescue people who have had accidents or are victims of natural disasters. Other times they have to rescue people who have acted in an irresponsible way. I think that people who act irresponsibly and need rescuing should have to pay for the service. Why should rescuers risk their lives to save people who are not being sensible? if the rescue services made people pay, people wouldn't put themselves at risk. I disagree, just because somebody makes a bad decision and gets into trouble it doesn't mean they should have to pay to be saved. Everybody has the right to the same services, not just sensible people! Dramatic sea rescue Richard Neely and Allyson Dalton survived for 19 hours in shark-infested waters while they were on a diving trip near the Great Barrier Reef, Australia. The couple left their dive boat and drifted out to sea. The rescue services sent seven helicopters, three planes and six boats to search for the couple, making the cost of the operation high. Neely and Dalton made an equally high sum of money by selling their story to the press. Some people suspected that the couple were lying. This is because they sold their stories to the press just hours after their rescue. The rescue services decided to organize an investigation to find out what really happened and they eventually decided that the couple were not guilty. Newspapers reported that the couple did not follow the instructions from the dive instructors and behaved in a foolish way, putting their lives at risk. Some people think that the couple should contribute towards the cost of their rescue. Test your memory! о How many hours were the couple in the water? о Why did people suspect that the couple did not tell the truth? о Who organized an investigation? Should irresponsible people pay to be rescued? What do you think?
...the BIG DEBATE: Should you make your friends in real life or in cyberspace? We spend an increasing amount of time making friends on social networking sites instead of spending time with real friends. Is this a good or a bad thing? Making friends is easy now. In cyberspace we have the opportunity to meet people who live thousands of miles away, so we can make friends with people from different cultures and learn a lot from them. what’s the point of having friends who live far away? I think it's better to be able to make friends with people who live nearby, people who you can meet at the weekend in a real situation. Online community о 55% of British teenagers have an SNS (social networking site) profile. о 91% of British teenagers use an SNS to stay in touch with people they know and 49% use them to make new friends. о American teenagers have an average of 75 friends on an SNS and an average of 52 IM (instant messenger) buddies. о More than 20 million people visit one online dating service a month. о Over 120000 couples get married every year as a result of online dating. Test your memory! о What percentage of UK teenagers use a social networking site to make new friends? о What is the average number of friends that an American teenager has on a social networking site? о How many married couples meet through a dating website every year? Should you make your friends in real life or in cyberspace? What do you think?
...the BIG DEBATE: Should we prohibit to protect? In 1985, UNESCO added the ancient city of Petra to its World Heritage list because of its ‘exceptional universal value ... which deserves protection for the benefit of all humanity'. Hundreds of thousands of tourists visit the city every year. Unfortunately, the tourists don’t always act in a responsible way and cause damage to the buildings and the delicate plant life in the area. The site now needs very expensive restoration. I think that we should prohibit people from visiting world Heritage sites in order to protect these places, if people don’t know how to behave in a responsible way, they shouldn't be allowed to get near to ancient monuments and buildings. Maybe we could limit the entry to people who can prove that they are responsible? I don't think we should prohibit entry anywhere. The world belongs to everybody, so we can’t just stop people and say, 'no, you can't come in', we have to teach people to respect these travel destinations and maybe make them pay for any damage they cause. о о о rvini UNESCO World Herifavc Responsible tourism Here are some tips for tourists from the Friends of World Heritage: Take your rubbish away with you so that other people can enjoy visiting clean sites after you leave. Support the local economy by buying local products like postcards or t-shirts. Never take away a piece of the site itself. Don’t be tempted to take a pretty stone or a bag of sand, just think what would happen if everybody did the same! Enjoy views from the ground. Helicopters create noise pollution and their carbon emissions are very harmful. Travel using the least polluting method of transport. Never climb onto the walls of ancient monuments and buildings. Hire local guides. Respect the natural environment. Test your memory! о When did Petra join the World Heritage list? о How can you support the local economy? о Why are helicopters harmful? Should we prohibit to protect? What do you think?
...the BIG DEBATE: Should recycling be obligatory? Most people are aware of the importance of recycling. Some countries recycle a large percentage of their waste, but other countries recycle very little. I think that recycling should be obligatory, then people would be more careful with what they throw away and there would be less rubbish. They should pay for their rubbish if they don't want to recycle. I disagree, you can't oblige individuals to recycle, some people don't have the time or space to sort their waste into separate bins. I only have space in my kitchen for one bin and recycling takes a lot of time. Recycling world In Switzerland everybody recycles. Throwing rubbish away costs money - they pay €1 for each rubbish bag they throw away, but recycling is free. There is a garden-waste collection every two weeks and a paper collection every month and there are bottle banks at every supermarket (the Swiss recycle 80% of plastic bottles!). Other recycled materials include metal, batteries and used oil. Denmark is one of the greenest countries in Europe. It is not surprising that they were one of the first countries to develop recycling programmes. Nearly 10000 Danes work in the recycling industry - more than 0.1% of the population. The Danish government collects waste from homes and has telephone helplines for people to call and arrange collections. Denmark recycles 31% of household waste. They send metal, batteries and electronic waste to other countries for recycling. German families have at least five types of rubbish bins: for packets and cartons, paper and cardboard, glass, left-over food and other rubbish. Bins are colour-coded. In Germany the law obliges you to deposit used batteries in specific bins. Around 90% of Germans sort their rubbish. Greek people do not normally sort their rubbish - they throw away three billion plastic bottles every year - 20% of Greece’s waste is plastic, but they only recycle 1% of this. Test your memory! о How much does it cost to throw away a bag of rubbish in Switzerland? о How many Danish people work in the recycling industry? о What percentage of Germans separate their rubbish? о What percentage of plastic do Greek people recycle? Should recycling be obligatory? What do you think?
fiultureltoday ...the BIG DEBATE: Should we force teenagers to stay at home after 9.00 pm? A curfew is an order that says that young people must return home and stay inside the house by a specific time, usually in the evening or at night. I think that curfews for teenagers are a great idea. Young people should be at home by 9.00 pm and not on the streets, i think the government should introduce curfews in all towns and cities for teenagers under the age of 14. I believe that curfews violate a teenager's rights. 9.00 pm is too early to be at home, what's wrong with spending time with friends on the streets? Operation Goodnight Redruth is a small town in Cornwall, England. Recently, the town became famous for introducing a curfew. When the neighbours complained about teenagers drinking, shouting and fighting, the police decided it was time to do something. The curfew - called Operation Goodnight - is voluntary but, so far, it has been effective. The police are asking parents to make sure that children under ten are at home by 8.00 pm and teenagers under 16 are at home by 9.00 pm. Police officers in Barry, South Wales are introducing a similar curfew in their town. They want to reduce anti-social behaviour during the school holidays. They are asking parents to insist that 16-year-olds are at home by 9.00 pm. Some neighbours say a voluntary curlew won’t make any difference, but others want to give the scheme an opportunity. Test your memory! о What is a curfew? о What did Redruth neighbours complain about? о At what time do the police in Barry want 16-year-olds to be at home? Should we force teenagers to stay at home after 9.00 pm? What do you think? 13:
...the BIG DEBATE: Should teenagers go out less, stay in more and learn to relax? According to statistics, 90% of teenage illnesses are the direct result of too much stress. Teenagers often try to do too much and don’t spend enough time relaxing. Sometimes they worry more about their exams than about their health. The number of cases of stress-related illnesses in teenagers is increasing. I think that teenagers should think more about their physical and mental health. They worry too much about everything and they try to do too many things. They should relax more, learn breathing techniques like yoga, and exercise. I disagree. You're only young once! Teenagers have plenty of time to do a lot of different things. There's nothing wrong with going out every night: young people will have to slow down when they are older and have more responsibilities, but they should have fun while they are young. у What causes teenage stress? What are the symptoms о Starting at a new school о Conflict with parents and teachers о Competing in sports о Having a part-time job о Having too many things to do о Not having friends of stress? о Headaches о Stomach aches о Insomnia о Breathing difficulties о Feeling angry, impatient or bored о Being different in any way о Family problems How can teenagers prevent or relieve stress? о Sleep regular hours о Learn to say no о Eat a healthy, balanced diet о Do regular exercise о Take time off school activities о Relax more Test your memory! о What percentage of teenage illness is stress-related? о Name two causes of teenage stress. о Suggest two ways that teenagers can reduce stress. Should teenagers go out less, stay in more and learn to relax? What do you think? 133!
Irregular verbs Infinitive Past simple Past participle Infinitive Past simple Past participle be was/were been keep kept kept be born was/were born has/have been born know knew known beat beat beaten learn leamt/leamed leamt/leamed become became become leave left left begin began begun lend lent lent break broke broken lose lost lost bring brought brought make made made build built built meet met met burn burnt/burned burnt/burned pay paid paid buy bought bought put put put catch caught caught read read read choose chose chosen ring rang rung come came come run ran run cut cut cut say said said do did done see saw seen draw drew drawn sell sold sold drink drank drunk send sent sent drive drove driven sing sang sung eat ate eaten sit sat sat fall fell fallen sleep slept slept feed fed fed speak spoke spoken feel felt felt spell spelt spelt fight fought fought spend spent spent find found found steal stole stolen fly flew flown take took taken forget forgot forgotten teach taught taught get got got tell told told give gave given think thought thought go went gone understand understood understood have had had wear wore worn hear heard heard win won won hit hit hit write wrote written hurt hurt hurt