                    2 Sheets—Sheet 1
(No Model.)

(No Model.) 2 Sheets—Sheet 2. С. Нм R. CLAUSIUS. RECOIL OPERATED FIREARM. No. 593,835. Patented Nov. 16. 1897.
United States Patent Office. CLAUS H. R. CLAUSIUS, OF HAMBURG, GERMANY. RECOIL-OPERATED FIREARM. SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 693,835, dated November 16,1897. Applioitlon filed February 5,1880. Serial Ko. 578,116. (Ko model.) Patented in Germany January 29,1895, Ko. 87,663 j ini ;; Belgium Kovomlwr 15,1886, Ko.118,301 j in England December 31,1885, Ko. 25,042; in Sweden December 31,1885, Koi , ~ 7,833; in Italy December 31, 1895, Ko. 40,515 ; in Hungary December 31,1885, Ko. 7)102; in Korway December 31,1895, . Ke. 4,7281 in Switzerland December 31,1885, Ko. 11,481; in France December 31,1885, Ko. 252,881, and in Austria Feb- ruary 6,1896, Ko. 46/447. , < Io all whom it may concern: Be it known that I,; Claus JI, R. Clausius, a subject of the German Emperor, and a resi- dent of Hamburg,in the German Empire,have 5 invented certain new and useful Improve- ments in Breech-Loading Firearms, (for which patents have been obtained in the following countties, to-wit: Germany, Ni>. 87,663,dated January 29, 1895: Belgium, No, 118,361, io dated КоуерЛёг 15, 1895; Great Britain,No. 25,042, dated December 31, 1895; Sweden, No. 7,833, dated December 31, 1895; Italy, No. 40,515, dated December 31, 1895; Hun- gary, No. 7,102, dated December 31, 1895; 15 Norway, No, 4,728, dated December 31,1895; Switzerland, No. 11,481, dated December 31, 1895; France, No. 252,881, dated December 31, 1895, and Austria, No. 40/447, dated Feb- ruary 6, 1896,) of which the following is a 20 specification. My present invention relates to improve- ments in breech-loading firearms, especially of that class in which the barrel and the breech-bolt are movably arranged,so that they 25 may recoil together in firing, but may be in- dependently forced forward again by spring- power for the purpose of opening or laying bare the loading-chamber of the breech-frame, which class of breech-loaders is known as 30 “straight pull-bolt guns.” The invention comprises a peculiarly-con- structed breech-closing head arranged be- tween the breech-bolt and the barrel and adapted to make a turning and sliding move- 35 ment, which are utilized for coupling or un- coupling the breech-bolt and the barrel ac- cordingly; and the object of the improvements is to secure a reliable closingof the breech by couplingthe said movable closing-head of the 40 breech-bolt to the barrel and to permit,on the other hand, an easy and ready uncoupling of the barrel from the temporarily-retained clos- ing-head when the said barrel alone is shifted forward by its spring after the recoil. 45 To render the present invention properly understood, I will proceed to describe, as an example, a hand-firearm arranged in accord- ance with the same, reference being had to the accompanying drawings, and to letters of reference marked thereon, which form a part 50 of this specification. . : л Referring to thedrawings, Figure lisa Ion- n gitudinal sectional elevation of so much of a /: breech-loading gun as will be necessary to illustrate my in vention, the partsbeing shown, 55 in their respective positions after firing., < Figs. Is and lb are cross-sections on the lines . 1 1 and 2 2 of Fig. 1. Fig. Iе is a detailed view showing the closing-head in longitudi- . nal side elevation and illustrating the coop- 60 eration of the same with the breech - bolt./ : Fig. 2 is a top plan view, partly in section, of.. the improved breech-loading gun shown by Fig. 1. Fig. 3 is a similar sectional eleva- tion as Fig. 1, the parts being shown in their 65 respective positions before firing. Fig. 3a is a cross-section on the line 3 3 of Fig. 3. Fig.': 4 is top plan view of Fig. 3, partly in sec- tion. Figs. 5 and 6 are views, partly in sec- tion, illustrating the mode of cooperation of ;o the breech-bolt, the closing-head, and the barrel during the forward motion of the lat- ter in order to uncouple the locked breech- boltor its movable closing-head, respectively, from the barrel. Figs. 7 and 8 are detailed 75 views showing the structural features of the closing - head and the breech - bolt, respec- tively. Similar letters refer to si milar parts through- out the several views. 80 The movable barrel a, arranged in a suit- able groove of the stock b, is guided in the usual manner in rings attached to the stock, the rings being not shown in the drawings. Upon the rear end of the barrel a is screwed 85 a socket a4, provided on its interior wall with lugs or projections a'. From the rear end side or surface of this socket there are ex- tending two §-shaped slide-rails a3, engag- ing a dovetail-shaped guide-groove of the 90 breech-frame or breech-plate r, sunk into the stock b and forming at the same time a part of the path of the breech-bolt e and its mov- able closing-head I, as will be described later on. A recoil-spring c, arranged in a suitable 95 recess of the stock b and acting upon a shoul- der a5 of the barrel, has tire-tendency to keep . the barrel in its forward position or to return ' ;
3 5 f 3,835 it thereto. Л stop <7, striking against suit- able shoulders a1’ a7 of the barrel, is provided to limit the forward and rearward movements of the barrel, Fig. 1. 5 The socket-like breech-bolt e, carrying a handle e3 and adjoining the socket a1 of the barrel, is adapted tOslideon the breech-frame ?• and on the rearwardly-extendingrailsfi3of the said socket o'. In order to give the breech- ib bolt e a reliable guide during its sliding mo- tion, the breech-bolt is furnished at its lower front part with two interior grooves e4, en- gaging or embracing the upper edges of the S-shaped rails n3. (See Figs. 1’, 3% and 8.) 15' The breech-bolt e contains the firing mech- anism and the movable closing-head/, which both will be explained more particularly here- inafter. A spring It, placed in a recess k' of the stock or the breech-frame r, respectively, 20 and adapted to act upon a projection es of the breech:bolt e, tends to keep the said breech- bolt e in its forward position or to return it thereto. . On firing, the breech-bolt e, being coupled 25 to the barrel by means of the movable head I, which closes the breech of the said barrel, is recoiled, together with the barrel, by the action of the gases of explosion. The breech- bolt e being thus forced to the rear for a suffi- 30 cient extent is caught byastud ornib/y,which slips in front of a nose e' on the rear end of the said breech-bolt. Accordingly the latter is locked in its rear position, while the barrel a is shifted forward again under the action 35 of the spring c and thereby becomes automat- ically uncoupled from the breech-bolt e and its movable head 7, respectively, as hereinaf- ter more particularly described. Thus be- tween the barrel and the locked breech-bolt 40 is produced, as clearly shown by Figs. 1 and 2", a free loading-space or loading-chamber f, into which a cartridge //.may be inserted by hand or by raising it up through a suitable slot of the frame r. from a lower magazine by 45 means of any well-known cartridge-elevator ?i. When pressu re is applied to the outwardly- projecting knob of the lever i, which is mount- ed in a suitable chamber or recess of the stock and carries the aforesaid stud or nib g, the 50 latter is depressed in front of the nose e' of the breech-bolt, so that the same is released or.unlockcd from the said nibyuiid the breech- bolt thereby enabled to slide forward under the action of the lateral spring It. By this 55 forward movement of the breeeh-bolt e the closing-head 7, carried away with it, is caused to push the cartridge that has just been in- serted into 1 he loading-ehambcr/into thb bar- rel and the cartridge-chamber, respectively, 60 and to couple or connect I he breeeh-bolf e with tho socket //4 of the said barrel a in a manner hereinafter described. The firearm is now loaded and ready for flr- i ng, for-on the shooting forward of the breech- 65 bolt e a nose m', projecting from the fl ring-pin m, movably supported in the breech-bolt, will have struck against the nib o' of the trigger- lever 0, Fig. 3, and in consequence thereof the forward end тг of the said firing-pin m is held back, with the firing-spring m3 in com- 70 pression, to such an extent that it does not yet enter into the cartridge contained in the barrel. While the breeeh-bolt e is shooting forward and pushing the cartridge into the barrel, the cylindrically-shaped breech-clos- 75 ing head 7, which is movably inserted into a recess e°, provided in the fore part of breech- bolt e, and which head has a hole 7° through it along its axis, projects beyond the forward end m* of the firing-pin m and prevents the 80 latter from entering the cartridge. During the last instant of the forward movement only the firing-pin m and the breech-closing head I are held back, (the flring-pin by the nib o' of the trigger-lex er, as already mentioned, St- and the breech-closing head I in a manner hereinafter described,) and the breech?boit moves forward alone to such an extent that after the disengagement of the trigger-nib o' from the nose m' of the firing-pin m the latter 90 can be shot forward by the firing-spring ?>i3 in its guide-slot w4 sufficiently to cause tho point at the forward end in2 of the firing-pin. m to penetrate into the cartridge in the bar- rel and to fire the same. Immediately after 95 the firing the barrel and the breech-bolt con- nected therewith are moved back again by the backward pressure of the gases, and at the completion of their recoil movement the breech-bolt is retained by the aforesaid nib <7, зоо which engages with the nose e' of the breech- bolt e, whereupon the barrel is disconnected and shot forward by the stock-spring c. Tho . empty cartridge - case has meanwhile been held back in the loading-chamber (thus 105 opened) by means of an extractor 7' on the breech-closing head 7, which engages in the rear annular groove of the cartridge-case, and maybe ejected from herein the usual manner. In the space hollowed out-of the stock for no the trigger-lever о and the lever i, that carries the stud or nib g, that engages with the nose e' of the breeeh-bolt, there is also mounted a third lever p, the upturned and forked for- ward end or nib p' of which projects into the 115 path of the noso e of the breech-bolt and passes up behind the said nose when the breech-bolt is shot forward, in order that the said breeeh-bolt may not be thrown back again by the strongly-strained firing-spring 120 in3 so long as the gun is not fired. During the forward movement of the breeeh-bolt the noso c' thereof slides over the inclined top of the forked nib p’, while the nose 111' of the firing-pin 111 passes, along 125 through tiro groove thereof. In the зато manner when the breeeh-bolt recoils its nose e' moves over the inclined top of tho aforesaid stnd or.nib fit, with which it then engages. The small lever p is not only provided with .130 the forked nib p‘, but has its arms divided and pivoted to the pin of the triggeu?lever d on opposite sides thereof, the forwardly-pro- jecting arm of said trigger-lever lying and
693,836 3. having- motion between the branches or prongs of the forked nibp' of said small lever p, which is also capable of being depressed in- dependently of the trigger-lever by meansof a ’ ‘ 5' knob p2,' Fig. 2, that jirojects laterally through the stock Ъ, so as to cause the grooved nib p' of the lever jo to release the nose e'of the :b’i'beeh boli, whereupon the said breech-bolt -shoots back slightly without the shot being ro fired. Then the breech-bolt may be drawn back completely by means of the handle e2 ’ on the breech-bolt, the latter or the head I thereof being thereby unconpled from the : : ЬагРё1( which remains at rest) and the breech- 15 bolt'being caught by the nib g engaging the nose e'. Then the eartridge, which has re- mained undischarged and has been drawn -• back into the loading space or chamber/by the extractor Z', may be taken out—that is to 20 say, the gun may thus be unloaded without firing. In consequence of the shooting back of the breech-bolt the firing-spring m3 is nn- ; cocked, so that the firearm is thereby secured against being fired while the breech-bolt is '25'in this position; but if the shot be fired by pulling the trigger o2 the trigger-lever 0 - ; pushes downward the lever p with the grooved nibp', so that this grooved nib is held down out of the path of the breech-bolt, which is 30 driven back with the barrel, because the backward pressure of the explosion-gases is exerted instantaneously and while the finger of the marksman is still holding down the trigger-lever o. 35 The forwardly-propelling spring fe of the breech-bolt and the firing-spring m3 have a certain peculiar mutual relation during the last instant of the forward movement of the breech-bolt. The propelling-spring к iscapa- 40 ble in consequence of the kinetic energy it has received of stip.compressing the firing- spring m?, although by that time- the resist- ance of the firing-spring m3 has become greater than the pushing force of the pro- 4!> pelling-spring к and fis overcome only with the aid of the aforesaid energy. Conse- quently, as already stated, the cocked firing- spring m3 is able to push back the breech- j bolt to some extent in opposition to the cocked 50 propelling-spring к after the grooved nib 7;' ! is depressed, in order to enable an inserted cartridge to be taken out without being fired. It is, however, not absolutely necessary that the firing-spring m3 should be more power- 55 ful than the. uncocked propelling-spring k, because the breech-bolt may also be drawn back by hand (without having been first pushed back by the firing-spring) after the grooved nibp' has been lowered by pressing 60 with the finger upon the corresponding knob p2. attached to the lever p and projectingout- ’ wardly through the stock. Indeed it is very desirable that the propelling-spring к of the breech-bolt and also the stock-spring c of 65 the barrel should be as weak as possible, in order that powder charges .of very slight backward pressure and very light projectiles may be used. Consequently the propelling- spring к of the breeeh-bolt. should not be made more powerful than is necessary in 70 view of the described relations between it and the firing-spring m3. For the purpose of making the stock-spring c of the barrel a as weak as possible and of consequently being able to employ powder 75 charges having a very weak recoil and pro- jectiles of any desired lightness the lateral surfaces of the usual projections or locking- wings к on the breech-closing head Z are not axially rectilinear, but are in the shape of a 80 helix, which has an equal but opposite pitch to that of the groove Z3 in the breech-closing head Z, in which groove P engage pins or shoul- ders e.3, projecting inwardly from the wall of the breech-bolt. (See Figs. Iе, 3\ and 8.) 85 The inner pro jections or Ings a' in the rear socket a* of the barrel a have a pitch similar to that of the wings Z2, just described. The helical grooves Z3 in the breech-closing head ' terminate at the rear in a groove Z4, which ex- 90 tends at right angles to the axis of the head Z and with which there connect the entrance- grooves Z5 for the aforesaid pins e3 of the breech-bolt, Figs. 4 and 7. When the breech-closing head Z, which closes 95 the rear mouth of the barrel, couples together the, barrel a and the breech-bolt e, as shown in Figs. 3 and 4, the front end of the said head Z rests or bears against the rear surface a2 of the barrel a: The wings Z2 of the breech- too closing head Z are then in front of the lugs a' of the socket a4, and the shoulders or pins e3 of the wall of the breech-bolt are in the fore part of the first-mentioned helical grooves Z8 of the breech-closing head.?. Thuscpnnected 105 the barrel a and the breech-bolt are recoiled . to a sufficient extent by the backward pres- sure of the gases for effecting the passage of the nose e' of the breech-bolt behind the nib g, whereby the said breeeh-bolt is eaught, as no already stated above.. The barrel a, which shoots forward again at once, pulls the breech- closing head I forward with it, so that there- by the front helical grooves Z3 of the head I slide along or over the pins e3 of the breech- 115 bolt. In consequence tjre breech-closing head I is rotated and its wings I2 turned in front of the passages between the projections or lugs a' of the socket a', whereupon these lugs a' slide forward along the projections or wings 120 I2 of the head Z and rotate them in the same direction as that in which the breech-closing head Z is rotated by the helical grooves Z3. Thus all possibility of jamming between the barrel or socket <i4, respectively, and the 125 breech-closing headZ is obviated, and the bar- rel can be projected forward into its firing position by a weak spring, thereby rendering possible the use of powder charges having a small recoil and of light projectiles. 130 As soon as the pins e3 of the brcech-bolt have entered the perpendicular groove Z4 of the closing-head Z the latter is held back and is rotated, still without jamming, only to such
4 БОЗ,835 an extent that two of the wings I2, leaving the rear mouth or socket a4 of the barrel, rest on the sliding bars a3, which are extensions of the socket a4 or its lugs a', respectively, and 5 are guided, as already described, by means of a dovetail-shaped groove of the framer. The two opposite wings that lie on the first- mentioned bars a3 prevent, therefore, the breech-closing head I from being further ro- o tated, which, consequently, also in this posi- tion—that is to say, un rotated and undis- turbed—will be moved forward again with the breech-bolt, when, but not until, the latter is liberated by depressing the nib g. The wings 15 I2 of the breech-closing head Z, moved forward by the released and returning breech-bolt e, pass then in between the locking-lugs a' of the socket a4, and the breech-closing head I, now rotating, strikes against the rear surface 20 a2 of the barrel a. The head I then remains stationary in a longitudinal direction and is only in consequence of the further forward movement of the breech-bolt and its pin e3 rotated to such an extent that its wings P 25 again pass in front of the locking-lugs a', pro- vided in the socket a* behind the cartridge- chamber of the barrel and again couple the socket a4 or barrel a, respectively. The parts thus connected and locked cannot be discon- 30 nected by shocks exerted or imparted against the forward surface of the breech-closing head I, while on drawingthe barrel from the breech- bolt, or vice versa, the uncoupling takes place quite easily. Having fully described my invention, what 35 I desire to claim and secure by Letters Pat- tent is— 1. The combination with the endwise-mov- able barrel provided at its rear end with hel- ical locking-lugs a', of the breech-bolt e and 40 the closing-head ^provided with a helical groove of equal but opposite pitch to that of the lobking-lugs a' on the barrel and with a peripheral groove Z3 intersecting said helical groove, said breech-bolt engaging said helical 45 groove of the closing-head, substantially as and for the purpose set forth.. 2. The combination with the breech-bolt and firing-pin provided with radial lugs e', m', respectively, and the levers i', p; of the trig- 50 ger-lever 0 and a fulcrnm-pin common to all three levers, and means for depressing the upturned nibs or noses thereof independently of one another, substantially as and for the purpose set forth. 55 In testimony that I claim the foregoing as my invention I have signed my name, in pres- ence of two witnesses, this 17th day of Janu- ary, 1896. CLAUS H. R. CLAUSIUS. Witnesses: i Alexander Specht, - . , '' Max Kacmpff. .