Автор: Kim Joo Yeon   Moon Sun Mi et al  

Теги: grammar  

ISBN: 978-89-5518-939-1

Год: 2010

                    --adzing 150 major TOPIK grammar rules according to their frequency on the exam!

TOPIK Essential Grammar 150 Intermediate After a thorough analysis of previous TOPIK, we analyzed grammar rules according to their frequency on the exam! Written by experienced Korean language instructors who have been teaching at Korean language centers for years! A must-have for those who are preparing for TOPIK in a short period of time! и«'апв‘ ЗД 02)3671-0582 ДЧ L|®go| oz)742-O582 www.langpl.com
Analyzing 150 major TOPIK grammar rules according to their frequency on the exam TDPIK Essential Grammar 150 Intermediate KIM JOO YEON-MOON SUN Ml • YOO JAE SEON LEE JI WOOK - CHOI YOU HA AM www.langpl.com
CHSID^ Preface rTOPIK Essential Grammar 150j£ TOPIK< 4444 4ЭД1 ЯЭД< 4Я Я44 4 4 44 444-. <4 °1 ЭД ЯЭД»°1 #4 44 441 ТОРИИ ЭД44 444 4 v-ад яя адн 4-Я4 яад яяя адя- адададя. яэдад ян-4 ад ?т<*и яад< адад яад 44§ адвд адя TOPiKi- 444-4 Эд4 444 44-ад ад ад44. п о] нтц 4-ад- 1) topik< адэд эд ц эдя я ад -щад &4. 2) topik< адэд эд эд адя ад 44 ад &4. з) ад ад о] e]i п ад о] тории 4 эд эдадя ад-4. °ад<ь адп ляад эд^ о] о. Т0Р1К^ эдо> ^-ад< адр] ^-g^- ад эд ад*тад. эд xi-g-эд я topik 7]>эд]< ад^и ^яэд эдзъ ад вд-в- эд^ад 4. и 4-g- яда 4< ад« эдян4и 44 4яп< м-4 ададад °] 44 я 4°] W44 адь ?и444п ад]эдад 4-4 ад4 аднп адад 444 44 4 4 4ад 471 4ад44. 44 °1-44- 4414 71<эдп 4°1> >4 4444 T0PIK4 44 44ни Ж4444 ода 444 Ши 4444444 >4 TOPIK 44 41 414 444 44 4 444 4444444. °1 ад ад] TOPIK4 4444 444 44444 444 Ш 44 4и 444НН 4Я4 4444 44 44> ЭД< 4444. ^4 4-47]ЭД 4Я TOPIK 4447]- 1ЯЭД41 ЭД tM МЭД 3:ЭД 4 444 ад>4- 44 яад 4ЭД 44 444- яда §41 4ЭД444. НЯ 44 ад ЯЭД 4414 4ЭД 4Я ЭДад44 <Я4 4§4in ЭД-4 444 ЭД44. 2010. 9. ЯЭД- 44 2
rTOPIK Essential Grammar 150j is a Korean Grammar textbook for foreigners who are preparing for intermediate TOPIK. Especially, this book aims to help study grammar that otter, appear on TOPIK and check one’s level with sample questions in a short period of time. Even though many people learn Korean at Korean education centers or study themselves most of them have difficulty preparing for intermediate TOPIK. The reasons are as follows; 1) There is no must-know list of grammar for TOPIK. 2) There is no grammar book that one can study by oneself. 3) Even though one’s aware of the grammar, it is not easy to figure out how it appears on TOPIK. Therefore, we picked and categorized grammar that should be memorized before TOPIK. We analyzed previous questions of intermediate TOPIK and picked 150 grammar structures that are considered to be important; We suggested them according to frequency of appearance on the test. Even learners who don’t have enough time can prepare TOPIK by studying on the basis of phrases with high frequency. We wish for all foreign learners who prepare for TOPIK to effectively prepare and not lose direction, so that they can get a good score. We would like to thank all foreign students who gave us constructive advice about what kind of TOPIK book this should be. We would also like to thank the editors who checked grammar. Last but not least, we would like to thank everyone at LanguagePlus who worked hard to make this into a good book. 2010. 9. authors
г& -г Explanary Notes о] 15(да О]П]6|] 297^ ^-^5. теадг 4 ^-^1-71’. ‘<у-о}-¥7Г, ‘С] °aW71’, ‘ВД^7Г, ‘^71 да. This book is composed of 150 intermediate level grammars. It is divided by 29 units according to the meaning of the grammar. Each unit consists of ‘Basic Grammar’, ‘Usage’, ‘More in detail’, ‘Self-Check’, and Practice Questions.’ 2) ^0|-^7| Usage ★ : TOPIK0II ^0Щ Щ0| ЦЕЦ.Ц £!! *0| £ ^^O|L|77h ★ ★ ★g. AIS 5<0|| 8W|O| It means frequency on TOPIK. More *s mean it’s more important so please go over the grammar with ★ ★ ★ before the test! gg°| 'gEH ssi, °|o|, oiOj£. oii£, ^да$го| ^oj Usage : It has ‘Change of forms, meaning, example, and notice.’ 4
3) 4 More in detail p^ 5Й4 ЙЯ1 o|a|?b Oi®7{| tfexi §а|ЯО1 5/Л ©|п|ц 7|^o| #лць t Лёц >°to]£. TOPIK £*i|0||Ai и|н^ Oi tWI >Ai|£|b £Й>£ §a|E|Oj OIOLI ^A| A| 0|-A1|o. More in detail Grammar meaning when it is used with something else is listed Grammar with similar meaning or function is compared as well Most of all, grammar that is compared on TOPIK is included so don't miss this part! i«W«H E« 42 u’tgwa »«aiK44 44«.'aifO » U’> 8»« »W «Ы ЙГ> Ю - 46M446W siia eon ₽b s«* «S'' afeu : complimentary information or category to prepare for TOPIK is put in detail. : TOPIK^ mtwi ¥|бЦА1 § й ‘4 SM¥7|’0||^ §а|ён ЕЙ ‘4 SMVTl’ofe Й ь|Н> SHIEt У Щ }*я»ьмиаг aoo ew «ana rwia 4tto hci / :Grammar is categorized after a comparison If two grammar structures in the same unit get compared, it is categorized in the more in detail of the previous grammar while it isn t repeated in the latter grammar. However, if you follow f , it will be easy to find it. 5
4) Ш*Е!оР1 Self-Check Xj| Practice Questions 6
6) Notes 7) 55.1^ Pocket book 020 U» Л- fi*0| &-ЧС] ««sms Sji’UWs <л»ежэй7ивв' у оде «Ola; 021 -8 2|(7H S1Q/81Q ** 11 It Is used io speculate something on the basa ot certam tad or • on certain tact ex srtuatxsr. ц oifffl “>o; §ЧЙЬЧ 14 Я019 ч-s w ?< *** “М<ч « ф at -й* 022 11 tt« used to speculate on the basts cl certain tact or situation О» 7f Ц»2?^??-?Ж0|^иавч- Ц- сл ш f-PSOi 2= « ba У а, о^о. Irregularities, informal and declarative sentences are included. SsMI Q№>4 ^o|0||o. £|0|Я 0||£0| 2Ш 7|ft^xi|£ SfoisH § Ф SiOjo. ДЕ|Н yu Ai^ £0| 4=ДЯЯ УЖ. This is a book that you can carry around and study. It includes meanings and examples of grammar and you can check sample questions as well. Also, irregularities, informal as well as declarative sentences are included.
Contents О] 2-1Ш Preface е>£|^7| Explanary Notes 4 JrS Ы|Ш бн°1 Index for Grammar Comparison 12 otLH Guidance for TOPIK 14 019 ЙКА1) ★★★ 020 S2J0|q 021 -S a|(7F) 022 -b ^qq ft 023 ★ 024-> Si E|| ★ 73 £A1| UFlitj 1 ^^^цВ Compromise 21 001 -hqz ★★★ 22 002 -qqz WWW 24 003 -Oh/oi ### 26 004 -of/qz ★★★ 28 005 -oq qq ### 29 006 -zz ★ 31 007 -7|£ ё|А|°1 ft' 008 -^E||£ # 33 £A1| u nitf% BEZS I Degree 39 009 -^^J0|q### 40 oio-fego|q**# 42 on °tqq ★★★ 43 012 §5^ ★★★ 45 013 -qA|H| qq ★★ 47 ой-ё ?J0|$iq# 49 015 -1 A|go|q# 51 £Xf| 52 unit-3; KB I Supposition 016-qsq### 57 oi7-^5^q#WW oi8-#qq(4)*** 6i unihfli ^ESB Order 81 025 -7|(7F) V£7|| ★★★ 83 026 -q7) ★★★ 85 027 -Й/5ЙЧЦ 88 028 -qqq ★★★ 90 029 -Л qxi # 92 030 -Л sq(77)) ★ 94 031 -ЛА1 -ftr 95 032 -ЛАЮГ # 96 033 -0f/qAi0f fr 98 034 -9t/»q7F ★ 100 035 A) # 101 ^41 103 Unitj 5, Purpose 107 036 -7|| ★★★ 109 037 --ТЛ ★★★ 110 038 a (-s a) 112 039 -7| ?|5H(A|) 114 040 -ZAf ★ 116 Aj£t ^Ai| 118 2!g(zma) Citation (indirect speech) 041 zisqg 121 122 8
^5! £41 126 uniO i S3 1 Certainty 129 042 -7| q^0|qWWW 130 043 -^gO|qWWW 132 AJ*i O4£ &MI 133 unit* 8; i S!S 1 Limitation 135 044 -7|°! ёЩ WWW 136 045 -> £O|qWWW 137 £111 139 Uflitify I 046 -< £‘ q^ ) Listing 141 ^0fL|qWWW 143 047 C-HCh^h WW 146 048 -7|£ 6fCfW 148 ОЧ£ о J|| 150 unib 10 <J|W| 1 -ИИ ’ О Id LU 1 ПРО 153 049 -Oh/OJ L/Ul IllllUcil IGtJ sQ WWW 155 050 -ё *H(^) WWW 157 051 -0f/o| 7iq/2q WW 159 052 -Of/CH ¥QW 161 053 -of/q oiq W 162 41 f /Лг*!/-! I’u'i Z“\r~* / 164 unib 1:1: I S2/7LS uonaiuon/ Лсс1 imnition 167 054 -7IE! ё LE WWW nbbUI 1 ipilUll 169 055 -q WWW 171 056 -£t/£iqq^ WWW 173 057 -71£ WW 175 058 -£qs WW 177 059 -q7fe WW 179 060 -0!/O|0KX|) WW 180 061 i 182 062 -0!/0|A1 183 04- оJ|| 185 unit* 12 [ °l# | Reason 063 -J=qn WWW * 064 -ir H^OJI WWW 195 065 -7| Щ|£ oil WW 19? 066 -7|0j| WW 19<5 067 -gall WW 201 068 q£ oil WW 203 069 -£4| WW 205 070 ^01| WW 207 071 >0j| WW 209 072 -0!/qxi n^lWW 073 Е!ёН(А1) WW 213 074 -01/q 71А1Л w 214 075 ё!Ы 01/qAi W 216 04^ ;ii 217 unit 13; [ AFS ) Causative 076 -0|/q/a|/7|/° WWW 077-Tfl qq WW 226 078 ё^! W 227 I 229 unitt 14; ( 7|5| ] Chance 079 -ь soil WWW 232 080 -£ ^0j| WW 234 ^Afl 236 9
uniti 15, El Determiner 239 Unitj 20j (KLU Planning 081 -2 И* 240 097 -° 42 082 -h ★★ 242 098 -S4S 30| ★★★ 083 -91/912 ♦ 244 099 -Я5-1Л ё)4 ^2 2s SHI 246 100 ->Z7) ё)4 101 -7|£ 44# uniti 1|ф flEOl Repetition 247 22 2s SHI 084 -£ 44 ** 248 085 -7| 249 uniti 2*1 Passive 086 -O|-/Oj СЦ4 # 251 102 -о|/ё|/а|/7| ### 2s SHI 252 ЮЗ -ОГ/О]Х|Ц1 * ^2 2s SHI unitj 1|7/ ЯЁЕ1 ) Completion 253 087-n 24 WWW 254 Unit 2*2 КЦ Standard 088 -Oh/CH 444» 256 104 0j| 44 24 ★# 089 -Of/O] Щ4 * 257 105 Oil 44 4S4 # 2s £4 258 ^£1 2s SHI UQibW fnfoTrSn 261 uniti 231 Wish - Hope 090 -s ^St4/S^4 ### 262 106 -2/91°2 (^4/S)4/S5!4) 091 -SOKS) ★★ 265 Ю7-71О) 444 ♦ 092 -feX| £T4/fis4 ★ 267 2s SHI 2s £*i| 269 Uniti 24 Н^ЕЯ Change Unitj 19/ HSE3 Contrasting 271 108-0)/2X|42#W 093 -ё 22(011) 273 109 -Til 44* 094-44 275 -^2 2s SHI 095 -°2AK ★★ 278 096 -22 ★ 280 Unitj 2^ EH Regret ^2 2s SHI ?82 110-S^M4) ★★ 285 287 288 289 291 293 295 297 298 300 302 303 304 306 308 309 311 313 314 315 316 318 319 321 324 10
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unit-1 Index for Grammar u Comparison Compromise ‘-Of/OR’® °| HR 24 unit% ‘-h HR 40 ‘-ЦА1Ч 5fC|’®2| ‘-ЦА|Щ’О| HR 47 Supposition ‘-# E||L|(77[)®2} *-> E||C||’® °| HR 62 ‘->77f йЦЛ|)’Ф<4 ‘->77|- acf’°| HR ............................................ 64 unit 4; KS1 Order ‘-or/ojcpp©oj °g HR ................... 85 £S HR 86 ZJO||’®°| hr ............... 86 ‘-CPP®^ *-Cp[ QfEp[ ^Q’o| HR 86 ‘-Ef7F©2}‘-0p0iQ(7p'o| °g HR--- 86 ‘-Of/ot^L|’®£[ ‘-D|L|’©o| og HR 88 ‘-b HR 90 ‘-Xfn|-XF®£| ‘-XF®°| HR 91 ‘-Л L|Af®2[ ‘-Л ЦЗ’О| =g HR 92 -Д £L|(flf)’®£|- ‘-Z SE'o| °g HR • .................94 ‘-jla-|OF®£F ‘-opqof’°| HR 96 12
unit^ljOj ohEH T|q State • Continuance -Oh/Oj °/q®q ‘-H ?№-| £й HR • 162 ЧйШИЬ Condition/Assumption *-7|°t 5fS’®4 ‘-7|°t 6f£4 E|Q’°| ^Й HR ‘-q -qMq(77f)’o| °ы н|Н ‘-^№1 SS нщ • -of/qof(x|)’®q ‘-of/qofx|(£)’o| £й hr 169 171 174 180 sj Reason qafoj|’©q ‘N°i q-^oji’q ‘n q^ofi’q unitjig) Causative -0|/5|/q/7|/°’®q ‘-7j| srq®q 196 •204 ••225 ЧШЬ1$| ‘-h W® °| ^й HR .............................................. 232 £|oj|®q -> q (-> a)’® °| £й HR .......................... 232 zjoir®q ‘-qq’®q ёй hr....................................234 7|2| Determiner 240 241 Contrasting -qqwq ‘-°i/odqq’^q §0 h|h 276 unitj 2^ Time ‘-fe ^£t(0il)’®q ‘--q q0|(0]|)® °| £й HR 330 qsil 13
О.ИЦ Guidance for TOPIK 1. ВДСИ ^ИА|^О| =я - £R*?1 П] 7fl£]-^>O]]7]] ^-o] 7ЦА№ АЦт]] °1 та< Ж1!. - tH-o] лье- J. zjjq-f- -ьц <#Lh}_ 2. gA| та - та°1^ ^g $н*з - ^H-o] • $] -ЙЭДПМ - • $] Ш ^-7]^- - $>R xm ag ><МИЖ°Л) 3. А|^ЭД7|£1 ► A|^ gtEL| Щ А1Й 7|gt(20102 7|e) *ВДЗД-^7]< tH- A]tg 7]<(13^), «И *1^ 7]#(357H 1147]*0 ► А|Щ7|=1«Ш ЗЬЗД-^-71^4: лр<й Л]н • ^^2^7]-^: А]« <7]] . ojifl . яй^ 7]^ А]^ 4< 4. АЩ А|7| - *3 2s] А]^< 7JA]ziK]-. - 7|О]« • А]х]-«5. А]^ ^7]- Ло1-О]ё]-С]-. □1^, £Ai|0fL|0f OfA|Of ^271 41 g £ЯШ 4^1 QJPQJ О S-*-^ s 51У7| 91 g £2S1 91 ъ 5. АЦ4£=^!А|71 ► ^2 1Чта^|А|и (standard TOPIK, S-TOPIK) - 1Н4 Ш тРЧ- л^°11 • ^7]-^с]-. - 3^# ► °Нта^1 AIS (Business TOPIK, B-TOPIK) - °зл<и# ш ?н- 7] <?и т]з «^ ^я11- . «§7^4. ^4 &°11^ ►A|f! A|7f A1I1S1 A1I2S1 ищ 0]?l • S2/^7| ^7 |/o> 71 12 et^O] sg 09:00 ~ 10:30 (90g) 11:00 - 12:30 (90g) —I 14:00 ~ 15:30 (90g) 16:00 ~ 17:30 (90g) та 09:00 ~ 10:30 (90g) 11:00 - 12:30 (90g) 1 ° 2^0] 14:00 ~ 15:30 (90g) 16:00 - 17:30 (90g) 14
2JM] да] : 09:00 ~ 12:00 4^, 44 ^Н-°1 : 14:00 ~ 17:00 *11 ¥3 ^Oife^AlS(S-TOPIK) 4^ те о _1 о =г СИ тал" 01= к£ □ О S о г|и М|о -1- Г\ в° Пл N Пл to Пл LO Й0 КП1 Пл и|0 а г? ijoO -< jo-1 к 0|0 ггГ S' S’ ЙГ ЙО ЙО ч зг 30 ^г Й0 со со КЮ О nJ ЙГ r£J sr со со со со т— U|il ЙГ Пр лГ со со со со т- Пл кю Пл ПЛ со Й1 ЙГ пР ЙГ со со ЙО < ЙО со ЙО ОН ЙГ со со № пл CXJ Пл "Г- ЙО ал LTJ to Z 'йГ со со й° И- jo° Ф ЕЛ ОН ной S’ ЙГ пР ЙГ со со 4“ Пл Пл и|о gb Й0 Kill Пл и|о р'К зг ^0 Г-1— Г\ ЗГ 30 ЙО 01= 4- 1о0 оН ЙО □□ * । । ад а । <> 1
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оГ д2 lTJ *31 dJ pjo Kh F|0 jolU * 50 Kh 51 ‘JO^ lT O|HJ * * Л0 ч X,|l T- i|oJ ||O к Tr >KJ O — КГ _ _,_ -II r? 'IO o|iu 2. KJ mH oH Й ч . ги- нш nHJ Ц o|m H DHU 0* KO Ml s J|J Kh Ш|Г ZT й. hf iolU o-l JU Z 1 * io 5" oJ ° ^J oP *J КГ U 30 ЙГ ГЧ ol O|ni iof П~ io S’ S < rd ® rv- ^0 пГ Йо Д:1 о? <0 0|0 K|T riH s olll о 'K-l ol- D|d • • • 01 4 ol °L N 2 LJ2 *0 л 'loin gr mini gO . о Tg Kh J о 0|П1 * io ioJ J|0 "°0 Ко S - °k g tf S LH У ГЧ ioT ol sj K° 7 io OH XL ioJ -o » 01 Ъ 1ЮЛ1 ко fcj Ж am olio io кг -j s ° 5 Rr 2 ч * 20 Hi £ ot= Kj do mini s == ₽ 01 5 ig r=T S’ flj ioJ i5J oinj КГ S’ ° КГ Й1 Ж 15Г g й° <0 кг 5= i J № *h 3» oJ Й 51 ±Г КГ , S Olo Гч _-z -ll-l 'lol О ом § Ц ПГ он 5iu 5. 7J °* dp _ ni - КГ ч do „ <l a ioiu kf -< do s’ Jf 3iu do к oh • • • gO | rb КН ° — ~ IU 1,0 lH £ KW ко i кг ||O Л fti mini & = Ъ o|ni J|0 41 rir 0|J E S’ o'J3 S' S-i — гйГ 'KU Й- °' ol 4r Sr niu ,|<J S s 5? °^J Й “ ST of § ? £ £ —г nf ol КГ ^L ol S- jl кг 2 5 rjo 'loin g = .ЮП1 5- do о Ц ?0 dp Ч ин °* . 4 Rr 5- OH 4< rd кг 10 KJ iioiu kO Io do 1H • • • , do 'io о S' » W JU a S ® D S’ □ o|m or Jjo KI- □ 0|J о S’ за =o si Kb ioJ 4o" -l|0 01 KIT “ i<J 2 S’ IK do ПоО ЛК □Li a « ?J H. Kh 1' ПИ -< ffj iolO U|2 Ц KH lT xr wO iioj °5 Kh J|J % Kh 4 Kb or 0Й s- йс = lorn к- к о io jtq dO loT RF Й? _- 4 SJ O|ni OH op !J< rd S’ 0Ю KJ rd .K° lo" opJ nT • • Пл co Пл ^r По LT) Пл CD № КЮ Пп rd KH 00 00 ni|m J?J Si io go Kh '10 КШ кг mini S io am 01 FT io КШ кг o|m do ZIZZ _J uTJ id- ol к ol ко KU do S’ io do io’ кт КГ mini 'K Ko 1ST ЙО rd '10 do Id-* OJI^ ioJ io’ кт KO Krid- 00 m|m J?J 31 io do < io Ko 01= S’ io Йг KO rd io КШ КГ m|m ibi- s’ 00 mini J?J 31 '10 do io KO oh ЕГ 10 ЙГ KO rd io кт кг o|m Ы oH 00 mini J?J 31 1°. Й F7 □ K гг 50 'KH □ K 00 m|m ioJ Km КГ o’ do Ч Ф w 'cn Ф кг КГ S’ 'Kh 3K s u|o KO Ul|r КГ nil KO oT OH Kr Kh 50 a go Kh S’ □'K do —1 Kl id- zxr KJ oT pm ioF S’ 5B oH 5Б 'KH □ K КГ КГ 5Г 1оГ S’ SJ 15Г ч do -< S’ SJ
► -Ы¥ (B-TOPIK) -4И АН ВН л £| - ^7} <те ш те едед »1?1 ёй АЛ.7| ШУ iJ7| 4gg iloO 0|= 2Н£Н1 (4Af ЕН 1g) По ООЬ г 30 30 30 30 120 uiiS 100 100 100 100 B400S -теш те тег лн4± тете HR 112-151 от о|§ёц те±>о| те?) 152-215 шу ^«oii шшш тете тетео| те ШУ S1PW Afg ь|£7) те О1 ?11 0|§ёЦ £OfOj|А1 i|^th°| °|А) 216 - 279 шу те те ш oisi^oi те шу woii А1 те ште о|ш о|§ёц те ^от тете зм 280 ~ 339 шу теу теш 4^те di ш oi^oi те Ш¥ ^OfOj|A| 7|^У Ш¥ Ф^0| 340 - 400 теу теу- A^iy теш тете шй ште тете ys °i 7. ►ШУ (S-TOPIK) - tH тег тете tzi —I ЕЗТ z^s^ 1Ш 50S 0|ль 40S 0|Ш 2Ш 70S ед 50S □!£! —1 ЗШ 50S 0|S 40S о|Й 4Ш 70S ед[ 50S 0|У те 5Ш 50S 0|S 40S о Ш 6Ш 70s ед 50S а Ш те л<7], те, si7i)s те-^те з те тете°1 те теи 7» штез те те ^-. TOPIK ?_•= -з=- ? -_-- 17
8L ‘ЪЫМй кк^ (к-Ё-й Вкк Iklkkw '-bh^ hikfe Вк ВВГо ^Мк-к-к toft-b ^н-ккВ tka-b йй* -b-h-кВк Вк ВШк-к-к * Шк-к-к ’£ [ккШк ’г н-к-§~В I тьв - Ь> ВВк-к t&k й-к Ik В kw -кк th к квк-к Ь> -Вк Фк кВк-к Тотгг В-кФк - Sfn 1кк г§ "k&l-Yik^ HUolYg fslY '8 ‘-bBh> kb klb-k kl°lk# В [отл? ^ok#lk 'Э’кк^кк -к 1кй>к ‘‘ff-te - Р=1 S |xzCDCZ>l— о lYto^EHZkY^ BUT ml-YfialY а Жю 1№1 СfialY № kt ten? <10 ijnj fi-o miotk tii itik lYlYk Aiv ‘-1яю nlY^kK- f^lYkettOiblS FAlt HlY>fe^ (Wit {а^В В В'к ФВ кг В (kio kii kw ^t'a й1°) Вк>к Вк Ь^-оТчтЬ к-В^ • к-В _ (xidoi-a) BlYfe^lotii £1: -Ё-^ка - к8к kw : (йкк B0S -Ё-З Наккой -ё-1) Фк -кВ _ (hklkt' / кЖ k^)BS IZ. ' к к ^к к>к к _ а^-Ё-к к-к в -BlY-k ^чн >кк to.kos к В ‘В9/. kt- W kw ‘кгз в-к • йк. Ькк-к к-Ё-^.> <lYlfo &к Вкк>
О TOPIK AIS) °HJ _19 Oftli Ю о г о -г- (tHrS) ЕО ОС 41 -S ч_ (tHr£) 10|Y10^ Й ° 41 Д ^71 toll НЯ 1> _s г° Ш? Д Нт 1> гр > о -г- о Ни й m -С Ш ги iE 4J Inj i> l> rm m x MJ l> rm -Ю IM -EE MJ l> rm oh Hi д о -v- о Im s г о JH Ю l> r° Hi П1Н JH rm о r° □ 111° r> о oh № Im £ rm m Я Im o$ ою mH о|я 41 m$ rH |-0|| 41 103 (24?R) —ь —к. СП —ь СО —k. —k. -c* —k. b no F\D —k. no —k. no GO no b no CD no -C^ СО со |О|| no -c* 41 о co >4 J2 X |П г □: HU пй Ни г -г- гт |> ш Кп m|i |и лу Д Д Hl Hi НГ > ">- 5Jd Й toi- Щ ^Кз > J □: oh |т Гп Ни ни Ни J11 Ни 1> ни н- |> о о гм 1> oh Й|0 НП1 о Д Н> Д Ьо х -г- о Нт □: JS -Hl r> Д J> r^ Jm > "Б liu rm Jm -Ю |m X' -S Im Д 1И OH rm s ГЦ rm tr rm m rm -Im 0$ IB Д 05 № 1У rm -C о □ E jy 0° fbJ rm П1Ц о -Ill ms jy 0|П1 IB Im □ ЙЕ ru ““Г" m я о HJ 0|0 0$ .-W 00 mm Xi 0$ □ Oil IT о lol' Xi rm IU|0 rm n ini Im oh о|я Ji Jfl py py □h J£ oh o$ o$ mu d$ JO oh mu o= Hi a o$ oh pc ня гни mh s niu rju F> г°| Й ня - rh Oil - oC iu2 oh ph fc ня Й Й rs 1° 1И oh noi' oC Л k P* oh rh 41 >h N Hi ° Hi Hn Ku Hi Ku • ;n kn ' Но го - Ю > hu >- mj mj oh □ j- "Б z ю ~ - Mj [У О X' о п "Б □: "Б "Б Ю mu Г --т’ ° Ки -4 а п >- m о гт" □ >н Н1 о > о - Д КЗ ° ° |Г" • У: -С Ы чГ д Я - и- "ч) i011 'г “г" "411 Д ю м Д о HM« >с rh ijo га.- -Ш □ fh г£ £ 41 oh гЬ У1 J* oh гт гт га X J2 ks i§imy felY гь kt IyH (1ш) йоюг^ felY fh kt lYfvglY
10. A|g АЦНх] Щ ^*1 ► 4Ш A|g A|fH^ Щ 014X1 AM AIS A|^X1 014*1 ^-A. “T-L A1>(1) 4*lim^4 02-961-0081/2 A1>A| Sp|1^ A1>(2) 44K№ Op of 4 НоГ ST 02-820-0781,0784 A1>A| 511 «4 “{4СЦ4П 051-510-3305 “AF£MA| 430 oy ня 444№ 062-530-3647 300 45! 4444m S0]H^ 042-821-8804 44£MA| 5^220 qpcmn IMCHm^E] 053-850-5692-3 44 44A| 44s Ш4415 Ail^ *11^4444 Sojm^AiiEi 064-741-7421 X1|^A| 4444^ 38 4444m ^Aiim^s 043-261-2945 44 4^A| >4m 44m 410 4H44 12) op <h о ЙЯ job l=J qMS3*l 031-219-2171 §7|m4A| 444 45 O|XJ °1ё)44П 032-860-8271 S44MAI ym 444 253 5^414111 <2(04^ 033-248-2971 444 m4A| 44 444 39 4^. 4^ 4 4m oioim^ 063-270-2454 444£ 4^A| 444 ^44 17)664-14 □ )4 4444m ^Aiim^iEi 055-249-2221 444^ 0)4A| iM4 449 20
°<№ Compromise 001 -^CfE 5ЦЕ 002 -EfafE 003 -Of/OiOT 004 -0|-/OjE 005 -ОЦ ОЩ 006 —EE 007 -7fe 5fX|°f 008
001 —ezQjI 6Ц£ ★★★ Usage I, О^ОНСЦ -St/дал ёНЕ -(e) дал ёЦЕ -(О)а 714 Л ё|]Е §4 lT sr ЧЙ4Л ёНЕ 4=4Л ёНЕ 4# 44Л ёНЕ Verb дал бЦЕ °ЩЛ 5НЕ Ш ёНЕ -й/даЕ ёНЕ -QE ёНЕ -(о)г 7iёНЕ Adjective яц- здаи ёНЕ бЦЕ 4# 44Z ёНЕ Н|Д|-С|- ёНЕ адсКН ёНЕ ад 44Z ёНЕ 01Й/Й4Е ёНЕ (0|)4Л ёНЕ 714Л ёНЕ S4+0I4 Noun+ОЩ £!^o|дал ёНЕ £Ауцо|4Д1 оЦЕ 44Л ёНЕ ^дал ёНЕ *Р4Л ёНЕ 44Л ёНЕ o 2hiH nfl ahhh. It is used when the preceding phrase’s context does not effect the succeeding phrase’s result. • tfcu SHE cim fKWfe S^OiS. Even though you study hard now, it is difficult to enter a university. • 0I-Y2-I SHE AjS A|7j0| ft 0j|°|7|- oi^OI-o. Even between friends, there are rules to keep. • 0t°5J H|AA|-QjX SHE USS’ Э|0|4Э A|-OfA|. Even if it is expensive, you have to buy it if you need it. More in detail ► ёДЕ-o>/o] ^><2} H]-^ Ab§< ~ЦЛ oHf can interchangeably be used with ’-Of/O) SEI.' Ek ' ^Нё4Л °HE 5 i= s 7jOIIS. Even if you stay up all night, you won’t finish it. AH^I Й4 £ e= = 7|0||S. 22_ SHE
з. jbojfhTi Self-Check unit 1 °ОЩ ж я] "НМ < 41 л!^ ts^]a] 9 ?Н ®raj ^oppg °|хц g 4 oix| g>fH? Ц: 10^^t0|| °f НОИ OiZfPJ §Ц£ £ If Я ^0f£. 7|в£*11 153 25Щ Ф ¥|OPI- @ £iopnm @¥|ОРН^О|ад @ ¥m &PI- Stx|0h Answers and Explanations It means that running cannot effect what comes in the succeeding phrase. ‘-^fOW of @ means an order, ‘-fe ®°l Q’ of ® means a degree. -B ^Pf иЩ.' of @ means there is no possibility. Therefore, ® and @ can not be the answer. Ф which used Of/Oj н>Лр that anticipates that the expected result will not come is correct. Answer (D §H£ _23
Verb 51 Lf Adjective н|д|-с|- (О|)Е-Н£ gAHO|Ef Noun+ОЩ Уос ^ЙО|о1Е-|аГ£ А|лууо|Е|аГ£ _____________________________I_______________________I_______________________ О 3-5о] ifl-fi-ofl ^x] ufl X|-g-tb}. It is used to recognize the preceding phrase’s fact if it does not affect the succeeding phrase’s context. • 7f: m, Lfe 0]| = 3 Mom, I don’t think I can make it to the relative’s wedding Ц: o|-V2-l £L| ^ва|0||Ь 7F0fx|. Even though you may be busy, I think you should show up. • □ ROII 7|r-|S}<E X|-^ *|£|-ёН. Call often even if you go to the United States of America. 2, сч оконец Ц More in detail ► .g-H] h] Comparison between‘-t|S|£’2f and‘-0f/O|£’ ‘-Op/°1£’S]- и1"'3г1сН ЛНРЙ ~т~ лШ". can interchangeably used with ‘-0f/0|£.’ • W^|7| etiHOfe 7|-0f £Ц. You have to go to school even if it is cold. = WW|7|- sfJZOfe 7K>f EH. 24_
ATigiО) да о>з] дада да W°M Н¥ да. да# -да^Чг «да да дада да w°h# да. In case of -of/ojE’, it can be used whether something in the preceding phrase has taken place or has not yet taken place. However, '-ВДЕ' can only be used when the preceding phrase’s matter is not taking place. o]n] o]^7]- op E| — ## When something does not ring a bell even after studying it. 1Я • g^sHE If 0|ёЦТ|- ЕЦ2.. Even after I study it hard. I don t understand it дадал да# # i # да w When it is not expected to be understood even after studying it P!>- • gt?SHE » 0|5H4 У S ^0||£. | don't think I’ll get it even after I study it. = £| IT O|5H?f Of 1 Т1ЭДЯ. Self-Check * да # да# #да ## да дадьдада. 12S] 24У Tf: Й#ЕЩ SfeE|| OfE 5|Af A||gO| Ц 7R|0| H|#ERE 4 5|AfO||Ai nf^ *11» Afe 7|| Ф tf|#£ @ H|MfL-|L| @ И|^0|£ @ н|^Е|ащ [ Answers and Explanations ; It means that regardless of the price, it is better to buy the product of a credible company. ‘-qi-Tof ® means a contrast while ‘-qafl-l'of @ is used when something is the same as what one has expected to be the -:. * Therefore, neither can be used. Also, even though ‘-Of/OjEof @ means a compromise, it uses present tense when talking about a general fact so it cannot be the answer. In that sense, Ф which used 'Of/Oj.£ that nears a compromise is correct. _25
003 -oh/oi ад ★★★ Usage -Of/Oj ад Verb 2]0i SW 7Щ 7[ ад Adjective lsQ BPf apQ Oj|^Q ад О ^7]- ?b Q< 7]eu cF<m 4£W. It is used when it is expected that regardless of doing the preceding phrase’s work, the expected result does not seem to be realized. • A|-=j S=5H SW 7-jO||S. We will be late even if we leave now. • *|<ao| 5 ^Ofo. It is difficult to get a job even if we study hard. 0 Ж7]- I»1 ob-g- ufl A^_ It is used when the preceding phrase’s condition is not great. E> • ^0| £0| gOf ад йяйя? Even if he’s rich, how rich can he be? He’s just a student. • 012 Sin AHO|°|01 ад A|4S S Ш 7j0]|fi. Even if this movie is fun, it won’t be as much fun than the last one ^°|A|-°f Guidelines W’7|- O°l nfe W7> *Hr When ‘-Of/Oj ®X|-' is used as О. ’^ё°1 №' often comes in the succeeding phrase. 03 on SJCWI se ^OJI ОДА1 Even if you worry about something that has not happened yet, it’s useless. -2-*] Imperative and suggestive sentences are not used in succeeding phrases 26_ (g) -of/oj ад
More in detail ► ‘-°174 № 04 HRoj л]^ ф ?M When -ot/сн адр is used as О it can be interchangeably used with '-feRH sHH.’ • □ В *H 41*1 S es 7j0||£. Even if you stay up all night, you won t finish it. =4§ {ВД ёЦ£ = 7j0j|£. ► -°b/ol W7b 04 nfe -^4 3 33. When -of/Of адр is used as O. it can be interchangeably used with -°Ц ощ.' G> • *14 *I4S = ад 33§l SH ЙЛ 43&И 43 7|0||fi. It will be difficult to get a promotion whether I study hard or not since I didn t do well in the last exam. = *14 A|§§ 3 5 4*1 3¥3 ёЩ ОЩ А^ёИ 7|0||Я. Self-Check * 3 ¥33 444 еЫг *] 7|S£*II 4ы 33 364 7^ £f, ¥ А|0|| ЧфО| 71 ojQjЕНajZZL oioiщ Х|^О|В|£ ®f5| 7|0f^0i. ц: *1401 ^1 ^0|Ц AitfSOt. 7^ ад Ф *13 ЗУ 43 3 3> Ж. @ 34 7|-у у-у °|§*Т? @ 7WQW УЗ 3. ® *13 7^ УЫ °Ш 710f. Answers and Explanations You are supposed to find a phrase that means that even if the speaker leaves now, he/she cannot make it to the appointment. Since Ф, <Z> and ® mean that they can make it to the appointment, they cannot be the answer. Therefore, @ is correct. Answer @ ф-oi/oj ад! _27
Й L O^OhCTl Usage -Of/qt -OF/Oj£ Verb □fqci- Adjective ^4 О 4^3 <g^g- -z] Ufl А]^^. It is used to recognize preceding phrase’s fact but it does not affect the succeeding phrase’s context. Г3> . 7): °>0| ^°iqS? I heard that you’ve been studying English. How far have you come? Ц: 0|-L|o Of°q AfqO| °fOfS Even I try my best, it doesn’t seem to get better much. • Л|77|-Х| 5>)0f oHS? What time do I need to come back? Ц: Of°EL| 10A|Z№ £)0f &ЦЦ. Even at the latest, you need to come back by 10 o’clock. 2, ci o^oi-C.H ► -g-И] и] Tji (P. 24) Comparison between-of/&IE and-E|£f£’ 3. f-OjjhTI Self-Check * !}-5- ^>21 7H <£££ 3-Й- 7): тс 7.'-§ °1Ц? Ц:Ai^sfEII 2^01 Of ад. 7|SgAil 33 33 32*1 ф op=iai @ ^77)A| 7|Е)аОД @ Л1Ф 7|qa|qq£ @ 2^2! 7|qqz Answers and Explanations The speaker is worried that he/she is getting no contact from a friend. @ means that the friend told the speaker to wait. @ means that the friend won't contact the speaker if he/she waits. Therefore, neither is correct. ф and @ are both compromise but ® means that the speaker would like to wait for a friend from now so it cannot be the answer In this sense, ф which means that the speaker has been waiting for a friend by now is correct. Answer Ф 28_ © -o)/d)£
unit 1 -(°)4 44 Verb 44 4°Ц 0Щ 7F4 7Щ 0Щ О 44 4^4 о} ё^х] 4444 rtfl 4^4. It is used when the result does not change whether the action is taken or not. • т14 44 0Щ A|Z|s 7]0Щ. You will be late whether you run or not. • Л МЦ 0Щ S0j|A| ТЦ^ёЩ S'# 7-|0f. He will be playing games at home whether I check or not. • LH Xl^fe = ёЩ77| f оц ощ «А| 0|мёй| ¥> W Since my friend is a bad singer, he/she will sing poorly whether I listen to it or not ^o|A|-ot Guidelines '-.O.4' П]'Ц'О] 44 4- Aj-fi-esj-c)-. It can also be used as -2Ц ОЩОЩ.’ 0 ^ёЩ ОЩОШ. Л A^ro уцф лр| ц. 7i0]|o It is not worthwhile to say it. He/she will continue to stick to his/her own idea. 2. ch o^or<=-Ji More in detail ► - О.Ч- 44-’^ ‘-o[/o] <4®4- 4^4 Abg-^- <Ц4. ‘-°Q d|l| can be interchangeably used with '-oh/of 4У A|§# # = ад «-уё| ёщ ощ *!#ёр| 7ici|o. It will be difficult to get a promotion whether I study hard or not since I didn t do well in the last exam. - A|y A|°t# # = ад «А16| 5Ц ад *®5p| 71011Я, 55Э-ОЦ0Щ 29
9. Self-Check * ^-5- еШ 31 -тЦг^}- ъ1^& ~пе31л1^. 7|: 0|g S°JO|| g gO|Lf ф °|^Л| #О|ЩЛ||Я. Ц: ВСНаЦ ОЩ Н<= Ш у-]0]|о 121] 26g Ф Ц (Э ^Oj> ЭХ| (3> >снйх| Answers and Explanations The speaker is convinced that everyone will attend. '-7Щ' of Ф means to choose between the two. of @ should accompany behind . @ means doing something else rather than asking about the attendance Therefore, none can be the answer. <3) which means whether the speaker asks or not is correct. Answer @ 30_ ф 0Щ
О ^1^1 ЭД 147]- оЦЭД t=^g- ufl Abg-44. It Is used when the result of preceding phrase’s action is different from the expectation. (J • 3. A/3M <5||0jA|JL£ /тЦ-Ц S^0]S. Even though I broke up with him, I didn t cry. • i3 £1011 5E. Even though I just had a meal I am eating some more now • °f°|7f oCbjA|Z£ §X| ^L-ЦЯ. Even though the kid fell down, he/she is not crying. Guidelines • ’Зда, ^4£°1 -2*1 Imperative and suggestive sentences are not used in succeeding phrases. Self-Check * ( ) РЭДА] <?_ 43 4s| 20S 7\: Sfe AH^Oj| cf]g Ц: xpf 2/o Ц7)\ ( | AfP7f Щ0| t+CUR. ) ЛУ A|Lpfe xpf ЙОМ П&171 Sfo. Ф ® ВД @ Й2A1 Of Answers and Explanations It means that there are many cars that pass even though they saw the red light. of Ф means a condition. Ot/OJA| ЛЁ!A|’ of ® means a reason. Therefore, neither can be the answer. '-HAjOf of @ means an order of time so it can’t be the answer. <® which used ‘-ЛЕ that means getting a different result than what had been expected > correct. Answer (2 ф-PS 31
sjxiet §4 Verb lT ЕГ 44 4?H= 5W°f Adjective lT e splEt lT S 0)1^71^ opq°f (0|)7|fe 5fX|of SAt+OKt Noun+OIQ sfAHORife 5p|°f It is used when despite recognizing preceding phrase’s condition, something different than what had been expected is placed in the succeeding phrase. Ek ‘ 7\- СНЧ1Я? How is the weather today? Ц: H^0| >7|fe sp|°t £20fS. Even though it is windy it is not cold. • 7[ ah a-о | Ojtt||o? How is your life as a foreign student'? Ц-: BtPfe sPIE! OR О1^ёЦХ|Х| utSR®. I like it but I am not used to it. 2. Self-Check Kiffrz L-j° И|ЛЧ 5 TfOfO Ц: tJ|<7fe §P|°f g^0| SSOfS. Ф (2) H|^fC||Q7|- I Answers and Explanations It means that even though products at the department store are expensive, there are good aspects. -2.E1’ of (D means a condition. In case of of ®, positive context always is connected with positives while negative context is always connected with negatives. Therefore, it cannot be the answer. Also, ‘ЕД’ of @ means a purpose so it cannot be the answer, either. Therefore, ® which used ‘-O|-/OjS.’ which means that even though the speaker recognizes the previous context, some other situation takes place at the end is correct. Answer ® 32_ ф-7|£5РЖ
unit 1 -5Z/£feE||£ -bcilt -(°)= ZIMIS Verb SfeEIIE 5:h> ЭЧ|£ 2Ц ^Ц|£ S^ilE S2t||£ Adjective °tE|- ysfeqiE И|-ННЕ|- tJMSfeqiE tJ^qiE 0|2t/StE||£ SAH-Oiq Noun+оЩ ^0|2J^q|E ё|луо| q|E О ^1^] W°M 4^- ^7]- It is used when something that is different from a generally expected result in preceding phrase’s situation is placed in the succeeding phrase. • 7H 0S 5?akO|S? Have you not found the keys yet? LH Q 5K4£feq|5- Even though I’ve looked all over the house, I can’t find them. Even though I think that living expenses are enough, he/she always says that he/she needs more. • У Щ0Щ sJ5H£q|E ^A| yog 2J7|o Even though I have said it several times, if he/she doesn't listen, there is no other way. ^УА|-оЬ Guidelines п]3]]7]- 9 X] Future tense is not used in the succeeding phrase. ® ад 7j0||g. (X) (□|2U)(futureJ Imperative and suggestive sentences are not used in the succeeding phrase. —^"7 oj'jZ’a]- X]-^- '§£>] Xj-faEjc]-. ‘-feflfE’is often used with‘StM-II’on the end. 0 b^q|£ 2| ^TijAj сзА^оГЦС)- Thank you for coming even though you are busy. = WilJE 2| ^A|Ai аЛЩЦЦ.
И Self-Check «si * ¥ 9. 7|ё£Л1 3^ 45| 39S Sf gTf И-Й51 <9^$ЙОЩ. ^J30| ^Х| gtO|-o. Ф 1^1 SsS Щё. ^ао| >Х| gO[£. (2) ё| ^71- стл|ё| o^s. ёН^Щ^ ^30| >Л| gtOffi. @ ahZ! ^-У о| $н§ *0|| -узо| ^Х| otoffi. @ tf BZ! -ya^OI >Л| gtOfR. Answers and Explanations , -------------- -------------------------- - - You are supposed to find a sentence that even though you practiced for a month, you did not get better unlike your previous expectation, '-fe Цй’ of Ф means same as what you’ve been practicing’ while ‘~S ^4" of ® means ‘during the practice.’ ‘-Si/Й—S’ of @ means ’if I had practiced.’ Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which used ’- ^Ц|£’ which means that the result is different from what had been expected is correct. Answer @ 34_
S£ ll-Yo" jo к > He jo 5k fete jo В С Jok feB e k)TS loS^F ItoBHfl о loloB 1 He 5Hi ^kB О Jn k-i 5S :-h бкИ fen ww fijg Ik7 in 5 5 к)ю Io5 Ibs'lv lTHy ftk^rlY :k "УкГгаЕ >t£ THa-B jzk-5- Ife-R-R к WoSIy Blo£ 3 о кок & J2ко I л oltolo^ 5fekk)B 0 ок)ю'§5 5kk)B oWS krB S^telY ^k 5oS feo ’olfo-h-la -h-kk)B °Iy -h '5kkol£ ‘oltoloiZlY ir lo^telY :k 51yB^ ~o~& W kit'k J?lato "o"-B "o’н н к feh^ihfj? >1y^ 5feb3 lo^-0 feh^ihcjs кй5 10^7 6 Siy§- кйз lo^ О khwihcjs §Jy§ ITk53 lo^ О kje SJy=7 / ta5 Io “У|уВэ5 jiBB tka-tn Нзййе Sis iokifo5 klti О HihyHc Itol- 4ito5 к Hi 0 Нзйй 1к)ян 5Нз5 kHi 5lkRi£ ЙЖ kin Э Ibft 5fe Zt)^fo5 kHi kYto5 k>WB ’Ikten :bl ’Is jr^Jn low 5|rS BIy k^g> ^o "5~[у[уэ1Г w Bit Jr ni |q to ‘o'-B vh я к suoijsano wipDjd ||Ci AnQ
°u ZZ Practice < *— O' 5 3^1 7И ^Tfl 3-g- Л Э>ул]Д. ^£431*1 343*14 / 43 3 34 О ¥^Ч0| усцз*=|Е. 43 2 344. © ¥^40| 343^ E||44 43 ^344. © ¥^У0| ььщёШ44Л 43 °33 344. О ¥^4!0| нВДАЙ rl°H 43 331 7p|S $h^44. 6 43 ( M °434 51^*и. п A^0| 4S ( ) *13 л *®§ °J> 44 йЙЯ. О 43 л © гй4 ©ёЦ4 О 5Й44 7 ( ) <М *У-^ 5К 515^4-2-. 4В М^сярц °г >4 §Кй ( О 4s]S e^of © 44S 34Л °Н4 ) 0|0| ёН 43 44 &4. © ёй 5Z°3A| С ?511MI o^44 7Н 4^011 ё||до|ёкЕ|| 40II4S § ^4 «4л 43ёЦ0И4. 4: ¥45Ц 1Ё4 44<И.. (] 7^ “Eja ^2^ 7^0f 0 А|У30|| Ч1£ 414^FSS0t 0 4 ^а| > 7-jof О АНЛ 3 33*1 otv44£ £! ='3 4S0f 36 S3 SX1I
cd Ito к ef io йй Й ° ir-taiY ’ "oMy к kzhh В^й <5||-1В|Ь<|5&й la's 1Y 0 cofeiv loB lhB° zk 5h О оИ-оВй htaw 1ойВк Вйй lloSX 'olto-h-h hta 1y -h c^taB Iy BSta inis H-oiSE kkio loSta Ik)^ к ylYfr’aTT [zk <lQto kr-fz -k^R- 1y 1-Щ ZL fehlo Ik BAB D tahh BAB & ^НеАй Э hhtaAB > oirls-lY Й7Г kzho-ir i£ H is ( cok km Zfo M?AB la IhioBlY lo^Ni :k "5‘к[г'57Г ->-й di-tcik lk>( ) ll bii ЬНейк IBfe lang lnlY-la1?te5 Ной О ‘hloS §§□ teo-lo 0 ’ЫоВ Ete Й1&1а iota H? l95i 0 taloi^ BE кй kTta BsM Me 1ФВ Ah О 'ta'lYtaATT BtH* Ik 11 lo^R-R Ly f-[n 01 oioS lo^k Ito^h Frio BB Melo# BB D ^ta taBS io lo^k SlYta BB 0 ok)i£A Mo BB taBikiy tahtaio® BB 0 ollY-la ^IyIy-Io IoE Ah ^fehlYta BB 0 оксоне й? hloB taBAi* Mo® jo lo^k ВВз к “УкЕгаТГ B-B 4zk>> ЙРТч-и В §[ti SiO рщп
7HI 13 ь!л1-£- 4£4 >¥ SiAiii ад &hq. son 7над Eh^i *м> адт. o|-°e.| и fa q ад ^Ojн]в|0 of @q-_ aq> у^адд фон ад g ад ?i^> ^4 ад. 14 iln|7pE1'-c ci t]AU. 7| ад ^oj| atfoj| mapfOf адщ 7|ад< oh °f ад. 714«0j| *адц адад. ц ад ^oiojai ад^о| а- ют 7Hsof. ле дад ад о fimg i! szs 40f © st> о *1^адад hs о -ЕФад адод н< stoj О Ф 15 *1 4-7-1 > !> 2L1L7M]_£.. 7^ 0|У А|^о| Oj3|£A| 4^А| >4 В4? ц ^oj ац- пщоця. £§з| шл й 4ЭДЯ. о >си ^ofxi or oiojo е >4 в ад взадя э >01 ад вад ад7тя о >01 ад ч^ёц ?1оцо 38_ В 2 ад gXil
Deg ree 009 -fe- Й'ОЩ oio 011 -З^С| 012 oi3 -цл|и| ад 014 -В aoi оад 015 -§х|до|ц
00<? Usage I, O^OI-C.“1I -(o)u ^0|q S0|q ^A|- Verb ^S0|q efe ^0|q £U]q eIU ^0|q ^LH^^oiq О it’s l-nM’S да ЗИ и1да It is used when something seems to be similar to something else. C3k • 7(: 0|-*i£ iJ0| Щ0| ЙЭДОЩ? Do you have far to go? Ц: 0Щ£, 0|Л|| 0|5°t SfS £|L|77b q сУО|О||Я. No, if I do this, it will be finished so it is almost same as being done. • q; ie* Алр-ц спад <tqs? I heard that you made a good purchase of your laptop. Where did you get it? q: i§0| qq Щ ЦЛ1 qqq^. ^qq ^a| >qa. It was a secondhand one. You will never guess how much time I spent fixing its breakdown ^qqqzi qqqi q- «j£i 5 ШЯ. If I add the repair cost, it’s almost same as buying it new. 2. & «и-oi-c ~n fe- 461й И]jjL Comparison between‘-fe •gjOIEf and-fe-3^|E|’ Я!°1СЕ4 ? °1’Я ’Яг^611 да ЯМКда да дав- 7>да дада. ’-fe ЙОЩ’ is used when it is considered that it is similar as doing something else. However, ‘-fe S*IQ' is used to suppose something that is different from reality. iW • o|bi ai§oi qqa^q^sosois shs-aoioiia. Since the test was difficult, getting 80 is the same as doing well. (А|Ш « ^0|0||£.) (He/she did relatively well on the test.) • ?PI fiSqqq ШЖ Even though I don’t want to go, I will think of it like a trip. q^S № 8P4E! ОЖ 2.ОД 7(§°tq.) (Even though the speaker is not on a trip, he/she supposes to go on a trip.) 40_ ®-^^0|q
unit 2 _41
ою Щощ ★★★ -(o)l ^o|q ^A|- Verb oiq- g10|Q £ nW|Ct -(O)L. ^O|Q Adjective AhS HjO|Q ®0|cr о Ш°1 W°ll 7}№ 3}< ЧЗлМ. It is used to say that something tends to be similar to something else • 7\: .Sff ojJZ АЩ£? What do you usually do on the weekends? Lf: 0]| Af^ 7fe £10|0flfi. I tend to go to a park on the weekends. • 7|-: 0| AJg- How do you like this restaurant? Ц: S4E. №, *1Иl^£ % The food is good and service tends to be good as well. ! Self-Check 7K ^|л| ьщя| л|^ *Щб|А||о? Ц: И!. Sl^Oil ¥A1| ________ Ф бНЯ @ А^ б^^0|А|£. ® 7^йьго|0|0]|Я @ А^ Ш &0]£ Answers and The speaker is answering the question whether he/she calls his/her parents in the hometown. tiftf of Ф means a future plan, ‘-fe £?fO|C|* of @ is a speculation. @ means that there is no need to call them often which doesn’t match with the preceding phrase. Therefore, ® which means that he/she calls them often is correct. Answer ® 42_ ф-fe^Oiq-
unit 2 -(°)s lT ЙГ Verb stem It is used to recommend something since the speaker considers it to be worthy. §0W ^л||£. Please recommend something delicious from the Korean foods. L|: if 2П7\7[ 48 Е1Ш 7|0||£?.. MAi|£. Trying Bulgogi will be worthwhile. Give it a try. 0 -"r xItzt тНгЧЧ" I* is used to express an available level or degree. H5 • 7[' W-Ч §Li|£>. it’s only May but is already hot. Ц-: 0F*|£ Et«Wet zjgo|Oj|o. It is bearable now but it is from now on that I am worried about. ^°|A|-ot Guidelines Mr ОЯ nfe ‘-4/°l *14 ?l°l When ‘-jt'ufSHT is used asO, it is often accompanied with '-Of/Oj -fiCf _G3 пгУхг S'l! <4 с! 7| Ш EtuF |OH£L Pusan is worthwhile to visit at leastpncei 8^0] § —Ц10|0]]£.; Samgyupsalis worthwhile a try among Korean oo Is. ф-вуад _43
I Self-Check 7k § =rli 35J4U ciapf ОЕЦ °. 2. Sfojfi-tl | Answers and Explanations You are supposed to find an expression that there is a piace where it is ok to take a rest. Ф means that there is nothing else but to rest. ® means that the speaker almost took a rest but actually didn't. Therefore, neither can be the answer. @ means that it is almost same as taking a rest so it cannot be the answer, either. ® which used E! <зЩ’ that means an available level or degree is correct. Answer (2> 44_ r
013 II Usage вй I, o^Oi-eil -(^)3 Verb sjq 7Щ Adjective о Ж № м «< ЧВД4. It is used to say that the degree of succeeding phrase is same as that of preceding phrase О . 7K =^г|7|- 2Ц ПЕНЯ? ^7|0]| What happened to your voice? Have you caught a cold? Ц-: L-Ц, S-4:5J7|- °f 717| £|б|]£. Oh, yes. It is so bad that I can't even talk at all • 7|-: Q2-IB Ц5ШЛ1 0i>4S? I heard that you broke your leg. How is it? Ц: cP I 0|П|£. it is so bad that I can’t even walk. ^£|A|-oJ Guidelines * 40 ЛЮ7|£ W, If is user to express a certain situation in ah exaggerated way ‘C3 pupil fl3|Ai =fe' oScS When I caught a cold, I was so sick that I even felt like dying. (SOI О|Щ.г>- SW.) (The degre of being so sick is e tpressde as feel like dying!. t 45
A^§-b}i:]-_ Iti: ats usedas ^£0|q.' G Aliys. W£7| gs ^£g ^0| SELie. He speaks so fast that even Koreans have a hard time understandin it. = егойт SR A^ $0Hg7| «Ж S£0||£. More in detail ► -< -< ##4 «НИ S14. ‘-e §£S’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-S Et^.’ E?> • soil Am SES 0i¥SS. It is so dark that you can’t even see the person sitting next to you. = soil oi^ Am S et^ Oj^SS. Self-Check $ ^Нз- ?! Яп17} И1^?Ь pg^jA] 9 A|®S SH ^|£ ^§бЦо. 7|ft^| ЗЙ 9s| 14Ц t----------— —' | @ ёУ0|| f Answers and Explanations It means that the class room is so quiet that even the sound of dropping a pencil could be heard. Ф means that only a sound of dropping a pencil is being heard. 2 means ‘as soon as the sound of dropping a pencil was heard.’ Therefore, neither can be the answer. ® means ‘during the sound of dropping a pencil was heard’ so it cannot be correct, either. @ which used E!^’ that means it was so quiet that even the sound of dropping a pencil could be heard is correct. Answer ® 46_ ф-
013 -ЦА|П| ОТ ★★ unit2 -ЦА|1Ц ОТ ОТ Verb ОТ отют ад от ОТА|Щ «W о «Че §-& -ms «fe °н*м ui-;’-®m в “Я It is used when doing something nearly similar to something else. ЙЭВ • 7|-: £Ц П|-^ёЦ ЙС|? Why do you look so tired? Ц: A|§0| oiOjAi £А1^0ЦА1 OTOT МЕ|Ц Н|£бЦ£. Since I've been nearly living in the library, I'm so tired. . QOIOjE g-goil 0Ц^ ^QA|n| Sfe Af^ftOI Stor£. Due to being on a diet, there are many people who eat nearly nothing. 2, си СПО1-С.Т1 - ► sj-cj-’i}- Comparison between'-ЦА|п| 8Щ’and‘-ЦЛ|п|' ‘-QOT OT’^ o|u| ИЮТ^1 ЛННОТ OTOT’fe lb W°1 °1°1 *£2 ЬЛ1 W& '-ЦА|и| 8Щ’ is used when the speaker is not actually doing something but doing something that is similar On the other hand, ‘-ЦА|п|’ is used to reconfirm the information a listener is expected to be aware of already. • °^А|П| £R0| OT1 AlZtOil &OT1 ОТ OfOTQ. As you know, foreign language is not something that can be accomplished in a short period of time. • H5L ёЯЦЩД] A|g^Wp|- HfflSJOi. As you must have heard, the exam date has been changed. ‘-W1 ‘От, ОТ, ОТ, tiflOT, от От№ *ь§от. '-ЦА|пг is often used with 'зЧ, ЙЦ, uii°-Q, etc. ф-ЦА|П| ёЩ _47
Self-Check 0JX1I Ssf АЦ0|SiStoiS? Ц: Ofl_|2, Lj° А|=ёЦА1 7]2| Ф ^77|- f Answers and Explanations V- —------------- -——--------— The answer means that since the movie was so boring the speaker nearly fell asleep. ‘-fPT of Ф means an uncertain future. -2.3|дГ of @ means a plan and a purpose, ‘-fe § ofe §' of @ means that the speaker did something in a crude manner Therefore, @ which used ‘-£}Д1Л| ёЩ’ which means something happened nearly the same as something else is correct. Answer @ 48_ ф-ЦА|п| бЩ
ЙО| oiq- * -(O)L ЙО| oiq £0| oiq- Adjective О ло1« И ^°1Ч ЛМ°1 зН1- It is used to express certain feelings or thoughts that spring from seeing something. , ai^vei *“ё|Э ли Л msruiOil °!^2? Professor, do you think I can enter that university if I start trying hard? Ц: § ao| flx|°f х|^“Е14£ It is a bit late but I hope you try your best from now. • ?К S.=t -У Л|П|-°lCj| 0]ЕЦО? This is the skirt I got today. What do you think? Ц: 0||ьь7£tCj| Ц gg 2J0| $jLj|o. it is pretty but it is a bit short. ^©lAI-gf Guidelines 8- ao| SUT can be aten used as * g2f01 ®X| Ш О B$Sl а® лЙ. Minho's joke are a bit too miiCh. = У0|ЙХ| STQ. ® S3| ЙЧ- _49
Self-Check i I 7K XEYEj A|§ g“< Amt ^SS4? Lf: LH^OI AI&JOI3 §паЦ£ Of 5^ здщ y^jix|. i Ф бИУ @ soil ® All ёНX|of @ £01 OIX|O| I [ Answers and Explanations ---------------------------- ———~~ It means that since the test is tomorrow, it is a bit late to start studying from now. 8Щ’ of Ф means a repeated action, ‘-fe 1У01Г of @ means ’in the chance of doing something.’ Therefore, neither can be the answer ‘-fe iHSfCf’ of ® means acting as different from reality so it cannot be the answer, either. In this sense, @ which means that it was being a bit late is correct. ! г г i 50_ ф ё ^01 oicf
unit 2 -(O)B xisoiq §4 Verb q> qsoiq qq *ISO|q О It is used when the condition is similar to something else. • L-1V Ьн0| Л|20|ОШ. Since I’ve been walking for too long, I am about to fall down. • П А|^0| Й.Л -fe!0-]Ai n|^ A|20|0||££. I miss him so much that I’m about to go mad. • A|^S s ^I3°lOilS.. Since I messed up the test, I am about to cry. More in detail ► q^qq’q q-^q ф ojq-. ‘-B X|go|cf can often be interchangeably used with ‘-В • SRfe А||Ф q Lfe ll^OiA-l X|SO|°1Q. Even though my friend kept running ok, I was so tired that I felt like dying. = SRfe Waxier Lfb U§O|A1 SESq. 3. Self-Check * q-g- t T Йё a]5|]A1 SE 5 Ф @ 1Г §E0||fi ® *t ^0|0j|fi @ EL| O{Q|£ «Q Answers and Explanations It means that he cannot go to sleep since he is heavily stressed. ‘-BBS’ of ® means a speculation. ‘-B f|O|tf of <3> means that the speaker is going to do something from now. Therefore, neither can be the answer. ‘~B of @ means that there is no possibility so it cannot be correct, either. ® which used ‘-fi §E.0|cp that shows that something is similar to something else is correct. ф-SAi^oiq 51 Answer (2>
1 ИН1О1 £ 0| t!^£} ^h0| 5p|S 5НЦ. nwx|°r tiRAi 7i°| т<4> £ 5JH Ш£0|| gxf 7-Щ D^7^|q. О Ц sm Ё! ^o|q ©ЦёДёнтв! 7R © ©и 9 mo|q- О Ц S4 Ш £0|q 2 m ¥ ¥#< И1-^Л ’Й^ЁЬ Ш'-э- 3L^A]^_. 7f: §4 д| Ojqqg СНЕ! ¥О|АЦ£? ц- g $х| ^QAiia. ggg qgm дома. О m 5з*1 ^Ё! ^о|оця © ^°AUi о^е т^Ё! ^010||я © g g°4!4^ Щ-^Ё! ^0|0]|fi О m £*l о НВ ° Щ^ё! ^о|оца 3 <?И 1hb& 5LS^z1-£. 3dm q> 3do| ^оьл-l ( ). Ё!У ЙАЦЯ. О7ЦХ|30|0Ш © 7Ц 7|| «в|ёЦ£ © 7Ц ЕёЦЯ 0 7f>gO|O||S 4 ъ1< m -тЦЧг 'Е-сг mn|S tiFY°l £ 31-й- Т g m Л1 - 7к Ё!тт ^^0| Щ0| >О£Н|£. Ц: Ц|, о|Ai|g Ail Ё.^01^ 7i£| q В^вд°Д§^ Ё^В ^ёНЯ О ЯЁ!Ш 5Ж*1 0 HgSH 4: OI> Ei|L|m © HSft п= $Ж EIEII 0 H5^w m 5Ш ^^1 £Л1|
ES Ik® Bfv lYfr кА hlY^bb о 3k)i£ A-Hhy AbiY KA lYfetek) AH 0 okO-ak) kAhlY?5^KAO oh£h k)A lYfeteloO sto&teto Aiy kA :b 6ok)rak) 6olY?s ABlYteh lloifllY :k "AlY^aK <[£ -khlo -fcAA U Ufa Ф ( ) ’bloTS is-ia (b?? Д 11 й-felO-ra-lY Aio lofy-hr ItoioA bloAlo >& Ы5 JnlYhJo AA i?go u "ylY^w I^IT Ik^n-fd ^4a to Но Tj-fc1 L b^k) Id? ztJiHo# Э Ы5 А й КШЙоВ Э bjS-lo# io i-lo Э ?>ItolOki Iy^Io# йк-h Ной ^Iy ’J'tYtraк ^^Ifi -tzlajo -{аГрГрГ lY тгЬ 3& Z’l™ ’Ьн2 1кШ1 dolo Mi ItolkS Io^Iy IoBIy A H?lo kAIrr О Ьн? Ab'S H? lYh 7Tl¥& ЧШкк Sb fFo и 0 ’ЬнаЬй IyAw IyAAId Ab A Ab 9 ’htollYA АЙ A Ah HlYtoio А 4ъ bln О 7Г Iy [га 7Г Ah AA A A fa -§~b
9 q-g- ( и w 7Ц q> §оц -^qh q q^qs? q: o|H| gAicf j7s^ qqq q ( О «FS 5^qs € qqqqfi 0 ®F ^J0|0||£ 0 3p|M£ Ю ( ) qq qq qi- q aoi А|*ад qs? «rq sail-ця q: Ofqoiis, A-fe “iq ( О qoqq qe © mo 5jo| °iqs @ qq coions £ Dioiog §3jiqs 11 <l -T-^4 ^nPl- 7f AHS>q^s|Afe ода q: AH^ HHV-q ?!0| q^Z! Ж!РЬ Щ °|ёЦЯ. © w qoiis © ^77f оЦЯ 12 q-g- ( ) q qi- ш. Л1 £ A- *1 qiqq qqs q; q, ( © УАЦ£Д q°ui q|q> 5HS € qoil ofqq qiqs ёЦ£ € qiqoqfs >ода © s^q qiqq^ q *fs 54 gAi!

oj|-§ 5c ZLgPfl You must be cold to wear such thin clothes. -Or/Oj ЙОЩ 7|y^0| SOf й.0|£. Sanghee looks happy today. -> 71 ОН Я 75^0|-^ O|f)f -yj^ H|E|CH| a ^0||£.. Seungjun might not come to the birthday party. I
016 -Ц да -sz/да -Ц Й4 -(°) да ЙЦ да Verb ^одаг да ац 44 йц 4^14^4 -&/да -(°)да да Adjective #4 #да £4 ®да даг 0||Ш4 оцда й4 oil^7|- да о isi/да да о|7|- да SAH-0I4 Noun+ОЩ гнлу ^0|й4 Й4 S|Ayo|7^ ёН1 ёрда й4 ё!¥£!4 Й4 О '+ a°IQ 27|e 4-ЗД “H A№W. It is used to guess about something based on certain fact or situation. fW • i дам дав у да jars.. He/she might not have studied since the exam result is not good. • 5^0|| ^>0| ?!> МЦ H|71- Stf£. It might be raining considering there are many clouds in the sky. • 4 AfgO| 7||^ ЗШ МЦ 7|^01 #g7f S^fi. To see that person keep smiling today, he/she may be happy. ► ‘-Ч Wfe 3 W®, Ht4°l лЬ§-< 4 SW. ‘-Ц Mcf can be interchangeably used with ‘-fe 5 e4 , ‘-fe E2fO|C|’, ‘-te зёзЩ.’ t2J^- • ofs § £L|M ^0| 2JL|-! |-Я. He/she may be happy to see him/her smile all day. = ё|-= 1 МЦ4 SJO| °fe ?! ^0|-Я. = § !ЁЦ4 ^01 S°f0|0||2.. = ё|-= S ML|4 >8 ^0| ofe ЙВ-ЦЩЦ 57
3. t’-OJi1-"’! Self-Check Г - * 7ie^ii15^13ia 7f: feg Wife >0Ш4Я? L|: 7fg0| oife g Й.Ц771. Ф 33 Ц&Ц @ 33 Ф13№ ® ^o]| Ц7^ £||Q @ ¥011 LpfS|Jl ёЦЯ Answers and Explanations V The context guesses the situation by the presence of a bag. @ shows the speaker’s will white @ shows allowance towards certain fact. Since ® shows a plan towards future so it cannot be the answer. Therefore, d) which guesses that Junyoung might have gone out for something by the presence of a bag is correct. Answer ф 58_ ф-ЦВД
017 B1 /sage -(°K 5 4= 5 ^4 £4 qnj 5! Verb 5 e4 -(£)l 5 -(£)з57й Adjective ОЦШЦ- one 51ГЧ 2J 5 §AJ+O|CJ Noun+OIQ StAti Bt^oi Tj-q- 4-^3 5! еЧ 4721 3i о 4ч It is used to guess through a certain fact or situation. Ю1 • 7J: /2^ s-WPF <ИИ4? What do you think today’s weather will be like? Ц: oJ^O1 o.^l S.L| tipj § 5J gOJ. It might rain seeing the cloudy sky. о лмчч 40 4^ пЦ 4~o*4c| . It's used to express a thought or an opinion. |3!|k • 7J; L|| yxj °_tLJ S.L|27j OJЩ? What do you think of my boyfriend after meeting him? Ц: §51 5!л1^ 5 sOJ. I think he’s really great. ► W4 04 40 4-g-i trj] ‘-Ц- .£4’® ‘Чг s4°14®, ^W®4- иИ 4 "г ЙЧ. When ‘-fe 3 S'Q’ is used mean as О it can be interchangeably used with -Ц a.£fo|cf’; ‘-fe ^ёЩ.’ EK * SU ^0| °fe 3 ^OJS. He/she may be happy to see him/her smile all day. = ^LI4 ^0| OiLf HJfi. = SL-PJ SJO| HSfOIOIIS. = Sfe § SUM SJO| oife ЕёНЯ.
3» к Self-Check л Aig gA|0| 5!°10Щ? Ц: А^>0| Щ0| ЩЦ»| StSM ЙЩ. Ф 51^Я ^ЛЯ (2) SKfeXI В^Я <3> 5 ^<ИЯ @ §°^Я Answers and Explanations The speaker is guessing that the restaurant serves delicious food. Ф is used to emphasize something. ® is used when the speaker does not know any information about certain fact. @ is an indirect speech so it cannot be correct. Therefore, ® which is a supposition is correct. Answer @ 60_ ф-ьяш
I I ni'lo Ч4М) L O^oi-C 11 \ Usage e]|4(M) -(°)s 44(4) S4 Verb 44 42Ш 44(4) 4S 44(4) 44 414(4) 44(4) 44 42tB 44(4) 4S 44(4) Adjective H4 44(4) S 44(4) oia/SSS 44(4) SI 44(4) gAH-OR Noun+ОЩ да дао|й> 44(4) даН 44(4) bbas 44(4) 44(4) w 3 о дада дач да дач чдач чда дач да. The preceding phrase is used to express the speaker’s strong supposition and it becomes a reason or condition of the succeeding phrase. ДНЯк • Ц^0|3 ^H7|- Ol^qi l£!Lh I am so nervous since the exam result is going to be announced tomorrow. Ц: 2J.S 444 5Q 7|Cfa|. The result will be good so don’t worry and just wait. © да да ч-да дач чда- дачи дада дач да. The preceding phrase shows the speaker’s will and becomes the condition of the succeeding phrase. Pfc • 7K O|bfOj| £|AjOj|A| S ДёДО! You got a promotion again at work? Congratulations, really! 4: 44 444 ^a|Q. Thank you. It’s on me today so let’s go somewhere for something nice. ^2|A|-°f Guidelines ©ч ччч да да да -т-чь дач дачч^ да. Whe it isused as 0, the subject of a preceding phrase should be the speaker.’ 0 Lf|7f 4|l—I?? Zj^sjA| OJ:. (О)' I’ll help you out so don t worry. ф - 61
Comparison between ‘-ft 44W and 04' 31 Ш 41 ЙЧ. When ’-g 44^F means a supposition, it can be interchangeably used with ‘-S @14’ • £^0]| tdph > E||L|77h oAFg 7fX|i 7HIR It will rain in the afternoon so take an unbrella with you. = 2®0|| tdpb # EflEfl 7[JR 7|-Ai|R A]~g-< OJ4. Even though 44(^1)’ cannot be used with an interrogative sentence that has an interrogative in the succeeding phrase, ’-ft @14’ can be used with an interrogative sentence that has an interrogative at the succeeding phrase. • 2J0| @141 <4 SMI o|-A|£? (0) The traffic is going to be heavy so what should we do? • SOI BIS НШЭД 0ВД| ё)А|о? (X) Self-Check 7 ®£A 3S 9s| 20S 6A|0f| §fO5| ( ) Л EH77PI ^ЛЦО. OSE1I2 ® H^0|| @ > ЕЦЦ4 —{ Answers and Explanations ]-— -------------------— — ------------------------------ ,----- You are supposed to find a phrase that shows the speaker's will to come and pick it up at 6 pm. G; shows a condition,, ® shows a process of the action, <3> shows a negative reason. Therefore, ф which shows a reason is correct. Answer.® 62_ 4|Ц(77|)
ад) **★ Usage ад) ->77[ ад) §4 ИЦ) "^7< ягад) и#^ад) Verb ?пад) гв^ад) -(°)=4 ад) ад) Adjective и^ад) unit 3 ^T7t ад) SA)+O|C| Noun+0|Q ^1 ^71^27) ад) □Н*| □н^!^27) ад) О tfl-fi-i- п]5] & 4Ш It is used to do the succeeding phrase in advance because the speaker is worried about the preceding phrase. • oras SMbm SW soil VH £О|Я. I left my passport at home because 1 was worried that I might lose it. • ^¥7) ipt w зад an I called my friend because I was worried that he/she might be angry. • 1- *§4 Й) £g K0| I came wearing lots of clothes because I was worried that the weather would be cold. 2e c-i °gOh С 11 I More in detail Й ► ‘-<4 аду^ -<4 ^аду, >аду4 «н10! да. ‘->24 W(-M)' сап be interchangeably used with ‘->24 -ЙОКЛ1), -S *|E >гКл|).’ • °^S Sf 5Й01Я. I called because I was worried that you might have forgot about the appointment. = SJO) "iSS x|£ a-oj xtjojs. ф-а^ад) _бз
► ==7} Н]-(А])’.£]- =г7]- Мс]-’Р] И] Л Comparison between ‘-ЦЭД ^(^1)' and -§4йЦ' < чадч-. Even though НМ)' means a worry, ’-#Z7f ЙЦ’ comes at the end of the sentence and shows an uncertain plan Pjk • q|S]£ лаЦ^Е_Ю|| aof|A-| I might take a rest at home tomorrow because it has been a while since I did so. ле]H Mr}4r ‘-<4^4, SW, -< ЧЕ -55-Ч’Я-нНЧ ^b§-<SW. Also, ‘-SZ7f ЙЦ’ can be interchangeably used with 8Щ, -> *|£ £аЦ.' t^k • ИНУСЧ1Ш I might go backpacking because this is my vacation. = wt £о]я = ННУ01Ш am shs. = ЬНУЧЙВ A|£ 3» F1’"11 Self-Check * W Wf «НЧ Ab§< лл^А]^. plftSAil 14S| 25ЕГ) 7R Sgq| AfxHg|-a| Ob 7ГНЦ9 Ц: О1У5Н. < A|£ gafA-j S LF7Ri!O|. Ф @ ль >011 ® Sh§0|4Ai @ § ей am Answers and Explanations ‘f|A|£ ^HJ-Af means it guesses the preceding phrase. However, in case of preceding phrase shows a negative reason or basis of the succeeding phrase and <3> shows that an action is in the process. ® means there is no possibility that the guest will be coming. Therefore, ф which shows an uncertain plan is correct. Answer ф 64_ ф-®^й}(А|)
oao ★★ Usage -(O)L_ HOJOICf -c ^SOIS -(°)= ^SO|cf Verb S4 Sc SSOIS Sc £?fO|c[ S> asom zt °IQ HSOIS unit 3 -(O)L_ HOJOiq Sc £2fO|q Adjective Е|£ЁГЯ°Ю|Ц °! Н2Г01Ц gAf+OIS Noun+0|Q £2fO|Q илн £°Ю|Ц о лнмч- ч-g-w. It is used to speculate something on the basis of certain fact or situation. S Sc йЦЯ| urpF ojS ot jig £°ro|0||o He/she must not be hungry because he/she is not eating his/her meal. • SSnr-E-i E|£S Eof0|0||£. He/she must be tired to go to sleep early. • OHS Sc ^c S ЙЦМ HXPI- Sc E2f0|0i|n. You must have a lot of hats since you wear a different one every day. 2. ch o^oi-cti I More in detail ‘-b. 5.0^0] ‘-Ц- Иррр A]~g-§ ~fe s?fO|cf can be interchangeably used with -Ц ВД-' ‘-L 5 S4’, or ‘-fe 5-ёЩ.’ Ok • 5^ gS XL 1 й.1T)\ SOI Sc Е2Г01011Я. He/she may be happy to see him/her smile all day. = §S S УЦ4 S0| SS 441-Я. = 6|-s gS $c S ^L-14 Sc SO| Sc 5 SOI-Я. = £c § ac S0| Sc ^НЯ. ф-ЬЫ^0|Ц _65
Self-Check -б- ~74'4 5L=^A]^_. [ 7|ggJi| 3g 7s| 15И~] ф ё^ле. ® sm W Answers and Explanations Ф shows an intention and ® showssa reason. Therefore, neither is correct. Also, @ is incorrect since it means that something almost happened. Therefore, since the underlined part can be interchangeably used with ’-Ц SCf, @ is correct. /Answer 66_ @-£S2?0|q-
a|(7j) -(o)5 ер)) ЙЦ §Af Verb a|pD ajPB %% aiPt) a|(7B §®A^ Adjective #StS a|(7D SW #> aiPH SIR aiPB 21Ц a|(70 °1R unit3 _______) o|oh/SI> ajpB SIR SI RPB SaR SAHO|R Noun+ОЩ d^o|2<§ RPF) SIR £!^S1 RPB SR RPB SIR t!¥Sl RPB SIR О да ЛШ°1Ч ifl-g-o] л>л]о] oj-qe}^ sj-Abg. q-q-1^ л]~§-^. It is used to express that what comes in the preceding phrase is not true based on certain tact or situation. GBk’ • ¥ Af^O| Aj^qh 41-ErOI Aj^^Z7)£? Do you think it is true that they are going out? R: otw Ж1Я ¥ A^g E!W WR a)S ap) SIRS.. I don’t think so. There is no way because they fight with each other whenever they meet. • R- SHR eR0| “3jojA| й-frRS? Don’t you think that we might need some more food9 Ц: 0|S7j| 5>o| a| We prepared this much and there is no way that we would need any more. More in detail ► -< ^(7» -r ж -< rpb w?q- w да. ’-§ &l(7|) &Ц’ can be interchangeably used with 'ЖНй -A| ЙОЩ', a|(7|) “|Ojs?' QBk ’ A|-^0| Spj SCHS. There is no way that he/she would go. = П A^0| Ж R*l TiOlia. = л A^OI £ apf 010)09 a](7f) SR/^R _67
2](7b ‘-В a|(?l) 5J0j£.?’ can be only used as an interrogative sentence. E> • ЛШ7Ц l*Ju| A^0| a|§o]| 101*1 apF «01°? (o) Is there any way that someone who studied so hard would fail the exam? ng7l| 1-y61 AF^OI A|§0|| lojfl apf S>ojo. (x) 3» Sf Self-Check X q-g- A] tLU-jiF HFY°] < ofe 5L^A]^_. plsgall 4g 7£| 24§ 01*= QS A|§0| af*I0|| CR 0|g^A|aig 5!S #Q№ a|7F Ж. Ф >0FuFA| gfcEF (2) ojttii fKW oicf ®^^S1O|#of^5O|df @ £ОД J _____ j 1 Answers and Explanations j You are supposed to find that there is no one who likes to be talked this and that about. @ shows a little possibility, ® means there is no way but to like it. @ can be used only when the subject is a speaker. Therefore, none can be the answer. ® shows a strong conviction that there will be no one who would like to be talked this and that about oneself is correct. Answer ф 68_ @ S s|(7F) ag/oiq
-(O)L “(°)s Adjective lT do UK OlJ Kilo lT io UK o|m KIIO ОЦННЦ- Olte lT io UK Slni S’ £! Ш ^ёЩ gA|+0|C| Noun+O|c| ItAH ^ёЩ £1^2! ^ёЩ ^ёЩ О лнда т-да nfl A^g-ti-4. It is used to speculate on the basis of certain fact or situation. РЯк • Д: a°j0|| 5!^§0| ® gg §4? How many of your friends do you think will show up at tomorrow's meeting? Ц: ЭД У § ^sfl. I think all of my classmates may be coming. • 7|: Cqx|- 1 A|g »4? What do you think that I should get for my girl friend s birthday? Lf: ^¥44 =£ep|» ^бН. It’s been cold recently so I think gloves or a muffler would be a good idea. ^2.p|gt Guidelines ‘-feЖ t да. ае]л ‘-teЯЯС4 «FM ЛН> 4 да. it can be used as ‘-fe ®0|/ In addition, ‘-fe й°Г can be interchangeably used with -fe 5 (3 Afe дх| wi ss® ч Afe ®oi sms. I didn’t go to steep but I acted as if 1 was asleep when my mother called me. = Ate API goptef, £Dp| <m Ate _69
2, ch о^оьсц More in detail : ‘-Q fit}’®, ‘-fe Я да® ‘-^ UH4 <t "r SI4. ё°Ш’ can be used interchangeably with -Ц ЙЦ-’, ‘-Ь 5 ёЧ’, ‘-fe H?fO|Q.’ ® • ёНг §SI ^o| ёбНЯ. He/she may be happy to see him/her smile all day. = ё^ Sb а ЙЦЭД ® ° ao| 2JLf Hf£. = a Srz aoi 2^ a aoffi. = ow Sr а ^Ц27г qjoi аконит. 7K W^|7| Oiaw? Ц; ¥go| srofjfe SLI ИРК ф ьрк H£!^a @ dpF^qJl ёЦй @ Ыр^^О|ОЦ£ [ Answers and Explanations J - — \ It is the situation that the speaker speculates that it would rain. Ф means there was a possibility but it didn't. ® is an indirect speech to deliver what the speaker has heard. @ means that there is only one situation when it rains. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which means a speculation is correct. Answer ® 70_ ф-^^ёЩ
-(°)s^(£) Verb № ^(£) Adjective pQl' Ш|П <]>№) Ы|-ннЦ ЫЦ^(Я) unit 3 o|£/5S§^(£) SJH(2) gAF+ОЩ Noun+ощ ttxy ^0|2i^(o) ^¥£^(2) £1¥^(2) О °1^ /4'or&I-E It is used to speculate about certain fact. • 7f: Ш -у ° SiOjAl ЛЩ 6feE|| A^§0| I am going to the movies because there is a movie that I would like to see. Do you think that it will be crowded? Ц: ^^01 L]77|- 0|-0|- A[ci§0| Щез2. It is a weekend so I think it will be crowded. • ? К ф Ц-ё tPSB 1 sfZ What do you think your other friends will be doing during the weekend? Ц: ^AAj|. 0|-П|- Ц-Ц =г|Л Я1э э. Well, I think they could be taking a rest. 2. « O^OhCTl More in detail ‘-^(Я)Чг ФНё -< W, *-< тН-й-’З- «НМ -t- Й4. -§3(S.)' can be interchangeably used with ‘-ft W, t|0||£.’ which means a speculation. • CH sPil °F&A| tl|^gt§. I think it would be similar no matter how you do it. = om 6^A| b|£it TiOt. @-=SS _71
3. Self-Check * 'g-f- <1 ИНЧ 44Ш 417^ zl=4H-£-. 7 К ?||^ 5^1 EESfe3l EEtr 4 SJ.&77F? L|: A^yoi #mof tr QJOI °1ЦЛ ё^оЦ77[ Ф ^PF o<Oi @ 5^1 ^Ob ® ^Ob @ 0|0f I Answers and Explanations jr------------------------- It is the situation that getting late from work is being repeated. Ф means the speaker won’t be late while @ means that the speaker should be late so neither can be correct, жтг Hot0l°l’ of @ means a speculation but since it is toward something happened in the past, it is incorrect. Therefore, @ which speculated that the speaker is going to be late again tonight is correct. Answer ® 72_ @
02U Usage I, O^QhC II -(O)e EJ|E|| £4 @!4I 141 Verb 141 §§4 141 njj oim WO — Adjective O||abq o||«w|| EiiEfl 0||> EJIEII о|й/й> 141 # Э41 §4+0|Ц ^o|2Jf 141 si-^# 141 Noun+ОЩ 141 141 ипйЗ О да Цьда л ifl-g-o] 3pg*cq Й nfl AHM It is used when the preceding phrase shows a speaker's speculation and it works as a basis of the succeeding phrase. QI* • A|^0| СИ^-Ш 141 CHSPil o|A|2? The exam will be difficult. What should I do? Ц: ПМ1Я. Aj|7f Don’t worry. I'll help you. • 7I44 i= tail 14I AjVBA|E|! Hurry up, the train will leave soon! Guidelines ’ада.уя « It is used in ‘-g §!4(£)' form at the end of a sentence. О Hi?JF s Ш12.. It will rain tomorrow. 2, C4 O^OrCli More in detail ► “s’ ^1ГИ1 ’£}• ‘“s’ ь]]ь]7]-’®Р] Тг-^j И]Л (P- 62) Comparison between ‘-s 01ЧГ and -g Е||Ц^1 @-§141 73
3. ibojjhni Self-Check * 3! 7H <£££ НЭ/алК. 7f: зд ?ro|| ЛВ да A'^oui л|АЦ SW[£? Ц: 2-^c А|4Щ0)| AjgOJ|Af "Ih 7fl OjUHS.? Ф И|^4 ёЩ^ @ н|мг Eiiq| @ h|^- оща} @ 3 and The speaker assumes that it will be expensive to dine at the new restaurant. ‘-§Z7| 8Щ' of Ф shows a plan for the future, ‘-s ggt OfL|a|’ of @ means as well or also. ’-S S’ of @ is used to mean two purposes In doing certain action. Therefore, none can be the answer , <g> which means a speculation of the speaker is correct. Answer 74_
□ 0 «е 1 -Kh 01 Йо7 П гъГ 01 и1 S' 01 ofJ о ®0 о □1D о Ф © о} -< 01 rul S’ N o1 _i olni Q iH olU КШ 01 Sj o|J □K $ni 7<0 <U □h or iioJ =5 0|J КШ o’-! o’ 5Г 01 Sr —J r\ яи О ffj —J r\ 51 го 7^7 RO гни T iff SIH о cHd о h? r\ if © © 21 ч ^п ги! N о|Ш К< TjoJ г^Г К0 Тч" я <ь 0 ojo X У да” < л- ф 'рЦ! Sf Йо1 Г-1 гиГ lJIU оГ LH пт IjoJ 01 да Oh НГ < iioHI ijoUI S’ S’ ЧЙ ф о S’ 33 йо7 Ft ilofll ijoHl S’ S’ Ф Ф
^11 75 21 ч К» rul N о]Ш 21 з; о 0J JU йг 01 S 551 йш О IX р ЗГ "рГ л|-1 х|- К|<и 'рШ о|П tr oi S’ о1 □ нС 21 о г;ш 1сЯ 50 01 N □П1 Й ol ч ш| N о|п) -рИ) o|j nW 7^ р ЗГ "РГ лН ikJ ф рЯ oil дН J" ЙГ IU|IU й к кь к 21 °1 1 "° оО КГ [Ц 1! ш ш ф ф
со П1> й Г.Й Ш> Но ф mi о S5 о я ШШ (Й Ф е о SS о Я г? -У Н1 ою о£ По п|о © п£ О G5 о Я П1Ё У ф О о а Нт Д ПГ 2! Лй ш|о Пй Jfi >4 s° г|г п IU?- >£ ГЬ ltl|o н |Ш trh, > jo Ф Ф ti> d> Д идо N >1 on Fn Ш ШЮ УЛ ПГ J2 г >1 □Ю lo Hu oC Ho Ю Oi 0® I 2. ok M' Hu >r 6* rlr =Й © d> HO ГЯ r° шШ & rlo J2 Ф [Ii> >4 s° IU|0 & nti r|0 JG1 oa ru5 S r£ [oh > о П □21! Г1П r> m|o oa £ гл >r r> ru|o ok JHi poh > e roll iu|ru Ki r£ >r о о “Л-Т- j-0|i p Jfl Ki j|di nfi Ф rkl -It Hu XI >£ r|o [U|o nk, 1°
кй к to takisk) о|о ml' Hr f i? s 1° ntEL Ф 1*1 -k r-k lr rir n s о IU° ш|о ш|п tn?- ki dk
21 к ТВ ru! rh o|HJ да Ф KN ’да pK $IU "к0 r-L- N Ф да Й} Uh о|П tr iJ CH да кг да □ ЗШ и к S’ gm да S' ijoO -< LJ J lT lT IU|I1 ZF ZT CH Ш|Л lll|Il К да кг да да Zy кг кг □" Zr Zr gni □" S’ g-j ЗШ 5W 10 вг л? да1 да i<ili i<nj Kill S S S’ sin gm gm да да да S S S' ijoO iioD iioQ да да да ф Ф ф и _) ШЩ да кг кг -I_ □ 5Ш Lh nJ ПТ К S giu is йо -< ч ТВ Ш| Й о|Ш дак o|J цК ft0 >г пН pin и|П) Т в)-и в- даи Ф рШ $ 01 S за <н .loin да 6F пТ S он zr □ да да да кг unites m 0 Bfos klh 0 kh 0 sfetes klh О
<|п да 21 s о оО сН JP 10 кЧ йо «О 30 o|ni 5П) да О| -< W| гЧ о|Ш рШ ор р оГ РГ лр л- <кД Ф рЛ =4 ЙО йо S’ zr O|IU да j|j rulnj да so U|IU nJD 01 В U|J ie, гч” Йо lioHI да да © © 01 01 да Sr JIJ j I О ЙО да да 21 X ч» П1 о|п1 к< 'ЙК 'о- лр шр п?Д ф "pUJ ojD 01 И да о|и К1Ю 3J ? ЕГ o’ г\Г 21 к о S 53 4 КНи оТ L4 оД irf u|J ioD Р< S’ ф © 01 о да да 0|111 -U— хГ S _! m да да ||0| o’ jjni Ю S S O|HJ оЗ ioffl an ?о FT So S’ да 6F ЕГ TJT- nT'IO s
01 S’ Si НГ jni Hd FS’ JO «0 N Ф 01 S’ o1 Ft <F JU Jr ||O|J Hd JO «0 rt Ф ч _ г Ш| ЗЕ |n| J|J R Ф Ft Ftl oi © Ф o|J 5 гЬ'/ гч IX ПЯ рШ tf Й? у 4 лк Ф Ф пТ J|J л пг Э> S' Р< о|р 4 if tr
oj ч nj| N o|N 33 as к nil □1 u rV 0|HI 33 olU E й Ф oi Sr N ruT ЙП1 mill □fl 0|IU FK И *1 ъ~ Fb iT 'pT я|- ^RJ (фи ’pW o|0 ej do S’ x'ffl o|ru 2 к o’ Й0 4" RJ|J lT 3r ml in U iiol ok к оГи пЦ =c RHJ Ф u о FK mini □1 Rm o|j uHo iH cs o|nl sl-J s|- nTJ Ф о|П tr N nTJ И о as к зг кш иЮ JU □ ufo LH kF mini r\ ЙП1 OH <|n 3J iF-J KlU «о T“ CO
s 4® rul M o|ra ijoJ 4< и D oT Т=Г SpJ bF Khu pHJ o|p tr CD 5 R: 0|IU H'lO JU Ю 0|IU □Hu TJ o-l 7-1 !2 к г oi o|m H'lO o’ ft] К u~ о ЙГ 5Г tr
Ml Al «III ol S' 01 io7 fl tr ЙЮ Ф 21 гг о SH OllU KW Ф -< Ш| fl rU" 4 & 0|0 lT ПГ arJ iolU 31 =i RD iiolU flJ Й e 01 $ ЙоЗ SJ O|IU KMO О 21 о RW RS 0|IU К1Ю Ф o|lU o|J dK <~jru 14° ьГ 75" u|ni T up *F •K^ K|W pW s к lio" о —1— ГЧ HI Ч" 0|IU Hl u НГ ffiiu nT OH olU —1— oH- fl 523 K <F сП iHo fl 4-1 5o 5r Йо" EJ ijolU 31 Й rd" _) о SH ilolli 31 Й Ф о
Delivery culture of Korea Have you ever seen a motorcycle on a street in Korea that seems to carry food? They usually are delivering warm and delicious food to someone. In Korea, it is possible to comfortably order food at home rather than going to a restaurant. With a phone call, delivery of anything is possible from Chinese food to fried chicken, pizza and various Korean dishes. Surprisingly, it is possible to order even McDonald’s burgers in Korea, which may be difficult to find anywhere else in the world. You should give it a try when you don’t feel like cooking or feel too tired to go out to have a meal.
-^•Aj Order 025 -7|(7B¥S7|| 026 -CR 027 -Я/ЯЦЦ 028 -ЛНВД 029 -Л ЦЛ| 030 -Л ML|(77f) 031 -ЛЛ| 032 -HA|Of 033 -Of/OjA-jOf 034 -Si/5m 035 -Af
j Lj-^- If! e= L|| jl Al'g'OII ^Oj£. I went to the market after finishing my homework. -7| SOU ^jAf-opI £IO|| 'Ja!—>4|£.. Please wash your hands before eating. -ot/ow Qrr Offll 7fAj и!~гЧ= и!л\01£.. I met a friend at a coffee place yesterday. -8 ¥011 Ц5 tJli SIS' -¥-011 а^|У|и!а^ zaCH-Q.. I watched tv after eating my meal. 82
0Q5 -7|(7F) YSTil ★★★ I. Usage -7|(7t) YS71I £4 btEj ^|(7H YS71I Verb ^Ц7|(7В YSTil unit 4 It is used to express doing something as soon as something is finished. 03** * SOil &Ц? Did Youngmi go back home? Ц: Ml, ve SJO| oi^l YSO| °^7i| ^JOi| ^0|o Yes, I don’t know what happened but she took off as soon as classes were finished. He got extremely angry as soon as he saw me. 2. CH More in detail -7]7]- HRlo] ‘-?P|- can be interchangeably used with ‘-71ВД.’ S?|7|- o'0! SSJOifi. I fell asleep as soon as I lay down. = ехгпщ ^o| sstoja. 83
f Self-Check ЭК sll U}^| £ 3i-=r TgM?. 7|Sg*il 4S9£| 41S 7[: S Ojq &0Щ? Ц: Hf£ ejo| °feX| £7^>^7|7|V^|LR4>1. Ф <WW L^O] ® as ^Pl V^oHA-j wa| Q&oj ® as a?ia srs Lpraq ® as aj=eu Bbs-i as асн -! Answersand Explanations j The sentence means that the speaker headed outside right after having a meal. -7| ?|5HAf of ® means a purpose ‘-7|°t efuf of ® is used when some other action takes place when some action is taken. Therefore, neither can be the answer, ‘-tafal’ of @ means a reason so it cannot be the answer, either. Ф which used ‘-JfofXf' that means something else takes place as soon as something is completed is correct. Answer ф 84_
026 -Ц7|- -Ц7|- щц- wq-7|- Verb л \-i-r < И1 ^-g-W. It is used that something is done on the way while stopping the previous action. • о¥4ВД ySJOj£. | answered the phone while studying. • эЧ|И| °. I fell asleep while watching TV. 0 Ч-i- It is used when some other action is taken in the process of certain action. • tH—Ж ЕЦ1 ?Щ7|’ ЕЩОЩ. I met a friend while I was on the bus ^°.|A|-°f Guidelines Subject of rece ing and succeeding irase shoutbe same. 2. CH O^OhCTI More in detail - ► ‘-c|-7]-’2^ пг’Й И] 17 Comparison between ‘~W and ‘-^/SIW '-Й/Шё № Ais ‘-Й/2Щ7Г is not a past tense ofW They are different. да °a°i ‘-St/SW is used when another action is taken place after something is completely done. • sf12011 7Щ71 Е1Й0Щ. I met a friend while I was on my way to school. (0|-*i tfJ20]| £г[ё)Х| № zjOj|Aj УУЙ.) (I met a friend on the street to go to school.) • sJZu2.0j| &Q7|- УлдО]й. | met a friend at school. (®tI20]| Д 5)120]|Л| о<Чё| °!ЙЦ.) (I met a friend after I arrived at school.) @ --- _85
-g-^Л И] П Comparison between ‘-CPF and ‘-LPfe ‘-адь’£ ЕИад ад Ч€-1ад- Л<§^ 7]5}JL ufl Aj-^4. ‘-cpfe is used when the speaker speculates that if the preceding phrase’s action is taken, a bad result such as the succeeding phrase will take place. ZliPil й® OHW 0WQ7fe ?Ш0| E ?loi|o. You will be unhealthy if you keep drinking like that. ‘-rj-7p£]- *-— ’C oj -g-tfj И] Д Comparison between ‘-£pf’ and -fe ^011’ ?M № да7|- ‘7H}’, ‘^4’^ ufl ‘-±7 -адУ’Я- адо] ад. When the verb that is used in front is either 7Щ' or ‘&Ц’, 0j|' can be interchangeably used with ‘-Cph’ 7Щ7|- S о! E!ЛЛ&Ш. I met the teacher on my way back home. = Soil 7fe soil EbdOJS. -t|-7p2]- ‘-ад- ад-7]- ад-’Р] -g-^ Comparison between’-cpf’ and -<Pf ^Pf sfcf -ади^у ^-e] -адь ад7у ад-’fe- ад адру оу зуаду# Unlike ‘-cpf’, ‘-QPf s^PI вЩ’ is used when certain action is taken on and off. o- • n®7il 6Щ7( SF2 Ofv ЁЛР1 as 7|0||fi. It won’t be effective if you keep exercising on and off like that. l-t}-7]-’2} ‘-o]-/<>|i^-(7]-)’o] -g-tbj H]jjf Comparison between ‘-ОД’ and ‘-Of/O)c)plj’ -аду’^у ^-e] ‘-o|./o]t}.(7]-)’^ дудаад 7]-x]z ад- аду. Unlike ‘-cpp, ’-Of/ofCIpf)' js used when the succeeding phrase’s action is taken with the result from the preceding phrase. ЕЯк • SO||A-j S fc/= E!#0iQ7|- §^0||А-| I made Kimbab at home and ate it at a park. (^ЛУ§-; ав, ?Уо: отУОЦЛ| (Result: Kimbab, Action: ate at a park) ^У— -g hJ J’j y Combination with another phrase • -адв м ду^-ад-. -qpf) йЦ(»1Г is used when the succeeding phrase's action becomes the result of the continuance of the preceding phrase s action. • ZL A|ob§ Е-ЧЧ A^o|7|| £|5ftO]S. I fell in love with him while meeting him often. • -адв ад: ад ^да^ ЦР1) aS’ is used when it is expected that if the preceding phrase s action is taken, a result such as the succeeding phrase will come up. ® • OH^ g7| ^-Уё| ёЩ ME ^7| Ajaoi 71011Я. If you do the listening exercise everyday, your listening ability will rise.
3. *n°2 у1’’*1 Self-Check (Ъ^О|£ф| @ saer ^|я. @ %±%Q7|- ^®1Е||Л| *i5Ht @ Soil 213217Й1011 S^>4 33> #oi£. unit 4 f Answers and Explanations j It is asking the difference between ‘-Q?F and '-St/2}Q?K' ® should use since the speaker got a friend s phone call while cleaning. Answer 3
0Q7 -Й/ЙЧЦ Usage I. °^Оне.Т1 §Af i_l 5Г ЧЙЧЧ Verb ЯЧЧ О tb *841 € nfl 4» It is used for something that has been recognized after doing certain action. O> • ZL%tOJ| £С|Ц ЗЮ1 йёЦ oiojQ. When I visited my hometown, many things had been changed. • A| oiO]A-| 8&0j£. I was surprised to find my friend standing when I opened the door. ‘У s'Ч’Ч'Ч''sй48 ’alz 41 л}'о"?ЬЧ'. И is used to state the result after doing something. 4-2^-j ^АЩ. Let’s go for lunch Ц-: Afe Щ0| etojciL| OH У Л°Ц|£. 3Aj MAj|fi. Since I had enough lunch, I’m not hungry yet. You go first. 8S lsO| ПНЙЧLl 2.8 ОДОЙ. Since I drank a lot, I have a headache today. ^°|A|-°t Guidelines ЛМ XH1°14-. The subject of preceding phrase is usually the speaker him/herself. More in detail ► ‘-#/&ЧЧ’Ч-‘-ЧЧ’®Ч -g-tfj И|й2. Comparison between'-St/Й Ч Ц’and -ЧЦ’ ‘-$№44 тг ‘-ЧЧ’Ч 44^°] 4B -И/ЙЧЦ’ is not the past tense of ‘-ЦЦ' The two are two different phrases. -ядещ -G|L| It is connected with a verb. It is connected with a verb or an adjective. £б^о| otg|-- AfgO| The speaker usually is placed as the subject of a preceding phrase. ai^o| mb iTofe Af^o| ma| The speaker usually is not placed as the subject of a preceding phrase. 88_ ф-Я/ЯЧЧ
1=3 • O^OJI ^яр) qS|E|L| ЫPf £tq. (0) Since it was cloudy in the morning, it rained in the afternoon. Ц-g-A) (Adjective) Of*JOi| gap) sacjL| £®0|| (X) (Adjective) . L|p) «-Уё| ёЩL| -gqo| (X) ^Oj (Subject) • UPt o¥i S пё| 2ЙЧЦ 'S5IO| IHM (0) I got a higher grade since I studied hard ^Oj (Subject) Self-Check unit 4 132| 293 tl # eJO| StOjA-j §*IO| (=hzj iffl x-esoil «ojq. Ojb x-j^>0| и q A| ( ) £of Щ0Щ qojq. -y 3 1 -aqjjfeqi •gqsq Щ0)Л| Ф ЖЙ @ A1|0ji (3)Xj|0j МВДЦ Answers and Explanations I— — You are supposed to find a phrase that expresses the result after taking all the coins out. ‘Si/SJCpF of Ф usually uses contrastive verbs. ‘-Oj/OjE’ of @ as well as ‘fePZ оЦЕ’ nf @ both mean a compromise. Therefore, neither can be the answer. @ which used ‘2^/ЙЦЦ’ that means the result of doing something is correct. Answer 3 _89
ЭДХ|- ★★★ -да <A|- ЛЛ1Ц «lAJOpQ Verb О ^>1- ^-в-°11 «>5. tp nfl 44W. It is used when an action of the preceding phrase is taken as soon as certain action of the preceding phrase has been taken. • 7f: Oj5!^OJI 2Ц ££)• °f ^ЙЦ? Why didn’t you pick up the phone last night? Ц: Д|^ёЦА-| Since I was so tired, I went to bed as soon as I took a shower. • 7|: □ |^0j| £5fSWD|’Xf £!^6|A-||2.. Give me a call as soon as you arrive at the US. Ц: Ok. Don’t worry so much. ^o|/jst Guidelines °] "e гЙЧ". Negatives cannot be placed in the preceding phrase. © ёЩ0|| or ^X||> 5ЙЖ.(Х) VS (Negatives! Г More in detail ► -71(7}) ¥^7]]’@fi} Hffo] -AfDfXf’ can be interchangeable used with -x|pf) ° □h0| SStOjS. I fell a sleep as soon as I lay down. = s7|7F V^I^OI^otojo ► ‘-х)ида -g-t§ и] 52. Comparison between ‘-ДВД and ’-fe -A}n}x}’^ ‘<да да §}JL O] да rfls’®s} bRoj a}-§< да. -AfW can be interchangeably used with ‘-fe which means as soon as something is finished. • ,£AI’6|-X|'D|'X|- ‘Э^бр.ЦЯ. Call me as soon as you arrive. = CHS Эг|ёИ|о. -7}п}л}’о] 47)7} < ‘-b tflS-’s} Ф W. However, when past tense is used in the succeeding phrase of ‘-XfDM’ it cannot be interchangeably used with -Ь ецй.’ • ёЩ0]| SlXfOfXf ^X||> SJJCHS.(0) I did some homework as soon as I came to school. 5Щ0Ц ££ ms 0X||< $!JOiS.(X) 90_
Ъ ► a] J2. Comparison between ‘-xi-nixf and ‘-xf ‘-^F^F ^PFP лЬ§-< Ф лМ". ‘-XHW can be interchangeably used with -XL’ jjflk • 6A|7f E|X|-O|'X|' I left my office as soon as it hit 6 o’clock. = 6A|7F E|Xf Я01Я. ‘-xMzpo] ^lofl ‘-xp<q- анЧ n- W. ‘-XfDfxf’ cannot be interchangeably used with ‘-xf at the suggestive and imperative sentence. Ob» • soil ^FXfOfXf SOFS—A||£..(O) Please change your clothes as soon as you arrive home soil 7FXF g® S0FS°Ail2.(X) unit:4 Self-Check & i^-s- ?! -тЧг-2]- W ~neSAl 9. 7|g£Xil 3S 8U 16Щ ^01 SL-fe Pg Xfl AF^SOII SBi ^A||O. Ф BW°L|27F @ ^Lp| soil { Answers and Explanations [ — _____ —. ‘-fe 4^’ is used when the succeeding phrase's action flows as soon as the preceding phrase s action is taken. -0 L|W of ® shows a reason, ‘-E|a}£’ of @ shows a compromise while ‘-7| SO#’ of @ means before doing something. Therefore, none can be the answer. In this sense, ® '-X|-QfXf means doing something else as soon as something is done is correct. Answer X ©- 91
-51 ЦА1 §Af ЭД ЦА1 Verb 7Щ LM О ¥°11 It is used when doing a succeeding phrase’s action after finishing all the preceding phrase's action. 42 LM s-E-i*’ cS^t010i|£._ | will get married after I get a job. • oj?yA|Oj| ЦА1 “ауяц Б^О|Я. I called my parents after I arrived at the destination of the trip. • Л Ш0]| ЩёЦ 0|0Р|ёЩ ЦА| П^0| 7^»0jo. I was relieved after talking about the matter with my friend More in detail ► -л ‘-^’©<4 д>§< да. ‘-H ЦЛ| can be interchangeably used with -HAj’ t3k * 6Ц Ц-Aj OH^Q. I drank some beer after taking a shower. - A^fi SfZAi 5t|^< k1 ► ‘-52. QA-|’i]- ‘-jL QtjT.2] -g-1^ d] J2. Comparison between ‘-H ЦА1' and ‘-Л ‘-51 QAfiJ- ‘-51 Al^S] gjo] 3)0] Ц Hfl A]^g-^i. Jgjg Unlike -Il ЦА-f, ‘-H ЦОГ is used when the end of a preceding phrase becomes the condition of the succeeding phrase. Ц-гя 7|^o | #0^ 7^|Я. You will feel better after taking a bath. 92_ ЦА1
Self-Check * 1r U4 Ч-‘М ^*1-2.. ^Ifi^il 43 9S| 26Щ ^Df g SO]|A| gJS||b|£!S Л|ЙЦ. ^Ч|LJ|S> С1)Л|°Л Ц0 05pf луяц gJ3|tj|g° ±L7^S^ ШЭД sMI 45U, £ 40|0]| $go| *№. gje||ti|*io| «цзд (W3gPI£ %! X|0 OlXjfe gJ2.j|H|*iO| OHfe 50| ^ОЩ @t£X| am ( Answers and Explanations } You are supposed to find the incorrect sentence and fix it. ‘x|°i 40’ is used when the speaker assumes a certain situation. Therefore, future tense is accompanied at the end. Since TV had already been removed in the text, 40’ should be used. Answer ф Ц0 — х|°Л Lj-Aj @ - -Ai 93
030 МЧИ) * Usage -Л МЦДО) qq SZ SL](77h) 7FZ Й1_|(77В О tt ¥°11 1 Ab§-W. It is used when some fact is found after doing something. • J\: H§0| £Ц Л&ЦЯ? What is wrong? Ц: Sr □ 0|-Л|Д fiL|J7f ^0|°i0jo. I thought it was water but after I drank it, I found that it was alcohol. • g^OJlAl Ц|В| jl SL| q|| qo|°tq o. It was a different station after I got off the subway More in detail ► ‘-Л Ц ‘-j7 -g^ Comparison between '-Л йЦ(»1)’ and ‘<2 -H M4CW ‘-5L °ep Ф ЛИМ Unlike -Л ]ЙЦ(»|)’, ‘-И ЙЭ’ is used when certain fact is found if something is done. • ZL S°1 A(R0|0j|£. After getting to know him, he is found to be a good person. 1 Self-Check * *£ W a]R. ftSHf^q/if q ® MU ® sSi ms ^SiSS. @ ^qq Answers and Explanations -------------------- You are supposed to find the sentence that contains the meaning that you found out that you called the wrong number after calling. ‘-S.0’ of Ф and '-Л SS’ of @ are assumptions. Therefore, past tense cannot be accompanied at the end: - 4U’ of @ means a contrast so it cannot be the answer. Therefore, ® which used ‘-Л НЦ* that means that certain fact was found is correct. Answer @ 94_ MqW)
-ZA1 Verb ^ЩНЛ1 unit 4 ^Aj О Ц-ед ufl It is used to express when a succeeding phrase’s action or condition appears after the preceding phrase's action is finished. e= ЦЩА1 Sit^i£-. I went out after finishing the cleaning. • ^4 s °iЛ.-М £1^5.4 I called my friend after reading a book. • J. US ^jLM qq ^I^SKsL-IQ. My friend was so happy after she heard the news. 2, ch oioi-cii ► ‘-jLAJ’-c- ‘-Л 41 $zLh -TLM’ can be interchangeably used with -д’ Ц-М' • obZAj DHS.q. I drank some beer after taking a shower. = 4£_|> 8|Д LfAi O^q. Self-Check q: £lAil Ш 711Ч0|0||я? Ц: ЦЛ1 ёНЯ. The sentence means that he/she would like to get married after getting a job. ‘-OS-MSc’ of Ф is used when contrasting context comes in front and back so it cannot be used. ‘-Ь5|дГ of @ means a reason while ‘-Cplfe’ of @ means a negative result after the action. Therefore, neither can be the answer. @ which means after getting a job is correct. Answer 2. —> _95
-HAiOf * -JLMOf qnA-jOf Verb 7[ZA10f о чч ®чд чч ач ача ^ян лш>ч. It is used when the succeeding phrase's action can take place after preceding phrase's action is finished. j'sflb • 7f: OjA|| g tl2?#01 SJq ^0|| &0Щ? Did people who came to play leave early? Ц: 0Щ£, aoil 51h 4HA-jOf soil ^O|S No. They left after finishing all food we have at home. 0НВД p]^p.o s It is used as a rhetorical question when a preceding phrase works as a condition of the succeeding phrase. • 7K 0|bfOllt Of 5ЦА1 Alt® s 5 W I didn’t do well in the exam this time either, because I didn’t study. Ц: Л®7|| У sFZAjOf О|®7|| € ° Щ®Ю|| S 4= 5ШЦ? How can you enter a good university if you don’t study hard like that? 2. « o^orc-ii More in detail ► ‘-5LA|o>’p]-‘_o]-/o]oyo] «.tg ‘-jLA-|oy<q- q-q -o[/o]oy^ Aitgio] дада да Unlike ’-jLMOf', ‘-of/oiof is used when a preceding phrase is a critical condition for the succeeding phrase to take place. i'ijjb- • OfO1> WOJOf V-S-a qiHI Ш Ф SIQ. You will know parents' emotions after giving birth. Also, it is used when doing the preceding phrase’s action turns out to be meaningless • И пё| бЦ SJ-O| Z1 A^§ ОШ 3J0|q. You cannot beat him even if you try your best. 96_ ф-HAIOf
Self-Check * <S] Д7 5A]_£. 7|a^Xj| 4g 551 23S ® £§ё ЧЧН1 ЙЛА-IOf ^I^|op|£ Й>Ц. @ goi o wit an ^goi йщ m ® п АГВД Q|Qf7|6H sj£ л Afgoil Ц5! 2бЦ< g 4= £15iQ. @ о]7|А|7| qL=| a[0[ °a| л§0| g?| fg £0|a^ ^Xtq-. H> | । Answers and Since graduation is not a condition of being difficult to get a job in Ф, '-alAiOf' cannot be used. It should be changed into 'эйб|Д£.' @-ЛА- It _97 Answer ф
Usage -OF/cwf ajOjAjor Verb 7FA10F ^CHAior Adjective Ы|АА^Г| U|AAj-A10f О "fl4 < "fl WE It is used when the succeeding phrase’s action is taken when it reaches certain timing. . o§ l-|° нгвд ац« 2A|?F aoMiOf a® Ф $№. I can only go to sleep around 2am since I’m so busy these days. - A|®t Щр|- ЕЦА1ОГ A|*t5F£ A|g§ xf gja It will be difficult for you to do well on an exam if you only study right before the exam. 0 M°1 *У°] 4^ "fl It is used to emphasize that it is difficult for a succeeding phrase to take place, having the preceding phrase as a condition. O>- • 01Ш1 Of o[2 Tflojet 5HA1OF OjgTfl т 51^01 о? How are you going to be healthy if you only play computer games while doing no exercise? • ёД Ш LHAiOf OjCj A^ftO| #0F©ra0jo? Who is going to like you if you get angry like that? ^°|AF°t Guidelines .. цярле ‘-°V/°l^6y7} 0O] nfli. ^o]| ‘-<4 $41 4^ £4. When ‘-Of/OjA-fOt’ is used as 0, '-St SM’ often follows at the end. ® CIS A: EsO| Д.-jAjOf ® т ЯКлО^-й? Can you ever be rich if you spend this much? 98_ ф-оуот
2, z[oj=hti Self-Check * ( ) Ж TISHRI 45|J8S_ age got feojLfe Ц: 4, ag aoi £Ofx|^ ( ) qq ng q g gjaqa? Ф @ KOMOf (3) °p| uncoil @ 5ЦЛ1 unit 4 ^A1 Answers and Explanations >— ——— -------------------------- The speaker is saying that since there is too much information, he/she cannot digest it all. -£X]’ of Ф is mostly used with £SCf.' -7| HHfgOfl' of @ shows a reason but it is not used as an interrogative. Therefore, neither can be the answer. ‘feQjl °W of ® is used when an exceptional/non-general situation takes place so it cannot be the answer, either. ® which used ‘-Of/OjA-jOf’ that means a difficult condition of the succeeding phrase is correct. Answer J @ -oj/opcfCf 99
-5№f §A|- BjLf Verb 4Q дм О <yo] ЦЦ It is used when something else takes place that drastically contrasts with something that happened before. sept L|]aojs. I got on the bus but since I thought I got on the wrong one, I got off. • У §OjA| tH I wrote the letter but since I didn’t like it, I threw it away. • ^tZLOJI &Cpl g0| of >0|-Л| I went to school but since I didn’t feel alright, I came back home. More in detail ► H]J5L (P. 85) Comparison between'-<У/2№Г and’-epf' Self-Check 7|: sb xf fcstoje? L): А|У^0|| D^OII £f ftOjAi Sfl I5№. лаЦЛ-l Sfe qx| л^ла. Ф ^Ц7|- @ A)C)7) \ ® <f° @ AfzJEH I — г ; - - - - I .[ Answers and Explanations j. The sentence means that the speaker purchased the present last week but he/she got a refund. ‘-Q7f of @ is used when another action is taken in the process of certain action. -22’ of @ is used to express the fact of having bought something as a condition. ‘-^2|f’.of @ is used to express a reason. Therefore, neither can be the answer Ф Which means to do something that contrasts with something that came before is correct. Answer, ф 100_
ЖЯ Usage 1 -A) §Af «Ilf Verb SC) urr* 4 £A| О -g. JpglP] ^О] АЬ§-^_ It is used when a succeeding phrase’s action takes place as soon as the preceding phrase’s action is finished. DA) A|^st h)^0| §Oj£tE|. When I opened the window, a cool breeze came in. • t)A)7| dR) 2.A) Afg--§-0| т|СН&СН£.. When it rained suddenly, all the people decided to run. • Ol’Ofe £8- cW e°H The child smiled when he received some money. Guidelines -А}Ъ о]п] A]^-^ §tgo]7] nfl^-ЬЦ 4^1^ njsfltj- ’•Xf is only used for a tions that have been taken already. Therefore, future tense or expression that shows a ossibility cannot co ne a I the succeeding phrase. • aHlofe < -г Ж Imperative and suggestive sentences cannot be used in the succeeding pi ise 2. Cd o^OhC-ll in detail ► ‘-Xj-nj-хр©^ yj ту (P. 91) Comparison between‘-4’and'-4DW _101
ВДДЦМИ! Self-Check ------------------—------------------------------------- —. - _ — ! * *1 -гё- ^-=г ~ns^A] <? ф А^Ю| О]Д|Ц ^9А| >0р№ ?НО]Й. @ ^S§ fepg 0|бЦ°И1 S W ® П®7Ц е уал|- >S OI® 7|0||Я. @ Ё^0|| 7Иё Xil^OII 7f МА11Я. ____ ________ ______ _________ _ _____ _____ -.г-г-п-- _ j Answers and Explanations к -м^- You are supposed to find an incorrect phrase. '-Xf of @ cannot accompany future tense or expressions that show a possibility. Since action that have already been taken should come after ‘ff “elXf’F @ is correct. I Answer ® 102_ ф-Al-
J If Practice Questions __<z/ ** w П1§ Л] -SjLg-g- <31^ ЛРЛИЯ. 7H л|луц DH0]| qjo| Sih 5 ^Я. Ц: °rof°. Ap^O||Ai 2PM ^SjOjR Hg LRtOjo, О gPPt VS^II Ц^СНЯ 0 *2^S ШЛЯ Lpp| ^SiOjfi © Ц-ДО1Я С EMi ШЬ ^hoil ШЯ ® unit 4 £A1 2 Ж Я^ЛИК. ^I^oih Soil ШЛ °iq- I ёРШ Ss® ШЛ £ЬЧ ЛЧ О 3IS0|h Soil &cpf ёРШ Ш QA| ^о|Я. © 5||go|h soil 7НП SFh4l S^l ЦА| 7ЬО]Я. © 3IS0|h soil 7Щ7|^ ё!¥2| SW Щ| g|-7^ &СНЯ. О 3l30|h soil 7p| sojA-1 ё!¥^1 SUS QA| ^o]o_ ф c]-5- Ы1ЯЯ1 ЗК Л2^Л1Я. ЯЯ^# 1JS] / ёРЛ iSS ШЦ О ЯЯ^> шг| ёРМ л&й У}О|Я 0 S¥^Ei| ЯЯ^> шг| ЙЧЧ ё.Р^ HSS ЖЯ. € ёРт ЯЯ^§ ше| hcpioil ёРМ iSS УЮ1Я 0 ЬЯ^> ЭДЦ ё!?7|- ZSS ЙСИЯ. ё! -^^'1- ^п]7> яя^л1я. soil SPIIS ЕгЬёНЯ? Ц: S ЯЩЦ01Я. SOII Я^5ррр[ SW ЯШ 7Щ74 ор||Я. « Soil € £^5fe ОЦЯ € Я*№ >0|| € Я^ёр|Ь5й^1|2 103
e «- <- ы O.7HI practice Questions tpg- К ?! V£°l <1 E.H-U Ц*1 ?Igo I ®o^ojfi € S^nKHMI 5КИ LM □lofeh nfgo| € ^o|af gg§U LM Siioilb grofs C §[л lh Af£|< sHOf ёне Д^ли. 7f: 2^2 -У*ш ш 7i0i|S? Ц: Ml, ЁШ ЗОКОД ^1 £t*q§ б^Д ёН С SUA1 € 5|ДЦЛ1 @ Dj£ ®0|| О eiWf Ш< ^1 Vg°fl 7Н> пд^и. 7К 2Ж1 °! 7^ S0IIA1 £ 710flfi? Ц: 0 ms, UAfOil go I Of tom CW as^ $0| <l 7ГЕД € € с ^тц tb§- ?! V£°fl ДД?ИД. 7K A|*bof A| 3^0|Q MSfctil 0№ ^^6HA|A| oiOfS Ц: 3^^-Ojl of vigors. 7]|^ 710Щ ci smpiMS € ebct7b € um7^L|77f C ё^a|L^7^ S St g*ll
htaiK k£ g|Y О BtaiPi kR g|y 0 Mete kHn k£ IkR SIy э 5 kin k£ BkR glY 0 5-IO-u: i£ 3(5 k^R£ olote :h 6310-Б к й R 1tj5Ss|y S FiIy BjsIy Rio IoB^y-Is :k •Wfrair >k> Up^t r Чок Д io IoeB йШ kteR k-hk totiB О ’о He ккй кЬШ Шк5 Mete Io-RMy iste lk)B © kte loRftR ktaR khB kHi О "3k>ta кВ нВ kte k-ta-te kbfc О ‘S'lYfr'sTT -f-R RR-R [otHf ft >R ’5ltok Бк >|Y& iokYir+п loB kllolnw Hi О '5toio В lokirR RltoR kilo © Wlo> 1Ю& WirkioR R5 >й fclkR й> i: © ’olOB lo£k lokYirlYioS io IOa frdS ^>iaiY О ’ук^аТГ RttR lo-R fT Й >ia lYtoB lo£ k&A kk73 lloftte 0 кк)В |0Й 5|Й^чо1о lloivte lYk)> lo£ ШВЙ Itoi^te © lYtoB loR feRte irteoio lloivte О ?>к)н2иг з-hi? kk)B lol? iYinkio Itoftfe ‘5h-lo :-h б5к)на 1ой й1п^ gk Ikk) :k “Ук^нтг w к>тНя ^hto -RR >R-r к §fn teffekYlfesY hkiHa flkO ’okiwio Ней kkk hlciRia Пойнг 5 > ioS =ln 1оВгак hta# IIoRiy 0 ’bis^b €гД5 HBSWkfrrR ^kk) О ук^гнТГ RRR hieik Ly И-щ тгЬ
H-ySsfSSJv 901 ’BJoB tTB Ito-irlY Bfe BlYglS-B 5lA Ilog Id? О Ж ПВ lYlOlo В еГ jalYH° ITtekteB BlA Ilog Id? Э 'ЬйВ tT^ IIOBlY ^io BIyIWB 5lA lk)± 1° 0 taloB tTB Мой IyRlt ЬЧн? lokfeB 51a ItoW 1i О 'bJoB IIoBIy ^O HlkiB^teB lYblYl?Bfe IyIIoIyI? - Uft "5 [y g а 7Г >B BB U h Ip -fc-fe-fr В № 91 Ilog ^h^r' О Ikpro Idd’i'ir @ tils fe^ll-1# Э ЧЪ5Ит)Я^ О Wtlloli Mtor^iU 10ю^ Iy^io lofB g” ^loBIIS ”3'|у[г57Г <[£ BB-B Up-^f в >B -fr-B si ® ’tabs §ю w BIYZ5 B# 1o№^A B51Y Ik®Io О ’Ы2 felY fh° Io>lo1o lOlYbl- Bn loBIAIteil 0 ’bio В ВЕ1з 1olYk)ri BIy6 Мой Bb |ой 0 "3loi6 Io§fiv1° Bls >||y^ 1oIyH3 lo^n^ khW lloBi О ’укВаТГ В-§-к 'В В to B-h -№ ILy кВ-h В >В -§4д 91 suoi|S3n5) aoipDJcl ||j^
Purpose 036 -7|| 037 “ЕД оз8 -в а (-в а) 039 -7|£|ЗН(А1) 040 -ЛХ|-
-oai 7Щ/2Ц/рцц |3 of^Oj-J- ^HV-^-i ut^OII A^Oi-2.. I came to Korea in order to study Korean language. -ЯВД 3 Ц4г 0j| 7|-й]Л A\0iS- I took a bus in order to go to school. 108
036 -7)1 ★★★ emq- Verb M0|q М0И| It is used to show the purpose towards the action of the succeeding phrase. Pfr- • °t°i^ Of§7j| Aixish дц^> АЩ ^A1|O. Please get me some fresh ingredients so that I can make a delicious dish. • Sb-a-SOI m-^Oj|Ai tE|^A| g|7j| ^A1|£. Please warn the students so that they will not be loud in the classroom. • e=2-IA1 £ MO|7j| H7j| Atf ^Aj|R Please write it large so that it can be seen from far away. More in detail *—>*i!’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-SW • Q » ф 2[7|| IM ^Aj|R Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you. = Ц »=£ tAIIR Self-Check It is to request for a quiet environment for the baby to sleep. ‘-МаЩ’ of Ф shows one's will. However, it is incorrect because it cannot be used when the subjects of the preceding and succeeding phrases differ so it is not possible to use an imperative. ‘-°SA|’ of ® is not correct either since it represents something that happened simultaneously Since of ® represents reason, it cannot be used. Therefore, ® which represents a purpose is correct. Answer 3 l^~ т _109
Verb 5i q 7Fq 7 КЕД Adjective я Яй oh Hi JKu It is used when the preceding phrase works as a purpose of the succeeding phrase. •7f: aa°l о VofAj|£. Study hard so that you will do well on the test. Ц: Lil, Yes, I will. ' 0 fO |§01 71 Af7j| y>SJOj£. I made it small so that kids will eat it easily. © л1#°1 1 Ч-ЭДЧ-. It means the period to reach a certain time. • oo° Й 1=01 ЕД E1^0| ulQ. My sister has not contacted me for over a month. • а^НЕД 01 OP IЙ!(W. I talked to my friend during the night. More in detail ► Qd| ojp] oj cq -£Д' is used as О it can be interchangeably used with ->1Г which means a purpose, f | Ц 21ЕД s’?>H ^A||fi. Speak loudly so that everyone can hear you. = Q ^A1IR H|J2. Comparison between‘-EW and‘-7| tISIM’ & --7] да. which means a purpose can be interchangeably used with ‘-7| ¥|oHAj.’ • оо°|£Д Pohi лкы'ЦЦ. I am doing my best so that I will succeed. = яад еда ^liq. 110_
лад -7] ад адад ад< да. However, ‘-7J t-I°W cannot be used when the subject of the preceding and succeeding phrase differ. O> • °js7|- ад7j0||£.. (o) (^Oj) (subject) (^Oj) (subject) I will help Minho so that he will do well on the exam. = над в й7| зад ад адя (х) (^°i) (subject) (^Oj) (subject) Self-Check * ££o]]a] ( )o]-o]] <£^g- ( 7|ggj|| 112| 40g ) SOI °U л ss 0|=7| ^|8H Ois t^s §l]0f sfex| ofe a|^§ уи|ёИЦ Ш g!0| ^o| 50|Ц. d)E}A| §^gO||7fl А|А|0| гГй)Ь 30| зщ Л5011 5te SS V?il Sfe 0ЦО §°5Щ. А|Л|О| ( ) Xj|QJ Sg bfg £ CjOtsf §0f5J Ш§0|| a-OjSH Й7|| 30|Q. W^s >ёН X|A|O| xfe4 S0|| Щ5Ц 7|S|< ^711 @cf. Ф *lfe> 7^|7|°r @ ^бич- ад ® xifeB ^збиц- si ад|нд ад @ xifes Ш25ЦН si 7 in ад г-^г!^ Answers and Explanations | —------------------- I • ‘ > ’Л “ г -г'‘ '"- . The whole context has its purpose to encourage adolescents to be aware of their talent and dream for such. Therefore, ® which used -ЕД' to show a preceding phrase’s purpose towards succeeding phrase is correct. Answer 2 ® -=S _111
-1 S (-> 3) ★** Usage -(a)e a Verb i=L JA s □ о ад чч ¥ чад ад< чад адчч. It is used in the preceding phrase to express more than two purposes about a succeeding phrase’s action • g 3 ЬЛ«Ю|| W Let’s go to a Karaoke bar to chill out. • Ш S > S -УёО|| In order to do some shopping and go to the movies, I went to Shinchon. More in detail ► Ц- (--g- 4°1]’®4 4 U11? Comparison between -S 9 (-8 S)’ and SOU' -< 4 (-< 3)’°i ¥ ад чад чад?1 адад ад ад ад чад адад ад > ад 71 чч ад] ад ад чад чад чч. Unlike S (-S 3)’ which shows two purposes, '-fe SOfl’ has a meaning of doing a succeeding phrase’s action while engaged in the preceding phrase's action. И> • ЙЧК ЙОН Щ 8Ц Of S4? Wouldn’t you do my homework while you are doing yours? • #§0|| SOB 7PM §°l *RS 1ВД. I met my friend who was studying in Europe while I was on my business trip. ► ‘--g- (--g- -g-tfj U] 1? Comparison between '-S S (-§ 9) and ‘-fe S0|| ‘-i- (-< 3)’Ч ¥ 7}Ч -h-3< 44414 44144 44 4el ‘-Ч ЧЧ’Ч 7}7]4 № £ ^>]Ц- 7]5]ад ЧЧ°1Ч. -4 Ч°1Г 4ЧЧ ‘7fe ЧЧГ, ‘ад ЧЧ’Ч 441S.4 ^44. Unlike 3 (-S Э)’ is used to show two purposes, ‘-fe ^oil’ means he/she is on the way to/from. In front of '-h Soil’ only two forms are used Soil' or Soil.' 112_ (-S 3)
03k • 7In: e о e=°I 2|>=q£? (0) What about going out together for some fresh air? = 7|“ Bfe ZJOj| ^0| ШК? (X) ESk ‘ ь!°11 s°ll >4 SlAi|S. (0) Please get some milk on your way back home. = soil s 3 °A| £A||£. (x) ("< 22*2 '"r 2HHtUSHot=6at-ntS.? □."У ot A” oj n^oi ei^oHA-nt otnat oicH-)t et£o^ £е4 °*IO| Sj-miuhS-b 'tfO.-lt-Ot-H ttH§OIX\£. °4|2l °»o»b ntoi ct-^-cn &CH-II et£oi^ Xjt.5424 £сн chi-jcHfl.. Why is it necessary to compare '-g 3 (-§ S)’, ‘-fe Soil’ and ?M? The reason is because the three have a simiiar form d^r рие all di ‘terent meat tiugs. They are often used for examples” on the exam Despite di“erer.t meanings, thr-y are shown together often due to their simiiar form. _____ Self-Check * *1 51 51^- 4S 65| 18Э ФA|LHOil Thqsq. @ qsy oioppf qg 01Й ^o]| ^A|q. @ A|^0| soil S12MI 55Д HHB| *f°tq. @ ЧУ q#7j| O^qq S£IOj| 7fA| SAfS- “tOf щлця. [^Answers and Explanations ———— ®, <3>, @ are all correct sentences. ‘^НЧё. Е1У S’ of ® is not correct. S’ always keeps its form when it is in use so Уа S’ is correct. © > = -# П _113
-71 ЖА1) Verb °|oH(A1) Arq API ЯёН(А1) О The preceding phrase is an objective of a succeeding phrase. |g> . tR qsROII >opp| 3W1 €R0l^A|g $№. I studied for TOPIK in order to enter a Korean university. • ёЦ1бр| £|ёНА| 0ЦЦ Ё|о|> §НО]Я. We held a meeting everyday in order to find a solution. • Э^оц qn 3 API ^|ёН aisraoil I went to the department store in order to buy some clothes for my interview 2. Сч ‘^'Oi-e.Ti More in detail ► -71 -7] «НЧ ojT}. ‘-7| ¥|8Ц(А|)’ can be interchangeably used with -?l т|5КЧ.’ • q±iL< =SApp| £]оЦ bc^o^^qq. । will do my best to develop the school = W^A|?|7| g|5K4 i^e^qq. ► ‘-71 Ж(л1)Чг - *.sU’, m. ‘-7| ?jsH(Aj) can be interchangeably used for and ‘-ZAf.’ G> • IW7I Dl^-Oji &o|a. I went to the United States of America in order to study English. = sqs qqoil &0|2.. = gq> tiHVZxr niqoil ^0|Я. ► ‘-7] ^1гЦ(Л-])’й}- -g-H| (P. 110) Comparison between‘-7| tIsHW)’and'-£< 114_ @-7| ?|5H(A1)
Self-Check as® Shultz ОЩЦ Ф ^0| n огуцц. @ °|ёЦА-| П SJft II 3° Oftmq. ® S£i> л о^ЦЦ. @ yoBR ёЩ/71- д si 51^ O^qq. unit 5 S.X4 —/ Answers and Explanations I- Neither Ф or @ are suitable; in Ф, the preceding and succeding context mean almost the same thing. ® shows the speaker only does one action and nothing else, so the connection is not natural. In case of ®, it shows the will of the preceding phrase so the connection of the sentence is not natural. Therefore, ® which preceding phrase becomes the purpose of the succeeding phrase is correct. Answer @ @-?l ?|оН(л1) _115
(О|)ЛАГ SAH-ОЩ оглу Verb EtLFQ ЕГЦ11Х1- Noun+0|Q О ^5-4- Ш шч It is used when a succeeding phrase’s action is taken for an intention or purpose of the preceding phrase. AtaW §nr# лмз-ЦЦ. I am studying now so that I can study in Korea. • яда. I practiced night and day so that I will become a great basketball player. • -aSS SSORXF i|*i§ цда Sl^t-iq-. I am doing my best so that I can be a diligent student. Guidelines The subjects of he preceding and su c eding phrase should be same. I3!l tfe МьЖ ёНДАНЦр В °|£_0]| Ц1-|Л ,^E|; (0) lam: u у ng at an academy so that I can lean howto (^Qj) (Subject) (^0]) (Subject) : get a job. L-be offlадк sw. (x) (=r-0{) (Subject) ('I'Cj) (Subject) SM Imperative or suggestive phrases cannot come in a succeeding phrase. W°14- -Т-й. /ЩИ}. It is used in an official spee h or writing. -fei wAjS ^0|JAj ЬсИЗ|-д op-fegg. we ar tryin hard so ha wewTlreduci the number of unemployed. More in detail ► -7i m. ’-•HA)' can be interchangeably used with ‘-о.а|Л’ and ‘-7[ °|5B(A|).’ • 'IjOjii ЫН ° □ ROj| I went to the United States of America in order to study English. = DR°il Й01Я = goiS UH^7| Зад OROil &0Щ. 116_
unit 5 SX1 1 Answers and Explanations The sentence is to indicate that high school students are trying their best to enter a good university. -7|5.’ of,® is incorrect since it is used for plans and always has to be accompany ‘®Щ.’ of @ is an indirect speech that is an imperative. of ® assumes the entered state so it cannot be an answer. Therefore, ® which shows a purpose is correct. Answer @ ф-ттг и 7
Ikl? sfB Siv 811 ИЛ ШоН Vites V О №E 1- vltes v @ 55k § vltes v @ MS k)> vltes v О 'o ills 5 Ы2 ItoH^lk ( ) Bisk 5k IY fe^k :-h iollolollk Ж te> Hu k® :k '5k к a IT ffn kk>> Ыо ( ) 7 khoioknk -hkio Ф к к Э lYlaoio Ф kk i=5io Ф kk ’tali lolteko kkk Iteio v= kk >k Ikteklo lo>lok ^lYlkrto rrte ITklrair -|rki klato ’НеГн к £ 5lteklos 0 ITlaloS Э LTfesloB Э kkloS В Ilio 5Ф ЖгВ1с> ki? IyITIo^ ^-§ll¥ 5oiafsV -IYiy ’5 к к a ir <-B к la Ip ^рГн к Ик Z 5 Is о к йТГк Ъкй IyLIy ^г?к о Na IyS о к 1кк О 5#тЬк iotfo $ к к air >к kin Цо-гг к кк I suoi;sani9 3oi;odj4 |(<^ Hj?Q
61I Efe ой |УЯ О >5Й |Y^ О (Зой 1уЯ 0 Ей |YW О к ИЖ? ( ) ЯРзЯЯНп :fi зЕЯЯ ik Ik® Io Из 1йЧю> EtekB № 1о& -к ‘Ък i/аг <чн к &к>> № ( ) ofe <а|0|Аё|0 кМШ Etew ИЙ-кЯ О ’ЕН? >з|0|яё-|0 Efe ЙкЯ Ий ЕЯ 0 ’ЗН§ 1з1о1яё1о 1Ш кВ ВйкН 0 Ек >аЮ1яа1о 1оЯВ ЯСЕН О Ы? BalolAsk / kw ВЕЯН ’ЕккаЕ №£> ИМЬ <И Е-Ь <Jk)?olo Ф Яй ZnblY ИОяН Я §пНя 0 ’ок)к S Яй ЗтЬй й Я ЕЯс5Я 0 Ек)Яй ЖЕЯ Й1уТг tefe §п5я О <5йЯй втЬ|¥ кки ЯЯс5я <Е>Екй ЕтЬй <5кГ|£ tefs ИпЕй lh :-h зЕкйкЯ Ыг №е :к 1— 1— BXS дуун Ekk'k^lo Lk-{n [|о-{2 Нд v-&a й ’kh^io EKllY IkiohHY© Мой 5 ЯЕй кй 1й^нз й 1к)4яй1 Iy 5® IfokiS Mo -tah”&te^io 1ой Яй-Iy 1йЧ?6§ it© Мой lYte^io lloteS кй й1к)^1-¥ ’Ек)& 1Юкй 1ЖФ ко Ид >к)кй Як 'Екк'Л' кЕ [ке-к Яду ~>к Я> кЯрг >Я -5-Ь
V.‘‘ ’ЦЛ' ^7HI Practice Questions 9 ( )<M Я-s JL^tP'U. 7K A|®j a ^0j£? Ц: ОЩЯ. ( ) Ц >S|A1 £ №. О ЖД © © ЙАЦ<^Д © РЛНРФЛ 10 q-g- ^1 ¥£4 аНЧ < О а]^_ ?к °1АЦ4А| 0| rt£7f £Ah6||0f ёН£? Ц: Ё* £Mt C>UAI ёЦ О £W S14I © £*«FQI1 ёН£ 0 SSPil 0 £A,h& 4= Я1£Д и ( ) *?м ormq QoiojEt ад ( ) ёН Wl\ ёЦ2. © ^7R= tt © ?!РН= 12 q-g- ¥ q^ sbMi 'йж a]_$._ Ssqcf / A44I7I £EL| =£711 ©Щ € ^ёр| ?|ёН AS&||7| £EL| Ф7Ш tm. 0 SsspifeTia ^а-pl Ф7^ ®bL|Q. © Ssepfe 5Р1У ^qp| £S| ^7j< W-iq. © ssepiy ён^ лай||7| эд ^7ш вчч. 120 ^£!2ы&*1|
°J4 ЙЬЗЗ-’З) Citation (indirect speech) 041 zhgsra
о ад°1 ад ад ад ад адад. It is used when the speaker wants to tell another person what he/she saw or heard • A- -MSsHOf ifOffi? Do you know until when we need to apply for a scholarship? Ц: OjXil ёЩ >H||O|X|0j|A-| SfeEII 0|bi SR оЦЯ. According to the school’s homepage and it was stated that it was by Friday. • оц mi! й°|- CHE! S-tdimof Ш77!? Since it is mom’s birthday tomorrow, what do you think we should prepare? Lf: 0|“i бВйт. Mom said she wants a novel this year. 0 ’a-^- It is used to restate what the speaker has said. ОЬ> • 7K X|^0| 1! A|0]|fi? What time is it now? Ц: k||? Y-I&R 8ES01&? What was that? ?[•: X|^0| A|Lfji 5ЙCHS. I said, what time is it. 122_
7Е Declarative sentence -°Л/№ ё)4 -(h) 1-42 ёЩ- -(2)э 71 ад ё)4 §4 Verb □tL-FQ 4Й42 ёЩ 4У42 ёЩ УЬ 71ад 8Щ 4 4Й42 бЩ ЬЬ42 ё)4 71 ад ёщ -&/5*ад 44 -ад ёщ -(О)э 71ад ё)4 ^§4 Adjective ы|-Ш4 ннаад ощ щ^ад ёщ 4# ?1ад 44 4Q 4S№ 44 4ад бщ 4> 71ад бЩ oist/йад бщ (о|)ад ёь^ь SJ 71 ад ёщ gAF+ОЩ Noun+0|c| 44^ад 6FQ *!^ад ёщ 4¥^71ад ёщ SfAy ^0|йад ещ ё^о|ад ёщ ёЬ^71ад бЩ fii • A|y^oj| 4й42..”^ ьад xiH^oil 4b h№U1 ЖНЯ. Donna: “I was really busy last week” —> Donna said that she was really busy last week. • 2Ц: “4b 2b 4W 710ЦЯ."- 2i-pF 2b Её № ^2. Donna: “I am going to meet a friend today" —► Donna said that she is going to meet a friend today • 2Ц: “X|b tfAyO|O]|a."— 2L-PF °^О|ад Й42. Donna: “I am a student.” — Donna said that she is a student. Q. Interrogative sentence -St/5ibL|Z 8FDF -ьад ёщ -(о)в 71 ад ёН4 ^af Verb yi_FLF ууьад ёщ уцьад ёщ УЬ 71 ад ёщ що -Ц Я15*ьад 6FCF ^ьад ещ 71 ад ёщ -й/2Ьад ё)4 -(о)ад ё)4 Adjective ы^ьад ещ адад 5^4 44 4&ьад 8F4 4°Lfz ёЩ oist/йьад ё)4 (ооад ё)4 gAF+ОЩ Noun+ОЩ хряьад ёщ адад ё)4 ёклу 4^о|йыад ёщ ёь^0|ад ёЩ
fga • £Q: < 44ЭД| Н|-МОЩ?“—£Lp|. Д|0||7]| Х|4^0]| 4Й£ЦЛ =H0jO Donna: “Wilson, were you busy last week?” —> Donna asked Wilson whether he/she was busy last week. • £14: лл|, 4W 4ощ?”— £47|- 4^ 4 ЦП 5JJoj_e. Donna: “Wilson, who are you going to meet?” —> Donna asked Wilson who he/she is going to meet. • £14: M|, §14501ОЩ?”^ £Ц7|- АА|ВД| оклуощл sHOjS. Donna: "Wilson, are you a student?” —► Donna asked Wilson whether he/she is a student 4. Imperative sentence -(£)4Л uf4 -4 44Л ёЩ- §4 Verb 444 444Л«Щ 4ЦХ| еггш ёКЬ 2I4 §|°4Л 44 aj4z 44 IW • £4: ч d-S'dS 4441.2..” — £44 ЖЙ1 444Z ®нощ. Donna: “Wilson, please meet the teacher.” -> Donna asked Wilson to meet the teacher. • £14: "йё 4, Л 44 OfAjlfi.” — £44 AA|OJ|74| Д OIJ| 4411 Donna: “Wilson, please do not read that book.” —< Donna asked Wilson not to read that book. й}. ^-n"& Suggestive sentence -4Л. 44 -4 44Л 44 S4- Verb 444 44XR 44 444 ^4Л 44 гуО -С 44 iixi атака 44 • £4: 4, °г| ggoui 4У4Я?” - £44 ЖИ1 g§44 444Л Donna: “Wilson, what about meeting in Myongdong?” Donna suggested Wilson to meet in Myongdong. • £Ц: M|, A|Z!0| 444 444.” - £44 Я|0]|7]| A|Z_W| 444 4411 SHOj о _ Donna: “Wilson, let’s not meet since we don’t have much time.” -* Donna asked Wilson not to meet since they don’t have time. 2. Gi OhQhCTl ► -ж -ж, -ЫЦ2, -2Ц£, -ЗД2.’ is a short form of indirect speech. ОЙ* • £4?|- 44^1 4/лЧЛ Donna said that she was really busy last week. = £44 £4 4№N2. • £44 ЖИ1 4У 442 8Н0Щ = £44 S4 ЖЙ1 ¥¥> 4У Donna asked Wilson who he/she is going to meet • £Lf7f JUi|0i|7i| 4-ayg E.H44Z = £Ц7|- jui|oj|7i| Е-МЧ1Я. Donna asked Wilson to meet the teacher. • £144 Xk|0i|71| Е.И44Л = £144 xqoiMi §>0j|A| 414ХЦЯ. Donna suggested Wilson to meet at Myongdong. 124_
анЬ 'т^2 OH>'2V 'сг^2 oUcf' %- -uxt <L ^-t^otcH av^ShS.. In case of changing ‘4-М1Я’ to an indirect speech, it is used in two different ways тЧ2 SR' and ‘К4Т1 SR’ ex £Ц: "xi x(^fc - tqq *i a^oihi ?y>‘ ЭДН №. Donna: “Please give him/her the book.” Donna said to give the book to that person ЕЦ: “(Wil) ^Ai|S.”- ELpt (2Ц01Й1 3® £42 №. Donna: “Please give (me) the book.” -» Donna said to give (her) the book. OIOCH AvZjoi O-fgt-b AV^Voj т4 о.сн>Ь ofcv'^ Af£of2 *!} ~ ЦУЬ AtZfot o.tot-v AV2d*£ oi-li f^°z ffHr '£2f2 ofcv'^ Af-§-oH_2_. When the person who receives the book is the speaker, ‘^гр! SR’ is used. When the person who receives the book is a third person(not a speaker or listener of the above conversation), SR’ is used. Self-Check TlSixii ЗЙ 7S| 19S Ф Ol 7(445 £PI4 £42 gq. oil •swoii £oi тдая. Answers and Explanations__ The speaker is saying what he/she had heard from someone else, that it is going to snow a lot this winter. Therefore. “S 7RZ SR.” should be changed to the indirect speech “# 7RZ 5R" which is a future tense of declarative sentence. Answer 4' 125
>«7.1 O1b 5 «- «- O"WI prqctice Questions 1 Д*1 OiXil tfH0||A| AILM S0| om tJ>0j5FZ 6)%%E|L| £!^йад 0]Ц7|- ©Of пщ ^q] щп пв]Н ofH.3 w ^o| ©g3№ wa| g^| @>OPW Л 5HCf. 2 tf-g- e! *1 -T-& 4r zfe •?!= tMl-2- C Ш e^i UIZ1 ^Oil ^i|< Q ЩЛ № € 4Lgo]| o|S w|h 0R°£ 12Ш &l.|Q. € Lionel lh^ Jp|g ^o| gw йкУЛ tm. c OjDjL|7|- Ц(ЛИ W £2| 1НД tfLIQ. 3 »1^<>|| 7H> St^bg; JLS-tUl-^-. 7K 0| MP3< &0Щ? Ц: о|Ц£, 0|7j °г| мрздсц ог| ^§fE|| ( ) w 7HX|£>0j£. С ша| € ШЗ ^нл 0 ^s| ^a-U 0 ШЗ| £цл 4 cf-g- А]^.. О E!sh AfO|Oi|A| OI7I7H BfEfZ ВД. € ^44= LH ^^0| дх-нчл € cw £14^ 4S ^011 oie^oil ^h0| ТЩ^Ж. С oiei woil ь|^Н ь|7Н gfo| g 7-да in 126
<s т ги1 о]П1 пР Ц!|и ф ЛН Л- к-1 ф 'рШ о|0 oi к7 —1— пГ я! П1|П1 oi он XI mini S’ 3J oil! SI iioJ O|HJ 30 in ft- kJ ф ijo-1 o’ ЙО О
of ru| гН o|HJ w1 dK Ф л- Ф 'цШ о|ц tr oj So3 И и 22 s <_ ||сЯ IU|J lT К о JD *0 пГ KD мэ So1 Г-1 йт Ю ин г-id f< S’ р< < к 5 Й5 ZT 5" S’ Ф 01 То1 N lT ryJ ЯГ Лш о 3 S- К-1 ©
IBs ihEBteeM М@!Ж New style Hanbok” of Korea As you may know, Hanbok is a traditional Korean clothing. Hanbok is loved by many Koreans due to its beautiful design and color. A lot of people choose to wear it in important events such as a wedding or family celebration. However, despite its beautiful features, it is not so comfortable to wear in daily life. It gets wrinkled easily, and it is not easy to take care of it or move around while everyday, doesn’t it? wearing it. Therefore, a new style of Hanbok has been introduced which made the best of its beautiful features while making it wearable in daily life. It does seem easy to wear it

I. °akOhCT| -7| o^oiq Verb oiE.|- op| D^OIQ 7f7| D^oiq Adjective #4 ®7| D|30|q O||hhg|- 0||HH7| D|30|q О °llS 4^°14 4W°1 ЧВД4. It is used to say that a certain situation is natural and reasonable. t3> * AfgSfe Af^O| АЦЦ 5JSZO1 S0|7| n^0|01|fi. The one that you love is bound to be most charming to you. • 0|# ИЦ 52g ^Z|0| ЙО| Ц7| D^O|Oj|fi. When someone is ill, he/she is bound to miss his/her hometown. • V-FL-I- eT^oPI DHclO|OJIfi. At first, anyone is bound to make mistakes. ^P.|A|-°h Guidelines -7]] ‘-7] ‘~7ll nf?JO|rT is used the same a ’-7| □ffeOlQJ Q 5У0| S г=0| ЭД7| DfS0|0||S. You are bound to get gain weight if you eat a I = Ц0| ^0| Д|7|] nf^O|Oj|°. 2. о озоген More in detail ► -7] 711 ’JW, ^o]4’®<4 hhlo] Ab§< да. -7| o|gO|Cf can be interchangeably used with ‘-fe ^1 SSofcf, ‘-fe gO|q.’ o • Щ0| elO| д|7| D|-^0|OJfi.. You are bound to gain weight if you eat a lot. = E*0| гО| 41 &2ЙНЯ. = ЦО| 403 ^0| Mfe gO|Oj|fi. 130_ @-7| 0^0|Q
Self-Check 10S| 36S 7f: ЛЖ8 £¥ *r§feE|| Ж1 ^4< ЭД ЛЩО|ОЦЯ. Q: 7|| ^c№. L-|° Л°1ёИ1 ОДО. Ф ^4W ££0|| о @ Ь^Я ® ^ё|Ць ^0|0||Я @ -^фёр| П|-^0|0||о unit 7 Й°1 1 • Answers and Explanations j The speaker is saying that it is only natural to make mistakes at first. ‘~S §S.0|C|’ of (D shows that previous and latter situation is the same. -7|S of @ means hope, ^ОЩ’ of ® is used to emphasize the previous statement. Therefore, neither can be correct. @ which used ‘-?l П^ЗОЩ’ that means a natural and reasonable fact is correct. Answe Д
4ЧЧ °n_fe gO|Ef Verb eoiQ -(O)L gO|Lf Adjective 1° ЙОЩ НЦ e вот О ZL§?]] Sfe ЗИ ЧВДц]-. It is used to say that it is only natural in general for something to happen as such О • 4^ V?L| *T£A1 йё SO|q. It is certain that anybody can go through hardships in life. • ЦД Д o'OII^I ft УД czfe SO|Oj|fi. It is certain that what goes around comes around. • Ж S S0|X|o. It is certain that the bigger the expectation is, the bigger the dissapointment gets. 2. Ci OkOI-C->| _____ I1 ► «ё -7i адад®ч ч-g-t 9M '-fe Й0Щ' can be interchangeably used with ‘-7| of?to|Q.' • lsH ° I У й°1ОДЯ. You are bound to get gain weight if you eat a lot = Щ0| Ah0| Д|7| DfEfO|O||S. 3, SfOlyOI * 4$ > 4 45 6Д 16a ZL §^7|> AfA| °tg Л®0| Ц: <2 ДДо| st ita|7| □fgQ|A|g. Ф УУУ Й0|А|о ® 711 ® Ч £*il SHW J Answers and Explanations J-—» - You are supposed to find the sentence that says products with good quality sell well. <Z> is emphasizing the product that sells well. @ means that there is no way that such product sell well. Therefore, neither can be the answer. Also, ® which assumes the product to be sold cannot be the answer, either, ф which means that the vacuum cleaner sells well since it is inexpensive and is of good quality is correct. Answer ф 132_ ф-feSoiq-
ф о Ito I о Alto kfi © otology k>fi @ окк >к>(° @ Ш? ISk^ls о '3ltok Шок ’^Шйй 1к АН AltoAk :-h с>к)ю§|а Ah НаАЗя А На АсгИк >к "5~kfrair -q-(£ w к>тНн А|ак Ай -!Нгн 1* ^Eiaif- ta Г2-ш -kkio Э З1ой Г2чп kkio О ¥|ой Ай kkio Э ^1о^ Ай kkio О '¥|ойк кй kkio йШ к-ккШ ktalbii^ HI-yIyy |?й :k ’о10Й P2 AklO# Biff |§3y АН АННА й ко :к "ylyf/Hir ^=ilo Ф w ЬНй -{Етч'рГ Ji -S-^ ollolo^to кШ^ О ^1Ю1ой-1п кШн^ Э oltolOzfotE =г1?-к 0 c>fete (& oltoloH =fl3 lkl°H*: Slsfe"1! z5 к 10 Iw^^' fisNo o’lOpoo' oeC Яя <5к)нз Ikk^ IkIо -Ifth f? !□!§ юНп Ж ЖггЖ lE-fi :k йй ’S’lYfrH/L Я'ьэ w -к'д"п 1y -Irin ^j) з?1ой-1п кШ^Ж -htb^i Sow lYk^io © klOify ЧШФЖ 5-l0?o lYk^io с>НзТо йкФЖ ^rtbo’ 5-|0To lY-|?^lo (511-Y-h ккФЖ zE-tbo- iooTo IyIs^Io "Sikh lYk&fe Ah ’ :-h 3ltolofBi=r I-yIo^ кФЖ 1й1оЖ is 1кЖ> klto-lYl? :k ‘ук^нтг оЧп-В-&4¥-Жк>> Ib-RR- й suoj;san^ aoipojci ||i£.Z ]F~
Han River City Park Pool People tend to miss blue sea during summertime. Wouldn’t it be great to swim in the blue sea during the summer? However, it is not easy to afford to go visit the beach whenever you want to, in terms of money or time. There is good news for such people! At the Han river, you can enjoy swimming. It is located right next to the subway station so you can't miss it. Plus, it is very affordable to use it so you can go anytime you want. If you are exhausted from the heat of Seoul, how about paying a visit to the pool sometime?

-71У ёЩ Verb lJ oK ^7|°f ёЩ A^ ХИ У §£A|- Adjective lT □h ёЩ H7|°f ёЩ О ЧМ Ч-адт}. It is used to show that only one particular action or state has been continued. • 7p A| °J0| У flit fll^ A|7|Et 5K<flS. Since the exam ended yesterday, I've only been sleeping Q: иУШ o'OI S.^|0|X|£. You’ve been studying hard. You needed it. • 7f: ^Щ0| O|ЕЦ£.? What is it like to study abroad? Ц: -y-yepiEt oHS I've only been bored since I don't have any friends yet. [I Self-Check * /И зИ i5/J4?ie^fli mi 31 й <flfll S^oi oiBloifi? Ц: ХЦП|7f ftOjAj flfe. @^7|^5K0|o ®>7|y$H0jo @ >7|^ I Answers and Explanations j- — — The speaker says that he/she only slept throughout the whole play since it was boring. © means that the speaker did not sleep. @ means that the speaker planned to fall asleep. © means that the speaker speculates that he/she might have fallen asleep in the past. Therefore, @ which means that the speaker fell asleep only is correct. Answer (3) 136_ ф -71 °!
™oiq -(—> tr°iq Verb £0|q zj^oiq qq £0|q q> ™o|q Adjective q^B^oiq нщ go|q &Hq ВГ2Ш £°iq K^^oiq 0|SW£>“0|q qj ^oiq gxf+oiq Noun+ОЩ CP CPS# £0|q срщ ^o|q sixy q^0|o># £0|q sfxyqj ™o|q О ЛИ- РВ ЧЯлНР unit 8 lt is used to show that there is nothing else than what is mentioned in the preceding phrase. • 0| g7j| *p71- S g ^Л||Я. Tell us how you became such a wonderful soccer player. Ц: ojjoj ^=£61 SsSJ# trO|0(|fi. All I did was just to practice continuously • 7 К 'eW Is he your boyfriend? Ц: ОЩЯ, *!®f Cj^gS £0|ОШ. No, we are just close friends. ^°|A|-°f Guidelines >41 P Ж- When ‘-Ц “ ojp’ is used to connect a preceding ndsucceeding phrase, it can be used as “ ГЯ 7j: 7,|U0] £1 SOf S.Oj£._ You don't look happy. Ц •• OS £ 7®0| of её OfNOjlS. AllI'd like to do is th take a rest. It’s nothing like I feel Unhappy. - _137
1 2. Self-Check ~---------“--------------------------------- ”—~ \ *4-б-( И 7|в^Ч1 Зй 85122S Д: 0|О[бЦо. Qx|Xfe й°$4£? Ц: ?USOtfi. ( ) ф ёНЯ (2) •== 2-1-0 f Ш EflЕ||Я @ £0|0||Я @ w ямя. Answers and Explanations J You are supposed to say that a little bit of amazement was all that happened to you. You did not get hurt. However, '-og ёЩ’ of ® means hope, ВД1Я' of ® means a speculation so neither can be the answer. Also, ‘-i= 5^1 Л| wlQ’ of @ means that there is no need to do it to a certain extent so it cannot be the answer. Therefore, ® which means that there is nothing else than the fact in the preceding phrase is correct. Answer C3) 138_
у Practice Questions 1 Q4 О 4£°l] §°i£ *£££ 7H щей а|=шщ щ щд^цщ. У . 0 АЦО|2!Ь *ШЦЦ ©АЦа|2!Ь Й£ЩЩ € АЦ0|2ИУШЧЧ 0АЦО|2Р| of^ojLjq- Ч--5- ?! ?Н ZLS^A]^. У\ £Ц 7р|0|| #ЯАЦ£? ОI^Ofl #ощл ТОНЯ. Ц: У Л У Ah£M0|. О А|7|^ Ш ™1®HCHS € Aplh ЩЬ ЙО|О||£ © А|7|^ 01^ 5Ш ^0|0||Я 0 Ар|Ь 439 *Ю|0Ц£ Л- > ^0| Oh Щ0|£Е|| QJ oiojOjo? Ц: ДУ ^0|0||Я. € blitz 5а|Л^ ?Лйн£ ^0|йС^Я € #2Ш 2L*m € У ь^?! §Яё|-х| yot£ С 5 о |2|0|| GJ8 Й^СНЯ ^5! gJil 139
4 ?! TH O^h. S.TMI «- «- ы «Г Practice Questions 7K Д-01 ^E|| «0Щ? ц: лу. <] У >2|-Я € У =o|-fi € У £!<*=Ц “0|0||Я 6 У £!¥4 0fL|0||o 5 ^-e- ^1 -T-# 9 <1 §^0| SjX|J= °Д *p|E h 5Щ. ^н° Уё|-Л >P| 6Ц£. € ё|-л| р^л <71°! 5ЦЯ. c 4^oi Afji7! йье||£ мдл|щ бца. 140
Listing 046 047 E||q-7f 048 -7|£ бЩ
“У 0Щ 4 -(o)s 0Щ4 ад Verb 44 0Щ4 ад get ощ4 0Щ4 Adjective ад 0Щ4 0ЦШ4 qijM> 0Щ4 Ollff OfL| 4 0ЮТ> 0Щ4 ^Et ощ4 gAH-014 Noun+оЩ SfAH s°! 0Щ4 ссУ 0Щ4 ощ 4 £|^QJ ««Of of ад It is used to add information of the succeeding phrase to the proceeding phrase. m • 7f: П Af^0| оде? What is he like? 4 01s§ s' Ш тгЕ! 0Щ4 .tSJjt ёЦ£.. He not only talks well but also sings well. • 4- 4^44 OjUUfi? What is your current dormitory like? Ц: ®Щ0)|А-| 7f77f§ OfL|4 ^f£ даЦ^ёЦЯ. It is not only close to school but also clean. unit 9 41 ^ojxfof Guidelines ад -g-^ЭД ^-4 ад ъад jpg^o] W4 ад 4^4 ад §4. If there is positive information in the preceding phrase, positive information should be in the succeding phrase. If there is negative information in the preceding phrase, negative information should be in the succeeding phrase. ®'4 Afgg QjQig ^Qf Of L-| Sf gZjOI Of SOfg.-j» (o c!) (positive) (“•§) (Negative)
2« сч o^ofcti ► ‘Чг ит Ч-g-t Ф да. ‘-S g°i ощар can be interchangeable used with pace of ‘-fe ВДЛ.' • ZL Atg--^ SLfSZ# теЕ! OfLRf ил£ 42.. That restaurant is not only delicious but also cheap. = =L StEfe ЧШ?! 4Я. i ► ‘Nil °ЬЧ ‘N-B4 тги b] s Comparison of ’N§J £°t ощг)’ and 1® ощау ‘n^ ет ‘ыда’?]- дада < ч-в-да. ‘N*gJ set ощар is used as a predicate with ‘ЬЮЩ.’ • ZL A|-g° ^?0||Я. + Zf 5° -У cM 0|0j]o. He is a good friend + He is a good teacher. (N0|Q) -* л Af^i ^°t omaf O|0||fi. He not only is a good friend but also is a good teacher. i№ °№E’^ ‘N«wt- *пда W4)7b > ч-в-да. ‘NSef ОЩг}' is used with a predicate apart from ‘Nom.’ • Ai| £4-^ q^-£ в§НЯ. + Ai| е>оЦН. My friend is good at studying + My friend is good (§Af) (verb) at sports. Ail £1^ ON a) ^ёЦ°. My friend is not only good at studying but also good at sports. Hollywoqdstar n goiioig 7^^ оща| нЦ¥011Я He is not only a singer but also an actor. д C50||O|g wgsy 0)L|3| Qfg£ 0АЧЯ. She is not only pretty but also sweet. '№^ ^oy ovLi^v'St 'N^oy otLi2/^ о^снЬ ct-| '*3--П&£с« ^otoHotSt-Xtfl.. ‘NS! “У О)ца)’ and ‘N“510№f’ are different phrases even though they may look similar. It is important not to be confused between the two. 144_ @-g^DJO№i
Self-Check * 7p§- <Й< ?g^A] 9, 7|g£X1l 35 6^1413 54=h АЩ-Й01 oiq- / □!• Ф A^0| oiQi ёН-Е ^L|4. (2) O|^ АЦЦ-gt oiOjOf ё|-л ^V£ *rtTL|q. ® E!4^ Afiz-aoi °|^ A|o^ ^L|Q. @ АЩ-Й01 °ш “У OH-I^F §¥£ unit'9 ц« Answers and You need to find a phrase that has two facts about Minsoo. Since Ф means compromise and @ is not correct because the connection between being social and doing well in school is unnatural, ® means that he acts sociaiUe when he really is not, so it cannot be used. Therefore, @ is used to deliver two facts are correct.
-(°)>- ЕЦСИ -b 4I44 S4 Verb 44 4 EII44 7fe EIIR4 -(°)|- 4144 O| E||Cpl Й4 4144 gAf+O|q otxy ё1луо| q|cp> Adjective 44 4 4147Г Noun+ОЩ *FFO| ЩЕРГ It is used to add information of the succeeding phrase to the preceding phrase. f31 • 7f: £.•§ si-g Щ717f ^JE 4 eM-S. I haven’t seen you for a while. 4 Ml, S!£ u® Wl АЦ5. g“f A|xrct 7j| oiOjAi § Н^ОЩ. Yes, I have been having lots to do as well as I just started studying. • OfзНЧ ИШ 4 Sfe 4I47|- ^4 a^ ф °io]2. Through exchanging languages, you can learn Korean language as well as make Korean friends. • SOI Mh ^hE 4 Ч|СРГ =^0|7|£ 5ЦЯ. Youngmi is my classmate as well as a high school alumni. ^°|A|-°f Guidelines *1^14 Ж W. The subject of a preceding phrase and a succeeding phrase should be same. S3 41^ 7JIOJ® 5fe q|Cpj (E-Mjg) ари АНМ77Г O^Of] % WC|. (0) i(^0j) (subject] (40|) (subject] My brother cannot wake up on time since he plays games every night as well as stays up all night. % HE OK® ЕЦЦ7] Wife m (X) (^Oj) (subject) (EOi) (subject) 146_ ф-ЕЧ|ср|-
2„ ch оконец More in detail ► *-< W opqe}.’®<4 oir}-. ‘-fe ЩЦ7К can be used interchangeably with ’-S ощг|.’ @ • Л 490 otoi^ q|Q7h Л40 The restaurant not only serves good food but also is inexpensive. = л A|g^ 5!5i^ SSI ОШЧ at лщ. Self-Check * Ч-B- К теЗ}- y]^tb ЛК. 45 8S1 23S л Д§о| ga|st с-цад л|^£ >о|-л1 s^soini рри щр. I I Ф^а|«Г2 ® S2-1^7и|-Л|°t @ ^2-1Ш Set O|-L|af L........................................... ................. —tj[ Answers and Explanations The meaning of the phrase is, the boarding house has a convenient access as well as a good facility, -s S’ of Ф makes the convenient access and a good facility to the the purpose of the suceeding phrase, since ‘-fe of 2 means that the degree of convenient access and good facility are similar, neither can be an answer. ‘-7fe ёИУ of ® means an opposite so it cannot be the answer, either. Therefore, ‘--gr JgEf O|-L]E}’ of © which means an addition is correct.
OUS -7|a 44 £4 Verb 44 О 7}# f К-]# -^-т-Зй лаЧ'З! [rfl лЬо‘7&сЬ. It is used to indicate that it is done sometimes. • V2nfe asffi? Do you frequently keep in touch with your parents? Ц: HI, §W°t 7f# 5P|£ 8ЦЯ. Yes. I normally call them but I write them sometimes, too. • У[: aS onr^Ha? Where do you usually study? Ц: ass aAi^OII 7p|£ §HR I usually study at my dormitory. But I sometimes go to a library during weekends. 4 148_ 8|q
2. zj-ojjf-n II Self-Check * сЬв- ?! те-й} > 4 Sfe 3!< 2£лж 7f: 5^ СЦ^ЙВ Й«,Ю|| VS® Ц: ад 5HIE! 0р5НЮ|Е< бр|£ 5ЦЯ. Ф о^нр|Е^ у ёня @ 0^Н^0|Е§ 5^ §о£ о|(^о ® й-S £?Ь £! бГл 0Ь=ЫЮ1Е “toil °! бШ @ о|=нр|Е§ sfe unit 9 Ц« ( Answers and Explanations '-1 |E ВЩ' is used when there is such a case at times. Ф means that nobody does a part-time job and S means that nobody studies, so neither is right. @ means nobody does either studying or part-time job so it is not co-"-:* Therefore, @ which means he/she does a part-time job sometimes is correct. 1-9
wIr о ktata Ът1п 0 II-yS Siv OS L 4ktaferlR 0 Ma О ofe&> Мп 1см°тг ikfehto iBSMln 'oHoltao :-h olkAlCS -loS dollolOs^iS 1y i^Ny :k ’ТГк^аТГ vk t’Io Ф w I*Hr fek“u Iy §[n V HsIr 1к)н>к1¥ О feta Ito-iWiY 0 ktalb 0 оНги I-yJo> fc kl zIoSS Sk loSfe :-h olok к lo°¥ 4yS ^Itokfe |y :fe <-££ -{a^ta -Ufeto ^HH 1Y >D1 -§-b £ cslYf zEh2 ItokloJa l0rr§ SlY 10 О ofe ta72 lafe Jakioia l0hr§ SlY 10 0 ofe 57r fehlO 1аяя §]o4a IOlY'5' SlY 10 Э c>|Yf zEh/' taoloja |O|Y§ talY 10 О fefe lEnzt / feioia IOiyIj talY Io ‘ylYtrair Ik-fclb ± fehto Jam ВШк о ШаSkk0 ^fek 0 Ной Skk О oll-iloiS -iSrrlkz ktalb otak Мк)ю ^felY o& Io ^1у|у5 7Г -I Jo v w titfe к pi я l¥ I suoi|san^) aojpoad ц_«£-^-
5 гНг -т-^2}- Л- *ll^£i= °1№1Я? Ц: ornqg gm О € о^«71^ © o^qs л-|да е счвеж от SS unit 9 ц« 151
Landscape gardening of Apartments There are many apartments in Korea and recently, the trend is changing. Before, having good schools and good transportation was considered to be important; people used to think of apartments only as a place where they eat, sleep and reside. However, recently internal circumstances such as landscape gardening have become an important factor when choosing a good apartment. Therefore, new apartments these days tend to have many flowers and trees which make it look like a garden or park where people can take a rest. Apartments have become more than a place to live and a place where people can take a rest and enjoy life. Why don’t you pay a visit sometime?

Jsjjj n>-^jOi|Aj q-^-oJ-ZI SiOjfl.. Students are studying in the classroom. -h gO|E) X|i=} РШ)--— -^А^ё^ §O|Oj|£.. My brother is having a meal. 154
ouq -Of/Oj *** Usage -Ot/Oi El-fR Verb Mlh О 4 е] Л^7} 4-W1. It is used when certain action continues after being finished. 42k • ^E-0j| ^EL| ZtytS.? What about going to the movies during the weekend? Ц: £R0|0||£. ^о|ад □!&] hi 0110HSH 50| #3!0Щ. Good idea. I think it’d be better to book tickets beforehand since it’s the weekend. • £Ц eCH sStOjH? Why did you leave the front door open? L-B S0i| УИ1Р1' ls°I LM §0] The house smelled of food so I left it open. Guidelines ‘-OJ-/O} вдуз. даад 4 да-. ‘-Pf/Pi A°tWV can be abbreviate as VOf/Oj MWk © £a|ft nlЁЦ ®H efOBM 4-§0| StOffi., Since I’ve cooked beforehand, there is nothing to worry about = aaa Dial sfl ад z*§0| °1O|S. unit 10 #EH 2. Cd O^OI-C “| I ► ‘-«w Wfe ‘-o>/ol 4 да. of/oi feQ' can be interchangeably used with ‘-0f/0i ’ • ct -nrS cPf &I left the door locked. = У SS ^ojCHS. ф-‘Э».C-W4 155
Self-Check % ?IS=Xil SS 164 31Ц ! 7f; O|bi ®7f Щ д^51 71IS101 SiOjfi? Ц: o^S 7|SR£. ^1 Ь|Й7| . ф ёЦЯ ® 0]|о|ёЦ i^Ojo i @ E*fsp|^. °H° 1 Answers and Explanations You are supposed to make a sentence that means you have already gotten tickets since you have a plan to travel. Ф means that the speaker feels that he/she should've gotten the tickets in the past. (2> is a speculation that the tickets have been given to someone else. Therefore, neither can be the answer. @ also cannot be the answer since it means that the tickets are bound to arrive. Therefore, ® which means that the speaker has booked the tickets beforehand is correct Answer @ 156_ @-0F/oi
I. O^OI-C-II -(0)1- zH(S) 1 lT оБ Verb О «Г «7} zg^o] O]SO]^ u}| ЛЬ§-^. It is used when certain action is taken in the process of another action. • 7(: <^0| 2Ц H£||£? QsJOjfi? What happened to your face? Did you get hurt? Ц: 0Щ2. 0141 ^Oi fee *H Ы7|0р]| No. I got bitten by mosquitoes since I slept with the door open. • Al^g ais yo|| >O]7^ of ЕЦО. You cannot enter a room with your shoes on in Korea. ^ojAfgf Guidelines -г- w®, дам -чм w <, -°im > < S AHps-H:]-. When' F- rti is combined with *-Of/PI И;Ц dr ’-Of/Of tQ’, it is often used as ‘-PI/O1 ^2- ЗД’ or ‘^Of/Of x||.’ f3H “Ife fe>CH fee fefe’l ferSilfe. I fell asleep with my door open. 7| ё SO] S2JQ. J fell asleep with the TV on.
Self-Check ! « xj иы-з}- врро] < 7|>°Л| 4^ 5«| 353 I 4--------------------1 I 7|: gO| 2Ц Л£Ц£? а?|®Щ| >SOjS? Ц: Ml, Oi*ll £8 goi 5И£Я. ® *н (2) CTQj @ «Oj #o^Ai АЮ1 l[ Answers and Explanations к^^^мяпшпапипшммм|м You are supposed to find a sentence that the speaker kept the door open. ® means that even though the speaker didn’t leave the door open, he/she acts as though he/she did. ® means that the speaker is doing something else while opening the door. Therefore, neither can be the answer. ® means that the speaker took a nap for for a short while when he left the door open so it cannot be the answer. Ф which means that the speaker fell asleep with the door open is correct. ns er ф 158_
-0h/0i 7И/34 §4 Verb °t>0] 7Щ/2Ц ^ёН 7Щ/ЯЦ О -ч/0! ^4°] 4М4 п]еил]£ 44 4 4-g-tH}. -of/oi 7Щ: it is used when the current situation is continuously maintained in the future. • Ш^ЗёЦ э 31 нЦЦ. Our country will develop even more from now. • A^0| 0]|^ Afg# ^>0] 7fA|^ Н^ЦЦ. I wish that the two of you will make sweet love from now. 0 -4Л .2.4 4т] #44 ^444 a]### 4Ф &=r 4 #§<4 -op/oj SQ: it is used when the past condition has long been maintained to the present. • 0| Ji|i=rf| 10^3 ol! A[§6]] StOjfi. I have been using this product for 10 years. • 5t3 S¥E-l AfflO] s уд|- xp;i£]. одДО. I broke up with my boyfriend who I have been with for 5 years. -o]-/o] 7|-r]-: (44) •-------------------> (n]sfl) -o]-/o] ^4: (47]).------------------------- unit 10 &ЕЦ 4Й ^°|A|-°t Guidelines WFf A]4o] Ы]дх1 1^4 л}-й-4 44 ; can only be used when the ten th of time that maintained certain condition is considerably tong B3 A|fel0g^<4-8- go] ® f3A|7 (sho inod of time]
'ct- -ov/сн -lt-Cb'-Ь CHlfci CHOI -H£t 51,1-2=111 1ГН A-t-S-SHfi. Ц — оl/o( 7Щ’ can only be used when something is about to finish. Ex ^0| Ct E|Qi ЭДШЦЕ ^°f 7|ОДЛ||Я. Your meal will be ready soon so please be pa ent even if you are hungry. * *1?M1 13j-< J7 еЛ]/]^ j i ? ®^L|4 @>ЙЦЦ- fl Answers and Explanations . ........--------------- ...... .... ........ ....... You are supposed to find the sentence that means that the economy will continue to develop further from now. Ф means the past condition. (3) means that the past condition has been maintained until present @ is an incorrect usage of -Of/Oj Therefore, @ which means that the current condition will continue to be maintained in the future is correct. Answe @ 160_ @-Of/q W/2Q
О *13 th W1 л]4£|ь чзж. It is used to mean that the action that has been done in advance is being continued. QB * 9>0| ее^^НЯ? Have you finished preparing for the housewarming party? Ц: Hl, п|e-l АН 7 IE! иМ ЕНЯ. Yes, since I have prepared food in advance, all I have to do is put it on the table. • 7f: JltfOll H> 0| E-l А|Ю№|О? Do you think we should book tickets for New year's holidays? Ц-: 2! П|2-1 A|- Oh, I have booked them in advance 2. ch o^orcni ► -373 -373 llH3 да. -Of/сн can be interchangeably used with ‘-0f/O| isQ.’ • a cPf t$O|2. I left the door locked. 3. ifojF*-*’1 unit 10 &ЕЦ Г * " ~ ’i * 3# w з ¥^3- даз > да » дшлмк. 7K mil 4^011 rteq q лгц? q: m, opn soil ^Ofl DI5-I A1¥SW&. I Ф Af йена @ M иена @ 4 ^йсна @ a| ^йсна t.____________________,_____________________________________________________________ Answersand Explanations_ You are supposed to find the phrase that means that the speaker already purchased what he needed. Ф means an experience of doing something. ® means a repetition of certain action. ® means that the speaker gave something that he/she purchased to someone else. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which means a continuance of something prepared beforehand is correct. Answer @ ф-of/oi _161
-Of/Oi О1Ц * -ob/oi 014 £4 $4 йог Й4 Verb 44 4 SZ4 О 4^! г°14 ^7} #4 Л ЛоМ7]- 4Н -Я-Х|Е|7]Ь|- 44414. It is used to express a certain condition or result is continued after an action or change has been completed • 4c!#ol 0j| ly-Of Students are seated in the classroom. • «B| SifeEJI il 44 ^4лИ4£? Could you close the window which is open? • 4^ 4 SlzA^m 444 44 My legs are hurt since I have been standing up all day ^°|A|-gf Guidelines W, >44, ¥4’4 W 4144, п^л^ ЖЙ4. It is used with verbs that do not need e jects such s 2Q, ?Л, feQ о passive ver ssuch as 844, SQQ. S₽J6t’ ► -O]'/O1 $14’4 ‘-Л $14’4 4г1и и] Л. Comparison between '-Of/Oj HQ’ and ‘-И HQ’ -4/°l 444 44 44 #4 ^°J] л ^7} 4H -n-41 41 -Я W4r H°1 #4*1 tH 4444. While -Of/Oj HQ’ is used when something is continued after being completed, ’-H HQ’ is used when something is continued without being completed. • ят. Someone is opening the window. • 4^0| ^£1 Я0Щ. The window is open. 162_ ф-Of/oj Sjq
3. i'-ojF'-H Self-Check * et TC°1 Т7 5Л]Л]<? Ф 4^*1- £J£0| ib| 010Щ. (2) ад VIOII °Ц= ад ® *!□ si ёН %ощ. @ «0|| 7^Af*IO| gB| О1Ц|Я. unit 10 да X|^ ( Answers and Explanations You, are supposed to find the correct usage of ‘Of/Oj 21Q.’ @ means that the speaker is doing homework now. Therefore, *81-2 SiP’ which means the continuance of the action rather than ‘s|| that means the continuance of the condition should be used. ® is correct. Answer 3 @ -й _163
1кВ 791 o^tzk В к)Жа 0 <5ВИоВ В Bin 0 О# Bio^ к)ВГп БЬВ i2 ^feb Шпй Кокк lo-ilrsiY ЬЬйгГ -^b ВВкИгв#feb >HaB llofek :b ‘oloB В кйдй Pls kA Hob к :k 'ккРаТГ >B ВВчР BP# №la 7 lb^§ ITteofi BBS 0 Op BBP ЁЁГЦ* PISoP BBP lLPa BBP cd к)Го I ok i2k)B Ёко-Го & Ito BPBB lk)& it& 'Bk)io :b бок)ю I ofe 6W8 l-Yfc Hotis 4lw Blob :k 'bio I ofc- is >ФВ #kk)B Kp BBS lk)& toits bis Ito llobie lloBk ^|yr Blob - -ftP •^Iy^hiT w ^b?o -&-U Up-^t £ ^|5 -u-telb Uo-fe-fr £ тгД к >vk 0 IkAlYb -Izrv-lz: 0 Trio к kvk Э irrrevk Э ^kisk-i kb cP к Svk Iok>"h i^Hi :b ik)Pb кВ IkSlo Нз khtaiio Pbb -k •^Iy&sit W Я-1% Ф # bb-h ft г @ IhBB к)ю Э IkAio 1гю0 Ih^r feB Э ll-i^k к)ю О 'кН Bfttollo lLB IlSs ЧоВ В Bb l-Yk)B io lofab In Io BBP :b 'B k)B BBS 6|yB IkBlo Из loB -k ‘TbYpaTT bbaip BP# Ho-pht ft #B I suoj;s3n§ ^ospDJ^ №*□
с» 1И>: I*.' IW HI I СЬ UI © Г° > й Hjoh ЛН ЛН © г° й Г° lUOh о jz м ф г° > Й Oh ® г° > й Г° poll Xi -С J$l! 41 Г г° оа Г|Г 2. Л & ьо Г 4J 3. ЭД bo (rtS Ф Г*1 -и Г-|гг =£ ш|п _£ (tty о*, (tty >1? Г|о ИЦ П1|о d ГН п£ й © ^0 job Ofe oh Г|Г oHi г° >5 Г» НХ' J2 П1|0 г° и|п 41 11^ □Z й о © Ю 0К1 г° г° -С Ю ГЛ > Й 51! £ >Н г|г >Ь! ПО п°1' П1|П 2 bo © © и и > г & Г|Г S и° |0 но № |0 и Ku Ло й й oh 11° о 41 .И oh Р m2 Й он иЮ -£ а|о nfi Ф г*1 -и p|ir о, И||Й Г<2 >>i П1|о пЬ >10> а Jb>S о
СП © © О»1 шй No й П1|О Ш2 £2 22 S Г° >Е й Ю а ш|л ш|п ® © Й № Ш|0 й fflO * 2 Й Л Г° гЦп н> г|г Г2± HJ J * 35 22 -п £2 1* 5 ЯП ho s ho п JH Г|Г 0|Х о ,2 ho Й г|п ho £ £ Й s г° ш|п к! [Й и° >Г h° £ ho ПИ г*1 -II г-^п: (1||п o>L П1° Я?- Г|о iu=L ф И |ш X )о ® © >- >- 6J6 ж poll .oh -Ц Ш щ И m2 П-1 Ю 0К1 de 1=| ГН pO|i JS © ® > X 6J6 о|о Oh Oh к> ГЕ tot' О* гНй ш|о Ю Ku □С U £° П1|П >£ Г|о tu=L (ll|o г£ ±,
°2 fe ТГ Practice Questions q-в- Шt 31 л 31 S< SS ш Щ) §gg Sq лу Ц£ S ШвЧ|, S*M HR! ЯД soil >0| В^да q q^oj E|ojq. О IE © Sq € S^Aj ©sq *z io q-н- st 31 ¥^°1 *£££ st- лязиф О £Л1£Ю|| s soil W S3 >7il£. © S -а Х|Л SS Ж|Я © S£ *ЦФ ДЭ Ш EH£. О S3! ФЛ qn|£ qxfe S >qSA||S. 11 Щ--Б- ¥ ^S-i- IhMI ШШШг лешл1^-. gsoilh 7|*1H< пн оцонёно^ qq / ngq &h_°3 E> g}q О дао||^ 7|т№> □]£! 0ЦПЦ5НЛ ёЦ£ й> ф gtq. © g^o||h >|А^> n|q 0||0ЦбН= Ш£0|| s< Ф stq. О Ш^оць 7|*fs< n|q оцоЦёЦ #л| oho^ si ФШ Ф giq 0 Шдаь o|q oj|o||5|-qq£ н< фШ Ф Siq. 12 Ш< 31 Ш?Ш- Нр?<^ > 4 Ш< ЛЭЗМК. ?h ms vsy-g- нл|л g^oii 7fqz ёцо. Aig> sota? q: sw. A1S S фЯУВ ЯЛ|Л В qq^i 0|q Ш ЩО! Wh Sol #§ 5 Sots. О sot 7fe S © sq s € SOi^hS © sq 5ih s 166

-О ад S3 'ЧсзЭД &h^oF^I2 с¥В И'сзо1 °HOf £Ц-2.. You have to study hard in order to pass the exam. -OD1 9 ufOl 9 S|-S.. I watch a movie when I have sometime.
-71 у ад §Af Verb lT 5Г q7|°f ад 7p|5t 42 §£Ah Adjective 0]|ВД О]|ИИ7|°1 ад (0|)7|4! 42 SAH-OIQ Noun+0|Q 43 430|7|°f ад ZLAb ZLAp|°f ад О W°1 xfl-g-o] ufl А}адч. It is used to represent when a preceding phrase’s action or situation always accompanies the succeeding phrase’s context. » 7|-: £Ц 4411 У JZAilS.? Why do you not drink milk? Ц: Xfe ¥°S 4A|7|°f of?! НЦШО| ЦА| °f о^£. Whenever I drink milk, I have a stomachache so I don't drink it. • Ai 4 Afg^ lE!Ll'7|y The two of them fight whenever they meet. 2, ch o^oi-cti ► -7]4} адГЗ} -714} ё}2 444 44 И]Я The comparison between ‘-71У °fS’ and -71У SfS E|Q’ -714} ад’З}- ^E] -714} ЭД 44’4 ^ё}^ £7] ^flA-] А]^Ч4 4^4} 42 24 4-g- 4424. Unlike '-712! sf^', ‘-7|et ofg indicates that the speaker only has to do the preceding phrase’s action in order to get what he/she wanted. — 11 43 • 4l°7|°f sfEl ®L|C|-. As soon as you heat it, it will turn into a great dish.
Э. Self-Check х|Ц / SJgg 5fQ Ф А|Ш *|SR ШЦЦ. ® А|Ш л|7|у ё^ ЙЖ ® Aiw лц=ад шцц. @ л|7|^ л|Х|°! ШЦЦ. [ Answers and Explanations ----------------------------- You are supposed to find a sentence that says he/she always gets the best score whenever there is an exam. 52' of Ф is a purpose ‘-bSpl’ of @ is a reason, ‘-7fe 5fA| £Г of @ is a compromise so none can be the answer. Therefore, <2> which used '-7|£t slS!’ mat means to accompany the succeeding phrase whenever something happens to the preceding phrase is correct. Ariswei @ 170_ @-7|yg^
0551 -ц me Usage -ct ME ед едйэ Verb me О W°1 W°1 ЧВД 51< <W. It is used when succeeding phrase’s action may be realized if a preceding phrase’s action is continued or repeated. f3B . 7R CROil s X| 67Ш0Щ gOj> =ёЦЯ. It has been six months since I came to the Unites States of America to study English but my English is still bad. Ц: 7]|ф g^-ёЩ ME s'SP'll S 7-j0||Я. It will get better if you keep studying. • 0[|§01 I heard that the kids fought again today. 4- ЙЕ ФМ SW2.. It’s only natural that they can fight with each other while playing. ^.o|A|-°l- Guidelines ед- мед *-< -> w, M ® ед. Usually, ‘-Й SS' ccompany Hfc?r £14’, ~>t 8 A<W, f-3t~ etc in. the succeeding phrase. © eifHsfe йЩ ЙЕ/SQ ojTfl § Т^ОЦЙ.. You will like thiJt food if you keep trying it. More in detail > ‘-u|- M ЙЬ|7|-’^] -пг® и] 1? The comparison between ‘-Q £0' and ’-4 ЩЦ4’ ед мед ед медед жя ^°1 едедч- ед® ед ед°1 едед едед. Unlike ‘-Q Й0’, '-Q йЦ(4)' is used when the succeeding phrase realizes as a result of the continuance or repetition of the preceding phrase’s action. O’ • SL|»F 0|Afc 7^ ^Oto. Since I have had a dog for a long time, I feel like he/she is a part of the family.
3, Xl-OJjl-TI Self-Check 7|>^A1| 4Й 62| 25Ц М> А|-^О| 5jo|AFs Щ. Л A|gg (Р^ЕВД tn бИУ ОВД >£ 21-Ув Af ^0|4£ @ан? д ВД мл ±|DJS 2П ®3^2fsta ®а| ВГА|°г @АЫ22±е±М #OfX|fe °п Answers and Explanations You are supposed to choose the question with a w ong use of grammar. УЦЦ Й.5Г of @ is grammatically wrong. It should be changed to ’-Q Й.ЕГ which describes the situation after saying something repeatedly. Answer @ AH? E.H-W ЙЛ — AR? EtW fiS 172_
056 -st/sma *** Щ Usage -5ЖЖЭ 0151/^443 §4 Verb ЧЧ чявдэ gAK0|ct тлу ^442 Noun+0|q ДАГ Adjective Ч51Ч4Э НЧ ЙЧ4Э О W MS W It is used when supposing something opposite and then think about it. ВЯ • 7f: 3A|0]| H|^7|< В т $ШЯТ£.? Do you think I can take the plane which leaves around 3 O’clock? Ц: Ш 3d 1 A|7foj cyst Ш 7joj|R I don’t think so. If only you had left an hour earlier, you could have made it. • ЧП Че! ЧЦ 5ЙЧЧЭ ЧЖ1 Ш ojoig. 7jO||R You could have got a job you wanted if only you had studied hard at school. ^£jA^oF Guidelines 444 sH °11 -1- <44^4 4-r ^$14 —g is often used in the case where it was lucky to not t have done something in the past. fiW Z1 ' Ц ЙЧЧи. Д® ®5лOf. I woulc have been killed if 1 had been on that car.- ий 11 id 4S 2. о ошсц E____ / _I ► ‘-$t/^44^ --5-^’, -4744 4^4 444 ф $14. ‘-$№1ВД0’ can be interchangeably used with ’-.2.3’, ‘-ot/OjOf ?J!fecil.’ ьтчэ It would have been great it I had come earlier. = m»ci i_|.sitoDi - QSfOR §н^Ц|о................
► “SI/aaJ-WTH] 52. The comparison between ‘-Й/ЙЦЦЭ’ and ‘-Й/ЙЦ-Ц 4?M 4Й15. SM *У4 зМ °11 31*1 W £¥ 7pj^ 4^ W. ‘-Й/ЙЦ-0’ can be used to assume both situations; something that had happened or hadn’t happened in the past. O> §oI?r om °f> чйцэ (o) It would be serious if Young had taken her father’s medicine go|7|- Offflf Цwqajg ^£141. (X) HM0|| ШИ (The situation that did not happen in the past.) Self-Check * Its. ШНЬИ ж 2£ЛЖ р1Д£*И4^3£Г21еГ] 7)- eg *|x|5p| щеод. 0fE®0|c-|a). Ц ПВЦ. ЦЕ Х|ЬЩ0|| ЦА)0|| Л)Н< ( ) ¥ёН=4 >ощцл 7(0). Ф уда ёН£ ® уда ® ytqa^ @ ть ни -[ Answers and Explanations ]; The speaker is assuming the situation that he had submitted the resignation which had not happened. ‘-feQal sH £’ of Ф means a compromise, ‘-$!/2}Е|Ц’ of @ means an order while ‘-fe В|^О|Г of @ means a reason. Therefore, none can be the answer. ‘-Й/ЙЦ2!?)’ of @ which indicates an assumption is correct. Answer @ 174_
KW. Usage “(°)s Verb 4Q £71^ §§Af Adjective Of^q- (0|)7jB gAH-op Noun+ощ ofxy о nfl ahw. It is to show a condition or assume something that has not happened. OB ' £fo □, опт® 2Ц e°l Professor, why did you leave the door open? I felt a little bit stuffy. If you are cold, close the window. • Й0| Of—Tic ?fOi| 7hM|2.. Please go visit the hospital if you are seriously ill. • °^0j| 7Ис Ш A[ qOf Mi. £№l? If you go to Europe, you have to get me a present, ok? Guidelines a^i}. In the succeeding phrase, suggestive and imperative sentence are often used. OfAlOV -T-tb'Ol -H O.oub. О.ОНХЧОА Oddlodji- dH O.odol 3- a 92^3-. Ck^ 'i'y /тк^Н' S^2k Ck^ AtolLITlk TlQfoH In case of the ‘Condition/Assumption’ expressions in this book, most cannot accompany imperative or suggestive sentences at the end. However, in case ot - 7ff=, imperative and suggestive sentences come in succeeding phrases. This is Ле difference of -7|c with other expressions that belong to 'Condition/Assumi.- o’ so please keep this in mind.
c;j2t 'Ь O|O f l-VevlhcH °*1°i ai'Q’ So-nStR. Unlike -?ifc.(2)’ mea «s a reason and comes at the end of a sentence. 7f 2Ц 0|gTfl b=?|| W 2ГФ AILteP 20ёО|Ц Why d d you cone this late? You are 20 mb ules late. Ц: П|£!бЦ. ^0| Щ0| s|J£7ic. I’n sorry, the traffic was Ь о heavy. Self-Check ^--5- ¥ 35 6£| 45S Л A^°| £2 oiq / Ц0|И| QtB| ® П A^fo| xf^ uj <£> ощ opj = цо|И| QtS| ^АЦЯ. @ П Afg°| x|^ BGL Ц0|И| otB| ^Ai|o. @ П A^2| *121 “jSB StZ $iOjA| ЦОД1 ^S| ^АЦЯ. @ Л Af^o| хф bfs< 2Ш4Д Wil ^й| АЦЯ. "{ Answers and Explanations The question asks for the telephone number if the speaker knows it. of ® is a purpose, ‘-0|-/0|Af of @ is a reason so neither can be the answer. ‘^fJl Йе??-' of @ is incorrect since it is the wrong version of ‘ Therefore, ф which used that means an assumption is correct. Answer ® 176_
I. O^OhCTI -5t/£iQ2 -(°)s 442 §4 Verb QHflf 4Я4Э е^ц-си 44 ЙЧ0 44Э 442 §§4 Adjective 44 44Э H4 НЦ-Э (0|H2 SAf+OIQ Noun+ОЩ A|-*l АГ401Я4Э Af*iO|i4E О ч-ьдач да It is used to show a condition or assume something that has not happened yet. «Aiu| stQS 7-1011Я It will not be a problem if you start studying hard from now. . Щ7|- L-|x-]a ?|7|. 4A| 7-jOf. If I were as tall as you. I would not wear high heels. • S° Ж1 7]0||£. If we were good friends, you wouldn’t have acted like that.
Self-Check EM XBxig 7|gO| ТЦф ( ) xRb л®0| ±p| o]b]° 501 ix|t sgcf. (2) @ >e-p^c-||£ @<e№|etS | Answers and Explanations ддд The sentence assumes that if the temperature rises continuously, it will be difficult to live on earth. of Ф means a purpose, of @ means a compromise, of @ means regret so none can be the answer. Therefore, of ® which shows an assumption is correct. Answer @ 178_
-5t№PFh -tpFh 51Ц e^cpFb Verb 4Q ^Pfe ?KPfe о ад < чц ад-ад-. It is used when a bad result is expected after doing the preceding phrase’s action. fW • Й^Е-i^. ^0| ufCpfe ^0| ЦШЦ1 7]0f. It will do harm on your eyes if you continue working on the computer much. ’ onrS W^Cpfe 'MU'S э ^iOf. You will mess up your exam if you delay studying. • П H|BJB Ah^roiHI WSJJCpfe E^0| was. Something serious will happen if you tell that secret to someone else. Self-Check ф вдад (2) °p|0fe @ 5fc£P|0|| unit 11 The sentence means that a problem can take place if someone takes medicine without much thought. -7|0J^’ of 2 is used when to express the status or thought about doing something. ‘-^Ц7|0||’ of @ is used when someone else s comment becomes a reason so neither can be the answer. Also, ‘-£Ц|£’ of @ is used when the expected result is not realized despite doing the previous action. Therefore, Ф which used ‘-Cpfe’ that means the succeeding phrase will take place if action continues is correct. Answer fl
-5t/5iOjot(A|) -Ot/OJOKAI) Verb SISOioKxi) ^OIOK^I) StOJOKAI) mw) -Of/OjOt(A|) O|Oj/(4OKA|) Adjective Kopk^I) SAH-OIQ Noun+0|£| Sfxy ^0|O]0t(X|) olivet (Wot(x|) ё!^010КА|) It is used to show that the preceding phrase is a necessary condition to accomplish the succeeding phrase. I3> • ^5H0fx| enroll OJW Ф oiQja. You should be good at Korean in order to enter the university. • ^o| dlHHjOf 4. ojq-. These days, you need to be beautiful in order to become a singer. • s,^0|Oi0fX| sro|g efg. о|7|Я. You have to be a student to get a discount on traffic expenses. Guidelines -ч/°1ом’Ъ ж; -< я -4-й-’ 8ЙГ-f. ‘ в Я ‘-Alft’ etc come a the succeeding ph aseof'Of/ Op::,' G3 Els Al|7|- SflOfXj ZL EJO| -Я Epl-Si. Minho shoulddo it in order to make it successful. 2. CH OtQI-C Tl V I g, > -о|-/о]оКх])’5}‘-о}/о]о]:х|(Я)о]^в]Я Comparison between-Of/oiOfW)’and-оборке)’ -oh/6]oXx])’<q- ^6Ц ч-я-чт m ufl л^ч. Unlike ‘-Of/OjOKxi)’, 0f/0|0p|(Я)’ comes at the end of a sentence. It shows the speaker’s will to do something or telling what someone else should do. gO]OfX|H. I have to quit drinking this year. До' Д-lJOI 5® 5E°IQ.) (The speaker means to quit drinking him/herself.) • El^Of, O|Jj|^E|b ё s-Уб| o^HOf7|. Minho, you should study a bit hard from now. AF^oini ^o|q.) (It means telling the person who is being spoken to, to study hard.) 180_ ©-O^OiOt(AI)
* ¥ И}5>П 3® 4Ш.4И4.. 7К 0]Э71| SHOf SJAJOJI 4 SISSIS? 14: ^sHQh £ЦЯ, 4 Ф go® =Ш g 4®W 4 ggS ® gg< ^HOfx| *|*|Ш 4 siojfi ® ggfi *ГЁОД ёц^ 4 2Ж @ go® 41^® 4 52ОЩ unit 11 4 Answers and Explanations ] English is a necessary condition to get a job. S' of Ф means more than one purpose so another purpose should be in the succeeding phrase. ‘-£ЦЛ ёЦ£’ of @ is a compromise so “it is not possible to get a job” should come in the succeeding phrase. Therefore, it cannot be the answer. Also, ‘-St/£fe4' of @ should have a different esJI from the original plan in the succeeding phrase so it is incorrect. Therefore, @ which used Of/OjOfxr which -ac = meaning that the preceding phrase is critical for the succeeding phrase is correct. A™aaer 2
—{= pF si Verb О Ж < ЧВД aHH^. It is used to show the situation of the succeeding phrase will be realised as long as the condition of the preceding phrase is satisfied. ё[лн=О| Olfe St 0|7jO||£. Our future is bright as long as we have such great students like them. • МЛА-ffi 0|ь| LHX| gfe st > ф oiQifi. I cannot give you a grade unless you submit a report by the end of this week. • 6fA| 5! ЦО|ОЩО|| You cannot succeed in the diet as long as you don’t exercise. ^£|A|-°t Guidelines h?,1-')' 'T21 zlch There are cases that‘StQ','bIQ'are used in preceding phrases. ® UPF SjOI Site ЦЦ- AJ^isZII, I wilt protect you aalong as I have power. н nfi-tp'K. 45 33 23*1 7K 65ЛЦ21 L|0|£ §A®=§ 5fA|H 7]|A|q| Ц: of S§Oj£. Щ £Щ0| ( ) TH ёЩ ф ^5>6|-C|E.^ @ o| W @ ё^ё^гн @ ft 1 Answers and Explanations J ----------------------- You are supposed to find the answer which means that as long as the speaker remains healthy, he/she would like to do the volunteering. '-E|?TE‘ of Ф means a compromise while -ft SE-sl’ of @ indicates that the succeeding phrase is similar to the preceding one so neither can be the answer. Also, ‘-2sH’ of ® means a reason so it cannot be the answer. Therefore, @ which used ‘-fe that indicates a condition is correct. Answer @ 182_
062 -Of/OJAfe ★ I Usage I, °ahOhC.H -Of/OjAfe Verb QOiAfe ад Adjective ад ^ои^ HQ О ад°1 4°1 ЧЧ nfl ЛНИМ It is used when something in the preceding phrase makes it impossible for something to be accomplished. • 0|®7j| {f0| ЙО| Ж1т= -У0|| 5 £0h2. With this much snow, we may not go to the mountain. • Х1Ш7Ц SS £ 5ЦА|£ f 4= 50|Q. With that bad speaking ability, he may not become a teacher. • ЛШ7|| 7Ц g5|AHr Ш WQ. With that laziness, he may not live a successful life. ^£|A|-°f Guidelines ^w°te < 4 шад ад] шад адаад чад ад-ч -r^- ад. In the succeeding phrase negative meanings come in such as “It is hard to do some hing.” ® 0I1P1I »Wll^-%01£. (X) (o'o) (positive)
Self-Check @ ZJO| AlZtOil ® 0IW71I sHAfe S10| of 5 Ш- @ оЦ^ A|Z.fo| I AnswersanidExplanations 1 — -: - Ф should have a compromising connotation such as ‘W0| <>i¥^ISfe4l °t¥ SWE влЦ'.’ ‘-ЕгЦГ of ® should be used when the subjects of the preceding and succeeding phrase are the same so it is incorrect. It should be corrected to ‘s°l sfofAj In case of since -4£fE’ means a compromise, it should be corrected to 0Ц si HfiUfAj A)Z_K)| ЙЙЦ.’ which means a compromise. ® means if it is done in the stated way. it would not be finished on today. Therefore, ‘-0f/O|A|fe’ which shows a condition can be used Therefore, @ is correct. Answer @ 184_
HI* Illi Л1 I —к co <л Ф Fr JW Oil $ П © Fr 0Ш oh 5 if © Fr Г°!1 -Ц rfl Fr JO/ Oh bn Ofi IU|0 5 Ы ru2 0> oh Г112 oh f st nj|O n£ H> RJ|O о П n|o rup ltl|o 32 n£ Г[о ru|o H иЪ jo Ф © >7 >7 22 Г|Г Г-2 roh oh "г" г5 © ф >г >г N -Р 21 i 2k FM I I oa Г2И z: £ ° m2 j* nHJ К1 ° Но г° 0||[» Кг 22 to П10 Л! >7 ш|п RU (11$. >£ Г|о (0|о kJ |ш п±, £2 г|г Ко 0° о to Н> 2 to ф ф я г|п to
м -С © ф 1ИЮ П(Ц JP ш|о |г 2 £ о Olffi П12 <1 Hi □<» ш|п 2. Ю te Г|о ф п£ к> ги I* я° (Й O|i Hi и ода г|0 ня □и г.2 OS -1Я О|| Ев ода По X' ]3 ода по ода По Но ня ни он J* ня п о£ Oh Ю >ю ои oi о® П12 НЯ не Иг г° .Б ю Б Ю Г[ГО £! X m2 г° п Ю mini id U ОС П1£ Нй Oil 5н Но ги П12 П£ W HjOli Н> ^2 ш|о id m2 г|о НЯ id Р mJ ни П1|П) 01' 0|| Г1Г ня Ни >ю (Й О|| (T1S ф ГЙ! Ни Ни о>£ Ф ЯС ф н п£ н>
00 СП mb ft rfi (IIP Ha Hi Ю Hi Hl job и гр jb Oh £ □a HP- mini oh 0|i Hi Jm Hn i₽ TiX .ft (ft JO (MX to oh □a H> tO to □IX JOb nfi Ф Г$! -It rftt Olffl Oh m2 Oil 1 п H> rulnj m° JOI; r|o X r_Q JOb Xi tx tx о oh 0(01' Olffl JS 0|i НП jHu O|i Fjo Hjoh R lx n w Ю jb oh w oh г£ 52 (1$ (11$ Я$ Г|о job 0 JOI; Hd H~i Г£ job £ to □IX sb rlo Hi Hi JOb 52 OPlPI Hd S° № X Hi Ю mb x Hl Ю rU^L X Hl гоЮ j m|m s₽ □a H> X5 H> mb x Hl тЩ n-i JOb _X rd° Oil nr mb to о 75 mini r° орг о 2 M □H kJ и> oh rlr -C ПГ ПГ l> mini nln hJ Jb ob 0$ o$i >i$ rlr =a 41 -Г- -Й Hi jHu (TtS Ф rfti -|е r-jit 4| 5 (B$ Г|о >ft Ш|о H Im uh, о и I® x r° X DU О гы ю mb Oil Eq oiih mlo Й Id mh HP- m|m r° lo Г_й ru m2 me Г1 J to Hl □ ru mh HP- m|m Ю JZ X -C OS!' О to © u mh HP- m|m r° Ю Г.Й OPf-X mjo г=ш C M гр to to Id rh H> mh H> m|m r° I? Jb о Ы m|o □U s me m|o m|o r“ P Hi t2 fl|o (itS (U|PI tft! -|lt rHit (U|fl .2 (U$ (11$ HU 0$ N$ X$ rlo |U|o -d ru lib. ±, H> n»* ri r2 a* r^D -er ~s a r> r4- OJ 0 <ъ tn о to ©
IohI ЧФ О к)ю Ф iz Hoislh ск ЁоШ Ikfeiz Nn ’з1кФ § 1й Я-Is Kfek 11о££1оЖ iri^kS Hr •фкГгнТГ W ФФ Ф > к>тНн -к^Ф £ < 'и1к1Фк 1ой >Фй hbOto IoShy ФЬ © 311-yIiHy I ой ЖФк =kWfc IoShy ФЬ Э oIIyIiHy 1ой >Фк ^н>1з IoSPy Ф1з Э 'oIIyHy IОй <ф|¥ fcfzllfo IoShy tto » Ъ1тУу i ой Bibs / befo iossy tfa •^lY№^g> Ik-frS №§ ф ф ЙЙЬна io © ^кн§ io © talY-biS io © h-falK io ® Ibis §на -оФФ lOra >I-Y ( ) in^S оРой cjhlo --It Lok)£IO lOra >k "Ук^нТГ <££ [k>{o ( йк ЫпЫоз © й f? LThinio# О c>ltok §io Ф SZTIr §ki£ ( й-h zrhbiol © йф tahtaiol О ) >3loiY :i"! iWio kSi^bk) Ih^i? irteiY SSIyIyS klloiinbS Nr фккнИ Фк1к> № (
Practice Questions 12 ( ) oj-ojj <£npg- -рел]л] ? 4: ИЧ|0|Ж£} AfOp|- of ^0|-o. A|Z 2o||7|- да ^0|-o Ц: e*|uH A|£o| 0^> ( )2ё|И>1 7j0||£. Ofi^S 0 Н?1ёЮТ 13 4 V£°ll ЙЖ ^g4]A] Q 4: 44 Ы0| SHA|? z^c-ll § 44§H S°!Q. Ц: §._______________________ 4: лгц.^ео|У^<|АК О zwqz Ч r'44 4h SIS 4 ^Oh © 0|1И а^ад °m 710F € tii^ gupte £ ш ^ot 0 4 niespll sms q 8H= ^01 Ц> ^Ot 14 Al >°]z]- Ol-nkg. 31-g- Ц^4И_9_ 7[: 51 Ш iJRh ^QZ дао||£. Ц: лгЦ£ . 7^0| т|| "ОЩ ё€^Ч|Я. с ^ар|уёна € ^^HOfAlfi 0 0 >^0i£ 15 S V£°ll Z.e^Al-£. 7K 5|^L|Ct. Xiph 7PI4AI да1-! £ ?Й^ЦЦ. QA| sra^L-IQ. L-K 0^L|Q. ЛШ ^L|Q. 0 ё^г.р1 © о iJ> ад © SIS ^Fcpfe 188 ^a=jS7il
16 41 ЗНг ^Л1>о| ен-и^рз дт л^>§ °_ед^1 т. о емдост © EtW nflohcb О E!WEt ёрЗ О ЕМЬ Ц0|| 17 41 ¥ ¥#< 3W1 £>И Ж ¥ >ёЦЬ п *!^о| g*g>0| о^ ^°№. Ц: 5011 А|^ё^ 1Г Ё15 ^0|-£.. П ^0]| AIEl^OIR ^ФЭД01Я О А|^ёНЕ| 1_| ®5|Ш ^ёН&Я © А|^§не|42 SSSOifi @ Х[4увщ МЦ77[ Дё|Ш ичёно] о 0 Al^sHOjOf 5Н^Е|| “И=ЙО|о 189
Deok Cake These days, Koreans began to put importance on “wellbeing.” People put importance in not only living diligently but also living in a healthy way I .................................................................................... with a high quality of life. One factor to represent such effort is choosing good food. Deok cake is one wellbeing food that has been receiving attention. Deok is a traditional Korean food. It has been an essential food in good events or holidays where the whole family gets together. However, with a gradual influx of various foreign foods, people began to prefer bread instead of deok. Deok has been loosing attention until the recent advent of Deok Cake. Since Deok cake is made of various deok, it is possible to taste various flavor. It also contains less people these days. with a Deok Cake for a change? fat. It can be called an ideal food for What about having your birthday party
Reason 063 064 065 066 067 068 069 070 071 072 073 074 075 -ь ыгаоц i ohsoii -7|0|| -^ги -b 3«o|| -h4 -fe Stoll -ё «oil -Ob/OJA-I О|ад) -Of/OI 7WZ -O^/OjAI
T- ZL ° tn jM let’ll I Checking Basic Grammar! fcj % u 0 * -Ties fft 7f: 2}| £F 5}0j£? Why do you not eat much? Lj-J Л7|-Д- £f ®0|’o|’7]-^£. That’s because 1 don’t like meat much. -о|ад I I I I I I I I I 192_ 3 с/^[0|£|Л] eJj2,O]| ДаЮ| ^5. ^O-jft.. Because it was a vacation, there was only few people at school. -or/oui dift ^1710)1 ^SjAj §тУО]| &. 1 went to a hospital because I caught a cold. -°L|»i tfifl ^^-L] 7][ §§• ^0|- ^Aj| ft Because it is cold, please close the door. ....... ...........—---------------------...............................
It is used when doing what comes in a succeeding phrase is not possible due to the preceding phrase. • 7R П|£оЦ You look tired. L-H O|Aj| □§ 5 5(O|S. I couldn’t go to sleep because I was studying for an exam. It is used when a succeeding phrase becomes the same situation due to the preceding phrase. • У\'- X|t+rO|| ЬРЯОШ? Were you busy last week? Ц: HI, £Н|> ёН=.ад. g-yoi StSWR Yes, I was busy because I was preparing for a presentation. ^£|A|-gb Guidelines ВД. The subject of the preceding and succeeding phrase should be the same. ® ом uizi в a<Wx) (tMH) (subject! (^01) (subject! It is not used with imperative dr suggestive sentences. 2. CH O^OhCTl 12 0|£ ► X®, -b 5H®^ #^4 4^^ ^7]- ‘-fe bf^fOil', ‘-fe §0|Г, ~ eroil’ can be interchangeably used with '-А=аЦГ when the subject of a preceding ar J succeeding phrase is the same. I couldn’t do my homework because I was playing games last night. = 0(5!^0|| 7j|oi§ ufe H^Ofl ^J(|l = JSOjfi. = Til^jsfe >011 = $№. = 015!ЙОН 71|°j§ tt 5*0j| 0Xj|> = 5fiOjO. _! =3
9. Self-Check * "Ьг°1 aHF& 315ЛМК. ( 7|ft£X|| gg 1581 24S ] 7f: n|O0f, Х1УЙ011 UPI- ша|ё *H ЙП? ц: о|убц. зад йбИ1 Ц£Ь4Д °жвд. Ф Ц2^Н @ LfSqs^ @ 5+011 @ Lf£ Lj|Cp[ ( Answers and Explanations h ‘-*-й|аГ is used when doing what comes in the succeeding phrase is impossible due to the preceding phrase. '—zjaij’ of @ cannot be used when the subject of the preceding and succeeding phrase is the same. @ means an assumption or compromise and @ is used when a certain situation gets worse/more. Therefore; © which used -fc §0||' that means a negative reasonfwhich can be interchangeably used with ‘taKjTjis correct. .Ansivef',® 194_ ф-1=431
—Ё5 ★★★ Usage -h h^oji Verb qq- H^0|| H^OII О«1°] V^21 o]os.НЦ A^K}. It is used to express the reason why a preceding phrase badly affected the succeeding phrase 2Ц 015РЦ Why were you this late? Ц: 0|Of6|]£. 0| е^0||Л-| Lfe HfajO|| ZJ0| 4sJA| Л^ОЩ. I’m sorry. I was late since there was a traffic jam due to the accident around here. • BfO| ufe H^Ofl feO| My eyesight became worse since I’ve been working on the computer for a long time. Guidelines Те>’^4сс>]Ц' l=h-)] ff.isno! used as imperative or suggestive sentences. More in detail ► W®, ‘-fe ><®Я- «НЧ Ш SW. ‘-fe Hf^oir can be interchangeably used with StOfl’, and ‘-te §4.’ o’# A|— tl^Ofl afZlOjl Since I overslept, I was late for school. = St 5£<Я1 Ч-поц °. = >011 ёЩОЦ Й2ЯЯ 195
о]] о] Jg-Hj И] ц7 Comparison between ‘-fe Hl^oil’ and ^шО1Г Шё ЧЧЧ > ‘Чг Wfe ^§3°J 1^7]- > nfl л]-£ W. ‘-fe ЫН=ЭДГ is used when there comes a negative result while ‘-fe- ^1^011’ is used when there comes a positive result. ЕЯк • s Е!Ц= HfcfOfl Щ ^1-^01 о1-?HSO], (0) Since I met you, my life has been spoiled. (VS421 IM) (negative result) StUfe Hf*fO|| m Qj^OI (X) (o o7io| zjj?|.) (pOSitjve result) s £1Ц= 4=01 Щ £1^01 (0) Thanks to have met you, my life has been happy. (ocl4£l §4) (positive result) w ntLfe ago) L[] o|ahq| (X) iiM) (negative result) 9. Self-Check * 4# ’S# ИН°1 4 Sfe W МЧЖ. 7|>gj|| 4Й 53 13S 7): 3A)0|| 2Ц bpil £35Й^Ц77)? Ц: х(7) Д*Ю| ЦЛ-| ЗАЮН Л|2Щ ё)Д ^СНЯ. # ф xpt Д£Ю| LH= UfatQH 21Д0Ц A|zt> @ ^a|SH7| Щ^0|| 51ДЮ11 Д1Ч6Й1 £|£WS @ slA^I sipll Si ir&CHfi. @ л)7^ ДХТО1 yx|of ЗЛКЯ1 A|2bbMr7 &SW2. £ Answers and Explanations It means that since the car broke down, the speaker was late for work. @ means that the speaker was late since he/ she got the car fixed on the way. @ means that the speaker was late even though he got the car fixed. @ means that the speaker was not late for work even though the car broke down. Therefore, Ф which means the cause of the negative result is correct. Answer ф 196_
-7| 4^011 £4 Verb QHq- 7Щ ^7| rq|go|| 7p| tinfoil tJS4 Adjective xtq 42PI 4i£0il 47| Щ|^0|| HCf 2171 m^oil H7| HH^Oll 01Й/2Р1 Щ|£011 (0|)7| [Qj^Oil gAf+OlQ Noun+ОЩ ol-A^ ^oispi mi^oil адор| uncoil IQISOII mgO|| О о]-Of. It is used for the reason of succeeding phrase’s action. • OfebfOl^l ЗИ HH^Oil OltS A|£fO| Since I have my part-time job, I have no time to travel. • 7|7| H7| 1Щ^0|| CH| Since I am tall, I sat in the back. • ЕСЦ *!^«7| ttHgOfl 5Ж Since I’ve known him since elementary school, I am well aware of his family affairs. Guidelines -7p ^E]]sL 7S°]7|£ tJA-. It isalsoused as -7| 4g0(tf d c^Ol ?! О|-ЭН|'О|Е.^ §p| II||gO|£.|-. The grades are bad since he/she has a part-time job. ТС) ';2>'Е'Гс,Щ‘ '^>-тппМ4* "&0] It is not used with imperative or suggestive se—--
More in detail ► -71 Ч]ё41Ъ ‘-Ч7°1ЛТ, ‘-^-ЧЧ-’Ч-иНЧ Я14. ‘-7| Ч|тсО1Г can be interchangeably used with ‘-of/ojAf and ‘-Р.ЦЛК’ Ик • £Шр|- onrSPI KflfcOjl ig5| ёЦО|; ёЦ£.. Since my brother is studying, we/l have to keep quiet. = WPf ^ёЦА| 5HOf 5Ц2. = 2uup|- §HOf бН°. ► -7] i«ii£<^ «14] «чч ^°i < nfe w®4- t>m 4-§< да. In case of ’-7| ЧИгОД’, it can be interchangeably used with SfOfl" when it is followed by a sentence with a negative connotation. Ok • §of 2t SPI KHS0j| 4h0| Since I haven’t been exercising lately, I have gained weight. = Sb Sift £t =H0| SQ. ► -71 nUWfe «141 ^11?! ^°1 < ‘-fe 4£41’®M- 4-§< 5ЙЧ. In case of '-7| 41^011', it can be interchangeably used with ‘-fe ^4’ when it is followed by a sentence with a positive connotation. Ok ’ tO7| [ЩтеОИ ЭёЦ^СНЯ. Since I’ve learned howto drive, it has become comfortable. = '3r.S ^oli^oiS. Self-Check g- Я] ЧЧ7!- рг^д] Q о|Щ AKUh ^oioiia. ф£А1ёЬ5<0| Oiojo ® £0 |0j| о @ ^oioi|o @^4*1 BTSPI 41^0|0||o I Answers and Explanations | The reason behind the accident was since the speaker was not careful. ^0| of ® means an experience. ;"_o -gjoiCf of ® means the similar degree to the preceding phrase. Also, ‘-8 ^ЯОЩ’ qf ® shows something with a limitation. Therefore, none can be the answer. ® which used ‘-?| Ч£0Щ’ that means a reason is correct. Answer @ 198_ ф-7| [«|
066 -71 Ofl ♦♦ } Usage |„ O^Cll -7|0|| 5^71011 Q17|O|| Verb &7|0|| 7F7I0II -7|0|| (0|)7|0|| #7|0|| §AH0|Q S^0|7|0|| Adjective ОЦИИЦ 0||bH7|0jl Noun+0|cj- cP ё!¥7|0|| О O]O7|. Й tffl АЬО-ВД, It is used when preceding phrase is the basis or reason of succeeding phrase. SUb • 7(-: O(-Z?f- 2Ц Qffj Э|#0^Я? Why did you take medicine before? Ц: ОНИЭД енО-|УЕЩ ‘gOI Ц7|0|| When I woke up, I had a fever so I decided to take it. • 7K v>o| л-ц ofL-iEil ¥!! ^Ж|о? Today is not even my birthday. Why did you bring flowers? Q: 2Q7f 0||ни 7|0|| #0j о When I saw them on the way, I thought they were pretty so I bought them. -12 0|£. ^£|A|-°f Guidelines дада рда г|эп] даь i ф да. Thesubject of precedingahd succeeding phrase differ and the subject of the preceding phrase cannot be the speaker ® UPj Hf»7|0i| ofSS Э £ Ш (X) pOj) (subject) - (gJ5|— Xpg") (the speaker) T? ФсНФ*) It is pot used with imperative or suggestive sentences —199
► «т № ‘-7]<Ь ё<>Ж ¥°1« 4 ‘-7|oj’ can be interchangeably used with '—7|0il' is often used in literary style while is often used in colloquial style. Q§k • bpf S0| V7|0|| H AitOjS.. Since it was raining a lot, I brought an umbrella = H|7f °t0| StOjo. ► tl 2}-S] Combination with another phrase ‘-fecp|oj|’ is a combination of an indirect speech of ‘-feQal ёЩ' and 7|0j|'. Д • “{4011 Z!Q7|0il ^0| 7p|^ °Н01Я. Since my friend said he/she is going to Pusan, I decided to go with him/her. = £F?7|- “{40|| ZfQal 5F7|0j| ^0| 7f7|^ §НО]Я. 3. ihoJy,'_H Self-Check & Ц--5- 31 *e SNr 31-е ~Пд^]л]9 7K A|g J4|b CHq ZtOjS? 0p7f“E| of^0|L1|o Ц:> 4ВД 5№. ®^7|7^d^JL 0) ^7|7F Al§p|0i| @^7|7f{45f£-S. @^7|7^lSWy I Answers and Explanations j You are supposed to find the reason to say the speaker should take a rest of Ф, means a reason which can be used when the subject of the preceding and succeeding phrase is the same. of @ means a purpose. of @ means a contrast. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which used ‘-7|0|Г that means a reason is correct. Answer @ 200_ ф-7|0||
067 Usage -St/й^гН i ПЫ rS* qzjaii Verb 7Щ 7^гН -^гн (О|)^гц КП! KtlO gApoiq- ^oi^eh Adjective 0}|ьиЦ Noun+ОЩ О 1 Dfl /ЩИ}. It is used when a preceding phrase becomes the basis or purpose of the succeeding phrase. • *p7f XiRb УР ОВД dizjeii ojeqi 51^0. Since my friend liked my food, I made some for today as well. . SHHpr AfefOfl 7Щгц 4Ш § АЩ Since my brother was going to a market, I asked him to buy some fruits for me. • ОД|ё 7p® ^q- Since the weather was nice yesterday, we went on a picnic to a nearby place. -12 01# ^°|A|-ot Guidelines tj-ап] 4. The subject of the preceding and succeeding phrase differ and the subject of the preceding phrase cannot be the speaker. G3 УИ Hjbbаги цй (He § №. (X) (^OJ)tsubjectl (^Oj)(subject) usSt1-}'. 1t is not used with imperative or suggestive sente- res. ф -=- _201
2, сч оконец ► ‘-7M’®sq- нт Л]^а- ¥ ‘-7]<ir ¥’А Ч -g-m. ‘-^ZIT can be interchangeably used with ‘-7|0i|,’ ‘-zja|f js ofen used in colloquial style while ‘-?|t>il is often used in literary style. (sflk • tl|7f EsO| StdjR. Since it was raining a lot, I brought an umbrella. = H|7f ao| ^7|0tl № Self-Check * ?! ¥¥¥¥ £ W vg^]9. 45 42| 34*1 7k WAIS CAJCHfi? Ц- L1I, □!*! *ff7f %0|£. WQ| 7И Ф йиан ^0| @ $£ЯЦ w-o| 7|-л-| ® ?!¥7F ^0| 7|-л| °jftO|£ @ ^0| ?FAi °i°iCH£. {Answers and Explanations { —--------- -------- — You are supposed to find a sentence that means that since a friend came over by chance, the speaker and a friend had lunch together. @ means that the friend told the speaker that he/she will be coming. ® means to assume the friend to come. @ means to assume that the friend has come. Therefore, none can be the answer. Ф which means a reason is correct. Answer (D 202_
O| И“О]| gAf+O|Ct Noun+ОЩ да у °! и^о]| £НН дао| Q£o|| It is used when thanks to preceding phrase, good result comes in the succeeding phrase. ii№i • 7|: 0|A|-t= 5ЙЦ? Have you finished the moving well? Ц: Д. t!¥>0| JE2| ё 3£0j| ™ CH. Yes, thanks to my help from my friends, it finished with no problem. • 7|: “t£| °to|A| You arrived early. Was the traffic smooth? L|: Ц|7 Д£1 EjnzOfl Д Yes, thanks to you, I had no problem. Guidelines •-T7 дада'-°4 да. fit can also be used as - L WR° f 151 l3!7PEffl Bf-^-ОД 0|.Щ Thanks to yo help, I made it to the exam this time. = PIS A|®Of| HI7t; E|&0|0t; 'g’ovJ-Ob l' 'll0] 'Ч'чЬ®!-'*'] it is not used with imperative or suggestive sentences. -12 OI# More in detail И]-^'о]]’®5] тс и И] г? (P-196) Comparison between ‘-£ and ‘-fe hIe _203
► 'N?l ‘N Уте-°]]’У те-и и] Л Comparison between ‘№1 Ejgoir and "N • UPb t^Oj аду°1 Qjgofi ад» yw 4 УУЯ. Thanks to my job as a Korean language teacher, I got to meet a lot of foreign students. (ВГв 33 ад» EtW 4 0|°h 43 3S0| &ЗУ аду 0|7| Щ|ёО|Ц.) (The reason that I get to meet a lot of foreign students is that I am a Korean language instructor.) . LH7( аду аду и^0)| аду< W 4 SWI чадя. Thanks to my Korean teacher, my Korean has become better (адо]< Ш 4 441 o|°^ аду аду o| § 7)2xi^7| спаду.) (The reason that my Korean has become better is because my Korean language teacher taught me well.) Se/f-Check 7|®^| 3363 36У ] 7): УФ JU| 5t E)L=|^O|fi? @ адёН 4^ cH'Lloil it УУ^цу ® 4 Ж 44! уади ц- yy^yy @ yy§ 4= ^ЗУУ f Answers and Explanations ; ------------ You are supposed to find a positive reply to the question that asks how your business trip was. Ф and @ have negative connotations so It does not match with the answer “yes.” ‘fe Щ-УЭД’ of @ is used in order to change the preceding phrase's matter to that of the succeeding phrase. Therefore, none can be the answer. ® which used ‘-fe 3tt°II’ that entails a good result in the succeeding phrase due to the preceding phrase is correct. Answer ® 204_ ф т± У “0j|
Usage -9/Sfe4l —=41 -(°)a 241 oAf 5jLF 92fe-4l 241 Verb 7Щ &£4i £241 -OT^4l -(°) <-41 -(o)e 241 49 99=41 4B 241 Adjective oj|bbq 0Ш=41 ojiem 0Ж 241 0|9/Sfe4l 9 41 9 241 gAF+o| lf StAtJ ^2141 9^0! 74 q| Noun+оЩ *!¥Sfe4l 4^941 241 It is used when preceding phrase becomes the reason of the succeeding phrase. Ийк • ^51 OfSE|| Ж 7|-Ai =гР4|Я. Since you are sick today, go take a rest at home. It is used when the succeeding phrase’s context contrasts the preceding phrase’s context. Ol • 9 □б| A|^§ s- Even though I studied hard, I didn’t do well on the exam. 0 5. Hi- § A}£th}. It is used to do something in the succeeding phrase on the basis of the preceding phrase. §§0j| ^0| ^ННЯ? Would you like to go to Myongdong since I'm going now?
Self-Check ‘ c]--g- о=|^ W. 35 33 43S 5| ёЩ / £Rx| § Ш £1МЧ J Ф ^S| ёН 7 № *RX-|g ш у ^ЦЦ. @ «AJ6| BHAi £RX-|a ah Of ацц ® ^6| 5^ ^4*1^ У ^UQ. @ sfeEfj *Rx|a у яцск Answers and Explanations f - - — - You are supposed to find a sentence which means even though you tried hard, it is not as easy as what you expected. Ф and @ mean that since the speaker tried hard, the result is not good. @ means that if someone studies hard, things will not work. Therefore, none can be the answer. In this sense, @ which means that even though the speaker tried hard, it is not as easy as the what he/she expected is correct. Answer @ 206_ ф-feqi
070 т I -(°)l- ^011 -h ^011 §AF 51g. EfOj| да ^o« Verb 7f EtOj| Afe 4011 4011 Adjective 44 *fg. EJ-OII ^4Й1 4 40|| gAF+0|Q Noun+оЩ etxy §1ЛуО| EtQII HAF HAF?! 4011 It is used when a bad result is placed in the succeeding phrase due to the preceding phrase. Й'Як • 7j: 2Ц td | <gtj7171- 0f*| ЦШЦ 4 о|-Л|Я? Why can’t the flight leave yet? Ц: £0| go | £ Eton = ёр. 0140. Since there was too much snow, they say that they can’t leave yet. • £|Af oj0| EfOi| OfO|<4 feO^A| 444 0^Л|§0( gOffi. Since they are busy with work, many fathers don’t get to play with their children. ^£jAF°| Guidelines да SW4 W8S Шт да. It can also be used as -fe @ S-noFA] §tOj A|^Oj|Aj gOj zx0]J2. Since I didn't study hard. I failed the exam. - AiQoilAf Л4 8¥ь|А| pig- §fo|q. 1дада дада дада да-4. It is not used with imperative or suggestive sentences. unit 12 0|£ More in detail да дада ‘да 444’®, ‘да <4’®4 4 да. ‘-fe §W can be used interchangeably with ‘-4 ИН=К>1Г and '-fe ПОД ВЯк • 4 сШ gtOfl Since I overslept, I was late for school = Afe Hh^TOfl stnoii 5^ош. = Afe >011 ^ЙОЩ. ф = 5f _207
Self-Check ёИ У -5!° *IPF Alaa g gpl EHgO|O||£. (2) A|^< = £ ^0|0||o Answers and Explanations } The reason why (my) mother got mad was because I didn’t do well on the exam. Hr ^0| ЙЦ’ of Ф shows the existence of an experience, Hr ^JO|Q' of ® is used to mean that the matter of preceding and succeeding phrase are the same. Hi ™0,cf of @ is used to emphasize something. Therefore, none can be the answer. ® which used ‘-7| 4S0|Q’ that means a reason is correct. Answer @ 208_ ф-feS-oil
S’ iiHo JU । JS nr 0W1 Verb Afe S0|| It is used when there is a bad result in the succeeding phrase due to the preceding phrase. Ш S A^OI 7^ ufe >0j| Ш ^7f 2ВД2 Since there was someone who would keep going in and out at the library, I couldn’t concentrate. • >Dj|O|7^ EE|mfe >0)| xr§ xi ododQ Since my roommate kept being noisy, I couldn’t sleep. • £JA|-71 Ы|7|- <2.4= >0|| ^0| Since it rained suddenly, all my clothes are wet ^°|A|-gt Guidelines §3}- I* is not used with imperative or suggestive sentences. 2. C"* °JOhC.TI More in detail ► ‘-b ‘Чг да. ’-fe ®oil can be interchangeably used with ‘-fe tiH=}oir and ’-fe §fo||.’ 1ЭД • Af£ >0j| Q-. Since I overslept, I was late for school. - Afe Uf^OII ёЩОЦ 4=01^0 = 2 Soil ^noj| e« 0|
Self-Check f ------ \ * Jie^K. 7|egXi| 4Й 5£| 13Щ s 7f: ОД| Щ7| V4?f- *4 4*11' gi&jfi? Ц: 0|О[ёЦЯ. Of*jOfe лу40| ЙЬШ, 0|®0| ё|£ A|H^7j| gfe H^0|| *f»f °J Oj ф A|ig7j| sfe §0|| (2) А|Д^7Ц >0|| @ А|Л^7Ц Sfe 1ЭД @ A|Hg7j| sfe 0J| f 1 { Answers and Explanations 1 —-------------- It means that you forgot about it since the kids kept being noisy. 'Ь §0i|' of <D during the process of something, ‘fe tW of ® means that the succeeding phrase is heeded in the process of doing preceding phrase’s work, ‘-fc 3 0||’ of <® means while doing something. Therefore, none can be the answer. ® which used '-Ь BOS’ that means a negative reason is correct. Answer ® 210_ <®~b Soil
-O^/OjAj да1Х| (0|)B|A1 n^!A| SAHO | q ^oiafAi ДЕ1Х| Verb Да|Х| Noun+0|Q BfLH sfumi лэа| лц. *|O|A1 Л£1Х| Adjective H|MjQ И|^А1 да1А| О nfl It is used to speculate that preceding phrase is the reason of succeeding phrase. • 0[0|7| AEaflAfi уом MOjfi. Maybe because the kid is stressed, he/she looks tired. • mv *O|A13=a| ^OJI a^o| Maybe because it is too cold, there is no one on the street. • Л °щги Л^Х| Maybe because he/she is the youngest child, he/she is very cute. ^2|A|-°f Guidelines ZHK’O} Abg^-q-. When it is used at the end of a sentence, it is used as ‘-Qt/PM ДЙ -Л|С!|Й. ® Hpl a'Of ПЭХ1 ™2®0|| A}gO| ЙШЯ. Maybe because it rained so much, the department store is nearly empty. ® ®|5}gO|| A®0| ftfepil H|7t gO| 2|Aj Uff 7|0ЯЯ. It i& npt used. With’imperative or suggestive sentences 0^ :-л<лдх| 211
Self-Check * ?1 ¥£°)1 >°m ’g-s. 3-& лэ^К. СЗВВЕОВОЕП^ ! ________________________H^OI A-feeHA-l § f Ф ?/£ # Ф ^A|°I @ A| ^7f oiOjOf ® ?/e-у да|А| @^^^0|^A| Answers and Explanations The reaon why it has a cool breeze should come in the preceding phrase. *-А|Щ' of @ means a contrast, ‘-Ot/OjOf’ of ® means a condition and ‘-ё*Г ot @ means a choipe. Therefore, none can be the answer. ® which used -Of/O] At ЛЭА]’ that means a reason is correct. Answer ® 212_ ф-Of/OiAj nQA|
gAf Noun £1ёН(А1) *★ (O)S °15Н(Л|) °!бЦ(А1) °1ёН(А1) О n^ofl ^F Ж 4Ж It is used when the succeeding phrase s result comes because of preceding phrase ® • OI5IW qa| 7M £A||7f лу7|Л SZQ. Due to the environmental pollution, various problems are occurring. • SB ae^ ojsij^i вд. A lot of elementary school students are said to suffer due to the stress. • OJA|| ЩН1 H|£ oisH h H A|gO1 SQ. Due to the yesterday’s rain, traffic accidents happened in a lot of area. Guidelines g "ttB'-'^F'e0! AJ-cH^Fa] £Fv;1'F. It is not used with imperative or suggestive sentences. F Self-Check * 1H?F ’U’S. 7|flg7j| 4g 43 17^j~3 7f: fe^oil 2!B т§®ЩЦ0| SS SB Ц: Щ, BBS W ОКЖ ) ЗП 0f0|>0| Ц0| -12 0 2 Ф °! oHAi @ 1 VI oHA-1 ® < Hl^oHAi @ 0||£ { Answers and Explanations ---------- It is explaining why so many elementary schools are dosing. ‘-8 Ь|^бЦА1’ of @ means listing, ?|ctM' “ 3 means a purpose, ‘-0|/0|E Ж-т^Ей-’ of @ means a compromise. Therefore, none can be the ansew . <T which usad glSHA-f that means a reason is correct. 213
07U -0|-/0i 7PI2 * -0h/0i 7МЛ Verb ^4 °jOj ?WZ од A|- 7pU Adjective 5t0|- 7|A|H 71 7FA|H 0101/01 7^|Л SAf+oiq Noun+оЩ В1ЛН ё[луО|0] 7p.R IlAf ДА|0| 71A|Z О а5] °1тг7]- It is used when a preceding phrase becomes the reason of the succeeding phrase O- • ^0| SPf Ц 7|X|Z А1И1 LPF biSOifi. Since my brother was mad, he slammed the door and went out. • АЦ-sL -У £0| 5fOf 7fX|2 ti^E-i 7|S|ZS. Since the clothes I got are small, I’m going to get them changed. A1|7f Ofxi J7^ahO|OJ 7|X|Z Л > ф S.O|S. Since I’m still a high school student, I cannot see that movie. Guidelines ...... .... -Ч-Й--5}- ф Ojt]-. It can be used as '-0f/0| 5И? - ° ^7 | -у 0Ц 7f A| Д tfj gJOjS.. Si nee the milk went bad, I threw it away. = УЗД 'Ies0! vs-feb}-. It is not used with Imperative or suggestive sentences. 214 О-or/Oj 7FAR
2. tJ-ojfhTi Self-Check * ?! «FA < Sfe 4J > Л- Wj -feJsH W 2j>5|7|7j U><W. Ц: 5MS. ун^д &л^ AjsHTUi ^SJO|O||£. Ф £!§И Щ|^0|| (2) -У& ^£O|| ®^бр| ЖЛ1 @ -12 OO I Answers and Explanations j*™-—™ -————=. -- . You are supposed to find a phrase where preceding phrase becomes the succeeding phrase's reason, -fe S= <" of @ means a positive reason. ‘-7| £|oHAf of ® means a purpose. ‘-1хй|йГ of @ means a reason but it cannot be usee with an adjective. Therefore, none can be the answer. ® Which used -7| Щ-gOi)' that means a reason is correct i Answer T @ o - - - 215
-0^OjA| Verb ёГЕ 51O]A1 5Г£ x|Ai Adjective ЙОМ да ё|Е даА1 О да ^о] О] 0.7} I А>§-да. It is used when an extreme degree of an action or a state becomes the reason of the succeeding phrase. • 7|-: Ej ^Л||Я. Please have some more. Ц: O|-L|0j|o mo| ejO|A| C-| 0£ Sj^Ojo. No thank you. Since I had too much, I can’t eat any more. • 7(-: Щ0| А£0Щ? Have you bought many fruits? Ц: 0[L|.o n|-Qj grg| H|M|Ai °f &0Щ. No, since it was too expensive, we didn’t. Guidelines °IQ /НОД It is not used’with imperativ o|- suggestive sentences. 2. Self-Check 7|: £Ц 0|®7j| ^7j| Ж-&? Ф ^o| ® °to| (2) °>0| °f8| a “0|| © Ьн0| °|ё|ё HfBjo|| f Answers and Explanations The speaker arrived late due to the traffic jam. ‘-Of/OjJE’ of Ф means a compromise, EJS-Oil' of ® means a positive reason and ‘-feQS’ of ® means a compromise. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which used ’-fe ht goj- that means a negative reason is correct. Answer @ 216_ -oi/m
1 4-g- 4 44 4 ¥44 44 7f: Я-Ц £Н 0|W7i| И|-Ш|-о? 4:. О 4<Ч И^ёНЛ1 пеня € л|^ gvi б^4Я нда © 4^1 4440 ЛЙ4Я 0 Н^ до| я® #Жёя 2 44 4 Vv7°ll 44444- я^.4л1Я. 7Н Ojs-PF 2Ц 0IW71I 3°,Ю|О||Я? Ц: . О 4^0| °J0| > Ei|L]77[ ЗД5М1Я € 0ЦЛ1 {f0[ ЗЭД 4 Ф £Ш01Я © ^7| Н[^0| H^q| 01Ш7Ц E|OJ01£ О Qf Н|7[ Яй|Э ^0|0||Я 4J з 4-g- 444 4< л1г4л1Ф. -УШ - 2!^ ОВД g^OII 2Ц LFL^FOjя? ц: ( ) 44 жя. О*!ф7|- 0|-ЯБ|а^ ©У.ф7^орт7Ц= 0X1^7^0^710)1 0 £47^57-1^ @ ~12 o;s 4 4< 4 -44; 1-4 44- 44 4=4 51 л]А].£.. ям У 2!¥7t ЯМ 04IS £!Ф0|й| оет %jx|°l- ЗД Sa 4¥ ^44. 4У 4^ £!Ф4 Д t!¥ Ж 44Я ®%ет 51ф0||7|| ЦУ! @4ёЦ 44Я V4554. ( - )
8LZ кН?^1н >g тгШтЬЖ Hilo 0 kH?ln Ik) @ кН? io О ozkio^ IO-ia |0§k 55я jg Э|0 foHTn Ikl 1'1 oto'Kt z-кй lo^lo-lo khtak) kikki-lo кНго :k ”с!ГIy[yнZT тт к *o~-[ci-to |stF {z[o'§' ктс (y -Ц-рд 8 ok)£ llo> kHr © ok tekk hoi кИо 0 oE^k = Ж >Jx Э 3k)lx s Ной к -igiY lo§SB 3 ‘lh :h 6o kitYq i is llzk) olkilow H?irlir k-&iir Дч5 -к у Iy[y h IT YT-ia-fb 1L?O -tzhl- U<?^ R L k-filb ie @ Нв^а О ’к)юй loirk Лиге ZknHS BsIoHRsHO П :k бк)<я -s -s-fgk кй1о Нз :k ^IyEyhIT >-Б ^Io Ф > lo-dcjs В -^-b 9 ок)юю Ж Ж НОгя & § fezs ktbii 0 okiHalR^- 1?кю ^k 1к)й)и S kibiy Э ок)н? Ж Sf? tak I?iykj 0 skfelak) нк klki нж 0 :bi бикййнгкк ЖЖ filo к кккнк ^чао -&B klo< МФ s suogsanQ aoipouj
6LZ -<= ^3 3|Y ок)юю IoiZIy Ж #Ж ЖЖ 5 teR -l^ibg 0 ок)юю Ioi2Iy Ж ЖЖ IIoS-Ia g<S ЮЖ -l^ibg 0 ок)юю Ioi2Iy Ж §ю Ilog Ж ЮЖ ЮтЬЖ 0 ок)йю 1012|Y Ж §ю §io ЮЖ ЮтЬЖ Э ’taioJB IoiZIy Ж ЖЖ ’tai% ЮЖ kibg :-h зоЮ^Ж ta ЖЖ Ikk) Из :k #lo 31 да '5’1yR'h7T ЖВЕ-> Ik-m llo-felt1 ’s g 5tata-felA§ lofe ЖН1 0 HoSHll |A§ fol? ЖНО 0 Ж1а5 Biol? ЖНо 0 lYtoTo log ^ЮЮ klofe ЖН1 О oltlbo ЖФ Ж lk)& ТГЖ-ij?|A^ |o|? -filo ioltl olkfeTT I-tl 6ok)lo lt-|§ io irfe lir lk)& HTfc-lo "S'lYfeair # Io-eHh ^hlp <n-A 1y LI Чзй 10ю HsIa |k)S folYirkg B&ii 0 frS ЮЖ Nel A Ilog Ib^i2^ 0 ’ЮЖ ЮЖ Hein Ilog ИоЖ Й1Ш 0 ‘taw ЮЖ He I a Ilog Ioi2 4tag|f О taw ЮЖ Nel a Ilog / tatS'sl BSIx "5” 1y fz н ИГ о Ю Ik н Is о &"q~ s’ 01 ’ogfeln hkJlw Ю1£Ж1е gllogg 0 ЯЮкН?ЖЖ IyipU IyH? ЮЖ 0 ’ЗЮ> lo^k 5H§ КЮЖ k-drg 0 ’talYg Ilog тг|укЮ#1о lo^k ‘'S’lyga7Г <(£ ^-{n loir-н g >Ж 6
°u 3-^ Practice Questions Д-н- У?М z^p'li fi4E А|7Ю|3| ( ) Щ-У X|5H# ЕГЛ *jo|| О ^0| Чо|ЛЛ| © zjo| Wfe © ZJO| °h6|7|^ 0^01 °|5|7|0|| 14 1ДЦ певца? I *Wt Я£Д £ ^ДЦЯ? © Ц|£ёНОЦ^ £Al[[|p|- £|£Я ШЧЦЙ? © 10Щ- п|£иНда-|| ЗДущрг Ч£Д £ 1ЧЦ£? © е=пН4 4E6FL^ £Л|ЩР> ы дощо? 0 ^пщ П|£б|^гн ЧЕД £ ^0]Ц£? 15 tq-^1 О >е Sfc РШ 2£ё№ @ S£ ЖбНШ о §±1# че дад з^ёнш о ^НЧ1 и чи- w -£-tiKri^i ч-§-£ зк и^41л1-2-. © Л А^0| Ц< П1А| Ssfe %0| sH?| Е-ЮЩ. © 1-УД 5g ^0|| 010НЦ. © в>0| Ч^Ч. 0 0|S A|^0||Ai £Н|7|- ц^днд ^о|Ч. 220 ®М1
17 4 Д7ЭА]А]^. 4: л|у^о|| ^а| £ *ц 7р|Л £>о|Я? Ц: □|о[ёцо. ^4^ $н^с]| OHsjoii х|4ВМ А|ум^ ы^оц *ЭДО|£. О q^oii 0 Ai^h £JOJ| 0 А|^в^ §СИ| 0 A|^s^ b_^0j| 18 4h5. Л4^А]^_ §<'НЬ ^¥( ) ^ац xjb WI- ^4^4. @ 0^A1 0 Oil ы|ёН О M °1б|| ф 19 £ ¥^°11 >°1 « ПЭ4 A]i. АК|Ь n^Oil А|^0| &OI2. Ц-: gJO[o. §4 0|4§2| i40| 4 ^о|Я. О Ь0| ^0И ZZ2U| @ ^oi £от 0^01 ^7|Е!ё^ О к0| й’Ар 20 H-g- А| пр]. # ф ПЭ^А]^.. 2Ц 21Ц4 а^ц? Ц: 4LRI- 5h£ *kL4> оЦА| 4¥И а^<>1. О А^а|< sfq-^ 401 © 2±5]> Й0| ёЩ М2 © 31Ф бЦ ЩА| О 4^а|< ёИ| 6|L|Z7F 221
II-yS BE Sfv zzz ок)юВ Ifopqkj B42Iy ок)ю^ Bfta У В iEB §i2Iy 0 с>1-0юВ 1к)й1я Ув B-B B42Iy ВУйВ Ifof^R Я-?? BB >12|Y ’ofeB-B BB ’Зк)?ой № BB>i2lY :fi 6ok)&Ok®lR Из к ^Iy^yhIE ВЧхп" tohto Yr В к-ВВ lY ?Z £]£> В Чк Ioi2Iy trfe-iS >kg 1У0 О ’Ыта В Ioi2Iy -Iy-Id-Iys <kg 1У0 0 ’Ыа> В ^k loklY >l/:g тУо 0 В Чк Ioi2Iy ВВВ >kg тУо Э Ы?!> В ^к Ioi2Iy / -h's Skg BJo ~<У [у а ТГ q -{я t?£ tp llyci-to 4xk q zi о "t-i 2 SUOj;S90j9 GOlpDdd |P£q

о чч чад ад адад ч ад!ч ад1 ад адч чадч. It is used when someone “does/let’s someone” do something for someone else ^□Pl- Op|Opi| QiO] The mother fed her baby. ws q^i oRiit ад I washed my friend's hair who has broken his/her arm. • ччад -ч/вд/у]/*--# адад адч. Causative verbs are made by adding -0|/б|/г|/7|/^ behind. Basic Form Causative Form Basic Form Atgg Causative Form 7|Sg Basic Form AFS® Causative Form Basic Form Causative Form Basic Form Causative Form -Q -0Щ -Ц -о|Ц- -q -qq -q -7|q -q -¥q ^o|q йё|Е| Wq Waiq ад &qq znq qo П feO|q sQ >q §aiq ад адр H|q EE HO q qO|q 5!ё|Ц Arq ^qq Brq A|q г Ho q ВД ^0|Q ew йё|Е} otq °^|q ад siqq AAq qqq ШЧ «0|q gieiq ®q «qq lT e^iq qq ^qq ^0|q йёр <iq >47|q qq Efeq ^q ^0|Q Miq "17 |q >q §o|q «q £?iq §qq ^LHQ Ab^At 'A-ttO-tb', '*i°cb', 'хн°.сь', 'снО.сь'2.1 &Jcncrt ^O|SbA«fi., Be careful wiTi cau.-ative verbs АРЧл ‘Н°Ц\ АН¥-'Т, ‘4VQ О Guidelines •°ж адч, ччч ад чад ад®ч w 44. 1 с|ёЩ, ИОЩ, ya|Q’ have the same passive and causative forms. 224_ ф-0|/8|/в|/7|/^
• St-Wil a® m) The teacher let the student read a book, (causative) • 0| oi7|7f aOfAi AF^§0||7fl Щ0| 0(812. (H|§) This book is so popular that it is read by many people (passive) More in detail g> ► Comparison between a causative verb '-0|/5|/a|/7|/°’ and *->11 s|Q’ ‘-oWs]/7]/ O.’- A]7]^ A}^O] Abg-ад ‘-/fl Л]7]^ iWoW -0|/5|/a|/7|/^’ are often used when the speaker is engaged in the spoken action. ‘->11 ЗЩ’ is often used when the speaker does not engage in action and lets someone else do it. • тл om 54 ys S sfe D1O|51 7(|A||O. My mother is feeding my brother/sister who cannot eat by him/herself due to an illness. • ^44 ьШ PT' 12)1 Щ ВВ Q17JI б^Я. Му mother made my brother who was watching TV and not eating a meal, eat. | Self-Check Ф OpItfEfl У® BfQ|Z oiOjo. @ tlfApI- L-|° ZlOjAj Z!0|< § >0|Д -13 It is important to know the correct form of the causative verb. ‘S°fe‘ of ® is an incorrect expression and it should be changed to ‘aJSIfe.’ Therefore, ® is correct. a =- ~ - _225
077 Usage -All 6p) £4 otq- 5|7|| StQ Verb API 6Щ o ад ад той ад да ад t cfl адад. It is used when someone made someone else to do something. •^уо|^§о|И|5н>е^|^о17]|вно1£ The teacher made students read a book loudly. • ipf Щ0| l-Hj tro^Afe “to|| §o|£A| suHI ьНйО|о The grandfather who got angry made us not enter the room More in detail ► ад ч-ад дач -ад ад’®я- чад да> да. -т|| оЩ’ can be interchangeably used with '-£Д бЩ.’ * -144 4)40114 4 11411 44 8PI UP. The doctor made the patient not to have salty food = 444 ЙД01Й1 3 44 UP. ‘-ol/^/ад/^ер] (p. 225) Comparison between ‘-711 8Щ’ and -0|/8|/a|/7|/^ Self-Check * 4 адЧ- # ф ЛЛ.44^. 7ISS4 43 55116Щ азои 5f0| дтц 44 H 0|§o| ^go| ^>сц| ь|бЦ §|о^ЦЛ IP 2) 44 A|£E|L| j Answers and Explanations ~—— ----------- You are supposed to find a causative verb which can be interchangeably used with -Tjj 8Щ.’ @ expresses the change. ® and @ cannot be suitable since it is not possible for a human to make a mouse do something. You are supposed to find a phrase that means a man let a mouse eat salt, not that the mouse wanted to. Therefore, ® is correct. Ar ф 226_ ф->1| sp
I Usage 3 O^OhC T| । JH1I oh Verb да ilE< гЩ да SFq ад адад ад ад1 "И адад. It is used when someone made someone else to do something. • 2-ЙУ^ЬсУВОрЦ oh£J| fjJCHS.. The teacher made the students clean. • 0)№ *iPf 2011 q ВЧВ BEB ёШСНй. My father always made me listen to the music before I go to sleep. • 0|DjЛ||7|- sjq Q0|| §0]2.Е.Л My mother made me come home early. CH O^ObC.41 I More in detail ► -ад- адчг адз ад ад<^ «т ш да. '-.£^ ёЩ can be used interchangeably with the causative verb ‘-4 sfQ.' • q/fe £fX|-Oj|7j| *4 4*1 5!!q. The doctor forbad the patient to eat salty food. - Ж2 &W1I 2 ^21 5)A| gpi| ^Q. j=jq т|ЕД SWIQ. Make yourself comfortable if you are tired -£< oVA-«a'r "“t? ёо£-г Ot-2V2 14 адбиЯ. £Д ёMS' indicates a suggestion to do a certain action.
Э. Self-Check 7K LHiJVEfe SOI А|»ШЯ. ) 5H0| внзда. ® ^л| ® ^i ей= та @ ^1 ^°L|77f { Answers and Explanations The sentence says that he/she should not be late from tomorrow. ’-fe4S’ of Ф assumes the status of not being late. ‘-Л’ of ® is incorrect since it does not accompany what to do. ‘-£ЦЗД’ of ® means a reason so it cannot be an answer. Therefore, ® which is used to let someone else do something is correct. Answer (? 228_ ф1’’ 6|Q
°Ly Practice Questions 1 41 V£°U ЗЛ». 4: 0| 2E! ^2 LH2 *PI4 Щ AI{2 ms q- 4= 2“L|M fop. Ц: 20f£. 5p|°t yof sq§ LfjOf 8Н-И q# 2S2 7P1 SAiia О 2° 2 ©242 ©2°2 0 242 2 t]~s- 2< 41 -т-^4 и№°1 > ^r zfe 3i< 2H 0f0|7f Щ0| Of£E|| 8Щ0|| SL|]0f Ц: 0f0|7f OfHE aoilAi 5|Д >0Wg CfA| £Щ>Ч|В. О £И1 5fZ © £И1 Е|Л ©412 2£|Л 0 з гн- su № -^л’ ^л1^-. 2К од| йорфч ш> ^Ж2А1я? g oj m а? Ц- S §^|(ЧА| OjDji-Pf 24 ^il-2 4 q-g- >Ш< А] И-И.^- ^nl-Tfl 51 А] # Л н А] А] 4-. ^а«Ь^А10| QAjJl °12L.|77f 0| ^0К g W0]| ©SOI ^ЛЦЯ. О © @ © © J* Qh пни а л|ш lio PT Ф ©Л(Ч ><ч О *|O1
Practice Questions 04 h. Q_7.il е *- «- у Т 5 t^g- х] «-«-о] >в] ^-g- He?jAji. С OjDjL|7[ 0Ю1> ё|^7Ц ЛЦ-gq-. € ЕЦУЛ ЛФЛЛВ € Л ё|АН>01И| с О|АН5 gWB 6 tpg- *1 UH4 t °л!ё ЛУ^Л]У. СНЕ! ПШЗ Л0|ЦЕ>0| y^Oil ВД. л 7|АЦ ЙЛ Afat# ^11 3101 *1^01 3D|q^>0| gfecfe 5011 0^5 € yoj yy 5 € $71^5 C 5; а У 5 230 ^1

г -(°K ^oii S' RD JU i £4 ?J0il ZJOfl Verb 7Щ- Zf Soil 41 FIT It is used to the situation of doing something during the process of doing something else. • ?[’ 42J0II QL=|^Q5L O^Zt 7-iOf? I heard you went to Paris. Were you on a trip? Ц: ац ntajoil ZM, zt zjofl tHOi. In fact, I was on a business trip but on my way, I went on a trip during the weekend. • LH Afe ?JOII Ш оЩ I bought you some clothes on the way to get mine 2, ch оконец More in detail ► З'-’П'Я' ‘-4г Z]o]]’®$] tJ] Comparison between '-fe Soil’ and ‘-fe ЙОГ 7МЧSL-h 7]5H’5fe¥3 -¥ ‘-¥ Ж’Я- 4-§-< ¥ 34 -fe soil’ which means ‘on the way to/from a certain place’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-te Soil.’ EF ’ 7fe L’Oil Щ ^A|£ VA| 3. = 7fe zjo|| LH gxit § ¥3 £4. On your way to the post office, will you send my letter too? w 7МЧ- № 7Мё •-¥ ж’я- иш ч-§-< ¥ m. -fe f= Oil’ which means ‘while on the way to/from a certain place’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-fe Soil.’ tiflk • ЩАНВД| ZtQ sOj St1# ElkJOiB.. (О) I met my classmate on my way from the embassy. WZfOil ZtQ yoil =f Ai^g nftfOi2. (X) “is 'n (“§ -n) ^3 ¥3 y]j2. Comparison between '-fe Soil’ and ‘-® S (-S S)’ -< 3 (-< 3)’4 ¥ 7}X] -E-3< ЦЕН7] ЖЗЗ -¥ 7j<f¥ 7^3 T- ¥ 71^0]] 25^0] -g-rfe 347]- Unlike ‘-> S (-# S)’ which shows two purposes, ’-fe S0||' has a meaning of doing succeeding phrase’s action while engaged in preceding phrase’s action. • ¥§0i| Zf soil 7-|7|A| Osh §o| xl^ щуц. I met my friend who was studying in Europe while I was on my business trip. • ¥*il> ZJOJI Щ ^X||£ 5Ц of 177|? Wouldn't you do my homework while you are doing yours? 232_ Soil
I Self-Check * Ш41 7|>g4l SS -- 7K 2Ц 0|g7]| M5J0ia? Q: Aimoii Lfci aoii ё№ ЕЕЦ^зда. ф Д|ЩО]|А| УД7| x|^> УЦ7]| £|OjA|£. (2) а|Щоцл| § gt Щ2 °[Цл|о ® A| LHOiM Qlsfe *1^7[ ^Apl 5ЦА1Я @ а|Щ0]|а1 а ав £33 £!¥1 330f siOjAifi. J Answers and Explanations — ---------------------- About being late, tbe speaker says he/she met a friend on the way downtown. Ф means that he/she met a friend = of sudden. ® means that his/her friend called the speaker all of sudden. Therefore, neither can be the answer @ means that the speaker has to meet a friend in order to do something so it cannot be the answer. The'e-' e which means that he/she met a friend on the way downtown is correct. Answer 2 -14 7ls| - _233
Usage >Af 7)p S’ RH1 JU Verb £t=ZJO|| О It means ‘on the way to/from somewhere.’ • CH-ЭД 2,tj20j| 7|— ZJO|| *l^< EtziQ. I met a friend on my way to school yesterday. • soil sjoii I bought some milk at the convenience store on my way back home, 0 It means ‘using coming/going to somewhere as a chance.' rt • bjOil s0|| S АЩ Get me some bread on your way back home. • Lpfe s-OJI 71 § HjB| Please throw away some trash on your way out. Guidelines °] ‘7W. ’ W ф ojrjri In the usage of this phrase, only verb form of ‘7Щ’, 'S’Q’ can be used. It can also be used as ‘—i= i|O]q ® L-fe AJg -ggyOII 7|-b; е!0|0||Я. I’m on my way to the bank. More in detail ‘-c]-7p®5] -g-^ И] U (P. 86) Comparison between -fe ?JOir and ‘-Ц7Г 234_ @ : soil
Z] £>]]’£}- |r (P. 112) Comparison between ’-fe iJOfl’ and ‘-ft a (- Ь- -§ *tl b] Л- (p- 232) Comparison between ‘-Ь ^<ЛГ and ‘-fe SO)!’ 3. zj-ojjhTi Self-Check * *1 W°1 ЛИ< 4 Н^ЛК. 7f: SOI *r OilSLi|o. WtHAi ^о-^0|Я? Ц: >j| OfL|0||o zjo|| СЧ|ЩЛ1 #O|S. (2) @ 2J=BfZ @2J\ Ж 10£| 24^1 Answers and Explanations i You are supposed to find the phrase that can be interchangeably used with Hz sOii.’ In case of ‘-?|S‘ of Ф, t means 'to decide’ when it is used with W, attached behind. Therefore, it cannot be the answer -1=3— of @ shows a reason while ’-71 ¥1 sH’ of @ means a purpose. Neither can be the answer @ which used ‘-CPI t” means ‘on the way’ is correct Answer 2 Ilf (J) e 235
IfetS 4Й Siv 9£Z кйкну кОЧо-l* H42Iy с к 0|Ш 0ЧО к) й^ЬйВ® kin BIy ’b?oio 4B4fe кВ Ito-Bfiv kk Uo4fe® In BIy Hu £ Itokie 'hfiB Sin BIy ItoFr 4^® 'W №№ felo kk&B® SIyIa "S'lrfrvr k'E’ Ik a 4a k>4* >{£ B< irn к <4з- ? HefekkO Ilo4lti kk 0 Ilofs-IA нко Ito4 Чк О 3lk> kk kHi ( ) ‘1й4н2 ^kk 1Ю& In glfe S3 боки :k olkiek) kki bft кк)ю IchZIy 1Ь4йа 3ki feB >te Io klloln Bite :k •^lY^air 4^-Fo M ) >-h £ Hl-YSk 0 kkk 0 irk-ik 0 hbkO зкэйк)В feteizla llOfz 4k игШ ’^oShe :fl Z3ltok FflYb 1кйк) б31о®ЙЕ 1Й4В: к Sta >tek :k 'S'k^aK >E^ 4'fo Ф > fct4a ккгег i* ЗИо1оь5-1а kk&v llo§ 4k ю 0 3kiS SSv k-tak Б 0 о к)н? 4k >&v йк >FB Э okiiS irk IB 0 3k)H§ § zETSV lk)R: к |1о4ё1 IbPsU зккг Ho4Hn Б h бЗк)12 irB 4п бЭкВ-ЫТ: Ilo4£a 1кк) ;к yk^air 4-fo Ф > ктНа 4кд ft к >fa 4-b I SUQI|S3n£) 33jpDJ4 IK, o’ A n “> i? ч 1=0 kt i4
-Y“ ||ОЙЯ kk IIO&lY а* о Ibioiz kk IkW a* © Itokfe ^k IIoSIy Sy 0 liolok ^k IIoSIy 3y О sIIy^ irlYk -Iy :-h Iy H :k 'б'к&аТГ >k ^-iQ-k к loft Up-St к s
IgariejaiiiiifculTunei i[nit-ri0.d[ug.e.dt iim TiOjlgllK< Sky Park Are you aware of the “Sky Park”? It is a landfill turned into an ecosystem which was built to commemorate the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup. It took about 3 years to restore the ecosystem that had been tainted with domestic waste. Since the park was built in order to restore the environment, there are not many artificial facilities or shops in the park. Therefore, it is recommended to bring one’s own drinks or food. The reason is perhaps the possibility of trash leads to environmental pollution. Are you worried that there are no rest rooms? Don’t worry. There are portable rest rooms and even ones for disabled people only so they can have a free access. A unique feature of this park that differentiates it from other park is the use of natural energy. There are five enormous pin wheels that produce 100kW electricity which is used as the source of energy for its facilities. Also, methane that is produced in the purification process of the trash heap is used to produce natural gas to the World Cup stadium and its surrounding area.
082 081 083
081 -Е! ★★★ Usage -Э §4 4Э Verb 44 4E! 44 40 Adjective 0ЦИЁ4- 0]|uhc| (0|)E! g4+o|4 4^ 4-йо|4 Noun+ОЩ 44 450 О 4°11 № 4*K 44 54 4444. It modifies a noun that follows after and indicates a reminiscence. E> • 40 w w wi sroi I cried really hard on the day when I went on a trip to study abroad, leaving my parents behind. • 41 49 ofo|7|- ^4 z§=t^o| 4^4. The little kid who was born tiny has already become a high school student. 0 51°fl ## 4*K 54 54 444 4544 44 #4*1 44^4. It modifies a following noun and indicates a matter that has kept its status and neither has been finished. UPf 44 0 444 44 jCPI? Where is the coffee that I was drinking? 4; □ 1’21’ёЦ. 5LS.IL O|-77|- 4^.4. I am sorry. I threw it away because I didn't know. • 7f: 0^ НЦаТВ4. 4 48 7j| S4? Ah, I am hungry. Do we have anything to eat? 4: UPF 40 o°I4S 48^H? Do you want the bread that I was having before? 0 4*14 *15 4 4441*i 44 4 *b§-44. It is used to recall what the speaker used to do often in the past • X1 44 сцё,глн q| 7LE! #O|oj|R That karaoke bar is where I used to go often when I was a university student. • Л 48# 4Pf o||*MI 58h44 40 50MIR That restaurant is where I used to go on weekends in the past. More in detail ► ‘-4'4 4S- Comparison between -0' and ‘-£t/&0’ 4*1 °fl 4 44 4 441 Wv ‘-4/44’4 *H4 5 44. Towards the matter that happened only once in the past, '-Х1/Й0' can be used. 0^ • ¥44 Ч|0|Еёг ц|| ofyg ^0M|o. (0) This is where we met when we were on our first date • ¥44 4|0|¥tt ин 040 50М1Я. (x) 240_ ф-S
► — 9] -g-1^ и]32- Comparison of‘-0’and‘-(°К(~^’s past)' Wf 43 #4*1 -(О-)ь-’£°14 #4 44 4444. ‘-9’ is used to describe a matter that has only continued and has not been finished ‘-(°)l' is used to describe a matter that has already ended in the past. 0j7|| Lfj7|- ^0|Of. That is the bread which I was having yesterday. (П “te 01Я1 LH^f C) SjA| grn. tP! ^0|Q.) (That bread is the leftover which I didn’t finish yesterday.) • <ОД1 UP! “}0|0f. That is the bread that I had yesterday. (П ОД Щ7) C) =0|Ef.) (That bread is the same kind as the one that I had yesterday. 2. ------------- 1 *- T. ' - MM—1МММMM Self-Check $ ef ?! 4 iy0!]*] <4 ?!> ~Пгл]Л] 9, @ цр) §tEL 5F0Pil 1ад. @ oia Soil ZtS 32141 5® StQ. @ °il|7) щ] oj%g m^i зад. @ 0| Af*!§ §±7f Oiq°!A| 7|Q1L)A| | Answers and Explanations ]- ‘-S’ cannot be used for the matter that has taken place only once in the past. In such case, only '-Xi/ЙЕ!’ can be used. Therefore, ‘JtP!’ of ® should be changed to ‘7(9.’ it was all used correctly in ®, ®, ®. Therefore, ® is correct. Answer О .-15 ti!S @ _241
I. 0^01-C Tl Usage -(° К t I— -(°)e BAF QJO JS mlo Verb 7} si-q XhSL ~l a— SAH-OR otxy ёЕМ|О| Adjective Noun+0|Q aih1?! О ЭД ^А}^- j£^|o] с]-. This is an expression that modifies the following noun. • 7^: A|7| 7|^ A^0| 0| £1-^^O|-*J7|-S? Is that person who is walking Mr.Lee? Ц: Li|, HHJJl «0|| ofe A^£ S O|AI ^OfR Yes, and the person who is next to him is likely to be Mr/Ms.Kim. • OfA|| Zf Aigo|| qx| §fO|- Mfi? Do you think you can find the restaurant where we were at yesterday again? • A|^ АГЦ YMir А|^л|-> АЩ -yOjS. I would like to buy a car that is little and cute. • 0|§i № ИН SO | ЦА| ЗДЖ ёЦЯ. When you are on a trip, it is important to watch what you eat, in order to avoid a stomachache. More in detail Comparison of ‘-(Я)и (past form of ‘-b’) and -0' 242 (E
3. Self-Check ЗЙ 421 23S af Answers and Explanations Since meeting a friend has already taken a place, ‘Ettf’ which is a past tense should be used. Answer У 15
I, оконец Usage -OF/O-IE^ ЛА/ ЛА L_! Verb etq- 7^f 7 ИЗ ml! Adjective оцььц OIISSE! 01Й/ЙЕ! gAf+oiq Noun+0|Q ^O|2iE! o sm да дада. It modifies the following noun and also indicates the reminiscence of the past. o • Щ 4SJS о)о|лн^ I cannot forget the tasty ice-cream which I had with my friends when I was an elementary student. • Oil EH >0^9 ^PF emoima The story that I liked the most when I was a kid will be made into a movie. 0 Ш ФФда. It modifies the following noun and it is used to describe that the matter has ended. Q> • 7H iEOil 21ЯЭ §Oj|A| *HO|2K= *H oiOifi? Are there any interesting books out of the ones you recently read? Ц: 0| *Н0| ХЦП|^О]В.. ofbi Oj ЙЛ||Я. Yes, this was a good one, You should give it a try. It used to reminisce something that has been done only once. fiHb- • 7|-. V^PF c>^?H -сУ^ЦЯ? Do you remember the place where we met at first? Ц: Я. Of course. 2. ci o^o»-cni More in detail ► *_л1/и] jil (p- 240) Comparison between ‘-Sf/StEf and -0'
Нимиияма The question to differentiate ‘-S’ and ‘-*{/*19' is on the TOPIK frequently. otttrt 0.2i ь. n o^ot оь fdH <goii£ Qjojxi, ot<?4 Щ Qion-J Qtojzt A« 1}ён £fot= oHfl.. 3 Q*ot 2eno« ot- ИН О>сниЬсьсН '"S£/wLc<fo' ZoCJ°' We have to think whether that action has taken place once them place or several times in the past. If it happened only once, ‘-Si/SiE!’ should be used while if it happened several times, both ‘-Э’ and ‘-Й/ЙЕГ can be used. £K»onb. 2b"HO<' St tH O2CH/Xti! °2°*' CHoHA-* Tfx; 72 7r°' In TOPIK, the question which asks the action that happened only once are mainly on. Ex Opp|- °£pt EIaxS И’ЗОЦЯ. (О) This is where we first met Opp|- x-|g ofL|-S &£ОЦЯ. (X) Self-Check 7|вё41 3S 8s| 20S 7f: oiqoi|A| qw? Ц: сн*11 ( ) Wi a «4. (2)4Э —Answers and Explanations You need to find the sentence to suggest the place where they had lunch yesterday, '-fe' of Ф is used to indicate that it is present. ‘-S’ of @ is used to indicate the past but it cannot be used for the action that has taken place only once. of @ is used to speculate what had happened in the past. ‘-Si/SS’ of @ is used to indicate the past but unlike it can be used for the action that has taken place only once. Therefore, ® is correct. i ! Answer i @ -Z• >5 _245
IkS Siv 97? Ilofifi Э Ной ъ HofiHo filY-k^rg lto> SlYte^a lYtl ( ) БЙП ^lYltelYtfl-IO "Ук^нтг <{£ -75Чп-к> 4zkH- 1!р-[о ( ) ‘[□нВ aks® §g|Y !-□ fi-g Hofilh Мгг ’ЫоВ & ofo Iy-|2 |2|yB 4Ia$ g|Y filo fedZHY® |Yfl ITlYloB HoglY ll-ofi rr Чзк^ГйЖоЖ) HoisZ SI*k)E HoglY llofilo ’йкк)В Ilog I y йШ1а$Ф jo§ и "S’kErkir -|o^f fi< ||p^ [t -f-(a ollolo^ Shy lorelY U six kH“l fi^kk) 'Йонг К: iyHo hkis k)fe 0 Svfi Кк~шв lk^ lloglo ДЗ ^1кВШ fitekfikHo llogir Э ’ук|гн1Г <££ [o^-ck R TF-b ’taio Ф FoB BlAVfc fi^Sv® M?k&© iy® tela® Ilog klY Si2> "бЫгктг 4o^ [k>^ fz >jn -f-k SJnia fi-hfi 0 ИчпТп ^tlia О ’3tijn lYllokk Siy lloi filY :fi бЗкйй lYllokk) ‘hnr ag :k air [yair ~ENn-B L suoiisan® asipo-M |и£^ ^j>o j»^
инп Repetition 084 085 086 -sto -7| 2J¥O|Q -Ot/Oj ад
03U —Zr 6Щ ★★ Usage i ГЫ oh 5 >Af Verb lF 5Г e® 5|c| s|E| -2-S 31> ЧЧЛЕЧ. It means that a certain action or situation repeatedly happens. Ok • Щ *i ЛВ-.-Ч iWI §^0|| §№. When I was an elementary student, I used to go to a park with my friends. • Щ]- OjDjLpf AyzfLg SHR Whenever I eat food from my hometown, 1 used to think of my mother. • °fQ= 8feE|| bfbUW xr s овд oiOjo. When 1 went to college, I used to get together with my friends quite often. However, since I’ve been busy lately, I haven’t been able to do that. More in detail ► ‘-S- -7] Si^rol 4’®4- «H2-0! -4-g-fl- ЙЧ- 6Щ’ can be interchangeably used with ’-7| ЙФОЩ.' • Щ] W# ^01ВДЛ| wQjAie 8JICL When I was little, I used to run all the time and would often fall down. = ois> щ| давд дои Self-Check * 4. Y^°l ?gW- ф 0|Щ bjatoil Zgoi >opp|g. SHQ|£. ® SfO| Sig § SfSfeqi Atjztaq 5fLj|Q. @ S-aoi ОВД 7ЦО1> ъИЕ! °Ш. You are supposed to find a sentence that used incorrect grammar. SfQ’ of @ should always be used as a present tense so it should be corrected to SUP.’ Therefore, ® is the answer. Answer (J) 248_ -£ s№
-7| ei^OIEf* I Usage I, <^ObC-)l -7| ^0|Ц Verb Dpi 3nrO|Ef 4Q 7[7| ^O|Lf О Pl а°1 44 г Pl 41 HH. It is used when something occurs frequently. ES> • Lfe A^ AM tpO|| X|Zt8p| SJ^O|Ch I oversleep a lot and would often be late for school. • *щ> Ш [Qih LiY Z1W4 Ш sma|7| S^tflia. When I stand in front of others to do the presentation, I get so nervous that I often oversleep and am late for school. • Л 4b 440| go| «ад, Oi^ii Ч УЦ7|°г S|g w|°7| Since he/she and I have a very different personality, we would often get in a fight when we were young. ^°|AF°f Guidelines ЦЦ P ч] <1 A^-^-fspc]-. It.is usually used as a negative connotation. И Л A@g Cfg А1&Д0]И1 (X) (o§4 21 2jD|) (positive connotation} 2„ ch <”otc-n Ц More in detail ‘-4 W®4 bH4 441 4 o|cf can be interchangeably used with -3 8}Q.’ E> • <>iSS 4114 ^OjA|7| When I was little, I used to run all the time and would often fall down. = 4 Sixt ^|0]qLUi ^AieSHq. @-7 _249
3. У*’-’1 I * 31 W 7|>£X1I 4Й 651 333 ?f: figoife даэд >aaoi °t°a я а<ия. Ц: Ц|. Xfgofc a^5p| ^%Х|£. Ф *i£0|fe W JHOjO ® *1^0||±5 ёЦ£ ^OjЯ ® *l^0||h ^45 513 3 3*|Я @ Ai^Ofe £S| ^4X| ЗЗЗЯ Answers and Explanations______j — — You are supposed to find that the speaker used to make mistakes all the time at first. @ means that it was ok to make mistakes. ® means that the speaker couldn’t make mistakes. @ means that the speaker didn’t make mistakes. Therefore, Ф which means that the speaker used to make many mistakes in the past is correct. Answer (J) 250_ ©~7|
086 -оь/сн mq* unit 16 И|й 1 Usage -of/о] ЕЦЦ qq Verb AFq af cm cj| Aj-g-^Fr]-, it is used when a certain action is done repeatedly. 0k ' «q oh^l^b 7iiq -goj qw ёЩЕ = ^0j£. I could not sleep at all last night because the baby next door kept crying. • t^>0| Lj° q>0] ЧА1 Qe 0|0f7|£ Ш q^oilS. I cannot talk to others since the students kept making noise. • л УАИ uF^oj|£ « 3q qA1 tih^M sHS. I would like to change my phone number because that man keeps calling me several times a day. 4°|AF°f Guidelines it is usually used to deliver a negative feeling of the speaker 2. * Ч-B- 51 nl7] ЗЫг 4й 7S| 223 51^71 Sf£ ^0| 7^J1 >q ЩА1 q W №. Ф t! 3 3 L|77F @ 71|4j tl^O|| @ ^AF71 52 71 llf|£Ofl I Answers and Explanations______ ______ The person cannot reject since his friend kept pressing him. Ф means that the friend pressed only once. ® means he pressed with a loud voice while @ means he pressed suddenly so neither is suitable. Therefore, @ which indicates the repetition of the action is correct. Answer @ qq 251
□ 7>*il practice Questions u]-g- ?! ’Bbbcr 3i< S^lh W0| , 7f7|^. € e “£! SKOjfi. 7^ 5!JOjfi c *isoi°m u]--g- -r4M '^tr aLE^A]^. 7|TWI S AfsjOI Lj° « Щ^ЦёН£ € 4§oj ЩА1 Spf WOjfi. € WJfsUI □z-да 3£0il 3 4-s- <1 пЧг°1 al^ A] SZM^IS. LJPh ода ИЦ 90pi 'g® Et>01 ^A|g :ют1 $ж пнё ^oii ?да4 £.да °g 7 и л £да^ йц. 4 14-g- A] HHj!|. uj-Y^ > 4 ZLsL^A]^. 7|.: ^луо|*h oh д|.о^ П1О|А|Я? LK ojg> qfe A^®h AA[Qg sH^q| Age =н У A4¥^ ^о|оца. Ц°7| *^»^ЕЦ JUHnQS SifeEil € A4£ 5|0| sfeE|| ju|°7|f £!5!Ы 252_ ^il
-SfVr Completion 087 -Z SfCf 088 -оь/сн щащ 089 -0b/O| ЩЦ
I. -Z ^Af Verb 7Щ О a°1 'a'^ а'2*] лагНг 'Й'а 4-Hl'k!lcL It is used to express that something finally took place. t=£jk ^*11 б]|0|А|2 в$>1О|Я. Yesterday, I finally broke up with him • А|До|2. ЕглМ. Even though I ran, I finally was late. • A-^sLCpf Д sSt&l-S. I was in a hurry and I finally fell down. 2„ CH o^orcni More in detail '-H efQ’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-Of/oj tfjam.’ • Opi| 2 Afg-Д o||0|A|JI I finally broke up with him yesterday. = OjAll 2 А^Д ёт ЩИСНЯ '-2 Ч£сь'£ь '-2 ‘USVr ЛУЧ! °'*’t ььен-нЯ. Unlike -Л ad’, -U shows a strong will of a speaker. Ex ШИ011ё Д сцадо| £|2 e/JJIQ. Next year, I will become a college student for sure. 254_ ф 2
3. ifojy'-n Se/f-Check unit 17 ?H Q JHOiS? Ц: 0Щ2, OjX1| 0X1|> SfQ7f Ф SOI >Л IT^W @ SOI > s @ SOI ^Siojof §h<w @S0|^^0|0||o } j—-f" Answers and Explanations ----------------—-----------—~~—~~ ~~ • — You are supposed to find a sentence that means that the speaker fell asleep without doing his/her homework. ® means that the speaker nearly fell asleep but did not. ® means that the speaker regrets not having slept. @ means that it is a similar condition as being asleep. Therefore, none can be the answer. In this sense, Ф which means that the speaker finally fell asleep is correct j Answe. 3) @ -Z i-- _255
-of/oj qqq ** I, °ahO(-c_-)i I Usage -or/oj qqq Verb qq qqq ?!q 4 nqq о «да да и- да 7^v аь§-вд, It is used to emphasize that something is completely done. Як • ^a|o| go| oi^qi q° иц7|- лвд £X|- q qoj q^qs. Even though there was enough food, I just ate it all since I was so hungry. • та AiLWil ^1 &qq *i^7j q 7|qqq gn 7j q^qa. Since I was late for the appointment, my friend just went home without waiting for me. • q5!^oil -uiqt =5pi Af q^qs. I just fell asleep without taking a shower while I was watching TV. 2. & отгсц ► ^2]^ -51 upio] A}4«- да. ‘-oj/oj qajQ’ can be interchangeably used with -Л sQ.’ ’ q*il ofiq^l q®qS . I finally broke up with him yesterday. = q*ll л Afguj- sfiqqz ^gqs. g, * tHr ?! m-да та та 7|<£X|| 4g 9ё| 15Щ 7j: Л g§ g7|S tftCHo? q: Ljl. У Mr g# ng 5Ц qaoja. Ф ёН yjqo @ ёН @ °!л @ jHog jwqfi. ‘ Answers and Explanations J- It means that you just promised when you shouldn’t have. ‘-0f/0| ШЦ' of Ф means that certain result has been achieved. ‘-Of/Oj ^C|‘ of @ means that something had been prepared beforehand. ‘-St/Sf°S ёН£' of @ means to expect something to be accomplished. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which means that it would've been better if the speaker hadn't done something that he/she just did is correct. Answer @ 256_ ф-oj/q qqq
089 -OF/QJ ЩЦ ♦ Usage unit 17 -0^01 mq- Verb 0|7|Q 0|71 ЩЦ LHq О И°1 *^4 °1> ЧЧЖ. It is used for the result that has been accomplished after certain process. He/she had finally endured the whole process even though it was hard and tiring ШпгШ о?1 4“Oil Л Ш= HC|0j S-gsH 9}0j£. I finally completed that task after going through hardships for a week. □ ^A||°| ёЦШ ohSfi §fOJ yjOjfi. I found the solution forthat problem. Self-Check * Ч& ?! 31 1r <4 31> ii-W. Ф ¥£| Af*ry£ Oja|§§ Q|^ tfloja @ S^OiPil В ?1|0|Л4А| Qm0| ® С® А^0|И1 0|0р|о[д gma @ Л Af^g Af7|7f “Afoi 5A|g MS. i 1 Answers and Explanations You are supposed to find an incorrect phrase — Of/O-j ЩCf of Ф cannot be used with a past tense so the underlined should be corrected to ‘0|7| ЬЙО-jS.. ’ Therefore Ф is the answer. Answer ф SEB-Of/Ojuiq 257
Cjjf °uy Practice Questions 1 Ч-Б- M 4П- ЭДЭДа. О £S| ЭД> А®§ эддд ЭД. 0 дэд шэд эдэд| °л°д эд. 0 qg ?и пдэд т|| эдд. О эдд aaga Alt! §H|S *Г ЭД1 ЙЭДЦ ЭДЭД да 2 E> Z! Яп17|- '&£ s’-fi- 7f: 2Ц g ah oiai £i^< or °fwga? LK Of^ Ai^sq- ^7il ЭДЦ gg AFF7f go|| 7| ^ЭДЯ. О ЭД ЭДЯ 0 7| мда © д ^да о 7in ^ga з да >°i^- да j'g^zi^-. 7|: <2Ц Al|7h ЭД уда? о Ai|7b ЭД Ы| ej® efoH ЭДЭД € S4 Al|7F goj| Ц7|А| ya S0||°f °|ЭД € Л14 g и^о|| л|д> s £>эд 0 §т яо|да #е tpoiia 258 *!£!
6SZ ^3 йВ зИок В11? В 0 ж в о Ito к В И? В o'Ito I о& В В tB ’зМо lYla&K :fi 3lloIo&fe № >НпВ тЫ* ЫоВ :k "S'IyithE <t£ тг1а-к> -B-k kk>! IKhi'i к -tahsFkofe lohk |пБ Wzl¥b h Э г?1т]п£В 1Г|?-з1 IyhJr u tah^-i kfcB hs ВШ кВ В BBfe Э 4L1,un WB Ф ВД Solow lYklRS Но О укВнТ lo^-R 1y >щ -§-{a 7
Arumdaun Gagye (Beautiful Store) Let’s look around our home. What do you see when you open a closet? What is there? Do you see some clothes, hats, ties and that you have not worn for years? What about looking into your bookshelf? Are there any books that you don’t need anymore? What about around your living room or kitchen? Are there any things that you don’t need since you got new ones? How do you handle things when you don’t need them anymore? Do you just throw them away in a recycling bin? Well, now, just donate them at ‘Arumdaun Gagye(“beautiful store” in Korean)’ rather than throwing them away. At Arumdaun Gagye, donated goods are repaired or fixed when needed and sold to people who are in need at a very cheap price. People who work here are mostly volunteers and all proceeds are used for people who financially in society. What about paying a visit to the store today? Stuff that you don’t need may be used for a good purpose or you may even find something that you need at a reasonable price as well!
Checking information 090 -fe > SXtQ/eStQ 091 -30КЯ) 092 -fex| etcf/Hsq-
oqo Usage _(О)Э Verb 33 за i шдадац 3t i 7(Q 7(b > SJSW/^Ц ^1^371^3 -(°)>- > Ш573/1ЙЗ _(О)Э > Ш273/1ЙЗ ^§4 Adjective >3 e ^&з/>йз e етз/>&з н|-ёёЗ UHS > ШЙЗ/1ЙЗ HffigsrstQ/ssq 01Й/Й1 > eJ&3/>£!3 3 > 333/1^3 3 > 333/1^3 SAf+O|Lf ^5t3/1^3 3^33 > ШЙЧ/вЙЗ > ШЙЗ/1ЙЦ Noun+ОЩ ШЯЗ/вйЧ ^33/1^3 ШЙЗ/eSR О ЛНН Ш nfl АНКИ}. It is used when information about a certain fact is different from what had been expected. • ?[' 7|^A( yo| *Щ|£.. The dormitory room is smaller than what I had expected Ц: Л33|й. g|0| StStCHS. That’s true. I thought the room would be bigger. • Л Afg-01 3 c! □£! sStCHS. I thought that person was a teacher. Guidelines T? T? Т гЙЗ'З u|i- Compar n between‘—e ® S“,CT and’- -L-is ®>:S|lc!PI?i .Idid'n’tknqwthat Hyekyung willbegood atstudyihg '.=, §ii^6|7} Mis зте. <WI3 £¥> a® 7(ЗЛt» 5® ЗЖ.) (The speaker realized that even though he/she thought that Hyekyung will be bad at studies, she is good at iti) {j3 oicQPh'oiT’fl‘«Kf S еЙЗ-Я.. (’thought that Seungjponswillbe jood® studying. SK KOtoiS, Ус|4 .^0|7( 374- ш Oil^f QQ 58 °аВД.) IThe peaker re lized that even though he/she th u ht that Seungjoonwill be good at studying, he is lot goo at it.) 262_ astq/s^q
More in detail ► ад йч. *-fe S sh£t4/>SQ’ is can be interchangeably used with -feQH ^z«ofq' or ‘-°ащ ^ztofQ.’ • Lfe ZZgTil ^оЦ£ £|fe s aHStOi. I thought it would be ok to talk like that = Lfe HSTil ЭЩ ^54S!0i. = Lfe ЛШ?|| ^5ЦЫ £| qq A§Z|=HOj. unit 18 Self-Check * ?! -r^°l ЧП- Чп15. ЧЧЧ 9. 7|g^A1| 3g 3S| 26S Ф gas g ggfe А|^оI qq °|(W? @ 0|g AA|7f uh£ °! sow qq o|g g H%ta|g. ® o|> o|S4 qg g >%Qj£. @ Л AfajOI g 0|V£ 710]|o Answers and Explanations Ф means that the speaker knows how to drive while @, ® and @ mean that the speaker is aware of a certain fact Therefore, Ф is correct. Answer 1 se- 263
ofcn-imi£ov*'°A Джонок ot§ °» SlJoifl.. з ojxv/S^cv' ь они o^s. gVb нужя QV-Huv tpj| CH Avfigv§ §Woixta. There is some basic grammar that has to be distinguished despite their similar looks. ‘~e S sT/S^T is used when the speaker is/isn't aware of the way to do something. Ex S s'0!®. I know how to swim SS« S eI^ES. He doesn t know how to drive 1 264_
-St/SJSOKR) -^ОЦЯ) -(°)а 7Ш0Ц£) £Af Verb 7|-Q Z&Of(2) ^окя) qq ЗЯ2) ЧЖ) ?1М2) unit 18 W2! -й/й§ока) -аок£) Adjective q^oKs) ^q н^окя) 0|й/й§0КЯ) (0|)£№) SAHO | OF Noun+0|Q ^ЙО|ЙЙОКЯ) £i^0|30KS) ^|AF °|АгаЖ(Я) SANOKS) о те те те те те It is used when talking about something that both the speaker and listener is aware of. -j.?. • J\. .2.Ш DfO|^ M|7f °_f Michael s not here today. Ц: TSOI'S. You know that he went to his hometown today. 7|-: 5fq. Ob, yeah. I heard it but forgot about it. 0 те те°й тез те] <те тете те «и тете. It is used when the speaker emphasizes something that he/she said to the listener. • 7|-: 0|Ё1 I messed up the test again. Ц: n5-iL|77F Црf □ 13-1 gqufqjl I told you to study in advance. Bal-SOfc 265
Self-Check $ ’Sir *1 ^n]S. «Kfl тг Л^]^5. 7|g^1| 4g 2g 34S g. 34h0|| g-Zgi ЗЦ0| Efe 7-i ОЩ0Щ? LF: g gota*|£ g7'^Ej SH£? *Ш|В gg 4^ %а<ИЯ. ф ШОГЙЛ|£ ££Z gZZ-E-1 5Ж £ЭД< 9SFE 0j®7|| 5Ц&? @ XH Oh0^x| ^Z 61ОД.Е Sofe 3° 0Щ011Я. @ § ^o^*|z g*z 3Z^ 5ЙЦЛ ёНА1 ^н|< ЙОЩ. @ ОЮ^Л|Л az tiZVEi Ш 3*1 ?>щ1> 3*1 ^§ёЦ0ИЯ. Answers and Explanations It means that it is possible to be embarrassed if the speaker reports before finding out about the possible outcome. @ means that the speaker wouldn't be embarrassed even if the speaker reports it. @ means that if the preceding phrase works as a reason, the speaker will not be embarrassed. @ means a choice. Therefore, none can be the answer. Ф which means that after doing the preceding phrase's work, he/she will be embarrassed is correct. Ariswei Ф 266_ ф-^окя)
oqa Usage £R/a=R -h*l £R/s=R -(o)ex| ilR/H^R Verb RftbM £R/H=R ^R/S=R R>a| SJR/S^R Al^SfeXI ^R/£HR А|^х| etq/аац -5t/5ih*l -(o)i-A| SJR/SSR Adjective *tq- *H£X| ^D|-/H2D|- HR ^R/saq 3X| о^/£еЦ °!X| SJQ/SSR SAh+O|Ch Noun+o|Q otxy st^0|oi^A| ^R/Ssc|- ШЦ/гвЦ *p°ix| егВДаЦ О ЛНИ ”U WW lt is used to ask whether the listener is/isn’t aware certain information. • 7f: П #OfufeA| SfOte? Do you know what kind of food he/she likes the most? Ц: Щ, Jil= #0|-оЦ£.. Yes, he/she likes Bulgogi the most. • 7|-: ^-л||^0| OjRO||£? Do you know where the post office is? Ц-: R^-ёЦЯ. AjSL OjC|21X| Sorry. I don’t know where it is. _267
I Self-Check 7К 0| £g§ О]®7||_______________. Ц: лгця? Л1РГ 7^ si№. ф Д^И1 @ A®SfeX| Я^О]2. @ л^вдл @ Afgsfe 5 ^Ofo / Answers and Explanations - —•— ----------------- It means that the speaker is saying that he/she is not aware of the way to use the mentioned grammar. ® means that he/she had used the grammar already. ® means that he/she has already heard the way to use the grammar. @ means that he/she is speculating about the way to use the grammar. Therefore, © which means that he/she is not aware of the way to use the grammar is correct. Answer (2) 268
°2y Practice Questions 1 e > ?! °l nl 4 51=?] *1-2.. 7K D|g Ж ^гёЦА-l ОДО ОДО. Ш BBS? ggsF в Ш2ДО. om B2fe3l О BSS! В S^OiS. © Вё5Й> В 2Г2ДО © BB 21 5ЙЦ51 ОД1ЙО].& C B5 2! Ш ОД51 ОД5К012. 2 <L^-°1I 1ИВ 51 = ?] ДО. ?1: «gnf, 0|*i A|§0||Aih ДОВ S0| $ДО. Ц; дадо LH?f ор|°Ю||. € 5121Ш S! 5!!S0|- © ^2!sfe ^I5J!SO1 © Щ1 ?! 21 <21 ОДД 5ЙНО! © > ДДЗ ^2!Ш SSOf 3 ^< ?! V<°fl ><47И 51 е t! 7] i. Ъ- tHHl 1ГОД1£? Ц: L1I,. О Sih > Ш2Р12! 5z^fi © 51h В >^Ч1 В Sih В В2101Я © В Sih В >Й^Ч1 0| Вн2!0|о © В Sih В ^21^1210| В B^oia BS '3£ BX1I 269
°Ly Practice Questions 4 п]<- Л] «-tug- o]n]5. h^o] & %-jr ?s{]/]9. 7|-: °a| L-K О|ёЦб|-^ й7-!° E! o|-A|Z бИ. ц: АЦЕН xj0|7j L^Ot лгц£ ¥£ЙО| Ц< A||QJ А^^ 7М С Ц0| xfOpf 7^0 L^Of € Ц0| xf0|7f QOf sm € Ц0| х^|7Щ^^0|^0|- с Ц0| AfO|7fLH_|Z7fnWSO|- 5 4W°fl AFSF- 5}A| [[Ц°0|| НЦН7|7Ь £0]А| A^>0| D|^ L-W°| ggMI Oiqof jHCh n^iqi ЦА| Н|ёу7|7Щ^ 4^ О17Ц ЯЙ *PI ЦЯ-OII >О|ад. 7|-: SFAF S“J (IH-g-Oil Н|§7|7|- ot с^А| Ьн0| 6^A|fi? LK Lil, LUItr igoil. Z! € ei ( 5 2ё 1 270 gAll

• <2>i" /"IP т- ZL °tn гю it*-“i i I Checking Basic Grammar! 7г у% Lo----------------------#................-............... -----...... -X|°b JsQ бЦ^О)^ 7|7(- -?X|°F 5Ц-§0| -§|-йг7 ^O|P Hyekyung is tall but her sister/brother is short. 272
О9з -g УЭ(о||) _(o)u ufg(oj|) Moil) £4 of 4 £tE(O||) УЭ(0)|) Verb 44 Z! S!E(OII) y2(0||) mt 19 -(o)u уд(о]|) °i уд(о]|) #4 “fS(oil) gA[+0|4 ёьлуо| uft4(0]|) Adjective Oj|aaq эдш yt4(0j|) Noun+ОЩ 22A[Oj У2(0||) О 3 Ч)-8-°1 ¥433 Ч1М “J 4-8-tM-. It is used when the context of the succeeding phrase contrasts with the preceding phrase. • ?Y- 0|У0]| &|A|-g Oj[[Ц£? What is your new work place like? Ц: 15c SOI StSOII S0| SOW UfrCHo. The pay is pretty good while the amount of work is heavy. • *1 0j|^ ИЦЧО|| S7|=|g g^Of. That actor/actress is pretty while not a good actor/actress. • Tg ?W0| The products at department stores are good quality while they are expensive. More in detail '-fe StSW can be interchangeably used for ‘-g Ш or ‘-x|E!!.’ • ооё ?P|- S StSOII oiz 44. The younger brother is tall while the older brother is short. = ?\7\SEII Уё|| §g 7|7f 44. = о с9ё 44 f|g 4Q. ял-^н^оц) 273
Self-Check p—“ ™ - ------------———-------------------------> * S ?hM Zltf!1! 4“ 3f 33^ Л- адк ^0| ®J®M ^OA||O? Ц: 7|=SQb 50| gftA|Q. %O]2. Ф Wl 5i^S @ y^oii oiqe @ М^Г£ ЖЙ£ @ S>S SlCHfi *—t«— -- .---J-J.-.-,— --— frrrr-— ~t •r-rr--T I --r-r-- -' -Tirirn-—-r-r-7r.-rirrir.-rT T Ti.il JU .. |Г!>М1Г_-_-г г г - ПС (Пинг лгл n mr г лг I IT.-Г1I | -JI I 1 1 Г .' -iTimnr Тг ГI-ГТГГТГ]-[С. Г I ГГГГ-tB.uvnnrir-rt-СМ>.--Г^ Answers and Explanations j- ~——----------- It is a question to connect ‘fiSQ’ and 'Й.Ш ЯЧ' according to the content of the phrase. Ф means it is not only tiring but also worthwhile so ft cannot be an answer. @ means it is worthwhile enough to be tired which is grammatically wrong. @ means that the degree of tiring accompanies worthiness so it cannot be an answer. Therefore, @ is correct Answer @ 274_ ф -fe ЙЭ(0||)
O^OfCll ЦдшИ! Usage -RL| О1Ц- RRL-I Verb 7ЩЦ SR ERR Adjective (0|)RL| ИД+О|С{ Noun+0|Q *ls *I^O|RL| 0Ю1 0{0|E|L| It is used when a preceding phrase contrasts with a succeeding one. g> • *14 feO| °t ЯЧL| 0|biOfe що| ящя. There was not much snow last winter but there is a lot this year. • Xg-g- ^МёН^ОЩ. He used to be chubby but he is slim now. 0 W°1 th ^4 35. да WW. It indicates the result due to someone else’s action. OSb • 401 Qj C| L| hHeh0| 4R. My friend has a stomachache since he overate. R 4^4 4*{ £RR*P£ R¥4R oiicH^q. My friend finally broke up with her boyfriend since they have been fighting a lot. Guidelines *1^°] '’v0]*]’ W ha 4. The speaker cannot be the subject of the'sentence. 81 i= об| >§“o{C|L| A I'll ft § StQ. (0) My friend did well on the test since he/she has been (~rOj) (subject) studying hard. Щ Л|й> Ц Й4. (X) (^rOj) {subject) The subjects of the preceding-.and succeeding phrase have to be the same 81 о сУО| гВД98 44 SE|L| (4o4) trO| ЦЖЗШ. (0) My younger brother has bad eyesight since (vR) (subject) (44) (subject) he has been watching too much TV. «01 £C|L| ЙЦ. (X) (^Qj) {subject! (44) (subject) А] Х|]£}- 4hch ЙЗА *Ьо’'&1-]'. Present form Is used regardless of the tense. 81 *14 44414 0|4 ЧйМ2.. (0) Last week had been cold but this week has been warm. (2}7{) (past) St-js •'*11^ Ц (O) It has been cold recently but it has become warm today. (4ХЦ) (present) 275
2„ ch o^okcti in detail W]H Comparison between '-4Q‘ and -Й/ЙЧЦ’ -E|L| -21/214 Ц ^Af, ^§A№ It is connected with a verb or an adjective. ^2} oilSEE It is connected with a verb Л1ёуЯО| Лщо| 2A| BfeCE The speaker usually is not placed as the subject of a preceding phrase. А^Г0| The speaker usually is placed as the subject of a preceding phrase. • 0f*!0|| |ЭД>ещ 2®0|| H|7f £hq. (0) Since it was cold in the morning, it rained in the afternoon. • 0^0j| Wi^L-Щ £®0|| b|7| (X) • UH £¥S §ЩЦ ^0| (X) • UPFSVfi SHC-ILI £*0| (0) Since my friend studied hard, he/she got a better grade. ► ад Combination with another phrase • -^ад адчададч): адад ‘-о| wh ЪВД о|-е|Ц(-^ЦЕ|ц)' is a combination of an indirect speech of ‘-^ОД ёЩ’ and ‘-ЧЦ.’ Ofe - (ЦёуВ 2.ВД бЩЦ 2Ц °! ^fOi? You said you are going on a trip today but why are you here? = <4ZW4M £H °h Quest ns which ask to compare ‘-ЦЦ’ and ‘-Й/ЯЧМ’ are often on the test. Therefore, it is important to remember their difference. ^o’Sv-r "Ж 276_ ф-ЕЩ
* «RM 7|>°Л| 4Й 62| 44S 7f: СЧ§2|- ^а| gsHb «PF 2t ЭД е^о|ощ. I 4;_____________________________________ ! Ф #ёЦЬ *№0|| ы|ёЦ н|?г що| £ащ @ H|7f Щ0| ад *МйД Ц Е|£4Я ® ^0||ё ЛЭ7Ц Ь|7|- ЯЦЦ ВёЦ^ у ЯЦ|Я @ ^011ё 33fe4l ®ёц нр|- ЯА| вдгде unit 19 сиг — — ------- ------------------ Answers and Explanations J— —----—--------------- The speaker is worried about having insufficient rain. Since ф and @ have a phrase that it will rain a lot, neither can be correct. @ cannot be correct since it says that it is a problem that it rained and he/she doesn't want it anymore (3 which connects the last and this year contrastively is correct. Answer G @-ЦЦ 277
095 ★★ Usage -5!/St°^A|£ -(o)gxi£ -(O)5 7igA|£ £Af Verb ^°0A1E 4S А1ЭА1Е ROSAIS 7^A|£ 71ЭА1Е -(°)9Ait §§Af Adjective lT Ki'IO ФО^АЦЕ Hj-Huq Ы^ЭАЦЕ о ifl-g-o] зрдзи < лнгм It is used when the opposite context to the status/action of the preceding phrase comes in a succeeding phrase. . 7pj| °f #oj4A1£ The clothes in that store are expensive despite the bad quality. • 5Й°ЭА|£ i=27|-A| А^ё^| My friend never apologized despite her fault. • zj- T]gx|£ 7^ 0j«0| °f >КЦЯ My younger sister wouldn’t go on a trip with the family even though she will go otherwise. More in detail ► *- ° фА] ‘-X]nJ-j!)- A]~g-'S}- 4^ aJt]-. ‘-О.Э-ЧЕ’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-xlEt’ • A|gofe °I4=> #огёцчл|£ *|Bfq Jiyoung pretends to dislike Minsoo outwardly even though she likes him at heart. = A|goSOfupqet *i®i-q. 278_ ф-o^Ait
Self-Check @ #OfsLEA-|H unit 19 PH [ Answers and Explanations ] You are supposed to find the phrase that says Sumi acts as she dislikes Mr.Lee even though she likes him at heart ‘feQEf of Ф is used in case of an assumption. ‘fetpiH’ of @ is used in case of a choice so neither is surtacie of @ does not match the meaning of the main context of ‘aJOfSfe 4|оЦ52.’ Therefore,/-ES-ME’ of @ which expresses the contrast between acting as disliking someone while liking someone at heart is correct. Answer ©“°- _279
0% -S у ^A| DjC-j ejTjof Verb 71-74 §gA| frszsy ^74 Of О 1— L- Adjective Ц-ььц. Ц-ИИ74П) (0|)74 nt SAH-ОЩ Noun+0|Q oi-F CHS0|ot74O|. 0j^0|74oi 0f0| 0f0|«74O) 0|-0|74ot О <14. It is used when there are opposite facs between the preceding and succeeding phrases. • 'BISS Alt!# # S Although Minho studied hard, he did not do well on the exam. л as ?|7| ofoih ?|7| aoffi. Although the parents are tall, he/she is short. • Л A^S oiSoi^y SA|S 6H2. Although he is a grown up, he still acts childish. ^2|A|-ot Guidelines 4Ж Ч4М1 nfe -$да’£] Abg-ёЦл] ‘-ЖУ&Пб used to express one’s will or assumption. ЕЭ tFFfe'Ojsxj gfe ?! SSQ. Йч4) Although it should be painful to tumble over like that, my friend acted as though it wasn't (supp sitioni gAjO] ФЧй йЯЙП ЧИЕ I ° ЭДА1 s ЧЙ&1Я. (£|A|) Although 1 would eat it all, I can’t since th food is too salty (will) 280_ ф-ЗУ
2. Ci «И-Ol-с-II More in detail ► s tHs1 Combination with another phrase • ^ФМ. ‘-fePTl 8ИУ is a combination of an indirect speech ‘-^ЦТ* s|Q' and -SSL’ • ¥^o'o| QH^ 5F2°t у Although my parents always tell him to study, my younger brother/sister never listens Seif-Check unit 19 Ж V№ ^n] s’ 71-Я -5Ш ~Ра^А] ф ЦИ^ЭД >Л| да. Ф UPf -^opil SI- И£О|| @ UPF ^0|й| Ш «у ощг|- @ цр F §*нвд| бНЛ| @ ШЛ $НА|о[ { Answers and Explanations ‘—з°|’ is used when there is a contrast between the preceding and succeeding phrase. J-4§r0|]’ of Ф shows a positive reason while ‘—§ “й °№Г of @ means I am telling him to study. Neither can be suitable. ‘-°£Ц> sjAf ot ® is used to show the reason of not having studied hard. Therefore, @ is correct. Answer 2 © *4 _281
IteS Siv Z8Z к-Ж o> kite 0 3lki> H°H S-tete^ln kk kite 0 3lh§ H§> htetekb kte 0 olklk оя кН hklHa^tD oil kite О '3lh> H?> Ibi^TT '^k)H2^to zrs kite :fi 'ofei ккЖ Hlbio^ к IoToIqHy Bkk foteji IIoSIa =?ft 0 ^k)i6laHY йятг tote-is k~’ikk 0 olOklnllY кятг tote-ii 1ЮЙ kk 0 ок)1о1ак Читг k)teii S§is О okToltlHY =?я§г k)iE-|a BilYklZ 1~1 6<310Го |Y>fa 10ЖЙУ Шо :k 'укЕга'ТГ Ж~1£ [ккк □''нкг Й -§[n £ э ifr Maa-Ih ИкУй-Ж 1ЮтЕ окк Э ik h?? it tel y llo£ §kk = il* Ito^h Ч-Iy llo?E- otok 0 ik №fe kte llo£ ^кк О iofc sklY 'S’foiks- lYk)io 1оЖтг ж1К) IkSlo IIOkE te :k "ylYtYHtT ^-{a-k UpfifT к §in 7d10h? (□ к B'S ЕЙ lYSfa 0 SlOfekS IfoiS-lA 351S 0 ^torskS ₽ik ^kSB Э B’totekS Zj3 IySi° О ’3k)MkS iBlYte 'olOwlrk :tel i^k)lffik) IkRioS тгкна Шк) кйк lYlk)5ilk :k ‘S'Iy^hIT kk Ф > Loztln к-ии- к kb suQi;sano aoipoud |K .Z H gQ
E8Z yy 31-YSB 0 |Y^B 0 tahio @ Btaio О otaHsfe я-аН ( ) iviY & ‘Ito :ta 3lh4s> nlYStafi lo^iY £ 63lYBtailS^ fetor irtor glfe :ta ’ук^нтг H ( ) 8 ’tah^ofe Iklx iio Ной is taR-B ^ioln Э ok) io Жтгкг :5$Yiata ta ^IyI? Stei2^& ioitfHк llo^tak Stain НоВйЗ to Э ’tahW iio kvInkY ItoSS -Sin 0 ‘'S’IylyhK ^-{a^ 1° fTh R тгЬ L olloloK l№ 4y S-tata^ ^-loioo 0 ’tai%taln Iloi3 htafc^itaff^ IfoSio Э dfe§ taiY i5 Sta Ik)fz Цк ixlY Э ilYfe |0>l0 Sir S1Z iiY Ito tain > ук^нТГ ts< |o^r £ >B -§4a 9 ItoSS a5 № Ёа^ 0 irtalki i3 0 tain taa^ О ’tah^k)^ >k ( ) ю-fc H?Ia IIoS-Iy Ч'Н?^ ук^етг Цр( ) -f-ta s
h WIM Korean holiday - Seul Korean holiday "Seul” means the first of January on the Lunar Calender. The first of January on solar calender is called “Shinjeong(New Year’s Day)" while first of January on Lunar calender is called “Kujeong(New Year’s Day on Lunar Calender”). When Koreans say “Seul", it usually means “Kujeong.” Korean families gather on Seul, have a memorial service for ancestors and children get dressed in Hanbok and bow to their elders. Children bow to elders saying “ЛЦ6Ц °§0| ^^ЛЦЯ(Нарру New Year)” and elders say “ЛЦ6Ц ^01 “t OfB|(Happy New Year)” back when they hand some allowance to the children It is different according to each province but most Koreans eat Deok-kuk(rice cake soup) on Seul. There is a saying that you will grow a year older only if you eat Deok-kuk which shows that it is an essential food for Seul.
Planning (Deciding Promising • Intentions) 097 -aa|E!^o|c|- 098 099 -OB|Z 100 ->77|- ад- 101 -?|^ад
йр, "1 О Щ VbO I ~ h"l I | Checking Basic Grammar! ~ -jr- у u О-------------------------- ' ' -74I- 7H$0j.£. I will go on a trip to Jeju Island during the vacation. -0f/oj0№f 5 X|^^.E] ^-4® °BOfzi!C|2_. I d better do some homework from now. -1 7101| Я С=Д ^r-eh0j| §о®И A Sa 7-jO)|S. I will go shopping at Myungdong during the weekend. ->7i|S 7|-: оЦЗ^Ь, td тй. Hyekyung, come and have a meal. Q- oOf, L-lfe- 0|tt|-7|- I’ll have it later, mom.
047 I -о 2-10 *Г0|Ц Usage -(a)B|E! ^0|q Verb 7taig *гощ О аТа HI It is used to express a plan for the foreseeable future. tS*- • 7f: A|^ Bs’oRI L^—S 31 e№. You will be late if you don’t leave now. Ц: Z1.SA| Xg 5j £>to|ojOjo | agree. I was about to leave anyway. • 7f: °X|R0|| 7^f ufeE|| QJO| L-j° atObM £ ?HW|2. I need to go to the post office but since I have too much work, I can’t. Ц: ng Ч|7[ ЩА| Xg o^R0)| «FoiTjES, Really? In that case, I will do it for you. I was about to go to the post office anyway. ^£|A|-°t Guidelines • W4 ДЁждаж «°я МШ Ш The expression indicates the speaker's Intention. Therefore, it cannot be used as an imperative and suggestive form Self-Check 7|: ^^|0| Of 5 ЙЦ£. OjC] О^ЛЩ? L[: Lil. O| пгЦ£ ^71 7 ISO I oiOiAi ( Ф W3JW2. ® e® S&0|0||2. @ 7i| “ЧёН£. @ е|°й|Е! ^0|0||£ Answers and Explanations ——----------—--------- You have to find the answer which describes a plan to take medicine in order to cure a cold. ® expresses one’s w® while @ and @ show one’s speculation. Therefore, ® which expresses one’s plan for the forseeable future is correct Answer @ @ 50 -- 287
"(b)i-Cfe 50| Verb QfE.|- ^0| 50| О О адп И Ж ^47} лщьч-. It is used to explain the situation when the intention and result differ. 8Я • 3i0| L|° ItoiOiAi C| DtQj Hjaojo I should have stopped myself but since it was so delicious, I ate it all. • S¥0Vi| 50| ^£|Ai A^0||7j| ^5ЙЩ. I should have called my friend but I called someone else since I dialed the wrong number. • £W*| tUQc 30| над ЗЮдал I should have paid my tuition by today but I forgot since I was busy. ^2|A|-°f Guidelines • $4. The' expression indicates the speaker’s intention: Therefore, it cannot be used as an imperative and suggestive form. 2. zj-oj ji-n Self-Check £ AplfJ- ла a/Ja]^_ ЧЦЙ 45 65| 14S 7K 2D 0I5P1I ^AjO| ДГЯ? Ц: Zb&S i5 4 efgtOjS. Ф ЙО] 7^A1 @ c=ICH Hii4JU — A Answers and Explanations )-. The soy sauce has been put more than the speaker's intention. Ф ‘-°SAf is used when someone is doing two different things at once. <2) is used when someone expresses stipulation. ® ‘-Of/Oj 4&|Cf is used when something is already done. Therefore, ® which is used when something different from the initial intention takes place is correct. Answer @ 288_ <2) 4 4! 50|
-(°№ ад Verb 51°а|л ад эдл ад О П1 Ш'э’ nfl '''ННЙ’Ч'. И is used to explain future plans. OS • 7p 0|tH ^efOjl ef 7-|0f? What are you going to do during the vacation? L-K tln1^ ^01 НЦ УО] °НЦ- 7f2HL оЦ lam going to go backpacking with my friend. • 7): <2te 0]| “.J 7|0]|fi? What are you going to have for lunch? Ц: upb ёцо I am going to have a hot Samgyetang(Korean-style chicken soup) since it is raining. 0 a °] a °] si nll лЬо_<Я1}. It is used to explain when something is likely to happen. • 7f: X-| ЬН^Ц- EfOf o|-X|o? We are supposed to take that bus, right? Ц: °fOf£. Ai>5iOraO|o. H1A7I- ЧЦЕШ §Н&. Right. We better hurry. The bus is going to leave soon. • H|7|- SI ЕД 8ЩЯ. 7|-А|Л 7)ЛЦЯ. It is going to rain Take your umbrella. ^°|A|-°f Guidelines 4^7] o.^ A 4 $4. The expression indicates the speaker’s intention. Therefore, it cannot be used as an imperative and suggestive form. ‘ . - ч-.: ........ ... ф-оаиёЩ _289
2. ch tH-of-c.li More in detail ]-— Combination with another phrase -.2.331 <£: o.B|JL o^o] ‘_o}/o]£’®7]- -oe|j7 ёЦ£' iS a combination of s|Q' and ‘-of/o|£’ which means a compromise. оНЧД ёЦ£ А|?_Ю| н1<Ж1 S оЦЯ. Since I have no time, I can’t exercise even if I want to ^Ai: ‘-_°S]5L ^4’6|] О] O-P] ‘-о}/о]Л-]’7]- ад‘ is a combination of ’-°a|2 ©Щ' and ’-of/OJAf which means a reason ЙЯ • 0fO1Л oH-M I gave candy to a baby since he was going to cry. Self-Check Ц--В- ^nl7b 7g^A] 9 7ls^xil 4g 851 24У AlAf *ggfQi? ^О|ДАР Sfe 31g oiQ ©вое @#о|е|л ®>0|а|л @#op|s I Answers and Explanations ------------—- —--------— —— It describes a plan to lose weight through dieting. Ф ‘-S ЗЩ’ is used when something has been frequently done in the past. ® ‘-£Н}Л 5Щ’ is a direct instruction from someone else © -7Щ sftf cannot be the answer since it is used to describe the future that is already decided. Therefore, @ ‘-°ЕЧЛ 8Щ* which is used to explain the future plan is correct. Answer @ 290_ ф-аашад
§4 Verb ^4 41ЛГ SF4 44 Sf4 о ччч 4^ч чч чч ф sfe ччч чад ч чччч. unit 20 It is used to describe the speaker’s vague intention or plan that can easily be changed. ДИ - 7\: 0|£i Ш ^|4jO|Oj|S? What is your plan for this weekend? Ц: ^|S|e SU ^5}Ц S?7h 5ЦО I don’t have any specific plan yet. I might go to the movies with my friends. • t!-? c5 eJ A|7|K 5||S. I might buy a watch for my boyfriend’s birthday. • W44 Sfeq| £0| zfa||£? I might go on a picnic since the weather is beautiful. Would you like to join? ^.o|Af°| Guidelines ЧЧЧ O]£> ЧЧЧЧ] ° o]] 1 4 m. The expression indicates’the speaker's intention. Therefore, it cannot be used as an imperative and suggestive form. More in detail ► ‘-<4 ЧЧ’Ь ‘-<4 й-Ч’Ч ЧЧЧ 444 4 ЙЧ. ‘-8Д ёЩ' can be interchangeably used with 4tflf ЙЦ.' (Ж • 4 ^4# wj\ §HS. I might go abroad to study language after graduating from my school. © - _291
Self-Check P^IggJll 3g 9s| 21И ~] opq ^ispq 0|щ <2°oj|h n?joii ( ® ЙЦ2 ® 7fZ 5JW @7И 6ЦЯ ® л^ощ —i Answers and Explanations . л----------------------------------' It is a question that asks for an expression of an uncertain plan. @ is a causative verb that indicates someone else to go. ® is used to express that they are on their way. @ is used when the speaker regrets something happened in the past. Therefore, Ф which is used to describe a vague will of someone is correct. Answer ф 292_ ф-7|ё. ад
Ю1 Usage I. 0^01-С. II -7|^ ^4 Verb lT 5Г W7is ад ад О те ЧЧЧ ЧВД4. It is used to describe a plan, resolution and promise towards something. unit 20 Tlltl • 7|: У of ИЦ gt 7|0Щ? What are you going to do during the vacation? Ц: 0|j=!H|01 j= § ё|7|£ §Н0]£. I decided to take a part time job. • 7\~. O]D|.hL 2JA| 23§5KOjQ-1 Have you decided where you will go to study? Ц: Lj|, d|^o£ otpp|£ Yes, I have decided to go study in the United States of America. • 7К Ljj^J SJOjfi? Do you have any appointment tomorrow? Ц-: Ш41, tl-p'o*' S.7|S SjOjfiL Yes. I have decided to go to the movies my friends. ^°|A|-°f Guidelines ‘-7]S Wfe W°U ЧЧ здеКЕ ‘-т& w,/-7]5 ЧЧЧЧ st «Н *—?|S2 fc| can b ntcrchangeably u ed with -7|£ THSjofcf,‘-7|g §^$^','-213. ofdjojE g§ 0|S OjS0||^ S I'haye decided to go to the eju Island withmy friends this summer. = of|c4gofe 7PIS ^ЭД2. n|-RH5. ••i8-6|’7p,|g §ЙОЩ. I have decided to go to the United States of America to study. =DRog o©i7pi£§дая. ZL А|£Й11 ЩУ 0|| §-£-i5P|£ I decided to marry him next year. = Л A|j=R| o^OjS, ‘-7].?_ -йкеь ^5. -7]s мте чте1}. 1 usually used as‘--7|ё ЙЦ.' ччте ччч]7] еч w. The expressions that are used for planning indicatesthe speaker s intention. Therefore, it cannot be used as an imperative and suggestive form. ф-7|£ SIR _293
2. Self-Check fife Й й W? ф Ё!¥< EfL-Plb 5ЙО|Я @ Ё!Р^ E.I-QSI31 5ЙО|Я @ ЁР> E.H-PIS 5Й0Щ @ Ё!Р> ЕП-Р1У 5Р1£. [ Answers and Explanations j- -— -------------— -—77------------------------ You should find a correct answer to the question that asks today's plan, ф and @ are used to describe the past to have met a friend. @ is used to describe the past plan to meet a friend. @ is used to describe a future plan to meet a friend. Therefore, the correct answer is Answer ® 294_
S6Z Ik'S 4S Rfv 1к4Ыэ Э КЦ?1аЙ Ъ <э к)?з #vki ffl 1-2 TStzt Sos la 0 KlYk la В Bvlfl S2l ’UHajola :|"l iokitoS IkBlo НЗ :lr "<У|х[гн1Г о|и|д -8<|z [(q д д 4 §[n § S IykW lk)fe 4fc lr№4n Ila 41? ю ’o k)Hg S lYffi Из IrfeS Ila 41? Ю "S'kiH? S l¥Tl?R Khaki |гй?1я Ila 41? ю ok)ihl S l¥Tl?R l-Yls IzM Ila 41? Ю ‘lai? S l¥Tl?S / Ыз кй?1я Ila 41? ю KkhrKK [k£-K> |z|z >-B-4 4 4 Lre"5S4lY@ klal? KlalY Э lYSw IySIy 0 InlYH? SldY Э oIobIa Iy MyIyIo ДЗ loi£ 4tn4 йй llohlY H-yIc ’uhlo :|a 6ок)Н2 |оЯ ЯТГ iKlo^lY llo®3 :lr 4|у|ггЕ 4|z Izhto kiH 4 # Иа4Т6й IyI? 3Ktek О llaicHY Btelr 0 Ila4l? Klsofo IyU Иа1ою4 Sir О olkBb^ldlY IkllOlYY tolY I^ln :|a 6Kk)io 4 S bir SsIy Io Ikllolw BIy IrS :|r "5'IyS'bK o|a-^> |z{z Цо"гГ"н |Y H|a §" suoijsan^ 30JPDJ4 lp£-2. jj^
° 7dl Practice Questions 5 7И Ж л=^ли. 7f: 313 < 30| °|S|^ А|ЗЮIL|Z7h А|ёЦ> EfJl £А||£. Ц-: HI, HSA| o>0f£ А|ёЩ®. € 1Р№1|£ € EHS 30|0]|£ € ^Ы°Ю|О]|£ 6 4-s- -т-^}- ^п17> «1^ ХВ¥Е1 О|ья q>0]| Ц£ £Ж0]| ЩёНЛ| щнзрАЬИШ- € tm € ^щёвд tm € иЕЩёда?т С ^НёИ^ШЦд 7 ?! -т-тг2}- -]п17|- -Е-& ?к оц<^ omg- g^epig. sh^eii t!xi йи|. Ц: 2g, ^о|7| ?1I 3W. С ^^ё|-г|Н SM 8 ( и ш-s н^лви. o|-*i а-^инч йа|°! ojgyi л^в ( С Ш4ёЦЯ € ёр|£31£ € 6fJl oiojS С Ш 3 п^нощ 9 ^1 -тЧг-2}- s]n]7> а]_2_. 7 к 01ЙЛ11Я? QJOI ^ца|0 Щ0| y°zg£? Ц: 71ОД7Ц ёЦА4 □|°!ёЦЯ. A|g ^ЩВ|д *Ю|%ОЩ. ® Х|^^ьндл$нда € Х|3 ^цо € т:е ^tngjl SKOjfi ® Ag А|А|ёЦА| ^ЦО 296 £4
Passive 102 -0|/3|/a|/7| 103 -Of/OjXim
I о эд ад°1 зз эдз- ад эд « з адад. It is used not when something happened directly but happened because of someone else. • £^0| SIMM oiOjo. The burglar is being chased by the police. • XlS^Oil A^0| Й0И W# My foot was stepped on in the subway as there were so many people. • адад эд/з/з/з’# ад-эд адз. The passive form is made by using ‘V-0|/8|/a]/7|.’ 7|£S Basic Form Passive Form 7|£9 Basic Form Passive Form 7ISS Basic Form ni^S Passive Form 7|£S Basic Form Passive Form -q -0|Q -q -qq -q -qq -q qq >q #0|q qq qsiq lT khi ^qq lJ A3 sqq qw нвд qq q^iq ^q ^qq qq qqq MR MO|q lT ЙГ qs|q ^q §qq HHijotq unijoqiq shO|L[ qq ^h6|q ^q >qq 2tq q?iq aq SSiq «q ^qq lJ Я'К ^7|q П.П. п* И И П П —r- -r- £Piq qqq - aS !!l° q q aS И2 Oh Oh q q lT lT ЙШ ИЩ1 gqq ^qq — Гл. 298_ (ф-о|/ё|/&|/7|
Guidelines ж ^4’ w. The passive and causative forms of §|8|Q, SOfEf, Ы2Щ’ etc are the same I Self-Check [ 7|g£*ll gg 16^119Ej~) Ф ад A|Oj| 7fL]77f es £0| gotq. @ Oj ад7|- щ 0|>B ±ap|- SS3. @ х-mot ш Ai^>0| unit 21 { Answers and Explanations — It is important to know the correct form of the passive form.® should be changed to ‘ЗЗШ’, ® should be changed to @ should be changed into ‘tffflSm.' The correct answer is ®. Answer (2) (ф-0|/ё|/г.|/7| _299
-opoiSQ -of/oi A|q Verb 5tq- ^oj«q ^oixiq АИЦ- xnxiq »H4 О ^47} 31^ «ь ЭД о]-ЭД ЭД ЭД] ЭДл] эд ль^-о] Й nfl ЭДЭД. It is used when something is not done directly by the subject but done by something else. • 0| 1=^1 Л § »|Xj£. Writing is done well with this pen. • 01у0j| °f P|4fO| A|7^X|0f °IQ. This appointment has to be kept this time. • с!^7|- 6ЦХ|Э £j^f6|| ^Aj|£. Let me know when the place to meet gets decided • §oi| Wl -goms. The phone line was suddenly cut off during the talk. ^£|A|-°f Guidelines Mt ЭД о|£]о] ЭД^ ЭД/ЭДЭД When-expressing passive, verbs that use other forms than ~0|/s|/H|/7i‘ of causative shoutd use ‘-Of/O-MCIv ‘-Ojyo^ ^Jo]-P.|-wj'Z]] A|-g-o|--g □]!;]•. -Ot/O|^|tf'are often used with‘Oj/OI SJT S • eOfSA-l ?HrO| ZtyAI S/ЙЦ. The window was broken when I came homo. • эМсЦОЦ^ 4££Ц7|7|- Щ0| HjajAj StOjS. So much garbage was thrown on the streets. • soil ®?1 VW Sfe s ML-pj Й}Я. The house seems to be empty since the tights are all turned off зоо_ ф-oi/o-mi
\/-ol/oiXicv I'3V'A-ov/cHZlcb 2'108x- &сцЬ Tjxtqt'ck^ gc^oio«R. Passive form ‘v-of/o|A|cu1 and A-o|-/ojx|c|2’ which indicates the status change are the same form but they are different Ex Я|§2| ‘V-Of/CHW: ягр| Q ЦО». frjAi ^412. passive ‘V-Of/OiXiq-1: The food is cooked Please enjoy. Х1ЕЦ ’A-OMOjXIQ’: WF status change A-Of/OfX|Q': The weather has become cold More in detail unit 21 7®S«| 121] 16S Ц: Lil. Ж1 Af Op|xi7|0|| MaiPPF ( Ф (2) HR|Z1 ® HR|3|i [ Answers and Explanations____]- Since the subject is garbage', the verb ‘throw’ should be used as passive. Therefore, none of <2>, @, @ can be correct. Therefore, Ф which used ‘ttja|X|Q- which is the passive form of ‘ЧаЩ’ is correct Answer @ (^-0F/0iX|Qi _301
IIyS кВ SR- ZOE 31ЙЙ& 0 № 0 1Г№О ZBffO otewio ( ) lo^-fr к/ю 16th3 Ho& ’olloh-lo :-h dok й klh ‘Jo'g'ia :k <k № ( ) 7 ta-ir & Ша lote Hi ^lofe loibi^ 0 olOioio iOS йкё 1йЧюТг Ной kOl @ tak к Чкй lorz kh ктгк^иг 0 tilo -I ok low kkltew lloJo & О "5^ [y Ey h ТГ о к Is э |o r a [Y § in о к 'ЬЙк)Ж kl’H'F'a' IoIaHUy ^k’OTFzziHa 10 0 ЩЖ S lo^Bvlolo kkfeta klYY^ ^3 0 kixto?? S kHik BIy йкк> НоНИз Вк 0 otoiSS lo^kk кИойй kkzi О ‘укЕгаТГ ^-{a к r“r к #-b ’taitt-lR kk HoR-§la kk)> io llo^a kteki 0 ‘hdoM lotew-^ 1ой teto Holo dv-te IohyItO Ж ккт ЧёА >Нг^ кн k^ 0 ’Ыбй lo^ 1йй£ lloklo kta-lo кНн © "3" к S' э к ok -~i{Q F A A к § [n О 'к l< suo!|san$ wipDJ4 ||СЛ =go
7]-^- Standard 104 ОЦВ^ЙЦ 105 oj| n|-a|- цац
oil Usag< oil да T^OII «ai OIC| Noun EBt EBtOfl да oic| о да °i^°i 7И ^дада да-да. It is used to show that something is most important in deciding something o • 0|0|2] □ [ЕЦ^ LL^Of £!4. Children's future depends on education. • £Jo4 ^E) £101°. Happiness of life depends on one's mind. • n ад ££ eqAii^oj g^oil да даЦ4. Success of that company depends on the quality of products. Guidelines ^ЛН! -7]’, ‘-fe ЗГ °.s. ННЧ 41 да. In case of verb, it can be interchangeably used with noun form -7|', ‘-fe 5.’ О q§q7|0|| W4 л/СН-2.. Everything depends on one's mind. L[-0|OjE=2| ec|S| &o°fe ЙОД W4 £14. Success of dieting depends on exercise. ‘да w, да, дач-’ да дада- да] 4W -да^ si q-’°] iMs. 4&W. When it is used with interrogatives such as ‘when, who, where, what and how much' etc, it is used as ‘-1=1441 ef3| £W.' 0 01Й4 S^He: e'OI Afg’O| У^Ц0|| sEl £JOiS.. Pleasure of travel depends on your company. (2|^A|-) (interrogative) sJA|-q •£!§£ ^ilS4 e eJO| sqm s—ЦОИ b>3| £14S.. Success of that company depends on (£>|{?A|-) (interrogative) the quality of the product. 304_ ©0)| oiq
* 41 -1ПИ ?5Л^Л1 9 7|figA|| 4Й 25| 37*1 71: §4= П°10| ёЩ£ °lh A® ^ofa. еда! §13 nw?i| 41ЦЛ #ал пене? Ц: £ #7)1 2НбГа|Л ЗМЕ2. Aj|#Api Ц DlggpIQll 7j QN^S? ф У ЧЬ ШО| 2KW ® А||а| QJO| А1^£| Х^ Hffl ^Of£ @ Я1Л S/OjS @ Л1 4^71 oil ttfaiAi ^ЕЦ-ц °1ОЩ unit 22 Answers and Explanations It means that life can be different depending on one s mind. Ф means that as soon as someone makes up his/her mind, anything can be achieved. ® means that one s mind changes due to worldly matters Therefore, neither can be correct. @ which means that good things and bad things are together cannot be correct. @ which means that result can differ according to the way of thinking is correct. Answer 4 305
Oil 44 QHQ ★ ill le °^OHC -11 c sage oil 44 4=4 §4 Noun A^o|| 44 4=4 ¥4 ^4011 44 4=4 О £4 31 £47]- 44£4¥ 44^4. it is used to say that a result changes because of something. неё 7|40ll 44 g4&. The quality of a product is different according to price • JL A^ e^lOII 44 sS-l’S. His feelings are different according to weather. • O|bf QJOJI CHtH ?№ Ah^OJI tthH-F g&Cf. The appraisal of this project was different according to each person. ^°|A|-°t Guidelines W, ¥¥, £4 ¥£, £44 ¥4 £¥ 4¥44 W Ш ‘-Ъ4£1 44 4 =4’4 4444. When it is used with interrogatives such as ‘when, who, where, what and how much' etc, it is used asi=LfO|| п}3| tqscf.’ О 2Ojffi вё® ?fjl SitxLfO|| 44 §B|-A|fi. Health depends on what kind of habits you have (2|^A|j (interrogative) ОЩ011 т144—44 □ [2Ц7f аЕ-ЬйЦЦ'. The future depends on where you get a job. (2|n?A|j (interrogative) ‘-b4°H 44 4=4'¥ ‘-Ь4°И £4 £44 4¥£ 44# 4 £4. Also,t=L|0|| d)a} QS.Q can be used interchangeably with ‘-Ы-|0)| gaj °1Ц.' О 440|| LfO| Щ’Ч’ 0|2||7f аЭДЧЧ. The future depends on where you get a job. = o|eflb ojqojj ?ПёГЫ40|] й^ЦР. 306_ (ф oil Cj4 Ljaq
Self-Check 58$ x] £ ЗЧг 7|>^X114K 55| 38S 7[-. 2|^oe (Ч^НЗ S0| o^ КО I >^Л|£? Ц: Ojq^ 7^LfO|| ВД Ц5Л|О. Ц7|7| H|K К KSOfS. (D ojqs. ?Fqqt н|^ W ® 4t ^0| qq^ q*pfx|OII£ ® 5oi qqqoii °jo]2. ® qq> *P1I unit 22 ?1ё Answers and Explanations The speaker is saying that expenses depend on the place you go. Ф and ® mean that it costs a lot no matter where you go. Therefore, neither is correct. ® means that it does not cost less no matter where you go. G) which means that the result differs due to a certain thing is correct. Answer ® (фсч! ВД цгц _307
IkS SR- 80£ tlofc ^2k)R- C hloi£ 1¥ёк lYiofoA IottS- taloi2 ^To IsB ItotirsF 75ТГ& W 1ойВ BBh 4lto£& ’b zls.( ). ^S£1y ’b hH к Ш IkB >H те тек SI? IkBlo ’bhBiS те И Iy^s ikBk) > I2Iy IoIy-Iy БНо ^-Ia ’bh”io 1ойй -iilo HiBK- ^Iklto^-lY 4-I^S- •My^sIT те те-Б Цо( О torses Iy^-I^£ Ikffik) 3 ok)io teB IkBk) oltolYkiY-ln IkBk) otoT6 v7 Ж В 5Н?ятг IkBk) 'olYa-b -tetn ИоЬпШятг IkBk) :-h 6olYih<io Ф Ж В Жк)тЕ-|2 Й-БратВ ZT& jin I- ']б "refr'eir -те # ьнн "теБ >^-r r l IW.£ ^to J
Wish • Hope (-УЦ/ад/ФМ 7|(») ЩаЩ
фр Since it’s hot, I would like to have some ice-cream. 310_
о|й/й°Э £4 214 ruO Ю ГЯ S4+0I4 0|£ Ol^OIStog Verb 44 Jvt°S Noun+оЩ 4^ 44SL°3 ЙЧ □.ЮЮСН LSZA LJ Adjective 44 ! ОЧ-^ЧЧ- Ч’сНг Ч‘41а Ч] 4’о‘44". It >s used to show one's wish or hope f • □ |4°il rP4 I wish to visit the United States once. • =2-1 Щ’зВбНлл—El §H£. I hope that the weather will be warm soon. • 4 4ah°l 4 44551—El W/лР. I wish that he was my friend. unit 23 Ж ► m/447W4-)’^ >$4-’, ‘-.° $ «НЧ Ш Я1Ч-. 2t/£l°E4 (-уц/ёЩ/ijJjm)’ can be interchangeably with or '-°Э §514.' • L-HZ ^^0)1 4455!—El ^314 °. I wish that I could win the lottery = *?1(Ч| 44Э42 S2!4S. = 44 ^0)| 4440 ^3!42. -21/2^2 (-ЙР/ёЩ/>5!Р) 311
Self-Check * ?5W. 7|вёЧ1 §ы 14s|3lS ?К Д|, O|bj лу^ Ц ьщ £0j£? Ц: g,, Ф ^°Й|Л SHS (2) ®5i0j£. ® 7МН @ >4oh= #л!!01Я Answers and Explanations The person was asked what she wants for her birthday. The answer should express hope. '-°.S|IL бЩ' of Ф indicates a plan. ’-£3 >£W of @ indicates the past so it cannot be an answer. TfEJ-jl Й.Ц-' of ® means an assumption so it also cannot be an answer Therefore, @ which contains ‘-2J/SJ—Э #лЛЦ’ that expresses one s hope is correct Answer @ 312_
Ю7 I. -7|«) Verb № О HM°14 иЦ ЛЬ£Р&1'1’. Itis useci to express one's wish or hope. |> o|7j| 4PIII HUMIS.. I wish that you live a happy life. • аё •Mo' yLP|g Hf^q. I wish that you meet a good person. • оШбЬМ7|S Hj-^L-iq. I wish that you live a healthy life. 2. tfoj jhTi Self-Check * ’Й?М] ^дил|^. 7f: И|-«и-^ @141 0|g7i| ^A| ЛЩыЦЦ. Ц: “ ®ta]. Ф qfr * *£! JKOjS (2) q>q йНЯ unit 23 в® ад Answers and Explanations It is a sentence to wish a patient to recover soon. ‘-ft ЩёЩ’ of Ф indicates something that almost took place. '-§771 оЩ’ of ©means the speaker's plan so it cannot be the answer. ‘-7|7f UsP' of @ indicates that it is hard to recover so it does not suit the sentence. Therefore, @ which wishs the other party to recover is correct. Answer @ ф-7|(® um _313
41 ?|: mtt £1 6pZ ^ОЩ? L-B B^ilS_______________ SF^ s|AfO|| ^|*jIt “iSJCHfi SR 2|А|О|| *|*|Ш §£O)|S t_hR £|AfO|| 5HS tH slAhOJI £|*№ В SMS 2 41?И Z^W. 7K q£ ^0|| °i§f A|«0|^A|£?. Ц Э S! SiJOl-2 ©s^^^l^oioilS © tpislh В В0Ш О Ш^ёр|< H^Tiifi © 3 41В 31 ¥>°11 aS. 4141-& 5L = ^a]^_ А- А|4 S10II да 71П|£0| ?н^510 5 717|Л| Ц: ВЧ У. D QB 41011 Л ^Hl^Oil 7|У S°t>yq| 0 4В 41 У ?11 ®51У 5 ВО! О Л 71Щ^0|| 7fb 7Ц С1 Lf°t# 7-jOf ©
^5|- Change 108 -Of/O|X|C)2 109 -7(| £|Ц
ОТ -Of/OWCf 2 I, O^OHCll Usage OF/OFA|CF §§af Adjective StOhqcr 0|| ьь Q О ч-^w. It is used to express the change in condition. J0| Ls°W-^i I come home from work late these days since I became busy. • e= zco^FS ZjooH'iF I will become healthy if I exercise everyday. • b^PF ls°I It became very cold. st£oi '-oh/cHXtcv Г10321-^сн£. П-ЬО-иь ££ It is the same form as ‘-0|/О|А|с[ 2' which is passive but has a different meaning. Ex W-^PF T rF It has become cold. (ofH‘A -OF/O|X|Ef) (*A-OF/0|X|Cf’ that shows a change of condition) S?-PF Ef 1Я. Oi-M НАЦЯ. The meal is ready. Please enjoy it. (П|§2| ‘V -OF/O]X|Cf) (‘V -OF/O|X|C|’ which is a passive tense) i 316_ (g -oF/ьда 2
7IS&4I 4S 5S| 47S #§ Hf2J0| £R£§ 2<§5U °IQ. >|: ^ерЩ 30Щ ИЩО|| bj5.|b A®SO| йощ. Ц: ns?i| Wf- 2«A|7|3__________________________ Ф Af^Al- #qof Ш 710)|0 ® AfguW mot °HS ® >O| ^ёН^А|£ ^4Я @ Д30| <§ОЩ -yspil Цр|£^Е||£ Answers and Explanations You are supposed to find a result that originates from the contamination Ф and @ are things that have to be done in order not to contaminate. @ is the result of what have happened already so it cannot be the answer. Therefore, @ which shows the change of the environmental status due to the environmental contamination is correct. Answer @ (g-oi/ojx|Q2 _317
ю<? -711 ЧЧ* -7)1 £|Ц Verb 5)7)1 £|Ц ^hTJI £|Ц Adjective ^^7|| Е|Ц Z7H56MI Е|Ц О °1-п- лИ5.-г *У°1 °ЕИкИ ЧЗФЧ It is used when something is changed or something happened due to a certain reason. • 3. A^0| fint Щ Л M'effl ®0|-5Pi| E|2JOjS. I came to like him after seeing him singing a song. • 5H0II StB Щ)Ь 0№ £)*!< 5)7j| E| W When I first arrived in Korea, I could not eat Kimchi well but now I came to eat it well. • SUS A|*tuKH ЦА) £|£0)£. I became healthy after I started doing some exercises. * Ч-Н- ( И H^AK. 7|вёя| 11Ц 14S 7K 2Ц O|Af* 8ЦО? Ц: ( ) =! L1° ^OjAjo Ф Ш6Й1 (2) ^ёНА| Answers and Explanations He is saying that the company he is going to work for next month is far away. ‘-Of/OjAf of of @ and ‘-° Ц271’ of @ are not suitable to be accompanied with ’ЧЦ.’ Since Ф explains the new company so it is correct. Answer ф 318_ £|Ц
7H 04 S. 741 u. W°ll ^°fl № нелда. A^g. _ AfS^ щ|=0|| £0| AFP SO|A|Z, XR£ SM*!Uh >SJ4. л a§?i! од^ои £oi а^ so™. Ц: ^fOh . ( £4 Am ? ISO I °JO]*!US >> 5} ^o|- € £> XF°|°Y ВД ь^ёЦОГ SFA| < 0Ц711 7|ф^ Ami °1CH^A|£ Ы=^СН С £0|онд Am^ SSMI SQSOF !}-£- ’Ul- A] 4^01 оьрЬа] Э.e^X]^. О ¥?F £|OjA|g Цзш ^o||o. 0 VSt!O|SA| ^7|| £|g цо|И| sjs| sxiis. 0 ^-ysl 6ЦХ1 одадощ. н^сч AJ^> ёй[£Щ здадя. unit 24 3 п]< X] «4oJ <O]ZF £пко. з}> не^л]£. 7H «it ЦЛ, 7|xi£ Uh 1 ^7|0|| 5 ^0[o. Ц: ЛННЯ? 2ХИ ^|7F£S ^7|0|| XfefOl ^0F° c gun ёЦХ| € Ф£АХ| € e?lh 6НЯ C SYS _319
i I < f rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ^yteflej itoate&dl ilEb Traditional Martial Art of Korea - Taekwondo Taekwondo is a traditional Korean sport that represents the nation. It was designated as a regular event at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. It is a martial art to protect oneself when attacked by someone by using hands or feet. Since it is a representative sport for young students to strengthen their mind and soul, a lot of people like it despite the fact that it is a traditional martial art. Especially, there are a lot of Taekwondo academies that elementary school students go to. At such places, children learn how to protect themselves as well as learn about traditional manners.
-S US!P) 111 -St/SOiOf $feE||
1Ю -> UM ★★ |. QJOI-C.TI Ц Usage -(°)2 S UM u^q) Verb UM О °] г°11 -?-S] °Wt лЬо’^&г-|‘. It is used to regret or feel sorry for something • 7f: OjAil qqoj| 2Ц Of go]S? got ЛЦ0|°1о^Е||Я. Why didn't you come to the birthday party yesterday? It was so much fun. Ц: =0| ЩЕ6НА1 of qt ZJ £ Л5ЙЧ1Я. Really? I didn’t because I was a bit tired but I should've gone. • 7H yet 0Л1 q $Hq? £ уёю| ^Lfec-11 Lfe qqt = 5M Did you finish the homework? The vacation is about to finish but I have not done a bit. Ц: ZM. Щ] Ш g ЛЖЯ. Me, neither. I should’ve done some homework rather than taking a rest. ^o|Af°f Guidelines 'nSJIQ' cannot be used in the form of ‘□.gtK^.SHS)’ and should always be used as Z1?J!QQ?aCH2)' which is a past tense. 0 s| U лащ.(х) £.#o] -i- £’O] Abg-E]7]£ ЧМ At the end of the sentence, it is used in the form of ‘-S S.’ О 0| ®71| S A|qo|-A| q 2. I shouldn’t have started if I had known it was this difficult. 322_ § (2Ж)
More in detail ► £ (лда)Чг -&/$m 4-§< 4^ да. ‘-W 3 (ngJQ)’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-2t/£iO]ot sJffeMI’ Ek • ж# s Л5ЙСНЯ. I should’ve withdrew some money from bank. = □!5-I §!5lO]0f «H^E|| Of Self-Check да-в- Z5^A]32._ 7|®te*II 1111 33 И 7f: СИА11 *14^ АЛ|?Ь ^O^OjS. L|: лгЦ2.? ng S _____________________________________ Ф ?!i|- Siei tt 5 ^OfS @ ofi7| ST лгцо ® оц7| 5 @ 51Ё1 Ш unit 25 Answers and Explanations The speaker is feeling sorry that he did not call Jinsoo even once, now knowing that he had gone back to his hometown. Ф and @ shows a speculation about the past fact If ‘~B was to be used in it should always maintain its past form of ‘ЛйО|Я’ so it is incorrect. Therefore, @ which the speaker regrets for not having called is correct. Answer @ ф-ваивд _323
-2t/2K>10f ?н^Ч1 Verb oiq 5ioj0j0f °JfeLj| £OjOf $H^D|| Adjective xtq afecil HR SlOjOf sJfeLil o|2i/soiof sfem gAH-ОЩ Noun+ОЩ ^Aj yA^OjOf ^0|OJ0j0f SJfeEII О°№ °<И с|] It is used to regret or feel sorry for something • е&ОЦ I missed the flight at the end. Ц: q^OjOf ён^Щ. We should’ve left home a bit earlier. • qo^E -014 ^0| ^OjOf 5Й^Ч| а Й0| QjOjHjaiOjS. I shouldn’t have eaten much since I’m on a diet but I did that again. More in detail ► •-< £ ИНЧ 4-§< 4^ ВД. ‘-й/й<*|0| Sfeqi’ can be interchangeably used with г (ngKR).' • 0|2-| 5*л£010| iHzrEII £f 5*5^01.2.. I should’ve withdrew some money from bank. = £«0U1 0|5J 355^0. 324_ ф-й/йт?М
3, ZhOJjhTI Self-Check * z]-^ 3i-=r 7 5^7] 9, 7|Й=АЦ 4Й 2S| 34 S 7K о|щ a|§§ *t^oia? Ц: 0Щ2, = ^О|Я. A|2f0| °i° Щ o| Ф о¥йЩ 5№i£ @ ^VSKOjOf jjjChjS. ио|ощ unit 25 ®.1| Answers and Explanations It means that the speaker regrets not having studied hard after receiving a bad grade. ‘-St/SlQal $UQ’ of Ф is an indirect speech towards something happened in the past. ‘-2t/2JQZ SJQ’ of @ is a speculation that he/she must have studied hard in the past. '-St/SJCfe Qf0|0||5i’ of @ is a confirmation that he/she studied hard. Therefore none can be correct. @ that used ‘-S//SJCW 5ЙЦ' which regrets something happened in the past is correct. Answer @ 325
"Г С. СУ •" ^-5- ’У# ?! >°!£ п>^ 7И нгда. 4 W ^ё[Х| 5ййн0!Я. ц- ларЦЯ. л^7Ц sHt 5 _______________________ О ^SW л^ощ е ши^| ^otof 4ms © ^CW 5Л^Е|| П^ОЩ 4§o|oj|o 2 ?! ^£^1 з15?]а|£. 7К °£| g a W4 W Ц-: gcah? Л| f _____________________ □ ty -mj |j °M4£ w Af°IO|4£ bK)f> AL°IO|4£ У7Ц 1 326 Эн &Ч1

— I-“I I I Checking Basic Grammar! О s-Ojt EH °? Can 1 Usten t0 music wtlile 1 study? 328
Usage -h ^y(oii) SAf Si Lf Sjfe ^(Oil) Verb 7Щ §°f(0||) i О °] Ч 7} 7]]фЕ^ Л] Tbg- ЦЭДq-. It is used to express the period of time that certain action or condition continued. • 0f0|7f Afe §°f0|| JHOjS. I cleaned while the baby was asleep. • §2! 7j|^ Lf# AHZrnf sHOIS. I kept thinking of something else while I was watching the movie. • t^0|| Afe =of Д«ёк ot0| SfH AiOj о I would like to experience special things while I live in Korea. Guidelines ‘7}q-, Hl W o] ‘_(O.)U Abg-^- ojq. In case of verbs such as '7Щ, ЧЦЦ, etc’, past tense In case of verbs such as '-(—)*- §£!01Г can be used. G9 UPf 5|Щ0|| 21 §2!0i| £!т17|- £J0|| ЗЙОЩ. While I was at school, my friend came over. ‘N ‘W, 47}, A]^ 7]g, g, id’ -§-3}- go] A]g< ‘N §2t(0fl)' is used with nouns such as ‘УЧ, #?l, A|g 7(^1, g, g Ц, etc' that mean a period of time. 1 G9 о ul^il Of— tiFO|—Ж 5ftOiB.. I had a part time job while I was on my vacation. unil 26 A|7f фчг gof(Oil) _329
> ‘-Л=. ‘-J=. А]-о](о]])’®р^ _g_H] (Р. 331) Comparison between'-^ §У(ЭД)’ and -fe AfO|(oj да дадада да шэд чда даш- ч да. < nfe да дак°Я)’# да& да. '-fe §£!(OII)fe can be interchangeably used with ‘-fe А|0|(0||) However, when the subject is the same only ‘-fe §£LW can be used. g> . цщ saj> да >°K>i| Ё!¥Ь SJJQ. (0) My friend cleaned while I cooked. ^Oj (subject) ^Oj (subject) = Щ7|- oa|< да J4-o|oi| х|да 5!tQ. ^Oj (subject) ^-Oj (subject) • L|^ o“5fe o2!°il (L-fe) Hnf §0j2. (0) I listen to music while I study. ^Oj (subject) ^-Oj (subject) = Lfe SVofe AhO|Oi| (Lfe) SCHS (X) ^Oj (subject) ^Oj (subject) Self-Check *да да ч чда да да да да да. 7): A(aj дас-Щ 2Ц 2[Я? Ц: 7|qajfe>ot ^A)EJ0| Cj вз ®7|qaj7|7^^l (2) 7|E|5^ AfOIOil ® дада ^oii Answers and Explanations It means throughout the waiting time. Ф means as soon as something is done.’ @ means 'while doing something.' Therefore, neither can be the answer. Also, ® which means ‘as soon as something happened’ cannot be the answer. @ which means 'a time that something happens’ is correct. Answei <2) 330_ ф-ё§^(0||)
-h AhOI(Oil) oiq- A|o|(0||) Verb Afe AiO|(Oj|) О ЛоМ7> 444 4434 It is used to show the period of time that a certain action or condition is continued. О • 7|: L|pf LHtQ S -40|0f V7f SfCH? Did someone come while I was out? Ц: §, Ш £144 Sjg ^£| Yeah my friend dropped by to return my book. • HI7f Af£|Sfe A|-0|Oil StSJO-i. Someone called while you were taking a shower. ^°|A|-of Guidelines 48^2] 4^7]- «Ь^л] g-eM tb4 The subject of the preceding and succeeding phrase must differ. ЕЯ ЦЩ ^Xi|5fe A|-0|0f| ПНЙЦ\(О) While I was doing my homework, my friend had some coffee. (^Oj) Isubject) (^CH) (subject) UlZt A|O|(H| (Lpi) 7iH|< n^P.(X) (ФСН) (subject) 4 CH) (subject) 44 -2-4 tt144 ^4 ££ 44 ^44 4т] -(-2-4 7]-°] (°fl)’s. 4= S14 In case of verbs such as '7Щ, £Ц, Е1Щ, etc', the past tense of )L AJ-o|(Oj|)’ can be used. (3J Щ7) ®Щ0]| A|O|Oj| tiP7| §0)| ££CHS. My friend came over while I was at school. I More in detail ► -^A]-o](ofl)’<4--^^ob(o]])’®OJ а]Я (P 330) Comparison between -h ^оцоц)’ and S2!(W’ unit 26 ф ^M0|(0j|)_331
3. Self-Check * bHLcH 4- Sfe 7k 0И1 °-± mof? g^O| Efe 5 ^oqi Lf: LH^h OR/f Ж Efe ^£№il ^|0| Eh tH3CH. Ф gfe ^1 @ AbOIOJI ® gfe Ш£Ю|| Answers and Explanations It means that the food burned while the speaker was on the phone, ‘-fe ^Jo||’ of Ф means that someone is to/from the way. ‘-fe Ц<10Ц’ of @ means doing something instead of talking on the phone. Therefore, neither can be the answer, ‘-fe PisT of @ means that whenever the speaker is on the phone, the food is burned so it cannot be the answer. Therefore, ® which means that the succeeding phrase takes place in the process of doing the preceding phrase s action is correct Answer (2) 332_ ф-ё AF0|(0i|)
IM S' КЮ JU i JS ПГ (НЯ s Verb 71ОДЦ 7|CM*z £011 О а°1 -51^5] Л л!лг -=г И is used to show the process of certain action. f3> • 0f*|> gon *i£pf ЖЯ. I received a call from a friend while I was eating breakfast. • tf-FS fjOil -УсЗ □= I met my teacher while I was waiting for my friend. • L-fe §0|| 771 s?+0| оЩ. I have a habit to turn my phone off while I work ^£|A|-ot Guidelines xl'-E Itcan be used as ё°1Ч-’ 0 ’ElS.rr oVofe SO|E|. Minho is studying now. 2. Self-Check * t}-5- El ИНЧ < zsЕ1лК. A|5|S® Epl SOU 7fc ^0j| e!!rfOiS. unit 26 AlZt Ф 4QL| @ 71ЛД Answers and Explanations You are supposed to find an expression that can be interchangeably used with z?0||.’ ‘-ЦЦ’ of Ф is used when the speaker finds it difficult to believe what came in the previous statement. ‘-E.W of @ and ‘-JZXf’ of @ are both used to show a purpose. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which means to be on the way to some place is correct. Answer <2) _333
-(Я)*- X| ^4 d!SA| Verb да ?! *1 I О О- Ф да°1 дач да ffl It is used to say how much time has passed after doing something • 0| A|*tsf X| tJjWj 8^01 5JJ0|S It has been eight years since I started this work • ZL fi^fl £ £!t! *120^01 ЙЙСНЯ It has been more than twenty years since I haven’t seen my friend. • §!^0j> *1 У У0| Xl^OjS. It has been more than half a year since I started learning Korean language Guidelines ‘-£ x] да ад; z] ад op ад’ - О) дада ^7\ ад. It is often used with '-g XI 2.2Ц Е|Ц', '-g A| ^of °t E|Cf and etc. 0 оЭДй §S Ч 2гЦ SJ&jS.. It's been a while since I quit smoking. c>S eoZ! 4 §U|- °t 5JJ0jS. It hasn't been a while since I changed my job. * да да ?! да да?! да да дал .да да да. Зй 83 242 A|bto| AfS £A|£ O|Af 4 ^3 t!^0| wohq|. Л£О| oi^5|j;q @oig ц = 2 AiSdi gftsHQ. MSd as щ°0|| £ ЙЙИ 4iS0|Q. Answers and Explanations Ф shows how much time has passed. Therefore, '-(°)>- X|' which is a past tense should always be used. Therefore, Ф is correct. Answer ф 4 —► S A| 334_ ф-S A| IXJOI/^ £|Ц/«Ц/Х|ЦЦ
Practice Questions 1 <a^bg- *И ( ) £fch ЯЕ.|> °HOjo. о ^fc € sfc та © ofc C sfc лН^ 2 Cj-g- 7fcl- ?]-yM 5LS.41aK. ННЭД/ 10^01 £|Q u|fc X| 1(M0| E|OJ4. © 4S-S- НЦЭД 10^01 £|ЗД. 0 H|fc71 ¥|ёН 10^01 E№. 0 HHVSI9 10^01 ElSiQ. 3 E§ ^t“^^cI7Pet: gg^fc Й011 “c^3 Af.2. L}7|7f ^Cf. £*№Д € ££16fcaHL € Tr£ofcA1 C £2^Ct7fc unit 26 4 tfcr s! -rfc2} ^nl7]- 3i-=f JL^^T-K. 7к All Ц-&Ц L-I-7F =^O|a. Lf: OI-77F Afc A|-O|Oj| ^7?F й} ^T LfcQ SJD|£. в € Afc qfcoii € ^-^E! Ofcisi C *fc^!0|| ±!£! S4I 335
t I ( ? rrrrrrrrrrrrrr ilnitnoAgedl biTtOjIg'IIKC Festivals in Korea Have you ever been to the city called “Andong” which is located in Northen Kyungsang province? It is a city that represents a landscape and culture of Korea. It is especially famous for Hahoe Village and Hahoe mask. The village is surrounded by Nakdong River and has well preserved traditional Korean life. Furthermore, the first person who invented Hahoe mask is known to have come from Hahoe Village. It gained worldly attention as a tourist attraction when the Queen of England visited in 1999. The city of Andong holds an international mask dance festival where all masks and dance gather around from the world, every October. As main events, mask dance, pansori(dramatic songs) recital, samulnori(Traditional Percussion Quartet), international mask exhibition, etc are held. What about going out to see all masks from around the world in Andong sometime?
л]ъй. н] 32 Choice Comparison 116 Ц 117 -^cpiacite) 118 -^А| 11? 120 -7Щ(-7Щ) 121 -b qj-L!(O||) 122 -# Til 0Щ£|
-ьц ^Af ... _ Verb ^5^L| i It is used when the succeeding phrase is not satisfactory but it is considered to be better than the preceding phrase. Pfr- • °IS. Д| А^Д 3S6H=L| ЦД ль 7-|0]|o I would rather stay alone than to marry someone like Minho. • 0|S 5JSit □ 'NS SjhiL| Q. I would rather starve than to eat such bad food like this • 0Ц7Ц ®g0| S|AbOj|A-i QJufcLl AiO||A| HI I would rather rest at home than to work in this company which has a low wage. Guidelines '-JzlL-]’ rlo|]vr *А}й|-Н]’7]- ‘-1=Ц’ is often followed by ‘x|Bfa|.’ E 0|SHI iSc>oPil АЦ=.Ц A|-E|E1| Др 7]| У aaQ. I would rather die than live unhappily like this. 2. 4J-OJ jhTi Self-Check * 515 а] A]2_ 4Д 8Д16H Д ДС|£7|- Д7|Д §7t Ц: g ВВД? a ( ) 43EJ A^ Afe HI (W Ф a^LL| ®фДёр|зр (2) ^а|ёЩА|п| (&> ^RPIPTM Answers and Explanations You are supposed to make a sentence which means that it is better to buy a new one than to fix it. ® means it is no different than to fix it. @ means how to fix it. @ means doing nothing which includes fixing. Therefore, none can be correct, ф which means the succeeding phrase is better than the preceding one is correct. Answer ф 338_
-2t№Plfi4fe) -(4)<-Q7|^Q(fe) Verb 214 oioj47|S4fe) oi^Cf7|^4fe) 44 5t47|^4(h) а.ЬЦ7|й4(^) i -2У$ср|й4(=) -4?|S4fe) §§Af Adjective #4 #2tcp|S4(b) 0(|ёё4 0115ЙЧ2|й4(^) Oj|B47|^CK^) 1 0|SJ/£47|£4fe) (0|)47|£4fe) | gAH-OR Noun+ОЩ А]^У0|47|й4(ь) О з}°] е] g-ug Ц-ЯаМ. It is used to indicate that it is better to say the succeeding phrase rather than the preceding phrase. ПУ • 7p ^A|Li|o? gof >0^Щ 4°. Are you eating Ramen noodles again today? You must really like it Ц: SOfBHAI Э8ЦА| 7jOj|o Rather than liking it. I do it because t is convenient • Aj °l£ э^0| 0||S“A|fi? That actress is very beautiful, don't you think so? Ц: ^IIS. 0||ииЕр|ЙС^ M0|fe g^0|A|o. Well, rather than being beautiful. I think she looks cute. unit 27 At EH HR If _339
Self-Check 2. zfoj=hTi 7|ft£*l| 10s| 16Щ 7f: ^2Ц?!У0|| HSfOfl fi0f2L|27|- 7|g0| Ц: ЛУ 7|£0| ( ) Ofg0| ^SHXIfe L^0|0j|o @#Ср|й14Ь @ ^xi Answers and Explanations The sentence means it is comfortable to come back to a hometown in a long time. Ф means there is nothing different than the preceding phrase. Since @ should express negative meaning both in succeeding and preceding phrase, it is not natural. @ means that the speaker does not care what happens to the succeeding phrase so it does not suit the sentence. Therefore, in expressing one's state of mind, @ which means that the succeeding phrase is more suitable than the preceding phrase is correct. Answer (3) 340_ ф-^cpiMCffe)
-да ^Af да к U|J ой Verb мда MLH^A| О -т-$Ыг nfl AHI-tH}. It is used in a situation that using either is fine. • 7|-: 0|3A|^. Ojg7]| Ц]-^ 7-|01|Я? How can I submit my resume? Ц: МЩА|£7| ^*4.0.5* МЩА|^ ы1-Щ. You can either send it by e-mail or post. • g^°ICi| =7Щ Ц ° -У-Й5ЦЯ. I am so bored since I cannot go visit my hometown even though it’s a holiday. Lf: MA||fi. I suggest you either read a book or watch a movie. ^oiAI-gJ- Guidelines ‘ti^x], o^^-x], N(o])€-x], A/V-^X], WM ¥1 ^x]’S] x]-^- The preceding phrase is often used with an interrogative ‘Sifll^l, OfC|i=A|, Of“t N(0|)4^X|, Oj®Xfl A/hH=A|, ¥¥ £A|, ¥1^1.’ РЯ 7f: ® A|Oj| У^77|-£.? What time should we meet? Ц- ?1А||тЕХ| I am okay anytime. ‘-&x]’fe *-&*] --&*! да. 4=X|' can be used as ‘~cA| ~т=А| ЭД.' О Ч = ii£A| оЗД ЙАЦ2.. I suggest that you either read a book or watch a movie. = зад ад*1 адя. I unit 27 £!§•! UR _341
More in detail I ► —Z]’-Ь. Ирр-0] 41 а!1-}. ~ёхГ can be used interchangeably with ‘-7Щ.' • ЩL30j|^ ЦёЩОЦ 7|^X| Щ O||o. | will either go to a university or get a job next year. = Ljj^Oilh Ц5.Щ011 7ИЦ Ш W. -£x»'Sl -HO -HO £ olcHfi. & ftAHt9L ant. 'A xi'°i &CH-HOH-|£V'А-&Л1 А ouiHOioilr oof Я Ajcrt§H£ 6.6rt3HcHl □»*»*! Qfx’Ct-r In case of ‘-{ВАГ it sometimes combines with an adjective. In such case, it is used as ‘А-ё*| A-tjX|’ and not as ‘A-£X|.’ The choice of either one does not affect the meaning of suceeding phrase. Ex И|ДН=Х| "e-^ЭДй-. Whether it is expensive or not, I will buy it (H|AAj£ -Af 31O|ZL Ж Af 7-|£te ^0|q) (The speaker means that he/she will buy whether it is expensive or not) { Self-Check * 4-B- ( M *£££ TlS^Xfl 125114S ?j: -SWS IT Ш Ф 2Ж*1 zj^oiojlfi Ц: ojqoil ( (2) Answers and Explanations The sentence means the speaker will do well wherever he/she goes. ‘-7fi= of @ means a condition or assumption, ‘-ЕД' of @ means a purpose, ‘-fe-til’ of @ means the past situation. Therefore, none of them can be correct. CD which means that it is ok to go to any place is correct. Answer ф 342_
°f 5|Q §4 7f^ 7jAJ°f 5|L| Noun 5|L| О 4-^4 44 4 s’ 4^4 ч}] 4'0'44. It is used to compare two things that have a similar degree О 44 4Ef °H°. Minho is as tall as I am • П-^l 37°EL| 7^°f оЦ£2. The classroom is as big as my living room. * °2-1 4Ц 44Ц eEt оЦ£. My sister's feet are as big as my mother’s. More in detail ► W £44Ъ ^44 Ni4 Ш 4 444 44 444 nfl 4444. NEf Sofcf is used when the degree of subject is less than that of N rav . §^oi <>|цу Speaking of English, the younger sister isn't as good as her older sister. (§лно| oiL.|^Q §OjB ^n|O|Q.) (It means that the younger sister does not speak English as well as her older sister.) I ______________ & 44 4 44 4 44 44 5LS4J4.2.. 7|>^i 35 ssi 222 i ® LH OfCf 0| bt°f Щ 7f0||o. @ 0|A1| Д A|g£| 4^ sig. @ П|0|# JW|o| o£|- A|g fiajot^OlQ. @ 0| AWOfl mSS. Ц* AfgSfe Л®0| 50|Q. unit 27 Л1ЕН 44 Answers and Explanations You are supposed to choose the phrase with correct grammar. @ means that that person swims better than the speaker. Therefore, ‘ЦйЦ S<T’ should be changed into ‘ЦВД УЧ.' @ means that Michael cooks Korean food as well as a Korean person Therefore, Я^ЗаОЩ’ should be changed into e=Q.' @ means that there is no one else who loves the speaker as much as his/her mother. Therefore, should be changed into ‘SDI ЙЦ.’ In this sense, Ф which used the expression to compare a similar degree Is correct. Answer ф фЩё|Ц 343
"44 (-44) ♦ Usage -°t/5144 -44 oA) Verb ^4 444 44 £44 444 4§A) Adjective 44 42P14 444 H4 Й44 H44 01Й/Й44 (0|)44 S4+0I4 Noun+ОЩ BFAy 4^01^44 4^0И4 ДА) ПА)«44 ДАН44 О > ufl Ч-g-tHl. It is used when one is supposed to choose one out of the two options. О • 4: Seller ¥511 °H&? What do you usually do during the weekends? L): £)0Ц4 444 °H°. I rest at home or do my laundry. S0| Of § Щ]Ь 0|А|7|Ц 4ыЦ4. I drink milk or read a book when I can’t fall asleep. • S4L) 4A|44 ЦА|4. Let’s have a meal or drink some tea. 2. Cl <^01-^11 More in detail ’-7Щ’ can be used interchangeably with ’-EX|.’ • LHylOte >41 st-uLCHI ?|-7|L1 SS e W 4 0||S. I will either go to a university or get a job next year. = LHSOJIM Ч4Д0Ц 7)EX| ft 7]01|fi. 344_ @-?14 (-44)
Self-Check * t! -т-^4 ё 4 91-ё 7|fi£Xi| 103 25S 7f: 0| Aigg ?|7|- Ц: 7-fe Op| S3 °^X| 5|0jS Ф W @ 40j£ @ @°Р1ё l=JJS Answers and Explanations The speaker answers that he/she chooses one out of or '-Ot/OfE.' of @ means a compromise. ‘-0ЧГ of ©means a reminiscence of the past. in @ means a condition. Therefore, Ф which indicates an option is correct. Answer © (g) -7Щ(-4Ц) _345
-h 4-t!(o||) ★ Usage ЧЖ(0]|) mii(oji) qfe md(oii) Verb Ж zb щл|(о||) -(°) ж») Moil) §£4 m-y(oii) ж ^m-y(oii) Adjective 0]|ннЦ 0)1^ 4<!(OJ|) Noun о Ufl 4&thq-. It is used when changing the preceding phrase's matter into the succeeding phrase Ofc- • A|Z!0| StOjAi Sfe Ч-tloil ZtErepfl Ж<Ж. Since I had no time, I simply had bread instead of rice. • 5^ tl-r1^ H|-HH|-A| tFp-Щ-У Xj|7f Since my friend was busy today, I came instead of him/he О nfl 4&W. It is used to reward the succeeding phrase’s matter due to the preceding phrase. G> • ёЖЬ Wil x-M§ Af My friend bought me dinner for helping him/her with his/her study. • 5/-=r =rl= Щ-t! LH^ Ц-У ё| SI бНИнЦЦ. I will work very hard tomorrow so I can take a day off todaj 2. i_fo.=h->i * ^?И| 7H1- *£££ И^А]^.. 7|fi£Xi| 141| 34Ё! 7[: O|-X-|JIA|, Н|Х1Щ77^ ^0|-^Л1|о. ц:5Щ q SSPilfi. ф ms @ ^rob m-tim @ Ж ^b«=4^F @ ^tob ЖЬ ^a|°! I Answers and Explanations ------------------—r_ You are supposed to make a sentence that the speaker will give some for free instead of a discount. Ф means it is the same as others. @ means the one almost did something. Ф means he/she is willing to do the preceding phrase but cannot do the succeeding phrase. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which is used to change the preceding and succeeding phrase is correct. 346_ qi-tl(Ofl)
-(°)s Til 0Щ4 Verb lT 5Г 5i> ?ll ощаг zMI om It is used to suggest doing the succeeding phrase’s action and not doing the preceding phrase’s action • 7f: ЗД лЩ er^p It has been a while since we’ve met. Why don't we go for a cup of tea? Ц: #0f. S^'A|Z!0| 0^ 41 ощаг ад 7ph Ok. But it’s lunch break soon so what about going for a meal rather than a cup of tea? • 7f: =ВД-7| £-t!LfeE|| V-IVE-i ЭД ЩХ| fia|“E| ЭДЛР1Я? The guests are going to arrive soon. I don’t know what to do. Should I cook first? Ц-: ЯВ]Ш Til 0Щ4 V-t! §±“4 ЭД ft sj Rather than cooking, I think you should clean first. • 310| oiog °а.|ЭД o|op® Tfl OfLpf *IS When we have a question, let’s ask the teacher directly rather than talking to each other ^SjAl-gJ- Guidelines -< Я| 4444- ‘-£ °№FI Ш Ф $14. “в ?:l 0lLli!l’ can be interchange bly used with '~9,3J°.I °№i. Ш зж 0|0f71Ш Til 0|ЭД °1Ш1 0|0р|б||0№1Я.. Rather than talking on the phone, we should meet in person and talk. - M? Oioplfi- 3J0] 0ЩН} ofQAi 0|0p|5H0faOiЙ. More in detail I ► -< Til ‘-4 Ф ‘-S ?il 0ЩЙ’ can be interchangeably used with ‘-л| gpl.’ E> ’ 4 610A1 ¥W. Rather than fighting with each other, the two of you should talk and clear up the misunderstanding. = 7i|4f Д1°Х| ещ 0|0p|< ё^А-j ЯбЦ> VW. ф->7Ц otLpF 347
Self-Check * рг^л] 9, 7|>gX1| 35 2s| 41Й 7ЦФ A|££t ЙЦ / 55 Л5011 7f Ф Х|ЕУ 5S n^Oj| 7|- gA|Ef. (2) 51Ф x|£°f > ощаг 5S n &ЧЦ. ® 51^ х|ну ж 51 0Щ4 n^Oil 7f £A|Q. @ 51^ x|£°r SOf£ л^О|| 7|- £A|q. {[ Answers and Explanations The sentence means that it is better to go visit the site rather than reading a map. Ф and ® mean doing both the preceding and succeeding phrase so neither can be correct. @ means to do the succeeding phrase’s-action in addition to the preceding phrase’s action so it is not suitable. Therefore, ® which suggests to choose the succeeding phrase's action rather than the preceding phrase's action is correct. Answer ® 348_ 0Щ5
^.7**11 Practice Questions 1 т^-б- V#3)- ИЬ¥°1 ^Ч7} ^xr 5^- 7^ OHQJ o&|> ад m7171- ^o Ц: ^Ofo. ДЕЦЛ-1 “|0i|Ai £|A|B брЩ А И q> ЩрЬ ВМЯ € ^Н§оИЕ! О 2|А1§ и^0| € qq>q¥A| ф)ф) С адВ «НЕ 2 А|1ЛШ W°ll ^51-7]- А] И-^ofl 7}X1- cg-^-o. 3JO. М¥> - 0| <§2fe 30|Ц <§5ВД. ВГа|^А|°Г L|pf щ ОН£ <§^О] 7К о| <§¥ ^toi? лцо|°|^ ^qqgsiqqA-i? Ц: 0Й1 ЙЕШ Qh. О ^qq gqap|¥q¥ ад 0 ^0|q двд SB72f oij-y g$Fh omof О ад -^TfsH^qi sqq gsj-^o] © 3,Q|q^ ад b|^tt ^oi 3 q-s- ?! V£°ll >^4V 7H O|bj A|^§ ЩА| Sfcqb 501 A^ol7^o? q: Lil, ида A|i]> МЛА|< M|Of ftqq. о щ= адоц € MEim 0 В >il 0M4 C ^q А^5.| unit 27 AfEH U|2 4 q-> q<> 71 4«.oj| >ol^ ^-nj-o. о. Т/,-А)Л19_. 7K X1 ¥ A1^¥ ¥¥ё 5 ^0f. q: ДВНА1 q^ £!¥§¥ ¥ a^0|. © A4¥^A| ^¥A| МЗВ M w| О Я1¥¥А| B¥A| MSS ^A| q € ^¥¥A| B¥A| МШ ёН 0 q¥¥A| BBA| Alg^ Д1 MM S4I 349
1кЯ Нй fifv OSE ЙЙ Ий ЯН^к-НИю © ТГН-й Ий НИНВ 0 ТГНЙЙ к Ий Ш 0 тгИй к §# В-кНй © otoio йГНл В ПНЖ й йИй -ИИ-Io к!ой IoH-RIIy бок^и :-И ’olhlYlo's to® йй кИкзк) :к ‘“S' к В- н тг кИВ “5-В -й1о Ф > к>тЫ.с1 kii к §|п <-Ь 8 й1? ЙЯ1? Э НИ? 0 И H I? о Ни Ни ‘ИТ6 5йк я о В-В ВкйН § Я1? ^й-у- IkkHlY lHyH ffB IyI^Uu -Вк Иой-Гй г^окйй SvIfEav Я10 ИОоИ |УЙ'1?'?’Й §& ‘Ни BvIlPsv 5оВВ lYk НИ ЙОЙ Svlfcsv й'ккг'к гМпП 4zk>> Ik И in <-b L ‘ioк §H Ik Я1?к5 H^ii? ^Hy IyH f-ю Io О Jo® loi^ Я-1/Г Й Н=Т4Г lk)£ ЧЮ 5o-l0 1ой-|у Я-Io 0 ‘loK® lok Я1у№ Ib+eJy H^oH W faibBton 0 ‘Hihkn Ioi2 Яй В hnfe ^ггй- й1о О ‘й'ккак птВ к-й 1ч-R к >Гп <-Ь 9 ‘olYblYk 1И?^й к HI о 1к В- й^о тгНЯ 1к)§И О ’oIaaIIo 1оЯк НН1о 1кЖ1Ю 1о^й Як to г 0 ’1я к НВ кЯй|о 1оБ Я^ к HI о 1к ВН © ’HIy-BHoIo kHfi IeHIo Ik В kHlo^Hi 1®оЯ О SUOIJSSO© MipoJJ |kti §;>о рхгч
LSE Ste Tn IC-HR IY Mote к13пй ’ oN? inknnito irtes teiolioto и @ zrin нэйг :2g ДОП ote JoIa IIy =no ItoStT sfe Io ’ote ЯШо kte km Ж fete 0 ’telyfr ate >^tetei telte fefe-h tefefe fetete te tern tete it loitz# Ioi2 4tatotr BSte lkteE-й ) k)ix Htete StetoR fitefi > fefi i£ RE -io кЙп SB Iой te ffi-o I ой h-ite fife о tohoJo Ioi2Iyt=Iy ll-inir ^Ma :-h 6te§ta кэПИп fifeH АТоГп fees’ ZJOw IYuIT йМа 'A^ ^кЕгаТГ ->te тгйй tek>> te'?4i4 Iy 5in -S-h ot fetes iafefi lote^ lofeiv lo-fete Э fei^ fe^feR- к)т5§ lofeR- lotete fete^fe tefeR- lofete lofeR- lofe^ fa# mtefeR- lofete lofeR- lots О shY Blofe ’fete В fe filote^ sfefi' lotete ll-igu feteR Stoteli irte-R StoteR ’feRR filotefc 4lff Blo-fe - SR- -ifen-te -&te Цр-g-R te >B teste lotete tete lk>-&-te В к Ik lk>tete 6
^Ве^Еу iMOSteg^l МОНЖ Beautiful Island in Korea - Jeju Island Do you know the biggest and most beautiful island in Korea? It is Jeju Island. You will hear “^*1 §AjO||” a lot on the island. Don’t worry, it simply means “welcome.” The island is often called a “Sam-da(three many) Island” which means to be abundant of three factors; stone, wind and women. Since the island is insufficient of three factors which are thieves, main gates and beggars, it is sometimes called “Sam-mu(three nothing) Island” as well. Jeju is especially famous for beautiful scenery that centers around Hanra mountain which stands firmly in the middle of the island. Wu-do, Subjikoji, Chunjeyeon waterfalls, Yongmori seashore, etc are worth paying a visit. Recently, Olleh street has been receiving attention where people can take a walk freely. Olleh street means a narrow alley that connects to “home.” Anybody that walk along this way will forget about all the worries of life. Oh, please don’t forget to taste Jeju pork or horse / meat on your way back too. /

“L О кН ZkOlfkTII Checking Basic Grammar! L t5 tJ -I * 0 * 77|-X| СЙ s|\uLOM ы?7^Х| 30ic c>.£ ей|-2-. It takes about 30 minutes from my school to my house. 5E. fifr -S-E-l ?1L|-j= jgQ|-oH.Q Lj-jjl D|ffi7FA|01I.B. My sister likes to shop and so do I. OtaOf’Q о'тУОМ оЦ-2.. । wor,< out every morning at the park. У МРЗЛ L-bEt ulOjfi., All my friends have MP3 players except me. 3 Ufe •E1"T1E.C|- gtO| E| My feet are bigger than my friend s. ip-Ej 13Я 1A|^-Ej 3A|77|-A| t]0| A\Oj£._ I have a class from 1 to 3 o’clock. X|-^ §0j| 7)£. I am on my way to the airport now. 0||7j| ЦЗ 51'T17?|- L|-0i|7|| £1^-^ tSP'I-S.. My friend gave me a present. ОЦЛ| ыО)|А-| oH£.. I do the cleaning at home. ад © L[^ Oj-^OII ?-‘n 'gt 5,Cr|S_ | have bread and milk in the morning. О q? |з|Д IgOI There is a convenience store if you keep going to the right. Ai| 0|BB £?°l|3 ьШЦ". My name is Hyekyung Jeon. 3 o"o^ tsOf-S. My brother does not eat vegetables. —I 01-a!^- This is my friend’s bag. 0|/7f @ C£|7|7f £Ai^l0|0||O. This is the library. 0|Ц GJ ^"01 Л, Ц of ej~77bP? Would you like to go for a cup of tea with me? 354
SAt Noun О It is used to show the similarity in size. E7leh СН5£О]Я? How was your final exam? Ц: JLM-Efg It was as difficult as the midterm exam. • W|t= fL^CHS ^ёЦЯ. Donna speaks Korean as well as a Korean person Self-Check 7|-: g0| JU|4 Э >£|Я? Lf; Ц|, g 0| At|£ At|( ) it > The sentence means that Youngmi sings as well as Soojin. Therefore, @ which used ‘Elff’ that means the degree of the two things are the same is correct. n e (3) ©УП _355
SAI- 1 Noun о w лмт} ^4-71 4£W. It is used to indicate that not only what comes in the preceding phrase, the more realistic one that comes in the succeeding phrase is even hard to accomplish • 7f: 10S Ш € 24.01? Do you have 100,000 won I can borrow? Ц: 10S f^=71S °t gJOJ. Rather than 100,000 won, I don’t even have 10,000 won. Guidelines ml 41't’ ~'кГ|' A <1 cl "StD)". ИЙ’6 succeeding phrase, negative situation is usually put. ® Ц oPIfeTfg A|5|£ § 5B0jS. Rather than finishing the homework, I have not eVen started yet. О 7]rfltF ЗИ -31 s’ И shows that something is different from what had been expected. Ek • °1°ILE4 2S0| E]7|fe?1£ё|й] of gg e^nf щсг] £]7Ji&|o? Do you think it is acceptable to show the kids bad examples rather than being a role model"? • <2R0|| Olb 8 ?€ I went to visit my friend in a foreign country but rather than welcoming me, he/she felt uneasy. —|A|°l Guidelines \2_o] S]’7|- '^’7]] A]-g-Jc].J=. It is often used with Lf?-o|Sj 356_
More in detail ► ^Fg-< 4" W. ‘°5HL<3’ can be interchangeably used with ‘8 3d£ £Ш.' - X|*IO| H 50|| °l°fg£71^ 1£ ¥^бНЛ| eSJ0|q. It is a disaster that there is no medicine, to say nothing of drinking water at the site of the earthquake. = A|^IO| У 50|| USt 55 ЙЛ >£ ¥^ёНЛ1 5У0|Ц. Self-Check * 5 «FM ф $1^ _£ [ 5Д5*11 gg 13s] 26У 7|: 7[ M£0|o? Lf: 0ЩО, ещ -gAFE s. 7f. atojo Ф (?) ^OHAf0|H|Z 6H£ @ =^-Мт= 55 SLU unit 28 ( Answers and Explanations j- - The sentence means that to say nothing of the Seolak Mountain, the speaker has not even been to the mountain that is close by. @ which used ‘в/fe 5Я ЙЗ’ that means far from something in the preceding phrase,- it is difficult even to achieve a more realistic matter. Answer @ @55й_357
Usage S4 о МЛ Noun О ЗЧЗЧ 4It 41 ЛЬ§-ЧЧ. It is used to indicate something is better or worse that what had been expected. • 0|y 7]§zz 7|W4Л ls°I ®A| ^L||o winter this year is not that cold for being winter. • Л 2|^°lx|Л E-^e э 0|t B ofcrE-S. He/she speaks Korean very well for a foreigner. О 413 Ч&ЧЧ 4 4 4^4 It is used when everything is same without an exception. • £§ A^x|Z g°ЕЦ Afei° одоо. There are no young people these days who cannot use computer. • Ap| ОР|О|И| 2f-yO| йё A^0| OjC] °i(W? Are there any parents who are not interested in their children? Guidelines 43 Ч'З ТрГ’ *s often used with -fe ЭОЩ. @ Л QtO|b;^St^A|Z m0| П10Щ He/she receives a lot of pocket money for an elementary school kid. 358_ @А|Л
2. ifojybni Self-Check ) 7РГ l-|° эд “гаад ёШЧ. ©□W Answers and Explanations 12^1 17S unit 28 You are supposed to make a sentence that means your brother is smaller than average middle school students. Therefore, (4) which used ‘ХЦГ that means something is better/worse than what had been expected is correct. Answer @ 359
□И1 gAf Noun H HOW О nW т" птг It is used to indicate the last one left is even added. Q> • A^OJI »HAi ofA|g УВ m*l IWOf 6Ц£. Since we failed in our business, we even have to sell the last remaining house. • ЧВ аГШ I didn’t know that apart from others, even you would say something like that. • ^0j| 0tb]A|7|-ИИЦад >0|-7|-Й0]Я. My father passed away last year and even my mother passed away this year, too. ^ojAfot Guidelines 44414 it is usually used in bad occasions. ‘W can usually be interchangeably used with ‘Z’lxr, £4; • i=0| go|B4l The traffic was heavy but even the rain started to pour. = ^0| H|77JX| = ^o| ^0|-»q. 360_
2. s£o1}7*’_” Self-Check * Ч-s’ e# пр/J- a]^psi- I’HAp] p 4 [ 7|ft£X|| 4g 9^1 14“T] Л- Xi ^0|| 0Щ 7f£. Ц; =££| K|£ 0|A| £feE|| □!% Д|£ 7ШЦЦ 4V gg®mi£. ф °lg W|L|Df @ □!§ Д|ИЮ]| ® W|OfiS @ *Wi unit 28 ^Answers and Explanations It was sad to see Soojin move but it would be even more sad to see Minjung move, too. Therefore, @ which used ‘Of Aj' that means something that remained the last happened on top of some previous event is correct. Answer @ _361
SA|- ^0|| ** и Usage ^|0]| Noun L-m О Q Al ZJ.^Tzr’n's It Is used to indicate that there is only that person/matter remaining. OB Ц«toil S4\ Only you can do this work. • SH £}S?tOI| St SSZS-SL We only have ramen noodles to eat. • 4^01 £ A|*fS|tCi| ZLAJOfe >4*Huhioii of ££Qj£. Even though the class is about to start, the professor is the only one who arrived. ^£|A|-°t Guidelines ЪЭДГ W W, Sh^A/v, A/v-A] "№Й5|1 tlways accompanies Indeterminate form such as VJ/й A/\ a/v- x| S1 AH-f behind. J^l 9tW*6( 9J^?IStOll We only a< one week left until vacation. More in detail ► ‘V-(—) 5 4ЭД1 • V-o?m a^Lo] ль§< OJ4. •y-(°)e 4^011 нШ7 can be interchangeably used with ‘V-of/ojOf sfcf.’ flffib- • ZZ.g Цр| тЭДОЦ hISS. In that case, there is only one way; I would have to go. = ng LH?| 7|0| Sflfi ► ‘A-C2-)s $4’^ ‘А-(-°)г- «НЧ o|4. ‘A”(°)a> 4^“|0|| ЙЦ’ can be interchangeably used ‘A-(°)<- 3° ЭЗвЩ.’ Zl§17|| S—S 4^-1011 baSS. Wearing only that, it is sure that you feel cold. = 5ZS ng7|| S Ol2 5= 362_ ф^011
2. Sfojf’'"” Self-Check 7|: o|5!mc| q 5Л*°1 bfgo| &><? Ц: Zig gjg *p| S0||fe О|СЦ^ ( ) SlOifi. Ф бЩА|п| ® Ш ^Oil (3) sfap^ @ sfc c|]aio|| unt28 I Answers and Explanations ] --------- Even though the speaker would like to find a better option, there is none at present so he/she would like to choose the current option. Therefore, @ which used ‘^<ЯГ that means there is only one possible way at present is correct. Answer (2) @^0il _363
128 OILfDf** (0|)L|D|- i'o £^0|LM Noun £A| О "ГЙ"« t7lfe SW °ГФ1-£- fls -ЯВД ”fl ww. It is used to choose something even though it is not 100% satisfactory. ад?| ирь ei адл ад It suddenly started to rain and I don’t have an umbrella. Ц: LL-MOII ^-LIOILfDf бЩ yof °iQjA| Ц^0|Ц|о. What a relief that we have an old umbrella in the class room. • 7f: O-jXi| ^7j| *Mi ЯЦЦ I’m tired since I went to bed late last night. Ц: ЛЕН? 7il W Really? Why don’t you take a nap during the break? Guidelines It is often used in the form of '^ЛЩГЦ-, SSOlQQf.' 364_ ® 0|pDt
2. Self-Check plf £Xi| jg 15s| 23*Г| ощ= so| HV ggsiq. Lfe s( ) setspll 0| 3 ^о|в|л ^45fQ. Zf (DO|Of @ om @ O||A-fe unit 28 £4 The sentence means that even though the small house is not what the speaker wants the most, but he/she can be satisfied to a certain extent. Therefore, @ which used ‘0|L|-of that means he/she chooses something even though he/she is not 100% satisfied is the answer. Answer @ фощпг 365
0|0f5f£ ★★ Usage (0|)0f^ сШ A|>0|0f^ Noun О 7>A] £o] /pg- nfl лроэд-. It is used to emphasize something among others representing the rest. Ofc- • 7f: tMS ^Aio| °J0]|o? What is the food that represents Korea? Lf: Ojai oiAiy floras 7|§ ЕННЗУ §а|0|А|Я. There are many representative Korean food. But among all, Gimchi is their best. • $R0||A| 7^ £^A|431 W Ф 2101Я. Jejudo can be called the most beautiful island among all. • Ail-yoil 3d0| ЙО| О1А1У Afg0|0f°>£ 7^ 5J0|a^ There may be many important things in the world but among all, I think love will be the most beautiful thing. Self-Check * ^1??°]] Т>г^Л] 9 7|Й£Я| 4Й 7s| 15Щ 7H 0| At^7|7F □tgOII 7|-Z|0| § H|jues. Ц: Л^7|^ ©FA|of 0| AKI7|( ) £У0| ^Afc 7fe> Ц 5ЙЦС|. CD^Af @ Etli- ©□fA| @ Of^ J Answers and Explanations The sentence emphasizes that the speaker’s choice is the best option for him. Therefore, @ which used ‘0|cTits’.’ that emphasizes the preceding phrase is correct. Answer @ 366_
130 ад *!^ад| Verb ёГАН О W°1 ЕНЗ It is used to indicate that something else happened on top of something fjl • A|S2Jpq I screwed up my reading test as well as the writing test. He has a beautiful face as well as a beautiful mind. • о o-£ о0i°il ^oHS. My brother is good at English as well as in Japanese. ► 4^о] лиц-ы nfl ‘n]-*]’®, Apg-tb ВД’ that is used in negative connotations can be interchangeably used with 'ВД and ‘Sxf.’ рЯк • ZJO| °Ьё|^Е|| H|77hX| £OHSE-h It is hard to see that even he/she, as well as all the others, cannot trust me. = zJO| h|ад ^овд. = гю| адьш u|s*F ^om. unit 28 (фад _367
I Self-Check ! ^1 §иж ы^|л| xi4§ra^qia. ®2|£ @0W ® Oj[E4<7F @¥4 [ Answers and Explanations @ which used 'DW that indicates missing the bus happened after leaving home late is correct. Answer^ (2) 368_ фли
у 1, o^otcii ИИИИ1 Usage MHRIILIIIJ - OIICPF §A|- £0|| cp|- Noun stul ^П0||Ц7Г О W°1 It is used to indicate the place where certain action is taking place. ЙаЯЬ» • 0| Ai^0|Q7|' ^0] §0]S. I put important documents in this drawer. • A|^0||C.p|- 1 2ВД Й0| QL=|O? What do you keep your wallet so filled with?/Why do you keep your wallet so full? • -4£^0||Cp|- ЦО] ^0]£. I called the office and asked about it. ^°|A|-of Guidelines 3 3L ЭД-, ^4, ¥< -¥4 W), ^4(^0 £4) 1 i Ж ^A^i Q. «is mainly used withverhs such asЭД, ШЭД ЗП). 3Q(S4S«Q) W>l SQ ЭО} Ш, etc? •_ 2. сч o^oi-cni More in detail ► лНКн ¥ SW". ‘°im7f’ can be interchangeably used with ‘oil.’ • §S£t A|S^ 0| A|^0||cpf ^Qj ®0]S. I put important documents in this drawer. = A|s^ 0| A|^0|| Й0] SOIS. nit 28 глг (фоцсрг _369
Self-Check * W V£°ll Ш y[- 2R£!^<§e WKH BfeL-ii = a^ioi. Ц: Л71 LpF ЭД Л1^ao] j=o^ (DSXf ® Oiirpi- ® 77fx| @ O|5K£ The speaker says that he put the alien registration in the drawer. Therefore, @ which used ‘OilQ?}' that indicates the place where certain action is taken is correct. Answer @ 370_ фо|Р7|
(a)^Ai O|7f pi7jo$A-j Noun t!¥SA1 О *1^, <1^, ХИ°1 № № Ж Ч-Ерм. It is used to indicate that someone has a position, social status or authority or in such stance. • 6fX| ^OfOf Ш U>0| oiGjo. There are certain things that you should not do as a student. • 0| 7|^o| 01 Э-i^l I will promise you as a president of this firm. • -У о □-й-М Q6|-J1 °h=tLIQ. I am doing my best as a teacher. c^ch^ §tHoio4tR.'P.<£aV-2 яф, Aj£ zr^ot o»b. -H£ ufcVVH-Hvt 3 Wct-UHfi.. Ht-C# O« '° CHObt cyo. gHI O|gj. £T. AQ( BrtH9- L-t-cH-Hfl. ‘oiyf’ is similar as '°£W|' but they are different. ‘°£Ai’ means something that has a status, social position or qualification or being in a similar situation to have such factors. 2. £*4' indicatess a tool, means or method to accomplish something. L-hfe 4a TfOf | am giving you an advice as a friend now unit 28 (ф°'гА1 _371
2. zj-ojji-n Self-Check Lj> *!?_______________________L|0||7i| §i5KEL £0|. Ф^0]| (3) 0||E|7|- { Answers and Explanations The sentence means that the speaker would like to give advice as a loving friend. Therefore, ® which used that means a right or stance is correct. Answer @ 372_
о #*1^4 № 7]^ад 7]rflsq- ад 4^<у nfl A]-§-«h}. It is used when something that is considered to be fair or easy is different than what had been expected. Ok • л L1V O]sm £1^2x1 £ SQZ 5ЦЯ. That question is so hard that even a teacher couldn't solve it. . 7Цф Л°| ?!X| Not even his parents don’t believe him since he keeps lying. • S-0| L|Y 0ЩА| feh7|7| My throat hurts so bad that I can't even swallow my saliva. More in detail ► 47?®, ад. ‘SxK can be interchangeably used with WT and WT most times. 13k * =°l LH^-aF The traffic was heavy but even the rain started to pour. = zjo| efufeqi H|Dpq £0|-wq. = zjo| Ы1ЛЖ ^ОВД. 3. Self-Check * 415. 3}-=r 3Z54]a].2.. 7K 0|Щ A|go| 0|a|3jQ2A-|o? Ц: Ш, ¥2-| ufoUi ЛЦШ Ifsfe *R( ) ¥ ¥¥ ¥*IPI Ф SA1 (2) @ @ 0Fsh5 i unit 28 ( Answers and Explanations ] The situation is that even the smartest person in the ciass had a hard time during the test. Therefore, ©which used ‘iE xf that indicates something that the speaker expects the most is correct. AnSwef _373
UyS HB SR- 7Lt kfc llo^g ktS SlE cd IfoI оfSk l-Yk)io § IoqZj jnj'ilo^-T 4zH?^T Irikoioio IoIE§B-|Y 'M TT^ lYkoBiv Ц-йНЕГнЬ 1Г-|?]няЙ ’"<У[у|геПГ -§(£ |kk|u В3F В §!□. (ф ttIy > kk @ Inti k^EO cdPz §1-0 cik-lY Я'ю IOiy® ИОсэНГ ( )t5n cdeIZ I-h 6ollok Шкй- Blok "o~B ~o~-io-k> [bio ( ) C & ^olo Э k-bllo © 40-1-110 Э BkBO "ok)§B kBib НГэЫпак ( )£rfe "olWn Нью : B боВВВтЬ оЧ°к Ц-ЗЙ1? IH41§fa ккВюВ 5H? §ю§ |0§Йу1§Ц1 Ию ) к ’^ВВек В4п-Б Но ( ) г
© © 3" Лги qJ □ □HI RO тг 5* —1— г> S’ Йг ® гр К © CH У kF JP 3" й? ч» и|ш о ги| оК Z гР РУ io о||Ц щО Й. 6IU йг и ЩЗ °Р Щ- o’J рК ijo-l <—«ч гМ г— у л тг тг р< □ По o’J о|р Г\ йг о Ф RD RD lT 0|J z—s ЙО л- оГ гй oJ RIH S’ i|0-J JP U| nH A □0 □Ш 1 1 lJ — ~5 о № RO RIH о Й mini Ur Ф о G [F - i|O iK-l сН ol EFJ < s7 riT ?T —Iy ги| f£i p"i гй r\J oJ о||Ц U|J i|O ЙГ к< □J SoO o|J mini рК oF юь -H S > Г\ о 0|J nJ o’J Oh ijoO lT oT 5J 0^ □ N S’ □ о|п -П ЙГ Q tn
© S££ II-yS "б Sf °* □ оШ •ф Йо 1 1 — liolll ° ° 1 nJ о . КГ J 21 0|D 21 ju Л кн ё ip<j ьТ г2 >К1- о|ш о|гр КЮ [К кг ор 010 ~ & 12 АП| ||О °rJ й 5 s_ " o|hj 5б £ Й й- — "° 2 о| г о[п г\ _J tr о] ч ги| Г2 о|га 'пК о! тг S оо й S LH ?0 Що 21 _! 5J 0IJ U|RJ Z3ZT о к кВ И пН П1р оШ □ J о _1 ZT 5-J 5J ® О _) _) S'j 5J © ®
°l^ Practice Questions 9 ( ) 'У-6!] <s?Nr 3l-=r J-^Ж. 7f: ^i|7|^ ЭДЕГх1|>£1 s|SOII 7|0f0|| ЭД0|£ a^>0| °^o| iqs 34 ЭДЯ. 14: 0f*|£ А1И1 °| Йе 0b0|>0| i^OII AlgS-li oihEII A^>0| ( ) S10i£. € ф7|^И € □ € ^71 Of is C 10 T^-g- К X| ьио] п}-Л J.g/]Z|4 € 7^ЭД € ЭДА| AfeflOW ЭД эд. € А|^А| ^ЭА1 £^£л|- ojojti 5 ^0^0 С §^А|Л 20Ц°Ш У >Ofufh Sl> ^Oj|o 11 ( ) М УзЬс? зНг АШ0]|А| *11 Ар|7|- 5ЦО| « [Q7|i4 Ej 0]gE|Z ЭД. Л5Ц£ Lfe *[£ *J ( ) sm c^oiq. € 2SAI- € 0^|q7^ € ощс^ C o|o^ 12 c}k nt]f S ¥k- t № Л = tMK. С з^КЭДЭД ^|7h BO|L-||o. € £Нда 21ЖА1 ^ОД|Я. с оща|пщ a|> °ja| 8>ЛА|3 qqgHS? С &1=У7^ ЕЦ 0|^7-^ Of 7fA|Jl ЭДО? 376_ SMI
13 ад ад лад ад. 7к 2Ц Osl-fl S7|§Hqo? Ц: Й£! a^0| ORm *|дд щ ^рц ононрщ. О ^HS ёН адо| й°гош @ £! Ш &ЙОШ © 33S Ш ад*Г 8» О 3*IS 1ЭД Ш ^7|- °№ 14 ад ( И <£ад ад лад а] Л. Л- Ail y*№h tr-^T Ail nil^e W213HH ёня. Ц: Sfs. ОНЕЦ& Ла| sysi( ) AizhSb A^Sf ^ёН^Л ^^ёЦ£. odj§ € от ©0|0^Л С 0]|Dp|- © И лад ад. 7К Л№0]| S0]|Ai ЯЦ771- Ц° >Ц. Ц: Л5-Ц ^0|0f. ( € ^оИ oiqo]|£ ^of € £mi л^ qqoiis °ш ж € £1^ Л£ ojqo]|£ SIS Ж С £Ш1 Л° ЙЧ0||£ ojb ?iOF unt28 ^SSs^Ail 377
Practice Questions 16 et тт°| лё ( or Af^£ &E-K О ом «И il>0i£. © >4h V&I ё>в1 ё!lit m С ЖЭД ^Oil >0f ?F § S*$fe4l 01g7|| УЦА1 7|Ща 17 ( ) «?м <£££ na^A]j2., 7K д|°| sr^oi ±JS|O| що| ь 5 ^Ofo Ц: L||. л 6?HS 5( ) SBSFAIfi OSXf © ^l @л|Л C OW 378 2ё
Others Miscellaneous 134 СЦЙ 135 ~ г)бЩ 136 -Eiq|(£) «ОЩ -£X| 5§L| (-°S) -g “Мёщ 140 -7Ц7Р) 141 -7|^(°) § 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 -fe ФЛ SIQ -СЩ 0]ДЩ ~^X| -°a|aHL -gBF gm -xi nai(fi)?
-(^)L- Llfc SA( 1 nH s JU 5u Verb CHS о °fc tfcfc MfcVfc. It means to do the same as doing something else. jjflk 7f: 0|Xj| 0p|7|- 5J ft В eM-S? Can your baby talk yet? Ц: L-Ц, £g ЕЦ51 § HjSj-ёЦЯ. Yes, he/she repeats as I talk. • 7f: 7|-^Ai Щй, 5fc4l If ЕЦЯ. I did as you told me to do but I can’t do it well. Ц: ЛаЦЯ? Hg Xi|7f C|A| -^go|| H^7j|£l. Rea||y? Then, let me explain it to you one more time. © ^fc afc5fc Qb]-\flfc It means to do something as soon as something is done. ПЗк • 7f: 0|-*i 0|A|- t!n12|- 7j|S-g илО|Я? Don’t you have any plan to marry your girl friend? Lf: CHsl ^§o|-3| Л бЦЯ. I would like to, as soon as I get a job. • 7f: pi Jj|f| ф StOjS? When do you think we will get there? Ц: «1 ms 8A|^ 5 Ж. We will get there around 8 o’clock if we leave as soon as we get off from work. I l 1 i I I ф2||A|-g- Guidelines -fe tfl5.’7b ©2] -t- When ‘~e= Eftsc' is used as 0, the past form cannot be used. © QOil £ AiOflTjl ^5} ^A|R. (X) (Hj-Ti®!) (past tense) 380_ ©-te PA
2. CH Tl More in detail 35’7]- 03 ^<23 nfe ‘-x№F®3- W3 ЛИШ 4 m. When ‘-fe PIS’?) is used as 0, it can be interchangeably used with -a|-d|-x).’ • SI0| CHS We will leave as soon as we get off from work. = qjoi ► ЗИ- -§-333 333 Combination with another phrase • V -o.5fe 35: 33333 3^33 ‘-O.2U 3^’7} 335 333 514 3°] 33 з< зн з 3 з-з-зз-. V-°2fe PIS’ is the combination of an imperative mood of indirect speech ‘-SEfll ЭД' and ‘-fe PIS’ It is used when doing something that has been ordered. . 0Ц7) Ufafe CHS §HE|L| ^7|| 5^®. It was easily solved when I did what she asked me to do. (0 Ц7|- A|7|8 53 e=0| SSQ.) (I did what she asked me to do.) • 0Ц CHS §ЙЕ|Ц ^7|| ёНэ лЙЗ. It was easily solved when I did the same thing as her. (ьШД So3 ЗеГО! 5&Ц-.) (I did the same thing as her.) 'Ng/8 NPIS is used to categorize thngs according to each group of similar things. 0| §QM £g 7) jg 7)’jq|g ge|5H3. A'l.ong t ese, cioV-es and bags should be categorized &.pa: ate'y Self-Check * 33 3 -t3?°I 33 335. 333 33 33 33 250 ® 03 bbg С.Ц5 Э§ё)лцо. (2) 4^01 CHS SAi^t ОГ0ЦА1 ОГУА|С). <3> 35D33 >8 qs 0|0p|S)AilR @ □!§ 3 CHS AittEII £5.щ g§H 5Ailfi __Answers and Explanations Between the two meanings of ‘-fe PiS’, Ф, ®, @ were used as “as soon as something was done" white @ was used as doing something that he/she was told. Therefore, ® is correct. Answer @ unit 29 7|I3 ф-cCHS _381
I I I. OahOHETI ^>4 Verb £ тЧ -(O)L. тц Adjective oji-ga mQ oi §АН0|Ц Noun+ОЩ ol-лу si-Ayoi xiqq *!7°i mQ О лоМ< 'Уад ЧВД4. It is used to express a fabrication of an attitude or action that is different from the fact. . J • 7K 0^0j| £21 Ц< = e. A|q^Oj. ьда| spj- yq? I met Junho this morning and he passed as if he didn't see me. Is he mad at me or something' q: M =• £ O^q? Well, it could be that he just didn’t see you. • 0Ц£ *jSP| ЕЦ€ II <44 0p|<0| X|gO|> ^qttq. Since Jiyoung always acts as if she is pretty, girls don't like her. • Aiztoil WJ ojxil да SZStoia. I acted as if I was listening to the teacher during the class but in fact, I was thinking about what happened yesterday. Guidelines ^4 44 44<1° ^4 ЛН1-'4П 4444 4WI Inca e of the verb SIR' only the present tense is used whilethe past tenseits not © j. uPWI O|°Hlf =r кйй?1£! 7]|^ (O) Even though I did not understand that problem, (У ХЦЙ) 1 acted as if J did. (present, tense) J. £ЯЯ 0|оНЙ ф ЙЙЛ1Е1- УЗДЖ?. (X) (past tense) 382_ WJ
3 ‘-Ti- *]]даеЯ- иРИ 41 да. ± ®|8Щ’ can be interchangeably used with *-fe *1|ёЩ.' E> • Ш h|^S M Ч5ВДЯ. Even though my friend knows my secret he/she acted as if he/she didn’t know it. = LH H|^> iO. *1|5РШ. Self-Check * ( ) да да-& 7H 4x0| MRh Щ0| ^o. Ц: 0Щ0ЦЯ. fiOjOJI 7p| ^OjA| ( ). Ф 7№ ( 2) ёНЯ @ 0^ 7ДО @ Of>77^ Z|^0|0||o 7|ЦЦ зй 4ii гои Answers and Explanations j ~ You are supposed to make a sentence which means that even though Sumi is not sick, she is acting as if she is. Ф is a speculation that she would be sick. @ is a wish for her to be sick. @ shows that the speaker is worried that she might be sick. Therefore, none of them can be an answer. @ which means that she is acting like something that is different from the fact is correct. Answer @ _383
-5t/5iE№ -2412 -^2 412 ^Af Verb 5|24|2 q £2 412 £2412 7P24I2 7f£24|2 -2412 Adjective 4Q 42412 Oj|BHQ o]| mg 4| ° (0|)24|2 §Af+o|q Noun+0|Q lZ ^0|@4|2 S424I2 О о] 2 44s 5] 444 ^-4 п|] A]-g-4T-]'. it is used to talk about the recollection of the past \ • 7|-: ^-A| °l^ ^0]Я? Have you seen Minsu? Ц: O|-77b £|0J| 7f0E||o. He was going back home a while ago. Why do you ask? • 4: oixii °is д| cqxh yyq-^Ajs? I heard that you met Minho’s girlfriend yesterday. Is that true? Ц: 41, c!W Oil® 2412. Yes, she was very pretty. ^°|A|-gf Guidelines 4424 п» Wfe 44# 4 $4. Apart from xpressing an emotion or feeling, the First person cannot be the subject, (3 ^8 21Ж^Я#24|2. (0) (^rOj)ISubjectl (7|тг-'8 ЦЕ1Ч0 (Shows a feeling] I was so happy to receive flowers from my boyfriend. W ОД1q^a| c|g^bj| 7jgq|£. (x) (^Oj) (Subject) (?I8® ЦЕ|Ц|А| Lg§) (Does not show a feeling) 384_ (ф-0Е||(Я)
O4cH-|E ТЕТЕ O(DI IfOllt b CM £ C^GM fi.' Ь jv-hom otot otoioM#, '-tyf'S.'x- ЗШом x»6h £i2 oj-l otatoHft. In case of verb, even though -31/3!ЭЧ12’ and ‘-042* are used to recollect something, their form is different, right? There is a difference in each meaning.5i/S!94|2’ means seeing something that has been completed in the past while -0412' means something that had been happening in the past. Ex tlpj 2.0С11Я. — tlph ЩelJ? 2>!P ЦА1 0|0p|£fC|. It is said, seeing the raining situation. tfp| StSEilfi. - U|4 ms ЙИ ЦА1 0ЮР1Ш. It is said, seeing the wet ground after the rain. '-zJ!ScU2’ has a meaning of a speculation. Ex И|7| 2.5J!0E||2. — ЙЛ1 L-M 0|0р|Ш It is said, seeing the cloudy sky and guessing about the afterwards 2» Self-Check * 31 <el Ф ЙОГб^Е||о. @ Opife gfBEIia. @ л am Щ.Ц77Н g^oi >gq|a. @ A®>0| 0НЙ4 ° oil ^Tii A1 oiggp. 7|g^Xi| ЗЙ 6£| 19g~3 ( AnswerTand Explanations — —----- in case of ‘ЭШ2', first person cannot be the subject unless it uses adjective that expresses emotion or feeling. Therefore, Ф is correct. Answei Ф @-E№) _385 unit 29
тец -51/теЛ 2SQ тел тел ^Л qq- теч ЧтеЛ Verb лч тец тел теи тел тец -5t/5fe*i яте тец -(я)|-л яте Adjective те тец яте тец тел яте тец ?те oji^xi яте теч- о|^/^л яте теч ?!л яте §л+ощ Noun+оЩ о[лу те ^до|°к=л яте теч те <^2!л ?те теч те £!Я£г7Л яте теч те те2!Л яте о дате п| тете. It is used to emphasize the greatness of the degree of the fact or situation. • 7|-: OjJi| gf ai g0| CgJJgfi? How was the restaurant that you went yesterday? Ц: £aio| goiOjAj “ощ f*o| It was great. You have no idea how much I ate. • shM|7f Ojmfi.? How is weather there these days? L-K 7|g 7^§0|OjAj Since it’s winter, you have no idea how cold it is. Guidelines w тс wi- <теч-. In front of a verb, an adjective is needed in order to modify them. О (0) You, have no idea what a good student he/she is. (TFOHrts (Adjective that describes a subject) адо!Х| >go. (x) 386_ Esq
2, i.foJFh’’1 Self-Check * oj-g- 31 Р]п]7} да ~рдда9. 7|®gXi| 43 79 34Й 7k OjDJL] ^0| ^ЦЛ| QSOIOJIS. Q: SHE! OWfe gtW Pfgg- g5|&. ® 0^0| ^eH^ojo (2) LgOI ® sw aroi $!1сна @ ф^о| да| >5tcna ( Answers and Explanations “DIBэ ®0Щ" which has a meaning of being worried means being very worried when it is combined with ‘SWfl4 X] НЭЦ.’ Therefore, ® which means that the speaker was very worried is correct Answer (3) unit 29 7|Ef -ЬА[ ыец _387
138 -(°Э) ->^Д L °ahOhe.Ti -(22) -(о)эД £4 Verb □TO (°№) ЭД (51.014) Adjective (jufS) (й°э) О да°] ^§£7} ад ЧЯлМ It is used to express that the degree of the succeeding phrase increases as the action or situation of the preceding phrase continues. IB . Д УЦ-Э УЫтД Al-atoi 5 mo He seems to be a good person the more I meet him. • *40 ^Ш0| lOIAfe £l It seems like that the cheaper it is, the worse the quality gets. • ®&0|-2. The more friend you have, the better it is. Self-Check * «ИИ 7pg- 7|SgXi| SB 15£| ЗЗЙ 7R ВДО] -SYfe § EH ?h&? Ц; m, ashler__________________ i Ф sfh 4S @ W ёЦ£ ® o-rS up| ^Answers and Explanations j The sentence is supposed to mean that even though it is hard, it has become interesting the more the speaker studies it. ‘Ь PIS' of Ф means as soon as something is accomplished’ so it cannot be correct. ‘>-411 sHSt of ® means a combination of a plan and compromise and ‘-§77f£F of @ means a speculation. Therefore, neither can be the answer, <3> which means that studying has become interesting the more the speaker studies it is correct. Answer @ 388_ 2ФД
139 -(O)2 ИН|ё|р SU4 O!> 1йЧёЩ Verb йода О Ч’Й W°1 41AHW. It is used to mean that something almost happened(but did not actually happen.) SW • 7): ^о| ад zjoi g^|7( l-|° It is very slippery due to the snow, right? It’s very hard to walk. Ц-: S.Q7|- ^Oj|A| Щ That's right. I almost slided down on the way. • 3f™0fS? How was your trip? Ц: о ее L8°M OfOK ssCHtHs S! It was too crowded that I almost lost my child. i I I i I i I I Guidelines -4--4 ° ТгЧ". It is always used in past tense. ц 29 7|F) IWД.Ж (О) I almost a traffic accident. 1 ' ( ast ten ;ej 1-—— АЩ7) (X) (°4.ЭД|§) {present tense) I _ .. . КМПММ F 389
2. iEHojjhTi I Self-Check * 125] 30Щ SA-jg qjsf SSS4 ^SOII £Е|1_| ^^0|£|-Л E7] SV D№I£Q. ^#Ш0|5.|- ngxi V э ye xi^>s МЧА1 щ- ci u >s ййц. зад 5 ( ) цйё| Qg aiz! зад?! S S HOI ojOjAi 7PIAS H< 5i»Q. Ф <24 ж ® > ^Aiy @ > УЙРЧУ @ > a| 3№1У •( Answers and Explanations ----- — The speaker ended up seeing the movie after having a hard time getting the tickets. Ф shows that the speaker worried that he/she was worried that he/she might not see the movie but the connection of the preceding and succeeding phrase is unnatural. In the case of @ which used ‘-g Е!ёЩ’, it cannot be correct. ® means that there was no chance that they could not see the movie so it cannot be the answer. Therefore, @ which used ‘-g ЧЧё]г|’ that means something almost happened is correct. Answer (® 390_
I. ^оке-ll -7|(7B £4 siq- 5M(7D Verb 471(4) О W W 3}°11 M ЛМЧ M'g- 4-M4. It is used to express the state or a thought of doing something. 1W- • ш0| > ПЦ Lj° AfZ l_J-7|7|- It is easy to find accidents when people drive too fast on snowy days. • Л Afg’ SeOHEJ- 7f£! ?HA| ^oP|7|- I find that I’m shy speaking in front of him • ^0| HV О^М Zgg Ll2HoPI | find it hard to sing now since my throat hurts so bad. Guidelines ‘v-7]7E taW, W, W, W, °W, W, M Ч $W. WW, W4 MW WW W. Usually, tidjective that nes behind ‘VrZPf are the ones that mean a feeling: f ЙЧ, teq-rSQ, etc.' » unit 29 7|EF ф-7|(7В _391
\=ir ?! 7р £> ВД IHfc Ojg7i| ^ОЩ? Ц: ^7]| %%0]а. 2|^0| ё^Е QgfsHAi ^O|Oj|£. ф LH? 171- S3 ®1^О]2. (2) Ш*1 8И да| уощ @ ё|ЕХ| gpll ^О| ЙО]Я @ щ7|7|- qy 0i^A| ?g^W 7|>^7i| 43 5s| 37S Answers and Explanations^ —-------------— ----------- You are supposed to find a sentence that means that it was so hard to draw a conclusion. Ф means it was little bit hard, @ means it was not hard at all, ® means it was not that hard. Therefore, none can be the answer. @ which means that it was very hard to draw a conclusion is correct. Answer @ 392_ ($-7|pD
о л<т°1 w а^ч-. It is used to slightly deny what the other person said or answer about a compliment in a modest way. • ?[•: cICHB се 3d Eh0h I think Minho speaks english very well. Ц: ^Of. I don’t think so. I don’t think his pronunciation is that good. • 7\: £2^ 0||—L1|£. You are very pretty today. Ц: 0|] 0j2-|£ 9о2!Ч|£. I don’t think so. My hair is messed up. 2. ZJ-OJyHTI * ( ) 51^A]JL. 15S 7f: 0^ 5!5i^L|q. Ц: ( ). ЛЦ Ф SJSPIlz-S (2) 4j?.|.T|loT|S’ @ 5!S1^ “iO|i Answers and Explanations You are supposed to find an appropriate answer when you are complimented -ЛэМИ-Н)’ of ® means an agreement with the other person, '-fe ^ОЩ’ of @ means it almost happened, ‘-fe В0Ш’ of ©means something is close to certain thing. Therefore, none can be the answer. Ф which used that means that the speaker slightly denys but answers modestly to a compliment is correct. Answer ф unit 29 ОД ф-?1Ь(Я) 393
i rlr o|n □ rir 0|n lT 5Г J2 rlr (ЯП ию JU □ Verb rlr 0|n □ Пг Oln о ад^ адчь ад] ад-ж. It is used to express that something did not take place wholeheartedly during the task E> • Xfc tl^OII Of*J# Sfe § Dfe § 5fH L-^Ojo Since I woke up late, I wasn’t all for eating breakfast and left right after. • Dl^-EfO|| Af^O| l§0M § DHr § ЙЦЯ. Since it was crowded, I wasn’t all for enjoying art. • П A^ho Ji| 0|]7|> § Dfe § JHQjo He/she said he/she was busy and wasn’t all for listening to my story. 2. Sj-ojjHTi * 7|®^i| 4S 53182 ^yo| 0f*|0fe Of ёгл ( ) of 77 >^ёН0]Я. Ф SfLpf ^Q7f @ ВИЦ 1ИЦ ® Bfe Ofb @ Bf^ Aj gf^ xt { Answers and Explanations b-------------------——’— The speaker is saying that even though he/she ate, it is not so much different from not eating anything due to the anxiety. Ф is a repetition of eating and not eating meals and @ shows the same result whether eating or not eating meals. Therefore, none can be correct. ® means he/she acts as though he/she did something even though he/she didn't so it cannot be correct, either. Therefore, @ which means something almost happened is correct. Answet @ 394_
SXf Verb 7Щ 7ИПД(£) й1'* § rq Stu N ofc 'KF Adjective оцинц Ojltitjp^p(o) О|Й/Й1’^Л1(Я) (0|UWH(£) gAH-ОЩ Noun+ОЩ Sfxy ^0|ЙЛ^Л(о) ^OIZ^Z(S) £PZgjL(S) It is used to express an agreement of something or a thought to think of something as reasonable. ffiSb • 7|-: L-H^y ^0| 7|A|S? Are you coming with me? Ц: 7|-j1sj1£. Of course I will. • 7|-: A|.£ Ш тЧЭДйСНЯ? Mother, was I cute too when I was little? Ц: ng, Of course you were cute. - ‘ - .. unit 29 713 _395
2. 1 Self-Check * 5!< 5L^A]^_. 7K ЛЦ nj-EJOfl g 71A|O? Ц:• ® 7f£ £ЦЯ ® 7f W ® 7KHiTZ£. @ 7 и got^o [ Answers and Explanations j The situation is to answer to the question, whether the speaker can make it to the birthday party, ф shows giving permission to go to the party, @ shows that the speaker has been to the party, while @ means that he/she enjoyed the party. Therefore, @ which means that he/she will of course join the party is correct. Answer (3) 396_
KM Usage lT 4- JU 1 Verb fete °M 5W Aj-Hfl nfl «.Ofl ^7]- 7b^o] ojtji. 14ВДГ)-. It is used to mean that there is a possibility that something might happen due to a certain action or a condition. -eUfe 5ЦСН. You may be punished if you keep acting so rude. • 0|Qiof лугьёрр^ £u|3| £ёЦ< 4Л oiq. You may lose if you only seek your own profit. • Wl cHtF bf£ a<0| DiaHet 15s SPi. You may repeat the same mistake if you only think of the future while not reflecting on the past. ^°|A(-°f Guidelines Vs1']'. The results are usually negativ 2, CH «и-оне и цв ? More in detail ► ЯЯЪ £2^ yH4 № ‘-ё 5tQ' can be interchangeably used with A|£ fisp7 0»* • ^7p[- оЦА|3 =0| £JO]£L If your cold gets worse, you may have a swollen throat. = £P|7f -УЙЦА10 =0| A|£ un#29 &q- 397
3. Self-Check * Ц-g- S > 4= 34 ^woilfe igoil 7fe HI O|a| л|- #х| &ОЩ. Ф =• А|£ >4Я (2) = * аоц а @ = wi\ ёна @ £ 1Г ц й^а f Answers and Explanations V It means that there is a possibility of not being able to visit a hometown. ‘-> ^IEO|tf of @ means that work or condition is similar while °Ш' of @ means a plan. Therefore, neither can be correct, -s а) ЙЦ’ of ® means that there is no chance so it cannot be correct, either, ф which means that there is a possibility of not being able to go is correct. Answer ф 398_
Ь *1|оЩ ★ I. °ehO^-|| I Usage Ь -(O)L. Verb иц- SjB Ф1Ц Mb -(0)1- х-над Adjective 0ЦННЦ]- он^хЦёЩ aI№ SM+o|c) Noun+ОЩ qFAH StAyOI я||ёЩ О W°M ЧЯ-Ж. It is used to express the attitude that is different from the actual action or condition IsSk • Л A^ro |_д SF^ElIt 52b *U5!№. He acted as though he didn’t see me when he saw me. • S0i| -УСИА! StHOilA-l Ofs xlBW. I acted as though I was sick at school since I wanted to go home. • Ш Л15Й0Ш. I acted as though I was doing something important even though I was chatting. 2. CH оьоье-ii ► Ф да. '-fe can be interchangeably used with 'te ^ЭД.' I3B • A|^b LH О1А1У 7]|^ Л|5НСН Я. Even though my friend was aware of my secret, he/she pretended as if he/she didn’t. = SMb LH o)A|°t 7]|^ ЗЭДЯ. unit; 29 7|E[
3. iJ-oJ I Self-Check -Ж- W -тЧНз- °]П1Ф «H10! £ Т7д^л| 9. 7|: OJJMI e §s| OiSJOjo? get ВЙФЧ1. Ц: gof <W S¥ Щ|^0|| °f ул-fg аЦ$н(}Щ. Ф¥А1£^0№ @ ¥A1£ (3) “£№£ @¥АШ *ISO|0]|0 { Answers and Explanations } You are supposed to find a sentence that the speaker acted as though he/she wasn’t scared when he/she actually was ‘-fe •SOJEf of Ф means that it is same as a certain thing while ‘-8 of ® shows that something almost took place but did not happen, ‘-ft ^ISOIQ’ of @ shows a degree so it cannot be correct. ® which used ‘-fe gslQ’ that means someone acts differently from the reality is correct. Answer (2> 4oo_
-44 -(о)э 7i4Ц £4 Verb 45144 444 4> 444 44 $144 7144 ^7-144 -51/5144 -44 tig4 Adjective #4 #5144 #44 oji^q. 0115Й44 o||^44 0151/5144 (0|)44 §ai+0|4 Noun+ОЩ ё^0|й44 §1^0144 ё!¥й44 ^1^44 о да°1 жч It is used to express that a certain fact or situation is amazing or unbelievable ЦЦ • *f5.| ф 5144 ^1= •iJ7|ol^S. I can’t believe that someone can run that fast. • □ £14151 015pj| §C|-L| L|V 0|cl°H-£L I can’t believe that it is this cold in spring. • n Afgoi 50444 4 1№ ЗОСЦ01 # I can’t believe that he is in his 50s. I thought he was in his 30s. Guidelines -&Ч4 -ЧЧ (-8-1’4 4g-> ф $14. When it comes at the end of a sentence, it can be used as {In1^! 44 44 Ml— as сЩЦ""". । can t believe that my friend said something bad about me— •= lh одн 4B aa sRtiafe ф eH cf 12A|EJL|fi? I can’t believe it’s 12am already! = 44 Й 12А1ЕЩ atE tt unit 29 7|Ef ф-ЦЦ _401
2. i'-ojF'-ii Self-Check £ et щад ад / se ф ад 1 да. @ адт ф ада. ® °! 111^71- адгч @ £¥< УII £1ф71-1^# ЙОЩ. ( Answers and Explanations ] You are supposed to find a sentence that means that you are surprised to find that someone who didn’t study hard got the first place. of Ф shows a reason, ‘-С|А|Щ' of (2> means a confirmation of an information while ‘-tPF Of @ shows that he/she was in the process of doing something. Therefore, none can be correct. @ which used ‘ЦЦ’ that is used to mean an unbelievable situation is correct. Answer ,<3> 402_ ф-ад
444 -№44 О|Д|Ц -ЬХ| 44 О|Д|1_|- 4^14 444 Verb АЩ 01Д14Я44 444 Afex| 4Я4 -№44 0144-(° К xi §4A|- Adjective 44 444 4Й4Х1 444 44X| 34 Oi44?t44 444 4X| О ^1^4 Ш-Нг изИ т! Ч°] И nfl ЛННГ4. It is used to emphasize the preceding phrase when it is the cause of the succeeding phrase. • 0|Щ ^Ak|7f Oj«|Lf D|gX| btO]| Ц7Щ ^JX|7b «ЩЯ. I can't believe how hot it is this summer I don’t feel like going outside at all. 4: «0Щ. L|Y 4 1 4 §E.Oj|£, That’s right. It is too hot that I’m so annoyed. 0f4 5.ВДЛ as 444 S0| 4Й4Х| х|^я ИЦ4 Ш4Я. I had too much food since it was so good and I’m still full. Y—|Да Guidelines 4*K *bg< 4 $4 *14 Ш >4 444- W 44 4Ш-. When a verbjs used, it is often used with an adverb such as 'й, ШЯ1, Xf-T, “4J8| etc.' a sfY яал одц st eiYAi 5R a® it is, amazing how well he/she eats Korean foodi.just like Korean, More in detail ► ‘Ч4Ч -4*1’4 ‘444 -4*1’4 444 444 4 44. ‘орЩ ~x|’ can be interchangebaly used with -fex|.’ SS0| 0i«|L| л|л4&х| 44 Й4. I can’t believe that how loud the neighbors are. I couldn’t sleep at all. = «SOI ^ощ А|ла|£Х| § 44 S4. unit 29 7|Efc OfKIU- -^л| 403
3. SfojУ1""71 Self-Check * q-s- ля Ж JLS^MK. Ш SPfe ВДЦ *tgA| «oil Sib A®£ if >g 4?| «0|0. Ф Ш *P°| 0^ *tOfAl A^h^oi ^A| ^ёШЕ @ Щ t!^o| s^Ph Op* 4*IE! A^§0| 4I0JI ^A||7|- ВД. ® LH ^^Pl- Ч ЗДЭ a|-^§0| ца| ^}0|q. @ LH *po| ^apH E| *ОД >5}£ A^§01 Ч10Ц ^Aj|7H «Q. [ Answersand Explanations j- • - - . , «- You are supposed to find a sentece that your friend's voice is so small that people can hardly hear it. @ means that people can hear the voice even though it is small. ® and @ assumes the friend’s voice to be even smaller. Therefore, none can be correct. Ф which means that since friend's voice is so small that people can hardly hear it is correct. n ф 404_ фот-ЬА|
-5i/2iaa|^z -(o)a|4Z oA|^ 5jL|- sfoa|2|ji Verb *iq- 2fSt°ai43. 5foa|S}H Adjective на] 422 01Й/ЙЯ442 (01)4422 gAf+ОЩ Noun+ОЩ SfAy ®[ЛНО|ЯОЕЧ4Л 5^O|44Z 51422 £P?4422 О °i41 a°ll И is used to speculate something. SW> . «А|и| ^Ь1оноцт7|-^ I believe that you will pass the exam since you studied hard. • 5|^o|l| o<3s| si-bige Е!Ц-44Л -Й4ёц. Since we go to the same school, I believe that we might run into each other at school. • л Af^oi A|g д| *1;'«ог|а}л ^44*1 I never thought that he/she was Jiyoung s friend. ф£|А|-§| Guidelines -огда ‘ВД, Ж4Ч W ^44 4^ £4. Verbs such as ?:!t-r. ’Л4&Н'+, ЙЦ, etc’ often come behind ’ £'.a|a) i’.‘ ‘ЛМ 44, ЖЖ *34 ^444444. It is used as ‘ йа|?.|Ь: N* in front of nouns that mean -ЛИ,<W. HS, etc.’ ® Qfe 23 A^0| ?FX|Z 5/СИЯ. I believe that he will not tie. (§M) (Noun) unit 29 7|E^ (J) -оа]4л _405
...1 °' °41 ° '-2-2'2v2r AoAoV£ $oVcv'o\ xv¥ М-&Ы2.. This is often used as -°5|£fZfe ofoT S°HT '-°2i2v2£ ^oV£ ^ovcv'o.1 eioib сн и ojoti chqh/w AglVi^v £61-2 LbEVLHfi. 2ги/W AWJ- АН-Н-л\£ йоь тн-жь 22ь Qtolitr "У °- й^°гь сн _о а|гщ£ -y-yt я-ад' means that the speaker did not even think of the chance of such thing. Therefore, it is used to express that it is something so surprizing that the speaker did not think about it even once. Ex L-|7|- O|bf A|t|0||Ai фьу£ . I never thought that you would take the first place in this exam rj Self-Check & 7]-^- Т7 5А1Л] P, 7|g£Ai| 6sl 38S 7f: EH-p|Et бЩ JUfog = AfatO| EJ-g ф0|| sfEfL| ф Q: Ai£. ® ¥ 4^01 ® ¥ 4^0| Ц# Of oFE.|-3 ^'А| ¥JH> 7-|0||0 @ ¥ А^0| А|-0|7|- Lfbbq-J? Ayzf7|2 @ А|-0|7|- AH=fO| 7^|-2 ,—-.Г” Answers and Explanations The sentence means that the speaker never thought that the two people who would always fight with each other would get married. @ means that the speaker believed that they would surely get married, @ means that the speaker thought that the two were getting along, and @ means that the speaker thought that they would get married. Therefore, Ф which means that the speaker never thought that they would get married is correct. Answel ф 406_
кя Usage ®Л| W mat Verb Щ0Щ mat ёЩ 0 Qj о] 7] о} 3} ^-Ej-7]- ?! ЧЧЧ1Ч. it is used to say that something almost happened but didn't at the end. ’ oh°l #*=f a^f -32} 412-10j| 5лО]Я. I nearly fell asleep but I woke up by a phone ring. . H|-^0| .“ L|Z7|- °!0| б||Я. The leaves are nearly falling by the wind. • “Sон^сц ift=f ЁЦЯ. I’m nearly touching it by stretching my hands. 2. *t°,! * Ч-b- S -т^°И Ц: ладя. 0f*'0]| 4r^0||Aj лу ёНй^СЦ. ф>^0|0ЦЯ (2) § Н“1$НСНЯ ® S77F ёНЯ @ ёНЯ —F Answers and Explanations j The speaker is saying that it nearly is going to rain. -§ ®ДО|С|' of Ф means that nothing else is different than one, ‘-g Вв}Ц-’ of @ means that something almost happened while '§^1 5fCf of @ means the plan of the subject. Therefore, @ which means that it nearly is going to rain is correct. Answer ©-в^Г^ад_407 unit 29 7|EJ
I I -X| пгн(2)? §A|- Verb SiLf 4*1 лгЦ(Я)? 44 7^1 лгц(я)? О 4# oM «И It is used to suggest or recommend something to someone else. ЙЯ . LjjQJ 2]A|- CHE! 4 OjOf Л°10|0]|Я. I don’t know what I should wear to a job interview tomorrow. Ц-: Л|уЕ10]| У Зё-Ц 4*1 Л2ЦЯ? What about the black suit you got last time? • е=ллс^1 ^0| HV O^Lil. | might have a sore throat, it hurts so bad. Ц: да OfA] ДХ| ДгН? What about having some honey tea? Self-Check * e> 5]n]7]- ргл]л] 9 msioi ojojt-j -а-уущ S »A| ранена. Ц: Wl (ИЩ1Я? ф 42. ® £ВёН *2Л||2. ® W2? @ £Ш4*1 ЛЗЦЯ? [ Answers and Explanations J The speaker is recommending gloves for the other person’s birthday gift for his/her mother. ‘S%1 SQ’ of Ф means the speaker's plan, Oj/O| igQ’ of ® is used to prepare something beforehand while 7Д ёЩ’ of @ means that someone is letting someone else to do the work. Therefore, neither can be correct. @ which used ‘-X| HSUS?’ that means to recommend someone to do something is correct. Answer @ 408_ @ -*l пе«(а)?
60V IteS BB Bfv ’ЗЙВ lolzfiv ^ййй ЖЛш >k)tii © '3k)> йкй ^ййй й № кгйяВ ftkki? 0 otof IoIzSy йШк) й Вк-Дятг ШйтЕй & ’Зй> Io-IzSy Чййй й IyIo™ Витт <ЙЙ5 О ЙВ IoIzSy йЙеЙ Й I ЙШитг >ЙЙ° ’у к fra IT [k$-K> -Q-faff -§-h ЙЙ^Чз О 4WiS 0 ТГЙНЙЙЙ Э Вй ДЙЙ О ’31к£ Й^ ^В1Й10 ( ) khlfe В Й Ж2|у еП :й ‘ЙЙВ^В io йй Ю^> ГгкЙА -к •^ккнтг <-В м йк ^1ойНу 0 Н§ йotoioI□ HY iologfetekBiolnHY Э ЙкВТоЙНУ э ’( ) Iv-ioIk) kit Й^юЙЙГ 5Й ’ЙЙЙ :Й ’йй:^ йй йкНо кк гй ’-к Й1о№ ккйй In жй Яй к ук^нтг зэЧик> Ыо ( ) z Ной кйкв 0 кй1Уйк^ в НЙЙЙЙ5Г О |£ЙоЖ1?5 ’3ll¥i И9йй 5й Нойте УЙкаТГ Й|п|о -{/Гтч-д й 1> suojpao© aaipoJd |(i4-£
Iks кв в# о it olkiB тг-кт? кжПз 3lkil ^Нз 43 k^iB о!кЖ 55]2Га| № k¥ia О olkiB ^зШТаВ 11о 4 кз k^ia 3lkB эЗзШТаВ з-Ia йктг ‘з1Юк И 4 k^ia ’3 к [г a Ik 4&^₽> 1ка-|н 44zif 4 lYpaTT |-Yk)te @ ЗН§ КЙ4ю О kdnis >к О ок)|ой ( ) Haji Чкй ki lhfc Ф1к 1уйШ тгш к1о^й :к ’З'кЕгнТГ >-В й&к к к# Цо( ) L ЗМп 3k)R- LTlYk Э зк)н° irtaiY-la is йкТо fv-ln Э зкзна^ W тгкМп loa Э Зк)Вэ lYlsHelO §falY ^Мп ф зк)iftfe ЧМп = teS- W lYk)® klYk »‘з1~Но :ki бЗкЭгМп loS lYltoivfe IlYk) :k -tehto to-i^ к 9 "k)H2 ( & ^kHslo 0 К ilfelo 0 !? 0 BSH§lo О ) 4°r lYSeH В Hb^IYf? ®-1 tHY lOri^HT 4ohlO ’-h к isH§lo Ъ ItoklY юЧ= Найп Wek) S§lh Дз :k ’З'кЕгнТГ -B-k ^чик> Ib4o ( suaiissn© Saipan |p£^.
NJ mh й Й dl> HD Ф ш>< oh Hr о* о hx ш* oh Пг ho © ф I1J>J Hl* oh oh nr id ЕЁ HJ° a hJ hx ho Ц -HJ mini oh iu° _ № oh ° > J* S Hi ho nifi я r|r ho □|o (11°. M5 Г|о >2 (U|o trh К Ф © OIL OK rh ni> Ji1 ЕШ Si о ГО о r° FX п>1 oh ° Ю EH >7 © ® OK OK nJ* 111* J§z ;§= N°. >15 Г|о >bL ru|o trh >
® © Г21 Гй J г|г SS Ю |0 _Ш Г2 l--1 5Й oh Ш|0 г* -U г|г 5° п г? 01^ п 011Я 12 ш> ад Г ад п г • Г—1 © гй гй Г|Г Ю Г|Г о7.° Г|п п|о -|п |£1 Л ф о>£ П12 г£ ПЙ, (-oj> >2 Ф Н |ш пй К ® Пг пЦп то Ш|0|' ши Р-1 2 ад п|> -Й г|п 0|||М и|> © Аг № Мо № ги X 52 Ш|0 ГЛ ы © Аг Мо о ю ГЙ Й<! ф Аг Мо о 1ВГ г^ 5 0|° ofi toll i® т 02 К>|| oi diol' оа п£ |й оЮ .И J2 X 02 ЮР ГУ .2 X П1|> ПИ 02 Ьо|, Йй Ш Н -С п АЙ 0^1 .2, >1$ Иг =Й tol'. X, Jfl KI J|(U (flE Ф Art An: _& x 0*. njo >£ Г|о Ш|о пй K>
ZL9 lY=rf5 |Y^ 0 ’t]ja ( fr ^-h § 4^ 0 кЬЖ bk^O ) 5H? §B к Hi ЕГШ g 5ja 5b !□ §o ^loglte йЬйй irlB lofefr w i2 ^lo lorB Ikllologlfe № Hi ^3 “<5ЧУ|гг7Г >J£ yHa4i> 54a -tzlpir lk’;k fn 91 ЗЬЙ lY^ JdIYIdIO Ik 41? otoii? IISPz lkfi> lYfliB "ок)|й И&Ёг Ik-io Iy-3-Is 5Б ’^к)Ш ккШ§> izfiafo о 5lk)lo5 Мой Ab IОтг тгк ’ЗН--1Ю kA -it&Pz lk^ :|-1 6ok)Hs&lz Iy SfiSfo ^bk) Hu k# :k TTkirHir ^Hci {^la|p -fcr д н ji -f^ia SI ^H§lk ЯВИя 0 olofz Й- iiBHi 0 з^кШйНя e 3ltobb bteflb о ciHsliill Hobfv iSKsi ( ) :b i3llaii6b IykS lobR- bo бЗНок ^Id Sfe >lv§ Io ‘lw gb :k "JlYlYEff ^оЧа^ Црйо ( ) VI ок)мй кй IO>£lY0 З1йй1й ккзк Но^ в oklkifeYr llOfi ЬтЫ* oklHliffl R klTlY IoShS IT-fe-kiY^ ^IyIIo^-Вй kbS 6lYri£- Игг irfij Iyf? HSi kb^ ft-feU :b -F-rlrvW^ I— LJ so оЮ-Га^ч- -№-!(£ HakY kbbi2 BzFSBR klo kllY :k "iMyitнтг -tzk 1Ьтчтч ft Игщ "SH? Cl
£L7 IkSBBRB hhtolo^Slo Э hbKte Bio 0 hhi^S S-lo 0 hb^SoO 6Z”un 'ohSb iitek lioB MteBfivR hbOYsio Мог?- IyHobIs '5'Iy^hIT SB W Bit В *-Hto SB Sh”h В Ufa oz ofea 151Y SB ofe ВЯВ 0 о1к)5з§ ДВ Зк)ю kte SB 0 3k)?5BS BBS ^irbS io Bk SB Ш ‘^ktrsir SB SB ф < toit-k -Ьг^"н R 'f-t1 61 ТГю io teR SB О lThzi io j=?ldll-Y SB kb te ¥lk SB 0 TTta 5 Lfto SB О tOkatfl BB МЫ? S Ain S =ita SB ik-lo BS :B 6Sk)ir bk) BlFia StO ’B к В г it SB < M4h Br r- & 81 к)н§ iritezS LTBirite^ 0 кэВ Bto5T 0 k)B В SB5 О 6Й5 str lYltflY Щ raU :B dk)io Ф SteS > lYto IyS HaSBIoSS lloBi filo В IyBhit SB SBB IkB-R R SS Li
>'7Н 0=121. 2 *“ «- ь* 2-WI practice Questions 21 ^<4 ^ofl %!’¥-& 2^-4142 4: 2Ц 0Ц7Ц >£42?, Ц: 0|OfSH£. £4442 °H>E|| |h£S ttj|E]47[ &£0jQ_. © » *|0|42 sHOfs © >4Л|0| 3|>{<Л1О|4Л 5JJS42 € £44 4S$!ib*l >42 Э £44 feSte*l 4342. ££0]2 4-g- £< 4 ¥¥ ¥ 3K ?gW © 7f^>0| 2^ <2!1 Af*i> 2£Ц|2. © 41^ §4 §£> 2 L| 771- H^7t %ощ. © 2£H°.roj| 42> 2!Lpil © 2Ш Щ71- Aigpil 5ЩЦ A]^4 ^ho| yo]£. 23 4-§- ¥ ¥¥¥ 3ia.^A]_$. 410|| £0| 24 / °J# S14 © 410j| £0| 224Л °J> &01O. © 41011 Ь0| 244 ?J> ¥ Stole. 41011 ^0| 24А1Ч Й42 © 41011 ^0| 244 ¥ §1012. 24 ’t’JH *1 ¥¥°1] '?!¥ ¥ 31-S- aia.^A]2 7p. o§ Ph >44 §1122 > 4= Sl¥ <401 « 7Ц °}O12 4: 40F2. Дб|, ©xlU&0| >Dh4 B^oq € лЦ±&0| ^44 >й^Л| >Е^Я ©W ^44 С *И4 ^4§ia| 414
c>H§ -ra-is с>к)ю kfe кк)га ofe йлгкэЕ © 3lk)lo^ gkS © Ш 6zH oloiftlotoB lY-ta ’Slhfeu klo^ ^io k)> Itoh :k ^Iy^hK >ft ^чк-ft IIp^h- ft >ft <ft 8Z Iklkrl? © hb-ls © lYTTi? О ок)н5Ж ifig ll-i^ioft lo-Rr Hofnfe^F II-yk) 5feu io :-h 6okk% k)> ( ) zr-bii в >iks khr 1пФ :k $ ft ft нIT >ft YHaft Ltp4z?LFL LZ о кэ ЮЮ kog a >gk © ок)н°а lo^k @ "ok)Hg lofn ю& окЖ lO'S'in © ok> lY4to> ккю 1*Ш k^ "эЫатг ’-fti ok)ioS- ТГ-ЬнекШ 1кэ4^Ио llofilo loSk :k ’yftftFir >ft ft-ft к ft to -кшт ft 9? Н?кну ТГкк^: ЙЙЙ oft -S k)£> > >tek) lk§lo к Й12 © io к ShS'S I via Йкнз & IOhS^ 5fvfv low © IdIYhs-iyIIO окне Zrh IkfeTT :tl |OiS Ф Bg ^ohFo 1к)ЕГШк] к Hi :k ’ckftiYinr Irk "ft-ta-ft kft [к'н’н ft -S-ft SZ
Practice Questions 29 Jr^2t ^Dl7t 3}-=r -Н-^-4!л]-2- ^0| LH£1 ёщд О]д|Ц O^qgAl л^> *|> ^ььон °№. € OH? Oh>^A| op? o^q-^ У30Ц op? ёН£ C op? of>«£< 30 21 4^4 ^l7! 5LS^A]£. 4: ^fOj| £fO| of ^Л| q§0|0||fi. Ц: Ap| *10|| q-sSF oo> 7j| О]Щ&? d °^<О^77ЩЯ. °°S °ЬФ11 twi-я? € £Ь1|ёН #5J<W. op|A| лгцо? 31 !Й?И <£^7 Л1=^а].£. 7K п ад e^oii a^§oi gtoi йчадя? Ц: b-ц, ад g*y>0|. Ai|E!L1|fi ^2?F адш лцадя ад йощ 416
Appendix Irregularities Informal Speaking Declarative sentence
1. ‘c’ ‘с’*1 н-н- -<W ‘°-’S 4- о]# ‘с’7|- ‘н’З. Н}?Г]-. ‘^-С]-, ^4’4 ^4^ ^4 7} «1ад гс j irregularity : If a stem that has a final consonant of ‘ >= ’ is connected with something that begins with vowels either ‘Of/Of or ‘°’, ‘ >= ’ changes to ‘ a’. However, in case of ‘^q and gfq’ ‘<= ’ remains the same. ► &+ OjS — 2 + Ojfi — ► зд a + ° Ц4—a° L-M -0f/0]2 -0f/0]£ -(O)5 Eildl -(°)0 -(°)И4 -(±)t«qq S^L|q 01 S' uliu >q£ m|n IU|O ГЗ ^осц fe°L|77F nin и|> JZ lT □Hj S14I >og >°L|77( lT zr <|U □HJ yq EilCil ^огя ^°L|Z7( -feisMq qofo ВД th о of ^oq4 £^qq «tq “t0|-o ch0|-E @141 cz—El “foq;7|. ^qq L Example °20| gOjOf Ш EilCil £И|ВЬЧ|2. Since we are going to have to walk a lot, please bring comfortable shoes. ^qr# >Oj ЩЦ4 Oj^OjO? How was it to listen to Korean music? QJA-i xfOil ^°Ai|o We are leaving soon. Please put your luggage in the car. 2. ‘и’ : aj-^o] ‘и’о] 4 #4 i-g- ‘o>/o|’q- ‘O_’S. 444-4 4^ ^414- 44 < 4# ‘4/4’4r ‘4’S. ‘.2-Чг ‘4’S. 4 W. 4, ‘-§-4’4 H'S- 4/4’5. < ^4 ‘4/4’fe ‘«q-’s. ц-да. ‘«qq-, <4’4 ^4^ $ 44 ^E]-. rbj irregularity : If a stem that has a final consonant ofis connected with something that begins with vowels either ‘Of/Of or ‘.°’, ‘ь’ disappears and ‘Of/Of changes to ‘£T and ‘°’ changes to 4.' However, in case of ‘йЦ or fftf, the form of the final consonant remains the same. 418
ОЩ - q + °|О -> q°js ► о L|4 - > q + ° i_|77f - > q ° ьрд -орощ -opqt -(o)a Ejiqj -(0)2 -(O)L-]2n -(^)«L|q rp nHo 4 ’3 g^Liq ЙГ lH IU|O о Of>4£|2. Ob>q°3 om°Lw (WS£L|q Hq£|o лптн s oHu □" rq TLOf°oi ЛПЬ°Ц77Ь £S>b£ Etiq JE°Q1 n|n nl> r £jqs ^qt 01RI £JOL|27b IIRI ПЬЯ о K> I o|ni KID ^ОСИ t=j—72 §°Ц7П lT _1 KID KID Example ^Ofl gfOfl *>§ . Since the weather’s too hot, I cannot fall asleep at night. Since the subway station is close by, it is easy to go to work. • K|7|- ois 20 Aq^O|Oi|o. The clothes Sanghee is wearing are fashion these days. o_ ‘o.’^ r°.j irregularity : If a stem that has a final consonant as vowel ‘°’ is connected with something that begins with vowels either ‘Of/Of, ‘°’ of stem disappears. Oj“C| ► 0| + 0Щ — -opqo -Ob/qt -(O)a Eiiq -(°)S -(o)l|4 -(Л)мцд 0||™q О||Ш]Я 0||U4£ 0||> EJIRI 0||™S 0||™L|4 ОЦ^ЦЦ 7|ььц 7|HUjo 7|HU]£ 7|> Efiqi 7|внси 7|««L|77b 7|^L|q Ting ЛИЦО 5ИЦЯ 57= Ejiqi ?ПД| 71ИЦ7Ц ЛШЦЦ AAQ go gs ЦЕНЕН AA EH ^Ц77Ь Sqq 419
АЬё| д|±= 0ЦНЧЛ1 °l7|7f Since Sanghee is so pretty, she is really popular. • sfe § Qfe § 5!Jt|L| L1° ПЩЯ. Since I didn’t really have breakfast, I am so hungry. • 0|У Cf JUj tf^<W. I've already spent all my salary. 4. ‘a’ ‘S’*?! ‘°И£. Wfe № ofl Ш-х] ‘e’o] X§7]J7 ‘o_’7} ^o|x]E]-. r§j irregularity : If a stem that has a final consonant of is connected with something that begins with ‘Of/Of, stem has a final consonant of ‘s’ and ‘°’ disappears. ► ад + of© = a + о fa — -Of/Ojo -Of/OJH -(°)s 0141 -(0)0 -(O)L|4 -(Л)мЦЦ fiBQ ?вд S5.L|27|- Л* giq| 71 вр1 аац ai eii til ?ag авцц ¥> S!t|| “.5,g “5L|77f Example • л Af^s 0^£| >&ia Ч ый £! 5ЙОЩ. No matter how many times I've called, he never answered. & • a§ ^b7b що| ёна. They say that the prices have risen so high these days. ^0| ^4 ^Aiia. It's my friend's birthday and I’d like it if you would pick a present with me. 5. ^o] ‘a’°1 _e.£ ‘oWQ ‘a’5. a]z|-^ O_ ‘a’o] &ojx]q-. r-*'j irregularity : If a stem that has a final consonant of ‘a’ is connected with something that begins with vowels either ‘Of/Oj’ or ‘°’, ‘л’ disappears. + ОЩ = А|0Ш + аз = А|аз 420
-O^Ojo -Of/OiE -(°)e m -(°)S -(°)R4 -(Л)мЦЦ SIR A|R2. X|Oj£ Alt EJIRI A|O£4 A|°Lp7f 5!£LJR SR V-Ojo ¥> 014I ы.о oi “°Ц77| Hi r 5!R А10Щ X1OJ£ ai> eiR XjoS A|OL|77| SR SR£ s o|ni OK x°S S°L|77| lT zr <|D OK ^q- L- „52..- *i!> gici| >!—S %°L-|77| ^LJR Example J ^OilAi Й0ЯА1 ^=0| VSJOIS. Since I fell down on the street, my ankle is swollen x|g x| ИОЩ? How long has it been since Dongdaemun was built? All Sb ЭО|ОШ. My younger brother/sister tends to smile a lot. 6. ‘s’ #7^2]: ub^o] ‘h’o] fi-g- ‘i_, и, a’S. A]3]-^ -T- R# ‘s’°l cn°, ‘s’ll oRbcr Я--5- ‘e’ ^4 ‘О-’?} rSj irregularity : If a stem that has a final consonant of ‘s’ is connected with something that begins with vowels of ’ ,ы or л’, ‘a’ disappears. Furthermore, if a stem that has a final consonant of ‘ s’ is connected with a vowel ‘°’disappears. bRR = ^L|R ► (=7 + Ь = Afe ► =aS -Of/OiS -0|/0i£ -(O)a EHCll -(£>)£ -(°)R4 -(^)bL|R Areiiqi АЩ771 4tRR >R ШОГЯ iu|r ГЯ hzL|77| tUR SftR ys ВД SI-EL-W SttRR §R SIR D]L-|77|- 3RR 421
[ Example tF^OflAi >4 A| 10taO| Е]°10Щ. It’s been 10 years already since I’ve lived in Korea. . Z?f ^Z -У0Щ. I miss my mom’s homemade cooking. • El 0|AK 7]|^ ^ША|Ц. Even when are of us moves to somewhere far, let’s keep in touch. 7. ‘^’21 Ч/°Г£ ищ ‘^>1- &°lzlz 47} 1! W ftt ^-T- ‘^4r ^°17]x]nb ‘o^/offe rsj irregularity : If a stem that has a final consonant of‘ ®’ is connected with something that begins with vowel ‘Of/Of, ‘®’ disappears and ‘Of/Of changes to ‘0Ц’. However, when it is connected with something that begins with ‘°’, ‘®'disappears but ‘Of/Of remains the same. ttrq- ► + of£ = tans -(П/ощ -OF/Ojt -(O)e EflCH -(°)S -(°)L|4 -(л)мцц hzWQ tent bztr EIEII WQ 40ЦЯ S14I 77FDFS 77F^L|Q 6F0|]o 6F0|]£ 6^ Eiiqi sFOfS 6FOfL|77F ё^ЕгЦЦ zgcF ЛЙЦ2. лгЦ£ ЛИ ЕНЩ za|3 lT -J <111 ИРЮ Г1 Example sm AjsHAi । tana. Since yellow dust is serious, the sky is yellow. • soi 4fe ojom ёна. When you go to a funeral, you should wear something black. OfO|OIHI ZS S}2 >0^0. When it comes to raising kids, the more you praise them, the better it is. 422
1. eh0|--^7| Usage хЩЦ Цо]/]- Н]£Ц ЦЦ Л]Ц /]-/]МЦ Цо]/]- о]Ц А]-ЦЦ О]ОЦЩ Ц Aj-й-ЦЦ. It is used to the speaker s friends, people of same age, who are close or younger. 7|-. Ite-пг (Declarative sentence/ Interrogative sentence) -SJ/SJOi -of/q 4°)= 7j0f §Af Verb qq qqq qq ?iot &q ZJ7iOf -5t/$q -oF/q -(O)e 7i0f §gAj Adjective qq q£tq qo) o’ o|ru i<r sq aq 71 >7i0f 0|2jq/^q (0|)0f SAF+O|q Noun+0|Q ё[ЛН ^oi^q q^O|Of Al^Ot Example Ц: £Ц7|- > Of SOI9Lil 0]q &0i? I haven’t seen Donna lately. Do you know where she’s gone to? Ц: W ^2J0i. I heard that she went overseas to study. • УУ 2Ц 0|g7i| ^ojOi? Why are you so late? Ц: q^H. ZJO| ofsiAi ^7(. odotq. I’m sorry. I couldn’t get out of the traffic jam. • 7\\ Offl O|Op|of0 A^t ь?0|? Ofe A^O|Of? Who was that person you were talking to? Is he/she someone that you know? Ц: Yes He/she was my classmate at high school _423
Ц. S о тс (Imperative Sentence) -Of/Oj -л| or §xr Verb Oj ил| o) Verb 7Г 7ГХ1 or Example I 7КЫ1 Е11Ц| ^0| «О]. You should eat a lot since you must be hungry. Ц: ZO^-I. 711 EM. Thanks you. Everything looks delicious. 7f: ££7^L|4 Oh It’s hot so don’t touch it. Lf: ^a a 45 Ok, what a relief. Q. (Suggestive Sentences) -Af -A| ^ХГ Verb QjXf 7Щ 7M 7)x| W*r SSB AIZt°l 7M. We don't have much time so let's hurry. Lf: ЛЕН. 7|Цй|. Ok, just wait for a second. 7K 5^SL| H|7f>SOt0|0f. The sky is cloudy. It might rain. Lf: QS|L1|. 7fA| 5UK Yes, then let's not go today. 424
2. Ц eh0|r2| More in detail Ьс.О|ПЬ nas b|^ dis Aib/S Lfe / H Jib ^2JL|C|. - Lfe Sf^OIOf. 4PI 4Pf Ш41Я. - UPf 1Й1. (^!£) цё/а ¥¥<41Я? - Lfe WOf? (9i!0|) LiPI (9t!0|) SIIS AAldlfi? - Ljp> SJigOlOf? X|O| / 41 / LH 41 ow *!?> i7H Ш711Я. - LH OW Ш41. (Si!£|) Lj°| / L1| (9<.I£|) X® Bh 40ЦЯ. - Lil лк IT 7M (9*®) IT mini № AfgSHS. - Lil А^бН. moihi / нт (SilOiHI) ЯП xi#0| О10Щ - LiOIHI > £>0| ЙО]. / g£№) Ц<4 / ЦбЩ (Si!4) 1S6KE £0jS. - Li<4 1Й6КП. £Oi. Ш "о Lil, ШДО1Я. - §, SBJJOi. oms от ощя, >4Я. — о|Ц, >af. _425
Declarative k sentence 1- s'0|‘^7| Usage 2fio]Q ЛГ&71Ч °U7] Ы- > *Wh It is often used in the literary style. ~(°)s 50Щ ^4 Verb moiq. lT JU ЙГ 3!0|4 7Щ -st/sm -Ц -(0)5 50|Q Adjective tl 50Щ C||uuq 011ИЦ СЦННЦ oils 50Щ 01ЯЦ/ЯЦ (O|)Cf Ц 3iO|Q SA(+O|Q Noun+0|Q oixy ^0|Q atAyOj 50 Щ Example Lfe 0Ц^ ^Oil Ш. I go to school every day. № #оьЦ. The weather was nice yesterday. xi £0| яощ. That person must be Mr.Kim. 426
it 7511 Answers for Practice Questions ЦП it' 1 ЯЕШ1 Compromise 1.Ф 2. @ 3. Ф 4.® 5. Ф 6.® Limitation 1.® 2.® 3. @ 4.® 5.® 7. ® 8. @ 9. Ф 10. Ф 11. ® 12. @ 13.® 14.® 15.® unitify EE1 bstin9 UFlit« ЕЯ Degree 1.Ф 2. @ 3.® 4.@ 5.® 6. @ 7. 8.® 9.® 10.® 11.® 12. ® 1.@ 2.® 3.® 4.® 5. @ State Continuance 1.® 2. @ 3.® 4. Ф 5.® 6. Ф 7. Ф 8.® 9. @ 10.® 11.® 12.® Supposition 1.Ф 2. @ 3. Ф 4.® 5. @ 6. Ф 7. ® 8. @ 9. ® 10. ® 11. ® 12. ® 13. Ф 14.® 15.® 16. ® 17 @ 18.® 19.® Condition/ Assumption 1.@ 2.® 3.® 4. Ф 5. Ф 6.® 7.® 8. Ф 9. @ 10.® 11. @ 12.® 13.® 14.® 15.® 16.® 17.® Reason UjJHj Ш1 Order 1. Ф 2. ® 3. ® 4. ® 5. ® 6. @ 7.® 8. Ф 9. Ф 10. @ 11.® 12.® 13. @ 14. @ 15.® 16.® 1.® 2.® 3.® 4. ® 5К^2Ц - ё^гн 5. @ 6. ® 7. @ 8. Ф 9. ® 10. ® 11.® 12.® 13. @ 14. @ 15.® 16. @ 17.® 18. @ 19. Ф 20.® 21. @ 22. Ф Purpose (Intention) Causative 1.Ф 2.® 3. Ф 4. ® 5.Ф?1В-?|зН 1.® 2. Ф 3.5101 4. Ф 5. @ 6.® 6.® 7.® 8.® 9. Ф 10. @ 11.® 12. Ф Chance Unijh Citation (indirect speech) 1.Ф 2.® 3. Ф 4. ® 2b S0|| - 2h S0|| 5.® 2.® 3.® 4. @ 5. @ 6. @ Determiner Certainty 1.@ 2.® b —3. @ 4. ФЬВДЬ^ЬВДЕ! 5. Ф 1.@ 2.® 3.® 4.® 427
Regret 1.® 2.® 3. Ф 4. Ф ЧОЙ W 1,@ 2. @ Completion 3. Ф 4.® 5. @ t Checking information 1.® 2.® 3. @ 4. @ 5. @ iG □ I51* Contrasting 1.® 2. @ 7. Ф 8. @ 3. @ 4. ® 5. @ 6. ® unit-20 1.® 2.® ВВцЦ^Ц^ Planning 3. Ф 4. @ 5. ® 6. ® 7. @ 8. Ф 9. Ф unital Passive 1. @ 2. ® 3. Ф 4.® цшйИ 1.® 2.® Standard 1.Ф 2.® wtHhga eCBI Time 1.Ф 2. Ф 3.® 4. @ Choice Comparison 1.® 2. Ф 3. Ф 4. Ф 5.® 6.® 7.® 8. @ 9. @ 10. @ 11.® 1.® 2. Ф 3. @ 4.® 5. Ф 6.® 7. @ 8.® 9. Ф 10. @ 11.® 12.® 13.® 14.® 15.® 16.® 17.® Others Miscellaneous 1.® 2. @ 3.® 4.® 5.® 6.® 7. @ 8.® 9.® 10. Ф 11. @ 12. Ф 13. Ф 14.® 15. Ф 16.® 17.® 18.® 19. @ 20.® 21.® 22. Ф 23.® 24.® 25. Ф 26. @ 27. @ 28. @ 29. Ф 30. @ 31. Ф unitSB, СЕЕЁ) Wish • Hope 1.® 2. @ 3. Ф щцЬМ EDB Change 1.@ 2. Ф 3.® 428
639 lOHYW^J SO? LLl В11Ч- 88? loi£ ^11й- £98 lYltf 688 (^)li5kli^- 10? Itefz- ZZ 5H2 К11Ч- 661 llok- ?7? —1 —1 69 L £12 jo|£- Z81 13 й- 981 tai? jBk- ?9 Ыой Й- 818 • bklR (»k- 60? • 1Ю> 86? Ы? 5k- £0? 1Ю1з Ч- £61 Itoato k- 668 • iiteik =:- 891 Ы2 5k- 388 • 1112 868 (о)нк- 888 ?8 • £№ ^k- ?9? • li£>/lil5B > 88 k^5(k)k- £68 1 г|г *0 п L68 (k)k- 09 lilo& 69? Ыо^ю к- LEE (lk))l01Y 911 (Mitel* к- ?£L • liloB Ч- 081 Ыо£1п к 8£? (1ю)й1и Я— 89? • Ы2 Е- 86 L 1ЮВ1я 911 1YIL- 89 lilofo5 Ч- 96 IoI-YlT- 69 1112^ 86 IYlT- 968 В =на § 18 5К- 638 (1Ю)В§ 96 (la) 115 К- 991 • klilli 98? 11В К- £0? llo^fe Я— 368 • (о)1Гш1Г- 998 • (1ю)г?но ?6 lYll IT- 088 5Н1 9?? 1112 Ik- ?8? । Г|Г Oil 8L8 lite Ik- 98? 1 Г|Г пй 601 • Ik- 68 ьв & 08? В12- 861 1Гк5- S£l ^k- 888 li=r- 998 (lik-) lik- LS • 115 11- ??L Bl?&12 1 i_ jeLumejQ joj <apu| 1 lufiz /ЦМ U 1 ОНЧИА О
CJ о
->УёЩ 43 ->“ЧёЩ 389 -> ^°h ОЩЕ} 143 ->£O|Cf • 137 45 -В ^iaO|Q • 51 -# ЗШ(ЛГ) 61 -> вд 73 ->^(Я) 71 -#77Ц4(А1) 63 -#лГёЩ • 291 -В^Г ад 407 -0|/о|/а|/?| 298 -о|/ё|/а|/7|/° 224 0|ад 364 0|0flS 366 X АГ 101 -ВД • - 90 -SOKS) 265 SAf 373 -А| дгЦ(Я)? 408 ж х|Л 358 ёГ£ Oh/OiA-l 216 gWAHO| 431
Authors’ Profile Currently, Head of the Korean language course at Konkuk language institute KIM JOO YEON Master’s degree Of Korean language education at the Graduate school of education, Yonsei University Doctorate degree of Korean language and literature at Konkuk University Previous work: -cKorean l>, Konkuk University press / cKorean 3>, Konkuk University press <TOPIK in 30 days-Intermediate Vocabulary>, Bagijeong press Currently, Korean language instructor of Fukuoka YMCA in Japan MOON SUN Ml Master’s degree of Korean language education at the Graduate school of education, Yonsei University Previous work: cKorean 5>, Konkuk University press <TOPIK in 30 days-Intermediate Vocabulary>, Bagijeong press Currently, Korean language instructor of language education institute, Seoul National University YOO JAE SEON Master’s degree of Korean language education at the Graduate school of education, Yonsei University Previous work: cTOPIK in 30 days-Intermediate Vocabulary:*, Bagijeong press Head of the grade, Korean language course at the Hansung institute of language education Korean Master’s degree of Korean language and literature at Ewha Womans University LEE JI WOOK Doctorate degree of Korean language and literature at Ewha Womans University Previous work: cKorean Grammar Activites-Elementary>, LanguagePlus <TOPIK in 30 days-Intermediate Vocabulary>, Bagijeong press <TOPIK Writing / Composition: The Complete Guide-Intermediate>, LanguagePlus Currently, Head of the grade, Korean language course at Konkuk language institute CHOI YOU HA Master’s, degree of Korean language education at the Graduate school of education, Yonsei University Previous work: cKorean 5>, Konkuk University press <TOPIK in 30 days-Intermediate Vocabulary:*, Bagijeong press TOPIK Essential Grammar 150 - Intermediate 20101 91 301 3±H 20131 41 301 A|^0| KIM JOO YEON • MOON SUN MI • YOO JAE SEON • LEE JI WOOK • CHOI YOU HA Wl ЩУ101 Ж ЩУК IK XHOI^XI КАЩА1-2! IK 111 20001 81 171 1-27185. KI W IK 826-28 1^11 14< (02) 764-1009 К (02) 3671-0582 UH-A —।— (02) 3671-0500 S4|0|A| http7/www. langpl. com o|o||l info@langpl.com ISBN 978-89-5518-939-1 14710 978-89-5518-938-4 (set) * TOPI№?1^>W ЯШ TOPIK Trademark® and TOPIK Copyright© by NIED(National Institute for International Education) Republic of Korea. * o] azfl S| Aflz] 41 go] ^4- ’Sil *W< К £3 ^41. * 4E т“М<! Л1^°]Ц М°И Н^Чс-К * ml
Essential Grammar After a thorough analysis of previous TOPIK, we analyzed grammar rules according to their frequency on the exam! Grammar rules are marked with 1 to 3 stars. Rules with the highest frequency are marked with 3 stars, and should be memorized before the exam. Written by experienced Korean language instructors who have been teaching at Korean language centers for years! This book was created written by well-experienced Korean language instructors whose expertise has been invaluable. Afterwards, it has been thoroughly edited by native speakers of each language. A must-have for those who are preparing for TOPIK in a short period of time! Basic explanations such as comparison between similar grammar rules, TOPIK tips, notices in cases of actual use, etc., as well as must-know facts of TOPIK are analyzed and suggested. Since it is translated into readers' mother tongue, it helps immensely in preparing for the exam by oneself. AM n|3.^ LanguageELUS S| \_________________________ ISBN 978-89-5518-939-1 ISBN 978-89-5518-938-4(se* 21,000?$ Designed by Hangulpark