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M. 3. 6H6oneToBo, O. A. AeHHceHKo, H. H. Tpy6oHeBo w  r CK 3 IK mCiU1)@w OO Po6ooSl TeTpO,IJ.b K ye6HI-1KY AJlSl 3 KJ1CCCO o6eo6pc30BcTel1bHblx ype)KAeHI-1 V13,IJ.CHl-1e BTopoe , ., - ..... , .  y , -- < '-  \,,,...,,.J.t + <..,..  " "  <", '(:;. \ \  3  ATE n beT 8 0 T V1 T VA TIT U L PUBLISHERS 2009 -- 
-  elcome to Green School! ,Afr>'> ,...e  ..... = t:J  Lesson 1 - 1. BnHlliH HeOCTaIOHe 6YKBbI aHrJIHHCKOro aJI<paBHTa. .  A ., B_1 Cc, D_, E_, _f, G_, H_, _i, -i, K ,_I, _m, _n, 00, P _, Q_, _r, 5_, T _, U_, _v, W_I X, V_, _2 " -  , ' \.. y: 2. Coe,n;HHH CTpeJIKaMH 3BYKH H CJIOBa, B KOTOpbIX OHH BCTpeqaIOTCH. [re] rei] big nose [ I ] [ aI ] [ D ]  long brave sad [dU] . nIne - 3. BCTaBb rrponym;eHHbIe 6YKBbI H npOqHTaii 06FJ>HBJIeHHe MHCTepa rpHHBy,n;a. <;.  -- '"  ., Iv __. . :-'.,.... - ,,*"  of..... . . <- ..... .". - , . Dear fr _ends, Welc_me to Green 5_hooll Let's re_d and write in English. Let's r _n and i-mp in the f_rest! Let's 9_ to s_h_ol t_gethe_! Mr Greenwood and his p_pils . -   . .'t ......;, ......" Y l."....... .." " .  . .' . . :.. . y "'"" . : . '" Yo: ,. .. -. '...,  (1 0 4. 06e3bHHKa IISM He ycneJIa ,n;onHcaTb paCCKa3 ,n;pyre. IIoMorH eii 3aKOHqHTb npeJIo.meHHH. 1) He is an elephant (CI10H). -2) His is Thomas. 3) He isn't angry. .4) He is 5) He can 6) He can't 7) We .. o CBoeM  "". . / . < -, . y - . to school together. 
Lesson 2 ,.-t ...... ..... =  1. IIoMorH HH03aBpHKY )]:aiiHo paCCTaBHTb 3arJIaBHbIe 6YK- BbI B aJIcPaBHTHoM nopHKe. CTpO"tIHbIe 6YKBbI COCTaBHT npeJIo.meHHe. HanHillH H npOqHTaii ero. " r.;;.. L. , :. ... \-  .. . B , " . . j>J;  - A  G  - "" > --.</.. " " J\. '0 v..." ., . , A w 2. KaKoe H3 STHX CJIOB JIHillHee? 3aqepKHH ero. 1) strong, sliDl, swi-m, shy, sad 2) skip, count, sit, six, stop 3) cat, cockerel, crocodile, can 3. PacKpacb PbI6KY, KOTOpyro nOHMaJI HH03aBpHK )]:aHH.od.tIO. IIoMHH, qTO KamaH Hcppa 0603HaqaeT OHH D;B.PTJ;Berr 1 - green 2 - blue 3 - red  4 - pink  5 - blacbla" 1 6 - gr nrf:llv 4. KaKHe 3a,n;aHHH TbI AaJI 6bI yqeHHKaM JIeCHOH lliKOJIbI. HanHillH. YnpamHeHHe 6 B yqe6HHKe nOMomeT Te6e. 1) I please. 2) 3) 4) 5) A I 
Lesson 3 1. CocTaBb CJIOBa H3 6YKB. HanHlliH .... H npO'tJHTaH, 'tJTO YMeIOT ?-4 .... .n;eJIaTb yqeHHKH JIeCHOH lliKOJIhI. ...... ..... 06pa3e: u, n, r- run = . 1) d, . . a, n, e, C 2) . n, 1, g, S - 3) . t 1, w, r, e, 4) n, c, u, 0, t 5) a, r, e, d - 2. CocTaBb npe.n;JIOmeHHH 113 CJIOB H n03HaKOMbCH C O.n;HO- KJIaCCHHeii MapTHHa. 06pa3e: have, a, friend, got, 1.- I have got a friend. 1) name, is, Her, Jane.- 2) nice, is, She, girl, a.- 3) well, can, She, dance.- 4) has, red, She, got, hat, a.- . ". 3. OTBeTb Ha BonpOCbI aHKeTbI yqeHHKa  .... JIeCHOH lliKOJIhI. " ... :-(' .: .;. ,i '..{, -;;:';.:-.c""-' - : J>. ..,.. . .....< t + . > > <h'" --". -<I;, . < ." . . - i; .:;:a'"  - .. .   ; .,..:,;, . :. .t- '\.". <. "'::C>. . > .' f\i-> ,,.:<-. . "..,':""t"": '.i . - . .> , ,.. -  " ',.. "   - . <., > : f'';;:: ""'A' .,... Y .' ,J:.. i, . H., '. :!l  '"';;,..';:: ,»:- <ii>... 'y "._ ,. . :'"  , :' -:t7!:. - . -q," -- . ': . '. .. . -:> ....< .,.... '.;H,i. ;; j  ,'j ;;. . ,,':' a j...  < ;,. ../: .  : J"  y ,.e - , ..", 1> . .v: \ "L. ... "J. , , II .,;.' ... _<!R:'\ 'J .<.. . .',t . ..<:(. « .; "c-" .Mi< '. . >. .....;: . , ,>' >. y -  . . , "' .,. » '.' -:....) ....-r,..... .. ".> ' , + l>-- '.  l  > "">f',-- . '.': ;,.>, . ",>.. .:.< ". . -*.t :.....x:,.,.. ",. A' :':.:"  ..... . . -. ........<,:: ."- . .->-" _ _ :':t;-. ?- ."  ,"' .<>: ,. > > , . ..;... . . .  > -./ i. ;\ - "+ '" .Y N' + :F. >.  ' ., ,;':;',>::,- 1) What is your name? - ."-"" :... . '-:.. 'i . > :. A_._.. -!":<:''" " '.'i'.. ...,1: ., >T'" .. .'<"::-.'-"''»>:!!:<!f: ;:. ...... .. : . ,,-> J'__... . ., _. "Y . \; >'. ,: f  : ? . ='S . p: .,;;... "... <i=-:;,. }< "<It »:f - ;{: ,.f ,.". < 'ij:> ; " \ -- . -.-.. :i6o- <" > - 'v..  l. .::,  .". , .- ->:.  5i:.. . A  >. ., .. .', 31"'": .. >.  :It > ,...A . , . Y.. - <;; >:    '- .,.. ._ . -, 'Y. "';.:r ' ':-i:i  - ,::.. 0' , " '-_, ... -"'" _ . ,y :.:r..' _.!:. ,,".. .... ..... "--a. :"ff«.."..,.. . ....c . "': :::  t '-;" . -<;..... .- " -1; '}-j":..:.,.. «;.. - .. " :'5,. <"'J'. . i;:'- A.... .. ' ..  .< -::. J: """.::........<r" "1F _ : .d':'1;: '" ,_ ,., [;; ,':.;,..,, ." .'",j' < ': . .7¥ . J"'''t1:: 'IF.. ..  :"'>. .Bi: -b .';;""- :,.t.. .''I"..X _:.- . .::. i'.\.. -...-;. . n'::('¥-:{'-->=. ::r.:.':': I(:;' ; . :;' <>:£;.."1 ' ,.,' '.' '1!i1 ' . ,. ",. ,::;_ .,,;;:.:._ > '.,... y-i;:=-; A . >  .., . ".'. ., ,{, . . ':'.:,),}}; , .: >   +y \ ." ;  :..--:>.... ).-,.; . . :' .:C'Y. . ,.J : ". . ",. ........- >.y '., ; . . '""" ..< !. 'j. ,. "'.'");  t .. :.. :::.: :a. A-<'"   '«-0. .:::;.c' -.. ' . ': . "." '.' ... - ." ...-..<h  rr:s, ....i"Ji;;'« .. :;.. ; :- - : _: . ..W.. :>. 2) 3) .4) 5) 6) How old are you?- Con you sing? - Can you dance? - Can you play chess? - Have you got a pet? -  .- «> "". A'. . ... .1, tt,J',:::/ ',t >.., :r >.-., pdi.': _> :: . ,;t ';"";J . .,). , ,.; 'i' ';;;; ,:;,,, . < ,. - ....' .'V X,. «.". ,. '. .- ... ... i' ... .,. ,,< " . '$< . '"-' ;:kN;':," i'C':"1" \.,... . : :-s; "<IIC:: '-. .. .<. " } .....>. .b   ::t.... .- ". t5f.' ..:J1 +  ' .  ,. :. ...}-... ,?-,,'.. <F..... .-J':..::.,.O: ...:Q.. iI:.i>-.-.. . ' ":".c.-. <::;.;0::.;-< L t,).< ,.- k -1 . : . ) " '"' ,-; '!X:" .J} r;'.'tj,_' ...£%" ," " "'<I: . . . :-::3'i::<:" >:'  . <> -., ., . ,_'1 ,;;.:;.:. "'<\;h;.' ., . ., '\". u ,.' ,,:  .  {>: \. '..' ,o.},,.,; L., _  'Ii: .. A l, .< . '  -- "'" :i>,' >. 3:>" 0. t. '16- 't :t :'-.o(  ->"...., ? ,,:II-  > "; " ,. .<.. .- 'I> , '< J ,'. :'. , ., .'" : ' , , .<. : '';'{':<'. ,A .'{k'': ,-, ':'-::<\. <  .- !r"'X.' _;J'_';' y>: " , 1 A Y .)... ,,- <It <!-:18', "<"\IF >. >, , , f Y'.: .. :o.<",....<!.s )/;,."IR: :;:'S-' '..: ;...c":' \ ,?<--,' ','  -- "., ., '. .< . , . ..." .. . t>::t- ... .:. .'. -. ,'. . ..  . :'. <:  . ,  . . i..: .:. . . ,.::: - _; .:>  ..:_ =,......x .Y. :Ii_,!.: .-.: , 1':):_...,...  '11-<-.::. r- .. :dIt: ,!"y. 'Ii> ... .  "\. ".  -'y'" . ..', I , { . - , ...' "< '.:Sf. ..r .  '... A'Jt . >  y ...+ I"' >C' ., .... >  . ..,. < . ..:lR::i. . ,:16- . x:F. W . 
" Lesson 4 ., , ...-I 1. PaccTaBb 6YKBbI B CJIOBax npaBHJIbHO H 3anHillH HX.  G ..... == 06paaeu;: e, e, h, c, e, s- cheese  1) .8 w, s, e, e, t - . 2) < u, e, r, b, t, t - , ... 3) .. -8 k, c, a, e 4) r, a,. e,. b, d 5) " . . . 1, U, J, e, C - 2. MHCC qaTTep npHHeCJIa Ha ypOK BOJIme6HYlO pordamKY. HanHillH c ee nOMOIIJ;blO HaBeCTHbIe Te6e .C..JJORR. c'd'Q 1) ark 4) . or 2) 5) c ImP 3) 3. IIpoqHTaii aaillHcppoBaHHoe lIpe,n;JIOmeHHe H TbI Y3Haeillb, r)];e mHBeT nopoceHoK IIuTep. T.{HTaTb CJIe)];yeT B nOpH)];Ke BoapaCTaHHH qHCeJI. 1 m . I o 17 r I} 15 I t 7 IP 19 11(\ I 111 II? 113 11 A I 4. CocTaBb npe,n;JIOmeHHH lla CJIOB H aanHmlf. 06paaeu;: can, dance, 1.- I can dance. 1) pupils, are, We.- 2) music, like, Do, you? - 3) cars, like, red, 1.- 4) go, school, they, to, Do'"! 6 
Lesson 5 . 1. 3anOJIHH KpOCCBOp)J;bI C nOMOID;bIO KapTHHOK. IIo BepTH- KaJIH TbI npO"tIHTaemb )J;Ba BOJIme6HbIX CJIOBa. . 1 2 , , , ..' ,' 3 . .. /5 - \  ...." "'J. 2 '-" .. . .. . . 1 / . 2 3 .. / 5 .. ,- - 6 .. ?""'4 ...... ..... =  n' 1 '0 Lz 9 3 8 .. 7 6 5  \ . 6 Coe)J;IiHH CJIOBa C COOTBeTCTBYIOm;eii .... HM TpaHCKplinD;lieH. IIO)J;"tIepKHH rJIaCHbIe 6YKBbI. butter are egg cake car they park milk - ----- ...... [del] [ka:] [ mIlk] [pa: k] [eg] [kelk] ['bAt ] [a:] 3. IIpoHYMepyii tPpaabI TaK, ,IJ:,meKa H IIHTepa.   D Jack: .I"- D Peter: D Jack: D Peter: \ ""\ I I . '<J I ./ . ! ...."" -4., , <-, . I "tIT06bI nOJIy"tIHJICH paarOBOp Yes, please. Do you like to ride a bike? Yes, I do. Would you like to ride a bike in the park? 4. OTBeTb Ha BOqpOCbI aHKeTbI cnopTIiBHoro KJIy6a 1) What is your name? - ::» 2) Do you run in the park? ... 3) Are you brave? - U 4) Can you swim? - .... 5) Do you play tennis? @) 6) Are you strong? - 7) Can you ski and skate? en 8) Do you ride a bike? - 7 r 
Lesson 6 1. )]:orMaHcH, 'tJTO XOTeJIa 6bI IIOJIyqHTb B IIo.n;apOK Ha .n;eHb pom.n;eHHH 06e3bHHKa IIaM. BIIHIIIH CJIOBa B KJIeTKH. CocTaBb CJIOBO H3 6YKB, 0603HaqeHHbIX IIJIIOCaMH. ..-f ....... ..... =   <- . «.:< '. S .. . .V' - 2 -;. . 6 " . . . "" ..  <. ,. .. " - -'":Ii.:;.: , < + - - - + + - + - - - - - + - - h a t I would like a . 3aKOHqH CTPOKY. )]:OIIHIIIH He MeHee )J;BYX CJIOB. 06paaeu;: [0] dog, box, strong, not [A] funny, [aI] my, [0:] are, [:] horse, 3. BCTaBb npoIIyeHHbIe CJIOBa: am, is, are. 06paaeu;: My name is Jill Brown. 1) I seven. 2) I have got a dog. His name Rex. 3) Rex brave and kind. 4) We friends. 5) VVe happy. ',,> 4. , . 8 T COCTaBb H 06paaeu;: I You He / She It VVe They 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 3aIIHIIIH IIpe.n;JIOmeHHH. You like to sing at home. sing and dance. live in the forest. play football. read books. run in the park. visit Green School. like likes to 
Lesson 7 - 1 HaH,n;H H o6Be,n;H 3HaKOMbIe CJIOBa. Ha30BH, qTO pacTeT Ha IIIKOJIbHOM oropo,n;e.  . c a b b a 9 e a r u 0 p c 9 I P  I I r e t '0 P 0 9 I r n t I t i I r p , I 0 U e 01 e n I t t \J " t r 0 e ,..-4 ..... . fII'4 =  >,,;;". " -+, . -.. > > , . ,. { 1 I ,.(. <"....... , . {'I -t I :,...  , , I t  - .. 2. Pa3,n;eJIH COqeTaHHH 6YKB Ha OT,n;eJIbHbIe CJIOBa H Y3HaH, o qeM MeqTaIOT HalliH repOH. 3aIIHIIIH HX meJIaHHH. MCIIOJIb3YH, r,n;e HymHo, IIpOIIHCHbIe 6YKBbI. 1) iwouldliketoskateinthepark I would like to 2) iwouldliketohavesixfriends ..  ,3, /'}..   ) / / 3) iwouldliketoswiminthemorning 4) iwouldliketorideahorse -.;; 3. BbI6epH CHaqaJIa CJIOBa, KOTopbIe MO.mHO 0603HaqHTb 3HaqKOM ., IIOTOM 8, aaTeM 6.. HaIIHIIIH CJIOBa B TPH KOJIOHKH: cheese, a horse, a car, are, go, corn, read, milk, cake, ride, sweets, butter, is, count, a farmer, am, like, a park, play. . b 6. cheese, are, go, 
, .  Lesson 8 1'-4 .. 1. PacillHcpPYH BOIIpOC, KOTOpbIH MapTHH aaeT BHJIJIH. ...- .... JI.H SToro BIIHIDH 6YKBbI B KJIeTKH IIO HX HOMepaMH. . .... = OTBeTb Ha BOIIpOC. 115 110 113 17 12 I 116 110 113 I  1 9 .. - a - n 2 - d 10 - 0 17 15 16 13 I 12 10 3 1 1 - e - s  4 - h 12 - t  - 14 11 114 13 I 111 110 18 13 ] 5 . 13 - I - u 6 k 14 - - v 7 - I 15 - w 14 110 19 13 116 ] 8 - m 16 - y 2. KOMIIbIOTep cTep BOIIpOCbI 0 pyre IIopoceHKa IIHTepa, OCTaBHB JIHIDb ero OTBeThI. IIOIIp06YH BOCCTaHOBHTb BOII- pOCbI. 3aIIHIDH HX. )]:oraHC.H, KTO pyr IIHTepa. 06paaeu;: Is he sad? - No, he is not. He is merry. 1) Yes, he does. He lives in the forest. 2) Yes, he has. He has got many friends. 3) Yes, he does. He goes to school. 4) No, he doesn't. He likes honey, jam and cakes. 3. BoccTaHoBH paCCKaa BHJIJIH. lfCIIOJIbayii CJIOBa. nice, corn, have, go, forest, sweets, like am Billy. I live in the English think I am very . got a lot of friends. to school. I can write. , honey, jam and cakes. -." like cabbage and . sweets? I I I I I like But I don't Do you A. .". . ,-,"'" . " . ___..r; . ..->: \ "">[-8 ...>'Lo ';.: , . ... i. .,.,: : ., . \,  10 f 
A. . . . esson 9. . - - - - . . .- y... ;.;.>_:E,_ "'- ?:- ,..- A-.,.. -" . . . , 1. BcnoMHH H HanHIDH aHrJIHHCKHe CJIOBa, KOTopbIe Ha'tJHHa- IOTCH C 6YKBOCO"tIeTaHHH wh. . 6eJIbIH h . t w I e w h w h w h w h . '..: J ".- , "" ., wh : .. . .'1> : -.t L' ._. :6".. . Ky.n;a <.' ..,J ,-- :-;1.;: ;".i :::= :-r \ , · 'tJTO .w . · KTO . nOqeMY 2. CocTaBb H aanHIDH CJIOBa. 3. 4. 1) g, e, g - 2) a, t, e- 3) . m, J, a- 4) f, f, c, e, e, 0- 5) e, e, w, s, t 6) k, a, c, e- PaCCTaBb <ppaabI B TaKOM nopH.n;Ke, qTo6bI nOJIy'tJMJICH paarOBOp Me.iK.n;y MaMOH H )]:.iKHMOM (Jim). D Mother: Would you like some porridge? D Jim: Good morning! I'm hungry. D Mother: Good! Take some cheese. D Jim: I don't like porridge. I would like some cheese. IJJ Mother: Good morning, Jim! D Jim: Thank you. COCTaBb .n;JIH ce6H MeHIO Ha aaBTpaK, 06e.n; H Y.iKHH. MCnOJIbaYH CJIOBa. porridge, soup, tea, coffee, a lemon, ham, a sandwich, bread, milk, cheese, meat 06paaeu;: breakfast - tea, a ham sandwich, oranges breakfast - lunch (06e.n;) - dinner (y.mHH) - .. jam, fish, an orange, potatoes, an egg, a cake, 
. "- Lesson 10 ,.-.4 ..... ..... = p 1. Haii,n;H ITHTb CJIOB, CBHa8.HHbIX C KapTHHKoii. 06Be.n;H HX. b . d b m I r a f . r\ I 0 x 9 I r t x (h e r) u a h . t s I r  c f u n n y s k .... .--0-- .. " L ) - - - f# d_ -6'- {?!  .- ,;.... . .- .. . 2. 3aKOH"tIH CTPOKY. HanHIIIH He MeHee ,lJ;BYX CJIOB. 06pa3e: [0:] farm, dark, car, are [:] corn, [re] sad, [3:] bird, Uu:] pupil, [A] run, 3. IToMorH )]:mHMY HanHcaTb aaMeTKY 06 OHOM Ha eHHROB JIecHoii mKOJIbI. COCTaBb H 3allHmH npe.n;JIOmeHHH. 06pa3eu;: good, a She, is, girl.- She is a good pupil. 1) is, Her, Bess, name.- 2) nice, is, and, merry, She.- 3) not, Bess, lazy, is.- 4) like, does, Bess, not, porridge.- 5) and, can, dance, She, sing.- 4. 3anHmH CBOH BonpoCbI K O.l);HOMY Ha eHHKOB JIecHoii mKOJIbI. YnpamHeHHe 5 B e6HHKe nOMomeT Te6e. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 12 '\ 
y ..,' >: >-. ' , .,g,..t-:I!-("''''>-'' - .:....Ho'_ < ,ow, .. __ . ';...  . '! -._ . .. . ..: -< - --. -. - - . -:- -  , - - Lesson 11 . '.--'?- - -:., -::.;:. ."- . .. . . : --... . .   ,-+ . 1. TIoMorH CJIOHeHKY TOMacy c.n;eJIaTb no.n;nHCH K pHCYHKaM. HCnOJIbayii CJIOBa: nice, white, black, dirty. . 1 .J  III .-. :: . ., . ,. a nice girl. : 1" ..  _A ..  =-<" .- ..... .... '_> 1!8'" ".'-.;". . ,. -' 2. Coe.n;HHH 6YKBbI, 6YKBOCO"tIeTaHHSI B CJIOBaX H COOTBeT- CTBYIOHe HM aBYKH. like live take see short girl dark reI] [aI] [IJ [ 0:] [i: ] [ 3:] 3. BCTaBb nponyeHHbIe CJIOBa: is, can, has got, likes. 06pa3e: Her name is Jill. 1) She seven. 2) Jill. a funny pet. 3) She dance, sing and play tennis. 4) She dogs. 4. 3arrHIIIH paCCKaa MSPH, npe.n;CTaBJISlH, "tITO OHa paCCKaabI- BaeT 0 nopoceHKe TIHTepe. He aa6y.n;b aaMeHHTb CJIOBO she Ha CJIOBO he H CJIOBO her Ha CJIOBO his. YnpamHeHHe 6 B yqe6HHKe nOMomeT Te6e. I I I I , ! I I I I I , ! I i I I I I 'I .... 0:<11;. <.' .:  <!" ,"_..13;-;,; - . .-.:'I>.'  , .,.... "'. ,...<... 
- ....-. . .A . 5.. Lesson 1? , ' ". . '.:11" 00 . ,., . --'. e ,...., 1. HanHIIIH Ha3BaHlfH oBoeii H CPPYKTOB. IIpaBHJIbHo paCCTaBb 6YKBbI B CJIOBax. -:':.':.,_ 0, r, r, c, a, t -  ...... - ..... = . ,. ,', ,h .. ..<. y : . . "':j c, b, b, a, a, e, g - ". .. . . .. '.y "i/.",:Y;  ' . -, ..  A .... ; :;: na, t, 0, a, 0, t .. ,""",.. 'lit "'''A';'. {t .. > -..-.::: +, , -.'\>'. ., '... - :i>-. . ",-Y. p, p, e, a, I - :r--.:t-:r --....'1:'."'.; ..(,.. . M  . ."I},.... :<<116= -d ,«. ,,,..",,",', "'":; .,;8:. ' p, t, t, 0, a, 0 - ,. 2. CoeHHH CTpeJIKOH 6YKBbI B CJIOBax H COOTBeTCTBYIOITJ;He '" . .' . ,>.... .0' HM 3BYKH. r I I [g] m [w] [ 1)] [h] [0] I I I why with who . girl short I mornIng , , 3. ,l];mHJIJI He ycneJIa onHcaTb paCCKa3 npo TpHKKH. 3aKOH"tlH ee paCCKa3. llcnoJIbayii CJIOBa: crocodiles, short, nice, shirt, brave, boy. -,,-r::._;''":-._;h: .;+:J::....-:-::.>,.. .  ..: .:,- .t::;.:.-:-:.__.f..3;:..jt. ,.. . . > .. - . ., - <"=<-. .._..i:A,..::-y':::-..,{":>';>:,'-"''''':''-.'..-::-':: ;..' . ::,,:.-:}h. . He likes . His shirt is . .., ... >".- He is a nice . "He has got a red .f It is not . . ;q::t:<, '.... .:.._:y;,. . .' ..,:..: <_;:.::-:. ....::.: .,,::..-_. .'! ".<;_.*:'.." .:';./.;.::;<tY.._. - . -. .- y y ,+ -;>. . .' :. > ...!:.. ' ". '. . .._' ,-. : '" ,,'.<,;i: ' _ :".<: .:"";".._  -. .- ' . -7"-;........ :  .-! ""! ! - /   : :... ;. -.  : >  -- ;"'0 4. IIepen:uIIIH CJIeYIOITJ;He npe,n;JIOmeHHH, aaMeHHH BbI)];eJIeH- " . Hble CJIOBa Ha she, he, they, it, we. 06paaen;: Tim is slim and sad.- He is slim and sad. 1) I and Tom are friends.- 2) Alice likes sweets.- 3) Tricky, Tim and Tom can sing well.- 4) Tim has got a hat. The hat is funny.- -. . , 1 .. <...._>.<..:;.:F .':: -""" ...,. \ 
Lesson 13 BocKpeceHhe - nOHe.n;eJIbHHK BTOpHHK - cpea - "tIeTBepr - nHTHHn;a - cy660Ta - qaTTep HanHlliH o 1. C nOMOID;hlO BOJIIIIe6HOii pOMalliKH MHCC .... Ha3BaHHH Bcex HeH HeeJIH.  (,"s """. .... o(\efr:J e . . o\\)( . - .+ "-" day:: .: <''"Sun ....4 c::. G> tit 4101} , . . .. .' _..- A...... + h " 2. qeM 3aHHMaIOTCH yqeHHKH B pa3HbIe CocTaBb H aanHlliH npeJJ;JIo.meHHH. Dino play football Pam rides a bike Martin reads and counts Thomas skis We writes and reads Peter and Nick plays chess 06pa3e: Martin reads and counts on Mondays. JJ;HH HeeJIH? on Mondays. on Tuesdays. on Wednesdays. on Thursdays. on Fridays. 3. IIpHYMaii npeJIOjKeHHH co CJIOBaMH. cheese, cabbage, coffee, carrots, cake, ham, potatoes, bananas, tea, oranges 06pa3e: I like tea. But I don't like coffee. 1) 2) 3) 4) .. . 15:<- :",-< . .. r 
, " , .::......I '. 1""'""1 , ...... ; ,..... -. ,= ... '. <-  ,..., -. , ..0 '.n . ..___._- _ . . - r . . >:<-..... ;, Lesson 14 . 1. BCTaBb nponYIIJ;eHHble m t, t, coff ch se, br d, sw 6YKBOCO"tIeTaHHH ee -, sp k, ice cr t HJIH ea. m, t , 2. Coe,n;HHH CTpeJIKaMH CJIOBa C npOTHBOnOJIOmHbIM 3Ha"tIe- HHeM. I l1li 101 ""I fat clean bad long black happy  I " white short good dirty slim sad 3. ITOCMOTpH Ha KapTHHKH H CKamH, qTO ,n;eJIaIOT no BOCKpeceHbHM y"tIeHHKH JIeCHOH IIIKOJIbI. MCnOJIb3YH Mo,n;eJIb. \t, - :.'1\,.'.  - - '\'-.; :, '(". _ 'i-. .,()  .  >- "-- '- - ,,-.... k.<-- _ --p .: 7.°'" . "'".... . ..  """" -.,. '>- 3' I Martin .. ._ -: ; I .;:}.« .',......  (f....' " ;2_ ". ; ('-"_ 0....,..611 --.-. _.,_.o :"""+-'.li;;t,\.  ;':l:;.iZ"' >. . ..<I'- >""., >'., <,,;Nt.. " "'...... .0.<;.  : <> . "",,*'1' + ':  <....<'":/1: <!>f<i.":t""'A  _ . ',,- .. .. ,"":',-;- ';;;:'\...1 '"'"">  :--'t...;".  ,..: <'i ;' .,::;:  ¥'/@_ '.-:.<,,:.:_;.,::.:_ . . > >. .- ".' ....... ,:--=:.: ' C7 -;.',:;, :[i:',' .;-;2 ',  r:"lrhomos I't;;' -"',- . 06pa3e: Martin skis on Sundays. 1) 2) 3) 4) . . .....". -,....   .-- ".f;!; , , . -- . -,,;- ::;... -- .-..., : . eI) - """"\ .-..; t.... ..., ,....r'. -> p.. ,. . -- ...."'" .:" < ,', ;..-> .1>-:.".: ,;y...." .+. -.,.,. ",,.& <-., . . I Jane I  --1- - ,_.L..j..-J- _ .--,; ;: ?, _ - . . !rt..!..i=  -... <11';;1:. : I. " ,. ,..- -, : I---...:.-._ , \ ',. . . .------"" . -' !--. ,.--..-'> i . ---.-t-+ . . , of, :;'."' i ->' > ,<.t.-J ;-L-i ; .,. < '''.....;>'y,''Ih.''1:.--, J . J 1t .';;." ". . ._.,..o.'*'.t<:.:""'.1 f-. {....l. :: ,. .:....'i>"'I!I¥<II:...__ »If" .".-.. .f.. _:::,;. !" <  :-;-" ..< ," i!'  _ ,j: 1jB;,,,  .:,"",:, ,'y < x",: ' 'I.":i.:,.... ,,», (,-?t"M.'" , ._ :r-: _ '"* L -:v:A:F'-+"<II' 1 +, ,.'-'-, .";.::L.. t_'!:;'11 ',. ) -, .. . ,. .,;"",., ' ;;':';:' Jack ." ""'- .  -::<:.-. :...... - . '.' -:'. :=-" - .- " 4. HanHIIIH, qeM TbI JII06HIIIb 3aHHMaTbCH B cy660TY H BOC- KpeceHbe. . to C9. 06pa3e: I like to swim on Saturday and Sunday. 1) 2) 
-. . Lesson 15  1. HaiiH, o6BeH H BbInHillH aHaKOMbIe Te6e HaaBaHHH npOYKTOB nHTaHHH. c 0 f f e e c . I k h 0 m I a r p e n a e r n 9 h a t n r s w e e t s 0 c h e e s e t b u t t . e r a 1"'"'4 ...... . .... =  2. IIoMorH BHJIJil{ COCTaBHTb H aanHcaTb, "tITO JII06HT H He JII06HT yqeHHKH JIecHoii illKOJIbI. 06paae:u.: don't Martin, like, butter.- Martin doesn't like butter. 1) likes, Mary, cheese.- 2) corn, likes, and, bread, Nick.- 3) lemons, Jane, eat, can't.- 4) and, likes, red, apples, green, Pam.- 5) in, eats, meat, morning, Jack, and, ham, the.- 3. COCTaBb H aanHillH BonpOCbI.  D .? 06paae:u.: Is Nick brave? Nick nice? 1) Thomas smart? 2) Is funny? we 3) Are Mr Greenwood brave? pupils strong? 4) his pet 5) 
- Lesson 16 Progress check . 1"""'4  ..... =  Part 1 ....1: ."t 1. IIocJIymaii BHJIJIH H OTMeTb ./, KTO rrpHXO)J;HT K HeMY B rOCTH. "'\.. "\L',,, \ \ -... , '-- . )-( _  ,d"" , . IV '\r >" . - h,. - """ " -  O - - -... - '. .- -.  - - ... - .... ....-... - --r ....' , -- - - """---' \ - I' , ___ i ,",. . " 0'.0  f ,. 0[  "",...1 ""( - '...,. ""!'. . ..; . -... .- . - 1 /'-.... f > - .  . .....',,. '- "'.y- -'.' - ' '-:..r ' ".... .... ':t:-f;'.1Y -.. .... >. "" - " """'" e ,. .. -..-< . .. \ , . 2. KaKoe npe)J;JIOjKeHHe cOOTBeTcTByeT 06BeH COOTBeTcTBYIOYIO 6YKBY.  \ Ka.m)J;OMY PHCYHKY? \ . I'" l , . ,I . . a) The girl likes apples and oranges b) The girls like sweets and cakes. c) The girl likes sweets and cakes. a) The duck lives in the park. b) The dog lives in the car. c) The duck lives in the hat. a) I can see a fox with a cake. b) I can see a frog with cheese. c) I can see a fox with cheese.  1 "J-  ,I 2 . .' - .'.,.... <-, ""'- ...>'.... . 3 . 3. IIoqepKHH CJIOBO, B KOTOpOM 6YKBa a qHTaeTC.H He Tah KaK B OCTaJIbHbIX CJIOBax. brave, name, farm, skate, take 4. TIpOqHTaH 3ara.n;KY. 06Be,n;H COOTBeTCTBYIOYIO 6YKBY. Bob has got a pet. It isn't big. But it is strong. It is black. It can run, jump and swim. It can't fly. It doesn't like corn. It likes meat. a) a black dog b) a black rabbit c) a black bird 18 
5. BbI6epH H o6BeH HymHoe CJIOBO. 1) I ... a pupil. a) am b) is c) are 2) My friend ... brave. a) am b) is c) are 3) ... you sad? a) Am b) Is c) Are 4) They... strong. a) am b) is c) are 6. HanHmH, qeM TbI JII06Hmb aaHHMaTbC.H MCnOJIbayii MOeJIb: D 6 to 6 C9 . ,..(  ..... =  B BOCKpeceHbe  " 19 
'f"IIII ...... ..... = ;:J Lesson 17 Revision 1. HaIIIIIIIH, CKOJIbKO KOMY JIeT. " n ., \r v V r) - 4 -.9 .. ... - .... " I -..... 06paae:u;: He is nine. It >. " ')  d , ..  oJ :'/ '- --' , '... :.. .' ,  She They 2. IIpo"tIHTaM nHCbMO. BCTaBb nponym;eHHbIe CJIOBa am, is HJIH are. OTBeTb Ha BonpOCbI, KOTopbIe aa,n;aeT RaTH (Kate). ... ,.   >... A" < .- -... ..... .,..,.. :.r . ...___A 'r" ", "......,.. :I' .' , .' - - Dear friend, My name Kate. I six. I not a pupil. you a pupil? I have got a cat and a dog. My dog grey. My cat black and white. My pets funny. I like my pets. Have you got a pet? it funny? Bye, Kate '. - . ........:... '!..  ",.j... .." . .  .... :t" - . 1) 2) 3) 3. rrepeeJIaM npeJIOjKeHIIH no 06pa3Y. 06paae:u;: I run in the park.- Ann runs in the park, too (Tome). 1) We skate and ski in the park.- Jill 
, . 2) They ride a horse.- Jim 3) I like sweets.- Billy 4) We play tennis on Sunday.- My friend ....-! :al , 4. IToTepHJICH CJIOHeHOK TOMac. IIoMorH 06eabHHKe IIaM Ha- nHcaTb 06FJ>HBJIeHHe 0 ero nponame. MCnOJIbayii MOeJI1I: D.. Dnot.. D". . 'I> - .  "'> ....... ,...--,<y,!,-,  ,: -,=F.:: . . IEL'! .   '"4:t. \ 'S: . 0 > ......?; l . t. .,.<i>.  . -, '," >:-. ;."  ;,'I> . " . . . . . . . . -...,Y ;_:#>: .. Help! Helpl My friend is an elephant. ," , 5. IIoMor1l JI1IC1I"tIKe Hscc OTBeT1ITb Ha BonpOCbI aHKeTbI KOH- Kypca "CaMaH 06aHTeJIbHaH 11 np1lBJIeKaTeJIbHaH". 06paaen;: Are you nice? Yes, I am. I" .... ..... . . . \. .  , "- . . ....x. . . ""J1j. I , I · .' . . . . 1) Are you fat? 2) Do you like sweets? 3) Can you sing? - 4) Have you got a hat? - 5) Is it funny? - 6. IIoMor1l ,1];aiiHo aaKOH"tI1ITb npe.n;JIOmeHHH. 06Be1I HymHoe CJIOBO. 06paaen;: Horses like fish / meat / S 1) The farmer rides a crocodile / a horse / a dog. 2) Cats drink coffee / milk / tea. 3) Rabbits eat carrots / ham / sweets / fish. 4) Foxes are grey / red / black / blue. 21 
Lesson 18 Project , .. , , 'x , <1D 1 . .. >' ;> 6 - C\1 ...... ..... = ::J Monday tea a cheese sandwich I Tuesday \J ., " - . '-- . ..... - .. ,..  ,""" "' > -. . .;1 J G> . -< . - ........... v c - . v "  . I . t I . Wednesday "-., -.. ... '\<. '"". ,.- t Thursday > . .::11> ,.. "  -' I I j I i I T BOM P"CYHOK .. . J.. , "> "'  ! Friday ---- '< ........ , , L   y ''''.- ., -'< -  j1<,:r"   .  ", . " ..-..-:. . - y . , ,, . 2 T 
. ... ".>. '<.. Happy green lessons Lesson 19 1. EaK HaabIBaeTCH STO .iKHBOTHoe? IIo)J;nHIIIH PHCYHOK. a nose This is a eq ...- ..... == ;:J \\ 2. IIpoHYMepyii cppaabI B TaKOM nopH)J;Ke, "tITo6bI nOJIyqHJICH pa3rOBOp aiiHo Hero rOCTH. ...-::... [IJ- D- o- D- O- 1\. r v ....,. ...... . . r , ./ ...... t....- .. __ f. "., ..c" . , < : -- . .-... ... o' Would you like some fish? You are welcome. Here you are. Yes, please. May I have some bread? Thank you. 3. BbI6epH H o6Be)J;H npaBHJIbHOe CJIOBO B Kam)J;OM npe)J;JIO- meHHH. 06paaen;: My teacher speak /  English well. 1) His friend live / lives in the forest. 2) Dogs like / likes meat and milk. 3) The farmer drink / drinks juice in the morning. 4) I drink / drinks tea with milk. 5) Birds eat / eats corn. 23 ') 
. ,;! . .  ,.. , . .q,.,-.-. .:.iM>- ... h ,  Lesson 20 .-: 7 ........ - . . ,"", .'" ..-  ..: __ . J<>:>: .:r __ .. 7 ,.;!" __ 1. CJIOHeHOK TOMac c MaMOH npHIIIJIH K Bpa"tIy. IIpo"tIHTaH H aanHIIIH BbInHcaHHbIH TOMacy peenT. qHTaTb CJIe.n;yeT B nopH.n;Ke BoapaCTaHHH qHCeJI. ....."'. r< Give little Thomas  <".'. ..". ::: :ff: -:- 'f!: ',' <,_<-: 'I> -::"'" .....'1> ..,_.. .'. .' .:,:?>t- '.. ....... ......- <: .,. _0 ,/. ,j: <F <  l> ....: .,. -.-; . + 7 A --0,  . I I I I I I I I I C'I d ., · fIII4 '= p ."t ::-/..,  ; +;::. . .. 'I8>-..'f .('.'.'1-:11> : ....;.'h ....£ .... . ":'".:>.; .. .: 2. 3anOJIHH Ta6JIHY. Animal Colour Food Home Can Can't (mHBoTHoe) (BeT) (nlIm;a) horse black, farm . a corn run, sing . grey lump, . sWim a fox a cat a rabbit , " 3. OTBeTb Ha BonpOCbI. 1) What do you like I like to eat for breakfast? for breakfast. "':'<!P"'". .... '.\.: ., 2) What do you like to drink I like for breakfast? for . 
Lesson 21 1. BCTaBh nponyeHHhIe 6YKBoco'tJeTaHHH ee H ea H npO'tJH- .... TaH CJIOBa: br d, coff , m t, pI se, thr , ch se, t , br kfast, gr n, sw t, t th, t cher, h d, s . 2. A.mHM H A.mHJIJI OTnpaBJIHIOTCH B nYTeIIIeCTBHe. C nOMO- ID;hIO BOJIIIIe6HOii pOMaIIIKH HanHIIIH, KaK aOBYT HX .n;PY- aeii. IIepeBe.n;H HX HMeHa Ha PYCCKHii HabIK. 06paaen;: When? - Kor.n;a? o at : Wh ere y en 3. 3aKoH'tJH npe.n;JIo.meHHH. Dogs eat . Girls drink f)- 6 . Birds eat q  ",,""c;o . Boys like . Cats like . 4. 3aKoH'tJH paCCKaa A.mHMa 0 ce6e. MCnOJIhayiI CJIOBa. school, read, like, breakfast, friends, together, . . nIne, Ice cream I am Jim. I am I can and skip. . I go to and write. I I like lot of . to swim sandwiches, cakes and . We play For . I have got a on Sundays. C\I ...... . .... =  ---- 
-. :.;;  < ... . - . Lesson 22 --" - :. -".'.. .;;.   . .t.. ,.. .. ... 1. PacKpacb KJIOYHa. IIoMHH, -qTO KIDK,n;aH H<l>pa 0603Ha-qaeT .. '" onpe,n;eJIeHHbIH IJ;BeT. 1 2 3 .4 C\iI 5 ...... ..... 6 = P - red - grey - blue - black - green - white 2. a) Coe,n;HHH CJIOBa. COCTaBb CJIOBoco-qeTaHHH. play breakfast clean hands and face wash tennis have juice drink teeth ;4  .   -""... ;,'"'!" .,. . ... . "::; 6) BCTaBb nOJIyqHBlliHecH npe,n;JIO.iKeHHH. 1) Martin 2) Nick can 3) We must every day. 4) I'm hungry. Let's 5) Pam likes to CJIOBoco-qeTaHHH. II po-qHTaii in the morning. well. our . orange . t-.., 3. IIocoBeTyii BHJIJIH, -qTO OH ,n;OJI.iKeH ,n;eJIaTb H -qero He ,n;OJI.iKeH ,n;eJIaTb, -qT06bI 6bITb 3,n;OpOBbIM. 3anHlliH CBOH COBeTbI. You must You must not r '. 
Lesson 23 1. a) BnHIDH B KpOCCBOp HaaBaHHH npo,n;YKTOB H oBoeH. no BepTHKaJIH Thl npOqHTaeIDh JII06HMOe CJIOBO BeJIHKaHa P06HHa-B06HHa. . , . .- . r- 3 I ., . o  .... A . \.  ,. 5 - - \(" - J 6 \/i \ I . -" ( \ '- -, ;; - 1 , -- '" '- .., .f..,..':' A...... _ . :.   '-  1 ! 2 b r e a d 7 8 1 2 . .......-: y _ R 4 C"I  ..-1 =  5 .. 6 7 . < 9 - 9 b) 3anHillH, 'tITO Thl JII06Hillh eCTh Ha aaBTpaK? I like to have for breakfast. 2. 3anOJIHH Ta6JIHD;Y. HCnOJIhayi1: CJIOBa: cheese, coffee, svveet, meat, carrot, cake, corn, tea, potato, butter, tomato, apple, bread, banana, lemon, milk, juice, nut, egg, sandwich, porridge. much cheese, many sweet 3. HanHIDH paCCKaa 0 CBoeM JII06HMOM .iKHBOTHOM. HapHcyi1: ero. I T 80M PMCYHOK  , , 27 
I ...... ..f1114 = . . . . : Lesson 24 1. KaKoe CJIOBO JIHIlIHee? 3a"tIepKHH ero. 1) cabbage, meat, tomato, potato 2) milk, cheese, butter, bread 3) fish, tea, coffee, juice, milk 4) apple, cake, banana, orange 2. IIpH.n;YMaii H HanHIlIH, KaKHe npo.n;YKTbI H B KaKOM KO- JIH"tIeCTBe )]:mHJIJI KynHJIa B Mara3HHe. Ha"tIHH TaK: Jill has got five tomatoes, 3. PacKoJI.n;yii BOJIme6HYIO pOMamKY. 3anHIlIH CJIOBaMH. 8 3 5  teen 7 6 .;>.y 9 < .... 4 . ,. 0.' ., 4. 3anHIlIH CJIOBaMH. 1) 11 2) 13 3) 15 ...... .. .. ....'.. .  .j 4) 17 5) 18 6) 20 
. , . . -. - - ." .. ,e_ "- ::-. Lesson 25 " .(  ,.. .. <",. >.., .. . 1. 3anHillH CJIOBaMH. 2. BCTaBb much, many, a lot of. 1) The farmer has 2) You must drink 3) Has he got 4) She hasn't got 5) Pupils have got They write and draw. 6) Jill doesn't eat cakes. She likes apples. nOMorH npo,n;aB:U;y c,n;eJIaTb peKJIaMY ero TOBapa. BnHlliH HymHbIe CJIOBa B 06FJ>HBJIeHHe. I have got: red and big carrots, cakes , , , .I sweets, eggs. . nIce  - . . -. -- - - strong white a lot of - ;. 4. CocTaBb BonpOCbI. PaCnOJIOmH CJIOBa B HymHoM nopH,n;Ke. 06pa3e: run, Do, in, you, morning, the? - Do you run in the morning? 1) May, in, come, I? - 2) play, you, Can, hockey? - 3) a pen, take, I, May? - 4) swim, Do, in, you, morning, the? - . 1) 11 2) 12 3) 16 4) 18 5) 13 6) 20 .. -., 3. .,' , -. \,;;.:' ;' ..  y red big - . . :I>";:';':': ..= eleven nuts ._ . ,... ...., : .... ....,. -.:" - . .. :b<...."'.:.. ..">  .< .;,..IF. : .y-!>.-} .., .. ...> ..: ,  ,  ...... .""" .. == . . ., ...., "',.# . f::...< .....;. >.1Ii>", W'Ic  .'-r...:,,: 0'0'.:" "., -  ...... "'11,. ... '., . . ...], . ,;1:;-. ':."1"! .lI'.';' apples on his farm. tea with honey. friends? sweets. pens and pencils. green - ------.- I good .. .1( cabbages cheese, tea ..:t 29:- "11>"'..- . <F  >:-'\: "'"."'" >"'..... ,,," " . 
,. Lesson 6 . ..  1. PacKoJIyii BOJIllie6HYIO pOMalliKY. 3arrHlliH CJIOBaMH. 6 2 ' .  " " ., {. < 7 . . -, , AA .;,: .--<;.+ 8 . - - :t: -:. . "" :.. > "<-.  < A .-. , .:-;- .-.., >.... ,-  ty . ;:;:;,. 5 .  .....- ..... s=.  : +.. 'I> :fd .-_ . .""-!ft:. ......-_..., >....:.'. _ ,>A ......:;: m:. .. _,... < _Y A."_X«,,>-"_, ."0 A. .+ "'I. : ". :f.-< .: ........__. ,.._.c:: , .' .;..... .. 'i"_< 3 ,":' - .4 .<- 9 '\, ,.  ." - f<F ..  .'\. .-." . ' '? .. ': .... ,. ,:::.., _ . .. ;po . ,:iI;. . ....  > ..<".1'"." .. <;. . ..... "-. .J;.;"" ,...-', ". ..!-- , _. ..'..,.. .  ..r .- < t-' -:: --i:>..-::.: .:. y.. _, .-:.." - : ,.4'". . .;:. .'\..,... .... .... ,. '.'. ::.,... >_: 2. 3anOJIHH Ta6JIHIJ;Y. 3anHlliH, 'tJTO TbI JII06Hillb H 'tJTO He JII06Hllib eJIaTb. , . I like to... I don't like to... play . eat porridge tenniS : 3. YaHaii y MHCTepa rpHHBya 0 ero yqeHHKax. COCTaBb aanHillH "tIeTbIpe Bonpoca. 06pa3e: Does Jack like to play football? Does Bess do her homework every day? 1) Does Nick 2) Does 3) 4) -30 . '" " , ,;:.- T 
n , .. -'.... . +.:>06 Lesson 27 .. > . '"". - _.. 1. 3anHlliH CJIOBaMH. 1) 23 2) 62 3) 45 4) 78 . -.,-1;. . Y " "'- ..... .... - _ 0;..':-« .." ....:t-__.y -;;. y ':': 0";-, .' .: i:-<'-};':': . .  <, (]": ori J - 2. BbI6epH H 06BeH nOXO.Hee no CMbICJIY 1 ) Rabbits like .... a) cakes b) carrots c) honey 2) My horse doesn't eat .... a) carrots b) apples c) meat 3) Monkeys like .... a) fish b) bananas c) lemons 4) Bears like .... a) honey b) corn c) ham 5) Hens eat .... a) butter b) ice cream c) corn CJIOBO. ".t" ., -. 3. IIepeeJIaH npeJIOmeHH.H. MCnOJIbaYH MOeJIH. :"1:.,,::;.: D /_. DO. D 0. 06paaen;: His pets like milk and cheese.- Do his pets like milk and cheese? 1) They go to the park.- 2) Her friends play tennis on Sundays.- /_? If:1 D  O? 0? 3) We go to school together.- 4) You speak and read English well.- 5) The sisters drink tea for breakfast.- ;C\1  ......  ..... - .... .  . , ...." \ 
- , Lesson 28 1. PacKpacb KapTHHKY. IIoMHH, 'tJTO Ka.m.n;aH D;Hcppa o603Ha- .. .... 'tJaeT onpe.n;eJIeHHbIH D;BeT. 1 - green 2 - yellow "'. . 3 red ., - A - blue  5 pink -  .... 6 white = - :J 7 - brown , , ,. -8 - black \?J@ 9 - orange 2. IIoMorH xy.n;omHHKY c.n;eJIaTb no.n;nHCH K PHCYHKY. .... '-. .. . '-. "..i'" .: "..' <- , >._.a:..... ':iS> >0<: > ". .,.- ., , "' -=: '\ < .>-:- , '":<   (i ."  . s' <>.M.>'« ,_" .... ...... ... y "'-,." .IF. A .<;.  . ".::: ».-; .'  > .,;<.,." 1>A . -.,. ,... , . .... '+' '»,. + . -.:.- . . " . : ..  .... -It . y:  l>y ';"<".--- A' . '. . :."-'  > .. .  ... ".<">L .."$: < < >; .-.". .". 'I' >.,.'>l <  + > 11'" . . , .. >-,j"J "_;:.:::"::;:;:' ,., .< _Y... ...'I!" ...: .<'-". ." , :..: y . '" ".. i ". >< . ...,..". . :,">.' .:.  .  ..... ',- ,J.) "  -;. "<' . .\. >. .. ........ . :III'< II: -",;: . "'-..if .....'" + 'V Y -..., "":.:." .+. . '". At .. ... y -IF .. : _« ,,'.. 3L.: :F-.<,;;.......>:.. .. A ;',: ' . f. . AY A '" "' ' .' .< . .  )" . . . :" .' . to" . .;.: .->:.',:. ". . . -'. >< . : < + . .  ..;:... .'.<. .', .' ... :.. . ; >: .'  y < ;.  .." y .'..... ..,...- .' ", +:'" ".<..... . >.. '..' , . . '1(" -- .,:"; , " ""\.-( . < ,:. .. :i;;;:: . .."" <; ':".:.:,:<.:;i . e. ,.. ,... . <.... J ::,;.. """;Tf:;;' "F,,i;: -<. -< >.. .' «<.,,., - . :1:. (\ ,.,'"1;?t:(;::. '"-; ."_' . . : A f..}; .. > .' ..s.,.-'. ";'4''< ,. , ,. ..,' >.' ." A i ,:. . , .; .i >  I."> . '+..: ;: . '0.::. * ':. , .<.'to" , .W' . "" <. "'<: >  ",,.s <'?;'jl<:::;' <i.a: 'A "$ , ".,,' :""X"':It"m:;... :.... ..,.'' ...:.:'t.""'" Y, :.....t ::.,t . .. - .'". .. .....,..,. ,-«'. ' ,;> 3 ., .. . , ...: . ., " !1 HanHIIIH nHCbMO CaHTa-KJIaycy. Ha'tJHH TaK: - . "=--.. --  7':--'- ';-:¥.' .:,,»; . .J.b: ,,__-_ $;... -j>',, ':-::f;  ;- . A  f{.;:;-'._:.:' " ..'[4'!: :i":- ':r'- --..' D -- -<,. ,..i-<S' :It""'C. "   ....... .A....-'!..:_lo.:s;..a:>+............>".....'<y......<--v'IF. + ''"<'9Ii>''<"':'"<-;:",,.......,.......'''..... ';"".,-, h"Y ". y'IFJ:-<_><-N__ ,,,«, ""x ,.. <"... '''''''''IjI:<:...t<t t <..,." < ' H'<._ ,., ' w, .._ ear an a aus, '" ,,< , My . name IS . I am . I can Can I have . for Christmas, please? a Happy New Yead Merry Christmas and e:o)Vith.;,_'ove" 1::,'.,. M.' '.' ,,,:,, .... . .' . >,.. ...:'1..'1>.<..< "':"- ., y ... _ . <. "1,,'-;;;; ",.". -.:;i;+ : , ;;o: o._?:':"<: ;j';'(: tf<-:t ::::x1': ,;< .  ... 
,  Lesson 29 . !"-1".'-- ., '.'(. ,;. 1. HaH.D;H H 06Be.D;H CJIOBa, CB.H3aHHble C HOBOrO.D;HHMH npaa.D;HHKaMH. c a k e p y e a r h n e w 0 r a n 9 e a s k a t e s a y d p h . t c r I s m a s p I . e r 9 e r e n I y a a 0 e n e r c n 0 u t t r t e r e 9 u s a n t a t y e s r 2. BCTaBb nponyeHHbIe CJIOBa: in, for, on, with. 06pa3e: I like to eat cheese in the morning. 1) Billy lives the forest. 2) Jim walks his dog every morning. 3) My friends play hockey the park. 4) I play my friends on Monday. 5) We have tea breakfast. 6) They don't go to school Sundays. , . 3. )]:onHlliH llHCbMO )]:aHHo. . .a.r- :.... A - .t::";'. ',",,\;f;' i..;'_:i ,,,;..";;i3 ;;;?,.. .;c£: ,>,...J't,f 2; +:,.;.':t:;.;, ";';';, ':;';,:' :;i ...> 'c....: "  ....... Dear '.'. . J My name's Dino. 1 am a pupil. I go to , .. ... , , . ., -.. . --- .school I 0@.t , ..c.  . . .'. ".;. >..... I<:- "'_ . . ."' u , . ,. 1+1 ... .:- rr-.ilI  ,   .,:if.,<'::>c and ,...... , , . .  ' .. , ;'II;; .._,:.. -- - .' '\ '::-., <-...:>-"- ' . I can ... t.. :).....- c:. ":" '<. ;: ; ..'-,'.,;... .. . .... -:  ;. > I like  . , -..... ...;: .:; '. :iI!)" ... -" A -kA.Y (._ ..  ..... 'Ii...: - ..>->:/.....':.. ...>..>. I) :...,.."";- y:....":'!, . I'd like to have a . >. . , < Merry Christmasl Love, Dino : ,,: . ..  :"- . . . .._ . _". .. I: _ .;., ,"': .... '.. .... . - - . :... . .  +", > :. < <t:-: i<:\J -; ...... " .... : =' ;:J 
Lesson 30 Progress check Part 1 ,, 1. IToCJIYIIIaH H OTMeTb ,/ , c KeM ceiiqac rOBopHT ,IJ:mHJIJI. . . 4 - .. - - . [ie . [\[ 6)   .lr--  /- -  +"' ..... = p --- D DO 2. KaKoe npe)J;JIOmeHHe 6YKBY. CD cooTBeTcTByeT PHCYHKY. 06Be)J;H - i a) Billy eats b) Billy eats c) Billy eats sweets in the morning. cakes in the morning. cheese in the morning. 2 . . . '- - . . I \ l I I I a) Martin has got five potatoes. b) Martin has got five carrots. c) Martin has got five apples. a) The elephant lives in the house. b) The elephant lives on the farm. c) The elephant lives in the zoo. .. . . . , , "'\ --  . 0 /[\..", - ..... 'V.;:"y< 3. 3anHIIIII CJIOBaMH. 1) 3 2) 11 3) 17 4) 20 .. .. a eo -a . - , .....- ... ... , . , 4. BbI6epH H 06Be.n;H HymHoe CJIOBO. 1) Do you have much / many coffee for breakfast? 2) Have they got many / much friends? 3) Billy hasn't got much / many sweets on the table. 4) Jill like / likes tea and cheese for breakfast. 5) We go / goes to school every day. 34 
5. IIpo"tIHTaB: paCCKa3 KpOJIHKa MapTHHa 0 Me.n;Be.mOHKe BHJIJIH. BCTaBb IIponeHHbIe CJIOBa. likes, write, carrots, school, honey, football My friend is Billy. We go to We like to read and . My play well. He is smart and like to have breakfast together too. Billy sweets, and cakes. I like cabbage . We are good friends! together. friend can brave. We and  ...... , ..... '; = : <" . :w. ,_. . :.,. ....' .. esso 3 'Revision . , -<- y l>"l' ....'IIr"". '-:":!>{<...",.< ":::' .., . 1. a) 3aMeHH 3Ha"tIKH 6yKBaMH, npO"tIHTaH H aaIIHlliH aalliHcp- .... .... pOBaHHYIO "tIaCTb aHrJIHHCKOH nOCJIOBHbI. m@] .. EJ ' a [[JEJa m@] ..EJ[]][I] n- I Y I I I I I I I' D I I I I I I I I I I I I I I and have it. a - EJ c -.. e-[[J k-[]] o - m r -  t - a u - @] y -  " .. .: ;.. ., >. , ., *- " " b) BbI6epH PYCCKYIO IIOCJIOBHY, KOTopaH COOTBeTcTByeT u ........ STOH aHrJIHHCKOH nOCJIOBHe. 1) He KpaCHa H36a yrJIaMH, a KpaCHa IIHporaMH. 2) He XJIe60M eHHbIM mHB "tIeJIOBeK. 3) O.n;HH llHpor Ba pa3a He C"beIIIb. 2. a) ECJIH Thl npaBHJIbHO paa.n;eJIHIIIb 6YKBbI Ha BbIBeCKe, TO yaHaemb, KaK Ha3bIBaeTCH JIeCHOe Kacpe. { HELPYOURSELF J: ',- - -- --_. -- ::..--' 
b) IIoMorH nOBapy COCTaBHTb MeHIO )J;JIH IIOCeTHTeJIeH Ra$e. . -- f;:-'>/:/;::':'El: ;',;;> ;':<;:':::-;__>:f;'-:':':i- . "..:.: <-,,:-- i;:;_';-;;"'.:;;:.' _-  ,;+:, ;'::.". ;t):_::; *t - :" MENU I'- " ...  . .,.... =: . .,do- '" 1) -, 2) i. 3) :: 4) 5) :<_ 6) : . " ,. <'  i'" "- . < .''111:)8: --... ...... = ..  .'. , ,  ,... <-< .>011: +.- . '-:'.F.;' ;..  .. : ":.; > 2: .t>.-  :.::;"'.<:: -4>,": -::«.<'X:..n': . .. .. :;-i. . :::. .:':-:?'.'Ft- «=:; Y.:.:.;; _ Y;::;;:r::;:':'-'<:i: ;].. .." . ...,... . ;....__.+..(_.>..'..:.""-.. "-'lFJ::.. "> - - - ... ..lJ8 3 - -..-''' . OKTOP paccnpalIIHBaeT )]:mHMa 0 ero 3)J;opOBbe. IIpoqH- .... TaH ero OTBeTbI H HaIIHillH BonpOCbI )J;OKTopa. 06pa3e: Yes, I do. I sleep well.- Do you sleep well? 1) Yes, I can. I can swim.- 2) No, I don't. I play tennis.- 3) Yes, I do. I run in the park.- 4) No, I don't. I drink milk for breakfast.- 4. HaH)J;H H BbInHillH 3HaKOMbIe Te6e CJIOBa. u ? e a d a r e , h b . d u c r I e . e  0 5 I n 9 a ,Cd . t 0 e 5 n 5 I P d 0 s k a t e c a n w 9 m 9 f . k . h I I S I P 0 . I 5 I u m p a y do, run, 
5. BCTaBb nponyeHHbIe CJIOBa: am, is, are. 06paae: My friend is strong and healthy. 1) Is Billy fat? - Yes, he . 2) VVe in the park. 3) crocodiles green? 4) Her shirt not dirty. 5) I not big. 6. IIepeeJIaii npe.n;JIo.meHHH no 06paay. 06paaeu;: Jill likes fish for breakfast.- Does Jill like fish for breakfast? 1) The pupil reads and speaks welL- Does the il c..1  . .... =  2) Billy lives in the forest.- Does 3) Bess skates in the park.- 4) Martin plays chess.- 7. IIepe.n;eJIaii npe.n;JIOmeHlfH no 06paay . 06paaeu;: Billy lives in the park.- Billy doesn't live in the park. 1) Jane likes to eat.- 2) Jill and Pam play hockey.- 3) Pam can ride a horse.- 4) Rocky sings at home.- 5) Dino is a teacher.- 6) Pupils are lazy.- 
, 5.- '.- -' . '- project <'. .. f(" "'._... _ _ """'..ow , ........... .  '\.:. - -,::  : . '. r ., "..; -- esson 3 . .....' J ; . . "tJT06bI CeJIaTb HOBoro.n;HIOIO HrpymKY, Te6e rroHa,ZJ;06HTCH: JIHCT JJ;BeTHoii 6YMarH HJIH KapTOHa, tPJIOMaCTep H HOjR- HHIJ;bI. ,. , -".. ..' , ..... ""'.::.: .t:'I . .... . eJ11114 = .;:J \ .. CD : " . . , ..,  '!i. .. . ,.. , <1\.- .<. 1. B03bMH JIHCT U;BeTHoH 6YMarH (U;BeTHoro KapToHa) Ii HapHCyH Ha HeM Kpyr - 3TO Harna 6y.n;Yll\WI eJIOqHaH HrpYIIIKa. - ..... . ... ,.. - i .  < .:. " \. :- b' . " \'.. > .: r .,_ ;:" , J ; .. .A .' '.:'. . . II ".. . ,',., .1{ _. -' .' . .,",' -> « ,-....... . "'..,. ,'# , . 2. BHyrpH Kpyra HapHCyH 3Bea.n;OqKY, CHe- .. mHHKY, XJIOrrymKY RJIH QTO-TO eI.I.J;e. o "": i';>:, -: '" .: .t.. :;'.' '--' .- 'I", «} <. ... . . . IY. :.. ."" 3. AKKypaTHo BbIpemH Kpyr. '1.-.." "-':j. . y ,.:;;-;",. .,;:" " . I # \j:.., ..... .:-" _A .;::- "'';' :. _ 0_. T-. '.  .., 4. Ha 06paTHoH CTopOHe Kpyra nocTapaHcH KpaCHBO HarrncaTb n03paBJIeHHe: C Po.m.n;ecTBoM! MerrY Christmas! HJIH C HOBbIM rOAoM! A Happy New Year! o ..>, . 5. YKpacb Kpyr 6JIeCTHm;HM "Aom.n;HKoM". .-.........-,.. " '. .....:. W!.  .:,-:-  > -"" : ... ,.,,>". i, ,- '.:; . -;. :;: !:>-t  .k-:-' :- .._.. . » . . 4 . .< . -, .' . - '.':ti: - '" . .....(.. .'\..< :..<1; .. ;. -''. o ..... .:>; ,.. - -". IIo.n;apH CHOIO eJIOq:eyro HrpyrnKY KOMY-HH- 6y.n;b H3 QJIeHOB ceMbR HJIH rrOBeCb Ha HOBO- ro.n;HIOIO eJIKY! Merry Christmas! A Happy New Year! _. ., , ": .. '--, =( <-- " .'   "-:;- <,. ". j.;:. "<+ " . . j.". :--. ;. ."": " ' .,,' L,. .. P<, . '/II--' - 1."': y  : .............". . . ". < '-?''$ \ '"..-". ..  ,,+"' .... . ',o., '\', .: .;-:.;;.' >.........,.-........ . - "I".-<-j- , ,. "", ., " ..... .,,:, . - .".""{ ."' >" '11'. . , " '_.: ....' : v.. - , W'_ .... <. - o . ,y  - .  '." ;::' (:- -. "........-, :  .. _ .'r1:: ,....'). - . ,:.;",.  - - - . :Ii-:{. 1.:.. : ,t--  , .; (-.'". 'I.""  -'--1"  . . '. f . . . . - -p f:.'< ...- :.. < i;': (ri>''', - '+ :.>."'- - >?; :>.- .:.". <...,-,.-. ...-,;.., ",. . '."'- - .",:. . :£'Y' ,..,: . ...:+ : . :-" -- , .. - '"'Y_ .,..t:'\-. ...- 'IP'18j:  ::.. _.. <I>  .. ., , .J. , : . i.-.: ...  ,a ."'........ - '. , .., -<=:' .< ..' ...t'- .f_'. .,..:":". -- -.  < - .." ,, 
Speaking about a new friend Lesson 33 1. Han)J;H II coe)J;HHH CTpeJIKaMH CJIOBa, npoTHBOnOJIOmHbIe no aHa'tJeHHIO. bla..ck big fat small bad long good nice kind short smart sad --- ugly stupid slim white angry merry 2. BCTaBb nponyeHHble CJIOBa: am, is, are, can, has. Example: Tiny has got a lot of friends. 1) I think Tiny kind and funny. 2) Billy and Martin play chess well. 3) How old you? - I seven. 4) Are you a pupil? - Yes, I . 5) Tiny got many English books? - Yes, a lot of books.   ..... =-  , 3. TanHH XO'tJeT HaiiTH )J;pyaeii no nepenHCKe 'tJepea raaeTY. IIoMorH eMY paCCKaaaTb 0 ce6e. 3aKOHqII npe)J;JIOmeHHH. Dear friend, I am Tiny. I live I think I am - But I am not I can But I can't I like to I like coffee Please write back (Han...w... MHe). Tiny '1':' - -<;::? ;...-i:"''-, , 'y)' y 1'.  , ,<' - :::;;- 
. >OiL,._ _. y  , ...... .,""", := p .. A.i":I'ir- ..., . ".:!"'" . ... .: - - 'Leson 34 . ....."S . - ' 1. Haii,n;H H 06BeH 3HaKOMbIe Te6e CJIOBa. HanHmH, KaKHe ,n;HH He,n;eJIH TbI JII06Hllih. I like "\ K) '/..w E E M 0 N H P I I I 5 T 5 F I V E 0 ' E I r i :0 T H U R 5 0 A Y ! ;N U U N I A P C 0 I E E R 0 D T 0 H U II rf 51 S 0 A A U E E R I. I .0 0 A Y Y R M 5 0 ! f! IA A M 0 N D A Y 0 !  Y 0 N E A I 5 M F R I E N Y T E N \ , 2. Coe,n;HHH write draw play watch listen to CTpeJIKaMH CJIOBa. funny pictures . mUSIC TV fairy tales computer games A... _,ji: .Y;!> .1:=';';'= ..... . '>:-  23.A :.- > , A'> '\.  ..'"' ",. ... "III":!> -X ........:tt..;. t.. ..-.." to -,.,'. J 'i" ,- J '1;,.->;; . " ; .,) '. '...-;<;.: :.- -:. . .. -» - '! -.:.. '- <' ..;.::- ... .......-:.?:<..... .- , ';,"\, .- -.. , - :.  lIo.,.. ... .;. , _.,.: -:-.,_< .fJ;;1. 1ii:l-'.-,j.:r .;   ;...::::  ;lr..:t-:>!: ,;::.;:::.: ,:.Y.r.,;2.:'',:;..ol<.:-:.:;.:. :;;;.;t . - The' "Country Mouse lives in the 'country' He'r -- ""' :; house isn't but it is nice. The Mouse likes to read. She can funny pictures. On Mondays her comes to see her. ... '>,\ 3 -... -. >- .0. .. . ><.. '.;'" / BCTaBh nponyeHHbIe CJIOBa: big, draw, friend, Country. \ , <, ;;. -i:>"""'l;:i<:,: ':>"'"... > <i' 1'> "fI ,j.'! ,_ " ,,-0J',,J I ' i  I '" . ,.  If t ., . :i : r . , i J t' y y . f...  of _ A :F: <  'v ».....&..;, ;......;. '<!>,:'I- - ........  1."'<t' ... ><""18>'-'>'<"''''''''''''''"><<' -"i- '-Jo' A./'+;.:11>.....o. #-;:";;""",:iI: ,<!tAI.<I'" :&. -"<I . t ....,.....,.Y  ,-- Y:!>, "'....., '<-,,... +, <F Y Y'" - , I - t.A,'.. t s . -: [' .  - A . :E: - i .!  - + ,. :. .   . f, J   . .0:11: Y . .' tH .. ,: "'., I . J it . "- ,J r. A . -. :-11': ,;: '"; .:' ,,,,,lIP'; h :1 ,. .:.. ,.-'>.' - .:, ..x_+>" ,..-. Z';'>.A (.. o' ix -Yo,c:t;::t :,:.::. f 
- .  I _ Lesson 35 1. BCTaBb nponyeHHbIe 6YKBbI. IIpo"tIHTaif CTHXOTBopeHHe. I' "'""   . .... II. _.i< '-   " Spr S A W ht. lIow *' . ng IS gre mmer is bri n. t . mn IS Y . nter IS w \ } ite. .. .. 2. PacKpacb PHCYHKH B COOTBeTCTBHH co CTHXOTBopeHHeM o BpeMeHax ro.n;a. ocJ cC> @  ...... . .... =  3. IIpoHYMepyif tPpaabI B TaKOM nopH.n;Ke, "tIT06bI nOJIyqHJICH paarOBOp. , .) , o UJ o o o Yes, I'd like a green apple. Would you like an apple? Thank you. Here you are. You are welcome.  4) . .;".. II c.P ............' '.' ,, ,_. 4. IIepe.n;eJIaif npe.n;JIOmeHHH no 06paau;y. IIcnoJIbayif Mo.n;eJIH: D o. o. Example: I skate in winter.- Martin skates in winter, too. 1) We walk in the forest in spring.- Bess 2) They visit friends in winter.- Tiny 3) You play tennis in summer.- Pam 4) I ride my bike in autumn.- My friend .41 '  
Lesson 36 1. 3arrHIDH, "tITO MomHO eJIaTb TOJIbKO JIeTOM, TOJIbKO aHMoii, B JII060e BpeMSI ro,n;a. In summer In winter At any season We . We skate. can sWim. can   ..... = 2. )]:ora.n;aiicSI, KaKHe BorrpOCbI MHCTep rpHHBY,n; 3a.n;aJI CBOHM eHHKaM? IIpo"tIHTaii OTBeTbI, 3anHlliH BorrpOCbI. Example: Do you swim in summer? - Yes, I do. I swim in summer. 1) No, I don't like autumn. 2) Yes, we do. We play tennis in summer. 3) Yes, I can. I can ski and skate. 4) - Yes, he has. He has got a nice bike. 5) Yes, she does. She likes spring. 3. IIoMorH the Country Mouse HanHcaTb 0 ce6e. PaccTaBb CJIOBa B rrpe,n;JIOmeHHSlX B HymHoM rropSlKe. 1) in, the, live, I, country.- 2) write, I, read, and, can.- 3) carrots, I, like, not, jam, and, do.- 4) got, a, have, friend, 1.- 5) I, on, Sundays, visit, friend, my.- 
--- ,., Lesson 37 1. CocTaBb npe.n;JIo.meHH.H H CRa.mH, RaKoe BpeMH ro.n;a H KaRHe MeC.HbI JII06HT TaiiHH. 1) like, do, I, not, November, March, and.- r-  2) in, can, I, winter, skate.-  '-"i 3) river, in, swim, the, I, summer, in.- 4) May, I, and, September, like.- 5) like, I, spring, autumn, and.-  ....- ..... = ;::> 2. IIepenHIDH npe.n;JIo.meHHH. MCnOJIb3yii, r.n;e H8,ZJ;O 3arJIaBHbIe 6YRBbI. 1) january, february, december are winter months.- 2) i like may and october.- 3) what month do you like? - august. 4) they skate on sundays and saturdays.- 3. 3arrOJIHH Ta6JIHY. BrrHIIIH Ha3BaHH.H MeCHeB. Days Months 31 days January, 30 days 28 or 29 days R 
-"-oS' . Lesson 38 - . - 1. KaKoe CJIOBO JIHmHee? 3a"tIepKHH ero. 1) autumn, second, winter, spring, summer 2) first, second, think, fourth, fifth 3) December, January, June, February ( . ...... ...... = : - $" - 2. HanHIIIH nHTb meJIaHHii, KOTopbIe TbI XOTeJI 6bI aara,n;aTb B HOBorO,ZJ;HIOIO HO"tIb. Example: I would like to meet Tiny. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 3. BCTaBb He06xo,ZJ;HMble "tIHCJIHTeJIbHble. Example: February is the second month of the year. 1) May is the month of the year. 2) July is the month of the year. 3) August is the month of the year. 4) October is the month of the year. 5) December is the month of the year. 4. 3anOJIHH Ta6JIHn;y. BocnOJIb3yHcH npaBHJIOM Ha CTpaHHn;e 67 Y"tIe6HHKa. 1 one (the) first 9 . nine 13 (the) thirteenth 15 fifteen (the) 18 20 twenty 29 (U} t 44; -" 
Lesson 39 1. B aHrJIHiicKOM KaJIeH.n;ape He.n;eJIH Ha"tIHHaeTCH C BOCKpe- ceHbH. 3arrOJIHH KaJIeH.n;apb H HarrHIlIH, KaKoii no nopH.n;- .... KY Ka.m.n;bIH .n;eHb He.n;eJIH. . , Sunday 1 8 15 22 29 2 9 16 23 30 3 10 17 24 31 4 1 1 18 25 5 12 19 26 6 13 20 27 7 14 21 28 Example: Sunday is the first day of the week.  ...... .... s::  2. IIocMoTpH Ha KapTHHKY H aanHlliH, Kor.n;a STH repOH .... npaa.n;HYIOT CBOH .n;eHb po.m.n;eHHH. Example: The sixth of October is Pam's birthday. < , ,,( . . -It:to -dIF}" . r" ) , ", . \. » )/"-\.\ 3. HanHlliH II.H<PPbI CJIOBaMH: 15 ceHTH6pH, 20 anpeJIH, 12 MapTa, 23 MaH, 2 aBrYCTa, 31 HIOJIH, 22 HIOHH, 19 HOH6pH, 13 <peBPaJIH, 16 OKTH6pH. Example: 15 ceHTH6pH - the fifteenth of September ,45 
.... .""-:: ".,, . . .J Lesson 40 ....-"' ...... ..¥ 1. 3anOJIHH KpOCCBOp. nOMOrYT pnCYHKH. ITpaBHJIbHO nO06paTb CJIOBa Te6e , . , .,...;;;, ::  ..,: "0';.';< . . . ;+ . ..;,. 'I' < <t"!." ,<, .,. .. .q,.: . .". .. -.... ....'\.. <.,;;..- .. . ---t ,;.. . . . . . , < .:.... . .\" .;,. 1 b . .. 0\ .> ....: . , _  :i> -  'y .  ,,;<1>. ....  . di.. .' .'.....,,;. .t'-: "- .. v. ; tb :F ., , ,!-<, " .. ).:111> '\:.. .... :  ;,;::.,;: .'. -:. . .;:x.,.a: ., ',::>:} . ;;  >: .... - :-. ..'-,..,"' . .  . ., \. 2 . I . <' .'\- '.J' ':;:.<-,-:- . .::;. -.  .';  -t<T-t.:;'. 3 . , , > .-.. ..,...Ih. t: ...>': 'I>j r ;t:t",,-= .. }.t .- 4 t .. <- Oc.. .".. J if :It: .t: ..-< ,. ,., - ..< :.'. .  ...  ..- -. f:,. 5 ..?-:; - },- \T ... 'V,- .....>,c.-:>( . .> . ,.,. ....' . 'I:: -. _. . > \" :'I>.. .' . :'>. . 0 -;.:. . ,. .r .. , 6 h d y'lli.ol!l'""" . :>:r...;: !:'O ... ,.... , _. l- .. .>... ';.  _:it="l>.' - . J:.. . >):::0- v 'Sqj.'< o .. , .,' r4. ,. .:.>..'b>:  , . , :"1>". .:c  , , ,'. -:;.."., '1>.:=:..... . """'-;',& ;,.. . -' .f A:. -to A ., ...;: <T 7 a ., y - .;;.*. ,. , \ J " .j , .  :'- .. ;...?, 2. ITepeBeH Ha aHrJIHHCKHH ,HabIK 1) BbI XOTeJIH 6bI K HaM npHexaTb? - . A . 2) Kora TBOH eHb pOmeHH.H? 3) H XOTeJI(a) 6bI nOJIyqHTb KOMnblOTep EO HIO pOmeHH.H. .:.'I>,",v"l.' 3. HanHIIIH HaH60JIee BamHbIe JI,H Te6,H H TBoeH ceMbli .n;a TbI roa. Example: The second of September is my mum's bIrthday. ! 
.- -.- L,esson 41 .' , ,.;". >+.: . .:. <- ... -s. 1. ,l:(.mHM nOJIy"tlHJI OTKPbITKY. IIoMorH eMY paCIIIH<PPOBaTb TO, "tITO TaM HanHcaHO. 3aMeHH aHa"tIKH 6YKBaMH. ,... '> ."__. -0.:. ... --.."". ..rr ». :.; , . '" <..  .:...._::. :.. 0:  b- t "" >;::, -:c H a . f 0 o " =»,.... +>_.!' -,>..<;--> >: .:q, .. . , ;too.:. .> 2. BCTaBb nponyeHHbIe p zzle, b II, tedd r ller sk tes, pr 6YKBbI: bear, sent, d comp ter, g II, bic cleo ,->;. ',;, a'.; ....;'[9] ;.,;--' b - [J;] d - h -rn i-[!] o -@] :t:___ .:>o<t .>. .- .<;. <1':<- ;';;<::'><'... r.... ,", >. "'->, .. . :: .... .. .- p _ rn'c r-[1l t-[!] u-EQJ y - . . --. .. -:r' :--.. '11'""<1> ' .....,. y'" ",.. : :..' . »:  I:. .:;;. :-::;.. r ...... .,. .... ,  .: }-- . ... me, 3. II pOHYMepyii <ppaabI B TaKOM nopH.n;Ke, "tIT06bI IIOJIy"tIHJICH .... paarOBOp .n;BYX .n;pyaeH. [j]- I'd like to have a birthday today. D- Oh, I can give you a sweet. Here you are. 0- It's great. Thank you. D- I'd like to have a scooter and a lot of sweets. D - What would you like to have for your birthday? 4. HanHIIIH aaMeTKY B mypHaJI "My Birthday" 0 TOM, KaK .... TbI OTMe"tIaeIIIb CBOH .n;eHb pom.n;eHHH. :..A ,.... ." r:" . ---- \ , . ( My Birthday J-- --- . -- -'--' . [I , i , My birthday is on a birthday party. My friends and I ."....... .1 . ,. . .: y . - '. .. ::.;: ... - . ,....... . I , I I I I I I .  . I have got  
. :« ,.. Lesson 42 . . .. :I:...: !. -"'-"", , 1. 3anOJIHH KpOCCBOp,n; H B BbI,n;eJIeHHbIX KJIeTKaX TbI npO"tIH- TaeIIIb CJIOBO. EaRHe ,n;Ba aHa"tIeHHH OHO HMeeT? BcnOMHH H HaaOBH pYCCKHe CJIOBa, KOTopbIe HMeIOT HeCKOJIbKO .... aHa"tIeHHH. 1) KOHBepT 2) pYQKa 3) OTKpbITKa 4) MapKa 5) 6YMara 6) YJIHa 1 2 3 .4 5 6 " : oj ...... ; ..... := ;' I ", Welcome to the post office! " , We have got a lot of nice envelopes, I stamps, writing paper, ! ! postcards, pens and posters. I I I You can write to your friends and phone I I I them (n03BoHHTb HM). <. <. >2 2. IIoMorH COTpy,n;HHKY nO"tITbI. BnHIIIH B peKJIaMHOe 06'b.HBJIeHHe.  -.-----.-----...- - ------. - - ----- -- - -- --.---.--- _.- HymHbIe CJIOBa ---- --_._---------------_._---_...--I . : nIce : new : blue and pink : black and blue : Christmas ; a lot of .'f"Vlo.. 3. 3anHIIIH CJIOBaMH. ..-. Example: 1) 3 -- :II" . .<81:" :,....  .,._ "'I- :.w . <'b. .  --.. >. - three letterboxes j> :0- f- < .=;""f ' 'I!.-: .;e.; A  ':-'"">:;'<.1/" 2) 4 , 3) 8  I .p 11'1 \ , awI- IC!! I j1:l<""" - I , <;.<0015"...1 I_-=-- -r.., \ ,.--.- ..--..., 4) 5 :-.;.':'IE_ .' .1.: --. . - >io.'0 -.. '00 .ff ...: _... ..,  A.'" _........ 5) 9 .h_.... ---...- --. 6) 2 p ....; --'e. , . I. . .'  . 'L.:> - .q,... '.... ',,"' .j>....,. ,'-..f< . 'I- .. .  "'- < ..,..",. .. + , , 
.. . Lesson 43.. < . - """'" - y , 1. Haii.n;H CJIOBa, CBHaaHHbIe C nO"tIToH. 3anHlliH HX. A P P E N L S E N D D 0 A K 0 (E N V E L"I D 5 P 0 5 T M A N 0 R T E G E T P U T P E E R R P E N E W E '-'" 5 T A M P R B 0 X N 5 T R E E T A K E C envelope 'C'f:) 2. Coe.n;HHH 6YKBbI 6YKB C Hy.mHbIMH ......  H CO"tIeTaHHH aHa"tIKaMH ..... '-" =. TpaHCKpHnHH.  envelope [aI] write address [ee] street letter [i: ] read post [au] send paper [e] stamp get [ eI] poster [Ju] [a] J ,. 3. HanHIIIH, "tITO TbI MomeIIIb ,n;eJIaTb C nHCbMOM. Example: I can get a letter. A _..,:>!u .... .... - ? '$.. , '- )- - - . .)  -' \ .., . .. -' - . --L - y. . \- '--'- :... ":I.'  1) 2) 3) 4) _Y'" ;")-"" y >-.... (49,- , .... 
4. ,n:onOJIHH He,[J;OCTalOm;HMH CJIOBaMH nHCbMO, KOTopoe )]:.iKHJIJI HanHCaJIa MHCC qaTTep. Dear Miss Chatter It w . > ...  :II: .... :'\I 'Ii>  --, i '- 111. I am on the farm. I am here with my \ , I . , I have got my with me. It likes to  '" ...... in the river and to on the farm. :. '"' ".; ]a (. -. . , walk in the forest or In the morning I \\ \ t At the  , ...... . ..... .=  Now you PO,-J:" they have got a lot of '1ft  . -_ _'V) .."...... .. \ . . .' $ ,- +.:6- ( for my collection. ! --...-...-- . . ...-. '-' know my Please write back. Your Jill .rr". .... ::..-.. . Lesson 44 1. PaccTaBb 6YKBbI B HY.iKHOM nopH,[J;Ke H nO,[J;IIHIIIH PHCYHKH. '"'" - ..... ......- ........_./. I - -" , \.. , ) JI.:,..'  I , . ; j  ., < ,  3 ____-.."....,J 2 " " »-<- "t:. . -... . >_ ._vt1:. ..q,. . .... .Y..... -.0.' . "' 1) t e r e I t letter .' ..... J . --' ,. ...i'c;:::::f ., y'> '. ' y ., ,;,."-.<- 2) t ' s r e p 0 , JI - 3) t p a s m 'J" 4) a p r e p .." ... .. .  .  5) m a s 0 t P n 
2. Coe)J;HHH .... .... . CJIOBa C COOTBeTCTBYIOm;eH TpaHCKpHnn;HeH .... postman address friend envelope postcard town I street I  I .... [au] [a:] [] [i: ] [e] [u] I I J 3. COCTaBb H aanHlliH npe)J;JIOmeHHH. 1) writes, Tiny, letters, friends, to, his.- 2) like, We, get, to, letters.- 3) the, Where, are, envelopes? 3) are, you, Where, from? -  5) postcard, I, not, do, this, like.- ...... . ..... = - . 't 4. IIpH,n;YMaii H HarrHIIIH nO-aHrJIHMCKH paaHbIe a.n;peca. He aa6y,n;b YKaaaTb cBoii a,n;pec. IfCnOJIbaYM ynpa.mHeHHH 2 H 3 Ha CTp. 79 H 80 e6HHKa.  -. ... .  , , , - . .   -.. " . , , , - (51) - . . , a.... 
Lesson 45 1. PacIIIHtPPyii HnHCb Ha KOHBepTe. BnHIIIH 6YKBbI B KJIeTKH I10,n; HX HOMepaMH. HCIIOJIbayii aarJIaBHYIO 6YKBY, r,n;e Hy.mHO. , 1 - a 8 - n : , 2 - d 9 - 0 , - » - . 112 114 18 113 I 3 - e 10 - r 10,14 11 114 /10 113 112 11 17 13 I 111 /12 110 13 13 /12 I , 4 - f 1 1 - s 5 - 9 12 - t 6 k 13 - y 15 110 13 13 18 I 14 19 [10 13 111 112 I - , 7 - I 14 . , - I Great Britain -  'Wa.. 'Wa.. 'Wa.. 'Wa.. 'Wa.. 'Wa.. 'Wa.. 'Wa.. 'Wa..   , .'!it' 2. ..... .... , = ::> ;  ,n;oraiic.H H HanHIIIH, qbH 3TO Bem;H. Example: Tiny's letter C/ 1T (  I'   .. . -- \.1 ,» +' ) /A l'  f '\ t r-: . '" - t . :t'-:.. -. -:",",  ,. ... . . -  ..- . ; , \ . . u, 3. IIepe,n;eJIaii npe,l];JIOmeHHH no o6paaIJ;Y. Example: Jill has got a new player.- Jill's player 1) Peter usually writes long letters.- . IS new. 2) Jim sends nice postcards.- 3) My friends have got nice posters.- 4) The postman has got a big bag.- 5) The girl has got English stamps.- G1J r 
Lesson 46 1. KaKoe CJIOBO JIHlliHee? 3a'tJepKHH ero. 1) Today, Monday, Sunday, Wednesday, Saturday 2) mum, brother, sister, boy, dad 3) nice, beautiful, bad, good, wonderful 4) one, two, third, four, five 5) September, October, November, December 2. BbI6epH H 06Be.n;H COOTBeTcTByrom;yIO Example: Jill's postcard CaY- OTKpbITKa )]:.mHJIJI b) OTK pbITKH )]:.mHJIJI 6YKBY. r. . .<f! ,, " I 1) Tiny's pencils a) KapaH.n;aIII TaMHH b) KapaH.n;aIIIH TaMHH 99 ,!J, .  ...... ..... = ;;J 2) teachers' computer a) KOMnbIOTep y"tIHTeJIH b) KOMTIbIOTepbI Y"tIHTeJIH c) KOMTIbIOTep yqHTeJIeM 3) sister's dolls a) KYKJIbI ceCTpbI b) KYKJIbI cecTep c) KYKJIa cecTep 3. IIepeBe.n;H CJIOBOCO'tJeTaHHH Ha aHr JIHMCKHM HabIK Example: MapKa 6paTa - brother's stamp 1) TIHCbMO MaMbI - 2) KOHBepTbI TaMHH - 3) CYMKa TIO"tITaJIbOHa - 4) TIJIaKaTbI )]:mHMa - 5) OTKpbITKH .n;eBO"tIeK 6) KOIIIKa cecTep - 
.. .. - Lesson 47 ::..;.". ''" - - 1. Coe)J;HHH TpaHCKpHnn;HIO C HymHbIM CJIOBOM. [wen] [WItn [waI] [we] [ WDt ] [hu:] [hau] why how when who what where which -' -.-.......... 2. BbI6epH H o6Be)J;H HymHble BonpOCHTeJIbHble CJIOBa.  ....... .... -= p .( ::;........ j , _(,rh  ,", '', t("' I  " __.__\;...".=-=- ,.. t.., . , .., ... \, 'f-'-'\ 'c.. - 1\ '-):J, ,)a:1 \ \., :,: )r ' I"" ... Ifi .... 'f'' . ... '. i ; I .',. ", :::::,--, '- : " j: . n._ Example: What /(Wh;) / Who is the postnlan happy? . 1) Why / What / Where would you like to get on your birthday? 2) How / Which / Where is she from? 3) How / How many / How much letters do you send to your friends? 4) What / How / Why computer games have you got? I I i i I 3. HarrHIIIH OTBeT aBTOPy nHCbMa, KOTopoe Te6e nOHpaBllJIOCb. HCnOJIb3yii BonpOCbI ll3 ynpamHeHHH 6 Ha CTp. 87 yqe6Hll- Ka KaK nJIaH. .:....v'< '. ::i)  -- ...,.<  '« <- "': :f' . '. ". .. ,,. . - " >- «<8>.<. ,,:It Dear Your pen friend " ' ... 'IF. .t: ,. ..'t .<\-. . £ ...., . - 1< ...0, . .""  .. ";";....... y' . < "1-" ...,;!I:.. < .; <,. :.' . ..," y 4- A ..jI"'- ,';"'".. '''';;::11' >. . .< ::.. "." >. +: ., . .X:<-<'A''''''':"":''\-''< ':lrOc",\-,y """<.,..y">".,,,. <--.'6;.>.:.«"v', ¥":.."':-:;'=;'...;'...' .t-, ._":':: .:. ';"X"'IF' ..,...y,.. . ." .. """>O. '- '. , «:; ..." " .., -. >, ., . .( , ., ,,: ' .', . :... ,. " ., !" .(. .. ." ;. ., " > '< ., ., .< ,. " " ,. .> ., ., " " . .... .. < 
1. CocTaBb H 3anHlliH BoaMomHble CJIOBOCO"tIeTaHHH. YCTHO .... nepeBeH HX Ha PYCCKHH HabIK. Example: to listen to music - CJIYlliaTb MyabIKY to listen a scooter 1) to draw letters 2) to ride TV to play pictures 3) to watch to music 4) to get computer games 5) 3. IIpoQHTaii OTBeTbI MHCC qaTTep. )]:ora,n;aiicH, KaKHe Bon- pOCbI eii aMaBaJIH. 0 KOM ee paccnpaIIIHBaJIH, HapHcyii ero nopTpeT. T80M PHCYHOK ... 1. What does he like? - I l He likes jam, sweets and cakes. I 2. What is his favourite season? - His favourite season is summer. 3. Why Summer is bright and nice. 4. Where He lives in the forest. 5. How many He has got a lot of friends. , 2. Lesson 48 IIoMorH ,1];aiiHo CeJIaTb 3TH npeJIOmeHHH BonpOCHTeJIb- HbIMH. IIocTaBb BonpOCbI K BbI,n;eJIeHHbIM CJIOBaM. Example: Jim has got a new computer.- Who has got a new computer? 1) In spring they visit their grandma.- When do 2) Miss Chatter posts her letters on Sundays.- What does 3) The postcard is from England.- Where is 4) Billy likes ice cream and sweets.-  ...... . .... =  ? . ? . ? . ? . ? - . ? . ? . 0" 
Lesson 49 - - 4 1. HaiiH H 06BeH BonpOCHTeJIbHble CJIOBa. IIpHYMaii C HHMH BonpOCbI. Example: Where are you from? n 0 'W\ e I I I e w Ih 0 w w h ,e n h h Ir . 0 w 1 Y w le.) a c w h a t h   ..... ==  2. HanHmH, 'tJTO TbI MO.iKemb eJIaTb C BonpocaMH. MCnOJIb- 3yii CJIOBa: ask, answer, read, write, count. Example: I can ask questions. 1) 2) 3) 4) .:;; 3. KaKHe BonpOCbI TbI 3a,n;aJI 6bI yqeHHKaM JIecHoii mKOJIbI. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 4. CocTaBb BonpOCbI H TbI Y3Haemb, 0 'tJeM POY3 XOTeJIa Te6,H crrpOCHTb. 1) Do, like, you, fairy tales? 2) your, is, birthday, When? 3) old, How, you, are? 4) you, What season, do, like? 5) funny, Can, pictures, you, draw? 
 -- , .  Lesson 50 ,- Progress check Part 1 { 1. ITocJIymaii pa3rOBOp .iKHJIJI C ee HOBbIM .n;pyroM TaiiHH. OrMeTb .I, KaRoii no.n;apoK OH nOJIyqMJI Ha .n;eHb pO.iK.n;eHHH. ;"   < . o o o 0-- '.- 2. IIpo"tIHTaii nHCbMO, KOTopoe npHIDJIO B JIeCHYIO IDKOJIY, H BblnOJIHH 3a.n;aHHH. anuar 10 ..  ...... . .... =  .,,"'; Dear pen friend, My name is Tom. I am a boy. I am 1 O. I am from Great Britain. I live with my mum and dad. My favourite holiday is my birthday. My birthday is on the 18th of July. What is your name? How old are you? I have got a nice cat Kitty. My cat is black and white Kitty likes milk and fish. I like to play with my cat. I would like to have a dog. Have you got a pet? Is it funny? My favourite sport is tennis. I can play tennis very well. But I can't swim. I like to draw and play computer games. On Saturdays and Sundays I ride my bike in the park. What do you like to do? What can you do well? Please write back. _ Your pen _friend, Tom Chester ... - - fAt! .... .'" . t4 'c \j ." < ,:-' -, 1) 3aKOH"tIH npe.n;JIO.iKeHHe. BbI6epH H o6Be.n;H COOTBeTCT- BYIOm;yIO 6YKBY. Tom's birthday is... a) on the eighth of July. b) on the eighteenth of June. c) on the eighteenth of July 
 ...... ..... =  2) HaH,lJ;H npaBHJIbHbIH OTBeT Ha Bonpoc: "What can Tom do?" 06Be,lJ;n COOTBeTCTBYIOm;yIO 6YKBY. a) He can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and swim. b) He can play tennis, draw, ride a bike and play computer games. c) He can play computer games, draw, ride a bike and swim. 3) Haii,lJ;H HeBepHoe npe,lJ;JIOmeHHe. 06Be,lJ;H COOTBeTCT- BYIOm;yIO 6YKBY. a) Tom is from Great Britain. b) He has got a pet. c) Tom would like to have a cat. d) Tom can ride a bike. 3. BbI6epH H 06BeH HymHoe CJIOBO. 1) My pets is / are funny. 2) Tom likes / like winter. 3) Ann doesn't lives / live in a big house. 4) Does Tiny write / writes letters and postcards? 5) January is the first / second month of the year. 4. BbI6epH npe,lJ;JIo.meHHe, KOTopoe COOTBeTcTByeT PHCYHKY. 06Be,lJ;H HymHYIO 6YKBY. a) The girl's flowers . - , '" are nIce. - .. ... G  I, <:' G b) The girls' flowers . are nIce. 1 I " I # - s. a) The boy's stamps are old. . .. l ( ...,. "- . b) The boys' stamps old. ,  <i;-. >: A are ' . , )  " < .;,-< , -}:.. ". 2 5. CocTaBb H 3anHlliH BonpOCbI. 1) is, birthday, When, your? 2) lives, Who, the, in, forest? 3) he, does, Why, spring, like? 4) you, play, Can, tennis? 58 
-- ., - -.. 6. ITpO"tIHTaii paCCKa3 n BnHIIIH nponym;eHHble CJIOBa. I third, school, ride, beautiful, swim I I like summer. I don't go to in June, July and August. Summer is nice and bright. You can see a lot of flowers. You can in the river . You can your bike in the park. My birthday is in summer, too. It is in the summer month. What month is it? 7. HannlliH OTBeT TOMY qecTepy. 3aKOH"tIH npe,n;JIOmeHHH. , 1l<- - '-»""" ":' . , , ," : Dear Tom, ,. I from am . My birthday ."" '=.< . My favo u rite  . .... ." = <.. I can ;:> .. I like to ". > .,>1' friend, Your pen - . . . .- .,  :- <.  '. y < . . , .. Lesson 51 Revision ! -:  :....>. ,"<,;;  ..., ." 1. COe.ZI;HHH TO"tIKH B npaBHJIbHOM IIOpH.ZI;Ke. Y3Haii H HaIIH- lliH, 0 KaKOM nO.ZI;apKe Me"tITaeT KpOJIHK MapTHH. The first of January . The twelfth of April The second of July . The thirteenth of May . The twenty-third of July The fifth of November . The eighth of September Martin would like to have 59 
<' <1;)' 3 ...>"'. ..,.;.. )" . , . ..;:-:t ',. 4 ; 31)., ""-:- '\- ...;......... . . ... . 0'3 ...... . .... '... .... ,. .j:) IIepeBe.n;H Ha aHrJIHHCKHH H3bIK. .... rOBopHTb nO-aHrJIHHCKH nHcaTb CTHXH - CJIYlliaTh MY3hIKY "tIHTaTb CKa3KH - CMOTpeTb TeJIeBH30p KaTaTbCH Ha caMOKaTe - nOJIy"tIaTb nHChMa H OTKpMTKH JII06HMOe BpeMH ro.n;a KpaCHBhle BeTbI 3aKOH"tIH CTPOKY. HanHlliH He MeHee TpeX CJIOB. Example: [re] stamp, man, bag, dad [eI] favourite, [aI] write, [A] month, [u] postcard, 5. IIpo"tIHTaH nHCbMO MaJIeHbKOH POY3. BMeCTO HeKOTopbIX CJIOB OHa HapHCOBaJIa KapTHHKH. BnHlliH STH CJIOBa. I like to play with my toys. c:....,... :, . ::"";f -M.s;.<t> -.)<Il- ,- -- .- - .- - .- , 0""> , : : _ .__..-.n __._ _... .. Dear Tiny, I am Rose. I am (5). I live with my mum, dad, M  . and my brother Andrew f. 1h,';-J' n,- I have got a lot of toys: a doll's house, -."',; . .f' "0" .."..  ',.. ',. t' , . ' ,;,; I . .  . '. c. -  ':8,\:_ .d;. ., _ > <- . . . '1..:11>' < . ;.. .-< ._. >:.v . ..... ....... and a .-  /  ;-. ,"" ,. ..,;;- - ;-.--::.)II ... --,.. - - \.\ -+."";' . . . - -,, "IF .  .. t,, 0I!!I!i!!!!!!!: __ ;;';¥i.;- .: =:..'!'.c< ...: ,..c><- »< .... ..=-< ...>: :1"-"", 'Io:# ... >. .1 .:r....o,. .: A -- .- -- .. -- - - . .. 
. <fit  ;. -  I can sing and dance. I like to ask a lot of ? ( . ). I would like to ask you: .-  ). . . .", x Do you live in the 2 . Have you got a ,.0 2 . Can you ride a 2 . ,.........." . Please write me back and answer my Rose ? ( . ). - Ct':  .fIIIIIIII =  - - 6. BIIHIIIH He.n;OCTaIOHe npe.n;JIOmeHHH B paarOBope Mem.n;y .n;OKTOpOM H .n;HHoaaBpHKOM )]:aiiHo. Doctor: Hello! Can I help you? Dino: Hello! I am not well. Help me, please. Doctor: You look fat. Do you eat many sweets and cakes? rTTTr ,-.- . Dino: Doctor: Dino: No, I don't. I do not walk in the forest. Doctor: What do you like to do? Dino: Doctor: You must run, Dino: Thank you. I'll do my best (H nOCTa- paIOCb BCe BblnOJIHHTb). Goodbye. Doctor: Bye. And remember "An apple a day keeps the doctor away".  7. BhI6epH PYCCKYIO IIOCJIOBHU;y, KOTopaH cooTBeTcTByeT aHr- .... .... JIHHCKOH nOCJIOBHu;e .n;OKTopa. An apple a day keeps the doctor away. 1) H6JIOKO OT H6JIOHH He.n;aJIeKO na.n;aeT. 2) IIo H6JIOKY B .n;eHb - H 060ii.n;eIlIbCH 6ea .n;OKTopa. 3) )]:opora JIOmKa K 06e.n;y. ,) 
.-, '111>"'.... ..;. :' ""'-, - - . .. Lesson 52 Project _. --=>o.. .. ,_. \  'A:t: '; .'  '" .'.' .... ,. ..;r. -. ". . "'- . _ .-t:-;.' y-' ., -. . ,-,- . 00 " ,.,.<,.  "- . . B STOll "tIeTBepTH TbI n03HaKOMHJICH C aHrJIHHCKHM rHOMHKOM TaHHH. Y Hero CKOpO ,n;eHb pom.ZJ;eHHH. ,n:aBaH n03,n;paBHM ero: c,n;eJIaeM OTKPbITKY H HanHmeM HamH n03,n;paBJIeHHH. QT06bI c,n;eJIaTb n03,n;paBHTeJIbHYIO OTKPbITKY, Te6e nOHa- ,n;06HTCH 60JIbIIIOll JIHCT 6eJIoll 6YMarH, cpJIOMaCTepbI H HomHHD;bI. \ '"" <.. .,. :/ ,"". -.  y....;z ;:; ..' ., ...., . . :.,,";'.i:. :--'__ . . :::t-:....-,,::,;.  <-'j!> ..,d."': . . . .. . 'IF  . >  -. .' >,' . .' .' "  .- :;' \ . < - ',.  ...... . .... =  , . . ""..:;>..r.:. ':  :,? . '! ..'-, -qp-. ., ;'>'+"'.:. . ",:: ; ;'.t: . :- '"'"".-  ,../'''. f.' t.y<0'  ',i';' ._,".:!1;<,it ",'1>   . ,,>,.,. '!:t... . "#"11'<.... «<' '-'¥""" < <<It......,. , . . l\'\1";.,'.. < ----. ., , CD 1. CJIOmH JIHCT nOnOJIaM. 3TO TBOH OTKpbITKa. 2. Ha BHemHeH CTopOHe OTKpbITKH Thl Momemb HapHCOBaTb nopTpeT TaHHH, D;BeThI HJIH JII060ii ,n;pyroii PHCYHOK, HaKJIeHTb KapTHHKH. . ' . . .  . , > :>  ' ........ ,""',,r. '"0  -i >. '- . , it" j,,_'!(:, (.''f: "";.,  _:: > ;>. .,, 0. .",;., - -': ",,>:. ..-.-. . 2 .. ,."":; '.' ,. --- ,-:. :-;..' x-+'<a::" . , .: '11'0... . .-,. : ;\ . t, - ,;.. ....:L . .. 'I: 3. Ha BHYTpeHHeH CTopOHe HanHmH II03,n;paBJIe- HHe C ,n;HeM pom,n;eHHH. He 3a6y,n;b HanHcaTb .. B KOHD;e n03,n;paBJIeHHH CBoe HMH. _ 1'.... i :,:-:j . ,,; , T """<'" >] " . ?) '. ..::-<y-; .- '£i.  .::'" ,. .: ?\r T.' ;: :/;'\:.' '>';  !:.A : <l'- '::: .' - >..>. - '. f ,,-c.: ;)'_... - .:" ---.- f/1III# ->;:,  .---:::;: .......". CD .:<  ..  () nth c: ,,:-,,-:2 " :.. -t C c...". r:. - ' ..' 0 r; "":'».,,:,=:i;-'"  "'">0.", .. «-.,.-:;: >.; <- - ""'" - -  ....:-, . '" '/ V"r I ." I P->;..iJ.y to yo" . · tll\PP Y <t-"... , H, , " es.( w"5he Pi 0......- ... »: ,." , , . , t " ::: ''-'--:-  , '- ._.....;-: - .-- , . 
- Telling stories and writing letter to your friends Lesson 53 1. IIOIIHIIIH HaaBaHHH qaCTeH JIHa H TYJIOBHm;a p060Ta. " -   . . . '". \. < . -, .. '" ......... '.   ..... =  2. BCTaBb nponym;eHHble 6YKBhI. ce, n nd, se, e rm, I rs, g, ha yes, mo th, t eth, he ' d, r, f et, t es, kne f h 3. PaccMoTpH tPoTOrpatPHIO .mHTeJIH .n;aJIeKOH IIJIaHeTbI. IIpoqHTaH HaqaJIO paCCKaaa 0 HeM. IIpoOJI.mH ero onHcaHHe. \ - It is funny and It has got four . nice. big ears, - - , .. ,. - .. .. "'I . - . ,.... " -' . J . " " I I , (X,. , . r.' -I '\. . ),  I , . "t.. '"  .\ . ,- .' ..... . t. I . ,.. "'":. I.,. , \ , ....., ., -, ." . j..i . .f- I. ,: , " .. ",., .'- .: . ,I '.J "i , ., r 'f"" I ,.)J. " "',1" ., , It'" r I ,  I It. ,. , ., 63 
.... .:-. , >.>" ' > Lesson 56 ""'i. vi' . . -- - -._-. :_. .W .10 y :.'Y._':4& ' 1. B )J;OMe y MHCC qaTTep HCrrOpTHJIHCb Bce qaCbI. IIoCMOT- pH Ha qaCbI II 3arrHlliH BpeMH, KOTopoe OHH rrOKa3bIBaIOT. CKamH, CKOJIbKO qaCOB B )J;OMe. « ,"- ... .'1>.. .< . ". > , :" <..'.1, . . . , . .'' 1112 1 10:. ..2 9 - .. -3 . 8.. .4: 3 7 6 5, .-:' . . :> :'\:",.: : y.,< : . <-.,.....,. ,.;: . ... r r \11t .... > '. :-. - ..  .. . . . . ."J.  : -, ". .;4'"> y  ... <!. .", '" 4 .. . 0-;:- . <". , ;/». x<.>':<:: - <t; ;--;">.-.... x ...... f'\. "? ,. "" ,. l.....- '- "',.. _. ,,- ." ".''1; If .;t - ,- . ::; t:q: _.   :. .. i.; . <...... n ..:,.;.,. ;.,*k , '- ' , . 'II'" > .' .-;:g,.<: t>  :. : v > .- ,,-. -j1, »,'" ""d;. .:SF"'. : .«-x<;.  . . ....,. .r ,>« ...:it_ '\:"" , 1r'. .;. .  y. . '. ';". ,...2 . , .. :3... .e. 4' 6 .: 765 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) ,< ../'"': --. . ,,' . . 'S 56- 2. IIpoqHTaii paCCKa3 H BCTaBb nporrym;eHHble CJIOBa. I watches, cleans, washes, does, has I Ann gets up at 7 o'clock. Ann her teeth and her face and hands. Then she has breakfast. At two o'clock Ann lunch. Then she her homework. In the evening she plays TV and reads books. She doesn't play games. At half past eight Ann goes to bed. IIoMorH mHTeJIHM CKa30qHOrO JIeca BOBpeMH BKJIlOqHTb TeJIeB1I30p. IIpoQHTaii rrporpaMMY TeJIerrepeaq H 060- 3Haqb Ha qacax BpeMH, Kor)J;a HX 6y)J;YT rrOKa3WBaTb. 11121, 11121 10 2 0 2 9 . 3 9 . 3 8 4 8 4 1 7 8 5 .4 7 6   . ..... =  tennis, computer f<......: _ , . '.. 3. .......................................... . . . . . ... - . . . . : 1) At half past nine - "Tom and Tim" : : 2) At twelve 0' clock - "Run, swim and iump" : : 3) At one 0' clock - "We and they" : . . : .4) At half past four - IILook around" : : 5) At half past six - "fairy tale news" : : 6) At eight 0' clock - "Sleep tight" : . . · · 3 .......................................... G6f6'6;1.. - "'<" . . 'IF _ > .;.. y \ 11 12 1 ' 10 2. 9 . 3 8 4 2' 765 1112 1-., 10 2' 9 . 3  8 4 5 ' 765 
Lesson 57 1. 0603Ha'tJb Ha IJ;H<}:>ep6JIaTaX BpeMH, YKa3aHHoe B Ka.iK)J;OM npeJIo.meHHH. 11121 10 2 9 . 3 8 4 765 1 11121 10 J 2 9 3 8 4 3 765 1112 1 1) It's four forty-five. 10 2 2) It's ten o'clock. 9 e. 3 8 4 3) It's half past six. 765 4) It's eight ten. 2 5) It's half past three. 6) It's two twenty. 11 12 1 10 2 9 . 3 8 4 765 4 e 11121 10 2 9 e 3 8 4 765 5 2. IIoMorH MHcTepy rpHHBYy COCTaBHTb BonpOCbI H3 CJIOB. OTBeTb Ha HHX YCTHO. 1) do, get up, When, you? 2) go, Where, do, in, you, the morning? 3) you, do, When, bed, to, go? - ...  .... . ..... = ::J 4) you, clean, Do, teeth, your, morning, in, the? - 5) you, like, Do, Green School? - 3. q TO 06bI'tJHO rrpoHcxo.n;HT B STO BpeMH no BOCKpeCeHbHl\f B TBoeH ceMbe? Example: At 8 pm my mother usually watches TV. 11 12 1 f l  8 4 765 1 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 11 12 1 10 2 9 e--3 8 I 4 765 2 11121 10 J 2 9 3 8 4 765 3 11121 10 1 2 9 3 8 4 76 4 11 12 l' 10......., 2 9 -, 3 8 4 76 5 11121 10 2 9 3 ,8 4 765 6 67 r 
.:':-<' : ,. : :.... =. '. ,jIiIIf x""Nv, ,. .. '., 6 (f: , o.. . 'f:. \' " , ,,-,. ,,' , '\.-0/:'",,< ..;:: ':,:n-:'''' .'I>. ). -e.'. 'A'. . UI;. :i>r.....;. Lesson 58  ,  :-=:-;: "< "xv " , v-?<- """,, :>-.>_<> . .::'" :::....:: :':'<-"'->;::-:i..M- ,A_::: 4- : -. >.' 1. BbrqepKHH JIHillHee CJIOBO. 1) eye, mouth, nose, hand, ear 2) leg, knee, foot, toe, head 3) ears, eyes, mouth, feet, teeth 4) when, why, wash, where, what 2. CocTaBb BorrpOCbI. OTBeTb Ha HHX YCTHO. Example: do, When, you, get, up? - When do you get up? 1) Do, wash, your, hands, you, and, face? - 2) do, When, have, you, breakfast? - - 3) do, you, do, When, your homework? 4) you, Do, walk, park, the, in? 5) you, do, When, go, bed, to? - 3. ,ZJ;aihIo Tome peillHJI HarrHcaTb nHCbMo TaHHH 0 TOM, KaK OH npoBoHT CBOH BeceHHHe KaHHKYJIbI. IIoMorH eMY 3aKOHQHTb nHCbMO. ;':;,  :;Y":\f  -;d_l.I1t.:; 'o-:;:;j;; :t:!-:.... (.:,;;ir- f-'> :-:-,; ; :;:_:..-:-:b::t ;j- -t!. :.  :t>; ;..<.:', :::: ... it; ,_ di Dear Tiny, ':L . -d'  , 1 I like spring holidays. I do not go to school 1 ....-<, 'II!:IF '-   ;: in the morning. . . . ..  !I  i., <  "-' . :;;t;    In the evening I I_.:-_;.B... t "'- - _. [- :......,. "", >F :*> i' -II¥! : :'::,{:t:>< ;  ,: »::.J:''j,' ; :F::: ',. :;;_., .-ii;:n ;Y .;: "' .,. ,.  ,)-"':a:' ;!>">i..:" -<,;. >""-' :L. :: t,; :<t .. :;;(i; :p c v >':11>"'\i> ''16-.+;: '<iF:iI: .'.":.C  )o.,,<+:A>y"1lt ' "<0 '<>.""'_:":"_.,,," :vttbF:"'k'-:;:'"';-'>-:. .' A '::7 ei{-l: ::..L;a..:". ,:_._' >' < __:. :  :.:f :,:..::.:;,:.:.._. .,:,.,<'.'.>.;..>;_.:.;......' :>:':,._. ''':-:::.'..; ..;._.....;......"IP"'II'" > - '._:.' :'_,....."<.<.=.A.:!-_O"!J-"::jf>: .... . -  __"',f.:   ::_  -'-:>. ;: I go to bed at 1 0 pm. , .. .o <>< .. Write back, please. .:s...' ";i Your Dino _. 
. Lesson 59 ... , . .n, <''' ,. . ". A - -" 1. IIpo"tIliTaii Ii paCKpaCb. This is Bob. He is nine. His hair is brown. He has a small nose. His eyes are green. His mouth is red. His shirt is green and yellow. His cap is blue and black. r 2. CJIOHeHOK TOMac BCe nepenYTaJI. lfcnpaBb ero. Example: I have breakfast at 7 pm.- No, you don't have breakfast at 7 pm. You have breakfast at 7 am. .. "" - . _. :  « . h ": A>' .....  ",:.. .- , . ) o  ./ ...... .,... = ;:J , 1) I have lunch at 2 am.- 2) I have long hair.- 3) I have pink eyes.- 4) I have small ears. - 3. CocTaBb Ii 3anHIIIIi BonpOCbI no 06paau;y. Example: you, a computer - Do you have a computer? 1) they, funny toys - 2) she, a big dog - Does 3) he, a nice bird - Does 4) the boys, scooters - 5) you, roller skates - 69 
Lesson. 60 1. 3a"tIepKHH JIHillHee CJIOBO. 1) summer, winter, spring, time, autumn 2) May, Can, June, December, March 3) morning, breakfast, afternoon, evening, night 4) Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, February, Sunday 2. BCTaBb nponym;eHHble CJIOBa B paCCKa3 I ride, play, water, get, play, clean   '  '\ I... 'OO:.'.  7, .   A.mHJIJI I I Ii ,lI;mHMa. 1 . - Y.. __  G}-O ; the flowers in the house in the piano in the afternoon. my house in the evening. 2 1) I 2) I 3) I the morning. . ...... , .- ==  \. - " t. . .. .., , r 4) I 5) I 6) I o up early in the morning. my scooter in the afternoon. " puzzles in the evening. .-" , L - ". , 3. IOQJo npO"tIHTaJI TeKCT 0 TaiiHH HeBHHMaTeJIbHO. llcnpaBb ero YTBep.meHH.H. Example: In the morning Tiny watches TV.- In the morning Tiny does not watch TV. He goes to school. 1) After breakfast Tiny does his homework.- 2) Tiny has lunch at half past two.- 3) After lunch Tiny plays the piano.- 4) His friends visit him in the afternoon.- 
---  Lesson 61 1. HaMAH H o6BeAH H3BeCTHble Te6e rJIarOJIbI. 3anHIDH HX. b I 0 w a n t c I e a n a m 0 w a t c h a m a 9 e t 0 k . d e s 0 r I e s h a v e 0 h 2. BnHIIIH HeAOCTaIOm;ee CJIOBO B nape. one - many - teeth room - man - - boxes . fox - mice - - women - horses child - hen - - fish - letters  3. 3anHIIIH CJIOBaMH. Example: 5 (!) - five balls  ..... = . 6 11 ,.' , . ,- . 14 , 2 ,,:, 7 i" "". I'\ 9 3 71 
=+ - " , , > ;- ,  " ..... ..... = . "'-J ..  .... .. i  ,. . -. y :..? ., . :'. - H' :11;..>  Lesson 62 ., ,:to.;:::  >+., 1. IIepenHillH rrpe,n;JIOmeHHH. MCrrOJIhaYH, r,n;e STO Heo6xo,n;H- MO, aarJIaBHhle 6YKBhI. 1) my birthday is on the third of october.- 2) does tom live in moscow? - 3) may i have some coffee, miss chatter? - 4) jack is from great britain.- 2. 3arrOJIHH Ta6JIHY. one many one many friend foot boy toy girl mouse month fish tooth fox eye horse hand child 3. CocTaBh BorrpOChI H aarrHillH HX. OTBeTh Ha HHX YCTHO. 1) do, When, get up, you? 2) Do, go, on, you, to school, Saturdays? - 3) cleans, your, Who, room? - 4) you, Do, water, flowers, the? 5) you, When, do, lunch, have? - 
0 :-+ Lesson 63 <<!' 1. Coe.n;HHH CTpeJIKaMH "tIHCJIa H CJIOBa. IIpo"tIHTaii CJIOBa. fifteen sixteen eleven nineteen twelve 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 seventeen twenty fourteen eighteen thirteen 2. 3anOJIHH Ta6JIHD;Y. can cannot can't do do not does doesn't haven't has . IS are a ren 't  ...... . .... =  3. IIepe.n;eJIaii no o6pa3D;Y. Example: Tiny writes ten letters on Sundays. When does Tiny write ten letters? 1) Tiny sends thirteen letters on Mondays. When does 2) Tiny draws beautiful postcards. What 3) Tiny reads eleven letters every day. How many letters 4) Miss Chatter goes to post office on Wednesdays. Where 5) Miss Chatter gets twenty postcards in May. Why ? . ? . ? . ? . ? . 0' 
.. - .. """. ",. . L.esson 64 . ." ... . y--> 1. 3a"tIepKHIi JIliIIIHee CJIOBO B Ka.moii CTpOKe. 1) milk, cheese, butter, bread 2) banana, egg, cabbage, orange, tomato 3) lemon, orange, potato, apple 4) tennis, football, chess, piano, badminton 2. ITOCMOTpli Ha PliCYHOK Ii OTBeTb Ha Borrpoc: "How many ... can you see?" Example: I can see three men. . -< <;. . Y".' . . "",,-J:..: !. .. - ------ >.< "-,i.-  ....;:K. <,. ,..... ;;." :;--- --. :. '"" ........... ,.   <.:, , .. .(- .,.0-,..:.-". .. .:.;. ....... , "\.:-L. -...: a. u. . . . . -'C .- rOlo < . <;:':». < >  ',.- "<.  >" '.  .3('.' ..'0 "<:. : . .. .!\ \;:: ,. ..: :(.i,.'; .'.." - .> .. ,. t. :.. :.   ... ' "..#':. . y ....> WOO ;:.;,z. . '. ,.- .. ,.. . / 0'1> -;;. . , ,- "I... > ""....'" .- <. y >.:.-  ... 1i . · t;f' ..  '" .. .: 'f'!"", "'..  > ;.. >. .- ..<. . *'-. . .  >-:.._.'\"< : A_.< t:::.:?:." .+ '1>:/,:'" ".. ,y_.,, <  1"\ 1"' ..." "?< .. - .. ,; ."- ' <to >,.,...... i": "I. :-:.::". hI!:  ' ..-v;r.:.>...'  ; .\() <<--. 'f.". , .1 i . . Z IEff't .. . :.1.: -: : ...1;":. _'t";;.:, "?-' ':-.: . :.. >:. " .... .. o ; ..'  ., ...... . .... = ;:J -t . . - -' - .. x: .* . . "o L;: ";.-:!..,:,. .,- .- - - yy ", .:!-" ..-r.; .s . '\; c ;  > _ A + " . :;. .", -  >. " "Ole...."';.. .>::. :1>""' > :' .)'<><........ "",A' ": " "-"C"-F" <l'A..MI:" < 3. IIpo"tIliTaii 0 TOM, KaK mRBYT lO(j;Jo Ii ero PY3b.H. washes, forest, six, evening, writes, o'clock Ufo house He is Ufo the lives with his friends. They live in a nice in the forest. Ufo gets up at seven happy because he has got friends. his face and hands. Then he walks in and sings songs. After breakfast Ufo funny fairy tales and poems. In the he reads his stories to his friends. They like fairy tales. . Ufo's Gt' > "J74.:i ->:"" ," , . "":'< ? 
o. "Lesson 65 Progress check  . ,-'1>"1';. >< Part 1 --. . """-1 1. IIoc.1Iymaii paCCRa3 MliCC qSTTep 0 HeH3- .... BeC1'HOM repoe, KOTOpbIH crrac KOIDKY H3 XO.1IOHoii peRH. IIoMorli MHCC qSTTep HaRTH H no6naroapHTb repOH. OTMeTb ero ./ Ha KapTHHKe. --.. '. - "'" ., .<' . < , : . :  \. J  I Alex II Steve I 2. IIpo'tIHTaH rrHCbMO H BbIrronHH 3aHH.H. '., . <1-- <-,". . . . ><, "': . . -<. '" ..... . < : > ., '-» .;.'" '. . " -r"--""'"  "'.  .,,,<t........ . 1 0 May \" ', -::;,- ,.."  Dear pen friend, My name is John. I am a boy. I am nine. I am from the USA. I live with my mum, dad and two sisters Betty and Kate. They are five. The girls like fairy tales. What is your name? How old are you? Have you got a sister or a brother? My birthday is on the 18th of August. Summer is my favourite season. In summer I roller skate, ride my bike and swim. I can swim very well. I like to play football and tennis. When is your birthday? What is your favourite season? What do you like to do? What can you do well2 I have got a grey rabbit Harry. Harry is nice and funny. .. He likes to skip and play. Harry likes carrots, cabbage < and bread. I like my rabbit but I would like to have a dog and a big parrot. Have you got a pet? Is it funny? Please write back. Your pen friend, . . John Smith  ...... ..... .=  ;.. <-..v:",.< +"'II>.r =y  ' ':" ""'<'.-... . . ;..':':>,.,;, .. . . .. "< -:- ,". .- ' , . ,...: 1) 3aKoH'tJH rrpeno.meHHe. 06Be.n;H COOTBeTCTBYIO:m;yIO 6YKBY. John has got... a) mum, dad, two sisters and a brother Harry. b) mum, dad and two sisters. c) mum, grandpa and two sisters. 75 
"   -:- $""0.   ...... = - ' ' 2) HaiiH rrpaBHJIbHbIii OTBeT Ha Borrpoc: "When is John's birthday?" 06Be.n;H COOTBeTCTBYIOIIJ;YIO 6YRBY. a) in spring b) in summer c) in autumn 3) IIpo"tIHTaii rrpe)J;JIOmeHHH. OTMeTb HeBepHoe rrpe.n;JIOmeHHe. 06Be.n;H COOTBeTCTBYIOm;yIO 6YKBY. a) John is from the USA. b) He has got a rabbit. c) John likes to read fairy tales. d) He would like to have a big parrot and a dog. 4) Coe.n;HHH Ha"tIaJIO H KOHen; rrpe.n;JIOmeHHH. John likes carrots, cabbage and bread. Harry like fairy tales. Betty and Kate likes football and tennis. 3. BbI6epH HymHoe CJIOBO. 06Be.n;H COOTBeTCTBYIOm;yIO 6YKBY. 1) Where ... the children? a) am b) is c) are 2) John ... got a grey rabbit. a) have b) has 3) My little sister doesn't ... a bike. a) have b) has 4) Ann ... her beautiful flowers every day. a) water b) waters 5) Does Tiny... letters and postcards? a) get b) gets 6) When do the friends ... to bed? a) go b) goes " ,. .,; " 1) 0(.. \:, , . .... \ ,- . _ _ r <.......;; 'tt..J'"- . ""'*- <.: (.-\ o -j:: d :. f s . Y .. ..4>..'"-0:". -. . k.r:. . .  _.. - . \' . .- . . - - ....""'.: '"  ... .;. : 4. IIpo"tIHTaii paCCKaa H BCTaBb rrporrym;eHHble CJIOBa. home, his, gets up, breakfast, face, usually, watches I . Andrew lives with his mum, dad and little sister Rose. Andrew is a pupil. He goes to school every day. He at seven o'clock. He washes his and hands, cleans his teeth. Andrew and his dad have at 7.45 am. Andrew comes at 2 pm. After lunch he does homework and plays with Rose. In the evening Andrew TV or reads books. He goes to bed at 9 pm. 
5. IIpo"tIHTaii rrHCbMO )]:moHa ee pa3 (yrrpamHeHHe 2). Ha- rrHlliH eMY OTBeT. ITocTapaiicH OTBeTHTb Ha Bce BorrpOCbI, ROTopbIe eCTb B rrHCbMe. Dear' ohn, My name is I live with My birthday is on the My favourite season is I like to I can I have got Please write back. Your pen friend < .". :..,- - .Y...... ... >'> " "",:... -- ,. -: -  ,.... -"'.. < - . . A "_ ...., - '. ., - ..... ,. . I am from Russia. I am . . . . . . . « .-->- . <. -t ,',,*oA. :t,.y_ .;." ....<1:. ' Lessons 66-67 Revision : -'. - 1. IIpoqHTaii CTHXOTBopeHlie Ii 3arrOJIHH rrporrYCRH. CRamH, qTO JII06HT CSM Ii <l>pe.n;.  ...... . .... =   "I like and bread," ,  -' :. ...:. says little Fred. -am t!Jf  "And I like tea and "  "' - <..4itI - , ,  . Fred , says little Sam. ..-. a 2. HarrHIIIH, qTO eCTb y IIHTepa, 'tJTo6bI yrocTHTb .... CBOHX pY3eH. - " ....... e.. ,"'b ( ,_.{. ---- 1'"11 1 J . : ,' ,> ,. .;;  . ..;-- .:. <. .: ""'-; , . ,,7" '.', , -:I::'''' >'....y.:, . ,: ."':. / "'."" ....;. ....: .  77 
M3AaTenbCTBO "TMTyn" BbmYCKaeT eAMHYIO nMHMIO Y'Ie6HO-MeTOAM'IeCKMX KOMnneKTOB AnSI 2-11-x KnaCCOB "AHrnMMCKMM C YAOBonbCTBMeM" / "Enjoy English": AnSI 2-4 KnaCCOB - Y'-le6HII1KII1 "Enjoy English-1", "Enjoy English-2" (Part 1, Part 2), KHlI1rll1 AIls:! Y'-lIl1TeIls:!, nponll1cll1, pa6o'-lll1e TeTpaAII1, aYAII10KaCCeTbl, C60PHII1K neceH "Game-Songs" c aYAII10KacceToIII AnSI 2-4 KnaCCOB (HoBas:! peAaKLJ,II1s:! c II1IOHs:! 2006 rOAa) - Y'-le6HII1KII1, KHlI1rll1 AIls:! Y'-lIl1TeIls:!, pa6o'-lll1e TeTpaAII1, aYA1I10np1l1IlO>KeHlI1e (aYAII10KaCCeTbl, CD MP3), C60PHII1K neceH "Game- Songs" c aYAII10KaCCeToIII, o6Y'-lalOlI1e KOMnblOTepHble nporpaMMbl "Enjoy the ABC", "Enjoy Listening and Playing" AnSI 5-6 KnaCCOB - Y'-le6HII1K, KHlI1ra AIls:! Y'-lIl1TeIls:!, KHlI1ra AIls:! '-ITeHII1s:! AIls:! 6-ro KIlacca, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb, aYA1I10np1l1IlO>KeHlI1e (aYAII10KaCCeTa, CD MP3), BII1AeOnpIl1IlO>KeHlI1e AnSI 7 Knacca - Y'-le6HII1K, KHlI1ra AIls:! Y'-lIl1TeIls:!, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb, aYA1I10np1l1IlO>KeHlI1e (aYAII10KaCCeTa, CD MP3), BII1AeOnpIl1IlO>KeHlI1e AnSI 8 Knacca - Y'-le6HII1K, KHlI1ra AIls:! Y'-lIl1TeIls:!, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb, aYA1I10np1l1IlO>KeHlI1e (aYAII10KaCCeTa, CD MP3), BII1AeOnpIl1IlO>KeHlI1e AnSI 9 Knacca - Y'-le6HII1K, KHlI1ra AIls:! Y'-l II1TeIls:! , pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb NQ 1, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb NQ 2 "KOHTpoIlbHble pa6oTbl", aYAlI1onpll1IlO>KeHlI1e (aYAII10KaCCeTbl, CD MP3), BII1AeOnpIl1IlO>KeHlI1e AnSI 1 0 Knacca - Y'-le6HII1K, KH 111 ra AIls:! Y'-lIl1TeIls:!, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb NQ 1, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb NQ 2 "KOHTpoIlbHble pa6oTbl", aYAlI1onpll1IlO>KeHlI1e (aYAII10KaCCeTbl, CD MP3) AnSI 11 Knacca - Y'-le6HII1K, KHlI1ra AIls:! Y'-lIl1TeIls:!, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb NQ 1, pa6o'-las:! TeTpaAb NQ 2 "KOHTpoIlbHble pa6oTbl", aYAlI1onpll1IlO>KeHlI1e (aYAII10KaCCeTbl, CD MP3) ABTopcKaSl nporpaMMa Kypca (2-11 KIlaccbl) vtHTepHeT-nOMep>KKa Y'-le6HII1KoB 111 AonOIlHII1TeIlbHble MaTepll1a1lbl: . Ha call1Te www.titul.ru . Ha II1HTepHeT-nopTaIle www.englishteachers.ru no BonpocaM npl-106peTeHI-1S1 KHl-1r cneAyeT 06paLl(aTbCSl B 1-13AaTenbCTBO "Tl-1ryn": 249035, r. 06HI-1HCK KancKo o6n.. a/SI 5055. Ten.: (48439) 9-10-09, cpaKc: (48439) 9-10-00, e-mail: pochta@titul.ru (KHl-1ra nOljTo), umk@titul.ru (onroBble nOKynaTenl-1). rrriOO6rl5 9 785868 663925 > V13AaTeJ1bCTBO "TL-1TYJ1"