Автор: Wilansky A.  

Теги: mathematics   mathematical analysis  

Год: 1970

                    Topology for Analysis
Albert Wilansky
Lehigh University
Ginn A Xerox Company
The College Division
Waltham, Massachusetts · Toronto ■ London

CONSULTING EDITOR George Springer, Indiana University Copyright С 1970 by Ginn and Company. All rights reserved. No part of the material covered by this copyright may be produced in any form or by any means of reproduction. Library of Congress Catalog Card Number: 72-84650 Printed in the United States of America.
To my mother, Esther (Side/) Wilansky, although a widow with six children, she saw to the completion of my education.
Preface This book is intended to serve the needs both of the beginning student and of the mature mathematician. Also it is intended as a reference and handbook. As an elementary text it begins with first principles and develops without haste all that part of topology which may be described as generalized analysis; for the mathematician, the subject is carried further in examples and problems. The handbook function of this text is carried out in an experimental concept: the Tables of Theorems and Counterexamples in the Appendix. For a discussion of the use of these tables, the reader is referred to the introduction immediately preceding the tables. In reading or lecturing from the book, it should be noted that all examples and problems marked with a star ^ are essential for later development. Unmarked examples and problems are optional, and those marked A are harder and more special. Each problem section is broken into three parts —the second and third parts are numbered from 100 and 200, respectively. The "100" problems are special and somewhat challenging; the "200" problems may be extremely difficult. Both nets and filters are explained and used throughout the text. All the standard counterexamples of the subject are presented; an almost successful effort was made to use the Stone-Cech compactification as a "universal" counterexample—thus the use of ordinal spaces is reduced to a minimum, almost zero. NOTE. I have followed the custom, now quite respectable, of not using more separation axioms than needed. Arguments developed for T2 spaces VII
viii Preface are adapted in several ways. One is by the device of using retractions extensively (see, for example, Sec. 6.7, Problem 102). Another consists of using closed graph instead of continuous functions (see, for example, Sec. 7.1, Problem 109).| Metrization theorems, usually proved by embedding in products, are replaced by semimetrization theorems, proved by means of weak topologies. Occasionally the hypothesis "compact" must be replaced by "locally compact," an unrelated condition in non-Hausdorff spaces (see, for example, Lemma 13.1.1 and Theorem 13.1.1). This procedure is set forth in detail in my article "Life without T2," Amer. Math. Monthly, 77(1970), pp. 157-161. axiomatics. One should beware of the disease called "Axiomatics," which consists of wasting time wondering whether я, b, and с imply d, where a, b, c, and d are properties selected at random. We can do no better than quote Edwin Hewitt's remark made at the 1955 Madison Summer Institute on Set Theoretic Topology and printed on p. 17 of its Proceedings: "I am happy to say that it (the disease of axiomatic topology) has been almost totally cured. Right now I don't care a bit whether every beta capsule of type delta is also a Γ-spot of the second kind." However, every young mathematician must have an injection of the live virus; and every mathematician should be aware of a few basic implications such as "regular, Lindelof implies normal," and "regular, second countable implies semi- metrizable"; results of this basic nature are included in the text. For those who absolutely must know whether every locally compact, completely regular, separable space is σ-compact, a search in the Tables will reveal a counterexample. t For further evidence of the value of using closed graph functions see F. J. Murray, "Quasi- complements and closed projections in reflexive Banach spaces," Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 58 (1945), p. 77.
Acknowledgments It has always been my custom to write to everybody about everything. The kindness of the mathematical community in replying to my letters has been so great that I could not even begin to list the names of those people who made significant contributions to this book. In addition to this correspondence, I have incorporated hundreds of results from the mathematical literature. In some cases the authors are cited at appropriate places in the text. The greatest source of help and encouragement has been the Lehigh University Mathematics Department. My familiar notes on our bulletin board with the large letters HELP on top were invariably answered by the elegant examples of Jerry Rayna, or the erudite references and proofs of Bill Ruckle, to mention only two of my very helpful colleagues. Murray Kirch used my typescript in a course at SUNY Buffalo and made helpful criticisms. John W. Taylor made an enormous contribution! Unfortunately some of his remarks came too late to be used. The typing was done by Helen Farrell, Rosemarie Ehser, and Judy Arroyo; I thank these three ladies for their excellent work and their devotion to a tedious task. The administration of Lehigh University was at all times sympathetic and helpful. My deepest thanks go to all. In addition I want to express my great appreciation to the staff of the college division of Ginn and Company and most especially to Mrs. Claire Felts whose contributions to this book occur in every line. AW. IX
Contents 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Explanatory Notes 1 1.2 «-Space 5 1.3 Abstraction 7 2 Topological Space 9 2.1 Topological space 9 2.2 Semimetric and metric space 12 2.3 Semimetric and metric topologies 15 2.4 Natural topologies and metrics 17 2.5 Notation and terminology 18 2.6 Base and subbase 21 3 Convergence 26 3.1 Sequences 26 3.2 Filters 31 3.3 Partially ordered sets 35 3.4 Nets 39 3.5 Arithmetic of nets 43 4 Separation Axioms 46 4.1 Separation by open sets 46 4.2 Continuity 51 4.3 Separation by continuous functions 61 XI
xii Contents 5 Topological Concepts 65 5.1 Topological properties 65 5.2 Connectedness 68 5.3 Separability 75 5.4 Compactness 80 6 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies 89 6.1 Introduction 89 6.2 Sup topologies 89 6.3 Weak topologies 93 6.4 Products 96 6.5 Quotients 102 6.6 Continuity 109 6.7 Separation 113 7 Compactness 121 7.1 Countable and sequential compactness 121 7.2 Compactness in semimetric space 127 7.3 Ultrafilters 130 7.4 Products 134 8 Compactification 137 8.1 The one-point compactification 137 8.2 Embeddings 144 8.3 The Stone-Cech compactification 146 8.4 Compactifications 151 8.5 C- and C*-embedding 155 8.6 Realcompact spaces 160 9 Complete Semimetric Space 167 9.1 Completeness 167 9.2 Completion 174 9.3 Baire category 178 10 Metrization 185 10.1 Separable spaces 185 10.2 Local finiteness 189 10.3 Metrization 197
Contents xiii 11 Uniformity 200 11.1 Uniform space 200 11.2 Uniform continuity 209 11.3 Uniform concepts 213 11.4 Uniformization 219 11.5 Metrization and completion 227 12 Topological Groups 237 12.1 Group topologies 237 12.2 Group concepts 251 12.3 Quotients 262 12.4 Topological vector spaces 267 13 Function Spaces 278 13.1 The compact open topology 278 13.2 Topologies of uniform convergence 283 13.3 Equicontinuity 288 13.4 Weak compactness 292 14 Miscellaneous Topics 299 14.1 Extremally disconnected spaces 299 14.2 The Gleason map 304 14.3 Categorical algebra 308 14.4 Paracompact spaces 316 14.5 Ordinal spaces 319 14.6 The TychonofT plank 322 14.7 Completely regular and normal spaces 323 Appendix, Tables of Theorems and Counterexamples 327 Bibliography 369 Index 375
Topology for Analysis
ntroduction 1.1 Explanatory Notes There are certain standard and all-pervasive notations and terminologies used by mathematicians. In addition, we use a few special notations with less currency. The following notations will be used: R Q J ω Ζ 0 A {χ:...} Χ Ε Α χφΑ Akj В union of A and В An В intersection of A and В U{S:Se {J{S*:ole Σ} ■A} real numbers rational numbers irrational numbers positive integers integers empty set the complement of A the set of all χ such that χ is a member of A χ is not a member of A {χ: χ e A or χ e B) Akj В {χ: χ e A and χ e B} Α η Β {χ: χ ε S for some S e Σ} (Σ is a collection of sets) {χ: χ e Sa for some α e A} (A is some indexing set) 1
2 Introduction / Ch. 1 n{S:Se!} n{Sa:aeA} A cz 5, 5 =) A A is included in B, В includes A, A is a subset of 5, ^ is a set in 5, 5 is a superset of A A is a proper subset of 5 Л\Я /4 r/ϊ 5 ^ does not meet В A meets В A meets 5 in χ singleton w disjoint family [«,*] ia,b) ia,b) («,*] (—ос, а) [я, oc) characteristic function of S /[5] /_1[5] (/<*) (/=«) /x /is one-to-one f: X^> Υ is onto one-to-one correspondence {x:xeS{or<d\\SeT} [x: xe Sx for all ae A} every member of A is a member of В A cz B,B =) A A a B, 0 Φ Α Φ Β Α η Β Α η Β = 0 /4 r/> 5 Α η Β Φ0 хе А ел В set with one member set whose only member is χ a family of sets, each pair of which has empty intersection {χ: α < χ < b) {χ: α < χ < b) La, b-] \ {b} (a, b) υ {b} {χ: χ < a] {χ: χ > a} f, where/(x) = 1 if χ e S, /(χ) = 0ίίχφΞ {Ax)-xeS} {x:f(x)eS} {x:f(x) < a} {x:f(x) = a} (f=0) Χι φ χ2 implies/(χ,) φ f(x2) ЛЛ = y function which is one-to-one and onto We draw the reader's attention to the following: Α φ Β, read " A does not meet 2?" meaning Α η Β =0. When the notation A is used, it is assumed that a set X has been designated and A = X\A. When the presence of X is not clear from the context, the notation X\A will be used. The words "space," "set," "family," and "collection" are synonymous. When a space X has been designated the members of X will be called points.
Sec. 1.1 / Explanatory Notes 3 The words "map," "mapping," and "function" are synonymous. If f:X—> Υ we call X the domain, and Υ the range of/; "/ " will sometimes be written as "x —► /(x)." italics. A word in italics is being used for the first time and is defined by the sentence in which it appears. proof brackets. Part of a discussion enclosed in square brackets means the statement immediately preceding the brackets is being proved. As an example, suppose the text reads, " Since χ is not zero [if χ = 0, it follows that cos χ = 1 contradicting the hypothesis], we may cancel χ from both sides." The reader should first absorb " Since χ is not zero, we may cancel χ from both sides." He may then proceed with the text, or, if desired, return to the proof in brackets. starred problems and examples. Problems marked ^ must be done as they form part of the development of the text and, in extreme cases, are used later without citation. These are simple or are supplied with hints. Examples marked ^ are part of the development; those unmarked may be omitted, and those marked A are special and of limited interest. 100 problems. In each section Problems 101, 102, ... are devoted to extending the text, and exposing interesting results beyond the scope of the book. 200 problems. Problems 201, 202,... may be extremely challenging. end of proof. The end of a proof is indicated by |. bibliography. References to the bibliography at the back of the book are indicated by [ ]. the empty set. We state our conventions concerning the empty set 0. These cannot be proved since we do not set up our set theory formally. There is only one empty set 0 ; 0 cz A for all sets A. (This makes the statement "A cz В implies В cz A, for subsets of a space X," true if В = X since X = 0 .) Wherever some property of sets is tested for a set A by examining an arbitrary point of A, then this property is true of the empty set. For example," all positive integers я, ft, с satisfying an + ft" = cn for some integer η > 2 are larger than 3" is a true statement (and very easily proved!) even though there may be no such integers. (Here A = U?=3 {(α·> ^> c)\ an + bn = c", a, b, с е ω}.) The empty set is finite. foundations. We do not state our set theoretical foundations. These are based on a naive belief that we know what sets are like. In any particular argument the context will always indicate some fixed space of which all sets mentioned are subsets or members. The only explicit statements are those
4 Introduction / Ch. 1 on the empty set, just given, and on maximal chains in Section 7.3. Our use of cardinal and ordinal numbers is restricted to examples marked A. Problems *1. If/: X-+Y9g: Υ-+ Ζ, define g ο/: Χ-+ Ζ by (g of)(x) = #[/(*)]. If/, g are one-to-one and onto prove that (g°f) 1 =/ 1 °g l. (/"1 means the map from Υ to X satisfying/"1 °f= ix,f°f~l = iy where ix(x) = χ for all χ e X.) Jrl. Let {Sa: a e A} be a family of subsets of a set X, and let/: X'—► F. Prove that (a) /[U {Sa: α e Л}] = U {/[5J: « e Л}; (b) ЛП {5.: «e ^}] c Π {RSJiae A}; (c) if/is one-to-one, inclusion may be replaced by equality in (b), but not in general, even if Л has only two members; (d) if/is one-to-one,/[5] с {/[■$]}~; (e) if/isonto,{/[S]}~ c/[S]; (f) "one-to-one" cannot be omitted in (d), and "onto" cannot be omitted in (e). Jr3. Let {Sa: a e A] be a family of subsets of У, and let/: Z—► Y. Then (in contrast with Problem 2),/" ^U SJ = U/"1^.],/" '[Π SJ = nr1[SJ,r1[Sf] = {/-1[S]}-. ^4. Let i4, 5 be two collections of subsets of a set A" with A <^ B. Prove that Π {S:Sei4}Dn{S:Se5}. What is the corresponding result for union ? *5. Let/: A^ Г and let S be a subset of X or Г. Prove that/E/"1^]] с S, /^[/[^i^^/ar1^]}^]^^ 6. What assumption about/would produce equality in the first two parts of Problem 5? Jrl. Let Χ, Υ be sets. Let Χ χ У be the set of all ordered pairs (x, y) with xeX,yeY. Show that R2 = R χ R. icS. Show that icgif and only if A => B. Jr9. Prove the following formulas (given by the 19th-century mathematician, A. de Morgan). VJ{Sa:*eA}T = n{S*:*eA}, m{Sx:xeA}r = \J{Sa:*eA}. ^-10. Let f:X-+X. Let А, В be disjoint subsets of X, and set G = Anf~l[B~\. Show that/[G] φ G. ΆΊ1. Letf'.X-* Y,g: Y—>X. We say that# is a left inverse of/, and/is a n#/zi inverse οι g if g of is the identity on Ar. Show that/has a left inverse if and only if/ is one-to-one, and a right inverse if and only if/ is onto.
Sec. 1.2 / /7-Space 5 1.2 л-Space The space R of real numbers will not be defined in this book. It will be assumed to allow the usual operations of arithmetic, to have its usual ordering (in short, it is a totally ordered field), and to have the property that every bounded set S has a least upper bound, written sup S. Such facts as x2 > 0 for all χ e R will be used without scruple. A set S is called countably infinite if it can be put in one-to-one correspondence with ω; that is, there exists/: S—► ω which is one-to-one and onto. A set is called countable if it is finite or countably infinite. A set which is not countable is called uncountable. We shall assume the existence of an uncountable set. (Some are shown in Problems 201, 202, etc., and R is also proved uncountable in Sec. 9.3, Problem 114.) We denote by R" the set of all ordered «-tuples of real numbers, where η is a positive integer ;RX is the same as R. Forx^eR", say,x = (xi9x2, · · ·,*„), У = (У\> У г, · · ·» Уп)> we define ||χ||, pronounced norm x, by the formula imi = (.Σ w2)1'2' and x-y, pronounced χ dot y, by the formula η x-y = Σ ъуи i= 1 so that, in particular, χ χ = \\x\\2. Note that ||x + y\\2 = (x + y)-(x + y) = x-x + 2x-y + y-y- Thus, for all x, y, 2x-y= \\x + y\\2 - \\x\\2 - \\y\\2, and, similarly -2x.y= ||*-j>||2- IWI2- Ы12. Since || χ ± j;||2 > Owe get +2x-y < \\x\\2 + || y\\2, hence, „.„ s tiiL±m. (IiI) Now let x, у be different from 0. (By 0 is meant the «-tuple (0, 0,..., 0).) Let x' = jc/||jc||, y' = y/\\y\\. Then ||x'|| = ||/|| = 1 and so, by (1.2.1), we have \x'-y'\ < 1, and so l*-j>l < \M\-Wyl (1-2.2) Formula (1.2.2), called Cauchy's inequality (named for the famous 19th-
6 Introduction / Ch. 1 century mathematician, A. Cauchy), was proved for x, у different from 0, but obviously holds in this case also. We now have II* + y\\2 = IMI2 + Ml2 + Ьс-у < \\x\\2 + \\y\\2 + 2||x|Hl.v|| = (ll*ll + Ы)2- Taking positive square roots we obtain w \\x + y\\ < IMI + 1Ы|. (1.2.3) If now we define d(x, y) = \\x — y\\, the familiar distance (familiar at least for η = 1,2, 3), we have, for any x, y, z, d(x,y) = \\x-y\\ = \\x-z + z-y\\ < \\x - z\\ + \\z - y\\ = d(x, z) + d(z, у). This function d is called the Euclidean distance for R", also the Euclidean metric for R". Problems on n-Space *1. Show that \\x-y\\ > | \\x\\ - \\y\\\. 2. Fix m, η with m > η and define /: R" —► Rm by (xn x2,..., xn) —► (xb x2,..., x„, 0, 0, . . ., 0). Is/one-to-one? Is it onto? Show that ||/Cx)|| = ||jc|| forallxeR". 3. Let α ν b (read: α sup b) and а л b (read: α inf b) be the larger and smaller, respectively of a, b e R. Prove that α ν b = \{a + 6 + \a - 6|), α л 6 = £(д + b - \a - b\). 101. Show that R and R2 can be put in one-to-one correspondence. Kx> У) —* z where ζ = ,^! y{ x2 У2хзУз''' in decimal notation. Make xh yt = 0 if possible. This map is one-to-one but not onto.] 102. If there exists a one-to-one/: S —► ω; then S must be countable. 103. If there exists an onto/: ω —► S; then S must be countable. 104. Show that ω = (JJL! £„ where each Sn is an infinite set and {Sn} is a disjoint family. 201. Prove that the set S of all sequences of 0's and l's is not countable. (A sequence of 0's and l's is a sequence {xn} with xn = 0 or 1 for all n.) [Let/: ω —► S. Then the characteristic function of {n e ω: yn = 0 if у = f(n)} does not belong to /[ω].] Deduce that R is uncountable. 202. The set of all subsets of a set S is denoted by 2s. Prove that 2ω is uncountable. [Apply Problem 201 to characteristic functions of subsets.]
Sec. 1.3 / Abstraction 7 203. If there is a one-to-one map from A to В and no one-to-one map from В to A, we write \B\ > \A\ (say: В has a larger cardinality than A). Show that |25| > |S| for every set S. 204. Show that S χ S can be put into one-to-one correspondence with S if and only if S is an infinite set or is empty. 205. Show that the set of all permutations of ω is uncountable. (Indeed there are exactly 2|ω| of them.) 206. A closed interval in R cannot be the union of a disjoint countable family, with more than one member, of closed intervals. 207. Show that there is room in R2 for uncountably many disjoint L's but only countably many disjoint Ts. [MR 27(1960) #852.] 208. Given a countable set S a R, show that there exists t e R such that χ + Ms irrational for every χ e S. [Q — S is countable, hence there exists t e R \ (Q - S).} 209. Let s be the set of all sequences of real numbers, and 3ω the set of all sequences of irrational numbers. Let A be a countable subset of s. Show that there exists t e s such that χ + t e 7ω for all χ e A. [For each n, let Sn be the set of all nth terms of members of A. Choose tn as in Problem 208, and let t = {*„}.] 1.3 Abstraction In the course of his mathematical education, the student encounters various structures. By a structure we mean a set together with some rules concerning its members and subsets. For example, the set of real numbers together with the operation of addition, the set of positive real numbers with multiplication, and the set of integers with addition, are three structures. In each of these three examples, there is a set and one operation. When we say that each of them is a group we are performing an abstraction', forgetting the differences between these examples, we consider only their similarities. If a remark is made to the effect that a group must have a certain property, this means that every group, in particular the three just mentioned, must have this property. The three examples, and any others, are called realizations, or examples, of the abstraction: group. Even more briefly, they are called groups. The study of the real numbers has led to many abstractions; for example, the concept of ring is suggested by the two operations + and χ , while the concepts of ordered system and lattice are suggested by the fact that real numbers may be compared in size. In every case, the abstraction has turned out to have realizations, other than the real number system, the study of which has been fruitful. For example, there exist finite groups. The abstraction topological space is suggested by those aspects of the real number system which are studied in "advanced calculus" courses, namely
8 Introduction / Ch. 1 those which enter into discussions of such topics as continuity and convergence. When " topological space" is defined (Sec. 2.1, Definition 2), it will be pointed out that the set of real numbers is a topological space (Sec. 2.1, Example 7).
Topological Space 2.1 Topological Space After reading Definition 1, below, the student may not recognize that, as promised in Section 1.3, we are speaking of things involved in discussions of continuity and convergence. The only remedy for such doubts is the actual pursuit, carried on in the text, of such topics in an arbitrary topological space, that is, using only ideas introduced in Definition 1. Definition 1. Let Xbea set. Let Τ be a collection of subsets ofX satisfying (i) 0 e 7V (ii) X e T; (iii) IfG1e Τ andG2 e T, then Gx η G2e TV (iv) If Σ α Τ, Σ φ 0, then \J {G: G e Σ} € T. Then Τ is called a topology for X. Thus a topology for A" is a certain collection of subsets of X. By definition, the empty set and X itself are included. Condition (iii) says that the intersection of any two sets in Τ must be in Γ, hence the intersection of any finite collection of sets in Γ must be in T. Condition (iv) says that if any collection, no matter how numerous, of members of Τ be given, then the union of this collection is also a member of T. Briefly, a topology for A" is a collection of subsets of X containing 0, X, and closed under finite intersections and arbitrary unions. To topologize a set X means to specify a topology for X. 9
10 Topological Space / Ch. 2 ^-EXAMPLE 1. The indiscrete topology. LetA'beaset. LetT= {0,X}. Then Γ is a topology for X. [Conditions (i) and (ii) of Definition 1 clearly hold. Conditions (iii) and (iv) are also clear since 0 η Χ = 0 and 0 \j X = X.J This particular topology is called the indiscrete topology. Any set may be given the indiscrete topology. For example, let X= {1,2,3,4}. Then Τ = { 0, (1, 2, 3, 4}} is the indiscrete topology for X. ^EXAMPLE 2. The discrete topology. Let X be a set. Let Τ be the collection of all subsets of X. Then Γ is a topology for X, called the discrete topology. ^-EXAMPLE 3. The cofinite topology. Let X be a set. Let T= {G a X: A'\G is a finite set} u {0}. Thus Τ consists, except for 0, of complements of finite sets. To check Condition (iii) of Definition 1, let Gb G2 e T. If either Gx or G2 is empty, GlnG2= 0 eT- otherwise, X\(Gl nG2) = (X\G{)u (X\ G2) is finite, being the union of two finite sets. To check Condition (iv), let Σ с Τ. If Σ = {0}, there is nothing to prove; otherwise, let 0 /GeX. Then T\ U {S: 5el}c Τ \ G, hence is finite and so \J {S: ΞεΣ}εΤ. It should be noted that if A" is a finite set, the cofinite topology is identical with the discrete topology. EXAMPLE 4. Let X = ω (the positive integers) and let Γ be the cofinite topology for X. For η = 1, 2, 3,.. ., let Gn = {1, η, η + 1, η + 2,...}. Then each GnE Τ but f] {Gn: η = 1,2,...} = {1} φ Τ. This illustrates the "finite intersection" part of the definition of topology. EXAMPLE 5. Let A" be an infinite set and Τ the collection of all finite subsets of X, together with X itself. Then Τ is not a topology since a union of finite sets need not be finite. Definition 2. A topological space is a set together with a topology for the set. The members of the topology are called open sets. Thus we refer to a topological space (Χ, Γ), in which A" is a set, and Γ is a topology for it. For S cz X, the sentences "S is open" and "Se Γ" are synonymous. When Τ is understood from the context, the space will be denoted by X, rather than (Ar, T). Our aim is to develop a usage which will not refer to T. Thus we shall speak of a topological space X together with its open subsets. ^-EXAMPLE 6. If A" is given the indiscrete topology, it has only two open subsets, 0 and X. (But see Example 8.) With the discrete topology
Sec. 2.1 / Topological Space 11 every subset of A" is open. With the cofinite topology, a nonempty subset is open if and only if its complement is finite. ^-EXAMPLE 7. The Euclidean topology. Let X = R (the real numbers) and let the empty set be called open; also any set G is called open if for every χ e G, there exists ε > 0 such that (x — ε, χ + ε) c G. This defines a topology for X (namely, of course, the collection of open sets). [To check Condition (iii) of Definition 1, let Gl9 G2 be open sets. If Gx η G2 = 0 there is nothing to prove. If Gx η G2 Φ 0, let χ e Gx η G2. There exist ει > 0, ε2 > 0 such that (χ - ε,·, χ + ε,·) c Ghi = 1, 2. Let ε = min^^). Then ε > 0 and (x — ε, χ + ε) c Gx η G2. Thus Gx η G2 is open. To check Condition (iv), let Σ be a collection of open sets, and we may assume that its union is nonempty. Let χ e(J {G: G el}. Then χ e S for some S e Σ. There exists ε > 0 such that (x — ε, χ + ε) с S. Then (χ — ε, χ + ε) α U!G:G€l}.] EXAMPLE 8. In Definition 1, it is possible that A"is the empty set. Then the only topology for X is {0}. Needless to say, in any discussion we are always thinking of a nonempty set, and thus, on occasion, will make a statement which is not strictly true. For example, the indiscrete topology for 0 has only one member, not two as stated in Example 6. It seems hardly worth while to be sufficiently careful at all times to cover this case, but the student is warned that such an occasion may arise. If Γ, Τ are topologies for a set X, it may happen that Τ => Τ'. In this case we shall say that Τ is larger than T', (including the possibility that Τ = Γ'), and Τ' is smaller than T. Very commonly, "stronger" and "finer" are used instead of "larger"; "weaker" and "coarser" instead of "smaller." Of course if Γ is both larger and smaller than T\ then they are equal. A set F in a topological space is called closed if its complement is open. (Use of the letters F—French ferme—and G—German Gebiet—for closed and open sets, respectively, has become traditional.) ^-EXAMPLE 9. Let ω have the cofinite topology. Then each finite set is closed, indeed a proper subset is closed if and only if it is finite. The set of even integers is neither closed nor open; ω is both open and closed. (Two morals: A set can be both open and closed. Just because a set is not open, there is no reason to think that it is closed.) Problems ^r\. [0, 1) is not open in R, with the Euclidean topology. Neither is it closed.
12 Topological Space / Ch. 2 *2. Let S cz X. Let Τ = { 0, S, X). Show that Γ is a topology. 3. Find all sets for which the discrete and indiscrete topologies are the same. 4. Let Si a X, S2 a X. Let Τ = {0, Su S2, X). Is Га topology? 5. Let Τ = {0} и {R} и {(a, oo):aeR}, Τ = {0} u {R} и {[a, oo):aeR}. Show that Γ is a topology for R, but Γ' is not. ^-6. Let A" be a topological space. Show that 0, X, every finite union and every intersection of closed sets, are all closed. 101. Let (X, T) be a topological space and let Τ be the collection of closed sets. Is V a topology? 102. If, in Problem 101, A" is finite, show that Τ is a topology. 103. In Example 3 replace "finite" by "countable." Show that a topology is defined. It is called the cocountable topology. 104. The cocountable topology on a countable space is discrete. 201. Let k(n) be the number of different topologies which can be placed on a set with η members. Show that k(0) = k(\) = l,fc(2) = 4,fc(3) = 29. (Note:k(4) = 355,A:(5) = 6942,jfc(6) = 209527,k{l) = 9535241. See [Evans, Harary, and Lynn].) 202. Let d{n) be the number of topologies Τ which can be placed on a set with η members, satisfying Τ = T' (Problem 102). Show that d(0) = d{\\ d{2) = 2,^(3) = 5. 2.2 Semimetric and Metric Space Definition 1. Semimetric and metric. Let X be a set and suppose given a real-valued function d of two variables, each selected from X. Thus d is a function from Χ χ Χ to the real numbers. Any such function satisfying the following conditions is called a semimetric. (i) d(x,y) = d(y,x) >0, (ii) d(x, x) = 0, (iii) d(x, z) < d(x, y) + d(y, z), for all x, y, ζ e X. Condition (iii) is called the triangle inequality. A metric is a semimetric, d, which satisfies the condition d(x, y) > 0 if χ Φ у. Definition 2. A semimetric (or metric) space is a set together with a semi- metric (or metric) for the set. Thus the pair (X, d), in which A" is a set and d a semimetric, is a semimetric space. We shall usually denote it by X, when d is understood from the context.
Sec. 2.2 / Semimetric and Metric Space 13 ^r EXAM Ρ LE 1. The discrete metric. Let A" be a set. For x, у е X, define d(x, y) = 1 if χ φ у, 0 if χ = у. It is easily verified that this is a metric, for example, the triangle inequality may be checked for x, y, ζ by noting that it is trivial if χ φ у and у φ ζ, if χ = у, or if у = ζ [Problem 1]. ^ΕΧΑΜ Ρ LE 2. The indiscrete semimetric. Let A" be a set. For x, у е X, define d(x, y) = 0 [Problem 1]. ^-EXAMPLE 3. The Euclidean distance for R" was proved, in Section 1.2, to obey the triangle inequality. Since it obviously has the other metric properties, it is a metric, called the Euclidean metric, and so R" is, with this definition, a metric space. EXAMPLE 4. For w = (x,y,z)eR3 define p(w) = \x\ + |j;|. Then d(w, w') = p(w — w') defines a semimetric for R3 which is not a metric. [See Problem 4.] For example, with χ = (1, 2, 3), у = (1, 2, 4), d(x, у) = 0. EXAMPLE 5. Let C be the set of continuous real functions on the closed interval [0, 1]. For/e C,geQ define ||/|| = max{|/(x)|: 0 < χ < 1} and d(f,g) = II/— g\\- As in Section 1.2, the triangle inequality for d follows from Formula (1.2.3). [To establish (1.2.3), we have, for any xe [0, 1], \f{x) + g{x)\ < \f{x)\ + \g(x)\ < \\f\\ + \\g\\. Choosing χ so as to maximize \f{x) + g{x)\ gives the result.] The following definitions apply to any semimetric space X. For ae X and r e R, the cell of radius r and center a, written N(a, r), is {x: d(x, a) < r}\ the disc of radius r and center a, written D(a, r) is {x: d(x, a) < r}\ and the circumference of radius r and center a, written C(a, r), is {x: d(x, a) = r}. The word sphere is often used in place of circumference, and when X = Rn+1 with the Euclidean metric, C(0, 1) is called the η-sphere, written Sn. Thus Sl9 the 1-sphere is the unit circumference in R2, {(*, y)\ x2 + y2 = 1}. It is possible for a cell, disc, or circumference to be empty. For example, N(a, 0) is certainly empty, while if A" is a discrete space (that is, has the discrete metric), C(#, j) is empty for any a. Note also that a disc may have two different radii; for example, in a discrete space D(a, \) = D(a, χ) = {a}. For A cl,5cl,xel,we define d(x, A), the distance from χ to A, to be inf{d(x, a): ae A}, and d(A, B), the distance from A to В to be inf{d(a,b):aeA,beB}. (See Problems 7, 8, and 9). The diameter of a set A is defined to be sup{d(x, y): χ e А, у е A} (perhaps infinite). A set with finite diameter is said to be metrically bounded.
14 Topological Space / Ch. 2 In the next result it is assumed that A is not empty. Lemma 2.2.1. \d(x, A) - d(y, A)\ < d(x, y). We may assume that d(x, A) > d(y, A) since d(x, y) = d{y\ x). Let ε > 0 be given and choose a e A with d(y, a) < d(y, A) + ε. Then \d(x, A) - d(y, A)\ = d(x, A) - d(y, A) < d(x, a) - d(y, A) < d(x, a) — d(y, a) + ε < d(x, y) + ε [Problem 2]. | Let Χ, Υ be semimetric spaces and/: X —► Y. We call/an isometry if it is one-to-one and satisfies d\_f{x),f{x')~\ = d(x, x') for all x, x' e X. (The assumption " one-to-one" is redundant if X is a metric space [Problem 10].) It is called an isometry of X onto У if it is onto; if a particular isometry is not known to be onto, we shall sometimes write isometry (into), for emphasis. If there is an isometry of X onto Υ we say that Χ, Υ are isometric. * EXAMPLE 6. Define / : R -► R2 by f(x) = (x, 0). Then / is an isometry of R into R2. (R and R2 are assumed to have the Euclidean metric, e.g., Example 3.) ^EXAMPLE 7. For ω = (χ, у, ζ) e R3, define ρ(ω) = |ζ|, ά{ω, ω') = ρ(ω — ω'). Just as in Example 4, d is a semimetric for R3. Let R have the Euclidean metric. Define /: R3 —► R by f{x, y, z) = z. Then / is distance preserving, that is ί/[/(ω),/(ω')] = ά{ω, ω'), but it is not an isometry since it is not one-to-one. Problems In this list, (X, d) is a semimetric space. jr\. Verify Examples 1 and 2. *2. Prove that \d(x, a) - d(y, a)\ < d(x, y). *3. Prove that \d(x, a) - d(y, b)\ < d(x, y) + d(a, b). 4. Prove the triangle inequality for d in Example 4. [Start with Formula (1.2.3) with ρ instead of || · ||.] 5. Let Jbe a discrete metric space. Show that N(a, j) = {a} for all aeX. What is D(a, 1)? C(a, 1)? 6. Prove that d(x, S) = d({x}, S). 7. Prove that d(A, B) = in{{d(a, B):aeA}. 8. Prove that d(A, B) = d(B, A). 9. Prove that a set is metrically bounded if and only if it is included in some cell. (The center of the cell may be assigned arbitrarily.)
Sec. 2.3 / Semimetric and Metric Topologies 15 ^-10. Prove that a distance-preserving map from a metric space to a semi- metric space is an isometry (into). 101. Let A" be a set and u: Χ χ Χ-+ R satisfy u(x, у) = О if and only if χ = y; and u(x, y) < u(x, z) + u{y, z). Show that и is a metric. 102. Give an example of a metric space which contains a nonempty disc whose diameter is less than its radius. 103. Give an example of a metric space in which every sphere has two centers. [Easy examples are certain subspaces of R2, R3.] 104. [0, oo) and {- 1} и [0, oo) are each isometric into the other, but the spaces are not isometric. (Thus isometry of metric spaces does not enjoy the crisscross property.) 2.3 Semimetric and Metric Topologies There is a standard way of defining a topology for a semimetric space (X, d). The empty set is declared to be open; moreover, if G cz X, G is called open if, for every χ e G, there exists r > 0 such that N(x, r) cz G. Before proving that the collection of open sets is a topology, consider an example. ^-EXAMPLE 1. Let R have the Euclidean metric, that is, d(x,y) = \x - y\. Let S = (0, 1]. Then S is not an open set since 7V(1, r) ψ S for all r > 0. [For example, 1 + (r/2)eiV(l,r)\S.] However, (0, 1) is open since if 0 < a < 1, N(a, r) cz (0, 1) whenever r = min{l — я, a}. We now prove that a topology has been defined. (It is called the topology induced by the semimetric.) To see that X is open, we merely note that for any xe X, N(x, l)cl (Indeed, N(x, r)cl for arbitrary r.) Next, let Gu G2 be open sets and let ae G{ η G2. For / = 1, 2, choose rt > 0 with N(a, rt) cz Gt. Then N(a, r) a Gx η G2 if r = min{ru r2). Finally let Σ be a collection of open sets and let χ e (J {G: G e Σ}. Then xe S for some Se Σ, and so there exists r > 0 with N(x, r) cz S. Then N(x,r) cz U ί£:σεΣ}. ^-EXAMPLE 2. The topology for R" induced by the Euclidean metric (Sec. 2.2, Example 3) is called the Euclidean topology for Rn (see Problem 1). Theorem 2.3.1. Cells in a semimetric space are open. Let N(x, r) be a cell. It is empty, hence open, if r < 0, so we may assume r > 0. Let ye N(x, r). Then N(y, s) cz N(x, r) if s < r — d(y, x). [Let ae N(y, s). Then d(a, x) < d(a, y) + d(y, x) < s + d(y, x) < r. Thus aeN(x,r).J | It is natural to ask whether every topology can be obtained from a semi-
16 Topological Space / Ch. 2 metric, and, if not, which ones can. (Those which can are called semi- metrizable.) This question will be more fully treated in Chapter 10; however, it is possible to give a simple example (Example 3) of a topology which is not induced by any semimetric. The most instructive procedure is to see what properties a topology induced by a semimetric must have. The one we give here is only one of many possibilities. Theorem 2.3.2. Let x, у be points in a semimetric space such that every open set containing χ also contains y. Then every open set containing у also contains x. We first observe that d(x, y) = 0. [For suppose on the contrary that d(x, y) = ε > 0. Then N(x, ε/2) is an open set containing χ but not j\] Let G be an open set containing y. There exists r > 0 such that N(y, r) a G. Since d(x, y) = 0 < r, we have xe N(y, r), hence xe G. | Now it is an easy matter to construct a topology not obeying the conclusion of the preceding theorem. EXAMPLE 3. Let J be a set, and x,y distinct points in X. Let Γ={0, {y}, X). This is a topology for X. [Sec. 2.1, Problem 2.] Every open set containing χ contains y. [There is only one.] But {y) contains у and not x. Hence Τ is not semimetrizable [Theorem 2.3.2]. remark on use of adjectives. Adjectives are applied equally often to a topological space and to its topology. For example, " X is metrizable" can be written instead of " Τ (the topology of X) is metrizable." Later we shall speak of a connected space, a connected topology, a compact topology, and so on. Definition 1. Let d, d' be semimetrics for a set X. Let Td, Td> be the induced topologies. We say that d is stronger than d\ and that d' is weaker than d, if Td => Td>. IfTd= Td· we say that d, d' are equivalent. Problems 1. Show that the Euclidean topology for R as given in Example 2 is the same as that given in Sec. 2.1, Example 7. 2. The discrete and indiscrete topologies are semimetrizable. 3. Let d, d' be semimetrics for X and suppose that there exists a number к such that kd(x, y) > d'(x, у for all x, y. Prove that d is stronger than d'. 4. If d is a semimetric, and there exists a weaker metric, then d is a metric. 5. Problem 4 is false with "stronger" instead of "weaker." 6. Every disc is closed.
Sec. 2.4 / Natural Topologies and Metrics 17 101. Give an example of a nonempty disc which is an open set. 102. Let d be a semimetric. Then d/(\ + d) and d л 1 are semimetrics equivalent to d. (By d л 1 is meant the function whose value at (x, j>) is гшп{фс, j/), 1}.) [For the triangle inequality use d/(\ + d) = 1 - (1/(1 + </)).] 103. A set may have different diameters with two equivalent metrics; it might be metrically bounded in one and not the other [Problem 102]. 104. Every open set in R, with the Euclidean topology is the union of a disjoint family of open intervals. 105. Let X = {a, b9 c9 d9 e}; Τ = {0, {я}, {b9 с}, {d9 e}9 {a, b, c}9 {a, d, e}9 {b, c\ d9 e}, X}. Show that Г is a semimetrizable topology for X. 106. Suppose that the condition d(x, y) = d(y, x) is omitted from the definition of semimetric. Would Theorems 2.3.1 and 2.3.2 be true? 107. Give an example of a metric inducing the discrete topology such that there are points arbitrarily close together. [Consider {1/w} in R.] 108. Let A" be a noncountable set and d a metric which induces the discrete topology. Then X has a noncountable subset on which d > sD9 where D is the discrete metric, and ε > 0. [With Sn = {x:N(x9 \/n) = {x}} for/7= 1,2, ...,U^n is noncountable and so some Sn is non- countable.] 109. With X, d, as in Problem 108, there exists ε > 0 such that X is not a countable union of sets of diameter < ε. [This is surely true of the subspace of Problem 108.] 201. The converse of Problem 3 is false; that is, dmight be stronger than d' and no such к exist. 202. Let X be the set of all closed convex curves in R2, symmetric with respect to the origin. Does d(Cl9 C2) = supPeCl infQeC2 d(P9 Q) define a metric onl? 2.4 Natural Topologies and Metrics Certain spaces will be assigned topologies which will, throughout this book, be referred to as the natural topologies for these spaces. For example, the natural topology for R is the Euclidean topology, wherever R is mentioned, it will be assumed to have this topology. If for some reason we want to consider R with some other topology, the topology will be explicitly stated. The phrase " let G be an open subset of R " will mean " let G e T, where Τ is the Euclidean topology for R." The natural topology for R" is the Euclidean topology. The natural topology for Ζ is the discrete topology. We hasten to add that this is also the Euclidean topology for Z. [For m, neZ let d(m, n) = \m — n\. Then N(n, j) = {«},
18 Topological Space / Ch. 2 that is, for each и, {n} is an open set. Hence d induces the discrete topology.] The natural topology for Q, and J, will be that induced by the Euclidean metric. Similarly certain spaces will be assigned natural metrics. The natural metric for R", Z, Q, J is the Euclidean metric. In each case, the natural metric induces the natural topology. EX Α Μ Ρ L Ε 1. Let X = {1, £, i . ..}. Then X inherits from R the metric d(\/m, \/n) = \\/m - \/n\. This gives X the discrete topology [{1/wi} is open for each m since it is (\/m — ε, \/m + ε) η Χ for suitably chosen ε > 0]. Similarly Ζ has the discrete topology. However Ζ also has the discrete metric as its natural metric, while the metric given for X is not the discrete metric. ^-EXAMPLE 2. We shall usually identify R2 and the complex plane, writing \z\ for (x2 + y2Y12 if ζ = (χ, ν). 2.5 Notation and Terminology Let x, TV be, respectively, a point, and a set in a topological space. We say that TV is a neighborhood of χ if there exists an open set G with xeG a N. We call TV a deleted neighborhood of χ if χ φ Ν, and Ν υ {χ} is a neighborhood of x. (Note that a neighborhood need not be open.) Theorem 2.5.1. A set is open if and only if it is a neighborhood of each of its points. Let G be open. Then for every χ e G, xe G <^ G. Conversely, let G be a neighborhood of each of its points. If G is empty it is open. If G is not empty, for each χ e G, let Gx be open with xe Gx с G. Then G = {J [Gx: χ e X). a union of open sets. Hence G is open. | If S, N are sets and there exists an open set G with 5 с G с iV, we say that TV is a neighborhood of S. Thus TV is a neighborhood of {x} if and only if it is a neighborhood of x. We call χ an accumulation point of a set S if every deleted neighborhood of χ meets S\ in other words, if every neighborhood of χ meets S in a point other than x. Theorem 2.5.2. A set is closed if and only if it contains all of its accumulation points. In particular, a set with no accumulation points is closed. Let F be closed, and χ an accumulation point. Then χ must belong to F, for, if not, F \ {x} is a deleted neighborhood of χ which does not meet F, so that χ is not an accumulation point. Conversely, let F contain all of its accumulation points. Let xeF. Then χ is not an accumulation point of F,
Sec. 2.5 / Notation and Terminology 19 hence χ has a deleted neighborhood N not meeting F. Thus F ^ N и {*}, making F a neighborhood of x. By Theorem 2.5.1, F is open. | The interior, S\ of a set S, is the set of all points χ such that S is a neighborhood of x. As a generalization of Theorem 2.5.1, and proved in the same way, we can see that Sl is open for all S. The statement: "S has interior" will mean "S1 φ 0 У The closure, 5, of a set S, is the intersection of all closed sets F such that F ^> S. (Compare Problem 2.) Thus S ^> S and S is closed [Sec. 2.1, Problem 6]. When there is need to specify the topology Г we shall write S as clr S. The most important fact about closure is Problem 3 which we shall use immediately. ^EXAM PLE 1. Let S be a set in a semimetric space X and xe X. Then χ e S if and only ifd(x, S) = 0. If χ e 5, let ε > 0. Then N(x, ε) meets S so thatd(x, S) < ε. Since ε is arbitrary, d(x, S) = 0. Conversely, suppose that d(x, S) = 0 and let TV be a neighborhood of x. There exists ε > 0 such that TV => N(x, ε) and there exists s e S with d(x, s) < ε. Thus s e N, that is N meets S. Hence χ e S. | It is often convenient to compare topologies by means of closures in the following way. Lemma 2.5.1. Let Τ, Τ be topologies for a set X. Then Τ => Τ' if and only if for every 5cl, it is true that c\T S с clr S. Let Τ z=> Г. Then clr S = Γ\ {F: F => S, Fis Γ closed} => Π {?'· F => S, Fis Tclosed] = clr S. [The inclusion holds since every Τ closed set is Τ closed, thus the second intersection is taken over a larger class.] Conversely, suppose that clr S a clr S for all S. Let G e T'. Then G is Τ closed, hence clT G a clr G = G so that G is Γ closed [Problem 4]. Hence GeT | Theorem 2.5.3. L^r Γ, Τ be topologies for a set X. Then Τ = T' if and only ifc\T S = c\T> S for all 5cl This is immediate from Lemma 2.5.1. | A set S in a topological space X is called dense if S = X. For example, Q and J are dense in R, while Ζ is not. A discrete space has no dense proper subsets, while every nonempty subset of an indiscrete space is dense. A cover of a set S in a space A4s a collection С of subsets of X such that (J [A: Α ε С} => S. If all members of С are open, we call it an open cover of S. A subcover of С is merely a subset of С which still covers S (is a cover of S). ^EXAMPLE 2. {(- 1, jc): 0 < χ < 2} is an open cover of (0, 2), but is not a cover of [0, 2]. This cover of (0, 2) has, as a subcover, the collection {(- 1, x): 0 < χ < 2, χ rational}.
20 Topological Space / Ch. 2 Problems on Topological Space In this list, (X, T) is a topological space, and N, S, G, A, B, D are subsets of JT. 1. TV is a neighborhood of S if and only if TV is a neighborhood of each point of S. (Thus a set is open if and only if it is a neighborhood of itself.) ^•2. S* is the largest open set included in S. (This means that Sl is open; that Sl α S; and if G is open, and G α S, then G α S\) Also Sl is the union of all open sets which are included in S. Prove also that (siy_= sl. Jr3. χ e S if and only if every neighborhood of χ meets S. j{4. S is the smallest closed set which includes S (compare with Problem 2), and S is closed if and only if S α S. Prove also that S = 5. *5. If G is open, and G φ S, then G φ S. [G => S; apply Problem 4.] 6. A\j В = Akj Β, Α η Β ^ΑηΒ. 7. Let{»Sa: α e A} be a collection of sets in X Show that IJ {Sa: α e А} а \J {Sx\ ct.e A). [The right-hand side includes each Sx, and is closed; use Problem 4.] 8. Equality need not hold in the second part of Problem 6 and in Problem 7. (Give examples in R.) ^-9. Sl~ = S~~, and S~~ = S~l [S'" is closed and includes S~ since Sl с S. Thus Sl~ => S~~ by Problem 4. S is open and is included in S~ ~ = S since S" => S~. Thus S с Sl by Problem 2, and so S~~ ^ 5£~]. 10. Let Τ, Τ be topologies for a set A". Show that Τ => Γ if and only if every Γ closed set is T' closed. Jr\\. A set is dense if and only if it meets every nonempty open set. ^-12. If D is dense and G is open, then G η D = G. (Thus G η D = G η D, compare Problem 8.) 13. Let S be a set in a semimetric space. Then S, S have the same diameter. [Let x,у e S with d(x, y) > D(S) — ε; choose я, 6 e Swith^tf, x) < ε, rf(6,^) < ε. Then £>(S) > d(a, b) > D(S) - 3ε.] 14. S is dense if and only if S has no interior._ 15. The boundary of 5, written bS, is S η S. Show that bS = S\S'1; bS is closed; bS = 0 if and only if S is both open and closed; G open => bG has no interior. 16. Find the interior and all cluster points of [b] if X = {a, b, c] with topology {0, *, {a}, {b}, {a,b}}. ^-17. A topological space is indiscrete if and only if every singleton is dense. 101. S = S kj S\ where S' is the set of accumulation points of S.
Sec. 2.6 / Base and Subbase 21 102. Give an example of a metric space in which N(x, r) Φ D(x, r) for some χ and r > 0. Is there any necessary relationship between these sets? 103. The following are equivalent: X is the union of two closed proper subsets. A" contains two disjoint open proper subsets. A" has a closed proper subset with nonempty interior. A'has a subset with nonempty interior which is not dense. 104. R has the property of Problem 103 while an infinite cofinite space does not. 105. Can Problem 12 be generalized to: " G η D = G η D whenever G is open?" 106. A space is called extremally disconnected if the closure of every open set is open. Show that exactly three of the following four spaces are extremally disconnected: any discrete space, any cofinite space, any cocountable space, R. 107. Consider the statement, denoted by (*): If Α φ Β then Β φ A. Show that (*) is false in R; that if A is finite (*) still may not be true, but is true in a semimetric space. 108. Give an example of an uncountable subset of J which is closed in R. 109. A set is called nowhere dense if its closure has empty interior. Show that the union of finitely many nowhere-dense sets is nowhere dense. 110. The intersection of two dense open sets is dense. [Every open set must meet one of them in an open set, which then must meet the other.] 201. Call χ a condensation point of S if every neighborhood of χ meets S in an uncountable set. Call S self-dense if every χ e S is an accumulation point of S, and perfect if it is closed and self-dense. Let S a R. Show that the set of condensation points of S is perfect. Show that every closed set in R is the union of a perfect and a countable set. 202. There does not exist any topological space with the property that a set has nonempty interior if and only if it is infinite. 203. An extremally disconnected metric space is discrete. 204. Suppose that every nonempty Τ open set has Τ interior. Does it follow that Τ => Г? 205. Suppose that every Γ-dense subset of A" is Γ'-dense. Does it follow that Г ^ Г? 2.6 Base and Subbase It is convenient to have some method of defining a specific topology other than describing all the open sets. What we want is to be able to mention only some of the open sets, but enough to identify the topology uniquely. For example, if two sets are listed, there is no need to mention their union; that
22 Topological Space / Ch. 2 is automatically open. But we need some way to ensure that enough open sets are given, for example if we say ςς Let Τ be the topology for R in which (0, 1) is open" we would certainly not have adequately described the Euclidean topology, and it is a little doubtful whether we have described anything. (A generous interpretation might be that Τ = {0,(0, 1), R}.) However if we say " Let Γ be the topology for R in which (a, b) is open for all a, b " we have what appears to be the Euclidean topology. These remarks are clarified in the rest of this section. Definition 1. A collection 31 of subsets of a topological space is called a local base at a point x, or simply, a base at x, if every member ofSt is a neighborhood ofx, and if for every neighborhood N of x, there exists a set S e & with S cz N. ^-EXAMPLE 1. Let A' be a semimetric space, and fixxel Let 3tx be the collection of cells N(x, \/n), я = 1, 2, ...; and let &2 be the collection of discs D(x, \/n), η = 1,2, Then &u Я2, and Ях и @2 are all local bases at x. Definition 2. A collection Я of subsets of a topological space is called a base for the topology if every member ofΊ% is open and Я includes a local base at each point. By a basic set will be meant a base. A basic sequence is a countable basic set. We shall also refer to a base for the topology as a base for the space. ^EXAMPLE 2. The set of all N(x, l/n), χ eΧ, η = 1, 2,. .., is a base for a semimetric space X [Theorem 2.3.1]. Notice that we ask a little more of the members of a base than of a local base, namely that they be open sets. Distinctions of this sort are usually for technical convenience, and other definitions could easily be set up leading to the same end result (see Problem 101). However, we must use precisely the definitions given, once we have committed ourselves to them. Theorem 2.6.1. Let Γ, Τ' be topologies for a set X which have a common base @. Then Τ = Г. Let G e Τ and χ e G. There exists S e Я with χ e S a G. Since S e Я it follows that S e V and so G is a V neighborhood ofx. Since χ is arbitrary, G e Τ [Theorem 2.5.1]. Thus Τ a T' and, by symmetry T' cz Τ. | Theorem 2.6.2. Let X be a set and Я a collection of subsets of X with the following properties: (i) U {A: A e Щ = X, (ii) for each Ue #, Ve ^, and each χ e U η V, Я contains a member W with χ e W cz U η V. Then there is a unique topology for X which has Я as a base.
Sec. 2.6 / Base and Subbase 23 Note that we are asserting both the existence and the uniqueness of the topology. Uniqueness follows from Theorem 2.6.1. The topology is defined explicitly: Let 0 be open, and let a nonempty set G be called open if and only if there is a subset 08 λ of 08 with G = \J {A: A e08i}. Then 0 and X are open [for X take 08 λ = Щ. The union of open sets is open. [Let С be a collection of open sets. For each G e C, let G = (J {A: A e 08G}. Then (J С = (J {Л: Α ε U {#«: G е С}}.] Finally, let G, Я be open sets and xeG η Η. There exists (7 e 08 with χ e U <zz G. [Since χ e G, χ must be in one of the sets whose union G is, G being open.] Also there exists V e 08 with χ e К с Я, and so, by hypothesis, there exists We 08 with xe^c(/nF. Denoting this W by И^, we have Wxe 08 and л: e Wx cz G η Я. Clearly G η Я => (J { Wx\ χ e G η Я}, and G η Η = \J {{x}:xeG η Η} a \J {Wx\ xeG η Η}. Hence G η Я is equal to this union and is thus open. These remarks show that a topology has been defined. To see that 0Й is a base, let jV be a neighborhood of some x. Then TV includes an open neighborhood of x, which is, by definition, a union of certain members of 0$. Selecting one of these, K, which contains χ we have χ e V a N. | Definition 3. ^ collection 08 of subsets of a topological space is called a subbase for the topology if all its members are open and the collection of all finite intersections of members of 08 is a base. Here is the easiest way to recognize a subbase. The proof is trivial. Theorem 2.6.3. A collection 0Й of subsets of a topological space is a subbase for the topology if and only if its members are open, and for each χ and each neighborhood N of χ there exists a finite collection {Αλ, A2, . . ., An} of members of 08 with xe Π At cz N. The analogue of Theorem 2.6.2 omits Condition (ii). Theorem 2.6.4. Let X be a set and 3 a collection of subsets ofX whose union is X. Then there is a unique topology for X which has 0$ as subbase. The collection of all finite intersections of members of 3 satisfies the two conditions of Theorem 2.6.2 [take W = U η V\ hence is a base for a unique topology. | The collection 0S in the preceding theorem is said to generate the topology. (A slight stretching of these ideas is often used; namely, if 3 is an arbitrary collection of subsets of X, then 3 υ {Χ} satisfies the condition of Theorem 2.6.4. The resulting topology is also said to be generated by 08. Points outside (J {S\ S e 08} would have only one neighborhood, X.)
24 Topological Space / Ch. 2 EXAMPLE 3. The RHO topology. We shall describe a topology for R called the right half-open interval topology, or RHO topology, for short. This is the topology generated by the set of all intervals of the form [a, b). By Theorem 2.6.2, this collection of intervals is a base for the topology. Each interval [я, b) is open [by definition of base] and closed. [Let χ < a, then \_x, (x + a)/2) is a neighborhood of χ not meeting [a, b)\ if χ > b, then \_x, χ + 1) is a neighborhood of χ not meeting [a, b).J Thus the RHO topology is zero-dimensional. (A zero-dimensional space is one which has a base of open and closed sets.) The RHO topology is strictly larger than the Euclidean topology for R. [Let G be a Euclidean open set and xeG. There exist a, b with a < χ < b, (a, b) cz G. Then [x, b) cz G so that χ is RHO- interior to G. Thus G is RHO-open. RHO is strictly larger because [0, 1) is not Euclidean open.] Problems on Topological Space 1. Every base has the properties given in Theorem 2.6.2. 2. Let 31 be a collection of open subsets of X. Show that 3 is a base for the topology if and only if every open set is a union of members of ^. 3. The collection of open neighborhoods of a point is a local base at that point. 4. What topology is generated by {X} ? 5. What topology is generated by {{χ}: χ e X) ? 6. Let ^l5 082 be bases for topologies 7\, T2 on a given set. Show that Τx cz Τ2 if and only if for every point χ and V e ^Sl with χ e V, there exists W e 0&2 with χ e W а V. jrl. If a set meets every member of a base, it is dense. It is not sufficient that it meet every member of a subbase. [The line (y = x) meets every horizontal and every vertical strip in R2.] 101. Show that a topology may be defined by specifying neighborhoods in the following way. A set X is given. For each χ e X, certain sets are specified and called vicinities of x. It is assumed that χ belongs to each vicinity of x, that A" is a vicinity of every χ e X, that the intersection of two vicinities of χ is a vicinity of x, that any set which includes a vicinity of χ is itself a vicinity of x, and finally that each vicinity of χ includes a vicinity of χ which is a vicinity of all its points. Show that there is a unique topology for X with the property that a set is a neighborhood of χ if and only if it is a vicinity of x. [Call G open if it is a vicinity of each of its points.] 102. The collection of all closed intervals [a, b~\ is not a base for the Euclidean topology of R. However, it satisfies Theorem 2.6.2. For what topology is it a base ?
Sec. 2.6 / Base and Subbase 25 103. What topology for R2 is generated by the set of all horizontal and vertical lines. 104. Show that the discrete and indiscrete topologies are zero-dimensional. 105. Q is zero-dimensional. 106. The cofinite topology for a set is zero-dimensional if and only if the set is finite. 107. Show that one of the following two sets is RHO-closed and one is not:(l,u...),(-!, -i, -i,...). 108. Find the RHO closure and interior of each of (0, 1), (0, 1]. 109. A collection $ of nonempty open sets is called a pseudobase if every nonempty open set includes a member of 3Ϊ. Find a pseudobase for R which is not a base. 110. Show by Theorem 2.6.2 that there is a topology Γ for Ζ which has as a base the collection of all arithmetic progressions {a + kd\ к = 0, ±1, ±2,.. .}. Show that Τ is zero-dimensional. [Each arithmetic progression is open and closed.] 111. For prime /?, let Ap be the arithmetic progression (..., —2/7, — /?, 0, /7, 2/7,. ..). Show that \J {Ap:p prime, ρ > 2} = Z\{-1, 1}. Thus this union is not closed in the topology Γ of Problem 110, and so cannot be a finite union. Deduce that Ζ contains infinitely many primes. 112. In Theorem 2.6.2 the assumption χ e W cannot be omitted. [Let X = {a,b,c,d}, U= {a,b,c}, V= {b,c,d}, W= {b},B= {U, V, W). If В were a base for a topology U η V would be open and yet not a neighborhood of c.J 201. Show that {(x, ^):xeJ,j;eJ} is a zero-dimensional space (with the Euclidean metric of R2); and the same is true of {(x, y): xeR,y eR, either χ or у е Q}. 202. R is not zero-dimensional. 203. Find the RHO closure of Q. 204. Is the union of a chain of topologies (on a fixed space) a topology ?
Convergence 3.1 Sequences Suppose that у is a sequence in a topological space X. This means that ν is a function from ω (the positive integers) to X. For η e ω, we usually write yn instead of y(n); у is sometimes written as {>„}, sometimes as yn, where there is no danger of confusion. We say that у converges to x, in symbols, yn —► x, if, for every neighborhood TV of x, yn e TV eventually, that is, there exists n0eR such that η > n0 implies yn e TV. Any point χ such that yn -> χ is called a //w/r of {>>„}. A sequence in R which converges to 0 is called a null sequence. ^-EXAMPLE 1. If ν is a sequence in R, yn -> χ if and only if for every ε > 0, there exists и0 e R such that η > n0 implies \yn — x\ < ι:. If ν is a sequence in a semimetric space (X, d), yn —► χ if and only if J(>n, x) -> 0. Note that {^(^„, χ)} is a real sequence. EXAMPLE 2. Define a semimetric d for R2 by */[(*, v), (и, f)] = |x - «|. Let z„ = (1//7, 0). Then ζ = {z„} is a sequence in R2 and it is clear that z„—> (0, 0). But it is equally clear that z„ —> (0, 1). Thus a convergent sequence may converge to several points. When a sequence у converges to a unique point x, we also write lim ν = .ν or lim yn = χ or lim„ yn = x. We have now seen that in a topological space, it is possible to discuss convergence of sequences. We now investigate to what extent knowledge of 26
Sec. 3.1 / Sequences 27 which sequences are convergent specifies the topology. In other words, we ask under what circumstances two different topologies on a set may, or may not, have exactly the same convergent sequences and corresponding limits. We begin with an example which shows that this may happen. Let us call a topology Τ sequentially stronger than a topology Τ if xn —► χ in Τ implies xn —► χ in T'\ Γ, Τ are called sequentially equivalent if each is sequentially stronger than the other. EXAMPLE 3. Let X be any uncountable set. Let Τ be the cocountable topology. We shall show that a sequence у is convergent if and only if it is eventually constant, that is yn —► χ if and only if yn = χ eventually. [Half of this is easy (Problem 1). Now suppose that у is a sequence in Χ, χ e X, and it is false thatyn = χ eventually. LetF = {yn'.yn φ χ}. Then Fis countable (perhaps finite), hence F is a neighborhood of x. But it is false that yne F eventually, hence yn does not converge to x.J Now Τ is not the discrete topology [singletons are not open since the complement of a singleton is uncountable], but, as we have just seen, Τ and the discrete topology are sequentially equivalent [Problem 2]. Another topology which is sequentially equivalent to the discrete topology is shown in Theorem 14.1.6. Further, using language to be explained later, this topology, in contrast with the cocountable topology, is compact, Γ4. Definition 1. A topological space is called first countable at χ if there is a countable local base at x, and first countable if it is first countable at each of its points. ^-EXAMPLE 4. A finite space is first countable. ^-EXAM PLE 5. Every semimetric space is first countable since, for each .v, {N(x, I/n)} is a countable local base at x. Theorem 3.1.1. Let X be a topological space, χ e X, S <^ X, and suppose that X is first countable at x. Then xeS if and only if there is a sequence in S which converges to x. Suppose first that such a sequence exists. Every neighborhood of χ contains a point of this sequence, hence a point of S. Conversely, let xe S. Let {Vn) be a shrinking [Problems 5 and 7] basic sequence at x. Each Vn meets S so we may choose sn e Vn η S. Then sn —► χ [Problem 5]. | Theorem 3.1.2. Let Τ and T' be topologies for a set X with Τ first countable. Then Τ => Τ' if and only if Τ is sequentially stronger than T'.
28 Convergence / Ch. 3 Suppose first that Τ => Τ' and xn —► χ in Γ. Let К be а Г' neighborhood of x. Then К is a /"neighborhood of χ and so x„ e К eventually. Conversely, let Τ be sequentially stronger than Τ. It follows from Theorem 3.1.1 and Problem 3, that clT S a clr S for all 5cl The result follows from Lemma 2.5.1. | Theorem 3.1.3. Let Τ, Τ' be first countable topologies for a set X. Then Τ = T' if and only if Τ, Τ' are sequentially equivalent. This follows immediately from Theorem 3.1.2. | ^-EXAMPLE 6. Let d, d be semimetrics. Then d is stronger than d if and only if xn —► χ in d implies xn —► χ in d [Example 5, Theorem 3.1.2, and Sec. 2.3, Definition 1]. A sufficient (but not necessary [Problem 12]) condition that d be stronger than d is d(x, y) > d'(x, y) for all x, у \d'(xn, x) < <Kxn9x)-+0l ^EXAMPLE 7. Let d be a semimetric and let d = d/(\ + d). Then d is a semimetric [for example, ^' Zj 1 + d(x, z) 1 + </(*, z) " 1 + d(jc, j>) + d(y, z) = d(x, y) d(y, z) 1 + фс, y) + d(y, z) 1 + фс, j;) + d[^, z) < </'(*, >>) + rf'(^, Z).] Also, d' is equivalent to d. [Since d > d\ half is trivial by Example 6. Conversely, if d(xn, i)->0we have d(xn, x) = d'(xn, x)/(\ - d'(xn, x)) —> 0.] Problems on Topological Space Jr\. If yn = χ eventually, then yn —► x. Jr2. yn —► χ in the discrete topology if and only if yn = χ eventually. {{x} is a neighborhood of x.J jr?>. Half of Theorem 3.1.1 holds without assuming that X is first countable. [The part proved first.] ^4. Theorem 3.1.1 fails if X is not assumed first countable. [Let X be an uncountable space with the cocountable topology. Let S α Χ with S countable, and χ φ S. Then χ e S but no sequence in S converges to χ by Example 3.] ^-5. Suppose that {Vn) is a countable shrinking (that is, Vn+i cz Vn for all n) local base at x, and that, for each n, yn e Vn. Prove that yn —► x. [Every neighborhood of χ includes some Vn, hence all Vk for к > w.]
Sec. 3.1 / Sequences 29 6. Show that "shrinking" cannot be omitted in Problem 5. (Give an example in which X = R.) ^7. Let X be first countable at x. Show that X has a countable shrinking local base at x. [Consider {0?= ι V^.J 8. If yn —► x, every subsequence of у also converges to x. 9. Half of Theorem 3.1.2 holds without assuming that X is first countable. [The part proved first.] 10. Theorem 3.1.2 fails if Τ is not assumed first countable. [Γ = co- countable, Τ = discrete. Here V is first countable.] 11. Suppose given two sequentially equivalent topologies. If one of them is first countable, it must be larger. 12. For x,yeR let d(x, y) = \x - y\/(\ + \x - y\). Show that d is equivalent to the Euclidean metric d [Example 7], and that there exists no к > 0 such that d(x, y) < kd(x, y) for all x, y. 101. Let rfbea semimetric and let d = d л 1. (This means d(x, y) = min{l, d(x, y)}). Show that d is a semimetric and is equivalent to d. 102. Let X be an infinite cofinite space, and let j· be a one-to-one sequence in X. (This means that yi Φ yj if / Φ j.) Show that yn —► χ for all xeX. 103. Does the result of Problem 102 hold if, instead of one-to-one, it is assumed that у has infinite range ? 104. Let Γ, Τ be topologies for a set X with Τ first countable. Suppose that every sequence which Τ converges to a point has a subsequence which Γ converges to that point. Show that Τ => Т. [Let χ e clr S. Apply Theorem 3.1.1 and Problem 3 to show that xec\TS; then apply Lemma 2.5.1.] 105. One cannot define a topology, first countable or not, by specifying that certain sequences shall be convergent, even if the class of convergent sequences is very well behaved (see Problem 106). Illustrate this by showing that R has no topology Τ such that xn -^ χ if and only if \xn — x\ < \jn eventually. [Apply Problem 104 with Τ = Euclidean topology, Τ = supposed topology. Theorem 3.1.2, with Problem 9, is contradicted.] 106. Which of the four properties (a), (b), (c), (d) of Problem 206 does the convergence of Problem 105 have ? 107. Give an example of a first countable space which is not semimetrizable. 108. Let X = {0, 1, 2, 3,...}. Let every set which does not contain 0 be open and let a set G containing 0 be open if and only if G has the property u(n)jn —► 1 as η —► oo, where u{n) is the number of members of G in the interval [1,и]. (Sometimes phrased, G has density 1.) Check that this is a topology, and that 0 is the only point which is an accumulation point of its complement.
30 Convergence / Ch. 3 109. A space is called closure-sequential if whenever χ e S there is a sequence of points in S converging to x. (Theorem 3.1.1 shows that every first countable space is closure-sequential.) Show that X is closure- sequential if and only if every sequential neighborhood of any point is a neighborhood of that point. (N is a sequential neighborhood of л: if whenever xn —► x, xn e N eventually.) 110. A set is called sequentially closed if it contains all its sequential limit points, and sequentially open if it is a sequential neighborhood (Problem 109) of all its points. A space is called sequential if every sequentially closed set is closed. Show that a space is sequential if and only if every sequentially open set is open. 201. In the space X of Problem 108,0 is not a sequential accumulation point. (This means that no sequence of positive integers converges to 0.) Deduce that X is not first countable. 202. Describe the RHO convergent sequences. 203. A closure-sequential space (Problem 109) need not be first countable. [ω υ {0} with ω having the discrete topology and a set G containing 0 open if and only if there exists an increasing sequence {mk} of positive integers with G => {2k(2n — 1): η > mk]. An easier example is given in Sec. 8.1, Problem 131.] 204. A closure-sequential space is sequential but not conversely. [Add to the Euclidean topology for R all sets {0} υ Ν where TV is a Euclidean neighborhood of the sequence {1/w}.] 205. Generalize Problem 108 by replacing density by a countably additive measure. 206. Suppose that on a set X certain sequences are said to converge to certain points, written xn -^> x. Suppose that (a) if xn = χ for all и, then xn—> x\ (b) if χη-^ χ, and {yn} is a subsequence of {*„}, then уп-^> х; (с) if {xk} is a sequence of sequences, xk = {xkn} for к = 1, 2,.. ., x^ —c-> ak as η —► oo for each k, and ak -^ a, then there exist increasing sequences {£(«)}, {m{n)} of positive integers such that χ J^-^» a\ (d) if xn -^ x, {xn} has a subsequence, no subsequence of which с converges to x. Let S be called closed if xn e S, xn -^ χ implies xe S. Show that this yields a topology such that xn —► χ if and only if xn -^> x. 207. For measurable real functions on [0, 1], pointwise convergence almost everywhere implies convergence in measure, and if/„—►/in measure, {/„} has a subsequence {gn} with gn —► /pointwise almost everywhere. Compare Problem 104. Show that the procedure of Problem 206 applied to either of these two convergences yields the same topology Γ, but that fn-+f in Γ if and only if/„—►/ in measure.
Sec. 3.2 / Filters 31 208. Construct a countable but not first countable space as follows: X = (0, l, 2,.. .), ω is a discrete subspace of X, and neighborhoods of 0 are all sets of the form S и {0} such that Sn \ S is finite for every и, where Sn is given in Sec. 1.2, Problem 104. 3.2 Filters If one deals only with first countable spaces it is possible to describe all topological occurrences in terms of sequences, instead of in terms of open sets or neighborhoods. For example, xe S if and only if every neighborhood of χ meets S, and (in a first countable space) if and only if S contains a sequence converging to x. Other examples are given in Theorems 3.1.2, 3.1.3, and Sec. 4.2, Problem 10. In general, however, such descriptions are impossible; we saw in Sec. 3.1, Problem 4, a case in which χ e S but this fact could not be ascertained by examination of sequences. We concede then that sequences are inadequate to describe topologies in general. Because of the very natural form taken by sequential arguments in classical analysis, mathematicians were unwilling to replace them by the more cumbersome direct arguments with neighborhoods, and two convergence theories were devised during the period from 1915 to 1940; these were nets [E. H. Moore, H. L. Smith, J. L. Kelley, and others] and filters [H. Cartan, and others.]. There is a sense in which these theories are equivalent. Each is adequate for topology in the same sense that sequences are not, as just pointed out. Nets resemble sequences strongly, and are handier to use in discussions of continuity of functions, and algebraic operations; while filters are preferable in dealing with compactness and completeness. One must know both theories, and it is pointless to become emotionally attached to one or the other. We shall expose both theories, and make use of whichever is more natural in any given situation. It must be emphasized that both nets and filters could be dispensed with in topological arguments; see, for example, Theorem 5.4.5, and the alternate proof in Sec. 7.1, Problem 111; but their use is fully justified by the resulting brevity, fluency, and elegance. Definition 1. A collection <Ψ of subsets of a set X is called a filter in X if (i) Xe&\ (ii) 0 φ&\ (iii) Ae^, Be & imply A η 5e,f; (iv) Ae^, В ^ A imply Be^. Condition (i) ensures that 3F is nonempty. Some simple consequences of the definition are given in Problems 1 to 4. ^EXAM PLE 1. Fix a point χ in a set X. Let Dx be the collection of all subsets of X which contain x. Then Dx is a filter. It is called the discrete
32 Convergence / Ch. 3 filter at x, for reasons which will become clear in Example 2. Let Ix = {X}. This is called the indiscrete filter at χ; it happens to be independent of x. ^EXAMPLE 2. Let A" be a topological space and xg X. Let Nx be the collection of all neighborhoods of x. If A" has the discrete topology, Nx = Dx (Example 1). If A" has the indiscrete topology, Nx = Ix. In any case Nx is a filter, called the neighborhood filter at x. Now let SF be a filter in a topological space X. We say that & converges to x, in symbols, !F —> x, if & => Nx, the neighborhood filter at x. This definition, perhaps, does not seem as reasonable as the definition of convergence of a sequence. We shall see, however, in Example 4, and in Theorem 4.2.2, that it has the right properties. If & converges to a unique point x, we also write lim <F = x. Any point χ such that & —► χ is called a limit of <F. We shall often use the obvious fact that if' 3F' —► χ then any larger filter than & (that is, any filter which includes 3F\ also converges to x. ^-EXAMPLE 3. Let A" be a topological space and χ e X. Then Nx -> x. [This is trivial.] EXAMPLE 4. Let {xn} be a sequence in X. Let У = {A a X: xn e A eventually}. Then & is a filter [Problem 1] and xn —► χ if and only if 3F —► x. [If xn —► χ and TV is a neighborhood of x, xne N eventually; hence TVe 3F. This shows that Nx a <F and so & —► x. Conversely, if «^ —► x, let TV be a neighborhood of x. Now N e ^ by hypothesis, thus x„gN eventually; hence xn —► *.] To specify a filter, it is not necessary to name all of its sets. Whenever it is known that a given set S belongs to a filter #", then it is known that any superset of S belongs to #\ We now define the concept filterbase and show how a filterbase leads to a filter. Definition 2. A collection Я of subsets of a set X is called a filterbase in X if (i) я Ф 0; (ii) 0 φ Я; (iii) ,4 e Я, В e * z'/ир/у ίΑαί * contains a set С with С cr Α η Β. Thus a filter is a filterbase. A significant example of a filterbase is the set of discs in the plane containing the origin in their interiors. A filterbase Я generates a filter <F in the obvious way, &* = {A: A => В for some В е ^}. We say of a filterbase Я, that ^ —► χ if the filter generated by Я converges to x. Thus Я —> χ if and only if, for each neighborhood N of x, Я has a member Л with A cz N.
Sec. 3.2 / Filters 33 ^EXAMPLE 5. Let S be a proper subset of a set X. Let !F be a filter on S. Then ^ is not a filter on Χ [Χ φ &\ but & is a filterbase on A". Indeed if ^ is a filterbase on S, then ^ is also a filterbase on A". This property, and that given in problem 5, make filterbases easier to use than filters. EXAMPLE 6. Let A" be a topological space, and χ e X. Then Dx —► χ (Example 1). {Dx => Nx, obviously.] An interesting filterbase which generates Dx is {{*}}; this is a filterbase containing just one set, and that set is a singleton. We can now obtain an improved form of Theorem 3.1.1. (Recall Sec. 3.1, Problem 4, which shows that this result is false if filterbase is replaced by sequence.) Theorem 3.2.1. Let X be a topological space, χ e X, S с X. Then χ eS if and only if there is a filterbase in S which converges to x. Suppose first that such a filterbase & exists, and let TV be a neighborhood of x. There exists A e $ with A a N. Since A cr S, this means that TV must meet S. Conversely, let χ e S and let & = {Ν η S: Ne Nx}. We check the definition of filterbase. & Φ 0 since Se FfS = Χ η SJ; 0 φ & since, for every N e Nx, Ν η S φ 0 {χ e S]; and, if A = N1 η S, В = N2 η S, then Α η В = Ni η N2n Se@. Finally^ -+ x. [Let We Nx. ThenW η Se08 and Ν η S с TV.] | The succeeding results of Section 3.1 follow in an entirely similar way. Theorem 3.2.2. Let Γ, Τ be topologies for a set X. Then Τ => Τ if and only if ^ —► χ in Τ implies 3F —► χ in Τfor all filters <F in X. Hence Τ = T' if and only ifT, Τ have the same convergent filters and corresponding limits. Suppose first that Τ n> V and У -► χ in Τ Then N'x ^ Nx ^ У, where Nx, Nx are the sets of all Τ', Τ, neighborhoods of x, respectively. Hence !F —> χ in Τ. Conversely, suppose that & —> χ in Timplies #" —> χ in Τ and let 5cl If χ g clT S there is a filterbase ^ in S with ^ -> χ in Γ. Then ^ —> χ in Γ' [in each case, 31 —> χ if and only if the filter generated by 89-+ x\ and so χ e clT, S. We have proved that clT S с clT, S for all S and so Г id Г [Lemma 2.5.1]. | There is a natural way to topologize a subset A" of a topological space (У, Г); namely let Гу = {G η X;Ge T). This is clearly a topology for Ar [Problem 7] and is called the relative topology of YforX\ when A" has this topology it is called a topological subspace of Y. If S is an open subset of X in the relative topology of У we say that S is open in X. (It may or may not be open in Y.)
34 Convergence / Ch. 3 Theorem 3.2.3. Let X be a topological subspace of Y, let χ e X, and let & be afilterbase on X. Then & —► xinX if and only if& —► χ in Y. Suppose first that $ —► χ in Y. Every neighborhood of χ in X is of the form Ν η X, where TV is a neighborhood of χ in Y. Now TV ^ A for some A e S&\ hence Ν η X ^> A. Thus 31 -+ x'm X. Conversely, let 3 —► χ in A', and let TV be a neighborhood of χ in У. Then TV η Ar is a neighborhood of x'm X and so TV η A" => ^ for some A e &. Thus Ν ^> Ν η Χ ^> A, and so ^ -► χ in Y. | Corollary. Lei X be a topological subspace of Y, and Υ a topological sub- space ofZ. Then X is a topological subspace ofZ. This is immediate from Theorems 3.2.2 and 3.2.3. | Problems In this list, $F is a filter, and 3 is a filterbase. ^-1. Check that !F is a filter in Example 4. *2. Check that {Λ: A n> 5 for some 5 e ^} is a filter. ^-3. Any two members of <F have nonempty intersection. The same is true of 3. 4. Any finite intersection of members of <F belongs to $F. +5. Let/: X-+ У, and let * be a filterbase in X Show that/ВД is a filterbase in У, and that if #" is a filter in A',/^] is a filter if and only if/is onto. 6. A filter is discrete if and only if it contains a singleton. ^rl. The relative topology for A" is a topology. 8. If A" is an open set in Y, then a subset of X which is open in X is also open in Y. The assumption that X is open cannot be omitted. 9. For 5cZ, where A" is a topological subspace of У, if S is open in Υ it is open in X. ^-10. Let (Ύ, d) be a semimetric space and X a Y. Show that d'(x, y) = d(x, y) for x, у e X makes (X, d') into a semimetric space with the relative topology of Y. 11. If X is a topological subspace of Υ and ^ is a base for the topology of У, then {A n X: A e &} isa base for the relative topology. 12. Let X be a topological subspace of У and S a X. Then S is closed in the relative topology if and only if there exists closed F с Υ with S = F η Jr. [Take F = 5.] 13. Modify the results of Problem 8 so as to refer to closed sets. 14. Let G be an open set in A" and let D be a dense subset of A". Show that G η D is dense in G. 15. In Problem 14, " open" cannot be omitted.
Sec. 3.3 / Partially Ordered Sets 35 16. A base for a topology is usually not a filterbase. However, a local base is a filterbase. 101. If 31 is a filterbase, then {В: В е 3} is also a filterbase, and generates a smaller filter. 102. The set of (circular) cells in the plane containing the origin is a filter- base but not a filter. 103. Let f: X-+ Υ where A" is a set and Υ a topological space. Then /[AJ-Αχ). 104. Let/: X-+ Y, andxel. Show that the filter generated by f[Dx~\ is £>/(JC), and deduce the result of Problem 103. 105. Fix xeX. Let Cx = {A e Dx\ A is finite.} Then Cx is a filter. It is called the cofinite, or Frechet filter at x. Show that if X is finite Cx = Dx, while if A" is a cofinite space, Cx = Nx. 106. Let A" be an arbitrary infinite set. Let C^ = {A a X: A is finite}. Then Сда is a filter, called the cofinite, or Frechet filter at oo. 107. Let A" be a topological space, iel, and suppose that every filter on X converges to x. Show that χ has only one neighborhood. [Consider the indiscrete filter.] 108. Call a filterbase discrete, indiscrete, cofinite, if it generates a discrete, indiscrete, cofinite filter. Show that any singleton is a discrete filter- base, and given an example of a cofinite filterbase on R which is not a filter. 109. Let G be an open set in X and D a dense open set in G (with the relative topology.) Show that there exists a dense open subset V of X with VnG = D. 110. (Duplication of a point.) Given a topological space X, let χ be a nonisolated point of X, and let t φ X. Let Υ = Xu {t}. Let Τ = {G cr У: either G or (G \ {ί}) υ {χ} is an open set in A"}. Show that Γ is a topology for Υ and that x, t are not contained in disjoint open sets. (The end result is as if the point χ has been duplicated.) 111. In Problem 110, У is first countable at χ if and only if it is first countable at t. 201. Any discrete subspace of R is countable. 202. Can the closure of a discrete subspace of R be uncountable? 203. Two different topologies may have the same convergent filters. (But see Theorem 3.2.2, and Sec. 4.1, Problem 121.) 3.3 Partially Ordered Sets A sequence is a function on the positive integers. By considering functions on other sets, we obtain more general objects, called nets, which can be used
36 Convergence / Ch. 3 to describe topological properties, as were filters, but which bear a greater resemblance to sequences. We begin by describing the sets on which the nets will be defined. Let A" be a set and assume that a relation, written >, is given such that for each pair x, у of members of X, the statement χ > у is either true or false. (Thus a relation is a set S of ordered pairs (x, y) with x, у е X, and we write χ > у if and only if (x, y)e S.) We assume that the relation is reflexive (that is, χ > x, for all x), and transitive (x > у > ζ implies χ > ζ). We shall write χ < у to mean у > χ. A set with a reflexive, transitive relation is called a partially ordered set, or poset, for short. ^-EXAMPLE 1. (R, >) is a poset, where > has its usual meaning. The same is true for (ω, >). ^-EXAMPLE 2. Ordering by containment. Let S be the collection of all subsets of a set X. Then (S, ^) is a poset. [A ^ A for all A a X, and A n> В и> С implies A n> C] ^-EXAMPLE 3. Ordering by inclusion. Let S be the collection of all subsets of a set X. Then (S, c) is a poset. [A a A for all A a X, and Л а В а С implies A a C] In each of Examples 2 and 3, there may be noncomparable elements; that is, x, у such that χ > у and у > χ are both false. [Let S be the set of all subsets of R, then Q => [0, 1], and [0, 1] => Q are both false.] EXAMPLE 4. Let X = (0, 2)\{1}. Let χ > у mean |jc - 1| < \y - 1|, the second inequality being interpreted in the ordinary real number sense. Thus χ > у means that χ is closer to 1 than у is (or, at least as close). This example shows that the ordering in a poset need not be antisymmetric (that is χ > у > χ implies у = x); for example, f > \ > f, but f φ \. A directed set is a poset X with the additional property that for each x, у e X, there exists ζ e X with ζ > x, and ζ > y. Thus the posets of Examples 1, 2, 3, and 4 are directed sets. [For example, in Example 3, given A a X, В a X, then Α η Β α Α, Α η В с В.} ^-EXAMPLE 5. Let & be a filterbase. Then(^, cz) is a directed set; that is a filterbase is directed by inclusion. [Inclusion is automatically reflexive and transitive. Also, if A e £8, Be &, then there exists Ce & with С с An В; this implies С ^ А, С ^ B.}
Sec. 3.3 / Partially Ordered Sets 37 Problems 1. Let A" be a set and define χ > у to mean χ = у. Show that this makes Xa poset, but not a directed set (unless X has only one member.) This order is called the discrete order. 2. Let A" be a set and define χ > у to be true for all x, y. Show that this makes X a directed set. This order is called the indiscrete order. 3. The discrete order is antisymmetric and the indiscrete order is not. 4. Let Μ be the set of all men. Let χ ρ у mean χ is the brother of y. Show that, on M, the relation ρ is symmetric (that is, χ ρ у implies у ρ χ), not reflexive, and not transitive. 5. Let N be the set of all nurses. Let χ σ у mean χ is the sister of y. Show that the relation σ is not symmetric on N. 6. Let ^ be a directed set and S a nonempty finite subset. Show that there exists xe X with χ > s for s e S. Jrl. A reflexive, symmetric, transitive relation is called an equivalence relation. Show that if an equivalence relation ~ is defined on a set S, then S can be written uniquely as a union of disjoint subsets (called equivalence classes) such that each subset is {χ: χ ~ y} for some y. 8. Order R2 by: (x, y) > (x\ y') means χ > x\ or χ = χ' and у > у'. Show that this order is reflexive and transitive. This order is called the lexicographic order because it resembles alphabetical order for two- letter words. ^-9. A poset is called totally ordered (or, linearly ordered) if it is antisymmetric and every two members are comparable. Show that the order of Problem 8 is total. ^-10. A totally ordered subset of a poset is called a chain. Show that every subset of R is a chain. ΆΊ1. Prove that every countable poset contains a maximal chain. [The poset is {xn}. Proceed by induction, starting with xl9 and, at each step, adding that xn with the smallest η such that addition of xn yields a chain.] 101. Give an example of a relation on some nonempty set which is symmetric and transitive but not reflexive. {Hint: This seems impossible since χ > у, у > χ imply χ > χ by transitivity.) 102. If Χ, Υ are posets, let Χ χ Υ = {(χ, у): χ е X, у е Υ}. Order Χ χ Yby (χ, у) > (х\ у') means χ > χ' and у > у'. Show that this makes Χ χ Ysl poset, and, if Χ, Υ are directed, a directed set. 103. In Problem 102, take X = Υ = R with the usual order. In the Cartesian plane R2 = R χ R, sketch {(*, у): (х, у) > (0, 0)}. 104. Give an example of an uncountable family F of sets, no two equal, such that F is totally ordered by inclusion and the union of all the sets in F\s countable. {Hint: This is easy.)
38 Convergence / Ch. 3 105. Find an infinite chain in R2 with the order given in Problem 8. 106. Find all chains in the discrete and indiscrete orders. 107. Let "word" mean "any finite set of letters listed in order." For example, ATYYPVand APTYVYare two different words. Suppose the set of all words arranged in alphabetical order. Show that between any two words, not both ending in A, there is another word. 108. It is easy to give an infinite ascending sequence of words in Problem 107; for example, ВС, BCC, BCCC,. ... Give an example of an infinite descending sequence. 109. Let X be the set of all sequences χ of real numbers such that xn = 0 eventually. Define χ > у to mean either χ = у or the last nonzero term of χ — у is positive. Show that A" is a totally ordered set. 110. A set S in a poset X is called cofinal if for each xe X, there exists s e S with s > x. In the space R2 of Problem 103, give an example of a maximal chain which is not cofinal. 111. Let А, В be directed sets and u: A —► B. We call и finalizing if for every b e B, u{a) > b eventually. (This means that there exists a0e A such that u{a) > b whenever a > a0.) Suppose that и is isotone {a > a implies u{a) > u{a')), show that и is finalizing if and only if м[Л] is cofinal. 112. No function u: (0, 1] —► (0, 1) can be finalizing. 201. Let Ρ be an antisymmetric poset with a largest member m. Fix two subsets A and В of Ρ which contain m and which have the property that every subset of A (of B) has an inf (that is greatest lower bound) in A (in B). For χ ε Ρ let Ax = in({y e А: у > χ}, similarly Bx. (For example if Ρ is the set of subsets of a topological space, and A is the set of closed sets, Ax is the closure of x.) Assume that Bae A for all ae A, and set С = A n В. Show that Cx = BAx for all χ e Ρ but that Cx = ABx is not necessarily true. 202. Give an example of a directed set that has no cofinal chain. (One is given in Sec. 8.1, Problem 201.) 203. Suppose that a countable chain С = {an} has no smallest or largest member and no two adjacent members. Show that С is order isomorphic to Q. (An order isomorphism is a one-to-one isotone map.) [Let S = {m/2n: m,ne Z}. Let u: C-> S have u(a{) = 0, u(b{) = 1, where bx is earliest an> au u{b2) = 2, where b2 is earliest an> bu etc.; w(ci) = — 1, where cx is earliest an < al; u(c2) = — 2, where c2 is earliest an < cl9 etc.; u{dx) = j, where dx is earliest an between ax and b^\ u{d2) = f, where d2 is earliest an between b{ and b2, etc. Having shown С order isomorphic to S, it follows that Q is also, since Q is a chain of the cited type.] 204. For relations f/, К on a set X, define U ° V by: (x, y) e U ° V if and
Sec. 3.4 / Nets 39 only if (a, y) e U and (x, a) e V for some ae X. Show that U is transitive if and only if U ° U с f/. Show also that a transitive relation f/ need not satisfy U ° U = U. 205. Let f/, К be equivalence relations. Then ί/ ο F is an equivalence relation if and only if U ° V = V о JJ. 3.4 Nets А wei is a function defined on some directed set. For example, a sequence is a special kind of net; for a sequence is a function defined on ω, the positive integers. Just as there are sequences of points, of real numbers, of functions, so are there nets of points, real numbers, functions; for example, a net of real numbers is a function from a directed set to R. In general, if A" is a set, a net in X, or, a net of points ofX, is a function from some directed set D to X. We shall write such a net as (χδ: D). When it is unnecessary to specify D we shall write χδ for the net. ^EXAMPLE 1. Let D = (0, 1) with its usual order. For δ e Z>, let fd{x) = cos δχ for all real x. Then (/5: D) is a net of real functions of a real variable. It is not a sequence. If {χδ: D) is a net in a set A", and 5 с I, we say that xde S eventually if there exists δ0Ε D such that x5 e S for all 5 > <50; and x5 e S frequently if, for any <50 e A there exists 5 > <50 with x5 e S. For sequences, the definition of" eventually "just given is the same as that given in Section 3.1. A sequence xn is frequently in S if and only if it is in S for arbitrarily large η (that is, for infinitely many ή). Lemma 3.4.1 Let (χδ: D)be a net in a set X. Let 5\, 52, · · ·, Snbe {finitely many) subsets of X and suppose that for each к = 1, 2,..., η, χδ e Sk eventually. Then χδΕ Π Sk eventually. For each k, choose <5k such that δ > ok implies χδ e Sk. Since D is a directed set, there exists δ0 satisfying δ0 > ok for each k. Then δ > δ0 implies δ > ok for each k, hence χδ e Sk for each k. | Now let χδ be a net in a topological space X. We say that χδ converges to x, in symbols χδ —► χ, if for every neighborhood TV of χ, χδ e N eventually. When χδ converges to a unique point x, we also write lim χδ = χ. Any point χ such that χδ —► χ is called a limit of χδ. EXAMPLE 2. Let D = (0, 1) with the usual ordering, >. Any net (χδ\ D) in a topological space A" is a function on (0, 1) with values in X, and χδ —► χ means that for any neighborhood TV of x, there exists <50,0 < <50 < 1, such that <50 < δ < 1 implies xde N; that is, x5 —► χ as 5 —► 1 — in the usual sense.
40 Convergence / Ch. 3 EXAMPLE 3. Let D be the punctured disc in the complex plane consisting of {z: 0 < |z| < 1}. Define zx > z2 if \zx\ < |z2|. Thus zx > z2 means ζγ is closer to 0 than z2. For a net (χδ: D), χδ —► χ means χδ —► χ as δ —► 0 in the usual sense. ^EXAM ΡLE 4. In a semimetric space, χδ —► χ г/яга/оя/у ifd(xd, χ) —► 0. Suppose first that x5 —► x. Let ε > 0 be given. Then л^ e Af(x, ε) eventually, that is, d(xs, χ) < ε eventually, hence d(xd, x) —► 0. Conversely, if d(xd, x) —► 0, let N be a neighborhood of x. Then 7V(.x, ε) <ζζ Ν for some ε > 0. Since ^(^, χ) < ε eventually, it follows that χδ e N(x, ε) eventually, and so χδ e N eventually. Thus χδ —► χ. | Suppose that ^ is a filterbase on a set A", and suppose that for each δ e ^, a certain point χδ e δ is specified. (This makes sense since each δ is a subset of A'.) Now {β, с) is a directed set [Sec. 3.3, Example 5], and so (χδ: 08) is a net in X. For a given filterbase ^, we shall refer to any net obtained in this way as a net associated with &'. All this illustrates precisely the difference between nets and filters. The construction of nets goes one step beyond that of filters, hence the net is a more complicated construct. The use of nets, when appropriate, is justified by their similarity with sequences. We now describe an important sufficient condition for net convergence. This generalizes the "shrinking base" condition given in Sec. 3.1, Problem 5. Theorem 3.4.1. Let 31 be a convergent filterbase in a topological space; 3 —► x. Let (χδ: Ж) be any net associated with 3. Then χδ —► χ. Let TV be any neighborhood of x. Then TV includes some member A of 3. Let δ0 = A. Then δ > δ0 implies χδ e Ν; [<5 > δ0 means δ a A, thus χδ e δ cz A cz N}; in other words χδ e N eventually. Thus χδ —► χ. | The most important special case of Theorem 3.4.1 is that in which & = Nx, the filter of all neighborhoods of x. This yields: Corollary 3.4.1 Let Xbea topological space and χ e X. For each neighborhood N ofx choose some xN e N. Then (xN: Nx) is a net which converges to x. The results of Section 3.2 can now be translated into the language of nets. We show one such translation explicitly, leaving the others as problems. Theorem 3.4.2. Let X be a topological space, χ e X, S cz X. Then xe S if and only if there is a net in S which converges to x. Suppose first that such a net exists. Every neighborhood of χ contains a point of this net, hence meets S. Thus χ e S. Conversely, let xe S. By Theorem 3.2.1, there exists a filterbase 3 in S which converges to x. Any associated net converges to χ. |
Sec. 3.4 / Nets 41 ^-EXAMPLE 5. The fact that nets and filters are equivalent tools is demonstrated by using filters to construct nets and vice versa. We have already seen how to associate a net with a filterbase. In Example 6, this will be done in such a way that convergence of the two will be equivalent. Here we shall associate a filter with a net. Let (χδ: D) be a net in X. Let ^ = {A <^ X: xde A eventually}. It is clear that !F is a filter, for example, let A e У, В е У. Then A n В е 3? [Lemma 3.4.1]. It is called the filter associated with χδ. We shall prove that !F —► χ if and only ifxd —► x, where !F is the filter associated with xb. Let xb —► χ and TV e Nx. Then χδ e N eventually, hence TV e !F. Thus Nx a <F and so !F —► x. Conversely, let !F —► χ and let TV be a neighborhood of x. Then N e IF and so, by definition of #", χδΕ Ν eventually. Hence x5 —► χ. | A EXAMPLE 6. Readers of a certain sophistication will be dissatisfied with the concept of the net associated with a filterbase. There are three valid reasons for such dissatisfaction. In the first place, our esthetic sense is displeased by the lack of uniqueness of the net associated with a filterbase &. For each ief,a point χδ e δ is chosen at random. In the second place, there is an unfortunate lack of symmetry in that 31 —► X implies (χδ: &) —► χ, but the converse is false [Problem 105]. Finally, 31 usually contains infinitely many members, and choice of one χδ from each δ e 3 requires an infinite set of arbitrary choices. The possibility of such a set of choices (called the Axiom of Choice) is an unwelcome intruder into an elementary situation. All three of these objections are met by constructing a different sort of net. Let 3 be a filterbase on a set X. Let D be the set of all pairs (x, S) such that xe Se 3. Define (*!, 5Ί) > (x2, S2) to mean S\ с S2. (Ignore xl9 x2.) Then D becomes a directed set [for example, if δ = (χ, Sx η S2), then δ > (xl9 5\), δ > (χ2, 52)|. Now for 5 e A that is δ = (χ, S), define χδ = χ. This net, (χδ: D) is called the canonical net of the filterbase 3. We shall prove that χδ —► χ if and only if ^ —► x, where л^ w the canonical net of the filterbase 3. It is sufficient by Example 5, to show that the filter associated with χδ is the filter generated by 3. Denote these two filters by IF u <F2. Let A e !F±. Then χδ e A eventually, say for δ > δ0 = (χ, S), χ e S e 3. Then S с A. [Let s e S. Then (s, S) > (x, S) hence x{sS) e A; that is se A.J Hence A e^2- Conversely, let A e^2. Then S a A for some Se@l. Choose xe S and set <50 = (x, S). Then δ > δ0 implies χδ e A. [Say δ = (у, В). Then δ > δ0 implies Β a S a A, but χδ = у е <%.] Since χδ е A eventually, we have AetFx. | However, it must be emphasized that the three objections mentioned are matters of taste only. We shall continue to use the associated net; indeed there are cases in which the canonical net cannot be used; one of these is the proof, Theorem 3.1.1, where a sequence was desired.
42 Convergence / Ch. 3 Problems ^ζ\. State and prove the analogue for nets of Theorem 3.2.2. [Consult Theorems 3.4.2, 3.1.2, and 3.1.3.] -jr2. State and prove the analogue for nets of Theorem 3.2.3. 101. More than one net may lead to the same associated filter. Show that {n} and {1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3,...} lead to the same filter in R. 102. Let χδ be the canonical net of the filterbase ^, and let S e &. Show that χδ ε S eventually. 103. The filter associated with the canonical net of a filter F is 3F. 104. Let <F be a filter, (xb: !F) an associated net, and F' the filter associated with (χδ: F). Show that F' n> & and that possibly У1 Φ &. 105. In Problem 104, it is possible that χδ —► χ (and hence IF' —► x) without !F being convergent. [Take <F a Nx and χδ = χ for all δ e &.} 106. Do Problem 107 of Section 3.2 with net instead of filter. Show in the course of the proof, a net associated with the indiscrete filter. (The problem could be solved by considering a sequence, but it is pointless to bring in ω or any more complicated directed set.) 107. Solve Problem 106 using a net associated with a discrete filterbase {{y}} for each у Φ χ. 108. Let S = {χ}. What net is produced by the construction of Theorem 3.4.2? 109. Let χδ be a real net, and define lim inf χδ = L to mean that for each ε > 0, χδ > L — ε eventually, and χδ < L + ε frequently. Define lim sup by interchanging " eventually " and " frequently ". Show that a net may have at most one lim sup and one lim inf. Show also that lim sup χδ = —lim inf( — χδ). 201. Let и: D —► X be a net. Then и —► χ if and only if χ e {и о /)[/)] for all/: £> -> D such that/[£>] is cofinal in D. 202. Let/be a bounded real function on [0, 1]. Consider the directed set D of partitions of the interval in the sense used in Riemann integration, with refinement as the order. For δ e Д let Σ(<5) be the Riemann sum. Show that lim Σ(<5) is the Riemann integral Jo/if it exists. 203. Let D be the set of all finite subsets of [0, 1] directed by containment. Let/j be the continuous function with saw-tooth graph, fd{x) = 0 for each χ e δ,/δ(χ) = 1 for χ the midpoint of two adjacent points of δ. Show that (fd: D) —► 0 pointwise but not uniformly. 204. Let D be uncountable, totally ordered, and such that for each <50 e Α {δ: δ < δ0} is countable. Show that no net (χδ: D) of positive numbers can converge to 0.
Sec. 3.5 / Arithmetic of Nets 43 3.5 Arithmetic of Nets Let (χδ: D), (yd: D) be nets of complex numbers, defined on the same directed set D. Then we may consider the three nets (χδ + уд: D), {хдуд\ D) and (xjy6: D). For example, sequences can always be combined in this way [D = ω]. The next result is an entirely expected extension of classical sequence theory. This result is actually a commentary on the topology of the complex plane; see Problems 103, 104, 105 for details. In Chapter 12 we shall see a very general setting for these ideas. Theorem 3.5.1. Let (χδ: D), (yd: D) be nets of complex numbers defined on same directed set D, and assume that χδ —► χ, уд —► у. Then, (i) χδ + уд —► χ + у, (ii) хдУз^ ху, and, (iii) if у φ 0, хд/уд^> x/y in the sense that for each ε > 0, there exists δ0 such that δ > δ0 implies у δ Φ 0 and\xbjyb — x/y\ < ε. Let ε > 0. Choose <5Ь <52, so that 5 > δί9δ > <52, imply, respectively, that \χδ — x\ < s/2,\yd — y\ < ε/2. Then choose <50 with <50 > δχ,δ0 > δ2. For δ > δ0 we have \(χδ + уд) - (χ + у)\ < \χδ - χ\ + \у6 - у\ < ε. This proves (i). To prove (ii) we first consider the case χ = у = 0. It is immediate that хдУз^ 0. [Making |x,| < ε1/2, |^| < ε1/2, forces \хдуд\ < ε.] Next, consider the case χδ = χ for all δ. We may assume χ φ 0. [If χ = 0, χδУд = 0 for all δ and the result is trivial.] Choose <50 so that δ > δ0 implies \Уд ~ У\ < ε/Μ· Then δ > δ0 implies \хдуд - ху\ = \х\-\уд - у\ < ε. То prove (ii) in general, let щ = χδ — χ, νδ = уд — у; then хдуд — xy = udvd + yub + xvd^> 0 by (i) and the earlier cases of (ii). Finally, хд/уд — x/y = (щ + χ)/(νδ + у) - x/y = u6/(v6 + у) - ίνδ/(νδ + y\ where t = x/y. It now suffices to prove that ub/(vb + y) —► 0 in the sense given in the statement of the theorem. [The same argument will apply to νδ/(νδ + у) and application of (i), (ii) will yield the result.] Since νδ —► 0, it follows that \νδ + y\ > \y\ — \νδ\ > j\y\ eventually. Also \щ\ < е\у\/2 eventually, and the result follows. | Infinite combinations of nets can also be formed. The one now given is of the first importance. Definition 1 (the Frechet combination). Let Dbea directed set, and for each η = 1, 2,. .., let (xj: D) be a net of nonnegative real numbers. For each (5еД let 00 1 Π Σ__ χδ Ίη 1 _ι_ ν" π=1 Ζ 1 -+- Χδ The net (yd\ D) is called the Frechet combination of the sequence {χηδ} of nets. The series must converge for each δ since its general term lies between 0 and 1/2".
44 Convergence / Ch. 3 In reading the following theorem keep in mind that the various nets are nets of nonnegative numbers, hence absolute value signs do not appear. Theorem 3.5.2. With the notation of Definition 1, j^—► 0 if and only if χδ^ ®for each n· Suppose first that χηδ —► 0 for each η and let ε > 0. Let m be a positive integer such that 2~m < ε/2. Then m ι „π oo ι ..π v = у [ δ \ у δ η=ί Ζ I -\- Χδ n=m+\ Z l -Г Χδ The second term on the right is less than Σ^°=™+ι 1/2" = 2~ш < ε/2, while the first term, call it Αδ, tends to 0 by Theorem 3.5.1. Thus if δ > δ0 implies Αδ < ε/2, we have δ > δ0 implies уд < ε. Conversely suppose that уд —► 0. For each η, δ, уд > (1/2") · (χηδ/(\ + χηδ)). Thus 2пуд + 2пхпдуд > χηδ and so χηδ < 2пуд/(\ - 2пуд). The right-hand side tends to 0 by Theorem 3.5.1. | Problems 101. Let {dn) be a sequence of semimetrics on a set X. Let ? 1 dn(x,y) d(x,y) ^2-1 +d„(x,y) Then d is a semimetric, and for any net χδ in Χ, χδ —► χ in (X, d) if and only if χδ —► χ in (X dn) for each «. 102. Express the first half of the proof of Theorem 3.5.2 in the language of uniform convergence and interchange of "lim" and "Σ·" 103. Place on R the topology which is gotten from the Euclidean topology by adjoining all singletons outside of [0, 1]. Let xn = 1/w, yn = 1, zn = j + \/n for η = 1,2,.... Show that xn —► 0, yn —► 1, z„ —► £, but x„ + ;;„ -f* 1, -хи -Д 0 and 2zn ~t> 1. 104. In the RHO topology, \/n -> 0, - 1/w ^> 0. 105. Let G be a group and a topological space, and suppose that for each neighborhood U of 1 (the identity) there is a neighborhood К of 1 with FFc U. (VV = {x-y.xe К, у е V}.) Show that if *,-> 1 and ^-> 1, Лепх^-> 1. 106. Deduce the first two parts of Theorem 3.5.1 for the case χ = у = 0 from Problem 105. 107. Let L be a complex vector space and a topological space, and suppose that for each neighborhood U of 0, there exists a neighborhood V of 0 and ε > 0 such that tV a U for all complex t with |;| < ε. Show that if ίδ, χδ are nets of complex numbers, and members of L, respectively, and if tb —► 0, xd —► 0, then i^ —► 0.
Sec. 3.5 / Arithmetic of Nets 45 108. Let D be a dense subset of a semimetric space X, and χδ a net in X such that d(xd, y) —► d(x, y) for all у e D. Show that χδ —► χ. [φ^, χ) < Φ^, У) + 4^ *) -> 2фг, j>) for each j;.] 201. Prove the converse of Problem 105: if ^ —► 1,^—► 1 implies хдуд^> 1, then for every neighborhood i/ of 1, there exists a neighborhood V of 1 with VV a U. [If not, let D be the poset of neighborhoods of 1. There exists UeD with УУф U. Choose xv e VV\ £/.] 202. Prove the converse of Problem 107 (as in Problem 201). [If not, there exists U such that for every η e ω and neighborhood V of 0, t V ψ U for some t with \t\ < \/n. Choose xn v e t · V\ U.J 203. In Problems 107 and 202 show that the results are correct if ε is put equal to 1 everywhere.
Separation Axioms 4.1 Separation by Open Sets In this chapter we define nine kinds of topological space, each characterized by the possibility of " separating" certain kinds of sets. Six of these are designated by a symbol like Tn, and they form a hierarchy in the sense that each Tm space is also a Tn space for all η < m. As we define T0, Tu T2, Γ3, T3±, and Γ4 space, the reader should check the hierarchy (for example, every Τ2 space is a 7\ space). As each definition is given, an example shows that the class of spaces is strictly larger than the preceding (for example, not every 7\ space is a T2 space). The letter Τ was chosen for "Trennung," the German word for "separation." We call a topological space a T0 space if, for each pair of points x, у with χ φ у, there is either a neighborhood of χ not containing y, or a neighborhood of у not containing x. EXA Μ Ρ L Ε 1. Let A" be a set with more than one member, and give X the indiscrete topology. Then X is not a T0 space. EXAMPLE 2. LetJr= R and Τ = { 0 } u {R} u {(a, oo): a e R}. Then A4s a T0 space since if χ < у, (χ, oo) is a neighborhood of y, but not of x. ^-EXAMPLE 3. A semimetric T0 space must be a metric space. If X is semimetric but not metric, there are distinct points x, у with d(x, y) = 0. 46
Sec. 4.1 / Separation by Open Sets 47 Then у e N(x, r) for all r > 0, and so у belongs to every neighborhood of x. Also χ belongs to every neighborhood of y, and so X is not a T0 space. We call a topological space α Γ! space if, for each pair of points x, у with χ φ у, there is a neighborhood of χ not containing;;. The space of Example 2 is not a 7\ space since every neighborhood of 1 contains 2. The cofinite topology is always Tu for if χ Φ у, {у}~ is open [surely {y}~~ is finite], contains χ but not y. Theorem 4.1.1. A topological space is a 7\ space if and only if every finite set is closed. Let A" be a 7\ space and χ e X. For any у φ χ, there is a neighborhood of у not containing x, thus у φ {χ}. [Sec. 2.5, Problem П.] Hence {χ} is closed. But any finite set is, then, a finite union of closed sets, namely, singletons. Conversely, let every finite set be closed and let χ Φ у. Then {y}~ is a neighborhood of χ not containing y. | We now introduce the abbreviation: " sets Α, Β can be separated by neighborhoods" to mean " there exist disjoint sets Nu N2 which are neighborhoods of A, B, respectively." (Of course, separation by neighborhoods is equivalent to separation by open sets.) We call a topological space a T2 space, or, very commonly, a Hausdorff space, if each pair of points x, у with χ φ у, can be separated by neighborhoods. The cofinite topology on an infinite set X is not T2 since any two nonempty open sets must meet. [Each has a finite complement which, thus, cannot contain the other.] The Euclidean topology for R is T2; indeed most of the historical examples of topological spaces are T2 spaces, and there are many mathematicians who disdain to work at any lower level. There are good reasons for this, for example, the following theorem, but in many situations the extra generality is worth having. (See also the remarks following the definition of " regular," below.) Theorem 4.1.2. The following conditions on a topological space X .are equivalent. (i) X is a Hausdorff space. (ii) Every convergent net in X has exactly one limit. (iii) Every convergent filter in X has exactly one limit. Proof, (i) implies (ii). Let X be T2 and χδ —► χ. Let у Φ χ. LetNi9 N2be disjoint neighborhoods of x, у respectively. Now χδ e Νγ eventually, hence it is false that χδ e N2 eventually. [Otherwise, Lemma 3.4.1 would yield the ridiculous conclusion that χδ e Nx η Ν2, the empty set, eventually.] Thus
48 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 (ii) implies (iii). If (iii) were false we would have a filter with two limits, and any net associated with it would have two limits [Theorem 3.4.1], so that (ii) would be false. (iii) implies (i). Suppose that X is not a T2 space. Then there are points x, y, with χ Φ у, such that every neighborhood of χ meets every neighborhood of y. Let F = {Α η Β: Α, В neighborhoods of x, у respectively}. Then F is a filter {X e F since X = Χ η X\ 0 φ F by the condition on x, y\ if Ax η BUA2 π 52aremembersof^r, then(^! η Βχ) η (A2 π Β2) = (Ax nA2)n(Bl nB2)eF;S zo Α η ΒeF implies S = (SvA)n(SvB)e F\F "->*. [Let N be a neighborhood of x. ThenJV= NnXeF.J Also F —► у so condition (iii) is false. | We call a topological space regular if each point χ and each closed set F with χ φ F can be separated by neighborhoods. The "good" topological spaces are those which are regular, in the sense that many useful results hold for regular spaces. As examples we cite Theorem 5.4.7; Theorem 5.4.11 (with Sec. 8.1, Problem 6); Sec. 5.4, Problem 210 (with Sec. 8.1, Problem 114); Theorem 8.1.2; and Lemma 12.2.5 (with Sec. 4.2, Problem 203). Often, when a space is assumed to be Hausdorff, this is simply to ensure (together with other assumptions) that it will be regular, as, for example, Theorem 5.4.7. Any indiscrete topological space is regular. [If F is closed and χ φ Fwe must have F= 0. Then X and 0 are disjoint neighborhoods of x, F.J The Euclidean topology for R is regular. [If F is closed and χ φ F, F is a neighborhood of x, thus there exists ε > 0 with (x — ε, χ + ε) cz F. Then (x — js, χ + £ε), and ( — oo, χ — ^ε) u (χ + ?ε, οο) are disjoint neighborhoods of x, F.J The cofinite topology on an infinite set is not regular since any two nonempty open sets must meet and the space has a proper closed subset. Theorem 4.1.3. A topological space is regular if and only if the set of closed neighborhoods of any point is a local base at that point. Let X be regular and TV a neighborhood of xe X. There exists an open set G with xeG a N. Since G is closed, there are disjoint open sets GX,G2 with χ e Gu G с G2. Then G2 is a closed set, a neighborhood of x, [Gt с G2], and is included in G. Conversely, assume that the closed neighborhoods form a local base. Let x, F be, respectively, a point and a closed set not containing it. Then F is a neighborhood of x, thus there exists a closed neighborhood, Ν, οι χ with TV cz F. Then TV includes an open neighborhood, Gu of x, and Gu N are disjoint open sets separating x, F. | We call a topological space a T3 space if it is a regular 7\ space. The Euclidean topology for R is Γ3; the indiscrete and cofinite topologies on an infinite set are not T3 because, respectively, they are not Tx, regular.
Sec. 4.1 / Separation by Open Sets 49 We call a topological space normal if each disjoint pair of closed sets can be separated by neighborhoods. A normal 7\ space is called a T4 space. Any indiscrete topological space is normal. [The only two disjoint closed sets are 0, X and they are also open.] Numerous examples of normal spaces will be seen later. For example, in Section 4.3 it will be seen that every semi- metric space is normal, hence every metric space is Γ4. It is easy to see, using Theorem 4.1.1, that T4 => T3 => T2 => Tx => T0. It is not true that every normal space is regular [Problem 8], nor that every regular space is T2 [indiscrete]; the counterexamples work because a point need not be closed. To round out this discussion we mention that a T2 space need not be Г3, and a T3 space need not be Г4. Counterexamples will be presented when they fall easily out of wider contexts. They are Sec. 6.2, Example 2 and Sec. 6.7, Example 3. Problems on Topological Space 1. X is a T0 space if and only if for each pair of points x, y, if {χ} ~ is not a neighborhood of y, then {y}~ is not a neighborhood of x. *2. Τ4=>Τ3=>Τ2=>Τ,=> Τ0. 3. There is only one 7\ topology for a finite space [discrete]. ^4. If (A^, T) is a T0 space, so is (X, V) where Τ is any topology larger than T. The same is true for 7\, T2. Jr5. The cofinite topology is minimum among 7\ topologies. (This means that every 7\ topology for a set includes the cofinite topology for that set.) ^-6. A property Ρ is called hereditary if every subspace of a space with property Ρ also has property P. It is called F-hereditary if every closed subspace of a space with property Ρ also has property P. G-hereditary is defined by replacing "closed" with "open." Show that T0, Tu T2, Γ3, regular, are hereditary properties, and that normal is F-hereditary. [To show a subspace S of a normal space is normal, it is sufficient to show that if Fl9 F2 are disjoint closed sets in S, their closures in X are disjoint.] ^7. Prove an analogue of Theorem 4.1.3 for normal spaces: a space is normal if and only if for every closed set F and every neighborhood N of F, N includes a closed neighborhood of F. 8. Let X be a set and fix χ e X. Let a nonempty set be called closed if and only if it contains x. Show that this defines a topology for X which is normal but not regular. 9. Call X symmetric if χ e {y} implies у е {x}. Show that every regular space is symmetric. 10. A symmetric T0 space is 7\.
50 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 11. A regular T0 space is T3 [Problems 9 and 10] but a normal T0 space need not be Γ4 [Example 2]. 12. A symmetric normal space must be regular. 13. A space is symmetric if and only if every open set includes the closure of each of its singleton subsets. [If this holds and χ φ {у}, then {x} cz {у}. Conversely, if X is symmetric and χ e G, у е {x} implies χ e {y}, hence у е G since it is a neighborhood of x.J 101. In a T2 space, must three points have disjoint neighborhoods? 102. If {x} is open, we call χ an isolated point. Show that a finite T0 space must have an isolated point. 103. A zero-dimensional space must be regular but need not be T3 [indiscrete]. 104. A finite regular space is zero-dimensional. [An open neighborhood of χ is either closed or properly includes a closed neighborhood of x. The latter is either open or properly includes an open neighborhood of x. Continue.] 105. Let X be finite. Each point χ is included in a smallest open set 0(x): ye 0(x) if and only if χ e {y}. Say χ < у if and only if xe 0(y)\ prove that A" is T0 if and only if < is antisymmetric. 106. Let k0(n) be the number of different T0 topologies which can be placed on a set with η members. Show that k0(\) = 1, k0(2) = 3. (Note: jfc0(3) = 19, *0(4) = 219, jfc0(5) = 4231, jfc0(6) = 130023, k0(l) = 6129859. See [Evans, Harary and Lynn].) 107. A set is called regular open if it is the interior of its closure. Show that the interior of any closed set and the intersection of two regular open sets are regular open. 108. A cell in a metric space need not be regular open. 109. In a noncountable cocountable space, there are only two regular open sets. 110. A space is called semiregular if it has a basis of regular open sets. Show that every regular space is semiregular. 111. Show that the following condition is equivalent to regularity of A": if & -> χ then W -> x. (& is a filter and ¥ = {A: A e &}.) 112. In a symmetric space {χ} = Π Νχ. 113. For a finite space, the properties symmetric, regular, and semi- metrizable are equivalent. [Use Problems 105 and 112; d(x, y) = 1 114. For A cz X, let n(A) be the intersection of all neighborhoods of A. Show that if X is 7\, n(A) = A; and if A" is regular, n(A) cz A. 115. In a normal space, disjoint closed sets can be separated by closed neighborhoods of those sets.
Sec. 4.2 / Continuity 51 116. Suppose that every set which has nonempty interior is open. Show that such a space may be 7\ and not T2\ and, if T2, must be discrete. 117. A4s called a US space if a sequence may converge to at most one limit. Show that T2 => US => 7\ but no converse holds [cofinite; cocount- able]. However, a first countable US space is T2. 118. In duplicating a point (Sec. 3.2, Problem ПО), Г is 7\ if X is, but Υ cannot be T2. 119. An almost discrete space (exactly one nonisolated point) must be normal. 120. First countability is a hereditary property, but non-first-countability is not. 121. Let (X, T) be a 7\ space and let Τ be a topology for X such that a net is Γ-convergent if and only if it is Γ'-convergent. Show that Τ = Τ'. (See Sec. 3.2, Problem 203.) 122. Let {Gu G2,. . ., Gn) be an open cover of a normal space X. Then there exists an open cover {Hu H2,..., Hn) with Я, с Gt for / = 1, 2,.. ., n. [Separate Gx and Π {Gf: / = 2, 3,. . ., n} by open sets #, #!. Then #! с Н a G{ so that Η{ ^ G{. Also ^u G2 u C3 и ■ ■ · и C„ = I Continue.] 123. A space is normal if it is the union of subsets, each of which is open, closed, and normal. [For disjoint closed A, B, separate A n S from Β η S in each subspace 5.] 124. Two different Hausdorff topologies may agree on each of two complementary subsets. [Let A be a nonopen proper subset of (A\ T). Say GeT'ifGnA and G η Β are relatively Г open in Л, В, respectively. Then T' => Τ, Τ' φ Τ since A is Γ' open. Afote: A may be a singleton!] 201. Let X be а Г2 space and {*„} a convergent sequence in Χ Suppose that a certain point χ has the property that xn is eventually in each closed neighborhood of x. Show that xn —► x. 202. The word "convergent" cannot be omitted from Problem 201, although it can be if X is regular. 203. Let (X, T) have the property that distinct points have disjoint closed neighborhoods. Then X can be given a smaller semiregular topology Τ such that Γ, Τ have the same isolated points. 204. Let D be dense in a 72-space X. Show that \X\ < 22ID|. 205. Problem 4 becomes false if T0 is replaced by T3 or T4. 4.2 Continuity The standard real variables definition of continuity of a function/contains the phrase "\x — a\ < δ implies \J[x) — f^a)\ < ε"; in other words (replac-
52 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 ing f{a) by b for convenience), "/"1 [(£ — ε, b + ε)] => {a — <5, α + δ)"; thus, for each neighborhood TV of й, /_1[Ν] is a neighborhood of a. We have now expressed continuity in terms sufficiently general for topology. Let X, У be topological spaces and/: Z—► Y. We say that/is continuous at χ e X if, for each neighborhood TV of/(*),/" *[#] is a neighborhood of x. We say that/is continuous on X if it is continuous at each point of X. Theorem 4.2.1. A function f: X —► Υ is continuous on X if and only if whenever G is an open set in Y,f~1 [G] is an open set in X. Let/be continuous and G an open set in Y. Let χ e/" ![G]. Since G is a neighborhood of/(*),/" 1[G] is a neighborhood of x. Thus/" *[G] is open, by Theorem 2.5.1. Conversely, suppose that/" *[G] is open whenever G is open; let iel, and let TV be a neighborhood of/(x). Then there exists an open set G with/(x) e G с iV, by definition of neighborhood. Now/" ^G] is open by hypothesis, contains x, hence is a neighborhood of x. Thus/is continuous at χ. | *EXAM PLE 1. Let X be indiscrete and Υ a T0 space. ///: *-> У w continuous it must be constant. If/takes on two values a, b, let TV be a neighborhood of a not containing b (or vice versa). Then/"1 [TV] is a proper subset of A", hence is not a neighborhood of anything. Thus/is not continuous. Lemma 4.2.1. Ifa function /: X-+ Υ has the property thatf[S~\ a f[S~\for all S a X, then f is continuous on X. More precisely, iff is not continuous at χ e X, there exists S a X with χ e S,f{x) φ f[_S]. If/is not continuous atxel, there is a neighborhood TV οι fix) such that /_1[iV] is not a neighborhood of x. Let S = X\f~l[N]. Then xeS [Sec. 2.5, Problem 3]. Hence f{x) e/[S]. But f{x) φ /Ш since TV is a neighborhood of/(x) not meeting/[£] [Sec. 1.1, Problem 5]. | Theorem 4.2.2. For a function f:X^>Y the following conditions are equivalent: (i) fis continuous at x; (ii) for every filter <F converging to x,/[«^] —►/(*)/ (iii) /or o;ery net xd converging to x,f(x0) -^ fix). (See also Problems 6 and 20.) In this statement we are using the obvious facts that if (χδ: D) is a net and 3F a filter, then (fixs): D) is a net and /[^] = {/[S]: S e &} is a filterbase [Sec. 3.2, Problem 5]. Proof, (i) implies (ii). Let ^ be a filter converging to x, and N a neighborhood of/(x). Then/"1 [TV] is a neighborhood of x, hence belongs to 3F.
Sec. 4.2 / Continuity 53 Since N zo ff~x\_N~\ and the latter set belongs to/[.F], it follows that TV includes a member of/[#"]. (ii) implies (iii). Let x5 be a net converging to x. Let ^ be the associated filter. Then ^-> jc. [Sec. 3.4, Example 5.] By hypothesis,/^] ->/(*). The result follows by Sec. 3.4, Example 5, when we observe that/[#"] is a filterbase associated with/(^). (That is, it generates the associated filter.) [Let 5e/[^]; say В = f\_A~\, AetF. Then χδ e A eventually, hence f(xd) e В eventually. Conversely, let В cz Υ and suppose that f(xd) e В eventually. Then xdef~x\_B~] eventually, hence f~l[B]e&r and so В ^ff~l № that is В includes a member of/[^].] (iii) implies (i). Assume that/is not continuous at x. Choose 5cl with χ e S,/(x) £/[S] [Lemma 4.2.1]. Then Theorem 3.4.2 yields both of the following facts: there exists a net χδ in S with χδ —► χ, and/(^) -/> /(χ). | A remark on notation. Suppose that/iA'—► Y, and lei Let us write "/(0 —► L as t —► x" or, if Υ is a Hausdorff space, "lim,.^/^) = L" to mean that/(^) —► L whenever tb is a net and ^ —► χ; equivalently [Problem 101] that/C^] -> L whenever У is a filter and ^ -> x. Then Theorem 4.2.2 takes the intuitively appealing form: / is continuous at χ if and only if f(t)^f(x)<ist^x. Use of Theorem 4.2.2 simplifies some tedious, though necessary computations. Suppose/: Z—► Υ is continuous, and S cz X. Then/| S (read: / restricted to S) is that function from S to Υ whose value at s e S is f(s). Giving S the relative topology we prove that/| S is continuous. Let & be a filterbase on S with ^?—► 5. Then ^ -> ί in J [Theorem 3.2.3], hence /[#] ->/[·$] [Theorem 4.2.2] and so/| S is continuous [Theorem 4.2.2]. This, together with Theorem 3.2.3, proves the following result. Theorem 4.2.3. Let f: Χ'—► Υ be continuous. Let A cz X, and f\_A~] cz В cz Y. Thenf\ A: A —► В is continuous. Theorem 4.2.4. A function f:X^> Υ is continuous if and only iff[S~\ сД5] for all S cz X. Half of this is Lemma 4.2.1. Conversely, suppose that/is continuous and У e/[^]> say у = f{x\ χ ε S. There is a net sd in S with sd —► χ [Theorem 3.4.2]. By Theorem 4.2.2,/(j,) -> у and so у e/[S]· I Theorem 4.2.5. Lei Г, Г' fte topologies for a set X. Then Τ zo Τ if and only if the identity map i: (X, T) —► (X, T) is continuous. The following statements are equivalent: Τ zo T\ every V open set is Τ open, i~x\G] e Τ for all G e T\ i is continuous. |
54 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 We now consider the possibility that various combinations of continuous functions are continuous. Under certain circumstances it is possible to consider the sum of two functions, for example, when they are real-valued and have the same domain. The sum of two continuous functions need not be continuous, and the same is true for a scalar multiple of a continuous function [Problem 19]. However, for sufficiently well-behaved range spaces, we obtain expected results. These will be shown here for R; very general ranges are considered in Chapter 12. Theorem 4.2.6. Letf g be continuous functions from X to R, and let t e R. Then tf+g andfg are continuous. Moreover f/g is continuous at any point where g is not zero. It is clear that tf + g is, by definition, the function whose value at χ is tf(x) + g(x)· Similarly (/ g)(x) = f(x) g(x)· The result follows from Theorem 4.2.2 and Theorem 3.5.1. | EXAMPLE 2. The collection of all continuous real-valued functions on X is written C(X). It is a commutative ring with identity [Theorem 4.2.6]. Theorem 4.2.7. Letf: X ^ Y,g.Y^> Ζ be continuous. Theng <>/: J|f-> Ζ is continuous. Let & be a filter in X with У -> χ. Then (g of) (&) = glfl^J] -> #(/(·*)) = id °/)(·*) using successively the facts that / and g are continuous. | Theorem 4.2.8. Letf: X —► R be continuous. Then \f\ is continuous, where \f\W = l/MI· In Theorem 4.2.7, take Υ = Ζ = R, and let g be the function χ —► |jc|. | Theorem 4.2.9. Let f g be continuous real-valued functions. Then f ν g andf a g are continuous. For any two real numbers a, b we have a v b = max(a, b) = \{a + b + \a — ft|), a a b = \{a + b — \a — b\). Thus/ν ^and/л g are expressed in terms of functions known, by Theorems 4.2.8 and 4.2.6, to be continuous. | An important sufficient condition for continuity is uniform convergence. Let S be a set and Υ a semimetric space. Let/5 be a net of functions, each
Sec. 4.2 / Continuity 55 fb\ S -> У, and let/: S-> К We say that/, ->/uniformly if sup{4/a*,/*):*eS}->0. This means that for each ε > 0, there exists <50 such that δ > δ0 implies d(fdx,fx) < ε for all xe S. Theorem 4.2.10. Let fb be a net of continuous functions from a topological space X to a semimetric space Υ such that fs—>f uniformly. Then f is continuous. Let t e X and ε > 0. Choose δ such that supxd(fsx,fx) < ε/З. Choose a neighborhood TV of t such that xe N implies d(fdx, ft) < ε/З. [Possible because fd is continuous.] Then for χ e TV we have d(fx,ft) < d(fx,fsx) + d{fdx,U) + d(fdt,ft) < ε. | An important method of studying a space X is by investigation of C{X) (Example 2). This involves restricting our attention to those X for which genuine information is available; for example, if X is indiscrete, C(X) is precisely the set of constant functions [Example 1], in other words C(X) = C(Y) ifX, Fare any indiscrete spaces; thus even the cardinality of A" cannot be determined from knowledge of C(X). This situation persists even for some T3 spaces (see [Herrlich]), but, as we now see, T4 spaces allow a rich supply of continuous real-valued functions. (Use of Theorems 4.2.6 to 4.2.10 increases the supply.) This result was given by P. Urysohn in 1924. Theorem 4.2.11 (Urysohn's lemma). Let F, F{ be disjoint closed sets in a normal space X. Then there exists a continuous real-valuedfunction f on X with 0 < J[x) < 1 for all χ e X,f{x) = Ofor all χ e Fj{x) = 1 for all χ e Fv Let G = Fj. Then G is a neighborhood of F and the third assertion of the theorem is that the resulting function satisfies f{x) = 1 for all χ φ G. We introduce the following abbreviation: "S is between A and B" shall mean "S is an open set, A a S, and S a B." We shall also use the result of Sec. 4.1, Problem 7 which says that a set can be found between a set and any neighborhood of its closure. Let D be the set of all numbers in the interval [0, 1] which are of the form fc/2", η = 0, 1, 2,...; к = 0, 1, 3, 5, 7,... . For each deDv/e shall define an open set G{d) which includes F, such that for any two members, d, d' of D with d < d', we have G{d) a G{d'). We begin by taking G(l) = G. Next let G(0) be between F, G. Let G(£) be between G(0), G(l); let G(£) be between G(0), G(i); G(|) between G(\\ G(l); and, in general, G(k/2n) is chosen between G[_{k - l)/2n] and G[(A: + l)/2n]. The latter two sets are of the form G{d) with d = r/2"-1 hence, have already been defined. (The induction is on n.) We have thus arrived at an "expanding" sequence of "concentric rings" "going around" F, running from an innermost one G(0) to an outer-
56 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 most one G(l) = G and arranged in an order like that of D. With each xeG we can now associate a number f{x) = inf{d: xe G(d)}; thus if d > f(x), G(d) contains x, while if d < f(x), G(d) does not contain x. We complete the definition of / by setting f{x) = 1 for χ φ G. Then surely 0 < f{x) < 1 for all xe X, and f{x) = 0 for χ e F. [Since xe F implies χ e G(0).] Thus we have only to show that / is continuous. Let xe X, let χδ be a net with χδ —► χ, and let ε > 0. We shall prove that /(**)</(*) + ε eventually. (4.2.1) Since (4.2.1) is trivial if f{x) = 1, we may assume/(x) < 1. Choose de D with/(x) < d < f{x) + ε. Then χ e G(d), and so χδ e G{d) eventually. Thmf{xd) < d eventually, proving (4.2.1). We next prove fM > Αχ) - ε eventually. (4.2.2) Since (4.2.2) is trivial if/(x) = 0, we may assume/(x) > 0. Choose d, d' in D with /M - г < d < d' < f{x)._ Then χ φ G{d') and so χ φ Щ). Hence χδ φ G{d) eventually. [Since G{d) is a neighborhood of x.J Thus f(xd) > d eventually, {α φ G(d) implies α φ G(d), which implies/(a) > d.J This proves (4.2.2). Inequalities (4.2.1) and (4.2.2) yield that \J[x3) -f(x)\ < ε eventually. | If/: Χ -^ Υ is continuous and one-to-one, it may happen that/ "1 .f\_X] -^ X is also continuous; if so, we call/a homeomorphism. If also,/is onto, it is called a homeomorphism onto. For emphasis, we shall often write homeomorphism (into) to remind the reader that a homeomorphism need not be onto. -fc-EXAMPLE 3. If X cz У, /: Х^> У, the inclusion map, is a homeomorphism (into). *EXAM PLE 4. Let D be the discrete topology for R; then /: (R, D) -> R is continuous, one-to-one, onto, but not a homeomorphism. [Let S be a nonopen set in R; then (/"1)" ^S] = S is not open while S is an open set in (R, D). Hence /"1 is not continuous.] ^-EXAMPLE 5. R is homeomorphic with (—1, 1), that is, there is a homeomorphism from R onto (—1, 1). For χ e R, let/(x) = x/{\ + \x\). Then/is continuous and, clearly, —1 < f(x) < 1 for all x. For — 1 < χ < 1, \etg(x) = x/(\ — \x\). Then discontinuous on (—1, 1). Finally f\_g{x)~] = χ for χ e (- 1, 1), and #[/(*)] = χ for χ e R, hence f = g~\ and so / is a homeomorphism onto. ^EXAM PLE 6. A very important type of continuous map is the retraction. For a subspace S of X we say that S is a retract of X if there exists a
Sec. 4.2 / Continuity 57 continuous map r: Ar—► S such that r(s) = s for all se S. Such a map r is called a retraction of ^ onto S. [It must be onto since for each s e S, r(s) = s.J Some properties of retractions are given in Problems 24 to 32. Problems In this list, X, У are topological spaces, and/: X^ Y. jr\. Show that if/is continuous, it remains continuous if A" is given a larger, and Υ a smaller, topology. ^-2. Show that / is always continuous if either X is discrete or Υ is indiscrete. -jri. A constant function must be continuous. ^4. /is continuous if and only if/"1^] is closed for every closed set F^ Y. -jr5. Let/: Z—► R be continuous, and я е R. Show that (/ < a), (/ > a) are open, and that (/ = a), (/ < a), (/ > a) are closed. ^-6. Show that Theorem 4.2.2 remains correct if filter is replaced by filter- base. ^-7. Let У be a Hausdorff space and/, g continuous functions from X to Y. Show that {x:f(x) = g{x)} is a closed subset of A". Thus if/(x) = g{x) for all χ in a dense subset of X, it follows that/ = #. 8. The assumption "Hausdorff" cannot be omitted in Problem 7 [ Υ indiscrete, g constant]. 9. If S is dense in X, and/is continuous and onto, then/[»S] is dense in Υ [Theorem 4.2.4]. 10. /is called sequentially continuous at χ if/(*„)—►/(*) whenever {xn} is a sequence converging to x. Show that if X is first countable,/is continuous if and only if it is sequentially continuous. [Half is a special case of Theorem 4.2.2. Conversely, imitate the proof that (iii) implies (i) in Theorem 4.2.2 using Theorem З.1.1.] 11. Give an example of a sequentially continuous noncontinuous function. [Theorem 4.2.5; Sec. 3.1, Example 3.] ^-12. Let A" be a semimetric space and fix a e X. Let g{x) = d(x, a). Show that g is continuous [Sec. 2.2, Problem 2]. Do the same for d(x, A) where A a X [Lemma 2.2.1]. ^-13. If/":^—► discontinuous, so is/: X^> Wiovall ^satisfying W ^ У, У having the relative topology [Theorems 4.2.2 and 3.2.3]. ^-14. The characteristic function of a set S a X is defined by u: X^> R, u{x) = 1 if χ ε S, 0 if χ φ S. Show that the characteristic function of a closed and open set is continuous. [^ —► χ => и{хд) = u{x) eventually; & -► χ => w[#"] = {u(x)} eventually.]
58 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 ^-15. (The Weierstrass Μ test.) Let {/„} be a sequence of real-valued function on a set S. Suppose that there exists a sequence {Mn} of real numbers such that Σ Mn < oo and \f„(x)\ < Mn for all л, and all xeS. Show that the series Σ/„(·*) ls uniformly convergent; this means that the sequence {Σϊ=ιΛ} ls uniformly convergent. ^-16. If/| A is continuous, it does not follow that/is continuous at any point of A. [/= characteristic function of Q с R.J 17. If/| Λ is continuous, xe^, and N is a neighborhood off(x\ there exists a neighborhood V of χ in X such that/[K η Λ] с N. 18. True or false? "The function defined in the proof of Urysohn's lemma (Theorem 4.2.11) takes on only rational values." 19. Show how to give R a topology such that the sum of two continuous real-valued functions need not be continuous. Do the same for a scalar multiple [Sec. 3.5, Problems 103, 104, 105]. 20. Prove that (ii) implies (i) in Theorem 4.2.2 thus: Let N be a neighborhood οϊ f(x). Since Nx^> x, it follows that f[Nx] —► f(x), hence /~ 1[N~i is a neighborhood of x. 21. Let/iA'—► УЬе called an open map \if\_G\ is open whenever G is open. Supposing that/is one-to-one and onto, show that/is open if and only if/-1 is continuous. 22. A continuous open map from X onto Υ carries a base for X onto a base for Y. 23. Give an example of a continuous open map from a Hausdorff space onto an indiscrete space with more than one point. [Characteristic function of Q.] 24. Every singleton in a space A" is a retract of X, and A" is a retract of itself. 25. A retract of a retract is a retract [Theorem 4.2.7]. 26. [0, oo) is a retract of R. ^27. A retract of a Hausdorff space must be a closed subspace. [In Example 6, S = {x: r(x) = x} is closed, by Problem 7.] 28. Every nonempty open subset of an infinite cofinite space A" is a retract of A". (Thus " Hausdorff" cannot be replaced by " Tx " in Problem 27.) 29. A retraction need not be an open map. [Let/(x) = χ for 0 < χ < 1, Д2) = *.] 30. Let S be a retract of X and/: 5-> Уа continuous map. Show that/ can be extended to a continuous map F: Ar—► Y. [Take F = /° г.] 31. If such an extension (Problem 30) exists for every Y, then S must be a retract of A". [Take Υ = S,f = inclusion.] ^32. Let Χ, Υ be topological spaces. Show that Υ is homeomorphic with a retract of X if and only if there exist continuous maps/: Ar—► У, #: У —► A" with/о # equal to the identity; that is g is a right inverse for/ [If/, 0 exist, let S = g[Y\ r = g o/ Conversely if A: S-> У, let^ = /2-1,/=/2or.]
Sec. 4.2 / Continuity 59 ^-33. Condition (iii) of Theorem 4.2.2 may be replaced by: "for every net χδ converging to χ with χδ Φ χ for all <5, f{xd) —► /(χ)." [The net constructed for Theorem 4.2.2 has this property.] 101. Show that / satisfies (a) f{td) —► L whenever tb —► x, if and only if it satisfies (b)f(^) —► L whenever <F —► x. Here ^ is a net, and <F a filter, both in X. 102. The converse of Problem 9 is false, that is/[S] may be dense, and S not. 103. Let C*(X) be the set of all bounded continuous real functions on X. Call Xpseudocompact if С(X) = C*(X). Show that every finite space, and every closed interval in R, are pseudocompact, and that R is not pseudocompact. 104. The continuous image of a pseudocompact space is pseudocompact. lgeClYl=>gofeC(X) = C*(X).J 105. X is pseudocompact if and only if every /e C\_X~\ assumes a maximum on X. [Consider l/(/— m), where m = sup/. Consider —1/(1 + l/l2)·] 106. Let X have the cofinite topology. Show that every one-to-one map from A" to itself is a homeomorphism (into). 107. S is called a zero-set of X if there exists g e C(X) with S = g1. Show that for each g e C{X\ (g < a) is a zero-set [use Theorem 4.2.9]. 108. A 7\ space with more than one point must be the union of two open proper subsets. " 7У' may not be replaced by "normal and non- ^18^616" [Sec. 4.1, Problem 8]. 109. Let A"be normal; then dim C(X) > 1 (that is, fallows a nonconstant continuous real function) if and only if X is the union of two open proper subsets. 110. Give an example of a continuous g: [0, 1] —► R such that g is one-to- one on a dense subset of [0, 1], but# is not one-to-one. 111. Let X, ybesemimetric spaces. We call/: Χ ^> Υ uniformly continuous if for each ε > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that d(a, b) < δ implies d(fa,fb) < ε. Show that a uniformly continuous function is continuous but not conversely. 112. A function/: Χ ^> Υ is uniformly continuous if and only if whenever А, В are subsets of X satisfying d(A, B) = 0, it follows that AfAJB) = 0. 113. A semimetric d for X is called a u-semimetric if whenever A, B are disjoint closed subsets of A", it follows that d{A, B) > 0. Show that an infinite discrete topological space can be metrized with a w-metric and with a non-w-metric. [Consider the discrete metric. Next let {xn} be a sequence, make it isometric with {!/«} and consider {x2n}, {*2n+1}·]
60 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 114. The Euclidean topology for (0, 1] cannot be given by a w-metric. [Take A = {1/w}, В = {1/w + ε„}, where cn > 0 is very small.] 115. Let d be a w-semimetric for X, and let У be a semimetric space. Show that every continuous /: X —► У is uniformly continuous [Problem 112]. (These ideas are continued in Sec. 4.3, Problem 203; Sec. 7.1, Problem 117; Sec. 8.5, Problem 116; Sec. 9.1, Problem 114; Sec. 11.2, Problem 102; as well as in [Mrowka]; [Waterhouse].) 116. Call/: Ar—► Υ almost open ύ for every χ e X and neighborhood U of x, /[f/] is a neighborhood of/(x). Show that the inclusion map from a dense proper subspace is almost open and may or may not be open. 117. Suppose that/: X —► У has the property that/fA^] —► f(x) for each x, where Nx is the neighborhood filter of x. Show that/is continuous. 201. Let g be defined on X and with values in R и {+ oo}. We call g lower semicontinuous if (g < i) is closed for each t e R. (The convention is that for alii (g < t) contains no χ for which g(x) = +oo.) Show that # is lower semicontinuous if and only if χδ —► χ implies lim inf ^(хй) > #(.x). Show that the characteristic function of an open set is lower semi- continuous. (This generalizes Problem 14.) 202. Let Φ be a family of real continuous functions and u(x) = sup{g(x): g e Φ}. Show that и is lower semicontinuous. 203. Suppose that Υ is regular and/is not continuous. Show that for every dense subspace D of X, there exists χ φ D such that/| (D υ {χ}) is not continuous. [Otherwise, with TV a closed neighborhood of /(*), /-1D/V] is a neighborhood of x.J ("Regular" cannot be dropped, [Bourbaki(b), Vol. 1, p. 137, Example 19].) 204. LetA", У be finite. Then/is continuous if and only if it is isotone, that is χ < у =>f(x) < f(y). (See Sec. 4.1, Problem 105, for definitions.) 205. If there exists a sequence {/„} of continuous functions such that fn —► fpointwise (that is,/„(x) —► f{x) for each x), then/is said to be of Baire class 1. Let/: X ^> R. Suppose that/is of Baire class 1. Show that/" l\_F~\ is a G5 for all closed F с R. (A G5 is a set which is the intersection of a sequence of open sets.) 206. Let a be an infinite cardinal number. Let a topological space be called со-я if it has the property that a proper subset is closed if and only if it has less than a members. Show that the discrete, cofinite, and co- countable topologies are со-я topologies. Show that a space A" has the property that every permutation of X is continuous if and only if X has а со-я topology. 207. Every nonempty closed subset of J is a retract of J. [See [Frolik(a), p. 171].] 208. Every function from an infinite cofinite space to R which is of Baire class 1 is constant. (Hence the converse to Problem 205 is false.)
Sec. 4.3 / Separation by Continuous Functions 61 4.3 Separation by Continuous Functions We shall use the abbreviation: " sets Α,ΒϊηΧ can be completely separated" to mean "there exists a continuous real-valued function/defined on ^ with 0 < f(x) < 1 for all x,f(x) = 0 for all χ e Aj{x) = 1 for all χ e ВГ We shall say that the function /separates Α, Β. Thus, Urysohn's lemma says that in a normal space, any two disjoint closed sets can be completely separated. A topological space is called completely regular if every point and closed set not containing the point can be completely separated. (More precisely, two disjoint sets, one a singleton and the other closed, can be completely separated.) A completely regular 7\ space is called a T3± space, or, a Туchonoff space. This completes our list of nine separation axioms. Devising other separation axioms is a popular sport, and (perhaps) hundreds of them have appeared in print. They are of varying degrees of practical and historic importance; a number of these axioms will be found in the problems of this text, and a list may be found in the index under " separation axioms." The reader will have noticed that Urysohn's lemma precludes introducing a complete separation axiom for normal spaces similar to complete regularity for regular spaces. In contrast to the situation for regular spaces, every normal space has the complete separation property. Some remarks on the relative roles of complete regularity and normality are given in Section 14.7. Theorem 4.3.1. Every Г4 space is а Тъ± space, and so on, according to the following scheme: T4 => TH => T3 => T2 => Tx => T0. None of the implications can be reversed. The Tables may be consulted for the appropriate references. That T3 => T2 => Tx => T0 is trivial. [In a 7\ space each point is closed.] Next, let X be a completely regular space, ae X, F ά closed subspace of X, αφΓ. By hypothesis, there exists/separating {a}, F. LetA^ = {x:f(x) < ^}, N2 = {·*·/(·*) > i}· Then Nu N2 are disjoint, open [Sec. 4.2, Problem 5] neighborhoods of a, F respectively. Thus X is regular. That a T4 space is ТЪх is a special case of Urysohn's lemma. | Completely regular spaces are distinguished in their very definition by the richness of the supply of continuous real functions defined on them; allowing the hope that topological properties can be phrased in terms of these functions, leading to a so-called duality theory, that is, study of a space by means of functions defined on the space. An important example of such a result is the following characterization of convergence. Theorem 4.3.2. Let X be completely regular, and !F a filter in X. Then $F —► χ if and only iff[jF~\ —>f(x)for every continuous real function f on X.
62 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 A similar result holds for nets. The statement of the Theorem remains true if "continuous real function f on X" is replaced by "continuous function /:*->[0,1]." Half of the main statement follows trivially from Theorem 4.2.2. Conversely, suppose that OF -/> x. Then χ has an open neighborhood N which does not belong to #\ There exists a continuous function/: Z—► [0,1] with f{x) = 0,f(y) = 1 for у φ Ν [since x and N are completely separated]. Then f\_^~\ -h f(x). ΙΛχ) = 0» and (—i, i) is a neighborhood of 0 which does not include any member of/[#"] since S e 3F implies S φ Ν and so 1 e/[»S].] Finally if χδ is a net and/Cx^) —► f{x\ then/[#"] —► f{x) where SF is the filter associated with xb. If this is true for all /, then SF —► x, hence xb —► x. [Sec. 3.4, Example 5]. | Theorem 4.3.3. Every semimetric space is normal and completely regular. Every metric space is a T4 space. Let А, В be disjoint closed sets in a semimetric space X. For xe X, set fix) = ^ A) JK } d(x,A) + d(x,B) By Theorem 4.2.6 and Problem 12 of Section 4.2,/is continuous. [The denominator never vanishes since d(x, A), d(x, B) are nonnegative and could be simultaneously zero only in the impossible circumstance that χ e Α η Β; this follows from Sec. 2.5, Example 1.] It is clear that/separates A, B. Then, just as in the proof of Theorem 4.3.1, (/ < \) and (/ > \) separate A, B by neighborhoods. This proves that A"is normal. To prove complete regularity, repeat this argument taking A to be a singleton instead of a closed set. Then/ separates A, B. Hence X is completely regular. The second half of the theorem follows from the fact that a metric space must be a 7\ space. [If χ Φ у, let г = d(x, у). Then г > 0 and j><£ N(x, r).] | We thus have the remarkable fact that for semimetric spaces the weak separation axiom T0 implies T4 [Sec. 4.1, Example 3]. We shall see a similar implication in a wider class of spaces in Chapter 11, and another instance in Theorem 6.3.3. The following lemma, which will be used in Section 8.4, illustrates, along with Problem 105, that intuitively appealing results hold in the presence of sufficient separation (that is, with sufficiently many separation axioms). Lemma 4.3.1. Let D be a dense subspace of a Hausdorff space X, and f: X—> Υ a continuous function such that f\ D is a homeomorphism. Then /[6] Φ/lDl, that isf(D) cz [/(/))]-· Let S = /"1 [/[/)]]. Then D is a dense subset of S. But D is also a retract of S. [Let u: S-> D be и =f~l °/ where/"1 :/[£>] -► Ζλ For deD,
Sec. 4.3 / Separation by Continuous Functions 63 u(d) = d.J Hence D is closed in S [Sec. 4.2, Problem 27] and so D = S since it is dense. | Problems In this list A4s a topological space. 1. X is completely regular if and only if for each ζ and each neighborhood N of z, there exists/e C(X\ satisfying 0 < f(x) < 1 for all x,/(z) = 1, f(x) = 0 for χ φ N. Jr2. "Completely regular" and " TH" are hereditary. [The crucial point is that if F is a closed set in^ScI and xe S\F then F = Fx η S where Fx is a closed set in X not containing x. Thus if/separates x, F1, / | S separates x, F.J Jr3. A normal space need not be completely regular [Sec. 4.1, Problem 8]. (Of course a normal 7\ space = TA space is completely regular.) However, a regular normal space is completely regular. [To separate a point χ from a closed set F, first enclose χ in a closed neighborhood TV not meeting F. Apply Urysohn's lemma to TV, F.J 4. Every zero set is a G6. J/1 = П {(l/l < Vn): «=1,2,...}.] 5. A point in a Tychonoff space is a zero set if and only if it is a Gd. [Problem 4. Also, if {x} = f] G„, let/„ separate χ from G„, and set Я = Σ(|Λ| α 2""); β1 = {χ} and g e C(X) by Theorems 4.2.8, 4.2.9, and 4.2.10.] ^-6. A cozero set is a set whose complement is a zero set. Show that in a completely regular space the cozero sets form a base for the topology. [For xeN, let f(x) = 0, / = 1 on N. Then xe(/>0)c]V, and (/ > 0) is the complement of/1.] 7. A retract of a normal space is normal. [For disjoint closed A, B, separate r~l[A\ r~ ![5] by open G, H. Consider G η S, Я η S.J 101. If i4, 5 can be completely separated, so can A, B. 102. The following condition is sufficient that A, B can be completely separated: there exist real numbers w, ι;, with и < v, and /e C(T) with/(x) < и for χ e Л,/(х) > vfor xe В [Theorem 4.2.9]. 103. A zero-dimensional space is completely regular [Sec. 4.2, Problem 14]. 104. Lemma 4.3.1 becomes false if "a homeomorphism" is replaced by "one-to-one." {D = {l/n}9X = Dkj {0}, Υ = D\ {l},/(0) =/(1) = 0, f(\/n)= l/nforn > 1.] 105. Lemma 4.3.1 becomes false if "HausdorrT" is replaced by "TV" [/ | D a permutation, where D is the complement of a singleton in a cofinite space.] 106. The space of Sec. 3.1, Problem 108 is normal.
64 Separation Axioms / Ch. 4 107. Every closed set in a semimetric space is a zero set. [Use the continuous function/defined in Theorem 4.3.3.] 108. A countable completely regular space is zero-dimensional. [Let TV be a neighborhood of x, f{x) = 0, / = 1 outside of N. Since f[_X~\ is countable, there exists t with f(y) Φ t for all y. Now consider (f<t) = (/<t).j 109. Let (Gb G2,.. ., G„) be an open cover of a normal space X. Show that there exist continuous real functions/j,^, .··,/„ on X with f{x) > 0, ΣΖ= ι fk№ = 1 for all x, and fix) = 0 for χ φ Gb i = 1, 2, ..., n. Such a set of functions is called a partition of unity subordinate to the cover. [Choose Hi9 Я2, ..., Hn as in Sec. 4.1, Problem 122. Let g{: X^ [0, 1] with gt = 1 on Я£, 0 on Gf. Let F, = giTLUi яЛ 201. Let Г be a family of topological spaces. Say that a space Υ has the Γ property if whenever S cz X e Γ and S is not dense in X, there exist two unequal continuous maps from X to Υ which are equal on S. Thus R has the T3i property; no discrete Υ has the connected property (see Section 5.2). Find a space Υ which (a) does not have the T3± property, (b) does not have the discrete property. In case (a), make Υ have more than one point; in case (b) find all such Y. 202. Disjoint closed sets which have disjoint neighborhoods may not be completely separated, even in a T3± space [[Gillman and Jerison, 3.13]]. 203. Let (X, d) be a semimetric space. Then every /e C{X) is uniformly continuous if and only if d is a w-semimetric [Sec. 4.2, Problems 115, 112, and Urysohn's lemma]. This result is generalized in Sec. 8.5, Problem 116.
Topological Concepts 5.1 Topological Properties If there is a homeomorphism from X onto Υ we say that Χ, Υ are homeo- morphic. This is an equivalence relation [Theorems 4.2.5 and 4.2.7]. As we shall see in a moment, once two topological spaces are known to be homeomorphic, the topologist considers them to be identical, for the very good reason that one of these two spaces has any given (topological) property if and only if the other does; thus there is no (topological) test which will distinguish between them. To justify this remark, let/: X-+ У be a homeomorphism onto. For each S с X, S is open if and only if /[5] is open. [S open implies/[5] = (Z-1)"1^] is open since/-1 is continuous. The same argument applied to/shows that /[5] open implies S open.] Thus/ induces a one-to-one correspondence between the topologies of X, Y, namely G <-►/[(/] for G an open set in X. We could define a topological property to be a property, which a given space may or may not have, which can be defined entirely in terms of open sets and the language of set theory. For example "Г2" is a topological property; so is "discrete". [A space is discrete if and only if every subset is open.] With this definition it is clear that a homeomorphism onto preserves topological properties since any argument used to check that one space had a certain property would simply be transferred to the other space by means of the homeomorphism. This definition of topological property is a little difficult to make precise, partly because of the vagueness of the phrase "language of set theory." Instead we shall simply define a topological property to be a property which is pre- 65
66 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 served by every homeomorphism onto. For example, " having 5 points" is a topological property, since it is clear that if Χ, Υ are homeomorphic, and X has 5 points, then also Υ has 5 points. Thus a topological property is also called an invariant. "Topology" is the study of topological properties or invariants (under homeomorphism). To give some nontopological properties we consider first a metric space. "Being of finite diameter " is not a topological property; for example R and (0, 1), each with the Euclidean metric, are homeomorphic [Sec. 4.2, Example 5]. (Compare Problem 103.) A very interesting example of a nontopological property is the property " being knotted " which certain simple closed curves in R3 have. A circular loop is not knotted, while we can easily envisage a simple closed curve in space which is knotted in the sense that if it were made of string, it could not be manipulated into a circular loop without breaking the string. Yet these two curves are homeomorphic under the map which matches points traversing each curve in the same time. The difference between the knotted and unknotted curves lies in the way in which they are embedded in R3, a subject which we shall not pursue further. Because homeomorphic spaces are (topologically) indistinguishable, topologists often refrain from distinguishing them by name. For example, one might ask: if the points 0, 1 are removed from [0, 1], what space remains? Answer: R. (The answer is "really" (0, 1), which is homeomorphic with R [Sec. 4.2, Example 5].) As another example, one says: if a point is removed from R, the remaining set is the union of two disjoint copies of R [Problem 1]. A central problem of topology, called the classification problem, is to decide whether or not two spaces are homeomorphic. For example, a space, 5, might arise in some natural way, and it might be suspected that S is homeomorphic with R2. The attempt to decide whether or not this is true, and if it is not, to find some other standard space homeomorphic with 5, is called the classification of S. It is embarrassing to confess that, at this stage, we have not even "classified" R", in the sense that we do not know for example that R and R2 are different (that is, not homeomorphic). This will be shown in Sec. 5.2, Problem 8. For purposes of classification it is important to develop methods of distinguishing between different spaces. What is done is to look for an invariant which will distinguish the spaces. For example, R is not homeomorphic with any cofinite space since R is an infinite Hausdorff space, while an infinite cofinite space must be non- Hausdorff. In succeeding portions of this book we shall introduce many such invariants, starting with connectedness in the next section. These invariants will play a dual role. As invariants, they help us distinguish between different spaces; as topological properties, they serve a more affirmative purpose, namely helping in the study and understanding of objects and spaces arising in classical analysis and geometry.
Sec. 5.1 / Topological Properties 67 Remarks very similar to the preceding may be made about semimetric spaces and isometries. Finally we turn to properties of subspaces. A subset S of a topological space X is said to have a certain property, P, say, if, considering S as a topological space (with the relative topology) S has property P. For example, we shall be speaking in the next section of connected topological spaces. The definition just given will then allow us to speak of connected subsets of topological spaces. The reader should realize the difference between this idea and the idea of an open subset of a topological space. For example (0, 1) is an open subset of R, and is homeomorphic with the open interval (0 < χ < 1, у = 0) in R2, which is not open. In contrast it is clear that if a P subset (P is any topological property) of a space is homeomorphic with a subset of some other space, then the second subset also has property Ρ (see also Problem 5). Problems ^r\. Any two open intervals, (я, b), in R are homeomorphic with each other, hence [Sec. 4.2, Example 5] with R. (Here aeR or a = —oo, be R or b = +oo.) 2. An isometry between semimetric spaces is a homeomorphism. 3. Q η (0, 1) is homeomorphic with Q, each having the relative topology of R [Sec. 4.2, Example 5]. ^4. All convergent sequences in Hausdorff spaces are homeomorphic. More precisely, let Χ, Υ be T2 spaces. Let A = (x0, xl4 x2,...) <= X with xt Φ Xj for / Φ j, xn —► x0. Let В = (y0, yl, y2,. ..) be a sequence in > satisfying similar conditions. Define /: A —► В by У η = Λχη) f°r aN n- Show that/is a homeomorphism. 5. Like ςς open,'1 ςς dense " is a property of the way a set is embedded in a space, and is not a topological property. Illustrate this by showing a dense subset D of a space X such that D is homeomorphic with a nondense subset of a space Y. 101. R is not homeomorphic with (0, 1]. [Any continuous one-to-one map on R would have to be monotone.] 102. Semimetrizability is topological. [If (X, d) is homeomorphic with F, set d(yu y2) = d(xu x2) where y-x = /(x^J 103. Call a space Ρ if its topology can be given by a semimetric in which the space has finite diameter. Show that Ρ is a topological property. 104. R2 is homeomorphic with its subspace {(*, y)\ x2 + y2 < 1}. 105. (a) Q is homeomorphic into J. (b) Are Q, J homeomorphic? 106. Homeomorphism of topological spaces does not enjoy the crisscross property [Sec. 2.2, Problem 104].
68 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 107. In Problem 4, T2 cannot be replaced by 7\. [Let one space be cofinite.] 201. R2 is not homeomorphic with its subspace {(*, y)\ x2 + y2 < 1} и 10,0)}. 202. Any two convex open (nonempty) subsets of R" are homeomorphic. 203. Find a space, which is neither discrete nor indiscrete, such that any two homeomorphic subsets must have their closures also homeomorphic. 204. Does R have a closed subset which is homeomorphic with Q? 205. Call X homogeneous if for all x, у e X, there is a homeomorphism / of X onto itself with у = f(x). Show that (0, 1) is and (0, 1] is not homogeneous. Give an example of a homogeneous space X which has two points x, у such that no homeomorphism/of AOnto itself has 206. Give an example of X a R, Υ a R, with Χ, Υ not homeomorphic, such that there exists a continuous one-to-one map from each of A", Y onto the other. 207. Call X reversible if every continuous one-to-one map from X onto itself must be a homeomorphism. Show that {X, T) is reversible if and only if it has no strictly larger topology Τ such that (Χ, Γ), (X, T') are homeomorphic. Show that the following space is not reversible: let R have the Euclidean topology on (x > 0) and the discrete topology on (x < 0). [Consider a translation.] Show that R is reversible. [Continuous one-to-one functions must be monotone.] For more on reversibility see [Rajagopalan and Wilansky]. 208. Let X be an infinite cofinite space, Υ a T1 space, and /: X-+ Υ a continuous map. Then either / is constant or X and Υ are homeomorphic. [Say / is onto and not constant. For any infinite closed F a Y, f~l[F] = X, so F = Y. Thus Υ is cofinite. Now X = (J {/_1[{^}]}, a union of finite sets, thus \X\ < К0|У| so \X\ = \Y\.J (This result is due to V. V. Proizvolov.) 209. The only continuous real functions on an infinite cofinite space are the constants [Problem 208]. 5.2 Connectedness A topological space is said to be disconnected if it contains a proper subset which is both open and closed. The reason for the name is that if A is proper and both open and closed, then A is also proper, open, closed, and so the space has "fallen into two pieces." A space which is not disconnected is called connected. The empty set is connected. ^EXAMPLE 1. Let X = (0, 1) u (2, 3) with the Euclidean topology.
Sec. 5.2 / Connectedness 69 Then (0, 1) is open and closed [(0, 1) = [0, 1] η Χ]. Hence X is disconnected. ^-EXAMPLE 2. R is connected. Let F be a closed proper subset of R. We shall show that/7 is not open. Letx^F, у е F. {0 φ F φ R.] Suppose thatj> < x. (Without loss of generality; a similar argument, using inf instead of sup, deals with у > χ.) Let ζ = sup{/ e F: t < x}. Then у < ζ < χ. Now ζ e F. [F is closed and every neighborhood of ζ meets F, by definition of z.J Thus ζ < x, and since (ζ, χ) φ F it follows that ζ is not an interior point of F and so F is not open. A subset of a topological space is called connected if it is connected as a topological space (with the relative topology). See the last part of Section 5.1. The phrase "removal of χ disconnects X" means "Ar\ {x} is disconnected." ^-EXAMPLE 3. A subset o/R is connected if and only if it is an interval. If S is not an interval, there exists aeR such that α φ S, and A = (а, со) η S is a proper subset of S. Since also A = \_a, oo) η S, ^ is open and closed in S. The proof that each interval is connected is identical with the proof in Example 2. (Just add the remark that ζ lies in the interval since у < ζ < χ.) The following criterion for connectness is usually the easiest to apply. It is customary to denote by 2 any discrete space with exactly two points. (All such spaces are homeomorphic.) Lemma 5.2.1. A space X is connected if and only if every continuous /: X —► 2 is constant. Suppose first that X is connected. For each у £f\_X~\,f~l\_{y}~\ is closed, open and not empty. Hence it is all of X. Conversely, if ^ is not connected, let S be an open and closed proper subset of A\ The characteristic function of S is a nonconstant continuous map of X into {0, 1} with the discrete topology. [Sec. 4.2, Problems 14, 13.] | The union of two connected sets need not be connected [Example 1], but unions with some extra properties are connected; Problem 106 and the following theorem are examples of this. Theorem 5.2.1. Let С be a family of connected sets which has either one of the two following properties: (i) Every pair of members of С has nonempty intersection. (ii) С contains a set which meets every other member of C. Then U = {J [A: A e C) is connected. Let/: (/—► 2 be continuous. Then/ | A is continuous, hence constant, for each A e С This constant is obviously the same for all A e C, since the
70 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 contrary assumption leads immediately to two members of С which intersect and on which/ has different values. The result follows from Lemma 5.2.1. | EXAMPLE 4. R" is connected. For it is the union of a family of lines passing through the origin. Each line is homeomorphic with R, hence connected, and the result follows from Theorem 5.2.1. By a continuous image of a topological space X is meant a topological space Υ such that there exists a continuous map of X onto Y. Theorem 5.2.2. A continuous image of a connected set is connected. (Note that in the preceding three lines we have used the words "set4' and "space." A connected set is a connected topological space (with the. relative topology) and, to remove all ambiguity, we note that the continuous map mentioned in the statement of Theorem 5.2.2 needs to be defined only on the set.) Let X be connected and/: X-+ Fa continuous function onto. Let g: Γ—► 2 be continuous. Then g о/is continuous, hence constant. Thus g is constant. [If yu y2e K, y\ = /(*i), y2 = f(xi)i tnen #(>'i) = y(fxi) = 9(fxi) — #(^2)·] By Lemma 5.2.1, К is connected. | Corollary 5.2.1. A connected space remains connected if its topology is weakened (replaced by a smaller one). EXAMPLE 5. (The intermediate-value theorem.) Let f be a continuous real-valued function on the interval \_a, b~] such that f(a) > 0,f(b) < 0. Then there exists χ e [я, b~] such thatf(x) = 0. This follows immediately from the fact that/[[я, bj] is connected [Theorem 5.2.2 and Example 3], hence is an interval [Example 3] and, by hypothesis contains both a positive and a negative number, hence contains 0. An immediate generalization is: Letf be a continuous real-valued function on [я, b~\ and assume that у is a number lying between f(a), f(b). Then there exists χ e [a, b~\ such thatf(x) = y. [Apply the earlier result to у — /or/ — y.J Theorem 5.2.2 is often cited as a generalization of the intermediate-value theorem; this is not quite fair, as the most difficult part of the proof of the latter theorem is not Theorem 5.2.2, but rather Example 3. The next result is one of a very large collection, each of which asserts that some property is preserved under the operation of taking closures. The crucial application of such a fact is that any set which is maximal with respect to having this property must be closed since its closure has the property also. Here the application is Theorem 5.2.4. Theorem 5.2.3. The closure of a connected set is connected. Let A be a connected subset of the space X. and let/: A —► 2 be continuous.
Sec. 5.2 / Connectedness 71 Then /[Л] с /[i4], [Theorem 4.2.4], and f\_A~\ contains only one point [Lemma 5.2.1]. Thus /[A] contains only one point. [Singletons in 2 are closed.] The result follows from Lemma 5.2.1. | A topological space may be subdivided into connected subsets, and when these are as large as possible they are called components. This decomposition is achieved in the following way. For χ e X, let Cx = U {S cz Χ: χ e S and S is connected}. Then Cx is called the component of χ in X, or, sometimes, the component of X containing x. Each component is connected [Theorem 5.2.1], includes every connected set which contains x, and, for x, у e X, either Cx φ Cy or Cx = Cy. [If Cx meets Cr Cx и Су is connected, by Theorem 5.2.1, hence is included in CX.J Since Cx includes every connected set which contains x, it follows that Cx is a maximal connected set containing x. Theorem 5.2.4. Every component is closed. For its closure is connected [Theorem 5.2.3] and thus is included in it. | Components need not be open however. EXAMPLE 6. Let X = {0, 1, ii, ·..} with the relative topology of R. Then {0} is not open. [Every neighborhood of 0 contains \jn for sufficiently large л, hence is not equal to {0}.] However, {0} is a component of X. If C0 contained some point χ = \/n, it would not be connected for the following reason: {x} = (x — c, χ + с) η Χ = [χ — ε, χ + ε] η Χ for some (sufficiently small) ε > 0. Thus {χ} is open and closed in X, hence in C0.] We now introduce the important concept of local property. We begin with the definition of the phrase " arbitrarily small." Let Ρ be some property (such as connectedness) which certain subsets of a topological space X may have. We say that arbitrarily small sets containing a point χ have property Ρ if for every neighborhood N of x, there is a set S with property Ρ such that χ ε S cz N. Then we say that X has property Ρ locally, if for every χ e X there are arbitrarily small neighborhoods of χ with property P. Thus X is locally connected if each point has arbitrarily small connected neighborhoods; in other words, each neighborhood of a point includes a connected neighborhood of that point. Notice that a discrete space is locally connected. On the other hand, a connected space need not be locally connected [Problem 109]. remark. Since any discrete space is locally connected, it is trivial that continuous one-to-one maps do not preserve local connectedness. Locally connected spaces do not allow the pathology of Example 6. The next result shows this, and the reader may note that it holds under the weaker hypothesis that each point has a connected neighborhood.
72 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 Theorem 5.2.5. Every component of a locally connected space is open and closed. Let С be a component and xe С Let TV be a connected neighborhood of x. Then С => N. [С is the component of x, hence includes every connected set which contains x.J Thus С is a neighborhood of x, and so С is open [Theorem 2.5.1]. С is closed by Theorem 5.2.4. | This result is given wider applicability by means of the observation that every open subset G of a locally connected space X is locally connected. For let TV be a neighborhood of χ in G. Then TV includes a connected ^-neighborhood Nx of x. [Since G is open, TV is a neighborhood of χ in X.J Then Νλ is also a G-neighborhood of x. As an application of this observation we obtain the amusing result that in a locally connected space each neighborhood N of a point χ includes a connected open neighborhood of x. [For TV includes an open neighborhood G of x, and the component of G containing χ is the required open neighborhood.] A EXAMPLE 7. Countable spaces. Can a countable space (with more than one point) be connected ? Such a countable connected space X would have to be pathological in several respects. It could not be T3± [Problem 111, and Sec. 4.3, Problem 108]. It could not even be T3 since, as we shall see a countable T3 space must be T4 [Sec. 5.3, Example 4]. There are, however, (infinite) countable connected T2 spaces [Example 8]. (A finite connected space with more than one point could not even be 7\ [Sec. 4.1, Problem 3].) Another pathological fact about a countable connected space X is that the only continuous real-valued functions on X are the constants; that is, C[X~\ is one-dimensional. [/[A'] is a connected subset of R by Theorem 5.2.2, and is countable; hence by Example 3,/[A"] contains only one point.] A further remark is that we may prove that a connected Tychonoff space has at least с points if it has more than one without using the continuum hypothesis. [This follows from Theorem 5.2.2, Example 3, and the fact that there is a non- constant continuous real-valued function.] A EXAM ΡLE 8. A countably infinite connected T2 space. Many examples are known, the first was given by P. Urysohn in 1925. For some recent developments see [Roy]. We give an example due to S. W. Golomb and to M. Brown. Let X be the positive integers. For я, b relatively prime positive integers, let G(a, b) = {a, a + b, a + 26,.. .} = {a + (n - \)b]. Let Τ be the topology which has the set of all G(a, b) as base. [Theorem 2.6.2; for example, 7 e G(l, 3) η G(2, 5), and 7 e G(7, 15) с G(l, 3) η G(2, 5).] Τ is a T2 topology. [Let χ φ y. Then G{x, xy + 1), G(y, xy + 1) are disjoint neighborhoods of x, y, since if χ + m{xy + 1) = у + n(xy + 1) and у > χ, we
Sec. 5.2 / Connectedness 73 would have у — χ = (m — n){xy + \) > xy + \.J Now we observe that if b, d are relatively prime, G(a, b) and G(c, d) must meet. [Find α, β with <xb + βά = 1. Then for arbitrary k, [_{c - a)a + kd\b + [(c - α)β - kb~\d = с — a. Sufficiently large choice of к yields mb — nd = с — a with m > 0, η > 0; that is, a + mb = с + nd.] Finally, Τ is connected. [Let A, В be disjoint, nonempty, open sets; A contains some G{a, b)\ В contains some G(c, d). Now if bde A we get a contradiction thus: bde G(h, k) a A, thus bd = h + nk and so d, к are relatively prime since otherwise /z, к would not be. As just proved, this implies that G(c, d) meets G(/z, k), hence В meets A. The assumption that bde В leads in the same way to the same contradiction. Thus bd φ Α υ Β so that Л и Я # jr.] A EXAM PLE 9. Let X be a closed interval in R and let G be a dense open subset. Then F = G is totally disconnected, that is, none of its components has more than one point. [Let χ φ у, х, у e F. Say у > χ. The interval (χ, у) meets G; say a e (x, y) η G. Then ( — cc, a) n F = ( —oo, α] η F is open and closed in F, and contains x, but not j>. Thus x, у do not belong to the same component of F] This shows that a totally disconnected nondense set may be quite large; it may be uncountable, indeed it may have Lebesgue measure arbitrarily near 1. [Since the measure of Q is zero, we can find an open set containing it and of arbitrarily small measure.] EXAMPLE 1 0. Like all other topological invariants, connectedness can be used to establish nonhomeomorphism. For example, [0, 1] is not homeomorphic with [0, 1] и [2, 3], and, a slightly more subtle example, (0, 1) и (2, 3) is not homeomorphic with (0, 1) и [2, 3) since the latter space possesses a point, 2, whose removal leaves a space with two components; the former space has no such point. Problems In this list, A4s a topological space. 1. Suppose that X = А и В, with А, В nonempty. Then if Ά φ Β, X is disconnected, but this does not follow if we know only that Α φ Β. 2. Q is not connected. [( — oo, 4/2) η Q = ( — oo, ^/2] η Q.] 3. A space is locally connected if and only if the set of connected neighborhoods of each point is a local base at that point. ^4. No two of these three spaces are homeomorphic: [0, 1), [0, 1], the 1-sphere. [Removal of two points may fail to disconnect [0, 1]. Addition of one point may fail to disconnect [0, 1).] 5. Call sets А, В separated if Α φ В and А ф В. Let А и В a S a X. Show that А, В are separated in S if and only if they are separated in X.
74 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 Show also that А, В are separated if and only if they are disjoint and A is closed and open in А и В. 6. X is disconnected if and only if it is the union of two nonempty separated subsets. 7. Give an example of two connected sets in R2 whose intersection is not connected. Can this be done in R? 8. R is not homeomorphic with R2. [A point may be removed from R2 without disconnecting it.] 9. A connected Tx space with more than one point is self-dense. " Tx" may not be omitted [Sec. 4.1, Problem 8]. 101. Are connected, disconnected, and locally connected hereditary properties? 102. А а В с A, A connected, implies В connected. [Apply Theorem 5.2.3 with X = B.J Hence every dense subset of a disconnected space is disconnected. 103. If a space has finitely many components, each component is open. If it has countably many components, each component is a Gd [Theorem 5.2.4]. 104. In the space of Example 8, the set of primes is a dense set with empty interior. [Take as known Dirichlet's famous theorem: Every arithmetic progression contains a prime [Rademacher, Chapter 14].] 105. The 2-sphere is locally R2. 106. The union of a family of connected sets, no two of which are separated, is connected. 107. For x, у e X, let χ — у mean that there is some connected set containing both x, y. Show that — is an equivalence relation and that the equivalence classes are the components of X. 108. The following subsets of R2 are connected: (a) {(*,>'):* = 0, -1 <y< l}u {(*, у): у = sin(l/x)}. (b) {(0,0)}u{(x,jO:>>= 1} и {(*,>>): χ = l//i, η = 1,2,...}. (These are examples of connected but not arcwise connected spaces; each space has a point which cannot be joined to (0, 0) by an arc.) 109. The spaces of Problem 108 are not locally connected (at (0, 0)). 110. The space of Example 6 is the union of η disjoint nonempty open sets for any positive integer n, but not for η = oo. The space has infinitely many components however. 111. A zero-dimensional T0 space and an extremally disconnected T2 space must be totally disconnected. (The indiscrete and cofinite topologies show that T0 cannot be dropped, or T2 replaced by Tx.) 112. C{X) has more than two idempotents (f(x)-f(x) = ,f[x) for all x) if
Sec. 5.3 / Separability 75 and only if A4s disconnected. If A" is Г3х, С(Х) is an integral domain if and only if X has exactly one point. 113. The space of Example 8 is second countable. (That is, it has a countable base.) 114. R2 isnothomeomorphicwithR3. [R2 is disconnected by removal of a subset which is homeomorphic with R.] 115. The converse of Theorem 5.2.5 is false; that is the components of a space which is not locally connected may be all open and closed. [Consider a connected space. See Problem 109.] 201. Every convex set in R2 is connected. 202. There exists a connected T2 space of every infinite cardinality [see [Anderson]]. 203. Show a shrinking sequence of connected sets in R2 whose intersection is not connected. 204. The complement of any countable subset of R2 is connected. 205. Let c(n) (or c0(n)) be the number of connected (or connected Г0) topologies which can be placed on a set with η members. Show that c(\) = c0(\) = 1, c0(2) = 2, c{2) = 3. (Note: c0(3) = 12, c(3) = 19, c0(4) = 146, c(4) = 233. See [Rankin].) Show that c(n) is odd and c0(n) is even if η > 2. 206. Find two disjoint connected subsets of the unit disc in R2, {(x, y): x2 + y2 < 1}, one of which contains both (+ 1, 0), the other of which contains both (0, + 1). 207. Every metric space is a (metric) subspace of a connected metric space [[Sierpinski (a), p. 121]]. 5.3 Separability A topological space is called separable if it has a dense countable subset. Thus R is separable since Q is dense. An uncountable discrete space is not separable since it has no dense proper subset. There is a topological property similar to first countability which, for semimetric spaces is equivalent to separability. A topological space is called second countable if it has a countable base. Thus R is second countable since the set of all intervals (a, b) with я, b both rational is a base for its topology. An uncountable discrete space is not second countable since it has an uncountable collection of disjoint open sets [the singletons]. A second countable space is first countable, but not conversely [discrete space]. A second countable space is separable [Sec. 2.5, Problem 11; choose one point in each member of a base], but the converse is false [Example 1 or Problem 3].
76 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 Theorem 5.3.1. A semimetric space is separable if and only if it is second countable. Any second countable space is separable. Conversely, let X be separable, and {xn} a dense sequence. The collection of cells {N(xn, r): η e ω, r e Q} is a countable base. [Let χ e G, G open. Then N(x, ε) a G for some ε > 0. For some n, xn e N(x, ε/З). Let r e Q with ε/З < r < ε/2. Then χ e N(xn, r) с G because d{x, xn) < ε/З < r and if у е N(xn, r) it follows that d{y, x) < d(y, xn) + d{xn,x) < r + ε/3 < ε.] | A EXAMPLE 1. The right half open interval topology is first countable, separable, not second countable, and not metrizable. (See also Sec. 10.1, Problem 102.) For each x, the sequence {[χ, χ + 1/w)} is a local base at x, so the topology is first countable. It is separable, since every nonempty open set includes an interval [я, b) which contains a rational, hence Q is dense. Nonmetrizability will follow from Theorem 5.3.1 when it is shown that the topology is not second countable. To this end, let 31 be a base. For each χ, [χ, χ + 1) is a neighborhood of x, hence there exists Gxe & with χ eGx and [χ, χ + 1) => Gx. Now Gx Φ Gy if χ Φ у since their smallest members are x, у respectively; hence we have named an uncountable subset of ^, one for each χ e R. We now encounter the first example of one of the central techniques of topology, that of reducing and refining covers, an activity carried on, as we shall see, in discussions and applications of compactness, paracompactness, and separability, for example. Theorem 5.3.2 was (essentially) given by E. Lindelof in 1903. Theorem 5.3.2. Let Xbea second countable topological space, and С an open cover of X. Then С has a countable subcover. Let 3 be a countable base. For each χ e X choose A e С with χ e A and S e 3 with χ e S <^ A. Let <28\ be the collection of all S chosen in this way; ^! cz 3&, hence 3\ is countable. For each S e &x choose one A e С with A => S. The collection of all A chosen in this way is countable, is a subset of C, and covers X since each χ belongs to some S which is a subset of some AeC. | Being able to reduce every open cover of a space to a countable subcover is a useful technique, as we shall see. (For example, Theorem 5.3.5.) Hence spaces allowing this reduction are singled out for attention. A topological space X such that every open cover of X has a countable subcover is called a Lindelof space. Theorem 5.3.2 says that every second countable space is a Lindelof space; the converse is not true [Example 4; Problem 1]. A slight extension of Theorem 5.3.2 says that every second countable space is
Sec. 5.3 / Separability 77 hereditarily Lindelof \ that is, has the property that every subspace is a Lindelof space [Problem 1]. Of course we have assumed the obligation of showing that there are Lindelof spaces that are not hereditarily Lindelof. This will be pointed out in Section 8.1. However, the Lindelof property is F-hereditary. Theorem 5.3.3. A closed subspace F of a Lindelof space X is also a Lindelof space. Let С be an open cover of F. Each member of С has the form G η F, where G is an open subset of X. Let Cx be the set of all such G, together with the open set F. Then C, is an open cover of X. Reduce Cl to a countable sub- cover of Λ\ and, discarding F, if it is still there, we see that С has been reduced to a countable cover of F. | Theorem 5.3.4. Let X be a semimetric space. Then X is a Lindelof space if and only if it is second countable, and if and only if it is separable. Suppose that X is a Lindelof space. For each η = 1, 2,.... there is a countable set Sn of cells of radius \jn which covers X. [X is covered by the set of all cells of radius \/n\ this cover may be reduced to a countable cover, by definition of Lindelof space.] Let Cn be the set of centers of the cells of S„, and let С = (J C„. Then С is countable, and dense. [For any open set G, G => N(x, ε) for some л: e X, с > 0. Let η > 1/c. By definition of S„. there exists с e Cn such that χ e N{c\ \/n). Then d(x, c) < \jn < v. so that с ε N(x* ε) с G.] This proves that X is separable, and the rest is contained in Theorems 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. | Theorem 5.3.5 is an interesting and very important sufficient condition for normality. We begin with a computational lemma. Lemma 5.3.1. Let А, В be sets in a topological space X. Suppose that A has a cover consisting of a sequence { Vn} of open sets with Vn φ Β for each n, and that В has a cover consisting of a sequence { Wn) of open sets with Wn φ A for each n. Then A, B are separated by open sets. Case i. Assume that [Kn], {Wn) are expanding sequences; that is, У η c Vn+\ and Wn a Wn+l for all n. Let V'n=Vn\Wn, W>=Wn\Vn, G = {JVn, H={JWn. Then G, Η are open [each V'n = Vnr\ Wn is open] and A a G. [Let χ e A. Then χ e Vn for some n. Hence л' e V'n since Wn φ A.} Similarly В с Я, and it remains to show that G, Η are disjoint. [If л: e G η Я. we would have л- eV'nr\W'k for some /7, k. Suppose η > k. Now χ φ Wn since xeV'n. hence χ φ Wk since Wk a Wn. This contradicts xeW'k. A similar contradiction results if η < к.}
78 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 Case п. If {Vn) is an open cover of A with Vn φ Β for each и, let Лп = V\ u V2 · · · u Kn. Then {Ли} is an expanding sequence of open sets covering Л and with An = [J Vk not meeting B. Similarly the cover of В is replaced by an expanding sequence, and Case 1 applies. | Theorem 5.3.5. A regular Lindelof space is normal and completely regular. It is sufficient to prove normality [Sec. 4.3, Problem 3]. Let A, B be disjoint closed sets. For each χ e A choose an open set К with χ e К and V cf\ B. The set of all such K, one for each xe A, is an open cover of A, which, by Theorem 5.3.3, may be reduced to a countable one. Repeating this process with В leads to the situation covered by Lemma 5.3.1. Hence A, B are separated by open sets. | A EXAMPLE 2. With the right half open interval topology, R is a T4 Lindelof space. This topology is Тъ [Sec. 2.6, Example 3, and Theorem 4.1.3], so normality will follow from Theorem 5.3.5 when the topology is shown to be Lindelof. To this end, let С be an open cover. Let I = [x: there exist a, ft with a < χ < ft, [я, ft) a G for some G e C}; thus / is the set of points Euclidean- interior to some member of С Let Ε = R \ /; the letter Ε is chosen since every member χ of Ε can occur only as an end-point (on the left) of an interval [я, ft) which is a subset of some G e C. The set Ε is countable. [For each χ e Zs, choose one hx > χ such that [x, bx) is a subset of some GeC. For χ φ ν, χ e £, у e Zs, [x, bx) and [>\ ftv) must be disjoint by definition of E. Thus /scan be matched with a disjoint family of intervals each of which contains a rational number. Since Q is countable, Ε must be.] It remains to prove that С can be reduced to a countable subcover of / [since / is all but a countable subset of RJ. But {{a, ft): (я, ft) с G for some G e С J is a cover of/, moreover, it is a Euclidean open cover! Since / is second countable in the Euclidean topology [Problem 1], Theorem 5.3.2 shows that this cover, and hence C, can be reduced to a countable subcover of /. A EXAMPLE 3. A property resembling separability is D-separability. We call a space D-separable if every discrete closed set is countable. We have the result, every separable normal space is D-separable. To prove this, let F be a discrete closed set in a separable normal space X, and let D be a dense set. For every subset S of /\ both S and F\S are closed in X. Thus to each S we may associate an open set G(S) => S such that G(S) rf\ G(F\ S). We shall now show that the map S—► D η G(S) is one-to-one (from 2F—► 2D). [Let 5Ί Φ S2. Say, for definiteness, that Sx φ S2. There exists deDnG(Sx\S2)r^G(S,).
Sec. 5.3 / Separability 79 Then de D η G{SX) and dφ D η G(S2)-J Since D is countable, it follows that /ms. | A different proof of this result is given in Sec. 8.5, Problem 203. A EXAMPLE 4. A countable space is separable [it, itself, is a dense subset]], also Lindelof. [For each point choose one set from the cover containing it.] Hence a regular countable space is normal [Theorem 5.3.5]. It is also true that a first countable countable space is second countable. [A base can be made up of the union of all the (countably many) countable local bases.] We have seen that a countable space need not be first countable [Sec. 3.1, Problems 201, 208. A nicer example is given in Sec. 8.3, Problem 103]. Hence Theorem 5.3.1 fails for countable spaces. Problems 1. Second countability is a hereditary property [Sec. 3.2, Problem 11]. Hence [Theorem 5.3.2], a second countable space is hereditarily Lindelof. But a hereditarily Lindelof space need not be second countable [Sec. 3.1, Problems 201, 208; Sec. 8.3, Problem 103.] 2. A second countable space is hereditarily separable, but a hereditarily separable space need not be second countable [Sec. 3.1, Problems 201, 208; Sec. 8.3, Problem 103]. 3. An uncountable cofinite space is separable but not second countable. A countable cofinite space is second countable. [Count its closed sets.] 4. Let X be an arbitrary space and t φ X. Let Υ = Χ υ {t} with the topology in which a set is open precisely if it is G и {/}, G an open set in X. Then {t} is dense, hence Г is separable. Deduce that separability is not hereditary. 5. Give an example of a non-Lindelof space. [A suitable discrete space would do.] 6. A space is second countable if and only if it has a countable subbase. 7. A continuous image of a separable space is separable. 8. If a space is separable (or Lindelof) it remains separable (or Lindelof) if the topology is weakened. This is not true for second countability. [Sec. 3.1, Problem 201, or Sec. 8.3, Problem 103. Compare with the discrete topology.] 9. A family of subsets of a set X is said to have the countable intersection property if the intersection of every countable subfamily is nonempty. Show that a space is Lindelof if and only if every family of closed sets with the countable intersection property has nonempty intersection. [Consider the family of complements.] Compare Theorem 5.4.3. 101. RHO is hereditarily Lindelof.
80 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 102. A countable regular space is zero-dimensional [Sec. 4.3, Problem 108; Theorem 5.3.5]. 103. A pseudocompact T2 space need not be T3 [Example 4; Sec. 5.2, Examples 7, 8]. (Compare Theorem 5.4.7.) 104. A separable T2 space cannot have more than 2C points [Sec. 4.1, Problem 204]. 105. Let X be a regular space and G an open Lindelof subspace. Then G is a Gd. [For each χ e G, let U{x), V{x) be disjoint open neighborhoods of G, x. Reduce {V{x)} to a countable cover {V{xn)} of G. Then G = d U(xn).J Note: We cannot omit "open" here, see Sec. 9.3, Problem 11. 106. A perfectly normal space is a normal space in which every closed set is a Gd. Show that every semimetric space is perfectly normal [Sec. 4.3, Problem 107, and Theorem 4.3.3]. 107. A hereditarily Lindelof regular space is perfectly normal [Theorem 5.3.5; Problem 105]. 201. Let U be the upper half-plane (y > 0)of R2, X the X-axis (y = 0), and let Ζ = U и X. Let U have the Euclidean topology and let the neighborhoods of each point Ρ e X be sets {Ρ} υ Ν, where N is the interior of an ordinary circle in U tangent to X at P. Show that Ζ is T3 and separable, and that X is a discrete subspace. Deduce from Example 3 that Ζ is not normal, and from Theorem 5.3.5 that Ζ is not Lindelof. 202. LetAr= C([0, 1]) with metric φ:,;;) = max{|x(r) - y(t)\:0 < t < 1}. Show that X is separable [either polynomials or polygons with rational corners]. 203. If A" is separable, C(X) can have cardinality at most c. [There are only с distinct real functions on a countable set.] 5.4 Compactness A Lindelof space is one in which every open cover has a countable sub- cover. This concept leads naturally to the consideration of spaces in which every open cover has a finite subcover, or in which every countable open cover has a finite subcover. Such properties are certainly first cousins to the Lindelof property, and are related to separability, at least by the results of Theorems 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. We give formal definitions: A topological space X is called compact if every open cover of X has a finite subcover, countably compact if every countable open cover of X has a finite subcover. Thus a compact space is countably compact. The converse is false [Sec. 14.1, Example 2]. The following result is a triviality (so is its converse).
Sec. 5.4 / Compactness 81 Theorem 5.4.1. A countably compact Lindelof space is compact. Reduce any open cover to a countable, thence to a finite, subcover. | Of course a Lindelof space need not be compact. [R is Lindelof, by Theorem 5.3.2, but the open cover {{ — η, η): η = 1,2,...} cannot be reduced to a finite one.] ^-EXAMPLE 1. A standard result of elementary analysis is the Heine- Borel theorem which says that a closed interval [a, b~\ ofR is compact. (The theorem was given independently by E. Heine in 1872, and E. Borel in 1895.) Let С be an open cover of [a, 6]. Let S = {χ: α < χ < b, [a, x~\ is covered by a finite subset of C}. Then S φ 0 since ae S. S is open, (in [я, £]). [Let χ e S; then χ is in some G e C, and for some ε > 0, (χ — ε, χ + ε) a G. Every у е (χ — ε, χ + ε) also belongs to S, since [a, y] has the finite subcover С и {G}, where С is the finite subcover of [a, x~\.J Also, S is closed. [Let χ e S. Then χ is in some G e C, and, for some ε > 0, (χ — ε, χ + ε) с G. Now there exists у e (x — ε, χ + ε) η S, and, since [α, j>] has a finite subcover C", [a, x] must have the finite subcover C"u{G}. Thus xeS.J Hence S = [a, 6] [Sec. 5.2, Example 3]. In particular be S. | Theorem 5.4.2 Compact, countably compact, and Lindelof are F-hereditary. One of these is Theorem 5.3.3. The others are proved in the same way. | It is useful to spell out the compactness definitions in terms of closed sets. These are obtained simply by taking complements as we now show. A collection of sets is said to have the finite intersection property if every finite subset has nonempty intersection. For example, {(0, \/n)\ η = 1, 2,...} has the finite intersection property. It is of the utmost importance to recognize that every filter has the finite intersection property. A collection of sets is called fixed if it has nonempty intersection, and free if its intersection is empty. This terminology is reasonable, for example {(/7, oo): η = 1, 2,.. .} disappears from the scene (is free), while {[1, 1 + Ι//?]: η = 1, 2, .. .} is pinned down at 1 (is fixed). Theorem 5.4.3. A topological space is compact if and only if every collection of closed sets with the finite intersection property is fixed. This statement remains true with "compact" replaced by "countably compact" and "collection'''' replaced by "countable collection.'''' Let X be compact and С a free collection of closed sets. Then {G: G e C) is an open cover of X, hence can be reduced to a finite subcover {Gu G2, · ·., Gn). Since X a (J Gt we have f] Gt = 0, thus С does not have the finite intersection property. Conversely, let X be not compact; then
82 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 A^has an open cover С which has no finite subcover. Then {F.F e C} is a free collection of closed sets with the finite intersection property. 1ПЪ = *\UFi* 0 since Хф UF,I The other part of the theorem is proved in the same way with countable collections. | Theorem 5.4.4. Л continuous image of a compact space is compact. The same is true with compact replaced by countably compact or Lindelof. We shall prove this only for compactness, by far the most important of the three cases. The other two are exactly similar. Let С be an open cover of F\_S~\, S compact. Then {/" l[G~\: G e C} is an open cover of S. It can be reduced to a finite cover, say {f~l[G{\,.. . ,/_1[GJ}. Then (Gi,G2,.. ,Gn) is a cover of/[5]. | It is not hard to see (and will shortly be proved) that a compact subset of R must be closed. This is a universal property of compact sets, given enough separation [Theorem 5.4.5], but a compact set in a Tx space need not be closed [Problem 14]. Theorem 5.4.5. Л compact set К in a Hausdorff space is closed. Let хф К. For each у е К choose disjoint open neighborhoods of x, y, which we shall call U(y), V(y), respectively. Now {V(y): у е К} is an open cover of K, hence can be reduced to a finite open cover, (V(yi), Let U=f) U(Vi\ У = U V(yt). Then U is a neighborhood of л: and does not meet V [z e К implies ζ e У(у\) for some /. This implies ζ φ ϋ(}\) => (/], hence U does not meet K. Hence χφΚ. This shows that К а К and so К is closed. | The reader will not have overlooked the stronger result which was obtained in the course of this proof. We state it as the first half of the following Theorem. Theorem 5.4.6. In a Hausdorff space, a point and a compact set not containing it can be separated by open sets. In a regular space, every neighborhood of a compact set К includes a closed neighborhood of K. To prove the second half, suppose К a G with G open. For each χ e К choose a closed neighborhood Fx of χ with Fx a G. The open cover {Fx: χ e Κ} οι Κ can be reduced to a finite cover {FXk: к = 1, 2,..., η). Then (J {FXk: к = 1, 2,. .., η} is the required neighborhood. |
Sec. 5.4 / Compactness 83 Theorem 5.4.7. Every compact regular space, and every compact Hausdorff space, is normal and completely regular. That a compact Hausdorff space is regular follows from Theorem 5.4.6, since every closed set is compact [Theorem 5.4.2]. A compact regular space must be normal [Theorem 5.4.6; Sec. 4.1, Problem 7. Another proof consists of citing Theorem 5.3.5], hence completely regular [Sec. 4.3, Problem 3]. | ^ EXA Μ Ρ L Ε 2. A set in R is compact if and only if it is closed and bounded. Half of this follows from the Heine-Borel theorem [Example 1] and Theorem 5.4.2. Half of the other half follows from Theorem 5.4.5. Finally, let S be unbounded. The open cover {( — /7, n)\ η = 1,2,...} of S cannot be reduced to a finite cover. | We can now deduce a standard result of analysis, namely that a continuous real function on a compact set, in particular, any closed finite interval, is bounded and assumes its maximum and minimum. This is a special case of Theorem 5.4.4, (take Υ = R) together with the facts just mentioned about R. (Some of this is contained in the statement: a compact space is pseudocompact. Sec. 7.1, Problem 114 generalizes this.) EXAMPLE 3. A compact set in a semimetric space is metrically bounded. Letf(x) = d(x, y) for some fixed y. Then/is continuous [Sec. 4.2, Problem 12] hence, as in Example 2, bounded on each compact set. Then d{xx, x2) < Λχι) + Axi) is also bounded and the set has finite diameter. | The converse is false, indeed a closed bounded set in a metric space need not be compact. This is true because any metric space X can be given an equivalent metric which makes A'have finite diameter [Sec. 2.3, Problem 102], and there are noncompact metric spaces [Example 2]. | We are now going to see how the assumption of compactness precludes various kinds of pathology. It does this by forcing certain functions to be continuous, and certain topologies to be equal (not to mention Theorem 5.4.7 and the second result of Example 2). A function /is called closed if f[_F~\ is closed whenever F is a closed set. Theorem 5.4.8. A continuous map ffrom a compact space X to a Hausdorff space Υ must be closed. If F is a closed subset of X it is compact [Theorem 5.4.2], hence/[F] is compact [Theorem 5.4.4], hence closed [Theorem 5.4.5]. | Theorem 5.4.9. A one-to-one and continuous function ffrom a compact space X to a Hausdorff space Υ is a homeomorphism {into). This result is generalized in Lemma 8.1.1.
84 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 Let Ζ =/[*]. If C7 is an open set in ^/[G] = Z\f\_Z\ G] is open in Ζ by Theorem 5.4.8. Thus/"*: Ζ —► X is continuous. | Theorem 5.4.10. Two comparable compact Hausdorff topologies are equal. Let T, T' be compact Hausdorff topologies for a set, with Τ => Γ'. Applying Theorem 5.4.9 to the identity map yields the result [Theorem 4.2.5]. | remark. In the proof of Theorem 5.4.10, it is sufficient to assume Τ compact and T' Hausdorff. But nothing is gained since this implies that Τ is Hausdorff, and Τ compact [Problem 4]. A EXAMPLE 4. (a) Call a space КС if every compact set is closed. Theorem 5.4.5 says that every Hausdorff space is КС. (b) Theorem 5.4.10 yields the results that a compact T2 topology is maximal compact (it has no strictly larger compact topology), and minimal T2. A maximal compact topology need not be T2, indeed a compact topology, is maximal compact if and only if it is КС. The proofs of Theorems 5.4.8, 5.4.9, and 5.4.10 go through unchanged with КС for T2. Conversely if (A^, T) is compact and not КС, let S be a nonclosed compact subset and V = {0, S, X). Then Τ ν Τ' is compact [[Levine, Theorem 6]; compare Sec. 6.2, Example 2]. A minimal T2 topology need not be compact. [Urysohn; see [Herrlich(a)].] A locally compact space is a space in which each neighborhood of a point includes a compact neighborhood of that point. (See the discussion of local property in Section 5.2.) Theorem 5.4.11. A compact regular space {hence, also, a compact Hausdorff space) is locally compact. The parenthesized remark follows from Theorem 5.4.7. Let TV be a neighborhood of χ in a compact regular space X. Let F be a closed neighborhood of χ with F a N [Theorem 4.1.3]. Then F, as a closed subset of the compact space X, is compact [Theorem 5.4.2]. | remark. There are several definitions of local compactness current in the literature, all of which are equivalent for Hausdorff and regular spaces, but not in general. Our definition is a very popular one, and has the logic of language in its favor (local compactness is a property tested by examining arbitrarily small neighborhoods). It should be emphasized that a compact space need not be locally compact; that is, "Hausdorff" cannot be omitted in Theorem 5.4.11. For details see Sec. 8.1, Problems 6 and 126. Local compactness is not hereditary. [Q is a subspace of R but is not locally compact, as is obvious directly, or from Theorem 5.4.13.] However, it is G-hereditary.
Sec. 5.4 / Compactness 85 Theorem 5.4.12. An open subset G of a locally compact space X is locally compact. Let xe G, and let TV be a neighborhood of χ in G. Then TV is a neighborhood of χ in X. [By definition of the relative topology, N = Νγ ел G, where Nl is a neighborhood of χ in X. But G is also a neighborhood of χ in X.J Thus TV includes a set A^, which in A" is a compact neighborhood of x. Since К = Κ η G, the same is true of Kin G. | Corollary 5.4.1. Ли 0/?еи swfoe/ ο/ α compact regular space is locally compact. This follows from Theorems 5.4.11 and 5.4.12. | Problem 6 of Sec. 8.1, shows that "regular" cannot be replaced by "7У in Corollary 5.4.1. An important partial converse of Theorem 5.4.12 may be obtained. Theorem 5.4.13. Let X be a Hausdorff space and D a dense locally compact subspace. Then D is open. Let xe D. Let К be a compact neighborhood of χ in Д then К includes an open neighborhood of χ in D and so К => G η D where G is an open neighborhood of χ in X. Then, Z> => К = c\x К {К is compact in Д hence in X, hence closed, by Theorem 5.4.5] => cl* (G η D) = c\x G [Sec. 2.5, Problem 12] => G. Thus D is an ^neighborhood of x, and so finally D is open. | Problems on Topological Space 1. Let {xn} be a convergent sequence with xn^> x. Show that {x, *!, x2,...} is compact, (x need not be the only limit.) 2. A countably compact countable space is compact [Theorem 5.4.1; Sec. 5.3, Example 4]. 3. Locally compact is F-hereditary. ^4. A compact space remains compact when the topology is weakened (that is, replaced by a smaller topology) [Theorem 5.4.4]. 5. In Theorems 5.4.8, 5.4.9, and 5.4.10, the assumption of compactness cannot be dropped. [Consider discrete spaces.] 6. Let,Ζ be compact and/e C{X) satisfy Дх) > О for all x. Show that there exists ε > 0 with f{x) > ε for all x. 1. Let X be compact and connected, and/e C(X). Show that/(A") is a closed interval. ^-8. Let С be a nonempty collection of sets with the finite-intersection property. Let & be the set of all finite intersections of members of C. Show that & is a filterbase.
86 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 ^-9. In a regular space, the closure of a compact set is compact. The same is (trivially) true in a Hausdorff space. [Let С be an open cover of K. Let Сγ = {G: G is open and G is included in some member of C}. Reduce C\ to a finite cover C2 of K. For each G e C2 choose Η e С with G с Η. The set of Я is a finite cover of К which by its choice is also a cover of K.J 10. The union of two compact sets is compact. 11. The intersection of a family of closed sets is compact if at least one of them is compact [Theorem 5.4.2]. The same is true for countably compact and Lindelof (instead of compact). 12. In Theorem 5.4.13, "Hausdorff" cannot be replaced by "7y\ [Every infinite subspace of a cofinite space is dense and locally compact.] It also cannot be replaced by "regular" [indiscrete]. 13. An infinite discrete space is not countably compact. [Let S = {xn} be a sequence of members of A". Then (5, {xj, {x2},...) is a countable open cover.] 14. Every subset of a cofinite space is compact. [Any open set includes all but finitely many points. Thus an open cover can easily be reduced. It is also easy to apply Theorem 5.4.3.] 15. A continuous open image of a locally compact space is locally compact [Sec. 4.2, Problem 22]. 16. A retract of a locally compact space is locally compact. [For T2 spaces use Problem 3. In general if TV is a neighborhood of χ in S, r~ ι\ΝΛ includes a compact neighborhood К of χ. Then r{K) is compact by Theorem 5.4.4, and r(K) zd Κ η S, is a neighborhood of χ in S.J 101. A locally compact Hausdorff space is regular. [It has a base at each point of compact, hence closed sets. See Theorem 4.1.3. A different sort of proof is given near the beginning of Section 8.1.] 102. Every locally compact subset of a Hausdorff space is of the form F η G, F closed, G open. 103. Let A" be locally compact T2, and F, G closed, open subsets respectively. Show that F η G is locally compact. 104. Find a compact set which has a cover by sets with nonempty interior not reducible to a finite cover. (An example may be given in R.) 105. "Hausdorff' cannot be replaced by "7\" or "regular" in Theorem 5.4.9. [Identity from [0, 1] to cofinite, or indiscrete.] However, it can be replaced by " КС." 106. Every КС space is US, hence 7\. A 7\ pseudofinite space is КС. (А pseudofinite space is one in which every compact set is finite.) Q, J are not pseudofinite. A cocountable space is pseudofinite, hence КС. (Thus A^Clies strictly between 7\, T2.)
Sec. 5.4 / Compactness 87 107. A lower semicontinuous function assumes a minimum value on every compact set. 108. A continuous function from a compact semimetric space to a semi- metric space is uniformly continuous. 109. A countably compact subset of a Hausdorff space is sequentially closed; compare Theorem 5.4.5. [If S is not sequentially closed, a sequence of points in S converging to a point outside S constitutes a discrete closed subset. With Problem 13 and Theorem 5.4.2 we see that S is not countably compact.] 110. Deduce from Problem 109, versions of Theorems 5.4.8, 5.4.9, and 5.4.10, in which "compact" is replaced by "countably compact" and appropriate spaces are assumed first countable. 111. The proof in Example 1 is deceptively simple. Replace, in it, [я, b~\ by X, with X = [0, 1). Then the same argument yields S = X. Yet X is not compact. Explain the apparent contradiction. 112. Let К a G cz X with X a semimetric space, G open, К compact. Prove that there exists ε > 0 such that N(K, ε) cz G. (Ν(Κ,ε) = U {N(x,E):xeK}.) 113. Let К be a compact, and G an open set in a regular space with К cz G. Then there is a closed neighborhood F of К with F cz G. Hence К a G. In particular in a regular space, a compact open set disclosed, and n(K) = К (Sec. 4.1, Problem 114). [For each χ e K, cover χ by a closed neighborhood lying in G. Reduce to finite cover; its union must be in G.J This result is false for the cofinite topology. 114. "Regular" cannot be replaced by "7V in Problem 9. [Let G cz ω be called open if it contains all but a finite number of even integers. With this topology ω is not compact since it has the odd numbers as a discrete closed subset; also the even numbers form a dense compact set. (This space is 7\.)] 115. In a T2 space (indeed in any КС space), the intersection of two compact sets must be compact [Theorems 5.4.2 and 5.4.5], but not in a 7\ space. [Let A" be a compact T2 space, χ a nonisolated point, and Υ = X\ {x}. Make χ into two points x,x' as in Sec. 3.2, Problem 110. Then X and Υ υ {χ'} are compact but their intersection is not.] 116. In a hereditarily Lindelof T2 space, every compact set is a Gd. [Same as Sec. 5.3, Problem 105 with F compact. Use Theorem 5.4.6.] 117. Let I be a noncompact space. Then & = {S: S is compact} is a filterbase. If X is Γ2, the filter 2F generated by 31 is {S: S is relatively compact}. (A relatively compact set is one whose closure is compact.) If X is pseudofinite, Я is the cofinite filter. 201. Let X be regular, and let xeX. If {x} is a Gd and χ has a compact
88 Topological Concepts / Ch. 5 neighborhood, then X is first countable at x. Compare Sec. 4.3, Problem 5. [{*} = C] Gn, each Gn a closed neighborhood of x. Let К be a compact neighborhood of x. Then with Nn = Kn G{ n- · -n Gn, {Nn} is a local base, for if TV is an open neighborhood of χ, Κ\ Ν is compact and fails to meet Π Nn.] 202. A countable, locally compact, T3 space is second countable [by Problem 201]. 203. Give an example of a subset of R which is not locally compact and which has exactly one accumulation point. 204. The countable space of Sec. 3.1, Problem 201 is pseudofinite. 205. (R, RHO) is not locally compact. Indeed every compact set has empty interior, [[я, b) is closed but not compact since not Euclidean compact.] 206. Let (X, T) be a Hausdorff space, and Τ the cocompact topology. (A proper subset is Γ'-closed if and only if it is Γ-compact.) Show that Τ cz T, and that (X, T') is compact. Show also that the following three conditions are equivalent: V is T2, Τ is compact, T' = T. 207. Let X be compact and such that every point is the intersection of all the open-and-closed sets which contain it. Show that X is zero- dimensional and T3i [see Problem 201]. 208. The character ch(x) of X at χ is the smallest cardinal of a local base at xifora Τγ space X, the weight w(x) of X at χ is the smallest cardinal of a collection of open sets whose intersection is x. Show that ch χ > w(x), and, in a regular space, if χ has a compact neighborhood, ch χ = w(x). (Problem 201 is a special case.)
Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies 6.1 Introduction The studies of the first five chapters have been carried out in a rather rarefied atmosphere due to the shortage of examples to illustrate the various ideas. The abstractions of topology arose from (perhaps) a century and a half of experience with dozens of special spaces arising in classical analysis. Whereas in Section 5.4, we introduced compactness with the feeble excuse that it seemed a natural adjunct to the Lindelof property, the historical reason for its study is the overwhelmingly good behavior of certain sets of real numbers and functions (examples: normal families, Dirichlet principle) when these sets have the property to which, as it developed, compactness specialized in their particular situations. In this chapter we show techniques which, apart from their general utility and pervasiveness, also yield methods of constructing wide classes of examples. 6.2 Sup Topologies Suppose that a set X has a nonempty collection Φ of topologies specified for it. Let Μ = (J {Τ: Те Ф}. Thus & is the collection of all sets, each of which is open in at least one ГеФ. The topology generated by 31 is called the supremum (for short, sup) of the collection Ф, written V Φ or V {T: ТеФ}. As usual, if Φ is finite, Φ = {Tu Γ2,..., 7;}, we write V Φ 89
90 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 as 7\ ν T2 ν · · · ν rnorV"=i T{; and if Φ iscountably infinite, Φ = {Γ„}, we write Tx ν Γ2 ν · ·. or V/°= ι Tt. The topology V Φ has the important property: if Τ is a topology and Τ => Γ for all Τ e Φ, then Τ => V Φ. [Let G e V Φ and χ e G. Then there exist sets Gu G2,. .., Gn, each G, being open in at least one Τ e Φ, such that xef|" = 1G;cC. Each G, e Γ, hence G is а Г neighborhood of x. Since this is true for all χ e G, it follows that G e Г.] This property is described by the sentence: " V Φ is the smallest topology which is larger than each member of Φ." ^-EXAMPLE 1. On R2, let Η be the topology generated by the set of horizontal open strips, {(x, y): a < у < b}, and V the topology generated by the set of vertical open strips. Then Я ν Κ is the Euclidean topology for R2. To see this, it is sufficient to notice that for each point Ρ and each Euclidean neighborhood Ν οι Ρ, Ν includes an open square centered at P, and this square is the intersection of a vertical and a horizontal open strip. This, along with the facts that the strips are (Euclidean) open and have R2 as their union, shows that the set of strips is a subbase for the Euclidean topology. Theorem 6.2.1. Let T' = \J Φ, where Φ is a family of topologies on a set. Then a net χδ —► χ in Τ' if and only if χδ^> χ in every ТеФ. Also a filter 3F —► χ in Τ if and only if' SF^> χ in every ТеФ. Τ' is stronger than each ГеФ; hence half of each result is trivial [Theorem 3.2.2; Sec. 3.4, Problem 1]. Conversely, let 3F be a filter with 3F —► χ in every ГеФ. Let N be a T neighborhood of x. There exist Λ^, N2,..., Nk, each Nt being a neighborhood of χ in some ГеФ with χ e Π Ν{ a N. By hypothesis, each Nt e J^, thus iVe^, and so 2F —► x. The same argument works for a net χδ, the conclusion being that x0e N eventually. | remark 1. The student should carefully reread the part of this proof which says "There exist Nu N2,.. ., Nk with xefl^c N." It is this property of the sup topology which is called on repeatedly. It follows from the definition of the phrase (used in the definition of the sup topology), "the topology generated by ^," that is, the topology of which & is a subbase. One of the central problems of topology has been to identify those topologies which are semimetrizable (or, in case of Γ0 spaces, metrizable). Several results of this nature will be given, of which Theorem 6.2.2 is the first. It is typical in that it yields a metrization theorem from a cardinality restriction. (For a finite collection, see Problem 102.) Theorem 6.2.2. Let {Tn} be a sequence of semimetrizable topologies for a set X. Then \J Tn is semimetrizable.
Sec. 6.2 / Sup Topologies 91 Let Tn be induced by the semimetric dn(orn = 1,2,.... Let Then d is a semimetric [for example, the triangle inequality is given in Sec. 3.1, Example 7, for each term of the sum]. Let Γ be the topology induced by d; then Τ = V Tn by Theorem 6.2.1, and Theorem 3.5.2. | Theorem 6.2.2 fails for uncountable families [Sec. 6.4, Problem 6]. A EXA Μ Ρ L Ε 2. Simple extensions. Let A" be a set, S a proper subset, and Ts = {0, S, X). Now if Γ is a topology for X, and S φ Τ, the topology Τ ν Ts is called the simple extension of Τ by S. (If S e Γ, then Τ ν Ts = Τ; otherwise we are enlarging Τ by " declaring S open.") Simple extensions are useful for constructing counterexamples, for example, a simple extension of a topology by a dense set S cannot be regular. [Let Γ, Τ' be the topology and its extension. Since S φ Τ, we know that S contains a point χ which is not Γ-interior to S. We shall show that, in (Χ, Γ'), χ cannot be separated by neighborhoods from the closed set S. Let Nx be a T neighborhood of x. Then there exists а Г-ореп, Γ-neighborhood Nx of χ with Νί η S cz Nx. (Notice that every Ts neighborhood of χ includes S.) Since χ is not Γ-interior to S, Nx meets 5; say у е Νγ η S. Let Ny be a T neighborhood of y. Since у φ S, Ny is a Γ neighborhood of y. Thus Nxn Ny ^ N{ η S η Ny Φ 0 since the Γ-dense set S must meet the set Νγ η Ny, the latter being а Г neighborhood of y.J Together with Sec. 4.1, Problem 4, this yields an example of a T2 space which is not Γ3. {X = R, S = Q.] A EXAMPLE 3. We show a generic method for constructing certain counterexamples. Suppose that a property Ρ is not hereditary but is either F-hereditary or G-hereditary. Then Ρ is not preserved under strengthening of the topology. This means that a space (X, T) may be found with property Ρ such that (X, T') fails to have property Ρ for certain Τ => Т. The proof consists of finding a space (X, T) with property Ρ and a subspace S which does not have property P. [This is the assumption.] Let T' be the simple extension of Τ by S if Ρ is G-hereditary, by S if Ρ is F-hereditary. Then X, V) does not have the property Ρ because it has the open (or closed) sub- space S which does not have property P. An example is the remark that the simple extension by Q of the Euclidean topology for R is not locally compact. Problems In this list Φ is a nonempty collection of topologies for a set X. 1. In Example 1, я, ft may be restricted to be rational.
92 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 2. If Φ has a maximum member, Γ, (that is Τ => Τ for all Г' е Ф) then \/ф=г. 3. If Φ contains two members Τ, Γ with Τ а ГдЬеп\/Ф= V(*\{^})· 4. Let Λ Φ (read: inf Φ) be V {Г: Г с Г for all Г 6 Φ}. (Note: The latter is the sup of a nonempty set. [Consider the indiscrete topology.]) Show that Λ Φ is the largest topology which is smaller than each member of Φ, and that Λ Φ = Π φ· 5. If at least one Γ, in Theorem 6.2.2 is metrizable, then V Tn is metrizable. 6. Let {Tn} be a sequence of first countable topologies for a set X. Show that V Tn is first countable. 7. Extend Example 3 to a property Ρ which is not hereditary but is such that if G is an open subset of a space with property P, G has property P. 101. A set may be dense in each of two topologies without being dense in their sup. [Consider the line (y = x) in Example 1.] What is the situation with respect to inf? 102. Let dud2 be semimetrics for a set X. Let d3 = d{ + d2, d4 = (d\ + d\)m. Show that d3, dA are both equivalent with Dx ν Z>2, where Du D2 are the topologies generated by dx,d2. 103. Identify RHO ν LHO, and RHO η LHO. (LHO is, of course, the left half-open interval topology.) 104. Let Φ be a chain of topologies on a set. (Of any two members, one includes the other.) Then V Φ => U Φ· Inequality may hold. 105. The inf of two 7\ topologies is 7\. [It is larger than the cofinite.] 106. If Γ η Г is Hausdorff and & is a filter with & -> χ in Τ and & -> у in T\ then χ = y. \$F —► χ and у in Τ η Γ'.] This property can be used to show two Hausdorff topologies whose inf is not Hausdorff. Let Τ be the topology on [0, 1] gotten by adding all singletons of [0, 1) to the cofinite topology; for T\ do the same with (0, 1] instead of [0, 1). Then any sequence of distinct points in (0, 1) converges to 1, 0 in Τ, Τ' respectively. 107. Let Τ, Τ be different compact Hausdorff topologies for a set X. Show that Τ ν Τ cannot be compact, and Τ η Τ' cannot be Hausdorff. [Theorem 5.4.10. The second part also follows from Sec. 6.7, Problem 113, and Sec. 7.1, Problem 108.] 108. Fix a positive integer n. Let T(n) be the topology for ω which is discrete on ω \ {n} and cofinite at n. (This means that G, containing n, is open if and only if ω \ G is finite.) Show that T(n) is compact Hausdorff, and describe 71(1) η Γ(2). (In particular Problem 107 shows that it is not Hausdorff.) 109. Give an example of two topologies Γ, Τ for a set X and a subset of A" which is а Г neighborhood of a certain point x, and a T neighborhood of x, but not ainf neighborhood of x. (On the other hand a
Sec. 6.3 / Weak Topologies 93 set which is both Г-ореп and Г'-ореп is Γ η Г'-ореп.) [In Example 1, letS= {(x,y):\x\ < 1οφ| < 1.] 110. Let Γ, V be topologies for a set X such that (χ, Γ) is pseudofinite, and in (ЛГ, Γ) every singleton is a Gd. Show that (Χ, Τ ν Γ) has both properties. Hence show that R with Euclidean ν cocountable is not anywhere first countable and each singleton is a Gd. 111. Let S be a set in (X, T) which is nowhere dense and not closed. Show that the simple extension of Γ by S is not extremally disconnected. [clT, S = clT S = (G{ η S) и G2 with Gu G2 e Г, would imply G2 = 0 and so clT S cz S.J 112. Let (X, T) be extremally disconnected and S a dense set. Show that the simple extension of Г by S is extremally disconnected. 113. Two different topologies may have the same family of subsets with nonempty interior. [Consider a simple extension by a set which is contained in the closure of its interior.] Hence a noncontinuous function [identity] may have the property that the inverse image of every set with nonempty interior has nonempty interior. 114. Two different topologies may have the same dense sets [Problem 113]. 201. The filter condition mentioned in Problem 106 is not sufficient that Τ η Γ' be Hausdorff. 202. The inf of the family of all T2 topologies for a set X is the cofinite topology. [Let S be an infinite set and χ φ S. Let Τ be gotten by adding to the cofinite topology on X, the discrete topology on X \ {x}. Then S is not Γ closed.] 203. The dispersion character of a space is the smallest cardinal which a nonempty open set may have. Let (X, T) be a T0 space. Show that Τ and Τ ν cofinite have the same dispersion character. 204. Let A" be a set, 5cl, Γ and Τ Hausdorff topologies for X whose relative topology on S is discrete. Must the relative topology of Τ η Τ' on S be discrete ? 205. Is the space of Problem 110 regular? normal? Lindelof ? 6.3 Weak Topologies If A\ У are topological spaces, and/: X ^> Y, it is natural to inquire which topologies on X make / continuous with the given topology of У, and the same question with Χ, Υ interchanged. Both questions are of great importance; the first leading to weak, projective, and product topologies, and vast areas of functional analysis involving the study of function spaces; the second (see Section 6.5) leading to quotient or identification spaces, and some of the tools of geometric topology.
94 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 In this section we shall be interested in the smallest topology on X for which/: Z—► Υ is continuous. Definition 1. Let /: X —► Y, where X is a set and (Υ, Τ) is a topological space. The weak topology by ffor X, written w(X,f\ or vv(/), is f~l[T~\. Thus a set S a X is open if and only if S = f~l[_G], G open in Y. We omit the easy check that w{f) is a topology [Problem 1]. If A" is given w(f)>f'· X ^> Υ is continuous [/" ^[G] is open if G is open], moreover, if V is a topology for X making/continuous, we have Τ => и{/). [Let S e w(/), then S = f~ l[G~\ with G open in Y. Then S e T' since/is Τ continuous.] Thus w(f) fulfills the requirements which motivated it. Lemma 6.3.1. With the notation of Definition \,a net x^ —► χ in w(f) if and only iff(xs) -> /(·*) w Y, and a filter &' -> χ in w(f) if and only iff[&~\ -> /(*) in Y. Since/is continuous, half of each result is trivial [Theorem 4.2.2]. Conversely, suppose thatУ(.*а) —►/(*), and let TV be an open neighborhood of x, (in w(/), of course). Then N = f ~1 [G], where G is an open neighborhood of /Μ; Αχδ)Ε& eventually, hence x0eN eventually. If & is a filter and /(J^) —►/(x), the G just mentioned includes a member of/[J^], say/[S], Se&. Then N => S, hence N e &. \ Definition 2. Let X be a set and Φ a family of functions f each f defined on X and with range in some topological space Yf. The weak topology by Φ for X, written w(X, Φ), or νν(Φ), is V М^> /)· /G ф}· Thus w(X,f) = w(X, {/}). The comments following Definition 1 apply here also: νν(Φ) is the smallest topology for which every/e Φ is continuous [Problem 2]. Theorem 6.3.1. With the notation of Definition 2, a net χδ^> χ in νν(Φ) if and only iff(xs) —► f(x)for every fe Φ, and a filter 3F —► χ in νν(Φ) if and only if fl^^fWfor every fe Φ. This is an immediate consequence of Lemma 6.3.1 and Theorem 6.2.1. | We now investigate a little of the separation character of a weak topology. With the notation of Definition 2, we call Φ separating over X if, whenever x{ φ хъ there exists fe Φ with f(x t) Φ f(x2)· Theorem 6.3.2. Let X be a set and Φ a family of maps f each ffrom X to some Hausdorjf space Yf. Then w(X, Φ) is a Hausdorjf topology if and only if Φ is separating over X. Suppose that νν(Φ) is not Hausdorff. Then there exists a net χδ in X with χδ -> χ, χδ -> у in νν(Φ), χ Φ у [Theorem 4.1.2]. For every/e Ф,/^) -> f(x)
Sec. 6.3 / Weak Topologies 95 and f(xd)->f(y) [Theorem 6.3.1], hence f(x) = f(y) [Theorem 4.1.2]. Thus Φ is not separating. Conversely suppose that Φ is not separating; say, f(x) = f(y) for all/e Φ, χ Φ у. Let TV be a νν(Φ) neighborhood of x. There are/l5 f2,.. .,/„ in Φ, and open sets Gu G2,..., Gn, each Gt a Yf, with хеПМГ1^] c N. [See Sec. 6.2, Remark 1.] Since/(χ) = My) for each /, it follows that у e Of Г1 [GJ, hence j; e TV. Thus νν(Φ) is not even a T0 space. | The second part of the proof yielded a bonus separation result which we now state. Theorem 6.3.3. If the weak topology by maps to Hausdorff spaces is T0, then it is Hausdorff'. Compare the similar bonus separation for semimetric spaces in Sec. 4.1, Example 3. Theorem 6.3.4. The weak topology by a sequence of maps from a set X to semimetrizable spaces is semimetrizable. The weak topology by a sequence of maps to metrizable spaces is metrizable if and only if the sequence of maps is separating. The second part follows from the first part and Theorem 6.3.2. The first part will follow from Theorem 6.2.2, when we check that w(X,f) is semimetrizable, where/: Ζ —► Υ with (У, d) a semimetric space. Set d{(x, y) = d[f(x),f(y)] for x, у e X. Then w(X,f) is induced by dx because χδ —► χ in w{f) if and only if f(xd) —► f{x) [Lemma 6.3.1], this is true if and only if <*[/(**)>/(*)] -> 0 ISec· 3·4> Example 4], that is dx{xd, x) -> 0, and this is true if and only if χδ —► χ in the topology induced by dx. | Problems ^r\. With the notation of Definition 1, check that vv(/) is a topology. ^2. With the notation of Definition 2, νν(Φ) is the smallest topology making every /e Φ continuous. [Use of Theorem 6.3.1 will simplify the calculations.] *3. Let /:I^randFcI Then F is w(/) closed if and only if F = f~l\_F'~\ where F' is a closed subset of Y. 4. Let X a Y. Then w(X, i) is the relative topology. (/ is the inclusion map.) 5. What is the largest topology for X which makes/: X ^> У continuous? ^-6. Let X be completely regular. Then the topology of A" is equal to the weak topology by C(X) and also to the weak topology by C*(X) [Theorems 6.3.1 and 4.3.2].
96 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 101. Describe vv(/) if/: X'—► У is a constant. 102. Let/: Z—► У be onto. Then/: [X, w(/)] —► У is open and closed. In contrast show that if each/in a family Φ is onto, it does not follow that every /: IX, νν(Φ)] —► Yf is open. [For example, Yf may be indiscrete.] 103. Give an example of a sequence {Tn} of topologies with Tn с Tn + l, Tn φ Tn+i for all η and such that Tx has a simple extension Γ with Τ => Γπ for all я. [Ги = simple extension of R by Q η (0, я).] 201. Can you find/: R —► R such that vv(/) is discrete? 202. Let Ibea topological space, Φ = C(X), Ψ = C*(X). Show that νν(Φ) and νν(Ψ) are completely regular, and are equal. (With Problem 6, this characterizes completely regular spaces.) 6.4 Products The concept of product, or Cartesian product, has its source in the view that R2 is formed by a certain way of combining R with itself, namely, R2 = {(x, y): χ eR, у eR} which is written R χ R. An obvious generalization is to write χ χ γ = {(x,y):xeX,ye Y) or Xx χ Χ2 χ ··· χ Xn = {(xux2,...,xn):xiEXi,i = 1,2,...,«}. Here (x, y) is an ordered pair (xl9 x2,..., xn), an ordered «-tuple, and X, У, Xu. .. are sets. For a sequence {Xn} of sets, Xx χ X2 x · · · = {{xn}: x-te Χι for i= 1,2,...}, that is, the collection of all sequences with /th term selected from X{ for each /. Alternative notations for the finite and countable products are Π"= ι %ь Y\T= ι %ь respectively, or Yl{Xi'. i = 1, 2,...,«}, Π {Χί: ι' = 1» 2,...}, respectively. We now present a formal definition of product of an arbitrary family of sets, which specializes to the definitions just given if the family is finite or countably infinite. We suppose given a certain nonempty index set A, and for each α e A, a nonempty set Xa. The product, or Cartesian product, of the Хя, written Π {^α: ole A} or Y\Xa, is the collection of all functions/:: A —► (J {Ia:ae^} such that/(a) e Xa for each a e A. For example, if A is countably infinite, we may take A = ω. Then a typical member of Π {Xn: « e ω} is a function on ω, that is, a sequence, whose «th term is selected from Xn. If A has two members, we may take A = {1, 2}, then Y\ {Χι'. iE A} = Xx χ X2 has, as a typical member, a function on A, that is, an ordered pair, whose first term belongs to Xx, and whose second term belongs to X2. A member χ of Y\ {Xa: ole A) is a function on A (a sort of generalized
Sec. 6.4 / Products 97 sequence) whose "ath coordinate" is x{a) and is selected from the ath factor Xa of the product, for each a e A. If Xa is the same set for all α e A, say Xa = X, the product Π {Χ<χ: ole A} is written XA. Thus XA is the set of all functions from A to X. For example R χ R = R2, where 2 stands for a set with two members. (The notation XA is nicely consistent with the fact expressed in Problem 1. Exponentiation of infinite cardinals is defined this way.) There is a natural map from a product Π {%*'· oiG A} onto each factor Χβ, namely Ρβ: Π ΧΛ ~+ Χ β defined by Ρβχ = χ{β) for each x eY\ Xa. This map, Ρfi, is called the projection on the /?th factor. Suppose, for example, that A = {1, 2}, that Xx = X2 = R. Then Π {Χ*, α e Λ} = R χ R = R2, and if ζ e R2, say ζ = (χ, χ) (that is z(l) = x, z(2) = y\ then i^z = Px{x, y) = x, P2z = P2{x, y) = У- Thus, in this case, Pu P2 are the usual projections on the X and Υ axes. In case A = ω, so that Π Χα *s a space of sequences, Pnx = x(n), the «th term of the sequence x. Finally we topologize a product of topological spaces. There are, of course, many ways to do this; we select, as the one deserving of most study, the weak topology by the set of all projections. This topology, namely νν(Π{^α: OLE A}, {Pa: OLE A}), is called the product topology, and will be taken as the natural topology for the product. A central tool for operating with the product topology, and a strong reason for selecting it as the product topology are contained in the following result. Theorem 6.4.1. Let χδ be a net in a product Π {^α: ole A} of topological spaces. Then χδ —► χ if and only ifP0ixd —► Paxfor each a e A. The same result holds for filters. This is precisely the specialization of Theorem 6.3.1, to the case Φ= {P^.oleA}. I ^-EXAMPLE 1. Let A be a set and X a topological space. Then each member of XA is a function from A to X. Let gb be a net of such functions. Then #5 —► g in the product topology if and only if gb^> g pointwise, that is, gd(a) —► g((x)for every ole A. This is true because for each α in A the projection Pa is defined by Pa(g) = g(a) and Theorem 6.4.1 applies. Henceforth we shall use without comment the fact that the projections Pa are continuous, and that the product topology is the smallest topology with this property. Theorem 6.4.2. A countable product of semimetric {or metric) spaces is semimetrizable {or metrizable). This follows from Theorem 6.3.4. If the product spaces are metric, so is
98 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 the product, by the same result, since the set of all projections is separating. [Let χ Φ у. Then xa Φ ya for some a. That is Рях ф Ряу.} | There are some important computations which need to be carried out for the purpose of familiarity with and development of the product topology. ^-EXAMPLE 2. Boxes. Let Sa c= Хл for each α e A, and suppose that each Sa is nonempty. Then Π {Sa: α e A} is a nonempty subset of Π ^· A subset of this kind is called a box. For example, consider R2 = R χ R, and let S{ = [1,2], S2 = [5,7]. Then S{ χ S2 is a closed 1 by 2 rectangle; while if, instead S2 = {5, 7}, St χ S2 is a pair of horizontal line segments of unit length. The various Sa are called sides of the box. We make two important observations, (i) for the box В = Y\ {Sa: ae A} v/e have Pa[2?] = Sa for each a, and (ii) В can also be written Π {P~ l\_Sa]: α e A}. ^-EXAMPLE 3. Finite products. We shall show that the set of boxes with open sides (Example 2) is a base for the product topology of a finite product. First, each such box is open. [Suppose G, is a nonempty open subset of Xx for / = 1, 2,..., n. Then the box Gx χ G2 χ · · · χ Gn is precisely the set of all χ = (xx, x2,. .., xn) such that xt e Gt for each /, that is, such that Ptx e G, for each /. ThusG! χ G2 χ ··· χ Gn = Π?=ι Л-1[Ф]» the intersection of a finite number of sets, each of which is open because each Pi is continuous.] Next, let χ be a point in the product and N a neighborhood of x. There exist open sets G\ G", G"\ ... in some of the X{ such that xe Π P~l [G] с TV, where the intersection is taken over G', G", G'",. .. and Ρ runs through the projections on the various spaces to which G', G", G",... belong [Sec. 6.2, Remark 1]. We can write f| ^_1[G] as Π ?= ι Λ" ^GJ by choosing Gt = A^· whenever X{ is not already represented [-Р/_1№] = ^] Thus we have placed a box with open sides between χ and N. In Example 3 we noted that in a finite product a box with open sides is open, using in the proof that the box is a finite intersection of open sets. This fails in an infinite product and we shall see that such a box is not necessarily open [Theorem 6.4.4]. A EXAM PLE 4. The topology generated by the boxes with open sides is called the box topology. It is larger than the product topology. [Since the product topology is the smallest making the projections continuous, it suffices to prove that they are continuous with the box topology. Let Gp be an open set in Χβ. Then Pjil[Gp] = Π K^GJ where G* = x* for α Φ β- Thus Ρ^γ\ββ] is a box with open sides, hence is open in the box topology.] It is usually strictly larger [Theorem 6.4.4]. The box topology fails to have many useful properties, for example, Sec. 7.4, Problem 104, which are enjoyed by the product topology. On the other hand, it is in some ways more natural [Problems 101 and 102].
Sec. 6.4 / Products 99 Let G be a nonempty open set in Π ft: cte A} and let xeG. As usual, there exist a( 1), a(2),. .., <x(n) e A and open sets G γ, G2,. .., Gn with G, e Xa{i) for each i, such that, setting S = Π 7 = ι Pad] [G,·], we nave * G ^ c G. Now we can also write S = Π ΛΓ ^^α] where Ga = A^ wherever a is not one of the a(/), and Ga = G, when a = a(/). Thus S = Π {Ga ^e^} and so S is a box; but it is a box of a very special kind, namely with open sides, all but a finite number of which are the whole factor space Xa. Theorem 6.4.3. A base for the product topology of Π ft: oie A} is the collection of sets Y\ {Ga: a e A} where all the Ga are nonempty open subsets of Xx with Ga = Xafor all but a finite number ofaeA. This has just been proved. Theorem 6.4.4. A nonempty open set in a product projects onto almost all the factors; that is, ifG is a nonempty open subset ο/Π ft: <* e -4}, Ρβ\β~\ = Χ ρ for all but finitely many β e A. Consider the set S defined in the proof of Theorem 6.4.3. If β is not one of the numbers a(l), a(2), . . ., а(л), then /^[S] = Χβ. [Let t e Xp. Define χ eY\Xa thus: χβ = /, χΛ{1) is an arbitrary member of Gf for / = 1, 2,..., n, and for α φ β, α φ а(/), хя is an arbitrary member of Xa. Then Pa{i)x = x%{i) e Gf for each /, so that xe S, while Ρβχ = χβ = t.J Every nonempty open set includes a set like S [Theorem 6.4.3] and the result follows. | The result of the preceding theorem should be emphasized thus; in R2, the line (y = x) projects onto both axes but has empty interior. A set G with interior in an infinite product Π ft, ae A} is "large" in a much more definite way than this, namely if В is the finite exceptional set mentioned in Theorem 6.4.4, and χ e G, then G contains all у such that yp = χβ for β e B. There is no restriction on ya if α φ B\ thus G contains a copy of each such Хя, namely {y: yy = xy for all у Φ α}. This copy resembles a "line parallel to Хл passing through x." Concerning the exceptional factors in Theorem 6.4.4 we can say something [Theorem 6.4.5] about the way open sets project onto them. Recall that a function/is called open if/[G] is open for every open set G. ^EXAM PLE 5. Let С be the complex plane with the Euclidean topology (of R2), and let/(z) = \z\ for all ze C. Then/: C—► С is not an open map since, for example,/[C] has no interior. But if we let Υ = [0, oo) c= R, then the same/: C—► У is an open map. A EXAM PLE 6. Let/: С —► С be an open map, where С is as in Example 5. Then/obeys the maximum modulus principle, namely, for any set S, and beS, if | J[b)\ > \J[s)\ for all s e S, then b is on the boundary of S. Thus |/|
100 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 takes its maximum on S on the boundary of S. {Us is an interior point of S, there is a cell N(s, ε) c= S. Then/[7V(s, ε)] is an open set, hence contains a cell W [/(У), <5], thus S contains a point mapping to any given point of the latter cell; there are such points of absolute value greater than |/(s)|.] Theorem 6.4.5. Each projection of a product onto one of its factors is a continuous open map. Continuity is part of Theorem 6.4.1. Next let G be a nonempty open set in Π {Xa: α e Λ}, fix β e A and t e P^[G], then t = Ρβχ for some χ e G. Let S be chosen as in the proof of Theorem 6.4.3. If β is not one of the a(/), PfilS] = Χβ. [See the proof of Theorem 6.4.4.] Thus P,[G] = Χβ which is open. Uβ = φ),Ρβ\β~\ => Ρβ\β~\ = Gt [Example 1] which is a neighborhood of t. [It is sufficient to show that t e G(. But t = Ρβχ and χ e S.J Thus Ρβ\β~\, being a neighborhood of each of its points, is open. | Note that Theorem 6.4.5 does not generalize to weak topologies by onto functions [Sec. 6.3, Problem 102]. A product of open sets need not be open; that is, if Ga is an open set in Xa for each a, it does not follow that Π Ga is an °Pen set m Π Χα [Theorem 6.4.4]. However, the corresponding result for closed sets does hold. Theorem 6.4.6. Any product of closed sets is closed; that is, if Fa is closed in Xafor each α, Π Fa is closed in Y\ {Xa: a e A}. Note that Π Ρ* = Π {ΛΓ1 [^J '.<*eA}. [xefl^f and only if xa e Fa for all a.] Each P'^FJ is closed by Theorem 6.4.5 [Sec. 4.2, Problem 4] and the result follows since any intersection of closed sets is closed. | The next result is useful in situations where it is desired to show that some property is preserved under closure. See, for example, Sec. 11.3, Problem 13. Theorem 6.4.7. Let X be a topological space, and A, 5cl Then Α χ Β = Α χ Β, the latter closure being taken in the product topology. Since Л χ Β is closed [Theorem 6.4.6] and includes Α χ Β, it includes Α χ B. Conversely, let χ e A x 5, say χ = (w, v) with и e Ά,ν e Б. Let TV be an arbitrary neighborhood of x\ then Ν ^ Ρχι[ϋ~\ η Ρϊ^ΙΥΛ, where ί/, V are neighborhoods of w, v. Choose ae U c\ A, b eV c\ B. [Possible since, for example, и e A.J Then (a, b) e {Α χ Β) η Ν \Ργ{α, b) = ae U, Ρι(α* b) = b e V.} Since this latter intersection is thus proved nonempty, it follows that xe Α χ Β. | Problems 1. Let X, A be finite sets with, respectively, χ, α, members. Show that XA has xa members.
Sec. 6.4 / Products 101 ^2. If A" and Υ are given larger topologies, the topology on Χ χ Υ also becomes larger. 3. Let the set {0, 1} be denoted by the symbol 2. For any set S, let /?(*S) be the collection of all subsets of S. Define/: 2s —► p(S) by f(x) = {seS:xs = 1}. Show that / is one-to-one and onto. (For this reason, the symbol 2s is often used to denote the set of all subsets of S.) 4. A projection need not be closed. [Consider the curve у = \/x in R χ R.] See Problem 112. 5. Both projections of a nonopen subset of A" x У may be open. (Give an example in R2.) ^-6. An uncountable product of nonindiscrete spaces cannot be first countable. Hence [Theorem 6.4.2] a product of semimetric spaces is semimetrizable if it is first countable. [If {Gn} is a countable base at хеП{Ха <xe A}, let Bn = {a: PaGn φ Xj. Each Bn is finite by Theorem 6.4.4. Choose α e Α \ |J Bn. Every neighborhood of Pax includes PaGn for some n, hence is all of Xa. But for some x, this is true for no a.] 101. An infinite product of discrete spaces, each having more than one point, is not discrete [Theorem 6.4.4]. Describe net convergence. (Compare the convergence of numbers expressed in decimal form: for for each n, the nth term in the decimal expansion of a sequence of numbers is eventually equal to the nth term in the expansion of the limit.) 102. An infinite product of discrete spaces is discrete in the box topology. 103. Let 2 have the discrete topology. (See Problem 3.) Define/: 2ω-> [0,1] by taking f{x) to be that real number whose ternary expansion (" decimal" in the scale of 3) is .α γ a2 a3 · · · with an = 2xn. (Note that each point of 2ω is a sequence of zeros and ones.) Show that/is a homeomorphism. (The range of/is called the Cantor discontinuum, or middle-third set.) 104. Let/be a nonconstant analytic function in the sense of the theory of functions of a complex variable. Then / is open and the maximum modulus theorem follows [Example 6]. 105. An open map from the complex plane to itself can have its minimum modulus in a region only on the boundary of the region or at a point where the function is zero. 106. К free union of two spaces Χ, Υ is any space which is the union of two disjoint open subspaces homeomorphic with Χ, Υ respectively. Show that any two free unions of Χ, Υ are homeomorphic. 107. In Problem 106, the word " open " may not be omitted. [Let Χ, Υ each have one point.] 108. Show that any two topological spaces have a free union.
102 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 109. Let x, G be a point and a nonempty open set in Π X7. Show that G contains a point у such that yy = xy for all but finitely many α [Theorem 6.4.4]. 110. Let s be the set of all sequences of complex numbers. Show how to metrize s in such a way that xn —► χ if and only if xnk —► xk for each /c, where {xn} is a sequence of points in s [Theorems 6.4.1 and 6.4.2]. 111. In a countable product, every box with open sides is a Gd. [See (ii) in Example 2.] 112. Let F be a closed set in Xx χ Χ2 such that PX[_F~\ is compact. Show that P2[_F~\ is closed. 201. Show that the Cantor discontinuum is nowhere dense and perfect. (It also has 2Xo = с members.) 202. Every two nowhere dense perfect bounded sets А, В in R are homeo- morphic. [Assume both sets lie in [0, 1] and contain 0, 1. Let their complements be G, Я; G = IJ Gt, Η = IJ Я,. By Sec. 3.3, Problem 203, there exists an order preserving map from the chain {G,} onto the chain {Hi}. This leads to a map from part of A to B, namely the end- points of the G,.] 203. J is homeomorphic with Ζω. [Use continued fraction expansions of irrational numbers.] 204. [0, 1]ω is homogeneous. 205. The Cantor discontinuum is homogeneous. 206. Call X composite if there exist spaces У, Z, each with more than one point such that X is homeomorphic with Υ χ Ζ. Is R composite ? 6.5 Quotients A natural complement to the discussion of Section 6.3 is the study of those topologies on У which make/: A'—► У continuous, in particular, the largest one. This will be called the quotient topology. Since only/[X] would enter such a discussion, we shall assume that/is onto Y. As our discussion proceeds it will appear that the weak and quotient discussions are dual, in the sense that where one mentions domain, the other mentions range; where one says smallest, the other will say largest, and so on. We have already seen one instance of this in that a weak topology is a smallest topology for the domain of a function while the quotient topology is a largest topology for the range of a function. Other examples will appear. Definition 1. Let X be a topological space, Υ a set, andf: A'—► Υ onto. The quotient topology by ffor Υ is {S:f~l[S~\ is open in X}. This topology makes / continuous and is the largest which does. [Let /: X—► (У, T) be continuous and G e T. Then/" ^G] is open, hence G e Q, the quotient topology.]
Sec. 6.5 / Quotients 103 Before giving any example, it will be useful to have some techniques for recognizing when a space has the quotient topology. We transfer our attention to the map in this way, a function/: A'—► Υ is called a quotient map if Υ has the quotient topology. Thus if Χ, Υ are topological spaces and/: X—> У, Υ might not have the quotient topology, that is, / might not be a quotient map; but then we could alter the topology of Υ (give it the quotient topology) so as to make/a quotient map. The conditions in the next two results are sufficient but not necessary [Example 1 and Problem 7]. Theorem 6.5.1. Every continuous open onto map is a quotient map. Let/: A'—► (У, Т) be continuous, open, onto, and let Q be the quotient topology. Then Q => Τ since/is continuous. Conversely, if G e Q,f~l[G~\ is open, by definition of Q, hence G = ff~l [(/] e Τ since/is open. | It follows that if X = Π Χ*, eacn Xx has the quotient topology by the projection P7 [Theorem 6.4.5]. This does not extend to weak topologies [Problem 114]. Theorem 6.5.2. Every continuous closed onto map is a quotient map. Let/: A'—► (К, Т) be continuous, closed, onto, and let Q be the quotient topology. Then Q => Γ since/is continuous. Conversely if G e Q,/_1[Cj] is open, X\f~l[G] is closed and so its image, call it /, is Γ-closed. Then G = IeT. I Theorem 6.5.3. Every continuous map from a compact space onto a Haus- dorff space is a quotient map. This follows from Theorem 6.5.2, with Theorem 5.4.8. | A quotient map is (intuitively) the nearest thing possible to a homeo- morphism. -fc-EXAMPLE 1 ■ Let X = [0, 1], Υ = 1-sphere = unit circumference in R2 = {(x, y): x2 + y2 = 1}. Then X and Υ are not homeomorphic [Sec. 5.2, Problem 4]. Define/: JT-> Yhyf(r) = e2nr\ (take R2 = complex plane); then/is a homeomorphism on (0, 1), and is continuous on [0, 1]. It is a quotient map [Theorem 6.5.3]. Note that/is not an open map. [Consider [0, £).] ^fEXAM PLE 2. Let Χ, Υ be semimetric spaces and let Τ be a function from X onto Υ which preserves distances, d(Tx, 7V) = d(x, x'). Then Τ is a quotient map. It is obvious that Τ is continuous. Moreover Τ is both open and closed. We shall omit the proof of openness [Problem 1] and show that Γ is closed. (The result then follows from Theorem 6.5.2.) Let F be a closed subset of X, and let {yn) be a sequence in T\_F~\ with yn —► y. Say у = Tx
104 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 [risonto] andyn = Txnwithxne F. Thenx„—► x\d(xn, x) = d(Txn, Tx) = d(yn, y)—> 0], hence χ g Fand soj^ e T[F~\. | Next is given a method of recognizing continuity for a function defined on a quotient space. Theorem 6.5.4. Letf'.X^ Υbe a quotient map and g: Y^>Z. Then g is continuous if and only ifg of is continuous. Half of this is trivial [Theorem 4.2.7]. Conversely, suppose that g о/is continuous and let G be an open set in Z. Then g~l[_G~\ is open. [/_1[^_1[G]] = (g °f)~l[G~\ is open in X and Definition 1 yields the result.] Hence g is continuous. | Example 1 describes a sense in which the 1-sphere Υ is constructed out of the line segment X. If we ignore the topology of У, take the given map of X onto У, and give Υ the quotient topology, we get the 1-sphere. Since/is one-to-one except that/(0) = /(1), there is a sense in which Y is constructed out of A"by identifying the end-points and disturbing the topology as little as possible. We now formalize this process. Let ρ be an equivalence relation on a set X. This relation partitions X into a collection of disjoint subsets, namely the subset, q(x), which contains χ is {у: у ρ χ}, or, in words, the set of all у which lie in the relation ρ to x. EXAMPLE 3. Let I be a group, S a subgroup, and let xpy mean xy~1 e S. Then q{x) is the right coset Sx. [If у e q{x), then yx~1 e S and у = yx~lx e Sx. Conversely, if у = sx, s e S, then yx~l = s e S, so ypx-i Clearly у e q{x) if and only if q{y) = q{x). We now give a name and symbol to the collection of all subsets q(x), χ e X. It is called the quotient space of X by p, and written X/p. The map q: X ^> X/p is called the quotient map. Note that each point of X/p is a subset of A". In Example 3 this yields the set X/S (in the usual group theoretic notation) and, as usual, X/S becomes a group in a natural way when S is an invariant subgroup. ^-EXAMPLE 4. Letf:X^> ronto^nddefinexpx'tomean/Cx) =/(*')· Then q(x) = {x':f[x') = f(x)}. Here we have the interesting fact that/is constant on each q(x) and we may define a map F: X/p —► Υ by F[q(x)~] = J{x), confident that if q(x) = q(x'), then/(x) = f[x'), so that the definition of Fmakes sense. The relation/ = F° q is illustrated by the diagram X > Υ X/p
Sec. 6.5 / Quotients 105 The function Fis onto since/is, but, more importantly, Fis one-to-one. [Let F(a) = F(b) where a, be X/p, say a = q(x), b = q{x'). Then/(x) = F(a) = F{b) = f(x') hence xpi'so that q{x) = q(x'), that is, a = b.J ^-EXAMPLE 5. Instead of starting with a relation ρ we might assume that a set X is partitioned into a disjoint collection С of subsets. Then an equivalence relation ρ is defined by letting χ ρ у mean that χ, у are in the same member of C. In this case С = X/p by a trivial computation, and so this process is equivalent to starting with p. We now topologize the quotient space. Let ρ be an equivalence relation on a topological space X, and q: X ^> X/p the quotient map. The quotient topology by the map q (which is clearly onto) is taken as the natural topology for X/p and is called the quotient topology by the relation p. We shall now see (Theorem 6.5.5) that this process fulfills our initial program in that, in Example 4, X/p is homeomorphic with Y, in particular, in Example 1, X/p is the 1-sphere, where ρ is formed from/as in Example 4. Theorem 6.5.5. Let X be a topological space, Υ a set, andf: X—> Υ onto. Defining ρ as in Example 4, X/p is homeomorphic with Y, each having its quotient topology. In fact, the homeomorphism is F, as given in Example 4. We have seen in Example 4 that Fis one-to-one and onto. Next Fis continuous [by Theorem 6.5.4, since Fo q =/is continuous] and F_1 is continuous [by Theorem 6.5.4, since F~1 of = q is continuous]. | Example 4 and Theorem 6.5.5 show that every quotient by a function is homeomorphic to a quotient by a relation, and so the latter is general enough to cover both cases. ^-EXAMPLE 6. Returning to Example 1, let С be the pair {0, 1}, and the collection of all singletons other than {0}, {1}. As in Example 5 this defines a relation p. [In fact, χ ρ x' if and only if χ = χ', or χ = 0 and x' = 1, or χ = 1 and x' = 0.] By Theorem 6.5.5, X/p is (homeomorphic with) the 1-sphere. Intuitively, it seems that the space X/p is obtained from A" by squeezing the various equivalence classes to points, or by identifying the various points of any given equivalence class, for example if we identify 0 and 1 in the space [0, 1] we obtain the 1-sphere. For this reason the quotient topology is also called the identification topology, and q the identification map. A EXAMPLE 7. Consider the region in R2 given by {(x,y): -3 < χ < 3, -1 < у < 1}.
106 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 Identifying each point (3, y) with ( — 3, y) yields a cylinder; in constructing a model we would do exactly this, paste the ends AD and ВС together. В X D This could be taken as the definition of a cylinder; then it would be trivial that the cylinder is compact [Theorem 5.4.4], but difficult to see that the cylinder can be embedded in R3 (that is, is homeomorphic with a subset of R3) A EXAMPLE 8. Using the region and diagram of Example 7, identify each point (3, y) with —3, —y). The resulting space is called the Mobius strip. The model made by twisting a rectangular piece of paper once and pasting ВС and AD together, A on С and В on Д is one of the famous toys of mathematics. A EXAMPLE 9. Using the region and diagram of Example 7, identify each point (3, y) with ( — 3, —y), and each point (x, 1) with ( — x, — 1). The resulting space is called the projective plane. It can also be considered, and more usually is, as a disc in R2 with diametrically opposite points identified. The reader may have noticed that we did not characterize net and filter convergence in quotients. This is because there is no simple necessary and sufficient condition comparable with those of sup, weak, and product topologies, for example, Theorem 6.4.1. Of course, if q is the identification map: X —► X/p and if χδ —► χ in X then qxb —► qx in X/p, but no sort of converse holds without restriction. Some details are given in Problems 107, 202, and 203. (There is a converse result for locally compact groups. See [Varoupolos].) Ρrob I ems 1. The map in Example 2 is open. 2. If the map in Example 2 had not been assumed to be onto, it need be neither open nor closed. 3. "HausdorrT" cannot be omitted in Theorem 6.5.3. [X = [0, 1], Υ = [0, 1] with the cofinite topology,/= identity.]
Sec. 6.5 / Quotients 107 ^4. Let/: X —► У be a quotient map, and S a Y. Show that S is closed if and only if/" ^S] is closed. 5. A one-to-one quotient map must be a homeomorphism. 6. Let D be the unit disc (|z| < 1), С the circumference (|z| = 1), and Ε the circumference (|z — 3| = 1) in the complex plane. LetX = D ν Ε. Show that С is homeomorphic with a retract of X. [Namely E. For example, let/(z) = 2 for ζ e D,f{z) = ζ for ζ e £.] Compare Problem 210 which shows that С is not a retract of X This point will be discussed in Sec. 14.3, Example 5. 7. Give an example of an open quotient map which is not closed [the projection of R2 on R], and a closed quotient map which is not open [Example 1]. 8. Let Г be the simple extension of the Euclidean topology of R2 by the singleton {(0, 0)}. Let/: (R2, T) -> R be given by/0, y) = x. Show that/is a quotient map which is neither closed nor open. 9. The restriction of a quotient map to an open subset need not be a quotient map. [In Example 1, consider [0, 1). See Problem 5.] 10. A continuous map with a continuous right inverse must be a quotient map. [Let/: X'—► У, g\ Υ'—► X mthfog = identity. If G is open, /_1[G] is open since/is continuous. Conversely, uf~l\_G~\ is open, G = (fog)-' =^-1[/-1[G]]isopen.] 11. A retraction is a quotient map. [Problem 10. Its right inverse is the inclusion map.] 101. For x, ye [0, 1], define χ ~ у by χ — у is rational. Show that the resulting quotient space is indiscrete. 102. Give an example of a continuous open map of [0, 1] onto an infinite indiscrete space [Problem 101]. 103. There exists an open map from [0, 1] onto any topological space of cardinality no greater than с [Problem 102]. 104. The torus is the space obtained if, in Example 7, each point of AD is identified with the point opposite it on ВС (A is identified with B, D with C) and each point of BA is identified with the point on CD directly below it. Sketch a torus. Show that the torus is homeomorphic with the product of the one sphere with itself. 105. Let χ ρ у mean that x, у belong to the same component of X. Show that X/p is totally disconnected but need not be discrete. [For example, let ρ be equality.] 106. Theorem 6.5.4 characterizes quotient maps in the sense that if it holds for all #,/must be a quotient map. [Let Yx be Υ with the quotient topology, and#: У—► Yx the identity.] 107. Fix a e X, S <^ X with ae S\S and suppose that no sequence of members of S converges to a [for example, Sec. 3.1, Problem 4].
108 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 Define χ ρ у if either χ = у or both χ and у belong to S. (The equivalence classes are S and singletons.) In X/p, we consider the constant sequence un = S for all n. Show that un —► {a} but no sequence of members of un converges to a. 108. Let Г, Г be topologies for a set S. Let X = (S, Γ), Υ = (S, T) and U the free union of X, У. Define/: £/-> S by /(j) = j. (/is the identity on each copy of S.) Show that the quotient topology by /is Γ η Г. (Compare Sec. 6.7, Problem 114.) 109. Let/: Z—► У with A" locally connected and/onto. Show that У need not be locally connected if/is continuous, but must be if/is a quotient map. 110. Let the equivalence relation ρ partition X into connected sets. Show that a closed set S in X/p is connected if and only if q~ lS is connected. 111. In Problem 110, replace closed by open. 112. Let/:^—► У be onto, where У is a topological space. If Misgiven the weak topology by/, show that/becomes a quotient map. 113. Let/: X —► У be onto. Show that X may have more than one topology which makes/a quotient map. [/is open if X has w(f); in Example 1, /is not open.] 114. Let/, g be maps from a set X onto two topological spaces Yf, Yg, and let X have vv(/ #). Show that g need not be a quotient map. [Take Уу discrete.] 115. Construct a continuous map from the unit disc D = {z:\z\ < 1} onto its circumference. [Map D onto a real segment which can be wrapped around S1.J 201. Let S be a dense subgroup of a topological group X. Show that X/S is indiscrete. 202. In Problem 201, let xeX. Define the (constant) sequence {un} of points in X/S by un = xS for all n. (A left coset.) Then w„ —► S (the identity). However, if χ is not a sequential accumulation point of S, no sequence {*„} with xn e un exists such that xn converges to the identity element of X or to any other member of S. A203. Give an example to illustrate Problem 202. [See [Wilansky (a), Section 13.3, Problems 16, 28].] 204. Is there a continuous open map from R onto an infinite cofinite space ? (Compare Sec. 5.1, Problem 208.) 205. Must a continuous almost open map onto be a quotient map? 206. Let У be an infinite topological space and/: X^> Υ onto. Is it possible for X to have more than one Hausdorff topology making / a quotient map? (Compare Problem 113.) 207. Let D be the unit disc (|z| < 1) in the complex plane, and Sl its boundary (the 1-sphere). Let/: Z>—► S{ be continuous. Show that
Sec. 6.6 / Continuity 109 there exists continuous #:Z>—>R such that /(ζ) = exp[27n#(z)]. lg = (2ni)-4ogf.} 208. With/as in Problem 207 there must exist antipodal (diametrically opposite) points w, ν of S{ with/(w) = f{v). [Let h(6) = g(-ew) - g(eie). Then /z(0), h(n) have opposite sign.] 209. {The Borsuk-Ulam theorem.) A continuous map F of *S2 into R2 must carry some two antipodal points to the same point. (Hence there are always antipodal points on Earth with the same temperature and pressure readings.) [Otherwise, with f = h/\h\, where h(x, y) = F(x,y, z) - F(-x, -y, -ζ), ζ = (1 - χ2 - у2)1'2, Problem 208 is contradicted.] 210. (The Brouwer fixed-point theorem.) Sx is not a retract of Z>, the disc (x2 + y2 < 1) [Problem 208; compare Problem 115], hence a continuous map/of D to itself must have a fixed point (a point и with flu) = u). [If not, map each и to the place where the line from flu) to и meets S\.] 211. Let / map the complex plane continuously into itself, and satisfy f(z)/z —► 1 as ζ —► oo. Show that/(z) = 0 for some z. [With g(z) = ζ — /(ζ), g maps some disc {z: \z\ < n) into itself. Apply Problem 210.] 212. Call/ Χ^ Υ pseudo-open if for all у ef[_X~\ and neighborhood TV of/_1(.v), ./Wmust be a neighborhood of y. Show that every open and every closed map is pseudo-open. 213. Every continuous pseudo-open onto map is a quotient map. 6.6 Continuity One of the central tools of topology is the ability to recognize when a function is continuous. A particular aspect of this is the recognition of a homeo- morphism, when a function and its inverse are both continuous. (Examples are Theorems 4.2.2., 6.5.4., and 5.4.9.) In part (i) of the following theorem, A4s a topological space, ρ is an equivalence relation on X, and q: X^> X/p is the quotient map; in parts (ii), (iii), and (iv), A is an indexing set, X, Хя are topological spaces for each α e А, У is a set, Ta is a topology for Υ for each α g A,fa is a map from Υ to some topological space Za for each α e A, and Pa is the projection of Π Χα onto ^α· Theorem 6.6.1 (i) A function f: X/p —► Υ is continuous if and only iff о q is continuous. (ii) A function f: X^> (У, V Ta) is continuous if and only iff: X ^> (У, Τβ) is continuous for each β e A. (iii) A function f: X—► (У, w{/a: a e A}) is continuous if and only iffp °f is continuous for each β e A.
110 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 (iv) A function/'. A'—► Π {^α: cue A} is continuous if and only ifPp of is continuous for each β e A. Part (i) is Theorem 6.5.4. Half of part (ii) is trivial since Τβ a \J Ta. Conversely, suppose that /: X —► (У, Τβ) is continuous for each β. Let χδ^ χ in X. Then /(*,)->/(*) in (У, 7» for each β [Theorem 4.2.2]. Hence f(xd) —► /(*) in (У, V Гя) [Theorem 6.2.1]. Thus/is continuous when rhas V Γβ. Next we consider part (iii) in case A has one member. Thus we are asserting that/: X—> (У, w(#)) is continuous, where g: Υ —► Ζ, if and only if # о/is continuous. Half of this is trivial [Theorem 4.2.7]. Conversely, let ^ °/be continuous. Let χδ —► χ in X. Then g[f(xd)] —► #[/(*)] and so/Cx^)—►/(*) in w(#) [Lemma 6.3.1]. Thus/is continuous. Part (iii) now follows from part (ii) and the definition of w{/a}. Part (iv) follows from part (iii) and the definition of the product topology. | EXAMPLE 1. Joint continuity. If/: Χ χ Υ-> Ζ,/is a function of two variables. We call f separately continuous at (χ', /) if/(x, jO is continuous in χ for у = у', and continuous my for χ = χ'. (More formally, the functions gy,\X^>Z and hx,: Y^>Z are continuous, where gy>{x) = /(*,/) and hx,{y) = f(x', y).) We calif jointly continuous (or just continuous, of course) if it is continuous. A standard example of calculus shows that/: R2 —► R can be separately continuous without being jointly continuous, [/(x, y) = xy/(x2 + y2) for (x, y) Φ (0, 0); /(0, 0) = 0, defines a function / which is everywhere separately continuous, but is not jointly continuous at (0, 0).] A function f is jointly continuous if and only ifxb —► χ in X, yb —► у in Υ implies Αχδ·» Уд) -> /(·*> У) in Ζ [Theorem 6.4.1]. Notice that all these nets are defined on the same directed set. ^-EXAMPLE 2. A semimetric is jointly continuous. This means that if (X, d) is a semimetric space, d: Χ χ Χ ^> R is continuous. This follows from the inequality \d(x, y) - d(x',y')\ < d(x, x') + d(y,y') [Sec. 2.2, Problem 3]. EXAMPLE 3. Pointed spaces and injections. A pointed set is merely a nonempty set and a distinguished point in it. For example we may distinguish the identity element in each group. The distinguished point is called the base point. Suppose given a family {Xa: α e A} of pointed topological spaces. In each X^ let 0a be the base point. The point 0 e Π ^ defined by Ρβ = 0α is called the base point of the product. For example, if each Xa is also a linear space we could take 0a = 0. For each β e A, define the injection Ιβ:Χβ^> Υ\Χα by Ιβ(0 = x, where xa = 0α for α φ β, and χβ = t. Then Ρβ[_Ιβ(ί)Λ = t so that Ρβ is a left inverse for Ιβ. It follows immediately from Theorem 6.6.1
Sec. 6.6 / Continuity 111 that each Ιβ is continuous. More, since Ρβ is continuous, Ιβ is a homeo- morphism (into). Although the product is a special case of the weak topology by functions, there is a sense in which they are equivalent; namely, the weak topology by a family of maps can usually be looked upon as the relative topology of a subspace of a product [Theorem 6.6.2]. This remark is important because the standard metrization theorems (Sections 10.1 and 10.3) will be proved by identifying topologies as weak topologies by countable families of maps to metric spaces. Theorem 6.6.2 then shows how these spaces can be embedded in countable products of metric spaces. See Corollary 10.1.2 and its following Remark for details and for a comparison of the two methods of metrization. Theorem 6.6.2. Let X be a set and {/a: α e A] a separating family of functions, each^ from X to some topological space Уа. Let X be given the topology w{f7: α e A}. Then X is homeomorphic with a subspace ο/Π Ya. For each χ e X, define у eY\ {Ya: (xe A} by y3 = f3(x). This defines a map h: X^> Y\ Y3; h is continuous. [For each β e Α, Ρβ° h = fp is continuous, hence h is continuous, by Theorem 6.6.1] h is one-to-one [if h(x) = h(x'), fa(x) = fx(x') for all α e A, hence χ = χ'], h is a homeo- morphism. [Let χδ be a net in A"and h(xs) —► h(x). Then Pa\_h(xd)] —► Pa[h(xy\ for each α since Pa is continuous; that is, fa(xd) —► fa(x) for each a, and so χδ —► χ by Theorem 6.6.1. Hence h~l is continuous.] | warning. Theorem 6.6.2 does not show that A" can be embedded except when X has w{/a}. If X has some other topology, there may be no such embedding even if all the/a are continuous; for example, if A" is not completely regular, there could be no embedding of A" in [0, \~\A even though X might allow a separating family of continuous functions to [0, 1]. (An example can easily be constructed from Sec. 6.2, Example 2, starting with the Euclidean topology for R.) It is interesting to ask which properties are preserved by the product operation. Separation, compactness, completeness, and so on are studied elsewhere in this book. Here we shall consider connectedness. The relevant results are given in Theorem 6.6.3 and in Sec. 6.7, Problem 102. A special case of Theorem 6.6.3 is that any finite product of connected spaces is connected. This also follows very easily from Theorem 5.2.1 (ii). [Fix 2.е\\Хх. Let A = {x: xt = z-x for / = 2, 3, . . ., и}, Bt = {x: хг = t) for t e X1. Then A meets every Bt (in (i, z2, z3, . . ., z„).) We may assume that each Bt is connected, and apply induction and Example 3.] The proof of Theorem 6.6.3 given here was suggested to me by D. H. Taylor. Theorem 6.6.3. A product of connected spaces is connected. Let /: Π {^α: txe^}->2 be continuous, where each Хл is connected.
112 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 Say 2 = {0, l}and/(z) = 0 for some z. It will be sufficient to show/(x) = 0 for all χ [Lemma 5.2.1]. Let U = /_1[{0}]. Then U is a neighborhood of z, since {0} is open. Thus U includes some set К= П {V [{*«,}]:''=1>2,..., л}. [Indeed this inclusion holds with each {za.} replaced by some neighborhood ofza..] It follows that /(ζαι,ζα2,...,ζαπ;χα) = 0 for all x, (6.6.1) where (au a2, . . ., an\ xa) is that member w of Π Хя sucn that vva. = ax for / = 1, 2,. .., η and vva = xa for all other a. [Since such w e V, V a U, and /[£/] = 0.] We shall now see that /C*«p za2, z*3,..., zan; xa) = 0 for all x. (6.6.2) [Let #j = Ia£XaJ in the notation of Example 3, taking the base point of the product to be the argument of/in (6.6.2). Then Hx is homeomorphic with XXl, hence is connected, and so /is constant on Hl9 by Lemma 5.2.1. This constant must be zero by (6.6.1) since (ζαι, za2,..., zan; хя) е H1. Hence (6.6.2) follows since the argument of/belongs to Hl.J The same proof shows that /(χαι, xa2, za3, za4,..., zan; xa) = 0 for all χ (6.6.3) [now consider 1Л2[ХЯ^\ with base point the argument of/ in (6.6.3)]; and, continuing, that/(xai, xa2,..., xan; xa) = 0 for all x. But this says, simply, f{x) = 0 for all x. | Problems 1. In Example 3, let each Xa be a 7\ space. Then the injection makes Xa homeomorphic with a closed subset of the product. [It is Π {Ρλρ: β Φ*} where Pj = {χ: χβ = 0β}.] 2. Τγ cannot be omitted in Problem 1. [Make the X axis not closed in R2·] 3. Each factor of a product is homeomorphic with a retract of the product [Example 3 and Sec. 4.2, Problem 32]. (Problem 1 for T2 spaces is a consequence [Sec. 4.2, Problem 27].) ^4. If/: Χ χ У—► Ζ is (jointly) continuous, it is separately continuous. [Χ χ {y1} is a subspace of Χ χ Υ. Now use Theorem 4.2.3. Another proof is obtained by taking one of the nets in Example 1 to be constant.] 101. Let a group be given the cofinite topology. The map x—► χ Ms
Sec. 6.7 / Separation 113 continuous, and the group operation is separately but not necessarily jointly continuous. [In R, \jn —► 2, η —► 3 but n(\/n) -/> 6.] 201. Is the product topology characterized by Theorem 6.6.1 in the same way as the quotient? (See Sec. 6.5, Problem 106.) 202. Every separable metric space is homeomorphic into s. [With {rn} dense let/(x) = {d(x, rn)}. Theorem 6.6.1 shows / continuous, and Sec. 3.5, Problem 108 shows/-1 continuous.] 203. Every separable metric space is homeomorphic into Ιω where / is the interval [0, 1]. [Apply Problem 202 and the fact that s = Ы is homeomorphic with (0, 1)ω.] 204. 3ω is homeomorphic with J. [Replace J by Jj = J η (0, 1). Write each xk, for χ e J^, as a continued fraction and arrange the double sequence of coefficients as a single sequence. See Sec. 6.4, Problem 203, and [Sierpinski (b), p. 140].] 205. Every countable metric space is homeomorphic into Q. [It is homeomorphic with a (countable) subset S of J by Problems 202, 204, and Sec. 1.2, Problem 209. Then S и Q is homeomorphic with Q by Sec. 3.3, Problem 203.] 206. There exists only one countable metric space without isolated points [Problem 205 and its hint]. 207. Q and J are composite. [Q = Q χ Q, J = J χ J. See Problems 206, 204.] 208. J is homeomorphic into 2ω. [Map Ζ into 2ω, hence J into (2ω)ω by Sec. 6.4, Problem 203.] 6.7 Separation We next study the separation axioms with a view to rinding when they are enjoyed by various combinations (sup, weak, product, quotient), of spaces with various amounts of separation. Only the more important results will be given. A few more are in the problems, and still others in the Tables. We shall follow the earlier plan of this chapter, starting with sups, and specializing to weak and product topologies. Theorem 6.7.1. Let Φ be a family of topologies on a set X. If each ТеФ is, respectively, T0, 7\, T2, regular, T3, completely regular, T3±; then T' = \J Φ is the same. For T0, 7\, T2, this is trivial since V => Τ for each ГеФ [Sec. 4.1, Problem 4]. Next suppose that each Г is regular. Let χ e G e V. Then there exists GX,G2,..., Gn with each Gt open in some Tx e Φ, and xef\G-x<^G. For each / there is a Γ-closed, T^-neighborhood Nt of χ with χ e Nt a Gt
114 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 [Theorem 4.1.3]. Each Nt is a closed neighborhood of χ in Τ, since Τ is a larger topology than each Tx, hence Ν = Π Nt is a closed neighborhood of χ in Τ', and χ e N cz G. Thus Γ' is regular [Theorem 4.1.3]. Finally suppose that each Τ is completely regular. [The cases T3, T3± are trivial by collecting what has been done.] Let F be a T closed set, and χ φ F. There exist GX,G2,.. ·, G„ with each G, open in some 7^еФ, andxeQ G, с F. For each /, there is a T^-continuous real-valued function / defined on X which separates χ from G,. Each/ is Γ'-continuous since Τ => 7; [Sec. 4.2, Problem 1] and so / is Γ'-continuous, where f = fi л/2 л ··· л /и [Theorem 4.2.9]. Moreover, 0 </< l,/(x) = 1, and/(^) = 0 for all >' outside of any one G,, hence for all у e F. Thus V is completely regular. | For weak topologies in general we cannot expect T0, 7\, T2 separation; for example, with/: R2 —► R given by fix, y) = x, w(R2,/) is generated by vertical open strips and is not even T0. We have seen what type of restriction is needed in Theorem 6.3.2, and this will be sufficient for our purposes. Theorem 6.7.2. Let X be a set and Φ a family oj functions/, each f defined on X and with range in some regular space Yf. Then w(X, Φ) is regular. If each Yf is completely regular, w(X, Φ) is completely regular. In view of Theorem 6.7.1, it is sufficient to prove these results for the case in which Φ contains only one function. So let/: X^> Y, with Υ regular. Let χ e G e w(f). Then G = /~ x[i/], where U is some open neighborhood off(x). There exists a closed neighborhood TV off(x) with TV cz U [Theorem 4.1.3] and, since/is continuous on \_X, и>(/)],/_1[УУ] is a closed neighborhood of χ with/-1 [TV] cz G. Thus vv(/) is regular. Next, let У be completely regular. Let F be a vv(/) closed set in X and χ e X\F. Then F = f~ l[V~\ where К is a closed set in Υ [Sec. 6.3, Problem 3]. Moreover fix) φ V, so there is a real-valued continuous function g defined on Υ which separates fix) from V. Then g о/is continuous on X [Theorem 4.2.7], and separates χ from F. | Theorem 6.7.3. Л product of Hausdorff, regular, Г3, completely regular, or Tychonoff spaces is the same, that is, Hausdorff, regular, Г3, completely regular, or Tychonoff. For regular and completely regular spaces this follows from Theorems 6.7.1 and 6.7.2. For T3 and T3i_ spaces the result is trivial from the other parts. For T2 spaces it is sufficient to show that the set of projections is separating [Theorem 6.3.2]. If x, у e Π {^*: cte A} with χ Φ у, it must be that x(a) Φ >>(α) for some α e A [otherwise x,y are identical functions, hence equal]. For this a, Px(x) = x(a) φ y((x) = Px(y). | An important special case of Theorem 6.7.2 is that in which A4s a topological space, and Φ = C{X)\ or Φ = C*(X), the bounded members of C(X).
Sec. 6.7 / Separation 115 Theorem 6.7.4. For a topological space X, the weak topologies by C(X) and C*(X) are the same. This topology is always completely regular. It coincides with the original topology of X if and only if the latter is completely regular. Let w, w* be the weak topologies by C, C* respectively. Since C(X) => C*(X) we have w zd w*. Conversely, let /e C(X). Then every set of the form (/ > t), where t is a real number, is w*-closed. [Let g(*) = \UW- t\ л οι л ι. Then g e C*(X) since 0 < g(x) < 1 and by Theorems 4.2.8 and 4.2.9. Moreover {f > i) = g1.} Similarly, every set (/ < t) is w*-closed, and so / is w*-continuous. [For any open interval (я, b) in R, /"1 [(я, £)] is the complement of (/> b) и (/ < a), hence is w*-open. But every open set in R is a union of such intervals.] By definition of w, it follows that w a w*. [w is the smallest topology making each fe C(X) continuous.] That w is completely regular is immediate from Theorem 6.7.2. [Yf = R for all/.] Finally, suppose that (X, T) is completely regular. Then Τ => w. [w is the smallest topology making each/e C(X) continuous.] Conversely, let 3F be a filter, and ae X, and suppose & —► a in w. Then #" —► a in Γ [Theorems 6.3.1 and 4.3.2]. Thus w => Τ [Theorems 4.2.2 and 4.2.5]. | EXAMPLE 1. The diagonal. The product XA, that is, Π {Χ*'· α e /4} in which all Xx are the same space X, is the set of all functions on A to X. It has an interesting subset known as the diagonal, namely the set of all constant functions. For example, the diagonal in R χ R is the line (y = x). The diagonal D in Χ χ X is closed if and only ifX is a Hausdorff space. [Let χδ be a net in X. Then D is closed if and only if (χό, χό) —► (χ, у) implies у = χ (that is, (χ, у) e D), and this is true if and only if χό —► χ, χδ —► у implies у = χ, by Theorem 6.4.1, and this is true if and only if X is Γ2, by Theorem 4.1.2.] A EXAMPLE 2. The graph of a function/': X^ Υ is {(x,fx): xe X}\ it is a subset of ^ χ Υ\ if it is a closed subset we say that/is a function with closed graph. The result of Example 1 says that X is a Hausdorff space if and only if the identity map on X has closed graph. A useful equivalence is the result: A function f: Χ ^> Υ has closed graph if and only if whenever χό —► χ in X and f(xd) —► у in Y, it follows that у = f(x). [Suppose that/has closed graph, that χδ -> χ andД^) -> у. Then (χδ, fx6) e G, the graph of/, and (χδ, fx6) -> (x, j>) by Theorem 6.4.1. Hence (x, y)eG\ that is j> = f(x). Conversely, if the stated implication holds, suppose that (x, y) e G. There is a net (χδ, уд) е G with (χδ, уд) -^ (х, у), уд = f{xd). An application of Theorem 6.4.1 reveals that χδ -> χ, yb -> >'. Thus j; = /(*).] A EXAMPLE 3. The product ojtwo 74 spaces neednot be normal. Indeed
116 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 our example is the product of а Г4 Lindelof space with itself. In view of Theorems 6.7.3 and 5.3.5 this yields the result that the product of two Lindelof spaces need not be a Lindelof space (even when they are both the same space and it is Г4). Let X be R with the right half open interval topology. Then A" x A" is separable [a nonempty open set contains a rectangular region with two sides included and two not; such a region meets Q χ Q; hence QxQ is dense]. Let D be the set {y = — x), a straight line with slope — 1. Then D is closed [it is closed in the (smaller) Euclidean topology, see Sec. 6.4, Problem 2], also D is discrete. [Given Ρ e D, let S be a rectangular region with horizontal and vertical sides, with its lower and left sides included and the other two not, which has Ρ as its lower left-hand corner. Then S is the product of two right half open intervals, hence is open; also S η D = {P}, thus {P} is open.] The result follows by Sec. 5.3, Example 3. | Finally we turn to separation in X/p where A" is a topological space, and ρ an equivalence relation. We shall also use q, the quotient map (Section 6.5). Theorem 6.7.5. X/p is a 7\ space if and only if the members of X/p are closed subsets ofX. X/p is indiscrete if all members of X/p are dense in X. If X/p is a 7\ space, let S e X/p, then {S} is closed [Theorem 4.1.1]. Thus <7_1[{S}] is a closed subset of A" since discontinuous. This is S. Conversely, suppose that the members of X/p are closed, let S e X/p, then q~ 1\_{S}~\ = S is a closed subset of A", by hypothesis, hence {S} is closed [Sec. 6.5, Problem 4], and so X/p is Tl [Theorem 4.1.1]. Finally, suppose that the equivalence classes are dense; let S e X/p. Then{S} = q[S] ^ #[S] [Theorem 4.2.4] = q[X] = X/p. The result follows by Sec. 2.5, Problem 17. | Note that in the first part of Theorem 6.7.5, X need not be a 7\ space. EXAMPLE 4. Given a symmetric space X, we may define χ ρ у to mean x G {у}· IFor example, χ e {у}, у e {z} implies {y} a {z} so that χ e {z}.] Then, by Theorem 6.7.5, X/p is a 7\ space. It may be expected to resemble X in many respects. (See Example 5, Problem 109, and Sec. 9.1, Example 5.) ^-EXAMPLE 5. Let I be a semimetric space and say that xpy if d(x, y) = 0. Thus q{x) = {y: d{x,y) = 0}. We shall show that X/p is a metric space. First, observe that if x, x' e X and if у е q{x), у' е q{x) then d(y, У) = d(x, x'). {d(y, y') - d(x, x') < d(y, x) + d(y\ x') = 0 using Sec. 2.2, Problem 3.] Thus we may define D\jq(x), q{x')~] = d(x, x') and this well-defines D. IHq(x) = q(y),q(x') = q(y') then d(y, y') = d(x, x') as just proved.] It is obvious that D is a semimetric; but more, D is a metric. [If D[q(x\ q{xry] = 0, then фс, χ') = 0, thus q(x) = q(x').} Finally we observe that D actually yields the quotient topology for X/p [Sec. 6.5, Example 2]. |
Sec. 6.7 / Separation 117 Problems 1. A product of T0 or 7\ spaces is T0, 7\, respectively. 2. Let A" be a set with subsets A, B. Show that A, B are disjoint if and only if Α χ Β does not meet the diagonal in Α" χ X. 3. X/p can be indiscrete without the equivalence classes being dense in X. (Compare Theorem 6.7.5.) [Let X = {a, ft, c) with topology {0, {a, ft}, {c}, Χ}, Υ = {a, ft},/: X-> Υ given by α -> α, ft -> ft, с -> ft. See Theorem 6.5.5. The same idea can be used to give an example in which X = R.] 4. Let/(x) = 1/jc for χ Φ 0,/(0) = 2. Show that/: R -> R has closed graph. 5. Let/: Ar—► Υ be continuous. Show that the graph of/is a retract of Xx Y. [(x,jO->(*,/*).] 6. A continuous map from any space to a Hausdorff space has closed graph. [Example 2. If both spaces are Γ2, the result is immediate from Problem 5, and Sec. 4.2, Problem 27.] 7. If/has closed graph, so does/" \ if/is one-to-one and onto. 8. Deduce the fact that if A" is T2, the diagonal in A" x A" is closed from Problem 6. 9. Let x, у e X with у e {x}. Show that (x, у) е V where V is any neighborhood of the diagonal in I x I. [Let TV be a neighborhood of У with Ν χ Ν <^ V. Then χ e N, hence (x, y) e Ν χ Ν cz V.J 10. A" is a tAS space if and only if the diagonal in A" x A" is sequentially closed. (Compare Example 1.) 101. Prove Theorem 6.7.4 for the corresponding spaces of complex-valued functions. 102. If Π ^a has any one of the properties: connected, Lindelof, compact, countably compact, locally compact, 7\, Hausdorff, regular, completely regular, normal, first countable, second countable, metrizable; then each Хя has the same property. [For some of these use the fact that the projection on Xa is continuous; see, for example, Theorem 5.4:4. For others use the fact that Xa is homeomorphic with a retract of the product by Sec. 6.6, Problem 3; see, for example Sec. 4.1, Problem 6; Sec. 4.3, Problem 7.] 103. A function/is called а КС function if the image of every compact set is closed. Show that a function with closed graph is КС, hence any continuous function from any space to a Hausdorff space is КС [Problem 6]. Apply this to the identity map to obtain the result that every compact set in a Hausdorff space is closed. 104. Let A" be а КС non-HausdorfT space. Show that the identity map on A4s а КС map without closed graph [Example 1]. (Such a space will be shown in Sec. 8.1, Problem 205.)
118 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 105. Suppose that each of two sets X, У has two topologies 5Ί, S2', 7\, Г2, respectively, and that S = Sx η S2, Τ = Τι η Τ2. Show that the product topologies for (Z, S) χ (Χ Γ) need not be the intersection of the product topologies for (X, Sf) χ (У, Г,·), / = 1,2. 106. Let S be the product topology for R2 when R is given the RHO topology. Let Τ be the product topology when R is given the LHO topology. Show that S η Τ is strictly larger than the Euclidean topology. 107. Give an example of a set A" with topologies S, Γ and a subset such that the relative topologies of S, Τ are discrete on this subset, but that of S η Τ is not. The subset may have two points. 108. The quotient map in Example 4 is open and closed. 109. In Example 4, if A" is regular or normal, X/p is Γ3, Γ4 respectively. [For Г3, choose one point in the point of X/p which has to be separated from a closed set. See Problem 108.] 110. Prove the converse of Problem 109. 111. In Example 4, call X semidiscrete if X/p is discrete. Show that a symmetric space is semidiscrete if and only if the closure of every singleton is open. (Hence the closure of every set is open.) Deduce that a finite symmetric space is semidiscrete. 112. Let/: A'—► Y. Show that / has closed graph if Χ, Υ can be given smaller topologies with which / has closed graph. [Closed sets in Χ χ Υ remain closed when the topology is enlarged.] In particular, this is true if / is continuous with the smaller topologies, and that given to Υ is Hausdorff [Problem 6]. 113. Let Γ, Τ be topologies for a set. Show that (i) => (ii) => (iii) where (i) Τ η Γ is Hausdorff; (ii) /: (X, T) -> (Χ, Γ) has closed graph; (iii) Τ ν Τ' is Hausdorff. This generalizes Example 2 which is the special case Τ = Τ'. 114. Let (Γα) be a family of topologies on a set X. Let D be the diagonal in Π (Χ, Τα). Show that D (with the product topology) is homeomorphic with (X, V Тя) under the map Рл: D —► X, a being any fixed member of the index set. [This is immediate from Theorems 6.4.1 and 6.2.1.] (Compare Sec. 6.5, Problem 108.) 115. If a topological property is productive and hereditary, it is suping [Problem 114]. (A suping property is one such that its possession by each of a family of topologies implies its possession by their supre- mum; similarly for productive and product.) 116. Write the details of the following proof of Sec. 4.2, Problem 7. Define и: Х^ У х У by u(x) = (fx,gx). Then S = u~lD. (See Example 1 and Theorem 6.6.1.) 117. Let Γ, Τ be topologies for a set X. Suppose X contains a proper
Sec. 6.7 / Separation 119 subset S which is Γ-closed and Г'-ореп. Show that Γ ν Γ' is not connected. 118. Use Problem 117 to construct two connected topologies whose sup is not connected. Make them compact metric for good measure. [Let /: [0, 3] —► [0, 3] be one-to-one and onto and carry [1,2] onto (1,2). Let Γ be the Euclidean topology for [0, 3], and Τ the weak topology by/, the range of/having Γ. Then [1, 2] is Γ-closed and Г'-ореп.] 119. If a function from a Hausdorff space has compact graph it is continuous. [/ = P2° Ρϊ1, where Pu P2 are the restrictions to the graph of the projections; Pj-1 is continuous by Theorem 5.4.9.] 120. The graph of/: X —► Υ is homeomorphic with (Χ, Τ ν wf). Problem 114 (with two topologies) is a special case. 121. The diagonal in a product of discrete spaces is discrete. Compare Sec. 6.4, Problem 101 [Problem 114]. 122. (RHO) ν (LHO) is discrete [see Problem 114; the diagonal in R χ R is discrete, as in Example 3], hence not separable. 123. A countable, locally compact, regular space is second countable [Example 4; Sec. 5.4, Problem 202]. 201. Let X = [0, 1]R. Then X is separable [consider polynomials with rational coefficients or step functions] but has a nonseparable sub- space, namely the set S of characteristic functions of singletons. Show that S is discrete, uncountable, and the cofinite filter on S converges toO. 202. ωκ is not normal. [See [Ross and Stone, Theorem 5], for a direct construction. Alternatively, see [Mycielski], where it is shown (with a certain set-theoretical assumption) that this space is not Inseparable; with Sec. 5.3, Example 3, this yields the result.] 203. If X contains an infinite discrete closed subset, XR is not normal. [Trivial from Problem 202.] In particular RR is not normal. 204. In Problem 113, neither implication can be reversed. 205. Give an explicit constructive description of the topologies in Problem 118. 206. Show that/: R —► R is continuous if its graph is closed and connected. 207. Problem 206 fails for more general spaces. [Make/-1: Υ —► X continuous with Χ, Γ2, and Υ connected;/need not be continuous.] 208. If/: X—> Υ is continuous must the projection Pl: G—► X be open, where G is the graph of/? (Compare Theorem 6.4.5.) 209. Let ^ be a compact T2 space such that the diagonal Δ is a Gd in Χ χ Χ. Show that X is second countable. [For each neighborhood G of Δ, cover Δ by open subsets of G of the form V χ V, V an open set in X. Reduce this to a finite cover. (Δ is compact by Problem 114.) Do this
120 Sup, Weak, Product, and Quotient Topologies / Ch. 6 for each Gn if Δ = Γ) Gn. Use an argument like that of Sec. 5.4, Problem 201 to show that the set of all such is a base.] 210. In Problem 209, "compact" cannot be replaced by "Lindelof." (The same procedure yields a countable family, but it need not be a base.) [Let A" be a countable space.] 211. Must а T3± topology be the sup of the set of all smaller metrizable topologies?
Compactness 7.1 Countable and Sequential Compactness For convenience of presentation we have taken a definition of countable compactness different from the one used by the earliest investigators, and suggested by the classical Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem. In all significant cases these definitions are equivalent; see Theorem 7.1.2. Historically, the concept of compactness arose from considerations of accumulation points of infinite sets, and from the possibility of selecting convergent subsequences of sequences of functions. Hence, applications to classical analysis will depend on such formulations, and we turn our attention to these in this and the next section. Compact sets are the most well-behaved members of the family of objects studied by analysts. All finite sets are compact, and all compact sets retain many of the properties of finite sets. A statement about finite sets often remains true of compact sets when some analytic hypothesis is added. For example, every real function on a finite set is bounded; every continuous real function on a compact set is bounded. Some other examples are Theorem 5.4.6; Sec. 11.1, Problem 105. An extended essay on this theme is [Hewitt (c)]. Recall that an accumulation point of a set S is a point every deleted neighborhood of which meets S; that is, a point x, every neighborhood of which contains a point of S other than χ itself. We now say that χ is an co- accumulation point (pronounced: omega accumulation point) of S if every neighborhood of χ contains infinitely many points of S. HXis an indiscrete space, S a nonempty finite subset, and χ φ S, then χ is an accumulation point 121
122 Compactness / Ch. 7 of S but not an ω-accumulation point. However this situation is unusual, as we now see. Theorem 7.1.1. 1ηαΤγ space, a point χ is an accumulation point of a set S if and only if it is an ω-accumulation point of S. Half of this is trivial. Conversely, suppose that χ is not an ω-accumulation point of S. Then χ has a neighborhood TV which meets S \ {x} in a finite set F. (Perhaps Fis empty; note that χ φ F.) Then TV η F is a neighborhood of χ which meets S in no point other than, possibly, χ itself. Thus χ is not an accumulation point of S. | A point χ is said to be a cluster point of a filterbase F if χ e S for all S e F. ^-EXAMPLE 1. The filterbase {(a, oo): a e R} has no cluster point. The filter consisting of all neighborhoods of {0, 1} in R has two cluster points, 0, and 1. [Indeed 0 and 1 belong to the sets of this filter, not just their closures.] Finally, the filter base {(0, a): a > 0} in R has 0 as its only cluster point. ^EXAMPLE 2. If'& -> x,x is a cluster point of%&. Let TV be a neighborhood of x, and Se 3F. Since У —► χ, Ν => A for some A e 3F. Thus NnS^AnS^ 0 proving that χ e 5. A point is called a cluster point of a net if it is a cluster point of the associated filter. Lemma 7.1.1. A point χ is a cluster point of a net (χδ: D) if and only if for each neighborhood N of χ, χδ e N frequently. First suppose that χ is a cluster point. Fix <50 e D and let Τ = {χδ\ δ > δ0}. Then Τ belongs to the filter associated with χδ and so xe T. It follows that each neighborhood N of χ meets Γ, in other words xde N for some δ > δ0. Conversely, let A belong to the filter 3F associated with χδ. Then χδ e A eventually and so each neighborhood N of χ meets A. It follows that xe A; thus χ is a cluster point of &. \ As a warning against an obvious conjecture, we note Sec. 3.1, Problem 108, or Sec. 8.3, Problem 3, which show a sequence, {«}, with a cluster point, 0, but with no convergent subsequence. Theorem 7.1.2. The following conditions are equivalent for a topological space X: (i) X is count ably compact. (ii) Every sequence in X has a cluster point. (iii) Every infinite subset ofX has an ω-accumulation point.
Sec. 7.1 / Countable and Sequential Compactness 123 If X is α Τγ space, these are equivalent to: (iv) Every infinite subset ofX has an accumulation point. Part (iv) is taken care of by part (iii), and Theorem 7.1.1. Proof, (i) implies (ii). Let {xn} be a sequence in a countably compact space. Let Tn = {xn, xn+l, xn + 2, . . .} for л = 1,2,.... Then {Tn} is a countable filterbase, and {Tn: η = 1,2,...} has nonempty intersection [Theorem 5.4.3]. Any point of this intersection is a cluster point of the filterbase {Γ„}, hence of the filter it generates [Problem 1], hence of {xn}. (ii) implies (iii). Let S{ be an infinite set in X. Then SY has a countably infinite subset S. Let S = {xl9 x2,...} where xt Φ x} if/ Φ j. By hypothesis the sequence {xn} has a cluster point x. For any neighborhood TV of x, xne N for infinitely many values of л [that is (see Lemma 7.1.1), frequently]; since all these xn are different, they constitute an infinite subset of Sv Thus χ is an ω-accumulation point of S{. (iii) implies (ii). Let {xn} be a sequence and S = {xn: η = 1, 2,. ..}. If S is finite, there must be an index к such that xn = xk for infinitely many л, making xk a cluster point of the sequence. If S is infinite, let χ be an co- accumulation point of S. It follows immediately from Lemma 7.1.1 that χ is a cluster point of {xn}. (ii) implies (i). Let {Fn} be a sequence of closed sets with the finite intersection property. For each л, choose xne p) {Fk: к = 1, 2,.. ., л}. By hypothesis, the sequence {xn} has a cluster point x. Then xe C] Fk. [For each /c, x„ e Fk for л > к and so each neighborhood of x, containing, as it does, xn for infinitely many values of л, must meet Fk. Thus xeFk = Fk.J The result follows from Theorem 5.4.3. | remark. In applying Theorem 7.1.2 to a subset S of a topological space, we must be careful to add " in S" where appropriate. For example, condition (ii) reads: "Every sequence in S has a cluster point in S." Of course it is possible to discuss sets S in X for which every sequence has a cluster point (in X), and some of this is carried out in the problems. ^-EXAMPLE 3. The classical Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem says that a closed bounded interval of real numbers obeys condition (iv) of Theorem 2, thus is countably compact. Conversely a countably compact set of real numbers is compact [Theorem 5.4.1]. For sets of real numbers, then, countable compactness is equivalent to compactness. We shall see [Theorem 7.2.1] that this equivalence extends to all semimetric spaces; the Bolzano- Weierstrass theorem will follow as a corollary of this and the Heine-Borel theorem, Sec. 5.4, Example 1. (The theorem was proved by B. Bolzano, a mathematical amateur, in 1851. It was essentially known to Cauchy much earlier. The name of K. Weierstrass is associated through his extensive use of the theorem in 1886.)
124 Compactness / Ch. 7 We now turn to a third form of compactness. A topological space is called sequentially compact if each sequence in it has a convergent subsequence. For analysts this is the most important form of compactness; several classical selection theorems have exactly the conclusion that a certain collection of functions is (pointwise, uniformly) sequentially compact. In general the only implications among the three main kinds of compactness are that a space which is either compact or sequentially compact must be countably compact. The Tables may be consulted for all the relevant counterexamples. There are other relationships in important special cases [Theorems 7.1.3, 7.2.1, and 13.4.3]. Theorem 7.1.3. A first countable space is sequentially compact if and only if it is countably compact. Half of this is easy (without first countability) [Problem 4]. Conversely, let X be first countable and countably compact, and let {xn} be a sequence in X. Then {xn} has a cluster point* [Theorem 7.1.2]. Let {Nk} be a shrinking basic sequence of neighborhoods of χ [Sec. 3.1, Problem 7]. For each k, we know that xn e Nk frequently [Lemma 7.1.1]; thus there exist ηγ with χηι ε Nl9 n2 > nx with xni e N2, ...,«,·> «,-χ with хПх e Ni9.... Then xn. -> χ [Sec. 3.1, Problem 5]. | We conclude this section with an important phrasing of compactness in terms of cluster points, similar to Theorem 7.1.2. Theorem 7.1.4. The following conditions are equivalent for a topological space X: (i) X is compact. (ii) Every filter in Xhas a cluster point. (iii) Every net in X has a cluster point. Proof, (i) implies (ii). If & is a filter, {S: S e &} is a collection of closed sets with the finite intersection property. Hence it is fixed [Theorem 5.4.3], and each point in its intersection is a cluster point [by definition of cluster point]. (ii) implies (iii). Given a net, its associated filter has a cluster point; this is a cluster point of the net, by definition. (iii) implies (ii). Interchange net and filter in the preceding part. [Use Problem 3.] (ii) implies (i). Let С be a collection of closed sets with the finite intersection property. Then С is included in a filter 3F [Sec. 5.4, Problem 8]. Let χ be a cluster point of .F. Then xe f| {S: S e ^} ^ C\ {S: S e C} = Π {S: Se C). Thus С is fixed, and X is compact [Theorem 5.4.3]. |
Sec. 7.1 / Countable and Sequential Compactness 125 Problems ^r\. A point is a cluster point of a filter if and only if it is a cluster point of every filterbase which generates the filter ("every" may be replaced by "some"). ^rl. Prove the converse of Lemma 7.1.1. In particular, a limit of a convergent subsequence is a cluster point of the sequence. ^-3. If χδ is any net association with a filter J*, every cluster point of χ is a cluster point of 3F. (See Problem 105.) ^4. A sequentially compact space is countably compact [Problem 2 and Theorem 7.1.2 (ii)]. ^-5. A sequence in a finite space must have a cluster point. ^-6. Let {xn} be a sequence in a semimetric space for which there exists ε > 0 with d(xm, xn)> ε for all m, n. Show that {xn} has no cluster point. [There would have to be two terms very near the cluster point.] 7. Give an example of a T0 space with a subset which has an accumulation point which is not an ω-accumulation point. [Take a finite subset in Sec. 4.1, Example 2.] 8. Every uncountable set in a second countable space has an accumulation point in the space. ^-9. A continuous map/carries a cluster point of a filter <F into a cluster point of/(#"). The same is true for nets. ^-10. Let χ be a cluster point of a filter #\ Show that there is a filter 3F' => 3F with &1 -> x. [Consider {S η TV: S e У, N a neighborhood of x}.] Conversely, if such 3F' exists, χ must be a cluster point of 3F. [Every neighborhood of χ belongs to 3F', hence meets every member of 3F', a fortiori every member of #\] 11. A set S is compact if and only if every filter on S is included in a filter which converges to a point of S [Problem 10 and Example 2]. ^-12. A set S is sequentially compact if and only if every infinite subset contains a convergent sequence. [If a sequence has infinite range, apply this condition. If it has finite range, it automatically has a convergent sequence.] ^-13. Let $F be a filter in a compact space X, such that 3F has only one cluster point x. Show that $F —► x. Also if a countable set S in a compact space has only one accumulation point, any one-to-one function from ω onto S is a sequence converging to x. [If not, let G be an open neighborhood of χ which does not belong to 3F. Then {S\ G: S e !F} is a filter in the compact space X\ G.J 101. Give an example of a free filter on [0, 1]. 102. Give an example of a nonconvergent filter in R which has exactly one cluster point. [The filter associated with the sequence {[i -(-i)"]·"}·]
126 Compactness / Ch. 7 103. Show that an ω-accumulation point of the range of a sequence must be a cluster point of the sequence, but a cluster point of a sequence need not be an accumulation point of its range. 104. The following conditions on a 7\ space A" are equivalent: (i) A4s coun- tably compact, (ii) every countable closed subset of X is countably compact, (iii) every countable closed subset of A" is compact. [For (ii) => (iii), use Theorem 5.4.1. For (iii) => (i) use Theorem 7.1.2 (ii).] 105. If a point is a cluster point of a filter then it is a cluster point of the canonical net of the filter, but need not be a cluster point of every net associated with the filter. [For example we might have χδ = χ for all <5, where χ is one of a collection of cluster points.] 106. Solve Sec. 6.7, Problem 103 (CG => KQ by means of Problem 11. [Let & be a filter in/[tf] with & -> y. Then & = №x\ &\ a filter in K. 3P\ cz 3*2 —► χ e К by Problem 11 ;/(J*2) —> У since it is larger than J*\ Hence у = f(x) ef[K).J 107. If/: X—> У has closed graph and A^c Fis compact, then/_1[A^] is closed [like Problem 106]. 108. Let /be a map from a space X to a compact space Y. Then if/has closed graph, it is continuous [Problem 107; Sec. 4.2, Problem 4]. 109. Deduce Theorem 5.4.9, from Problem 108 [Sec. 6.7, Problems 6 and 7]. 110. Use Problem 11 to show that a compact set in a Hausdorff space must be closed. [Let & be a filter on K, & -> x. Then & a #Ί -> кеКЪу Problem 11; ^ γ —► χ since it is larger than ^, hence χ = k by Theorem 4.1.2.] 111. A metric space can be isometric with a proper subspace. [A subspace of R can be found with this property.] However, no such space can be found which is compact [Problem 6]. 112. A compact metric space can be homeomorphic with a proper subspace. 113. Find a bounded subset of R2 which is isometric with a proper subset of itself. 114. A countably compact space is pseudocompact [Example 3 and Theorem 5.4.4]. 115. A pseudocompact T2 space need not be countably compact [Sec. 5.2, Examples 7 and 8; Sec. 5.4, Problem 2]. 116. Pseudocompact is not F-hereditary. [A 7\ space which is not countably compact must contain an infinite discrete closed subset. Now see Problem 115.] 117. The following condition is necessary and sufficient that d be a u- semimetric: Let {xn} be a sequence with the property that there exists a sequence {yn} satisfying d(xn, yn) > 0 for all л, d(xn, yn) —► 0. Then {xn} has a cluster point. (In particular if no such sequence {xn} exists, as in the case of the discrete metric, d is a w-semimetric.)
Sec. 7.2 / Compactness in Semimetric Space 127 118. Let ^ be a compact metric space. Let {/„} be a sequence of homeo- morphisms of X onto itself and let /„—►/ uniformly, where also /: A'—► X. Show that/is onto X. [For yeX let/„(x„) = у and χ a cluster point of {xn}.J 119. The assumption "compact" cannot be omitted in Problem 118. 120. Replace " homeomorphisms " by "continuous maps" in Problem 118. 201. Show that if S is relatively compact, then every filterbase in S has a cluster point (not necessarily in S). 202. In a regular space, the converse of the result of Problem 201 holds. 203. Problem 202 becomes false if "regular" is replaced by "Hausdorff." [Give [0, 1] the simple extension of the Euclidean topology by Q. Q is not relatively compact, by Theorem 5.4.10.] 204. A net (yp: В) is called a subnet of the net (хя: A) if there exists a finalizing map u: 2?—► A such that yp = xuiP) for all β e B. Show that a subsequence of a sequence is a subnet of the sequence. 205. Give an example of a subnet of a sequence which is not, itself, a sequence. [Let u: R —► ω be the largest integer function.] 206. Every subnet of a convergent net converges to the same limit. 207. If χ is a cluster point of the net (хл: A); the net has a subnet which converges to x. [Let TV be the neighborhood filter of x, В = ((α, U):aeA, UeN,xxe £/};w(a, £/) = а.] 208. Does an analogue of Theorem 6.4.1 hold for cluster points? 209. A map is called perfect if it is continuous, closed, and the inverse image of every singleton is compact. Show that if/ is a perfect map of a regular space onto a space, the latter is regular. 7.2 Compactness in Semimetric Space Suppose that A" is a compact semimetric space. The set of all cells of any fixed radius is an open cover of X, and thus can be reduced to a finite cover. We are thus led easily to a definition and a theorem. A semimetric space X is called totally bounded if for each ε > 0, X is covered by a finite collection of cells of radius ε. Put in another way, this says that A" contains a finite subset F such that every member of X is within ε of some member of F. The remark just made shows that a compact semimetric space is totally bounded. Lemma 7.2.1 improves this, but only seemingly [see Theorem 7.2.1] and Theorem 9.1.4 gives a result in the converse direction. Problem 4 shows that total boundedness is not topological. Lemma 7.2.1. A countably compact semimetric space is totally bounded. Suppose that X is not totally bounded. Then there exists ε > 0 such that
128 Compactness / Ch. 7 no finite collection of cells of radius ε covers X. Let хгеХ9 x2eX\N(xue), x3eX\lN(Xl,B)\JN(x2,B)l..., xneX\\J {Ν(χ^ε): i = 1, 2, ...,/i - 1},... . This process never terminates [by the defining property of ε]. The sequence {xn} has the property, d(xm, xn) > ε if m φ л, hence has no cluster point [Sec. 7.1, Problem 6], and so A4s not countably compact [Theorem 7.1.2]. | Lemma 7.2.2. A totally bounded semimetric space is second countable {hence separable and Lindelof). For η = 1, 2,..., let X be covered by finitely many cells of radius \jn. Let В be the collection of all such cells; then В is countable; moreover В is a base for the topology. [Let χ e X and let TV be a neighborhood of x. Then TV => N(x, ε) for some ε > 0. Choose η > 2/ε, and a member S of В containing χ and of radius \/n. For every be S, d(b, x) < 2/n < ε; thus be N. This proves that S с TV.] Thus A" is second countable, hence separable and Lindelof [Theorems 5.3.1 and 5.3.2]. | We now prove an important theorem which greatly simplifies the study of compactness in semimetric spaces. In fact, all three of the main kinds of compactness are identical! Theorem 7.2.1. A semimetric space is compact if and only if it is countably compact, and if and only if it is sequentially compact. A compact space is countably compact, as is trivial from the definitions. For any first countable space, countable and sequential compactness are the same [Theorem 7.1.3]. Finally, let X be countably compact. By Lemmas 7.2.1 and 7.2.2, A4s a Lindelof space. Thus A4s compact [Theorem 5.4.1]. | Problems on Semimetric Space 1. Total boundedness is hereditary. 2. R is not totally bounded. 3. (0, 1) is a totally bounded set in R. 4. Total boundedness is not topological. [The spaces of the preceeding two problems are homeomorphic] 5. Give an example of a totally bounded set which is not countably compact.
Sec. 7.2 / Compactness in Semimetric Space 129 6. Let χ φ S. If £ is compact, it has a closest point to x. It is not sufficient that S be closed. [Take X = {0} и (1, oo), S = (1, сю).] 101. A uniformly continuous function preserves total boundedness, whereas [Problem 4] a continuous function need not. [For/: X—> Y, write X = [J Si, with the diameter of each Si < δ. Then the diameter of each/[SJ < ε.] 102. If a space has a dense totally bounded subspace, it is itself totally bounded. 103. Let Φ be a family of functions from a topological space A" to a semi- metric space Y. We call Φ equicontinuous at χ e X if for every ε > 0, χ has a neighborhood TV such that the diameter of f\_N~\ < ε for all /g Φ; and equicontinuous if it is equicontinuous at χ for all x. Show that every member of an equicontinuous family is continuous, and that a finite set of functions is equicontinuous at χ if each member is continuous at x. 104. A subset of an equicontinuous family is equicontinuous. 105. A finite union of equicontinuous families is equicontinuous. 106. Let/,/„ e C(X) for η = 1,2,... . Suppose that/, —>/pointwise and that {fn(x)} is decreasing for each x. Show that {/„} is equicontinuous. [Assume/ =0. If η > m implies fn{x) < ε, then for some neighborhood V of χ, η > m, у e V imply fn(y) < ε. Choose a smaller neighborhood W of χ such that \fn(x) — f„(y)\ < ε for у eW, n = l,2,...,m- 1.] 107. Let {/„} be an equicontinuous sequence of real functions with fn —► 0 pointwise. For each ε > 0, φ is continuous, where φ(χ) = Σ (Ι/πΜΙ — ε) ν 0. [For each ζ, there is a neighborhood К of ζ on which the series is finite, namely, make |/„(z)| < ε/2 for η > m, and \Ш-Ш\ <£/2for*GK.] 108. (The Dini lemma.) If X is pseudocompact, monotone convergence (the conditions of Problem 106) implies uniform convergence. [Let ε > 0. Then φ, given in Problem 107, is continuous, by Problems 106, 107. Thus φ < Μ on X. Now η > Μ/ε implies/„(χ) < 2ε for all χ, for if fn(x) > 2ε, (fk(x) — ε) ν 0 > ε for к = 1, 2, ..., л; hence Μ > φ > ηε. This argument is due to J. Marik.] 109. The converse of Problem 108 also holds, namely the given condition implies that X is pseudocompact. [Consider arctan (\f\/n) for unbounded/] 201. Let {/j} be a net which is equicontinuous at t (Problem 103). Suppose that/5(x)—►/(*) for each x. Show that/is continuous at t. [Use the inequality given in the proof of Theorem 4.2.10 except that χ is chosen near t first, and δ is chosen later.]
130 Compactness / Ch. 7 202. We say that fd—>f continuously, where /5,/: Jf—► К with Χ, Κ topological spaces, if for every net xb in A" with ^->iwe have/X^)—►/(*). Show fb —► /continuously if У is a semimetric space, fb —►/pointwise, and either fb is equicontinuous or fd—► f uniformly. \d(f6x6,fx) < dtffiXaM + d(fdx,fx) or < d(fdxd,fxd) + J(/x,,/*).] 203. Let/ be an equicontinuous net with fb —► /pointwise. Suppose/, /: A" —► У where А", У are semimetric spaces and X is compact. Show that/, —► /uniformly. [First show that/ is uniformly equicontinuous. Then assume, without loss of generality that A" has very small diameter, for it is totally bounded.] 204. Compactness cannot be omitted in Problem 203, even if/is a uniformly equicontinuous sequence. [Consider x/n on R.] 205. In Sec. 4.2, Problem 202, suppose that Φ is equicontinuous. Show that и is continuous. 206. Let A" be a semimetric space and for each t e X define/: Ar—► R by ft(x) = d(t, x). Show that {/: t e X) is equicontinuous. 207. Deduce from Problems 205 and 206 that d(x, S) (the distance from χ to S) is continuous in x, S being a fixed set in a semimetric space. 7.3 Ultrafilters We can no longer postpone an explicit statement of an axiom which is used widely in the development of mathematical theories. This axiom will be taken as an unstated hypothesis in all further developments of this book. Axiom. Every nonempty partially ordered set includes a maximal chain. For finite or countable posets, this can be proved by induction [Sec. 3.3, Problem 11]. There are several other axioms which would serve the same purpose as the one given here. Eight of them are listed in [Kelley (a), p. 33, Theorem 25], and some are given here in Problems 102, 103, 201, 204; and Theorem 10.2.1. A maximal filter is called an ultrafilter. The following important result will illustrate the use of the axiom just given. We put the reader on notice that this proof will contain the last explicit mention of the axiom. From that point on we shall merely say: "Take a maximal chain," leaving the reader to recall the justification for this. Theorem 7.3.1. Every filter base is included in an ultrafilter. Let & be a filterbase on a set X. Let Ρ be the collection of all filters &* on X such that &* :э 3t\ Ρ is not empty, [the filter generated by 31 belongs to P], and is a partially ordered set under containment [Sec. 3.3, Example 2]. We now appeal to the axiom given above and let С be a maximal chain in P. Thus
Sec. 7.3 / Ultrafilters 131 С is a collection of filters; of each pair of members of C, one includes the other; moreover every member of С includes 31. Let U = U {^:«ί eC}. We shall now show that U is an ultrafilter. (That U => 3 is trivial.) We begin by checking the four parts of the definition of a filter. First, 0 φ U since 0 φ F fox F e C\X eU since X e F for some (indeed, all) F e С Next suppose AeU, BeU. Then Л e #Ί, 5e«f2 for some F^F2e С Since С is a chain, either F x => ^"2 or ^2 => «^1; say the latter, for definiteness. Then A e F2, BeF2 and so A n Be F2, hence A n BeU. Finally, let AeU, В => A. Then A e F for some feC. Hence В е F, and so BeU. Thus £/ is a filter. It is also an ultrafilter. [If К is a filter and V => i/, it follows that V => F fox every F e C. Thus С и {V) is a chain. Since С is maximal, it follows that VeC, and so^cf/. Thus V = U.J | Theorem 7.3.2. //^ w ял ultrafilter on X and S a X, then either Se F orSeF. Suppose that 5ф F. Then S meets every member of F. [If not, suppose AeF, Α φ S. Then S => A and so S e F.J Thus F и {S} has the finite intersection property. [A finite intersection takes the form, on rearrangement, of (П Ad n 5, where Αγ, A2, ..., Ane F. Now Π A{ e F and so it meets S in a nonempty set.] Thus the set of all finite intersections of F и {S} is a filterbase which generates a filter F' [Sec. 5.4, Problem 8]. Clearly F a F' and so F = F'. \F is an ultrafilter.] But S e F' \S = Χ η S and Xe Fj, and soSeF. | Theorem 7.3.3. Lei С be a collection of subsets of a set X with the finite intersection property. Then there exists an ultrafilter F with F => C. This is immediate from Theorem 7.3.1 and Sec. 5.4, Problem 8. | Theorem 7.3.4. Let Χ, Υ be sets andf: Χ ^> Υ onto. Then if F is an ultra- filter in X,f[_F~\ is an ultrafilter in Y. By Sec. 3.2, Problem 5J(F) is a filter. If 9 is a filter in У with 9 => f{_F\ let Se9. Then /_1[S] e F. [Let Τ = (/_1[S])~· ТЬеп/[Г] = S so that/[7] φ 9. Hence Τ φ F since/[^] с #. By Theorem 7.3.2, f e F.J Thus S e/[^] and so 9 = f{_F\ \ Theorem 7.3.5. Let F be an ultrafilter in a topological space X. Then if χ is a cluster point of F, F —► x. Let TV be a neighborhood of x. Then Ν φ F. [x is in the closure of each member of F while χ φ N.J Thus, by Theorem 7.3.2, N e F. | Theorem 7.3.6. A space is compact if and only if every ultrafilter is convergent.
132 Compactness / Ch. 7 If A4s compact, every ultrafilter has a cluster point [Theorem 7.1.4], hence converges [Theorem 7.3.5]. Conversely, if every ultrafilter on Jfis convergent, let J5" be a filter on X. Let J5"' be an ultrafilter which includes &. By hypothesis У is convergent, say &*' —► x. Then χ is a cluster point of У [Sec. 7.1, Problem 10], and so X is compact [Theorem 7.1.4]. | Problems 1. Dx is an ultrafilter. [Since {i}ei)x, trying to adjoin even one more set will lead to a pair of sets with empty intersection.] -jr2. Let ^ be an ultrafilter on XanaletAl,A2, .. ,,A„ be subsets of X such that U A{ e &. Show that at least one A{ e ^. [If not, Theorem 7.3.2 shows that (U Ay = f| А· е ^·] 3. Problem 2 fails if infinitely many ^f are allowed. [An ultrafilter «^ containing the cofinite filter can contain no singleton since 8F contains its complement.] 4. A filter <F is an ultrafilter if and only if А и В e & implies A e 3F or 5е^. [Problem 2. Conversely, if Λ φ &, A e & since А и Ae^. So no larger filter can contain A.J 101. Give an example of an ultrafilter other than D0 which converges to 0 in R. [Apply Theorem 7.3.1 and Sec. 5.4, Problem 8 to {(0, 1)} и 102. Let Ρ be a poset with the property that every chain in Ρ has an upper bound in P. Show that Ρ contains a maximal member. (This is the famous Zorn's lemma.) [Namely, any upper bound for a maximal chain.] 103. A property ρ of certain subsets of a set A" is said to be of finite character if it is true that a set A has property ρ if and only if every finite subset of A has property p. Fix S с X. Show that "does not meet 5" and "is a subset of 5" are properties of finite character, and that "finite" is not a property of finite character. 201. Let ρ be a property of certain subsets of a set X which is of finite character. Show that if X has a subset with property /?, it has a maximal one. (This result is due to J. W. Tukey.) [In the poset of all sets with property /?, take the union of a maximal chain.] 202. Verify that "linearly independent" is a property of finite character for sets in a linear space. 203. Deduce the existence of a Hamel base for every linear space over a field (a) from the Axiom of this section; (b) from Problem 202. (A Hamel base is a set of which each point is a unique (finite) linear combination.)
Sec. 7.3 / Ultrafilters 133 204. Let Φ be a collection of nonempty sets. Then Π {^: ^ e Φ} is not empty. (This is the famous Axiom of Choice, also referred to as Zermelo's multiplicative axiom.) [Let Ρ be the set of all f:S^>\J {Х:ХеФ} with S α φ zndf(X)eX for each XeS. Order Ρ by/ > g if/is an extension of g. A maximal member of Ρ is a member of the product.] 205. For real x, y, write χ ~ у if χ — у is rational. Show that the existence of a set A containing exactly one member of each equivalence class follows from Problem 204. Show that (A + r) ^S A if r is rational and not zero. (Hence A n [0,1], having infinitely many disjoint translations modulo 1, cannot be measurable.) 206. A universal net in X is one such that for each S a X, either the net is in S eventually, or it is in S eventually. Show that a net is a universal net if and only if its associated filter is an ultrafilter. 207. A universal sequence must be eventually constant. 208. If a universal net is frequently in a set, it is eventually in it. Hence a universal net converges to all its cluster points. 209. Let ^ be the filter associated with the net χδ and J^a filter with $F => ^. The xb has a subnet whose associated filter is 3F. [[Bartle, Proposition 4.]] 210. Every net has a universal subnet [Problems 206 and 209]. 211. A space is compact if and only if every net has a convergent subnet [Problems 208 and 210]. 212. A compact Hausdorff division ring must be finite. [If the space is not discrete, let xb be a universal net of nonzero elements converging to 0. By Problem 208, x~b 1 -> у and 1 = χδ·χϊl -> 0-y = 0.] 213. Let С be a chain of topologies on a set X and suppose that/: (Χ, Γ)—► Υ is almost open for every Τ e C. Then/: (X, VO^ Fis almost open. 214. Let Xbe a set, (У, T) a topological space and/: X—> Fonto. Then X has a topology Μ which is maximal among those for which/is almost open, [/is almost open with/" Χ[Γ]. Take the sup of a maximal chain of such topologies and apply Problem 213.] 215. For topologies Τ and Γ on X, say that Τ > Г if i: (X, T) -> (X, Г) is continuous and almost open. Call Τ W-maximal (in honor of J. D. Weston) if it is maximal with respect to this relation. Show that Γ is ^-maximal if and only if every set S with 5 с (S)1 is open. Hence a ^-maximal space is irresolvable (that is, a set and its complement cannot both be dense. See [Anderson].) 216. Every topology is included in a ^-maximal topology [Problem 214]. 217. If Τ > Г (Problem 215) and (X, T) is 7\ and has no isolated points, neither does (X, T). 218. In any ^-maximal T2 space without isolated points, sequential convergence is trivial. [See [Wilansky (c), p. 21].]
134 Compactness / Ch. 7 7.4 Products The form of compactness most used by the classical analysts is sequential compactness; however, it is easier to work with compactness itself, and the most usual procedure is to deal with compact spaces where possible, bringing in countable or sequential compactness only where appropriate. There are several reasons for this preference (for example, Theorems 5.4.5 and 5.4.7, both of which fail for countable and sequential compactness), the most important one being the remarkable result (Theorem 7.4.1) proved by A. Tychonoffin 1930. This result fails for countable compactness, even for the product of two spaces. [See the Remark following Example 2.] It also fails for sequential compactness [Example 2], but here Theorem 7.4.2 offers a consolation result. Theorem 7.4.1 (TychonofFs theorem). A product of compact spaces is compact. Let !F be an ultrafilter in X = Π {Хя: а е A}. For each a, PJ[^~\ is an ultrafilter in Хя [Theorem 7.3.4], hence has a cluster point xa [Theorem 7.1.4]. Let χ be defined by Pax = x% for all α e A. Then 3F —► χ. [Ρα[^] —► xx for each α by Theorem 7.3.5, and so :W ■> χ by Theorem 6.4.1.] The fact that X is compact now follows from Theorem 7.3.6. | remark. If the spaces in Theorem 7.4.1 are Hausdorff, some brief proofs of the theorem fall out of other theories. These proofs are sketched in Sec. 8.6, Problem 102, and Sec. 11.4, Problem 122. EXAMPLE 1. The η sphere is compact, for it is defined to be the subset Sn of Rn+1 given by Sn = {x: \\x\\ = 1}, where χ = (xl4 x2,..., x„+i) and IWI2 = IW2· ThusSn с [-1, 1]"+1, a compact space, by Theorem 7.4.1, moreover Sn is closed since || · || is continuous EXAMPLE 2. A product of sequentially compact spaces need not be sequentially compact. Indeed a product of compact spaces need not be sequentially compact. Since such a product is compact [Theorem 7.4.1] this gives an example of a compact space which is not sequentially compact. (Another example is given in Sec. 8.3, Problem 3.) Our example is Iu, where / = [0, 1] and U is any set with cardinality > с (continuum). Let A be the collection of all strictly increasing sequences χ = {xk} of positive integers, and let φ: A —► U be one-to-one. For л = 1,2, . . .,let£„ = {t e U: t = ф(х) for some χ e A such that η = xk with к odd}, and let/„ be the characteristic function of En. Clearly each/„ e Iu, and we conclude the example by showing that {/„} has no convergent subsequence. Let {fXk} be a subsequence. Then χ = {xk} e A\ let t = ф(х). Now, if к is any positive integer, t e EX2k + l
Sec. 7.4 / Products 135 [take η = x2k + i in the definition of Ε „J and so fX2k + l(t) = 1. Similarly fX2k(t) = 0. Thus {fXk(t)} is not convergent, and so, neither is {fXk} [Theorem 6.4.1]. | See also Problem 203. remark. Z. Frolik [Frolik (b)] has constructed spaces X„, 1 < η < X0, such that {Xn)K is countably compact if and only if К < п. Although the result of Theorem 7.4.1 cannot be extended to sequentially compact spaces, the classical "diagonal selection" argument allows us to prove a consolation result. Theorem 7.4.2. A countable product of sequentially compact spaces is sequentially compact. Let {xk} be a sequence in Π {%η: η = 1,2,...}. Then {PiXk} has a convergent subsequence since Xl is sequentially compact, say PiXuiitk) -^ yieXl where {w(l, 1), w(l, 2), w(l, 3),...} is an increasing sequence of positive integers. Next, {P2xU(\,к)} nas a convergent subsequence, say P2xu{2fk) ~~* y2 e X2, where {w(2, 1), w(2, 2), w(2, 3),...} is an increasing sequence of integers selected from {w(l,/c)}. Next, {РзХи{2,к)} has a convergent subsequence, say Р3хи{з,к) —► >>з е Хз· Continuing in this way we obtain u(n, k) for all n, k, such that P„xui„tk) —► yn e Xn as к —► oo and with {w(h, /с)} а subsequence of {u(n — 1, /c)}. Now we select the diagonal of the matrix thus: let v(k) = u(k, k). Then xv{k) —► у where у is the member of Π Χη whose nth term is yn for each n. [For each /c, P\Xv{k) = P\XU(k, к) = P\xi for some / > k. Thus PiXv{k) —► j^i- For each /c > 2, P2xv{k) = P2xx for some / > /c, thus P2xv{k)^> y2- In general, for к > n, Pnxv{k) = PnXi for some / > к and so P„xv{k) —► ^„. The result follows from Theorem 6.4.1.] | A EXAMPLE 3. The following deduction of the axiom of choice from Theorem 7.4.1 is due to J. L. Kelley. (Our proof of Theorem 7.4.1, on the other hand, uses in its proof a condition equivalent to the axiom of choice; namely, the existence of ultrafilters.) Let {X^: ae A} be a collection of nonempty sets. Let и be an object not in (J Xa. Let Уа = Хл и {и} and give Ya the topology which, on Хл is cofinite, and makes и isolated. In Π {Υ*, α e A), let Sx = P'^XJ. Then {Se: а е Л} is a collection of closed sets [each X% is closed] with the finite intersection property. [Let F be a finite subset of A. For (xe F choose xx e Xx, for а £ F choose xx = u. Then xe C\ {Sa: ae F}.J Hence Π ^α Φ 0· [Theorem 5.4.3. We are using the fact that each Уа is compact.] We have thus found a nonempty subset of UK- Problems 1. Give an example of a noncompact set in R2 whose projections on the A"and Faxes are both compact.
136 Compactness / Ch. 7 2. If every projection of a closed set in a product is compact, the set is compact. 101. Prove Theorem 7.4.1 by means of universal nets instead of ultrafilters [Sec. 7.3, Problems 208-211]. 102. Show that 2U is not sequentially compact; 2 is a discrete space with two points, and \U\ > с [Imitate Example 2.] 103. For each л, let/„: Q —► [0, 1]. Show that {/„} has a pointwise convergent subsequence [Theorem 7.4.2]. 104. A product of compact spaces need not be compact in the box topology [Sec. 6.4, Problem 102]. 105. Deduce from Theorems 5.4.4 and 7.4.1 that the Cantor discontinuum is compact. 106. A compact Hausdorff space need not be separable. Compare Lemmas 7.2.1 and 7.2.2. {2A. Use Sec. 5.3, Problem 104.] 107. An infinite product of noncompact spaces cannot be locally compact, indeed every compact set in the product must have empty interior [Theorems 6.4.4 and 5.4.4]. 108. A product Π ^α is locally compact if and only if every Xa is locally compact and all but a finite number are compact. [See Problem 107 and Sec. 6.7, Problem 102.] 109. Let Σ αη be an absolutely convergent real series. A subseries is any series gotten by replacing some of the an by 0. Show that the set of all sums of subseries of Σ αη is closed. [Associate each subseries with a point χ eT° thus: xn = 1 if an is retained, xn = 0 if an is replaced by 0. The map χ —► sum of the subseries is continuous, and 2ω is compact by Theorem 7.4.1.] 110. In Problem 109, let an = 2-3"". Show that the resulting set is the Cantor discontinuum. 201. In Example 2, is Iu countably compact? 202. Which sets in R can be obtained from some Σ αη as in Problem 110? 203. Prove that Iu (Example 2) is not sequentially compact thus: let S be the set of all" sawtooth" functions/on [0,1], each/being continuous, piecewise linear, and alternately 0 and 1 on a finite set of rationals. By Lebesgue's bounded convergence theorem, no subsequence of S converges to 0. (See Amer. Math. Monthly 75 (1968), 1098-1099.)
Compactification 8.1 The One-Point Compactification Here and in Section 8.3 we shall describe two specific compactifications. In Section 8.4 we shall discuss the concept of compactification. There is a sense in which compact spaces are universal among topological spaces, namely, every topological space is homeomorphic with a subspace of a compact space [Theorem 8.1.1]. In its full generality, such a remark is hardly more than witticism, which can be extended also to other properties. (See Problem 1 and Sec. 5.3, Problem 4.) However, the device is often very useful. Here is a simple example: it will be seen [Theorem 8.1.2] that every locally compact Hausdorff space is homeomorphic with a subspace of a compact Hausdorff space; the latter is known to be completely regular [Theorem 5.4.7]; complete regularity is hereditary [Sec. 4.3, Problem 2]; and so, without further ado, every locally compact Hausdorff space is completely regular. Another application lies in the construction of examples to show that certain properties are not hereditary. The very fact that every locally compact Hausdorff space is homeomorphic with a subset of a compact Hausdorff space shows immediately that the Lindelof property is not hereditary, since a locally compact Hausdorff space need not be a Lindelof space. [Consider a discrete uncountable space.] The same type of argument shows that many other properties are not hereditary. (See Problems 1, 2.) We now turn to the one-point compactification. This may be looked at in two ways. Either, any space X can be made into a compact space Υ by adjoining a point to the space (just as R is made compact by " adding a point 137
138 Compactification / Ch. 8 at oo "), or, A4s homeomorphic with the complement of a singleton in some compact space. The first point of view is more traditional, and is formalized thus. Let X be a topological space, let oo be a point not in X. (Think of X as a subset of a set which contains exactly one point not in X.) Let X+ = Iu{oo}. A set G in X+ is called open if either G is an open subset of X, or X+ \ G is a closed compact subset of X. Whenever X is a Hausdorff space we shall omit the word " closed " in this definition, since it is redundant [Theorem 5.4.5]. After a few examples, we shall show in Theorem 8.1.1 that X + has properties which justify its being called the one-point compactification otX. ^EXAMPLE 1. LqIX = (0, 1], Υ = [0, 1]. Then Υ = X+withoo = 0. [For open G a Y; if 0 e G, Υ \ G is a compact subset of X; if 0 φ G, G is an open subset of X. Conversely if G is an open subset of X, G is an open subset of Y, and if К is a compact subset of Χ, Υ \ Κ is an open subset of Y.J A EXAMPLE 2. What is the point at infinity? In any system of set theory there is no universe set, that is, a set which contains everything. Hence for any X there exists у φ X. For example, Χ φ Χ so X itself may be taken as the point at infinity. History records one lecturer who declaimed to his class "I am the point at infinity." A most reasonable candidate for this honor is the set of all complements of closed compact subsets of X—analogous with the completion process for metric spaces in which the Cauchy sequences are used rather than their fictitious limits. Theorem 8.1.1. X+ is a compact topological space, and X is a topological subspace. If X is compact, oo is an isolated point of X+. IfX is not compact, X is dense in X+. Suppose that G{, G2 are open sets in X+. Then Gx η G2 is open. [If GX,G2 are open subsets of X, then so is Gx η G2. If Kt = X+ \ Gt are closed and compact subsets of Χΐοτ i = 1,2; then so is X+ \ (G{ η G2) since this is X+ η (Gi η G2)~ = X+ η (Κχ υ K2) = Κγ υ Κ2. If Gx is an open subset of X, and К = X+ \G2 a closed compact subset of X, then Gx η G2 = (G{ η Χ) η G2 = Gx η (Χ η G2) = Gx η (Χ\Κ) which is an open subset of A".] Let С be a collection of open sets in X+. Then U = IJ{G:GeC}is open. [If oo φ G for all G e С this is clear. If oo e G0 for some G0 e C, then X+ \ G0 is a closed compact subset of X, and X+ \U = X\U = p| {X\G: G e C} is closed and compact in X since it is the intersection of a collection of closed sets, at least one of which is compact.] Next, X is a topological subspace of X +, for if G is an open set in X, G is relatively open ^G = G η Xj, while if G is relatively open, say G = Ο η Χ with О an open set in X + , then G is open in X. [If oo φ О, G = О, if oo e O,
Sec. 8.1 / The One-Point Compactification 139 G = X\ {X+ \ O) and X+ \ О is closed in X.J A special case of this, which we shall now use, is that if F is a closed subset of X+, F η A4s a closed subset of X. Next, X+ is compact. [Let С be a family of closed sets with the finite intersection property. If oo e Π {F'.FeC}, then С is fixed. If oo φ Π {F: Fe C}, say oo φ F0e C; then F0 is a compact subset of X. Let C0 = {F η F0: Fe C}. As was just remarked, each F η F0 is closed in X, moreover C0 has the finite intersection property and so C0 is fixed since F0 is compact. Hence С is fixed.] If X is compact, {oo} = X+ \ X is open. If X is not compact, {oo} is not open since its complement is X, hence every neighborhood of oo meets X. Thus oo eX and so AT = X+. | remark. From now on we shall consider compactifications of non- compact spaces only. Theorem 8.1.1 gives an adequate reason for this. In the following example, X+ is identified for certain X. This may be justified by direct computation from the definition, or by the uniqueness result, Theorem 8.1.3. EXAMPLE 3. (0, 1)+ is the one-sphere since removal of one point from the latter leaves a copy of (0, 1). [Let/(x) = e2nix.} ω+ is a subset o/R, indeed it is homeomorphic with (0, 1, £, ^,...) [Sec 5.1, Problem 4]. The degree of separation of the one-point compactification is now solved in its most important special case. See also Problems 4, 113, 123, 203, and 207. Theorem 8.1.2. Let X be a noncompact regular {or T2) space. Then X+ is regular {or T2) if and only if X is locally compact. Suppose first that X is locally compact; let χ e X+ and let TV be a neighborhood of χ in X+. If χ e X, N includes a compact neighborhood К of χ in X, and К includes a closed neighborhood F of χ in X. Since F is closed and compact [Theorem 5.4.2], F is a closed neighborhood of χ m X+. Next suppose that χ = oo; N includes an open neighborhood G of χ in X+, and G is included in Kl for a certain compact closed subset К of χ, where Kl refers to the interior of К in X. [Each у е G has a compact closed neighborhood in X. Since G is compact, its cover by these neighborhoods can be reduced to a finite cover. Let К be the union of the sets in this cover.] Then X+ \ Ю is a subset of G, hence of N, and is a closed neighborhood of oo in X + [it includes X+ \ К which is an open set in X+ containing oo.] Thus in both cases, each neighborhood of χ includes a closed neighborhood of x, and so X+ is regular. Conversely, suppose that X+ is a regular space. Then X is locally compact by Corollary 5.4.1. Next, if X is a locally compact T2 space and χ e Χ, χ has a compact neighborhood N in X. Then N* and X+\N separate χ and oo [Theorem 5.4.5]. Thus X+ is T2. Conversely, if X+ is F2, it is regular [Theorem 5.4.7] and so X is locally compact, as above. |
140 Compactification / Ch. 8 We now consider the uniqueness of the one-point compactification. We are not so much concerned with the obvious fact that the construction yields a unique object. [The only freedom allowed is what to choose for oo, and the resulting spaces are identical as to neighborhoods of oo since these are defined as S u {oo}, where S is described completely in terms of A", the space to be compactified.] Rather, we shall consider the question of whether X+ is the only compact space containing A" as a complement of a singleton. Lemma 8.1.1. Let Η be a Hausdorff space, К a compact space, andf: Я—► К one-to-one and onto. Suppose that for a certain point h e H,f~l: Χ'—► Η is continuous, where X — K\ {/(A)}. Thenf is continuous at A. Let hb be a net in Η with hb —► A. We may assume that hb Φ h for all δ [Sec. 4.2, Problem 33]. Let yb = f(hb). By Theorem 7.1.4, yb has a cluster point y. It follows that у = /(A) [if not yb and у both lie in X and so/~ г(у) must be a cluster point of hb, by Sec. 7.1, Problem 9. But A is the only cluster point of this net, hence A = /" 1(y).J Thus yb has exactly one cluster point /(A), and so yb^f{h) [Sec. 7.1, Problem 13]. | The essence of the next result is that the construction of X+ is the only way to r2-compactify a locally compact Hausdorff space by adding one point. Theorem 8.1.3. Let Υ be a compact Hausdorff space, he Υ a nonisolated point, andX = Y\ {A}. Then Υ = X+ with A = oo. Define/: У—► X+ by/(x) = χ for χ e X, ffh) = oo. Then/is continuous at A by Lemma 8.1.1. [Take Η = Υ, Κ = X+.] Hence/is continuous on Y. The same argument shows that/ "* is continuous on X +. Thus/is a homeo- morphism. | An abrupt proof of Theorem 8.1.3 runs thus: identifying У and X+ as sets with h = oo, an open neighborhood G of oo in X+ has G compact in X, hence in Y; so G is closed in Υ and G is a neighborhood of 0 in Y. The same argument shows that every open neighborhood of h in У is a neighborhood of oo in X +. ^-EXAMPLE 4. σ-properties. If a topological space is a countable union of sets, each of which has a certain property, P, we say that the space is σ-Ρ. For example, R is σ-compact. [R = (J£°= ι [ —и, и], and each [-л, л] is compact.] An uncountable discrete space is not σ-compact since its compact subsets are finite. A σ-finite space is merely a countable space. Of course, a compact space is σ-compact, and a similar statement is true for any other property. If a set in a topological space is σ-closed, we call it an F9. For example, (0, l]isanF,inR. [(0, 1] = U {DA*, 1]:л = 1,2,...}.]
Sec. 8.1 / The One-Point Compactification 141 Problems 1. Every topological space is a subspace of a normal space. [Add one point, letting its only neighborhood be the whole space. Of any two disjoint closed sets, one is empty.] (Not every space is a subspace of a Γ4 space, however.) 2. σ-compactness is not hereditary. [Let D be discrete. Then D+ is compact; D need not be σ-compact.] 3. Let Xbe the set in the complex plane consisting of {z: |z\ < 1}. Show that X + is the two-sphere. *4. IfArisT1,soisAr+. 5. If A4s a topological subspace of У, X+ need not be a topological sub- space of Y+. {Y = [0, 1), X = (0, 1).] 6. Q+ is compact, but not locally compact. [Q is an open subset; now see Theorem 5.4.12.] 7. A locally compact КС space must be T2. [It has a base of compact, hence closed, sets. Thus it is regular.] (We shall see in Problem 205 that a compact КС space need not be T2) 8. Any countable subset of a 7\ space is an Fa. 9. Find all Fa subsets of (a) a cofinite space; (b) an indiscrete space. 10. Every σ-compact space is a Lindelof space. [Reduce a cover to a finite cover of every compact set in the sequence.] 101. Lemma 8.1.1 becomes false if the assumption that К is compact is dropped. [Let К = [0, 1), Η = one-sphere, X = (0, 1).] 102. Lemma 8.1.1 becomes false if "Hausdorff" is replaced by "7\." [Let К = [0, 1], Η = К with cofinite topology.] 103. Lemma 8.1.1 becomes false if "Hausdorff" is replaced by "regular." [Let К = {0, 1, ϋ ...}, Η = {0', 0, i ϋ ...}, where 0, 0' have exactly the same neighborhoods. (A trivial example has Η indiscrete.)] 104. In the hints to Problems 101, 103,/" 1\X is a homeomorphism. Solve Problem 102 with this extra restriction. [Same Κ; Η = К with fewer neighborhoods of 1.] 105. Give examples to compare (A x B)+ with ,4+ χ Β+. [For example (R χ R)+ is the two-sphere and R+ χ R+ is the torus.] 106. Resolve this contradiction. Let X be a 7\ space. Then X+ is 7\ [Problem 4]. Hence {oo} is closed, and A" is open in X+. By Theorem 5.4.12, X is locally compact. But Xis an arbitrary 7\ space! 107. Α Τγ space may have two different 7\ compactifications obtained by adding one point. [Let X be cofinite. Consider X+, and X u {oo} with the cofinite topology.] 108. (R")+ = Sn.
142 Compactification / Ch. 8 109. Let /: X^> R. We say that Ппг^Дх) = a if, for every ε > 0, {х:|Дх) — a\ > ε] is included in a compact closed set; and Нтх_>«,/(*) = oo if for every m, {x: |/(x)| < m} is included in a compact closed set. Let /+ : X + —► R be defined by /+ =/onI and / + (oo) = a. Show that /+ is continuous at oo if and only if Пт^^Дх) = a. Obtain a similar result for a map to R+ with / + (oo) = oo. 110. Let F be a family of subsets of a set A". We call С a cobase for F if С с Fand every member ofFis included in some member of C. Show that the family of closed subsets is a cobase for the family of all subsets of a topological space. 111. A filterbase 31 generates a filter 3F if and only if {A: A e Щ is a cobase for {A: Ae &}. 112. A space is called hemicompact if its family of compact closed subsets has a countable cobase. Show that a hemicompact 7\ space is σ- compact, but not conversely. For example, if X is hemicompact T2 and first countable at χ, χ must have a compact neighborhood. In particular, Q is not hemicompact. [If {Gn} is a shrinking base at χ and {£„} is a sequence of compact sets, choose xneGn\Kn; let A^ = (x, xb x2, · · ·)·] 113. A" is hemicompact if and only if X+ is first countable at oo, and is <7-(compact-closed) if and only if {oo} is a Gs. If A4s T2 or regular, the word "closed" may be omitted. [Sec. 5.4, Problem 9 and Theorem 5.4.5.] (Thus Q+ is another example of a countable space which is not first countable. See Problem 112.) 114. "Regular" cannot be omitted in Sec. 5.4, Problem 208. [oo is a G6 point in Q + . See Problem 113.] 115. A subset of a topological space is called a k-test set if its intersection with every compact set К is closed in K. A space is called а к space if every /c-test set is closed. Show that a 7\ pseudofinite к space must be discrete; hence show an example of a non-/c space. [Sec. 5.4, Problem 106. T2 examples are given in Sec. 3.1, Problem 108; Sec. 6.2, Problem 110; Sec. 8.3, Problem 103.] 116. Let X be a space such that, in X, whenever χ e 5, there exists a compact set К such that χ e Κ η Κ η S. Show that X must be а к space. [If A is a /c-test set and χe A, then xe Α η Κ η Κ a A.J 117. A space in which each point has a compact neighborhood is а к space [Problem 116]. 118. Every compact space, and every locally compact space is а к space [Problem 117]. 119. A first countable space must be а к space [Problem 116 and Sec. 5.4, Problem 1]. 120. Let X be а к space, Υ a topological space, and let/: A'—► Υ have the
Sec. 8.1 / The One-Point Compactification 143 property that/| К is continuous for all compact K. Show that/ must be continuous. 121. Fix xeX. The no-point compactification of X at x, written Xx, is (X\ [x}) + . If we take oo = χ we have Xx = X but with a smaller topology if A4s a 7\ space. 122. Every no-point compactification of R is a figure 8. 123. A regular space is locally compact if and only if every compact set is included in the interior of a compact set. [Let К be compact. We may assume К is closed by Sec. 5.4, Problem 9. Then K'\s a neighborhood of oo, thus includes a closed neighborhood of oo.] 124. A locally compact Lindelof space must be σ-compact. [Apply Sec. 5.3, Problem 105toJT + .] 125. A locally compact regular Lindelof space must be hemicompact. [By Problems 113 and 124, {oo} is a Gd. Now see Problem 113 and Sec. 5.4, Problem 201.] 126. Call X an a space if every point has a compact neighborhood, a b space if every point has a base of compact closed neighborhoods, а с space if every point has a base of relatively compact neighborhoods. Show that for T2 or regular spaces these definitions are all equivalent to local compactness. Which of these properties does Q+have? What of the space in Sec. 5.4, Problem 115? Further discussion is given in [Gross] and [Schnare]. 127. X+ is connected if and only if X has no compact open components. Thus oo is a dispersion point of Q +. (This means that Q+ is connected and Q+ \ {oo} is totally disconnected.) 128. Let X be locally connected. Then X+ is connected if and only if X has no compact components. 129. A hemicompact first countable КС space must be an a space (Problem 126). Hence, if T2 or regular, it is locally compact [Problem 112]. 130. Let X be a not relatively compact subspace of a hemicompact space Y. Show that in X +, oo is a sequential limit point of X. [By Problem 113, ^ contains a sequence converging to oo in Υ + .] 131. Let D be an infinite discrete space. Show that the cofinite filter on D + converges to oo. 132. Let D be an uncountable discrete space. ThenZ>+ is closure-sequential but not first countable [Problems 131 and 113]. 201. Give an example of a Hausdorff space with a point which has no linearly ordered neighborhood base [Problem 132]. 202. RR is not а к space. [See [Kelley, 7J].] 203. LetXbeaA^Cspace. ThenX+ is a A^C space if and only if A4s a A: space. [See [Wilansky (b), Theorem 5].] 204. Let X be a Hausdorff space. Then A4s respectively, locally compact, k,
144 Compactification / Ch. 8 if and only if X+ is respectively Г2, КС. [Problem 203 and Theorem 8.1.2.] 205. Q+ is КС, compact, and not T2 [Problems 204 and 119]. 206. The product of two closure-sequential spaces need not be sequential, hence [Sec. 3.1, Problem 204] need not be closure-sequential. [The diagonal in Q+ χ Q+ is sequentially closed by Problems 130, 205, and Sec. 6.7, Problem 10, but is not closed by Sec. 6.7, Example 1. See Problem 130 or 209.] 207. Give an example of a US space X such that X+ is not US. [See [Wilansky(b)].] 208. Give an example of a nonhomogeneous metric space X such that Xx = Xy for all x, у ε X. (See Problem 121.) [Try X = ω и У with Y= ΙΤ=ι(-"- 1, -я).] 209. If A4s a metric space, X+ is closure-sequential. 8.2 Embeddings In this section we discuss some embeddings which lead to compactifications of various types. Let A" be a Tychonoff space and С the set of all continuous maps of X into / = [0, 1]. Then the topology of X is equal to the weak topology by С [Theorem 6.7.4; the proof obviously covers this case], and so Theorem 6.6.2 shows that X is homeomorphic with a subspace of Iе. Moreover, the map described in Theorem 6.6.2 is χ —► £ (pronounced x-hat), where St{f) = f{x). Тпетарх—► Jc is called the evaluation from X to Iе. The range of the evaluation is written ί"; thus % = {&: xg X). We state these remarks formally. Theorem 8.2.1. Let X be a Tychonoff space and С the set of all continuous maps ofX into I = [0, 1]. Then the evaluation is a homeomorphism ofX into Iе. Any space of the form IA, where / = [0, 1] and A is a set, is called a cube. We now see that cubes are universal among Tychonoff spaces. Theorem 8.2.2. A topological space is a Tychonoff space if and only if it is homeomorphic with a subspace of a cube. Half of this is Theorem 8.2.1. Conversely each cube is a Tychonoff space by Theorem 6.7.3 (or because it is compact Г2), and hence, so is each subspace by Sec. 4.3, Problem 2. | A EXAMPLE 1. A certain embedding, suggested by M. Frechet in 1909, has some interesting applications. One of these is an alternative construction of the completion of a metric space in Sec. 9.2, Example 3. Another is the
Sec. 8.2 / Embeddings 145 construction of a universal separable metric space. (See [Banach, p. 187, Theorem 10].) Let X be a topological space and let Υ = C*(X). For/e Υ define Ц/11 = sup{|/(x)|: χ e X}, (||/|| is pronounced norm-/), and for/, g e C, define w(/, #) = ||/ - #||. Then (У, л) is a metric space. Now, assuming that (X, d) is a semimetric space, fix zel and define ρ: Χ^> Υ by p(x)(t) = d{x, t) - d{t, z), for all x, t e X. (Note, p(x) is that function on X whose value at t is p(x)(t)) Then ρ is a distance-preserving map, that is for x, у e X, /i[p(x), p(y)] = фс, у). Ыр(*\рШ= HpM-pOOII = sup{\p(x)(t)- p(y)(t)\:teX} = sup\d(x, t) - d(t, z) - d(y, t) + d(t, z)\ = sup\d(x, t) - d(y, 01 < d(x, y) = \d(x,y)-d(y,z)-d(y,y) + d(y,z)\ < sup\d(x, t) - d(t, z) - d(y, t) + d(t, z)\ = n[p(x\ p(y)\ (The third expression from the end is just the value of the succeeding expression when t = y.)} Thus if A" is a metric space we see that X is isometric with a subspace of (У, ή). Some refinements are suggested in Problems 103, 104, and 105. Problems 1. Let Λ be a nonempty collection of continuous functions from a topological space X into /= [0, 1]. For χ e X, define χ e IA by x(f) = f(x) for/e A. Let the map χ -► χ be called e: ^-> /л. Show that e is continuous. 2. The map e of Problem 1 is one-to-one if and only if A is separating over X. 3. The map e of Problem 1 is a homeomorphism if and only if A is determining. (This means that A is separating and/[#"] —►/(*) for a\\fe A implies «^ —► x, where ^ is a filter.) 4. If Jf is а Г0 space it is redundant, in the definition of " determining," to assume that A is separating. 5. Give an example of a separating family of continuous functions on R which has only one member. Prove that such a family must be determining. 101. Let/k(x) = x/(k + x2) for к = 1, 2; χ e R. Let A = {/b/2}· Show that the map e of Problem 1 goes from R to I2 (a square in R2) and carries R onto a simple closed curve. This is an example in which e is one-to-one but not a homeomorphism.
146 Compactification / Ch. 8 102. Show directly that A, in Problem 101, is not determining. 103. If A" is a semimetric space, the embedding of Example 1 is distance preserving but need not be isometric. 104. Let D be a dense subset of a semimetric space (X, d), and let Υ = C*(D). For /e У, let ||/|| = sup{|/(;c)|: χ e D). Define p.X^Y by p(x){t) = d(x, t) — d(t, ζ), ζ being a fixed member of X. Show that ρ is distance preserving [as in Example 1]. 105. Every separable metric space is isometric with a subset of the space of all bounded real sequences metrized by d{x, y) = sup|x„ — yn\ [Problem 104]. 106. Show that the evaluation cannot be onto Iе. 201. Give an example for Problem 1 in which X = R, A has two members and e is onto I2. 8.3 The Stone-Cech Compactification We are going to embed a space A" in a compact Hausdorff space with remarkable properties. Since a compact Hausdorff space is T3± [Theorem 5.4.7] and this property is hereditary [Sec. 4.3, Problem 2], only TychonofT spaces can be so embedded; as we shall see, this assumption is also sufficient. The main result (Theorem 8.3.1) was proved by M. H. Stone and E. Cech, both in 1937. The special case Υ = R had been given by A. TychonofT in 1930. The compactification will be carried out by means of the evaluation of Section 8.2, and for this purpose we set up our notation: X is a T3± space, С is the set of all continuous maps from X to /, the unit interval [0, 1]. As before, the evaluation is the map χ —► χ where x{f) = f{x) for all/e C; it is a homeomorphism of X into /c, the range being X [Theorem 8.2.1]. Lemma 8.3.1. Letg:X —► I be continuous. Then g has a continuous extension G:IC^ I. Define g0 e Cbyg0(x) = g{x). [#0 ls continuous sinceg0 = g c p, where ρ is the evaluation; g, ρ being continuous.] Define G: Iе —► I by G{h) = h{g0) for all h e С Then G is continuous. [Let hs —► h. Then hs(g0) —► h(g0) since convergence is pointwise. Thus G(hs) —► G(h).J Finally G\X = g. [Let χ ei Then G(x) = x(g0) = g0(x) = </(*).] | The space Iе is a compact Hausdorff space and hence, so is the closure of X in Iе. Let this closure be called βΧ; it is a compact Hausdorff space with a dense subspace homeomorphic with X. If we identify X with X we may say that we have embedded X as a dense subspace of βΧ in such a way that every continuous function g.X^l has a continuous extension G: βΧ ^> I. It is in
Sec. 8.3 / The Stone-Cech Compactification 147 this form that we shall use the result of Lemma 8.3.1. Note that if X is compact, βΧ = X. (More accurately, βΧ = X) Before reading the proof of Lemma 8.3.2, the reader may be guided by a glance over the remark which follows it. Lemma 8.3.2. Let g: Χ ^> Υ be continuous, where Υ is a compact Hausdorff space. Then g has a continuous extension G: βΧ —► Υ. Let C( Y) be the set of all continuous functions from Υ into /, and Ϋ the image of the natural embedding of Υ in IC[Y]. Since У, Ϋ are homeomorphic [Theorems 8.2.1 and 5.4.7], it will be sufficient to prove Lemma 8.3.2 under the assumption that g: Χ^ Ϋ. Fix и e С[У], and let gu: X^ I be defined thus: for each xe X, let gu(x) = g(x)(u), the value of g(x), a member of f, at u. Then gu is continuous. [Let q be the natural embedding of Υ in /C(y); a homeomorphism, as just mentioned. Then gu = и о q~1 о д, as is seen thus: let xe X, g(x) = y. Then u{q-\g(x)~]} = u[_q~\y)~] = u(y) = y(u) = g(x)(u).} By Lemma 8.3.1, gu has a continuous extension Gu: βΧ'—► /. We now reverse the process which led from g to gu, "pasting together" the Gu's to make G. Define G: βΧ-> IC(Y) as follows: for each χ e Xlet G(x) be that member of IC{ Y) whose value at и e C( Y) is Gu(x); thus G(x)(u) = Gu{x). Now G\X = g. [For χ e X, G(x)(u) = Gu(x) = gu(x) = g{x){u) for all w e С[У], hence G(x) = g(x).J G is continuous. [Let ζδ be a net in βΧ with z^—► z. Then G(z^) —► G(z) since for each и e C(F), G^O) = Gu(zs) —► Gu(z) = G(z)(w), each Gu being continuous on βΧ.~\ Finally Ϋ is compact, hence a closed subset of IC(Y). [The latter space is T2 since it is a product of intervals, and a compact subset is closed, by Theorem 5.4.5.] It follows that the range of G is included in Ϋ. {G[_fiX] = G[Z] с fby Theorem 4.2.4.] | remark. The proof of Lemma 8.3.2 can be conceptually simplified in the following way. LetJT = C{X\X" = Ix\ Г = С(У), Υ" = IY\g\X4-+ Υ. Define the so-called dual map g \ Y' —► X' by g'(u) = и о g for ue Y'. The second dual map g" \ X" —► Y" is similarly defined by g"{h) = h о д' for heX". We may identify X with Χ, Υ with f, g"\X with g. [Actually g"\X = pY о д о р~\ where py, px are the evaluations.] Now the problem is to extend g". For each ue Y' we consider the map χ —► ^,,(x)(w). This is a map to /and can be extended, by Lemma 8.3.1. The extension then yields a map G: X" -^ Y" whose value at и is g" (h)(u) for /z e X". Then the restriction of G toX is the required extension of g". Theorem 8.3.1. Let X be а Туchonoff space. Then there exists a compact Hausdorff space βΧ such that X is a dense subspace of βΧ and such that every continuous function from X into a compact Hausdorff space Υ can be extended to a continuous function from βΧ into Y.
148 Compactification / Ch. 8 This is the content of Lemma 8.3.2. | The space /?A4s called the Stone-Cech compactification of X. A construction of βΧ by the process of completion of a uniform space is given in Sec. 11.5, Example 1; a construction by the techniques of Banach algebra, due to M. H. Stone, I. Gelfand, and A. Kolmogoroff, may be found in Section 14.3 of [Wilansky (a)]; a construction by means of ultrafilters, due in part to P. Samuel, M. H. Stone, and H. Wallman, may be found in Chapter 6 of [Gillman and Jerison]; still other constructions have been given by S. Kakutani, G. E. Silov and others. Theorem 8.5.2 is a uniqueness theorem for βΧ. *EXAM PLE 1. Let X = (0, 1], f(x) = sin 1/x, and let F be the extension of/to βΧ. (Here the range space is [- 1, 1].) Let - 1 < t < 1. Then there exists a sequence {xn} in X such that xn —► 0,f(xn) = t. The sequence {xn} has a cluster point и in βΧ [Theorem 7.1.4] and F(u) = t. {F(u) is a cluster point of {F(xn)} by Sec. 7.1, Problem 9, and {F(xn)} is a constant sequence in [—1, 1].] Thus βΧ\ Χ has, at least, a point for each number between — 1 and 1. This shows that βΧ is large for even very small spaces. The next result shows its pathology in a different way. Theorem 8.3.2. Let X be a TA space. Then βΧ is not first countable at any point of βΧ \ X. No point of βΧ \Χ is a sequential limit point of X. In Sec. 10.2, Problem 112 and Sec. 14.6, Problem 1, we shall see that the first result holds, and the second result fails, for T3± spaces. The first conclusion of Theorem 8.3.2 follows from the second, and Theorem 3.1.1. Suppose that {xn} is a sequence in X and xn —► у е βΧ\ Χ. Then {x2n} and {*2π+ ι} are disjoint closed subsets of X; they can be completely separated. When the separating function/is extended to βΧ, we have f(y) = \imf(x2n) = \imf(x2n+i) which is impossible by the definition of / ι A point in X may be a sequential limit point of βΧ\ Χ [Problem 110]. Corollary 8.3.1. βΧ cannot be metrizable unless X is already compact. If /?A4s metrizable, A4s also; hence A"is Γ4 [Theorem 4.3.3] and the result follows from Theorem 8.3.2. | remark. The Stone-Cech compactification is a useful tool. Like the one-point compactification, it can be used to show that certain properties are not hereditary [Problem 101]. It can be used to construct examples of measures, integrals, and generalized limits; see [Wilansky (a), Section 14.3, Application 3]. It can be used to prove a form of Tychonoff's product theorem; see Sec. 8.6, Problem 102. It serves as a readily available source of
Sec. 8.3 / The Stone-Cech Compactification 149 examples, (see Problem 103 and many other places throughout this book), and can even be used to construct a set of real numbers which is not Lebesgue measurable; see [Semadeni]. We put aside its study with reluctance, referring the reader to an excellent discussion in [Gillman and Jerison, Chapter 6]. Problems In this list X is a Tychonoff space,/a continuous function defined on X, and Fthe continuous extension of/to βΧ. Jr\. Every bounded continuous real function on X can be extended to a continuous real function on βΧ. [In Theorem 8.3.1, take Υ = /[A"].] Jr2. No unbounded real function on X can be extended to a continuous real function on βΧ [Sec. 5.4, Example 2]. 3. βω is not sequentially compact. [Consider {n} and Theorem 8.3.2.] (This also follows from Theorem 14.1.5.) 4. Let X = (0, 1) и (1, 2). Let/be the characteristic function of (0, 1). Find F[fiX~\. 5. Let F, К be disjoint with F closed and К compact. Show that they can be completely separated. [Apply Urysohn's lemma (Theorem 4.2.11) to the normal space βΧ. Note that use of X+ would yield a weaker result.] 101. Γ4 is not hereditary [Theorem 8.3.1; Sec. 6.7, Example 3 and Theorem 6.7.3]. 102. Let X be the subspace of βω consisting of ω and one more point t. Show that X is normal [Sec. 4.1, Problem 119]. 103. The space X of Problem 102 is countable and (a) not first countable, (b) pseudofinite, (c) not locally compact, (d) not а к space. [For (a) use the second conclusion of Theorem 8.3.2. For (b), if S is an infinite compact subset, there must be a sequence converging to t, by Sec. 7.1, Problem 13. This contradicts Theorem 8.3.2. For (c), argue directly that no neighborhood of Ms closed in βω or use Sec. 5.4, Problem 202. For (d), a pseudofinite к space must be discrete.] Also ω is sequentially closed but not closed in X [Theorem 8.3.2]. 104. βΧ is connected if and only if X is [Lemma 8.3.2, Lemma 5.2.1, and Theorem 5.2.3]. 105. X is locally compact if and only if it is open in βΧ [Theorems 5.4.12 and 5.4.13.] 106. X is σ-compact if and only if it is an Fa in βΧ. 107. The points of ω are isolated in βω. [Each is open in ω which, by Problem 105, is open in βω.} 108. The cardinality of βω is 2C. [Let D be a dense countable subset of
150 Compactification / Ch. 8 [0, 1]R (Sec. 6.7, Problem 201), and/: ω -> D onto. Then F[jSo] = [0, 1]R since it is compact and dense. See Sec. 4.1, Problem 204.] 109. βΧ is zero-dimensional, hence totally disconnected, if A" is countable [Sec. 4.3, Problem 108]. 110. Each point of Q is a sequential limit point of /?Q\Q. [Choose xn in the closure in β() of (χ — \/n, χ + 1/л).] 111. Open intervals of R are open in /?R [Problem 105]. 112. If* is Г4, nopointof/^^isaG^in/?* [Theorem 8.3.2; Sec. 5.4, Problem 201.] (The remark on Theorem 8.3.2 shows that T4 may be replaced by T3±.) It follows that no point can be a zero-set. [Every zero-set is a GS.J 113. A locally compact separable metric space must be hemicompact [Sec. 8.1, Problem 125], but a locally compact separable HausdorfT space need not even be σ-compact. [Remove one point from βω and apply Problem 112 or Sec. 5.3, Problem 105; or Sec. 14.1, Example 2.] 114. Let * be pseudocompact and /e C{X). Then F, f have the same range. pr[Ar] = /[*] is pseudocompact, hence compact, hence closed. It thus includes F[/?*] by Theorem 4.2.4.] 115. The following condition is necessary and sufficient that X be pseudo- compact. If/e C*(*) and Дх) φ 0 for all χ e X, then F{t) Φ 0 for all t ε βΧ. [Problem 114; conversely, if A" is not pseudocompact, let g be unbounded, and/= 1/(1 ν \g\).J 116. A HausdorfT space is called absolutely closed if it is a closed subspace of any HausdorfT space in which it can be embedded. Show that a compact space is absolutely closed, and that an absolutely closed Tychonoff space is compact. [It is closed in /?*.] 117. Let X be first countable at x. Show that βΧ is first countable at x. [Take the closure in βΧ of the *-neighborhoods of x. These will form a base for the closed neighborhoods of χ in the regular space /?*.] 118. In contrast with Problem 117, a point may be a Gd in X but not in βΧ. [Consider t in Problem 102 and use Problem 112.] 119. Let Χ, Υ be first countable and such that /?*, β Υ are homeomorphic. Show that Χ, Υ are homeomorphic [Theorem 8.3.2 and Problem 117]. ("First countable" cannot be omitted, nor can it be replaced by the assumption that all points are G/s. See Sec. 8.5, Problem 110.) 120. C*(*) = C(j8*). 121. Take as known the result: If C(*), С(У), are ring isomorphic, with Χ, Υ compact HausdorfT, then Χ, Υ are homeomorphic. (See [Wilansky (a), Sec. 14.1, Corollary 1].) Show that if*, У are first countable Tychonoff spaces with C*(X), C*(Y) ring isomorphic, then X, У are homeomorphic [Problems 120 and 119]. 122. Let t e βω\ω. Let К be a neighborhood of (t, t) in βω χ βω. Show that V must contain a point (m, m) and a point (w, n) with me ω
Sec. 8.4 / Compactifications 151 η e ω, m Φ η. [V ' =) U χ Uand U η ω has more than one member.] 123. Must two sequences in Q which converge to y/l have the same accumulation points in β(} ? 124. Two different topologies may have the same compact connected sets [Problem 103 and the discrete topology]. 125. There exists a convergent net with no one-to-one subnet. [In the space of Problem 103, let χδ e ω, χδ —► t. A one-to-one subnet would be a sequence.] 201. Criticize this argument for showing that /?(0, 1] is not metrizable. With f{x) = sin 1/x, F would be uniformly continuous [Sec. 5.4, Problem 108]. But F\ (0, 1] = /is not uniformly continuous. What does this argument actually prove ? 202. Call an open set G saturated ifthere exists no point χ φ G with G υ {χ} open. Find the saturated open sets in R and R2. Show that ω is saturated in βω [Problem 112]. (More generally, this shows if A' is σ-compact and locally compact, it is saturated in βΧ.) Express this result in terms of isolated points of βΧ\ Χ. 203. Let X be separable, and first countable at each point of a dense countable subset. Then X has a countable pseudobase but need not be second countable [βω]. 204. βΧ need not be a continuous image of IC{X). [Problem 104; Theorem 6.6.3; Theorem 5.2.2.] In particular, it need not be a retract. 205. In Lemma 8.3.1,# was extended all the way to/c. This is not in general possible in Lemma 8.3.2. [If we could extend the inclusion map: A'—► βΧ to r: Iе —► βΧ; then r is onto, since its range includes a dense set. This contradicts Problem 204.] 206. For a T2 space X, these are equivalent: (a) X is absolutely closed, (b) every filterbase of open sets has a cluster point, (c) X is closed in every T2 space К such that Υ = Χ υ singleton. [For с => ft, add a new point whose neighborhoods are the sets of the filterbase. For ft => a, form a filterbase from the open neighborhoods of some j^el.] 207. Let A and A be dense in a compact T2 space (X, T). Show that the simple extension of Τ by A is absolutely closed and not compact. [Use Theorem 5.4.10.] 208. An absolutely closed T3 space is compact. 209. The character of χ in X is the same as in βΧ. [Imitate Problem 117.] This is not true for the weight of χ [Problem 118]. 8.4 Compactifications Definition 1. A compactification of a topological space X, is a pair (Y,f),
152 Compactification / Ch. 8 where Υ is a compact space and f is a homeomorphism from X onto a dense sub- space X0 of Y. If Υ is a T2 space, (Y,f) is called a T2 compactification. Thus if Υ is compact and A" is a dense subspace of Y, then (Y, i) is a compactification of A", where /: Ar—► У is the inclusion map, i(x) = x. The statement that X+, βΧ are compactifications of A" is to be interpreted to mean that (X+, i) and (βΧ, i) are compactifications, where /: X ^> X\s the identity map. (In the case of βΧ, our construction yields (βΧ, ρ) as the compactification before any identifications are made, where ρ is the evaluation map of X'mlc.) There are two "compactifications" which do not fit Definition 1. One is the important Bohr compactification (see, for example, [Hewitt and Ross]), and another is the less important no-point compactification introduced in Sec. 8.1, Problem 121. In each of these cases, a space is not a topological subspace of its compactification, but is continuously embedded in it; that is, has a larger topology. (In the case of the Bohr compactification, the new topology has the same convergent sequences as the old, see [Reid]; while the no-point compactification of X has the same topology as X on all but one point of X.) Theorem 8.4.1. Λ locally compact T2 space is open in any T2 compactification: that is, if{ Y,f)isa compactification ofX, thenf[X~\ is an open subset of Y. This theorem is merely a restatement of Theorem 5.4.13. | We now introduce a partial ordering among T2 compactifications of a fixed space X. If (Y,f), (Z,g) are compactifications of X we say that (У,/) > (Z, g) if there is a continuous function h from Υ onto Ζ with 9 = h of X—f-^ Υ h Ζ The diagram shown is commutative (that is g = h of) and и = h \f[X] is a homeomorphism onto g\_X~\. \u~l =f°g~1 where we consider g~1: g[_X~\ —► X.J The function h has the additional property that it carries y\/[Ar]ontoZ\^[Ar] [Lemma 4.3.1]. ^EXAMPLE 1. Let X = (0, 1), Υ = [0, 1], Sl = one-sphere, fix) = x, g(x) = e2nix. Then (У,/), (Sl9 g) are compactifications of X, and (У,/) > (Sl9 g) since if we set h(x) = e2mx, then h maps У continuously onto Su and h of = g. It is false that (Sug) > (Y,f\ since if k\ 5Ί-► Υ satisfies к о д = /we have k[g[XJ] = f[X~\ = (0, 1), while Sx \gf[JT] has only one
Sec. 8.4 / Compactifications 153 point, so that к cannot possibly map Sx onto Y, which has two points outside of (0, 1). EXAMPLE 2. Let Υ, Ζ be compact T2 spaces such that X = Υ η Ζ is dense in both Υ and Z, and the relative topologies of Υ and Ζ are the same on X. Then (Y, /) and (Z, /) are compactifications of A", and if (Y, i) > (Z, /) the requisite map /z: У—► Ζ must be the identity map on X, and must carry Y\ X onto Ζ \ Χ [Lemma 4.3.1]. We now see that the one-point and Stone-Cech compactifications are minimum and maximum, respectively. X is assumed noncompact to avoid trivialities. Theorem 8.4.2. (a) Let X be a locally compact T2 space, and(Y,f) any T2 compactification. Then(Y,f)>(X+,i). (b) Let X be а Тъ± space and Υ any T2 compactification, then (βΧ, i) > (Y,f). To prove (a), we define h(y) = f~\y) for yef[_X~\, and h(y) = oo for ye Y\RXl It is clear that/z o/= /. [For χ e X, /z[ /(*)] =/_1[/(jc)] = x.J To see that h is continuous, let у e Y. If у ef\_X~\ and yd is a net converging to y, then ydef[X~\ eventually [/[A"] is open, by Theorem 8.4.1] and so, eventually, h(yd) = f~ 1(уд)^>/~ 1(у) = h(y), so that h is continuous at y. Uye y\/[Ar]sothat/z(>y) = oo, let TV be an open neighborhood of oo in X+. ThenX+\N = ;r\ TV is a compact set, so that/Г1 [TV] = Y\RX+ \ N] is open, being the complement of a compact set. Thus h is continuous at y. To prove (b), we note that/: Χ ^> Υ is continuous and that Υ is compact. Thus by Theorem 8.3.1 ,/can be extended to a continuous function h: βΧ^> Υ. Moreover Ь/=/. [For xe X, h{x) = f(x).] | Theorem 8.4.3. The partial ordering of T2 compactifications of a fixed space is antisymmetric, in the sense that if{Y,f), (Z, g) are T2 compactifications of X, and(Y,f) > (Z, g) > (Y,f), then (Y,f) and (Z, g) are equivalent in the sense that there exists a homeomorphism hfrom Υ onto Ζ such that h of = g. (Inparticular h carries f\_X~\ onto g\_X~\ "in the right way.") There exists a continuous h\Y^>Z with b/=^, and continuous λ::Ζ-> Υ with код = fi Now for у ef[X], say у = f(x), A:[/z(j;)] = k[g(x)~\ = f(x) = y. Thus к о his the identity onf[X~\. Since ко h: У—► Ζ and the identity map /: Υ —► Ζ agree on a dense subset of Y, they agree on Υ [Sec. 4.2, Problem 7]. This shows that к = h~l, so that h is a homeomorphism onto. | remark. The parenthesized phrase in the statement of Theorem 8.4.3 means that for each χ e X, f(x) is carried to g(x) by h. In particular if f = g = i,h leaves X pointwise fixed.
154 Compactification / Ch. 8 Since it is customary to identify any two homeomorphic spaces, we shall henceforth consider a space X as a dense subspace of any compactification, and shall refer to У as a compactification of X (instead of Υ and a map), thinking of A" as a dense subspace of Y. Thus, as in Example 1, Sx is a compactification of (0, 1). If Υ \ X has η points we call Υ an η-point compactification. If Y\X is infinite, or countable, we call Υ an infinite, or countable, compactification, respectively. For an interesting remark on finite compactifications, see [Sanderson]. A EXAMPLE 3. R has a one-point T2 compactification, Sl9 and a two- point Τ2 compactification [0, 1], but no three-point T2 compactification as we now prove. Let У be a compact T2 space and assume that Υ contains three pointsyl, y2, y3 such that Υ\ {yu y2, y3} = R Let G{, G2, G3 be disjoint open neighborhoods ofyl,y2,y3 respectively, and G = Gl и G2 и G3. Then Υ \ G is a closed subset of Υ hence is compact. But Υ \ G a R hence Υ \ G a [a, b~\, a closed interval in R. It follows that (— oo, а) и (b, oo) с G and so one of Gl9 G2, G3 must fail to meet (— oo, α) υ φ, oo) since the latter has only two components. Suppose it is G1. Then G^y^} = Gx η la, b~\, from which it follows that y{ is an isolated point of Y; R is not dense in Υ; Υ is not a compactification of R. | Problems 1. Let A" be a subspace of a compact space Y. Show that the closure of X in Y, with the inclusion map, is a compactification of X. 2. The subspace {z:\z\ < 1} of the complex plane has the compactifications, {z: \z\ < 1} and S2. Are they comparable? 3. All one-point T2 compactifications of a given space are equivalent [Theorem 8.1.3]. 4. A compact T2 space has only one T2 compactification: itself. [It cannot be a dense proper subset by Theorem 5.4.5.] Compare Problem 103. 101. R has an infinite metrizable compactification. [It may be a subset of R2; consider the graph of у = sin \/x, 0 < χ < 1, and its closure.] 102. All «-point T2 compactifications of a given space X for a given value of η are equivalent. True or false ? 103. An infinite cofinite space is a compactification of any infinite subspace. Such a subspace is compact and dense. 104. Construct a subspace of R which has a one- and a two-point compactification which are homeomorphic with each other. (See [Sanderson].) 105. A space is called C-complete (or Cech-complete) if it can be embedded
Sec. 8.5 / С- and C*-Embedding 155 as a Gd in some compact T2 space. Show that a locally compact T2 space is C-complete. [Consider X+ or βΧ.] 106. If X is C-complete, it must be a G5 in )ИГ. [If* с У, let Ζ = X. Let /: β*-> Ζ satisfy/-1 [χ] = χ. Use Lemma 4.3.1.] 107. C-complete is F-hereditary. 108. A Gd in a C-complete space is C-complete. 8.5 C- and C*-Embedding A set S in a topological space X is said to be C*-embedded in X if every bounded continuous real function on S can be extended to a continuous real function on X, and C-embedded in X if every continuous real function on S can be extended to a continuous real function on X. (See Problem 3.) The importance of βΧ stems partly from the fact that X is C*-embedded in it. EXAMPLE 1. Let X be а Туchonoff space. Then every finite subset S is C-embedded in X. (This result is also a special case of Corollary 8.5.1, below.) Let S = (*!, x2,..., xn). For each / = 1, 2,..., n, there exists a continuous fi: *—► R mthfiixi) = l.f^Xj) = 0 for j φ i. [Separate xt from the closed set {Xj\j φ /}.] Now for any g\ S—► R let Ax) = i^xiWW forxG*. i = 1 Then/ is continuous [it is a finite sum of continuous functions] and/| S = g. [For у =1,2,..., nj(Xj) = Σ gixdfiixj) = д(хЯ I EXAMPLE 2. A C-embedded set is certainly C*-embedded, but not conversely. For example, X is always C*-embedded in βΧ, but need not be C-embedded. Indeed an unbounded function could not have a continuous extension to βΧ [Sec. 8.3, Problem 2]. Let us say that a subspace S of X is K-embedded in X if for every compact HausdorfT space K, every continuous/: S—► Υ has a continuous extension F: X^ Y. A /^-embedded subspace is C*-embedded [take Υ = /[S]], and we have the following important partial converse. Theorem 8.5.1. A dense C*-embedded subspace of а Ту chonoff space is K-embedded. In the proof of Lemma 8.3.2, only the fact that X is C*-embedded and dense in βΧ was used; thus the same proof applies. | (The density of X was used in the last step of that proof. It cannot be omitted; see Problem 5.)
156 Compactification / Ch. 8 Theorem 8.5.2. βΧ is the only T2 compactification of X in which X is C* -embedded. More precisely, if(Y,f) is a T2 compactification of X such that f\_X~\ is C*-embedded in Y, then (Y,f) is equivalent to (βΧ, i). (We are thinking of I as a subspace of βΧ.) Consider the map /_1:/[*]-> jMf. This has an extension h: Υ-> jMT [Theorem 8.5.1]. Now h of = L [For χ 6 X9 /z[/(x)] = /" '[/(x)] = x} and so (Y9f) > (βΧ9 i). Since also (βΧ9 i) > (Y9f) [Theorem 8.4.2] the result follows from Theorem 8.4.3. | EXAMPLE 3. Let X be a Tychonoff space and Χ α Υ α βΧ. Then β Υ = βΧ. The use of the "equals" sign indicates not only that β Υ is homeomorphic with βΧ9 but that Υ is actually a dense C*-embedded sub- space of βΧ. [У is dense since A" is. Also if#: У—► R, let/ = g \ X. Extend /to F: βΧ —► R. Then F\ Υ = g\ since this is true on X, a dense subset of Y; by Sec. 4.2, Problem 7.] The following result, known as Tietze's extension theorem, was given for metric spaces by H. Tietze in 1923, and extended by P. Urysohn in 1925. A very elegant proof by use of linear operators is given in [McCord]. Theorem 8.5.3. Every closed subspace S of a normal space X is C-embedded. Let/: S —► R be continuous. Case ι. Suppose that/[S] с [-2,2]. Let/! = / Ax = {χεΞ:Μχ)< -f}, Bx = {*££:/!(*)>!}. There exists continuous g l: X^> [ —f,f] witn Q\ = -f°n^b0i =%onBl. [By Urysohn's lemma (Theorem 4.2.11) since Al9 BY are disjoint, and are closed in X since they are closed in S which is closed in A". (If A j is empty, take 9i = Ί everywhere; if BY = 0,9i = — f; if Ax = Bx = 0, take gY = 0. These remarks apply also to the rest of the proof.)] Now define/2 on S by fiM =/iW " 9iM for xeS. Then /2[S] c= [-$,f]. [For xeAl9 Mx) e [-2, -f], 9l(x) = -f; for χ e Bl9 Ш e [f, 2], 9l(x) = \; for other χ ε Ξ,Μχ) ε (-f, f), 9ι(χ) ε [-1, f].] Next, let Α2 = {xES:f2(x) < -(f)2}, Β2 = {xES:f2(x) > (f)2}, and continuousg2: X—> [ — (f)2, (f)2] with#2 = — Θ)2 onA2,g2 = (I)2 on B29 and define /3: S - [-f, f] by /3(x) = /2(x) - #2(x) for xeS. [For * e A2,f2(x) ε [-f, -f] and 02(χ) = -f, etc.] Continuing in this way we get, for η = 1,2, ..., continuous 9n-X-*\.~(1)", (§)"], /.:$->[-3(f)", 3(f)n],
Sec. 8.5 / С- and С*-Embedding 157 and, on S,fn+l = /„ - gn. Finally, define F: X^> [-2, 2] by n= 1 [The series converges, since for each x, and л, |#„(x)| < (f)n, so \F(x)\ < £(§)" = 2.] Fis continuous [Theorem 4.2.10 and Sec. 4.2, Problem 15.] Finally, F \ S = f. [For χ e S, Σ 9Αχ) = Σ Ш*) -Λ+iW] =/iW -AW-/W n=l n=l since |/k(x)| < 3(f)* -> 0 as к -> oo.] remark on case i. Suppose /: S—► ( —2, 2). Then we can choose F so that also F: X ^> ( — 2, 2). [Note that 7% chosen in Case I satisfies F: X ^> [ — 2, 2]. Let Τ = {χ: \F(x)\ = 2}. Then Τ is closed and disjoint from S. If Τ is empty there is nothing to prove. Otherwise, choose a continuous h: X^> [0, 1] with h = 1 on S, h = 0 on T. Then ft F maps ^continuously into ( — 2, 2) and agrees with /on S.J Case u. For arbitrary continuous/: S—► R, let w: R—► (-2, 2) be any homeomorphism onto [Sec. 4.2, Example 5]. Then и о/is a continuous map of S into ( — 2, 2). By the remark on Case I, we may extend и °/to a continuous G: A" —► (— 2, 2). Then и"1 oGisa continuous map of G into R and (u-loG)\S=f. [For xeS,u-1 №)] = ιΓ»[>(/*)] = /(*).] I Corollary 8.5.1. Every compact subset К of a Tychonoff space X is C-embedded. К is C-embedded in βΧ [Theorem 8.5.3], hence it is C-embedded in X. [Extend/: tf-> R to F: βΧ-> R and consider F\X.j | note. The problem of extending metrics and complete metrics is treated in [Bacon]. Problems In this list, wherever βΧ is mentioned, it is assumed that A" is a Tychonoff space. 1. With S, X,f, Fas in Theorem 8.5.3, if/[S] с (a, b) then Fcan be so chosen that F\_X~\ a {a, b). 2. In Problem 1, replace (a, b) by (i) [a, ft], (ii) [я, ft). *3. If Sis C*-embedded in JTand/e C*(S),/can be extended to Fe C*(X). [If/[S] c (я. 6). replace Fby (a v F) л ft.] 4. (0, 1] is not C*-embedded in [0, 1].
158 Compactification / Ch. 8 5. "Dense" cannot be omitted in Theorem 8.5.1. [S = У = {0, 1}. X = [0, llg(x) = x.J 6. A C-embedded subspace need not be A^-embedded. [See the hint for Problem 5.] 7. Let X be a 7\ space. Then every finite subspace is C-embedded if and only if every two points can be completely separated. (Compare Example 1.) 8. Give an example of a locally compact HausdorfT space Υ such that β Υ = Υ+. [Remove one point from βΧ. Use Example 3 and Theorem 8.1.З.] ^-9. Let A" be a dense and C-embedded subspace of Y. Let Fe C(Y) and suppose that F(y) = 0 for some у e Y. Show that F(x) = 0 for some xeX. [If F(x) Φ 0 for all xeX, let g{x) = \/\F(x)\ for xeX\ g e C(X) by Theorems 4.2.6 and 4.2.8. Let G be the extension of g to all of Y. Then (G-\F\)(x) = 1 for all xeX, hence for all ye Υ since X is dense. In particular F{y) can never be 0.] By Problem 12, С cannot be replaced by C*. 10. Under the assumptions of Problem 9, suppose also that У is a Tychonoff space and that ye Y\X. Then F(x) = 0 for at least two values of x. [Suppose F(x) = 0 for χ = x0 e X and for no other χ e X. Choose G e C(Y) with G(x0) = 1, G{y) = 0. Then \F\ + \G\ vanishes at у but not anywhere in X. This contradicts Problem 9.] 11. In Problem 10, F(x) = 0 for infinitely many values of χ e X [similar proof]. 12. βω \ ω is a zero-set in βω. [Consider f(n) = 1/w.] 13. A A^-embedded subset of a connected space is connected [Lemma 5.2.1]. In particular this applies to a dense C*-embedded subset [Theorem 8.5.1]. Here К cannot be replaced by C*. [Consider a subspace with two points.] 101. A Tychonoff space X is C-embedded in βΧ if and only if it is pseudo- compact. 102. Prove this converse of Theorem 8.5.3. If every closed subspace of X is C-embedded, X is normal. [Extend the characteristic function of one of two disjoint closed sets.] 103. For normal spaces, pseudocompact and countably compact are equivalent. [Sec. 7.1, Problem 114. If A" is not countably compact, it includes a closed copy of ω; now apply Theorem 8.5.3.] 104. ω χ ω is not C*-embedded in βω χ βω. [The characteristic function of the diagonal cannot be extended, by Sec. 8.3, Problem 122.] 105. β{Χ χ Υ) > βΧ χ βΥ in the sense of Section 8.4, and they need not be equivalent compactifications [Problem 104 and Theorem 8.4.2(b)]. (I. Glicksberg has proved that they are equivalent if and only if
Sec. 8.5 / С- and С*-Embedding 159 Χ χ Υ is pseudocompact. See [Isbell]. See also Problem 106, and Sec. 14.1, Problem 106.) 106. The compactifications in Problem 105 are equivalent if and only if Ix Kis C*-embedded in βΧ χ β Υ. 107. Let X be a 7\ space. Which subsets S of A" have the property: (a) Every bounded real function on S can be extended to a bounded real function on X. (b) Every bounded real function on S can be extended to a bounded continuous real function on X. (c) Every continuous real function on S can be extended to a bounded continuous real function onl? 108. Let S be C*-embedded in X and such that if С is any closed set not meeting S, S and С can be completely separated. Show that if /: S—► (— 1, 1) is continuous, / has a continuous extension F0: X^> (-1, 1). [Let С = {x\ \F(x)\ > 1}. Imitate the remark on Case I of Theorem 8.5.3.] Hence show that S is C-embedded [Case II of Theorem 8.5.3]. 109. Express Sec. 4.2, Problem 203 as a sufficient condition that a dense subspace of a space be C-embedded. [Take Υ = R.] 110. With X as in Sec. 8.3, Problem 102, show that βΧ = βω but Χ, ω are not homeomorphic [Example 3; Sec. 8.3, Problem 103]. 111. X is called an absolute retract if for every T4 space У, every closed subspace of У homeomorphic with X is a retract of Y. (In other words, X is a retract in every Г4 space in which it is embedded as a closed subset.) Show that a retract of a cube is an absolute retract. [Let S α Κ, Υ normal; /: S—► X a IA a homeomorphism onto. For each a e A, the map s —► f(s)(a) is a continuous map from S to /. By Tietze's extension theorem, this map may be extended to ga\ Y—> I. This yields g: У—► IA. The required retraction is/-1 ° г о g, where r is the retraction on X.J In particular, a cube is an absolute retract. 112. R" is an absolute retract. [Use Urysohn's lemma and imitate the hint for Problem 111.] 113. A compact Hausdorff space is an absolute retract if and only if it is a retract of a cube [Problem 111 and Theorem 8.5.3]. 114. Let A be a topological space such that for every normal space X and closed subspace S, every continuous f: S—> A can be extended to continuous F: X^ A. Show that A is an absolute retract. (Theorem 8.5.3 shows that R has this property.) [If A is a closed subspace of a normal space X, extend the identity i: A —> A to r: X —> Α.] See Problem 201. 115. Give an example of a compact connected subspace of R2 which is not an absolute retract [Sec. 6.5, Problem 210]. 116. Let (X, d) be a semimetric space and Υ a metric space which is an absolute retract. Show that every continuous function from X to У is
160 Compactification / Ch. 8 uniformly continuous if and only if d is a w-semimetric [Sec. 4.2, Problems 115 and 112; Sec. 4.3, Problem 203]. In particular, if every bounded continuous real function is uniformly continuous, d is a w-semimetric. [Take Υ = [0,1].] 201. A normal space A is an absolute retract if and only if it has the property expressed in Problem 114. [If A has this property and/: S —► A, with S a closed subspace of the normal space X, let Ζ = (X + A)/p where X + A is the free union (Sec. 6.4, Problem 106) and ρ is the relation s pf(s) for s g S and for w, ν e (X\ S) и (Л \/[S]) w ρ ν means и = ν; Ζ is normal, A is a closed subspace so there exists r\ Z^> A. For χ £ S, define F(x) = r(x).J 202. Let S be a subset of a Tychonoff space A". Let ^ = {/ e C(S) :/ has a continuous extension to all of X}. Then S is C-embedded in X if and only if A = C(S). Show that A is a subalgebra of C(S), contains all constant functions, and separates points of S; that is if χ Φ у, A contains/with/(χ) ф/{у). 203. Deduce from Tietze's extension theorem the result of Sec. 5.3, Example 3 that a separable normal space is Z>-separable. [If X is not Inseparable, C(X) will have 2C members. See Sec. 5.3, Problem 203.] 8.6 Realcompact Spaces The results of this section will be used only in Section 11.4 (Examples 3 and 4 and Problems). They have been developed from foundations laid in 1948 by Edwin Hewitt. Our treatment is taken from [Gillman and Jerison], with modifications so as to avoid the use of algebraic tools. We begin with a Tychonoff space X. For every /e C{X) we may also consider/as a map into R+; as such, it has a continuous extension F: βΧ'—► R+. For any t e βΧ we have either F{t) = oo, or F{t) e R; in the latter case the function/: X ^> R has a continuous extension to F: Χ υ {ή —► R. (In the former case R would have to be replaced by R+ here.) It follows that if t has the curious property that F(t) eR for every /e C(X), where F: βΧ^» R+ is the extension of f: X—> R + , then every/e C(X) has a continuous extension F: Χ υ {ί} —► R, in other words, X is C-embedded in Χ υ {ί}. The set of all such ί is written vX (pronounced: upsilon X\ and called the realcompactification of X. Of course υΑ" is never empty since it includes X\ Χ α υΧ α βΧ, and X is C-embedded in vX, and in no sub- f8 6 Π space of βΧ which is not included in vX. [If t φ vX, there exists /e C(X) with F(t) = oo, moreover F is uniquely determined by/since X is dense in /JZ, hence in vX.J We call X realcompact ύυΧ = X. Thus a compact Hausdorff space is realcompact, and a Tychonoff
Sec. 8.6 / Realcompact Spaces 161 space X is realcompact if and only if, for every t e βΧ \ X, there exists/ e C(X) such that F(t) = oo where F: βΧ-► R+ is the extension of/: X^> R + . remark on notation. In this section we shall denote members of C(X) by lower case/ g, /2, φ, φ,..., and their extensions as maps from βΧ to R+ by the corresponding capitals, F, G, #, Φ, Ψ,...; X is always a Tychonoff space. The following result justifies the name realcompactification. Theorem 8.6.1. vX is realcompact. Let Υ = vX. Then βΥ = βΧ [Sec. 8.5, Example 3]. Moreover X is C-embedded in vY. [Everyfe C(X) has an extension F1: vX'—► R, in other words F1: У—► R. Then Fj has an extension F2: иУ—► R and F2 clearly extends/] By (8.6.1) vY <^ vX = Y, hence Υ is realcompact. | An example of a Tychonoff space which is not realcompact is given in Sec. 14.1, Example 2. In fact, by Problem 1, it is sufficient to give a countably compact, noncompact space. Since vX is always realcompact, it follows that realcompactness is not hereditary. Theorem 8.6.2. Let fe C{X) and suppose that F{t) = 0 for some t e vX. Thenf{x) = Ofor some χ e X. Thus όΧ \ Χ includes no zero-set of vX. The result is immediate from Sec. 8.5, Problem 9. | Corollary 8.6.1. No point ofvX\X can be a Gd in vX. For such a point would be a zero-set [Sec. 4.3, Problem 5], contradicting Theorem 8.6.2. | The corresponding result for βΧ seems much more difficult to obtain. (See Sec. 8.3, Problem 112.) Definition 1. Let t e vX. Let Et = {fe C(X): F{t) = 0}. Let Zt = {fL-feEt}. Thus Zr is a collection of subsets of X. Lemma 8.6.1. Fix t e vX. Then Zt has the countable intersection property. This result extends Theorem 8.6.2 in that it says that if the intersection of a countable collection of zero-sets of vX is not empty, it must meet X. A countable collection of members of Zt is a sequence {/^} with/ne C(X), Fn{t) = 0 for each n. Let g = Σ (I/J л 2_n)· Then g e C(X) by Theorems 4.2.8, 4.2.9, and 4.2.10. Also f| λ1 = 9L * ® ЬУ Theorem 8.6.2. |
162 Compactification / Ch. 8 Lemma 8.6.2. Let tevX\X. Then the collection Zt has empty intersection. Given xeX, choose Fe C(vX) with F(t) = 0, F(x) = 1. Letf=F\X. Then/1 e Zt, butf(x) = 1 so that χ φ/1. Thus χ does not belong to the intersection of the members of Zt; but χ is an arbitrary member of X. | Theorem 8.6.3. Every LindelofT^ space is realcompact. If t e υΑ\ the collection Zf has the countable intersection property. Hence it has nonempty intersection. [Sec. 5.3, Problem 9. Note that each member of Zr is a closed subset of X.J By Lemma 8.6.2, teX. | Corollary 8.6.2. Every separable metric space and every countable T3 space are hereditarily realcompact. They are hereditarily Lindelof, and completely regular, by Theorems 4.3.3, 5.3.4, and 5.3.5. The result follows from Theorem 8.6.3. | Let us say that a subspace S of X is RK-embedded in X if for every real- compact space У, every continuous/: S—► Υ has a continuous extension F: X ^ Y. An /^-embedded subspace is C-embedded [take Υ = R], and we have the following partial converse. (Compare Theorem 8.5.1.) Theorem 8.6.4. A dense C-embedded subspace S of а Ту chonoff space X is RK-embedded. We may assume that S a X a /?S = βΧ. [S is C*-embedded in X hence in βΧ. It is also dense in βΧ. By Theorem 8.5.2, we may declare that βΧ is the Stone-Cech compactification of S.J Now let /: S —► У, with Υ real- compact. We may consider/: S —► βΥ. Let F0 :/?£ —► β Υ be the continuous extension of/[Theorem 8.3.1]. Finally, let F = F0\ X. We shall show that Fis the required extension. First, F extends/, {F\S = F0\S = /], and the result will follow when we show that F[X~\ a Y. To this end, let t e F[X~\, say t = F(x), χ g X. To show that t e У, the definitions suggest showing that every g e C(Y) has G{t) e R where G: βΥ —► R+ is the extension of g. [Let h = 9°f- Then he C(S). By hypothesis h has a continuous extension H: X ^> R. Now Η = G о F on S, since this equation merely says h = g of on S, hence Η = G ° F since S is dense in X. Thus G(7) = G(Fx) = ВДеЦ | Lemma 8.6.3. A retract of a realcompact space is realcompact. Let r: X —► S be a retraction from the realcompact space ^ onto S. Let /: S—► ^ be the inclusion map; it has an extension /: vS^> X [Theorem 8.6.4]. Then г о / is a retraction of vS onto S [for s e S, r(Is) = r(s) = s],
Sec. 8.6 / Realcompact Spaces 163 hence S is closed in vS [Sec. 4.2, Problem 27], but it is also dense. Thus S = vS and S is realcompact. | Theorem 8.6.5. A product of realcompact spaces is realcompact. Let X = Y\ {Xx: (χ ε A} with each Xx realcompact; Xis a Tychonoff space [Theorem 6.7.3]. We may extend each projection Px: X—> Хя to a continuous map Fx: vX'—► Хл [Theorem 8.6.4]. Form the map F.oX^X by defining (Ft)x = Fx(t) for t e υΧ\ then F is continuous [Theorem 6.6.1 (iv); note that Px о F = Fx}, and indeed F is a retraction of vX onto X. [For jcel, F(x) = χ since (Fx\ = Fx(x) = Рл(х) = хл for all α.] The result follows by Lemma 8.6.3. | remark. An application of β and υ is to the classification problem. For example, if βΧ and β Υ are not homeomorphic, then Χ, Υ are certainly not homeomorphic. The converse problem is more interesting. For example, if βΧζηά β Υ are homeomorphic, and if А", У are first countable, then X, У are homeomorphic [Sec. 8.3, Problem 119]. However, β is not sensitive enough to distinguish between ω and X = ω kj {t}, t e βω\ω [Sec. 8.5, Problem 110], even though these are both Gd spaces. (Every point is a Gd.) On the other hand, υ is at least as sensitive as β since if υΧ, υ У are homeomorphic, it follows that βΧ, βΥ are \βΧ = β(υΧ) by Sec. 8.5, Example 3], and it is strictly more sensitive in that it does distinguish between Gd spaces [Problem 107]. However, even υ cannot distinguish between all spaces; for example, let A" be a nonrealcompact space. Then vX = v(vX) [Theorem 8.6.1] but X, vX are not homeomorphic. Problems on Tychonoff Space In this set we follow the remark on notation given before Theorem 8.6.1. 1. vX = βΧ\ΐ and only if A" is pseudocompact. [If A" is pseudocompact, apply (8.6.1). If όΧ = βΧ, Χ is C-embedded in βΧ\ every member of C{$X) is bounded.] Hence a realcompact pseudocompact space is compact; so also is a realcompact countably compact space [Sec. 7.1, Problem 114]. 2. Deduce that R is a realcompact from Lemma 4.3.1. [Let / be the identity map: R —► R,/its extension: /?R —► R + .] 3. State Corollary 8.6.1 in the language of Sec. 8.5, Problem 9 (with no mention of vX). 4. Let X be a realcompact space such that every point is a Gd, then X is hereditarily realcompact [Corollary 8.6.1]. Compare Corollary 8.6.2. 5. vX cannot be first countable at any point of vX\ X [Corollary 8.6.1]. 6. "Dense" cannot be omitted in Theorem 8.6.4 [Sec. 8.5, Problem 5]. 7. (R, RHO) is realcompact [Sec. 5.3, Example 2].
164 Compactification / Ch. 8 8. A realcompact space need not be normal. [Theorem 8.6.5; Problem 7; Sec. 6.7, Example 3. Another example is Sec. 6.7, Problem 203.] 101. An ΛΑ^-embedded subspace is A^-embedded but not conversely [Theorem 8.5.1; Sec. 8.5, Example 2]. 102. Prove Tychonoffs theorem (Theorem 7.4.1), in the special case of the product of compact T2 spaces, by a close imitation of the proof of Theorem 8.6.5. [Use Theorem 8.5.1.] 103. Prove an analogue of Theorem 8.5.2 for realcompact spaces. [Use Theorem 8.6.4.] 104. Let Χ, Υ be first countable and such that vX, υ У are homeomorphic. Show that Χ, У are homeomorphic [Problem 5; Sec. 8.3, Problem 117]. 105. Every singleton {x} which is a zero-set in X is also a zero-set in vX. [Let fe C(X) with f1 = {x}. Then F{t) Φ 0 for tevX\X by Sec. 8.5, Problem 10. Thus F1 = {*}.] 106. Let χ be a Gd point in X, then it is a Gd point in vX [Problem 105; Sec. 4.3, Problem 5]. Compare Sec. 8.3, Problem 118. 107. Let Χ, Υ be Gd spaces (each point is a Gd point.) Then if vX, υ У are homeomorphic, it follows that X, У are homeomorphic [Problem 106 and Corollary 8.6.1]. 108. Take as known the result: If C(X), C{Y) are ring isomorphic with Χ, Υ realcompact, then Χ, Υ are homeomorphic. (See [Gillman and Jerison, Theorem 8.3].) Show that if Χ, Υ are Gd spaces with C(X), C{Y) ring isomorphic, then Χ, Υ are homeomorphic. (Compare Sec. 8.3, Problem 121.) [Problem 107, with C(X) = C(oX).J 109. Every intersection X of realcompact subspaces Хя of a Tychonoff space Υ is realcompact. [Let /: X —► У be the inclusion map. We may consider i\ X ^> Хя. Then / has a continuous extension /: υΧ^> ΧΛ for each α by Theorem 8.6.4, the same / for each a! Thus /: vX'—► X. Hence A" is a retract of vX. Apply Lemma 8.6.3.] 110. Realcompact is F-hereditary. [Let F be a closed subset of X. Extend the inclusion map to I\oF^>Xby Theorem 8.6.4. Then /" l\_F~\ = F by Lemma 4.3.1. Hence F is closed in vF; it is also dense.] 111. Any discrete space with the cardinality of the continuum or less is realcompact. [Sec. 6.7, Example 3, or Sec. 6.7, Problem 202; consider any subset of D. It is discrete and realcompact by Problem 110 and Theorem 8.6.5.] 112. Let a subset S of A"be called pseudobounded it every/e C{X) is bounded on S. Every subset of a pseudocompact space is pseudobounded. Every closed pseudobounded subset of a normal space is pseudo- compact. (But this does not imply normality, see the next problem.)
Sec. 8.6 / Realcompact Spaces 165 113. Let X be pseudocompact. Then every closed pseudobounded subset of X is pseudocompact if and only if X is countably compact. 114. A set S in a Tychonoff space X is pseudobounded if and only if ο\βχ S a vX. [If t φ όΧ choose / with f(t) = oo. Conversely, the inclusion implies that S is relatively compact in vX.J 115. A Tychonoff space is called an NS space (in honor of L. Nachbin and T. Shirota) if every closed pseudobounded set is compact. Show that every realcompact space is an NS space [Problem 114]. The following (trivial) result improves Problem 1. A pseudocompact NS space is compact. 116. Every metric space is an NS space [Problem 112, Sec. 8.5, Problem 103]. 117. The collection Zt (Definition 1) may not be a filter [it contains only closed sets], but it behaves like an ultrafilter in the following respect. (Compare Sec. 7.3, Problem 2.) If/b/2,... ,/„ e C(X) with [Jfi^hL for some he Et, then at least one/ e Et. [If not, select G, e C(vX) with Gi(t) = 0, Gi(x) = 1 for xeTf. Let g{ = Gt\X and q = \h\ + Σ7= ι \9i\- Then q e Et but q1 = 0 contradicting Theorem 8.6.2.] 118. Let X = Пл;, tevX, E? = {heC(Xa): P"1^1] =>f1 for some fe Et}, Z* = {hL\he Eta}. Show that for each a, Zra has the countable intersection property. [For any {hn} and associated {/„} choose x G Π fn1 by Lemma 8.6.1. Then xx e all h£.] 119. In Problem 118, let tevX\X, then Z* has empty intersection for some a. [If not, let xa e Π Ζ?, χ = (хя). Let H(t) = 0, H(x) = 1, h = H\X. By Sec. 4.3, Problem 6, хер|?=1 Κ^ίΚΙ where И£ = Я,1, Qi e C(Iai). Then Л1 с U fei ° ^,·)1· By 'Problem 117, some ^-e £;ai. Butx^^^.] 120. Deduce from Problem 119 that every product of Lindelof T3± spaces is realcompact. (This is also a special case of Theorems 8.6.3 and 8.6.5.) 121. A" is realcompact if and only if βΧ \ Χ is the union of all its subsets each of which is a zero set of βΧ; while X is pseudocompact if and only if βΧ\ Χ has ho subset which is a zero set of βΧ. This strengthens the result (Problem 1) that for noncompact spaces, these two properties are incompatible. [For X realcompact and t φ X, let/ = (\g\ ν 1)" \ where g e C(X\ g(t) = oo. Then F1 φ Χ. For X not realcompact, apply Theorem 8.6.2. The rest is Sec. 8.3, Problem 115.] 122. Imitate Section 8.3, embedding X in RC(X) (rather than Iе). Show that % is C-embedded [as in Lemma 8.3.1], and its closure is realcompact [Problems 109 and 110]. Thus a space is realcompact if and only if it is a closed subspace of a product of copies of R.
166 Compactification / Ch. 8 201. Study vX, obtaining, or disproving, where possible, analogues of Theorem 5.4.5; Sec. 8.3, Problems 104, 105, 106, 117, 121 and 209; Sec. 8.5, Problems 8, 104, 105 and 106. 202. Examine the definition and properties of realcompactness if R+ is replaced by the two-point compactification of R (add ±oo), or if R is replaced by [0, 1).
Complete Semimetric Space 9.1. Completeness In order to test a sequence {xn} to see if it is convergent, it seems necessary to look "outside" the sequence, in the sense that some proposed limit t—not a term of the sequence—is put forth as a candidate, and \xn — t\ is examined for large n. In the early part of the nineteenth century it was recognized that it would be desirable to have a purely internal characterization of convergence, that is, one involving only the terms of the sequence. An example of such an internal criterion is the sufficient condition, Σ Μ < oo, for the convergence of the series Σ αη °f real numbers. A solution of the problem was given at that time by A. Cauchy, who proved that a sequence of real numbers is convergent if and only if it satisfies the condition (9.1.1) which is given below. A sequence satisfying this condition is called a Cauchy sequence in his honor. We shall first give a corresponding definition for filterbases. Let !F be a filterbase in a semimetric space; 3* is called a Cauchy filterbase if for every г > 0, 3F contains a set of diameter < ε. This concept will be extended to uniform spaces in Section 11.3. Example 1, below, shows that it cannot be extended to topological spaces in general. The same remarks refer to the concept of completeness, as given below. Theorem 9.1.1. Every convergent filterbase is a Cauchy filterbase. Suppose 3F —► χ and г > 0. Then N(x, ε/2) is a neighborhood of x, hence belongs to &. It has diameter < ε. | The converse of Theorem 9.1.1 is not true [Example 1], but those spaces 167
168 Complete Semimetric Space / Ch. 9 for which it is true, called complete spaces, play an important role in classical analysis. This importance may be judged from the fact that the Lebesgue integral displaced the Riemann integral, almost entirely because of the completeness of various spaces of Lebesgue integrable functions. * EX AMPLE 1. Let ^=(-1,1) with the Euclidean metric. Let & = {(n/(n + 1), 1): η = 1, 2, ...}, then & is a Cauchy filterbase. [The diameter of (n/(n + 1), 1) is 1/w.] But & is not convergent. [For any x, we can choose η so large that n/(n + 1) > x. Then χ φ [η Ι (η -hi), 1) = (n/(n + 1), 1). Thus χ is not a cluster point of & and so & -Д x.J We may use this example to illustrate the nontopological character of these concepts; lety(x) = x/{\ — \x\), so that/is a homeomorphism of (—1, 1) onto R. Then/I]^] is the filterbase {{n, со): η = 2, 3,...} which is not Cauchy since it consists entirely of sets of infinite diameter. Since a homeomorphism of semimetric spaces fails to preserve Cauchy filterbases, there is no topological concept which specializes to Cauchy filterbase for semimetric space. A net χδ in a semimetric space is said to be a Cauchy net if for every ε > 0, there exists <50 such that δ > δ0, δ' > δ0 implies d(xd, χδ>) < ε. Thus a Cauchy sequence, {xn}, is one which satisfies: For every ε > 0, there exists к such that /ό ι η m > k,n > к implies d(xm, xn) < ε. Theorem 9.1.2. χδ is a Cauchy net if and only if the associated filter 3* is a Cauchy filter. Suppose that xd is a Cauchy net and let ε > 0. Choosing <50 as above, we see that {xb\ δ > δ0} has diameter < ε. Since this set belongs to J*\ 3* is Cauchy. Conversely, suppose that & is Cauchy and let ε > 0. Choose S e !F with diameter S < ε. Since xde S eventually, there exists <50 such that δ > δ0 implies χδ e S. But then δ > <50, δ' > δ0 implies d{xd, χδ·) < diameter S < ε. | A semimetric space is called complete if every Cauchy filterbase is convergent. A clearly equivalent condition is that every Cauchy filter is convergent. Example 1 shows that (— 1, 1) is not complete. It is also customary to refer to the semimetric as being complete, as in the sentence: on (- 1, 1), the Euclidean metric is not complete. EXAMPLE 2. On any space, the discrete metric is complete. Let $* be a Cauchy filter; then 3F contains a set S of diameter less than 1. This implies that S has only one point, say S = {x}. Since every neighborhood of χ includes a member of 3F [namely S\, it follows that J5" —► χ. | Note that a metric space with the discrete topology may not be complete! For example
Sec. 9.1 / Completeness 169 the subspace (1, \, ^, £,...) of R is discrete, but the Cauchy filterbase {G-dr^->-"-} is not convergent. The point is that this space does not have the discrete metric, but rather an equivalent but different metric. Theorem 9.1.3. The following conditions on a semimetric space X are equivalent. (i) X is complete. (ii) Every Cauchy net is convergent. (iii) Every Cauchy sequence is convergent. Proof, (i) implies (ii). Let χδ be a Cauchy net and У the associated filter. Then & is a Cauchy filter [Theorem 9.1.2] hence convergent. The net is convergent by Sec. 3.4, Example 5. (ii) implies (iii). This is trivial since every sequence is a net. (iii) implies (i). Let 3F be a Cauchy filterbase. For each η = 1, 2,..., choose Sn e & with diameter < l/л, and let xn e Sn. Then {xn} is a Cauchy sequence. [Let ε > 0. Let n0 > 2/ε be an integer. Now if η > n0, ή > n0 we may choose у е Sn η Sn> since the latter set is not empty, and obtain d(xn, xn>) < d(xn,y) + d(y, xn.) < \/n + \/ri < 2/n0 < ε.] By hypothesis xn —► x, for some xe X. Finally, У —► χ. [Let TV be a neighborhood of x. Then TV => Λ^(χ, ε) for some x. There exists η > 2/ε with d(xn, χ) < ε/2. Then for every s e Sn we have d(s, x) < d(s, xn) + i/(x„, x) < \jn + ε/2 < ε so that ^ e TV. This shows that Sn a N and so TV includes a member of ^, namely Sn.} | We now consider relations between completeness and compactness. The next two results will be repeated for uniform space in Section 11.3. Lemma 9.1.1. If a Cauchy filterbase 3F in a semimetric space has a cluster point x, then !F —► x. Let TV be a neighborhood of x. Then for some ε > 0, TV => N(x, ε). Let S be a member of &* with diameter < ε/2. Now S contains a point у with d(x, y) < ε/2. [Our assumption is that χ e S.J It follows that S a N. [Let seS. Then φ, χ) < φ, у) + 4^, *) < ε/2 -l· ε/2 = ε so that ^ e TV(x, ε).] Thus Λ^ includes a member of J^ and so !F -+ χ. \ Theorem 9.1.4. A semimetric space is compact if and only if it is totally bounded and complete. That a compact space is totally bounded was noted at the beginning of Section 7.2. To prove completeness, let SF be a Cauchy filter. Then 3F has a
170 Complete Semimetric Space / Ch. 9 cluster point [every filter does, by Theorem 7.1.4], hence is convergent [Lemma 9.1.1]. Conversely let A" be a totally bounded complete semimetric space, and & an ultrafilter in X. It will be sufficient to prove !F convergent [Theorem 7.3.6]. It will be sufficient to prove that J* is a Cauchy filter. To this end, let ε > 0. Then X is the union of finitely many subsets of diameter <ε; but X e !F hence !F contains a set of diameter <ε [Sec. 7.3, Problem 2]. Thus J5" is a Cauchy filter. | remark. Theorem 9.1.4 yields one of many remarkable examples ofnon- topological properties whose conjunction is topological. A homeomorph of a totally bounded space need not be totally bounded and the same is true for a complete space. [Example 1. Indeed (- 1, 1) is totally bounded and R is complete!] However "totally bounded and complete" is topological by Theorem 9.1.4. Again, we often get topological conclusions from non- topological assumptions, as for example Lemma 7.2.2, and nontopological conclusions from topological assumptions as in Lemma 7.2.1. A set S in a semimetric space X is called complete if, as a semimetric sub- space of X, S is complete. Lemma 9.1.2. If a Cauchy filterbase contains a complete set, it is convergent. Let .f be a Cauchy filterbase, and S e J*\ a complete set. Let j^ = [S η A: Ae &}. Then «^\ is a Cauchy filterbase on S, hence converges to some point xe S. It follows that ^ —► x. [If У is the filter generated by J^, it is clear that У n> &γ. Hence &' -> x.J | Lemma 9.1.3. If a Cauchy filterbase contains a compact set, it is convergent. This follows from Lemma 9.1.2 and Theorem 9.1.4. | ^-EXAMPLE 3. R is complete. A Cauchy filter & must contain a bounded set A; then Ae!F. But A is compact [Sec. 5.4, Example 2], and the result follows by Lemma 9.1.3. | Thus R has the property that a sequence is convergent if and only if it is a Cauchy sequence [Theorems 9.1.1, 9.1.2, and 9.1.3]. This is Cauchy's result, mentioned at the beginning of this section. An indication of the way Cauchy himself proved it is given in Problem 110. ^EXAM Ρ LE 4. \_C*(X), d~\ is complete, where X is any topological space, and d(fg) = sup{\f(x) — g(x)\: xe X}. Let {/„} be a Cauchy sequence. For each x, {/„(*)} is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers l\fn(x) - fm(x)\ < d(fmfm)\ hence is convergent [Example 3]. Let/O) = X\mfn(x) for each xeX. Then /,—►/ uniformly. [Given ε > 0, choose к such that m,n > к implies d(fm,fn) < ε. Now let η > к, х е X', then \f(x) - fn(x)\ =
Sec. 9.1 / Completeness 171 limj/m(x) -fn(x)\ < с since \fm(x) - fn(x)\ < г as soon asm > k.J Hence/ is continuous [ Theorem 4.2.10] and/e C*(X)\ that is,/is bounded. [Choose л such that \f{x) - /„(x)| < 1 for all x. Then \f(x)\ < \f(x) - fn(x)\ + |/„(x)| < 1 + sup{|/n(0|: teX) for all x.] Finally, the statement/„-► / uniformly, means, since feC*(X), that d(f„,f)—> 0, that is /„—►/ in [С%Г),<*]. I ^EXAMPLE 5. /я Sec. 6.7, Example 5, (JT/p, Z>) w complete if(X, d) is. Let {<7(x")} be a Cauchy sequence. Then {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in X. {d(xm, xn) = D[_q(xm\ q(xn).J Sayx"^*. Then q(xn)^ q(x). {D[_q(xn), q(x)-] =d(xn,x)^0.} | Problems on Semimetric Space Jr\. Let $F, 3FX be filterbases which generate the same filter; then if 3* is Cauchy, so is &*γ. In particular the filter generated by !F is Cauchy if and only if !F is. [Every member of !F includes a member of «^.] 2. If J^ is a Cauchy filter, ^ is a convergent filter, and & cz <&9 then & is convergent. [Lemma 9.1.1. If ^ -+ χ, χ is a cluster point of #\] ^-3. A Cauchy sequence which has a convergent subsequence must be convergent [Problem 2]. 4. A Cauchy net with a cluster point must converge to it. 5. A complete set in a metric space must be closed. This is not true for semimetric space. [Consider finite or, more generally, compact sets in, for example, the indiscrete semimetric] 6. Completeness is F-hereditary. 7. A subset of a complete metric space is complete if and only if it is closed [Problems 5 and 6]. 8. The indiscrete semimetric is complete. [Every filter converges!] 9. (The range of) a Cauchy sequence is metrically bounded. 10. A finite semimetric space is complete [Theorem 9.1.4]. ^ 11. If {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in a semimetric space it has a subsequence {yn} satisfying t.d(yn,yn + l) < oo. [Having chosen yn = xa, let yn+l = xb with b > a and d(yn, xb) < 2"".] 101. A locally compact metric space need not be complete. (But see Sec. 9.2, Problem 101 and Sec. 12.2, Problem 127.) 102. A semimetric space is complete if every bounded closed subset is complete [Lemma 9.1.2]. 103. A space is called BTB if every bounded set is totally bounded. Show that BTB is not a topological property. [Try d(x, y) = \x — yW + \x — y\)', consider a covering of R by spheres of radius 1/2.] (Note: A complete BTB space has the classical property that a
172 Complete Semimetric Space / Ch. 9 subset is complete if and only if it is closed and bounded. In [Busemann], it is proved that every locally compact separable space has an equivalent metric with this property.) 104. A countable product of complete spaces is complete. (See Theorem 6.4.2. For larger products we have, as yet, no definition for completeness; see Sec. 11.4, Problem 7.) 105. A uniformly continuous function preserves Cauchy filterbases. (This means that/(J5") is a Cauchy filterbase if 3F is. In Example 1, it is shown that this is false for continuous functions.) 106. A uniform homeomorphism / preserves completeness, (/and/-1 are both uniformly continuous.) Indeed, it is sufficient that/be continuous, and/"1 uniformly continuous. 107. A retract of a complete space is complete. [If x„—► x, then xn = ΦΟ -> r(x).J 108. Obtain a necessary and sufficient condition that a space Υ be isometric with a retract of a space X similar to that of Sec. 4.2, Problem 32. 109. State and prove a result about completeness of the factors of a complete product similar to Sec. 6.7, Problem 102 [Problem 107]. 110. Prove that R is complete by showing that if {xn} is a Cauchy sequence, xn—► sup{inf{xfc: к > η}: η = 1, 2,.. .}. 111. Prove that R is complete thus: a Cauchy sequence is metrically bounded [Problem 9], hence contained in a closed interval, hence has a convergent subsequence [Sec. 5.4, Example 2; Theorem 7.2.1], hence is convergent [Problem 3]. Note that the local compactness of R seems to enter, and compare Problem 101. 112. Let/: Z—► ХЪъ continuous, Xa complete semimetric space. Suppose there exists t, 0 < t < 1, such that d(fx,fy) < td(x, y)\ show that/ must have a fixed point. [Fix χγ e X. Let xn = f{xn-1). Then {xn} is a Cauchy sequence.] (For an application of this result to the study of differential equations see [Kelley and Namioka, 5E]. 113. Give an example of an ultrafilter which is not a Cauchy filter. [Apply Theorem 7.3.1 to {(a, oo): a e R}.] (This spoils any chance of using Lemma 9.1.1 to deduce Theorem 7.3.5.) 114. A w-semimetric must be complete. [Consider {x2n}, {*2n+i} where {xn} is a Cauchy sequence. Use either the definition or Sec. 7.1 Problem 117.] 115. A space is called locally complete if every neighborhood of any point χ includes a complete neighborhood of x. Show that every open or closed subspace of a locally complete space is locally complete, and that every complete space is locally complete. [Compare Theorems 5.4.11 and 5.4.12. Note that a semimetric space is regular.] 116. A dense locally complete subspace of a complete metric space is open. (Compare Theorem 5.4.13.)
Sec. 9.1 / Completeness 173 117. A locally compact semimetric space is locally complete [Theorem 9.1.4]. (Compare Problem 101.) 118. Let/: X—> Υ be one-to-one, continuous and almost open, where X is a complete metric space and Υ a T2 space. Show that/is a homeo- morphism. [Let Uln be an abbreviation for/[7V(.x,!, ε/2")]. Define х*п for / = 1, 2; w e ω; inductively, thus, x} arbitrary; let j; e f/J" n/^], у = f(x2); xi e N(xi_ l9 ε/2""l);f(xln) e U^;f(x2) e Wn. Choose in this order, x\, x\, x\, x\, x\, x\,... . Then each {xfi is a Cauchy sequence hence xln —► a1; a1 = a2 by Sec. 4.1, Problem 201; hence d(x\, x\) < 2ε so у e/[7V(x}, 2ε)] and/is an open map. This argument is due to J. D. Weston.] 119. In Problem 118, "complete" cannot be omitted. {X=(Qn [- 1, 0]u(Jn [0, 1]). Y = [0, 1], f(x) = ±x.J 120. In Problem 118, we cannot conclude that/is onto. [/: R —► R+ ; or /: J-> R. (See Problem 205.)] 201. Let X be the set of all sequences of complex numbers which converge toO. Define d(.x, у) = sup|x„ — yn\. Prove that A" is complete. A 202. Prove this converse of part of Theorem 9.1.4. If A" is a noncompact semimetric space, it has an equivalent noncomplete semimetric. [See [Niemytzki and Tychonoff].] 203. A topological space is called topologically complete if its topology can be given by a complete semimetric. Show that every open set in a complete semimetric space is topologically complete. [Let f{x) = l/фс, G). See Sec. 4.2, Problem 12 and Theorem 4.2.6. Let d'(x, y) = <Кх9у) + Ш-Лу)\.} 204. Every Gd in a complete semimetric space is topologically complete. [Say S = C\G„, each Gn complete, by Problem 203. Map S onto Д the diagonal of Π Gn. In the/metric case D is closed, hence complete. In general, D is complete by a direct argument, for example, Problem 107.] 205. J is topologically complete. [Problem 204; note that J = Q is countable, hence an Fa\ that is, a countable union of closed sets.] (See also Sec. 6.4, Problem 203.) 206. As a converse to Problem 204, prove that every topologically complete space X is an absolute Gd. This means that if A" is homeomorphic with a subset S of a metric space Y, S is a Gd in Y. [Let Gn = {x e S: there exists r such that the diameter of/[7V(x, r)] is less than l/и}.] (See also Sec. 8.3, Problem 111, which shows that "metric space У" cannot be replaced by " Hausdorff space K") 207. Let {/j} be an equicontinuous net of maps from one semimetric space
174 Complete Semimetric Space / Ch. 9 to another. Show that {x\ {fd(x)} is a Cauchy net} is closed. W/Λ/,*) < d{fxxjry) + dWay9ffiy) + d(fpy,fpx).} 208. A metric space is complete if and only if it is Cech-complete. [[See [Cech, p. 838].] 209. Let X = {0} и (1, oo) and suppose that the Euclidean topology for X is given by a complete metric. Must(l, oo) contain a closest point to 0? 9.2. Completion It is often possible to apply results about complete spaces to those which are not complete by the device of embedding spaces in complete spaces. This process, called completion, should be compared with the compactification of Chapter 8. (Compactifications may be obtained as special cases of completions; see Sec. 11.5, Example 1.) A completion of a semimetric space X is a pair (Y,f), where К is a complete semimetric space and/is an isometry from X onto a dense subspace of Y. A completion (У, /) will be called a metric completion if К is a metric space. (Obviously, only a metric space could have a metric completion.) Just as in Chapter 8, we shall usually think of a space as being a subspace of its completion. Before constructing completions we shall consider their uniqueness. This is covered by three remarks. Theorem 9.2.1 will show that a metric completion is unique. Example 1 will show that more general completions are not unique, and Example 2 will show that a metrizable space may have different metric completions depending on the metric chosen to induce its topology. We give here a direct proof of Theorem 9.2.1. In Section 11.5, we shall show how to deduce it from the extension theorem for uniformly continuous functions. Theorem 9.2.1. Let(Y,f)and(Z, g) be metric completions ofa metric space X. Then there exists an isometry h from Υ onto Ζ such that h°f=g. {In particular h carriesf[X~\ onto g\_X~\ "in the right way.") (The parenthesized phrase is explained in the remark following Theorem 8.4.3.) Define w.flX'] —► g[X~\ by и = g °/_1. Then и is an isometry of f\_X~\ onto g\_X~\. For any у е Y, let {tn} be a sequence of points inf[X~\ with t„ —► y. Then {tn} is a Cauchy sequence and so {u(tn)} is a Cauchy sequence in Z. Let ζ = lim u(tn). [z exists and is unique since Ζ is a complete metric space.] We now show that ζ is uniquely determined by j\ although the sequence {tn} need not be. [Let t'n—>y. Then d(tn, t'n)^> 0 and so dlzMQ] < d[zMtny] + d[u{tn\u{t'n)-] = d[z, и(0] + d(tmQ^0. Thus w(0-> z also.] Now define А: У-> Ζ by h(y) = z. Then h \f[_X] = w, [for у ef[_X~\, take t„ = у for all n. Then h(y) = lim u(t„) = «(>')], and so hof= w o/ = g. Finally h is an isometry. [Let у, у' е Y. Let {tn}, {t'n} be
Sec. 9.2 / Completion 175 sequences of points in f\_X~\ with tn —► y, ^ —► y'. Then rf[A(.y)> A(y')] = lim d[u(tn), u(t'n)~\ = lim d(tn, Q = d(y, y'\ using the definition of h and the fact that и is an isometry.] | EXAM PLE 1. Let У = R2 with the semimetric d given by dl(x,y),(x',y'Yi = \x - x'l The .Taxis, X = {(x, 0): χ e R}, is dense in К [For any PeR2 and ε > 0, say ρ = (x, j;), we have (x, 0) e ЛГ η 7V(P, ε) since rf[(x, 0), (x, j;)] = |x - x| = 0 < ε.] Moreover У is complete. [Let {(*„, yn)} be a Cauchy sequence. Then {xn} is a Cauchy sequence in R since \xm - xn\ = a\(xm, ym), (*„, yn)l Let χ = limx„inR. Then (xn, yn) —► (x, 0) in Y.J Thus (Υ J) is a completion of R, j being the inclusion map7'(x) = (x, 0). But (R, /) is also a completion of R, / being the identity map, and so Theorem 9.2.1 fails for completions not assumed to be metric. [R and У are not isometric, indeed not homeomorphic, since R is a T2 space and Υ is not.] EXAMPLE 2. Let Sl be the one-sphere, JT = (0, 1), Υ = [0, 1], Ζ = [0, oo) with the Euclidean metric in each case. Then Sl9 Υ, Ζ are complete metric spaces, no two homeomorphic, and all three have dense subspaces homeomorphic with X. [Remove any point from Sx; remove 0 and 1 from Υ; and remove 0 from Z.] Now (Y, i) is the metric completion of X, and X can be given different metrics (inducing the same topology) to make 5\ or Ζ its metric completion. Finally X can be given a complete metric. IX is homeomorphic with R.] These ideas are continued in Problems 104, 105, 203, and 204. A EXAMPLE 3. We saw in Sec. 8.2, Example 1 (and Sec. 9.1, Problem 201), that every metric space X is isometric with a subspace of a complete metric space Y. Let Ζ = p[X~\ in У where p: X^> У is the isometry. Then (Z, p) is a completion of X. Thus every metric space has a completion. In spite of the availability of Example 3 we shall spell out another construction of a completion. There are two reasons for doing this. We can complete an arbitrary semimetric space in this way; and Example 3 presupposes the availability and completeness of R (in proving that У is complete) and so this method cannot be used to construct R from Q by a completion process. It should also be pointed out that the construction of Example 3 is, in a certain sense, external, while the construction now to be given is internal. We begin by proving two results which will reduce the labor of proving that our final product is complete. Lemma 9.2.1. Let S be a dense subset of a semimetric space У, and suppose that each Cauchy sequence of points in S converges in Y. Then Υ is complete.
176 Complete Semimetric Space / Ch. 9 Let {yn} be a Cauchy sequence in Y. For each n, choose sneS with d(sn, yn) < \/n. Then {sn} is a Cauchy sequence. ld(sm,sn) < d(sm,ym) + d(ym,yn) + έ/(^„, j„) < - + d(ym,y„) + - < ε if /w>-, л>-, (Kym,yn)<jJ Thus by hypothesis s„ —► у for some yeK But then yn —► j>. M^J) < 4Л, О + d(sn,y) < l- + фп, j;) -> 0.] | Lemma 9.2.2. Let {xn} be a Cauchy sequence in a semimetric space X. Then lim^^lim^^ d(xk, xn) = 0. For each ae X, {d(a, xn)} is a Cauchy sequence of real numbers, l\d(a, xn) - d(a, xm)\ < d(xn, xm)], hence convergent. This shows that for each k, lim,,.^ d(xki xn) exists. Now let ε > 0. Choose Μ so that η > Μ, к > Μ implies d(xk, xn) < ε. Then/: > Μ implies that lim,,.^ d(xk, xn) < ε. [For all such k, d(xk, xn) < ε when η is large enough hence its limit <ε.] This is precisely the statement of Lemma 9.2.2. | Theorem 9.2.2. Every semimetric space has a completion. Let (X, d) be a semimetric space and let У be the set of all Cauchy sequences in X. We shall define a complete semimetric on Υ and show that X is isometric with a dense subset. If и = {un},v = {vn} are Cauchy sequences in X, then{i/(w„,i;n)},isaCauchysequenceofrealnumbers[|i/(wn,i'n) — d(um,vm)\ < d(un, um) + d(vn, vm) by Sec. 2.2, Problem 3.] We define D(u,v) = lim^ndiu^v»). Clearly D(u, v) = D(v, w), D(u, u) = 0, and D(u, w) = lim d(un, wn) < \\m[d(un, vn) + d(vn, wj] = D(u, v) + D(v, w) so that (У, D) is a semimetric space. Now define /: Z—► Υ by /(*) = {x, x, x,. ..}; that is,/(x) is the sequence each of whose terms is x, surely a Cauchy sequence. Then /is an isometry. [It is obviously one-to-one, and DLAx),Ay)l = Hm^dUjO = <Kx9y).] Also, /[JT] is dense in У. [Let w e У and ε > 0. Choose Μ so that m > Μ, η > Μ implies d(um, un) < ε. NowwM e ArandZ)[y(wM), u\ = Wm^^diu^ un) < ε by choice of M. Hence f(uM) g N(u, ε). Thus/[^] meets every open set.] It remains only to show that У is complete. Let {uk} be a Cauchy sequence in Y: by Lemma 9.2.1 we may assume uk ef[_X~\ for each k; say uk = f(xk). Now {xn} is a Cauchy sequence [d(xn, хш) = £>(гЛ um) since/is an isometry], in other words, setting
Sec. 9.2 / Completion 177 ν = {xn} we have ν e Y. Finally uk —► v. \D{uk, v) = lim,,.^ d(u\, xn) = lim,,.^ d(xk, xn) —► 0 as к —► oo by Lemma 9.2.2. We used here the fact that ukn in the Hth term of the constant sequence Л**)·] I Theorem 9.2.3. Every metric space has a metric completion. Let X be a metric space and Υ a completion [Theorem 9.2.2]. There is no loss of generality in assuming that Ic У [since if/is an isometry of A" onto a dense subspace of Y,f\_X~\ is a metric space isometric with X, (recall that/ must be one to one), and we may discuss/[A'] instead of A"]. We know that there is a complete metric space Ζ and a function q from Υ onto Ζ which preserves distances. [Namely Ζ = Υ/ρ as in Sec. 6.7, Example 5, and Sec. 9.1, Example 5.] Then q: A'—► Ζ is an isometry. [X is a metric space so q, as a distance-preserving map, must be one-to-one.] Moreover q\_X~\ is dense in Z. [Let zeZ. Then ζ = #( j;) for some у e Υ since # is onto. Since X is dense in Υ there is a sequence {xn} of points of X with x„ —► j>. Then q(xn) e q[X] and q(xn) -> ζ since </[?(*„), z] = </[?(*„), ςΟ)] = d(xn, y) -> 0.] It follows that (Z, #) is a metric completion of A". | Problems on Semimetric Space 1. If X has more than one point, the space Υ constructed in Theorem 9.2.2 cannot be a metric space. 2. The completion of X is compact if and only if X is totally bounded [Theorem 9.1.4; Sec. 7.2, Problem 102]. 101. A locally complete metric space has an equivalent complete metric [Theorem 9.2.3; Sec. 9.1, Problems 116 and 204]. The same is true for a locally compact space [Sec. 9.1, Problem 117]. 102. A space is locally complete if and only if it is an open subset of its completion. (Compare Theorem 8.4.1.) 103. A noncomplete metric space may be homeomorphic with its completion. [The first quadrant in R2 together with the positive X axis.] 104. Call (Y,f) an h completion of A" if У is complete and /: Ar—► У is a homeomorphism of X onto a dense subspace of Y. Show that an h completion of (X, d) is a completion of (X, D), where D is a semi- metric equivalent with d. 105. Two one-point h completions of a metric space need not be homeomorphic. [Consider [0, oo) and S1 as h completions of R.] 106. The following are equivalent for a metric space ΑΊ (a) A" is separable; (b) A"has an equivalent totally bounded metric; (c) A"has a compact h completion; (d) X has a metrizable compactification. [(b) => (a) by Lemma 7.2.2, and (a) => (d) by Sec. 6.6, Problem 203, and Theorem 6.4.2. See also Problem 2.] Compare Sec. 10.1, Problem 112.
178 Complete Semimetric Space / Ch. 9 201. A metric space may be isometric with a proper subspace obtained by deleting one nonisolated point. [и{[-2л-1,-2л):л = 0,1,2,...}и(и{(2я-1,2л):л=1,2,...}). Remove — 1 and translate.] Completion of such a space must always add infinitely many points. (Compare Sec. 8.4, Problem 104.) 202. Show that (0, 1), [0, 1), and J can all be taken as h completions of Q by metrizing their topologies suitably and defining embeddings of Q into them. 203. Show that R has a three-point h completion. (Compare Sec. 8.4, Example 3.) See Amer. Math. Monthly, 76 (1969), 569. 204. Define an ordering among h completions of a given space analogous to that among compactifications. Compare, in this ordering, R, [0, 1), [0, 1], and Sx as h completions of R. 9.3 Baire Category The category theorem (Theorem 9.3.5), given by R. Baire in 1899 is one of the principal avenues through which applications of completeness are made in classical and functional analysis. The most important of these arise through the uniform boundedness principle, as well as other category theorems in functional analysis. See Theorem 12.4.4. Other applications are indicated here in Example 3, Problems 114, 115, 121, 202, 203. The Baire theorem and its applications are not trivial, even for R. We begin with a nineteenth-century result of G. Cantor which was at one time in great vogue for discussing the structure of subsets of R. Cantor proved it for R, but his proof extends easily. Theorem 9.3.1. Let X be a complete semimetric space, and {Fn}, a sequence of nonempty closed sets such that Fn+l a Fnfor all n, and dn —► 0, where dn is the diameter of Fn. Then Π Fn is not empty. For each л, choose xn e Fn. The sequence {xn} is a Cauchy sequence. [Given ε > 0, choose TV so that dN < ε. Let m > N,n > N. Then xm e FN, xn e FN, so that d(xm, xn) < dN < ε.] Thus {xn} is convergent, say xn —► x. It follows that xe f) F„. [Let η be arbitrary. For m > n, xm e F„, hence χ e Fn since Fn is closed and xm —► x.J | A topological space is called a Baire space if the intersection of every sequence of dense open sets is dense. Theorem 9.3.2. Every complete semimetric space is a Baire space. Let {Gn} be a sequence of dense open sets. We shall show that their intersection meets an arbitrary nonempty open set G. Since Gx is dense and open,
Sec. 9.3 / Baire Category 179 G η <7j must have interior, hence includes a disc D(x1, rx), rx > 0. For the same reason G2 π N(xu rx) includes a disc, say D(x2, r2) and we may take 0 < ?2 < \r\- Continuing in this way, we obtain a sequence {Dn} with Dn = D(xn, r„), Dn+1 a Dn, and rn+1 < \rn. Each Dn is closed and has diameter < 2rn < 2~n + 2r1 -> 0. By Theorem 9.3.1, Note that the definition of Baire space is purely topological and so, for example, (0, 1) is a Baire space since it is homeomorphic with the complete metric space R. EXAMPLE 1. Q is not a Baire space. LetQ = {rn} (an enumeration of the rationals as a sequence), and let Gn = {r„, rn+u r„f 2,...}. Each Gn is open [since it is the complement of a finite set] and dense [since each Euclidean neighborhood of a rational contains infinitely many rationals]. But Π Gn = 0. On the other hand, J is a Baire space by Problem 118. [J is a Gs since Q is an Fa.J The concepts discussed above can be expressed in terms of the concept of Baire category which we now define. A set S in a topological space X is said to be nowhere dense in X if the interior of S is empty. EXAMPLE 2. Let X be the X axis in R2, thus X = {(jc, 0): χ e R}; and let S be the set of rational points in X, S = {(x, 0):xe Q}. Then S is nowhere dense in R2, but S is not nowhere dense in X since the closure of S in X is all of X so that, in Χ, (5)1 = X. A set S in a topological space X is said to be of first category in X if it is σ-nowhere dense; that is, if S is the union of countably many sets each of which is nowhere dense in X. For example, Q is of first category in R because it is the union of countably many singletons, each of which is nowhere dense in R. In Example 2, X is nowhere dense in R2, hence of first category in R2[^ = U Xn where Xn = X for all /ι], but X is not of first category in itself as is shown by Theorem 9.3.5, below. A set which is not of first category in X is said to be of second category in X. The abbreviations S e Cat I or S e Cat II are sometimes used; and, when no confusion is likely, a space is said to be of first or second category, with " in itself" understood. As an exception to these definitions, we shall adopt the convention that the empty space is of second category in itself; although, of course, it is nowhere dense in every space. Theorem 9.3.3. Л topological space X is a Baire space if and only if each nonempty open set is of second category in X.
180 Complete Semi metric Space / Ch. 9 Let A" be a Baire space and G a nonempty open set. Let {Sn} be a sequence of sets each of which is nowhere dense in X, and let Gn = X\Sn. Each Gn is a dense open subset of A", hence Π Gn *s dense, in particular Π Gn meets G. But this means that G contains a point not in (J Gn = [jSn, a fortiori, G contains a point not in \J Sn, in particular G φ (J Sn and so G is of second category in X. Conversely, if A" is not a Baire space, let {Gn} be a sequence of dense open sets whose intersection is not dense. There then exists a nonempty open set G with G φ f]Gn. Let Sn = G\Gn. Then each Sn is nowhere dense [5„ с I\ G„], and G = G \ Π Gn = \J (G \ Gn) = \J Sn so that G is of first category in X. | Theorem 9.3.4. ^ Baire space is of second category in itself Apply Theorem 9.3.3 to the whole space (if it is not empty). | Theorem 9.3.5. Every complete semimetric space is of second category in itself. For it is a Baire space, by Theorem 9.3.2. | Theorem 9.3.6. Every locally compact regular space is a Baire space. Let {Gn} be a sequence of dense open sets. We shall show that the intersection meets an arbitrary nonempty set G. Since Gx is dense and open, G η Gl must have interior, hence includes a closed compact set KY with nonempty interior [Sec. 5.4, Problem 9]. For the same reason K\ η G2 includes a closed compact set K2 with nonempty interior. Continuing in this way we obtain a sequence {Kn} of closed compact nonempty sets with Kn + l a Kn. Since Kx is compact it follows that (~) Kn Φ 0 [Theorem 5.4.3]. Thus Gn(nGn) = (GnG1)n(n? = 2Gn)^ ^ΚηΦ 0. | EXAMPLE 3. Two interesting uses of Baire category may be found in [Brunk] and [Fort]. In the first of these it is proved that if for each χ e R, there exists k such that the A:th derivative of / vanishes at x, then / is a polynomial. (It is assumed that / has derivatives of all orders.) The other shows that if a real function is discontinuous on a dense set and differentiable on a dense set, it must be continuous and nondifferentiable on a residual set. Problems 1. In Theorem 9.3.1, the diameter of Π Fn must be 0. 2. Determine all the sets constructed in the proof of Theorem 9.3.2 if X = {0} и [1,2], Gn = X\{2 - \jk\k = 1,2,..., л}, G= {0}.
Sec. 9.3 / Baire Category 181 3. Every locally countably compact regular space is a Baire space. [The proof of Theorem 9.3.6.] 4. Every locally compact semimetric space is a Baire space. [Theorem 9.3.6. It also follows from Sec. 9.1, Problem 115 and Theorem 8.4.1.] 5. Let {G„} be a sequence of nonempty open sets in a Baire space such that Gn is dense for all sufficiently large n. Show that f\Gn Φ 0. 6. Let S a X. If S is of first category in itself, it must be of first category in X. This is false for second category. [Consider ω in R.] 7. Let A a G с X, where G is an open subset of X. Show that A is of first category in G if and only if it is of first category in X. 8. In Problem 7, replace "open" by "dense." 9. In Problem 7, "open" cannot be omitted. [G = ω, Χ = R.] 10. A set is called residual if its complement is of first category. Show that a dense Gd is residual. [(Π Gn)~ = \J G„, and each Gn is nowhere dense since it is closed and has dense complement.] 11. Q is not a Gd in R. [Problem 10. Q is not residual since it is of first category in R.] 12. Express [0, 1] as the union of two subsets, neither of which is a Baire space. [One of them is [Q η (0, £)] u[Jn (i 1)].] 13. Being a Baire space is not hereditary; it is not even F-hereditary. However it is G-hereditary, and a retract of a Baire space need not be Baire. [Consider R2 with all irrational points on the X axis removed; Q is a closed subspace. For G hereditary, see Problem 7 and Theorem 9.3.3. Finally, an example of a retraction of a Baire space onto a non-Baire subspace is given in a correction in Volume 77 of the American Mathematical Monthly to Example 2.2 of my article "Life Without 7V'] See also Problem 117. 14. Every finite space is a Baire space. [Sec. 2.5, Problem 110 with "finitely many" instead of "two."] 101. In Theorem 9.3.1 the condition "dn —► 0" can be dropped if at least one Fn is compact, but cannot be dropped in general; nor can "closed " be dropped. [Easy examples in R can be given.] 102. State and prove a converse of Theorem 9.3.1, namely that the condition on closed subsets of X implies that X is complete. 103. A metric space X may be of second category and have a nonempty open subset which is of first category in itself, hence [Problem 6] in JT. [Qu[0, 1].] 104. A countable connected T1 space must be of first category in itself [Sec. 5.2, Problem 9]. 105. A countably infinite locally compact regular space must have infinitely many isolated points. [Otherwise, removal of the isolated points yields a contradiction to Theorem 9.3.6.] "Regular" cannot be re-
182 Complete Semimetric Space / Ch. 9 placed by " 7\" [cofinite]. "Locally compact regular" can be replaced by "locally compact КС" but not by "compact КС" [Q+]. 106. The space in Problem 105 may also have infinitely many nonisolated points. [In R, make a sequence of convergent sequences converging tol.i.i·-.] 107. Let A" be a countable T2 space with exactly one nonisolated point x. Then if X is compact it is homeomorphic with ω + . In particular, X is a subspace of R. [If TV is an open neighborhood of χ, Ν is discrete and compact, hence finite. Thus xn—> χ where X = {xn}. See Sec. 5.1, Problem 4.] 108. With X as in Problem 107 suppose that X is locally compact and not compact. Show that A" is a subspace of R, indeed X is homeomorphic with (0, i, ^, i, ...) υ ω. [If TV is a compact neighborhood of x, Ν = ω+ by Problem 107; and N is discrete, open, and closed.] 109. The first result of Example 3 is false if the parenthesized phrase is omitted. [Consider* · \x\.J 110. Is J σ-compact? [Problem 11.] 111. A perfect set in a complete metric space cannot be countable. [It is a complete metric space with nowhere dense points.] Generalize. 112. A cofinite space is a Baire space if and only if it is either finite or uncountable. 113. A compact T2 space must be a Baire space [Theorem 9.3.6], but neither a locally compact 7\ space nor a compact КС space need be. [Problem 112. Also Q+ is countable and self-dense; see Sec. 8.1, Problem 205.] 114. Theorem 9.3.5 implies that R is uncountable. Write the proof in full assuming that R is self-dense and complete metric. Derive a contradiction from the assumption that R is countable, following the proof of Theorem 9.3.5. 115. (R, RHO) is not σ-compact. [An RHO compact set is Euclidean compact and nowhere dense. Hence R would be of (Euclidean) first category.] 116. Find a residual set in [0, 1] which has (Lebesgue) measure 0. [Let Gn be open, Gn з Q η [0, 1], \Gn\ < l//i, S = C\Gn. Use Problem 10.] (This set is large and with small complement in the sense of category, but small and with large complement in the sense of measure.) 117. A residual subset Sofa Baire space Ζ is a Baire space. [LetSc (J7Vfc, each Nk nowhere dense. Let {Gn} be dense open sets in S, say Gn = Hnn S, Hn open mX. Let Vn = Hn \ \J {Nk: к = 1,2,..., η}. Each Vn is dense in X, partly by Sec. 2.5, Problem 109. Then r)v« = C)(Gn^ syj 118. A dense Gs in a Baire space is a Baire space [Problems 117 and 10]. "Dense" cannot be omitted. [First example in the hint for Problem
Sec. 9.3 / Baire Category 183 13. Q = Π {(*»У)'· \у\ < l/и}·] However a Gd in a complete semi- metric space must be a Baire space [Sec. 9.1, Problem 204]. See also Problem 13. 119. Prove the (paradoxical) fact that in [0, 1]ω, the set S is residual, where S = [x\ xn = 1 for at least one n). In [0, 1]л, for finite A, the corresponding set is nowhere dense. [Each [0, α]ω, 0 < a < 1, is nowhere dense, by Theorem 6.4.4. Take a = 1 — 1/w.] 120. Every Cech-complete space is a Baire space [Problem 118]. 121. Q cannot be given a smaller T2 topology which makes it locally compact [Problem 105]. However Q has a smaller compact КС topology [Sec. 8.1, Problems 203, 121, and 119]. 122. Every locally compact T2 space A4s residual in βΧ. [Theorem 8.4.1. Indeed, X is nowhere dense.] 123. J is residual in β J [Problem 10; Sec. 9.1, Problems 205, 116, and 115]. Q is not residual in β(±. [Indeed Q is residual.] 124. Let X = [J {S7: α e A} where each S7 is open and closed and of first category in X. Show that X is of first category in itself. IS*= \J{N"x:n = 1,2,...},*= \J{\J {N;:*eA};n= 1,2,...}.] 201. Use the category theorem to show that the space of Sec. 5.3, Problem 201 is not normal. [Q and J, subsets of X, cannot be separated: If Gl9 G2 separated them; for each χ eJ choose one circle Cx, tangent at χ and in <72. Let Sn = {x e J: radius Cx > Χ/ή]. The Euclidean closure Fn of each Sn is a subset of J, and J = IJ Fn, an Fa. This contradicts Problem 11.] 202. Let G be an unbounded open set in R. Let An = {x e R: к > η implies kx φ G). Show that each An is nowhere dense. Hence there exists a number not in any An. What does this say about Gl 203. Let {Nn} be a disjoint sequence of cells included in a disc D in R2 such that their union, (7, is dense. Show that D \ G is not homogeneous. [Theorem 9.3.5 shows that it contains two kinds of points, those on the circumference of some 7Vn, and those not on any such.] 204. Let Γ, V be topologies for a set X with Τ => Γ, and let S с X. Give an example to illustrate each of the following possibilities: (a) S is Γ-dense and Γ'-nowhere dense, (b) S is Γ-nowhere dense but V- somewhere dense. [A simple extension by S.J (c) X is of Г category I and of V category II. [Take Τ discrete.] (d) X is of Γ category II and of Τ category I. Prove in addition that: (e) if S is Γ'-dense it is Γ-dense, (hence (b) cannot be improved by omitting "somewhere.") (0 If A" is Γ'-self-dense it is Γ-self-dense. (g) If A" is countable and of Τ category II, and if Τ is a 7\ topology, then X is of V category II [Problem 105]. (h) "Countable" cannot be omitted in (g). [See (d).]
184 Complete Semi metric Space / Ch. 9 205. (See[Oxtoby].) Call a space pseudocomplete if it has a sequence {Bn} of pseudobases such that whenever Vn e Bn and Vn => K„ + x it follows that (^\УпФ 0. A pseudocomplete regular space is a Baire space. [Imitate the proof of Theorem 9.3.2.] The following are pseudocomplete: (a) A complete semimetric space. [Let Bn = {Ν(χ,ε):0 < ε < 1/и}.] (b) A locally compact regular space. [Let Bn be the set of relatively compact open sets for all и.] (с) Any product of pseudocomplete regular spaces. 206. Every product of complete semimetric spaces is a Baire space [Problem 205(c)]. 207. There are only three countably infinite metric spaces with exactly one nonisolated point; all are subspaces of R [Problems 107, 108; also Sec. 6.6, Problem 205].
Metrization 10.1 Separable Spaces In the late nineteenth and early twentieth century search for a sufficiently general basis for classical analysis, proposals were made that the metric space is the natural domain of analysis. That there is virtue in this proposal is attested to by the fact that many texts in advanced calculus, at the present time, do develop their subject matter for metric spaces. The inadequacy of metric and semimetric space shows up chiefly in the fact that product topologies are seldom semimetrizable [Sec. 6.4, Problem 6], and so, important function spaces lead to nonmetrizable (pointwise) topologies. However, a metric space is a very general object, and those who proposed its study attempted to show that certain types of spaces could actually be metrized. Such a metrization theorem is valuable since the knowledge that one is dealing with a metric space gives the investigator a great deal of information, for example, that the space is first countable and normal. The principal result of this section was given by P. Urysohn in 1925. The key idea in the metrization theorems is the construction of a family of maps from a space X to metric spaces, such that the topology of A4s precisely equal to the weak topology by the family of maps. Then, when this family is countable, the topology of A4s semimetrizable, by Theorem 6.3.4. Theorem 10.1.1. A second countable regular space is semimetrizable. Let В be a countable base. For each pair V, W of members of В which satisfy W cz V, we choose a continuous function/: Z—► [0, 1] with/= 0 185
186 Metrization / Ch. 10 on W,f = lonK. [Such a function exists, for A" is normal by Theorems 5.3.2 and 5.3.5; Urysohn's lemma (Theorem 4.2.11) may be applied to Wand V.J Let Φ be the family of all these functions/, then Φ is countable. [There is one member of Φ for each pair, V, W of members of В with W a V, and the set of such pairs is a subset of Β χ B.J We are going to show that νν(Φ), the weak topology by Φ, is identical with the topology Τ of X. This will complete the proof. [νν(Φ) is semimetrizable by Theorem 6.3A] Surely Τ => νν(Φ). [νν(Φ) is the smallest topology making all members of Φ continuous.] Conversely, let F be a Γ-closed subset of X. We shall show that F is w(0)-closed. [Let χ φ F. Then F is a T neighborhood of x, hence there exists V e В with χ ε V cz F. Since X is regular, there exists We В with χ e W, W a V. By definition of Φ, there exists/e Φ with/ = 0 on W,f = 1 on V. In particular f{x) = 0,/ = 1 on Fand so, since/is н>(Ф)-сопШшош, х cannot belong to the νν(Φ) closure of F by Theorem 4.2.4.] Hence Τ α νν(Φ), and so finally Τ = νν(Φ). Ι For a certain class of topological spaces, the metrization problem is completely solved. Corollary 10.1.1. A separable topological space is semimetrizable if and only if it is second countable and regular. Half of this is Theorem 10.1.1. The other half is Theorem 5.3.1, and Theorem 4.3.3. | We now show how Theorem 10.1.1 may be interpreted in terms of embedding. Corollary 10.1.2. A second countable T3 space X is homeomorphic with a subspace c/[0, 1]ω. It follows that X is metrizable [Theorem 6.4.2], but we know this already from Theorem 10.1.1. To prove the corollary, note that the family Φ constructed for the proof of Theorem 10.1.1 is now separating [Theorem 6.3.2]. Thus by Theorem 6.6.2, X is homeomorphic into [0, 1]φ. [Yf = [0, 1] for each/еФ.] | remark. We have chosen Theorem 10.1.1 as our metrization theorem, instead of the more usual Corollary 10.1.2, because of its applicability to non-Tj spaces, as well as what appears to be a slight gain in simplicity of the presentation. It is possible for a non-7\ topology to be the weak topology by maps into metric spaces, whereas an embedding into a product would be impossible. Theorem 10.1.1 is quite good in some ways. There are directions in which it cannot be improved. For example "second countable" cannot be replaced by the related weaker condition " Lindelof and separable." A separ-
Sec. 10.1 / Separable Spaces 187 able Lindelof T3 space need not be metrizable; indeed we can go further and state that a separable compact T3 space need not be metrizable. (Of course, for compact spaces, Г2, Г3, Г4 are equivalent.) As an example we may cite βω. [It is separable, since ω is dense; and not metrizable by Theorem 8.3.2.] Moreover, a converse of Theorem 10.1.1 also holds, in the sense that a topological space is a second countable T3 space if and only if it is a separable metric space [[Theorems 10.1.1 and 5.3.1]. A third remark is that "regular" cannot be replaced by "T2" in Theorem 10.1.1 [Problem 101]. However Theorem 10.1.1 is also so special that it applies only to separable metric spaces. In Section 10.3, we shall give a result which is free from this defect, and is a "best possible" one. Problems 1. A compact Hausdorff space is metrizable if and only if it is second countable. 2. Deduce from Theorem 10.1.1 the result (Sec. 4.1, Problem 113) that a finite space is semimetrizable if and only if it is regular. (Of course a finite T3 space is discrete.) 101. A second countable normal space need not be semimetrizable [Sec. 4.1, Problem 8]. A second countable Г4 space is metrizable [Theorem 10.1.1]. A second countable T2 space need not be metrizable [Sec. 5.2, Problem 113]. 102. Deduce the fact that RHO is not second countable from Theorem 10.1.1, and the fact that if RHO were metric, R χ R would be normal, contradicting Sec. 6.7, Example 3. 103. A free union of semimetric (metric) spaces is semimetrizable (metrizable). \d{x,y) = 1 for x,y in different spaces. d(x, y) = d л 1 for x, у in the same space, a distance d from each other.] 104. A topological space is semimetrizable if it can be written as the disjoint union of finitely many closed subspaces, each of which is semimetrizable in its relative topology [Problem 103]. 105. In Problem 104, "finitely" may not be replaced by "countably." [Every space is a union of singletons.] 106. In Problem 104, "closed" may not be omitted. More specifically, a T4 space which is not metrizable may be the union of two disjoint metrizable subspaces, one of which is compact. [Sec. 8.3, Problem 103. One subspace is countable and discrete, and the other is a singleton!] (Note also Sec. 5.3, Problem 201, which shows a non- normal space which is the union of a Euclidean and a discrete sub- space.)
188 Metrization / Ch. 10 107. A countable regular space need not be semimetrizable. [Sec. 8.3, Problem 103; a T4 space!] 108. A countable regular space is semimetrizable if it is first countable [Theorem 10.1.1]. "Regular" cannot be replaced by " Γ2" [Sec. 5.2, Problem 113]. Other metrization theorems for countable spaces are given in Sec. 9.3, Problems 107, 108; and in the following problem. 109. A countable regular space is semimetrizable if it is locally compact [Theorem 10.1.1, and Sec. 5.4, Problem 202]. "Regular" may be replaced by "7y [Sec. 5.4, Problem 101]. 110. A set S in a T2 space X is sequentially closed if and only if S η С is closed for every compact metrizable subset С of X. [Note that every point in S η С is a sequential limit point of S. Conversely, if xn e S and xn —► x, then (x, xl9 x2,...) is compact and metrizable by Sec. 9.3, Problem 107.] 111. A Hausdorff space is sequential if and only if every subset S which satisfies the following condition is closed: S η С is closed for every compact metrizable subset С [Problem 110]. (Compare к space in Sec. 8.1, Problem 115.) 112. X+ is metrizable if and only if X is locally compact, separable, metrizable. Compare Sec. 9.2, Problem 106. [Theorem 8.1.2; Theorem 5.3.1. Note that compact implies Lindelof, and second countability is hereditary. Conversely, if X is locally compact, separable, metrizable, X+ is first countable at oo by Sec. 8.1, Problems 113 and 124, and Theorems 5.3.1 and 5.3.2. Since X is second countable, this makes X+ second countable. The result follows from Theorem 10.1.1.] 113. A locally compact separable metric space can be given a smaller compact metrizable topology [Problem 112; Sec. 8.1, Problem 121]. A locally compact T2 (or regular) space can be given a smaller compact T2 (or regular) topology [Sec. 8.1, Problems 121 and 123]. Compare Sec. 9.3, Problem 121. 114. Let S a R2 have the property that each vertical line meets it exactly once. Show that S can be given a smaller compact metrizable topology. [Apply Problem 113 to the weak topology by the projection on the A'axis.] (Such sets can be quite pathological, e.g. totally disconnected; connected and dense in R2. See [May, pp. 101, 118].) 115. Let A" be a compact regular space such that the diagonal Δ is a Gd in Χ χ X. Show that X is semimetrizable [Sec. 6.7, Problem 209]. The converse holds if A" is also assumed Hausdorff [Δ is closed, and Χ χ Χ is metric], but not otherwise [X indiscrete]. 116. In Problem 115, "regular" may not be dropped or replaced by " 7Y' [ω with the cofinite topology].
Sec. 10.2 / Local Finiteness 189 201. A first countable T0 space X must be the continuous open image of a metric space A. [Let A be the collection of all shrinking countable local bases at every point. For α, β e A let d(a, β) = l/л, where η = min{A::afc φ /?fc}. {Note: a = {afc}.) Define/: A—> Xhyf{<x) = x, where χ is the point at which α is a local base. To see that/is continuous, let TV be a neighborhood of χ; let ak cz TV; thend(a,/?) < \/{k+ 1) implies afc = βΙι hence /(β) e βΙι cz N. To see that/is open, fix a, k. We shall show that /[W(a, 1/A:)] => П?=1 *. Let у e f|f=i Щ and jSe^abaseat^with^j с afc+1. Let у = (al5a2,.. .,afc + 1,/?l5/?2,.. .)· Then/(у) = j; and d(y, a) < 1/A:.] This result is due to S. Hanai and V. I. Ponomarev. 202. The space A of Problem 201 is zero-dimensional. 203. If X+ is metrizable (Problem 112) it is an h completion of A". Is it a minimum h completion in the sense of Sec. 9.2, Problem 204? 10.2 Local Finiteness In this section we shall need to make use of the well-ordering principle. This is expressed in Theorem 10.2.1. A totally ordered set (X, <) is said to be well ordered if every nonempty subset has a minimum (or first) member; that is every nonempty S has a member χ such that χ < у for all у е S. Theorem 10.2.1. Every nonempty set can be well ordered. Let A" be a nonempty set and let Ρ be the set of all well-ordered sets D for which D cz X. Then Ρ is not empty. [Let χ e X. Let D = {x} and order D by equality. Then D e P.} We make Ρ into a poset by defining D' >■ D to mean that D' zd D (as sets), that their orderings agree on D (that is, if x, у е D then χ < у in D if and only if χ < у in Ζ)'), and finally that, in the ordering of D\ у > χ, wherever у e D'\D and xe D. Let С be a maximal chain in P, and let U = (J {D: D e C]. We first give U a total order; namely, for x, yeUv/e have x, у e D for some DeC since С is a chain. Define χ < у in U to mean χ < у in D. This definition makes sense since if x, у е D' for some other D' e C, the orderings agree by definition of Ρ and the fact that С is a chain. Next we show that this is actually a well-ordering for U: Let S be a nonempty subset of U. Then S η Ζ) is not empty for some DeC. Let χ be the smallest member in D of S η Ζ). Then χ is also the smallest member in U of S [for if у e S, and у < x'mU, then j; < χ in D' for some /)' e C, by definition of the ordering of U. Now if у e D we shall have у > χ by definition of x; while if у φ D, we have у e D' \D and D' > D since С is a chain, hence j> > x. Thus in all cases у > χ and so у = χ since the ordering of each member of С is antisymmetric] Having seen that U is well ordered, that is, that U e P, we note that U is maximal in P. [If U' >■ U and £/' # i/, we could adjoin U'
190 Metrization / Ch. 10 to С making a strictly larger chain.] Finally U = X. [If not, let у е X\ U and declare^ > χ for all xeU. Then U и {;>} is well ordered and is strictly larger than U in the order of P, contradicting the maximality of U.J | Let S be a family of sets in a topological space X and let xe X. We shall say that χ is an ω-accumulation point οι S if every neighborhood of χ meets infinitely many members of S. EXAMPLE 1. Let S be the family of open intervals (l/л, l + 1/л), η = 1, 2,..., in R. Then 0 is an ω-accumulation point of S, as are all points in the interval [0, 1]. However, —1 is not an ω-accumulation point since ( — 2, — j) does not meet any members of S; and f is also not an co- accumulation point, since for example (|, 2) meets only 7 members of S. EXAMPLE 2. LetS be a family of singletons, and let A = {x\ {x} e S} = (J \W\ W e S}. Then a point is an ω-accumulation point of S if and only if it is an ω-accumulation point of A in the sense of Section 7.1. (But see Problem 8.) A family of sets is called locally finite if it has no ω-accumulation point. Thus a family S of sets in A4s locally finite if and only if every point in A'has a neighborhood which meets only finitely many members of S. Neither of the families in Examples 1, 2 is locally finite. Note that local finiteness is a property of the family of sets and the space in which it is located. See Problem 4 for an illustration of this important point. EXAMPLE 3. Let S be the set of intervals [л, л + 2], η = 1,2, ...,inR. Then S is locally finite since every real number lies in an interval meeting at most 3 members of S. EXAMPLE 4. Any finite family is locally finite, as is a finite union of locally finite families. Thus for example if S is a locally finite family in the space X, so is S и {V) for any subset V of X. Lemma 10.2.1. Let S be a locally finite family. Then {W: WeS) is also locally finite. Let χ be any point and TV an open neighborhood of χ meeting only finitely many WeS. Then TV meets only finitely many W. [Ν φ W implies Ν φ W since TV is open; the argument being: W a N hence W a N.J | Locally finite families have some interesting permanence properties (Corollary 10.2.1 and Theorem 10.2.3) due to the fact that any action taken by a locally finite family can usually be attributed to one of its members. For example, Theorem 10.2.2 says that any point in the closure of such a family
Sec. 10.2 / Local Finiteness 191 is in the closure of one of its members. This result can also be expressed in this way: for a locally finite family, the closure of the union of its members is equal to the union of the closures of its members. Theorem 10.2.2. Let S be a locally finite family of sets and A = \J {W: WeS). Then A = U {W: WeS}. For each WeS, W a A hence W a A. Conversely, let χ e A and let TV be a neighborhood of χ meeting only finitely many members of S; say that N meets only Wx, W2,. .., Wke S. Then for some /, xeifj. [If not, let Ni = Π И^· Then Νγ is a finite intersection of neighborhoods of x, hence Ν η Νχ is a neighborhood of χ not meeting A. Thus χ φ A.J | Corollary 10.2.1. The union of a locally finite family of closed sets is closed. We have previously considered whether continuity of a function could be deduced from the fact of its continuity on certain subsets of a space. Examples are Sec. 8.1, Problem 120; Sec. 4.2, Problem 203; and the easily proved fact that if/ | G is continuous for every G in some open cover of X, then/is continuous on X. The next result is of this type. Theorem 10.2.3. Letf\X^> Υwhere Χ, Υ are topological spaces, and suppose that S is a locally finite cover of X such that f\ A is continuous for each AeS. Then f is continuous. We may assume that the members of S are closed since {A: A e S} may be considered instead of S [Lemma 10.2.1]. Let χ e X. Let S' be the family of those sets in S which contain x. There exists a neighborhood TV of χ meeting only a finite collection of members of S', say Al9 A2,..., Ак е S\ and meeting no members of S\ 5". [Let U = \J {W: We S\ S'}. Then U is closed, by Corollary 10.2.1, and χ φ U. Thus 0 is a neighborhood of χ not meeting any member of S\S' and we may choose TV a U.J Let К be a neighborhood οι fix). Then for each / = 1, 2, ...,/:, there exists a neighborhood Wi of χ such that f\_W{ η A^\ cz V [since / | Ax is continuous]. Let W = Ν η Wx η W2- · · η Wk. Then W is a neighborhood of χ and f[W~\ cz V. [Let we W. Then weN hence w e Ax for some /. Then weW{c\ At and so/(w) e V.J Thus/is continuous at χ. | Some light is thrown on various forms of compactness by the concept of local finiteness (Theorem 10.2.5). We begin the discussion with a sufficient condition for C-embedding which often allows the extension to completely regular spaces of theorems given for normal spaces. See, for example, Problem 112.
192 Metrization / Ch. 10 Theorem 10.2.4. Let X be completely regular. Suppose that {Gn} is a locally finite disjoint sequence of open sets, and that {xn} is a sequence of points with xn e Gnfor each n. Then {xn} is C-embedded {and C*-embedded) in X. The parenthesized phrase follows from Sec. 8.5, Example 2. Let g be a continuous real function on {*„}, say g(xn) = tn\ thus {tn} is a sequence of real numbers. For each η there exists a continuous /„: X—> [0, 1] with fn(xn) = l>/n = 0onG„. [By definition of complete regularity.] For x e J, let/O) = Σ£°=ι 'π/πΜ· [This sum is well defined since for all but at most one value of η, χ e Gn and sofn(x) = 0.] We have/| {xn} = g. [For each k,fi*k) = Σ Ή/Λ**) = h= 9(Xk)> since xk e Gn if η φ к, implying fn(xk) = 0.] Finally we shall use the criterion of Theorem 10.2.3 to show that/is continuous. Let G0 = X\ U {Gn: η = h 2, . . .}. Then {Gn\ η = 0, 1,2,.. .} is locally finite and covers X. Now/| G0 = /| G0 = 0 is continuous, while for к = 1, 2,..., /| Gk = tkfk. [Let χ e Gk. If η φ к, Gn φ Gk since Gn is open, hencex^ G„ and so/„(.x) = 0.] Hence/| Gk is continuous for к = 0, 1, 2,... and so/is continuous, by Theorem 10.2.3. | Theorem 10.2.5. A topological space is countably compact if and only if every locally finite disjoint family of subsets is finite. A completely regular space is pseudo compact if and only if every locally finite disjoint family of open subsets is finite. (A normal space is countably compact if and only if it is pseudocompact [Sec. 8.5, Problem 103], hence for normal spaces the two finiteness conditions cited are equivalent.) Suppose that X is countably compact and that S is a locally finite disjoint family of subsets of X. Let F be a set gotten by choosing exactly one point from each nonempty set in S. Then F has no ω-accumulation point. [If χ is an ω-accumulation point of F, every neighborhood of χ meets infinitely many members of S.J Thus Fis finite. Since S is a disjoint family, it too must be finite. Conversely, if X is not countably compact it has an infinite subset with no ω-accumulation point, that is, a locally finite infinite family of singletons. Next, let X be not pseudocompact. Then there exists a real continuous function / which is unbounded above. [If/is unbounded, either /or —/is unbounded above.] Choose Xj with f{xi) > 1, x2 with/(x2) > Λχι) + 1» and so on, by induction, obtaining a sequence {xn} such that/(x„) > f(xn-i) + 1 for all n. Let Vn = {x:f{xn)-i<fix)<fixn) + {}. Then {Vn} is an infinite family. [No Vn is empty since xn e V„.J Also each Vn is open, no two Vn meet, and {Vn} is locally finite. [For each x, choose TV so that |/(0 - f{x)\ < I for t ε N. Then TV meets at most one V„.J Finally, assume that there exists an infinite locally finite disjoint family of open sets in the completely regular space X. Then there exists a countably infinite
Sec. 10.2 / Local Finiteness 193 subfamily, which we may denote by {Gn}. Clearly {Gn} is locally finite. For each n, let xn e Gn, and denote {xn: η = 1, 2,. . .} by S. Now S is discrete [in its relative topology; for each singleton {xk} is Gk η S] and so an arbitrary real function defined on S is continuous. Let f[xn) = η for each n. Since S is C-embedded in X [Theorem 10.2.4],/has an extension to all of X. This is unbounded. | remark. A few other facts may be gleaned from the proof of Theorem 10.2.5. (a) In the first half of the theorem "subsets" may be replaced by "singletons" or, if A" is Tu by "closed subsets." (b) The condition in the second half implies that X is pseudocompact without the assumption of complete regularity. A collection S is called σ-locally finite if S = (J Sn with each Sn locally finite. EXAMPLE 5. Let S be the collection of all intervals (k - \/n,k + 1/л), к, η = 1, 2, 3, . ... Then S is not a locally finite family in R since, for example, every neighborhood of 0 meets infinitely many (— 1/л, \/п). However, Sis σ-locally finite since we may set Sn = {(k— \/n,k + \/n):k = 1,2,...} for each n, and it is clear that each Sn is locally finite and that S = (J Sn. The interest of the following result, given by A. H. Stone in 1948, lies in the fact that the given property actually characterizes semimetric spaces. This statement is made precise and proved in Theorem 10.3.1. Theorem 10.2.6. Every semimetric space X has a σ-locally finite base for its topology. We begin by well-ordering X [Theorem 10.2.1]. Thus (X, <) is a well- ordered set. Take χ < у to mean χ < у and χ φ у. For each x e X, and positive integers k, n, let ■w.-.»).Af(*i-!)\u{^J-^)7<>}- Then each U(k, n, x) is open, (possibly empty, possibly equal to N(x, \/k — \/n)). For each fixed k, the set of all U(k, n, x) is a cover of X. [Let ζ e X, and let χ be the first member of X such that ζ e N(x, \/k). Then ζ e U(k, и, x) if \/n < \/k - d(x, z), since if у < χ, ζ φ N(y, \/k) n> D(y, \/k - 1/(л + 1)).] The set of all U(k, n, x) is a base for the topology. [Let ζ e X and ε > 0. Choose к > 2/ε and η, χ such that ζ e U(k, n, x). Then £/(*, л, x) a f/x9 X- - J с л/х, гЛ a N(z, ε)
194 Metrization / Ch. 10 since ζ e N(x, ε/2).] Finally we have to show that the set of all U(k, n, x) is σ-locally finite. Let B(k) = {U(k, η, χ): η = 1, 2, . . .; χ e X). It is sufficient to show that each B(k), к = 1, 2, ..., is σ-locally finite since the original set is U B(k). Fix k\ let Sn = {U(k, η, χ): χ e X} for η = 1, 2, . . .. It is sufficient to show that Sn is locally finite for each n. We first note that for any x, у with χ Φ у, d\_U{k, л, χ), U(k, л, у)] > \/(п(п + 1)). [We may assume у < χ. Then £/(*, л, χ) φ D(y, \/k - 1/(л + 1)), while £/(*, л, j;) с N(y,\/k — l/л).] It follows that if any cell has radius less than 1/(2л(л + 1)) it could meet U(k, n, x) for no more than one value of x. Thus Sn is locally finite. | We saw [Theorem 5.3.5] that a regular Lindelof space is normal. Lemma 10.2.2 is of this type, and has a similar proof, although it is not a generalization [Sec. 10.3, Problem 2]. The reader should avoid memorizing the statement of Lemma 10.2.2 until he has read that of Theorem 10.3.1. Lemma 10.2.2. If a regular space X has a σ-locally finite base <%, then X is normal. We shall use the criterion of Lemma 5.3.1. Let A, B be disjoint closed sets. For each χ in A choose V e & with χ e V and V φ Β. The set of all such V, one for each χ e A, is an open cover, O, of A and since О а В we may write О = U Sn where each Sn, η = 1, 2, . .., is a locally finite subset of ^. Let Vn = U {W\ WeSn) for each n. Then Vn is open and Vn φ Β. lVn = U {W: WeSn}, by Theorem 10.2.2, and each Wφ Β.} Repeating the argument with A replaced by В yields the sufficient condition of Lemma 5.3.1. | Problems In this list, A" is a topological space. 1. Write out a proof that P, in Theorem 10.2.1, is a poset and that U is totally ordered. 2. {(и, η + 5): η = 1, 2,. . .} is a locally finite collection in R. 3. Is the collection of all open intervals with integer end-points a locally finite collection in R? 4. {(l/и, 2/w): я = 1, 2,.. .} is not a locally finite collection in R, but is a locally finite collection in (0, oo). 5. R, with its natural order, is not well ordered, but ω is. 6. "Locally finite" cannot be omitted in Theorem 10.2.3. [Let S be a family of singletons.] 7. The criterion of Theorem 10.2.3 would not be sufficient if A were replaced by A, even if S has only two members! [Consider the characteristic function of one of the two members.]
Sec. 10.2 / Local Finiteness 195 8. Describe a family S of sets in R and a number χ such that every neighborhood of χ meets a member of S, yet χ is not an ω-accumulation point of S. (Thus Theorem 7.1.1 has no analogue in this setting.) 9. Let T, V be topologies for a set X such that on each member К of a locally finite family of closed sets in (X, T) the relative topology of Τ is larger than that of Γ. Show that Τ n> Γ. [Apply Theorem 10.2.3 to the identity map.] 10. Let Υ a X and letS be a locally finite family in Y. If Υ is closed, S must be a locally finite family in X. 11. "Closed" cannot be omitted in Problem 10. [X = ω+, Υ = ω, S = family of all singletons in Y.J 101. A family S of sets in X is called discrete if every point of X has a neighborhood which meets at most one member of S. Show that if S is a discrete family of singletons in a 7\ space X, the union of the members of S is closed in X, and discrete (in its relative topology). 102. Show that a family of closed sets is discrete if and only if it is locally finite and disjoint. 103. A disjoint family S of open and closed sets in X need not be locally finite in X [Problem 11], but is discrete (hence locally finite) in U {W\ WeS}. 104. If A" is locally connected, the family of components is discrete (hence locally finite) [Problem 103 and Theorem 5.2.5]. The converse fails [Sec. 5.2, Problem 115]. 105. If A" is the union of a disjoint family S of open and closed sets and /: Ar—► Υ has the property that / | A is continuous for each A e S, then/is continuous [Theorem 10.2.3 and Problem 103]. 106. Let A'be locally connected, and assume that/: Ar—► 7has the property that/ | С is continuous for each component С of X. Show that/is continuous [Problems 104, 105, and Theorem 5.2.5]. 107. "Locally connected" cannot be omitted in Problem 104 [Problem 6]. 108. Let X be pseudocompact and Υ a subset which is the closure of its interior. Then Υ is pseudocompact [Theorem 10.2.5 and Problem 10]. It is not sufficient to assume У closed [Sec. 7.1, Problem 116]. 109. A Tx space has a locally finite base if and only if it is discrete. 110. Let A" be a topological space which is not pseudocompact. Show that A" contains a discrete disjoint infinite family of open subsets. [See the proof of Theorem 10.2.5.] 111. A family of sets is called σ-discrete if it is a countable union of discrete families. Show that a semimetric space has a σ-discrete base. [See the proof of Theorem 10.2.6.] 112. Let X be a T3± space. Show that βΧ cannot be first countable at any ίΕβΧ\Χ. [If {Gn} is a base of open neighborhoods of t, let
196 Metrization / Ch. 10 xneGnn A'and let/e C*(X) with/(jc„) = (-1)". This is possible by Theorem 10.2.4. Clearly /has no continuous extension to t.J 113. Let S be a locally finite cover of X and let A a X. Show that if A n W is closed for each We S, then A is closed. {{A n W: We S} is locally finite by Lemma 10.2.1. Hence, by Corollary 10.2.1, \J {A n W] is closed.] 114. In Problem 113 it is sufficient to assume about S that it is locally finite and covers a dense subset of A" [Theorem 10.2.2]. 115. If A" has a locally finite cover consisting of compact closed sets, X must be a A: space [Problem 113]. (Compare, also, Theorem 10.2.3 with Sec. 8.1, Problem 120.) 116. Let X be completely regular. Show that X is pseudocompact if and only if whenever {Gn} is a shrinking sequence of nonempty open sets, HG„# 0. [If/is unbounded, let Gn = (|/| > «). If f| G„ = 0, apply Theorem 10.2.5 to {Gn \Gn+l), for each x, there exists л such that Gn is a neighborhood of x.J 117. A T2 compactification of a pseudocompact space cannot be first countable at any added point [Problem 116]. 118. Let X be a locally compact, σ-compact T2 space. Then if A" is pseudo- compact it is compact. {X+ is first countable at oo by Sec. 8.1, Problems 125 and 113; now apply Problem 117. Another proof is to cite Sec. 8.5, Problem 103; Theorem 5.3.5 and 5.4.1.] 119. The neighborhood system of a point χ in a 7\ space is well ordered under inclusion if and only if χ is isolated. 120. Let Cl5 C2 be covers of X. We say that C2 refines C\ or C2 is a refinement of Q if every member of C2 is included in some member of Cv In particular a cobase for a cover is refined by the cover. Show that a refinement of a base for a topology need not be a base. [Let C2 be all intervals of unit length in R.] 121. Let I be a semimetric space and An = {N(x,\/ri): xeX} for «=1,2,.... For each « let Bn be a refinement of An. Show that IJ Bn is a base for X. [Keep in mind that each Bn is a cover.] 122. A topological space is called paracompact if it is regular and has the property that every open cover has a locally finite refinement which is also an open cover. Show that a compact regular space is paracompact. 123. Let a topological space A" be a disjoint union of paracompact subspaces each of which is open and closed in X. Show that X is paracompact. [Take a refinement on each of the subspaces.] In particular a discrete space is paracompact. 124. Paracompact is F-hereditary. [Add F to an open cover of 7% refine, and remove F.J 125. Every open cover С of a paracompact space has a locally finite refine-
Sec. 10.3 / Metrization 197 ment which is a closed cover; that is, a cover by closed sets. [For each xe U e C,\et xe V,V cz U with V open. Refine the set of all V, and use Lemma 10.2.1.] 201. Let {Gn} be a locally finite disjoint sequence of open sets in X. Suppose that for each η there is given continuous/„: X—► [0, 1] with/„ = 0 on Gn and fn = 1 somewhere. Let gn = Σ {Λ: ^ = 1, 2,..., «}. Show that {gn} is equicontinuous. 202. Every set X can be well ordered in such a way that for every ae X, Sa = {χ: χ < a} has smaller cardinality than X. In such a case, X is said to be initially ordered. [Well-order X. Let у be the smallest member of X such that |Sy| = X. Then Sy is initially ordered.] (The applications given in the next two problems assume the continuum hypothesis.) 203. Well-order [0, 1] in such a way that for every a e [0, 1], {χ: χ < a} has Lebesgue measure 0 [Problem 202]. 204. R3 is a union of disjoint copies of 5\. [Problem 202. At each stage a circle may be drawn avoiding countably many points.] (Such a decomposition of R3 must be very pathological. See [Jones].) 205. True or false? A subset of R is well ordered in the usual ordering of R if and only if it is RHO-discrete. 10.3. Metrization In this section we give a characterization of those topological spaces which are semimetrizable; this is the Nagata-Smirnov theorem, which was given by S. Nagata in 1950 and Υ. Μ. Smirnov in 1951. In Section 10.1 we metrized a space by mapping it into a countable product of spaces, all of these spaces being [0, 1]. They could just as well be taken to be R. Since such a product is separable, this particular technique is restricted to separable spaces. We might try to generalize the result of Section 10.1 by repeating that construction with an arbitrary base, not necessarily countable. This would indeed give a description of the topology of X as the weak topology by maps into RA for some A, (or, as in Corollary 10.1.2, an embedding in RA), but would not yield metrizability since A need not be countable. What is actually done is very nice indeed! In outline, we replace RA by a countable product in this way. Writer = U^°=i Sn> (each £„ may be uncountable), then consider ΓΚ°=ι ^DSJ» where each L[SJ is a space resembling RSn, (actually a subset of RSn), with a (metrizable) topology. It stands to reason that the metrizable space Π L[S„] should be something like a subspace of Π Rs" = ROS" = RA. This ends the preliminary description and we turn to the details. Let S be a nonempty set and u:S-+R. The support of и is defined to be
198 Metrization / Ch. 10 {ie5: u(x) Φ 0}, and и will be said to have countable support if its support is countable. (This includes finite and empty support as special cases.) A function и: S —► R will be called summable if it has countable support and Σ {ΙΦ0Ι: Φ0 # 0} < oo. Let L[S] be the set of all summable functions from S to R, and for weL[S] set ||u|| = Σ{Μ*)|: u(x) * °b ll"ll = ° if и = 0. [The sum of a countable set of positive numbers is independent of the way in which these numbers are arranged in a sequence.] (\\u\\ is pronounced norm u.) It is clear that L[S] contains all functions with finite support. Finally, for w, ve L[S], set d(u, v) = \\u - v\\. [Clearly и - г; has countable support.] Then d is a metric for L[S]. Future references to L[S~\ will be to the metric space (L[S ],</). A final remark: 0 e L[S] stands for the (constant) function taking every point in S to 0 e R; ||0|| = 0. Lemma 10.3.1. Let She a locally finite family of sets in a topological space X. Suppose that for each Ve S there exists a continuous fv : X -+ R withfv = 0 onV. For xeX, define h(x):S-+R by h(x)(V) = fv(x) for all VeS. Then h is a continuous map from X into £[£]. For each x, h(x) has finite support. [If h(x)(V) φ 0, then/F(x) Φ 0 and soieK This is true for only finitely many V.J Thus h{x) e L[S] and so h: X-+ L[»S]. Also h is continuous. [Let χδ —► χ e X. Let TV be a neighborhood of χ meeting only finitely many V e S. UN meets none, then h = 0 on TV and so h(xd) = 0 = h{x) eventually. If N meets only Vl, V2,. .., Kfc,then, as soon as χδ e N, <№,), ft(*)] = Σ \KxtWd - Kx)(vt)\ i = l = Σ \fv.(x>) ~ /k.WI - 0 i=l since A: is fixed and each/Fi is continuous.] | The reader will not fail to notice the great similarity in the proofs of Theorem 10.3.1 and 10.1.1. Theorem 10.3.1. A topological space is semimetrizable if and only if it is regular and has α σ-locally finite base. Half of this is Theorem 10.2.6. Conversely, suppose that A" is a regular space and that В is a σ-locally finite base; say В = (J Bn, each Bn locally finite. Fix positive integers m, n. We shall set up a continuous map hmn: X —► L[2?J in the following way. Let Ve Bn. Let A = U {W: We Bm, W a V)
Sec. 10.3 / Metrization 199 Then A cz V [Theorem 10.2.2], and since X is normal [Lemma 10.2.2], Urysohn's lemma (Theorem 4.2.11) supplies a continuous/: X -+ [0, 1] with /= 1οηΛ,/=0οηΚ. (If Л is empty, take /= 0.) Let hmn{x){ V) = f(x)ι for xe X. In Lemma 10.3.1, we proved that hmn is a continuous map of A" into L[2?J. Let Я be the family of all hmn, m, η = 1,2,...; then Я is countable. We are going to show that и>(Я), the weak topology by Я is identical with the topology Τ of X. This will complete the proof. [w{H) is semimetrizable by Theorem 6.3.4.] Surely Τ zd w(H). [и>(Я) is the smallest topology making all members of Я continuous.] Conversely, let Fbe a Γ-closed subset of A". We shall show that Fis w(H) closed. [Let χ φ F. Then F is a Γ-neighborhood of x, hence there exists V e В with χ e V cz F. Say Ve Bn. Since X is regular, there exists We В with χ e W, W cz V. Say We Bm. (Possibly m = n.) Then for any у е /\ dlhmn(y), hmn(x)l = \\hmn(y) - hmn(x)\\ > \hmn(y)(V) - hmn(x)(V)\ = \hmn(x)(V)\ = 1 since xe[J {W: We Bm,W cz K}, the set on which f = fv is 1. Thus rf[/im„[f], hmn{x)~\ > 1 and so, since hmn is w^)-continuous, χ cannot belong to the w{H) closure of F.J Hence Τ cz w(H), and so, finally Τ = w(H). | Corollary 10.3.1. A T3 space with a a-locally finite base is homeomorphic with a subspace of Π {W- %e A} for some countable set A, where each Lx = L{B^for some set Bx. This is proved exactly as Corollary 10.1.2. | Problems 1. Write out the proof of Corollary 10.3.1. 2. Let X be а Г4 space. Then X may be Lindelof without having a σ-locally finite base and conversely [Theorems 10.3.1 and 10.2.6]. 3. Describe L[S] if S is finite. 4. Deduce the metrization theorem for second countable spaces from Theorem 10.3.1. 101. If a space has a σ-locally finite base it is first countable. (For regular spaces this follows from Theorem 10.3.1.) 201. Show that L[S] is complete. 202. Can "disjoint" be omitted in Sec. 10.1, Problem 104? [MR 13, 264, Nagata.]
Uniformity 11.1 Uniform Space The concept of uniform space lies between those of semimetric and topological space, in the sense that every semimetric space is a uniform space, and every uniform space is a topological space. In the context of uniform space we can deal with certain nontopological concepts of classical analysis such as completeness and uniform convergence. This yields a setting for this type of analysis which is significantly wider than that of semimetric space, including, for example, topological groups. There is also the advantage over semimetric space, which is purely a matter of taste, that uniformity may be introduced without reference to the real number system, a fact that upset some widely held beliefs to the contrary, when, in 1937, the concept of uniformity was introduced by Andre Weil. A crucial property of a semimetric space A" is that it is possible to talk about the "same" neighborhood of two different points: we may refer to a cell of radius r and center x, and another cell of radius r and center y. This is essentially the reason that it is possible to define a Cauchy filter, namely for every ε > 0, there is a set in the filter lying in some cell of radius г. What happens is that each positive real number ε designates a neighborhood for each point in the space, namely, with χ we associate N(x, ε). We phrase this formally: Definition 1. Let Xbe a set. A connector for X is a map U: X —► Iх {that is, for each x, U{x) is a subset ofX\ such that for each χ, χ e U(x). (But see the important remark following Lemma 11.1.1, below.) 200
Sec. 11.1 / Uniform Space 201 Thus, in semimetric space, we may, for each ε > 0, speak of the connector Νε, namely Νε(χ) = N(x, ε), the cell of center x, radius ε. Each connector U for X defines a subset, which we may call U also, of I x I, namely U = {(χ, y)\ у е U(χ)}; moreover, f/ => Δ, the diagonal of Χ χ X, Δ = {(χ, x)\ xeX). Conversely, every subset U of Χ χ Χ which includes Δ leads to a connector by the formula U(x) = {у. (х, у) е U}. Thus it is a matter of indifference whether the theory is set up by postulating the existence of connectors or of certain distinguished subsets of Α" χ Χ. We shall follow the latter route. We begin with some notation. Given a connector U\ equivalently, a subset οϊ Χ χ Χ which includes the diagonal; let U-1 = {(x,y):(y,x)eU} = {(x,y): xe U(y)}. Thus j>e U~l(x) if and only if χ e U(y). For a set S in X sltiu connector f/, ^[•S] = {U(x)\ χ e S}. For connectors f/, V, the connector U ° Kisdefined by (£/ о V)(x) = £/[K(jc)]. Thus j; e (£/ о K)(jc); equivalently, (jc, y) e U о V\ if and only if у e U{a) for some α e V{x)\ equivalently, (я, y) e f/, (χ, α) e V for some a; the latter formulation being harder to remember. Some simple properties of these notations are listed in Problems 1-6, and we shall use these immediately without citation. Definition 2. Let Xbe a set. A uniformity for X is a collection 41 of subsets ofX χ Χ satisfying (i) 4l is a filter; (ii) Δ с U for every U e°U, where Δ is the diagonal; (hi) Ue4l implies U~l e4l; (iv) for each U e4l there exists V e 41 with V о V cz U. A base for a uniformity is a collection $ of subsets ofX χ Χ satisfying (i') $ is afilterbase\ (ii') Δ cz U for every U e 31; (in') for each Ue@, there exists Ve@ with V~l cz £/, (iv') for each U e Я, there exists Ve@ with V о V cz U. A pair (X, 41), where 41 is a uniformity for X is called a uniform space. Lemma 11.1.1. Let 3 be a base for a uniformity on X. Let 41 be the filter on Χ χ X generated by 3. Then 41 is a uniformity, and 41, 3 are related by the conditions. 3 cz 41, and every member of 41 includes a member of Ί%. (11.1.1) Conversely, if {X, 41) is a uniform space and 3 is a collection of subsets satisfying condition (11.1.1), then 3 is a base for a uniformity. By definition, 41 = {U: U zd S for some Se@}. Then 41 is a filter and Conditions (ii), (iii), (iv) of Definition 2 are easy to check. [Use Problem 3.] To prove the converse proposition, we first check that 3 is a filterbase. First
202 Uniformity / Ch. 11 0 £08 since 0 φ<%; @ Φ 0, [by (condition 11.1.1)], also if £/, Ke^, choose We 41 with W a Un V. It follows from (11.1.1) that U η Kincludes a member of 3. Thus & is a filterbase. Condition (ii') of Definition 2 is trivial; Condition (Hi') is easy. To check Condition (iv'), let Ue $. Choose We*U with Wo W ^ £/, and FeJ with V a W. Then FoFc[/. | When °ll, $ are related as in Lemma 11.1.1 we say that Щ is the uniformity generated by 0$ and that & is a base for °1ί. In Definition 2, Condition (ii) is equivalent to the condition χ e i/(x), in other words each member of a uniformity is a connector. remark. When a uniform space (X, °U) is specified, the phrase: " let U be a connector" shall mean "let Ue %" In Definition 2, Condition (iv) will appear in situations where in classical analysis, inequalities are chosen using ε/2 instead of ε. A classical argument ending: "A + Β < ε/2 + ε/2 = ε" will appear in uniform spaces as " (x, y) e V, (y, ζ) ε Κ hence (χ, ζ) e V о V a f/." Compare for example the proofs of Lemma 11.3.1, and Lemma 9.1.1. In the following Example, it will be seen that Condition (iv) is related to the triangle inequality, which is the essential tool in the solution of Problem 6; also in Lemma 12.1.1 it will be shown that Condition (iv) is intimately related to the continuity of binary operations, such as addition. ^-EXAMPLE 1. Let (X, d) be a semimetric space. For each ε > 0, let Ue = {(x, y)\ d(x, y) < ε}, and let @ = {U£: ε > 0}. Then & is a base for a uniformity. To prove this we check first that 31 is a filterbase. [In Sec. 3.2, Definition 2, only Condition (iii) is nontrivial. Let f/a, Upe&, and let ε = |min(a, β). Then, as in Problem 6, Uto Ut a U2t <= Ua η ϋβ since 2ε < α, 2ε < β.] In Definition 2, Conditions (ii') and (iii') are trivial {U~l = £/e], and Condition (iv') follows from UE/2 ° Ue/2 с Ue [Problem 3]. The uniformity generated by 3 is called the semimetric uniformity, also the uniformity induced by the semimetric d. If a uniformity has the property that there exists a semimetric which induces it, it is said to be semimetrizable. We shall see many examples of uniformities which are not semimetrizable in Section 11.4. remark. We shall refer to certain spaces as having their natural uniformity. This will be the uniformity induced by the natural metric (Section 2.4). For example, when R is named without comment, it is assumed to be a uniform space with the uniformity induced by d where d(x, y) = \x — y\. This is the Euclidean uniformity. Let (X, °U) be a uniform space. Then °U induces a topology in the following way. (Compare Section 2.3.) We declare the empty set to be open; moreover, if G a X, G is called open if, for every χ e G, there exists U e 41 such
Sec. 11.1 / Uniform Space 203 that U{x) a G. [Certainly 0 and A"are open. Next suppose that Gl5 G2 are open sets and xe Gl η G2. For / = 1,2 choose Ut e Щ with (/;(*) с Gt. Let V = их η U2;Ve<% since % is a filter, also V(x) a U^x) nU2(x) a Gj r\G2. (See Problem 3.) ThusGj η G2 is open. Finally, let Σ be a collection of open sets and let χ e (J {G: G e Σ}. Then χ e S for some S e Σ, and so there exists ί/e* with £/(*) с S. Then U(x) cz \J {G: Ge Σ}.] We shall now apply topological concepts to a uniform space (X, 41) with the understanding that they apply to (Χ, Γ), where Г is the topology induced by 41. In certain cases this would be ambiguous; for example if we say that X is metrizable, this could mean that X has a metrizable topology or a metriz- able uniformity; these are not the same thing. In such cases we shall exercise a little more care in specifying exactly which is meant. ^-EXAMPLE 2. Let dx be the Euclidean metric for R, d2 = 2dl9 and let ^з(х,у) = |x/(l + |x|) — >'/(l + |v|)|. These metrics are all equivalent. The equivalence between dl9 d3 follows from the fact that with/(x) = x/{\ + |x|), /: R—► (—1, 1) is a homeomorphism onto [Sec. 4.2, Example 5], and so di(x„, x) -> 0 if and only if d3(xn, x) -> 0. {d3(x, y) = d^fxjy).} Moreover, dl9 d2 induce the same uniformity since each cell in one is a cell in the other; we say that they are uniformly equivalent. However dl9 d3 do not induce the same uniformity. Let the respective uniformities be Ши °1ί3. First %х^%ъ [Problem 9]. Next, let U = {(*, y): d^x, y) < 1}. Then Ue%, but Ιίφ<%3. [Let r > 0 and Vr = {(x, y): d3(x, y) < r). Let χ be a large positive number, and j> = χ + 2. Then (x, y) φ f/, and (x, у) е Vr Ίΐχ is large enough since d3(x, y) = d3(x, χ + 2) = 2/(3 + x)(l + x) < rifx2 > 2/r.] We say that </x is uniformly stronger than d3 since ^ => ^3, and strictly so, since ^ # ^3. Since dx and d3 are equivalent, ^ and 6U3 induce the same topology. For this reason we call them equivalent uniformities. As we shall see in Section 11.2, these concepts can all be phrased in terms of uniform continuity of the identity map. The important points to be noticed are (a) the same topology may be induced by two different uniformities', (b) the same uniformity may be induced by two different semimetrics. \i°U, if are uniformities for a set X, and T<%, Tr are the induced topologies, we say that °U is stronger than if if Τ<% => 7V, and 41 is equivalent to У if Тац = Τ ψ. It is tiresome to remember whether χ e U(y) or у е U(x) if (x, у) е U. The burden of remembering the distinction is lifted by means of Theorem 11.1.1. We call a connector U symmetric if U = U'1; thus (x, у) е U if and only if (j>, x) e f/, and j> e i/(x) if and only if χ e U(y). Working with symmetric connectors will avoid such pathology as is expressed in Problem 116. Theorem 11.1.1. . Every uniformity °U has a base of symmetric connectors.
204 Uniformity / Ch. 11 Let $ be the collection of all symmetric connectors in UU. Then 31 is the required base. To see this we check that 3 satisfies (11.1.1) in Lemma 11.1.1. That 3 cz % is by definition; next, given Ue <%, let V = U η t/"1. Then Ve 3 [Problems 1 and 5] and Fc[/. | Theorem 11.1.2. Let (X, °U) be a uniform space, let @lbea base for °U and let xeX. Then {Щх): U e Щ is a base at χ {for the neighborhood system of χ in the topological space X). We must first show that each U(x) is a neighborhood of x. Fix U e 41 and letG = {y: V(y) a Щх) for some Ve%}. We shall show that χ e G a U(x) and that G is open. First χ e G. {x e Щх) a Щх).} NextG с Щх). [For у e G, у e V{y) cz U{x) for some V.J Finally, to show that G is open, let g g G. Then there exists К such that V(g) a U(x). Choose W e °1ί with Wo W a V. Then W(g) a G. [Forj; e W(g\ W(y) а Щх) since ζe W(y) implies ζ e Wo W(g) a V(g) с Щх), Thus j> e G.] Next we must show that every neighborhood N of χ includes Щх) for some U e@. By definition of neighborhood and open set in a uniform space, there exists a connector Uγ with Ux{x) a TV; then, since 3 is a base, there exists f/ e ^ with f/ <= ί/ΐ9 so that £/(*) ciV. | We now obtain an important formula for the closure of a set in a uniform space (X, <%). Theorem 11.1.3. Let A be a set in a uniform space (X,°U). Then A = Π {V(A): V g #}, w/zere # и ялу base for °U. Let хе! For each Kg ^ we may, by Theorem 11.1.1, choose a symmetric connector W <zz V. Then W{x) meets Л. [It is a neighborhood of χ by Theorem 11.1.2.] Let^G^l η И^с). Then χ e W(y) a V(y) a V(A). Conversely, suppose that χ φ A. By Theorems 11.1.1 and 11.1.2, there exists a symmetric connector (/with U(x) φ A; and 3 contains a connector К with V a U. It follows that χ φ V(A). [If χ e V(A\ then χ e ЩА); say χ e Ща), a e A; then a e Щх) η A.} Thus χ φ f| {V(A)\ Ve Β). | EXAMPLE 3. There are reasons for picturing a connector for lasa union of vertical "line segments" rather than as an amorphous "neighborhood of the diagonal." For a connector f/, let Lx = χ χ f/(x) for xe Χ. Then in the usual diagram oflx X, Lx is a subset of a vertical line (a copy of X\ also U = U {Lx:xg Χ}, {(χ, у) ε U implies ye Щх) hence (χ, χ) e Lx, and conversely.] As an example, let X = [0, 1], let ν be the vertical segment {(0, j0: i < У ^ 1} and let h be the horizontal segment {(*, 0): \ < χ < 1}. Let U be the connector (Χ χ X)\(v и h). Then U is dense in / χ / with the product topology. Next, let Ρ be the point (0, f). We shall see that there exists a connector V such that Ρ φ V о £/, a somewhat paradoxical fact if
Sec. 11.1 / Uniform Space 205 we view К as a neighborhood of Δ; thinking instead of К as a union of vertical lines we see that if we choose V = {(x, y): \y — x\ < ^} we shall have ΡφΥοϋ. Indeed Vо U = (Χ χ X)\v\ where v' = {(0,y):§ < у < 1} as we see by adding on to U all possible vertical line segments of length £, each one meeting U. Further properties of this Example are given in Problems 113-117. (It would also be possible to have made the definition so as to introduce a horizontal, rather than a vertical bias, or to have maintained a two-sided point of view.) Theorem 11.1.4. Every uniform space (X,°ll) is regular. Moreover the following conditions are equivalent. (i) X is a T0 space. (ii) X is a T3 space. (in) Π {U: UeW} = Δ. Let 7V be a neighborhood of a point x. Choose connectors t/with U(x) с TV and К with K<> Kc £/. Then V(x) a K[K(x)] [Theorem 11.1.3] с U(x) a N. Thus TV includes a closed neighborhood of x, hence X is regular. It is now clear that (i) => (ii) in the statement of the theorem. Next, let X be Г3, and у φ χ. ТЪепуф {χ}, hence, by Theorem 11.1.3 (with A = {х}),уф U(x)for some symmetric connector U [Theorem 11.1.1]. But then (x, у) φ U. This proves (iii). Finally, assuming (iii), let χ φ у. Then there exists U with (x, y) φ U. Thus у φ U(x) and so A" is a T0 space. | A uniform space satisfying the three conditions of Theorem 11.1.4 is said to be separated. We shall speak οι a separated uniform space, and a separated uniformity. In particular a separated uniform space is a Hausdorff space. We shall see in Theorem 11.5.2 that a uniform space is always completely regular so that Condition (ii) of Theorem 11.1.4 can be raised to T3±. remark. Theorem 11.1.3 expresses A as the intersection of certain neighborhoods of A. The intersection of all neighborhoods of A is equal to A if A is compact [Theorem 11.1.4; Sec. 5.4, Problem 113], but in general is smaller than A [Sec. 4.1, Problem 114]. Since a connector U for a uniform space A" is a subset of Α" χ Χ, it is possible to discuss [/, the closure of U in the product topology. If U = f/, we call U a closed connector. Theorem 11.1.5. Let U be a connector in a uniform space (Χ, °1ί) and let 31 be abase for*U. Then U = Π {V ° ^° V: Ve Щ. Suppose first that (a, b) φ Ό. There is a neighborhood N of (a, b) in the product topology which does not meet f/, and this neighborhood includes W(a) χ W{b) for some symmetric connector W. {N n> Pf1^! η ΡϊιΝ2 with Nl9 N2 neighborhoods of a, b by definition. By Theorem 11.1.2,
206 Uniformity / Ch. 11 there exist connectors Wl9 W2 with Wx{d) cz Nl9 W2(b) a N2\ and by Theorem 11.1.1, there exists symmetric W with W a Wl η W2.J It follows that (a,b)$WoU oW. [Otherwise xe W(a), ye U(x), be W(y) hence (x, y) e \_Ща) χ W(b)~\ η U с Ν η £/.] Now choose FeJ with К с И^ and obtain (a, b) φ V <> U <> V. Conversely, let (a, 6) e U and Kx e Я. Choose symmetric V a Vx. Now Κ(α) χ V{b) is a neighborhood of (я, 6) in the product topology; hence, it meets f/; say (x, j;) e [Κ(α) χ К(й)] η ί/. ТЬепяе K(x),xe £/(^),^e K(6) and so (я, 6) е Ко £/о Гс Кх о £/о ^. | Theorem 11.1.6. Every uniformity tfl has a base of symmetric closed connectors. Let & be the collection of all symmetric closed connectors in σ1ί. We check Condition (11.1.1) in Lemma 11.1.1. That^ с % is by definition. Next, let Oe4l. Choose symmetric V with ^FoFcf/ [Problem 10]. Then V a V°V° К [Theorem 11.1.5] с U and the proof is concluded by showing that Ve Ж Since К is closed, it is sufficient to show that it is symmetric. Now by Theorem 11.1.5, V = f| {^° Vo W\ WeS}, where S is the set of symmetric connectors [Theorem 11.1.1]. Each Wo Vo w is symmetric [Problem 5] and since any intersection of symmetric connectors is symmetric the result follows. | Problems In this list A" is a uniform space, f/, V are connectors (belonging to the uniformity), A, B, G, К are subsets of X. *1. (ί/"1)"1 = £/. *2. U а К implies U(x) a V(x) for all x. *3. £/c ^implies I/"1 с K_1. *4. If ^ = U η К, И^(х) = U(x) n V(x) for all x. *5. (£/n К)"1 = ί/"1 η Κ"1 and(t/o К)"1 = К"1 о ί/"1. ^-6. Let (X, d) be a semimetric space and ί/ε = {(χ, j>): d(x, >') < ε} for ε > 0. Show that U£o ϋδ ^ ϋε+δ. ^7. i/cFo[/andi/ci/oK *8. If^ is a base for uniformities^! and ^2, then ^! = 6U2. [Eachisthe unique filter generated by the filterbase £8.J Jr9. lfdl9 d2 are semimetrics for a set X and dx > d2, then % => %, where ^x, °U2 are the semimetric uniformities. [Let U e 412. Then £/ zd V\ in the notation of Example 1. The superscript refers to d2. Now V\ zd V\ since dx{x, 7) < r implies d2(x, y) < r. Hence U e%.J ^-10. For each connector f/, there exists a symmetric closed connector V with К о VoV<zz U. [Apply Condition (iv) of Definition 2 twice with Theorem 11.1.6; then use Problem 7.]
Sec. 11.1 / Uniform Space 207 11. Given a set X, let °U be the collection of all subsets ofl χ I which include the diagonal, Δ; let ΊΤ = {Χ χ X). Show that 41, ΊΤ are uniformities. They are called the discrete and indiscrete uniformities, respectively. Show that they generate the discrete and indiscrete topologies. Show also that {Δ} is a base for the discrete uniformity. ^-12. A subset S of a uniform space (X, Щ is made into a uniform space by means of the relative uniformity. For Ue <%, let Us = {(a,b):a9beS9(a,b)eU}. Show that {Us: Uetfl) is a uniformity and induces the relative topology. 13. Express Theorem 11.1.3 as a fact about semimetric space. ^-14. Let/5 be a net of functions from a set S to a uniform space У, and let /: S —► Y. We say that/5 -^/uniformly on S if for each connector f/, there exists <50 such that δ > δ0 implies (fdx,fx) e U for all χ e S. Show that the limit of a uniformly convergent net of continuous functions from a topological space to a uniform space must be continuous. [Imitate Theorem 4.2.10.] 15. Exhibit a uniformity for ω which is not discrete but induces the discrete topology. [Consider the natural uniformity of {1/w} in R.] 16. If a set A has the property that U\_A~\ a A for some connector f/, then A is open and closed. [Actually U\_A~\ = A. For xe A, U(x) a A; also Л с U[A~] a A.} 17. For any set S and connector f/, (J {£/"[£]: η = 1, 2,...} is open and closed, where [/"= i/o(/o...o(/ with η terms [Problem 16]. 101. In a semimetric space, Ut η ϋδ = ϋεΑδ. 102. Show that U£ о Ub φ ϋε+δ is possible in a semimetric space; indeed, in a subspace of R. 103. If f/, Fare symmetric, U ° Kneed not be. [A brother's friend need not be a friend's brother.] Compare Sec. 3.3, Problem 205. 104. A uniform neighborhood of a set S is a set which includes t/[»S] for some connector U. Show that every uniform neighborhood of S is a neighborhood of S, and that (0, 1) is not a uniform neighborhood of its subset of rational points (in the Euclidean uniformity). 105. Every neighborhood of a compact set is a uniform neighborhood. [Say K^N. For each xeK let (Ux ° Ux)(x) a N. Reduce {Ux(x): χ e K} to a finite cover {_[/Xi.(jcf)} and set V = f| ^*,·] This implies, by Theorem 11.1.3, that Κ α Ν if TV is a neighborhood of A^; a result which was obtained in Sec. 5.4, Problem 113. 106. For any connectors f/, V and xel, ί/(χ) χ V(x) cFof/"1. In particular, if К is symmetric, V(x) χ Κ(χ) а Ко К for all x. Since
208 Uniformity / Ch. 11 every connector U includes a connector of the form К о К it follows that U is a neighborhood of A in the product topology ofX χ X. 107. Let (X, T) be a topological space and Jf the set of all neighborhoods of Δ, the diagonal, in I x I Show that Jf satisfies Conditions (i), (ii), and (iii) of Definition 2. Thus Jf is a uniformity if and only if (iv) is satisfied. If Jf is a uniformity Tneed not be regular [see the next two problems] but it must be normal. [For disjoint closed A, B choose symmetric Ve Jf with Vo V α (Α χ Β)~. Then V(A), V(B) are neighborhoods of А, В since, for example, V(a) =j~1V where j(x) = (a, x). Also, they are disjoint since if V(a) η V(b) φ 0, then (a,b)e(Vo V)n(A χ Β).] 108. Use Jf (Problem 107) to induce a topology Тж in the same way that a uniformity induces a topology: G is open if for each χ e G there exists Ό eJf with U(x) a G. Show that 7> с T. 109. In Problem 108, Тж may be strictly smaller than Τ even if Jf is a uniformity [Sec. 4.1, Problem 8; Jf is the indiscrete uniformity], and Тж = Γ if and only if Τ is symmetric. In particular, Тж = Τ if Τ is regular or T1. [If Τ is symmetric and G e T, let xeG. Then U = ({*} χ G)~ e rbySec.4.1, Problem 13. Also £/(*) a G. Conversely, if Тж = Tand л: £ {у}, there exists U e Jf with t/(x) с {;;}. As in Theorem 11.1.3, {x} a {y} and soj> <£ {*}.] 110. If Jf (Problem 107) is a uniformity, Тж = Tif and only if Tis regular [Problem 107; Sec. 4.1, Problems 9 and 12]. In particular, if (Л", Т) is a Tl space and Jf is a uniformity, then Гж = Г. 111. Let / = Π {^: £/ e ^}, where 31 is any base for the uniformity of X. Then А с / с G for every neighborhood G of Δ. [If (χ, χ) e /, then у e U{x) for all U so that у е {*}. Now see Sec. 6.7, Problem 9.] 112. The uniformity 41 of a compact uniform space A" is precisely the set of neighborhoods of Δ in Α" χ Χ. [Problem 106. Conversely, let G b$ an open neighborhood of Δ. Then G is compact and does not meet /, Problem 111. (Take 3 to be the set of closed connectors; see Problem 10.) Hence G fails to meet a finite intersection of members of ^ and so G includes a finite intersection of members of <%, hence G e ^.] 113. Let vU, the vertical closure or ν closure of a connector U be defined by vU(x) = U(x). Call U v-closed if vU = U. Show that a closed connector is f-closed, but not conversely. [Example 3; vU = (Χ χ Χ) \ v\ 114. For a connector U, vU = f) {V ° U: V e <%}, where 3 is any base for the uniformity [Theorem 11.1.3]. Hence U a vU a V о JJ for all V. 115. Every uniformity has a base of symmetric f-closed connectors [Problems 10 and 113]. 116. The ν closure of a symmetric connector need not be symmetric [Example 3].
Sec. 11.2 / Uniform Continuity 209 117. Is it possible to have U i;-closed and U 1 not f-closed? [Consider vU in Example 3.] 118. For a connector U and base #, (vU)~l = Π {^_1 ° V\ Ve&}, v{U~l) = Π {V° U-1: Ve<%}, hence Π {U о V: V e 08} = Mi/"1)]"1 and £/c [Kt/"1)]"1 с Uо V for all V. Compare Problem 114.) 119. If S χ S cz U, then S χ S с vU and S χ S need not be included in vU. 201. In Problem 107, let X = R. Then ^ is a uniformity. 202. Construct a transitive uniformity for Q; that is, with a base of transitive connectors. (U о U cz U.) 203. A transitive uniformity must induce a zero-dimensional topology [Problem 17]. 204. A uniform space has an equivalent transitive uniformity if and only if it is zero-dimensional. (A. F. Monna. See [Banaschewski].) 11.2 Uniform Continuity Let (X, °U), (У, V) be uniform spaces. Then/: Χ^> Υ is called uniformly continuous if for each Kef, there exists U e °U such that (a, b)e U implies (fa,fb) e V; phrased differently, such that b e U(a) implies f(b) e V(fa); briefly/[£/(x)] cz V(fx) for all xeX. ^-EXAMPLE 1. Let (X, dx\ (У, dY) be semimetric spaces and/: X^> Υ a uniformly continuous function when Χ, Υ are given the uniformities 4ί, Υ, induced by their semimetrics. Let ε > 0 be given. Then V = {(y, z): dY(y, ζ) < ε} e У. Choose Ue °U as in the above definition. There exists δ > 0 such that {(a, b): dx(a, b) < δ) cz U [Sec. 11.1, Example 1]. Thus/satisfies the condition: For every ε > 0, there exists δ > 0 such that dx(a, b) < δ implies dY(fa,fl?) < ε. (11.2.1) This is true since with the δ just chosen, dx(a, b) < δ implies (a, b)e U; this implies that (fa,fb) e V whence dY(fa,fb) < ε. It is left to the reader [Problem 1] to show that conversely (11.2.1) implies that/is uniformly continuous. Several topological results have uniform analogues. Problem 5 is similar to the result that/is continuous if and only if/"1 [G] is open when G is open. Theorem 11.2.1 is an analogue of Theorem 4.2.5. (Of course, some analogues fail: see Problem 103.)
210 Uniformity / Ch. 11 Theorem 11.2.1. Let 41, if be uniformities for a set X. Then 41 n> if if and only if the identity map i: (X, °U) —► (X, if) is uniformly continuous; andW is stronger than if if and only ifi is continuous. The second statement is merely Theorem 4.2.5. If °1ί => if, let V'ef'. Let U = V. Then (a, b) e U implies (ш, ib) e К since ia = a, ib = b,U = V. Thus / is uniformly continuous. Conversely, let / be uniformly continuous and Veif. There exists U such that (a, b) e U implies (w, ib) e V; this merely says U cz V, hence V e^t since Щ is a filter. | Since there are equivalent uniformities which are not equal [Sec. 11.1, Example 2], it follows from Theorem 11.2.1 that uniform continuity is not topological, in the sense that a uniformly continuous function can be made not uniformly continuous without altering the topologies of its domain and range. [Let °1ί, if be equivalent uniformities for a set A" with °U φ if'. Then i: (X, <W) -> (X, <W) is uniformly continuous, while i: (X, 41) -> (X, Y) is not.] A uniform homeomorphism is a homeomorphism/such that both/and/ 1 are uniformly continuous. (Here /"^/[A"]—► X with the relative uniformity; see Sec. 11.1, Problem 12.) Certain covers of a uniform space are of such a nature that every point is covered by a "nonsmall" set. For example the set of all intervals of unit length covers R in such a way that each point is included in an interval of unit length. In contrast let С = {(χ - 1/x, x]:x > 1}. This is a cover of (0, oo) and there is no lower bound to the smallness of members of С required; for example, if ε > 0 choose χ > 1/ε; then every member of С which contains χ has diameter < ε. The first kind of cover is called uniform; we proceed to define this concept. A cover С of a uniform space X is called a uniform cover if there exists a connector U such that for every xe X some member of С includes U(x); that is the cover {U(x): xe X} refines C. It may always be assumed that U is symmetric [Theorem 11.1.1]. Uniform continuity can be phrased in terms of uniform covers. Lemma 11.2.1. Let f:(X,<%)^> (Y,if) and for each Fef, let Cv = {/"1 [ У{уУ\: У G ^} then f is uniformly continuous if and only ifCv is a uniform cover of X for every Vef. Suppose that Cv is always a uniform cover, and let We if. Choose symmetric V'ef with V о V a W. Then Cv is a uniform cover. Choose U as in the definition of uniform cover, and let (a, b) e U. There exists у such that/_1[K(j;)] => U(a). It follows that f(a) e V(y) and/(6)e V(y) [both a, be U(a)\ hence (fa,fb) e Vо V a W. Conversely, suppose that / is uniformly continuous, and let Veif. Choose U as in the definition of uniform continuity, let χ e X and set у = /(χ). Then/[(/(χ)] a V(fx) so that U(x) cz f~l\_V{fx)~]. Thus Cv is a uniform cover. |
Sec. 11.2 / Uniform Continuity 211 Theorem 11.2.2. Every open cover С of a compact uniform space X is a uniform cover. For each xeX, choose Gx e С with xeGx,a connector Vx with Vx(x) a Gx {Gx is open], and a symmetric connector Ux with Ux ° Ux a Vx. Now {WX(X)J: x e X} is an open cover of X, hence can be reduced to a finite cover {[UXk(xk)y: к = 1, 2, ..., η}. Let £/ = Π ^*к and we sha11 check that i/ satisfies the requirements that make С a uniform cover. Let χ e X. Then χ e UXk(xk) for some k, hence t/(x) с t/ о UXk(xk) с t/^ о UXk(xk) cz VXk(xk) с C^ e С | We shall require a slight modification of Theorem 11.2.2 in which we replace the assumption that С is an open cover by the assumption that {Sl: Se C) is a cover of X\ that is, that for each x, some member of С is a neighborhood of x. Since this latter cover is open, it is uniform and it follows immediately that С is a uniform cover. Corollary 11.2.1. Every continuous function f from a compact uniform space (X, °U) to a uniform space (У, if) is uniformly continuous. Let Ve Υ'. For each χ e X,f~1[V(fx)] is a neighborhood of x, since/is continuous and V(fx) is a neighborhood of/(x). The result is now immediate from Lemma 11.2.1 and the modification of Theorem 11.2.2 just given. | Corollary 11.2.2. The uniformity of a compact space is unique; that is, a compact topological space has at most one uniformity which induces its topology. If two uniformities are given, an application of Corollary 11.2.1 and Theorem 11.2.1 to the identity map shows that they are equal. | Corollary 11.2.2 is also a special case of Sec. 11.1, Problem 112. Problems jc\. Prove the condition (11.2.1) to be equivalent to uniform continuity of a map between semimetric spaces. ^-2. A uniformly continuous function is continuous. [For xe X, every neighborhood off(x) includes some K[/(x)] hence, choosing (/with (fa,fb) ε Κ for (a, b) e U, we have/[ £/(*)] ^ П/ΜΙί Jr3. A bounded continuous real function on a uniform space A" need not be uniformly continuous, even if A" is a bounded subset of R. [Consider sin l/xon(0, 1].] 4. Give (R, d), d being the Euclidean metric, an equivalent uniformity °1ί such that/: (R, °U) —► (R, d) is uniformly continuous, where/(x) = x2; and show that /: (R, d) —► (R, d) is not uniformly continuous.
212 Uniformity / Ch. 11 *5. Given/: (X, %) -> (У, 1T\ define/2: Χ χ JT-> У χ Υ by f2(a9 b) = (fa, fb). Show that/is uniformly continuous if and only if/7* [ V~\ e ^ for all Fef. 6. A cover is uniform if it has a refinement which is uniform. 7. Let ^, У be uniformities for a set X inducing topologies 7^, Tr. Assume that T<% => Tr and that 7^ is compact. Show that Щ => У [Corollary ll.2.1]. See Problem 108. 8. All semimetrics which induce the same compact topology on a set are uniformly equivalent [Corollary ll.2.2]. ^-9. The composition of two uniformly continuous functions is uniformly continuous. 10. A retraction of R2 onto R need not be uniformly continuous. [r(x,jO = x1 + W] ΙΟΙ. Show that dand d л l are uniformly equivalent semimetrics. 102. The product of two bounded uniformly continuous real functions is uniformly continuous. 103. The product of two uniformly continuous real functions need not be uniformly continuous even if one is bounded \x and sin χ on R]. 104. The square of a uniformly continuous real function need not be uniformly continuous. 105. Prove, directly from the definition, that ^fx is uniformly continuous for 0 < χ < l. 106. If/, g are uniformly continuous real functions, af + bg, |/|,/ ν g, f a g are uniformly continuous. (Compare Theorems 4.2.6, 4.2.8, and 4.2.9.) 107. Is {(x, \/x):0 < χ < 1} a uniform cover of (0, oo) with the Euclidean uniformity? 108. In Problem 7, the assumption that T<% is compact cannot be omitted [Sec. 11.1, Example 2]. 109. Is sgn uniformly continuous on R\{0}? (sgn χ = 1 if χ > 0; 0 if χ = 0; -1 if* < 0.) 110. Give a reasonable definition for the concept, uniformly open map. 111. Write out a statement of Theorem 11.2.2 specialized to a compact metric space X. (This is the Lebesgue covering lemma, given for χ = la, b~] by H. Lebesgue before 1900.) 112. The limit of a uniformly convergent net of uniformly continuous functions is uniformly continuous. 201. Exhibit/: R —► R such that/is unbounded and/" is uniformly continuous for all η = 1, 2, ... . 202. Is there any analogue of Lemma 2.5.1 for uniformities? 203. Construct two uniform spaces X, У which are not uniformly homeo-
Sec. 11.3 / Uniform Concepts 213 morphic and for which there exist uniformly continuous homeo- morphisms from X onto Υ and from Υ onto X. 11.3 Uniform Concepts In the context of uniformity, nontopological concepts such as completeness and total boundedness may be studied. We begin by defining a Cauchy filterbase to be a filterbase & in a uniform space with the property that for every connector f/, & contains a member S with S χ S a U; that is x, у е S imply (x, у) е U. The suggestive word small may be used here. Suppose we call a set S small of order U if S χ S a U. (For example, in a semimetric space, U might be {(x, j;): d(x, j;) < ε}; then a set is small of order U if and only if it has diameter < ε.) A Cauchy filterbase is then one which contains a set which is small of any order. (The set chosen depends on the order.) Theorem 11.3.1. Every convergent filterbase is a Cauchy filterbase. Suppose that У —► χ. Let U be a connector. Choose a symmetric connector К with V о V c= U. Then V(x) is a neighborhood of x, hence includes some Se.f. It follows that S χ S ^ V(x) χ V(x) a V о у a U [Problem 4]. I It will come as no surprise that a uniform space in which every Cauchy filterbase is convergent is called complete. A uniform space is called sequentially complete if every Cauchy sequence is convergent. For a semi- metric space these concepts are equivalent [Theorem 9.1.3]. We shall see in Sec. 11.4, Example 3, that a sequentially complete uniform space need not be complete. These concepts are, of course, uniform invariants; they have some additional permanence properties which we now show. Theorem 11.3.2. Л uniformly continuous map preserves Cauchy filterbases. Let У be a Cauchy filterbase in (X, <%) and/: X -> (У, тГ). Fix V e Г and set U = /2"! V [Sec. 11.2, Problem 5]. & contains a set S which is small of order £/. Then/[S] is small of order V. [For a, b e S, we have (a, 6) e £/, hence (fa,β) = f2(a, b) e V.} Since/[S] e/[#"], it follows that/[JF] is a Cauchy filterbase. | Theorem 11.3.3. Let f: X —► Υ be a uniformly continuous homeomorphism onto. Then if Υ is complete, X is complete also. Let &* be a Cauchy filterbase in X By Theorem 11.3.2 and the hypothesis, /[J5"] is convergent in Y. Since/"1 is continuous !F is convergent in X. \ Corollary 11.3.1. If a uniformity °U for a set X is complete, then any
214 Uniformity / Ch. 11 equivalent larger uniformity Ψ* is also complete. The same holds for sequentially complete. Apply Theorem 11.3.3 to the identity map from (X, У) to (X, Щ, taking account of Theorem 11.2.1. | EXAM PL Ε 1. Let e be the Euclidean uniformity for R and let b be the (smaller) uniformity which makes R uniformly homeomorphic with (—1, 1) [the uniformity induced by d3 in Sec. 11.1, Example 2]. Then (R, e) is complete, (R, b) is not complete [since (—1, 1) is not], and e zd b. Lemma 11.3.1. If a Cauchy filterbase &* in a uniform space has a cluster point x, then & —► x. Let N be a neighborhood of x. There exists a closed connector U with U(x) cz N [Theorem 11.1.6], and & contains a set S which is small of order U. Then for any s e S, (x, s) e S χ S cz U. [Theorem 6.4.7 implies that SxSczSxS = S χ S cz U = £/.] Hencese U(x) cz N, and so S cz N. This proves that 3F —► χ. | We have seen examples of subspaces which are not C- and C*-embedded (Section 8.5). The following useful extension theorem reveals, in particular, that every dense subspace allows extension of a real uniformly continuous function. Theorem 11.3.4. Let D be a dense subspace of a uniform space (X, 4i), let (У, У) be a complete uniform space, andg: D —► Υ a uniformly continuous map. Then g has an extension to a uniformly continuous map G: X ^> Y. For xelwe have to choose some у e Υ and call it G(x). The problem of which point in Υ to choose is answered by the requirement that G be continuous, thus a filterbase converging to χ is mapped to a filterbase converging to y. The details are as follows. Let χ e X \ D and let Fx = {U(x)nD: UeW}\ &x is a filterbase in X, because D is dense and each U(x) is a neighborhood of x. Moreover 3Fx —► x. [Every neighborhood of χ includes a set of the form U(x), hence a member of 3Fx\ Thus 3Fx is a Cauchy filterbase in X, hence in D; it follows that g[_^x~\ is a Cauchy filterbase [Theorem 11.3.2]. Since У is complete, g\JFx~\ is convergent. Let у be any limit of g\_^x~\ and define G{x) = y. (If Υ is separated, у is uniquely determined.) If χ e D, define G(x) = g(x). By definition G\ D = g, and it remains to show that G is uniformly continuous. Let V0 e Υ. Choose closed symmetric V'ef with VoVoVcz V0 [Sec. 11.1, Problem 10]. There exists U0 e % such that (r, s) e U0,r,s ε D imply (gr, gs) e V [Sec. 11.1, Problem 12], and symmetric
Sec. 11.3 / Uniform Concepts 215 UeW with i/o(/o[/c(/0. We shall prove that (a, b) e U implies (Ga, Gb) e K0, completing the proof. Let (0, b) e U. Choose r e D η U(a). [Possible because D is dense, and U(a) is a neighborhood of a.} Choose se D η U(b). Then (r, a), (a, b), (b, s) all belong to f/, hence (r, 5) e f/ о U о U a U0. Hence (gr, gs) е V. If now we show that (Ga, gr) e V and (gs, Gb) e К we shall have (Ga, Gb) e V ° V ° V a V0, completing the proof. We shall prove the first of these two statements only; that is, (Ga, gr) e V; the other is proved similarly. What we have to prove is that G(a) e V(gr). Since the latter set is closed it is sufficient to show that every neighborhood of G(a) meets V(gr). Let TV be a neighborhood of G(a), then TV includes a member of g[&a], ыуд[\У(а) п1)]с]УДе1 Now W{a) η U(a) is a neighborhood of a in X, hence meets D; say deD η W(a) η U(a). But then g(d) e Ν η V(gr). \deDn W{a) implies g(d) e N by definition of W\ also de U{a), a e U(r) implies (d, r) e U о JJ a U0 so that (gd, gr) e V by definition of U0.J This proves that TV meets V(gr) and concludes the proof of Theorem 11.3.4. | remark. In case Υ is separated, the extension G is uniquely determined by g, indeed G is the only continuous extension [Sec. 4.2, Problem 7]. A set S in a uniform space is called totally bounded if for every connector f/, S is covered by a finite collection of sets, each of which is small of order U. Theorem 11.3.5. The following are equivalent for a nonempty set S in a uniform space: (i) S is totally bounded. (ii) For every connector f/, there exists a finite subset F of S with S cz U[F~\. (iii) For every connector U, there exists a finite subset F ofX with S a U[F~\. Proof, (i) implies (ii). Let U be a connector. We have S = (J {St: ι: = 1,2, ...,«} with each St small of order U. Assuming, as we may, that each St is not empty, choose x( e S( for each /. Then St cz U(Xi), [for у е Si9 (xhy)e St χ Si cz f/], and so S cz (J £/(xf) = £/[F], where F= (xl9 x2, . . ., x„). (iii) implies (i): Let К be a connector. Choose a symmetric connector f/ with U о U cz К, and choose F according to (iii), say F = (xl9 x2,..., xn). Then S cz (J {i/(x;)· z = 1, 2,..., «} and each i/(x,·) is small of order V. [ae U(Xi), be U(Xi) imply (a, b)e Uо U cz V.J The result is trivial from this. I Theorem 11.3.6. A uniform space is totally bounded if and only if every ultrafilter is a Cauchy filter. Let X be totally bounded and & an ultrafilter. Let U be a connector. Then A4s the union of finitely many sets each of which is small of order U. One of
216 Uniformity / Ch. 11 these sets must belong to !F [Sec. 7.3, Problem 2]. Hence !F is a Cauchy filter. Conversely suppose that X is not totally bounded. There exists a symmetric connector U with Χ φ U[A~\ for every finite set Λ. Then there exists a "uniformly discrete" sequence {*„}; that is with (xm, xn) φ U if m φ n. [Inductively, choose xx at random, and xn+liU[_{xi:i= 1,2,..., и}].] Let,4n be the set (xn, x„+i,x„+2»···)· Then if ^"is any filter which includes the filterbase {,4П: л = 1,2,...}^" cannot be Cauchy; indeed it cannot contain a set which is small of order U. [Let S e tF. Then S must contain two different xf; namely S must meet Λΐ9 say xme S η Au and S must meet ^m + i» say *n G «S n ^m+i· ^ut tnen (*m> Xn) Φ Whence S χ S φ U.J Since Theorem 7.3.1 assures us that there exists an ultrafilter which includes the above mentioned filterbase, the proof is complete. | Theorem 11.3.7. A uniform space is compact if and only if it is totally bounded and complete. If X is compact and IF is an ultrafilter, then F must be convergent [Theorem 7.3.6] hence Cauchy [Theorem 11.3.1]. Thus A4s totally bounded [Theorem 11.3.6]. To see that X is complete, let !F be a Cauchy filter. Then 3F has a cluster point [Theorem 7.1.4], hence converges [Lemma 11.3.1]. Conversely, let X be totally bounded and complete, and let IF be an ultra- filter. By Theorem 11.3.6, <F is Cauchy, hence converges, and so A4s compact [Theorem 7.3.6]. | Problems on Uniform Space Jr\. Check that the definitions of Cauchy filterbase and completeness given here and in Section 9.1 agree. 2. On any space, the discrete and indiscrete uniformities are complete. 3. Exhibit a noncomplete uniformity for the integers which induces the discrete topology [Sec. 9.1, Example 2]. ^4. Let К be a symmetric connector with V о V cz U. Then V(x) is small of order £/for all x. [If (a, b) e V(x) χ V{x\ then α e V{x), χ e V(b) so ag (Ко V)(b).J 5. A space is totally bounded if and only if every filter is included in a Cauchy filter. ^-6. A subspace of a uniform space X is totally bounded in its relative uniformity if and only if it is a totally bounded subset of X. 7. Do Problems 1 and 2 in Sec. 9.1, for uniform space. ^-8. A closed subset of a complete uniform space is complete (in the relative uniformity), and a subspace of a complete separated uniform space is complete if and only if it is closed. Obtain also analogues of Sec. 9.1,
Sec. 11.3 / Uniform Concepts 217 Problems 7 and 8. [Let 3F be a Cauchy filter in S a X. Then J5" is a Cauchy filterbase in X. Thus 3F —► x. But then χ e S.] 9. A uniformly continuous function preserves total boundedness. In particular a uniformly continuous real function is bounded on every totally bounded set. 10. If the restriction of a continuous function g to a dense subset is uniformly continuous, g is uniformly continuous. [See the proof of Theorem 11.3.4.] ^r 11. Let Χ, Υ be separated complete uniform spaces and suppose they have uniformly homeomorphic dense subspaces. Then Χ, Υ are uniformly homeomorphic. [By Theorem 11.3.4, extend/: Dx —► DY to F: X^> У, and/- x: DY -> Dx to G: Υ-> X Then (F о G) | Z)y and (G <> F) | Z)x are identity maps. By Sec. 4.2, Problem 7, G = F"1.] See Problem 104. 12. Must a bounded continuous real function on a totally bounded set be uniformly continuous ? ^-13. The closure of a totally bounded set S is totally bounded. [If S is a finite union of sets St which are small of order U, S is a union of sets 5; which are small of order t7, by Theorem 6.4.7. We may assume U closed, by Theorem 11.1.6.] ^-14. A net χδ is said to be a Cauchy net if for every connector f/, there exists <50 such that 5, 5' > <50 implies (x^, л;^) е U. Show that л^ is a Cauchy net if and only if its associated filter is a Cauchy filter. [Let @δ = {χδ,: δ' > δ}. Then {@δ} is a filterbase which contains small sets if and only if χδ is a Cauchy net.] ^-15. Every net associated with a Cauchy filter is a Cauchy net. ^-16. A uniform space is complete if and only if every Cauchy net is convergent. [Necessity by Problem 14; sufficiency by Problem 15.] 17. Call two uniformities for a set Cauchy equivalent if they have the same Cauchy filters; equivalently [Problem 14] if they have the same Cauchy nets. Cauchy equivalent uniformities need not be equal [for example, two equivalent complete uniformities]; and equivalent uniformities need not be Cauchy equivalent; [that is, a homeomorphism need not be uniform; consider Sec. 4.2, Example5]. Two complete uniformities are Cauchy equivalent if and only if they are equivalent. See also Problem 110. 18. A uniformity is totally bounded if it is Cauchy equivalent to a totally bounded uniformity [Theorem 11.3.6]. 19. Let X be not totally bounded. Then there exists a connector V and a sequence {xn} with V(xm) φ V(xn) for m Φ n. [Choose U so that X has no finite cover by sets which are small of order U. Choose symmetric V with K°K°K°Kc(/. Let xle X. Choose x2 with V(x2) Φ V{x\)\ if this is not possible, Jc F« ^(^i), which is small
218 Uniformity / Ch. 11 of order U. Choose хъ with V(x3) φ \_V{xi) и K(x2)]· Continue inductively.] 20. A countably compact uniform space must be totally bounded [Problem 19; Theorem 10.2.5]. 21. A countably compact complete uniform space is compact [Problem 20; Theorem 11.3.7]. Thus a countably compact noncompact space is very incomplete in the sense that it cannot be given a complete uniformity. Hence a realcompact countably compact space is compact; a result noted in improved form in Sec. 8.6, Problem 1. 22. A pseudocompact uniform space must be totally bounded. [Imitate Problem 19, using the interiors of the sets K(x„).] This improves Problem 20 [Sec. 7.1, Problem 114]. Improve Problem 21 in the same way. 101. Prove Lemmas 9.1.2 and 9.1.3 for uniform space. 102. Do Sec. 9.1, Problems 115, 116, and 117 for uniform space. 103. Theorem 11.3.4 becomes false if it is not assumed that D is dense [Sec. 8.5, Problem 5], or if it is not assumed that У is complete. [The identity map from Q to Q cannot be extended to R by Sec. 4.2, Problem 27.] 104. Problem 11 fails if" uniform" and "uniformly" are omitted. (Replace "separated" by "Ha^dcrM.") [Sec. 9.2, Example 2. Sx \ {P} (P any point) and (0, 1) are not uniformly homeomorphic, by Problem 11, although there is a homeomorphism between them which is uniformly continuous. What is it?] 105. For a filter^ in a uniform space (A;^),let^= {£/[5]: Ue<%,Se^}. Show that 31 is a filterbase and that 3 is convergent or Cauchy if and only if & is. [Since 3 a &, half of each part is trivial.] 106. The closure of a complete set in a uniform space is complete. [For a separated space, see Problem 8. In general use Problem 105.] (In particular, the closure of a compact set is complete, but this is trivial from Sec. 5.4, Problem 9.) 107. A subset ^ of a uniformity 41 is called a subbase for 41 if every member of °U includes a finite intersection of members of 3. Suppose a set S in (X, °U) has the property that for every U in some subbase 3 for °U, S is the union of finitely many sets which are small of order U. Show that S is totally bounded. [If S = (J Stj where, for each /, Stj is small of order (/,·; let Α = Π Sikk anc* consider the set of all such A.J 108. In contrast with Problem 107; in Part (ii) of Theorem 11.3.5, it is not sufficient to assume that the condition holds for all U in a subbase. [Take X = R, let subbasic connectors be {(x, y)\ \x — y\ < ε or χ — у is an odd integer} and the same with odd replaced by even. Then ω is not totally bounded.]
Sec. 11.4 / Uniformization 219 109. An attempt to extend Lemma 11.3.1 to a nonuniform situation might be made thus: conjecture. If a convergent filterbase & in a topological space has a cluster point x, then & —► x. Settle this conjecture. 110. Two Cauchy equivalent uniformities are equivalent. [Let ύίΙι,ύΙί2 be Cauchy equivalent. For any x, the <^1 -neighborhood filter Nx must be ^2-Cauchy, hence, by Lemma 11.3.1, converges to χ in the topology induced by °и2. (х belongs to each member of Nx.) The result follows by Sec. 4.2, Problem 117.] 201. Let & be a Cauchy filter. Show that the filter generated by $ft in Problem 105 is a minimal Cauchy filter. In particular Nx is a minimal Cauchy filter for each x. 202. Suppose that & is a filter but not a Cauchy filter. Is it possible to choose a point xs e S each S e &* such that (xs: J5") is not a Cauchy net? 203. A set S in a uniform space is called bounded if for every connector U there exists a finite set F and positive integer η such that S a Un[_F~\ where [/"= i/o[/0...0(/ with л terms. Show that in a semimetric space, a bounded set must be metrically bounded, but not conversely. 204. The closure of a bounded set is bounded. 205. Every totally bounded set is bounded but not conversely. 206. A uniformly continuous map preserves bounded sets. 207. A set is bounded if and only if every uniformly continuous real function is bounded on it. [See [Nakano, p. 80, Theorem 2].] 208. A compact uniform space must be complete [Theorem 11.3.7], but a locally compact uniform space cannot always be given a complete uniformity. Compare Sec. 9.2, Problem 101; Sec. 12.2. Problem 127. [By Theorem 11.3.7 and Problem 20 it is sufficient to give a certain non- compact space.] 11.4 Uniformization In this and the next section we solve two natural converse problems: Which topologies can be uniformized ? Which uniformities can be semimetrized ? Briefly: a topology is induced by some uniformity if and only if it is completely regular; a uniformity is induced by a semimetric if and only if it has a countable base. In these sentences, if the uniformity is taken to be separated, replace completely regular by T3± (TychonofT), and semimetrizable by metrizable. Some discussion of the limitations of this program is given at the beginning of Section 11.5. Since every completely regular space has the weak topology by its continuous real functions [Theorem 6.7.4], it is sufficient to show that such a space can be uniformized. (The converse is Theorem 11.5.2.) It is natural
220 Uniformity / Ch. 11 to imitate the procedures of Chapter 6. Suppose that a set Xhas a nonempty collection Φ of uniformities specified for it. Let 3 be the collection of all subsets of A" x A" of the form ρ {(/,·:/ = 1, 2,..., и}, where each Ui is a member of ^ for some f еФ. We shall show that 3 is a base for a uniformity by checking Sec. 11.1, Definition 2. To see that 3 is a filterbase, we note that ^ is not empty, and that no member of 3 is empty. [Every member of every f еФ includes the diagonal, Δ.] Also it is clear that 3 is closed under finite intersection. Conditions (ii'), (in'), and (iv') are easily checked. [For example (p| щ-1 = Π Ur' since (x, y) e Π £/,· if and only if (y9 x) e Π £/," Μ The uniformity generated by 3 is called the supremum (or sw/?) of Φ and written V Φ· (It is not hard to see that 3 actually is a uniformity.) Theorem 11.4.1. Let Φ be a collection of uniformities for a set X. Then \J Φ induces the topology \J {T<%: °U e Φ}, where T<% is the topology induced by °U. This should be compared with the analogous result for semimetrization, Theorem 6.2.2, where it could be obtained for a countable family only. To prove Theorem 11.4.1, let Τ be the topology induced by V Φ and let S = V^· Suppose that TV is a T neighborhood of x. Then there exist £/15 £/2,..., £/„, each £/£ belonging to some 41 e Φ, with (p| £/,■)(*) <= TV [Theorem 11.1.2]. Now (Π U^x) = Π [£/,·(*)], and Щх) is a ^neighborhood of χ if f/,. e %. Thus Π [^;00] is an ·$ neighborhood of x, hence TV is an S neighborhood of x. Conversely, that every S neighborhood of χ is a Τ neighborhood is proved similarly. | Theorem 11.4.2. With the notation of Theorem 11.4.1, let ΊΤ = V Φ. Then a filterbase <F in (X, У) is a Cauchy filterbase if and only if it is a Cauchy filterbase in (X, 41) for each °U e Φ. The same result holds for nets. The filterbase result implies the net result by Sec. 11.3, Problem 14. Half of Theorem 11.4.2 is trivial since Υ => Щ for each f еФ. Conversely, let & be ^-Cauchy for every °U and let V'ef. There exist f/x, f/2,.... f/„, each Ui belonging to some f еФ with ρ i/f с К For each /, 3F contains Sx with St χ Si a Ui. LetS = Ρ Si. ThenS χ S a V. Thus.Fisf"-Cauchy. | Next, let A" be a set, (У,У) a uniform space, and/: X—> Y. We define w(/), the weaA: uniformity by f to be the uniformity on ^generated by 3, where 3 is the collection of all sets of the form Uv= {(a,b)eX χ *: (/я,/6)е К}, К being a symmetric connector for Y. It is easy to see that 31 is a base for a uniformity [for example, each member of 3 is symmetric, includes the diagonal, and if K° V a W, then Uv ° f/K с Uw, showing that 3 satisfies Part (iv') of Sec. 11.1, Definition 2]. Thus u(f) is a well-defined uniformity; moreover/: X^> Υ is uniformly continuous when X has the uniformity
Sec. 11.4 / Uniformization 221 u{f). [For any connector Vx for У, let К be a symmetric connector with V a Vv Then Uv 6 & and so UVl e u{f). Comparing the definitions of Uv and of uniform continuity yields the result.] Indeed, u{f) is the smallest uniformity which makes f uniformly continuous. [Any such uniformity must include ^, as is shown by a glance at the definitions.] Extending the idea of weak uniformity to more than one map, let A" be a set and Φ a family of functions/, each/defined on X and with range in some uniform space Yf. The weak uniformity by Φ for X, written и(Ф) or wO, is V {w(/)'/e Ф}, where u(f) is the weak uniformity by/as just defined. Theorem 11.4.3. Let Φ be a collection of maps from a set X to uniform spaces. Then и(Ф) induces the topology νν(Φ), the weak topology by Φ. It will be sufficient to prove this for a single map/. [Theorem 11.4.1 will then yield the general result.] Let u(f) also stand for the topology induced by u{f). Then u(f) zd w{f) \w(f) is the smallest topology making/continuous, and u(f) does indeed make /continuous]. Conversely, let TV be a u(f) neighborhood of x. Then there is a connector V for Υ such that xeUv(x)^N. Then7V^/-1[K(/x)]. {If as f-llV(fx)]9 Да) е V(fx\ hence (fx.fa) e V which implies (x, a) e Uv and so a e Uv{x) a N.J Since V{fx) is a neighborhood of/(x) in Y, this shows that TV is a w(f) neighborhood of χ. | As a special case of Theorem 11.4.3, we have Theorem 11.4.4. The product of a family of uniform spaces is a uniform space with the weak uniformity by the family of projections. This uniformity is called the product uniformity; it is part of the content of Theorem 11.4.3 that the product uniformity induces the product topology. We show a simple application of the sup and weak uniformities. EXAMPLE 1. Every metric space can be given a complete uniformity (which induces its topology). For separable metric spaces, a possibly better result is given in Example 5, and Corollary 8.6.2. (Of course for separable spaces it is an equivalent result.) Let (X, d) be a metric space, and we shall use the letter d to denote its uniformity also. Let υ be the weak uniformity by C(X) and let °U = d ν v. Then 41 induces the metric topology of X [Theorems 11.4.1 and 6.7.4]. We shall show that 41 is complete. Let & be a ^-Cauchy filter. Then F is a d-Cauchy filter [since °U => d\ hence 3F —► у е У, where Υ is the metric completion of (X, d) [Theorem 9.2.3]. Now у ε X. [If у φ X, let g(x) be the distance from χ to у in Υ for each xe X. Then g is never 0, so \jg e C{X), hence \jg is υ-uniformly continuous. But this is a contradiction since У is a υ-Cauchy filter and \jg is unbounded on each member S of &* because у e S in Y. The contradiction derives from
222 Uniformity / Ch. 11 Theorem 11.3.2.] Thus & —► χ in X, a topological (not just uniform) statement; in particular 3F —► χ in (X, ^). | Theorem 11.4.5. Every completely regular topology is induced by a uniformity. By Theorem 6.7.4, a completely regular topology for X is precisely the weak topology by C(X). The result follows from Theorem 11.4.3. | remark. We shall refer to a space as having a uniformity. It must be clearly understood that the uniformity is to induce the topology of the space. For instance, Example 1 implies that Q can be given a complete uniformity— this means, a complete uniformity which induces the natural (Euclidean) topology. Theorem 11.4.6. The topology of a compact regular space, and, in particular, a compact Hausdorjf space, is given by a unique uniformity. Such a space is completely regular [Theorem 5.4.7], hence is a uniform space [Theorem 11.4.5]. The uniformity is unique by Corollary 11.2.2. | Because of Theorem 11.4.6 we may speak unambiguously in uniform terms when referring to a compact regular space. For example such a space is complete [Theorem 11.3.7], and it is unnecessary to specify the uniformity with respect to which it is complete. The converse of Theorem 11.4.6 is false in that a noncompact space may have a unique uniformity [Sec. 11.5, Problem 108], but, as a partial converse, a space with a unique uniformity must be pseudocompact [Example 4]. See also Sec. 14.1, Problem 111. ^EXAM PLE 2. The α and β uniformities. Let Jbea Tychonoff space. Then βΧ has a unique uniformity. The relative uniformity for Xof βΧ will be denoted by β. Thus for example, (Χ, β) is always totally bounded\Sec. 11.3, Problem 6; βΧ is compact hence totally bounded], and never complete, unless X is already compact. The important identification of β as u[C*(X)~] is spelled out in Problem 110. Next, let A" be a locally compact regular space. If Xh not compact, X+ is compact and regular [Theorem 8.1.2] hence has a unique uniformity. The relative uniformity for X of X+ will be denoted by a. If A" is compact and regular, α will denote its (unique) uniformity. As a sample result we have: For a locally compact Hausdorjf space Χ, β zd a. [Extend i: X^ Xtof: βΧ^ X+. By Corollary 11.2.1,/is uniformly continuous, hence so is /: (Χ, β) —► (Χ, α). The result follows from Theorem 11.2.1.] If A" is compact, β = a is the unique uniformity of X. For a non- compact space it is still possible that β = a [Sec. 8.5, Problem 8]. Of course β, a are equivalent; they both induce the topology of X.
Sec. 11.4 / Uniformization 223 EXAMPLE 3. Let Ibea noncompact Γ4 space. Then Xis sequentially closed in βΧ and not closed [Theorem 8.3.2]. This means that (Χ, β) is sequentially complete, where β is given in Example 2. \βΧ is complete by Theorem 11.3.7.] However (Χ, β) is not complete since A" is dense [Sec. 11.3, Problem 8], or since X is totally bounded and not compact. Thus, if X is a noncompact Tychonoff space, β is not metrizable. [If it were metrizable it would be T4. This leads, as just shown to the impossible situation of a sequentially complete non-complete space, contradicting Theorem 9.1.З.] As a special case we have: The topology of every noncompact Tychonoff space can be induced by a nonmetrizable uniformity. It is interesting to apply this result to any noncompact metric space. Its topology is given by a nonmetrizable uniformity, as well as a metrizable one. The criteria for continuity of functions with ranges in sup, weak, and product spaces (Theorem 6.6.1) have exact analogues for uniform continuity. In Theorem 11.4.7, {trae A) is a collection of uniformities on a set Y\ {fx: a e A} is a family of maps, each /я: У—► Ζα, where each Ζα is a uniform space; Хя is a family of uniform spaces; and A" is a uniform space. Theorem 11.4.7. (i) A function f: X^> (У, V {^*: ae A}) is uniformly continuous if and only iff: A'—► (У, tyip) is uniformly continuous for each β e A. (ii) A function f: A'—► (У, u{fx: a e A}) is uniformly continuous if and only if fp of is uniformly continuous for all β e A. (iii) A function off: Χ'—► Υ\{ΧΛ: α e A} is uniformly continuous if and only if Ρ β of is uniformly continuous for each β e A. Half of Part (i) is trivial since <%β a \J %я. Conversely, suppose that /: (X, тГ) -> (У, <%β) is uniformly continuous for each β and let i/e\/tr Then U => Ux η U2 η · · · η Un where each i/f e ^a. for some af e A. For each /, there exists Vt e Υ with the property that (я, b) e Vx implies (β,β) e f/.. Let V = Π V{. Then Ve Г and (я, b) e V implies (fa, β) e U. Thus/is uniformly continuous. Part (ii) follows from Part (i) and the special case of Part (ii) in which A has one member, which we now prove. We denote the sole function/, by #. Half of the result is trivial by Sec. 11.2, Problem 9. Conversely, suppose that g о/is uniformly continuous and let Ue u(g). There exists Win the uniformity of Za such that U => {(a, b): (да, gb) e W). Since g о /is uniformly continuous, there exists V'ef such that (x, x') e К implies (g o/x, g ofx')e W which implies that (fx,fx') e U. Thus / is uniformly continuous. Finally, Part (iii) follows from Part (ii) and the definition of product uniformity. | EXAMPLE 4. The uniformity v. Let I be a Tychonoff space and let υ = uC(X\ the weak uniformity by C(X). Since C(X) = C(vX) in a natural
224 Uniformity / Ch. 11 way {X is dense and C-embedded in vXj, the uniformity ν is also defined for vX. We first note that like /?, υ induces the natural topology of υΧ\ that is, the relative topology οϊβΧ [Theorems 11.4.3, and 6.7.4]. Since/? = uC*[X] [Problem 110], we see that ν bears the same relation to u^that β does to βΧ. See also Problems 112, 113, and 114. Now υ, β are equivalent uniformities, as just mentioned, but β cz υ, [C*(T) с C(X)\ also β = υ if and only if A" is pseudocompact. [An unbounded/e C(X) is υ-uniformly continuous, but not /^-uniformly continuous by Problem 111.] It follows that a non-pseudo- compact Tychonoff space always has more than one uniformity. A pseudo- compact, indeed a countably compact space, may have more than one uniformity [Sec. 14.1, Problem 111]. The role of realcompactness in uniformity is illustrated by the following result. EXAMPLE 5. A Tychonoff space X is complete in the uniformity ν if and only if it is realcompact. Suppose first that X is realcompact and that $F is an υ-Cauchy filter. Then !F is a /?-Cauchy filter since ν zo β. Thus !F —► t e βΧ since (βΧ, β) is complete. [It is compact!] If t φ Χ, the definitions yield fe C{X) whose extension to βΧ is oo at ί; such/is unbounded on each member of IF \t is an accumulation point of each member of <F\ This contradicts Theorem 11.3.2. Thus t e X. That !F —► χ is a topological statement, as true for υ as for β. Conversely if X is not realcompact, (X, v) is a dense proper subspace of (vX, υ) hence is not complete. | Problems 1. If °U is a uniformity for a set X which includes each member of a family of uniformities on X, show that °U includes the supremum of the family. 2. The (Euclidean) topology of R can be given by a noncomplete metrizable uniformity [R = (0, 1)], a complete metrizable uniformity, and a sequentially complete noncomplete uniformity [Example 3]. 3. The discrete topology of an infinite space can be given by a nonmetriz- able uniformity [Example 3]. 4. The weak uniformity by a family Φ of maps is the smallest uniformity which makes every member of Φ uniformly continuous. 5. LetA^R. Let α be as in Example 2, let e be the Euclidean uniformity, and let t be the uniformity which makes R uniformly homeomorphic with [(— 1, 1), e\ Thus (R, a) is a dense uniform subspace of Sx, the unit circumference; (R, e) is complete; and (R, t) is a dense uniform subspace of [-1, 1]. Show that e ^ t ^ a. [These are metrizable uniformities so the inclusions can be checked analytically. Also there
Sec. 11.4 / Uniformization 225 is a continuous (hence uniformly continuous) map from [—1, 1] onto Sl, hence from (R, t) onto (R, a). Compare Sec. 11.5, Problem 2.] ^-6. Every projection of a product is uniformly continuous. ^-7. Show that a product of complete uniform spaces is complete with the product uniformity. [Let !F be a Cauchy filter. Then each projection of <F is a Cauchy filterbase by Problem 6 and Theorem 11.3.2. Thus each projection converges and so 3F converges by Theorem 6.4.1.] 8. A filterbase is Cauchy in V Φ (see Theorem 11.4.1) if and only if it is Cauchy in each °1ί e Φ. 9. Let /: (X, Ф)-> (У, Г) and leftfT = Φ ν u(f). Show that if is equivalent to Щ if and only if/is continuous, and 1V = ^ifandonlyif /is uniformly continuous. 10. In Problem 9, assume that/is continuous and 41 is complete. Show that ИГ is complete [Corollary 11.3.1]. 11. Let Χ, Υ be semimetric spaces with X complete, and let/: X —► Υ be continuous. Define D(a, b) = d(a, b) + d(fa,fb) for a,b e X. Show that (X, D) is complete [Problem 10]. 12. In Problem 9, assume that/has closed graph, and that °U, Υ are complete. Show that W is complete. Specialize as in Problem 11. 13. The weak uniformity u{f) need not be the smallest uniformity which induces vv(/). 101. Let (X, %) and (У, У) be complete uniform spaces and Scl Let /: S —► У have the property that its graph is a closed subset of Α" χ Υ. Show that (S, iV) is complete, where iV = W ν u{f). [A Cauchy net sd is ^-Cauchy, hence ^->xel Also f(sd) is f -Cauchy, hence f(sd) -^ у e Y. Then j; = /(x), xe5 and ^ —► χ in A", hence in S.J 102. If every continuous real function on a semimetric space is uniformly continuous the space must be complete [Sec. 9.1, Problem 114; Sec. 8.5, Problem 116]. This result is false for uniform space [Example 5]. 103. Let X be a bounded subspace of R. Then β zd e, where e is the Euclidean uniformity, and β is as in Example 2. [Use the argument of Example 2 with X in place of X+. This argument extends to any sub- space of a compact space and is taken to its full generality in Sec. 11.5, Problem 104.] 104. In contrast to Problem 103; on ω, e is strictly larger than β. \e is discrete; β is not metrizable.] 105. If X is an unbounded subset of R, β is not larger than e [Sec. 11.3, Problem 9]. 106. Generalize the result of Problem 105. 107. On R, β is neither larger nor smaller than e. [Problem 105. Also β
226 Uniformity / Ch. 11 makes every bounded continuous real function uniformly continuous, while e does not. Hence β φ e.J 108. There are two different equivalent uniformities for ω each of them making every bounded continuous real function uniformly continuous [Problem 104]. 109. Example 3 shows that for noncompact Χ, β is never metrizable. Deduce this also from the fact that such a metric would be complete by the arguments used in Problem 102; hence compact. 110. The uniformity β of Example 2 is the weak uniformity by C*(X). 1_β => w(C*) by Problem 4. Conversely, β is the relative uniformity of the product uniformity of Iе. (See the definition of βΧ in Section 8.3. We are also using Corollary 11.2.2.) A typical U e β is a finite intersection of sets of the form {(*, y): |x(/) - y(f)\ < ε} = {(*, y): \f(x) - Лу)\ < ε} with/e С. Since С с С*(Х) we have Ue u(C*).J 111. Let/e C(X). Then /is /^-uniformly continuous (Example 2) if and only if it is bounded, that is if and only if/e C*(X). [Problems 110 and 4. Conversely if/ is uniformly continuous it is bounded, by Sec. 11.3, Problem 9 since, by Example 2, (Χ, β) is totally bounded.] 112. For any subspace X of R, υ ^ e. Compare Problems 103 and 104. \e is the weak uniformity by the inclusion map/: X'—► R,and/e C(X).] 113. On R, υ is strictly larger than e. Compare Problem 107. [The same proof shows ν φ e. Now see Problem 112.] 114. On ω, ν = e = discrete uniformity. Compare Problem 104 [Problem 112]. 115. Let X be a Tychonoff space and U e v. Then X is a countable union of sets which are small of order U. [Suppose first U= {(х,у):Ш -ЛУ)\ <ε} for some/e C{X). With Sn = {x\\m <J{x) < \{n + 1)ε} we have X = U-co Sn- Proceed as in Sec. 11.3, Problem 107.] 116. Let X be a noncountable discrete space and d any metric which induces the discrete topology. Then υ φ d, and υ is not metrizable. [Problem 115; Sec. 2.3, Problem 109.] 117. Let d be the discrete metric for a set X and form υ for the space (X, d). Then υ => d if and only if X is countable, in which case υ = d. In all other cases, ν a d strictly. \d is always the discrete uniformity, than which there is no larger. For an uncountable space, d cannot have the property given in Problem 115.] 118. A complete uniform space may be of first category. Compare the Baire category theorem. [Consider (Q, υ). Note Example 5 and Corollary 8.6.2.]
Sec. 11.5 / Metrization and Completion 227 119. State and prove for uniform spaces the results on retraction and completeness for products given in Sec. 6.7, Problem 102 (also Sec. 9.1, Problems 107 and 109). Add a result on total boundedness (Sec. 11.3, Problem 9). 120. The uniformity of a uniform space need not be the weak uniformity by the set of all bounded uniformly continuous real functions [Problem 108]. Compare Theorem 6.7.4. 121. A uniform (separated) space need not be normal (T4) [Sec. 6.7, Example 3]. 122. Show that a product of totally bounded spaces is totally bounded in the product uniformity [Sec. 11.3, Problem 107]. Deduce Tychonoff's theorem, Theorem 7.4.1, for regular spaces; in particular, for Haus- dorff spaces [Theorem 11.4.5; Problem 7; Theorem 11.3.7]. 123. Let Xbepseudocompact. Show that υ(Χ χ A^ishomeomorphicwith (όΧ) χ (vX) if and only if Χ χ Χ is pseudocompact. [By Sec. 11.3, Problem 22, they are homeomorphic if and only if ό(Χ χ Χ) is compact, that is if and only if υ(Χ χ Χ) = β(Χ χ X). Now see Sec. 8.6, Problem 1.] 124. Deduce the fact that a countably compact metric space is compact from Example 1, and Sec. 11.3, Problem 21. 125. The result of Sec. 9.2, Problem 106 fails for uniform space; indeed every uniform space has an equivalent totally bounded uniformity. 201. Can the topology of R be given by a nonmetrizable complete uniformity? 202. Discuss quotients of uniform spaces [MR 35 #972]. 11.5 Metrization and Completion To the concepts of first and second countability for a uniform space, we add another countability concept which lies between them, namely, a uniform space may have a countable base for its uniformity. Suppose we designate a uniformity 41 as 1С if it induces a second countable topology, FC if it induces a first countable topology, С В if it has a countable base, Mu if it is semimetrizable, and Mt if it induces a semimetrizable topology. A summary of past and future results is contained in the list: Mt <- 2C, CB^MU^ M, ^ FC, and no arrow can be reversed. That 1С —► Mt is Theorem 10.1.1. That Mu —► С В is clear from consideration of the countable base {t/„}, where U„ = {(*, y): d(x, y) < \/n}. That CB^> Mu is given in Theorem 11.5.1. That Mu^> Mt^> FC is trivial. Also CB -/> 1С [consider any nonseparable metric space], Mt -/> Mu [Sec.
228 Uniformity / Ch. 11 11.4, Example 3], and FC-f* Mt [Theorem 11.4.5; Sec. 5.3, Examples 1 and 3]. In preparation for the metrization theorem we show how to obtain a function obeying the triangle inequality from an arbitrary nonnegative real function D defined on Χ χ X, where X is an arbitrary nonempty set. For x, у in D define d(x,y) = infjX D(xhxi+l):x1 = x, xk + 1 = уУ (11.5.1) In Equation (11.5.1), it is understood that the inf is taken over all finite collections xx, x2, x3,.. ., xk+1 with Xj = x, xk+1 = y. Lemma 11.5.1. With these definitions d(x, z) < d(x, y) + d(y, z). Let ε > 0. Choose xu x2, . . ., x^ + i; У и Уг-> · · ·■> Уп+ι with χι = *> *к+1 = У ι = У,Уп+1 = 2, and Σ^(χΐ9χι+1) < d(x,y) + |, Σ^Λ,Λ+ι) < d{y,z) + |. Now set xk+r = yr for r = 2, 3,. .., η + 1 and obtain fc + л fc d(x,z) < X £>(*,., xi+1) = X £>(*,·, xi+1) i = 1 ί = 1 π + Σ D(yhyi+1) < d(x9y) + d(y,z) + ε. | i=l Theorem 11.5.1. A uniformity with a countable base is semimetrizable. As pointed out above, the converse is also true. Let X be a uniform space whose uniformity °U has a countable base {(/„}. Now let V0 = Χ χ Χ. Let νγ be a symmetric connector with Vx a U1. Let V2 e % be symmetric, K2 о к2 о K2 с U2 η Kj. [Possible since U2nVle 41, and by Sec. 11.1, Problem 10.] Choose symmetric V3 e Щ with K3 о K3 о K3 с U3 η K2 and, in general, choose symmetric K„ e 41 with Vn° Vn° Vn ^ Unn Vn_1. Then {K„} is a base for Щ [Lemma 11.1.1; furthermore Vn a Un for all w], and, in addition, all Vn are symmetric, and Vn° Vn° Vn ^ Vn-1 for η = 1,2,.... For each x, ye X, set D(x, y) = 0 if (x, j;) e K„ for all n, while if (x, у) е K„\Kn+1, set D(x,y) = 2~n. This definition makes sense since every (x, y) e V0 and once (x, y) φ Vk then (x, y) φ Vm for all m > k. The function Z> has some of the properties of a semimetric; clearly D(x,y) > 0, Z>(x, j>) = Z>(j;, x) since each Vn is symmetric, Z>(x, x) = 0. Note that for η = 0, 1,2,..., Z)(x, j;) < 2~n ifandonlyif(x,j;)G Vn. (11.5.2)
Sec. 11.5 / Metrization and Completion 229 We shall use D to obtain the desired semimetric. We begin by proving Z>(w, z) < 2 max [Z>(w, x), Z>(x, y), D(y, z)] for w, xj,ze X. (11.5.3) [Let the right-hand side of Equation (11.5.3) be called 2r, so that r = 2~n for some n. Then Z>(w, x) < 2"" so that (w, x) e Vn by Equation (11.5.2). Similarly, (x, j;), (j;, z) e Vn and so (w, z)eF„oF„oF„c Vn-v It follows from Equation (11.5.2) that Z>(w, z) < 2"(n_1) = 2r.] From Equation (11.5.3) we can deduce к D(xi> X/c+i) ^ 2Σ £(Xf,Xf+i) forxj, x2, ...,xk+1 el (11.5.4) i=l [If all Z)(Xj, xi+i) are 0, xi+1 e {xj for all / by Theorem 11.1.3, hence xk + i e {χι} and Д*и *k+i) = 0· In the rest of the proof we shall assume that at least one D{xb xi+1) > 0. For к = 0, 1, 2, Equation (11.5.4) is obvious from Equation (11.5.3), and the fact that Z>(x, x) = 0. We shall prove Equation (11.5.4) by induction. Let the right-hand side of Equation (11.5.4) be called 2ft. Let к > 2, and let m be the largest integer such that m fo Σ D{xi9xi+1)<T (11.5.5) In case Дх^ x2) > ft/2, take m and the left-hand side of Equation (11.5.5) to be 0. Then 0 < m < к also Σ D(xi9xi+1)<2 O1·5·6) i = m + 2 since ft — Σ?=™ + 2 = ΣΓ=Υ > ^/2 by definition of m. In case w = к — 1, the left-hand side of (11.5.6) is taken to be 0. Since the sums in the left-hand sides of Equation (11.5.5) and Equation (11.5.6) contain fewer than к terms (or are 0) we have, by the induction hypothesis, m Д*1> *m+l) ^ 2 Σ D(Xi> Xi+l) ^ *> i=l Дхт + 2, xk+1) < 2 Σ D(xbxi+]) <b, i = m + 2 and, trivially, Applying Equation (11.5.3) to these inequalities yields Equation (11.5.4).] We are now ready to define our semimetric d. It is defined by the formula (11.5.1). The triangle inequality is Lemma 11.5.1; d(x, χ) = 0, [take A: = 1 in Equation (11.5.1)]; d(x, y) = d(y, x) since D(x, y) = D(y, x), and d(x, y) > 0 since Z>(x, y) > 0. To relate d to the uniformity, we prove d< D <2d. (11.5.7)
230 Uniformity / Ch. 11 [That d < D follows by taking к = 1 in Equation (11.5.1). Next, let xjel For any choice of xl9 x2,. .., xk+1 with Xj = x, xk+1 = j; we have, from Equation (11.5.4), Σί= ι D(*b *i+1) ^ i £(*> ^)· Taking the inf of the left-hand side yields d(x, y) > \ Z>(x, y).} Finally, d induces the uniformity of X. [Let U be a connector. Then, for some n, U^Vn= {(x9y):D(x9y) <2""} =э {(χ, j,): J(x, y) < 2"""1} by Equations (11.5.2) and (11.5.7). Thus U is a J connector. Conversely, let Uhead connector, which we maytake to beoftheform{(x,j;):i/(x,^) < 2""}. Then U => {(x9y):D(x9y) < 2~n} = Vn by Equation (11.5.2) and (11.5.7). Thus U is a connector for the uniformity of Л".] | Some details in the metrization of some special uniformities were given in the problems of Section 11.4. See also [Rainwater], [Waterhouse], [Mrowka], and the references given there. Theorem 11.5.2. A uniform space is completely regular. Let Fbe a closed set in the uniform space X, and χ φ F. Choose a symmetric connector V with V(x) φ F. Inductively we may choose Vx = V, a symmetric connector V2 with V2 ° V2 <= Kl5 and so, in general, a symmetric connector Vn with Vn о Vn a Vn_v Then {Vn} is a base for a uniformity, which we may denote by У. By Theorem 11.5.1, (X, У) is semimetrizable, hence, completely regular [Theorem 4.3.3], and so, since V(x) is a neighborhood of χ in (Χ, У), there exists a continuous map/of (X, У) into [0, 1] with/(x) = 0,f(y) = 1 for у φ K(x), in particular for у e F. But У а Ш where 41 is the original uniformity hence / is a continuous function on (*,*). I remark. Theorem 11.5.2, together with Theorem 11.4.5, characterizes uniform topologies. A topology is given by a uniformity if and only if it is completely regular. (Compare Sec. 6.3, Problem 202.) Lemma 11.5.2. Let V be a symmetric connector in a uniform space (X, 41). Then there exists a semimetric D whose uniformity is smaller than 41, such that V is a D connector. (It is not intended that D induce the topology of X.) Let the uniformity У be defined exactly as in the proof of Theorem 11.5.2. By Theorem 11.5.1, У is given by a semimetric D. The uniformity of D is smaller than 41 [namely, У а 4l\ Let VE = {(x, y): D(x, y) < ε}. Then {VE: ε > 0} is a base for У, thus VE a V for some ε > 0. | Lemma 11.5.3. Let (X, 41) be a separated uniform space andx, у e Χ, χ Φ у. Then there exists a semimetric D whose uniformity is smaller than 4l such that D(x9 у) Φ 0.
Sec. 11.5 / Metrization and Completion 231 (It is not intended that d induce the topology of X.) Choose a symmetric connector Fwith(x, j;) φ Κ [Theorem 11.1.4]. Choose Ζ) as in Lemma 11.5.2. Then Z>(x, y) Φ 0. [For some ε > 0, Z>(x, y) < ε implies (x, y) e K, since V is a Z> connector. Hence (x, j;) £ К implies Z>(x, y) > ε.] | Theorem 11.5.3. A uniform space (X, 41) is uniformly homeomorphic into a product of semimetric spaces. Let S = {d: d is a semimetric inducing a uniformity which is smaller than Щ. (d need not be equivalent with 41) S is not empty since the indiscrete semimetric (d = 0) belongs to S. For each de S, let Xd = (X, d) and let v: X—► Π {^d: ^е S} be the "diagonal" map, that is, v(x) is the constant member of the product whose value is always x; precisely: i>(x)d = χ for all Je5. We first show that ν is uniformly continuous. [For each deS, (Pd о v)(x) = v(x)d = χ so that Pd ο ν is the identity map from A" to A^. Since the ^-uniformity is smaller than °И, Pd ο ν is uniformly continuous by Theorem 11.2.1. It follows from Theorem 11.4.7 that υ is uniformly continuous.] It is obvious that ν is one-to-one, thus it remains to prove that for each connector V for X, there exists U in the product uniformity such that (a, b) e f/, a, be v\_X~\ imply (v~la, v~lb)e V. Phrased another way, what we have to prove, given K, is the existence of U with the property x, у е X, (t\x, ι;^) e f/ imply (x, j;) g K. Let К g 41 and choose Z> as in Lemma 11.5.2. Then D g S, and with Κε = {(χ, у): Z)(x, у) < ε}, we have VE a V for some ε > 0. Now VE belongs to the uniformity of the space XD, so if we set U = {(a, b): a, beY[Xd, (PDa, PDb) e VE}, U is in the product uniformity, and (x, y) g X, (vx, vy) e U imply (x, у) е V as required. [Each of the following statements implies the next: (vx, vy) e U, (PDvx, PDvy) e VE, L(vx)D, (vy)o] g Ve9 (x, y) g Ve9 (x, y) g V.} | Several methods of completing a uniform space are known. The one given here will use Theorem 11.5.3. A completion of a uniform space A" is a pair (У,/), where У is a complete uniform space and/is a uniform homeo- morphism of X onto a dense subspace of Y. (When Χ, Υ are semimetric spaces, it was required in Section 9.2 that / be an isometry; where it is necessary to make the distinction we shall call Υ a semimetric completion when/is an isometry.) A completion in which У is separated will be called a separated completion. Completion resembles Stone-Cech compactification in that it has the same sort of extension property. Suppose that A" is a dense subspace of a complete space Y. Then every uniformly continuous map ofX into a complete space has a uniformly continuous extension to all of Υ [Theorem 11.3.4]. We may identify Arwith a dense subspace of its completion and apply this result. Theorem 11.5.4. Every uniform space X has a completion.
232 Uniformity / Ch. 11 By Theorem 11.5.3 and the completion theorem for semimetric spaces, Theorem 9.2.2, there exists a product Π of complete semimetric spaces, and a uniform homeomorphism v: Χ ^> Π· Then (^[Z], v) is the required completion; for since Π is complete [Sec. 11.4, Problem 7], so is any closed sub- space [Sec. 11.3, Problem 8]. | In order to construct a separated completion for a separated uniform space X, we begin with an appropriate modification of Theorem 11.5.3. Theorem 11.5.5. A separated uniform space (Х,°И) is uniformly homeo- morphic into a product of metric spaces. Accepting Theorem 11.5.3 and the notation of its proof we have a uniform homeomorphism v: X -+ \\Xd, where Xd = (X, d) is a semimetric space for each de S. For each D e S there exists a metric space YD and a function qD from XD onto YD which preserves distances [Sec. 6.7, Example 5], hence is uniformly continuous. Define q: Y[Xd~^ Yi^d by q(z)D = qD(zD), where ζ = (zd) e Y[Xd. Then, denoting PD, 0D, the projections of Y[Xd, Π^ οη XD, YD respectively, we have <&D°q = qD° PD, {qD(PDz) = qD(zD) = q(z)D = 0D(^z)]; that is, the lower part of the diagram shown is commutative. It follows that q is uniformly continuous. [By Theorem 11.4.7, q is uniformly continuous if and only if ΦΩ ο q is uniformly continuous for all D e S. But this function is qD° PD, the composition of two uniformly continuous functions.] The required embedding is w, defined by w = q ο ν; w is uniformly continuous since both q and ν are; and it is one-to-one. [If w(a) = w(b), then, for each Д ΦΌ(\να) = 0D(w6). Since qD is distance preserving, a and b must be carried into two points of XD whose distance apart is 0; that is, D[PD(va), PD(vby] = 0 for all/). ButPDM = a by definition of v, and so D(a, b) = 0 for all D e S. By Lemma 11.5.3, a = b.J It remains to prove that w_1 is uniformly continuous. As in the proof of Theorem 11.5.3, this requires, for a given connector ViovX, construction of a connector (/for the product uniformity of Y\Yd such that a,beX,(wa,wb)eU imply (α,ί)εΚ. (11.5.8) Let V be given and, using Lemma 11.5.2, choose D e S and ε > 0 so that V => VE = {(a, b)\ a, be X, D(a, b) < ε}. Now D is the semimetric of XD, and there is no harm in using the same letter, Д to denote the metric of YD\
Sec. 11.5 / Metrization and Completion 233 thus D(qDa, qDb) = D(a, b) for a, b e XD, (that is, a, b e X). [qD is distance preserving.] Let WE = {(y,y')\y,y' e YD, D(y,y') < ε}. Then ^belongs to the uniformity of YD and so, if we set U = {(s, t): s, t e\\Yd, (Φ^, ΦΩί) e WE}, U is a connector for the product uniformity of Y[Ydl and it remains to check the truth of Equation (11.5.8). [Let a, b e X, (wa, wb) e U. Then (Φ0\να, ΦΌ\νο) е WE, hence ε > ϋ(ΦΩ\να, <DDw6) = D(qDPDva, qDPDvb) = D(PDva, PDvb) = D(a, b). Hence (a,b)e VE a V.] | We shall deduce from Theorem 11.5.5 that every separated uniform space has a separated completion. We saw in Sec. 9.2, Example 1, that completions are not unique. However, uniqueness is restored in the presence of separation. Theorem 11.5.6. Every separated uniform space has a separated completion. Moreover, the completion is unique, in the sense that if (Y,f), (Z, g) are separated completions of X, there exists a uniform homeomorphism h from Υ onto Ζ such that h °/ = g. By Theorem 11.5.5 and the completion theorem for metric spaces, Theorem 9.2.3, there exists a product Π of complete metric spaces, and a uniform homeomorphism w: X^> Π· Then (w^], w) is the required completion. See the details in the proof of Theorem 11.5.4. For the uniqueness part of the theorem, consider g °f~l '.f[_X~\ —► g[X~\- This is a uniform homeomorphism onto [Sec. 11.2, Problem 9], and the result follows from Sec. 11.3, Problem 11 and its hint. | Definition 1. The separated completion of a separated uniform space will be denoted by yX. It is unique in the sense of Theorem 11.5.6. EXAMPLE 1. The Stone-Cech compactification may be constructed by completion. Let A" be a Tychonoff space and let b = uC*(X), the weak uniformity by the bounded continuous real functions. (Ignore the earlier discussions of this uniformity under the name β.) Let bX be the completion of (X, b). It is clear that X is dense in bX. Also X is C*-embedded in bX. [Every /e C*(X) is й-uniformly continuous by definition of b and the result follows from Theorem П.З.4.] Next X is 6-totally bounded. [For/e C*(X) let a = inf{/(x): χ e X}, b = sup{/(x): χ e X}. Given ε > 0, choose integer η > (b — α)/ε and let Xk = {x: a + (k - \)(b - a)/n < f(x) < a + k{b - a)/n} for к = 1, 2,..., п. Then X = \J Xk and each Xk is small of order {(X У): \f(x) — f(y)\ < ε}· Since the set of such connectors is a subbase for
234 Uniformity / Ch. 11 b, the result follows by Sec. 11.3, Problem 107.] Thus bX is compact. We thus have that X is densely C*-embedded in a compact Hausdorff space. Such an object is unique [Theorem 8.5.2]. That£ = β as defined in Sec. 11.4, Example 2, is simply by uniqueness; with the earlier construction of βΧ, this required proof (Sec. 11.4, Problem 110). Corollary 11.5.1. Let Χ, Υ be uniform spaces with Υ separated, and f\X^> Υ a continuous function such that f\D is uniformly continuous for some dense subspace D of X. Then f is uniformly continuous on X. f | D has an extension to a uniformly continuous function g: X -+ у Υ [Theorem 11.3.4]. Since у У is separated and/"= g on a dense subspace, /=£ [Sec. 4.2, Problem 7]. | Corollary 11.5.2. Let Υ be a set, X a subset and suppose that Υ has two equivalent separated uniformities °U, Ψ* such that X is dense in Υ in the uniform topology, and the relative uniformities of°U, Ψ* on X are equal. Then % = "Γ. The identity map /: (Y, °U) —► (Y, У) is continuous, and /1 X is uniformly continuous. By Corollary 11.5.1, / is uniformly continuous, hence Υ а Ш. By symmetry, the result follows. | Problems on Uniform Space note. All uniformities mentioned are supposed to induce the given (or natural) topology in each case. 1. The completion of X is compact if and only if X is totally bounded [Theorem 11.3.7; Sec. 11.3, Problem 13]. (In case A4s not separated, the result refers to every completion.) For this reason the word pre- compact is also used for totally bounded. Similarly a pre-realcompact space is one whose completion is realcompact. 2. Let %\ and °1/2 be equivalent uniformities for a set X, and let A\, X2 be the respective completions. Then ^ => ^2 if and only if there is a uniformly continuous map/from X1 into X2 with/(x) = χ for χ e X [Theorem 11.2.1]. 3. A separable uniform space need not be second countable. [/?ω.] 101. A topological space (X, T) is (completely) regular if for every closed set F and χ φ F there exists a (completely) regular topology Τ for X such that Τ с Τ and χ φ c\T,F. [See the proof of Theorem 11.5.2.] 102. There exists a nonmetrizable uniformity for ω with which it has a one-point completion. [Let X be the subspace of βω consisting of ω and one more point. Then X is realcompact by Theorem 8.6.3, hence D-complete by Sec. 11.4, Example 5. Let v' be the relative uniformity
Sec. 11.5 / Metrization and Completion 235 of ν on ω. Then v' is not metrizable since if it were, its completion would be also by Theorem 11.5.6 and Theorem 9.2.3, whereas X is not metrizable by Sec. 8.3, Problem 103.] 103. Obtain vX as a completion similar to Example 1. [Complete (X, v).J 104. Let A" be a Tychonoff space. Then β is the largest totally bounded uniformity for X. [Let (X, °U) be totally bounded. By Theorem 8.3.1, extend the identity map on X to continuous /: βΧ—► γ(Χ, °1ί)\ (the latter space is compact, by Problem 1). Then /is uniformly continuous by Corollary 11.2.1; hence /: (Χ, β) —► (Χ, °1ί) is uniformly continuous.] 105. Let J be a locally compact regular space. Then α is the smallest totally bounded uniformity. [We may assume that (X, W) is totally bounded and not compact. Define/: γ(Χ, W)-+X+byf\X=i and f[_Y\X~\ = {oo}. Then/is uniformly continuous by Problem 1 and Corollary 11.2.1. Hence /: (X, °U) —► (Χ, α) is uniformly continuous. 106. "Totally bounded" cannot be omitted in Problem 104 [Sec. 11.4, Problem 104]. (It can, however, be omitted in Problem 105 [see [Gillman and Jerison, 15K1]].) 107. In contrast with Problem 104, υ need not be the largest pre-realcompact uniformity [Sec. 11.4, Problem 116; Sec. 8.6, Problem 111]. 108. Let X be a countably compact noncompact space such that X+ = βΧ. (Examples are shown in Section 14.5 and Section 14.6.) Then A'has only one uniformity even though it is not compact [Problems 104 and 105; Sec. 11.3, Problem 20]. 109. A subset of a Tychonoff space X is pseudobounded if and only if it is υ-totally bounded. [Half is trivial from Sec. 11.3, Problem 9. Conversely if S is pseudobounded, Sec. 8.6, Problem 114 implies that it is a relatively compact set in vX. Another proof of the converse imitates the proof that (Χ, β) is always totally bounded.] 110. A uniform space is called N-complete if every closed totally bounded subset is compact. (This is in honor of John von Neumann.) Show that every complete space is TV-complete [Problem 1], and every TV-complete space is sequentially complete. [A Cauchy sequence is totally bounded.] Thus for semimetric space all these definitions coincide. 111. A sequentially complete first countable space need not be TV-complete, hence need not be complete [Sec. 11.4, Example 3]. 112. Show that a Tychonoff space X is an NS space if and only if (X, v) is TV-complete [Problem 109]. Compare the facts that X is realcompact if and only if (A\ v) is complete [Sec. 11.4, Example 5], and compact if and only if (Χ, β) is complete (equivalently, TV-complete, since it is totally bounded).
236 Uniformity / Ch. 11 201. Compare completions with different uniformly equivalent metrics, for example draw the completions of (0, 1) with d, d/(\ + d), and d л 1 if d is the Euclidean metric. 202. Show that for each uniform space there exists a family Fof semimetrics such that {VdtE: de F, ε > 0] is a subbase for the uniformity, where V<i ε = {(X У) '· d(x, у) < ε}. [Choose one d for each °1ί as in Lemma 11 .'5.2.] 203. Can "separated" be omitted in Corollaries 11.5.1 and 11.5.2?
Topological Groups 12.1 Group Topologies The spaces of classical analysis such as R and C{X) have, in addition to their topological (uniform, metric) structure, various algebraic properties in the form of certain natural operations which are defined on them. For example, members of R or C{X) may be added. One of the simplest algebraic structures is the group. In attempting to combine the studies of groups and topological spaces, one might begin with a set that is simultaneously a group and a topological space. Such an assumption would be too general; for example, it would be impossible to generalize the simple fact about R that if xn —► 0, then xn + 2 —► 2; since it is possible to put a topology on R which makes this false. [Add {2} to the Euclidean topology.] It is natural to study those spaces, each of which is a group and a topological space, and is such that the group operations are continuous. The most interesting and valuable results are those in which hypotheses in one theory imply conclusions in the other, and topological concepts are phrased algebraically or vice versa. See for example Problems 21, 103, and 113; Sec. 12.3, Problems 3 and 4. Let A" be a group in which the group operation is designated by (x, y) —► xy. By definition, X has an identity, e, such that ex = xe = χ for all χ; (in particular, A4s not empty), also, for each x, A"contains a member x~ \ called the inverse of x, such that xx~l = x~lx = e. Finally the group operation is associative, {xy)z = x{yz). For emphasis we point out that xy is always defined, and that there is only one identity, and only one inverse for each member of the group. If S a X, e e S and xy~1 e S for all x, у e S, we call S a subgroup of X. A subgroup is itself a group. [For example, xe S implies 237
238 Topological Groups / Ch. 1 2 x_1 = ex~1eS; and x,yeS imply xy = x(y~l)~l e S.J An invariant subgroup of A" is a subgroup S such that xSx~l a S for all χ e X. A com- mutative group satisfies .xy = j>x for all x, y. notation. By x2 is meant xx, x3 = xxx and so on, x° = e,x~n = (x-1)"· For subsets A, В of a group A", AB = {ab: aeA,beB), aB = {ab\ b e £}, A~l = {a'^.aeA}. A2 = AA and so on. For filterbases «^, <Ψ2, J^, the filterbases #"2 = {A2\Ae&} and so on. additive notation. Occasionally, and for commutative groups only, the group operation is written (x, y) —► χ + у, the identity is written 0, and the inverse of χ is written —x. Then χ + χ is written 2.x rather than x2, and so on. The left cosets of a subgroup S οϊ Χ are the sets xS for ιεΐ. If S is an invariant subgroup, the multiplication {xS){yS) = (xy)S makes the collection of left cosets into a group called the quotient group by S and written X/S. A topology Τ for a group X is called a #raw/? topology if it makes the group operations continuous. Specifically, the maps (χ, χ) —► xy and x—>x_1 which carry Χ χ A" to A", and X to X, respectively, are to be continuous; Χ χ Χ has the product topology of course. A topological group is a pair (A", T) in which A" is a group and Γ is a group topology. A semimetric group is a pair (A", d) in which d is a semimetric which induces a group topology. ^-EXAMPLE 1. Suppose that a function p: Ar—► R is given, where A" is a group. Let/? have the properties:/?(x) > 0 for all x, p{e) = 0,/?(x_1) = p(x) for all x, /?(xy) < p{x) + /?(χ) for all x, j>, and/?(x„) —► 0 impliesp(axna~x) —► 0 for all a. (The last condition is redundant for a commutative group.) Such a function ρ will be called an absolute-value function because of its resemblance to the ordinary absolute value. We shall show that defining d{x,y) = p(x~ly) yields a semimetric d for X which induces a group topology. It is clear that d(x, y) > 0 for all x, y, that d(x, x) = 0, and that d(x, y) = d{y, x). [фс, у) = p(x~ V), d(y, χ) = p(y~ *x), у' ιχ = (χ" ly)~1.} Also фс, ζ) = ρ(χ~ χζ) = ρ(χ~ lyy~ lz) < ρ(χ~ ly) + p(y~ ιζ) = </(χ, у) + d(y\ ζ). Thus d is a semimetric. It makes the map χ —► χ-1 continuous. [Let {x„} be a sequence with xn —► x. Then d(x~l, x"x) = p{xnx~ l) = p(xx~ lxnx~l) —► 0
Sec. 12.1 / Group Topologies 239 since p(x~ lxn) = d(x, xn) —► 0.] Finally, the group operation is continuous. To see this, it is sufficient to check sequences since Χ χ X is a semimetric space [Theorem 6.4.2]. Let xn —► x, yn —► y. Then d(x„y„, xy) = р(Уп l*n lxy) = р(Уп хуу~ϊχη lxy) < Р(Уп 1У) + Р(У~ 4~ xxy) -> 0. lp(x;lx) = d(xn,x)-+0.J ^-EXAMPLE 2. Invariant semimetrics. A semimetric d for a group is called left invariant if d{ax, ay) = d{x,y) for all a, x, y\ right invariant if d(xa,ya) = d(x,y)\ and two-sided invariant if it is both left and right invariant. The semimetric given in Example 1 is left invariant. {d(ax, ay) = p(x~ la~ lay) = p(x~ ly) = d(x, y).] Conversely, every left-invariant semimetric d which induces a group topology is derived from an absolute-value function ρ by means of the formula d{x, y) = p(x~ ly). Indeed if we set p(x) = d(x, e), ρ will have all the cited properties. That/?(x) > 0 and/?(e) = 0 are trivial. Next, p{x~l) = d{x~\ e) = d{xx~ \ xe) = d{e, x) = d(x, e) = p(x); p(xy) = d(xy, e) = d(y, x~l) < d(y, e) + d(e, x~l) = p(x) + p(y). The last condition on ρ is checked by means of the observation that xn —► e if and only if p(xn) —► 0, [d(xn, e) = p(xn)J, hence p(xn) —► 0 implies xn —► e\ this implies that axna~1 —► aea~1 = e [the group operation is continuous], and so, finally, p{axna~ l) —► p{e) = 0. note. We shall make immediate use of the results on right and two-sided invariant semimetrics given in Problems 7, 8, and 9. ^EXAMPLE 3. Let/= [0, 1], G = {/:/is a homeomorphism of/onto itself}. Let the group operation be composition,/^ = f ° g\ thus (fg)(x) = f(gx), e(x) = χ for all x, and/"1 is both the inverse of the function/and the inverse of /e G. Define /?(/) = max{|/(x) — x|: χ el}. Then p(e) = 0,/?(/) > 0 for all/and, indeed,/? is an absolute-value function in the sense of Example 1, for p{f~') = p{f). [Let /?(/) = \f{y) - y\ and χ = f[y). Thenar1) > \Г\х) -х\ = \У -f(y)\=p(fy,*\sop(f)=pl(r1r1l > p(f-l)l*\so,p(fg)<p(f)+p(g) llflgx) -x\< \f{gx) - g(x)\ + \g(x) - x\ = \Яу) -y\ + \g(x) -χ\< Pif) + P(g), where у = g(x)}, and, finally, if /?(/„) —► 0, then p(gf„g~x) —► 0 for all g as we now prove. Let ε > 0. Choose δ > 0 such that α e /, b e /, \a — b\ < <5 imply
240 Topological Groups / Ch. 1 2 \g(a) — g(b)\ < ε. \g is uniformly continuous on /, by Corollary П.2.1.] Choose JV so that η > JVimplies p(fn) < δ. Let p(gfng~l) = \(gfng~~l)(xn) ~ xn\ for η = 1, 2,.... Then for η > Ν, p{gfng~l) = \{gfn){yn) - g{yn)\ < ε, where yn = g l(xn); [the expression is \g(yn + zn) - g(yn)\ with \zn\ = \fn(yn) — Уп\ ^ P(fn) < Ц· Since, in addition to the properties listed, p{f) > 0 if/ Φ e, ρ leads to a left-invariant metric as in Example 2, and a right-invariant metric as in Problem 7. A form of the right-invariant metric isd(fg) = max{|/(x) - g(x)\: χ e I}.{d(fg) = p{fg~l) = max | fg~lx - x\ = max \ fg lx - gg lx\ = max{|/(jO - g(y)\:yel} since g x maps /onto itself.] See also Problem 19. ^-EXAMPLE 4. Let Φ be a collection of group topologies for a group X. Then \J Φ is a group topology. Suppose that a net χδ —► e in V Φ· Then χδ —► e in each ГеФ [Theorem 6.2.1]. Thus χδ 1 —► e in each ГеФ and so .x^"1—►£ in V^ [Theorem 6.2.1]. Similarly χδ —► χ, j^—>.y implies ·*Λ -* *У· ^n contrast with the result of this Example, the inf of two group topologies need not be a group topology [Sec. 12.2, Problem 125]. ^EXAMPLE 5. Let /: X-+ У, where Χ, Υ are groups. We call / a homomorphism iff(ab) = f{a)f{b). It follows that/(e) = e. [j{e) = f(ee) = f{e)f{e)l and Да"1) = (fa)-\ lf{<rl)f{a) = f(a~la) = f{e) = e\ If я is a positive integer fix') = f(xx · · · x) = f(x)f(x) ■ ■ -f(x) = (fx)». If η is a negative integer, fix") =/[(x"1)-"] = [A*-1)]-" = [(A)-1]-" = (A)"· Thus the equation f{xn) = {fx)n holds for all integer n. An isomorphism is a one-to-one homomorphism, and a topological isomorphism is an isomorphism which is a homeomorphism. An endomorphism is a homomorphism of a group into itself, an automorphism is a one-to-one endomorphism (hence an isomorphism), and a topological automorphism is an automorphism which is a homeomorphism. 77ie vm/A: topology on a group X by a homomorphism f: X —► У, У a topological group, is a group topology. If χδ —► e in vv(/) we have/Cx^) —► e in У, hence {fxd)~ l —► e in У and so/Cx^"x) —► e in У. Thus x5~1 —► e in vv(/) [Lemma 6.3.1]. Similarly if χδ —► χ and j^ —► у in vv(/) it follows that хдуд —► .xy. | It follows immediately that the weak topology on a group A" by a collection of homomorphisms to topological groups is a group topology [Example 4 and the definition of weak topology]. ^-EXAM PLE 6. Any product of topological groups is a topological group. This is a special case of Example 5 when it is pointed out that every product of groups is a group under the definition (ху)л = xayafovx,yeYl{Xa:aeA}.
Sec. 12.1 / Group Topologies 241 Let A" be a topological group and a e X. Consider the function La: X -+ X given by La{x) = ax. This function is called left translation by a. Similarly right translation by a is defined by the equation Ra(x) = xa. We shall discuss only left translation; all such discussions will apply as well to right translation with the change of a few appropriate words. Left translation by a is a homeo- morphism of Xonto itself. It is continuous [Sec. 6.6, Problem 4], and has the continuous inverse La-i. [For example, La[La-i(x)] = a(a~lx) = x.J From this it follows that a set N is a neighborhood of a point χ if and only if x~ 1N is a neighborhood ofe. [A homeomorphism onto preserves neighborhoods, thus TV is a neighborhood of χ if and only if Lx- \\_N~\ is a neighborhood of Lx-i(x).J Because of this fact all discussions of a group topology may be localized at the identity element. Let У be the set of neighborhoods of e, then TV is a neighborhood of a point χ if and only if there exists ί/ef with xU cz N. [If TV is a neighborhood of x, let U = x_1N. Conversely if xU cz N for some U e У, x~ 1N => U is a neighborhood of e, hence, as just proved, TV is a neighborhood of x.J As an example of the localization we have, for a net χδ, χδ-+ χ if and only if χ~ιχδ-+ e. [If χδ —► χ, χ~ιχδ-+ χ~ιχ = e by continuity; and if x~xxd-+e, χδ = χ(χ~1χδ)-+ xe = x.J The operation χ —► x~l is also a homeomorphism of A" onto itself [it is its own inverse]. It follows that if U is a neighborhood ofe, U~l is a neighborhood ofe-1 = e, and so U η U~* is a neighborhood of e. Since U η U~l is clearly symmetric (call a set S symmetric if S = S~l), we have the result: A topological group has a base of symmetric neighborhoods ofe. We shall turn, in Theorems 12.1.5 and 12.1.6, to the problem of defining a group topology for a given group. As we have just seen, it is sufficient to specify the neighborhoods ofe. The following result will help to decide which collections of sets are eligible to be the collection of neighborhoods of e. Lemma 12.1.1. Let X be a group and Τ a topology for X. Then the map χ —► x~1 is continuous at e if and only if whenever U is a neighborhood of e, U~l is also a neighborhood of e. The map (x, y) —► xy is continuous at (e, e) e Χ χ X if and only if for every neighborhood U of e, there exists a neighborhood V of e such that VV cz U. If the map χ —► x~1 is continuous, it is a homeomorphism onto [it is its own inverse], hence carries a neighborhood οι e onto a neighborhood of e. Conversely, suppose that t/_1 is a neighborhood ofe whenever U is; let ^ be a filterbase converging to e, and let U be a neighborhood ofe. Then U~ * is a neighborhood of e hence includes some A e J*\ Then A ~ * cz U and Α'1 ε 3F~ \ thus J^"1 —► e. Next let the map (x, y) —► xy be continuous at (e, e) and let J^ be the filter of all neighborhoods of e. Then the filterbase 3F2F —► e, in other words every neighborhood U of e includes a member
242 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 VlV2of&'&'. Let V = Vx η K2. Then VV a VxV2a £/. Finally suppose that ^, <F2 are filters converging to e, and let i/ be a neighborhood of e; if there exists a neighborhood К of e with VV a U we have Ke J^ and Кe J^2, hence £/ n> VVe &x&2 and so Ue ^^2. Thus J^J^ -> e. I We now discuss procedures for introducing uniformities into groups. The end product will be three uniformities if, $ and 31 (left, right, and two- sided). We begin with if. Each set U containing e leads to a connector U L = {(x, j0: x-1^ et/}. [Ac C/L since x~lx = e e Uso that (x, x)e UL forallx.] Moreover, UL(x) = xU. [у е UL{x)implies(x, y)e UL,x~lye U, у e xU and conversely.] We call UL the connector L-associated with U. In particular every neighborhood of e leads to a connector and we now see that the set of all such connectors uniformizes the group topology. We shall make use of the formulas: ULn VL = (U η V)L \\i{x,y) e UL η VL,x~1ye U η К, hence (x,y)e(Un V)L and conversely] (UL)~l = (t/_1)L [if (x, j>) e (UL)~\ then (j;, x) e UL, y~lxe U, (.у-1*)"1 = x'1 у е U~\ (x, y)e (£/_1)l, and conversely] and UL<>VL = (VU)L [if (x, j;)e(/Lo KL, then j> e (f/7, о KL)(x) so that there exists ζ with j> e UL(z) and ζ e K7(x); that is, z~V e f/, x_1z e K, hence x_1zz" V = x~ V G ^ anc* so (x, jO G(Ki7)Li the converse is similar]. Theorem 12.1.1. Every topological group is a uniform space. Let !£' = {UL: U a neighborhood of e}, where f/L is the connector L- associated with U. We show that if' is a base for a uniformity. (See Sec. 11.1, Definition 2.) First, it is a filterbase: [0 φ if', since each VrL ^> Δ; if' φ 0, since A^ = Χ χ Ze if', and ULnVL = (Un V)L, as proved above]. That (U~1)L = (i/L)_1 was just proved. Finally, let ULe<£". By Lemma 12.1.1, there exists a neighborhood К of e with VV a U. Then VL° VL a UL because VLo VL = (VV)L [proved above]. The uniformity if generated by 5£' is called the left uniformity for the topological group. We still have to show that the uniform topology TL coincides with the group topology TG. Let TV be a TL neighborhood of x. Then there exists ULe <£ with UL(x) cz N; that is, xU a N with UslTg neighborhood of e. This makes TV a TG neighborhood of x. Conversely, if TV is a TG neighborhood of x, say TV => xU with U a TG neighborhood of e\ then xU = UL(x) and N => i/L(x), making TV a TL neighborhood of χ. | The right uniformity $ is defined similarly. (The notation is given in Problem 18.) The two-sided uniformity 3 is defined to be 0t ν ^£. The three uniformities 0ί, <έ\ 3 are equivalent [Problem 18; Theorem 11.4.1], but may not be equal [Sec. 12.2, Example 3]. They are all equal for a compact group, since a compact space has at most one uniformity [Corollary 11.2.2]. For a neighborhood U of e we define the connector B-associated with U to be UB= ULnUR.
Sec. 12.1 / Group Topologies 243 Theorem 12.1.2. The two-sided uniformity £% has as a base the set of all UB such that U is a symmetric neighborhood of ' e. Clearly UB e @ for each U. Conversely, let Ce£ Then С и> VLr\WB for some neighborhoods K, W oie. Let U be a symmetric neighborhood of e with £/ с Κ η И^. Then С => VL η И^ => £/L η £/Λ = £/β. | We proceed to list a few properties which topological groups have by virtue of being uniform spaces. Theorem 12.1.3. Let A be a set in a topological group. Then A = Π {AU: U a neighborhood of e]. Recall the formula of Theorem 11.1.3 which implies in particular that A = Π {UL(A): t/a neighborhood of e]. [{f/L: f/a neighborhood of e) is a base for the left uniformity.] But UL(A) = \J {UL(a): ae A} = U [aU'.aeA] = AU. | It is left to the reader [Problems 13 and 14] to show that if b is a base for the the neighborhood system of e, then A = f) {AU: Ue b). Corollary 12.1.1. For every set A and neighborhood U of e, A a AU. See also Problem 103. Theorem 12.1.4. Every topological group is completely regular. The following conditions on a topological group X are equivalent: (i) X is a T0 space. (ii) X is a Tychonoff space. (iii) Π {U: U is a neighborhood ofe) = {e}. Every uniform space is completely regular [Theorem 11.5.2], hence Conditions (i) and (ii) are equivalent. Theorem 12.1.3 implies that Π {U: U is a neighborhood of e} is \e). This is equal to {e} if and only if {e} is closed, hence if and only if all singletons are closed [translation is a homeomorphism onto], so, finally, if and only if the space is 7\. | ^EXAM PLE 7. Let {X, d) be a semimetric group and suppose that d is left invariant. Then d induces the left uniformity <£. Let DE = {(x, y): d(x, y) < ε}. Then each D\ ε > 0, is a connector in the d uniformity. But DE e if. [Let U = {x:d(x,e) < c}; then U is a neighborhood of e, and DE is the connector L-associated with U since (x, y) e D€ if and only if d{x, y) < ε, equivalently, d{e, x~ ly) < e; and this is true if and only if x~ ly e U.J Since every connector in the d uniformity includes such a D\ it follows that rfc if. Conversely, if has a base of connectors of the form UL where UL is the connector L-associated with a neighborhood U of e. Then U includes some cell TV of radius ε, hence UL includes the connector associated with N, namely D€.
244 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 Thus UL belongs to the d uniformity, and so if с d. | Similarly, if d is right invariant, it induces the right uniformity 0t. Any left-invariant semi- metric immediately leads to a right-invariant one [Problem 8]. It follows from Example 7 that a two-sided-invariant semimetric induces all of if, ^2, & which must, then, be equal. We shall see in Sec. 12.2, Example 3, that these need not be equal in general. Definition 1. A B-semimetric is any semimetric D of the form D(x,y) = dix, y) + d(x~*, y~x), where d is a left-invariant semimetric. The reason for this name is contained in Example 8. First note that, in Definition 1, D determines d; indeed let p(x) = \D(x, e). Then p(x) = \d{x, e) + \d{x~l, e) = d(x, e) since d is left invariant. Thus ρ is the absolute-value function associated with d and so, by Example 2, d{x, y) = р(х~1у) = ±D(x-1y,e). ^EXAM PLE 8. Let X be a topological group and suppose that its topology is induced by a B-semimetric D. Then D induces the two-sided uniformity &. (See Problem 101.) Let d be left invariant and D as in Definition 1. Let p(x) = \D{x, e)- Then, as just proved, ρ is the absolute-value function associated with d. In the following we shall use the formula D(x, y) = P(x~1y) + Pixy'1) [the right-hand side is фс, j>) + </(x_1, j>-1)]. A basic connector for the D uniformity is a set of the form UE = {{x,y)\D{x,y) < ε} => {ix,y):pix~ly) < ε/2} η {(χ, у): pixy'1) < ε/2} = VL η VR, where V = {χ: pix) < ε/2}. Thus $ includes the D uniformity. Conversely, a basic connector fof & is a set of the form UB = UL η UR with U a neighborhood of e. Then, for some ε > 0, U => {x: D(x, e) < 2ε} = {χ: ρ{χ) < ε}, hence UB= ULnUR^ {ix,y):pix~1y) < ε} η {(x,y):p(xy~l) < ε} => {ix,y):pix-ly) + p(xy~l) < ε} = Цх,у): D(x,y) < ε}. Thus £й is included in the D uniformity. We now turn to the problem of defining a group topology. We consider this in two steps. Given a topology for a group, check in some efficient way whether it is a group topology (Theorem 12.1.5); given a group, define a group topology for it (Theorem 12.1.6). Theorem 12.1.5. Let X be a group and Τ a topology for X. Then Τ is a group topology if and only ifiomit (d) if X is commutative) (a) every left translate of an open set is open; (b) for every neighborhood Uofe, U~l is a neighborhood of e; (c) for each neighborhood U ofe, there exists a neighborhood V ofe such that VV a £/,
Sec. 12.1 / Group Topologies 245 (d) for each neighborhood U ofe and a e X, there exists a neighborhood V of e with aVa~l cz U. Suppose first that Γ is a group topology. Property (a) is immediate since left translation is a homeomorphism of X onto itself. Properties (b), (c) follow from Lemma 12.1.1. Next let U be a neighborhood ofe, and ae X. The map χ —► axa~1 is continuous at e, hence there exists a neighborhood V of e such that this map carries it into U; that is a Va~1 a U. Conversely, suppose that Τ obeys the four conditions. We first observe that the group operation (x, y) —► xy is continuous at (e, e) e Χ χ Χ [Lemma 12.1.1]. To extend this result we shall prove two statements: χδ —► e implies αχδα~ι —► e for all a (12.1.1) and (i) χδ-+ χ, (ii) x~lxd-+e, (iii) χ^κ'1 -> e are equivalent (12.1.2) [To prove statement (12.1.1), let U be a neighborhood of e, and a e X. Choose Fas in (d). Thence V eventually, hence αχδα~ι belongs to a Va~l, and hence to U eventually. To prove (12.1.2), assume that (i) holds. Let U be an open neighborhood of e. Then xU is a neighborhood of χ and so χδ e xU eventually. Conversely, if (ii) holds, and TV is an open neighborhood of x, .x_1yv is a neighborhood of e, so that χ~ιχδ e x_1N eventually; thus χδ e N eventually and so (i) holds. Assuming (ii) we obtain (iii) from statement (12.1.1) since χδχ_1 = χ(χ~1χδ)χ~1; similarly (iii) implies (ii).] Now we can prove that the group operation is continuous everywhere, for if *a-> х>Уз^>У> wehavex^Cxj;)-1 = x(x~lx^(y6y~l)x~l -> eby (12.1.1) and (12.1.2) and the fact that the operation is continuous at (e, e). Thus, again by statement (12.1.2), χδγδ^> xy. Finally, the inverse operation is continuous. Toseethis, let χδ-+ x\ then χχδι = (x^x-1)-1 —► e. [xdx~l-+e by statement (12.1.2), and the result follows since the inverse operation is continuous at e, by Lemma 12.1.1.] But xx^1 = (x-1)-1*^1 and so x^1 -> x'1 by statement (12.1.2). | It follows from Theorem 12.1.5 that the collection of symmetric neighborhoods ofe satisfies the five conditions of the next theorem. We now see that these conditions are also sufficient-for this purpose. Theorem 12.1.6. Let X be a group and 3F a collection of subsets of X such that {omit (d) if X is commutative) (a) 3F is afilterbase; (b) every member of 3F is symmetric; (c) for each U e 3* there exists V e 3* with VV a U; (d) for each U e У and ae X, there exists V e 3* with aVa~l a U. Then there exists a unique group topology for X such that 3* is a local base for the neighborhoods of e.
246 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 For each U e «^\ let UL be the connector L-associated with U. [e eU for, with V chosen as in (c), V is not empty; let a e V. Then a~l e V and so aa~l e U.} Let if' = {£/L: £/e ^}. We shall show that if' is a base for a uniformity. [That !£' is a filterbase is clear since 3F is a filterbase. (Compare the proof of Theorem 12.1.1.) Each member of $£' is symmetric, (see the formulas given before Theorem 12.1.1). Finally let UL e S£'. Choose V e $F with VV a U. Then VLVL = (VV)L a UL\ Let $£ be the uniformity generated by if' and Γ the topology induced by this uniformity. A set TV is a neighborhood of a point χ if and only if there exists UL e $£' with UL(x) a N [Theorem 11.1.2], hence if and only if there exists U e !F with xU с N [xU = UL(x)J. In particular, each member ofJ^ is a neighborhood of e, and each neighborhood of e includes a member of !F. In other words, !F is a base for the neighborhood system of e. We shall show that Г is a group topology by checking the four conditions of Theorem 12.1.5. First, let G be open, aeX. Then aG is open. [Let xeaG, then a~lxeG, so there exists a neighborhood U of e with a~lxU a G. Then xU с aG so that aG is a neighborhood of x. So aG is open.] To check (b), let U be a neighborhood ofe. Then f/ includes some Ve 3F, hence U~l ^ V~l = Fand so i/_1 is a neighborhood of e. To check Part (c), let U be a neighborhood of e, then U includes some i/x e J^. There exists Kg !F with KK с i/t с ί/. This sort of reasoning also yields Part (d). The fact that the topology is unique follows from the localization given above since the filter of neighborhoods of e is uniquely determined by @*. \ EXAMPLE 9. Let Sl be the group of all complex numbers of absolute value 1 with ordinary multiplication. With the Euclidean topology this is a compact metric commutative group. Duality theory for groups consists of studying a group X by means of its homomorphisms into Sl. These are called characters of X. The set of all characters of X is made into a group by the definitions {χα2)(χ) = Xi(x)x2(x), X~\x) = xix'1) = Ых)У\ Ц*) = 1 for all x. Thus the constant character whose value is 1 is the identity for this group. The set of continuous characters is a subgroup of this group and is called the character group o/X or dual group ofX. In the case of noncommu- tative (even locally compact, metric) groups the character group may be trivial, (Example 10). The duality theory achieves its greatest success in the study of locally compact commutative groups. See [Rudin], [Hewitt and Ross]. EXAM PLE 10. Let X be the group (under ordinary matrix multiplication) of matrices (acbd) of real numbers with ad — be = 1. The map (ac 5)—► (a, ft, c, d) is one-to-one from A" onto a closed subspace of R 4, thus A" is made into a locally compact complete metric group. (The metric inherited from R4 has no variance properties.) Now let Υ be any commutative group, and
Sec. 12.1 / Group Topologies 247 /: X-+ Υ a homomorphism. We shall show that f(A) = e for all A e X. First for any matrix A of the form (\ °), f{A) = e. [Let Then ДА) =ДВАВ~1) (since Υ is commutative) = ДА2) = (/A)2.} If A = (l ϊ),ί(Α) = e. [Let£ = (_? J). Then Λ = BCB~\ where С = (_{, ?). By the earlier result/(C) = е.} If Л = (? »), ДЛ) = *. [(* ?) = (£ fttf ?) since a - be = 1.] If Л = (? 60),ДЛ) = e. [Л = Of \Κ+£-α, Ϊ) since be = - 1.] Finally, if Л = (? 5) with ^ # 0,/(Л) = e. /hd-b+l b - \\ I с + 1 \ Problems on Topological Groups 1. The semimetric of Example 1 is a metric if and only if p{x) > 0 for χ Φ e. 2. A semimetric d is left invariant if and only if La is an isometry for each a. Jr3. The conjugation or inner automorphism operator Ce, is defined for each a, by Ca = La° Ra-i = Ra-i о La. Thus Ca(x) = axa~x. Show that each Ca is a topological automorphism. What is the operation of conjugation in a commutative group? 4. If a topology makes the operation (x, j;) —► xy_1 continuous, it is a group topology. [Call this operation u, let v(x, y) = (x, y~l), w(x) = (<?, x). Then χ —► x_1 is и о w, (χ, j;) —► xy is w ο ι;.] ^-5. The discrete and indiscrete topologies for a group are group topologies. Show also that they can be given by two-sided invariant semimetrics. lp(x) = 1 if χ φ e\p = 0, respectively.] 6. If G is an open set, GA and AG are open for every set A. [GA = U {Ga: ae A}, and each Ga = Ra(G) is open.] ^7. Let ρ be an absolute-value function, and d(x, y) = p(xy~l). Show that d is a right-invariant semimetric which induces a group topology. Conversely, a right-invariant semimetric which induces a group topology leads to an absolute-value function ρ by the formula p{x) = фс, е). jt%. Let d'(x,y) = d(x~\y~l). Show that d' is a left-invariant semimetric if and only if d is a right-invariant semimetric; and, if they are invariant
248 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 thus, they lead to the same absolute-value function as in Example 2, that is d'(x, e) = d(x, e). *9. Let p: X^> R satisfy p{x) > 0 for all x,p(e) = 0,/?Cx_1) = p(x), p(xy) < p(x) + p(y),p(axa~1) = p{x). Leti/(x, y) = p(x~ly). Show that ρ is an absolute-value function and that d is a two-sided invariant semimetric. {d(xa, yd) = p(a~ix~1ya) = p(x~ly) = d(x,y).J Conversely, a two-sided invariant semimetric d leads to a function ρ with the above properties, by the formula p{x) = d(x, e). (Note that the extra assumption of Problem 7 that d induces a group topology is not needed here. It is automatically satisfied. Compare Problem 205.) 10. Let d be a semimetric on a group, then the following are equivalent: (a) d is left invariant and right invariant, (b) d is left invariant, and invariant under inversion {d{x~1, y~l) = d(x, у)), (с) dis right invariant and invariant under inversion, (d) d is left invariant and invariant under inner automorphism (d(x, y) = d(axa~l, aya~1)). 11. Let ρ be an absolute-value function on a group, and let d(x, y) = p(x~ ly). The following are equivalent: the conditions of Problem 10, (e) p{xy) = p(yx) (the group is "^-commutative"), (f) ρ is invariant under inner automorphism. 12. The conditions of Problems 10 and 11 are also equivalent to (g) d(ax, by) < d(a, b) + d(x, y)9 (h) p(abcd) < p(bc) + p{ad). [If (h), p(ab) = p{b~lbab) < p{ba)\ hence (e). If (e), p{abcd) = p(bcda), hence (h). If (h), d(ax, by) = p(x~la~lby), hence (g). If (g), p{a~lxa) = d(ea, xa) < p(x), hence (f).] ^-13. Let b be a base for the neighborhood system of e. LetbL = {UL: Ueb}, where UL is the connector L-associated with U. Show that bL is a base for the left uniformity. *14. With b as in Problem 13, A = Π {AU: Ue b} for any set A [Problem 13; Theorem 11.1.3]. ^-15. Let Γ and V be group topologies for a group X. Show that Τ => Γ' if and only if every T' neighborhood of e is a T neighborhood of e. [If xe G ef, then xU с G for some Τ neighborhood U of e which is thus a T neighborhood of e, hence G e Г.] 16. A~l = (Л)"1. [Inversion is a homeomorphism onto.] In particular the closure of a symmetric set is symmetric. 17. A topological group has a local base of symmetric closed neighborhoods of e. [If U is closed and V a U is symmetric, then V a U is both symmetric and closed, by Problem 16.] ^-18. For each neighborhood t/of e, let UR = {(*, y): xy~l e U}. Define $' = {UR: U is a neighborhood of e}. Show that 01' is a base for a uniformity; the uniformity 01 generated by 01' is called the right uniformity. Show that 01, <£ are equivalent uniformities. [As in Theorem 12.1.1, show TR = TG.}
Sec. 12.1 / Group Topologies 249 19. The left-invariant metric induced by ρ in Example 3 is given by d(f,g) = max \Γι№ ~ g~l(x)l (Compare Problem 8.) 20. If A" is a compact group, 0t = <£ = Я [Corollary 11.2.2]. 21. For sets A, B, in X, AB a AB. [Let у e Α, ζ e Б and let &, &1 be filterbases in А, В with !F —► y, 3F' —► z. Then &*&' is a filterbase in AB and converges to yz. Thus yzeAB.J 22. Construct subsets А, В of R such that A + Β Φ Α + В. Thus inequality may hold in Problem 21. [Make А, В closed, A + В not closed.] 23. The closure of a subgroup is a subgroup. {SS cz SS = S by Problem 21. Similarly (5)_1 = S~l = S.J The closure of an invariant subgroup is invariant. 101. Suppose that d is a left-invariant semimetric which is not right invariant. Let D(x, y) = d(x, y) + d{x~l ,y~l). Show that D is neither left nor right invariant. 102. A = Π {UA: U is a neighborhood of e}. [Use the right uniformity as in Theorem 12.1.3.] 103. For each set A, and neighborhood U of e, А с AU and А с (Л4 [Theorem 12.1.3 and Problem 102]. 104. If К is compact, G is open, and К a G, then there exists a neighborhood U of *? with KU a G [Sec. 11.1, Problem 105]. If К is compact, F is closed and Κ φ F, there exists a neighborhood U of e such that A^i/ r/> F [This is the same result.] 105. If К is compact and F is closed, then KF and FK are closed. [Froo/ with nets: Let xa e KF, xa —► x. Then xa = kafa; ka has a convergent subnet &£ —► к e K. Then/^ = kj 1χβ —► /с"хх, hence k~lxe F so χ e AF. Frao/ without nets: Let χ £ AF. Then A^"1* ^ F. By Problem 104, Κ~ιχϋφ Fand so x£/ r/ι AF\ Thus χ φ KF.} 106. Let A" be a group with a Hausdorff topology making the group operation continuous. Show that the operation χ —► x~1 has closed graph. [Let χδ —► χ, xj1 —► y. Then xy = lim χδχ$ 1 = e.J 107. Show that the RHO topology is an example for Problem 106, and the inverse map is not continuous. (Compare Sec. 6.7, Example 3 which discusses the graph of this map.) 108. Deduce the fact that [0, 1) is not RHO-compact from Problem 107 and Sec. 6.7, Problem 103. [Its image under the inverse map is not closed.] 109. Let A" be a group with a compact Hausdorff topology making the group operation continuous. Show that A" is a topological group [Problem 106; Sec. 7.1, Problem 108]. 110. Can the cofinite topology be a group topology? Must it be? [Sec. 6.6, Problem 101.]
250 Topological Groups / Ch. 1 2 111. Let U be a neighborhood of e and UL the connector L-associated with £/. Show that (E7)L = UL = vUL (Sec. 11.1, Problem 113). [Let (x, j>) g E7L. Then (x5, ^) -> (x, j;) with(x^, ^) e £/,,, that is x5" ^ e £/. Thenxx^"1^ —► xx_1j; = у hence j; e xU = vUL(x).J 112. J can be given a set of operations which makes it a topological group (with the Euclidean topology) [Sec. 6.4, Problem 203]. 113. If a subgroup has nonempty interior, it is open and closed. [If χ is interior to S and у е S, x~lS is a neighborhood of e so yx~lS is a neighborhood ofy. ButS = yx~lS. Thus Sis open. The complement of S is also open since it is a union of translates (cosets) of S.J 114. Let V be a symmetric neigh bo rhood of e, then S = (J {Vn:n = 1,2,...} is an open and closed subgroup. [If a, be S, ae Vm, be Vn so ab~l e Vm + n a S. Sis open and closed by Problem 113.] 115. A Baire group is a topological group which is a Baire space. A topological group A" is a Baire group if and only if it is of second category in itself. [Let V be a symmetric neighborhood of e which is of first category in the space. Form S as in Problem 114. It is open and closed and of first category. Now A" is a union of translates of Sand the result follows from Sec. 9.3, Problem 123.] 116. Let S be a subgroup of a Baire group X. Then if S is a dense Gd, S = X. {S is residual by Sec. 9.3, Problem 10. If S Φ Χ, then S can be translated into S, hence S is of first category in X too. Thus X is of first category]. 117. Let S be a subgroup of a complete semimetric group. (The semimetric induces the group topology but no assumption is made concerning its invariance or the uniformity it induces.) Then if S is a Gd, it is closed. [We may assume S dense by Problem 23. The result follows from Problem 116.] 118. The box topology is a group topology for a product of topological groups. 119. If S is open or closed, Sje} = S. {S closed implies S a SJe] a ~Se = S; if S is open, s e S, s~*S => {?}, S => s{e}.J The formula is false in general. {S = {<?}.] 120. A locally compact group is a disjoint union of subspaces, each of which is open, closed, σ-compact, locally compact, hemicompact, Lindelof, normal. [In Problem 114 with V compact, S has all these properties (Theorem 5.3.5; Sec. 8.1, Problems 10 and 125). Now consider the cosets of S.J 121. A locally compact group is normal and paracompact. If it is either separable or connected it is σ-compact, hemicompact, and Lindelof. {First half: Problem 120; Sec. 4.1, Problem 123; Sec. 10.2, Problems 122 and 123. Second half: There are only countably many (respectively, one) subspaces of the kind mentioned in Problem 120.]
Sec. 12.2 / Group Concepts 251 122. A topological group need not be normal. [Example 6; Sec. 6.7, Problem 203. This example is separated and separable. It shows also that a separable group need not be Lindelof, by Theorem 5.3.5.] 123. A compact group need not be separable; a fortiori, a Lindelof group need not be separable [Sec. 7.4, Problem 106]. 124. There is no nonzero homomorphism of Q into Ζ. \\ϊ f(q) > 0, let n > ΛΦ- Then njXqjn) = f(q) and so η divides f(q).J 201. Is the topology of the no-point compactification of R at 0 a group topology? 202. Let 2, 3 be groups with 2, 3 elements, respectively. Give them the discrete topology. Let A = 2ω, Β = 3ω, each with the discrete topology. Let X = Α χ 3ω, Υ = 2ω χ Β. Then Χ, Υ are homeo- morphic [Sec. 6.4, Problem 202] and isomorphic, but not topologi- cally isomorphic. [Define an e 2ω by ank = 0 for к < л, 1 for к > η; xn = (an, 0) g 2ω χ Β. Then xn -> 0 and each xn has order 2. This is impossible in Α χ 3ω.] This example is due to S. Kakutani. 203. 2ω has a compact open proper subgroup. 204. A topological group is discrete if and only if it has a compact open subset К such that xK φ Κ for all χ Φ e. [Take К = G in Problem 104.] 205. Must a left-invariant semimetric on a group always induce a group topology? [It makes the operations continuous at e and x-+ax continuous for each a. J 206. In Problem 117, can "complete semimetric" be replaced by "Baire" ? 207. Give the additive group of R a compact, connected, group topology. [See [Hewitt and Ross, p. 415].] 208. If a group is totally bounded in its left uniformity, must it be totally bounded in its right uniformity ? 12.2 Group Concepts In this section we shall study continuity and uniform continuity, metriza- tion, completeness, and completion. Theorem 12.2.1. A homomorphism which is continuous at some point is continuous everywhere. Suppose / is continuous at л:. Let yd be a net with yb —► y. Then УдУ~ ^ -> * and so/(y6y~ xx) -> j\x). Thus/(^) = f(y6y~ lx) ·/(*" ly) -> f{x) -f(x~ ly) = f(y) so that/is continuous at у. | Lemma 12.2.1. Let f: X-+ Υ be a homomorphism with the property that f
252 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 maps each neighborhood of e in X onto a neighborhood of e in Y. Then/is an open map. Let G be an open set in X and у e/[G], say у = f(g). Then g~lG is a neighborhood of e in X, and so/[#_1G] is a neighborhood of e in Y. But then yf[cj~1G'] is a neighborhood of y, and this is equal to/[G]. [It is yf(g~l)f[G] = yy~lf[G] = /[G].] Thus/[G], as a neighborhood of all its points, is open. | In treating uniform continuity of a map/between groups we have to decide which uniformities to place on the domain and range. We shall restrict ourselves to the case in which both have their left uniformities. In the next result, it is not assumed that/is a homomorphism. Lemma 12.2.2. Л function f:X—> Y, with Χ, Υ topological groups, is uniformly continuous when Χ, Υ have their left uniformities if and only if for every neighborhood U of e in Y, there exists a neighborhood V of e in X with f[xV\ ^f(x)UforallxeX. Suppose first that/is uniformly continuous and U is a neighborhood of e in Y. Let UL be the connector L-associated with U. There exists a connector VL for X, L-associated with a neighborhood V of e, such that {fa, β) e UL whenever (a, b) e VL. This implies that/[xK] с f(x)U for all x. [Let bexV= VL(x). Then (jc, b) e VL and so (fx,fb) e UL\ henceД6) e UL(fx) = f[x)U.J Conversely, let UL be a connector for K, L-associated with a neighborhood U of e. Choose V as in the statement of the theorem and let VL be its L-associated connector. Then (a,b)eVL implies (fa, fb)eUL. {b ε VL(a) = aV, hence f(b) eJ[a)U = UL{fa).J | Theorem 12.2.2. Λ continuous homomorphism f \ X -+ Υ is uniformly continuous when Χ, Υ are both given their left uniformities. Let U be a neighborhood of e in Y. Choose a neighborhood V of e in X with /[K] cz U. [/ is continuous at e.J Then for every x, /[xK] = f{x)f[_V] a f(x)U. By Lemma 12.2.2, the result follows. | The result of Theorem 12.2.2 holds if Χ, Υ are both given their right or two-sided uniformities. However the identity map from (X, $) to (X, <£) is not uniformly continuous (although it is a continuous homomorphism) unless <# zd <£ [Theorem 11.2.1]. EXAM PLE 1. R, the reals, is a commutative group with the operation +, identity 0, and inverse map x—► — x. With the Euclidean metric, it is a metric group, and its three uniformities are all equal, as is the case with every commutative group. Let/be an endomorphism of R. Then for all χ e R and all rational r we have/(rx) = rf{x). [For integer r this was given in Sec. 12.1,
Sec. 12.2 / Group Concepts 253 Example 5. For r = m/n, nf[rx) = finrx) = f{mx) = mf{x).J Thus if/ is continuous f(ax) = af(x) for all я, x\ in particular f(a) = af{\). Thus iff is a continuous endomorphism of R, there exists к with f{x) = kx for all x. A EXAMPLE 2. Let Я be a Hamel base for R, considering R as a linear space over Q [Sec. 7.3, Problem 203]. Thus every real number is a unique finite linear combination of Η with rational coefficients. Fix a, b e H. Let /: Η —► R be an arbitrary function save only that we require bf{a) Φ af{b). Extend/to all of R by/Q] rh) = Σ rf(h), where Σ rh denotes any finite sum of the form Σ ГЛ> with К G Η. Then/is an endomorphism of R, and/is not continuous since if it were the result of Example 1 would give bf{a) = af{b). Note: By making/one-to-one from Η onto itself we can get a discontinuous automorphism of R onto itself. For an extended and elementary essay on endomorphisms of R. (See [May, pp. 97-124].) We now turn to the metrization theorem for groups. Recall the list given at the beginning of Section 11.5: С В <-+ Mu -> Mt -> FC. We shall find that for topological groups, a little more is true, namely that these four conditions are equivalent. (The uniformity involved in С В and Mu may be 01, if or ^.) To see this, it is sufficient to prove FC —► Mu, as we now do. Because of Sec. 12.1, Example 8, it is sufficient to prove this for the left uniformity if, and because of localization, it is sufficient to assume first countability at e. The semimetrics constructed have an additional very special character. Theorem 12.2.3. If the topology of a topological group is first countable at e, it is given by a left-invariant semimetric, and by а В semimetric. It is sufficient to prove the first part only and use Sec. 12.1, Definition 1 and Example 8 for the В semimetric. It would be easy to prove that the left uniformity has a countable base, (see, for example, Sec. 12.1, Problem 13), then semimetrizability follows from Theorem 11.5.1. However, to construct a left-invariant semimetric will require a little more effort. Instead of using Theorem 11.5.1, we shall vary its proof to obtain an absolute-value function. In the following, the reader should keep in view the proof of Theorem 11.5.1, which we shall refer to as the earlier proof . Let A" be a topological group with a countable base {Un} of neighborhoods of e. As in the earlier proof we construct a local base { Vn) of symmetric neighborhoods of e with VnVnVn a Vn_l η = 1, 2,...; V0 = X. For each x, set P(x) = 0 if χ e Vn for all n, and P(x) = 2~n if χ ε Vn \ Vn+l. Then P(x) > 0, Д*"1) = P(x) since each Vn is symmetric, P(e) = 0. As in the earlier proof (Relation (11.5.3)), it is proved that xm —► e if and only if P{xm) —► 0. Next, the analogue of (11.5.3) in the earlier proof is P(abc) < 2 тах[Р(я), P(b\ P(c)l
254 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 Letting 2r denote the right-hand side, r = 2~n. Then a, b, с all belong to Vn so that 06c e Vn_Y. Hence P(abc) < 2~(n_1) = 2r. The analogue of (11.5.4) is^(Z"=i ai) ^ 2 Σ?=ι Р(ад· The earlier proof can be modified by replacing D(xi9 xi + l) by Р(а(), and D(xl9 xm+i) by Ρ(Σ?=ι ад- We are now ready to define p. In place of Formula (11.5.1) we use p(a) = inf< X Р(арг_\):а0 = e, ak = яУ, the inf taken over all finite collections a0,ai9...,ak with я0 = e, як = a. It follows that /?(я6) < p{a) + p{b) as in Lemma 11.5.1. [Now choose a0,al9.. .,ak;b0, bu .. .,6„with0o = b0 = e, ak = a, bn = b, Σ P(flfir-\) < P(a) + ε/2, Σ W,:\) < />(*) + ε/2. i = 1 i = 1 Letc0 = e, cx = bu . .., cn = b, cn+l = axb, cn + 2 = a2b, cn+k = ab. Then p(ab) < ΣΚι'Γλ) = Σ Pibfir-\) + i=l X Р(ар7_\) < p{b) + p(a) + ε.] i=l This function ρ is an absolute value as in Sec. 12.1, Example 1. To see this, note that the triangle inequality has just been proved. Clearly p{x) > 0 for all x,p{e) = 0, [take к = 1 in the definition of /?], p{x) = p(x~l) since P(x) = P(x_1). Now, let d(x, y) = p{x~ly), then d is a left-invariant semi- metric [as in Sec. 12.1, Examples 1,2]. We shall show that d induces the topology of the group. As in the earlier proof we show that ρ < Ρ < 2/?, (instead of d < D < 2d, as there). Then xm —► e in X if and only if P(xm) —► 0 [noted above], and this is true if and only if p(xm) —► 0, equivalently, xm —► e in the semimetric space (X, d). Since d is left invariant, xm —► χ in (X, d) is equivalent to x~ 1xm —► e in (X, d), this in turn is equivalent to x~ lxm —► e in A", that is, хш —► χ in X. Thus d and the group topology coincide. | It is clear that a right-invariant semimetric could have been constructed in Theorem 12.2.3. Indeed a right-invariant semimetric can be made directly out of a left-invariant one, call it d, by the formula d'{x, y) = d(x~l,y~l). However, there may be no two-sided-invariant semimetric [Example 4]. Before the Examples, we need a few remarks on the nature of Cauchy filters. We shall use the notation given at the beginning of Section 12.1. Lemma 12.2.3. A filter !F is an <£-Cauchy filter if and only if J^_1 is an ^-Cauchy filter. It is a 31-Cauchy filter if and only if both !F and !F~X are 5£-Cauchy filters. If IF is a 3-Cauchy filter, !F~X is also a £fi-Cauchy filter. The same results hold for nets.
Sec. 12.2 / Group Concepts 255 A filter 3* is an if-Cauchy filter if and only if for each connector UL L-associated with a neighborhood of U of e,!F contains a setS with S χ S a t/L;thatis,*S_1 S a (J. Similarly & is an ^-Cauchy filter if and only if it contains, for each £/; a set S with SS~l a £/. Since S~lS = S~l(S~l)~\ the first part is clear. The second part follows from the first and Theorem 11.4.2. If & is a^-Cauchy filter, both & and &~l; that is, both &~l and (J*""l)~l, and if-Cauchy filters; thus J^_1 is a ^-Cauchy filter. The result for nets follows from consideration of the associated filters. | ^-EXAMPLE 3. Let G be the metric group given in Sec. 12.1, Example 3. We shall show that if φ 0ί, where if, 01 are the left and right uniformities. (Of course, if and ^ are equivalent by Sec. 12.1, Problem 18.) For this it is sufficient to show that 01 Φ 0& \Я = <£ ν 01, so if if = 01, then 5£ = 01 = <%.J We shall accomplish this by showing that 01 is complete and 0t is not. Let X = C(/), where / = [0, 1], d{j\ g) = max{|/(*) - g(x)\ :xel}. Then (X, d) is a complete metric space [Sec. 9.1, Example 4], and d gives G its right uniformity [Sec. 12.1, Example 3]. Thus (G, 0£) = (G, d) will be shown noncomplete when it is shown that G is a nonclosed subspace of X [Sec. 11.3, Problem 8.] This is very easy and is left to the reader. (See Problem 1.) Next we shall show that (G, 0Ϊ) is complete. (See Problem 104 for an abstract setting of the proof.) Let {/„} be a ^-Cauchy sequence. Then both {/„} and {f~1} are ^-Cauchy sequences. [Lemma 12.2.3, with !£, 0t interchanged.] Thus they are Cauchy sequences in (X, d). Since X is complete there exist/, g e Xwith/, —► /,/~ * —► g. But then g = f~l. [For all x, \f(gx) -x\< \f{gx) -f(fn~lx)\ + \f(f-xx) - x\ - 0 as η -> oo, since the second term is \f(f;lx) - fn{f~xx)\ < d{f,fn); and, considering the first term, f~x{x) —► g(x), and / is continuous. Similarly 9(fa) = x·] Thus/ e G and/, —► /in G. [/, —► /in X, and G is a topological subspace.] ^-EXAMPLE 4. The topology of G {Example 3) cannot be given by a two- sided-invariant metric. If there were such a metric, Sec. 12.1, Example 7 would imply that $ = !£, in contradiction with Example 3. EXAM PLE 5. Topological spaces of a certain kind have the property that, if first countable, they must be metrizable. In fact, if a first countable topological space can be given an operation which makes it a topological group, it must be semimetrizable [Theorem 12.2.3]. As an example, let 2 stand for a discrete topological space with two points, and A any set. Then 2A can be
256 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 made into a topological group, for we may write 2 = {0, 1} and define 0 + 0=1 + 1=0, 0+1 = 1+0=1, and apply Sec. 12.1, Example 6. Thus 2A is metrizable if and only if it is first countable. The same is true for DA, where D is a discrete space with countably many points [take D = ω], or a continuum of points [take D = R with the discrete topology]. These results were noted also in Sec. 6.4, Problem 6.] Some easy results on completeness are listed in Problems 2 through 6. We shall make immediate use of these. We now consider the problem of completion. Of course every uniform space has a completion, and it is natural to expect a group completion. Our first result is negative. Example 6 shows a metric group which is not a topological subgroup of any group which is complete in its left uniformity. Thus with the left-invariant metric d, the metric completion cannot be made into a group by extending the operations. (But see Problem 203.) However, completions with the two- sided uniformity exist [Theorem 12.2.4; Problems 202, 210]. EXAMPLE 6. With G as in Example 3, (G, if) has no group completion. This means that there is no topological group X which is complete in its left uniformity <£x, and includes G as a topological subgroup. Suppose that such a group X exists. It follows that 0tx is complete [Problem 3] and so <£x, 0tx are Cauchy equivalent. [If $F is ifx-Cauchy, f->xel, hence 3F is ^X-Cauchy.] Now Corollary 11.5.2 shows that if, 01 are the relative uniformities of <£x, 0ix on G, hence if, ^ are Cauchy equivalent, contradicting Problem 6. In the process of completion, techniques will be needed for extending the group operations and for showing that they are continuous. These techniques are given in the next two lemmas. Lemma 12.2.4. The product of Wo ££-Cauchy filters is У-Cauchy. The same is true for 0t, 31. It will be sufficient to prove this for if. The result for 0t follows by symmetry, and the result for 3 by Lemma 12.2.3 (or Theorem 11.4.2). Let J^x, J^2 be Cauchy filters in (X, <£) and let U be a neighborhood of e. Let V be a symmetric neighborhood of e with VVV a JJ. As in Lemma 12.2.3, J^2 contains a set S2 with S21S2 <= V. Let beS2. There exists a neighborhood W of e such that b~l Wb а К [Theorem 12.1.5]. Finally, 3*γ contains a set Sx with S;lS, a W. Then SlS2e^1^2 and (S1S2yiSlS2 a U. [The left-hand side is S2lb b~ ^Γ1^ bb'1 S2 а 32132Ь~11¥Ь32132 a VVV a £/.] Hence #Ί^2 is an =^-Cauchy filterbase. | Lemma 12.2.5. Let D be a dense subspace of a topological space Τ, Υ a
Sec. 12.2 / Group Concepts 257 regular space, and f: T—> Υ a function with the property that f\D и {t} is continuous for each t e T. Then f is continuous on T. Let t e Г, and let U be a closed neighborhood of f{t) in Y. There is an open neighborhood of tin D и {t} which maps into f/, hence an open neighborhood G of /in Г with f[G η D] a U. It follows that/[G] с £/. [Since U is closed, it is sufficient to prove that/[G] с U. Let g e G and let К be a neighborhood off(g). Since/is continuous on/)u {#}, there is, as before, an open neighborhood Η ofg with/[# η D~\ a V. Now G η Η η Ζ) is not empty, since Z) is dense, and G η His open and, since it contains#, nonempty; so we may choose h eG η Η η D. Then /(/2) e V nf[G η Z>] с V η U. Thus every neighborhood oif(g) meets f/ in a nonempty set.] It follows that /is continuous. [ У has a local base of closed neighborhoods of/(/).] | The completion theorem is now given for separated groups only. The semi- metric case is outlined in Problem 202, and the nonseparated commutative case in Problem 210. Theorem 12.2.4. Let X be a separated topological group. Then there is a separated topological group Υ which is complete in its two-sided uniformity and has X as a dense topological subgroup. Let (У, Щ) be the separated completion of (X, @) [Theorem 11.5.6], where Я is the two-sided uniformity of X. ¥oxyx, y2 e r,let J^· = {U η X'.UeN^ for / = 1,2,; where N{ is the neighborhood filter of yt. Each 3F-X is a ^-Cauchy filter in X [each Nt is convergent, hence Cauchy, in У], hence ^rl^r2 ls a ^-Cauchy filterbase in X [Lemma 12.2.4], hence is a Cauchy filterbase in Y. Let its limit be denoted by yxy2. This agrees with the previous meaning of this symbol if yl9 y2 e X since the group operation is continuous. Similarly define y~1 by applying Lemma 12.2.3. We first note that the operations are continuous. [That the map y^>y~x is continuous follows from Lemma 12.2.5 with D = Χ, Τ = Υ, and that (yi, y2) —► У1У2 is continuous follows from Lemma 12.2.5 with D = Χ χ Χ, Τ = Υ χ Κ] It follows that (i)ey = ye = j^forallj; [let/(j;) = ey, i{y) = y\ then/, /are continuous and agree on the dense subspace XJ; (ii) yy~l = e {y —► yy~l is a continuous function which has the constant value e on the dense subspace XJ; and (iii) (yx y2)y3 = ^1(^2^3) [a similar argument involving continuous maps on Υ χ Υ χ Υ and its dense subspace Χ χ Χ χ XJ. We now know that (У, °li) is a complete topological group, and that (X, 0&) is a dense uniform subgroup. Finally, °1ί is the two-sided uniformity of У [Corollary 11.5.2]. | Problems on Topological Groups 1. Let/(jc) = 2x for 0 < χ < 1/2, Дх) = 1 for 1/2 < χ < 1. Then /e G \ G in Example 3. [For example, let/n(x) = f{x) — x{\ — x)/n.
258 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 (Note that/maps / onto itself.) Compare Sec. 7.1, Problems 118 to 120.] ^2. 5£ and $ are Cauchy equivalent if and only if, whenever 3F is an if-Cauchy filter, J^"1 is also an if-Cauchy filter [Lemma 12.2.3]. ^-3. (X, <£) is complete if and only if (X, 01) is. [Let if be complete and 0* ^-Cauchy. Then J^_1 is if-Cauchy, hence convergent, and so 3F is convergent.] *4. If (X, <£) is complete, (X, 0t) is also [Corollary 11.3.1]. The converse is false [Example 3]. ^5. X is if-complete if and only if it is ^-complete and 5£ and 01 are Cauchy equivalent [Problems 3 and 4; Lemma 12.2.3; Sec. 11.3, Problem 17]. ^-6. In Example 3, !£ and 01 are not Cauchy equivalent [Problem 5]. ^-7. The kernel of a homomorphism/between groups is/_1[{e}], sometimes written/1. Show that/is one-to-one if and only if the kernel of /contains only the identity of its domain. 101. Show directly that the sequence given in Problem 1 is not a Cauchy sequence in the left uniformity. 102. For feX (Example 3) let u(f) = /(0) and v(f) =/(1) - 1- Then u, ν are continuous on X. \\u{f) — u{g)\ < d(f, #),] hence w1, v1 are closed. Thus G0 a u1 η ν1. Show that G0 is the set of monotonely increasing functions in u1 η ν1 and G0 contains exactly those which are strictly increasing. (G0 = {increasing members of G}.) 103. With the notation of Example 3, define u: G —► X by u{f) =/_1. Since и is continuous, it has closed graph. Show that the graph of и is a closed subset oflx X. [If/, —► / u(fn) —► g, show that g = f~1 as in Example 3.] 104. Deduce the completeness of (G, 0Ϊ) in Example 3 from Problem 103 and Sec. 11.4, Problem 101. 105. The map χ —► x~l is $&-uniformly continuous (that is, a uniformly continuous map from (X, @) to (X, <£)) It is also <£0l and ЯЯ uniformly continuous. It is if if-uniformly continuous if and only if <£ = 01. 106. Let (X, d) be a metric group with d left invariant. Form a 2?-metric D from d. Let (У, D) be the completion (Theorem 12.2.4). Form d from D, (d(x, e) = |D(x, e), it is left invariant. Why is (К, Й) not a metric completion of (X, d) ? 107. The graph G of a discontinuous endomorphism of R is dense in R2. [We may assume/(1) = 0, (consider/(x) - хД1),) and/(r) = 1 for some t. Then (я/ + b, a)e G for all rational a, b.J 108. An endomorphism of R is continuous if its graph is a Gs [Problem 107;
Sec. 12.2 / Group Concepts 259 Sec. 12.1, Problem 117]. Thus, such a graph could never be homeo- morphic with J [Sec. 9.1, Problem 205]. 109. There is a natural isomorphism between the group Ε of endo- morphisms of R, and RH. (See Example 2.) The group operation on Ε is (/, #)-►/+#, where (/ + g)(x) = f(x) + g(x). [Each member of RH leads to a member of Ε as in Example 2.] 110. Let X be a group and Υ a separated topological group. Let H(X, Y) be the set of all homomorphisms from X to Y. Show that H(X, Y) is a closed subspace of Yx. lf(xy) = limMxy) = \im fs(x)fs(y) = f(x)f(y).J 111. Let/: A'—► У be a homomorphism. Show that the kernel of/is dense if and only if/[t/] = /[A"] for every neighborhood U of e. 112. Let/: Ar—► У be a homomorphism with the property that/[i/] is somewhere dense for each neighborhood U of e. Show that/is almost open. [Let К be a symmetric neighborhood of e with VV a U. Let у be interior to /[K]· Then /[£/] => /Ш/Ш => /Fl^"1 which is a neighborhood of е.] 113. Let/be a homomorphism with the property that the image of every set with nonempty interior has nonempty interior. Show that / is an open map [as Problem 112, without closures]. Also, replace "image" by "preimage," "open" by "continuous." (These results are false if "homomorphism" is omitted; see Sec. 6.2, Problem 113.) 114. Let X be separable, У a Baire group, and/: X—► У a homomorphism onto. Then/is almost open. [Let U be a neighborhood of e in Xand D a dense countable set, DU = X by Sec. 12.1, Problem 103, hence Υ = f[_D~\f[LT\. Since/[D] is countable,/[t/] is somewhere dense. See Problem 112.] 115. In Problem 114, replace "separable" by "Lindelof." [Same proof except that D may not be dense.] 116. Let X be locally compact, Υ separated, and/a continuous, almost open homomorphism of X onto Y. Then / is an open map. [The image of a compact neighborhood is closed by Theorems 5.4.4 and 5.4.5. Now see Problem 113.] 117. Let X be locally compact and separable, and let У be a separated Baire group. Then every continuous homomorphism of X onto Υ is an open map. In particular every continuous isomorphism of X onto Υ is a homeomorphism [Problems 114 and 116]. 118. Two comparable separated separable group topologies are equal if the larger is locally compact and the smaller is of second category [Problem 117]. 119. In Problem 117 we cannot omit "separable" [in Problem 118, take
260 Topological Groups / Ch. 1 2 the larger topology discrete], "separated" [smaller topology indiscrete] or "Baire." {Y = Q, X = Q with discrete topology.] 120. In Problem 117 "locally compact" cannot be omitted. [Let/be a discontinuous onto automorphism of R (Example 2), and let X be the graph of/. Then X is a separable metric group, R is a complete metric group, and Px: A'—► R is not an open map since / = P2 ° Ρϊ1 is not continuous. (Another way to see that X is not locally compact is given in Problems 128 and 122.)] 121. Two comparable separated separable locally compact group topologies must be equal. In particular R has no strictly smaller locally compact separated group topology [Problem 118; Theorem 9.3.6]. This solves Sec. 12.1, Problem 201. (Compare Sec. 8.1, Problem 121.) 122. Let Χ, Υ be locally compact separable metric groups, and/: Jf—► Υ a homomorphism with closed graph. Then / is continuous. [/ = P2 о P^1, where Pl9 P2 are the projections from the graph G; and Px: G —► X is open by Problem 117.] 123. Let Ibea separable complete metric group. Let У be a separated Baire group. Let/be a continuous isomorphism of A' onto Y. Then /is a homeomorphism. [Problems 113 and 114; Sec. 9.1, Problem 118.] Formulate analogues of Problems 118, 121, and 122. 124. In Problem 123 we cannot omit "separable", "separated," "Baire," or "complete" [Problems 119 and 120]. (See Sec. 12.3, Problem 101.) 125. Let ^ be a group and Γ, Τ two different group metrics which are separated, separable, and locally compact. Show that Γη Γ' is not a group topology. [Because it is 7\ but not T2. It is Tl since Γ, Τ are. If it were T2, the identity map from (X, T) to (X, T') would have closed graph by Sec. 6.7, Problem 112. The result follows from Problem 122.] 126. The intersection of two group topologies need not be a group topology. [Take X = R in Problem 125, Τ = Euclidean, and Г = w(f) with/ as in the note in Example 2, or as in Problem 206. A commutative group and complete metrics!] 127. A locally compact group is if-complete. [If S~lS cz U then S^xU for some χ e S. Thus, with U a compact neighborhood of e, every if-Cauchy filter must contain a compact subset, namely xU.J 128. A locally compact subgroup of a separated group must be closed [Problem 127]. 129. Let / be a discontinuous endomorphism of R with/(l) = 1, and p{x) = \x\ + |/(*)|. Then ρ is an absolute-value function. Let X = (R, d) with d(x, y) = p(x — y). Show that the closure in X of Q is the set of fixed points of/. {Note: X is topologically isomorphic with the graph of/; it is separable, but Q is not dense.) 130. Let X be a commutative topological group and V a symmetric neighborhood of e. Show that there exists a continuous absolute-value
Sec. 12.2 / Group Concepts 261 function /?, and ε > 0, such that (ρ < ε) с V. [Imitate Lemma 11.5.2.] 131. A commutative topological group is topologically isomorphic into a product of commutative semimetric groups. [Imitate Theorem 11.5.3, using Problem 130.] 201. Let (X, D) be a semimetric group with D a 2?-semimetric. Let {un} be a Z>-Cauchy sequence. Then if xn —► e, it follows that unxnu~1 —► e. [With p(x) = \D(x, e),p(unxnu;1) < р(ипщ1) + р(икхпщ1) + p{uku~ly Fix к large.] 202. Let X be a semimetric group. There is a complete semimetric group (У, Z>), with D a 2?-semimetric such that X is a dense topological subgroup. [Give X its 2?-semimetric. Let (У, D) be the semimetric completion of Theorem 9.2.2. Forw = {un}, ν = {vn}m Y\etuv = {unvn}, u~l = {u~1} (Lemma 12.2.3). To show D is a group semimetric let q{u) = \D{u, e). Prove that q is an absolute-value function using q{u) = limp(un), where ρ = q\ X. The only nontrivial part of this follows from Problem 201.] 203. Let (X, d) be a semimetric group with d left invariant. Show that X has a semimetric semigroup completion; that is, the group multiplication can be extended to an associative operation on the semimetric completion [the proof of Problem 202]. 204. A left-invariant-semimetric group has a left completion if and only if it satisfies the condition analogous to that given in Problem 201. 205. Find the completion in the sense of Problem 203, of G, in Examples 3 and 4. [Its closure in C(/).] 206. R and R2 are isomorphic [their Hamel bases must have equal cardinality, c], but not topologically isomorphic [Sec. 5.2, Problem 8]. 207. Two group topologies for a group X with the same dense sets must be equal. [Take complements in Problem 113.] Can "dense" be replaced by " fundamental"? (A set is called fundamental if it is not included in any closed proper subgroup.) 208. If a topological group is topologically complete, it is complete in its two-sided uniformity ^. [Let Υ be the completion of (X, 31) as in Problem 202. Then Υ = X by Sec. 9.1, Problem 206; and Sec. 12.1, Problem 117.] (This result is due to Victor Klee.) In particular the matrix group of Sec. 12.1, Example 10 is ^-complete. 209. Problem 208 becomes false if "two-sided" is replaced by "left." 210. Every commutative topological group has a completion. [Imitate Theorem 11.5.4, using Problems 131 and 202.]
262 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 12.3 Quotients Theorem 12.3.1. The quotient topology by a homomorphism f from a topological group X onto a group Υ is a group topology. Furthermore it has a local base of neighborhoods of e consisting of ^ = {U: IJ is symmetric and /-1[t/] is a neighborhood of e in X). We \shall first check that the collection SF satisfies the conditions of Theorem 12.1.6. Consider, for example, Condition (d). Let Ue^ and b e Υ then b = f{a) for some ae X, and there exists a symmetric neighborhood W of e in X with a Wa~l a /_1[£/]. LetK=/[^]. Then Ve & and bVb~l = f\_a\Va~l~\ a U. The other conditions are easily checked. We show that the group topology Γ which has 3F as its base of neighborhoods of e is precisely the quotient topology TQ by/. Let G e Τ and χ ef~l\_G]. Then (fx)~lG is а Г neighborhood of e hence includes some i/e«f. Then •*/_1[^] is a neighborhood of χ and is included in/_1[G]. [If a e/_1[t/], f{xa) = f(x)f(a) ef(x)U с G.| This proves that /_1[G] is open, hence G e TQ. Conversely, let G e TQ and ν e G; say у = /». Then x_1./_1[G] is a neighborhood of e hence includes a symmetric neighborhood W of e. Let U = f\_W\. Then Ue & and yU a G. [If и e £/, say и = f{w\ then we x~lf~1 [G] so thatyu = f(xw) e G.] Thus G e Τ. | Now let S be an invariant subgroup of a topological group X, and let <7: X —► A7S be defined by q(x) = xS. (See the definition of coset and quotient group in Section 12.1.) Then q is a homomorphism onto AyS; the quotient topology by q is called the quotient topology of Ays. In the notation of Section 6.5, this is X/p where χ ρ у means x~ ly e S, or, equivalently, since S is an invariant subgroup, yx~l e S. [Since x~lyeS if and only if q(x~ly) = e (the identity in Ays, thus e = S), and this holds if and only if q(x) = q(y). See Sec. 6.5, Example 4.] The equivalence classes determined by ρ are the left cosets of S (they are also the right cosets). Conversely if/: X —► У is a homomorphism onto, the kernel S of/is an invariant subgroup of A'; and У, with the quotient topology is topologically isomorphic with AyS under the map xS —> f(x). [This map is well defined since xS = x'S implies/(x) = f(x'). It is an isomorphism and the topological results are given in Theorem 6.5.5.] Theorem 12.3.2. The quotient topology by a homomorphism /: A"—► Υ is separated if and only if the kernel S off is closed. The quotient of a topological group X by an invariant subgroup S is separated if and only ifS is closed. (There is no assumption on the separation of X.) The equivalence of the two conditions holds since Υ is topologically isomorphic with A"/S as just pointed out. Now S is closed if and only if all of its translates are closed. These are cosets of S, hence members of the quotient group AyS. The result follows from Theorem 6.7.5. |
Sec. 12.3 / Quotients 263 note. The reader is warned of an inconsistency between topological and algebraic notation. If S is a subset of a topological space X, topologists find it very useful to have a name for X/p where the equivalence classes of ρ are S and all singletons in X\ S. This is usually denoted by X/S. No ambiguity can arise in a case where " subgroup " has no meaning, so that X/S could not be a quotient group in the algebraic sense. We shall reserve the use of the notation X/S for the quotient group. By a quotient homomorphism is meant a homomorphism between topological groups which is also a quotient map. Theorem 12.3.3. A quotient homomorphism f:X—>Y is an open map. Hence a continuous homomorphism is a quotient map if and only if it is open and onto. The last part follows from Theorem 6.5.1. Let Kbe a symmetric neighborhood of e in X. Then / [K] is a neighborhood of e in Y. [It is symmetric, and its inverse image under/includes V, hence is a neighborhood of e in X\ that is, f\V\e 3F \xv the notation of Theorem 12.3.1.] The result now follows from Lemma 12.2.1. | This result may be contrasted with the fact that a quotient map in general need not be open, and a quotient homomorphism need not be closed [Sec. 6.5, Problems 7 and 8]. ^EXAMPLE 1. Let X = R\{0} with ordinary multiplication as the group operation. The identity is 1, the inverse map is x—► \/x, and the Euclidean topology is a group topology. The subgroup S = {χ: χ > 0} is open and closed (compare Sec. 12.1, Problem 113), thus X is not connected. S has exactly two cosets, S and — S; X/S is the discrete group with two members. (See Problem 2.) The inclusion map /: S —► X is an open homomorphism, but not a quotient map since it is not onto. Like R, X is commutative and its three uniformities are equal. A basic connector is {(*, y): χ φ Ο, у φ 0, \х/у — 1| < ε}. This uniformity is metrizable of course. (See Problem 8.) Lemma 12.3.1. Let X be a semimetric group with absolute-value function /?, and f: X^> Υ a homomorphism onto a group Y. Then the quotient topology on Υ is semimetrliable, indeed h{y) = тЦр(х): f{x) = y} defines an absolute- value function hfor the quotient topology of Y. (See Problem 13.) To show the quotient topology semimetrizable, it would be easy to check that Υ is first countable, and apply Theorem 12.2.3. We shall instead, check the given formula. That h(e) = 0, h{y) > 0 for all у are trivial. Nextletj;, ζ e Υ,ε > 0. Chooser, b e X with f{a) = y,f{b) = z, p(a) < h{y) + ε, p(b) < h(z) + ε.
264 Topological Groups / Ch. 1 2 Then f(ab) = у ζ so that h(yz) < p(ab) < p(a) + p(b) < h(y) + h(z) + 2ε. The triangle inequality follows. That/z^-1) = h{y) for all j^ is clear. Finally, let h{yn) -> 0 and b e Y\ say b = f{a). For η = 1, 2,..., let /(*„) = yn, p(xn) < h(yn) + \/n. Then/7(x„)^0, hence/7(αχπα_1)^0. Now/z^j;^"1) < ρ(αχηα~γ) —► 0 since f(axna~l) = bynb~l. Having checked that /z is an absolute-value function, observe that /: (X, p) —► (У, h) is continuous. [Л(/х) < p(x) so that / is continuous at e, hence everywhere by Theorem 12.2.1.] Thus h is smaller than the quotient topology. Finally, let U be a basic quotient neighborhood of e\ that is, U e 3F in Theorem 12.3.1. Then rlW\ => (Ρ < ε) for some ε > 0. But then U з (/ζ < ε). [Let /z(j;) < ε. Choose χ with/(χ) = j>, ρ(χ) < ε. Then χ ef~ι [f/] and so j; = /(χ) e (/.] Since U is an /z neighborhood of e, h is larger than the quotient topology. | Theorem 12.3.4. Let (X,p) be a semimetric group with absolute-value function /?, and S an invariant subgroup. Then X/S is a semimetric group with absolute-value function h given by h(xS) = inf{p(xs): s e S}. It is a metric group if and only if S is closed. This is Lemma 12.3.1 with Υ = X/S,f = quotient map. See also Theorem 12.3.2. | Lemma 12.3.2 In Lemma 12.3.1, if X is complete in its left uniformity if, Υ is also. Let {yn} be an if-Cauchy sequence. It has a subsequence {zn} satisfying *(zn~4+i) < 2"" [Sec. 9.1, Problem 11]. Choose xn,n = 0, 1,2,..., with f{x0) = zu and for η > 0, f{xn) = z~lzn+u p(xn) < 2~\ and let an = x0x1x2 - - -xn. Then {an} is an if-Cauchy sequence [for m > n, PKxam) = p(an + lan + 2 · · · am) < p(an+i) + · · · + p(am) < 2"(n+1) + ··· + 2~m < 2~% hence convergent, say an —► a. Then zn —► f{a). \_zn = f(x0XiX2 * · · x„-1) = /K-i) -> Дя)·] It follows that yn^f(a) [Sec. 9.1, Problem 3]. | Theorem 12.3.5. In Theorem 12.3.4, if X is complete in its left uniformity, X/S is also. (But see Sec. 13.2, Problem 110.) This is Lemma 12.3.2 with Υ = X/S,f = quotient map. | Theorem 12.3.6. Let Χ, Υ be topological groups and f: X—> Υ a continuous homomorphism. Then there exists a continuous isomorphism g: X/S —► У, with S the kernel off, andf = g ° q.
Sec. 12.3 / Quotients 265 Define g by g{xS) = f{x)\g is well defined since if xS = aS, a~ lx e S so that/(a ~ lx) = e and/(x) = f(a). Also, g is one-to-one [g(xS) = e implies f(x) = e so that xe5 and xS = S, the identity of X/S}, a homomorphism. lg(aSbS) = g(abS) = f(ab) = f(a)f(b) = g(aS)g(bS).] Finally g is continuous [g о q = /and the result follows from Theorem 6.6.1]. | Problems on Topological Groups In this list, Χ, Υ are topological groups. 1. The quotient topology by a homomorphism / is the largest group topology which makes/continuous. 2. Let S be a subgroup of X. Then X/S is indiscrete if and only if S is dense; X/S is discrete if and only if S has nonempty interior. (See Example 1.) 3. The component S of e is an invariant subgroup of X. {SS'1 = (J {Sx: χ e S'1} is the union of continuous images of S, hence connected sets, all containing e. Thus SS ~1 is connected and so SS ~1 а S. Similarly aSa~x a S for each a.J 4. The center {= {a: xa = ax for all x}) of a separated group is a closed subgroup. [It is the kernel of the map χ —► xax~ 1a~1.J 5. In Problem 4, "separated" cannot be omitted. [Indiscrete.] 6. In Theorem 12.3.6, g(Sx) =/(*). 7. For any homomorphism / with kernel S, f~ilfA'] a AS. [If f(x) e f[A~\,f{xa~x) = e for some a e A.J 8. Show that ρ is an absolute-value function for R\{0} (Example 1), where p(x) = |log x\ if χ > 0, p(x) = 1 if χ < 0, and that it induces the Euclidean topology. 9. In Problem 8, S and — S are isometric and unit distance apart. 10. Find all absolute-value functions ρ such that/?(x^) = p{x)p{y) for all x, y. [There is only one.] 11. Every quotient of a locally compact group is locally compact [Sec. 5.4, Problem 15]. 12. For A cz X,q~l q\_A~\ = AS = SA, where S is an invariant subgroup of X, and q is the quotient map onto X/S. 13. In Lemma 12.3.1, h(y) = d(e, C), where С is a certain coset of S, the kernel of/'; namely С = xS for any χ with/(χ) = у. 101. Let X be a separable semimetric group which is complete in its left uniformity, and let У be a separated Baire group. Let/be a continuous homomorphism of A' onto Y. Then/is an open map. [Let S be the kernel of/, g: X/S —► Υ the map induced by /as in Theorem 12.3.6. By Theorems 12.3.4 and 12.3.5, and Sec. 12.2, Problem 123, g is an open map. Hence/ = g о q is open, by Theorem 12.3.3.]
266 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 102. R has a proper subgroup which is of second category in R. [Let a Hamel base be A u {b„}. Let Sn be the subgroup generated by А и (ftl9 />2, · · ·, />„)· Then R = (J S„ so not all S„ are of first category.] 103. The subgroup in Problem 102 is a Baire metric space but is not topological^ complete. [Otherwise it is closed by Sec. 12.1, Problem 117, and Sec. 9.1, Problem 206, hence has interior since it is not nowhere dense, hence is open by Sec. 12.1, Problem 113. But R is connected.] 104. Let/: X —► У be a quotient homomorphism in which the kernel of/is {e}. Then a filterbase in Υ is if-Cauchy if and only if it is the image of an if-Cauchy filterbase in X. [Let/[J*] be Cauchy, and Ua neighborhood of e in X. Choose Ae& with /[Λ_1Λ] <=/[£/]. Then A'1 A tzf-lfU<^ U{e} (by Problem 7) с UU. Thus & is Cauchy.] (The condition on the kernel of/cannot be omitted; see Sec. 6.5, Problem 203.) 105. Let S = {e}. Then Sis an invariant subgroup of Xand X/Sis separated. (Compare Sec. 6.7, Examples 4 and 5. The present construction is a special case.) Show that X/S is if-complete if and only if X is [Problem 104]. 106. Show that the following two uniformities of R \ [0] are noncompar- able: The relative uniformity of (R, + ), left = right = two-sided; and the uniformity of Example 1. 107. A locally compact Gd group is semimetrizable [Sec. 5.4, Problem 201]. (A Gd group is a topological group which is a Gs space.) It is sufficient to assume that {e} is a Gd and the group is locally compact. 108. The order of χ is the least positive integer к with xk = e, or + oo if no such к exists. Let X be a compact commutative group of which every member has finite order. Show that there is a member of maximum order. [Let Sn = {x: order of χ divides w}; X = (J Sn so some Sn has interior (Baire category theorem). X/Sn is discrete hence finite.] 109. If X is connected, so is X/S, but not conversely. [S = X\ Theorem 5.2.2.] However X/{e) is connected if and only if X is. [If S is open and closed, q\_S~\ is open and closed by Sec. 6.7, Problem 108. If S is proper, q\_S~\ is also since q~xq\_S~\ = S{e} by Problem 12; this is S by Sec. 12.1, Problem 119.] 201. Let Γ, Τ be group topologies for a group Y. Let/: (Κ, Τ) χ (Κ, Τ') —► Υ be given by /(χ, ν) = xy. Show that the quotient topology is Τ α Τ', that is, the largest group topology included in Γ η Τ'. (Compare Sec. 12.2, Problem 126. 202. With Γ, Γ as in Problem 102, Г л Г is separated if and only if the
Sec. 12.4 / Topological Vector Spaces 267 identity map from (У, T) to (Ύ, T) has closed graph [Problem 201; Theorem 12.3.2]. (Compare Sec. 6.7, Problem 113.) 203. The conditions of Problem 202 (T л Т separated) are not sufficient to imply that Τ η Γ = Г л Г; that is, that Г η Г be a group topology. 204. Does Theorem 12.3.5 hold for the two-sided uniformity? 205. Interpret the equation C*(X)/C0(X) = C(fiX\X). 12.4 Topological Vector Spaces In this section we present some of the basic tools of functional analysis, a major branch of today's pure and applied mathematics. Most of our presentation will be very special forms of important results. For more general forms of these results, and their applications, see [Wilansky (a)], [Kelley and Namioka], and [Dunford and Schwartz], where many more references will be found. A vector space is a set X with two operations. First, it is a commutative group with an operation called addition written (x, y) —► χ + у, with identity 0, and inverse χ —► — χ. Second, a function on R χ Χ, called scalar multiplication, is assumed, written (a, x) —► ax satisfying \x = χ, (αβ)χ = α(βχ), (x(x + у) = αχ + ay, (α + β)χ = αχ + βχ. The usual conventions of arithmetic are used; for example, ax + βγ means (ax) + (βγ). We shall use such elementary facts as Ox = 0 (these are 0 e R, 0 e X, respectively), and a(x — y) = ax — ay. (See [Wilansky (a), Section 2.1].) In this context, real numbers are called scalars, members of X are called vectors. Examples of vector spaces are R", C(X), C*(X) with the usual operations. notation. The additive notation is used. (See the beginning of Section 12.1.) Also aS = {αχ: χ e S} for scalar a. A vector topology for a vector space ^ is a group topology for (X, +) making the map (a, x) —► ax continuous. Since (X, +) is commutative, its right, left and two-sided uniformities are equal, and we shall speak of the uniformity of X\ a basic connector being {(x, y): χ — у е (/}, where U is a neighborhood of 0. Also, formulas of the form aba~x which arose, for example, in Theorem 12.1.5, no longer need be considered since a + b — a = b. A topological vector space is a pair (X, T) in which A4s a vector space, and Г is a vector topology. A semimetric vector space is a topological vector space whose topology is given by a semimetric. All the results of topological groups carry over; some of them are listed as problems. ^-EXAMPLE 1. The discrete topology is not a vector topology (except in the trivial case X = (0}). This fact, contrasted with Sec. 12.1, Problem 5,
268 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 already shows the influence of the scalars. The proof consists of observing that if χ φ 0, x/n -Д 0 in the discrete topology, as η —► oo; hence scalar multiplication is not even separately sequentially continuous. The indiscrete topology is always a vector topology [Problem 2]. ^-EXAMPLE 2. A paranorm on a vector space X is an absolute-value function/7 which satisfies the additional condition: Ifa„—► a,p(xn — x) —► 0, thenp(anxn — ax) —► 0. Here {a„}, {xn} are sequences of scalars and vectors, respectively. The induced invariant semimetric ί/is given by d(x,y) = p{x — y). It induces a vector topology. [Sec. 12.1, Example 1; continuity of scalar multiplication is precisely the extra assumption on p.J Every first countable topological vector space is semimetrizable, indeed its topology can be given an equivalent invariant semimetric d [Theorem 12.2.3], which is then given by an absolute-value function p; p(x) = d(x,0). But then p must be a paranorm since the topology it induces is a vector topology. A Frechet space is a complete metric vector space. ^EXAM PLE 3. A seminorm on a vector space is an absolute-value function ρ which satisfies the additional condition p(ax) = \<x\p(x) for scalar a, vector x. Every seminorm is a paranorm, Мал - а*) = />!>„(*„ - x) + (аи - α)*] ^ |α>(*„ -*) + !«„- ΦΜ1 but not conversely. fp(x) = \x\/(\ + \x\) for xe R.] A seminormed space is a pair (X, p) in which Xis a vector space,/? is a seminorm, and A4s given the (vector) topology induced by ρ via d, where d(x, y) = p{x — y). If a semi- norm/? satisfiesp(x) > 0 for all χ Φ 0 it is called a norm\ finally, a complete normed space is called a Banach space, in honor of S. Banach. The function defined on R" in Section 1.2 is a norm, as is the one defined on L[S] in Section 10.3. A function/: X-+ У, with X, У vector spaces, is called linear iff[cta + /?6) = ctf(a) + β/ψ) for all scalars α, β and vectors a, b. A linear functional is a linear map/: X -+ R, and the dwa/ space X' of a topological vector space X is the space of all continuous linear functionals on X. The weak topology w(X') by the collection X' (see Problem 9) is referred to, simply, as the weak topology of X. The weak topology is smaller than the original topology of X. [It is the smallest vector topology which makes all the members of X' continuous.] There is also a natural topology that may be placed on X'. Each xe X defines a linear functional χ on X' by the formula x{f) = f(x) for all /e X'. For any nonempty subset S of X, let S = {x\ xe S}, then S is a set of linear functionals on X' and the weak topology by 5, w(5), for A" is called the weak-star (or wea/c*) topology by S. The weak* topology by X is called simply, the weak* topology.
Sec. 12.4 / Topological Vector Spaces 269 Lemma 12.4.1. A linear functional on a topological vector space is continuous if and only if it is bounded on some neighborhood ofO. If/is continuous,/-*[(—!, 1)] is a neighborhood of 0 and \f\ is less than 1 on it. Conversely, if/is bounded on a neighborhood U of 0, say \f\ < Μ on f/, then/-1 [( — ε, ε)] => (ε/M)U and so/is continuous at 0. By Theorem 12.2.1,/is continuous everywhere. | ^-EXAMPLE 4. Let A" be a seminormed space and denote the value of the seminorm at χ by ||x||. For a real-valued function / on X, let ||/|| be SUP{I/C*)I: IMI ^ Π· Then Lemma 12.4.1 implies that a linear functional/ is continuous if and only if 11/11 < oo. [If||/|| < oo, |/| is bounded on the unit disc, while if/is continuous, it is bounded, say \f(x)\ < M, for χ in some disc, say for ||χ|| < ε. Then if ||jc|| < 1, ||εχ|| < ε and so \f(sx)\ < M. Thus 11/11 < Μ/ε.} If||/|| < oo, we have the useful inequality |/(x)| < ||/|| · ||x|| for all x. [Fix x,/; let t > \\x\\ so that t φ 0. Then ||x/r|| < 1 and so \f(x/t)\ < 11/Ц. Thus|/(x)| < ГЦ/Ц. But Ms arbitrary.] EXAMPLE 5. Let c0 be the Banach space of real null sequences with ||x|| = sup|xj, and let a be a real sequence with Σ \an\ < °°· The equation f(x) = Σ αηχη defines a linear function on c0. It is continuous as \f(x)\ < \\x\\ · ΣΚΙ implies ||/|| <ΣΚΙ· Indeed ||/|| = Σ.Μ- [Fix a positive integer m and let xt = sgn flf for / = 1, 2,. .., m; xl■ = 0 for / > m. Then ||x|| < 1 and fM = ΣΓ=ι Ν- Thus 11/11 > ΣΓ=ι Ы for all т.] The following extension theorem, given by H. Hahn in 1927 and S. Banach in 1929 is one of the foundation stones of functional analysis. For our purposes it yields a sufficient supply of linear functional for a successful duality theory. (See, for example, Corollaries 12.4.2 and 12.4.3.) Theorem 12.4.1 (the Hahn-Banach theorem). Let X be a seminormed space, S a vector subspace, andfe S'. Then f can be extended to F e X' with 11*11 = 11/11. We may assume ||/|| = 1. [If ||/|| = 0 take F = 0; otherwise consider //||/||.] It is sufficient to construct F with || F \\ < 1 since \\F \\ > lis a trivial consequence of the fact that F extends/. Let Ρ = {g: g e A' for some vector subspace A = Ag of X with A zd S, \\g\\ = 1, g = /on S}. It is not empty since/e Ρ; Ρ is made into a poset by the ordering g2 > θ\ means g2 is an extension of gx. Let С be a maximal chain in Ρ and D = (J {Ag:geC.} Dis a vector subspace of X, [let α, β be scalars and x, у e D. Then x, у е Ag for some g e C, hence ax + βγ e Ag a D\ Define F: D —► R by F{x) = g{x) whenever χ e Ag with g e C; Fis well defined since С is a chain; F is linear by the same argument which showed D to be a vector subspace, and \\F\\ < 1.
270 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 [For any x, xe Ag for someg, hence \F(x)\ = \g(x)\ < ||x||.] Thus the proof is concluded by showing that D = X. If possible, let yeX\D. Let и = sup{-F(x) - ||χ + y\\: xeD}, ν = in({-F(x) + ||x + j^||: xeD}. Then и < v. [For any a, be D, F(b) - F(a) = F(b - a) < \\b - a\\ < \\b + y\\ + ||α + j;||andso-F(a) - \\a + >'|| < -F{b) + \\b + у\Ц Now let Dx be the smallest vector subspace of X which includes D and>' [Problem 4], and define Fx on D{ by F{(d + <xy) = F(d) + aw. We shall show that Fl e P. First Fx extends / [it extends F\ Fx is linear [Problem 5], and \\FX\\ < 1. {LetxeDi,x = d+oiy. If α = 0, \Fx(x)\ = \F{d)\ < \\d\\ = ||x||; if α Φ 0, -F(d/a) - \\y + d/a\\ < и < ν < -F(d/a) + || r + c//a||, hence -F{d) - \\oiy + d\\ < ш < -F{d) + ||ay + d\\ (treat α > 0 and α < 0 separately; the result is exactly the same), thus — ||x|| < F(d) + ош < \\x\\ and so ^(x)! < ||x||.] The existence of Fx contradicts the definition of C, for С u [Fx] would be strictly larger. | Corollary 12.4.1. Let Xbe a seminormedspace andxe X with \\x\\ φ 0. Then there exists fe X' with ||/|| = l,/(x) = ||x||. Let 5= {ax:aeR}. Then S is a vector subspace of A". Define /: S—► R by/(αχ) = α||χ||. Then/(x) = ||x||,/is linear and ||/|| = 1. [|/(ax)| = |a| · ||x|| = ||ax||.] The Hahn-Banach theorem yields the result. | Corollary 12.4.2. The weak topology of a normed space X is separated. In view of Theorem 6.3.2 it is sufficient to prove that X' is separating. Let χ Φ у. By Corollary 12.4.1, there exists fe X' with f(x — у) Ф 0. This implies/(χ) Φ f{y). | Corollary 12.4.3. Let X be an infinite-dimensional normed space, and С its unit circumference, С = {χ: \\χ\\ = 1 ]. Then 0 is in the closure of С in the weak topology. Let U be a neighborhood of 0. Then there exist /1ν/2, ...,/иеГ and ε > 0 with U => Π (l/il < ε)· Letxl5x2,. · -,xn+i be linearly independent and consider the «equations in η + 1 unknownsa!^,. . .,a„ + 1: Σ"ί Ι./ΐί·*,·)^ = 0. This has a solution in which not all a,- are 0. Let χ = Σ αΛ^ ν = */||x||. Then yeCnU. [For each /, |/,(x)| = | ΣΜ*Χ\ = 0 < ε.] | Corollary 12.4.4. For an infinite-dimensional normed space, the norm and weak topologies are different. This follows from Corollary 12.4.3, since С is norm closed. | The next Example shows how a topological restriction leads to an algebraic conclusion. It also hints at the value of having sufficiently many continuous linear functionals.
Sec. 12.4 / Topological Vector Spaces 271 EXAMPLE 6. A locally compact normed space is finite dimensional. The unit disc is compact since it is closed and included in some multiple of a compact neighborhood of 0. [Say some compact neighborhood К of 0 includes Z)(0,c); then D(0, 1) = (l/c)Z)(0,c) с Κ/ε. See Problem 6.] Then the unit circumference С = [χ: \\x \\ = 1} is compact since it is a closed subset of D(0, 1). Thus С is compact in the weak topology since it is smaller than the norm topology [Theorem 5.4.4], thus С is closed in the weak topology [Corollary 12.4.2; Theorem 5.4.5]. The result follows from Corollary 12.4.3. | The following basic result was given for separable spaces by S. Banach, before 1932. It was extended in 1940 by L. Alaoglu. Theorem 12.4.2 (the Banach-Alaoglu theorem). Let X be a seminormed space and Η = [fe X'\ \\f\\ < 1}. With the weak* topology Η is a compact Hausdorff' space. Let Υ = Π {[-ΙΜΙ, WxU'.xeX}', Г is the product of a family of closed intervals of real numbers. It is, of course, compact, by TychonofTs theorem, and a Hausdorff space; the proof is concluded by showing that Я is a closed subspace of У. First, Η a Y{fe tf implies that/: X-+ Rand |/(x)| < ||x|| for each χ by Example 4], Я is a topological subspace of Υ since they both have the weak topology by all the maps/—» f(x) as χ ranges over X. (These are the projections from К onto the factor spaces [ — ||x||, ||x||].) Finally Η is a closed subspace of Y. [Let/e H. Then/, as a member of У is a real- valued function on X. It remains to show/linear. Fix scalars α, /?, vectors x, y. Let/> be a net in Η converging to/. Then f\cLx + fly) = ΡΛΧ+β}{/) = Нт^+^Л) = Ит/Дох + βγ) = lim α/δ(χ) + β/Ay) = xf(x) + β/iy). Thus/ is linear. Moreover since/e Υ we have/(x) e [— ||x||, ||x||] and so \f{x)\ < ||x|| which implies ||/|| < 1 and/e H.j | The Banach-Alaoglu theorem has many applications. One of these is given in Problems 119, 120. Another is a representation theorem (Corollary 12.4.5) which is a key step in the study of Banach algebras and topological groups. (See [Wilansky (a), Chapter 14]; [Rudin].) A congruence is a linear isometry; and X congruent into Υ means there exists a congruence of X with a subspace of Y. In the next result C(H) is taken to be a normed space with IIa'II =sup{\x(t)\:teH}. It is easily seen to be a Banach space by an application of Theorem 4.2.10.
272 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 Corollary 12.4.5. Every normedspace X is congruent into C(H) where Η is some compact Hausdorff space. The definition of Η is given in the statement of the Banach-Alaoglu theorem. The congruence is χ —► χ | Я. This is clearly a linear map, moreover it is an isometry. [For any /e #, |x(/)| = \f(x)\ < \\x\\, thus \\x\H\\ < \\x\\. Conversely, use Corollary 12.4.1 to choose fe Η with /(*)= ||x||. Then ||x|//|| > |x(/)| = ||x||.] | The procedure for defining a vector topology follows its group analogue with some adjustment because of the extra operation (scalar multiplication.) A set S is called balanced if aS a S for |ex| < 1, and absorbing if for every χ ε X, there exists a number к such that |a| > к implies χ e (xS. Theorem 12.4.3. Let X be a vector space and 3F a collection of subsets of X such that (a) 3F is a filter base, (b) for each U e 37 there exists V e 2F with V + V a £/, (c) every member of ^ is balanced and absorbing\ Then there exists a unique vector topology for X such that &* is a local base for the neighborhoods ofO. The conditions of Theorem 12.1.6 are satisfied as they apply to the additive group of X. [A balanced set is symmetric, and Condition (d) is automatic in a commutative group.] Thus, that theorem yields a unique topology with continuous addition. It remains to show that scalar multiplication is continuous. Fix a vector у and a scalar β. Let U e &*. The various choices now to be made are guided by the identity ax - βγ = α(χ - y) + (a - β)γ. (12.4.1) Let m be a positive integer such that 2m > \β\ + 1, and choose Ve^ with 2Tc £/. [Choose Vxe& with Vx + Vx a U. Then 2VX cz Vx + Vl a U. Choose V2e^ with V2 + V2 a Vv Then 22V2 с 2(F2 + V2) a 2V{ a U. Similarly V3 + V3 a V2 implies 23V3 ^ U and so on.] Choose We ^ with W + W a V. Since W is absorbing у е kW for some number/: > 1. The proof of continuity is concluded by showing that if 0 < ε < 1/A:, then |α — β\ < ε, χ — у е W imply ax — βγ e U. This follows from Equation (12.4.1), because <x(x - y) e olW с 2mW, [|α| < \β\ + 1 < 2m, hence а2"тИ^ с Щ, (a - β)γ e zkW a W a 2mW, and so by (12.4.1), (xx - βγ e 2mW + 2mW a 2mV a £/. | We now present a form of the famous Uniform Boundedness Principle and two applications, Example 7 and Problem 121. A development of this principle and its place in functional analysis may be found in such texts as [Wilansky (a)] and [Kelley and Namioka].
Sec. 12.4 / Topological Vector Spaces 273 Theorem 12.4.4. Let {fn} be a sequence of continuous linear junctionals on a Banach space X. If{fn(x)} is bounded for each χ e X, then {|| /J} is bounded. For each η = 1, 2,.. ., let Bn = {x e X: \fm(x)\ < η for all m). Each Bn is closed [it is an intersection of closed sets], and X = \J Bn. By Theorem 9.3.5, there exists η such that Bn has interior, say D(y, ε) с Bn. For any χ with ||x|| < 1, let ζ = у + ex. Then ζ e D(y, ε) and so, for every m, \fm(z)\ < n. Then I/-WI = (1/δ)ΙΛ.ω -fm(y)\ < (η/ε) + (l/8) sup\ fr(y)\ = M, r say. Thus ||/J| < Μ for all m. | The following application, which also has an easy direct proof, is given to illustrate the use of the uniform boundedness principle. EXAMPLE 7. A classical resonance theorem. Suppose that {an} is a sequence of real numbers such that Σ αηχη '"■* convergent whenever χ is a null sequence. Then Σ \an\ < oo. (It follows that χ —► Σ αηχη ^s continuous; see Example 5.) The reason for the term "resonance" is that if Σ №n\ = oo, there is "resonance" at some point x; that is Stt diverges. To prove the result, for m = 1, 2,. .., let fm(x) = Σ™=ι αηχη· ^s ш Example 5, ll/JI = Σπ=ι kl and it follows from Theorem 12.4.4 that {||/m||} is bounded. Hence Σ \an\ < °°· Problems In this list X is a topological vector space. 1. A topological vector space is completely regular, and is T3± if and only if {0} is closed [Theorem 12.1.4]. 2. The indiscrete topology is always a vector topology. [Take F = {X} in Theorem 12.4.3.] 3. In an attempt to obtain the discrete topology, take 3* = {0} in Theorem 12.4.3. Which parts of the hypotheses fail? 4. LetS be a vector subspace of a vector space L, and let χ e L\S. Show that {s + ax: s e S, a e R} is the smallest vector subspace of L which includes S and x. It is called the span ofS and x. Show also that the representation is unique in the sense that if s + ax = s' + ol'x, then s = s', a = a'. [If α φ α', χ = (s — s')/(a' — a) e S.} 5. With x, L, S as in Problem 4, let/be a linear functional on S, and и e R. Define F on the span of S and χ by F{s + ax) = f(s) + au. Show that 7ms linear. 6. Multiplication by a nonzero scalar is a homeomorphism of X onto itself. l_x —► αχ has inverse χ —► χ/α.]
274 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 7. For α e R, A a X, aA a aA. [For α φ 0, they are equal, by Problem 6.] 8. The closure of a vector subspace of X is a vector subspace. [Imitate Sec. 12.1, Problem 23; using Problem 7.] ^-9. The sup of vector topologies is a vector topology. [Imitate Sec. 12.1, Example 4.] State and prove the same for weak topologies by linear maps and product topologies. [Sec. 12.1, Examples 5 and 6.] 10. Let/: X-+ У be linear and onto. Show that the quotient topology for У is a vector topology and has a local base of neighborhoods of 0 consisting of {U: U is balanced and/_1[£/] is a neighborhood of 0 in X}. Obtain analogues of Theorems 12.3.1, 12.3.2, and 12.3.3. 11. Let (X, p) be a semimetric vector space, where ρ is a paranorm, and S a vector subspace. Show that X/S is semimetrizable with paranorm /?, given by h{x + S) = rf(0, χ + S) [Sec. 12.3, Problem 13]; and it is complete if A4s [Theorem 12.3.5]. ^-12. Every neighborhood of 0 is absorbing, [x/n —► 0 for each x.J 13. Let A" be a seminormed space, S a closed vector subspace and χ φ S. Show that there exists feX' with /= 0 on S,f(x) = 1. [Define f(s + ax) = a. For s e S, α φ 0, we have d(x, S) < \\x - (-s/a)\\ = \\s + ox||/|/(j + ocx)\. Hence 11/11 < \/d(x, S). By the Hahn-Banach theorem, / may be extended to all of X.J 14. The weak* topology for X' by S is separated if S is dense in X [Theorem 6.3.2]. For a seminormed space X, the weak* topology by S is separated if and only if the span of S is dense. 15. If A" is a seminormed space, the seminorm and weak topologies have the same closed vector subspaces. [Let S be a seminorm-closed vector subspace and χφΞ. Choose / as in Problem 13. Then (/< \) is weakly closed and χ φ (/ < \) =5 S. Thus χ is not in the weak closure of S and so S is weakly closed.] Compare Corollary 12.4.4 which shows that they may not have the same closed subsets. 16. A set S is called bounded if for every neighborhood U of 0, S a tUiov some scalar /. Show that S is bounded if and only if whenever [sn] is a sequence in S and {tn} is a null sequence of scalars, tnsn —► 0. 101. A topological vector space need not be normal. [Problem 9; Sec. 12.1, Problem 122.] 102. Let A" be a seminormed space. Then X', with the weak* topology is σ-compact, Lindelof, normal. [It is 1J nH with Η as in the Banach- Alaoglu theorem. Also Sec. 8.1, Problem 10; Theorem 5.3.5.] 103. Every Tychonoff space X is homeomorphic into the dual of some Banach space with its weak* topology. Compare Sec. 13.4, Problem
Sec. 12.4 / Topological Vector Spaces 275 109. [Let Υ = C*(X). The map jc-> χ where x(f) = f(x) for all fe Scarries Xto Y' since ||*|| = sup{|*(/)|:/6 У, ||/|| < 1} = sup{|/(x)|:/e Y9 \f(x)\ < 1}. This map is a homeomorphism when Y' has the weak* topology, by a slight modification of Theorem 8.2.1.] 104. Let /be a linear functional on X. Then/is continuous if and only if f1 is closed. [If/is not continuous and χ e X, let U be any balanced neighborhood of 0;/[f/] = R by Lemma 12.4.1. The result follows by Sec. 12.2, Problem 111.] 105. Problem 104 is false for group characters. [Sec. 12.2, Example 2; consider exp(m/) with/an automorphism of R.] 106. A one-dimensional separated topological vector space X is linearly homeomorphic with R. (That is, there is a linear homeomorphism from X onto R.) [Fix χ Φ 0. Let/: ЛГ-> R be/(αχ) = α. Then/-1 is continuous by definition of topological vector space;/is continuous by Problem 104.] 107. R has only two possible vector topologies, Euclidean and indiscrete. [The dimension of {0} is 0 or 1; see Problems 8 and 106.] 108. Deduce from Problem 106 that the discrete topology is not a vector topology. [A one-dimensional subspace would not be R.] 109. Every topological vector space is connected. [Every point χ lies in the set Sx = {(xx: 0 < α < 1} which is connected since it is a continuous image of [0, 1] under the map α —► ax (Theorem 5.2.2). The result follows from Theorem 5.2.1.] 110. A proper vector subspace S cannot be absorbing. {S= U{nS:n = 1,2,...}.] (That it cannot have interior follows from Problems 12 and 109; and Sec. 12.1, Problem 113. This is false for groups [Sec. 12.3, Example 1].) 111. A vector subspace of a vector space L is called maximal if it is a proper subspace and maximal among proper subspaces. These are equivalent: S is a maximal subspace of L; there exists χ φ S with L = span of S and x; L = span of S and χ for every χ φ S; L/S is one-dimensional; S = f1 for some linear functional / on L. Show also that f1 is a maximal subspace for each linear functional/ φ 0. 112. A maximal subspace of X is either closed or dense [Problem 8]. (Compare the hint for Problem 104.) 113. Let S be a vector subspace of a seminormed space X such that S + УУ(0, r) =) УУ(0, 1) for some r < 1. Show that S is dense in X. [By an easy induction, N(0, 1) с S + rnN(0, r), using 7V(0, r) = rjV(0, 1). By Theorem 12.1.3, W(0, 1) с S. By Problems 8 and 110, S = X.]
276 Topological Groups / Ch. 12 114. If a seminormed space has a totally bounded neighborhood of 0, it has a dense finite-dimensional subspace. [Say 7V(0, 1) is totally bounded. Then 7V(0, 1) с F + N(0, \) for some finite F. Apply Problem 113 with S = span F.J It need not be finite dimensional. [Indiscrete.] Compare Example 6. 115. In Corollary 12.4.3, the weak closure of С is {x: \\x\\ < 1}. 116. Let A" be a seminormed space, Η the unit disc in X\ (see the Banach- Alaoglu theorem), and S a dense subset of X. Show that on Η the weak* topology is equal to the weak* topology by S [Problem 14; Theorem 5.4.10]. In particular, if X is separable, (#, weak*) is a compact metric space [Theorem 6.3.4]. 117. A separable normed space is congruent into C(#), where Η is some compact metric space [Corollary 12.4.5; Problem 116]. (Actually we can make Η = [0, 1]. See [Banach, p. 185, Theorem 9].) 118. With A", Sas in Problem 116 let {/„} be a sequence of linear functionals on X with {||/J} bounded. Then if/„(s) —► 0 for all s e S it follows that/„(x) —► 0 for all χ e X. [Assume ||/J < 1 for all η and apply Problem 116.] 119. If {xn} is a sequence of real numbers with xn —► b, it follows that О/и) ΣΣ = ι xk ~> b. [Apply Problem 118. TakeA" = all real sequences x = {χη} with xn—► 0, S = {xe X: xn = 0eventually}, ||x|| = sup \xn\, fn{x) = (\/n) ΣΣ = ι xk- This yields the result for b = 0. In general consider {xn — b}.J 120. Let A = (ank) be a real infinite matrix satisfying the famous Silverman-Toeplitz conditions: lim,,^^ ank = ak exists for each k, limn-oo Σί°=ι ank = * ^^ts, and supn Σ?=ι \aj < °°- Show that if x = {χπ} is a sequence of real numbers with xn —► b it follows that lim„ ΣΓ=ι ankxk = tb + Σ akxk- [Apply Problem 118; with the same X, S as in Problem 119; let/„(x) = Σ я„Л·] 121. If Σ вкхк ls convergent for all χ such that Σ 1**1 < °°> show by the method of Example 7 that χ is bounded. 122. A linear map from any topological vector space onto a Banach space is almost open. [1J {nf[N~\: η = 1, 2,...} is the whole range space for every neighborhood TV of 0. Thus some nf[N~\, hence/[TV] itself, is somewhere dense, by Theorem 9.3.2.] 123. A continuous linear one-to-one map from any Banach space onto another is a homeomorphism [Problem 122; Sec. 9.1, Problem 118]. 124. Two comparable complete norms must be equivalent [Problem 123]. 125. " One-to-one " may be dropped in Problem 123 if "a homeomorphism " is replaced by "an open map." [Write/: X'—► Υ as g о h, where A: X-+X/S, g\ X/S-+ Y, S = f±. Use Theorems 12.3.4 and 12.3.5.] 126. A linear map with closed graph from one Banach space to another is
Sec. 12.4 / Topological Vector Spaces 277 continuous. [The graph G is a Banach space;/ = P2° P\ \ where Pl9 P2 are projections from G; Ργ is a homeomorphism by Problem 123.] 201. The dual of a Banach space with its weak* topology is hemicompact. (Compare Problem 102), and "Banach" cannot be replaced by "normed". [See [Wilansky (a), Sec. 13.5, Problems 12, 13, and 14].] 202. If A" has a local base of convex neighborhoods of 0, the two definitions of boundedness given in Problem 16 and Sec. 11.3, Problem 203 coincide. They do not coincide in general. [See [Wilansky (a), Sec. 10.3, Problem 21].] 203. Let A"be an infinite-dimensional second category space. ThenA'hasa maximal subspace which is of second category in X. [Let Η u {xn} be a Hamel base and Sn the span of Η u {xl9 x2,. .., xn}. Then χ = |J Sn so some Sn e cat II.] 204. On every infinite-dimensional second category space, there is defined a discontinuous linear functional [Problem 104 and 203]. 205. Let X be an infinite-dimensional vector space and Τ the largest vector topology, namely Τ = \J Φ, where Φ is the family of all vector topologies for A". (See Problem 9.) Show that (Τ, Γ) is of first category. [By Problem 204, since the weak topology by any linear functional belongs to Φ.]
Function Spaces Eg 13.1 The Compact Open Topology One of the most important early applications of abstract analysis to classical analysis was a key step in the proof of the Riemann mapping theorem in which the existence of a function solving a certain minimum problem is asserted. A real-valued function h is defined on a set S of functions and a function/ e S is sought with h{f) = mm{h(g): g e S}. One way to do this is to topologize S in such a way that it is compact and h is continuous. The existence of/e S minimizing h is then assured by Theorem 5.4.4. \h[S~\ is a compact subset of R.] It is also sufficient that h be lower semicontinuous [Sec. 5.4, Problem 107]. For a discussion of this point see [Courant, pp. 23, 24]. Topologies are placed on function spaces for several purposes. As just mentioned, if a compact topology can be introduced, certain problems of analysis can be solved. In Section 13.2 topologies will be discussed whose convergence is of some required form. In this section we shall consider topologies on function spaces which make f(x) a continuous function of both/and χ (jointly). The main result is Theorem 13.1.1. Let У be a topological space, X a set and F a Yx. Thus F is a certain family of functions from X to Y. Let Φ be a collection of subsets of X. We assume that F and Φ are not empty. For S e Φ and G a K, let [S,G] = j/eF:/[S]cC) = П {{fe F:f(s)e G): s e S] 278
Sec. 13.1 / The Compact Open Topology 279 where Ps: Υx -> Г is the projection Ps(f) = f(s). Since IJ {[S, G]: Se Ф, G an open set in Y) = F, [[S, У] = F], the collection of all [S, G] with S e Ф, G an open set in K, is a subbase for a unique topology for F which will be called the Φ 0/?ew topology. ^-EXAMPLE 1. Let Φ be the set of all singletons in X, (equivalently, by Problem 1, the set of all finite subsets of X). Then the Φ open topology is the product topology. [Let / be a net in F, and fe F. By Theorem 6.4.1, it will suffice to show that fb —► /in the Φ open topology if and only if/(*) —► f{x) for each χ e X. Suppose first that fb ->/,χε Χ, and that G is an open neighborhood off(x). Then/5 e [{*}, G] eventually since the latter is а Ф open set containing/ Thus/5(x) e G eventually and sofd(x) —► f(x). Conversely, iffs(x) —► f(x) for all xe X, let U be a neighborhood of/. Then, by definition of the Φ open topology and subbase, U includes a finite intersection of sets, each of which is of the form [{*}, G] and each of which contains/; for each such set fs(x) g G eventually; that is, fd e [{*}, G] eventually. Hence/5 e f/ eventually by Lemma З.4.1.] The special case of the Φ open topology in which A4s a topological space and Φ is the collection of compact subsets of X is called the compact open topology. It was introduced by R. H. Fox in 1945 and R. F. Arens in 1946 as an aid in the study of continuous convergence and joint continuity. (See the definitions following Example 2.) EXAMPLE 2. Suppose that A4s discrete. Then the compact open topology is equal to the product topology. [A set is compact if and only if it is finite. The result follows by Example 1.] As pointed out in Problem 4, the compact open topology is always larger than the product topology. Let ^ be a topological space and S <= X\ a net/5 of functions: X-+ Υ is said to converge continuously on S to a function/if, for each net χδ in S with xs—>xe S, it follows tha.tfs(xd) —► f(x). (Note that both nets are defined on the same directed set.) A topology Γ for F cz Yx is called jointly continuous on α subset S of X if, whenever/,/g Fand/5—>/in Г, it follows that/ —► / continuously on S. Thus Τ is jointly continuous on S if and only if the map (f x) —► f(x) from F χ S —► Υ is continuous when F has the topology T. [If Τ is jointly continuous, let ub be a net in F χ S with us—>u; say ud = (/, χδ), и = (/ χ). Then/ —►/and χδ —► χ since the projections of F χ S on F, S are continuous. Hence fd{xd) —► f{x). Conversely, if the map (/ x) —► f{x) is continuous, let/, χδ be nets in F, S, with/ —► /, ^ —► *. Then/X^)—►/(*) by hypothesis; in other words, /5 —► / continuously.] To avoid excessive symbolism we shall designate this map as the joint map; thus the joint map from F χ S to Υ is the map (/, x) —► /(*), and a topology Τ for F is jointly
280 Function Spaces / Ch. 13 continuous on S if and only if the joint map from F χ S to Υ is continuous when F has the topology T. Lemma 13.1.1. Let F be a set of continuous maps: X ^> Y. Then the compact open topology for F is jointly continuous on all locally compact sets in X. Let S be a locally compact subspace of X. Let (g, s) e F χ S and let G be an open neighborhood of g(s) in Y. We must find a neighborhood of (g, s) which the joint map carries into G. Since # is continuous and S is locally compact, s has a compact neighborhood N с S with #[N] с G. (Note: N is a neighborhood of s in the relative topology of S.) Let f/ = [TV, G] χ N. Then f/ is an open set in F χ S when F has the compact open topology; it contains (g, s); and U is mapped into G by the joint map. [Let (/, x) e U. Then f(x) e G since/e [TV, G], and xeJV.j | Lemma 13.1.2. Let Fbea set of continuous maps: X —► Y. Then any topology for F which is jointly continuous on all compact sets in X is larger than the compact open topology. (A proof with nets is outlined in Problem 101.) Let Γ be a topology for F which is jointly continuous on all compact sets in X, and let $F be a filter in F which converges in the topology Τ to/e F. Let U = \_K, G] be a subbasic open neighborhood of /in the compact open topology of F. The proof is concluded by showing that U e &*. [This will imply that $F —►/ in the compact open topology.] We first show that for each xe K, there exists a neighborhood Nx of χ in К with [Л^, G] e !F. [Let N be the neighborhood filter of χ in A^. Since !F —► /in (F, Г), and N —► χ in A^, and since Γ is jointly continuous on K, we have &(N) —►/(*) so that G includes some member of &(N\ say Л(ЛУ = {u(t)\ ueA,te Nx}, Ae^. Since A(NX) a G this means A a \_NX, G].] Reduce the cover {iVrie^} to a finite cover (#!, N2,.. ., N„) of K. Each [Nf, G] e ^ hence £/= [jf,G] = Π {[^t.,G]:/= l,2,...,n}e#". I Lemmas 13.1.1 and 13.1.2 may be put together in any topological space all of whose compact subsets are locally compact. All regular spaces and all Hausdorff spaces have this property [Theorem 5.4.11]. Theorem 13.1.1. Let X be a topological space of the type mentioned in the preceding lines. Let F be a set of continuous functions from X to a topological space Y. The compact open topology for F is the smallest topology for F which is jointly continuous on all compact sets in X, and it is also the smallest topology for F which is jointly continuous on all locally compact sets in X. Any topology which is jointly continuous on all locally compact sets is also jointly continuous on all compact sets [they are locally compact]; thus
Sec. 13.1 / The Compact Open Topology 281 Lemma 13.1.2 may be applied with Lemma 13.1.1, to get the second statement. The first statement follows similarly, applying Lemma 13.1.1. | Corollary 13.1.1. If X is a locally compact regular space, and F is a set of continuous functions from X to a topological space У, the compact open topology is the smallest topology for F which is jointly continuous on X. The situation without local compactness is described in Problem 112. We now give a result concerning the metrizability of the compact open topology. It appears in final form, with some discussion, as Theorem 13.2.4. Lemma 13.1.3. Let X be а Туchonoff space such that the compact open topology for C(X) is metrizable. Then X is hemicompact. Let d be a metric for the topology. Let Un = {fe C{X)\ d{f 0) < \/n} (or η = 1,2,.... Here 0 stands for the identically 0 function. For each n, there exists a compact set Kn and εη > 0 such that Un => \_Kn, 7VJ, where Nn = (-ε„, ε„) a R. [f/„ is a neighborhood of 0, hence, by definition of the compact open topology, it includes Π {\_At, GJ: i = 1,2,...,/:} for certain compact sets A{, and open sets Gt in R such that Oefi [\4f, GJ; that is 0 e Gt for each /. Let Kn = (J {А(: i = 1, 2,. . ., A:}, and ( — ε„, ε„) c Π {Gf: / = 1,2,...,/:}.] The proof is concluded by showing that {Kn} is a cobase for the compact sets. Let К be a compact subset of X. Then [A^, (— 1, 1)] is a neighborhood of 0, hence includes Un for some n. Then К a Kn. [If not, let fe C{X) with / = 0 on KnJ{k) = 1 for some к е К. Then/e £/яьт/^[л:,(-i,i)].] I Problems In this list У is a topological space, X a set, F а Ух, and Φ is a collection of subsets of X, all nonempty. When the compact open topology is mentioned, A" is a topological space. 1. Let Oj be the collection of all finite unions of members of Φ. Then the Oj open topology is equal to the Φ open topology. [Half is trivial. Conversely if [S, G] is a Oj open set, [S, G] = О [Sf, G] where S = (J S^ so that [S, G] is Φ open.] 2. Lemma 13.1.1 holds with "locally compact set" replaced by "set in which each point has a compact (relative) neighborhood." (See Sec. 8.1, Problem 126.) 3. Every topology is a Φ open topology. [Take X = singleton. Then F= Y.J Jr4. If Φ contains every singleton, the Φ open topology is larger than the product topology, hence is Tx or T2 if Υ is. 5. If Φ contains every singleton, [S, #] is closed for every S еФ and
282 Function Spaces / Ch. 13 closed Η a Y. [It is Π {[{*}, Я]: J e S}. Each [{*}, Я] = P;l{H~\ is closed in the product topology; now see Problem 4.] ^-6. Any topology larger than a jointly continuous topology is itself jointly continuous. 101. Write out this proof of Lemma 13.1.2. Let fs—>f in Г, where Г is jointly continuous. \ΐ f6-f* f in the compact open topology, there exists compact К in Хъпа open G in Υ with/ e [A^, G] and/j φ IK, G] frequently. Let/a be a subnet with /a φ [Λ^, G]. So there exists xx in A^ with/a(xa) <£ G. Let x^ be a subnet with χβ^> χ in К [Theorem 7.1.4 and Sec. 7.1, Problem 207]. Τ\\εη/β(χβ) —► /(χ) contradicting/(x) e G. 102. Let Φ = {A'}. Show that Δ is dense in the Φ open topology, where Δ is the set of constant functions, Δ = {f:f(x) = f(x')fora\lx,x'eX}. 103. Let Oj be the set of all subsets of members of Φ. Show that the Φχ open topology is larger than the Φ open topology, and may be strictly larger. [With Φ as in Problem 102, Δ is not dense in the Фг open topology since the latter is larger than the product topology.] 104. Give an example in which Фг refines Φ and the Φχ and Φ open topologies are not comparable. [Φ = [Χ},Φ1 = all singletons. See Problem 103.] 105. The compact open topology need not be normal if Υ is. [Example 2; Sec. 6.7, Problem 203. У may be R or even a discrete space. Or A'may be a discrete space with two points; see Sec. 6.7, Example 3.] 106. The compact open topology need not be first or second countable if Υ is. [See the hint for Problem 105.] 107. If A4s pseudofinite, the compact open topology is equal to the product topology. 108. Suppose that Φ contains every singleton, and that for every /e F, £еФ, and open G in Υ such that/[»S] с G, there exists a closed neighborhood Η of/[S] with Η a G. Show that the Φ open topology is regular. [If/e [S, G], then/e [S, Я] a [S, G]; apply Problem 5.] 109. Suppose that У is regular and that all the members of Fare continuous. Show that the compact open topology is regular [Problem 108; Theorem 5.4.6]. See Sec. 13.2, Problem 112. 110. For/eF,G а У, let F(/,G) = [/_1[G], G]. Show that the topology Г with subbase {F(/, G): fe F, G open in Y) is jointly continuous on X. [Clearly F(/, G) maps into G under the joint map.] 111. Let X be regular and let 0 be an open cover of X. Let Τ be the topology with subbase {[S, G]: S is a closed set in X which is included in one of the sets of 0; G open in Y.} Show that Τ is jointly continuous on X. [For χ ε X,fe F, say xe A eO. Let G be open in Y. Choose a closed neighborhood Soix such that S ^/_1[G] η Λ. Then [S, G] χ Sis a neighborhood of (/, x) which maps into G under the joint map.]
Sec. 13.2 / Topologies of Uniform Convergence 283 112. Let F be the set of all continuous maps from a non-locally-compact Tychonoff space Xinto [0, 1]. Then Fhas no smallest topology which is jointly continuous on X. [Let χ have no compact neighborhood. Let V be a jointly continuous topology. Let U be a T' neighborhood of 0 in F, and К a neighborhood of χ in A'such that U χ Κ maps into [0, \) under the joint map. Since К is not compact, A" has an open cover 0 which cannot be reduced to a finite cover of V. Form Fas in Problem 111. ThenF φ Г. To see this, let W = Π {[Sf, GJ: / = 1,2,..., /ι} be a basic F neighborhood of 0. Then Κ φ (J St and so V φ (J St. So there exists/ e F with / = 0 on each St and/(f) = 1 for some ν e V. Then/ e W \ V\ for 0 e Gf for each / since 0e^; and (/, t>) -Д [0, |). Hence V φ W and so K£ F. This result is due to Richard Arens.] 13.2 Topologies of Uniform Convergence Various forms of convergence of sequences of functions arise naturally in classical analysis; examples are pointwise, uniform, and mean convergence, as well as convergence in measure and uniform convergence on the members of certain families of sets. Topological methods are applied by considering function spaces and placing topologies on them whose associated convergence is of the desired form. In this section we consider the classical property: uniform convergence on compact sets; and show that the topology associated with it is the compact open topology. It will be introduced by specialization of topologies of uniform convergence on certain families of sets. Note the close resemblance between the following notations and those given at the beginning of Section 13.1. Let (У, °U) be a uniform space, Xa set, F cz Kx, and Φ a collection of subsets of X which is directed by containment (that is, for S", S" e Φ there exists S еФ with S zd S' u S"). We assume that F and Φ are not empty. For each SеФ and connector f/, let (S, U) = [(/ g) ε F χ F: (/i, gs) e U for all s e S]. It is easy to check Sec. 11.1, Definition 2, to see that ^ = {(S, U)\ £еФ, Ve°U} is a base for a uniformity on F [For example Δ cz (S, U) since (fs,fs) e U for all s; and each (S, U) is symmetric if t/ is. Some other computations are (S\ U') η (S", U") zd (S, U) if S zd S' u S" and U cz U' η U". (This helps check that 31 is a filterbase.) Also (S, U) о (S, £/) с (S, £/ о £/) cz (S, K) if £/ о U cz K.] The uniformity generated by $ is called the uniformity of Φ convergence, and the corresponding topology is called the topology of Φ convergence. They are also called the uniformity {the topology) of uniform convergence on the members ο/Φ. The reason for this name is contained in the following theorem. Theorem 13.2.1. A net fd —► fin the topology of Φ convergence if and only if fb~> f uniformly on each SеФ.
284 Function Spaces / Ch. 1 3 Let/a —► /in the topology of Φ convergence, S e Φ, and let ί/be a connector in Y. Then (/>,/') e (S, U) eventually. This implies the conclusion. Conversely, if/ —► /uniformly on each S e Φ, let G be a neighborhood of/ There exists a basic connector (S, £/)withOS, £/)(/) = {#eF: {fg)e{S, £/)} с G. Since/^ —►/uniformly on S, it follows that (/,/) e (S, U) eventually, and so, eventually,/, g (S, £/)(/) с G. Hence//-/. | It is natural to ask of any given topology for a space of functions if it is jointly continuous in the sense of Section 13.1. Theorem 13.2.2. Assume that X is a topological space, that \J Φ = X and that all members of F are continuous. Then the topology of Φ convergence is jointly continuous on each S еФ. Fix g e F, 5еФ, and seS. Let G be a neighborhood of g{s); then G => U(gs) for some connector U. Let К be a symmetric connector with К о V a U. Let Ns be a relative neighborhood of s in S such that #[NJ с V(gs). [g is continuous.] Let N, = (S, V)(g) = {heF: (g, h) e (S, F)}. Then TV is a neighborhood of g since (S, K) is a connector in the uniformity of Φ convergence. The proof is concluded by showing that Ng χ Ns maps into G under the joint map. [Let (/ x) e Ng χ Ns. Then (#,/) g (S, K) so that (gx,fx) e K; also (gx,gs) e К by definition of Ns. Putting these together yields (fx, gs) e V о V a U, hence/(x) e U{gs) a G.J | Theorem 13.2.3. Let X be a topological space. Let F be a set of continuous functions from X to a uniform space Y. Then, on F, the topology Tu of uniform convergence on compact sets is equal to the compact open topology Tk. First Tu => Tk by Theorem 13.2.2, and Lemma 13.1.2. To prove the converse, let/e Fand let TV be a Tu neighborhood of/ Then TV => {K, £/)(/) = {g e F: (/ g) e (K, U)} for some compact set K, and connector U in Y. Let К be a symmetric closed connector with У о у о у ^ и [Theorem 11.1.6]. Now {V(fx)1: χ ε Κ} is an open cover of/[/T|, which is compact, [/is continuous.] It may be reduced to a finite cover {V(fXj)l:j = 1, 2,..., n}. For j = 1, 2,.. ., л, let G,- = [Ко К(/с;)Т and let Kj = Κ η/_1[Κ(/^)] for у = 1, 2,. .., п. Each Kj is compact since/is continuous, and К is a closed connector. Thus for each/ [Л^, G7] is a Fk neighborhood of/, and the proof is concluded by showing that TV ^ Π {[Λ^, Gy]: у = 1,2,...,«}. Let £ e IK j, G,.] for all/ and let к e K. Then к e K} for some./ [/(A:) e K(/c,) for some/], and so /(A:) e V(fxj) by definition of Л/ Thus/(χ,·) e V{fk). But also^JeGy с Ко K(/c,)and so#(£) g Ко Ко К(Д) c U(fk). This says that (Д, gk) e U for all к e K\ in other words, (/ g) e [/£, £/]. Hence ge(K,U)(f)^N. |
Sec, 13,2 / Topologies of Uniform Convergence 285 The following Example shows that the topology of Υ is not sufficient to determine the topology of Φ convergence. It is entirely expected that the uniformity of Φ convergence will depend on the uniformity of Υ; less expected that equivalent uniformities for Υ can induce nonequivalent uniformities of Φ convergence; that is, different topologies of Φ convergence. Since the Φ open topology depends only on the topology of У, this shows easily that the Φ open topology and the topology of Φ convergence can be different. (See Problem 2.) These facts lend more interest to Theorems 13.2.2 and 13.2.3, which show that under certain conditions, the uniformity chosen for the topology of Υ is irrelevant. EXAMPLE 1. Let Υ = R, X = [0, oo), F = Yx. Let d^y, z) = \y-z\9 d2(y9 z) = \y/(\ + \y\)- z/(l + |z|)|. Thus dl induces the Euclidean uniformity, d2 induces an equivalent uniformity [Sec. 11.1, Example 2]. Let/(x) = x, f„(x) = x(l + l/л). Then fn —►/uniformly onXwhen Yhasd2; \d2{jnx,fx) = x/(\ + x)(n + nx + x) < \jn for all x]; but not when Yhasdl9 \d^fnx9fx) = x/rij. Hencewith^ = {X}, the topology of Φ convergence is different, depending on whether Υ has dx or d2, even though these are equivalent metrics. It is interesting to compare properties of C(X) with those of X. See for example Sec. 5.2, Problem 112; Sec. 8.6, Problem 108. The treatise [Gillman and Jerison] is devoted to C{X) as a ring. A study of C(X) as a topological vector space, and the pairing of properties of A" with those of C{X) is given in [Warner]. These results are included in the Tables in the Appendix. Lemma 13.2.1. Let X be hemicompact. Then C{X) with the compact open topology is metrizable. By Theorem 13.2.3, and Theorem 11.5.1, it is sufficient to show that the uniformity of compact convergence has a countable base. It is automatically separated [Sec. 13.1, Problem 4]. Let {A^„} be a cobase for the compact sets οϊΧ. Let^ = {(Kn,Nm)\n,m = 1, 2,.. .}, where 7Vm = {(x,y):\x - y\ < \/m). Then $ is countable, consists of connectors for the uniformity of compact convergence, and is a base for that uniformity [(K, V) => (Kn, Nm) as soon as К ^ Kn, V => NmJ. | The converse of Lemma 13.2.1 should not be expected to hold since it requires information about X from knowledge of C(X) without any concessions from X sufficient to ensure that C(X) is large enough to yield such information. An explicit counterexample is given in Problem 111. Theorem 13.2.4. Let X be a Tychonoff space. Then the compact open topology for C(X) is metrizable if and only ifX is hemicompact.
286 Function Spaces / Ch, 13 This is Lemma 13.2.1 and Lemma 13.1.3. | EXAM PLE 2. The difference between pointwise and uniform convergence is intimately related to a property which filters fail to have, namely, closure under intersection. Consider the uniformity 41 of uniform convergence on X, and Ρ the product uniformity, for Yx. A subbasic Ρ connector is of the form (x, U) with χ ε Χ and U a connector for Y. Since (x, U) => (X, U) we have Ρ a °U. But the converse fails; that is, (X, U) may not be a Pconnector even though (X, U) = Π {(χ, U): χ e X} just because the filter Ρ may not be closed under arbitrary intersection. If A" is finite we have the trivial result that 41 = P. Ρrob I ems In this list, X, Y, F, Φ have the meanings given at the beginning of the section, except that A" is a topological space when appropriate. 1. In Theorem 13.2.2, it is sufficient to assume about F that for each fe F, and S e Φ,/| S is continuous. [The same proof.] 2. In Example 1, the Φ open topology is equal to Φ convergence when Υ has the Euclidean metric dl, but not when Υ has d2. 3. Suppose Φ refines Φ^ Show that the uniformity of Φ! convergence is larger than that of Φ convergence. [(S, U) n> (Su U) if S a S^J Compare Sec. 13.1, Problem 104. 4. If Φ j is a cobase for Φ, the uniformities of Φ and Φ! convergence are equal [Problem 3]. 5. If (J Φ = A"and У is separated, then the uniformity of Φ convergence is separated. [If/ Φ g,f{x) φ g(x) for some x, and {f\ g) φ (S, U) if jce^and (/jc, gx) φ U.J ^ 6. If the members of F are continuous, it is sufficient in Problem 5 to assume 1J Φ dense in X, and Υ separated. [Same proof.] 7. In Theorem 13.2.3, if X is compact, the compact open topology is equal to the topology of uniform convergence on X. 101. Let/, K, U have the meanings given in the proof of Theorem 13.2.3, and let Μ = IK, U(flK])l Show that geM,keK imply g(k) e £/(/[«]). Why is this not sufficient to imply that Μ α Ν and hence Tu a Tkl 102. Suppose that for each/e F, and S e Φ, every neighborhood of/[»S] is a uniform neighborhood. Then the topology of Φ convergence is larger than the Φ open topology. [If [S, G] is a subbasic neighborhood of/in the Φ open topology, £/(/[£]) <= G for some connector U. Hence [S, G] => (S, £/)(/).] 103. Deduce the first half of Theorem 13.2.3 (Tu => Tk) from Problem 102 and Sec. 11.1, Problem 105.
Sec, 13.2 / Topologies of Uniform Convergence 287 104. Let К be a commutative topological group, and F a subgroup of Yx. Show that the topology of Φ convergence is a group topology. [In Theorem 12.1.6, take 3F to be {[£, t/]: S e Φ, U a symmetric neighborhood of e in Y. The uniformity of the topological group Fhas as base, all sets of the form {(/; g):f~ xg e [S, £/]} = (S, £/L), where £/L is the connector L-associated with U. This is Φ convergence.] 105. Let К be a topological vector space and F a vector subspace of Yx such that for every/e Fand S e Ф,/[5] is a bounded set in У. Show that the topology of Φ convergence is a vector topology. [Apply Theorem 12.4.3 as in Problem 104. The assumption implies that each member of 3F is absorbing.] 106. The topology of uniform convergence on R is not a vector topology for RR. [x/n does not converge uniformly to 0, hence multiplication is not continuous.] 107. Let S a Xand g: C(X) -> C(S) be given by g(f) =f\S. Show that g is continuous when both C{X), C{S) have the compact open topology. [It is easy to apply Theorem 13.2.1.] 108. Let S be a closed subset of a Tychonoff space X and define g as in Problem 107. Then g is an open map onto its range Ε = g[C{X)~]. [Let U = [tf, /] for compact К a X and / = (-1, 1) с R. If Κ φ S and he E, h = g(f), let w = 0 on К, и = 1 on S, ν = и of. Thence U'anag{v) = h. So ^[£7] = E. If Я meets S, let Я = ^n5. For /ζ e [Я, /] η Ε, /ζ = ^(/), let и = 0 on (|/| > 1) η A:, w = 1 on S, 0 < u(x) < 1 for all xe A" (using Sec. 8.3, Problem 5), ν = и °f. Then ν g Ua.ndg(v) = h. So#[(7] => [Я, /] η Ε, a neighborhood of 0. By Lemma 12.2.1, g is open.] 109. In Problem 108, Ε is a dense subspace of C(S). [With A e C{S\K a S compact, extend h \ К to ν e C(X) using Corollary 8.5.1. Then g{v) = h on K.] 110. A quotient of a complete topological vector space by a closed vector subspace need not be complete. [Let A" be a nonnormal, Tychonoff к space; for example, the one in Sec. 6.7, Example 3; and S a closed sub- space which is not C-embedded (Sec. 8.5, Problem 102). The map of Problems 106 and 107 is a quotient map by Theorem 6.5.1. Its range is not complete by Problem 109. This result is due to G. Kothe and this example is due to V. Ptak.] 111. Suppose that X has no continuous real functions except constants. (For example, ^indiscrete; or see Sec. 5.2, Example 7.) Show that the compact open topology, the topology of uniform convergence on X, the pointwise topology are all the same, and are given by the metric d(f, 9) = \f(x) — g(x)\ for any χ e X. [If a net of constants converges pointwise, it must converge uniformly on X.J 112. Suppose that Υ is a completely regular topological space and that all
288 Function Spaces / Ch. 1 3 the members of F are continuous. Show that the compact open topology is completely regular. Compare Sec. 13.1, Problem 109 [Theorems 13.2.3; 11.4.5, and 11.5.2]. 113. Let X be the complex plane and F the set of entire functions. The compact open topology is metrizable by Theorem 13.2.4. Show that it is given by the paranorm */) = Σ2~ΊΙ/"-' PU) L\ + ll/IL where ||/||я = max{|/(z)|: \z\ < n} [Theorem 3.5.2]. 201. Let У be a complete uniform space, and X а к space. Show that the set of continuous functions from АЧо У is complete in the uniformity of uniform convergence on compact sets [Sec. 8.1, Problem 120]. 202. Discuss uniform joint continuity. 13.3 Equicontinuity As we have seen, compact sets in topological spaces possess many desirable properties. In function spaces, it is possible to discuss a property, related to compactness, which is called equicontinuity. If the reader thinks of continuity in terms like: "/is continuous if for each ε, there exists a δ (depending on ε and/), such that..." then he will think of equicontinuity of a family F of functions in the same terms, except that the δ chosen will depend on ε and the family F\ that is, one δ will do for all the members of F. Here is the definition. Let Fbea set of functions/: X—> Y, where A" is a topological space and У is a uniform space. Then F is called equicontinuous at χ e X if for each connector U for Y, there exists a neighborhood N of χ such that f[_N~\ a U{fx) for each/e F. Also, F is called equicontinuous if it is equicontinuous at each point of X. Theorem 13.3.2 below shows that an equicontinuous set of functions is sufficiently " small" that certain topologies must coincide. The discussion immediately following Theorem 13.3.1 indicates the kind of conclusion derivable from the assumption of equicontinuity. EXAMPLE 1. For η = 1, 2,. .., define fn\ R^R by fn(x) = nx and gn: R—► R by gn(x) = x/n. Then {gn} is equicontinuous [take δ = ε; then \y - x\ < δ implies \y/n - x/n\ < ε], but {/„} is not. [For any δ > 0 and real*, \ny — nx\ = ε (оту = χ + ε/η; and certainly \y — x\ < δίΐη > ε/δ.} In the following computational lemma, we use the [S, <7] notation introduced at the beginning of Section 13.1. Lemma 13.3.1. Let Υ be a uniform space, Xa set, χ e X, and F a Yx. Let U be a connector for Y, and set Μ = Mx = Π {f~1{_V(fx)']:fe F}, where Vis
Sec. 13.3 / Equicontinuity 289 a connector such that V о V a U. Then for fe F, [{*}, V(fx)~] χ Μ maps into U(fx) under the joint map {from F χ X to Y). Let# e [{*}, V(fx)~], me M. Then#(m) e V{gx) by definition of M\ also g(x) e V{fx) by definition of g. Thus g(m) e V о V{fx) a U{fx). | Let us interpret Lemma 13.3.1 in terms of joint continuity. First, [{*b V(fa)~\ is a neighborhood of/in the pointwise (= product) topology of F\ thus this topology is jointly continuous on a topological space ^providing that Mx (in Lemma 13.3.1) is a neighborhood of χ for each xe X. Now Mx is a neighborhood of χ if and only if Fis equicontinuous at x; hence the following result. Theorem 13.3.1. Let F be an equicontinuous set of functions from a topological space X to a uniform space У, and let Φ be a collection of subsets ofX which contains every singleton. Then the Φ open topology is jointly continuous onX. The preceding discussion shows that the pointwise topology is jointly continuous on X\ a fortiori the Φ open topology is jointly continuous on X [Sec. 13.1, Problems 4 and 6]. | (Theorem 13.3.1 should be compared with Theorem 13.1.1 which asserts in particular, that the compact open topology is jointly continuous on each compact subset of X. The conclusion of Theorem 13.3.1 is better, and is typical of the improved results obtainable in the presence of equicontinuity.) EXAMPLE 2. Define//. R^R for η = 1, 2,. . ., byfn(x) = Oforx < л, 1 for χ > η + 1, and a "straight line," for η < χ < η + 1. Then {/„} is equicontinuous. Now/, —► 0 pointwise, and it follows from Theorem 13.3.1 that fn —► 0 continuously; that is, if {xn} is a convergent sequence in R, EXAMPLE 3. Define/,: R^R by/„(*) = 0 for χ < 0 and for χ > 2/и; fn(\ln) = 1> and./n a ςς straight line" between 0 and \/n, and between \/n and 2/n. Each/, is continuous;/„ —► 0 pointwise but not continuously because fn(\/n) -/> 0. It follows from Theorem 13.3.1 that {/,} is not equicontinuous. Theorem 13.3.2. Let F be an equicontinuous set of functions from a topological space X to a uniform space Y. On F the product topology of Yx, the compact open topology, and the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets are all equal. This follows immediately from Theorem 13.3.1 (Φ = singletons), Lemma 13.1.2 and Theorem 13.2.3; taking account of the fact that the compact open topology must be larger than the product topology [Sec. 13.1, Problem 4]. |
290 Function Spaces / Ch, 13 EXAMPLE 4. Define/„: R-> R by fix) = x/n for η = 1, 2,... . Then {/„} is equicontinuous and fn —► 0 pointwise. It follows from Theorem 13.3.2 that/„ —► 0 uniformly on every compact set in R. Of course it is false that/,, —► 0 uniformly on R. Theorem 13.3.3. Let F be an equicontinuous set of functions from a topological space X to a uniform space Y. The closure of F in Yx is also equicontinuous. Let К be a closed connector for Υ and iixxel There exists a neighborhood N of χ such that/[7V] с V{fx) for every/ e F [by definition of equicontinuity]. But then f[N~\ <= V(fx) for every/e F. [For neN,feF, f(n) = Pn{f) G ΛΙ^Ί by Theorem 4.2.4, and the definition of the product topology. Since Pn[F~\ a V{fx) and V{fx) is closed, the result follows.] Hence F is equicontinuous. | Corollary. Let fb be an equicontinuous net of functions from a topological space X to a uniform space Y. Then iffs—>f pointwise, it follows that f is continuous. This follows from Theorem 13.3.3 and Problem 1. | This Corollary should be compared with Theorem 4.2.10, which is actually a special case in view of Problem 4. In view of the preceding results, it is natural to compare equicontinuity with compactness. Theorem 13.3.4 is a descendant and generalization of a classical theorem due to C. Arzela in 1889, and G. Ascoli in 1883. Its most important content is the conclusion of compactness from the assumption of equicontinuity. Some applications are shown in [Goffman and Pedrick, pp. 30-31], [Buck, pp. 152-158], and [Banach, p. 97]. In the following result С is the set of all continuous functions from X to Υ and it has the compact open topology. Theorem 13.3.4. Let X be a locally compact topological space, Υ a uniform space, F a closed subspace of C. Then F is compact if and only if it is equicontinuous and {f(x):fe F} is a compact subset of Υ for each χ e X. Suppose first that F is compact and xe X. Then Px: F—► Υ (the projection, Px(f) = f{x)), is continuous. [It is continuous when Fhas the (smaller) product topology.] ThusP^fF] = {Дх):/е F) is compact. To prove that 7ms equicontinuous at x, let U be a connector for Y, and V ά symmetric connector with V о V a U. For each/e F, there exists a neighborhood Nf off in the compact open topology, and a neighborhood Mf of χ with Nf χ Mf mapping into Vifx) under the joint map. [The compact open topology is jointly continuous on X by Lemma 13.1.1.] Reduce the cover [Nf: fe F} of F to a finite cover (Л/\, N2,..., Nn), where Nt is Nfi, and let Mx, M2,. .., Mn
Sec, 1 3.3 / Equicontinuity 291 be the corresponding choices of Mf. With Μ = C\ M-t, equicontinuity will follow when we prove that/[M] с U{fx) for all/e F. [To prove this, let /e Fand me M. Suppose /e TV,·. Then m e Mt, and so f(m) e V{ftx). We also have/(x)e K(/j.v) since xe Mt. From these two relations we have (fx,fm) e V о V a U, hence/(m) e U{fx) as required.] Next, assume that Fis equicontinuous and that Ax = {f(x):fe F} is compact for each xe X. (For this half of the theorem, local compactness of X is not used.) Let Fx be the closure of F in Yx. Then Fx is a compact subspace of Yx. [Fc[] {Λχ: xeljc Ух and the middle term is compact by TychonofFs product theorem.] Hence Fx is compact in the compact open topology [Theorems 13.3.2 and 13.3.3] and F, as a closed subset of Fx in this topology, is also compact. | Problems In this list, X is a topological space, У is a uniform space, and С is the set of all continuous functions from X to Y. ^c\. Every member of an equicontinuous set of functions is continuous. 2. With Fas in Theorem 13.3.2, suppose that Φ is a family of compact subsets of X which contains all singletons. Then the Φ open and compact open topologies are equal. 3. Give С any jointly continuous topology larger than the product topology of Υx. Then a compact subset of С must be equicontinuous. [The proof of Theorem 13.3.4.] 4. A uniformly convergent sequence in С must be equicontinuous. [Problem 3. Apply Theorem 13.2.2 with Φ = {X}.] 5. A subset of С is equicontinuous if it is compact in the topology of Φ convergence, and (J Φ = X [Problem 3 and Theorem 13.2.2]. 101. Write out a direct proof for the result of Problem 4. 102. In Theorem 13.3.4, the last condition cannot be omitted; that is, a closed equicontinuous set need not be compact. [Let F = {/„} with fn{x) = η for all x.J 103. Let X be a compact T2 or regular space and F a closed subset of C(X) in the norm topology, ||/|| = тах{|Дх)|: χ e X). (This is the compact open topology! See Sec. 13.2, Problem 7.) Then 7ms compact if and only if it is equicontinuous and pointwise bounded [Theorem 13.3.4]. 201. Let X be a normed space and F a X'. Show that F is equicontinuous if and only if it is norm bounded. 202. In Theorem 13.3.4 replace "locally compact" by "fc," assuming both Χ, Υ to be Hausdorff.
292 Function Spaces / Ch. 13 13.4 Weak Compactness Many standard theorems of classical analysis assert the existence of convergent subsequences of a given sequence, in other words sequential compactness. Partly for these reasons, it is useful to explore relations among the three main kinds of compactness. Although useful and instructive, the equivalence theorem for semimetric space, Theorem 7.2.1, is too special for many applications since the most frequently occurring function space topologies are usually not semimetrizable. The Eberlein-Smulian theorem gives the same equivalence in a very general setting. The theorem developed from results given by W. F. Eberlein in 1947, and V. L. Smulian in 1940 and 1943. Our treatment is based on the exposition in [Kelley and Namioka]. During the course of the following demonstration, certain properties related to first countability will be used. Definition 1. A topological space is called closure sequential (respectively, closure countable) if for every set A and χ e A, A contains a sequence converging to x; (respectively, a countable subset A0 with χ e A0). Then first countable implies closure sequential, which implies closure countable; but neither implication can be reversed. [Sec. 3.1, Problem 203; Sec. 3.1, Problem 201 or Sec. 8.3, Problem 103. See also Problem 116.] The setting for the main theorem will be any space С of the form given in the following definition. Definition 2. Let X be a compact topological space, Υ a compact metric space. Let С be the set of all continuous functions from X to Y. Throughout this section, С will have the product topology of Yx (that is, the pointwise topology). The first step in the development (Theorem 13.4.1) will be to show that С is closure countable; the resemblance of this property to first countability will help bring together the various forms of compactness. A related, but more refined and difficult result (Theorem 13.4.2) is that every compact sub- space of С is closure sequential. Definition 3. Forfe C, xeΧ,ε > 0; U(f χ,ε) = {he C: d\h(x\f(x)~\ < ε}. Lemma 13.4.1. Let A cz C, fe C, fe A. Let η be a positive integer and ε > 0. Then A contains a finite set F = Fn ε which meets C]{U(fxi,£)'.i= 1,2,...,/7} for every set (хг, x2,. . ., xn) of η points of X. For each point zeXn, say ζ = (xu x2,...,xn), choose fz e A with
Sec. 13.4 / Weak Compactness 293 dlfz(Xi), /(*,·)] < ε for all /. [Possible since fe A, and by definition of the product topology.] For each z, let Vz = {x e X: d\_fz{x), AXY\ < ε}· Each Vz is open [since fz and/are continuous], and nonempty {xt e Vz for all /], hence Wz = Vz χ Vz χ · · · χ Vz{n factors) is an open set in Xn and contains z. Thus {Wz\ze Xn) is an open cover of the compact space Xn and can be reduced to a finite cover (WZl, WZ2,.. ., WZn). Let7r= (/Zl,/Z2,.. ·,/Ζη)· To see that ^satisfies the requirements ofthe statement, fix ζ = (xux2, · · ·,*„)· Say ze\VZk. Then, for each i,fZk e £/(/, xf, ε). [rf[/Zk(xf),/(*,·)] < ε since ze WZk implies xfe VZk.} | Theorem 13.4.1. С is closure countable. Let Л с С,/е С,/е Л. With Fn£ as in Lemma 13.4.1, let F = \J{FnAim'-n>™ = 1,2,...}. Then 7ms countable, and we shall show that/e F. Let U be a neighborhood of/. Then there exist xu x2,. .., xne X and ε > 0 with U => Π {^(/> ·*;» ε): / = 1,2,..., /7}. Let m > l/ε. By definition of Fn 1/ш, it meets Π £Д/> *;> 1/m) с f| £/(/, xf, ε) с £/. Hence F meets £/. | Lemma 13.4.2. Let She a compact subset ofC,fe S, and {/„} a sequence of members ofS. Then iffn(x) —► f(x)for each χ in some subset В ofX, it follows that fn{x) —► f{x) for each xeB. Let be В and suppose that/„(ft) -/> fib). This means that for some neighborhood U offib),fnib) φ t/for infinitely many и, say for/7 = nk, к = 1,2,... . Let#e S be a cluster point of {/„} [Theorem 7.1.4], then for each χ e X,gix) is a cluster point of {f„kix)}. [The projection Px: С —► У is continuous and carries g to #(x), etc.] For xe В this sequence has only one cluster point, fix), thus gix) = fix) for хеД hence also for χ = b. This makes fib) a cluster point of {f„kib)}9 since g(6) is, contradicting fnkφ) φ U for all k. | As a first step toward Theorem 13.4.2, we prove a special case of it. Lemma 13.4.3. In Definition 2, assume that X is semimetrizable. Let К be a compact subset of C. Then К is closure sequential. Let A cz K,ue A (the closure is taken in AT), and let В be a countable dense subset of X. {X is separable, by Theorem 5.3.4.] Let uB = u\ В and AB = {g\ В: д е A}, KB is defined similarly. Then ueAB in the space KB cz YB. Now YB is a metric space [Theorem 6.4.2], hence there exists a sequence {vn} in AB with vn —► wB. To say fn e AB means vn = fn\ В for some fne A. Then /„(*) —► uix) for all xe B, hence, by Lemma 13.4.2, for all xe В = X. Thus finally fn —► и. |
294 Function Spaces / Ch. 1 3 We now outline, temporarily omitting justification of the details, the extension of Lemma 13.4.3 by omission of the assumption that X is semi- metrizable; the final result being Theorem 13.4.2. First we shall use Theorem 13.4.1 to assume that A (in the proof of Lemma 13.4.3) is countable. Then we shall replace the topology of X by w{B), the weak topology by B, where В = А и {и}. This will be seen to be compact and semimetrizable so that Lemma 13.4.3 can be applied as soon as we show that В is contained in a compact set in Cj = {fe Yx:f is continuous when X\\sls the topology w(B)}. (This is not trivial since C\ may be expected to be strictly smaller than C.) Since the closure В of В in Yx is compact, this will be accomplished by showing that BcQ (Lemma 13.4.4). It is a crucial fact for the final success of the theory that this can be done under the assumption that В is included in a countably compact set. Lemma 13.4.4. Let S be a countably compact subset of C. Let В cz S and let h e B, the closure taken in Yx. Then h is continuous on X when X is given w{B), the weak topology by B. Assume on the contrary that h is not continuous in this topology. Let x0 be a point in A" where h is not continuous. There exists an open neighborhood U of h(x0) such that /2_1[t/] is not a w{B) neighborhood of x0. Choose j\ ε Β with d\_fx{x0), h{x0)~] < 1. [Possible since he В so that, by definition of the product topology, we may approximate h by a member of В on any finite subset of X.} Choose χj e X\ h~l[U] such that d[fl(xl),fi(x0)~] < 1. [Possible since/i is w{B) continuous.] Next choose f2 e В with dUi(xi\ A(*i)] < i and dlf2(x0), h(x0J] < \. [Same justification as for the choice of/j.] Choose x2 e X\ h~l\_U~\ with ^[/i(*2)'/i(·*())] ^ i 2iVi&d\_f2(x2),f2(x0)] < \. [Possible since both j\ and f2 are w{B) continuous.] Continuing in this way we get sequences {xn}, {/„}, with dUnkXf)MXf)~\ ^~ for/7 = 0,l,...,m- \\m= 1,2,...; (13.4.1) m and ЛШ*„Ш*о)] < \ for m = 1, 2,..., и; и = 1, 2,...; (13.4.2) h{xn)$Uiorn = 1,2,.... (13.4.3) Now, Y\ U is a compact metric space and so {h(x„)} has a convergent subsequence [Theorem 7.2.1]. Let {/„} be a subsequence of {x„} such that h(tn) —► b e Y\U. Summarizing the construction to date we have lim„ Hmm/m(0 = b, (13.4.4)
Sec, 13,4 / Weak Compactness 295 \\mm\imn fm(tn) = h(x0). (13.4.5) [First, b = \imnh(tn), and h{tn) = \immfm(tn) by Formula (13.4.1). This proves Formula (13.4.4). Also h(x0) = \imfm(x0) by Formula (13.4.1), and λ,(*ο) = bX/mW [by Formula (13.4.2)], = limn fm(t„) since {/„} is a subsequence of {xn}. This proves Formula (13.4.5).] Note that the right-hand sides of Formulas (13.4.4) and (13.4.5) cannot be equal since b φ U\ we shall deduce that this inequality is contradicted by the fact that S is countably compact. (Up till now neither this hypothesis nor any property of the original topology of X has been used.) We are going to replace x0 and h by xe Xand/0 e S with the properties that χ is a good deal like x0 [see Equation (13.4.7)], but is a cluster point of {/„}; and/0 is a good deal like h [see Equation (13.4.6)], but is continuous. Precisely, {tn} has a cluster point χ in (Χ, Γ), where Γ is the original topology of A" [Theorem 7.1.4], and {/„} has a cluster point /0 in S [Theorem 7.1.2]. We have, taking t0 = x0, /o('„) = *('„) for /7 = 0,1,2,.... (13.4.6) [Fix η and let t = tn. Then \\mmfm(f) = h(t) by Formula (13.4.1). Since У is a Hausdorff space, the sequence {fm(t)} has no cluster point other than h(t). But/0(r) must be a cluster point for/0 is a cluster point of {fm} in the product topology, and the projection Pt which carries/m to/m(r) is a continuous map onto Y.J Also fm(x)=fm(x0) form = 0,1,2,.... (13.4.7) [Fix wand let/= /m. Then lim„/(x„) = f(x0) by Formula (13.4.2). The case m = 0 is allowed in Formula (13.4.2) as well, since f0(xn) is a cluster point of {fm(xn)} for each η by the argument used in proving Equation (13.4.6); similarly/0(x0) is a cluster point of {fm(x0)}; and so d[f0(xn\f0(x0y\ is a cluster point of {d{_fm(xn),fm(xoy\}, hence is less than or equal to \jn by Formula (13.4.2). Since У is a Hausdorff space, the sequence {/(*„)} has no cluster point other than/(x0). But/(x) must be a cluster point, for χ is a Γ-cluster point of {xn}, and/is Γ-continuous.] We are now ready to obtain the contradiction announced after Equation (13.4.5). From Equation (13.4.4), limm fm(tn) exists for each n. Its value can only be/0(/„) since f0(tn) is a cluster point of the convergent sequence {fm(tn)}. Hence b = Ити/0(/и). Again, since lim„ f0(tn) exists, its value can only be/0(x) since/0(x) is a cluster point of the convergent sequence {/0(O}· Ifo ls Γ-continuous, and χ is a Γ-cluster point of {/„}.] Thus finally b = f0(x). From Equation (13.4.7) b = /0(jc0), and from Equation (13.4.6), b = h(x0). This contradicts the facts that b φϋ and U is a neighborhood of h(x0). | Theorem 13.4.2. Let S be a compact subspace of C. Then S is closure sequential.
296 Function Spaces / Ch. 13 Let A cz S. We shall show that every point и in the closure of A (in S) is a sequential limit point of A. By Theorem 13.4.1, we may assume that A is countable. Let Τ be the topology of X, and w the weak topology by В = A [J {u}. Thenvv с r[rmakesall the members of В continuous], and (X, w) is a compact semimetric space [Sec. 5.4, Problem 4; Theorem 6.3.4]. Let A^be the closure in Yx of B. Then К a C\ = {fe Yx:fis w-continuous} by Lemma 13.4.4, and К is compact. [It is a closed subset of Yx and we may apply TychonofTs theorem (Theorem 7.4.1) and Theorem 5.4.2.] By Lemma 13.4.3, К is closure sequential and so и is the limit of a sequence of members of A since both are contained in К. | The program of relating the various forms of compactness can now be successfully concluded. A relatively {countably, sequentially) compact set in a topological space is one whose closure is {countably, sequentially) compact. Lemma 13.4.5. Every countably compact subset SofC is relatively compact. Let К be the closure in Yx of S. Applying Lemma 13.4.4 with В = S we see that every member of К is continuous when X is given the topology w(S); a fortiori, every member of К is continuous when A4s given its original topology T, which is larger than w(S). [Every member of S is Γ-continuous.] This proves that К cz C. Now К is a closed subset of Yx which is compact, by TychonofTs theorem [Theorem 7.4.1], hence К is compact [Theorem 5.4.2]. Since S cz К cz C, S is relatively compact in С. | Theorem 13.4.3 (the Eberlein-Smulian theorem). (a) Let X be a compact topological space, Υ a compact metric space, S a subspace of Yx consisting entirely of continuous functions. Then S is compact if and only if it is countably compact, and if and only if it is sequentially compact. (b) Let С = {fe Yx:f is continuous}. Then a subset of С is relatively compact if and only if it is relatively countably compact and if and only if it is relatively sequentially compact. If S is sequentially compact, it is certainly countably compact [Sec. 7.1, Problem 4]. Let S be countably compact. Then the closure К of S in С is compact [Lemma 13.4.5] and so to prove S compact it suffices to show that S is closed in C. [Let h e K. By Theorem 13.4.2, h is the limit of a sequence {/„} of points of S. This sequence can have no cluster point other than h, and it must have a cluster point in S since S is countably compact. Hence he S and S is closed.] Finally (for part (a)) assume that S is compact and let A be an infinite subset of S. Then A has an accumulation point in S [Theorem 7.1.2, along with the trivial fact that a compact space is countably compact]. By Theorem 13.4.2, A has a sequence converging to a point of S. Thus S is sequentially compact [Sec. 7.1, Problem 12]. Part (b) is now trivial from Part (a) by considering the closure of S in С. |
Sec. 13.4 / Weak Compactness 297 EXAM PLE 1. Since sequential compactness has, classically, been the most used form of compactness, it is worthwhile to look for results in which it is the conclusion. One such is the following. Let A" be a compact T2 space, Υ a compact metric space, and F an equicontinuous closed subset of С (Definition 2), such that {f(x):fe F} is a compact subset of У for each χ e X. Then 7ms sequentially compact in the product topology, the compact open topology, and the topology of uniform convergence on compact sets. (They are all equal by Theorem 13.3.2.) [This follows from Theorem 13.4.3, and Theorem 13.3.4. Note that Fis closed in the compact open topology since this is larger than the product topology.] EXAMPLE 2. In the weak topology of a normed space N we have the equivalences expressed in Theorem J3.4.3. If S has any one of the compactness properties involved, it is norm bounded, hence it suffices to prove the result for (D, w), where D is the unit disc, and w is the weak topology. Let X be the unit disc of N' with the weak* topology, a compact Hausdorff space by the Banach-Alaoglu theorem. The map и —► w, defined by u(f) = f(u) for all/e X, carries D into C(X, K), the set of all continuous functions from X to Υ where Υ = [ — 1, 1]. [и is continuous since \ϊ/δ —► /, u(fd) = fd(u) —► f(u) = u(f\ and й carries X into Υ since |й(/)| = \f(u)\ < \\f\\ · \\u\\ < 1.] Themapw—► wisahomeomorphismwhenQT, Y) has the product topology; that is, the relative topology of Yx. [If w5 —► и and/e X, ud{f) = f(ud) —► f{u) = u(f) thus йд —► и. Conversely, if йд —► w, for every g e N',f = g/(x e X for some real α φ 0, then g{ud) = af(ud) = aud(f) —► au(f) = g(u). Since g is arbitrary, и5 —► и weakly.] We have now proved that (D, w) is homeo- morphic with a space of the type given in Theorem 13.4.3. | Problems 1. Show that the equivalence of the various forms of compactness in semimetric space (Theorem 7.2.1) is a special case of the Eberlein- Smulian theorem. [Take A" to be a singleton.] 2. In Definition 2, С is dense in Yx if X is Hausdorff and Υ = [0, 1]. [A product neighborhood of / involves a finite subset of X. Use Corollary 8.5.1 or Sec. 8.5, Example 1; and Theorem 5.4.7.] 3. A closure countable topology larger than the cocountable topology must be discrete. Hence give an example of a T2 space which is not closure countable. [Sec. 6.2, Problem 110.] 101. The result of Problem 2 is false for Υ = {0, 1}. [Let X = [0, 1], f(x) = OforO < χ < 1,/(1) = 1. No continuous map approximates /at 0 and 1.]
298 Function Spaces / Ch, 13 102. The results of Lemma 13.4.1 and Theorem 13.4.1 hold without assuming У compact. 103. The result of Lemma 13.4.2 holds with no assumption on X, with Υ an arbitrary Hausdorff space, and with S countably compact. 104. The result of Lemma 13.4.3 holds with X compact and separable, with Υ compact metric, and with К countably compact. 105. The result of Lemma 13.4.4 holds if X is countably compact instead of compact. 106. In Definition 2 take X to be Hausdorff and Υ = [0, 1]. Show that С is countably compact if and only if X is finite. [By Problem 2 and Lemma 13.4.4, with В = S = C, every member of Yx is continuous.] 107. In Lemma 13.4.4, "countably compact" cannot be omitted [Problem 106]. 108. The result of Example 2 is false for the weak* topology of a dual Banach space [Sec. 12.4, Problem 103]. 109. Show that Sec. 12.4, Problem 103 becomes false if "the dual of" is deleted, and "weak*" is replaced by "weak" [Example 2]. 110. Theorem 13.4.3 holds when Yx is given the compact open topology, if we assume S equicontinuous [Theorems 13.3.2 and 13.3.3]. 111. Say that F cz С (Definition 2) obeys the iterated limit condition if whenever the left-hand sides of Equations (13.4.4) and (13.4.5) (selections made from X, F) both exist, they are equal. Show that if Fobeys this condition and the assumptions of Definition 2 hold, then F a C. [The proof of Lemma 13.4.4.] 112. On the assumption of Problem 111 prove also that F is relatively compact in C. 113. In Problems 111 and 112, the assumption that Υ is compact cannot be dropped. [Let X = Υ = R; fn{x) = nx for |x| < n~l,\ 1/x for W>""1/2.] 114. If F is relatively compact in С (Definition 2) it must obey the iterated limit condition. [The last part of the proof of Lemma 13.4.4.] 115. In Problem 114, the assumption that X is compact cannot be dropped. [Let fn = 0 on ( — 00, η — 1], 1 on [и, oo). Then {0,/i /2,...} is compact.] 116. In contrast with Theorem 13.4.1, С need not be first countable. [Take X = Υ = [0, 1]. The argument of Sec. 6.4, Problem 6 works, applying Sec. 8.5, Example 1 to Bn υ {α}.] 201. In the hint to Problem 116, must С be closure sequential? 202. Is every metric space homeomorphic into the dual of some normed space with the weak topology ? (This is suggested by Example 2, and Theorem 7.2.1.)
Miscellaneous Topics 14.1 Extremally Disconnected Spaces Extremally disconnected spaces arise naturally in the study of certain categories of topological spaces (see Section 14.3), and in the study of the lattice structure of C{X) (see Example 3). An extremally disconnected space is a topological space in which the closure of every open set is open. A discrete space is extremally disconnected; so are an indiscrete space, a cofinite space, and a cocountable space. Other examples are given below. (See Example 1.) We shall see that these spaces have interesting special properties which, up till now, the reader might not have seen in any spaces other than the trivial ones just mentioned. The first result is an example of this, in that it shows that there are no "contiguous" open sets (such as (0, 1) and (1,2) in R). Theorem 14.1.1. A space is extremally disconnected if and only if every two disjoint open sets have disjoint closures. If A4s extremally disconnected and А, В are disjoint open sets, then Α φ Β [Sec. 2.5, Problem 5]. For the same reason, Α φ Β. [Since A is open.] Conversely, if disjoint open sets have disjoint closures, let G be j)pen, and F = G. Then G, F are disjoint open sets so that G does not meetF; that is F does not meetF = F'~. Hence F a F' and so Fis open. | Theorem 14.1.2. A space X is extremally disconnected if and only if whenever Fl, F2 are closed sets with Fx u F2 = X, then also F/ u F2' = X. 299
300 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch, 14 Since Fj и F2 = XifandonlyifFj η F2 = 0,and7r1'~ = F\ this follows from Theorem 14.1.1. | Lemma 14.1.1. Let X be an extremally disconnected Туchonoff space. Then βΧ is extremally disconnected. Let G, Я be disjoint open sets in βΧ, and set A = G η Χ, Β = Я η Χ. Then Α, Β are disjoint open subsets of X. Let/: Ar —► R be the characteristic function of A. (That is,/ = 1 on Л, 0 on A" \ Л; A is the closure of A in X.) Then/is continuous on X [Sec. 4.2, Problem 14], and so/has a continuous extension F: βΧ —► R. Now F1 is closed, and includes Η. \_Β φ A since В is open in A", hence F = f = 0 on B. But 5 is dense in Я since Я is open and X is dense, hence F = 0 on Я] Similarly (F = 1) is closed and includes G. Thus G, Я are included in disjoint closed sets and the result follows by Theorem 14.1.1. | Lemma 14.4.1 yields a rich supply of nondiscrete extremally disconnected spaces. ^-EXAMPLE 1. Let D be a discrete space. Then βΟ is extremally disconnected. This follows from Lemma 14.1.1. | Of course βϋ is not discrete unless D is finite. [It is compact and infinite.] Lemma 14.1.2. Let X be extremally disconnected and S с X. Suppose that every two disjoint {relatively) open subsets А, В of S are included in disjoint open subsets G, #, of X. Then S is extremally disconnected. Let А, В be disjoint open subsets of S. Then, with G, Η as in the statement of the Lemma, we have AnB<^Gc\H= 0 by Theorem 14.1.1. The result follows, again by Theorem 14.1.1. | The criterion of Lemma 14.1.2 enables us to show that extremal disconnectedness is inherited by three kinds of subspace. Theorem 14.1.3. Let S be a subspace of an extremally disconnected space X. Then any one of the following three assumptions implies that S is extremally disconnected: (i) S is open, (ii) S is dense, (iii) S is a retract of X. Let А, В be disjoint open sets in S. If S is open, А, В are open in X and Lemma 14.1.2 applies with G = Α, Η = В. If S is dense, A = G η S, В = Η η S for certain open G, Η in X; G, Η must be disjoint. [If G η Η is not empty it must meet S since S is dense; say χ e G η Η η S. But then χ e (G η S) η (Я η S) = Α η Β which is impossible.] Thus again Lemma 14.1.2 applies. Finally let r: X—► S be a retraction, and let G = г_1[Л], Я = r_1[2?]. Then G, Η are open, [r is continuous], and A <^ G, Β <^ Η. The result follows from Lemma 14.1.2. |
Sec. 14,1 / Extremally Disconnected Spaces 301 Some earlier results which may be compared with Theorem 14.1.4 are: /?A4s connected if and only if A4s [Sec. 8.3, Problem 104], and, Q+ is connected [Sec. 8.1, Problem 127]. Theorem 14.1.4. Let X be а Туchonoff space. Then βΧ is extremally disconnected if and only if X is. Half of this is Lemma 14.1.1, and the other half follows from Theorem 14.1.3 since X is dense in βΧ. | Extremally disconnected Hausdorff spaces have the interesting and unusual property that sequential convergence must be trivial. (See Theorem 14.1.5.) Lemma 14.1.3. Let X be a Hausdorff space, {xn} a sequence in X with xn—> x, and all x, хг, х2, · · · unequal. Then there exists a disjoint sequence {Gn} of open sets with xn e Gnfor each n. For each и, let Kn = {x} u {*,·: / φ η}. Then each Kn is compact since it is a convergent sequence together with its limit; thus xn, Kn can be separated by open sets [Theorem 5.4.6], say xn e Аю Кп с Вп with Аю Вп disjoint open sets. For each и, let Gn = Βλ η Β2 η · · · η Вп_г η Αη\ then each Gn is open, [a finite intersection of open sets], xn e Gn for each η \_xn e Kt if / φ ή\ and any two of the Gn are disjoint. [If m > n, then Gmc\Gna Bnc\An= 0 .] | Theorem 14.1.5. In an extremally disconnected Hausdorff space, a convergent sequence must be eventually constant. Hence a first countable {in particular a metrizable) extremally disconnected Hausdorff space must be discrete. Suppose that X is a Hausdorff space which contains a convergent sequence which is not eventually constant. Then X surely contains a sequence {xn} with xn —► x, and all x, xu x2,... unequal. [A subsequence of the first mentioned sequence.] Let {Gn} be the disjoint sequence of open sets given by Lemma 14.1.3, and let G = [J {G2n'· /7=1,2,...}. Then G is open, but G is not since χ eG [for all n, x2n e G2n с G; and x2n —► xj; but χ is not interior to G. [For all n, x2n+1 e G2n+U hence x2n+1 φ G since G φ G2n+1. (G and G2n+l are disjoint open sets.) But x2n + x —► x.J It follows that Xis not extremally disconnected. The second statement of Theorem 14.1.5 follows since if X is first countable and not discrete, it has a point χ which is an accumulation point of X\{x}, hence a sequential limit point [Theorem 3.1.1]. I EXAMPLE 2. Let X be an extremally disconnected compact Hausdorff space [Example 1] and let χ be a nonisolated point. Then X \ {x} is not com-
302 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 pact [it is not closed, see Theorem 5.4.5] but it is countably compact. [Suppose that it is not. Then X \ {x} contains a countably infinite set S with no accumulation point. Since X is compact, S has an accumulation point in X and this can only be x. It follows by Sec. 7.1, Problem 13, that S is a sequence converging to x, an impossibility by Theorem 14.1.5.] (It appears that a space is countably compact when each infinite set has a limit point, and compact when each infinite set has enough limit points.) EXAMPLE 3. A partially ordered set L is called a lattice if to each я, b correspond a unique least upper bound a v b and greatest lower bound а л b. (For example, a v b is, by definition, a member с of L such that с > а, с > b, and if, for some d,d> a and d > b, then also d > c.) A lattice is called complete if every nonempty subset S which is bounded above has a least upper bound, written V S. It follows that every nonempty subset S which is bounded below has a greatest lower bound, written Д S. [Namely Д S = V {*'· x is a lower bound of S}.} The connection of these ideas with the topological concepts of this section is contained in the following result: Let X be a zero-dimensional topological space, and L the collection of all simultaneously open and closed subsets of X. Then L is a lattice, moreover L is a complete lattice if and only if X is extremally disconnected. Suppose first that X is extremally disconnected; and let S a L. Then (J {A: A e S} is closed and open [it is the closure of an open set] and is clearly the smallest such set which includes every A e S. Conversely, if L is complete, let G be an open subset of X and С = {S: S e L, S a G}\ thus С is the collection of all open and closed subsets of G. By hypothesis, С has a least upper bound which we shall denote by #; thus Η = \J С Then Η is open and closed, and the proof is concluded by showing that Η = G. [This implies that G is open.] First, Η => G. [Since X is zero-dimensional, G = IJ С а Н since every member of С is included in H. Hence G α Η = H.J Next Η a G. [Η \ G is open, hence includes an open and closed set S. Then H\S is open and closed, and includes every set in С since it includes G. This makes Η \ S an upper bound for С and forces S to be empty since Η is the least upper bound. So Η \ G is empty also, otherwise S could have been chosen nonempty.] | A famous theorem of Μ. Η. Stone says that every Boolean algebra is the algebra of all open and closed subsets of a zero-dimensional compact Hausdorff space X. (See [Simmons, p. 344]. Note that a totally disconnected compact T2 space is zero-dimensional.) The result of this example shows that the algebra is complete if and only if X is extremally disconnected. Problems In this list e.d. stands for extremally disconnected. ^-1. A space is e.d. if and only if the interior of each closed set is closed.
Sec. 14.1 / Extremally Disconnected Spaces 303 2. In Lemma 14.1.3 and Theorem 14.1.5, " Hausdorff" cannot be replaced by "7V [cofinite], or "regular" [indiscrete]. 3. Every subset of an e.d. T2 space is sequentially closed [Theorem 14.1.5]. 4. Every subset of βω which includes ω is e.d. [Theorem 14.1.3]. 101. Describe all topologies such that every two disjoint sets have disjoint closures. 102. If any finite subset of βω \ ω is removed from βω, the resulting space is countably compact [Example 2]. 103. Let S be a subspace of an e.d. T2 space which, in its relative topology, is closure sequential (for example, metrizable). Then S is discrete. 104. An e.d. space is zero-dimensional if and only if it is regular. However an e.d. Hausdorff space need not be regular or zero-dimensional. [Sec. 6.2, Example 2 and Problem 112.] 105. A countable product of discrete spaces (each with more than one point) cannot be e.d. [Theorem 14.1.5; Theorem 6.4.2]. (Hence e.d. is not productive; see the next problem.) 106. The product of two e.d. spaces need not be e.d.; indeed βω χ βω is not e.d. [Consider {(«,«):« g ω}.] Thus βω χ βω is not even homeomorphic with β(ω χ ω). Compare Sec. 8.5, Problem 105. 107. In an e.d. Hausdorff space, every compact set is finite or noncountable [Sec. 10.1, Problem 109]. 108. Let X be either a regular or a Hausdorff space. Then sequential convergence is trivial in X if and only if every compact subset of X\s finite or noncountable [Sec. 10.1, Problem 109; conversely, a convergent sequence leads to a compact countable set]. 109. A sequentially compact e.d. T2 space must be finite [Theorem 14.1.5]. 110. For t e βω, the space ω υ {ή is not pseudocompact. [It has an open- closed discrete subspace by Theorem 14.1.1. (Or use Sec. 8.6, Problem 1; Theorem 8.5.3.)] 111. A countably compact space may have two different uniformities. Compare Theorem 11.4.6; Sec. 11.4, Example 4. [Let X be βω with two points removed; see Problem 102. Consider X+ and βΧ. The uniformities are different since they have different completions.] 112. Lemma 14.1.3 holds for the space of Problem 110 with xn = n. [Take Gn = M·] Why does the proof of Theorem 14.1.5 fail to yield a contradiction? 113. Call a space completely T2 if any two points can be completely separated. Show that a T2 space is completely T2 if it is either zero- dimensional or e.d. 114. Disjoint open sets in an e.d. space can be completely separated, but not necessarily disjoint closed sets [Problem 104].
304 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 115. Let/'e C(X), where X is e.d. compact Γ2, and let χ be a nonisolated point of X. Then f{y) = f{x) for some у φ χ. (For Χ = βω and /(χ) = 0, this yields a result similar to that of Sec. 8.5, Problem 9.) [Let f{x) = t, g = (/ — /)_1. Then g is bounded on I\ {x} by Example 2, and Sec. 7.1, Problem 114.] 201. Let А, В be open sets in an e.d. space. Does the inclusion A n В а А и В necessarily hold ? 202. No complete Boolean algebra can be countably infinite. [Its Stone space would be second countable by Problem 104, hence metrizable, hence discrete, hence finite.] 203. βω \ω is not e.d. [See [Gillman and Jerison, 6R and 6W].] Hence e.d. is not F-hereditary; also βω \ω is not a retract οι βω [Theorem 14.1.3]. What result follows from this with Example 3 and Sec. 12.3, Problem 205? 204. Give an example of an e.d. compact T2 space without isolated points [See [Bourbaki (b), II.4 #12b]. It is also possible to use techniques similar to those of Sec. 7.3, Problems 216 and 217.] 14.2 The Gleason Map Let a function и: X—► ybecalledm/mma/if it is continuous, and no closed proper subset of X is carried onto u[X~\ by u. For example, a one-to-one continuous map would be minimal; but a minimal map need not be one-to- one; for example, every continuous map from an infinite cofinite space onto an infinite space is minimal [the closed proper subsets are finite], and there are such maps which are not one-to-one. [A finite-to-one self-map of a cofinite space will do, since the inverse image of any closed set is closed.] See also Problem 2. Important sufficient conditions that a minimal map be a homeomorphism are given in Theorems 14.2.3, 14.2.4, and 14.2.5. Our first result shows that every continuous map between suitable spaces can be cut down to a minimal map without reducing its range. Theorem 14.2.1 Let X be a compact and Υ aTx space, and let u: X -+ Ybea continuous map. Then there exists a closed subspace FofX such that и: F—► Υ is minimal and u[F~\ = u[X~\. (Of course the second и should have been written и \ F.) Let Ρ be the collection of all closed subsets S of X such that w[S] = u[X~\; Ρ is not empty since Xe P. Order Ρ by inclusion, let С be a maximal chain, and let F = Π {S:: S ε С}. Fis closed, [it is an intersection of closed subsets]. In order to show that w[F] = u[X~\, let yeu\_X~\. For each SeC, let ^s = u~![{У}~\ n S· Each As is closed, and {As: S e C) has the finite inter-
Sec. 14.2 / The Gleason Map 305 section property. [Any finite collection of As has a smallest member (that is, one included in the others) and the smallest member is nonempty since yew[S] for all SeP.] Thus since X is compact, f] {As: S e С} φ 0 [Theorem 5.4.3]. Let χ e f| {^s: SeC}. Then χ e F [f| As a F], and u{x) = y. [For any Se C, xe As, hence xe w_1[{j>}].] This shows that w[F] = u\_X~\, and we note, finally, that и \ F is minimal. [If not, there is a closed proper subset F' of F with u\F'^\ = u\_X\ and С u {F'} is a chain in Ρ which is strictly larger than C] | We now describe the interesting and important Gleason map which was given by Andrew Gleason in 1958. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space and let D be X, but with the discrete topology. (D is merely a discrete space with the same cardinality as X.) The identity map /: D —► A4s continuous, and so it has a continuous extension/': βΌ —► X [Theorem 8.3.1]. By Theorem 14.2.1, there is a closed (hence compact) subspace Fof βΌ such that и = f\F is a minimal map of F onto X. We pause to state the principal theorem of this section, which contains this and some further information. Theorem 14.2.2. Let X be a compact Hausdorff space. Then there exists an extremally disconnected compact Hausdorff space F and a minimal map of F onto X. (This is the Gleason map.) Let F be the space defined in the preceding discussion. It is a compact Hausdorff space, and it remains to show that it is extremally disconnected. By Theorem 14.1.3, it is sufficient to show that 7ms a retract of βΌ. Define h: X —► F to be any right inverse for и [possible because/is onto, Sec. 1.1, Problem 11]. Now we may consider h: Ό —► F since Ό = X (except with a different topology) and then h is continuous [Z> is discrete], and so h has a continuous extension r:/?Z>—►F [Theorem 8.3.1]. We shall derive a contradiction from the assumption that r is not a retraction, and this will conclude the proof. If r is not a retraction, there exists t e F with r(t) φ t. Let t/, V be disjoint open neighborhoods in F, of r(t), t, respectively, let A = V r\ r~ *[(/], and let В = F\ A. Then В is a closed subset of F\ moreover, it is a proper subset of F, [t φ Β}. A contradiction will follow from the fact that и is minimal, and that w[2?] = X, the latter of which we now prove. Let xe X. Case i. Suppose h(x) e B, then χ = u(hx) e u[B~\. Case и. Suppose h(x) e A. Then r(hx) e B. [Since h(x) e A a r~l [(/], it follows that r(hx) e f/, hence r(hx) φ V and so r(hx) φ A.J Also u[r(hx)~] = x. [и о г = /since this is true on the dense subspace Ό where it takes the form и о h = i; thus u[r(hx)~] = f(hx) = u(hx) = x.} Thus χ = u[r(hx)~] e w[5]. Since Cases I, II are exhaustive, we have proved that w[2?] = X. |
306 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 We continue with a derivation of some properties of minimal maps, beginning with a lemma showing that a minimal map и is ςς almost one-to- one." (If и is one-to-one and A, B are disjoint sets, then u[A~] cf\ u[B~]. The result is of this form.) Lemma 14.2.1. Let u: X-+ Υ be minimal. Let F, G be disjoint subsets of X with F closed, G open. Then u[G~\ φ {w[F]}'. Let у e w[G], and let N be an open neighborhood of y. We are required to show that Ν φ w[F]. Let A = Fu [w_1[N]}~. Then A is a closed proper subset of A'[let у = u(x), xeG, then χ φ F, and u{x) e N so that χ φ Aj, and so, since и is minimal, u\_A~\ Φ u\X\ Let zew[^]\wW· Then zeN. [z = u{x) for some χ φ A; in particular ^ew~l[iV].] Also ζφυ[Ρ~\. [F с A, hence w[F] с u[A~\\ but ζ £ w[^].] Thus Ν φ w[F] and so у is not an interior point of w[F]. | Theorem 14.2.3. у4и 0/?e/7 minimal тар и of a Hausdorff space X must be a homeomorphism {into). Let xx,x2eX with xx Φ χ2. Let Gx, G2 be disjoint open neighborhoods of xl9 x2. Then Gj 0 G2, and Lemma 14.2.1 shows that u[G{] cf\ [w[G2]}!. But u(xx) e w[GJ, and w(x2) e {w[G2]}'. \u(x2) e w[G2] <= w[G2], and w[G2] is open.] Thus u(x^ Φ u(x2), and so и is one-to-one. Since it is also continuous and open, it is a homeomorphism. | Theorem 14.2.3 fails for closed maps [Problem 101] but has an important analogue, Theorem 14.2.4. Lemma 14.2.2. Let и be a closed minimal function from a topological space X onto an extremally disconnected space K, and let G be an open subset ofX. Then u[G~\ is open. Let F = G. Then w[F], u[G~\ are closed, and w[F] и w[G] = Y. [w[F] и h[G] = w[Fu G] = «[*] = Г.] Hence {w[F]}f и KG]}1 = К [Theorem 14.1.2]. Thus w[G] с KG]}''[Lemma 14.2.1]. The latter set is closed[Sec. 14.1, Problem 1], and so w[G] с {w[G]}'\ Hencew[G] с {w[G]}f [Theorem 4.2.4], and so u[G~\ is open. | Lemma 14.2.3. A closed minimal function и from a regular space X onto an extremally disconnected space Υ is open. Let G be an open subset of A", and χ e G. Let N be an open neighborhood of χ with N a G. Then w[jV] is open [Lemma 14.2.2] and u(x) e w[jY] с w[G]. Thus u[G~\ is a neighborhood of w(x). Since χ is an arbitrary member of G, w[G] is open. |
Sec. 14.2 / TheGleason Map 307 Theorem 14.2.4. A closed minimal function from a T3 space onto an extrem- ally disconnected space is a homeomorphism. This follows from Lemma 14.2.3 and Theorem 14.2.3. | Theorem 14.2.5. A minimal function from a compact Hausdorff' space onto an extremally disconnected Hausdorff space is a homeomorphism. This follows from Theorem 14.2.4, with Theorems 5.4.8 and 5.4.7. | Corollary. The Gleason map to an extremally disconnected compact Hausdorff space is a homeomorphism. Problems 1. A minimal map from R to R must be one-to-one. 2. A minimal map from R to R2 need not be one-to-one. [Draw a curve in R2 which intersects itself once.] 3. Let/': [0, 2π] —► [—1, 1] be the trigonometric sine. Find F a [0, 2π] such that /1 Fis minimal. 4. Let и be a minimal map from X onto У, and let F, G be disjoint sets in X with Fclosed, G open. Let A = Y\u[F]. Show that w[G] a A. 101. A closed minimal map of R need not be a homeomorphism [Problem 2]· 102. Let В bean e.d. compact T2 space. Then В can be embedded in βϋ for some discrete space D. [Let D be В with the discrete topology. Extend i:D-+B to u: βϋ —► В and apply Theorems 14.2.1 and 14.2.5]. 103. In Problem 102, D can be chosen to have the cardinality of any dense subspace of B. [The map и in Problem 102 is still onto.] 104. Every e.d. Tychonoff space X can be embedded in βϋ for some discrete D, and D can be chosen to have the cardinality of any dense subspace of A\ In particular, a separable e.d. Tychonoff space is a subspace of βω. [In Problem 103, take Β = βΧ. This result is due to M. Henriksen and J. Isbell.] 105. In Problem 102 we cannot improve the result to conclude that В is homeomorphic with βϋ [Sec. 14.1, Problem 204; Sec. 8.3, Problem 107]. 106. In Theorem 14.2.1, compact cannot be omitted. [Give R the topology in which a nonempty set is open if and only if it is of the form (я, b) with -oo<0<O<6<+oc. Take Υ = {0} and u{x) = 0 for all jc.]
308 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 201. Must a minimal function from a compact T2 space onto an e.d. T2 space be open ? 202. Let X = βω\ {/}, t φ ω. Is it possible to have a net fb of homeomor- phisms of X onto itself such that fb tends uniformly to a constant function? (Compare Sec. 7.1, Problems 118 to 120. Use the unique uniformity of X) 14.3 Categorical Algebra A valuable tool, which developed since the middle of the nineteenth century, consists of considering collections of objects and possible structures of such collections, rather than individual objects. Such collections are called spaces. Thus one considers a compact topological space whose members are functions, and deduces the existence of a function with certain properties. The middle of the twentieth century has witnessed a further step in this direction, namely, that of considering collections of spaces. These collections are called categories. In discussing sets whose members are sets, the famous classical paradoxes suggest that an explicit set-theoretical foundation be laid for the subject. We shall not take the space for this. The reader's intuition will be a sufficient guide for our discussion. Further study might require reference to such a text as [Halmos], or the Appendix of [Kelley]. We now define the concept category. We begin with a class Γ, whose members are called objects. For example, we might consider the class of all topological spaces. The objects of Γ are sets in most cases (all, in the following discussion), but the theory ignores the possibility that the objects can be sets and refrains from any mention ofςς points" (that is, members of objects), except in discussions of examples. Next, with each ordered pair (X, Y) of objects of Γ, we associate a set called Ьот(А", Υ). In most examples (all, in the following discussion) the members of Ьот(А", Υ) are maps from X to Y. The members of Ьот(А", Υ) are called morphisms from X to У, and if α e Ьот(А", У), A4s called the domain of α and К the codomain. The notation a: X-+ Υ will sometimes be used instead of α e Ьот(А", Υ). It is assumed that Ьот(А", Υ) and hom(Z, W) are disjoint unless X = Zand Υ = W. *EXAM Ρ LE 1. Let Γ be the class of all sets, and let Ьот(Х, Υ) be the set of all maps from X to Y. Now suppose that Ic У and /: X -+ К is the inclusion map. Then / e Ьот(А", Υ). Further, let ix: X -+ ХЪъ the identity map. Now, assuming Χ Φ У, Ьот(А", X) and Ьот(А", Υ) are disjoint, in particular ix φ Ьот(А", У), ίφ Ьот(А", X), and so, indeed / Φ ix. The distinction between these two functions is a nicety not usually observed, since, according to the usual definition of function as a set of ordered pairs, they are equal. However, it is important for many purposes to distinguish between them. See, for example, Problem 121.
Sec. 14.3 / Categorical Algebra 309 Finally, as part of the definition of category, we make one further assumption: to every a e hom(T, Y) and β e hom(T, Z) there is associated a mor- phism, called βα e hom^, Z) with the properties: For each object X there exists a morphism 1 x e hom(T, X) such that for any Υ and a e Ьот(Х Y\ β e Ьот(У, X) (14.3.1) we have a\x = α, \χβ = β, and whenever a e Ьот(Х У), β e hom(T, Ζ), у е hom(Z, W), ....> then y(/fa) = (y/?)a. (14.J.2) The morphism βα is called the composition of β with a. This concludes the definition. A category, then is a class of objects, which has a set of morphisms associated with each ordered pair of objects, a morphism /fa associated with each ordered pair α, β of morphisms such that domain β = codomain a, and morphism \x associated with each object X such that conditions (14.3.1) and (14.3.2) hold. Note that if \x and 1* both satisfy (14.3.1), then \x = \XVX = \x so that \x is unique. Jt EX Α Μ Ρ L Ε 2. We may consider the category Γ of all sets and maps with ordinary composition and identity. Another example is the category Τ of Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps with ordinary composition and identity. The early stages of the theory consist of attempts to show that morphisms behave like maps, and to extend to categories definitions which make sense for maps. We begin with an attempt to generalize the concept of onto map; a morphism a is called epic, if, for every /?, у for which /fa = ya, it follows that β = у. Suppose Г is a category of sets and maps. If a: X-+ У is onto, then a is an epic morphism (called epimorphism, for short). [Say β, у e hom( У, Z). Let у ε Y. Then у = ax for some xelso that βγ = βαχ = yax = yy. Thus β = у.} However, an epimorphism need not be onto [Example 3], nor need it have dense range [Problem 12]. ^-EXAMPLE 3. Let Τ be as in Example 2. Let A" be a dense proper sub- space of У; then the inclusion map /: X-+ Υ is not onto, but is an epimorphism. [If β, у e Ьот(У, Z) and βι = у/, then for χ e Χ, βχ = ух, hence β = у since they agree on a dense subspace of Y.J ^-EXAM PLE 4. Let К be the category of compact Hausdorff spaces and continuous maps. A morphism is epic if and only if it is onto. [If a e Ьот(А", Υ) is not onto, a[A"] is a compact proper subspace of У, hence, with / = [0, 1], there exists β e Ьот(У, /), у е пот(У, /) with β{γ) = y(y)
310 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 for у e v\_X\ but β φ y\ for example, we may take β = 0, y(y) = 0 for у e ol[_X~\, у(у) = 1 for somej> e У, using Theorem 5.4.7. Then /fa = yet but β Φ у so that α is not epic] A morphism α is called monic if for every β, у for which a/? = ay, it follows that β = у. IfaehomiT, У) and α is one-to-one, then α is a monic morphism (called monomorphism, for short). However, a monomorphism need not be one-to-one [Problem 4]. A discussion of interpretations of the terms "monic" and "epic" may be found in MR 33 #161, and [Burgess]. Suppose Χ, Υ are objects and a: X -+ У is monic. We say that X is a subobject of Υ by means of a. In the category Τ (Example 3) A" is a subobject of У by means of α if and only if α is a one-to-one continuous map of A" into Y. A morphism is called a retraction if it has a right inverse; thus а е Ьот(Х, Υ) is a retraction if and only if there exists β e hom( У, X) with (χβ = 1Y. Under these circumstances Υ is called a retract of A". EXAMPLE 5. In Γ (Example 2) this definition does not specialize to the definition of retraction given earlier. Indeed the map χ —► χ + 1 from R to itself has the right inverse χ —► χ — 1 but is not a retraction in the earlier sense since it is not the identity on its range. However suppose ct: Ar—► Υ is a retraction in the sense of category, so that there exists β: У —► X with αβ = 1. Then β: У—► /?[У] is a homeomorphism [it has the continuous inverse а | /?[У]], and /fa: X-+ β\_Υ~\ is a retraction in the topological sense. [For хе/?[У], /fa(x) = Mj8(j>)] = βΙ*β№] = βУ = x-ί Thus the co- domain of a (categorical) retraction in Γ is homeomorphic with a (topological) retract of its domain. This proves that У is a retract ofX in the category Τ if and only if Υ is homeomorphic with a retract of X in the topological sense. Note that a retract of an object is a subobject. [If а: X —► У is a retraction, let αβ = \Y. Then β is a monomorphism, since if jSy = βδ then у = 1 Yy = α/fy = αβδ = 1 γδ = <5; thus У is a subobject of X.J Let Г be a category and A"an object. We call Xprojective if for all objects У, Z, every α e Ьот(А", Ζ), and every epimorphism β e Ьот(У, Ζ), there exists у е Ьот(А", У) such that а = /?у. This definition is illustrated in the diagram: ι ι Ί I У The dotted line indicates the morphism whose existence is postulated. The diagram is commutative ^y = a). ^Z
Sec. 14.3 / Categorical Algebra 311 Every retraction is an epimorphism [suppose that α is a retraction and that βα = ya; let a<5 = 1, then β = β\ = βαδ = γαδ = y\ = у], but not conversely [Problem 3]. However a partial converse holds. Theorem 14.3.1. If Ζ is a projective object, every epimorphism with co- domain Ζ is a retraction. Let β e Ьот(У, Ζ) be epic. Applying the definition of projective object with X = Z, and α = identity map, we obtain the existence of у e hom(Z, Y) with /?y = α; that is, β has a right inverse, hence is a retraction. | ^-EXAMPLE 6. In К (Example 4) every discrete space is projective. [For xe X (see the diagram, above), define yx to be any member of β~1[olx~\.J Also, if D is discrete and X = βϋ, the Stone-Cech compactification of Z>, then X is projective. [Define y0: D —► У by choosing for y0d any member of β~ * [α^]· Extend y0 to у: X-+ Υ. Then β о у = a on Z), hence on X, since D is dense.] Theorem 14.3.2. A retract of a projective object is projective. Let δ: X —► S be a retraction with right inverse ε: S —► X, where X is projective. Let a: S —► Z, and let β: У —► Ζ be epic. By hypothesis, there exists у: Х-+ У with /?y = <χδ. {olS: X-+ Z.] Then j8(yfi) = α. | EXAMPLE 7. 7/7 r/ze category К {Example 4) an object is projective if and only if it is a retract of βD for some discrete topological space D. First βϋ is projective; [as proved in Example 6]; hence any retract of βϋ is projective [Theorem 14.3.2]. Conversely, let A"be a projective object in K, and let D be A'with the discrete topology. The identity /: D —► A4s continuous, and so it has a continuous extension α: βϋ —► X [Theorem 8.3.1]. Clearly α is onto, hence an epimorphism, hence a retraction, by Theorem 14.3.1. | EXAMPLE 8. In the category К (Example 4) an object is projective if and only if it is extremally disconnected. \iX\s projective, it is extremally disconnected, by Example 7 and Theorem 14.1.3. (There is no conflict in the two definitions of retract since extremal disconnectedness is preserved by homeomorphism; see Example 5.) Conversely, if X is extremally disconnected, let a: F—► X be the Gleason map (Theorem 14.2.1). By the Corollary to Theorem 14.2.5, α is a homeomorphism, hence it suffices to prove that F'\s projective. But Fwas proved, in the course of proving Theorem 14.2.2, to be a retract of βϋ for some discrete D\ hence, by Example 7, 7ms projective. | Due to limitations of space we must pass very briefly over some of the most important and beautiful concepts of the theory. Consider the possibility of
312 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 "dualizing" all the preceding work by interchanging domain and codomain, monic and epic, and so on. For example let us call an object X injective (dualizing the definition of "projective") if for all objects У, Z, every α e hom(Z, X\ and every monomorphism β e hom(Z, У), there exists у e Ьот(У, X) such that α = γβ. The dual of Theorem 14.3.1 is that if Ζ is injective, every monomorphism with domain Ζ is a coretraction (Problem 1). There is a concept, which we shall not describe, called dual category, and a dual result due to J. L. Kelley, to that of Example 8, in which the injective Banach spaces are shown to be precisely those of the form C(X), with X extremally disconnected, compact, Hausdorff. See [Cohen]. We next turn to the important concept known as "functor" If A, B are categories a functor F: A —► В is a map which carries each object X of A to an object F{X) of B, and each morphism α e hom(X, Y) of A to a morphism F{<x) ε hom(F(X), F(Y)) of В such that F(\x) = 1F(X), (14.3.3) and F(rf) = F((x)Ftf), (14.3.4) whenever <χβ is defined. Examples are the so-called forgetful functors which carry objects onto objects with less structure. For example, with Γ, Τ as in Example 2, define F: Γ—► Γ by F{X) = X, F(a) = a. The most significant functor occurring in this book is the Stone-Cech compactification functor. With Τ as the category of Tychonoff spaces and continuous maps, and К as in Example 4, let B.T-+K have B{X) = βΧ, and, for α e hom(^, У), let B(ct): βΧ —► β Υ be the unique extension of the continuous map a. On the other hand, there is no natural one-point compactification functor F since we have no natural way of defining F(a): X+ —► Y + . [For example, with χ = ω, Υ = Υ+ = {-1, 1}, φ) = (-1)", α cannot be extended to ω + .} See also Problem 111. A contravariant functor F is a map carrying objects Χ οι A to objects F{X) of В and α e hom(A\ Y) of A to F(a) e пот(ДУ), F{X)) of В such that Equation (14.3.3) holds and Да/?) = F{fi)F{<x) whenever αβ is defined. EXAM PLE 9. Let A be a category, and let Γ be as in Example 2. Fix an object 0 e A and define a contravariant functor *: A —► Γ by (write *(X) and *(a) as A"*, a*, respectively), for an object X of A, X* = Ьот(Х, О), for a morphism a: X-+ У, а*: У* —► X* is given by α*(Λ) = λα for all Ae Y*. This is the famous adjoint functor. See Problems 106, 107, and 201. We conclude with the definition of adjoint of a functor. (Not every functor has an adjoint [Problems 117 and 118].) Suppose that F: A —► В is a functor and that there is a map G carrying the objects of В to the objects of A with the following property: for each object Ζ οι Β there exists λζ: Ζ—► F[G(Z)~]
Sec. 14.3 / Categorical Algebra 313 such that for every a: Z—► F(X), there is a unique wa: G(Z) —► Xsatisfying F{u^Xz = a. Defining, for δ e hom(W, Z), G(S) = uXzd yields a functor G, called a functor adjoint to F. Problems 108 and 109 give examples. Problems 1. In Γ (Example 2), the following are equivalent for a morphism α: α is epic, a is onto, a is a retraction. Also equivalent are: α is monic, α is one-to-one, α is a coretraction (this is, α has a left inverse). Show also that every object is projective and injective. 2. Let Xbe R with the discrete topology; show that there exists no mono- morphism α such that R is a subobject of A"by means of a. [The inverse image of a singleton by a one-to-one continuous map: R —► A" would have to be open.] 3. With A" as in Problem 2, the identity map /: X -+ R is an epimorphism in Γ (Example 2) but not a retraction [Problem 2]. 4. Consider the system which contains as objects exactly two sets Χ, Υ with X = (я, b), Υ = (w, ι;, w); let Ьот(А", Υ) contain the two functions /?, у such that β(α) = βφ) = w, y(a) = y(b) = y; let пот(У, X) contain one function α such that a(w) = a, <x{v) = a(w) = b\ let Ьот(А", X) contain α ο β, α ο у and lx; and let Ьот(У, У) contain β ο α, у ο α and 1 y. Show that α is monic but not one-to-one. 5. Show that (0, 1) is not a retract of R in the topological sense [Sec. 4.2, Problem 27], but is a retract of R in the category Τ (Example 2) [Example 5; (0, 1) is homeomorphic with R, a retract of R]. 6. In Γ, (Example 2), a monomorphism must be one-to-one. 7. Show that every coretraction is a monomorphism, but the converse fails. [As in Problem 2, consider the identity map from X to R.] 8. An isomorphism is a morphism with inverse; that is a: X-+ У is an isomorphism if there exists β: У—► X such that αβ = ly, βα = \x. Show that a morphism is an isomorphism if and only if it is both a retraction and a coretraction. 9. In the category Γ, (Example 2), the identity map from R with the discrete topology to R is epic and monic, but not an isomorphism. 10. In the category К (Example 4) a monic and epic morphism must be an isomorphism [Theorem 5.4.9]. 11. X is called a proper subobject of Υ by means of α if α: X —► У is monic but not an isomorphism. In the category Τ (Example 2), R with the discrete topology is a proper subobject of R by means of the identity map. 12. Let X be R with the simple extension of the Euclidean topology by Q. Let С be the category with two objects, X and J, and all continuous
314 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 maps. Show that the inclusion map from J to X is epic, but not onto; indeed its range is not dense. 101. A category is called balanced if no object is a proper subobject of another object by means of an epimorphism. Show that К (Example 4) is balanced [Theorem 5.4.9]; so is Г (Example 2); but Г(Ехатр1е 2) is not balanced [Problems 9 and 11]. 102. An object is called reversible if it is not a proper subobject of itself by means of an epimorphism. Show that in the category Г (Example 2), this definition agrees with that of Sec. 5.1, Problem 207. 103. In the category Τ (Example 2), R is a proper subobject of itself by means of some morphism a, yet R is reversible. 104. Call Υ a quotient object of X by means of α if α: X —► У is an epimorphism. Show that in the category К (Example 4), every epimorphism is a quotient map in the sense of Section 6.5. 105. Carry out the dual program described in the text, obtaining dual forms of Theorems 14.3.1 and 14.3.2. 106. In Example 9, let Л = Г, and assume that 0 has at least two points. Show that α* = /?* implies a = β. 107. In Problem 106, a* is epic (monic) if and only if α is monic (epic). [For example, if a*: Y* —► X* is epic and αβ = ay, then β*α* = у*ос* implies β* = у*, hence, by Problem 106, β = у. If a is epic it is а retraction, hence a* is a contraction and is monic] 108. Let Γ, Τ be as in Example 2. Let F: Τ —► Γ be the forgetful functor, and D: Γ-> Γ be defined by D(X) = X with the discrete topology, D(a) = ct. Show that D is adjoint to F. [λζ = identity, ua = a.] 109. Let К be as in Example 4, Τ the category of Tychonoff spaces and continuous maps. Let F: K-+ Γ be the forgetful functor, and В. Г—► К the Stone-Cech compactification functor. Show that В is adjoint to F. [Take λζ to be inclusion, ux to be the extension of a.] 110. Let С be a category whose objects are sets and morphisms are maps. If Χ, Υ are objects and a: X-+ У is inclusion, show that a* is the restriction to X of maps defined on Y. 111. Describe a completion functor on the category of uniform spaces and uniformly continuous maps [Theorems 11.5.4 and 11.3.4]. 112. Say that a collection {Χδ} of objects has a product Υ = \\Χδ if У is an object, and there exist morphismsρδ: Υ —► Χδ, called projections, such such that if Ζ is any object and o^: Z—► Xb for each δ, there exists a unique β: Ζ —► Υ such that ρδβ = <χδ. Show that the product of Section 6.4 is a product for the categories Γ, Γ, Κ of Examples 2 and 4 [Theorem 7.4.1]. 113. Let С be the category of all nonempty subsets of R, and inclusions.
Sec. 14.3 / Categorical Algebra 315 (hom(T, Y) = 0 unless X с У). Show that С has no product; indeed that a collection of two nonintersecting sets has no product. 114. Let Υ be a product of {Χδ} (Problem 112.) Suppose that a: Z-> У, /?:Z—► У satisfy /^a = /^/? for all δ. Show that α = β. [See the word "unique" in the definition.] 115. If У, Ζ are both products of {Χδ}, they are isomorphic. [With ρδ: У-+ Χδ9 qs: Z-> AV Let а: У-> Ζ have qda = ρδ9 β: Z-> У have /?й/? = ^. Then pb = qda = ρδβα so that βα = 1 Y by Problem 114.] 116. If a functor F has an adjoint, it preserves products; that is, F(U Χδ) = Π F{X6\ [Let У = /Щ *a). The projections are qb = F{pd). For αδ: Z-> F(^), choose у: G(Z) -> Π Χδ such that/7^ = wa<5. Finally, take β = F(y)kz. Then ^JS = F(p6y)kz = a,.] 117. The functor Z> of Problem 108 has no adjoint [Problem 116; Sec. 6.4, Problem 101]. 118. The Stone-Cech compactification functor has no adjoint [Problem 116; Sec. 14.1, Problem 106]. 119. Suppose that a collection {Χδ} of objects has a product and satisfies hom^, Χδ) φ 0 for all δ, δ'. Show that each/7^ is a retraction. 120. In A: (Example 4), the object [0, 1] is injective [Theorem 8.5.3]. 121. Let X, У, Ζ be objects of Γ (Example 2) with У a Z, and let α: X -> У. Define β: Χ —► Ζ by /?(*) = α(χ) for all x, so that α, β are the " same " map. (See Example 1.) Show that it is possible that α* Φ β* (Example 9); indeed a* may be monic but β* usually is not [Problem 106]. 201. Let 5 be the category of Banach spaces and linear maps α with || a|| < 1 and define the adjoint functor * taking 0 = R. Show that * is one-to- one, that a* is monic (epic) if and only if α is epic (monic) and that a* is an isomorphism if and only if α is. [See [Wilansky (a), Theorem 7.2.2 and Problem 8].] A202. The category of Problem 201 is balanced. [See [Wilansky (a), Corollary 11.2.1].] 203. Let к be the category of к spaces and continuous maps. Take the category product to be the к extension of the ordinary product (the largest topology which agrees with the given topology on compact sets). Show that this is a product in the sense of Problem 112. [See [Steenrod, Theorem 4.2].] 204. There is a category concept which specializes to "onto" in the category Τ of T2 spaces and continuous maps, namely "a is onto in Τ if and only if whenever α = /?y with β monic, у must be epic." [See [Burgess, Theorem 10].]
316 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 14.4 Paracompact Spaces The reader should, at this stage, be familiar with the material of Sec. 10.2, Problems 122 through 125, Sec. 11.1, Problems 107 through 110. Definition 1. Let Xbea topological space; Jf is the set of all neighborhoods of is., the diagonal, in Χ χ Χ; ΤΝ is the topology generated by Jf as in Sec. 11.1, Problem 108. An infinite intersection of members of Jf need not belong to Jf\ the following is a useful sufficient condition. Lemma 14.4.1. Let F be a locally finite family of closed sets in X. For each S e F, let Gs be an open neighborhood of S, and Hs = (Gs χ Gs) и (S χ S). Then I = Π {#s: S e F} e ,Ж. For χ e X, choose a neighborhood U of χ which meets only finitely many members of 7% perhaps none. Then/ = /j η I2 where Ix = Π {Hs: S φ f/}, /2 = {HS:S meets £/}. Now Д => U χ U. [For y, ze £/, (y, z)eS χ S ^ Hs for all S involved in IVJ Hence Ix is a neighborhood of (x, x). Also /2 is a finite intersection of sets, each of which is open and contains (x, x). [If χ e S, (x, x)eGs χ Gs a Hs\ if χ φ S, (χ, χ) e S χ S a Hs.} So / = ^ η Ι2 is also a neighborhood of (χ, χ). | Recall the definition of uniform cover, Section 11.2. Namely С is a uniform cover of the uniform space X if there exists a connector U such that {U(x): χ e X} refines C. Now if Jf, Definition 1, is a uniformity, we may speak of a uniform cover of (T, Jf). But the definition makes sense even \iJf is not a uniformity, although the phrase " uniform cover" seems inappropriate in that case. Instead, " even cover " is used: thus a cover С of a topological space A" is called even if there exists U e Jf such that {U{x): χ e X} refines C. We shall use the result of Problem 1. Keep in mind that if Jf is a uniformity, a cover of A" is a uniform cover of (X, Jf) if and only if it is an even cover of (X, TN). We are going to see that if (X, T) is paracompact, Jf is indeed a uniformity, and Τ = ΤΝ, so that the distinction between even and uniform covers will vanish. Lemma 14.4.2. Every open cover С of a paracompact space X is even. Let Fbe a locally finite cover of A", consisting of closed sets, which refines С [Sec. 10.2, Problem 125]. For each S e F, choose Gse С with S с Gs and form Hs and / as in Lemma 14.4.1. Then Ie <Ж by Lemma 14.4.1, and it remains to prove that {I(x): xe X} refines C. Let xelso that χ e S for some S ε F. But then у e I(x) implies (x, y) e /, hence (x, y) eGs χ Gs. [CertainlyJx, y) e Hs = (Gs χ Gs) и (5 χ S) and (x, y) φ S χ S just because χ φ S.J Thus у ε Gs. This proves that I(x) a Gs. |
Sec. 14.4 / Paracompact Spaces 317 Theorem 14.4.1. Let Xbea paracompact space. Then Jf is a uniformity and the topology ofX is TN. Consulting Sec. 11.1, Problems 107 and 110, we see that we have only to prove that for each U e Jf there exists V e Jf with ^Fc[/. For each xe X, U is a neighborhood of (x, x) so U => Gx χ Gx for some open neighborhood Gx of x. By Lemma 14.4.2, С = {Gx: χ e X} is an even cover of A"; that is, there exists symmetric Ve Jf such that {V(x): xe X} refines C. The proof is concluded by showing that ^Fc[/. Let (x, y) e V о V. Then, since V is symmetric, there exists ζ with x, у е V(z). Now V(z) a Gw for some w, thus (x, y) e Gw χ Gw a U. | Corollary 14.4.1. A paracompact space is a normal uniform space. Normality follows from Theorem 14.4.1, and Sec. 11.1, Problem 107. | For paracompact S, we shall refer to Jf as its largest uniformity. (See Corollary 14.4.4.) We can now extend several compactness properties to paracompact spaces. We have seen that a compact regular space is a normal uniform space [Theorem 5.4.7; Sec. 4.3, Problem 3; Theorem 11.4.5]. The extension of this result is Corollary 14.4.1. (Of course, the proof of Corollary 14.4.1 supplies an independent proof of the compactness result.) Next recall (Theorem 11.2.2), that every open cover of a compact regular space is uniform (in the unique uniformity of the space). Corollary 14.4.2. Let a paracompact space have its largest uniformity. Then every open cover is a uniform cover. This is Lemma 14.4.2. | The next result extends Corollary 11.2.1. Corollary 14.4.3. Let a paracompact space X have its largest uniformity and let Υ be a uniform space. Then every continuous function from X to Υ is uniformly continuous. This is proved in exactly the same way as Corollary 11.2.1. | Corollary 14.4.4. The largest uniformity of a paracompact space is larger than any other uniformity for the space. This follows from Corollary 14.4.3 when Theorem 11.2.1 is applied to the identity map. It is also trivial from Sec. 11.1, Problem 106. | Certain uniform spaces have the property that their topology can be given by a complete uniformity. Let us call such a space u-complete. A complete uniform space is w-complete, so also are any realcompact space [Sec. 11.4, Example 5], and any metric space [Sec. 11.4, Example 1]. If Jf is a uniformity
318 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 for X, X is w-complete if and only if Jf is complete [Corollary 11.3.1], although A'may be w-complete without having Jf as one of its uniformities. [Let X be realcompact and not normal; for example, Sec. 8.6, Problem 8.] We now see that every paracompact space is w-complete. Theorem 14.4.2. A paracompact space X is complete in its largest uniformity. Let $F be a Cauchy filter which is not convergent. For each xe X, there is an open neighborhood Gx of χ with Gx e tF. [By Lemma 11.3.1, χ is not a cluster point of «^ hence for some A e .^, χ φ A. Then with Gx = A we have Gx => A.J By Lemma 14.4.2, there exists symmetric V e Jf such that {V{x)\ xe X) refines {Gx: xe X}. Choose A e tF small of order V. Then, for any xe A, A a V{x) a Gy for some y, so that Gye tF. But this contradicts Gy e$F. | A deep theorem of A. H. Stone states that every semimetric space is paracompact. (See [M. E. Rudin].) Also K. Morita has proved that every regular Lindelof space is paracompact. (See [Dugundji, Theorem 8.6.5].) A beautiful example of Η. Η. Corson shows that it is possible for Jf to be a complete uniformity for X without X being paracompact (see table in Appendix). Thus, even though ,Jf is a maximal uniformity it need not have the property that every open cover is uniform, since this implies para- compactness. (See [Kelley, Theorem 5.28].) (I am indebted to J. W. Taylor for this remark.) See also Sec. 14.5, Problem 201. Paracompactness seems destined to play a role in analysis. As examples we cite a theorem on semicontinuity [Kelley, 5X], subordinate partitions of unity [Dugundji, 8.4.2], and an application of the latter to the construction of a Riemann metric [Auslander and McKenzie, p. 102]. Problems 1. In the definition of even cover, U may be chosen symmetric. 2. If every open cover of a uniform space is uniform, the space is complete. [The proof of Theorem 14.4.2.] 3. A pseudocompact paracompact space is compact [Theorem 14.4.2; Sec. 11.3, Problem 22]. 101. A topological group need not be paracompact [Corollary 14.4.1; Sec. 12.1, Problem 122]. 102. Let X be a uniform space without isolated points such that Jf is a metrizable uniformity. Show that X is compact. [If not, let {xn} be closed and d(xm, xn) > ε for all m, n. If {(/„} is any sequence in Jf, choose a neighborhood Vn of xn such that Vn φ Un(xn).J 103. The assumption on isolated points cannot be omitted from Problem 102. [Discrete.]
Sec. 14.5 / Ordinal Spaces 319 104. Accepting the fact that R is paracompact, its largest uniformity is complete and not metrizable [Problem 102; Theorem 14.4.2]. 105. Let a uniformity 41 be called а и uniformity (u* uniformity) for X if every/e C{X) (every fe C*(X)) is uniformly continuous. (Compare Sec. 4.3, Problem 203). Show that a u* uniformity need not be a и uniformity. (Compare Sec. 8.5, Problem 116 which gives an implication for semimetrics. The same implication holds for topological groups; see [Comfort and Ross, Theorem 2.8].) [Sec. 11.4, Problem 111.] 106. υ is а и uniformity; β is a u* uniformity; and if A" is paracompact, Jf is а и uniformity. 107. Aw uniformity need not be complete, [Sec. 11.4, Problem 102], hence it need not have the property that every open cover is a uniform cover [Problem 2]. 108. Let X, У, F, Φ be as in Section 13.2. Let Υ be paracompact and have its largest uniformity. Let F and all members of Φ be closed. Show that the topology of Φ convergence is larger than the Φ open topology [Sec. 13.2, Problem 102]. 201. Is it possible to have inequality in Problem 108? 14.5 Ordinal Spaces Suppose given an uncountable well-ordered set A" with a last member; let 0 be its first member, and let Ω be the first member of X which has the property that [0, Ω] = {x:x < Ω} is uncountable. We shall write W = [0,Ω) = {χ: χ < Ω}, and W+ = [0, Ω]. We make W+ into a topological space by means of the interval topology which has as base the set of all intervals (a, b) = {χ: α < χ < b}, [0, x), and (χ, Ω]. For χ < Ω we write χ + 1 for the first member of (χ, Ω]. We first note that W+ is a compact Hausdorff space. [Let χ < у; then [0, χ + 1) and (χ, Ω] are disjoint neighborhoods of x, y. Next, let С be an open cover of W +. Imitating Sec. 5.4, Example 1, let S = {x: [0, x] is covered by a finite subset of C}. Assume that S φ W+ and let t be the first member of W+ which is not in S. Then t belongs to some G e C. Since G is open, G :э (a, £] with a < t < b. Now a e S by definition of t, and so also t e S since we may adjoin G to the subset of С which covers [0, a]. This is a contradiction. Thus, actually, S = W+, and since Qe S, compactness is proved.] Thus, also W is a locally compact Hausdorff space \ moreover, it is not compact. To prove this it is sufficient to show that Ω is not an isolated point of W+ since this implies that W is not closed. [If Ω were an isolated point there
320 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 would be χ such that (χ, Ω] = {Ω}. Since χ < Ω, [Ο, χ] is countable, and [0, Ω] = [0, χ] υ {Ω} is also countable.] It was no accident that the notation W+ was chosen, indeed W+ is the one- point compactification of the locally compact T2 space W. The following result is basic in discussions of W and W+. Lemma 14.5.1. Every sequence in W has a least upper bound in W. If {xn} has an upper bound; that is, a point t such that t > xn for all w; it surely has a least upper bound; namely, the first member of the set of upper bounds; so we merely have to show the existence of an upper bound. But if no such upper bound exists, we have W = (J {[0, xj: η = 1, 2,...}, a countable union of countable sets. [Each [0, χ J is countable, by definition of Ω.] Thus W is countable; but this is false. | We now show that W is countably compact. Let S be a countably infinite set in W. Let t be the first member of W satisfying t > s for infinitely many s e S. [The set of upper bounds of S is not empty by Lemma 14.5.1.] Then r is an accumulation point of S. [If not, there exist a, b, with a < t < £such that {a, b) φ S. But then t > s e S implies a > s (with possibly one exception) so that a > s for infinitely many s e S. This contradicts the definition oft.} Since W is not compact, it follows that W and W+ are not metrizable [Theorem 7.2.1] and W is not realcompact [Sec. 8.6, Problem 1]. However W is normal. [Let A, В be disjoint closed sets. The result will follow if we can show either А от В compact, since we may cite Theorem 5.4.6 and Sec. 4.1, Problem 7. So suppose that neither A nor В is compact. It follows that they are both cofinal, since for example, if A a [0, x], A is a closed subset of a closed subset of W + , hence compact. Thus we may choose xx e A, x2e В with x2 > xx, x3 e A with x3 > x2, and in general, xln-\ e A x2n e В with x2n+ j > x2n > x2n-i · Let t be the least upper bound of {xn} [Lemma 14.5.1]. As in the proof of countable compactness, t is a cluster point of {xn} hence an accumulation point of both A, B. Since A, B are closed, they both contain t, which is impossible.] Let us now examine fe C(W). For χ e W, Kx = f\_\_x, Ω)] is a compact subset of R. [Exactly as before, [χ, Ω) is countably compact, and a countably compact set in R is compact.] Since {Kx} has the finite intersection property, its intersection is not empty, so we may choose у e Π Κχ. For each positive integer n, let An = {x:\y - f(x)\ > 1/w}. Now An,f~x\_{y}~] are disjoint closed sets of which the latter is not compact. [It is not closed in W+.] Hence An is compact. [See the proof that W is normal.] Thus An a [0, ftj for some bn. Our conclusion about / is that there exists aeW such that f(x) = у far all χ e [α, Ω). [Let a be the least upper bound of {bn} (Lemma 14.5.1). If χ > a, we have, since χ > Ью \у — f(x)\ < 1/w for all w.] It
Sec. 14.5 / Ordinal Spaces 321 follows immediately that W is C-embedded in W+ (this is the same as C*-embedded since H^is pseudocompact) and so, that W+ = β\¥. Finally, we note that W is not paracompact. This is immediate from the fact that W is countably compact and not compact; taking account of Sec. 14.4, Problem 3. remark. The uncountable well-ordered set Xmentioned at the beginning of this section plays no role. If some other set X' is chosen and W formed in the same way as W, then W, W can be put in one-to-one order-preserving correspondence. To prove this let S = {xe W\ 3x' e W with [0, x\ [0, χ'] able to be placed in one-to-one order-preserving correspondence u]. Then S = W. [Ifnot we could choose the first member;; of W\ S, then S = [0,j>), w[S] φ W since w[5] is countable and we may take y' to be the first member of0"\w[,S]. Definingu{y) = /yieldsyeS.j Noww(HO= W. {u(lV)is uncountable, thus for each x' e W\ there exists a e W with u{a) > x'. Then x' e [0', u(a)~] = w[0, a] so that x' e м[РК].| Thus also W, W are homeo- morphic. The (unique) space H^is referred to as the first uncountable ordinal number and is sometimes designated by the symbol Ω. More generally, the interval [0, а) с if is designated by a. Thus a + 1 is identified with [0,я] = [0,я + 1). Problems ^r\. How do we know that there exists an uncountable well-ordered set? [Theorem 10.2.1.] 2. For every χ e W, χ + 1 is an isolated point. ^\3. For every xeW, (χ, Ω) is not empty. 4. W, W+ are not second countable [Theorem 10.1.1]. 5. W+ is not first countable [Theorem 8.3.2]. 6. W is first countable. [For xeW, [0, x) = {an} consider {(αη,χγ.η= 1,2,...}.] 7. ω+ is (homeomorphic with) a subspace of W. [Consider {0, 0 + 1, 0 + 1 + 1,.. .}, and its least upper bound.] 8. Sequential convergence in W and W+ is not trivial; indeed every increasing sequence is convergent [Lemma 14.5.1]. 9. W, W+ are not extremally disconnected [Theorem 14.1.5]. 10. H^has a unique uniformity. [See Sec. 11.5, Problem 108.] 11. W is sequentially compact [Theorem 7.1.3] and so is W+. [Use Lemma 14.5.1.] Thus the Stone-Cech compactification of a normal space can be sequentially compact.
322 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 101. Let/: W-+ W+. We may consider /to be a net (/w: W). Suppose that/w —► Ω. Show that/w > w for some w. 102. Fix a e W+. Let ft be the first member of W+ satisfying ft > χ for all χ < a. Show that either ft = a or ft + 1 = a. [If ft + 1 < я, we would have ft > ft + 1.] 103. Show that a is an isolated point of W+ if and only if a = ft + 1 for some ft [Problem 102]. 104. Any nonisolated point of W+ is called a limit ordinal. Show that the set of limit ordinals in W is cofinal. [For any x, consider the least upper bound of {χ, χ + 1, χ + 1 + 1,. . .}. Another proof stems from Problems 101 and 103. If the result is false, the net (w - 1: W) converges to Ω, contradicting Problem 101.] 105. Every compact set in W is included in some [0, a]. [Otherwise it would have Ω as an accumulation point in W +.] 106. H^isnota-compact. [LetS = (J Kn Each Kn a [0, aj by Problem 105. Thus S a [0, a~] by Lemma 14.5.1.] 107. H^is not Lindelof [Sec. 8.1, Problem 124]. 201. For W, Ji (Sec. 14.4, Definition 1) is a uniformity. 202. For W, the uniformity Ji is not complete [Sec. 11.3, Problem 21]. 14.6 The Tychonoff Plank Let the space ω + χ W+ be denoted by the symbol P+, and let и = (oo, Ω), a point of P+. The space Ρ = P+ \ {u} is called the Tychonoff plank, in honor of A. Tychonoff. It is clear that P+ is a compact Hausdorff space [Theorem 7.4.1] and that Ρ is a dense open subspace. Thus Ρ is locally compact, and P+ is its one-point compactification. Unlike W, Ρ is not countably compact, indeed Ρ contains a sequence converging to u. [Namely {(и, Ω): η = 1,2,...}. Refer to Theorem 6.4.1.] We are now going to show that Ρ is C-embedded in P+. Let/e C{P). In particular, / is continuous on {η} χ W for each η e ω, and so by the discussion in Section 14.5, there exists aneW such that/ is constant on {η} χ [α„, Ω), hence, also, on {η} χ [αη, Ω]. Repeating this argument for {oo} χ W yields a0 e W such that / is constant, say, / = a, on {oo} χ [α0, Ω). Now define/(w) = a, and /is extended to P+. [Choose ae W with a > an for η = 0, 1, 2, . . ., by Lemma 14.5.1. Let (χδ, уд) be a net converging to u. We may assume yd > a for all δ since yd > a eventually. Now if χδ φ oo, we have f{xd,yd) = f{xd, a) —>/(oo, a) = a, while if χδ = oo, we have f(xd, yd) = a. Thus f(x6, yd) —► a = /(w).] Since Ρ is C-embedded in a compact space, Ρ is pseudocompact, and Ρ* = βΡ. The chief value of Ρ is as a source of counterexamples; the relevant properties are given in the problems. Note that it supplies us with the only example
Sec. 14.7 / Completely Regular and Normal Spaces 323 in this book of a locally compact Hausdorff space which is not normal; equivalently, a normal space (P+) with a nonnormal open subspace [Problem 4]. Problems on the Tychonoff Plank Ρ jr\. и is a sequential limit point of P. [Namely, (л, Ω) —► и.J 2. ω χ {Ω} is a closed discrete subspace of P. [It is a sequence converging to w.] 3. The subspace of Problem 2 is not C*-embedded in P. [If it were, it would be C* -embedded in Ρ+ = βΡ, hence ίηω+ χ {Ω}. Thiswould make ω C*-embedded in ω + .] 4. The plank is not normal. [Many proofs are available: (i) Sec. 8.5, Problem 103; (ii) Problem 1 and Theorem 8.3.2; (iii) Problems 2, 3, and Theorem 8.5.3; (iv) Problem 201.] 5. The plank is not first countable. [{1} χ W has (1, Ω) as an accumulation point, but not a sequential limit point since {1} χ W+ is homeo- morphic with W+ = β\¥. Apply Theorem 8.3.2.] (The same proof shows that Ρ is not closure-sequential.) 101. The plank is neither realcompact [Sec. 8.6, Problem 1], nor para- compact [Corollary 14.4.1]. 102. The plank has a unique uniformity. [See Sec. 11.5, Problem 108.] 201. Show that {oo} χ H^andco χ {Ω} are disjoint closed sets in Ρ which cannot be separated by open sets. 14.7 Completely Regular and Normal Spaces Complete regularity is a very tractable condition with convenient properties. For example, it is hereditary and productive, and a Tx space is completely regular if and only if it is a subspace of a cube [Theorem 8.2.2]. It is a sufficient condition for the existence of a uniformity [Theorem 11.4.5], and of the Stone-Cech compactification. Very important classes of spaces must be completely regular, namely the uniform spaces, with topological groups and topological vector, spaces as notable special cases. In contrast, normality and Γ4 are difficult to treat. They are neither productive [Sec. 6.7, Example 3], nor hereditary [Sec. 14.6, Problem 4; or any nonnormal Tychonoff space]. It is difficult to tell whether a given space is normal; for example, it is unknown whether Χ χ [0, 1] is normal if A" is a T4 space. Topological groups and vector spaces of a very special kind need not be normal [Sec. 6.7, Problem 203; Sec. 12.1, Problem 122], even the weak topology of a Banach space! [See [Corson (a), p. 12].]
324 Miscellaneous Topics / Ch. 14 Of course a T4 space will have all the properties of a T3± space, and more; but this fact is cold comfort if we wish to apply a theorem to a space not known to be Γ4. What is helpful is that there is a body of techniques and results designed to yield conclusions from the T3± assumption which are analogous to, and as useful as, those obtainable from the assumption Γ4. Sometimes, of course, a more refined argument actually yields the same conclusion. (See Example 3.) EXA Μ Ρ L Ε 1. If X is Γ4, no point of βX \ X is a sequential limit point of X [Theorem 8.3.2]. This is false for TH [Sec. 14.6, Problem 1], but we have the consolation result that βΧ cannot be first countable at any point βΧ \ Χ [Sec. 10.2, Problem 112]. EXAMPLE 2. Every closed subspace of a normal space is C-embedded [Theorem 8.5.3], and this fails for Tychonoff spaces [Sec. 8.5, Problem 102]. However, certain types of subspaces are C-embedded; for example, compact ones [Corollary 8.5.1], certain sequences [Theorem 10.2.4]. In a normal space, disjoint closed sets are completely separated [Theorem 4.2.11]; in a Tychonoff space, disjoint closed sets are completely separated if one of them is compact. [Completely separate the compact one from the closure in βΧ of the other one.] EXAM PL Ε 3. Suppose that X has an infinite locally finite disjoint family of open subsets. If X is normal we see immediately that X is not pseudo- compact. [There is an infinite discrete closed subspace, to which we may apply Theorem 8.5.3.] We can obtain exactly the same result for completely regular spaces, but it requires a special argument [Theorem 10.2.5]. EXAMPLE 4. Let^, В be disjoint closed sets in a TH space Xand let Л, В be their closures in βΧ. UXis normal, Α φ Β. [Let/ = 0 on A, 1 on B\ such /exists by Theorem 8.5.3. Then/ = 0 on Л, 1 on B.J However, these closures may meet if X is not normal. [If they do not meet, they are completely separated in βΧ, and so А, В are completely separated in X.J A result, true for Tychonoff spaces, which serves the same purpose as the above, is this: If А, В are disjoint zero-sets, А φ Б. [Say A = f1, В = gL. Let u = 1/1/(1/1 + l#l)· Then и = 0 on A, 1 on B. The extension of и to βΧ is 0 on Л, 1 on B.J A systematic technique for replacing Γ4 by T3± is to discuss zero-sets instead of closed sets. In a normal space, disjoint closed sets are completely separated [Theorem 4.2.11]; in an arbitrary space, disjoint zero-sets are completely separated, [if f,ge C(X) with f1 φ g\ then |/|/(|/| + \g\) separates/1, g1], and a completely regular space is well endowed with zero-
Sec. 14.7 / Completely Regular and Normal Spaces 325 sets; indeed every closed set is an intersection of zero-sets. [Let Fbc closed and χ φ F. Let/be a real continuous function with/= 0 on F,f(x) — 1. Then F α Ζ1, χ φ/1.} This program requires the replacement of filters by ζ filters; these are appropriate collections of zero-sets; an example is given in Sec. 8.6, Definition 1 and Problem 117. We refer to [Gillman and Jerison], in which an important branch of mathematics is exposed, and in which the setting is that of Tychonoff spaces. Note: The existence of a T4 space X for which Χ χ [0, 1] is not normal is consistent with set theory. See MR 35 #6564 (Jech); MR 77, p. 391 (Μ. Ε. Rudin); and MR 75, p. 264 (C. H. Dowker).
Tables of Theorems and Counterexamples Introduction Each table is headed by a property which is the conclusion of all theorems. One uses the tables as follows: suppose it is required to know whether every compact Hausdorff space is normal. The conclusion is " normal," hence one looks at Table 22, normal. (The tables are in alphabetical order.) This table has two lists; in the list headed Implied by, a short search reveals the entry "Κ.Γ2 05.4.7." Recognizing the standard abbreviation "K" for "compact" (see list of equivalences, below), we conclude that every compact Hausdorff space is normal, the proof given in Theorem 5.4.7. As another example of the use of the tables, suppose it is required to know whether every first countable, compact Hausdorff space is metrizable. The conclusion is "metrizable" hence one looks at Table 21, metrizable, then, as suggested there, Table 30, semimetrizable. In the second column of this table, under Not implied by, is given the entry FC.K.r2.Z.r [Kelley, 5J, 5M]. This indicates that a first countable, compact, Hausdorff, separable, connected space need not be metrizable; a fortiori, a first countable, compact Hausdorff space need not be metrizable. (The relevant counterexample is given in the cited reference.) A third use of the tables is to discover whether a specific space has a property; for example, to see if Q (the rationals) is hemicompact, note that Table 13, hemicompact, has a list under Spaces', in this list, Q appears, followed by "no 8.1 #112." This means that Q is not hemicompact as proved in Sec. 8.1, Problem 112. (A hint is given.) This entry "yes" after R means that R is hemicompact. The entry "G с В" in the first column of Table 1, baire, means "an open subset of a Baire space is itself a Baire space"; the entry "r(B)" means "a retract of a Baire space need not be a Baire space." The entry (B.T3i.)2 in the second column means "Χ χ Χ need not be a Baire space if A' is a T3± Baire space." The entry " <B" in the second column of Table 1 means: "if a topological space can be given a larger Baire topology, it need not, itself, be a Baire space." References such as "Note 1" refer to the Notes at the end of the Tables. EXAMPLE. Must a separable Г4 space be Lindelof? Table 18 says no, with the remark that L.T4 implies PK, so it is sufficient that Σ.Γ4 does not imply PK. Table 23, the PK table, verifies this with an appropriate reference, concluding the investigation. It follows that a separable Γ3 or T3i space need not be Lindelof; however these entries are given explicitly because the appropriate references are easier. 329
330 Tables of Theorems/Appendix Cd α с о cd Ом ω ρ cd Ζ3 С •о 73 cd Ом с - - <υ cd О υ u u υ υ л л л si si si cd с о <D (U X =3 ω _ о ^ л ^ ^ ^ ~ '~ с 'и 'и 'и ^ ^_ 5 Л Л Л я) _rj :>. о .*i .ts .м" и ^ w !м Ό Ό Ό So u w С <U (U (U .м (U С • · ■ Ό > 4) С С Ό О £ ♦j - OS \£ ε erse 1 ■> с о α lated о ел О ад "о α о л 5Г " g U а 33 о — CJ Cd '§>£ о it* " jo S 5 § · ? о с cj <С У <υ о л <и cd ^ ^ ^ · ε ε c ■ ο ο cd :^5 >*>*>*>*>*>* is ό (U Um и CJ α ο CJ cd cd cd CJ CJ CJ Ο Ο Ο Λ Λ Λ υ υ υ Ο Ο Ο cd л CJ CJ Ο Ο Ш ο < > α χ χ Μ J ft, W Дм Дм Дм Дм ι—м и о и и см ^ ^ _ Ь4 О υ а j о j ел с .Ζ 73 73 "^ #CJ CJ ^ cd cd cd •β IJ s § ω с СЛ .Д ел +-? +j О cd cd о са то =3 i^ с с ._? >> cd cd cd cd ω _r> - S3 -g "C .5 2 ° S , СЛ 3 I JO о cj 2 -2 Um Um Ο ο ω ω g 55 ρ а .. .Η jd 5 5 jo cd cd ^ ^ cd С О '+- cd cj '■M* Um' CJ cd а <u cd <u <d , , и £ ° о U CJ . ^ -^ =3 *o о Ό с с ·-. S ° JO cj ρ -Ό О <D ад cd В ад cd cj ел Χ *-* CJ ел > u С «« о <*- cj О £ .О .О υ О, м g ° О а с ^cj 8 л о .м 2 ад a « CJ cd а ε о CJ cd" 3 1121 о S 2 « cj cj cj cd SP о 41 с з м ел О © CJ CJ JO В С « CJ У5 о о CJ CJ ^ ^U ^ on и U Ξ Ξ on U U м cd<<<<%ffljo^joOOOO qs cr ад ад л CJ CJ CJ CJ CJ (D U υ U υ υ cj "tri ■^-> α α g ε ε с о о о
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 331 (U 3 JO u at o« « ел г-ч CJ α о CJ Tj С ^ о .а <υ с ел ω ^ ел =5 < Л -5 \д <и Л Л Л ^ CJ CJ CJ > О О О О С (U ζτ1 <L> ω IS -^ N ΐ3 ' η en -*—> CJ (U я в tiscr cd ε the a ideal "л axim acompact <υ tical a ε si cd асе α ел ore о <υ tj 2 ^ ° ed g О 2 В В Ξ ε ε Ξ Ξ ε w О cd ад с 'S о с с (U "а ε w О с с О с л ε £ 2 о (U CJ cd а ел СО а о ε с 3 о В ел* С ε s < "δ 5* а ε о ^Γ> ел Is» *-» TJ У ω 3 <u Ό cj О О и и а Он mati cd Ξ pact ε о CJ cd и cd а cd а ел Ί с δ а о Ό 3 ел а ■§ S. Ι ε i 8 О О TJ Ό 3 =3 <υ <υ ел ел а а W t^U ^ < ^ U с£ <л Ь. <ν υ сл - ^ — Ξ — Jli ε ζ si с с а ел ε ζ с 8. υ о О ел Ξ С а, а, Он -=*.^^ cd ад с ад . ε ч_, CJ "и <υ а ел 3 шио cd а ε о CJ cd и cd а >. itabl '-'0 е υ Λ υ j* л ад с <υ <υ и =з >, ет1 С ел О ° Η * > *3 и и «и <и > > с cd > ел С О cd ел m О а с а \п си О ел CJ CJ С .2 * · а> О а ад с 3 О с с о тз .ε а, «и ω 2 υ JT ел ел Л »-i Tj Tj Tj Tj Tj U ^ cd <U cd а, - - ω с <и !Й Й ^ Ω ω cj cd а ел JO ел О) ел (U (U (U Л СД о § ε (U (U ° <U ^ и *j ti О ел *гз _ и С CJ У5 У5 cd .ε -о о « α υ ч ад <- ε о ·- с .а о л с .© α о си 0« - о С я) 85 С С JO В с и 3 о о CJ CJ •X Он Он СЛ * 3 и и Ό <Ό ω ΤΙ £■· и Q ^ ^ l· Uh α ^
332 Tables of Theorems/Appendix с JD С •ё § <υ <u w с §.» s £ ·° "^ 'ад Й ^ ^ 1. 0) -t_> -t_> Он Λ О О О (U > ical ад ото α о > л Л ел "о α (Ν О bor л eig е 3 о с с о CJ С (U О С С *S Л «я О с£ л ^ ω с с *s i^ α^· CJ <U О О. ад £» та ω и О if ел О. О ел -£ .- л * О О "С ·■* u !-* <υ <υ 2 о α с о с с В со О О ел > ^(νφΗΗΗΗ^ DC-» ел α В о CJ £ £ £ Л Ν Ν V + Л £ CJ α (U ел ω ^л .ti ««ι О. ей (U О Л ел и α α "α В а χ Щ 4θ" "α ο ε S о .2 CJ ел α ^ д £ :=r s =: .а й л α ·2 с (Ν α ^ ^ л >< л я о, ,; Ρ 2 '5 '5 Www 3 з 2 υ-ο^ ^ Й 3 3 a3 5 ад ω ад t: tc ·« oj л ο, σ4 σ4 S cr cr-S ^cjcjcjcjcjcjcjcjcj.Scjcj^ 4->ииииелиелелелелелелел V. *- ел О U ^ S й β -g 3 с OJ 3 ^ у ел (N CJ В emi СЛ О С emi ел CJ С ад α- .и I δ ε 8 о ел to to CJ JO с О о О && & u rt £ с* с* w ел ел ел ел ел ел ел с о CJ _ . . 2п ел ел ел О * g Ξ с С*
TABLE 1 Implied by y.SM 09.3.2 CII.TG 12.1 #115 Cy 9.3 #120 cof.u 9.3 #112 K.T2 09.3.6 K.R 09.3.6 C(HK.k) 09.3.2 CK.T3i 7.1 #114 (d.G,) с В 9.3 #118 f 9.3 #14 factor in В.П GcB 9.3 #13 G0 с (y.SM) 9.3 #118 G,c= K.T2 LCK.R 9.3 #3 LK.T2 09.3.6 LK.R 09.3.6 LK.SM 9.3 #4 Ly.SM 9.2 #102 П(у. M) [Bourbaki(a), Chapter 3, p. 4] Щ2С.В) [Oxtoby] ψΚ.Τ3ί [Bourbaki(b), IX, 5 #10] res cz В 9.3 #117 each G e СП 09.3.3 и* is В [Comfort(b), p. 115] vX if A- is В [Comfort(b), p. 115] Т^.ЩфК) MR31 #6209 Appendix/Tables of Theorems 333 BAIRE Not implied by (B.T3i)2 [Oxtoby] CIIcB [QU[0,1]] ci(B) [consider D] K.KC 9.3 #113 d c= В [QcR] F cz В 9.3 #13 G0 cz В 9.3 #118 LK.K.7\ 9.3 #113 < В [consider D] > В 6.2 E3 TVS. > В 12.4 #205 r(B) 9.3 #13 Spaces J yes 9.1 #205 Qno 9.3 El Ryes 09.3.2 (R, RHO) yes C(R)yes 013.2.4 and 13.2 #201 C(Q) no LF space no [Kelley and Namioka, 22C]
334 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 2. CATEGORY TWO Implied by\ Not implied by В 09.3.4 K0.min T2 MR29 #579 K0- > (7VCII) 9.3 #204 cof.u min Г3 MR29 #579 Spaces J yes 9.1 #205 Qno R yes 09.3.2 RHO yes C(R)yes 013.2.4 and 13.2 #201 C(Q) no J] K.KC [Q + ] y.U 114#118 C(A-)with Xy.M [X: ci(CII) [consider D] FcCII 9.3 #13 GcCII 9.3 #103 minr2 MR52#6392 n. barreled [Wilansky(c), pp. 45, 53] <(CII) [consider D] >(CII) Note 1 TVS. > СП 12.4 #205 СП in itself 9.3 #6 Denied by Κ0·Γ·Γι 9.3 #104 K0.7V (δ > 1) cof. K0 aK.ID.TVS Note 8 T2.TVS of K0 dim [Wilansky(a), 10.6, Corollary 3] C(r3i.iAK.non-K) Note 36 t See Table 1. TABLE 3. Implied by AC.T3i 8.3 #116 COMPACT AC.r3 [AlexandrofT and Urysohn, p. 47] V F.F is AC [Μ. Η. Stone] CC(K) cz by.LC [Kelley andNamioka, CK.K0 5.4 #2 CK cz C(K, K.M) 013.2.4 CK.L 05.4.1 CK.y 11.3 #21 CK.LK.TG 12.2 #127 CK.PK 14.4 #3 CK.RK 8.6 #1 СК.аК 05.4.1 CK.SM 07.2.1; 11.4 #124 ci(K) 05.4.4 с cof 5.4 #14 ϋ*(Χ)Σ.Τ3ί 12.4#117;[Wilansky(a), p. 269] t See Table 7. 13.4] Not implied byf АС.СК.Г2 8.3 #207 CK.LK.Z.r3i 14.1 E2 CK.SK.LK.FC.r4 \W\ CK cz y.TVS 12.4 #103 CK.TG [Kister] cuc.M 4.2 #113 and #115 HK.RK<rK.K0.M [ω] Κ η Kin US 5.4 #115; Xed Κ η Kin R.N. Note 2 KinT, 5.4 #114 il(K) [Bourbaki(b), Part 1, p. 142] L [R] min T0 min T3 MR27#2949 min T2 5.4 E4 φΚ±Κ.Σ.Τ3> 14.1 E2
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 335 TABLE 3. COMPACT (continued) Implied by cuc.LK.TG. not D [Kister] FcK 05.4.2 factor in а КП 6.7 #102 </>_1[K], Φ perfect [Dugundji, 11.5.3] yVUT3i 11.4E2 y(X\ ATB 9.1 #2, 11.5 #1 i.3(K.G) [Ryeburn] П Kin Г2ог КС 5.4 #115 KcR 5.4 #9 LK.R.i [Ryeburn] M. all My or b AMM 58, p. 389 minP,P= Tl4TH, TA or LK.r2 MR27#4204 min T2.T2i [Bourbaki(b), Part 1, p. 146] min T3.T3i MR27#2949 MK.CK. T2 [Dugundji, 011.3.3] Ny.TB [trivial] ψΚ.Κ0.Τ3 08.5.3 ψΚ.γ 11.3 #22 iAK.HK.LK.T2 10.2 #118 iAK.HK.LK.KC 8.1 #117 iAK.HK.FC.r2 8.1 #117 iAK.L.r3 8.6 #1 iAK.LK.TG 12.2 #127 φΚ.ΝΞ φΚ.ΡΚ 14.4 #3 φΚ.ΚΚ 8.6 #1 ψΚ.σΚ±Κ.Τ2 10.2 #118 ιΑΚ.σΚ.Γ3 8.1 #10; 8.5 #103; 05.3.5 iAK.SM 8.5 #103 Π(Κ) 07.4.1 q(R, +)byF.SG [Kelley, U] r(K) 05.4.4 SK cz C(K,K.M) 013.2.4 SK.SM 07.2.1 se(K) by S with §K [Levine] TB.y 011.3.7 TG.LK.cuc.non-D MR24 #A3226 KuK 5.4 #10 <K 5.4 #4 b.F cz convex.y.LK.M MR36 #4520 Г3,.С*(Л1 Note 15 every subbasic cover reducible to f [Kelley, 5.6] βΧ = βω \ ω (CH) [Fine and Gillman(a), 04.6] βΧ = βΚ \ R (CH) [Fine and Gillman(a), 04.6] U. no ip. {nhds of Δ}Μ 14.4 #102 Not implied byi фК.аК2С.Т2 5.2 E7, and #113 ^K.TG.r2 [Comfort and Ross, p. 485] ψΚ.Τ4 14.5 Π(Κ) with box 7.4 #104 se(K) 05.4.10 KVK 6.2 #107 TG.non-D.CK.cuc [Kister] every G cover is U C14.4.2 3 unique U.LK.CK.T4 14.5 #10 > К 6.2 #107 Spaces [a,/?] yes 5.4 El long line no [Hocking and Young, p. 56] Wno 14.5 W+ yes 14.5
336 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 4. COMPLETE Implied by Not implied by c*uc.SM 9.1 #114; 11.4 #102 Cy.SM 9.1 #208 у 11.3 #106 у + К in TVS [Wilansky(a), 10.2 Fact (i)] K.U 011.3.7 C*(X) 9.1 E4 C(k) 13.2 #201 f.U 011.3.7 Fey 11.3 #8 factor in у.П 11.4 #119 LF space [Kelley and Namioka, 22C] Ny.TB [=>K] Ny.SM 11.5 #110 Пу 11.4 #7 PK.nhdsofA 014.4.2 someq 9.1 E5; 12.3 #105; 012.3.5 r(y) 11.4 #119 Rx.n [Wilansky(a), 7.2 Fact (ii)] Sy.SM 09.1.3 TG.LK 12.2 #127 uifA-isRK 11.4E5 uc.h_1(y) 0П.З.З > equiv.y.U CI 1.3.1 every G cover is U 14.4 #2 by.TVS Note 3 CK.T3i 11.3 #21 cuc.U 11.4 #102 D.M 9.1 E2 LK.L.B.M [consider (0, 1)] Ny.TVS Note 3 n.CII [Wilansky(a), 7.5 #18] φΚ.Τ3ί 11.3 #21 q(y.TVS)byF 13.2 #110 Rx.TVS [Schaefer, p. 148] Sy.FC 11.5 #111 Sy.2C MR57#3512 C(RK) Note 4 у + у in R [Wilansky(a), 10.2 Fact (i)] у ν у [Wilansky(a), 7.5 E8] > у [Wilansky(a), 7.5 E8] < У [D] Spaces Ryes 9.1 E3
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 337 TABLE 5. COMPLETELY REGULAR (See also Table 37) Implied by Not implied by K0R 05.3.5 factor in (CR-Π) 6.7 #102 K.RorK.T2 05.4.7 KOtoCR 13.2*112 LK.R 8.1 n(CR) 06.7.3 PK C14.4.1 R.L. 05.3.5 R.N 4.3 #3 R.2C 05.3.2 se CR by F [Ryeburn] SM 04.3.3 TG 012.1.4 TVS 12.4 #1 U 011.5.2 и>[С(Л] 06.7.4 w(CR) 06.7.2 ZD 4.3 #103 V(CR) 06.7.1 or 6.7 #115 с (CR) 4.3 #2 certain IJ Note 5 every lsc is \/C [Dugundji, p. 159] Г3 [Dugundji, 7.7 E3] N 4.3 #3 se CR 6.2 E2 >CR 6.2 E2 <CR [D] ГХГ.у.Мооге MR20 #277 Denied by К0.Г.Г2 5.2 E7
338 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 6. CONNECTED (See also Table 8) Implied by Not implied by β(Γ) 05.2.3 βΧΓ 8.3 #104 ci(H 05.2.2 cof oo factor in (Γ.Π) 6.7 #102 Γ+ 05.2.3 Γ 05.2.3 I K-embedded сГ 8.5 #13 ПГ 06.6.3 ςΓ 05.2.2 se(r) by dT [Levine, 09] TVS 12.4 #109 G cz βγχβ η Y)T MR20 #2688 <Γ. 5.2 CI ψ'[Γ], φ: R -> R AMM 75, p. 887 (X/S)T 12.3 #109 ГиГ 05.2.1 Γ ν Γ 6.7 #118 >Г [D] Spaces R"yes 5.2 E4; 12.4 #109 Qno 5.2 #2 Q+yes 8.1 #127 R2\Ko yes conv. cz R2 yes
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 339 TABLE 7. COUNTABLY COMPACT (See also Note 7, and Θ1] 0.2.5) Implied by Not implied by ASC.r3 [AlexandrofT and Urysohn] CKcN Note 35 CK χ (CK.FC.r2) [Franklin, p. 111] CK χ SK [Franklin, p. Ill] CK χ (CK.seq.r2) [Franklin, p. 111] ci(CK) 05.4.4 factor in (СКП) 6.7 #102 φ~χ [СК], φ perfect [Dugundji, 11.5.3] FcCK 05.4.2 i. 3 (CK.G) [Ryeburn] К Κ χ CK [Gaal, p. 147] (K.ed.r2)\l point 14.1 E2 ιΑΚ.Ν 8.5 #103 iAK.CPK.7^ MR20#1964 iAK.7^ + separation MR20 #1964 фК.(¥.фВ => ψΚ) 8.6 #113 (X0n)(CK.FC) [Dugundji, 11.3.6] (<Ki)n(SK) [Scarborough and Stone, p. 144] q(CK) 05.4.4 SK 7.1 #4 se CK by S with §CK [Levine] X0 sum(K) PAMS 13 (1962), 37 TG.N.cuc.loc b.non-D [Kister] <CK 05.4.4 every K0.F is CK 7.1 #104 (fU)(F-CK) [Ryeburn] βΧ\ {χ}, χ e βΧ\ Χ, with ΧσΚ and βΧΤΌ Note 33 Χ = ПГа, ΧΝ, each r,SK MR57#3511 βΧ\{ή, ίΕβΧ\Χ [Plank] CK x CK 7.4, Remark CK ν CK AMM 75, p. 358 CKcTG Note 34 CK cz TH Note 34 L [Q] φΚ.Τ2 7.1 #115 i^K.FC.r3i [Gillman and Jerison, 51] iAK.LK.T3i [Plank] i/^K.TG Note 34 se CK [Levine, 06] SFcK 08.3.2 SK [Grothendieck] TB.TG [R, β} 3 1U [Gillman and Jerison, 15R] >CK [D] Spaces Plank no 14.6 oo.Dno 5.4 #13 long line yes [Hocking and Young, p. 56] ^yes 14.5 βω \ nip yes 14.1 E2 ω u {/}, / g βω no 05.4.1 or 14.1 #110 /?Q\Qno 8.3 #110; 5.4 #109 β<ϊ \ {χ}, χ e /?Q \ Q yes Note 33 0Q\{x}, xeQno 5.4 #109
340 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 8. DISCONNECTED (All spaces have more than one point) Implied by Not implied by K0.LK.T2 5.4 #101 Ko-M 04.3.3 Ko-^3 5.3 #102 D ed.T2 5.2 #111 f.7\ 4.1 #3 TD ZD.r0 5.2 #111 C*(X) has three idempotents 5.2 #112 K0.7V2C ed. 7\ 5.2 #111 f.R.N p] (TD.M)+ 8.1 #127 ZD.R.N 5.2#111 TABLE 9. DISCRETE Implied by Not implied by cuc.LK.non-K.TG [Kister] ed. CS.T2 014.1.5 ed.FC.r2 014.1.5 ed.K0-LK.r2 10.1 #109 ed.LK.TG [Rajagopalan, 01] ed.SK.T2 14.1 #109 f.7\ 4.1 #3 K.r2.Hed [Gillman and Jerison, 6R4] iAF.k.7\ 8.1 #115 iAF.FC.r2 8.1 #119 iAF.LK.T2 8.1 #117 q(TG) by G subgroup 12.3 #2 7\.3Lfbase 10.2 #109 >D Δ cz n(D) 6.7 #121 AT3i, C(X)Rx [Warner, 010] K0.ed.r4.iAF 8.3 #103 cuc.CK.non-K.TG [Kister] ed.K.T2 {βω} г.т0 n(D) 6.4 #101 q(TG) by component 6.5 #105 TD.M.I [Q]
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 341 TABLE 10. EXTREMALLY DISCONNECTED Implied by Not implied by /?(ed) jffJTed сое cof d cz ed Gced I 014.1.4 014.1.4 014.1.3 014.1.3 1 loc ed.T2 [Bourbaki(b), 1.11 #22b] r(ed) 014.1.3 se(ed)byd 6.2 #112 semiD 6.7 #111 Ζ cz Λ-cz βΖ, Zed 014.1.3 and 014.1.4 T3i. every G is C*-embedded MR27 #3824 T3i. every d is C*-embedded MR27 #3824 (ed.K.r2)2 14.1 #106 ed {ω+ = ω] F cz ed 14.1 #203 (X0n)(ed) 14.1 #105 or #106 TD.ZD.M. [Q] 3 ed.d.G subset [ω+] >ed 6.2 E3 <ed [D] Spaces (ed.LK.r2)+ no MR30 #3352 ίω\ωηο 14.1 #203 0a>yes 014.1.4 Plank no 014.1.4 and 014.1.5 RHOno 014.1.5 ω u {/}, te /toyes 014.1.3 IV, W+ no 14.5 #9 TABLE 11. FINITE Implied by Not implied by K0.K.r2.ed 14.1 #107 K.r2.division ring 7.3 #212 K.r2.Hed [Gillman and Jerison, 6R4] ψ¥.Κ i^K.P-space [Gillman and Jerison, 14K2] SK.ed.T2 14.1 #109 r3i.dim C*(X) < oo TH.C*(X)Rx [Warner, 0E] K0.r4.ed [ω] K.M.TD.ZD.I [ω + ] K.M.TD.ZD.I.TG [2Mo]
342 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 12. FIRST COUNTABLE Implied by Xo-cof Ko-LK.R 5.4 #202 βΧ at χ if X FC at x. 8.3 #117 cgi(FC) f (F => GS).CK.T3 МА92, p. 267 factor in (FCn) 6.7 #102 G^.LK.R 5.4 #201 G^.LCK.R [Alexandroff and Urysohn, p. 66] (HK.R)+(at oo) 8.1 #113 i.BFC.G.subspace [Ryeburn] LK.TG. every К subgroup FC (K0n)(FC) 6.2 #6 q(FC.TG) 012.3.3 se(FC) SM 2C (KoVXFC) 6.2 #6 (f UXG.FC subspaces) [Ryeburn] c=FC Not implied by K0.K [Q+] К0.Г4 8.3 #103 Ko-^-G^.iAF 8.3 #103 K0 TA. every subset is a Gs 8.3 #103 K0TG [Hewitt and Ross, 4.22] cof, coc 3.1 #4 CS.Kq-K.KC 8.1 #130 CS.r2.K0 3.1 #203 CS.7YK 8.1 #132 cfi(FC) [Kelley, 3R] G0.T2 6.2 #110 G^.K.KC.Ko 8.1 #112, #113, #203, and #205 KOtoFC 13.1 #106 n(FC) 6.4 #6 q(FC) [Kelley, 3R, 5N] sk {w+] Σ.Κ.Τ2 08.3.2 V(FC) 6.4 #6 <FC [D] >M 12.4 #205 Spaces RHOyes 5.3 El Q+no 8.1 #113 W+ no 14.5 #5 JFyes 14.5 #6 ω υ {/}, te βωηο 8.3 #103 Plank no 14.6 #5
TABLE 13. Implied by FcHK К LK.T.M [Hocking and Young, pp. 79-80] LKT.TG 12.2 #121 LK.L.R 8.1 #125 LK.I.M 8.3 #113 LK.I.TG 12.1 #121 aK.LK.R 8.1 #125 w* dual of Banach space 12.4 #201 X + FCatoo 8.1 #113 TH.C(X)M 013.2.4 Appendix/Tables of Theorems 343 EMICOMPACT Not implied by\ K0.M 8.1 #112 ci(HK) Note 17 GcHK [Dc D + ] G, cHK [Jc R] LK.I.r2 8.3 #113 П(НК) 9.3 #110, 6.4 #203 σΚ.Μ 8.1 #112 w* dual of η 12.4 #201 >HK 6.2 E3 <HK Note 17 Denied by K0r.FC.r2 Note 9 TVS.M.y.ID Note 8 D.u Spaces R yes ω yes Qno 8.1 #112 Jno 8.1 #112 βΧ\{ή, ίφΧηο 08.3.2 ω u {/}, /e/toyes 8.3 # 103(b) RHOno 9.3 #115 Wno 8.1 #10 t See also Table 28.
344 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 14. HEREDITARILY SEPARABLE Implied by 2C I.SM Σ.ordered space PAMS 75, p. 867 Not implied by Κ.Σ.ΙλΠ(Κ.Μ) 6.7 #201 Σ.Κ.Γ2 [Kelley, 3N] I.TG 6.7 #201 Spaces RRno 6.7 #201 RHO χ RHO no 6.7 E3 βω no {βω \ ω} TABLE 15. HOMOGENEOUS Η non-H any TG [translation] Q J 12.1 #112 [0,1]" 6.4 #204 Π(Η) Note 10 Cantor discontinuum [2 is H] /?A-\A4fA4snotiAK(CH) MR20#1965 βω\ω [Frolik] βω 08.3.2 W, W + А К0.Г.Г2 may be homogeneous or not MR25#A2181. The closure of a H set in TVS need not be Η Note 6
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 345 TABLE 16. к SPACE (See also Note 41) Implied by Not implied by CS.T2 8.1 #116 FC 8.1 #119 Fck Note 14 G с к.Г2 Note 14 К 8.1 #118 KC.X+isKC 8.1 #203 LK 8.1 #118 q(k) q(k.r2) [Dugundji, p. 248] S.T2 10.1 #111 (k.FC.r2) χ (k.FC.r2) 8.1 #119 (к.Г2) χ (LK.T2) [Dugundji, p. 249] each point has a K. nhd 8.1 #117 3 Lf cover by F.K. sets 10.2 #115 K0.r4.L.RK 8.3 #103 dck 8.3 #103 к'.Г2 [Comfort(b), pp. 109, 116] (k.M) χ (к.Г2) MR55#693 П(М.к) [RR] u(LK.nmc) MR36 #5896 <k [D] >k 6.2 E3 Denied by D(D.mc) [Comfort(b), ψ¥. notD 8.3 #103 p.115] Spaces Wyes 8.1 #118 RR no [Kelley, p. 240] ω υ {/}, te )5ω\ωηο 8.3 #103 RHOyes 8.1 #119 fiX\{x}yes Note 14 Plank yes 8.1 #118 TABLE 17. КС SPACE Implied by Not implied by CS.US [Franklin] coc 5.4 #106 (k.KC)+ 8.1 #203 (к.Г2)+ 8.1 #203 maximal К 5.4 E4 iAF.7\ 5.4 #106 T2 05.4.5 >KC US.LK [Wilansky(b), p. 1241] <KC D (КС)2 Note 40 Spaces cofno 5.4 #14 Q+ yes 8.1 #203
346 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 18 (See also Table 29; for Μ Implied by f ci(L) 05.4.4 cof [[it is K] FcL 05.3.3 F.cL factor in ЬП 6.7 #102 HK 8.1 #10 i. 3 (L.G) [Ryeburn] К LKT.TG 12.1 #121 LK.I.TG 12.1 #121 L χ Κ [Gaal, p. 145] ΡΚ.Σ [Dugundji, p. 176] PK. weak Banach space [Corson(b)] PK. every M. continuous image is Σ [Corson(a)] q(L) 05.4.4 I.SM 05.3.4 2C 05.3.2 σΚ 8.1 #10 se L by set S with S L [Levine] r4.C0(LK.TG) with weak topology [Corson(b), 02] Cq(LK.M) with weak topology [Corson(b), 01] C(X, Y) with X, Г, Σ.Μ [Klee and Rudin] w*dualofSN 12.4 #102 <L 05.4.4 </>_1[L], φ perfect [Dugundji, 11.5.3] (fUXG.L) t See also Table 28. . LINDELOF or SM spaces see Table 31) Not implied by AC.T2 [Bourbaki(b), Part 1, p. 147] D [u] GcL,GcKT2 [D с D + ] HL χ HL 6.7E3;[Kelley, IK] ЕсГ4 Note 30 L ν L AMM 75, p. 358 (L.TJ χ (L.TJ 6.7 E3 LK.TG [D] LK.r4.CK.SK.FC.LM 14.5 Μ [D] n(L.TG) 12.1 #122 RK 6.7 E3 Σ.Γ3 5.3 #201 Σ.Γ3νΤΰ 12.1 #122 Σ.Γ4 [L.r4^PK] se L [Levine] 3aLfbase.r4 10.3 #2 ZD.r4 [D] >L 6.2 E3 every subbasic cover reducible to K0 [Kelley, U(e)] Spaces βΧ\{χ},χΕβΧ\Χ 8.3 #112; 8.1 #124 сое yes cofyes RHOyes 5.3 E3 RHOisHL [Kelley, IK] RHO χ RHO no 6.7 E3 ω u {/}, / g βω yes [X0] ^no 14.5 #107 Plank no 05.3.5
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 347 TABLE 19. LOCALLY COMPACT Implied by cgi(LK) 5.4 #15 factor in LK.n 6.7 #102 FcLK 5.4 #3 and #103 GcLK 05.4.12 G cz K.R C5.4.1 G cz K.T2 05.4.7 FnGcLK 5.4 #103 HK.FC.R 8.1 #129 HK.FC.r2 8.1 #129 HK.FC.US 4.1 #117 i. 3 (LK.G) [Ryeburn] K.RorK.T2 05.4.11 K.TG 012.1.4 Ly in every Μ AM Μ 58, p. 391 Π (LK) if aa factors К 7.4 #108 (fn)(LK) q(LK.TG) 12.3 #11 q(LK) by use К decomposition [Kelley, 05.20] r(LK) 5.4 #16 X + R 8.1 #123 Not implied by cfi(R) [Kelley, 5N] CK.T3i Note 12 НК.Г4.К0 8.3 #103 K.7\ 8.1 #6 K.KC 8.1 #6 LK ν Κ ΑΜΜ 75, p. 358 (Kon)(LK) 7.4 #107 r(K) [r = identity] I.B.TG 12.4 E6 7\ each point has a K nhd 8.1 #6 ν^Κ.σ-φΚ) [Comfort(b), p. 116] >LK 6.2 E3 <LK [D] czLK [QcR] Denied by К0.Т2.Г 5.3 #102 (οοΠ)(ηοη-Κ) 7.4 #107 Spaces cofyes 5.4 #12 X+T2 3.1.2 T2. each point has а К nhd 8.1 #126 r3i.3 larger topology: |βΧ\Χ\ < oo MR79#1069 Q+no 8.1 #6 RHO no 5.4 #205 ω υ {/}, te βω\ωηο 8.3 #103 Wyes 14.5 Plank yes 14.6
348 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 20. LOCALLY CONNECTED (See Note 13) Implied by Not implied by /?(ЬГ, ф K.T3i) MR20 #2688 cgi(Lr) 6.5 #109 D GcLr 5.2 (Remark) (fTI)(Lr) [Simmons, p. 152 #5] i. 3 (Lr.G) [Ryeburn] Π(ΓΧΓ) [Simmons, p. 152 #7] г(ЬГ) [Hu, p. 27] q(LO 6.5 #109 (f\J)(G.r subspaces) /Ш.Г MR20 #2688 P(LV) [0R] Г 5.2 #109 all components G and F с=ЬГ [QcR] <ЬГ [D] >Lf 6.2 E3 5.2#115 Denied by β (non-i^K) MR20 #2688 Spaces Q, J no Q+ no /Ж no MR20 #2688
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 349 TABLE 21. (See also Implied by K0-LK.r2 10.1 #109 bidual (LC.M) [Robertsons, 6.3.16] cfgi(M) [A. H. Stone(b)] ci(KM).r2 [Bourbaki(b),] cpi(M) [Dugundji, 11.5.2] factor in МП 6.7 #102 i. 3 G.M. subspace [Ryeburn] К.Г2. IJ (two Μ subspaces) LK.r2. components G and Μ 10.1 #103 Κ.Γ2.(Κ0υ)(ΣΜ) MR7£, p. 813 LCK.(K0U)(2C)r2 MR7£, p. 813 (LfUXF.M) 10.3 #202 LM.K.T2 [Alexandroff and Urysohn, p. 82] PK.LM [Hocking and Young, 02.68] PK.MS Note 43 PK.7Vcgi(LI.M) [Hanai, 04] PK.7\.ZD.cgi(y.M) [Michael], [Hanai] S.TG. T2.Cy [Arhangelskij] (t(K.M).LK [Warner] σ(ΣΜ).Κ.Γ2 010.1.1 PPK.LI.MS MR29#1622 se Μ by F subspace [Ryeburn] 2C.LCK.r2 MR7£, p. 813 2C.LK.T2 010.1.1 2С.Г3 010.1.1 TG.LK.Cq(X) weakly L [Corson(b), 02] r2.q(cuc.M) [Corson(b), 01.2] r3i.C*(X)I 12.4 #103 and #116 (I.LK.M)+ 10.1 #112 (aK.LK.M)+ 10.1 #112 (LK.r.M)+ [Hocking and Young, pp. 79-80] t See Table 30. METRIZABLE Table 30) Not implied by\ Spaces βΧηο C8.3.1 (A\j3)no П.4ЕЗ RHOno 5.3 El long line no [Hocking and Young, p. 56] IV, W+ no 07.2.1 ω υ {/}, / g βω \ ω no 8.3 #103a LF space no [Kelley and Namioka, 22C] Plank no 07.2.1
350 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 22. NORMAL (See also Table 38) Implied by Not implied by Ko-ZD 4.1 #103 cfi(N) [Dugundji, 7.3.3] FcN 4.1 #6 factor in Ν.Π 6.7 #102 i.3 N.G. subspace [Ryeburn] L.Co(LK.TG) [Corson(b), 02] LK.TG 12.1 #121; 012.1.4 PK C14.4.1 r(N) 4.3 #7 R.K0 5.3 E4 R.f 5.3 E4; 05.4.7 R.HK 8.1 #112 R.K 05.4.7 R.L 05.3.5 R.2C 05.3.2 R.a-Lfbase L10.2.2 R-σΚ 8.1 #10 σΚ.Τϋ 8.1 #10 SM 04.3.3 se N by F with FN [Ryeburn] (flJKF.N) [Ryeburn] U(N.F.G), disjoint 4.1 #123 associated к topology of Η Κ [Warner, p. 267] {nhdsofA}isaU 11.1 #110 w(f), f onto N every F is C-embedded 8.5 # 102 w*dualofSAz 12.4 #102 GcN [Plank] KOtoN 13.1 #105 Ν ν Ν ΑΜΜ 75, p. 358 q(N) [Kelley, 4H] se N by F [Levine, 05] TG.I 12.1 #122 TG.cuc [Kister] TVS.! 6.7 #203 U.I 11.-4 #121; 12.1 #122 w(f), fintoN 8.3 #101 every F.i^B set is i^K 8.6 #113 c=N 8.3 #101 >N 6.2E3orE2 <N [D] Denied by uriOVnon-CK) 6.7 #203 free group of non-N [Hewitt and Ross, p. 74] I.3(u.F.D subset) 5.3 E3
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 351 TABLE 23. Implied by K0R fit is L] cfi(PK) [Dugundji, 8.2.6] D 10.2 #123 FcPK 10.2 #124 factor in РКП [Dugundji, 8.2.4] factor in certain Г4П Note 16 ¥σ cz PK [Dugundji, 8.2.5] i. 3 (PK.G) [Ryeburn] K.R 10.2 #122 L.R [Dugundji, 8.6.5] LK.TG 12.1 #121 Π(Μ) with <K0 non-K [A. H. Stone(a), 04] Μ χ (Κ.Γ2) [Α. Η. Stone(a)] PK x (Κ.Γ2) MR24#A2365 PK x [PK.a(LK.F)] MR56 #5894 q(PK.TG) 012.3.3 se PK by F with F PK [Ryeburn] tfK.R 8.1 #10 SM [Μ. Ε. Rudin] uniformly LK [Kelley, 6T] (J (F.G.PK), disjoint 10.2 #123 (LfUKF.PK) MR20#2678 C(A\ Y), Л-, Гаге Σ.Μ [Klee and Rudin, p. 470] φ'1 [PK], φ perfect [Dugundji, 11.5.3] {nhds of Δ} a U. every G cover even [Kelley, 05.28] PARACOMPACT Not implied by Ko-^2 5.2 E7 LK.T3i [Plank] LK.7VFC.LM.CK.SK 14.5 (PK.L.I)2 6.7 E3 RK 6.7 E3 RK.T4 Note 18 Σ.Γ4 MR75, p. 496 TG.I 14.4 #101 cPK {X с βΧ} <PK [D] >PK 6.2 ЕЗ {nhds of Δ} is а у.U Note 18 3 unique U.LK.CK.T4 14.5 #10 Denied by Κ0·Γ.Γ2 5.2 E7 Spaces RHO yes 5.3 E2 Plank no С 14.4.1 Wno 14.5 ω u {/}, / g βω yes [It is L]
352 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 24. PSEUDOCOMPACT Implied by Not implied by Χ0·Γ 5.2 E7 Ascoli Θ [Glicksberg, 02] сЦфК) 4.2 #104 CK 7.1 #114 C-embedded cz ^K. Dini Lemma 7.2 #109 F с (tfrK.N). 8.5 #103 GifGcz^K 10.2 #108 i. 3 (iAK.G) [Ryeburn] К 05.4.4; 5.4 E2 n(iAK.TG) [Comfort and Ross, p. 487] n(SK) [Stephenson, p. 444] iAB.F cz Г4 8.6 #112 ψΚ χ Κ [Gillman and Jerison, 9.14] ψΚ χ SK [Stephenson, p. 444] (фК.к) χ (φΚ.Τ3ί) [Stephenson, p. 446] ψΚ χ (i/^K.S) [Stephenson, p. 446] SK 7.1 #114 <ψΚ 4.2 #104 3 1 U 11.4E4 (fUXF.^K) [Ryeburn] (f UXG.iAK) [Ryeburn] υ = β 8.6 #1; 11.4 E4 /?ХЬГ MR20 #2688 cl^G if cluA:G is К [Comfort(a), p. 97] ЛГи SXLK, Sain βΧ\Χ [Fine and Gillman(b)] φ[Χ]Κ V<pe С*(Л 8.3 #114 and #115 φ e C*(X\ (рфЪопХ-хрфЪоп βΧ 8.3 #115 d cz ^K [шс βω\ ¥^ψΚ 7.1 #116 (F.C*-embedded) cz фК.Тн [Gillman and Jerison, 6P4] G cz ^K (iAK.CK.T3i)2 [Gillman and Jerison, 9.15] r3i.non-RK [Gillman and Jerison, 9L] TB.TG [(R, β)} TG.cuc.non-D MR34 #7699 >ψΚ 6.2 #7 Xkj S, Ξά\ηβΧ\Χ [Fine and Gillman(b)] Χ χ Υ χ Ζ, where Χ χ Υ, Υ χ Ζ, Ζ χ Х-атефК MR55#966 ПЛ-Л, where ПтХп is ^K V m MR35 #966 Ζ cz iAK.r3i MR27 #3821 Spaces Wyes 7.1 #114 Plank yes 14.6 /?ω\ηίρ yes 14.1 E2 ωυ{/)ηο 14.1 #110
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 353 TABLE 24. PSEUDOCOMPACT (continued) Implied by Not implied by βΧ\ΧΗ MR38#\656 βΧ \ X has < 2C points [Hewitt(a), p. 69] βΧ \ Χ has no FG^ [Hewitt(a), p. 68] T3i. every 2 non-i/^KZ's intersect [Gillman and Jerison, 1G4] T3i. every MI is real [Gillman and Jerison, 5.8] Χ χ Г if β(Χ χ Υ) ~ βΧ χ βΥ 8.5 #105 Λ- χ Λ- if ΧφΚ and υ(Λ- χ!)- όΧ χ υΛ- 11.4 #123 ПЛ'д with every X0 subproduct ι/Ί£ MR27 #4405 TABLE 25. PSEUDOFINITE Implied by Not implied by coc 5.4 #106 D W-max, <5 > 1 cof 5.4 #14 Spaces ω u {/}, te /to yes 8.3 #103 JFno 14.5 #7 Plank no 14.6 #5
354 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 26. REALCOMPACT Implied by Ko-^3 08.6.3 BcRK MR56#3314 C(X) bornological [Nachbin], [Shirota] D.(cardinal < c) 8.6 #111 D.nmc [Gillman and Jerison, 15.24] FcRK 8.6 #110 factor in ЯКП 6.7 #102 HK.r3 β8.6.3 H(RK) 8.6 #109 К 8.6 L.T3 β8.6.3 M.nmc [Gillman and Jerison, 15.24] n(RK) 08.6.5 PK.nmc 014.4.2; [Gillman and Jerison, 15.20] RKuK [Gillman and Jerison, 8.16] r(RK) L8.6.3 σΚ.Γ3 08.6.3 cz(I.M) C8.6.2 T3i. > HRK [Gillman and Jerison, 8.17] U.y.r2.nmc [Gillman and Jerison, 15.20] vX 08.6.1 υ is у 11.4Е5 <=(RK.Ga) 8.6 #4 cozero set czRK [Gillman and Jerison, 8.14] 7V(No UXF.RK) MR27 #1572 φ-' [RK] cz RK [Gillman and Jerison, 8.13] Not implied by ci(RK) [D] cue [υ] FC.CK.LK.k.r4 [W] G cz RK {Χ cz βΧ} LK.CK.I.r3i [/?ω \ nip] NS [Nachbin], [Shirota] q(RK).T4 [Gillman and Jerison, 81] r3,.(RK.D) u (RK.D.Xq) [Gillman and Jerison, 8H6] r3i.(RK.F) u (RK.F) MR27 #1572 TG.T2 Note 20 <RK [D] >RK 6.2 E3 RK [ω cz βω \ nip] Spaces /to\nipno 8.6 #1 R yes 8.6 #2 or 08.6.3 RHO yes 8.6 #7 JFno 8.6 #1 Plank no 14.6 #101 ω u {/}, te /toyes 08.6.3
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 355 TABLE 27. REGULAR Implied by cpi(R) [Dugundji, 11.5.2] CR 04.3.1 ed. semi-R f.sym 4.1 #113 factor in Rn 6.7 #102 i. 3 (G.R) [Ryeburn] KOtoR 13.1 #109 N.sym 4.1 #12 n(R) 06.7.3 (See Table 36) Not implied by f.N 4.1 #8 N.K 4.1 #8 Μ л М 12.2 #126 R л R Note 19; 12.2 #126 R+ [Q+I <R [D] >R 6.2 E2 >M 6.2 E2 {nhds of Δ} is a uniformity 11.1 #110 q(R) by use К decomposition [Kelley, 5.20] Denied by (R.LK)+ 08.1.2 Κ0·Γ.Γ2 5.2 E7 seRbyF [Levine] se by d 6.2 E2 SM 04.3.3 TG 012.1.4 TVS 012.1.4 U 011.1.4 (fUXF.R) [Ryeburn] w(R) 06.7.2 ZD 4.1 #103 V(R) 06.7.1 each point has a F.R nhd [Bourbaki(b),] Spaces Q+no 08.1.2
356 Tables of Theorems/Append TABLE Implied byf No ci(ffK) 05.4.4 cof FcffK factor in σΚΠ HK i. 3 (aK.G) [Ryeburn] К LK.L 8.1 #124 LK.I.M 8.3 #113 LK.2C 05.3.2 (ΠΤ)(σΚ) [Hewitt and Ross, 03.9] se(tfK) by F with F σΚ [Ryeburn] <σΚ 05.4.4 (SN)'.w* 12.4 #102 (flJXG.ffK) [Ryeburn] uniformly LKT [Kelley, 6T] σ-COMPACT Not implied by% D [u] FC.LK.CK.r4 [W] GcdK [Dc /Ш] LK.M.TG [D] ЬК.Г.Г2 [Hocking and Young, p. 79] LK.I.r3i 8.3 #113 ΓΊ(ΗΚ) 9.3 #110; 6.4 #203 ΓΊ(σΚ) 9.3 #110; 6.4 #203 I.M.y.TG 6.4 #203 TVS.T4 Note 8 uniformly LK [D] >σΚ 6.2 E3 (oo Π)(ηοη-Κ) [Hewitt and Ross, 03.9] ID.TVS.y.M Note 8 Denied by βΧ\{χ},χεβΧ\Χ 8.3 #112 Spaces Q, R" yes J no 9.3 #110 RHOno 9.3 #115 D.u no /?ω \ nip no 8.3 #113 Wno 14.5 #106 t See also Table 13. t See also Table 18.
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 357 TABLE 29. SECOND COUNTABLE (For MorSM spaces, see Table 31) Implied by Not implied by K0.FC 5.3 E4 K0.LK.R 6.7 #123 cgi(2C) [Dugundji, 8.6.2] cpi(2C) [Dugundji, 11.5.2] factor in (2С)П 6.7 #102 i.(3 G.2C) [Ryeburn] Κ.(Δ is a G^) 6.7 #209 КО from K.M to 2C [Hocking and Young, p. 35] (К0П)(2С) [Dugundji, 8.6.2] q(2C) by use К decomposition [Kelley, 5.20] I.SM 05.3.1 se(2C) [Levine] q(2C.TG) 012.3.3 c(2C) 5.3 #1 (K0V)(2C) AMM75, p. 358 (fU)(G.2C) [Ryeburn] ci(2C) 5.3 #8 cof 5.3 #3 FC [D] FC.r.K.r2 [Kelley, 5J] FC.HI.HL [RHO] HI.HL.r4.ZD.ed.X0 8.3 #103 KOto2C 13.1 #106 L.CAisaG^) 6.7 #210 П(2С) [RR] I.FC.OC.K.r2 [Kelley, 5M] <r.(2C.K.M) [X0] U with X0 base [M] >(2C) [I] Г4.[>(2С.Г4)] [RHO] <2C 5.3 #8 Spaces X0.cofyes 5.3 #3 RHO no 5.3 El; 10.1 #102 ω υ /, te βωηο 8.3 #103 RRno 010.1.1 W, W+ no 010.1.1 Plank no 010.1.1
358 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 30. SEMIMETRIZABLE (See also Table 21) Implied by Not implied by K0.FC.R 10.1 #108 K0KR ЮЛ #109 Ko-LK.R 10.1 #109 C(HK) L13.2.1 f.R 10.1 #2 f.sym 4.1 #113 FC.TG 012.1.3 factor in SMΠ 6.7 #102 freeu(SM) 10.1 #103 K.R.CAisaG^) 10.1 #115 LK.G^.TG 12.3 #107 (K0n)(SM) 06.4.2 q(TG.SM) 012.3.4 2C.R 010.1.1 TVS. 3 simply ordered base [Wilansky(a), 10.4 #9] U.X0base 011.5.1 w({(p„}), each φη to SM 06.3.4 (X0V)(SM) 06.2.2 3a-LFbase.R 010.3.1 К0.Т2.2С.Г.а(КМ) 10.1 #101 K0.7VLK.K [coffl X0.^4 ЮЛ #107 K0.TG. T2 [Hewitt and Ross, 4.22] bornological [Kelley and Namioka, 20G] cgi(M).T2 [A. H. Stone(b)] FC.K.r2.I.r [Kelley, 5J, 5M] Κ.Σ.Γ2 C.8.3.1 K.7V(AisaG,) 10.1 #116 LC.(dim = X0) [Kelley and Namioka, 61] LC.B.r2.y [Bourbaki(a), Ch. 3, p. 4] LM.CK.7VFC.LK.SK 14.5 q(M).T2 [Rainwater, 01, 2] σ(Κ.Μ).Γ4 8.3 #103 2C.N 10.1 #101 TG. 3 simply ordered base MR/7, p. 508 U.FC 011.4.5; 5.3 El and E2 LK.Cq(A') weakly L [Corson(b), p. 5] (disjoint)(F.M) u (G.M) 10.1 #106 <M [D] >M 6.2 E2 Γ4.(>Μ) [RHO]
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 359 TABLE 31. SEPARABLE Implied by Not implied by «о 3 Ko^-base OC.SM [Sikorski] ci(I) 5.3 #7 cof 5.3 #3 C(K.M) [Dunford and Schwartz, p. 437] factor in ΣΠ 5.3 #7 i.(3 G.I) [Ryeburn] Gel 2.5 #12 7(Σ.Μ) K.SM 05.3.4 LK.T.M [Alexandroff and Urysohn, p. 85] L.SM 05.3.4 L2C. Г. М [Alexandroff and Urysohn, p. 92] ΠΣ with < с factors [Ross and Stone, p. 398] qff) 5.3 #7 se(Z) by Σ [Levine] se(HI) [Levine] σ(Κ.Μ) 05.3.4 2C TB.SM L7.2.2 <Σ 5.3 #7 czI.M (Σ.Μ) ν (Σ.Μ) 6.7 #114 X + M 10.1 #112 LC. weak Σ [Wilansky(a), 012.2.4] (βΧ)Σ(ΤΟ MR2£#4503 ОС [Ross and Stone, 01 and 02] D-Σ [K] Fcl 5.3 #4 F с ΣΤ3| 6.7 ЕЗ F с Σ.ΚΤ2 Ιβω\ω} T.LO.card < с [Gaal, p. 125] HL.T2 [Miscenko] K.T2.TG 12.1 #123 L.LK.PK.TG 12.1 #123 L.aK.r4.TG.TVS Note 22 LK.M [D] se Σ 6.2 ЕЗ >Σ [D] subgroup of Σ-TG [see next entry] TVS cz Σ. barreled.TVS MR30 #429 TB.U 12.1 #123 TVS. every b is Z(CH) PAMS 6, p. 729 (Banach)'.w*! 12.4 #102 T2. every D is X0.^F.Ga Note 24 (I.LTJ ν (ΣΧ.Γ4) 6.7 #122 (I.LC) ν (I.LC) [Klee] Denied by coc.u [K0^F] D.u ΠХя9 > с поп-1 factors [Ross and Stone] Spaces C(0, l)yes 5.3 #202 RHOyes 5.3 El RRyes 6.7 #201 IV, W+ no L14.5.1 Plank no Note 37 βω \ ω no [Gillman and Jerison, 6Q2]
360 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 32. SEQUENTIALLY COMPACT Implied by Not implied by\ CK cz C(K, K.M) 013.2.4 CK.T2 7.4 E2 CK.CS K.T2 7.4 E2 CK.FC 07.1.3 K.r2I.ed 8.3 #3 CK.FC at non P-points n(SK.K.M) 7.4 E2 [Scarborough and Stone, p. 143] CK.seq.r2 [Franklin] sPaces CK.r3i.weakI MR20#2681 ω u {/}, / e/to no 14.1 #110 CK.SM 07.2.1 2"no 7.4 #102 i. 3(SK.G) [Ryeburn] β°> ηο 8·3 #3 (K0n)SK 07.4.2 Q+Ves 8Л#130 se(SK)byFwithPSK [Ryeburn] W, W+yes 14.5 #11 (flJXF.SK) [Ryeburn] Plank no 7.1 #4 t See also Table 7. TABLE 33. T0 Implied by factor in Т0П 6.7 #102 i. 3(G.r0) [Ryeburn] KOtoTo 13.1 #4 maximal К ПГ0 Τ, 04.3.1 (fU)(G.r0) [Ryeburn] >T0 4.1 #4 = T0 Not implied by cgi(M.TG) 12.3 #2 q(M.TG) 12.3 #2 TG.TVS [I] ZD [I]
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 361 TABLE 34. Tl Implied by Not implied byf factor in ^Π 6.7 #102 i. 3(G.7\) [Ryeburn] КС 5.4 #106 KOto7\ 13.1 #4 П7\ q with F equivalence classes 06.7.5 symr0 4.1 #10 T2 04.3.1 Τΐ 8.1 #4 7\ л 7\ 6.2 #105 >7\ 4.1 #4 US 4.1 #117 (fUXGTi) [Ryeburn] t See Table 33. TABLE 35. Implied by Not implied byf cpi(r2) [Dugundji, 11.5.2] factor in T2Il 6.7 #102 i. 3(G.r2) [Ryeburn] KC.FC 4.1 #117 KOtoT2 13.1 #4 ΠΓ2 06.7.3 Ч(Тг) by use.К decomposition [Kelley, 5.20] >T2 T3 04.3.1 US.FC 4.1 #117 US.seq.(LCK or LSK) [Franklin] w (separating family) 06.3.2 (LK.T2)+ 08.1.2 every point has F.T2 nhd AisF 6.7 El id has eg 6.7 E2 сп(Г2) [Kelley, 4G] KC.K.Ko.CS 8.1 #130 and #205 LT4 3.2 #110 (M.TG) л (M.TG) 12.2 #126 maximal К 5.4 E4 T2 a T2 6.2 #106 and #107 TD 3.2 #110 US 4.1 #117 US.LK £Wtfansky(b), p. 1241] US.K.Ko-CS 8.1 #130 and #205 US.K.K0.seq [Franklin] Д decreasing sequence of T2 [Bourbaki(b), 1.1.8 #26] Denied by (К.Г2) л (К.Г2)(#) 6.2 #107 (y.n) л (y.n)(#) [Wilansky(a), СП.3.1] t See also Table 33.
362 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 36. 7\ Implied by Not implied by\ cpi(r3) [Dugundji, 11.5.2] i. 3 (r3.G) [Ryeburn] KC.LK 8.1 #7 R.T0 4.1 #11 r2.LCK.seq Note 39 T2.LK 5.4 #101 T2.CK.FC [Dugundji, 11.3.5] 7VCPK.FC [Aull(a)] T2.LpK [Hocking and Young, p. 104] 04.3.1 Γ4 04.3.1 !3± certain q 6.7 #109 every point has F. T3 nhd [Bourbaki(b),] K. each point = Π (F.G) 5.4 #207 K0.T2.2CT 5.2 E7 KC.K 8.1 #205 q(r3i).r2 [Gillman and Jerison, 3J] 7\.K.LK [cof] T2 6.2 E2 Г2.СК [Alexandroff and Urysohn, p. 26] T2.ed 14.1 #104 T2.k.FC Note 31 Τ2.ψΚ 5.3 #103 T2. semi-R [Bourbaki(b), 1.8 #24] > Γ3 6.2 E2 every 2 points have disjoint F nhds [Dugundji, 7.2 #3] Space s% t See also Table 35. t See Tables 38 and 37. TABLE 37. TH (See also Table 5) Implied by Not implied byf H0.T3 cfgi(r4) CR.T0 TG.T0 T2.K T2.LK 05.3.5 ι [Dugundji, p. 4.1 #11 012.1.4 05.4.7 8.1 Γ4 04.3.1 157] min Γ3 MR27 #2949 T2.CK [Alexandroff and Urysohn, p. 66] 7Y4(^3±) [Gillman and Jerison, 3J] >T3i 6.2 E2 Spaces % j5w\nipyes 4.3 #2 Plank yes RR yes 06.7.3 t See Table 36. t See Table 38.
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 363 TABLE 38. TA (See also Table 22) Implied by Not implied by\ сп(Г4) [Why burn] cpi(T4) i. 3 (r4.G) [Ryeburn] K.T2 05.4.7 N.r0.sym 4.1 #10 N.7\ q(some) 6.7 #109 Μ χ (Κ.Γ2) [Α. Η. Stone(a)] ΡΚ χ (Κ.Γ2) MR24#A2365 (СРК.Г4) χ (Μ.σ-LK) MR29#4034 (СК.Г4) χ (PK.FC.r2) MR27 #2218 Spaces RRno 6.7 #203 RHO yes 5.3 E2 Wyes 14.5 Plank no 14.6 #4 ω u {/}, te /toyes 8.3 #102 βω \ nip no (CH) Note 32 βω\ω\{ή, no(CH) Note 42 βΚ \ {*}, χ g βΚ \ R no Note 32 βω \ ω yes 05.4.7 W χ W+ no [Kelley, 4E] No.TVr.L.aK 5.2 E7 Gcr4;GcKT2 [Plank] HRK [Gillman and Jerison, 8.18] Ν.Γ0 4.1 #11 RK.[(K0 UXF.PK)] MR27 #1573 Г2.2С 10.1 #101 Γ3.Σ 5.3 #201 T3i.CK [Gillman and Jerison, 8L] r3i.Hed [Gillman and Jerison, 6R(2)] T3i.LK.iAK [Plank] r3JL.I.FC [Gillman and Jerison, 3K, 51] r3i.RK.I.ZD 8.6 #8 T3i. completely separate X0. F from F MR20#1964 ^•(No-F) are C*-embedded MR20 #1964 T3i.(F => G^) [Katetov, p. 74] weak Banach space [Corson(b), p. 12] (Γ4 χ Γ4).Σ 6.7 ЕЗ (LK.T4) χ (Κ.Γ2) [Kelley, 5K] > Г4 6.2 Е2 <Т, [D] t See also Table 37.
364 Tables of Theorems/Appendix TABLE 39. TOTALLY BOUNDED (Uniform space only) Implied by Not implied by β 11.4 E2 CC(TB) cz LC [Kelley and Namioka, 13.3] CK 11.3 #20; L7.2.1 factor in ΤΒΠ 11.4 #119 K. 011.3.7 ЩТВ) 11.4 #122 φΚ 11.3 #22 ТВ 11.3 #13 uc image of ТВ 11.3 #9 czTB every uf is Cauchy 011.3.6 Cauchy equiv. to ТВ 11.3 #1* b cz Μ 9.1 #103 b cz η 12.4 E6 cuc.M [D] TABLE 40. TOTALLY DISCONNECTED (Ail spaces have > 2 points) Implied by\ Not implied by% «No) 5.2 #111 β (strongly ZD) [Bourbaki(b), IX.6 #lb] jff(ZD.I.M) [Bourbaki(b), IX.6 #lb,2b] ed.T2 5.2 #111 n(TD) Note 25 q by components 6.5 #105 czTD (TD.LK.T2)+ Note 29 ZD.r0 5.2 #111 K.M. unit disc in C(X) is CC of EP β(ΎΌ) Note 26 β(ΖΌ) Note 26 ed.Ti [cof] Spaces βω yes 5.2 E9 RHOyes 5.2 #111 W, W + , Plank yes 5.2 #111 t See also Table 42. t See also Table 8.
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 365 TABLE 41. US SPACE Implied by Not implied by\ КС 5.4 #106 n(US) <=(US) >(US> AisSF seq.(CK => F) [Franklin] seq.(SK => F) [Franklin] 7VXQ.K.2C [cof] (US) + 8.1 #207 Spaces cof no Q+yes 8.1 #203 t See Table 34. TABLE 42. ZERO DIMENSIONAL Implied by Not implied by\ K0R 5.3 #102 jff(X0) Note 27 βΧΤΌ [Bourbaki(b), IX.6 #lb] D ed.R 14.1 #104 ed.SR f.R 4.1 #104 n(ZD) TD.LK.T2 [Hewitt and Ross, p. 12] TD.LpK [Flachsmeyer, p. 152] (TD.LK.T2)+ Note 29 (ZD.LK)+ Note 29 3 transitive U 11.1 #203 с ZD К. each point = Π (F.G) 5.4 #207 X = βΥ, Ykj {t}ZO\/ teX [Gillman and Jerison, 16P] K.T2.C(X) has d set with FD range [Flachsmeyer] min prime ideal space [Henriksen and Jerison, p. 200] K0.^2 5.2 E7 K0.N 4.1 #8 and #103 /?(ZD.r4) [Gillman and Jerison, 16P] ed.T2 14.1 #104 f.N 4.1 #8 TD.LK.7\ Note 28 TD.M.Z.TG [Gillman and Jerison, 16L] (ZD.M)+ 8.1 #127 >(ZD) 14.1 #104 ZD u ZD Note 23 Spaces Qyes 5.3 #102 J yes RHOyes 2.6 E3 βω, β(} yes Note 27 Plank yes Note 38 W, W+ yes Note 38 t See also Tables 27 and 40.
366 Tables of Theorems/Appendix Notes 1. An infinite-dimensional Banach space X, when given τ(Χ, Xй), ([Wilansky(a), p. 247]) is Cat I. [[Kelley and Namioka, p. 95, B].] 2. Let В be (R, /), X = R χ Я, S = {(1//i,0):/i = 1,2,3,...}. Then [(0, 0) u 5] η [(0, l)uS] is not compact. 3. The weak* topology on a conjugate Banach space. 4. If X is RK, C(X) is bornological and need not be barreled [Nachbin-Shirota theorem] hence need not be complete. See [Schaefer, 2.8.4]. 5. The union of finitely many disjoint open CR subspaces is CR, [Ryeburn]. 6. {1/az} is a homogeneous subspace of R. Its closure {0, 1, \, \,.. .} is not. 7. Iseki and Kasahara in Proc. Japan Acad. 1957 relate CK to properties of point and locally finite open covers. See also [Aull, p. 314]. 8. Each compact set in an infinite-dimensional TVS is nowhere dense. (Compare Sec. 12.4 E6.) Hence σΚ implies Cat I. 9. If HK, the space would be LK, hence M, hence not Γ. 10. Map Xx onto itself for each a, carrying x3 to y3. The resulting map of UX3 carries χ to y. 11. A k! space is a space X with the property that a function/defined on X must be continuous if/1 К is continuous for all closed compact subsets K. 12. Let S be a countably infinite subset of βω \ ω. Let X = βω\Ξ. Then X is CK. [[Let К be a countably infinite set in X. If Υ has no accumulation point in X, FuS^ an infinite closed subset of βω. Such a set cannot be countable, by [Gillman and Jerison, 9.12, p. 134].] Also, A4s not LK. [If LK, it would be open in βω by 05.4.13. But S is not closed, by [Gillman and Jerison, 9.12].] 13. In MR20 #2688; if βΧ is Lr, X is also; X is Lr at χ if and only if βΧ is LT at x\ X is Lr if it has a dense subspace d such that βά is LT. 14. Let S be either open or closed in а к space X. There exists a LK.T2 space A and a quotient map q: A —► X [[Dugundji, 011.9.4]]. Now q-1S is open or closed, hence LK, and q is a quotient map from it onto S. [[Dugundji, 06.2.1].] By [Dugundji, 011.9.4], S is а к space. (John W. Taylor points out that one can prove this generalization directly: If X is а к space in which every compact set is locally compact, every open subset of X is а к space.) 15. If C*(X) is separable, the unit disc in its dual is weak* metrizable [12.4 #116]. But βΧ is a subspace of this disc [see [Wilansky(a), pp. 261, 269]], hence X is compact, by Corollary 8.3.1. 16. A' is PK if it is a dense subspace of a K.T2 space Υ such that Λ' χ Κ is Г4, in particular, if ЛГ χ βΧ is Γ4. MR24 #A2365 and MR25 #5489. 17. Q is not HK. With the (larger) discrete topology it is HK. 18. Let A' be a complete uniform space of nonmeasurable cardinal which is not PK but is such that the set of neighborhoods of the diagonal is a uniformity [MR27 #5947]. This space is normal by 11.1 #107, and RK by [Gillman and Jerison, 15.20]. 19. Let Ε be the Euclidean topology for R, and Τ = {0, S, S, R} with S = (0, 1). Then Ε η Tis not regular. 20. There are i/^K.non-K groups. (See Table 3.) 21. Let G be an open set in [0, 1] which includes Q η [0, 1] and has measure < 1. Consider [0, 1] \ G.
Appendix/Tables of Theorems 367 22. Let В be a reflexive, nonseparable Banach space. Let X be В with the weak topology. The result is contained in 12.4 #102 and [Wilansky(a), 12.2 04]. 23. R = Q u J. 24. Let £, С be the Euclidean and cocountable topologies for R and Τ = Ε ν С. For an uncountable set w, 3x e и such that V η w is uncountable for every £nhd К of x. Then Kn [f nw = (KnM)\lfis uncountable for every С nhd W of x. Thus и is not Γ-discrete. It is not Σ since С is not and Τ => С. The rest is by 6.2 #110. 25. Every projection of a connected set S is connected, hence has only one point. Thus S has only one point. 26. Let X be ZD and jMT not ZD. (See Table 42.) Then X is TD. If 0ЛГ were TD it would be ZD sinc^K.TD.r2 implies ZD. 27. Let X be Х0.7з*· Then X kj {/} is К0.^з* V / e βΧ hence ZD [5.3 #102]. By another entry in ZD table (Table 42), βΧ is ZD. 28. Let A'be (0, 1, |, y,. . .) with 0 duplicated as in 3.2 #110. The complement of one of the 0's includes no open closed neighborhood of its 0. Another way to see that X is not ZD is to note that it is 7\ and not Γ2, hence not ZD since ZD implies CR. 29. Let G be an open neighborhood of oo and К = G. Each point of К lies in a compact open set in X since X is ZD and LK. Reducing this cover of К to a finite one and taking its union leads to a compact open set which includes K. Its complement is an open closed neighborhood of oo and is a subset of G. 30. Let A' be Σ and not L. Let S be a X0-d subset. Then S is L but S = X is not. 31. A simple extension of the Euclidean topology is first countable [6.2 #6] hence k, but need not be regular. 32. Let X = βω\ {χ}, Υ = βω \ ω, Ζ = Υ\ {χ}. If Χ is normal, Z is C-embedded in Λ-, [08.5.3]; then Ζ is C*-embedded in βΧ = βω [8.5 E3], hence in Υ. But Ζ is also dense in Υ [8.3 #202], thus βΖ = Υ [08.5.2] and so by [Fine and Gillman(a), 04.6], Ζ is compact. This makes Ζ = βΖ = К, which is false. (This result is due to L. Gillman.) 33. If A' is σΚ, βΧ is TD and χ e βΧ \ X, then χ is not a sequential limit point of its complement Υ in βΧ, by [Snyder, 04.2]. Thus Υ is sequentially closed in βΧ. For any countable subset S of K, if S had no accumulation point in Υ it would have exactly one in βΧ. This would make S a sequence converging to χ [7.1 #13]. 34. On pp. 38 and 39 of [Kister] is shown a non-CK group with a dense CK subset. 35. If A' is normal and S is CK, then S is i/^K, hence S is ψΚ, and so CK. 36. Let^„ = {/: |/(x)| < η for all x}. Each An is nowhere dense, and C(A') = U An. Note that Γ3 is not sufficient since C{X) could be one-dimensional. 37. The map (л, a) —> a carries both Ρ and P+ continuously onto W +. The result follows by 5.3 #7. 38. Let χ g Wand let a < χ < b. Then [a + 1, χ] = (α, χ + 1) is open and closed, contains x, and is included in (a, b). Thus W, and similarly, W+ is ZD. Thus p+ = ω+ χ W+ is ZD, and so Ρ is too. 39. There is a local base at each point of CK nhds. These are closed [[Franklin]]. Thus the space is regular. 40. Let X be K.KC, not T2. The diagonal in A' x A' is compact [it is homeomorphic with X} but not closed [6.7, El].
368 Tables of Theorems/Appendix 41. A discussion of к spaces is given in [Steenrod] and in [Arhangelskij]. In the latter article it is proved that a T2 space is hereditarily к if and only if it is sequential. 42. See the abstract of Nancy M. Warren in Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 76 (1969), 853. 43. See the 1965 Wisconsin Topology Seminar, ed. R. H. Bing and R. J. Bean, p. 105.
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ndex Absolute Gg, 173 Absolute retract, 159 Absolute value, 238 Absolutely closed, 150, 151 Absorbing, 272 Accumulation point, 18, 121 Adjoint functor, 312 ALAOGLU, L., 271 α (uniformity), 222 Antisymmetric, 36 Arbitrarily small, 71 Arcwise connected, 74 ARENS, R. F., 279, 283 ARZELA,C, 290 ASCOLI, G., 290 Associated filter, 41 Associated metric, 116 Associated net, 40 Automorphism, 240 Axiom, of choice, 133 maximal, 130 Baire space, 178, 181; Table 1 Balanced category, 314 Balanced set, 272 Banach-Alaoglu theorem, 271 Banach space, 268 Base, 22 Basic, 22 ^-associated, 242 β (uniformity), 222 ]3; see Stone-Cech compacti- fication Bohr compactification, 152 Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, 123 Boolean algebra, 302, 304 Borsuk-Ulam theorem, 109 Boundary, 20 Bounded, 13, 274, 277 Box, 98 Brouwer fixed-point theorem, 109 BROWN, M., 72 2?-semimetric, 244 5,242 Baire category, 178 Baire function, 60 Baire group, 250 C, 292 CXil\ C(X), 54 C*(X), 59 375
C-complete, 154, 174 С- and С*-embedding, 155 CG, see Closed graph Canonical net, 41 Cantor discontinuum, 101, 102, 1 Cantor lemma, 178 Category, Baire, 179; Table 2 homological, 308 Cauchy equivalent, 217, 219 Cauchy filterbase, 167, 213 Cauchy inequality, 5 Cauchy net, 168, 217 Cauchy sequence, 168 CECH, E., 146 Cell, 13 Chain, 37 Character, of space, 88 of group, 246 Circumference, 13 Classification problem, 66 Closed connector, 205 Closed function, 83 Closed graph, 115, 117 comparison of topologies, 118 complete, 225 connected, 119 continuous, 118, 119 КС, 117, 126 Closed graph theorem, 126, 260, 276 Closed set, 11 Closure, 19 of compact set, 86 of complete set, 218 of connected set, 70 of connector, 205 of filter, 50 of subgroup, 249 of totally bounded set, 217 of vector subspace, 274 Closure-countable space, 292 Closure-sequential space, 30, 292 Cluster point, 122 Coarser, 11 Co base, 142 Cocountable, 12, 27 Codomain, 308 Cofinal, 38 Cofinite, 10 Cofinite filter, 35,87 Commutative diagram, 152 Commutative group, 238 Compact, 80, 211, 216; Table 3 Compact graph, 119 Compactification, 151 Compact open topology, 279 Comparison of topologies, compact, T2, 84 complete norms, 276 dense, 93, 261 filters, 33, 35 group, 259, 260 interior, 93 nets, 42 sequences, 27 Weston, 133 Complete, 168, 213; Table 4 Cech, 154, 174 von Neumann, 235 sequentially, 213, 235 Complete group, 260 Complete lattice, 302 Complete quotient, 264, 266, 287 Complete semimetric, 169 Completely regular, 61; Tables 5, 37 characterization of, 96 uniformity, 230 Completely separated, 61 Completion, functor, 314 group, 256, 257, 261 A, 177 metric, 175, 177 semimetric, 176 uniform, 231 Component, 71, 74 Composition, 309 Congruent, 271 Conjugation, 247 Connected, 68; Table 6 Connected graph, 119 Connector, 200, 202 Containment order, 36
Continuous, joint and separate, 110 uniformly, 59, 60, 64, 160,172,211 Continuous convergence, 130, 279 Continuous function, 52, 109, 191, 195 Continuous image, 70 Contravariant, 312 Convergence, 26, 27, 133, 293, 301, 303 Copy, 66, 99 Contraction, 313 Coset, 238 Countable intersection property, 79 Countable space, compact, 182 connected, 72 examples of, 29, 30, 149 locally compact, 181 semimetrizable, 188 zero-dimensional, 80 Countably compact, 80, 126, 135, 218; Table 7 Cover, 19 Co zero set, 63 Criss-cross, 15, 67, 212 Cube, 144 cue, 331 Cylinder, 106 DXi3\ ГКа, r), 13 d(x,A), 13 A, see Diagonal Dense, 19,24, 57, 59,92 Determining, 145 Diagonal, 115, 118 Diameter, 13 Dini lemma, 129 Directed set, 36 Disc, 13 Disconnected, 68; Table 8 Discontinuity lemma, 60 Discrete, Table 9 Discrete family, 195 Discrete filter, 31 Discrete metric, 13 Discrete order, 37 Discrete product, 101 Discrete topology, 10, 267, 207 Discrete uniformity, 207, 224 Dispersion character, 93 Dispersion point, 143 Distance, 13 Division ring, 133 Domain, 308 Inseparable, 78, 160 Dual, 147, 246,268,312 Duplication, 35 e\see Euclidean, identity EBERLEIN, W. F., 292 Eberlein-Smulian theorem, 296 Embedding, 111, 144, 186, 307 Empty set, 3, 179 Endomorphism, 240, 252 Epic, epimorphism, 309 Equicontinuous, 129, 197, 288 Equivalence, 37 Equivalent, uniformly, 203 Equivalent compactifications, 15 3 Equivalent semimetrics, 16 Equivalent uniformities, 203 Euclidean metric, 6, 13 Euclidean uniformity e, 202, 224, 225, 226 Evaluation, 144 Even cover, 316 Eventually, 26, 39 Extension, functions, 156, 257,269 simple, 91 Extremally disconnected, 21,93, 299; Table 10 F-hereditary, 49 Filter (base), 31,32 Finalizing, 38 Finer, 11 Finite, Table 11 Finite character, 132 Finite-intersection property, 81 Finite space, 12, 50, 60, 75, 118, 181, 187
378 First category, 179 First countable, 27, 253; Table 12 Fixed family, 81 Fixed point, 109, 172, 260 Forgetful, 312 FOX, R. H., 279 FRECHET, M., 144 Frechet combination, 43 Frechet space, 268 Free family, 81 Free union, 101 Frequently, 39 F0i 140 Functional, 268 Functor, 312 G6,60 absolute, 173 βΧ\Χ, 150 box, 102 components, 74 Lindelof, 80, 87 perfectly normal, 80 Q, 181 zero set, 63 Gg space, 93 Gg subgroup, 250 y;see Completion GELFAND, I., 148 Generated filter, 32 Generated topology, 23 Generated uniformity, 202 Gleason map, 305 G-hereditary, 49 GLICKSBERG, I., 158 GOLOMB, S. W., 72 Graph, 115, 117, 119 Group, 237 Group topology, 238 Hahn-Banach theorem, 269 Hamel base, 132 HANAI, S., 189 Hausdorff space, 47; Table 35 /z-completion, 177 Heine-Borel theorem, 81 Hemicompact, 142; Table 13 HENRIKSEN, M., 307 Hereditary, 49 Hereditarily Lindelof, 77 Hereditarily realcompact, 162 Hereditarily separable, 79, 116, 119; Table 14 HEWITT, E., viii, 160 horn, 308 Homeomorphism, 56, 65 Homogeneous, 68; Table 15 Homomorphism, 240, 25 1 Identification, 105 Identity, 237 Inclusion (order), 36 Indiscrete filter, 32 Indiscrete order, 37 Indiscrete semimetric, 13 Indiscrete topology, 10 Indiscrete uniformity, 207 Induced topology, 15 inf, 6 inf topology, 92, 93, 118, 260 Initially ordered, 197 Injection, 110 Injective object, 312 Inner automorphism, 247 Interior, 19 Intermediate-value theorem, 70 Intersection, of sets, 1, 87 of topologies, 92, 93, 118,260 Interval topology, 319 Invariant of topology, 66 Invariant semimetric, 239 Invariant subgroup, 238 Inverse, 4, 237 Irrationals; see J Irresolvable, 133 ISBELL, J., 307 Isolated point, 50, 133, 151,304 Isometry, 14
Isomorphism, 240, 313 Iterated limit condition, 298 J, 1,18 Baire, 179 group, 250 homogeneous, Table 15 Jw, 113 retracts, 60 topologically complete, 173 Ζω, 102 Joint continuity, 110, 112, 279 Joint map, 279 /: extension, 315 к space, 142, 143, 196; Table 16 к test set, 142 k' space, Note 11 (Appendix) /^-embedded, 155 KAKUTANI,S., 148,251 КС map, 117 £C space, 84, 86, 143, 144; Table 17 KELLEY,J. L., 135,312 Kernel, 258, 259, 275 KLEE, V. L.,261 KOLMOGOROFF, Α., 148 КбТНЕ, С, 287 #242 L[S], 198 Z,fl,241 Larger, 11 Largest uniformity, 317 L-associated, 242 Lattice, 302 Lebesgue covering lemma, 212 Left; see Right Limit, 26, 32, 39, 142 Limit inf, 42 Limit ordinal, 322 Limit sup, 42 Lindelof space, 76; Table 18 Linear, 268 Linearly ordered, 37 Local base, 22 Local property, 71 Locally compact, 84, 143; Table 19 dense, 85 complete, 177, 219 F DG, 86 product, 117, 136 retract, 86 Locally compact group, 259, 260 Locally complete, 171, 173 connected, 71; Table 20 finite, 190 Lower semicontinuous, 60, 87 MARIK, J., 129 Maximal axiom, 130 Maximal chain, 37, 130 Maximal compact, 84 Maximal subspace, 275 Metric, associated, 115 closure, 19 definition of, 12 equivalent, 16, 28 natural, 18 Fo,46 Metric topology, 15 Metric uniformity, 202 Metrizable, 16; Tables 21, 30 Metrization, group, 253 Negata-Smirnov, 198 product, 97 sup, 90 uniformity, 202, 228 Urysohn, 185 weak, 95 weak*,276 Minimal Cauchy filter, 219 Minimal function, 304 Minimal Τλ, 49 Minimal T2, 84 Mo'bius strip, 106 Monic, 310 Monomorphism, 310 MORITA, K., 318 Morphism, 308
380 ^316 N(a,r), 13 NACHBIN, L., 165 NAGATA, S., 197 Nagata-Smirnov theorem, 198 Natural metric, 18 Natural topology, 17 Natural uniformity, 202 TV-complete, 235 Neighborhood, 18 of Δ, 208 uniform, 207 Neighborhood filter, 32 Net, 39 von Neumann complete, 235 No-point compactification, 143, 152 Norm, 5, 268 Normal, 49; Tables 22, 38 NS space, 165 «-sphere, 13 Object, 308 ω, 1 ω U t,149 Ω,319 ω-accumulation point, 121 One-point compactification, 138 Onto, 2 Open cover, 19 Open map, 58, 99, 252 Open mapping theorem, 173, 259, 260, 276 Open set, 10, 18 Ordinal space, 319 Λ 322 Paracompact, 316-19; Table 23 Paranorm, 268 Partial order, 36 Partition of unity, 64 Perfect map, 127 Perfect set, 21, 102 Perfectly normal, 80 Φ open topology, 279 Plank, 322 Pointwise, 60, 97 PONOMAREV, V. I., 189 Poset, 36 Precompact, 234 Pre-realcompact, 234 Product, 96, 117 in category, 314 of closed sets, 100 group, 240 Product uniformity, 221 PROIZVOLOV, V.V., 68 Projection, 96, 314 Projective object, 310, 311 Projective plane, 106 Pseudobase, 25, 151 Pseudobounded, 164 Pseudocompact, 59, 150, 192, 218; Table 24 Pseudocomplete, 183 Pseudofinite, 86; Table 25 PTAK, V., 287 Q, 1, 18, 113, 181 Q+, 142, 143, 144 Quotient, 102, 105 Quotient group, 262 Quotient map, 103, 107 Quotient object, 314 R, Rn, 1, 5, 15, 17 R, 248 Ra,241 Rationals;see Q Realcompact, 160; Table 26 Realcompactification, 160, 161, 163, 164,227 Refinement, 196 Reflexive, 36 Regular, 48; Tables 27,36 Regular open set, 50 Relation, 36 Relative topology, 33 Relative uniformity, 207 Relatively compact, 87, 127 Residual, 181 Resonance, 273 Restriction, 53 Retract (retraction), 56, 58, 172, 227
381 in a category, 310 circumference, 107 graph, 117 product, 112 Reversible, 68 RHO topology, 24, 78, 88, 116, 182, 187 Right invariant, 239 Right translation, 241 Right uniformity, 242, 268 /^-embedded, 162 s, 102, 113 SAMUEL, P., 148 Scalars, 267, 268 Second category, 179, 266 Second countable, 75, 76; Table 29 Selection, 108 Semicontinuous, 60, 87 Semimetric; see Metric; Metrization Semiregular, 50 Separable, 75; Table 31 Separate continuity, 110 Separated completion, 231 sets, 47, 73 uniformity, 205 Separating, 94 Separation axioms; see Completely regular; Hausdorff ; КС ; Normal; Regular; Semiregular; T0-TA; Tychonoff ; US Separation, by neighborhoods, 47 complete, 61 Sequence, 26 Sequential accumulation point, 30 Sequential convergence, 27, 133, 301, 303 Sequential limit point, 148 Sequential neighborhood, 30 Sequential space, 30 Sequentially closed, 30, 117, 223, 303 Sequentially compact, 124; Table 32 Sequentially complete, 213, 235 Sequentially continuous, 57 Sequentially equivalent, 27, 28 Sequentially open, 30 SHIROTA, Т., 165 Shrinking, 28 Side, 98 σ, 140 σ-compact, 140; Table 28 σ-discrete, 195 σ-locally finite, 193 SILOV,G. E., 148 Silverman-Toeplitζ, 276 Simple extension, 91 Singleton, 2 Small, 213 Smaller, 11 SMIRNOV, Υ. Μ., 197 SMULIAN, V. L., 292 Span, 273 Sphere, 13 STONE, A. H., 193, 318 STONE, Μ. Η., 146, 148, 302 Stone-Cech compactification, 148, 312 Stronger, 11, 203 Subbase, 23 Subcover, 19 Subgroup, 250 Subnet, 127 Subobject, 310 Subordinate, 64 Subspace, 33 Sum, of functions, 54 of nets, 43, 44 Summable, 198 sup, 6 of functions, 54 sup topology, 89, 240, 274 sup uniformity, 220 Support, 198 Symmetric connector, 203 Symmetric neighborhood, 241 Symmetric space, 49, 50, 208 2,69 2^,6 T0, 46; Table 33 7Ί,47; Table 34
382 T2, 47; Table 35 Γ3, 48; Tables 27, 36 Γ3ι/2, 61; Tables 5, 37 Γ4, 61; Tables 22, 38 TN,3\6 TAYLOR, D. Η., Ill TAYLOR, J. W. , x, 318, Note 14 Tietze's extension theorem, 156 Topological automorphism, 240 Topological group, 238 Topological isomorphism, 240 Topological property, 65 Topological space, 10 Topological vector space, 267 Topologically complete, 173, 261 Topologize, 9 Topology, 9, natural, 17 from semimetric, 15 from uniformity, 202 Totally bounded, 127, 177, 215; Table 39 Totally disconnected, 73; Table 40 Totally ordered, 37 Triangle inequality, 6, 12, 202 Torus, 107 Transfinite, 130 Transitive, 36 TUKEY, J.W., 132 Two-sided invariant, 239 Two-sided uniformity, 242 TYCHONOFF, Α., 134, 146 Tychonoff plank, 322 Tychonoff product theorem, 134, 164, 227 Tychonoff space, 61; Table 37 u\see Weak uniformity w-complete, 317, 318 ULAM, S. Ultrafilter, 130 w-metric, 59,64, 126, 160, 172 Uniform boundedness, 272, 273 Uniform convergence, 55, 207, 283 Uniform cover, 210, 211, 317 Uniform homeomorphism, 210 Uniform neighborhood, 207 Uniform space, 201, 205, 230 Uniformly continuous, 59, 172, 211; see also w-metric; cue Uniformly equivalent, 203 Uniformly stronger, 203 Uniformity, 201, 228 of Φ convergence, 283 Uniformization, 222 Union, 1 Unique uniformity, compact, 222, 235 countably compact, 303 plank, 323 pseudocompact, 224 W, 321 Universal net, 133 Universal space, 113, 146, 272, 276, 307 υ (uniformity), 223, 226 vX\ see Realcompactifi- cation URYSOHN, P., 72, 185 Urysohn's lemma, 55 US space, 51, 117, 144; Table 41 u-semimetnc, see u-metric w-uniformity, 319 vU, 208 ν closure, 208 Vector, 267 Vector space, 267 Vector topology, 267 Very incomplete, 218 w; see Weak topology W, W*, 319-22 w(C),w(C*), 95, 96 WALLMAN, H., 148 Weaker, 11 Weak topology, 94, 95, 268, 270, 274, 276 Weak* topology, 268, 271, 274, 276, 277 Weak uniformity, 221-27 WeierstrassM test, 58 Weight, 88
WEIL, Α., 200 •, A 3 Well ordering, 189 A\B, 2 WESTON, J. D., 133, 173 X/p] Ю4, 263 ^-maximal, 133 Я*, 1 -+;see sup;inf G<2 V , Λ ;see sup;inf Z, 1,17 f/S, 53 Zu 161 f,(f<a),(f=a),2 Zermelo axiom, 133 X^, 138 Zero-dimensional, 24, 50; Table 42 U'1, U · V, 201 Zero set, 59 /2, 212 ίηβω, 158 UB>UL> UR> 242 closed, 64 X'> 268 G5,63 *,268 point, 63, 150 S l,S, 19 inuX, 161 LS,G],278 Zorn's lemma, 132 (5,60,283 ABCDEFGHIJ 5432170