                    teacher's book


for all exams
m m publications

Use of English B2 for all exams E. M outsou Published by: MM Publications www.mmpublications.com info@mmpublications.com Offices Great Britain - Greece - Poland - France - Cyprus - U.S.A. - Turkey Associated companies and representatives throughout the world. Copyright © 2009 MM Publications All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without permission in writing from the publishers. Produced in the EU C 1 103001307-5240 C 1103002007-5239 ISBN: 978-960-443-928-7 Teacher’s Edition ISBN: 978-960-443-929-4
Use of English B2 for the FCE Examination and other exams is intended fo r B2 level students. It system atically eaches gram m ar and vocabulary and prepares students th o ro u g h ly fo r all exams. " i e FCE Use of English Paper contains fo u r parts and lasts 45 m inutes. The task types and the num ber of questions in each part are presented in the fo llo w in g table. PART TASK TYPE NUMBER OF QUESTIONS/MARKS 1 Multiple-choice cloze 12 (one mark per question) 2 Open cloze 12 (one mark per question) 3 Word formation 10 (one mark per question) 4 Key word transformation 8 (two marks per question) This book is d iv id e d in to 15 units, fo llo w e d by a Final FCE Test and a Final ECCE Test. ~ne v o c a b u la ry and g ra m m a r ta u g h t has been d is trib u te d in 12 u n its (U nits 1-4, 6-9 and 11-14), each o f w hich is divid e d in to tw o sections. In th e firs t section, in u n its 1,3, 6, 8,11,13 th e re is a se le ctio n o f c o llo c a tio n s and expressions, w h ile in u n its 2 ,4 , 7,9,12,14 th e re is a se le ctio n o f p re p o sitio n a l phrases. Phrasal verbs, w ords ith prepo sition s, g ra m m a tic a l s tru c tu re s and key w o rd tra n s fo rm a tio n s are presented and practised in all 12 -n its . This section ends w ith tw o exercises w h ich are s im ila r in fo rm a t to tasks in th e FCE Use o f English paper and ECCE G ram m ar and V o ca b u la ry sections, b u t w h ich te s t o n ly th e item s ta u g h t in th e co rre s p o n d in g unit. In the second section, a n u m b e r o f g ro u p s o f easily confused w o rd s and d e riv a tiv e s are presented and practised, fo llo w e d by tw o exercises w h ich te s t o n ly th e item s ta u g h t in th e c o rre sp o n d in g unit. Units 5,10 and 15 are c o n s o lid a tio n u n its w h ich revise th e m a terial p re v io u s ly ta u g h t. Each o f th e m is a c tu a lly a co m p le te Use o f English Practice Test fo llo w in g th e exact fo rm a t o f th e FCE/ECCE exam ination s, b u t te s tin g o n ly th e item s ta u g h t in th e fo u r u n its pre ced in g it. The Final FCE Test and Final ECCE Test are m o de lled on th e C a m bridge Use o f English Paper and on the G ram m ar and V o ca b u la ry se ction s o f th e U n iv e rs ity o f M ichigan E xam ination fo r th e ECCE. The reference se ction at th e end o f th e b oo k in cludes an o v e rv ie w o f English Gram m ar, v o c a b u la ry notes w ith d e fin itio n s o f easily con fuse d w ords, exam tip s and th re e appendices. These appen dices a lp h a b e tica lly present p re p o s itio n a l phrases, w ords w ith p re p o sitio n s and d e rivatives. The Teacher’s Book consists o f tw o sections. The firs t se ctio n is th e S tudent's Book w ith th e answers o ve rp rin te d . The second se ctio n inclu de s notes fo r th e te a ch e r and th re e p h o to c o p ia b le Revision Tests w ith Key.
U N IT 1 p. 6 UNIT 2 p. 16 UNIT 3 p. 26 UNIT 4 p. 36 UNIT 5 p, 4 6 Section 1 Section 2 Collocations with go, come, reach, get Collocations of the type noun+of+noun Phrasal verbs with come, go and be Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Tenses Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of work and employment) Introduction to Derivatives Prepositional phrases of tim e and place Phrasal verbs with get, pull and throw Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Relative Clauses-Clauses of Time Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of time and viewing) Adjectives in -ful, -less and nouns in -ship deriving from noun roots Expressions with day, year and time Collocations w ith hold, run, catch and keep Phrasal verbs with look, check, watch and show Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Adverbs-ComparisonsArticles-Uncountables Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of people and education) Adjectives in -al, -y, -ous, -ly (+adverbs) and nouns in -hood deriving from noun roots Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with keep, hold, catch, carry, wear, work and move Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Determiners-Pronouns Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of travel and tourism) Adjectives in -ic, -ical, verbs in -ise and nouns in -ist, -ian, -dom deriving from noun roots Consolidation I (Units 1-4) UNIT 6 P.so Collocations with do and make Collocations with break, change, cut, turn and draw Adverbial expressions Phrasal verbs with make, do, grow, pass, fill and leave Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Infinitive /-ing form Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of money) Common negative prefixes UNIT 7 p. 60 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous), linking phrases Phrasal verbs with break, burn, cut and turn Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Modal Verbs Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of thinking) Verbs in -en and nouns in -ness, -nee, -ncy, -cy deriving from adjective roots UNIT 8 p. 70 UNIT 9 P.so Collocations with leave, put, set, shake, miss and lose Collocations/Expressions with way Sentence linkers Phrasal verbs with put, lay, set, settle Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Passive Voice Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with mix, run, hang, fall, hurry and try Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Pronouns-Causative Form Words easily confused (mainly related to the topic of communication) Verbs in -ise and nouns in -ity, -hood deriving from adjective roots Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Inflections of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs
Section 1 UNIT 10 p. 90 Section 2 Consolidation II (Units 6-9) UNIT 11 p.94 Collocations with follow, have, take, give, pay, bring and mind Phrasal verbs with take, close, knock, clean, clear and drop Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Clauses of concession, reason, purpose and result Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of crime and punishment) Adjectives in -able, -ible, -ent, -ant and nouns in -ery, -ence, -ance, -ant deriving from verb roots UNIT 12 p.104 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with bring, give, hand, burst and blow Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Conditionals Words easily confused (mainly related to the topics of health and illness) Nouns in -ion, -ation, adjectives in -ive, -ative and nouns in -al deriving from verb roots UNIT 13 p.114 Adjective + Noun Collocations Collocations with say and tell Idiomatic expressions with all Phrasal verbs with lie, stand, sit, save, dress, pay, end, point, lock and let Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Unreal Past UNIT 14 p.124 Prepositional phrases (miscellaneous) Phrasal verbs with call, speak, tell and count Words with prepositions (miscellaneous) Grammar Review: Reported Speech UNIT 15 p. 134 Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Nouns in -ment, -ure, -er, or and -ee deriving from verb roots Words easily confused (miscellaneous) Irregular Derivatives Adjectives and nouns deriving from the name of a country or continent Adverbs and pronouns ending in -body, -one, -thing, -where, -how, -ever and -self Consolidation III (Units 11-14) Final FCE Test ..............................................................................138 Final ECCE Test ..............................................................................142 Grammar R e v ie w ........... ..............................................................................147 Vocabulary N o t e s .......... ...................................................................165 Exam T i p s ........................ .............................................................................. 171 Appendix I: Prepositional P h ra se s................................................ .............................................................................. 173 Appendix II: Words with Prepositions........................................... .............................................................................. 174 Appendix III: Derivatives............................................................... .............................................................................. 176 Teacher’s Notes .................. ...................................................................185 Revision Test 1 .................... .................................................................. 186 Revision Test I I .................... ............................................................................. 190 Revision Test III ................... .................................................................. 194 Key to Tests ........................ .................................................................. 198
Collocations/Expressions A Complete the blanks with the verbs go, come, reach or get. get go/get better reach a decision come to sleep get revenge get on sb’s nerves get rid of go red get off sb’s back reach an agreement get down to business to terms with get ready get into trouble get the sack get lost go over the top get dark come in handy get the job get even with B Complete the sentences with the collocations / expressions in the box below. Use each one only once. in somebody’s shoes on top of in charge of 1 Mr Johnson is in search of on the safe side in charge of in trouble with ____the company’s marketing department. 2 People who system atically cheat the tax system will one day b e ________ in trouble with the Tax Department. on the safe side 3 The doctor insisted that I should be given a thorough check-up just to be __ 4 The children wandered around the neighbourhood __________in search of their lost dog. 5 Nobody would want to b e __________ in his shoes_________ _ pot with all those debts he has to pay off. on top of 6 After weeks of hard work, Kevin was confident he was finally C the situation. Complete the collocations belo w with the w ords in the box. You may use some of the w ords more than once. In some cases more than one w ord may be correct. bar bunch can clap flash pair of pyjamas sheet flash of lightning bar of beer pair a pint/can a set a bunch flock pair pint set sheet swarm tube pair of scissors flock of sheep of sunglasses set of rules claP of thunder of paper .o f soap of traffic lights flock of birds of flowers tube of toothpaste swarm of bees Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct num ber in the box next to each definition. A COME 1 While cleaning the basement, I came across something I thought I had lost years ago. 2 Joe cam e into a lot of money, which changed his life completely. 3 Why doesn’t Julie come round to our place anymore? 4 The scientists took months to come up with a solution to their problem. 3 stop by, visit 2 inherit 1 find by chance 6 regain consciousness 5 betaken ill with 5 Richard came down with a bad cold the day before his exams. 6 It took the woman a few minutes tocom e round/to after she had fainted. 4 think of and suggest
unit 0 1 B GO move / travel around, visit 1 They decided to go ahead w ith th e ir trip despite the bad w eather conditions. match 2 Once you have finished cleaning, you can g o o n w ith your job. explode 3 The d octo r w anted to go over the test results w ith his patient. start sth 4 That tie goeswith yo ur suit nicely. C 5 Luckily no one was injured when the bom b went off. continue doing 6 W hile visiting Rome, we went round all the m ajor archaeological sites. turn sour, start to decay 7 The child went through a lot before recovering com pletely. examine / discuss in detail 8 The m ilk went off a fte r o nly an hour in the scorching heat. suffer 9 W hat’s going on in there? Open the door! happen BE 1 What's on this weekend at the theatre? 2 We were prom ised th a t the hard tim es w ould be over soon. 3 I was about to leave home when some unexpected visitors arrived. 4 I'm for the mayor's plan to relocate the tow n hall. 5 What are the boys up to? Don’t tell me th e y’re ruining the garden again! 6 I m ust be off now. My parents are expecting me fo r dinner. Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives excellent at experienced happv in for h a o D V w ith /a b o u t D ro u d responsible Verbs an answer associate an exDert (take)D ride s th a reDlv a reDort for cooperate t0 deal on w ith on sth sb w ith include an o p p o rtu n ity sth on conaratulate sb in praise sb w ith concentrate o n /in /a t sb °f respected Nouns 'n w ith sth provide sth fo r sb succeed in supply sb w ith sth to sb supply sth G Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. for 2 I would be m ore than happy to provide you 3 We supply all m ajor com panies 4 She takes great pride with in our products. of for the homeless. yourself. W hat you did was w rong! 7 The governm ent supplied food and m edicine 8 The jo u rn a list was praised our com pany's catalogue. her work. That's w hy she's the best in her field. 5 The governm ent w ill provide housing 6 You shouldn't be proud you and yo ur wife. with for his report to the victim s of the hurricane. on sth provide sb fo r 1 C ongratulations Rodney! I'm so happy fo r the starving children o f Africa.
unit 0 1 Grammar Revision (Tenses) See Grammar Review page 147 ^ Read the text below and complete each blank with one word. All missing words are auxiliary verbs (is, was, have, has, had, do, does, did etc.). My life (1 ) __________has__________ im proved a lot since last year. You see, before th a t I ( 2 ) __________ _____________ been w orking in the same jo b fo r five years and I ( 3 ) __________was__________ beginning to feel rather bored. I ( 4 ) __________ was g ettin g ready to apply fo r another job when one day my boss called me into her office. "Our com pany ( 5 ) _________ __________ planning to expand overseas," she said. "We ( 6 ) ___________^ w ith Spain, therefore we w ill ( 7 ) ___________be branch there. ( 8 ) ________ ^ needing some of o ur best em ployees to su pp ort o ur new you th in k you w ould be interested in a transfer?" N aturally I accepted, although at did the tim e I (9) __________ th in kin g of starting _ not know that they ( 1 0 ) _________ ______________also going to prom ote me to assistant manager. been By the end of this m onth, I w ill have (11) exciting my life (1 2 )__________ has living in M adrid fo r a year. You can't im agine how become. B Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Progressive, Present Perfect Simple or Present Perfect Progressive and complete the boxes with the time words below. Use each time word only once. fo r While when was having ago already since _ (have) a bath yesterday evening, I was in the kitchen. s h e ________ came__________ (com e) into the kitchen, she couldn 't believe her eyes! Mum. I ° iafen lo oking I (look) for m y black belt stj|| haven’t found seen for the past hour and Have (not fin d) i t . . ________ you (see) it anywhere? Mother: No, but I th in k you Jim: still (cook) her fa vou rite dish because I ________ wanted________ (want) to surprise her. When Jim: yet Mary was cooking 2 w hile Ie ri__________ (lend) it to your bro the r about a week Oh, you’re rig ht. He hasn't ciyen/didrrc give (n ot g (ve) jt back to me. I bet he ago nas been wearing (wear) it all week. Where is he now, Mum? Mother: I'm afraid M a rk ___ H e __________ 90 t 3 | have been w orking I haven’t finished has left already .(ge t) up about an hour before you . (work) on this project (not finish) it did .(leave). . (do). this m orning but yet . What am I going to tell m y boss?
& M y sister loves cats. / She loves cats. / She has gone to Italy. (She is still there.) She has been to Italy. (She has returned.) M y s is t e r s h e lo v e s c a t s . I bought this bike tw o years ago. / (Only one subject in each sentence.) (Past Simple + ago) $> There is a b o o k o n the table. I-h a v e & o u g h tth is bike -two y ears ago. It is Susan’s. I b o u g h tth is b tk e tw o y e a r s b e fo r e . (Use there when m entioning sth fo r the firs t time. I have had this bike for tw o years. / Use it fo r sth already mentioned.) (Present P erfect+for) Ib a v eth i-sb ik e-lo rtw o y ear-s.— - €> T h ey don't have a car. / (have = own) T h ey haven't got a car. / I have had this bike since 1998. / (have got = own) (Present Perfect + since + time) I have had this bike since I w as sixteen. / They haven't a car. (Present Perfect + since + Past Simple) ® H e has a bath e v e ry morning. / (have = take) H e doesn’t have a bath e v e ry m orning. J H e has- got a bath e v e ry moTning. (Only one tim e word in each sentence.) I haven't studied for a w eek , (refers to the past: The last time I studied w as a week ago.) ® Jam es didn't use to sm oke so m uch. / I have to study for a week, (refers to the future: I Jam es didn't used to s m o k e s o m u e h . must study fo ra week before I do sth else.) (did/didn’t + bare infinitive) & I do speak French. / I have-had this-bike since two years ago. » I haven't eaten spaghetti for six months. / (emphasis) Ihavetoeatspaghettiforsixm onths-. He does eat snails. / T h e y did bu y a house. / W e did saw the thief. (do/does/did + bare infinitive) Key Transformations I h ave n ever b e e n to M alta before. It is the first tim e I h ave ever b e e n to Malta. & The last tim e I sa w h er w a s a y e a r ago. I last sa w h er a y e a r ago. I h aven ’t seen h er for a year. I h a d n ever b e e n to M alta before. It w a s the first tim e I h a d e v e r b e e n to Malta. W h e n did he start working? H o w long has h e b e e n working? H o w long is it since he started working? It has b e e n a y e a r since I last sa w her. It is a y ear since I last sa w her.
unit 0 1 Examination Practice A Read the text belo w and think of the w ord which best fits each space. Use only one w ord in each space. MONGY w hat There is no d ou bt th a t money, in the form th a t we know it today, (1). keeps m odern econom ic life fu nctio nin g. Yet, th ro u g h o u t history, money, in w hatever form , has provided people (2 )_________ with__________ the a b ility to buy (3 )_________ and/or_________sell goods. Thousands o f years (4 ) __________ ago__________ , civilisations (5 )__________ used_________ to rely on the barter system as a way of exchanging goods. W ithin this system a person had to exchange one thing fo r another. This m eant th a t the tw o parties involved had to ( 6 ) ______ make/reach_______ an agreem ent as to w hat th ey th o u g h t th e ir products were w orth. Items such (7 )__________ as___________wheat, tobacco and livestock have all been used as m oney at one tim e or another. It was not until much later th at humans came up ( 8 ) _________ with__________ the idea o f m oney in the form of m etal coins. So w hy (9 ) __________did___________the barter system come to an end? The answer is simple. Coins were much easier to handle and carry around. Since then, the use of coins has become widespread. It has made com m erce sim pler and has given countries an o p p o rtu n ity (1 0 )__________ _____________developm ent by doing business w ith other countries fu rth e r afield, which they (11)__________ h^d__________ never done business w ith before. In recent years, paper m oney has become m ore com m on all over the w orld, as it is easier to use. It (12)__________ ^ __________ not be long, however, before plastic cards take over com pletely, replacing coins and paper money. 6 Complete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar m eaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the w ord given. 1 We last w ent abroad a long tim e ago. not yye have not been abroad for a long tim e. When did they sta rt living in the suburbs? have How long have they been living in the suburbs? It's the firs t tim e she has ever had problem s w ith the authorities. trouble 4 w ith the a uth orities before. When Carl was young, h e __________________used to go to . a holiday camp every summer. A fter the earthquake, the governm ent supplied food and m edicine to the homeless, provided 6 has never had trouble When Carl was young, he w ent to a holiday camp every summer, used 5 She A fter the earthquake, the g o v e rn m e n t_______provided the homeless with_____ Lucy hasn't visited me since February. was The la s t_______________ tim e Lucy visited me was__________________ in February. How long has he had this car? bought 8 How lo n g _________ is it since he bought this car? I haven't caught a cold fo r ages, down I la s t___________ came down with a cold ages ago. .fo o d and m edicine.
unit 0 1 Words easily confused Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may use some of the words more than once. In some cases, more than one word may be correct. job occupation w ork e m ploym ent 1 People in the m e d ic a l______ profession w ork long hours. 2 In order to get a ( n ) _________ 12^______ - __since January. Employment______ agencies help people find w ork in th e ir field. 5 I was asked to w rite m y present B as a com puter analyst, you need a degree in com puter science. work 3 Betty has been o ut o f ____ profession task course occupation________ on the a pplication form . d uty task 1 They were set the duty 2 It is a n u rs e 's ___ o f cleaning the room after the m eeting. ______ to make the patients feel com fortable. 3 Her marks are quite high, so she can choose between a medical or a la w ________ course em ployer em ployee assistant 1 The shop 2 The car park colleague assistant clerk o ffice r attendant ___ helped me choose a ju m p e r th a t suited me. attendant_______ js responsible fo r parking custom ers’ cars. employees_______ are expected to be at w ork by 8.30. O u r ________ employer 3 All at university. 4 Jill w orked as a ( n ) _________clerk_______ insists on it. fo r a law firm before entering politics. 5 All m y ______ colleagues_______ at the office are friendly. officer 6 Bob is a senior D p arty crew staff 1 A m em ber o f a p o litic a l______ staff 2 The teaching party 3 The search _ crew 4 The s h ip 's __ aim goal in the arm ed forces. intention 1 The Maths problem was a ( n ) ___ party gave a speech in the tow n centre last night. at our school have form ed a basketball team. _ had no luck in fin ding the m issing child, served drinks as the ship set sail. challenge challenge success a m b ition and to ok me over an hour to solve. 2 T h e _______ aim/goal________ 0f environm ental organisations is to stop environm ental destruction.
unit 0 1 am bition 3 People w ith success 4 Their firs t album was a great intention 5 I have no achieve and sold tw o m illion copies w orldw ide. of changing my plans fo r to nig ht. cope fu lfil goals w ill always try to achieve th eir deal face succeed 1 J o h n _______ succeeded________ jn convincing his boss to give him the day off. 2 He doesn’t ________deal/cope________ w ith crisis situations very well. 3 Despite his health problem s, J o e ________fulfilled___________his am bition to play in the local fo otball team. facing 4 The Johnstons are financial d iffic u ltie s after Mrs Johnston lost her job. 5 Kim put a lot of w ork into her project and 6 During his career as a teacher, he h a s ___ manage run operate achieved dealt excellent results. w ith students from d iffe re n t backgrounds. undertake 1 You have to read the instructions carefully before y o u ______ operate __________ the photocopying machine. 2 Brett co uldn 't find experienced staff so h e _________ ________________ his business on his own fo r a few months. 3 Kate was supposed t o _______undertake_________ train in g of the new staff. 4 The com pany is H skills managed/run_______ by tw o people w ho share the responsibilities. qualities qualifica tion s experience 1 To get the job you m ust have three years’ experience qualifications 2 Leadership in telecom m unications and the necessary ., one o f w hich is a university degree. qualities __ are required by a Prime Minister, as well as c o m m u n ic a tio n . skills 3 Learning to w ind surf was a fa n ta s tic ______experience_________ | A Look at the sentences below. What part of speech (verb, noun, adjective or adverb) is each of the words in bold type?
unit 0 1 Each part of speech has a d ifferen t fu n ctio n in the sentence. n u m describe actions, events, feelings or situations. (e.g. The tw o patterns differ from each other.) refer to people, animals, things, actions, situations or ideas. (e.g. There is a difference between the tw o patterns.) JECTIVES2 describe the qualities o f nouns. (e.g. This pattern is different from th a t one.) VERBS describe verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, phrases or w hole sentences, (e.g. The tw o patterns have been differently designed.) A lot of English words can be used as roots fo r the fo rm a tion of other words, w hich are called derivatives. Most adverbs, fo r instance, are form ed by adding the ending -ly to the root adjective. careful 4 ca re fully te rrib le 4 te rrib ly d iffe re n t 4 d iffe re n tly B Choose the correct word A, B or C to complete the following sentences. • The zoo's main _________ attraction________ are the pandas. A a ttra ctive ly B a ttractive (c )a ttra c tio n 2 The teacher w a s ___________angry__________w ith the student because he d id n ’t do his hom ew ork. A anger (BJangry C a ngrily 3 Before I set o ff on my journey, my fa th er to ld me to d r iv e ___________safely__________. A safe B safety (c )s a fe ly 4 What's t h e _________difference________ between increase and decrease? A difference B d iffe re n tly C d iffe re n t 5 I hired a _______ photographer______ to take pictures at my wedding. A) photographer B p ho tography C photographic 6 Despite his age, he leads an __________ active__________ life. A a c tiv ity B acting ( ^ a c t iv e 7 She com pleted the p r o je c t________ successfully_______ and was prom oted. A success (B )succe ssfully C successful C Read the sentences below and decide what part of speech is missing. Then, complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 I love sitting on my new sofa. It’s so (Part of speech: adjective_______ ) _____ com fortable 2 She chose light-coloured fu rn itu re to (Part o f speech: ve|-b COMFORT ) _brighten_____ ___ BRIGHT up her dull flat. 3 It’s ce rta inly (Part of speech: 4 August is a (Part of speech: __ everyone is away on holiday. adjective adjective ) ______ dangerous tQ drjve gt hjgh speed ) peaceful m onth in our city, as DANGER PEACE
unit O f robber noun 5 The (Part o f speech: _ held up the bank and ROB stole £ 20 0 0 0 0 . noun 6 N obody could find the (Part o f speech:. solution to the SOLVE d iffic u lt Maths problem . 7 happily 8 adverb Even th ough they had financial d ifficulties, they were (Part o f speech:. HAPPY ___ m arried. I feel very (Part o f speech:_________adjective sleepy ) today. I th in k I’ll have SLEEP some coffee. Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A , B, C or D best fits each space. F IN D IN G EMPLOYMENT job My firs t (1)^ assistant was as a sales (2)_ at I w anted to w ork part-tim e, because I was still studying (3). at a large d epartm ent store. ___u niversity and I was only ( 4 ) _________ able__________ to w ork a few nights a week. across I came (5). the advertisem ent in the local newspaper. I rem em ber the intervie w as though (6 ) I!___________ were yesterday. The personnel m anager sat behind a large desk. He asked me various questions w hich surprised me because all I w anted was to w ork in sales. An hour later, I was told th a t I had g ot the jo b and was given a co ntract to go (7 ) over_________ . I was to be trained fo r ten days before i to ok m y post. Also, as a m em ber of (8). s ta ff I was e ntitled to some benefits, including discounts. When I eventually started, I was responsible (9)_ for the to y section. I really enjoyed it there and I loved dem onstrating the d iffe re n t toys. I was surprised at how frie n d ly m y (10) _ were, too. They made w orking there fun even when we had to (11)________deal with ( 12) . forget. got colleagues custom ers who on our nerves. On the whole, w orking there was a great experience which I w ill never
1 A occupation B job C w ork 2 A employee B attendant C o ffice r 3 A in B on 4 A excellent B able C proud D experienced 5 A across B into C on D round B 1 C th a t D there 6 ( A ) it (» a t D em ploym ent ( d) assistant D fo r 7 A on B over C ahead D w ith 8 (f i) staff B crew C team D party 9 A of B at C w ith D fo r 10 A assistants B staff 11 A control 12 A came ( C) colleagues (JB) deal w ith B w ent C manage © got D em ployees D cooperate D were Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. AN UNUSUAL OUTING Last week I made a (1)_______ suggestion______ tQ m y C0USjn A |ex 0f f e rjng to SUGGEST take him to an (2 )______ amusement______ park. He was very excited because it AMUSE was his (3 )_______ favourite________place. However, from the m om ent I picked FAVOUR him up, he was very ( 4 ) _________ noisy__________ w hich surprised me since NOISE his behaviour was (5 )_______ normally________ very d jfferent, At one point, NORMAL w hile w aiting to get on a ride, he disappeared. ( 6 ) ________ Luckily_________ LUCK the manager, w ho was very (7 )_________ helpful_________ found him an hour HELP later am ongst a crowd. Apparently, Alex had seen a fam ous basketball player and wanted his autograph. He (8 ) ______ apologised_______ to me immecjiate ly but I APOLOGY was so (9 )_________ angry_________at him that we left. It was then th a t I made ANGER the (10)________ decision________never to take Alex o ut again. DECIDE
Prepositional Phrases A Com plete the blanks with the prepositions in, on or at. on a farm on the right/left in prison in a queue at work in the North at/°n the back of at school in town at 17 W alkley Road at the door in the suburbs at university on the outskirts in the m ountains in rows/a row in the country on an island at the crossroads in/on Park Avenue B Read the sentences and com plete them with the prepositions in, on or at. 1 My brother is working part-time the corner of the room. 2 There is a TV set 3 Jam es sits 4 They went on a boat ride 5 Hom eless people sleep 6 He had to stay 7 My girlfriend is waiting for me 8 The robbers parked their car C in the front of the class. at the river. on the streets of most m ajor cities. in/ ° n in hospital for a w eek after his operation. front of the bank. in Read the sentences and com plete them with the prepositions in, A tattoo is 3 Kick-off is in tw enty m inutes, so ln for out on/for my birthday, but now I’ve changed my mind. the beginning of the book. at now on, no one is allowed to enter the school building during the lunch break. I haven’t seen Michael aaes. so I’m going to visit him for 9 It’s a pity I have to remain indoors 10 I can ’t talk to you at at such a nice day. on the moment. Ring me back 11 It’s difficult to see the moon in the sky by in______ a while. day. 12 I’m really worried about Sam. He should have been here MB& the very latest. of date. 6 You should read the introduction 8 at the meantime, do your warm-up exercises. in the beginning, I didn’t want to have a party 5 Typew riters are already From Tuesday on on, at, by, for, from or out. life. So, think carefully before deciding on having one done. 2 7 the corner. at/on 1 You can hand in your assignm ents 4 the hospital. at by now. the weekend.
unit 0 2 Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by w riting the correct number in the box next to each definition. A GET Joe was a fussy person and difficult to get on / along with. 2 The police surrounded the building, making it difficult for the criminals to get away. 3 He always gets away with his bad behaviour. 4 A large percentage of the population get by on very little money. 5 It took Betty months to get over her father’s death. 1 2 escape 5 overcome 4 manage to live 1 have a good relationship 3 avoid being punished B PULL, THROW 1 The authorities declared the building unsafe and had it pulled down immediately. 2 A strange rattling noise forced the driver to pull over onto the hard shoulder. 3 It was time I threw out / away my old trainers. They were torn. 3 get rid of sth unwanted 1 demolish 2 move closer to the side of the road and stop (for vehicles) Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives a m a zed Nouns at/by Verbs a d e scrip tio n of d istin a u ish betw een with carefu l with/of/about a fa ilu re in e x p e rim e n t cro w d ed a s e a rc h for q la n c e with fed up with ready for sa tisfied a so lu tio n hear to rem in d sb s th sb /sth (=have inform ation about) hear with from sb (=have n ew s from ) ioin reaard sb/sth of smile at/t0 SD ecia lise sta re in at as B Read the follo w in g sentences and com plete them with prepositions. 1 Must I always remind you 2 I haven’t heard 3 4 5 6 7 a b o u t/o f neecj t0 follow sb/sth (= see m sim ilar to sb/sth) vo te for/against in sth (=tell sb again to do sth) rem in d sb at about/of of/about the proper procedure? from Lisa for over two weeks now. The police released a description of the wanted man. The park was crowded w ith enthusiastic teenagers celebrating the end of the school year. your problem. There must be a solution_______ t0 “I’m a failure in_____ life,” declared the famous actor to his adoring fans. In some cultures staring at_____ people is considered offensive.
unit0 2 8 Have you heard about the latest medical discovery? 9 A final search for evidence at the scene of the crim e proved fruitless. 10 You remind me of m yself when I was yo ur age. Grammar Revision (Relative Clauses - Clauses of Time) See G r a m m a r R e v ie w p a g e 148 A R ea d th e t e x t b e lo w a n d c o m p le te e a c h b la n k w it h o n e w o rd . A l l th e m is s in g w o r d s a re r e la tiv e p ro n o u n : o r a d v e rb s . M arilyn Monroe, (1) ___________who___________ was one of the w o rld ’s m ost fam ous film stars, was born in 1926. M arilyn, ( 2 ) __________whose__________ real name was Norma Jean Baker, had a m iserable childhood. She grew up in Los Angeles, ( 3 ) __________ where__________ she spent m ost of her early years in foster homes. T hat’s ( 4 ) ____________why__________ she still fe lt lonely even when she became famous. She w orked as a m odel and also played m inor roles in various film s before m aking "Niagara”, the film ( 5 ) ________ w hich/that________ made her very popular. In 1954 she m arried Joe di Maggio, w ith (6) __________ whom__________ She entertained Am erican troops fig h tin g in Korea. She w ent on to make m any film s, some o f ( 7 ) __________ which__________ were very successful sue as “Some Like it H ot”, “Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” and “ Bus Stop”. Her film career ended tra g ica lly in 1962, ( 8 ) __________ when__________ she died at the age of th irty six. B C h o o se A, B, C o r D to c o m p le te th e f o llo w in g s e n te n c e s . 1 As____________ Celia was d riving to the a irpo rt, she realised th a t she had left her passport at home. A As soon as C§)As C During D Until 2 I w ill have finished s tu d y in g ________ by the tim e________the film starts. A u ntil B w hile © b y the tim e D once 3 The audience started c la p p in g _______ the moment________the singer came on stage. A by the tim e (JB)the m om ent C w hile D just 4 Peter w on’t le a ve __________ until___________ he has finished all his work. (^A) until B by C ju s t as D when 5 I haven’t heard fro m h im __________ since__________ we finished school. A before B as soon as C after © s in c e 6 Jane was w orking as a jo u rn a lis t__________ while___________she was w ritin g her firs t book. A during © w h il e C ju s t as D once 7 My m other used to c r y ________ whenever________ she heard this song. A by the tim e B the m om ent th a t © w henever D until 8 The police o ffice r returned my d rivin g lic e n c e ___________ after__________ A ju st as B until C w hile (D )a fte r 9 She burst o u t la u g h in g ________ as soon as________ she saw the clown. © assoonas B since C u ntil D w hile 10 ________By the tim e________ we g ot back to the hotel, it was already dark. A The m om ent th a t B As soon as © B y the tim e D Once he had checked it.
& My brother, who j^fis a chemical engineer, works The room (which/that) he works in is small./ for a multinational company, (subject: who) The-foem-in w here he-works is-smaB.-- Jennifer’s brother, who you met T-he-foem where he-works-in is-smalt. - at her party last week, is an engineer, (ob je ct: who) Tke-i©©in-in-that- fre-works-fe small.— » (Have o n ly one w ord fo r the subject o r the object o f P I have 3,000 stamps, some of which are valuable. / the relative clause.) I-haw-3^€>©sta¥»psrS©me-©Hhat:'are'va±uabie.' €> Ann’s father, who/whom we met last week, is ill. / (expressions o f q u a ntity+ w h o m /w h ich /w h ose ) Ann-’s father, that w e -meHastweekris-rtl-. -.. (That is n o t used in non -d efin ing relative clauses.) >When I grow up, I want to become a dentist. / Wherrf-will grow -u-pi-f-warrt-iaberomeadenttst:^ & The man with whom she is talking is her He said he would call as soon as he returned. / husband. / Iie-said-ii*.would^ail»aS'-se©H-a-ske-wouklretuFH, (preposition + w ho m /w h ich) (Never use will a nd would afte r tim e words) Theraan w ith who/tha»-3hetstaftcingTSiter-^ >I visited two museums while I was on holiday. / husbandrThe man (who(m)/that) she is talking with is her I visited two museums during my holiday. / husband. / Ivisite^frwe-m-Hsettms-dwingl-wasonh-olid-ay:- — (w h o /w h o m /w h ich /th a t + pre po sition s) (during + noun) & The room where he works is small. / The room in which he works is small. / Key Transformations & Students who wish to go on the day-trip should write their names on this list. She always watched TV after she did /had done her homework. Students wishing to go on the day-trip should write their names on this list. & I will sign the document when I read /have read it. I will sign the document after I read /have read it. @ She always did her homework first and then she I won’t sign the document before I read /have read watched TV. it. She never watched TV until she did /had done her I won’t sign the document until I read /have read it. homework. She never watched TV before doing / having done < q Andrew left after/before breakfast. her homework. Andrew left after/before having (had) breakfast. She would never watch TV before she did /had Andrew left after/before he (had) had breakfast. done her homework. She always watched TV after doing /having done her homework.
unit 0 2 Examination Practice A Choose the correct answer. 1 The Smiths b u ilt a huge house on the o utskirts 6 The e le c tric ity w ill be reconnected when you pay o f the town. the bill. a. in Vb; on c. at d. to 2 Once th ey come a. came ( c jc o m e w e’ll ta lk to them about it. 4 ■■ From c. when you are paying d. during you pay b. w ill come on very little money. d. are com ing a. w ith Mrs Davidson's nephew. c. w ho sittin g b. when you pay 7 There are people w ho manage to get 3 The man who is sitting jn the fro n t row is (a.) w ho is sittin g a. when you w ill pay b. w here is sitting a. in w here d. th a t sitting c. which now 0 n, yOU w on't be allowed to use b. over c. round 8 The hotel (d )b y in which we stayed was perfect, ( b ) in which d. that 9 The students left as soon as they finished the test, (a ) as soon as your m obile phones at school!" the headm aster warned b. as c. w hile the students. a. By b. For c. At ( d. From "We visited the tow n c. the sleeves of th a t d )th e sleeves o f which where our grandfather grew up. are to o long, b. th a t the sleeves d. until 10 "What did you do on Saturday?" the sleeves 5 My gra nd m o th er knitted me a jum per of which a. w hich the sleeves by a. w hich b. that ( c ) w here d. when B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 Here’s the house w here I lived as a child. in Here’s the h o u se _____________________ in which I lived_____________________ as a child. 2 I don’t know w hat made her q u it her job. reason I don’t __________________ know the reason why__________________ she q u it her job. 3 Passengers w ishing to get up can do so a fte r the seat belt lig h t has gone off. who Passengers_________________who wish to get up__________________can do so after the seat belt light has gone i 4 He d id n ’t study enough fo r his exams, so he failed tw o of them. caused He didn’t study enough fo r his exams________________ which caused him to fail_______________ t wo o f them . 5 He always checked his car tyres before setting o ff on a journey. until He never set o ff on a jo u rn e y ____________ until he (had) checked___________ his car tyres. 6 I’ve read all o f Jane Austen’s novels and there were o nly a couple th a t I did n ’t enjoy. most I’ve read all of Jane Austen’s nove ls,______________________most of which_____________________ I enjoyed. 7 Dr W illiam s is a ca rd io log ist and has his surgery on the second floor. whose Dr W illiam s,____________________ whose surgery is____________________ on t he second floor, is a cardiologist. 8 Last week Phil to o k part in a spelling co m p etitio n and won firs t prize, in Phil won first prize in a spelling com petition (that/which) he took part in/in which he took part |ast week.
unit0 2 .Vords easily confused . se th e c o rr e c t fo r m o f th e w o r d s in th e b o x e s to c o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s in e a c h g ro u p A-G b e lo w . Y o u m a y . s e so m e o f th e w o r d s m o re th a n o n ce . In s o m e cases, m o re th a n o n e w o r d m a y b e c o rre c t. look see w atch notice regard stare glance observe 11 .Ve spent weeks in A fr ic a _______ observing_______ the way lions catch th e ir prey. ; Did y o u _______ see/notice_______ the tie he was wearing? It had pink elephants on it! 3 "h e students regarded/watched/observed the new teacher w ith curiosity. 4 - w a y s __________look__________left and then rig h t before crossing the road. 5 Don’t _________ stare__________at people like that! It’s really rude. ■ saw/watched______a great science fictio n film last night. ~ Before I bought the magazine, I glanced/looked th rough it quickly. IB I couldn’t h e lp ________ noticing________ the big red spots on his face. glanced/looked find out invent at his watch and started running. He was late fo r school. discover detect Many serious illnesses may be cured if they a r e ________ detected_______ early enough. 2 We m u s t ________ find out________ as m uch as we can about the gang,” said the detective. 3 Was it Captain Cook w h o _______ discovered______ Australia? ■t The firs t camera, the Kodak 1, w a s ________ invented_______ by G. Eastman in 1888. explore investigate look for look up (do) research • The police came t o _______ investigate_______the m urder im m ediately. 2 I still h a v e ________ research________to do fo r my p roject on sharks. 3 I m u s t________ look up________ this w ord in the dictionary, because I don’t rem em ber w hat it means. 4 Mum, I’m _______ looking for______ m y trainers. Have you seen them? 5 As soon as the five friends g ot to the cave, they decided t o ________ explore________ it. a tte m p t e ffo rt tria l experim ent 1 It takes a lot o f _________ effort_________ and patience to learn how to play a m usical instrum ent. 2 John’s case came t o __________ trial__________and in the end he was found innocent. 3 The athlete failed in his la s t ________ attem pt_______ to break the w orld record. 4 Many cosm etic com panies claim they don’t carry o u t ______ experiments______ on animals. 5 I w orked fo r the com pany fo r a ( n ) __________ tna]__________ period of tw o weeks before I was fu lly em ployed.
unit 0 2 audience spectators view ers sightseers onlookers witnesses 1 T h e _______spectators_______ disagreed w ith the referee’s decision and interru pted the fo otba ll match. 2 The tw o teenagers claim ed they were j u s t _____ onlookers_________and had nothing to do w ith the fig ht. 3 Paris attracts thousands o f ______ sightseers________all year round. 4 At the end of the play, t h e _______ audience_______ applauded enthusiastically. 5 T h e _______ witnesses_______ were asked to give a detailed description o f the accident. 6 The concert was broadcast on TV and attracted one b illio n ________ viewers________ w orldw ide. F m em orise rem ind recall recognise 1 I did n ’t _______ recognise________her at first. She had changed a lot. 2 I had t o _______ memorise_______ his phone num ber because I d id n't have a pen to w rite it down. 3 I’ll ring Dad t o ________ remind_________him to buy coffee, otherw ise he’ll forget. 4 My grandfather can s t i l l _________ recall_________ scenes of World War II. G view sight image vision scene 1 The sun affects m y ______ vision/sight______ when I’m driving, so I always wear sunglasses. 2 We have a s u p e rb _________ view__________0f the sea from our balcony. 3 The child started to cry at t h e _________ sight_________ of the dogs. 4 The television show was about t h e _________ sights_________ you can visit in Rome. 5 The police arrived at t h e ________ scene_________ of the accident w ith in minutes. 6 An a c to r 's _________ image________ js im p o rta n t fo r his career. 7 I ran o ut of paint, so I co uldn ’t finish the sky fo r the b a c k g ro u n d ________ scene__________jn the play. 8 When we were leaving the flow er show, we were asked to fill in a questionnaire to give o u r _________ views on w hat we had seen.
Derivatives are formed from noun roots, adjective roots and verb roots. In this unit we will deal with adjectives, adverbs and nouns which derive from certain noun roots. Adjective = Noun + -ful Noun Root Adjective = Noun + -less Describing a q uality or Having enough of th a t q uality or Not having th a t q u a lity or characteristic (often abstract nouns) characteristic characteristic care careful careless Adverbs Noun + -fully t Adverb = Noun + -lessly carelessly carefully • Some o the r com m on nouns th a t form adjectives and adverbs in the same way are: colour, harm, hope, meaning, pain, p o w e r and use. • The noun doubt form s the adjective in -ful and the adverb in -fully and in -less. d o u b t 4 d o u b tfu l 4 d o u b tfu lly - doubtless • In some cases o nly one o f the tw o adjectives - and corresponding adverbs ■derives from the noun root, not both. beauty b e a u tifu l - begs&tess / b e a u tifu lly - b e ^ fig $ s ly - endless / e nitM T y - endlessly end In the same way: delightful, d utiful, grateful, aimless, effortless, heartless, homeless, nameless, pointless and shapeless. • The opposite of some adjectives in -ful is un + noun root + ful, not noun root + less. success 4 successful * unsuccessful skill 4 s k ilfu l t u n skilfu l tru th 4 tru th fu l * u n tru th fu l • Sometimes both adjective form s (noun root + less and un + noun root + ful) derive from the same noun. In such cases the tw o adjectives have d ifferen t meanings. The adjective form un + noun root + ful is the opposite o f the adjective in -ful. h e lp - } h e lp fu l (= sb who gives help) * u n h e lp fu l (= sb who doesn't give help) helpless (= sb w ho needs help) • The opposite of some adjectives in -less is noun root + -y or noun root + -b le , not noun root + -ful. g u ilt guiltless g u ilty sense 4 senseless * sensible sleep -4 sleepless * sleepy value -4 valueless * valuable (note the changes in spelling) • Be careful w ith the m eaning of the adjectives derived from price. price -4 p rice y (=expensive) 4 priceless (= too valuable to have a p rice) Noun Root 1 Som ebody in a certain position / occupation author 2 Som ebody having a relationship w ith sb else friend Noun = Noun + -ship 1 State of being in certain position / occupation authorship 2 Relationship between tw o people friendship • Some com m on nouns th a t form nouns in the same way as a u th o r are: citizen, leader, m em ber and owner. • Some com m on nouns th a t form nouns in the same way as frie n d are: com panion, p a rtn e r and relation. • Some nouns form nouns in - ship w ith a d ifferen t m eaning: champion, scholar and sponsor. [ J I J J 3 When you are asked to com plete a sentence w ith a suitable w ord deriving from a given root, read the sentence carefully to decide: 1) w hat part o f speech the m issing w ord is (noun, verb, adjective or adverb), 2) if the missing w ord has the same m eaning as the given roo t (e.g. success-successful) or the opposite m eaning (e.g. success-unsuccessful).
unit 0 2 C o m p lete th e sentences w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm of th e w o rd s in c ap itals. 1 The top m odel w a s ________ beautifully_________ dressed in an elegant evening gown. BEAUTY 2 PEACE My street i s _________ peaceful__________ because it’s far from any main roads. 3 Our fo otba ll team won the ______ championship________ at the end o f the season and received _______ sponsorship_________ from a large company. SPONSOR 4 There are thousands o f _________homeless__________ people sleeping in the streets. colourful 5 I b ought a 6 I was fined because I was d riving 8 I am feeling q u it e __________ sleepy 9 I g ot into a b u s in e s s ______ being HOME . dress but its colours faded after I washed it. 7 The directions you gave us were rather carelessly__________ . because I d id n ’t get enough sleep last night. __ w ith my cousin but it ended up HELP SLEEP PARTNER unsuccessful 10 The m usical perform ance was so COLOUR CARE ________unhelpful___________ as we still got lost. partnership CHAMPION SUCCESS powerful . th a t the audience gave POWER the orchestra a standing ovation. 11 The w itness’ statem ent d id n ’t help the police in the investigation, so it proved to be ________ valueless__________ . VALUE 12 The man was found __________ guilty___________ of s h op liftin g and sentenced GUILT to one m onth in prison. 13 He has ______ successfully__________com pleted his postgraduate studies. SUCCESS 14 The new lazer trea tm en t can extract teeth ________ painlessly__________ . PAIN harmless 15 It’s ju st a . dog. There is no need to panic. HARM Examination Practice A R ead th e te x t b e lo w a n d d ec id e w h ic h a n s w e r A, B, C o r D best fits e ach space. A NIGHT AT THE THEATRE Going to the theatre brings back happy m em ories, as it (1)________ reminds . me of m y very firs t perform ance on stage, (2 )_________ which_________ was th irty years ago. Parts o f th a t p articula r n ig ht are so vivid th a t I can still picture m yself as th ough it were yesterday. The excitem ent am ongst the actors, the (3 )_______ audience's______ applause and the party after the opening n ig h t are m em ories which w ill rem ain w ith me fo r (4) _ life I don’t know how we m anaged to do so well. The rehearsals were far from satisfactory because we th o u g h t th a t we could ju s t have tw o rehearsals a week (5 )_________ when_________ in fa ct we needed more. The background ( 6 ) _________scenes________ to the last act w eren’t ready u ntil an hour before the beginning o f the play despite the set b u ild e r’s best (7 )_________efforts_________. The director was not satisfied ( 8 )__________ with__________ anything and he d id n ’t even w ant to show up on the firs t night. Adm ittedly, I w o u ld n ’t have wanted to either. ( 9 ) _________ When_________ the n ig ht fin a lly arrived, we were all a b it w orried. I rem em ber (1 0 )_____ glancing th ro ug h the curtain ten m inutes before the s ta rt and being amazed (11)___________at___________ the (12) _ sight . of a fu ll house. Finally, it was tim e fo r the curta in to go up. In the end, we proved the d irector w rong and everythin g w ent like clockw ork.
unit 0 2 C recalls D m em orises B when C w here D w ho A onlookers’ B view ers’ C audience’s D spectators’ 4 A life B ages C a w hile D tim e 5 A where B when C which D w henever 6 A images B visions C scenes D sights 7 A attem pts B efforts C trials D tries 8 A by B in C at 9 A When B After C While D Until B noticing C staring D w atching C on D fo r 1 A recognises 2 A w hich 3 10 E :A )glancing 11 A in 12 A view (B )reminds © at B vision © s ig h t i D )w ith D image Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. FRIENDS Many people consider (1)_______ friendship_______ to be the FRIEND m ost im p o rta n t (2 )______ relationship______ th ey can have. RELATION It is (3 )_______ wonderful_______to have a frien d you can talk WONDER to and share (4) ________ valuable________ experiences w ith. VALUE However, it is im p o rta n t to choose friends (5 ) ________ carefully_______ . CARE An ideal friend should be ( 6 ) _______ thoughtful_______ THOUGHT Of course, there w ill be tim es w hen we m ig ht be (7 )________ doubtful_______ of our friends. But, we should DOUBT always ta lk things through in a ( 8 ) ________ sensible________ SENSE way and find a solution to our problems. Moreover, we should be careful not to be ( 9 ) _______ untruthful_______. TRUTH W ithout honesty, the bond between friends is (1 0 )_________useless________ and not w o rth anything at all. I m and when any d ifficu ltie s arise, hopefully be there fo r us. USE
Collocations/expressions A The following expressions include the words day, year and time. Complete them with prepositions. ( DAY YEAR in day this day and aae by/after dav TIME all vear vear for round after at year this tim e o f the year V a period of tim e sb’s free tim e from tim e to tim e in for the firs t tim e have no tim e at the riq h t tim e take tim e no tim e f° r off B Complete the sentences with the collocations /expressions in the box below. the o the r day in tim e pass the tim e all day long call it a day ahead of its tim e at tim es tim e and tim e again on tim e fo r the tim e being 1 Despite technical problems, the flig h t l e f t ________ on tim e________ . 2 We’ll be g ettin g a new p rin te r next m onth. So, for the tim e being _we have to put up w ith this one. 3 Most engineers agreed th a t the ca r’s design w a s _____ ahead of its tim e 4 I started a conversation w ith the person sittin g next to me on the bus t o ______ pass the tim e______ 5 I saw S a lly _____ the other day______ . Did you know th a t she had broken her leg? 6 The m atch started at 7 pm and Jack arrived j u s t ________ in tim e_________for the kick-off. 7 Let’s ______ call it a day_______ and go home. We’ve been w orking fo r over tw elve hours w ith o u t a break. 8 He keeps m aking the same mistake tim e and tim e again 9 I find it very d iffic u lt to agree w ith y o u ________ at times________ . Your views can som etim es be extreme. 10 I have been s le e p y _______all day long______ today. I don’t know w h a t’s the m atter w ith me. C Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verbs hold, run, catch or keep. 1 The student w a s _________caught________ jn th e a ct o f cheating by the examiner. 2 I ju s t need you t o _________ keeP__________an eye on Sam w hile I go out. 3 Jenny w ill c e rta in ly _________ catch_________ everyone's a tte n tio n w ith th a t dress she's wearing. 4 Blue eyes and red h a ir __________ run__________ in m y fa m ily . Only m y aunt has brown eyes. 5 When m y gra nd m o th er was in hospital, I used t o __________keeP_________ her co m p a n y in the afternoons. 6 Mary is m oving to another city, but we prom ised t o _________ keeP_________ in to u c h w ith each other. 7 Running________ a business requires m any skills and expertise. 8 You can't rely on Roger. Actually, he's the kind of person th a t c a n 't_________ keeP__________a prom ise. 9 The w inner o f the m arathon had t o _________catch__________his b re a th before speaking to the journalist. 10 P le a se _________ keeP__________in m in d th a t sm oking is not allowed in this building. 11 We a l l __________held o u r b re ath when the w inn er o f the co m p e titio n was being announced. 12 As I was running t o _________ catch_________ th e bus, I slipped and fell. 13 Can y o u _________ keeP_________ a secret? Jane is organising a surprise p arty fo r Kevin’s birthday! 14 The c h ild re n __________held__________hands w hile w alking down the street. w ork
unit 0 3 ^ ________________ ________ ____________________ _______________ _ Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box next to each definition. A LOOK 1 We looked after Ben’s house w hile he was on holiday. 7 have a poor opinion of 8 respect, admire 5 warn somebody about potential danger 1 take care of 2 expect sth pleasant to happen 3 investigate 4 inspect quickly 6 try to find in a book or list 3 be careful about 4 care for sb or sth, especially because it 2 We are all looking forward to the opening game o f the season. 3 The auth orities prom ised to look into the claims o f co rrup tion . 4 I looked over yo ur essay and can suggest some im provem ents. 5 Look out! The pavem ent is broken and you m ight trip. 5 Look up the m eaning of the w ord in the dictionary. 7 John looks down on people w ho aren’t as rich as he is. 3 Children often look up to sports heroes. B CHECK, WATCH, SHOW 1 We were told to check in at the a irp o rt as early as possible. 2 Guests are kindly rem inded to check out by 12 o’clock. is your responsibility 3 The to urists were told to watch out for pickpockets. 6 arrive, appear 4 The older children were told to watch over the younger ones. 1 report one’s arrival at a hotel/airport etc. 5 The man was showing off his new sports car to his friends. 2 pay the bill and leave (a hotel/clinic etc.) 6 Everybody showed up at the p arty on Saturday night. 5 try to make people notice and admire Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. accustomed___ to familiar to sb (=well known) knowledae addicted____ ^ familiar with sb (=friendlv) a rise amused be familiar at/with/by astonished un)aware_ crazy, famous of fond to interested about delighted keen witl1 enthusiastic about t° r Dleased w 'th for a taste of a taste in as a talent for ^or (= liking, preference) (=reaarded) of B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 1 Did vou know 2 Are you familiar about the surprise party? with __ the com pany's no sm oking policy? 3 Do you like the taste. of____ red w ine m ore than th a t of w hite wine? 4 He is feared by everyone in the area. He's known 5 I'm really keen on as involve _ know (=flavour. to ty p ic a l fill sth _ with sth else in brief experience) by/with known of/about (feel) sympathy sth (=know well) on rude about with °f imoressed curious. excited by/at about cruel Verbs Nouns Adjectives ‘The Cleaner'. the idea of spending m y holiday on an island in the M editerranean. in about sth (=have knowledge of)
unit 0 3 to 6 This village looks fam iliar. 7 A rise in me. Have we been here before? infla tion w ould have negative consequences fo r the c o u n try ’s economy. 8 I d id n ’t like olive oil but I’ve developed a taste for it now th a t I’m living in Spain. Grammar Revision (Adverbs - Comparisons - Articles - Uncountables) See Grammar Review page 150 ^ A Read the text below and complete each blank with one word. Gianni Versace was one of the (1)__________most_______ ______ successful fashion designers (2 )_____ of/in the 1980s and 1990s. He was born in 1946, in Reggio, a (3) __________ v e r y / r a t h e r ________ small town in Italy, where he learnt how to make clothes. In (4) _________ the_____________beginning, he sold his clothes to (5) ____________ a____________ m anufacturer in Milan, but he was not as popular then (6 ) ___________ as____________he was in later years. Very quickly he developed a personal style, which made him famous. He used bright colours and, over time, his clothes became more and (7 )___________ more_________ extravagant. The more successful his collections were, the (8 )___________m o r e __________ his talent was acknowledged. Celebrities (9 )__________ [ike___________ Princess Diana and Elton John loved his style. Versace same also paid the (10), . attention to his surroundings (11) _ lots clothes and spent (12) (13)_________ one as he did to his ______ of m oney on art and expensive furniture. Versace’s fame, however, is just . side of this story of style, which ended suddenly w ith his death (14)_________ in__________the summ er of 1997. Some fashion critics have described his clothes (15)___________ £5___________ “fabulous rubbish” and criticised him for using cheap materials. Nevertheless, he has to be seen as one of the most influential designers of his generation. B Choose A , B, C or D to complete the following dialogue. Jim: Have you made up your mind about where to go on holiday? Mike: I've narrowed down my choices to tw o (1) rather large countries, France and Mexico. What do you think? Jim: Well, France is one of (2) the largest countries in Europe. Did you know it's tw ice (3 ) as big as the UK? Since you've got eight weeks off (4) — work, you could go on a cycling to u r of the country. Mike: I'd like to visit (5) the Alps and M ont Blanc, which is (6) higher than any other m ountain in Western Europe. I suppose I could also go on long walks in the country, as the clim ate there is sim ilar (7) to that in Britain. Jim: Really? I th ink it's (8) much warmer. Especially on the Riviera, the Mediterranean in 1 (A ) rather B m ost C far w inte r is (9) the same tem perature as the 2 A larger B largest C the larger ( D ith e largest British coastal waters are in summer! I 3 A bigger than B as big as C so big as can really picture you, tanned and 4 A a B the C some relaxed, tasting delicious local specialities 5 A an B jth e C some D - (10) 6 (^ jh ig h e r B highest C the higher D the highest 7 A as B w ith © to D of 8 A more B m ost ('C)m uch D quite 9 A the same B same 10 A such B as © lik e © fa r C the like Cam em bert cheese, froas' legs and snails! Mike: Come on, that sounds disgusting! Jim: D too ADoarentlv. thev taste (11) far better than they sound. Mike: I don't know. I'd rather go to Mexico and eat to rtillas and chilli every day! 11 A pre tty C sim ilar D as bigger than ® - D the sim ilar D so D more
<9 Mary is the tallest girl in her class. / The train is cheaper than the plane. / 7he train is cheaper from the plane.—- (the+superlative, for several people /things) Both Mary and Sheila are tall, but Mary is the taller of the tw o./ Your story is funnier than mine. / Your story is more amusing than mine. / :out story ic more funnier than mine. - (the + comparative, for only two people / things) Both-Mary and Sheila are-tall, but Mary is the taUost of the two:—- Your house is as big as mine. / ioiir house is asbigger as mine. - © That's my elder / eldest brother. / (as +positive degree + as) (only for brothers, sisters, sons, daughters) The children were too excited about the trip. That's my older / oldest brother. / My brother is a year older than me. / (older + than) Myfarother-is-a year elder than-me (negative meaning - excessively) (no than after elder) The children were very excited about the trip. (positive meaning) Lisa is a very / pretty / rather careful driver. (a/an + very/pretty/rather +positive degree of ad] + noun) Lisa is quite a careful driver. © He spoke like a lawyer. / (= as if he were a lawyer; he isn't) He spoke as a lawyer. / (= he is a lawyer) He spoke as he was advised to. (as + clause) He-spoke-liko ho was adviseerte . (quite + a/an +positive degree ofadj + noun) Lisa drives very / pretty / quite / rather carefully. (very /pretty /quite/rather +positive degree of adv) Lisa is rather / much / a little / a bit / a lot / far more careful than Tim. / Lisa drives rather / much / a little / a bit / a lot / far more carefully than Tim. / Lisa ievery/ pretty-/ quite more careful than Tim. Lisa drives very / pretty / quite moro carefully than Tim. (rather/much /a little/a bit/a lot/far+comparative degree ofadj /adv) © John gave me some important information. / Johagave me somo important informations. (Uncountable nouns have no plural forms.) John gave mo an important information. — John gave me an important piece of information. / (No a /an immediately before uncountable nouns.) © The news was really shocking. / T-he-nawswere reaHy-sheek-mg. (Uncountable nouns go with singular verbs.) Key Transformations 6 Fiona is taller than Gina. Gina is shorter than Fiona. Gina is not as tall as Fiona. © Andrew smokes more than John. John smokes less than Andrew. John does not smoke as much as Andrew. John is not such a heavy smoker as Andrew. John is not so/as heavy a smoker as Andrew. & This is the fastest car I have ever driven. I have never driven such a fast car. I have never driven a faster car than this (one). I have never driven a car as fast as this (one). None of the cars I have driven is/are faster than this (one). None of the cars I have driven is/are as fast as this (one). © She is the worst singer I know. She is / sings worse than any (other) singer I know. No other singer I know is as bad as her / she is. No other singer I know sings as badly as her / she does. © The atmosphere is becoming more polluted by the day. The atmosphere is becoming more and more polluted. © His behaviour is becoming more sensible as he gets older. The older he gets, the more sensible his behaviour becomes. The older he gets, the more sensibly he behaves. & He hasn't got much furniture in his new flat. He has got very little furniture in his new flat. He has got very few pieces of furniture in his new flat. & George is not usually late. It is not typical of George to be late. It is not like George to be late. © Your bicycle looks exactly like mine. Your bicycle is exactly the same as mine. Your bicycle is identical to mine.
unit 0 3 Examination Practice A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. A TALENT FOR LYING Although we are all natural born liars, m ost o f us seem to take it fo r granted th a t lying (1 ) is__________ bad. However, psychologists argue th a t lying is just (2 ) as__________ im p o rta n t as any other social skill we possess. We learn (3)_________ the__________a rt of deception very early in life; by the age of five, we have not o nly become quite e fficie n t at lying, but we have also learnt how to read people's reactions and act accordingly. (4 )_________ For__________ example, if som eone is avoiding d irect eye contact w ith us, this makes us th in k th a t w e’re being lied to so we m ig h t lie, too. A person's sm ile is also (5)__________ a__________ giveaway. A genuine smile makes the skin near the eyes crease, whereas a "put on” sm ile doesn't have the (6 )________ same_________ effect on the facial features (7)__________ as__________ a real one. Even th ough both w om en and men know how to watch (8 )_________ out__________ fo r clues th a t som ebody is lying, it is a fa ct th a t w om en are (9 )_______far/much_______ m ore skilful liars (10)_________ than_________ men. Despite this, wom en are also m ore affected by o the r people's feelings, so they have m ore sym pathy (11)__________ for__________them . As a result, w om en tend to be (12)________ more_________ w illin g to have an honest conversation. B C o m p le te th e s e c o n d s e n te n c e so th a t i t h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to th e f i r s t s e n te n c e , u s in g th e w o r d g iv e n u n c h a n g e d . Y o u m u s t u s e b e tw e e n tw o a n d fiv e w o rd s , in c lu d in g th e w o r d g iv e n . 1 Sarah is a better sw im m er than Jessica. sw im Jessica doesn’t __________________ swim as well as_______________________ Sarah. 2 Mark and Tony are equally tall. h e ig h t Mark is _________________ the same height as_____________________ jo n y . 3 Jane is more enthusiastic about sports than Brendan is. keen Brendan isn’t _________________ as keen on sports as____________________ Jane is. 4 The baby’s te m perature kept rising, so we to o k him to hospital. h ig h e r The baby’s tem perature w a s _______________ getting higher and higher__________________ _ so we hospital. 5 Patrick doesn’t usually fo rg e t his appointm ents. like It is _________________ not like Patrick to forget_________________ his appointm ents. 6 As it g ot darker, we had m ore d iffic u lty seeing. h a rd e r The d a rk e r____________________ it got, the harder____________________ it was fo r us to see. 7 Daniel is the w orst cook I’ve ever known. co o k None o f the people I k n o w ____________________ cook as badly as____________________ Daniel. 8 I co uldn ’t find a bigger house in the area. th e This w a s ____________________the biggest house____________________I could find in the area. 9 The child re n ’s perform ance made q uite an im pression on us. ra th e r We w e re ___________________ rather impressed by___________________the child re n ’s perform ance. 10 Jeremy doesn’t run as fast as Jonathan. so Jeremy is n o t____________________so fast a runner as____________________Jonathan. hjm t0
unit 0 3 .Vords easily confused the correct form of the w ords in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may : t ■e som e of the w ords more than once. In some cases, more than one w ord may be correct. arise raise rise arise : -o u ld the n e e d . 2 lift raised_________enough m oney to build a shelter fo r the refugees. '~ie ch arity o rg a n is a tio n . in the East and sets in the West. : 'n e s u n ___________ r'ses 41 r * 6 ______ rise at seven every weekday to get ready fo r school. lift grow , 1i r .......■ , grow up , ________ we'll order m ore food fo r the extra guests. ____ the table so that I can slide the rug underneath? bring up ....... ,n ............... .......................... I, (be) born I-.nil, , ir 1ir- - r - r- . L- r , become ■ - ,- - ,- ,- - ^ 5 ^ ^ ^ ^ 1 i the last six m onths Joe h a s _________grown___________ ta lle r by 15 centim etres. ; .Vhen Brett w a s _________ born____________ , he weighed 3.8 kilograms. 3 Most parents have fond m em ories of the years they w e re _______bringing up________ th e ir children. * When Je an ______ grows up__________ , she w ants t o __________ become_________a m echanical engineer. educate learn teach stu dy read in stru ct 1 I a lw a ys__________ read___________ a book ju st before I go to sleep. 2 John w a s ________ educated________ in France, so his French is very good. 3 Michelle w orks in the g y m _______ instructing________ people how to use the equipm ent properly. 4 In my final year I had t o __________ study__________ at least fo u r hours every day t o ___________learn___________ everything th a t was required fo r the exams. 5 I __________teach__________ Physics and Maths at the local high school. 6 The e x a m in e r_______ instructed________ us to pick up our pens once we h a d ___________ read___________ the questions carefully. 11 behaviour a ttitu d e te m p er m ood m anner m anners 1 My parents had to see the headm aster because of m y b a d _______ behaviour________ in class. 2 A fter the argum ent, Jake was in a b a d _________m ood___________ and w o u ld n 't speak to anyone. 3 If Betty wants to keep her job, she m ust change h e r _________ attitude_________ tow ards her boss. 4 Where did you learn such excellent ta b le ________ manners_________ ?
unit 0 3 5 The children like him because o f his g e n tle ________ manner________ . 6 C liff is so calm th a t I have never seen him lose h is ________ tem per 7 What you're saying should be done in a p ro fessio na l________ manner E fa m ilia r accustom ed aware 1 I hope y o u 're _________ aware_________ o f the dangers involved in rock clim bing. 2 Is anyone in this cla ssro o m ________ fam iliar________ w ith the w ord "incubator"? 3 That w om an lo o k s ________ familiar________ to me. I'm sure I've seen her before. 4 Paul is feeling tired because he's n o t______ accustomed______ to w orking fo r so long w ith o u t a break. r custom habit fashion trend routine 1 Going to w ork has become a d a ily ________ routine________ fo r m ost people. 2 The g e n e ra l_________ trend_________ fo r men in the 1970s was to have long hair and sideburns. 3 In m any countries it is t h e ________ custom________ to roast turkey fo r Christmas. 4 Sandra has the b a d _________ habit_________ of biting her nails. 5 S lightly flared trousers are in ________ fashion________ this year so m any people are w earing them . 6 If you go shopping, d e fin ite ly go to Blare's. They’ve g ot all the la te s t________fashions________ G com m on 1 It is ________ 2 o rd in a ry n o r m a l ________ usual norm al regular to feel weak when you are ill, even if yo u ’ve ju s t got a _________c o m m o n ___________ co |<j Regular________ exercise means w orking o ut fo r one hour at least tw ice a week. 3 It was a (n )________ o r d i n a r y ________weekend. We w ent to the cinema on Saturday evening and fo r a drive on Sunday m orning, a s _________ 4 H u s u a l _________ . I get on very well w ith m y friends because we have m any th ing s in _______ eager keen enthusiastic interested c o m m o n ________ w illin g 1 I a m ________willing__________to help you w ith your hom ew ork if you make an effort. 2 He's re a lly __________ keen_________on heavy metal music. That's all he listens to. 3 Please sit down as I'm _________ea9er_________ to sta rt the m eeting. 4 Billy is a(n) enthusiastic / keen tennis player, so he plays tennis every afternoon. 5 Sheila is ________ interested______jn taking up gardening this spring. 6 We w e re ______ enthusiastic______ about going to Ireland fo r Christmas.
unit 0 3 jTB In this unit we will deal with more nouns, adjectives and adverbs deriving from nouns. Noun = Noun + - hood Noun Root These nouns describe the state o r period of being w hat Referring to a person the noun root refers to. adult boy adulthood boyhood • Some other com m on nouns th a t form nouns in the same way are: child, man, m other, p a re n t and woman. • Pay atte ntio n to the follow ing: n e ig h b o u r n eig h b o u rh o o d • Some other com m on nouns th a t form adjectives and adverbs in the same way are: accident, addition, em otion, fate, intention, nation, nature, person, profession and tradition. • Note the changes in spelling: com m erce com m ercial 4 co m m ercially finance 4 financial 4 fin an cia lly p a rt 4 p a rtia l 4 p a rtia lly confidence 4 c o n fid e n tia l 4 c o n fid e n tia lly a rtifice 4 a rtific ia l 4 a rtific ia lly essence 4 essential 4 essentially b en efit 4 b eneficial 4 ben eficially Noun Root Adjective = Noun + - y Adverb = Noun + - ily luck lucky luckily • Some o the r com m on nouns th a t form adjectives and adverbs in the same way are: ease, fun, health, noise and s/eep. • Pay atte ntio n to the fo llo w in g nouns th a t form only adjectives: cloud, dirt, hair, rain, risk, snow, sun, wealth and worth. • Note the changes in spelling: anger a ng ry a n g rily Noun Root h un g e r h u n g ry h u n g rily Adjective = Noun + - ous Having the quality or characteristic of the noun root Referring to a quality or characteristic danger dangerous • Some o the r com m on nouns th a t form nouns in the same way are: adventure, fame, hum our, nerve and poison. • Some nouns ending in -ion form adjectives in -ious: am b itio n 4 am bitious caution 4 cautious re lig io n 4 religio us suspicion -> suspicious in fe c tio n 4 infectio us • Some nouns ending in -e form adjectives in -eous: advantage • Note the fo llo w in g irregularities: anxiety anxious n um be r advantageous courage num erous p rice + precious courageous Noun Root Adjective/adverb = Noun + -ly day daily • Some o the r com m on nouns th a t form (both) adjectives and adverbs are: m onth, mother, w o rld and year, m on th 4 m onthly: His m o n th ly salary is fa r above the average, (adjective) He gets p a id m onthly, (adverb)
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the w ords in capitals. fatal 1 Four people died in a icy .a ccide nt due to the angry road conditions. Local residents are . because FATE, ICE numerous ANGER, NUME accidents have occurred there and no measures have been taken yet. 2 If you re q u ir e ________ additional_______ inform ation, do n ot hesitate to contact me. ADDITION 3 I woke up this m orning feeling happy because it was a ________ delightful________ _ DELIGHT ________sunr|y_________ day. I realised th a t the m is e ra b le ___________ rainy_________ days were over and t h a t __________ luckily_________ sum m er was ju s t around the corner. LUCK I get p a id _________m onthly______ , w hich puts a lot of pressure on m e ________financially hopeless the end of the m onth. I am SUN, RAIN at at c o ntrolling m y m oney over a long period of MONTH, FINAI HOPE tim e. daily ____ ________basis to get to school. He does, however, 5 Phil crosses the main road on a ____ cro ss________cautiously_______by looking both ways. Parenthood CAUTION can be an enjoyable experience. Yet, m ore and more couples these days are deciding to r e m a in ____ childless 7 Eliza isn’t v e r y _________ friendly I d id n ’t say i t _______intentionally 8 My frien d David liked going on bitten by a ________ poisonous DAY PARENT CHILD . lately. I hope she w asn't offended by m y com m ent. FRIEND to h urt her. INTENTION adventurous . holidays until last sum m er w hen he was . snake and nearly died. ADVENTURE POISON Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. THE ART OF BEING A PARENT In order to (1)_______ bring up_______ children, many qualities are required. As well as the (2 )_______ usual________ requirem ents such as love, patience and understanding, a sense of hum our is an im portant feature of any parent's personality. (3 )_________In fact________ , it's quite an art to transform a child's bad mood into ( 4 ) _______ behaviour______ everyone in the fam ily can live with. A nother aspect of child rearing is teaching children lim its and rules. This means the child needs to be (5 )________ aware________ of w hat his or her rights are and w hat other people's are, too. Setting lim its on children must occur on a daily basis. Temporary measures don't achieve anything but just waste time. A (6) common_______ mistake, however, is being (7 )_________ f^ I___________stricter than necessary. Parents m ust be ( 8 ) ________ willing______ to allow th eir children the o p p o rtu n ity to explore and learn ( 9 ) _________ from _________experience. What's more, m ost parents m ust know the im portance of (10)________routine________ as it gets children used to certain everyday activities. For instance, eating at the same tim e (11)__________ ^ __________ th eir parents gets them into the habi o f sitting at a table and (12)_______ teaches________ them how to conduct themselves properly. Overall, child rearing is no easy task but it is certainly a challenge and a learning experience.
unit0 3 1 A g row B grow up C born ( p.) bring up 2 A rou tin e B p o p u lar C o rd in a ry UD) u su al B But C All in all 3 ( a ) In fa ct 4 A te m p e r B c h a ra c te r 5 A know n B a c c u sto m e d 6 A w illing B fa m o u s 7 A v e ry 8 A k een B eager 9 A by B on 10 A cu sto m B rou tin e 11 A like 12 A le a rn s ( j ) far (Das B e d u c a te s ( c ) b e h a v io u r C fa m ilia r ( c ) co m m o n D A s w ell as D m anner ® a w a re D c o n tin u o u s C q uite D fairly C in te re ste d D w illing ( f i) from D w ith C fa sh io n D tren d C th an D of ( c ) te a c h e s D in stru c ts Complete the text below with the correct form of the w ords in capitals. ARTHRITIS Arthritis is a general term for aches and pains in the body's joints. Most types of arthritis involve the deterioration of cartilage, which is an (1)_______ essential________material covering the ends of the bones in the joint. When the (2 ) ________ healthy________cartilage wears out, it becomes rough and this causes pain when the joint moves. This condition is more common among the elderly, but some people can be sufferers from (3)_______childhood_______ . Apart from (4 ) _______traditional_______painkillers, little or no treatment is available. However, (5) ambitious_______ scientists have designed (6)_______ artificial________ joints that can replace the ( 7 ) ________painful________ , worn-out ones. These new jo in ts co u ld prove v e r y (8 ). beneficial to a rth ritis ESSENCE HEALTH CHILD TRADITION AMBITION ARTIFICE PAIN BENEFIT su ffe re rs. A lth o u g h so m e b e lie v e th at jo in t re p la c e m e n t m ay be (9 ) (10 ) C0St|V_______________ n u m e ro u s p a tie n ts a re anxio usly____________w aitin g for th is m e d ica l b rea kth ro u g h . COST ANXIOUS
Prepositional Phrases A Complete the blanks with the prepositions in, on, at, for or by. for hire/rent for sure/certain on board in public at least by post/air mail in short in cash in the firs t place on an excursion on one's own by chance on schedule by accident for instance by cheque for a change in o the r w ords on a trip /to u r in on the move at once in private a g oo d /b i m ood B Read the sentences and complete them with the prepositions in, on, at, under or without. 1 All assignm ents are due to m o rro w w ithout f aj|. 2 A com puter chooses the lo tte ry n u m b e rs_______at_______ random. 3 Our house has b e e n ______ 5D_______ the m arket fo r over tw o m onths but we haven’t been able to sell it yet. 4 Everyone w a s _______in_______ a state o f shock after the devastating news. 5 I w a s _______ at_______a |Qss fo r w ords when I was to ld I had won the prize. in 6 The roadworks __ progress are responsible fo r the tra ffic jams. 7 I can't go o ut to n ig h t. I'm feeling a b it under the weather. 8 The train is _______ in_______ sight. It w ill be pulling in any m inute now. 9 Dianne was refused e n try to the club because she w a s _____ under 10 Final - year students are under age. a lot o f pressure to pass th e ir exams. 11 I have b ought this gym e q u ip m e n t______ 21!______ approval. I can return it w ithin fifte e n days. 12 My bro the r fa in ts _______ §t_______the sight of blood. 13 My w ife isn’t here at the m om ent because she’s away on business. C Complete the sentences with the prepositional phrases in the box below. at a glance on the road on arrival in order at heart fo r granted in com m on in some respects 1 Although he seems rather a bru p t at tim es, he is ve ry k in d _______ at heart________. 2 You should not take i t ______ for granted______ th a t your parents w ill always su pp ort you. 3 E verything w a s ________ln order_______ anc| ready to be inspected. 4 At a glance 5 We w e re . 6 ..th e earthquake doesn't seem to have caused any serious damage. on the road fo r tw o days before we reached our destination. _______On arrival_______ at the train station, they w ent straig ht to the platform . Even though I don 't agree w ith yo u r overall argum ent, I do agree w ith you . _______________ ■ tm m e My bro the r and I d on ’t have a n y th in g ______ in common______ . in some respects
unit 0 4 P*ad the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the cr rrect number in the box next to each definition. KEEP, HOLD, CATCH A The governm ent kept back vita l inform a tion concerning the oil spill. ■y 5katers were warned to keep off the thin ice. 'n e students kept on w orking hard despite the te rrib le heat. 4 •Ve were told to keep out of the abandoned house. 9 rob 7 prevent from being taken away 5 m aintain 1 reserve, not reveal s 'e d , you got an A in yo ur Biology test. Keep up the good work! 10 reach i 2 stay off, not approach 3 continue 8 delay 6 w ait fo r a sh ort tim e 4 not enter 8 sta rt living in 1 continue 6 find a solution, discover 3 The fans g ot carried away during the concert and clim bed onto the stage. 9 stop living in 4 The tyres of my car have worn out. 1m ust get new ones. 3 over-excited 7 take part in physical exercise 2 perform , conduct 5 tired 4 become thin, weak or unsuitabl fo r fu rth e r use Hold on! I’ll ju st get my jacket and we can leave. Despite his financial problems, he m anaged to hold on to his fortune. ■ Sorry I'm late, b ut 1was held up in tra ffic on the way here. 9 'w o men held up a superm arket last n ig ht and stole £ 2 00 0. Even though he was injured during the race, he still managed B :o catch up with the o the r runners. c CARRY, WEAR, WORK, MOVE It was im possible fo r Alison to carry on w orking after receiving the bad news. 2 Recent studies carried out by the g overnm ent show th a t m ore and more people are relying on the state health system. m too worn out to go anywhere to nig ht. 5 6 Scientists still haven’t worked out w hat caused the death of the animals. Working out on a regular basis reduces the risk of heart disease. 8 1took a week o ff w ork in order to move into my new home. 9 My landlord w on 't renew m y co ntract so 1have to move out by the end of the m onth. Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives Nouns Verbs bad a connection between/with arrive at a buildinq a decrease arrive in a c itv /c o u n trv an increase i i °f a lack depart from a place at bound to close to d ifferent from /to full a reduction of aenerous to sb d iffe r from between/ , . - .» divide sth amona people (=aive each a share of sth) divide sth into inferior to divide a num ber separate from receive sth superior to translate sth te rrified of another sth (=seoarate into small parts) by from from another num ber (Maths) sb onelanauaae into
unit 0 4 B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 1 Can you please translate this docum ent 2 They arrived 3 The lack at from French into English? the hotel a fte r m idnight. of medical supplies made the d o c to rs 'ta s k even m ore d ifficu lt. between/ 4 The thieves divided the loo t among themselves. 5 He's very generous w ith 6 The teacher divided the class 7 The m anager is ve ry generous 8 We arrived in his m oney and supports various charities. into to fo ur groups fo r the role-play. all his staff, regardless o f th e ir position in the company. F rankfurt in the afternoon and looked fo r a hotel straightaway. Grammar Revision (Determiners - Pronouns) See Grammar Review page 152 A Read the following text and complete each blank with one word. Very (1 )_______ few____________ people know the real inspiration fo r cubism , the m ost im p o rta n t a rt m ovem ent of the 2 0th century. A lm ost ( 2 ) _______ everyone_______ seems to believe th a t cubism was created by Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque, w ho were ( 3 ) __________ both_________ painters. However, ( 4 ) _________ nothing______ can be fu rth e r from the tru th . In the late 19th century another French painter, Paul Cezanne, painted a ( 5 ) ___________lot__________ of landscapes, ( 6 ) ______ all/some/many of which greatly influenced Braque and Picasso. ( 7 ) ________ Neither________ o f these tw o painters ever trie d to hide this fact. Yet, in the past, alm ost ( 8 ) _________ every_________ book about cubism tended to concentrate only on Picasso’s and Braque's achievem ents, no m aking ( 9 ) __________ any__________ reference to Cezanne's influence. Over the years ( 1 0 ) __________ some_________ authors have tried to co rrect this inaccuracy, b ut to (11)__________ little_________ effect; m ost people know very (12 ) (13 ) little_________ about Cezanne himself, let alone his work. Nowadays, however, nobody________ can dispute (1 4 )__________ either_________ Cezanne's influence on early cubism or the im portance o f this a rt m ovem ent. B Choose A, B, C or D to complete the following sentences. 1 This film w ill be very popular a m o n g ____________ those________ w ho enjoy science fiction. A these (JJjthose C some D someone 2 F ortu na te ly,__________ none of________ the guests were injured when the fire broke o ut at the hotel. A none (ji)n o n e of C no one D no one of 3 You needn’t buy m ore m ilk because th e re 's ____________[ots__________ in the fridge. A v e ry 4 B m uch C lo t (B )lo ts Neither__________ the students nor the teachers were happy w ith the educational reforms. A Either 5 B Either o f ( ^ N e ith e r D N either of Each___________ of the m em bers of the com m itte e came up w ith a d iffe re n t proposal. A Every B Everyone (c)Each D Anyone 6 We’ve o nly g o t___________ a little_________ tim e left. H urry up! A little ( i) a little C few Da few 7 It to o k Henry a (n )___________ whole_________day to clear out the attic. A all 8 B all of (c)/vhole D com plete Each one_________ of the tw o g irls was given a bicycle as a Christm as present. A Both B Either C Every one (^D)Each one
There isn’t anything else I can do. S Either book is interesting. / There is nothing else I can do. / Either of these books is/are interesting. / Neither book is interesting. / noro-isn’t nothing else I can do. — The baby climbed the stairs without any difficulty. / Neither of these books is/are interesting. / The baby climbed the stairs with no difficulty. / None of these books is/are interesting. / The baby climbed tho otairo without no difficulty.— (both +p lu ra l verb, fonly one negative word in each sentence) either/neither+singular verb, either of/neither of/none o f +singular or p lu ra l verb) • There isn’t much milk left in the fridge. / There isn’t many milk loft in the 'fridge.- You can go to the beach both by bus and by train. / There is (a) little milk left in the fridge. S You can go to the beach either by bus or by train. / There is (a) few milk loft in thofridge. - Youcan go to tho boach-and by bus and-bytfamr- (much, (a) little + uncountable nouns) (both...and «►the one and the other either... o r «* the one or the other) - There aren’t many strawberries left in the fridge. / Ther&aron’t much strawberries left in the fridge. - He can’t sing and he can’t dance either. / There are (a) few strawberries left in the fridge. / He can’t sing or dance (either). / There are (a) littlo strawberries left-m the fridge. - He can neither sing nor dance. / (many, (a) few + countable nouns) Hecan’t noithcr-smg-nordanee: He can noithor cing or danec.- - There is lots /a lot /plenty of information on volcanoes (neither...nor ^ not the one and n ot the other) in this book. There are lots /a lot /plenty of toys in the garden, We were studying all morning. / children. We spent the whole morning studying. / (lots of, a lot of, p le nty o f + countable and uncountable nouns) We-spetrtthe-alhaerfflngstudyffigr- € Both of these books are interesting. / Both of those books is interesting. — Key Transformations 6 There weren’t a lot of things to see in the gallery. Both Jim and Jack like playing tennis. There wasn’t much to see in the gallery. Jim likes playing tennis and Jack does, too. There was little to see in the gallery. Jim likes playing tennis and so does Jack. & Most students didn’t go to the demonstration. Both Jim and Jack dislike football. (Very) few (of the) students went to the demonstration. Neither Jim nor Jack like(s) football. Hardly anyone went to the demonstration. Jim doesn’t like football and Jack doesn’t (like it) either, j Hardly any (of the) students went to the demonstration. Jim doesn’t like football and neither/nor does Jack.
unit 0 4 Examination Practice A R ea d th e t e x t b e lo w a n d t h in k o f th e w o r d w h ic h b e s t f it s e a c h space. U se o n ly o n e w o r d in e a c h space. ® S JJ7 lerT ) To have an allergy means th a t a person is affected either by a substance in the atm osphere (1)__________ or__________ by some sort of food. (2)________ These_________days a lot of people suffer from one kind of allergy or another. So, w hat can people do to fig h t allergies? If someone is allergic to chocolate, fo r instance, the sim plest ( 3 ) ________ thing_________ to do would be to avoid eating any chocolate. If, on the (4 )________ other_________ hand, the allergic reaction is caused by (5)______ something______ unknow n or d iffic u lt to avoid, then the only solution is prescribed m edication. The chances of (6 )_______ someone_______ having an allergy are bound to be great if allergies (7)________ run________ i the fam ily. In o the r words, if one parent suffers from allergies, the child has a th irty percent chance of being allergic, too. I (8 ) both_________ parents are affected, the risk doubles. However, there is absolutely (9 )_________ no__________ logical reason to be te rrifie d (10)_________ of___________ that possibility. Those w ho suffer can carry (11)__________ 2D_________ w ith th e ir lives and not let th e ir allergies wear them out. They shouldn’t feel d iffe re n t (12)_________ from_________everyone else. B C o m p le te th e s e c o n d s e n te n c e so th a t i t h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to th e f i r s t s e n te n c e , u s in g th e w o r d g iv e n u n c h a n g e d . Y o u m u s t u s e b e tw e e n tw o a n d f iv e w o rd s , in c lu d in g th e w o r d g iv e n . 1 The washing m achine is not w orking properly. w ro n g There is __________________ something wrong with__________________the washing machine. 2 U nfortunately, m ost people did n ’t have a good tim e at the party. h a rd ly U nfortun a tely,____________________hardly anyone had___________________ a good tim e at the party. 3 I d id n ’t like a single song from th e ir new CD. none I __________________liked none of the songs_________________ from th e ir new CD. 4 I’m p re tty sure th a t Mary doesn’t like jazz music and Susan doesn’t either. d islike I’m p re tty sure th a t________________both Mary and Susan dislike_______________ jazz music. 5 There isn’t enough petrol on the market. lack There is _____________________ a lack of petrol_____________________ on the market. 6 We realised th a t both cars were expensive. car We realised th a t_____________________ neither car was_____________________cheap. 7 There aren’t a lot o f th ing s to rem em ber from th a t awful trip. little T h e re ___________________ is little to remember___________________ from th at awful trip. 8 I’m afraid I can't study both Maths and Physics to n ig h t - ju s t one of the two. or I’m afraid I c a n _______________study either Maths or Physics_______________ to n ig h t - not both. 9 They were looking fo r th e ir lost dog all week. th e They s p e n t____________________ the whole week_____________________ looking fo r th e ir lost dog. 10 The concert was sold o ut tw o weeks in advance. any T h e re _________________ weren't any tickets (left)_________________ fo r the concert tw o weeks in advance.
unit 0 4 W-si the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may some of the words more than once. In some cases, more than one word may be correct. travel transfer tra n sp o rt tran sm it ■ l ~eed t o ________transfer________ some m oney from my savings account to m y current account. ■ . father u s u a lly _________travels________ to w ork by car. ■ 'h e goods w e re ______ transported_______ to the United States. B '- e inform ation is _______ transm itted______ by satellite th ro u g h o u t the world. ■ .e rry g o t______ transferred_______ to Bristol and he is m oving there next week. arrive ■ get reach com e approach appear • took us a long tim e t o _________ 9£t__________to the theatre but w e _________ arrived________ in tim e for the first act. 2 The ocean lin e r________appeared______ on the horizon and w ithin tw o hours it h a d ________ reached_______ the port. ■ .’lou ld you like t o __________ com e________ to our house tonight? 4 »*»as______ approached_______by a beggar asking fo r money. 5 'Ve________ arrived________ at the village late at night. carry fetch deliver ■ Can y o u _________ fetch_________ th a t b ottle from the top shelf? 2 Some superm arkets now arrange fo r your shopping to b e ________ delivered_______ to your door. 3 c o u ld n 't__________carrV_________the boxes by m yself so I asked the shop assistant to bring them to m y car. voyage jo u rn e y 1 Our class is going on a(n) trip to u r excursion travel e xpedition cruise flig h t excursion/trip______ to the zoo tom orrow . 2 Joan kept a diary o f h e r_____ travels/journey th ro ug h Europe. 3 O u r________ voyage________ on the ocean liner lasted tw o weeks. 4 Many explorers have died o n ______ expeditions______ to the A ntarctic. 5 It's a nine-hour b u s ______ journey/trip______ f rom M elbourne to Sydney. 6 We w ent on a M ed iterra n ea n _________ cruise_________ fo r our honeym oon. 7 We were given a (n )__________ tour_________ of the ancient castle as soon as we arrived. 8 O u r_________ flight_________ to Bangkok was delayed so o u r __________ trip__________ to Asia was put o ff fo r a day.
unit 0 4 E guide d ire ct lead ride 1 I recently b ought a bicycle t o __________ ride__________to work. Surprisingly, I get there faster than when I used to drive my car there. 2 Could you please_________ direct_________ m e to the train station? 3 This ro a d _________ leads_________ to the castle at the top of the hill. 4 We w e re _________ guided________ around the m useum and saw its m ost fam ous exhibits. 5 F Lead__________the way, John, and we'll fo llo w you. address road street way d ire ctio n route path 1 You'll need a map to find y o u r __________ way__________around this city. 2 I need your n e w ________ address________ so th a t I can keep in touch w ith you. 3 I'll find th e _______ way/route_______ to your house by looking up th e __________ street_________ jn the directory. 4 We m ust fo llo w th e ________directions_______Judy gave us, or we'll never find th e __________street_________ her house is on. 5 The hikers to ok t h e ________road/path_______ th a t led to the castle. 6 They walked ca refully th ro ug h the woods fo llo w in g th e _________ path__________ 7 We were up and ready at sunrise and headed in th e _______ direction________ of the m ountains. G site p osition location p o in t place room space 1 T h e ________ l° cation________ o f the house is ideal, w ith the liv in g __________ room_________ overlooking the bay. 2 To enter the b u ild in g __________ site__________yOU mUst wear a hard hat. 3 W h a t________position________ you p|ay jn the school fo otba ll team? 4 Do you live in a _________ Place_________ 0f your own or do you still rent? 5 The s ta rtin g _________ Point_________ fo r the m arathon is on the corner of Bell and Church Street. 6 He travelled to a lot o f _________places_________ w hile w orking as a flig h t attendant. 7 There wasn't e n o u g h ______ room/space_______in the house fo r the children to play, so I to ld them to go outside. 8 It to ok us over half an hour to find a p a rk in g ______ space/place______ . H fo re ign strange d iffe re n t peculiar curious 1 He's g ot a ________strange_________accent; I can't understand w hich part o f England he comes from . 2 According to astrologers, Aquarians a re ________ curious________ people w ho w ant to know everythin g about everyone. 3 Melissa buys a ________different________ car every tw o years. 4 It's d e fin ite ly an advantage to know a fe w _________ foreign________ languages. 5 There’s a strange/peculiar smell com ing from the kitchen. Is som ething burning?
unit Si This unit deals with more words deriving from nouns. Noun Root Verb = Noun + -ise character characterise • Some o the r com m on nouns th a t form verbs in the same way are: apology, com puter, economy, hospital, m emory, summary, sym bol, sym pathy and victim. • Pay atte ntio n to the fo llo w in g irregularities: criticism -4 criticise emphasis -4 emphasise • Verbs deriving from nouns in -ice are form ed by changing the -c into -s: advice 4 advise device 4 devise p ractice -4 practise Noun Root Adjective = Noun in -ic Adverb = Noun + - ically hero heroic h e ro ica lly 1 • Some o the r com m on nouns th a t form adjectives and adverbs in the same way are: dem ocrat, diplom at, enthusiast, hygiene and optim ist. • Nouns in -y usually fo rm adjectives in -etic: apo lo gy 4 a po lo ge tic energy energetic sym pathy 4 sym pathetic • Some nouns form tw o adjectives, one in -ic and the o the r in -ical w ith no difference in m eaning: iro n y -4 iro n ic /iro n ic a l sym bo l 4 sym bolic/sym bolical Noun Root (usually subject of study) Noun (person) = Noun in-ist or-ian Adjective = Noun in-ical or-ic A rt Biology C hem istry Drama Gram m ar Logic M athem atics M edicine Music Politics Psychology Science artist biologist chem ist dram atist gram m arian logician m athem atician artistic biological chem ical dram atic gram m atical logical m athem atical medical musical political psychological scientific m usician p olitician psychologist scientist • The adverbs form ed from these adjectives have the ending -ically: lo g ic a l 4 lo g ica lly scie n tific 4 scien tifically • Some nouns form tw o adjectives, one in -ic and the o the r in -ical, but th e ir m eaning is different: econom ics 4 econom ic (= related to econom y o r the fie ld o f the econom ics) 4 econom ical (= inexpensive, saving m oney) 4 h isto ric (= im p o rta n t in h istory) 4 h isto rica l (= b elon gin g to history; related to sth that happened in the past) • Very few nouns (eg. physics) form nouns (person) both in -ist and in -ian, but th e ir m eaning is different. physics -4 p hysicist (= a person who has stu die d o r is stu dyin g physics) 4 physician (=a d o cto r) h is to ry Noun Root Noun = Noun + -dom bore king star boredom kingdom stardom • Some nouns in -dom are derived from adjectives, not fro m nouns. The m ost com m on ones are: free ■ freedom wise -4 w isdom ....... — —
unit 0 4 C o m p lete th e sentences w ith th e c o rre c t fo rm o f th e w o rd s in c apitals. 1 Melina was very 2 The 3 Howard is a very 4 We had t o _____ 5 enthusiastic______ about picking up her new scooter. politician______ is trying to find a _______ diplom atic energetic memorise Personally ENTHUSIAST solution to the crisis. POLITICS, DIPLOMAT . person. ENERGY a |0t Qf WOrds for the spelling test. \believe that the governm ent should preserve the MEMORY historic PERSON, HISTORY buildings in the city centre. 6 You m ust 7 John had to get very 8 apologise ___ to him for your rude behaviour. psychological APOLOGY help after his m other’s death because he had become PSYCHOLOGY emotional EMOTION The firefighter was given a medal for t h e ____ heroic . rescue of the little boy from HERO the burning building. 9 The play we saw at the theatre w a s ______ symbolic_______ SYMBOL 10 The up and c o m in g _________ artlst_______ finally exhibited her paintings in a gallery. ART 11 Children should b e ______ medically______ examined at least twice a year. MEDICINE 12 I don’t know what to do now that my friends are away. I feel that I’m going to die o f ______ boredom BORE Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. A D 231 EXPERIENCE _ ■ ! As a journalist, I’m asked to travel around the globe to all sorts o f (1)_______ foreign_________ countries. Over the years, I’ve used different means o f transport. Of course, fo r long (2 )_________trips__________ > flying is the fastest and safest way to (3) ________ reach__________ a far-off destination. Unfortunately, I’m not a very organised traveller and despite m y travel agent’s best efforts, (4) something________ always goes wrong. Last week, while I was heading for the airport, I realised I had left my passport at home. Obviously, I had to go back so I asked the taxi driver to tu rn around and take me home. In the meantime, I crossed my fingers and hoped th a t I w ouldn’t miss my (5 )_________ flight_________ . All the ( 6 )_________ waY__________ home, the driver was speeding in and out of traffic. He g ot even more carried (7) _________ awaV__________when he g ot on the motorway, (8 ) ________travelling________ at speecj s Df up to 150 kilometres! per hour. By the tim e we arrived home, I was (9 ) _________ in____________ a state o f shock and it took me a w hile to (1 0 )_________ catch_________ my breath. So, before driving o ff again, I decided to pay him (11)_________a little_________ extra, so that he would go slower as we were bound (12)_________ ^ ____________ have an accident.
unit 0 4 1 2 A curious B peculiar A travels B excursions C tours D trips 3 A arrive B.) reach C get D approach C everything D nothing B cruise C trip D journey B way C route D direction B on C out D along C transferring D transporting 4 5 6 A anything C c 1foreign (^ so m e th in g / '" 'N (A,; flight A road D strange /■— -N 7 (^A) away 8 A moving 9 A at 10 A hold ( b ) catch C keep D find A many ' B ja C a few D some C in D of 11 12 ( b ) travelling B under (A ) to C on little B for 0 in Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. LIFE EXPECTANCY 'ne longest-living person (1)__ officially .recorded lived to be 122 years and 164 days OFFICIAL OM. -1 general, the number of people who live to be over one hundred is increasing, especially among ••omen, yet there isn’t a single (2) ... ........... scientist________w|-|0 can fU||y explain this phenomenon. SCIENCE rome of them claim that it’s purely a (3 )________ biologica l _____ fact BIOLOGY -owever, in the developing countries, where (4) SCIENCE expectancy is much less. According to (5 )____ scientific________ progress is slower, life medical •nese people is about forty years. (6 )_______ Economic .records, life expectancy for .reasons are mainly responsible for MEDICINE ECONOMICS :-iis and as a result a high percentage of the population suffers from malnutrition. One must also (7)_ emphasise (8 ) . unhygienic To (9) _ (10) _ summarise nutritious . the fact that sanitary conditions in developing countries are rather EMPHASIS HYGIENE , proper housing and sanitation, adequate healthcare and a(n) .diet play an important part in a person’s life expectancy. SUMMARY NUTRITION
SECTION 1 (FCE format) m tk For questions 1-12, read the test below and decide which answer A , B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (O). A far Example: 0 B individual (c )re m o te D separate P A S T M E M O R IE S remote I was raised on a farm in a(n) (0) e verything was covered in snow. I was always (1) arrived When spring (2) _ village in the 1950s. The w in te r m onths were endless and eager_________ fo r the w arm er w eather to come. , everythin g came alive - flow ers w ould bloom and the animals w ould come o ut of hibernation. I'd fo llo w the bear tracks and search fo r them . Once, however, I ( 3 ) ____ came across angry m other bear w ho saw me ( 4 ) ___________ ^ __________ a threat. ( 5 ) ___________ !2l_ an the sight o f the bear I did w hat m y father had told me. I stood still until she stopped grow ling and walked away. The tric k was effective, but looking back now, I realise th a t the situation was ( 6 ) __________i EiI___________ m ore serious than I th o u g h t at the tim e. By the age o f tw elve, I had lots of cam ping ( 7 ) ______ expei ien-..e_______ : as | usec| t Q go cam ping w ith my dog on my school holidays. We w ould spend days ( 8 ) _____ exploring ( 9 ) ________ looking________ at the frogs and the (10) the forest, catching fish fo r dinner, flocks _____ o f birds and the insects hopping up and down on the surface of the water. Of course, this was possible only during the warm m onths. When autum n came, everything w ent quiet, w hich was quite (11)__________ usual in those parts. It w asn't long (1 2 )_________ before_________th e animals disappeared, the birds flew south and the snow to o k over. The place became deserted once again. 1 A keen (^B) eager 2 A approached 3 A dealt w ith (j5 )cam e across C reached D found out 4 A like ( jj) a s C same as D such as 5 A In B By 6 A very 7 B reached C w illing C appeared D enthusiastic Q arrived © A t D On B quite C so ( j ) far A qualifications B skills C qualities D 1experience 8 A exploring B detecting C researching D investigating 9 A looking B noticing C w atching D observing 10 A swarms B bunches 11 A o rdinary B) usual C fa m iliar 12 A until B after C since © f lo c k s D sets D regular © before
122221___ __________________________ unit O S f :: questions 13-24, read the text be lo w and think of the w ord which best fits each space. Use only one w ord in * ic h space. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). Nowadays the ( 0 ) ___________ most__________com m on balloon flig h ts are usually fo r pleasure or sport, but did you know th a t ballooning began (1 3 )_________ as____________ a science in the 18th century? It all started in 1783, (1 4 )________ when__________ the M on tgo lfier brothers were looking (1 5 )__________ _____________ the properties of smoke. W hat (1 6 )________ caught________ th e ir a tte ntio n was the fact th a t smoke could make things rise. They experim ented fo r a year or so (1 7 )______ until / before______ they were ready to show th eir invention to everyone. On th e ir firs t attem pt, they filled a silk bag (1 8 )_________w ith__________ hot air from a fire. The balloon rose more than 1.5 km into the (1 9 )_________ air/sky________ . Five m onths later, in Novem ber 1783, h isto ry was made once more when the firs t flig h t carrying passengers left the ground. The volunteers to ok o ff from Paris and rem ained in the air fo r over tw e n ty minutes. Soon afterw ards, scientists all over Europe became interested (2 0 ) in___________the potential o f ballooning, and it wasn't long before the a c tiv ity became very popular. (21 ) Lots__________ of enthusiastic fans also experim ented w ith ballooning and co ntribu te d to its developm ent. In the 19th century, gas balloons were used fo r m any ( 2 2 ) _______ different________ purposes, the m ost im p o rta n t one being polar exploration. In the tw e ntie th century, hot-air ballooning was re-introduced, due to a m uch im proved propane burner. This has (23 ) been__________ responsible fo r a w hole new generation becom ing interested in ballooning e ither fo r scientific (24 ) ^ ___________ sp orting reasons.
uinit 0 5 j 2 jT T E | For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). SKATEBOARDING ■ F coastal In the early 1960s, a new craze swept through the ( 0 ) __ cities of the United States. COAST Being (2 5 )______ physically______ fit, the surfers wanted some fun while the surf was low. That's when PHYSICS an ( 2 6 ) _______energetic______ new pastim e called skateboarding was born. The skateboard was ENERGY (2 7 )________originally ORIGIN developed by attaching a plank of wood to roller-skates. However, skateboarding has undergone ( 2 8 ) __ ( 2 9 ) ______ Professional dramatic changes since then. DRAMA skateboarders now use plastic and fibreglass, which make the PROFESSION boards more durable and flexible. Nowadays, skateboarders spend ( 3 0 ) ________ endless hours perform ing tricks and stunts many of which are (31)__ dangerous END , so DANGER experts (3 2 )_________ advise______ skateboarders to wear protective gear such as helmets and elbow and knee pads, especially if they are not (3 3 )____ skilful sensible many falls before becoming proficient, so it is (34) ADVICE A skateboarder goes through SKILL ___ to take precautions against SENSE accidents. For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between! two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. used When I was younger, I _________________ usedtc?play tennis every Sunday. 35 How long have you been living in yo ur new house? moved How long is i t ___________________since you moved into .y o u r new house? 36 The police questioned all the eye-witnesses but they did n't find anyone capable of describing what exactly had happened. none The police questioned all the eye-witnesses,_______________none of whom were capable of describing what exactly had happened. 37 His com puter game addiction is getting worse. and He is g e ttin g . more and more addicted to .co m p u te r games. 38 She w ent out after finishing the housework. until until she had finished She did n't go o u t. .th e housework. 39 I heard th at neither of the defendants was found g u ilty in yesterday's trial, innocent I heard th at both defendants were found innocent .in yesterday’s trial. 4 0 John feels he doesn't share many interests w ith his new penfriend. little John feels h e _____________ has little in comm on with _ his new penfriend. 41 The shop w here he w orks is in the city centre. which The s h o p _______________ in which he works/which he works in . is in the city centre. 42 He is the m ost talented player in the team, as None of the players in the team _ is/are as talented as he is.
unit 0 5 SECTION 2 (ECCE format) Grammar Z'-oose the correct answer. t will have finished By the end of next week, I a. will finish my project, 6. Two masked men held downtown yesterday. (l))w ill have finished c. will be finished d. am finishing who 'his author, is very popular, has b. off c. out (d )u p (a )th e fitte r (jj)w h o c. whom Mr. Jones. He is a the fitte r 8. I found very d. the fittest ^ew______mistakes in your composition. respectable member of our community, a. looks up to b. looks up a. little (b )fe w c. looks down on d. looks over c. more d. much ve seen two of his movies but neither of them 9. Everybody congratulated Mary on______ her good exam results. //as very interesting, a. either ( b ) neither d. both c. none S My parents y0u get. b. the more fitte r c. the most fittest d. which X Everybody looks up to 4. a. on 7. The more you exercise, published a new book. a. that UP a bank have been living b. in (c )o n d. of 10. He said that he will rent a bigger house when he here since 1980. a. are living a. for gets (lb) have been living c. live a new job. a. will get d. were living b. is getting (c)g e ts d. will be getting [Vocabulary G o o s e the correct answer. t The businessman owes his success to his a)success b. ambition c. challenge d. goal comm on was an interest in b. progress cycommon d. private ar|se don't hesitate to contact a. rise (b)arise c. raise d. lift d. at random 7. After the operation, the patient was a. transported transferred b. transmitted (c)transferred 8. It is Fay- s d. travelled intention spectators in the stadium applauded the a. challenge t o do well in her exams so line. the country. c. onlookers to ur of Lapland, the northern part of b. audience a. expedition (b )to u r (d)spectators c. excursion d. voyage Parents always say how quickly their children 9 row UP 10. Christine has a habit of running ten kilometres per day. and become adults, a. bring up d. skill 9. While on vacation in Finland, John went on a(n) a. viewers (b )in te n tio n c. qualification winner of the marathon when he crossed the finish c. raise b. in charge that she can study Psychology. me. 5 ( J )in search of gold. another hospital. a. sight 4. All the in search c. at the sight stamp collecting. ^3. If any problems During the gold rush, many settlers travelled to California excellent public relations. 2 What we had in 6. b. rise (d )g ro w up a. trend b. custom (c )h a b it d. fashion {0
Collocations/Expressions A Complete the blanks with the verbs make or do. make fun of progress do a job do wonders make a choice make an offer make a request w ro n g /rig h t make sense make ends meet make a trip/voyagi m atters worse make the m ost of do harm /dam age make noise do one’s hom ew ork an app ointm e nt make an escape make a phone call one's best make a guess make make/do b etter/w orse make friends (w ith) make certain/sure do make a com plaint make a reservation do an experim ent make a suggestion make a decision make make an excuse (for) one's d u ty make do do do an exercise do /jo urne y make do w ell/badly make an e ffo rt make money/a p ro fit make an arrangem ent make a fo ol of make a mess (of) make a difference a mistake a favour make up one’s min B Read the sentences below. Complete the boxes with the verbs make or do and the blanks with prepositions 1 My lawyer advised me to make the best_________ of 2 Before signing the contract, the client wished to 3 The university students are going to 4 Bill wanted to make 6 Your plan will only make 7 if we good use make make 10 Why don't you make trouble .. . of 8 This ugly furniture does not 9 We research a good impression 5 The police officer was instructed to do on for do 12 Everyone stepped aside to make the company’s president. the strange incident. the people you are supposedly trying to help. ___ our resources, we can achieve our goal. justice_____ _______ this m agnificent house. yourself_____ at 11 Emissions from factories the matter. on____the effects of noise pollution on people. a detailed rep ort_____ on a considerable contribution make some enquiries______ into make do this d ifficult situation. to______ the heart foundation every year. home while I get ready? considerable h arm ______ to way_ for the environment. the marching soldiers. C Complete the blanks with the verbs break, change, turn or draw. change break turn shoes sb’s heart a page break change draw the law break tra in s /b u s e s change sb’s attention change a habit d irection clothes break _ a prom ise turn change _ a corner the subject D Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verbs break, change, cut or draw. 1 I'll try to change Ted's mind about leaving his job. 2 No one was w illin g t o _____ break_____ their silence and help the police w ith th e ir investigation. 3 I decided to make the firs t move and 4 Cowboys were known to _ draw 5 The famous athlete Jesse Owens break______the ice. _a gun on the slightest of pretexts. broke_____ fo u r O lym pic records in 1936. 6 My holiday w a s ______ cut______ short when I broke m y leg w hile skiing. 7 Well, t o _____ cut_______ a long story short, our car broke down in the m iddle of nowhere.
unit 0 0 \dverbial Expressions : mplete the sentences with the adverbial expressions in the box below. Use each expression only once. by and large last b ut not least every now and then ■nake an e ffo rt to visit m y grandparents one by one every now and then on my own as a m atter o f fact . One by one_______ , the lo tte ry num bers I had chosen came up on the screen. ..sed a Do-It-Yourself m anual and b uilt the tree h o u s e ________on my own_______ _ Last but not least Most people are, .th e final contender is from Venezuela.... by and large Asa m atter of fact , creatures of habit. , I d id n 't like the present you gave me. 3hrasal Verbs id the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the rect number in the box next to each definition. MAKE, DO, GROW The thieves made o ff w ith all the precious artefacts in the museum. 3 The boy made up a ridiculous sto ry about alien abduction to avoid sittin g go tow ards for the exam. 2 invent ^et's make fo r the nearest village before it gets dark. 10 become an adult When the baby was born, we made the study into a nursery. 4 transform , convert I couldn't quite make out w hat she was saying, as her English was very 5 manage to understand poor. 1 steal and run away Even th ough Derek had made up w ith Joanne, the tension between 6 become friends again them was still evident. 9 Women make up a large p ro po rtio n of the w orkforce nowadays. Ever since my salary cut, I’ve had to do w ith o u t many little luxuries. 11 The m anagem ent decided to do away w ith the old m achinery and 8 modernised the factory. 7 get rid of become older and stop a habit endure the lack of constitute, form , be a m em ber of When 1grow up, I w ant to become a singer. n We've grown out o f the childish pranks we used to play on our teachers. PASS, FILL, LEAVE 1 Our neighbour, w ho was 75 years old, passed away a few m onths ago. 2 The legends o f this trib e have been passed down from father to son over the centuries. 3 The old wom an passed o u t when she saw the thief. 4 I had to fill in a five-page application form fo r a credit card. 5 Could you please fill up the tank w ith unleaded petrol? 6 Our best player was left out o f the team due to a knee injury. 3 fa int 4 com plete 1 die 5 make com p le te ly full 2 pass from one generation to the next 6 exclude from
unit 0 6 Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives Nouns on dependent_ engaged___ to equal sb for a demand of to sth cover sb/sth to apologise. for things sb at aim a difference, between two m arried___ to for of an advantage. to independent_ grateful_ Verbs sth in a difference of _sth .opinion a disadvantage___ of an intention____2 l .doing _ sb sth on in for on spend money/time to on sth waste money/time _ on to contribute pay. re ly . of consist sth __ belong___ ^ from borrow confess sth depend invest of (dls)approve. a difference, . sb in/with sth B Read the follow ing sentences and complete them with prepositions. on 1 I found a part-time job so as not to be financially depen dent. 2 The President diplom atically labelled the crisis as a d iffe re n ce _ my parents. of _ opinion between the two nations. 3 We have spent a fo rtu n e ______ 2D______ our new house, but I think it was worth it. 4 The d iffe re n ce ________ |D_____ price for the same product can vary considerably from store to store. to for 5 I will always be g ra te fu l____ Susan . her support during my time of need. 6 The difference between the rich and poor Is staggering in most developing countries. 7 My sister wastes a lot of m oney. on _ clothes she doesn’t end up wearing. 8 The report on corruption was completely independent______ 2!______ the government. Grammar Revision (Infinitive, -ing form) See G ram m ar R ev ie w p ag e 153 Complete the sentences belo w with the bare infinitive, the full infinitive or the -ing form of the verbs in brackets. You can use either the Present or the Perfect form. 1 We watched the ship 2 Forgive mv disappear getting 3 She begged her brother. (disappear) slowly over the horizon (get) so upset about such a trivial matter. to ier|d (lend) her his car, but he refused. living 4 The children were not accustomed to .(live) in a village. having stolen ' i/ ' 5 The thief admitted stealing (steal) the jewels. driving (drive) as I was really tired. 6 My wife prevented me from 7 My driving instructor encouraged me _ 8 I’m in favour of 9 How about Keeping eaving 10 That man is believed 11 They are unlikely. to take (keep) the environment clean. (leave) on Thursday evening? to have caused (cause) the accident. to come .(come) home early tonight. 12 The traffic was so heavy that it took me three hours house. (take) the driving test. to get .(get) to my country
The coffee was too cold for me to drink. / Judy was made apologise for lying. - r he coffee was too cold for me to drink it. - (make+bare infinitive in Active Voice, The coffee wasn't hot enough for me to drink. / make +fu ll infinitive in Passive Voice) Vhs coffee wasn't hot enough for me to dri n k it. ■ Helen used to wake up early. / (No object pronouns after too and enough) Helen is used to waking up early. / She objects to staying up late. / Helen w ill soon get used to waking up early. / Subject of-ing form same as subject o f main verb) Helen is used to wake Bp-eariy—- She objects to the children/children's staying up late. / Helen w ill soon get used to wake apeariy— She objects to their/them staying up late. / (used to +infinitive, be/get used to +-ingform) She objects to thcy-staying up late. - It seems that he hates animals. / Subject of-ing form different from subject o f main verb) He seems to hate animals. / We heard John sing an old song. / Ho scorns that he hatc3 animals— (witnessed the whole action) (It seems/appears + that-clause We heard John singing an old song. / Subject+seem/appear+fu ll infinitive) 'witnessedpart o f an action) It appears that she didn't lose m uch weight. / ,Ve heard John to sing an old song. - She appears not to have lost m uch weight. / (Verbs of the senses in Active Voice+bare infinitive/-ing form) She doesn't appear to have lost much weight. / John was heard to sing an old song. / Sheappears to not have loot much w cighfc— John was heard sing/singing an old song. CVerbs o f the senses in Passive Voice+fu ll infinitive) It is likely/unlikely that John is interested in football. S John is likely/unlikely to be interested in football. / The teacher made Judy apologise for lying. / The teacher made Judy to apologise fo r-tying. Judy was made to apologise for lying. / Key Transformations » It took Susan one hour to dye her hair. There’s no point in discussing this m atter any further. Susan took one hour to dye her hair. It's no use/good discussing this m atter any further. Susan spent one hour dyeing her hair. It is not w orth discussing this m atter any further. - She found w orking long hours difficult. This m atter is not w orth discussing any further. She found it d ifficu lt to w ork long hours. The clim bers did not manage to reach the m ountain peak. It was d ifficu lt for her to w ork long hours. The clim bers did not succeed in reaching the m ountain She had d ifficu lty (in) w orking long hours. peak. $ I expect that they w ill arrive soon. I expect them to arrive soon. They are expected to arrive soon. 0 I suggest we plan a surprise party for him . The clim bers were not successful in reaching the m ountain peak. The clim bers were unsuccessful in reaching the m ountain peak. I suggest planning a surprise party for him . He prevented/stopped his children from going out alone. W hy not plan a surprise party for him? He prevented/stopped them from going out alone. How about planning a surprise party for him? He prevented/stopped his children's going out alone. @ I don't see w hy we should discuss this m atter any further. He prevented/stopped their going out alone.
unit 0 6 Examination Practice A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. HEALTHY HEALTHY “A healthy mind lives in a healthy body” is a saying that is believed to (1)___ have often been used by the ancient Greeks. Thousands of years later, the same idea still applies. According to health experts, it’s advisable to (2)_______ drink___________ eight to ten glasses of water every day. However, water itself is not enough; a balanced diet is essential, too. A healthy body naturally is the result of (3)________ doing_________ exercise. Many people, however, do not like gyms and object (4)__________ to___________ going there for different reasons. Some, for instance, say that aerobic sessions are too difficult (5)__________ to___________follow while others claim that gyms are just too expensive. Many people also claim that they have difficulty in (6 )________ finding________ tim e to exercise due to their hectic lifestyle, but the truth is that everyone can make a little tim e every now and (7)_______ then_______. Regardless of the way people choose to exercise, (8 )__________ it___________ is im portant to remember that there’s no point (9 )____________in___________ doing it only for a short period of time. Last (10)_________ but________ not least, having a positive attitude and doing (11) w ith negative thoughts contributes (12)______ to away_________ one’s well-being. In short, following this simple advice surely helps in having a healthy mind and body. B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 John is too im m ature to make decisions fo r himself, m ature John is _______________ not mature enough to make decisions fo r himself. 2 He can’t get used to travelling abroad every fortnight, accustomed H e _____________ is not accustomed to travelling . abroad every fortnight. 3 He managed to convince me that it was a safe operation, succeeded H e_______________succeeded in convincing me . that it was a safe operation. 4 Hearing that a war had broken out was a shock to everyone, shocked Everyone___________________was shocked to hear ___ that a war had broken out. 5 John told Helen he was sorry he had argued w ith her. apologised Jo h n _______________ apologised to Helen for arguing w ith her. 6 Nobody liked having a new factory in the area, objected Everyone___________________ objected to having . a new factory in the area. 7 She couldn’t afford to buy a laptop computer, expensive A laptop c o m p u te r____________ was too expensive for her _________ to buy. 8 More dustbins have been put around so that people w on’t throw rubbish in the streets, prevent More dustbins have been put a ro u n d ________ to prevent people (from ) throwing rubbish in the s 9 It would be d ifficult fo r me to adjust to a new w orking environm ent, d ifficulty I w o u ld ______________ have d ifficulty (in) adjusting _to a new w orking environm ent. 10 I don’t see w hy we should wait fo r the blood test results all day. point There’s _________________ no point in waiting for . the blood test results all day. 11 He first told his m other about his success in the exam. know His m o th e r__________________ was the first to know __ about his success in the exam. 12 The police forced the crim inal to get into the car. made The p o lice _____________made the criminal get into the car.
unit 0 6 Vords easily confused th e c o r r e c t fo r m o f th e w o r d s in th e b o x e s to c o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s i n e a c h g ro u p A -I b e lo w . Y o u m a y u se e o f th e w o rd s m o re th a n o n ce . I n s o m e cases m o re th a n o n e w o r d m a y b e c o rre c t. borrow lend let hire rent U . friends and I __________ hired__________ a car to travel around the island. Ian y o u ___________ lend___________me some money? I'll pay you back on Friday. 5 ome of the rooms in the co u n try house w e re ____________jet___________ to to urists fo r the weekends. ______ borrowed________ m oney from the bank to buy a house. M . p a re n ts__________ hired__________ a tu to r to help me w ith Maths. ' l e firs t th ing I did when I w ent to Crete w a s ___________ rent___________a house by the sea. spend waste save afford -ave b e e n ________ wasting_________a lo t o f m oney lately on th ing s I don 't really need. I u s u a lly __________spend_________ all my incom e and don’t __________ save__________any m oney fo r a rainy day. . Dhn_________spends_________ too m uch tim e on the com puter and doesn't pay enough a tte ntio n to his hom ew ork. Of : ourse, he c a n 't_________ afford_________ to b e _________ wasting________ tim e, especially now th a t he's g ot exams. bill fare fee fin e tic k e t receipt account d isco un t tax T h e ___________ tax___________ d epartm ent expects all custom ers to get a ___________ receipt_________ w ith every purchase they make, otherw ise they w ill have to pay a (n )___________fine___________ . had to com plain to the telephone com pany about m y extrem ely high p h o n e ___________ bill____________, w hich I was not prepared to pay. In the end they gave me a (n )________ discount________ and I paid less. .Vhen he had his w allet stolen, he d id n't have any m oney to pay fo r his b u s ___________ fare___________. bought an a irlin e __________ ticket__________ fo r M adrid w ith British Airways. ___________ Tax___________is autom atically w ithdraw n from my pay every month. Most universities require th a t tu itio n ___________ fees___________should be paid at the beginning o f each academ ic year. 7 Sheila g ot a p a rk in g __________ ticket__________ fo r parking on the pavement. 8 My parents have a (n )_________ account_________ w ith the local shop and pay the am ount th ey owe every m onth. salary wage paym ent incom e bonus allowance award reward d onation 1 M y _________salary_________ gets paid into my bank account every fo rtn ig h t. 2 Steve’s parents give him a w e e k ly _______ allowance_______.which he can use any way he likes. 3 Some people g iv e _______ donations_______to ch arity organisations. 4 Young w orkers under the age o f 21 get the m in im u m _________ wage_________set by the law. 5 M y _______ income_________f rom m y j 0k jSly t sufficient to cover m y weekly expenses. Only when I get a(n)________ bonus_________ as a(n) ________ reward_________ for excellent results can I afford som ething special for myself. 6 Your car payments __are due on the 10th o f each m onth. 7 I received a Young A chiever's_________Award________ for g ettin g the best exam score in the school.
unit 0 6 E owe own possess owns to? If no one_ it,th e n I'll. own ________ th e ir house, b ut s till___________ owe__________ some m oney to the bank. 4 H e's__________ kept _______ all his toys in a box in the attic. prize charge value bargain w o rth prize 1 The National L o tte ry ’s m ain. tip was £ 2 m illion. 2 When eating out, it is advisable to leave a fo r the waiter. worth 3 The thieves stole m illions of d o lla rs _____ 4 T h e __________ value of paintings fro m the gallery. _____ of our house has gone up since we renovated it. 5 That restaurant has very reasonable__________Prices__________ . It's c e rta in ly ___ worth visiting. bargain 6 My new sofa was a real valuable priceless value fo r m oney and . I g ot it fo r half the price. charge_________ . 7 You can have the appliances delivered free of _ precious keep possessed_______ a |0t Qf strength and speed in the ring. 2 Muham mad AN__ price belong belong 1 Who does this pen 3 T h e y ________ keep w orthless 1 Some o f Picasso's paintings a re _________ priceless econom ic econom ical financial ____ .O n ly a billionaire could afford to buy them . 2 The police have been guarding th e _________precious _______ stones on display at the gallery. 3 When Rose lost her job, she was in a d iffic u lt____ financial________ situation fo r a while. It d id n ’t help that she hadn't b e e n _______ economical_______ and not saved a penny w hile she was em ployed. 4 The c o u n try 's ________ economic_______ situation has im proved ever since the developm ent of the to u ris t industry. valuable 5 Thank you fo r y o u r. ___ advice. You've helped me a great deal. 6 Julie gave away some o f her fake je w e lle ry because she th o u g h t it w a s ________ worthless and ju s t to ok up space. H loan debt sum deposit budget 1 We're on a tig h t and car am ount instalments instalm ent budget this m onth because we have m any expenses. Our housing loan _ are due in the next few days. He had parked illegally and was fined th e ____________ sum Could you please tell me the e x a c t____ of £ 20. amount I owe? 4 Joan w ent to the bank because she w anted to make a (n )______ deposit 5 He has asked me to lend him money, as he is i n __________ debt cheque cash coins currency (bank)notes change 1 When we arrived in Indonesia, we exchanged some o f o ur m oney fo r lo c a l________ currency 2 I m ust take all th e _________ c°ins__________ |'Ve received a s __________ change to the bank and exchange them f o r ______(bank)notes________ w hich are lighter. 3 When paying b y ________ cheque__________ always w rite yo u r address and sign the back o f it. 4 I'm paying fo r the shoes in __________cash___________ .
unit 0 6 ^25S3SB3S3li _____ _______________________________________________ The opposites of many English words are formed by adding a negative prefix to the words. The most common negative prefixes are un-, in-, dis- and mis-. • Most words that derive from the same root take the same negative prefix as the root word: approve 4 disapprove approving ^ disapproving approval 4 disapproval approvingly 4 disapprovingly • Sometimes verbs, nouns, adjectives or adverbs deriving from the same root form their opposites with the addition of different negative prefixes: com fort discom fort (noun) fortune m isfortune (noun) equal unequal (adjective) comfortable uncom fortable (adjective) fortunate unfortunate (adjective) equality -■>inequality (noun) • Some words of the same category (verbs, nouns or adjectives) deriving from one root form two opposites using two different negative prefixes -but with a difference in meaning: a£>/e (adj) unable (=not able), disabled (=handicapped) inform ed (adj) uninform ed (=not informed), m isinform ed (=wrongly informed) used (adj) unused (=not used), misused (=wrongly/badly used) attractive attractively certain -*• uncertain unable inability, disability able + ability 252 lock efficient ■ w in iin ii .ii . i n . . i ii .n .ii 'j! 1uwh mi i wfw i t ? j inefficient unlock efficiently unattractive unattractively certainty-^ uncertainty dress undress inefficiently efficiency inefficiency 1<u 1j n • The prefix in- changes to: /'/- before /-.-legal illegal im- before m- and p-: mature 4 immature patient 4 im patient ir- before r-: rational ^ irrational • The prefix in- is not used to form opposites of verbs. • The prefix in- is not used to form opposites of words beginning with in-: interesting 4 uninteresting interpret 4 m isinterpret integrate 4 disintegrate agree + disagree agreement honesty | disagreement agreeable dishonesty honest judge connect disconnect disagreeable agreeably dishonest honestly disagreeably dishonestly misjudge judgement ^ misjudgement
unit 0 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 Even though he's tw e n ty years old, he is r a th e r ______ imm ature_______ . MATURE 2 Thomas said th a t he i s _______ unable ABLE doubtful _to attend the m eeting because he’s ill. I am a little __ as to w hether this is true or not. DOUBT incorrectly 3 The student was v e r y ______ nervous______ and answered the question NERVE, CORRECT b ut the teacher asked him to try again. 4 He has become rich in a _______ dishonest _way. HONEST 5 I d id n't correct yo ur essay because yo u r w ritin g was s im p ly ___ 6 The teacher expressed her so disobedient dissatisfaction LEGIBLE w ith Tom because he's SATISFACTION jn class. irresponsible 7 It was illegible OBEDIENT . of you to leave the baby 8 U n fo rtu n a te ly , m any clim bers have been unsuccessful unattended RESPONSIBLE, ATTENDE in th e ir attem pts to clim b SUCCESS Mt Everest. 9 I detest people w h o ________ mistreat_______ animals or use them in scientific TREAT, SCIENCE research. 10 D riving at speeds o f 150 kilom etres per hour is not o n ly ____ illegal LEGAL but a ls o ________unsafe_________. 11 Her unwillingness SAFE to he|p gQt her jnt 0 trouble. WILLINGNESS 12 Why do you always have t o _______disagree________w ith w hat I say? 13 She's a very 14 Don't sit in th a t im patient AGREE __ person. She wants everythin g done im m ediately. uncom fortable PATIENT arm chair, sit here. COMFORTABLE ) 15 Are you sure you d id n 't misunderstand him? He can't have said that. UNDERSTAND Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. PLASTIC MONEY cash In the past, people b ought goods using (1)_____ m oney from financial in stitu tio n s and o nly w hen they had (3). borrowed .T h ey rarely (2). saved_________ the money, did they buy w hat they wanted. Recently, however, there have been great changes in the way people purchase goods. To begin w ith, some people pay fo r things by cheque, w hile others prefer m o n th ly ( 4 ) __________instalments______ >rath er than paying the whole (5 ) (6 ) amount__________ at once. Most consumers, though, prefer to buy things using th e ir cred it cards. By and large________ , it is th o u g h t th a t there are benefits to having a credit card. A part from the fact th a t cred it cards are handy, some stores o ffe r bonus points to people m aking purchases, w hile others give (7) discounts on certain products. On the o the r hand, cred it cards m ust be used w isely because they can prove disastrous. In the long run, consum ers find th a t they can't ( 8 ) ____________ do____________ w ith o u t th e ir credit cards and constantly rely ( 9 ) __________ on______________ them , as they are “easy m oney”. As a result, some people lose co ntrol of th e ir finances spending m ore than th ey should and w ind up not being able to (10) they end up in (11) _ debt and have d iffic u lty (12) _ make ends meet______ . so, in paying it back.
iiuitOS 1 A change B cash 2 A lent B let 3 A. afforded B owned C saved 4 A sums B deposits C budgets 5 © am ount B debt C bill 6 A Last but not least B One by one 7 A bargains 8 A go (B ) discounts 9 (A )o n 10 A make m atters worse C notes © © borrow ed D kept D possessed ^ in s ta lm e n t s D cost By and large C tips D Every now and then D prizes B make C be (D jd o B in C to D of C do th e ir best D do business D owe ( b ) make ends meet 11 ( a ) debt B loan C charge 12 B to paying C in pay A to pay D currency ( p ) in paying Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. HOMEWORK Hom ework is a part o f every student's school life. (1)_______ Unfortunately_______ , many o f them FORTUNATE 12) APPROVE ______ sapprove_________ 0f the am 0unt o f hom ew ork they are given, and find it p articula rly 3 ) unfair_____________ when they have to study a lot before a test. This makes them feel 4 ) anxious________and some even become physically sick w hen under pressure. Others sometimes find it (5)_ relieve it's an act o f (6) _ impossible to com plete th e ir hom ew ork, w hich makes teachers disobedience On the o the r hand, teachers consider hom ew ork (7) „ FAIR ANXIETY POSSIBLE OBEDIENCE beneficial ______ . They believe BENEFIT students should have a daily schedule to avoid g e ttin g ( 8 ) ___________ disorganised________ ancj ORGANISED naving to hand in ( 9 ) __________ incomplete___________ hom ew ork. M oreover, teachers th in k COMPLETE 1 0 )______ inadequate______ am ounts of hom ew ork put students' fu tu re at risk. ADEQUATE
Prepositional Phrases A C o m p le te th e b la n k s w it h p r e p o s itio n s . regardless due of______ according to except because for apart to of from ow ing to but for instead of co n tra ry thanks to as to for B C o m p le te th e b la n k s w it h p r e p o s itio n s . in spite of_________ in com parison in favour to of in charge of as far in control of in honour on behalf as well of as of as C R ead th e s e n te n c e s a n d c o m p le te th e m w it h th e p r e p o s itio n s in , o n , a t, by, u n d e r o r to . 1 You’ll find a fa irly detailed map o f the t o w n __________ on_____________page 4 0 of this guide. 2 3 lo ______________ m y parents' surprise I passed all my examinations. Under___________ th e circum stances, the police o ffice r had no o the r choice but to arrest them . 4 W h a t's ___________ on____________ yo u r mind, Geoffrey? You look rather w orried. 5 I prom ise to b e ___________ by____________ yo u r side no m atter w hat happens. 6 You look so calm a n d ___________ at_____________ease w ith yourself. 7 Jo____________sum up, this book is a good read and I d e fin ite ly recom m end it. 8 I made several a ttem pts to convince her, b u t____________ in____________ vain. 9 I w a s _________ under__________ the im pression you knew how to operate the video camera. 10 Their w illingness to em ploy me im m ediately w ith o u t another intervie w to ok m e _____________ by__________ surprise. 11 lo ____________a certain extent, yo ur anger is understandable. Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box next to each definition. A BREAK, BURN 1 I'm buying a new car because m y old one keeps breaking down. 2 As soon as the governm ent announced the harsh econom ic measures, rio ts broke out th ro u g h o u t the country. 5 in te rru p t 8 be destroyed by fire 1 stop fu nctio nin g 6 end a relationship 2 sta rt suddenly 7 becom e exhausted 3 enter illegally 4 lose co ntrol of one’s feelings 3 The th ie f broke into the house and stole the jewels. 4 She co u ld n ’t handle being under so m uch stress so she broke down and started crying. 5 I started describing w hat had happened to the police o ffice r but m y sister broke in to tell him som ething I had forgotten. 6 They broke up a fter having been to g e th e r fo r three years. 7 If Peter doesn't stop w orking so hard, he'll burn out before his time. 8 By the tim e the fire brigade arrived, the b uilding had already burnt down.
unit 0 7 B CUT 2 reduce 4 cut into sm all pieces I 3 The speaker w as cut off by protesters m any tim es during her speech. 1 cut from /rem ove | A Alw ays cut up the meat for the dog, otherw ise it w ill choke on it. 6 stop doing 5 During the w inter the island is cut off from the rest of the world. 3 interrupt 5 isolated 1 These pictures of film stars were cu to u t of different m agazines. I 2 The doctor told me to cut down on junk food. I 6 The boys are shouting upstairs. Tell them to cut it out! C TURN ' Turn off the heater. It's v e ry hot in here. 4 a rrive u n exp ected ly I 2 John has turned into a reliable and efficient w orker much to my surprise. 6 reject I 3 It turned out to be a great party. 1 sw itch off I 4 More people turned up at the meeting than I had expected. 7 switch on I 5 Can you please turn down the m usic? I can't hear you. Z red u ce the am o u nt of sound, D heat, etc. 9 in crea se the am o u nt of sound, I 6 My application for a visa was turned down again. I 7 Don't forget to turn on the alarm when you leave home. heat, etc. I 8 I want you to know that you can turn to me for help any time. I 9 When Je ssica heard her favourite song, she turned up the radio full blast and started dancing. 3 result in a particular w ay 2 ch a n g e to 8 co m e to and ask for Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives ashamed _ of -usy with :onscious_ •-iendlv Verbs Nouns of je a lo u s, mean to re le v a n t_____ to of with/to of an e x a m p le . to __ an opinion of/about/in contrast with a question about decide on a reaction to at sth (=competent) useful to sb rood to sb(=kind) useful for sth good for sb/sth (=beneficial) B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 2 W hv are vou alw ays so mean 3 My friend Giles introduced me the high jump. to to on an excep tio n . good at com m ent .sb s h o rt______ 1 W alter is ve ry good in believe Sarah? the fascinating world of classical music, dedicate sth to .sb introduce sb to .sb /sth mean by relate to think of/about
unit 0 7 4 The travel book w ill be useful 5 W hat exactly do you mean for by our trip to Paris at the end o f the m onth. saying I'm arrogant and a snob? 6 Most nouns fo rm th e ir plural in -s, but there area lot of exceptions 7 Mrs Ming is a very nice lady. She's always been good to to me. 8 A glass of orange juice a day is good for 9 This brochure w ill be useful all the to u rists w ho vis it the sights. to this rule. you. Grammar Revision (M odal Verbs) See G ram m ar R e v ie w p age 155 ^ Read the short texts below and complete each blank with one word. All the missing words are modal verbs (can, could, may, should etc.) a As children, they (1)__________ used_________ to spend a lot of tim e together. They (2 )_________ would___________go fo r long bike rides along the coast u ntil th ey reached the cave. Once there, th ey (3)__________were__________ able to explore it to th e ir heart's content, as no one else knew about this secret hideaway. They fe lt they (4 )__________ had___________ to keep this place to them selves no m atter what. b I'm w orried about Gene. He hasn't been well lately. Yesterday, he was pale and he (5) _________rnust___________ have been feeling sick, as he (6 )_________ could_________ not eat a thing. I th in k he (7)____________ had__________better see a doctor, as he (8) O) may/might/could might/could/may jUSt have some serj0us j||ness he’s not aware of. Of course, it a Vjrus. j Q be on the safe side, though, I (10)__________ w l]___________ drop by his house later and tell him th a t he (11)______ should/m ust______do som ething about it im m ediately. c When used properly, videos (12)_________caD____________ be very educational fo r children. Of course, they (13)______ must/should______ be suitable fo r th e ir age and children (14)_______ should/m ust______ not just be placed in fro n t of the television and left unsupervised. Parents (15)_________ ought__________to be a ctively involved, too, as children (16) d must/should________not be passjve viewers; they need som eone to interact w ith w hile watching. My car broke down yesterday and I (17)__________ had__________to take the bus to work. I (18)_________ should________ have taken a taxi instead, as it was a fru stra tin g experience. We were all squashed to ge th er like sardines in a tin and we (19)__________ could_________ hardly breathe. To make m atters worse, an o verw eight lady standing next to me wanted to get o ff at one point. "(2 0 )________ Do/Would_______ y 0U m ind m oving a b it to the side so that I (21)________ can/could get to the door?" she said. She nearly squashed me to death! (22)_________Must__________ the public tran spo rtatio n system be this bad?
unit 0 7 I must wash my car. / I have to wash m y car. / : must to wash my car. • You should wash your car. / You ought to wash your car. / You should to wash your car. Peter would wash his car every Saturday. / Peter used to wash his car every Saturday. / Peter would to w ash hip car every Saturday. tModal verbs arefollowed by a bare infinitive (without 'to'.) Note: have to, ought to and used to.) Jonathan can play tennis very well. Jonathan could play tennis when he was ten years old. If it doesn't rain, w e'll be able to play tennis. I haven't been able to contact Mike this week. (can has no future or perfect tenses so be able to is used in itsplace.) Bill could run quite fast when he was young. (general ability in the past) The injured athlete was able to finish the race. (ability in aparticular situation in thepast, especially a difficult one.) I must go to bed early tonight. I have to get up early every morning. I had to return some books to the library yesterday. I've never had to wait for more than ten minutes at the doctor’s surgery. W e'll have to work hard on our project next week. (must has nopast, perfect orfuture tenses, so have to is used in itsplace.) e He must be home now. / He must be watching TV. S (Positivedeductions about thepresent/future) He must have arrived early. ✓ He must have been working hard lately. / (Positive deductions about thepast) He can't be home now, he is usually at work at this tim e o ftheda yV He can't be watching TV. / He mustn’tbe home now. (Negative deductions about thepresent/future) He can't/couldn’t have stolen the money. / Ilemusttrt-havo stolon t-hemeneyr(Negative deductions about thepast) Ruth needs to see the doctor today. / Ruth nead see the doctor today.Does Ruth need to see the doctor today? / Need Ruth see the doctor today? / Ruth doesn't need to see the doctor today. / Ruth needn't see the doctor today. / (need is used as a modal verb only in present tense questions and negations.) They didn't need to return the books to the library today. (=it wasn't necessary and we don't know if they didornot.) They needn't have returned the books to the library today. (=it wasn't necessary but they did so nonetheless.) You should apologise. / You ought to apologise. / You had better apologise. / (Refer to the present or future) You should have apologised. / You ought to have apologised. / It would have been better if you had apologised. / Youhadbot-ter-haveapologised:(Refer to thepast) Key Transformations 6 Could I (possibly) turn the music down? Do you m ind if I turn the music down? Would you m ind if I turn/turned the music down? Would you m ind m y turning the music down? I wonder if I could turn the music down. & Your room needs tidying. Your room needs to be tidied. You have/need to tid y your room. It is necessary for you to tid y your room. It is necessary that you tid y your room. ® It is not necessary for you to go shopping. There is no need for you to go shopping. You don’t need/have to go shopping. You needn't go shopping. & It was not necessary for you to go to the doctor. There was no need for you to go to the doctor. You needn't have gone to the doctor. & My grandfather went fishing every morning. My grandfather used to go fishing every morning. My grandfather w ould go fishing every morning. & The students did not manage to finish the project. The students were not able to finish the project. The students were unable to finish the project. The students did not succeed in finishing the project. & (I think / Perhaps) you should take some tim e off work. (I think / Perhaps) you ought to take some tim e off work. You had better take some tim e off work. The best thing you could do is take some tim e off work. The best thing for you to do is take some tim e off work.
unit 0 7 Examination Practice A Choose the correct answer. 1. You needn't have cooked so much food. There was 7. “Would you mind my leaving plenty of food left over from yesterday. a. cook I must go to the dentist's.” b. to cook c. me to leave 2. Susan hates Maths and Chemistry but she’ s really good at . awful when she was told that a. feel (b )h a ve felt d. of c. felt d. be felt not go out tonight. It's raining 9. You ought to drink lots of water when you're on a diet. ( a ) n o tg o b. n o tto g o c. d o n 't go a. should d. to d o n 't go 4. The climbers d id n 't succeed a. to reach 10. Your jeans need in reaching the washing c. wash t>e Annie who is crossing the street; Annie's taller. 11 d. have washed According to t he weather forecast, it will be cold and foggy at the weekend, a. m ustn 't (b )c a n 't c. w o u ld n 't d. shouldn't a. Owing to ( ji ) According to d. Instead of c. Apart from “When are Michael and Julie getting married?” 12. There used to . be .a coffee shop on that “Well, they w o n 't get married after all. They broke corner when I was young, _____ UP a. have been a. out c. off before y0U wear t hem b. to wash (a)w ashing (d )in reaching ca n t d. used for the first time. b. to have reached c. reach b. must (c )o u g h t mountain peak due to extreme weather conditions, 6. have felt she had been fired heavily. 5. It d. me to leaving (b )a t c. for 3. You had better 8. She m ust. Science. a. to b. me leave (a )m y leaving d. to have cooked @ h a v e cooked a |jttle earlier today? two months ago!” b. down (b )b e c. were d. being ( d)up B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 I'm sure he hasn't refused such a good offer. turned He____________________can t have turned down___________________such a good offer. 2 There was no need for the climbers to bring so many supplies. not The clim bers____________________ need not have brought___________________so many supplies. 3 If I were you, I wouldn't stay in the sun w ithout sunscreen. had You______________________ had better not stay_____________________ in the sun w ithout sunscreen. 4 Shall I water the plants for you? like W ould______________________you like me to water____________________ the plants for you? 5 It is necessary that he doesn’t eat so many sweets. cut He_____________________needs to/m ust cut down on______________ sweets. 6 I expect that she has invited everyone to her birthday party. must She___________________ must have invited everyone_______________ to her birthday party. 7 As a child, David was never in the habit of eating cornflakes. used As a child. David never used to eat cornflakes.
unit 07 5-noking is not allowed in the building, ■ m ust must not smoke You____________________ 19 3erhaps Julie thought that you would check the report. have been under the impression im pression Julie m ay____________________________ ________ k . that you would check the report. : was wrong of you to steal that book. should r _in the building. should not have stolen You______________ _that book, 5ne is not obliged to cook if she doesn't have time. nave She____________________ doesn't have to cook if she doesn't have time. Vords easily confused ; the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may : some of the words more than once. In some cases more than one word may be correct. th in k ■ - ease. regard consider consider mean . m y o ffe r and call me if you decide to sell. thinking * l have b e e n . believe I deserve it because I've w orked _____ of taking a holiday. I _________believe nard all year. regarded The death penalty is _ d o n 't__________think d id n 't_____ realise as a barbaric practice by m ost people. . he re a lly . mean means__________w ha t he is saying, because he’s usually joking. to offend you. Please_________ believe_________ me. recognise understand m eet introduce present appreciate meet _________ m y favourite film star and get his autograph. 1 One day I'd like t o . 2 That's the journalist th a t presents________the evening news. Don't y o u ________recognise_________ her? v 3 The teacher did n ’t _________realise [ 4 Aren't you going to _ 5 | ________appreciate introduce. __th a t the students hadn’t understood w hat he was saying. ______ me to yo ur friend? I haven’t ______________[O^t_________ her before. yo ur help, but you m u s t_______ understand_______ th a t I w ant to do this on my own. .Jgfg assume guess suppose 1 Since I hadn’t studied for the test, I had t o ____ estim ate guess calculate p re dict ■r most of the answers. 2 We w ere _______ supposed_______to play football today, but we cancelled it. 3 It's almost impossible t o _________ Predict_______ what the future holds. 4 I suppose/assume/guess |’|| be late for work, since there’s so much traffic. 5 We h ad _______ estimated_______the value of the house to be around 6 0 ,0 0 0 dollars, but we hadn’t . the cost of the renovation. calculated
unit 0 7 idea view th o u g h t p o in t aspect respect 1 She's ve ry rude and has no m atter .fo r anyone. aspects 2 You should consider a ll___ respect points . of his proposal, because he made some in te re s tin g . 3 In m y ________ view_______ ______ the education system should change. 4 I can't bear the thought_______ 0f going back to w ork a fte r such a great holiday. point 5 There's n o ____ ___ in talking to Clark about th is problem , as he has n o __ m atter 6 A s a (n )_ queue idea _o f fact, I hired an in te rio r decorator, w ho gave me some good line aisle c o rrid o r hall about it. ideas row 1 The cornflakes are in the th ird aisle 2 Walk dow n th e _______ corridor .and the to ile t is the th ird door on your right. 3 The e n tra n ce ____ hall _____to m y fla t is so small th a t it's a waste of space. 4 Please get in _____ line ____ and w ait yo ur turn, madam! 5 We were lucky enough to be given seats in the fr o n t___________[2 ^ _________ at the theatre. q u e u e /lin e 6 There was such a lo n g . available spare in the bank th a t I couldn’t be bothered to go in. free convenient 1 When I bought my car, I got the a ir-c o n d itio n e r____ handy usable f ree_________of charge. It really came in handy during the summer. 2 Every car m ust have a (n )_________ spare_________ tyre in the boot. available 3 The Red Dog’s new album is now __ 4 A laptop com puter is v e ry ________ handy in music stores. . because it is portable a n d . usable .anyw here. 5 I'm ________ f ree___________to m o rro w evening. Would you like to go to the cinema? 6 A car is a v e ry . absence convenient lack . means o f tra n sp o rt com pared to buses and trains. shortage loss # 1 A fter the accident, my father suffered a g ra d u a l__________ 1055 o f m emory. 2 V icky's _______ absence________f rom w o rk was noticed, so the boss rang her at home. 3 T h e __________lack__________of rain created severe________ shortages______ of fresh fru it and vegetables. shortage 4 There's a w orld __of energy and scientists are looking fo r alternative sources. 5 Although I liked living w ith m y family, I was annoyed by th e __________ jack_________ 0f privacy. H sh ort scarce rare inadequate insu fficien t * 1 As a botanist he specialises in _________ rare__________ species of plants. 2 The book costs $ 21 and I'm __________ short________by one dollar. Could you lend me some money? 3 A(n) inadequate_______supply o f oxygen to the brain can prove lethal. 4 In m any parts of the w orld w ater is _________ scarce________ . _______5 Parking space in the city centre is V | lE l scarce/inadequate insufficient/ due to th e _______ inadequate______ num ber o f car parks.
unit 0 7 {^223331. This unit deals with some verbs and nouns which derive from adjectives. Verb = Adjective + -en Noun ^Adjective + -ness Describing the process of acquiring the q ua lity / state o f the adjective The q ua lity / state described by the adjective darken darkness Adjective Root I Describing a quality/state dark Some o the r com m on adjectives th a t form verbs and nouns in the same way are: fresh, hard, loose, quick, sharp, thick and weak. The adjectives broad, deep and w ide form nouns in -th: broad broaden breadth deep 4 deepen 4 depth wide 4 widen 4 width Some verbs in -en do not derive from adjectives, but from the corresponding nouns: Adjective Noun Verb high long strong height length strength frig h t threat heighten lengthen strengthen frigh ten threaten — — The adjective short form s tw o nouns w ith a difference in meaning: short shortness (being sh ort or having little of sth) shortage (lack or insu fficien t q u a n tity o f sth) Noun in-nee or -ncy Adjective Root in -nt Describing a quality / state The quality/state described by the adjective distance intelligence efficiency d istant intellig en t e fficie n t Most adjectives in -ant/-ent form nouns in -ance and-ence. Some com m on adjectives th a t fo rm nouns in -ance are: arrogant, assistant, ignorant, im portant, relevant, reluctant, resistant, significant and tolerant. Some com m on adjectives th a t form nouns in -ence are: absent, confident, convenient, different, evident, innocent, patient, present, silent and violent. Some com m on adjectives in -ant/-ent th a t form nouns in -ancy/-ency are: consistent, efficient, fluent, frequent, pregnant, proficient, redundant, transparent, urgent and vacant. Noun in -cy Adjective Root in -te Describing a q uality / state The quality/state described by the adjective private privacy Some o the r com m on adjectives th a t form nouns in the same way are: (in)accurate, (in)adequate, (il)literate, immediate, intim ate and obstinate. The adjective secret form s tw o nouns w ith a difference in meaning: secret secret (fact known o nly to few people and not to ld to others) secrecy (having/keeping secrets) The adjective fortun a te does not form a noun in -cy but derives from the noun fortune.
unit 0 7 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 Despite being a keen camper, I fin d the _ darkness_______jn this forest unbearable DARK, BEARABLE 2 In ord er t o ________ broaden________ yOUI- shoulders, you have to do m any push-ups at the gym. BROAD 3 She d id n ’t like the colour o f her hair, so she decided t o _________ darken__________it. She was, DARK anxious however, rather ____about how dark it w ould become. ANXIETY 4 The suspect was released because of lack o f ________ evidence________against him. EVIDENT 5 Being unable to m eet John, I rang to apologise fo r the CONVENIENT 6 inconvenience______ | had caused him. Fluency________ in at least tw o languages is essential if you w ant to become an FLUENT interpreter. 7 The tow n council placed restrictions on the w ater supply due to a ________shortage_________Gf SHORT w ater th a t year. 8 There are m any com plaints about t h e ________ inadequacy______0f facilities fo r the handicapped. ADEQUATE 9 The governm ent attem pted to re d u c e __________violence_______ by increasing police patrols. VIOLENT 10 T h e __________ depth_________ of th a t lake has never been measured. 11 To calculate the area of a room, you m u ltip ly i t s _____ length DEEP width . by its LONG, WIDE 12 The d o cto r advised me to exercise in ord er t o ________ strengthen______ my back muscles. STRONG 13 Amanda is unlikely to lose any w eight, as she has a ________ weakness_______ fo r sweets and junk WEAK food. 14 Many flig h ts were delayed today, causing g row ing _ impatience PATIENT am ong the passengers. 15 In some countries, the percentage o f ______ illiteracy is still ve ry high. LITERATE Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. NEW YEAR r New Year celebrations date as far back as 2 0 0 0 BC in Mesopotamia. Yet, the actual date has changed a num ber of times. There was always a problem because New Year was (1)________ calculated by the m ovements o f the Sun and Moon w hich allowed room fo r error. To (2). a long sto ry short, it wasn't until 1582, when the calendar we use today was (3). cut introduced th a t January 1st became New Year’s Day in m ost cultures. Some cultures, however, celebrate the New Year at various times, according to th eir calendar and religious traditions. For example, the Chinese celebrate it between the 21st of January and the 19th o f February. In (4) contrast___________w ith m ost of the w orld who celebrate at the beginning of the year, the Jewish people celebrate it in September or early October. In any case, the New Year is a festive occasion. Some people celebrate at home w ith no (5). shortage champagne, w hile others party on the streets, w atching the firew orks that the city council ( 6 ) _____ may of have provided. Others prefer night clubs, joining the long (7 )_________ queues________ of people w aiting to get in and dance the night away. In China, there are parades w ith dancing dragons and hundreds of people tu rn (8 ) ____________ up__________to look on. It is also common to make New Year’s Resolutions, the ( 9 ) ________ idea (10)________regard__________ the New Year as a chance to (11)___________ break (12) To sum „ M M up . bejng that m ost people .bad habits. ., New Year is a tim e of celebration that a large proportion of the people look forw ard to.
unit 0 7 1 B assumed ( a ) calculated 2 A break B change 3 A realised B recognised 4 A co ntrary B opposite 5 (A ) shortage C known D introduced © c o n tra s t D difference C absence C possibly A likely B should 7 A aisles ( b ) queues Q. 00 B on D tu rn © cut B loss 6 D considered C supposed D scarce ( d ) may C rows D co rridors C into D o ut D m atter © id e a 9 A view B point 10 A )re g a rd B th in k C believe D realise 11 A cut ( b ) break C change D split 12 A on D in © up B fo r : Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. / financial . help and found m yself in the FINANCE 2 ______ delightful__________position of fu lfillin g my dream - buying my own house. DELIGHT Last year I received some (1)____ v . friends tried to (3)_ frighten _ me by describing te rrible experiences irv o lv in g house hunting. I knew th at my ordeal would test my (4 )_________ patience t j t I was determ ined to go to any (5). PATIENT lengths .•.anted to live close to the city centre so I placed great (6 ). FRIGHT LONG importance on IMPORTANT the location. I inspected num erous houses and fin a lly found one I was happy w ith. I needed |o (7 )_________ freshen_________ the walls up a bit, but th a t w asn't a problem . I really loved :ne (8 ) _________ quietness_______ of the area, w hich was (9). considering the short (10) _ .•.hat I had dream ed of. distance unusual . from the c ity centre. It was exactly FRESH QUIET, USUAL DISTANT
Collocations/Expressions A Complete the blanks with the verbs le a v e , p u t, s e t or s h a k e . Put a stop to sth set s liake f jre to sth set leave an exam ple set hands w ith sb put pressure on sb a message set fo o t in the table set the alarm clock B Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verbs p u t, s e t or s h a k e . 1 The u niversity h as________ set . ve ry high standards to a ttra ct the best students. 2 D o n 't_______ Put______ the blame on him. He’s not the one responsible fo r the accident. shook______ his head in disappointm ent. 3 Jerry 4 She loved the house the m inute s h e ________set______ eyes on it. 5 Ia n ______ E>ut_______ a lot of e ffo rt in to repairing th a t old car. set 6 Mrs Smith . her children the task of clearing o ut the attic. 7 A fter years o f im prisonm ent, the man w ho had w ro n g fu lly been accused o f the robbery was fin a lly ______ set free 8 They have announced th e ir engagem ent but they h a v e n 't________set______ a date fo r th e ir w edding yet. C Complete the blanks with the verbs m is s , or lo s e lose .in te re st in miss lose .a com p etitio n lose miss lose a chance lose . m oney lose/miss a person a class lose w eight lose a m eeting one's job lose miss a train/plane etc. miss miss a /you r turn lose _patience .c o n tro l (over) miss . an o p p o rtu n ity one's tem per lose . one's way contact lose/miss a m atch D Complete the sentences with the c o llo c a tio n s /e x p re s s io n s in the box below. o ut o f the way u n d e rw a y make our way to 1 "This jo b is going to be done by the way on the way have it yo u r way way ahead com e a long way one way or another one way o r another way o f th in k in g th ere ’s no way way of life said the m anager in a determ ined voice. 2 I 'm ______ on the way_________ to Julie's house. Will I see you there? 3 This school has come a long way 4 We were asked to 5 Can you please move 6 N egotiations are There’s no wav By the way make our way to underw ay ___ ? We w ant to m ove this big box. t< buy a new striker, to im prove the team ’s chances. to _ our parents w ill let us go to the rock festival next weekend. _ , whose tu rn is it to wash the dishes? 9 Once you understand the lecturer's 10 Why m ust you always _ the dining hall. out of the way way of thinking______ , his th e o ry becomes quite easy to follow. have it your way ? it's not fair! 11 Stop w asting yo ur tim e in class, Michael. The rest of the class is way ahead 12 Teenagers tend to idolise film stars and im itate the way they look and th e ir o f you in M athematics. way of life
unit 0 8 Sentence Linkers plete the sentences/paragraphs with the sentence linkers in the box below. fu rth e rm o re besides w hat is more otherw ise nevertheless to be m ore specific not o nly yet likewise to tell you the tru th Not only 'n e students are not happy w ith th e ir new English teacher. sim ilarly . does he assign them a lot of - omework, but he is also very critica l o f th e ir work. felt like com plaining to the a irp o rt a uth orities the o the r day. Our flig h t was delayed fo r an unknow n reason. s more/Besides/Furthermore the airline d id n ’t bother to apologise fo r th e inconvenience. 'lin e representative I asked was of no help, if not rude. Besides/ What is m ore/ >the Furthermore Nevertheless/Yet______ , | m anaged to stay calm and get ie inform ation I needed. To tell you the truth , I don’t th in k Adam is very good at his job. To be more specific _he is slow and not Furtherm ore/ Besides/ , he believes th a t he is the backbone o f the company. He is so annoying! What is more Yet/ Nevertheless don’t dare to challenge him because o f his close friendship w ith the manager. .ery creative. Otherwise I w ould not have a problem te llin g him a th ing or two. ' you change address n o tify me. Similarly/Likewise_______<-|o so jf y0ur phone num ber changes. Reading books in a foreign language helps you expand yo ur vocabulary. Likewise/Similarly , w atching film s -elps you get used to the pronunciation. Phrasal Verbs ad the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the rrect num ber in the box next to each definition. A PUT 11 devote to • Even though it was summer, I still needed to put on a ju m p e r at night. 1 wear 2 Jane shouldn't have to put up w ith th a t noisy class. 6 save 4 suffer 3 postpone 8 extinguish sum m er holidays. 9 offer hospitality to Jason put on a lot o f w eig ht over the sum m er break. 2 tolerate 8 The man I was sittin g next to asked me to put out m y cigarette. 7 gain 9 I was m ore than happy to p ut m y friend up fo r the summer. 5 put sth in its usual place 10 connect by telephone 4 establish, create 1 state, establish 2 We have laid o ut the garden. It should look beautiful in spring. g start living a quiet life in a place 3 The stall was set up and ready fo r business. 7 delay 5 begin a Journey 5 The group set o ff/o u t early in the m orning to clim b the treacherous peak. 6 start doing sth 6 I set out this m orning to clean the garden but was inte rru p te d by the rain. 8 become used to 3 make the necessary preparations 3 We w ill have to put o ff the barbecue if the rain continues. i Why m ust you put yourself through all this stress? 5 The students were to ld to put away th e ir books and clear th e ir desks. 5 I put m oney aside every m onth, so th a t I w ould have enough fo r my 7 K) Just a m inute, sir. I'll put you through to Mr Jones. •1 I have put a lot of w ork in to this project. B LAY, SET, SETTLE 1 As soon as the new teacher introduced herself, she laid down her rules. 4 After years of living w ith friends, Geoffrey decided it was tim e to set up a home o f his own. 7 Technical problem s set us back tw o weeks. 8 It to o k Jill m onths to settle into her new home. for sth to start 9 Carl was not the type to settle down, so his announcem ent th a t he was going to m arry soon to o k everyone by surprise. 2 plan and arrange how sth should appear
unit 0 8 Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives afraid Nouns of Verbs (aive) advice (in)caoable of a hope advise sb for confident of/about (be) free from /of handv f° r a result polite to a specialist upset about sth on choose on/about sth between tw o protection from /against choose a reputation collaborate for of from connect cope with with to/w ith to/at to sb to for prevent from tn in (= cause to happen) result to to prepare result explain sth m ention p oint refer with listen t<"> prefer com m unicate in occur from (= be caused by) B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. for 1 A compass may come in handy _ 2 Sunscreen offers protection „ our hiking trip next week. from / against 3 We have a va riety o f m aterials to choose the sun's harm ful rays. from ______ . 4 Her aggressive behaviour resulted_________ in______ her being fired. 5 You can choose between the red or the blue dress. 6 These yo gh urts are free _______ of . a rtificial colouring. 7 The damage to th e ir p ro pe rty resulted____ from the fire. 8 Must I always explain e v e ry th in g _______ to_ ___you twice? 9 The local councils decided to collaborate__ with_______ one another fo r the p ro tectio n of the environm ent. 10 The d octo r advised his patient on/about the risks involved in sm oking. 11 The accident was the result________ of_______ his carelessness. Grammar Revision (Passive Voice) See Grammar Review page 157 Read the text below and complete each blank with one word. The Loch Ness M onster (1)___________ is____________th o u g h t to be one of the w orld's m ost fam ous m ysteries. Nessie, as her fans call her, is believed (2) ____________ to__________ be living in the Scottish loch (lake) Ness. Scientists as well as o rd in a ry people (3) ___________ are__________ fascinated by the m ystery of the existence o f a very large living creature w hich (4) ____________is___________ still unknow n to science. However, it is very u nlikely fo r an animal to (5) ____________ be__________ living in Loch Ness, as it is deep, dark, very cold and alm ost lifeless. A rth u r Grant is alleged to (6). have . encountered Nessie on January 5th, 1934. Being a ve terina ry student himself, he gave a detailed description o f the animal w hich m atched the p o rtra it o f a p le s io s a u r- a p rehistoric aquatic reptile w hich had (7)__________ been_________ considered e x tin ct fo r m ore than sixty m illion years. Nevertheless, m any sonar and p hotographic recordings (8) ________ have________ been obtained (9) _________ by_________ several scientific team s over the years. U nfortunately, none o f them could (10)___________be___________ used to provide any form o f evidence th a t Nessie exists. Long-necked w ater m onsters are (11)____ being _____detected every now and then in several o the r Scottish lochs. For this reason, Scotland has become a popular holiday destination and (12)___________ is____________ visited by m illions o f to urists every year.
unit 08 'poiwrfcs [ ' They gave him a puppy for his birthday. 4 He was given a puppy for his birthday. / A puppy was given to him for his birthday. / A puppy was given him for his birthday-* We bought Susan a new camera. 4 A new camera was bought for Susan. / (Use theprepositions to andfo r before the indirect object person - of passive verbs.) | By whom was this essay written? / Who-wa&this essay written? What caused the power failure? 4 What was the power failure caused by? / What wasthe-pewer fatiureeaused? (When asking about the agent of apassive sentence, by must be included in the question.) 0 She couldn't sleep because she was terrified by the We heard him say that he was guilty. / Weheard him to say that he wasgaflty-^ He was heard to say that he was guilty. / tfowas hoard say that ho was guilty -(see, hear+bare infinitive in Active Voice; see, hear +full infinitive in Passive Voice) horror film./ Terrified by the horror film, she couldn't sleep. / She couldn't sleep because she had been terrified by the horror film ./ Having been terrified by the horror film, she couldn't sle ep./ Joe helped Sue carry/to carry her suitcase. 4 Sue was helped to carry her suitcase. / Suo was holpod carry her suitcase.-. (help +full / bare infinitive in Active Voice; help +full infinitive in Passive Voice) Been-temfied43ythe-h©i¥©riita;shecouldn't steep. (Past andperfectparticiples may replace clauses in the passive voice.) 0 | i Mary m a d e the children w a sh their handsV Mary m a d e tho children to WQ3h their hands. The children w e re m a d e to w a sh their hands. / Tho children wore made wash their hands:- (make+bare infinitive in Active Voice; make +full infinitive in Passive Voice) They accused Harry of stealing the money. 4 Harry was accused of stealing the money. (In the Passive Voice thepreposition of prepositional verbs goes immediately after the verb.) & We haven't touched anything. -4 Nothing has been touched. / AnyOriHg-hasnetbeenteHehed: (any+compounds in Active Voice no +compounds in Passive Voice) The dangerous scenes of the film were performed by stuntmen. & They didn't let me buy a dog. -4 The forest was destroyed by fire. I was not allowed to buy a dog. / The photograph was taken with an expensive camera. Iwa&not4et-toteny-adeg. (by+agent (person or thing), with + instrument) (let in Active Voice -4 be allowed to in Passive Voice) Who wrote this essay? 4 Who(m) was this essay written by? / Key Transformations • I haven't told anyone the news yet. No one has been told the news yet. Julie is permitted to go to parties. Julie has her parents’ permission to go to parties. • Susan was amazed to find out that her book was missing. To Susan's amazement, her book was missing. Julie's parents don't allow her to go to parties. S We expect that the Australian athlete w ill w in the race. It is expected that the Australian athlete w ill w in the race. The Australian athlete is expected to w in the race. I S Julie's parents allow her to go to parties. Julie's parents let her go to parties. Julie is allowed to go to parties. Julie's parents give her permission to go to parties. Julie's parents don’t let her go to parties. Julie is not allowed to go to parties. Julie cannot get her parents’ permission to go to parties. Julie is forbidden to go to parties. One must not smuggle goods into the country. It is not allowed to smuggle goods into the country. It is illegal to smuggle goods into the country. It is against the law to smuggle goods into the country. It is forbidden to smuggle goods into the country.
unit 0 8 Examination Practice A R ead th e t e x t b e lo w a n d t h in k o f th e w o r d w h ic h b e s t f it s e a c h sp ace . U se o n ly o n e w o r d i n e a c h space. THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA The Great Wall o f China (1)____________(5___________ known to be over 1900 kilom etres long, m aking it by far the longest wall in the w orld. The building of the wall is said (2 )__________ ______________ have begun in the th ird century BC (3)__________ ______________ the Em peror Shih Huangti. The reason it (4 )___________was__________ b uilt was to keep the Huns o ut of Central Asia. A lot o f e ffo rt was put (5 )___________into__________ co nstructin g the wall. It is (6 )_________ made__________ o f earth, stone and brick and its highest section is close to nine m etres. Over the centuries, the wall has often (7 ) been__________ added to, re b u ilt and repaired. This was done to give China p rotection (8 ) from ________ invaders. Despite its size, however, the wall failed to (9 )__________ Pyt__________ a stop to invading arm ies such as the M ongols and the Manchus. The wall is still o f great im portance, as it divides Inner China fro m Outer China. W hat is (10)__________ more_________ , it is useful fo r d ivid in g the region into cultivated land and pastureland.The Great Wall holds another impressive record w hich w on 't (11)____________ be__________surpassed fo r q uite a while; it is the o nly man-made structure visible from space. It is no w onder th a t m ost travel guides refer (12)____________^ ___________the Great Wall of China as the world's greatest to u ris t attraction. 6 C o m p le te th e s e c o n d s e n te n c e so th a t i t h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to th e f ir s t s e n te n c e , u s in g th e w o r d g iv e n u n c h a n g e d . Y ou m u s t u se b e tw e e n tw o a n d fiv e w o rd s , in c lu d in g th e w o r d g iv e n . 1 They had to postpone the match until next week, put The m a tch ______________________ had to be put off___________________until next week. 2 We haven't told anyone about the change in our plans. informed No one has been informed about the change in our plans. 3 We had to go up the stairs because someone was using the lift. so The lift was being used so we had to go up the stairs. 4 Experts believe that the landslides were caused by recent floods. resulted The landslides are believed to have resulted from recent floods. 5 She doesn't let him smoke in the house. allowed He is n° t allowed to smoke in the house. 6 We m ustn't park on the yellow line. forbidden It is forbidden to park on the yellow line. 7 The teacher saw tw o students leave the school. were Two students were seen to leave the school. 8 The coach let the players take the day off. permission Theolavers got the coach's permission to take the day off.
m m m im m m i_________________________________ e the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-I below. You may use me of the words more than once. In some cases more than one word may be correct. A choose pick gath er co lle ct 1 Every spring the peaches a re __________ picked_________ from the trees and packed in boxes. b I have b e e n _________ collecting_______ coins fo r the last five years. I have one coin th a t dates back to 1935. 2 .Ve c a n __________ choose________ between g ettin g a blue or a black car. a Many p e o p le _________ gathered________round the injured man to see how badly he was hurt. E The tw o captains had t o ____________P jf*__________ the players fo r th e ir team. choice collection selection election va rie ty o ption • ! don't have a (n )__________ choice_________ , as you did n ’t give me a n y __________ options_________ K Every fo u r years there is a g e n e ra l_________ election________ and people vote fo r the p arty they prefer. 3 My s ta m p ________ collection________ consists o f tw o thousand stamps. k Aspirin is the num ber o n e ___________ choice________ fo r com bating fever and pain. p The shop has ice cream in a (n )________variety___________ of flavours. C Jo hn 's_________ selection________ as captain of the team to ok us by surprise. C consult advise suggest propose recom m end 1 Would y o u _______ recommend______ this restaurant or not? 2 If the chest pain continues, you m u s t__________consult_________ a doctor. 3 I __________suggest________ we go |y|a|ta f or a 4 The d o c to r _________ advised_________ me f 0 unless you c a n ________ recommend_______another destination. a few C]ay S 0ff WOrk due to a persistent illness. 5 The g o v e rn m e n t_________proposed________m aking radical changes to the health system. D tip clue advice info rm a tio n 1 The FBI is still looking f o r ___________ clues_________ to help them catch the dangerous crim inal. 2 Take m y __________ advice_________and see yo ur bank m anager if you’re having financial problems. 3 I n e e d _______information________regarding the polar bear fo r m y project. 4 Our teacher gave us some u s e fu l_______ tips/advice_______ on how to prepare fo r the exams.
unit 0 8 E reliable responsible reasonable respectable 1 I b ought a television set, as I found the price v e ry ________ reasonable_______ 2 At camp, each teacher w a s ________ responsible______ fo r t w enty students. 3 Judges are co n sid e re d ________respectable_______m em bers o f society. 4 She's a v e r y __________ reliable________ person, so you can tu rn to her if you are having any problems. F m en tion refer express com m ent re p o rt 1 Most western econom ies a re _________ referred________ to as "free markets". 2 My m anager asked me t o __________ report_________ back to her after the seminar. 3 The w o m a n ________ expressed_______ her dissatisfaction to the builder fo r not having the house ready on tim e. 4 The politician refused t o _________comment_______ on the new tax laws. 5 The children d id n 't_________ m ention_________anything about the trip u ntil the last m inute. 6 H e _________ reported________the th e ft of his briefcase to the police. G announce inform confess intro du ce reveal publish 1 When the th ie f________ confessed_______ to the robbery, he was o ffic ia lly charged w ith the crime. 2 The jo u rn a list refused t o __________ reveal_________ her source, saying it was highly confidential. 3 The well known a u th o r_________ published_______|-|jS new novel last week. 4 The finance m in is te r________announced_______ th a t there w ould be no wage increases fo r the fo llo w in g year. 5 The h ea dm aster________ introduced_______the new teacher to the class. 6 If you lose yo ur cred it ca rd ,__________ inform _________ the bank im m ediately. 7 The potato w a s ________introduced_______ to Europe in 1565. H 1 ensure insure reassure Make sure_______ you make sure co n firm the w indow s before you go. 2 I had to ring the airline t o __________ confirm ________ my flig h t 48 hours in advance. 3 You s h o u ld __________ insure_________ y0ur car against fire and theft. 4 She________ reassured________ me th a t e verythin g w ould go according to the plan. 5 The role o f the jud ge is t o __________ ensure_________proper legal proceedings. I agree accept a dm it approve 1 I d o n 't__________approve________ o f people sm oking in a d o c to r’s w aiting room. 2 I don 't a lw a ys___________ agree_________ w ith Jessica, because we don’t share the same views. 3 A fter being questioned, the s tu d e n t_________ adm itted________th a t he had cheated in the test. 4 Children are warned not t o ___________ accept________ sweets fro m strangers.
unit 0 | This unit deals w ith verbs and nouns which derive from adjectives. Adjective Root Describing a state or co ndition Verb = Adjective + -ise A cquiring the state or cond itio n described by the adjective generalise general • Some o the r com m on adjectives th a t form verbs in the same way are: familiar, fertile, legal, mobile, modern, neutral, special, stable and sterile. • Pay atte ntio n to the fo llo w in g irregularity: stable 4 stabilise Adjective Root in -able/-ible Noun in -ability/-ibility (in)capable (im )possible (in)capability (im )po ssib ility • Some o the r com m on adjectives th a t form nouns in -ability are: available, stable and suitable. • Some other com m on adjectives th a t form nouns in -ib ility are: flexible, responsible, sensible and visible. • The nouns a b ility and sta b ility form opposites w ith the addition o f the prefix -in, not -un. unable 4 inability unstable 4 instability -ous -e -al -ive -or -ar -an -IC -d Adjective Root Noun + -ity generous secure original creative m ajor sim ilar hum an a uthentic hum id generosity security o rig in a lity cre a tivity m a jo rity sim ilarity hum anity a u th e n tic ity h u m id ity • Some nouns w hich derive from adjectives do not fo llo w the rules presented above. Some o f these are: ambiguous 4 am biguity anonymous 4 anonym ity • Note the fo llo w in g irregularities: safe safety various 4 variety Nouns in-hood ferocious 4 ferocity simple 4 sim plicity
writ 0 8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals 1 It is o f vital importance th a t d o c to rs _______sterilise surgical equipm ent IMPORTANT, STERILE before using it. 2 It is yo u r responsibility Visibility . to sw itch o ff the lights when you leave. .w as down to a m etre due to the th ick fog, so we had to drive very cautiously RESPONSIBLE VISIBLE CAUTION 4 Superm arkets o ffe r a variety . o f products to consumers. VARIOUS 5 They depended on grow ing tom atoes fo r t h e i r ________livelihood______ LIVELY 6 He is v e r y _______ cheerful_______ anc| |-|as a |jVe l y _______ personality_____ _ So he gets along CHEER, PERSONAL w ith alm ost everyone. 7 For th e ir o w n _________ safety_________passengers are advised to remain seated. SAFE 8 The m anager of the com pany is concerned about the decrease i n ______ productivity PRODUCTIVE 9 Do you know the saying " ________Curiosity______ killed the cat"? CURIOUS 10 Can you sign this docum ent, please? Don't worry, it’s ju s t a _ 11 Violent, trouble-causing hooligans are a ________ m inority 12 We w ould like to p o in t o ut t h e ______ dissim ilarity the form ality among fo otba ll fans. between this new typ e of engine and conventional______one jh e y have nothing in com m on. fertilise 13 You have to . plants if you w ant them to grow well. FORMAL MINOR SIMILAR CONVENTION FERTILE Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. ADVERTISING In th is day and age, a dve rtisin g is big business. It (1) (2 ) (3 ) •________ Puts_______________ a lo t o f e ffo rt into e ffe c tiv e ly inform ing____________ the p ublic about a p ro du ct or service. Advertisem ents are introduced th ro u g h a variety__________ o f means. Companies can choose ( 4 ) _____________ from the p rin t media, television, radio or even huge lit-up billboards th a t (5 )_______ have been_________ put Up around o u r cities and w hich (6 ) suggest________ t hat we buy this type of ice-cream or that type of trainer. A dvertising com panies use a num ber of techniques to a ttract our attention, including stunning photography, eye-catching graphics, jingles or clever (7 ) comments_______ ( 9 ) _______ recommend (g ) _______What is more______ .com panies may em ploy fam ous people like film stars to th e ir products. However, m any gove rn m e nts have in tro d u ce d rules and regulations th a t advertisers m ust follow . These codes o f conduct (1 0 )__________ensure__________ th a t advertisers don’t make exaggerated claims or offend certain groups of people. In some countries, advertisem ents can be displayed only in specific areas. (11)_______ Furthermore________ , some countries do not (12)_________ approve_______ o f the advertising of certain products, like tobacco, so th ey don’t allow such advertising at all.
unit 08 1 A sets B) puts 2 A introducing B explaining 3 ( a ) va riety 4 (A ) from 5 ( a ) have been E 6 A mean 7 A descriptions 8 A To be more specific C lays D does (C ) inform ing D m entioning B choice C collection D selection B between C th rough D th ro u g h o u t B have C had been D had B approve ( b ) com m ents ( c ) suggest D consult C reports D announcem ents B Vet C Not only D W hat is more 9 (A ) recom m end B suggest C advise D propose 10 B insure ( c ) ensure D confirm A reassure 11 ( a ) Furtherm ore B Nevertheless C Otherw ise 12 B adm it C agree A accept D Likewise ( d ) approve Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. AIR-CONDITIONERS '~ e Am erican inventor W.H. Carrier developed the firs t air-con dition ing u nit in 1902. Since then, ' ne (1)_______popularity_________ o f air-conditioners has increased (2 )__________rapidly__________ : ven people's(3). inability ____to fu nctio n in the heat, air-conditioners provide them ith a feeling of com fort. That is w hy the (4 )______ likelihood_______0f even m 0re people installing ;ir-c o n d itio n e rs fo r(5 )________ personal________ use in the ( 6 ) _________ privacy_________ o f th e ir POPULAR, RAPID ABLE LIKELY PERSON, PRIVATE :iwn home w ill increase further. But w hat do they do? Their aim is to (7) is accom plished by the (8 ) __ presence stabilise the te m perature in a room. This ____ of a fan, w hich also removes dust and odours ‘ -om the air and controls the hum idity. The ( 9 ) __________ efficiency________ o f an air-conditioner depends on the pow er o f its fan. Nowadays there is a great (1 0 )___________ variety____________ of air-conditioners on the m arket w hich are bound to cover each person's needs. STABLE PRESENT EFFICIENT VARIOUS
Prepositional Phrases A Complete the blanks with the prepositions in, on, at, by or under. under arrest on . the radio in . return on purpose in reality in . one’s opinion by _force on average on a diet by . heart at . last in conclusion in . a mess in in .a d d itio n on demand on strike on by in on in fire . mistake . general second thoughts .th e long run any case control at television by . oneself in particular in detail on the whole on the contrary at all costs in person in sum m ary in pairs under on first sight JD ____ half B Read the sentences and complete them with the prepositions in, into, on, at, by, for or off. in 1 The statue in the square is _______memory of the soldiers w ho fo u g h t in the war. 2 The drow ning child was rescued by the lifeguards w ho w e r e ______________21]_________ duty at the time. 3 Rainwater is carried away from the s tr e e ts ___________ ^y____________ means of a drainage system. 4 The ite m s ____________2!]___________ sale were all second hand. 5 Most people shop 6 BV on . credit nowadays due to the convenience of cred it cards. . all accounts, she is a great perform er. 7 I accidentally dropped an expensive vase on the flo o r and it b ro k e ____ into 8 I can't believe it! I was booked by the police fo r d r iv in g _____________ hundreds o f pieces. 60km/h. 9 Please state yo ur name and a d d re s s ____________ _____________ full. 10 Try to keep c a lm ____________^ _______ ______the sake of yo u r children. 11 Despite the fa ct th a t the police o ffice r w a s ____________ off___________ duty, he chased the bank robber down the street and managed to arrest him. 12 The house next to ours is u p ____________ for______ 13 . sale and we’re th in kin g of buying it. By____________ a || means, you can help yourself to anything th a t’s in the fridge. 14 The present governm ent c a m e ____________ _____________ power tw o years ago. 15 The war was eventually won, b u t _____________at___________ a great cost in human lives.
unit 0 9 i d the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the • ■■Trect number in the box next to each definition. 1/ MIX, RUN, HANG 6 knock down w ith a vehicle 2 confuse 5 m eet unexpectedly 4 He was a restless teenager and kept running away from home. 8 spend tim e at a place not doing anything im p o rta n t 5 You w on’t believe w ho I ran into at the d epartm ent store yesterday! 3 go away 10 w ait fo r a sh ort tim e 4 leave, escape from 1 socialise 7 have no m ore left 9 p ut down the receiver, end a phone call suddenly 11 frequent, go often 1 be stron gly attracted to 1 John is a ve ry good host. He knows how to m ix w ith the crowd. 2 My sister and I are tw ins and people always m ix us up. 3 Run along now, I'm busy; I'll ta lk to you a fte r the break. 6 My dog Dido was nearly run over by a car yesterday. 7 Gary ran out of petrol in the m iddle o f nowhere. 8 Teenagers tend to hang about/around arcades spending th e ir pocket m oney on video games. 9 The man on the o the r end of the line was so rude th a t I hung up on him. 10 I was told to hang on w hile th ey connected me w ith another departm ent. 11 Jeff doesn’t hang o u t in the city centre anym ore. 5 FALL, HURRY, TRY 1 Frank fell fo r Susan during th e ir final year at university. 2 The m anaging d ire cto r replaced the sales m anager after falling out w ith him over a crucial issue. 5 3 M ost students had fallen behind in th e ir studies because o f the dem anding w orkload. 4 The com pany fell apart w hen the m anaging d irector was arrested fo r fraud. 6 p ut on clothes to see if they fit or look nice 3 n ot make adequate progress 4 stop existing or fu n ctio n in g 7 test 2 have an argum ent w ith 5 If you don't h u rry up, we'll miss the beginning o f the concert. 6 While shopping, George has to try on at least five shirts before he makes up his mind. 7 I had the o p p o rtu n ity to try o ut all the latest pow er tools at last week's do-it- make haste, do sth quickly yourself exhibition. Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Verbs Adjectives anxious about sth (dis)aaree concerned about/for late w ith about nervous about worried about w ith about/on aDDlv institution Nouns acom D laint araue about sb/an for w ith a bout/for sth ask for sb an action to sb bea auarrel for comolain a subject (dis)aaree for sb to about sth comDlain of criticise sb sth speak f° r discouraaesb sth f rom talk to sb/sth sth to/w ith about thank sb w o rrv sb to/w ith w onder doing sth obiect about sb sth w ith sb sb sth for sth about about sb/sth
unit 0 9 3 Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 1 Joe looks very w orried his job. Why doesn't he ta lk about 2 The captain demanded m ore e ffo rt 3 Most w orkers agreed 4 I a p p lie d ______ to 5 Jane was late w ith someone about jt? his team. the m anagem ent a com puter com pany for 6 I always quarrel f rom to on f° r having a wage cut to save th e ir jobs. the position o f sales representative on offer. Susan's b irth da y party on Friday night. w ith my sister 7 Why m ust you always argue about w ith Donald w hat to w atch on TV. about football? Grammar Revision (Pronouns-Causative Form) See Grammar Review page 158 Read the short texts below and complete each blank with one word. a As soon as I got my driver's licence, I stopped taking the bus to w ork and started driving my (1)__________own___________Car. It was great! However, after a few m onths I noticed that my car wasn't running very well. I had never (2 )___________ ______________ the car serviced, so I decided it was tim e 1took (3 )____________ jt_____________to a garage. The problem was that I didn't have much money. So, I w ent to a friend of ( 4 ) ___________mine__________ , Harry, w ho I knew fixed (5 )___________ hjs____________car ( 6 )_________ himself__________. Harry had alm ost become a professional over the years and had even turned (7 )__________ 1215____________ garage into a workshop. He had mine a great car too, better than (8 ) ______ . He was kind enough to have a look at my car, and after that (9 ) jt____________ ran sm oothly again. I was so satisfied that I decided to get (10 ) iiim ____________ (11)______________ to___________check my car in the future. having b I was feeling really nervous about (12) _ my m other assured (13)____________me some medical tests done, but _______that I had nothing to w orry about. When the day came, she couldn't accompany me because she had (14)__________ _______________ someone to paint our house and she had to be there herself, so I w ent by (15 ) (16 ) myself__________ pjrst | was seen ^ a physician who examined [HX____________ears, nose and throat. I had no problem w ith that, but I hated even the idea of (17)_________ having__________ a blood test done. Just the sight of that needle makes (18). me feel faint! After that ordeal, I was told th a t I had to (19) _ have m y chest X-rayed, so I w ent to the radiography departm ent. The test results came out a week later and showed that there was nothing w rong w ith (2 0 ) ____________[0^___________ . I was so relieved that I w ouldn't be having any more tests done for a while.
unit 0 9 Mary typed three letters yesterday. (Active Voice, she typed them herself.) Mary had/got three letters typed yesterday. (Causative Form, someone else typed them for her.) Three letters were typed yesterday. (Passive Voice, we don't know who typed the letters; it could have been Mary.) - - & (Reflexive pronouns are not used after the verbs relax, rest, concentrate.) I woke up early this morning. / Iwokemyselfup early thism orning. (Reflexivepronouns are not used after verbs such as wake up, wash, dress, shave, sleep etc.) Mary had some letters typed yesterday. Did Mary have any letters typed yesterday? / Had-Ma^y-aeyjettefstyped yesterday?^ (Questions in the Causative Form areformed with do/does/did in the Present and Past Simple.) The woman was looking right in front of her. / Ttewomafrwas-toekingrighLm front o f herself. (Reflexivepronouns are not used after prepositions of place.) We enjoyed ourselves very much at the party. / We enjoyed the party very much. / Weenjoyed -very much at the party. (Reflexivepronouns are used after verbs such as enjoy, help, teach etc. when the subject and the object of the verb are the same.) She has her children tidy their bedroom every weekend. / (=She makes her children tidy their bedroom.) She hasheteteiM jen^otidytheir-bedroom -every weekend: She got her children to tidy their bedroom yesterday. / (=Shepersuaded her children to tidy their bedroom.) She gothar children tidy th eir bedroom yesterday. - They were looking at each other. / They were looking at one another. / They-were looking at oneother. ■ They had their flat broken into last night. (Their flat was broken into last night.) (The Causative Form is often used instead of the Passive Voicefor accidents or misfortunes.) I’d like another glass of m ilk. / I'd like one more glass of m ilk. / Mlikeone-othergJassofm iik. We drove for another ten miles and then we stopped. / We drove for ten more miles and then we stopped. / W ediovefor tenother m ilesand then we stopped. & I have my own car now, so I don't have to borrow my father's. / Not even his own mother recognised him in his disguise. / I weRtsfaopptegwithm yownrnotheronFriday. (Own is usedfor emphasis or to indicate that something belongs only to aparticular person, thing or group.) • You need to take some tim e off and relax. / We are meeting the other students at the train station. S We are meeting the others at the train station. / We-are-meetiHgtheet-hersstudentsatthetrainstation. (When other is used before a noun, it does not take an s.) That woman's cat ate m y pet hamster. / Thacatof-that-womanate m y pet-hamster. The cat of the woman who lives next door ate my pet hamster. / Tfrewoman'swholivesnextdoorcatatemypet hamster. (of+ noun is usedfor people only in longphrases.) Key Transformations & A computer expert must update m y computer. I need to/must have my computer updated. My computer needs updating. I need to have a computer expert update m y computer. I need to get a computer expert to update my computer. The young artists’ exhibition was sponsored by a mobile phone company. ® No one helped me paint my apartment. I painted my apartment on m y own. I painted my apartment (all) by myself. & A mobile phone company sponsored the young artists’ exhibition. The young artists had their exhibition sponsored by a mobile phone company. ® One of m y cousins is a famous basketball player. A cousin of mine is a famous basketball player. ® We made sure that the books were returned to the library. We had/got the books returned to the library.
unit 09 Examination Practice A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. THE VW BEETLE The Volkswagen Beetle is one o f the best known cars in the world. (1 ) ______________ all accounts, it defined a w hole generation (2 ) 2!____________people. It all began in 1935 when Ferdinand Porsche designed the car on his (3 ) own_____________ and later presented it to the German public. Although back then it was criticised (4 )____________ for___________ its shape and its noise level, the car w ent on to become a legend. D uring W orld War II, the Volkswagen fa cto ry was b urnt down, b ut this did not discourage the m anufacturers (5 )__________ from ___________continuing th e ir work. At the end of the war, Volkswagen (6 )__________ had/got________ jfS fa c to ry reb uilt by the Allies, among others. In 1946, Volkswagen named the car ‘Type I' to m ark a new sta rt fo r the company. W ithin tw o years, the firs t Beetle co nve rtib le was produced. Although com plaints (7 )___________ about_________ the noise persisted, the Volkswagen designers made every e ffo rt to im prove ( 8 )______ their/the/that______ model. They always believed it was o nly a m atter of tim e before everyone fell ( 9 ) ___________ for___________ the Beetle - and they were right! Over the years, sales grew dram atically and by 1972 the Beetle had made its way into h istory books as the m ost produced car ever! Its p ro du ction reached tw e n ty m illion cars in 1981, a high percentage (10)___________ of_____________w hich were exported to the United States. In 1999, the new Beetle w ent (11)_____________21]___________sale. This m odel is not sim ply a m ore fashionable version o f the o riginal (12)____________orie__________ . It is a com pletely new, m odern car w hich has d e fin ite ly come a long way since the 1935 model. B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 Someone stole Bill's briefcase yesterday. stolen Bill had his briefcase stolen yesterday. 2 Our flat needs painting before we rent it out. qet We need to get our flat painted before we rent it out. 3 Sheila, make sure they sign the contracts by the end of the day. siqned Sheila, get/have the contracts signed by the end of the day. 4 My secretary has rescheduled the meeting for Tuesday. had I have had the m eeting rescheduled for Tuesday. 5 Did you know that one of our friends painted this picture? friend Did vou know that a friend of ours painted this picture? 6 Have some more cheesecake. help Please. help yourself to some more cheesecake. 7 Jennifer finally agreed to apply fo r the position. qot Thev finally got Jennifer to apply for the position. 8 He always waxes his car on his own. anyone He never lets/has anyone (else) wax allows anyone (else) to wax 9 The children were told to be well-mannered in front of the guests. his car. behave The children were to ld ___________________to behave themselves_______________ jn f ront 0f the guests.
unit 09 10 The students were made to do some extra work for the project. had The teacher____________________had the students do________________ some extra work for the project. T1 No one helped the children build the treehouse, that's w hy they were so proud of their achievement, The ch ild re n __________ built the treehouse by themselves______________ that's why they were so proud of their by achievement. 12 We had a very good tim e at the rock concert. enjoyed W e____________ enjoyed ourselves very much/a lot_________ at the rock concert. Words easily confused Ise the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may =se some of the words more than once. In some cases more than one word may be correct. say tell speak ta lk discuss debate * Don't in te rru p t the teacher w hile sh e's_________ talking__________. 2 W e________ discussed________ the problem at the m eeting so th a t e verybody could give th e ir opinion. 3 It's so noisy in here th a t I can't hear w hat h e 's___________saying________ . 4 We were amazed to find o ut th a t s h e __________ speaks_________ five languages. 5 "D o n 't____________ _____________ me w hat to do!" h e ____________ said__________ to her in a loud voice. 6 The p a n e l_________ debated________ wom en's role in society. B ask dem and w onder question apply 1 The c u s to m e r________ demanded_______ a fu ll refund because his washing m achine d id n 't w ork. 2 I'll____________ask___________my parents if I can go to the concert. 3 You m u s t____________apply________ fo r a visa if you w ant to vis it China. 4 B ill_________wondered_______ w hether he w ould be able to finish his re p o rt on tim e. 5 The p o lic e _______ questioned_______ the suspect fo r hours. 6 J o h n __________ asked__________ the w aite r fo r the bill. 7 Most patients hardly e v e r_________ question________ th e ir d o cto rs’ decisions. C require request o rd er beg inquire com m and appeal 1 The homeless o fte n ___________beg___________ in the streets fo r money. 2 The couple w eren't satisfied w ith the court's decision, so they decided t o _________ appeal__________to a higher court. 3 I w ould like t o ___________order_________ a pizza and a lemonade, please. 4 The teacher expects the students t o __________ request________ perm ission to leave the room. 5 A pplicants fo r this position a re _________ required________ to have a degree in Accounting. 6 Jerry called the bank t o __________ inquire________ a bout the hom e loans they had on offer. 7 The arm y o ffic e r______ commanded_______ the soldiers to swim across the river.
unit 0 9 D advice directions guide instructions manual plan recipe 1 Before using the com puter, read ca re fully th e _______ instructions_______w hich are in th e __________manual_________ . 2 If you give m e ________ directions_______ Gn w hat needs to be done, I’ll make a (n )___________Plan___________ o f action. 3 A (n )__________guide__________ to cheap restaurants th ro u g h o u t Europe has ju s t been published. 4 The a rch itect drew u p ________ Plans_________ fo r o ur new house and gave us some in v a lu a b le _________ advice________ 5 M ary w anted to try o ut a n e w __________ recipe_________ fo r chocolate cookies. E brochure leaflet handbook catalogue list menu 1 There were so m any delicious dishes on th e _________ menu________ th a t I co uldn ’t decide w hich one to choose. 2 "Is m y name on th e __________ Hst__________of successful candidates?" asked Jo. 3 People usually look th ro ug h tra v e l_______ brochures______ to decide on th e ir holiday destinations. 4 I b ought some tools th ro ug h a m a il-o rd e r_______ catalogue______ . 5 Leaflets________ advertising the new pizza restaurant were d istribu te d around the neighbourhood. 6 The u n iv e rs ity _______ handbook______ contains useful inform a tion about the courses on offer. refuse deny regret resist reject 1 T h e y _______ regretted______ not having installed an alarm system. 2 Even th ough Diane was on a diet, she c o u ld n 't_________ resist_________eating the cake. 3 D o n 't_________deny_________ th a t you broke the w indow. I saw you break it. 4 T h e y ________refused________ to let me into the club because I was under age. 5 My application fo r the position o f sales representative w a s ________ rejected_______ . G com plain criticise object discourage disapprove p ro test argue quarrel 1 The w orkers were determ ined t o _________ fight_________ fo r th e ir rights. 2 The food was so cold and tasteless th a t I decided t o _______ complain_______ to the m anager about it. 3 Many teachers disapprove_______ 0f students chew ing gum in class. 4 Local re sid e n ts_______ objected_______ to the opening o f a new fa c to ry in the area. 5 The new budget w a s_______ criticised_______ fo r being harsh on poor people. 6 Don't argue/quarrel 7 I trie d not to feel w ith yo ur sister. Sit down and discuss your problems. discouraged by my low test score, b ut it was d iffic u lt not to. 8 John and Kate sp lit up because they were quarrelling/arguing a|| the tim e. 9 The m iners closed down the mines t o ________ protest________ against the inhum an w orking conditions. H w o rry m ind b o th e r annoy tro u b le d ou bt 1 It is natural fo r parents t o _________w o rry________ about th e ir children. 2 He asked not to b e _______ bothered_______jn the afternoon, because he w ould be busy. 3 Do y o u _________ mind________ if | com e w ith you or w ill I be in your way? 4 I'm not qualified fo r the job, so I _________ doubt________ w he th er I'll get it. 5 Jane was so tired th a t she couldn’t even b e _______ bothered_______to cook. 6 He used to call me names ju s t t o _________ annoy________ me. 7 Som ething is _______ troubling_______ Janet, but I have no idea w hat it could be. fig h t
u n itQ 9 U 2 SS2 3 L ____________________________________________________________________________________ When you are asked to form a derivative, first check what part of speech the missing word is; it could be a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb. Then, check what form of the missing word you should supply. • Nouns can be in the singular or plural form . The plural of m ost nouns is form ed by adding the endings -s or -es to the singular form of the noun. Root Word Deriving noun-singular Deriving noun-plural action actions activity activities act • Adjectives and adverbs can be in the positive, com parative or superlative degree. One-syllable adjectives and adverbs and some tw o-syllable adjectives form th e ir com parative degree in -er and th e ir superlative degree in -est. Root Word Derivatives Comparative Superlative luck(n o u n ) lucky (adj) luckily (adv) luckier more luckily luckiest m ost luckily faster fastest deeper more deeply deepest m ost deeply fast (adj/adv) — deep (adj/adv) deeply Adverbs in -ly and adjectives w ith more than tw o syllables form th e ir com parative and superlative degrees w ith m ore and most +adjective/adverb respectively. You w ill not be asked to form the com parative/superlative degree of such adjectives and adverbs in this part of the exam ination. • Verbs can be either in the Present Simple, the Past Simple, the -ing form or they could be Past Participles. Root Word Derivatives Form Present Simple danger endanger Past Simple -ing form mistake Examples -s/-es in the 3rd person singular endanger-s mistake-s -ed irregular fo rm a tion endangered m istook ■ing endangering m istaking -ed irregular form ation endangered mistaken mistake Past Participle • Present participles in -ing and past participles in -ed/ irregular form s are also used as adjectives. interest 4 interesting / interested grow growing / grown
u n it 0 9 C o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s w it h th e c o r r e c t fo r m o f th e w o r d s i n c a p ita ls . 1 I th o u g h t the colour o f m y room was ve ry light, so I decided to paint i t _________darker__________ __ DARK 2 A ______ managing_________ d irector w ho wants t o _______ successfully______ run a com pany m ust take on m any MANAGE, SUCCESS responsibilities______ _____________________________________________________ RESPONSIBLE 3 The d o c to r I'm sending you t o _________ specialises______ in neurology. SPECIAL 4 What are t h e _________ chances________ o f yo u r team w inning the final? CHANCE 5 I d id n't have a pen to w rite down Kevin’s phone number, so I _______memorised_______ it. MEMORY 6 Things a r e _________ livelier_________ here in sum m er than in w inter. LIVE 7 Many Third W o r ld ________ countries________ n e e d ________ modernising_____ , but this can o nly COUNTRY, MODERN be achieved____________ w ith the help o f developed___________ ___________________________ ACHIEVE, DEVELOP --------------nations--------------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NATION 8 My frien d i s __________ luckier________ than I am when it comes to fin d in g ___________ parking spaces. LUCK PARK 9 J a n e t________ dis|ikes_________ a nything I do. We sim ply can't get along. 10 The new skyligh t d e fin ite ly _______ lightened_________ up the room. LIKE LIGHT 11 l a m _______ thirstier__________ now than I was before I had the soft drink. THIRST 12 SCIENCE Scientists__________have been w orking on this pro je ct fo r weeks b ut the problem rem ains ______ unsolved__________ • SOLVE 13 She k e e p s ________ spending________ her m o n e y _______thoughtlessly______ . SPEND, THOUGHT 14 I ran t h e _________ fastest_________ I could to get to the hospital. FAST 15 We found his behaviour s o __________annoying______ th a t we had to leave the room. ANNOY 16 When the teacher to ld the children th a t th e ir excursion w ould be ________ cancelled________ a|| CANCEL he could see was a room fu ll o f ______ disappointed_______faces. 17 Children learn hardly anything d u r in g ________ boring__________ lessons. DISAPPOINT BORE Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A , B, C or D best fits each space. A rth ur M iller was born in New York in 1915. He was the son of a coat m anufacturer who (1)_________ [ost__________ control o f his business through bankruptcy. This experience at an early age disturbed M iller and thereafter he was aware of society’s inadequacies. He would (2 )________ criticise_______ them later in his plays by attacking the modern (3 )__________ way_________ of life. Miller's m ajor achievem ent came in 1949, when he won the Pulitzer Prize fo r Drama for his play “ Death o f a Salesman”, which is still regarded as one of the finest contem porary plays. It (4 )_________ tells__________the tragic story of an average man destroyed by false values w hich get (5 )___________ in__________ the way of developing an honest relationship w ith his sons, w ho (6 ) _______ disapprove 0f ^ beliefs and look down on him. (7 )______ On average______, Miller's plays (8 )__________ discuss______ social issues and deal w ith m atters people are anxious ( 9 )_________ about________ .They include them es such as how human relationships fall (10)__________ apart_______ the responsibility of the individual and th e ir purpose in life. One way or another, M iller’s plays analyse (11) the troubles people have in th e ir life and (12)________question_______ society's values. in detail
unit 0 9 1 A failed (JB) lost C missed D wasted 2 (a ) criticise B disapprove C com plain D protest 3 (a ) way B course C approach D m anner D speaks 4 A debates B says 5 A under B out of C by (D)in 6 A argue B d oubt C object (d ) disapprove B On demand C By force 7 /''TA „ (^AjOn average B w onder 8 A apply 9 A of 10 A in B behind 11 A in pairs B in person 12 (a ) question (b ) a bout B inquire © te lls D At firs t sight D talk © d is c u s s D fo r C w ith C out ( d) apart D in half © i n detail C ask D appeal B Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. \ The New Zealanders Dwayne van der Sluis and Andrew Akers m ust be the happiest people on Earth now th a t th e ir i and (1)_____ latest______________craze, zorbing, has become LATE a success. Zorbing involves (2 )_______ standing_________jn STAND a ball-or zorb-which (3 )_______ consists_________ 0f specially CONSIST hardened plastic. The zorb is rolled down a hill, speeding at about 50 kilom etres an hour. (4) (5) Participants __can be guaranteed________a huge adrenaline rush. It may sound like quite a (6 ) __________ riskV__________ pastime, but PARTICIPATE GUARANTEE RISK the 70 centim etres of air between you and the ground make it (7) impossible_________t 0 get hurt. That's w hy zorbing POSSIBLE didn't take long to gain in (8 )________ popularity______ POPULAR In 2 00 0, (9 ) ________inventors_______ broke up their INVENT (1 0 )______ partnership_______ , but zorbing remains popular in PARTNER many countries w orldwide.
SECTION 1 (FCE format) ___________________________________________________________________________________________ F o r q u e s tio n s 1-12, re a d th e te x t b e lo w a n d d e c id e w h ic h a n s w e r A , B, C o r D b e s t f it s e a c h space. T h e re is an e x a m p le a t th e b e g in n in g (0). - y " Example: 0 IJ J (A )o n th e w a y B underw ay C in the way D by the way ____________________ it's the end o f the school year and the exam period is ( 0 ) ________ on (I ) the u>ay . U ndoubtedly, exams Py^____________ pressure on both students and parents alike. Most parents w ould like to see th e ir children ( 2 ) _______succeeding________ academically, as they believe a good education gives them an added advantage in life. They w ant to see th e ir children settled in a rew arding job and be ( 3 ) _______ financially_________ w e|| Qff. But is th a t w hat th e ir children have planned fo r themselves? A pparently not. Most students either can't th in k th a t far ahead or have no ( 4 ) ________ intention_________ 0f doing so. They w ould rather aim low so as not to be disappointed if they get low marks. However, child psychologists, w ho have been ( 5 ) __________consulted______ on the matter, stress th a t students should aim high, b ut at the same tim e have a(n) ( 6 ) __________ variety________ of o the r options. As a result, students w ill not have to w o rry about grades and in the long ( 7 ) ___________ run___________ w ill have better chances of succeeding. On the whole, there are many practical things th a t parents can do and w hich may prove invaluable to th e ir children. ( 8 ) ________ Apart from _______being people th e ir children can ( 9 ) ______________ turn________ to, parents can plan a reasonable schedule th a t both they and th e ir children ( 1 0 ) __________ agree__________ on. According to psychologists’ (II ) instructions_______ , this schedule should include no more than e ig ht hours o f studying, three proper meals a day and some exercise. Finally, p rio r to each exam, parents need to (1 2 )__________ reassure_______ th e ir children th a t e verything w ill be fine w hatever the result. 1 A force 2 A to succeed 3 A richly B set ( jj ) succeeding ------------ ® ---------- -------------- --------------” p ut D bring C have succeeded D been succeeding B econom ically C) fin ancially D valuably 4 (A) intention B dem and C opinion D reaction 5 (A) consulted B recom m ended C suggested D advised 6 A am ount 7 A tim e 8 A Nevertheless 9 (A ) tu rn 10 A approve 11 A clues 12 A ensure B sum (C) va riety D selection (J3) run C term D process (j3) A part from C Instead of D As far as C depend D apply B com m unicate B accept (J3) instructions B insure @ a g re e C announcem ents C make sure D confirm D directions (d ) reassure
unit I Q For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). WHY SLEEP is NECESSARY Thomas Edison, the inventor ( 0 ) ___________ ______________ the ligh t bulb, th o u g h t th a t sleep was unnecessary and th a t a society th a t operated (1 3 )________ w ithout_________ sleep w ould be an ideal (1 4 ) __________ 20^____________ • However, he was w rong. Nowadays, we are living in a society w hich is sleeping less than ever and this has resulted 115)___________ In_____________ m any negative effects. According (1 6 )___________ to____________ police reports, more than tw e n ty five percent of m otorw ay accidents are d irectly or in d ire ctly a ttrib u te d to lack of sleep. It is tru e th a t people (1 7 )______ used_______________ to sleep -in e hours a night, whereas today they sleep seven (1 8 )___________or_____________ even less. This is because our 19 ) 20 ) wav__________ of life has changed and we are try in g to squeeze a ctivities like watching_________ television, shopping or going to the gym in our 24-hour day. Lack of sleep also has a negative effect on our health. Research th a t has (2 1 )__________ been__________ carried o ut on animals co ntin uo usly deprived of sleep has shown that they are likely to die. Of course, experim ents o f this kind are - g h ly unlikely to ( 2 2 ) ___________ be____________carried o ut on humans ( 2 3 ) ________ themselves______ .The longest period of wakefulness w hich broke the record was eleven days. This experim ent showed th a t after a few days w ith o u t sleep, the m ind and body w ere unable to fu n ctio n normally. To put it in a nutshell, the vast m ajority o f us ( 2 4 ) __________ need__________ an adequate am ount o f sleep, in every tw enty-four-hour period.
unit I Q For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end o f each lin e to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). SHARKS or DOLPHINS? A m bitious athletes will go to great ( 0 ) __ spo rt if there is a ( 2 5 ) _________ possibility in order to su cce e d in their of th em participating in the O lym p ic G am es and LONG POSSIBLE even w inning a m edal. training T his is the ca se with the A m erican sw im m ing team w ho are in (26) next y e a r’s O lym p ics. Their co ach has (27) fam iliarised sh a rk s m ove through w ater in ord er to (28) stren g th en and eventually m axim ise their ( 2 9 ) ___________ efficiency TRAIN him self w ith the w ay the sw im m e rs’ stroke and speed. Sw im m ing like sh a rk s FAMILIAR STRONG EFFICIENT could give them the ad vantag e they require, though altering their style m ay seem a(n) (3 0 ) u np leasant__________ e x p e rie n ce at first. PLEASANT T h e (3 1 )_________m aJ ° ritV____________ of British sw im m ers, how ever, find the d o lp h in s’ m o vem en ts MAJOR e a sie r to adopt. By co pying them , sw im m e rs can co ver a g reater (32) DISTANT th us increasing their (33) likelihood d istan ce______________ ___ of w inning gold in the next O lym p ics. Of co u rse, only tim e will tell w hich "fish" will sw im ( 3 4 ) ____________ faster____________ . LIKELY FAST For questions 35-42, com plete the second sentence so that it has a sim ilar meaning to the first sentence, using the w ord given. Do not change the w ord given. You must use betw een tw o and five words, including the word given. There is an exam ple at the beginning (0). Exam p le: 0 W hen I w a s yo u n g er, I played te n n is e v e ry Su n day. used W hen I w a s y o u n g er, I __________________________ used t a p fay____________________________ te n n is e v e ry Sunday. 35 S p e e d in g in th e city is a g a in st th e law. forbidden I t _______________________________ is forbidden to speed _________________________ in th e city. 3 6 T h e re w a s no n eed for you to bring an u m b rella. not Y o u __________________________ need not have brought___________________________ an u m b rella. 37 A b u rg la r e n te re d Mr S te in b erg 's o ffice last night, into Mr S te in b e r g ________________________ had his office broken into _____________ last night. 3 8 No o n e help ed u s o rg a n ise th e fe stiv itie s th is year, by yVe org an ised the festivities by o u rse lv e s th is year. 3 9 He failed to d e liv e r th e p a rce l on tim e, succeed He didn't su cce e d in delivering th e p a rce l on tim e, 4 0 P eo p le e x p e c t h er to e sta b lish h er o w n b u sin e ss so o n , se t S h e __________________________ is exp ected to s e tu p _________________ h er ow n b u sin e ss so on. 41 I g et th e im p re ssio n th at Je n n y is w o rrie d ab o u t so m e th in g , seem s J e n n y ________________________ se e m s (to be) w orried_______________________________ a b o u t so m eth in g . 4 2 I b elie ve sh e sw itch e d off the h e a te r before going out. turned S h e ___________________________ m ust have turned off_____________________________ th e h e a te r b efo re g oing out.
unit I Q SECTION 2 (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer. 1. The teacher got the students to clean the 6. You should have your hair schoolyard. a. clean © t o clean d. cleaning don t need a. needn't a. to be painted to Paint the whole camp, has decided to leave her job © t o pick d. to picking 9. You must have had a great tim e on your vacation b. had c. be had d. us run out airport this afternoon.” a. have 5. Could you please go to the grocery store on your way home? We've b. turned out ^ )ru n out d. put out will have © h a v e had 10. This project finished bv the end of this month, © w i l l have finished of tomatoes. a. made out Jason up from the You seem happy and relaxed. © o u rs c. ourselves d. is expect to Pick c. pick as a journalist and follow a career in modelling. a. our © i s expected a. picking d. be painted ours is expected to win the elections, c. is been expected © t o paint c. paint © s ty le d 8. "Jim, d o n 't forget d. had better not 3. The soldiers were made b. style c. styles a. is being expected b. haven't © d o n 't need a. styling 7. Mr. Blake's party t0 go t0 the supermarket. I have everything we need for the cake. 4. A cousin of for your sister's wedding. c. cleaned 2. You styled b. will have be finished c. will be finishing d. will finished Vocabulary Choose the correct answer. 1. i w asn't satisfied with the salary I was getting, so I decided to quit my job. a. allowance ^ s a la r y 2. It was difficult to b. income a. contact © te m p e r c. chance d. control t ^ e extent of the 7. As soon as I get paid, I will pay all my a. deposits a. predict b. suppose c. assume © e s tim a te available 4. The student , so we decided service. b. insufficient © in a d e q u a te © in d e p e n d e n t b. refused c. incapable d. resisted 10. I want to regardless the d ifficult questions. a. except inadequate c. short cheating on the test 5. The third contestant managed to win © re g a rd le s s the 9. Now that the children had grown up and were independent _she hacj a |0t of free t|me although her teacher caught her in the act. c. rejected d. budgets a. scarce b. spare © d e n ie d b. sums © d e b ts d. handy denied 0f make sure b. on behalf b. engaged d. relevant that I turned off all the lights in the house, so I'll go back and check, a. insure d. thanks debts 8. We complained to the restaurant manager about to go somewhere close. c. ready and started screaming at d. reward damage at first sight. © a v a ila b le tem per her colleagues. estimate 3. We only had a few days 6. Julie lost her © m a k e sure b. reassure d. inquire
Complete the blanks with the verbs follow, h a v e or take. A take a photograph/picture take/have a seat have fun follow/take Sb's advice take care of action on sth take have a party/celebration take/have a [qq^ (g^ have a meal have/take a rest/break have an araument/a quarrel have/take a h o |idav __________a meeting follow/take orders take a test have trouble with have a headache/toothache follow take take take sb/sth for granted take turns take measures sth into consideration take have/take a bath/shower have instructions the blame for sth have/take t|me a dream follow sbbv surprise take directions take place one's chance B Read the sentences below. Complete the boxes with the verbs have or take and the blanks with prepositions. 1 Twenty two countries will take 2 Every year we advantage 3 They take have part no respect °f f° r have 6 I have any idea 9 I 10 of the weather conditions th e ir eves take off the performing dolphins. responsibility f° r the company's disastrous performance. d iffic u lty ____ [I]____ deciding which school to go to next year. Take no notice have 12 Now that I’m older, I 13 I am a pilot and I °f what she savs. She's always making up stories. more confidence have take account. how to operate this contraption? have 11 Youneedto into going back to school next year. take 8 David had no option but to the Bank Holiday and spend a long weekend at a seaside resort take no intention 7 The children couldn't this year's water polo tournament. their new teacher. 4 Before setting off on a fishing trip, you must 5 Do you in in no interest a lot of pride yourself. in stamp collecting. in mv work. C Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verbs give, pay, b rin g or mind. 1 It's been weeks since I last 2 Give Paid Helen a visit. Henry a ring immediately. He said it was urgent. 3 What were you doing hiding behind the door? You 4 The chairperson brought 5 Gerry was kind enough to 6 Passengers are asked to 7 Who can 9ive me a real shock. meeting to an end because the members of the board could not agree on a plan of action. give rnind me a lift to the railway station. the step when disembarking. _ me an explanation for the rising sea waters? 8 The teacher got angry because nobody was ft gave paying attention to him.
unit 11 -"fvmf: | ,V'■ Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box next to each definition. A TAKE 5 1 The custom ers were asked to take th eir shoes off before entering the leave the ground 10 fu lly understand Japanese restaurant. 4 look like, resemble 2 Susan decided not to take on any new responsibilities. 3 The video recorder I bought wasn't w orking properly, so I took it back. 7 gain control of 4 Everybody says I take after my mother. 9 fill, occupy 5 The passengers had to w a it over th irty m inutes before the aeroplane fin a lly 3 return took off. 6 begin, become interested in 1 remove 3 leave suddenly w ith o u t telling anyone 2 accept 4 demolish 6 After retiring, Steven took up bow ling to keep him self occupied. 7 My brother w ill take over the com pany now th a t my father has passed away. 8 Why did you take o ff w ith o u t saying goodbye last night? 9 The fu rn iture takes up too much space and the kids have nowhere to play. 10 He m ust have been tired because he didn't seem to take in anything I was saying. B CLOSE, KNOCK 1 The police had closed off the highway in search of the escaped prisoner. cease, stop operating 2 The fu nfair was closed down because of its terrible safety record. isolate, prevent from being used/accessed 3 The force of the ball h itting his head knocked him out cold. 4 They had no choice but to knock down the old warehouse. make unconscious 5 Cycling on the footpath is prohibited due to the danger of knocking down/over hit and cause to fall down pedestrians. C CLEAR, CLEAN, DROP 6 visit w ith o u t warning 1 The m isunderstanding w ill be cleared up as soon as he gets here. 2 Students are asked to clean out their lockers at the end of the school year. 2 3 We were detained after school in order to clean up the laboratory. 4 leave somewhere 4 Could you please drop me off at the railway station? 1 resolve, explain 5 He had a big fig h t w ith his parents because he decided to drop out of college. 3 em pty and clean clean thoroughly 6 You w ouldn’t believe w ho dropped in yesterday at m y place! leave w ith o u t finishing the course Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives disgusted envious Verbs Nouns by/at of a reason a threat for to put the blame for sb on lie sth auiltv of/about patient popular shocked suspicious for Verbs with w ith by/at of forget sb accusesb sentence sb dream about/of of sth arrest sb for sth blame sb for sth escape fiaht from w ith sb about about to sth sth sb about to
unit I f B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 1 Why do I always get the blame for 2 The w hole co u n try was shocked by/at 3 Both parties put the blame on 4 Jane’s friends were envious of 5 Don’t blame me 6 The w ell-know n businessman was sentenced 7 People are usually suspicious for e verything th a t goes wrong? the president’s sudden death. each o the r for the collapse o f peace negotiations . her rise to fame and fortune. the m isunderstanding. I tried my best. of to three years in jail fo r fraud. politicians m aking promises during election tim e. Grammar Revision (Clauses of concession, reason, purpose and result) See G r a m m a r R e v ie w p a g e 1 6 0 A R ea d th e t e x t b e lo w a n d c o m p le te e a c h b la n k w it h o n e w o rd . The production of items made of gold dates back to ancient Egyptian and Minoan times, when gold was panned (1)_________ with___________ the aim of making golden bowls and cups. Gold was usually found in river beds, (2)__________so_____________ in (3 )_________ order__________ to pan for gold, a circular dish (pan) was filled w ith a m ixture of sand and gravel that contained gold. So (4 )__________as____________ to obtain the gold, this m ixture was held under a stream of water and swirled (5 )__________so_____________that the lighter parts would slowly wash away and the gold particles would collect at the bottom of the pan. (6 )_______ Since/As_________ gold was a scarce metal, it was used as a form of exchange, and (7) therefore/so________ it became the basis for international transactions. Over time, new m ining techniques developed and elaborate methods were adopted because (8 )___________ of___________ the demand for gold. (9 ) (10 ) Due__________ to its huge reserves, South Africa has always been the world's leading supplier of gold despite__________ the discovery of gold in California and Australia in the 1840s. Gold is stored in reserve by many governments. In Fort Knox, USA, alone, there are thirty-eight billion dollars w orth of gold bars secured behind a tw enty-ton door. In (11)_________ spite___________of these resources, however, financial circles predict a decline in the demand for gold. Gold was once a powerful currency, (12)______ whereas/but______ nowadays it seems to have lost much of its glitter. B R e w rite th e f o llo w in g s e n te n c e s so th a t th e s e c o n d s e n te n c e h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to th e f ir s t . B e g in w it h th e w o rd (s ) g iv e n . 1 They never help the poor even though they are very wealthy. Despite the fact that they are very wealthy, they never help the poor/being very wealthy, they never help the poor 2 However well he performed, he didn't win the first prize. No m atter how well he performed, he didn't win the first prize______________________________________________ . 3 Even though I was sick, I tried not to fall behind w ith my homework. Sick though/as I was, I tried not to fall behind w ith my hom ework___________________________________________ . 4 In spite of his disability, he managed to get on w ith his life. Although he was disabled, he managed to get on w ith his life______________________________________________ . 5 She is so friendly that everyone wants to hang out w ith her. She is such a friendly person/girl that everyone wants to hang out w ith her_________________________________ . 6 All flights were delayed yesterday because there was an accident on the runway. Due to an accident on the runway, all flights were delayed yesterday_______________________________________ .
In spite of / Despite the cold weather, they went swimming. / In spite of / Despite the fact that the weather was cold, they went We carituse-the company car for to goo a tin the evenings We can’t use the company car for going out in the evening. / sw im m ing./ Wecan!t use the company car for to going out in the cvcning.(to+infinitive, fo r+-ingform, expressingpurpose) In spite of / Despite the weather being cold, they went swimming. / © He wakes up early so as not to be late for work. / In spite of/Despite the weather was cuhl, Uieywenl Hewakes up eariy so as to not be lateforwerk. ■ swimming? He wakes up early in order not to be late for work. / Despite of the cold weather, they went swimming. Hewakesupearly-inordeFtonotb e-latefor-wefk. (in spite of/despite+noun/the fact that/-ingform) He wakes up early not to be late for work.— (so asnot to and in ordernot to expressnegativepurpose.) q Although the weather was cold, they went swimming. / Though the weather was cold, they went swimming. / & I'm going to buy a car so that I can get to work faster. I bought a car so that I could get to work faster. Even though the weather was cold, they went swimming. / (so that+can/may/will expresspurpose with present/ Rvfin although the wpathpr was rnlri they wpnt swimming future time reference.) Although /Though /Even though the cold weather, they went (so that+could/might/would expressespurpose with past swimming. time reference.) (though /although/even though+clause) & The flight was cancelled because the air-traffic controllers were ® I'm taking an umbrella in case it rains. / I’m taking an umbrella, in case it will rain: on s trik e ./ I took an umbrella in case it rained. / The flight was cancelled because of the air-traffic I took an umbrella, in caseit would rain. controllers'strike. / (Do not use will/would after in case.) The flight was cancelled because of the air-traffic controllers being on strike. / The film was so boring thatlnearly fell asleep. / The flight was cancelled because uf Ule aii -Ualflc controllers It was so boring a film that I nearly fell asleep. / were on strike. It was such a boring film that I nearly fell asleep. / (because+clause of reason, because of+ noun/-ingform) The film was suchboring that I nearly foil asleep It was such boring film that I nearly fell asleep. & We can’t use the company car to go out in the evening. / 0 Key Transformations Q Although/Even though/Though it was raining heavily, they went on a day trip. In spite of / Despite the fact that it was raining heavily, they went on a day trip. In spite of / Despite the heavy rain, they went on a day trip. €> They worked hard but they didn't manage to finish the project on time. However hard they worked, they didn't manage to finish the project on time. No matter how hard they worked, they didn't manage to finish the project on time. & Jane wasn't feeling well, so she didn't go out. Jane didn't go out because/as she wasn’t feeling well. Since/As Jane wasn't feeling well, she didn't go out. Not feeling well, Jane didn't go out. Jane didn't go out because of / due to not feeling well. Jane didn't go out because of / due to the fact that she was not feeling well. & The child was rescued because the lifeguards acted immediately. The child was rescued due to / thanks to / owing to the lifeguards' immediate action. & Whatever he tells me, I don't believe him. I don’t believe him no matter what he tells me. © We arrived at the airport early because we did not want to miss the plane. We arrived at the airport early in order / so as not to miss the plane. We arrived at the airport early so that we wouldn't miss the plane. We arrived at the airport early for fear of missing the plane. We arrived at the airport early for fear (that) we might miss the plane. & We left early in order to / so as to / to get there in time. We left early so that we could/would get there in time. We left early w ith a view to / w ith the aim of getting there in time. & There was so much smoke that we couldn't see anything. There was such a lot of smoke that we couldn't see anything, g) His heart was so weak that he didn't survive the operation. He had such a weak heart that he didn't survive the operation. He had so weak a heart that he didn’t survive the operation. His heart was too weak to survive the operation. His heart wasn't strong enough to survive the operation.
unit I f Examination Practice A C hoose th e c o rre c t answ er. 1. The church has set up a charity with the aim of raising 6. She was heavily dressed funds for the refugees, a. of raise @ o f raising a. due to d. to raising c. because of to send them 7. He walked in quietly to my friends abroad. a. to sending c. I can send ( d ) to send 3. You should have more confidence______ in_______ yourself if you want to succeed. b. in c. at d. of 4. They a re _____ such_____ nice people that everyone likes them. (jj^such c. so b. such a d. a so 5. “ Look at Sheila! She's so beautiful, is n 't she?” “ Yeah, she has ta ke n _____ after_____ her mother.” ( a ) after c. on b. despite (c£)for fear of so as not to fa/iso as not to b. I could send a. for catching a cold. b. raising 2. I took photos of the baby so as for fear of b. over c. so as d o n 't 8. wake up the baby, b. so as to not d. so as to d o n 't ________ the weather was fine, we decided to go for a swim. ( a)As c. While b. Because of d. Due to 9. “You know I have nothing to do with all this mess! Don't put the blam e______ on_______me." a. in (b )o n c. at d. for 10. Take a jum per with you in case i t _____ 9ets______ colder at night, a. will get (c/igets b. would get d. getting d. up B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 Although the police suspected him, they didn't arrest him. suspicious Despite______________ being suspicious of him___________________ _ the police didn’t arrest him. 2 However busy she is, she always makes tim e for exercise. m atte r She always makes tim e for exercise,_______________ no m atter how busy_____________________she is. 3 There was so much traffic on the road that I was an hour late. lo t There w as____________ such a lot of traffic_________________________ on the road that I was an hour late. 4 The operation was cancelled because it was considered risky. due The operation was cancelled______________ due to the risk___________________________ involved. 5 The puzzle was not easy enough for them to do. so The puzzle_________________was so difficult that they_______________ couldn’t do it. 6 He wants to buy a new computer, so he is saving up. aim He is saving u p _________________ w ith the aim of buying_________________ a new computer. 7 He braked suddenly to avoid hitting the old man. as He braked suddenly__________________ so as not to hit_______________________ the old man. 8 He is proud of his work, but he is not arrogant. p ride Even______________though he takes pride in__________________ WO|-|<) he is not arrogant. 9 That accident was so frigh tfu l that I'll never forget it. such It w as____________ such a frigh tfu l accident that________________I'll never forget it. 10 He uses tw o alarm clocks in order not to wake up late. th a t He uses tw o alarm clocks__________________ so that he doesn’t____________________ wake up late.
unit 11 Words easily confused Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A -I below. You may use som e of the words more than once. In some cases, more than one word may be correct. stop avoid fo rb id 1 Smoking has been p ro h ib it ban banned/prohibited prevent escape in all public places. 2 The exam iner asked the students t o ___________stop___________w ritin g and put down th e ir pens. 3 The governm ent has taken strict measures t o _________ prevent_________ accidents on m otorways. 4 I take these pills t o __________ avoid__________ gettin g seasick w hile travelling by boat. 5 For reasons of hygiene, animals are forbidden/prohibited to enter hospitals. 6 She trie d t o _______stop/prevent______ her husband from inform in g the authorities. 7 She was lucky t o _______ escape/avoid blame accuse arrest a conviction fo r shoplifting. charge co nvict sentence 1 The p o lic e ________ arrested__________Mr Jones a n d ________ charged__________ him w ith assault. 2 Despite the stu d e n t’s protests, the te a c h e r_________ accused________ her of cheating. 3 The man w a s _________convicted_______ of m urder a n d _______ sentenced_________ to tw e n ty years in prison. 4 D o n 't_________ blame__________ us fo r the broken window, we w eren’t playing fo otba ll this m orning. co m p la int annoyance accusation disa pp oin tm en t 1 Much to o u r _________ annoyance_______ we had to w ait fo r over an hour to purchase the tickets. 2 Despite the media hype, the concert was a real 3 I wish to make a(n) disappointm ent . complaint__________ about the q u a lity of the food. 4 Don’t make fa ls e _______ accusations_______ when you don 't have proof. chase pursue h un t fo llo w 1 A stray d o g _________ followed________ me home today and I’m th in kin g o f keeping it. 2 My bro the r and I used t o _____________ chase_______each o the r around the house when we were young. 3 Police have b e e n __________ hunting________the te rro rists fo r weeks now but still haven’t found them . 4 He w anted t o ______ pursue/follow______ a career in engineering. cause excuse reason purpose aim 1 John has to find a g o o d __________ excuse_________ for being late, otherw ise he'll get into trouble. 2 T h e _______ purpose/aim______ 0f the m eeting is to discuss next year’s plans. If you can't attend it, you m ust have a g o o d __________reason_________ , as th e ___________ ElU1____________is to get everybody's opinion. 3 The carelessness of the d river was th e __________ cause_________ o f the fatal accident.
unit 11 F rob steal burgle hijack deceive cheat lie s h o p lift blackm ail 1 The c rim in a l’s innocent lo o k s _________ deceived________ people into tru s tin g him. 2 “ D o n 't__________ !!e______________to me. I know you w eren’t at school to d a y!” shouted m y mother. 3 Our house w a s ________ burgled__________ last n ig ht and all our valuables w e re _________ stolen___________ . 4 Two te rro ris ts ________ hijacked__________the plane and made the p ilo t change course. 5 The student tried t o __________ cheat__________ during the test, but the teacher caught him and to o k away his paper. 6 As a teenager, B o b ________shoplifted________ f rom the local store and was even caught once. 7 Two m e n _________ robbed_________ the bank on Elm Street this m orning. 8 K im ________ blackmailed______ John by dem anding $1000 so th a t she w o u ld n 't reveal his secret. G attack knock h it beat blow strike 1 It's dangerous t o ___________ t ill____________ people on the head. 2 The child w a s _________ attacked________ by a vicious dog and had to be taken to hospital. 3 She n e v e r__________knocks_________ on the door before entering. 4 Some fo otball hooligans started t o _________ beat/hit_________ each o the r after the match, so the police had to intervene. 5 He received a se vere ___________ blow__________ on the head, w hich left him unconscious. 6 The church clock in the village square began t o __________ strike__________ ten. H robber th ie f burglar kidnapper co n vict crim inal pickpocket vic tim hostage 1 T h e _______ kidnappers______ dem anded one m illion dollars as ransom fo r the release o f th e ir _______ hostage______ 2 A ___________ thief__________ snatched the old lady's handbag from her arm. 3 T h e _________ burglars________ responsible fo r breaking into the fla t next door have been caught. 4 The b a n k __________ robbers________ escaped th rough the fire exit. 5 Most o f the gang’s __________ victims_________were old people living on th e ir own. 6 The e scaped__________convict_________ was caught w ith in 24 hours. 7 When you travel, always be w ary o f _______ pickpockets________Wh0 can steal yo ur w allet w ith o u t you realising it. 8 Jack the Stabber is one o f the country's m ost w a n te d __________ criminals_______ it is said th a t he has m urdered ten people. I fo rg e t leave ignore neglect o m it 1 I _________ forgot__________ to tu rn o ff the TV last night, so it was left on all n ig ht long. 2 It's cruel t o __________ neglect________ pets as they rely on th e ir owners. 3 Why is J ill_________ ignoring________ Bill? Aren't they talking to each o the r anymore? 4 I d on 't w ant people to know I was involved in this pro je ct s o __________ om it__________ m y name from the credits. 5 I'v e ____________ l^ft___________the concert tickets upstairs. Could you get them?
unit 11 This unit deals with adjectives, adverbs and nouns that derive from verb roots. i Verb Root Adjective = verb + -able accept acceptable • Many adjectives in -able sign ify th a t w hat the verb describes can be done. believe 4 believable = that can be believed • Some adjectives in -able deriving from verb roots have a d iffe re n t meaning: agree -4 agreeable (=pleasant) consider -4 considerable (=great in am ount, substantial) • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t fo rm adjectives in the same way are: advise, bear, cure, depend, enjoy, identify, predict, prefer, recognise, remark and respect. • When the verb root ends in -ate, the -ate is replaced by -able. irritate 4 irritable tolerate 4 tolerable • When the verb root ends in -e, the -e is dropped before the ending -able, unless there is a vowel, a c or a g before the -e. admire 4 admirable notice 4 noticeable change 4 changeable • Adjectives in -able form adverbs in -ably: prefer -4 preferable -4 preferably Verb Root Adjective = verb + -ible access accessible o ° • Many adjectives in -ible signify th a t w hat the verb describes can be done. accessible = that can be accessed • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t fo rm adjectives in the same way are: convert, digest, resist and sense. • When the verb roo t ends in -d or -de, the -d / -de changes into -s before the ending -ible: comprehend 4 comprehensible divide 4 divisible • When the verb roo t ends in -mit, the -t changes into -ss before the ending -ible. perm it 4 permissible • Adjectives in -ible form adverbs in -ibly: sense -4 sensible -4 sensibly ............. —----- ------ - Verb Root Noun = verb + -ery cook cookery • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t form nouns in the same way are: rob and trick. • When the verb ends in -e or -er, the -e/-er is replaced by -ery. discover -4 discovery Verb Root confide ignore forge -4 forgery Adjective = verb + < -- -ent — -ant ___ - -ence Noun = verb + CT ---- ance co nfid en t ignorant confidence ignorance • Some other com m on verbs th a t form adjectives in -ent and nouns in -ence are: correspond, depend, differ and exist. • A nother com m on verb th a t form s an adjective in -ant and a noun in -ance is: resist • When the verb roo t ends in -ate, the -ate is replaced by the -ant and the -ance: tolerate 4 tolerant -4 tolerance • Some verb roots form o nly nouns in -ance, not adjectives in -ant: assist 4 assistance attend -4 attendance
unit |1 Some adjectives and nouns w hich derive from verb roots do not fo llo w the rules presented above: appear 4 apparent 4 appearance perform 4 perform ing 4 performance insure 4 insured 4 insurance please -4 pleasant 4 pleasure interfere 4 interfering 4 interference signify 4 significant 4 significance obey obedient obedience Verb Root ................. ......— .........— ........... ..................Noun (person) =verb + -ant assist assistant — • Nouns in -ant referring to people signify a person th a t does w hat the verb describes. • Some other com m on verbs th at form nouns in the same way are: account, attend, consult, contest, defend, depend, inhabit and serve. • When the verb root ends in -ate or -y, the -ate/-y are replaced by -ant. immigrate 4 im m igrant occupy -4 occupant • Be careful w ith the noun (person) deriving from the verb apply. apply 4 applicant Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 I have to buy a ________ cookery_________ book as I 'm ________ hopeless_________ a( cooking. noticeable 2 There has been a 3 My friend was in fo r a(n) __change in his behaviour lately. NOTICE unpleasant_______ surprise when he saw th a t his house had b e e n ________ burgled PLEASE BURGLE 4 The food at the restaurant w a s ____ 5 I can't stand this COOK, HOPE tolerable unbearable 6 This disease is still incurable , but the service was awful. TOLERATE . heat! I have to buy an air-conditioner. BEAR __ , so it i s _______advisable__________to be extra CURE, ADVISE careful. 7 Many students lack i n __ confidence speaking .w hen it comes to CONFIDE, SPEAK English. 8 He i s _______ remarkably 9 Some students are to ta lly .cle ve r fo r his age. REMARK disobedient______ and th e ir behaviour in general OBEY i s _______ unacceptable 10 Kelly’s house was n o t____ ACCEPT insured . against fire, so the insurance INSURE, INSURE com pany w ill not pay fo r the damage. 11 He was charged w i t h __________ forgery and was im prisoned fo r six years. 12 My trip to Japan w a s _______ unforgettable . I had an enjoyable FORGE tim e. 13 V is a ________applicants_______ m ust |>,ave t hejr passports w ith them. 14 Despite his young age, he behaved very sensibly FORGET, ENJOY APPLY SENSE Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. A WILD HUNT Living in a modern society, we cannot (1). ignore the acts of crim e that take place every day. Criminal activity ranges from stealing to the more serious crimes of kidnapping and murder. Just recently, a hunt was on for tw o men who (2 )_________ robbed an off-licence in broad daylight. The shop owner tried
unit |1 to call the police, but he received a severe blow to the back of his head, which left him unconscious. It appears that the tw o 3 ) _______ criminals______ had planned everything very well, since they (4 )_______ avoided_______ getting caught. They were seen getting on their m otorbike holding guns by tw o policemen in a patrol car, who started (5)_______ chasing_______ them. 6 )_______ However______ , the robbers managed to get away through the back streets. All exits from the city were closed (7)__________ off_________ immediately. Even the airport was put on alert and flights were delayed, as strict security measures .■.ere (8 )_______ taken_________ and all passengers were asked to give proof of their identity. Many people considered this a nuisance and were shocked (9 ) _________ ^ __________ these tactics. So, they put the (1 0 )_________ blame________ for the situation on the police and (11) accused_______ them of incompetence. In the end, the police (12)_________took________ responsibility for the setbacks. 1 (A ) ignore 2 A stole B neglect ( b ) robbed C fo rg e t D o m it C shoplifted D hijacked C pickpockets D burglars 3 (A )crim in a ls 4 A escaped (B) avoided C prevented D stopped 5 A arresting (B )chasing C hunting D fo llo w in g 6 A Despite 7 A down 8 (A ) taken 9 B convicts B Therefore C Although ( d ) However C up D away B follow ed C put D made A w ith B about C from D by 10 A fa u lt B accusation 11 A charged 12 A got (B )° ff © b la m e (jja c c u s e d B recognised C blamed © to o k D cause D convicted D received B Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. ANTIBACTERIAL SOAPS A (1)_ considerable soaps is the (2 )____ 3 ) ______ ignorance (4 )___ no real (5)_ preferable num ber o f people feel that washing w ith antibacterial sensible_________thing to do. Unfortunately, their CONSIDER SENSE _ has led them to believe that these soaps are IGNORE _ to normal ones. However, research has shown that there is PREFER difference_______ between washing w ith ordinary soap or soap (6 )_______containing_______ antibacterial agents.lt has also been proved that being too clean actually has (7) effects, as our (8) _ (9 ) resistant bodies undesirable ______do not become to germs. This (10)______ discovery has come as a surprise, especially to those who believe th a t bacteria ( have to be fo ug ht w ith every means known to man. DIFFER CONTAIN DESIRE BODY RESIST, DISCOVER
Prepositional Phrases A Read the sentences and complete them with the prepositions on, at, by or to. 1 The auth or is a d o c to r________ by______ profession but she prefers to w ork on her novels. 2 I always s h o p _______ 5D_______ impulse. I never make plans. 3 Jo_______ this day, nobody knows w hat became o f the missing aristocrat. 4 Cancelling the m e e tin g ________ f t _______ such short notice was an inconvenience fo r everyone. 5 Some o f the artist's best w orks a re ________ on______ display at the gallery. 6 These elaborate rugs were all w o v e n _______ by________ hand. 7 My fa vou rite fo otball team is ________ at_______ the to p of the league. 8 The school principal is ________ ________ good term s w ith all the teaching staff. B Complete the blanks with the prepositions in and out of. In some cases both prepositions can be used. fashion in /o u to f prjn t out of .w o rk in/out of business in /o u to f tQUch out of date in/out of danger out of reach in /o u to f in /o u to f control in /o u to f stock in debt sight in/out of season co m fo rt in /o u to f order the o rd in a ry in/out of practice in/out of out of in in in/out of . breath in .pain out of .d iffic u lty in/out of in /o u to f place use o u to f act|Qn the question C Complete the sentences with the prepositional phrases in the box below. out of season in shape o ut o f reach o ut o f control o ut o f the question o ut o f place o ut of date in touch 1 The w ild animal w a s_______ out of control______and nearly broke down the cage door. 2 We looked out of place______ w earing jeans in such an expensive restaurant. 3 It's d iffic u lt to find good oranges in summer, as th e y 're _______out of season______ . 4 The tw o friends k e p t__________ in touch________ during the sum m er break. 5 I s ta y _________ in shape________ by fo llo w in g a stric t exercise program m e. 6 My parents told me th a t taking the car on Saturday n ig ht was out of the question . 7 The books on the to p shelf w e re _______ out of reach_______fo r m ost people o f average height. 8 T h e _______ out of date________m achinery was the main cause of the company's financial collapse.
Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box next to each definition. A BRING, GIVE 1 Bringing up children is a full-tim e job. 2 You can bring your friend along to the party on Saturday. 7 stop having or doing sth 10 reveal 2 take with you 4 cause 3 recall, remind 11 return 8 distribute 6 give free of charge 1 raise 3 Looking through old photograph albums brings back many memories, i 4 The greenhouse effect has b rought about a change in our climate. 5 When she fainted, we all tried to bring her round. | 6 The new airline was giving away free tickets to many lucky passengers. 7 My doctor told me to give up coffee for health reasons. 8 The man standing on the corner was giving out advertisement leaflets to passers-by. 9 When we moved to Scotland, I had to give up my job. 12 admit being defeated 11 Have I given you back the money that I owe you? 5 make conscious again, revive 12 A good tennis player never gives in no matter what the score is. 9 quit, resign from 7 destroy by explosion 6 suddenly begin to laugh, cry etc. 3 They handed the m oney over to the police. 1 give to sb in charge 4 The secret know ledge of the profession was handed down from father to son. 3 deliver to sb in authority 5 The child was know n to burst in to tears fo r no apparent reason. 8 extinguish 10 The review didn’t give away the end of the book, so I’m curious to read it. B HAND, BURST, BLOW 1 The students were told to hand in th e ir assignm ents at the end of the lesson. 2 Before handing out the test papers, the teacher asked us to be quiet. 5 The students burst out laughing when the teacher slipped and fell down. distribute 7 The te rro ris t’s initia l plan was to blow up the plane. pass on 3 We blew o u t the candles before leaving the room. break into tears, laughter Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. harmful mad mad to at/w ith Sb (=angry) about/on Sb/sth for sb (=sympathetic) (feel) sorry for/about sth (=regret) damage weak. at shame on w ro n g . about shelter from sb head for lean on/against punish s b ____ ______ from (feel) sorry of of bew are. to tired _ protect from /against (=interested in) safe Verbs Nouns Adjectives recover from to reduce sth _ rescue sb from save _ from steal from suffer. from
unit 12 B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 1 I feel really s o rry ______ for________Bob. He looks so depressed. 2 If the w eather is good this weekend, I'm h e adin g _______ f° [ ______ the beach. 3 Rodney is very w e a k _______ at_______ Maths. He should consider studying som ething else. 4 Sham e______ on________ Peter! His behaviour was unacceptable. 5 Sue is very m a d _______ at________G eoffrey fo r not showing up at her party. 6 The explosion reduced the b u ild in g ________ to_______ an unrecognisable tangle of metal and bricks. 7 I’m really sorry about______ y0ur cai-; Sally. I promise to pay for the repair work. 8 Most teenage boys are m a d ______ about 9 Lean the paintings on/agas* ;st fo otba ll and sports in general. wa|| gent|y please. Grammar Revision (Conditionals) See Grammar Review page 161 Rewrite the following sentences so that the second sentence has a similar meaning to the first. Begin with the word(s) given. 1 They w ant to travel abroad next m onth, so they have to renew th e ir passports. Unless they renew their passports, they w on't be able to travel abroad next m onth_________________________ 2 I th in k th a t you shouldn't drive so carelessly. If I were you. I w ouldn't drive so carelessly_______________________________________________________________. 3 The reason w hy the dog attacked them was because they h it it w ith a stick. If they hadn't hit the dog w ith a stick, it w ouldn't have attacked them ______________________________________ . 4 I m ig ht not manage to repair the leaking tap on my own, so I'll ask my bro the r fo r help. In case I don't manage to repair the leaking tap on my own. I'll ask my brother for help______________________ . 5 In ord er to hire a car, you need to have a d rivin g licence. Unless you have a driving licence, you can't hire a car____________________________________________________ . 6 I w ant to buy a big house w ith a garden, but I can’t afford it. If I could afford it, I would buy a big house w ith a garden__________________________________________________. 7 The burglars broke into my house because the burglar alarm didn't go off. Had the burglar alarm gone off, the burglars wouldn't have broken into my house_______________________ . 8 Not having heard th a t his flig h t was boarding, he missed the plane. Provided (that) he had heard (that) his fligh t was boarding, he wouldn't have missed the plane_____________ . 9 The buses may be on strike, so you m ig ht have to catch a taxi to work. If the buses are on strike, you m ight have to catch a taxi to work_________________________________________. 10 My parents encouraged and supported me after the accident, so I recovered quickly. But fo r my parents' encouragement and support, I w ouldn't have recovered quickly after the accident 11 We feel so tired th a t we can't continue our journey. If we didn't feel so tired, we would/could continue our journey__________________________________________ 12 You can borrow m y bike, but you m ust prom ise to take good care of it.' As long as y ° u promise to take good care of my bike, you can borrow it__________________________________ 13 She m ust do her hom ew ork, otherw ise her parents w on 't let her go to the party. On co ndition (that) she does her homework, her parents will let her go to the party .
PC.OA'tS'tC He w ill buy a car if he saves enough money. / Ho will buy a car if ho will-savc enough moneys n i buy a car provided (that) I save enough money. / 111buy a r ar prmriripri (that)-U faall save enough money.— He would buy a car if he saved enough money. / He w ould buy a car if he would save enough money. - (will, shall and would are not used after linking words/ phrases introducing conditional sentences.) | - I won’t go to the party if they don't invite me. / I won’t go to the party unless they invite me. / I won’t go to tho party unless they don't invite me.— (unless=if not) I’ll buy a bottle of water in case I get thirsty. (=111buy it before I get thirsty; I might not use it.) I’ll buy a bottle of water if I get thirsty. (=77/ buy it when I get thirsty; I'll definitely use it.) If he was taller, he could join a basketball team. If he were taller, he could join a basketball team. (were can be used instead of was in allpersons in If I had been the Prime Minister, I would have-given lots ~ Qf-monoytothopoor. ~ (We use Conditional Sentences Type 2 for unreal situations in thepresent orfuture.) > If I had studied harder last semester, I would have passed m y exams. / If I studied harder last semester, I woukipass-ffly~ -examsT (We use Conditional Sentences Type 3 fo r unreal situations in thepast.) > If you should need me, don't hesitate to call me. / Should you need me, don't hesitate to call me. / If should you need me, don't hesitate to caHmc.— If she needed your help, she would call you. / Were she to need your help, she would call you. S If woro she to nood your help, she would csfryottrIf she had needed your help, she would have called you. / Had she needed your help, she would have called you. / If ha&sha-neaded your holp, sho would have-eatledyou. - (if is not used in conditional sentences starting with Conditional Sentences Type 2.) should/ were/ had+ subject.) | £) If I were the Prime Minister, I would give lots of money to the poor. / Key Transformations I & If you see Harry, ask him to return the books to the Your application w ill be considered on condition (that) you submit it on time. library. If you should see Harry, ask him to return the books to the library. & If he hadn’t helped me, I wouldn't have finished m y essay. Should you see Harry, ask him to return the books to the Had he not helped me, I wouldn't have finished m y essay. library. If it hadn't been for his help, I wouldn't have finished m y essay. But for his help, I wouldn't have finished m y essay. © If he doesn’t study hard, he won't pass the exam. I wouldn't have finished m y essay w ithout his help. He won't pass the exam unless he studies hard. He has to / must study hard, or else / otherwise he won’t pass the exam. & Your application w ill be considered only if you submit it on time. Your application w ill be considered provided / providing (that) you submit it on time. Your application w ill be considered as long as you submit it on time. <0 We might go swimming, so bring your swimsuit. Bring your swimsuit because we might go swimming. Bring your swimsuit in case we go swimming. & What would you do if the lights went out? Suppose/ Supposing the lights went out, what would you do? What would you do were the lights to go out?
unit 1 2 Examination Practice A R ead th e t e x t b e lo w a n d t h in k o f th e w o r d w h ic h b e s t f it s e a c h space. U se o n ly o n e w o r d i n e a c h space. TAKING TO THE SKIES Every day m illions o f people travel (1)__________ ^ ____________plane. However, a small percentage of passengers go weak at the knees ju s t thinking about flying, (2 )______ while/and_________others suffer acute physical d iscom fort, which is m ostly b ro ug ht (3 )_________ about_________ by the change in air pressure. So w hat can be done to prevent problems? If you move about as often as (4 ) (5 ) possible___________th a t is w alk up and down the aisle, you can/may_______ prevent sluggish circulation and s tiff joints. In (6 )__________ case________ _ 0f breathing d ifficulties, you w ill be able to ease the problem o nly if you increase yo ur oxygen intake before boarding. A good th irty -m in u te brisk walk should help. If you intend to fly, it (7 )______w ould/m ight______ also be wise to fo llo w some general advice. Firstly, if you suffer (8 )__________ from __________any serious health problems, ask yo u r d octo r (9 )__________ w hether/if it's safe fo r you to travel or not. (10)____________ If___________ you have a medical condition, don 't fo rg e t to bring yo ur m edicine (11 ) (12 ) along_________ . It has been suggested that if you can clim b a dozen stairs w ith o u t g ettin g out___________ o f breath, it is safe fo r you to fly. Should you have a heavy cold or a bad cough, try to avoid flying. As long as you fo llo w this advice, you w ill have no problem durin g your fligh t. B C o m p le te th e s e c o n d s e n te n c e so th a t i t h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to th e f i r s t s e n te n c e , u s in g th e w o r d g iv e n u n c h a n g e d . Y o u m u s t u se b e tw e e n tw o a n d fiv e w o rd s , in c lu d in g th e w o r d g iv e n . 1 Paying in cash entitles you to a special discount. pro vid e d You are entitled to a special d isc o u n t__________________provided (that) you pay________________ jn cash. 2 They didn't go on a picnic because it was raining heavily. rain B u t____________________ for the heavy rain____________________ >they would have gone on a picnic. 3 It is possible that your fligh t w ill be delayed, so take a book to read. case Take a book to read___________________ incase your fligh t is___________________delayed. 4 John had better call the police if he notices any suspicious characters. should John had better call the p o lice ___________ should he notice / if he should notice__________ any suspicious characters. 5 It would be foolish of him not to consider this opportunity. if It would be foolish of h im ____________________ if he d id n t consider__________________ ^ j S opportunity. 6 With your encouragement, the players w ill improve. long The players w ill im p rove ________________ so / as long as you encourage____________ them. 7 They missed the turn because they didn't see the sign. w o u ld T h e y______________ would not have missed____________________ the turn if they had seen the sign. 8 The d octor warned him to q uit smoking so that his health w ouldn't deteriorate. up The doctor warned him that his health would deteriorate i f ___________________ he didn't give up_________________ smoking.
unit12 Sectriah Words easily confused Use th e c o r r e c t fo r m o f th e w o rd s in th e b o x e s to c o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s in e a c h g ro u p A -I b e lo w . Y o u m a y u se so m e o f th e w o rd s m o re th a n o n ce . I n s o m e cases m o re th a n o n e w o r d m a y b e c o rre c t. A p ro te ct rescue save su pp ort secure defend guard 1 We bought a watchdog t o __________ guard_________our house. 2 In tim es of a war every soldier is obliged t o _________ defend________ his country. 3 The paramedics managed t o __________rescue________ the d river from the debris of the car, but they couldn’t ________ save___________ the passenger, w ho had been seriously injured. 4 Make sure y o u __________secure________ all items on the roof-rack so th a t nothing falls off. 5 W ildlife organisations aim t o _________ protect________ rare species of animals from becoming extinct by them from dangerous situations a n d _________securing_______ safer places for them to live in. rescuing/saving 6 Parents m u s t_________ support________th eir children during the d ifficu lt tim es in th eir life. B inju re w ound h u rt collapse harm 1 During the earthquake a num ber of b u ild in g s ________collapsed_________ancj hundreds of people were ______ hurt/injured________ . 2 My grandfather fo u g h t in W orld War II, but he was sent home when he w a s ________wounded_________ . 3 Let go o f my hand! You’r e _________ hurting__________me! 4 The dog w o n 't_________ harm___________ you. It's friendly. 5 The athlete had a heart attack a n d ________ collapsed________ as he was running. C dam age in ju ry w ound pain ache 1 John was in a lot o f __________ Pain___________ when he cut his fin ge r w ith a knife and had to have the _______ wound___________ stitched. 2 The hurricane caused m illions of dollars w o rth o f _________ damage________ . 3 A fter a couple of days t h e _________ ache/pain_______in m y low er back had gone. 4 K e lly's_________ injury___________Was serious, so she was taken to hospital. D endanger risk threaten warn 1 I m u s t___________ warn_________ you about my dog - it's vicious. 2 The security guards dealt w ith the robbers w ith o u t______ endangering_______ any |jves 3 Our n e ig h b o u rs ________ threatened______ to call the police if we d idn't tu rn the music down. 4 The W orld W ildlife Fund updates its list o f _______endangered_______ species every year. 5 She__________risked__________ her life to save the young boy from drow ning.
unit 1 2 illness disease infection sickness weakness 1 If you d on 't w ant to get a (n )________ infection accident , I suggest you clean and dress the wound. diseases 2 Penicillin has been used to fig h t many in fe c tio u s . sickness 3 Some people suffer from a ltitu d e _____ incident at many m ountain ski resorts. illnesses 4 Young children come down w ith m a n y . _____when they firs t go to school. 5 Charles had a (n )________ accident_________ at Work and he was taken to hospital. 6 I m ust be com ing down w ith the flu because I have a general feeling o f ________ weakness________ . 7 A se rio u s __________ incident_______ near the border made the governm ent take stric t measures concerning im m igration cure heal trea t recover overcome 1 It to ok me m onths t o _ treated Mavis w a s . E th e l_____ overcom e my grandm other's death. heal fo r her w ound and w ith in days it began t o . recovered ___from her illness after being confined to bed fo r a fo rtn ig h t. 4 When my father came o u t of hospital, he seemed to be c o m p le te ly ___________ cured_______ however, his condition d eteriorated after a few days. G sensible sensitive sensational em otional 31 1 The concert was fantastic and the laser s h o w _______ sensational sensible 2 Buying a cheaper car was a (n )_ 3 Joel is re a lly __________sensitive sensational 4 You look decision considering you had a lim ited budget. and cries if you raise yo u r voice. _ in th a t dress. You should buy it. 5 A part from food and shelter, the refugees n e e de d _________ emotional H produce develop increase build up create 1 If we take out another loan, w e’ll ju st Ita ly . produces M edicine has create support. progress advance im prove financial d iffic u ltie s fo r ourselves. ___ some o f the m ost stylish cars on the market. advanced_________ in the last decade, w ith many m ore diseases being cured. 4 Max is a weak student and I try t o __________ build UP________ his confidence by asking him to w ork w ith more advanced 5 My French has students. progressed/improved so much th a t I can have a conversation w ith a native speaker. 6 He has hopes o f _______ developing_______ his business a n d _________ increasing________his profits. 7 The w eather has reduce decrease improved destroy q uite a lot lately. drop low er dem olish fall 1 ___________Lower_________ yo ur voice. The baby is asleep in the next room. 2 You s h o u ld ________ reduce___________speed when you're approaching a pedestrian crossing. 3 During the n ig ht the te m p e ra tu re _______ dropped/fell_______ by ten degrees. 4 The village was co m pletely _ 5 D o n 't___________drop 6 The old b uilding w as. 7 Peak season is over, so all the hotels in the area are destroyed by the earthquake. ______ the eggs, otherw ise the w hole kitchen w ill stink. demolished________ w ith the use of dynam ite. lowering/decreasing th e ir rates.
unit 12 This unit deals w ith nouns and adjectives which derive from verb roots. V e rb R o o t N o u n = v e rb + -io n » A d je c tiv e = V e rb + -iv e impress im pression im pressive ....... | • Some other com m on verbs th a t form nouns and adjectives in the same way are: act, attract, collect, connect, construct, direct, express, instruct, invent, object, possess, prevent, p ro te ct and select. • Some verbs form o nly nouns in -ion, not adjectives in -ive: complete, contribute, discuss, inspect, pollute, predict, reject, revise and suggest. • Verb roots ending in -m it change the final -t to -ss before the endings -ion and -ive: p e rm it 4 perm ission 4 perm issive om it 4 om ission • Verb roots ending in -d or -de, change the -d/-de to -s before the endings -ion and -ive: extend 4 extension 4 extensive explode 4 explosion -4 explosive • Pay atte ntio n to the fo llo w in g irregularities: attend -4 attention 4 attentive defend 4 defence 4 defensive • The adjective (in)expensive derives from the noun expense. offend -4 offence 4 offensive V e rb R o o t N o u n = v e rb + -a tio n A d je c tiv e = V e rb + -a tiv e inform inform a tion inform ative • Some com m on verbs th a t form nouns and adjectives in the same way are: conserve, im agine and represent. • Some verbs form only nouns in -ation, not adjectives in -ative: combine, invite, oblige, observe, organise, realise, relax, starve and transform . • Pay atte ntio n to the fo llo w in g irregularities: prepare 4 preparation 4 preparatory, sense -4 sensation 4 sensitive, compare 4 comparison 4 comparative V e rb R o o t in -a te N o u n in - a t io n A d je c tiv e in -a tiv e appreciate appreciation appreciative • Some com m on verbs th a t form nouns and adjectives in the same way are: communicate, create, decorate, operate and relate. • Some verbs in -ate form only nouns in -ation, not adjectives in -ative: calculate, celebrate, dictate, fascinate, investigate and separate. • The verbs educate and hesitate form nouns in -ation, but the corresponding adjectives do not end in -ative. educate 4 education 4 educational hesitate -4 hesitation -4 hesitant • Pay atte ntio n to the fo llo w in g irregularities: V e rb N oun add com pete consume describe destroy explain addition com p etitio n consum ption description destruction explanation A d je c tiv e — com petitive — descriptive destructive explanatory V e rb N oun introduce oppose produce receive reduce repeat in tro d u ctio n opposition p roduction reception reduction repetition | in tro d u c to ry — productive receptive — repetitive • Certain nouns in -ion and adjectives in -ive do not derive from verbs: aggression -4 aggressive mass -4 massive V e rb R o o t N o u n = v e rb + -al betray betrayal • Some com m on verbs th a t form nouns in the same way are: approve, arrive, deny, dismiss and rent.
unit|2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals. 1 The student asked f o r ______ permission______ {0 |eave the classroom. PERMIT 2 Steven’s CONTRIBUTE, DISCUSS contribution______ to t h e _______ discussion______ received everyone's APPROVE _______ approval_______. 3 Many c a r _________rental________ com panies have increased th e ir rates this summer. RENT 4 The student was given back her assignm ent as it was obvious no tim e had been spent in its preparation______ and it bore n o _________relation_______ to the subject. 5 W orried th a t everyone w ould be bored, Sally w a s ________ hesitant_______ to give a h ighly 7 He’s g ot such an 8 9 It to ok a lot of been little com petitive______ sports. impressive_______________collection Addition________ js one of the sim plest of fine art. calculations persuasion______ to get Celia to w rite to her m other, as there had com m unication between them fo r years. 10 As the students were tired, they were not v e r y _______receptive_______ to the te ach er’s COMPETE IMPRESS, COLLECT ADD) CALCULATE PERSUADE COMMUNICATE RECEIVE EXPLAIN explanation______ o f the theory. 11 Many animals are HESITATE DESCRIBE ______ descriptive______ account o f her holiday. 6 Sandra chose aerobics because she doesn’t like PREPARE, RELATE inactive_______d urin g the daytim e and hunt durin g the night. 12 I find it d iffic u lt to b e _______ objective_______ about m atters th a t concern me. ACT OBJECT Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. A DEADLY JOB In Eastern Java one way to (1)________ secure________ a living is to harvest the sulphur (2 )________ produced______ by a loca volcano. Twice a day, around th irty porters leave their huts and head (3)_________ for___________ the 3,156 metre sum m it of the I Welirang Volcano. Once there, they use metal bars in order to break the sulphur into blocks that will fit into their baskets. While collecting sulphur, the porters are exposed to toxic fumes which cause many incurable (4 ) _______diseases________ . Mos! of them, however, don't pay attention to the health risks they face daily and use only a face mask to (5 )_________ protect_______ themselves. This work (6) endangers their health and they are often in (7)__________pain__________. as they get older, they become fragile and eventually (8 )_________ suffer________ from throat or lung cancer, from which they never (9 ) (10 ) recover________ . What is more, they are not paid well, even though they lead a difficult life and their health is harmed________ beyond repair. Yet, in spite of the unhealthy conditions, the porters have no intention of giving ( ID __________ yP___________their job. (12)_______ As long as_______jt provides them and their fam ily w ith an income, they will continue to do it.
unit12 1 A support 2 ( a ) produced B' secure C protect D defend B increased C developed D b uilt up C into D at 3 A on 4 A sicknesses 8 diseases C injuries D infections 5 A guard B rescue C support D protect 6 A risks S ' endangers C decreases D warns 7 (A )p a in B ache C d iffic u lty D illness 8 A injure B hurt ( c ) suffer D collapse 9 A overcom e B cure ( c ) recover D heal 10 A h urt B injured ( c ) harmed D w ounded 11 B away C in B Unless C Even if ( j) fo r A back 12 (A )A s long as ® u p D In case B Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. HURRICANES A hurricane is a (1) destructive storm which is always accompanied by torrential DESTROY rain and winds that can reach speeds of up to 300 kilometres per hour. Hurricanes form over warm expanses of water and increase in (2) strength_______ STRONG as they make their way towards the mainland. (3)________ Coastal_________ areas are usually hit the hardest, but the COAST A ) ________ intensity________ 0f the S(-orm decreases as it continues inland. INTENSE Hurricanes can cause (5) _______ extensive________ damage. They uproot trees, destroy EXTEND houses and (6) CONSTRUCT construction_______sjtes anc| even |jft up boats right out of the water. So, it is crucial that m eteorologists keep constant (7 ) observation_______of any suspicious weather form ations which may evolve into OBSERVE hurricanes. If a hurricane is approaching inhabited areas, the authorities issue (8 ) warnings________ ancl g|ve people (9 )_______ instructions_______as to how to prepare for its (10)_________ arrival_________ and for their evacuation. WARN, INSTRUCT ARRIVE
Collocations/expressions A Complete the collocations below with the adjectives in the box. You may use some of the adjectives more than once. In some cases more than one adjective may be correct. long secret com m on lig h t a light/heavy meal com m on/ a fatal mistake a common sight heavy traffic a close relative weak eyesight throat a light/strong colour a strong rule a long/short tim e heavy/light rain a long/short iournev astrong/weak personality common sense a a strong/weak coffee com m on/ wide knowledge com m on/ close friend fatal/ a comm on accident a sore a comm on secret aaent heavy sore w ide weak sh ort heavy schedule close/long/ a short relationship aweak/strong argum ent fatal close strong influence B Read the sentences and complete them with the correct form of the verbs say or tell. hello to John when you see him, w ill you?" said Camille as she waved goodbye. The last thing she does before she lies down to sleep is We could never tell My fa th er still tells me to the difference between our cousins because they were identical twins. saY It's so hard nowadays fo r people to Mr Grimes w ill begin by "if I tell yOU saying thank you, and I’m fo rty years old! a few words and then proceed to show ing the slides, a story, w ill you go to sleep, then?" the m other asked her child. My friends trusted me because I w ould never 9 You should have said tell C saYs anyone th e ir secrets. tell something. Now the police w ill suspect you. . the tim e or is he still to o young fo r that? 11 The hardest thing he's ever had to do was 12 If she the truth. Everyone is frigh ten e d o f tru s tin g each other. tell 8 10 Can Tim a prayer. saY sorry. saY so, then it m ust be the tru th and we have to believe her. Complete the sentences with the expressions in the box below. all of a sudden 1 The child spilt the m ilk . all in all all over all over a fte r all n ot at all once and fo r all all the same __the expensive rug. 2 I don’t care w here we go on holiday. Majorca, Ibiza, th e y ’ re 3 The old train was m aking good progress, when all the same all of a sudden 4 Janet expected to get a high m ark on her project. After all 5 This argum ent has been going on fo r far too long. Let me settle it _ to me. _ a loud clank was heard and it grinded to a halt. __ , she had w orked very hard. once and for all 6 Most m em bers of the school com m ittee believed th a t all in all . the fete was a great success. 7 "Is m y request to o dem anding?" asked the cu sto m e r.". Not at all .," replied the salesperson.
unit 13 Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box next to each definition. A LIE, STAND, SIT, SAVE 1 I th ink I'll lie down for a w hile before going out tonight. be ready for action 2 I hate it when you leave your shoes lying around! 3 Brendan was the only friend w ho stood by me during those d ifficu lt months. ;ettle com fortably in a chair 4 The w orkers were encouraged to stand up fo r their rights and demand a pay be noticeable rise. 5 Shawn really stands out w ith that strange haircut. economise 6 Although the fire was under control, the fire brigade in the city was support standing by. defend 7 What do the initials MJB stand for? leave sth somewhere untidily 8 I'll drive - you just sit back and enjoy the view. represent 9 Neil saved up a considerable am ount fo r his summ er holidays. 4 give back all the money one owes 5 find oneself in a situation, usually w itho ut planning to 2 Jerry w ent to the party dressed up as Superman. 8 disappoint 3 I'll pay you back on Monday. 6 draw sb's attention to 1 dress form ally 3 give back money one owes 7 make a building safe by B DRESS, PAY, END, POINT, LOCK, LET 1 Everyone was to ld to dress up fo r the school dance, as it was a form al occasion. 4 Harry finally paid o ff his car loan last week. 5 Sue never expected to end up as sales manager so soon in her career. 6 The doctor pointed out all the com plications involved in the treatm ent. 7 Don't forget to lock up before leaving. locking doors and windows 8 The voters felt they had been let down by the governm ent. 2 disguise for fun Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Verbs Adjectives Nouns careless about/of adelav faithful an influence to frightened a need serious the opposite surDrised about at/by benefit in boast on of a relationship w ith a relationship between tw o people or things sb mistake sb/sth about/of pray for for w ith (=be concerned) suspect sb of care take care about for sb/sth sb sb/sth else sb/sth replace sth care for from of sth else sth sb/sth (=be fond of, love) wait exchanaesth warn sbabout/against/of sth else hooe for insist on for for
unit 13 B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 1 If you are not satisfied with the gift, you can exchange it 2 Graham still cares for/about f ° r______something else. you, you know. 3 A further delay _______[n_____ our schedule will create a bad impression on our clients. 4 I warned Luke about/of 5 The relationship the bad weather conditions but he insisted on leaving. between man ancj anjma| has changed significantly over the centuries. 6 My parents are going away for the weekend, so I have to take care ______of______ my little sister. 7 Jane's relationship w ith her mother is based on mutual respect. 8 I did not expect Richard to be such a bad influence _____ 51!______Craig. 9 She wanted to replace the antique furniture with more contemporary pieces. 10 It's getting rather late, so we won't w a it _____ for_____ anyone else to show up. 11 There was a great need for______ volunteers at the refugee settlement. 12 Martha sounded more serious than ever before 13 I hate it when he starts boasting about about leaving her job. his achievements. 14 The principal always mistakes Peter______for_____ another student. 15 In what way is the company going to benefit from installing this new software? 16 Mary insisted _____ 2D______taking the train because she is afraid of flying. 17 Richard's colleagues suspected h im ______ of stealing the money, but they said nothing. Grammar Revision (Unreal Past) See Grammar Review page 162 Complete the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Camping can be seen as an alternative to taking a holiday in a five-star hotel. Here are som e p eople’s view s on this form of holiday making. “When it comes to camping, I wish (1) _ to make (make) “I really don’t mind camping, that is, if it’s in a well-organised something clear. I am not a fan! I’ve only been campsite. You see, it’s a matter of safety. Supposing camping once, and it was a horrific experience. I’d rather (2) not have gone (not go) at a|| |_ast summer my friends I (8) alone out in the mountains, what would 1do? I hear some peo: * insisted that I go with them. I was reluctant at first, but I ended up talking about camping as though it (10) going. I wish I (3) chance to endure hardship. It’s a holiday, for Pete’s sake!” had trusted (trust) my instincts. Our first mistake was to set off without listening to the weather 9Qt (get) injured and (9) was/were were/was Kelly Sutherland, 28 forecast. Well, two days later it started to rain so heavily that our tents somehow flooded! We had taken so many things with us “ I really enjoy camping. It gives you a chance to become one . that it took hours to pack up and leave. It was as if we nature and live the way you were meant to live. If only I (4) (11) could get away had taken (take) half of Selfridges with us! It was awful, and on top of that, I caught a cold. If only I (5). had known (know) (get away) more often! Most people though, would rather (12)_____ sPend______ (spend) their I at a luxurious resort with swimming pools and the lot. But it's better! Camping is not for me. about time they (13) I prefer (6) it is to experience the freedom camping has to offer. There’s c e j to stay realised (realise) how i m p o r : r (stay) in a cosy hotel room and relax more thing I would like to point out. I wish people who actua! rather than (7)______ pitch_______ camping (14) wouldn’t/didn't leave (not leave) their rubbish ! (pitch) a tent.” when they pack up their tents and go home. I mean, if we al Wayne King, 23 (15)________ did_______ (do) the same, our world would be: a huge rubbish tip!” Ben Cosworth, 18
He speaks as if he were a lawyer.CHe isn't.) / Hespeaks as if he is a lawyer.CHe isn't.)—He spoke as if he had known me for years. (He didn’t.) / Hespokeasifhaknew.me for years. (He didn’t.) (as if+PastPerfect refers to unrealsituations in thepast.) He acts as if he was rich.=He acts as if he were rich. She wishes she was rich.=She wishes she were rich. (were can be used instead of was in all persons in Unreal Past.) Q I wish to speak to the principal. / (=1want to speak to the principal). & I wouidratherlhadn’tstayedathome yesterday. (would rather+PastSimple refers to thepresent/future would rather+PastPerfect refers to thepast Thesubject of would rather is differentfrom the subject of the second verb.) Q I prefer coffee to tea. / He prefers swimming to scuba diving. / HeprefersswimmingfromscubaeUvmg. (prefer+noun/-ingform to noun/-ingform=generalpreference) @ He prefers/would prefer to swim rather than scuba dive. / He prefers/would prefer to swim rather than to scuba dive. (prefer/wouldprefer +fu ll infinitive rather than +bare infinitive) <S He would rather swim than scuba dive. / (wish +full infinitive= want; the subject of wish mustbe the same as the subject o f the infinitive.) 0 I wish I smoked/could smoke less. / I wish you smoked / could smoke less. / twishyeusmokeless. (wish+ unrealpast/could + infinitive; the subject of wish ® can be the same as or differentfrom the subject of the second verb.) & I wish you would smoke less. / He-woaidrather-toswimthanscubadive. He would rather swim toscubadive. (would rather+bare infinitive+than+ bare infinitive). You had better see a doctor. / Td rather you saw a doctor. / I hadbetteryousaw a doctor (The subject of had better mustbe the same as that of the verb.) (wish+ would + infinitive; the subject of wish must be ® You had better see a doctor. / Youhadbettertoseeadoetor. & You should have seen a doctor. / It would have been better if you had seen a doctor. / Youhadbetterhaveseen a doctor. — differentfrom the subject of would.) & I would rather (not) stay at home tonight. / I would rather not to stay at home tonight. (had better +present bare infinitive refers to thepresent/future) I wowM-ratheF-notstaymgathome-tonight: I would rather (not) have stayed at home yesterday. / I would-rathor stay a theme-yestefetey. I wouldrather not had stayed at home yesterday. @ (would rather+presentbare infinitive refers to thepresent/future would rather +perfect bare infinitive refers to thepast Thesubject of would rather is the same as the subject of the second verb.) & I would rather we stayed/didn't stay at home tonight. / Xwould^aftepid^rit^Fathemetenightr— (It would have been better if+PastPerfect refers to thepast) It's time we bought a new car. / It’s time webuy anew car It's time for us to buy anew car. / It'sabout/hightimeweboughtanewcar. / It’s about /hightime for us tobuy a new ear. (It's time+unrealpast =for sb +fu ll infinitive; it's high/about tim e+unrealpast) I would rather we had (not) stayed at home yesterday. / Key Transformations & I wish /If only you didn’t/wouldn’t speak so loudly. I would rather/sooner you didn't/wouldn’t speak so loudly. I would prefer it if you didn’t speak so loudly. iQ Iwish/Ifonlyw ehadhiredacar. I would rather/sooner we had hired a car. I would have preferred it if we had hired a car. I would prefer us to have hired a car. It's a pity we didn't hire a car. We regret not hiring/having hired a car. & You ought to/had better/should wash the dishes now. I wish /If only you washed the dishes now. It’s (about/high) time you washed the dishes. It's time for you to wash the dishes. © She pretended to be working. She acted as if / as though she were working. If you saw her, you would think that she was working. If you had seen her, you would have thought that she was working. By her behaviour, you would assume that she was working. & He prefers going out to watching TV , He prefers to go out rather than watch TV. He would prefer to go out rather than watch TV. He would rather/sooner go out than watch TV.
unit13 Examination Practice A Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. PROBLEMS CAUSED BY CARS Living in a modern w orld may have its advantages but it also has its disadvantages. One disadvantage of the modern way o f life which stands (1)________ out_______ from the rest is the negative influence cars have (2 )_________ 2D________the environment. Today, all developed societies face a (3 )_______ wide by cars and (4 )_______ other (5 ) heavy . range of problems caused .vehicles. These include air and noise pollution, _ traffic and the evergrowing num ber o f roads in our cities. Major cities around the w orld face considerable environm ental damage (6) because of this and are in need of serious measures to reverse this trend. How did we end (7 )_________ DP_ ___w ith such a problem? There are no simple answers to this question and no serious e ffo rt has been made to find any either. It's about (8 )________time_______ however, that our generation got serious (9 ) ______ about_______ this issue. People m ust be w illing to stand (10)_________ ___________environm ental groups and make any e ffo rt necessary to change the situation. Many environm entalists believe that we could help by using our (11) common sense. Car pooling, for instance, co ul: be a solution to the problem. This simple program m e calls fo r people to share their car w ith fellow workers to and from work. A lot of interest has been shown in car pooling and other more am bitious program m es are planned fo r the future. Our society as a whole m ust be in touch (12)________ with_______ such issues, and we should all be w illing to contribute and participate actively for the com m on interest. B Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given unchanged. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. 1 You ought to return the money you owe. back It is a b o u t________________ tim e you paid back . the money you owe. 2 We regret not having installed an alarm system, wish We wish we had installed .an alarm system. 3 If you had heard him speak, you’d think he had studied the subject extensively, if He spoke____________________as if he had studied______________ ______ the subject extensively. 4 Dennis doesn’t feel like playing football today. rather Dennis__________________ would rather not play .football today. 5 It’s a pity we can’t visit the gallery, only I f_________________ only we could visit .th e gallery. 6 Julie doesn’t like playing the guitar as much as she likes singing, rather Julie prefers___________________ to sing rather than play .th e guitar. 7 Michael didn’t want to spend his holidays in London, but in the end he did. rather Michael would rather not have spent . his holidays in London. 8 Please don’t disappoint me this time, let I’d rather y o u ________ didn’t let me down this time. I can’t stand Ronnie complaining about everything. wish | _____________wish Ronnie didn’t/w ouldn’t complain .about everything.
unit | 3 Words easily confused Use th e c o r r e c t f o r m o f th e w o rd s in th e b o x e s to c o m p le te th e s e n te n c e s in e a c h g ro u p A -I b e lo w . Y o u m a y u se som e o f th e w o rd s m o re th a n o n ce . I n s o m e cases, m o re th a n o n e w o r d m a y b e c o rre c t. A a tte ntio n care notice w arning signal caution 1 The scientist dem anded e x tra _________ caution_________ from the people w ho were m oving his lab ora tory equipm ent. 2 When I give th e ___________ signal_________ ; everyone shout “ HAPPY BIRTHDAY”. 3 If we had been given a couple of days’ ___________ notice________ about the m eeting, we w ould have been more organised. 4 The tw o students were given a (n )______ warning____________not to fig h t again in the school grounds, or they w ould be suspended. 5 Some people don't p a y _________ attention_______ to th e ir pets’ needs and fo rg e t th a t they require a lot of ________ care__________ and affection. 6 This is a very expensive piece of e quipm ent, so it m ust be handled w ith __________ care___________ . B insist persist continue last rem ain m aintain p ro te ct keep 1 Some European cars are expensive t o _________ maintain________; yet th e y __________ continue_______ to be extrem ely popular. 2 The c u s to m e r__________ insisted________ on seeing the m anager because the staff were so unhelpful. 3 We repaired our TV set, b ut it o n ly ____________ lasted_______ fo r tw o m onths before it broke down again. 4 I th in k it's cruel t o __________ keep___________ animals in flats. 5 If S andra_________ persists_________ in m aking trouble, the headm aster w ill call her parents. 6 In case of an earthquake, people s h o u ld _________ remain__________ calm. 7 My fa m ily b ought a w atchdog t o __________ protect________ our property. C convince persuade urge impress a ttra c t appeal 1 Bob tries t o _________ impress_________ people by buying them expensive gifts. 2 The te a c h e r___________ urged________ the students to study harder after the te rrib le te st results. 3 A fter a lot of discussion, I was able to persuade/convince______ Anne to come w ith me even th ou gh parties don't ___________ appeal________ to her. 4 The com pany tried t o __________ convince______ the public th a t they were not p olluting the river. 5 Children som etim es cry ju s t t o __________ attract_________attention. D win beat gain earn defeat fail 1 We have t o ___________beat__________ all our opponents, otherw ise we w ill_____________ fai]__________ to get to the finals. 2 F rance_____________ won________ the W orld Cup in 1998 by defeating/beating 3 Napolean w a s _________defeated________ at the battle o f W aterloo. 4 I d o n 't_________earn____________ enough money. I need to find a new job. 5 A fter y o u 'v e ___________ gained________ experience, you'll be able to get a prom otion. Brazil.
unit 13 E appeal a pp lica tion a ttra ctio n interest 1 Disneyland is a fa m o u s ________ attraction_______ fo r children, but adults love it too. 2 You m ust com plete th is ________ application_______f 0 rm before doing a nything else. 3 U nfortunately, Larry shows n o __________ interest________ jn his studies. 4 I made a n __________ appeal_________ against the parking fine by w ritin g to the council. F result e ffe ct a ffe ct consequence influence 1 I missed the train this m orning and as a (n )__________ result__________ | was late fo r school. Then, I had to face the ______ consequences______w hen m y teacher saw me. 2 Sm oking has a n e g a tiv e ______ effect/influence 0 n our health. 3 The fo otba ll players’ perform ance w a s ________ affected_________ by the rain. 4 Bob's friends have had a p o s itiv e _________ influence________ on him and h is ___________ results_________ have im proved. G allow let p e rm it accept make oblige force 1 My parents w o n 't___________ ______________ me go to the p arty because it’s on a weekday. 2 I _________ accepted_______ the job o ffe r because it was too good to refuse. 3 Many teenagers a re _________allowed_________ to stay o ut a fte r m idnight. 4 The new la w __________ obliges________ all drivers to have th e ir licence w ith them at all times. 5 I can’t ________ force/oblige______ you to do this if you don 't w ant to. 6 Students are permitted/allowed to enter the lab o nly under teacher supervision. 7 My m o th e r__________ makes_________ us tid y our rooms every Saturday m orning. H postpone cancel delay 1 All trains w e re __________delayed________ due to a power failure. 2 I had t o _________ cancel__________ a|| m y appointm ents as I was ill. 3 Joel's busy today, so we have t o ________ postpone________ the m eeting u ntil next Friday. I guest host v is ito r c lie n t custom er 1 Car m anufacturers go to great lengths to keep th e ir _______ customers________ satisfied. 2 T h e ___________host___________of the party looked after h is __________ guests__________extrem ely well. 3 The gallery is open t o __________ visitors_________from 10 am to 5 pm. 4 Most of the law yer’s ___________clients_________were rich and famous.
This unit deals with nouns which derive from verb roots. Verb Root Noun = Verb + -ment The process or the result of doing w hat the verb describes develop developm ent • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t form nouns in the same way are: achieve, agree, amaze, amuse, announce, appoint, argue, arrange, employ, entertain, excite, im prove, punish, replace and require. Verb Root Noun = Verb + -ure depart departure • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t fo rm nouns in the same way are: expose, fail, please and press. • The verb create form s a noun in -ure, but its m eaning is different: create creature • Pay atte ntio n to the fo llo w in g irregularities: m ix 4 m ixture proceed ^ procedure sign 4 signature Verb Root Noun (Person)= Verb + -er /-or The person w ho does w hat the verb describes train operate train er o perator • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t fo rm nouns in -er are: advertise, announce, consume, employ, examine, found, hunt, insure, interview , observe, organise, own, perform , produce, re p o rt and work. • Some other com m on verbs th a t fo rm nouns in -o r are: act, collect, construct, contribute, create, decorate, direct, govern, inspect, instruct, invent, investigate and protect. ! Verb Root Noun (Thing)= Verb + -er /-or The th ing th a t does w hat the verb describes record calculate recorder calculator • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t form nouns in -er are: blend, compute, cook, m ix and p rin t. • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t form nouns in -or are: react, refrigerate and sense. -----Verb Root Noun (Person)= Verb + -ee The person w ho receives the action described by the verb em ploy employee • Some o the r com m on verbs th a t form n ouns in the same way are: examine, interview, pay, refer, train and trust.
unit 13 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals 1 ________ Failure________ to com ply w ith the safety regulations may FAIL, REGULATE fatal prove FATE disagreement 2 We already had a(n) ancj |'m not jn t he mood for another AGREE ______ argum ent_______ , so let's just drop the subject. 3 Many people’s purchases are influenced by ARGUE advertisements . ADVERTISE 4 The panda is a r a r e ________ creature_______, but unfortunately it is under threat from CREATE hunters 5 What HUNT requirements employees . must potential have in order to get REQUIRE, EMPLOY this job? 6 Scientists have proved that too much exposure to the sun is EXPOSE harmful HARM actors 7 A lot of directors .film producers and __________singers______ had been invited to the cocktail party. 8 His departure_______ Uom the country guaranteed his _ SING safety DEPART, SAFE 9 It's always a ________ pleasure______ to watch children play. 10 We had to ask the g y m ________ instructor What type of ACT, DIRECT, PRODUCE PLEASE trainers he INSTRUCT, TRAIN recommended. Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, 6, C or D best fits each space. A IR P O R T DGLAY5 Although the plane is the fastest means of transport, the idea of travelling by plane does not (1)________ aPPeal________to everyone because of the frequent delays. It is extrem ely frustrating when you (2)________ allow________ yourself plenty of tim e to get to the airport and - once there - it is brought to your (3)______ attention_______ that there is a problem w ith your flight. The staff at the check-in are trying to (4) convince________ yOU that it w on't be long before the problem is solved. Yet, hours later you feel let (5 )_________ down , as you (6) continue to wait patiently for your boarding call. Of course, you won't (7 ) 9 am________ anything by complaining. By this stage, you realise you are going to miss your connecting fligh t and now you must change your bookings. You feel (8 ) as if________ you're never going to get to your destination. However, there is the slight chance that you could be one of the lucky ones spending the night at a top class hotel at the expense of the airline that caused your problem in the first place. Admittedly, you would rather ( 9 ) __________be__________ heading for your original destination. Regular (10) customers______ advise us just to accept the fact that no m atter how frustrating this situation m ight be, it’s unavoidable and shouldn't (11)________ affect________ us that much. Nevertheless, it will always be a (12)_______common______ sight to see people eagerly waiting, in the hope of hearing their flight announced.
unit 13 D affect C impress JJ) appeal 1 A a ttra ct 2 A let B keep 3 A care B w arning C interest © a t t e n t io n 4 A insist B a ttract C urge © c o n v in c e 5 A o ff 6 © c o n t in u e C away D o ut B persist C insist D remain C earn ©dow n 7 A win B result 8 A if only B though 9 (A ) be D make © a llo w © g a in D if © a s if B to be C had been D to had been 10 A guests B.) custom ers C clients D visitors 11 A effect B influence C appeal D affect B general C wide D strong 12 © com m on B Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. THE MODEL T-FORD One of the m ost im portant (1) achievements the history of the m otorcar was the (2) jn ACHIEVE development DEVELOP of the Model-T Ford in 1913, which was the first car to be produced on a large scale. The (3 )______ inventor______ INVENT of this m ethod of production was Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford M otor Company. The production line, as it came to be (4) known .offered (5) employm ent KNOW, EMPLOY to thousands of (6 ) ______ workers_______. It cut costs as well, making cars affordable to (7) consumers WORK . CONSUME In addition, the replacement of old w ork practices made cars more ( 8 )_______ reliable_______, w hile numerous RELY (9 ) IMPROVE improvements t0 t he interio r of the car made driving a pleasure. So, car (10) owners_________have OWN Henry Ford to thank fo r his enorm ous co ntribu tion to the car industry. M n m
Prepositional Phrases A Complete the blanks with the prepositions in, on, at, for, of, with or to. at . the expense in . the m ood on the p o in t. in of need with .c o n ta c t in in for of .c o n n e c tio n __ in in with with in .a d d itio n . to in .th e m id d le ____ of _support_ of in the c e n tre _____ of in of re g a rd ______ t°_ with touch at .th e age. of in answer to to relation with re s p e ct_____ to B Read the sentences and complete them with the prepositions in, on, for, of, with, to or as. as 1 Mr Kingston is disabled a result 2 We lost the bid to a rival com pany 3 I stack all m y m agazines 5 Sally b ought an old house 6 I'm w ritin g in/with on account top on 4 Tom w ith d re w his objections of______ a childhood illness. of a view w ith reference a silly m istake th a t Roy made. the bookcase. the sake for of of the team's unity. to renovating it in the future. to______your new spaper’s investigation into police corruption. C Complete the sentences with the prepositional phrases in the box below. in captivity in haste under repair under strain in aid of in the first place in exchange fo r in court in w riting ahead of schedule out of hand in instalments inflam es in demand behind schedule 1 The ch arity m arathon w a s_________ in aid of_________ cancer research. 2 Hats a re _______in demand_________this season because of the cold weather. 3 I gave m y bicycle to m y friend 4 The fam ous m usicians le f t___ 5 The delay at the a irp o rt has p ut us _ 6 If you had asked fo r directions in exchange for in haste his ele ctric guitar. . after the concert to avoid th e ir fans. behind schedule in the first place _we w ould not be lost now. 7 Requests fo r inform a tion made to this d epartm ent m ust b e ________ in w riting_________. 8 The businessman was k e p t_______in captivity________ for 0ver a m onth by his kidnappers. 9 I am paying o ff m y c a r________in instalments 10 The c o u n try ’s econom y is s till. under strain ___and the econom ic situation w ill not im prove soon . 11 To the surprise o f everyone, the pro je ct was com pleted ahead of schedule . 12 My car is ______ under repair________at the m om ent a fte r last week's crash. 13 The man decided to settle his claim 14 Don't you th in k th a t infla tion is g e ttin g __ 15 The w hole building w a s ________in flames in court out of hand . despite his lawyer's advice. ? . by the tim e the fire brigade arrived on the scene.
unit 14 Read the sentences on the left and match the phrasal verbs with their definitions on the right by writing the correct number in the box next to each definition. A CALL 2 return a phone call 1 Why don't you call your mother up and surprise her? 5 pay a short visit 3 The celebrations were called off after the tragic accident. 4 shout loudly 4 I heard someone calling out my name from a distance. 1 make a phone call 5 I called at the office to pick up my laptop before coming here. 3 2 The bank manager said he would call back after lunch. cancel B SPEAK, TELL, COUNT 1 Speak up please! I can't hear a word you're saying. :: 1 I speak loudly 2 I could never tell the two identical twins apart. 5 rely on 2 distinguish 3 include 4 exclude 3 Joe said to count him in for this weekend's fishing expedition. 4 I guess we will have to count Dave out of tomorrow's match if he doesn't feel better by tonight. 5 Rob can always count on his brother to help him with the gardening. Words with Prepositions A Complete the blanks with prepositions. Adjectives anarv Nouns Verbs w ith/at sb a comparison anarv about/at sth an understanding annoyed w ith about sth bored with between of combine w ith compare w ith/to competewith/against Sb for sb/sth Sb sth describe sb/sth to certain about/of sb (=say what they look like) identical excuse sb to similar to suitable f° r be made p ro te s t sure about/of terrible at for/from of/from about/against/at shout at/to sth B Read the following sentences and complete them with prepositions. 1 Many new paper products today are made of/from 2 The copy o f the m asterpiece was identical to 3 The m anager was ve ry angry at/about 4 Dennis has a good overall understanding recycled paper. the one in the museum. the way things turned o ut at yesterday's presentation. of 5 In next m onth's athletics m eeting I w ill be com peting .th e subject. fo r the gold m edal w ith/against mv arch-rival, Gary Flash. 6 My d octo r was annoye d. with me when I told her I wasn’t taking m y m edication regularly.
unit 14 7 Leone is not sure 8 I was bored about w ith her new jo b offer. She needs tim e to th in k it over. all the advice the teachers fe lt obliged to give us on the firs t day back at school. 9 Erica was absolutely certain about/of w hat she saw th a t night. 10 Dan and Carole are a lovely couple because they're so suitable 11 For the firs t tim e in years, farm ers aren't protesting 12 Many students are te rrib le at a 9 amst ^°r each other. t[ie decrease in th e ir income. Maths and English. Grammar Revision (Reported Speech) See Grammar Review page 163 Change the following sentences into R e p o rte d Speech. Use one of the reporting verbs in the box below. suggest advise warn prom ise explain com plain a dm it ask deny threaten 1 “ You’ll sprain your ankle, Celia, if you run in those shoes,” said her mother. Celia's m other warned her that she would sprain her ankle if she ran in those shoes___________________________ . 2 “ Stand still or I'll tie you up!” shouted the kidnapper at the man. The kidnapper threatened that he would tie up/to tie up the man if he didn't stand still_________________________ 3 “ You’re late again, Fay!” said John. John complained to Fay about her being late again/that she was late again___________________________________ 4 “ I w on't tell you another lie, M um ,” said Ben. Ben promised his m other not to tell her another lie/that he w ouldn't tell her another lie________________________ 5 “ I did n't steal your wallet, Betty,” he said. He denied stealing/having stolen Betty's wallet 6 “ Take the pills for three days and visit me again next week, Mr Farrow,” said the doctor. The doctor advised Mr Farrow to take the pills for three days and visit him /her again the following week________. 7 “ Let's go on a boat trip ,” my brother told me. My brother suggested going/that we go/that we should go on a boat trip_____________________________________ . 8 “ Yes, I did ruin the printer,” my colleague said. My colleague admitted (to) ruining/having ruined the printer________________________________________________. 9 “ Why did n't you do your hom ew ork yesterday, Mary?” the teacher wanted to know. The teacher asked Mary why she hadn't done her homework the previous day/the day before_________________ . 10 “ I need the m oney because I m ust fly to London to n ig h t,” she said. She explained that she needed the money because she had to fly to London that night
© “You should speak more politely,” he said to me. 4 He told me to speak more politely. / He told to ma to spook more politely. (tell someone something; say something to someone) © “If she phones, r 11let her know” said John. 4 John said that if she phoned, he would let her know. (Conditional Sentences Typel usually change into Conditional Sentences Type 2 in Reported Speech.) “I'll drive you to school,” said m y father. 4 My father promised to drive me to school. My father promised that he would drive me to school. (agree, claim, promise, threaten, warn + full infinitive or that-clause) © “I'm sorry I'm late,” she said. 4 She apologised for being late. / Sheapologised-that-Ghc wasl ater (accuse of, apologise for, blame for, insist on etc. + ing form) © “If I had money, I would go abroad,” said Kim. 4 Kim said that if she had money, she would go abroad. g “My coffee is too cold,” she said. 4 “HI had had money, I would have gone abroad last year,” said Kim. 4 She complained about her coffee being too cold. Kim said that if she had had money, she would have She complained that her coffee was too cold. gone abroad the previous year. (admit, complain, deny+ -ingform or that -clause) (Conditional Sentences Types 2 and 3 do not change in Reported “Let's go for a walk,” said Peter. 4 Speech.) e Peter suggested going for a walk. / P p tp r c n g g g g tp H t n g n f n r a w a l k © “I wish I didn't have to work late,” she said. She said she wished she didn't have to work late. / Peter suggested that we go for a walk. / She said she wished she hadn't had fo-work late.Peter suggested that we should go for a walk. ✓ (Unreal Past Tenses do not change in Reported Speech.) < “Do you like your job?” he asked me. © “Please, fasten your seatbelts,” said the flight attendant. 4 He asked if/whether I liked my job. / The flight attendant asked us to fasten our seatbelts. / Ho ackod mo did I like my-job. "Please, don't smoke,”said the flight attendant. 4 He asked me if did I like my jeb.—The flight attendant asked us not to smoke. / “What are you going to do?” she asked me. ^ The flight attendant askod us to not smoke. She asked me what I was going to do. / (tell, ask, beg order, command, advise, forbid, warn, encourage + She asked me what was I going to do. ~ object +full infinitive) When can we see the principal? Could you tell us when we can see the principal? / © “I’ll drive you to school,” said my father. 4 Could you toll us whoB can-wo see the principal?— My father offered to drive me to school. / (In Reported and Indirect questions the verb is always in M y f a t h e r n f f p r p r l t h a t h g w r t n l r i r ir fa /o m a t n c r h n n l the affirmative form.) (offer, refuse +full infinitive) Key Transformations © “You should exercise more,” the doctor said to me. 4 The doctor said that I should exercise more. The doctor told/advised/encouraged me to exercise more. The doctor suggested that I (should) exercise more. The doctor insisted on my exercising more. © “Don’t move the desks,” said the teacher to the students. 4 The teacher told/ordered the students not to move the desks. The teacher forbade the students to move the desks. The teacher didn't let the students move the desks. The teacher didn't allow the students to move the desks. © “We missed the plane and you're responsible for that,” said his wife to him. 4 His wife blamed him for missing the plane. © ‘Til do the shopping,” said Mike. 4 Mike offered to do the shopping. Mike promised to do the shopping. Mike promised that he would do the shopping. Mike agreed to do the shopping. Mike agreed that he would do the shopping. © “If only I knew how to operate the machine,” she said. She wished she knew how to operate the machine. © “Have you ever been to Japan, Julie?” asked Ben. 4 Ben asked Julie if / whether she had ever been to Japan. Ben wondered/wanted to know if/whether Julie had ever been to Japan. © Could you tell me the way to the beach? Could you tell me how I can/could get to the beach? Could you tell me how to get to the beach?
unit 1 4 Examination Practice A R ead th e t e x t b e lo w a n d t h in k o f th e w o r d w h ic h b e s t f it s e a c h space. U se o n ly o n e w o r d in e a c h space. A CAREER AT HOME Jodie Sutter is th irty-e ig h t. She has tw o daughters and has recently changed her lifestyle. She is part o f a g row ing num ber o f w om en (1)_________ who___________ are abandoning th e ir careers to become fu ll-tim e homecarers. Jodie w orked fo r ten years as a successful law yer in a large legal firm in the city. She loved her jo b and was m oving up the career ladder. She explained (2 )___________that__________ she had fascinating cases (3 )__________ in____________ co urt and gave it everything she had. Twelve-hour days were not uncom m on and her weekends were always busy. When she had her firs t child, though, things ch a n g e d ." In the (4 )_________ first___________ place, m y colleagues co uldn ’t count (5 )___________ 21]___________me when they had a heavy w orkload because I’d have to rush home to Lucy," she said. Her husband also had a dem anding job and they soon realised th a t there was m ore to fa m ily life than th ey had imagined. "We were always (6 )_________ behind_________schedule!" she exclaimed. Jodie adm its (7 )________ getting_________ frustra te d at tim es when the situation g ot (8 )___________ out___________ o f hand. T hat’s when she was sure (9) _________about/of_______ her decision to leave her job. Her husband suggested th a t they (10)________should__________ get a nanny. However, Jodie insisted (11)___________ 2!]___________ giving up her career, and did so when Lucy was three. "It's very d iffic u lt to com bine w ork (12)________with_____________fa m ily life and I believe the latter is m ore im portant." B C o m p le te th e s e c o n d s e n te n c e so th a t i t h a s a s im ila r m e a n in g to th e f i r s t s e n te n c e , u s in g th e w o r d g iv e n u n c h a n g e d . Y ou m u s t u s e b e tw e e n tw o a n d fiv e w o rd s , in c lu d in g th e w o r d g iv e n . 1 "He stole my money!" shouted the old lady. accused The old la d y ________________accused him of stealing her______________________money. 2 "I th ink you should stop eating so many sweets," Mary's sister said to her. advised Mary's siste r_______________ advised her to stop eating________________________so many sweets. 3 "Don't cancel your trip because of us,” we said to John. o ff We told Jo h n ________________________ not to call off___________________________ hjSf rjp because of us. 4 "I'm sorry I didn't tell you the truth," Peter said to us. apologised Peter_______________apologised fo r not telling us______________________ the truth. 5 Is the gallery open in the afternoon? know Do you know if/w hether the gallery is open in the afternoon? 6 "Why don't you try on a pair of jeans?" Peter asked Mary, suaaested Peter suggested (that) Mary try/should try on a pair o f jeans. 7 "You really must let me cook dinner," said Anne, insisted Anne insisted on cooking dinner. 8 "What does he want to tell me?” Julie asked herself, wondered Julie wondered w hat he wanted to tell her.
unit | 4 Words easily confused Use the correct form of the words in the boxes to complete the sentences in each group A-H below. You may use some of the words more than once. In some cases, more than one word may be correct. A like alike unlike likely common 1 It's v e ry . as same sim ilar com m on to see people asleep on the train when travelling to work. When I’m tired I do the same like 2 My cousin John looks ju s t__ unlike 3 Jonathan is very p o lite _____ 4 Dora and Mary lo o k ________ alike B suit fit similar habits. his brother w ho is really rude. ______ and often I can't tell one from the other. 5 He's as w h ite ___________ 6 They a re _____ his father. They even h ave . a ghost. It's v e ry ___________ likely________ that he is going to faint. likely to be late, so le t’s start eating dinner. match combine compare 1 You m u s t_______ combine_________ strength w ith w ill-pow er to become a successful w eightlifter. 2 The red tie d oe sn't___________suit__________ you and it d o e sn 't___________ match________ y0ur clothes either. 3 My trainers are too small and d o n 't____________ fit__________ me anymore. 4 You c a n 't________ compare_______ a Ferrari to an ordinary car. C punctual accurate correct exact sharp 1 T h e __________correct________answer to the maths problem is 2.43 not 2.53. 2 Be here at 8 o 'c lo c k _________ sharp__________ _ otherw ise I'll leave w ith o u t you. 3 Barometers are the m o s t_________accurate_______ way 0f measuring atm ospheric pressure. 4 Jason is a v e ry _________punctual __ person. He is never late. 5 T h e __________ exact_________ distance from Burwood to the city centre is 17.4 km. D rem ain reveal review revise relieve release 1 The journalist w o u ld n 't__________ reveal_________ her source no m atter how much pressure I put on her. 2 My fam ily w e re ________ relieved________ to hear that my grandfather’s operation w ent well. He then had to ________remain__________ in hospital fo r four weeks before he could b e _________ released________ . 3 We had t o __________ revise________ all ten units for the maths test. 4 My e ditor asked me t o _________ review_________ a new p |a y b y John Astor. 5 The ‘New Rockers’ h a v e ________ released________ th e ir new album and the reviews have been excellent so far.
unit 14 E 1 o utcom e o u td o o r o u tfit o u tle t o utsid er Bullfighting is fo ug ht in a n ________ outdoor________ arena. 2 I bought an expensive___________ o utfit________ fo r the awards ceremony. 3 When Beth moved to her new school, she fe lt like a n ________ outsider________ until she became friends w ith a few girls. 4 The fa c to ry __________ outlet________ sells shoes at cost price. 5 T h e ________ outcome_______ Qf the match was in favour of the home team. F p erfect ideal fine th orou g h detailed d e fin ite certain p a rticu la r special sure 1 M y __________'deal__________ w eight is 54 kilograms. At the m om ent I'm 61 kilograms, so I'm going on a diet. 2 The doctor gave her patient a (n )_________thorough_______check-up once a year. 3 My supervisor asked for a (n )________ detailed________ report concerning the new project we were doing. 4 This m irror w ill b e _______ perfect/ideal for our entrance hall. I'm ______ certain/sure______ jt w j|| fjt on w an opposite the door. 5 I need a (n )______ definite___________answer by tom orrow because I want to know f o r ________ sure____________ how m any people are com ing to the restaurant. 6 The weather to m o rro w w ill b e ____________^ ne_________ w ith a light breeze from the North. 7 The superm arket had a ___________ special_______offer on a (n )________ particular________ brand of spaghetti that was very tasty. G stand resist to lerate suffer 1 I don't like people w ho lie and cheat. I w ill n o t____________ tolerate SUch behaviour. 2 Many p e o p le _________ suffer_________ from allergies in spring. 3 I c a n 't__________ resist_________ chocolate cake when I see it in fro n t o f me. 4 I couldn't bear to watch my c a t__________ suffer________ _ so | asked the vet to put him down. 5 Kate c a n 't_________ stand__________ m ilk and never drinks it. H o ffe r provide supply cater 1 Peter__________ offered_______ to take me home since it was raining. 2 Does this re sta ura nt___________cater_________fo r vegetarians? 3 The airline provided/offered lunch fo r the passengers of the delayed flight. 4 T h e y _______ offered___________us home-made cookies. 5 The injured clim bers were supplied/provided Wjth food and w ater until help arrived.
unit 14 In the previous units we dealt w ith derivatives which are form ed according to certain rules. There are, however, some less predictable form ations. The m ost com m on o f these are: V e rb N oun bear behave choose com plain die hate heat laugh lose m arry pride prove pursue relieve see sing solve speak succeed th in k — b irth behaviour choice co m p la int death hatred heat laughter loss m arriage pride proof pursuit relief sight song solution speech success th o u g h t youth A d je c tiv e I behavioural choosy — dead hateful hot — lost m arried proud — — relieved — — - speechless successful th o u g h tfu l young • You may be asked to form an adjective or noun w hich derives from the name o f a co u n try or continent, e.g. England 4 English Europe 4 European • Finally, you may be asked to derive an adverb or a pronoun ending in -body, -one, -thing, -where, -how, -ever or -self. some any every else * som ebody anyone everything elsewhere any anyhow when 4 whenever one oneself Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in bold type. 1 Janet was at a _________ _____________ fo r words when she saw the damage done to her car. 2 My parents have had a long and happy _ 3 I need somebody/someone I've looked tc> help me find t h e _____ everywhere British rainy marriage MARRY missing .docum ents, as and can’t find them . .people like to make LOSE SOME, MISS EVERY complaints .a b o u t London’s BRITAIN, COMPLAIN weather. RAIN 5 He com m itte d the crim e o ut o f ra cia l_________hatred________ HATE 6 The fa th er w a s ________ proud________ o f his son's admittance/admission f 0 Cambridge. PRIDE, ADMIT 7 I can't stand t h e __________ sight________ o f _______ SEE, DIE 8 Wherever _ we go, we manage to enjoy dead_______ animals! ourselves WHERE, OUR 9 Many people can't stand e x tre m e _________ heat 10 The Italian .am bassador is giving a HOT speech .to n ig h t. ITALY, SPEAK
11 He _ 12 The _ somehow thought mixed w ith behaviour 13 His proof . managed to find th a t he was innocent. SOME, PROVE _ o f leaving my hom e tow n and going to live in the c ity filled me THINK _ fe e lin g s , but I had made m y _________ choice_______ . MIX, CHOOSE .w as BEHAVE, ACCEPT unacceptable and |'m never going to speak to him again. 14 It is com m only accepted th a t laughter is the best m edicine fo r stress. 15 H is __________Pride________ doesn't allow him to adm it his faults. 16 The imm igrants 17 It was such a crossed the relief Mexican 19 They th in k very highly o f _ w jth 20 The _ anybody/anyone success PROUD border. ____fo r her when she found her dog. 18 I believe th a t it's im possible to find a __________solution themselves LAUGH t0 every problem . .and prefer not to associate .th e y consider inferior. IMMIGRATE, MEXICO RELIEVE SOLVE THEM ANY .o f yo ur book w ill depend on how well you prom ote it. SUCCEED Examination Practice A Read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. A BIG DECISION When Lucy (1) announced_______that she was going to move abroad because she was bored (2)__________w ittl_________ her life, we weren't surprised. After all, she had been talking about moving to a warm er country for ages, one which would (3)_________ offer__________sun, sea and opportunities for outdoor activities. A country like Spain or Portugal would (4 )_________ sujt__________ her just fine. We took her even more seriously when she called (5)__________ off__________ an interview fo r a job she was sure of getting. Of course, her parents were annoyed w ith her decision, but I had to adm it that I sympathised with her. I had done something (6 )________ similar_________when I was her age, so I supported her all the way. I even helped her decide on a suitable destination. It was near an ancient site which, given Lucy’s academic background in archaeology, was (7)__________ idea_________for her. I (8 )________ warned_______ her that in the beginning she would feel (9) _________[ike_________ an (10)_______ outsider______ , but people from small towns are friendly and she w ouldn't feel lonely for too long. The tim e came for Lucy to depart. She wasn’t sad, (11)________ unlike_________ her parents who were crying and couldn’t bear to see their daughter leaving. Seeing her parents cry made me feel responsible for w hat had happened. In the end, I (12)______ apologised______ for having encouragec Lucy to leave. To tell the truth, however, I'm glad to have influenced her decision to move abroad.
unit 1 4 1 © announced B to ld C agreed D claim ed 2 © w ith B fo r C about D at B offer C reveal D cater C com bine D m atch B up C fo r D o ff B com m on C same D likely 3 A supply 4 A fit 5 A o ut © s u it 6 © s im ila r 7 A )ideal B special C p articula r D fine 8 A insisted B explained C said © w a rn e d 9 A as B alike C like D unlike 10 A o u td o o r © o u t s id e r C outcom e D o u tfit 11 A not alike B unlikely C not as D unlike 12 A a dm itted B denied © a p o lo g is e d D accused E Complete the text below with the correct form of the words in capitals. A TENNIS STAR IS BORN Whenever the tennis star Richard Krajicek stepped onto the court, his opponent WHEN needed to prepare for one of the (2)_______ fastest_________ serves in the game. Krajicek was FAST (3)_________ proud________ of his 220 km/h serve, since his (4 )___________success______ on PRIDE, SUCCEED the court could be partly attributed to it. Without doubt, Krajicek can be described as (5) w)l0 was jn pursujt Gf SOME ^ Wimbledon in 1997, bad weather conditions didn’t dampen his EXCEL thought______________ that went through his mind was that of holding the THINK (6 )_____ excellence_______ spirits. The only (7) somebody/someone trophy. Krajicek had a lot of (8) determ ination ancj t>eat his (9) American opponent three sets to love. Many considered Krajicek to be the next great (10) _ tennis champion following in the footsteps of Boris Becker. European DETERMINE, AMERICA EUROPE
SECTION 1(FCE format) For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 (A)heading B counting C increasing D progressing POPULATION FACTS A ccording to the United Nations’ population figures, the w orld's population w ill be ( 0 ) _________ heading ________ f or g g b illion by the year 2050, (1)_______ compared________ to 6.7 b illion in 2009. This fig ure (2 )__________takes___________ into account th a t each w om an on the planet w ill give b irth to tw o children. Eight billion, nine hundred m illion people may sound ( 3 ) ___________ [ike___________ an astronom ical figure, yet statistics reveal__________that, th ro u g h o u t the w orld, the num ber of children being born is dropping. In Africa (4 ) the b irth rate has decreased from 6.6 to 5.1, in Asia from 5.1 to 2.6, in Latin Am erica from 5.0 to 2.7 and w ith (5 ) respect_________ to the European countries, the b irth rate is below the replacem ent level. This means fewer people being born fo r every elderly person. For instance, by 2050, Spain risks being the oldest co u n try in the w orld. The explanation ( 6 ) __________ given__________ fo r this is the fact th a t wom en have become better educated and w ould rather ( 7 ) ___________ Pursue________ a career than enjoy m otherhood. Therefore, they ( 8 ) ___________ avoid__________ bringing up m any children and being o ut o f w ork fo r long periods of tim e. ( 9 ) _______ All the same_______, the w orld's population w ill continue to increase (1 0 )_________ in spite of________ the ageing population. This w ill happen because o f an overall rise in life expectancy, especially in the developed countries. The main reason fo r this is th a t many diseases which were fatal in the past, can be (11)__________ cured__________ nowadays. In view o f these facts, experts argue th a t 8.9 billion people is m ore than our planet w ill be able to take. Others w ho have j a m ore pessim istic o u tlo o k on life (1 2 )___________ warn_________ that we are already on the p o in t of not being able to sustain the current population. 1 A com bined B unlike C com peted 2 A brings B has C takes 3 A as B alike C likewise B give away C describe D speak out 4 (A ) reveal (o )c o m p a re d D gives ( p ) like 5 A connection B view C relation D respect 6 A given B made C supported D told 7 A chase B create C pursue D advance 8 A prevent B o m it 9 ( A) All the same ( c ) avoid B A fter all C All in all D p ro h ib it D Once and fo r all 10 A whereas B although C even th ough 11 A healed B cured C defeated D beaten B accuse C threaten D advise 12 ( a ) warn ( 5 ) in spite of
unit | 5 For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. J L O W E : Flowers grow everyw here in the w orld b ut (0) _____people th in k o f tulips, they th in k of the Netherlands. The Dutch have a saying: “ Flowers love people”. (1 3 )_____________ |f___________ this is true, then flow ers really love the Dutch, as flow ers have been cu ltiva te d in the N etherlands fo r hundreds of years. In fact, the flo w e r ind ustry has been (1 4 )___________ ?2____________ p ro fitab le th a t it has been boosting the Dutch econom y since the seventeenth century. Recently, however, the Dutch flo w e r growers have been (15) having d ifficu ltie s in coping w ith the tough com p etitio n from abroad. The Colombians, fo r instance, have (1 6 )________ taken________the Dutch by surprise. Their flow ers are now (1 7 )____________ in_________ dem and all over the w orld (1 8 )__________ due____________to the sim ple fact th a t they are cheaper. W ithin a few sh ort years, the Colombians have b ro ug ht Holland's dom ination o f the flo w e r in d u stry to an end. (1 9 )_________Despite__________this fact, the Netherlands is still in control o f over sixty per cent of the w orld's flo w e r m arket. In (20) order to help the Dutch growers, the European Com m ission has decided to prom ote the flo w e r industry, as (2 1 )_________ long____________ as the grow ers them selves are w illing to cu t costs and become more com petitive. All this in the hope o f m aking people buy m ore flow ers than they used to. Today the average Dutchm an buys 150 stems a year, (22) whereas/while______ the Germans buy 8 0 stems and the English only 50 stems. These num bers are constantly declining. (23 ) Unless_________ this trend is reversed, many Dutch growers w ill soon be ( 2 4 ) _________ out_____________ of business. * * * * *
u n itf 5 For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O). DESERT ANIMALS u n in h a b ite d Deserts are not (0) INHABIT places as many people believe. Although the daytime air unbearable______ 58 ° c and the surface temperature 77° C, temperature may reach a(n) (25) BEAR ; many animals live in these conditions. Their (2 6 )_______survival________, however, is SURVIVE (27 ) dependent . on them being able to get the water they need. DEPEND (28) Observation _of desert animals has revealed a lot about the strategies they OBSERVE employ to achieve this. (29) Researchers RESEARCH have found that beetles, for example, get their daily REQUIRE requirem ent_______ 0f water after waiting for the moisture from fog to condense on their bodies and (30) drip down into their mouth. solution Larger desert animals have come up with another (31) source of water. For example, (32) (33) creatures SOLVE to the problem of finding a CREATE like hares or rats get their supply by eating CONSIDER considerable______amounts of desert vegetation, which contains the water they require. However extreme the conditions may be, desert animals (34) somehow_______ manage to obtain water. SOME For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. used When I was younger, I ___________________ used to pCay .te n nis every Sunda. 35 We took the ring road because we did n't w ant to get caught in tra ffic in the city centre. as We took the ring ro a d . so as not to get . caught in tra ffic in the city centre. 36 “ Why don't we participate in the game?” my friend said. part My friend su gg este d____________ ta k in g /th a t we take p artin .th e game. 37 By the look on th e ir faces, yo u ’d assume they had seen a ghost, though They lo o k e d _____________as though they had seen a ghost. 38 A lthough he smokes heavily, he refuses to go fo r a check-up. smoker D espite____________ being a heavy smoker_________ ., he refuses to go fo r a check-up. 39 You m ig ht get lost and need to ring us, so take yo ur m obile phone w ith you. in Take your m obile phone w ith y o u _______________ in case you get lost . and need to ring us. 40 They had better dem olish th a t old b uilding on Kensington Road. down It is _________ tim e they knocked/pulled down___________ th a t old building on Kensington Road. 41 “ Do you speak Spanish fluently, Vanessa?” he asked. w hether He wanted to k n o w __________w hether Vanessa spoke Spanish__________ fluently. 42 Fortunately, the m o to rcyclist was w earing p rotective clothing, so he got away w ith m in or injuries, injured The m oto rcyclist would/could have been (seriously) injured_______ had he not been wearing p rotective clot-
unit 15 SECTION 2 (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer. 1. Suppose David asked y0u to marry him, what would you do? 6. Despite being seriously injured in the car accident, the man managed to survive. a. asks (c)asked 2. it's time for the children b. will ask a. Although d. would ask c. In spite to start doing their homework. 7. We'd better b. Though ^ D e s p it e repair the car before Dad returns home. a. started b. had started c. to have started (d )to start c. have repaired 3. "Have you heard the news? Our neighbour has been arrested_____ f ° r a. told to me not b. of (o )to ld me not to d. from ( c )fo r 4. I would rather he dark. (b^lhadn't lied a. was c. hasn't lied b. told me to not d. told me to d o n 't 9. Wayne complained about the room h a d n 't lied to me yesterday, a. d id n 't lie d. to have repaired 8. Jonathan told me not to reveal his secret to anyone, forgery.” a. on b. to repair ( a^lrepair d. co u ld n 't lie 5 . Had I known how boring this course was going to be, I w o u ld n 't have enrolled. c. be being too b. had been ( d)being 10. The bank manager forbade the employees to smoke in the building. a. If had I known b. If I knew (c)H a d I known a. of smoking d. Did I know b. of smoke d. smoking @ t o smoke Vocabulary Choose the correct answer. 1. Alex is envious 0f his brother's success. He always says unkind things about him. ja ; envious c. annoyed 2. The effect 6. We delayed our departure on a. relation d. disgusted (c.)account b. order d. condition 7. The moment the teacher gave out as it's still in the trial process. papers, I was filled with anxiety. a. result b. consequence a. gave away d. affect c. handed down 3. "Which dress should I buy? The blue or the red one?" "Well, I think the blue one a. compares fc )s u its suits you better", prevent d. combines c. progressed 9. The defendant tried to b. forbid ( a.)convince c. prohibit d. avoid c. appeal remain reading to you. quiet while I'm ( d.)gave out increased b. developed ( d)increased convince the ju ry of his innocence. ( ji ) prevent 5. I would like everyone to b. handed over our city. a. advanced burglars from entering. the exam 8. According to police reports, crime has b. matches 4. We have had security locks installed on all doors and windows to of the bad weather. b. suspicious of this new drug is not known yet, f c ) effect account b. urge d. oblige 10. It took Steve three weeks to recover illness and return home from the hospital, a. maintain ( ^ re m a in a. heal c. tolerate d. notice c. cure (bjreco ver d. overcome from his jn
f For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A , B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 A first B ideal C special B 1 D best THE BEST STUDENTS According to m ost professors, m ature students are ( 0 ) ___________id e a l______ w orking and become a ctively ( 1 ) __ involved students because they are hard- _____ in all aspects of the learning process. The m a jo rity o f m ature students have a poor educational background but they ( 2 ) ________ manage exceptionally well at te rtia ry level. ( 3 ) __ (4 ) Although to do m any o f them have a m ortgage, a jo b and children to raise___________ , they are always present at seminars and lectures and always hand (5 ) in____________ essays on tim e. They like studying and w ritin g essays and they enjoy the class discussions th a t take place. Consequently, they ( 6 ) _________ achieve_________excellent results. In fact, as th ey have (7) experienced________ (8 ) m any o f life's pleasures, th ey are content w ith th e ir lives and this has a positive effect___________ on th e ir a ttitu de , m aking them ( 9 ) ___________ eager__________to learn. On the o th e r hand, despite th e ir enthusiasm and co m m itm e nt, m ature students ( 1 0 ) __________suffer__________ from anxiety. The fa ct th a t th ey have made m any sacrifices to get into u niversity puts extra pressure on them to succeed. (11) Nevertheless________ , com pleting a degree gives m ature students a sense o f achievem ent, boosts th e ir confidence and (1 2 )_________improves________ th e ir job prospects. ANSWER SHEET 1 A included B related C involved D com bined 1 A B C D 2 A able B succeed C manage D capable 2 A B C D 3 A Although B Despite C However D In spite of 3 A B C D 4 A grow B develop C rise D raise 4 A B C D 5 A in B over C o ut D up 5 A B C 6 A fu lfil B achieve C reach D earn 6 A B C D 7 A known B experienced C found out D recognised 7 A B C D 8 A effect B affect C conclusion D consequence 8 A B C D B anxious C interested D im patient 9 A B C D 10 A tolerate B resist C suffer D com plain A B C D 10 i-----1 i-----1 b i---- : 11 A Likewise B Furtherm ore C Nevertheless D Otherwise 12 A creates B im proves C progresses D advances 9 A eager 11 A B C D 12 A B C D
FCE test For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your word on the separate answer sheet. dozvn 0 Example: 0 TV RATINGS down As you settle (0) ever ____in fro n t of yo ur television, have you (13) w atched w hile we're wondered how TV ratings are calculated? Don't w orry, we're not (1 4 )_________ being in fro n t of the TV. It’s the Audience Research Board (ARB) th a t w orks (1 5 )_____ out ___ the ratings for each program m e. To (1 6 )__________ do_____________ this, the board appoints researchers whose task is to choose from a sample o f viewers, w ho receive a small paym ent fo r (17) their cooperation. To gather the required inform ation, the researchers connect the vie w e r’s TV set and video recorder to electronic m eters w hich record when these appliances are turned on and o ff and w hat is being viewed. There is a difference (1 8 )_________ between________ counting TV program m es and those recorded on video. To count the latter, the day, tim e and channel are im p rin te d by the electronic meter. (1 9 )_________ However________ , only when the video is watched does the program m e recorder on the m eter become activated. It sounds com plicated but the ARB need to separate live recordings ( 2 0 ) ____________ from _________ taped ones. (21 ) Another__________problem is the num ber of view ers in one household. If there is (22 ) more__________ than one viewer, then the household is given a special rem ote control. when Finally, (23) ( 2 4 ) _______ in all the figures are collected, they are com pared to the TV guides and the end the national view ing figures are calculated. ANSWER SHEET DO NOT WRITE HERE 13 13 ever i----- 1i----- 1 14 being 14 15 out 15 16 do i— i i— i 17 their i----- 1i— i 18 between i----- 1 i— i 19 However 19 20 from i----- 1 i----- 1 21 Another 21 22 more i----- 11— i 23 when 23 24 in i----- 1 i— i 16 17 18 20 22 24
FCE test For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your word on the separate answer sheet. philosopher 0 Example: 0 0 PYTHAGORAS Pythagoras was a (0) philosopher He was well known as a great (25) _ _ born on the Aegean island of Samos. m athematician ancj his academic PHILOSOPHY MATHEMATICS excellence has been ( 2 6 ) _______ respected_______ for over 2 0 0 0 years. RESPECT As a young man, he travelled and was ( 2 7 )_________ g reat|y_______ influenced by GREAT some ( 2 8 ) _______ remarkable REMARK Over time, he made (29) ideas he came across in Egypt and Babylon. extensive __mathematical investigations, which included "Pythagoras' Theorem", a great ( 3 0 ) ______ discovery_______ EXTEND DISCOVER stating that the square of the hypotenuse of a right angled triangle is equal to the sum of the squares. In (31)_______ addition________ , Pythagoras was one of ADD the earliest (3 2 )______ scientists________to suggest that the earth was a sphere SCIENCE revolving around a (3 2 ). (34 ) ______contribution ANSWER SHEET central fire. W ithout doubt, his to the scientific world will always be acknowledged. DO NOT WRITE HERE 25 mathematician 25 26 respected 26 i----- 1i----- 1 27 greatly 27 i----- 1i----- 1 28 remarkable 28 29 extensive 29 30 discovery 30 31 addition 31 32 scientists 32 33 central 33 34 contribution 34 i— 11----- 1 CENTRE CONTRIBUTE
FCE test For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write only the missing words on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. used When I was younger, I ___________________ used to p Cay 0 .te n n is every Sunday. 0 used to pCaif 35 Judy is as old as Helen, same J u d y ________ is the same age as Helen. 36 I w ould stron gly advise you to apologise fo r yo ur mistake, better You had better apologise for .y o u r mistake. 37 Take a coat because it m ig ht get colder in the evening, case Take a c o a t________________________ incase it gets _ _ _ _ colder in the evening. 38 They had to postpone the m atch until Friday. off had to be put off The m atch _______u ntil Friday. 39 A lthough he tries hard, he never manages to w in a game, matter He never manages to w in a g a m e _____________ no m atter how hard . he tries. 4 0 " No, I w on’t pick you up from the airport," said Nick to James, refused N ic k _________________ refused to pick James up .fro m the airport. 41 You w on't become fitte r if you d on 't exercise more, unless You w on’t become f it t e r ________________ unless you exercise more. 42 You should learn how to operate the washing machine. about It is ___________________about tim e you learnt ANSWER SHEET DO NOT WRITE HERE 35 35 is the same age as 36 had better apologise for 37 in case it gets 37 i----- 1i----- 1 38 had to be put off 38 39 no matter how hard 39 40 refused to pick James up i 36 ii i 40 i----- 1i----- 1 41 unless you exercise 41 42 about time you learnt 42 i----- 1i— i . how to operate the washing machine.
1. a d octo r’s appointm ent tomorrow? 8. If only I ________ on vacation now. a. Have got a. had been b. Do you have b. would be c. you have c. were d. You have d. have been 2. When I _________the book, I'll return it to the library. 9. Our house looks dirty. It must definitely________ this a. will finish summer. b. will have finished a. been painted (c jin is h d. am finishing 3. She has many friends, one o f _________is a doctor. a. which b. that (1^;be painted c. being painted d. have been painted 10. She has her brother________ the dishes every morning. (a)do c. whom b. to do d. whose c. done 4. My bike is the sam e_________yours. a. to d. doing 11. A friend o f________ called this afternoon. b. with a. you c. like b. your c. yourself 5. “ I want to go to Eurodisney this year.” “So_________my brother.” a. wants (b^does c. is d. will 6. My husband prefers to cook rather th a n _________the dishes. a. to wash (dTyours 12. When the firefighters arrived, the fire was out of control but they managed to put i t ________ . a. off (b)out c. up d. through 13. They wondered________ the letter yet. ( a ) if I had received b. washing b. if had I received c .to washing c. whether did I receive (d)wash 7. Your car is tw ic e _________mine. d. whether have I received 14. She didn't g o ________ last night. She stayed at home. a. as big as a. somewhere b. bigger than b. nowhere c. big to c. everywhere d. more bigger than (d)anywhere
ECCE test 15 . earlier about your coming, we would have 23. Chris would ra th e r_________to work today. prepared something to eat. a. to not go a. If we had informed b. not to go b. If we were informed c. Had we informed d)Had we been informed 16. Sally bought________ furniture that her apartment looks great after the renovation. (cpnot go d. d o n 't go 24. It was the first tim e she_________sushi. a. has ever tasted ( b.)had ever tasted a. such a nice c. ever tastes b. so a nice d. was ever tasted c)such nice 25. Our teacher gave u s_________homework for the weekend. a. far much d. so nice 17. He________ have caused the accident; he's a careful b.)too much driver. c. such much aj)can't d. a lot much b. m ustn't 26. We objected_________on vacation alone. c. did n 't have to d. w ouldn't (a )to his going b.him going 18. She________ this book for five months. c. him to go d. his to go a. is reading b. reads 27. It w asn't lo n g _________I realised I had lost my wallet. c. has read a. when (d)has been reading 19. My father suggested________ the National Museum. (bybefore c. just as d. as soon as a. to visit b. us to visit 28. The new government promised to b rin g _________ c. us visit changes in the co un try's economy. d)visiting (a )a b o u t 20. Susan always dresses________ her mother. b. up a. as c. along b. such as d. back c. the same like a. starts ( jj) like 21_________ . 29. It's about tim e she_________studying fo r her exams. the hotel was very luxurious, Alan was not ( b ) started satisfied with anything, c. has started a. Despite d. had started (b)Eventhough 30. You had b e tte r_________to Jeremy for your bad c. Despite of behaviour. d. In spite of a. apologise 22. She was so beautiful in that dress that I couldn't take my b. to apologise eyes________ her. c. apologised a. from d. have apologised b. out of c. by Q o ff
E C C E test 31.1always sh o p _________credit because I d o n 't want to carry cash on me. 34. Anne accused T im _________breaking her sunglasses. © of a. by b. for b. with c. about (c )o n d. in 32. Why n o t_________camping this year? d .to 35. She's clearly superior_________the other candidates; she should definitely get the job. a. to go a. of b. to going b. from © go d.going ©t° d. on 3 3 .1will w rite to you provided y o u _________back. a. will write b. have written © w r it e d.wrote VOCABULARY 3 6 .1________ an ironic tone in his voice when I spoke to him about my promotion. ; a. detected 40. This weekend I have more homework th a n ________ © usual b. regular b. found out c. typical c. discovered d. ordinary d. invented 41. Over the years we have grown rather fond of foreign 37. The demonstrators asked th e ________ to join in the demonstration. a. expedition a. witnesses b. excursion b. sightseers © o n lo o ke rs d. viewers 38. A lot of famous artists have______ _ themselves how to paint. a. learnt b. educated c. instructed © ta u g h t 39. The zoologist was studying the _______ of tigers in their © tr a v e l d. voyage 42. Curry powder is _________to most European dishes. a. strange b. peculiar © fo r e ig n d. unaware 43. There will be a o n e -h u n d re d -d o lla r_ ______ fo r anyone who finds my Siamese cat. a. bonus natural habitat. b. donation a. attitude c. award © b e h a v io u r c. mood d. temper reward
ECCE 44. Kim got a tw enty per c e n t_________when she bought her 51. You_________something about a reduction in prices. What vacuum cleaner during the sales. did you mean by that? a. account a. reported (b)m entioned b.fee c. referred c. receipt ^ d is c o u n t 45. 1 test Craig th irty dollars, but I c a n 't pay him back d. expressed 52. He gave me detailed_________how to operate the fax until I get paid. machine. a. borrow a. directions b. let b. recipe (o)owe c. advice d. own 4 6 .1d o n 't usually c a rry _________. I prefer to use my credit card. a. change constructions 53. The Supreme C ou rt_________the appeal due to lack of evidence. (a ) rejected b. currency b. resisted c. budget c. denied d . cash d. refused 47. Famous people know that even when they wear dark 54. Trespassing is _________and offenders will be prosecuted. glasses, they are som etim es_________. a. prevented a. realised b. convicted (^re cog nised c. distinguished d. neglected 48. You s h o u ld n 't_________that your house is safe just because you have installed a burglar alarm. a. guess (bj)assume c. estimate d. appreciate 49. H is_________as mayor was an occasion fo r celebration. (^ p ro h ib ite d d. sentenced 55. Two police officers_________the bank robbers who ran down the alley. a. hunted ((b)chased c. banned d. forbade 5 6 .1pretended to be sick so that I w ou ldn 't have to do my homework, but my mother knew that I was trying t o _______ a. selection her. b. choice a. cheat (c)election d. option 50. “ Be_________, Jack! How can I lend you my car when y o u're only fifteen.” a. responsible b. blackmail c. pursue (djde ce ive 57. The Titanic sank a fte r_________an iceberg. ( a. hitting b. reliable b. knocking c. relevant c. beating d)reasonable d. om itting
ECCE test 58. Cyclists should always wear helmets t o _________their 6 5 . 1think that Cathy has become________ to chocolate. She heads in case of an accident. eats at least four bars a day. a. secure a. fond b. defend b. keen ( c.) protect c.iaddicted d. save d. adjusted 59. Mary is v e ry _________to criticism so be careful w hat you 6 6 .1disliked the place the moment I ________ eyes on it. say. a. put a.sensitive b. kept b. sensible c. sensational d. emotional 60. The police officer waved her hand as a _ _ _ _ _ fo r the Q set d.got 67. Andrew________ greater responsibilities when he was promoted. driver to stop. a. went over a. notice b. put up b. warning c. caution d.signal 61.1have never played golf, as it's never _ _ _ _ _ to me. (c )to o ko n d. got over 68. This picture is ________ to one my mother has in her living room. a. impressed a. identical b. appealed b. same c. attracted c. equal d. urged d. engaged 62 . __ me to show you the way. 69. Every now and then, I ________ my grandparents a visit a. Accept just to keep them company. b. Oblige a. give c. Allow b. have d. Let c. take 63. The exam _________w ill be out tomorrow. s a.;results d. pay 70. When we got off the bus, the tour guide told us to ________ b. effects of pickpockets. c. influences a. beware d. consequences b. warn c. compete 64. D o n 't throw that box away! It m a y_________in handy. (a ) come b. get c. be d.go d. distinguish
THE PRESENT SIMPLE IS USED: • for habits, permanent situations and general truths in the present. 1usually travel alone. Water boils at 100° C. • for future actions related to timetables and programmes. The ship sails at 9 o 'clock. THE PRESENT PROGRESSIVE IS USED: • for temporary states and actions / events happening at or around the time of speaking. We're staying at my grandmother's at the moment. • for planned future actions related to personal arrangements. I'm going to the cinema tonight. now usually always often never sometimes rarely seldom hardly ever every day/week etc. THE PAST SIMPLE IS USED: • for completed actions that happened at a definite time in the past. When 1was five, my father gave me a bicycle. • for habits, repeated actions or permanent situations in the past. Last summer we went swim m ing every day. at the moment tonight at present nowadays this month etc. THE PAST PROGRESSIVE IS USED: • for actions that were in progress at a definite time in the past. / was washing my hair at 9:00 o ’clock last night. • for lengthy past actions that were interrupted by short sudden ones (Past Simple). 1was driving along the street, when a rabbit jum ped in fro n t o f m y car. • for actions happening at the same time in the past. While my sister was cooking, 1was reading a magazine. • for background scenes to a story. • for temporary past states or actions. while yesterday then ago last month/night/week etc. THE PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE IS USED: • for actions which started in the past and are still happening or have just finished. I've had this car since 1995. ■ with adjectives in the superlative degree or expressions like: the only/first/second etc.. This is the best film I've ever seen. • for past actions the results of which are connected to the present. Mum! The dog has sp ilt the m ilk on the floor! (The floor is dirty). • to announce news, changes or events that affect the present. etc. THE PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE IS USED: • to emphasise the duration of actions that started in the past and are still happening or have just finished. Ian has been watching TV a ll day. • actions the results of which are obvious in the present. Her car is so shiny!She's been waxing it all m orning! how long since for just yet already how long ever never etc. THE PAST PERFECT SIMPLE IS USED: • for past events that were completed before other past events or by/at a definite time in the past. By Monday, we had finished rehearsing the school play. as for since all day/morning etc. THE PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE IS USED: • to emphasise the duration of actions that had been in progress up to a time in the past or before another past event. He had been driving fo r 20 years when he had his first car accident. for lengthy past actions with visible results in the past. The children were exhausted because they had been playing football a ll morning. • by + time after before when by the time etc. by when for since after before how long etc.
Grammar Review THE FUTURE SIMPLE IS USED: THE FUTURE PROGRESSIVE IS USED: • for decisions made at the m om ent of speaking. • fo r already planned future actions or events that w ill be in progress at a specific tim e in the future. 1like this dress. 1think I'll buy it • to make predictions based on personal opinions; promises; requests or offers. This tim e next month, 1w ill be sending you a postcard from Hawaii. 1think Grandpa w ill live to be 100. next week m onth/year etc. tom orrow in a w eek/m onth/year etc. THE FUTURE PERFECT SIMPLE IS USED: THE FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE IS USED: • fo r actions that will be completed by a specific tim e in the future or before another future action. / w ill have finished this project by next week. • to emphasise the duration of actions up to a point of tim e in the future. by by the tim e before By next July, they w ill have been living in this house for ten years. by ........__ _ THE FUTURE "Going to" IS USED: WAS/WERE "Going to" IS USED: • for predictions based on evidence. • fo r actions that had been planned in the past BUT did not eventually happen. The acrobat is losing his balance; he's going to fall. • fo r plans or decisions that have already been made. We 're going to renovate our summer house during the holidays. They were going to go to Chris'party, but they changed their mind. Stative Verbs The following groups of verbs express states -not actions- and are not used in the progressive tenses. • verbs of the senses (feel, hear, see, smell, taste etc.) • verbs o f em otions and preferences (like, dislike, love, hate, fear, mind, want, wish, need, prefer etc.) • verbs o f perception, belief, knowledge and ownership (think, believe, know, understand, expect, remember, forget, hope, have, own, belong (to) etc.) • other verbs which describe permanent states (be, cost, weigh, seem, appear, consist (of) etc.) This pizza tastes delicious. It costs £10. A t the moment, I think we should keep calm. • Some stative verbs are used in the progressive form s when they express actions rather than states. I see you've cut your hair. I'm seeing an old friend tonight. I think her cooking is delicious. I'm thinking o f m oving into a new apartment. • Listen, look and watch, though verbs of the senses, are used in the progressive tenses because they describe voluntary actions. I didn't hear the telephone ring because I was listening to music. Unit 2 Relative Clauses - Clauses of Time RELATIVE CLAUSES Relative clauses are introduced by relative pronouns (who, whom, whose, which, that) and relative adverbs (where, when, why). Defining relative clauses Non-defining relative clauses • provide inform ation which is essential to the meaning of the sentence. • are not put between commas. PEOPLE | • provide additional inform ation which is not essential to the meaning of the sentence. • are put between commas. • the relative pronouns cannot be om itted; neither can we use 'that' instead of them. ANIMALS/THINGS The man who/that is standing next to her is her father. (Defining) | The man, who was found g u ilty o f m any crim es, was sentenced to life im prisonm ent. (Non-Defining) Her parents gave her a cat which/that had lovely grey fur (Defining) Her cat, which had lovely grey fur, was a gift from her parents (Non-Defining) The man who/whom/that (*) she is expecting is her father. (Defining) Her father, who/whom we met at the party last week, is sick. (Non-Defining) (*) The pronouns may be omitted. The cat which/that (*) she is holding has lovely grey fur. (Defining) Her cat, which was given to her six m onths ago, has already had kittens. (Non-Defining) (*) The pronouns may be omitted. I met a girl whose father is a pilot. (Defining) Coco Chanel, whose original first name was Gabrielle, was the first to design simple women's clothes. (Non-Defining) I've ju s t finished a novel whose main character/the main character of which is an animal. (Defining) His latest book, whose main character/the main character of which is an animal, im m ediately became a best-seller. (NonDefining) MM
Grammar Review He was born on the day w hen/that/on which (*) his father died. (Defining) W A new age in space exploration started in 1969, when Neil Armstrong walked on the moon for the first time. i in I- (Non-Defining) GO X (*) may be omitted. L L l I> i Q u This is the house where/in which John lives. (Defining) < u This is the house w hich/that (*) John lives in. (Defining) Ll I < > _i One of the most famous areas in China is the Forbidden City in Beijing, where the emperors used to live. (Non-Defining) H a. (*) may be omitted. < 1 -1 aajgas 1u Z 1K o in There must be a reason why he always wears black. (Defining only) < u BC ... 1 That is used only in d efining relative clauses and can replace: • w ho/w hich/w hom when they refer to the object of the verb. • when. • where (’that' must be followed by a preposition) That is never used after a comma. 2 Which sometimes refers to the whole previous sentence and cannot be omitted. He never tidies his desk, which really annoys me. 3 Prepositions are used: • before or after which and whom. The hotel at which we stayed/which we stayed at was not very expensive. • only after who and that. The man who she came to the party w ith is her husband. • never with when, where, why. 4 Expressions of quantity+of (some of, all of, many of, any of, much of, each of, a few of, most of, half of, either of, neither of, none of, a number of, one of, the majority of etc.) can be used before whom, which and whose. They have three children, tw o o f whom have already finished school. 5 Present and past participles can be used instead of relative clauses. • Present participles (-ing) replace relative clauses in the active voice. The man who is cleaning the garden is the gardener. 4 The man cleaning the garden is the gardener. • Past participles (-ed/irregular form s) replace relative clauses in the passive voice. Cars which are produced in Germany are rather expensive. 4 Cars produced in Germany are rather expensive. LAUSESOFTIME Clauses of time are introduced by when, while, as, just as, the m oment (that), till/u n til, as soon as, before, after, once, whenever, every tim e etc. Clauses of time go before the main clause (separated by a comma) or after the main clause (no comma). Meaning Exam ples Use/Significance T im e w ords when, as, while for two events happening at the same time W hile m y b ro th e r was waxing the car, 1 was preparing dinner. just as, the moment (that) for two short actions happening at the same time Just as 1entered the room, the phone rang. when, as soon as, before, after, once for events happening one after the other They le ft as soon as they heard about the accident. by the time "not later than" You should have finished by the time we return. till, until "up to a point of time" I'll stay at the office until 1finish m y work. • Will and would are ne'i/er used in clauses of time. • The present participic ; (-ing) can be used instead of clauses of time. a • Will can b( used after when only if it is a question word. Call me when yousvifl get back, (clause o f time). When w/ill you get back? (question) Exam ples S ignificance As she was drivin g hom e, she had a te rrib le acciden t. 4 Driving home, she had a terrible accident. a lengthy action interrupted by a short/sudden one. As I was walking along, I fe lt that someone was follow ing me. 4 Walking along, I had the feeling that.... an action happening at the same time as another one. As I closed the door, I rem em bered where m y keys were: an action happening immediately before another one. 4 Closing the door, I.... I
- Grammar Review Unit 3 Adverbs-Comparisons-Articles-Uncountables ADVERBS • General order of adverbs: manner-place-time. Did you sleep well at your hotel last night? • Order o f adverbs after verb of movement: place-manner-time. Did you arrive at your hotel safely last night? Special Cases —— Types o f adverbs P osition | Exam ples Adverbs of frequency always, occasionally, often, rarely, seldom, etc. • before the main verb • after the (first) auxiliary • after the verb "to be" We often play basketball together. I've never liked yoghurt. She is always late fo r school. Adverbs of degree absolutely, hardly, quite, rather, very, etc. • usually before the word they m odify • a+rather+adjective+noun • rather+a/an+adjective+noun • a+quite+adjective+noun • quite+a/an+adjective+noun • a+fairiy/pretty+adjective+noun He was partly involved in this. It was a rather d iffic u lt subject. It was rather a d iffic u lt subject. It was a quite d iffic u lt subject. It was quite a d iffic u lt subject. It was a fairly d iffic u lt subject. COMPARISONS OF ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Formation Degree of comparison Positive Typesof adjectives/adverbs""-^ Comparative Superlative one-syllable clean long (a d j/a d v) shy clean-er long-er shy-er clean-est long-est shy-est two-syllable ending in-y heavy (adj) early (adj/adv) heav-i-er earl-i-er heav-i-est earl-i-est more-than-one syllable creative (adj) creatively (adv) m ore creative m ore creatively m ost creative m ost creatively Pay attention to fat-fatter-fattest close-closer-closest dry-drier-driest quiet-quieter-quietest or quiet-m ore quiet-m ost quiet But: recent-more recent-most recent Irregular form s Positive good/well bad/badly old far much/many little Comparative better worse older/elder farther/further more less Superlative best worst oldest/eldest farthest/ furthest most least ... — Elder/Eldest describe close fam ily relations. Elder is not followed by than. My elder sister is a vegetarian. My sister Ann, who is older than me, is a vegetarian. Comparative+than The+superlative-M Farther/Farthest is used for distances only. Further/ Furthest is used for distances or additional information. Pluto is the farthest / furthest planet from Earth. For further inform ation please contact 9312. Jim is fatter than Peter. * of all/period „ in+place/group of people The+comparative to compare tw o people or things. Other forms of comparison She's the m ost famous runner o f ail/the decade, in her country/her team. Nicky is the more beautiful o f the two sisters. Examples • as...as, not so/as...as or not such (a)+...+noun+as • the same as • tw ice/three times as...as • less...than She's as good a painter as her father. The weather today is the same as yesterday. An ostrich's egg is five times as big as a chicken's egg. A sports car is less economical than a city car. • the least • the+comparative...the+comparative (cause-result) This is the least practical machine 1have ever used. The more we learn, the wiser we get. • comparative + and + comparative (continual change) As 1grow up, 1get wiser and wiser.
Grammar Review EBIH 33 Examples Use Structures like+noun/pronoun/-ing form as+subject+verb sim ilarity He waved the flag like a sword. She advised her husband to do as he was told. as+article+noun Description of sb's job or of the function of something She works as a nurse at the local hospital. He used his coat as a blanket. • Like and such as are used to give examples. Many o f the earth's largest forests, such as/like the tropical rainforests, have been destroyed to a large extent. before the positive degree before the com parative degree very*, too*, pretty, most, rather, quite, fairly Considering you’ve ju st had an operation, you look fa irly well. a bit, a lot, even, far, much, rather * very + adjective = positive meaning * too + adjective = negative meaning Your employer is even stricter than you told me. She’s a very good student. She’s too good fo r her class. • Very much is not placed before adjectives and adverbs. m n ssm The indefinite article a/an is used before singular countable nouns or adjectives followed by singular nouns. Examples A/AN is also used: • before a noun which is mentioned for the first tim e and is not specific. They own a house in the village. • before a noun representing a group of people, animals or things. A dolphin is faster than a shark. • to show somebody’s character, job or nationality. Her brother is a doctor. • w ith expressions of quantity and numbers. A couple of friends came by the house yesterday. The definite article the is used before countable and uncountable nouns both in the singular and the plural. Examples THE is also used before: • specific nouns or nouns that have been mentioned before. She bought two T-shirts and a dress yesterday but she likes the dress best. • names of seas, rivers, groups of islands, mountains (plural), ranges, countries (plural), cinemas, theatres, museums, restaurants, hotels, institutions. the Black sea, the Netherlands, The Odeon Cinema, The Archaeological Museum, the Steak House, the Holiday Inn, the University o f London, the Alps • names of families and nationalities. the Johnsons, the Japanese • adjectives referring to classes of people. the underprivileged, the deaf • musical instruments, dances, inventions. the piano, the mambo, the fax machine Examples THE is not used before: • nouns referring to something general or not mentioned before. llik e tea. • names of people, streets, cities, islands, countries, continents, mountains Alain Delon, Regent Street, Paris, Sicily, Germany, (singular), religious holidays, days of the week, months, squares, parks, Africa, M ont Blanc, Easter, Monday, July, Trafalgar lakes, stations, m agazines, sports, games, colours, school subjects, Square, Hyde Park, Lake Victoria, Euston station, Vogue, tennis, cards, red, Psychology, Spanish. languages. • meals. 1always have breakfast. • means of transport. She goes to work by bus. • the words bed, court, church, home, hospital, prison, school, university, She went to bed early because she was exhausted. She always makes the bed early in the morning. w ork when they are used fo r the purpose for which they exist. • pubs, restaurants, hotels, shops, banks whose names include the name Mandy's Bar, G iovanni’s Restaurant, Burberry's, Harvey Nichols, Barclay's bank. of their founder or another proper name. NOTE: A/an is used when we don't specify the kind. She brought me a magazine. One is used when we emphasise the quantity. She brought me one magazine (only one).
Grammar Review UNCOUNTABLE NOUNS Uncountable nouns cannot be counted and have no plural form. Some, any, (a) little etc. can be used with most of them, but not a/an/ one. To specify the quantity of uncountable nouns we use expressions like a piece of (advice, news), a bar of (chocolate, soap), etc. Uncountable nouns describe food (e.g. meat, cheese, etc.), liquids (e.g. milk, water, etc.), material (e.g. glass, wood, etc.), natural phenomena (e.g. weather, heat, etc.), languages (English, German, etc.), diseases (e.g. chickenpox, cancer, etc.), sciences and school subjects (e.g. Physics, Literature, etc.), games (e.g. football, cards, etc.), abstract nouns (e.g. freedom, dignity, knowledge, etc.) and some concrete nouns (e.g. money, luggage, etc.). U n it 4 Determiners - Pronouns Determiners are: articles (a/an, the), possessive adjectives (my, your, etc.), demonstratives (this, that, etc.), numbers (one, two, etc.), quantifiers (some, any, no, each, every, much, many, a lot of, plenty, a little, a few) and the words both, either, neither, most, all, none, whole. Some, any and no are used w ith countable and uncountable nouns. Each and every are used only w ith singular countable nouns. The compounds of some, any, no and every cannot be used w ith nouns. SOME (someone/somebody/som ething/somewhere) are used in: • affirm ative sentences. ANY (anyone/anybody-anything-anywhere) are used in: • questions. Did you see anyone running? 1need some advice. • negative sentences w ith not or other negative words (hardly, never, rarely, etc.). • polite requests and offers. Would you like some tea? You haven't done anything terrible. • questions (a positive answer is expected). Could 1help you w ith something? • affirmative sentences, meaning “no matter who/which/where”. You can buy this magazine anywhere. NO (no one/nobody/nothing/now here) are used in: • negative sentences instead of not any. No other negative words can be used (never, not, etc.). You have nothing to do w ith m y problems. EVERY (everyone/everybody-everything-everywhere) are used: • for people or things considered as a group. Every student needs books. • w ith nearly and not. EACH is used: Not everybody can do a cartwheel. • for people or things considered separately. Each athlete received a medal. Every one of + plural noun. Every one o f the children came up with an excuse. Each (one) of + plural noun/pronoun Each one o f you m ust go out. m any + countable nouns / m uch + uncountable nouns are used: • in questions and negations. • in affirm ative sentences w ith too, how, so and as. • at the beginning of a sentence (formal English). Are there many cars in the street today? I'll do as much as 1can. Much trouble has been caused by this war. a few + countable nouns a little + uncountable nouns few + countable nouns little + uncountable nouns • show a very small am ount (positive) and can be used w ith • show a very small am ount (negative) and can be used with very, so, too, as and how. only. I've only read a few pages. There's very little cheese in the fridge. a lo t (of) - lots (of) - plenty (of) + countable nouns and uncountable nouns are used: • in affirm ative sentences before nouns and pronouns. A lo t o f people like chocolate. A lot, lots and plenty can be used w ithout nouns. D on't buy any more cheese; we've got a lot. FOR TWO PEOPLE OR THINGS FOR MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE OR THINGS BOTH (OF): MOST (OF)-ALL (OF): • is used w ith a plural verb. • are used w ith a plural verb. They both know how to dance the tango. EITHER (OF) • Either means "any of the tw o ”. Skiing o r snow boarding? Either sport is enjoyable. • Either o f is used w ith a singular or plural verb. Either o f these sports is/are enjoyable. Most teenagers like pop music. Most o f m y schoolmates are noisy. A ll o f my children enjoy picnics. • all + that clause + singular verb = the only thing.. A ll I want is a little peace.
Grammar Review FOR TWO PEOPLE OR THINGS FOR MORE THAN TWO PEOPLE OR THINGS NEITHER (OF) • Neither means “not one and not the other”. Neither dress fitte d me well. • Neither of goes w ith a singular or plural verb. N either o f m y cousins know(s) how to swim. NONE (OF) • None is not followed by a noun. Which book did you like best? None. • None of is used before nouns or object pronouns w ith a singular or plural verb. None o f the film s 1saw in the past five m onths was/were interesting. WHOLE (=COMPLETE) • Whole is used between a determ iner and a singular countable noun. The whole world knows that China has the biggest population. A ll (o f) the w orld knows that China has the biggest population. • both...and ■ • either...or ■ are used as linkers. • neither...nor < Both Kate and Peter are good students. You can either go skiing or m ountain climbing. Neither John nor Paul like chocolate. • So/neither + auxiliary verb + subject i • 1think/hope/believe etc. so show agreement. • either at the end of the sentence J 1love the opera! - So do 1. Jim didn't go swimming. - Neither did 1. Is Mike com ing to the party? -1 think so. 1don't like fish! -1 don't either. Unit 5 Consolidation I Unit 6 Infinitive, -ing Form Examples -ing fo rm verb+ing taking (present form ) having+past participle (perfect form) • as a noun (subject or object of a verb) • after a preposition or verb+preposition • after the verb go, indicating physical activities • after the verbs need, want, require etc., with a passive meaning • after the object of the verbs catch, find, leave • after be busy, spend/ waste+expression of We go fishing in the summer. Your room needs cleaning. (=Your room needs to be cleaned.) I caught him listening behind the door. I used to spend hours looking at the sea. money/time having taken possessive adj/case { object+from+-ing • after excuse, forgive, pardon, r pOSSessive prevent, understand + dislike enjoy fancy finish imagine involve keep (on) mention mind miss postpone practise prefer quit His m other prevented him (John) from getting hurt. Excuse my being late, b ut I got stuck in traffic. { I adjective/case • after certain verbs and expressions listed below adm it appreciate avoid consider delay deny discuss Hitch-hiking can be dangerous. I'm thrilled about going to that party. recall recommend resent resist risk suggest tolerate be/get accustomed to be/get used to in addition to look forward to object to take to I quit smoking last year. as well as be in favour of can't stand/help feel like have difficulty (in) have a hard tim e have trouble how about it's no good/use it's w orth there's no chance of there's no point in w hat’s the point of...? What’s the use of....? Examples to express purpose after would like, would love, would to be+past participle (simple) I went home to check if everything was alright. I would prefer to stay home than go to that prefer party. after the first/second/last/best etc. Laika was the firs t dog to travel to the moon. after some, any, no and their compounds She looks like she doesn't have anything to do. after it+be+adjective(+of/for+object) It was generous o f her to host us fo r the night. after too/enough This coffee is Too hot fo r me to drink. after it+take+expression o f time It takes me h a lf an hour to walk home. after certain verbs and expressions listed She refused to come to the party. to be taken below Present Infinitive Active Voice to+bare infinitive (simple) to take to be+verb+ing (progressive) to be taking Present In finitive Passive Voice
Grammar Review A fte r these verbs follow ed by who, w hat, which, where, how but not why. ask decide explain forget know learn remember show tell understand wonder teach, etc. As the object o f these verbs afford agree appear arrange ask beg claim decide demand deserve expect fail forget happen hesitate hope learn manage Forms mean need offer plan prepare pretend promise refuse regret remember seem swear tend threaten volunteer want, etc. A fte r the object o f these verbs advise allow ask beg cause challenge convince encourage expect Use Bare In fin itive remind require teach tell urge want warn, etc. Examples after most modal verbs after these verbs in the active voice: hear, take forbid force hire instruct invite need order perm it persuade let, listen to, make, notice, observe, see, watch etc. after why....?/why not.....? anything, but evervthina + 1J everything , except ' nothing f Perfect In fin itive Active Voice after modal verbs after the verbs promise, seem, (to) have+past participle (simple) appear, claim, expect, hope, happen, pretend (t o ) have taken after these verbs in the passive voice: (to) have been+verb+-ing (progressive) believe, say, think, consider, suppose, understand I may be late tomorrow. I heard her scream. BUT She was heard to scream. Why not go fo r a picnic? / did everything but clean the bathroom. I would have finished by now if he hadn’t called. She claimed to have clim bed Mount Everest. She seemed to have been crying all night. He is thought to have stolen the emerald. The emerald is thought to have been stolen. (to) have been taking Perfect In finitive Passive Voice (to) have been+past participle (t o ) have been taken full infinitive { . *. . . bare infinitive My brother helped me (to) prepare lunch. Subject + seem + full infinitive = It (impersonal) + seems + that clause. He seems to be intelligent. = It seems that he is intelligent. -ing • Advise, allow, encourage, permit, recommend, require ire+ J *r object + full infinitive l ot The doctor encouraged exercising.(=The doctor encouraged him to exercise.) Prefer can also take a full infinitive. Ip re fe r to drink coffee in the morning. Prefer+full infinitive+rather than+bare infinitive. I prefer to walk rather than drive. likely/unlikely + 1full infinitive John is likely to come to the party. It is unlikely to snow tomorow. , that clause It is likely that John w ill come to the party. The in fin itive o r the -ing form are used w ith no difference in m eaning a fte r these verbs: like, love, hate, begin, start, continue, intend, prefer, can’t bear etc. He began to run as soon as he heard the shot. (=He began running as soon as he heard the shot). The in finitive o r -ing fo rm are used w ith different meanings a fte r these verbs: try + -ing: do something to see what effect it w ill have. If you want to get rid o f your sore throat, try drinking som ething hot. try + full infinitive: make an effort. I tried to finish everything in tim e but that was impossible. rem em ber/forget/regret + -ing: We refer to som ething that remem ber/forget/regret + full infinitive: We remember has already happened. I regret talking to my mum that way. ' something before doing it. We forget something we are supposed to do. We regret something when we are sorry to do it. I regret to tell you that you have failed your test.
Grammar Review ........ ..... ....................... .. ....... .. ... ...-....—...— ..-..... -..-..go on + full infinitive: the action changes. go on + -ing: the action continues. 1went on doing my homework u n til m idnight. When 1had finished eating, 1went on to do my homework. stop + -ing: the action was stopped and not repeated. A fter having a heart attack, he stopped smoking. stop + full infinitive: to pause an action tem porarily in order to see/hear/sm ell/feel/notice/watch/observe/listen to + -ing: see/hear/feel/notice/watch/observe/listen to + bare infinitive: for complete actions. 1watched her feed her dog. for actions which are incomplete or still in progress. On m y way to the supermarket, 1saw him walking the dog. do something else. He was eating, but stopped to smoke a cigarette. Unit 7 Modal Verbs Modal verbs do not form all tense form s and are followed by a bare infinitive, except for need. They have the same form in all persons, except have to and need. They express: ■can/be able to: ability in the present/future >could: general ability in the past >was/were able to: ability in a particular situation in the past • can, could/may, m ight + present infinitive: possibility in the present/future • could/m ay/m ight + perfect infinitive: possibility in the past r t In the negative only may not/m ight not can be used • could/m ight + perfect infinitive: for events that were possible but finally didn't happen • be likely to: can also express possibility (especially in questions) She can sing in Spanish. Will you be able to finish this project by Friday? Mozart could play the piano at the age o f three. Last weekend we stayed at home, so we were able to spend some time together. They m ay/could/m ight watch TV tonight. Don't go there! There m ight be a riot. Sam can be very noisy sometimes. They could/m ay/m ight have forgotten about the concert. It's strange they didn't come. D on't ever cheat in your exams again! You could have been expelled fo r that. Is she likely to come to the party? Why don't you ask Tim? He should be in his office now. ■should/ought to + present infinitive: probability in the present/future • must + present infinitive: positive deduction about the They must be out; Nobody is answering the phone. present or the future must + perfect infinitive: positive deduction about the past • can't + present infinitive: Mary m ust have been to the supermarket; the cupboards are a ll full. The 7:30 train to Bristol can’t be leaving yet; it ’s only 7:10. negative deduction about the present or the future It can't have been Ted I saw yesterday; Ted has got red hair. can't + perfect infinitive: negative deduction about the past IWBWMW - can/could I (possibly)...? May/might I....? asking for permission . giving/ >Yes, (of course) you can/could/may L refusing No, (I'm afraid) you can’t/m ay not J permission C a n /C o u ld / M ay/M ight I go out please? You can/could/may/can’t/m ay not smoke in this room. Synonymous Expressions: I wonder if I could/ m ight.... Is it all rig ht if I .....? Would it be possible for me to ... ? Do you mind if I....? Would it be possible fo r me to /l wonder if I could/Do you m ind if I open the door?
Grammar R eview | • can/will....? informal request 5 :r •could/may/would....? form al request W ill you come to the doctor's with me? Can you help me with m y homework, Mum? Could you show me the way to Oxford Street, please? ~ Synonymous Expressions: j Would you mind....? I/we'd like... Would you m ind turning the lights on? " will: willingness to help P w ill (you)....? informal offers and invitations |jjr • can/could: willingness to help can/could/shall 1....? form al offers |S • would you like/prefer + noun/full infinitive.,,,? Would you rather + bare infinitive....? | Polite or form al offers and invitations ^ • can: informal suggestions 5 • shall/could...? polite or form al suggestions 1 w ill clean the car fo r you. Will you come to Mexico w ith me? 1can help you w ith the washing up, if you like. Shall 1wait fo r you? Would you like to come to the cinema with us? Would you rather have dinner with us? You can visit the Grand Canyon while you're in the USA. Could you turn down the music, please? 5 c Synonymous Expressions: ? Let's + bare infinitive, Why don't “ How about + noun/-ing 7 B • shall: asking for advice J j • should/ought to + present infinitive: asking fo r and giving advice E should/ought to + perfect infinitive: p r something should have happened but it didn't H • had better: strong advice, threat or warning ■ B p K g • used to: past habits and situations that are no longer true (NEGATIVE = didn't use to) • would (+present infinitive): past habits or a person's typical behaviour in the past • will: to describe a person's typical behaviour in the present | 9 B • must: internal obligation felt by the speaker • have (got) to: external obligation coming from facts • ought to/should: we remind someone of a duty or ■ f* obligation • need + noun/ -ing fo rm / full/bare infinitive: P® necessity M E E jr p iS P R H s O g Why don’t we g o /H o w about going to the cinema? Shall we tell him the truth or not? You should pay a visit to your dentist if you have a toothache. She should have told her father before she went away. You'd better stop interfering in my affairs. She used to go fishing when she lived in the island. He didn't use to dance when he was young. They would read a book before they went to sleep. Every time he passes by, he w ill say "hello". 1m ust tidy up or mum w ill get angry. You have (got) to take this syrup three times a day. You ought to/should inform your parents about the school trip. I'm so d irty! 1need a shower! The car needs repairing. • don't have to/haven't got to /n e e d n 't/d o n 't need You needn’t eat it if you don’t like it. to + infinitive: It is not necessary to do something You don’t have to pay me back today. • needn’t + perfect infinitive: something wasn't necessary We needn't have cooked. There was plenty o f food le ft over but it was done from yesterday. • didn't need to + infinitive: something wasn't necessary He didn’t have to clean the car. but it isn't clear if it was done or not • mustn't: prohibition • 1 can't: not being allowed to do something You m ustn't smoke in here. He can't enter that room; it's fo r sta ff only. m NOTE • Need as a main verb form s the negative and interrogative w ith do/did. Do you need anything? I need som ething (a machine) to cut the grass with. I didn't need his advice. >Must is used o nly fo r the present. Past and future tenses are form ed w ith have to. He must take the dog fo r a walk. He had to take the dog fo r a walk last night but he forgot to.
Grammar Review Unit 8 Passive Voice Passive Voice stresses the action itself, not who or what caused it. FORMATION destroyed The fire Active Voice: the factory 1 I Passive Voice: completely. I The factory was completely destroyed by 'T the fire. ERB FORMS IN THE PASSIVE VOICE, Verb Forms Active Voice Passive Voice Present Simple Producers make horror film s every year. Horror films are made every year. Present Progressive We are removing the furniture right now. The furniture is being removed right now. Past Simple The technician repaired my TV yesterday. My TV was repaired yesterday. Past Progressive They were pursuing the th ie f when there was an explosion. The thief was being pursued when there was an explosion. Present Perfect Simple We have finished these reports. These reports have been finished. Past Perfect Simple They had made a statem ent in Parliament before the war broke out. A statement had been made in Parliament before the war broke out. Future "will" Someone w ill make a speech on technology tomorrow. A speech on technology w ill be made tomorrow. Going to They are going to hire a new employee. A new employee is going to be hired. Future Perfect Simple 1w ill have typed my thesis by next month. My thesis w ill have been typed by next month. Present Infinitive We o ug ht to finish the building before the end of the year. The building ought to be finished before the end of the year. Perfect Infinitive We sh o u ld have fin ish e d th e b u ild in g earlier. The building should have been finished earlier. -ing form We all appreciate other people helping us. We all appreciate being helped. Modal verbs You must clean your room. Your room must be cleaned. Imperative Please fill in this form. This form should/must be filled in. ■The Present, Past and Future Perfect Progressive and the Future Progressive are not used in the Passive Voice. * By + agent is used to emphasise who does or what causes the action. The new tax law was announced by the Prime Minister. Note the fo llow in g changes in: Active Voice Passive Voice Verbs w ith tw o objects He gave her a painting. She was given a painting. A painting was given to her. Question words (what, who, when, where, why, how) Who composed this song? Who was this song composed by? (informal) By whom was this song composed? (formal) not...any no not....anyof none of not....anyone/anybody no one/nobody not...anything nothing The head teacher didn't expel any of the students. They didn’t find anything in the excavations. None of the students were expelled. Nothing was found in the excavations. make, hear, help, see, etc. 1heard her scream. She was heard to scream. believe, consider, expect, find, hope, know, report, say, think, understand People say that he is very wealthy. People say that he was very wealthy. It is said that he is very wealthy. He is said to be very wealthy. He is said to have been very wealthy. They separated him from his parents when he was young. He was separated from his parents when he was young. verbs w ith prepositions a s #
Grammar Review To: .................... Use the fo llo w in g expressions ........................... Examples -......................... Give permission let sb do sth allow sb to do sth give sb permission to do sth Her parents le t her stay out late. My father allowed me to borrow his car. The M ayor gave us perm ission to use the old building fo r our rehearsals. Be given permission be allowed to do sth get sb's permission to do sth She is allowed to stay out late. We g o t the M ayor's perm ission to use the old building fo r our rehearsals. Deny permission not let, not allow to, not be allowed to + infinitive subject+is prohibited/banned It is illegal/forbidden to do sth Her parents don't allow her to stay out late. She's not allowed to stay out late. Smoking is prohibited in this section. It is forbidden to enter that room. The Perfect participle is used for an action that happened before another one in the past. Having been h it by an earthquake, the small town took 15 years to return to its previous condition. =A fter it had been h it by an earthquake, the sm all town took 15 years to return to its previous condition. The past participle is used in the passive voice to replace Examples a relative clause The dresses w orn by film stars on the night of the Oscar awards are all designer labels. = The dresses which are worn by film stars on the night of the Oscar awards are all designer labels. a conditional sentence Handled w ith care, contact lenses can last fo r over 2 years. = If they are handled w ith care, contact lenses can last for over 2 years. a clause of reason Fascinated by the film , they decided to stay and w atch it again. = As/Because they were fascinated by the film, they decided to stay and watch it again. a clause of result Carried away by the beautiful scenery, he lost concentration and had an accident = He was so carried away by the beautiful scenery that he lost concentration and had an accident. U n it 9 Pronouns - Causative Form POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES (My, Your, His, Her, Its, Our, Your, Their) Use Examples • before a noun m y notebook, her car, their chairs • possessive adjective + own + noun is used to emphasise that 1don't take the bus. 1have m y own car. something belongs to only one person • on + possessive adjective + own is used to emphasise that the My son always studies on his own. subject acts alone, w itho ut help POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS (Mine, Yours, His, Hers, Ours, Yours, Theirs) ----------------- I Use Examples • to replace a possessive adjective + noun They are never followed by nouns. 1like your house better than oursJ&usG, • A/an + noun + of + possessive pronoun = A colleague o f yours = one o f your colleagues. one of + possessive adjective + noun POSSESSIVE CASE Form ’s Use • • • • singular nouns (people or animals) the compounds of some, any, no irregular plural nouns not ending in -s tim e expressions/idiom s Examples John's car, the horse's tail Somebody's car is in fro n t of m y garage. Men's ties, women's dresses A hard day's work 1
Grammar Review Form Use > o f + noun Z E E Exam ples • plural nouns ending in -s My cousins' house. • things, abstract nouns and animals (sometimes) The ro o f o f the house, the price o f independence, the fu r o f the cat (=the cat's fur) • When two or more people own something in common, 's is added to the last noun. • We can use o f for people, only in long phrases. The cousin o f the g irl who lives next door is a student. John and Mary's house. • When tw o or more people own different things, 's is added to each noun. John's and Mary's cars. REFLEXIVE PRONOUNS (Myself, Yourself, Himself, Herself, Itself, Ourselves, Yourselves, Themselves) i Use Exam ples • w ith the verbs behave, cu t, educate, enjoy, help, h u rt, kill, like, teach etc, if the subject and the object of the verb are the same. The little g irl likes herself in that red dress. She hurt herself while trying to cut the bread. We enjoyed ourselves very much at your party. • after certain verbs w ith prepositions (talk to, say to, take care of, etc.) The young people took care o f themselves while camping. • a fte r the verbs look, seem, etc, to describe em otions or behaviour. She doesn’t look herself lately; som ething must be wrong with her family. • for emphasis (emphatic pronouns) The Queen herself gave the Beatles an award. • by + reflexive pronoun = alone, w ithout help. 1painted my room by myself. NOTE • One-Ones are used if we do not w ant to repeat a countable noun. >Note the difference between them selves and each o th e r ( =one another). This phone is broken; you can use the one over there. Mary and John enjoyed themselves at the zoo yesterday. Mary and John liked each other from the m om ent they met. • another = one more. It can also go w ith expressions of time, distance or money. I'd like another steak please. I'm afraid you'll have to wait fo r another ten minutes. CAUSATIVE FORM The Causative Form is used when we do not do something ourselves, but we arrange fo r someone else (usually an expert) to do it fo r us. Form ation Subject + Have /G e t + Object + Past Participle (in the correct form ) We are having our house painted next month. • Questions and negations are form ed as in the Active Voice w ith the auxiliaries do/does in the Present Simple and did in the Past Simple. • If we want to m ention w ho perform s the action, we can add by + agent at the end of the sentence. How often do you have your hair cut? When did you have your car serviced? - have som eone do so m ething = make someone do something. • We can use g et instead of have, especially in informal style. My dress was too long so I g o t it shortened. We had the tap fixed by the plumber. She had her children clean the living room. - g et som eone to do som ething = persuade someone to do something. She got her children to clean the living room. U n it 10 Consolidation II
Grammar Review Unit 11 Clauses of concession, reason, purpose and result CLAUSES OF CONCESSION express contrast, opposition o r unexpected results Use • although even though I + subject + verb though J Examples Although she's studied medicine, she faints at the sight o f blood. Even though he's smart, he didn't get into the course he wanted. Though we knew the way, we got lost. • despite 1 + noun / -ing form in spite of J the fact that + clause We managed to clim b the m ountain despite the rain. In spite o f the fact that he was sleepy, he drove home safely. " adverfc>Ve } Clever though he is, he couldn't solve the problem. Cloudy though it was, we got sunburnt. + as/th o u 9h + subject + verb • however* l ... . no m atter how ] + adJ/adv + sub^ect + verb However fast he walked, we managed to keep up w ith him. No m atter how much she ate, she didn't get fat. • whatever 1 + sut>ject+verb no matter what J She can't convince me that she's telling the truth, whatever she says. I'll go to the party, no m atter what you say. * However can introduce a main clause. Sam came by yesterday; however, he forgot to bring the book 1had lent him. CLAUSES O F R E A S O N ^ B ^ B W I Examples • because ■* as r + clause since J They don't talk to each other, because they have had a fight. 1didn't know where to turn as I'd forgotten my map. Since you're a vet, you can have a look at m y canary. • because o f i + noun/ -jng form due to J They wanted nothing to do w ith him because o f his rude behaviour. Due to her allergy, she never touches daisies. • due to the fact that + clause Due to the fact that they knew each other so well, they decided to share a flat. CLAUSES OF P U R P O S E H H H H i ...— - j-— ------------ —......—— positive purpose • to so as to in order to < L + infinitive J ■ Examples They visited us to announce the good news. She told him to come along so as to introduce him to her friends. I'm learning Portuguese in order to go to Brazil next year. r can/may/will + infinitive for present/ They're going to Africa so that they can study the gorillas. • so that < future We thought o f staying home fo r the whole week, so that we could 1 L could/m ight/would + infinitive for past rest. • with a view to/w ith the aim of + -ing form She started training hard w ith the aim o f winning the tennis cup. • in case + present tense for present/future in case + past tense ^ for past Take an anorak in case it rains. We always had an extra tyre in the car, in case we got a fla t tyre. • for -ing form She uses that needle fo r sewing. negative purpose • so as not to i in order not to ) .......... Em m es The th ie f was wearing a mask, so as not to be recognisable. She tied her key around her neck in order not to lose it. f can/may/will + not + infinitive • so that ■I for present/future They rem inded me 1had a class, so that 1w ouldn’t forget. L could/m ight/would + not + infinitive ^ for past • for fear / lest + subject + might/should + infinitive She closed the door fo r fear it m ight be broken by the wind. • for fear of + noun/-ing form She was wearing long boots fo r fear o f snakes.
Grammar Review LAUSES OF RESULT Examples • too + adj/adverb (+for sb) + to + infinitive not + adj/adv+enough (+for sb) + to + infinitive so + adj/adv + that + clause That exercise was too d ifficu lt fo r me to do. The sea isn't warm enough for us to swim in. The weather was so cold yesterday that nobody dared to go out. • noun + verb + so + adj/adv 1 so + m uch/m any/little/few + noun r + that + clause so + adj + a/an + noun ^ The tunnel was so low that we had to crawl. We had so much spare tim e that we didn't know what to do. It was so hot a day that we decided to go swimming. • such (a/an) (+adj) such a lot of It was such a scary place that 1wanted to get out as fast as possible. She’s lost such a lo t o f weight that 1hardly recognised her. 1 | + noun + that + clause NOTE are used in exclamatory sentences. It's such an extraordinary animal! Your baby is so cute! How interesting! What a surprise to meet you here! Unit 12 Conditionals TYPE I = REAL SITUATIONS IN THE PRESENT / FUTURE If-Clause Main Clause • future tense If Paula learns Spanish, she'll visit Spain. Present Simple (or Progressive) lf + Use real/probable situations in the present/future • can/m ay/might/should + infinitive If you have finished eating, you can/may watch TV. Present Perfect Simple (if the action has already finished) • present simple general truths If you m ix red and blue, you get purple. • Imperative instructions/comm ands If you go out, turn the lights off. • If-clauses either precede or follow the main clause. When they precede, we separate them w ith a comma. If you can hear me, give me a sign. Give me a sign if you can hear me. (no comma) • We can use should in the if-clause if there is a slight possibility o f something happening. If you should buy that car, take it to the mechanic to have it checked first. • Sometimes if is om itted and should comes before the subject (inversion). Should you buy that car, take it to the mechanic to have it checked first. TYPE 2 = UNREAL SITUATIONS IN THE PRESENT / FUTURE If-Clause Main Clause w ould/could/m ight + present infinitive If + Past Simple (or Progressive) Use If he were a pianist, he could get a jo b in the Orchestra. unreal/imaginary situations in the present If 1became a m illionaire, 1would buy a house w ith a swimming pool. events that are unlikely to happen in the future I f l were in your shoes, 1 would talk to my parents. to give advice Use were instead o f was in type 2 conditional (formal). If she were more polite, people would like her more. • Sometimes if is o m itted and were comes before the subject (inversion). Were he more careful, he would avoid such awkward situations. TYPE 3 = UNREAL SITUATIONS IN THE PAST If-Clause Main Clause w ould/could/m ight + perfect infinitive If + Past Perfect (Simple or Continuous) Use for actions that didn't happen If she had stepped on the banana peel, she would have had an accident. If 1had taken better care o f m y teeth, 1wouldn't have had this terrible toothache. to express criticism /regret
Grammar Review Sometimes if is om itted and had comes before the subject (inversion) Had he been older, he would have been allowed to enter the disco. NOTE We can have combinations according to the context (Mixed Conditionals) If they le ft early, they would have arrived by now. (types 2,3) If we hadn’t go t lost, we would be there now. (types 3,2) conditionals can be introduced w ith other expressions (instead o f if): O' • unless (=if not) / won't talk to her unless she apologises to me. • as long as/provided/providing (=only if) I'll go to his party provided (that)/as long as he invites me. • in case I'll take an umbrella in case it rains. • on condition (that) (=provided) On condition you've told the truth, I'll le t you go w ithout punishment. • but fo r (=if it wasn’t/hadn't been for) But for her help, 1would have failed my exam. • or else (=if not/otherwise) Do as 1tell you, or else I'll get angry. • suppose/supposing (=imagine if) Supposing you won the lottery, what would you do? • only if I'll work w ith you only if you promise not to talk all the time. • even if She w ouldn't change her m ind even if you proved her wrong. We use the future "will" only after the expression o r else. Unreal Past = unreal situations stated w ith Past Tenses PRESENT OR FUTURE REFERENCE Use Examples type 2 Conditional If I could go on a holiday, I would go to Peru. present/future imaginary situations Supposing you were an animal, what would you choose to be? w is h /if only + Past Tense we wish a present situation were different (if only is stronger than wish) I wish I had a pet. If only I were in Jamaica! w is h /if only + would + infinitive - to express annoyance, irritation, dissatisfaction >to make a wish concerning a present situation that is unlikely to change (The subject of would must be different from that of wish) I w ish/if only you would stop shouting. w is h /if only + could + infinitive make a wish/express regret about sth we cannot do at present He wishes he had a motorbike. as if/a s though + Past Tense untrue situations in the present (were is used instead of was) She walks as if she were a dancer. it’s (a b o u t/h ig h ) tim e + Past Tense • to indicate that tim e has come for sb to do sth • to express criticism /com plain about sth that should have already been done (It's tim e + infinitive = the right tim e for sb to do sth) (It's about/high tim e are stronger expressions) It ’s tim e we le ft this place. It's tim e you told them the truth. It's high tim e you qu it this jo b ! It's tim e fo r him to ask fo r a raise. If + Past Tense imagine / suppose / supposing + Past Tense I wish days would go by quicker! Examples If + Past Perfect type 3 Conditional If she had been more careful, she w ouldn't have crashed into the tree.
Grammar Review Use w is h /if only + Past Perfect as if/a s though + Past Perfect im a gin e/ suppose/ supposing + Past Perfect Examples express sorrow/regret about sth in the past 1wish 1had m arried Paul. If only 1hadn't forgotten m y passport! unreal situations in the past She behaved as if she had not seen anything. imaginary situations in the past Imagine you hadn't gone to the beach, would you be brown now? WOULD RATHER (= I WOULD PREFER)] If the subject o f w ould rather is the same as the subject o f the verb: Present / Future reference Past reference would rather (not) + present bare infinitive I'd rather have a crepe. He'd rather not take the test tomorrow. would rather (not) + perfect bare infinitive We'd rather have rented a jeep. I'd rather not have eaten so much at the dinner party yesterday. * If the subject o f w ould rather is d ifferent from the subject o f the verb: Present / Future reference would rather + subject + Past Simple I'd rather you didn't bring your dog along on our trip. Past reference would rather + subject + Past Perfect He would rather she hadn't cut her hair so short. § • Would rather + bare infinitive + than + bare infinitive I'd rather sleep than watch TV. • Would sooner is used in the same way as would rather I'd sooner go to the East than to America. EXPESSING PREFERENCE ........... ...... ..... .. ..... .................................................... '| • prefer + -ing/noun + to + -ing/noun 1prefer fishing to hunting. • prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive (general reference) He prefers to play chess rather than play scrabble. • would prefer + full infinitive + rather than + bare infinitive (preference in a particular situation) She would prefer to have an orange juice rather than have a cup o f coffee. HAD BETTER <= SHOULD)) expresses strong advice/w arning/threat. It is stronger than should/ought to. Its subject is the same as th a t of the verb. Present / Future reference had better + (not) + present bare infinitive You'd better take a torch w ith you. Past reference It would have been better if + Past Perfect It would have been better if she had adm itted her guilt. Unit 14 Reported Speech in Reported Speech we give the meaning of w hat someone said w ith some changes and w itho ut quotation marks. We usually introduce Reported Speech w ith the verbs tell ( when there is a person / pronoun as an object) and say (when there is no person / pronoun as an object). That is optional. DIRECT REPORTED Present Simple She said, 7 like this film .” Past Simple She said (that) she liked that film. Present Progressive They said, “we are planning to throw a big party. ” Past Progressive They said (that) they were planning to throw a big party. Past Simple Maria said, “1had a great time yesterday.” Past Perfect Simple Maria said (that) she had had a great tim e the previous day. i
Grammar Review DIRECT REPORTED Past Progressive 7 was wandering in the woods, ” the boy said. Past Perfect Progressive Present Perfect Simple Past Perfect Simple “We have already cleaned the car, Dad, "said Sam. Present Perfect Progressive He said, "I've been trying to fix m y bike all day. ” W ill The boy said (that) he had been wandering in the woods. Sam told his dad (that) they had already cleaned the car. Past Perfect Progressive He said (that) he had been trying to fix his bike a ll day. W ould "I'll tell you where 1w ill be, Tina, ’’said Mike. Can Mike told Tina (that) he would tell her where he would be. Could James said, “lean whistle very loudly.” May James said (that) he could whistle very loudly. M ig ht "He m aybe lost,’’said Alice. M ust Alice said (that) he m ight be lost. Had to (oblig atio n) “You m ust brush your teeth, Bruce,” said Mum. Mum told Bruce (that) he had to brush his teeth. M ust (deduction) “It m ust be late, ” he said. He said that it m ust be late. M ust not M ust n ot (p ro h ib itio n ) “You m ustn't touch this,” said Mark. Need Mark said (that) 1m ustn't touch that. Needed / Had to They said, “we need to have our house painted. ” Needn't They said (that) they had to have their house painted. Needn't / d id n't have to (present) She said, “you needn't eat all that food. ” She said (that) 1didn’t have to eat a ll that food. W ouldn't Have to (future) He said, “You needn't phone us tonight. ” He said (that) 1w ouldn't have to phone them that night. ........................................................ ............................. ............ W ould, co uld, m ig h t, sh ould, o u g h t to d o n o t change. now (A today/tonight c o yesterday E i tom orrow last week (month, year, etc.) U. X 1x1 next week (month, year, etc.) ago then that day/that night the day before/the previous day the next/follow ing day the previous week (month, year etc.)/the week (month, year etc.) before the following week (month, year etc.) before (/) this/these M g here that/those there u NO CHANGES ARE MADE IN THE FOLLOWING CASES When the reporting verb is in the Present, Future or Present Perfect. Steven says, “I have been looking fo r a good book ail day. ” 4 Steven says (that) he’s been looking fo r a good book a ll day. When a general truth or sth unlikely to change is reported. The teacher said, "The Statue o f Liberty is in New York.’’ 4 The teacher said (that) the Statue o f Liberty is in New York. The Past Perfect does not change. Mary said, “I had prepared everything by m idnight. ” ■> Mary said (that) she had prepared everything by m idnight. The Past Progressive does not usually change; Past tenses in tim e clauses do not change. “I was speaking on the phone when the doorbell rang,” she said 4 She said (that) she was speaking on the phone when the doorbell rang. When sth is reported im m ediately after it is said. "John is a spoilt kid, ” said Paul. 4 Paul said that John Is a spoilt kid When something, although said earlier, will take place in the future. John said, "I’m flying to Rome tomorrow. ” 4 John said (that) he is flying to Rome tomorrow. (It is s till today.) When there is a Conditional (type 2,3) or a sentence w ith w ish/if only. Ben said, "if I had a Cadillac.it would be a pink one. ” 4 Ben said (that) if he had a Cadillac, it would be a pink one. »
Grammar Review UESTIONS Questions are reported w ith the verbs ask, inquire, wonder, want to know, etc. and the word order is the same as in statements. YES-NO questions Wh- questions NOTE Examples Form Type If/whether+subject+verb “Can you come over on Saturday?” 4 He wanted to know if 1could come over on Saturday. Wh-question word+subject+verb “Why are you still here?" She asked me why 1was still there. I Whether is used instead of if when there is a choice between tw o alternatives. “Well, are you coming or not?” 4 She wondered whether I was going (with them ) or not. COMMANDS - REQUESTS - ADVICE They are reported w ith the verbs tell, ask, beg, order, command, advise, forbid, warn, encourage, etc. +object+full infinitive “You’re not going to the concert,” said Mum. Mum forbade me to go to the concert. “ Please, Dad, let me go to the football match,” said Gerry. Gerry begged his dad to let him go to the football match. I OTHER REPORTING VERBS refuse/offer/promise (+object) / threaten (+object)/claim/agree etc. + full infinitive accuse sb of/complain to sb about/ insist on/adm it (to)/deny/apologise for + -ing form 7 won’t lend you my green dress,” said “I’ m sorry 1called you names,” said the my sister. 4 My sister refused to lend boy. 4 The boy apologised for calling him names. me her green dress. NOTE “ Let’s play a game of tennis,” Lucy said. Lucy suggested complain/explain/agree/claim/deny/ promise/threaten/warn (+ object) + that clause “Sorry I’m late but 1had a flat tyre, ” said Bill. 4 Bill explained that he was late because he had a flat tyre. playing a game of tennis. that they play a game of tennis. that they should play a game of tennis. Words easily confused U N IT l LA job (n) = the work sb does to earn money, employment occupation (n) [job, profession, employment (referred to generally)]= a person’s regular work or profession work (at/out of)* (n) = occupation or profession / particular tasks sb has to do in their job / the place where sb does their job employment (n) = work, esp. in return for regular payment profession (n) = job requiring advanced education or training *at work = at one’s job or place of employment / in action * out of work = jobless, unemployed I.B task (n) = activity sb has to do, usually as a part of a larger project course (n) = series of lessons or lectures on a particular subject duty (n) = what sb has to do for their job 1.C employer (n) = person, firm that hires workers to do 1,H employee (n) = a person who is challenge (n) = a difficult task skills (n) = the ability to do sth that tests sb’s ability success (n) = achievement of a desired aim ambition (n) = a strong desire for success or distinction 1.F achieve (v) = to succeed in doing sth, accomplish, especially after a lot of effort fulfil (v) = bring about the completion or achievement of a desired promise etc. cope (with) (v) = to deal successfully with sth difficult deal with (phr.v.) = act in order to solve a problem or make a decision about a situation face (v) = confront, have to deal with a difficult situation succeed (in) (v) = to manage to do sth, achieve your goals 1.G manage (v) = to be in charge of 1.E run (v) = be in charge of a shop or aim (n) = a purpose, an intention business operate (v) = function or cause to goal (n) = sth that you hope to achieve esp. when much time functipn undertake (v) = to make oneself and effort is needed intention (n) = sth which sb plans responsible for sth paid to work for an organisation or for another person colleague (n) = a person you work with (at a professional job) assistant (n) = person who helps sb in their job clerk (n) = person who works in an office or shop and keeps records, files, accounts etc. (army) officer (n) = person appointed to command others in the armed forces attendant (n) = person whose job is to provide a service in a public place 1JD party (n) = a group of people working or travelling together crew (n) = people who work on a ship or aircraft staff (n) = people who work for a company or organisation, employees very well qualities (n) = usually good characteristics qualifications (n) = a quality or skill that makes sb suitable for a particular job experience (n) = 1) sth that happens to you or sth that you do 2) the knowledge you have acquired UNIT 2 2A look (through) (v) = to read, examine look (at) (v) = to turn your eyes to a particular direction see (v) = notice, observe, take a look at sb/sth watch (v) = to look at sb/sth for a period of time and pay attention to what is happening notice (v) = to become aware of sb/sth regard (v) = look at sth stare (at) (v) = look at sb/sth for a long time (often rudely or impolitely)
Words Easily Confused glance (at) (v) = to take a quick look at sth observe (v) = to see or notice something 2J8 find out (v) = to learn sth you didn’t know, especially through deliberate effort invent (v) = create or make up sth for the first time discover (v)= become aware of sth you didn’t know before detect (v) = notice, recognise that sth is present 2.C explore (v) = investigate sth (a place or scientific field) systematically, in order to find out more facts about it investigate (v) = to discover and examine all the facts about sth look for (v) = to search for or try to find sb/sth look up (v) = find out by looking in a reference book (do) research (v) = careful study or investigation, esp. to discover new information 2D attempt (n) = an act of trying to do sth, esp. when this is unsuccessful effort (n) = the use of much physical or mental energy to do sth trial (n) = 1) a formal examination of evidence in a law court 2) a test of quality experiment (n) = a scientific test done to discover what happens to sth in particular conditions 2.E audience (n) = a group of people watching or listening to a play, concert, film etc. spectators (n) = people who watch sth, especially a sporting event viewers (n) = people who watch television sightseers (n) = people who visit places of interest as tourists onlookers (n) = people who watch sth happening without getting involved witness (n) = a person who sees an event and is able to tell other people what happened 2JF memorise (v) = learn sth well enough to remember it exactly remind (sb of sth) (v) = to make sb remember sth recall (v) = to bring sth back to mind, remember recognise (v) = be able to identify sb/sth 2.G view (n) =1) opinion 2) a scene, esp. of a fine tract of countryside sight (n) =a thing that one sees or can see / places of interest in a town or city, that are often visited by tourists image (n) = a mental picture vision (n) the ability to see scene (n) = the place where an action or event occurs UNIT 3 3.A rise (v) = move upwards, stand up raise (v) = (money) support by collecting money arise (v) = begin to exist or become known to people (for a situation or problem) lift (v) = raise sb / sth to a higher position or level fashion (n) = popular style of clothes, hair etc. at a particular time or place trend (n) =a general tendency or direction routine (n) = the usual series of things sb does regularly at a particular time 3.G common (adj) = ordinary, frequently encountered or often happening ordinary (adj) = average, not different or special usual (adj) = happening most often in a particular situation normal (adj) = regular, ordinary, 3.B in accordance with what people expect grow (v)= increase in size or quantity regular (adj) = done or happening often, frequent grow up (v) = reach the stage of 3.H full development bring up (v) =to care for and raise eager (adj) = full of interest or (a child) desire (be) born (v) = to come into keen (on / to) (adj) =eager, the world by birth (out of your enthusiastic, very much wanting m other‘s body) to do sth become (v) = develop into / grow enthusiastic (about) (adj) = to be showing great interest in sth 3.C interested (in) (adj) = showing educate (v) = teach sb over curiosity, concern or desire to a period of time at school, learn more about sth because university etc. you think it is important learn (v) =gain knowledge or a willing (to) (adj) = ready and skill by study wanting to help or do sth teach (v) = give lessons in (sb) / show sb how to do sth U NIT 4 study (v) to give one’s time and 4A attention to learning about a travel (v) = to go from one place subject to another read (v) = to look at and transfer (to) (v) = to cause sb or understand the written or sth to move from one place to printed word another instruct (v) = to give orders or transport (v) = take goods, directions to sb people etc. from one place to another in a vehicle 3.D behaviour (n) = social conduct, transmit (v) = to send out electric the way a person or an animal signals etc. by radio behaves 4JB attitude (n) = the opinions and arrive (in /at) (v) = get to a place at the end of a journey feelings that you usually have get (to) (v) = arrive at a place about sth reach (v) = to get, to arrive at temper (n) = state of mind regarding being angry or being come (v) = to move to, towards or calm into a place (where the speaker mood (n) = the way sb feels at a is) particular time approach (v) = to get closer to sb manner (n) = the way sb behaves, or sth (in place or time) appear (v) = to start to be seen or their social conduct manners (n) = ways of behaving suddenly be seen 4.C in social situations 3.E carry (v) =to take sth somewhere familiar with /to (adj) = knowing in your hands or arms, on your sth well and understanding it back etc. accustomed to (adj) = to be used fetch (v) = to go and bring sth to sth from the place where it is aware of (adj) = knowing sth deliver (to) (v) = to convey, carry sth to a destination 3.F 4D custom (n) = sth that is done by voyage (n) = a long journey by people in a particular society ship or spacecraft because it is traditional journey (n) = when you travel habit (n) = sth you do often or from one place to another regularly trip (n) = a short journey to a place and back again tour (n) = an organised trip during which you visit different places excursion (n) = a short journey made for a particular purpose travel (n) = the act of taking a journey expedition (n) = a long journey, esp. one made by a group of people with a particular aim flight (n) = a journey in a plane or space vehicle cruise (n) = a holiday on a large ship 4.E guide (v) = to show sb around a place that you know well direct (v) = to tell or show sb the way to a place lead (v) = 1) go to a particular place 2) to show sb the way by going in front (first) ride (v) = to travel in or on a vehicle or animal 4J address (n) = the number of the building and the name of the street and town etc. where someone lives or works road (n) = a specially prepared hard surface for cars, buses etc j to travel on street (n) = a public road in a city or town that usually has buildings on its side(s) way (n) = a route / road etc. taker in order to reach a place direction (n) = the way sth or sb moves, faces or is aimed / information or instructions abod what to do or where to go route (n) = the way from one place to another path (n) = a track that people walk along over an area or ground 4.G site (n) = a place where a building, town etc. was, isorv. j be situated position (n) = where sb or sth s * relation to other things location (n) = the place where sd happens or is situated point (n) = a particular place or position where sth takes place place (n) = a point, building or area room (n) = empty space for people or things to be fitted in space (n) = an area of any size that is empty or available for use4.H foreign (adj) = not from your o .'i country or the country you are talking about strange (adj) = unusual, not familiar different (from / to) (adj) = not the same
Words Easily Confused peculiar (adj) = odd or strange, esp. in an unpleasant way curious (adj) = eager to know or learn UNIT 6 6A borrow (v) = take sth from sb with their permission, intending to return it in the future lend (v) = allow sb to use sth that you own for a period of time let (v) = allow the use of your property in exchange for money hire (v) = pay money to the owner of sth in order to use it for a period of time / employ sb to do a particular job for you rent (v) = to have and use sth which does not belong to you in exchange for a sum of money that you pay regularly 6JB spend (v) = 1)to use your money to buy or pay for things 2) to pass or use time waste (v) = using too much of something (money, time etc.) unnecessarily save (v) = gradually collect money by spending less than you get, usually to buy sth you want afford (n) = to have enough money, time etc. for a particular purpose 6.C bill (n) = a written statement of money that you owe for goods / services fare (n) = the price you pay to travel by bus, train, plane etc. fee (n) = an amount of money that you pay to a professional person or organisation for their work fine (n) = punishment in which sb has to pay a sum of money because they have done sth wrong or broken a rule ticket (n) = 1) a printed piece of paper showing that a person has paid to travel on a bus, plane, etc. or to enter a cinema, concert hall etc. 2) an official note given for a traffic offence receipt (n) = a piece of paper that you get from sb as confirmation that they have received money or goods from you account (n) = a written statement of money paid or owed for goods and services discount (n) = a reduction in the cost of goods that you are buying tax (n) = money that you pay to the government according to your income 6D salary (n) = fixed regular payment, usually made every month to employees wage(s) (n) = regular payment, on hourly, daily, weekly basis payment (n) = a sum of money paid income (n) = money one earns or receives bonus (n) = a payment added to what is usual or expected allowance (n) = money given to sb on a regular basis (e.g. as pocket money) award (n) = prize /gift / trophy reward (n) = a thing that is given or received in return for doing sth good donation (n) = contribution to a charity or other organisation 6.E owe (v) = to have an obligation to pay sb a certain amount own (v) = to have as one’s possession possess (v) = to have (an ability) keep (v) = continue to have or hold sth belong to (v) = to be the property of 6.F price (n) = the amount of money which sth is bought or sold for prize (n) = an award given to the winner of a competition, race etc. charge (n) = amount of money sb has to pay for a service or to buy sth value (n) = how much sth is worth bargain (n) = sth bought cheaply or for less than its usual price w orth (adj.) = having a certain value /(n) = the value, usefulness or importance of sth tip (n) = extra money given to sb (eg a waiter, porter etc.) in order to thank them for their service 6.G precious (adj.) = of great value or importance because of being very beautiful, rare or expensive valuable (adj.) = worth a lot of money / very useful or important priceless (adj.) = too valuable to be priced or extremely expensive worthless (adj.) = having no value, importance or use economic (adj.) = connected with trade, industry and the management of money economical (adj.) =using money, time, goods etc. carefully and without wasting any financial (adj.) = connected with money or the management of money 6JH loan (n) = money that you borrow (usually from a bank) debt (n) = amount of money that you owe to a person /bank sum (n) = a quantity, esp. of money amount (n)= a quantity of money, time or a substance deposit (n) = 1) to pay part of a larger sum the rest of which is to be paid later 2) to put money into a bank instalment (n) = a small sum of money paid at regular intervals over a period of time, rather than paying the whole amount at once budget (n) = a plan of how a person or organisation will spend the money that is available in a particular period of time 6.1 cheque (n) = a printed form that you can sign and use instead of money cash (n) = money in the form of coins or notes coins (n) = money made of metal currency (n) = the money used in a particular country (bank) notes (n) = paper money change (n) = coins / money that you receive when you pay for sth with more money than it costs because you do not have the exact amount of money UNIT 7 7.A think (of/about) (v) = have an opinion / impression about sth consider (v) = think carefully about sth / have an opinion about sth regard (v) = believe that sb or sth has a particular quality believe (v) = to be sure that sth is true or that sb is telling the truth mean (v) = 1) explain what you wish to say 2) intend 7JB realise (v) = to become aware that sth is true, understand it understand (v) = to know the meaning of what sb is telling you, or the language that they speak recognise (v) = to know who a person or what a thing is meet (v) = to become familiar with sb for the first time introduce (v) = to present (sb) by name (to another person) present (v) = to appear in and introduce a programme on radio or television appreciate (v) = to recognise and enjoy the good qualities of sth / to be grateful for sth 7C assume (v) = to take for granted (to believe sth to be true without proof) guess (v) = to make an estimate or conclusion you are not sure of, without knowledge suppose (v) = 1) to think that sth is true or probable 2) to be expected or required to do sth estimate (v) = to form a rough or general idea of sth calculate (v) = to estimate sth by using numbers or one’s judgement predict (v) = to say in advance that sth will happen 7J> idea (n) = 1) knowledge or understanding of something without being certain (n) = 2) a suggestion, thought or plan for doing something view (n) = opinion thought (n) = idea point (n) = single fact, idea or opinion aspect (n) = a distinct feature or element in a problem, situation etc. respect (n) = politeness and honour shown towards sb or sth matter (of fact) (phrase) = actually, in fact 7.E queue (n) = a line of people or vehicles waiting for sth line (n) = a number of people /things one behind the other or standing side by side aisle (n) = a long narrow gap between rows of seats (in a church, classroom etc.) or between supermarket shelves corridor (n) = a passage in a building or train, usually with rooms on either side hall (n) = a room serving as an entry area row (n) = a number of people/ things standing or arranged in a line 7JF available (adj.) = that can be found or obtained spare (adj.) = extra, additional, available for use when needed free (adj.) = not being used / occupied by sb or not reserved for somebody to use (e.g. table, seat)/costing nothing convenient (adj.) = easy, useful or suitable for a particular situation handy (adj.) = useful for a particular purpose usable (adj.) = that can be used 7.G absence (n) = the state of not being somewhere lack (n) = when something is insufficient or does not exist at all shortage (n) = deficiency, when there is not enough of sth loss (n) = the fact of no longer having sth or having less of it 7.H short (of sth) (adj.) = not have enough of sth, nearly run out of scarce (adj.) = not easy to find or obtain rare (adj.) = not common inadequate (adj.) = too low in quality, or too small in amount; not good enough
Words Easily Confused insufficient (adj.) = inadequate, not enough for a particular purpose comment (on) (v) = express your apply (for) (v) = to request opinion about sth or give an explanation for it report (v) = inform some UNIT 8 authority about sth that has 8A happened choose (v)= to select from a 8 JG number of alternatives announce (v) = to state or make pick (v) = to gather / to make known publicly a selection from a number of inform (v) = to tell, give things information gather (v) = come together in a confess (v) = admit that you have group done sth wrong or shameful collect (v) = to accumulate sth as introduce (v) = to present (sb) by a hobby or for study name (to another person) 8JB reveal (v) = uncover or expose choice (n) = an act of choosing sth hidden, make it known to between two or more people possibilities publish (v) = print numerous collection (n) = a group of copies of a book or magazine objects that have been gathered 8 H together ensure (v) = to make sth certain selection (n) = the state of being to happen, guarantee chosen insure (v) = pay money to an election (n) = voting in order insurance company to choose a person or group of reassure (v) = to comfort sb and stop them from worrying people for an official position variety (n) = different types of make sure (v) = to make sth sth certain, ensure confirm (v) = to make an option (n) = alternative / one thing which can be chosen from arrangement or meeting certain, a set of possibilities often by telephone or writing 8J 8.C consult (v) = ask for specialised agree (v) = (on sth): have the advice same opinion on sth advise (v) = to give an opinion on accept (v) = to receive with what sb should do approval / to receive, take suggest (v) = to mention (an idea, admit (v) = to confess or plan etc.) for consideration acknowledge (a crime, mistake, propose (v) = to put forward (a etc.) plan etc.) for consideration approve of (v) = like, admire sb recommend (v) = advise, or sth suggest sth as the best choice 8D UNIT 9 tip (n) = a helpful piece of advice 9A clue (n) = a sign or information say (sth to sb) (v) = speak words that helps you to solve a problem to sb advice (n) = an opinion which tell (sb sth) (v) = let sb know sth, sb offers you about what give information you should do in a particular speak (v) = use your voice in situation order to say sth information (n) = knowledge talk (v) (1) = express thoughts, feelings or desires by using about sth, esp. news or facts 8,E words reliable (adj) = sb or sth that (2) = to have a conversation with sb can be trusted to work well or discuss (v) = to consider a behave in a desirable way responsible (adj) = having subject by talking about it with others. control or authority over sth or sb debate (n) = (formal) discussion about a subject on which reasonable (adj) = quite good, fair, sensible people have different and often opposing opinions respectable (adj) = having or 9.B deserving the respect of other ask (v) = to put a question to sb, people inquire. 8J? mention (v) = refer to or speak demand (v) = ask for sth urgently or in a forceful way about sth briefly or incidentally wonder (v) = to ask yourself refer to (v) = 1) to send sb or sth to another place for advice 2) to questions or express a desire to mention, describe or involve know about something express (v) = show what you question (v) = 1) to ask someone about sth 2) express doubt about think or feel by saying or doing sth sth something in writing or by sending in a form 9.C require (v) = need, demand inquire (v) = to ask for information request (v) = an act of asking; a polite demand for something command (v) = order order (v) =to ask for goods or services appeal (v) = to take a legal case to a higher court where it can be judged again beg (v) = to ask for food, money, especially in the street or to request strongly and without pride 9X> advice (n) = recommendation or opinion instructions (n) = the (written) information that tells you how to use a piece of equipment etc. directions (n) = instructions about how to get from one place to another or about what to do manual (n) = a book which gives you instructions on how to do sth or how to use sth, such as a machine guide (n) = a book for travellers or tourists giving information about a place plan (n) = 1) a drawing from which sth is made or built 2) a decision made in advance recipe (n) = a set of instructions for cooking 9JE brochure (n) = a thin book giving information or advertising sth leaflet (n) = a printed piece of paper for distribution, esp. advertising handbook (n) = a small reference book giving useful facts catalogue (n) = a complete list of items, usually in alphabetical order list (n) = a set of words, numbers, etc. written one below the other menu (n) = a list of all the kinds of food that are available in a restaurant 9.F refuse (v) = say no to a proposal or invitation; turn down, deliberately not do sth deny (v) = state that sth is untrue, not accept an accusation/not allowed regret (v) = feel sad or disappointed because of sth that happened resist (v) = to stop yourself having sth that you like very much or doing sth that you want to do reject (v) = turn down, refuse to accept 9.G complain (about) (v) = say that you are not satisfied with a situation criticise (v) = express disapproval of sth, say what is wrong with it object to (v) = to feel or express opposition to or dislike of sth or sb discourage (v) = to take away sb’s confidence or sb’s hope of doing sth disapprove (of) (v) = not like, not agree with or approve of sth protest (n) (v) = say or show publicly that you object to sth argue (v) = to express an opposite opinion, to exchange angry words quarrel (v) = to disagree, argue fight (v) = to oppose or struggle against sb or sth 9.H worry (v) = to be anxious and troubled about sb or sth mind (v) = to be upset, annoyed or disturbed by sth or sb (used in questions or negative sentences) bother (v) = to make the effort to do sth / to annoy, worry or cause problems to sb annoy (v) = to irritate or make sb angry trouble (v) = to cause sb to be worried or anxious doubt (v) = to have a feeling of uncertainty about sth UNIT 11 1LA stop (v) = to put an end to sth happening / prevent avoid (v) = not to allow sth to happen / to keep away from sb or sth forbid (v) = to order sb not to do sth, not allow sb to do sth prohibit (v) = forbid or make sth illegal, ban ban (v) = state officially that sth must not be done, shown or usee prevent (v) = to stop sth from happening / to stop sb from doing sth escape (v) = to avoid sth 11.B blame (v) = believe or say that st or sth is responsible for sth bad accuse (v) = to say that you believe sb has done sth wrong arrest (v) = to take and keep sb prisoner with the authority of the law charge(v) = to accuse sb of having done sth illegal convict (v) = to decide in a'court of law that sb is guilty of a crime sentence (v) = to state that sb v\ I be punished in a certain way (by a law court) 11C complaint (n) = expressing your dissatisfaction with a particular situation annoyance (n) = irritation, feelinc angry and impatient
Words Easily Confused accusation (n) = criticising sb quantity or size destroy (v) = to cause damage in a violent way, to cause to exist drop (v) = to fall or let sth fall (by accident) lower (v) = to reduce sth or become less in amount, level, quality etc. demolish (v) = destroy a building completely 12JE illness (n) = the state of not being fall (v) = move downwards in good health UNIT 13 disease (n) = illness of people, 13.A animals plants etc. caused by attention (n) = notice, thought or infection infection (n) = a disease caused consideration care (n) = the responsibility of by germs and bacteria h i protecting sb or sth sickness (n) = a particular type forget (v) = to fail to remember notice (n) = attention, of illness or disease, nausea leave (v) = to not take sth with observation weakness (n) = not feeling you when you go warning (n) = advice to beware healthy and strong ignore (v) = pay no attention to of sth that might happen accident (n) = sth unpleasant sb/sth signal (n) = sign, gesture or neglect (v) = fail to look after sth which happens unexpectedly, sign intended as a message or causing damage or injury properly command incident (n) = an event which is omit (v) = leave sth out caution (n) = great care and either unpleasant or unusual deliberately or by accident attention 12JF 13.B cure (v) = to make sb healthy UNIT 12 insist on (v) = say firmly that sth again 12A must be done protect (from) (v) = to prevent sb heal (v) = to make or become persist in (v) = go on doing sth well again, esp. after a cut or or sth from being harmed despite having difficulties injury rescue (v) = get sb out of an continue (v) = go on doing sth, treat (v) = to give medical care unpleasant or dangerous not stop doing sth or attention to a person or a situation last (v) = to continue for a period condition save (v) = help sb out to avoid recover (v) = regain health after of time harm or to escape a dangerous remain (v) = to stay in the same being ill situation place or condition support (v) = 1) help, encourage overcome (v) = to successfully maintain (v) = to keep in good 2) provide sb with money or the deal with a feeling or a problem condition 12jG things they need defend (v) = take action in order sensible (adj) = based on reason, protect (v) = to keep sth or sb safe from injury, damage or not on emotions to protect or support sb or sth sensitive (adj) = 1) easily affected loss guard (v) = watch over in order to protect or not allow to escape or harmed by sth 2) aware of and keep (v) = have, look after J3 £ understanding other people’s secure (v) = to make sth safe convince (v) = to make sb agree, needs and problems from being harmed understand or realise sth sensational (adj) = very good, 12.B persuade (v) = to convince sb injure (v) = cause physical harm wonderful, exciting emotional (adj) = causing strong that sth is true or make them do to sth wound (v) = to cause an injury to feelings urge (v) = to try hard to persuade a part of the body usually with a 12.H sb to do sth weapon produce (v) = to make or impress (sb) (v) = to make sb manufacture sth, esp. in large hurt (v) = to cause physical or admire you mental injury; to cause a painful quantities develop (v) = to grow or change attract (v) = to cause a particular sensation reaction collapse (v) = fall down suddenly into a more advanced form increase (v) = become greater in appeal to (sb) (v) = to attract, harm (v) = to cause physical charm, fascinate or interest sb number, level or amount injury to sb, usually on purpose 13D build up (v) = to increase or I2.C win (v) = achieve first place and become larger or stronger damage (n) = physical harm gain a prize in a competition create (v) = invent, design or caused to an object beat (v) = defeat sb in a injury (n) = damage to a person’s make sth new competition or election progress (n) = advance, or animal’s body gain (v) = acquire sth(gradually) development for the better wound (n) = an injury to part of earn (v) = receive money as advance (v) = 1) to progress, the body, usually caused by a payment for your work develop 2) doing more difficult weapon defeat (v) = to win a victory over work pain (n) = the physical suffering sb caused by injury or illness improve (v) = to (cause sth to) fail (v) = not to succeed in get better ache (n) = physical pain or something discomfort caused by injury or 121 13JE reduce (v) = make sth smaller illness appeal (n) = a formal request in amount (quantity) or degree 12D to the authorities asking for a endanger (v) = to put sb or sth (size) decrease (v) = become smaller in decision to be changed in danger of being harmed, from a bank, shop or vehicle using force or threats thief (n) = person who steals from sb else burglar (n) = person who enters a building illegally, with the intention of stealing 11D kidnapper (n) = criminal who chase (v) = to run after sb in kidnaps another person order to catch them hostage (take / hold sb) (n) = pursue (v) = follow or chase sb or sth especially in order to catch a person captured and held prisoner by one or more people them hunt(v) = to chase esp. birds and victim (n) = sb who has been hurt animals in order to catch and kill or killed pickpocket (n) = sb who steals them things from people's pockets follow (v) = to go behind and expressing the belief that they have done sth wrong disappointment (n) = feeling let down, because of sth not meeting your expectations U.E cause (n) = what makes an event happen excuse (n) = a reason sb gives, in order to explain why sth has been done or in order to avoid doing sth reason (n) = fact or situation explaining why sth happens or what causes it to happen; cause purpose (n) = the reason for which sth is made or done, intention aim (n) = what you are hoping to achieve by an action, plan etc. 11JF burgle (v) = to enter by force and steal rob (v) = steal money or property from sb steal (v) = take sth away without permission or intention of giving it back hijack (v) = to force someone to give you control of a vehicle, aircraft or ship that is in the middle of a journey deceive (v) = make sb believe that sth is not true in order to gain sth yourself cheat (v) = to behave in a dishonest way in order to get what you want lie (v) = to say sth which is not true shoplift (v) = to take sth from a shop without paying for it blackmail (v) = to demand money or favours from sb, by threatening them 1LG attack (v) = try to hurt or damage sb or sth using violence knock (v) = a sound made with the hand on the door hit (v) = to strike with the hand or with an object beat (v) = to hit repeatedly with a hand, stick or other object blow (n) = a hard hit with a hand ora weapon strike (v) = to hit or attack forcefully or violently U.H convict (n) = sb who is in prison criminal (n) = sb who commits crimes robber (n) = person who steals damaged or destroyed risk (v) = the possibility of meeting danger or of suffering harm or loss threaten (v) = say that you will do sth to sb in order to make them do sth you want warn (v) = to make sb aware of a possible danger or problem
Words Easily Confused application (n) = formal request definite (adj) = fixed, certain, for sth clear, that cannot be doubted certain (adj) = sure, beyond doubt particular (adj) = specific, special special (adj) = not ordinary or usual sure (adj) = certain, confident that one is right 14.G stand (v) = tolerate, endure sth/sb resist (v) = refuse to accept sth/ stop yourself from doing sth, although you would like to do it tolerate (v) = to put up with suffer (v) = to feel pain, discomfort, sorrow etc. 14H offer (v) = ask sb if they would like to have or use sth provide (v) = supply sth that sb needs or wants supply (v) = give sb sth that they need cater (v) = to provide what is required or desired each other similar (adj) = resembling sb/sth, attraction (n) = a person or thing almost the same that attracts sb or sth common (adj) = usual,familiar interest (n) = a state of wanting 14.B to learn or know about sth suit (v) = 1)be convenient for sb 13JF or the best choice in a particular result (n) = 1) answers that are situation 2) make sb look produced by a scientific study or attractive test 2)sth that happens or exists fit (v) = be the correct size or because of sth else shape effect (n) = a change produced match (v) = 1)be in harmony by a particular influence with sth 2)have a pleasing affect (v) = to have an influence appearance when used together on sb or sth combine (v) = join together, blend, mix consequence (n) = an often bad or inconvenient result of a compare (v) = to examine and particular action or situation look for the difference between influence (n) = an effect of one two or more things person or thing on another 14£ 13.G punctual (adj) = arriving, allow (v) = to let sb do sth or let doing sth or happening at the sth happen; permit expected, correct time let (v) = to give sb permission to accurate (adj) = precise, correct do sth to a very detailed level permit (v) = to allow sth or make correct (adj) = right, accurate sth possible and without mistakes accept (v) = say “yes” to sth or exact (adj) = in great detail, agree to take sth correct, precise make (sb do sth) (v) = to force sb sharp (adv) = exactly at the (or sth) do sth stated time oblige (v) = to require sb to do 14D sth by legal, moral or physical remain (v) = to stay in the same means place or condition force (v) = to make sb do sth reveal (v) = uncover/expose sth against their will hidden, make it known to people 13.H review (v) = 1) to write an opinion postpone (v) = to arrange for an of a book, film, play etc. 2) to event etc. to happen at a later examine or consider sth again time revise (v) = to study again (sth cancel (v) = to say that sth which already learned) in preparation for an exam has already been arranged will not be done or take place / to relieve (v) = make sth less order sth to be stopped unpleasant, cause sth delay (v) = to be slow or late or unpleasant to disappear make sb slow or late release (v) = to allow sb or sth to 131 come out of a place/to make sth guest (n) = sb who is visiting you available to the public or is a customer at a hotel 14.E host (n) = sb who receives or outcome (n) = something that entertains guests follows an action or situation outdoor (adj) = existing, visitor (n) = sb who is visiting a person or a place happening or done outside client (n) = a person or rather than inside a building outfit (n) = clothes worn together organisation that receives a service from a professional as a set person or another outlet (n) = 1) a place that sells organisation in return for money goods made by a particular company 2) a hole or pipe customer (n) = a person who buys goods or services, through which liquid can flow especially from a shop away outsider (n) = a person who is not accepted as a member of a UNIT 14 14JV society, group etc. 14J? like (prep.) =such as, similar to alike (adj) = when two or more perfect (adj) = excellent, suitable, people/things are similar without fault ideal (adj) = the best possible unlike (adj) = different from sth person or thing for sth likely (adj) = probable, sth that may happen fine (adj) = sunny and dry(for as (prep.) = like, with the identity weather) of thorough (adj) = detailed, careful same (adj) = having two or more detailed (adj) = having many people or things exactly like details, thorough
Part 1: Multiple Choice Cloze — ® Skim-read the text to get an idea of what it is about. ® Read the text again, one sentence at a time. Read the whole sentence, not just the words before and after the gap, as there may be clues that could help you. ® Try to guess what part of speech is missing and what the meaning of the missing word is. ® Do not look at the four choices or guess the answer until you've tried to understand what the sentence means. @ Do not always think of words as single isolated items, but as parts of a context. ® Read the options carefully. Decide which of the four choices is best in this context. Consider syntax and style. Find which of the choices may have the same meaning and decide which one should be left out. If you aren't sure about the right answer, try to eliminate three of the four alternatives starting with the words that don’t make sense. ® Check if the word you have selected forms an acceptable expression with the word before and/or after it. Read the text again including the words you used to fill in the gaps to see if it makes sense. Part 2: Open Cloze ® Skim-read the text to get an idea of what it is about. ® Read the text again, one sentence at a time. Read the whole sentence, not just the words before and after the gap, as there may be clues that could help you. Note that sometimes you may find clues in other sentences, too. ® Try to guess what part of speech is missing and what the meaning of the missing word is. 0 Remember most of the missing words will be grammatical words, prepositions, pronouns, auxiliary verbs, articles, linking words etc. and not vocabulary items. Part 3: Word Formation 0 Remember: there is only one missing word. If you think that two or more words are suitable, you will have to choose and w rite only one. 0 'Check for accuracy of grammar and spelling. & Read the text again including the words you used to fill in the gaps to see if it makes sense. L ® Skim-read the text to get an idea of what it is about. ® Read the text again, one sentence at a time. ® Decide what part of speech is needed to fill in the gap. The words to be formed will usually be nouns, verbs, adjectives or adverbs. ® Decide if the word to be formed has the same or the opposite meaning of the given word according to the meaning of the sentence. ® Remember that you will need to add a prefix and/or a suffix to the given word to form a derivative. Sometimes you m ight also add an ending to the derivative (e.g. -s after a noun, -s, -ed, -ing after a verb, -er, -est after an adjective). Note, however, that you never need to make more than two changes to the given word. ® Make sure the new word and given word have a common root and that you have spelt the new word correctly. ® Read the text again including the words you used to fill in the gaps to see if it makes sense. Part 4: "Key" Word Transformation ® Read the given sentence, the incomplete sentence and the ‘key’ word. ® Consider what kind of transform ation is required, e.g. passive voice, reported speech, conditional sentences etc. Look for clues in both the given and the incomplete sentences. 0 Remember that your answer must be between two and five words. Keep in mind that you must definitely use the ‘key’ word and not change it in any way at all. ® Write your answer, making sure that the completed sentence means the same as the given sentence. ® Check for accuracy of grammar and spelling. Exam Tips for A ll Parts of the Paper 0 When dealing with each of the four parts, start with the questions that seem easy to you. Leave the ones you aren’t sure about until later. ® Do not spend too much time on any one question. Go back and try to answer it later. ® Answer all the questions, even those you are not completely sure of. Make a sensible guess rather than leave a question unanswered. 0 Do not w rite more than one answer for each question. ® Write your answers on the answer sheet clearly and correctly.
ECCE In this part of the test there are 35 multiple-choice items which test basic knowledge of grammar. Candidates are required to choose a word or phrase which will complete the given sentence in a grammatically correct way. Remember: & Read the sentence or short exchange carefully and consider what kind of structure is required. & Look at the position of the gap in the sentence and consider what part of speech is required. & Look out for words (e.g. linking words) or expressions (e.g. tim e expressions) that can help you decide on the correct answer. Consider the syntax and style of the sentence. Read the four answer choices carefully and decide on the correct answer. If you are not sure about the correct answer, try to eliminate the answer choices that are grammatically incorrect. Once you have decided on the correct answer, read the sentence or short exchange together with your answer, making sure that they form a grammatically correct sentence. & Make sure you transfer your answers to the answer sheet clearly and carefully. & & & & There are 35 multiple-choice items in this section which test basic knowledge of vocabulary. Candidates are required to choose the word or phrase which is appropriate in the context of the sentence. Remember: & You should always learn new words in context. You can even try to use these new words in your own example sentences. This helps you remember new vocabulary instead of simply memorising their definitions in your mother tongue. @ You should learn verbs, nouns and adjectives with their dependent prepositions (e.g. laugh at somebody, talent for something, be good at something). & Try to remember collocations (e.g. make a mistake, do one’s homework) and fixed expressions (e.g. at the beginning of, in the beginning) that are considered problematic because they are quite similar. & Learn how to break down words in order to find the root, prefix and suffix. This w ill not only help you learn more words but also help you understand how they are formed. This w ill automatically increase your awareness of the language. & You can greatly improve your vocabulary by reading as many authentic English texts (e.g. books, magazines) as possible.
Appendix \ Prepositional Phrases AT at + address at a glance at a loss at all costs at ease at first at first sight crossroads door end (of) expense of front hospital latest at random at school at short notice at the age of at the back of at the beginning (of) at the corner as far as as long as ahead/behind schedule by chance by cheque/credit card by day/night by far by force by hand by heart by means of by mistake by now by oneself by one's side for for for for for for for for for sale at the moment at the sight of at the top/bottom of at the weekend at university at work AHEAD AS as a result of at the at the at the at the at the at the at the at heart a t ... km/miles per hour at last at least at night at noon at once BY by accident by all accounts by all means by bus/car/plane by phone/post/airmail by profession (take) by surprise FOR for for for for a change a while ages certain/sure example fear of granted hire/rent instance life one's sake the sake of FROM from experience from now/then on IN in + month/season in + year/century all in all in a bad/good mood in a mess in a queue in a row/rows in a state in a while in addition (to) in aid of in advance in answer to in any case in captivity in case of in cash in charge of in com fort in common in conclusion in connection with in contact with in court in debt in detail in difficulty in exchange for in fact in favour of in flames in full in general in half in haste in honour of in hospital in instalments in memory in need of in/out of action in/out of business in/out of control in/out of danger in/out of demand in /o u to f fashion in/out of hand in/out of order in/out of place in/out of print in/out of season in/out of shape in/out of sight in/out of stock in/out of touch in/out of use in one's opinion in other words in pain in pairs in particular in person in practice in prison in private in progress in public in reality in/with reference to in relation to in reply to in return in secret in shock in short in sight of in summary in support of in the beginning in the centre (of) in the city/country in the corner of in the end in the first place in the future in the long/short run in the meantime in the middle (of) in the mood for in the m orning/ afternoon/evening in the mountains in the North/South in the streets in the suburbs in this respect in touch with in town in trouble (with) in vain in writing on + road/avenue on a diet on a farm INTO into pieces (come) into power ON on (a) + day on + date m m *
Appendix 1 & 2 on on on on on on on on on a journey/trip/tour an excursion an island account of approval arrival average behalf of board on business on credit on demand on display on/off duty on fire on good/bad terms on holiday on impulse on on on on on on on on on one's birthday one's mind one's own page purpose sale schedule second thought(s) strike out of the ordinary out of practice out of the question out of reach out of work to one's astonishment to one's surprise to some extent to this day under control under the impression under pressure under repair under strain under the circumstances under the weather with respect to with a view to with the exception of w ithout delay w ithout fail w ithout warning on on on on on on on on on television time top of the back of the contrary the corner the floor the left/right the market on the move on the one/other hand on the outskirts on the phone on the point of on the radio on/off the road on the whole on weekdays OUT out of breath out of date TO to one's amazement UNDER under age under arrest WITH with regard to WITHOUT w ithout (a) doubt A (un)aware of Verbs Nouns with Prepositions accuse sb of advise sb on/about sth (dis)agree with sb about/on sth aim at apologise to sb for sth apply to sb/sth for sth (dis)approve of argue with/sb about/for sth arrest sb for sth arrive at a building arrive in a city/tow n/country ask for associate with (dis) advantage of (give) advice on an answer to Adjectives accustomed to addicted to afraid of amazed at/by amused at/with angry at sth angry with sb annoyed about sth annoyed with sb anxious about ashamed of astonished at/by B Verbs beg for believe in belong to benefit from beware of blame sb for sth blame sth on sb boast about/of borrow from Adjectives bad at sth bored with sth bound to busy with c V erbs _ care about sb/sth care for sb/sth choose from/between collaborate with combine with comment on communicate with compare w ith/to compete with sb for sth complain to sb about/of sth concentrate on sth confess sth to sb congratulate sb on sth connect to/w ith consist of contrast with contribute to cooperate with sb cope with cover sb in/with sth criticise for Adjectives (in)capable of careful of careless about/of certain about/of close to concerned about/for confident of/about conscious of crazy about
Appendix 2 crowded with cruel to curious about Nouns with Prepositions a comparison between a complaint about a connection between/with fed up with fond of free from /of sth friendly w ith/to frightened of full of Nouns a failure in D Verbs deal with decide on dedicate sth to sb depart from depend on describe sth to sb differ from discourage from distinguish between divide sth between/among divide sth into divide by (Maths) dream about/of Adjectives delighted with dependent on different from /to disgusted by/at Nouns with Prepositions damage to a decrease in a delay in a demand for a description of a difference between/in/of E Verbs escape from exchange sth for sth else excuse sb for/from experiment on sb/sth with sth explain sth to sb Adjectives engaged to sb enthusiastic about envious of equal to excellent at excited about experienced in Nouns with Prepositions an example of an exception to an expert at/in/on sth F Verbs fight with fill sth with sth else forget about Adjectives faithful to familiar to sb familiar with sb/sth famous for G Verbs glance at Adjectives generous to sb good at sth good for sb/sth good to sb grateful to sb for sth guilty of/about H Verbs head for/towards hear about/of sb/sth hear from sb hope for Adjectives handy for happy about/with sth/sb happy for sb harmful to Nouns with Prepositions hope for I Verbs include in insist on introduce sb to sb/sth invest in invite to involve in Adjectives identical to impressed by/with independent of inferior to interested in Nouns with Prepositions an increase in influence on an intention of (doing sth) J Verbs join in Adjectives jealous of K Verbs know about sth Adjectives keen on (doing) sth known as Nouns with Prepositions knowledge of L Verbs lean on/against lie to sb about sth listen to Adjectives late for Nouns a lack of M Verbs (be) made of/from mean by mention to mistake sb/sth for sb/sth else Adjectives mad about/on sb/sth mad at/with sb married to mean to sb N Adjectives nervous about Nouns a need for o Verbs object to sb/sth occur to Nouns with Prepositions an opinion of/about/in an opportunity for the opposite of P Verbs pay for point at/to praise sb for sth pray for sb/sth prefer to prepare for prevent from protect sb from/against sth protest about/against/at provide sb with sth provide sth for sb punish sb for put the blame for sth on sb Adjectives patient with pleased with polite to popular with proud of Nouns with Prepositions protection from (take) pride in
Appendix 2 & 3 Q s Verbs quarrel with sb about sth Verbs Nouns with Prepositions a question about R Verbs receive sth from sb recover from reduce sth to refer to regard sb/sth as relate to rely on remind sb about sth remind sb of sb/sth replace sth with sth else rescue sb from result from result in retire from Adjectives ready for relevant to reluctant to respected for responsible for rude to Nouns with Prepositions a reaction to a reason for a reduction in a relationship between a relationship with sb a reply to a report on a reputation for the result of a rise in thank for think of/about translate from save sb from sentence sb to shout at smile at/to speak to/w ith sb specialise in spend money on sth stare at steal sth from sb succeed in suffer from supply sb with sth suspect sb of u Adjectives Adjectives safe from (dis)satisfied with separate from serious about shocked by/at short of sim ilarto sorry fo rsb sorry for/about sth suitable for superior to sure of/about sth surprised at/by suspicious of upset about useful for sth useful to sb Nouns with Prepositions a search for shame on sb (take) shelter from a solution to a specialist in (feel) sympathy for Adjectives terrible at terrified of tired of typical of Nouns with Prepositions a talent for a taste of a taste for a threat to Nouns with Prepositions an understanding of V Verbs vote for/against w Verbs wait for warn sb about/against/of waste money on sth wonder about w orry about Adjectives weak at sth worried about wrong about T Verbs take care of sb/sth talk to/w ith sb about sth 1 When the root w ord ends in consonant +e, the final -e is dropped when adding a suffix th a t starts w ith a vowel. e.g. com bine 4 com bination fame 4 famous wide 4 widen 2 When the roo t w ord ends in one consonant and before it there is one stressed vowel, th e last consonant is doubled when adding a su ffix th a t starts w ith a vowel. e.g. w it w itty fat fatten occur 4 occurrence When the root w ord ends in -y and before it there is a consonant, the -y changes into -i when adding a suffix, e.g. carry 4 carriage happy 4 happiness g lo ry -4 glorious
Appendix 3 VERB NOUN accept achieve act, activate add admire admit advertise advise afford (dis)agree amaze acceptance, acceptability achievement (in)action, act, activity, acting addiction addition, additive (in)adequacy admiration admittance, admission adventure advertisement, advertising (dis)advantage advice, advisability agency (dis)agreement, (dis)agreeableness amazement ambition amusement anger announcement annoyance anxiety apology (dis)appea ranee application, applicator (dis)appointment (dis)approval argument, argumentation arrangement arrival art, artefact, artistry, artifice assistance astonishment attendance, attention attraction, attractiveness automation, automatic avoidance bearing beauty (mis)behaviour belief benefit blackness blood, bleeding boredom breath, breathing, breather breadth brightness building, build burglary (mis)calculation, calculator care, carelessness caution, cautiousness celebration championship character,characteristic, characterisation cheerfulness, cheerlessness, cheerness childhood choice city, citizenship coast collection colour, colouring, discoloration combination comedy, comic (dis)comfort communication competition, competitiveness - amuse anger announce annoy - apologise (dis)appear apply (dis)appoint (dis)approve argue arrange arrive - assist astonish attend attract automate avoid bear beautify (mis)behave believe benefit blacken bleed bore breathe broaden brighten build burgle (mis)calculate care celebrate - characterise cheer - choose - collect (dis)colour combine - comfort communicate compete NOUN (person) achiever actor, actress, activist addict — admirer - adventurer advertiser - adviser - ADJECTIVE (+opposite) accepted, (un)acceptable achievable (in)active, actual addicted, addictive additional (in)adequate admirable, admiring (in)admissible, admissive adventurous advertising (dis)advantageous, (dis)advantaged (in)advisable, advisory(*adv:advisedly) affordable agent — - (dis)agreeable amazed, amazing ambitious amusing, amused angry (un)announced annoyed, annoying anxious apologetic apparent (in)applicable, applied (dis)appointed, (dis)appointing (dis)approving (un)arguable, argumentative arrangeable - announcer — — — applicant, applier — - arranger - - artist assistant artistic, artful, artless, arty, artificial assistant astonished, astonishing (in)attentive, unattended (un)attractive automatic, automated (un)avoidable (un)bearable beautiful behavioural (un)believable beneficial black bloody, bloodless, bleeding bored, boring breathless broad bright - attendant — - bearer beautician - believer beneficiary,benefactor — bore - builder burglar _ - calculated, calculating, (in)calculable careful, careless, carefree cautious, cautionary celebrated — celebrity champion character — child - citizen - collector - comedian, comic comforter communicator competitor — — (un)characteristic, characterless cheerful, cheerless, cheery childish, childless choosy - coastal collective, collected colourful, colourless, coloured combined comical, comic (un)comfortable, comforting, comfortless (un)communicative, communicable competitive
Appendix 3 VERB NOUN NOUN (person) complain complete conclude confide (dis)connect consider construct consume contain contribute com plaint com pletion conclusion confidence, confidentiality (dis)connection consideration (de)construction consumption containm ent, container contribution (in)convenience convention cooker, cookery, cooking co-operation correction, correctness correspondence creation, creativity, creativeness crime, crim inality criticism , critique cure, curability curiosity darkness day, daily deafness decision, decisiveness decoration defence delight, delightfulness dem onstration denial departure depth (in)dependence, dependency description, descriptiveness design, designing desire, desirability destruction, destructiveness determ ination developm ent device death difference difficulty diplom acy direction, directive, directory, directness disaster discouragement discovery discussion distance distribution disturbance dominance, dom ination doubt, doubtfulness, doubtlessness com plainant — — constructor consumer (in)complete (in)conclusive confident, confidential, confiding (dis)connected, connective considerable, considerate, considered constructive consuming - - — convene cook co-operate correct correspond create - criticise cure - darken — deafen decide decorate defend delight demonstrate deny depart deepen depend describe design desire destroy determine develop devise die, deaden differ, differentiate — — direct — discourage discover discuss distance distribute disturb dominate doubt emphasise employ enable drama, dramatisation drive, driving economics, economy education effect, (in)effectiveness (in)efficiency election, electorate embarrassment emotion, emotionalism emphasis (un)em ploym ent (in)ability, disability encourage courage, encouragement, courageousness dramatise drive economise educate effect — elect embarrass — — confidant connection — ADJECTIVE (+opposite) contributor contributory — (in)convenient convener (un)conventional cook (un)cooked co-operator (un)co-operative — (in)correct, corrective, correspondent correspondent, corresponding creator, creature creative criminal criminal critic (un)critical curer (in)curable, cureless curious dark daily — deaf, deafening, deafened — (in)decisive, (un)decided decorator decorative defendant, defender defensive, (in)defensible — delightful, delighted dem onstrator demonstrative (un)deniable departed — deep (in)dependent, dependable dependant descriptive designer designing (un)desirable, desired destroyer destructive, indestructible determ iner determined developer (un)developed, developing — — - - dead, deathly, deadly, undying different difficult diplom atic direct, directive, directional disastrous discouraging discoverer - — diplom at director — discursive distant d istributor distributive, distributional disturbing, disturbed — dom inant doubtful, (un)doubtable, undoubted doubter (adv: doubtless) dram atist dramatic driver driving economist economic, economical educational, educated, educative educator — (in)effective — (in)efficient elected, elective, electoral, electable elector embarrassing, embarrassed — emotional — em phatic employer, employee (un)employed (un)able, disabled — — courageous, encouraging
VERB NOUN end endanger energise engineer enjoy entertain enthuse equip evidence examine exceed excel excite exhaust exhibit exist expand end, ending danger energy engine, engineering enjoyment entertainment enthusiasm equipment essence, essentials evidence examination excess excellence excitement, excitability exhaustion exhibition, exhibit existence expansion, expansibility, expansiveness, expanse expectation, expectancy expense(s), expensiveness experiment, experimentation explanation explosion, explosiveness exposure expression, expressionism, expressiveness expect expend experiment explain explode expose express extend fail - familiarise fascinate - favour fear fertilise fight finance - fool extension, extensibility, extent failure, failing faith fairness, fair familiarity, familiarisation fame, infamy fascination fashion fate, fatality favour, favourite fear, fearfulness, fearlessness fertilisation, fertiliser fight, fighting finance fluency foolishness - - forge forget formalise forgery forgetfulness formality, formalisation (mis)fortune foundation freedom freezer, freeze, freezing freshness friendship, friendliness fright fun generalisation, generality generosity, generousness government grace, graciousness growth guarantee guide, guidance guilt, guiltiness happiness hardness, hardship harm hatred, hatefulness health, (un)healthiness - found free freeze freshen _ frighten - generalise - govern grace grow guarantee guide - harden harm hate NOUN (person) ADJECTIVE (+opposite) - endless dangerous, endangered energetic — engineer entertainer enthusiast - - enjoyable entertaining (un)enthusiastic equipped (in)essential evident examiner, examinee — - excessive, exceeding excellent exciting, excited, excitable exhausting, exhausted, (in)exhaustible — existent, existential expansive, expandable, expandible - exhibitor - — — experimenter — - expressionist — — - familiar - fatalist — — - fighter financier - fool foreigner forger - formalist - founder - fresher friend - general — governor, governess - grown-up guarantor guide _ - expectant (in)expensive, expendable experimental explanatory, (in)explicable explosive exposed expressive, expressional, expressionless, expressionistic extensive, extensible, extended unfailing (un)faithful, faithless (un)fair (un)familiar (in)famous, famed fascinating (un)fashionable fatal, fateful, fated (un)favourable, favourite, favoured fearful, fearless, fearsome (in)fertile fighting financial fluent foolish foreign forged forgetful, (un)forgettable (in)formal, formalistic (un)fortunate — free frozen, freezing fresh (un)friendly, friendless frightened, frightening, frightful funny general, generalised (un)generous governing, (un)governable graceful, graceless, gracious growing, grown — guiding, guided guilty, guiltless happy hard, hardened, hardy harmful, harmless hateful (un)healthy
Appendix 3 NOUN heat, heater, heating height help, helping, helplessness — heroism hesitate hesitation — history — home — (dis)honesty hope hope — horizon host, hospitalise hospital, hospitality humanise (in)humanity, humanism VERB heat heighten help humour hunger hunt - ice idealise ignore - immigrate imagine imitate - impress imprison improve include individualise influence inform infuriate inhabit injure inspect instruct insure - intend intensify interest interfere interpret interview introduce invent investigate invite irritate - (mis)judge - know - laugh - lead learn - lengthen live lighten light humour, humorlessness hunger hunting, hunt hygiene ice, icing idea, idealism, idealisation ignorance illness immigration imagination, image imitation importance impression, impressiveness prison, imprisonment improvement inclusion, inclusiveness individualism, individuality influence information fury — injury inspection instruction insurance, insurability intelligence, intelligibility intention intensity interest interference interpretation interview introduction invention, inventiveness, inventory investigation invitation irritation, irritant irony jealousy jewel, jewellery journal, journalism (misjudgement kingdom knowledge language, linguistics lateness laughter law leadership, leader learning (il)legibility length life, living, livelihood, liveliness light, lightness lighter, lighting, lightning NOUN (person) — helper hero, heroine — historian — — - host, hostess humanist, human humorist - hunter hygienist — idealist — - immigrant ADJECTIVE (+opposite) heated, hot high ______ _ (un)helpful, helpless heroic hesitant historic, historical homeless, homely (dis)honest hopeful, hopeless horizontal hospitable (in)human, (in)humane, humanitarian, humanistic humorous, humourless hungry ___________ — (un)hygienic icy, iced ideal, idealistic ignorant ill — imaginary, (un)imaginable, (un)imaginative imitative, imitational — (un)important impressionist (un)impressive, impressionable prisoner imprisoned — improving, improved — inclusive, included individual, individualist individual, individualistic — influential informer, informant informative, (un)informed furious, infuriated, infuriating inhabitant (un)inhabitable, (un)inhabited — injured — inspector instructor instructive, instructional insurer insured, insurable — (un)intelligent, (un)intelligible — (un)intentional, intended — intensive, intense — (un)interesting, (dis/un)interested — interfering interpreter interpretive interviewer, interviewee — — introductory inventor inventive investigator investigative — inviting, (un)invited — irritated, irritating, irritable — ironic, ironical jealous jeweller jewelled journalist journalistic judge judicious, judgemental — king knowledgeable,(un)knowing,(un)known linguist linguistic late laughable lawyer (un)lawful, lawless, (il)legal leader leading learner (un)learned (il)legible long, lengthy lively, alive, living, live light lit - imitator
A p p e n d ix 3 VERB (dis)like - (un)lock — loosen lose love - luxuriate mechanise maintain major manage manufacture marry - mature measure medicate — memorise — - miss mix modernise - mother - mount move murder — mystify nationalise naturalise necessitate — — normalise notice numerate — (dis)obey object oblige observe occupy offend operate — oppose optimise (dis)organise originate own — paint — participate — - pay . . . NOUN likelihood liking, (dis)like (il)literacy, literature lock, locker, locket logic, logistics looseness loss love, loveliness luck luxury, luxuriousness machine, mechanics, mechanism, mechanisation, machinery maintenance majority management, manageability manufacturing marriage mathematics (im)maturity, maturation measurement, measure medicine, medication, medicament membership memory, memorial, memorisation minority misery, miserableness miss mixer, mixture modernity, modernism, modernisation month motherhood motor mountain, mountaineering movement murder music, musical mystery nation, nationalisation, nationality nature, naturalisation, naturalness necessity, necessaries neighbourhood, neighbourliness nerve, nervousness noise norm, normality, normalisation notice number, numeration, numerator nutrition, nutrient, nutriment (dis)obedience object, objection, objective, objectivity obligation observation, observatory occupation offence, offensiveness operation opportunity, opportunism opposition optimism (dis)organisation, organiser origin, originality, origination ownership pain painting, paint parenthood, parentage participation partnership (im)patience payment peace, peacefulness NOUN (person) ADJECTIVE (+opposite) mechanic (un)likely likeable (il)literate, literal, literary (un)locked (il)logical loose lost lovable, (un)lovely, loving, unloved (un)lucky, luckless luxurious, luxuriant mechanical, mechanistic - — major manager(-ess) manufacturer major managing, manageable manufacturing married mathematical (im)mature (im)measurable medical, medicinal, medicated — — — logician — loser lover - - mathematician - medic member - minor - n modernist - mother motorist mountaineer - murderer musician - nationalist naturalist - neighbour — — — — - objector — observer occupant, occupier offender operator opportunist - optimist organiser originator owner - painter parent participant partner - payer, payee - memorable, memorial minor miserable missing mixed modern, modernistic monthly motherly, motherless motor mountainous (im)movable, moving murderous musical mysterious, mystic, mystical national, nationalistic (un)natural, naturalistic (un)necessary neighbouring, neighbourly nervous noisy, noiseless (ab)normal noticeable, unnoticed numberless, numerous, numerical, numeral, (in)numerate, innumerable nutritious, nutritional, nutritive (dis)obedient objective, objectionable obliging, obligatory, obligated, obliged observant occupational, (un)occupied (in)offensive operational, (in)operative, (in)operable (in)opportune, opportunistic opposite, opposable, opposing optimistic organisational, (dis/un)organised original - painful, painless painted parental — - (im)patient paying, payable peaceful
Appendix 3 VERB NOUN NOUN (person) ADJECTIVE (+opposite) perfect perform permit persist impersonate, personalise, personify persuade photograph perfectionism, (im)perfection performance permission, permissiveness persistence person, personality, personnel, personification, impersonation persuasion, persuasiveness pessimism photograph, photography physics play (dis)pleasure poetry, poem poison politics, policy pollution, pollutant popularity population possession (im)possibility power, powerfulness practice, practising, practicality prediction, predictability preference, preferment preparation presentation prevention price pride privacy, privatisation procedure, proceeds product, production, produce, productivity profession, professionalism, professorship promotion protection (dis)proof psyche, psychology publishing, publication punishment pursuit (dis)qualification quiet, quietness rain rapidity reaction, reactor reality, realisation, realism reason, reasoning rebellion reception, receiver, receptiveness recognition reduction reference reflection, reflector, reflex refreshment regulation rejection, reject relation, relationship relaxation (un)reliability, reliance relief religion, religiousness remark rental repetition replacement report, reportage perfectionist performer (im)perfect, perfectible performing (im)permissible, permissive persistent (im)personal, personable, personified - play (dis)please - poison politicise pollute popularise populate possess - power, empower practise predict prefer prepare present prevent price pride privatise proceed produce profess promote protect (dis)prove - publish punish pursue (dis)qualify quieten rain - react realise reason rebel receive recognise reduce refer reflect refresh regulate reject relate relax rely relieve - remark rent repeat replace report — - — - pessimist photographer physicist, physician player - poet - politician - people possessor — - practitioner — — presenter — — private — producer professor, professional promoter protector — psychologist publisher punisher pursuer persuasive pessimistic photographic physical playful, playable (dis)pleased, (un)pleasant, pleasurable poetic, poetical poisonous (im)politic, political polluted, polluting (un)popular populated possessive, possessed (im)possible powerful, powerless, powered (im)practical, (im)practicable, practised (un)predictable, predictive preferable, preferential (un)prepared, preparatory presentable, presentational preventive, preventable precious, priceless, pricey proud private procedural (un)productive professional, professorial promotional protective provable, proven psychological — punishment, punishable — (dis/un)qualified quiet rainy — rapid — reactionary, reactive realist (un)real, (un)realistic — (un)reasonable, reasoned rebel rebellious receptionist, recipient receptive — (un)recognisable — reducible, reductive referee referential, referable reflective, reflexive — refreshing regulator regulatory reject rejected relative related, relative, (ir)relevant relaxing, relaxed — (un)reliable, reliant relieved religious — (un)remarkable — - . — - replacement reporter — repetitive, repeated, repeatable, repetitious (ir)replaceable reported
Appendix 3 VERB NOUN represent reproduce require research reside resist respect respond retire revise risk rob sadden save, safeguard (dis)satisfy representation reproduction requirement research residence, residency resistance, resistor respect, respectability response, responsibility retirement revision risk robbery sadness safety, safe, safeguard, saving(s) (dis)satisfaction scene, scenery scholarship science secret, secrecy security sight sense, sensitivity, sensibility, serving, service settlement shame shop, shopping shortness, shortage sickness, sickliness signature significance (dis)similarity song, singing skill sleep society, socialism, socialisation - secure see sense serve settle shame shop shorten sicken sign ..................... signify - sing - sleep socialise - solve speak specialise spectate spend sponsor stabilise starve sterilise store straighten - strengthen succeed suffice suggest suit sum, summarise - survive suspect symbolise sympathise talk taste - tend terrorise, terrify thank thicken solitude, solitariness solution, solubility, solvent speech, speaking speciality, specialty, specialisation spectacle, spectacles spending sponsorship (in)stability, stabilisation, stabiliser starvation sterilisation, sterility store(s), storage straightness strangeness strength success, succession (in)sufficiency suggestion suit, suitability sum, summary sun survival suspicion symbol, symbolism sympathy talk taste technique, technicality technology tendency terror thanks, thanklessness thickness NOUN (person) ADJECTIVE (+opposite) representative (un)representative, representational reproductive required - researcher resident - respecter — - revisionist — robber - saver, saviour — - scholar scientist — - sensualist server, servant settler — shopper — - singer - sleeper socialite, socialist, sociologist - speaker specialist spectator spender sponsor — — - — residential resistant, resisting, (ir)resistible respectable, respectful, respective (ir)responsible, responsive retiring, retired revised, revisory risky - sad (un)safe, savable (dis)satisfied, (un)satisfactory, satisfying scenic scholastic scientific secret, secretive (in)secure sighted, sightless (in)sensible, senseless, (in)sensitive - unsettling, (un)settled shameful, shameless, ashamed shopping short sick, sickly, sickening signed (in)significant (dis)similar singing (un)skilful, (un)skilled sleepy, sleepless (un)social, (un)sociable solitary (in)soluble, (in)solvent (un)spoken, speechless, unspeakable special, specialised spectacular — sponsored (un)stable starved, starving sterile - — — straight strange strong (un)successful, successive, succeeding (in)sufficient suggested, suggestive (un)suitable summary sunny surviving suspicious symbolic, symbolical (un)sympathetic talkative tasteful, tasty, tasteless technical technological stranger - successor — — - survivor suspect — sympathiser talker taster technician technologist - — terroriser terrifying, terrified, terrific thankful, thankless thick, thickening -
Appendix 3 VERB NOUN NOUN (person) thirst think thirst thought, thinking thinker threaten thrill tire tolerate toughen threat thrill, thriller tiredness (in)tolerance, toleration toughness tradition, traditionalism train training transform transformation, transformer (mis)treat (mis)treatment, treatise, treaty (dis)trust (dis)trust, trustworthiness truth, truthfulness typing type (mis)understand (mis)understanding unite unity, union, unit universe, universality use usage, usability value value, valuation, valuables vary variety, variation, variant, variance, variable victimise victim, victimisation violate violence, violation vision, visibility visit visit warm warmth, warmness warn warning weaken weakness wealth week weigh weight widen width will will, (un)willingness wise wisdom wonder wonder work work, works worth, worthlessness, worthiness year youth — — — — traditionalist trainer, trainee — — trustee — typist — — user valuer - victim violator visionary visitor - ADJECTIVE (+opposite) thirsty thoughtful, thoughtless, thinking, unthinkable threatening, threatened thrilling, thrilled tired, tiring, tireless, tiresome (in)tolerant, (in)tolerable tough traditional trained, trainable transforming (un)treatable (dis)trustful, trustworthy (un)true, (un)truthful typed understandable, understanding united universal useful, useless, (un)usable, (mis)used (in)valuable, valueless, valued various, variable, varied — violent visionary, (in)visible visiting warm — — weakling weak wealthy weekly weighty, weightless wide (un)willing, wilful wise wonderful working, workable worthy, worthless, worthwhile yearly young — — — — — — — worker — — youngster
Teacher's Notes Teacher's Wotes Use of English B2 for the FCE E xam in atio n a n d other exam s is intended fo r B2 level students. A part from th o ro u g h ly preparing students fo r all exams, this book also system atically teaches English gram m ar and vocabulary. The texts included are based on a va rie ty of interesting and m otiva ting topics w hich are com m only found in exam inations. The m aterial included in the book is g radually presented and practised in 12 units (Units 1-4,6-9 and 11-14) and consolidated and revised in units 5,10 and 15. All 15 units include exercises w hich are in accordance w ith the FCE Exam ination and the ECCE form at, w hile the Final FCE and Final ECCE Tests provide students w ith fu rth e r practice and fam iliarise them fu lly w ith the C am bridge FCE Use of English Paper and the Gram m ar and Vocabulary sections of the ECCE. Each o f the units 1-4, 6-9 and 11-14 has been divid ed in to tw o sections. The firs t section m ainly focuses on gram m ar. Collocations, expressions, prepositional phrases, phrasal verbs and w ords w ith prepositions are presented and practised th ro ug h exercises. These exercises enable students to id e n tify the syntactic and sem antic features o f the item s introduced and see how they are used in m eaningful contexts. Appendices I and II alphabetically present all prepositional phrases and w ords w ith prepositions w hich are introduced in the book. In section 1 some gram m atical structures are also revised by means of a num ber of exercises. Although these exercises do not follow the exact exam ination form at, they practise sentence transform ation and te xt com pletion, thus preparing the ground fo r the corresponding parts of the FCE Use of English Paper and the ECCE Gram m ar section. Some basic rules are given in the form of ‘Points to Remember' accom panied by illu strative examples w hich h ig h lig h t the co rrect gram m atical structures as well as some mistakes co m m only made by students. Finally, the m ost com m on sentence transform ations related to the gram m atical structures explained are presented. For fu rth e r explanations, students can refer to the corresponding part of the special Gram m ar Revision Section at the end of the book. The firs t section o f each u nit ends w ith a sub-section called exam ination practice. This includes tw o exercises w hich have a sim ilar fo rm a t to FCE Use o f English Gram m ar and Vocabulary and ECCE tasks and test a selection of the items th a t have already been introduced in the unit. The second section o f each o f the units 1-4,6-9 and 11-14 m ainly focuses on vocabulary. In this section, seven to nine groups of w ords th a t are easily confused are presented and practised through a num ber of m ultiple m atching/sentence com pletion exercises. D efinitions w hich h ig h lig h t the differences between the words in each group are given in the special Vocabulary Section at the end of the book. The second section of each u nit ends w ith a sub-section called exam ination practice. This includes tw o exercises w hich test a selection of the item s th a t have already been introduced in the unit. Section 2 also includes a sub-section focusing on derivatives. In each unit, a num ber o f com m on prefixes and/or suffixes added to verb, noun or adjective roots is discussed and b rief rules accom panied by illu stra tive tables and exam ples are given. This is follow ed by an exercise practising the patterns ta ught. A ppendix III presents all derivatives dealt w ith in the book + m ore in alphabetical order. The syllabus of the book includes all the m aterial that is com m only required fo r Paper 3 of the FCE Examination as well as fo r ECCE and other exams and should be mastered by students at this level. Despite its com prehensiveness, this book cannot be regarded as exhaustive, as it is possible th a t a few items not included in it may be set in fu tu re exam inations. Use of English B2 fo r the FCE Exam ination and other exam s has been s p e c ific a lly designed to be co m p le te d in a pp ro xim a tely fo rty -fiv e teaching hours, provided th a t some o f its parts are assigned as hom ew ork. It is recom m ended that m ost of the exam ination practice sub-sections and consolidation units should be assigned as hom ew ork and discussed in class. The G ram m ar Review, V ocabulary Notes and Appendices at the end o f the book are m eant to be used by students fo r reference, although some parts may have to be explained in class by the teacher. The section including the exam tips should be explained in class, though, before the firs t Consolidation Unit is done. A fter com pleting each Consolidation Unit, teachers should do the corresponding photocopiable Revision Test in class allow ing students about one hour and fifte e n m inutes to com plete it.
SECTION 1(FCE format) For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). -z& r Example: 0 A for ® to c of D on ALTERNATIVE FAST FOOD It is generally agreed upon th a t fast food is a great solution ( 0 ) ______ to the problem of w hat to eat. However, it’s ( 1 ) __________________________ as less n utritio n a l than a healthy meal, which is w hat growing children need. For years, n u tritio n ists have been try in g to get children into the ( 2 ) __________________________ of eating healthy food. W ithout a doubt, this has not been easy, (3) in m ind th at they have had to com pete w ith num erous fast food restaurants which are very popular w ith young people. N utritionists have lately ( 4 ) __________________________ up w ith an idea which could prove to be successful. This involves ( 5 ) __________________________ children how to cook and in the process to enjoy the taste of fresh food. In the long run, this may keep them ( 6 ) __________________________ fast food. There are already a num ber of school projects th ro u g h o u t Britain th a t are experim enting w ith the idea. They begin by m aking vegetarian pizza ( 7 ) __________________________ the dough and the topping. Many children were ( 8 ) _______________________ w ith th eir own home-made pizzas. When they compared th e ir pizzas w ith ready-made ones, the differences were noticeable. They found the latter greasy and not ( 9 ) __________________________ delicious as the home-made ones. Throughout the lessons, the children learn about q ua lity and become skilful in the differen t techniques ( 1 0 ) __________________________ in cooking. They become interested in cooking and (11)___________________________ they even learn how to look after them selves by eating n u tritio u s food. Finally, n u tritio n ists would like to get children cooking at home, too. It may be messy, but, it’s also a(n) (1 2 )__________________________ for parents to spend q u a lity tim e w ith th e ir children. 1 A regarded B observed C noticed D recognised 2 A custom B habit C routine D trend 3 A staying B getting C keeping D holding 4 A come B caught C gone D got 5 A learning B teaching C studying D facing 6 A o ff B back C out of D up w ith 7 A neither B both C all D either 8 A enthusiastic B astonished C impressed D keen 9 A much B as C even D more 10 A respected B included C involved D addicted 11 A in no tim e B at tim es C on tim e D is .ime 12 A am bition B position C o p p o rtu n ity D reduction
Revision test I For questions 13*24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning CO). HUMMlftCMON Many cultures, ( 0 ) ___________ such __________ as the Incas, the Australian Aborigines and the ancient Egyptians practised the custom of m um m ifyin g th e ir dead. M um m ification dates as far back (1 3 )__________________________ 3 0 0 0 BC, and it was the ancient Egyptians w ho carried (1 4 )__________________________ the process m ost often and m ost thoroughly. There were various ways of m um m ifying a body. The best method was also the (1 5 )__________________________tim e-consum ing and took about seventy days. (1 6 )__________________________ m ethod involved opening up the body and rem oving the internal organs, (1 7 )__________________________ were placed in jars. Spices and resin were then placed in the body. Such a burial was very expensive and only (1 8 )__________________________ rich could afford it. A cheaper way was to soak the (1 9 )__________________________ body in chemicals fo r fo ur to five weeks. However, ( 2 0 ) __________________________ methods required the body to be wrapped in many layers of bandages. As (2 1 )__________________________ as the body was wrapped up, it was placed in a coffin which was In the shape of a mummy, and then in a second coffin made of wood, stone or even gold. As the process was considered holy, the knowledge ( 2 2 ) __________________________ how to m um m ify a body was reserved for only a ( 2 3 ) __________________________ people and ( 2 4 ) __________________________ step was accompanied by prayers. M
Revision test I For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O). HOLIDAY NEEDS Summer is in the air and it’s only ( 0 ) __ (2 5 )_______________________ n a tu ra l for people to feel good and NATURE ENTHUSIASM about going on holiday. Everyone needs to relax and get away, so they try to use their (26) leave in the best possible way. YEAR Some people find it (27) ___ to stay at a holiday resort and have everything done LOGIC for them. Of course, if you are (28) _____________ , money is not an issue whatsoever. A more WEALTH (29) to be much more (30) alternative would be a camping holiday, which many people consider ECONOMICS _________________ and challenging. Exploring nature as well as relaxing ADVENTURE (31 ) in the mountains is a great way to recharge your batteries, PEACE (32 ) to say, getting away and escaping from your routine reduces stress. Any NEED (33 ) w ill tell you of the benefits a holiday offers. So, even if you have to PSYCHOLOGY (34 ) in order to afford a holiday, do it. In the end, it's w orth it! ECONOMY For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. used When I was younger, I ___________________ used to p la y _tennis every Sunday. 35 Both houses are fa irly new, b ut John's is m ore m odern than ours, the Both houses are fa irly new, but John's is _______________ the two. 36 The com pany has o nly tw o em ployees and they both w ork part-tim e, neither The com pany has o nly tw o em ployees,____________________ works full-tim e. 37 John had never fe lt so proud of his work. tim e It was th e _________________________________________________ .so proud o f his work. 38 She inherited her fa th e r’s fo rtu n e six m onths ago. came It has been six m o n th s _________________ .h e r father's fortune. 39 Jack hadn't had Chinese food fo r weeks and yesterday he ordered some, w hich Yesterday Jack ordered some Chinese fo o d ,___________________ for weeks. 4 0 I w ill investigate the m atter and then I w ill give you my opinion. in to I w ill give you m y o p in io n _____________________________________ the matter. 41 How long have you been exercising at home? w orking W hen_____________________________ at home? 42 She always takes her cred it card w ith her w herever she goes, never She_________________________ her cred it card.
Revision test I SECTION 2 (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer. 1. My best frie n d _____________ over for dinner tonight. 6 . 1_____________ dinner yet and I'm starving. a. comes b. is coming a. haven't b. haven't had c. will have come d. has been coming c. don't have d. hadn't 2. That's the island______ ___we spent our vacation last year. a. that b. which c. where d. whom 3. H ardly_____________noticed that she had left. a.anybody b. nobody c. somebody d. everybody 4. When the bomb w e n t_____________ , there were a lot of 7. Kelly is _____________ interested in photography. a. a lot b. enough c. far d. very 8. We went cam ping _____________ the mountains. It was very relaxing to be so close to nature. a. at b . in c. up d. by 9. The apartment in _____________ he lives is on the fifth people in the department store but luckily no one was floor. injured. a. that b. where c. which d. whose a. out b. over c. through d. off 10. After he lost his job, he has been living on very money, but it doesn't seem to bother 5. The baby had a temperature yesterday and today it him. is _____________ . a. badly c. badlier b. worse a. few b. a few d. worst c. a little d. little Vocabulary Choose the correct answer. 1. Who's the leading actor in this movie? I can't 6. “ It’s cold in here.” “ Should I _______ his name. a. remind b. recognise c. recall d. memorise 2. It took Julie quite some tim e to ____________ .to terms . you a sweater to put on?” a. get b. deliver c. carry d. approach 7. The firm I work for has over five hundred _____________ . with the fact that she wouldn't go to work again after a. employers b. colleagues she retired. c. attendants d. employees a. come b. get c. reach d. go 3. T o _____________ an interpreter, you need to be fluent in at least two languages. a. grow b. become c. arise d. involve 4. I didn’t like my boss in the beginning, but I soon got to his strange ways. a. accustomed b. familiar c. aware d. addicted 5. Caroline is r e a lly _____________of children. She says that when she grows up, she’ll have at least four. a. fond b. interested c. eager d. keen 8. There was a _____________ of lightning and it suddenly started pouring with rain. a. clap b. bunch c. flash d. flock 9. Steve went through a red traffic light, and he was lucky t o _____________ with only a fine. a. getaw ay b. ca rry o u t c. come round d. go ahead 10. People who are colour-blind c a n n o t_____________ between green and red. a. associate b. depart c. differ d. distinguish 1
For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 A believe B regard C think (D )consider KILLER PLANTS consider People (0) all plants to be harmless. But th a t is not the case w ith carnivorous plants, otherw ise known as kille r plants. Carnivorous plants are every insect's nightm are, as the insect cannot (1) the colour o f the plant and the sweet liquid on the inside of its leaves. However, once it has landed, sensitive hairs on the leaves signal the plant to pum p a small am ount o f w ater around the leaves, w hich makes them p artially ( 2 ) __________________________ . By this tim e, the insect has ( 3 ) __________________________ it is in trouble, because the hairs on the edges of the leaves have form ed bars which trap the insect inside. ( 4 ) __________________________, there is little chance of the insect (5) Carnivorous plants th rive in areas where the soil is poor. (6) the ( 7 ) __________________________ supply of nutrients, they get w hat they require from live insects. Among the plants of this category is the Venus flytrap, native to North and South Carolina, USA. It produces small w hite flowers and its leaves consist ( 8 ) __________________________ tw o b rig h t lobes. It is ( 9 ) ___________________________ th a t one Venus fly tra p w ill eat around five thousand flies in its lifetim e. If necessary, it w ill even consume small spiders. Surprisingly, the largest prey are ( 1 0 ) __________________________ to have been found in traps in the tropics. Carnivorous plants there have captured animals the size of birds or small rodents. So, here’s a word of (11)__________________________ . Don’t (12) a mistake and tease a fly tra p w ith your finger. You m ight not get it back! m p S j k 1 A refuse B deny C resist D reject 2 A to close B to be closed C close D closing 3 A realised B recognised c known D agreed 4 A On second thoughts B In vain c On the contrary D Under these circum stances 5 A to escape B escape c escaping D to escaping 6 A As for B Because of c As well as D Regardless of 7 A short B shortage c inadequate D lack 8 A of B w ith c from D in 9 A guessed B estim ated c predicted D assumed 10 A announced B presented c com m ented D reported 11 A instruction B tip c direction D advice 12 A perform B make c do D try
Revision test II For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). TIMES ARE CH AN G IN G The tw e n tie th ce n tu ry is believed to ( 0 ) __________ nuvt-___________been a century of technological advances, when many changes were made, w hich have dram atically affected people's lives. Take, for instance, life expectancy. Until the nineteenth century, people lived till the age of th irty-five (1 3 )__________________________ average. Growing (14 ) in unhealthy living conditions, Sack of good quality food and hard work, all co ntributed (15 ) low life expectancy. (16 ) big change concerns people's homes and way of life. Families once had to settle fo r the bare essentials. Large extended fam ilies lived toge th er in small houses. Nowadays, our houses are bigger and better; extended fam ilies have been replaced by nuclear families; and both parents w ork long hours. Transport has come a (1 7 )__________________________ way, too. The car has replaced earlier means of transport, and public tran spo rt has also been im proved. As a (1 8 )__________________________ , travel tim e has decreased drastically and people have (1 9 )__________________________ brought closer together. However, all this progress has come at ( 2 0 ) __________________________ cost. We live in a m odern world and our life has been made easier, (21 ) stress and anxiety are m ajor health concerns. Family ties are not as strong as they used to be, as parents w ork hard to afford all the luxuries, which nowadays are considered to (22 ) necessities. Last but not (23 ) , cars and other means of tran spo rt cause congestion and pollution. It is clear th at a balance ( 2 4 ) __________________________ to be found before the situation gets out of hand. M
Revision test II For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0). A HOLIDAY OFFER It's summ er and everybody is looking forward to (0) £ e ttin B GET _away to a holiday place where they can enjoy their favourite ( 2 5 ) __________ __________ .But are you one of those people ACTIVE whose anxiety levels reach new ( 2 6 ) _______________ ______ every tim e you think about organising HIGH your holidays? If you are ( 2 7 )_____________________ w ith w hat is available, don't feel frustrated and SATISFY (28 ) . We are here to find the right place for you and make your life HELP (29 ) and more relaxed. Whether you dream of a holiday in the m ountains to EASY enjoy the (30) QUIET of nature, or you like the busy resorts that offer people a (31)__________ VARIOUS of things to do, come and see us! We (32) SPECIAL __ in making your dreams come true. No one can deny the (3 3 )___ IMPORTANT of being able to get away from your daily routine and going to a place that is to your (34) SATISFY _____________ . So why don't you take the tim e to consider our offer? For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. used When I was younger, I _______________ used to p la y .te n n is every Sunday. 35 An optician m ust test yo u r eyesight as soon as possible, tested You n e e d _________________________________ . as soon as possible. 36 Kate, I suggest we go cam ping this summer, how Kate,_____________________________ this summer? 37 It was w rong of you to cheat him out of his money, should Y ou___________ out of his money. 38 They made me refuse the offer, down I ________________ . the offer. 39 He still finds it d iffic u lt to drive on the right-hand side of the road. get He can't. _ driving on the right-hand side of the road. 4 0 Could I in te rru p t you fo r a mom ent? my W o u ld ____________________ ______fo r a mom ent? 41 They don’t let people take photographs in the a rt gallery, allowed P eople________________________________________ ______ photographs in the a rt gallery. 42 He was not able to com plete the application fo rm on his own. in He was inca pa ble __________________________________ own. _________________the application form on his
Revision test II SECTION 2 (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer. 1. It was kind of y o u _________ . my daughter home after the party. 6. We . either eat out or order takeout. What do you prefer? a. to bring b. bring c. bringing d. to bringing 2. When Tom looked a t _____________in the mirror, he a. should b. could c. would d. have to 7. The new mayor has a rep uta tio n_____ noticed that his eyes were red. corrupted, but that’s far from the truth, a. him b. himself a. of b. on c. his d. he c. about d. for 3. Now that she's moved to the suburbs, she misses by her friends. . being 8. After the alarm went off, a man was seen down the stairs quickly and leaving the building, a. to be visited b. have been visited c. being visited d. been visited 4. If the day tu rn s _____________ wet, we may have to change our plans. a. walk b. walking c. to walk d. to walking 9. Samantha could have been an excellent musician but she hasn’t made good use_____________her talents. a. up b. into c. on d. out 5. She decided to let th e m _____________for the night a . to b . for c. of d.on 10. Did they finally get their washing machine ? though she didn’t want to. a. to stay b. staying a. repair b. to repair c. stay d. have stayed c. repairing d. repaired Vocabulary Choose the correct answer. 1. Cathy got a speeding_________ for exceeding the 6. When Mary’s grandmother died, she came into some _ jewels. speed limit. a. fee b. fare c. ticket d. receipt 2. John is a very talented writer. His books have gained a. priceless b. worthless c. insufficient d. available 7. Jenny is a _____________secretary; she never makes several lite ra ry _____________ . mistakes and I have complete trust in her. a. donations b. rewards a. convenient b. spare c. prices d. prizes c. reliable d. usable 3. “ Look at that awful stain on my new dress! What would 8. We decided t o _____________ the best of the situation y o u _____________for removing this ink stain?” and have our picnic despite the awful weather. a. recommend b. consult a. do b. make c. propose d. confess c. give d. take 4. “ You should keep in mind that a car_____________ 9. “What tim e are you planning t o _____________ on your servicing regularly, otherwise you’ll have problems trip tomorrow?” with it.” “ We haven’t decided yet.” a. inquires b. requests a. set off b. turn on c. requires d. commands c. make for d. run along 5. The residents_____________to having a mall built in their neighbourhood, 10. “ Don’t be so ________to your brother! He just wanted to play with you and you kicked him!" a. rejected b. disapproved a. jealous b. relevant c. resisted d. objected c. mean d. upset M
Revision TestIII For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space. There is an example at the beginning (O). Example: 0 A harm B injure C hurt D suffer SUM M ER IN TH E CITY Sum mer is a w on de rful season because it means sun, beaches and having fun. However, sum m er in the city can make s u ffe r ______________ . a m ixture of airborne gases and heat can (1 ) __________________________ som ething one (0) of a m ini-greenhouse effect, w hich is ( 2 ) ______________________ to our health. This, in turn, brings ( 3 ) __________________________ a rise in tem perature, m aking it essential to seek (4) in an air-conditioned building. Some cities even have the added problem of smog. This, com bined w ith the heat makes conditions unbearable. Asthm atics, w ho are considered to be more ( 5 ) __________________________ during the sum m er season, are the ones who are ( 6 ) __________________________ the m ost by these conditions and th e ir lives are often ( 7 ) _____________________ _ _ . It is therefore im p o rta n t th a t these people (8) . going o ut when p ollutio n levels are high. According to official records, the increase in tem perature coincides w ith a higher num ber o f deaths. Twenty percent more people die from heart attacks or are killed in car accidents.However, there is hope fo r c ity dwellers. Experts say th a t the situation can be ( 9 ) __________________________ if we pay more ( 1 0 ) ___________________________ to looking after our environm ent. One step w ould be to (11) which produce to xic emissions. Even (1 2 )__ the num ber of vehicles and lim it heavy industry, dark-coloured roofs w ith lighter-coloured ones can cause a drop in tem perature o f up to 4 ° Celcius. 1 A result B gain C remain D create 2 A w rong B suspicious C harm ful D serious 3 A up B about C round D along 4 A rescue B guard C shelter D caution 5 A sensitive B sensational C sensible D influenced 6 A affected B attacked C obliged D appealed 7 A warned B risked C damaged D endangered 8 A o m it B avoid C ban D prevent 9 A im proved B progressed C recovered D saved 10 A care B caution C interest D attention 11 A dem olish B lower C reduce D destroy 12 A exchanging B urging C advancing D replacing
Revision test III For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only one word in each space. There is an example at the beginning (0). AN INTERVIEW WITH A CHALET COOK W orking as a chalet cook at a ski resort is the p erfect o p p o rtu n ity to com bine cooking ( 0 ) ___________ zvith _________ skiing - at least that's w hat Victoria Kent th ou gh t. She (1 3 )__________________________ up a post as a chalet cook in the French Alps last year but d id n ’t get to see m uch of the slopes. First of all, she had to prepare a considerable am ount of food every day. In (1 4 )__________________________ to buying all the food and preparing it, Victoria had to tid y up the chalet and make sure e verything ran smoothly. (1 5 )__________________________ the job appeared exciting and easy at first, it soon became apparent th at this wasn't the case. Victoria had to w ork hard (1 6 )__________________________ th a t she could cope. Since she d idn't have any help, she had to take (1 7 )__________________________ of everything by herself. She'd rather fo rg et the tim e the dishwasher was out of (1 8 )__________________________ for a week and the inconvience th at it had caused her. On top (1 9 )__________________________ it being hard work, the pay wasn't the best either. Victoria earned only £150 a week and was, therefore, unable to save up much. At tim es she wondered ( 2 0 ) __________________________ it was w orth it and often th o u g h t of giving it (2 1 )__________________________ , and going home. But, all (22 ) all, Victoria adm itted having gained invaluable experience which b uilt up her character. When asked if she (23 ) go back, she replied th a t she would, (24 ) th a t she worked w ith others and shared the responsibility.
Revision test III For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of each line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (O). Mata Hari Margaretha Zelle was a well known (0) e n te rta in e r _at the beginning of the 20th century. ENTERTAIN Her sensational Eastern-style (2 5 )____ . made her famous throughout Europe. PERFORM But who was Margaretha Zelle? She was an (26) _____________ woman who was born in the ATTRACT Netherlands, but lived in the ( 2 7 )_____________ ( 2 8 ) ____________________ FRANCE _capital for most o f her adult life. She gave the stage name Mata Hari, which literally means ‘eye of the day’, and is HER EXPRESS a Malayan ( 2 9 ) ____________________ _________ used to describe the sun. She was extrem ely successful and before long became very wealthy. Her good fortune ended during World War I. The (30) ___________________ in Paris accused her of GOVERN being responsible for handing over documents to the (31)_______________________ . However, her GERMANY (32 ) to prove her innocence had serious consequences. She was sentenced to FAIL (33 ) and was consequently shot by a firing squad. Till now, this DIE (34 ) w artim e incident remains shrouded in mystery. PLEASE For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. There is an example at the beginning (0). Example: 0 When I was younger, I played tennis every Sunday. used When I was younger, I ___________________ used to p[ay ____________________ tennis every Sunday. 35 "Don't go swim m ing on a fu ll stomach," the lifeguard said to us. advised The life g u a rd _____________________________________________________________ sw im m ing on a full stomach. 36 It would be foolish of us not to go shopping during the sales. if It w ould be foolish of u s _______________________________________________________ shopping during the sales. 37 They are saving up as they w ant to buy a new car. view They are saving up a new car. 38 I don't w ant to lie to him this time, tru th I'd this time. 39 "I’m sorry I shouted at you," Kelly said to me. apologised Kelly at me. 4 0 A fter her illness, she wasn’t strong enough to be able to walk on her own. so A fter her illness, she couldn't walk on her own. 41 You can use the telephone if it works. not You can use the telephone provided order. 42 In spite of m aking a lot of mistakes, she passed the test, even She passed the test a lot of mistakes.
Revision test III SECTION 2 (ECCE format) Grammar Choose the correct answer. 1. the heavy rain, all flights were cancelled, a. Because b. Since c. Due to d. As 6. He’s always boasting success at school, 2. Susan made a wish and then she blew the candles on her birthday cake, a. up b. over c. out d.away 3. a. for b. about c. on d. in 7. The teacher wanted to know w h e re _____________ . more responsible, she wouldn’t have lost a. did I live b. I lived c. do I live d. have I lived 8. It was _____________ frightful accident that I’ll never her job. forget it. a. If she would be b. Had she been c. would she be d. If she has been 4. I wish you ______ his children’s making so much noise! I just b. stop c. had stopped d. would stop 5. The burglar didn’t turn on the lights ______ a. so that not b. so as not to d. so as to not c. a too d. so a. bought b. have bought c. had bought d. buy . Cathy tried hard, she didn’t manage to 10. be seen by the neighbours. c. so that to not b. a so 9. Would you _________ _________ a yacht if you were rich? need to relax for a while, a. will stop a. such a win the race, a. Even though b. In spite of c. Despite d. Despite of Vocabulary Choose the correct answer. 1. Many businesses have _____ because of the financial crisis, a . ended up b. given out c. closed down d. dropped off 2. The hijackers kept the pilot as a _____________ on board the plane. a. convict b. victim c. hostage d. kidnapper 3. I won’t _____________ your behaving in this way! Please stop! a. forbid b. resist c. remain d. tolerate 4. Mary is not always _______ _____for her appointments. She’s late at times. a. punctual b. sharp c. exact d. correct 5. A good way to ___________ _ your English is to visit an English-speaking country, a. decrease b. improve c. produce d. recover 6. I said hello to Jill, but she me completely. a. neglected b. omitted c. cheated d. ignored 7. A good friend should ___ ________you whatever happens. a. stand by b. take after c. let down d. bring round 8. The two companies a re _ with each other to gain the contract. a. combining b. competing c. comparing d. protesting 9. Lucy has been under considerable______ . lately because she has a lot of personal problems, a. haste b. schedule c. aid d. strain 10.1think Meryl should _____________ responsibility for the company's financial problems, a. mind b. pay c. give d. take
Key t. Revision Tests Revision Test I (Units 1-4) 1 regarded 13 as 25 enthusiastic 35 the m ore m odern of 1 b 6 b 2 habit 14 out 26 yearly 36 neither of w hom 2 c 7 d 3 keeping 15 m ost 27 logical 37 firs t tim e John had fe lt 3 a 8 b 4 come 16 This 28 w ealthy 38 since she came into 4 d 9 c 5 teaching 17 w hich 29 econom ical 39 w hich he hadn't had 5 b 10 d 6 off 18 the 3 0 adventurous 4 0 when 1look/have looked into 7 both 19 w hole/dead 31 peacefully 41 did you sta rt w orking out 8 impressed 2 0 both/these 32 needless 42 never goes anyw here w ith o u t 1c 6 a 9 as 21 soon 33 psychologist 2 a 7 d 10 involved 22 of 34 econom ise 3 b 8 c 11 in no tim e 23 few 4 a 9 a 12 o p p o rtu n ity 24 each/every 5 a 10 d Revision Test II (Units 6-9) 1 resist 13 on 25 a ctivities 35 to have/get yo ur eyesight tested 1a 6 b 2 close 14 up 26 heights 36 how about going cam ping 2 b 7 d 3 realised 15 to 27 dissatisfied 37 shouldn't have cheated him 3 c 8 b 4 Under these 16 A nother 28 helpless 38 was made to tu rn down 4 d 9 c 17 long 29 easier 39 get used to 5 c 10 d 5 escaping 18 result 3 0 quietness 4 0 you m ind my in te rru p tin g you 6 Because of 19 been 31 va riety 41 are not allowed to take 7 inadequate 20 a 32 specialise 42 of fillin g in 8 of 21 b u t/ye t/h o w e ve r 33 im portance 9 estim ated 22 be circum stances 10 reported 23 least 11 advice 24 has/ought 12 make 34 satisfaction 1*1 1n 1c 6 a 2 d 7 c 3 a 8 b 4 c 9 a 5 d 10 c
Key to Revision Tests Revision Test III (Units u-14) B EI 235 1 create 13 took 25 perform ance(s) 35 advised us not to go/against going 1c 6 b 2 harm ful 14 addition 26 attractive 36 if we d id n 't/d o n 't go 2 c 7 b 3 about 15 A lth ou g h/ 27 French 37 w ith a view to buying 3 b 8 a 4 shelter Though 28 herself 38 rather tell him the tru th 4 d 9 d 39 apologised fo r shouting/having 5 b 10 a 1c 6 d 2 c 7 a 3 d 8 b 4 a 9 d 5 b 10 d 5 sensitive 16 so 29 expression 6 affected 17 care 30 governm ent 7 endangered 18 order 31 Germans 4 0 was so weak (that) she 8 avoid 19 of 32 failure 41 it is not o ut of 9 im proved 2 0 w he th er/if 33 death 42 even though she (had) made 10 atte ntio n 21 up 34 unpleasant 11 reduce 22 in 12 replacing 23 w ould 24 provided shouted
E. MOUTSOU Use of English EE ■ ■ for all exams QQCQ m m publications
teacher's book Use of English This book systematically teaches grammar and vocabulary and helps students develop all the skills necessary to succeed in all exams at B2 level. m for all exams Use of English B2 includes: • Consolidation Units and Practice Tests • Presentation of lexical items and • A reference section including an grammatical structures in context overview of English grammar, (including collocations, expressions, vocabulary notes, exam tips and phrasal verbs, words with prepositions, comprehensive appendices prepositional phrases, key • A Glossary transformations, words easily confused and derivatives) • Clear explanations and useful exam tips • Exercises providing thorough practice in Use of English (including multiple The Teacher's Book includes: • The Student's Book with the Key overprinted • Photocopiable revision tests choice, matching, gap filling, open and multiple choice cloze tests, key word transformation and word formation) ISBN:978-960-443-929-4