Автор: Park Francis Y.T.  

Теги: korean  

ISBN: 1-56591-101-6

Год: 2003


For Lucia John Anna and Paul
SPEAKING KOREAN Book I Revised Edition by Francis Y.T. Park www.hollym.com IIOLLYM INTERNATIONAL CORP. Elizabeth, New Jersey
SPEAKING KOREAN, Book I Revised Edition Copyright © 1984, 1991, 2003.(Revised) by Francis Y.T. Park All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without the written permission of the author except where permitted by law. Published by Hollym International Corp. 18 Donald Place Elizabeth, New Jersey 07208 U.S.A. Tel: (908) 353-1655 Fax: (908) 353-0255 vvww.hollym.com - hi = I^i ISBN : 1-56591-101-6 (Book I) %и'е’ 1-56591-103-2 (Book II) 1-56591-104-0 (Book III) 1 56591-118-0 (Book IV) 1-56591-119-9 (4 vol. set) 1 56591-Ш-3 (Audio-cassettes for vol. I) Cw®-'ss Stales Card Number; 84-80023 Printed in Korea
1 RECOMMENDATIONS Dear Reader, Mr. Park is co-author of the Korean language textbook, ’Myongdo’s Korean ’68.’ That two-volume book was the product of Mr. Park’s experience in helping to set up the Myongdo Korean Language Institute, and his years of experience in teaching Korean to foreigners. This is a book bom of Mr. Park’s expert knowledge of the Korean language, the science of linguistics, and his excellent knowledge of spoken and written English; but most of all, his long and profound experience in teaching foreigners Korean, and in his long experience in instructing other teachers. This is a book produced from many years of labor and growth. 1 recommend it to all who embark on the task of learning the Korean language ! John. J. Corcoran Past Regional Director Maryknoll Missions in Korea I congratulate you on the publication of your new Korean Language Books. They will fill a great need among the increasing numbers of people who wish to learn Korean. I believe your new approach marks a significant landmark in the short history of the development of such texts. I am acquainted with your fine work in the past on the texts for the Myongdo Institute. In the name of the foreign community in Korea, let me express my gratitude to you for your unceasing efforts at helping us learn your language. Rev. John. P. Daly, S.J. Past President Sogang University
2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Finally, here is the long-awaited and revised Book I. In particular, I wish to thank Father John Corcoran, the past Regional Director of the Maryknoll Missions in Korea. 1 greatly appreciate his kindness and encouragement. Without his continued assistance, this book could not have been completed. 1 am also indebted to many other persons for their assistance in the revision of this book. 1 wish to express my sincere and deep gratitude first and foremost to Father Joseph Turowski of the Maryknoll Missions in Korea and Father Peter J. Fleming of Sogang University for their help in proofreading and for offering numerous suggestions. They were instrumental in pointing to areas that needed correction and improvement. It is impossible to express adequately my gratitude to them for their time and efforts. I also owe thanks to Ms. Jeong Soo Lee, Ms. Sun II Kim and all the faculty members of the FSI Korean Language School for their help in proofreading. Ms. Sang Heun Kwack, an instructor at the Korean Language Institute, Sogang University, tirelessly and diligently typed the manuscript from beginning to end. I deeply appreciate the capable assistance, enthusiastic cooperation and unceasing efforts which she has given. To my wife, Lucia, I would like to express my love for all the patience, encourage- ment and advice that she offered. FMy. a spec»! „( и,.„к, и Mr Dong Hmg the Kuk Compute, Prmtrng Company, wh„ ha, been very p,Uent „d underst,n(|. mg throughout many revisions. Seoul, Korea Francis Y.T. Park
Preface 3 PREFACE This book is intended primarily for those English speakers who wish to acquire a good knowledge of spoken Korean. This is the first of four volumes in an entirely new type of textbook series for students of Korean. Since I wrote ‘MYONGDO’S KOREAN’ in 1968 (PART I and PART II) and the first edition of SPEAKING KOREAN in 1977, and in the process of teaching Korean to foreigners since then (at the Maryknoll Missions and the foreign Service Institute, Department of State), I have acquired additional teaching experience, psychological training and insights, which I hope will make the work of both teacher and student more productive and rewarding. During these years I have constantly revised the lessons of the original text to a point where content and method demand the publication of a new book. This book is the result of personal growth and research. It is designed to impart an active practical skill in the use of the spoken language, without neglecting the development of competence in reading and writing. This book has several unique characteristics to it, qualifying it as an important development toward a more integrated approach to the study of the Korean lan- guage. Very simply, the difference is that this new approach develops a new method of learning, rather than simply a method of teaching. The structural-linguistic approach avoids simply repeating, changing or substituting sentences. Instead, the devices are used by the learner to achieve the goal of self-expression. The approach has been to grade the frequency of vocabulary and patterns, and then to integrate them in such a way as to allow for continual review and assimila- tion. This approach has been developed in line with the most recent scientific, linguistic and psychological strides made in the language fields; it avoids a reductionistic, analytical approach, and concentrates on structural patterns of spoken Korean. On the surface, the significant benefits of this approach may not be obvious. To state some of them: the Korean language is studied as a language; i.e., —as a system of meaningful sounds and sound patterns, which occur in various fre- quencies, intensities, and situations. To do this, vocabulary and patterns had to be recorded and graded over a number of years, and integrated into basic sentence patterns, short stories, and longer readings. As a result, Korean language students will be more successful in gaining the culture and language more quickly and efficiently, and will be led to master the material with a secure confidence in their ability to use it.
Preface 4 • t f ЛЙ units If four or five hours a day are spent on each unit, it Xi “X <» °” ““ " 7 a,“r S,T ‘„“ „„it,, .be ewdee.. ere -bed .» .=«« « «»““'• “ intensiveness of the curriculum and the size of the class, .t .s probably better to devote extra time to more thorough drilling on structural patterns and revtewtng earlier material, rather than studying new lessons. Each unit consists of the follow- ing items: Basic Sentences, Useful Expressions, Notes On The Basic Sentences, Structure Notes, Drills, Short Stories, Reading and Briefing. Basic Sentences: The Basic Sentences are organized with graded patterns and words. They are conversational, natural, and the standard spoken language of the educated Korean speaker. The Basic Sentences should be memorized in one’s own preparation work and with the help of the native teacher. While drilling the Basic Sentences, the student must not permit himself to speak more slowly than his teacher. The student must follow the way the teacher himself talks, without watching the book too closely. Language is to be spoken, not to be read. The right-hand side gives the English equivalent, which indicates what is said in English in a similar situation. It is not a literal translation. Useful Expressions: This section of useful expressions permits immediate use of the language in class, as well as an early command of the most frequently used everyday-life expressions. Notes On The Basic Sentences : This section contains assorted information on specific sentences, as well as idiomatic expressions. The student will find cultural meanings of those sentences, which are not evident from the English equivalent of the Basic Sentences or from the Structure Notes. At the same time, the lexical meanings, synonyms and deriva- tions will be studied. The numbering of the notes corresponds to that of the sentences. Structure Notes: ,,ГиЯ"“ Wi" “Plai"rf a"d d~"b'd i” <14= section The °' *“ K»“" i»«. BWta!is«I J“Lh“nld be using the patterns. It is not very imoortani r l d °" acquinnK skill in fit. ‘mP0rtant t0 k"°w ‘he rules into which the patterns
Preface 5 Drills: There are seven kinds of drills in this section: Substitution Drill, Pattern Drill, Intonation Drill, Integration Drill, Response Drill, Level Drill, and Expansion Drill. The diversified drills are intended to develop fluency, as well as to promote the spontaneity of a new set of speaking habits. While repeating and drilling the patterns in class with a teacher, and in the laboratory or at home with tapes, the student will not only facilitate the mastery of structural patterns, but also will be able to know how to apply the rules or expand the patterns. Short Stories: This section is intended to review grammatical constructions already studied in the Basic Sentences, the Structure Notes and Drills, as well as to increase vocabu- lary in a related situation. There are usually just three lines. The teacher reads them to the student, and asks the student to answer immediately. After that, the student must ask questions just as the teacher has done, and finally must say them all by himself. If fluency and spontaneity has been achieved to the teacher’s satisfaction, the teacher begins the expansion drill, and the student repeats ihe sentence. Reading: This section is intended to reinforce audio-lingual skill, as well as to achieve effective skill in reading and writing. It is also intended to increase useful vocabu- lary. Even though vocabulary is considered of secondary importance, it is better to increase vocabulary from the beginning while studying the structure of the lan- guage. This section has many objectives: comprehension, related stories, inter- views, interpreting, role play, and so forth. On the basis of the reading, diversified teaching techniques can be used for variety. Briefing This section is intended to achieve a goal of self-expression. The student need not restrict himself/herself to the contents of the outline. Use it rather as a guide. Take notes if you wish and refer to them as needed during your presentation. You do not have to translate words and patterns, but should convey concepts by using your own words and patterns, describing the ideas for which you do not have one word available. When you have prepared your remarks, so indicate to the teacher. Following your presentation, the teacher will give you feedback.
Contents 7 CONTENTS RECOMMENDATIONS...............................................1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ..............................................2 PREFACE ......................................................3 HAN’GUL (the Korean Alphabet) ...............................13 PHONOLOGY....................................................18 VOWELS.......................................................20 CONSONANTS...................................................30 RHYTHM ......................................................47 INTONATION AND FINAL CONTOURS ...............................48 INTRODUCTORY COURSE Unit 1 £1 Ai Greetings (1).................................51 Unit 2 21 A|- Greetings (2)................................55 Unit 3 Kimch’i ..............................................59 1. Style of Speech...................................60 2. The Informal-Polite Style ........................61 3. Korean Verbs......................................62 4. The Verb .........................................63 Unit 4 SJ-afSf Korean Language ..............................66 1. The Particle .....................................68 2. The Verb .........................................68 3. The Object Particle ..............................69 4. The Particle -МИ ‘at,’ ‘in’.......................69 5. The Honorific Infix -(—)Л1........................70 Unit 5 h| o|| Ai On the Street ...........................73 1. The Formal-Polite Style...........................75 2. The Particle -M| ’at,* ‘in’ ......................76 3. The Particle -(—)5. ‘with,’ ’by (means of)’........76 4. The Chinese Derived Numbers........................77 Unit 6 >2 Ap| Shopping ......................................81 1. The Native Korean Numbers ........................83 2. Classifiers ......................................84 3. The Particle -M| ‘for,’ ‘per’ ....................85
Contents 8 Unit 7 Unit 8 Unit 9 Unit 10 v ............................86 4. The Honorific Verbs ........... A|oil What Time? ..................................... 1. The Particle -<H] ’at,’ ‘on, ’ ’in’ (Time) ...... 2 The Particle‘until,’ ’by,’ ’to’.......................... ......................... 3. The Particle --t*^ ‘from’ In the Restaurant ............................................... 1. The Past Tense-ft-(-Sb -Я-) ................................97 2. The Pattern - э «) ? ’Shall we- ? ’ ......................98 3. The Contrast Particle -fe7-& ................................99 Stf Telephone.................................................... 1. The Negative Adverb <Й- ’do not’ ...........................Ю6 2. Negative Construction of Verbs..............................Ю6 3. The Sentence-Final Ending ‘will probably do’ •••108 4. The Future Infix ..........................................108 A|^ Time .....................................................112 Unit 11 1. The Particle’together with’ .........................113 2. The Particle‘and’ .................................114 3. The Exclamatory Ending 114 4. The Particle -<И] ‘to’...............................115 «ЧА| Taxi ................................................ 1. The particle-(A)5. ‘to’ .............................120 2. The Sentence-Final Ending -*]A ......................120 3. The Sentence-Final Ending -51 °^51Л ‘Of course’ .....121 4. The Exclamatory Ending (•£)Ч|Д/-....................121 BOOK I Unit 12 Market..... Unit 13 1. Answers to Negative Questions 2. The Adverb %- ’can’t,’ ‘won’t’ 3. The Suffix ’about’ .......... Unit 14 7 How Much Is It ?.................... 1. Independent Nouns and Dependent Nouns - 2. The Particle -*} ’only’............... 3. The Particle -A ’also ’ 4™ » > 4. Adverbs........... lndeed’’ -127 -128 -129 -130 -135 •136 •136 •137 7 From Whom?..”....................138 .......143
Contents 9 1. The Particle ‘from (a person)'...............................147 2. The Particle -фтИ] ‘to (a person)'...........................147 3. Particles Used in Verb Phrases...............................147 4. Gender ......................................................148 Unit 15 ^44-9 Department Store.......................................153 1. The Particle ‘together with' .....................155 2. The Particle ‘and' ..........................................155 3. The Noun Modifiers: D.V.S. +-i-(£-) .........................156 Unit 16 и]«р] A Five Won Plane Ride ............................161 1. Noun + ^M + $4- (or ‘there is no one (nothing)'.....163 2. The Suffix ‘(a thing) worth’ ................................164 3. The Negative Imperative Form -*] ^4- ‘Don’t do’ .............164 4. The Negative Adverb ‘stop (doing)’...........................165 Unit 17 ЫЦИ a||я ? Are You Busy ?..........................................170 1. The Humble Verbs..............................................171 2. The Sentence-Final Ending птЧ* (or .............172 Unit 18 4 ? Whose Book ? ....................................178 1. The Particle -5] ‘(of)’ .....................................179 2. The Potential -a(-t-) (Й1^) ‘can (cannot) do’ ...............179 3. The Intentional -a (-i-M-SL ’will do’ .......................180 Unit 19 ЗД|* о|А|й If I Drink Coffee ...........................185 1. -a Irregular Verbs ..........................................187 2. The Sentence-Final Ending -5L ‘want to do’ ..................187 3. The Conditional -(—J1?! ’if,’ ‘when’.........................188 Unit 20 Swimming ..........................................................194 1. The Ending -(А) г] ‘in order to’ ............................196 2. Verbal Noun Formation -7] and -n/--g- .......................196 3. The Causal Ending-7] uj|-g-o|] ‘so,’ ‘therefore,’ Ъесаизе’...198 4. The Contrastive Ending -7]^} *but’ ..........................199 Unit 21 Weather ...........................................................205 1. The Comparison ‘(more) than’ ................................207 2. The Sentence-Final Ending (^r) ^4- ‘it seems to be’.....208 3. The Particle ‘to the extent of,’ ‘as much as’ ...........209 4. The Superlative Marker *l)*l (or ^Hb) ‘the most’.............209 Unit 22 VоЩ. Ио|Я ? How Far Is It ? ..............................215 1. Noun Modifiers: -*-(£), -e(i-) .........................217 2. The Particle ‘every’ ........................................218
Contents 10 •218 •223 •225 •225 •226 •232 •233 •234 •235 •235 •235 •242 •243 •245 •247 •253 •254 •256 •257 •263 •264 •266 •266 •267 •272 •274 •275 •276 •283 •285 since* ....287 ...........288 ...........293 ...........295 ...........296 ...........297 ...........303 Climate.. 1. V.S. +-ЯН-& Unit 23 Unit 24 Unit 25 Unit 26 Unit 27 Unit 28 Unit 29 Unit 30 Unit 31 3. The Suffix -«I ‘apiece? ‘respectively, each........... _о_в| ‘I wish it would happen 2. The Intentional -a (-i-H-S- 'intend to 3. The Ordinal Numbers ............ The Movies.......................... 1. The Coordinate Ending <2. ‘and* ........ 2. The Non-Final Ending (a) -e «) “fl <when (b) -e«) <unti1’.......................................... (c) -a «) W ‘every time’ ......... (d) -н«) ‘from the time’ 7 Is It Alright ................................. 1. The Concessive Ending-°]-(-‘И, -<4)^. ‘eventhough’ 2. The Obligatory Ending-°]-(_<H> “‘Ч)0!1 ‘must’ 3. A.V.S.+-L (£-) Й-g-ofl ‘after doing1 ................. Cigarettes .......................................... 1. The Non-Final Ending -йК-<И, ‘do and do’ ............. 2. The Transferentive Ending -Ч’3 * * * 7!’.............. 3. A.V.S. + -7] ^<8] ‘before doing1...................... ? What Does It Mean ? ....................... 1. The Causal Non-Final Ending ‘because’ •• 2. The Particles and .............................. 3. A.V.S.+-<4(-o], XrJ- ‘tries doing*.............. 4. °|-t-5. +Negative ‘nobody does- -*.............. Let’s Go Slowly........................ 1. The Causal Non-Final Ending -(Л)и]^ ‘because’ ••• 2. “I TH V.S. +Negative ‘(it) is uncommon' ........ 3. The Pluralizing Suffix -< ...................... ? What Date Is It?......................... 1. Time Classifiers: -qj 3 ibVt+”’(*|7HTime word+514 '(the time 3. The Particie ‘(the same) as,' ‘like’ ......... A Visit ......................... 1. The Introductory Non-Final Ending -u (-£, • The Time Non-Final Ending -(o.m -when............ J- the Sentence-Final Ending-715 sirt j *№121711 ьа||я Have Fun ..........® ° d°'
Contents 11 L A.V.S. + -e (-=r) OJ°] ‘have something to do’.................305 2. The Intentional -(—*]4 ’intend to do’ ......................305 3. The Ending -(—’in order to’ ................................306 Unit 32 Review ...........................................................312 1. The Progressive -5L ’(someone) is doing’ ...................314 2. The Pattern -°}(-cH, ’because of so-and-so, I could die’..............315 3. A.V.S.+ -*] ’tfjL ’not, (but)’ .............................316 Unit 33 O[O|-^ Children ...............................................322 1. The Particle -(°])4-.......................................324 2. The Particle (-J£) ’both- and’.............................325 Unit 34 A Study..................................................331 1. -n Irregular Verbs .........................................333 2. Noun + -°fl ’about,’ ‘toward’ ..........................333 3. A.V.S. +-*-(-cr) ‘after doing’ .............................334 4. Interrogative+ -(°] )e}3E. ’no matter-•• it is’ ............334 Unit 35 Й-Ч Korean Food ..................................................341 1. A.V.S. +-i_(-£r) (ЙЧ-) ‘have ever (never) done’.....342 2. -& Irregular Verbs ........................................343 3. Interrogative+-(°])-b*] ‘no matter-•• it is’ ...............344 4. A.V.S. + --C- (ЙЧ-) ’(someone) sometimes does’ ......345 Unit 36 ЙЙ A Plain Style Of Speech.....................................351 1. The Plain Style ............................................352 Unit 37 в}® How Many Days?.............................................361 1. Time Word+-T<}0fl ’after (of time)’ ........................363 2. 364 3. -a Irregular Verbs ........................................365 Unit 38 g Door.........................................................371 1. - н Irregular Verbs ........................................373 2. A.V.S. + -OH-<H, -<4) ‘do something in advance’ ............373 3. The Sentence-Final Ending-°}(-<4, -<4) ...............374 Unit 39 Please Wait ......................................381 1. The Informal Polite Question Ending -v. (--&-, -^)7}Д?.......382 2. The Non-Final Ending -(_^.)^a] ‘while doing’.................383 Unit 40 ?p| A Cold .......................................................390 1. The Sentence-Final Ending-°}(<4, -°i) *14- ‘it becomes’ ....392 2. The Indirect Discourse -52. ‘(someone) says that---’.........392
Contents 12 Unit 41 Unit 42 Unit 43 Unit 44 , ................................395 3. A.V.S.+--& =5!............................................ 401 A Traffic Accident ......... о IT- 1 Fnriina-efi) ‘almost (did) ......402 1. The Sentence-Final Ending н I e) **н» 2 The Indirect Question Ending -^1Л4.......................... 403 ................................... о||ы Preparation............... 1. a.V.S.+-6M-4 -*1) <finish uPdoinS’.........................412 2. The Non-Final Ending -Jc.> ‘so that..................... ---412 3 A.V.S. + -a (-<-) < ‘know how to do’ ..............413 4. -s. Irregular Verbs ........................................414 You Look Tired ...................................421 1. D.V.A + -OH-°L -°i) ‘someone looks (appears)’ ...........422 2. The Retrospective Non-Final Ending -cju] ...................423 3. The Causal Non-Final Ending ‘because of doing................424 £!•? A Friend..................................................431 1. The Sentence-Final Ending -< <y-i4/-2.^-T4..................432 2. The Particle -(°l)e}5. ‘even if (it be)’....................433 3. The Obligatory Ending-°]-(-<4, ‘must’ ............434 £0^ New Year’s Card ...........................................44O 1. The Retrospective Infix ........................................ 2. The Non-Final Ending -5.^- ‘until’..........................443 3. -A Irregular Verbs ............................................ 4. The Non-Final Ending ‘if’ ..................................... •^•bJo| German............................................. 1. The Sentence-Final Ending -Л] ‘(it) turns out so that’...453 2. The Provisional-oK-6], -*))»); 'provided' ..................... VOCABULARY S—.Final ‘e (>) W ‘(0ne) plans t0 do’---455 INDEX TO STRUCTURE NOTES ............ ...................................... ..............................480 Unit 45 Unit 46
13 HANGUL (the Korean Alphabet): Language is speech. Language learning involves acquiring a new set of habits, and habits must be automatic. Therefore, after you acquire some basic control of the spoken language, it is best for you to begin reading and writing, because they are a different set of habits. But we begin with the writing system from the very start. First, the Korean writing system is so simple that it does not give the student any heavy burden or multiply the learning problem. Secondly, romanization usually misleads the student to wrong pronunciation. For these reasons, it is recommended that you accustom yourself to the use of HAN’GUL from the very begining. It is suggested that you learn immediately to associate the sound system with the spelling. From the outset, it is essential for the student to master the association of letters with the sound system in Korean. It is to be desired that you study the Korean alphabet, always keeping in mind that the letters are no more than graphic symbols which are meant to remind you of the actually occurring Korean sounds. If you become familiar with the Korean sound system, you will become accustomed to them immediately. The Korean alphabet consists of 40 letters, including compounds: 10 pure vowels, 11 compound vowels, 14 basic consonants and 5 double consonants. But the basic Korean alphabet consists of 10 vowels and 14 consonants. TRANSCRIPTION : In this book, only for the sound system, a transcription system is used as an aid to better pronunciation. It will take relatively little time to master the transcription and to associate the signs with the sounds. It is not necessary for the student to learn to write the transcription.
14 PURE VOWELS: transcription letter transcription letter 1 fl /и/ /i/ /е/ /э/ •fl fl /е/ h /а/ fl /и/ T /и/ -4 /б/ -L- /о/ COMPOUND VOWELS: b /уа/ 'Ц' /wa/ fl /уе/ /we/ fl /уэ/ d /wa/ =11 /уе/ /we/ -U- /уо/ 4 /iii/ T CONSONANTS: /уи/ П /kiyak/ о /iung/ /пшп/ X /chiut/ n /tikut/ X /ch’iGt/ H /пй1/ =7 /k’iuk/ П /тшт/ e /t’iut/ H /ршр/ 5L /p’itip/ A /siot/ 'ST /hiiit/ DOUBLE CONSONANTS: 11 /ssang-kiyak/ /ssang-siot/ LL HU /ssang-tikut/ /ssang-piup zx; /ssang-chiOt/
15 HOW TO WRITE HANGUL: As a general rule, Han’gul letters are formed with strokes from top to bottom and from left to right. Below, letters are given showing the order in which the strokes are written, so that the student may be initiated into the writing of Han’gul. 1 2 3 4 5 1 —> 4 4 —> 4 —> 1 —> 4 —> 4 * —> —> 1 —> 1 —> 4 4 —> —> 4 —> г —> 4 4 4 4 —> 11 —> 4- 4
SYLLABLES: The Korean syllable is different from English. A Korean consonant by itself cannot form a syllable, because the Korean consonant, if not followed by a vowel, cannot be released. However, a vowel by itself can form a syllable. In English, a syllable is a sound or group of sounds accompanied by one of four stresses; however, in time l^m t S°Und к Rr°UP °f S°UndS WhiCh Uke UP a Certain Native s₽ace °f time, like metronome beats (See RHYTHM p. 47)
17 HOW TO FORM SYLLABLES: The vowel in all combinations (Vowel-Consonant, Consonant-Vowel, or Consonant- Vowel-Consonant, etc.) must be written somewhat bigger than the accompanying consonant or consonants. 1. Vowel: The pronounced vowels, p, fl , —, etc. are not written alone. So, when there is no initial consonant at the beginning of syllables, the о is always written; it may be regarded as a sort of orthographic ‘Filler,’ and is not pronounced. In other words, although the о is written in the initial position, it has no sound value. °E °h *4, -2., -г, -ft-, —, °], 4|, £] 2. Consonant-Vowel : a. There are nine vowels which have the stroke standing in a vertical position: Ь, fl , fl , )=, fl , fl , -fl , 3] , ] , These vowels have the ac- companying consonants at their left side. 7b 1-b < *b Ч Л]|, л)], Cfl, q b. There are four vowels which have the stroke lying in a horizontal position: -1-, T, IT. These vowels have their accompanying consonants directly on top. Л, < c. There are seven vowels which have the accompanying consonants on the top of their left side. -Я , -4, -fl , , nfl, ifl, -fl =b 4, 4], < 4b 41], 3 3. Consonant-Vowel-Consonant: The final consonant in a syllable is always written below the main vowel. 7J, 4h Sb -4. 4. Consonant-Vowel-Consonant-Consonant: a. When there are two final consonants, and the vowel has a stroke standing in the vertical position, the first final consonant is written below the initial consonant, and the second final consonant is written below the main vowel. 3b &, Sb if, 41 b. When the vowel has the stroke lying in a horizontal position, the final two consonants are written below the main vowel side by side. M, if, sb if, &
18 PHONOLOGY Notes On Terms: high, mid, low and 2. S'anhSe iS “ »" Pa“a№ ’ ’ vowels are also lax and close vowels are tense. 3 The terms rounded and unrounded refer to the lips. 4; In regard to consonants, the place of articulation is indicated by the terms bilabial (made with the two lips); apico-alveolar, (made with the tip of the tongue against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth); lamino-alveolar, (made with the blade of the tongue against the gum ridge somewhat back of the usual position for /t/>; dorso-velar, (made with the back of the tongue against the soft palate); glottal, (made in the glottis). 5. The manner of articulating consonants is indicated by the terms stop, (the air passage is closed and then released); affricate, (a stop and its immediately following release through the articulatory position with a friction); spirant or fricative,(the air passage is restricted, but not closed); sibilant, (the air escapes through the nose); lateral, (the air escapes around the sides of the tongue); flap, (a trill reduced to a single movement). 6. Voiced and voiceless are terms referring to the presence or absence of vibra- tion of the vocal cords. THE KOREAN SOUND SYSTEM : Every language has a system of sounds. Speaking a language involves being able to make and distinguish its sounds. Therefore, in learning a new language, the most important step in the beginning is the mastery of the sound system of that lan- guage'The Korean sound system is pronounced in somewhat different ways from a. of English. Ma», of ,be Korean sounds are ,er, similar to those Engiisb: bo. could '° h'JJ the Engl,sh Pronunciarion of these sounds, the slight deflerences - к°г'"’ -—-K"™" »r English habits nJ ° X “TbrrKndab'e К°Т T doobieeon^f '°Г,"Ц » basin co„,.„anl. and 5
19 VOWELS: There are many more vowels in English than Korean. Except for a few difficult Korean ones such as/u, /ti/, Vowel chart/б/, most of them are rather simple. Generally speaking, (1) the positions of the tongue are slightly higher than those for corresponding English ones. (2) The Korean rounded vowels are pronounced with a little less lip-rounding than the American equivalents, and without protruding the lips, as in ‘boot.’ In the phonetic comments to the vowels, the terms of the three top-to-bottom levels (HIGH, MID, LOW) and three front-to-back positions (FRONT, CENTRAL, BACK) describe the positions of the tongue. The chart of ten pure vowels is as follows: VOWEL CHART:
Ph-1 ] /i/ The Korean /i/ is a high front unrounded vowel. It is a tense and short vowel. You make it with the tip of your tongue resting behind the low teeth. The Korean /i/ is longer and more tense than the /i/ in the English ‘fit/ but shorter and less tense than the /i/ in ‘see. ‘ Example: Transcription : Meaning .* 71# /kibun/ feeling A]oj /siin/ poet /miso/ smile H]4J /pimil/ secret °17] /inkki/ popularity /chiri/ geography «I# /irum/ name я]г| /p’iri/ flute •1] /е/ The tense mid front unrounded vowel /е/ is always short. It is slightly higher than the /е/ in the English ‘let.’ Ф-1*1 /enaji/ energy °<1¥г] /enuri/ discount 41# /sesang/ world 714] /chige/ A-frame #41 /nue/ silkworm /hyangje/ brothers 41 <3 /heam/ swimming low front unrounded vowel /е/ is either short or long. fl /е/ The open (lax) 1 It is slightly higher than the /е/ in the English ‘action.’ The sound /e/ „ lhe Eoglish .actw dM8 oot exist ,n °M /egi/ /schc/ /mehwa/ /yach’e/ /tungde/ /ке/ /sengE/ /Ьеб/ baby New Year plum blossom vegetable lighthouse dog lifetime foreign countries
21 ’г] /0/ The tense high front rounded vowel /11/ has no approximation in English, It stands for a sound somewhat like the /11/ in the German ‘ftinf,’ It has the same tongue position as /I/, but with rounded lips. However, • many Korean people habitually pronounce it as /wi/. /Шп/ hero /tiham/ danger /ch’utl/ coldness 4^^ /sagtida/ to associate with /chb/ rat /kU/ ear /tUjiptta/ to turn over /ntluch’ida/ to regret /ch’timi/ hobby 4114_ /stida/ to rest /t’iigida/ to fry /htida/ to bend -Я /6/ The tense mid front rounded vowel /6/ also has no equivalent in English, It stands for a sound approximately like the /о/ in the German ‘Kes- lin.’ It has the same tongue postition as /е/, but with rounded lips. However, many Korean people habitually pronounce it as /we/. /och’ul/ going out /3guk/ foreign country /Ьеб/ foreign countries /пЗуэт/ encephalitis /p’agd/ destruction /chain/ criminal /ch’Bgo/ the highest *14 /hhsa/ company =1 /m3/ grave Ph-2 — /0/ The tense high central unrounded vowel /й/ is rather difficult for American speakers. You make it by pulling back your tongue from the position for sounding /i/ to the central part on the same level. Your tongue position is placed half-way between the /5/ and /и/ sound. Every effort should be made to master this sound /и/, It is an important step toward acceptable pronunciation.
22 /sOsiing/ /siilp’uda/ /tiingsan/ teacher to be sad mountain-climbing O i-i n. /кшп/ gold n /пйНа/ to be late /кишит/ the last day (of the month) /siipkki/ damp /htirida/ to be cloudy /iinheng/ bank /umsang/ voice _] The central unrounded vowel /э/ in Korean is either short or long. It is pronounced with tense muscles in stressed syllables, and with relaxed muscles in unstressed syllables. It stands for a sound approxi- mately like the /э/ in the English ‘about’ as a short sound and the /э/ in ‘church’ as a long sound. 'Й41 /mansam/ far-off island /adi/ where /mari/ head /namajida/ to fall down /taraptta/ to be dirty /hari/ waist /kain/ giant Apj /sanseng/ teacher /chaum/ first time El Л] С} /t’ajida/ to burst /chanjeng/ war /pasat/ mushroom b/а/ The low central unrounded vowel /а/is shghtly higher than the /а/ in the English English sound /а/ in ‘ideal ’ either short or long. It is ’arm.’ It corresponds to the UJ “J /рат/ /ра:т/ /adul/ night chestnut d1-b- /тайт/ /pamnat/ son mind day and night
23 4^ /sago/ trouble w /changnan/ a play, fun /paji/ trousers 4- /ch’a/ car /k’al/ knife /t’ada/ to get on #<4*1 /kangaji/ puppy Ph-3 Т/u/ The Korean back vowels are all pronounced with rounded lips, but- making them with a little less lip-rounding and without protruding the lips, as in ‘mood? The tense high back rounded vowel /и/ is similar to the English ‘put’ and ‘soon? о о /иуи/ milk /nugu/ who Od To /suyang/ swimming /kudu/ shoes T3 о TT /тии/ radish "о Г /kongju/ princess т1- /nunmul/ tears /kukssu/ noodle Т’Т* /tubu/ bean-curd TJ /chumun/ ordering /t’ugu/ helmet -^-/o/ The mid back rounded vowel /о/ is close to the vowel sound /о/ in the English ‘bone? It is slightly higher than the /о/ in the English ‘taught? /tot’ori/ acorn /тоЬэт/ model /кикрро/ national treasure /pogwn/ the Gospel -2-^r /onul/ today Я-4- /tokcca/ reader H]S.i /piroso/ for the first time 4л /poktto/ corridor /poch’o/ sentry /nunttongja/ the pupil of the eye Practice the difference between the /й/ and /э/ sound.
24 /kuri/ /kari/ /tdngari/ 444 /tangari/ 2-4 /kunsa/ 34 /kansa/ /kunsong/ 34 /kansang/ >4 /tulda/ 44 /talda/ /sungkkyak/ 43 /sangkkyak/ /sungin/ 4°J /sangin/ /sungp’E/ 4*« /sangp’E /chungse/ 44 /changse/ Practice the difference between the /э/ and /о/ sound. It is very difficult for foreigners to distinguish these two sounds by hearing. 33 /kari/ ле] /kori/ Hpd /pasan/ MAi /posan/ W /kagi/ Л.7] /kogi/ 34 /chasan/ /chason/ *4 /pujak/ ы /pujok/ 44 /changsa/ з-д /changso/ 44 /nalda/ ^4 /nolda/ 44 /nat’a/ ¥4 /not'a/ 34 /talda/ >4 /tolda/ 44 /taptta/ -S-4 /toptta/ 34 /kalda/ <4 /kolda/
25 SEMIVOWELS: Ph-4 /w/ This semivowel /w/ is a voiced labio-velar sound. It is like the inital /w/ soung in ‘worth. ‘ You make it by raising the back of your tongue toward the soft palate, and then moving it quickly into position for the following vowel. The lips are rounded slightly. This semivowel occurs in the initial position of a syllable, and between consonant and vowel, but never occurs in the final position. /у/ This semivowel /у/ is the voiced lamino-alveolar sound. It is like the English /у/ in ‘yes.‘ You make it with the front of your tongue close to the palate and back part of the gum ridge, with the tip holding against the lower front teeth. The tongue is then moved quickly down into position for the following vowel. This semivowel occurs in the initial position of a syllable, and between consonant and vowel, but never occurs in the final position. 4/wa/ It is made of -1- and p. When the first sound -1- is immediately followed by the p, the first sound just like a semivowel /w/, and the following sound is heard with a full retention. This sound is similar to the Englis ih /wa/ in ‘wash/ /kwach'an/ overpraise °J3J- /ilgwa/ daily work /pwatta/ saw /wan'ganghi/ stoutly <3 /hwangje/ emperor /kiwa/ tile 4^ /wajan/ misinformation /sswatta/ shot /hbhwa/ conversation /sangkkwa/ result ’‘fl /we/ It is made of -1- and Я . This sound is like the English /we/ in ‘wax.‘ 3*1 /tweji/ pig /yuk'we/ pleasure зя- /weguk/ national isolation
26 /hwetpul/ torch /wesek/ Japanese manners /kwessimhada/ to be disgusting /weganjang/ Japanese soy sauce /kwEnch’ant’a/ to be alright sfli /weso/ small stature sit /k’wEhwal/ brightness rl /wa/ It is made of T and К This sound stands for a sound approximately like the /wa/ in the English ‘wonderful.’ /suwal/ several months 11 /changwan/ garden 11 /wanin/ cause /waryoil/ Monday lul /kwan’go/ advice /kwalgi/ rising 11 /ch’anwan/ one thousand won 11 /iwal/ February /hwalssin/ very much n /wanman/ harmony 144 /hwanhada/ to be bright •dl /we/ It is made of T and d]. This sound is like the English /we/ in ‘well.’ /kwebyan/ sophism /kwngwe/ /wenkkadak/ /wenil/ /wenmank’Gm/ /hweson/ ‘ 1 /kweccak/ /kwedo/ /wigweyang/ b. This sound 7yangsim/ /yadang/ /sangnyang/ /yadan/ money-chest what reason what matter properly damage box track, line stomach ulcer is like the English /уa/ in ‘yam? conscience Opposition Party match scolding
27 °-Hr /yakssok/ promise ^°J= /changyang/ rest, recuperation *gnJ4 /yalmiptta/ to be hateful OJ=*I /yamch’i/ shameless fellow 5L*J= /kohyang/ native place J-°cM /koyangi/ cat /manyak/ if Ш /yatppoda/ to despise Я /уе/ It is made of ] and fl . This sound is close to the English sound /уе/ in ‘yank.’ »1| 7, /yegi/ story 4 /уе/ this child 7Я /куе/ that child /chye/ that child over there Я /уэ/ It is made of ] and fl . This sound is similar to the English /уе/ in ’yodel.’ /myangmun/ reputable family /yasang/ female /kyalssak/ absence /kyangyang/ management 3-& /kyanbon/ sample 4^-4 /pyaruda/ to plan /pyangwan/ hospital /pimyang/ scream *d# /pyanjang/ disguise *14 /ch’anya/ maid, virgin 4^- /kyau/ barely ’Й^ /pyalccang/ villa /p’yanghwa/ peace /уе/ It is made of ] and J]. This sound is similar to the English /уе/ in ‘yellow.’ <41^ /yesu/ Jesus Christ 3*1 /kyanggye/ boundary /kyesok/ continuation I’M- /yetnal/ old times
28 з||3 /р’уегуэт/ pneumonia /hyesang/ comet /йпр’уе/ hiding зЦп4 /р’уетак/ the falling of the curtain /yejang/ schedule “/Уо/ It is made of ] and This sound is like the English /уо/ in ‘yoke.’ /kyoyang/ culture Д°о1 /yoyang/ recuperation цлр /kyosa/ teacher /piryo/ fertilizer s-д /tongyo/ child’s song Л]-Д- /sigyok/ appetite /hyoja/ dutiful son -VJ /yokssim/ greediness к± /myoso/ grave /palp’yo/ announcement Т /уи/ It is made ] and T. This sound is like the English /уи/ in ’youth.’ X-R /sagyu/ oil /tEryuk/ continent -^-д] /yukcci/ land /hEryu/ current л!- й /kyumyang/ /куито/ searching, examination scale °F-n- *l“fr ♦-a HI 4* /уауи/ /chayu/ /hyuil/ /yuhsng/ /уэуи/ ridicule freedom holiday fashion /hyugesil/ time (money) to spare / 1/ This orthographic diphthong -4 /ui/.but is ponced ^ond position. However, when rest-room я' etimes Pedantically pronounced it k . initially’ and 1 /i/ in use as a particle meaning ’of,’ it ls ordinarily о]д1 Pronounced /е/ SH4 /iiisa/ /ttiuda/ doctor to float
/йпоп/ consultation 3 я /usang/ dress -м /yui/ attention /nei/ undershirt sje] /uri/ justice *)•¥• /шпи/ duty 44 /iija/ chair 44 /uiwan/ member 4^4 /hakkyoe/ the school’s 444 /sarame/ the person’s
30 CONSONANTS: Some of the Korean consonants are so different from those of your native language that they may cause you some difficulty. Many of the Korean consonants, however, are similar to those of English if you just avoid some of your English pronunciation habits. Generally speaking: 1. The Korean double consonants HH, ui, 11, /А seem to cause English speakers the most distress. 2 The Korean aspirated sounds л f E, Л , =7 , tr are pronounced with a strong- er puff of breath than their English counterparts. 3. The Korean flap sound /г/ is a rather tricky one for English speakers, and the lateral sound /1/ is also different from the English /1/. 4. When the Korean consonants occur in the final position, they are unreleased sounds. KOREAN CONSONANT CHART ^\Wbere does it happen? What happensT~^^^^^ Bilabial Apico- alveolar Lamino- alveolar Dorso- velar Glottal STOPS vs vd Globalized Vs Aspirated vs P н b h pp UH P’ t n d c tt rc t’ E к и g "1 kk ti k’ =7 AFFRICATES Vs vd Globalized vs Aspirated vs ch x j x CC 7K ch’ x S1B1T AMT «-UUILALN 1 yg Globalized vs fricative Aspirated vs NASAL= lateral FLAP ~— — vd vs stands for voiceless vd stands for voiced К * СЛ СЛ СЛ m n П i_ 1 a r a ng о h *
31 CONSONANTS Ph-5 Following the order of the Korean consonants, in which they usually present the greatest difficulty for most foreigners, we shall start with the glottalized conso- nants. The glottalized sounds are produced by interrupting the breath stream by closing the glottis. They are pronounced with a special tenseness. You make them by tightening up your throat in order to hold on to and get in that extra syllable represented by the first of the consonants. НН /рр/ This double consonant /рр/ is a voiceless glottalized bilabial stop. You make it by bringing your lips together as in the production of a single /р/, and hold it in that position for a full syllable beat. Then explode the lips tight and clear without any puff of breath. It does not occur as a final sound. Example: Transcription: Meaning: <Ф4 /ppalgat’a/ to be red /ppalli/ quickly И|ЗЬ4 /ppeatta/ to snatch (a thing) from / ppckppck’hada/ to be packed «Sb /ppang/ bread «ЧН /ppomneda/ to be proud (of) нумц- /pappuda/ to be busy /орра/ older brother /kipphm/ delight ЦЖ4 /nappuda/ to be bad rc /tt/ This sound is a voiceless glottalized apico-alveolar stop. You make it by bringing the tip of your tongue against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth, as in the production of a single /t/. Then hold it in that position for a full syllable beat and release it tight and clear without any puff of air. It does not occur as a final sound. П}т4 /ttada/ to pick, to pluck пНг«И4 /ttattut’hada/ to be warm ад /tterida/ to strike, to hit пЦпЦЗ. /ttettero/ now and then /ttokttok’hada/ to be smart
32 4444 /ttokttakttokttak/ /kwitturami/ /kkuttok/ /twittungtwittung/ /kkattakkkattak/ ticking cricket nodding staggeringly nodding and nodding Ж /сс/ This sound is a voiceless glottalized lamino-alveolar affricate. You make it by touching the blade of your tongue to the gum ridge, somewhat in back of the usual position for /t/. Then hold it in that position for a full syllable beat and release it as a friction without any puff of breath. It does not occur as a final sound. 4Ц- /ccada/ to be salty /ccakccagi/ unmatched pair /ccapccalhada/ to be nice and salty /ссеЬо/ harelipped person 41^4 /ccinggurida/ to frown /ccongaldcda/ to mutter /accilhada/ to be dizzy /amuccorok/ as much as one can /mucciruda/ to mow down /касса/ phony /sulccak/ furtively /soccoksE/ cuckoo /tEccok/ split bamboo /yaccuda/ to ask, to inquire /ss/ This sound is a voiceless glottalized apico-alveolar sibilant. You make it by bringing the tip of your tongue close to the gum ridge, (but without touching it), as position for a fi The air strong! which is groovf in the production of a single /s/. Then hold it in that ill syllable beat and release it without any puff of breath. У escapes at the lower edge of the apex of your tongue 44 44 4444 44 £444 /ssada/ /ssangbang/ /ssalssalhada/ /ssaktta/ /ssQda/ /ssodajida/ to be cheap both sides to be chilly to rot to write to gush out
33 /malssum/ word, speech /malssi/ use of words /somssi/ skill /kulssangkulssang/ with tearful eyes When this /ss/ sound occurs in the final position and is followed by a consonant, it is pronounced as an unreleased implosive /t/. 58 4- /hetta/ did a!^ /itta/ to exist IT /кк/ This sound is a voiceless glottalized dorso-velar stop. You make it by raising the back of your tongue firmly against the soft palate, as in the production of a single /к/.Then hold it in that position for a full syllable beat and release it tight and clear without any puff of breath. 444 /kkabulda/ to behave frivolously 44 /kkada/ to peel ^4 /kkuda/ to turn off /kkwong/ pheasant *1144 /kkeuda/ to wake up ^414 /kkaneda/ to take out Йе- /kkut/ end 444 /sanyangkkun/ hunter w /akkaptta/ to be regrettable 444 /pakkuda/ to change When this sound /кк/ occurs in the final position and is followed by a consonant, it is pronounced like an unreleased implosive /к/. w /апр’ак/ the inside and outside 4 /рак/ outside 44 /muktta/ to bind 44 /kkaktta/ to break off Ph-6 H /г/ The Korean /г/ sound is a voiced apico-alveolar flap. The Korean /г/ is quite different from the English /г/, which is a palatal spirant. The English /г/ is made by retracting the tip of the tongue a bit toward the back of the mouth, while the lips move front semiclosed to open, and the air passes between the front of the tongue and the hard palate. However, the Korean /г/ is made by touching the tip of the tongue against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth with a brief flick, and bringing it down
34 e wwppn two vowels, it is a flap sound. (2) ». for words of forefg„ orfgfo, and the name of the symbol “e." 7Ut|. /karuda/ to divide 4# /saram/ man ?-a| /muri/ group /moruda/ do not know 4^-4 /tardda/ to be different (from) /pori/ barley 451s. /hakkyoro/ to school /param/ wind гИ /пй1/ the letter “s ” eM-S- /radio/ radio 3]^ /resulling/ wrestling /romensG/ romance е /1/ This sound is a voiced apico-alveolar lateral. You make it by putting the tip of your tongue against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth, so that the air escapes at the left side or both sides of the tongue. The front of the tongue is relatively flat, and the back somewhat lowered. The Korean lateral sound /1/ occurs only as a final sound of a syllable which is not followed by a vowel. It stands for a sound approximately like the / 1/ in the English ‘light, ’ ‘lion,’ ‘lace,’ and ‘along,’ etc., which occur before vowels; but it is not like the /1/ sound in the English ‘still,’ ‘hilt; or ‘sold,’ etc., occurring before a consonant or final sound. 41 /pal/ foot /kil/ road /mal/ horse 4 /pul/ fire 4 /РУЭ1/ star i-4 /ulda/ /nolda/ to cry to play T-l /kalda/ /cholda/ to change to doze /malda/ to be far As you have /susul/ seen in the above- surgical operation mentioned examples, the “ s, " de'
35 pending on the position, is different. When the “ н ” occurs between two vowels or in the initial position, it is a flap sound. However, when it occurs in the final position which is not followed by a vowel, it is a lateral sound. When this lateral sound /1/ is followed by the same consonant /1/, it also seems to cause foreigners trouble. You make it with the tip of your tongue touching firmly against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth, as in the production of a single /1/, then bringing it down with a strong voiced sound. Here are some examples: -g-гЩ /mollayo/ I don’t know. /tallayo/ It’s different. /chollayo/ Tighten it. /kallayo/ Divide it. Л’йПуэуо/ It’s wrong. /killayo/ Raise (a dog). М-Я- /kollayo/ Choose. /ccillayo/ Pierce. /nollayo/ I’m surprised. /ullyayo/ Ring it. О /ng/ This sound is a voiced dorso-velar nasal. It is not difficult for English speakers. It stands for a sound approximately like /ng/ in the English ‘song,’ even though the Korean /ng/ is pronounced slightly stronger than its English counterpart. This sound, however, seems to cause Italians, and Spanish speaking people a lot of distress. You make it by raising the back of your tongue against the soft palate, with air escaping through the nasal passage. (The soft palate is slightly dropped so as to open a passage from the pharynx to the nasal cavity.) If Italian or Spanish speakers want to practice this Korean /ng/ sound, hold the tip of your tongue down with your finger or with a flat tongue depresser used by medical doctors. While keeping the tip of your tongue down, try to make the back part of your tongue rise against the soft palate, as in the production of the /к/ sound. Let the air escape through the nasal passage the way it would for /m/ or /п/. In the beginning, you will feel the tip of your tongue trying to come up, but practice this sound until you don’t have to hold it down with a tongue-depresser, and you will achieve the new habit which is necessary for the perfect control of this sound. This sound occurs only as a final sound in a syllable. In Korean,
34 auickly. (1) When the a occurs between two vowels, it is a Fun<« It does not occur initially, except for words of foreign Fand" name of the symbol “ a. ” /karuda/ to divide F 1 /saram/ man /muri/ group /moruda/ do not know /taruda/ to be different (from) /pori/ barley /hakkyoro/ to school /param/ wind нН /riul/ the letter “ a “ /radio/ radio /resulling/ wrestling /romensu/ romance Н /1/ This sound is a voiced apico-alveolar lateral. You make it by putting the tip of your tongue against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth, so that the air escapes at the left side or both sides of the tongue. The front of the tongue is relatively flat, and the back somewhat lowered. The Korean lateral sound /1/ occurs only as a final sound of a syllable which is not followed by a vowel. It stands for a sound approximately like the / 1/ in the English ‘light, ‘ ‘lion/ ‘lace/ and ‘along/ etc., which occur before vowels; but it is not like the /1/ sound in the English ‘still,’ ‘hilt/ or ‘sold/ etc., occurring before a consonant or final sound. /pal/ foot /kil/ road /mal/ horse td s* /pul/ fire /РУЭ1/ star /ulda/ to cry /nolda/ to play /kalda/ to change <4 /cholda/ to doze /molda/ to be far /susul/ surgical operation As you have seen in the above-mentioned examples, the de-
35 pending on the position, is different. When the “ г " occurs between two vowels or in the initial position, it is a flap sound. However, when it occurs in the final position which is not followed by a vowel, it is a lateral sound. When this lateral sound /1/ is followed by the same consonant /1/, it also seems to cause foreigners trouble. You make it with the tip of your tongue touching firmly against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth, as in the production of a single /1/, then bringing it down with a strong voiced sound. Here are some examples: /mollayo/ I don’t know. /tallayo/ It’s different. /chollayo/ Tighten it. /kallayo/ Divide it. /t’ullyoyo/ It’s wrong. /кШэуо/ Raise (a dog). /kollayo/ Choose. /ccilloyo/ Pierce. /nollayo/ I’m surprised. -а-3-s. /ullyoyo/ Ring it. О /ng/ This sound is a voiced dorso-velar nasal. It is not difficult for English speakers. It stands for a sound approximately like /ng/ in the English ‘song,’ even though the Korean /ng/ is pronounced slightly stronger than its English counterpart. This sound, however, seems to cause Italians, and Spanish speaking people a lot of distress. You make it by raising the back of your tongue against the soft palate, with air escaping through the nasal passage. (The soft palate is slightly dropped so as to open a passage from the pharynx to the nasal cavity.) If Italian or Spanish speakers want to practice this Korean /ng/ sound, hold the tip of your tongue down with your finger or with a flat tongue depresser used by medical doctors. While keeping the tip of your tongue down, try to make the back part of your tongue rise against the soft palate, as in the production of the /к/ sound. Let the air escape through the nasal passage the way it would for /m/ or /п/. In the beginning, you will feel the tip of your tongue trying to come up, but practice this sound until you don’t have to hold it down with a tongue-depresser, and you will achieve the new habit which is necessary for the perfect control of this sound. This sound occurs only as a final sound in a syllable. In Korean,
36 f this sound never occurs at the beginning of an utterance. Remember that when there is no initial consonant at the beginning of a syllable in the writing system, the “ о" is written, but has no sound value. It is only an orthographic “Filler.” 'AjtJ /ssngdang/ church /kongbu/ study /mysngdong/ Myong-Dong ^*1 /Songmysngso/ statement /chongsang/ the summit /scnggak/ thought /ungjopsil/ reception room WJ- /sarangppang/ drawing room /changsong/ Army general /p’yonghwa/ peace /ch’angmyang/ fairness /wangmyong/ the King’s order -§-7] /yonggi/ courage /onggojip/ stubbornness L- /п/ This sound is a voiced apico-alveolar nasal. It is similar to the English /п/ in ‘nine.’ It is made with the tip of your tongue touching against the gum ridge with the nasal passage open. You will have little difficulty with this sound. тЧ- /nuna/ older sister Ч-тЧ- /nanuda/ to divide 2T'TL /nugu/ who ЧЧ /nene/ from beginning to end № /пепуэп/ next year /попуэп/ old age CJ /nunmul/ tears When it occurs in the final position, it following examples: is an unreleased sound. See -5L /ton/ money /non/ rice-field /samch’on/ three thousand vT /son/ hand iL /тип/ door the
37 However, when this sound /п/ is followed by the same consonant /п/, it seems to cause foreigners trouble. You make it with the tip of your tongue touching firmly against the gum ridge with the nasal passage open, then bringing it down with a strong voiced sound. See the fol- lowing examples: /mannada/ to meet Uj 71-14 /kannagada/ to go across /annehada/ to guide Я /inne/ perseverance /tannyam/ abandonment /punno/ anger /ch’annyan/ one thousand years When it is preceded or followed by /1/, it becomes a lateral sound /1/. However, there are many exceptions. See the following examples: /illyu/ human beings /nolli/ logic /pulnalli/ the confusion of the fire /ch’alli/ one thousand ri U /m/ This sound is a voiced bilabial nasal. It is very similar to the correspond- ing English sound /m/. You make it by bringing your lips together with the nasal passage open. The velum is lowered and the vocal bands are producing voice through the nasal cavity. /maul/ village чя- /miguk/ America /meil/ everyday ЭЛ /moja/ hat /muat/ what -Т-Т- /muu/ radish /mich’ida/ to go mad °l-g- /maum/ mind /kkum/ dream /chom/ a little /sam/ island H /р/ This sound is a bilabial stop. It stands for a sound approximately like the /р/ in the English ‘episode,’ which is usually followed by an un- stressed vowel. You make it by bringing your lips together with the air
passage closing, and then releasing it. When it occurs in the initial position of a syllable, it is a voiceless sound. It is pronounced with a very slight local aspiration. See the following examples : нЦ /ре/ boat /panul/ needle B} /руэ/ rice plant J2-4 /pori/ barley Bl /pi/ broom upj /pasan/ Korean socks /puch’e/ fan When it occurs between two voiced sounds, (such as all vowels and the nasal consonants /m, n, 1, ng/, it is a voiced sound. The voiced uh " sound is transcribed by /Ь/. See the following examples: ^4 /subak/ watermelon /pabo/ fool 44*1 /aboji/ father /tambe/ cigarette tf-f- /changbu/ account book *14 HJ- /chinanbam/ last night 4-V- /sinbu/ bride eJ-g- /ilbon/ Japan When it occurs in the final position of a syllable and is not followed a vowel, it is an unreleased sound. See the following examples: 4 /рар/ boiled rice 4 /рэр/ law 4 /sap/ shovel °J /ip/ mouth 44 /yansiip/ practice 44 /walgup/ monthly salary Practice the difference between the Korean /р/ and /рр/ «14 /pida/ ”14 /ppida/ «U4 / paruda/ mj. г u|. /pparuda 444 /panhada/ /ppanhada/ 44 /patta/ 44 /ppotta/ 4 t3 /руэ/ 18] /рруэ/ *4 /pul/ /puri/ £ /ppul /ppuri/
39 тг /р’/ This sound is a voiceless aspirated bilabial stop. It is very similar to the English /р/ sound, which is followed by a stressed vowel, as in ‘pow- der’ or ‘peak.’ You make it by first closing your lips tightly with the air passage closing, then releasing the lips with a strong puff of breath. The Korean aspirated sounds are pronounced with a stronger puff of breath than their English counterparts. If you hold a lighted match close to your mouth, those consonants with a puff of breath will put the match out, and those without a puff of breath will merely make it flicker. 4-£ /p’ado/ wave /p’odo/ grapes /p’yandosan/ tonsils /p’anme/ selling /ap’dda/ to be painful /sop’o/ parcel /salp’ida/ to look about /pangp’e/ shield When this sound occurs in the final position and is not followed by a vowel, it is like the unreleased bilabial stop “ti. " See the following examples: /ар/ the front /уэр/ the side и /ip/ leaves /пйр/ swamp £ /chip/ straw Practice the difference between the Korean /р/ and /p’/ SbSl-sW /panbanhada/ /p’anp’anhada/ /pando/ /p’ando/ H]tq. /pida/ ^14 /p’ida/ “J- /pal/ /p’al/ «11’4 /peda/ /p’eda/ /pyanhada/ /p’yanhada/ < /pul/ я /pul/ ’Si /pyanmo/ /р’уапто/ *8-a- /pyanggyun/ ’g-a- /p’ynggyun/ ^•/t/ This sound is an apico-alveolar stop. It stands for a sound ap- proximately like the /t/ in the English ‘kettle’ or ‘gratitude,’ which
40 usually occurs in the unstressed position of a word. You make it by bringing the tip of your tongue against the gum ridge behind the upper teeth, with the air passage closing, and then releasing it. When it occurs in the initial position, it is a voiceless sound. It is pronounced with a very slight local aspiration. See the following examples: 44 /tasi/ again ci /to/ more £44 /traji/ broad bellflower /tongmul/ animal /tedap/ answer 4 /tii/ behind the back /ton/ money /tanbi/ timely rain When it occurs between two voiced sounds, it is a voiced sound. The voiced “c” is phonetically transcribed by /d/. See the following examples: £4 /todak/ morals 4 т /kidung/ pillar 444 /sadari/ ladder /tongdemun/ East Gate >4 /cholda/ to doze When it occurs in the final position of a syllable and is not followed by a vowel, it is an unreleased sound. See the following examples: ^4 /tatta/ to close /mutta/ to ask c /kot/ soon Practice the difference between the Korean /t/ and /tt/. 444 /tajida/ 444 /ttajida/ 414 /teda/ 44 /tteda/ 4^4 /tarGda/ 4^4 /ttarGda/ 44 /tangat/ /teda/ 44 /ttangat/ /tteda/ 4т ^4 "s’ /temun/ /talda/ /tutta/ /tGl/ 4т ^4 >4 e /ttemun/ /ttalda/ /ttGtta/ /ttGl/
41 Д’/ This sound is a voliceless aspirated apico-alveolar stop. It is very similar to the English Д/ sound, which is followed by a stressed vowel, as in ‘tape,’ or ‘tackle.’ It is made by bringing the tip of your tongue against the gum ridge, with the air passage closing, then releasing it with a strong puff of breath. This sound /V/ is never voiced. See the following examples: /t’cdo/ attitude ^4 /t’ada/ to ride /t’oji/ land 44 /t’akku/ ping-pong 44 /t’uksa/ amnesty 4 Л’эк/ the jaws 444 /t’ajida/ to get broken S4- /t’omok/ engineering work When it occurs in the final position of a syllable and is not followed by a vowel, it is like an unreleased apico-alveolar sound. See following examples: 4 /pat/ dry field /kkut/ end /p’at/ red bean X2 1=Г /mut/ dryland 4!^ /mitch’an/ capital (financial) Practice the difference between the Korean /t/ and /t’/. £7] /tokki/ S-4 /t’okki/ 44 /talda/ 44 /t’alda/ ’й'М /tansik/ /t’ansik/ 44 /tarak/ 44 /t’arak/ 44 /tajak/ 44 /t’ajak/ 4 Лэк/ 4 Л’эк/ SI- /togul/ si /t’ogul/ ’S 4 /taldal/ 44 /t’altal/ This sound is a dorso-velar stop. It stands for a sound approximately like the /к/ in the English word ‘baker,’ which usually occurs with an unstressed vowel. You make it by raising the back of your tongue against the soft palate, with the air passage closing, and then releasing it. When it occurs in the initial position of a word, it is a voiceless sound. It is
42 pronounced with a very slight local aspiration. See the following examples: 'Я /кЕ/ dog Я7] /kogi/ meat /kudu/ shoes /kojok/ historic remains /ksin/ individual /kajida/ to possess 71 £ /kido/ prayer 7)71 /kogi/ there /koch’ida/ to repair /kumanduda/ to stop (doing) When it occurs between two voiced sounds, it is a voiced sound. The voiced “n” is transcribed by /g/. See the following examples: 4Я /sago/ /nugu/ accident who 71"TL /kagu/ furniture Лт'-п)- /koguma/ sweet potato /soge/ introduction /chige/ A-frame 71 «у- /chagiap/ low pressure When it occurs in the final position of a syllable and is not followed by a vowel, it is an unreleased sound. See the following examples: 7^ /sodok/ West Germany /miguk/ America /yakkuk/ pharmacy 3-74 /mokkak/ engraving on wood /hanguk/ Korea Practice the difference between the Korean /к/ and /kaji/ /koda/ /kida/ /kalda/ /kada/ 7W /keda/ 7fl /кЕ/ ЧЛ1 /kkaji/ /kkoda/ /kkida/ /kkalda/ /kkada/ /kkEda/ /кке/
43 This sound is a voiceless aspirated dorso-velar stop. It is very similar to the English /к/ sound, which usually occurs with a stressed vowel, as in ‘kitchen,’ ‘kingdom, ’ ‘cake, ’ etc. It is made by raising the back of your tongue against the soft palate with the air passage closing, then releasing it with a strong puff of air. This sound /к’/ is never voiced. See the following examples: /k’ong/ bean 57] e] /k’okkiri/ elephant 71-T-t} /k’iuda/ to bring up /k’dda/ to be big 7] /k’i/ one’s height /umk’yojiida/ to grip /kyongk’we/ lightness /nalk’aropta/ to be sharp #7] /samk’ida/ to swallow When it occurs in the final position and is not followed by a vowel, it is like an unreleased dorso-velar u_i " sound. See the following exam- ples: /риэк/ kitchen /sebyoknyok/ around dawn /hejilnyok/ about sunset Practice the difference between the Korean /к/ and /к’/. /kong/ /k’ong/ /keda/ /k’eda/ /кэр/ /к’эр/ 7] /ki/ 7] /k’i/ -Е-'У- /kdnbang/ -g-wj /k’Gnbang/ X /ch/ This sound is an unaspirated lamino-alveolar affricate. It stands for a sound approximately like the /ch/ or /tch/ in the English ’match,’ which occurs with an unstressed vowel. This sound may cause German speakers trouble. You make it by touching the blade of your tongue to the gum ridge, somewhat in back of the usual position for /t/, then immediately release it with a friction, without a puff of breath. This sound /ch/, occurring as an initial sound of a syllable, is voiceless ; it is pro- nounced with a very slight local aspiration. See the following exam- ples:
44 /chigu/ earth /chagum/ savings /chadongch’a/ car фя] /chanch’i/ feast /cheryo/ material ^44 /chujanja/ teakettle *14 /chigak/ being late 44 /chabi/ mercy When it occurs between two voiced sounds, it is a voiced sound. The voiced “ x ” is phonetically transcribed by /3/. See the following examples: O zx. /uju/ universe 4т" /chaju/ frequently 4^ /chaju/ imprecation 44 /kajang/ home °и- /aju/ very 44 /chejak/ manufacture 4^ /chanju/ electric pole When it occurs in the final position, and is not followed by a vowel, it is like an unreleased apico-alveolar sound. See the following exam- pies: /nat/ the daytime % /chat/ milk /pit/ debt 44 /ch’atta/ to look for 44 /kkotta/ to insert Practice the difference between the Korean /ch/ and /сс/. 4 /cham/ 4 /ccam/ 44 /chEda/ 44 /cc£da/ /chada/ 44 /ccada/ 44 /chida/ 44 /ccida/ 44 /choda/ 44 /ccoda/ X /ch I This sound is a voiceless aspirated lamino-alveolar affricate. It is very similar to the English /ch/ sound, which usually occurs with a stressed vowel, as in charge,’ ‘choose,’ etc. It is made by bringing the blade of your tongue to the gum ridge, somewhat in back of the usual position
45 for /t/; then immediately release it with a friction and strong puff of breath. This sound /ch’/ is never voiced. See the following examples: *14 /ch’onyo/ virgin, maid /ch’eso/ vegetables /ch’ansong/ glorification /ch’eksang/ desk /ch’ongja/ celadon, blue pottery 7]лЬ /kich’a/ train T’l /nunch’i/ tack,sense 7]^ /kich’o/ basis зЛ /koch’u/ red pepper When it occurs in the final position of a syllable and is not followed by a vowel, it is like an unreleased apico-alveolar sound. See the following examples: /kkot/ flower $ /pit/ light /sut/ charcoal /tot/ sail Practice the difference between the Korean /ch/ and /ch’/. /changgu/ ЗН2’ /ch’anggu/ /chada/ /ch’ada/ /chol/ /ch’ol/ /chosang/ /ch’osang/ /chonggak/ /ch’onggak/ /chujang/ /ch’ujang/ /chuptta/ ^4 /ch’uptta/ /cholhada/ /ch’olhada/ /chim/ /ch’im/ /chinhada/ /ch’inhada/ /chumun/ /ch’umun/ /chupang/ /ch’upang/ /s/ This sound is a voiceless apico-alveolar sibilant. It is very similar to the English /s/ sound, which usually occurs before consonants, as in ‘street,’ ‘skate,’ ‘speed,’ etc. You make it by bringing the tip of your tongue close to the gum ridge, (but without touching it); this forms a narrow passage through which air escapes with a hissing sound, due to a slight
46 friction. The Korean sibilant sound is a little softer than the Eng- lish /s/. It is never voiced. See the following examples: /sansEng/ teacher 44= /sanyang/ hunting л]л). /sinsa/ gentleman 5.x}- /chosa/ investigation /suja/ spoon and chopsticks /saram/ man /kamsa/ thanks /sosik/ news -Hl^r /sesu/ washing-up When it occurs in the final position and is not followed by a vowel, it is like an unreleased apico-alveolar sound. See the following exam- pies: /kat/ Korean hat -3- /kot/ place SL /mot/ nail /pit/ comb /ot/ clothes /kit/ coat lapels Practice the difference between the Korean /s/ and /ss/. /sada/ /ssada/ 4^ /sajan/ *l-*l /ssajan/ /salsalhada/ «з|-4 /ssalssalhada/ /salda/ /ssalda/ /solda/ /ssolda/ /si/ /ssi/ /sal/ /ssal/ 4 в] /sari/ /ssari/ /sangbang/ 44 /ssangbang/ 'sr/h/ This sound is a voiceless glottal fricative. It is a very slight fricative sound, produced either by relaxed vocal bands or the walls of the pharynx with a puff of breath. The oral cavity is completely opened (unobstructed). It is very similar to the English /h/ sound as in ‘heart.’ See the following examples: /haru/ one day
47 /kahok/ harshness /hogam/ good impression /hoyong/ vanity *3 /huho/ contrition When this sound /h/ is used with the diphthongs, (semivowel plus vowel), it is much more aspirated. It seems to cause American speakers some trouble. Here are some examples: 33 /hwoi/ conference 417} /hyuga/ vacation 3-2- °J /hwayoil/ Tuesday /hwolssin/ very much /hyuji/ toilet paper /hyugesil/ recreation room 34 /hwosa/ company 43 /hyungnc/ mimicry When it occurs in the final position, it is like an unreleased apico- alveolar sound. /hidt/ the name of the letter The Final Compound Forms of Consonants When there are two different final consonants in a syllable, and they are not followed by a vowel, only one of them is pronounced. There is no rule as to which of them should be pronounced. See the following exam- pies: /tol/ one full year /sam/ life V /пэк/ soul it /tak/ domestic fowl 34 /antta/ to sit down it4 /kuktta/ to be thick #4 /ccaltta/ to be short /omtta/ to move #4 /haltta/ to lick RHYTHM : English is spoken in a syncopated fashion, whereas Korean is spoken in a metronomic fashion. In English, you put a heavy stress on some
syllables, and various weaker stresses on others. In Korean, however, each syllable is given moderate, approximately even stress, and has approximately equal length. Some syllables are heard more prominently than others. This prominence is mainly a matter of pitch. Therefore, in Korean, pitch is much more important than stress. You can hear stress in Korean, but it is because of certain consonants. Those consonants that are aspirated or glottalized are usually pronounced strongly. In English stress is the most important, but in Korean it is the least important. First of all, you should omit the English habit of syncopation. Try to time Korean syllables evenly, giving them equal stress. INTONATION AND FINAL CONTOURS : There are, generally speaking, four significant pitch levels in the Korean intonation: 1) high; 2) medium-high; 3) neutral; 4) low. High and medium-high refer to accented levels; neutral and low refer to un- accented levels. In English, accent indicates the way in which the four levels of stress occur. In Korean, the accent refers to the way in which pitch levels occur. In normal speech, Korean is spoken with neutral and low pitches. When emphasizing a certain word or phrase, or in an exclamatory expression, we speak with high and medium-high pitches. When there is a particle or conjunctive ending in a sentence, the intona- tion of the particle or conjunctive ending must be pronounced with low pitch. English speakers have a tendency to pronounce them with a rising pitch. So, it is extremely important to master the intonation of the Korean particle and conjunctive ending. In this book pitch levels are indicated at the end of phrases and sentences by one of the following pitches . rising pitch/, falling pitch\, dipping pitch<*-, sustaining pitch and double pitch (or high-low pitch) //. 1 his latter indicates a kind of P '*'e е^ог^ on the speaker s part, or a certain sweet reasonableness with which he/she hopes to win agreement, or a kind of obvious (needless to-say) explanation.
Unit 1 51 UNIT 1 2JAF BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE о]л]- 1. ! 41 Л1Л9Ч1 4 2. 41, / I # 3. 4 4. 4), ^oloflA.. .3.^4 *]ЧИ]-Й- 7J 5. ol^Tfl *14H_S.?r% jM.S. 4 Greetings (1) greeting peace, well-being Mr. Park “-Ч How are you, Mr. Park ? yes Mr. Kim -§ Fine (thank you), Mr. Kim, and you ? really, truly it’s been a long time (since we’ve met) It’s really been a long time since we’ve met. -g- Yes, it is. these days, nowadays how, in what, what manner (how) are you getting along How are you getting along these days ? just so-so -g- 6. ДЛ] (Just) so-so.
NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. z means literally ‘Are you in peace ?’ This expression is an in- formal greeting used when addressing a superior, or in any situation requiring a salutation. It is interchangeable with iWW?, which is a formal greet- ing with no difference in meaning. It may be used at any time of the day. The English equivalent of this expression is ’How are you?,’ ‘Good morning,’ ‘Good afternoon,’ ‘Good evening.’ *4 • 51 is the family name. ЛИ means ‘teacher’ and ‘doctor,’ in both the medical and non-medical senses. As a term of address, it may be used independently, or attached to the family name. It is used to express respect and deference for the persons spoken to, but never used for oneself. is the honorific suffix indicating reverence. 2. °i] ‘yes’ is habitually pronounced M[. It is pronounced as it is written, how- ever, in some areas such as Ch’ungchong and Cholla provinces. It is used as a regular response to a knock at the door, or the calling of one’s name, or when one is greeted. The opposite word of is ‘no. ’ is used in negative replies to questions, in contradictions and denials, and as an informal reply to apologies, expressions of thanks, and compliments. 3. $ is the abbreviated form of ‘really,’ ‘truly,’ ‘very.’ means ‘It’s been a long time since we’ve met.’ -2. e}] means ‘(for) a long time and ф followed by the verb of identification -°] °1|^- indicates passage of time. corresponds to the English ‘after or since (the passage of such-and-such a stretch of time).’ —W-S-? means ‘How are you getting along these days?’ means‘how?’or'in what way?’When the final consonant of is followed by the consonant ™ the following syllable, -i is pronounced as : like 6- ДгН is used when nothing particularly new has taken place or when something is not particularly good or bad. drills ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY ambassador O-T-’d Father, Catholic priest professor pastor, minister
Unit 1 53 A. Substitution Drill 1. н4 ЛИМ 1 2. М-М^И-S-? M ЛИМ ! 3. EJMl-M ! 4. Л1-У-М 1 5. M ! 6. /* -5-4M ! How are you, Mr. Park ? How are you, Mr. Kim ? How are you, Mr. Ambassador ? How are you, Father ? How are you, Professor Kim ? How are you, Pastor ? B. Substitution Drill 1. DJ°M_9-, <• ЛИМ ! 2. чЬ’Н-й-, M ЛИМ ! 3. <4M_L 4. .2-efl r‘ Л1-Т-М 1 5. -M# Mol°fl-2-, Д^М ! 6. -S-efltF M°l°fl-2-, ! C. Substitution Drill 1. Aii <H^7fl 2. M ЛИМ. *]4H-2.?^ 3. м ЛИМ, *)ЧИ-2_? 4. ЧИМ. 5- ^1-M.' 6. д£М. 7. Л1-Т-М, *|ЧИ-Й-? D. Response Drill 1. -Й-Д-g- ^ЧИ-2-?^ 2. M лИМ, 3. a4 ЛИМ, w 4- *V1-M, *1чнл? 5- ^~ЛЬМ, 6- д^гМ. <Ч,зМ 7. Л1-Т-М. <H’3M *]4H-S- ? It’s been a long time since we’ve met, Mr. Park ! It’s been a long time since we’ve met, Mr. Kim! It’s been a long time since we’ve met, Mr. Ambassador! It’s been a long time since we’ve met, Father! It’s been a long time since we’ve met, Professor! It’s been a long time since we’ve met, Pastor! How have you been, lately ? How have you been, Mr. Kim ? How have you been, Mr. Park ? How have you been, Mr. Ambassador ? How have you been, Pastor ? How have you been, Professor ? How have you been, Father? 3.x] ZL2fl_£_. rv 3.x] 3.sfl_S., 3L*] 3LiflJ.. 3L^1 3Z.efl_S_, 3L^ 2Т<Я_. r. 31^ 3Lefl.S.. ГЧ 31 *1
54 Unit 1 Korean Proverb: л1^°1 4}°]^. Well begun is half done. Notes: It is difficult to find the time, the means or the courage to start a new project If a task is once begun, it will probably be carried through. What is worth doing s worth doing promptly. Where there is no beginning, there is no ending.
Unit 2 55 UNIT 2 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 4 1. 444 4-44_R.?Z 44 44 44 44 444 2. 44 ! 44 31444-8-? 7 44 44^44.^ 44 4 з. 44#-£ 44444-8.? / 44 4 44 4 4. 4, 444 4 44-8..^ -44 О]-Н_ ч- 5. ^444 4-V- 44 ^4-8..^ 4 6- 4, 44 —44-8.. 21 A} Greetings (2) -§- 4 Aren’t you Mr. Kim ? Oh ! Good heavens ! this what matter, what reason really, truly to be glad H-4 Oh ! What’s happening ? I am really glad to see you again, family Is your family well ? favor, grace well to be Yes, they are all well (thank you for your interest). older brother to regards, best wishes to convey, to pass Please give my best regards to your brother. «-Ч I certainly will.
Unit 2 56 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES [Iiawry form expressing surprise, disbelief, annoyance, 01 It corresponds to the English ‘Dear me!,’ ’What!,’ ‘Goo< ।. or -why!’ See the following examples: Good heavens! What happened ? What! Did you come again ? Oh my! What are you doing ? 2 <4 4 is an exclamatory merely emphasis. 1. --- heavens!.’ Well!.' ’Oh my o}4 o]7]] 41 <44 a #4-3-? oM1 is a contraction of 4^4. 4^ means ’this thing and y4 is the subjecl particle. See the following examples: o|t1| (o|^o|) What’s this? Л7|] That is a book. (x^o|) >0}^. That over there is good. means ’what’; means ’a matter,’ ‘an affair,’ or ’a work,’ etc.; -°] 4] .& is the verb ending. Therefore, it means ’What’s all this?,’ What’s the matter ?,’ ’What’s got into you ?,’ ’What’s up ?,’ ‘What’s happening?’ It is used when you meet a friend or a well-known person unexpectedly. 3. • ZHl means ’members of a family’; -< is the pluralizing suffix ; is the particle meaning ’also,’ ‘too.’ is slightly less formal than 5]- a| 57 -57 is the coordinate non-final ending meaning ‘and.’ (You will study this pattern later in detail). 4. indicates the speaker’s appreciation for interest shown in his/her per- sonal affairs:‘thanks for asking,’ ’thanks to you,’ or appreciation for assistance that has been received. It always implies pleasant or favorable information. 5. The particle zSlZL to (a person),’ following a noun referring to animate beings, is used to indicate the receiver of an action, or the one for whom something is done or exists. means literally ‘Please pass...’ P, еГП ——<^* ~r4' is used when a speaker requests something for 6 d°eS S°mething for an inferior or an equal. • 1S *e Pobte answer to the above request. The pattern ^4^ status is sunerior W Speaker does something for a person whose social Utus superior or equal to his, or to anyone present to whom one is being
Unit 2 57 DRILLS A. Substitution Drill 1. 4 4Л8Ч ЧЧЧ-й.? / 2. 4 44 Vl 444U ? / з. 4-V-M 444U?z 4. 44лЗ 444U? / 5. 4 444-й.? / 6. Чл1Л1 ЧЧ4-&? / В. Substitution Drill 1. 4 444, °И 4°J°)4]A?^ 2. Ч 444, °И 4Ч°И_й.?^ з. 444, 44 4/^-44, °М1 ^444-$-?^ 5. 4 дфЧ, °И 6. 444, °Н ^44.3.?^ С. Substitution Drill 1- 444, чч^чч.^ 2. 4 444, ЧЧтгЧЧ. 3. 444, ЧЧ^ЧЧ.^ 4. д-44, ЧЧ^ЧЧ. 5. 444, чНКгЧЧ.^ 6. д^М> ЧЧ^ЧЧ.^ Aren’t you Mr. Kim ? Aren’t you Mr. Park ? Aren’t you the Father? Aren’t you the Pastor ? Aren’t you Professor Kim ? Aren’t you the Ambassador ? Mr. Kim ! What a surprise ! Mr. Park ! What a surprise! Father ! What a surprise ! Pastor ! What a surprise ! Professor Kim ! What a surprise ! Mr. Ambassador ! What a surprise ! I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Kim! I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Park! I’m glad to meet you, Mr. Ambassador ! I’m glad to meet you, Pastor! I’m glad to meet you, Father! I’m glad to meet you, Professor! D. Substitution Drill 1. 4444^-3- 2. 4 44 5- 44444--$-?^ з. 444 зг 4. 4 44444-S-?^ 5. 444 зг 44444-$-?^ б. 4 444зг 44444-8.?^ Е. Substitution Drill I. 4444 44 44] 2- 4 444ЧЯ1 Ч-т- 44] лМ|-£-. And how is your family ? And how is the Ambassador ? And how is the Pastor ? And how is the Professor Kim ? And how is the Father? And how is Mr. Kim ? Please give my best regards to your brother. Please give my best regards to Mr. Park.
3. 3 МЗМЗЗ O^L 4. 34M33 oJ4 ^Jei) ^4-S..rv 5. 43M1H 34 33 433. 6. д4мзз M4 зз 433.^ 7. 34M33 oJ4 33 433. r> r> Please give my best regards to Mr Kim. Please give my best regards to Father. Please give my best regards to Pastor. Please give my best regards to Profes- sor. Please give my best regards to Ambas- sador. F. Response Drill 1. 3M33 34 33 433,r> 3, 3*1) £2)^)1. 2. Ч 33333 34 3*11 433.^ 3, 3*11 ^3-8-. 3. M.33M.33 34 33 433.'-» °fl, 33 ьгШ.п 4. 34333 34 3*11 ofl, 3*11 £-33-9-.^ 5. 43-м0J4 3*11 433.. гч <41, з«Ц =.в]ЗД.г> 6. Я4М1М 34 3*11 433..з, 33 =г|33..г» 7. ЗЗМЗЗ °J4 33 433.. гч <4], xjsfl С.ЗЗД.ГЧ
1 Unit 3 59 UNIT 3 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 1. «1)^44 $4-8.? У $4-8- x| Kimch’i paech’ugimch’i (pickled cabbages) do you have ? or does it exist ? 4 2. 4 444 4. -M|^444 $4-8.. гч Л-^J 4 3. л^, Ч-т4 5СИ.Й.? 7 4 4 4. 4, 4^4 3=. ^лЦД 4 5. 4т-4 ^41-8.. r% № 444 ^M-S- 4 6- 444 A. r> -§- < Do you have paech’ugimch’i ? I’m sorry. do not have or does not exist I am sorry. We don’t have any. well then, or if that is true Well then, do you have kkaktugi ? yes Yes, we have kkaktugi. some or a little please give (me) Give me some kkaktugi. a little while please wait «-Ч Just a moment, (lit. Please wait for a while.)
Unit 3 60 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES ! „ Wl «re cabbage kimeb'i' is generally eaten in the winter. Srlcb'i’: In preparing kimchi. cabbages are washed tbornngbly, sp,ia. 1Й With salt and left tn soak overnight until they soften. Then they are washed again several times and mixed with other ingredients such as garlic, red pepper, celery green onions, sliced fresh turnips, ginger, salted fish and oysters. The mixture is put into big jars which are kept in a place away from severe heat and cold. There are various kinds of kimchi: ‘young radish kimch’i' and Ao]7j^] ‘cucumber kimch’i’are eaten in the summer. ‘chopped rad- ishes pickled in salt water' is yet another kind of kimch’i. 2. Dl Й’ is used to make an apology or to express feelings of sorrow or regret. : -7}- is the subject particle. You will study it in detail soon. 3. ^-^-7] : ‘hot pickles of chopped radishes.’ It is eaten year round. 4. ## ‘Just a moment,’ (Lit. ‘Wait a moment, please.’), is a polite request. Just remember it as a useful expression. This pattern will be studied in detail later. STRUCTURE NOTES I. Styles of Speech : There are many kinds of speech styles in the Korean language, namely, 1) the informal-polite style; 2) the formal-polite style; 3) the plain style; 4) the intimate style; 5) the authoritative style; 6) the familiar style. It is not easy for a foreigner to choose the appropriate speech style for any given situation, nor is it easy for him to determine the basis for social superiority and inferior- ity in the Korean social system. The longer a person is associated with the Korean language, the easier it will become to recognize appropriate speech styles. This requires, however, a thorough knowledge of the Korean social structure, as well as a sufficient amount of practice. The style of speech to be use is etermmed by the formality of the situation, the individuals involved, ”u“tbe 7°“ Ге1М:°“’’ “ ,1,е“ '• is be* <or <be foreign» child™ in eo7 egeept when addressing X ~ Г" ’Г Potions io * “re‘ "°r “‘'"Pl-, superior and inferior, employer and
Unit 3 61 employee, teacher and student, customer and salesgirl, etc.), the person of lower position normally uses a more polite and formal style of speech. Generally speaking, men use the formal speech style more often than the informal speech style. On the other hand, women use the informal speech style more frequently. People of equal status in the Korean social system use the formal-polite speech style in conversation, unless they have a more friendly relationship. IL The Informal-Polite Style : We have introduced the informal-polite style (yo-style) first because not only is it widely used, especially in the Seoul and Kyongki area, but it is also simple and colloquial. When the Korean war broke out in 1950, the majority of displaced people from Seoul took refuge in other regions of the country. Consequently, the Seoul dialect (yo-style) spread out all over the country and has become the standard dialect used in Korea. The informal-polite style is most commonly used when speaking to people of a higher social status than the speaker. For example, this style is used with teachers, doctors, priests, high officials, parents, grandparents, elder brothers and sisters, etc., or in any situation where the speaker wishes to talk politely, but informally. The informal-polite style is interchangeable with the formal-polite style, without diminishing politeness. 1. When the final vowel of the verb stem (not necessarily the final letter) is 2. b or -1-, it takes Here are some examples : Stem: Ending: Original form: Contraction: 7> -°|-A 71-A A 4A 4 -<4A (W) *)A -°kS- (absent) When the final vowel of the stem is any other vowel, or when the future tense infixes have been attached to the stem, it takes are some examples: Stem: Ending: Original form: Contraction: 71-а.Л] -'HA 7|~A7]cHA Я -'HA SMA (absent) -°iA чМА (absent) -<HA SWA (absent) * -<Ha A (absent) -'Ha W2 (absent) past or . Here
Unit 3 62 3. When the v -4-S. erb is a ve rb, it takes -<^Д. He Stem: Ending: Original form: -=U лру-вМ-3- -oU (absent) are some examples; Contraction; Note: In colloquial speech, the contracted forms are used more frequently than the original forms. III. Korean Verbs: English verbs change according to person and number (I go, he goes, they go’). This is not so in Korean. Korean verbs are impersonal, do not change according to number, and always occur at the end of sentences. They indicate the occurrence of an action or the existence of a state without grammatical reference to a subject and can occur by themselves as complete standard sentences. For example, can mean: ’I go,’ ‘He goes,’ ‘They go,’ ‘We go,’ etc. As a general rule, however, Korean verbs refer to the speaker in a state- ment or the person addressed in a question, unless the person is indicated through other means. For example: ‘Do you have kimch’i?’ ^1, ^*1 IH-S- ’Yes, I (we) have kimch’i.’ In general, Korean verbs are classified into four kinds of verbs: 1. Action Verbs: Action verbs indicate action or movement performed by the grammatical subject represented by the verb. In other words, they bring out the idea that ’SOMEONE DOES SOMETHING’ or ‘SOMETHING TAKES PLACE.’ 2. Description verbs: Description verbs indicate the quality or condition of the grammatical subject. In other words, they bring out the idea that ‘SOMEONE OR SOMETHING IS A CERTAIN WAY.’ 3. The Verb of Existence: The verb of existence indicates existence, location, or possession. In other лы7лр=ЛХеГЬ USed tO that ‘(S0METHING) EXISTS,' or ‘(SOME- (SOMETHING™^ (in a ₽lace)> ’or ‘(SOMEONE) HAS 4. The Verb of Identification : tbe 5*с‘with iB
Unit 3 63 IV. The Verb 5U4 : The verb *4 indicates existence, location or possession. It is used to say that ‘(something) exists/ or ‘(something) is located (in a place),’ or ‘(some- body) has (something).’ Its opposite verb is *4 ‘(something) does not exist,’ etc. It is extremely important to distinguish between the use of *4 and °] 4. The verb °] 14 ‘equal’ will be studied soon. Examples: Do you have kimch’i ? or Is there kimch’i ? We have no kimch’i. or There is no kimch’i. Do you have cold water ? or Is there cold water ? We have no cold water, or There is no cold water. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY ti-g- hot water grapes boiled water apple (s) black tea peach (es) sugar watermelon TH] coffee 44 melon A. Substitution Drill 1. # 51H-S-7Z 2. 44- # 7 3. 4# aW-s.? 7 4. 7 5- 44 ЯН-М 7 6. -Й4 51H-S-? 7 7. ^4 SLH-S-.7Z 8. ££ 9. aM-S- ? 7 Do you have water ? Do you have hot water ? Do you have cold water ? Do you have boiled water ? Do you have black tea ? Do you have sugar ? Do you have coffee ? Do you have grapes ? Do you have peaches ?
Unit 3 64 В. Substitution Drill 1. 41, гнд.^ 2. 3. 4.ГМЯ-Е > 0J°U.^ 4. 41. ^^4 йИД.Гк 5. 41. iH-S-. 6. 41.<^гн4 7. 4|, ЗМД^ 8. 41. лИ-З- C. Substitution Drill 1. <>}1]£,пДО $МД.^ 2. oN.2..r>#oJ f- &НД. 3. oj-4-g-. ^4^ ЗМД.^ 4. «МД SH-S..'-' 5. W, oii Й'МД. 6. >№ пл}4 ?Мд. 7. °Wi, uW-S-. r> 8. W, йНД. Yes, we have water. Yes, we have cold water. Yes, we have hot water. Yes, we have melon. Yes, we have peaches. Yes, we have watermelon. Yes, we have apples. Yes, we have sugar. No, we have no kimch’i. No, we have no boiled water. No, we have no black tea. No, we have no sugar. No, we have no grapes. No, we have no apples. No, we have no peaches. No, we have no watermelon. D. Substitution Drill 1- ЗНг > Ш." 2. ^л|Д.г> 3. Ш.л 4. ^*U.r> 5. 321 $ 6. ±5i §ЧДс% 7- ЛИ пМ|Д. r> 8- т4|Д. о E. Response Drill 1- зНг $Мд? z 2- Pl-г f- ЗИД ? / 3- §31 < 5СНД ? z •1- hL0! °Jo^?Z 5- i£l 'У'НД? Z 6- Sit Й4Д ? z 7. -44 £Ид? z Give me some cold water, please. Give me some hot water, please. Give me some boiled water, please. Give me some sugar, please. Give me some coffee, please. Give me some watermelon, please. Give me some apples, please. Give me some peaches, please. “t 314Д. c1£ > 31-НД. °l. §31 # 31°1Д. 4i, -a# *1^д. 41, .гл] %(<>|ДеГ1 Tu4 %Ид. л12 э 4 5 6 71- л1°1Д. ГУ
Unit 3 65 8. S14A? / F. Response Drill 1. 3Hr / 2. 4-S- # %4-й-? z 3. #°J # z 4. 44 al'HA? z 5. aa] 44-3-? z 6. ч-т-71 44-a,? z 7. 44 44-3.? z 8. -^-34 44.2.? Z °e, 434 SM-й,^ ЧЧ1, <44-2-, <4Ч.£., ЧЧЛ, ЧЧ2, °W Д, <44-2-, #<a i- SH-S.. 434
Unit 4 66 UNIT 4 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE Ol^ 3- 1. ^l^0! -тгг s. 2. *-40H-S-. <"* 4 3. л$, t^-g- 3--WU? / Л^_Й. Л&Н я 4. л^-й., Л*а*|] *к^ч}-о] -ОН ч 5. ‘ЧтА’Н!^ ^-«Н-й.?^ £. 6. ТИЛ]-^Н]^ >Гч Korean Language this what (kind of) book £ What (kind of a) book is this ? Korean (language) 41 £ It’s a Korean language book. well (then), if that is so to study £ So, are you studying Korean ? sure but to be difficult Vl Sure, but Korean is difficult. where at, in £ Where are you studying ? embassy 41 £ I m studying at the embassy.
Unit 4 67 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES । o] 7^ means literally ‘this thing.’ °]- is a demonstrative modifying'the depen- dent noun (bound noun) It occurs only as a modifier of the follow- ing noun. °] indicates a thing or things close to the speaker, i.e. ‘this thing (here). ’ (a) indicates a thing or things removed from the speaker but close to the person addressed, i.e. ‘near you.’ (b) It is also used to refer to a thing or things within sight but slightly removed from both speaker and person addressed, i.e. neither ’here’ nor ‘there.’ (c) Sometimes it is also used to indicate that thing or those things already under discussion. indicates a thing or things ’over there,’ i.e. relatively far removed from both the speaker and the person addressed. ‘this thing’ ‘this person’ ‘that thing’ or ‘it’ ‘that person,’ ‘he,’ ‘she’ ‘that thing over there’ *i-g- ‘that person over there,’ ’he, she (over there) ’ means ‘what (kind of),’ ‘some (kind of).’ It occurs only as a modifier of a subsequent noun or bound form. However, -т-Qj ’what,’ ‘something’ is always followed by function words such as the subject particle the object particle —j-/-!;, or the verb of identification -°] *4. Here are some examples. -t-^ What (kind of a) book is that? ? What is good ? jr ? What do you study ? °1 °] ? What’s this ? 4. zz.^.3. is used when you agree with someone’s statement or when you answer in the affirmative. It corresponds to the English ‘You are right,’ ’That’s right,’ ‘That’s what it is,’ ‘So it is,’ ’Of course.’ (Ч-) means ‘to be difficult,’ ‘to be hard.’ Its opposite word is (Ц-) ‘to be easy.’ (*4) and (r}) are irregular verbs. The final consonant -н of the stem, when followed a vowel, changes into -t*. Study the following exam- ples. It’s difficult It ‘s easy.
Unit 4 68 The zH jrregUlar verbs will be studied in detail later. Do not be too con- cemed about it now. STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Particle • In English, the order in which you put words determines the meaning of the sentence. For instance, ‘Philip likes Helen’ and ‘Helen likes Philip’ both contain three words, but the meaning is quite different. Therefore, in English the word-order is very important. In Korean, however, the little words called PARTICLES indicate relations between words. Some Korean particles (such as , -</-<*, or -^-/-4) indicate a particular word order or stress- intonation pattern in English. For example, the particle -7\/-o\ is used to indicate the SUBJECT of a sentence. Study the following examples : ^c>|THIS is a book. m KIMCH’I is good. Notes: 1. Korean particles never occur at the beginning of words, but are directly attached to the preceding noun. 2. Korean particles are never preceded by a pause, but are rather pronounced as part of the word to which they are attached. 3- ~°l is used after a word ending in a consonant; ~71~ is used after a word ending in a vowel. II. The verb Q|c} : This verb is the COPULA which links a subject with its predicate. It is used to indicate equality or identification. The English equivalent of this verb is ‘equal.’ Whenever an English sentence containing ‘is’ makes sense if you substitute ‘equal’ for ‘is,’ the Korean equivalent is -<>| u}. It is extremely important to distinguish between the use of $14 ‘exist’ and -o|4 ‘equal.’ This is a book (This=a book). He (over there) is Mr. Kim (He = Mr. Kim). That is water (That = water). That is an apple (That=an apple). Examples: O|^o| a}e>|oHA.
Unit 4 69 That is black tea (That = black tea). Notes: 1. This verb -Q]4 is never preceded by a pause, but is rather pronounced as part of the word to which it is attached. 2. After a vowel, the verb -°]- may be dropped in colloquial speech, as well as .in writing. In the beginning, however, it is better to practice with even after a vowel. 3. This verb -°14 is ordinarily preceded by a noun or pronoun. III. The object Particle -j7-f| .* We studied the particle -?17-0] which indicates the subject of a sentence. However, the particle -</-< indicates that the word to which it is attached is the DIRECT OBJECT of a transitive verb. Examples: I study Korean. Put on your clothes, please. I am reading a book. I see a dog. Notes: 1. This particle ->/-< is never preceded by a pause, but is rather pronounced as part of the word to which it is attached. 2. —f- is used after words ending in a vowel; --fr is used after words ending in a consonant. IV. The Particle — oj|A-| : ‘at,’ ‘in’ The particle depending on the context or situation, has two quite different meanings. One is ‘at’ or ‘in,’ indicating the place where an action takes place. The particle -°1] aJ is attached to a noun, and is always followed by an action verb. It is used when you DO something in a place. Examples: I study at school. I play in the room. I take a walk in the garden. I work in the office. I eat in the dining room.
70 Unit 4 Another meaning is -from,’ indicating a starting point, separation, sourc cause, etc. Examples: He is coming from America. 1 leave (from) my house at o’clock. V. The Honorific Infix -(Q )A|- : The infix -(—)л1~ is used to indicate respect and reverence on the part of th speaker for the person spoken to. This infix is used whenever one addresses о refers to persons of superior social standing, (for example : teachers, doc tors, priests, high officials, parents, grandparents, elder brothers and sisters etc.). It is also used to express reverence in addressing strangers and casua aquaintances, but never used for oneself. Examples: 7H-&. Notes: He is going. He is coming. He is getting dressed. Who is that person over there ? How are you ? 2 . The honorific is formed by inserting the infix - (A)-a]- between the verb stem and the endings, (such as -<Ч)А, - и q c}, - н u] ? and etc.). 2 - is used after verb stems ending in a vowel ; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. drills ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY *4 notebook *4desk pencil chalk fountain pen 71’—*14 to teach w 414- to work to take a walk to rest who English letter
Unit 4 71 to read school to write >W1 office -й.4 to see garden UJ room A. Substitution Drill 1. з. *]5}°] -т-?ЗйИ-£-? B. Substitution Drill 1. ZL3j°l r\ 2. ZL3lol 4. ZL^o] гч 5. ZL^°] <£<йМ-£-. 6. Jt3hM-£-. 7. ZL^jo] C. Substitution Drill 1. 2. r\ D. Substitution Drill 1. 2. 3. 4. о]г]ор-] <Н*И-£-? 5. 4И-&-? ГЧ E. Substitution Drill 1. ИГ'7]- 7]-5.^xflA?r4 2. -т-7]- ^Н^?_гч з. п=-7} <И*И-£-?гч 4. -Г7} ^>4]^,? гч 5. -г?} What’s this (thing) ? What’s that (thing) ? What’s that (thing) over there ? That’s a book. That’s a notebook. That’s a Korean language book. That’s a desk. That’s a pencil. That’s a piece of chalk. That’s a fountain pen. What do you study ? What do you teach ? What do you read ? What do you write ? What do you see ? Where do you study ? Where do you teach ? Where do you work ? Where do you take a walk ? Where do you rest ? Who teaches (you) ? Who is working ? Who takes a walk ? Who is resting ? Who is studying ? з. ^ei-a- 4. n 5. ^-a- jl>hia? гч
Unit 4 72 F. Response Drill 1. 2. -т-^i- з. яш?л 4. -Fa* &<*-?'•' 5. ^4 JM-SL? G. Response Drill 1. о]с]о)И 2. 7|-г.я]л)]Д?<ч 3. <НсНд1 ог1*М1.Й-?''‘ 4. <HcMxi 5. ofcH'M ЗИЛ? ry H. Response Drill 1. -r7| 7^г.7|лЦ_2.?гч 2. -Г7]- 3. -r7F 4. -r7]- 4H-S-?^ 5- -r-7)- ? ry Notes: •т?! and Y? : A. #7К 4<]Д. ГУ O| apj-g. W Ч]4^о)Р1 -5~¥-ellA.o Ф1-ДО1И 7]-а.^Д, гч лНИИ 4 аИ-2-.^ °Н°1И <НН.9..гч ЧНИ ЛЛЛН°1 7[а.яН)Д,гч ^-4М01 лкаилцд гу -Slir'dol 4M-S-. ГУ <1^й) гу т-7]- ‘who’ is always used as a subject, whereas -r •?• ‘who’ or ‘whom’ most cases -vt1 means ‘whom’) is used with the verb -°] e} indical equality or identification, is also used with particles such as --1-/ ‘object particle,’ -ФЯ] ‘to,’ a] ‘from,’ -Sj-Д. ^-o] ‘with,’ etc.
Unit 5 73 UNIT 5 7ja|oi|Aj On the Street BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE Excuse me American Embassy #3R- 3 Excuse me. Where is the American Embassy ? Kwanghwa-mun 2. p]^ TflA}^? Z $ьИ.й..гч W ЛЛ The American Embassy ? It is at Kwanghwamun. from here to be far з. z W*4 4*1-5. Л) °) Is it far from here ? to be near by taxi about 10 minutes to take (time) 4. °]-4-^-, 7p7j-$-&-. ^А]5. Aj И-2а ^ВЗ-Й., -а No, it’s nearby. It takes about 10 minutes by taxi to thank 5. °] Thank you. 6. Г\ xd You’re welcome.
Unit 5 74 notes on the basic sentences 1 means literally ‘I am commiting a rudeness.’ It is used when j troublesomeone, when you interrupt what someone >s dorng, when you exc yourself from someone’s presence for a short time. 2 jg-tj-g- ‘The Gate of Transformation by Light. At the time of Yi dyna K^ghwa-mun was located at the south end of the Kyongbok Palace area, front of Kwanghwa-mun was a broad avenue lined on either side with various goverment department buildings, leading up from the Chong-no inters tion (which is also called ‘Kwang-hwa mum,’ but meaning Kwanghwa-ir Crossing.) 3 . 7] x-J is a contraction of 7] ofl *]. 7] is a place-word indicating ‘t ‘here.’ Let’s study the following words referring to place, in comps (*] 7] bears an obvious resemblance to place’ or son with words indicating thing. ‘that thing over there’). ‘this place’ or ‘here’ 7j7] ‘that place’ or ‘there’ ^7] ‘that place over there’ or ‘over there’ °]7^ ‘this thing’ □LTjj ‘that thing’ ‘that thing over there’ 4- • When the classifier —g- is used with Chinese numbers, it indicai minute. When it is used with Korean numbers, however, it indicates ‘honor people.’ 5. 6. Examples: °J. -иг ‘one minute’ °] ‘two minutes’ "a тг ‘three minutes’ Note particularly that th ‘one person’ ‘two persons’ ‘three persons’ 41 417 can also mean ‘this honored person.’ The sufi zS indicates ‘approximation.’ You will study the classifiers in detail in t following lesson. • . is ysed as a courteous expression of gratitude or appreciation. ? ,'>™al reP'V ‘° aPOl°Si'4 s' of thanks, . formal, respectful recognition.
Unit 5 75 STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Formal-Polite Style : The formal-polite style is used in addressing strangers, casual acquaintances, superiors, and social inferiors in formal situations. A person would use polite words (honorifics), when referring to persons of equal or superior social standing. Examples: (A) Interrogative Sentences: 4*1 %ЬнЧ4? z How are you ? or Are you well ? Do you have kimch’i ? or Is there kimch’i ? >^44? z Is this good ? Notes: - и is used after verb stems (or the honorific infix -л]-) ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. (B) Declarative Sentences: 4-444 4. O14OI Thank you. There is no water. This is good. Notes: - а ЧЧ- is used after verb stems (or the honorific infix -л]-) ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. (C) Imperative Sentences: 44 4 Give me some cold water, please. Go, please. Come (here), please. Get dressed, please. Notes: - 4M]-£- is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. (D) Propositive Sentences: 44 4. \ Let’s go.
Unit 5 76 -8-^14. -j-g- Let’s come. Let’s get dressed. is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -§-a]4 is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. II. The Particle —• ‘at’, ‘in In the previouslesson, we studied the particle indicating the place where an action takes place. It is used when you do something in a place. However, this particle -<Я] ‘at’ or ‘in’ indicates that something or someone is STA- TIONARY in a place. Therefore, this particle -°1| is attached to nouns, and is always followed by inactive verbs, such as ‘to exist,’ ‘do not exist,’ ‘to be many,’ ‘to live, etc.’ Examples: a-g-o| ZL A-Ко]] \ 4^] ^1<Я] рКгЧй-. \ He is in the office. That desk is in the classroom. He lives in Seoul. That pencil is not in the room. There are many people in the recrea- tion room. Notes: This particle , depending on the context or situation, has many different meanings: ‘to’ indicating specific direction; ‘at,’ ‘in’ or ‘on’ indicating time; for indicating reference or relation ; ‘by’ or ‘with’ indicating agent; etc. Gen- erally speaking, a place or time word to which the particle -°]] is attached can be made more specific. They are taken up later. III. The Particle -(£)£... : ‘with,’ ‘by (means of)’ The particle (—) .st, preceded by a noun, indicates the means with which someone performs an action, or by which someone drives or moves about. Examples: Please write with a fountain pen. Please cut it with a knife. How will you go ? I will go by train. 7]^ 7)-^u|c} 4
Unit 5 77 Let’s go by bus. Notes : 1. -jL is used after nouns ending in a vowel or the consonant -г ; --g-g. is used after nouns ending in all consonants except -г. 2. There are other uses of which will be studied later. IV. The Chinese Derived Numbers: In Korea, there are two kinds of cardinal numbers which correspond to the English numbers: the native Korean numbers, and the Chinese numbers, (numbers of Chinese origin). Let’s study the Chinese numbers first. The native Korean numbers will be introduced later. The Chinese numbers are used mostly counting money, telling time, etc. The higher numbers require special attention, since they frequently cause difficulties for English speakers. 0 4 10 'll 20 *14 30 44 40 44 1 4 11 44 21 *144 31 444 41 444 2 *| 12 4 *1 22 *14*1 32 44*1 42 44*1 3 4 13 44 23 *144 33 444 43 444 4 4 14 44 24 *144 34 444 44 444 5 2. 15 42. 25 *14-*- 35 442. 45 442. 6 * 16 4* 26 *141* 36 44* 46 44* 7 « 17 4« 27 *14« 37 44 « 47 44 « 8 4 18 44 28 *144 38 444 48 444 9 * 19 41 * 29 *14* 39 44* 49 44* 50 ^4 60 *4 70 «4 80 44 90 *4 51 2-4 « 61 *44 71 «4 4 81 444 91 *44 52 2.«o] 62 *41 *>1 72 «4*1 82 44*1 92 *4*1 53 A44 63 *44 73 «44 83 444 93 *44 54 2-4 64 *44 74 «44 84 444 94 *44 55 2-42. 65 *42. 75 «42. 85 442. 95 *4-*- 56 2-4* 66 *41* 76 «4* 86 44* 96 *4* 57 2L«« 67 *41« 77 «4« 87 44 « 97 *4« 58 -MH 68 *41 4 78 «44 88 444 98 *44 59 2-4^- 69 *4* 79 «4* 89 44* 99 *4*
Unit 5 78 loo “4 200 °lu4 300 4“4 400 4“4 500 3-“4 600 Л“4 700 31ti-4 1,000 4 2,000 44 3,000 44 4,000 44 5,000 3.4 6,000 4-4 7,000 44 10,000 4 20,000 44 30,000 44 40,000 44 50,000 3-4 60,000 -4-4 70,000 44 100, 000 1,000, 000 10, 000, 000 100, 000, 000 1,000, 000, 000 10,000, 000,000 100,000, 000, 000 44 “44 44 4 44 “44 4^ 800 4“4 8,000 44 80,000 л}-*} 1,000,000, 000,000 900 7-^ 9,000 7-4 90,000 1. The digits from 1 to 10 and the digits 100 (“4), 1,000 (4), 10,000 (4), 100,000,000 (4), 1,000,000,000,000 Ш are words. All other numbers are merely combinations of these words. 2. Two-digit numbers are read in terms of the number of tens, and units. Study the following examples: 25 -2- (lit. 2 tens, 5) 32 ## (lit. 3 tens, 2) 67 -VJ з! (lit. 6 tens, 7) 3. Three-digit numbers are read in terms of the number of hundreds, tens, and units. A zero is usually dropped in the spoken number, when it occurs within a written number. Study the following examples : 375 3M ^3] .2- (lit. 3 hundreds, 7 tens, 5) 567 -Д-'Й 31 (lit. 5 hundreds, 6 tens, 7) 603 3} (lit. 6 hundreds, 3) 4. Four-digit numbers are read in terms of the number of thousands, hundreds, tens, and units. Study the following examples: 2356 °] 31 3M ^-3] -Д- (lit. 2 thousands, 3 hundreds, 5 tens, 6) 3781 3f31 З^-Ч 3H] (Jit. 3 thousands, 7 hundreds, 8 tens, 1) 5. When the individual elements occur in certain compounds, their pronuncia- tion may be slightly altered. See the following examples: "У4 -» 4 4 (one hundred thousand) “44 - “J 4 (one million)
Unit 5 79 DRILLS additional vocabulary 52.^ classroom house rest room 7] *}- train 4^-4 car 44^ subway bicycle 4 «J 4 airplane A. Substitution Drill 1. 2. 444 444 814-2-?^ 3. 44- >4 444 814-2.?^ 4. #81 444 814-2-? 5. 444 444 814-2-?^ 6. 4144 444 814-2- ? 7. Д-£-4 444 814-2-?^ 8. 444 444 814-2.? Where is the American Embassy ? Where is the kimch’i ? Where is the hot water ? Where is the boiled water ? Where is the black tea ? Where is the sugar ? Where are the grapes ? Where are the apples ? B. Substitution Drill 1. n.44 4444 814-2.. 2. ^4°l 4Д-4 814-2-.^' 3. гг.44 444 814 A. 4. ^L^o] ^-ofl 814-2..^ 5. :!%<>] дли 814-2..^ 6. jjofl 814-2-.^ 7. J344 814-2-. 8. л44 44814 814-2.. гч С. Substitution Drill 1. 44^. 44-2-.^ 2. 44-S. AJ н-а 44-9-.^ з. 45-4^- Л1 4Ч-2-. <-- 4. 443L5. Л1 4^ ^4-2-.^ 5. 4314-5. 31 4^ 44-2-. 6. 4 $4-5- 4^ ^4-2-.^ D- Substitution Drill 1- WI4.\ That is in the office. That is in the school. That is in the garden. That is in the room. That is in the classroom. That is in the house. That is in the Embassy. That is in the rest room. It takes about 10 minutes by taxi. It takes about 10 minutes by train. It takes about 10 minutes by car. It takes about 10 minutes by subway. It takes about 10 minutes by bicycle. It takes about 10 minutes by airplane. Let’s study.
Unit 5 80 2. 3. #44. 4. °J#44. \ 5. ^нзич. \ 6. Л/ЧЧ. E. Substitution Drill 1. -g-V-WI-i. \ 2. a|i- 3. ЧЧЧЛ>М1Л \ 4. ДО)4*1Л1^. \ 5. ^л|А. \ 6. ЗНг nr'tMl-^-. \ Let’s wait. Let’s write with a fountain pen. Let’s work. Let’s take a walk. Let’s rest. Please study. Please read a book. Please wait. Please take a walk. Please write a letter. Please give me some cold water. F. Response Drill 1. SPJtt'-M? / 2. ЧФФЧ*}?/ з. ЧЗ^ЧЧ-?/ 4. Ж §]£Ч7}?/ 5. ФЧЧ-? / 6. лья фч ? / °fl, НгНКгЧЧ’. \ <4^44. \ < *41- ^4*4. \ °11, ^1# #44. \ G. Response Drill 1. 4Н#ЧЧ.-’> 2. ЧОДЧЧ.-' 3. #4-^44.-' 4. Л^ЧЧ.”' JL. ^чМ-S..
Unit 6 81 UNIT 6 A|-7| Shopping BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE please to come fl 1. opl Do come in, please. how much is it B4 2. 4 ЛН How much are these apples ? th per one Л}иА 400 won °] fl 3. Ф ЛМ r> They’re four hundred won each. O}O]52- Oh 1, Oh my ! Sfl why so, that much «НМ- to be expensive cheaply u-t 4. 6НтЧ sfl Hl*U?n Oh ! Why is it so expensive ? > *M] tHl Ч-. \ Let’s make it a little cheaper. a fixed price system °] fl 5. «Ч71-С- It’s a fixed price system. 4 6. A}2]- 7fl ^U.. r\ Really ? Ten apples, please. зга-ч to be grateful fl 7. 5L"J-^v| 4. -> 7MU.- * Thank you. Good bye. 4 8. ФЗ*] ЗИ.Й.. -> Good bye.
Unit 6 82 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1 opi Ш means literally ‘Do come in, please.’ This expression is used when you greet a customer entering a store or restaurant, etc. hospitably and with courtesy or cordiality. It is also used to greet a guest or a new comer. ‘to come’ regularly indicates motion toward the speaker’s position, whereas 7^ ‘to go4 indicates motion away from the speaker’s position. For example, while you are talking on the telephone (from outside) with someone in the office, ‘I will come to the office tomorrow,’ the Korean equivalent of it is Щ A).Jji Ajo]| (Lit. ‘I will go to the office tomorrow.’). When you are actual- ly in the office, you would say 4]oj. (Lit. ‘I will come to the office tomorrow.’). 2 . o] a}jz|. means ‘this apple.’ °]-, 21- and - are demonstratives which occur only as modifiers of a following noun or dependent noun, (bound noun). When these demonstratives °|~, and are used with the dependent nouns -^j and they must be written together, like °]7j, ZL7j, *| 7j, °]-r, zz-r, I but when they are used with other nouns or other dependent nouns, they must be written separately. See the following examples : °1 ‘this place4 n AJpj- ‘that desk’ 4^- ‘that man over there’ 3 - means ‘one piece,’ ‘one item.’ The classifier -7Ц ‘a piece’ is used with Korean numbers. Some Korean numbers are slightly altered when they occur as modifiers of subsequent classifiers. These are : aj], and Л#, See the following examples : Korean numbers: Number+Classifier: Meaning: h_ < , 41 one person -5- . ' two persons , 1 three persons M] 1 47 four persons ' twenty persons These same numbers may change again according to the classfiers used, bee the Structure Notes of this lesson ~ IS a Korean money classifier. It is used always with the Chinese derived numbers. According to the currency exchange rate in effect at the time of pubhcatmn of this book (1990), about 710 won equals one U.S. dollar. 4. is a variant of «lei J, oioi;n.- , , •„ •’ —t—Ы ls an exclamatory expression of Pal '
Unit 6 83 complaint, grudge, hardship, surprise, etc. It is also a bewailing sound cry heard in a mourner’s house when someone’s parents or grandparents have died. 7. is used as a courteous expression of gratitude or appreciation. It is interchangeable with making no difference in meaning. ^1 means literally: ‘Please go in peace.’ It is used as a concluding remark at parting. (a) When you meet someone on the street, both of you use 51 to say good-bye. (b) When you are leaving after visiting someone, the person who stays at home or in the office says to you 8. -g] 4 -Я. means literally : ‘Please stay in peace.’ The person who leaves says to the person who stays behind : STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Native Korean Numbers : We have already studied the Chinese numbers in the previous lesson. Here we introduce the native Korean numbers, which are used mostly when counting things, events or persons. 0 10 cr) e. 20 —# i 11 o4 s 30 2 -f- 12 cd s •f- 40 dF-5- 3 13 50 4 14 <4! 60 5 15 70 6 16 80 4^ 7 17 <a 90 8 <43 18 <t <43 99 °1-SL 9 19 100 Notes: The numbers from ‘one’ to °]sgr ‘ninety nine’ are of native Korean origin, and those from ‘one hundred’ on are of Chinese origin. Many Ko- reans, however, habitually count from one hundred by using a combination of the Chinese numbers and the native Korean numbers. For example: one hundred and one.’ # ‘one hundred and two,’ etc.
Unit 6 84 Liassiliera . The classifiers are words used with numerals to designate countable or measurable objects. In English, there are words for counting a certain number of people, paper, cigarettes, or for measuring a certain quantity of gasoline, time, money, distance, etc.: ’ten persons,’ ’five sheets of paper,’ ‘three packs of cigarettes,’ ‘two gallons of gasoline,’ ‘five o’clock,’ ‘two hundred won,’ ‘one kilometer,’ etc. These words which combine with numerals to NAME, COUNT or MEASURE objects are called classifiers. They do not occur as independent words, but are used always with numerals. The use of either Chinese or Korean numbers varies depending on the classifiers. Used with Korean numbers: -4 ’packs (of cigarettes)’ 4 4 4 4 Ml 4 -711 ‘items,’ ’units/ ’objects’ 4 4 "T" 74 4 4 Ml -4 ‘volumes’ 4b 4 ¥ 4 4 Ml 4 -4 ’months’ 4b 4 ¥ 4. _s -Ml ‘vehicles,’ ‘machines’ 4b Ml "T" 41 41 Ml m "44 ‘fish,’ ‘animals’ 4b 44 ¥ 4] 44 Ml 44 -4 ‘measure of about 18 litres’ 4b 4 ¥ 4. 4 4 4 -4 ‘times’ Ф 41 -T" 41 4] 41 Ml 41 -4 ‘bottles’ 4b 4 41 4 Ml 4 -g- ’honored people’ 4b £ "T- 41 Ml -44 ‘people’ 4b 44 -T" 41 44 Ml 44 -4 ’years of age’ 4b 4 -г- 41 4 M) 4 -4 ’o’clock’ 4b 4 "V 4.] 41 4 Ml 4 "44 ’hours’ 4b 44 41 44 Ml 44 -4 ’measure of about 33.3m’ 4b 4 'T' *1- 4 4 4 4 -4-T- ‘small stick (pencil, brush, etc.) 4b 41 44 MI -4 ‘thin, flat objects (sheets) ’ 4b 4 "T" 'S’ 4 4 4 4 -4 ‘buildings,’ ’houses’ 4b 4 ¥ 41 4 M] Used with Chinese numbers: ’months’ °1 7H*1 4b 44 ’years’ °J 4 °1 M 4b 4 4 -JE. ’degrees’ °1 i 4b -£ 4 -«H ’multiples’ Bfl 0] Hfl 4b вЦ 4 «Н ’serial numbers’ °J 41 °l 41 4b 41 4 41 -4izd ’track numbers’ 414 °] 4b 414 4 Ч14
Unit 6 85 -фх] ‘lot numbers’ фх] °i «gx] 414 Л]- ‘minutes’ °J °i и 4 -g- 4 -g- ‘won’ °J $ 4 ‘months of the year’ °J 41 *1 4 ‘people' °J o] °i 4} 41 4 41 -o]£ ‘portions’ °J о] и °i °J-¥- 4 41-g- 4 41 £ ‘days of the month' °] 4 °J ‘weeks' °i 4 4^41 -$ ‘floors' -f- °i 4 -xil ‘room numbers' °i 4 Notes: 1. When the classifier -41 is used with Korean numbers, it indicates ‘times.’ But when it is used with Chinese numbers, it indicates ‘serial numbers.' See the following examples: 41 ‘one time’ °J 41 ‘number one’ ¥ 41 ‘two times’ о] H] ‘number two' 41 41 ‘three times' 4 41 ‘number three' Ml 41 ‘four times' xj- 41 ‘number four' 2. When the classifier is used with Chinese numbers, it indicates time in ‘minutes.’ But when it is used with Korean numbers, it indicates ‘person.’ See the following examples: 4 -g- ‘one person’ _g_ ‘one minute’ -T- -g- ‘two persons’ °1 -g- ‘twq minutes’ 41 -g- ‘three persons’ -g- ‘three minutes’ M1 £ ‘four persons’ 4 £ ‘four minutes’ 3. The classifier ‘weeks’ may be used with both Korean numbers and Chinese numbers. It is used, however, mostly with Chinese numbers. HI. The Particle -ofl*»* : ‘for,’ ‘per’ We have already studied the particle , when it indicates static location. The particle -<И], depending on the context or situation, can also indicate proportion. Examples: з.ооо 4W.S.. 500 <O|.^ °l Я-Й- 41 lo.ooo 41OJ44. I bought it for three thousand won. We sell it for five hundred won. This book is 10,000 won per volume.
Unit 6 86 т- 'йч51| tPti ^7I°il 7l'-a-- «Ь^-oJj -т-Ч! W о| ^о| t> #°1| ^°Н-3-? I go there once every two months. I eat twice a day. How much is this paper per sheet ? IV. The Honorific Verbs: We have studied the honorific infix -(Л)л|- and the honorific suffix -y, which indicate reverence and respect on the part of the speaker for the person spoken to. There are also honorific verbs which indicate reverence for the person spoken to. Like all honorifics, these verbs are used only in polite speech in reference to persons other than oneself. They are used whenever one ad- dresses or refers to persons of superior social standing : older people, teachers, doctors, priests, high officials, parents, foreign guests, learned men, and so forth. The honorific verbs, however, are limited in number. If you memorize the following list of verbs, you can handle most of the honorific verbs. The honorific verbs are used mostly with the honorific suffixes and a], (-^1 a] is the honorific form of the subject particle -?I7O|). Plain: Honorifics: Meaning; to eat to sleep to exist, to be W to say, to tell Notes: ‘to say,’ ‘to tell’ is the honorific verb of Therefore, is used to express respect and reverence for persons spoken to, but is never used for oneself. For example: <The teacher said so’ —I said so.’ is a combination of the noun ‘word,’ ‘speech’ and the verb ‘to do.’) When the noun however, is used with the humble verb к г] cj- ‘t0 give’ (the humble verbs will be studied in detail later), it can be used for one’s own acts. For exam- ple : -I told it to my teacher.’ drills ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY 4- to eat to sleep ;?Ьтл1Ч- to eat ‘T‘Jrxl <4 to sleep
Unit 6 87 #44 to say ##44 to say Ml 4 4 to exist, to be younger brother #нЦ cigarettes #4 to be easy "Ат beer ^4 to be big 3*1 paper 44 to be small fish 44 to be cheap ^4 to be good ##4 to be delicious A. Substitution Drill 1. o| ЛН 2. °l #4 #44|_2-?<ч 3. °] #441.3.? 4. # -r-4 5. «] 6. °) 44# #441.3. ?<ч 7 o] <£# r% 8. °) iM #44)A?'~' В. Substitution Drill 1. #аЦ 4 # ^М^гч 2. M] -у- # т’-М] Л, 3. 4%-4 -y- 4 -y-Ml A. 4. 4] # tO. r\ 5. 6. xj 'й м| 4# -3-. 7. # y~ M| ^r-Ч] -S.. <ч 8- 44 -Ml 3 4 5 6 7H 4-MI.3.. <ч C. Substitution Drill i. # ?и 4oo ##4].s.. 2. # #41 500 #®141Д. 3. # #41 4,000 #<>141.3.. 4. # #41 20 #о)4)Д гч 5. #- 4# 41 1,000 #<>141.3.. гч 6. # #41 2,500 #»|4|A. D- Substitution Drill 1- Ml o]^7,] н]#._а.?гч How much are these apples ? How much is this sugar ? How much are these melons ? How much are these watermelons ? How much is this desk ? How much is this fountain pen ? How much is this pencil ? How much is this notebook ? Give me one pack of cigarettes, please. Give me two volumes of books, please. Give me two cars, please. Give me three bottles of beer, please. Give me three sheets of paper, please. Give me four fish, please. Give me two houses, please. Give me three apples, please. They’re 400 won each. It’s 500 won for one pack (of ciga- rettes) . It’s 4,000 won per volume. It’s 20 won for one sheet (of paper). It’s 1,000 won for one fish. It’s 2,500 won for one bottle (of beer). Why is it so expensive ?
Unit 6 88 2. S« W 3. s)| Я-S-?^ 4. «И °l 5с s)| о|^т)| 4&?г> 6. s» <ЯЗ$|А?Г> Why is it so easy ? Why is it so big ? Why is it so small ? Why is it so cheap ? Why is it so difficult ? E. Pattern Drill Teacher: ФЧЧ-. \ Student: \ 1. Ф ci \ 2. & Я \ 3. < Я ‘ЗтгЧЙ-. 4. Я \ 5. ^4 ^тгЧЧ-. \ 6. <• 4 ^51^44. \ 7. # Я ЯН5ИФЧ4. \ 8. cl n|^44. \ It’s a little cheaper. Let’s make it a little cheaper. Я а.т)| ЯИ 4. \ $ Ч ^1й-. \ & ^^1 ^Л1Ч-. \ tl >^1| \ > C1 “a’-SI’U #л1й-. \ £ ci ^°15ИЯ| tM)Я-. \ С1 Ы1*М1 ^-л14. \ F. Response Drill 1- ^1- 2. <НЧ°Н ^НМ7|-?\ 3. -Т?! чм зричя-? \ 4. ^7)- ^7» \ <Д7]< ч}^44.\ №1 Я-Ч4. ч HJ°il Sl£4t4. \ 3H°1 a^7|] \
Unit 7 89 UNIT 7 A|0|| What Time? BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE u-14-c]- 1. zl°fl ч 2. ЛМ nM-SL. °a*l o] 3. л.^7]] ? 7 «}-ж7}-х] <ачч 4. aJ-aJ 4^ 5. 3 ^14-ь] 4^< WU?'' (at) what time from the house to leave What time do you leave the house ? I leave at seven o’clock. early school how far is it So early ? How far is it from the house to school ? by car It takes about 30 minutes by car. from what time class, lesson to begin What time does class begin ? 6. A]ofl 'Ч# ^Ьт’<Я1 ч ч 8- 4^-41 Н] а] 7^ Class begins at nine o’clock, how many hours a day How many hours do you study a day ? I study four hours a day.
Unit 7 90 notes on the basic sentences 1 3 Л] o)] xjopi nlvMU? : depending on the context or situation, h; ' or 'how many.’ It occurs only as a modifier of subsequent noun or bound form. See the following examples: л]о)]д? What time is it? How many teachers are there? The classifier ‘o’clock’ is used always with Korean numbers, ‘I leave’ is pure Korean, while ‘to leave’ is derived from Chinese. Bot verbs can be used with either of the two particles and ~~г/—i~, Hei are examples. I leave the house. I leave the house. 3. depending on the context or situation, has different meanings ‘(about) how much,’ ‘(about) how long,’ ‘(about) how many,’ ‘how...,’ ‘(about how far,’ etc. When the particle -(°|)4 is used with the word ‘how many or ‘how much (many),’ it indicates ‘approximation.’ Study the followinj examples. How much did you pay for that ? How long have you been studying Ko- rean ? 'Ml-S-? How many books do you have? «gnH How far ;s u from here? 5• xj! • means ‘to give lessons,’ while qj-cj- means ‘to take a lesson. The verb *] ‘to begin’ is used always with the object particle 7. djh as an independent word, means ‘time.’ However, when it is used with orean numbers, it is a classifier meaning ‘hour.’ See the following examples: 51-н-Ч^ ? 7 Do you have time ? 71 * ?№ 4. 4 , study for two hours I. STRUCTURE NOTES The Particle -ofl- : *at,’ ‘on,’ ‘in’ tl’e ’artiCl' Wh“ “-«s something0' someone ,s STATIONARY in a place. The particle -Д, depending on tK
Unit 7 91 context or situation, can also indicate the time at which something takes place. In general, time words are divided into two main groups: (a) those which are followed by the particle -<И] : e.g., Ч л]°1] ‘at one o’clock,’ (used with hours of the day), ‘on Monday,’ (used with days of the week), °i ’in February,’ 1990 4°1| ‘in 1990,’ (used with months and years) ; (b) those which occur without the particle -<И] : e.g., -2-^- ‘today,’ Щ ‘tomorrow,’ _5L ‘the day after tomorrow,’ ’yesterday,’ ’the day before yesterday,’ ’now,’ etc. Examples: 4 ^14. \ A] ЧМ «^44. \ ^^44. \ 7HJ44? / 19904*11 58^44. \ Let us go at one o’clock. I finish at two thirty. I study on Monday. Do you go in February ? I did it in 1990. IL The Particle .' ‘until,’ ‘by,’ ‘to’ The particle -4*1, preceded by a time expression, indicates a specific time to which an action or condition continues. Examples: "V *14*1 -о’Т^кЯЦ'. \ *l^-4*l 7} s.^4 4. \ *14*1 °J4^44?^ *j- ^4*1 аш^чч. \ 4^4*1 *1*1^44?^ 444*1 -£-*J *]-£-. \ 7]7]ofl лЦ ч^чч. \ Д-1М4Ч ЗЬ^ЧЧ. \ I studied until two o’clock. I taught until now. Until what time did you work ? I stayed until March. Until when will you stay ? Come by tomorrow. I’ll be there by three. I slept from morning till night. This particle -4*1 is also attached to place words to mean ’as far as,’ ’ (all the way) to.’ See the following examples : 444*1 7РУЧЧ? How far are you going? ^44*1 *J*14. \ Let’s go as far as Pusan. Ч7|Ч’¥-Ч *17)4*1 447H-S-. Please walk from here to there. HL The Particle -^Ej*** : ‘from’ The particle -^4» following time or place words, indicates a starting point in time or a place from which a physical movement begins. It is used mostly with time words.
Unit 7 92 Examples: он ок «тчч-. \ д]^ a]^ *p] W °^-3- 4 <t д]*.^ зН-SL. \ ШЭД о]^-*г*Н #ЖЛ О)7]А^Е1 A)3j-^O]X\ Let’s study from nine o’clock. I am very busy from today. What time do you start studying ? I have been here since three o’clock. He works from morning till night. I slept from ten o’clock until now. Let’s study Korean first. Please eat this one first. I began (from) here. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY h}-jbu}. ^4- to be busy to have spare time, to have leisure to do one’s homework to climb a mountain a man, a male a diplomat >4] 4^ laundry <UeH4t+ to get up л] to begin *} half т'МЦ- to swim <4*1- a woman, a girl A. Substitution Drill 1. 3 -'HI 2. $ -'HI 3. 3 -'HI ^l-M ^Ч-Ч-Й.? Л ? r\ 4. -'Hl 5. 3 -'HI si-hia? 6. Ш -'HI 7. -'HI 8. -'HI B. Substitution Drill 1- 2. $ *1# 3. 4. гч What time do you leave the house ? What time do you take a walk ? What time do you sleep ? What time do you work ? What time do you read a book ? What time do you study ? What time do you get up ? What time do you start working ? How many hours do you study ? How many hours do you sleep ? How many hours do you eat ? How many hours do you teach ?
Unit 7 93 5. ДО|5М1-3- ? 6. 44 444-5- ? rx 7. 44 тИ-5- ? 8. £ 44 4LiM^?r' C. Substitution Drill 1. 4 44 ^4^14. \ 2. -f- 4 44 -M 3-W14. \ 3. Afl Л] H.O]] ^-444. \ 4. M| Л] 44 -g-oj] ^44 4. \ 5. 44 4 4 -§41 ^-9-4^14. \ 6. 44 4 44 ^-4-4л)4. \ 7. 4 4 4. \ 8. 451 4 Л4 -g-4 ^-44 4. \ D. Substitution Drill 1. «МН •=¥ Я 2. 44^4 л-т- W«|A?n 3. -g-44 л-т- 3 t°HU ? 4. 444 л-т- ’S £-44.5.? 5. 447)- л-т- ’S -g-44-й-? 6. 44-44 л-V- -g-44-S-?^ 7. 4л4°1 л-т- ^г-оМ-й.?^ 8- Д-4М°1 л-f- $ Е. Substitution Drill 1. 444 4^44 44-4.44.2.?^ 2. 444 444 444 44Л?^ з. 444 4-Т-444 444 44 Л?гч <• 444 Д444 <<44 <4л How many hours do you (take a) walk ? How many hours do you work ? How many hours do you rest ? How many hours do you read a book ? Let’s study at one o’clock. Let’s study at two twenty. Let’s study at three fifteen. Let’s study at four forty. Let’s study at five ten. Let’s study at six thirty. Let’s study at seven ten. Let’s study at eight fifty. How many students are there alto- gether ? How many teachers are there alto- gether ? How many younger brothers do you have? How many men are there altogether ? How many women are there alto- gether ? How many ambassadors are there alto- gether ? How many diplomats are there alto- gether ? How many professors are there alto- gether ? How far is it from here to school ? How far is it from here to the house ? How far is it from here to the office ? How far is it from here to the class- room ?
Unit 7 94 5. 444 44444 4°H 44 А?^ 6. 44*1 °^44 ^44 44 А ? г. 7. 44*1 44444 £°Н- ^4 А?т 8. 44*1 44^44 <Й">Ч- *Й4 А?^ How far is it from here to the rest room ? How far is it from here to the garden? How far is it from here to the embassy? How far is it from here to the laundry? F. Response Drill 1. 4 4*е1 444-3.?^ 2. 4 *]*Ei 7|-г.я]л]|А? о 3. Ш 4*e1 4. 4 4*3 **4-3.?^ 5. $ *1*e1 4^л)]А?^ 6. 3 4*н1 **HH_S.?r> 7. $ 4*4 н]-нвл]|а?^ 8. £ *1*е1 tk’HH-S-?'-' *14<И °JSIU. йН 4 т El 71-S^A.^ 44 4-Y-Ei <a 4-у-я *u. 44 a. 4§l 4*3 44A. 44 4*4 WA.a G. Response Drill 1. 3 *144 **44-3. ?^ 2. 444 3. ’g 444 °J44A?^ 4. *144 4H]A?'-> 5. 3 *144 4* Sl-M-S.?^ 6. *144 4444-3.?^ 7. ^14*1 4s.*Ml-S.?^ 8. *]4*1 ^*1< a4]a?^ 4 *1 4144 ***11-3.. U* 444 a * *144 -а*ЯА.^ * *144 44.3..^ м] *144 4* 44a. 4 *144 444A. 44 *144 4-S-4.S.. 44 *144 ^4-t 4A.
Unit 8 95 UNIT 8 ciA’S °II-M In the Restaurant BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE to order 1. / opqs. ^El о Have you ordered ? (not) yet what to order 01 2. 44-^-, opqsLA. ГЧ <3.7] 4 “Il A A No, not yet. Mr. Kim ! What shall we order ? pulgogi how (about) 3. >Z7]7] о] tt|]3. ? ГЧ o] '?!<- 7j eg hi} How about pulgogi ? two portions of 4. 7-ei <3.7] O] o] a. . °1 tM]-£L. r Then, pulgogi for two, please liquer 5. ^-с-Л? Z & (What kind of) drink ? beer one bottle of 6. 4^ Ф ^]_B.,rv °) -S. One bottle of beer, please.
Unit 8 96 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 2. <43] SA is an unfinished sentence of ff.W. ‘I have ordered yet.‘ 4^ Я is used always with the negative predicate. is a contraction of ±1. depending on the intonation and pitch, used not only as an interrogative pronoun, but also as an indefinite pronoi When is pronounced with a higher initial pitch, and the final intonati of the sentence is down, it is used as an interrogative pronoun. However, it c also be used as an indefinite pronoun; this use is indicated by a rising contoi at the end of an otherwise normal pitch. They are: ‘what‘ or 'something' ^Г7? ‘who1 or ‘somebody’ ‘where' or ‘somewhere’ ‘when' or ‘sometime’ я] 'how' or ‘somehow’ ‘what kind of' or ‘a certain’ $ ‘how many (much) ’ or ‘some/ ‘several’ Study the following examples, and note particularly the initial pitch and the final contour of the intonation of each sentence. What did you buy ? Did you buy something ? Who came ? Did somebody come ? Where are you going ? Are you going somewhere ? When shall I give it to you ? Shall I give it to you sometime ? How did you do it ? Did you do it somehow ? What kind of people did you meet? Did you meet someone, (a certain) ? is preceded by a noun which indicates food, i1 7H-S-? / яз^д? / *44 «H'S ш <4^ 4^-g- «ВДд, 7 л1?1 *4 i When the verb a] 7]^ j, me», t„ „л, (something from , person). -When-t™ X’e'X 7 ‘ ”” “her ,0°d> * 'S “ verb.'lt'correspoods » Z e““ ” Kr‘“ ‘° “' '“k' <“ ” d»>’ **
Unit 8 97 Let’s order pulgogi. Please make him work. Please have your teacher sing a song. I made the students study. 3. ^~Д-71 means ‘broiled beef.’ It is a very famous, popular and delicious food in Korea. The slice beef is marinated in all kinds of condiments, such as garlic, soy sauce, sesame oil, green onions, sugar, etc. Then it is put aside for a few hours to allow the flavor to set in. When being served, the cooked beef is broiled on a grill over a clay fire pot, placed in the center of the table. 4. o] ^-§7 means ‘two portions of---.’ The classifier -Ц-ё- is used always with Chinese numbers to name a helping of food. 5. The classifier ‘a bottle of’ is used always with Korean numbers. STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Past Tense Infix • The past tense is used to indicate an action which took place in the past, or a quality or condition which existed formerly. The past tense is formed by inserting the infix -^-(-aH between a verb stem and the endings, such as -и ~(тг)4?}? , etc. 1. When the final vowel of the verb stem (not necessarily and final letter) is 1- or J-, it takes See the following examples: Past Form: Contraction: Meaning: (7}&ТГЧЧ-) #£44 (I) went (А^ЧЧ) #£ЧЧ (I) came #£ЧЧ (I) saw (it) >Sh>44 absent (It) was good ^Й^-ЧЧ absent (They) were many 2. When the final vowel of the stem is any other vowel, (such as -I , T, —, 1 ), it takes See the following examples: Ч^тгЧЧ absent (I) ate з-Я^чч- absent (He) laughed (*Я^ЧЧ-) 'ЙтгЧЧ- (He) wrote (it) Т^'Т-''-|лИгЧЧ (He) slept $Я^чч absent (I) read 3. When the verb is a verb, it takes -<У~. See the following exam- pies:
Unit 8 sl^-тЧЧ 491^44 УЧЯ^ЧЧ 51тгЧЧ -гч^чч Л}Л!|$^ЧЧ 'УЗЙтгЧЧ (I) did (I) studied (I) took a walk (I) worked h colloquial speech, the contracted forms are used more frequently than the full ones. II. The Pattern-а(•=)ЧЯ ?“• : ‘Shall we (Ior‘Will it be... ?’ The pattern -a (i)^K? is used to ask someone’s view, opinion or appraisal about a certain matter or fact. It is used with any verb. Example: ш? / Shall we go together ? Shall we rest ? Shall I eat lunch ? Will it be good ? (What’s your opin ion ?) Will it be interesting? (What’s your opinion ?) Will he be a teacher ? Notes: 1 • ~s (~i~) is a modifier suffix which indicates the future. is an interrog ative marker. is a particle indicating politeness or respect. 2. This pattern -г (<-) v}-, when used with action verbs, is always an swered in the propositive or imperative. See the following examples: ? / Shall we study now ? \ Yes, let’s study now. (propositive) 'o*Jr^W \ No, let’s not study now. ^*1 и \ Yes, please study now. (imperative) / *]-g- \ n0 p]ease don’t study now. 3. However, this pattern - e (-^-)7|- Л ?, when used with verbs other than action verbs, is answered usually with the pattern -«)7j ‘it seems to be..., indicating likelihood or with the future infix This patted win be studied later. See the following tuples: f-g-4-S.? / Will it be good? (what>s your opin ion ?)
Unit 8 99 7A \ It seems to be good. Л^°] #ЗЯтгЧЧ-. I think it will be good. 4. -a? is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; ? is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. HI. The Contrast Particle -£•/-£ : We have studied the particle which indicates the subject of a sen- tence. For example : si-g-o] n] v| Ц- ‘He is interesting,’ tells which person is interesting. The particle -£7~xr, however, is used to indicate a comparison between topics which are being compared: ZL-g-fe- ‘He in com- parison with others.’ In other words, the particle --£/-£• would not be used if no comparison were being made with another subject or with a connotation of comparison. This particle can be attached to almost any part of a sentence. Study the following examples: (a) Replacing the subject particle 7]-/o] ; zi-g-g- \ (b) Replacing the object particles —>/- W. \ (c) With other particles: (d) With negative forms: Korean (in comparison with other languages) is interesting. He (in comparison with others) is good. This (in comparison with other things) is a pencil. ~а • I study KOREAN (I don’t study other languages.) I read a BOOK (I don’t do other things.) The desk is IN THE CLASSROOM (not in other places.) I study AT SCHOOL (not in other places.) I didn’t SEE it (even though I may have heard it or touched it.) I don’t intend to BUY it (even though I like it or even though I asked how much it is.)
Unit 8 100 Г The contrast particle -4r/-£ is NOT used when there >s an interrogative word in the sentence, (like ±1 ‘what.’‘who,’ W) ‘which (one)/ ‘What kind of,’ ‘when.’ 44 ‘where,’ etc.), because our attention usually focuses on this part of the sentence. It is also NOT used with a word or phrase that answers an interrogative word in a preceding question. See the following examples, and note particularly the particles. *44 <£44-. \ •^4 'О’ПГ'^'У 4 4 ? r «И4 4^ з!4 #44? What is good ? The book is good. Who is studying ? The student is studying. Which one is big ? That one is big. What kind of book is better? A Korean language book is better. |-? ‘Who is that person over there?,’ If the question is -у #4 the attention focuses on ‘that person over there,’ so the response is <4jM444 ‘That person over there is a teacher.’ 2. The particle is USED when there is a pattern indicating a com- parison in a sentence by the two different subjects -44 ‘but,’ -°}(~4> ~4)^- ‘even though,’ -Д. ‘and,’ etc. See the following examples : 44£- >44, 4#44. \ This one is good, but that one is bad. 44£- 4#44. \ Even though this one is good, that one is bad. 44тг >31, 4^-44. \ This one is good and that one is bad. 3- ZK is used after words ending in a vowel; is used after words ending in a consonant. 4. When the affirmative question form is used with the particle -SL also, ‘too,’ the negative answer always takes the contrast particle --£/-£ Study the following examples: 4А1Ч4? «НА, 4*1 ^44-. Are you buying a book as well ? No, I am not buying a book.
Unit 8 101 DRILLS additional vocabulary highway bus нЦ boat, ship to buy ЯЧ^Ч- to help #°144 to like 4444 to love 41Ч л to take (someone somewhere) breakfast 44 lunch A. Substitution Drill 1. 4 444-2-? 2. « ±££4-2-?^ з. 4 4. 4 JH544-2-? гч 5. 4 <4^-?^ 6. 4 4*г44-2. ? <~> 7. <4-2-? 8. 4 %44-2-?^ What shall we order ? What shall we order ? What shall we teach ? What shall we study ? What shall we see ? What shall we eat ? What shall we write ? What shall we read ? B. Substitution Drill 1. -1-Л7]7} ЧЧ-2. ? <"» 2. 4-r- -S'0] 441.2.?^ 3. -?-44 <xfl_S_ ? Г\ 4. #4 >0] ОМ л ? ГЧ 5. •М-'уЧЧ ЧЧ-2-?'"' 6. Tu4°l 441-2.? ГЧ 7. W[ ЧпЦЛ ? 8. 444 44-2.?^ How about pulgogi ? How about hot water ? How about black tea ? How about boiled water ? How about peaches ? How about watermelons ? How about grapes ? How about apples ? C. Pattern Drill Teacher: 44 4. Student: 4т=гЧ 4. 1. -8-ЧЧ. 2. -g-ЧЧ. ч 3. ><£44. \ 4. $-£44. \ 5. W4. \ 6- ЧЧ^ЧЧ. ч I go. I went. 4^44. \ 4-m44. \ # аКг 4 4. \ ФйФЧЧ. \ 44^44. \ чяя^чч. \
Unit 8 102 7. §1^44. \ 8. 344. n 9. -g-^344. \ SIA3-44. \ Зтг44. N •§-¥-5J'§-4 4. n D. Response Drill Teacher: 4^344 £44 ? / Student: «Я, 4^344 ^14. \ 1. s)]4 8-34? / 2. «Це! jz. 344? 7 3. Л-g-g- 43844? 7 4. &№?7 5. ? 7 6. т-'ЗЗ’З-Й.? 7 7. 43-344 ? 7 8. 334? 7 Shall we go by highway bus ? Yes, let’s go by highway bus. oil, «Ц4 3-л14. \ «fl, -HJ3- 444 #4 4. \ «=fl, □.-g-g- 44844. \ 41, 3-8-344. \ 4|, ^3344. \ 4|, 3^344. \ 4], 4*H44. \ 41, 344. \ E. Response Drill Teacher: 83r434 A ? 7 Student: 44i, 0145.4. 1. 34-i- 4344? 7 2. 0PJi- 344344? 7 3. 344344?/ 4. 43-4344?/ 5. 3*44344?/ 6. т4И344? / F. Intonation Drill Teacher: -Y4-1- 4344 ? гч Student: 4344? / 1- -г/} 344?rv 2. 44 3414?r\ 3. 4*11 5-344?r\ 4. 4^4 4344?гч 5. 43 4^ рИ444д?г, Did you order ? No, not yet. 0144, o!444. 0144, о};*] яд. 0144, ops]^. 0144, 01344. 0144, o[3_£4. 0144, орзяд. What did you buy ? Did you buy something ? -T71 344? / 44 7HA; / 43] 5344 ? / 4’ЗИ 4344?/ 44 44-8- 44344? /
Unit 8 103 G. Response Drill Teacher: ? / Student: <44-2-, -§--^-44 4. \ 1. z 2. 7]c)-^7)-A? Z 3. *41- ? Z 4. -g-’J-t- ЧМЛ ^RS.? z 5. Л-ё-i- £4^A?Z 6. rz. *р8Ч1-^.й. ? Z 7. Z 8. ? Z Shall we study ? ЧМ No, let’s not study. <44-2-, 7]c}eH ЧИЧ. \ o}41, Я|< ЧН14. \ oj-vj.2., -f-Aj-f- tl]e}j7 7]-л] Чр'1’4. \ »HA, J£-2pr*l ЧИск \ op-| .2., n чНН. \ op-1.2., §-'Я-5р*] чНЧ-. \ op^5L, 4^8}.x] ЧМ14.Ч
Unit 9 104 UNIT 9 £IS|- Telephone BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE nI 1. Ч-Й-х1|-2- ! ГЧ *) 2. °}-! r\ n] f \ 4 44# ЗИ-В.? / ##- D) 3. 4 44#-S.?Z n-g-o) xl-3- <4 Ш." । In - #4 Ч44 hello + 41 Hello! 3 £| Ah! Hello! Miss Min. Is Mr. Kim there ? now *1 Mr. Kim ? He is not here now, far, a long way off to go out *1 4. 444ИА? / 4 5. 44-$-, #4 44*1 ##4-8-. #44 44 3 s] Did he go far ? soon to return 41 No, he didn’t go far. He will be back soon. a little later again to telephone 6. #47]- 44 4 44##-8-.^ °P 4 Then, I will call him again a little later.
Unit 9 105 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1, 4^-^1 -S- ‘hello’ is most commonly used on the telephone. It is also used to call or attract someone’s attention, particularly when addressing strangers. In Korea, the person who places a call usually says ej first, when a click is heard at the other end of the line. It is sometimes used to show one’s indignation when fighting. 4^- is used mainly between husband and wife. 2. <4 ’Ah!,’ ’Oh!’ is an exclamatory expression of admiration, surprise, grief, disappointment, etc. 414 is an adverb meaning ’a long way off,’ ’far off (away),’ or ’in the distance ;’ Tgc)- is a description verb meaning ’to be far ;’ 41 is its noun modifier ; 41*] is a phrase meaning ’before long,’ ’in the near future.’ The opposite word of ^4 is ‘near (to, by),’ ‘close (to, by).’ Study the following examples. ’Йг] He went far (away). Zl-g-ol ^44 #4-8-. He came from afar. “PPI 444 ’ЙЧД. My house is far from here. 4 'sW.s.. He lives in the distance. #4 -§-°l 4-S-. Spring is coming soon. means ’to go (get, head) out,’ ’to step out,’ ’to get away,’ ‘to leave,’ ‘to work in.’ Study the following words which are related to it. ‘to go out’ Ч--2-4 ‘to come out’ Ч-7Н-3-. Ч-МК 4-2-5. -g-opH-S-. ‘to go in (to)’ §-<4-£-4- ‘to come in (to)’ Please go outside. Please come out. Please go into the room. Please come in. g-°]-^.i4 means ‘ to come back,’ or ‘to return’ to a place where one used to live, e.g., one’s own home, hometown, office or home country. means ‘to go back’ or ‘to make a detour.’ It can also mean ‘to die.’ Study the following examples: л]о]| I came home at one o’clock. He went (back) home. He returned to his native place. My father died.
STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Negative Adverb ‘do not’ The adverb °J~ is used to express the negative. This negative adverb < (a kind of prefix), is used regularly with action verbs and the verb of existe in its honorific form (444). Examples: # 4 4 #£44. \ # 4 °J #44. # 4 4 4#£44. 4 ^#£44.^ 4#£ # ^£44. \ 4#£ # ^#£44. \ □L-g-o] Ajo)] o} 2)|#44. \ °J ?S£44. 4 #44. \ 4 4#£44. \ I did not go home. I do not go home. I will not go home. I did not eat breakfast. I do not eat breakfast. I will not eat breakfast. He is not in the classroom. I did not study. I do not study. I will not study. Notes: 1. Notice that the negative adverb #- is put before the verb, ordinarily. Tht situation changes, however, when the verb is a ~4 4 verb. -4 4 verbs are a combination of a noun and the verb -44, (such as -?-т~44, 1 MitEb etc.), following examples: is usually placed before the -44, as *n ^^44. (awkward) I did not study (correct), (awkward) I will not take a walk (correct). is a contraction of °} 4. However, the contracted form is a^oS1 exclusively used in preference to the full form 44. II. Negative Constructions of Verbs : (1) The verb of identification -0|4 : We have studied the verb of identification -o]4, which indicates equal ity. The verb >s attached directly to a noun, and pronounced as Parl of the word to which it is attached. For example, °] o] z!J <y ЧЧ ‘Tb'S
Unit 9 107 is a book,’ or П-4°1 ^^°г]ЧЧ ‘That is a pencil.’ In the negative con- struction of the verb -ЧЧ» however, the subject particle -4/-°l is at- tached directly to the noun, and then followed by the negative verb °[Ч 4. Examples: This is not a book. 1-^1 «4МЧ4. \ That is not water. That is not a pencil. This is not an apple. SL-g-^l «МН He is not a student. «Ч-ё-0! This person is not a Korean. He was not my older brother. <44 ^44. \ That was not a rest room. °] That was not chalk. л-ё-о] «МН \ He was not a student. (2) The verb of existence • We have also studied the verb 4» which indicates existence, location or possession. The negative construction of the verb %14 is &4 ’(some- thing) does not exist,’ ’(someone or something) is not located (in a place),’ ‘(someone) does not have (something).’ Examples: Й^ЧЧ. \ ЧЧЧ Й^ЧЧ. \ Й^ЧЧ. \ 44? й^ЧЧ.\ ^44 ЙЙ^ЧЧ. \ 44й!] 4Нг°1 ЙЙтгЧЧ. \ There is no desk in the classroom. I have no time now. The student is not here. I had no book. The student was not in the classroom. There was no cold water there. (3) Action verbs and description verbs : The negative constructions of action verbs and description verbs are formed by attaching the negative marker -*] &Ч to the verb stems. Examples: >4 ^44. \ ^44 ^44. \ °1 44 44 ^44. \ ^4 ^44 ^44. \ 44 ^44. \ That is not good. That is not big. This is not small. He does not study. I do not eat lunch.
Unit 9 108 /}*] 0^44. ч} я] ^^44. That was not difficult. That was not easy. I did not study. I will not go. I will not eat. HL The Sentence-Final Ending -e(S) Q<| Я - : ‘Will probably do‘ The pattern-a(-g-) is an informal form of - a (-ir)The suffix -a (-I-) indicates prospective future, and ‘a thing.’ Therefore, its literal meaning is ‘it’s a thing that is to be,’ or ‘it’s a thing that one is to do.' This pattern is used with any verb, and indicates likelihood or probability. Examples: л. 7Ж. ГЧ Л^о] c^-g- 7H.S., Л-g-o] 32.4101] 314 7]оЦ, гч ai-a- л^-о] 7И-Я-. □L-e-o] 7]оЦ^_.гч I’ll probably go tomorrow. I’ll probably study now. I’ll probably see that friend. It’s probably expensive. It must be difficult. He’ll probably be in the classroom. He’ll probably have money. He’ll probably be a student. He must have arrived. IV. The Future Tense Infix -ЗД- : The future tense is used to indicate an action which is going to take place in the future, or a condition or quality which will exist at some other time. The future tense is formed by inserting the infix between a verb stem and the endings, (such as -н GetN?} ? , etc.). Examples: What will you do ? I’ll study Korean. What time will you eat ? I’ll eat at eight o’clock. When will you come ? I’ll come the day after tomorrow. How many hours will you teach ? I’ll teach three hours.
Unit 9 109 This infix ~fl~t depending on the context or situation, may also indicate a speaker’s supposition or conjecture, but this will be studied later. DRILLS additional vocabulary to arrive A. Substitution Drill 1. -S' о 2. О.-ё-с] з. ^.-ё-0! *]-g- 4. н|< 5. 7-И-St. <-4 6. л-ё-ч -&Q] а-а- 7. л-ё-°] тИ-S.. 8. л.ё-°] длза-а- money Не will probably be back soon. He will probably go tomorrow. He will probably study now. It is probably expensive. It is probably difficult. He will probably have money. He will probably be a student. He must have arrived. B. Substitution Drill 1. ai44 44 2. si 44 4л1 з. 444 44 4. 444 4л1 5. 444 44 6. 444 4a] 7. al 44 44 8. al 44 44 444fl4A,^ 444fl4A.r% 44fl4A.^ ?Ш4Л^ JE.4nrfl4A.r% 7} г.л] ^4 А. ГЧ I’ll call him again a little later. I’ll come again a little later. I’ll swim again a little later. I’ll start again a little later. I’ll work again a little later. I’ll study again a little later. I’ll help again a little later. I’ll teach again a little later. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: Й4ЛП Student: 44 4 44 A. 1- 4-3)4 444 A. 2. ЗН-Ч}-£ 7}г^о]Л.л 3. 5И-Й., ГЧ 4- -S-<bg- ry 5- 6- “W ry 7. I went home. I didn’t go home. SWA. а.М'Ч
Unit 9 110 8. ЙЯ42-.^ °j 042.. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: Я °1 °fl 2.. r‘ Student: oMelin 1. 4Ы-оМ-в-г' 2. ^^442..^ 3. А^оЦД. r> 4. 5. #442..^ 6. SHI442-. 7. 8. Я-ЗН1 °1 °4 2-. It’s a book. It’s not a book. ^-о] oj-vHK <gajo] 4442..^ л]-^7}- оН°1|А, Г\ •g-^o}-7} 4442, #4 7} »W«I|A. сч 4442, Л£7} о}442-. 44# °1 4442.. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: #42.. Student: 7H 042.. r» 1. Н5И42.Л 2. 042, 3. °Й!ИА.а 4. °J4#42, г» 5. 4W2." 6. >042, 7. ЧМл #42, 8. Я-i- #42.<^ I went. I didn’t go. ^44 042..^ 4Н 042, 044 042.. r> #44-4 адои.гч SWA.'-' tile}Д’. 7}7] «Ч* 4*1 гнид. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: 7}-51o}^., гч Student: 7]-я] r. 1. 2. 3. °Ji- а^^о^гч 4. 41OJ 5. л. лтнаои.с' 6. SL-g-l- 5.4?-^0}Д. ГЧ 7. tflsU 8. 3-^obt- аН<ИД.гч I’ll go home. I won’t go home. oPtl-i- 4}xl гч ЛИ^р} r' °J-i аИ«Н 04 A. 4]OJ -SHIS}-*] O4-S-. O4-2-. я*нм О4к^ >Aj<. rile]57 7}xl 042.. ^^•4-t- a}4 042..
Unit 9 111 G. Response Drill Teacher: rz.44 ? z Is jt g00d ? Student: oj41, ^o] oj No, it’s not good. 4Д. 1. л44 444Д ? z 2. 3--E-0! 444 Д ? Z 3. 44 7И44Д ? Z 4. 5. 4"г444Д ? Z 6. 4^- ®MU? z 7. *Ь444Д ? Z 8. 3,-g-g- -£44^444Д ? z 44 Д, П4°1 Я|о] 44Д, ^.-ё-0! 4м 4 444Д. “M-t, 44 7}*] 4-4 <#аМ-й.. 44 $J-^4^,^ 44 Д, 4-S- 44 &4Д. <K]A, 4 &*] 4314 Д. 44 Д, л-^-gr £44^1 &314Д. <* H. Pattern Drill Teacher: 44 44 44Д. Student: ЧМ *44 $14A. 1. 4^ 44-4 ^14Д.^ 2. 4-c- *44 4^4-3..^ 3. n44 4Й4Д. 4. €-4 4£4-S-.^ 5. 444 4-44 44-8..^ 6. 44 ^-4 44-8-.^ 7. 44-4 ЭД4 44-8..^ 8. л-44 44414 Я4-8-. There is a desk in the room. There isn’t a book in the room. 4^ 44:4 $14-8.. Ч-& 44 $Ы4-8..^ ^.44 ^44 $144-8.. €-4 $144-8-.^ 444 4-44 $14-8..^ 44 ^-4 44Д.^ 44-4 ^84 44Д.^ n44 44H14 44Д.
Unit 10 112 UNIT 10 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE B4 1. 2. ‘Ш -тл1 “H S]r} 3. о}0]-?- ! 'Й'И] n|7)- 4 4. -2-#4 4]7)- 7ev0] 14^14 B4 5. л.нЦЛ? / -7-4 >4. <uol oi о d A~ ’t ^4 -y^i A|Z_F Time What time is it now ? half £• It’s twelve thirty. already lunch time, an hour to become Oh my! It’s lunch time already. a treat to give £ £ Today I’ll give you a treat. Let’s go out together. d о о Really ? What’s the good news ? daughter college, university an entrance exam to pass £ £ 6. ^й] r\ My daughter has passed her university B4 7. \ entrance exam. to congratulate A] cri о о Oh 1 Congratulations.
Unit 10 113 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 3. means literally ‘It’s already time to eat lunch.’ When the suffix - г (~=Ь) is used either with action or description verbs, it indicates the future tense. You will study the suffix - г (->•) in detail later. means ‘lunch.’ °)-^ can mean ’morning’ or ’breakfast.’ vj can mean ‘evening’ or ‘supper.’ However, there is only one meaning for jHl ‘lunch.’ 4. ‘today’ is a time word occurring without the particle -<И] ’at’ or ’on.’ But it may be used with the contrast particle Let us study some other time words as well. °J ’tomorrow’ 3] ’yesterday’ 5.3] ’the day after tomorrow’ g-u) ’two days after tomorrow’ ’three days after tomorrow’ ^x^] ‘the day before yesterday’ zliu-Ц ’two days before yesterday1 4]x|- : ЧЩ means ’a treat’ and ЧМ ‘to serve (provide),’ ’to treat (a person) to.’ Therefore, 4]?]- means ‘I’ll give you a treat.’ 4 4] ’Give us a treat’ is frequently heard when someone is promoted or engaged to be married. 5. <U°1 91A3]^.? means literally ’Do you have anything in mind?’ x x is a noun modifier ‘what (kind of).’ However, when ~t~t? is pronounced with normal initial pitch, and the final contour of the intonation of the sentence is up (/), it is used an indefinite pronoun meaning ’something (anything).’ 6. °Jx] is a contraction of л] ‘an entrance exam.’ In Korea, competition in university entrance exams is so keen that when someone passes it is an achievement which warrants congratulation. 7. ’congratulations’ is used to express sympathetic pleasure on account of success or good fortune. STRUCTURE NOTES I* Particle -ojul jy-op" : ‘together with’ The particle -3}ui ^o], preceded by nouns, indicates accompaniment, asso- ciation, relation or harmony. The particle means ‘with,’ ’in company with’ ; xj-o], as an independent word, means ‘together.’ The word ^°] in this Pattern -5}-37 can be dropped, making no difference in meaning. In tjie
Unit 10 114 beginning stage, however, it is better to practice this pattern with the word^ 4 Examples: £0] Ч^тгЧЙ-. 7гН ^4Л)Ч4?^ лйг*|л 7i°I ^HN4.^ 4-^ 4л £о| Wui^l °J4^44.^ Wiin whom did you eat ? I ate with my friend. I will go with my father. With whom do you study ? I study with him. I came with my younger brother. I will work with my older brother. II. The Particle -о|-Д*** ! ‘and’ The particle ~4л, (without the word is also used to link nouns in coordination. The last noun is usually followed by the subject particle -7]-/ -°] or the object particle --87-1-, etc. This particle ~4Tl never links verbs, adjectives or adverbs. Examples: *4 4л 4^44. \ 1П^4л ЧИ4 ^Ч*Нг44.\ ^4Л Щ4 4^44. \ I bought a book and a pencil. Korean and English are interesting. He and I went. HI. The Exclamatory Ending -(-c-)-g-a : The sentence-final ending is used with any verb, and indicates delight, wonder, astonishment or surprise. Examples: Л-&Ч 4-M 7b$^_Sj ZL^°] Л.7^о] t-П 4^]^ j tn 4*34 Ш ! zi-g-o] tn 4^43ПЛ! Л ^o] o)7] । He is going to school! He went to school! I think he will go to school! That’s beautiful! That’s was beautiful! I think that will be beautiful! He is Korean! He was Korean! I think he is Korean! That book is here !
Unit 10 115 zl 1 That book was here ! I think that book is here! Note: is attached to action verb stems in the present tense ; -5-^. is attached to all other cases. IV. The Particle -ofl*** : ‘to’ We have already studied the particle -<Я], which indicates that something or someone is STATIONARY in a place. For example, ZL^jo] £1^4 *4 ‘That is in the classroom,’ ZL^jo] ‘That is not at home.’ We have also studied the particle when it indicates the time at which some- thing takes place. For example, т л] 1И] #л]*4 ’Let’s go at two thirty,’ теМ'ЧЧ ‘I finish at three o’clock.’ When this particle however, is attached directly to a place word and is followed by 7} *4 or *4, or their compounds, it indicats a specific destination. Examples: з-м #44. \ #£44. \ MM 7]-#£44. \ АРИИ £-Ш. \ £4AJ°1I #£44. \ Let’s go to Seoul. I came to school. I will go to the classroom. Please come to the office. He went to the recreation room. DRILLS additional vocabulary #14 wife ## husband friend tomorrow M] the day after tomorrow e'Ai] two days after tomorrow ZL-g-зг] three days after tomorrow <>1 *1] yesterday zl^^I] the day before yesterday zlji^I^] two days before yesterday A. Substitution Drill 1. ##44. \ 2. £342. ##£ ##44. \ 3. Л£4йт. #£44. \ 4. ££34.57 #£44. \ I bought a book and a pencil. I bought black tea and sugar. I bought grapes and apples. I bought peaches and watermelons.
Unit 10 116 5. \ 6. я '* 7. ЧЬМ^а- лКг1'1 Ч-. "* 8. ^44. I bought melons and coffee. I bought a book and a notebook. I bought a pencil and a fountain pen I bought a house and a car. В. Substitution Drill 1. Л.£о] tJ-Яо)] 7).л)^.^ I г> 2. ^-W-^.3-! 3. п-g-»] aJaj °. ^д]^А ! 4. ГЬ&Ч ЧЖ ^M-fe-3-А ! 5. ri-g-o) ^1< 6. n-g-o] 7. zi-g-o] °J-fr 8. ^°| He is going to school I He is studying! He is eating lunch ! He is sleeping in the room! He is doing his homework ! He is swimming! He is starting working ! He is taking a walk ! С. Substitution Drill 1. ^ofl 7ъИ^. \ 2. 7tPM \ з. 4] 4^1 Ж \ 4. ^4^1 7tPM\ 5. И*И #Л]гК ч б. *РИМ #а]*4. \ 7. 5М Ж\ 8. 7tPM \ D. Pattern Drill Teacher: zi^o) Student: zi^Jo] i , I- ^4 2. ZL^o] 3. ZL^Jo] 4. ZL^o) *J-o)-£. r\ 5. ZL^O] ГЧ 6. ZL7jo] <o).£ 7. ZL^O) Цнв^гч 8. ZL-g-o] фн]-£фг\ Let’s go home. Let’s go to school. Let’s go to the laundry. Let’s go to the Embassy. Let’s go to the rest room. Let’s go to the office. Let’s go to the room. Let’s go to the garden. It’s good. It’s good! ^^4 ^7J°1 ! ГЧ zi^o) I r\ zi^o] q-HH^ I ГЧ ZL-g-o] I
Unit 10 117 E. Response Drill 1. 2. -^ЧЧД 3. 4. -^ф^Д ^o] 5. 7j-o] б. ^г7-«и 4й! 7. Y7-*K2- 7J-O] 8. 7J-0] #ФЙЧа.?^ ^НзИ-S.?^ ^гЯ^ИИ-В- ? #*4«ИНА? 714-^31 <4-2. ? 5-^-*Ы<ИД ? 317-Чд abl ’йаП-а..^ ^ЧЧЧД ЧЬ°1 2W.S.. гх Ч°] ^ЭНА.гч Чд^д. ^<»1 ’ЙЯЧ-Й.. ЧЙд Ч°] -О-Ч^И-Я.. г\ $ ЛИ^ЧД 7,Н 7]Ч5Н-8-. М-^Чд 7J-°1 -^Я<>и. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: ^AJ-fr rv Student: »Й-^ “РУ =)$ts--a-! 1. 4J-5M] 7}Л. rv 2. wu. 3. 71-э.^Д.гч 4. 7}_£L. rx 5. t^sH-SL, ''v 6. “VI- -2-. 7. 8. °аччд.^ I’m eating lunch. It’s lunch time already ! *Й-и| «J-До)] ^7} s]8tl5A ! ’ti-w) -5--W “VI- ^3}\?--2-! 7}s.^ nj| 7} ЗЯЗ-Д ! •й^ £ пЦ7} S]$?-S-! •Й-й] ^<841 "VI- 51U£-2-! B|]7} пр} s]5d^ ! >fl4 <a^ u|71- SI515-A ! ’ЙЧ ‘УЧЧ "flT’b 1 G. Pattern Drill Teacher: ‘Й0] Student: <U°] Д ? 7 1- <Й°1 %H-2.. r\ 2. ? <a*i ап л. гч з. ч^ «uo] 4. <йо] апд. гч 5. ч}7}£ an an.2-. 6- ^viaix? ап я1Ча. I have a good news. What’s the good news? Or: Do you have anything in mind ? ям ai^u?z -T-^- € <ti°l UM-2-? 7 4^- <U°1 UM.2-? 7 »№ <a°i al-мд? 7 -?•£• чМ4- <ac>i al—41-2-? / *viaKr an ai^i^-?z
Unit 11 118 UNIT 11 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE -g- 1. 4^ ? 2. #л]сК \ hM о 3. # t-xl-й.? / 4. <4 ,r> ! 4/ <4 5. с]. 6- -Й--П-0] ^DMU?/ 7. -2.41} ^о]о])Дф гч 8. A. r\ ецл| Taxi to get in, to ride "г! Please get in. Where shall we go ? 'd Let’s go to Kwanghwa-mun. weather really, very *1 aJ- It’s very fine weather, isn’t it ? Of course, it’s fine weather. It’s fall. all We’ve arrived. This is Kwanghwa-mun. fare How much is the fare ? *d a} 3,500 won. Thank you. Here is the money.
Unit 11 119 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1 means ‘to ride (a horse)? ‘to take (a train),’ ’to take a ride in (a car)? ’to get on [into] (a train, a plane) ? The opposite of sjrj is ’to get off? ‘to get out of? study the following examples : 7^ 4 A. 7|4< ^14. 7] 44 4 444-2-. Г11 go on horseback. Let's get into a train. Let's get aboard an airplane. Get off a train, please. 3. ‘weather' is a pure Korean, while ‘weather' is derived from Chinese. 7]^- means ‘climate? (such as oceanic or continental climate). Study the following examples: 44 7)- opr >4-2-. °J7]7]- #7] 7] 4-7)- >4-2-. It‘s very fine weather. It‘s not good weather. The climate is good. 4. ?-] is an exclamatory expression of admiration, surprise or a child's winning ways. It corresponds to the English ’what!‘ ‘but anyway? ‘somehow or other? Study the following examples: 4 rL^-o] Я-Я4-2.? 4 44-2-? 3 4S4-2-. What! Is he dead ? What! How much did you say it is ? Never mind. 5. Ц- means (1) ‘all? ‘everything? ‘everybody? (2) ’almost? ‘nearly? (3) ‘com- pletely? ‘indeed? Study the following examples: 4 444. 4 3H-S-. Let us go all together. We've arrived, or All of us have come. or All are here. П-ё-й] t]- 7]-_Sl. 4 4 4444. 4 4 #4.2.. He is almost to die. Don't mention it. or Not at all. Now, I‘ve seen everything. 6- jUg- means ’(the amount of) a charge? ’a fare? ‘a rate? e.g., ‘water rate? ^7]^-g- ‘power rate? (past tense) means literally ‘You took great pains? This expres- sion is used to show appreciation for what someone has done for you. (present tense) means literally ‘You are taking great pains? or ‘It is toilsome on your part? This expression is used to greet someone who is working hard. or is used when you part from someone who is actually working.
Unit 11 120 STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Particle ••• : <to’ wThave^tudiecTthe^particle ЧЖ. which ind.cates a means w.th which someone performs an action, or by which someone drives or moves about. For example, #£44 ‘I wrote with a fountain pen,’ Let’s go by bus.’ It indicates a specific destination, however, when the particle -(6,)g_ is attached directly to a place word. Examples: ^45. #£44. I went to the classroom. Let’s go to Seoul. Please come to the office. «has. #£44. I came to school. >°}#£44. I returned home. #Л5. >4 #44. Let’s go into the room. Notes: 1. -sL is used after noun ending in a vowel or the consonant -e \ is used after nouns ending in all consonants except -e. 2. The particle -(A)g. ’to’is interchangeable with -41 ‘to,’making no difference in meaning. Study the following examples : ^l1-}. Let’s go to Seoul. xi'4‘41 Let’s go to Seoul. II. The Sentence-Final Ending -х|Я : The sentence-final ending is used with any verb. It can be used in casual questions, statements, propositions and commands, and usually invites confirmation or agreement. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘I suppose (guess, think), I daresay, ’you know,’ ’if I am not mistaken,’ ‘I bet,’ etc. -fo questions . -*] -SL is used frequently as a tag-ending with a rising intonation, and indicates doubt or supposition. 7 That’s very good, isn’t it? SHHzU ? z He’s a student, .sn,t he ? °1 £1*1-3-? 7 This book is interesting, I suppose. ? / Who is he?
Unit 11 121 о]*]Л ? Z What is this? (2) In statements : -*] Л is used frequently for giving information, and has a falling intonation. Л-Jr-Jr. ,3*]-H-. He is also very big. That’s also very interesting. Лчг-сг 'Ч-т-'й0!] He is in the office. Ц-5. I also heard about it. (3) In propositions and commands : -*] when used as an insistent sug- gestion or command, has a loud quick fall on the last syllable. <4 7] \ Let’s sit down here, (propositive) \ Study Korean, please, (imperative) Note: When the form is used with interrogative pronouns, the final con- tour is always a rising pitch. (When the interrogative pronoun is in a sentence without the -*] Л form, the final contour is usually a falling pitch.) III. The Sentence-Final Ending -Д : ‘of course* The pattern -51 is used with any verb, and corresponds to the Eng- lish ‘there is no doubt about it that, of course that...,’ etc. Examples: П °1 *4 °] #31 PJ-51^L. 7\5L oJjt. ZLg-o] ..,’ ‘it is needless to say that...,’ ‘it is a matter There is no doubt that she is beautiful. It is needless to say that this book is good. Of course I will go tomorrow. Of course I have money. Of couse he is a rich man. W. The Exclamatory Ending ~и(В)ЕЦЯ/~<ссПД> : The sentence-final ending - (-£-) *3] may be used with any verb. It indicates interest, surprise, delight, astonishment, wonder, etc. This exclama- tory ending is used mostly when a speaker is wondering about the reactions or feelings of the hearer, while showing his own interest, delight or astonishment about a certain fact, event or occurrence.
Unit 11 122 Examples. Л 0^71- # ! ~7 <>Hr ! ^0] «l-JEofl ! ^0] tj-jEofl ^0| ! ЛН°1 О4И1Д! ^&°l n”-°l ЛН°1 Я-с-З! -2-! n ^0] vfl #ofl 01-bHU | л *JJo] Ш «И ! She is very beautiful! That book is very good ! That is an office! He is going to school! He went to school! I think he will go to school! There were many people ! I think there will be many people! He was a Korean ! I think he will be a Korean ! That book is in my room ! That book was in my room ! I think that book will be in my room! Notes: 1. -(£•) <31 is attached to description verb stems in the present tense, and to the verb of identification °] *4 in the present tense. - *3] Jl is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; Л is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. 2 • is attached to all other cases. 3. The final contour of the intonation, depending on the speaker’s emotion or feelings, can rise or fall. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY tO gO in to come in hbiT to be beautiful A. Substitution Drill 1. Арру о] I 2. rL-g-<4 ! ГЧ 3. 4. ^MPdojEll-S- ! 5. ^°1 6. early quickly slowly That is an office! He is a diplomat! That is a laundry ! He is an Ambassdor ! He is a Father! He is a Pastor I
Unit 11 123 T. ! г» 8. Л^°1 SpSHPiltfl-S-! гл в. Pattern Drill Teacher: \ Student: ^—5. \ 1. лрнМ Ш.'' 2. 3. 7}l,n 4. nH°fl ?H8l <ИЛ. r. 5. 6. 7. -S4M iHiH-S-. 8. >414^1 З-'ЧН-. \ That is a subway! That is a rest room! Let’s go home. Let’s go home. ЛНЧ15. ЯН-Я.. гл 34^5. 7}Ш. гл Ч-5К5. 7]-.S.. гл 7И»1Д. гл гЦ'Ч-зко.^. ЗМ-Я-. гл 4J-AS. гл 5^5. <»1#ои.гл ><114^5. #л|14. \ С. Pattern Drill Teacher: л.-®-0] "Sl'S’.S-! гл Не wrote a letter! Student: Л.-£-о] з£И<- ! гл Не wrote a letter! 1. п^-о] -*НН I гл 2. ! гл 3. Hj-oflxi ^НЧ^-Я.! гл 4. 1 гл 5. З^-о] «Й-а- ИЭДда.! гл 6. Л.£о] | ГЛ 7. Л.-£<>1 8. Л.^-о] «J-jEofl I гл 4<Н ЯЯмН] Л ! гл П-g-ol °Н-1- ^тЯ-Ы-Я. ! гл Л.£-о] «.МИ I гл л.^-0] ! ГЛ л.^-0] 4J-I- ! ГЛ П.^-0] rL^Tl] ! гл гЛг°] «j-jEol] 71Ы-Ы|.Й. ! гл Pattern Drill Teacher: ^лг°] I гл Не is writing a letter! Student: A-c-сЦД ! гл L ^L-g-o] 2. ZLg-o] 3. a^-o] 4. a-g-o] He is writing a letter! I гл I ГЛ 3*Ч«Н=^.Я.! гл ^«НгЗ-Д ! гл n.-g-o] ! гл 4>Я|*НгЧ1.Я.! гл Zbg-o] ^IsRrtiU ! гл п^-о] ^«Hztil-Я.! гл
Unit 11 124 5 5i<*| 43 4Ч444А! ~ ~ б' ni*l #*M A«^A! ^0| 7 51-g-*] #«• ^4*H="?A! о ^°I <°Hl«ilA ! гу 8 aio] ^-g- *№ *^A! 3--M *A3* 51 7H^1A ! E. Pattern Drill Teacher: ФЗ#*! 44A ! ^ Student: 1K4°1 4K3|A! r> 1. 4W *13<A!^ 2. 3 4#5A 1 3. 34 DI°J3-?A! гу 4. Jgo] 3<A ! гу 5. n o^pl- 3-<A 1 6. 3*1A#*] 4<A ! о 7. *й17]7]- 3444! 8. ir°l ! гу Korean is easy! Korean is easy! ЗЗ*} <H3«1A ! # Ч}*|-«1А ! 7j4 ЗЯКМА! 5ig-*l «|А! о 51 З/р}- 4«11А ! Г» 3*1А#-*1 431А! <Я7]7^ Н] -Й-сЦД ! ГУ n-g-o] Hpgti] 4 ! F. Response Drill Teacher: 44 7)- 3 >7] 4 ? / Student: 513 А, <51 гу 1. П <*М7}- о)] «»7]_д_ ? / 2. З’Й ЧКР1.9-? / 3. г^°й°| *13*1.9.?/ 4. 3*VI- 3*1-9-? / 5. Лё-*| 3/НН.9.?/ 6. 51 °1*]-7]- 4*1 Д? / 7. Ai-g- 4М7]Д? / 8. 7J*]*F 44*1-9-? / It’s very fine weather, isn’t it ? Of course, it’s fine weather. ЛЗ-9-, °1|M5L «JЗ-Л «Йй» А. ГУ 513-9., ГУ 43-2. °Jul.9.. ГУ /-3-9-, гу ^дт ГУ 51 ЗА, гу #-7)-4-51 °ЙЯА. гу 513 А, гу 451 А. гу 513 А, гу H>Wjj -у-51 А. гу 513 А, ГУ 4452. 451 А. ГУ G. Pattern Drill Teacher: «341 А. гу Study Korean, please. Student: «3-*1*1А. \Study Korean, please. 1. 47W 7)434А,- 47И 7]43*1*1 A. \ 2. 54° 5^4^14" 51« £Л<л]71.я.. \ 3. <3 *l#«HA.r> 43 *13-«1-*]3A. \ 4. 3*1*1 «4A.^ о}7И \ 5. W1 «*1*,а\ 6. 3 g 4АаЦД,о Я-а- 4АЛ13Д. \
Unit 11 125 7. гч 8. ЯМЧ-’А.й-. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: ^°| i Student: rz.-g-o] ^o] 1. Л-ё-°1 €-«| Ц-S-JL ! 2. ^7|o|) 4^-0] $^.Й. | гч 3. 7J^7)- 5F515--S-1 4. xj-sj-y}- ! гч 5. B<M n=-«H 5J-3-A ! 6. nW-ofl ! гч 7}зя|а]я)Д, \ He has a book! ! ^>He has a book ! ^.-ё-о] -S-*! Ufe-tlA ! 7VH Й^с-Ц-Й. I ry 7j^7} ’jtai-fe-rii.a.! W} ЧМ ти4°1 ^O] np=H Sl-^iU !
Unit 12 127 UNIT 12 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE *|# ^1 u4 1. 7^6I *i-s- 3] 2. H|, *1^ 3 Л1 3 7I^ u4 3. 7МЯН-Й-? *1 Hl 3| 4. 3 H| 7H<H-£L. «4 5. Л]#о|] 7H3H-S-? \H-E- з| 6. М-П]^ л|зн 7|-^oU. Market market together *1 Won’t we go to the market together ? now That’s right. I cannot go now. what time about what time About what time will you go ? I about four o’clock Я1 I’ll go about four o’clock. which Which market will you go to ? the Great South-Gate Я1 I’ll go to the Great South-Gate market. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 2. $ JL-4|A. 3- ^°|- A ? Please repeat after me. Please listen well. Did you understand me? Or: Did you get the meaning ?
Unit 12 128 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 4 3 is a contraction of ‘I (in comparison with others). ’ ‘Г is used always with the contrast particle (^), while also meaning‘1,4 used always with the subject particle Й17}). *1 (vA and HUZtl are used to indicate reverence or respect on the part of the speaker for the person spoken to. In other words, *1 and 7} are words used by the speaker to demon strate or express his own humility and, at the same time, to show his respect for the person with whom he is speaking. q- and Ш also mean *1. ’ Ц is used regularly with the contrast particle (Ц^-), whereas is used always with the subject particle -7} (Щ 7», q (^•) and 4] (7}) are common words used when speaking to social inferiors or to persons of equal status in the Korean social system. However, these days, there is a tendency for people not to distinguish between and 4, and HL. 5. ’which1 is a noun modifier, and is therefore followed always by a noun. 6. (Great South-Gate) is located in the vicinity of Seoul Station. It is designated National Treasure #1. It was constructed by Yi t’aejo, the founder of the Yi Dynasty in 1396. The present structure was built in 1448 during the reign of Sejong, (the 4th King), and is the oldest wooden structure in Seoul Three Chinese characters, Sung Ye Mun, meaning ’Admire Virtue Gate,’ were written for the gate by Prince Yangyong, elder brother of King Sejong. STRUCTURE NOTES I. Answers to Negative Question : The word is used to mean ’what you’ve said is correct,’ whereas the worcH is used to mean ’what you’ve said is incorrect.’ Therefore, when you ask a negative question, the standard Korean answers and turn out to be completely opposite from the English ’yes’ and ’no.’ The English answers ’yes’ and ’no’ to negative questions are used to affirm or deny the factsjg selves, rather than the statement about the fact. Examples: Aren’t you studying ? That’s right. Pm not studying.
Unit 12 129 o^^., ^tN^. That’s not right. I’m studying. Aren’t you tired ? That’s right. I’m not tired. That’s not right. I’m tired. Warning: The Korean usage of °i] and in response to negative questions is as foreign for an American studying Korean, as the English usage of ‘yes’ and ‘no’ is for a Korean studying English. When a Korean does not speak English fluently, and you state a question in a negative way, like ‘Won’t you go?,’ a single-word answer ‘Yes’ from many Koreans means ‘Yes, I won’t go.’ П. The Adverb g—• : ‘can’t,’ ‘won’t,’ ‘not (possible)’ This adverb -%•- is used mostly with action verbs, and indicates impossibility, strong denial or refusal, or the quality or state of being impossible. It corre- sponds to the English ‘can’t,’ ‘won’t,’ ‘not (possible),’ ‘under no circumstances,’ ‘definitely not,’ etc., depending on the context or situation. Examples : £ ^^44. -5c лНгЧЦ-. Notes: I can’t eat. Or : I won’t eat. Or : I refuse to eat. I couldn’t buy that book. I couldn’t sleep last night. I can’t read this book. Or : I won’t read this book. Or: I refuse to read this book. I can’t help you. Or: I won’t help you. Or : I refuse to help you. 1. There are two ways of using the adverb I + action verb, or action verb stem + -*] It makes no difference in meaning. See the follow- ing examples: I can’t go. ’Sr I couldn’t read. 2. The adverb is not placed before verbs such as or which are a combination of a noun and the verb *1 2 * * s always placed directly before -^4-, immediately following its noun component, as in the following examples:
Unit 12 130 * (awkward) -3 у g .a (correct) I could not study. t, a g. £$^44. (correct) I could not study. 3. An exception to the meaning of £- occurs when it is used with description verbs, such as <4 or °I|M4. In these instances, the meaning is simply negative, and doesn’t imply impossibility, refusal or any of the other meanings that it has when used with action verbs. See the following exam- pies: He is not good. -7 That lady is not beautiful. III. The Suffix -§••• : ‘about’ The suffix is attached to time, place or quantity expression, which ask or answer the questions: ‘what time ?,’ ‘when ?,’ ‘how long ?,’ ‘how far ?,’ ‘how much?,’ ‘where?,’ etc. It indicates an approximate point in time, place or quantity. Examples: 51^4 4 ? Ml И-^ЧЧ. ЧЧЛ131^44? ЧЧЯ^ЧЧ. М|Ч21^ЧЧ ? лЬв-1г al й ^44? 3 Д^ЧЧ? ЗКгЧЧ. ЧЧ^ %1тгЧЧ? About what time will you go ? I’ll go about four o’clock. About when will you leave ? I’ll leave about the day after tomorrow. About how long will you stay ? I’ll stay about three days. About how many people came ? About five people came. About where is it ? Notes: The suffix when followed by the expression ‘no problem,’ is also used to tease someone about something. See the following example: •1 TWs book is no problem д- u Money is no problem. drills ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY SW- to sit (down) to stand (up) clothes, costume to listen
Unit 12 131 _^з)-4 to watch (with interest), to sightsee to be tired it] 44 to leave A. Substitution Drill 1. 4^ 44 41444-S-? 2. 4i- 44 3. 4^ 44 ? 4. 4^ 44 44^? 5. 4- 4°1 Ш ? 6. 4^ 44 44*11-5- ? 7. 4^ 44 ЗШ4-&- ? 8. 4- 44 44A ? 444 to speak i^-a -T-.S.4 to sing a song Э-—4 to do not know, to be unware of Which person is interesting? Which person is better ? Which person is bigger? Which person is smaller ? Which person is busier ? Which person is unoccupied ? Which person is alright ? Which person doesn’t know it ? B. Substitution Drill 1. ’J 44 44^4-3-? 2. 4 44 314 A? 3. 3 44 4;g443l4A? 4. £ 44 81444314.S.? 5- $ 44 6. 3 44 44-44 314 A? 7. 3 44 4^44 314 A? 8. 3 44 ^44314A? C. Pattern Drill Teacher: 44 #444. Student: 44 4- 31444. 1. 4 £44 4. 2U8- 4^44. 3- -T- 44 £4 £444. 4- <8 44 ^q4i 5- ^4< £444. 6- 4-8- 81*11444. 7. 2сг]]> <5i^44. 8- ^44 44£444. ' Pattern Drill About what time will you go ? About what time will you leave ? About what time will you go sight- seeing ? About what time will you get up ? About what time will you swim ? About what time will you go mountain- climbing ? About what time will you take a walk ? About what time will you study ? I went home. I did not go home. 44-8- 4 44444. n. 4-8- 4 4£444. -¥- 4 oil 4 *844444. 4 44 4 4444. 4 £444. 4-8- 4 44^44. 5l21]< 4 1-4^44. 4°114 4 444^44.
Unit 12 132 Teacher: »«>44. Student: «>44. 1. 4-Ji«>44. 2. 4 4-451 >4 4. 3. 4. »45l>44. 5. °j45i>44. 6. >4«>44. 7. >Ч«>44. 8. Ч451>44. I will study. I won’t study. 4-i-l- °J «>44. 44-1- 4 «>44. 4 «>чч. >» 4 « >44. 4-g- 4$ >4 4. 44 > °J 44l>44. 4 4^>44. DJ-> 4 44l>44. Е. Pattern Drill Teacher: _Е-Ч>51>44. Student: > S.4«>44. 1. 7^4^44. 2. 7|ЧЧ5!>44. 3. ЧЧ «>Ч4. 4. > л]°ij e-45l>44. 5. 44 ЧЧл 7}^ЧЧ. 6. 4> «>Ч4. 7. 444 «>Ч4. 8. 451>Ч4. I will help you. I can’t help you. Or: I refuse to help you. Or: I won’t help you. 5г 4—x]4>4 4. > 444^>44. ЧЧ > «>44. 44 > >«>44. 47} > 4431 7}^^44. 44- > «>44. ЧЧЧ > «>44. > 4^>44. F. Pattern Drill Teacher; -5- ЧЧЧ. Student: 7)-х] >444. 1. > »44. 2. > Ч>44. з. > 444. 4. ЬеЦ-g- > »44. 5. > Ч>44. б. 44< > >ЧЧ. 7. 4> > 444. 8. » > 4>44. I can’t go. I can’t go. 4-4 >444. « >444. 44 >444. >bx] >444. 44- 44 >444. 44< *4 >444. 4> 44 >444. >4- 44 >444. G. Pattern Drill Teacher: »< > ЙЧА. Student: »<- s}x] I couldn’t study. I couldn’t study.
Unit 12 133 !. AjJi> ЯЧ-S, 2 -S' ЯЧ-Н-. 3. ^1* * «HA. 4. ^-4-fr % ЯЧД. 5. W % ЗНД. 6. T^-fr % SH-S-. 7. 4> ЯЧ-Й-. 8. % ЯЧ-й-. 4}Ji< 44 141Ч.Й-. чч-а- ч*1 ^-’11 •& 4*1 1-5Й Ч-Й-. 1-41- 4*1 1-5S4-SL. T^i 4*1 з-яч-й.. 4*1 £Ш. 4< 4*1 ша. 4*1 3-ЗЙЧД. H. Response Drill Teacher: -o-t-4*1 ?НгЧЧ? Student: Ч, -о"т-4*1 ?НгЧ4. 1. 7}a.4*l #<н-ЧЧ ? 2. ^ЧЧ? 3. #*| ^ЧЧ? 4. ччч*! ?^1-чч? 5. 4^*1 ^ЧЧ? б. зЧ Ф&-ЧЧ? 7. Я) ^4*1 #тгЧЧ? 8. 44*1 Фн-ЧЧ? Aren’t you studying ? That’s right. I’m not studying. ofl, 7}е.Л]я] ЧтгЧЧ. <41, S^ff-ЧЧ. *41, ^*1 Ф^ЧЧ. 4, ЧЧЧ4 Ф^ЧЧ. 4, Чм*| ^ЧЧ. 4, 3.4 $^чч. 4, 4^4*1 Й'егЧЧ. <4, 4^*1 ^ЧЧ. Response Drill Teacher: -^-т-Ч*! Ф'нЧЧ? Student: ЧЧ-^-. -о-т-ЧЧЧ. 1- 4*1 ?^тЧЧ? 2. ЧЧЧ*1 #тгЧЧ? з. з-g-i- >о]-ч*1 г^ЧЧ? 4. л).#5].:л] $^ЧЧ? 5. 4*1 &^ЧЧ? 6. ^7]< и^ЧЧ? 7. 44*1 Ф&ЧЧ? 8- 4*1 ^ЧЧ? Aren’t you studying ? That’s not right. I’m studying. 4Ч-£-. 4тгЧЧ. 44Ч4ФЧЧ. 44-*-, ^4444. <44.$., 4^-444. <44.$., <944. <44.$., 4*11- #44. 44-*-, 4ЧЧ4. <44.$., -£i- 4^44. SHORT STORIES 1- ^1 ^44. *1-^4 ^5^44. Зг]]л^ 2. «ьмч ^--¥-^-44. to be many, to be much zlsVI therefore, so to be complicated, to be crowded
Unit 12 134 ЧЧЧЧ Ч ЧЧЧтгЧЧ. л]^Е1 з-М- ЧЧЧЧЧ. л{| A] Hj-ofl -J-T'7} ’е’ЧЧЧ. з. ЧЧ- ЧЧ°П ЧЧЧ. ЛЧЧ Ч-е- £ ЧЗ&тгЧЧ. S]]l444 ЧЧ" Чт Ч$ЧЧ. Л.^’Я) but, and (yet) s|)u]:$]-’^ because very, entirely READING Ч-e- «НЧЧЧ. гн-ч-s- ^-т-ЧЧЧ. ЧЧ-ЧЧ ЧЧЧ^ЧЧ. а S14 *ЧЧЧ ЧЗ^ЧЧ. Ч^ИЧ ^ЧЧЧ. ЧЧ ^-Н ЧЧЧЧЧ. -^--^ Ч Ч ЧЧ -аРг-Ч в’ЧЧЧ. Ч-т-Ч ЧЧ ЧЧ -о- ^-ЧЧЧ. Ч ч^ ЧЧ ЧЧЧ. 4^5- ЧЧ ЧЧЧ. ЧЧЧ tM 4# ЧЧЧ. дЧд ^гЧ< ЧЧЧ. ДЧЧ ^ЧЧ ф^ЧЧ. 43 4°)] A^-g- 4^44. Д-Чд Ч Ч ЧЧЧ З-’гЧЧЧ. Ч -т- ЛМ ЧЧЧ. леЩ- but in a day JL-?- the afternoon, the p.m. ле] л. and BRIEFING I am a student. I am studying Korean. Korean is interesting. But Korean is difficult. I am studying at school. I start studying at 9. It ends at 3 : 30 in the afternoon. I study five hours a day. I go home about 4 o’clock. I go home by bus. I rest about one hour at home. And I do my homework. But I have a lot of homework. I eat supper at 6. And I study until 11. I go to bed at 12. Korean Porverb: 5] л)] ^-5] п| Лл1-ь1- И he succeeds, man praises himself; i- i_ о a if he fails, he blames his ancestors. Notes: A man claims merit for himself when getting good results, but blames other people when getting bad results in any undertaking.
Unit 13 135 UNIT 13 ^о|-о||Я ? How Much Is It ? BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 44 that thing over there *£4 how much *4 1. 444 How much is that over there ? Л41 4! fifty thousand won °J 2. It’s fifty thousand won. 4] why ЧЧЧ to be expensive s. a little #4 to come down *4 Л? « Why is it so expensive? Let’s cut the price a little. forty thousand five thousand 3. гад над? тадч. Ap?} 4] °J 4. пМ_2_. 4 WB 4г ЧЧ 4 4 ЧЧ 4ЬЧЧ. • ЛН 41 ^41^-. Then, please give me only forty five thousand won. more I clothes to buy Let’s reduce the price a little bit more. I’ll buy these clothes too. Then, please give me only forty thou- sand won.
Unit 13 136 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. 2. 3. rp] JMJ.. Please ask (me). Please answer. Please try to say (do) it again. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 2. -4! is a Korean money classifier. It is used always with the Chinese derived numbers. According to the currency exchange rate in effect at the time ot publication of this book, (1990), about 710 won equals one U.S. dollar. 3. ‘please give (me such-and-such)’ is the informal-polite style of which is the formal-polite style. 5. г] means ‘more,’ ‘longer.’ Its opposite word is ‘less,’ ‘incompletely.’ STRUCTURE NOTES I. Independent Nouns and Dependent Nouns : Korean nouns are classified into two groups: i.e., independent nouns and dependent nouns. Independent nouns are nouns that function as free forms by themselves, without requiring or relying on other words for support. On the other hand, dependent nouns do require or rely on other words for support. Examples: Independent Nouns: student o^ notebook fountain pen Dependent Nouns: thing person -3] place Notes: 1. Dependent nouns are always preceded by some other words, such as demon stratives or modifiers. See the following examples: this thing that thing that thing over there good place this person that person that person over there IL 2. A dependent noun and its preceding modifier function together as an in dependent noun. The Particle : ‘only’ The particle can be attached to almost any word of a sentence. It always to the word to which it is attached, and indicates exclusiveness, ftcal1
Unit 13 137 replace the subject particles -?}/-*] or the object particles -</-£ It can be used along with other particles. Study the following examples: (a) Replacing the subject particles -7|-/-o| : 3Z.1-4 He is the only one teaching. #тгЧЧ\ Only the teacher went home. Only Korean is interesting. (b) Replacing the object particles 7^4, о] 4^44, о] 44 (c) With other particles ; 444 JZAjoflu} oj^44, 432.444 Ae.^44, Ч^- 444 44ЧЧ, 4-51444 #44, I teach only Korean. I’ll buy only these clothes. I read only this book. Desks are in the classroom only. He teaches only at school. I work only at night. Let’s go only as far as the school. Ill, The Particle -£”* : ‘also,’ ‘too,’ ‘even,’ ‘indeed’ Like the particle -4 ‘only,’ the particle -5. can also be attached to almost any word of a sentence. The particle -5. refers always to the word to which it is attached. Study the following examples: Replacing the subject particle -7|-/-o| : 4s. 4-^4-a- 44 4^44, °] 45 #^44, Replacing the object particles -</-> : 4^45 ^#44, 1-317] 5- >4444, *15 #i>44. With other particles: ^445 -5-V-444, 445 °J444, ^4 45 #v|4. I also teach Korean. The teacher also went home. This book also is good. (b) (c) I study Korean too. I like pulgogi too. I bought a book too. I study at home too. I work at night too. He sleeps in the classroom too. Notes: L As we have seen in the above examples, the particle 5. ‘also’ can replace the subject particles -7]-/-o] and the object particles --j-/-~i~. It can be used with other particles as well. 2- The particle 5., when used with negative forms, places emphasis on the
Unit 13 138 negative form itself, or has the meaning of ‘even.’ See the following eXam pies: zH-E ^3-°) -£¥-< «Н-Е ^34-. Xj-e^o] 3. The particle when used He does not even go to school. He does not even study. There are not so many people. th an adverb, indicates admiration or places emphasis on the zrg-o] adverb itself. See the following examples : He sleeps very well. o].3]i 7}e.333. This book is too difficult. He is still teaching. o] 33^33. IV. Adverbs: In Korean, as in any language, adverbs serve as modifiers of verbs, adjectives, other adverbs, clauses or whole sentences. Most description verbs can be changed into adverbs by attaching the suffix -?1] to the verb stem. Examples: beautifully greatly, exceedingly in an interesting way 331 cheaply Some of the most frequently occurring adverbs i are: occasionally very (much) ^•33 but, however 33 still but, and (yet) 3333 every morning =L 3 and in the future =Й W13) quite -4^ frequently 3-?- too (much) well "e" always 3333 every evening 33 again 33E. at least 33 usually 33 gradually 333 very (much) ЗЗЙЗ absent-mindedly E-33 finally a little bit °W.s. sometimes -q~- mostly lots 3 really зз already 333 slowly -SItF- ordinarily 3 very <3 quickly £3 frequently 333 considerably 33 always
Unit 13 139 DRILLS additional vocabulary to be kind to be unkind A. Substitution Drill 1. 2. о] Я °) ‘УоИи? 3 о] -g-a|°] 4. zl q!^0] W-M 5. o] ^DM-S.? 6. °] WU? 7. o] 4^o}7} 8. °1 WA? B. Substitution Drill 1. zi^-g- -2-^ 2. ZL^4 ^0М-Й-. 3. zvfl-g- °Pd 4. zl^4 4^1 5. zi^-g- JSO1OI].S-. 6. zi^-g- ^M-S-. 7. ZL^-g- T-^l ^o]oj]A. 8. ZL^-g- п} 41<И<Я].Й.. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: zi-g-o] Student: zz^-S. ^1^*4A. 1. ZL-g-o] 2. Т]7]7]- ЧИ.Й.. 3. <Ц 7] 7} 7}^}-^^. 4- °] 34 о] fo^ 5. й1^о] 4НМ.2.. 6- 4тг°М 7. ZL-g-o] D- Pattern Drill Teacher: Student: Т^М-Й.. ^4- to be far to be near, to be close How much is that over there? How much is this book ? How much is this notebook ? How much is that pencil ? How much is this chalk ? How much is this fountain pen ? How much is this peach ? How much is this watermelon ? It’s five thousand won. It’s three thousand won. It’s two thousand won. It’s six thousand won. It’s seven thousand won. It’s eight thousand won. It’s nine thousand won. It’s ten thousand won. He is kind. He also is kind. <*1^-3-. <^71i 7}?PN-S-. o] ^7H_S_. I study Korean. I study Korean too.
Unit 13 140 1. 2. 43-8-. 3. 4444 7}®-*U. 4. 4* «ид. 5. S|< 43-8, 6. 4*l-t *1-8-. 7. W ЗИ-3-. 8. 7Ц< 4-S-. <Я7]£ >4«||Д. 4^-'Й-£ °JJ£ зЦД. Я|£. З’ИД. 4-Й-. Л}4£ 3 4 -Й-. 7Ц я 4-8.. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4M*1 Student: 1. 4°H 4«№. 2. 452.<Я]4 7^45 3. 44°V1 4-M-8-. 4. 4МЛ=И*1 4<НД. 5. 3ua<>H 33-8.. 6. ЧМЛ1 4*1< *!•&. 7. А^оЦл] 8. 45»11 7}Д. I study at home. I study at home too. 452.O1B1S. 7}s^^_ 44о1И£. лкМД. 5И4Ил1.£ 3)-fr ЗНА. HHBlS- 4*1< 4-S-. лр^АИл^ 451 oils. 71-Д. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: 45.<Я1 71х1 44-2-. Student: 45°il 7]-x]£ &о]Д. 1. 444-8- 444*1 2. n-g-o] 4444 44-2-. 3. n-g-o] 44*1 ^о}д. 4. n-g-o] -i-я] 5. 44*1 4<4Д. 6. Zl-g-o] a^xl ojo}i. 7. 2144 434*1 ^-оуд. 8. 7] 443 Ш. G. Pattern Drill I don’t go to school. I don’t even go to school. ^+4*1 £ Ш. 41 *14*1-2- SM-S-. •y 4*1 s. &o}_a.. l-3£ y-cU. °У4*]5- $4.8.. n14-*ls. &4-S-. ’U34-3S- ^й}Д. 7143 *ls. 'У-Ч-й-. Teacher: 4444 *1)444 Student: *ЧП144Д. 1. ZLg-o] -g-44«№. 2. 7]7]7\ ^<4^. 3. -4 7] 4 7И4Д, Korean is interesting.. Only Korean is interesting. ^-e-4 <4^*11^-. 717)4 43^-. <4714 7}4$]д.
Unit 13 141 4. Лтг°1 5 o] aqo] в]4Д. 6. n ЧД. 7. <517] 7} °д-а!чд. 8. <47171- ««ЯД. -Т-« 7}Дя]Д. °] а]Ч-Д. 51 «°} *}Д. «7]°} ЗНИД. <471°} «ВЦ Д, H. Pattern Drill Teacher: 7}=14Д. Student: 4-«DJ 1. 5L<4 °Ji- «ЯД. 2. *Я< лН1Д. 3. <517] < >Ч-«ЯД. 4. ««ЯД. 5. «1< ^МД. 6. чд. 7. АРЖ ЧЧД. 8. « ЧИД. I teach Korean. I teach only Korean. 5L<»1 <°} «ЯД. «Я< <<НД. <5171°} ««ЯД. ««яд. 4°} «д. Я}7]°} ^д_ л]-з}-°} ЧЧД. « °Ж. 1. Pattern Drill Teacher: 5Z.<o] 452.4 a-] /}э_л]Д. He teaches at school. Student: n<o] 452-4 ЧчЬ 7}е_^Д. He teaches only at school. 1. 4 <4 52.01-4Д. 2. <°Я <и«яд. 3. 7J-a]u}. 4. Ч-чНИ <_Й.«ЯД. 5. <711<<>1]а1 4]ЧД. 6- «<оЦа1 <ивцд. 7. 551Ajo]]A} ««ЯД. 8. Ч-551О11 7}Д. J. Pattern Drill Teacher: < v] c}. Student: < u} 4-7]] <a]c}. 1- < 4 2- < 4 <^44. 3- < 4 <^44-. 4- 7fl°1^4r}. ajAj-o] д^оЦр} 514Д. <°Я< <«ЯД. Ч-52.Ч-7К <Alc].. ч-чмчч- <д«яд. <7fl<oflAi°J 4ЧД. «<<444- °а«яд. ««ЯД. 4-52.4°} 7}Д. It’s a little cheaper. Let’s make it a little cheaper. > 4 5.711 <a]c].. < 4 <711 <a]c].. < Ч фтЦ <Alt}. < 4 41°W1 <A1<4.
Unit 13 142 5. Cl 3£44. 6. > ci <>1^44. 7. 4 4^^44 8. $ cj 4S1£44 SHORT STORIES 1. 44 AL^ofl 44^4 #3°1 &%t4-*L. n44 н|Й&4, > ci ^7]| ^]4. 4 4 ^]4. < 4 44-44 444. £ Ci 444 444. «1)44 department store >4 a thing, goods 2. A# oj-^ofl -ь-тЦ ^-44 o}^b n}x] *|-£ H|)7| J7.4A. 44 late 4fl7|- _Т.Л4 to be hungry 3. ^L-ё-о) «J-jjLofl'H’?} 4444 7}=.Л)Я) &4-S-. 4444 44->451 дЦ45j7fl 44 > children to play READING 44 444 4лгЧ4. 4->45. ЙтгЧ4. 44]44 zz.e] ^4 <£44. ^4 Л]ЧИ л}^-0] ^4^44-. 4-f-4£ 4т ^44. ^-^^44. «WxM 1-4^44-. 1£°1 # *J>W44. 4^ -М- ^44. tf£4 4. $Кг44. ^-4ci] ^#тг44. 4-fe -£-4--2- 44<nJ: Я <£44. 4± 44 #tf<£44. 4^ 4°>1 ^4#<£Ч£к ><*]7]-i4 to go in another, other ^4! a salesman, a saleswoman -f-°]-_$-i4 to come back, to return BRIEFING I went downtown yesterday. I went by car. Downtown was not so far. But there were many people downtown. There were also many cars. So it was ven crowded. I went into the department store. Salesgirls were very kind. I bought clothes. I also bought a fountain pen. Other than those items, I didn’t buj anything else. I came back home about 7 o’clock.
Unit 14 143 •thFe! Ell -M UNIT 14 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE jgx] B4 1. 3H-S-? 2. WW Ш. tHI •НЧМЗМ 3. M М-#*В1Я <4Д? 4. л# <u ^<*и # М-Д ? «4 5. °У ^«Uofl ®1х]> ч! Л МД? д-f- л4 з] 6- л4 -м]д. From Whom? from whom letter From whom did the letter come ? mother 41 The letter came from my mother, when to (your) mother to answer (a letter) When will you answer your mother ? this evening a reply letter 41 I’ll write a reply this evening, a week how many letters do you write ? How many letters do you write a week ? usually, ordinarily about three letters 41 I usually write about three letters.
Unit 14 144 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. tpl Say it again, please. 2. Please try to speak in Korean. 3. ’g-SH-S-. Or: That’s correct. 4. Or: FAMILY TERMS: That’s wrong. There are two kinds of family terms: NEUTRAL and EXALTED. The neutral terms, besides being used as general terms without reference to any particular individuals, are used when speaking to other people about yourself or members of your own family. Sometimes, the neutral terms are used in reference to anyone, without showing special deference. The exalted terms are used in reference to members of the families of others. It is customary to show deference to a person and his family by using exalted forms for kinship terms. When directly addressing a member of your family, you use the exalted term if the person is older. But you use the given name if the person is younger. Neutral words: Exalted words: Meaning: ii44 great-great-grandfather great-great-grandmother 4^4 4^4^ great-grandfather V great-grandmother *4*M grandparents Wl (^h.) #### (ЗЛ#) grandfather #44 (ii) #4*d (siM) grandmother 4-2- 4i>d parents #31 — both parents #44 (431) (444) father (i31) #4# (##) mother father’s sister o]i mother’s sister #4*1 (^4) (^4M) uncle (4^4) (*И4\1) mother’s brother 01-444 фц °HLDi’d aunt the wife of mother’s brother #-& #5.# son # #4 daughter ##44 (####) husband
Unit 14 145 -T-°J wife brothers sisters — brother and sister — <«ач) older brother (man’s) older brother’s wife (man’s) older brother (woman’s) brother’s wife (woman’s) older sister (man’s) — sister’s husband (man’s) — older sister’s husband (man’s) — younger sister’s husband (man’s) — older sister (woman’s) — older sister’s husband (woman’s) яи younger brother (both man’s and woman’s) 3]^r*] younger brother’s wife (man’s) — younger sister (both man’s and woman’s) А]о].в^ ЛН”1М Л1 М father-in-law (husband’s father) mother-in-law (husband’s mother) husband’s older brother — husband’s younger brother — husband’s sister ^h!4-g- #лм (Ярно father-in-law (wife’s father) mother-in-law (wife’s mother) son-in-law (daughter’s husband) daughter-in-law (son’s wife) — wife’s brother — wife’s older sister — wife’s younger sister ^4*d nephew niece grandson grandson (by one’s daughter) granddaughter granddaughter (by one’s daughter)
Unit 14 146 Notes: 1 <444 ‘uncle’ is used not only as a family term, but to refer to a non-family adult whose age is similar to the speaker’s father. It is also used in reference to a male whose social status is lower than 2 ’aunt,’ besides being used as a family term, is used to refer to any woman whose age is similar to the speaker s mother. It is also used in reference to a woman whose social status is lower than 4-Д-4 or <44. 4-S-4 ‘teacher’s wife,’ besides being used in addressing a teacher’s wife, is used in reference to the wife of a person whose social status is higher than the speaker. -<44 is usedin reference to married women who are very famous, or whose social status is very high. It is attached to a family name, or a family name plus a given name. 3. ’older brother,’ besides being a family term, is used by men to address other men whose age is similar to themselves, to show deference of familiarity. It is attached directly to the family name of a male, like 4. 4 ‘older sister’ is not only a family term, but is also used by women when addressing women older than themselves, to show familiarity. 5. -^1 following a family name, or a family name plus a given name, may be used without distinction of age or sex, to express courtesy. It is less formal than j! or 6. 25? following a family name, a given name, or a family name plus a given name, is used mostly by men in addressing other men whose social status is similar or inferior to themselves, to show familiarity. 7. following a family name, a given name, or family name plus a given name of unmarried girls is used to show familiarity. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 3. 4J means a reply letter.’ 4444 is an action verb meaning ‘to answer (a letter). 44 is also used to indicate ‘a reply letter.’ 4. 454 is a classifier meaning ‘weeks.’ It may be used both with Korean num- bers and Chinese numbers. It is used, however, mostly with Chinese numbers, x 4 is used also to mean ‘the Lord’s Day.’ 5. 514 means ‘how many (letters). ’ The classifier -4 ‘sheets’ is used to indi- cate thin and flat objects.
Unit 14 147 STRUCTURE NOTES j The Particle -g£||Ai"« : ‘fyom (a person)’ The particle -1И 4, following a noun referring to animate beings, is used to indicate the source or starting point of an action. Examples: #£44? ЧЧЧ #£44. ЗНФЗИ ^£44. о}Ч*1<М4 Ч#£Ч4. 4#£Ч4? From whom did the letter come ? The letter came from my mother. I heard it from my friend. I received it from my father. From whom did you buy it ? [. The Particle -g-E||— ; ‘to (a person) ’ The particle -ЧЧ, following a noun referring to animate beings, is used to indicate the receiver of an action, or the one for whom something is done or exists. Examples: ^i£44. ^#£44? ЧЧЧЧЧ л} £44. шя п ^£44. I gave it to my friend. To whom did you write a letter ? I wrote a letter to my mother. I’ll give that book to the student. Please ask your friend. Particles Used in Verb Phrases; (1) Particles -71/-o| and --l/-g The subject particle -7}/-o] and the object particle -</-<, when insert- ed into verb phrases, are regarded as formal constructions. So they don’t add meaning. Examples: (2) 4^7} ЙтгЧ c}. «Hi The Particle -£ The particle -2£., when inserted into verb phrases, places emphasis on I cannot swim. I don’t swim. I don’t know how to swim.
Unit 14 148 the verb phrase itself, or has the meaning of 'even, as studied in the pre. vious lesson. Examples: т-£ I cannot even swim. I do not even swim. I don’t even know how to swim. (3) The Contrast Particle -Ё-/-В The particle г’/'v» when inserted into verb phrases, indicates а сонь parison to the topic which follows it. Examples: 44 Й^Ч4. 4^4 444 $444. 4^M<£ i>44. I cannot swim, (but---) I don’t swim, (but---) I don’t know how to swim, (but---) The patterns -e(jr) 4 Й4/Й4 ‘can (can’t) do’ and г «) < ofr]./ .5.5.4 ‘one knows (doesn’t know) how to do’ will be studied in detail later. IV. Gender: There is no gender referring to human beings and animals in the Korean noun. For example, Л -g- and Л °] are used as general terms for both male and female. If you want to express the sex of human beings or animals, special words implying the sex are added : (1) for human beings, ‘male,’ 4 female (2) for animals ф- ‘male,’ ‘female,’ in general. General term: Masculine: Feminine: teacher ли «И student <4«H younger brother or sister <4^8 In Korean, sex is indicated mostly <14 gentleman ^4 bachelor 44 male person by the words themselves : 44 lady 44 virgin or unmarried girl 44 female person
Unit 14 149 DRILLS additional vocabulary 7]jbc} to be glad, to be happy to be sad, to be sorrowful to laugh, to smile •S-Ч- to weep, to cry c}—Ч- to be different, to be unlike to be of small quantity, to be of small number A. Substitution Drill 1. £°H1*13H*1 31*1*} 2. УВЯЗНИ 31*17} 3M-2-. 3 о}н!*|3}Я|*-1 31*17} 3H-2-. 4. 3H.S.. 5. ЗМЗНИ 31*1*} ЗН-2-. 6. тМФНИ ^*1*} ЗИ-2.. 7. 31*17} 3H.S.. 8. °1-Н!3}Е11*1 31*17} 3H-S-. The letter came from my grandfather. The letter came from my grandmother. The letter came from my father. The letter came from my mother. The letter came from my older brother. The letter came from my older sister. The letter came from my younger brother. The letter came from my younger sister. В. Substitution Drill i. *1ЗН 3!*К *1л 2. З^ЧЗ-Н ^х]< Ч-S.. 3. ЧЧ*13Н 5gя]-t- 4- ЧЧЧЗН ^*1> *1.2.. 5- 3!*1> *1.2.. 6- тМЗМ 31*1-1- *1.2.. 7. МтИЗМ ^я]< ЧА. 8. Ч^ЗЬЧ 5gя] < ЧА. I’m writing a letter to my grandfather. I’m writing a letter to my grandmother. I’m writing a letter to my father. I’m writing a letter to my mother. I’m writing a letter to my older brother. I’m writing a letter to my older sister. I’m writing a letter to my younger brother. I’m writing a letter to my younger sister. с- Pattern Drill Teacher: s}*] #о}А. Student: s}x]< $о}А. 1. 7|МХ| 2- ^х] $о}д 3. х*| ^о}Д 4- £*] #о}д I don’t swim. I don’t swim. ^i*K ?MA -£-*)< $<>}A. i-*l>
Unit 14 150 5. 3-S-*] ЗЗ-2- 6. 3*1 $3-2, 7. 3*1 $3-2, 8. 3*1 $35. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: 3*1 $35. Student: >3> 3*1 5 1. >*l $35. 2. >*] $35. 3. >*1 $35. 4. $3*1 ‘Ж 5. >33*1 $35. 6. 53>*1 $35. 7. >33*1 $35. 8. >3|> 3*1 $35. E. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: »3*1 $335? Student: 3, »3*1 $33-2-. 1. 3*1 $33-2-? 2. $*)< 5*1 $33-2-? 3. iJfl-i- -V-5.3 $33-2-? 4. 21» 333*1 $33 -2-? 5. -§-31- 3*1 $33-2-? 6. » 333*1 $33.2.? 7. 3M3*1 $33-2.? 8. $> 33*1 $33-2-? F. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: 7}я) 35)35? Student: 33-2-, 7}5)35. 1. >33*1 $5135? 2. >353 $5135? 3. 3333 $33-2.? 4. >3 $33-2-? 5. >3 $33-2.? 6. 3*1 $33-2-? 3-a.3> $3.2-. $35. 3*]< $3-2.. $3< $35. I don’t swim. I don’t even swim. >3 5 $35. >$5. $3-2-. >35 $3-2.. $3*15 $3-2.. >33*15 $35. 5»*|5 $3-2.. >33*l-£ $3.2-. >7)1-1- 3*1 £ $3.2.. Didn’t you study ? That’s right (No). I didn’t study. 3> 3> $3 $33-2-. 31, «*)< *3 $33A. 31, >5-3 $33-2.. 3], Л.» *1^33 $33-2.. 31, »<- 3*1 $33 -2-. 31, » *133*1 $33A. 31, 3533 $33-2-. 31, » 33*1 $33-2, Won’t you go ? That’s not right (Yes). I’ll go. 33^-, >3333.2, 33-2-, >35^3.2, 335, 3335)3.2.. 335, >513-2, 335, >5)0)5. 335, *15)35.
Unit 14 151 7 $314-3-? 8‘ 44 $314-3-? G Response Drill (Review) Teacher: 23°1 »4-8-? "МД, $314-3.. 44^-, -£-<• <уя<>и Will it be good ? (What’s your opinion ?) Yes, I think it will be good. Student: 41, 2-34 >31 >4 4- 1 2^4 344<4-fi.? 2 ^c] ? 3 д44 a|W-? 4. 234 ? 5. 234 ч-s^u? 6. 244 $>4-3.? 7. 244 ^#<4-3-? 8. 244 3-$-t-4-fi-? 41, 2.3 4 444 ЗИЛ 41, 2.3 4 434314A. 41, 2-34 Н14314Л. 41, 2.3 4 4314 Л. 41, 2.3 4 4^.314^.. 41, 2.3 4 3-314 A. 41, 2.3 4 Ш314-£-. 4], 23 4 34 314 -fi.. H. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: 34 Student: 4], 3"4 З^Ч. 1. 34 2r.sfl* -V--1-7U ? 2. 34 ? 3. 44 K-g-ЧД? 4. 34 >434.8.? 5. 44 4*34^? б. 34 $-4-4.8-? 7. 3°l >$44.8.? в. 44 >»4.s.? Shall we go together ? Yes, let’s go together. <41, 34 -M44. 41, 3°1 4, 34 $>44. 41, 34 >43-44. 4|, 34 4344. 41, 34 $>44 4], 34 44344 41, 34 >3444 SHORT STORIES L <4^ X] w}-E]l A] ^47} 3Kr44. 2.44 4^ ЧлЯтгЧЧ-. 4м<и] a<3^44. 2- 43] 4МЧ1-С- ^4-i- 5ЙтгЧ4. <44М^Я] ^4> -Йтг44. ЗНЧМ-Е. Я^Ч4. 3- 3> 4444 ^^-44. 3^-4^ и_^л| 3» the Japanese language
Unit 14 152 the Chinese language READING ‘U ^°ll ‘И°]ЧФ4]л! $KrvltK jj-ih 41 и} Ч^НгЯ1}. ^•еЧл1 М’ЗН’ — 71 'НЯтгЧ1^. Я1М °П ЧНЬе- *5| ^qq., z]^- <^4-^ nK°fl *IW. Ч^М ^1^44 л^н] $*]< *Рг ^3] °W1 7Ш4Иё- ^х] 7} 7|^ -8-44. *У ^7]< а} ^т4. 41 -S-^g- ^17]- И-?- ^ЧЧ. 3 ^«И -S-^ ago these days °J ^44 frequently, often occasionally very (much) too (much) BRIEFING A letter came from my mother a week ago. But these days I’ve been very busy. So I was not able to write an answer. I’m going to write an answer this evening. My mother is in America now. My father is also in America. My mother writes to me frequently. But my father doesn’t write to me frequently (Letters from my father come occasionally.) I usually write three letters a week. But these days I have too much homework. So I write only one letter a week.
Unit 15 153 UNIT 15 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 4 1 ^7-4 ’ zBW -S- ? ^<4 7^-0] 2. 7j^ &>] #<4-2, H4 3. -t-^-I- 4-^H-S-? *1°4 4. *]<44 4^-g. zj.^^ aflig. o]^_£ W-4 ы4 5’ = ^-2.5. ><4-S.^.g.? ^7- 6 L 1 ' °Sf’ ^°1 Department with whom department store With whom did you go to the department store ? with my friend 41 I went to the department store with my friend. what to buy What did you buy ? toothpaste towel beautiful doll 41 I bought toothpaste and a towel. And I also bought a beautiful doll, soon, immediately to return Did you return home immediately ? ch’anggyonggoong 41 No, I went to the ch’anggyonggoong with my friend.
Unit 15 154 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. 145} ^2.-4] A. 2. SM X^l-S- 3. 4. 3.711 Please read after me. Read it. please. Speak slowly, please. Speak a little louder, please. 37]] nhg^H-S-. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. ‘department store’ is a noun derived from the Chinese : means ‘hun- dred,‘ Я" ‘goods,’ ‘cargo,’ and ‘store.’ Therefore, its meaning is ‘a store keeping a wide variety of goods arranged in several departments. 4 ‘toothpaste* is a noun derived from the Chinese . means tooth and^f ‘medicine.’ Therefore, its literal meaning is ‘a medicine used for cleaning the teeth.* ‘towel’ is ‘an absorbent cloth for wiping or drying,’ whereas ‘handkerchief* is ‘a small square piece of cloth used for various purposes or as a costume accessory.’ pj] is an adjective meaning ‘beautiful,’ ‘pretty.’ Its opposite word is p] ? ‘hateful’ or ‘ugly.’ ‘doll’ is a noun derived from the Chinese : means ‘human being* and ‘form,’ ‘figure.’ Therefore, its meaning is ‘a small scale figure of a human being used especially as a child’s plaything.’ Korean dolls are exported to for- eign countries a great deal these days. They are popular with foreigners because of their dress. 5. ‘to return,’ ‘to come back’ is a compound verb : -j-r} ‘to turn’ and£ ‘to come.’ ‘to go back’ is also a compound verb : -a11} ‘to turn and ‘to go.’ Depending on the context or situation, >°1-7р4 also can mean ‘to die,’ ‘to pass away.’ 6. means the Palace of Bright Rejoicing.’ It was constructed in 1419, and first occupied by T aejo, the founder of the Yi Dynasty. It is located to the east Of % During the Hideyoshi invasion of 1592, most of the palace build- ings were burned. They were reconstructed during the reign of Sunjo, (the 23rd king), in 1833. It is now a favorite recreational playground in the spring and fa11 Usually during the cherry blossom festival, the palace is open late in the evenW and attracts blossom viewers from all over the country.
Unit 15 755 STRUCTURE NOTES j The Particle ^Q| •• : ’together with’ The particle °L preceded by nouns, indicates accompaniment, association, relation or harmony. °], as an independent word, means ‘together,’ ‘along with,’ ‘with,’ ‘in company with.’ Examples : 2^4 7J-O] ^2)- ^°1 With whom did you go ? I went with my friend. With whom will you do it ? I will do it with my father. With whom did you eat ? I ate with my teacher. I took a walk with my older brother. Notes : 1. This particle -•$47~:4 ^°1 is interchangeable with -5}5L studied in Unit 10, Structure Notes I, making no difference in meaning. As we have already learned, the word may be dropped in the -^}5L pat- tern ; likewise, it may be dropped in the ~4/~54' ^~°] pattern. 2. is used after nouns ending in a vowel; yj-o] is USed after nouns ending in a consonant. Il- The Particle : ‘and’ The particle is used to link nouns in coordination. The last noun is followed usually by the subject particle -7}/-°], the object particle etc. This particle never links verbs, adjectives, or adverbs. Examples: ^¥•4 4,7]- ^44. ^4 4,7} 4^7} 7fln]ai^4 q.. 51°-M My friend and I went to school. He and I worked. I bought a book and a pencil. Korean and English are interesting. Please give me some toothpaste and a towel. Notes : 1- The particle is interchangeable with making no difference in meaning.
Unit 15 156 2. is used after nouns ending in a vowel; -д)- is used after nouns ending in a consonant. III. The Noun Modifiers : D.V.S. +-l-(£) In Korean, the noun modifier functions in the same way that an adjective or relative clause functions in English. The noun modifier is always put in front of the noun, and indicates a quality, quantity or degree of the noun it modifies. Description verbs can be changed into noun modifiers by attaching the suffix -u (£) to the verb stem. (Noun modifiers occurring with action verbs and the verb of existence will be studied in detail later.) D.V.S.+Suf fix: Noun Modifiers: Meaning: 3.+ L- .3. big U|-“» + u h)-M busy 444 + L 444 complicated 4 + 4 >4 good 4+4 44 small 4 + 4 44 (the) same Note : -u is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -g- is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. Some of the most frequently occurring noun modifiers are : 41 new false 4 old, worn-out all, whole 4 the first each vain, fruitless left ancient right 4 the upper, the above another, different 4 back, behind isolated, out-of-the-way 44 next, following 44 the opposite S only, single [44] all sorts of SI only, single И all sorts of 4 real, true all sorts of Notes: 1-4 ‘only,’ ‘single’is used mostly with the words ‘daughter,’ and 4^ son , but 4 only, single’ is used mostly with the words ФФ once' and 4 44 ‘one man.’ Study the following examples :
Unit 15 157 4 only daughter 4 44 only once 5] of-g- only son 4 444 only one man 2. 4^~ ‘a11 sorts of’’ is interchangeable with -g-4, making no difference in meaning. 44 and 44 are used mostly with the words Д.4 'hardship/ j04 ‘thought,’ and 4 'abuse,' whereas 4 ‘all sorts of is used mostly with the words ‘people,’ 4 ‘birds,’ and 44 'animals.' Study the following examples: (44) 44 (44) л14 #4 (44) 4 4 W all sorts of hardships all sorts of thoughts, all sorts of abuse all softs of people all sorts of birds all sorts of animals DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY ^^4 to be lovable, to be charming ’1I444 to be clean, to be clear 4 4 to be dirty, to be filthy °] о]:/] 44 to speak, to talk A. Substitution Drill (Review) 1. 44^-5. 444. 2. 4445- 444. 3. 44^5. 444. 4. 4445. 7j-A]4. 5. 44-45. 444. 6. 4Д5. 444. 1- ^445. 444. 8. 444. B- Substitution Drill 1. 444 44A. 2- ^34 44A. 3. ЛЩ4. 4^0^ 44^ 4. ^Uj-2]. 5. ^4 6- 444 Let’s go to the dining room. Let’s go to the rest room. Let’s go to the laundry. Let’s go to the office. Let’s go to the garden. Let’s go to the school. Let’s go to the recreation room. Let’s go to the classroom. I bought toothpaste and a towel. I bought sugar and grapes. I bought apples and peaches. I bought watermelon and a melon. I bought a book and a notebook. I bought a desk and a pencil.
Unit 15 158 7. 444 44 #4-3, 8. ^4 И* #4^. I bought a doll and a fountain pen. I bought a car and a house. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: 44 4 #44 4. Student: ^#4^44. 1. aHHH 44^-3, 2. 4ЧЗ-3-. 3. «НМ ?]Д. 4. AdAS44 >4-3.. 5. ЯА<М #4-8, 6. 4^4 “W-fi.. 7. 444 44*11-3, 8. The room is clean. It is clean room. 4s}-g- А}-т-'У44-3, ЧЧт 44<44-3, #4444-3, 4-g- 44-44-3, 4£ 4444-3, 444- 4444-3, 4^- г-ао]оцд. D. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: 44°H Student: #4—3. ^л]г+. 1. Jil^M 2. 44 >43КЧЧ. 3. л1~т’>Йо1] 7}4тгЧ4. 4. 444 5. *U4 -2.^44. 6.4##4 ><47hja]a. 7. 4444 ^44, 8. 44 <47}2te44. Let’s go to the dining room. Let’s go to the dining room. >4#^44. APrAJ-£ 7}2l^44. ”[^Л5. 7jA]r}.- «has. .2.^44. >^7pjA]A. -ff-TiJ-ys. ЗЛтгЧг}. Ш *47^^44-. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: *]<г}в}31 ^44. I bought toothpaste and a towel. Student: ЧЧ4 if^44. I bought toothpaste and a towel. 1. т’Ф’Ез. 2. n-g-eU 47f <y«ou. 3. *UU У^-g- 421<>U. 4. 444^. 47} -§-4514.s.. 5. 4-774451 W) 444 6. 44-1- 44 A. ^44 3-4-t- 444-3, и-М- 47} 444 A. ^3} 444.3, 4nM- 47} 444 4 W} 44 4 R, 44-3} 4 4-> 44 д.
Unit 15 159 г Response Drill 1. ^4 44 7^4 A? ^17-4 7^0] 2. A ? 44 4 4 £о] ^-<1®4д. 3. ^4 £4 Ш°|А? З^з)- ^o] УЧА. 4. ^A? 44^3]- УЧ 4} Я ЧА. 5. Y44 &>] <}A4^4A? У±<з]- 7j-o] <kSl$4A. 6. jpT-sq- £>] °]°>7]г|-<ЙЧА ? 4^-л54 Q°] ЧЧЧ^ЧА. 7. МДО УЧ ^554 а. 8. ^4 T-^sHWA? SI3! 7J-0] 'Т’УЭДЧД. G. Pattern Drill (These are irregular verbs. Practice them as they are written. The grammatical explanation will be given later.) Teacher: ЧУтгЧЧ".. It’s difficult. Student: ЧЧЯЧА. 1. У ^тгЧЧ. 2. 71-^4 Ч. 3. 4. ЧУ^нЧЧ. 5. Bpg-ЧЧ. 6. W4. 7. ФтгЧЧ. 8. 4в-НЧ-. 9. Wr}. ю. It was difficult. 4|fl4-S.. 7J-7HIH-2-. 7] ПЯЧ A. BW4-S-. 7]“SHA. <£4-3-. ’Й-ЙЧА. 4“J54.S.. 524-2-. SHORT STORIES 1. ^4 Н^ЗЭтгЧЧ-. 4*54-4 to travel o]^ truly, very (much) ЭД & 4-S’44 to be tired 2. x^oj) x-| 4 bookstore а] л}- aJ-^НЧ. German language ^]5- 3- 7^-0] X]#0]] i£S]- 4^o}< ^05. -ё-Ч^ЧЧ-.
Unit 15 160 READING a*! знчч. ччч ч-ч JL^[4 j2.^°] 4siЧтгЧ4. ^44 -^-Ч'а' ^$^44z л.гЦЧ Ч-М.5- ЧЧЧ_ЧЧЧЧЧ_ ЧЧЧ < ЧЧМЧ <Ч-£-ЧтгЧЧ. °И ЛМ ЧЧ< ЧЧ^^ЧЧ. £| £ ЧЧЧ ЧЧ?)- < <ИЧЧ%1ЧЧЧ. 11-450 ЧЧ ^-V-7|- ч. ^чч *a*i <ч£НгЧЧ. ^чч ччч чч ЧЧЧЧЧ. ^sU ЧЧЧ £4 i£4 ЧЧ-2- Ч5ИЧЧ. early to clean blackboard *]-r7l] eraser ^Зч0] cleanly #r} to clean, to wipe, to polish, ^°1] a little later BRIEFING I came to school early today. I went into the classroom with my friend. But the classroom was dirty. So we cleaned the classroom. The blackboard was also dirty. Therefore, we also wiped the blackboard cleanly with an eraser. A little later my teacher came here. We started studying at 9. Today Korean language study was very interesting. We finished the study at 11:50. So I came back home early. I had fun with my friend. I ate both grapes and apples with my friend.
Unit 16 161 UNIT 16 3- Wl н|a Five Won piane R. BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE •Q ‘T’ *t 2. Ш. rz.igM] q- 3. □ЛИ], *) ^':=L -J- U H ?u 4. ЗШ. 3^ ЛМ <eKS.. a4 5. # % «HNH. -He] ^e]r} ' °Н)Л. И1 any When did you come to Korea ? two months ago Ml q I came to Korea two months ago. but well to do (here to speak) But, you speak Korean well. don’t mention it, it is an un- deserved compliment a little, a bit outside, outdoors M| r] Not really. I speak only a little. the truth I’m telling you the truth. You speak very well. worth, value to let ride now to make fun of H| r] I think you’re kidding me. (lit. Don’t take me on a five won plane ride.) Stop making fun of me now.
Unit 16 162 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. Did you sleep well ? (Greeting used in the morning.) 2. лЧМ-2-. Good night, (lit. Sleep in peace. It is a greeting used before going to sleep.) 3. Come here, please. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 2. T-'i means‘two months.’The classifier -’t (or ‘months’is used to count an amout of months. is always preceded by Korean numbers, where- as is always preceded by Chinese numbers. The classifier is used to name the calendar months. It is always preceded by Chinese numbers. See the following examples: £ or oj 7^ 1 month ин) January ¥ or 2 months o]^ February or 3 months March 4 t or 4 months АН April <a- or А 7Ц4) 5 months May 'i or -Я- 7H 6 months June or 7 months July ’t or £ 7Ц^ 8 months <41 August or 9 months September <’t or 10 months A] October or 11 months November or 7H 12 months December Notes: 1. Some Korean numbers are altered slightly when they occur as modifiers of subsequent classifiers. Notice ’Й' ‘three months,’ 4 ’Й' ‘four months,’ JtS ‘June,’ and ‘October.’ 2. In order to indicate duration of time, the suffix --§•<# ‘for (three days, a week, a month, etc.,)’ is attached normally to ‘months,’ whereas the suffix f°r is attached to ‘months.’ But they are optional. Study the following examples: т I studied Korean for two months. I studied Korean for two months. 3. The classifier used to name the calendar months, is habitually rein*
Unit 16 163 forced by ‘months? Study the following examples: I came to Korea last August. Let's go in April. (o]|) means ‘ago? ‘before? ‘since? Its opposite word is 4-(<Я)) TateHon),’ ‘afterwards.’ Study the following examples: ф ЗКгЧЧ*. I came (here) an hour ago. л]# ^14-. Let's go in two hours. 3 means ‘You speak Korean well/ means ‘to do? but in this context it indicates ‘to speak? 4. ‘You’re welcome? or ‘Don’t mention it? besides being used as a formal reply to apologies, expression of thanks, and formal and respectful recognition, is used when you don't expect something to happen. 5. means ‘the truth? ‘reality? Its synonym is The opposite word is ‘lie? is a verb ‘to tell a lie? and are also used as adverbs, depending on the context or situation. See the following exam- ‘after/ ples: or (^) Is it true ? It is not a lie. He is telling a lie. It‘s really good. 6. ~t~7] means ‘five won (worth)? h] ‘an airplane? and ^-y-Ч- ‘to take a ride on? ‘to let ride? Therefore, its literal meaning is ‘Don't take me on a five won plane ride? A long time ago. kids enjoyed riding on toy airplanes in parks or palaces, which cost 5 won per ride. This expression is used when someone is kidding you. praising you too much, or is trying to fool you. STRUCTURE NOTES * ^L+_gto<] + atcF (or двд. or v.s. +-x| : there is no one (nothing) but -’ The word as ar) independent noun, means ‘outside,’ ‘the exterior.’ For example, $-o]| vj-^-л] ‘Let’s go out.’ It indicates exclusiveness, however, When 1116 word preceded by a noun, is followed by a negative predicate. Examples: This is all I have.
Unit 16 164 22-34*4. #<Я| йтгЯ^Е O]^ 44 44 n£ 44 7^] $34*4. n4 4^1 Ф4 $^4*4. There is only one person in the offiCe I know only a little. There is nothing in sight but the house I don’t study any language but Korean The only thing I’ll eat is this. Only that person goes. That is the only good thing. Note : The pattern Noun + 44 + Negative Predicate is interchangeable with -p} ‘only,’ making no difference in meaning. IL The Suffix : ‘(a thing) worth’ The suffix -44, preceded by a figure plus the money classifier -•%}, indi- cates worth or value. It is followed usually by the name of the thing whose value or price is expressed. Examples: -*-4 3144 £ 50,000 won clothes 4 3144 44^ 10,000 won fountain pen _$l*1 3144 4 5,000 won book o]4 3144 ^-t- 20,000 won shoes 4 3144 1,000 won notebook HI. The Negative Imperative Form : A.V.S. +-X] Ш4-- : ‘Dont’t do--’ The word $4-, as an independent verb, means ‘to stop,’ ‘to cease,’ ‘to quit,’ ‘to give up,’ ‘to refrain from.’ The pattern -я] $14 is regularly preceded by action verb stems to indicate prohibition or dissuasion. It is used always as a negative imperative form, or a negative propositive form. Examples: 71-^- 44Al-2-. ^-rA17] 44 4-2.. 444 44*4. ^4^7] 4A] 4. °J7] 44*4. Please don’t study now. Please don’t go to school. Please don’t sleep early. Let’s not leave now. Let’s not help him. Let’s not put on clothes.
Unit 16 165 tv The Negative Adverb . ‘stop (doing), The adverb means ‘that much and no more ’ ‘to > more than that/ etc. It is always placed before action verbs It as a negative imperative form, or a negative propositive for m°Stly Examples : л# 4. Stop eating. Stop going. Stop working. Let’s stop sleeping. Let’s stop polishing. DRILLS additional vocabulary to sell 'Ц-Ц- to bring (something somewhere) 7}r} to take or bring (something somewhere) to live to wake up A. Substitution Drill i. 2. nrj-t 3. xpg- 4- ирЦ, 5. nHi, 6- Ш 7- DHU. 8- -Т-КЯ1 dH-2-. B' Substitution Drill 1- ^4. 2- SUz?) 3' 4- ^ZlZl ЧМ1Ч-. 5- ПЖ 6- Дд 7- °p]4_ Please don’t live in Seoul. Please don’t sell that. Please don’t clean now. Please don’t talk. Please don’t weep (cry). Please don’t laugh. Please don’t play here. Please don’t sing a song. Let’s not study. Let’s not go in. Let’s not help him. Let’s not swim here. Let’s not get up early. Let’s not clean now. Let’s not climb a mountain.
Unit 16 166 8. Mfl7l d‘M,cR C. Substitution Drill 1. A fl 41fl&) 'A'a 2. 7~41 41 fl1 2 3 4 5 6 7! *-4 "g- 4H-S- 3. 41 41 fl*] ^-a- 4. fl 41 41fle] 4Н-Й-- 5. S-fl 41*M 4M-S- 6. fl fl 41 fl-г] flfl-g 7. °) 41 41 fl5] -gflfl flfl-S-- 8. 7-41 414г] ФАА 4М-Й-- D. Substitution Drill 1. t> 7d°fl 3H-&. 2. ~т~ л]# °}7M £H.&. 3. ^_S 4. M 5. <*pj tg- ^7M Ш. 6. ЗИ £Н-Я.. 7. 4§L_S 8. »№ *и *|7M Ш. Let’s not read that book. I bought clothes for 50,000 won. I bought a book for 9,000 won I bought a notebook for 1,000 won. I bought toothpaste for 3,000 won. I bought a doll for 50,000 won. I bought a desk for 1,000,000 won I bought a towel for 2,000 won. I bought a watermelon for 9,000 won. I came here an hour ago. I came here two hours ago. I came here three months ago. I came here four months ago. I came here six months ago. I came here ten months ago. I came here eight months ago. I came here nine months ago. E. Substitution Drill 1. fl fl fl fl-fl fl. 2. g- fl fl M fl-fl fl. 3. 4] fl?J flfl fl. 4. M) fl fl +4) fl fl fl. 5. fl fl -f-4] flfl fl. 6. g- fl flA]fl. 7. fl fl ^o]] 7jflfl 8- fl ^4] flfl fl Let’s go in an hour. Let’s go in two hours. Let’s go in three hours. Let’s go in four hours. Let’s go in one month. Let’s go in two months. Let’s go in three months. Let’s go in four months. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: I studied for one month. Student: W ^^44. I studied for one month. 1. 2. *A 61 4}
Unit 16 167 з ц 4-Д44Д. 4" сиз ### 5. «|4 #7# ##4Д. 6 ##$ 4«4Д. т. *|Й ### 741Я4Д. g o]~g- ### G. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4# #44. Student: 4 #4 44 ##44. 1. Л## Я4#44. 2. ДгЦ< 7#44. 3. 4# Я#44 4. #44. 5. #3# #44. 6. -э-^Ьй- #44. 7. 73# #44. 8. 73# #44. Н. Pattern Drill Teacher: л 7 44 44 #4Д. Only that person goes. Student: л 7 3"4 7)-я] ##4Д. Only that person went. 1. 44 #4 >4 ##Д. 2- °14 #4 Й4Д. 3- # 7 #4 #4д. 4. 74 #4 74 #7Д. 5. Л-g- «Н ^flx] 6. 4 74 7- 7 7 #4 aJ-x] #o]-a. 8- #ofl Pattern Drill Teacher: Student: л°} >U#a]c}- T 4-8-44, 2- 4b 344. 4 434 7}-а.34д. Д 434 44Ш4Д. # 4VJ ##4Д. # 4#4 4^#4Д. # 434 77#4Д. 7 434 ЗД#4Д. I am buying a book. I’m not buying anything but a book. л-g- #4 s.474 ?e#44. Д4 #4 #в-4 ##44. 4 #4 Й 4 ##44. #4 #4 ##44. ## #4 *4 ##44. ## #4 44 ##44. 73 #4 #4 ##44. 73 #4 44 ##44. °] 4 #4 >4 ##4Д. °]4 #4 #Я4Д. # # #4 #34Д. 74 #4 44 ##4Д. ^z.# #4 44 ##4Д. 4 #4 #4 ##4Д. 7 7 #4 #4 ##4 Д. 444 #4 #Я4Д. Let’s work. Let’s stop working, л# 4 #4 4. л# 7^3.344.
Unit 16 168 3. ИЧЧЧЧ. 4 о^ЧЧЧ 5. ^ЧЧЧ. 6. Ч^ЧЧЧ. 7. -й-ЧЧ. 8. ^л14. З-Ч ччччч. Л.Ч <ч*8ЧЧ4. ^-Ч ^-У-ЧЧЧ. пЧ 44444. л.4 -й-ЧЧ. пЧ ЧЧЧ. J. Pattern Drill Teacher: .2.-44 #44. Student: 2.4 44 Ч7] 4. 1. ЧЧЧ 7]-зЛтгЧ4. 2. 44-V-4 4 ЧЧЧ. з. 444*1 ^§+44 4. 4. 4МЧ -НгЧЧ. 5. ЧЧЧ 4444. 6. ЧЧЧ ччч. 7. ЧЧЧ ЧтгЧЧ. 8. ччч #^чч. Let’s go in May. Let’s go in May. -?-ЧЧЧ Ч-ЙтгЧ4. ЧЧЧ-т-Ч ЧЧЧ 4. -Й-ЧЧ4Ч ^-v-ччч. чччч -ингчч. ччч-ч ч^-чч. ЧЧЧЧ ЧЧЧ. чччч ч^чч. оК’Й-Ч] <ч^чч. SHORT STORIES 44 ^jofl 444. ^.4 (at) that time л 44- 4471 o]^= 4#44. 44 (the) weather sz.44 .£/§=-g- 447} 4 41414. 44 to be hot 4444 to be cool (refreshing) 2. с-И Чт'-ЧЗ! М44Ч #=£44. i-#i- J2.44- 44- 44# 441 44 &4тгЧЧ-. 3. Ч4-&- 4*171 1НгЧЧ-. <4 to be cold Л г-14 Ч 44 714 444. пЧЧЧ therefore -v 44 ^41 7^л]Ч. READING 4 # #ofl Ч4Ч1 #£=44. н|«Р15. #£=44. rz. 41-с- ^44. пгЦЧ # 4 #=£44. 44г 7j3: ^ч< tL 54^ #Ч] SJBJ1444. #414 44^444. Mi- 44444. 44 <4^ M4#=£44. -UM
Unit 16 *169 j±U: A№ ^4- eM 2^44. % л]< <ti*№‘£4’4. 1И_Йл^Ч4. л.е]л л]^! ^НтЧ’-К 7~lAlAi °Н1’а' '^‘ЙтгЧе]-. Zia|j7 ^-о] е>]е>):7] <- ЗЭтгЧ1^. summer 4-8- M- next day Kimpo airport sleep, slumber 44 to ride, to get in, to get on Ч-л1 again °lt М’Ч- to clean one’s teeth afternoon, p.m. -*fl т^44 to wash up 5.444 to arrive at (in) to take a bath a great deal, lots BRIEFING I came to Korea three months ago. I came by airplane. It was summer. So it was very hot. I took a taxi at Kimpo Airport. I arrived at home about 5 o’clock in the afternoon. I took a bath at home. And I ate supper. I was very tired. So I went to bed early. I woke up about 7 o’clock on the following day (next day). But I slept again. I got up about 10.1 brushed my teeth. And I washed up. I went to the dining room. I ate breakfast there. And I talked a lot with my friend.
Unit 17 170 UNIT 17 вЦ«л||Я ? Are You Busy ? BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 1. *]-g- H12M-S-? гхв! 4 2. “МЛ -2.3] #°M-. a4 3. H ^№-8-? 3- 4. < 5.5]- ^4 H-} 5. °174 "o' 6. ле]*]л. now to be busy Are you busy now ? so, to that extent £ No, I’m not so busy. if that is so, well (then) if that is the case, then, me to help Then, will you help me a little bit? £ Sure, I will. cleanly to wash Wash this cleanly, please. right now, soon I’ll wash it right now. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS : MEMORIZE 1. °fl ЛМ] Jl ? Where do you live ? 2. o]<o] ^o]ojU? What’s your name? 3. -се zc°]°l]A? What does this mean ?
Unit 17 171 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 2 jn.s] means so, to that extent (degree), in that way/ It is regularly used ^ith the negative predicate. Its synonyms are and *8,5. (lit. ‘in particular, especially ). The word ZLe], depending on the context or situa- tion, also can mean‘that way? ‘that direction/ ‘(to) that place? Let’s study the following words referring to place, in comparison with words indicating thing. o]e| «?]) ‘this way/ ‘here,’ ‘this thing' ‘(to) this place' □.г) (7-171) ‘that way.’ ‘there/ ‘(to) that place' ‘that thing* ^s] И 71) ‘that way over there/ ‘that thing over there' ‘over there,’ 3. is a contraction of ZL^-j^g meaning ‘if that is so/ ‘if that is the case/ ‘if that is true (right),’ ‘then/ ‘well(then), ‘ etc. is a contraction of 5. is a contraction of <§21is an adverb meaning ‘cleanly.’ 2122ЕЕ1 ‘to be clean* is a description verb. Its opposite word is cj ‘to be dirty? ‘to wash’ is used when washing one‘s hands, oneself or dishes. ‘to wash’ is used normally when washing one‘s face and hands. ^1‘to wash’ is used when washing clothes, or laundering. STRUCTURE NOTES I’ The Humble Verbs : In general, humble verbs are used to indicate reverence or respect on the part of the speaker for the person spoken to. In other words, they are words used by the speaker to express his own humility and. at the same time, show his respect for the person with whom he is speaking. They regularly refer to one's own acts. when speaking to persons socially superior to the speaker as a student to his professor. When two persons of approximately equal social status are diking, each may use the formal polite forms in reference to each other. Unless they are on a friendly basis. (In this case, they use the intimate style or he Plain style). Like honorific verbs, the humble verbs are limited in num-
Unit 17 172 ber. If you memorize the following list you can handle most of the humble verbs Plain: Humble: Meaning: -3-4 to give -g-4 (£«№) to ask, to tell Ji4 to see, to meet 41 г] з ЯЛ] я 7]-с]- to take along (someone somewhere) -у-г]с} to inform, to tell Notes: 1. The plain word ‘to give’ is used when a person gives to an inferior or to an equal. It is used regularly for giving to animals or to things, (as in ‘give food to the dog’). 2. The humble word Ч- ‘to give’ is used when a person gives to a supe- rior or an equal, or to anyone present to whom one is being polite. It is never used for oneself i.e. ‘give to me.’ See the following examples: ? Shall I give it to you ? Yes, give it to me. II. The Sentence-Final Ending-Q|-(-CH, ~Qf) t1^ (or HBjcf) ; If you study the plain word ^4- and the humble word 4- well, it is easy to learn this pattern (orssjc]-), It is always attached to an action verb stem. The pattern is used when a speaker requests something for himself, or when he does something for an inferior or an equal. Examples: Would you be kind enough to help me? Or : Will you help me ? Come here, please (for me). Please read it for me. I’ll teach you Korean (to an equal). I’ll help you (to an inferior). o.. The pattern _o}( oj,—-<^) js used, however, when a speaker does something for a person whose social status is superior or equal to his, or to anyone present to whom one is being polite. Examples: Shall I read it for you ?
Unit 17 173 •j-g-гМ ieH-S-. 4*| =.e]^]X I’ll help you. Please read it for him. I’ll write for you. Notes: Like the formation of the informal-polite style, when the final vowel of the verb stem is - h or 1~' it takes -°)- (or £.г]с|-) i when the final vowel of the stem is any other vowel, it takes -<H ^гЦ- (or £5)4) ; when the verb is a -g|-c]- verb, it takes (or DRILLS additional vocabulary to make slsfc)- to be intimate, to be close to go up A. Substitution Drill 1. £3)- 2. ? 3. tggttZb^L 4. Л-Tj-S- п'ЧЗМА? 5. -g-eH т-WA? 6. ЩаМ ? 7. 8. -g-ej тлЮТА ? В- Substitution Drill 2. -я] 3- j£gU- -g-гН 4- SS.'fr-t- 5- ? ,6- -ЕЕЛИА? to come up e] z|-c}- to go down to come down Would you be kind enough to help me ? Would you be kind enough to read it for me ? Would you be kind enough to teach me Korean ? Would you be kind enough to make it for me ? Would you be kind enough to come up (here) ? Would you be kind enough to go down (there) ? Would you be kind enough to come down (here) ? Would you be kind enough to sing a song for me ? Shall I read it for you ? Shall I write for you ? Shall I sing a song for you ? Shall I teach you Korean ? Shall I tell it to you ? Shall I clean this room for you ?
Unit 17 174 7. S-3 = >3.8.? 8. zl3> 33 —33-8.? С. Response Drill Teacher: > 5-3- ^тЗзИЗ.8-? Student: <Ч], ЯЗ = 3*1 А. 1. >3<- 3 ^тЗЯЗ-З.? 2. З* еЦ-Sq ^3^3-8-? 3. el^-4- 7|xU 7} ^ЗЯЗА? 4. >±3 ^*1ЯЗА? 5. 33 33*4 ^г*|$ЗА ? 6. oJo>7jeH ^*|ЯЗА? 7. 3*43 ^*1ЯЗА? 8. >37]- ^*)^ЗА? Shall I help you ? Shall I wash it for you ? Will you help me a little bit ? Sure, I will. ofl, >3> 3 .^33 A. 3. 33 = 3*|A. 3, 7}7]J7 7\ .= 33 A. o|], =.33 A. 3. <3 OJ3*4 яЗЗА. 3, olo];7]sfl яЗЗА. 3, 7)3-3 ^зз л. 3, >371- яЗЗА. D. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: zl33 > >*)A? Student: 3. Я-33 > »A. 1. sl3°I > 3““38_? 2. zl33 # 333 A? 3. 3 H4°l 3>3*)A? 4. 4h<]7|- 33 A? 5. >37)- »3зд? 6. М-*|7|- >*|A? 7. JLg-o] 8. 37)7} WHU? E. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: 3?] wt-H-*)3. Student: 37) йЬ2-7]л|д 1. 3 3>4Мр)3. 2. >3 33^*13. 3. »33. 4. >3*J-33. 5. 1-37J-33-. 6. >3>*I3. 7. 4J37J33-. 8. 33-S-33. That’s very good, isn’t it ? Yes, it is very good. 3, ZL^o] > ЗЗД. 3, ^-3)o] 4). зззд. 3. 3 «J-З ЗЗМД. 3, ’i37)- 33-2-. 3. *i37]- -ЗА)зд 3. М37|- ^3 д. 3. л.>3 3. 37|7)- Let’s sit down here. Let’s sit down here. 3 °J< >3*13.8.. °J3 °J33-*I*|.8.. <371-3*1.8.. >3-7)-3 зд. -S-3--2-33.8.. 337НЗД. 33^-3 ЗД.
Unit 17 175 F. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: ФВ’йХ о-т^ЛА? Did you study Korean ? Student: “fl, Yes, I studied Korean. 1. ^±4$4-3-? 2. “X 4-МН-Й-? 3. яН^ИМ-З. ? 4. 4 444^4.3-? 5. ? 6. 44-4414-fi- ? 7. 4SJI4414-3-? 8. 44 ’тЧИИМ-З-? “fl, °fl, 4-t 4X4.fi-. “fl, 44X4-3-. °fl, % “fl, -3-A$4.fi-. “fl, “fl, 43l514.fi-. “fl, 44 ^4514-3-. G. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: 4‘n’ 4-йИ-З- 1 Student: °fl, *|-jf 44-.3-. 1. 51B4-S- 2. 4X XS^H-fi- ? 3. 44# ? 4. ЛИ-t- JfeW 5. 4X 444.3-? 6. 4< НЖ ? 7. 4£4 4^1 ? 8. H.-g-’fr 4flHM.fi- ? H. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: 7 p) $ 4 Я ? Student: 7|-x] ^<4.3-. 1- i-sH-aSM-fi.? 2. ie]]< ^вл)^о]д? 3- ’ihHMH'H.a. ? 4- °Ж«ИЯИ.з.? 5. ^'Мт'НзИ.зл 6- 7- 7)-л)зМ.З- ? 8- ЧВ7ИзМ.$1? Are you busy now ? Yes, I am busy now. °fl, tnt-a- °fl, <KM-2- °11, #].£!.. ofl, -g-eu. °fl, nM-S-. “fl, “X Ш. “fl, ^X“fl НЛ ofl, л-g-t- 4flH.fi-. Will you go ? No, I won’t go. oJ-vJJL, -§-г}7)-х] ^ЗЙ'Н^-. <441, jh|<- ^14 sm.fi-. Hl, #44*1 $3M-fi-. o}qA “)“H44 ‘04-3-. oMi., -f-<H7B O4-3-. она <4^44 #Я4-5- <447p]л 7H #$4-3-. Hl, 4444 4$4-3-.
Unit 17 176 I. Pattern Drill Teacher: ns] 4^*1 «Н-2-. Student: 45 4й*1 «Н-2-. 1. ns] #*] $°KS.. 2. Jis] -3.^1 tM-2-. 3. ns] 013*1 «М-2-. 4. ns] 4*] SH-2-. 5. ns] >*] $М-Д. 6. ns] 43?4-*1 гил. 7. ns] 4]ffl*l SM-S.. 8. ns] 43*] I’m not so busy. I’m not particularly busy. 35- <*1 SM-S-. 45. 3*1 $^о|.де 45 43*1 &4-Й-. 45. 4*1 $°KS-. 45. nr*l ^°]-Д. 45. Ш*1 $oU. 45 &4A. 45. 43*1 J. Intonation Drill (Review) Teacher: °|-r0] -гтМ-З-? Student: o]-g.o] Jpjz-x]ji.?7 1. т4 Й45?^ 2. W 3. -T-4-I- ЗКЧ-Й-?^ 4. 5. 3 *H W?" 6. 4*11 *Ы45?^ 7. 41 8. 434] ад45?^ Who is this person ? Who is this person ? ¥4 JMA ? 7 ¥34 >*]Д? 7 ’т‘3'4' зЬт’*! *1-3-? 7 444)4| 7 3 *M ^М*и? 7 44) *Ы*|Д? 7 4] -£<&*] -S- ? 7 444] 7 SHORT STORIES 1. t2-/)- opp1 ВИНА, ^n*i зш- £4 *l-s- W :l ^0| 2. one year ago 3. 4-*J-4 3b>U nelr-i] op* *]ne]^oj^ neflx^ #0] 7)]ojoi^ 43K *14- to take a nap *]n^c|- to be noisy
Unit 17 177 READING £-^5. 4^-4 ^°1 4-24)4 -§-#594^., rz.44 sp^-40] °Нг 4 ^$44. Лем 4$ JiL^A. 44M4 ^«1) # ^«H-fi.. 4<4 л1^ 44 ^444 ФЗН-Й-. ^4)4 <y*) 44 <o)-^4 -S-. -2--S--C- 3*1)4 WA. ^44- 4^ Ч4-Н) 44 X n^c-fl 4 4 T7} 4^4-S-. #4_S-. 44 #4-&-. пе)4 .я] £-§-444 £-§-4 to ask and see what it’s like to explain I took a nap first пЦ when I was sleeping qr?]- is an indefinite pronoun meaning ‘somebody’ °Нг A]J1S№1. ZL5flA^ #<4 zzfl 3h#4-S-. 44? ^4 44 £--§-4 &4 594-S-. 444 # #44 л. to make noise Ц-и} to get angry to bear, to endure тг'?-# playground to do excercise 7]-§- feeling, mood, a frame of mind BRIEFING Today also, I studied at school with my friends. But Korean was very difficult. So I asked questions of my teacher. The teacher explained well. I studied only 4 hours today. So I came back home early. Today I had a lot of homework. But I took a nap first. While I was sleeping, somebody made a noise. It was very noisy. So I woke up. I got angry a little bit. But I put up with it. I went out to the playground with my friend. I exercised a lot at the playground. I felt very good.
Unit 18 178 UNIT 18 "гп1^ BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 77^1 1. 77s! M] *1 2. 4] ^DH 3. 731 я U4. 731 ЗН Ж F л13 u4 5. 7 31 кг] 4 3 6. »}qi, xi^oflA^ sj-x] $<4 Ml 4 ti %n ? Whose Book ? whose aJ Whose book is this ? my It’s my book. (for) how much How much did you pay for it ? nine thousand won 6J I paid nine thousand won for it. bookstore ? Can you buy this in a bookstore ? to sell one volume to give °J L. No, they don’t sell it in a bookstore. I will give you one volume. USEFUL EXPRESSION: MEMORIZE 1. <4^1 2. 14 3. 4. How do you say it ? Say them all, please. How do you write it ? How do you pronounce it ?
Unit 18 179 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1 . xii meanS ‘whose-’ When the ₽article =1 is used as a final syllable mean- ing ‘of/ it is ordinarily pronounced 2 Я], besides being used to mean ‘I/ is a contraction of 43 ’my.’ 3 <£4 means ’how much/ ^4 ’some time ago1 ; ^4 ‘some time later'; <ЙП1' f°r a while/ <^r3h depending on the intonation and pitch, is used not only as an interrogative pronoun, but also as an indefinite pronoun. When ^4, is pronounced with a higher initial pitch, and the final intonation of the sentence is down, it is used as an interrogative pronoun. However, it can also be used as an indefinite pronoun ; this use is indicated by a rising contour at the end of an otherwise normal pitch. 6. means ‘one book/ ‘one volume/ When the classifier is used with Korean numbers, it is used to specify an amount of books. It indicates serial numbers, however, when it is used with Chinese numbers. 4 ‘one book’ or ‘one volume’ 3 3 ‘book one’ or ‘volume number one‘ STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Particle -£| •• ;‘of’ The particle -3 is equivalent to the English translation 'of,' but there is no exact equivalent to it as a single word in English. The particle ~3* preced- ed by a noun, may indicate possession, relationship, origin, static location, etc., but in every instance, the preceding noun limits or modifies the noun following. Examples: 43 (Щ) 43 (4) *3^44. It is my book. He is a friend of mine. This is his desk. My friend's father came. The way that man speaks is interesting. IhePotential-a (<) %[c} (Й4) ' ‘can (cannot) do’ The sentence-final ending -a«) ЦЦ- (#4) is used with action verbs and the verb ; it indicates ability, capability, or possibility. Examples: a} You can buy it in a bookstore. -у- You can't buy it in a bookstore.
Unit 18 180 am. л-g-i- 5.4-t т й< ж 4}<y < $m? 4J<U 41 »? Sl-i-^r Ж «Wl oji- 6j*^ The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb I can do it now. I can’t do it now. I can help him. I can’t help him. You can study in the classroom. You can’t study in the classroom. Such things do happen. Such things don’t happen. Can I see you tomorrow ? Can’t I see you tomorrow ? You can stay here. You can’t stay here. (&4), not i preceding verb. Here are some examples. Й дМ-Н-. I was able to help him. I wasn’t able to help him. Notes: 7г (Si4) is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; re (&*4) is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. III. The Intentional - в (It) fll£••• *. ‘will do’ The sentence-final ending - e (ir) JL is used with action verbs and the verb SJt} it indicates a speaker’s intention or planning. Examples: '4,7)- <^7]Л^ ‘УЗИ-Я., oi-g-^u. Notes: I’ll give you one volume. I’ll help you. I’ll go tomorrow. I’ll work here. I’ll meet him. I’ll study now. I’ll stay here. 1. This pattern is used only with first- with ЧРГППг1 nprenn . III. * У h 1 2 St person statements. It is never used second person question. 2. is used after verb is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; stems ending in a consonant.
Unit 18 181 drills additional vocabulary ojv}t} to meet uFr beer to go out °) to be strange to think to look for, to search for to be fearful, to be frightful cigarettes A. Substitution Drill 1. vfl7t 2. Ч]?]- 3. 4)7} 4)<U 4. 5. 4}^] A. 6. *)-g- -g-V-^l-Й-. 7. °j7]o)] 8. B. Substitution Drill (Review) 1- °) iM Ф зН] ^dH.£L? 2. °] tl t3°)1 ЗЖА? 3. °] st 7Цо)1 ^М-В- ? 4. о] -g-fl| # ^МД? 5- °1 *Й°11 ^4°))^? 6. °] <a^ tr 7H-O)] ^°ha? 7. °] #»Ц ft 7jo]) <gn}o]].S.? 8- ?] *}-%*} 4M 'ЙпМ-В-? C- Substitution Drill (Review) i- ЛМ ^0)1 2. ш 3. 4. 5. t^o)) Ш> 6- J3JM 7- Ml Ж I’ll give you one volume. I’ll help you. I’ll go tomorrow. I’ll work here. I’ll meet him. I’ll study now. I’ll stay here. I’ll look for it. How much is this paper per sheet ? How much is this book per volume ? How much does this desk cost ? How much does this notebook cost ? How much is this beer per bottle ? How much are these pencils apiece ? How much are these cigarettes per pack ? How much does this car cost ? I paid 400 won for it. I paid 500 won for it. I paid 600 won for it. I paid 700 won for it. I paid 800 won for it. I paid 900 won for it. I paid 1,000 won for it.
Unit 18 182 8. -MJ ЯМА. D. Substitution Drill 1. sL^-g- WA 2. 1 ^°HIA. 3. л^-g- ^йН1А. 4. л^-g- Я°НА. 5. л^-g- <ФММ ^о|о)|А. 6. Я|0НА. 7. Л-31-g- «ЖА. 8. -g-flo] ЯЖА. I paid 3,000 won for it. It is his book. It is my book. It is the teacher’s book. It is the student’s book. It is my father’s book. It is my mother’s book. It is my older brother’s book. It is my younger brother’s book. Е. Pattern Drill Teacher: *]-n 7i <т л!ЧА. Student: *)??• SMA. 1. Л-g-g- °JV ЯМА. 2. 43- 43 ЯМА. 3. VS- ЯМА. , 4. MVS- 3 *г лМА. 1 5. ф> 333 "г ЯМА. 6. лтя-i ЯМА. 7. Л31<- »J< ЯМА. 8. т ЛМ ЯМА. I am able to go now. I am unable to go now. zt-S-t- “IV ‘r il<U. 4V T MA V< SMA. MV-t- V <r MA ЧМ 333 MA SMA. VS <т fl <4 A. т ЛМ AW =T $HA. F. Pattern Drill Teacher : Л ‘r 5d%MA. I was able to help him. Student: ‘т Й'ЯМА. I was unable to 1. °Ю ‘r SbcMA. 2. 7}%1A % al^MA. 3. 41 Я18МА. 4. eMM*r S1SMA. 5. АТЙ-g- VS ‘r SJlSiMA. 6. т'-ЗЧ- Я18МА. 7. -S-S- *r S18MA. 8. t1 313MA. help him. ‘r «SHA. 7MU % ЯЯИА. &ЯМА. &ЯМА. Vfr ЙЯМА. т1 &ЯМА. ее- ‘T ЙЯМА. ‘r'Stfr <т &ЯМА.
Unit 18 g Pattern Drill Teacher: -£<^514-9-. Student: £.<#7)]^.. 1. 4514-9-. 2 =- л]« °}451 4-9.. 3. 4] <4 <44514-9.. 4. m< ««4-9.. 5 я]^- <H«4-9.. 6. < 44 4 «514-9.. 7. 44 <514-9.. 8. 47} ««4-9-. Н. Response Drill 1. п-5°1 2г52'-^ 4°14-9.? 2. л-зН VY4 44 44-9. ? 3. <44 «4-9. ? 4. «4 < *ti 444 -9- ? 5. 3L^7< « =r 9144-9. ? 6. °] 4444 <4-9. ? 7. ¥¥< <«4-9.? 8. «14 ««44 ? 9. «4 4 «4 4? I. Intonation Drill (Review) Teacher: -y-^-J- «4-9.? r\ Student: -т-'Й-а- «4-9. ? z 1- ’T'7} <4-9.?^ 2- 44 7H-9.? rv 3. 44] £.«Л? r\ 4. 4< 5• < 4 «4-9. ? ГЧ I’ll help you. I’ll help you. гКтЧ-Э-. 4 444 4 44 <4 <4-9-. ««И-9.. 4^- 44 <41-9.. 4 <oj] 444^^.. 44 <41-9.. 47} «<4.2.. 3144 44 <4 444-9.. зь&4 «4 <444-9-. 314-fr 500 <4 <4-9-. *HH ~t~ 4 44-9.. 4. 3i£-i- « 44Д. 4<44 4 <4-9.. <£< 444-9.. 47} -T'4iH;44. 444° 1 °1 «44. What did you buy ? Did you buy something ? ^T7} <4-9. ? Z 44 7}4A? z 44 ? z 44 4« 444514A? z 4 4 «4-9. ? z to visit, to come to see ^S- ^4^- ^4-i- 444-9-.
Unit 18 184 2. »|дач °1 дал. °] «К 3,000 даЛ. л^- дада очл. 3. орг «МД. лда Чда % &ЧЛ. *М ТЛ|$ -М ^Л. 4. да дач дадал. П.гНЦ -^7} <дал. да да ^дал. ^чч дач -V-S.4- да дач alone suddenly to call with a start to be surprised READING чч чда да ччч дал. чдач tH't л. л ч-l- 15,ооо да дал. л да Чч=- «VI- лдал. лЧЧ да да да дал.. ; Ч дач л. дач # даччл. да^ чч< да дал. лда ^-да л].да дач л. лчч л< дач л. зргда да-tt ч-м дан ^-s-. дал^йФазн- $ AW ^дал. << $ да да дал. magnificently, awfully ticket helplessly, reluctantly television to drink да да Ч-чг^! after eating theater we Korean restaurant Korean food j-дал, дал XX ^•т^о] "Ж BRIEFING IH M г да дал. f дач чч-м I went to the bookstore with my friend v book at the bookstore. I bought it for 15 000 bought a Korean language were hungry. So we went into the restaurant^ WSS 3 Very g°°d b°°k' was very delicious. After eating supper we 6 SU₽per ^ere- Korean food an awful lot of people in the theater. So theater- But there were At home after taking a bath, I did my homCOUldn t help but come back home, one hour. About 11 o’clock I drank beer wi^0^’1 Watched television about twelve. Шу friend. And I went to bed at
Unit 19 185 UNIT 19 Я •Ж# DrAl?j If I Drink Coffee BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE i) 1. О o_ “4 2. -T-п- °Ж? Я *1 з. ! ^-Й-71- 7]з| np]r} u4 4. np]j7 £я] £>op_2_. Я 5. sfl.2.? «Я opic|. u4 6. M- Dp]ig ВЦ 7} o^A. to eat, to drink, to have What will you have ? milk Do you have milk ? Oh My I My goodness coffee Oh My! We have no milk. Shall I give you coffee ? to drink I don't want to drink coffee. why Why? the stomach, the belly to be painful If I drink coffee, I’ll get a stomachache. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS : MEMORIZE 1. Open the book, please. 2. ^]-g- Close the book, please. 3- nH]_SL. Don’t look at the book, please.
NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. means 'What will you have?’ is a contraction of -fr, and means ‘to drink.’ ‘to eat,’ ‘to have.’ The verb -g-cl l4 an '~i -------------- an irregu lar verb. See Structure No. 1 of this Unit. Words for eating and drinking are: ‘to eat‘ (honorific) ‘to eat,* ‘to drink’ (honorific) qjE} ‘to eat‘ (plain word) ‘to drink’ Help yourself, please. Help yourself, please. Did you have breakfast ? Let’s begin eating. I‘ve had enough, thank you. I’ll drink water. 3. is a variant of оЩ is an exclamatory expression of pain, complaint, grudge, hardship, surprise, etc. It is also a bewailing sound - aery heard in a mourner s house, when someone’s parents or grandparents have died ‘coffee’ is derived from English. Pay attention to the differences between the Korean and English pronunciations. In the Korean sound system, there is no labio-dental fricative, such as /f/, /у/. 6. is a contration of vfe depending (1) ‘the stomach,’ ‘the belly,* (2) ‘a ship/ ‘a examples: on the context or situation, means boat,* (3) ‘a pear.’ Here are some «44 °] «44 It is also used to mean ‘double,’ ‘times/ ‘fold.’ «4 two times, double n)] «fl three times a}- nfl four times I am hungry. 1 have a stomachache. Let’s go by boat. This pear is delicious. five times six times seven times eight times u4 nine times ten times one hundred times *1 «4
Unit 19 187 STRUCTURE NOTES I. -a Irregular Verbs: Some verbs ending in a final consonant -e are irregular Examples: f4 to eat, to drink Ф4 to sell °j-4 to know ^4 i-4 to live to cry to play 1. The final consonant consonants -¥-^4 44 ? 4-44 44-S-. of the stem is dropped, when followed by the - , -a or the vowel -JL, See the following examples : What do you sell ? (plain style) I sell watermelon. Please sell that to me. He is selling books, (intimate style) 2. But the final consonant - г of the stem is not dropped, when followed by other consonants or vowels. See the following examples: Don’t sell it, please. I’ll sell it. I have to sell it. I sold it. £даЧ4. ^44. ^даЧ4. II. The Sentence-Final Ending -Д want to (do) The pattern -Д. 44-/-Л. 44 44- is used with action verbs and the verb a!4 ‘to stay’; it indicates the desires of the subject. 1. The sentence-final ending -Д ^4 is used regularly with first person statements о}л]л cJjt. 4M-S-. 4л даЧ4? Ч4«ч 7}л -w-i- 4Чй2. да^-й.? and second person questions. See the following examples : I want to go. I want to study. I want to drink a cup of coffee. I want to stay here. What do you want to buy ? Where do you want to go ? Whom do you want to meet ? The tense and/or negation are expressed regularly in the final verb 4!4.
Unit 19 188 2 See the following examples: 7U Д. 7|<2. ?н-з- 7f5> -a*i The sentence-final ending -3 I want to go. I don’t want to go. I wanted to .go. I did not want to go. >yo| is used regularly with the third person. See the following examples: He wants jl-g-e] sJsfi -£<►) He wants -д^о] apM -a») 3U. He wants to go. to work. to stay here. The tense and/or negation are expressed regularly in the final verb 4. See the following examples ZL^-o) 7}-J7 X)o| 71-57 ZL^-o) 7J-57 X|o| °Ж. 3H-S-. He wants to go. He doesn’t want to go. He wanted to go. He didn’t want to go. III. The Conditional ‘ ‘if,’ ‘when’ The non-final ending -(-2-)^ is used with any verb, and indicates condition or stipulation. In Korean, the dependent clause precedes the main clause, whereas in English the order of the dependent and main clause doesn’t matter The pattern -(-2-)^ usually ends with a comma intonation. Examples: zl^°1 лИН-£-. ZL *J]o] 7flT3)o}^t ^°1 Ч-н л1#°1 %l-2J?l, 7НЛ -=-0] If it’s good, I’ll buy it. If that book is interesting, I’ll read it. If (when) he comes, let’s go. If he goes, I’ll go too. If (when) you have time, go. If you have money, buy it. If I study, I get tired. —(^°~^) *suPPosing,* as an advance signal of the condition, may occur a' the beginning of a conditional phrase. It places emphasis on its supposition1 character. °>eJ H)7|- AB), 7].x] nj-л]^ If it rains, let’s not go. If you see him, tell him.
189 Notes: 1. When the subject of the dependent clause (if-clause) is different from that of the main clause, it always takes the subject particle -?)-/-o]. 7HD1 л1—4, -гНИ!- If Korean is interesting, I will study it. 2. When the subject of the dependent clause (if-clause) is the same as that of the main clause, it takes the contrast particle -с7~£, vHr 4*1 4, 4Я4-Я.. If I finish that, I’ll go. 3. -p) is used after verb stems ending in a vowel or the consonant -г ; -X4 is used after verb stems ending in all consonants except -г. DRILLS additional vocabulary to go on foot, to walk to run, to rush ^4 to put (a thing) in, to pour in to take (bring, pull) out 44 to be bright A. Substitution Drill 1. ^7]-3L 4И-3-. 2. 4И-2-. 3- 42 4 Д. 4. Щ 42 4 X 5- »44д 42 4-S-. 6. 3-g-g- ч2Чз 4ИД. 7- 4-71-3. 42Ч-Й-. 8- 424-S-. В- Substitution Drill 1. u).x]j7 £J4_£L. 2- Й^Х_4з 427] 3- ±3 417) &OJ..2.. 4- ±3 417) 5- ^MJL±1;3 42 7] &4-S-. 6- ^ZMl_g3 427) <y-o|x. <^-§*4 to be dark a door ^4 to open ^4 to close 7]M4 to be glad, to be pleased, to be delighted I want to walk. I want to run. I want to put sugar in. I want to take it out. I want to visit him. I want to meet him. I want to go out. I want to take a nap. I don’t want to drink coffee. I don’t want to answer the letter. I don’t want to laugh. I don’t want to cry. I don’t want to sing a song. I don’t want to sit down here.
Unit 19 190 7 ^7]o)| 4Д 42*1 ft0!--8-. 8. дйТчч^Д 42*1 й^-3- C. Substitution Drill j JJ.H.OI Q|JL 42 й) «ЯД. 2 л.и.0) -g-j- ig-Д 42 °) «ЯД. 3. дй-°1 *4^«2Д 42 о) «ЯД. 4. дй-°1 ШД 42«ЯД. 5. д-й-0) ФМД 42 °) «ЯД 6. дЙ-°) 21±_ЙД 42 °) «ЯД. 7. ДЙ-о) *1-М 42Д 42 <4 «Я Д 8. дё-°1 *2*1 Д *|-Д 42^ «ЯД D. Substitution Drill (Review) i. дй-oi *)-д°я Фс-г-д! г. дй-о) д-у-ёНг-г-д! з. дй-о) д-у-а- з±*)-£-г-д! 4. ДЙ-о) m-*j-§- 4-е-г-д! 5. Д-Й-о] *1]^4-ё-^Д! 6. д-Й-о] д-у-<- ддр^-ё-^-д ! 7. ДЙ-о) 4-ё-гД! 8. ДЙ-о) 4Ф4Ф^Д ! I don’t want to stand up here. I don’t want to love him. He wants to open the door. He wants to close the door. He wants to explain it. He wants to go up. He wants to go down. He wants to clean his teeth. He wants to live in Seoul. He wants to take it along. He is going to school! He is studying now! He is cleaning the classroom ! He is taking a nap! He is washing his face! He is helping him ! He is taking a rest! He is swimming! Е. Pattern Drill Teacher: Д-g-o) 4i-<4) 4-4)44. He lives in Seoul. Student: Д-Й-о] л^о)) л}т| He does not live in Seoul. 1. ДЙ-о) Дя)<- .5.4)44. 2. Д-Й-о] 4^44.. 3. Д-Й-о) й-1- 44)44. 4. ДЙ-о] -f-4144. 5. ДЙ-о) Д4)ь)4. F. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: д^о) 4^.44 Student: 2140] 4 нц s 1- o] uj-o] ^44 2. 0] Hj-o) 4>^44 ДЙ-о) дл]< <*) ^°U. д-Й-о] я)-*- <х) Д-Й-о) Й-i- 014 #0}Д. д-ё-о) i-4 o^ou. Д-ё-о| #4 и°1Д. That’s beautiful. That’s beautiful! °) #0) У25-Д ! °) ЧН 4-гН?-Д !
191 3 7)<44. 4. 5 4. б. Н-т- 4^3^44. 7. орт 44. 8. 4^ #тг44. G. Pattern Drill Teacher: 7}3. 42 #4 2.. Student: 7}л 424 $#42 1. #Д4л 42#42. 2. л4£ 42442. з. н]«Й7|< 4й1 42442. 4. ё- A]ofl £4-4л 42442. 5. ёЛ4л. 42442. 6. 4< #Л 42442. 7. 4|^42- 42442. 8. лё-i Efl-V-jt 42442. # I °1#®1-5-2! # тЧЗ if 2 I И-?- 7|jiej^-o_ । °1”T’ ir'S’ll.! °Pr 4^-2! I wanted to go. I didn’t want to go. #±#}л 424 $#42. ^•a- 42*] $oj-o| o.. И1594< $Л 424 $#42. -T- 44 л 4-4л 424 $#42 ^Л4л. 424 $#42. 4< $Л 424 $#42. 4^г4л 424 'О‘И.2.. л-g-i- Efl-^л 42*] 222M-2.. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: 7}л 42^ И°Н-2-. He wanted to go. Student: zl^-o] yj-j? He didn’t want to go. 1. л-g-o] <л 424 5S4-2.. лё-°1 £л 424 44 ^5242.. 2. лё-о] 4л 424 4342.. л.ё-4 4^г4л 424 44 $#42.. з. л-ё-о] тН1-л 424 5342.. лё-°1 тНг'Л 424 44 $#42.. 4. Лё-о] 1-е]-7]-л 424 5342.. лё-°] 1-4-7)л 424 44 $#42.. 5. лё-о] ё-42-л 424 5342.. лё-°] <-$2л. 424 44 $#42.. 6. Л.ё-о| Ч]е]7]-л 424 5342.. лё-°| Ч]44л 424 44 $#42.. 7. л.ё-о] Ч]42.л 424 5842.. лё-°1 Ч]4-2л 424 44 $#42.. 8. а.ё-°] '8гЙ4л 424 5342.. лё-°1 42#4л 424 44 $#42.. Integration Drill Teacher; 0.7,]o] >0}^ 43JH-2.. It’s good. I’ll buy it. Student: л^о] If it’s good, I’ll buy it.
Unit 19 192 1. o|.o]>o] nJf-oiA. -ЗМ-З-. o|.o]-g-o] oj-i-ig, x}*] -5M.fi-. 2. SH M. •?-¥«• T &°U. 5И flfl, flfl-3-. 3. fljiejfli. fl-g- AM. л)лг|-?-^, flM. 4. 2.7i-2r IWcF. 7|^1 >МАА. ^p-Mfl, fl-g-o) fl^flfl. 5. чп7> -а-Ч’Ч-. flfl-g- а-афаа. 30*14 ДА, А*ОН АЯтгАА. 6. -g-££ tfAA. 7]g-o] flfl, fl-g-fl >^flfl. 7. *14°] fl^flfl. fl^Afl. *14°1 ojjlfl, 7^qt}_ 8. *i7J°i ami а. Аорна^гАА. *144 SUfl, AMHl^AA. SHORT STORIES 1. T-fr Ml USiM.2.. S5L 42^^^-. ^я1 Ti I T SlfloU an eye to open (eyes) to close (eyes) IX t]. 2. ZL M°] zj1M 71-i ЗН-2-. ЧИ =L Ml- 41=131 SW-S-. i MH °Hr *«?W to be pleased^ to be glad, to икс 3. гг.7^1 MH.S-. <*1 и-’й, Ml UsJH-a.. ^-cr 3!1 -S-°l Mfl-S-. -S-°W to show >1*}7|. r}Hj-ojpi pjq-^uL^ READING M'-MM Ml 4 МШ. A. 7]^o] Ф 35.ol.fi-. ЛИ 1-1- MPJflQl.fi- *4 4]MIS. oflflfl-S- ^5 MM ^7-71 fl fl 01 к Ml , MM fl fl fl -fi- fl 4 ^7} MM MK 4Sfl flflfl-s- r
193 ^Лйо] ЗН--2--3- ##Ч-2 J 41s-!51 =’’^ofl ЙЧ-2-. # ЧЧИЯЧ-Й-. tea (coffee) house 58 She said (wrote) ’Let’s meet---’ to shave oneself zfl -£ new clothes zj-oj-ojc} to change (clothes) □Л1 like that necktie to tie I took a taxi and went to the tea house *J\k*.,sL for fun s}- movie 2гй1'^-л<!1 younger sister BRIEFING A letter came from my girl friend. She said, ’’Let’s meet in the tea room.” So I felt very good. I took a bath first. And I shaved. I changed into new clothes. I also tied a new tie. I took a taxi and went to the tearoom. But my girl friend was not in the tearoom. My younger sister was in the tearoom. My girl friend didn’t write a letter to me. My younger sister wrote such a letter to me for fun. I got angry, but I put up with it. I went to the theater with my younger sister. The movie was very interesting.
Unit 20 194 UNIT 20 Swimming BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 1. 7Ж? “4 2. .£.#$ ?p] sr 3. я- 4HU. u B4 4. -g- > ^-0]. ^a]% a] 5. 4], *4 Ф4-М B4 6. ‘H'H £ r}u} a.^ a| 7. r}u| USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. nbg-rflJiL SHU. 2. nHA. 3. >4<Lo] r} 5]^^ to swim Shall we go for a swim ? to dislike, to hate I really don’t feel like going today. ГЦ rest because I’m tired. deeply, completely °J If you are tried, get a good rest, a door to close I’m sorry, but will you please close the door? Yes, I will, well to go round to see (a person) and then return So long! °J ^r So long! Do as you please. Leave it as it is. Time is up.
195 notes on the basic sentences 1 $ be unpleasant, to dislike is used always with the subject particle ' whereas ‘to dislike,’ ‘to hate’ is used with the object parti- See the following examples, and note particularly the particles. I have no taste for sweets. Ц-с- I don’t like sweets. 2 means ’to rest.’ means ‘to be easy.’ When they are followed by a vowel, however, pay attention to the slight difference in the pronunciation of these two words. See the following examples: ^o|A. I’m taking a rest. It’s easy. . I took a rest. It was easy. 4. depending on the context or situation, means (1) ‘some,’ ‘to some extent,’ 'a little,’ (2) ’please,’ ’just.’ See the following examples: 7]4rd] u" I feel a little better today. Ц]0^ Please study tomorrow. #4 means ‘to close.’ Its opposite word is ‘to open.’ Study the following words, which have to do with opening and closing. ЧМсНиН-4 ‘to ы IM W. openФto close (a door, a lid, a cover, etc.)’ open =£ to close (eyes)’ openФto close (mouth)’ Please open the door. Please close the door. Open your eyes. Close your eyes. Open your mouth. Close your mouth. ’to ’to 6Ji- ИШ. Л. is a farewell given regularly by a person remaining behind to a Person leaving his own home, his office, his town, city or country, etc. is a farewell given regularly by a person leaving his own home, is 0Hice, his town, city, or country etc., to a person remaining behind. It is used s a reply to the preceding sentence, #6.
Unit 20 196 STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Ending ~(Я)£| : A.V.S. +-(°.)3i— : ‘in order to’ The non-final ending -($-)&) is used with action verbs, and indicat purpose of an action. This ending - (°.) is followed always by either r}. -£-c|- or their compounds, or any verb of movement. ' Examples: SH-S-. °ТЧ-г1 Я 7] of] ЯНД. wi tw*. ^°1 ЗМД. ‘ЙвН Ч-МЧ4. I came to eat lunch. Let’s go to see him. I’ll come to buy a book. He went there to work. Shall we go for a swim? I came in here to study. He went out to take a walk. He came to play. He goes about working. Notes : 1. The tense and/or negation are expressed regularly in the final verb, notin the verb with -(Д)г-], Study the following examples : 2. *U. Я-i- 4г] -M WA. is used after verb stems is used after verb stems ending I came to buy a book. I am coming to buy a book. I’ll come to buy a book. I won’t come to buy a book, ending in a vowel and the consonant in all consonants except зД. II. Verbal Noun Formations : In Korean, verbal nouns are made with the nominalizing suffixes -n (There are many ways of making verbal nouns out of ver -7] and are the most common. The Nominalizing Suffix : ‘-ing,’ ‘to (do)’ In Korean, most verbs can be changed into verbal nouns by attaching nominalizing suffix -7] to the verb stem. The verbal nouns made way -7] indicate activity, quality, quantity, extent, or state of being»
197 rretely- The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘-ing,’ or the infinitive ‘to(do) Verb: V.S. Suffix: V.N. Meaning: to study -7) studying to teach -7] 7} S.*] 7] teaching to work °J*b °J®)-7] working to read Sb -7] ?Ь1 reading 34 to be big 3.- 37] bigness, size Notes: 1 When a verbal noun made with the suffix -7] is used as a subject, it takes the particle -7}/-°], (However, the partcle -7}/-o] can be dropped in lively conversation.) Here are some examples: 7}^.7]7]т} И is easy to teach. Or: Teaching is easy. □.-g-g- It is difficult to meet him. Or: Meeting him is difficult. Studying is hateful. 2. When a verbal noun made with the suffix -7] is used as an object, it takes the particle (The particle -<-/-< can be dropped, how- ever, in lively conversation.) Here are some examples: \Ь<]7} #7]> He doesn’t like to work. I hate to go out. I like to eat. I began to study. I hope the weather will be nice tomorrow. The Nominalizing Suffix -□/—! Other verbal nouns are made by attaching the nominalizing suffix - n /—§- Io the verb stem. Verbal nouns made with the suffix - n usually indi- cate activity or state of being, abstractly. Verb; V.S. Suffix: V.N. Meaning: IT' to see Ji- - u з seeing to teach 7} 3.^1- - П № teaching is] 4 to draw зе]- - П 3^ drawing to dream ¥- - u dreaming to fight - и fighting ^4 to live 4b - П & living, life
ЭД to freeze «a- o_ to sleep 71- - П эд to die --S" ЭД to carry 7)- -П ЭД to find о n ЭД to dance -П «й-g- ice sleeping death luggage finding dancing Notes: 1. -n is used after verb stems ending in a vowel and the word ; --g- is used after verb stems ending in a consonant, except in the word 2. Some verbal nouns made with the suffix - n are used to comple ment objects of some other verb forms of the same roots. #(-e) to sleep (-|-) to draw to dream (4) to jump f(f) to dance Xir) ^4 to breathe 3. There are many other ways to form verbal nouns, but most of them are irregular. It is better to memorize them one at a time, as they occur. HI. The Causal Ending -7| дЦ-g-oll"* : ‘so/ ‘therefore/ ‘because’ The non-final ending -7] nfl-g-ofl may be used with any verb, and indicates cause or reason. The English equivalent of this pattern -7] is ‘so,’ ‘therefore,’ or ‘because,’ but it is convenient to translate this pattern as ‘so, since this word fits into the English syntax in about the same way that jlJM fits into the Korean syntax. The main difference is in the pause: En glish speaker before ‘so,’ but Korean after -7] Examples: 4]^ 7\7] 7]_я] пЦ-g-ofl, 7j- - _s_. *1^ ^7] W $7] ^7] пЦ-g-ell, Я- >0]. I’m going tomorrow, so today I wont go. I had no time, so I could not go. I’m tired now, so I want to rest. The weather is not good, so Ill s^' home. It was cold, so I could not go. I’m Korean, so I like kimchi.
199 °N71 7'-—& I’m not a teacher, so I can’t teach. Notes: j The tense infixes (~лН. -ЗЙ-) can be used in the dependent clause (because-clause) if necessary, but the tense is expressed normally in the main clause. Here are some examples : fz] Because it was cold, I went. ^7] #4 *4. Because it is cold, I go. ^7] Because it is cold, I will go. 2. Sometimes it can be used with the polite particle as an unfinished sentence. Here are some examples : Why aren’t you going? ^7] Because it is cold.. 3. The form -пД^Ч], (without the suffix -7]), may be used with nouns to mean ’because of,’ ’on account of.’ See the following examples: Ч Zbg-o] 3- W. Л He couldn’t go because of me. Why did you visit me ? I could not sleep because of him. I came here because of that work. IV. The Contrastive Ending -x| : ‘but’ The non-final ending is used with any verb, and connects two clauses which are in contrast to each other. In this pattern, -*] ф ends regularly with a comma intonation. Examples: Ле^Н-Й-. «а Ц0’ 7^ п-H It is good, but I won’t buy it. I studied, but I don’t understand it well. I wanted to go, but I had no time. It rained, but I went. I have time, but I will not go. He doesn’t study, but I study. He is Korean, but he teaches English. I think you feel bad, but please be patient.
Unit 20 200 L°The tense infixes 'Я') can be used in the dependent clause. 2. Sometimes it can be used as an unfinished sentence. ’ s-o] .... 1 have топеУ- but- DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY to be heard, to be audible v} to be delightful, to be joyful to be far to be close, to be near ojcbjHjejv} to forget to lose to be fat to be thin, to be slim A. Substitution Drill 1. 3- зт. 2. 3. SL % 4. n^oii зт. 5. £ "H-м % зт. 6. * зт. 7. wd зт. 8. SL u^] -S- ^m. B. Substitution Drill 1 • п}ъ}7] 7} *] cq 2. wu. з. tw^b 4. л4^^7]71- 5. ^7] 7b 6. ^-7]7> 7. MHO dW. 8. ^4]7]7b C. Substitution Drill i. *<hhi #i- stevia 2. ±L5^4rb 3. «J-oflAd I couldn’t go because of him. I couldn’t go because of money. I couldn’t go because of that work. I couldn’t go because of my homework I couldn’t go because of my clothes. I couldn’t go because of my studies: I couldn’t go because of my teacher. I couldn’t go because of that woman. It is difficult to meet him. It is difficult to study. It is difficult to forget it. It is difficult to explain it. It is difficult to take a nap. It is difficult to endure it. It is difficult to make it. It is difficult to take it out. I slept in the room. I dreamed in the room. I danced in the room.
201 ЧИН 6' p Substitution Drill j ^S}7] г U^7] w. 3. 4. ^-k- 5. фчНЬ7! 6. $5M71 7. £-8- 71 ^-й- 8. 7k§>]7| E, Substitution Drill 1. zi-g-0] <U«1’71 2. zi£<>] £Spr7l 3. zi-g-»] 7J7] 4. ^7] 5. zl£°] ^<И7[7] ^«ИвЦД. 6. Zl£o] ^sj-7] ^<И«ЯД. 7. ZL-g-o] ZL^-j- ^-7] -Й<И«Н-3-. 8. ZL-H д-a-gp] F- Substitution Drill 1- ^^8- ’йЧг! zj-zjr}. 2. ^J-j- 7jz]t4. 3. «йфд 4- iI^bJ 7»M|t4. 5. 7j-z|c]-. 6. ^SL^-b] ^14. 7. is] 8- G' Integration Drill I drew a picture in the room. I jumped in the room. I took a breath in the room. I hate to study. I hate to exercise. I hate to wash my face. I hate to show it. I hate to play tricks. I hate to shave. I hate to change my clothes. I hate to teach. He doesn’t like to work. He doesn’t like to help you. He doesn’t like to close his eyes. He doesn’t want to put it in. He doesn’t want to walk. He doesn’t want to clean. He doesn’t want to sell it. He doesn’t like to take a bath. Let’s go to see him. Let’s go to eat lunch. Let’s go to work. Let’s go to swim. Let’s go to study. Let’s go to take a walk. Let’s go to play. Let’s go to dress. Teacher: x]-=- л]ЭДк]г]-. 4U L 42^-3-. I’m tired now. I want to rest. Student: я]$«].7] пЦ-g-ofl, 4]й1 I’m tired now, so I want to rest.
Unit 20 202 1. ££ £#£44. 4£ линя] nfl-g-ol], £*1> <##44. 2 <!Л5М°1 OF#44. 7F—# #£44. a|aJu|o] #471 “Я-аИ- 4—# #£44. 3. 4т- £#£44. % #£44. o>£ ^#7] nfl-g-o)], % #£44. 4. 4“££44. £4 4 #£44. 4#7] nfl-£-°i], £4 4 #£44. 5. °Hr 4££44. #°1 #4-8- o|£ <7] Ц^-Ofl, 7^0] £4-8-. 6. 4 #4 #£44. # £ #£44. 4#4 #71 4« # £ #£44. 7. «#£44. #4 4 #£44. «#7] nfl-g-ofl, zt££ £44#£44. 8. ##£44. £ -S-4 4 ##£44. #44 45-4. # <44 ##£44. H. Integration Drill Teacher: 7)-jL ##<44. 4#4 ##£44. I wanted to go. I had no time. Student: 7|<2. ##4# 47J0] ^^^44. I wanted to go, but I had no time. 1. <4 ##£44. ££44. <4 ##44. ££44. 2. £t#£4 4. £ s._a#£44. «#44. £ slb#£44. 3. «#44. #4 #4 #£44. «44# £4 44 #£44. 4. £«44. #<»] #£44. «44# #°) #£44. 5- £4 £4 4. 4< «7] #£44. £44# 4-4 <7^4 #£44. 6. 4£o] 4«££44. ^#^44. 7] £4 4”£4# ##£44 7. 44£ 7|££44. 717]. ndv)cE 44< 7}£7]4( 7]7]t. "J 4 4. 8. 44 £££44. л££ «£44.
203 SHORT STORIES 1. 34И Ч—Ч ЧЧ4 ЗтгЧЧ. ' j.34 34i- 47] 7} ЗЧ^ЧЧ. j.s]]4 3*1 &3<егЧЧ. Expansion Drill 3^-4 434 ^*13, ^Aj-g. ^7)7). Ufl^], 4} a] зчзчч. 2. hH'T"7]7]- ЧЗтгЧЧ. иЦ-т-4- to learn n]34 7\5L 3^44. 3414 ЗЧг'З'ЧЧ. 34)*1 ardently Expansion Drill ЗЧ<- ВЦ^7]7)- 43*13, ЧЗЧ 7}jl 427] JZ. ^344. 3. л <a чз-ч 47Н з^чч. a«.o] op* Hpg-44. 4]OJ Ч-Ч -М^чч-. Expansion Drill Ч-M Ч7]Ч ЙЧ1?}, ^£-°l °Н^ 4—7] Ч-гЧ, 43 44 -М^ЧЧ. reading л>е1 Ч^ЧЧ. ^34 ^-ЧЧЧё- i~e^ ^ЧЧЗтгЧЧ. ЧЧ ^тЧЧЧ 43° I 3—Чл #лКгЧЧ. 1444 лМ$тгЧЧ. ЧЧЧЧ^ 33 ЗЗ-s- л}й1 3-^-3 337М1.5. 7)4.2. i <4 £^4X 5J^4T 3№44. 347}>H4^ oo^viti. ч-ё- чч 3 ацл, -.| «W ?«« С Л >л л2 ^'^й^!Ч- *i иьчз. 1&^чч. чч ч ----------------- лД*-! ^Я^ЧЧ a certain strangely
204 Unit 20 °-M 4J0] 4H <^41 foreigner briquette store drugstore "Н-йт as one wishes (pleases) word, vocabulary to answer the word for (it) 'Й'Й edible briquette the owner, the master ФЧ -e Ф4 to be startled , suddenly briquette to ask flavor pellets which are taken after a meal or smoking to freshen the breath. BRIEFING A certain foreigner went to the drugstore to buy 41. But he forgot the word for £ 41. He asked the owner of the drugstore if he had briquettes. The owner of the drugstore heard the word “41 41" and thought it very strange. He said that they didn’t sell 41 41 in the drugstore. He said that if you wanted to buy briquettes, go to the briquette store. He said that in the briquette store you can buy as many briquettes as you want. So this foreigner asked the owner of the drugstore again. He asked, “Don’t you have edible briquettes?” The owner of the drugstore heard the word ^41 (edible briquette) and was startled suddenly. He asked if he ate briquettes. This foreigner said that he ate 4=141 very well.
205 UNIT 21 W^l Weather BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE to be refreshing, to be cool L OHJSL4- *1W*I-S-? Today is cooler than yesterday, isn’t it ? to be the same *1 OJ 2 <]], Yes, it seems a little cooler. x]\} last summer terribly, exceedingly 34 to be hot 3 3. *13 -T-3 c^x]iL? Last summer was terribly hot, wasn’t it ? *W3 the year before last 4- °fl» W-S, ^z.s-|4 *W3 Yes, it was. But it was not as hot as the 3#-g- 3*1 &йНД. year before last. 3 % 5. ^43й] с-]-й<НД? Was the year before last that hot ? *H3 the first, number one . 3 6. ^ЗЛ, Г-^Д. It sure was. It was the hottest (of the three). USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE *• ^334 9 iu I am sorry. * m ч ш Don’t mention it. Or: Not at all. ,-^<i-) "Hi. Don’t worry about it. Or: Don’t strain your nerves. Or: Don’t pay any atten- tion to it.
Unit 21 206 notes on the basic sentences depending on the context or situation, means (1) ‘to be refreshing, feel good/ ‘to be a relief.’ See the following examples; 1. 4444» ‘to be cool/ (2) ‘to 444- 44°1 <4-8-. jl-g-o] S17] 4 4 44 4. The weather is cool. A refreshing breeze is blowing. Because he is not here, I feel better. (I’m relieved.) Words for the weather are : 4444 to be refreshing, to be cool. <444 to be chilly, to be rather cold n}s-44 to be warm, to be mild 4 с)- to be hot ^4 to be cold Jr1S4 to be humid, to be sultry, to be hot and damp 3. 44 ‘last4 is a noun modifier derived from 4 44 ‘to pass by,‘ ‘to go past, ‘to pass through/ Study the following words : 4 4 days gone by, bygone days. 44 4°1] the other day, the last time, some time ago 4 4 ЧИ last night 44 4°1] last month 44 4 last year /Й_4 ‘to be hot4 is an irregular verb. When the final consonant -a of the stem is followed by a vowel, -u changes into This irregular verb 2 will be studied later. 4. 4[ -|4 means the year before last.’ Study the following words, which have to do with the year. Chinese words: Pure Korean words : Meaning: ^0)1 0Г Sil (of!) last year or this year vfl'doi] or nextyear s we have seen in the above examples, the Chinese words may be used with th' particlewhereas the pure Korean words can be used either with the P* tide -4|, or without it.
Unit 21 207 STRUCTURE NOTES j fliejfonparison : ‘(more) than’ The particle (more) than is used as a standard of comparison, when both items of comparison are mentioned. It is attached normally to the second noun of a comparison, and oftentimes accompanied by cj ‘more.’ Examples: ^^4 N) (Я) Я-3-. o] л (ri) (Я) 7]%Нг (Я) нЙ-ги. (Я) The phrase ending with *4 may making no difference in meaning, oth Korean is more difficult than English. Dogs are bigger than cats. This house is smaller than that house. Today is cooler than yesterday. The train is faster than the car. This is prettier than that. occur before the subject of a sentence, ?r than a slight change in emphasis. See the following examples, and note particularly the words to which the particle -S-cj- is attached. 0]^o] C-] This is prettier than that. o]^e] cj This is prettier than that. 7|7j- 51<У=о] 14 tj Dogs are bigger than cats. Dogs are bigger than cats. When only one thing or one quality is mentioned, and the other item of comparison is omitted, the word r-| ‘more’ is normally used. See the follow- ing examples: Cl t>| nJ >o)-e||^ «И5. 7^=- 7^0] When a comparison of two items is requested via an interrogative pronoun, an This is better. This is more expensive. Korean is more difficult. I prefer flowers. It’s better to go by taxi. aPpropriate particle is added. the interrogative pronoun 'which thing (person, side) is used as a subject, it takes the particle J at the same time, the second of the two nouns in the comparison takes the contrast particle ~tr/ -E. Study the following examples: 61 Я4 n <^3- зд
Unit 21 208 Which book is better---this book or that one ? o]7j4 ci Which is prettier--this one or that one ? o] ^4 д-] -rzl IN*}? Who is bigger---this student or that student ? — ci ‘И^тгЧ*}? Which language is more difficult-Korean or English ? 2. И thp interrogative pronoun (4, ‘which thing (person, side)’ is used as an object, it takes the particle jL/zi i at same time, the second of the two nouns in the comparison takes the particle -^| ‘between,’ ‘of,’ ‘among,’ ‘out of.’ Study the following examples: o] -g-4 #°HBJ4*1-? Which girl do you like better--this girl or that one ? ol-g-4 ^-g- ^1 «Mb. -gj- ci ? Which one do you know better-----this person or that one ? ^4 44 444 С1 Whom do you love more-----your older brother or your older sister? И. The Sentence-Final Ending: ‘it seems to be’ The pattern - v- (-£-) 7j 3b ^4 is used with description verbs and the verb and indicates resemblance or likeness. *4, as an independent word, means ‘to be like,’ ‘to be similar,’ ‘to be as.’ Examples: з! 4°ES.. > 31 4*171- 44 7j} 7^0}^ ^4*1 € 31 7i6}^ ^-g-0] TjJ 7^0}^ ^4°1 tJ-Ajo] 7^o}^ It seems to be good. Or : It’s like a good one. It seems a little cooler. The weather seems to be cold. He seems to be big. He seems to be a teacher. He seems to be a student. Notes: 1- z±.3! Ф4 is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; л *s use^ after verb stems ending in a consonant. 2. This pattern can be used with action verbs. This usage will be studied i» detail later. 3. The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb 4, verb with study the following examples not in the main
209 'й'дМ-З-. It seemed to be good. Л3)о] 7A 7i7] It didn’t seem to be good. 4. The negation is expressed either in the final verb or in the main verb with ~ *- (~^1« However, there is a slight difference in meaning. Study the following examples: ЛЗИ It does not seem to be good. °] It seems that it is not good. jp The Particle -EHsH* • ‘to the extent of/ ‘as much as’ The particle is attached to nouns, and indicates extent or degree. The English equivalent of this pattern is ’to the extent of,’ ’as much as,’ ’equal to,’ etc. Examples: o] Л Ч-SL Л^# I can do as well as he. This book also is as expensive as that book. This is as difficult as that. This is as good as that. I have as much money as he does. This particle Study the following examples : °l Л. h]«}x] oj-oRfc.. ‘to the extent of’ is used also in negative comparisons. This is not as pretty as that. (lit. This is not pretty to the extent of that.) This book is not as good as that book. This person is not as big as Mr. Kim. I did not eat as much as my teacher. This one is not as expensive as that one. This particle is used also in questions where a negative answer is exPected. See the following examples: °] ? Is he as big as this person ? 0N-i, ng-o] o]^.P]-a. &oR&._ No, he is not as big as this person. г| о, д ? Is Eng]ish as difficult as Korean ? ^7l' & No, English is not as difficult as Ko- rean. ’ ^-^SBgriative Marker xflgj (or 7^)- : ‘the most’ e word ЯИУ is originally an ordinal number meaning ’the first’ ’number
Unit 21 210 one.’ The superlative marker 1Я or Zbl ‘to the greatest degree’ is цад when three or more items of comparison are mentioned. It is regularly put before description verbs, noun modifiers or adverbs. Examples: ?U. Я[О. 7} 5JH-S., °l3iol Лчг6] Yesterday was the hottest. This book is the most interesting. He is the biggest one. That one is the prettiest. The most difficult one is that one. This is the smallest desk. He teaches best of all. Note: is interchangeable with 7}#, making no difference in meaning. is used, however, more than 7}#. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY to be warm, to be mild ^'4 to be humid, to be sultry ^«4 fc»4 to be high 1^4 *4 to be low #4 to be wide, to be broad to be narrow to be long to be short A. Substitution Drill 1. ^*14 2. ^]7]- 7^-0]-^ 3. 'W]- 7^-6].^ 4. M-*]?]- 5. ^*17} «4} 7$ 6. £<4^ 7. ЧН17} >£ 7j 8. 4^- 7jj 7^6}^e The weather seems to be cold. The weather seems to be warm. The weather seems to be humid. The weather seems to be cool. The weather seems to be chilly- The weather seems to be hot. The weather seems to be good. The weather seems to be bad. B. Substitution Drill i. ^4ai4-s.. 2. o]7j}o] ^]oj * This is the most interesting. This is the most difficult.
211 3 el^o] яЦ«й 4 o]^o] MlU ЗА 5 o]^o] ЗЙА g o]^o] 13A- 7. 01^0] яЦ<и g. о]^<ь] *U*U ~д°К3-- Substitution Drill ! o]^o] 2' O]7,jo] о|О]-Л. 3 O]^o] jM 4. o]^0! 5. o]^o] оддивх] &4.S.. 6. o]?3e>] 7. o]^p] ^7] 8. 0]^0] H]47] D. Substitution Drill 1. 2. o]3jo] с] u]Jl. 3. °]^й] 4. vj ^|hh|JL. 5. Ч-Ч-&. 6- ri 7. opjo] c] zjc^ 8- 61^°1 #<4.&. E* Pattern Drill This is the most beautiful. This is the biggest one. This is the longest one. This is the shortest one. This is the smallest one. This is the highest one. This is not as short as that. This is not as wide as that. This is not as good as that. This is not as long as that. This is not as pretty as that. This is not as low as that. This is not as high as that. This is not as expensive as that. This is better. This is more expensive. This is more difficult. This is more beautiful. This is worse. This is wider. This is longer. This is shorter. Teacher: This is as difficult as that. Student: This is more difficult than that. 2. л.тЗяНр' 6* Tp].^ -*-#*№.
Unit 21 212 F. 7 <^7]7> 7}7]"J^ ^USK-U. 8. .2.#°] o}7]7} 7}71 л<о] ci*U. Pattern Drill Teacher: »1зН 4М-Й-. This is prettier than that. Student: “W-S- This is prettier than that. 1. olTjo] zi^it} #«}А. 2. °] *J|o] sl АЧ-Й.Ц <0ES-. 3. ^<4^4 4И.Й-. 4. i<°] ^Wit} “J-x-sH-S-. 5. °17]7} 7}7]it} 6. ol-S-°] zi-git} ^^«яд. 7. о] ЧН 3- #ic} ?}°}-S-. ZLTjic} °1^в1 #вкЙ-. Si s|it} о] ЯН t»K аМ-й-П- 4ИЛ *Wit} Д-Ш-Ч 4х«и. 717]it} c}7]7)- >Й<ИД. ZL-g-it} oj-g-o] 311И.Й.. Л «Jit} о] ЧМ SW-S-. 8. о] jEiH Л i^it} ^«Я-Й-. л. iilit} “1 ^«ЯД. G. Response Drill Teacher: о] «Я4 zi aj^g- Ч-Ь tJ»] >о]-Д? Which book is better--this book or that one ? Student: °] sl *4it} cl.>o}jL. This book is better than that one. 1. 7j»l с} яЯоЫ^Ч7}? ^•’Й-о] ^<4 it} cl ^nl^vit}. 2. °) °17}a} л. <*|я]-ь- ^7} cl ofl^-u)7}? °) °}7}7} ZL ^7}it} Cl °Шс}с}. 3. о] «М 71 И}^- Чь. #о] С1 ?}^С177}? о] HJ-°] *1 “Jit} cl ш-^qc}. 4. °1£з} ZLgr^ -g-ol cl ^^4? °1£°1 sLg-it} c] 41^^-u]c}. 5. ^<3} n}^^«l o}<it} cl Н]фс}с}. 6. 4}^o}S} o^x. 7д01 nj.oj^q7).? ^HW?} it} Cl 5t°l^v}t}e 7. OJ-&4 ig-£ 'T‘7} cl H}^-u|7}? el£-°l ZL&ic} cl a}4£v}c} 8. o]34 71^ c1 W447 el^el *ls!ic} ci
213 Reeponse Teacher: 4 *HN4? Which one do you know better---this person or that one ? Student: 4^4 4^4 4 ^44. I know this person better than that one ? L o] epH Л. ЧЧ CH— -S-i- 4 4#*И1ЧЧ? 0] 4 ЧВДЧЧ. 2 4— 31 £ 4 ^^4 4^4-f- 4 3. °] М'ЧЧ- W-S- ci 'У'И^'УЧ^? 0] zl M*H- 4 4. o] jjMjs]- 4 льу4 ci ><WJ44? o] jra.a.14 4 jE'U-t- 4 >Ч#Ч 4. 5. w ч-g- ^°n <4- -g-a- ><ww ? oifi^ *i-s-a- ui 6. -T-’d e>1— C1 ЗМ-й-4 -r’d-a- ^i -t-oHh-l1}. SHORT STORIES 1- -S-v-c- йьМ]-й-т4 4x®U. □Ж $>0}Л. ^l7} ^4c- 71 -e0}^-. the day before yesterday Expansion Drill -2-ir-c- °i^] 14 ’43к^}*1ч}, > 44r 31 ЧЬп-с- М' 2' М ^I'U *!<}• ^1^-7} 2L-g-«).j7 ^-о] Ч-ЗН-&. М- °НМ а] тЕ-Ц- Js14- to be intimate, to be close i*’7)] 7}-x] until late Expansion Drill ^1 ^-o].^|-7] пЦ^-<Я], t-i Ч-ЗИ-Й., оЦ]<Ч 31 зьЧ-а..
Unit 21 214 3. ?}.J7 q-g-^qq. q$£4q. 41 <a >Ч<Ч Ц—Ч! £o] tfA]q. Expansion Drill 7^1 4л 4*)ч> qeqq "fl-M, >4<H S1AЗ ^q #A]q. 'гЧсГ' READING o]uj S]q А}^о] A] q Ajo]] ЗКгЧ c}. -&-ir Л1-§-£ ^n][j in-q-a- ww. ^.qq гн-чьа- чи q. riqq-fer ^I°H qq ZU <5^4 q. ^q/j 4 q°-H- *Ь4 4 'ЙЧ-я $^44-. ^qq ЧИ<- ^qq. п.г|]^ q 44-^- lUq<^^4q. qq=£- л} qqjz. q^qq. q qq- a}^ q-t- ^qq. nqq :n.qq <• q#^qq. лгН tH ЛН1Н f q xq^qq, °4я xq, n.qq qqq qq^^qq. гг-зНЗ qqq^qq. ^qq ли-т-ч <>] q^- Aj-q^ qq qq^^qq. q 'i ^4] three months ago q^-i-q everyday qq toothpaste -g-^AjA} driver qqqq to ask (one’s favor) q-g- pronunciation q-S-qq to do wrong rat poison ’ti:0} §-r+ to comprehend, to understand -Й-П* to ask and see what it’s like ^31 JLv| (finally) he found out that- ^-т-ь! from that time on eagerly, zealously BRIEFING A certain foreigner came to Korea three months ago. These days he is studying Korean at school everday. But he knows Korean only a little. The day before yesterday he wanted to buy toothpaste. So he asked his driver, as a favor.to buy toothpaste. But he pronounced it the wrong way. So this driver thought that the man had said “rat poison." The driver bought the rat poison and brought'1 home. The foreigner was going to brush his teeth with it, but it looked strange So he asked some Korean people about it. He found out that it waS 1,01 toothpaste. It was rat poison. Therefore, from that time on, the foreign eagerly started to study pronunciation.
215 UNIT 22 SolL+gojS? How Far Is It? BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE the City Hall about what distance, about how far 1. o]4J ^s]4 u4 How far is it from here to City Hall ? by taxi about 20 minutes to take (time) 2. -§-> ^-2.. 2£] 5. 3 oj It takes about twenty minutes by taxi. to that place, in that direction 3. Ч- ae|S. 7^fe- 51Л ’tuLS. Doesn’t any bus go there ? of course there is every ten minutes 4. 5U £>44 ж ь}4 3 з}Ч-*| Of course there is (a bus that goes there). One comes every ten minutes. to ride, to take to take a ride, to get in 5. йН-S- ? W1 «4 Where would I be able to get it ? over there 6. е}а]]_2.ф 3 6J Get it over there.
Unit 22 216 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: 1. 7|7J°1 И-T ^3-S-. 2. -гт2-^) 3. <y-si £.г]ЯН-Й-. MEMORIZE It takes too much time. Whose turn is it ? I’ll let you know. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1 is a contraction of <4 ?1 °11 ‘from.’ ^.g.0] рНои sm. SL-g-O] ‘from here.’ Let’s review the particle -о||л) He came from America. He returned from Japan. I got off the train. ^p}4- means ‘about how far.’ When the particle -Ц- is used with an interrog ative pronoun indicating distance or quantity, such as ‘how far ?,’ ‘how many ?,’ or ‘how old ?,’ it indicates approximation. This particle -Ц- will be studied in detail later. 2. *ЯЛ1 ‘taxi’ is derived from English. # 3 depending on the context or situation, has many different meanings (1) ‘to take (time), ’ (2) ‘to be hung,’ (3) ‘to have a (telephone) call (from),’ ‘to get through,’ (4) ‘to be attached (seized, afflicted) with,’etc. Study the following examples: #3-7} # ##ofl 3. ^3-^- means to that place,’ ‘in that direction.’ The place words °]3, 4?! and #3 always take the particle -jiL when indicating destination, whereas^ —’ #21 and #_7] can be used with the particles and -< Study the I following examples: °] #5. #7)5. -МЛ <*17]oJ] #7]o]) 7^]^ ##5. 7H^_. It takes time. A picture is hanging on the wall. I didn’t get my call through. I caught a cold. Please come this way (here). Let’s go there. Please go over there.
217 хр]£ /И-3- 7Н-3-. is a contraction of <ИСМЛ1. ' is a contraction of STRUCTURE NOTES I Noun Modifiers^ We have studied the noun modifier -1- (-§-) used with description verbs to indicate quality, quantity or extent of the noun it modifies, (see Unit 15, S.N. III). Now let’s study noun modifiers that occur with action verbs and the verb of existence. a. The Suffix : When the suffix --Ё- is attached directly to action verb stems and it indicates the present tense. It functions in the same way as a relative clause in English. The English equivalent of this pattern describes a present, existing condition. It is equivalent to ing’ in English, (e.g., buying, bringing, raining, having, etc.) Study the following examples: -£-*] 4 WJ44. 4^*1-fe- -§-*] -т-^ч The person who is buying the book is my student. Who is that person teaching Korean ? H]7} It looks like it is raining. Bring those books (which are) over there. The man who has money is coming L m, HOW. b-The Suffix -L-(g) : When the suffix -u- (-£) is attached directly to action verb stems, it indi- cates the past tense. Study the following examples: -g-o] vfl The person who bought the book is my student. -ё-°1 51 The person who shined my shoes here is over there. Notes: is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -il is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. 2- The suffix -u (-g-) is used also with description verbs, as we have already studied.
Unit 22 218 c. The Suffix -a«) : When the suffix -a«) is used either with action or description verbs, it indicates the future tense. Study the following examples : 4 *1^ *}-£-. <W1 £°1 4 oHU. Hl 7]- i- 4 4Ч-3-. 227$ o] ti]^- 7$ <4^ 7$o] The person who will go to PUSan j coming now. s The person who will study here is mv younger brother. J It looks like it will rain. I think it will be expensive. I don’t know which one will be better Note: -a is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. IL The Particle -n|-c|- • : ‘every’ The particle -44 may be attached directly to any noun, and means ‘every,1 ‘each,’ ‘all (inclusive). Examples: ZL^-6] ^u]-4 4-$-. 4444 44Л *И44 >44 zL-g-o] ЧМ44 44Л 4444 4°14 а14Л 3^-44 4 °] ш 4 ^4 -£чч 4л 4^-444 4Л 4444 44 44^] Л He goes to school everyday. Everybody is different. Every student likes him. He goes out every evening. There are children in (each and) ever) house. There are houses everywhere. A bus comes every ten minutes. I go to church every Sunday. Take one every two hours. III. The Suffix : ‘apiece,’ ‘respectively,’ ‘each’ The suffix is attached directly to a number, or to any number made with a classifier (counter) ; it indicates distribution. 3^*1 Study little by little. Please eat (them) one by one. I work 8 hours everyday. The students come by twos.
219 ЗРИ лЦ ЧИ ф лр^чМ 41 ‘М-й-. I ate three times a day. Give them 1,000 won each. DRILLS additional vocabulary America England Japan France A. Substitution Drill 1. ^nJ4- 2. 3. tH-°W °j^^l ’ЙН-й-? 4. «ЙЧЦ т^о] £? 5. ‘ЙЧЧ ^<4-8-? 6. «ЙЧЧ 7. <^44- ^o]JL? 8. tH-opj «ЙЧЧ- ^°J Germany ^41 Taiwan ^*Й the Soviet Union People’s Republic of China How far is it from Korea to Amer- ica ? How far is it from Korea to Eng- land ? How far is it from Korea to Japan? How far is it from Korea to France ? - How far is it from Korea to Ger- many ? How far is it from Korea to Taiwan ? How far is it from Korea to the Soviet Union ? How far is it from Korea to People’s Republic of China ? B- Substitution Drill 1- 4^15. 20 2- Чл|5. 30 g-^ 3- io -g^a 4- 15 g-^ 5- л]тьа ^гр_Й., 6- ^Л|5. g- zpjg. 7- <И.£ 4] -ApJ-ДЬ 8- ^л|5. M] л] C‘ Sub8t’t“tion Drill (Review) ! Л. a||BBj7 ч}--^ Й 2’ -SSSiL *ЧП1^]Д ЧкУ Я,, It takes about twenty minutes by taxi. It takes about thirty minutes by taxi. It takes about ten minutes by taxi. It takes about fifteen minutes by taxi. It takes about an hour by taxi. It takes about two hours by taxi. It takes about three hours by taxi. It takes about four hours by taxi. Of course she is beautiful. Of course Korean is interesting.
Unit 22 220 3. Д ЯН ФД Ш. 4. 2L #0] H-S-Д °^Д- 5. 2L *<М ^Д ^ДД. 6. д-ё-°1 WU ^ДД- 7. Д-ёП ^*Д ’ЙДД. 8. д.и.0] <ЯДд ’Й’ДД. D. Substitution Drill 1. в] 7} Дё- Я 7^°Д. 2. П-g-»] -g-V-sJ-fe- 7А ^Д. 3. д-ё-0! 7Д 71 7^°Д- 4. дё-°1 Д-с 7Л ^Д. 5. Д-ё-°1 gfe 71 7^°Д. 6. д-ё-°1 -М-дД 71 ЗНД. 7. д-ё-°1 ЛД^Д 71 7ДД. 8. д-ёН 4|ф*Д 7Л 7еНД. Of course that book is good. Of course that room is dark. Of course that room is bright. Of course he is kind. Of course he is fat. Of course he is thin (slim). It looks like it is raining. It looks like he is studying. It looks like he is going to school. It looks like he is coming. It looks like he is doing his homework. It looks like he is taking a bath. It looks like he is taking a walk. It looks like he is washing his face. Е. Pattern Drill Teacher: в] 7} Д ё^Д. Student: нН -£- 7^|Д, 1. Д-ёН ^^7]-^- 7j 7^-0 Дф 2. ?Н7Д 7j £оД 3. Д7Д-|- 7j £<>Д. 4. Д^-l- 7j 7^-оДф 5. ё-8- “Д знд. 6. -М 7^0 Д 7. -ё-8- Н.-С- 7А 7^°Д. 8. -Г-8- 7.НД. It looks like it is raining. It looks like it rained. Д-ё-о] ^<^7J 7j 7^6д. ёИ7^ 7A ^Д. Д^-8- 7Я 7^°Д. Д31-8- 7} 7^°Д. ё-8- "Й 7i ^°Д. ё-8- #4 7j 7^бД_ ё-8- 7J 7^»Д. -г-8- 7j 7^<>Д. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: иД А-ь 7} фоД. Student: вД -8- tJ ^-о Д_ 1. ТДзД 7j £оД 2. -8-8- ^Н-е- tJ zy-оД 3. 'ЗеИ-г °1Д ЗНД. 4. Д-ёН #\Дд 7j 7^оД 5. Д-ё-0] -8-1-8- «Ье- 3| ^-с>Дф 6. д-ён ^-а- хНг 7^6 д’ It looks like it is raining. It looks like it will rain. ^°Д. -8-i- w. ьИ < 'S 7Д 7^U. Д-ё-о] #44- 7A ^«Д. Д-ёН -M-8- th 7i Д-ёН 7^°Д.
221 ?Н=- 4 44А. ^-4<- 7}^] 57 7^ 7^ 7^0). Я З-ёМ -Т--4 £ л pattern Drill ‘ Teacher: 4< 4fe ёМ Ч 44 £44. The person who is buying the book is my student. Student: 4< Ч ё°1 Ч 44 £4 4. The person who bought the book is my student. 1. Ml 4-2.. 2 ^71-f- &-C- -ё-0! 4£°1Ч-2-. 3. 444c- Ml ЧтМ-З-. 4. £44 Ml 44 44e’14-3-. 5. £444 -ё-°1 44 °М^. 6. Ч—4 -Ml -f-4 01°fl-S- 7. o]> 44 Ml 44<»14-2-. 8. *14 £44 44 Ч4Ч-3-. 4°) Ч--Й-. 44-i- 4 Ml 4444-2.. ЧЧЧ Ml £54-2.. £4 Ml 44 444 Ч-2-. £44 ё-4 ^’НЛ. =L^ £4 44 М84ЧД. 4< 44 Ml Ч444Ч-2-. 4< 44 Ml Ч5М-3-. Н. Response Drill 1. £44 Ч^М 2. Ч— 7} -ё-°^Ч- ^-3. ? з. ЧЧЧ-Ч- 'ЧЧЧ] 7И-3-? 4. 4Л$ЧЧ Ч-^-Ч-З.? 5- 5-^44 -т-’ЧЧ 8J4-3-? 6. З^ЧЧ -т-^Ч ЧЧ-З- ? 7. °ННЧ -т-Ч-4- «НД? 8. 1 Ч£ЧЧ Ч-еЧ-З-? < <44 7]-^.. 4^7j- ч 444 4-3.. ЧЧ44 ММ 7}Д. Ч. 4444 44-3.. «44 7Ц-Ч-7} Ч4-3-. ££44 44 44-3-. 4£44 ЧЧ4Ч4. 4 ЧЧ44 £4М-2-. !• Response Drill 1. 5Нг*Ь7}.й. ? 2. £i4«| 3. spf-ofl ’йчч $ 47J4 5- £ ММ ЧЧЧ <4-2- ? 6- *Н4] л1^}-а| ^-гН-й. ? 7- 5РН ч ЧЧЧ тё-Ч-З.? 8- 4ёЧ| ч ЧЧЧ ЧМИ-3-? Ч. ^ЧЧ о’ё‘44-3.. Ч, 444 Ч4М-3.. jpa-o)] Л4] ifl-q ЧёЧ-З.. 444 4^ ЧЧЧ £4-2.. £ -ё-ЧЧ 1,000 £4 ёМ-3-. Чё-Ч 44 ЧЧЧ «4-3.. 4ёЧ £< ЧЧЧ 4-2.. Чё-Ч т ЧЧЧ «4-3.. SH0RT STORIES
Unit 22 222 1. 4-fe- 431ЧЧ зо&у 44444- ге)д «М z> 44 44444. 444 44 4444 2. -£¥ 4-ЗИ 44 -S- 4 4444 пеН -Зд.£ 7].X]J7 £H_2_. ^44 H]7}- Ля) $tf4A. when I go on foot an umbrella 3. <W1 H.O. ле]д7 д]^ <о]Л4=. -g-£ LflOj П]^О)] # ££ Х] <WJ44. READING . 4-fe- *]-? 444-i- ЧлЗ*УЧ4. 4444 4^5. 4-лоЦ 444-. 444 4^4-4 44 4444-. л^1Я] 4^-8- 444 °И ^#4 A. J41 4—4 &4 Efl 4Л. л44 В]л7]. 4 44444. 4^4^ 4-t- 4^1- 4^44. л *34 4M 444 444 3^44-. л44 4-fe- 44 зЧ М 44444 i “1-^ 47fl-S.”4^- ^ФЧЧ. 4 ofl Sl-fcr 44>°1 -£-Ste44. “ЧЧ^ЧЧ’Че 14 $! ^>4 to be difficult, °зМ in front of, before to be laborious 4444- to fall down, ^•T- barely to tumble down 7Т-Ч-7]- while going 4444 politely, with courtesy 447] suddenly people to stop ^•’4 completely, entirely 44 lady *y- inside BRIEFING I am a Korean language student now. I go to school by bus every morning' takes about thirty minutes from my house to school. It’s very difficult to take a bus. They take too many people on board. So the bus is very crowded. 1 g°t on the bus with difficulty this morning also. The bus was going but suddenly stopped. As a result, I fell down in front of a certain lady. I said to her politely- ’Give me some water.’ All the people in the bus laughed. I forgot completely the expression ’I am sorry.’
223 UNIT 23 - - Climate BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 1Ц'<Я] н] Ч 1. йгМ ЧЧ -g- Л 2. 1 W И1Ч &°1 Ste-til-S-! JL-^-SL Ч 3. £#£ H]7]- 4 ^-7]^. ? е^]Д 4- г^А. Ч НЧ <314-Й-. Ч 5. ^ЧЧЧ «14 -2-^-тЯ] ! 444 (ЧЧ) МЧ| ЗД 44 last night a rain It looks like it rained last night, doesn’t it ? truly, really a lot °J Yes, it really rained a lot! today also It looks like it will rain today too, doesn’t it ? well! to clear up Well! I don’t know. I wish the weather would clear up. These days it rains every weekend! perhaps, possibly, by any possibility in the afternoon to go mountain-climbing 6 йм 4 ЧЧ-8. W} 7^, Perhaps the weather will clear up this afternoon. If the weather clears up, I will go mountain-climbing. lSJifiLEXPRESSI0NS: MEMORIZE 1 JL ? Are you interested in it ?
224 Unit 23 2. SH-S, 3. SM-S-. I’m not interested in it. There is no problem. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. 2. h], depending on the context or situation, means (1) (a) rain, (2) ‘a broom.’ Study the following examples: и]?} It is raining. -g- It looks like rain. h] I swept with a broom. ’the truth,’ ’reality,’ besides being used as a noun, is also an adverb meaning ’truly,’ ‘really.’ Its synonym is Its opposite word is 44pj~ *a lie.’ ЧЧЧЧЧ means ’to tell a lie.’ Study the following examples: Is that true ? It’s true (Believe me). He is really a good student. That’s a lie. Don’t tell a lie. He went away for the weekend. I’m busy at the end of the month. I’ll give it to you at the end of the year. 4^44. ЗННУЧЧ-. 4 °] «Я] Л. ЧЧ^ЧЧ-. ЧЧ^ЧЧ 4. means ’well,’ ‘let me see,’ or ’ah.’ It is used as an expression of doubt or uncertainty, or when hesitating to do something. 5. means ‘the weekend.’ indicates ’the end,’ ‘the close.’ Study the fol- lowing examples: the weekend the end of the month ЧЧ the end of the year ЧЧ-&. 6- the afternoon,’ besides being used as a conversational term, is a techni- cal term for ’p.m.’ Its opposite word is -2.Ч ’the forenoon,’ ’the morning, which is also used as a technical term for ‘a.m.’ 4* is a contraction of 4si means ’to go mountain-climbing.’ When the verb ЧЧ is preceded by nouns such as JHb ’a mountain-climb,’ ‘a bath,’ ‘a walk,’ a picnic, <458 ’a trip,’ a]^ ’a hunt,’ etc., it indicates the purpose of an action. Study the following examples: -f-ЛКО to go mountain-climbing
225 7>4 to go to a bath-house (’t’) 7}4 to go for a walk 7}4 to go on a picnic ft] «J (-fr) 7}4 to go traveling 7}4 to go on a hunt -) 71-4 to go fishing STRUCTURE NOTES 1. +-ЯК-& : ‘I wish so-and-so would happen* The '^(~U may be used with any verb, and indi- cates a speaker’s hope or desire. Examples: ^]7|- 7ЦЯ-* 1g <*]7]4i i-H- <31*U. mi ^зм.а. I wish the weather would clear up. (lit. If the weather would clear up, it would be good.) I wish he could come here. (lit. If he could come here, it would be good.) I wish I could go to America, (lit. If I could go to America, it would be good.) I wish I could see him. (lit. .If I could see him, it would be good.) I wish I could speak Korean well. (lit. If I could speak Korean well, it would be good.) I wish I could swim now, (lit. If I could swim now, it would be good.) Although the past tense infix is used in this pattern, the meaning is in the Present tense. Thererfore, the pattern -#(-%[, >^*4 is inter- changeable with -(^.)^ (without the past tense infix), making no difference in meaning. The pattern with the past tense infix is, however, more euphemistic. Study the following examples: °1| I hope I can go home, (lit. If I could go home, it would be good.) °il j hope j can g0 home, (lit. If I can go U home, it will be good.) ^r^^tional -а(»е||д... : ‘wjn do,’ ‘intend to do’ y^sentence-final ending -г (4-)г)]Л is used with action verbs and the verb ' ’ in<dfeates a speaker’s intention or planning.
Unit 23 226 Examples: j-LAjofl /НгЦД? < -^<4 ^гЦД. O}V]JL, -V-4M &Ш. 41, WM^-. o]-v]3L, bfl’U o’ r*W 4], SL< ^Wl o].qjL, JL< я^41 *J4) %W гЦ-S-. Will you go to Pusan ? Yes, I’ll go to Pusan. No, I won’t go to Pusan. Will you study tomorrow ? Yes, I’ll study tomorrow. No, I won’t study tomorrow. Will you stay at home this evening? Yes, I’ll stay at home this evening. No, I won’t stay at home this evening. Notes: 1. The sentence-final ending -г «)гЦЛ is used regularly with first person statements and second person questions. 2. -аг)]Л is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; --g-гЦЛ is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. 3. Notice that the pattern Л, studied in Unit 18, S.N. Ill, is used only with first person statements. III. The Ordinal Numbers : In Korean, there are two kinds of ordinal numbers; i.e., Korean ordinal numbers and Chinese ordinal numbers. a. Korean Ordinal Numbers : One way to express ‘first, second, third,’ etc., is to attach the suffix ^4 to Korean cardinal numbers, with the exception of the word ‘first.’ Study the following examples: first ’-M fourth seventh second fifth eighth third sixth Wl ninth tenth Notes: The suffix __4[ can also be attached to any number made with the clas sifier (counter). Study the following examples: ЧМ the first time -г- 41^ the second time 'Ml the third time °] the second day the third day 4 the fourth day
227 О] the second book 4 the second hour the third book 44*Я the third hour b rhinyse Ordinal Numbers: Another way to express ‘first, second, third’, etc., is to prefix я)]- to Chinese numbers. The Chinese ordinal numbers are used less commonly than Korean ordinal numbers. Study the following examples. я|] “1 first second fl 4 f| fourth fifth fl seventh eighth я!) 4 third f] 4 sixth 4 4 ninth fl tenth Examples: He became first in his class. нЦ/Ь 3LSU-. First (of all), I feel hungry. °J3PI‘ 4^4-2-. The first lesson is difficult. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY snow a typhoon ±4-7] a shower 44- a cloud «If a wind 4 4 to cloud up if to blow -te|4 to be cloudy (a bolt of) lightning to be dry, to become parched *lf to flash 44 the rainy season A. Substitution Drill 2- ^44 Д. 3. 4- 5- MlzLM— >^<4.2, 6- ?• SSStjLjS—’й <зЛ4-2.. 8- Т^о,в| ^4-2.. B' ®Ubstitu‘ion Drill (Review) ^O1 x].ej.o) । I wish the weather would clear up. I wish a shower would come. I wish a wind would blow. I wish a typhoon would blow. I wish lightning would flash. I wish the weather were cloudy. I wish I could speak Korean well. I wish I could swim. He is a Korean!
Unit 23 228 2. Л.Ь-0] ng aHKN-S- ! 3. л.^-4 15 WJ3U! 4 л^-N °J4 45°J4-S-! 5. л.^-4 455 45°J4^-! 6. л£4 ^-qj aKKHI-S. ! 7 л^-°] ±5 Aj-^-oj4_s.! 8. л44 15 ! C. Substitution Drill 1. л44 45 55-S-. 2. Л44 -B-4 #4-3-. 3. 55 #4-3-. 4. Л1О] #4-3-. 5. Л44 #4^. 6. Л44 лЩ #4-3-. D. Substitution Drill 1. 4<4 5 # #°E3.. 2. 54zU. #°k3.. 3. ±.4-7]7} -a- # 4<>kR. 4. 414 < 7j #o]^ 5. 554_Jt #°E3., 6. 5*17} *5 # #oRR. 7. 54 7} 4 $ #4-3-. 8. iMzli # #°Ез.. E. Substitution Drill i. 554 ihiu. 2. 4-t- 51 «ц. 3. 15 54-S-. 4. 1A 54-S-. 5. 54 54.S-. 6. ±1 141L 7. 51 54-S-. 8. 4*8 #4 A. F. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: л. 44-7]- I Student: zl 44-7} i He is an American ! He is an Englishman ! He is a Japanese ! He is a Frenchman! He is a German ! He is a Russian! He is a Chinese man ! He went mountain-climbing. He went to the bathhouse. He went for a walk. He went for a picnic. He went traveling. He went hunting. It seems to be getting cloudy. It seems that the weather will clear up. It seems that a shower will come. It seems that a typhoon will blow. It seems that a wind will blow. The weather seems to be gettingcloudy. It seems that lightning will flash. It seems to be getting dry. I will take a nap. I will clean my teeth. I will go mountain-climbing. I will go to the bathhouse. I will go for a walk. I will go on a picnic. I will go on a hunt. I will go traveling. She is very beautiful! She is very beautiful!
229 j M44 ! 2 M44 ! 3 ^]7} 4'Й4?-8-! 4 М44 -т-’Й^’-З-! 5. М44- ! 6 ^]7]- ! 7. ^4 7? ! 8. M47F Ч^-'S'-S-! 44 7} 4-r4J_ I 44 7|- Ч-£-Ч5- I 444 МЧ4Ч)А! 447F j 44 7^ ! мт л]j мт f мт ч^чи! G. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: ^--ё-6! 45L41 7)-fe-g-_S. f He is going to school! Student: Л-g-o] Ч^Ч] 7]mi-3-! He is going to school! 1. «17} ! 2. zbM ! 3. л#о] 7^7] ! 4. иё4 ! 5. тм-с-г-л! 6. □.ё-о] -г-!- “ t-uhS.! 7. zbg-o] M 4 7^-^-Д I 8- 3-£°l ^<471~е-?.Й. f m •2.-Й-О] ЖНЙ-! Л.&О] 7}7] i £i- тм -С-Ч1Д! П.&О1 £-8- «-fe-41 A! ?Н71тгЧ].Й.! л-g-o] M^mui H. Response Drill Teacher: m°ll 7^4]Д? Student: o}41, -f-'tM 7>x] # -4-41 A. i. тчи? 2. ^-44^4]Д? 3- ,3£4'U4]^.? 4. 'Ч1хгЧ'ЙгЦД? 5- Ч^зНгЦД? б' ?• ? 8' 7im 7Ц1чи? Pattern Drill Teacher: о]^О] чИМЧЧ. St“dent: o]^o] т^МЧЧ. Will you go to Pusan ? No, I won’t go to Pusan. чт, -E-F8- *H &-Н1-Я.. <>im, W7! SM-aH-S-. ЧЧЛ 45.44 Й-в-аЧЛ ЧЧ5-, 41^7-44 o)-m. 4*844 #-§41-3.. o|-m, -7-444 $-441-8-. <445-, S.m4 &-44I-S-. <44.2., 7>m 7>4 $-8-4-8-. This is the first time. This is the first hour.
Unit 23 230 1. -T- 414444. 2. 4 И’И’УЧЧ. з. o]^o] vfl 44444 4. o]^o] tpy #*№44 5. Ч4Ч °№ #’№44 6. ЧЧЧ #4°УЧ4 7. 444 °№ #4#44 8. 444 4-S- ’£’№44 440] -T- Ч^’И'УЧЧ. 444 4] -4#ч| 444. O] 4 O] vfl A] 7.H 4 414. 444 44 Л174’И'УЧ’4. 444 44 Л17УЧ4Ч4. о]4<4 4> Л1#’114Ч4. o]7jo] 4 Si Л17£414,Ч4. Ч44 4£ Л1ЛМ «У Ч14. SHORT STORIES 1. 44 4М -т- 47J ЧМ 44 % ^£44. ZZ.4)4 х]£ ЧЧ'Ч Ч>4ЧЧ. magnificently, Expansion Drill 44 ЧМ -т- 47J ЧЧ 44 71 Ч>Ч, ^44 Ч-М 44. 4414 > 4^—4 2. ^44 х^Ч-й-. и]?], 4 44-Й-. Чт 44431 44 44 44-S-. Expansion Drill 444 ^44, -2ЛЧ 44 -2-4 £М- 4 4Ч-&-. 4-4 4^4 J7 7^-0] Л]л£ 7^£fl^ 3. 44-е- 4^-444, Ч1-Ч4 ЧтгЧЧ. 4 spring 4-^-Ч-с- 444ЧЧ. 7]-< fall, autumn 4‘Э’Ч -с- iHr44. 4^" winter READING 44 44 44 *1пЧт °thHЛ. zug-t- tj 44 4444. °Hr 44444. 44? 4^4-31 44 £44 >4444. £444 tt 4 л]7]-х] 4-Й44. £4] 444 £ $444. 4 4. M] 444 4£44 ££ 4-5144. 44 4£ 4£4з1 44 4<- 4з1 44 >43144. ^.^<4^.. лЧЧ 4 » >4 £7] ^-«^44. 4 o]^y u. £44 -§> ^4 444. ЛЧ4 oH?.
231 after ten years continuously (This pattern ~4M will be studied later) to get drunk (intoxicated) to ride and to be glad, to be a (call) bell WfV И delighted (to meet) tM to press 4^ a bar, a tavern a wife (honorific) to pass by, about I ’ to pass through to have a hard time, dawn to get a hard time BRIEFING 1 met a friend downtown yesterday. I met him for the first time in ten years. I was very glad to see him. I went into the bar with my friend. We drank until 12 o’clock midnight in the bar. We got drunk, so we were not able to come back home. We kept drinking until 4 o’clock in the morning. We took a taxi about 5 o’clock and got home. We pressed the bell. But my wife didn’t open the door for us. A little while later my wife opened the door for us. But my wife gave me a hard time.
Unit 24 232 UNIT 24 Movies BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE «4 1. *1-^ 7H 7-M-S-? 2. «Ml, s}5L £ 7H-S-. H4 3. £ nfl Ifl h<H <s] ^U. 74°1 #*14. #4#4 s) 4. ^]7} nfl^x] 7]t}e]z]3i <H-S-? «4 5. # 7Ж? 6. 44 th ## 7^U. the movies Will you go to see a movie now ? homework No, I’ll do my homework and then go. when you go to stop by, to drop in Please drop by my room when you go. Let’s go together. until it is finished to wait Will you wait until my homework is finished ? about when About when do you think it will be finished ? It will probably take about an hour. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. 2. # -=r &4-S-. 3. 44 4#£44. Have a nice weekend. It can’t be helped. I’m glad to see you. Or : Pleased to meet you.
233 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1 noW' *s use<^ both with non-past tense verbs and past tense verbs. When ' used with a non-past verb, it indicates immediate future; but when it is used with a past verb, it indicates immediate past. Hbg- ‘just now,’ ‘a moment ago’ is used, however, always with a past verb, and indicates immediate past. Study the following examples: I just came- %]§• 7ИН-3-. Г11 £° HOW. yjj. I ate just now. eg $ means ‘a motion picture,’ ‘a movie.’ When the consonant g with a vowel occurs as a final syllable, the aspirated sound is not pronounced, habitu- ally. But when it occurs in the initial syllable, the aspirated sound is pronounced clearly. Study the following examples: a movie a telephone s]i}- a conversation Tuesday з]л]- a company -2] a meeting ?H1 ?HJ.? is an informal form of (See Unit 9, Structure Notes III.) 3- Я] #41 пМ-S- means ‘Please drop by my room.’ The verb ‘to stop by,’ ‘to drop in’ is an irregular verb. The final vowel -Л is dropped when followed by the vowel , This irregular verb, ending in a final vowel will be studied later. 4* ZLE}5]Л1ЗЛ ? means ‘Will you wait?’ The question form, with the future tense, is sometimes used as an euphemistic expression to ask someone’s favor. Study the following examples : n1 пМ -Я-. Give me some cold water, please. # тл1314£? Will you give me some cold water? (euphemistic) STRUCTURE NOTES ^^Coordinate Non-Final Ending • ‘and’ e have studied the particles and meaning ‘and,’ used to link n°Uns in coordination. For example, ‘I bought a book and a pencil.’ ‘Please give me some toothpaste and a
Unit 24 234 towel.’ This pattern -Д is used, however, to link two clauses in coordina. tion. Examples: *K2., -g-S- <57., H] 7\ «4-8, o]3jo] 457., JL-g-TT 4^ lK tpjo]j7, Л^--сг I’ll do my homework and (then) g0 Open the door and come in. I’m studying and he’s sleeping. The wind is blowing and it’s raining. This is cheap and good. He is tall and I am short. I’m a student and he is a teacher. Notes: 1. When this pattern -5L is used with negative constructions, like -*] or -*) it indicates the rejection of one action in favor of another, Study the following examples : -g-4 #<>U. I’m not going to do my homework I’m going to help him. Without seeing him, I came back. Let’s go without eating. ’Й’Х \ Don’t work, (but) study. Later, you will study this pattern <2. used with the negative construction in detail. 2. This pattern -5L may be used with any verb, and the subjects of the two clauses can be the same or different. 3. When the subjects of the two clauses are different, they usually take the contrast particle Study the following examples : ^5L, ЧЧ-З-. This is good and that is bad. 7|]u]oj57.t Korean is interesting and English is Я 4. difficult. IL The Non-Final Ending -a(g) : ‘when,’ ‘while’ The pattern «) пЦ may be used with any verb, and indicates a time when something takes place or exists. The English equivalent of this pattern is when, or while. It ends regularly with a comma intonation. Examples: ^4, 4s. * When you go to bed, turn off the liR^t. please. When you come here, bring that. When he leaves, I’ll go too.
235 И71 7^<>U. Lo] № < 417]. < ^1 ^д- <bl£ «Я, ^£‘1 ttW. When the weather is warm, I’ll go. When you have time, let’s go together. When I was working, he came. When I was taking a walk, he left. Notes: 1. This pattern -g(-fr) °H can be used with any verb. But it cannot be used with the verb -»14- in the present tense. Study the following examples : ifl7> “fl. 7i7M 7№ When I was a teacher, I went there. A. ф]. иЦ, ••• (not used) 2. When the actions of the two clauses take place at the same time, the past tense infix (-#-) is not needed in this pattern -г«) n||, as you have seen in the above examples. But when the action of the main clause takes place before the action of the dependent clause, the past tense infix may be used within the pattern дЦ, Study the following examples: «Я, 58 When I saw him, I told him about it. Ж ад зи «я, ад ufl, «Я, У °|-T с-ШН-З-. oj When I entered the classroom, the light was off. When I came to Korea, it was very hot. When I went to school, he was not there. 3. This pattern дД can be followed by any particle, such as -у\! -°], -qJ], -J£., -4^], etc. Study the following examples: «Ж *)йЕо]| аЦо)], ’d’sH-K 7_J- пЦ^ ^4. ^°1] -g- пЦп]-^ л^.4. n1'^’71 *0’ 4 is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. It’s time to eat supper, (lit. The time that we eat supper came.) Think of the time when you were a child. On the way to school, I met him. I met him again as I was going to school. Every time I come to Korea, I see him. From the time that I began this work, I felt bad. Wait until he comes back.
Unit 24 236 drills ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY to prepare one’s lesson to review to practice to look up, to stare Ч]е}с}.Й.с} to look down A. Substitution Drill (Review) 4)4^4- to look out -g-ajcj-jic} to look in (through), to peep into (through) to grow, to grow up to be thick (tree) 7^4 to be thin (tree) B. 1. sujH tH-H. 2. rz.^!0] 7H-R. 3. <H^4 ?M-R. 4. ite tR-R. 5. rt^o| 7]^- tH-R. 6. JTflo] Q ^M-R. 7. $-4 tH-R. 8. ^4 тИ-R. Substitution Drill (Review) It must be expensive. It must be interesting. It must be difficult. (The tree) must be thick. (The tree) must be thin. It must be long. It must be short. It must be wide. 1. Л4-°| ЗЕАИ 3] A] тИ-R. 2. л-g-o] <4 тМ-R. 3. 31^-0] 41tH-R. 4. Zl’g-o] 44^ TR-R. 5. ?h.r. 6. 31£-o) ^4*7 TH.R. 7. 444 4 7H.R. 8. 4^4 7]o)]^ C. Substitution Drill 2. -g-V-f- g|-3L 7^<^Д 3. a|-JL _a. 4. 4-4-4 g|-32. 7H|<H.R. 5- 4^4 7|-$<>|.я. б. 014 M-3L 7)^10)Д 7. 4-4 8. о] #4 7}floU. He’ll probably be in the classroom. He’ll probably ask you. He’ll probably answer. He’ll probably ask you a favor. He’ll probably dislike it. He’ll probably play a trick. He’ll probably take a nap. He’ll probably forget it. I’ll do my homework and then go. I’ll study and then go. I’ll wash my face and then go. I’ll take a bath and then go. I’ll sightsee and then go. Г11 clean my teeth and then go. I’ll change my clothes and then g0. I’ll clean this room and then go- 1- ^31 7]-^<^Д
237 p Substitution Drill 1. А» 444 #3i >444A. 2. 444 #^ -&444-S.. 3. M: #32. -1-444A. 4. 4144 #3L >444 A. 5. Ц44 #3t >444 6. 44^4 #32. >444A. 7. 444451 #3^ 8. 4444 #a 44W. E, Substitution Drill 1. 4M> 4> 44 444A. 2. tHl-t- »4 44 444 a. 3. 444 44 444A. 4. 44 444A. 5. 41S 44 444A. 6. 4К 44 444A. 1- £>> 4 47]- 444A. 8. 4^t_S 44 444a. Without seeing him, I came back. Without working, I came back. Without helping him, I came back. Without practicing, I came back. Without reviewing, I came back. Without looking up, I came back. Without looking down, I came back. Without looking out, I came back. It’s time to eat supper. It’s time to study Korean. It’s time to get up. It’s time to review. It’s time to practice. It’s time to prepare our lessons. It’s time to exercise. It’s time to take a walk. F, Integration Drill Teacher: ЧЧ-&. This is good. That is bad. Student: 44-8- >32., 4«4A. This is good and that is bad. 1- °1 4» 44 A. 4 4» °1 4» 4x, 4 4» 4>4 A. 2. 4» »«I|A. 4» O4-2-. °1H »4x, 4>-8- »«flA. 3- 44-8- 44A. 44-8- #4A. 44-8- 4a, 44-8- Й-4А. *• 4 4-8- ^4 A. 4 4-8- >4A. 4 4-8- У a, 4 4-8- 5. o] JE^o. JEAJA A. °1 4 3L4-8- 44^-2-. 6. 44-c- 7}4^A. "H-fe- 4 a, 44-c- 7}4^A. 7. о] Ap^.o 4-¥-4-8- 4-T-4-S-.
Unit 24 238 0] лр-il-g- ш-х *1 ahhi£ 8 ЗЯ-9-. <HBiVU- зх -H^u. G. Integration Drill Teacher: ^l-9- Go to bed. Turn off the light. Student: °H, When you go to bed, turn off the light. 1. ори АлЦД. 3J5H 7}x]jl .МД. O^7]ofl Ц, n^g- 7H -2 -М-Й-. 2. Ч-7Н-Я, пМ-Й-. Ч-7И1 Ц. -S-^ 3. £#g- пЧМ-й.. -g-S- Ф-М-й.. ’ё-М-й., 4. -E-g-g- «Н.Й.. o]^g- 7p]j7 7H-S-. -Е-Д-а- ЗЩ пЦ, O^g- 7Нл 7HA. 5. «}Я41 7Н-Я-. zi-g-g- 4}4-4)-S-. «tJZofl 7}Л) ИЦ, ZL-g-g- dJ4-H|^-. 6. JZ-^ofl ><Н7Н-й.. -S-fr c-W-S.. Я'й»!] >^7pj on, -g-a- оид. 7. ЧМ Ч7НЛ Й.-М1Д. Ц7Ц) Ц, -М-Й-. 8. -g-^H пЧМ Ш37Н1 Ц, Н. Integration Drill Teacher: zrg-o] sq._g_. 7|c|-e)^|_g.. He is coming. Wait. Student: n^-o] < nj^, 7]4^^^ Wait until he comes. 1. п-Й-о] <a«^4t}₽ 2- ^-V-7]- 7]t}-e]Af|.a.> i4|7|-x], 7]т4г1л||д з. Щ7} «а-g- 4^44. -°.’ 4,7} <ag- п}Л] пЦ7}х], 4. 4]7} g-e^j-qt},
239 ^7). -g-44 -g-Y-sMl-S.. 5 ifl?]-4444. vflzl- 44 444 6 .jjji.7} ^444. 4-t- ^-M-S.. ^4 444, 4-fr 7 . £ 4 <г 4тгЧ4. 4 4-44 A.. £ %№ 444, 8 iVF £4844. W14A. vflzp S.4^ 444, 4tt44-S-. Integration Drill Teacher: 4^4 -g-44. n.-g-|- W44. I come to Korea. I see him. Student: 444 > 444, ^--g-g- 4444. Every time I come to Korea, I see him. 1. 44°1 4^44. 444 444. 44°1 Sli- 444, 444 444. 2. zi-g-Ч -S-44-. 44 4-E44. □.-&Ч i- «Ж, 44 нр&ЧЧ-. з. 444 44 4. 444 3^44. 444 4 4 44, 444 ^44. 4- □.•S--8- 4444. °] 44 444-44. 44 4 44, °] 44 4444 4. 5- ^4-i- 4-44. 44 444. < 444, 44 444. 6. з-g-o] n]^ 444. -¥-4451^4 4. ^•£4 444] 4 444, -¥-Ч«И^Ч4. ?• 444 -8-44. 444 ^44. 444] i- пЦпрг]-, 7]. 8- 4g- 4^44. л]л^‘тЧ4. 5-1- nfln].^ htegration Drill Teacher: o] oj^_ 7]-g-o] 44444. I began this work. I felt bad. Student: o] oj^. л1^ п||н.Е^ 7]^-o] 44^44. From the time that I began this work, I felt bad.
Unit 24 240 1. #£44. 4#£44. #£4| £ 4#£44. 2. зг^4| <4#-£44. °l#«£4 4. ^4 <4-8- W, °14-«£44. 3. £-?•< 44«£44. 44 ^#£44. 44# "H-Y-4. »H4 ai#£44. 4. #£ 44«£44. 4£«£4 4. #£ л]^ 4-V-4, 4£«£44. 5. opji- 4 #£44. 31-g-o] ^й£44. 4*J£ 41- 4H4, ^44 £#£44. 6. 444 #£44. 44 #£44. 444 i- W, 44 #£44. 7. °J£ «£44. 4#4 ##£44. #£ 4 Ц-М, 444 ##£44. 8. ^-ё-4 4 #£44. £4 44«£44. ^£4 4# 444, £4 44«£44. SHORT STORIES 1. 4£ 3AJi- 44 4)7} 4Я444. >451 4$£44. 47} 4 4144 7] 44 41 A. Expansion Drill 4-3- 44£ 4)7} s]3d7| 4|^-41, 431 7К1£44. 417]- 7^ пЦ7].х] 714-е] 41 Л. 2. 4,7]- AJ7J0] #4- 4) £о] 7j-Z]rK 4^£ 4М7] 41^41, £ 7}«£144-. iflojo. A)7J.O] о|Л. 7]4]л. 3. <441 ^i-Sr-S- ;х°]-#-£ 41, ^J--jr°l 44] <4: 41 'ЙтгЧ1'}'. 4-°}7^ 414-х}, ^]4] о} 7]]/уи|г]-. 4-за 7^ 7^qt].. reading Ч-t 44444- #£44-. 4£ 1Л4И <и»}д #£44-. <441^ п-гЦЧ <441 <47}7} <4^~£ ^°1 41М^^'
' 241 А^Ч^. ^41 4^ 4-M- Jii, q^Z W^- em ч) 4171- rfl^ “flЯ£Ч4. -M ^4M 4^ oj^-Ago] ЯЯ^ЧЧ. £ 4X 4^15^4 4. 4iM ^^!уЧ4. ^4] zz. <44^. q HT-tM 4 ^^4 4. 2W4^ 41 <4^ 444 4#447] 41^44. 5)4 a (medical) doctor 4> a name a hospital 44 ancient times, old days $14 I’m working 444 an engaged person if- 4i a traffic accident 44^ a college 44 to happen, 4 44 the third grade, junior to break out -§-H] a village 33- a face 444) a girl student 444 to get hurt 45. each other T 47J -S-4 for two hours Ч-М in the end, finally тЗ- a surgical operation 4£44 to get engaged т‘й’44 to operate 4444 to get married (to) 434 fortunately 444 a rich man’s house 44 to die °}* a son BRIEFING I’m a medical doctor. Fm working at the hospital now. Yesterday a big traffic accident happened. A certain woman’s face was seriously injured. I performed a surgical operation on her for two hours. Fortunately the woman survived. This morning I saw her name, and I was completely surprised. She was my old fiancee when I was a junior in college. There was a very beautiful girl student m my village. We loved each other. Finally we got engaged. But she got married to my friend because my friend was the son of a very rich man.
Unit 25 242 UNIT 25 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 1. IKPK 2. < <>Ui 3. °| 4Hir «4 4. «U. W} *HU. ЗД- 5. °4 «4 6. i, <4 'ОД -g- ^-ofl Is It Alright ? even though I go in is it alright ? May I go in ? without hesitation, without delay *1 Yes sure. Come on in. to clean °J Shall I clean this room now ? after it is finished I have to study now. Please clean it after I finish studying. a little later Then, shall I come a little later ? about Yes, please come back in about thirt) minutes. 2И&01.2. ? USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1- n >. ’ 1 Don t worry, please. 9 5Й tvI О)- О /Ji О L. I w_->4|i. Make yourself comfortable. i-WWi! Ho« did it turn out? 4- lt turned out well
243 notes on the basic sentences к 1 f dePending on the context or situation, can mean (1) ‘to go in ’to enter (a company, a school),’ (3) ‘to contain,’ ‘to include,’ (4) ‘to be spent, (5) to become hollow, etc. Study the following examples: 2-g.o] He went into the room. He entered the school. This candy contains (has) milk. Much money was spent for this book. 0] -Т"'П-7!' 0] Л-И <<4 Your eyes grow hollow with hunger. up} 5L*71 3. means ’to clean,’ ‘to sweep.’ Study the following words. ‘a cleaner,’ ‘a sweeper,’ ‘a street cleaner,’ ‘a garbage-man’ ‘a scavenger’s cart,’ ‘a garbage wagon’ я} 7] or ‘a vacuum cleaner’ 6. °-}- ‘about’ is a prefix indicating an approximate point in time or quantity. So it is always put before time and/or quantity expressions, ‘about’ is interchangeable with the prefix ‘about,’ making no difference in meaning. Oftentimes, and th are used together with the suffix ‘about,’ as an emphatic expression. Study the following examples: °-} Ч i £ -у £ $ Si 7fl « SI ^д I studied about two hours. I studied about two hours, (emphatic) I ate about ten of them. I ate about ten of them, (emphatic) It takes about ten minutes. It takes about ten minutes, (emphatic) I bought about ten. I bought about ten. (emphatic) STRUCTURE NOTES Sig-Concessive Ending -Q|-(-o1, -oj)£ " ' ‘even if’ ‘even though’ The non-final ending is used with any verb, except °] Eb* The English equivalent of this pattern is 'even if it is so-and-so, even if Weone does so-and-so,’ or ‘even being or doing so-and-so. ‘•’И-0!,--------— Sularly ends with a comma intonation.
Unit 25 244 Examples: 33 ОЗ-2-. дЦр]о}<И5., -Й^2- ^3 #°KS-. 7||пШЗ-£, 'о’З’З'З-З-. W ^3 V, 3313-2-. u]«|i> '3313-2-. >35-. -£-=313-2-. ^13£. И-Т- 333-2-. 3^«H-£, £ 33 #3-2-. Even though it’s delicious, I won’teatit Even if it’s not delicious, eat it. Even though it’s interesting, I want to see it. Even if it’s not interesting, study it. Even though the weather is cold, ГЦ pn (there). Even if it’s expensive, I’ll buy it. Even if I listen, I don’t understand. Even if I want to read it, it’s too diffi- cult. Even if I practice it, it doesn’t go well (it’s not successful). Ч-c- 7}*1 7}^_. Even though I don’t go, he goes. When this pattern -4(~4, -4)5. is followed, however, by the word f 4 ‘it’s good,’ ’it’s OK,’ or Q4 ’it’s all right,’ ’it doesn’t matter,’ it is used for asking or giving permission. In other words, for the expression ’someone MAY do something,’ this pattern ~4(~4, -4)5. #4 (^#4) is used. Its literal meaning is ’even being or doing so-and-so, it’s all right.’ Study the following examples: <445. m^44) ? 4^4 зШ^44? 44 #^44? 44 £45. #^44. 41 44 45. ^>^44? 44 45. ^^44. 4^4 ^5. ^Й>аЧ4? 4^445. И45. #^44? ^45. ^44. May I go in ? You may go in. May I go to school ? You may go to school. Is it alright even if I don’t buy it? It’s alright even if you don’t buy it. Or: You don’t have to buy it. May I come again tomorrow ? You may come again tomorrow. Is it alright even if it’s noisy ? It doesn’t matter even if it’s noisy. Is it alright even if it’s far ? It doesn’t matter even if it’s far. The negative answer to a request for permission depends on whether the request is affirmative or negative 1. In denying permission, a statement of prohibition is used: someone must not do something,’ (lit. qf someone does something"
245 won’t do’) ; or the negative imperative form -*] ‘Don’t do, Study May I buy it ? You must not buy it. Don’t buy it, please. Don’t buy it, please, (polite), the following examples: *}.£. <тг44? *1-4 4 444. 4*1 44-*-. 4*1 ’£4 2. In denying permission, the obligatory pattern -4(-4, -<4)4 44 is used : ‘someone must or has to do something j -a] 4 44 ‘if someone doesn’t do something, it won t do , or the affirmative imperative form (о)4]А1Л ‘Please do it.’ Study the following examples: Is it alright even if I don’t buy it ? You must buy it. You must buy it, (lit. If you don’t buy it, it won’t do). Please buy it. Please buy it. (polite) 4*1 >^44? 44 444. 4*1 4 444. 444-*- (44-S-). 4 ^44-*- (4 Ш). Notes: - <4£- is used after -4 and - 4^- is used after any other vowel ; - ^Jc. is used after 4~, or the stem of the verb 44 ‘to do.’ It The Obligatory Ending-OK-Qj, -0j)0fr 44,,‘ • ‘must,’ ‘have to’ There are several ways of expressing obligation in Korean: i.e.— ‘someone must do something.’ One of the most common ways is the use of the pattern -4 L4, ~4)4 44. It may be used with any verb, and indicates obligation and/or necessity. Examples: ’I-? ^44. I have to study now. You must forget it. I have to read this book. It has to be good. It has to be clean. You must have money. It has to be a pencil.
Unit 25 246 1. The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb 44. Study the fo|iow ing examples: ^o)| ^844. ЗИЯ 4. z}<4 4^1^44. I must go home. I had to go home. I’ll have to go home. 2. The negation is expressed regularly in the main verb. Study the following examples: 4°11 V44 ^«11 44 #44 $4 4 Oj. ^44. 4°H 44 4j.o}o| 444. You must go home. You should not go home. You should not go home. You must not go home, (stronger) 3. The rules for attaching this ending to verb stems are the same as for^ (-о], -<4)5. of this Unit, S.N. No. I. Another way of saying that ’someone must or has to do something’ is to use the pattern -*] 5]*4. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘if someone doesn’t do something, it won’t do, (lit. it doesn’t become), ’ or ’unless some- one does something, it won’t do.’ Examples: °1 ^4^4. I have to study now, (lit. If I don’t study now, it won’t do.) I must read this book, (lit. If 1 don’t read this book, it won’t do.) I must go to school, (lit. If I don’t go to school, it won’t do.) Notes: The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb S] 4. Study the following examples: 4*1^*344 ImustgQ 4-1^4^44. I had to go. 7W ^4^44. I’ll have to go. These pattern and -x] ql s|4 occur frequently as strong negative replies to questions which ask, ‘Is it alright (even) if donV-. ?’ (See this Unit, S.N. 1). Study the following examples: О ? Is it alright even if I don’t buy it? You must buy it.
247 4*1 344. You must buy it, (lit. If you don’t buy it It won t do.) ’ To deny obligation, i.e- ‘someone nged not or does not have to do some- thing, ‘the pattern -4 >4 is used. It теапГ^ЙПотеопе doesn't do something, it’s alright.’ Study the following examples: -^.g- a)-o]: 444 ? Must I buy it ? 4*1 <^4 4. You don’t have to buy it, (lit. Even if you don’t buy it, it’s alright.) Other ways of expressing obligation will be studied later. lll.A.V.S. +-L(g) : ‘after doing’ The word 4J- is a noun meaning ‘later’; the particle -4 ‘at,’ ‘on,’ ‘in’ indicates time or place. This non-final ending-t-(-g-) 4-§-4 is used to say 'after something happens’ or ‘after something happened.’ Examples: -MA. #<HA. Ж A ^^14. м-1- «I «Ha. I’ll go after I finish studying. I want to go to bed after taking a walk. Please eat after working. I came home after I met him. Please come after you phone me. After I heard it, I went (there). Let’s eat supper after buying that book. I did my homework after I talked with him. Notes: L This pattern -i-(^) o]] is used always with action verbs, and the subjects of the two clauses can be the same or different. 2- The tense and/or negation is expressed in the final (main) clause, not in the dependent clause. Study the following examples, and note particularly the tense of the verb in the final clause. J g0 t0 bed after taking a walk. #^44. I went to bed after taking a walk. I’ll go to bed after taking a walk. 3 4*] I won’t go to bed after taking a walk, is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant.
Unit 25 248 4 . When the subject (of the dependent clause and the main clause) isthe same, and the verb of the dependent clause is 7]-4-/-*-4- Or their compounds this pattern -v(£) 4~HI CAN’T be used. See the following example MW 44 Я (never used) rfl?)- 44 7H -24Ч414К I’ll go home and study (This pattern will be studied in the following Unit) DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY 1-444' 7-714 to be happy to be unhappy, to be unfortunate to be thick (paper, book, etc.) #4- to be thin (paper, book, etc.) 24 to be deep 44 to be shallow A. Substitution Drill 1. >oj7)i >£44? 2. 444-S- >£44? 3- >£44? 4. >£44? 5. >£44? 6. » 14 s. >£44? 7. » »}£ >£44? 8. 444i >£43.? B. Substitution Drill 1. 44 344 2- 444. 3- #4£- 44 444-. 4. -g-i-i 444-. 5. 4 ^444 444.. 6. £4-4 444-. 7. 4 41- 3|£44 444-. 8. 4~и~ 4 £44 444'. C. Substitution Drill 1- -ir-T-44 3 4 ^44-. 2. 4 4i- 43 4-Л4 «у- igqq. May I go in ? May I ask you a favor ? May I open my eyes ? May I close my eyes ? May I change my clothes ? May I open the door ? May I close the door ? May I run ? You have to forget it. You have to explain it. You have to take a nap. You have to exercise. You have to think it over well. You have to search for it. You have to continue this work. You have to wash your face now. You have to study. You have to read this book.
249 3. fl “i-i- 444 444. 4. ^41-t 44 4 444. 5 д-ё-4 44 >4 ?М4 4 « 6. о)> 44 4 444. 7. й144 44 $-5.^ 4 444. 8. ^44 4}<4 2М-4 4 444. You have to finish this work. You have to do your homework. You have to listen to his words. You have to clean your teeth. You have to wash this. Y ou have to make it. D, Pattern Drill Teacher: It’s interesting, but I don’t want to see it. Student: ^C1IOJ<H£, Ji5L 44 44,3.. Even though it s interesting, I don’t want to see it 1. Ш ^44. 7^94-2.. 2. 4-&444, 4-T-4I4 =DA. 3. «pF 515.44, 444 444. 4. 411^44. 444 44-S-. 5. 4 4й! 4^444. #4 44-S.. 6. 3.44 4^44. 4)4 444. 7- 4^44. 4-S- 4^4 4 $4-2.. 8- 4444. 4^- 44 Ф4-2-. 444 48Я4-2-. ^-т-«И4 «0-2. upF 444 444. 4^4444 W. 4 44 <4 44-2.. n44 444-t, s|)4 444. 444S-. 44 4^4 4 $4-2.. 7F44-S-. 7Fui 44 44-2-. E, Integration Drill Teacher: ^••^7} 4*444. 7^444. I finish studying. I’ll go. Student: 4-T-7F ^4 44-4. 7F31444. 1’11 go after I finish studying. 1- -S-H- 444. ^41> 4^444. K-i- 4 44-4, ^41-t 4^44. 2. ^<44. <47^444. ioj^-g- Jj-s 4^.4, >47F^^44. 3. •й£^44> д}44 7H&444. ^£4 4H, 444 7H444-. < Ш 444. 7F^444. 444 4 44-И1, 7F^444. 5- 4444. з]^^44. ^4 4.x0ц, ^^1^44. 6- -H-4 444. л. 4-4 444^444-.
Unit 25 250 n. $. 4« П. 04044. 7. *]< -KN 4. 444044. x]< s-4 c]^.o||, t)]44^444. 8 s-A^v|v|-. O*4 44044. «4 44H, ^-S- 44^^44. F. Response Drill Teacher: 4e> 444? Student: AL^ji- 44 &O &O. 1. О 044 444? 2. al-S-44 40 el= 444? 3. О 404 444? 4. 444 444? 5. 44 444 444? 6. 044 <010]: $v|4? 7. « W 444? 8. °l 44 4^4 444? Must I buy it ? You don’t have to buy it. 4-3- >-^44 Уо}^ 04.8, 044 -т-444 °№ O°U. О 4444 44s. 04.8, Ot <ex] ^oU 44 оЩ-л] $O 044 -§-4 &O 04-8, £•£ 44 &O 04-8, 4 44 444 &O 04-2. G. Response Drill Teacher: O< 44 &4-£ ^^°}4 ? Is it alright even if I don’t buy it ? Student: °WA, 44 444. No, you must buy it. 1. О44 #4.5. 04-2- ? 2. 044 $4^04-2.? 3. <4 4. £^-8- 4*1 ?И.£ 5. 044 6. ^-4-g- 44 &4-£ O°K? 7. 4< 44 04-2. ? 8- °^4 #4-£ 04 H. Response Drill Teacher: 4О4-Ы >^O? Student: 44a, А]лг]оп} ’o> 04. J 1. >04? "Ma, 4 444. 40, 444 4 444. °Ma, GL-S-tiMl ><4°1: 444. 441, sflo): 444. 40, 4444 444. 44-2-, n4-a ;5J'°b°l: 444. 44-2-, o]< ^.oj-o]: $-44. 44-2., gl<44 4334 444. Is it alright even if it’s nosiy? No, it won’t do if it’s noisy.
251 Unit 25 г 3 4 <тз^Ь? 5 ^«Н5- ^Н^Ь? 6 ? 7 о^Я-Ь <^Я4? 8. ’Й'И^- ^ттН^Ь ? «Mi, «а- знч. °ЬЧ-С, 0} ^44. о]-Ч-5., о} ^44. o}4-£., -g-^44 °} 444. oJ-4-S-, -s-4441?! 4 444. «Ni, ‘Ч-т-т-'й 4 444. 44-с, <а 444. SHORT STORIES 1. <^7|^ <4 t> 7I7J^ iH-2-. *1^ *№1 &°K£ 4 4] ZI7J Expansion Drill H7IH <4 tb 7l7tHr iH7l nfl-g-ofl, X]^- П-Щх] $><>]<£. <^o} & 4 4] ^1 п]Ч^1л. 2. Hal И-T- »H Ml’d-’fl-c- H-l- *г 71 Expansion Drill ^i- SU 42«иH v-1^ 0^7] ^tb 14^1 0*1.8, °b°b 4]Hi- ~t“ Hi- 71 7HH-a, 3. 7I^- Л]ЧИ 7[s. 7]7[x] <X| 7] ofl S}O]: o] °J-g- НН-Й-. ^X1 H otherwise Expansion Drill *1п- Л]ЧМ /Re. 4] Z]7}Z] <4z]ofl ^-o]: ^-4^. 7I 4-2-^ о] -g-^ 4^ HHA. READING k25 nflo} c]o]:7]o]v|4. ^4- *bi-EW ^4bl^4i4. П ^l^J-gr oflz|-g- м-c] zH^44-. z^o] ^O] Hi- -s-мм и"M CL *1^ Jr°Ji7 cl 31^< DJ4-si
Unit 25 252 44. ллИ ?144 иН4 л]тгЧ4. 43) >4^4 л!л!1Гг < М5ЬгЧ4. т°1 ±3. 44°1 44. °Р1* 14 < 4е °J-g- 444 £-g- 44^44. : 4 444 id i-4^44. 6 • 25 -S'S} The Korean War (1950-1953) °]°p] a story a husband a battlefield to be killed in action °РК Ф4 to give birth to a child M" a day Christmas to be necessary °]-x--^-M] neighboring village to be familiar (cl a believer 44^^44. ^44 4 4 a 44. ^44 14] л] ofl7) <1^44. 4^ ^4- ] obY- is- &4^44. П.г]]л] u 1 ^Д5. opli 44 /pep} when she was going 5.л]-зг] (not) at all, by no means u)-^ fortunately -s-cj-e] a stone bridge ’ЙИ'Н) under, underneath v£c(- to cover (with) to have nothing л}7] oneself, one’s (own) i*}i4 to take off to shield cold wind -§-a] exceedingly, awfully BRIEFING This story takes place during the Korean War. Her husband was killed in action on the battlefield. The day for her to give birth to their child was near. It was Christmas. She needed someone to help her. There was an intimate friend in the neighborhood. The friend was a Christian. She went to see her friend. But while she was on her way, she began to go into labor. She was not able to travel further. Fortunately there was a stone bridge. She gave birth to her child under that stone bridge. It was snowing and windy. It was a very cold winter. There was nothing with which to cover the child. So she took off her own clothes. She protected that child with her clothes. The cold wind was blowing hard.
253 UNIT 26 =1UH Cigarettes BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE а)] Л| j jjMjopi $&oks- ? 3]^ 0} s)]^ in the classroom a cigarette to smoke May I smoke in the classroom ? if you smoke it won’t be good o] >- 2 <^7]*| ^4"^ °Jr ^-S_. v}7H No, you should not smoke here. Please go outside and smoke. for a while 4 з. 23, Ч-&Ч-71- >*1 W-S-. ^44 Then, I’ll go out for a while and then come back. soon a class, a lesson to begin ^1 Л.&Щ -g- л|*Н]-7] ^°1| 3 ЙЙ Please do so. However, we will begin class very soon. before it begins I’ll come in I’ll come back in before the class begins. S£FUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE * W-fi. ’ 4«lx] o^o).^ It’s good to see you again. It’s not that bad.
254 Unit 26 3. 4] <44 It’s not my fault. 4 uj-l- It’s unbelievable. Or: I cannot believe it NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1 ^-nl] means ‘cigarette.’ Korean cigarettes are comparatively popular with fop eigners because of their taste. They are exported to foreign countries a great deal these days. Traditionally, it’s rude for young people to smoke in front of their fathers, superiors or old men. Middle and high school students are not allowed to smoke. If they do, they are punished. depending on the context or situation, can mean, (1) ‘to smoke (a cigarette),’(2) ’to burn,’ ’to kindle,’ (3) ’to emit (a scent), ’ ‘to send out (an odor), ’ etc. Study the following examples : Don’t smoke cigarettes. Don’t make a fire. Don’t make a bad smell. 2 . is a contraction of <4 7] ofl л| ‘at this place.’ is a contraction of ’it won’t do, (lit. it doesn’t become’), 4. depending on the context or situation, can mean (1) ’at once,’ ‘immedi- ately,’ (2) ‘easily,’ ‘readily,’ (3) ‘the same as,’ ’the very,’ ‘that is,’ ‘namely,’ etc. Study the following examples: I’m coming right away. c* 3х aM-S-. You can learn it easily. °1^°1 ZL^-o] A} This is the very thing which he bought. means class work,’ ’a lesson.’ Study the following words: тН ‘during school hours,’ ‘in class’ ’a school (tuition) fee’ STRUCTURE NOTES L : ‘ (someone) does and does’ This pattern _?M 4—~°))4 is used when one subject performs one action andthen a second one. It is attached directly to the stem of the first action verb, and is then followed by a second verb. This pattern -»}(->), -<Ч)4 ly ends with a comma intonation. Examples: 4M)oll 7H, «Uofl 7^, I’ll go downtown and eat supper- I’ll go to school and study.
255 *И. 714еИ-Я-. о|о>7|^/|ск в| 7}Х|Л 7Н, $)Ш. *!W. o]^-g-^v]7ML 714-^41^. лр], чК*И-&-. 0}б}А], ЗКМ-SL. ojojvpb I came home and slept. Please come in and wait. Let’s go into the room and talk. I’ll take this book with me and read it. I’ll bring that (here) and eat it. Please cross this street and wait. Please stand up and talk. Please sit down here and eat. I got up and washed my face. Notes: 1. As you have seen in the above examples, this pattern -<4(-<4, -4)4 is used regularly with some verb indicating movement or change of posture in the first verb, such as -£-4 (or their compounds), 44 ‘to stand up,’ #4 ‘to sit down,’ (or their compounds), °j444 ‘to get up,’ etc. 2. The tense is expressed in the final (main) verb, not with -<4(~4> -4)4. Study the following examples : 7}4 ’о‘~Т"Т?44. 4^4 7И ^«^44. ^-^4 7}4 14. I go to school and study. I went to school and studied. I’ll go to school and study. 3. This pattern ~°}(~<4, “4)4 is used also with action verbs other than 7} 4, 2^4, etc. Study the following examples: № 44 ^4^44. гН4 44И#44. I’ll write a letter and mail it. Let’s meet him and talk (to him) I’ll make money and buy a house. °l 4 4-ЗЙ4Я. I’ll sell this car and buy a new one. п*-$14 43J14-&-. I’ll roast this and eat it. ^!44 ^hr4]_fL. Please wash it and eat it. *44 ЗНг4].£.. Please boil it and eat it. Let’s compare this pattern -4-(-4, ~4)4 with the coordinate non-final ending studied in Unit 13, S.N. No II. L Verbs such as 7p г}, Ф 4"» etc., can’t be used with the coordinate non- final ending -3L, when the subject of two verbs is the same. Study the following examples: *^4 (never used) (correct) • However, when the subjects of the two verbs are different, the coordinate
Unit 26 256 non-final ending -Д can be used with the contrast particle -fey^g. Study the following examples: life. Of] ri-gr-c- ЧлИ 7> Гт 8°inS home and he is going to school. b Pm g°inS UP and he is Coming down. 3 If the subject of the two verbs is the same, and the verbs are not t}, etc., the coordinate non-final ending -Я is used. Study the following examples: I studied and slept I ate and worked. Open the door and come in. 4. This pattern -ф-ф -ф*1 indicates a certain continuity from the first action to the second, whereas the pattern -3 indicates a discontinuity between the first action and the second. Compare the following minimal pair sentences. ‘IWW, *№ ФМФЯФ II. The Transferentive Ending -c|-(7|-) The non-final ending -ф7]-) verbs, and indicates 1. When the patten -ф7}) is 7}ф7]- 4A. ЛИ°1| 7}ф} ЙНА. 71-Ф1- ЗИЛ c-j 3qA] ф} 7H-&. ЙФ7]- п^~!гл1] _S_. 7}ф} I’ll write this letter and give it to you. I’ll give it (for example, the book you’ve asked for) to you after I have finished writing this letter. Let’s meet him and talk (to him). Let’s meet him and talk, (the two of us). : A.V.S. +-ФФ is attached directly to the stems of action change or shift of action. used in the present tense, it indicates an inter- ruption or discontinuation of an action. I was on my way to the market, but am coming back. I was on my way to the market, but came back. I’ll drop in (there) when I go to the market. When I was studying, I slept. Please stay a bit more before going- Please go to bed after a little while- I met him when I was going to school- Or: On my way to school, I met him-
257 ^^7} АН< чИЛ. «fl-S-. л^<- л147|- е°1 й-^зИ-й.. I was eating a peach, but now I’m eat- mg an apple. I was studying English, but now I’m studying French. When I was tying my shoes, my shoe- string broke. 2 However, when this pattern is used with the past tense (-#-), it indicates reversal, nullification, or unanticipated consequence, following the completion of the first action. Examples: %<№. 3. When two past transferentives I went to school and am on my way back. I’ve been to school. Or: I went to school and then came back. 1*11 go to school and then drop in (there). Please go into the classroom and then come out. I turned on the light and turned it off again. I put on my shoes and took them off again. I bought a watch and sold it again, followed by a form of the verb it indicates alternation. The alternatives are usually opposites, (contras- tives) . Examples: W #4 з|]Л. A^°l ЯН} эид. « ^4 #4 efl-s.. - Ы- й4 #4 зИ-Я.. - H14 -§-$4 «цл. - HI4 i-^4 ЗИЛ.. Notes: People keep coming and going. People kept coming and going. He keeps turning the lights on and off. He kept turning the lights on and off. He keeps laughing and crying. He kept laughing and crying. The subject of the two verbs must be the same ; the particle is optional. ”• • ‘before doing* e 31 is a noun meaning ’time before’ or ‘place in front , the particle at» on,’ ‘in’ indicates time or place. This non-final ending _7]—is
Unit 26 258 used for the expression ‘before something happens’ or ‘before something happened.’ Examples: -и.Л]7] 7p] 7] о) гЦ-7] Л«-о] >о)-_$_7] 7р1]^ 4]^7] °J^7| о|^Н]в]7] 7]-g- Notes: 1. This pattern -7] is used always with action verbs ; the subject of the two clauses can be the same or different. 2. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the main clause. Study the following examples : ^4^ зМ «• ^44. -g-.fi. 7|-7| -l-fi. nx| ojoj-.g.. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY B money to make (money) 'S’4' to roast A. Substitution Drill 1- 7|Е}е]л]]^ 2. #<И7Н-| 3. tWi 4. 5. 7j-7-| 6. ±г±£И 7. 7] Before you go to bed, turn off the light Please come here before you g0 to school. I bought it before the train left. Go home before he comes back. I brushed my teeth before I washed mv face. Please eat before you start working. Give it to me now before you forget. Before I go to bed, I turn off the light. Before I went to bed, I turned off the light. Before I go to bed, I’ll turn off the light. Before I go to bed, I don’t turn off the light. to boil (water) #4- to peel to boil (something solid) Please go out and wait. Please go in and wait. Please come in and wait. Please go up and wait. Please go down and wait. Please come up and wait. Please come down and wait.
259 8 gop-J 7]й-еИ-Й-. о Substitution Drill 2. ^ЯИ-З-. 3. ^яид. 4 ^|4йд 7НЗН.Й-. 5. ^cj-ё-Д 7}ЯИЛ 6. у)]4АД 71ЯИ^-. 7 |а|фЦ 7^4-8-. 8. ^£г|-Д 71ЯН-2-. С. Substitution Drill 1. Я4 4-й.. 2. Я4 4-й-. з. UM Я4 4-S-. 4. Wi ЙЧ 44. 5. Я-ЯИ #4 6. Цч1«*Ц Я4 4-й.. 7. ±jH № s}^ 8- 3±i 44 4 A. ®- Substitution Drill L ХШ ?№ 2- Ф<М #4 UH-fi-. 3- Mi Я4 <4 л. 4- №1 Д4 5- Мзи #4 6- AfjH #4 7- Mi 44 ’ M^i 44 адд. Please sit down and wait. 111 prepare my lessons and go. I’ll review and go. I’ll practice it and go. I’ll look up and go. ГП look down and go. I’ll look out and go. I’ll look in and go. I’ll shave and go. I went to America, and am on my way back. I went to England, and am on my way back. I went to Japan, and am on my way back. I went to France, and am on my way back. I went to Germany, and am on my way back. I went to Taiwan, and am on my way back. I went to the Soviet Union and am on my way back. I went to the Peoples’ Republic of (Red) China, and am on my way back. I went to the market, and came back. I went to the tearoom, and came back. I went to the drugstore, and came back. I went to the bookstore, and came back. I went to the department store, and came back. I went to the office, and came back. I went to the hospital, and came back. I went to the laundry, and came back.
Unit 26 260 Integration Drill Teacher: &5ИД. т451ЧД I’ll write a letter. 1’11 mail it. Student: 44 ^Д. 1’11 write a letter and ms 1. 44514 д. 451ЧД. 2. 451ЧД. 3-fr 451ЧД. 3. о]?й<- £51ЧД. 4 4< 451ЧД. 4. Ч^ -?51ЧД. Ч51ЧД. 5. Ч51ЧД. 4514Д. 6. #Ч51ЧД. 7. 451чд. 451чд. в. &51чд. чячд. il it. a-g-i- 44Ч 447] 4514 Д. ^4 *Й4*| 451ЧД. Ч^< ^-о}л-| л)| AHH.fi.. 43-fr Ч514Д. ^44 Ч51ЧД. #44 Ч51ЧД. 444 Ч514Д. чянд. F. Integration Drill Teacher: 4 #4 7кЙ-. -§-2-51ЧД. I go to the market. I’ll drop in (there). Student: Л13М 7J-471-->Д51ЧД. I’ll drop in (there) when I go to the market. 1-^4 5151ЧД. 7)514 Д. 2. 4 <51ЧД. ЖЙ’НА. 3. Фг4<- Ч51ЧД. 44< 4514 -S-, 4. 7}3>|^ЧЛ 7j-5l4.fi.. 5. ^?--т-451ЧД. 7j-5j4.fi.. 6. -у^чд. я-a- ?1^чд. 7. ^зн- Д51ЧД. -МЧД. 8. Т^ФНЧД. Фй-зИЧ-й.. G. Integration Drill 4 44-4 71-51Ч Д. 4 -¥4-7} -з-^Фачд. 4^4* 44-7} 44< Ч51ЧД. 7}е.Л]147)- 71-51ЧД. §•^44-71- 71-51ЧД. 444-71- 451ЧД. 441- -й-4-71- Д51ЧД. ^444-7} 4-й.451ЧД. Teacher: Go to bed. Turn off the light. Student: ^-471 Before you go to bed, turn off the light. 1. 4je41 7}-ч1Д. 4 714 -МД. ФИ 7}71 44, 44^ ДА)|Д 2. Ч^НД. 4ЧМ1Д. 444 *14,
261 3 °) 4 444Л. пИЛ. 314. 4^- ^4Л. 4 л#в1 -g-oKM-S-. ^4 44Л. д-g-e] <4^5 6 7I ^4, 44 7HA, 5 ^0] 7ИЛ. ^4* ЛИА. -j.g.0] 7}7] 44. W. 6. 5L-&°I 4444Л. 444Л. -2,-g.o] 4444 44. 444Л. у д^0] ,£4-®l'4A. 4-8- -e"44]JT. Jl-g-o] £#44 44. <У< т£44Л. 8. Д-&°1 Ч№«НЛ. J-4-44 4 ^4 Л. jx-g-o] 4^471 44, rz.4-4-4 4^4 A. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: 444 44 44 «ЯЛ. People keep coming and going. Student: 4-44 ?№r 44 44A. People kept coming and going. 1. <1- 44 514- «ЯЛ. ><• ’ ><• 44 514 44Л. 2. ig-4 -8-314 <514 «ЙЛ. ^4 ^4 -1-314 Я<4Я. 3. <4Й4 4 4 #4 «ЯД. 4. >4#4 4Я4- «ЯЛ. i-4-314 4 4 #4 5Й4Л. •>4 #4 4#4 Я4 Л. 5- 2.£4 514 $314- «ЯЛ. 6- -^-i- 4314 ^314 «ЯЛ. 7- ^314 4314 «ЯЛ. 8. ^4 4-314 «ЯЛ. 514 #314 $4Л. -2--Й- 4314 Я 314 5Й4Л. £-8- 4314 4-314 «4Л. -г-8- 44 4314 44Л. SHORT STORIES !• ^4 ^7] ufl-g-oj], 4^4Л. 4 НН 1-47Н 4] 314 Л. ле] Л нН Ч71-Л-] AK5L3H.S.. 2- s-4 $7] 4].g.*]], xji- $14Л. А45И.Й.. ^°J°L44-S- ^7] т зН Я £4Л. 3- 4^4 71-4-7} nh£4л. а ^пН-гп. 7^-0] >4 #<4 л. aeJ4 4^557] пЦ^-4, >4 #47l- 4#4 Л.
Unit 26 262 READING □.чЦ Л 44 £< 44 Л1Д47]- iAj гЦ-е} 444 471A -?-e- ^4# ^л1тгЧ4-. ^Z-44 *.5. Щ±йкЙ- 444 dM414444 a ejq. °] 44 444 444тг44. 4.52.4^- a o|?]| "daL 'й—jc. -1Н]-ЗКгЧ4. 44t 4444 4sKf4ck 47} 7U 44 7U 1044 44^44. °] ^44 4¥ 444 <-4£44. 7-44 4 ¥ 44 s)Ufr44 2 Vp] ^44 S)^^44. 4^44 °1 ^4441 Д.4 44U 4 sfl ^4^44. 3.^51 4444 4^< #4зКг44. ±MM Sd-нЧй-. л~г 444 4444 44. “444 4 WM-8-?’ » 4 the above, on 4444 healthfully d4-44 to pass by 4 «Н one year £|-^- 'ЙзПа} a foreign missionary 4^4 twelve years old i^! a voice 4Ч-4 to go by Щ 7} to go down and see a boy W °Ц7] a newborn baby 4Y repeatedly mom -V-i.44] 444 about one’s parents the bosom, the breast 4A1 again 444 to be held in one’s arms 3.^- whole, all ^14 the world 4 all, everything. to hold in one’s arms л1л- tjL-l. a grave BRIEFING At that time a certain foreign missionary was passing on that bridge. The т^опагу heard a baby’s cry from under the bridge. So he went down there. The mother he d a new-born baby in her arms. But the mother had died. № mrssmbary look the baby in his arms and returned home. The baby grew «Р» asked th T- ^'T Уе£”Е and ten Pears went by. This boy constantly ChXm„r”“”nary 4‘ “a ’“’'"'a T,“ his mXX“ ЯЮ Th a miSSi’“aryhim everything. And the boy visiri d b Г'. У WM “’"O- The boy t„„k .« his clothes covered h,s mothers grave with them. -Motheri dt,„.t you fce] very „M!-
r..263 UNIT 27 What does it mean ? because it is difficult well (I) don’t know a meaning I don’t understand this well because it is difficult. What does this mean ? to the teacher Please ask the teacher. any person, anyone, anybody There isn’t any teacher here now. to practice У Then, begin by practicing what you know. unconditionally to memorize Shall I memorize (them) uncondition- ally ? to memorize If you can memorize them, do so. BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE jb 4 1. o]^o] oW-PI, % -Е-г-ЯИ Л *|3!O1 -?-<£ 'ЙлЯ1еИ1 i| 2. 'H'iH .М.Й.. <=>br H4 3- x]^ °}-T'i •?} ^Ml-й.. 4- ^3, Ч-fe- «Й^Н-S-. ^73 ^4 u4 5. N>j o] <7}^. ? 2| 6' °J-7]^- >x 6} o^t OJ7]^]J_.
Unit 27 264 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE i 3H-S-. There is a phone cal1 for you- 2. The line is busy. ^32-7^0]^. You got the wrong number. □.J Ъ 7^0}K. 1 think so. 3. 4. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. 4 4 4 means ‘because it’s difficult.’ 4 Ц- ‘to be difficult’is an irregular verb. When the final consonant - u of the stem is followed by a vowel, -и changes into -t. This irregular verb, ending in the final consonant -a, will be studied later in detail. °13}°1 ~т~^ means ‘What does this mean ?’ depending on the intonation and pitch, means (1) ‘what,’ ‘what kind of,’ (2) ‘something.’ It occurs only as a modifier of a subsequent noun or bound form. Study the following examples: -t-tt <U°1 ? \ What happened ? 6J°1 ? / Did something happen ? 2- means literally ‘Please ask (him) and see (what it’s like). jLEJ is an irregular verb. When the final consonant -n of the stem is foil . owed by a vowel, -n., will be studied later in detail. 4 • °fe means literally ‘from the thing (that) you know.’ is an irregular verb. When the final consonant -г of the stem is foil owed by the consonants ~ ~ н, - л y or the vowel the final consonant is dropped. This will be studied later in detail. 5- uncondition, besides being used as a noun, is an adverb: ‘uncondition ally.’ as a prefix, means ‘un-,’ ‘-less,’ ‘non-,’ ‘not having,’ ‘lacking,’ etc. <t0 memorize’ is a standard word. But sq which is a dialect, is used more frequently in colloquial speech. Its synonym is <t0 men10 rize,’ which is derived from Chinese. STRUCTURE NOTES L — Causal Non-Final Ending -oK-oj, . <so , <because. In the previous unit, we studied the pattern -oy(-^ which is when the same subject performs one action airi^^Tone. This Pa^ -Ж-И. ~4)4 depending on the context or situation, can also indicate cause or reason.
265 Examples: л)Де]*М, &°^- 44И. 4.44, т £o| <44, ё°1 ЗМЧ £• 5HA. W Sl^i, ^1* * It’s noisy, so it’s not good. Or: Because it’s noisy, it’s not good. It s dark, so I can’t see it. Or: Because it's dark, I can’t see it. I was tired, so I took a rest. It’s cold, so I’ll stay at home. I was very busy, so I couldn’t go. Or: Because I was very busy, I couldn’t go. It snowed, so it’s cold. Or: Because it snowed, it’s cold. I had no money, so I couldn’t go. Or: Because I had no money, I couldn’t go. I had no time, so I couldn’t do my homework. Notes: 1, When this pattern -ej)*] indicates cause or reason, it is used mostly with description verb ; the above examples are exceptions, when used with verbs such as JLr}, tM etc. 2, When the final (main) clause is an imperative or propositive, this pattern is not used ; instead, another causal non-final ending - is used. - (A) will be studied later. Study the foilwing examples : ♦eH, #44-. (never used) (never used) 4-44. Because it is good, let’s buy it. (correct) t-44, 44 л. Because it is good, please buy it. (correct) The tense and/or negation is expressed in the final (main) clause, not in the first (dependent) clause with -<4(~4 StudV the fonowing exam- ples: Because I’m tired, I am going to bed. 4^44, 44-S-. Because I was tired, I went to bed. 4-S-44, 4514 Because I’m tired, I will go to bed. 4£«H4, °J44 &514-3-. Because I’m tired, I won’t work. 4- Sometimes, it can be used with the polite particle JL as an unfinished sentence, or if the over-all meaning is clear from the context. Study the
Unit 27 266 following examples: sfl oj. 7HI-S-? sj^A^. Why aren’t you going to go ? Because I’m tired-•• II. The Particles -яД-М and : 1. The Particle-^ Aj This is the honorific form of the subject particle -7}/-°]. It is used to indicate reverence and respect on the part of the speaker for the person spoken to, or about. This particle ~я]|а-| is used whenever one addresses or refers to a person of superior social standing: older persons, teachers, parents, priests, high officials, and so forth. It is never used for oneself. It is attached directly to (personal) nouns or pronouns, (with or without -’J), Examples: x] Aj My grandfather told me so. -ЭД 2. The Particle -я|| Our teacher came. My mother danced. I think my older brother will come. My older sister asked me a favor. ‘to (a person) ’ This is the honorific form of the particle -5} ‘to,’ and its usage is the same. It is attached directly to (personal) nouns and pronouns, and indi- cates the receiver of an action or the one for whom something is done or exists. It is never used for oneself. Examples: Please ask the teacher. I wrote a letter to my mother. Please ask your older brother a fav°r- III. A.V.S. + QK-oj,—aj) '. ‘(someone) tries doing (so-and-so)’ The word as an independent verb, means ‘to see,’ ‘to look? This pat- tern —121)—rfLEt is used to convery: ‘someone does something finds out,’ ‘someone tries doing something (to see how it will turn out).’ °' ‘someone does something to see (how it will turn out) ’ Examples: «1 4*1-8- iMU. знй-. Please try eating this food. I tried eating Korean food. Please try calling again.
267 PJ4- ^ЗЙЧ-S-. 71^ <г7^? ojju 7} <7)Л ? ф--^- 4J-JL ТЙ’®1| -Й-Л 4i4-S-. *]§ ^7]oJ] 7}- X^l-Й.. л£1Н ><H £W. ££ <£4 -§-лМ I’ll meet him and see. Please wait here and see. Shall we try eating at a Korean restau- rant ? Which department store shall we try going to ? I want to try speaking in Korean. Please go there now and see. I’ll ask him and see. Let’s open the door and find out. IV. + negative : ‘nobody does- -’ ‘nobody is -•’ The word as an independent noun, means ‘any person,’ ‘anyone,’‘any- body.’ It is used also as a noun prefix meaning ‘any.’ For example, aIH-S- ‘anyone can do it.’ оргЗМЧ- IrH ‘Please ask anyone about it.’ Ч-т-ЧЧ- ‘Come and see me any time.’ However, °} -t~ is followed always by a negative predicate and means ‘nobody does---, ’ ‘no one is---, ’ etc. Examples : 6НЧЕ 7}Д] ^-о}._й.е °|-т-£ о].з.л] Nobody knows that. No one is going. No one wants to eat it. Nobody worked. There is nobody in the office. No one has free time. No one is sick. gtr- %}.£ + negative means ‘nothing.’ Study the following examples и}*] ‘PF ePF ^7] Зя Мд| I won’t eat anything. I did nothing. I don’t want to buy anything. I won’t give anything. I didn’t see anything.
Unit 27 268 DRILLS A. Substitution Drill 1. T al-S-’S. OJ-71M-S-. 2. ^KrSW-S-. з. 3KHI <v al-’й. 4. <41-И!- оЦ£«Н-Й-. 5. "г al—’й. 6. <v al-2-^. i-M-S-. 7. <v al^, 8- "г а!-^, д-^НД. В. Substitution Drill 1. -йл8\И <-°1 -М-й-. 2. °М\М 1Н ЯЛ з. -IH .5И.Я.. 4. ЧНИЯ'гМ 1Н -М-й-. 5. i-°i МЛ 6. 7. оНг^т-И -g-о] 2±Ч]^_. 8. <*] i-Ч]Л. If you can memorize them, do so. If you can review them, do so. If you can practice them, do so. If you can prepare your lesson, do so. If you can continue it, do so. If you can drop in there, do so. If you can go hunting, do so. If you can go for a picnic, do so. Please ask the teacher. Please ask your father. Please ask your mother. Please ask your grandfather. Please ask your grandmother. Please ask your uncle. Please ask your aunt. Please ask your older brother. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: л]л.^7] “UtHI, ^-7] It’s noisy, so it’s not good. Student: 7]л.г^°|л^ It’s noisy, so it’s not good. 1. °l^-7] uU-g-ol], M°]7] Ojo}Д 2. =|^S}7] пЦ-g-ofl, 3. 1г7] пЦ4Н1, 7H*].a., 4. n}at7] -£ ^О]Д. 5. -T-37] nd-g-ofl, 7}7] 6. ti^7] пЦ-ё-Ц], UU 7. W пц-g-ofl, * 7}Ш. 8. cd7| Ц-g-ofl, 2Ао]7] ?MA, °J 7}^o]^.. «НН, -а •V-tW, 7}7] -yo]A. s. 71-яи.й.. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: °}*ЯМ°1 Student: My father came. My father came.
269 J 3^0] 2. ^o] -м- 3. 7J ЛИvlol ^Ч*НёИ-2-. 4. 5. tJ’°l-aHol т’г'Й'Н-З-. 6. ^°1xdol 7 Op*]*]/]- JH3c>i-2-. 8. oHr°Hol E, Pattern Drill Teacher: 0]^-е ЛЬтИА. Student: oj^-fr #4] Ш. 1. с}л) 2. ri-g-i- чН-М-й-. 3. *|7И 7]cpqAfl-2.. 4. *]§• 7ИА. 5. SL-g-tM fWA, 6. Ш. 7. едл, 8. 7рг.Л)л1]Д, F. Response Drill Teacher: -^7]- 4 ? Student: -J-V-sH $ -S.. 1- -Y-7F 2. Y7> “т-т-Л] 4 ?]-? 3. ^7]- :Ц cpSL-y v} 7]. ? 4- T7]- 5- Jr7} 4 7} ? 6- WJW 7- T^l 8. ^г7> <q=^.«pju]77}? Response Drill Teacher: ЛКИЯ-8-Ч? What will you eat ? Student: o]--?- ^5. ч)^| SM'H-R-. I won’t eat anything. ^MtIMI 7НИЛ T’dTpi <i- -МИД. Tl ЛИ 1^7|)л] -’г-Я'й'НЗ'Н-й-. <Н°Н71В1 «М-ВН71М1 ттЛЗ<>и. IM’dTlBi °J*HcH.2.. оН*]тН -вз<нл. 0PrDi’tM'(i Л.’-М-йН'НА, Please eat this. Please try this. tp] ^A> H.£i- °h4 2M-2-. °i7]^ 7]cps| 2L^|A. *]§• 7]- JiA)] Д. -ё<Н 2MA. ^’Й-5. ’ЗМ -Sl.Afl.2-. 7U^ -SLAfl A. Who studies ? No one studies. oPY-S. 4jx] ^ops.. oHPE ojops.. Ч]г|грй.х] £оКЙ.. «P?-£ #°K2- op?-£ -“-фзр] tfopa, ОНЧЕ. ?*0U, oj-JpE. o-f-g-spl ?«ol--2-.
Unit 27 270 1. 2. AX)^44? 3. 4. JKi- *Hl3!bHLVW 5. 'S^PI^'-W 6. ^1- 7. i- £^AI ^44? 8. -V-^-i Dj£-A1^44? oH 7j£ ^x] °H *x] ОЧА. <>Рг 4 a P-Axp] ?MPA. О]--?- 7jj£ в}х] ^рД. OH- 7ji ^444 $S$PR. <pT 7jS Olx] ^О]Д op?- .£Spr7) &31PA. o}^- 7jj£ oj-g-x] SM^-Sl. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: #44. Student: 4^4, Р^-н-РЧ. 1. Sp]- Ч-Ч 7J44. 2. -£ -8-4^44. 3. 444. 4. PP^Pi, °J 444 5. tW, 3±444. 6. Ч4Р1, 4P slpA. 7. -WP], °} #v|4. 8. *flDl7)- SMP. ft} S-'-M Because I’m tired, I am going to bed Because I’m tired, I will go to bed. Si-?} ьрЧ. t-pppp ^±зИтгЧЧ. tppl, ^-11 5PSH-S-. °j- 7>1ПР)- $HAi. -йЛ^Чй-. SHORT STORIES 1. ЯИ 7iM 71TJH.S-. *J°I1 A*\ ^al ЛИ'тИ Expansion Drill 3]^-S]pi o^^| ^-7 Xlcb] o_. ^u. 2. 7j лн\ИА1 >4 -МИ .a, nep!] SL-g-e)-x ^-o] pj?- ^o] opp]^^ Ч'п’ 2 3l'S’elPi °]-?- -Й5. ®pn. 427] o}ft Expansion Drill 7J -нЧ -S-^Ч^-. zteltdl ^-o] р-т- O1O>715J7] пЦ-g-ol] x]^- p.3-e]Pi opjL 7^ л^| Oto].^. 3. зр} ЙНА. П^Я] ^°1] орт-S. °J Til'S PA. 714-5=1 °H-£ Ax]
-r- _ 271 Expaneion Drill °РгН °J fl^fl-S.. fl flfl #flfl, o} J^SL ifl reading *Jfl f0^^. fl* fl flfl fl #*4A. ^fl] *} tp} fluflflfl #<fl fl^flfl. Aflfl Ч-^fl ±fl7} -§-^4 4. a* #fl flfl #^ча. *°Jfl *д а чача. * fl- ail * fl* fl fl fl &fl^*4fl. oprfl fl-o}JE &4*4fl. *M] fltffl flflf- АЧАЧА. rz-flfl flfl< a Shrflfl. flflfl fl** *4*4 A. ^Z-flfl- fl** <fli ±-§-0] Й4АЧА. WS flflfl flflfl fl*fl fl-g- flfl £- «ЗАЧА. * fl fl Afl fl fl* flfl*4fl. fl flfl fl 4 fl **7pj fl5L fl 4*44. ’ll fl to wake up АЧА to go about »iffl to be noisy to call flfl A to be heard Si 4- to be useless flul flflfl was crying flflfl- to be an infant to disappear fl fl a dog house °l“T‘e] no matter how we 7]-л ‘У’ЙЧ- was sleeping looked for him ’4^ fl fl* fl- fl-Ь op] an infant who is only eight months old BRIEFING 1 came back home early today. I went to bed because I was tired. I woke up because it was noisy. I heard noises from outside. I went outside. My wife was crying. Our infant who was only eight months old had disappeared. No matter where we looked for him, we couldn’t find him. All the village people went around to look for him. But we were not able to find him. We called the baby’s name. Even when we called his name, it was of no use. Because the child was an infant, he couldn’t speak. Finally we found him after 2 hours. The baby had gone into the dog’s house and was sleeping tee
UNIT 28 ^A|cL Let’s Go Slowly BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 3:31 *№ я 1. 3131*1 ЗМЧ-. 3^J*MU. 33*14 о 2. 33*1-3 «MU. Ш 3MU ? >4 >444 3. #4344 443 2.0^ -E-ol • 44U. 4344 4г 4. 43# > 43*MU? 44 3 5. 4, 44 4343 з«и 43>°1 4-r because it’s dangerous slowly to be careful °J Let’s go slowly, because it’s dangerous Be careful, please. 1 to worry straight, in a straight line Don’t worry. Shall we go straight? to the left to turn to the right to turn (and go) No, let’s turn to the left. Go a little, and turn to the right. always to be crowded 'fl This area (here) is always crowded, isn’t it ? some, a little 'fl Yes, it is extremely crowded. There are too many people.
273 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1 -g- ЗЛНИ-&. 2. 3. 4. 4т?} SH-S.. Take care of yourself. It’s good luck (fortune). I’ve been lucky today. I’ve been unlucky today. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. a 41 means ’to take care (with),’ ‘to be careful (about),’ ’to take precautions (against), ’ Its synonym is Study the following exam- pies: Be careful in your speech. Be careful about what you eat. Take care of yourself. Or: Be careful of your health. 2. 44ГФ4 means ’to worry,’ ‘to concern oneself,’ ‘to be solicitous (about).’ Its synonyms are в) 4? 41 Study the following examples: ^«11 24) «Н 4Ш. Don’t worry. Thank you for being so concerned. You have nothing to worry about. You shouldn’t worry about it. depending on the context or situation, mean (1) ’straight,’ in a straight line,’ ‘directly,’ (2) ’upright,’ ’honestly,’ ‘without concealment, etc. Study the following examples: zHA. Please go straight home. Please stand up straight. Please tell me the truth. T ( the left ’ 31 ‘left’ is a noun 3. means ’Let s tu >a direction/ <a side/ modifier. The vowel £] is pronounced m У _ * Study the a way’ is a bound form, and is preceded following examples: и-Цц Let’s go this way. Our side won. The sun rises in the east. л. means ‘always,’ ‘ceaselessly,’ ‘continuously.’ Its synonyms are 51^1 A Study the following examples :
274 Unit 28 ^£4 # 44 44 :i££ 4314 444 44*№. Не studies ceaselessly. I’m always busy. He is always kind to me. STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Causal Non-Final Ending -(H)44~- i ‘so,’ ‘since,’ ‘because’ We have already studied -z] and -4(-4, ~Ч)Ч, which indicate reason or cause. Now let’s study another causal non-final ending -(Л)Ц^ which has the same meaning. This pattern may be used with any verb. It ends usually with a comma intonation. Examples: □LTjo] 444. 34-44, 44 3131 .a., 444 й°-44, -й-Ч 444. u}B44, ifl &Ч U2.44, 4444 cH-2-. ^4 44 44444, 44-8- >4 ^-11 rt 2M.SL. Notes: It’s good, so let’s buy it. Or: Because it’s good, let’s buy it. It’s cold, so stay home. Or : Because it’s cold, stay home. It’s not interesting, so let’s not see it, Or: Because it’s not interesting, let’s not see it. I’m busy now, so come tomorrow. Because I have money, don’t worry. He is a Korean, so he likes kimchi. I don’t know for certain, so ask him. Because it’s snowing, it’s cold. He is sleeping, so don’t make noise. 1. When the final (main) clause is an imperative or propositive, this Pa^r -(Л)Ч^У may be used; the patterns -7] and -fT' CAN’T be used when the final (main) clause is an imperative or propose Study the following examples: ^-T-^77}, 7H^_. >71 и^<Я1, 7HU. 7НА. 2. When the action of the Because it’s cold, go home. Because it’s cold, let’s go home, (not used) (not used) mam clause takes place after the action of the
275 dependent clause, the past tense infix (-#-) may be used. Study the fol- lowing examples: 3.7^ нЦ7[ oj.4^ Because it’s late, don’t go. Because you ate that, you have a stomachache. Because he came, go to bed. 3. Sometimes, this pattern r (—) 4 can be used with the polite particle as an unfinished sentence, or if the over-all meaning is clear from the context. Study the following examples: л| $]] Oj ? *1^ л1#°1 4. -4^)- is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. Because it’s beautiful---. I’m tired, so---. Why aren’t you buying ? Because it’s too expensive. Why aren’t you eating ? I have no time now, so---. 11- °iZl + V.S. + Negative-•• .* * (it) is uncommon (unusual, extraordinary)’ The word ej# means ’some,’ ‘a little,’ for example, л.тг°] v£°]--£L ‘He never gets angry over trifles (little things), ’ or °Jq] q)-\|v|i4 ‘It’s no easy matter.’ But ejfl + V.S. + negative indicates an uncommon (extraordinary, remarkable) state or condition. Examples: П.^д)-7]- Ct] 7} Oj|HU7| &OJ-.S.. 0}7j. н}.дая| &OJ-.2.. Ш t^7| -1 Я °] 0^7} ^7] I was extremely surprised, (lit. I was not a little surprised.) She is really beautiful. He is extremely busy. The weather is terribly hot. He is really fat. That book is awfully good. It is extremely crowded. but it can also be used with verbs, it is followed usually by ‘a great deal,’ ’ardently,’ 4# is used mostly with description verbs, action verbs. When it is used with action adverbial expressions, such as ‘lots» zealously,’ ‘far,’ ’far off (away),’ etc. ct] 7} Pjo] n} a] He really eats a lot.
Unit 28 276 Л «-о] &°K&. He studies very hard. Л-g-o] 7}я] He went very far away. III. The Pluralizing Suffix -> : In general, singular and plural are not distinguished in Korean, if the over all meaning is clear from the context. The exceptions are Ц (Ml, x], <p and ’you (plain)/ which are always singular. The plural of a nounis formed by attaching the suffix to it. Examples: Ц-у- tree or trees ^TT" e trees SI book or books books pencil or pencils pencils 4^ person or people people <44 woman or women <44> women 4| bird or birds 4|< birds 4| dog or dogs 41 > dogs The pluralizing suffix besides being attached to nouns, can be attached directly to any word in a sentence; this implies a specific plural subject. Study the following examples, and note particularly the words to which plnralizing suffix -> is attached. 4)4^14]> 4 4 4 A. <4|< 34] 5М SM-a- #t41-S-. 5*44] 4 < 44> npflA. «44-8- 441. 7>И4. Ш. 444 -£-4] -fi~. 444 444. 4U-8- Й4Д. There are many people. Go that way, you people. We had a good time. Please go to bed quickly, all of you. We (they) all ate well. They went home late. Please eat a lot, all of you. Let’s all go into the classroom. They are studying in the classroom. Don’t go, anybody. Don’t go to bed, anyone. Let’s all go out and work. We (they) came to study. Come in, all of you. Let’s all try eating it. ate and came.
ифП 60 277 Please work and eat, all of you. The following pronouns may be used either with the pluralizing suffix -g- or without it: or s we (intimate) ЛЛ or *13-8- we (humble) ил or you (plain) or you (honorific) Notes : a] e-| -Jr ‘you (all)’ is used frequently by a lecturer or public speaker when beginning a public talk. The English equivalent of this word is ‘Ladies and Gentlemen!’. When the demonstratives °|~, Л.-, a-]- (or 5L-, ^-) are used with nouns denoting persons, they refer to the singular. But when they are used with nouns denoting things, they refer to both the singular and plural. Study the following examples: °]ё- or °] a]-^- ‘this person’ л-ё- or Л. a)-^- ‘that person’ or a] aJ-^- ‘that person over there’ ‘this’ or ‘these’ ‘that’ or ‘those’ ‘that over there’ or ‘those over there’ DRILLS additional vocabulary a super-highway, a freeway elevated expressway the subway an underpass an overpass A' Substitution Drill L ^£5.5. #л]4. 2- #л]т4. 3- 4- ^J-5. a traffic lane a sidewalk a crosswalk Li] 7-| e] an intersection traffic signal, traffic light Let’s go by the freeway. Let’s go by the elevated expressway. Let’s go by subway. Let’s go through the underpass.
Unit 28 278 5- 7j-x]4. 6. ?-?. 2Л14. 7. °l£g. 7J-A14-. 8- 4-E-5- 7^44. B. Substitution Drill 1. Д-g-o] 42 oflBHx] $<4-Й.. 2. Д<°| 42 4<4 2Ч-Й-. 3. \И4 42 314 24-Й-. 4. Д-g-Q] 42 «44 °Ж 5. д<4 42 2*1124 Ж 6. о] 2°l <42 424 24-S-. 7. <4 7] 7} 42 л|д^7| 8. п^-о) 42 <22*1-4 С. Pattern Drill Teacher: Д<°| Й4 44-й.. Student : Д<°| 42 Й°1 44 &°U. 1. 24 4-2.. 2. 22*1 «4-Й.. 3. 2-2 244-й.. 4. <4 4-Д. 5. 22*1 24-й.. 6. $4 24-й.. 7. 4-4 24-й., 8. 4424 2°1-Л D. Pattern Drill Teacher: <4 ^-л)].Й.. Student: 442 «4^., 1. 42 7Н Д. 2. 4424 ь4-&-. з. 44 244-й.. 4. 52.24 24244. 5. 71-4 44 Д. б. «7]4 44 д. 7. 224 244. 8. «44 244. Let’s take the overpass. Let’s cross at the crosswalk. Let’s walk on the sidewalk. Let’s go in the lane. She is really beautiful. He is extremely busy. The weather is terribly hot. He is really fat. He is really unfortunate. This room is terribly dark. This area is awfully noisy. He is really unkind. He eats a lot. He really eats a lot. 42 44 71-4 24-2-- 42 24*1 «44 &4-Й-. 42 <2 4444 24 Д. 42 <4 -M 2-4-S-. 42 22*1 24 24-Й.. 42 2°1 2*14 24-й-. 42 44 24 24-й-. 42 4424 24 24-й-. Go to bed quickly, please. Please go to bed quickly, all of y°u- 442 7}4Д. 44242 MA. 242 24-4 Д. ^242 24244. 442 44-S-. ^<442 44 -Й.. 2442 7j-x]c].. «4el< 7jx]c|->
upil £0 279 9. foj Ш. io. ЧЧ i-x14. jj_ Pattern Drill Teacher: J2.-g-4 #44. Student: Л-ir-g-oJ i. oi-g-oi “чзт 2. Ч-М -S-. 3. 4ИМ°1 ?ИШ. 4. «Н°| 5. ЧЙЧЛ. 6. 4*)7> ’гН-й'НД. 7. ЛНМ ^кй.. 8. #Ч-й.. >4# -Мд. ^-8- Ш. Не is going. They are going. о]#>о] -M5W-S-. *i-g-g-°] п^*на*и. 7И2<Н-Й.. «Mli-ol -S-V-sU. -М<0] *W>I 4^*o] ЯЛ о^яН-о] Ш. F. Integration Drill Teacher: °)^°1 iM4*. It’s good. Let’s buy it. Student: It’s good, so let’s buy it. I- “I7} -§-ЧЧ. 7}я] H]7|- 7}-7| 2- ^o^^7]t}.. ЭД*)-’'!?!-, ^о^В1^Л]с]-. 3. i-§-o] Й-ЕгЧ^к 7}7|J7 _£.z| пИ-Л. SUv|4, 7]-я]л "MU. 4- *14? 37J-V44-. DH.S.. 44г 37<Нг]-Ч7]-, «НЛ 5- 3131«| ТМЧ-. 444 «1 ТНЧ-. б. >£47)- <-^^ЧЧ-. -£4- 4 ’Й^-Й.. hhW Ч 'Й-й-'Ми. 7- 47]^ >о] ^ЧЧ-. 47]^- >о] ^о.чЧ. з^И-й-. 8- i-o] <_Й.^ЧЧ. "44 7Н22- -М-Й, i-o] ^ДЧЧЧ, <4 ЧЧзг W.
Unit 28 280 G. Integration Drill Teacher: 4^4А. ”44 44A. You ate that. You have a stomachache. Student: 4^A44. 44 Ш. Because you ate that, you have a stomachache. 1. ^44 A. 7p) 44 A. ^flA44, 44 °M1A. 2. ‘У!- £4 $4 А. 45-*# A. У1- $4 ^A44, 4e«DA. 3. o.g-4 44 A. 4-4 7HHA □.-g-4 &A44, 4A 7]-$4A. 4. 4 4Я4А. 44-8- Ч|Ш, °J< 4 4ЯА44, ЗШ. 5. 444 Й4 А. 7}a^ 444312-44, 7)-s_4 441.S.. 6. П7Д-4- Ш4434А. 44 4 ^4|Д. a4< W4 432-44, 44 4 tM]A. 7. ^44 Y-434A. 4444 qMA. A-g-44 444A4 4, 4444 pHA. 8. n-g-o] 4°fl 44A. 44. -MA. A-g-4 44 4-2-44. 44 -MA. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4-п 4-5-4 4 A. Student: 4^- 4-5-444A. 1. M-44 -^44A 2. 44 4^444A. 3. M-44 44 4 4 A. 4. sig-е- -T-444A, 5. 4 ^44 444 A. 6. rt-g-g- 444A. 7. <>Hr “444 4 A. 8. 444 4-T- #44A. SHORT STORIES 1. A^ ^A44, 7]-4 4-=- 4H °Ы 4 ^14 л. vfloj <4^4 °У44-4 Because I am tired now, -- Because 1 am tired now,--- ^44 -f-V-4 4A. U-|JjC ^44 -44-44 4A. Ag-g. Jj^-Sji-vIvl-A. 4 ^44 ^A44A. A-g-g- 4г144-А. 4nr 44-444A. 444 4-4 #a44A.
rnit 28 281 Expansion Drill ^#a44-, 444. *]-g- 4 a nJM- &A 44, 44 °HM 4^ 4444 444. 2. ЛГ£ 44 #4 44 &44Л ts]< 44 Ш. _$_=? < 4 A 4 44 A. t- tN to get a good rest Expansion Drill a#< 4-a- 44- «и ^^ачч, <4# ?h a^- g- Я- 4 А, 44 «ИА. 3. 444 44- 44 &4А. И-т- -тИ-г^Л 44й] &ЧА 4А 44 А. 44°1 Й4 can’t think straight, to be distracted READING 4c 44±4:f- 44а$КгЧ4. a^M «И 44 a4°I 4<44. aeflA] o] 4> ojxfl л^<44. A< оНИ-ё- 444 <4°] 344. -g-^47} ЧА4 &#g44. ^Z1 44 -g-^^Ф 44. 44 ^-п-А<я1 7И 4>i- ^4^44. as]51 x|-< # 4444-4 4444. a44 44444 4A> 44. JAg- £-44 4-4 4-x]<- 44444. 4-S-4 4444 4 4 M±44. 4-t- 4444 44 ^^44. a4a <44 44. 4?H4 private car Hl 4 4 crossroads, intersection 74)4 to have, to own JE-f- traffic signal to get out of order 4444 to violate i*)4 to repair traffic police things to do, business uflr} to give a ticket driver t Т Й4 can’t do, helplessly «r-JJSJ-c]- to drive, to operate ^44 parking lot tiT] first of all, first 44 ¥4 to park (a car) Т-7Т-Д gasoline station -g-’y-t- to do one’s business из- oil *4 to drive
Unit 28 282 BRIEFING I have my own car. But The car broke down. So I had this car yesterday. I had business to do downtown this morning. But the driver didn’t come. So I drove. I went to the gasoline station first and filled the tank. ldtWe my car to the Kwanghwamun intersection. But I violated the traffic signal i» Kwanghwamun. The traffic policeman came and gave me a ticket. I felt Vtt) bad. But I couldn’t help it. I parked my car in the parking lot. And J did my business.
283 UNIT 29 Ч SI Ч ^1 ? What Date Is It ? BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 4^ u4 4^ 2. A’U 4 3. ±#o] -т-^ -E-,U<U44? sU<U 4 4. Sj-.S.'UoHl.fi.. H-t 5. # »g-e) 7)^.3] ] ^.S. 6' зяч-й.? what date 4 What date is it today ? October tenth (day of the month) °J w It is October tenth. what day of the week What day of the week is it today ? Tuesday It’s Tuesday time and tide fast, quickly already Time goes really fast. It has already been three months since I came to Korea. as (like) time Has it been that long already ? Nothing passes as fast as time. Гль L EXPRESSI0NS : MEMORIZE ° Jl. It is no concern of mine. jt>s terrible (awful). ’ Don’t be so stubborn.
Unit 29 284 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. 4 is a contraction of 4^^ what date. The contracted form is used more often. It can also mean ‘how many days,’ ‘how long,’ ‘a few days,’ etc. Stud\ the following examples: 3*^ 44-S-. BK ^44? I met him a few days ago. I’ve been ill these few days. How long will you stay in Seoul? How many days does it take to go to France by ship ? 2. means ‘tenth (of the month).’ The classifier -°J is used always with Chinese numbers to name the days of the month. See the Structure Notes of this Unit. 3. The classifier indicates the days of the week. Study the following related words: Sunday Thursday Monday Friday Tuesday .£.2-oJ Saturday Wednesday weekend Let’s go on the third (of the month). Let’s go on the third (of the month). I studied on Monday. I studied on Monday. „ ,,, ’ (2) ‘ (the) times,’ ‘business. When the particle -<=4| (indicating time at which something takes place) is used with the classifiers (the days of the month) and (the days of the j week), it can be replaced by the word making no difference in meaning Study the following examples: W ^14. ЛН1М- 4Л14. ^.алМ ^.алН 5. means (1) ‘time passing away (going by), ’ ‘conditions,’ ‘things,’ Study the following examples' W oW-S.? Time goes fast. I am busy. Times are good. Times are bad. How are things with you ? Or - goes it with you ? Business is dull. Or : Trade is bad.
U|nit Zy 285 STRUCTURE NOTES TSm^Classifiers (Counters) : -S, -tf We have already studied some of the time classifiers, such as -л| ‘o’clock,’ _л] ’hours,’ (used to name) the calendar months, or -?Ц 'months,’ (used to count the number of months), etc. Now let’s study the time classifiers which are used with Chinese numbers TO COUNT and NAME : i is used to count the number of seconds, and to name a second of a sixty- second minute. Study the following examples: -L 1 second or second 1 o] 2 seconds or second 2 4b з 3 seconds or second 3 a} 4 seconds or second 4 -2- 3 5 seconds or second 5 £ ^^^44? * з 35^44. Л1 -ё- How many seconds did it take ? It took 5 seconds. What time is it exactly, (hour, minute, second) ? tM -S- 4] It’s 1: 05 :10. is used to count a number of minutes, and to name a minute of an hour. Study the following examples : °J 4г 1 minute or minute 1 °) -§• 2 minutes or minute 2 3 minutes or minute 3 ЛЬ -§• 4 minutes or minute 4 -2- -§ 5 minutes or minute 5 H ^44? -ё- is used to count a number of da How many minutes does it take ? It takes five minutes. What minute is it ? It’s five minutes before (the hour). >, and to name the days of the month. Study the following examples : °J 1 day or the first day of the month °1 2 days or the second 3 days or the third A}°J 4 days or the fourth
Unit 29 286 5 days or the fifth How many days were you in PuSan? 1 was in Pusan for three days. ? What date is it today? 4f<U6M-S-. Today is June third. There is also a pure Korean set for counting the number of days, and naming the days of the months. Study the following examples: i day or the first day of the month 2 days or the second a}<- 3 days or the third 4 days or the fourth 5 days or the fifth <5! a)] 6 days or the sixth 7 days or the seventh 8 days or the eighth 9 days or the ninth 10 days or the tenth << 3}^- 11 days or the eleventh °|f 12 days or the twelfth 20 days or the twentieth Д.-Т* 21 ^аУ8 or the twenty-first ° I# 22 days or the twenty-second a|7]ol] 3]л]ЗН-Я.? How many days are you going to stay here? I’m going to stay here for five days. What date is it today ? Today is the fifth (of the month). Notes: 1. The Korean set is used more for counting the number of days, than naming the days of the month. The latter is done mostly by older people Younger people use the Chinese set ’the first’ ‘thesee ond,’ etc.) more than the Korean set (*p=i -the’ first,’ ‘the second,’ etc.). 2. Sometimes, the prefix i- first.- .begin„i„g, is before „ris „.» mg the days of the month, (usually fro„ j For „ample: i M -the first,- ±^1* -the second,' Щг(!, etc.
nit zy 287 3. Here are some frequently used words relating to time : the first third (ten days) of a month, the beginning of a month the middle third (ten days) of a month the last third (last ten days) of a month fifteen days, or the fifteenth day sz-g- the last day of the month is used to count the number of weeks. Study the following examples : 1 week •1 2 weeks 3 weeks 4 weeks 5 weeks * A ? How many weeks did you study ? 77584-S-. I studied for three weeks. -*d is used to count the number of years, and to name years. Study the follow- ing examples: *d 1 year or the year 1 2 years or the year 2 'd 3 years or the year 3 *d 4 years or the year 4 -2- 'd 5 years or the year 5 V *d *diol] ^4] 1990^d<4] гн-ofl How many years did you work ? I worked for three years. What year did you come to Korea ? I came to Korea in (the year) 1990. Notes: When giving Korean dates, the longer time period always precedes the shorter, like year-month-day. For example : 41 7^ 7-^ -$-°J ‘September 5, 1990.’ U. AXS. +-i_(g) х|7Ц-time word + S|cf- ‘(the time) since’ The pattern -i-(-gr) +time word+ s]4- indicates an interval of time which extends from a definite past to the present. The English equvalent of this Pattern is ‘it’s been (such-and such) a time since-,’ or ‘from the time when-’.
Unit 29 288 Examples: 444 'g? -4’t It’s been three months since I Korea. Caniet« & *171- ’Ч-'Ч ^лИ-й-. It’s been five months since 1 went to see a movie. 47} sqsdW-S.. £ x] 7} -M 4. x]7} 344. л-g-o) zl «u-fr 443- 717} 44- si It’s been five years since I met him. It’s been long time since I ate Korean food. It’s been fifteen days since I got a letter It’s been three days since he began that work. Notes: 1. The final word may be used either with the past tense infix (-ft-) or with the present tense form, making no difference in meaning. However it is used mostly with the past tense infix (-#-). 2. The particle -7} after -7] is optional. 3. -I-*] is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -fe-7] is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. III. The Particle -x|S— : ‘(the same) as,’ ‘like,’ ‘as -as’ The particle preceded by a noun, reflects an identical quality or con dition of the noun. Examples: ^4 7>!4sd 7^^ 7^0] jx£o] Time goes really fast. Or:There is nothing so fast as time. There is no language as interesting as English. Please get up early like you did yester- day morning. Please study as he is studying. We are living together like one fanub- There is no good place like home. Please try saying what he just said. drills ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY Monday Wednesday Friday Saturday
289 Thursday Sunday to receive Substitution Drill L л|4) 2. 4J ^l)ll>U. 3. 4. 5. 4^ opj S-<U°H|.S.. 6. JL-yoM-S-. 7. -H 8. ° И 4b°jol°il-S-. It is October tenth. It is January fifteenth. It is February ninth. It is March twentieth. It is April twenty-fifth. It is May fifth. It is June eighth. It is November twenty-third. B. Substitution Drill 1. 2S.S.'UOJ4’4. 2. -2-*0] 3. 4. 5. -2--g-°| -g-ASJeJi-M. 6. £^<>) g.A<y°Jv|t4. 7. A.-5-0I US-ejeji-M. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: Student: 1- °Н«Я| лр-J 2- Л«и SJSM-S.. 3. °J-M oisjoi-S.. 4. l-^o]| ojo^_Q_ 5. S-QjoJ] o|o_) 6. гЦ=}0]| ^.OJ о}£[о|Д 7. ±ajo]| 8- 4J <U 3JSJ4-2-. Today is Monday. Today is Tuesday. Today is Wednesday. Today is Thursday. Today is Friday. Today is Saturday. Today is Sunday. I was in Pusan for three days. I was in Pusan for three days. <^<H| о hi %1йча.. <>)< %l5d<4-£-. iejoj] о}-лз1 SlSH-S-. ^<я| пяча. D- Pattern Drill Teacher: ^1 tHH £W-&- I came to Korea three months ago. Student: ‘Me- lt’s been three months since I came to Korea.
Unit 29 290 i. £ зМ 2. -S- 'd ЗИ 'd'dH-S-. 3. °] -Q0!] ^T~n -S-. 4. ZJ 7d°i] 5. $•’t 7d°i| 6. -2ЛН #°1Д. 7. <И> 7d°fl 30*1< ’SSM-S-. 8. -v Al7d 7d°i| чт* •& *1 н-я’t зяо-u. n-g-i °J\+ *] i slsd-Ик x] o] *1 ^“U ЗЯЧВ-. 5131 *1 # *Й S]SH.S.. л#*] 4- *1 5W ЗЯЧй., ^1-i- *1 61< =!$<№. *1 т H7J зяча. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: <г}А. Student: ^l^^Bd ^4- Й °i-S.. 1. ^°d°l 2. «1 ^°17} 3. o]^0! ЧЬНД. 4. ЧИ?} 5. л^°1 «4MR.. 6. »1 ^р} 4^ А. 7. zl <ио] 8. п а] о] Time goes fast. There is nothing as fast as time. tB-4}*|Bd *IM Ub 7,14- Ш 61 7d£ &<>U. И7^ °Л°л1-& 7d£ SW. »H£- 7d-fr ЙсНЛ °W 7d£ $43-. “1 7d£- SH-S-. ZL 7jH $148-. F. Response Drill 1. Ч7И 3- ^44? 2. -2--§-°] ЦЭДЧ4? з. DH°il 4. S ^d ^ННИ-З.? 5. ’t ‘UsHH.S.? 6. $ >d ^ЕМ'й'И.а-? 7. ^Sl-f- -&• *1 5]^.й.? 8. ^•tiJI *|-Ь Ti^Bj Ф4--8-? G. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4|^.0J<M] 7iH]t4. Student: -ьНЩ-. 1. *1\} ’iHsteqi}. 2. sHB3M 7}x] 3. -r-9-0J°il U^-4’4. 4. S’A'U’Ml ЗЧсК °=I71^ 7d 3- DH°fl °И afloU. # ^SHA. Ad >d 7)-г_^о|Д. ^-1- -& X] i, rt^-o| s)-b. йН-S- Let’s go on Monday. Let’s go on Monday. *141: ‘U.R'U'J- чЫтгЧе}. SfA'UM’ 7>x) ,а-л]с].. ir-2-‘U'i <U^4. -s-A'U’i -ацс]..
г 291 5. 4444. 6. &дяМ ^44 ^°U. 7 ^дяМ ^##44. 8. з].й.яМ #тг44. Л Pattern Drill Teacher: £# 4°<M #4 A. Student: £# #44 #4 A. 1. a]^ 2. -2-4 ЛЯМ 444-8.. 3. #ЯИ £4#4-8.. 4. oj# O]AJ 2-ЯМ #42.. 5. 3 3# #ЯМ 344. 6. 4 4°J4 £44. 7. 3# #4 ЯМ 444-й.. 8. 3 43 #ЯМ -g-SMA. £-Й-Я13 4344. ^-8-33 #°]-2.. 3-Й-Я13 £##44. 4-8-Я13 #£44. I came June third. I came June third. 43 22J3 #44. -2-3 £## 434A. 33 333 .£#$4-3-. 33 43 ^-33 #4-8., 3 33 333 344. 33 3 333 £44. 33 #333 #34-8.. 3 o]# -g-442.. I. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: #2. Student: 44-2-, 34 г 44 4 344. 1. л#о] 4i ? 2. 44-t- ЗШ4-3-? 3. £-4- 442. 4#°]-A? 4. ££«||i ? 5- £4) #«Я£ 4#оЦ? 6- 44£ #£. ;О4Д ? 7. 7j.,£ ДЙ&4.Й. ? 8- -5-4-g- 7k£ ^#ojA? May I buy it ? No, you must not buy it. 44-£-> 32#°1 44 4 344. <442., #в])<- #4# 4 344. 442., £-1- 444 4 344. <442., -r£44 4 344. 44-2-, £4 444 oj-42., 44£ 44 <442-, i££ 44 442., £#£ 44 4 344. 4 344. 4 344. 4 344. SHORT STORIES 1. 44 Jx£o)| гнзм Ш. пе]47]. ^4 4-ЯМ 4 4 4 4 =]Я4.й-. W 4]#л]^ 4^- &4-S-. Expansion Drill the be«innin« of a топ^ 44 Jx£<4 ^«11 #-2-44, ^4 1 4 t S| Я4-2.. 4£ Й4-2-. 2. ri-g-o] 44. ££»i] 44-^5. 444-3-.
292 Unit 29 Ч-S- ЧМ ЧЧЧ. да-Ч °] Ч< Ч*К& ^44. ^тг the middle third of a month 4fr the last third of a m °* month Expansion Drill □.H.O] ЧЧ 4^5. ЧЧЧ. даН >4*^ °1 3. 1987ЧЧ дач 3M-S-. даЧЧ даЧЗ. ЧЧЧ ЧЧ ЧЧЧ-2-. да 7bH п|^ да ччч. 432-4 a missionary -ff-Ч a furlough, a vacation Expansion Drill 19874^1 чда чч, да ч да да да. да 4 да] Чдаз. да 7j-qr}. READING чда £• ч да ч ч чдачч. чч дам << да ч<в1 чдач. дай чч -т-да ^^чч. п.чч чч чда зя дач. чда] да да-fe- дада- -i-чдач. да°я 4 ч да-да? чда чч^дач. да-ччч ччда да ч. да да чччч дада- ч ядаз ^$^чч. дай VJ —Л 1 Ч -• - Ч — да-ЧЧ. г 35^-5. even a little пЦ-с- sometimes BRIEFING а- чч чччч. дан] 4м< ч чч дач1Н ччч дач .ал- чм ч ч^ ^гЧЧ ^дач. occasionally, sometimes ordinarily, usually It has already been four months since I came to Korea. When I came to Korea it was summer. So it was extremly hot. But already it’s winter Before I came to Korea, I didn’t know Korean at all. I came to Korea and started to learn Korean. There is nothing as interesting as Korean. I wish I could speak Korean as well as Korean people. But studying (Korean) is extremely difficult. Some- times I hate to study. So, occasionally, ] don’t do my homework But if 1 d°n' t do my homework, I will have a hard time from my teacher These days I have a lot of homework. Usually, I finish my homework about ten o’clock
I 293 UNIT 30 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE ЧЧЧ 4 1. <^] ^-i- ч 2. ОН ^'-5- ЧЧЧ Ч 3. Л.г)]Ч ЧЧЧ -5г 4-2- <<4 Ч ЧЧЧ ЧЧ ч 4. ЧЧ-Й-, Sj-JEofl ЧЧЧЧЧ, ЧЧ ЧЧЧ-&. лгЦЧ Ч^° ЧЧ л.-ё-4 ч^Ч-й-. Ч4Ч Ч^гЧЧ Ч 5- Ч-з-Ч-с- ЧЧЧЧ ЧЧЧ-S- Ч б' -тН ^о}]л] ЧЧЧ-S- йНг 5J4-S-. отг A Visit to meet °J Did you see your friend yesterday ? to visit I visited his home yesterday, but he was not (at home). without seeing him °J So, did you return without seeing him ? when I called at the right moment, luckily, fortunately Aj zj O S- No, when I called his school, he happened to be there. So, I went to school and met him (there). in the first place to promise of Where did you promise to meet him in the first place ? originally Originally I had planned to meet him at his house.
294 Unit 30 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1 V 5 ft- ? Didn’t you know it ? 2 M-5! ftH nH-S-. Mind your own business. 3 Don’t be in such a hurry. NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. dJ-Ц-Ц- ; The pronunciation of 414~-ft- ’to meet’ must be distinguished from $ oj-jL 'to be many (much).’ As you have studied in the Korean sound system the sound /п/ , followed by the same consonant /п/, seems to cause most foreigners trouble. Let’s review this double consonant /nn/. тЩ-хЦ- ( 4141, 4141 з) ti- r’d 7 j-rT, ^l1^, 414] 2. *s a compound verb made up of ЦЦ- and ZEeJ- The word ЗД, depending on the context or situation, can mean (1) ’to search for,’ 'to look for,’ (2) 'to find (discover), ’ (3) ’to pay a visit,’ ’to take (get) back,’ etc. Study the following examples: =l I found that book. I’m looking for my friend. I got back that money. 1 visited my friend. I’ll come and see you tomorrow. 4)<U 3- as an independent conjunctive word, occurs at the beginning of a sen tence. Its meaning is ’(and) so,’ ‘therefore,’ ’for that reason,’ or 'on that account.’ Its synonym is 3-£|l|4 ’therefore,’ ’so.’ 414-^ means ’without seeing him, (lit. you couldn’t see him and-).’ When the consonant л occurs as the final consonant, and is followed by the consonant i initially in the next syllable, is pronounced as e_. Therefore. -%- g]-5L is pronunced 4. means ’just in time,’ ’at the right moment,’ ’fortunately,’ etc. Study the following examples: You have come at just the right moment- Fortunately I had money with me at that time. 5. as a noun, means (1) ‘the beginning,’ ‘the outset,’ (2) ’first (of all)» ‘the first time,’ etc. Its opposite word is # ’the end,’ ’termination,’ ’a close-’ Study the following examples:
I 295 How do you do ? (A person who gets introduced regularly uses this expres- sion.) 4Л1 Please make a new start. *Hl-£-. Please do it well from beginning to end. opfSp} means ‘to make a promise,’ ‘to make an appointment,’ ‘to make a date,’ ‘to give one’s word.’ Study the following examples: I kept my word (promise). (He) broke his promise. <И I forgot the appointment. 6. means ‘originally,’ ‘primarily,’ ‘by nature,’ ‘essentially.’ When the conso- nant ь is followed by г_, the preceding consonant j- becomes a lateral sound _h. Therefore, is pronounced as -^вЦ. STRUCTURE NOTES 1. The Introductory Non-Final Ending -fe)E|] : We have already studied the sentence-final ending which indicates interest, surprise, delight, astonishment, wonder, etc., (See Unit 12, Structure Notes I.) This pattern - (£, -^) r1] is used, however, as a non- final ending as well. It is used to introduce a certain fact, occurrence, or event before the sentence which follows it. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘•••and,’ ‘•••but,’ ‘•••so,’ etc. It is used with any verb. Examples: He is a friend of mine, and he is very rich. ^4 Appjt-J], *1U. He is an American, but he speaks Korean very well. I want to buy it, but I have no money now. I am studying Korean, but he is studying English. I’m busy now, so will you come tomorrow ? Notes: 1- The past or future tense infix (-tf- 'Я) may be used in this pattern
Unit 30 296 (-Q-, -£-)C Study the following examples : 1 studied hard, but I don’t understand it very well. *WW 4b n1 I have to buy a Korean language book, but where can I buy it ? 2. - V— GgrH is attached to description verb stems in the present tense and to the verb of identification °]T4 in the present tense. 3. is attached to all other cases. IL The Non-Final Ending • ‘when’ We have already studied the causal non-final ending -(A) which indi- cates cause or reason, (See Unit 17, Structure Notes 1.) This pattern -(Л)Ц besides being used as a causal non-final ending meaning ‘because,’ can also be used as a time non-final ending meaning ‘when.’ Examples: 4И он-s. When 1 went home, there was nobody there. ЧМ 4-7КИ, op- When 1 went out, it was very cold. лРг4М тФЖ W When I entered my office, there were many people. When 1 looked out of the window, it was dark. □L-g-o] When I phoned my friend, he was not home. IL-g-o] When I looked up into his face, he laughed. o] When 1 try reading this book, it’s not difficult. Notes: 1. This non-final ending 4^)4^, meaning ‘when,’ is used only with action verbs; however, the causal non-final ending - (Л) qq, meaning ‘because,’ may be used with any verb. 2. When this pattern is used with the meaning ‘when,’ the subjects of the dependent clause and the main clause must be different Moreover, the main clause usually takes the past tense. When this pattern
UIIIl OU 297 is used with the meaning because, it does not know these limitations. 3. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final (main) clause, not in the first (dependent) clause with - (А) ь| ?}-. 4 -lJtF is used after verb stems ending in a vowel ; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. ill. The Sentence-Final Ending -7|g. : ‘to decide to do (so-and-so)’ This pattern -7]^. g)-4 is attached directly to the stem of an action verb ; it indicates making a choice between alternatives, or arriving at a solution to an uncertainty or dispute. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘to decide to do (so-and-so), ’ ’to make up one’s mind to do (so-and-so), ’ ‘to arrange (fix) to do (so-and-so). ’ Examples: Д? JLg-o] ттг*|7]£. ЗМЧч <$7]^. Shall we decide to meet him this even- ing? We decided to perform a surgical oper- ation on him. Let’s decide to leave if he comes. Let’s decide to review. I made up my mind not to drink. Notes: 1. The nominalizing suffix -7] indicates’an act,’ the particle implies ‘goal,’ and means ’to decide on,’ ’to make (it) to be.’ 2. The verb ^4 in this pattern can be replaced by other verbs, such as ‘to promise,’ ’to decide,’ ’to settle,’ ^4 ’to intend (to do),’ ‘to fix one’s mind on (doing),’ ’to make up one’s mind,’ etc Study the following examples: I promised to help him. I decided to help him. I fixed my mind on helping him. I made up my mind to help him. MW When this pattern -?|-g. *>4 >s preceded by a negative, its meaning is ’to decide not to do (so-and-so)?’ But when the negation is expressed in the final verb 25Р4, its meaning is‘to not decide to do (so-and-so).’ Study the following examples: 3H-S-. I decided not to go.
298 Unit 30 44 I haven’t decide to go. 4. The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb 44, with -7]g., Study the following examples .* not in the verb 7}7]5. 7]-7]5. 7}7]S. «НИ-S-. Let’s decide to go. I’ve decided to go. I will decide to go. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY the end, termination ^444 to decide, to settle 4^°11 some time later A. Substitution Drill 1. ZL^-g- 447] 5- 444. 2. о] 3K47U 444. 3. - 4±4715. 444. 4. ^445. 444. 5. 4^47U 444. 44 44 to intend (to do), to fix one’s mind on (doing) z|4l 44 to make up one’s mind 6. ZL7j^- 3L^7]g. 444. 7. 44 4±4?U 444. 8. 444. B. Substitution Drill 1. 4445- 2. zl4t45- WM.&, 3. ¥ 444 4. 4^Н4 4±4 Й7]5. °-МгЙ4Л 5. 4t 444^715- 6. <4 #45- 4^14-Я-. 7. 444 #45- 8. 441- 44 44g. °-НгЙ4-&-. C. Substitution Drill i. zL^-a- 2. zl °j-a- 314445. 3. 44 oil 7}7]g. Let’s (decide to) meet him. Let’s (decide to) continue this work. Let’s (decide to) review. Let’s (decide to) prepare the lessons. Let’s (decide to) get engaged tomor- row. Let’s (decide to) repair that. Let’s (decide to) clean it tomorrow. Let’s (decide to) be careful. I promised to meet him. I promised to help him. I promised to finish it by two. I promised not to smoke. I promised not to drink. I promised not to cry. I promised not to talk. I promised not to take a nap. We decided to help him. We decided to continue that work. We decided to go there.
4. 3^* 471 5. 6. зМ5ЁЛ ^ЯН-S-. 7. <71-S- ^ЯН-S.. 8. iJjZShtd-S- Ш4!*. unil JU We decided to buy that. We decided to study English. We decided to make it. We decided to sell it. We decided to operate on him. D. Substitution Drill 1. 2. Ш з. 4. tH-чМ- -g-V-sPU 6. ЧМ-t- я|-М ffH-g- 7. nW #7] .5. 8. ЧИ*1 ?j~7]g. зрУЯМД. I fixed my mind on helping him. I fixed my mind on doing that. I fixed my mind on continuing that. I fixed my mind on studying Korean. I fixed my mind on making it. I fixed my mind on not smoking. I fixed my mind on not drinking. I fixed my mind on not talking. E. Substitution Drill 1. slshms. 2. 7^7]°j] 7}7]s. з. -ww ^jsh.2-. 4. qb-pl-g. 5- s)-M #7].jg. 6. n}A]X| &71.SL 7. #7]g. 8. д. #71.5. ^5!Н-й-. I made up my mind to help him. I made up my mind to go there. I made up my mind to study Korean. I made up my mind to meet him. I made up my mind not to smoke. I made up my mind not to drink. I made up my mind not to talk. I made up my mind not to do that work. F. Integration Drill Teacher: ыНгЧЧ-. I’m busy now. Will you come tomorrow ? Student: *]-§ 4JOJ -2-л]ЗЙтгЧЧ ? I’m busy now, so will you come tomorrow ? 1. Ч-c- 7j№ ? °1з!0] в-)-g-iH], rTc- ? 2. zL-g-o] *}ЧЛ1Я^ЧЧ? zi-g-o] 3. ZLTjJo] Л}-А]^["д=-ЧЧ ? ZL7jo] Ар.] 21^44? 4. М’*]?]- -ИЧгЧЧ-. ЧЧ'йтгЧЧ ?
Unit 30 300 44 4 7М1 -5!1тг44 ? 5. ^44 ^£44-. Ji4^44? a.7d°) ^4£ч], 6. л-ё-4 4JB-VI14. ? лё-°1 4Л*4. 7. *]-§ л]л<у<£44. 4^4 .^-'ЧзЛтг'-к]-? л]4 л]лг]-£41. 4т4 ^-451^44? 8. 31.44 <4 &тг44-. л1Л131тГ1'14- ? Л7^о] <4 ^Ч], 44 3^44? G. Integration Drill Teacher: 4~& 444-g -§~W44-. 3-W44-. I am studying Korean. He is studying English. Student: 4~& ^4< •5-W44-. I am studying Korean, but he is studying English. 1. 447} аИ44\ °Hr т4°Ж 444- И4-Ч], °Рг +4^44. 2. -2-44 4^4 4\ 22-44 j-лн ^ч1, ttai-^44. 3. 4. °fl7l< ’#51^’4. 31 °Vlt ФНгё-Ч], 31 INt}. 5. Ч)т°1 -й-Я-^гЧЧ-. зНгЧЦ-. eHt°1 -Й-Я-^Ч], ZL-ё-о] 6. ДЧ-7]7} 7НЯ-ЙЧ-И? 414-7] 7} Д-ё-Ч], 4^4] 7}A]^^q7}7 7. °] 41^4 4. зШй-^44-. <!£.< 4чИа-с-ч], ШаЬ&44. 8. ^г*НМ ч]$] ¥&^44-. 514^1-^4 4-. ^г*НМ 44 ^-%t^4], 44^^44. Н. Integration Drill Teacher: ^Ч] ^44. ор^ oj I went home. There was nobody there Student: 3M 7W4, oPFv oj 1. ЧМ 4^-^^.was nobody there-
2. лЬТ-^01) <4^44. 4^1 #$ЬёЧЧ. S-H7РЧty, 4^°I $#тг414. 3. # тЬ8" ЧЧ-й-ЗКгЧЧ. cH'^’SlsErvlcl‘. # tf-t- ЧЧ-йлМ. о] пНЙ^Ч 4. 4. ^зВЯ^ЧЧ. ^-г°1 ^°)| ^Ч-ЧЧ-, jx-g-o) ^3] ЯЯ^ЧЧ-. 5. тх-ё-8- ЧЧ--йЛЬ£ЧЧ-. л.-ё-<>1 £Я^ЧЧ-. лё-В- ЧЧ-й-Ч Ч, ^-£-°1 -2-Я^ЧЧ-. 6. °1 41- £Н 2iSHr44-. Ч^Ч ^ЧЧ. о] Я|> о]Н J±v)7h ЧЧЧ ^ЧЧ. 7. 'ЯЧ] а-ЧЗНгЧЧ. Ч^Я^ЧЧ. <М 3-Ч7]-ЧЧ-, ЧЯ^ЧЧ. 8. “J-i- ^ЧЧ-Й-ЯКгЧЧ. оНЧ£ ЙЯтгЧЧ. «<Н ^ЧЧ--й.ЧЧ, ор^Е. ЯЯ^ЧЧ. Response Drill 1- -W-f- ЧЧЧ 5. ЧЧЧЧЧ-Я.? 2. -т-'Й'Й- л>7]5. ? 3. #7)JsL А? 4. -T^-f- OJ Tim Л? 5. *?м Ч7)-Р^, о]п]^о]Д? 6. ^)о<) 7}^7}, гх-ё-о) т|]<й<И.а.? 7. tb^-oj) £. я)7]- 8. л.^-0] г]^. 73^.Д? DJ47)S о-НгЗН-S.. л]-7]5. ^ЗМ-Я.. е> члн #7)^. ^ляи-я.. лНН-а- з|я-ид. ufof] Ц7^7|-, < ^°1 3)'йИ.2.. ^0)1 Л. ^]7р 51 $}о] Д. ^[, xl^-°I «1-с- «Н-Я-. SHORT STORIES 1. <4 гн-opi 4h47]jL ‘-НгЗМ-й-. Л.^1 tfl л-g-o] 71] А]^1-О1] _2л] ^1 л)#°)1 ‘on time’ ^oi] zl^-o] при 3]^<M^-. Expansion Drill ^1^<4 qnj-oflq *}4-7]5. °-Ж94г< гх-g-o] 3] q/J-ofl $ ibH-й-. ^<31 хьё-»] opa 2- ЛИМтг M=^-S- to keep, to observe rz.^c-1] Ч]7]- °4Ф-^ 4^44-. 4^1 q to break
302 Unit 30 « *1 ?1 КЧ4. ; in lhe Expansion Drill 4 Ш *1^-11, 4)7}- o-Hri- 43^44 5. 3} 7] 7] 31^44. ы 4- 3. ^-g- Чл1*1 Ш $^44. ^-g- ЧЛ1 *1 Expansion Drill <-g- °№1 Ш Ч-е- « Ч'Ч’Й W »y®7] «41-M, ^4- ^°1 READING ^-t- W DWU ‘-HSH-S-. 3H#-e< i§Tol °d 3]^<H-S-. £p} tfl «fji’ofl ^г°1 Я]^И-2-. rz.eji4 <^] xjAi H.?pi «J-jro]] 7p] Ji-gr-g- ’IW -?нм *1 4 ’H 3 7] tf-A} ЭД-g- Hl-57 ^0^0.. X]^ 'Ч# 7}h.a]5L rfl^ °ИИ sK-s.. ^.-g-o] ц.^] a-^-i- ^-о] ч]а]-57 2-sn Я]7]- A]7do] А}О}^О]^ T=bg-Ofl С]-А] "}V|-71S- «Н-3-. ЧЛ1Я-^ a doctor’s degree ^о]^. Не said ’Let’s eat’ t0 decline respectfully хЦ-а}-^-^ a doctor’s degree 52.a professor to be humble BRIEFING 1 promised to meet m, friend ., his house , visiMd at his увмгЛ But he was not a. home. So I g„t very angry Whm , ca,|rf him a, scW1 fortunately he was there. So f t0 and , him и|у be four months since he came back tn v~. r n . л . J / си to Korea from America. He received a PhD in America and returned to Korea мл«, t „ . n f „ ea-Now he >S teaching at Sogang University He is a college professor. But he is verv i, vi K K B .• _pr together. But because 1 had no t|„e , J? He ,sked ”e “ decided to meet again soon. ' ’ ”ad ‘° <«>» "'
UNIT 31 *Ho|M ±4|я Have Fun BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 7} «4 2. £t}7|- ^-6] #A]r}. о} *} sU-S- 3. ЗЭДЧЧ-. 4^- °J Ч’й *} Ч-2-. 3-tb >4 4. «УЧ 5H-M-S- ? 4^- 4 5- 4, Ч-c- vb’4 “U0! ИЧ-2-. ’ll a] TZ «4 6. 7H1-S, 7-|£. § 7]-sijL sfl-S.. o] Have fun, everybody. I have to go now. Let’s play together and go. if I don’t go it won’t be good I’m sorry. If I don’t go now, it won’t be good. some kind of urgent Do you have some urgent work to do ? another Yes, I have to meet another friend. first, ahead soon Then, go ahead. I’m also going to go soon. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. 2- 4/} гнь 4514^. 3- th! How about a cigarette ? I’ll treat you to drinks. Let’s have a drink.
Unit 31 304 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. 7} is a contraction of 7]- ‘I have to g0, (щ have to go and see). ’ The contracted form is used more often. 3. ф s|| Я is a contraction of ‘U it won t be good. 4 <yo] means ‘Do you have some urgent work to do? in this context, means ‘some kind of,’ ‘something,’ ‘anything,’ etc. Study the following examples: ‘US- -S-'fl'H-S- ? You came in regards to what matter? 3.^71) Why are you so slow with your work? -^-£. ’У®] ? Is there anything good? -g-sj-t}, depending on the context or situation, means (1) ‘to be urgent,’ (?) ‘to be impatient,’ (3) ‘to be critical,’ ‘to be an emergency,’ etc. Study the following examples: °1 “J0! -Я-. 3-4°] ^°17) 5- c}g.i4, depending on the context I have some urgent business. This matter is pressing. He is impatient. An emergency patient came. situation, can mean (1) ‘to be different from,’ (2) ‘to be another,’ ‘to be unlike,’ (3) ‘to be not in accordance with,’ etc. Its opposite word is y-c} ‘to be 1 °] zl ^4 >Уг]-Д. 3-34 o]^_ cj.e ^4 4H-S-. 6. means (1) ‘first,’ ‘ahead,’ (2) ago.’ ‘formerly,’ etc. Its opposite wo examples: be same.’ Study the following examples: This book and that book are different (from each other). He is another student. He is not what he was in his youth. That’s quite another problem. It’s not in keeping with the agreement ‘earlier,’ ‘beforehand,’ (3) ‘(sometime) d is 4^4] or £< Study the follows 41*1 41*1 4)7]- 41*1 Please go in first. Please eat first. Or: Please eat be the others. I left earlier. As I told you before, this is not g°
Unit 31 305/ STRUCTURE NOTES I. TheSentence.Final_Ending - e (Д)_Ж-ЯЕН: ‘have something to do’ The pattern -a(-j-) °J°] means literally ‘an act, work or business to be done exist.’ It is used when you have some work, business or activity to do in the future, and it takes only action verbs. (The modifier suffix -h (a) used with action verbs, indicates future. " Examples: 7^ Qjo] сЦсНД. ЗРМ- "J’i °J°1 ЗМЛ < °J°1 aW-fi-. 4 OJO1 ЙНД. a-g-tM Ф °J°] I have to go to Pusan. I have to meet my friend. I have to see to some business now. I have no business to see to now I have to write him. I have to ask my friend some favors. I have to visit my friend. Notes: 1. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb. Study the following examples: Л пЦо]| < ojo] 2- Ze °J°1 is used after Zg %lol SJeK&e}) is used after I have something to see to now. I had something to see to at that time. I have nothing to see to now. I had nothing to see to at that time, erb stems ending in a vowel; erb stems ending in a consonant. Ihe Intentional -(Я)&|Л : ‘intend to do,’ ‘be going to do’ The sentence-final ending -(-g-)^5L ^j-14 is used with action verbs, as well as with the verb лЩ- ; it indicates a subject’s intention or determination to act in a certain way. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘intend to do,’ Plan to do,’ ‘have it in mind to do,’ ‘be going to do,’ etc. . Examples: I 'Ч'М I intend to stay in Seoul about one month. ^1 7^37 He intends to go. Or: He is going to go. Or: He plans to go.
Unit 31 306 I’m going to review. Or: I ;nt j review. Or : I plan to review to I’m going to take a nap. I’m going to ask him a favor. The negation is expressed in the main verb with - (A) jg., not in the verb Study the following examples: a).^57 *|]£, Гт going to buy it. a).a] Гт not going to buy it. However, the tense is expressed in the final verb jj-c}-, not in the main verb with Study the following examples : lam going to buy it. 1 was £°ing t0 ЬиУ Notes: 1. This pattern -(—)^Д- may be used with all persons, whereas the intentional -г «)т1] Л is used only with first person statements, (cf Unit 18, Structure Notes III), and the intentional is used with first person statements and second person questions, (cf. Unit 23, Structure Notes II). Study the following examples : I’ll go tomorrow. Or: I intend to go tomorrow. I’ll go tomorrow. Or : I’m going to go tomorrow. Will you go tomorrow? Or: Do you intend to go tomorrow ? I’m going to go tomorrow. Are you going to go tomorrow? He too intends to go tomorrow. 2. is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. M]OJ U? HI. The Ending -(о)г|д : A.V.S. +-(°)в|2- : ‘in order to’ We have already studied the ending -(o.)gj, which indicates the purpose of an action, (See Unit 20, Structure Notes I.) This non-final ending 4=^ is interchangeable with jo.)e|, making no major difference in meaning- However, a small difference is that the ending -(Л)г-] is followed always ! either t\ c}, j- u} or their compounds, while the ending ca followed by any action verb.
307 Examples: 7}^al йгМ\Н1-Й.. ^.O-Jofl 7]-iH 5L -g-T-Sfl-S.. ^f- SH-S-. лц-£'£ “JsH-2-- I bought this for (to give to) my father. 1 got up early to go to Pusan. I m studying German to go to Germany. I came here to meet my friend. I borrowed money in order to buy a car. Notes: 1. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb, not in the verb with -(А)е^д. Study the following examples: ЗНгМ П7^< л]-х] I am buying it for (to give to) my friend. I bought it for (to give to) my friend. I didn’t buy it for (to give to) my friend. 2. This pattern -(A)BjjL usually takes the past or present tense in the final verb, but it is never used in the future tense. 3. -sjjl is used after verb stems ending in a vowel, and the consonant -a ; -Аг^д. is used after verb stems ending in all consonants except -a. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY у.2.г)-с|- to be important ЗЗФ’ЬЧ’ to praise to borrow 5L7] meat 314} eggs A. Substitution Drill 1- т*ё <Uo] UM A? 2. 7]^- O_Jo] 3- -?•£ *h°iust °Joi um-m 4. -?-£ °J°1 UM-M 5- <W°] *31—'Ml-S- ? 6- -T“£ 31-M-S-? 7. 7]M QJo] О}О.Л1].Й.? в- -т-^ ^--g- «ач им-м B- Substitution Drill !• пЧН 2}- o] Do you have anything urgent to do ? Do you have anything unpleasant to do ? Do you have anything interesting to do ? Do you have anything complicated to do ? Do you have anthing difficult to do ? Do you have anything important to do ? Do you have anything happy to do ? Do you have anything sorrowful to do ? I have to go to Pusan.
Unit 31 308 2. "J’i $4 $45.. 3. 4-g- 4 $4 $45.. 4. 4^-44 -Т-Ч^ 44 $45.. 5. n-g-44 444 44 5114 5.. 6. 44 $$5.. 7. 444 44 $45.. 8. л-g-tM 4*14 44 $45.. C. Substitution Drill 1. 4^#^л № 2. *№з #44. 3. 4°<h№ #44. 4. 44 4^44л #44. 5. Щ^Л #44. 6. 4 4-8- £-##4л #44. 7. ЛЙ #44. 8. 4£44л #44. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4тг44л #44, Student: 4^44 &Л451 #4 4. 1- 4#4 <4 л #44. 2. #71)7} 44л #44. 3. 7}4я #44. 4. 7}4j7 ig-44, 5. #44. б. #4#4л #44. 7. 4 #44л #44. I have to meet my friend. I have some business to attend to now I have to ask my friend some favors I have to write letter to him. I have to visit my friend. I have to decline (it) respectfully. I have to make a phone call to him. I intend to review. Or : I plan to review. Or : I’m going to review. I intend to take a nap. I intend to decline (it) with respect- fully. I intend to make a decision. I intend to make a phone call. I intend to drive this car. I intend to repair it. I’m going to get engaged. I intend to review. I don’t intend to review. 44*1 <4 $5-451 «44. *14 «4Ч-. ^41- 44 $51451 «44. 44 $-2-451 «44. 4444 $5-451 «44. 21444 $-2-451 «44. 4 «4-4 $5.451 «44. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: 3~V-«451 «45.. Student: ^-^-44 $-2-451 «4 I was going to study. I was not going to study. 1. 444451 $45-. 2. 444451 «45-. 3. -Г<4451 «4-2-. 4. 44-4451 «45-. 4444 ««44 ^44 4444 $5.451 «45-. $5-451 «45-. $5-451 «45.. $5-451 «45-.
Unit 31 309 5. 47]* $.8-331 Ш. 6. $-Мз1 7. o»7)< *As]ji 8. ** *^31 5М-Й, 44* o}^] $0.^ 44 $°.г}й1 $Ча. °P1< *x] $-°Чз1 ** $x] $0.337 5Jo|^ p Integration Drill Teacher: *$4 7>4л *44. *$$* ***44. I am going to go to Germany. I’m studying German. Student: *$4 7}3л *4444. I’m studying German to go to Germany. 1. 44* 44431 444. 4 7] 4 444. $*> 444 31, 4?14 444. 2. 44 4431 $444. ** $$444. 4t 4331, 4-4 4Ч4Ч4. 3. <447)44 = Ч4з1 $444. °1Ж 4444. oJ.b]x)$4 =44ai, о]/;}-^ 4444. 4. *4 4Л14 л 58444. TJ7J4J 4444. 44 44431, 7-j7jo)| 4^-44. 5. 4^-431 $4-3-. о]^<- 7р]з1 44^-. ^4з1, о]7^> /Нл ЧЧ-й, 6. з17]> -ТЧ-431 5Soj^ Ч7]оЦ Я-Чд. 317]< Ч-т-431, oj7]ofl #4-А. 7. 4-2.45. 44431 444. ЧЧ-Ч-fr 3--W44. 4345. $4431, Ч44-4- ^^444. 8. n-r-fr s.4^431 $8^44. 7-j7]o,j >4?КгЧ4. al-S-S- 5.4^431, ?] 7] оЦ >4зНгЧ4. G. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: 44 7H4-S-? Student: 4, 44 $4^-. 1. M< ^44^-? 2. 445.44A? 3. 4445-44-S-? 4. 445-44-3. ? 5. 4-34^.435. ? 6. $л}44г)]^.? 7. i444s)]^.7 8. 4^-444^.? Will you go tomorrow ? Yes, I’ll go tomorrow. 4, V4< -т-1-4-3-. 4, 44*4-3.. 4, 444*4-3.. 4, 44*4^. 4, 1-44*4-3.. 4, 44*4-3.. 4, ^4*4-3, 4, 44*4-8,
Unit 31 H. Substitution Drill (Review) 1. 4)7} 44 4ЧЛ. 2. 47} WK 3. 4)7} 4. 4]7} JTj-g- #<4 A. 5. 4)7}- j.Tj-8- 6.4)7} j-Tj-g- ^i-mia. 7. 4)7} SL7jj- 4^4 A. 8. 4)7} SLTji- °Ч-РЧ. I’ll go tomorrow. I’ll decline respectfully. I’ll make a decision. I’ll boil it. I’ll roast it. I’ll cover it. I’ll continue it. I’ll promise it. SHORT STORIES 1. A-g-vr Тз-6] 44 тЧЧМ. one’s body Ч-с- -ё-о] ЧЧЧ 4. to be strong А гр) -$-#-¥-4 4444 Л ЧЧЧ. ЧЧЧ to be weak Expansion Drill л-ё-£- -ё-Ч o}^ 44? -ё-Ч -JW 4444 л ЧЧ 4. 2. 41- 44 л 4444 4. Ч Ч -Г-0)] 4А4Л ЧЧ 4. 44 to pay back 444 444 4i- p л!<- 4 4 ° I--2-. Expansion Drill *}< 44 л 44 4444, 4 ч 44 jz. ЧЧ4. ^*1 °J44 4 41- 7jJ 7^}^. 3. -g-4 44 ЛМ^ЧЧ. ^7)4 to happen, to take place лгЦЧ •3гЧ'4‘ 4°) ЧЧЧ ^ЧЗчМ-А. л4Ч 4^7} 4^7) л-4 А-Ч in the same way as before, Expansion Drill as it is (was) ^•4 4°] л£4тгЧ4. 4444 ^44 4°] 44а) 4-44-И' 4ti’7} 444 Л.4 -аЧЧЧА.
Unit 31 311 reading Oj>l]-c- 417-4 <ЧЧ4тгЧЧ-. 41741ЧЧ ^rfl-Ц- НЬЙФЧЙ-. лЧЧ zd-i-g ЧЧ- 4 7}*te ^44-. 417-4 7}q^, л}^- o] 4°i 5]- -т-ч^- °чч чччч-®- н-чч-чч. ч^ С] ^2. 44^44. ^ЧЧ Ч--В 417-t 44 ЧЧ 44^44-. ЧЧ -аЧ-Ч- >°14тгЧЧ-. Ч-Ч- 417< ЧЧЧзг ЧИ<М 4444. пЧЧ л 417-71 Ч 47J-O)] #4^44.. пЧЧ ^£Ч t ЧЧ-Ч Ч 4 £- ЧЧ-^тгЧЧ-. 4174 ЧЧ-1- ЧЧ 424 тг44. лЧЧ 417^1 444^44. Fd a birthday to receive an invitation an invitation <1# a gift to invite 4 а1д}Ч- lit. (They) came UJ4 to receive and were (there). BRIEFING Yesterday was my friend’s birthday. He invited me to his party. So I bought a gift and went to his house. When I got to my friend’s house, a lot of people were there. We had a wonderfuf time. I wanted to have a little more fun, but I had to meet another friend. I came back home, and then I went to the tearoom to meet my friend. But my friend didn’t come on time. So I waited for liim for about 10 minutes until he arrived. I wanted to eat dinner with him, but my friend refused with thanks.
Unit 32 312 UNIT 32 й-н Review BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 1. *1^ «U 3M1-S-? 4 2. -5H-71S. 51 <И А. з. «PH 3 A]7js WU? ФЧ 4 4. ФИ a]/}^ ZLSjOl ^]7]- 45.ЧЧ 5. 45.4*1 4J-J7, JL. 5-44- Ч 6. -2-г1Ч, oj spa Apl!U одш. What are you doing now ? a tape-recorder I’m reviewing with a taperecorder, a day, one day about how many hours About how many hours do you review a day ? generally, mostly, nearly, about homework Generally, I review about two hours. But there is so much homework that 1 could die. to overwork reasonably, adequately °J Don’t overwork, just study reasonably. to have a hard time, to have a bitter experience But, if I don’t do my homework, mj teacher will give me a hard time. USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. л)аичч-. 2. AM^qtp 3. §*] spil -2-. I miss you. Or : I’m sad, (disappoint1 I apologize to you. Pardon (forgive) me, please.
NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 2. ViZl is a noun which means Hterally ‘a recording machine.' Study the fol- lowing words relating to (sound) recording. ‘to record’ ipg-41 ‘a recording room’ jgL-g- — ‘a recording tape’ » When the consonant -ы occurs as a final consonant, and is followed directly by the consonant tr of the next syllable, is pronounced as Therefore, is pronounced as 4. фЯ, a noun meaning ‘an outline,’ ‘a summary,’ can also be used as an adverb meaning ‘generally,’ ‘mostly,’ ‘for the most part,’ ‘nearly,’ ‘almost/ et. Study the following examples: ФИ ’Я’Я] 4 4 ^*44. I usually go home late. 44 4-S-. I go fishing nearly every Sunday. 4^ 444z- 44 ^4 it Most Koreans like kimchi. 5. means ‘to overwork,' ‘to work too hard. ’ 4 indicates ‘excess,’ ‘im- moderation,’ or ‘to pass.’ Study the following words: 4444 ‘to overeat,’ ‘to eat too much’ 4-g-44 ‘to drink too much’ 4i>-44 ’to spend too much’ 4il44 ‘to place too much confidence (in a person), ’ ‘to be overconfident’ ^*44 is an adverb meaning ‘adequately,’ ‘reasonably,’ ‘properly,’ suitably.’ Study the following examples : <U44-&. Just work reasonably. 44-Sl. Do as you see fit. лН-&. Buy it at a reasonable price. 6. ^44, depending on the context or situation, can mean (1) ‘to get frightened out of one’s wits,’ ‘to be startled (horrified), ’ (2) ‘to have a bitter expe- rience,’ ‘to have a hard time of it.’ It is used always with the particle ~4 4 by,’ whereas -g- Ц] 4, ‘to make (a person) smart,’ ‘to give (a person) a hard time is used always with the object particle Study the following Samples, and note particularly noting the preceding particles. W4 I got frightened by a dog. I was severely scolded by my teacher. ГЦ get him to cry for mercy.
Unit 32 314 STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Progressive -51 Stef*** : ‘(someone) is doing (something)’ The sentence-final ending -51 Ц-, preceded by action verbs indicat kind of process or continuing action. a Examples: am °PP1- \H< 5СИ-3-. *1< 4^51 M°1 I’m waiting for my friend. The baby is taking a nap. My younger brother is writing a letter. The wind is blowing. I’m reviewing now. The student is swimming. <51 <51 <51 SlSMX <51 $дЖ The wind is blowing. The wind is not blowing. The wind was blowing. The wind was not blowing. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb аИ> not in the main verb with -51. Study the following examples : «H°l *H*1 «Hol The final verb can be replaced by the honorific verb whenever one addresses or refers to person of superior social standing: older people, teachers, doctors, foreigners, and so forth. Study the following examples: What are you doing now ? My father is sleeping. My teacher is eating lunch. My older brother is reading a book. He is not working. o]-h]z]7V пНгл151 AjAj^o] AjAj-g- Ж SU ZL^-o] ^л]7] SjoXa.. _ -----o- erbs However, this pattern can have two different meanings when used wi dealing with items of clothing; some of these one : ‘to Put on c 0 ^*4 ‘to put on (a hat), ’ ‘to put on (shoes), ’ etc. Study the foll«wl g examples: л1) odjl ^<°i aj< Л151 She is putting on a new dress. Or: She has on a new dress. He was putting on a hat. Or: He had on a hat. He is putting on his shoes. Or: He has his shoes on.
315 _g_o] He was putting on a necktie. Or: He had on a necktie. This pattern 3И—а1ТЬ when preceded by a time word + a particle, (such as ‘from4 or ‘during,’ ‘for4), indicates an action which took place in the past, and is still going on. Study the following examples: дМ-З-. I’ve been working since last month (lit Fm working from last month.) I’ve been working here for the past ten years. Notes: 1. A simple verb indicates an action itself, making no reference to duration of time; however, the progressive form indicates the fact that an action lasts for a while. Study the following examples: H -S-. I studied Korea. ?ll дИ-З-. I was studying Korean. 2. This pattern -5L «УЧ- cannot be used for the immediate future, like ‘I’m leaving4 for TH leave4 in English. 11. The Pattern-ОК-O|, —Q=|)A-| : ‘because of (so-and-so), I could die’ This pattern -й}(-сН, -°j)*| ^^14 may be used with any verb, except 4. However, it4s used mostly with description verbs. When the causal non- final ending -°]-(-<:H, -<Ч)Л1 is followed by ^^14- ‘will die,4 it indicates extreme anxiety, pain, or anguish, caused by a certain fact or event. Examples: 'W 444 4ЯЧ-2-. a-g-o] $44 «И Ч-т- 44 43J14-2-. I’m dying to see you. I’m so tired, I could die. The weather is so cold that I could die. Because he keeps coming to see me, I could die. Because I don’t have any money these days, I could die. I feel so hungry, I could die. Because it’s raining so much, I could die. Because of my headaches, I could die. ”1=14 444 421 ЧД. Notes: *• The particle -4 after -4(-4, -°i) may be dropped, making no differ
Unit 32 316 ence in meaning. But it’s better to practice it in the beginning. 2 -op-] ^-^[4 is used after -4 and £-2., -44_^J4 is used after any other vowel; -<Ца] is used after 44. or the stem of the verb -44. III. A.V.S, +-x| 4Д- : ‘not, (but)-’ We have already studied the pattern A.V.S.+z4 4 4, which indicates prohibition or dissuasion. This pattern -4 4л is a compound pattern: i.e -x] 4(4), plus -Л meaning ‘and.’ It is used when you attempt to dissuade someone from doing a certain action, in favor of another. Don’t work, (but) rest. Don’t sleep ; get up. Don’t make noise, (but) be quiet. Don’t cry ; laugh. Don’t stay here ; go home. Don’t go up; come down. Let’s study without taking a walk. Let’s go without drinking. Let’s work without playing around. Examples: ^д, зЧН iJ-д, i-s}7H ^Д, W. ^д, This pattern -*] ^д is followed mostly by imperative or propositive forms, whereas-^1 ^~Д doesn’t have this limitation. Study the following examples: °Н1< &Д, &д, 7Н<ИЛ I came without eating breakfast I’ll go without working. They play well without fighting. Notes: 1. The pattern Д may be used with action verbs, and the verb of existence 44. However, it usually goes with action verbs. 2. When-4s. (without ^4) is preceded by anoun.it is used to express rejection of one object, in fovor of another. Study the following examples: 4^ i-jl, 4-c- 4 4ЧД? Don’t you have something else, besides 4л, 44 ^U. GiveTe’a pencil, not a fountain pen.
drills ADDITIONAL vocabulary ул} a hat лас} to put on (hat, glasses) л]с} to put on (shoes, socks) glasses A. Substitution Drill 1. ЗН* 7I44 Д Итг44. 2. 5^4«4. 3. а}#0! 5(1^44. 4. ^И°1 %1тг44. 5. фй-fr Щ4--ЙД %1тг44. 6. Х а°|д %1тг4 «4. 7. д °Ji- ^|^4Д *1^44. в. w-a- #д %i^44. В. Substitution Drill 1. 4444 2. 44144 flW 444 4. 3- ^\iol 4д 4444. 4. 4444 °У4д 31444. 5. 44 ° I ~^-А4д 31444. 6. д-g-o] 3|444. 7- 3L4-444 д-g-i- £4-4^Д 314 44\ ‘ 8- S4.44 &3. 31444. c- Substitution Drill 1. 21 447} OJJ7 0)^44. 2- 51^44.. 3- 51ЧЛИ4Д %te44. 4- 4444з. 51^4 «4. ## gloves 4 to put on (gloves, ring) СУ:ТЙ‘ (socks) ^4 to put on (watch, sword) I m waiting for my friend. I’m preparing the lessons. The wind is blowing. The student is swimming. I’m looking out the window. I’m boiling water. I’m continuing that work. I’m boiling eggs. My father is sleeping. My teacher is eating lunch. My older brother is reading a book. My mother is working outside. My older sister is taking a bath. He is shaving (himself). My grandfather is helping him. My grandmother is writing a letter. She is putting on a dress. Or: She has on a dress. He is putting on a hat. Or: He has a hat on. He is putting on his shoes. Or : He has his shoes on. He is putting on a necktie. Or: He has on a necktie.
Unit 32 318 5. дд даЧЧ. 6. д-ё-Ч Чд даЧЧ. 7. Д-агЧ 44-в <1Д 4^44. 8. д^-Ч >Ю 4Д 4^44. 9. д»>1 44- ^Д дач4. He is putting on his glasses. Or • u has his glasses on. ’ He is putting on his socks. Or: He has his socks on. He is putting on his socks. Or: He has his socks on. He is putting on his watch. Or: He has his watch on. He is taking off his clothes. Or:He has his clothes off. D. Substitution Drill 1. л-Jr-e Д 4Ч4 ^г4ЧД. 2. з-ячд. з. ^14 444 Я-4ЧД. 4. д£Ч 4¥ 44-4Ч ^-44 Д. 5. Д> £-4 444 я-4чд. 6. 44 лЛ4 ^4ЧД. 7. И-т- 44 44 Я4ЙЧД. 8. ЧЧ4 °И4 Я-4ЧД. Е. Pattern Drill Teacher : 444 И-Д 44 Д. Student: 444 1-Д 44 44 Д. 1. ^34д 44 Д. 2. 44# Дд 4ЧД. 3. Ч44Д 44 Д. 4. 444-Д 44Д. 5. 44 ЧЧД. 6. 444д 4ЧД. 7. лда 44Д. 8. д4-£ F. Pattern Drill Teacher: 440] -g-д. Student: 440] 4.^ ЧД. 1. 444д дачд. I’m dying to see him. I’m so tired, I could die. The weather is so cold that 1 could die. Because he keeps coming to see me, I could die. Because I don’t have any money these days, I could die. I feel so hungry, I could die. It’s raining so much that I could die. Because of my headaches, I could die. The wind is blowing. The wind is not blowing. -?44Д 44 44 Д. 444 ДД 44 &4Д. Ч44Д 44 &4Д. -Ч144Д 44 444. -g-g- 4-4-4 д 44 44Д. 444Д 44 44Д. дЧ-g- ^д 44 &4Д. Д4-8- ЧЧд 44 Ф4-Д. The wind was blowing. The wind was not blowing. 4 44J’. 44 #44 Д.
319 2 444-9-. 3 444-S-. 4. opi-t да 444a. 5 «ЙЛ 444-2.. 6. &< *йда 444.2-. 7.3,-g-fr чч-да. 444.2.. 8. 4^да 444.2.. ччда 4 ч дасда. т^да 4ч да<да °Ц7]< оЬп. о]х] &44.R, €-<- да jjx] -&-fr чда ач дада. ^-i- чч-да 44 #44.2.. -^-тгда. 44 ££#<да. G. Pattern Drill Teacher: 0}ЧЧ7} т)]л)]д# Му father is sleeping. Student: °}н]х]7} ^-у-х]л t)]a]a] 4°}-2 Му father is not sleeping. 1. чдач чдада 44U 2. ZL-g-o] ^г0|з}й1 3. 444 З^да 4. jr’d°i -£< да чда. 5. л-да Л7]< -^-л дад. 6. л-да -да дад. 7. дада чда. в. чдач чда. ч-да. 4447} дада з]да ^да. л^-о] ^чда. да*1 &оЕЛ.. ^М°1 т^да п^0! -£< да да*1 &да. oz.7i> да т)]л]х) e^-oKs. да да*! %да. -1НМв1 7[кх]й1 &да. <ijr’tioi ^да да*1 #да. Н. Pattern Drill Teacher: ®}tf|x]7} ^-y-Ajj? 3]a=[o]j$_. My father was sleeping. Student: °)-н1х]7} ^-т-л1й! тЦа]х] My father was not sleeping. !• -даМ°1 -J-jl Tfl-SlH-S-. 2- -т-да да да<да. 3- тЧ^о] Z1734- -да ?1]-й<да. 4- дачч <1- цда дада. 5. 4447} гч-да дада. 6- ^-в-Ч iglgryr ^тда. т^Ч-З-. 7. a-g-0] vfltq.jijv дада. 8- ЧМ4 чч-да дада. ' Iteration Drill Teacher: °j8}x) п}да. 4|да. да-да да дач ^дад. дао] да ^]а]а] У4ЧА. да4о] л.4< да дач ^дад. да>да <-< #°и дач ^дад. 4447} дада дач ^да-й-. л.да дач изда х л-да 41- дада ччч ^дад. да о] 44-да дач ^814^-. Don’t work. Rest.
Unit 32 320 Student: 24*1 2Я, 4MU. 1. ** 2*1 "MU. Д4Д. 2. £*] °MU. tW. 3. £-8- 24*1 "MU. 2Д21Д. 4. 2** nMU. *MMU. 5. 22*1*1 "MU. 224чи. 6. 224*1 2*14. 2*14. 7. 424*1 °J-*14. 2-s-*14. 8. я-f- <!i< 444*1 2*14. *14*14. J. Integration Drill Teacher: 2я] ^22Д. 7H2 Д. Student: 2*1 2я 7]-^2Д. 1. 4 422Д. 22Д. 2. 4U4*I #22 Д. 22 Д. з. 44.a.*i 422 д. 7*Mi. 4. 444*1 $22 д. 222 д. 5. 4*<- *14*] $°МД. ^22 д. 6. €•> 4*1 222 Д. 422 Д. 7. 444*1 &22д. 22д. 8. 444*1 222 Д. 22 Д. SHORT STORIES 1- 2°fl*l -^-г^я 222Д. я^1е|] -2'2*]* 2~°1~-22 8 Я.гЦ*1 'o'nr-t- Л."ку-:П. Tin18}Л 'е’22Д Expansion Drill *1Я 222 Д. Don’t work, (but) rest. £-i 41*1 2я, Д21Д. -g-x] 2Д, £МД -ё-i- “JsMI “J'i. 2Д41Д. °-H-i ‘H7!*! *1?М1д ^<H*]*] 2д, °J<H44U. 2*J«}*1 2Д, 2*1’4. ^фв}*] 2д, 22*1 Ч-. Ж 2i< $12*}*1 2л, I won’t eat. I’ll go. I’ll go without eating. <42-8- 2 2 я #2 Д. 222*1 ЙД 22 Д. 214-й-*! 2я 22 Д. 4°о1:2*1 2я 222 Д °-Hri- *12*1 &я 222Д. ^2 2*1 #я *Й22Д. 222-*1 ’Йя. $2Д. *d2-2*l &я 22 Д. 224], я224 to stop (doing), to cease (doing) 22*} 22* 2. 42*1* 44-4 4**4 *222U. 44*12 24я 444Д. ягЦ* 2^я4*1 2я 4*2 Д.
Unit 32 321 Expansion Drill «И THteBH 5fc> Чй«и. h h ! i, ! 3. № 4^-44 ^444 4^ *1 ЯИ 44 4h7, tfl<y ^4. 45-43 44-4 44A. \7> . .. <L<f health Expansion Drill 4-g- 4^44 ^$Au)4, 44 o] «ai- 44 4>37, qpj 4. 4-5.43 444 4-sbU. READING 44444 4-В-4-Д- 44444. ллИ 44 474 444444. л44 44 4-S-444 ^-444444. 44 474^- 44 444 44- 444 4444. 4 4444 44 44444. 444 474 4U444. 474 444 4 4444. -$-# 4441 44444, 444 4^444. 4444 4441 4444. ^4 44 44$ 444. 4 aH ет4444. 44 44i- $4 444$&444 4. rz.431 4 444 -£ $&&444. -2-44 4-S-43 444 #4 $444. 44 4 444 44 4444 4 4444. 444 44 ®fl 6И444. 44a 4444 414 4-8-44 4444 a recording room to record drinking money to pay to spend too much to drink too much 1л Ц' 3)4 4>i144 now to grow old to be young to overeat to be overconfident briefing I was recording in the recording room. But my close friend visited me. So I stopped recording. I went to the bar with my friend to drink. We drank until midnight. My friend paid for the drinks. I think my friend spent too much money. When I got up this morning I had headache. If I drink too much it’s bad for my health. But I drank too much. Now I am old. When I was young it was alright even if I drank too much. And it was alright even if I overate. These days if I drink too much I don’t feel good the follwoing day. I think I’m overconfident about my health. I must be careful for my health.
Unit 33 322 UNIT 33 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE i-T- 1. 347}? H4 2. -2/f- ^4^. 3 •£ 3 3. § op} 3 ^4^}? <1 л4 aL-g-Sj-ЗН. 44^ «4 4. 'S 'Й'С’И.З-. *] n- al-s- «j-JEofl 4vU 3] 5. 7}^ $ИА? л]л^с} *H-4 u4 6. <47]. Л]л^я] oj-ot^ 'S’ ’e’7]i 'W]--T'7]£. Children children altogether, in all (About) how many children do y0ll have? Altogether there are seven, the oldest child how old How old is your oldest child? sixteen years old a high school to attend He is sixteen years old. He is attending hight school now. mind, spirit, soul <y If you go home, I bet you can’t think straight, can you ? to be noisy to fight Really, It is extremely noisy. They both play well and fight well. 010|> USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. зН- Щ*] 2. 3. ^ofl. Don’t get angry. Congratulations. Thanks for your help, (favor, aid).
NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. 5Й 'to become,' depending on the context or situation, can have many mean- ings. In the context of Sentence 1, £] £]• means ‘to have,’ ‘to exist ’ 3. °HЧ- * * 71~ means ‘How old is your oldest child ?’ я)| °-j js the superlative marker, (meaning literally ‘the first,’ ‘number one’). 1 is a contraction of 'a child,’ 'a kid.’ ‘years of age’ is a classifier used with Korean numbers. Study the following examples: one year old 41 forty years old •r >a- two years old fifty years old >41 three years old sixty years old HI four years old °J£ seventy years old five years old eighty years old ten years old ninety years old —-r twenty years old one hundred years old £ thirty years old But the classifier ->H] ‘years of age’ is used with Chinese numbers. Study the following examples: twenty years old лтН] 'Hl thirty years old 'H] forty years old -£-41 >H] fifty years old -4-4] >H] sixty years old ill] >H] seventy years old Ч- °] ‘age,’ ‘years’ as an independent word is commonly used, whereas and ‘one’s honored age’ are honorifics used when speaking to old people. Study the following examples : 4-°) 7\ °J Я 7т[ ? How old are you ? ^7}- How old are you?(honorific) ^4 o] a] q ? How old are you ? (very honorific) 4< 5x4^ means ‘a (liberal) high school.’ Study the following words relating to school, which make up particularly the Korean education system. feLS. ‘a kindergarten,’ which is a one year course. ^x4Д ‘a primary (elementary) school,’ which is a six year course. ‘a middle school,’ which is a three year course. ‘a high school,’ which is a three year course. ‘a college,’ which is a four year course. ‘a graduate school,’ which is a two year course. 5‘ means literally ‘I have no mind (spirit). This expression is used
Unit 33 324 (1) when you are distracted, (2) when it’s so noisy that you can’t think straigllt (3) when you forget something completely. STRUCTURE NOTES i. The Particle -(O|)4 • This particle -(<4)4-, depending on the context or situation, can have many different meanings. 1. Noun +-(Q|)4"' • ‘or something’ The particle -(°])Ц-, when preceded directly by a noun, indicates a selection or an option. Study the following examples : I’ll drink some wine (or something.) Let’s study Korean (or something), I’ll eat pulgogi (or something). Shall I buy a car (or something). Give me a fountain pen or ball pen. 2. S + Noun +-(Q|)4"* • ‘about,’ ‘approximately’ When the particle -(°])Ц- is used with the word ‘how many,’ it in- dicates approximation. Study the following examples : пИН-М 3. Number + Noun +-(O|)i4— When the particle -(о])ъ} than is expected.’ Study the «а 4- Noun 4- other Particle +-Ц : The particle -Ц- can also be tion of place, time, etc. About how many people came? About how many books did you buy? About how many times did you read it? About how many hours will you study? About how many bottles of beer did you drink ? ‘more than expected’ is used with numbers, it indicates ‘much more following examples: He drank ten bottles of beer, (mom than I thought). I studied ten hours yesterday, (muc^ more than expected). I read that book five times. It’s seven o’clock already. used with other particles, and indicates sei Study the following examples:
? Shall we go home (or some place) ? л1 a I think I’ll have time in the evening (от sometime). Notes: This particle -(л1)Ц can further be used with other words, such as ‘any (person),’ or the interrogative pronouns ‘what,’ xi ‘who,’ etc. But this will be studied later in detail. П. The particle : ‘both—and—,’ ‘(n)either-(n)or— ’ We have studied the particle -3E. when it means ‘also,’ ‘too,’ ‘even,’ ‘indeed,’ etc. Now let’s study this particle -3E. in more detail. (attached a negative predicate, it means ‘either.’ 1. When the particle -JE. by Ч-ЗЕ. *|3E. 4W-S-. ZL-ё-ёг *<M3E. xRS-. o) я)зе. U<4-3-. to a noun or other particles) is followed Study the following examples: I won’t eat either. I did not buy a book either. I don’t study at home either. He doesn’t sleep at night either. This book isn’t good either. 2. When there are two phrases in a row, each ending in -3E., it means ‘both •••and---,’ if the predicate is affirmative. Study the following examples: Ч-i л^ЗЕ. Both he and I are Korean. I bought both a book and a pencil. The wind is blowing and it’s raining too. 3. But,----3E. —3E, means ‘(n) either Study the following examples : Чзе. 7>3i, п^-зе. о} s^lJE. ^х]ЗЕ. °ИЗЕ. Ojai, Л^ЗЕ. & #57, ^зе. ••(n)or ’ if the predicate is negative. Neither I nor he went. Or: I didn’t go and he didn’t go either. It’s neither cold nor hot. Neither this nor that is good. Or: This isn’t good and that isn’t good either. I like neither peaches nor melons. DRILLS ADDITIONAL vocabulary 'Tr*l^l kindergarten vfl graduate school
Unit 33 326 primary school middle school high school S]4 a company 44 a factory A. Substitution Drill 1. 0.^44 $14A. 2. 3. 44Я $14A. 4. д-§-4Д4 4431 $14 A. 5. 44324 443L $14 A. 6. 4444 Ц-Чл $14-8-. 7. 4ЛН 4437 $14-8.. 8. W4 44 a $14-8-. В. Substitution Drill 1. л-ё-4 < 44 2. rt-g-o] 44 4 А. 3. п-ё-о] >i-g- 44 4°14А. 4. л-ё-4 4-Е- 444А. 5. п-Е-4 4-Е- 4 44 4 А. 6. ^--§-4 °№ 44 4 А. 7. л^-о] 4£ 44 4 А. 8. ri-g-4 4 444 А. 9. зь£-4 4£ 4 444А. 10. з-ё-4 43 444А С. Pattern Drill Teacher: if-g- 44314 A. Student: “5-44 44314A. 1- 4314 A. 2. 44 3314A. 3. -§-44- 4314A. 4. 441- 4-M4-8.. 5. 7^4 A. 6. 4444- 44-314A. 7. 4 $11- 444Я4А. 8- -п-тг-s- 4314 A. I am attending kindergarten. I am attending primary school. I am attending middle school. I am attending hight school. I am attending university. I am attending graduate school. I am working for a company. I am working in a factory. He is sixteen years old. He is twenty years old. He is twenty five years old. He is thirty years old. He is thirty one years old. He is forty years old. He is forty two years old. He is fifty three years old. He is sixty four years old. He is seventy eight years old. I’ll drink some wine. I’ll drink some winefor something). 4444 4314A. «144 3314A. 4444- 4314 A. 444 445J4A. d^-44 4314A. 44444 4-т-314 A. 4 444 71144314A. 4^44 4314 A.
p. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4#°1 -2-44Л? Student: # ЛЬ#44 -2-#4д? 1. £ #< 444-8- ? 2. 3 #(£) 8-М4-Э.? 3. ’?£♦ # *8 444 A? 4. ## # 4 444-8. ? 5. <jM> # # НШ? 6. ^-1-°! # # 444-9. ? 7. 4# -?-#444.8.? 8. W 4 44-8- ? How many people came ? About how many people came ? ^44 ##<4A? 444 44-t- £ *844 4#4A? aH4 4-Й4А? 4BW #44 n-g-4 ’S #44 444-8-? <£ 47j44-g#-*H14.e.? 47b 44 44.8.? E. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4^> # # Student: 4-8.. # #°14 44 1. #£44K 2. 44 41 844-8, 3. #4> -T- # 44-8, 4. # # #4-8, 5. #4> # # #4-8, 6. 44 # 7bЭ.#4-9, 7. 44 # -2-44-9, 8. ##4 # 4 4 4-9-. I drank ten bottles of beer. I drank ten bottles of beer, (more than I thought). 4 #7J44 W84.8, 44 444 844-8.. #B|< #44 4 8 -8-. 4# 4 #44 #4-8.. 4 #44 #4-8, 4# #44 7bJL#4-S, 4# £44 -2-44-8, 4-M # 4444 444-8, F. Pattern Drill Teacher: 444 4 #4 5)4-8, Student: 4444 а]ТЬ°1 #4 A. 1-^«4| #44. 2- ##4 #"44. 3. 4- °H<8] 7b ^-А]^. 5. M-ofl ч}-§-А]гК 6- UJ41 A]#o] #<4.s.. 7. 5|. 8. Jf-Aj-oj] 3-z]cb. I’ll have time in the evening. I’ll have time in the evening, (or some- time). 444 7jA]ub. 4 #4 4 #44. #A°J44 4#44. 4444 7b #44. 444 4 #4 4. #44 4#4 44-8, 4444 4 2M-S, -т-444 #44.
Unit 33 328 G. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4i Д- Student: 4i 44. 1. Mi <44. 2. 4i 4°M44. 3. M<i «44. 4. 4i ««44. 5. л-gi >»1-«44. 6. о] Mi <44. 7. <°Vii ««44. 8. ««fli #44. I also ate lunch. I didn’t eat lunch either. Mi 4*1 «44. 4i 444*1 «44. M4i &*1 «44. 4i Ji-g-fr 444*1 «44. л-ё-i >44*1 «4 4. ° I Mi >4 «4. 40114 i «4*1 ?l#44. «4i 4*1 «44. H. Integration Drill Teacher: Mi <44. «i 444. I bought a book too. I bought a pencil too. Student: Mi4i, «i 444. I bought both a book ‘and a pencil. 1. «i <44. Bji 44. 44i <i, «li 44. 2. <U«i <44i <<44. °J«i «4л, 4«i «44. f 3. 44i «44. 4<-i «44. 4si 4л, 4<i «44. 4. <71i «44. <7]i «44. <715. Mi, <7|£ $oU. 5- Mi ?1444. «7]я *514д. Mi $31, 4*li ^444. 6. 4<i <44. Oi <44. 4>i 4л, «i <44. 7. <7)]£ ^U|14. E^.£ <7)]S. 7]jL, -g-vjt}.. 8. >7]5. <44. 4i л<44. >7]5 4л, Mi л<-44. I. Integration Drill Teacher: 4i < #44. oj ^4. I didn’t go either. He didn’t go either.
329 Student: 45- 4 431, 5^4-S-. Neither I nor he went. ! /]7j£ $4-2-. -&Я $4-2-. $51, -g-5. $4-2.. 2. 33--5 $ $4-2-. 4=^5. 4 $4-2.. 4-31, ,sHr-£ °J 3JH-2-. 3. «иг. 4 444. 445 4 444. 2} 4з1, $45. 4 Ф44. 4. 3-sje. 4 ^-44. 3-1-5 4 44 4, 4S.5 °J 4л, 3-S-5 4 444. 5. 37J5 °} 3344. 4^5 4 4344. 445 4 4 4 31, 445 0} 4444. 6. t5 $ 4444. ’«ня $ 3-5-44. ^S. <£ np]5L, #аН£- 4-S-44-. 7. 4^5. °} ФЧЧ-. 4^-£ °J: ^-44-. °J *}3L, tl-44-. 8. £•*]£. ^тгЧЧ-. ^44. :№ $31, -MS $т>ЧЧ-. SHORT STORIES 1. 441 4МЧ] ^п^зт. < ^°114 °НзН-£1. □.гЦл-1 5.^ ЗШ4-8-. 1-4--S-44- ¥Л1 Я4Х Expansion Drill 44 л-144 3^}з1 4^< *< ^4М п^71 3.4 ^4£. 34 >о].^.и|7}, <3 4Я4-8-. 2- 3^4- 4^- h}w]-4 AJ7J4 §14-2-. 3444. A]7jo] 5j< 3 34-^. n 44 34s. 4л •§-Л1’4. Expansion Drill 3^-c- 4-!?- 444 37J°1 §14-2-. 34414 З#0! a —44, 44 345- 431 43-5. -§-34. 3- З-Т-^-л 443-S. 3^583-2-. 434 л-g-g- 3444 34^4-2-.
Unit 33 330 Я’ЗМ''!' Expansion Drill 317-г]-52. ^Kpl-S- f- Apjo^ z'iw. READING ^fe- zS°l 7b^°l ±Hfc°l xh|i ^-N7} -S-’t- c}-!- c^o 'НЫ<УЧг}. o}< (*)V) £ ^^32. <U rz.e|5L ЗИ (^)-g- 22.^j2- °1 «РЗ'УЧ’}. ’t ОД)° <U ФЗ^Ч<4. n.sl5L t (^)o] °Нй,1Ч| *1-3- ЛН№^Я^. зи4И л3^1-£ Йо] fl, Д^-H]^ &o] f-v]c}. a family the third son <>K a son the eldest daughter *& a daughter the second (eldest) daughter °14 three sons and two the lastbom daughters AjjSJ-H] living expenses the eldest son to be needed, to cost the second son education expenses BRIEFING I have a large family. We are a family of seven, in all. I have three sons and two daughters. The eldest son is a junior in college. The second son is a freshman in college. The third son is a sophomore in high school. The eldest daughter is in the first year of middle school. The second daughter is the youngest and she is in the fourth grade. Therefore, both a lot of living expenses and education expenses are needed.
I 331 UNIT 34 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 5.^- 4 41 2. % >' M-S-. «bg- ^-g- £4- >"¥• A Study quietly, silently, calmly, peacefully U It s time to study. Let’s be quiet, every- body. come on! 49 Come on! Don’t look at the book, but try to listen well. pronunciation question to ask 3. 4HN ! •U'-S-ofl W ай a. *i-g- 4-s. A? 4-iM] aj-sfl Sj-r}- a4 U ;Йчгй] Teacher! I have a question about pro- nunciation. May I ask you a question now ? later to disturb, to interfere with, to interrupt 41 4- 4-^°,] Please ask a question (sometime) 71п- ЧМ later- If you ask a 4uestion now’ k 7} 5]) 9 u becomes a bother to others the class, lesson Ч- 41 5< о] лз-ъ]. Apjvj Then, shall I go to see you after the class is over ? anytime 41 л8 61 ^7]] Do it that way. Come anytime in the U afternoon.
Unit 34 332 USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1. 2. I can’t bear it. You should not do it. Or: It won’t do. It’s a bother! #1- SM-S-. ^44-. 3. ЙН NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES i. Keep quiet, please. He is a quiet (mannered) person. Don’t make noise. Because it’s noisy, I could die. is an adverb meaning ‘quietly,’ ‘silently,’ ‘calmly/ etc. Study the fol lowing words relating to it. ^4- to keep quiet, to keep still to be quiet, to be silent ^<-4- to make noise to be noisy 35-H}- 2. is an exclamatory expression used to attract someone’s attention or to arouse one to action. It corresponds to the English ‘Come on !,’ ‘Come now!,' ‘Here!,’ ‘Here you are!,’ etc. 3- ‘pronunciation* should not be confused with ‘a wind/ 'sa noun meaning ‘ a question/ ‘an inquiry.’ is a verb meaning ‘to ask a question, to put a question to/ Its opposite word is rfl to answer. Study the following examples : ^44? ^41 4. -б}г} means to disturb ( a person’s sleep), ’ ‘to obstruct or hinder (a Per son from doing something). ’ is a passive form. Some verbs are made passive by replacing with -s] c)-. You will study passive forma tions in detail, later. May I ask you a question ? I have a question to ask you. Please answer me this question.
333 STRUCTURE NOTES ‘to hear’ j -c Irregular Verbs: Some verbs ending in a final consonant -e are irregular: £(4) ‘to ask’ 4H4) a] (14) ‘to load’ ‘to perceive,’ to apprehend’ 1. The final consonant of the stem changes into -г when followed by a vowel. Study the following examples: ‘to walk’ Shall I ask you a question ? I asked him a question. You may ask me a question. It seems that he will ask me a question. You must not ask me a question. 2. But the final consonant -n of the stem is not changed when followed by a consonant. Study the following examples: -g-x] прцл. Don’t ask me a question. 1’П ask you a question. ^<4 Л. I want to ask you a question. Note: However, there are regular verbs which never change their stems. These regular verbs are: ^4- ‘to close (a door),’ ^4- ‘to receive,’ ‘to believe,’ and others. И* Noun -I—o{| Щ : ‘about,’ ‘toward’ The pattern -о]] attached directly to nouns, corresponds to the Eng- lish ‘about,’ ‘toward,’ ‘concerning,’ ‘in relation to,’ etc. Examples: ЧЬИ *Ц«1И ^-g-o] al'M-S-. I have a question about pronunciation. I want to ask you about Korean. iq]S|]A] 4}^ Please tell me about him. o]o]:7] 58 We talked about Korea. el oJJjL 7jjS. 1-S}A. I know nothing about this school. Note: This pattern -<Ч] is interchangeable with making no difference in meaning. But -<Я] is used more often.
Unit 34 334 III. A.V.S.+-u(g) *o|~ : ‘after doing' The word is a noun meaning ‘later’ . the particle ‘at,’ 'on,' indicates a time at which something takes place. This non-final ending ^o]| is used to express : ‘after something happens’ or ‘after somrthi^ happened.’ Examples: ^7} ^4 34 42H-S-. 44 3K4-&-. n-M- 44 34 Я4-8-. •§•£ 4-^ Л 4 34 °]°М4 34 184 I’ll go after my studies are finished. I want to go to bed after taking a walk Please eat after working. I came home after I met him. Please come after you phone. After I heard it, I went (there). Let’s eat supper after buying that book. I did my homework after I had talked with him. Notes: 1. The pattern (-£-) ing no difference in meaning, (See Unit 25, Structure Notes III). 2. The pattern -i-Gc-) ^-41 is used always with action verbs, and the sub- ject of the two clauses can be the same or different. 3. The tense and/or negation is expressed in the final (main) clause, notin the dependent clause with -i(£) 4-Ч1, Study the following examples, and note particularly the tense of the verb in the final clause. ^4 34 ^-+4 34 ^4 34 ^4 34 4. - 34 is interchangeable with -i-(xr) 4~§4, mak- 444. 44^4 4. 4 з8тг4 4. 44 ?M^44. I rest after studying. I rested after studying. I’ll rest after studying. I won’t rest after studying. 341 is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; —34 is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. IV. Interrogative +-(o|)4S- : ‘-ever it is.* ‘no matter-it is* This pattern 4°]) 4-S., preceded by an interrogative word, (e.g. < -t-°3, ‘Ч’Ч), or an interrogative phrase (e.g. Чн «Н— &> т-c- л], a)), corresponds to the English: ‘ ever it *' ‘no matter (what, who, when) it is,’ ‘any-at all.’
(nit 34 335 Examples: I 4&4-S-. <4Д. ^o]s}S. 451^44. o^s}.£ #4 7}л1 44Д. 4 4- 44-Й-. a)o|4£ 4514-Й-. £ ^o]s}£ 4 4514-3.. ‘И'Й 444Я 4&4-3-. <^445- >4-3.. Anyone at all will be fine. Any time at all will be alright. No matter what it is, I’ll eat it. Wherever it is, I want to go together with you. No matter which person it is, he can do it. No matter what kind of book it is, I’ll buy it. No matter how many there are, it will be fine. No matter how many books there are, I’ll buy them all. No matter what kind of thing it is, it will be fine. Any amount at all will be fine. The interrogative may be followed by any of the particles, such as --t-b] ‘from,’ ‘from,’ to»’ Л~1 ‘from.’ Study the following exam- ples: a} «40]: t44H44-£ 4 4 4 A. 4 4-V-44S. 4МЛ. No matter where it is from, we must buy it, (and bring it here). No matter who it is from, borrow it. No matter what time it starts, it will be fine. No matter who it is, ask him. The interrogative may be followed by A.V.S. 4- ~°j)^-> i-£-, INTE- RROGATIVE + A.V.S, 4- -(-<H, The sequence has a generic mean- ing, rather than an interrogative one. Study the following examples: *НЧ4| /К 4 44Д. SMI s.4«||£ •TT’-t- ^0}7}-я 4444 4| A. SHs- *114 $4Д. Whoever comes, it’s alright. Whatever job he does, he does it well. Wherever you go, you can buy it. It doesn’t matter when (ever) he arrives. Whomever I visit, it’s all the same. No matter what I read, it’s not interest- ing. Whichever book you buy, it’s expen- sive. H’S 4J£ «Hi,
336 Unit 34 DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY to keep quiet to be quiet 44 to load A. Substitution Drill 1. "114 s]44-S-. 2. Д7|< т-g- nW 3. «|7> ЯШ 4. #-8- "Ц/} Я4ЧД. 5. пЦу). Я4Ч-2-. 6. 4i- "fl 7} 7. д Л.4-8- "|7} s)#oU. 8. -ё-j- fl пЦ7р В. Substitution Drill 1- тп’-гКЕ. 2. ^^}1, 3. -т-ЗМгКЕ. 44°1-Д. 4. 5. 4&-4-Й-. 6. зШ4_2_. 7- ±1^£<>]вК£ ^ЗИ-Й-. 8. 7||4д. 7^4- t0 wa^ 444- to perceive, to apprehend to believe It’s time to study. It’s time to roast the meat. It’s time to boil the water. It’s time to boil the eggs. It’s time to eat supper. It’s time to fight. It’s time to stop that work. It’s time to make money. Anyone at all will be fine. Any time at all will be fine. Anything at all will be fine. Any place at all will be fine. Any hour at all will be fine. Any kind of book at all will be fine. No matter which person it is, it will be fine. No matter how many there are, it will be fine. С. Substitution Drill i. 4^ 4^4^, 4^- 4 *PV 344. 2. 4^4^, 4# 4^44 *М4 344-. 3. 4^- 4^44 «M7} 34 4. 4. 4^- 4444 444 3 44. If you ask a question now, it becomes a bother to others. If it’s noisy, it becomes a bother to others. If you cry, it becomes a bother to others. If you laugh, it becomes a bother to others.
337 5. «КЗ, 344- з 33. 6. 34# Sl-T-tf. 3^- 3«4 aj- «И 344. 7. -fr-fr 343 3-& 4334 H<M4 344. 8. 43 >433 Зё- 43tM 3 «Я^У 344. If you make noise, it becomes a bother to others. If you smoke, it becomes a bother to others. If you drink, it becomes a bother to others. If you go in now, it becomes a bother to others. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: o.<34 -8-$4A. Student: O.^r-34 44 $44 A. 1. 34 444-2.. 2. <44.SL. 3. 33 344-9.. 4. 4344-9.. 5. « 4'44-2-. 6. « «444-2-. 7. 343-9.. I asked him. I didn’t ask him. 44 34 $44^. <4 $44-9.. 33 °|44Д. 434 344 -2.. « 34 $44-9.. « 34 $44-4 O-3--1- 34 $44-9.. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: «7} #3 334, ЗЯЗ-9-. I’ll go after my studies are finished. Student: «7|- « -f-4, 7144-2.. I’ll go after my studies are finished. 1. 334, 4-й1 34-9.. ЛЕй.3 +4, 4o. 44-2.. 2. 0.^-4 « 3-4] 7jx]x4. 33 <4, 34 343. 3. 333 334, 3 3-43. 3^-3 +4, 7} 4. л. «У o. Dj.^ ч}Я4.9-. 4< 43 +4, 344-4 5- 3<4, ^<4 -9-. «3 ^4, 6. 5731 3<ofl, 574-0] 14%] $44-9.. 0.3 +4, 0.34 44 $44-9.. 7. ^]< 3<4, -2-4-9-.
Unit 34 338 -2-лЯ-й- 8. U^- 4-°ll, 7-3 ^л1^- F. Response Drill 1. tflspl ^°i имд? 2 rflspl 'S-M-S-? 3. JrnL°4 сЦ*Й^1 о]о|71зН.Я.? 4. <<4X^-8-? 5. ^ofl гнл1 6. *H >W ’Й’^И’Н-Й-? 7. -M *Я«И -а-МД? 8. -H'S •SSHI -t-MbW jHHl ^el 31 «НЛ зн-чМ w -g-57 44a., ЧЧИ«№. Л<И\М ЧНМ О| ^-ДоЦ ЛЗ-ЗИЛ *н tflsvi чит. *1 °^Н1 «Я Л-] 0J.J7 G. 1. 2. з. 4. г <41, ч1, °и, «я, «я, °я, °Я, °я, o|t]S}5. 7НИ.З-. ^2|-£ 51'ИА. «№Е£ 43Н-&. £o|5U ”J43!14S, 3 7fls}£ 7J- <^«Й «U44S. sl-sH-S-. н. Response Drill Teacher: ^пЧЯНД? Will you eat it no matter what it is ? Student: <41, -т-^0!^ Yes, I’ll eat it no matter what it is. 7}л]^<^д? <HiL £o]2K£ 5. $ 7]]s}-£ ДЙ^о}Д? 6. -а^гК 7j >=. 7. <№ <Uol4b 8. Vt2-^! г}£ l-o| <-7}Д? Response Drill Teacher: <>|c|ol| 7pJI Where can I buy it? (lit. If I go to what place, can 1 buy it-» Student: <ИЧ<>1| 7}£ %И_а. Wherever you go, can buy it. 2. -т?} Д>Й пгЬ£вр.]^о]д 7 3. -Т-Ж «[’й °J< «Ц£ % «ид. ^7} 5. »н «ч-g- ««Hi? «H'S ЯЧ< °^SL Я]]п]о1<>и.
339 6 Ч)о_4 7, 4 — 7РЙ ^44? 8. -444-31 -g-V-sH ^^-g-4-2.? -T-'S't- 4)4i 5)414-A. °i— 44M /)•£ -^u]t4. T-7-^31 Ш1, Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: n44 “44 4, °}- It is good, but I won’t buy it. Student: 3L^°] ><4Я, о} Even if it’s good, I won’t buy it. 1. 44444, 715И-Я-. 4)4«Я-£, 4414-S-. 2. и-ё-о) >^444, л-ё-о] 1-44-£, 37J444-. з. -&°l $144, 44444. ^ё-°| 4-о| SMi, 44444. 4. 431444, ^-0^0): ^Ь|Г}. 411^14^, 4°)-О): 444. 5. зг.44-31 4444, nj-sp] 32.4431 44-£, 444 $M4A-. 6. Л.-М 3L-g-i- ><4*Н НА. 31^-01 Л.-г-=г >°H*I S°U. 7. °P<M-7l4h ><Ч -йЛ-2-. о|ЛМ-£, <»1 i'MIA.. 8. 4^ol ’3-*lnJ, &ohs_. 4^°! SHORT STORIES 1. tHH tflspi «у-л ^-1. 312)1 31^-гМ -§-«4 i%W-S.. ns-14- ^.-g-o] tHM ’ЗМ'Ч Expansion Drill 44r йИ4 <£57 АМЧ ^°1 ЯНИ <£4 3-33H-S, 2- t^°| ^-4- 4-oJl, 4И\Э< IM-SH-S-. ^141 313И-3- пгЦл^ лрц^о] >o}.2.4] 7]4^o|A,
340 Unit 34 Expansion Drill #4 4И 4<H4fe-4 ЧЖ OJ- З]лц 4JM°1 >«4A*1 4 44 ?] 4*8 НА. 3. =L «]£ Hi. 7J-H, 4 4 KHA. 2le1H4 444xl 44 A. Л]ЧИ UA4, 44H ЧН лНЛ Expansion Drill z. 44- «Hi. W 7}£ &АЧЧ, 4^44 АЫо) S1A4, лда zH 44 A. READING A^-4- 4HH 44 4-ЧНА. 22.4 4 4^ £*И«ИА 1 4,7} 44 H]7]g. 44A. -M4 44 HH-t- 4a 444 fl HA ^e]H 4444 ШЖ -ЦИНИЧ, 71ИН ч}7]1 5J«ИА. й|7]- ^44 44^-с- 44 44"f-H%lHA. 2144 tH-c 44Н4А 4 <«4471 4« <5i7]> л]а«НА. 444 < A H-g-44 H4HA. 4Mi- H£- 4^1, 44М ЧИА. W1 4 ИМЯЫ«ИА. ^«H ШНИ- 114Й«НА. ЧЧ- Ч-5-slW < НА. фь} Ц]г} to give (a person) a treat 7J 4b°fl after a long time tb*] Korean restaurant Korean food BRIEFING £|-^- foreigner ^]7]t|- to order ^o]a] three of us .2. «Учг five portions Today class finished early. Therefore, I invited my friends (for a treat). I took a taxi for the first time in some time and went downtown. We went into a Korean restaurant. It was a little crowded but we decided to eat there. Those friends whom I had invited were foreigners. But they liked all kinds of Korean food. We ordered pulgogi. Three of us ate five portions of pulgogi- After eating supper, we went to the theater. The movie was very interesting. When 1 returned home, it was 11 o’clock. I was so tired that I went to bed immediately
341 UNIT 35 Korean Food BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE Korean food H4 il 1. Ф'Ч-S' °J°1 л1—л1]-2-? Have you eaten Korean food before ? many times 2. °isi Ф ^4 3M-S.. u4 3. tPMir tW-8-? -т-ei °1 &*! 4. C} *} 4}<4_s. H4 5. ^.*9, 23.^1 6. o. $°U. □.2-114 7}4f- 4} As] 7pe °4°, USEFUL EXPRESSIONS: MEMORIZE 1 • '¥'4'47] пр}] Don’t joke! 2. tb41 zpfl _4_3Jcl.fL. I’ll think about it. 3. A14-a_x] dH]jl Take your time. Or: Don’t be so hasty. Sure. I have eaten it many times, what kind of What kind of Korean food do you like ? any kind of, whatever it is XT I eat any kind of Korean food well. Л Japanese food Then, do you also like Japanese food ? so, so much, to that extent, (not) very much sometimes I don’t like Japanese food very well. But I sometimes (go to) eat it.
Unit 35 342 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. ‘Korean food’ is a contraction of тг^. 2. 41 means ‘many times.’ is a modifier which means ‘various’ ‘ ‘several/ ‘diverse/ ‘manifold,’ etc. When the classifier is used with ean numbers, it indicates ‘times/ Study the following words : ojs] 7}^] ‘all sorts of/ ‘various kinds of’ ‘many days/ ‘several days* ‘many months/ ‘several months’ ejg-l ‘all of you/ ‘ladies and gentlemen’ one time “1^ 41 six times -T- 41 two times 41 seven times 41 three times °1й 41 eight times 4] 41 four times 41 nine times five times 4} ten times 4. Ц- means ‘all/ ‘everything/ ‘everybody,’ ‘everyone.’ Its synonym is £t, Study the following examples Ч- (ЯЛ) 5H-S-. All three of us went (there). All (of us, of you, of them) came. 4 (ЯЛ) 2*1 zjAjt}. Let’s go altogether. у-а- ч (.ал) я*и. I’m all done. 6. means ‘Japanese food/ After diplomatic relations between Korea and Japan were normalized in 1965, we have begun to call Japanese food Before normalization, Japanese food was called . STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Sentence-Final Ending-u(g-) Qjo| : ‘(someone) has ever (never) done (something)’ The sentence-final ending -u(^) Qje>] is used only with action verbs, and refers one s past experiences. Its literal meaning is ‘the experience (the act, or fact) of having done something exists, (or doesn't exist). Examples: i4s ‘У°] Have you ever eaten Korean food. -& d°] aI'H-S-. Yes, I have eaten it.
opj-S-, NN UN UN-i. pHN UN 4 -S- UN UNA. o].b]^ N^-N A •& UN UNA. NN- UN aI-MA? 4], UN UNA. opu, л-ё-t- NN- UN UNA. 343 No, I have never eaten it. Have you ever been to America ? Yes, I have been to America. No, I have never been to America. Have you ever met him ? Yes, I have met him. No, I have never met him. I’ve worked there. I had worked there. I had never worked there. Notes: 1. The tense is expressed in the final verb (or ^), not in the main verb with Gg-). Study the following examples: 7)7p-| <U°] 7]7]A| «ДО °Jo) 717]Л^ <УФ °J°1 2. <U°1 Ий- is UNA. UNNA. UNNA. used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -£ UN UN- is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. II. -•? Irregular Verbs: Some description verbs ending in the final consonant are irregular. to be red to be like this to be white n.^04) to be like that to be yellow W4-) to be like that (over there) to be black how 4^(4-) to be blue to be clear 1. The final consonant of the stem is dropped when followed by the con- sonants -г-, -e, -п, - о, Study the following examples: “!pj "gB'J-’g, — red (adjective) (It) will probably be red. If it is red,--- A red one (noun). 2. But the final consonant of the stem is not dropped when followed by any other consonants. Study the following examples: It is red. It is not red. Of course it is red.
Unit 35 344 Note: However, there are regular verbs which never change their stem. These regular verbs are: <(t}) to be good ^•(v}) to be many £-04) to be right ^^(^P to be gentle зШ(^) to be alright (tp to be disagreeable III. Interrogative +-(Q|)jB*l)‘“ : ‘—ever it is,’ ‘no matter—it is’ This pattern preceded by an interrogative word, (e.g. or an interrogative phrase, (e.g., «И— -g-, vh л1, *4), corresponds to the English‘-—ever it is,’ ‘no matter (who, what, when) it is,’ ‘any—at all.’ Therefore, this pattern -(ep-c-*! is interchangeable with the pattern - (0M.£, making no differ- ence in meaning, (cf. Unit 34, Structure Notes IV.) Examples: 44-24 <4-2-. ->4424 442-4 24 4^ 24-2.. Anyone at all will be fine. Any time at all will be good. No matter what it is, I’ll eat it. Wherever it is, I want to go together with you. 4-Ь <4-&4 2 < 44-2.. No matter which person it is, he can do it. « 4424 44 4 Л No matter what kind of book it is, 1’11 buy it. 4 42-4 ГЙ&4--2., No matter how many there are, it will be fine. 3 242-4 4 444.2.. No matter how many books there are, 44 2424 4^4-S.. I’ll buy them all. No matter what kind of thing it is. it will be fine. 2 424 <<>и. ^-8-8- -¥-442-4 24-2., W 42-4 <4-2.. Any amount at all will be fine. He eats anything at all. Any hour at all will be fine. The interrogative may be followed by A.V.S. +-•£*], i.e., INTERRO —ftTIVE + A.V.S. + — 4, The sequence has a generic meaning, rather than an interrogative one. Study the following examples: <4 -2-2-4 4&4-2-. -¥-2 2-t- 42-4 2 4-2.. Whoever comes, it’s alright. Whatever job he does, he does it we^’
\ Unit 35 345 4^WM-S-. ^-g- ^€-*1 ^-a- 4-^*1 wi *>-£-. Wherever you go, you can buy it. It doesn’t matter when (ever) he arrives. Whomever I visit, it’s all the same. No matter what I read, it’s not interest- ing. Whichever book you buy, it’s expen- sive. IV. The Sentence-Final Ending --£• Цо] (ЦЦ-)... : ‘(someone) sometimes does (or never does) something’ The pattern --c- <U°] a!11} (ui11}) is used only with action verbs, and brings out the idea that ‘there are times (or there is never a time) when someone does (or doesn’t do) something.’ Its literal meaning is : ‘the experience (act or fact) of doing something exists (or doesn’t exist).’ Examples: ФИ-t- °J°1 StH-S.. I sometimes smoke. (There are times when I smoke.) ФЧ-t- 6J6I "M-c- “У0! ’H1-& ta°i йНД. -T-4}°11 Zfe °Jo] V-<H Zfe °J°] SM-S.. 71-S.A1-& <У°1 У»! I never smoke. (There is never a time when I smoke.) I sometimes drink. (There are times when I drink.) I never drink. (There is never a time when I drink.) I sometimes go to Pusan. (There are times when I go to Pusan.) I never go to Pusan. (There is never a time when I go to Pusan.) I sometimes teach English. (There are times when I teach English.) I never teach English. (There is never a time when I teach English.) I sometimes work there. I sometimes worked there. I never worked there. The tense is expressed in the final verb (or ФЧ:)» not *n ma*n ver^ with -ь Study the following examples: °Jo] Wi ojsKr <Uo] sisM-SL. ^71-4 ’Uej-fe. <y0]
Unit 35 346 DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY to be red <4^ to be like this to be white to be like that i.^4- to be yellow to be like that (over there) ?}4М- to be black to be right to be blue ЗФ4 to be gentle A. Substitution Drill 1. <4*0 2. <441 43M- з. <чч1 4. <4*0 5. <4*0 41^-8- <<4-*H-S-? 6. 441 a-i <<4-*H-R? 7. <441 W-8- ><4-sH-S-? 8. <441 41^-8- B. Substitution Drill i. *a sH-s.. 2. 4} 41 3. ¥ 41 4. 41 ЗИЛ 5. M] 41 ^<И 6. 41 ЗН-8-. 7. 41 8. 41 What kind of friend do you like? What kind of movie do you like? What kind of tape-recorder do you like ? What kind of car do you like? What kind of doll do you like? What kind of book do you like? What kind of gloves do you like? What kind of glasses do you like? I have eaten it many times. I have eaten it once. I have eaten it twice. I have eaten it three times. I have eaten it four times. I have eaten it six times. I have eaten it eight times. I have eaten it seven times. С. Pattern Drill Teacher: <^^о] Student: °J Ч t} 1. 32-47} The pencil is red. It is a red pencil. 2. 4}^1 3. 4<$^v]r}. 4. 4зе7} 4^44. i7}6J44. ЧН<УЧ4. 5. ^4^5.7} 6] 4^44. 441 °1Л<№ 44}3L£°J44.
6. *ееЛ 4УУЧЧ-. 7. #44. 8. Ч^Л ’Н^-УЧЧ. 9. У/ЙУЧ УУтгЧЧ. 10. У#4 еНгЯ’Ч’. >У4 45-УЧЧ-. -& ЧЛЕ-УЧМ-. *13?У УяУЧЧ. У41Ч4ЧЧ-. && 4^444. D, Response Drill Teacher: УЧУ- #4] -g- У<>] al—У|_Й_ ? Have you ever eaten Korean food ? Student: «Ml, УЧ-g- -g- 40] 44^ No, I have never eaten it. 1. Л У о] «Що, 2. 44 -g- У°1 11-Ml ? 3. nX У°1 al—^ll-S- ? 4. «y^-g- yyy °jo] ai-M-S-? 5. уч уч ii-M-i ? 6. 4^-g- ЧУ У 4 Ч-М-1? 7. зНгУ У°1 Ч-М-2-? 8. Ч-ЗлЬ УЧ 11-M-l? «Ml, 7F -g. •yo] ЙЧД. •Ml, □L^g- Ф4 £ Qjo] ЙЧ-Й-. “Ml, zi,g~g- н<М4 УЧ УЧ-1. «Ml, <4=^g- yyy -go] 441. «mi, уу <уч йчл «Ml, Ч^г-8- ЧУ УЧ УЧ-1. 44-1, <уо] §jCb|^ <44-1, яЕЗЛЬ УЧ УЧ-2-. Е. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4Й°И. Student: -!гй2’€-л1 •’Й.&Ч-З-. 1. У414Я t«H. 2- -тЧЧЧ-.£ 4514-1. з. ЧЧЧ-s. 7ЫЧ-1. 4. Ч— ^°14S- 7}о> sfl-S., 5. -т-<ё 444-s. лЫЧ-1. 6. 4 7)]e]-s. 4^0}А, 7. У"}4£ t«}l. 8. 3 44Я ШЧ-8-. F- Pattern Drill Teacher: -V4 4-S. Student: -т-7]- -2-€-4 4ШЧ-1. T ?•£ У-g- «US. У «11-1. 2. 7K У УЧА. 3. J?-y.g. Anyone at all will be fine. Anyone at all will be fine. 4^1 €-4 *«H -^ЧЧ^-Ч ЧУЧ-1. ЧЧ€-У ЧУЧ-1. Ч^ 3-Ч-&4 44 sfl-S-. Я 4 €-4 4У4-1. 4 7Н-&Д1 4&Ч-1. 44c4 >4-1. 4 л1€-*1 4У4-1. Whoever comes, it’s alright. Whoever comes, it’s alright. У> 44-4 "У «ЯЛ 444 7F4-4 У 44-1. -Т-Ч-1- 44-4 4444-1.
Unit 35 348 4. Н'Й 4-2- «14-8, 5. ч}<Н.£ 6. Jr-7} -g-^sflS- ^ЙЗН-Я-. 7. 7}Я ЧЫ )Ж 8. 71-е.^Ь £ 7}а.^Д. «Н 4-^1 H]«U. ^*1 па>°ДНК Т-7} -Е-ЗЗ^Н!-*] ^Й&оЬЛ., <^7(1 7}-Е-*1 п}^- 4 °1^Дф 7>ел]^^ 7}3^А1 G. Pattern Drill Teacher: ФИ-t *|-R °J°1 S^-8- I sometimes smoke. Student: ФЧ> *]-т~с- °J°1 S^-8-. I never smoke. 1. •’’Pre- 'Йо1 SM-8-. 2. ifl-b °J°1 “Ш 3. H-r-g- °tlol %И-8, 4. °-}^-§- ^7]^ «И 51<НД. 5. nm зтн *u°i гН-9-. 6. ш °j°i sm. 7. ZL-g-a- Wfe °J°1 8. A}o}^fe. ojo] ojo^ *Hr£- ‘UC>1 S14S.. vfli. ojo] 3,-e-i- °j°i ача.. ^7]^- <U->] &И.8-. ^^-•e ^^bc- <UO1 Й’ИХ Aim 4<i*Hr <u°i ri-g-e- °J°1 $148, A}4*l-C- °J°1 SH-S, H. Integration Drill (Review) Teacher: I’ll write a letter. I’ll mail it. Student: «|л| I’ll write a letter and mail it. 1. m A}^.8, €•< ’goW а}^^Дф 2. А}э|-> ^И'И.Я, а]-эК ^<Ма) зга^Ч-а.. 3. Tim ч^Л Tiim #4ч ч12Н.а, 4. m £о]^еь|^ "ИЗИ-Э, #<• «Ча-] 44^д 5- ^--ё-а- ФЧ-ЗИ0! Д. SL£4H1 ЧЬ&вЬЯИ-а, ^Z-ё-а 44Ч Л.-§-^рЕ|1 6. £ тям.8.. -НеИН.8, £ 4#<Иа1 7. Л7]> -§-$<>1.3, 7]-x]j7
349 jL7]-f- НМ 7НЛ Д^МЛ. 8. ^<НД. 'ЗЗМД. ЗМ< #ОИ 'ЗЗМД. Integration Drill (Review) Teacher: tfi-M. >=.^<ИД. I am going to the market. I’ll drop in (there). Student: л]#°11 /H?)- -g-e^JH-S.. I’ll drop in (there) 1. « "ММ Д. НМД. 2. *НМД. 3. -НМД. НМД. 4. -НММД. ^М-т-йМД. 5. ЯМД. SI-7)- \МД. 6. n-g-i- ЧМ5МД НМД. 7. ^-Ч^мд. ’М^МД. 8. ‘1|7|< НМД. НМД. when I go to the market. °Ht47|. < НМ *НМД. -M-rM- НМД. ^•«1-47> ллйнМД. ЗЗН- «MzF sM ^о)Д. «jsum ^^мд. ^О)7М7Ь ’МзМД о])71< М-Фь НМД SHORT STORIES 1. ~tS|- 7]тВ-х] 'У’^ЙпМД. (it) doesn’t matter <s] 7H GL^--g- ^^]Д. Д £ ° 1 Х^-вЙ 7-1 м °! Я И д. Expansion Drill ¥7} 7]-^] <21 7И ЗЕ.*}- ^]Д. °] зК£.*Н ^ЗНД. 2. ^--с- пН •& <°1 1ИД. я]$] -& <U°1 змд. <вЯ1- < < 31 $1 Expansion Drill п]-л) <^<>1 Ц7]п}, S)-?l & <°1 &71 Д <В))< ф <й S|4| -ЙЧД. 3- 7]-ё-я| 7]7j-o] <е] 7J-X]r}# 7]tH <°}Д. °Н7Н the same ^*1 otherwise
Unit 35 350 READING 4-c- 44 414^4 <4144. ^44 М-2. 4 4-a]£ i0. 4 ^144. < nd 4144. 4444 jbs?. <i Jx[l 144. ^44 414 Ш44. 44 4i-4 ££o] Xl? 4. n44 Al 44< £ 144. 34 44 £4 434 3-4 to be hot (food) л114 to be sour to be salty — to be bitter a food taste, likes and dislikes to be insipid (bland) to change in the old days appetite to be sweet A a meal BRIEFING I like any kind of Korean food. But I don’t like hot and salty food. I eat bland food. In the old days, I liked sweet and sour food. But my tastes have changed. I have the best appetite in winter. So these days I eat very well.
351 UNIT 36 A Plain Style Of Speech BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE И B4 1. И ^^*4? al)/} jz.a.14 H4 2. nV} ^-4^ ^-^4. И i ч} 4. ^*1 “4 3. M- ’ЗЯЧ. #°1 ^4. #4- 4. H}W}A1 ^<1^0] ^31 Я14. #4 B4 5. A^ p}x] H}-J7( oJ-o}A| 4}o] S}. you What are you eating ? to be hungry boiled-rice I’m eating boiled-rice because I’m hun- gry. Let’s eat together. already much, lots, plenty, a great deal I ate already. Help yourself. all the day, all day (long) to go without food, to skip a meal, to fast absent-mindedly, frantically I haven’t eaten all day, because I was very busy. So now, I’m eating franti- cally. to stand to sit down Don’t eat standing up, sit down and eat.
Unit 36 352 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. v[ ‘you’ in Sentence I, is a vocative. It is used always with the contrast parti, de < (also meaning ‘you’), is used always with the subject partide zZb 7b) • and are plain words’ and are used when speaking to cloese friends or social inferiors. ‘you‘ is a semi-polite word used (1) when speaking to persons of equal social status or inferiors; (2) when refering to superiors in the third person; (3) when the speaker expresses anger. But it is used between a husband and wife, is a contraction of 3. is a contraction of 4^-. STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Plain Style: We have already studied the Formal-Polite Style, (See Unit 5 Structure Notes I), and the Informal-Polite Style, (See Unit 3. Structure Notes II). Now let’s study the plain style, (which is also called the ‘ordinary style.’ or the ‘famil- iar style’). The plain style is used among students, workmen, servicemen, waitresses, or in situations where a certain amount of friendship or fratemiza- f tion is presumed. It is also used with truly close friends, or when speaking to social inferiors. The foreigner seldom has occasion to use it. except when addressing children; but he hears a great deal of it around him. (a) Question forms ’. The question form is made by attaching the ending -Ц (--^ directly to the verb stem. Study the following examples : ZL^o] ^г7} ПГ7У ZL3J°] -L ZL What is that ? Who is that man ? Is that beautiful ? Is it alright ? Who was a teacher ? Who do you think is a teacher ? Was it beautiful ? Do you think it will be beautiful ? Where is that book ? Where was that book ?
21 *44 чч al 44 чччьч? 3 Л]о)] учаь^чч 44 ‘УЧЧ-Й^Ч? 353 Where do you think that book is ? What time do you get up ? What time did you get up ? What time will you get up ? Notes : 1. This question form (-^-4 -^40 is used mostly with the indirect discourse -Д 44, rather than by itself. 2- ~ (—) 4 is used with description verbs in the present tense and with ~°1 (4) in the present tense. (~4 is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; 4 is used after verb stems ending in a consonant). 3. In all other cases, 4 is used. (b) Declarative forms: The declarative form is made by attaching the ending *4 (-^ 4, ~4) directly to the verb stem. Study the following examples: fc* ^4. т-8- ^4-а- >£4-8- 44 Ч-. ZL-g-o] и[М4. 2Z-44 n.-g-o] 2з-§-Ч 44 4 4 4. зьё-Ч 444444. 21^-4 44^Ч5Й4. ^•44 4т44 ЧЧ-. •=i44 4т44 444. п.44 4444 444. I open my eyes. I close my eyes. I took a nap. I’ll take a nap. He is busy. He was busy. I think he will be busy. He is a teacher. He was a teacher. I think he is a teacher. It is in the office. It was in the office. I think it is in the office. Notes: 1. -i_ is used with action verbs in the present tense: (-*- 4 is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; ~4r4 is used after verb stems ending in a consonant). 2. In all other cases, ~4 is used. (c) Propositive form * The propositive form is made by attaching the ending 7 4 directly to the verb stem. Study the following examples: 4^- Let’s study now.
Unit 36 354 Let’s get up. Let’s leave now. Let’s help him. Let’s forget it. (d) Imperative forms: One imperative form is made by attaching the ending directly to the verb stem. Study the following examples : " ' *1-5- °] °ж Get up now. Read this book. Study Korean. Go to school. Work now. Close your eyes. Eat this food. Notes : -<4e} is used after -°}-- and J is used after any other vowel; is used after a ^H13}) verb. Another imperative form is made by attaching the ending ~(Л)г} directly to the verb stem. (This form is used mostly with the indirect discourse -5L ) Study the following examples : # o. Notes: 2^} is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; *s used after verb stems ending in a consonant. (e) Other imperative expressions : We have already studied the sentence-final ending ~°i) (See Unit 17, Structure Notes II). It is used when a speaker requests something for himself, or when he does something for an inferior or an equal. For example, ’Help me, please.’ The plain imperative form is made by replacing the word with a}. Study the follow- ing examples: i-i- ‘tH ’ta}-. «Й-г}. Open the door (for me). Close the door (for me). Turn on the light (for me). Turn off the light (for me).
I 355 drills ADDITIONAL vocabulary .g- the light *° turn on to turn off Д, Substitution Drill (Review) 1. Ч-T- *J<14 SM.S.. 2. 4-t- 4^-4 ^<14 SM-S.. 3. 4-t- 434 444 Ш. 4. 4-?- л]дв|3-4 ^<]o] ^4A. 5. 4^ 444 &4-Я-. 6. 4-т- 4 >4 4 444 Й4Л 7. 4^ foW л]О) $4-S-. 8. 4-?- W44 44й! Й4Л 444 44 to win to lose, to be defeated certainly, by all means I’m so busy that I can’t think straight. It’s so cold that I can’t think straight. It’s so hot that I can’t think straight. It’s so noisy that I can’t think straight. It’s so complicated that I can’t think straight. They are making so much noise that I can’t think straight. It’s so humid that I can’t think straight. It’s so difficult that I can’t think straight. В. Substitution Drill (Review) 1- 4 2. .£.4 ^44 3. 4441 ^44 4-4-4-43-. 4. < 4-^.3 44^43-. 5- iLHM ^44 44-^44. 6. ^44 #4^44. 7- -ё-i- 44 ^г44 44tM4-. 8. 44i- д4 ^44 44444. С. Level Drill Teacher: о]^о] ^“УЗЗ? Student: о] 4 о] -т'<Й°1’4? 1. 4-®-0] -тт?-43? 2. <^7)7> 3444? 3. 340] 44^44? 4- 34- 4 444? 5- -S--T- 4 £-444? Thank you for coming. | Thank you for helping me. Thank you for calling. Thank you for teaching me so well. Thank you for explaining it so well. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you for paying it back. Thank you for repairing this. What is this ? What is this ? 7]^
Unit 36 356 6. 4ч 4<ачч? 7. -2-^4 44^44? 8. а-уучч? ЛЧЧ л-т- ^ЙЧЧ? .$-<4 Ч^ЧЧ? Д<0] -т-^с- -ЙЛЧЧ? D. Level Drill Teacher: a.4°l ЧФЧ4? Student: J.^4 Ч^-Ч? 1. пё-Ч 4£444? 2. 4^444? 3. пё-Ч ё-ё-444? 4. 21ё4 £4 4444? 5. п-ё-Ч $£Ч4? 6. пё-Ч 47<}4Ч4? 7. Ч-g- 4^44 ? 8. «И £>44? Is that beautiful ? Is that beautiful ? :1ё-Ч И^ЧЧ? 4^44? ri4°] -ё-с-ЧЧ? пё-Ч £-4 Ч4Ч? ^.-ёгЧ §1-2-4? ^^Ч З^ЧЧ? Ч-? 7]жч ? «я ^=ч? Е. Level Drill Teacher: Ч-^Ч 4—Ч? Student: Ч^-Ч 7}я] Ч? 1. ЧЧ1--Ч? 2. ЧЧЧЧ^Ч? 3. ^Ч? 4. 444 4«^Ч? 5. 44 чч^ч? 6. ч^ч^ч? 7. 444«^Ч? 8. 44431—ч? F. Level Drill Teacher: £-§- тгЧЧ. Student: ё"е >4. 1. ЧЧ4 Ч^ЧЧ. 2. ££ 7J^44. з. пё-в- 4 £4 4. 4. 47]- 4 >4 4. 5. пё-Ч МЧЗЧ4. 6. -Е-ЧЦ- тгЧЧ. 7. ##-4- ^ЧЧ. Did you go to school ? Didn’t you go to school ? аё--^- ЧЧЧ 2И1--^Ч? ЧЧЧЧ4 Ч? 44 ? Ч4Ч 444 &4^Ч? 44 44 #4^4? 4^44 ?Мз=Ч? 4444 ад^Ч? «<Н44 ^за^ч? I open my eyes. I open my eyes. 44 4- Ч-&Ч. £-4 4^4. з-ё-4- 4-с-Ч. 47} 4-с-Ч. з-ё-Ч 4444. S-4-t- £4. 4-4-a- чч.
Unit 36 8. 4^К #44. 44* 44. G. Pattern Drill Teacher: Student: <Я| 1. ** #44. 2. ** 4*4. 3. 444. 4. °4*> 444. 5. ** 44. 6. ** e4. 7. 4=4* 4*4. 8. 4444. 44. 44 4*4. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: ##> 4514. Student: ##* 44 4514. 1. «4514. 2. 444514. 3. 44* #514. 4. 444514. 5. 44514. 6. 4-4-t 41514. 7. 444514. 8- ^*4 4514. I go to school. I don’t go to school. *4 444 4*4. 4* 44 «4. «4 444 4*4. «* 444 #*-4. ** 44 4*4. ** л-4 4*4. 4=4* 44 4*4. tR#44 4*4. I will take a nap. I won’t take a nap. «44 4514. 4444 4514. 44* #4 4514. 4444 4514. 4*4 4514. 44* 44 4514. 4444 4514. i-§-4 44 4514. I. Level Drill Teacher: 4# »#44. Student: 4Tn- -о"*44. 1- 44444. 2. *4444. 3. ±ЭД44. 4. 44444. 5. 4^444. 6. i»jiA *<44. 7- 444 ><44. 8- 4 4444. Let’s study now. Let’s study now. 4444. 044. 4444. 4*44. i°J<* ¥s4. 4 7] 4 *s-4. * 444.
Unit 36 358 J. Pattern Drill Teacher: 'У’Н’Кк Student: 4e>lvW ’Й^к Let’s get up. Let’s not get up. 1. л}вМ*к 2. 4] 44 #4. 3. л?]* 44. 4. 444 44. 5. -Ы- #44. 6. -M- 4444. 7. 4)44> nflx]-. 8. 444 44. 4444 41ЧН- £*1 ’tAk i7]l- -g-Zl 4} Я}-. Ш ?+*l пй*к -g-a- "j-як -J-i- ПЙ7}_ ^*1 Di*k K. Level Drill Teacher: 4^2-4] Student: 4^41 7}4. 1. U44U 2. 44 3. 44 -‘U. 4. S1-M-&. 5. <в] 44HU. 6. -’ll- 44 п}< 7. 4444 8. 4444 L. Level Drill Go to school, please. Go to school. •ачч-гк £-4- tf-M. T-fr SB}. ^li- <4 ^41 ek °1<- ИЙЧ. °ЙЧ. ПЙ4. Teacher : •£•£ <4 Please open the door (for me). Student: К <£г}. 1- 44 4->l- 44|_Й., 2. 44 44|A. 3. 444 441-й.. 4. ^441 Ш. 5. Ч-tM Ji<4 6. 444 7. 4-7} тМ-S.. 8. 2Г51< ЧЧ1Ч ^4]^ Open the door (for me). ZJ.O} 4141 ’Й-гк. ’Й-4. лЙЧН ’Йгк ’-KM Ji<4 ’£4. 51*1 ’S-ek 47)- Чек n.^<- 7]4]<>| 4s}.
359 I Unit 36 SHORT STORIES I 1. 44] ИЖ 44 ЛЗЙ4. 5-Л4] 4^4. ’1'S’ ти1 ®fl *14. irH144 to prepare Expansion Drill 44] 44 Л 7)-5йa44, £-£- ^H] «Ц *te}. 2. вр} 5l4x-| 4214. 4МЛ4 4]4. гМл °] <U-£ Expansion Drill Bp} JLSpi ^^44, x-H-T-El o| ‘U-g- 4)444. 3. «Ч-т-^'Ч 4 5-44. « Я ^4. л.е]л -4-444 -g-g- Expansion Drill Ч-Т-4И 4 4 5.°] 4 4, <-g- ^4. 44-44. -g-gJ 44 44. READING 441- 445. ^^44. 44 4^1 pjgj/]- #^-44. <4 *0 4^7} 4-^44. ^-2-5. -g-я 4. ^-°1 4^ 4^- -ё- ^44. Я 5. #^44. 41-5. "Мл 4^44. ^-44 44 A>«sbg- 41- # 4-fe- 444 4^44. ЯЛ 41- 1-44. ^4 s 45. £-44- ^44 4Л44. Л-^- ъ-ег ^44. ^-4л 444 444 4. 4^-4. 444-44. ^-4^ 4—5. 11- 444. 4—5. £- 4-ь. o-joi q.E}5 444М44. 44 the head 444 >4 to have brains, to be intelligent Ч-Mv} to be dull-brained, to be slow (in study) an eye an ear to chew =tJ a nose 4]c]- to breathe a smell ’ЙЧ* to smell £ a hand u} to finger, to touch
Unit 36 360 J «i-l- *4^ . a leg a tooth to walk around a mouth i л taste to speak well л , .r.o to taste talent, gifts л a a tongue BRIEFING A man thinks with his head. Some men have brains. However, some men are slow in study. We see with our eyes. But the man who has bad eyes wear glasses. We listen with our ears. We speak and eat with our mouths. Some men have gifted, glib tongues. We taste with our tongues. We chew and eat food with our teeth. We breathe with our noses. And we smell with our noses. We touch with our hands. And we work with our hands. There is nothing we can’t do with our hands. We walk with our legs.
361 UNIT 37 o|ii BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE «4 1. pjofl «I-Julol] -'rE ^4*H- 2. <U ^r<U 4>oJ] «J-52.O]] 5W ^x4 5M-S.. °и “4 3. °]^1 <#°]--S-? 4. 7]s] Ц- пг]Ч 4^ >4 5. xjofl 7p] 4W-S, 6- °fl, £S|i||o$o]A. How Many Days? how many days How many days were you out before you came to school ? just one week five days to be absent A “J - I I came to school exactly after one week. Therefore, I was absent for five days. now Are you all right now ? almost to get well, to recover still to not feel well I am almost completely recovered (from the illness). But I still don't feel well. Them please go home early and rest. to leave school early °] Yes. I must leave (school) early today.
Unit 37 362 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 2. и-, depending on the context or situation, means (1) ‘certainly,’ -withoi| fail,' ’by all means/ (2) ‘without discrepancy, quite, (3) ’firmly,’ ‘hard ’without giving in/ (4) ‘exactly/ ‘to а Т/ Study the following examples: Do it without fail. Г11 go for sure. They are quite alike. He behaves just like a child. Please grasp it firmly. Please fasten it tight. These clothes fit me perfectly. я- за 7^о}Д. o] -£o] чгм #444 means ‘to absent oneself (from school), ’ whereas #-E44 means ‘to absent oneself (from office, work).’ Study the following examples: ¥ #°1Ч He was absent from school for two months. He was absent from duties today. Or: He didn’t come to the office today. 3. is a contraction or °] 4П1 ‘now/ from now on‘ is used mostly with the contrast particle or the emphatic particle Study the follow- ing examples: 4# 3^1 44 #^4X W Jl£4 &4-Я-. 4^14 444 I won’t do so in the future. At long last he has come. Now I remember. -Й4 *s an Regular verb. The final consonant - a of the stem is dropped when followed by a vowel, (See this Unit, Structure Notes III.) #4, depending on the context or situation, can mean (1) ‘to be better (than), ‘ ’to be superior to, to be excellent? (2) ‘to recover (from illness), ‘ ‘to be cured (of a dis- ease) . Study the following examples: o]#o] ^-4-^-4 ## 40H-. ##4 ^^-4 4тгЧ4. n-g-Ч #4 4°} #44. 4^ 4&4-S-. This is much better than that Health is above wealth. His illness is getting better. I have quite gotten over it. means’still/ ’(not) yet/ The parole /Г when' used with an adverb, indicates adm.ration, or places emphasis on the adverb itself. (See Unit 13. Structure Notes III.)
means (1) ‘to beJ uncomfortable,’ ‘to be feeling rather sick,’ (2) ‘to be inconvenient.’ The opposite word of is ДЙ ej ‘to be conve- nient.’ Study the following examples : o’0! I'm feeling rather ill now. Я-S-0! The transportation is inconvenient. Transportaion is convenient. 6. means ‘to leave work or school earlier than the agreed or fixed time.’ Its opposite word is 44^4 ‘to come to school or work after the agreed or fixed time.’ STRUCTURE NOTES I. Time Word -I—Sfofl-• ‘after (of time)’ The pattern preceded by time words, indicates passage of time. It corresponds to the English ‘after (the passage of a stretch of time). ’ Examples: « чМ I met him after a long while. I came back to Korea after seven years. I came to school after one month. I came home after ten days. I woke up after twenty hours. I am eating Korean food after ten years. Notes: 1. The pattern -ф, which denotes passage of time, is followed usually by the particle ‘at,‘ ‘on.’ ‘in.‘ indicating the time at which something takes place. But can also be followed by the verb of identification ^4 Study the following examples: -M# it‘s been a long time since I saw you last. 47J- 1 came to Korean 5 years ago. 2. This pattern -^<H] usually takes the past tense. 3. When the pattern ~чМ is followed by verbs such as ^4 ‘to find? ЗЕЛ*} f± ‘to reach.’ or s]4 ‘to become? it indicates ‘taking time to do something? Study the following examples: o] *=. tg- n}o]] It took me two months to find this book.
Unit 37 364 <«• «И ЧНН <? DJof] З)-!0] SlSW-S- It took him ten days to reach Korea It took me five years to become h» □ of the section. ead IL o|£!, : (a) o|ffj + an affirmative- : ‘now’ When °] is used within an affirmative context, it means ‘now.’ Study the following examples: ? Do you understand it now? °lb Yes, I understand it now. ops] я ЯЯ^И-Л. No, I still don’t understand it. o]*ti + a negative— ! ‘(not) any more’ When is used within a negative context, it means ‘ (not) any more.’ Study the following examples: ш? Aren’t you tired any more? That’s right. I’m not tired any more. That’s not right. I’m still tired. Note: The negative answer (<ЧЧ-£-) to an °] question occurs with °Hl£. (b) oHJE. + an affirmative - : ‘still,’ ‘yet’ When й}^]Я is used within an affirmative context, it means ‘still,’ ‘yet.’ Study the following examples: «fl, <43].e. Are you still eating ? Yes, I’m still eating. No, I’m not eating any more. Ql^l-E + a negative -• : ‘not yet’ When Qb-]£ is used within a Study the following examples: negative context, it means ‘not yet. Isn’t he studying yet ? That’s right. He isn’t studying yet. That’s not right. He is studying notf- Notes: The negative answer (оЫД) to an <>Hs. question occurs with lf the tense is in the present form. But if the tense is in the past form, № negative answer q jl) to an о}*) £ question occurs with 13 ‘already.’ Study the following examples:
365 Haven’t you studied yet ? That’s right. I haven’t studied yet. That s not right. I have studied already. already,’ ‘now already’ < ода ^-ё-*Н ода, *1*] (c) + an affirmative- The word is used always with an affirmative. It is never used with a negative. Study the following examples: л-ё-о] ЧИ -з-ё-зда ? Has he studied already ? °i], 6“ i 58 °“l Yes, he has studied already. о]да, о]да-?-¥-*Н] No, he hasn’t studied yet. Note: The negative answer (<44-2-) to a question occurs with to draw to unite, to connect III.zA. Irregular Verbs: Some verbs ending in a final consonant - a are irregular: to recover, (Ч-) to stir, ^-(4-) to get well to row ЭД) topour (Ч-) to build 1. The final consonant - a of the stem is dropped when followed by a vowel. Study the following examples: You must pour water into a vessel. I poured water into a vessel. Try pouring water into a vessel. You may pour water into a vessel. -V-oi Ш. 2. But the final consonant - a of the stem is not dropped when followed by a consonant. Study the following examples: 31^] 3X^4) Note: However, there are - a regular verbs which never change their stem. These regular verbs are: ^(4*) to take off to laugh 3! (4) to wash I’ll pour water into a vessel. Don’t pour water into a vessel. Of course, I’ll pour water into a vessel. to comb to gush out яЦ^НЧ-) to snatch (a thing) from.
366 Unit 37 DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY -JW- to pour 314 to build oju|- to unite, to connect *4 to draw to stir, to row to wash tjlt} to comb to snatch (a thing) from A. Substitution Drill 1. ЧМ 2. °| ^°J ФН| Л-g-l- nJkM-S-. 3. Ч± чМ чЬМ-й.. 4. nlof] п-g-g- 5. ЧМ jL-g-i 6. M g DxM "J-tf-H-S.. 7. A id чМ 8. AJ’d DJ°i| n-g-g- °}>йМа. I met him after a long while. I met him after two weeks. I met him after four days. I met him after six days. I met him after three months. I met him after four months. I met him after five years. I met him after ten years. В. Substitution Drill 1. ’d ’?W ф 2. qHJ’d чМ 3. Л) 4. 4]-$- 4b°fl 5. т ЧМ ^ф7}. S)oj<>]£.. 6. РгМ 5)$loU. 7. лИ чМ Л1-М s]£oU. 8. AJ-fr РхМ ^-А}7} С. Response Drill 1. *}йМ -МН-&? 2. ргИ 3. nxM It took me five years to achieve a doc- torate. It took me twenty years to become a professor. It took me ten years to become a medi- cal doctor. It took me fifteen years to become a missionary. It took me two months to become a driver. It took me six years to become a teacher. It took me fourteen years to become a Catholic priest. It took me sixteen years to become a pastor (minister). 5H ЧМ 3H-S-. Ml A]7j- pj-ofl
367 4. 4°J нН 4ЧИ АзИ-Й. ? 5. ЧМ •е4-Я-44Д? 6. 44 *?М п14°1| 5-44/14Д? 7. 3 *й- ЧМ ^-4< 444*4Д? 8. $ ’d 44 -г44Я4Д? 4 4^4 ’tM 4ЧМ 44 Д. Л 4 44 4444 Д. 4< 44 44-4 5.4384Д. 4 4 Л><Я] 444Д. д 4 44 4-4 эд 4 д. D. Response Drill Teacher: 45! “НЗ.'НД? Do you understand it now ? Student: 44 Д, деЭД No, I still don’t understand it. 4Д. 1. «и 7иянд? <№ zH &5И-Я-. 2. 45! ^МЭД4Д? 3. »]< 444ЭД4А? “Ml, «Hi ^4 &5ИД. 4. «14 4444 514 Д? “Ml, 4^£ 4444 4514Д. 5. 45! 4^44514Д? оК]д, 44£ 4444 45J4-&.. 6. °15! 4тг4451 4-Я.? «Ml, <44-2. 4Ф44 &514-Я.. 7. »I4 4^44514Д? 44я 4=^44 &514-Я-. 8. °151 44=44 514 Д? «1-ЧД, «й£ 4444 &514-Я, Е. Response Drill Teacher: ? Aren’t you tired any more ? Student: °]-Ч-^-» 6М^ That’s not right. I’m still tired. 1. 451 ^4 4-ЯЛ-2-? 44Д, op-|£ 44Д. 2. °151 44 4-МД? 4ЧД, 44£ 44-Я-. 3. °] 51 <g-*| 4-МД? 4ЧД. 44 s. 44-Я.. 4. °I51 44: 4 4-МД? 4ЧД, °}4s 444-Я-. 5. 45! 44 4-М Д? 4ЧД. o|4£ 4-Я-. 6. 4-Я-4Д? 44Д. 44 s. 4Д. 7. 45! ^4 4-М Д ? o}-45. 4ЯД. 8. °15! 1b4 4-М-Я.? 4ЧД. <№ 44 Д. F- Response Drill Teacher: Student: °1< *3*1 1. °НЗЕ ? 2. *НМ]Л? Are you still eating ? •} No, I’m not eating any more. o}v|_£, 0)^1 44-^]
Unit 37 368 3. 4. 4-МЯ ? 5. oR-]£ Ч-3*НЯ? 6 , ^УЗ S- Я ? 7. 33 Я Ч^гЗЧЯ? 8. «НЕ. 4Я«ИЯ? <44 xjS]-S}x] $<4a., »]< 43 3.3a.. О^Л, 014 ^ЗЗЗ ЗЗЯ. 34 Я, O] < -=-^.43 Oj-oxa. «Mi, 431 4^33 o^a., 33 Я, 331 ЗЯЗЧ $ЗЯ. G. Response Drill Teacher: 34 Я ^зННМ ЙЯ-4Я? Aren’t you studying yet ? Student: 4-1Я <431 ЗЗ'ЧЯ. That’s not right. I am studying now. 1. ЗЗЯ 4£33 ЗЯ4Я? 2. 43^13 ЗЯЧ|Я? 3. ЗЗЯ 4434 ЗЯ4Я? 4. °ИЕ -M $Я4|Я? 5. 33 Я 343 &Я4Я? 6. ЗЗЯ 3«Н ЗЯ^Я? 7. 33Я &ЯЧ1Я? 8. ЗЗЯ ЗЯЗЗ &ЯЧЯ ? 0^1, 0]< Ч^Я, »41а, за.. ЗЗЯ, чч! зчя. 4ЧЯ З^ ^-<4Д. ЗЗЯ, 431 ЗЗЯ. «МА, <4^1 <у4|Я. «МА, »}ЧЯ, <4^ Н. Response Drill I Teacher: <43Я WH ^Я^<4Я? Haven’t you studied yet ? Student: »M1, ’t-Ч ^-?-^<4A. That’s not right. I have studied already. 1. <43Я-^ЧЗ-З ^Я^<4Д? 2. <43я ччз ^-я-азя? 3. 33я itfl43 ^Я'йзя? 4. <43я 43 HI3 ^-я-йзя? 5. «43Я п-чИЗ З-Яйза.? 6. <43я 43 Ф-ЯйЧЯ ? 7. 33 я ^33 &я>йча.? 8. 33 я ЧЧЗЗ З-Яйча.? зчя, 34 335Й4Я. оМА, 33 ЗЧЯ, 34 ЯЧ^ЧЯ. ЗЧЯ, 34 33 1ЙЧЯ. ЗЯА, 34 яЗЗЧЧЯ ЗЧЯ, 34 43ЧЯ. W, 34 ^Г^ЧЯ. ЗЗЯ, 34 Ч^гЯЧЯ. I. Response Drill Teacher: 34 WHI4A ? Have you studied already ? Student: ЗЧ^ЗЗя No, I haven’t studied yet.
369 1. 4^-Ч^ЧД? ' 2. <4 ‘ЙЧЧ-ЯЧД? 3. *ti4 здячд? 4. *fl4 ЛЧЯЧД? 5. ^4 ЧЧ'ЙЧД ? 6. ^4 Ч-МЬЯЧД? 7. *ti4 чзч-ячд? 8. *fi4 ?м<нд? J. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4 Ч-аЬЧД. Student: 4- bh4 1. « -f-ЯЧД. 2. 4< 44ЧД. 3. JTJl-a- ЧЯЧД. 4. 4 П^ЧД, 5. £ 44ЧД. 6. £-4- -ЯЯЧД. 7. ЧЧ< 44ЧД. 8. 41444 Д. °hu, «Нь 4-g-*h4 4ЧД, <44^ °ЙЧЧ-Ч ##ЧД. 4ЧД, €< £*] ?инд. Ч-ЧД, °Н.£ ддц ад^Д. °>ЧД, <Ш 444 адЧ-й-. ЧЧД, о}.х]£ O^g).x] ЧЧД 4*U л]^7].я] о^ои. 44 Д, о}з)я О}*] Фьни. I have completely recovered. I haven’t completely recovered. << 44 444Д. $*] 444 Д. 3-4ir $14 444 д. 4 3-4 44ЧД 4 44 444д. 44 444Д. 4 4-t- 44 444Д. “144 444Д. SHORT STORIES 1. -2-# th ’Й' ЧМ #ЧД. jiejcfl 4^7 <4 i4-«W4 *t Л14ЧД. th *] 7J 4 Д. 4Ч-4-4 to come to school or work after the agreed or fixed time Expansion Drill -2-# th ’Й- 4-4] 4-Hofl #-c-< «h^oj] .E.4-3H4-, << 4ЯЧ Д. ib x]7j 44-$чд. 2. -g-o] o].^ o]< ^ЯЧ-S, Ч-t- nJofl зли дчч- о]л^чд. п-'йЧ] ‘ЙЧ 4] tl ^^4-2-. ^-44 to^absent oneself (from Expansion Drill -=-0] «44А1 o]< ^^41, 4< 4-4 444 ДЧ4 o]ao^4 -S-. ^4 414 4 th ^$4-2-.
Unit 37 370 з. зИ4 oj^o] 4««44 to understand tp] ф £ ^]K. Expansion Drill <*1^01 0)sj sp] o|^ -^-44, 4*1 4 Ф 4^’4 ^Ml-S-. READING io] «ppi 'U вгМ ^ofl sHuirK «pH .$.44 4*144^44. 44 4 4^44. ^-44 op-] ь > 4^444 47<M ^4*114^44. 44fe Pfe ^г]х] <&$Pr44. ^44 -ЙЛг-с; 4т 444 4444. Л-43. о] 4 4-fe- 4 sA^l &тг44. т4^4-£- 4.S-44 44°Ш 44. 5£ 4в-5- 4*1 &4°И1^44. to be dizzy 415}- digestion \1 ЗМ a few years ago 4i5}-7} s}v} to digest well 7^7] a cold above all ^^14- to catch, to suffer from of course frequently BRIEFING I became sick, so I was absent for five days. I came to school exactly after one week. When I came to school I felt a little bit dizzy. I’m almost completely recovered (from the illness). But I still don’t feel well. I have to be careful about my health. A few years ago I didn’t even catch a cold. However, these days I catch colds frequently. And sometimes I don’t digest food well. Above all, I should not work too much, of course. I should not drink too much, also.
open ? to be opened to close °J Was the door open? I thought I closed the door. the light to turn on to be strange And the light was on in your room. It’s really strange, isn’t it ? Oh! some time ago to turn off . ! w 3. 444-2-. 44 4 4444 5- •S-i- 4 431 444-2-. 444-2.. ^444 6. 41. -^0141-лЙ О 371 UNIT 38 g. Doors BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE й to open 4 4 1. *Я -E-t- ^4 ¥44-2-? It’s cold, so why did you leave the door *<44 44 4 2. t°1 44 444-2- ? 44 4г< 44- ^-44-4-2-. 44 444-4 4 3. 44 <5. 4 444A. 4 °] 444-2-? 4 ЛГ} 4 L*] Oh! I remember. I came out some time ago without turning off the light, tightly to go about to be dangerous Please close the door tightly when you go about your business. It’s dangerous. to be careful i| Yes, I’ll be careful.
Unit 38 372 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. depending on the context or situation, can mean (1) ‘to put.’ -to p]ace; (2) ‘to leave (behind),' (3) ’to leave.' ‘to let,' (4) ‘to set one's mind at ease.' Study the following examples. Mi- ^-<4 -т-Mi-. Put this on the desk. Where did I leave my book ? Leave it as it is. Let me go. Please set your mind at ease. (There is no need to worry.) 2. ‘to be opened? ‘to be open? ‘to be unlocked’ is used always with the subject particle -?17-й], whereas *4 ’to open’ is used always with the object particle Study the following examples, and note particularly the preceding particles. aW-S-. The door is open. дМ-З-. I opend the door. 3. 4 *4 means ’to turn (switch) on? ‘ to light (a lamp, candle), ‘ ’to strike (a match),* etc. Its opposite word is Д.Ц- ‘to switch off (an electric light),’ ‘to turn off (the gas), ‘ ’to turn out (a light, a radio). ‘ Study the following words which relate to turning on and turning off. to turn on (a radio or water) (1) to turn off (the water, a faucet) (2) to lock (a door, drawer, house, room) 4. 4 is an exclamatory expression which indicates surprise, grief, disappointment, etc. It corresponds to the English ’Ah !? ‘Oh !,’ ‘Alas? ’Dear me? 5. 444 means (1) to come and go? ‘to go about? ‘to walk around? ’to com mute, (2) to attend (school, working place, office),’ (3) ‘to frequent’ Study the following examples: 7] 45. 4w. 44^ 44^ 4^1 &4£. 4\344. 4^4£. I commute to the company by train. Many people are coming and going here. He attends college. He works for a company. I used to frequent that place.
373 STRUCTURE NOTES j -и Irregular verbs : Some verbs ending in a final consonant - н are irregular 7>3(4) to be light 43(4) to be dirty - - 7J33(4) to be ticklish •§•(4) to help <(4) to be pretty •¥•3(4) to be heavy — S’(4) to roast °W3(4) to be beautiful 7J(4) to sew ' 43(4) to be dark' 3(4) to lie down 3(4) to pick up- 3(4) to be hot 33(4) to be delightful — 1. The final consonant - ы of the stem, when followed by a vowel, changes into -T-. Study the following examples: Even though it’s cold--- ^34- If it’s cold--- 34-3-. It seems that it will be cold. 44)4 344. It must be cold. 4^3344. It was cold. 2. But the final consonant - н of the stem does not change when followed by a consonant. Study the following examples: >44- »4 4. >31 432.Л. It’s cold but--- Because it’s cold--- It’s cold. It will be cold. Of course, it’s cold. Note: However, there are also - н regular verbs which never change their stems. -3(4) to be numb (with cold) 3(4) to put on (clothes) 3(4) to pull out- 3(4) to grasp 3(4) to chew 3(4) to fold — 3(4) to carry (a person) 3(4) to pick up on one’s back The Sentence-Final Ending -oK~°l> ~°i) ^4 • The pattern -oH-4» -4) ^4 is used alwaVs with action verbs» and indi'
Unit 38 374 cates an action done in preparation or anticipation of later use or benefit. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘to do something and put it aside? ‘to do something in preparation? ‘to do something in advance.1 Examples: A} о] o] *ч-а- <4 Buy tickets in advance. I opened the door (for future benefit) I wrote a letter and put it aside. Or: I wrote a letter in advance. I cleaned this room in advance. Read this book in advance. I washed that in advance. Or: I washed that and put it aside. I’ll turn the light on in advance. Notes: 1. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb not in the main verb with ~<4). Study the following examples: <4 ?! Turn the light on in advance. I turned the light on in advance. I’ll turn the light on in advance. -M- I didn’t turn the light on in advance. i-i я I won’t turn the light on in advance. 2. The patternis interchangeable with j Zb making no difference in meaning. 3. -°}- is used after -o}- and ; is used after any other vowel; is used after a verb. HI. The Sentence-Final Ending -оЦ-Ql, -Oj) : The pattern -°j) is used regularly with intransitive verbs, such as тЩ ‘to go? Л4 ‘to come? a]4 ‘to stand (up),’ ‘tosit (down), Я.1-} to become? etc. These always take the subject particle J1L z£l. This pattern indicates a present result of an action that has taken place in the past. Examples: Л«-б] 7|. He lives in Japan, (lit. He went t Japan and is there.)
/J л1л9\3°] <4^1 4 31W. *Jofl 3]^]-$-. Л^-о] opqi >o}<4 6^ al <4-2-. to ai^-й-. <o] SM-S-. <-*] toK ^6] ЧИ нН-?} s]ol О1<НЛ ^j°i e*ito tox -&O] <аз ai*u. £<>] to-S-. 375 Mr. Kim is here, (has arrived). Please go back home and stay there. He isn’t back yet. He is standing. He is seated. The light is on. The light is off. He is (has) already become a doctor. Lunch is ready now. The door is open. The door is closed. Notes: 1. The tense and/or negation is expressed always in the final verb 9M, not in the main verb with -^(-<H, -<*U. Study the following examples: f-0] SM-S-. % * The light is on. lrol Я ‘ The light is not on. The light was on. The light was not on. 2. -°} л1Ч- is used after and -51- ; -*4 is used after any other vowel; -<4 SJ4- is used after a verb. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY 't-;3c+ to be heavy ''РЙЧ to be light to lie down 4 to be ticklish A. Substitution Drill 1. JU] to 14#<H5L. 2. ^*1 to 3- to 4. <$J7 Ч-ЗМЛ. 5. fo]*]-*] to M-SW-S-. -§14 to be pretty °HbTS'I4 to be beautiful 5|ч4 to pick up 14 to sew I came out without turning off the light. I came out without closing the door. I came out (left) without saying good-bye. I came out without drawing a picutre. I came out without preparing it.
Unit 38 376 6. to to ч#чд. 7. to*l to Ч-ЗМ-1. 8. to to 4#to. В. Substitution Drill i. to 44to. 2. to 44to. з. д.4< £д 44to. 4. to 44to. 5. to]< чд чч^д. 6. 7151 444U. 7. ^д 44to. 8. ^ЧЧ< to 44to. С. Pattern Drill Teacher: t^44. j Student: ^-fi-g-44. r i. to44. 2. дЧ< «-ФЧЧ. з. Ч^1тгЧЧ. 4. тНгЧЧ. 5. е^тгЧЧ. б. Ч^НгЧЧ. 7. 'Т';ЙтгЧЧ. 8. Ч'ЙтгЧЧ. I came out without smelling it. I came out without touching it. I came out without tasting it. Please close the door tightly and g0 about your business. Please put on your clothes and go about your business. Please put on your hat and go about your business. Please put on your shoes and go about your business. Please put on your watch and go about your business. Please put on your gloves and go about your business. Please put on your glasses and go about your business. Please put on your tie and go about your business. It is cold. It was cold. ЧЯ^ЧЧ-. йИ-t- ЧЧЯ^ЧЧ. ‘а’ЧЯтгЧЧ. ♦т^чч-. 'Т'ЧЯ^гЧЧ. ччя^чч. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: ЛН1Д. Student: 1. 2. 4to. з. toto. 4. to to. Please buy tickets. Please buy tickets in advance. ^Ч«Н -ШЧ ¥-MA.
377 5. « ’ б. « 7. z]-=J- Л1^НД. 8. Д>Ч]Д. Е. Pattern Drill Teacher: Д4¥ -?i!4 ¥л!4Д I washed that in advance, (for future benefit) Student: Д^¥ 44 ¥314Д. I’ll wash that in advance, (for future benefit). 1. длН дг] ¥51о]Д. ^4 дЗ ¥зЙЧЛ 2. З-'ЧЗ- ЛМ ¥5l°i-S-. 3. дзН "J-&O] ЭД<ЧЛ. 4. ^^-«Н ¥Я1о]Д. ^Я-«И ¥314-2-. 5. ^«11 -п-ф«1| ¥314-$-. 6. «Нг«| °-Нг*Н ¥314-3, 7. ^*Я А. ^®И ¥314 -3-. 8. 'УЧ ¥514-S-. 'ЙЧ ¥314-3, F. Pattern Drill Teacher: <°| 4314-3, Student: 3-4 44 1. 3414 3^14514-3-. 2. -g-o] ЧШ4-Й, 3. 3-4 *2314-3.. 4. 444 s]44-3, 5. гх-а-о] &514-3, 6. дЗ-4 $4-3, 7. *ЙЧ 3-ЧЯ4-3, 8. 4 ¥4 #4-3, « 71 ¥-M-3_. «• 4 ¥-М-2, л1¥ ^±:зЦ ¥—4]Д #xl< 4 ¥—4]Д. The light has gone out. The light is off. #414 ^H]S]o] #4Д. з-о] 4ч 3-°i 4}A}z} 44 #4Д. ДЗ-4 514-3, дЗ°1 *] 51 4-3, *ЙЧ >°Н 514-3, °1¥Ч 7]- 514-3, G. Pattern Drill Teacher: #4 ¥Ч7]-4Д. Student: #4 ЗоН ^аЦД. 1. °^7]о1] Да))Д_ 2. JEAJo,] S-oJzHA. 3. #011 Ч-7НД. 4- о|^°1| 3-г]-7Н]Д. Please go (back) home. Please go (back) home and stay there. *|7]o]] а} ЗНД. jL^oJ] -g-op]- ЗИ-Й.. «|oj| 147} ^]>М]Д. О] ^o)| З-грТ
Unit 38 378 5. «ЧИ 51-2-31 Л. 6. && т]31Л. 7. MI37H-S-. 8. >ЗЛ31Л. сЦ7] 51 ° 1 3)3] Л. л] 3131 Л. Ще^71- 3131 Л. 313] Л. Н. Pattern Drill Teacher: ^°1 SW *И-3-- Student: a-g-ol ?Н 5М ?И Л. 1. 1°1 <1г1 513Л. 2. •§•»] 'ё'З 513 Л. 3. ^333 513Л. 4. <О1 ^т] 513л. 5. >3 ?1 513Л. 6. «Й-М 7}- «Д<и 7. ЧН1-7]- 33 513 Л. 8. П--£3 7] ззл. Не is seated. Не is not seated. -g-3 43 8J7] ?^о]-Л. -r°l 4*1 513 $о]-Л. ^333 o]x] $о]-Л. <°1 33 °}3 <3 Я Ш. 4-M 7\ 51*] ?Ж W 33 517) H.-g-<»] 7] °]Я] &OJ..S.. I. Pattern Drill Teacher: л.-§-3 7] 51513Л. Student: :i-g-4 7] °] 7] ojoj-o] Л. 1. J17jo] q. 5Ш<>и. 1 2. op]7]- o}3 51Й<ЧЛ. з. 7J-7131 33 515H.S.. 4. ЙЗЧ- 51Я,:,1Л. 5. ’H alSM-S-. 6. -тЗ aIaH-S-. 7. 3-7]- Ц. 5151o]^ 8. ^31 331 5Ы<ЧЛ. Не was standing. Не was not standing. 3t7<H 4 513 ЙМЛ °P17F 5}3 5171 &5НЛ. 7j7]3] 3=1 513 &5НЛ. 5МЧ- 517] &5Н-Л. 31 <3 517] &5НЛ. -т-3 513 UsW-S-. SW 4 517] &5НЛ. ^31 4| «я 5171 &5НЛ. J. Pattern Drill Teacher: -т-71 ’Й'НЛ. Student: -133 $5Ь4Х 1- 71-З^ЗЛ. 2. тназл. 3. 7j7]e]^3^.e 4. ЛЯНЯ. 5. оКЗ-ЯЗЛ. It was heavy. It was not heavy. 71-471 #5b>U. •5-71 &5МЛ. 7J347] &51О1Л. §•71 $5MA. °1-<471 51-513 Л.
379 6. ¥J14-fi-. 7. 4314-fi-. 8. <4*14-9-. 44 44 SHl4.fi.. 444 SH14.fi, SHORT STORIES 1. 4< «fl -ё-i- #7]. ^4 tolock n.e]5Z. <SL 4 #tfou. гий4 4-°l <4 %144-S, Expansion Drill 14-g- ufl -g-JE #7|- ^57, H.£ >o] Qgs=] 444Л. 2. 7)1 <tj 314 31-Т-7]. n]^.o..g. 4M44-. 3-44 O|7j to be sorry, л]Цо]1 Ф<5М “]<Я“ Am-, ">be regrettable e о^/ГДИич ф^5] a farewell party Expansion Drill 41 *U 314 31тМ- n]^5. 414-71 44-4, 4# ^^e}x] $o). -?*-. .2.-5- 444 ^3]7}- 44.fi, 3. -£-¥- -S-^ofl 5)47}- 44л. n-SU 71^0]]^ 31^0] £0^7]. 44-9, J JleflAl ^л)^о] 7^ 7eMA. I 314 a meeting, a conference 44 4 a welcoming party Expansion Drill ^.-s- 447}- %Un, xlMofl-c- ?!7-4 4447}- ^4Ш°1 «Нт % £°l--a.. READING 44^- ±зНЯ^Ч4. 4^ -Mtf 441 4><- ^44. 44 ufl -44 лл 44:444. ^-4-31 £.£ ¥4-444. ^-4 4 ^o}5] X44-, #o] 44444. ^eU 44 4444 4. 4^. 4^о]| 44 ^4^44. 4Л<ЭМ1 л3451444. ^-44 4} hJ-oji >47). X44 4447} 4 ?M444. 444-4 4<41 41 XJ44. n-44 4447} 7j7p| 444 44 ^444. 444-fe- &444-. 44 4AJ J,°J44. ^-44 °Hr 317J-4AJ4 4. 4-fe- ^7]] 447} 3hr44. ^M4 -T- 4- 4451., ¥liol 4- 44 H44. Л1171- 44 44^ 44.
Unit 38 380 a weekend У®,ars age used with Chinese numbers to go outdoors inthebeginning brothers the country, sisters a rural district the last (youngest) son suddenly age BRIEFING Yesterday was the weekend. I went outdoors for the first time after a longtime. When I left my room, I turned off the light and came out. And I locked the door. However, when I returned, I found that the light was on. And the door was open. In the beginning I was suprised completely. I thought it was strange. But when I went into my room, I found that my mother was there. My mother is living in a rural district. But my mother came to Seoul suddenly. My mother is very old. She is sixty-seven years old now. But she is very healthy. I have many brothers and sisters. I have two older brothers and three older sisiters. Гт the last son.
Unit 39 381 UNIT 39 BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE && Я 1. xl7d°l И-5-417И? 4] 41^1 “4 2. ’=№*! iHl- <U°J7KS-? 3. oj-qjL, лг| -g-sH-fe- 74<4 пр<]1£|л1 ofl7]5|-4- u4 4. ^#4] 7 И 714^ 4M Д. тМ*] за] 4 °fl 7ltMM з||< 7]*1Ч 5- 4Y ^]< 7]^ 31 д u4 б- зад л. ZL^l ? ^Л1|Я Please Wait for a few minutes OJ I have something to talk to you about for a few minutes. Do you have time now ? very, greatly, seriously Is it something very urgent ? No, it’s not so urgent. a dining room л while drinking м to talk Then, please go to the dining room and wait there. Let’s talk while drinking some coffee there. constantly, always to cause (a person) trouble I’m sorry to cause you so much trouble all the time. that’s okay *1 That’s okay. Why do you talk like that ?
382 Unit 39 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES I’m terribly tired. She is awfully beautiful. He has loads of money. It’s extremely exciting. He is seriously ill. 3,^1 4. 5. 2. 3] v} -er] is an adverb which means ‘very,’ ‘greatly/ ‘seriously/ ‘terribly ‘awfully/ ‘so,‘ ‘much too/ etc. Study the following examples: zl ЗИП. ^.-r°l 3,^1 ^-°1 31^1 is a contraction of 7] <Я] *|. врТ'ФЗ- is a contraction of 6l°Mfo|- ‘to talk/ ‘to speak/ ‘to have a chat (talk). ‘ *№ means (1) ‘constantly,’ ‘incessantly/ ‘continuously/ ‘always,’ (2) ‘hard,’ ‘eagerly/ ‘intently,’ etc. Study the following examples: 4Y «Р1- ЧН. хн я] ^°1 It keeps on raining. He keeps staring right at me. He keeps visiting me. I repeatedly asked him to do me a favor. Мж—means ‘to cause ( a person) trouble/ is a noun which means an evil, a vice,’ ‘a bad custom/ ‘a corrupt practice.’ Study the following examples: 31 < Й°1 31< Don’t cause others trouble. I caused a lot of trouble. There is no reason to trouble others. ~r"tT ’^4’ ‘Why do you talk like that?’ is used as a formal reply to an expression of thanks, respectful recognition, and apologies. It is used normally with the expression ‘You’re welcome.’ Sometimes, it’s used when a hearer expresses an unpleasant reaction against someone’s statement. STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Informal Polite Question Ending -l. ? —Ё-Д-О. ? • to This pattern -l- (~£)7> H ? /4? 7> H ? is used to ask questions, or express doubt informally but politely. It takes any verb.
383 Examples: ’ □.4*1 fMA? 4»7Rs_? jrg-°] -t-»7Rh.? 514 o] J2>oj7R£_? rr&°] zd4°J4-H.? ^-4- >-t-4-4^-4-2- ? -т-7)- ^5S^7U ? 4444 ^t-4-43J^-7R£.? л44 4^4-S-? 44 0Rfe-7RSL? 4 °1 SlSl-c^Ra.? 3->4 t?^U? ^4 o]4o^7Rs.? Is that book good ? Is he kind ? Who is that person ? Is that the classroom ? Is that person a teacher ? What are you studying ? Who studied ? Where will you study ? Was that bad ? Do you have a book ? Did you have a book ? Who was that person ? Who was a medical doctor ? Notes: 1. -i- (~S-)7R&. ? is used with description verbs in the present tense, and with ~4 (4) in the present tense. - 2 is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -£-7R£L ? is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. 2. In all other cases, ->7RS. ? is used. 3. The intimate style can be made by dropping the final polite particle It is used with close friends or social inferiors. It is used also in a situation where a certain amount of friendship or fraternization is presumed. П. The Non-Final Ending • I ‘while doing something’ The pattern 4) is used to indicate two simultaneous actions done by a single person. It is attached directly to the stems of action verbs. If the simultaneous actions are performed by different persons, a different pattern —c- »4 is used ; but this pattern will be studied later in detail. Examples: >*.*14 4< Й44-&. <bx^)->4 4 44 >4 4-. ^>4 >^4 >514-2-. >4-4 >4 й-2-4-2-. ^>*1 >jh34 44> 4ЛН 4Л. I read a book while listening to the radio. Or: While I listened to the radio, I also read a book. Let’s talk while taking a walk. He talked and cried. Please read it while eating lunch. While laughing, he gave this to me.
Unit 39 384 Let’s smoke while going. o}o]So] ^Ч-Я-. I learned a lot while teaching. The children made noise as played. they Notes: 1. In the pattern -Л(^), the final (main) clause is emphasized the most, while the first (dependent) clause with -(Л)дМ-] js supplementary infor. mation. 2. The tense and/or negation is expressed in the final (main) clause, not in the first (dependent) clause with -(-S-)^. Study the following examples: *Н УНА. I am reading а the radio. book while listening to «Н ОНА. I read a book radio. while listening to the на. *Н О О I didn’t read a the radio. book while listening to ЯН ОНА. I will read a book while listening to the radio. 3. -ФМ is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; ^л~| is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY in particular, especially to (ex) change, to barter to serve to congratulate to visit A. Substitution Drill 1. al]< 7]^ 2. -S- в]ФЯ)-ь)с|-е 3- ^><4^ 4. <4 ^>4 5. -M 6. &о}Л| 7. чтнкм 8. и1°г}^44. I’m sorry to cause you so much trouble all the time. I’m sorry that I couldn’t help you. I’m sorry that I made noise. I’m sorry that I broke my promise. I’m sorry that I came late. I’m sorry that I didn’t do my homework I’m sorry that I was absent from schoo many times. I’m sorry that I was late for school.
385 В, Substitution Drill i. йчл. 2. #окЯ.. з. Ш 4. >tS. 3*1 SM-Й-. 5. ^5. 33*1 ^eU. 6. 3^. $13*|-*1 ^°}Д. 7, >S5. 3*1 Uol-^. 8. >f5. *[*] SWA. It’s not particularly urgent. It’s not particularly good. It’s not particularly beautiful. It’s not particularly pretty. It’s not particularly heavy. It’s not particularly dangerous. It’s not particularly hot. It’s not particularly salty. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: rz_-g-°l M°J4? Is he a teacher ? Student: Z13°I -id 3 M 37 RS. ? Is he a teacher ? 1. *13 °l 3*J-°J44? 2. °)3°) 3. *13 °1 4. ^-3°1 *13-3343-? 5. °13°l 317КЕ.£<УЧЗ-? 6. *13°) т-Я°и'Ч’}? 7. °I3°I 8. °I3°1 *I3_£OJ43-? 33°1 ^3°J7K? °И°1 ? 33°) Z13ol З^ЗЗ7}^-? °]3!о| ЛлЕНЗ-ЗЗ-Й- ? 33°1 -Д-Л°17|-^-? °]3°1 3 ’Й-й-ЕЛРкЯ. ? °1-Й°1 ЗЗ^-ЗЗ-З-? D. Pattern Drill Teacher: -^-g- Student: -¥-$}< Л? 1. Y7} ,M4=7}? 2- -тТ-t- >WHN77).? 3. 2iel4J47}? 4- *M<- 5 • VT'il’ ^^44? 6- 7- -т-edi- '?d7lAJ4^? 8- 4HJ44? What are you studying? What are you studying ? r7]- -2-7|-e-7E£- ? ^sMfe7U? Л.^.spl-fe-7]-.^ ? 1Mf чк°л)-Е-7к*1.7 ‘г-®- 4)л1-с-71--Й. ? i7l-fe-7U? -T-3dg- dJ7IzI-c-7)-a? p . a- integration Drill Teacher: Let’s take a walk. Let’s talk. Student: 4KS2j8}i£a-J о] o):7] фл) c}.
Unit 39 386 Let’s talk while taking a walk. 1. e-aM-S.. 4444 7J44 2. ФИ> 7Ж 3. ЗНЛ ^-Sr 4. 44-4-&. #344-Й-. 5. *d3BH-&-. -£-Я°и. 6. -&43H-&-. 7. 4Ч-М- «-ЯН-й-. WH-й-. 8. « -tSH-Й-. F. Level Drill (Review) Teacher: з4°| “Ьн-'Й’тгЧЧ? Student: л4°1 0)444.4 ? 1. оНЗтгЧ#-? 2. °l #334#? 3. л.3°1 3344? 4. #334#? 5. «84#4#? 6. Ч>#34#? 7. Zl^o] 8. #°| °1|#Ф)? G. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: #i-4? Student: 1. ##»1&ь4? 2. #*J< #-4? 3. 7J7M ##^4? 4. ^4^4? 5. ##-4? 6. rtSp]- < S)3xl4? 7. 413.4? 8. 4 <42x4? H. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: 452. of] 744 Student: 4JHoj| 7y^) 0^4 1. 74^.4. 45г4] 7)4 ^оуъ.4? *14*1 YStH.3.. чЬ^Н-й.. -t-Я-MA. -g-7j4^x-| s}4i< •M- Is that beautiful ? Is that beautiful ? °1 g-'4°l ^<W4:? ^•7Я°1 DH-?-4? '^'УФ4? «1^4? 444-4 ? zi^o] 7j.44.47 t£4 аЦщ.47 Did you go to school ? Didn’t you go to school ? ?№x4? *14 ^^4? 7J*M ^21*1 ^^4? ^4*14 Уal44? - 4 ? дз|4 s]*| ^4? 4*1 ^—4=? *1144 #2x4? I go to school. I don’t go to school. ^•8- 7J*1 #-fe4.
Unit 39 387 2. «4. з. «4. 4. 44-8- ##4. 5. #< ^Й<4. 6. « 4#4. 7. # °l*0#4. 8. is| #4. « #4 ##4. « #л4 ##-4. 44< #4 ##4. #< ^4 ##-4. #<44 ##4. # 4444 ##-4. i#44 ##-4. I. Pattern Drill Teacher: n ;Цо] «##? Student: n M°l «4-8-? 1. л#о] <##44? 2. 7}>a^q4? 3. 4< 44##44? 4. л. 41°] «444 4? 5. «4 #44? 6. л. <4 ##<44? 7. л.<°| ###44? 8. #-4 <##44? Is that book good ? Is that book good ? л.#4 <4 <4-2.? zi#4 44 <4^-? 4# #44-£4-S-? #o) 4#-4£4-й-? #44 44Д? □l<4 ###4Д? ^t<°l ###44.? <4 <##44.? J. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: #44-4. Student: 4444 #4. 1. #444. 2. #444. 3. «fl #4. 4. « <4. 5. #4. 6 <4. 7. 44-1- #4. 8. #40 44. K. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: #jZ.°)| 44. Student: #JM| 44 #4. 1. <444. 2- 444. 3- 4« <444. Let’s get up. Let’s not get up. #44# #4. ##•44 #4. ^#< #4. << <4 #4. #4 #4. <4 #4. 4#< ## #4. #«044 #4. Go to school. Don’t go to school. <44# #4. 4Y4 #4. 4=« <444 #4.
388 Unit 39 4. '$<4'4 5. 6. 4-2-4. 7. 44t ^4. 8. ¥-2-4. 44 44. 4¥44 44. 44 44 44. 44< 44 44. ^7] 0)1 ¥4 ^Ч. SHORT STORIES 1. 4-fr 44^44. ^-414 ¥°1 4#^44. ¥4 4ЧВЧ4. -£-4 4 «]<- to be exposed to the rain to get (be) wet ч>е] Ц- to make dry u}s_i4 to be dry Expansion Drill «It 4oBi -£*1 46d4 4)¥-4, ¥4 ^^ЧЧ. £4 *F 44^44. 2. 2^44 ¥814-2-. «В ¥44 <44-2-. 4° Ч1Ч4 ^-°1 °V4-2-. a throat Expansion Drill 2c5fl< >-g- ^^<4^.. 4¥ <7^1 t-H tt1 ><^A] io] 0^0.. 3. оП-fe аг’а-°1$^нВЧ. гхгИ *и чч’й'Ч «Vi# ^°i Expansion Drill 317-# hJ-t5S^44. ОР]< #°1 READING -M# *?M Hj-g-$<>]£.. P]g] ^gi] ^^7 ^о]л. 444 7]г}г]51 аШЧА. ч -fr^tr #^7Н-8-. е ^оцл] AJ.J, cJ^ZT тру°1 44 *1 ?s$14-2-. Ч-fe Л.^7]] з. £- <уо) ЙЧ-S-. «ШЧ зм s-о]. ^о]] £Е <4 4Ч 4-8-. ^-пгЧНз' з}4г §£• «14-2-
389 п] г] in advance to be famous ^^7p an architect a living room the world BRIEFING I visited my friend for the first time after a long time. I called him in advance and went. When I got to his house, my friend was waiting for me. My friend is a famous architect. And he is very rich. So he is living in an extremely big house. The living room is extremely spacious. I’ve never seen such a big living room before. Some time ago my friend took a round-the-world trip and re- turned. In a few days he will go to France again. There is no one who likes to travel as much as he does.
390 Unit 40 UNIT 40 A Cold BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE ##71 #71 1. ##71 3H-S-. #7]$ &«]<£. suddenly a cold The weather suddenly became cold. Be careful about catching a cold. even without your saying so to catch ( a cold) 2. #7]ofl #r]- 3. ZL$A? й]$.й.. 4# 4. e # #71 -T'T? #й1 ? 5. #7]$ 41-fe- #o] 3]]Ak]ofl£ 6. Л.#, 7H 4=]$O]: Even without your saying so, I caught a cold already. is that so ? a bad cold (flu) to prevail, to go around Is that so ? They say that a bad cold (flu) is going around these days. a serious matter, a great concern to happen medicine Then, we are really in trouble! What kind of medicine is good for a cold. For a cold, the best thing is to rest. Then, I have to go home early and rest.
I 391 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1- means (1) ‘suddenly,’ 'all of a sudden,’ 'all at once,’‘abruptly,’ ‘hast- ily, (2) unexpectedly, without warning.’ Its synonym is Ч Study the following examples: 7J47) 7J^71 Suddenly it is raining. He suddenly dropped dead. Or: He suddenly died. He returned unexpectedly. 2. ЗРИ <t0 catch a cold’ is interchangeable with the phrase #7] 7} -g-r} ‘to catch a cold.’ Study the following examples, and note particularly the dif- ferent particles after #7]. #7И I caught a cold. #71Z} I caught a cold. ^4, depending on the context or situation, can have many different mean- ings. Study the following examples: «И ЗМ 5Ж -g- ^-3-. 7d^7l- 3L3iol 4] Ч-М 3. -^-7J means ‘flu,’ ‘a bad cold.’ JE A hat is hanging on the wall. It takes about ten minutes. He got sick. I did not get my call through. That weighs heavy on my mind. M My life is at stake. means ‘a poison,’ ‘a poisonous substance.’ Therefore, means literally ‘a poisonous cold.’ is a contraction of The indirect discourse -52. will be studied in this Unit, Structure Notes II. 4. g- oj °J means ‘a serious matter (problem), ’ ‘ a matter of great importance,’ ‘great trouble ; ’ Ч- means ‘to take place; -тг j- is an exclamatory ending. Therefore, its literal meaning is A serious problem (matter, thing) took place.’ This expression is used when you get into trou- ble, or when you face a matter of grave (serious) concern. 5. #7] is a contraction of 7rJ~7M^~. 6. is a contraction of °j^l7l ’early.’ is a contraction of 4Ж ‘I’ll have to rest.’
Unit 40 392 STRUCTURE NOTES L The Sentence-Final Ending-0_K-O<. -<Ю : ‘become something’ The pattern is used both with description verbs and action verbs. But it is used mostly with description verbs. This pattern indj. cates a change or development from a certain condition to another. Examples: 44 Й'ИД. ^44. 4c- 44 SH-S-. n-gro) $4 ЗН-й-. u-o] zjo} ^v|4. 44 SM-S.. 4444 44 ^44. ^°i ^4 34 34.2.. It got better. It got worse. The weather got colder. It’s getting warmer. I became busier. He became younger. The days are getting longer. It became expensive. Korean is getting easier. It got broken. It got torn. Notes: 1. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb not in the main verb with Study the following examples, л. ^44. Л. a] xj-71- <^]w| ^4*4. ZL ct|x}7} <4]®)*]*] 2 • is used after -°]-- and -; -c^ is used after any other vowel; is used after a verb. She is getting more beautiful. She became more beautiful. She did not become more beautiful. IL ^Indirect Discourse -J ^... _• ‘(8omeone) says that We have already studied the Plain Style, (See Unit 36, Structure Notes 1.) " you have studied it well, the formation of the indirect discourse will be easily understood. The pattern is attached directly to the plain style to form the indirect discourse. The tense, negation and exact words of the origins' speaker must be repeated or retained, when referring to someone’s words.
393 (a) Interrogative indirect discourse : The interrogative indirect discourse is made by attaching the ending -zz, йЩ directly to the plain question form of the verb. Study the following examples: Z144 -^444zi ^4-. Z144 'T-5L43l ЧЧЧ. ^^1457 ¥4 ЧЧЧ. ^•7} ЧЧЧ. ^f-7} 7}^2z.i4jl ЧЧЧ. £-4 ЧЧЧ. £-4 ЧЧЧ. ZL^4 <^нн.Чз1 ЧЧЧ. ^44 ^Hg2r.43L ЧЧЧ. пЧ°1 «^м^Ч^ ЧЧЧ. He asks what it is. He asks who he is. He asks if it is alright. He asks who is going (there). He asks who went (there). He asks who will go (there). He asks if you (he, she) have money. He asks if you (he, she) had money. He asks if that is beautiful. He asks if that was beautiful. He asks if that will be beautiful. (b) Declarative indirect discourse : The declarative indirect discourse is made by attaching the ending -5L ЧЧ directly to the plain declarative form of the verb, except the verb of identification -°] (4) in the present tense. Study the following exam- ples : ZL-g-Ч -§-44431 ЧЧЧ. He says he is studying. ZZ.44 ^-т-Ч-Ч Фс-Ч<2. ЧЧЧ. Не says he is not studying zl44 §-4^431 ЧЧЧ. He says he studied. ZL-g-°l -§-444 $s443L ЧЧЧ. He says he did not study. zz.44 4443J143L ЧЧЧ. He says he will study. zz.40] ^+44 &ЗЙ431 ЧЧ4. He says he won’t study. zz.40] 4МЧ31 ЧЧ4. He says he is busy. zz.40] н}МЧ «&Ч31 ЧЧ4. ZL^O] ЧЧЧ. zl^-o] н}мч &4431 ччч. zz.40] h}m^4zl ЧЧЧ. zz.40] и}иЧ &31Чз1 ччч. zl44 -&Ч 443L ччч. zl4o] €-4 ЙЧзг ччч. ^44 €-4 ЧЧЧ31 ЧЧЧ. ^44 44 ЙЧЧ31 ччч. ^44 4лЯ°1й4з1 ч-чч. Не says he is not busy. He says he was busy. He says he was not busy. He says he will be busy. He says he won’t be busy. He says he has money. He says he has no money. He says he had money. He says he had no money. He says he was a teacher.
Unit 40 394 Note: When the verb of identification -°] (*4) is in the present tense, -(o])^ is attached directly to the nouns. Study the following exampte7'' ФЧЧ-. He says he is a teacher. ^•4’4. He заУ5 ’t is a book- '^•4’4. He says it is a peach. He says it is an eraser. ^4 4. He says, ‘Let’s eat quickly.’ He says, ’Let’s study now.’ He says, ’Let’s help him.’ He says, ’Let’s swim.’ He says, ‘Let’s review.’ He says, ‘Let’s practice.’ He says, ’Let’s not go.’ (c) Propositive indirect discourse : The propositive indirect discourse is made by attaching the ending -3. 44 directly to the plain propositive form of the verb. Study the fol- lowing examples: rL«-o] 44 444. *1^ ^44з1 Ш Я4л431 444. ^44з1 444. 4^г44з1 444. £^44з1444. 44 444. (d) Imperative indirect discourse: He says, ‘Go to school.’ He says, ’Work now.’ He says, ‘Close your eyes.’ He says, ’Eat this food.’ He says, ’Don’t go.’ When we studied the imperative forms of the plain style, there were two of them, i.e., -4(~4, ~4)4 and -(-2-)a}. The latter is used with the in- direct discourse -31 44. Study the following examples : 452.4] 7}spn. 4414. 4^ 444з1 444. 4.2.431 444. °1 ^-41- 4-^4з1 444. 44 44л 44 4. (®) Polite imperative indirect discourse: The polite imperative indirect discourse is made by attaching the ending 3^L 44 directly to the plain imperative form of the verb 444 (which means ’to ask (for),’ ’to appeal,’ ’to request,’ etc.) Study the following examples: « 4 44з1 444. 4^1 4 44з1 444. -S--S- ^4 4431 444. He says, ’Turn on the light, please. He says, ‘Come home, please.’ He says, ‘Open the door, please.
nil чи 395 Notes: The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb -^4. Study the following examples: 2.^1 ^44-. He says he is teaching. ^2-чгй] 5ИЛ, He said he is teaching. Л.чг°] ^^^Л. Не did not say he is teaching. III. A.V.S. +-£ %! : We have already studied verbal nouns made with the suffix ^7], which indi- cate activity, quality, quantity, extent, or state of being, concretely (See Unit 20, Structure Notes II.) But this pattern -£• 7j, preceded directly by an action verb stem, indicates ‘the act, (the fact, manner) of doing something.’ The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘•••ing,’ the infinitive ‘to (do), ’ or ‘the thing that someone is doing.’ Examples: <е] 7^0] Vpj-Л. 7-171 7Л°1 Я°ИЛ. зйг зн iw. 71-5.*!^ 7>}< фо^Л. It’s best to take a rest. I think it’s better to help him. It’s bad to eat quickly. How about traveling? That over there is a book. He hates people who make noise. I think it’s better not to study. He likes to teach. Notes: 1. When the verbal noun made with is used as a subject, it takes the particle -7}/-o]. But when it is used as an object, it takes the particle 2. This pattern can be used with the verb of existence $1^4 or ulFb Hut it is used mostly with action verbs. DRILLS additional vocabulary to refuse, to reject to export хг<Узр4 to import sJ-rT to introduce a]j= eu} to make haste with, to hasten to boast (of), to be proud of
396 Unit 40 A. Substitution Drill 1. -л.-ё-4 34 ^<4^. 2. □L-gr-g- ^o) з. 34 4. Л.3~г 3°1 ФЗЙ4-$-. 5. 213< 3^ 7jo) ^JoU. 6. zl3> jHr 34 #$<4-3, 7- 34 #$4-3_. 8. 34 f^<U I think it’s better to help him. I think it’s better to visit him. I think it’s better to go outdoors. I think it’s better to take that away from him. I think it’s better to stir it well. I think it’s better to pour it. I think it’s better to connect it. I think it’s better to be careful. B. Substitution Drill 1. 4АИЬё- 34 <4*41-$-? 2. 34*fe 34 4^-3-? з. 34 <4^-$-? 4. 34 5, 34 6. -g-j- 7jo) 7. ZL^j- 34 4°№? 8. ZL7j-§7 ч^-Ь. TjJo] OH-S-? C. Substitution Drill 1. 4^ 34 *W444\ 2. 34 *№444. 3. 34 ^14444-. 4. хж5Ь^- 34 $4444. 5. 4^ 34 6. €•< 34 7. #4*Hr 34 ^ojoj^4e 8. ЗЗЖг 34 $4444. How about traveling ? How about skipping school ? How about skipping work ? How about coming to school late? How about leaving early ? How about locking the door ? How about (ex) changing it ? How about drying it ? It’s best to take a rest. It’s best to go without eating. It’s best to praise (him). It’s best to operate on him. It’s best to make money. It’s best to pay back the money. It’s best to be careful It’s best to refuse. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4^$^-. Student: 4^-$ 444. 1. 4*14fl-S-. 2. 43^-3, 3. 44$-3-. 4. 44$ Я. 5. 34-3, It’s warm. It’s getting warmer. 4*W-1 W. ^44. Л1^М ^<4 ^4*4.
6. V34-S-. 7. A. 8. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: a. 444 фи] 44_° Student: 3L 444 4 л] oj. She did 44-2.. 1. <*D 44-Й-. 2. 44 44.S.. 3. icafl £4-2-. 4. 44 £4.2.. 5. £44.. 6. £4 £4^-. 7. £4 £4-2.. 8. £4 £4-2-. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: ^1^°] Student: 1. 3L-g-o] 2. ££44? 3. 3L-g--g- 4. л-ё-гм -?-ч^4? 5. 44£^4? 6. °м -ади^ч? 7. ’M-g. ^-4? 8. ^44£^4? G. Pattern Drill Teacher: Student: л-ё-°| 4. 1- 3R> 2- 4£^4. 3- #o) 4">44. 4. ^£44 &-Ё-4. 5. ££i- 4-Ё-4. -44°] 4? -444431 44 I ^-444. -5-44431 44 4 4534. ^4 444. ^44. S-^sfl ^44. She became beautiful. not become beautiful. «a-?)] zjz] д «Н *41 &SM-8-. *1*] iisMA. 4°H *1*1 4-аЦ *]*| SJSMA. £4 *1*1 &44.S-. 44 *1*1 &44-S-. Й4 *1*1 444й.. What’s that ? He asks what that is. л.З-°1 #4-^431 444. 444431 444. 3i-£-£- 4&.S.431 444. зьё-44 445Si=.43i 444. 445^431 444. 4-t- i^^.431 444. 4^431 444. 3-h| 4^431 444. He is studying. He says he is studying. 3i> *li-t 444431 444. 444431 444. £o] ^>4431 444. ^ou’4*l Ste43i 444. 44-i 44431 444.
Unit 40 398 6. 44°fl 444. 7. ±.44 4 44. 8. 4-i- 04. 44°11 О 4л 444. ±44 4 44л 444. ^14- 444л 4-44. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: Л-8-4 4^° 14. Student: Л-О 40 4л 44 4. Не is a teacher. Не says he is a teacher. 1. л-О 444. . 2. л-84 44 л^4. 3. 444 тт^4 4. 444 з!4-й-£4. 5. 444 4л4. л-8-4 444л 444. л-8-4 44 Л44л 444. 444 44л4л 444. 444 Ч4-й.л4л 444. 444 4я4л 444. 6. 444 44-Е-4. 7. 444 44444. 8. °14°] Л4-Е--5-4. 444 44л 4л 444. 444 4 04 4л 444. 444 Л4-Л5-4Л 444. I. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4444. Student: 4тг44л 444. 1. 44-t- 44 2. 44-t- 44. з. 4444. 4. л-8-fr 4^-44. 5. 44 444. 6. 44 л4. 7. 44 44. 8. <4 44. Let’s practice. Не says, ‘Let’s practice.’ 444 44л 444. 441- 44л 444. 4444л 444. л-g-i- 4-8-4432. 444. 44 444л 444. -8-1- л4л 444. 8-4- 44л 444. ^4- ^4л 444. J. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4-4- Student: 44- 4 44л 444. 1- 4-4- 44 44. 2. 44- 44 44. 3. 44- 4 44. 4. 44 44 «Я 44. 5. л 4 44. 6. 44«Я 44. 7. 404 44 44. Turn on the light (for me). He says, ‘Turn on the light.’ -5-4- 44 44л 444. 4-4- 44 44л 444. 44- 4 44л 444. 44 ^4 «Я 44л 444. л4 44л 444. 44«Я 44л 444. 4О°Я 44 44л 444.
8. ^4. К. Pattern Drill Teacher: tJ-JM) 7>e}e Go to school. Student: #5M] ^cR He says> ,Go to , 1. T5"a 4 4. 2. S-g-4 44. 3. 45-44 44. 4. 4444 44. 5. 4444 44. б. <14 <1-2-4. 7. 444 44. 8. а <,’44. 4тг 44л ^44. ^44 44 Л #44. 45.44 44 л #44. 4444 #4зт_ #44. 4444 44л #44. <]< <1Л4л #44. 444 44л #44. л О 44 л #44. SHORT STORIES 1. Ч-c 44- ^<4*11-2. Z2.i£|r-]] o}o]>o] п^оц. л4И л4Ч 44л -S.. Expansion Drill 4^- n|Efe ^44fe41, °l-ol>ol oH 4 44ju 384.&. 2. 444 444 44-2-. л44 444 44 444 Ш4-2-. 44 a patient -T-4-S-4-S- 444 3:444-2.. Expansion Drill 444 444 ^4 44 444 44 444 ^44 s. 444 3144^.2.. 3. л^о] ^г-Т-Чл. 444 44°14ai $4-2.. -2-^ 444< ^44431 38 4-2.. ^44 444 4-T-442. 384-2.. Expansion Drill ЛН.О] ^Цл 444 444H 4^-44 4444ai 384 £ ле«4 444 4-444^ 3H-2-.
Unit 40 400 READING aUMMfe t>4< 4ЧМ1 i-f- q-Aj 5^ t>4<- «44-4 *W 7-№ 44. >44 4^4 #4 >4444. °17Л> £• 4hH a <- ^4451 $>44. з.ЧА1 4€- W 4з1 ^.g. Ч*+. MM 4 4 ° >^4^4 4. 4} ’d’ii 4 7}u| £q] ^д.д rz.44 cH M- 4ЛЗМ zi±L°l 4 5-*4 4 #»?< $>44. орд-а- £ M<4 Ч Md>44. МММ МММ М$>44. M-i^- 4 Ч-^-ЧЧ W1 -Mpji- 444 № $>44. (ЧЧ) M a village schoolhouse Chinese characters £-444 to give (someone) a hard time one day A} a] one’s self, oneself *1? constantly, continuously 4 carelessly, at random to doze 1}O1 #4 to fall asleep 4M44 to defend oneself from (an accusation) to awaken, to wake (someone) up -4 Wi in order to, with the intention of 4^4 4 to give (someone) a >4 Confucius scolding BRIEFING In the old days we taught Chinese characters at the village schoolhouse. Usually, when children became five years old, they started to learn Chinese characters. One day a certain student kept dozing. He finally fell asleep. The teacher who saw it said, ‘Wake him up.’ So another student woke him up. The teacher scolded the student who had slept. The teacher said he would give him a hard time if he fell asleep once more. However, the following day the teacher himself was so tired that he fell asleep. The students who saw it laughed. The teacher made an excuse to the students. He said that he had gone to see Confucius in order to teach them better.
Unit 41 401 UNIT 41 Д Traffic Accident BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE Ч-Ч- a traffic accident to occur a close shave, by a hair’s breadth 2] 1.0^] Aj-JLZ]- 4*14 4 2. M- ^59^ ! T7} 44 4-ё 4«S4 4-3171 4 A traffic accident occurred yesterday. I nearly died. to get hurt Something terrible nearly happened. Nobody got hurt seriously, did they ? fortunately a driver 3. Ч-'с- ЧЧЧ Fortunately, I didn’t get hurt seriously. А, 7] a]-7]- Vjo] 4 But the driver did. зЙ-S, 4 a hospital 4 « 4- 7]x]-i. в^<Я] йИЛ? Is the driver in the hospital now ? 5. 6. 'У Л^с-ll JL-g-0] oj Yes, that’s right. But I don’t know what «)• A].J7 tr||.g-o]] s <5J We really are in trouble because of tra: fic accidents. happened to him. *1 fic accidents.
402 Unit 41 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. 4 4s depending on the context or situation, can have many diffe meanings. It is an intransitive verb which always takes the subject particle y\/ -°]. Study the following examples : ' ' <4 ^л1|7} kW-S.. ^0] 7)3H ЪйНЧ-Й-. Зр} #О)Д. 1^)1, A traffic accident happened. A fire broke out. It smelled good. A rumor got abroad. He got sick. He had a cough. I was angry. The thought occurred to me. means ‘by a close shave,’ ‘by the skin of one’s teeth,’ ‘on the verge (brink) of.’ It is used normally with the pattern -s(-g-) (See this Unit, Structure Notes I.) 2. t7} is an indefinite pronoun meaning ‘somebody,’ (See Unit 8, Notes 2 on the Basic Sentences). means ‘to get hurt,’ ‘to be injured,’ ‘to be wounded,’ ‘to receive an injury,’ etc. Study the following examples: He was badly wounded. Or: He was seriously injured. I hurt my leg. З14] Be careful not to get hurt. 3. jrjl?]is a modern word meaning ‘a driver (of a car, taxi, bus),’ whereas means ‘an engineer (of a train),’ ‘an operator (of a machine).’ Old words are or But is used more often than ^*41 ^r. STRUCTURE NOTES L — - Sentence-Final Ending-в(» цнздср.. ; ‘almost (did)’ The pattern-e(j-) is used to jndicate that an actiOn or event had almost occurred. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘(someone or it) nearly (did so-and-so),’ ‘-barely missed (doing so-and-so),’ ‘-just barely escaped (doing so-and-so),’ ‘-came close to (doing so-and-so).’
Unit 41 403 Examples : e «а M' $зэ<>1л $33^-^. О) $38^A. $38^-3-. SLoJofl zj- OH-S-. -ИИ % $38<И-8-. zl $44 $384Л -£ < $38$Л $384-3-. Ш4 6]z} ZL#^5L 4i- $ЗВ4Л Something serious almost happened. I nearly died. I almost lost this book. I almost forgot about it. I almost went to Germany. I nearly didn’t get to go to Germany. I came very close to marrying her. Or: I almost married her. I nearly missed him. 1 nearly had a hard time. I almost won (a game). Or: I came close to winning. I came close to fighting with him. Notes: This pattern is used always in the past tense. It goes well with the word 4 44$ ’by the skin of one’s teeth,’ ‘by a hair’s breadth.’ The pattern is used mostly with action verbs. However, some excepti take description verbs. Here are some examples: %'e' $384-3-. I was almost late. $384-3-. It might have been good. 4$^- $3J<^_S_. It was almost dangerous. $3JJ <$_£., It came close to being troublesome. -г $384 is used after verb stems ending in a vowel ; $334 is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. 1. 2. 3. П» The Indirect Question Ending -x|/-4 • The ending -x] (or -/]•) is preceded always by a modifier suffix : ( or -г (-§•). It indicates an uncertain fact or occurrence. This pat (or -?)•), when used with a modifier suffix, is followed usually by v such as ’to know,’ ’to not know,’ 444 ‘to tell,’ Я4 ’to forget,’ *Я444 ‘to remember,’ to remember,’ etc. Examples: 1 #4 JM-3-. I don’t know what it is. Do you know who he is ? Please ask him if he is a student.
Unit 41 404 —7 -3-0] <>]c]Oj7] П^°] -g-7] *^7] *u 3}o] f-M -М-Я-.. jl^o] olo] ZL^o] S]^*l >^. ^•7} ^44-*] #°Kk. SL-fro] *]-5W] 1-^ -M-S-. ZLg-o] t^of] 7j-$^-7] 1H -M&. ГГ-grO] ^7] 0} J2JHH Z1 °Jo] <И^тЦ <7] opyq^? *]J5. 7jo] <-g-7] Please tell me where that place is I don’t know whether it’s expensive n cheap. r I don’t know whether it’s big or small Please ask him which one is better. I forgot how much it is. I don’t know what happened to him. I don’t remember who came. Please ask him if he went to school. Please ask him if he will go to school. I don’t know whether he will do it or not. Do you know how that work will turn out ? I don’t know which one will be better. Notes: 1- ~u (£) Д1 is used with description verbs in the present tense, and with -°] СФ in the present tense. (-*-7] is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -gr*] is used after verb stems ending in a consonant). 2. In all other cases, --£7] is used. 3. -e (-j-) is used either with action verbs or description verbs. (-5 7] is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; --8~7] is used after verb stems ending in a consonant). 4. -^r7| is interchangeable with - г (-8-) 7], making no difference in mean- ing. Study the following examples: ZL-g-o] 7}$^.7] £.5.^0]^.. . ... M , I don t know if he will go. Zbg-o] 7^1 5. The ending -7] is used more frequently than -7\ in colloquial speech. It can be followed directly by particles such as -</--8-, --£•/-£, or Z^- Study the following examples: t^o] ^g-71-f- ^-cy| Please ask him which is better. t7]- •$—7]^- 5LJL j don’t know who came. drills ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY to marry 14 to be necessary
Unit 41 405 5-sj-u} to make an effort to seize, to grasp, to clasp A. Substitution Drill i. e °j M- 2. ^<4-3-. 3. °1 4. д- 5. n <444 ^<4-3_. 6. rL-g-g- Д- < 7. ^5M-3_. 8. Ш4 <44 ^ЗМ-3-. 9. rL-g-gj-^i 44r *?13S<4_3_. 10. Ш4 4 ФЗИ-З., В. Substitution Drill 44^4 to write down, to take dictation *1444 to pass by, to go past e»4 to be right, to be correct A terrible thing almost happened. I nearly died. I almost lost this book. I almost didn’t get to go to Germany. I came close to marrying her. Or: I almost married her. I almost couldn’t see him. I almost had a hard time. I almost won (a game). Or: I came close to winning. I came close to fighting with him. I almost lost (a game). I don’t know whether he is a teacher or a student. 2. ^gs]0J7l 44^1 °J 4 Jg.s.^<4-3-. 3. 44°J*1 4. W°J*1 444°J4 JE-S-SM-S., 5. W°J*1 6. 44°J7I je.^4<4-3_. 7. 4-&.oJ°J*l 4-$-°J°J7l 8. ^JjLOj*] 37-§-^nL<d7l -3-. C. Substitution Drill 1. -t-7-14-4 длзЖ 2. 44 4 ^-£4 JE.54H.3_. 3. °^*1 JE.5.3W-3-. I don’t know whether it’s a farewell party or a welcoming party. I don‘t know whether he’s a medical doctor or a professor. I don’t know whether it’s true or false. I don’t know whether it’s a drugstore od a bookstore. A I don’t know whether it’s a factory ofl company. I don’t know whether it’s Mond^^H Tuesday. I don’t know whether it’s a school or a high school. I don’t know whether it’s heavy I don’t know whether it’s s^Rpn insipid. I don’t know whether it’s dee^^^Bal low.
Unit 41 406 i 1 4. -т-^-g-^l V-g-^l 5. %*] JtsH -2--S-3H-2.. 6. Ejel-M -S-.S3M.S.. 7. ЙзИ 8. sb§-*| H-T-^l -е-Э-зМ-З.. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: >4— 31 °] Student: Td°] <-£-*] IM 1 Y7? £КгЧ 1 2 . Y7h eKr1-] ?] ? 3. Л.-§-о] Jp^.ojv]7]-? 4. Л-g-o] 5. .STg-o] -S4J3J44? 6. ? 7. ? 8. -т-84-8- ibr^vk)-? E. Pattern Drill Teacher: Y7? ? Student: Y7} ^JY7] 7J^471 &°u. i. -^-i- ww 2. ‘H'^l з. $ 717J 4. О 53^^-? 5. cdY] 6. YY^- YaIYY Ч ? 7. 8. YY Sl^t- 5S^44? I don’t know whether it’s thick or thin (paper). I don’t know whether it’s long or short. I don’t know whether it’s clean or dirty. I don’t know whether it’s wide or nar- row. I don’t know whether it’s bright or dark. Which one is better ? Please ask him which one is better. YY #YY Y7)- -ft-YY <<4 2M-S-. YYY7] Ш. YYYY It0! ¥•£• A°J°J X1 l-'H -М-Я, xjjiel-g-T:] -f-o| <HtM /Ml $-&*! iH f-H swu. Who came ? I don’t remember who came. 'ysd-^7! ''F-t’-H #eM-. 7M4-71 U°bS-. X17J 7Р-Ы71 SM-S- Я-Srx] 7M471 7M-S-. AWVP1 U0!--2-. Tit DJyt-&7l ZM4-71 2H-2-. Y-a^7i 7M4-7i Y7} SMI- 51 -e-*] ЛМЧ71 Й0}-2-
unit 41 407 F. Pattern Drill Teacher: л-g-o] лл^^д. I don’t know if he will go. Student: л-g-o] Q*] ЛЛ^о)д I don’t know if he will go. 1. 4^7]- 12^6, 2. «Нтз-7] 3. ЧНг^-с^] ЛЛ^НЛ. 4. ЛЛ^<НЛ. 5. °M-i- 6. ago] ЛЛ^<НЛ. 7. -g-4- -Е-Л^ИА. 8. n-g-o] -g-^e^-fe-7] ЛЛ^НА.. ^71 £ Jgx] 3^-8- ЛЛЗМ-Й.. ЛЛЗМ-Й.. "3-1- *1-1-71 £ = fl<U °141- 4!i-7] ЛЛЗИА. Л^-О] ЛЛ^-^Л. uJ^lM Лё-ЯИ-Й, ^c’l -e-7J^7] ЛЛЗМ-Й-. G. Pattern Drill Teacher: <=4л з}°] <-&-7] ЛЛ^^А. I don’t know which is better. Student: <Нл ЛЛЗИА. I don’t know which will be better. < 1. л-g-o] ЛЛЗИА. 2. n-g-o] 413}^] ЛЛ5НА. 3. ЛЗИ -Е-с-ЗМ ЛЛ^.°1А. 4. Jl-g-Ч ^^tl-7] ЛЛ^ИА. 5. Л-g-o] 7bfe-7] ЛЛЗН-А. 6. 7| ofl £zfs|-^7] ЛВ.ЯН.Й.. 7. -т-7]- «Нврлу] 8. -т-7]- ^7] ЛЛЗНА. л-g-o] ^4^-7] лл^1<нл. Л-g-o] ^1 ^^-7] ЛЛЗИ^-Й.. Л31о] -g-g4f7] ЛёЗН-Й.. ^^7] ЛЛЗМ-Я.. rtg-o] 7^-у] ЛёЗЗНА. 3 7]о|] Л^7] ЛЛЗНЛ -т-71- ял-^^-а.. -т-7)- >7] ЛЛЗМА. н. Pattern Drill Teacher: <Й1 2 3 4 5 6 7 84<Йя1 Please tell me how much it is. Student: x^^-k- I forgot how much it is. 1. ^^71] Я^-7] ^MA. Й-С-7] 2. ->7). <>№^7] ^«Ц ^MIA. -v7!- ‘M’-S-tS-c-7! ’У'Н’Я^-З-. 3. -T-71- ^£-$-£-71 nJ-ЛгЦ Л -T-7]- <-f-$-c-7] 4. и)7} л^0] ist-fe-7! <НС171' al#0! vJ-c-7] x°i'Я51 °1 -&..
Unit 41 408 5. ^4# тЧ№4 б. чнм ^д. 7. jM#t4 ЧММ ^*U. 8. -т-йЧг #£г4 -т’'41-fl.. •¥-<a-i- -M#4 444 ^4-Й.. -Y-4-S- ##-£4 "5{44#4Д. -^4-8- £й|#-&4 44444-9.. •V-^-t- 44#-&4 *У44#4Д. SHORT STORIES 1. 44 JjL-f- A}5L7} #4-2-. з. “J ##4-2-. 4# 4 oj-^-ь 444 &#4-2-. Expansion Drill 43] jjLf. Л}Л7]. 44 -S- # # ##£•< 4#4 o^£ 44^] U#4-2-. 2. 4] 444 ЗПЛН #4-2-. 44 a watch 4# rM- 444 зьВДЯ] -i-4 J2-41-2-. 444 Й—44, 4 1-##^-. Expansion Drill 4 444 #.*-44 4 u- 4°J4 #4 2MI-2. 43] 7} й-^-44, # l-^-S-. 3. n-g-4 44 -M43. #4.2.. ^-44- 4 47J4 <-4 s.s.#4^-. sfl44# 4-3- ^>4 47J 4444 UeU. Expansion Drill ^4 t 4^1 ^-#4jx #44, 4] 444] -1-4 3-^4i. «И 444 44 .a^-4 44 4444 ?^4Д. READING 4 4 444 ^14^44. 4^ 44 4#^^] £-4 4#61 4^44. 3izfl4 44M4 31 4#^- 4-a] <4##тг44. 4#^°1 4#44 4 5ИИ4 4^4x #^44. д4Ч4 44^ 444 4#4 #4-й #<егЧ4. 4##°] 7]7]- ##^44-. iF-4-M-i- 4#з=-4д1 <#^44, t|-Ajo] ##4j1 44$ ^44. 3144 44М4 -5-4#4за. 444-i- #— Ч=я #44 44. 444 4^4 44#^44. 44 #-4М44 #4
Unit 41 409 нН- <U°1 al—Чей. e] Siq-JL адчд. т 4- after that, thereafter to go by, to pass therefore, so A7] self, oneself 717\ 4- to be stifled, to be at a loss (for words) when I asked (him) BRIEFING After that, a few days passed. The student who had previously had a hard time from the teacher slept again. So, the teacher scolded him again. The teacher asked him why he was sleeping in the classroom. The student said that he had also gone to see Confucius. The teacher was at a loss for words. So, the teacher asked him if he had met Confucius. The student answered that he had met Confucius. So the teacher asked him what he had talked about with Confucius. The student answered that he had asked Confucious, “Have you ever met my teacher ?" But Confucius said, ‘I’ve never met your teacher, even once.’
410 Unit 42 UNIT 42 0(1 тг Preparation BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 1. <>ВД 2. ^5. *№. -^*F4 3. J-гМ тИ «ВД $3L> #0] B., 4}ol I Ш these days how How do you study at home these days? mainly to prepare (one’s lesson) *1 Generally, I do a lot of prepeation work, to be important so that you won’t forget to review Preparation is important. But please review a lot so that you won’t forget the lessons. vocabulary to memorize to be difficult, to be tough *4 4- I review too. But it’s most difficult to -» -1 -i memorize the vocabulary. to practice reading practice 5. Do you also practice reading ? *4 6‘ > Sure! But I still don’t know how to read = sf-S- well.
411 де NOTES ON THE BASK SENTENCES means (1) 'mainly.' 'chiefly.' 'primarily.' (2) ‘mncH . ., part.1 'generally.* etc. Study the following examples: У‘ °Г Koreans mainly eat boiled rice I study mainly English at home lhe ™ № are means‘to prepare one's lesson.' 1 means‘beforehand.' ‘to prepare' 'to make ready/ Study the following words: ‘to anticipate/ ‘to presume/ ‘to estimate* ‘to book in advance/ ‘to make a reservation’ <t0 predict/ ‘to prophesy/ ‘to foretell' ‘to arrange beforehand/ ‘to plan' ‘to presuppose/ ‘to make an estimate of 3. 4тг5Й means ‘to review (one's lessons)/ ‘to go over (through).’ means ‘to repeat/ ‘to come back/ Study the following words : ’ ^^4 ‘to return (to a former condition)/ ‘to be restored (to an original state)' ‘to reproduce/ ‘to duplicate' ‘to resume office/ to be reinstated to one's former position* I ‘to memorize' is a dialect which is used in kyangki, kangwan, Ch ‘ungch‘ ang and Kyangsang provinces. /Ф4 ‘to memorize' is a standard language. However, is used more often than ^*4 in colloquial speech. МЧ means (1) ‘to be laborious (strenuous, toilsome, troublesome, tough)/ (2) ‘to be hard (difficult). ‘ Study the following examples: ^<4 Qj-g. OJO]J -^£*44 means ‘to practice/ ‘to drill,' ‘to train, i lowing examples: w?i $ 1 ТИА. M -e^u. I find it hard to live. It's hard to work. That work is not particularly difficult. He is doing a tough job. in? 'to rehearse (a play).' Study We began training. She is practicing piano. You will improve by practice. You lack training (practice).
412 Unit 42 STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Sentence-Final Ending-OK-°1. ~°D : ‘finish up doing’ The verb *4^*4 means (1) ‘to finish up,’ ‘to get through,’ ‘to get (it) done,' (2) ‘to throw away,’ ‘to cast away.’ The pattern -°} (-<4,—~°j) js attached directly to the stems of action verbs, and indicates completion or thoroughness. The English equivalent of this pattern is finish up doing,’ ’do completely (thoroughly).’ Examples: «I ’Я'Я ol *4 «lel^-S-. <E1 «Я BleH-a., л} ЛМ д. <м] н]г]л)]Д. Ч-т4 Wi Я-'Я 'ЯЗЛ-Й-. 'УЧ 4^4-2-. I will finish eating this food. I used up all the money. I’ll read this book completely. Please finish (up) quickly. I finished at one o’clock. Please finish (writing) the letter quickly. The tree fell and died (completely). I lost that book. I completely forgot about it. Notes: 1. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb not in the main verb with Study the following examples: r} ^<4 Please finish up washing all of them. I finished up washing all of them. I’ll finish up washing all of them. I didn’t finish up washing all of them. I won’t finish up washing all of them. $°ж U). 2. -°]- is used after -°}- and -JL- ; -°1 is used after any other vowel; is used after a verb. II. The Non-Final Ending -5.Д---- : ‘so that---’ । The pattern depending on the context or situation, can have s different meanings. First of all, let’s study this pattern Д-_ when it1П^ cates‘purpose,’ or‘aim.’ The English equivalent is‘so that-’ in оГ^е •••/ ‘in such a way that---.’
< "t 5J54 °]el5. 7}х]з7 д Л11Д. #.£-4 <2] Ш. ^O] i-g-S] iHl. «П >-4- 4 5d£4 rM «Лиц 4 4|Д. nel °J°] eJcH’-H &-£4 £ZJ431 Й<Н H]&|X] ^£4 71-И}-0|] ^-МЛ а-8-Ч -S-^-S- *г 515-4 -g-fr Please review a lot so that you won’t forget (the lessons). Bring that here so that I can see it. Please go quickly so that you won’t be late. Please be quiet so that he can sleep. Please talk in a loud voice so that I can hear you. I’ll be careful so that such a thing won’t happen. Please pack these in the suitcase so that we won’t lose them. Please open the door so that he can come in. ^-М-й-. Note: This pattern may be used with any verb, except -°] (4~). III. The Sentence-Final Ending I ‘(someone) knows (doesn’t know) how. to do’ " We have already studied the sentence-final ending т л1Й~> which indicates ability, capability, or possibility, (See Unit 18. Structure Notes II.) This pattern -e«X 4/Jg-g. is used to indicate knowledge and/or lack of knowledge of a technique, or process for doing some activity. Examples : W 1-eU. 7}.H й] < 0)^4? л] °1 < Ш. He doesn’t know how to swim. Do you know how to speak Korean ? I don’t know how to speak Korean. I know how to sing Korean songs. He doesn’t know how to teach. Do you know how to repair a car ? I don’t know how to smoke. I didn’t know how to dance. I don’t know how to type. I don’t know how to open this door. Notes: 1- The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb not in the
Unit 42 414 main verb with -e«) <. Study the following examples: I know how to speak Korean. I knew how to speak Korean. I don’t know how to speak Korean I didn’t know how to speak Korean 2. -5 < °j;4- is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; -< < ‘У:1} is used after verb stems ending in a consonant. IV. -s. Irregular Verbs : Most verbs which have a -g. as the final syllable of the stem should not be confused with irregular verbs which end with the fianl consonant -г of the stem, (See Unit 19, Structure Notes I.) 1. The final syllable -g- of the stem, when followed by the vowel -<H and preceded by the vowels -°}- or is changed into *4. Then the con- sonant -г is added to the preceding syllable. Study the following exam- ples : 4-g.u} ‘to carry,’ ‘to transport’ °] 444 444. You must carry this luggage. 44^44. I carried this luggage. *1 44 Try to carry this luggage g-g-Ч- ‘to be unaware of’ =!$£ -f-44 444. You shouldn’t know it. 4. I didn’t know it. <-4я >4-s.. It’s alright even if you don’t know it. 4i irregular verbs preceded by the vowel -Oh or -Я- : 4s (4) to divide H}g_(v}) to stick, to paste SS(4) to choose to rise, to go up 4s(4) to carry ^}g(v}) to cut (off) 4s (4) to be thirsty, 4-g-(4-) to be different to get dry Ч^-(Ч-) to be fast ss(4) to be unaware of 2. The final syllable of the stem, when followed by the vowel and preceded by any other vowel than -о}- or -A-, is changed into Then the consonant is added to the preceding syllable. Study the f°' lowing examples: -1—4 ‘to bring up,’ ‘to foster’ Ila Please try bringing up a child-
Unit 42 415 °}°]lb O}O]< ZJ^O]: O}O]< >O)-^ -g irregular verbs preceded 541 (Ч-) to roll (over) 7] S-(4-) to bring up to oppress 4-^-(Ч-) to surround 5^(4-) to call, to sing I brought up a child. You must bring up a child. You may bring up a child. by any other vowel than -of- or -2,- : 4^-(4) to reach 445.(4) to commit (an error) (4) to fumble with *1—(4) to pierce (4) to flow DRILLS additional vocabulary fflf—4 to be fast —44 to be slow 4—4 to carry ±3.4 to flow 4 3.4 to bring up 4—4 to divide A. Substitution Drill 1. 4fe =^4V < >4-й.. 2. лгН l-V-j < 1-4-й-. 3. 4fe 4VV < >4A. 4. 4^ V l-4-й-. 5. 4fe 44 V < >4-й.. 6. 44V < 44-Й-. 7. 44 4вЦ< 44 > 44-й-. 8- 44 44 4 V 44-й-. В. Substitution Drill 1- 4 444 44 44314-й.. 2. 44 4 4 44314-й-. 3- 4 ail 4 44 44314-й, 4. V4 44314-й.. 5. V 44 <4 44314-й, 6- £4< V4 4 44314-2, 7. 4 Ajjo) B)e]^4.S.. 8- ^-44 44 44314-2, I don’t know how to swim. I don’t know how to seize it. I don’t know how to refuse. I don’t know how to introduce (him). I don’t know how to boast. I don’t know how to serve. I don’t know how to smoke. I don’t know how to dance. I’ll finish this food. I’ll use up all the money. I’ll read this book all the way through. I’ll finish it (up) quickly. I’ll finish at one o’clock. I’ll finish (writing) the letter quickly. I’ll finish up washing all of them. I’ll forget about it completely.
Unit 42 416 C. Response Drill Teacher: 7Pf-*Hr -2-^ < Do you know how to repair a car ? Student: op-1-A, Ir^-S-. No, I don’t know how to repair a car. i. т-4- ## < °mia? 44^, -E--4- 2. « « < »НД? op-U, <-4- < 1-sU. 3. <-4-# > oMA? °WS., '1'4‘ # Ф aM.3.. 4. aL7]f-^i-<oH^-? Л71* n^. < -g-spa,. 5. ТЦЗР4- £-4- > йИ^-? «Ml, ^-4- #-4- < i-apa. 6. A}3)f < OMU? 0}ЧД, 44< < -g-aps.. 7. •4-3'U -t °H.a? «МА. < -4-apa. 8. 1-4- #°J < OH-S-? «МА, 's"4‘ steJ # S'apa. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: #opa. You don’t forget if you review the lessons. Student: н|г]я] Please review so that you don’t forget (the lessons). 1. <=] 7]->й 2. ’И-Рч! °J44--S-. 3. spa o)o) 4. iJH*pa 41 *u. 5. «к чм 6. «.’а ам.9-. 7. -&< чрй а-g- «РИЛ в. ’So] чы-'й Е. Pattern Drill Teacher: Ч°1< 7]f-v)cp Student: <>Н< 1- y~fr1-l ср 2. «|«р]7]- ира-чч-. 3. rz.7j^. i-g-quE 4. -pf-qcp 5. 6. n^jo] cpf-qq.. x*] $.£> 7Ml .a. чмч-s* *и-мд. =p 41s* ^-§-*1 «МД 41 £4 kMPU и|* ЧМ f«lAU ^•4- <r 41-£> -’Й-М*. £-4- t1 41s.* вИ-й-. 41S--4- 4}s.^|A. I’m raising a child. I brought up a child. Ht <31^44. H|«J7]7]- -8-5^Ч4. ±41 #51^4 q. ,4Й^Ч4. чКРн^<4.
Unit 42 417 7. >°1 044. 8. ^4-8- 4-8-44. >°1 >044. *4044. F. Integration Drill (Review) Teacher: ^->°1 >44. 7|г}г)А|Л, He is coming. Wait. Student: rt-g-o] 444 7] 4sH.fi. Wait until he comes. 1. °] °J> BHM4 &4 3H-S-. 2. ^->ol >°l->44. 3. ^>4 4H >44. 714г]л||Л 4. W EW. О 8-МД. 5. Л.-ё-°1 4431,5.. 6. П-ё-О] 7fl>44. »3|.S.. 7. 7)17} 4»44. 7)4431-5.. 8. 4 4 4 4 >4 4. 0431.5.. °1 4> x 44*1 o^o]. язи. л-ё-о] 447] у.з]д. Л-ёЧ 4°1 > 44*1 7)444.5.. ш 4>*i о зизи. л-ё-о] зг>4 44*1 <y44.fi.. Л>о) ’Hi- пЦ^-7] 3)7)- 444 444 7)444^. 4 4 4 л!> 44*1 4тг431-2.. G. Integration Drill (Review) Teacher: 44°)] >44. 4МЧ4. I come to Korea. I see him. Student: 443) > 444 ’ЙМ‘44. Every time I come to Korea, I see him. 1. 3-ЧЧ. 4W44. 2. -M- >44. 7144 044. 3. ^si-^44. ^°11 4 314144. 4. 44< 444. 4^044. 5. ЧЧоЦ >44. >4444. 6. *14444. °1:4444. 7. 4<44. 44444. 8. ^s)444. 44444. О > 444 °Нг 44444. » # 444 Ч-ё-о) 044. 444 444 44 4 31444. ^14-8-4 444 ЛПО44. 4 7] 4 > 444 44-444. *144 444 44444. °1-< 444 44444. as]4 чЦч].!} 44444. Н. Integration Drill (Review) Teacher: о) 4> 44044. 7]>o) 4044. I began this work. I felt bad. Student: «) 4> 444 4>4 7)-g-<>] 4044. From the time that I began this work, I felt bad. I- 4044. 44044. 4 > 44 3) >4 ‘14044.
Unit 42 418 2. Ч4тгЧ4. «И7} 4-5bff44. ЧЧ< Ч< "ИЗ «И 7} Ч#£Ч4. 3. •a-fr ЧЧ5!^Ч4. 4^^Ч4. °J< ЧЧЧ 4-т-Ч 44^44. 4. JiL^ofl -8-44^44. Чз4$^Ч4. 5E4M -g-4-4- 4-т-Ч Ч^ЧЯ£Ч4. 5. з.£Ч 4^44. ЗМ- 4тгЧ4. ^s-0] -а- ц-’г-ч зи 4<Ч4. 6. ЧЧ$£Ч4. вЦ7} л#<44. ^-М- ЧЧЧ "И-9-Е1 вр> л#£ЧЧ. 7. 3.-S-4 Ч\НгЧ4. <7] ЧЧ$тгЧ4. л-ё-о] ч< ц^ы <71 чч?нч4. 8. ЧЧ< ЧЧЗНЧЧ-. ччзджчч. ЧЧ< ЧЧЧ ЧЧ-Ч 4МЯЫ^Ч4. I. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: °|7jo] 37j« ЧЧЧ-8-. This is as difficult as that. Student: ЧЧЧ 3.7$-S-4 444-S-. This is more difficult than that. 1. Ч7]7} чччи- ЧЧЛ 2. 4 *U4 4^4-3-. 3. Ч ЧЧ ЧЧ<- MI4.S-. 4. ч&ч Ч-ЧЧЛ 5. Ч7]7} 444^- i-MX 6. -2.-S-4 чч^ 7. °|-£Ч з-Ч-Ч^- ЧЧЧ-&-. 8. ЧЧЧ 3-44> <A4-S-. 47] 7} 7-] 71^.4- ЧЧД. ч ЧЧ 3. 422-4 4^4^. о] Hj-o] п. Ч-й-Ч а!4-й-. Ч«-Ч 3.<^Ч Ч-4Ч-8-. 47] 71- 7-]7]J±4 a-g-4-S-. ^44 ЧЧ22-Ч- ^гЧ-S, Ч£Ч 3L-g-2i4- ЧЧЧ--8-. o|7jo] п^-й-Ч- <A4]-S.. SHORT STORIES 1. 4^ <4*8^44-. £ 4 ^<4 7H5L #<44. ^4 sufficiently, fully, n.^14] 4 4 Ч31тгЧ4. satisfacton У Expansion Drill , 4^5. <4^ 4|, ^£*1 7}7]jL #^41, 4 45^44.
Unit 42 419 2. -й/s1 ЧЧ4 ЦЧ 4 «“4 #<>№.. 444 44 44- 4Ч>Ч ЧЧЧ 7^е]^ o^-g. Expansion Drill ЧЧ4 44 Ч^Ч «Ж, 4ЧЧ ЧЧ si-Ь 4Ч<Ч ^ —Ч4, ЧЧЧ ЧЧЧ ^-5.4 з. л-ё-ч <44i ЗЧ# > if-ЧЧ. ^i4i Ч ЗсЧ’ИЧ 44 Ч. ЧЧ ЧЧЧ-i 2пЧЧЧ ^ЧЧ. Expansion Drill л-ё-о] o]-7]i % 4 > ii44, -т-Ч^Ч^ ч ^ч«и 4 4ЧЧ. ЧЧ ЧЧЧ-£ ^ччч зчч. READING гн-4-а- 4 Ч 4^ ЧЧЧЧЧ. 4в-Ч-^ Ч£4 44» ^5- ^»ЧЧ. Ч-В-Ч -ё-^-а- Ч-Т-Ч 4451»Ч4. 4» ЧзаЧ ч ч чч ч^чч. ^-Ч i чч <ччч-ь 4^-а- ччч. ч-ь ЧЧЧ4 ^-т-Ч Ч-Ь 44°1 ИтгЧЧ. ^-44 44 44-S- ЧЧЧ Ч°1 Ч Ч4-Ч U444. ЧЧЧ4 4$4ЧЧ. 44 ЧЧЧ. Л.ЧЧ Ч-в-Ч-в- §}4ЧЧ. 4°l-^4i ЧЧЧ. гхЧЧ 44- 4444 4 if-ЧЧ. ^-44 4°НИ< 44 ЧЧЧЧЧ. ЧЧЧ 44i 44 44 444Ч. 44 444 44 44 44 444 (4 £1 ЧЧЧ. 44 intonation dictation pattern rules of spelling 44 (self-) confidence a mess, (in) bad shape, ЧЧ4Ч to be stifled a ruin, a wreck to be choked up 444 among, between Ч4Ч-8- 314 44 4 composition to falter over 43- composition (a passage) BRIEFING It has been about 3 months since I began to study Korean. In the beginning, I studied pronunciation and intonation. After that, I began to study patterns.
Unit 42 420 и are for class. After I come back home, I review. Before I go to schoo P confident. However, when I meet Korean When I study with my so {rustrated that I could die. Sometimes 1 do people, I can’t speak we * j dictation, also. But I don’t know the reading practice, also~ dictationi it-s terrible. I have a lot of homework „,es of spells ’"“'JXwork, the most difficult is composition. everyday. Vi an u®
Unit 43 421 UNIT 43 4-ЕгЦ You Look Tired BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE -й-о1’4 HrM 1. -Й-Ч-2-. «И ^г-т-^-З- ? н4 2. ->71] 2W4 о]^ 3. -т-33-i- *Н:ьеКн., ^-S-? Op]^S]-J7 Ч 4. ^«tul °fl 71 2Н-3-. 5. s^sF-L «ЧД? л] 4 6. a little to be tired to be seen, to be visible last night «У You look a little tired. Did you go to bed late last night ? -d Yes. I went to bed late, so I’m very tired today. °J What were you doing that you went to bed late ? with my friend because I was talking -d Because I was talking with my friend, I went to bed late. because you are tired Do you think you can study today although (because) you are tired ? I’m tired, but *d I’m tired, but I’ll study.
Unit 43 422 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES । jA-5-44 means ‘to be tired,’ ‘to be fatigued, to be exhausted. Its synonyms are 45.44 and 51444. Study the following examples: I’m tired to death. Or: I’m so tired that I could die. s|.5.sM 3 I’m t0° tire<1 to eat- -S-°J44. You look tirec*- 5.0] 4 : When it’s used as an intransitive verb meaning ‘to be seen,’ ‘to be visible,’ ‘to come in sight,’ it takes the subject particle -4/-°l. But when it is used as a transitive verb meaning ‘to show,’ ‘to let (someone) see,’ it takes the object particle -<•/-&-. Study the following examples: 444 4^4 4 5-4-3-. The school can be seen very well from here. 444 5.4-fe- 34 45H-S-. 43-fr 48- 4444 5.°] 4 of 44. I lived in sight of the Han River. He is out of sight these days. Please show me that. You should not show this to others. •2-ir H-g-°] 5-44 $°KS.. 444 5.4 4M4.. STRUCTURE NOTES !• The Sentence-Final Ending -OK-Oj, -o|) : 'someone (or something) looks (appears, seems)' The pattern -°Н-Я, -°j) is attached directly to the stems of description verbs, and indicates likeness, resemblance, or similarity. This pattern is never preceded by the object particle —1- —=r. Instead, it takes the subject particle the contrast particle or -J£. ‘also,’ depend- ing on the context. Examples: ш. 3L-S-4 ^°1 ЛЯД. °] 4}-°] Я di «У 44. ^44. He looks like a kind man. He looks fat. He looks healthy. He looks happy. This room seems to be big. You look cold.
Unit 43 423 He doesn’t look young. That seems to be delicious. Notes: 1. The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final verb not in the main verb with -<4 (-<>], _й.о|Л. io]*] 2. -0} is after -<4- and ; ~°i). Study the following examples : You look healthy. You don’t look healthy. You looked healthy. You didn’t look healthy. is used after any other vowel; -<4 is used after a ^(4-) verb. II. The Non-Final Ending -cj4 '• The pattern -^4 is used when a speaker recalls (or recollects) past facts, occurrences, or experiences. The final (main) clause, preceded by the -r-jv-) clause, describes an immediate consequence or discovery resulting from an action. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘so •••, ’ ‘when •••, ‘ ‘but •••, ’ etc. 1. The pattern when used with the past tense infix, refers only to the first person in the dependent clause. Study the following examples: *i\t w-n, #0] п]г]7}- ^3201] oH-SL 4]7> A. *11^4 (I recall that) because I studied until late last night, I feel tired. (I recall that) I drank too much, so I’ve got a headache. (I recall that) I went to school, but no one was there. (I recall that) I danced, so everybody laughed. Since I’ve had a nice rest, I feel good. (I recall that) I didn’t prepare the les- sons, so I don’t know well. 2. But the pattern -t~l 4» when used in the present*tense, refers to the sec- ond or third person. Study the following examples: TlHliL. (I saw) he was sleeping, but now h^ is studying. 1 (I saw) it was snowing and now itfl ’ turned warmer. я
Unit 43 424 фо] ч]с]Я, “VI- oWMi-. -3-^ °J*w &Ч-3-. (I recall that) he (you) studied C man, but now he studies English W (I recall that) he (you) ate too much so his stomach is aching. n’ (I recall that) he (you) worked hard but he doesn’t work these days. Ш. The Non-Final Ending : ‘because of doing’ The pattern -Л г} Л is used only with action verbs, and indicates cause or reason: excusing or explaining one’s action. This pattern ~Л£}л is used indicate two actions, (of the dependent clause and the main clause), done by a single person. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘because of doing,’ ‘as a result of doing,’ etc. Examples: .SL. ^е}л, ^лг}л, ЯЧА. ^нг}л, 7_}- z]7jo] & «ИЛ Ч-fe- -Мг^2^г]л, ^<1°] I did not do my homework because I was drinking. I couldn’t even read the newspaper because I was studying Korean. I was late because I was eating lunch. I went to bed late because I was writing a letter. Because I’m working, I have no time to go there. He doesn’t come because he is taking a bath now. I can’t think straight because I’m re- viewing. Notes: The tense and/or negation is expressed regularly in the final (main) clause, not in the first clause with -2=. г} л, This pattern is not used normally with the main clause in the future tense. DRILLS A. Substitution Drill I- 2. Л^-о] #7j-s|] 3. Л^-о] 2^л. He looks like a kind man. He looks healthy. He looks happy.
Unit 43 425 4. -£<4-k. 5. 6. °] W ^.<4Л 7. °] 8. -£<4-8-. He looks old. He looks young. This paper seems to be (too) thin. This paper seems to be (too) thick. That seems to be delicious. B. Substitution Drill .a.. 2. ^71] Ш. 3. 3t<4-8.. 4. зт. 5. 5*ii ♦ *кьв]-и1 -м зт. 6. 3im. 7. #7]] ят. 8. ^-a- ^>ц зт. Because I was talking with my friend, I went to bed late. Because I was drinking, I went to bed late. Because I was writing a letter, I went to bed late. Because I was helping him, I went to bed late. Because I was doing my homework, I went to bed late. Because I was taking a bath, I went to bed late. Because I was drawing a picture, I went to bed late. Because I was making money, I went to bed late. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: .£<УЧ14. You look healthy. You don’t look healthy. Student: Ш. 1. «М- ‘±4N4. “te} ioW #<4-3-. 2. 2=.b} -Й-’УЧН-. Ьг} $4-3-. з. ’a-’^вц i-учч-. -й-Ч*! #4-3-. 4. -W-] -^$1 $4-3-. 5. -й/УЧЧ-. 22.4*1 6. а.'УЧЧ-. 4^«0 2i4*l &4-3-. 7. ^44-. -g-^вЦ 22.4*1 8. И-’УЧЧ. io]^] $<4.a.. Pattern Drill Teacher: 3i7oM You looked healthy. Student: -tPoM You didn’t look healthy. A. 1. WH
Unit 43 426 2. ФЗ Х$Н-Я- 3. Х^И-Я-. 4. я|Ф«О -Й-ЗИ-Я-. 5. -Й-ЯИ-Я-. б. фо} Х^о]Д. 7. ЦЦ$| X£»U. 8. Ф-В«И -а-ЯИ-Я.. Ф^ k«]x] &5Ш. с}Я i«]x] л]Ф«ц je.o]x] oj^o}д ^<4 io]x] &ЯН.2.. фо} Л»]я| &ОИ.Я, 4°} x°l*l &3W.S.. E.E.S]] io]x] E. Integration Drill Teacher: ФФ НФ ПНШ W “WA. I drank too much. I’ve got a headache. Student: ФФ ЧФ #o] пИДс^, ^sp} о}з}_й.. (I recall that) I drank too much, so I’ve got a headache. 1. зр-И^-Я.. “W-S-. зНЯЗЧ bVV °13U. 2. 3|--§ЛН-Я-. ^Ф^-Я-. 3}s.«^4, ^#*1 3. пфф ^ЗН-Я.. Ф И^ЫИ-Я.. пфф ф а'И’лН.я.. 4. «НФ оНЙ'ИД. iW. «НФ о}Фй^Ч ФбоН-З.. 5. Лфс}Л Я-«В№Ч -ВЛМ-З. ЗИ-Я.. 6. Ф^ФЯ-И-Я.. Ф^ЗИ-Я-. Фй]ф$МЧ ф^зня. 7. и<м ><Ий<ИД. °Hri йЯ<>и. ’Н фоадч 0}ф£ &5СН.Я-. 8. ЧфгН OoU. Хф ФЯ<>и. З-ФЗФ Ф1^1г>|4, хф Ф^оИ-Я-. F. Integration Drill Teacher: фо] ^о]д. ц}^ It was snowing. It’s turned warmer. Student: фо] _$_t.]v]( (I saw) it was snowing, but now it’s turned warmer. 1. ^фо] фф^о]Д- z/fl^o]^ з.ф°] ФФЛ1^Ч, ’H’jcMjj-. 2. ^Ф°1)Ф тФЗНЛ.. *]фф фо^-З..
Unit 43 427 3. 4->$4-9.. 34 $-4Д. зЬв-фмч, 34 $4.9.. 4. >4< »$4-9_. 4-? 34> -S-V-sflA. •^•41- ЖЯЧ, *1-? 34-t- 5. >44-9.. #«4 >44-9., >44, 44 >44 A. 6. ЧРМ $4-9-. гЬЧ-7|7} >44-. ЧРР)- 444, дч-7|7} >44. 7. 4)7)<- $#4_fi_. 434-44, <4| 7)1- $$4Л. 8. 4>$4>. 4» i-g-eflA. 4 >4 4, 4» G. Integration Drill Teacher: 434-9.. ^]<- 44 ^-$4A. I was drinking. I did not do my homework. Student: » 44—4<2-, 44 #$4-9.. I didn’t do my homework because I was drinking. i. зз> ’Wa. >$$.9.. 4)^s]-5L, 2. «*U. J^»KbeU, 344 Й4Л 3. 07fl> ^[<НД. >7)1 ЗИЛ. >7)11- >-7)| зИД. 4. *Н<- Я4-Й-. eJ-a- > Я4А. 3)^< 4^2}3L, °J> -5- «ЧЛ. 5. §•-¥< 384-S-. -%7)| ^-£334-9-. ^-7)1 ^^354-9-. 6. 3M-I- >4$4-9-. 4<4-9-. «Н4Д. 7. <4|>$4A. 444 >$4-9-. 4>«)-^4-л, °-Hr-a- 444 >$4-9-. 8. >44-9.. $J4 444-9.. » >3^4-31, SJ4 4$4-9..
Unit 43 428 1. «• 44 34 «ИХ 2. л-ё-о] *44 *44 «ИХ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Н. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher : 43>°1 34 34 «ИХ. People keep coming and going. Student: 43*ol 34 34 34X People kept coming and going. -** 34 № 5ИХ ^el *-44 *44 5ЙЧХ ** 34 334 5HX ** 444 Я 44 34X. *434 434 34X ** *44 *34 3*X ^*°1 34 *34 9MX 4* 34 334 3*X 44 444 «ИХ -M- 444 ^44 «ИХ >444 434 «ИХ •S-& 444 334 «ИХ п-ё-о] 34 334 «их 3* 44 334 «ИХ I. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: <Ч7]л| 3»)|> 43i *^о)-Д? May I smoke here ? Student: <44.2., 47)4 *в)]> я]*а| *344. No, you should not smoke here. 1. ^г*вИь 434X? 44 X ^>44 4 344. 2. ^4*И£ 4&ЧХ? 44X *г<У44 4 344. 3. ЗШ4-11-? 44X 4-T-S-4 4 344. 4. 44«И.£ 4^4.1? 44 X 4444 4 344. 5. ЗШ4.1? 44 X гЬ7)]44 4 Jg44. 6. 444 £ 4&4.S.? 44 X 4444 4 344. 7. ^-4^45. ^^4Д? 44-2-, ^4^4 4 344. 8. 4&Ч-.3.? 44-2-, 4444 4 344. J. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher : 34* 4^4 X Student: 444- 44 44ft 1^3* "H-44X 2. з.-ёлм -¥-ЧЯ4Х 3. ** ^44X 4. 44* 1&44X 5. 444X 6. s)4< Я4Х 7. И14-?1:4Х I ate Korean food. I tried eating Korean food. dM4 44 X ^•-ё-^4 -¥-4«fl 44 X ^4 44X S4 44X 44 44X 44* «И 44X ^•4* HI 44 44X
Unit 43 429 8. tW. «<М Y3 SHORT STORIES 1. и#4 <H^fl ## #4 «ичч, #4 #4#4Л #-32.4 o}^ 4-g-s]] _й.#4.£ф H44 31#«Н] 3-5.33 #4-32. 5Ж Expansion Drill ^-ё-°1 44 ## #4 зззч, -^-я] #4#-4.r. ззи 4, °1т ^|-5-*Я 5-44 3-5.33 4431 5Jo]^.. 2. 44 4# 3^3з1, 33 <4 #4.r, 34 #34, -2--T- ЗЗЧз1 ##4R. 3144 4444-31 33394-R. 4444 to apologize Expansion Drill 44 ## 4^431, 34 #4 #44, i# ЗЧЧз1 #44, 444431 33-39 4-R. 3. n#4 4-^444, -R# ттЗ 34-R. 3144 43-5- 43 #31, 34^ 33 #-4^-. 3144 34 44-c- 4-t &4 44-R. Expansion Drill 31-ё-о] >^444, Rt tt*1I 34, 43^ 43 SU 33^ 33 #-34, 44 44т 4t #4 44-R. READING 44 #<4 43# 44# 4^431 4# #44-R. 444 4т 44j #4Л #Ч*Зт #43 34-R. 3l#4 #4 443- 3## #| 43 344-R. 44434 4 з^ЗЗ-З-з! 4-3.4-R. 4^14- #1 #•7]-^ ##4Д. 34-4 4 3 #4-R. 4-R5. °] t# #3 3# 4-4-4pflA. 3-3- #34 т 431 44-R-. 3l#4 44 4-R# 4# 344Д. 4344 34 4< 3 #4-R. 4333 Д-34 #<• 3 #4R. #44i #31 4# 34-R.
Unit 43 430 471 4 the end of the school term 44 444 444 44 a final exam 4 si 7>4 44< 44 to take an exam anyhow, anyway .2.4 4 471 the first term 444 «114 liberation 444 during, for vacation Christmas all sorts (of), various kinds (of) a gathering, a party a year-end party a New Year’s Party BRIEFING A few days ago, I had a hard time when taking a final exam. The exam was very difficult. I think I did well on the dictation. However, I did poorly on the pattern exam and composition. The teacher told me to make a greater effort. Anyway, the first term was finished. It seems that I’m liberated. Now we will have two weeks’ vacation. I want to have a good rest during the vacation. But in a few days, it will be Christmas. On Christmas, I think I will be busy. I think there will be various kinds of gatherings. There will be a year-end party and a new year’s party.
Unit 44 431 UNIT 44 Sn1 A Friend BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE truly, really °] ti]*] in a place like this a4 il 1- It’s really been a long time since we’ve ,Я|Л'1 ’tr'g’ Л. met. I never expected to meet you in a place like this. to be glad, to be joyful ^•4 news, report, information ^1 H 2. I’m really glad to see you. How is it that there’s been no news from you ? until now all during, throughout, straight (through) 3. Ч'з?’°fl 31Sd4-&-. I have been in America until now. It has Ч ЧП" 4 been just two days since I came back to о rfls. s) 4. Л.гЦЛ? *)- -r&| tflisbE. ^1- ? 5. 4-8- з!-тЧт чЬЧ-о1: Sfl-Й-. tfloj 4Л] nh-fe 7^0] ? 6. я]-^. ifl<y фм-л14. whiskey, drink Is that so ? Shall we have a drink ? another friend I have to meet >9 й I have to meet another friend now. Ho1 about meeting again tomorrow ? If you are busy now, let’s meet tomon row.
Unit 44 432 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. «13 3H ‘in a place like this’ is a contraction of МНЧ ‘piace>isa dependent noun preceded always by words such as demonstratives or modifiers. Study the following examples: Don’t go to a dangerous place. Where is the place that sells tickets? Let’s go to a good place. 2. ЧННгЧЧ means ‘I am glad (to meet you).’ This expression is used (1) when you give someone a joyful welcome, (2) when you meet an old friend on the street, (3) when you hear good news. 3. 5 is an emphatic expression of which is less common. It can have many different meanings, depending on the context. Study the following examples: 4 4^1 *§*4 4. I’ve been waiting for you all this while, ^314 I’ve walked all the way to school from my house. I studied all through the morning. People are standing in a row. Pm utterly exhausted. 7]£o] 4. 4 S. means to drink wine, beer or whiskey in a bar or tavern. Study the fol- lowing examples: Let’s have a quick one. Let’s go to a bar. 5. is a contraction of It is interchangeable with 5Ы making no difference in meaning, (See Unit 25, Structure Notes 11). STRUCTURE NOTES L The Sentence-Final Ending • We have already studied the pattern -g(-g-) <44/^-—4» when it in^' cates knowledge and/or lack of knowledge of a technique or process for doing some activity, (See Unit 42, Structure Notes III.) This pattern depending on the context, may also indicate an assumed fact, expect tion, or likelihood. It may be preceded by any modifier suffix, such as гё- The final verb can be replaced by other verbs as well, such as -to believe,’ -to think . etc.
Unit 44 433 Examples: -З-т-З!- > Л. ?--?-^ <• WA. -i-S-0] < -i-sHA. ^«•^1 < IMS, Л-^-о] < -g-SM-S.. Л-З-о) Ч-5ЕЧ1 ^-й-°1 i- < ’Й'И-Й., ^-•g-o) Dl^l > '’F-j-sS'H.a.. <Ч7И «ьм- < -g-sH-S.. Л-g-o] < -e-SHA. I thought he had studied. I thought he was studying. I thought he would study. I didn’t know he was fat. I didn’t know he would be fat. I didn’t know he was a teacher. I supposed that he was at school. I believe he will come. I thought he would go to America. I never dreamed I’d meet you here. I had no idea he would be that way. Notes: 1. When -# is followed by Д. %} Ц-, it indicates knowledge of a fact or event. Study the following examples: I know he went to America. <УСНЛ. I know he is swimming. ФИ -f- <- aIaJ'H I knew he would come here. 2. This pattern can be used with any verb ; may be followed directly by particles, such as -.si (for supposition) (forknowledge), for the purpose of emphasis. Study the following examples: Л-g-o] a] 7] <41 -f- #5. о4аМ-&-. I thought he would come here. Л-g-o] -g- ^-g- q}-2L gjgj I knew he would come here. «Ч-Я.. j II. The Particle -(О|)в|\£— • ‘even if (it be)’ I We have already studied the INTERROGATIVE + -(°])g}£, which теаИ ’—ever it is,’ ’no matter (what, who, when, where) it is,’ ’any—at all.’ Bl here, this particle is attached directly to nouns, or to nouns рЛ other particles. This pattern indicates a lack of enthusiasm about one’s choiB Its literal meaning is ’even if (it be). ’ V Examples: < Let’s settle on rising a bus. (lit. EvJ if it’s a bus, let’s ride it and go.) ш Let’s settle on buying this. fl
Unit 44 434 4Л14. °] U<M Л1 I’ll settle on drinking milk. Let’s settle on going to the theater Let’s settle on studying in this room Notes: 1. The particle -(°|)efe preceded by nouns or nouns plus particles, can mean ‘even as well.’ Study the following examples: "г гИ-Я-. sj. 42ЧЯ-. Even a woman can move it. Even a man can’t do that. I wish I could see you even in my dreams. 2. is used after nouns ending in a vowel; 3. is used after nouns ending in a consonant. III. The Obligatory Ending-ОК-Oj, -Qj)ofr : ‘must,’ ‘have to’ The pattern ЧЧ may be used with any verb ; it indicates obligation or necessity. ЧИ ЧЧ is interchangeable with ~4 (~4> -ed)o): making no difference in meaning, (See Unit 25, Structure Notes II.) Examples: ЧЧЧ ЧЧЧ-. ЧЧЧ-. ччч. >чч ЧЧЧ. ^4 ЧЧЧ. ^4 ^o]o|o): I have to meet him. I must go (there) quickly. You must have money. It has got to be good. It has got to be clean. It has to be a book. Notes: 1. This pattern -ej)<4 ЧЧ is never used in the past tense. It is used mostly in the present and future tenses. The tense is expressed regular- ly in the final verb -ЧЧ. Study the following examples : J°ll 44 ЧЧЧ-. I mUSt go home. J°l] Ч^-д-ЧЧ. i’ll have to go home. Joi] ЧЧ ЧЙ*н-ЧЧ. (never used) 2. The negation of this pattern is -(Л)д1 oj- ЧЧ ‘someone must not do something, (lit. If someone does something, it won’t do’). Study the fol lowing examples: Ч ЧЧЧ л/ You must not go.
Unit 44 435 о J" ^44. You must not study. 3. £]c]- is used after -o]~ and ; -<He| sjc} is used after any other vowe]. s]11} is used after a spcj- verb. DRILLS A. Substitution Drill 1. Jl-g-o] of 7]ofl < < «Й-Й-ЧД. 2. < й-аи.2-. 3. n^-o] 4. SL^-o] 1*1 5. 4-< 7Ц< < 6. д-ё-о] > ’Й-ЯЬН.Й.. 7. П-М ±7^ # В. Substitution Drill 1. #44 2. 444. 3. 3LK 444. 4. zLTj-j- *844 44е}. 5. 41*1] 4 444. 6. 2^LL 4*W4 444. 7. 4>44 444. 8. 41 Jt0!-0} 444. C. Substitution Drill 1. rz.^-4 ЛИ44 < 144-3-. 2. ZL^-o] < 144 A. 3. ZLl-o] AjjZAj-o] < 144-3-. 4. ZL1-O] 444 < 144-3-. 5. zl^-o] #<?]-# 1 1441. 6. zl^-o] <#44°J < 1441. 7. zl44 4t4°J 1 1Й41. 8. sz.14 44-°J < 144-S-. I thought he would come here. I thought he would refuse. I thought he would give me a good scolding. I thought he would defend himself. I thought he would wake me up. I thought he would marry. I thought he would introduce (him). I thought he would visit me. You have to meet him. You have to make an effort. You have to scold him. You have to wash it. You have to refuse. You have to understand it. You have to hurry. You have to taste it. I didn’t know he was a teacher„ I didn’t know he was a professor. I didn’t know he was a missionary. I didn’t know he was a medical doct< I didn’t know he was an architect. I didn’t know he was a driver. I didn’t know he was a patient. . I didn’t know he was a foreigner. J D. Pattern Drill
436 Unit 44 Teacher: Д-М НФ < I didn’t know he was fat. Student: НФ < ^ЗИД. I didn’t know he would be fat. 1. JHi- < -НМД. 2. 3. «8-Н1- < -НИ-й-. 4. < S-SWA. 5. < <ЗНД. 6. =l «ач m < -hhx 7. ^Д^ < -S-SM-S-. 8. ZLTSM »b& < -НЬМД. Ш <• -S-SbHA. Д>01 -8-30^ < -8Л<ЧД. л-ё-0! «84^- < -5-й<ЧД. < -^Й^Д. ^17} ^-g- < -g-sbu. Л oJo] < -8-^.3.. ДЗН 4# < -S-SblA. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: П^-о] < <аЛ<ЧД. I thought he had studied. Student: 3L-Jr-°] iHMl-fe- < ‘аЛ'ИД. I thought he was studying. 1. ’frg- t < «a-SM-S-. 2. -g-g- 2 < «a-SM-S-. з. i-g- e < 4. 'й < SHbH-a, 5. < «a-sM-s.. 6. #»№ si-g- < <a-$M.s.. 7. #•£ < <а-^д. 8. "гМ!: < <a-5MA. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: °|^-g- Student: o]7jo]s].£ Aj-zjuj. 1. пНЯИ-Й.. 2. «< ^14. з. я-а- адал 4. 4151-ч Л. 5. asx J2-5H-S-. 6. ^Slt- 7. <844. ’s-а- it <• oastH-s.. 1-4 < «a-tfou. <4- Jit > 'ttSH.s, $-3 Mit < •а-амд. ^«it < «аднд. s|^. > <а-$ьид. < йаамд. < <а-^<ид. Let’s buy this. Let’s settle on buying this, (lit. Even if it is this, let’s buy it). 14j7 #Л]С]-. Я)о]4-я §]^<ИД. 415НД. зМ-Д .йЛ^Д. Ф’вг] e1-.se. ц._ SNsjHl-s. ^]с}.
Unit 44 437 8. ям 4. £л)4. G. Pattern Drill Teacher: ;У’Л)’4. Student: 1. ЧНИ 2. зИЧ-, 3. <эд4 •=-4tW’4. 4. «МКМ FI4. 5. 6. 4^414 ^л] 14, 7. ЧчН 4]$] ¥-н-л1Ч. 8. ^?Н4И Ш ЯИЧ. Let’s go to the theater. Let’s settle on going to the theater, (lit. Even if it’s the theater, let’s go). H<M4 4£ #л]14. 444 ЧЬЕ. ^-A£44. «НКМ4Е. <-4 Ш. ^£4445. -аянз-. -fe-44. 434 4& АЦ4Я >M4. *W144E i)3< 344. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: z}<4 ^44. Student: 7pg ф 4 4. 1. zjsjo]: jgqc]-. 2. rz-^-fr £44 ЧЧЧ 3. rz^-fr 444 444. 4. 717]-1- 4444 444. 5. rz.z3< ->£44 444. 6. -g-4«H4 2^14. 7. 344. 8. £-§-414 444. You have to go. You must not go. 7Ц> z) 5.41 °} 344. Mg- 7>s.ig tl JtN’4. ^-e Я+’Й ti: 4^4. 47]< zlvM-’f! ^44. -8-4^ °J ^44. 4№«|-4l °J Response Drill (Review) Teacher: 3-£°l,4-М^-Й-? About how many people came ? Student: ЛЬ^°] ‘Й ё-°1'4 $ЬН-Й-. Ten people came, (more than I expected). 1. 3 »flo]v4 2. 3 ^°I4 3. $ М°1Ч 4. £ ’ЙЧЧ 5. tfo]i4 яНЯ’Ч-Й-? 6. $ ’ЙЧЧ- 4l^oU? 7. ^7} $ сЦЧ %Н-Й-? сИ ЧИЧ -ёлН-й-. ^°)ч Ч°)Ч ilSH-S-. Й *3°Ш ЧЗН-й-. 4) № яЦбИ-й., М чНЧ ли гич анд.
Unit 44 438 8. 3 W J. Pattern Drill (Review) Teacher: xl7jq I’ll have time this evening. Student: *№44- ^Jo] I’ll have time this evening (S0nio 1. 7j-qq. 2. qA’Uq 3. vfl’d’H] qq-^-qq. 4. qg- ЧН MA. 5. -fr^l 7} JM-A-. 6. 7. 8. 'т'ВН =й 7Ж time). 4Нла°)1Ч- 7jqq. qq^jqq. q£ ЧМЧ 4 Ш. -fr^l 7} W. ^0)14 ^tfqq. <dW т'НЧ S) 3} qq.s.. SHORT STORIES 1. л qq?} qqq- <• Jibril 7]- J2.qq *Unl $lz] $^0].^.. 7]s|7]- 4! ti X31 42^-3-. л]л]^]-14 to be worthless, ?]£] a chance, an opportunity to be dull and flat Expansion Drill Ш < 7} Jiv]?]- *}7j Я]]П]5Ц71 ?Ж 7]S]7]- 5JA^ ЗЬ ’S V] JL3. 2. *И<- ^31 ^^17]- ‘ЙЛЯ?} 7j-z]cj.t 5fT]| 7}=l «H|X1 Expansion Drill ^л1< 4-^jt. ^a]7-|. q-51 ^N- ^•Tfl 7}^ 3i§--§- яКН -541-£l. 3. n4r-°] 34-_Sj8fl>q ^0] qq to get sick ^11 ^qq. gradually, little by little ’S’5} ^qq. ^yqq to be serious *y^qq to be hospitalized
Unit 44 439 Expansion Drill ^-•g-0] Ч-ё-ЧЧ ^o] Д]ь)г7)-, <s) oj<g SW ^44. READING «1-52.О1] 7}Tq-7]- -fraU] ЧЧ ЧЧЧЧЧ. JL-g-g- jL-§-«|-.E -g- ЧЧЧЧ^ЧЧ. л£4 254 44 Ч\ИЧЧ. лЧЧ 47J нвд &$КгЧЧ. И-?- н}7И-]л| ЧЧ 14ЧаНгЧЧ. =l ЧТЧ ^tzl ^41 7>7]-3z. 59^44. nspi ^14- ЧЧ й|л]> EJ.J7 4 о]] 47^ op*. ч}.£ #6^x4. 7j.q7p 7-°J°l Ч^ЧЧ. 4t °Ы< пЦ ЧЧ #4^44. л Ч Ч-с- Ч 7°1 -§-39°] ЧтгЧЧ. Ч-с- 6 • 25 -§-4 Ч -т-Ч-^Ч ЧЧЗЙ ТгЧЧ. л 4^1 4-о]ЧЧЧ ffift^44. Л.ЧЧ $-е 7 al Я^ЧЧ. лЧЧ Y°l-^4 Ч-g- > ЧЯЬегЧЧ. ’ЙЧ -тЧЭД-g- ЧМ- < Ч^КгЧЧ. 74*1 -S-3H) 7}7] 47 accidently a classmate one’s own, oneself any t*°1^-aJ one’s younger sister 6 • 25 the Korean War to separate, to part from (with) ^14 to look for BRIEFING On the way to school by accident I met my old friend. He was my high school classmate. I met him for the first time in 25 years. So I was glad to see him. L was so happy that I could not speak. My friend asked me to go to his house. S4 we went to my friend’s house by taxi. My friend didn’t say anything until v arrived at his house. When we got to his house, his wife came out. When I sfl his wife, I was totally suprised. She was my younger sister. During the КогеЯ War, I parted from my sister. After that, I looked very hard for my sister. BA I couldn’t find her. So I thought my younger sister had died. Really I nevi expected to see my sister, even in a dream. |
440 Unit 45 UNIT 45 oJSHt New Year’s Card BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE last night until late the light *4 1. Я 5Jcd tiU! ^£4 -т-^И J.? “Ж 2. ш. 3 ^14 a4 3. 41| (As I recall), the light was on (in your room) until late last night. What did you do until so late ? a New Year’s card I wrote New Year’s cards. about how many cards About how many cards did you write? one hundred cards (more than one thought) 4. 100 ^-o|4 4 Don’t be surprised. I wrote one hundred cards. all a4 Did you finish writing them all ? 6. 44-*-, 44 i 200 4 447- No, I still have to write about two hun- dred more. Good Heavens! 5. 4 7. H4 >3 4°17- ! 4 *47]^. id *1 Good Heavens ! You’ll have a hard time trying to write them all.
Unit 45 441 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. *4 means yesterday evening,’ ‘last night.’ When the possessive particle occurs between two words, it can be contracted into а -л. If the first word ends in a vowel, - л instead of is attached to the first word, and the following consonant (of the second word) becomes glottalized in pronuncia- tion. (W #) yesterday evening (415] 7}) a riverside, riverbank (315] » the ridge of the nose (±5] <) candlelight (7]5] t) flag ^41B] (H]S] ±s|) the sound of rain (я}*!] ЯУ) a teacup (33 UJ) a back room 4. -&• means ‘Don’t be surprised.’ ‘to be surprised,’ ‘to be startled’ is used regularly with the subject particle -7}/-°], whereas (#е}?1] ^4) ‘to surprise,’ ‘to startle,’ ‘to astonish’ is used always with the object particle Study the following examples: ZL-g-o] He was surprised (taken aback.) < <U°1 I have a surprise in store for the stu- dents. 5. is a contraction of 7. is a contraction of Study the following examples. xx^=zx^i- o]^ ЗНМ-Й.. Please eat this. Please give me that. № -Й-3-Й-. Please look at that over there. З'Й What did you do ?
Unit 45 442 STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Retrospective Infix -s|- '• We have already studied the non-final ending used when a speaker recalls (or recollects) past facts, occurrences, or experiences, (See Unit 43 Strucure Notes II). This infix is also used when a speaker looks back on past facts, occurrences, or experiences. However, this infix -e]-, wjjen used as a sentence-final ending, is followed normally by the exclamatory ending, such as -gJ-L or -Л. The English equivalent of this pattern is ‘as I recall,’ ‘as I remember,’ ‘looking back,’ etc. Examples: >E]^. °Hr 71-s.*] 1^.8-. °Hr 7}-5.^44c]]^_. 3L-£o] ^ЧНчИ-S-. 4-aJo] ^З]^ П-^0] °] драз] ,8.. (I recall that) he was good. (I recall that) he taught very well. (I recall that) he was working. Or: I remember seeing him work. (I saw) he was sleeping. (I remember that) there were many students in the classroom. (I remember that) he was a medical doctor. Notes: 1. When this infix -e]- is used as a sentence-final ending with the exclama- tory endings or - v- 3] Л, the subject is usually in the third person When the verb is a description verb, it can be used with the first person. But it’s seldom used. 2. This infix ^e]- is inserted between the verb stem, (or the verb stem plus the infixes -л]-, -од. or etc)> and th<j exclamatory ending. Study the following examples: от^с]-?-А. (I recall that) he was studying- I о (I recall that) he was studying- ^g-°l 4131.8..
Unit 45 443 3L^-o) (I recall that at the time I met him) he had studied. (I recall that at the time I met him) I thought that he was going to study. 3. This infix __Ei_ also occurs with other endings, besides exclamatory ones. But this will be studied latter in detail. II. The Non-Final Ending : ‘until’ We have already studied this pattern when it indicates ’purpose’ or ’aim? (See Unit 42, Structure Notes II). This pattern -JE-g-, depending on the context or situation, can also indicate continuance of an action or condition to a specified time. The English equivalent of this is ‘uptil.’ Examples : ^71- 714^-2-. «J-о] ‘УЗИ.а.. I studied until late last night. I slept until sunrise. We drank until twelve o’clock. I waited until nine o’clock. I worked until night. When this pattern -JE. # (directly attached to an action verb stem) is foll- owed by -5] r}, however, it indicates the idea that the situation has been developed on its own. The Englsh equivalent of this pattern is ‘to reach the point where---.’ A. V.S. + -.ЕД g|4— : ‘to reach the point where- -’ Examples: I’ve reached the point where I teach Korean. We’ve reached the point where we can export cigarettes. I’ve reached the point where I can work in this company. HI. -o, Irregular Verbs : Most verbs ending in a final vowel 2= °f the stem are irregular. 1. The final vowel of the stem, when followed by the vowel and preceded by the vowels -»>- or -Д-, is changed into Study the following examples: и)-Ж(Ц-) ‘to be busy,’ ’to be occupied’
Unit 45 444 4^44. 444 ^-44. «Ж -5- 445. 4&4-3-. I was busy this morning. You should be busy. Because I was busy, I couldn’t go It’s alright even if I’m busy. вр]- 51^-(Й-) ‘to be hungry,’ ’to feel hungry’ Д.4-Я-. вЦ7> 444. ВЦ 7} ЛГЭИ-! аЦ7]- 514-S- 4 $4-2-. I’m hungry. You should be hungry. I’m so hungry that I could die. It’s alright even if I’m hungry. _o irregular verbs preceded by the vowel -Of- or -H- : и)-нн(Ч-) to be busy Ч-м(Ч-) to be bad to be painful af| 7\ _jL2£(4) to be hungry 4^.(4) to lock 2. The final vowel -°, of the stem, when followed by the vowel and preceded by vowels other than -°)-- or is completely dropped. Study the following examples: ’to write,’ ’to use,’ ’to be bitter,’ ‘to put on (a hat) ’ 4*1-1- ^4-2-. 4*1-1- 44 444. 4*1*. 4*К 4н 4S4-2-. I wrote a letter. I have to write a letter. I wrote a letter and mailed it. You may write a letter. -£ irregular verbs preceded by vowels other than -Of- or -Я- to be beautiful 7]M(v}) to be happy ^5.(r}) to be sad 3.(^4) to be big H.(r|) to rise л(Ч-) to turn off IV. The Non-Final Ending -Ef7f-c—• : ‘if’ We have already studied the conditional non-final ending which indicates condition or stipulation, (See Unit 19, Structure Notes 111.) This pattern -ipfe always refers to a condition that has an unpleasant result, or a negative or bad effect. The best way to understand -tpHr is see as a participle: i.e., ’Sleeping like that could make you lazy;’ ‘Working too hard could cause all kinds of sickness, etc.’ This pattern *s use always with action verbs.
у Unit 45 Examples: 445 0^7]^ #7]oj] Z)a| ^O|. Д. Л-g"!- 714-eM7Hr 7j 7^о|-Д. <°J °И1Ч-71-Ь oj-т- 7,1i £ Sp]$ -H-S-. ‘trvl^4 ? *1 >i- °ИФЬс ‘M гида e °a 45i ч д. °] °J-8- ;4Н*М-7)-с- i4> °J1- £• ад*и. *1-31 °W?1 *}t47fe ^•21'ИА. -£-<- 7] 74^ tH-9-. If you sleep here, you’ll catch a cold. If you wait for him, I think you’ll be late Should you only drink, able to do anything. you won’t be If you play like that, when will you do your homework ? If you drink this water, you’ll get sick. If you only study Korean, you’ll be in a fix. If you continue this work, you won’t be able to do other work. If you continue to talk with him, you’ll be late. If you change your clothes, you’ll be late for school. Notes: 1. This pattern is followed always by patterns which indicate future, supposition, presumption, similarity, or probability. 2. The past tense can’t be used in the main clause, preceded by the clause. However, if the pattern of the main clause is -г (~§~) 3} the past tense can be used in the main clause. Study the following examples: ZL-Jr;4 v ofl 7] If I continued to talk with him, I thought I’d be late. 0^7] a] 7J-7]<41 A If you were to sleep here, I thought you’d catch a cold. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY *1] the sun 2-4- to rise to set (go down) igo]] to get sick to be shameful A. Substitution Drill 1. ’iMf- A. 2. 7]« t1 31^ ЗЯН We’ve reached the point where export cigarettes. we can We’ve reached import oil. the point where I can
Unit 45 446 з. о] ЗАНН 4. ~е ^Г л!^-^ I’ve reached the point work in this company. where I can I’ve reached meet him. the point where I can * '-ail 5. ZZ^J-jA]-^ л!^-^ а! <И-&. 6. п.5}-=г °]*W ^Г л!^-^ -S-. 7. ZL^j; 5L4# 8. zbg-a- $1^я- .а.. I’ve reached the point where I c marry her. an I’ve reached the point where I-Can understand it. I’ve reached the point where I can help him. I’ve reached the point where I can invite him. B. Substitution Drill 1. n4 4 *45 б. 7l-^ Ч ЧЧЧй-. 2. ЧЧЧ ЧЧЧ7!^- °J ЧЯЧ A. 3. n ЧЧЧ Ч^-ЧЧ7!^ ?• Ч Ч- ЯЧ-Й-. 4. ЧЧЧЧЧ-fe- €• Ч 431Ч К 5. ЧЧЧ 447te € Ч Ч-ЯН-S-. б. Ч-ННЧ-ё- € °J Ч31Ч-Й-. 7. чеч-сРНг oj чзнд. в. ччччч-^ з. <y цячд. If you write them all, you’ll get into trouble. If you work here, you’ll get into trouble. If you marry her, you’ll get into trouble. If you defend yourself, you’ll get into trouble. If you sleep here, you’ll get into trouble. If you go outdoors, you’ll get into trouble. If you skip work, you’ll get into trou- ble. If you skip school, you’ll get into trou- ble. C. Pattern Drill Teacher: ng-Ч Student: n.g-4 1. П.-Й-Ч 2. n-g-o] ЧЧЧЧ5-К 3. П-g-o] 4. rtg-o] 5. ng-Ч -Н1ЧЗ-.Й.. 6. ЧЧЧ ^45-Д. 7- 8'44 ЧЧЧ'З’Д. 8. чич (I recall that) he was good. (I recall that) he was good. ^.£4 -ig-0] '1ЧЧ ng- e>] ЧЧЧ -S-44 ччччд. ^Ч’йчи. ЧЧЧ1Ч1-Й-. М-*1Ч ^-^Ч’ЙЧ]^..
Unit 45 447 D. Pattern Drill Teacher: Student: 1. 3L*o] **44 2. n.*4 °j*44*a. 3. Л*Ч >Ч*-Я-. 4. ** ^^5-^-. 5. ЗЧ* 4Ч*д. 6. 4** чч-s-a. 7. 4*4* ^Ч*Д. 8. П*Ч 4*3-Ч*Д. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: * 444 44«<4_S.. Student: * 44 s]£-§- 44« ЧА. 1. 4 444 ** 444 A. 2. *44 ЧШЧ A. 3. W Ч<-«ЧД. 4. Ml 444 «4 A. 5. 44 44*1 *4 «4 A. 6. *тр}4 *4 «4 A. 7. > 4|44 «ЧА. 8. * пр}4 а-ччa. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: 4*44. Student: ирАттЧ 4. 1. ^.*4 4*44. 2. 4*7} °}*44. 3. вр} 31*44. 4. ** *>44. 5. $4* *44. 6. *p} >44. 7. ** >44. 8. * ?|>44. (I recall that) he was studying. (I recall that at the time I met him) he had studied. ^*•4 ^з-зм-г-a. ^-ё-ч ‘Уздч-г-.а.. >44 5-A. -s-а- 441- 44a- Ч-н-Ч-в- ЧЯЧ^-й.. ^.-й-ч ча-^ч^-д. I waited it became two o’clock. I waited until it became two o’clock. 4 44 5]£Л 4ЯЧА. «J-Ч Ч-Е-Д- Ч4ЧД. 4 47} Ч>ЧЧХ vi] 44 Ч£Д- ЯЧА. 44 44 Ч5-Д- 4^«4A. •81] 7} S£^ 44 A. 4)71 45.Д- -а-ЧЧА. I am busy. I I was busy. I n4°l 4^44 ' ЧЧ4 4^^44. вр} 314444. » 44^44. 44* «*44. «Ц 7} «*44. <•* «*44. 4 4“S*44
Unit 45 448 G. Pattern Drill Teacher: <4?И If you sleep here, you’ll catch a cold. Student: «4?И W] If you sleep here, you’ll catch a cold. 1. 31^-4- zi-g-4 7]c}&|t47bt-, 44JHX 2. "Hl’S. 7^<4Д. ^.nj- ^ofl % 7]-^<4X 3. °] -i-4- «М’й. ЧН о] p]-A]c]-7fe >*H] 4. <4 °Ji- 4|^^, о] oj< 7]74^<>|Д. 5. зк-ж e °J ч-яиA. 31 47F4 e «Й Ч-Я *U. 6. ->»! 7p4, B]f- 41- 4 4°hS-. 4t11 7M7^, h1> 4-4 4 4°И. 7. 444-4, £-4 4 4°ES-. 4^4471~b, -£4 4 444. 8. <,РЙ:*1’Й, -4 4 4°|-A. e№44-7fe 4- 4 4°1-A. H. Pattern Drill Teacher: л-£-в}<П. 43Я<4Д. If I continue to talk with him, I’ll be late. Student: zi-g-sl-aL oplsp^l-b-, 4 44<HA. If I were to continue talking with him, I thought I’d be late. 1- W *H-7Hr, 7J7H <4717-1 7j-t}7fe 7J-7H 4 44<4J-. 2. 44-4- *l-t}7fe -s. 7|^<4Д. 444- 71-471^-, -5- 7J- 4sb4A. 3. 4-711 7}t}7fe 714-4- 4- 4^-4A. 4711 7}-cl-71^, 71^4- £. 7^0]^ 4. H4-4- ° 1444-7fe 4171- -£441 <4.3.. 31^-4- о>Ф4с).7Нг, 4171- £<=!- 7j 7j-oj-14^. 5. 32-g--g- 5L4--Tlc1-7|-^-, 7]Zl-e]-^<4^. 31-Э-4- 5-a]^-14-7}-fe-, 7,z]-^- 4лЬ4-3-
449 \ Unit 45 6. 3>4-7fe <ц ’-НИЛ 31Ч-7)-с-, -ё- «у у-^Ч-Э.. 7. 45.s}t47fe ^о) ч-ЯЧл. 45.4-4-7fe ^о] % здчд. 8. ЗНг^’+И-^, ^о)] <2. У^Ч-Й.. ^НтЧ-Ч^ЬЬ, ^ч] % £ т$ у-у-ЧЛ I. Response Drill (Review) Teacher: o]-^5. Are you still eating ? Student: °]-Ч-2-, чМ &°]- Л. No, I’m not eating any more. 1. »M£ ^-MU? ‘Ml, 2. -5I-M.S-? 44-2-, °H «34 $°}A. 3. »H£ 4=J<- °]-4-£-, o]^l Иг]< ^7] о|о].Д. 4. «Н£ Ч-М-2-? ЧЧЛ o)^ XJi- 3l7] $oU. 5. «Ws. з)Ч<- «НА? °N-2-, o)^! 6. -е-нНН-2-? ЧЧД, ^Н]й}4 ^о]-Л. 7. °]--5]S. tf ®]’'M1 -2- ? «МД °Н ш 8. 3MSMI-S-? o]^ SHORT STORIES 1. <ЧЗ!И1М -%s.> eJ-g- ЗИ-^. ZLspi °НИ л|?1- £|£Л 2Н-Й-. ЗИ Ч-б- М- Expansion Drill 317] И-М. -2-< *1 л|7} ЗЕЛ 2M-S-. *1-5лН ЗН} al ^Ьв- М- ^^-«Я-S.. 2. 3!йНг ^opN^k А1^--| 7>с15--&-. ГИЧИ ZL-g-o] < пНР1 JLigti] Ф Al7J-i- 7] ФН5. Й'ИЧ-*] &ХН-2-. Expansion Drill 31 ^.е. ^о}7Н7Е Л-g-o] 7}С-]5-Л. nsflx-] J2.-g.oJ zg u^x] y'jcj.^nj, 3J. A]7j.<- 7]q-35. °J<H4-7| usH-S.. 3. ^7-7} -ЕЛ3H-S-. ^17-< 7] 7}^- 7^0] .2.. лгр! $31 *K3M SW-S-.
Unit 45 450 Expansion Drill 3^-7)- 5-4 4431 4 <4, ЗпЧЬ ^-Ч^гЗ^ЬЗ- 344 а), s.4 ^*] #з. ЗзМ #4 A. READING 33^- 413 3l3(4)44ir43-. Ч-S- ЗК^ЧЧ i^-t- v]r}.4^ 3-3 Л1 < -т-33 jMW 3^-8- 4443. 4444 Bte 4-sl^ 44 <3334. «4 44 <47}34 ’ts. 4343 ^33. ЧН-2. 3<< ЗЧЗЧЧ. изч $£>] <£33. :3H 43 44 Sl-fe- ЗЧ4Ч1- Ч!Й^ЗЗ. ^-31 -S3 7|а}^1 44333. 43 44 444 34333. 434 444 44 44343. ^34 4444 4ЧЗЧЗ. Ч ЯЧ-с- ЧЧ^°1 44 34343. Ч-fe- 4-^ы4#4 ЧгЧЧ ЧЗЧ ЗЙЗЧЗ. 3^4 4 ЧЗЧ 44-3^4 SW1 4 4 4343. 344 34- -т-441 ЗЧн $34 Ч. 43 144М 44- ЧЧ ^34 4 *1 4^43-. 341- 3433 33-4 341- 34^33-. ЗЧЧ 34 4^344^33. 4 31- 4°1Ч 443M3-. 44 «<М <444 4 -2--Т- ЧЗ-Ч з- 443=33-. 411 a birthday 4141-3 L National Museum 1 before, in front of 333 to get off и}5. ^3 just, exactly, immediately the last stop. the terminal ^7]Л> inside (something small or full) a bus driver 1 inside (something spacious) 44UiA F the Han-kuk Daily News- paper building Зг^л-д- bus fare small change, loose money -V-5-4 in the vicinity of the opposite side, 43 a wallet the other side 4 behind, back ^34 a telephone booth 43 a seat 443 a two-story house ?Ь4Ч center, between, middle 31 a building «13 to be empty A}O] between 443 beside, on the side of a college student 43 below, underneath These words £ ’in front of and 4 ‘inside’, etc., are nouns, so they occur with particles such as -7)7-4, ->/-4-. -< -оЦа), -^.5., etc.
Unit 45 451 BRIEFING Yesterday was my friend’s birthday. I was invited by my friend. About 5 o’clock I caught a bus in front of my house, because the bus stop is located there. When I got into the bus, it was not crowded. I was looking for small change in order to pay the bus fare. But I didn’t have any small change with me. I took out a one thousand bill from my wallet and gave it to the driver. The driver didn’t like it. Fortunately, there was a seat in the back. The middle seat (in the back) was empty. So I went to the back and sat down. A college student was sitting beside me. I had to get off in front of the National Musem. I got off the bus and walked to the front of the Hankuk Daily Newspaper Building. My friend said that his house was in the vicinity of the Hankuk Daily Newspaper Building. Fortunately, on the opposite side of the Hankuk Daily Newspaper Building, there was a telephone booth. When I made a phone call, my friend answered. My friend’s house was a two-storey house located between two big buildings. When I went into the room, everybody was waiting for me.
452 Unit 46 UNIT 46 German BASIC SENTENCES: MEMORIZE 4 1. sfl wu? 2. ^44 7}s}31 ^-o]< ^-«НД. 3. 7}л|?1] ^ЧЧ? o}3] ч«}- >^4-4 Ч 4. ЧЧ И- Ч«К >^4 Ч *£ %1-t- ^°}Л. Ч 5. Ч Ч^Ч ЧЧЧ ЧЧ ччч-? ч-чч Ч Ч-^-Ч ч 6. #ЧЧ Ч _2.Э-ЗНЛ Ч^ч <ч >4i- 41^о1<Н]^ German language °J "v Why do you study German ? I’m studying German in order to go to Germany. <y About when are you scheduled to no there ? still, yet a college to graduate from I don’t know yet. Once I graduate from college, I think I’ll be able to know. how many years a schedule, a program, a plan, prearrangement How many years do you plan to stay in Germany ? for certain if possible I don’t know for certain. If possible, I plan to return quickly.
Unit 46 453 NOTES ON THE BASIC SENTENCES 1. means ‘the German Language.' It is interchangeable with making no difference m meaning. However, is refers to the collo- quial language. Study the following additional words which refer to languages only. г^Ног ^<И) Korean English (or or French ^-°J^ (or or -=•*]) German йНеИ (or оВДо]) Italian (or or Chinese (or or Japanese (or x^Jo].o]) Spanish (or о]3?И) Hindustani (or Зг.^) Russian 2. also means ’the German language/ occurs in the abbreviated form JE/H. Study the above words well. usually means ‘a college/ which must be distinguished from ’a university/ means ’to graduate (from) / In English, the verb ‘to graduate* takes the preposition ‘from/ but in Korean, always takes the object parti- cle —Study the following examples: I graduated (from) high school. Г11 graduate (from) college and go to America. STRUCTURE NOTES I. The Sentence-Final Ending -XI 34- : ‘(it) just so happens that’ The pattern -X] 34 is used to indicate the idea that the situation has been arranged by certain environmental factors or condition. The English equivalent of this pattern is ’(it) turns out that,’ ’(it) is arranged that,’ ‘(it) just so happened that/ etc. It’s used with action verbs.
Unit 46 454 Examples: о] >4 ~о”т’^М Ч-c- -5- 7M rp] ZL-gr-t 3g 7j-6}^, ЯМоЦтг п]^<Я] 7p]71] 30^77}? o]^7]] ^.-g-a- 4-<йЧ zL-g-a- 4WI sq^oU. 7i°l 7H 4€-°l sq*i <>]W It’s arranged that I can study in th1 school. nis It just so happened that I couldn’t an <• Germany. 80 to I think that we won’t get to see him anymore. You’ll be able to speak Korean very well next year. When are you scheduled to go to Amer- ica ? How did it happen that you saw him? I happened to meet him by accident. It happened that I had no choice but to go along. When you’ve grown up, you’ll under- stand it. This pattern -t| besides being used with action verbs, can be used also with description verbs. We have already studied that most description verbs can be changed into adverbs by attaching the suffix ->l| to the verb stems: e.g., °4]Ж>1] ‘beautifully,’ Ч7!] ‘cheaply,’ etc., (See Unit 13, Structure Notes IV). The verb ЧЧ- means ‘to become,’ ‘to get to be,’ ’to turn (change, pass) into,’ ‘to turn out,’ ‘to grow to be,’ etc. Therefore, when the pattern -Я| ЧЧ is used with description verbs, it corresponds to the English ’(it) happens to become such-and-such,’ ‘(it) turns (out) such-and-such.’ Study the following examples: It became beautiful. Ч^7!] 4x14-$-. His face happened to turn white. Ч-т* -3-7!! 444-$-. It happened to become too big. IL The Provisional Non-Final Ending -oK-oj, -Oj)Ot— ‘ ‘provided’ The pattern -o}(~4> -4)4 is used to express ‘if something takes place (now or in. the future),’ or ‘provided something takes place or is ture. This pattern can be used with any verb, except -o] (u}). Provided (if) that book is good, П a^o^. Provided (if) it is cheap, ГП buy
Unit 46 455 •&O] ojoj A. Л-ё-о] &4*Н°К 7]-51<ИД. i-x] m €-4- ^а<нд. Hl7} _$.*] Sj-ol-O):, 717]ofl 7]-^<H Й, JLT^O] *7] $<4<4, Ч151о|Д. Provided (if) you have money, you can study here. Provided (if) you practice, you can do it well. Provided (if) he invites me, I’ll go. If (provided) you don’t cry, I’ll give you money. If (provided) it doesn’t rain, I’ll go there. If (provided) it is not bitter, I’ll eat it. ®fl°h аил Notes: 1. This pattern °]-( is followed normally by patterns which indi- cate future, possibility, or a speaker’s intention. 2. The tense is expressed in the final (main) clause, not in the first (dependent) clause with -йИ-<:Н, -°j)°k 3. This provisional -°} (-<4» ~°^)°1: is interchangeable with the conditional -(A)^, making no difference in meaning. But the provisional is never used with the imperative and propositive forms. It is used only with interrog- ative and declarative forms, whereas the conditional -Лф does not know these limitations. Study the following examples: ^H.6] 7}oh 7И1Я*и? < 7^0]-^. If he goes, please go. (imperative) (never used) If the weather is good, let’s go hunting, (propositive) (never used) If (provided) he goes, will you go ? (interrogative) Yes, if (provided) he goes, I’ll go. (declarative) 4. -°]-0): is used after -<4~ or > is used after any other vowel; -eje]: is used after verb. III. The Sentence-Final Ending -a(g) РЦЗоЩ- : ‘(one) plans to do’ The pattern -a «) indicates a speaker’s schedule, plan or inten- tion. The suffix -a (•£). when used with action verbs or description verbs, indicates the future tense. The noun means ’prearrangement,’ ‘a plan,’ ‘a schedule.’
Unit 46 456 Examples: ifloj A^zj- ofl^<yv|4. <41^^44. JL5--I- °>’Й^ °Н°нЧ4. s|£l< «t <>pjoH.a-. ^T°J^ apJoH-S- ? Htpi <pjo]oj].S.? £sq-< ww I plan to go hunting tomorrow. I’m scheduled to visit him. I plan to give him a good scolding. We plan to hold a conference the dav after tomorrow. y We plan to export cigarettes. What do you plan to import ? Where do you plan to marry ? Whom do you plan to help ? Notes: 1. The tense is expressed regularly in the final verb -°14, not in the main verb with -a «). Study the following examples : TtM: 1 P^n to meet him. Or: I’m going to meet him. zl-JHt TN: л!тгЧЧ. I planned to meet him. Or : I was going to meet him. 2. The negation is expressed, however, normally in the main verb, not in the final verb with -ЧЧ. Study the following examples. ^-чНг Tb4*l I plan not to meet him. Or: I’m not going to meet him. °]I planned not to meet him. Or: I was not going to meet him. 3. ~a is used after verb stems ending in a vowel; ~e~ °fl^0]4 is used verb stems ending in a consonant. DRILLS ADDITIONAL VOCABULARY WH- to be inconvenient Chinese to be convenient ojoi Japanese Korean Spanish French i-И Russian Hindustani A. Substitution Drill 1. л.^0] ЗЯЧА. 2. g-g-o] It happened to become beautiful. His face happened to turn white.
Unit 46 457 3. 44 ДИ| ЗЯ4Д 4. 4343 ЗЯЗД. 5. д «и»] 333 ЗЯЗД. 6. Д->°] 4343 4ЯЗД. 7. д>з зззз зя-мд. 8. дЗЗ 333 ЗЯ-ИД. В. Substitution Drill 1. -й-зз-а- ^язизд. г. з^зд< >я$нд. з. ^зд< >я^зд. 4. д^-З-Д# >3554Д. 5. 43Д< <3«13Д. 6. 433< ФЗ«ЗД. 7. зн-зздз- <язмд. С. Substitution Drill 1. 43 433 33344. 2. д-g-j- 3^-3 Hl3344. 3. 3-g- 34# 3 Hl3344. 4. 334 3-E-3 Hl3344. 5. 333 43344. 6. дЗ< 333 Hl3344. 7. 33 33- 43344. 8. 333 Hl3344. It happened to become too big. It happened to become famous. That work happened to become diffi- cult. The traffic happened to get worse (these days). Transportation happens to be easier (these days). It happened to turn red. I graduated (from) kindergarten. I graduated (from) primary school. I graduated (from) middle school. I graduated (from) high school. I graduated (from) the university. I graduated (from) graduate school. I graduated (from) the Korean lan- guage school. I plan to go hunting tomorrow. I’m scheduled to visit him. I plan to hold a conference now. I plan to marry there. I plan to be hospitalized. I plan to refuse it. I plan to build a house. I plan to defend myself. D. Pattern Drill Teacher: 3L^--g- I plan to meet him. Student: Zb£--g- ^4*1 I plan not to meet him. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. xg Й-i- ^-g- *1*1 Si- 41*1
Unit 46 458 6. 7. 8. л-g-a- яч-. -&< aj2pl #-fr °HOJ44. &< rL-ri; &-4- «А^<аЯ’4. E. Pattern Drill Teacher: Student: ^*1* 1. «И’И-З-. 2. ^"ЙЧН- 7Ьа.^ЧЙ-. 3. WJ°U. 4. °J4DM 2 5. 'ЧчИ-чЬ.] яЦп]%(<И^-. 6. 4-ptM.a.. 7. «>13 $U. 8. Let’s study Korean. Let’s study Korean. <<H< hH-H-S., -SHI- ?НИ)Ч4. ^4* WH1. ‘ti'M-t- tN4. ^И}°).о|7]- хЦо]%И.Й.. oji^z]- -ЭД^И-в.. ‘IWi З’-’М.Й.. F. Pattern Drill Teacher: 47lxi 'UsI-.t-R- s]334 A. I’ve reached the point where I can work here. Student: 471л1 ’Й*|-7]| S]44-S-. It’s arranged that I can work here. 1. Л °J-a- sJSM-S-. 2. ЗЗ* s^-EL. 3. з||<- 4. rLg^- 5]Я<НЛ 5. зя-нд. 6. s]5d4-3-. 7. ^-1- я|£Л S]floU. 8. °J< 3^-t- ЗИ s]5d<H^. =1й<нд. zfl-M 5]Й<НД. slSM-S.. G. Pattern Drill Teacher: <=p£ ->Ho]#o].a.. I planned to meet him. Student: »JL|.x] $-g. I planned not to meet him. i. apjom-s.
Unit 46 459 4. aH°l'3d'H.2.. 5. 4>°№ •>]3i «И Д. 6. зз- °р<м*т. 7. W8: ЗДШ. 8. я-i wma. ww «й^тз.. Н. Pattern Drill Teacher: Л. Я)»] <^.=1, ?}31<И-Й.. If that book is good, I’ll read it. Student: Л. f°|-o|:, ?)31<ИЗ.. Provided that book is good, I’ll read it. 1. ^--r°l ^«Pa, л£-о| ч-i ^-Ц^ЗМ-З.. 2. л.-ё-<>| 7>=.^ita, ^.-g-o] 7]-3.^oh -£--¥-зИ^-Й.. 3. H]7[ -2.*] $».=!, -§-т}7Н<НД. н]7]- Д7| ?J-opo>( 4. &x] <y-o.tt|, rz^o] ЛЬд] 5. ^.-r°i чМзН-й.. 6. л. ЧМ ’Й-й-зРЯ, -8-Ч71-5ИЧ-S-. ЧИ <<Н7]-^<ЧЛ. 7. л-g-o] J^a, s]5]t- «Й-И-З.. Л-g-o] Sj-O):, £|3}> 8. zz-g-o] *11-^, ‘У'Ч’'НМ-S-. п^.О] ,ц<йоК <и<НЧ^<ЧД. I- Pattern Drill Teacher: ^z.-g-°| irii«W, 7^о|Л. Provided (if) he invites me, I’ll go. Student: ^Z.-g-°) 3J4]3|]0|:, лМ-З-. Provided (if) he invites me, I can go. 1. ч* 5tm. 2. Sp]- ozfo}:, 7Р5РЧЗ.. «Й7)- rtjo>, о)о]д. 3. *>< 3L*}oh ^Ч-ЯИЗ..
Unit 46 460 4. iSHPh q.> _£.s}^<4, ЧРН *Й $*НД. 5. -&< £$*4. s-o. o|^ =r ai^-fi-. 6. -4=^4 *l*Ph *-M-< 7IM 5-4# П1 5ЛН-Й-. 7. » 34, JM-SW-S.. 34, -M- 44-S, 8. лгИ ”3*1 4$4.&. л^о] чН ^44, ^-a П1 л14-£-. SHORT STORIES 1. ^4 44^* >^4-2-. •f-^-f- З^З-с} to major in ^4 <^44 7>7fl < 7^-о>Д. Expansion Drill -s-’d 44 KH«}-32.-a- -^-g- 314554-S-. ^44 ^1 7}7]] 7j 2. B] -n_'4'::& “fl °ti Ч Ч-. to go abroad for study Л.В1Ц- «И-t- «fl»h -fi-SMJ- т 1H.2.. °Pr $51 Expansion Drill D]^±s. -fh^ efl^o]7]p}, ojo|< jflo]: -ft-tJ-T]- $7] ЧЦ t! op?- sp] $57 О|^п]. 3. $o] # 5] 7] $o}Aj -*-¥-£ «И «Н $4 о^о]о]]Лф ^л<}з}с|- to be distressing, <13j -§ 41c}- to worry about, to be worrisome, to strain one’s nerves Expansion Drill $0} Л}- E]x] $op-] Л1^-е 'Й’ИЧ, *H, op?- ^} OX|. O}}^o}o}]^
461 READING 11 ‘H 6e‘ ** °H>o1 К 58^44 .-^11 4 6 4 4O14 444^1-4. o^] xjO] 3^44. nW Adi. >eW № 4. JIBflAi фрй11М Tfl ZL^ »|/Jf ->^44. ZL5&44 3. o}o]7p o]^} -g- ^4] &4Д 5^44. zteflAi -§-44^ 44. M]7j- &3JJE. <4 ]7} A)- oHl-vu 5^44. z^i -§^4 T ^<H] ^-g- с}. ZL^C-]u] ZL °}0) 4 ^*KH] AjAjujO] 44 Ч-4Ч-4 a carriage, a coach a road, a street (right) in the middle of soil, mud, clay a castle to get out of the way, to step aside to appear, to come out to go around a child, an infant (good) reason, principle no problem things to come, the future Л &]=!/-] saying that eyelashes 1 BRIEFING Confucius was travelling by coach. But, children were playing in the road. The children had made a castle with clay in the middle of the road. Confucius asked the children to get out of the way. However, the children didn’t obey. One of the children came out and asked how the castle could step aside for the coach. He said that the coach must go around the castle. So Confucius asked him, how, being a child, he could know such a principle. The child answered that this kind of thing was no problem at all. So Confucius asked the child again if he could know things to come. The child said that if a man could not know an occurrence before his eyes, how could he know things to come. The child asked Confucius if he knew things to come. So Confucius said that he sometimes knew an occurrence taking place before his eyes. The child asked Confucius how many eyelashes Confucius had.
RECOMMENDATIONS I congratulate you on the publication of your new Korean Language Books. They will fill a great need among the increasing numbers of people who wish to learn Korean. I believe your new approach marks a significant land- mark in the short history of the development of such texts. I am acquainted with your fine work in the past on the texts for the Myongdo Institute. In the name of the foreign community in Korea, let me express my grati- tude to you for your unceasing efforts at helping us learn your language. Rev. John P. Daly, S. J. Past President Sogang University Dear Reader, I thoroughly recommend this textbook by Mr. Francis Park! This is a book born of Mr. Park’s expert knowledge of the Korean lan- guage, the science of linguistics, his excellent knowledge of spoken and writ- ten English--but most of all his long and profound experience in teaching foreigners Korean, and in his long experience in instructing other teachers. This is a book produced from many years of labor and growth. I recom- mend it to all who embark on the task of learning the Korean language! John J. Corcoran Past Regional Director Maryknoll Missions in Korea ИЯЯ ISBN 1-56591-101-6 9l