Exam Skills for Russia
Тесты для подготовки к ОГЭ
по английскому языку
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Под редакцией:
Марии Вербицкой
Малколма Манна
Стива Тейлора-Ноулза

MACMILLAN MACMILLAN Exam Skills for Russia Тесты для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку Книга для учителя Второе издание тестов создано с учётом требований, предъявляемых Федеральной службой по надзору в сфере образования и науки к контрольно­ измерительным материалам для проведения Основного государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Книга для учителя включает: • ключи к упражнениям; • тексты аудиозаписей; • модели устных ответов; • образцы выполнения письменных работ. Exam Skids for Russia Тесты для подготовки кОГЭ по английскому языку ■MACMILLAN ОГЭ по английскому языку: ЯпрактниИюя подготовка . S MACMILLAN Exam Skills for Ru ssia , Учебное пособие для подготовки кГИА | поанглийскому языку: грамматика и лексика I синтерне! ресурсом Мария вербицкая МалколмМанн СтиеТейлор-Ноулз MACMILLAN MACMILLAN Exam Skills for Russi a Учебное пособие для подготовки к ЕГЭ по английскому языку: аудирование и говорение с интернет-ресурсам Компоненты: Книга для учащегося Книга для учителя Бесплатные аудиофайлы на www.macmillan.ru Марии Вербицкой Малколма Манна Стива Тейлора-Ноулз а MACMILLAN MACMILLAN Exam Skills lor Rus sia Тестыдля подготовки кЕГЭ по английскому языку с интернет-ресурсом macmillan education
MACMILLAN Exam Skills for Russia Тесты для подготовки кОГЭ по английскому языку Книга для учителя Издание второе Под редакцией: Марии Вербицкой Малколма Манна Стива Тейлора-Ноулза macmillan education
Macmillan Education 4 Crinan Street London N1 9XW A division o f Springer Nature Limited Companies and representatives thro ughou t the world ISBN 978-1 -3800 -1545-7 Text, design and illustration © Springer Nature Limited 2019 Written by SteveTaylore-Knowles and Malcolm Mann. The authors have asserted their right to be identified as the authors of the work in accordance with the Copyright, Design and Patent Act 1988. This edition published 2018 First published 2014 All rights reserved; no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission o f th e publishers. Original design by Sergey Spimov Page make-up by Tony Richardson (Wooden Ark Ltd) Cover design by Designers Collective Cover Image: Getty Images/ Jason Reed These materials may contain links for third party websites. We have no control over, and are not responsible for, the contents of such third party websites. Please use care when accessing them. КАТЕГОРИЯ 12+ Printed and bound in Great Britain by Bell and Bain Ltd, Glasgow 2022 2021 2020 2019 1098765432
Contents Int r o d u c tio n ........................................................... 4 Test 1 ....................................................................... 6 Test 2 ..................................................................... 10 Test 3 ..................................................................... 14 Test 4 ..................................................................... 18 Test 5 ..................................................................... 22 Test 6 ..................................................................... 26 Test 7 . . ...............................................................30 Test 8 ..................................................................... 34 Test 9 ..................................................................... 38 Test 1 0 ...................................................................42 Test 1 1 ................................................................... 46 Test 1 2 ................................................................... 50 Test 1 3 ................................................................... 54 Test 1 4 ................................................................... 58 Test 1 5 ...................................................................62 Test 1 6 ................................................................... 66 Test 1 7 ................................................................... 70 Test 1 8 ...................................................... 74 Test 1 9 ................................................................... 78 Test 2 0 ................................................................... 82 Audio CD Track L is t in g .................................... 86 Informal Letter Planner 88
Тесты для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку Цель данного пособия заключается в том, чтобы помочь вам подготовиться к успешной сдаче Основного государственного экзамена по английскому языку. Сборник включает 20 тестов. Каждому тесту предшествует серия упражнений, которые готовят к соответствующим разделам экзамена. Данные задания тренируют лексико-грамматический материал, развивают отдельные умения и навыки, помогают выработать стратегию подготовки к экзамену и выполнения экзаменационных заданий. Мы настоятельно рекомендуем вам сделать все эти упражнения до того, как вы приступите к выполнению тестовых заданий. Настоящее пособие является вторым изданием сборника тестов для подготовки к ОГЭ по английскому языку и отражает содержание и формат экзамена 2018 года. Структура экзаменационной работы в формате Основного государственного экзамена по английскому языку Экзаменационная работа по английскому языку состоит из двух частей: письменной и устной. Письменная часть, в свою очередь, включает четыре раздела: «Аудирование» , «Чтение», «Грамматика и лексика», «Письмо». Время, отведённое на выполнение письменной части экзамена, составляет 120 минут (2 часа). Время устного ответа, включая время на подготовку, составляет 15 минут на каждого экзаменуемого. Письменная часть Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) Данный раздел состоит из восьми тестовых заданий. У вас будет возможность прослушать каждый текст дважды, что поможет лучше справиться с поставленными задачами. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий этого раздела - 30 минут. В первом задании вы услышите четыре коротких диалога. Ваша задача - определить, где происходит каждый из этих диалогов. В задании есть одно лишнее место действия. Это задание проверяет понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста. Во втором задании вы услышите пять коротких монологических высказываний. Ваша задача - установить соответствие между услышанными высказываниями и утверждениями, которые выражают их основное содержание. Одно из таких утверждений будет лишним. Это задание проверяет понимание основного содержания прослушанного текста. В заданиях 3 -8 вы услышите разговор двух подростков. Вам нужно будет ответить на шесть вопросов по содержанию аудиотекста, выбрав правильный ответ из трёх предложенных. Это задание проверяет понимание в прослушанном тексте запрашиваемой информации. Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) Данный раздел включает девять заданий на понимание прочитанных текстов. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение заданий второго раздела - 30 минут. В задании 9 вам необходимо установить соответствие между заголовком и небольшим текстом. Даны семь коротких текстов и восемь заголовков, один заголовок - лишний. Это задание проверяет понимание основного содержания текста. В заданиях 10-17 представлен текст и восемь связанных с ним утверждений. Ваша задача - определить, является ли каждое из приведённых утверждений верным (True), неверным (False) или данная информация в тексте не упоминается (Not stated). Эти задания проверяют понимание в прочитанном тексте запрашиваемой информации.
Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) Данный раздел включает два задания, первое из которых состоит из девяти тестовых вопросов с кратким ответом, второе - из шести тестовых вопросов с кратким ответом. Рекомендуемое время на выполнение раздела - 30 минут. Задания 18-26 представляют со бой связный текст с девятью пропусками. На полях, справа от каждой строки с пропуском, дано слово, от которого нужно образовать соответствующую грамматическую форму, чтобы заполнить пропуск в тексте. Эти задания проверяют владение грамматическими навыками. В заданиях 27 -32 представлен связный текст с шестью пропусками. На полях, справа от каждой строки с пропуском, дано слово, от которого нужно образовать однокоренное слово, чтобы заполнить пропуск в тексте. Эти тестовые вопросы проверяют владение лексико- грамматическими навыками (способами словообразования). Раздел 4 (задание по письму) Данный раздел состоит из одного задания (33), в котором вам предлагается написать письмо личного характера. Требуемый объём письменной работы - не менее 100 и не более 120 слов. На выполнение задания отводится 30 минут. Устная часть Устная часть экзамена состоит из трёх заданий: чтение текста вслух, участие в условном диалоге- расспросе и тематическое монологическое высказывание. Общее время устного ответа, включая время на подготовку, составляет 15 минут. Устная часть ОГЭ сдаётся в компьютеризированной форме в отдельный день. Каждое последующее задание устной части выдаётся после окончания предыдущего. Во время всего ответа ведётся аудио- и видеозапись. Задание 1 - чтение вслух небольшого текста научно-популярного характера. Время, отведённое на подготовку к данному заданию, составляет 1,5 минуты, а время ответа составляет 2 минуты. В задании 2 вам предлагается принять участие в условном диалоге-расспросе, ответив на шесть вопросов, услышанных в аудиозаписи телефонного опроса. Задание проверяет умение дать полный ответ на поставленный вопрос. Время ответа на каждый вопрос составляет не более 40 секунд. В задании 3 необходимо, используя план, построить связное монологическое высказывание из 10-12 предложений на определённую тему. Время, отведённое на подготовку к данному заданию, составляет 1,5 минуты, а время ответа составляет 2 минуты. Выполнение заданий устной части оценивается двумя независимыми экспертами, при значительном расхождении их оценок назначается третий эксперт. Эксперты оценивают решение коммуникативной задачи, языковое оформление и произношение. Надеемся, что работа по нашему пособию будет полезна и интересна для вас. Желаем вам успеха на экзамене! Авторы пособия
Test 1 I Language and Exam Skills Development T e s t 1 1Section 1 Listening: first task Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) A ш 1 lc2e3a4d5b А5В1СЗD2 в 1win 2help 3check4see5go6show 7Have 8 leave/go Section 21 Reading: first task C lc2e3b4a5f6d D I thermal 2 situated 3 coast 4 established 5 temple 6 springs 7 wealthy 8 character 9 runs 10 floods I I presently 12 resident 13 throughout 14 tend to 15 breezes Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: first task E 18T19F20F21F22T23T24F25T26F F 1 women 2 children 3 babies 4 feet 5 teeth 6 mice 7 potatoes 8 tomatoes 9 lives 10 sheep Section 4 1Writing G Students own answers H 1Do2Dont 3Do4Do5Don’t 6Do 7Don’t Section 51 Speaking: first task I contains a Is/ sound: sea, situation, species contains a I f I sound: she, oceans, shell, situation, species contains a /z/ sound: zoo, choose, creatures, leaves, lives, oceans, species @ 01 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: That was an interesting game, wasn't it? B: It really was! Well done! To be honest, I didn't think you were going to win atfirst A: I know! Neither did 1.1 think I was quite lucky. B: No, you played very well Anyway, you go and have a shower and change and I'll see you outside in afew minutes. Dialogue В A: Excuse me - I'd like some information about tours o f the city. B: Certainly, I can help you with that. There are three different buses offering trips round the centre. A: Do you know where they leavefrom? B: Yes - two of them leavefrom the museum, and one leavesfrom the park. A: Could you show me on the map, please? Dialogue C A: Excuse me. Have you got this month's issue o fMusic for Teens? B: Yes, I think so. I think it came in this morning. Let me ju s t check. Yes, here it is. A: Great! How much is that, please? B: I'm afraid it's two poundsfifty. Magazines just seem to get more and more expensive each month, don't they? Dialogue D A: Have you got the tickets with you, Henry? They need to check them before we go to our seats. B: Yes, I've got them here. I'm really lookingforward to the show, aren 't you? A: Yes, I can't wait! Ijust hope we can see. I hate it when you're sitting sofa r back that you can't see anything that's happening on stage. B: Well, the tickets weren't cheap, so I hope we can see OK! e
Test 1 Ш A5B1C6D2E4 © 02 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А I love going to outdoor concerts, especially during the summer months, in the evening,just before the suns gone down and the temperature starts to cool a bit Its a great way to relax, listen to music and enjoy yourself You can even dance and move around a bit ifyou like. I fyou're lucky;you'llfind a nice patch ofgrass where you can sit down fo r a while and sip on some refreshing drinks with friends. Who wouldn't like that? Speaker В I'm a hugefa n of the digital music revolution. I love being able to download any song I want and listen to it on a device thatfits in my pocket. There's no end to what kind of musicyou can get in thisformat, because it seems like nearly every tune ever made has been p ut into this computerisedform. I also like thefact that you can buyju st one song, and not an entire album. That's less expensive, in my opinion. SpeakerC I think music's changed quite a lot since my parents' day. Nowadays, I think there's a lot o f electronic instruments in use, and that's kind o f disappointing. I've listened to afew of my mum's old records, and I like the realguitars and drums without the electronic sound. I like the real voices too, n ot ones that have been changed digitally. I think there's quite a lot of real music out there these days, but there's also lots o f competition fro m pop bands and so on. SpeakerD I've been playing in a bandfor a couple ofyears now. I can't say I'm ready to quit my job to become afull-time musician, but I think my band mates and I have got a good thing going on. We've almost got enough music to p ut an album together, and then were going to try an d save up enough money to record it. It's expensive, being a musician, but if we make it big, money won't be a problem any more. SpeakerE I think record shops will become a thing o f the past. I realise it's much more convenient to buy digital music, and I'm not against that. But I miss hanging out in a record shop, looking a t all the album covers, running into people you know who love music also. It was a social thing. Sure, there are still some record shops around, but I imagine they're having a tough time. I feel sorryfo r them! 3-8 33 61 43 72 51 81 © 03 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Denise: How's it going, Greg? I heard about your football match last Saturday. What happened? Greg: Hi, Denise. Yeah, it wasn't such a great game. It was freezing cold and I wasn't really in the mood to play. Denise: Yeah, I though that might have something to do with it. Greg: Well, really, I think we ju s t weren't prepared. Some guys had missed practice afew times. Denise: Don't worry, there are plenty o f other matches coming up. Speaking o ffootball, I 'm going with some friends to a Carlton United match on Sunday. Would you like to come? Greg: That would be great! Actually, my team-mates were talking about going, but they weren't sure if they could make it. Denise: Oh really? Because o ffo otball practice? Greg: No, I think some o f them have other plans that they'd like to get out of. I told them I'd like to go with them if they went, but I don't think they'd mind if I went with you. Denise: Well, we're definitely going. We've already bought tickets. Greg: Sounds like a good plan. I'll call my dad and see ifhe can get me a ticket. Denise: Actually, one o f myfriends can't go. You could have his ticket ifyou like. Greg: Oh, I see. Sure! I can pay himfor it. How will you get to the game? Denise: We're taking two cars. M y sister can take us in her car, and my dad will take my otherfriends in his car. It's Harry and Paula that are going. Greg: Oh, great! Paula's in my History class. I don't kno w Ha rry so well, actually, b ut he seems nice. Denise: OK, so we're leaving at 2 on Sunday. That gives us enough time to get there. I hope that's not too earlyfor you. Greg: No, not at all. I canget my mum to drop me o ff at your house, actually. Denise: There's no needfor that. We'll come and get you. Greg: Are you sure? I don't mind at all.
Test 1 Раздел 4 (задание по письму) Sample answer: зз Moscow Russia October 12,2017 Dear Stan, Denise: No, no. Actually, I think your house is on the way out oftown, isnt it? Greg: No, its on the other side of the school Denise: I see. Perhaps it is better ifyou come to our house. But III ask my sister - maybe she wont mind. Greg: Let me know when you can. Denise: Ym glad you can make it. Were going to have a great time! Greg: Yeah, Ym lookingforw a rd to it! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иА5В8СЗD6ElF4G7 10-17 102 141 113 151 121 162 133 172 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 18 rang 19 studying 20 did 21 yours 22 hadn’t arrived / had not arrived 23 longer 24 womens 25 ve lost / have lost / lost 26 mine 27-32 27 widely 30 differences 28 various 31 disagree 29 tenth 32 official Thanksfor your letter. Its always good to hearfrom you! I understand you need help with choosing a pet. I hope I can help. In my opinion, dogs are great pets. They re very friendly and easy to take care of. I think the bestplace to get them isfrom an animal shelter. They have many nice animals there, and I dont think you have to pay. To take care ofa dog you need to make sure it hasplenty of food and water, and you need to take the dogfor walks. Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • re ad aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use n atural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately Q 04 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Bookp 15 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Let me know how your searchfor apetgoes. Yd like to meet it some day! Byefo r now, Igor Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 о
Test 1 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the National Library. We kindly ask you to take pa rt in our survey. We need tofind out about reading books. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have togive your name. So, lets g et started. EA: Where do you live? S: ________________________ EA: Where is y o u r closest library? S: _________________________ EA: Do y o u enjoy reading books? S: ________________________ EA: How much time do you spend reading? S: _________________________ EA: What isyourfavourite book? S: ________________________ EA: What kind ofperson would enjoy readingyour favourite book? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much fo r y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the National Library. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out about reading books. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have togive your name. So, lets get started. EA: Where do you live? S: I live in a block offlats in Saint Petersburg. I live with my parents in a quiet neighbourhood in Kalininsky District. EA: Where is y o u r closest library? S: The closest library to my house is about halfa kilometer away, which is about 10 minutes away on foot. EA: Do y o u enjoy reading books? S: Yes, I love reading books because yo u learn a lot about the world and about people, evenfrom reading stories a n d novels. EA: How much time do you spend reading? Q 05 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 S: I try to read every day, although its not always possible because I have a lot ofhomework. I probably spend about thirty minutes a day reading, and maybe an hour a day at the weekend. EA: What isyourfavourite book? S: Myfavourite book is thefirst Harry Potter book. I like it because Harry goes on an amazing adventure. EA: What kind ofperson would enjoy readingyour favourite book? S: I think anyone who likes action stories and magic would enjoy reading myfavourite book. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor your cooperation. Task 3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Vm going to talk about hobbies. Its good to have a hobby because it gives yo u something interesting to do. Also, its something that you want to do. You can choose whatever hobby you like. This means you ll be excited to do it, unlike with homework or household chores that you have to do. One hobby that interests me is collecting coinsfrom other countries. Ifind that interesting because its amazing to see what designs are on these coins. Some o f them are very beautiful. You can also compare them with onesfrom your own country and see how different they are. I would probably prefer to do a hobby on my own. Collecting isnt really something you can do with other people. However, I like to show my coin collection to my friends. Thats all I wanted to say. о
Test 2 Language and Exam Skills Development 1Section f] Listening: second task A If2e3b4c5a6d В 1 putting 2 evening 3 out 4 off 5 Tuesdays 6 change Q 06 Audioscript exercise В 1 But I often find myselfputting a lot of effort into it. 2 1didn't use to go out so often, but since I stopped my eveningjob Ive had morefree time. 3 Its veryfashionable and all the cool people hang out there. 4 It may not seem like a necessity, but going out is actually a great way to relax and take your mind off a hard day o f studying or working, to celebrate after your exams, things like that. 5 On Tuesdays, they give you a 2-for-l Pizza Special. 6 1 suggested to everyone tha t we go bowling instead, for a change. Section 2] Reading: second task C 1 (bed) battle 2 (three) two 3 (leg) shoulder 4 (son) nephew 5 (high^eost) low-cost 6 (outside) in D 1 positive 2 defeated 3 desire 4 twisted 5 brilliant 6 powerful 7 recent 8 wounds Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task E IF2F3T4T F 27 noun 28 adverb 29 adjective 30 adjective 31 adjective 32 adjective Section 4 1Writing Section 5 1Speaking: second task H Students' own answers Test 2 Раздел X (задания по аудированию) ш АЗВ4С1 D5 ^ 07 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: What would you like to do today? B: Let's go to the cinema. There's a great new film on I really want to see. A: OK.I canget my mum totake us, so wedon'thave to get the bus. B: Will she mind? A: No, not at all. Actually shejust walked in through the front door - I'llgo and ask her now. Dialogue В A: I'm glad there's not much traffic today. We should get to Darren's place before lunch. B: Watch how fa st you're going, though. We don't want to have an accident! A: Don't worry - we'll befine. I'm going under the speed limit. B: Yes, but the exit's right there, and were going to miss it! Dialogue C • A: A nd what would you like today, Mrs Verity? B: I'd like a large, white loaf of bread please, Dan. And some o f those nice cakes, too. A: A n y ginger biscuits today, M rs Verity? B: Oh, go on then, ifyou insist. Yes, I'll have a couple. A: That'll be two pounds thirty then. Dialogue D A: Can I help the next person in line, please? B: Hi, I'd like to take some money out of my account. A: OK. Can I see some identification? B: Of course. Here's my passport, and here's my savings book also. G Students' own answers
61 72 83 Test 2 ИA3B6C5D1E2 ©08Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А Going out can sometimes be a bit stressful You know you re going to be aroundfriends, and you re going to have a great time. It should be as simple as that, right? But I often find myselfputting a lot of effort into it. I spend afew minutes, maybe halfan hour - at the worst a whole hour - lookingfor the perfect outfit to wear. IfI don tfind something, you know YUbe late! Speaker В I go out probably three times a week these days. I didn't use to go out so often, but since I stopped my evening job Yve had morefree time. Myfavourite places to go are cafes. A couple of new ones have recently opened up in my area. I really like the one that's ju st opened across from the park. Its veryfashionable and all the cool people hang out there. Sometimes its so busy its hard to find a table! Speaker C People go outfor many reasons - to hang out with friends, get out of the house orjust have a good time. It may not seem like a necessity, but going out is actually a great way to relax and takeyour mind off a hard day o f studying or working, to celebrate after your exams, things like that. This must be goodfor our mental health, don t you think? SpeakerD Going out is a popular activityfor youngpeople. I should know - Ym one of them! When myfriends and I go out, we make smart decisions about where were going. We often go to places where they've g ot something on offer - fo r example, the pizza place down the roadfrom my house. On Tuesdays, they give you a 2-for-l Pizza Special. Who could pass up a deal like that? Speaker E Myfriends and I hang out in one of ourfavourite places once a week or so. But lately Yve beenfeeling a bit bored with that routine. I suggested to everyone that we go bowling instead, fo r a change. They weren't really into the idea atfirst, but I begged them to go ju st once. We went last weekend and we had such a great time. None o f us played very well, but ju st doing something different was exciting. 3-8 32 43 52 ©09Audioscript Задания 3-8 Vicky: Good morning, Josh. Did you sleep OK in the guest bedroom last night? Josh: Morning, Vicky! Yeah, it was fantastic. That guest bed is much more comfortable than my bed at home. Vicky: That's good. It's a n ew bed, actually. So, are you in the moodfor some breakfast? My mum is making bacon and eggs. Josh: Definitely. I love a good breakfast. My mum might make that once a month at the most. We usuallyju st eat cereal. Vicky: I usuallyju st havefruit. But since we've got family over, we wanted to do something nice. So, what would you like to do today? Josh: What do you have in mind? Vicky: I was thinking we could go fo r a walk along the sea near the city centre, then we could go down the high street, visit a cafe, or go to a museum. Josh: That sounds great. I think Yd like to get a new pair o f shorts. I love these shorts, b ut they're sta rting to fall apart. Vicky: OK, and then we couldgofor a coffee. Josh: Have you got any good bookshops in the area? Vicky: Sure. There are a couple in the centre. We can go ifyou like. Josh: That would be great. My town hasn't got very good bookshops. I order a lot online, which is fine, and there's a lot more choice, but you end up payingfor delivery and you have to wait for them to come. Vicky: I see. You really like books then, don't you? Josh: I do. I love reading. Infact, ifall we do isgo to bookshops, I 'll be satisfied! Vicky: Well, we've got plenty of time to do lots o fthings. Josh: What's yourfavourite place intown? Vicky: We've got a great maritime museum here, since the town's got a long history connected with shipping. It's got old photos and maps, and thingsfrom old ships, like ropes, on display, an d they've even g ot a restored sailing ship that you can go round. Oh, Yd like to see that. I imagine it's huge! Josh:
Test 2 Vicky: We can go tomorrow. I think breakfast is ready. What would you like to drink? Josh: YU take whatever y o u ’ve got. Vicky: We’ve got orangejuice and milk. A nd water; o f course! Josh: I could really gofo r somethingfruity and sweet. Vicky: OK, Josh YUget itfor you. Josh: Thanks very much. Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Hi, Jill! Tynda, Russia 1st July 2017 Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) и А6В4С8D2Е3F5G1 10-17 102 141 113 151 123 162 133 172 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) Thanksforyour letter. I was interested to hearyou’re having a p a rty this weekend. That sounds likefu n! Here are some ideas to help you with the planning Forfood, I think ifs a good idea to orderpizzas. You can order different kinds, a nd its much easier than cooking food yourself. For entertainment, I think you only need some good music. You could use you r mobile phone, computer or an MP3 player to play yourfavourite songs, or you couldjust have a radio. Lastly, I think it would be nice to have the p a rty outdoors, if the weathers nice. I hope my advice helps you. Have a great time at the party! Byefor now, Eva 18 -26 Раздел 5 (устная часть) 18 has been Task 1 19 is known 20 were made Skills to be tested 21 didn’t begin / did not begin The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability 22 men to: 23 them • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses 24 highest • use natural intonation and phrasing 25 more commonly • pronounce words and sentences accurately 26 printing Q 10 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Book p 25 27-32 27 performance Task 2 28 badly Skills to be tested 29 useless The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability 30 terrible to: 31 painful • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately 32 impressive • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the M oney Society. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel about shopping and pocket money. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't . have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: ________________________ EA: How much pocket money, ifany, do you get each week? S: _________________________ EA: How many times a month do you go shopping? S: ________________________ EA: Do you prefer shopping on your own or with other people? S: _________________________ EA: Do you buyyour own clothes? S: ________________________ EA: Have you ever bought anything online? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Money Society. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel about shopping and pocket money. Please answer six questions. The survey is ahbnymous - you dont have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: Ym thirteen years old. YU befourteen in two months. EA: How much pocket money, ifany, doyou get each week? S: My parents give me 500 rubles pocket money every weekend. EA: How many times a month do you go shopping? S: I usually go shopping with myfriends on Saturday afternoons, so aboutfour times a month. EA: Doyou prefer shopping on your own or with other people? S: I hate shopping on my own, and love shopping with myfriends! Ifs much morefun, and they can ^ 11 Audioscript Устная часть Задани е 2 help you choose the right things to buy. EA: Do you buyyour own clothes? S: No, not usually. My mum buys my clothesfor me. Well, I choose them and she paysfo r them! EA: Have you ever bought anything online? S: Yes, we sometimes use my dads credit card to buy thingsf ro m online sites, particularly books, DVDs a n d electronic equipment. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor you r cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • prono unce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Ym going to talk abo ut exercise routines. I think its important to have an exercise routine because ifs a good way to stay in shape, and thafs importantfor our health. People these days often eat too much. I f you exercise, you'll lose weight, or you'll make sure you don't gain weight. Youllfeel better about yourself andyou'll have more energy to do the things in lifeyou want to do. I have an exercise routine, because I play football at school, so I get a lot of exercise this way. I do thisform of exercise because I enjoy playing sports. You're havingfu n at the same time as keepingfit. We also exercise once a week in PE at school. I would prefer to exercise outdoors because ifs more enjoyable to be outside in thefresh air, or at a park. Also, it doesn't cost anything to exercise outdoors. Thafs all I wanted to say.
Test 3 Language and Exam Skills Development Section 1 Listening: third task A Students' own answers В 1of2me 3loads4be 5up 6off7off8down Section 2 Reading: first task C 1 vaccinated 2 epidemic 3 junk 4 benefits 5 aerobic 6 wonders 7 long 8 moderation 9 vulnerable 10 raise 11 wisdom 12 consultant 13 appointment 14 refer Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: first task D IF2F3T E lb2a3b4c5a Dialogue A A: I can'tfin d my socks anywhere! B: It's always such a mess in here - it's no wonder you can'tfin d anything! Are they under the bed? A: I looked there, and in the drawers and behind my desk. I had them last night when I went to sleep! B: Look, here they are. They were under your pillow all the time. You really should tidy up. Dialogue В A: Why are we sitting right at thefront? The screen looks hugefro m here! B: The music's louder a nd the picture's biggerf ro m here. It's an action movie, so this is the best place to watch. A: Can you buy us something to drink? A nd maybe some popcorn? В: I paidfor the tickets - 1 haven't got any money left. Let's ju st enjoy thefilm, shall we? Dialogue C A: Have you decided what you're going to order? B: It all looks so delicious. I've never had Italianfood before. Do you have a starter before the main course? A: You can, but the portions are so big I usuallyjust have a main dish and dessert. B: Let's have a glass o f wine while we read the menu. Oh, here comes the waiter. © 12 Audioscript Задание 1 Section 41 Writing F Students' own answers G 1tohear 2some 3dontyou 4with 5being 6 you’re 7 for Section 5 Speaking: third task Dialogue D A: We've been walkingfo r hours. It's really beautiful here, but don't you think we should begetting back? B: OK, let's turn around. Wellfollow the path back through the trees. A: I just hope we can remember where we parked the car. B: It was near the entrance. Don't worry. И A5B2C3D1E6 H Students’ own answers Test 3 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) □А5ВЗС1D2 © 13 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А Well, I love playingfootball. I'm not very good, and we get beaten nearly every week by the other teams in the league, but it's takingpart that countsfor me. I don't care so much about the result as the game itself. I love running around, I love the exercise, and playing my best, even if my best is no good! Just participating is enough - we don't have to win all the time to havefun.
Test 3 Speaker В I play ice hockey; which is a tough sport, and you need your team-mates to help you all the time. Nobody can win a game on their own, even if they re a great player with all the skill in the world. You w o n t get anywhere without the team. Everyone must work togetherfo r the common good. A nd when there’s afight, well, that’s when you want your team-mates behind you most! Speaker C You cant expect to be any good straight away, o f course. I started playing tennis when I was very young, only six or seven, and atfirst my coach - my coach was very strict, by the way - well, he wouldn’t let me play a competitive match. He said I had to learn first. Winning was fo r later, mastering the technique camefirst. So I had to train and train and train before I could really begin to play. SpeakerD Boxing is a very demanding sport and you have to be very well prepared, or you could get into serious trouble in afight. So I do a lot of weight-training and I work out every day in order to keep myself in shape, in good enough condition to challenge my opponent. I ’m in the gym or running on the road all the time, it seems, but without this preparation, well, I ’d losefo r sure. Speak erE Golf isn’t a game which demands greatfitness. You need to practise, b ut the pressure o f a real game isn’t something you can prepare for. So what makes a great golfer? In a word, ability. Natural ability. When you see a great golferplay, you know you’ll never reach their level, because somehow they do stuff other people can’t do and can’t learn. They’re born, not made; they already know, they weren’t taught. Shame, but you can’t win them all! 3-8 32 61 41 71 52 83 @ 14 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Helen: Hi, Bobby. What’s thatyou’ve got? Bobby: It’s my new mobile, Helen. M y dadju st bought itfor me. Helen: I thoughtyou got a new phonefor your birthday afew months ago. Did you lose it? I’m always losing mine and my mum said she won’t buy me another one next time it happens. Bobby: Helen: Bobby: Helen: Bobby: Helen: Bobby: Helen: Bobby: Helen: Bobby: Helen: Bobby: Helen: Bobby: Helen: Bobby: The one I gotfor Christmas broke when I dropped it. I was runningfor the bus and it fell out of my pocket. My dad was pretty good about it, really - didn’t blame me. Yes, butyou’d better not do the same thing with this one! It’s got a special case to protect it, so ifI drop it, hopefully it w on’t break. I ’m going to be really careful, anyway! It’s much better than my last one. Has it got loads o fgames on? I like Angry Birds’! Yes, it’s got hundreds. But I don’t play them much. I usuallyju st listen to music most of the time. It’s got a great camera too. It takes fantastic pictures. Yes, I love using the camera on mine. M ine plays videos, too, so on the bus to school, I can just put my headphones in and watch a show or something. Can you connect to the internet on yours? I ’d rather check my email than watch some TV programme on the bus. I don’t use email much anymore. Most people these days ju st text each other. I t ’s quicker, isn’t it? Yes... I send a lot of text messages, but I use email ifI want to send a long message. Oh, I can’t be bothered to write so much - just a quick text - or I callifI want to chat or something. I don’t w a nt to press all those buttons. It gets really confusing. That’s why I don’t play the games! Oh, yes! It uses the battery up really quickly, too, ju st like watching movies, so sometimes when I get a call itjust turns itselfoffin the middle o f the conversation. Oh, isn’t it horrible when you get cut off like that? Hey, let me have your number so I can put itin myphone. Sure ... Oh, what is it? I can never remember it. Haveyougot apen?I’ll write itdownfor you. No, I haven’t. But why don’tyou just call me on yourphone? Then I can save your number on mine. Good idea! Now - wait a minute, where’s my phone? O h ... Don’t tell meyou’ve lost it!
Test 3 Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) Раздел 5 (устная часть) ИA4В6C)7D8ElF3G5 10-17 103 142 113 151 122 161 133 173 Разде л 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 18 was 21 replied 24 his 19 felt 22 parties 25 thought 20 best 23 had 26 mine 27-32 27 famous 30 importance 28 central 31 disastrous 29 really 32 fortunately Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Perm Russia 2ndNovember 2017 Dear Nick, Thanksforyour letter. It was great to hearfrom you! Yes, I moved school last year and so I can give you some advice. Firstly, you should try to makefriends with people in your class. Its easy to talk to people ifyou sit next to them,for example. My new best friend is the boy I sit next to during our English lessons. It wasn't so easy to makefriends with children from other classes, though, s o l joined thefootball team and I met some people that way. You should do that, too, and soon you'll have a pretty busy social life! Good luck in your new school. I'm sure you're going to be very popular! Bye! Vladimir Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronou nce words and sentences accurately © 15 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Book p 35 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately © 16 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the National Survey Office. We kindly ask you to take pa rt in our survey. We need tofind out how people spend theirfree time. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, let's g et started. EA: How oldareyou? S: __ _______________________ EA: How muchfree time do you have? S: __________________________ EA: Do you like watching TV? S: __________________________ EA: How often do you go to the cinema? S: __________________________ EA: What other things do you do inyourfree time? S: ___________________________ EA: What entertainmentfacilities would you like to see in the area where you live? S: ___________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation.
Test В Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the National Survey Office. We kindly ask you to take pa rt in our survey. We need tofind out how people spend theirfree time. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: Ym fourteen years old, and Ytt befifteen next month. EA: How muchfree time do you have? S: Ido a lot ofhomework each day, so I onlyhave about an hourfree during the week. A t the weekend I have morefree time, and Yd say I have about three hours a day. EA: Do you like watching TV? S: Yes, I love watching TV, especially sports programmes a nd comedy shows. EA: How often do you go to the cinema? S: I prefer watchingfilms on TV, so I go to the cinema probably once every two months. EA: What other things do you do in yourfree time? S: I like sport, so I playfootball and tennis each week. I also surf the internet and watch videos on YouTube. Finally, I read books a lot, especially books about science. EA: What entertainmentfacilities would you like to see in the area where you live? S: We have two cinemas in town, but we dont have a theatre. Yd like to see a new theatre in our town so that local people could watch plays. I think a theatre would be very popular. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor you r cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Ym going to talk about travelling. I think travelling to different places is a good idea because y o u can learn lots o f interesting things a n d meet some interesting people. I like doing n ew things, so travelling to a new place sounds really great. You can't stay in the same place all the time, and its good to do something different sometimes. I f you work or go to school all year, when the summer comes its a good idea to change yo ur routine, have a new experience and refresh yourself. I haven't travelled to very ma ny places outside my own country, but last year I went to London with myfamilyfor a holiday. It was amazing! I saw all the things I've read about and places I've seen infilms. Infact, it was like afilm! IfI couldgo anywhere I wanted. Yd prefer to go somewherefa r away, like Africa, because Ym sure it's very different from my country! Yd like to meet the people and see how they live, and maybe I would try some of their food and learn some o f their language. That's all I wanted to say. о
Test 4 Language and Exam Skills Development Section 1 Listening: second task ill 27 noun 28 adjective 29 adjective 30 adverb 31 adjective 32 adjective A 1 top marks 2 make a decision 3 problems with 4 falling behind 5 in the end 6 take private lessons 7 as a person 8 1wouldn’t say 9 lively and interesting Q 17 Audioscript exercise A 1 Ym good at both science and arts subjects and get top marks in nearly all my exams. Section 41 Writing F Students own answers G 1sounds 2much 3there 4cant 5learn 6one 2 Ym not going to make a decision until I really have to, though. Section 5 Speaking: first task 3 When Ifirst started at secondary school, I had real problems with Maths lessons. 4 1 was falling behind everyone really badly. 5 But in the end, I accepted, and its made a real difference to m y progress. 6 Now anyone who wants to learn a musical instrument will have to take private lessons. 7 It should help you to develop as a person too. 8 1 wouldn't say that the students who do well in science subjects are the only intelligent students. 9 They really need to make the subject lively and interesting to inspire students. Section 21 Reading: second task В 1 incredible 2 period 3 invaded 4 expansion 5 carry out 6 actually 7 disappear 8 collapse 9 influence 10 drought 11 soil 12 severe 13 starve 14 survive c 1 invaded 2 collapse 3 (mega) drought Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task D IF2F3T4T H Students' own answers Note: 4 on the 31st of December 2016 6 twenty-one thousand, four hundred and thirteen 7 twenty-one thousand Test 4 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш АЗ B2C4D1 ^ 1 8 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: What can I doforyou today? В: I just want to have it washed and blow-dried, please. A: The ends look very dry. I think we should give them a trim. I'lljust cut a little off B: Will it take long? I have to be back at work in an hour. A: Don't worry. I'll have you looking great in no time. Dialogue В A: Could you bring me a pillow and a blanket, please? B: Yes, o f course. Do you need anything else? A: No, thanks. But can you tell me how long it is until we land? B: We should be landing in aboutfive hours. A: Good - 1 can sleepfor a bit and then do some work. Dialogue C A: Hello. I ordered a copy o f the latest novel by Hilary Mantel last week. Has it arrived? о
В: Let те check. What name is the order under? A: Alexander Inman. B: It hasn't arrived yet. Could you call in again tomorrow? A: Yes, that'sfine. I hope it's come, though. I can't wait to read it! Dialogue D A: What's this one supposed to be? It's ju st strips o f different coloured paint. B: It's not supposed to Ъе anything. The colours in the picture are meant to affect you emotionally. A: I don't understand. How are they supposed to make me feel? B: Well, does this work make you sad, or angryfor example? A: I justfind it annoying! I'll never be able to relate to modern paintings. S A3B6C5D1E4 О 19 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A I'm not really sure what I want to study after school. I'm good at both science and arts subjects and get top marks in nearly all my exams. I'd quite like to go on to study something to do with law or politics at college, but my parents seem to think that sticking to the sciences would give me betterjob opportunities. I'm not going to make a decision until I really have to, though. Speaker В When Ifirst started at secondary school, I had real problems with Maths lessons. I ju st couldn't keep up with the rest o f the class. I was falling behind everyone really badly. Then my teacher suggested some extra lessons for support. I really didn't like the idea atfirst, as I was embarrassed. But in the end, I accepted, and it's made a real difference to my progress. I don't even need the support lessons now. SpeakerC This year my school decided to stop offering music lessons. Now anyone who wants to learn a musical instrument will have to take private lessons. It's not so badfor me - 1 can afford to payfor lessons. But there are many students who can't afford them. I don't think school should ju s t be about learning academic subjects. It should help you to develop as a person too. W hat better way to do that is there than through music? Speaker D I wouldn't say that the students who do well in science subjects are the only intelligent students. Understanding literature, or history, also requires good thinking skills and logic. It's a bit of a myth that the science students are the cleverest. Everyone has talents in different areas and many of the students who are good at arts subjects are simply brilliant. It's also true that some o f the students who do well in science are quite slow in other subjects. Speaker E Even teachers who are very knowledgeable about their subject need to understand that this is not enough to make them a good teacher. A good teacher must be able to g et knowledge across to students. They really need to make the subject lively and interesting to inspire students. Too many teachers don't spend enough time on lesson preparation and the result is often a dry, dull lesson and bored, unhappy students. 3-8 33 6 43 7 51 8 ©20 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Cara: Hi, Ben! I'm glad I caught you. I wanted to ask you something. What are you wearing to the fancy dress party tonight? Ben: I'm not really sure yet, Cara. Cara: Oh! Aren't you going to go as a pirate? Ben: No, I didn't like that idea at all. I think I'd rather go as a circus clown. How about you? Cara: I've got afantastic cat costume I'm going to wear. How are you going to get to the party? Ben: I don't know. I asked my dad but he has to take M u m shopping after work. Cara: Well, ifyou don't want to get the bus, you could come in our car. My mum won't mind picking y o u up. Ben: Brilliant. Thanks a lot. What time should I expect you at my house then? Cara: Well, the invitation says to arrive at seven o'clock. But I don't want to be thefirst to arrive. Ben: Yeah, I agree. I hate sitting around in an empty room waitingfor everyone to turn up. Cara: I'd rather be a bit late than too early. Ben: Exactly! So what time then? Cara: Well, I won't be ready to leave the house until six thirty, so I'll be able to pick you up at a quarter to seven. W ell get there by seven fifteen.
Test 4 Ben: Great. Sixfortyfive isfinefor me. Are you taking anything to the party? Cara: Ofcourse I am. We all have to bring something to eat or drink. It says so on the invitation. Ben: I'm no t exactly the world's greatest cook. Cara: Ifyou can't make something then you'll have to buy some soft drinks. It would be rude to turn up empty-handed. Ben: I know. I can always go and buy some crisps and sweets, as well as soft drinks, I suppose. Are yo u making something? Cara: My mum has made a chocolate cake and when I get home after school, I'm going to make a bigpile of cheese and ham sandwiches. Ben: I'vejust remembered! My mum has a pack of frozen sausage rolls in the freezer. Cara: They're really easy to p ut in the oven and bake. Ben: Yes, even I can manage that. Cara: Great! They're always popular at parties, too. OK, Ben. I'll see you this evening. Byefor now. Ben: OK. Catch you later. Раздел 0 2 (задания по чтению) A3B8C1 D2E7F5 G6 10-17 102 142 li3 152 121 161 133 172 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 18 was directed 23 best 19 his 24 its 20 saw 25 more popular 21 was watched 26 knew 22 children 27-32 27 childhood 28 sunny 29 enjoyable 30 extremely 31 unlucky 32 tiring Раздел 4: (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Saratov Russia 26 July 2017 Hi Lucy, Thanks so muchfor your letter. It was great to hear from you! Your trip to Paris soundsfantastic. I 'm reallyjealous! I don't know much about the city at all. Like you, I know the Eiffel Tower. A nd I think there's a museum called The Louvre, isn't there? I'm glad you can speak French because I can't! We don't learn French at school. Thank you fo r offering to get me a present. I'd love a t-shirt ifyou canfind a nice one. I hope you have a really great time! I'm sure you will. You can tell me about it in your next letter. Byefo r now! Sergei Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • prono unce words and sentences accurately © 21 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Book p 45 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately о
Test 4 в 22 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Transport Museum. We kindly askyou to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how peoplefeel about different means o f transport. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give you r name. So, let's get started. EA: Where do you live? S: __________ ______________ EA: How do you travel to andfrom school? S: _ ________________________ EA: Do yo u ride a bicycle regularly? S: ________________________ EA: What are yourfavourite means o fpublic transport? S: _________________________ EA: How many times have you been on aplane? S: ________________________ EA: What means of transport would you like to tryfor thefir st time? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Transport Museum. We kindly askyou to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how peoplefeel about different means o f transport Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Where do you live? S: I live in Novosibirsk, in Siberia. EA: How do you travel to andfrom school? S: Luckily I live quite close to my school, so I can walk there and back. EA: Do yo u ride a bicycle regularly? S: I have a bike, but I wouldn't say I ride it regularly. I try togofor a bike ride at the weekend ifI have time, and if the weathers nice. EA: What are yourfavourite means ofpublic transport? S: I love trains. I've never been on a very long train journey, b u t I'd love to. I also like buses, because they're convenient andfrequent. EA: How many times have you been on aplane? S: Several times. We've gotfamily in Moscow, so we fly when we go to visit them. I loveflying. EA: What means o f transport would you like to tryfor thefirst time? S: I've never been in a submarine. I'd love to try that. It must be very exciting going deep underwater. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I'm going to talk about magazines. There are lots o fdifferent magazinefo r men, women, teenagers and younger children. They oftenfocus on a specific subject, such asfashion, sport or music. Whatever your hobby or interest is, there's probably a magazine for it. Some magazines come out once a week. Others are once a month. I personally don't read any magazines regularly, but my m um buys a weekly women's magazine, and my dad sometimes buys one about cars. My older sister often buys a magazine about the lives o f celebrities. I suppose I don't read any magazines regularly because if I want tofind out about any of my hobbies or interests, Ijust look online. I love the internet - 1 think it'sfantastic - so I'd definitely prefer to read a magazine online. You don't have to pay! That's all I wanted to say.
Test5 Language and Exam Skills Development Section 1 Listening: first task A Students' own answers Section 2 Reading: first task В 1c2f3g4a5e6b7d8h Section 5 Speaking: second task H 1 b (This response answers the question asked.) 2 b (This response is complete, without irrelevant detail.) 3 a (This response answers the question asked while the other response talks in general.) 4 a (This response answers the question asked while the other response talks about the wrong kind of problem.) c Ways of cooking Food from fish Food from animals Food beginning withp Food I eaten with tea baked fried roast smoked fish and chips kippers eggs bacon sausages (roast) beef turkey meat pie / Cornish pasty pasty potatoes pie pudding biscuits scones Section 3 1Grammar and vocabulary: first task D Id2a3g4b5e6f7c. E Infinitive Past simple Past simple know knew known make made made come came came Section 4] Writing F Students own answers Test 5 Раздел X (задания по аудированию) ш А5В1С2D3 ©23 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: Its a bit dark in here. Have you got a torch? B: No, its still in the car with the other camping equipment A: Can you go and get it?I can't see at all in the dark. B: OK. I won't be long. A: Don'tforget to zip up thefront on your way out. I don't want any wild animals getting in! Dialogue В A: Is Dad here? B: His car's outside. Maybe he's in the garage. A: I want him tofix the sofa. One of the legs is broken and it's not very stable. В: I noticed that last night. When you're watching TV, it's like you're leaningforward. I'm sure he'llfix it. A: I hope he hurries up. Myfavourite programme starts in afew minutes! Dialogue C A: I don't think this is a good place to park, Stephen. B: Oh really. Why? A: The sign here says there's no parkingfrom 10am to 2pm on weekdays. It's a busy area, you know; right in the city centre. A n d there are lots o f traffic police. В: Hmm , I think you're right. Let'sfind another place. G 1 like, got, of 2 would, were, the 3 first, to, best Dialogue D A: Excuse me, I'd like to send this package to Canada. B: No problem. Do you have the parcelfully addressed a nd sealed?
Test 5 A: I think so. Itju st needs a stamp. B: OK. Let me weigh it. That'll be 6 pounds and 21 pence, please. It should arrive in about ten days. A: Thanks a lot. Ш A4B1C6D2E3 ©24 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A There are many days when you can turn on the radio or TV or su rf the internet andfind some dramatic story happening. It starts off as fbreaking news, such as afire in a building. They say it was an accident, then they say someone set it on purpose. Then they announce it was a group protesting about something. The police can'tfin d them, but then suddenly; they've arrested them. All of this can happen in just hours! Speaker В The news is rarely pleasant to hear. Sometimes local stories are OK, but when it comes to world newsydon't count on being happy to hear it. There are lots o f terrible things going on all over the planet, and it's true that we get used to it, but I'm sure it makes plenty ofpeople sad. I myselfdon't like to read the news because it's depressing. I stick to the positive side o f things. Speaker C A lot ofpeople get their newsfrom TV. It'sfine ifyou want to learn about a lot of things that you don't necessarily care about. For example, I don't like hearing about sport at all. It's boring! What I like to do is read the news on the internet. It's the best way to get exactly the kind of news you're lookingfor. Then when you're done, you can go and do something else, like check Facebook or email. SpeakerD Ifind that the news is quite enjoyable these days. Ifyou watch any news programme or click on any news website, you'll see that there are a lot ofdifferent categories o f news, such as health, en tertainment, sports, local news, world news, a nd the list goes on. I really like how we can get all sorts of newsfrom so many places. There's no end, really, to how ma ny different types o f news are available. SpeakerE I think most people like to get their newsfrom websites or TV, and those are great places to get it, o f course. I myselfwatch news programmes on TV all the time. But what I've noticed is that nowadays you can actually get quite a lot of newsfrom Facebook, believe it or not. I fyou like an organisation or club's page, you get updates whenever they have a news story. I rather like that! 3-8 32 62 43 72 51 83 ©25 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Tom: Hey, Gillian, what's the matter? You seem upset. Gillian: Hi, Tom. You're right. I'm not having such a great day. You know my friend Sheila? Well, we had an argument last night. Tom: Oh no! W hat happened? Gillian: We were studyingfor our history exam, and I was annoyed because Sheila obviously hadn't studiedfor a while. She didn't know anything! Tom: How did you manage to study together, then? Gillian: It wasn't easy. She kept asking me a lot of questions abou t really basic stuff. Tom: That is annoying. What did you do? Gillian: After about thirty minutes I told her she was going tofail ifshe knew so little. Tom: No way! What did she do? Gillian: She got angry and left. Ifelt really bad after that. Tom: Did you have any idea she would be such a bad study partner? Gillian: I knew she'd been going out a lot, and she used to complain about how her mum was always telling her to study more. Tom: When is your history exam exactly? Gillian: I t was this morning! So, as well as having afight, I've alsojust had an exam. I'm sure I did OK, but I'm worried about Sheilafailing, especially after what I said. Maybe she'll blame me. I really hope she's done OK - but I don't think she has. Tom: Don't worry. I f Sheila doesn't pass, maybe she'll take her studies more seriously. A n d who knows - maybe her markfor coursework will make upfor a bad exam mark. Gillian: What do you think I should do? Tom: I'm not sure I would do anything. You could apologise to her, bu t if she's still upset, maybe she needs some time to get over it. Gillian: Oh, I don't know what'll happen if she doesn't do well in that exam. She'll hate mefor the rest ofmylife!
Test 5 Tom: Oh, come on! You re beingfa r too dramatic, Gillian! Maybe shell realise that she was wrong to get angry. Gillian: Well see. For now, I think YU take your advice andjust wait. Tom: When do youfind out how you did in the exam? Gillian: Maybe tomorrow - by the end of the week at the latest. So if Sheila didn't do well, Yll see it in herface. Tom: Yeah, and if she seems happy, then you could apologise, kn ow ing she didn't fail. Gillian: Sounds like a good idea. Thanksfo r your help, Tom. Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) ш A6В5C:8D2E3F4G7 10-17 103 143 112 151 123 161 132 171 Разде л 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 18 teeth 23 knew 19 most interesting 24 made 20 older 25 came 21 herself 26 me 22 smiling Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Moscow Russia 2ndJanuary 2017 Hi, Bobby! Thanksfor your last letter;It sounds likeyou've got a nice springproject ahead ofyou. Here's what I would do ifI were doing the same project Thefirst thing to do isfind the best areafo r your garden. I wouldpick an area that gets lots o f sun, so that your plants will grow. A sfo r plantingflow ers or vegetables, I think both are great ideas, but I would choose vegetables, because when they're ready you can eat them. You should probably check on yo u r garden three times a week, to make sure it has enough water. Havefun setting up yourgarden! Byefor now, Anastasia Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately © 26 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student’s Book p 55 27-32 Task 2 27 painter Skills to be tested 28 amazing The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability 29 unusual to: 30 Viewers • give complete answers to the questions given 31 friendships • pronou nce words and sentences accurately 32 generally • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately О
[ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the charity Connect We kindly ask you to take pa rt in our survey. We need tofind out aboutyour use of technology. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Do you like playing video games? S: ________________________ EA: How often do yo u use a computer, including laptops an d tablets? S: _________________________ EA: What do you use computersfor? S: . EA: What problems can using computers too much cause? S: _________________________ EA: Do you think all young people should have a smartphone? S: _________ _______ ________ EA: What advice would you give to someone who wants to get a new smartphone? S: ___ _______ ________ ______ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o ur cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the charity Connect. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out aboutyour use of technology. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Do yo u like playing video games? S: Ifind playing video games a little boring, so no, its not something I enjoy, although I sometimes play simple games on my phone. EA: How often do you use a computer, including laptops a nd tablets? S: I probably use a computer almost every day because I have my own tablet. I go online with it * almost every evening. EA: What do you use computersfor? S: Mostly, I go online and watch videos on YouTube. I also chat online to m y cousin in Australia. EA: What problems can using computers too much cause? ^ 27 Audioscript Устная часть Задани е 2 S: There are one or two health problems that using computers too much causes, but the main effects are social. You can losefriends and even stop communicating with members o fyourfamily. EA: Do you think all young people should have a smartphone? S: Yes, I think all young people should have a smartphone because its important to keep in touch with yourfriends andfamily. EA: What advice would you give to someone who wants to get a new smartphone? S: I would suggest that they compare different smartphones to see which is the best valuefo r money. They should also ask theirfriendsfor recommendations. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor yo ur cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • o rganise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Ym going to talk about havingfriends. I think we needfriends because we need other people in our lives to share experiences with. We all need people who understand us and who listen to us. If we have friends, then we d o ntfeel lonely. Friends can also help us with ourproblems, and they can be great to hang out with. I think its important to have one bestfriend because this is thefriend you know you can trust. As well as that, you share experiences and memories with your bestfriend. It can befu n to talk about the great times you have had together. I think having lots o ffriends has benefits. For example, you can always find someone to do things with. However, I prefer to havejust afew goodfriends. Friendships can be a lot o f work and its difficult to do this with many people. Ifyou just have afew friends, then you can give those people all ofyour attention. Thats all I wanted to say.
Test 6 Language and Exam Skills Development 1Section 1 1Listening: second task A Students' own answers Test 6 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш А2В5СЗD1 В lb,e 2е 3d,f 4а 5d,g 6с 7d,f Section 2~1 Reading: second task C 14 2 20% 3 1962 4 Radio Cymru 0 1 In spite of 2 nowadays 3 struggle 4 offer 5 certain 6 rate 7 abroad 8 remains Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task E 1 relaxed 2 attraction 3 unhappy 4 easy 5 cloud 6 Luckily Section 4] Writing F Students' own answers Section 5 Speaking: third task G 1B2C3A4A5C6B7B8A H Students' own answers ©28 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: Open wideplease. ... Hmm, how many times a day do you clean your teeth? B: Well, errr..., itdepends really. I try to... A: You really do need to clean them at least two or three times a day. I 'll give them a good clean now; then I'll a recommend a good toothpaste and electric toothbrushfor you to get. B: OK, great. Thanks. A: I don't like the look of this tooth here, though. Let me take a closer look... Dialogue В A: Hello. Can I help you? B: Yes, I've got afriend who's not very well - she's in hospital actually - and I want to take her something. A: Certainly. We've got these lovely po t plants here. They're nice a nd bright a nd colourful. B: Yes, they are nice. A: Or maybe you'djust like to take her a more traditional bunch o f roses? Dialogue C A: Hello. I haven't booked anything, but have you got any rooms available? B: Let me just check. Yes, we've got a single room, a double room or a suite available right now. A: I'll take the single room, please. Justfo r one night, please. B: OK. A nd how would you like to pay, madam? A: Credit card. Dialogue D A: Shall I ju st park over there, then? B: Yes, anywhere you like. I've got some other cars to work onfirst, then I'll get to yours. A: Great. Do you know how much it's going to cost? B: No, I don't. I'll have to see what's wrong with it, then I'll let you know. ©
2 A2B6ClD5ЕЗ © 29 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А There are many other things I'd rather do than go to the doctor; Zi/ceZmng out with friends, watch TV - even do homework! Its really not af u n experience. You usually have to wait halfan hour; even ifyou're on timefor your appointment. A t least there are magazines to read! But I go once a year; every year, ju st to make sure everything's OK. Its important to do this to catch any problems before they become serious. Speaker В Everyone in myfamily goes to the doctor regularly to make sure everything's OK. Everyone except m y granddad, that is. He's in good health generally, but he hardly ever sees a doctor. We tell him all the time - make an appointment, go and get it over with, it'll only take an hour or so. He ju st refuses to go, so I'm quite concerned about his health. I told him this and he promised he'd go. We'll see! Speaker C When I was a little kid, I went to see my grandma after she had an operation. I was really excited about going to see her, because I loved spending time with her. When we arrived at the hospital, I saw some things that I wasn't readyfor - lots of sick people. Ifelt a sudden sense of fear that I might get sick too. It's difficultfor me to go anywhere near a hospital now. Of course it'sju st in my mind. Speaker D A lot o fpeople are afraid o f hospitals. They don't like going to the doctor, a n d they're afraid o f blood. I wouldn't say I like those things, but they don't bother me. I think that because both of my parents work in medicine, I'm used to it. In fact, I'm really inspired by whatmymumanddaddo.IhopethatonedayIcanbe like them and help people with health problems. It's m y goal in life. Speaker E I'm generally a healthy person. I go to the doctor once a year. I eat well. I stay in shape, and I hardly ever get sick. But just last week, I was rushed to hospital with some terrible stomach pains. Ifelt awful and I thought I was going to die! I'm being dramatic, b ut it was a really bad experience. Turns out it was something I'd eaten that made me sick. I wasfine after the doctors gave me some medication. 3-8 32 63 42 73 52 81 © 30 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Mary: Hi, John. Are you readyfor next week's maths exam? John: No! I have loads o f studying to do. I'll barely have timefo r anything else this week. I have to go tofootball practice, o f course, but I won't be hanging out with my friends. Mary: It's ju st one week, then it's over. We should study together, don't you think? John: That's a great idea. W hat are you doing tomorrow evening? Mary: Take a gu ess... I'm studyingfor maths! I'm probably going to g et started right after school. Do you want to walk home with me? John: Um, well, I've gotfootball practice tomorrow, but afterwards I can come to yo ur house. Mary: OK. So let's say around six, then. John: Sounds good. I'll bring all my notes from class. I've been really good at taking them, even if I don't completely understand them! Mary: Ha! Well, we may get a little helpfrom my dad. He's great at maths. He'll be home later in the evening. John: Fantastic. M y parents are terrible with numbers. They're more into books and literature. I never have problems with English or history! Mary: OK. We'll study at your housefo r those exams. I'm not very good at history, I must say. I think it's interesting, bu t I can't remember dates. I'm better at adding and subtracting numbers. John: History is one o f myfavourite subjects, right after science. It's interesting tofind out what happened so long ago. Mary: I agree. I like the stories, but sometimes I get who did what mixed up, and when it happened, as I said before. John: Well, you're more than welcome to study with mefor history. I'm sure I can help you. Mary: I think the history exam's in about three weeks, isn't it? John: It's at the end of the month, and it's the middle o f the month now. It's less than three weeks now. Mary: Right. Oh. So, I guess after our maths exam, we'll be studying history!
Test 6 John: See - it’s more than just a week, this studying we have to do. It’s endless! M ary: No, eventually we have the summer to relax i n ... and o f course we’llforget everything we’ve learnt. John: You mean all our hard work will befor nothing? Don’t say that! It’s notfunny! Mary: I ’m joking. You know how it is - when we start next year, it’ll all come back to us. John: True. Well, I ’d better get going. I ’ll see you after footb all practice, OK? Mary: Right. Lookingforward to it. Have fu n at practice, John! John: Bye! Раздел и 2 (задания по чтению) A8B2C7D3E6F4G5 10-17 102 143 и 1 151 123 162 132 172 Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Yekaterinburg Russia 2ThNovember 2017 Hiy Sue! Thanksfo r writing. Its always lovely to hearfro m you! Ym sorry to hear that your MP3 player broke. Heres my advice about buying a new one. The most important thing to consider when buying an MP3 player is how many songsyou want toput on it. You shouldget one that can hold them all. I wouldn’t get the most expensive oneуbut I would try tofind the right onefo r the best price. To keepyour MP3 playerfro m breaking again, you should be careful not to drop it orput things on top ofit. Hope my advice helps, and good luck with your purchase! Byefor now, Dina Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18 -26 18 is considered 19 doesn’t come / does no t come 20 its 21 was designed 22 have taken 23 are 24 became 25 these 26 second 27-32 27 relaxing 28 attractions 29 unhappy 30 easily 31 cloudy 32 luckily Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately 31 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Students Book p 65 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately e
[ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the organisation M edia Monitor. We kindly ask you to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how peoplefeel about different kinds o f media. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: ________________________ EA: How often do you watch television? S: ____ _____________________ EA: Do you buy any magazines regularly? S: ________________________ EA: How much time do you spend online each day? S: _________________________ EA: Who inyourfamily reads a daily newspaper? S: ________________________ EA: What isyour main source o f international news? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the organisation M edia Monitor. We kindly ask you to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how peoplefeel about different kinds o f media.' Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have togiveyour name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: Tm thirteen years old. Til befourteen next month. EA: How often do y o u watch television? S: The TVs always on in my house. I suppose I actually watch TVfor about an hour every evening. EA: Do you buy any magazines regularly? S: No, I sometimes borrow myfriends' magazines, but I don't buy any myself. EA: How much time do you spend online each day? S: Quite a lot! I suppose I spend halfan hour online every day before school, a n d then a couple o f hours in the evening. Let's say two and a h alf hours a day, and more at weekends. EA: Who in yourfamily reads a daily newspaper? в 32 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 S: My mum and dad read a national newspaper every day, and get a local newspaper once a week. I don't usually read them, though. EA: What is your main source o f international news? S: I'm not very interested in international news, to be honest, but if something important has happened, I 'll read about it online. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo ur cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I'm going to talk about the environment. It's important to take care of the environment, because if we don't, our planet will sufferfro m problems. If lakes and rivers become dirty, we will have less water to drink, and animals will die as well. The air we breathe will become dirty also, a n d this will cause health problems. In fact, a lot of these problems exist already. We can do things to protect the environment, such as using rubbish bins to throw away our rubbish. We can also recycle, so our resources will last longer. We can use public transport like buses instead of cars in order to reduce air pollution. Everyone can change the way they live to help the environment. Asfa r as paper or plastic bags are concerned, I think it's better to use plastic. Paper ones are madefro m trees, which means we have to cut trees down to make them. That's all I wanted to say.
Test 7 Language and Exam Skills Development Section T] Listening: third task A Students' own answers В 3 place 4 either 5 forget 6 except 7 details 8 during Section 21 Reading: first task C 1 gifted 2 normal 3 getting away from 4 glamour 5 don t change 6 tragic D 1 celebrity 2 luxury 3 mature 4 worldwide 5 affected 6 addicted 7 special 8 media 9 deal 10 maintain 11 secluded 12 latest 13 constant 14 red Grammar and vocabulary: first task E 1T2F3F4T5F F Adjective Comparative --- --- -- --- --- -- -_— ^1 Superlative good better best bad worse worst easy easier easiest hard harder hardest fat fatter fattest thin thinner thinnest beautiful more beautiful most beautiful llgly uglier ugliest Section 4 1Writing Section 5l Speaking: first task H Noun Adjective Africa African America American Britain British Europe European Mexico Mexican Portugal Portuguese Spain Spanish Test 7 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш А4В2ClD3 Й 33 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: It was a great idea to come here, wasn't it, Josh? B: Yeah, I love thefresh air, and the smell of all the trees around us. A: Thefire's great too. It's lovely ju s t sitting here looking a t the firelight. B: Yeah, I wish we visited the countryside more often. Dialogue В A: Did you know M um bought some fresh strawberries, Michelle? В: Mmm, I want some. I love strawberries. Where are they? A: They're here in thefridge. I 'll take them into the living room. B: No, let's eat them at the dining room table. We don't want to make a mess. Dialogue C A: That was nice ofyour mum to give us the money for these tickets. Section 3 G Students' own answers
В: It was a rewardfor doing well in my exams. A: Good job, Leslie! B: Thanks. Now lets go inside andfind our seats before the play starts. Dialogue D A: The city looks beautifulfrom up here, don t you think? B: Yeah, and its lovely to hear the riverflowing under us, too. Its quite noisy! A: They've made it safe, though. Which is good. B: Yes, it was a very good idea to keep the cars and the pedestrians separate. Lets go across to the other side. ВA6В2C5D1E3 © 34 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A Yve always loved books and I always knew I would end up surrounded by them, and here I am! Ym no writer, but I knew that one day I would be spending my days sitting amongst books, like a group of oldfriends. Occasionally, someone comes into the shop a nd buys something, but usually Ym alone, as I dreamt I would be when I was growing up. Alone, with all my books. Speaker В Its not the most interestingjob, I suppose you might say, but ifyou like the quiet and the way everyone respects that - and nobody makes any noise because they know everyone else is reading or concentrating - well, I like thefeeling in the library when its like that, which is most of the time, o f course. In the evening when the reading lamps come on, its very peaceful, and the air of study and learning, well, what a pleasant environment to work in. SpeakerC As a teacher, I know that reading is one o f the most important skills a child can learn, and it gives me great pleasure to see a child gradually discover the world o f words. Its like a new door opens on the world, and how lucky I am to be able to give them the key. I love reading myself, o f course, but introducing a child to books is my greatest pleasure. Speaker D Ym a proofreader, which means I have to read what someone else has written - a book, a contract, anything - and check itfor mistakes. Sounds boring, right? Well, maybe Ym strange, b ut I like the challenge, the detail. You see, when you proofread something, you're not reading the words, yo u re looking, well, a t the letters, sort of. What I like is knowing that when Yvefinished, a text is as good as it can be - no mistakes, ju st right. SpeakerE My job here at the company is Press Officer, and part o f my job is to check what people are saying about the company in the news. You see, its very important that nobody says or writes anything bad orfalse about the company. I f a bad story gets into the newspaper, fo r example, it could cost millions. I f some journalist makes a false accusation against us, its my job to kill the story and get an apology. 3-8 32 61 43 72 52 83 © 35 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Melissa: Hi, Fred - how are you? Fred: Hi, Melissa. Ymfine . Melissa: Are you readyfor the school camping trip next week? Fred: Next week? I thought it was next month! Melissa: Didn't you see the letter? All the details are in there. Fred: What letter? I didn't get a letter. Melissa: The school sent a letter to y o u r parents, telling them when to pay and whatyou have to take and everything. And, you know, when we're leaving. Fred: When are we leaving? I have to get ready! Melissa: In the letter it says we're leaving on Thursday afternoon. That's only six days away. Fred: Oh no! I don't believe this - 1 missed the trip last year, too, when I was ill. It's happening again! Melissa: So why didn't your parents get the let... - oh, wait a minute! Didn't you move into a new house a couple of months ago? Fred: Yes, that's right. I bet my mum didn't tell the school. The school probably sent the letter to m y old address. Melissa: So they did send the letter... Fred: ... but not to our new address! What am I going to do? Melissa: It's not too late - you can get ready in time. You have all the things you needfrom last year, don't you? Fred: Yes, that's true, I do. I need a bag, though. I lost my old one. Can I borrow onefro m you? Melissa: Yes, sure. I think I have an extra bag - a small rucksack, anyway. That'll be all right. W ha t else do you need?
Test? Fred: Erm ... I don't think there's anything. My boots need to be cleaned, but they refine otherwise - just what I'll need. Melissa: Well you should start packing. You've only got afew days. Fred: Yes, I will. Where exactly are we going on this trip, anyway? 27-32 27 popularity 30 similarities 28 different / differing 31 disadvantage 29 originally 32 favourite Раздел 4 (задание по письму) Melissa: You don't know? We're going all the way to Scotland! We'll be camping by a b eautiful lake and walking in the mountains. Fred: I've never been to Scotland before. I wonder what it's like. Melissa: It'll be my first time, too. It's supposed to be really beautiful in the summer, but I don't know if the weather will be very good when were there. Fred: Well, I'm taking some warm clothes and an umbrella, just in case it rains. And a lot of books to read when we're stuck inside. Melissa: What? You can't take an umbrella up a mountain! Fred: Why not? I have to keep dry, don't I? Melissa: This is going to be a strange trip! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иA6B3C2D5E1F8G7 33 Sample answer: Ufa Russia 14thMay, 2017 Hi, Arthur! Thanksfo r your letter. It was wonderful to hear all your news. You asked me about yourfriend's birthday. I can see your problem. It's difficult to know what to buy, isn't it? I've bought lots o fpresentsfo rfriends. The secret is to think of something unusual, because everyone will get them CDs and things like that. Maybe try to find somethingfunny, or give them something that is very personal, like a photo in aframe. I fyou choose something like that, they'll definitely love it! Good luck. I 'm sure you'll choose something great. Let me know what you decide to give him! Byefor now! Sergei 10-17 102 14i 111 153 123 162 131 171 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 18 laziest 19 him 20 had 21 found 22 their 23 worse 24 harder 25 leaves 26 hadn’t asked / had not asked Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use n atural intonation and phrasing • p ronounce words and sentences accurately © 36 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's B ook p 75 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 7 ©37 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o fLinchester Zoo. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out about you and animals. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give you r name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: ________________________ EA: Do you have any pets? S: _ _ _____________________ EA: How often do you watch nature programmes on TV? S: ________________________ EA: Why do you think its importantforyoungpeople to learn about animals? S: _________________________ EA: Have you ever been to a zoo? S: _________________________ EA: What would you be most interested in seeing ifyou visited a zoo? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! If$ the electronic assistant ofLinchester Zoo. We kindly ask you to take pa rt in our survey. We need tofind out about you and animals. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old areyou? S: I'm fourteen years old. EA: Do you have any pets? S: Yes, we have three pets. We've got two dogs and a cat. EA: How often do yo u watch nature programmes on TV? S: I like programmes about animals, so I watch them quite often. I'd say that I watch a nature programme about twice a week. EA: Why doyou think it's importantforyoungpeople to learn about animals? S: Young people should learnab outanimalsbecaus we have to protect them. It's important to know how animals live and what they need because they arepart ofthe worldaround us. EA: Have you ever been to a zoo? S: No, I've never been to a zoo, but I would like to because it would be very interesting to see all the animals. EA: What would you be most interested in seeing if you visited a zoo? S: If I visited a zoo, I would be most interested in seeing the chimpanzees. They are my favourite animal and Ifind them veryfunny. I would love to see real ones. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor your cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I'm going to talk about computers. I think computers are very usefulfor students, because you can use them for lots o f different things. You can write documents on them, so ifyou are doing an essay, it's easier and quicker to type, especially ifyou make a mistake or want to change something. You can also p ut pictures in, if it is a report or something like that. I use a computerfo r homework, but I also play games on it. I go online and connect to this game which millions o fpeople all round the world play together. You can meetpeople and havefun, and it's a great way to relax, too. / also watch movies and TV shows on the computer, and o f course I use social networking sites like Facebook to keep in touch with myfriends. I think you have to be careful with computers, because they can take up so much ofyour time. I mean, some people spend hours a nd hours playing games and they don't do their homework, or they stay up too late at night, or they lose touch with theirfriends. A nd computers are not the same aspeople - you need to leave the house and see peopleface toface. It's not healthy to stay on the computer all the time. That's all I wanted to say.
Test 8 Language and Exam Skills Development 1Section T| Listening: third task A 1 hotcakes 2 spare 3 kidding 4 loads 5 tons 6 eventuality 7 perfectly 8 mind @ 38 Audioscript exercise A 1 They were selling like hotcakes. I didn 't think Td he able to get any. 2 So I've got a spareyou can have. 3 You're kidding me! You've really mad e my day. 4 But there are loads o f bands on, so there'll be lots to see. 5 There are tons offood stalls at thefestival. 6 Well it's a good idea to be prepared, I suppose. 7 It's perfectly safe. 8 I'll tell my dad that. It'llput his mind at ease. Section 2 Reading: second task В Students’own answers Ie2g3h4b5f6c7j8d9i 10a Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task D 27 adjective 28 noun 29 adverb 30 adjective 31 noun 32 noun III 1 shocking 2 shocked 3 creation 4 creativity Section 41 Writing F Students' own answers m 1matter 2hear 3up 4aim 5Let Speaking: second task H Ic2g3a4b5f6d I Students' own answers Test 8 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш A4B2C3D5 в 39 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: Just try to relax before we go on air. В: Ifeel so nervous. A nd it's very hot under these lights. A: The make-up artist willfix your make-up now. Remember; don't look at the camera. Just the interviewer. B: OK, I'll do my best. Dialogue В A: Excuse me - how close are we to the cinema? B: Actually; it's right there. You should have got off at the last stop. A: Oh no. That's annoying. B: Ring the bell now. Maybe the driver will stopfor you and let you off. Dialogue C A: That was tough! You're a strong opponent! B: It was a good game, wasn't it? A: It was! I'm exhausted! You play very well. I thought you were going to beat me at one point. B: No, you're much better than me. Let's have a re­ match next week though. Dialogue D A: Howfast does itgo?CanIdrive it? B: Prettyfast - it's the latest model. And no, you can't. You're much too young. We'll get you driving lessons when you're a bit older. A: I really like the colour! A n d the seats are really comfortable. B: Put your seat-belt on, and I'll takeyoufor a drive. Section 5 О
Test8 Ш А2B4C6D5 ЕЗ Q 40 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А I'm infavo ur o fproducing clean energy because, ш the past, the way we produced electricity really polluted the environment. B u t these w ind turbines completely spoil the countryside, and they m ust be a danger to birds as well I used to have a lovely view o f the hills. Now.; all I see is huge wind turbines. There has to be a better way to provide the electricity we need. I think even nuclear pow er is better than these things. Speaker В When Ifirstfound out that Id have to separate my rubbish into different categories, such as one f o r recycling, onefo r compostingfor the garden and onefo r disposal, I thought it was very silly and a waste of time. But not now. Its not exactly difficult to do and when I think how much stuffgets recycled, Ifeel quite proud of myself. Less than a quarter of my rubbish ends up in a landfill. SpeakerC I think its very important to be actively involved in helping to protect the environment - not only in your own home, but everywhere. I joined a local environmental group a year ago. I help out in campaigns to raise awareness o fproblems a n d to raise money. We also run educational programsfo r schools, and organise beach a nd park clean-ups, too. SpeakerD I try to make as little impact on the environment as Ican.Idon'thaveacarandItrynottohavetoomany electronic gadgets. I also never throw a n ything away if I can use it and I haven't bought any new clothes in five years. I never leave lights turned on or water taps running, either. Far too many people have too many things they don't need, an d everything is disposable these days. I blame our consumer society. SpeakerE I do think it's importantfor everyone to try and do their bit to help protect the environment. B ut the greatest problems aren't created by ordinary people. The only way to really tackle environmental problems isf o r major industries and governments to work together to improve their environmental standards. Until that happens, the world will continue to be in dangerfro m industry. It's up to us to let the government know that things need to change soon. 3-8 33 63 42 72 53 83 e 41 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Steven: Hi, Mandy. Are you busy? I thought you might like some company. Mandy: No, I'm not busy, Steven. Just enjoying the sunshine and reading a book. Sit down. Steven: Thanks. Did you manage to get ticketsfor thefolk musicfestivalfor this weekend? Mandy: Yes, I did. They were selling like hotcakes. I didn't think I'd be able to get any. Steven: You were lucky. They'd sold ou t by the time I go t to the ticket office. I'm really disappointed. Mandy: Well, you'll never guess what's happened. I bought a ticketfor Karen, but now she can't go as she has to visit her cousins. So I've got a spareyou can have. Steven: You're kidding me! You've really made my day. Mandy: Well, it's goodfor me too because I'll get my money back, and I'll have afriend to go with as well. I thought I'd have to go on my own. Steven: Have you got a copy of the performance schedule? Mandy: Not on me. But there are loads ofbands on, so there'll be lots to see. M yfavourite is Blue Moon. Steven: Yeah, I love them too. I've never been to this festival before. W hat do I need to bring with me? Do we need food? Mandy: No. There are tons o ffood stalls at thefestival. It's great - and cheap, too. Steven: So Iju st need to bring some money, then? Mandy: It's a good idea to bring a hat and sun cream, as well, in case it's hot. Steven: OK. I'll pack afew things in a small rucksack. I might bring an umbrella too. It might rain. Mandy: Well, it's a good idea to be prepared, I suppose. Steven: Thefestival gates open at 10 am tomorrow, don't they? Mandy: That's right. I fyou get to my house by 9.30, we'll have plenty o f time to walk to Greer's Park. We'll be there by 9.45. Steven: OK. Do you think it's safe to bring a camera? Mandy: Sure it is. I 'll definitely be bringing mine.
Test 8 Steven: Great. Because my dad is a little bit worried about safety at concerts and events. So am I, actually. M andy: There's lots o f security there. Its perfectly safe. Even small kids go w ith their parents. Steven: YU tell my dad that. IYUput his mind at ease. Mandy: OK, Steven. Don't be late tomorrow morning. Steven: Dont worry. I wont be. Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иАЗВ7ClD4Е2F8G6 10-17 103 142 111 151 123 162 132 171 Разде л 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 I 18 was brought 23 got 19 himself 24 louder 20 studying 25 have changed 21 became 26 died 22 most important 27-32 27 twentieth 28 generation 29 fabulously 30 shocking 31 appearance 32 creativity Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Saratov Russia 29thApril, 2017 Dear Denise, Thanksfor your letter: It was great to hearfrom you, but Ym sorry to hear you re notfeeling very healthy. Ym sure you'll soon getfit again. Gettingf it is a really good idea. It doesn't matter what kind of exercise you do. It should be something you enjoy, like taking up a sport or going to a dance class. It's a good idea to do some exercise every day, even if it'sju st walking to school But you should aim to do strenuous exercise a t least three times a week. Joining a gym orfitness club is a good idea because it encourages yo u to exercise often. However, it can be expensive. Let me know how yourfitness programme goes! All the best, Yuri Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • r ead aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately ©42 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Book p 85 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • p ronou nce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 8 @ 43 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It’s the electronic assistant of the National Music Club. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagers feel about music. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don’t have to give your name. Soy lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: ________________________ EA: Do you play any musical instruments? S: _________________________ EA: How often do you listen to music at home? S: ________________________ EA: What are yourfavourite kinds of music? S: ________________________ EA: When was the last time you went to a concert? S: _________________________ EA: Whatfacilitiesfo r musical events are available in your local area? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the National Music Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagers feel abo ut music. Please answ er six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have togive your name. So, let’s get started. EA: How old are you? S: I ’m fourteen years old. I wasfourteen last month. EA: Do you play any musical instruments? S: Yes, I play the piano and the violin. EA: How often do you listen to music at home? S: Every day! We usually have the radio on when were h aving breakfast. EA: What areyourfavourite kinds of music? S: I actually like all kinds o f music, fro m pop to classical. I also like traditional Russian folk music. EA: When was the last time you went to a concert? S: We had a concert at school at the end of the last term. I was actually one of the performers. I ’m in the school orchestra. EA: Whatfacilitiesfo r musical events are available in your local area? S: We’ve got several good venues where I live. M y school’s got a big hall where we have concerts, and there’s a Town Hall in the centre which is greatfor musical events. I t ’s very popular. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor you r cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I ’m going to talk about art galleries and museums. I think art galleries and museums give people a chance to come into contact with the culture and heritage o f their country. In the past, only rich people could see great works o f art. Now everyone can learn about art and history in museums. I do go to galleries and museums. I don’t go as often as I should. But if I hear about a good exhibition then I ’ll do my best to get to it. I think it’s important to understand art because it’s another way of looking at the world. Apartfrom that the objects in museums are very beautiful. I prefer to read about artworks and museum exhibits before I go to see them because I think it’s a good idea tofind out as much information about them as you can before you go. For one thing, it helps yo u to appreciate them better. Also, not all museums have enough information on the exhibits. That’s all I wanted to say.
Test 9 Language and Exam Skills Development Sectio n T| Listening: first task A lc2d3a4c Test 9 Раздел X (задания по аудированию) ш А5В1СЗD2 В 1gain 2best 3report 4money 5price 6up 7two 8 wait Section 2] Reading: first task it Students’ own answers D 1T2F3F4F5T6F7F © 44 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: I don’t think I can go on. I need a break now. B: Come on, you can do it. Just a little bit longer. No pain, no gain! A: How many miles have I done on this exercise bike today? B: Only ten. But you can take a rest ifyou do another couple o f miles on it. A: OK.I’lldomybest. Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: first task 11 2 go3send4do 5hide6melt 7feel8lead 9think 10 buy Section 4 Writing Dialogue В A: Hello. I ’d like to report a stolen wallet, please. В: I see, sir. Wellfill out a reportforyou. Can you give me the details? A: Yes, I was travelling on the Underground and I realised it was missing when I got off at London Bridge. B: What was in it, sir? A: Not much money, but it had some credit cards and m y driver’s licence in it. F Students’ own answers Шё 1 Thanks for your letter, f m glad to hear you’re excited about school! 2 1hope my answers help you. Let me know how the class goes! Section 5] Speaking: third task H Students’ own answers Dialogue C A: Could I have a kilo o f those tomatoes, please? B: Certainly. That’s eighty pence. Or you can have two kilos fo r onefifty, as a special price. A: No thanks. I don’t need that many. But I’ll take some o f those onions. B: Coming right up, madam. Dialogue D A: How long before I can go home? B: Not long. Perhaps in a day or two. A: Have you had the results of the last lot oftests? B: Not yet. But if they’re OK when we get them, you can go home. A: Great. I can’t wait to get out of this bed! Ш A4B2C6D1 E5 I Students’ own answers
Test 9 © 45 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A I like buying thingsfo r myself as most people do. However, I also like to get thingsfo r other people, especially my bestfriend Rachel I know exactly what she wants, basically because she's always talking about it! So when her birthday comes round, I always know what to get her. Of course, others may not be so lucky when they buy thingsfo r theirfriends orfa milyfor special occasions, but the good thing is that the person who receives it will always appreciate the thought. Speaker В There are lots o fplaces to go shopping where I live, an d you can get some real bargains sometimes. I think I most enjoy visiting the local shopping centre. There are lots o f things you can do there apartfrom shopping, like see a film or go bowling. There are also places to eat and its a great locationfo r meetingfriends. Also, there are so many shops to choosefrom that you never run out of choices. Speaker C When I get a presentfrom my Aunt Clare, I always know I'm not going to like it. She means well, and its not like I don't appreciate thefa ct that she's given me a present, but she always buys something strange - a bright pink sweater I'd never wear, f o r example, or shoes too big for my feet, or a book I'll never read. It's actually really funny. It's like she's got no idea who I am and what I like. I still love her enormously though! Speaker D I'm not a bigfan of shopping, unlike everyone else in my family. I usually only go shopping when I need something really badly. On those occasions, I generally ju s t go into a shop, look around very quickly to see if I canfind what I want, and buy it ifthey have it in a size thatfits. I guess you could describe it as getting in and out in a hurry. There arejust better things to do in life! SpeakerE I spend a lot of time buying clothes, I must admit. But I'm proud to say that I can make my money go extrafar because I'm always lookingfo r things in the sales. So many shops - in the high street, in shopping centres, everywhere - have great offers. Youjust have to keep an eye outfor them. Why payfull price when you can pay halfpricefo r similar items?Think about it - a 50% discount on everything yo u buy means twice the clothesf o r the same money! 3-8 32 51 71 43 62 83 © 46 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Amy: Hi, Roger. How's it going? Roger: Great, Amy. I 'm lookingfor an after-school job to make a little extra money. Amy: Oh really? What do you have in mind? Roger: Well, I'vejust had an interviewfor ajob in the music shop on Regent's Street. I think it went well. Amy: That's great. Have yo u looked anywhere else? Roger: I've also appliedforjobs in a coffee shop and the local library. Amy: Which of those do you prefer? Roger: I'd say the last one seems the most interesting, since I like reading so much. Amy: It sounds like you've fo u nd some good opportunities. My sister worked in a coffee shop, though, an d it was really difficult. Roger: Oh. Why? Amy: The customers were rude sometimes, and she had to be there early in the morning at the weekend. Also she wasn't good at making all the different sorts o f coffee. That's why she didn't last. Roger: I guess it can be stressful doing a part-time job - or any job. Amy: I think it's hard to study and work at the same time, but the extra money is useful. Roger: I agree, but I'd only want to work about ten hours a week. I couldn't do more than that, likefifteen or twenty hours. Could you imagine working that much, and going to school? Amy: No, but I couldn't imagine working ten hours a week, either! Roger: I'm sure it won't be that bad. Besides, I think the boss will beflexible when it's close to exam time. Amy: Maybe - but he might not be. Some bosses aren'tflexible at all. Perhaps yo u should have asked about that in the interview. Roger: I did. The man who interviewed me in the music shop said it would be OK, as long as I let him know about a week in advance, not the day before or on the day itself. Amy: That's reasonable. So when will you know ifyou got thejob in the music shop? Roger: I was told I'd hear something in a couple o f days. Amy: Is that when you would start working? Roger: I said I was available in about three weeks, simply because I've got a maths exam in a couple of weeks and I'd like to befree to studyfor it.
Test 9 Amy: Ahy that sounds OK. Well, good luck getting a job. Let me know what happens. Roger: Thanks, Amy. See y o u later. Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иА2В1С7D8Е4F6G5 10-17 101 133 162 112 141 172 121 153 Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately © 47 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student’s Book p 95 Task 2 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 1 18 going 21 had melted 24 first 19 his 22 felt 25 thought 20 was doing 23 led 26 men 27-32 27 musician 29 classical 31 international 28 actually 30 lovers 32 incredible Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Perm Russia 18 September 2017 Hi, Kyle! Thanksfor your letter. Ym glad to hearyou're excited about school! In answer toyour questions, I would say myfavourite way to learn a language is through films. They are both entertaining and educational. I would probably start with something simple, though. I think its easier to read a languagefirst, but ifyou like speaking, that might be easierfo r you. So, it depends on you! I recommend travelling to the country to learn the language ifyou can. You would have a really great time trying to communicate with people living there. I hope my answers help you. Let me know how the class goes! Byefor now, Gosha Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately ©48 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the N ational Sports Federation. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out about you and sport. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Where do you live? S: __ ____________ EA: What's yourfavourite sport and why doyou like it? S: _______________ EA: How often do you takepart in sport? S: _______________ EA: Do you prefer team sports or sportyou do on your own? S: _______________ EA: What sport would you like to try? S: _______________ EA: What advice would you give someone who is thinking ofdoing a sportfor thefirst time? S: _______________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation.
Test 9 Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the National Sports Federation. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out aboutyou and sport. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don’t have to give your name. So, let’s get started. EA: Where do you live? S: I live in Kazan, in the Republic o f Tatarstan. EA: What’syourfavourite sport and why do you like it? S: Myfavourite sport is basketball. I like it because it’s difficult to play basketball well, so you feel good when you manage to score points. EA: How often do you takepart in spprt? S: I play basketball almost every Saturday a nd I have tennis lessons every Tuesday. That means I do sport about twice a week. EA: Do you prefer team sports or sport you do on your own? S: I prefer team sports because yo u learn to play with other people. You makefriends with the otherpeople on your team and you can celebrate together when you win. EA: What sport wouldyou like to try? S: I would like to try baseball because I have seen people playing it on TV and it looks like a really fu n sport. EA: What advice wouldyou give someone who is thinking ofdoing a sportfor thefirst time? S: If someone is thinking ofdoing a sportfor thefirst time, I would tell them to make sure they arefit enough. I would also suggest trying the sportfirst to see ifthey like it. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchforyour cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I ’m going to talk about housework. There are many different kinds o f chores to do round the house. In m y house, we do the washing up every day, clean the living room and clean our bedrooms. We also have to pick up our clothes off thefloor and keep our shoes in the cupboard. In addition to that, we have to keep the bathroom clean. I also sometimes do chores in thegarden ifmyparents ask me to. I do chores every week because my parents tell me to, and ifI don’t do them, I often get in trouble. I don’t mind doing chores, however, as I prefer to keep things clean round the house. I prefer cooking to cleaning because it’s more fun . You also have something to eat when y o u ’ve finished! Cleaning is hard work and boring. That’s all I wanted to say. О
Test 10 Language and Exam Skills Development Section f] Listening: second task A Students’ own answers В Id2g/e3a4h5b/e6e7c8f Section 2~] Reading: second task 9 system 10 manufacturers 1 j 1 for example 2 In fact 3 make use of 4 in the future 5 For now 6 lack of Test 10 Students own answers D 1 author 2 individuals 3 academic performance 4 admired 5 fairness 6 columns 7 wounded 8 sympathy 9 characteristics 10 thrilling Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task E 27F28F29T30T31F32T F 1 unimportant 2 impossible 3 unpleasant 4 uninteresting 5 illegal 6 incomplete 7 dishonest 8 imperfect Section 4 1Writing G Students' own answers H 1practise 2Forme 3 suits 4being 5less 6too Section 5 Speaking: first task I 1 abroad 2 international 3 standard 4 sockets 5 electrical 6 appliance 7 approximately 8 adaptor Раздел \ (задания по аудированию) и ! A5B3ClD4 в 49 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: Its so lovely out here, Frank. I love the sea. B: Ifyou want, you can go water-skiing. j A: That sounds great! I love water-skiing! B: OK, well the rope and handle are here. Put these skis on, and when you're ready, I'll throw the handle to you, then I'll start the engine and pull you. OK? Dialogue В A: Areyou OK, Julie? B: Yeah, I'm great. I ju st had to catch my breath. I can't believe h ow high we've climbed. A: I know. We're done a great job today. Look, there's the summit. В: I can see it. It's so beautiful, all covered in snow. Dialogue C A: Can I help you, sir? B: Yes, I bought these trousers yesterday. They don't seem tofit. A: OK. Would you likeyour money back? B: No, I'd like to look around and get another pair, i f that's OK. A: Certainly. Let me know ifyou need any assistance. Dialogue D A: I'm sorry, Gina. I ju s t realised I don't have enough moneyfor a coffee. B: That's OK. I'llpayfor it. It'll be my treat. j A: No, no! I'll pay you back tomorrow at school. j B: It'sfine. You can get coffee next time. A: OK, it's a deal. 1
Test 10 2 A3 B4C6D1 E2 © 50 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A Myfamily and I alwaysgo to our summer home in the countryside. Its a great way to relax, and I do enjoy it, but because we go there often its not so exciting to go. I wouldprefer to visit a new place, somewherefull o f excitement and adventure. So next summer, we've decided to travel to Italy. Ym really lookingforw a rd to it, and Yve even started to learn a bit o f Italian to prepare. Speaker В I recently went on a camping trip with my dad. It was thefirst time Yd ever been camping. It was great being in the woods, and Ifound that it taught me how to take care of myself. We had to cook our own meals and be on the lookoutfor anything unusual, such as a wild animal finding us. My dad was helpful, o f course, but I wanted to do things on my own. I hope we go again soon. Speaker C We were really lookingforw a rd to going to the beach for a relaxing three-day weekend. We piled a bunch of stuff in the car, including ourselves, and set offfo r the sea. On the way, the car developed engine trouble a nd we had to find agarage. When we got to the beach, an awful storm came and it started raining. The weather never really got better. I wished we had ju st stayed home! Speaker D My parents had promised me that once my exams were finished, wed go on holiday. It was nice to have something to lookforward to after the studying and stress. We went to a lake in the countryside and rented a cottage. We rowed boats a nd swam. I t was so relaxing, especially after all the studying Yd done. Ym sure m y parents enjoyed getting awayfrom their busyjobs as well. Speaker E Myfamily and I recently took a trip to the countryside. We h ad a great time, riding bikes a nd exploring nature. But while we were riding along a country road one day, the sky suddenly became dark, as if the sun just disappeared. A s it turns out, there was a solar eclipse that day. It was amazing - you could even see stars in the sky, in the middle o f the afternoon! What a great thing to experience on holiday. 3-8 31 63 43 72 53 83 © 51 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Henry: Hi, Anna. How was the concert last night? Anna: Well, it was OK. I really liked the band, b ut we had to wait a very long time before they went on stage. Henry: Oh really? That's too bad. Anna: Yeah, it was so disappointing. I think some people even left. ' Henry: Well, these things happen with concerts sometimes. Anna: I know, b u t Yve never experienced it before. When you pay so muchfor a ticket, you don't expect to have to wait! Henry: Did they play at the stadium? Anna: No, it was at Brent Park, just at the edge o f town. Henry: Oh, that's nice. Yve been there before. It's very open and there's lot ofgrass to sit on ifyou want. It's a nice place f o r a concert. Anna: The location was great, I will say. When did you go there? Henry: It was last summer. I went with a couple offriends at the weekend. We had a terrific time. It was late in the evening, and we didn't have to wait so longfor the band to perform, likeyou did. Anna: 1'm sure it was ju st a one-time thing. What band did you see? Henry: They're called In Flight. They're a rock band. Anna: Oh, Yve heard o f them. They're supposed to be good, aren't they? Henry: I loved them. Actually there were two bands, but we went to see In Flight. Thefirst band played pop music, and I wasn't too keen on them. Anna: Who was it? Henry: I don't remember their name. I wouldn't want to remember it, actually! Anna: Wow, were they th at bad? Well, sometimes the opening acts are good, but in the end it doesn't matter if the main attraction is spectacular. That's w hy we choose the concerts we go to anyway, fo r the main performance. Henry: Yes, definitely. Are you planning to go to another concert soon?
Test 10 Anna: My friends and I are actually going to listen to some classical music in a couple o f weeks. Henry: That's quite a changefro m a rock concert. Do yo u like classical music? Anna: I'm not really sure, to he honest, but myfriend Sarah's brother plays the violin in the group and he'll beperforming. Would you like tojoin us? Henry: That sounds great. I've never been to a classical music performance, actually, but I like classical music. Anna: Great! I'll let you know the details. I'm glad you're coming! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иА6В7С8D3Е5F2G1 10-17 Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Kursk Russia May 21,2017 Dear Debra, Thanksforyour last letter. I ’m glad to hearyou’ve taken up a sport. Here’s my adviceforyourproblem. To improve yo ur performance, I suggestyou practise on your own for a while. Ifyou spend some time at the weekend making shots with the ball, this will help you during the game. For me, I prefer individual sports, like athletics a nd running. I don’t like playing in a team, so this suits me better. I spend about an hour each day doing sport. I’d like more time, but I have lots ofhomework to do! Let me know how thingsgo with your basketballpractice! 103 143 Byefo r now, 112 152 Lida 121 163 131 173 Раздел 5 (устная часть) Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18--26 18 longest 19 has/hasgot 20 their 21 found 22 women 23 wrote 24 seems 25 have discovered 26 will find 27-32 27 amazing 28 excitement 29 celebrities 30 healthy 31 unpleasant 32 dislike Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use n atural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately 52 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's B ook p 105 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • p rono unce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately о
Test 10 ^ 53 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the Teenagers Club. We kindly ask you to take pa rt in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel about schoolwork a nd homework. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: __ ______________________ EA: What's yourfavourite subject at school? S: _____ ___________________ EA: How much time do you spend doing homework each day? S: ________________________ EA: Where do you usually do yo ur homework? S: _________________________ EA: Do you feel you are given too much homework, or the right amount? S: ________________________ EA: Why do you think homework is important? S: _ _ ___________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the Teenagers Club. We kindly askyou to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel about schoolwork and homework. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give yo ur name. So, let's get started. EA: How old areyou? S: I'm thirteen years old. EA: What's yourfavourite subject at school? S: I actually like most subjects, but I suppose my favourite is maths. I want to study maths at university one day. EA: How much time do you spend doing homework each day? S: I suppose I spend about two hours every evening. If I have a project to do, it might be more than two hours. EA: Where do you usually do your homework? S: I've got a desk in my bedroom. I do my homework there. EA: Do yo u feel you are given too much homework, or the right amount? S: I don't think it's too much. I know some of my friends sometimes complain about how much homework we're given, but I think it'sprobably the right amount. EA: Why do yo u think homework is important? S: I think it's important because there isn't time to do everything in class, and it's a good way of checking that you've understood what you've been taught. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor yo ur cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronou nce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I'm going to talk abo ut school trips. School trips are an opportunityfor students to leave the classroom, and leave the school, and go as a class to visit a place or see something interesting. Hopefully, they're educational a nd enjoyable. I love going on school trips and I've enjoyed all the ones I've been on! I suppose myfavourite was when we went to a planetarium and watched afantasticfilm about the stars and the birth o f the universe. It was incredible! I learnt so much. Another great school trip we went on was when we went to see a play in a local theatre. It was a comedy and it was veryfunny! IfI had the choice, I think I'd prefer to visit a castle. I love really old buildings an d imagining how people lived in them hundreds o fyears ago. That's all I wanted to say.
Test 11 Language and Exam Skills Development Section Tj Listening: third task A Students' own answers Test 11 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш А2В4ClD5 В 14 2 Environmental Studies Section 2] Reading: first task C 1 occupy 2 necessary 3 separation 4 encounters 5 gain 6 appearance 7 consequences 8 earned 9 familiar 10 merely D 1also 2later 3into 4down 5on 6with 7follow Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: first task Ш 18F19F20F21T22T23T24T25F26T © 54 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: Passport, please. How long are you staying? What is the purpose o fyour trip? B: I'm on a business trip for three days. A: Have you visited our country before? B: No, this is myfirst time. A: Thank you, sir. Here is your passport, and your visa. Have an enjoyable stay. Dialogue В A: I'd like to make an appointment. Its my legs. B: Yes, o f course. Are you a registered patient? A: I haven't been before - I'm usually very healthy! Not a day's illness in years. But the pain in my legs... B: Dr Parker canfit you in at 3 tomorrow. Please be in the waiting room by ten minutes before three. A: Thank you. F 1todo 2doing 3todo 4todo 5doing 6doing 7todo 8todo 9doing 10todo Section 4] Writing ■3 Students' own answers H 1 your 2 sounds 3 different 4 should 5 lots 6 also 7 choose 8 regret Section 5 Speaking: second task I Students' own answers Dialogue C A: Hi, I'm lookingfor some equipmentfor a trip to the mountains. B: We've got a cheap but good-quality range of sleeping bags and tents. You need strong bootsfo r walking, too. They're in thefootwear section. A: What about cooking stuff? There are no shops up there! B: Ok, let me show you what we have. This willgo in your rucksack and isn't very heavy... Dialogue D A: OK, does anyone have any questions before we begin? B: Can we use a pencil? Can we leave the room? A: No pencils, only pens. No break between p art one and part two. One of us will go with you to the bathroom to make sure you aren't cheating! B: Can we leave if wefinish early? A: No, you have to wait till the end. ©
Test 11 ИA4В1С6D2Е5 Q 55 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A I'm a model and I have to wear all these clothes at work, showing them to people and being photographed in themfor magazines, sofor me its not a personal thing. I mean, they re looking at the dress, not meyand I don tfeel like an individual, although its very public. When Гт not working, I don't dress to draw attention, so that reflects who I am a bit more, I think. Its me, not the clothes. Speaker В Fashion is my business and its a way of making a living for mey nothing else. I dont think all my designs are beautiful or smart or whatever. They are made to be sold, and if someone buys them, good. I dont think its an artyI think its commercial - economics, really. Гт not creating lovely things or expressing my artistic talent. Гт making clothesfor money - good clothes that people want. Speaker C I own a small chain of high-quality clothes shops, so I have only afew clients - a narrow range ofpeople who buy my things. So when I buy clothesfo r my shops, I have to be careful to pick things my customers will want. Fashion is expensive, and if I make a bad selection, I'll lose money. I go to the shows and look at the trade magazines to see what's on offer; an d I decide on the things I think will sell. Speaker D I think clothes and the way you look should be about whatyou do. I dont want to be someone who has to have the latest designs, or has to spend lots o f money to express themselves. NoyI go in with my money and I buy what I need and then get on with more important things, like work. Гт a businessman and I need clothes which suit myjob. Clothes arefunctional - they aren't the most important thing in the world. I use them to look smart while I work, nothing else. SpeakerE My magazine onlyfeatures the highestfashion - its not for everyone. Fashionfo r me is an end in itself - its the whole world. The lovely creations, the expensive material and thejewellery, its so beautiful and inspiring. Without beauty; we have no dreams, I believe. We need some luxury; somefantasy in our lives. The world is so dull anyway; and fa shion brightens these gloomy days with colour - rainbows o f colour! 3-8 32 61 43 72 53 81 © 56 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Audrey: HiyMartin. How are you? Ma rtin: Hello, Audrey. Гт really tired, Гт afraid. I ’ve been studyingfor the exams next week. Audrey: Yesyso have I. But you shouldn't worry too much about them. I don't think they'll be very difficult. Martin: Don't you? I do. I think Mr Scott isgoing to give us a really tough History test, to start with. Audrey: But he told us the questions already! You just have to study what he told us to study and it'll be easy. That's why I'm n ot worried. Martin: Wait - what? He gave us the questions? I didn't know that. It must have happened when I was absent. Audrey: I suppose so. I can tell you , ifyou like. Martin: Could you? Thanks. I need to study even more now. Audrey: Really don't worry - I'm sure it will be all right. I'm more worried about thefinal essayfor Environmental Studies. Have you started it yet? Martin: The what? What essay? Audrey: You know;Mrs Fieldgave us an essay to write, a long onefor the end of term. It counts towards yourfinal grade, so it's really important. Martin: I thought we only had the exam, now you're telling me I have to write an essay too! Audrey: There's no exam in Mrs Field's class, there never is. Shejust marks thefinal essay and gives us a grade. You don't know anything, do you? Martin: I'm so confused. A t least I know what we're doing in Literature. I've read the book three times already and I know it back tofront. I'm definitely readyfor that composition! Audrey: Oh, M a rtin ... Martin: Oh n o ... Audrey: The Literature exam is oral - no writing at all. You have an interview with Miss Elliot, and shejust asksyou questions about the book. Martin: Wejust talk? But that's easy! Audrey: It sounds easy, doesn't it? I don't know why people get so nervous about it. It's j u s t a conversation. Martin: Maybe some people are worried that they won't be able to think of anything to say.
Test 11 Getting ideas in exams can he difficult. Audrey: True. Talking about ideas, what are you going to do in the Art exam? Have you decided if it'll be a painting or a drawing or a sculpture or what? Lots to choosefrom. Martin: The what exam? There's an A rt exam too? Audrey: I don't believe this. Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иA5B2C7D3E6F8G1 Раздел 4 (задание по письму) Sample answer: 33 Nizhny Novgorod Russia April 4,2017 Dear Howard, 10-17 103 112 122 131 14 15 16 17 1 1 3 2 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) Thanksforyour letter. Yourparents’idea of a summer study course in Russia sounds great! There are courses in different parts o f Russia, but I think you should come to my city, Nizhny Novgorod! Its a great place, on two big rivers, the Volga and the Oka. It’s only 400 kmfrom Moscow, so it won’t be difficultforyou to get here. I ’d love to show you round the city. There are lots o f beautiful historical buildings to see. You’ll love it! Thefood’s very good too. Ifyou come here, I can also help you with your studies. I hope yo u choose Nizhny Novgorod. You won’t regret it! Let me know whatyou decide! Byefo r now, 18-26 18 most exciting Раздел 5 (устная часть) 19 first Task 1 20 told 21 them Skills to be tested 22 worrying The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability 23 Isn’t to: 24 had forgotten • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses 25 wives • use natural intonation and phrasing 26 felt • pronounce words and sentences accurately 27-32 ^ 57 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student’s Bookp 115 27 introduction 28 privately Task 2 29 independent Skills to be tested 30 entertaining The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability 31 original to: 32 viewers • give complete answers to the questions given pronounce words and sentences accurately use vocabulary accurately use grammar accurately ф
[ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the National Tourism Group. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out about tourism in your local area. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets g et started. EA: Where do you live? S: _ _ _____________________ EA: Why doyou like living in your area? S: _________________________ EA: Do many tourists visit your local area? S: _________________________ EA: What are the main tourist attractions in your area? S: ________________________ EA: What do yo u think would attract more tourists to your area? S: ________________________ EA: What advice would you give to tourists thinking of visiting y o u r area? S : ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Ifs the electronic assistant o f the National Tourism Group. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out about tourism in your local area. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Where doyou live? S: I live in a quiet neighbourhood in the city of Samara. EA: Why doyou like living in your area? S: I love living in Samara because the people are reallyfriendly. There are also lots o f things to do, such as going to the theatre or going to the zoo. EA: Do many tourists visit your local area? S: Lots o fpeoplefro m different parts o f Russia visit my local area every year. We dont have many international tourists in Samara, but some people from other countries visit in the summer. EA: What are the main tourist attractions in your area? в 58 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 S: One of the main attractions is the beaches on the River Volga. These are very popular in the summer. People also come to visit the museums and art galleries in the city. EA: What do you think would attract more tourists to your area? S: I think trips on the river would attract more tourists. We could have boats that take you up and down the river so you can enjoy the views. EA: What advice would you give to tourists thinking o f visiting your area? S: I f someone is thinking of visiting my area, I would tell th em to come in the summer. In the summer, ifs warmer and you can enjoy our beaches, while it can g et very cold in the winter. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what th ey say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Ym going to talk about clothes andfashion. Some people like to keep up to date and try to buy the clothes that they see in magazines. I suppose they dont want to look old-fashioned. B ut you don't have to have the latest clothes to look good. There are some clothes which are classic designs, likejeans, or a suit ifyou want to look smart. Appearance is important to me. Looking good is important, no matter who you are, nearly all the time. At work or at school, you want to look good - you don't want to cause a problem because your clothes aren't suitable. A t a party or an occasion like a wedding, ifs very important. The only time I don't care about my appearance, I suppose, is when I'm doing something like playing a sport orfixing my bike. I personally prefer wearing things that are comfortable. They don't have to be the latestfashion to look good andfeel good. That's all I wanted to say.
Test 12 Language and Exam Skills Development Section 1 Listening: second task A 1 an only 2 from 3 the one 4 events 5 relatives 6 would 7 settle 8 anyway 9 start 10 here 3 If you enjoy walking, then the mountains near the town are beautiful. 4 Take some walking boots if you want to go walking in the mountains. Section 5 Speaking: third task ^ 59 Audioscript A 1 It's quite normal to be an only child in China 2 My parents expect a lotfrom me 3 On the one hand, I earn good money 4 1miss out on lots offamily events, too. 5 but I see nearly all my relatives every day 6 Life would be so quiet. 7 But before I settle down I want to establish my career. 8 1 don't think its a good idea to get married too young, anyway. 9 Things get easier when they start school 101 miss them when they re not here. В 1 under 2 high 3 seaman 4 have 5 an extended 6 block 7 toddlers 8 mood Section 21 Reading: second task C Students’ own answers D 1D2E3F4A5C6B7E Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task ®i IF2F3T4F5T F 27 singular noun 28 singular noun 29 adverb 30 negative adjective 31 adjective 32 positive noun Section 4 1Writing 1 1 hope you’re looking forward to your summer holiday. 2 Г т glad youve decided to come to Russia! H lc2e3h4g5i6a718j9k10dIlf12b Test 12 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш А4В1 C5D3 в 60 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: Table 7 has ju st sent this back. The customer claims the meat is undercooked. B: What? Wasn't the orderfo r medium rare? A: Yes, but the customer said it was too rare and would like it cooked properly. B: Oh,for goodness sake. Ifpeople knew what they wanted in thefirst place. Yd cook it! Dialogue В A: Susan, have seen that email Mr Tyler sent everyone this morning? В: I know. Its ridiculous, isn't it? I mean, why can't we have lunch at our desks? A: It's not like there are customers coming in. There's only us here. B: It's crazy. I like to work and eat at the same time, otherwise I don't get everything done by 5 o'clock. Dialogue C A: So, what's the problem with little Cassie today? B: Well, shejust hasn't got any energy. Look at her. She'sju st sitting there. Normally she's running around, playing and causing trouble! It's been like this f o r three days now. A: Right. Have you changed herfo od recently? Or has something else changed at home? Cats often don't like things changing. A: No, I don't think so. B: OK - let me check her temperature. Can you hold her for me?
Test 12 Dialogue D A: Can I ask who itsfor and what the special occasion is? B: Well, Its for my nieces 12th birthday. What would be suitablefor a girl that age? A: How about one of these musicaljewellery boxes? They re very popular. B: How pretty! Yes, its perfect. YU have one o f those necklaces to p u t in it, too. Ш A3B1 C5D6E2 61 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A Its quite normal to be an only child in China, and no one feels sorryfor you ifyou don't have brothers and sisters. I certainly wasn't lonely as a child, because I always hadfriends round to my house and my cousins live close by. The only thing I don't like abo ut being an only child is that it does p ut you under pressure. My parents expect a lotfrom me and have very high hopes about myfuture. Speaker В Being a sailor - I'm a merchant seaman - has both advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, I earn good money and my wife and children don't need to worry about anything. B ut I have to spend longperiods awayfrom home. I really miss seeing my kids. I miss out on lots o f f a mily events, too. It's especially hard if I'm at sea when one of the kids has a birthday. But I try to make up for it when I'm home. Speaker C I really love thefact that I comefrom an extended family. Some of myfriends at school hardly ever get to see their grandparents or other relatives, b ut I see nearly all my relatives every day, as we all live in the same block offlats. I can't imagine what it would be like if it wasjust me and my sister, and Mum and Dad. Life would be so quiet. SpeakerD I'm still single but I'd like to get married one day and start afamily. But before I settle down I want to establish my career. I think it can be very difficult tofind timefor family life in thefirstfew years of a career. Once I have a goodjob and I'm in a better position financially, I'll start thinking about getting married. I don't think it's a good idea to get married too young, anyway. Speaker E Being a mu m has so many different stages. The early years are really physically tiring. Babies an d toddlers are a lot ofhard work. Things get easier when they start school and you've got those lovely years when you watch them growing up. Young children are so muchfun . The teenage years can be a bit difficult, b ut teenagers are great company when they're in a good mood. Now m y three are all a t university. I miss them when they're not here. 3-8 32 62 43 71 52 83 ^ 62 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Clive: Good afternoon, Lizzy - so you've finally made it to school. Did you decide you needed some extra sleep? Lizzy: I'd never deliberately miss the school bus, Clive. I had terrible toothache all night, and I went to the dentist's this morning. Clive: Sorry. You poor thing! That m ust have been awful. What did the dentist say? Lizzy: He's given me some tablets and I'll have to go back ne xt week. Hopefully it'll stop hurting in a couple o f days. Clive: Well, we've got that Sciencefield trip tomorrow. That should cheer you up. Lizzy: I'd completelyforgotten about that! Did Mr Jameson give you the instructions this morning? Clive: Yes, and I have all the details. You might want to write them down. Lizzy: OK. Let's go sit on the grass over there. Clive: First things first. Clothing. You'll need waterproof trousers and a pair of waterproof boots. Lizzy: Oh, my waterproof trousers are ripped. I'll have to buy a new pair. Clive: I've got a spare pair. They'll be a bit big, but they'll do the job. Have you got a bucket? Lizzy: Yes, I've got a bucket, and a netfor catching insects and tadpoles. What about sample jars? Clive: M r Jameson is bringing those, a nd some spare netsfor anyone who doesn't have one. Lizzy: OK. That means less to carry. Did he say where we're going this time, or is he keeping it a surprise again? О
Test 12 Clive: Were going to M arton to collect specimens. It'll he a really great day out, as long as it doesn't rain. Lizzy: Yes, I love it there. It's so beautiful. But I'm not so sure the weather will stayfine. Clive: Theforecast says sunny! I want to have a picnic. My mum's made some great picnic treats. Wait until you see her cherry pie. I'm bringing a cooler boxfull of things to eat. Lizzy: Oh, lovely. I'll make some egg mayonnaise and a vegetable dip to bring as well ifyou like. Clive:Yes, please. A nd one more thing to remember is yo u r Science notebook. We need to keep records o f all the specimens a nd conditions. Lizzy: Don't worry! I'll make sure I've got everything we needy all packed up and ready; before I go to bed. Clive: Well it'll be an early start. We have to be at the schoolgate at 8 o'clock. Do you want me to pick you up on my way? Lizzy: I'm going to set my alarm fo r 7am - bright and early. And my dad willgive me a lift. I'll be at the gate by 7.45. Clive: Great. Everything'sorganised, then. Lizzy: YeSy I can't wait. I 'm already excited. Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Kirov Russia 11thJuly 2017 Hi, Abigail! Thanksfo r your letter. It was lovely to hearfrom you! I hope you're lookingforward to your summer holiday. I'm glad you've decided to come to Russia! I've never been to Sochi but I do know some things about it. As you said, it's on the coast so it's greatfo r swimming. There are some lovely beaches, I believe. I f you enjoy walking then the mountains near the town are beautiful. You'll need a sun hat and sun cream fo r swimming. Take some walking boots ifyou want to go walking in the mountains. You asked about thefood. I don't recommend eatingfoodfrom people in the street, but in restaurants and hotels it should be very nice. I hope yo u have a fantastic time. Send me a postcard! Best wishes, Valeriya Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иA4B8C1D6E2F3 G7 10-17 101 122 143 162 113 131 152 171 Раздел 3 (задания по 18-26 18 greatest 23 19 was adopted 24 20 studied 25 21 had appeared 26 22 became 27-32 27 cooking / cookery 28 feeling 29 accurately грамматике и лексике) met beauties were married wont forget / will not forget 30 unusual 31 basic 32 ability Раздел 3 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • re ad aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use n atural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately © 63 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Bookp 125 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 12 064 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the Geographical Society. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out how people feel about their local area. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Where doyou live? S: ________________________ EA: Are there any well known rivers, mountains or other geographicalfeatures near you? S: _ _ ______________________ EA: Do most people you know live in the countryside? S: ________________________ EA: How easy is it to travel around your local area? S: _________________________ EA: How popular is your local area with tourists? S: ________________________ EA: In you r opinion, what are the best aspects o fyour local area? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Geographical Society. We kindly ask yo u to take part in our survey. We need tofind out how peoplefeel about their local area. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Where doyou live? S: I live in Yekaterinberg, which is the 4th largest city in Russia. EA: Are there any well known rivers, mountains or other geographicalfeatures near you? S: Yes, we3re very near the Urals, and the River Iset goes through the city. There are also several well- known lakes near here. EA: Do most people you know live in the countryside? S: No, most of thepeople I know live in the city. EA: How easy is it to travel around your local area? S: Its very easy, Id say. We'vegot a metro, and there are trams, buses a n d trolleybuses too. EA: How popular is your local area with tourists? S: I think its very popular. There are lots o f interesting things to see a nd do in Yekaterinberg. Lots o f tourists come herefrom all over Russia, particularly in the summer. EA: In your opinion, what are the best aspects o fyour local area? S: There are lots o f libraries, theatres and museums here. Its a great place to live, or visit, ifyou like culture. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor yo ur cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • o rganise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Ym going to talk about studying at university. People go to university after they leave school so they can continue their education. A t university, you only usually study one or two subjects, so you can go into much more detail. You attend lectures with lots o f other students and have seminars or tutorials in smaller groups. You have to do a lot o f studying on your own, though, either in your room or in the library. I personally don't want to go to university because I don't like studying! I like doing practical and physical things, such as men ding bikes. I'd rather g et a job when I leave school and start earning money. My idealjob would be to work as a mechanic in a bike shop. I think that there are good reasons to take a year out before going to university. It's nice to have a bit of a holiday after important school exams, and you can learn things about the world and yourself, which will help you at university. That's all I wanted to say.
Test 13 Language and Exam Skills Development ISection f l Listening: second task A Students' own answers В Students' own answers Section 2| Reading: first task lil IT2F3F4F5T6F7T D 1 specific 2 centre 3 represents 4 dozen 5 point 6 territories 7 lasted 8 eventually 9 unique 10 vary Test 13 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш А4В5С2D3 © 65 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: How can I help you? В: Well, ту car's broken down - about a milefro m here. A: Right. Do you know what theproblem is? B: I'm not sure. I think it's the engine. I was driving along and it suddenlyjust stopped. It's got lots o fpetrol in it, so it's not that. A: OK - let's go and take a look. Why didn't you call me instead of walking all the way here? Section 3 1Grammar and vocabulary: first task E Suggested answers: 1 They’re b ro th er and sister. / She’s his elder sister. 2 her jacket 3 in the wardrobe in her room 4no 5 He asks her a question. / He makes her play a game. / He says he’ll tell her where it is if she answers a question. F 1 didn’t 2 these 3 tell 4 those 5 Funniest 6 had 7 feet Section 4] Writing Students' own answers H Students' own answers Section 51 Speaking: first task Dialogue В A: Ho w long till Stephen arrives? В: I ju st checked the timetable near the ticket office. It says it gets in around 8 pm . Platform 3. A: OK, so 15 more minutes then. B: Unless it's delayed. They're doing a lot o f work on the track at the moment, so you never know. Dialogue C A: When is the guest arriving? B: We've told her to be here by halfpast ten. A: But the programme starts at ten thirty! She's not going to have enough time to get ready. B: Relax. It's OK. We won't be interviewing her until after eleven, so there's plenty o f time. Dialogue D A: Excuse me, I wonder ifyou've got any information about package holidays in Turkey. B: Yes, o f course. Take a seat. When areyou thinking o fgoing? A: In the summer. July or August. B: Lovely. And is itjust you, or are you taking thefa mily? A: Me and a couple offriends, actually. We thought we deserved a break! i lb2a3a4b5b6a7b8bothaandb
Test 13 И A1B6C3D5E4 в 66 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А I know a lot about homes because my dad is a builder. Yve been with him to quite afew building sites. He says that most people want homes that use less energy. One reason is its a way to p ay lessfor gasy electricity or heatingfuel. With homes being so expensive, its a useful way to save money later. B ut using less energy is also betterfo r the environment, and many people want these kinds ofhomesfor that reason. Speaker В My family recently decided to move into the house where my mum grew up. Its a big house. My grandparents couldn't take care of it, so they've moved into something smaller. But my mum didn't want to it to be sold to strangers, so we bought it. My mum and dad are happy - they were tired of city life. There's not a whole lot to see from the house -ju st some low hills - but there's aforest nearby and it's close to afarm as well. SpeakerC I have the best of both worlds where I live. We live in the city, but across the streetfrom my house is a terrific park with lots o f trees. It's almost like not living in the city at all. You can see the pa rk from our living room, which is much better than if we were looking at some other person's home. I think it also makes our house cooler in the summer. Speaker D My parents and I tookpart in a really coolproject last weekend. There were about 40 of us there, allfrom the neighbourhood, and all volunteers working without pay so that a poorfamily could have a new home. My dad showed me how to p ut up walls and where electric wires go. Were still a long wayfrom finishing, but it's a great learning experience, and we plan to work every weekend u ntil it's done. Speak erE My home was built 100 years ago by my great- grandparents. They built it on the edge o f the town, which has since grown around it, so now it's in the suburbs. The wood used to make the home actually came from trees they cut down in a nearbyforest. Of course, no one does that any more, and I'm happy about that. But it's interesting to live in a home built by my own relatives. 3-8 33 61 41 73 52 82 © 67 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Nathan: How's it going, Jessica? Jessica: Great, Nathan. I was just about to go shopping. I'm going to a wedding on Saturday and I need a new dress. Nathan: Oh, what a coincidence. I went to my cousin's wedding two weeks ago. Luckily, I already had a suit. Jessica: Well, to be honest, I do have some new dresses, but none of them areformal enough. I haven't got anyformal clothes thatfit. Nathan: You don't look like you've p ut on weight. How come they don'tfit? Jessica: They're fro m when I was much younger. Nathan: Well, it'll bef u n to lookfor a new dress. Jessica: Really? I'm not lookingforward to it. I'm terrible when it comes to buyingfancy clothes. I can never make a decision. Nathan: Perhaps it's a good idea to lookfor brand- names th at everyone's heard of. Jessica: I'm hard to please, though. You know, ju st because something is expensive or the latest fashion doesn't mean I'll like it. Nathan: Maybe someone could go with you. Not me - I can't choose dresses! Jessica: M y sister's meeting me a t the shopping centre a little later. Hopefully she can help. She's great at picking out clothesfo r herself. I mightjust go with what she chooses. Nathan: How much do you want to spend? Jessica: Up to 200 pounds. My mum's payingfor it. I f I can find something less expensive, I will. Then maybe my mum will let me use the rest o f the moneyfor something I'd rather buy! Nathan: Like more clothes? Jessica: Actually, I 'm interested in this ring I saw yesterday. I 'm more into jewellery and accessories these days than clothes. Nathan: That sounds great. I bought this watch recently because m y old one stopped working. I was glad, though, because I'd had it fo r years. I was just waitingfor it to break! Jessica: You don't need to wear something out to buy another one. You don't need any reason at all!
Test 13 Nathan: I guess, but I didn't see the need to have two watches. Id say its OK to have more than one pair of shoes, or more than one belt. Bu t watches? Jessica: Now that you mention it, Ive only got one watch as well. Nathan: See - 1 bet if we asked otherpeople, wedfind that most people only own one watch. Jessica: That's an interesting thought. Speaking o f time, I'd better get going! Nathan: Good luck with your shopping. Jessica: Thanks! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иA8B3C7D5E4F2 G6 10-17 102 141 112 153 121 161 132 173 Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Rostov-on -Don Russia 16 June 2017 Hi, David! Thanksforyour letter. I'm excited about the summer as well! Here's m y idea f o r an interesting hobby. The hobby I would suggest is doingjigsaw puzzles. It's afu n hobby that can challengeyour mind, but it's not too difficult to do. You also have a nice picture after you finish. The amount of time it takes to do depends on how many pieces there are. I think it's a great hobby to do with afriend, and that way it would also take less time to complete. Well, that's my suggestion about summer hobbies. I hopeyou enjoy whateveryou decide to do! Byefor now, Viktor Раздел 5 (устная часть) Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18 -26 18 was reading 19 saw 20 hanging 21 ‘11tell / will tell 22 didn’t feel / did not feel 23 feet 24 those 25 had said 26 the silliest / the most silly 27-32 27 originally 28 different 29 golden 30 various 31 mispronounce 32 easily Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use n atural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately ©68 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student’s Bookp 135 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately e
Test 13 ^ 69 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the Healthy Eating Organisation. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out about healthy eating. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: ________________________ EA: What isyourfavouritefood and why? S: ________________________ EA: Can yo u cook any dishes? S: ________________________ EA: Do yo u like eating vegetables? S: _________________________ EA: Why is it important to eatfruit and vegetables? S: ________________________ EA: What would you suggest to someone who doesn't like vegetables? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Healthy Eating Organisation. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out about healthy eating. Please a nswer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, let's get started. EA: How old are you? S: I'm fourteen years old. I'll befifteen next month. EA: What isyourfavouritefood and why? S: Myfavouritefood ispizza. I like to be able to choose different things to p ut on top of my pizza, such as ham and mushrooms. EA: Can you cook any dishes? S: I can't really cook, but I can make toastfor my breakfast. I also know how to cook pizza in the oven. EA: Do y o u like eating vegetables? S: No, I don't really like eating mo st vegetables. I don't like spinach or anything green, but I don't m ind tomatoes or potatoes. EA: Why is it important to eatfruit and vegetables? S: It's important to eatfruit and vegetables because they keep y o u healthy. They contain things that your body needs to grow. EA: What would you suggest to someone who doesn't like vegetables? S: I would suggest eating lots o ffruit, such as bananas and apples. I would also suggest eating vegetable soup because often y o u don't taste the vegetables but it's still goodfor you. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I am going to talk about national holidays. National holidays are days when the people of a country celebrate a day that's important in the country's history. Some national holidays celebrate the birth o f a country. Others celebrate birthdays o f important people or other days when something important happened. Businesses are usually closed and people have a day o ff work on national holidays. Often, there are celebrations in town. These celebrations might include a parade orfirework displays. People often go to each other's houses to celebrate together. They might visitfriends or they might go to see members o f theirfamily. I prefer going out and watching a parade because it's a chance to celebrate w ith other people and have somefun. It's alsofun to takepart in aparade ifyou get the chance. Staying at home can be a bit boring. That's all I wanted to say. о
Test 14 Language and Exam Skills Development 1Section 1~j Listening: first task A Students’ own answers В lc2a3f4e5b6d Section 2~1 Reading: second task C Suggested answers: 1 Ivan ruled Russia 2 Ivan was born 3 Ivan was crowned Tsar of all the Russias 4 Ivan created the Print Yard 5 Ivan ordered St Basils cathedral to be built 6 Russia suffered from droughts an d invasions Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task D 13/ three 2 no I 1-or2-er3-or4-er5-er6-or7-er8-er9-er 10-or 11 -er 12-or Section 4~1 Writing Test 14 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш А4В5С1 D2 ^ 70 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: What can I doforyou today? В: Yve got a sore throat A: Lets have a look. Open wide, please. Yes, it is a bit red. B: Is it serious, do you think? A: Not very. YUgive you a prescription and you should be better in afew days. Dialogue В A: How's your burger? B: Nice. But the chips are a bit cold, aren't they? A: Min e are OK actually, but this salad isn't very good. It was quite expensivefo r how small it is. B: Well, that's the thing about places like this, isn't it? You get served quickly but what you get isn't very good! Dialogue C A: Shall we take the stairs to the street level? Were only two floors down. B: Let's take the lift. My knee still hurts after that football match last Saturday. A: OK, let'sfind it. Now help me remember which level we're on, so I don'tforget where the car is. B: It says CP2' on the wall over there, next to the lift. F 1 Tokyo 2 Athens 3 Kiev 4 Cairo 5 Paris 6 Mumbai 7 Moscow 8 Istanbul G Students' own answers H 1 your 2 exciting 3 advice 4 take 5 remember Dialogue D A: This one looks interesting. It's by the writer o f those other ones, you know... B: The Tiny Detectives series? Oh yes, she's great she is. My kids love them. A: Mine too. So, I think I'll get thisfor Adam. Have you found anythingfor Laura? B: Not yet. But I haven't looked at the poetry section yet. She likes poetry. Section 5 Speaking: second task I Students' own answers
Test 14 Ш A2B5C6D1E3 Q 71 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A Although I usually like my Maths teacher; Mr Clements, he did something recently that left mefeeling a little upset We sat down for the lesson, and at the very beginning of class, he announced that we were going to have a surprise test I got a terriblefeeling in my stomach when I heard that I hadn't been studying very muchfor a while before that, so I knew I wasn't going to do well I guess the lesson is: keep up with your studying! Speaker В I suppose students like some subjects better than others. Almost everyone in my class seems to hate History. Everyone except me, that is. Maybe they don't like the class because our teacher, M r Baines, gives us a lot o f homework. Or maybe theyju st don't like the subject. But I reallyfind the past interesting, and I'm really good at remembering dates. Who knows - 1 mightju st go on to study itfurther after I leave school. SpeakerC I'm taking a lot o f difficult subjects this yea r - History, Physics, English a nd so on. M y teachers are all good and I don't have any complaints. One of my teachers, though, stands outfrom the others - Ms Sparks, who teaches M aths. She's very helpful a nd kind, a n d she's always in a great mood in class. I hope when I grow up I can be like her. SpeakerD Some kids hate school. Theyjust want to hang out with friends, or they don't like doing schoolwork. I feel like that occasionally. But when I'm at school, I try to have the best time I can. I like seeing myfriends during breaks between classes, saying H i' to them, and talking about what's going on in life. I enjoy talking to my teachers, too. It's importa nt to have good relationships at school. It's the best way to enjoy it! SpeakerE Most of my teachers give us a lot of homework. The only teacher who doesn't - M s Barnes, the Science teacher - often lets us do it in class. I'd like to do that in my other classes, but I can't. I like to get it done as soon as possible, so it's thefirst thing I do when I get home. I don't want to wait until later because I'm afraid I'll be too tired to do it. 3-8 32 62 41 73 53 81 ©72 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Mark: Hi, Gina - how's it going? Gina: Great, Mark. I was ju st working on anessay for English. Mark: What's it on? Gina: It's on ways to reduce air pollution. I have to suggest some things we can do, a nd give reasons a n d examples. Mark: What have you come up with? Gina: One idea is taking public transport, because a lot ofpollution comesfrom cars. I thought about suggesting we get rid of cars completely, but that seems a little extreme. Mark: What about riding bikes? Gina: That's a good idea, but it might be a bit difficult ifyour job or school is a long way from where you live. Mark: That's true. W hat else have you got? Gina: My other idea is to plant more trees. Trees are really goodfor the air. Mark: Why's that? Gina: Well, you know humans breathe in oxygen a nd breathe ou t carbon dioxide? Trees do the opposite. They take in carbon dioxide - which is badfor the air - and get rid of oxygen, which we can breathe in. It's clever, isn't it? Mark: Yes, but it seems like there are a lot of trees round town already. We've got lots ofparks. Gina: Well, I was doing some research online, and the new trend is to plant trees and gardens on the roofs o f buildings. It does more than just clean the air. It also makes the building more energy efficient. I won't include that point in m y essay, though. Mark: Because it's no t directly related to air pollution? Gina: Exactly. But our city has gotplenty of buildings in the centre that could have green spaces on top. Mark: Maybe some o f them already do. Gina: I haven't looked into that. It would be a good example to include in my essay. How would Ifind out about that? Mark: I can ask my dad. He works in the centre. His building m ay have something like that. You could call the Mayor's office, too.
Test 14 Gina: Good thinking, M ark! I'm getting excited about my essay now. Mark: Have yo u thought about discussingfactories? Gina: I did, but I thought I wouldfocus on things we could do more directly. With factories, the government would have to tell them to change, don t you think? Mark: I suppose so. Ifyou approached afactory owner and asked them to reduce pollution, they wouldn't listen. Gina: Exactly. So, YU stick with the two p oints we mentioned. Mark: Well, good luck with your essay, Gina. I'll let you know what my dad says about his building. Gina: Thanks! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иA4В1C:5D8E2F3G6 10-17 101 143 113 153 122 161 131 173 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 18 have taught 19 was created 20 itself 21 lives 22 best 23 used 24 have renamed 25 went 26 most famous 27-32 27 unhappy 28 recently 29 feeling 30 memorise/memorize 31 customers 32 useless Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Dimitrovgrad Russia June 2nd, 2017 Hi, Mary! Thanksfor your letter. Your trip to Moscow sounds really exciting! Iv e never been there, b ut here's m y advice. First, I w ould definitely take a camera a nd a guidebook. Takingpictures o f all the sights is a great way to remember you r trip. Guidebooks are greatfo rfinding important sights and great places to eat. Second, you should take a guided tour. A guide can tellyou interesting things about a place that you wouldn't learn on your own. Last, I think Yd wear a good pair o f trainers, to be more comfortable travelling round. And take lots o f warm clothes - it can get very cold in Moscow in the winter! Hope my advice helps, and have a great time! Byefor now, Polya Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronoun ce words and sentences accurately © 73 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Book p 145 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 14 © 74 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Organisation f o r Teenagers. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel aboutfriendship. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: ________________________ EA: Have you got a bestfriend? S: __ _______________________ EA: Is it better to have lots offriends, orjust afew goodfriend s? S: ________________________ EA: What qualities do you lookfor in afriend? S: _________________________ EA: Is it possible to befriends with your brother or sister? S: ________________________ EA: Areyou jealous of any ofyourfriends? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Organisation f o r Teenagers. We kindly ask you to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel aboutfriendship. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give you r name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: Ym thirteen years old. EA: Have you got a bestfriend? S: Yes, I have. Shes called Masha and I love her a lot! EA: Is it better to have lots offriends, orjust afew goodfriends? S: Personally, Yd say its better to have afew good friends who know you really well and who you can trust. EA: What qualities do you lookfor in afriend? S: For me, its essential that they have a good sense ofhumour, dont take life too seriously, and that you can trust them. EA: Is it possible to befriends with your brother or sister? S: Oh yes, definitely. Ym very goodfriends with my brother. EA: Areyou jealous o f any ofyourfriends? S: No, I dont think so. When they re successful or have some good luck, Ym happyfor them - not jealous. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor your cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pro nounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Ym going to talk about zoos. Zoos are places where people can see lions, tigers, birds a n d other animals. A zoo is important because it can be a learning experiencef o r the visitor, a nd it also makes us aware that these animals exist. Some of the animals are endangered, so zoos can keep them safe. Scientists can also use zoos to study animals. I enjoy going to the zoo because I love animals. I lov£ being near them, watching them and trying to communicate with them. There are also sometimes shows you can watch at the zoo, fo r example with dolphins or birds. Personally, I prefer zoos to wildlife parks because its a safer environment to see animals and there are more facilities in a zoo, such as places to eat and hang out. However, having said that, the animals in wildlife parks have morefreedom and space than the animals in a zoo, so perhaps they re happier. In a zoo, its the animals that cant get out of their areas. In a wildlifepark, its the humans that cant get out - o f their cars! Thats all I wanted to say.
Test 15 Language and Exam Skills Development Section 1 Listening: third task A 3 auditions 4 non-speaking role 5 audience 6 work behind the scenes 7 scenery 8 rehearsal Section 2 Reading: first task В Paragraph A F Paragraph В T Paragraph C F Paragraph D T Paragraph E T Paragraph F F Paragraph G T Section 31 Grammar and vocabulary: first task C Students’own answers D Students’ own answers E Section 4] Writing F lb2a3c4c5b Test 15 Раздел X (задания по аудированию) ш А5В2С1D3 © 75 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: Dad, have you seen the view down there? Its amazing. В: I know. That's Paris below us. Its beautifulfrom up here, isn't it? A: Everything looks so small. Look at those tiny cars! It's like a dream. B: It's n o t going to last long. I 'm afraid. We'll be landing soon. Dialogue В A: This one comes with a camera and has lots of memoryfor MP3s. В: I don't think I want to play music on it. How long does the battery last? A: Quite a long time. It comes with a USB charger, o f course. Your contract won't change, but you get three extra hours talking time andfree text messages for one month as a special offer. B: That sounds good. I think I'll take it. Dialogue C A: This one's your size. And it's a lovely colour, too. B: Yes, it is. I'm not sure I want a mountain bike, though. Most of the time I'm going to be riding in town. A: Oh, I see. Well, come over here and have a look at these road bikes. They're much lighter than mountain bikes. В: I like this one! How many gears has it got? G Suggested answers: 5,4,3,1,2 Section 5 Speaking: third task H Students' own answers Dialogue D A: Your CV is good, but the salary wouldn't be very high to begin with as you don't have any experience. Why did you applyfor this position? B: I've always wanted to work in TV. I'm very creative a nd I'd love a career in the media. A: OK. Well, thank you fo r coming in today. We have some other people to see, and we'll let you know i fyou've been successful. B: Thank you.
3-8 ИA5B2C4D1 ЕЗ в 76 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А Yeah, I suppose I'd describe myselfas popular - Ym always out with myfriends doing something. I don't really have one specialfrie nd , a best friend, because I dont spend a lot of time with anyone in particular. I suppose I ju st like hanging out with a bunch of mates. I feel comfortable in the middle of a gang, not being alone with one other person. Ym not a loner or a leader. Ijust want to be one ofthe boys, you know? Speaker В Ym really careful when it comes to choosingfriend s. Yve had some bad experiences in the p ast - been let down, you know - and now it takes me a while to gain enough confidence in a person to call them a friend. I dont want to be disappointed in anyone, so I suppose I am hard to get to know. I think I am a goodfriend, though, even if its not easyfor me to put myfaith in someone. SpeakerC I do havefriends, but I dont see them every day. And I wouldn't want to! They know what Ym like and theyput up with me, maybe more than I deserve, actually! Don't get me wrong, I like my friends, it'sjust that sometimes I prefer my own company. For example, Ym never happier than when Ym on my own at home listening to music or reading a book. A nd I never get lonely, even ifYmonmy ownfor alongtime. SpeakerD Well, afew years ago I moved awayfrom my home town - a long way away. I had a youngfamily and a newjob, and I suppose lifegot ahead of me ... the next time I looked, there werefew er people around me and my life was justfamily and work. Myfriends had drifted away because I was so busy doing other things, and I found it hard to make newfriendsfor the same reason - I wasjust too busy. It's a shame. SpeakerE Yve just started university, and you have to move quickly at uni - socially, I mean - because it could be really important, now and in thefuture. It doesn't matter ifyou make some bad choices, you just have to meet as many people as you can so you can get a good social life going. Joining groups and clubs and societies is a great way to find some friends. Yve met hundreds o fpeople already! 32 63 41 72 51 82 © 77 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Polly: Hi, Basil. How are you? Have you heard the great news? Basil: Hi, Polly. No, what's up? Polly: You know the school play is coming up in a couple of months? Well, Yve got a great part - theyju st told me! Basil: Great! I heard they were casting today. What part did you gofor? Polly: Well, that's j u s t it. M r Williams held the auditions last week and everyone tried outfor the parts they wanted. Basil: Yes, he asked me to audition fo r Romeo, but I couldn't go. I don't think Ym a performer anyway. Polly: Well, he and the other drama teacher were there last week, and I tried outfor thepart o f the Nurse, who is like Juliet's servant. We did a little scene with her and Juliet where she's helping her get dressed. Basil: That's a really good part with some great lines. Polly: Right, but I didn't get it. They gave me the lead instead! Ym Juliet! Basil: Well done! That's great! Polly: I know - Ym really surprised. I didn't even want it, but they insisted. Now I have to learn all the lines. Basil: It's a really important character - 1 mean, the play is called Romeo and Juliet'! I suppose there are more lines fo r Juliet than the Nurse? Polly: Yes, she speaks a lot more. She even has some scenes where she's on her own on stage and that's quite a lot to remember, when everyone's lookingjust at you. Basil: You'll befine. Ym taking p art in the play too, and I'll be there to support you. Polly: What are you doing? You said you didn't go to the audition. Basil: No, Ym a stagehand - you know, helping out w ith the scenery, backstage work. Everything's nearly ready, actually. We pain ted the scenery yesterday. Polly: Did you have to make a lot of thingsfor the play?
Test 15 Basil: Just some chairs a nd tables, really. The hardest thing was making the balcony; but Mr Kelly let us use the woodwork room after school and M r Williams helped us with the plans. Polly: Great, well now we just have to rehearse it all together. Thefir s t rehearsal is tonight, isn't it? Basil: Yesy bu t it won't be a dress rehearsal, because the costumes aren'tfinish ed yet. Polly: O h y that's right. The sewing class said they'll have everything done by next week. I wonder what they'll makefor me to wear? Basil: I think your lines are more important than what you wearydon't you? Polly: I suppose so! I'd better go and start learning my part! Bye! Basil: Bye! Раздел 2(задания по чтению) ИА6В6IC2D1E7F5G3 Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Samara Russia 22ndFebruary, 2017 Dear Barry, It was nice to hearfrom you. Your walking holiday sounds really goodfun! You'll need some warm clothes, because although it can be hot in the day; the nights can be cold. I suggest taking a hat, tooy and a coat in case it rains. I don't think it will snow at this time ofyear, so you won't need any gloves. Take some sunglasses a n d sun-cream because the sun is really strong in the mountains. You'll also need a good compass and some water. Don't try to walk toofa r atfirst. You might hurt yourselfifyou do too much. Just go afew kilometres on thefirst day. Have a great holiday! Svetlana 10-17 102 143 113 151 123 163 131 172 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 1 18 met 19 was / were 20 choosing 21 went 22 more expensive 23 the cheapest 24 don t think / do not think 25 bought 26 him 27-32 27 famous 30 replacement 28 building 31 celebration 29 actually 32 noisy Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • r ead aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately © 78 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Bookp 155 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pron ounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 15 в 79 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! I t’s the electronic assistant o f the local cinema. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out about young people andfilms. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don’t have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: ________________________ EA: Have you ever been to your local cinema? S: __ _______________________ EA: Do you think going to the cinema is better alone or withfriends? S: ________________________ EA: What kinds offilm do you prefer? S: _________________________ EA: What isyourfavouritefilm? Why do you like it? S: ________________________ EA: How could we improve your local cinema? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much fo r yo u r cooperation. Sample responses: EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the local cinema. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out about youngpeople andfilms. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have togiveyour name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: Ym fourteen years old. EA: Have you ever been to yo ur local cinema? S: Yes, I have been to our local cinema. Infact, I go there quite often, probably abo ut once every two weeks. EA: Do you think going to the cinema is better alone or withfriends? S: I think going to the cinema is much better with friends because you can talk about thefilm after you’ve seen it. You can shareyour opinions of the film. EA: What kinds offilm do you prefer? S: I really like comedyfilm s because I enjoy laughing with myfriends. I also like action films, especially ones w ith superheroes in them. EA: What isyourfavouritefilm? Why doyou like it? S: Myfavouritefilm is the latest Superman film . The acting is really good and its a very excitingfilm. It also has a surprising ending. EA: How could we improve your local cinema? S: I think you could improve the local cinema by making it cheaper. A t the moment, the tickets are quite expensive. I fyou made it cheaper, more people would go to the cinema. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor your cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I ’m going to talk about meeting peoplefro m other countries. I think it is important to meet peoplefrom other countries. You can understand that there are different people with different languages a n d customs, and that your country is not the only place in the world. You can learn a lot fr o m a foreigner. They can teach you their language, and they can show you some new things, likefo od or clothes or music. Its important to experience different things or you w o nt learn about the world. It is getting smaller all the time, with travel and the internet, so you need to know aboutforeign culture these days. I haven’t m et many foreigners, but I have met afew. Some teenagersfrom England came to our school last year on a school trip. That was very interesting! We asked them lots o f questions about the UK, and they asked us lots o f questions about Russia. Yd like to go to the UK to meet some British people there. That’s all I wanted to say.
Test 16 Language and Exam Skills Development 1Section T] Listening: third task A 1 sure 2does 3think4let 5slip 6twisted 7got 8 stick 9 go 10 change ^ 80 Audioscript exercise A Dad: I'm still not sure its a good idea. What does your mum say? Kim: Both Mum and Gran think its a great opportunity and that I shouldn't let it slip me by. Please, Dad! Dad: Oh, all right then. You've twisted my arm. But just this once. We've got an agreement and you've got to stick to it. Kim: Thanks, Dad. You're the best! Dad: Offyou go now, before I change my mind. I've got work to do! Section 2 Reading: second task В 1 Glastonbury (Festival) 2 four/4 days 3 (dairy) cattle 4 6/six (pop, rock, electronic dance, alternative rock, ethnic, world) 5 no 6 (in) tents 7 3/three (serving at food stalls, cleaning up the site and acting as steward) c 1 contemporary 2 recover 3 hosts 4 meditation 5 hire 6 support Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task D Students' own answers E Students' own answers Section 4 1Writing F Students' own answers G 1 It was lovely to hear from you. 2 I am sure you will pick it up quickly. / © I am sure you will quickly pick it up. 3 I think you’ll love the job. 4 Some of th em will leave big tips too. 5 Let me know how it goes. Section 5 Speaking: first task H Students' own answers I 1 Humans have always been fascinated by the Moon. 2 In 1969, for the first time in history, people travelled to, and walked on, the Moons surface. 3 It was an incredible advance for human knowledge, brought about through advances in technology. 4 Despite that, there is still much about the Moon we are unsure of. Test 16 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) ш АЗВ2С1D4 Q81 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue А A: Hi there. Гт returningfourfilms and a game and I'd like to take these three new ones. B: The game's actually three days late, so there'll be an extra charge of three pounds, I'm afraid. A: So how much do I owe all together? B: That'll be eight pounds, please. A nd bring the new films back by Friday to avoid paying extra again. A: Will do. Dialogue В A: I don't think I like this band. They're too loud for me! B: Let's go over to the second stage then and see who's playing there. A: Can we stop by one of thefood stallsfirst and get a bite to eat? B: Good idea. We can check out who else is on this evening while were there. Dialogue C A: Excuse me. Can I ask you afew questions about this laptop?
Test 16 В: Certainly. What would you like to know? It’s a great model. Very light, a nd lots o f memory. A: Yes, I can see that. B ut it doesn’t seem to have a DVD player - is that right? B: That’s right, it doesn’t. These more modern small laptops - or netbooks as we call them - don’t come with CD-ROM or DVD players. That’s why they’re so small and light. A: Oh, I see. Dialogue D A: Hello. What can I getforyou? B: Could I have a cheeseburger a nd fries, please? A: Regularfries or large? B: E r r ... regular please. A: And what would you like to drink with that? 2 A2В1C3D4E6 ©82 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A For many kids, pocket money is when your mum and dad give you a certain amount of money each week. We don’t really have that in my family, because my parents think it’s better if I workfor my money. So that’s what I have to do. I have to earn it! They give me different amounts for differentjobs around the house depending on how hard they are. And the moreI do, the moreI earn. They tell me this is a life lesson. Speaker В I getfive pounds a week pocket money. I can use itfor whatever I want orput it in my bank account ifI want to save. It’s rare that I manage to save anything. I use the money to do things like downloading new songs onto my phone orgoing out. But I ’m only supposed to get the money if I ’ve been well-behaved. They’ve stopped my money a couple of times. It was awful! SpeakerC I don’tget afixed amount ofpocket money every week. Instead, I ’ve got a bank account. My parents and relatives p ut money info r birthdays, Christmas or if I’ve done well in my exams, things like that. I have to budget the money myself. IfI run out of money, I can ask my parentsfor more, but I have to tell them why I’ve run out and why I deserve extra. They’re very strict about it. SpeakerD My husband isn’t infavour ofgiving the kids any pocket money at all. He thinks they should always ask when they want money, as that’s how it was when he was young. I don’t agree. I think they should have an allowance and not begfor money. It’s betterfo r me because they know with an allowance that that is all they’ll get, whereas if they have to askfor money they’ll be whiningfor it all the time! SpeakerE I’mfed up of thefact that my older sistergets a much bigger weekly allowance than me. M y parents argue that she should have more money because she’s older. But I don’t think that’sfair. For one thing, I dojust as many jobs around the house as she does. And, stuff isn’t any cheaper to buyju st because I ’m younger. I think we should get the same, but my parents just won’t listen. 3-8 31 63 42 73 51 81 ©83Audioscript Задания 3-8 Kim: Dad, could I have a word, please? Dad : I ’m a bit busy now, Kim. Can’t it wait until tomorrow? I need tofinish off this report and send it to the office this evening. Kim: I’m sorry, but it’s important and it won’t take long, I promise. Dad: All right. What is it? Kim: Well. I was hoping we could come to an arrangement about the weekend. Can I p ut off my Saturday chores to go on a day trip with the Fishers, please? Dad: Kim, we’ve been through this before. No. Those chores have to be done every Saturday a n d they come before everything else. That’s our agreement. Kim: Yes, I know it’s our agreement. I ’m not asking for any change in the agreement. Just a one-off exception. Dad : I don’t see why you can’t get up early andfinish them before you set off. The answer is still no. Kim: The Fishers are leaving at 7.30 am. I ’d have to get up at 5am to do the choresfirst. I t ’s bad enough thatI’llhave tobeoutthedoorby7asitis! Dad: Why on earth are they leaving so early in the morning? Where are yo u going? Kim: A day trip to London. The plan is to see some sights, take in a museum or two and maybe go to the theatre as well. Dad : That’s a lot of activitiesfor one day. It sounds rather tiring.
Test 16 Kim: It does a bit But its a great opportunityfor a really good trip and its educational and cultural too. Dad: It also sounds like a great opportunityfor me to pay a lot of moneyfor it. How much is this going to cost? Kim: Its not going to cost you anything. M um said that Gran would give me twenty pounds and Yve still got some birthday money left. Dad: I see. B ut those chores w o n t do themselves. I hopeyou re not expecting me oryour mother todo them ifIagree to letyougo. Kim: No, o f course not. I could do them on Sunday instead. Dad: That doesn't sou nd very realistic. You'll be too tired after the trip. Kim: Dady ifyou let me have a bit of a lie-in in the morning, I'll befine. I'll be able to get my chores done long before lunch at midday and then I'll have all afternoon and evening to relax as well. Dad: I'm still not sure it's a good idea. What does your mum say? Kim: Both Mum and Gran think it's a great opportunity and that I shouldn't let it slip me by. Please, Dad! Dad: Ohy all right then. You've twisted my arm. But just this once. We've got an agreement and you've got to stick to it. Kim: Thanks, Dad. You're the best! Dad: Offyou go now; before I change my mind. I've got work to do! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) 9_ А5В2С8D1Е7F4G6 10-17 103 123 143 112 132 152 161 173 27-32 27 absolutely 30 banker 28 decision 31 intelligent 29 possibilities 32 well Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Vladivostok Russia 18thJune, 2017 Hi, Penny! Thanksfor your letter. It was lovely to hearfrom you! I don't think you'llfind working in a cafe a hard job. I'm sure you'll pick it up quickly. You have to be friendly to customers and careful to bring them the right things. Ifyou work more than about 40 hours each week, you'll probably get very tired. Try not to work more than 8 hours each day. I think you'll love the job. You'll meet lots o f interesting people. Some o f them will leave big tips too! Let me know how it goes! All the best, Tatiana Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use n atural intonation and phrasing • pro nounce words and sentences accurately © 84 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's B ook p 165 Task 2 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) Skills to be tested 18 -26 18 have heard 23 19 took 24 20 people 25 21 won 26 22 best didn’t have / did not have something was leaving / would leave their The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronou nce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 16 © 85 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the Language Club. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out how peoplefeel about learning English. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: _ _______________________ EA: How long have yo u been learning English? S: _ ________________________ EA: Do yo u enjoy learning English? S: ________________________ EA: Are there any aspects o f learning English you find difficult? S: _________________________ EA: How much time do you spend doing English homework each week? S: ________________________ EA: What qualities make a good English teacher, in your opinion? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Language Club. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out how peoplefeel about learning English. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, let's get started. EA: How old are you? S: I'm thirteen years old. I'U befourteen in afew months. EA: How long have y o u been learning English? S: I've been learning English since I was eight, so aboutfive years. EA: Do y o u enjoy learning English? S: Yes, I do. I love it. We've got a great teacher, and her lessons are always interesting. EA: Are there any aspects o f learning English you find difficult? S: Several! I don't like phrasal verbs. They're confusing! And some bits of the grammar are different to Russian, so I sometimes make mistakes. EA: How much time do you spend doing English homewo rk each week? S: I probably do halfan hour a day, so about three orfour hours a week, I'd say. EA: What qualities make a good English teacher, in your opinion? S: I think a good English teacher has to be patient and kind, and not get upset or angry ifyou make a mistake. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor you r cooperation. Task 3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronou nce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I'm going to talk aboutfood. I like healthyfood, like salads andfru it and vegetables. I don't really like meat, but I do eat chicken sometimes. I know it's not goodfo r me, b ut I love chocolate. It's delicious! I don't fin d great pleasure in cooking because fo r some dishes it takes such a long time. I'm not patient enough. And you often make lots of mess and it takes a long time to clear up afterwards. I prefer someone else like my mum or dad to do the cooking. I love going out to eat with myfamily orfriends on special occasions. It's really nice to go fo r a pizza on someone's birthday. But I wouldn't want to eat out every day. Most ofthe time, it's nicer and healthier to eat at home. That's all I wanted to say.
Test 17 Language and Exam Skills Development Section 1 Listening: first task A Students own answers Test 17 Раздел 1 (задания по аудированию) шА4В1С5D3 Section 2 Reading: first task в 86 Audioscript Задание 1 В Students’ own answers c 1 GPS2320334months4yes5no 6 hackney carriages 7 no Section 31 Grammar and vocabulary: first task D 1F2F3T4F5T Section 4] Writing E Suggested answers: Id2a3c4b5f6e F Students own answers Section 5 Speaking: second task G 1 September the eighth 4 2March thefourth 3 thefifth ofNovember 4 the twenty-fifth of December 5 the second o fJune 6 October the twelfth 7 students’ own answers H Students' own answers Dialogue A A: When is it coming? What does the timetable say? B: Its supposed to be here in five minutes. I hope the rain stops. A: I f wed taken the train, we wouldn't be standing in the street waiting. What number is it? B: 53. I t goes right up High Street. Oh, here it is! Dialogue В A: Hello, can I help you? В: I need somethingfor a bad headache. Perhaps some pills? A: Of course. Here you are. Take one or two before each meal today, and ifyou stillfeel unwell, go and see your doctor. Anything else? B: Oh, yes, I have this prescription, too, f o r my grandmother. She needs some cough syrup. A: That's 6 pounds, plea se... Dialogue C A: Here he comes! Get back to y o u r desks everyone! B: John Barclay! Come and see me at the end of the lesson! I'm tired o fyou making trouble. Now, everybody, open y o u r books. A: Can we open the window, please, M r Woodard? B: No, John, but you can clean the board. Now, page 62 everyone please.... Dialogue D A: Be careful - don'tfall in! It looks really deep, and the water's moving reallyfast! B: I'm a good swimmer, but I wouldn't want tofall in here. The water looks a bit dirty... A: It gets dirty with all rubbish they throw in, and the boats o f course. B: Where does it go? A: Itflowsfrom the mountains down to the coast. It's one o f the longest in Europe.
Test 17 ШA4B6C1 D5E2 ^ 87 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A We were on holiday in Hungary in a town near the River Danube. It started raining one night and it didn’t stop for three days. The river began to overflow and water was runn ing through the streets. We decided to leave, but it was too late to leave on foot. We waited and someone came with a boat. They took us to the edge o f town, then we walked to the airport. It wasn’t one of my best holidays, b ut it was quite exciting! Speaker В Most people enjoy sunny weather and hate the rain, but Ifeelju st the opposite. Rainy weather gives me an excuse to hang out in my room and mess around. I also like the smell of wet grass and trees, and it makes everything grow. Sunny weather isfinefor some days, but I’m not afan ofthe heat. It often makes me tired andIjust want to take a shower. That’s no way to spend the day. Speaker C I was really excited to go on holiday to Spain with my family. I woke up that morning and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I got all my stuff ready and we drove to the airport. When we got there, we learned the bad news - the plane that was supposed to take us to Barcelona was delayed. It was comingfrom Germany, and they were having terrible thunderstorms there, and the plane couldn’t take off. Speaker D Myfamily and I were on holiday in Greece one summer. We were staying on an island, which were beautiful but sometimes really hot. During the day we could swim, but at night, it didn’t cool off much. A storm came in one evening near the end of our trip and it started pouring down. Everyone was running to their rooms to escape, but my sister and I were so happy to see it, we stayed outside and danced around in itfor ages! We had a fantastic time! SpeakerE As a child I remember visiting my aunt and uncle in the US. The area where they live suffers fr o m tornadoes in the spring, which is when we were there. We didn’t see any during our stay, thank goodness, but about 100 kilometres away, two tornadoes destroyed some homes and people were hurt. I was quite scared when I heard the news, but luckily my aunt and uncle have an underground space we could hide in if necessary. 3-8 32 61 43 72 53 82 Q 88 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Stuart: Hey Danielle, how was y o u r trip to Thailand? Danielle: It was great, Stuart! Weju st got back two days ago actually. I was glad to come back because I was beginning to miss home. Stuart: I know what you mean. Myfamily and I went to the Czech Republicfor afew days. After a while I was beginning to miss hearing English. Did you enjoy yourselfon your trip? Danielle: For the most part, yes. The beach was fantastic and we took a boat trip to a small island. Stuart: That sounds nice. W hat did you enjoy the most? Danielle: My dad and I went snorkelling one day and we saw a lot of colourfulfish. That was the best. Stuart: Was there anything you didn’t like? Danielle: The place was a bit crowded at times. It was a nice resort and the staff were helpful, but the pool was busy and it was impossible tofind somewhere to sit. Stuart: Well, you should get awayfrom the resort while y o u ’re on holiday. Danielle: We did. Actually, thefa ct that the resort wasfull wasn’t the worst. M y dad got stung by a jellyfish. Stuart: Oh no! What happened? Danielle: It was swimming near his leg and hejust didn’t see it. Luckily, there was a first-aid kit at the resort. He applied lotion to stop the burning. Stuart: Did it work? Danielle: After an hour, the pain had mostly stopped. He took some aspirin also. He was back to normal later that evening, but he didn’t swim again. Stuart: I wouldn’t either! Danielle: I swam some more, but I stayed close to the shore! Stuart: Did you visit any cities, like Bangkok? Danielle: We didn’t visit the capital. Our plane had stopped there on the way to our destination, but we didn’t have time to explore. Stuart: What about near where you were staying? Danielle: We went to a village nearby. That was a lot offun. We went to afruit and vegetable market which had all these exoticfruits. Stuart: Did you try any?
Test 17 Danielle: Yes, lots o f them. Some o f them were quite nice, but others were either too sweet or a bit tasteless. Stuart: Well, ifyou have any photos, Yd love to see them. Danielle: O f course. YU bring them tomorrow. Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иA5B8C2D7E6F1G3 10-17 103 141 112 153 123 161 132 173 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Sochi, Russia 14thNovember 2017 ' Hi, Josh! I was glad to getyour letter:It sounds likeyourfriend George has a problem with eating well Here's some advice that may helpyou. First, I think you should tell him to try to eat less red meat and lessfattyfood, like pizzas, chips and hamburgers. Because they have lots o f calories, ifyou eat themyouput on lots ofweight. He should try to eat morefreshfru it and vegetables. I f he likes salads, I wou ld suggest those too. I think he should completely avoidfizzy drinks with lots ofsugar, and sweets, chocolate an d ice cream. 18-26 I I hope my advice helpsyou. Let me know how thingsgo. 18 wasn’t looking / was no t looking Byefo r now, Dmitri 19 mice 20 most frightening Раздел 5 (устная часть) 21 ran 22 are Task 1 23 ’re living / are living / live 24 knew Skills to be tested 25 our The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability 26 safer to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses 27-32 • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately 27 beautiful 28 expensive Q 89 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - 29 lovely Student’s B ookp 175 30 cutters Task 2 31 completely 32 producers Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • prono unce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately e
Test 17 ^ 90 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f Party People, a company that organises parties. We kindly ask you to take part in our survey. We need tofind out about birthday parties. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: When is your birthday? S: ________________________ EA: Do you usually have a partyfor your birthday? S: _________________________ EA: What was the last birthday party you went to? S: ________________________ EA: What was the best birthday pa rty you've ever been to? S: ________________________ EA: What do you think makes a good birthday party? S: _________________________ EA: What would you like to dofor your next birthday party? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f Party People, a company that organises parties. We kindly ask you to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out about birthday parties. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have to give your name. So, let's get started. EA: When isyour birthday? S: M y birthday is on the fifth o f November. EA: Do you usually have a partyfor your birthday? S: Yes, we usuallyhave a party at my housefor my birthday. I invite all myfriendsfrom school. EA: What was the last birthdayparty you went to? S: Thelast birthdayparty I went to was my best friends party last month. There were thirty people there and we had a great time eating and dancing. EA: What was the best birthday p arty you've ever been to? S: The best birthday p arty I've ever been to was my last birthday party. All myfriends were there and we had a DJ who played great music. We danced for hours. EA: What do you think makes a good birthday party? S: I think thatfor a good birthday party you need to have good music. Everyone wants to dance at a party. You also needfood, and of course a great birthday cake. EA: What would you like to doforyour next birthday party? S: For my next birthday party, I would like to have a large party and invite everyone I know. I would like all myfriends andfamily to dance a lot. I wou ld also like to have a big chocolate cake. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor yo ur cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I am going to talk about exams. I think exams are important because they're a way o f showing what you've learnt throughout the year. You can show how much you know about a subject. They mean that you, your teacher and your parents can see how wellyou are doing. Exams make you study and learn things that you might never learn without an exam. Lots o f people hate exams andfin d them stressful, but I don't m ind them. In fact, I enjoy them! That might seem strange, but I like proving that I've learnt what we've been doing in class. I make sure I've studied enough so I can answer the questions and show what I know. Ifeel proud when I do well in an exam. I'd prefer to have lots o f short exams often because yo u don't have to study as much at one time. Also, ifyou do badly in one, it isn't a serious problem because you can get marks in lots o f other exams too. That's all I wanted to say. e
Test 18 Language and Exam Skills Development Section f] Listening: second task A lc2f3b4a5d6e В 1built 2 no 3 lack 4 affects 5 the 6 strange Section 2 Reading: second task C 1 extremely 2 fortunate 3 flowing 4 current 5 spreads 6 preventing 7 habitat 8 moist 9 fog 10 block 11 heatwaves Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task D 1 courtroom 2 verdict 3 jury 4 judge 5 defendant E 27 no 28one/1 29end 30no 31yes32у Section 4] Writing F Students' own answers Щ Only throw away things that are broken or that no-one wants. / Only throw things away that are broken or that no-one wants. / Only throw away things that no-one wants,or that are broken. / Only throw things away that no-one wants or that are broken. Section 5 1Speaking: third task H Students own answers 1 shopping. 2 it can be tiring and a bit boring sometimes. 3itsfuntogotoashoptogetit. 4 there are so many people and all the shops are usually big stores. 5 into the centre of a small town and finding local shops. о 6 about once or twice a month, sometimes with my mum and sometimes with my friends. 7 shopping with my friends. 8 clothes or shoes, and sometimes books. 9 birthday presents for friends and members of my family. 10 a good idea, but IVe never done it. 11 its good for clothes. 12 try things on before you buy them, isn’t it? 13 1wanted to say. Test 18 Раздел \ (задания по аудированию) ИA4В1С5D2 ^ 9 1 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: Can I borrow yourgoggles? I want to go underwater. B: Oh, I forgot to bring them. Sorry. A: Never mind. Heh - do you want to go to the deep end and dive in off the boards? B: Sure. Гт not diving off the highest one, though. That's scary! Dialogue В A: Hello. Can I return this book? Гт afraid its afew days late. B: Sure. Let me see how late it is. Umm, you do realise you've had this bookfor two years? A: Two years? I thought it was two months. Oh no. It's myfather. He's very old now and heforgets things. He took it out. B: Well, not to worry. I'll only charge you five pounds. A: Oh, thank you so much. You can't see if my dad's got any other books I have to bring back, can you? Dialogue C A: Look at those red berries, Dad. Don't they look delicious? B: Oh no, sweetie. Don't pick those off that bush. We don't know what kind they are, and they might makeyou ill. A: Oh, OK. I guess they're ju stfor the birds and animals that live here in the woods. B: Yes, exactly. They're notfor humans at all.
Test 18 Dialogue D A: Hi, M r Barnes. How are you today?How much are these tomatoes? B: They re2 euros a kilo. Wouldyou like me to put some in a bagfor you? A: That would be lovely. Id like some bananas and afew peaches, too. B: OK, I can help you with that. A5B2C6D1E4 © 92 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A Yve lived in Mexico City all my life, and its a huge, modern place, and getting bigger all the time. Its built in the same place as an ancient Aztec city. Unfortunately, theres almost nothing left o f the old city now, but there are reminders o f it everywhere, in the buildings a nd the culture of the new city. I feel that's enough to give you a sense o f what existed here a very long time ago. Speaker В I think Paris is a beautiful city, with great museums, amazing buildings andfantastic tree-lined streets. The people are well dressed and highly educated, and there's a big artistic community in the city. There's a great mixture of the old and the new. And there isn'tjust one special thing about it. Rather, it's everything together. I f I had to use one word to describe the place, it would be stylish', I suppose. Speaker C When you ask anyone what the capital ofAustralia is, they usually say it's Sydney. Although Sydney is a big, important city, it's not the capital. The correct answer is Canberra, the city built specifically to be the capital o fAustralia in the early 20th century. Maybe because it was builtfrom scratch - there was no town or city there before they built it - the lack o f history certainly affects the way the cityfeels. It has a strange, almost empty atmosphere to it. SpeakerD Mogadishu in Somalia, East Africa, doesn't look like a capital city. After years o f war and destruction, it's not a great place to live. Water and electricity are difficult to find, much of the city - the roads, hospitals and schools - doesn't work properly. This was once a great port on the Indian Ocean, but it'sfallen on hard times. Who knows i f it will be great again one day? SpeakerE Although it was renamed Ho Chi Min City in the 1970s, the name never really caught on. It's quite a long name to say in English, so maybe that's why the old name of Saigon is still used by lots o fpeople. It's a busy city, full o fpeople goingfrom place to place, selling things in the streets, shouting at people passing by. With so much a ctivity going on all the time, maybe they don't have time to learn a new name! 3-8 32 62 41 72 53 83 0 93 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Tyler: Hi Rebecca. Can you believe that storm last night? Rebecca: I know, Tyler, it was horrible. I stayed awake almost half the night. It was so noisy, all that thunder! Tyler: I thought it was great! It's so rare we have storms like that. Still, I hope nobody was hurt, as these things can be dangerous. Rebecca: My mum saw on the news that power lines had been blown down and some windows were broken. Nothing happened to our house, though. Tyler: That's good. What would you do if something bad did happen? Rebecca: M y dad always says to go to the cupboard under the stairs. I'd rather hide under my bed, but I've got so much stuff under it, I wouldn'tfit! Tyler: My mum actually saw a tornado once. She was terrified. Rebecca: Did she really? When was that? Tyler: She was quite young. It was when they lived in America. She was in the car with my grandmother and they were coming home from school. Rebecca: They let kids ou t during a tornado? Tyler: I don't think anyone knew there was one. I'm sure my grandmother didn't realise there was a tornado. Otherwise, they would have stayed at school. She's quite responsible, yo u know. Rebecca: That's scary, b ut I don't think they're common here in the UK. Tyler: I don't think so either. I wonder ifglobal warming has anything to do with it. Rebecca: Well, it might do, but I don't think we can really know. It's supposed to make temperatures rise, isn't it?
Test 18 Tyler: Maybe in some places, yes, b ut n ot everywhere. We learned about it in Science. I think the point is that it changes weather; but how exactly; we don't know. Rebecca: So, we could have hot weather in the winter, an d cool in the summer. Tyler: A nd it could suddenly become very dry, or very rainy. That's wha t usually happens, I think. Rebecca: I guess wed better learn how to be greener, shouldn't we? Tyler: Yes, and notjust us, but largefactories that give off a lot of carbon dioxide. Rebecca: I'm afraid its going to be too late before long. And then what? Tyler: Hopefully that w ont happen. Ym not so optimistic, though. Rebecca: Well, lets n ot give up hope. We should come up with a campaign, to educate others at school about being greener. Tyler: Yd like to be involved with that. Rebecca: OK. Lets meet soon and talk more about it then. Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иА7В1С4D2Е5F6G3 10-17 101 141 112 151 123 163 131 172 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 I 18 largest 19 goes 20 has played 21 connected 22 its 23 aren’t allowed / are not allowed 24 have painted 25 their 26 heard 27-32 27 nervous 28 powerful 29 quietly 30 direction 31 wonderful 32 lawyer Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Stavropol, Russia December 18th, 2017 Hi, Lydia! Thanksfor your letter. Heres some adviceforyou. First, make sure you have two or three hoursfree. Make three spaces on the bedroomfloor. One space isfo r things to throw away. The second space isfo r things to give to otherpeople. The third isfor thingsyou want to keep. As you take things out o f the cupboard, decide where they go. Only keep things yo u really w ant or need. Only throw away things that are broken or that no-one will want. Everything else goes in the ‘other people pile. W hen you'vefinished, take the things to a charity shop, or p ut a message on Facebook tellingyo urfriends what you have. Good luck! Love, Lara Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use n atural intonation and phrasing • p ronou nce words and sentences accurately © 94 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student’s B ookp 185 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to:
Test 18 • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Q 95 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the National Tourism Organisation. We kindly ask you to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel about the summer holidays. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: Where do you live? S : _________________________ EA: What doyou like doing when you re at home during the summer holidays? S: _________________________ EA: Do you usually go away somewhere with your family during the summer? S: ________________________ EA: What would beyour ideal two-week summer holiday? S: _________________________ EA: How important is it to have good weather during your summer holiday? S: ________________________ EA: Can holidays away be educational as well as enjoyable? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end o f the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the National Tourism Organisation. We kindly ask you to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagersfeel about the summer holidays. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you dont have togiveyour name. So, letsget started. EA: Where do you live? S: I live ju st outside Moscow. EA: What doyou like doing when you re at home during the summer holidays? S: I love just hanging out with myfriends, maybe listening to music, or playing video games, or playingfootball. EA: Do you usually go away somewhere with your family during the summer? S: Yes, we usually have a f a mily holiday somewhere. We often go to a seaside resortfor a week or two. EA: What would beyour ideal two-week summer holiday? S: My ideal holiday would be to go camping with my friends by a lake where we couldgo swimming and have lots offun. EA: How important is it to have good weather during your summer holiday? S: I think its very important. Youfeel miserable if it rains all day. EA: Can holidays away be educational as well as enjoyable? S: Oh yes, definitely. W hep we go on holiday, we always try to visit a local museum or do something educational. You cant ju st lie on the beach all day. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo ur cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: Tm going to talk about shopping. I don't really like shopping because it can be tiring and a bit boring sometimes. But, if there's something that I really want tobuy, thenit'sfun togotoashoptogetit.I'm not very keen on big shopping centres as there are so m any people and all the shops are usually big stores. I prefer going into the centre of a small town andfinding local shops. I suppose I go shopping about once or twice a month, sometimes with my mu m and sometimes with myfriends. I prefer shopping with myfriends. I usually buy clothes or shoes, a n d sometimes books. I also buy birthday presentsfo rfriends and members o f myfamily. I think shopping online is a good idea, but I've never done it. I'm not sure if it'sgoodfor clothes. It's better to try things on before you buy them, isn't it? That's all I wanted to say.
Test 19 Language and Exam Skills Development Section l] Listening: third task A lb2d3a4g5f6e7c Test 19 Раздел \ (задания по аудированию) ШАЗB5С1D2 В 1 at the crack of dawn 2 produce 3 ran into 4 hold on Section 2~1 Reading: first task C Students’ own answers D 1No 2No 3Yes4No 5No 6Yes7Yes Section 3 1Grammar and vocabulary: first task E I me my mine he him his his she her her hers you you your yours we us our ours they them their theirs F 1going 2tocall 3tohear 4being 5toleave 6toeat Section 4] Writing G Students' own answers Section 5 Speaking: second task H Students' own answers © 96 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: Don't go near the cage! Can't you read the sign? В: It's ok, it won't bite me. Look... A: Come awayfrom there! A nd don't give it any o fyour sandwich - you're not supposed tofeed the animals! B: Oh, look, it wants to get out. Can we take it home w ith us? A: Don't be silly! They're not pets, you know. Dialogue В A: What does it say on the list we need to buy? B: Carrots a n d soap. The vegetables are over here, j u s t inside the main door. A: What sort of soap? There's lots o fdifferent types o f soap to choosefrom. Look - hand soap, soapfor the shower, soap with no chemicals... В: I don't know - Mumjust wrote ‘soap'. Let'sjustget what she always gets. Dialogue C A: Can you take me asfar as Heathrow Airport with all these bags? B: Yes, no problem. B ut thefare will be quite expensive, as there's an extra charge f o r the suitcases. A: I see. How тиф willitcostandhow longwillittake to get there? B: It'll cost around a hundred pounds and the drive takes aboutforty-five minutes. Dialogue D A: Try n ot to touch anything. You might break something a nd everything here is really old and really expensive. B: I'll be careful. Where shall we start? Have y o u g ot a guidebook or a map? A: Yes, let's see ... Why don't we go to the Ancient Egyptian room first? B: Great, I love those statues and all that golden jewellery! I Students' own answers
Test 19 И A6B1C4D3E2 в 97 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker А Муfamily and I recently went to this new restaurant. We sat down and ordered, then the waiter left. After twenty minutes and nofood, we complained to another waiter; who told us hed check on our order. Thirty minutes passed, then ourfo od arrived, which was all wrong. I would have eaten anything at that point, because I was so hungry. B ut they'd brought me a horrible salad. I ju st ended up eating my dads hamburger. Speaker В I love going out to eat because thefoods always so much better than what we have at home. Often, though, I find myselfhaving trouble with ordering. I usually want at least three things on the menu. YU start off wanting pizza, but then I wonder if nachos would be better, or a hamburger with a side dish of chips. I finally choose something, but by the time it arrives, I wish Yd chosen something else! SpeakerC At my school, were allowed to leave the building to eat during lunch. Myfriends and I have been going to this new burgerjoint about three blocksfrom school. We have to rush to get there and order, because we only have 45 minutes for lunch. And, by the time ourfo od comes, we have even less time to eat it. But I don't mind, thefo od is still good even ifyou have to eat it quickly. SpeakerD There have been some new restaurants that have opened recently round here. We've tried afew, and I liked their food. But what Yve realised is that I really appreciate our old places. They've got some o f the best dishes, and we've been to these places so many times that we actually know the waiters quite well. For the new places, I wish them the best of luck. B ut I don't think they'll be seeing me round much. Speaker E I enjoy going out with myfamily, and eating out is usually the only time we do this. But my dad always insists on going to the pizzeria near our house. It's true that they have the best pizza in town, but one night I begged my dad to go to this Thai restaurant. He wasn't keen on it atfirst, but in the end he loved it. It was something differentfor all of us, and that made it a very special occasion. 31 62 43 71 52 83 © 98 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Colin: Hi, Tina. Tina: Hi, Colin. I'm glad I ran into you. I have a suggestion fo r you. Colin: Oh, yes? What's that then? Tina: Well, the summ er holidays are coming up, and I was wondering ifyou had any plans? Colin: Oh, my parents had promised to take me to France, but then, ju st as we were going to book the hotel, my Dad's boss told him he had to go to Germanyfor work, so no trip to Francefo r us this year. Tina: Oh, bad luck. So ifyou're not going on holiday, how about coming with me to my uncle'sfarm in the country? Colin: Oh, wow! I love the countryside, the little houses, w alking through the hills... Tina: Hold on, though. It's notjust a holiday. Well have to help out around thefarm . You know, do our bit. Colin: That's even better. Yve never been on afa rm before. W hat sort o f things will we be doing? Tina: Ok, well, the main thing is that we'll have to get up at the crack of dawn. Farmwork starts when the day starts, so there's no lying in bed. Animals don't sleep late, you know. Colin: I don't mind seeing the sun come up, especially if the weather's nice. W hat sort of animals are there on thefarm? Tina: Just chickens a nd cows, so we'll collect the eggs a n d let the cows o ut before breakfast. Colin: Fresh eggs a nd fresh milk, delicious! Lovely organic produ ce, eh? I can already taste it. Tina: M y au n t cooks a great breakfast, it's true! Then we'll spend the day pickingfruit, because it's harvest time and thefruit is ready. M y uncle has apples, a lot o f apples. Colin: Oh, dear, I can't do that. I can't climb a ladder, it makes me feel sick and dizzy... Tina: Well, ifit's too highforyou, I can go up the ladder and pick thefruit and pass it down to you. Colin: Oh, ok, that's a good idea. I can't even look at a tall tree ... e
Test 19 Tina: Are you sure you want to come to thefarm? You're not scared of animals, too are you? They can be difficult to deal with sometimes, you know. Colin: Me? No! I want to be a vet when I leave school I love helping them, making them better when they re ill Its a greatjob, I think. Tina: My uncle says working on afa rm is really hard work, so... Colin: Yes, but it'll be great to see them close up, good experiencefor me ifI want to do itfor a living. Tina: I suppose so. I want to be a writer, so maybe it'll be a good experiencefo r me too. Colin: Maybe you can write a book about the animals on afarm! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) иА5В8С2D3Е7F1G4 10-17 102 142 113 151 121 163 132 172 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 1 18 travelling 19 told 20 didn’t understand / did not understand 21 doesn’t have/does not have 22 felt 23 better 24 first 25 mine 26 wasn’t / was not 27-32 27 variety 28 useful 29 travellers 30 International 31 connection / connections 32 extremely Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Penza, Russia October 19th, 2017 Dear Noel, Thanksfor your letter: It was reallygood to hearfrom you . Your project on shopping sounds interesting. Ym very happy to answer yo ur questions. I'm not very keen on shopping so I don't go very often - maybe once a month. I sometimes go shopping with my mum, but more often I go withfriends or my sister. We usually go into the town centre, or sometimes to a large shopping centre which is near m y house. I usually buy clothes and games and thingsfor school. I also buy things like birthday presentsfo r myfriends andfamily. I hope my answers were useful. Byefor now! Yelena Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately ©99Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student's Book p 195 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • p ronou nce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 19 ^ 100 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the National Employment Office. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out about young people and jobs. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, lets get started. EA: How old are you? S: EA: Do you oryourfriends do anything to earn money? S: _____ _________ ________ ___ EA: In your opinion, what are good part-time jobsfor young people? S: ________________________ EA: In thefuture, whatjob would you like to do? S: _________________________ EA: Do you think its important to earn a lot of money? S: ________________________ EA: What advice wouldyou give to a youngperson who wasn't sure what career tofollow? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for yo u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the National Employment Office. We kindly ask you to takepart in our survey. We need tofind out about young people and jobs. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, let's get started. EA: How old are you? S: I'm fourteen years old. I'll befifteen in three weeks. EA: Do you oryourfriends do anything to earn money? S: I don't have a part-timejob, but my parents sometimes give me moneyfor helping with the housework. One of myfriends works in a local shop a t the weekend. EA: In your opinion, what are goodpart-timejobsfor youngpeople? S: Good part-time jobsfo r youngpeople include helping in a shop or delivering pizzas. You can do those jobs at the weekend and still study during the week. EA: In thefuture, whatjob wouldyou like to do? S: In thefuture, I'd like to be a doctor. I would like to help people who have health problems. I'd like to work with children and make themfeel better. EA: Do you think it's important to earn a lot of money? S: No, I don't think it's important to earn a lot of money. It's more important to enjoy thejob you do. EA: What advice wouldyou give to a youngperson who wasn't sure what career tofollow? S: I would advise him or her to go online andfind out about different careers. When you have more information, you know what to expect. Thenyou can make a better decision about whatjob you would like to do. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Task3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve the communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronou nce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I am going to talk about knowing people ofdifferent ages. I think it is very important to know people ofall ages, because you can learn thingsfrom them. You can also share y o u r experiences. You learn different things from people who are older than you andfrom people who are younger than you. Older people have more experience of the world and can help you with your problems. Often, they havefaced the same problems in the past. My grandmother is quite old and she helps me with my problems, particularly with other people. People who are younger than you can teach you things as well. My little sister is onlyfour years old, and when I watch her, I can see how she sees the world differently. Older people are different because they have more responsibilities than me. I don't have a job or a house or any children to look after, so I think that is a big difference. People who are even younger than me have even few er responsibilities than me - no homework, perhaps, or no jobs to do around the house because they are too young. That's all I wanted to say.
Test 20 Language and Exam Skills Development Section 1 Listening: second task A Students' own answers Test 20 Раздел X (задания по аудированию) ш A5B2C4D3 В 1 letters 2 writing 3 way 4 past 5 skill 6 words Section 21 Reading: second task C Id2a3f4c5b6e D 1 leisure 2 hamlet 3 swap 4 pier 5 reputation 6 charms 7 resort 8 residents 9 urban Section 3 Grammar and vocabulary: second task Щ 1 amazing 2 interested 3 shocked 4 surprising 5 bored 6 terrifying F 1 artist 2 accountant 3 doctor 4 engineer 5 actor 6 lawyer 7 dentist 8 politician 9 author 10 waiter Section 4 1 Writing G Students' own answers Section 5 Speaking: third task H Students' own answers Q 101 Audioscript Задание 1 Dialogue A A: May I have yourpassportplease, madam? В: Yes, here's my passport and my seat reservation. A: Is itjust the one bag? Do you have any hand luggage? B: One suitcase and a small handbag only. A: That's fine. You'll be boardingfrom Gate 12. Here's your boarding card. Have a niceflight. Dialogue В A: Can I help? B: Yes, I'dlike to try on apair ofthese in a size 44, please. A: Would you like them in black or brown? B: Could you bring both? I want to see which looks best with these trousers. A: Ofcourse. Take a seat and I'll be back injust a minute. Dialogue C A: Can I help you with anything? B: Yes, I'd like to check out, please. Room 213. A: 213. Certainly. So, that was two nights. Did you have anythingfrom the minibar in your room? B: No, I didn't. A: Well, that's 150 euros then, please. I hope y o u enjoyed your stay here. Dialogue D A: I'm glad it's the weekend. What a lovely day to sit outside and enjoy the sun. B: Yes, and theflowers smell so lovely, too. It's so nice to be out ofthe living roomfor a change. A: I think I'll lie on the grass and look up at the trees... B: Shall I get you a cold drinkfrom the kitchen? It is getting a bit hotfor me out here.
Test 20 И A6B3C1D2E5 в 102 Audioscript Задание 2 Speaker A For me, email isjust a way ofdoing business. I don’t use itfor those close to me, as I prefer to call or text friends, or use social media such as Facebook. I prefer social media fo rfriends andfamily because it allows me to communicate with lots o fpeople at once. Social networking is much more dynamic and interactive than email. But email is a very useful toolfor keeping in touch with business contacts. Speaker В When I was younger I used to love sending and receiving letters. They were such an elegant way to communicate. They required thought and care. But, o f course, w ith the rise o f modern technology, letter writing simplyfell out o ffashion. I wasn’t very keen on sending emails in the beginning. I thought they were very impersonal. B ut now I realise they’re a good way to keep in touch with old friends andfamily who livefar away. Speaker C My generation do n’t write long letters or emails. Were used to writing short text messages. Basically, each generation finds their own way to communicate and we aren’t interested in the way things were done in the past. My mum and dad are very critical of this because they think we’ve lost the skill of communicating with long texts. That may be true. But we’ve gained lots of other skills. We can say more in 3 words than others can in twenty! Speaker D Yd rather send an email or a letter than a short text. Everything in life these days has been reduced to short messages. Nothing has any real substance anymore. How can I express how Ifeel, or tell others my news, in one sentence? The thing about writing letters is they have depth. I don’t want my life to be a shallow one-line joke. Things like text messages are fine fo r quick contact, but we shouldn’t lose our ability to express ourselves fully. Speak erE I was never much of a letter writer in the old days. They take such a long time to write and ages to arrive at their destination. It was alwaysfa r easier to call someone - though, obviously, a lot more expensive. Emails are much better. They’re easy to write - ifyou can use a keyboard properly - a nd they g et there instantly. I still like calling people, because I love to hear their voice, but email is the next best thing. 32 62 43 73 53 82 й 103 Audioscript Задания 3-8 Sean: Hello. Paul: Hi Sean. It’s Paul! I can’t wait to see you Friday. Sean: Friday? I ’ve got my dates mixed up! I thought you were coming on Saturday morning, Paul. Paul: No Friday evening until Sunday evening. So, what about our weekend plans? Will I need myfishing rod or any sports gear? Sean: You’ll definitely need yourfishing rod. But I wasn’t planning on us playing any football. No need to bringyour boots, this time. Paul: Ok. I ’ll bring a coat as well then, if were going fishing. Are we taking the boat out on the lake? Sean: Yeah, on Saturday afternoon. Dad will steer. You know how he never lets me or Uncle Andy near the wheel! Paul: Oh great! Uncle A n dy will be there too? I haven’t seen him fo r about six months. Sean: Didn’t you see him at Easter? Paul: No. I haven’t seen him since ju st after Christmas. Any ideas fo r Saturday evening then? Sean: Well, we can stay in, order pizzas and watch some DVDs. Or we could go out with Mum, Dad and Uncle Andyfor dinner. Or hang out with some o f my schoolfriends and play table tennis. Paul: I vote pizza and DVDs. You know what a couch potato I am in the evening. Sean: Fine. So, onto the plansfor Sunday. We could just take it easy on Sunday morning. Maybe sit and read in the garden. Paul: Why don’t we go to Crossland Park? It’s only five minutes away. Sean: Well, it will be packed with younger kids. Ifyou want to do something active, I ’d rather gofo r a walk on the beach. It’sfurther but quieter. Paul: OK. I don’t want to be in the house all day. What’s your mum cookingfor Sunday dinner. A roast? Sean: Actually, Uncle A ndy has promised to do one o f his roast chicken specials, w ith a bit o f help from Dad. Paul: As long as it’s not your dad doing most of the cooking. ©
Test 20 Sean: Dorit worry. I'll make sure yo u don't getfood poisoning. Any way, after lunch I thought we could go go-karting. Paul: Lets challengeyour dad and Uncle Andy to some team races. Me and you against them. Sean: Great idea. Do you know what time you re leaving on Sunday? Paul: Yeah. Ym getting the 9.30 train, arriving at Kirkham station at around 10.15. My mum will pick me up, so Yll be home by 10.30. Sean: Were going to have such a great time and were going to do so much stuff that by the time you get home, you'll be exhausted. Paul: It wouldn't surprise me. The last time I came down, I ju st about managed to crawl to my bed when I got in and slept through the alarm on M o nday morning. Sean: That's always the sign of a really good weekend! OK, then. See y o u soon! Paul: Bye! Раздел 2 (задания по чтению) Раздел 4 (задание по письму) 33 Sample answer: Moscow Russia June 24th, 2017 Hi, Linda! Thanksfo r your letter. It was lovely to hearfrom you! Yes, Ym studyingfor some tests too, but History and Literature rather than Geography and Physics. I have to remember lots o ffacts too! Personally, I prefer studying with one or two otherpeople. You can ask each other questions and make sure you understand everything. I think the best way to rememberfacts is to test yourself- or get afriend to testyou - again and again and again. You have to make sure the information is inyour memory and thatyou won'tforget it. I hope that helps. Best ofluck in your tests! Byefor now, Galina Ш A4B1C8D2E6F3G7 Раздел 5 (устная часть) Task 1 10-17 101 143 113 152 122 161 132 172 Раздел 3 (задания по грамматике и лексике) 18-26 i 18 was developed 19 beating 20 challenged 21 lost 22 have accused 27-32 27 amazing 30 totally 28 unimportant 31 fashionable 29 artists 32 absolutely 23 themselves 24 took 25 wrote 26 s/is Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • read aloud fluently without unreasonable pauses • use natural intonation and phrasing • pronounce words and sentences accurately © 104 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 1 - Student’s Book p 205 Task 2 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • give complete answers to the questions given • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately
Test 20 в 105 Audioscript Устная часть Задание 2 [ЕА = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! It's the electronic assistant o f the Green Society. We kindly ask you to take p a rt in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagers feel about the environment. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, let's get started. EA: How old are you? S: _______________________ EA: Do you learn about protecting the environment at school? S: _________________________ EA: How important is recycling to you and yourfamily? S: ________________________ EA: Is pollution a problem in your local area? S: _________________________ EA: What do you think is the biggest problem facing the environment? S: ________________________ EA: What would you advise someone who wants to be greener? S: ________________________ EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very much for y o u r cooperation. Sample responses: [EA = Electronic assistant, S = Student] EA: Hello! Its the electronic assistant o f the Green Society. We kindly ask you to take pa rt in our survey. We need tofind out how teenagers feel about the environment. Please answer six questions. The survey is anonymous - you don't have to give your name. So, let's get started. EA: How old are you? S: It was myfourteenth birthday last month. EA: Do you learn about protecting the environment at school? S: Yes, we do. Our school is very keenfor us to understand about the environment. EA: How important is recycling to you and your family? S: It's very important to me! I'm still trying to persuade my parents and grandparents that it's important, but they re learning. EA: Is pollution a problem in yo ur local area? S: I don't think it's a major problem where I live, because we don't have lots o f cars orfactories. EA: What do you think is the biggestproblemfacing the environment? S: I think it's climate change, probably. The world might be a very different place in fifty years' time. EA: What would you advise someone who wants to be greener? S: I'd advise them to start thinking about everything they do, fro m brushing their teeth to turning on and offlights. Most of the things we do have consequencesfo r the environment. EA: This is the end of the survey. Thank you very muchfor yo ur cooperation. Task 3 Skills to be tested The student is expected to demonstrate his/her ability to: • achieve th e communicative task by covering all the points presented • organise what they say logically • pronounce words and sentences accurately • use vocabulary accurately • use grammar accurately Sample response: I'm going to talk about transport. The most popular means o f transport are cars, buses, trains and bikes. Mostfamilies have a car, and most kids have a bike. Some people drive to work and some people go by train or bus. I'd like to go in a helicopter! I've been in a plane, and that was greatfun. In a helicopter, you can go straight up and straight down. That's really cool! You can also go very low over houses. You can't do that easily in a plane. I like both buses and trains, butfor a longjourney, I prefer trains as they're more comfortable. You can walk around and they sometimes have a cafe. For a shortjourney across town, buses are better. That's all I wanted to say.
Audio CD Track Listing 0 Testl Test 7 Track 1 Задание 1 Track 33 Задание 1 Track 2 Задание 2 Track 34 Задание 2 Track 3 Задания 3 -8 Track 35 Задания 3 -8 Track 4 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 36 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 5 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 37 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 2 Test8 Track 6 Language and Exam Skills Track 38 Language and Exam Skills Development, exercise В Development, exercise A Track 7 Задание 1 Track 39 Задание 1 Track 8 Задание 2 Track 40 Задание 2 Track 9 Задания 3 -8 Track 41 Задания 3 -8 Track 10 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 42 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 11 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 43 Устная часть Задание 2 Test3 Test 9 Track 12 Задание 1 Track 44 Задание 1 Track 13 Задание 2 Track 45 Задание 2 Track 14 Задания 3 -8 Track 46 Задания 3 -8 Track 15 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 47 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 16 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 48 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 4 Test 10 Track 17 Language and Exam Skills Track 49 Задание 1 Development, exercise A Track 50 Задание 2 Track 18 Задание 1 Track 51 Задания 3 -8 Track 19 Задание 2 Track 52 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 20 Задания 3 -8 Track 53 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 21 Устная часть Задание 1 Test 11 Track 22 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 54 Задание 1 Test 5 Track 55 Задание 2 Track 23 Задание 1, Track 56 Задания 3 -8 Track 24 Задание 2 Track 57 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 25 Задания 3 -8 Track 58 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 26 Устная часть Задание 1 Test 12 Track 27 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 59 Language and Exam Skills Teste Development, exercise A Track 28 Задание 1 Track 60 Задание 1 Track 29 Задание 2 Track 61 Задание 2 Track 30 Задания 3 -8 Track 62 Задания 3 -8 Track 31 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 63 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 32 Устная часть Задание 2 Track 64 Устная часть Задание 2 Аудиофайлы также можно скачать бесплатно на сайте www.macmillan.ru/state-
Test 13 Track 65 Задание 1 Track 66 Задание 2 Track 67 Задания 3 -8 Track 68 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 69 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 14 Track 70 Задание 1 Track 71 Задание 2 Track 72 Задания 3 -8 Track 73 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 74 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 15 Track 75 Задание 1 Track 76 Задание 2 Track 77 Задания 3 -8 Track 78 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 79 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 16 Track 80 Language and Exam Skills Development, exercise A Track 81 Задание 1 Track 82 Задание 2 Track 83 Задания 3 -8 Track 84 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 85 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 17 Track 86 Задание 1 Track 87 Задание 2 Track 88 Задания 3 -8 Track 89 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 90 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 18 Track 91 Задание 1 Track 92 Задание 2 Track 93 Задания 3 -8 Track 94 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 95 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 19 Track 96 Задание 1 Track 97 Задание 2 Track 98 Задания 3 -8 Track 99 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 100 Устная часть Задание 2 Test 20 Track 101 Задание 1 Track 102 Задание 2 Track 103 Задания 3 -8 Track 104 Устная часть Задание 1 Track 105 Устная часть Задание 2
Informal Letter Planner Схема организации личного письма (задание 33) Ваш адрес (можно кратки й) Дата Обращение Начало письма: благодарность за полученное письмо Основная часть письма: ваши ответы на вопросы друга по переписке (может быть один-два абзаца) Упоминание дальнейших контактов Завершающая фраза Подпись