Tap Diameter		Threads Per Inch	Tap D'rill Diameter	
Inches	Millimeters		Inches	Millimeters
.0138	.35	254	.0107	.27
.0177	.45	240	.0134	.3+
.0217	.55	220	.0177	.45
.0256	.65	200	.0213	.54
.0327	.83	180	.0280	.71
.0366	.93	160	.0280	.71
.0394	1.00	140	.0335	.85
.0394	1.00	180	.0335	.85
.0+33	1.10	120	.0374	.95
.0472	1.20	110	.0402	1.02
.0528	1.34	170	.0480	1.22
.0591	1.50	110	.0520	1.32
Thread Cutting
Threading with a tap and die is satisfactory for cer-
tain classes of work where the accuracy of the threads is
not of prime importance. If well formed threads with
a constant lead and accurate pitch are desired it is neces-
sary to use a screw cutting attachment. There have been
on the market several such devices for application to the
horologist’s lathe. Their general design and principles
of operation are practically identical. Tn each case the
attachment consists of a plate or frame fastened to the
lathe bed carrying a gear train which links the lathe
spindle and slide rest screw. As the lathe spindle re-
volves the slide rest screw is turned, moving the thread
cutting tool at a relative speed determined by the choice
of gears.
The following tables will enable one to select the
proper gears for use with either a metric or inch slide
rest. The range of pitches included is sufficient for prac-
tically all ordinary work.

TOOLS AND THEIR USES 67 TABLE OF GEARS FOR USE WITH METRIC SLIDE REST Threads per Centimeter Screw Intermediate 1st Stud 2nd Stud Lathe Spindk 1st Gear 2nd Gear 1st Gear 2nd Gear 4 36 72 48 60 5 36 72 60 60 6 36 any 60 7 36 72 84 60 8 36 54 72 60 9 36 48 72 60 10 60 any 60 11 44 48 72 60 12 60 40 48 60 14 84 any 60 15 60 48 72 60 16 96 any 60 18 60 40 72 60 20 100 40 48 60 21 84 48 72 60 22 66 36 72 60 24 96 48 72 60 28 84 36 72 60 30 72 40 100 60 32 96 36 72 60 36 96 36 54 32 48 60 40 96 36 60 32 48 60 42 84 36 72 32 48 60 44 96 36 66 32 48 60 48 96 36 72 32 48 60 50 100 36 72 32 48 60 54 96 36 72 32 54 60 56 96 36 84 32 48 60 60 96 36 72 32 60 60
68 PRACTICAL BENCHWORK FOR HOROLOGISTS TABLE OF GEARS FOR USE WITH INCH SLIDE REST Threads per Inch Screw Intermediate 1 st Stud 2nd Stud Lathe Spindle 1st Gear 2nd Gear 1st Gear 2nd Gear 10 60 96 36 48 32 60 11 66 96 36 48 32 60 12 72 96 36 48 32 60 14 84 96 36 48 32 60 15 60 96 54 48 32 60 16 32 48 36 60 18 36 72 54 60 20 40 48 36 60 22 44 48 36 60 24 48 72 54 60 28 84 60 40 48 36 60 30 60 48 36 60 32 32 40 60 60 36 36 40 60 60 40 60 any 60 42 84 48 36 60 44 44 40 60 60 48 96 48 36 60 50 100 48 36 60 56 84 any 60 60 60 36 54 60 64 96 any 60 66 66 36 54 60 72 72 36 54 60 80 60 48 96 60 96 72 48 96 60 10 60 40 100 60 120 72 40 100 60 150 100 32 72 60
TOOLS AND THEIR USES 69 Suppose, for example, that it is required to cut a screw with 2 threads per millimeter (20 threads per centi- meter) using the metric slide rest, of course. By refer- ence to the table it is noted that the slide rest screw carries a 100 tooth gear which engages a 40 tooth gear. The 40 tooth gear is compounded with a 48 tooth gear which Figure 94—A screw cutting attachment. engages the gear on the lathe spindle. The spindle carries a 60 tooth gear which is used in every combina- tion. If it is desired to reverse the direction of travel of the cutting tool an intermediate gear is interposed be- tween any pair of gears.
70 PRACTICAL BENCHWORK FOR HOROLOGISTS For most work a cutting tool with a 60 degree included angle is used. It must be set exactly on center and should be lubricated if clean work is expected. A threading tool may be made by grinding a high speed tool bit to the required shape. A better plan is to use a circular tool of the type shown in Figure 95. Such Figure 95—A spring tool holder and circular threading tool. a tool may be repeatedly sharpened without altering its shape. It is held by means of a clamping bolt through the center. The tool holder may consist of a rigid bar or it may be a “spring” holder as shown in Figure 95. This form has a slot cut into it to allow it to spring under the pressure of cutting. Experience has shown that a spring tool cuts smoothest. To begin with, the tool is set so that it just touches the work and the reading on the dial of the slide rest screw noted. If it is a friction dial it should be set to zero. The lathe is then revolved so that the tool is brought to a starting position in which it will be clear of the work. The screw of the top slide is adjusted so that the first cut will have a depth of several hundredths of a millimeter and the lathe started. The tool will move toward the work to begin the first cut. As there is bound to be a certain amount of backlash the tool must be suffi- ciently clear of the work at the start to take up the slack. When the end of the cut is reached the lathe is stopped and the tool is withdrawn. The lathe is then reversed
TOOLS AND THEIR USES 71 bringing it back to the starting position. The top slide is again moved in, this time a little further than before. By constantly referring to the dial on the screw, the depth of the cut is regulated. When the full depth is reached several cuts are made with the same dial setting in order to leave a smoother finish and to permit the tool to cut without springing. In cutting a V-thread a smoother job can be done if, instead of feeding the tool in at right angles to the axis of the work, it is set so that it can be moved parallel to one of its cutting faces. However, this is not passible with every make of slide rest. On some it is possible to swivel the top slide so that the tool can be moved on a 30° angle, leaving the middle slide, which is driven through universal joints, undisturbed. Only on the last cut is the tool fed in at right angles. Slide rests which clamp directly on the lathe bed with- out a shoe are more adaptable for screw cutting. The problem of setting the tool to cut on a 30° angle is solved by clamping the lower slide at the required angle to the bed. This is easily accomplished with the aid of a pro- tractor. The second slide is then set parallel to the bed. Making a Screw Cutting Attachment Since a screw cutting attachment cannot be obtained for every make of lathe, many readers will wish to make their own. The following plans and description should enable one to make an attachment with a minimum of expense and labor. The various parts of the tool are mounted on a plate of УУ' brass. The shape of the plate is immaterial, the accompanying illustration in Figure 97 merely showing a suggested form. After trimming the plate to the shape determined upon, the hole D, for the screw which fastens
72 PRACTICAL BENCHWORK FOR HOROLOGISTS Figure 96—End view of screw cutting attachment whose construction is described.
TOOLS AND THEIR USES 73 Figure 97—Plate of screw cutting attachment
74 PRACTICAL BENCHWORK FOR HOROLOGISTS it to the lathe bed, is located and drilled to fit a 10-32 machine screw. A number 21 twist drill is used to drill the center hole in the lathe bed for tapping. The steady pin holes should be drilled next. They may be located at any convenient place. Pins about 3/32" in diameter are quite satisfactory. Before inserting the pins, how- ever, the plate should be fastened to the lathe bed and used as a templet to transfer the steady pin holes. At K, Figure 97, a hole is drilled and tapped for a 3/16"-32 screw. This hole will receive one of the clamp- ing bolts for the slotted arms. The other clamping bolt it fitted to the bushing C which is driven into the plate. It is necessary to have this bushing in order to raise the slotted arm sufficiently above the other arm to permit the compounding of gears. It is drilled and threaded with the same tap as the hole K. When the arms are in place and ready for use, a washer 1/16" in thickness is placed under the arm at K. This should not be forgotten. The clamping bolts are made of drill rod. The heads are cross drilled for the pins which are driven in friction tight. Under the heads are placed washers whose thick-
TOOLS AND THEIR USES _________75 ness may be adjusted so that the handles will point in the proper direction when locked. At /7, on the plate, is a bushing which acts as a support for the arm F. It is made of %" cold rolled steel and is driven into the plate. The bushing is bored out to a diameter of 5/16". Into it is driven a bronze bushing which forms the bearing for the shaft carrying the uni- versal joint. The hole in the bearing should be carefully reamed to a 3/16" diameter. Figure 98 shows the arm F which is used only when interposing an idler gear for the purpose of reversing the direction of rotation of the slide rest screw. It is made Figure 99—Arm for compounding gears. of %" cold rolled steel. The large hole is bored out to fit the bushing A on the plate, which is У2" in diameter. The slot in the arm can best be made by milling. How- ever, a tolerable job can be done if it is first sawed out and then trimmed with a file. The slotted portion should be thinned down to a thickness of 3/16" to leave room for the head of the sliding stud G. This may be done by mounting it in the lathe and turning it down. The hole E is drilled with a number 39 drill and threaded with a 5-40 tap. The arm is then slotted in the center as shown in Figure 98. One-half of the hole E is enlarged to receive the body of the locking bolt. No mistake should be made in threading the proper end or the head of the bolt may come in an awkward position. The bolt
76 PRACTICAL BENCHWORK FOR HOROLOGISTS is made with a cylindrical head which has a cross hole. A small rod is used for tightening. The arms I, I are both alike. They are made of cold rolled steel 3/16" in thickness. The slots, as in the arm Figure 100—Bushing with key. Used on studs of the arms shown in Figure 99; also on stud in Figure 101 The lower ends are threaded and screwed into the arms and the upper ends threaded to fit the nuts J, J. One will do well to rivet the studs into the arms after they have been fitted. Over each stud is placed a bushing with a key which is 1/16" thick and is fastened to the bushing by mill- ing a shallow slot and soldering it in place. Three such bushings are required, two of the dimensions shown in Figure 100 and another exactly the same only %" long. The short one is used on the sliding stud shown in Figure 101. This stud is very similar to the others except that it is made shorter, having to hold only one gear. The head is milled flat on two sides so that it will slide in the slot of the arm without turning.
TOOLS AND THEIR USES 77 When two gears are placed on one of the studs in the arms I, I they are separated by a washer of the type shown in Figure 102. The hole in the washer is 9/32" Figure 102—Spacing washer. in diameter and has a keyway so that it will fit over the bushings mentioned above. The nuts J, J are alike. They are simply discs %" in diameter and %" thick. The holes are tapped to fit the threads on the studs. In the circumference two or three cross holes are drilled to permit the use of a pin for tightening. The spindle shown in Figure 103 is made of drill rod. It also has an inserted key to drive a gear. In milling Figure 103—Spindle of screw cutting attachment. Connected screw by means of universal joints. to slide rest the slot for the key it is cut right through the flange. After the key is soldered in place the excess metal is turned off. This produces a clean, strong job. The threaded hole is for the screw which holds the gear on the spindle. A washer should be placed under the head of the screw. The screw head and washer should not project over %" or it will be impossible for one of the compounding gears to pass over them.
78 PRACTICAL BENCHWORK FOR HOROLOGISTS Figure 104 shows the gear which is fitted to the spindle of the lathe. In this case it is a gear of 60 teeth. All the gears used with this screw cutting attachment are 48 pitch involute gears which may be purchased at a hardware store. Of course, it is more desirable to have steel or cast Figure 104—Gear used on lathe spindle. iron gears but for the limited amount of work to be done by a horologist brass gears will serve very well. The spindle gear is mounted on a large hub which in turn has a split bushing driven into it. This bushing is turned to fit the lathe spindle very exactly, an operation which must be performed with extreme care as its gripping Figure 105—Universal joint. This one is fitted to the spindle shown in Figure 103. power depends on how well this fitting is done. A small hole is drilled radially through the hub and bushing. A pin is fitted to it to keep the bushing from moving. The gear is fastened to the spindle by means of a set-screw which bears on the split bushing. Thus, it is held very solidly without in any manner marring the spindle.
TOOLS AND THEIR USES 79 The last parts to be fitted are a pair of universal joints. It is not necessary to make the joints themselves as they can be purchased. As supplied they have long hubs in diameter. One of the joints is fitted to a steel tube by turning down a pivot and driving it into one end. Into the other end of the tube a key is fitted. The free end of Figure 106—This universal joint is fitted to the slide rest screw. this universal joint is drilled to fit the spindle shown in Figure 103. It has a cross hole drilled in it which is tapped for a set screw. The other joint is drilled at both ends. One end fits the projecting pivot of the slide rest screw. Into the other end is driven a rod which has a longitudinal slot to fit the above mentioned key. The slot must be so located that when the two parts are assembled the joints are sym- Figure 107—A broach for making the key ways in the gears. The teeth in the blade are cut on a taper so that each one cuts the slot a little deeper. The blade is inserted into the slot loosely and is kept in place by the small pin. By pushing such a tool through the gear a perfect key way is cut. The rod must be a good fit in the holes of the gears. metrical, i. e., both outer parts must be facing exactly the same way. If this is not done the motion transmitted will not be uniform. Some slide rest screws are not long enough to fasten anything to them. In such a case it is a simple matter to drill the end of the screw and insert a pivot. The gears require only to have the holes turned out and keyways cut so that they will fit the bushings shown
80 PRACTICAL BENCHWORK FOR HOROLOGISTS in Figure 100 and the spindle in Figure 103. A set of gears with the following numbers of teeth will enable one to cut all the threads listed in the accompanying tables: 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 84, 96, 100. Milling Attachments Milling attachments are made in several different styles. Some are attached to the slide rest and others are made integral with the slide rest. Some are of very Figure 108—Milling attachment with pre-loaded ball bearing spindle. simple construction with the spindle revolving in plain cone bearings and others have spindles made with the same proportions as lathe spindles so that standard chucks can be held in them. For all around utility the latter type is to be preferred as in any milling operation the same tools, arbors or other fixtures which are being
TOOLS AND THEIR USES 81 used in the lathe head can also be held in the milling attachment. In Figure 108 is shown a modern type of milling at- tachment. It fits the top slide of any standard slide rest and is made to hold chucks in the spindle. Since it is Figure 109—View of milling attachment in horizontal position. equipped with a pre-loaded ball bearing spindle it may be used for numerous grinding operations as well as milling. When used in conjunction with a screw cutting attachment it is easily set up for thread milling.