Перед выполнением заданий познакомьтесь с новыми словами, которые встретятся Вам в текстах упражнений. Запись на кассете поможет Вам выработать их правильное произношение.
Слушая кассету, повторяйте вслед за диктором английские имена:
John Kate Bill Chris Betty Mary Peter Anne Jack Jane Tom Simon	> [ДЖОН] >[кэйт] >[бил] > [крис] >[бэти] >[мэри] > [пи:тэр] > [э:н] > [джэ:к] > [джэйн] > [том] > [сайм'н]
Запомните значение и произношение слов и выражений:
exercise * London to guess* for	>	[эксэрсайз]	-	упражнение >	[ландн]	-	Лондон >	[ту гес]	-	предполагать, догадываться >	[фор]	-	в течение, в	продолжение (периода времени)
from old bus stop pound* of course shop assistant Here you are.	>[фром]	-	от, из >	[оулд]	-	старый >	[бас стоп]	-	остановка автобуса >	[паунд]	-	фунт (валюта) >	[ов ко:рс|	-	конечно >	[шоп эсистэнт]	-	продавец >	[хиэр ю: а:р]	- Пожалуйста, (в ответ на просьбу что-то подать)
grandma* favourite* plus* minus well The clock is fast. key true false* homework	>	[грэ:ндма]	- бабушка >	[фэйврит]	- любимый > [плас]	- плюс >[майнэс]	- минус >[уэл]	- хорошо >[33э клок из фа:ст]	- Часы спешат. >[ки:]	- ключ >	[тру:]	- истинный >	[фо:лс]	- ложный >	[хоумуёрк]	- домашняя работа
А вот еще одна группа новых слов:
Warsaw rather pet	>[уорсо:]	-	Варшава > [ра:33э]	-	довольно > [пет]	-	любимое	животное
означает, что это слово еще не встречалось Вам в уроках курса.
- 1 -
Exercise 1
Из приведенных трех слов выбери слово, противоположное по значению выделенному:
1.	This is a good car.
a.	nice
b.	red
c.	bad
2.	I want to buy this expensive radio.
a.	cheap
b.	large
c.	better
3.	This girl has long hair.
a.	great
b.	short	/
c.	yellow	Г"
4.	I don’t want this big clock!
a.	little
b.	expensive
c.	large
5.	These questions are easy.
a.	long
b.	difficult
c.	short
6.	My sister has more money than you have.
a.	else
b.	many
c.	less
Exercise 2
Используя рисунки, вставьте слова в предложения:
1. John is walking near a tall
He can see two apartment
3. He is going to the
to do shopping.
-2 -
He must buy some W
and some
He also wants to send a
Exercise 3
Прослушайте текст и впишите в него недостающие слова:
This............John’s house. It is in Station............The	house is a big
...............It	has a white	There	are ten.in the house. John has one ...................................... He has a . in	the room and a
................ There are ................... books................in . room. And there are two ............................................................,	a . and	two .
John .............. his room very much.
Exercise 4
Прочтите предложения и впишите в них пропущенные формы глаголов:
1.	Му sister often writes letters. Now she is.............a letter to her friend Kate.
2.	My brother................his friends every day. Tonight he is visiting Bill and Chris.
3.	My mother always drinks coffee in the morning. Now she is....................tea.
4.	My father usually....................a	plane to London. Today he is taking a bus.
Exercise 5
Вставьте данные глаголы в предложения, употребив их в соответствующем времени, лице и числе:
to go	to read	to like	to work
to come	to enter	to drive	to visit
My father ..... in an office. He usually ..... to	work by bus, but sometimes
he.......He always......his office room at 8 o’clock. He.. his work. He.....
home at half past four. In the afternoon he usually.or.... his friends.
Exercise 6
Сыграем в игру «Угадай, что
John: Guess what it is.
Kate: Is it big?
John: Yes, ........
Kate: Has it legs?
John: Yes, ........
Kate: Can it walk?
John: No, .......
Kate: Is it an animal?
это». Закончите реплики Джона:
John: No, ........
Kate: Is it brown?
John: Yes, .......
Kate: Is it in this room?
John: Yes, .......
Kate: I know! It’s a desk.
Exercise 7
Проверьте, правильна ли очередность перечисления дней недели и месяцев:
1. Monday - Wednesday - Thursday	№ n/n	Правильная (True)	Неправильная (False)
2. Sunday - Monday - Tuesday	1.		
3. March — April — May	2.		
4. Friday — Sunday — Saturday 5. November — December - October	3.		
6. January — February — April	6.		
7. Wednesday - Thursday - Friday	7.		
8. April — May — July 9. Monday — Tuesday — Wednesday	8.		
10. September - October - November			
Exercise 8
Заполните пропуски предлогами:
1.	Му house is.....the church.
a.	near
b.	through
c.	on
2.	We are talking
a.	on
b.	behind
c.	about
3.	Mary is sitting and her father.
a.	between
b.	around
c.	out of
4.	We must put it
a. for
b. on
c. on the right
5.	These people are going.............the office.
a. on
b. into
c. next
6.	Where is the hotel? It’s......
a. behind
b. on the right
c. with
7.	Now we are driving.........a big town.
a.	through
b.	with
c.	on
8.	There is a park.......this square.
a.	between
b.	behind
c.	for
9.	He is taking you......a barber.
a. in
b. around
c. for
10.	Peter and John are coming..........school.
a. next
b. on
c. out of
Exercise 9
Рисунки и запись на кассете помогут Вам вспомнить слова и заполнить пропуски в предложениях:
1. Our father goes to work
Peter goes to
We usually go to Warsaw
These people often go
She goes to her office
Exercise 10
Продолжаем играть в «Угадай, что это». На этот раз подскажем, что речь пойдет о гостинице. Ответьте на вопросы:
Kate: Is it an animal?
Kate: Is it a building?
Kate: Can I live in it?
John: .............................
Kate: Is it a house?
John: .............................
Kate: Is it an apartment-building?
Kate: Has it many rooms?
Kate: Can I live there for some days?
Kate: Is it a hotel?
Exercise 11
Слушая кассету, заполните пропуски недостающими словами:
1.	Anne: What do you........do on Saturday?
Bill:	1 like to walk in the park.
2.	Anne: Do you.........drink coffee in the morning?
Bill: No, I don’t. I.....drink tea.
3.	Anne: Does he........write to you?
Bill: Yes, he does . 1 get letters from him............
4.	Anne: Does she.......drive to work?
Bill: She........drives to work because there is too much traffic.
Exercise 12
Рассмотрев рисунки, заполните пропуски в предложениях, употребив существительные во множественном числе, а затем прочтите предложения вслух, работая над произношением и интонацией:
I can see 4
in the street.
There are 2
in my street.
I want to buy 7 l( & 1
in that street.
I must send 10
There are 6
around the house.
are waiting here.
Exercise 13
Обозначьте, какое утверждение истинное, а какое ложное:
1.	April is in winter.
2.	The sun sometimes shines.
3.	It often snows in June in our country.
4.	December is a winter month.
5.	People like summer because the weather is usually good.
6.	January is after March.
7.	July and August are summer months.
8.	It never rains in our country.
9.	February is the first month of the year.
10.	April is after March.
№ n/n	Истинное (True)	Ложное (False)
Exercise 14
С помощью рисунков устно дополните предложения недостающими фор мами глаголов:
The baby is
a song now.
in his office at the moment.
home now.
at the moment.
The sun is
cigarettes from time to time.
in November.
It often
at this school.
It often
for the bus every morning.
in winter.
Exercise 15
Прослушайте коротенькие диалоги и дополните предложения недостающи ми глаголами:
1. Kate: Look! It’s......
Jack: I don’t.....November. It......almost every day.
2. Kate: Look! It’s......
Jack: Well, it seldom....in October.
Kate: So winter is ......
Exercise 16
Прочтите диалоги и восстановите содержание вопросов: 1. Tom: Му brother is going to London tonight.
Jane: ................ with	him?
Tom: No, I’m not.
2. Jane: My sister can drive. Tom: .............................,	Jane?
Jane: Yes, 1 can.
3. Tom: Kate wants a cup of coffee.
Jane: Tom:	What about you, Tom?	 No, thank you.		a cup of coffee?
4. Jane:	My friend has a large car.	
Tom:	What about you, Jane?			a large car?
Jane:	No, I haven’t. I have a little car.	
Exercise	17
Прослушайте текст на кассете и запишите его, объединив части предло-	
Му mother	a. works at home.
John	b. often reads books.
His sister	c. seldom sings.
My friend	d. likes animals.
Peter	e. knows John.
Mary	f. always drinks tea.
Exercise 18
Прочтите предложения и дополните их притяжательными местоимениями:
1.	This man has a house. This is.house.
2.	These two girls have a brother. He is.brother.
3.	Mary has a dog. It is.dog.
4.	We have a big car. It is...car.
5.	I have some money. This is......money.
6.	You have a suit. It is..............suit.
Exercise 19
Из приведенных двух вариантов выберите правильный и впишите его на место пропуска:
1.......cigarettes do you smoke a day?
a.	How much
b.	How many
2.	There are ...parks in my town.
a.	a lot of
b.	much
3.	She doesn't drink..coffee.
a.	much
b.	many
We always work in the garden for a. much
hours on Saturdays.
b. many
She has
time to talk to us.
a. a little
b. many
We have
a. more
b. little ........sugar do you want?
a. How many b. How much five.
Eight is...
a.	more than
b.	less than
It’s bad you have so a. a little
letters than you have.
b. little
10.	We haven’t......time to do shopping.
a.	much
b.	many
Exercise 20
Между текстами, напечатанными ниже и записанными на кассету, есть отличия. Прослушайте запись упражнения и отметьте различия:
1. This is my friend Kate. She is a tall girl. She has long brown hair. Her eyes are black.
2. John is a poor man. He has a little house. He also has a bad fast car. He always buys cheap suits and eats at good restaurants.
Exercise 21
Дополните реплики диалога подходящим вопросительным словом:
•whose	how	much what time	where	what	about
what	why	which	who	how	when
1.	Mary: .......are you going to London?
Jack: Because I want to visit my sister. Mary: ....... is your train?
Jack: At 2:45. Mary: And........are you coming home?
Jack: On Saturday afternoon.
2.	Maiy: ........... is that tall man?
Jack: It’s Bill’s brother.
Mary: ...........does he live?
Jack: He lives in that apartment-building near the school.
3.	Maiy: ...........car is it?
Jack: It’s my car. Do you like it?
Mary: 1 love it! ...........your old car?
Jack: It’s my son’s car now.
4.	Mary: ...........can we go to the railway station?
Jack: I think we can take a bus. Here is a bus stop.
Mary: All right. But.............bus must we take?
Jack: I don’t know, but we can ask the bus driver.
5.	Mary: ...........can we buy for Bill?
Jack:	He likes to read, so we can buy him a book.
Maiy: All right.............money have we?
Jack: 15 pounds, I think.
Exercise 22
Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова, приведенные в скобках:
1	Jane: Where are you going?
Chris: {home) ........................................
2.	Jane: When can you speak to Mary?
Chris: (Wednesday) .....................................
3.	Jane: What must you buy? Chris: {some cups) ..........................................
4.	Jane: What can you do in summer?
Chris: {visit some countries) .....................................
5.	Jane: When can you buy a car?
Chris: (next month) ........................................
6.	Jane: Where is the shopping street?
Chris: {near, square) ........................................
7.	Jane: Who wants coffee?
Chris: {Peter) ........................................
8.	Jane: What are you reading now?
Chris: {a paper) ....................................
9.	Jane: When are you teaching at school?
Chris: {March) ........................................
10.	Jane: What are you eating now?
Chris: (fish) ..................................
- 11 -
Exercise 23
Посмотрите на фрагмент карты города и дополните предложения:
1.	Peter's house is......Oxford Street.
2.	There is a shop.......Peter's house.
3.	There is a factory....the shop.
4.	The park is.....Oxford Street and the square.
5.	There is a school.....the square.
6.	There are some trees.....the school.
Exercise 24
Прочтите диалоги и впишите в них пропущенные местоимения:
1.	Anne: Do you often see Mary? Tom: Yes, I see........almost every day.
2.	Anne: Can you talk to John, please? Tom: Yes, I can talk to.........tonight.
3.	Anne: Can I have this apple? Tom: Yes, you can have.............
4.	Anne: Do you know Peter’s sons? Tom: Yes, I do. I work with...........
5.	Anne: Can you teach me how to drive? Tom: Of course I can teach............
Exercise 25
Запишите результаты математических действий, услышанных на кассете:
Exercise 26
Внимательно прочтите текст, дополняя предложения недостающими словами:
This is a family. Father’s name is Peter. Mother’s name is Kate. Peter and Kate have one daughter and one son. Their daughter’s name is Jane. Their son’s name is Tom.
Peter is Tom’s ....
Kate is Tom’s......
Tom is Jane’s......
Tom is Kate’s......
Jane is Tom’s......
Jane is Peter’s....
Exercise 27
Посмотрите на рисунок и дополните описание Джона недостающими словами. Количество черточек соответствует количеству недостающих букв в слове, одна буква уже вписана:
This is John. Не has black_____r. His _ у____are blue.
He has very long___g _. His________t are large.
Exercise 28
Слушая вопросы, записанные на кассете, сыграйте роль Джейн и дайте устные ответы, употребив слова, приведенные в скобках:
1. Bill: Where do you live?
Jane: (apartment-building) ...................................
Bill: How many rooms have you?
Jane:	(three) ........................................
Bill:	Do you eat in your room?
Jane: (No, kitchen) ...................................
- 13 -
2. Bill: Where do you usually go on Saturday in the evening?
Jane:	(restaurant) ........................................
Bill:	Where is the restaurant?
Jane:	(near, park) .......................................
Exercise 29
Прослушайте кассету и допишите предложения:
This is а .......This	is the .......At	the moment she is .......
is the .........Now	he is .................................Their .
John, is ....... tea,	and their .......,	Mary, is ....... to	school.
And this
Exercise 30
Глядя на рисунки, дополните предложения о времени:
1. Anne: What time is it?
Anne: I must go now. My train is in 15 minutes.
2. Anne: What time is it?
Anne: We have a lot of time then.
3. Anne:
Is it 6 o’clock now?
No, it’s	Why?
I must be at home at
Anne: What time is your bus?
You haven’t much time then. You must go now.
- 14 -
2. Bill: Where do you usually go on Saturday in the evening?
Jane:	(restaurant)	.........................
Bill:	Where is the	restaurant?
Jane:	(near, park)	.........................
Exercise 29
Прослушайте кассету и допишите предложения:
This is а .......This	is the .......At	the moment she is .......
is the .........Now	he is .................................Their .
John, is ....... tea,	and their ......... Mary, is ...... to	school.
And this
Exercise 30
Глядя на рисунки, дополните предложения о времени:
What time is it?
Anne: I must go now. My train is in 15 minutes.
2. Anne: What time is it?
Anne: We have a lot of time then.
3. Anne: Is it 6 o’clock now?
No, it’s IR Why?
1 must be at home at
4. Anne:
What time is your bus?
You haven’t much time then. You must go now.
Look! It’s
No, this clock is fast. It’s
- 14 -
Exercise 31
Прочтите диалог и дополните его недостающими словами:
Jane:	Can I see those	brown	shoes?
Shop-assistant:	Here you are.
Jane:	Thank you.
Shop-assistant:	They look nice.
Jane:	Yes, but they are	too	expensive.
Shop-assistant:	What about these black shoes? They are cheap.
Jane:	I like them, but I must think about it. Thank you.
Jane is in a shoe........ First she wants to......brown...........They are........but
too.........Then the shop assistant.......her black shoes. They are rather........and
Jane........them. She.......buy these shoes because first she wants to......about it.
Exercise 32
Представьте себе, что Вы отвечаете на вопросы, заданные Анной о действиях, которые никогда не совершались. Устно дополните предложения:
1.	Anne: Do you ever drink beer?
Bill: No, I ...................beer.	I don’t like it.
2.	Anne: Do you and your brother ever wait for Tom?
Bill: No, we ....................for	Tom. He always comes first.
3.	Anne: Does your brother ever do the shopping?
Bill: No, he.....................the	shopping. 1 always do the shopping.
4.	Anne: Does your sister ever walk to work?
Bill: No, she ....................to	work. She always drives.
Exercise 33
Прослушайте кассету и выясните, в котором часу происходят данные события:
1.	Peter always comes home	a. at 10:30.
2.	Our father usually goes to work	b. at 5:15.
3.	My mother drinks tea	c. at 6:15.
4.	He listens to the radio	d. at 1:45.
5.	Every day she opens her office	e. at 2:27.
6.	We usually eat	f. at 6:10.
7.	They never write letters	g. at 8:30.
8.	My father usually teaches English	h. at 9:00.
9.	Every day they enter the building	i. at 8:55.
10.	We can hear the train	j. at 11:35.
Exercise 34
Подберите ответы к вопросам: Must you work tonight?
Where must you drive today?
First I must visit my mother and then I must talk to John.
Yes, I must. But tomorrow we can go to the park.
Because I must talk to him about his car.
1 must drive to London.
Exercise 35
Слушая кассету, восстановите недостающие фрагменты предложения, где выражена просьба не предпринимать определенных действий:
1.	Mary: Can I take а саг?
Father: Yes, but............... mother’s car.
2.	John: I want to buy this brown suit. I like it.
Anne: All right. But...............these black shoes. They aren’t nice.
3.	Peter: Can I eat an apple?
Kate: Yes, but................ all	the apples, please.
4.	Anne: I’m going to talk to Mary tonight.
John: Yes, but ................ to	her about our apartment, please.
Exercise 36
Составьте предложения из данных слов:
1.	father, office, Peter’s, the, in, works.
2.	always, his, work, car, drives, he, to.
3.	at, day, he, office, comes, nine, every, to, his.
4.	letters, first, he, at, read, must, some.
5.	visits, people, talks, many, them, he, to, then, and.
6.	evening, the, he, home, six, in, goes, at.
Exercise 37
Прочтите внимательно рассказ Питера и ответьте на вопросы:
Му family has a little house. There is a garden near the house. We have twenty tall trees there. Our animals live in the garden. We have two dogs and five cats. My father likes horses and he wants to buy one. I think it is nice to have a horse because horses are large. I like large animals.
1.	Has Peter a little house?
Exercise 38
Прослушайте текст на кассете и обозначьте в табличке, чем любят заниматься люди, о которых шла речь:
	read books	smoke cigarettes	drive fast cars	visit friends	write letters	sing songs
Теперь запишите ответы на вопросы, опираясь на заполненную табличку: 1. Who likes to read books?
2.	What do John and Simon like to do?
3.	Who likes to sing songs?
4.	What do Peter and Anne like to do?
Exercise 39
Прослушайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:
1.	Where does Betty live?
2.	Has she a house?
3.	Is her apartment large?
4.	Is her apartment-building near the railway station?
5.	Where is the square?
6.	Does Betty often go to the shopping street?
7.	When does she like to sit in the park?
Exercise 40
Составьте короткий диалог, используя следующие слова:
what, do, tomorrow? go, London drive, there? no, by plane like, fly? yes, love, it	Tom: 	 Betty: 	 Tom: 	 Betty: 	 Tom: 	 Betty: 	
Exercise 41
Прочтите следующий текст. Затем представьте себе, что Вы - друг Криса, и опишите его семью:
Му name is Chris White. I live in London. London is great! I live with my family in a little house in Long Street. There is a nice garden behind our house. My father is a bus driver and my mother teaches English at school. I have one sister. Her name is Kate and she works at the post-office. We haven’t a dog or a cat because my mother doesn’t like to have pets at home. I don’t understand my mother. I think it’s great to have a dog. You can play with your dog and... talk to your dog.
- 18 -
Chris White ....... in	London. He lives with ........ family	in a little house in Long
Street. Behind.......house there is a nice garden.......father is a bus driver and......
mother teaches English at school. He .......... one	sister. They ..... a	dog or a cat.
Chris.......understand his mother. She.........like to have pets at home. Chris.........
it’s great to have a dog.
Exercise 42
Прослушайте диалог и отметьте, истинны или ложны следующие высказывания:
1.	Anne is going shopping.
2.	Peter is going shopping with Anne.
3.	Peter wants some bread.
4.	Peter wants some white cheese.
5.	Peter wants yellow apples.
6.	Anne can buy some butter.
№ n/n	Истинное (True)	Ложное (False)
Exercise 43
Составьте рекламу ресторана из трех предложений, используя приведенные слова и выражения. Не вносите никаких изменений:
7. the „ Park. Restaurant ” don’t forget come to
you can eat to bring your friends! the best fish in town here
2. to try the best coffee in town?
come to
waiting for you
the „Garden Restaurant”
do you want
we are
Exercise 44
Прослушайте запись и допишите недостающие фрагменты предложений:
1.	Jane:	Where is 	?	Do you know?	
	Chris:	I think 	 on	your desk.	
	Jane:	You’re right. It’s		
2.	Jane:	Where is	 to	Tom?	
	Chris:	I think it’s		
	Jane:	Yes, you’re right. I have		
3.	Jane:	Where are 	?	
	Chris:	I think	 in	the bedroom.	
	Jane:	Yes, they are 	 But	why are they 			?
	Chris:	Don’t ask	!	
4.	Jane:	Where is Kate?	
	Chris:	I think	 in	the garden.	
	Jane:	No, I can’t see her		
	Chris:		 she	is, in the kitchen.	
Ответь устно на вопросы на основании диалогов:
1.	Where is Jane’s English book?
2.	Where is Jane’s letter to Tom?
3.	Where are Jane’s white shoes?
4.	Where is Kate?
Exercise 45
Прочтите текст и выберите правильный ответ:
John is visiting his friend, Peter. Peter is showing John the town. First they go to the shopping street to buy something to drink. There they can see a large church with a very tall tower. Then they go to a square to see the statues. They have some money so they can buy some apples. After the shopping they go home by bus.
1.	Who is visiting Peter?
a.	John
b.	Jim
c.	Geoige
2.	What is Peter showing his friend?
a.	his house
b.	his garden
c.	his town
3.	What do they buy in the shopping street?
a.	something to drink
b.	something to read
c.	something to eat
4.	What tower has the church?
a.	big
b.	short
c.	tall
5.	What can they see in the square?
a.	stations
b.	statues
c.	traffic
6.	Why can they buy apples?
a.	Because they have money.
b.	Because they want to eat.
c.	Because they like apples.
7.	What do they take to go home?
a.	a car
b.	a bus
c.	a train
Exercise 46
Билл разговаривает co своей бабушкой, которая не слышит какие-то фрагменты предложений. Слушая кассету, исполните роль бабушки и задайте соответствующие вопросы:
Bill:	I’m going to Warsaw.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	To Warsaw. I’m going tomorrow in the morning.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	Tomorrow in the morning. I’m taking father’s car.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	Father’s car, grandma. It usually takes three hours to drive to Warsaw.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	Three. Tomorrow I’m going at seven o’clock.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	At seven, so I think I can be in Warsaw at ten. I must buy a suit there.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	A suit, grandma. I think I can go to a big shop.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	A big shop. Then I can see my friend, Jack.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	My friend, Jack. I must see him, because we must talk about the summer.
Grandma:	9
Bill:	Because we must talk about the summer. We want to go to England by plane.
-21 -
Grandma: .............................
Bill:	By plane, grandma.
Exercise 47
Представьте себе, что в следующих диалогах Вы играете роль Бетти.
Ответьте на вопросы Джона:
1.	John: Does your sister teach English? Betty: Yes, she.............She........at this school.
2.	John: Does your brother know Tom? Betty: Yes, he.............. He........him very well.
3.	John: Do your friends often drive to London? Betty: Yes, they............They..........there every Saturday.
4.	John: Do you like music? Betty: Yes, I............... 1 ....music very much.
Exercise 48
Прочтите внимательно предложения и расположите их так, чтобы получился короткий рассказ:
Then I go to my room and put the cup on the table.
And from time to time I smoke a cigarette.
When I have some time I like to read books.
When 1 enter the room I sit on my bed.
First I go to the kitchen and take something to eat and a cup of coffee.
I sometimes listen to the radio when I read.
Exercise 49
Вот план занятий Анны на ближайшую неделю. Послушайте текст, записанный на кассету, и заполните таблицу:
А теперь устно ответьте на несколько вопросов:
1.	What is Anne doing on Thursday?
2.	When is she teaching English?
3.	Where is she going on Wednesday?
4.	When is she writing a letter to John?
5.	When is she doing the shopping?
6.	When is she paying for the apartment?
7.	What is she doing on Sunday?
Exercise 50
Послушайте диалог и дополните предложения недостающими словами:
1. Mary: I have ten books.
Mary: Jack: Mary: Mary: Jack:
I have three less than you have.
So you have........books.
She can sing twenty five songs.
My brother can sing eight more than she can.
So .........................
They have fifteen trees in their garden.
We have 17 more than they have.
So ............................
There is one window in my room.
In my room there are 4 more than in your room.
-23 -
Внимание: В упражнениях этого сборника Вы встретились с употреблением настоящего длительного времени (Present Continuons Tense). Настоящее длительное время образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в настоящем неопределенном времени (am, is, аге) и основного смыслового глагола с окончанием -ing. Более подробно Вы познакомитесь с этим временем в наших последующих уроках курса «Английский для начинающих». Это время употребляется для обозначения действия, происходящего в момент речи, т.е. сейчас, сию минуту, и обычно сопровождается обстоятельством времени now (сейчас). Переводится оно на русский язык глаголом настоящего времени, например:
Не is visiting his friend.	Он навещает своего друга.
Вы также встретились с конструкцией to be going to do (smth.), которая переводится на русский язык как собираться сделать что-то, например:
I am going to visit you.	Я собираюсь навестить тебя.
Exercise 1 lc: good 2a: expensive 3b: long 4a: big 5b: easy 6c: more
cheap short
little difficult less
Exercise 2
1.	John is walking near a tall building.
2.	He can see two apartment-buildings.
3.	He is going to the shop to do shopping.
4.	He must buy some bread and some cheese.
5.	He also wants to send a letter.
Exercise 3
This is John’s house. It is in Station Street. The house is a big building. It has a white entrance. There are ten rooms in the house. John has one bedroom. He has a desk in the room and a bed. There are a lot of books in his room. And there are two windows, a table and two chairs. John likes his room very much.
Exercise 4
1.	My sister often writes letters. Now she is writing a letter to her friend Kate.
2.	My brother visits his friends every day. Tonight he is visiting Bill and Chris.
3.	My mother always drinks coffee in the morning. Now she is drinking tea.
4.	My father usually takes a plane to London. Today he is taking a bus.
Exercise 5
My father works in an office. He usually goes to work by bus, but sometimes he drives. He always enters his office room at 8 o’clock. He likes his work. He comes home at half past four. In the afternoon he usually reads or visits his friends.
Exercise 6 John: Guess what it is. Kate: Is it big?
John: Yes, it is. Kate: Has it legs? John: Yes, it has. Kate: Can it walk? John: No, it can’t. Kate: Is it an animal? John: No, it isn’t. Kate: Is it brown?
John: Yes, it is.
Kate: Is it in this room? John: Yes, it is.
Kate: I know! It’s a desk.
Exercise 7
№п /п	Правильная (True)	Неправильная (False)
1.		X
2.	X	
3.	X	
4.		X
5.		X
6.		X
7.	X	
8.		X
9.	X	
10.	X	
Exercise 8
1.	My house is near the church.
2.	We are talking about our friends.
3.	Maiy is sitting between her mother and her father.
4.	We must put it on the chair.
5.	These people are going into the office.
6.	Where is the hotel? It’s on the right.
7.	Now we are driving through a big town.
8.	There is a park behind this square.
9.	He is taking you for a barber (to take for - принимать за кого-либо).
10.	Peter and John are coming out of school.
-25 -
Exercise 9
1.	Our father goes to work by car.
2.	Peter goes to school by bicycle.
3.	We usually go to Warsaw by train.
4.	These people often go by plane.
5.	She goes to her office by bus.
Exercise 10
Kate: Is it an animal?
John: No, it isn’t.
Kate: Is it a building?
John: Yes, it is.
Kate: Can I live in it?
John: Yes, you can.
Kate: Is it a house?
John: No, it isn’t.
Kate: Is it an apartment-building?
John: No, it isn’t.
Kate: Has it many rooms?
John: Yes, it has.
Kate: Can I live there for some days?
John: Yes, you can.
Kate: Is it a hotel?
John: Yes, it is.
Exercise 11
1.	Anne:	What do you usually do on Saturday?
	Bill:	I like to walk in the park.
2.	Anne:	Do you always drink coffee in the morning?
	Bill:	No, I don’t. I sometimes drink tea.
3.	Anne:	Does he often write to you?
	Bill:	Yes, he does. I get letters from him every week.
4.	Anne:	Does she ever drive to work?
Bill: She seldom drives to work because there is too much traffic.
Exercise 12
1.	I can see four buses in the street.
2.	There are two churches in my street.
3.	I want to buy seven apples.
4.	There are nine houses in that street.
5.	We have five bicycles and one car.
6.	There are three babies in this room.
7.	I want to have eight cats.
8.	I must send ten letters.
9.	There are six trees around the house.
10.	Twelve women are waiting here.
Exercise 13
№ n/n	Истинное (True)	Ложное (False)
1.		X
2.	X	
3.		X
4.	X	
5.	X	
6.		X
7.	X	
8.		X
9.		X
10.	X	
Exercise 14
l. She is singing a song now.
He is working in his office at the moment.
Peter is going home now.
The baby is drinking now.
The sun is shining at the moment.
2. She smokes cigarettes from time to time.
It often rains in November.
Kate teaches at this school.
He waits for the bus every morning.
It often snows in winter.
Exercise 15
1. Kate:	Look! It’s raining^
Jack: I don’t like November. It rains almost every day.
2. Kate:	Look! It’s snowing^
Jack: Well, it seldom snows in October.
Kate: So winter is coming^
Exercise 16
1.	Tom:	My brother is	going	to	London tonight.
Jane:	Are you going	with	him?
Tom:	No, I’m not.
2.	Jane:	My sister can	drive.
Tom: Can you drive, Jane?
Jane: Yes, I can.
3.	Tom: Kate wants a cup of coffee.
Jane: What about you, Tom? Do you want a cup of coffee?
Tom: No, thank you.
4.	Jane: My friend has a large car.
Tom: What about you, Jane? Have you a large car?
Jane: No, I haven’t. I have a little car.
Exercise 17
My mother likes animals.
John often reads books.
His sister always drinks tea.
My friend seldom sings.
Peter works at home.
Mary knows John.
Exercise 18
1.	This man has a house. This is his house.
2.	These two girls have a brother. He is their brother.
3.	Mary has a dog. It is her dog.
4.	We have a big car. It is our car.
5.	I have some money. This is my money.
6.	You have a suit. It is your suit.
Exercise 19
1.	How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
2.	There are a lot of parks in my town.
3.	She doesn't drink much coffee.
4.	We always work in the garden for many hours on Saturdays.
5.	She has a little time to talk to us.
6.	We have more letters than you have.
7.	How much sugar do you want?
8.	Eight is more than five.
9.	It’s bad you have so little money.
10.	We haven’t much time to do shopping.
Exercise 20
1. This is my friend Kate. She is a tall girl. She has long brown hair. Her eyes are black.
Текст на кассете: This is my friend Kate. She is a short girl. She has long black hair. Her eyes are blue.
2. John is a poor man. He has a little house. He also has a bad fast car. He always buys cheap suits and eats at good restaurants.
Текст на кассете: John is a rich man. He has a large house. He also has a good fast car. He always buys expensive suits and eats at good restaurants.
Exercise 21
1.	Mary: Why are you going to London?
Jack: Because I want to visit my sister.
Mary: What time is your train?
Jack: At 2:45.
Mary: And when are you coming home?
Jack: On Saturday afternoon.
2.	Mary: Who is that tall man?
Jack: It’s Bill’s brother.
Mary: Where does he live?
Jack: He lives in that apartment-building near the school.
3.	Mary: Whose car is it?
Jack: It’s my car. Do you like it?
Mary: I love it! What about your old car?
Jack: It’s my son’s car now.
4.	Maiy: How can we go to the railway station?
Jack: I think we can take a bus. Here is a bus stop.
Mary: All right. But which bus must we take?
Jack: I don’t know, but we can ask the bus driver.
5.	Mary: What can we buy for Bill?
Jack: He likes to read, so we can buy him a book.
Mary: All right. How much money have we?
Jack: 15 pounds, I think.
Exercise 22
1.	Jane: Where are you going?
Chris: I’m going home.
2.	Jane: When can you speak to Mary?
Chris: I can speak to her on Wednesday.
3.	Jane: What must you buy?
Chris: I must buy some cups.
4.	Jane: What can you do in summer?
Chris: I can visit some countries.
5.	Jane: When can you buy a car?
Chris: I can buy a car next month.
6.	Jane: Where is the shopping street?
Chris: The shopping street is near the square.
7.	Jane: Who wants coffee?
Chris: Peter does.
8.	Jane: What are you reading now?
Chris: Гт reading a paper.
9.	Jane: When are you teaching at school?
Chris: I’m teaching in March.
10.	Jane: What are you eating now?
Chris: I’m eating fish.
Exercise 23
1.	Peter’s house is in Oxford Street.
2.	There is a shop near Peter's house.
3.	There is a factory behind the shop.
4.	The park is between Oxford Street and the square.
5.	There is a school in the square.
6.	There are some trees around the school.
Exercise 24
1.	Anne: Tom:	Do you often see Mary? Yes, I see her almost every day.
2.	Anne: Tom:	Can you talk to John, please? Yes, 1 can talk to him tonight.
3.	Anne: Tom:	Can I have this apple? Yes, you can have it.
4.	Anne: Tom:	Do you know Peter’s sons? Yes, I do. I work with them.
5.	Anne: Tom:	Can you teach me how to drive? Of course I can teach you.
Exercise 25
Приведите результаты математических действий, записанных на кассете:
1.	10 + 5 = 15
2.	12 - 7 = 5
3.	32 + 8 =40
4.	56 - 10 = 46
5.	100 - 45 = 55
6.	85 + 14 = 99
7.	3 + 28 = 31
(fifteen) (five)
(forty) (forty-six) (fifty-five) (ninety-nine) (thirty-one)
8.	73 - 13 = 60
9.	24 + 36 = 60
10.	60 - 57 = 3
(sixty) (sixty) (three)
Exercise 26
Peter is Tom’s father.
Kate is Tom’s mother.
Tom is Jane’s brother.
Tom is Kate’s son.
Jane is Tom’s sister.
Jane is Peter’s daughter.
Exercise 27
This is John. He has black hair. His eyes are blue. He has very long legs. His feet are large.
Exercise 28
1. Bill: Where do you live?
Jane: I live in an apartment-building.
Bill: How many rooms have you?
Jane: I have three rooms.
Bill: Do you eat in your room?
Jane: No, I eat in the kitchen.
2. Bill: Where do you usually go on Saturday in the evening?
Jane: I usually go to a restaurant.
Bill:	Where is the restaurant?
Jane:	It’s near the park.
Exercise 29
This is a family. This is the mother. At the moment she is reading. And this is the father. Now he is working in the garden. Their son, John, is drinking tea, and their daughter, Mary, is going to school.
Exercise 30
1.	Anne: What time is it?
Jack: It’s a quarter to three.
Anne: I must go now. My train is in 15 minutes.
2.	Anne: What time is it?
Jack: It’s half past one.
Anne: We have a lot of time then.
-31 -
3.	Anne: Is it 6 o’clock now?
Jack: No, it’s 10 past 6. Why?
Anne: I must be at home at a quarter to seven.
4.	Anne: What time is your bus?
Jack: At five to five.
Anne: You haven’t much time then. You must go now.
5.	Anne: Look! It’s half past nine.
Jack: No, this clock is fast. It’s twenty past nine.
Exercise 31
Jane is in a shoe shop. First she wants to see brown shoes. They are nice but too expensive. Then the shop-assistant shows her black shoes. They are rather cheap and Jane likes them. She doesn’t buy these shoes because first she wants to think about it.
Exercise 32
1.	No, I never drink beer. I don’t like it.
2.	No, we never wait for Tom. He always comes first.
3.	No, he never does the shopping. I always do the shopping.
4.	No, she never walks to work. She always drives.
Exercise 33
1.	Peter always comes home at 6:10.
2.	Our father usually goes to work at 8:30.
3.	My mother drinks tea at 5:15.
4.	He listens to the radio at 1:45.
5.	Every day she opens her office at 9:00.
6.	We usually eat at 6:15.
7.	They never write letters at 10:30.
8.	My father usually teaches English at 11:35.
9.	Every day they enter the building at 8:55.
10.	We can hear the train at 2:27.
Exercise 34
Must you work tonight?
Yes, I must. But tomorrow we can go to the park.
Where must you drive today?
I must drive to London.
What must you do in the evening?
First I must visit my mother and then I must talk to John.
Why must you see Peter tomorrow?
Because I must talk to him about his car.
Exercise 35
1.	Maiy:	Can I take a car?
	Fathen	Yes, but don’t take mother’s car.
2.	John:	I want to buy this brown suit. I like it.
	Anne:	All right. But don’t buy these black shoes. They aren’t nice.
3.	Peter:	Can I eat an apple?
	Kate:	Yes, but don’t eat all the apples, please.
4.	Anne:	I’m going to talk to Mary tonight.
	John:	Yes, but don’t talk to her about our apartment, please.
Exercise 36
1.	Peter’s father works in the office,
2.	He always drives his car to work.
3.	He comes to his office at nine every day.
4.	At first he must read some letters.
5.	Then he visits many people and talks to them.
6.	He goes home at six in the evening.
Exercise 37
1.	Yes, he has.
2.	Peter has twenty trees in the garden.
3.	Seven animals live in the garden.
4.	Peter’s father likes horses.
5.	Peter likes large animals.
Exercise 38
Mary likes to read books and smoke cigarettes.
John likes to drive fast cars and write letters.
Peter likes to sing songs and visit friends.
Anne likes to write letters and visit friends.
Simon likes to smoke cigarettes and drive fast cars.
Kate likes to read books and sing songs.
-33 -
	read books	smoke cigarettes	drive fast car	visit friends	write letters	sing songs
Mary	X	X				
John			X		X	
Peter				X		X
Anne				X	X	
Simon		X	X			
Kate	X					X
1.	Mary and Kate like to read books.
2.	John and Simon like to drive fast cars.
3.	Peter and Kate like to sing songs.
4.	Peter and Anne like to visit friends.
Exercise 39
Betty lives in a little town. She has a large apartment in Station Street. Her apartmentbuilding is near a square. The square is nice. There is a church and a big statue in the square. The square is near the shopping street. There are always a lot of people there. There are many shops, some restaurants and a hotel. Behind the hotel there is a large park. Betty often goes to the shopping street and after the shopping she likes to sit in the park.
1.	Betty lives in a little town.
2.	No, she hasn’t. She has an apartment.
3.	Yes, it is.
4.	No, it isn’t. It is near a square.
5.	The square is near the shopping street.
6.	Yes, she does.
7.	She likes to sit in the park after the shopping.
Exercise 40
Tom:	What are you doing tomorrow?
Betty:	I’m going to London.
Tom:	Are you driving there?
Betty:	No, I’m going by plane.
Tom:	Do you like to fly?
Betty:	Yes, I do. I love it.
Exercise 41
Chris White lives in London. He lives with his family in a little house in Long Street. Behind their house there is a nice garden. His father is a bus driver and his mother teaches English at school. He has one sister. They haven’t a dog or a cat. Chris doesn’t understand his mother. She doesn’t like to have pets at home. Chris thinks it’s great to have a dog.
Exercise 42
Anne:	Can you come shopping with me?
Peter:	No, 1 can’t. 1 must wait for my son. But can you buy something for me?
Anne:	Of course. What is it?
Peter:	Well, some bread and sugar. And some yellow cheese. And nice red apples.
Anne:	What about jam or honey?
Peter:	1 have jam and honey. But I haven’t butter.
Anne:	I can buy some.
	Истинное (True)	Ложное (False)
1.	X	
2.		X
3.	X	
4.		X
5.		X
6.	X	
Exercise 43
1. Come to the „Park Restaurant”. You can eat the best fish in town here. Don’t forget to bring your friends!
2. Do you want to try the best coffee in town? Come to the „Garden Restaurant”. We are waiting for you.
Exercise 44
1.	Jane:	Where is my English book? Do you know?
	Chris:	I think it’s on your desk.
	Jane:	You’re right. It’s on my desk.
2.	Jane:	Where is my letter to Tom?
	Chris:	I think it’s in the kitchen.
	Jane:	Yes, you’re right. 1 have it.
3.	Jane:	Where are my white shoes?
	Chris:	I think they’re in the bedroom.
	Jane:	Yes, they are in the bedroom. But why are they on the bed?
	Chris:	Don’t ask me!
4.	Jane:	Where is Kate?
	Chris:	I think she’s in the garden.
	Jane:	No, I can’t see her in the garden.
	Chris:	Here she is, in the kitchen.
-35 -
1.	It’s on her desk.
2.	It’s in the kitchen.
3.	They’re on the bed in the bedroom.
4.	She’s in the kitchen.
Exercise 45
la: John is visiting Peter.
2c: Peter is showing his friend his town.
3a: They buy something to drink.
4c: The church has a tall tower.
5b: They can see statues.
6a: Because they have money.
7b: They take a bus.
Exercise 46
Grandma: Where are you going?
When are you going?
Whose car are you taking?
How many hours does it take to drive to Warsaw?
What time are you driving tomorrow?
What must you buy?
Where can you go?
Who can you see?
Why must you see Jack?
How do you want to go to England?
Exercise 47
1.	Yes, she does. She teaches at this school.
2.	Yes, he does. He knows him very well.
3.	Yes, they do. They drive there every Saturday.
4.	Yes, I do. I like music very much.
Exercise 48
1.	When I have some time I like to read books.
2.	First I go to the kitchen and take something to eat and a cup of coffee.
3.	Then I go to my room and put the cup on the table.
4.	When I enter the room I sit on my bed.
5.	I sometimes listen to the radio when I read.
6.	And from time to time I smoke a cigarette.
Exercise 49
Monday	shopping
Tuesday	letter to John
Wednesday	the office
Thursday	work in the garden
Friday	teach English
Saturday	pay for the apartment
Sunday	visit mother
1.	She’s working in the garden.
2.	She’s teaching English on Friday.
3.	She is going to the office.
4.	She’s writing a letter to John on Tuesday.
5.	She is doing the shopping on Monday.
6.	She’s paying for the apartment on Saturday.
7.	She’s visiting her mother.
Exercise 50
1.	So you have seven books.
2.	So he can sing thirty-three songs.
3.	So you have thirty-two trees in your garden.
4.	So there are five windows in your room.
Exercise 1
Прослушайте текст и впишите в него недостающие слова:
1	John: ........... is the ...................... ?
Betty: It’s...... here,........that..........
2.	John: Is the ....... station near.......?
Betty: No, it.............You......take a........to go...........
3.	John: I’m........for a.........
Betty: ........ is	a......restaurant in this......near that tall......
Exercise 2
Прочтите диалоги и объедините части предложений:	Окончания предлож.:
1. Jane: Which day of the week do you	 ?	about you
Chris: Oh, I love Saturdays. What 	 ?	like Mondays
Jane: Well, Friday evening is		work, not wait
And I don’t 		wait five days for
Chris: Who likes	 ?	But it is Monday	Saturday
today, so you must 		the best for me
Jane: And you must 		like best
	wait four days for Friday
Chris: Yes, but we must 		
2. Jane: Which month of the year .............. ?	Окончания предлож.:
Chris: I love summer, so my favourite months are ....... winter and snow
The days are ................................... July and August
Jane: I like ........................................... December and January
Chris:	So your favourite months are 	 three	months
Jane:	You’re right.	do you '‘ke best
Chris:	I also like snow, but I don’t like to have it	to° long for me around for	 !	That’s 	 Ion9	then
Exercise 3
Представьте себе, что Вы едете в поезде и встречаете англичанина. Вы начинаете разговаривать. Что бы Вы сказали ему о себе и что спросили бы у своего собеседника?
а)	Составьте 5 предложений о себе/своей семье/месте, где Вы живете/доме.
б)	Составьте 5 вопросов, которые Вам хотелось бы задать англичанину, с которым только что удалось познакомиться.